#mostly because it was random and very sudden
lost-in-fandoms · 15 hours
okay but hear me out
Daniel and Hulk are friends and like to go to bars for trivia night and more or less just cause chaos and usually they go with Kevin and (a very long suffering) Sebastian, but this time Kevin is on a date night and Seb Has Had Enough so they have to find someone else. And Nico is like, hey I have this coworker he's fun and a bit of a nerd I bet he'll want to join! And Daniel is like yeah sure it's whatever, just make sure he brings a friend. And Hulk asks Max, who brings Alex.
While they are just drinking they all click so well, Max is a little shy at first and Daniel does his best to make him laugh and Alex is just hilarious and they are having so much fun! And then the trivia starts and Max and Alex suddenly transform. Alex is a menace, keeps trying to cheat and distract other tables while also having sudden bouts of genius for random answers, and Max is like hyper focused. He bats Nico's hands away every time he tries to get hold of the pen or the paper and rolls his eyes at Daniel several times because Daniel is giving dumb answers.
And Daniel is a bit annoyed because he's even worse than Seb, but at the same time they're winning? They never win and he loves winning, sue him. Daniel and Nico mostly just chill after a while, matching Alex's shenanigans and watching Max being a nerd, and it's still okay. (And maybe Max looks hot with his lips pursed like that and this cute little frown on his face and his intense eyes.)
And then it comes the last question, and Max doesn't know and Alex doesn't know either, and he keeps trying to spy the other tables but they all have clocked in on him by then. Daniel is not even paying attention, but he notices Max's displeased frown and is like come here tater tot (he's been calling him increasingly annoying nicknames for an hour just to entertain himself) lemme see. And Max lets him because it's not like Daniel can do any damage since they don't know the answer anyway.
But Daniel knows the answer. Because Daniel has super obscure random knowledge that just lives in his brain sometimes, and when he says the answer Max is like yeah sure mate whatever just write it down, because he thinks Daniel is just guessing. But Daniel isn't! And he's right and they win and Max gives him this wide eyed surprised look before smiling the biggest smile and then he says sorry for doubting you let me buy you your next drink. And Daniel peacocks for a bit because he likes being appreciated, and then they spend the next of the night almost ignoring Nico and Alex and talking and laughing and somehow having inside jokes already how is it possible you met three hours ago. Freaks.
And then Daniel takes Max home and they fuck nasty.
Have a good day.
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purrvaire · 1 year
guess who's going to London next month?? but of course your girl here!!! YAY!!!!!
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lovebugism · 8 months
Random conversations with rockstar eddie while high that obviously lead to something dirty 👀
ty for requesting :D — eddie asks you who you'd most want to have a threesome with and confessions are shared (band!au, established relationship, mentions of weed and smut 18+, 1.2k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
It started out all cute, in your defense. 
The tour bus was parked in Colorado for the next couple of nights, and the mountains and trees were aflame with a very distinct golden color. You and Eddie chose to bask in the orange while the rest of the band spent the evening in the hotel.
Your night alone was an innocent one — despite the cheeky taunts and whistles from the rest of Corroded Coffin. Squished together in your bunk, the two of you got high and proceeded to talk about everything and nothing all at once. 
You share one pillow, noses mere inches apart, just barely fitting together on the small mattress. The skunky smell of weed and Eddie’s musky cologne is all-consuming, suffocating in the best way. 
Your poorly concealed giggles fill the silence of the bus as you press your palm against Eddie’s pale one, comparing the size difference between the two. It shouldn’t amuse you as much as it does.
“Would you still love me if Roger Taylor asked you out?” Eddie blurts, growing suddenly serious about the question that only just popped into his mind. 
He hadn’t meant to say it out loud. He thought it, and the words just sorta spilled from his mouth.
Your brows pinch at the sudden question, though there’s still a small smile on your face. You can’t be sure where he’s coming from — if it’s the weed or if he remembers the one time you very drunkenly confessed to having a decade-long obsession with the blonde-haired drummer in your girlhood.
“What?” you wonder, still giggling.
“I mean, like, if he showed up to one of our shows and asked you out, would you say yes?”
You ponder the question. For a few seconds too long, maybe. Mostly because it takes you a little while to understand him through the brain fog.
“Well… no,” you answer finally, voice wavering as your eyes flit to the darkened ceiling.
“No,” you repeat, more firmly this time. Your gaze returns to his chocolate one, made a darker shade from the black night — they sparkle, still. A grin blooms on your face. “But I think if you really loved me, you’d let me fuck him. Just one time.”
You’re obviously kidding. It’s just a stupid joke made more evident by the dumb, lopsided smile on your face and the pointer finger you hold up to your nose.
Eddie knows this, and he’s sporting his own rosy grin accordingly. A fleeting thought sears his brain. It bubbles up in his throat and tumbles out before he can stop it.
“Only if I get to watch,” he retorts, all boyish and quiet. 
It’s hard to tell if he’s joking or not. But then again, it usually is. You decide to toe the line, anyway. “Really?” you hum, shifting on the mattress to face him more intently.
The boy shrugs while you smooth ornery curls from his temple. “Yeah. You’re hot. He’s hot. One plus one equals two… Or whatever that expression is.”
“Fair,” you concede, laughing still.
“Alright. Your turn.”
“My turn?”
“Mhmm,” he nods sloppily against the pillow. “Who would you wanna have a threesome with? Like, in a different universe or whatever, ‘cause I don’t think I’m strong enough to share you in real life.”
Again, you giggle. You can’t seem to stop, apparently. You answer quicker than either of you expect.
“Umm… Maybe Nancy,” you answer with a strange sort of nonchalance. “She’s hot… And also she looks like she slaps really hard.”
Eddie’s brain goes blank. And not from the weed this time.
He knew Nancy. Vaguely. Mostly from you. She’s your old friend from high school that you reconnect with every couple of months. You don’t talk crazy often — ‘cause life is too busy for an up-and-coming rockstar and Indiana’s best journalist — but the connection is never truly lost.
And it’s not just that you chose Nancy without having to think about it very hard. He just wasn’t expecting it to be someone you knew in real life. Someone so tangible. That Roger Taylor scenario would only ever happen in wet dreams — his, namely — but Nancy Wheeler? That could be arranged.
The thought alone has him reeling.
You watch him get in his head about the whole thing, though maybe the faraway look in his eyes is just from the weed.
“Well?” you press with an urging lilt and a girlish grin. “You’re turn, Eds. Don’t leave me hangin’ here.”
He goes quiet, which is very unlike your loudmouth boy. He thinks before he speaks, measures his reply before he answers. His absentminded fingers trace up and down the length of your arm all the while, leaving prickling goosebumps in their wake.
“What about Steve?” he wonders with a painfully nonchalant inflection.
Your face screws up instantaneously. You don’t mean to act as shocked as you do, but you can’t help it. “Steve?” you blurt, louder than you meant to. “Like… Steve Steve?”
As in your ex-boyfriend Steve.
As in one of his best friends Steve.
As in roommate Steve the couple weeks out of the year you two aren’t on the road.
It makes your head spin something fierce.
“There another Steve I don’t know about?” Eddie jokes.
Brows still pinched and face still twisted, you question, “So you wanna… fuck Steve? Like, Steve The Hair Harrington?”
“You did,” the boy shrugs, then fakes a soft pout. “Sometimes I feel left out…”
You press your palm to his chest, pushing him playfully away. His arm curls around your back to pull you close again. The proximity is lesser now, so much so that the tips of your nose brush together and your skunky breaths entwine.
It all feels so much heavier now. The intensity of the moment makes you fight back a shiver crawling up your spine. Eddie’s palm smooths up and down the length of it in a slow and measured rhythm. It does little to ease your breathlessness.
“I don’t know. I just think it could be fun,” the boy concludes with a sudden seriousness. His voice is as low as his eyelids. “And I think it’d be real hot to watch him fuck you… ‘Cause we both know he can’t make you cum like I can. Can he, doll?”
Your thighs clench together instinctually, as though to quell the sudden ache pounding between them. You nod slowly, wordlessly.
