#more ideally: how the fuck do you find a recruiter
nat-20s · 5 months
*collapses to my knees, covered in blood* how the fuck do people find jobs
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autumnmobile12 · 2 months
The League of Morons vs A Summer Camp
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All right, so I love the hell out of this nonsense and I want to talk about the Vanguard's plan and how ridiculous it was.
First, most of the crew showed up a night early and…well, then what?  That first night, Dabi says they’re still waiting on a few more people to arrive.  Okay, so what are you all doing here already?
Did Kurogiri warp them back to the bar after they’d gotten a look at the place?  Scouted the area a bit?  You needed seven people for that? Were they that bored waiting for Twice, Compress, and the Nomu to show up?  What were they doing in the 24 hours between this part and the actual attack?  Standing on that cliff and muttering,  “Heroes…”?
Was Toga all, "Guys, I'm tired. Can we go back to the bar already?"
Spinner: "No, as villain protocol dictates, we must stand here menacingly for a minimum of twelve hours."
Dabi: Fuck you, I'm going to bed.
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Except for being a scare tactic, having Dabi start a fire was mostly unnecessary. Their goal was to further weaken society's faith in heroes by targeting UA students, so you'd think he'd be a little more proactive in...well, actually harming someone. As it happened, the fire really only to served to announce there was an attack happening.
But I’ll throw the Vanguard a bone here and say this was Spinner’s doing.  Like their original plan was to start a massive fire that would consume both classes and all the heroes in a singular tragedy, but then Spinner said,  “Hey, pump the breaks, people.  We’re here to uphold Stain’s ideals about toppling the corrupt Hero culture.  Do we really want mass child murder as part of our brand?” Sure, he wanted to go after Iida, but he was a specific target since he was on Stain's hit list.
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The two copies Twice made of Dabi were virtually useless in a fight since Vlad and Aizawa both took him out so quickly it was embarrassing.  And yet he’s apparently a big enough threat that No. 1 and No 2. can’t handle him.  Go fig.
Endeavor/Hawks:  Oh, no, he’s too strong…
Aizawa/Vlad:  Listen here, you little shit!
Muscular goes and reveals their plan even though he didn’t have to.  They all saw the Sports Festival, they knew what Bakugo looked like, and yet here he is asking Deku where he he can find Bakugo as if he was going to answer him.  Yes, he didn’t think there was any harm in telling him since his plan was to kill Deku anyway, but alerting UA to the fact they were looking to kidnap someone is still just hubris.
Going after Bakugo in the first place was a dumb idea.  We can probably credit that one to Shigaraki because only he would look at the violently temperamental teenager raging on national television and think,  “Yes, he seems like a reasonable person to negotiate with.”
Gonna drop in some actual light criticism here: Given the inequality issues that arise in the series later, targeting the heteromorph students for recruitment purposes would have been a smarter move for the LoV.  They’re all part of a demographic that has a justified reason for being dissatisfied with society, so there would have been a believable chance of the LoV thinking they could sway some people to their side.
But hey, the League of Villains was on a learning curve. Give 'em a break.
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He totally saw Aoyama here.  Or at least he heard him because he clocked that there was something weird about that bush and he was going to go check it out…and then Twice distracted him and Dabi has an total ADHD moment and forgets what he was doing.
And it's not because Aoyama was the spy. Nobody in the Vanguard knew.
1.) Shigaraki says he tried and couldn't figure out where the camp was, but AFO figured it out relatively quickly. So if even his successor doesn't know who the spy was or called on that resource, then why would AFO tell anyone else in the group?
2.) Moonfish, Muscular, and Mustard were all apprehended, but none of them ratted out Aoyama, as someone with nothing left to lose would. Neither did Kurogiri when he was later apprehended, but that one may have been a loyalty matter. So I think this was a case of AFO saying, "I have a source of info and you don't need to know who it is." Because at the end of the day, AFO is an arrogant narcissist who's definitely not placing all his eggs in one basket. Aoyama wouldn't be an easy spy to replace, so of course AFO would want to limit any chances of him being exposed.
So this was Dabi's screw up.
Speaking of forgetting things, Dabi also straight up forgot they had a Nomu because he thanked Twice for reminding him they had a Nomu.
Sir....how the hell do you forget you have a Nomu?
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Toga was supposed to get blood from at least three people.  She failed.