Eddie’s rosy lips quirk in a cheeky half-smile at your honeyed reaction. He continues — half because the high has loosened his tongue and half because he wants to see how flustered he can make you.
“And then he can watch you fall apart on my dick after, yeah?” he questions like you’re in any space to answer him. “Maybe I can give him a few pointers… Teach him how to fuck you properly, you know?”
The distant ache between your thighs has grown to a full bloom now. It’s a little embarrassing how effortlessly he can drive you crazy — how quickly he can make you drench your panties. You might’ve been a little shameful about it if you couldn’t feel his cock stiffening against your hip.
“Fuck, Eds…” you sigh, the words tumbling from your mouth without thinking. 
With parted lips, you drift towards the boy and his unkissed mouth. He juts his chin slightly backward, only lets your plush bottom lips graze together. You don’t know why he’s teasing you. You’re already a puddle at his feet.
With a smirk and an all-consuming touch along your spine, he makes a quiet promise. “And maybe, if you’re real good, you can watch me fuck him, too…”
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niqhtlord01 · 6 months
Humans are weird: Dogs
Alien: Why did you take me to here? Alien: You know I hate being outside. Human: How else would I get you to the greatest place on the planet? Alien: *About to ask question when sudden noise distracts them* Alien: *Reads sign on nearby post* Alien: What is a “Dog Park”? ----------------------------- Human: Unlike cats, dogs are man’s true best friend. Alien: And why is that? Human: Because they won’t brutally maim you if you pet them too long. -----------------------------
Alien: What does one do with their dog? Human: Play fetch mostly. Alien: What is fetch? Human: *Picks up ball and throws it* *Nearest dog sprints after it and brings it back* Alien: That’s it? Human: No; now comes the difficult part. Alien: Which is? Human: Trying to get the ball back. ---------------------------
Alien: Aren’t these creatures expensive to maintain? Human: Medical wise they are about the same as cats. Human: Entertainment wise they are much cheaper. Alien: How so? Human: *Picks up nearby stick and wobbles it around* *Golden retriever stops what it was doing and focuses on stick* *Tail begins wagging at turbo speed and they hunch down on two legs with their back legs up* Human: *Hands stick to alien friend* Now you try. Alien: Really? Alien: You think this will- Alien: *Notices dog now focusing entirely on him as he wobbles stick* Alien: Oh my gods…. Human: I know right? Alien: I have become their god now. ----------------------------
Alien: Do they have any weaknesses? Human: Don’t put a mirror in front of them. Alien: What happens if you do? *Pair turns as a dog begins loudly barking* *Pair see a dog barking aggressively at its own reflection* Human: Because of that. Alien: That doesn’t seem so- *Dog leaps at mirror and bonks its head* Human: See? Alien: Question withdrawn. -----------------------
Alien: May I try walking one of these dogs? Human: Are you sure? Human: You’ll need upper arm strength to restrain them if they get excited. Alien: *Looks down at tiny little corgi* Alien: I think I can handle them. *Chuckles* Human: Alright. *Hands leash over* Alien: *Begins walking dog around park* Alien: I don’t know what they were talking about. Alien: This is easy. *Random squirrel runs past corgi and Corgi chases after it* Alien: *Violently thrown to ground by sudden pull and dragged across the dog park* Human: *Watching his alien friend swear in his native language* I’d feel sorry over this, but I warned them so it’s okay to be funny. -------------------------
Alien: *Finally gets free of corgi leash and picks themselves off the ground* Alien: What…*Gasp* the….*double gasp* florp! Alien: How was that tiny creature so strong?! Human: The tiny ones are the most energetic. Human: The big ones are the giant babies of the species. Alien: How does that make any sense at all? Human: *Takes alien by the face and directs their gaze down at excited pitbull8 Human: Look at that smooshy face! Human: Nothing has to make sense when you look at that cute stupid smooshy face! -------------------------
*Dog comes up at starts nuzzling alien* Alien: Ah; you are an adorable creature. *picks up dog and cradles it like a baby* Alien: *Starts rubbing its belly* Human: *Notices and comes over* Human: I’m glad you’re starting to warm up to them. Alien: *Nods* They are enjoyable after a period. Human: Just as an FYI, that’s a Pug and when they’re on their back they can’t breathe. Alien: WHAT!? Alien: *Immediately puts dog down and it gasps several times* Alien: I didn’t….you mustn't think I would.. Human: Just wait a sec. *Alien watches pug take several more deep breaths before looking up at him and starts wagging tail again.* Alien: They are not very smart, are they? Human: We call that their “Derp” factor. ------------------------------
Human: Hey Greg. Human 2: Yo. Alien: What are you doing? Human 2: Playing “Hide and go seek” with my dog Burt. Alien: *Begins looking around* Where is this- *sees Burt standing behind bench poorly hid* Alien: I can see- Human 2: Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh. Human 2: Don’t make eye contact. Alien: Why not? Human 2: Because you need to wait five minutes searching the entire park before you find him; it makes him feel like a really good boi. Alien: But why not just- *Human 2 leans in close* Human 2: So help me if you look at him before those five minutes are up and make him sad I will hit you with my car. Alien: Wait what!? Alien: You can’t be serious! Human: *nods* Dog people take their pets happiness very seriously. Alien: But to hit someone with a car? Human: *Shrugs* I once shot a guy for throwing an empty soda can at my little bugger. Alien: You take your dog’s very…..seriously, I see. Human: Is there any other way?
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skiiyoomin · 2 months
Hey I just saw that your requests are open and the haikyuu brainrot is hitting me once more. Could I request some content energetic bbs Noya, Bokuto, and Hinata (separate) and the reader taking care of them when all that energy finally runs out and they crash? I'm in desperate need of fluff lmao
yes ma´am 🫡 some fluffy energetic bbys brainrot coming right up
am i procrastinating my exams to do this? yes, yes i am
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Content: gn! reader, fluff
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
ღTaking care of them when they run out of energy
Nishinoya Yuu
Noya is like a literal babyyy. He loves loves lovesss when you pamper him and baby him. Especially during those moments where all he needs is a little silence and your comfort cause he doesn´t have one single ounce of energy left. He loves crashing down on the sofa, his head on your lap and your fingers through his ginger hair.
"Long day?"
Your soft honey like voice drifts to his ears, and all he can manage to respond is a small low hum.
He feels like he absolutely won in life when you not only move away to prepare a warm bath for him, but you also slip inside the tub behind him and wrap your arms around his torso. He melts like puddy when your soft hands begin to massage his scalp while you make sure the shampoo reaches his roots, and in his mind, he questions if that was what heaven felt like.
You had to coax him into getting out of the tub after a long while passed, your skin pruned and the bath no longer as warm. Though honestly, Noya could´ve stayed like that forever, however, the image of you cuddled up under the safety and warmth of the bedsheets sounded far more tempting. So, with groggy movements, he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist.
He may be small, but he was not light, and in his dazed like state, he didn´t seem to remember as he all but plops down right on top of you. Were it any other day, you would´ve shoved him off, but the way his eyelids fluttered close and his lips seemed to be in a permanent pout were too cute. So, adjusting your position so you could at least breathe, you run your hand up and down his back, your other playing with his soft locks. And just like that, he was out like a light.
Bokuto Koutarou
You knew the second you started dating Bokuto, that you´d be in for a rollercoaster of emotions. You had become accostumed to his wide range of emtions that seemed to appear at the most sudden times. Nevertheless, there were days where his energy seemed to be on a constant low. He moved in slow sluggish motions and not a single thought seemed to pass through his mind.
You found out that one of his favorite things that you do at times like this is giving him a looong massage. His body would be flopped face down on the comfort of your bed while you oiled up his bare back. He´d expressed to you many times that he was convinced your hands were made by the very gods, because when they slowly massaged the tense muscled of his back, he felt like he was on cloud 9.
You´d make your way up until you reached his broad shoulders and neck. Small muffled groans would be heard from him every once in a while, but he´d mostly remain uncharacteristically quiet.
If he didn´t pass out from your massage, because trust me, he has passed out many times before, then you´d watch a random movie while he nuzzled into your warm body. His soft breaths tickled the sensitive skin of your neck and his buff arms wrapped around your body, like a bear engulfing you in a hug.
Every once in a while you´d press your soft lips to his forehead, or you´d run your fingers through his bicolored strands. And I can assure you that with a couple more sweet kisses, he´d be out like a light, his soft snores filling the silence of the room.
"I love you"
You whisper, pressing one last kiss to the crown of his head before you too, fall into deep slumber with your big baby in your arms.
Hinata Shoyo
If there´s one thing Shoyo loves more than anything in this world, it´s your cooking. And there´s nothing like your homemade food on a day where he can´t give his fullest.
He had spent the entire day jumping around, his energy at it´s peak. But the more it had dragged on the more he wished he could speed off back home and rest in your loving arms.
He was sprawled across the couch, his tired half lidded eyes boring into whatever was playing on the TV, he couldn´t even process anything. He feels the couch dip beside him, and when he turns his head, he finds you with a bowl of your homemade ramen in your hands. The steam wafted into the air and to his nostrils. He could already taste it in his toungue, making his stomach rumble.
However, he´s slightly surprised when you move the bowl away when he tries to reach out for it.
"Let me take care of you"
Is all you mutter. That´s how he finds himself curled up on the couch while you feed him the ramen, making sure to blow on the food each time you picked up a portion of it.
His heart fluttered when you pampered him this way. Or when you put away the bowl after he eats it all up and when you pepper slow kisses around his entire face. They werent rushed or overwhelming like they normally were. No, these were precise, like you were deliberately making sure to kiss every inch of his skin.
During these times, he absolutely needs to be the little spoon. He likes the feeling of being taken care of. The way your arms would wrap around his torso, your warm breath tickling the nape of his neck and making his spine shudder ever so slightly.
It´s in these moments where, as he´s drifting off to sleep with, he really feels an overwhelming sense of love and adoration for you
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Synopsis: Even though the cameras don’t see it, Y/n is more than just the anti-social driver the media paints her out to be. So the grid helps everyone see it
young female driver reader x 2023 F1 Grid
A/N: a few things: reader will be 20 in this fic, she takes the spot of valtterri and drives for alfa romeo, and if you can’t already tell, the reader in this is going to be kind of shy and reserved, so y/n might not 100% represent you in the case, just keep that in mind while you’re reading
. so
. you were announced to drive for alfa romeo as one of the rookies for the 2023 season in the beginning of the year
. you were ecstatic
. mostly because you’d be driving with two of your close friends, oscar piastri and logan sargeant
. and because one of your best friends was going to be your teammate
. you’d driven with zhou and oscar for one season in f1, but you and logan raced alongside each other for your entire f2 careers
. and now your were all going to be in formula 1 together
. you thought you were set socially because of this
. since you’d always been kind of quiet in large group settings
. especially with people you weren’t really comfortable with
. and being around mostly strangers 24/7 didn’t sound that appealing to you
. but now with a few people you loved being around
. you were happy
. as you weren’t known for being quiet with the oscar, zhou, and logan
. the three of them considered you the most talkative
. you just got a bit quiet when there were more people around
. so that’s how things went for a while
. you, oscar, and logan entered formula 1
. you guys hung out with zhou all the time in the paddock and off track
. and your group became very well known in the f1 community
. which makes the media focus on you a lot more
. something you rather didn’t like
. you weren’t that uncomfortable in front of a camera
. it was more the people behind it watching you
. but as more and more people take a liking in your friendship with the other three drivers
. they take more of an interest in you
. and so do the other drivers on the grid
. because you’re friendly with nearly everyone
. but not friends friendly like you are with zhou, logan, or oscar
. and they get curious
. because lando will see you visiting the mclaren garage
. and alex will see you in logan’s drivers’ room
. cracking jokes and making one of them laugh
. or rapidly talking about a topic they won’t recognize
. and the other drivers will see clips of alfa romeo videos on social media
. jokingly teasing zhou while you’re doing a competition
. or not being able to focus in a quiz because you’re laughing so hard
. and everybody, fans and the grid
. see the post your friends make
. the funny videos of you that you’re unaware are taking place
. the random candid photos of you
. all laughing and talking and smiling
. but when you’re grouped with them in a media activity or something
. you become quieter and reserved
. at first, some of the grid just thought you didn’t like them
. but then they’ll have a good conversation with you off camera
. you talk to charles during the drivers parade
. you’ll walk into the paddock with carlos
. take photos with lewis
. and joke with max and daniel
. then go quiet during in front of the media
. so once they realize that you’re just a bit camera shy
. the drivers take it upon themselves to ease your discomfort
. whenever they’re grouped with a driver you’re somewhat close with in media
. lando, charles, carlos, lewis, max, danny
. they try to make you as comfortable as possible
. whether that be making jokes more than usual
. hanging out before you guys even go in for the interview
. or just talking before the camera is on to make you feel more relaxed
. and eventually, the more they do those things
. the more confident you feel in front of media
. it’s a gradual change, one you don’t really notice until the end of the season
. all the sudden you realize that you don’t even care if there’s a camera around
. you hardly even notice them by brazil
. and the drivers take half of the credit for that
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lilisgardensblog · 6 months
a brief description of why Neuvillette is perfect in every way, shape and form.
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Neuvillette is actually very soft and caring, despite his cold appearance. He's really in touch with his emotions (as much as he understands the human emotions)
Actually maybe he's not that in touch with his emotions and sometimes bottles them up until suddenly a sudden storm hits Fontaine (ifykyk)
He's in a position of power and that's hot (and that also means protection from the most powerful being in Fontaine )
He's also emotional and I think he'd be really submissive and that's also hot
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY he's a gentleman. {in a world of boys, he's a gentleman~} He's very polite, caring, makes sure you're comfortable, apologizes for any discomfort he might cause you(most importantly knows when to apologize and admits his mistakes). He's the type to hold the door open for you, wait for you, tie your shoe laces, would probably buy you random flowers (if you tell him you like flowers, other way he'd be a lil clueless i think) He's paying attention to what you admire, to what you say and how do you react in different situations.
Last but not least, his fashion sense. He's actually incredibly good looking AND HE HAS A BOW IN HIS HAIR. that's mostly it, I adore the bow in his hair. (fun fact: i don't remember if this is a theory or an actual fact, but i read somewhere that his bow is that low because thats how high melusines can reach and i think its cute) That side hair ornament is also very stylish. If you can't tell already, I love his hair. It looks very playable.
In conclusion, I love him and we can all agree he's not just bf material, HE'S HUSBAND MATERIAL.
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mistyacorn · 1 year
you remind me of the main protagonist
sypnosis; dan heng and his odd way of saying “hey, i think i like you”
pairing(s); dan heng + fem! reader ⟿ featuring; pure fluff, really blank and super indirect dan heng, reader is compared to a female character (hence, fem! reader)
a/n; this was such a random write lol. im so sorry that it’s a bit of a mess, im still working on more clear storylines heheh . i hope it’s still enjoyable! ૮(ㅅ´ ˘ `) ♡ also i made beauty and the beast a canon fairytale here pffft u neva know
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⇢ DAN HENG is the type that literally nobody expects to like anybody, and therefore neither do you.
⇢ you’d probably even think that he dislikes you because whenever it’s just the two of you he never says a word. he’s dead silent. he only ever nods or gestures and barely looks you in the eye.
⇢ occasionally you’d get slightly jealous of how he speaks whenever march is with you guys (even though they always end up fighting verbally, it’s still talking!)
⇢ so you eventually take it as a ‘hint’ and try your best to move on.
⇢ though let’s be real, it’s not easy to move on from a crush if you see him almost everyday. especially when he has the most perfect emerald eyes and soft black hair….
⇢ one day, you’re in your room on the astral express and you’ve just finished the book you had borrowed from the express library recently.
⇢ you did borrow it without telling anyone though, so it kinda felt like you stole it haha…
⇢ but you definitely did not want to annoy dan heng with your request so stealing borrowing seemed like the best option.