Twice had a simple job. Create clones. He succeeded, but the only two he made were Dabi and I refer you to the previous point on how useless they were.
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Spinner and Magne’s roles were a diversion. Distract the Wild, Wild Pussycats and give everyone else the opening to find and kidnap Bakugo.
They did pretty well. Up until the point they were almost caught and Kurogiri had to bail them out. Also Spinner lugged the giant, over-the-top blade contraption all the way there only for Deku to destroy it.
However, they do deserve some credit for making probably the best strategic decision of the group that night, and that was taking out Pixie Bob. We saw on the first day of the camp that she was able to hold back a class of twenty students with an army of earth creatures she was simultaneously controlling. That would have been a huge problem, so for the purposes of their team, good on them for removing that obstacle.
Underrated squad members right here.
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Mustard was a legitimate threat for same reasons Dabi and his fire was a threat, plus he brought a firearm into the fight. (I want to know what the other villains thought when they saw that.)
But instead of putting him in the center of the fight where he could do some significant harm, they placed him on the outliers and all he did was knock some students unconscious and everybody made a full physical recovery, showcasing the gas he emitted wasn’t all that lethal and didn't cause any long-term complications. (Again, maybe this was Spinner's idea of Stain's ideology on not indiscriminately massacring children. "Guys, I'm telling you! That's fucked up!")
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The Nomu (effectively brain dead without orders) did more damage than any of them, which makes the previous point that Dabi forgot they had it even funnier.
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And finally, Mr. Compress was missing for half the night and then almost came in clutch by fulfilling their main objective plus extra credit, only to nearly blow it with his showboating. Seriously, they could have gotten away with both Bakugo and Tokoyami had they just booked it while the going was good.
But no, Compress had to make a dramatic production of it. When he first snatched the kids, he could have just left and Deku and company would have had no idea what happened. Had he just kept his mouth shut and left, they wouldn't have known he even existed. Then as the Vanguard members were leaving through the warp gates, he goes and does it again, giving Aoyama enough time to fire at them with his navel laser, something that also could have bee avoided had Dabi just checked the fucking bush!
The Vanguard Action Squad won by sheer dumb luck and their collective incompetence actually succeeding is the most hilarious thing about this arc. In the end, three members of their crew were arrested.  (Although I think everyone was secretly relieved they lost Moonfish.  Even if he was on my side, I’d be actively worried that guy would kill and eat me in my sleep.)
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Yet this self-important twerp is smiling like they actually did something to be proud of here.  All Dabi really accomplished personally was grab a marble (coincidentally the correct marble) before Shouto could, which is borderline more standard older sibling behavior than actual villainy. He literally lost two separate fights in one night and called it a win.
This arc was a five episode Scooby-Doo trap going wrong and succeeding.
Seriously, I hope that after the warp gates closed, they all just looked at each other and immediately started calling each other out on everything. Like Dabi slapped Compress upside the head and asked him what he'd been thinking having 'one last bow' before they got away. Spinner yelling at Dabi about how the clones did nothing. And there's Bakugo all, "I can't believe I've been kidnapped by a gaggle of morons."
Fake it till you make it at its finest.
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astraltrickster · 2 years
Saw a post about gacha addiction earlier and I didn't want to Get Into It with the OP because I fundamentally don't disagree with them but it left me raging internally at the counterproductive approach.
Listen. Gacha addiction is real. It's fucked, the companies that pioneered the softcore gambling-lootbox-gacha model straight up bragged about how effective it was. If you have never spent money on gacha, ideally you really shouldn't start, because the only way to determine whether or not you'll get addicted to any specific thing is to fuck around and find out even if you know for a fact that in general you do or do not have an addictive personality. The most dangerous gamble to take is the first. If you DO decide to spend money anyway, you should have a comprehensive strategy in place to keep it from slowly consuming your entire budget. Also, even if you don't spend real money it can still become a problem, because it can also end up consuming all of your time - any game can do this, any hobby in general can become toxic in fact, but gacha games in particular have the FOMO factor of "I have to keep grinding so I can save enough for my blorbo's next banner". If you play gacha games - even on a free-to-play basis - you should be aware that you are taking a risk and you should be willing to admit to yourself if it's become a problem. If you find your gacha budget creeping upward despite your income not doing the same, or you find yourself regularly trying to grind out pull currency even when it's overall not fun anymore, you should take a hiatus from the game/s, and call a therapist or gambling addiction hotline if that proves to be difficult.