⇢ you decide to head over to his room, hoping to secretly drop the book and go.
⇢ thankfully the boy is not in the room when you get there (which is super rare, go you!). you tiptoe as carefully as you can towards the bookshelf.
⇢ you quickly find the correct slot and insert the book.
⇢ just as you think you’ve accomplished your mission, you turn around and-
⇢ at the door stands dan heng, staring at you nonchalantly (as per usual). “hi.”
⇢ his sudden appearance immediately causes you to begin a five minute long explanation about how you got there. (yes, five minutes. idk how but you drag it on and on) its mostly bullshit you’re spitting out.
⇢ “…pom pom told me that there was this super cool book…. I just had to read it of course …..and it was really cool yeah yeah ….um about robots and science and…stuff….”
⇢ does pom pom even read?? you didn’t know!
⇢ and you definitely don’t notice amidst your frantic stories, but dan heng listens to you attentively in amusement. he actually has the smallest grin on his face, very well knowing you are making everything up.
⇢ to put it simply, he finds it endearing. he’s almost in a trance, just listening to you talk and talk and talk…
⇢ after you finish your story time, he snaps out of it quick enough for you to not notice anything.
⇢ and you bow repeatedly in embarrassment before dashing out of the room.
⇢ the following day, dan heng suddenly gives you a book out of nowhere. today, his signature cold face seems slightly nervous instead, but you don’t pay attention.
⇢ you see that the book is a fairytale, one that is right up your alley!
⇢ ‘Beauty and the Beast’.
⇢ you open the book to see a post-it note on the first page, with neat handwriting on it;
‘y/n, I saw you liked fairytales and the fantasy genre. I do not. But I stumbled across this book yesterday, and I remember reading the first three chapters sometime when I was younger. It seems like something you’ll like. The main protagonist reminds me of you. I hope you’ll like it.’
⇢ your face is red hot as you read his note. he wrote to you. he thinks of you. he said you reminded him of a princess. (what the fvck.)
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⇢ and secretly behind the scenes, dan heng is not as calm and collected as he seems.
⇢ after you put away the book and left that day, he took note of the book you had returned. fairytale…fantasy…
⇢ dan heng immediately started to think hard about any fantasy books he had read in his life. hours and hours of struggling later (he never reads fantasy, it’s too unrealistic for him), he finally remembers one.
⇢ he’d read the first few chapters of it before, and he remembers the main character all too clearly. she reminded him so much of you, yet he didn’t know why.
⇢ (truthfully, it was definitely because she was his first ever fictional crush. and now you were…… but he was never going to admit that to himself.)
⇢ he spends his night searching around the archives. 2am the next morning, he finds it.
⇢ dan heng goes to bed that night, heart thumping faster than usual, because now he realises just how much he likes you.
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© mistyacorn do not plagiarize or repost please, just enjoy it ykwim
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Sorry to bother ya again, but my brain is literally on overdrive with this show and this clown who hws beckme my first kin and lives in my head rent free as she quietly sits there with a cup of hot chocolate and a warm blanket like she deserves, buuut
What if the gang found out the reader could abstract at will, including restricting it to certain parts of their body, ooor what if they found out you were a shapeshifter when you accidentally sneeze and turn into Wario or something
TADC cast x reader who can shapeshift!
i have returned from eating my silly dinner (sweet n sour chicken with rice!) it was very scrumptious i went ahead and did the shapeshifter idea since i feel that would be more fun to write (we can pretend they can still shift to mimic an abstracted body shhh) these ones are a little short i hope thats okay!
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its not totally unheard of people getting unique abilities when they enter the digital world, its just not very common (this is a hc!), so when caine found out you could manipulate your appearance he wasn't all that surprised! i think he was more intrigued more than anything, because its not everyday you see something like that! he would be absolutely thrilled if you shifted into him; both from being amused of it and this man probably loves himself as much as someone can
will try to pop you if you mimic bubble, kind of feels bad for a second but your disguise was just so so convincing! say, were you by any chance an actor in your past life in the real world? you totally had him fooled!
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pomni would be a little freaked out, especially if you just. suddenly sneezed and OH! now it looks like you're abstracting in front of everyone! first response is to run away before the transformation is complete, but when she notices no one else is freaking out (ragatha even blesses you!) shes more than a little confused
you offer to demonstrate your abilities to her, but she probably politely turns you down; she understands... for the most part... really its mostly just her trying to become used to the digital world as a whole
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ragatha makes sure that you know that she thinks its cool; and as long as you're not morphing into a giant bug shes encouraging you to hone in on that cool power of yours! compliments whatever form you choose for the day
oh? you changed your hair color! she likes it, the new look is amazing on you! oh? you made yourself a little taller and gave yourself some new characteristics! points out nearly every detail shes noticed, no matter how small. ragatha pays attention, ragatha cares
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tries to drag you off to the dark side (ie being a menace to the others), whether or not you agree to be his partner in crime and 'use your power for evil' is fully up to you!
makes random requests to see just how far you can take your shapeshifting, usually listing off things at lightning speed to see if you can catch up.. if your shapeshifting takes a toll on you (like lets say it takes energy out of you) he might let up when he realizes how tired and pale you look all of a sudden.. at least for now
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speedrunning to kinger for a moment before i forget this idea but imagine shapeshifting into him and hes just totally confused. leads to him making weird movements and you copying him (he thinks caine added a new mirror in the middle of the room for a solid minute before you break the illusion)
unless you have a set 'base form' hes going to keep thinking youre a new person if you drastically alter your appearance.. which, fair, since i think if you made yourself look unrecognizable, people would think youre a new person entirely. has probably introduced himself to you multiple times before realizing it was you
kinger gets a technical third bullet point but its not fluff. i just remembered the scene from steven universe where amethyst shapeshifts into rose in front of greg. but instead its kinger and instead of rose is queener/queenie. i hurt my own feelings. im gonna stew over this now
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honestly if you look just a mixmatched as them they would be into it and say you look cool. i had an idea that zooble has spare pieces and sometimes switches out their pieces for a new look, so imagine the two of you make matching looks or something, i think that would be cool
otherwise i dont think zooble would treat you any differently than if you were friends and couldnt shapeshift... though... i will admit, they think its funny when jax annoys you and change yourself in order to get him to back off. serves him right!
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imagine she asks you to be a model for her art.. asking you to do different poses as well as different figures so she can better her craft. i absolutely love the idea of gangle being really into art, and this idea is just so cute to me
you have probably shapeshifted into her and pretended to be her when she needed someone to stand up for her... imagine how jarring it would be to see 'gangle' snap back at jax after he does something particularly mean
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chronicbeans · 5 months
A random Alastor headcanon because I can and I find people talking about his sexuality interesting as an aroace person:
TW: Just talks about sexuality and sex, non-graphic of course. Mentions of historical heteronormativity.
I kinda just feel like he's the type of aroace to not think about it. I'm pretty sure one of the creators mentioned he doesn't really label himself, mostly because there probably wasn't a term for being asexual back in the 1920's-30's. So, I have the odd theory that he was probably thinking to himself "Eh. One day I'll probably see a pretty lady that I feel attracted to and eventually be in a relationship with. I'm not going to worry about it, though, they'll probably just come to me.", not even thinking about men because of 1920's-30's heteronormativity, and probably not even comprehending that he could just not be attracted to anybody sexually or romantically in the first place.
He probably has the same idea in Hell, to, and even if he's heard the terms asexual and aromantic being thrown around by more modern demons, he probably just doesn't care. He's not going to worry about it. That, and I feel like his main thought would be "How would I know if I am that? I could always end up finding someone I like in that manner later on."
I also don't necessarily think he's sex repulsed, at least, not in the way people usually think of. I think his main thing is just that he's a bit bothered whenever people either come onto him in a very forward and sudden manner, or just people talking about sex constantly for whatever reason. He finds it very impolite and immature, which is the main thing that irks him, and it shocks him more than anything else. There's just a lot of people in Hell that happen to fall into those two groups of people, which many see his discomfort and just assume he's sex repulsed. In actuality, he has no problems thinking and talking about it, as long as it falls into what he sees as a "mature and polite" conversation about sex. He mostly just doesn't engage in any sexual activities like pornography and sex because it doesn't do anything for him, so why bother spending money on porn and having sex with someone you're not attracted to?
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tired-biscuit · 9 months
I know you haven't written a lot for Spiderverse at all, but I have to say I love your portrayal of Miguel! And your little drabble about being Kiba's service-sub housewife got me thinking, do you think Miguel would like a service-sub housewife, too? I know you're mostly a Naruto blog but I can't help finding myself loving the few Miguel pieces you've done, your writing is incredible 💜
18+ MDNI, fem!reader // cw: free use, somnophilia, cockwarming. established relationship.
↳ thanks a bunch, your message was so sweet! definitely made me smile really big. here’s some husband miguel rocking both your world and your pussy.
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i think he would, though you’d definitely have to be the one to suggest it first.
while i do see miguel as a naturally dominant sort of man who loves staying in control in just about every aspect, he also comes across as very reserved and is thus rarely willing to let himself completely loose; even in bed. so it’d take some time for him to get used to the fact that you’d be literally offering yourself to him and would be giving him a free pass whenever he’d as much as think of desiring it.
he just seem to be very respectful towards the people he admires and loves, you know? he thinks that fucking you hard and quick in random places just because his blood runs hot all of a sudden is beneath what you deserve.
he’s gloomy and dark, and you’re pure light in his eyes because his heart has switched places with his brain ever since he’s fallen in love and has placed that ring on your finger. he doesn’t want to blemish all your purity and goodness, even if that wouldn’t be the case at all.
so even if you’d initiate it first and would get him going with the help of some lovey-dovey looks, the fluttering of your eyelashes, and some strokes to his broad chest and shoulders, he’d second guess the entire thing and would constantly be making sure if it really is all right like you say it is.
you’d literally have to be throwing yourself at him, telling him to just use you already, for him to actually do something. it’d go slow, but eventually he’d ease himself into the idea.
you can be very tempting when you want to be, and at the end of the day, he is nothing but a man.
the first time it happens, he’s working late for the fourth day in a row and is feeling terribly lonely and frustrated because of it. he misses you in more ways than one and you’re always asleep when he comes home, so he warily makes the decision to fuck you in his lab one night when you swing by to bring him dinner — knowing him, he hasn’t eaten since he left the house this morning — and bends you over at the middle on the first flat surface he sees.
the sex is cautious and he’s stiff as a board during the entirety of it; you can literally tell that he’s way too deep in his head about it and is calculating every single movement. he watches you like a hawk from the moment his big, calloused hands slip underneath your light sundress and hike it up to your waist.
he’s practically waiting to hear you say stop — even when he carefully pushes your panties to the side and sinks balls deep into your cunt with a little help of some spit and a couple of strokes to your clit. even as lewd, wet sounds resonate throughout the room, then, and mix with your panting and his grunts. he waits.
but you never say the word.
that’s the whole point of it, after all.
instead, your palms slam flat against the desk he’s got you bending over at. your toes wiggle in your shoes as you find better footing when he really starts to get into it and turns rough as a result. your hips press closer to his own and your back arches ever so slightly, allowing you to take his fat cock even deeper. you ready yourself; ready yourself to please your husband like the good little wife that you are.
after that night, miguel allows himself to take a little more from you each time.
he still comes home late on most days, but he uses the chance to catch up by gently and almost hesitantly nudging your tight hole with his cock while you’re still asleep; until your pussy is literally drooling and you’re waking up in your bed feeling all hot and sweaty because of how tight, borderline suffocating his embrace has become, and how intense the stretch that you feel between your legs is getting.
sometimes he comes to see you after a successful mission and fucks you against the wall of the first secluded spot he can find. he’s still covered in grime and sweat, there’s piping hot adrenaline still coursing his veins, and his hair is as wild as the look in his dark eyes — now where the hell has his mask gone? — but he doesn’t care about any of that.
because goddamn, your legs are wrapped around his waist and you’re doing that cute ‘o’ face that he likes oh, so fucking much as you struggle to breathe properly, and your pussy is just so tight whenever he bullies his way inside of you so unexpectedly like this. he can literally feel it squeezing around him, trying to milk him dry of very last drop of cum he’s able to produce.
other times, usually when he takes it a bit easy work-wise, he just rests at home by making you cockwarm him. he’s watching TV — something exceptionally boring, probably — or is looking something up on the computer, and you’re just sitting on his lap, whining about how his cock has been outright kissing your cervix from the second he saw you passing by dressed in nothing else but his t-shirt.
he even nips at your neck whenever you try to move, deadly fangs sliding across the tender skin. it just makes you even more wet; it’s just so good.
so yeah, i do think that he’d like the idea of free use and would even grow fond of it the more you’d both indulge it. it’d be some sort of stress relief in a way. also, he would never, never belittle you or shame you for it. you’re the perfect wife.
when he loves, he just truly loves, you know? it’s deep and unshakeable. every time he ‘uses’ you, he makes sure to make up for it afterwards. he’s just that kind of guy, even if he may not look like it at first glance.
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brickmvster · 4 months
potato, potato, my little baby potato...
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Pairing: Ellie x Dina
Tags/warnings: fluff, pregnancy, childbirth, domesticity, motherhood, slice of life, pregnant dina
Word Count: 1766
Synopsis: A peek into Ellie and Dina's life before JJ was born.
Author's Note: wrote this back in june of 2022 and posted it on ao3, decided to post it here too bc why not <;3 here is the ao3 link!! also idk how well this will do bc I know this site mostly has x reader fics but I love elliedina with my whole soul OKAY. please enjoyyy comments are appreciated!!
When Dina first noticed her small baby bump, it filled her with pure joy. She remembered standing in front of the bathroom mirror, gently rubbing her stomach, eyes full of admiration. Ellie was behind her, hands wrapped around her waist, experiencing a fluttery feeling in her stomach at the thought of her being a mother – which is something she never would've imagined in her wildest dreams. In a dangerous world like the one they navigated, she never believed parenthood would be an option for her, nor was she really interested in it. Ellie thought children were cute, sure, with their contagious giggles and chubby faces, but she knew taking care of one would be more responsibility than she felt she could handle. But with Dina being with her, she felt this unbridled sense of confidence. Dina was caring and loving by nature, and Ellie had a hunch motherhood would come to her easily – with Dina by her side she had someone's footsteps to follow in.
Despite being pregnant, Dina was still very active around the house, much to Ellie's disapproval. Anytime Ellie saw Dina on her feet, whether she was doing the dishes, taking out the laundry, or even getting up to put her plate in the sink, she always made a face similar to that of a displeased mother who couldn't get her sick child to lie down. But Dina always retorted with "It's not like I'm completely immobile yet, so don't worry." 
Dina also spent a lot of time preparing for their baby's arrival, with the help of Ellie and some fellow Jackson residents. 
Maria had connections with a lot of people in Jackson. Random strangers were kind enough to give Ellie and Dina a ton of baby-related things, like a crib, toys, and even books. They spent a whole day setting things up and figuring out where to put certain items, and when they had finished, Dina began to cry, feeling overwhelmingly grateful. Ellie was right there with her, rubbing her back in a soothing manner and holding her close, almost being brought to tears herself as she gazed upon the empty crib.
A few more weeks went by, and Dina's baby bump was getting pretty large. Dina started complaining more about her back hurting, and she couldn't be on her feet for very long. Nevertheless, she still helped Ellie around the house when she could, with small breaks in between. She began using the bathroom more frequently, which quickly began getting on her nerves, as it disrupted her sleep, or interrupted a good reading session. Ellie would always chuckle whenever they were in bed together, her nose buried in a Savage Starlight comic and Dina practicing her embroidery, when all of sudden Dina would groan loudly and reluctantly get out of bed, angrily making her way to the bathroom for the seventh time in just thirty minutes. 
Then, of course, it got to the point where walking was something Dina did only when she needed to. It had been eight months and her stomach looked like it was ready to burst. Ellie found herself helping Dina walk up and down the stairs, getting out of bed in the morning, and even getting up and off of the toilet. Jackson residents also gave away some maternity clothing, which Dina often lounged about in. Even though pregnancy was miserable for Dina, Ellie couldn't help but notice how beautiful she had gotten. Dina had always been attractive in Ellie's eyes, even since they were kids, but Dina really seemed to glow now. 
Before, Dina's hair was always in some sort of up-do, because she was always doing various tasks around the house and needed it out of her face. But since she's been lazing about more often, she usually wore her hair down, and Ellie was in love with how thick and long it had gotten, her unruly curls framing her face in the most breathtaking way. Her skin was brighter, and it almost seemed to shine in a way that totally captivated Ellie. Sometimes, Ellie would find herself ogling at Dina whenever she was doing some random, mundane task, to which Dina would always notice and turn into the prettiest shade of red.
Right on the cusp of her delivery date, Ellie and Dina had a small baby shower. They had a wonderful time, Dina spending hours unwrapping cute onesies, even more toys and a couple parenthood books. It all felt so normal, so domestic, that it almost made Dina cry again, but she kept it together for the sake of her guests. 
It was late at night when their child decided to arrive. Ellie was wide awake, reading her comic book, while Dina was trying to figure out a crossword puzzle. It was quiet and the room was basked in the cozy, soft lighting of the bedside lamp. Dina couldn't seem to figure out the last word of her crossword and decided to give up and try again tomorrow morning with a fresh mind. She turned to her side, groaning at the heaviness at her stomach, and shut her eyes. Ellie glanced at her briefly, smiling softly and whispering "Goodnight, babe." 
The room was quiet once again, Ellie getting immersed into the fictional world of Savage Starlight, but after about five minutes, Dina was startled awake, feeling wetness trail down her legs. She sat up rather quickly, as quickly as she could, anyway, and Ellie turned to her with a confused and slightly concerned expression. 
"Do you need to use the bathroom again?" Ellie asked, ready to get up and assist her girlfriend. Dina shook her head, her eyes having widened ever so slightly, cheeks flushed, and heart rate steadily increasing. 
"Ellie… I think… I think it's time." Dina said. It took a little bit for the words to register in Ellie's mind, but when they did, she was immediately kicked into action, setting her comic book down and getting out of bed. 
"Okay. Let's get you comfortable, yeah?" She said, peeling away the damp comforter that was on top of Dina. She had Dina lie down a little bit while still staying somewhat upright. Dina instinctively opened her legs, trying to get started on removing her underwear. Ellie helped her, pulling them completely off and discarding them haphazardly. Afterward, Ellie quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, aiding Dina in rolling over so she could place it under her. She had also grabbed scissors and placed them on the nightstand.
Ellie's palms were sweaty. She remembered asking a mother at the baby shower how to prepare for birth, and Ellie tried her best to recall the woman's advice. It was stressful, trying to think while Dina was screaming at the top of her lungs, holding Ellie's hand so hard that her knuckles had turned white as bone. Ellie just tried to be as encouraging as possible, keeping her tone of voice even and steady throughout the whole process. 
Eventually, the room was no longer being filled with Dina's cries of pain but instead her labored breaths and the shrill sound of a baby crying. Their child had finally entered the world.
Dina, with tear streaked cheeks, immediately reached out for her child. Ellie held him briefly, smiling so hard her cheeks were growing sore. He was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in this ugly, ugly world. Ellie made quick work of cutting the umbilical cord before carefully handing him to Dina.
"Hello handsome." Dina spoke softly, grinning tiredly. Ellie was overjoyed at the sight in front of her. They were mothers now. For Ellie, this was the most nervous she had ever been. Not even fighting hordes of infected had her this scared. But she was also excited to step into this new era of her life. She knew that motherhood was going to be a bumpy ride, but so long as Dina was with her, she knew that she'd get through all of the trials and tribulations just fine. 
"I think I've got a name." Dina said, bringing Ellie out of her thoughts.
Ellie raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah? Whatcha got?" She replied, a small smirk resting on her lips.
"How does JJ sound?" Dina asked. Ellie's smirk grew into a wide smile of approval.
"I like that. Suits him perfectly." She said. 
After JJ was born, life for the two new mothers definitely became more hectic. 
JJ would start crying late at night, and Ellie, wanting her beloved girlfriend to get all of the sleep she could get, was always the one who got up to calm him down. She would gently bounce him, humming some random tune to get him to relax, before lying him back in his crib. Ellie missed out on a few hours of sleep because of this, but she didn't mind it one bit if it meant Dina would wake up well rested (sometimes, though, Dina would pretend to sleep just to hear Ellie sing).
Feeding JJ could be nightmarish too. He was a picky eater sometimes, and would throw food on the floor or spit it out onto his bib, causing Ellie to roll her eyes and Dina to giggle at the sight. Dina was definitely more patient when it came to JJ but she knew Ellie would get there – slowly, but surely. 
Changing diapers was mostly a Dina thing until Ellie got the hang of it. Before, she would always put them on backwards, much to Dina's confusion. 
Aside from all of the difficulties, there were plenty of joyous moments that the two mothers shared with their son. Often, Ellie would play guitar for him. Whenever Ellie was out hunting, or doing some general sweeps around the outer perimeter of the house, Dina would spend that time coloring with him, or playing with wooden shapes. She tried to get him to participate in activities that would not only be fun for him but educational as well. If Dina was busy, Ellie loved to (carefully) run around the house with JJ on her shoulders, his contagious laughter bouncing off of the walls. 
At night, Ellie and Dina loved to read him bedtime stories, both playing multiple characters and doing the silliest voices they could come up with until JJ slowly drifted away into a peaceful slumber. 
The both of them would then climb into bed together, exchanging "I love yous," after which Dina would continue to read her parenthood guidebooks and Ellie would begin yet another chapter of Savage Starlight, the both of them sitting in a comfortable silence.
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velteris · 4 months
I’ve seen a fair amount of posts complaining about this arc in Frieren and… we are all entitled to our own opinions etc which is why I will be launching into a Defense of Frieren’s Exam Arc :) Keeping it manga spoiler free since it seems like most of these complaints are from anime-only viewers.
For me the main draw of this arc is the world building. We’ve spent all this time with Frieren and Fern as our main perspectives on magic. Because it’s Frieren, the magics we’ve been hearing about have mostly been a little silly and sweet. But now we’re finding out that 1) “mage” is largely still a combat designation, and 2) Frieren and Fern are actually incredibly jack-of-all-trades when it comes to their magic repertoire. The “magic is visualisation” part is starting to be really leant into and we’re seeing more humans as well who seem to specialise in one magic (steel flowers, rocks, clones, ice and water…) It’s cool!! It’s objectively cool! I love being able to see this range that we wouldn’t have had otherwise! Also it’s fucking fantastic to see how much of a BEAST Fern really is when compared to other human mages. And she doesn’t even seem that aware of it.
Coupled with that is being able to see different people’s philosophies toward magic. I think a lot of viewers are kind of down about the sudden huge influx of side characters who they don’t really care about. But these philosophies—Land’s maximum wait-and-watch, Wirbel and Ubel’s vastly different approaches to killing—keep expanding the world and highlighting Frieren and Fern’s own perspectives. It’s soooo good seeing them react to situations not of their own making and people not of their own kind.
We get to see human society that isn’t a village in the middle of nowhere! We get to see Frieren being forced to socialise! We get to see Fern away from her emotional support elf! We get to see how society has changed since the demon king was defeated! I love that Himmel and co ushered in an era of peace, which it is, and yet the world is still full of conflicts. Truly the story continues after the hero is finished.
To address a few specific complaints I’ve seen brought up:
Frieren isn’t about all these nonstop shounen fights.
Agreed! Which is why it’s cool as hell that Frieren’s main badass shounen strategy is “sit very still for 10 hours”. That aside? There actually hasn’t been much actual fighting. You could probably count up the minutes in which actual spells are being cast and it’ll be something like 2 minutes max in the latest ep20. And that’s because it’s not about who beats who, it’s about the philosophies, the worldbuilding, the ways of thinking about magic. This is not a power-measuring contest, much as Genau would like to make it. And the random lucky draw-ness of the Stilles only plays further into that. It is possible to pass this exam without coming into conflict with others, and certainly without battles to the death. It hasn’t ever been about the shounen fights.
The good part of the show was about the delicate melancholy and that’s totally missing here.
I agree that it’s one of the strong points. But the thing with the melancholy is that it only works when juxtaposed against other moments. A story that’s composed of a bunch of unlinked wistful slice-of-life episodes will eventually fall apart because it has no momentum, no driving force. And ten years to Ende is too long to go without at least some conflict. Also, again, ten-hour bird meditation session?
Anyway, there’s melancholy, but how sad it would be if there was nothing but introspection and wistfulness. Frieren is bringing the memories of Himmel forward with her into the future. That means she has to be moving forward, forging new relationships with unrelated people, going into situations that she hasn’t been in before. A Frieren stuck in the past would be against the themes of the show, of remembering and yet moving on.
Why should I care about them spending ages trying to catch a bird?
You don’t like Stille? 🐤 fweet?
Actually I care lots about this funky thing. Indestructible and goes supersonic fast. That’s fucking hilarious. Bird that simply cannot be contained. Genau is a dick for setting up this kind of exam when, Your Honour, my client Stille does not deserve to be imprisoned.
Too many irrelevant side characters who it’s hard to care about, and they’re gonna be thrown away at the end anyway.
Again, it’s the worldbuilding. And also, mild spoilers for stuff that won’t be covered in the anime, but at least one of these side characters does come back and we get more delicious main character development as a result. Though frankly many of these characters are deeply compelling and interesting to me so I don’t rly get this complaint. Give me more Lawine.
Where’s Himmel? What do these exams have to do with the hero party? Frieren is good because of the links to the past.
Frieren is good because of the links to the past, which affect how Frieren responds to the present. The whole point of Frieren is that Frieren’s life continues. And through her new experiences, she comes to understand and reconnect to the emotions she didn’t realise she felt about her past. I don’t care what Himmel would think of the mage exams, I care what Frieren thinks of them now. And the answer is that she doesn’t really give a damn but she’s in here anyway because Fern strongarmed her into it, and then she was forced to adopt two more kids along the way, and all of that is something she never would have done if she was still hermiting in the Central Lands. Somehow we are still getting Himmel flashbacks anyway? So? He’s still haunting the narrative guys. Just because Frieren isn’t saying “that’s what Hero Himmel would do” out loud in these circumstances doesn’t mean his ghost isn’t here.
Even so, Frieren clearly recognises the name Serie. Do not fear. There is going to be more about links to the past.
I miss Stark.
Fair enough. It’s okay, he’s just on vacation rn. Having an appy juice.
It’s taking too long. The arc is too slow.
It’s only been three episodes… I’ve seen people going “it’s already been three episodes!” but what? Really? Is that considered an excessive amount of time now?? Given the amount of story covered I think it’s quite reasonable? There’s still 8 episodes to go in which we cover the remaining exam stages. Have some patience like Frieren. The payoffs are being set up; they’ll resolve before the end of the mage exam arc. In the meantime, let’s enjoy theorising about the soft magic system and hollering for full auto Fern.
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
laurie do you have any spare boxer!barty headcanons… from boxer james au…
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*cracks knuckles* okay so
he fights very methodically, almost like he's fucking possessed sometimes BUT his rivals still have a hard time reading him and predicting his moves bc he's also . reckless . and will break routine all of a sudden with the most dangerous combination u can think of
a lot of ppl are convinced he plays dirty or even cheats but the truth is that he's just Good and really fucking smart
as in, the thing about boxer barty is that he can get a read on his rivals during the first handful of seconds
yes he's strong yes he's a wild card and yes he has the technique but what makes him win at the end is his ability to . get into his opponent's head
the exception to this is james and not bc barty can't read him. it's simply that the hatred they profess each other is so visceral he just goes fucking Feral. both of them do
speaking of, they rarely get to finish their matches bc they always end up disqualified halfway through bc it gets Nasty pretty quickly when those two are involved
he's been on so many scandals. So Many. it's sort of ruined his reputation but his fans think is part of his charm
like . you know how athletes are very careful when it comes to their public images and take care of their bodies or whatever . yeah barty doesn't give a fuck about that and you WILL see a headline about him getting blackout drunk after one of his victories
this is mostly due to how controlling his father used to be back when barty was still under his thumb
in a way, most of what barty does has something to do with his father one way or another
everyone knows they had a very bad fallout like . it's public knowledge but since they don't have the details they're all soooo curious
interviewers know not to bring barty's dad up tho bc barty has flipped his shit before and on national television too so . they stray away from the topic completely
he's anti pr. his team has tried to clean up his act so many times. it never works. they've given up. at this point they're just ready to do some damage control
most of his money goes to his mother (his parents are divorced in this one and since his dad left her with pretty much nothing after they broke things off, barty took it upon himself to take care of her)
in fact, he lives with her
whenever barty loses a fight is Always on purpose
because he's obsessed with a certain nurse.. so he lets himself get beaten up from time to time just so he has an excuse to go see said nurse.. (it's evan. evan is the nurse)
evan is odd and offputing and he doesn't seem to like barty very much BUT he does seem to enjoy the sight of blood.. and analysing ppl's injuries even more than he does fixing them up.. so barty's happy to let him poke around
one time he lost a couple of teeth after a especially hard punch and while they tried to check his head and take him to the hospital barty's only concern was finding his lost teeth so he could bring them to evan
his friendship with regulus starts off as him finding reg Hot while simultaneously wanting to piss james off
but they end up Clicking and reg is the very first person barty opens up with about his dad + everything that happened with his mum
he had a thing with lily a while ago but it was mostly casual and he broke it off as soon as he found about her also sleeping with james.. they're still friends tho!! and barty is very fond of her
his first kiss with evan happens after he's dizzy and very out of it bc of the amount of blood evan just took from him (he spends more than a week thinking he dreamt it)
honestly most of his appointments with evan can be summarised by barty getting a lot of random erections and evan blinking at him with his dead brown eyes while he pokes around his body and worsens every single one of his injuries (before actually patching him up)
and im gonna stop myself there bc this is getting out of hand
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taboo-delusion · 3 months
So, I just discovered something interesting.
This is a bit of a long one, so bear with me. It's important. Seriously.
I just woke up a few hours ago. My meds are starting to kick in. I was having a very serious and genuine, deep conversation (in-head) and it was... beautiful. It wasn't happy, but it was beautiful. Not the point.
Point is:
I had not had a single fucking intrusive thought today until someone made a noise in the other room.
I am so fucking PISSED OFF
Why my brain refuses to realize that intrusive thoughts CAUSED the good feeling to go away, I have no fucking idea. I've known that for almost a year now, yet my stupid fucking subconscious refuses to change anything it's doing
Before I snap my fucking android phone in half and yeet somebody's face into neptune, I thought I'd share the discovery!!!!
When you fall asleep and your heart slows too much, your body does the falling thing to make sure you're still alive.
It's not that intrusive thoughts are *Just* because your brain gets too quiet, It's because your life has never been completely quite before, or -like me- the few times it is quiet, something interrupts. And even if it doesn't piss you off, even if you don't jump like I do, your brain still registers it as not safe.
Falling asleep, heart slows a lot-
Body: *Sends adrenaline just to make sure it still actually works.*
Drowning, even mostly unconscious-
Body and brain: *Hold onto that last half-breath even if it feels like you're head is going to explode.*
Going grocery shopping or talking to someone you think is cool-
Brain: *Remembers what it felt like the first time your guardian was indifferent or mean about something that made you happy or calm.*
Things around you actually get quiet-
Brain *Sends a thought you hate just to make sure you're prepared for a sudden problem.*
TDLR 1: Your brain isn't mean on purpose, It's just paranoid and still has a will to live.
Listen. I know I'm just some random dude from a weird blog. But I'm trying to translate, to assist. Maybe somebody else needs this realization as much as I do. I apologize for the yelling earlier. I'm still just as upset, but only at my dumbass subconscious. Now some time has passed, and I have regained self-control.
(I also apologize for the above paragraph, my brain nags for me to do this, but I can't remember why. So:)
I am no psychologist. Here are my qualifications (why you should listen to me):
As my friends call it- "Disturbingly self-aware at all times."
Paranoid Schizophrenic with actual (unrelated) OCD, with years of experience dealing with it- more healthily in recent years.
Philosophy and deep thinking is simply my default. I use metaphors, but everything in this post is entirely literal, ...except the angry threat. (*begrudgingly accepts disappointment*)
I am a fiction writer. I don't know about healing people/first aid, but I know a LOT about how anatomy works, with many deep-dives on the psychology/evolution side.
People irl generally consider me a genius? Idk how to gauge that, IQ tests are irrelevant with this type of... smart?. I've been compared to both Da Vinci and Einstein. So, ...actually that's pretty fuckin' cool- (I AM NOT TRYING TO BRAG! I APOLOGIZE IF IT COMES OFF THAT WAY! I've never put it all down like this, and I'm just surprised and questioning my reputation.)
(Also, I love playing detective, so naturally I call myself Batman XD.)
Autistic; I experience the world, and every situation, from a view without any context.
ADHD: My brain automatically -As a guardian I hate describes- "Can watch three different movies at the same time, all in fast forward, and can keep up with all of them." ... Well, yes, but technically no. Idk if other ADHD people do this, but my brain "connects the dots" so quickly, I end up laughing at jokes I've never heard before the 'punchline', because I've already figured out what you're going to say next.
Now combine all that. I am kicking depression's ass and now I want to help you do the same.
I have only mentioned the relevant things. Please keep in mind that ALL of these have both advantages and disasters. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I am running on four hours of sleep. For the love of whatever, I hope this actually helps someone other than me.
Qualifications are noted because: This is all stuff (and stuff like this) that I am just always casually aware of.
TLDR2: Even if I wasn't trying to help people feel better, Apparently I was born with a nat 20 perception/insight check, so please don't argue that I truly understand what I'm talking about here.
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joocomics · 4 months
🚀 Pressing them under the table when they are in the seat in front of yours ( the cliche leg thing under the table).
How would they react? Especially if you are doing it while talking to another member at the table or pretending to not be paying attention, hehehe.
kinda of friends with benefits relationship, or you are both into each other but haven't officialized anything yet.
(At first, I thought about this with Seungmin, but then I got curious about how the others would react) I love the way you write😭🤌
a/n: i’m so happy to hear you like what i write tysm 🥹 i hope you enjoy this too i had fun thinking about it, it’s such a good concept 🫶🏼
♡ gunil
for him i imagine friends with benefits situation, cause he fits that trope so perfectly…
let’s be real, he’d still succeed in taming you even under a table in the middle of a random restaurant without no one noticing. he’d easily get aroused by this unexpected behaviour of yours, but it would be a challenge to figure out if he’s getting turned on from your pov in that moment only because of how calm he would remain throughout the whole thing. every time you try to glance discreetly in his direction he’d feel your gaze and smirk, enjoying the way you want to get under his skin. “just ask for it.” he’d simply say to you at one point with your heel settled between his inner thighs, and yes, you didn’t get that big reaction you wished for out of him, but at least it proved you once again how much of a control he has over you already without even moving a finger
if you excuse yourself in the middle of the conversation and head to the restroom he’d definitely follow you a minute later
♡ jungsu
oh, he would get so flustered the moment he feels you bumping his crotch, not able to comprehend what’s going on at first, cause he’d never expect that you would do something so daring in public. “is everything alright?” he’d ask suspiciously, rubbing his thumb on your bare ankle, and for your friends that joined you for brunch that question would be perfectly normal, and they would continue with their conversation, but for you - it wouldn’t, because you’d notice the not so subtle change in his gaze; the warning signs in his question now it’s not the time or place to get freaky. he’d push your leg down while in his mind he’d be trying desperately to think about anything that doesn’t revolve around your body and lips
but it would be so fun to tease him like that, so you’d do it again, doubling the pressure this time. he’d raise his brows in disbelief, hissing your name, low and firmly as an indication it’s enough, but how can you stop after you realise he’s growing a boner? while ignoring his reactions you wouldn’t be able to hear a word from what the others are saying, cause you’d be too distracted from the fact this is turning him on
imo this would be the perfect way to unleash his rougher dominant side. after something like this you’d definitely need some type of scolding. after you leave the place he would immediately kiss you, admitting you drive him crazy against your lips
♡ jiseok/gaon
he has a thing for sneaky things in public, because they keep things spicy. if this happens when you’re dating he’d stay mostly unbothered, he would even try to pay you immediately back by teasing you too in some kind of way, but if it’s before you make it official it would be a bit harder for him to remain cool
after you lift your foot to find his crotch, he’d glance down before looking at you baffled. “got a cramp or something?” he’d try to joke about it so his panick doesn’t expose him. when he sees you getting back into the conversation with the rest of your friends without even acknowledging him, he’d repress a chuckle, half amused, half frustrated one, into his palm, leaving your heel right where it is. he’d be very excited over your sudden playfulness though, and despite not really knowing how to act he’d love every second of it
i apologise in advance to those who will hate this, but i have to say it - jiseok would really appreciate a pretty foot… so if you’re wearing sandals and you have a nice pedicure done, he would be leaking with pre cum till it’s time to go
♡ seungmin/o.de
as much as he would be on edge cause you could get caught he’d enjoy it, because it means you want him right then and there, and seungmin loves when he gets reminded that you’re always craving his touch. he’d caress your ankle gently, loving the fact you’re thinking of him despite literally talking to another guy in front of him. he’d remain calm and even though his body is warming up from your foot rubbing exactly where he needs it, his emotions wouldn’t show and that would make the whole situation even more arousing for both of you
he would let you do your thing and not bring it up until you leave the restaurant. if you’re not spending the rest of the night together he would send you the pic he secretly took of your heel pressed against his obvious hard on. he’d send it just before bed with the message that this shouldn’t become a habit of yours in case you want everyone to know you’re ready to take it in your mouth in front of everyone
♡ hyeongjun/junhan
his reaction would be a fun combination between jiseok and jungsu, but a little more intense - his subby side would have trouble handling this
he’d immediately blush and shift awkwardly in his seat, trying to compose himself. he’d expect you after a few seconds to drop your foot down, but after he feels it pressing with even more eagerness instead, he’d tilt his head at you with a warning look, that would honestly have you almost break character cause it’d be so cute to see how needy he becomes just from you brushing through his pants with your shoe. his hands over the table would catch yours as another signal to give him a break, and that’s when you’d probably feel a little bad and you will stop ignoring him. it’s the least you could do after giving him the most painful erection in his life
his needy pleading eyes would show how big of an impact you have on him despite his attempts to cover that up since you haven’t had the talk on what you really are yet, but maybe after this you will
he would most likely ask you to do it again, but in your bedroom
♡ jooyeon
that would be the moment when he realises he wants to make you his. officially
he would make sure no one catches what you’re doing under the table, but he would also make sure that you keep going. he’d love the thrill of such kind of play in public, because he’s the type that gets turned on by the idea of getting caught, but not wanting to actually get caught yk?
honestly you wouldn’t be able to ignore him for too long. “do you wanna play, baby?” he’d lean over, whispering and running his hand up your leg (he’d go crazy if you’re wearing a skirt and your skin is bare), he’d drop the nickname he knows has the biggest impact on you to grab your attention. “baby, we can leave if you’re feeling bored”
he would get frustrated if you do succeed in ignoring him after that though. not only are you making him hard, but also not giving him a crumble of attention while you’re at it… that dismissive attitude towards him would arouse him even more, especially since you’re not officially together and he doesn’t have the right to make remarks for chatting with the other members. he’d turn grumpy tbh, and just annoyed with how weak he is for you, but he also loves it when you play hard to get… he’d remove your leg and plan on ignoring you back when you decide to talk to him
the sex after this would be so freaking good…
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