And if you have concerns about other people developing gacha addiction...shaming people or downplaying what they like about the games or characters helps literally no one; if anything it only sends them further into denial for your smug sense of superiority.
Thing is? Gacha games are games. Most successful ones, despite the obvious comparisons, are a lot more than just slot machines to fill out a gallery of blorbos to rotate on your screen instead of in your head. They tend to have genuinely compelling lore and characters and enjoyable gameplay - the gacha is not the game itself; it is a recruitment and power-up system in an actual game. This only becomes more true as the market becomes more competitive - like, FGO shows its age with its slow start; you can really tell it launched at a point where all one needed for success was to tie to an existing big fandom and give you a little new content with your faves, but even then the appeal was the lore and the characters far more than it ever was the summoning system, and it's kept up as time goes on, intensifying both the story and the strategy as it's come into a life of its own. Genshin Impact, at 2 years old, is as "real" of an action RPG as a Kingdom Hearts game, with intense strategy elements involved in team building. Arknights is a tower defense that I'd love to play were it not for my medical phobia because what I know of the setting and lore is some POWERFUL social commentary that is right up my alley.
I could list more examples, but it's not really the point. The point is that gacha games are real games, with real lore, and real characters. These games don't have playerbases composed exclusively of victims of predatory monetization unless you REALLY stretch the definition; in order for a game to be a good gacha game, first it does need to be a good game. It's easy to say "oh, they don't really care about the story or characters or gameplay, it's just an elaborate ad for the slot machine, it's just a cash grab" - but...even accepting that as true (which is debatable), so what? What's the difference between that and the latest big studio movie? The latest Netflix original series? The latest "conventional" "one-and-done" AAA game? Do you think the CEOs greenlit those out of nothing but the love of art and storytelling?
People are going to get attached to these stories and characters, and mocking them over it isn't ~taking a brave stand against predatory marketing strategies~, it's not ~waking people up to the fact that they've been duped~, it's just being a fucking asshole.
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rosefinch07 · 3 months
Ok so post-blue beetle movie jaime
He's grieving his dad, bc closure doesn't erase grief
He gets approached by the justice league
He's warring with himself bc on one hand he just wants to be a normal guy, one who really thinks he should be working so he can help support his family
On the other hand he already has khaji and while khaji and him see eye to eye, there's still some things that are going to come out of left feild. There's still fear and confusion surrounding khaji and jaime's dynamic as AI and host
On an individual level, superman is the most likely to try and recruit him first, given how he can just pop on down from kansas on a weekend trip seeing his parents
Just,, Clark in civvies (but who literally says "hi im here from the justice league") showing up at the reyes house with some homecooked food or something like "Please hear me out"
Rudy just shuts the door before Jaime wakes up from a dead asleep "nap" that's khaji getting more and more attatched to jaime's body
Flash gets to be on the other end of Jaime Finding Out He Has Hella Toothies Now And Khaji Likes Biting When Startled
Which, not fun
Batman almost gets shanked by a blade popping out jaime's arm in the same motion where you try and stab someone behind you when you have something vaguely stabby in your hand when someone sneaks up on you when he tries to speak to Jaime bc "Jaime you never said we could not use lethal force we just agreed that we weren't killers"
Jaime hearing a tap at the window
He looks up
It's fucking nightwing
He groans, buries his head in his hands as the suit wraps around him all sluggishly and vaguely the texture of molasses, looks back up with a glare and some limbs rising out of his back to be stiff and imposing as a sign of danger, and goes "What. Do. You. Want." Bc he is Sick and Tired
Why did this turn into Jaime having body shenanigans im not usually into body shenanigans
Nope you know what I'm rolling with this consider this ramble officially SIDETRACKED
One thing I've written about before is khaji being able to take over control of the suit specifically when jaime's in the blue beetle suit, and it's not controlling jaime, it's controlling the suit
Theres a difference
One is internal and the other is external (note that internal can still happen it's just not exactly Ideal)
I need Jaime to get knocked back in a fight and he loses hold of a little of his humanity between sliding on the floor and making claw marks in like concrete or something, literally BARES HIS TEETH, and his tibial spurs extend and also make marks in the concrete and he gets up, stretches in a way that is a product of fucky bones, and gets back in the fight
I have,,, such brainrot for this character istg
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glassesntea · 15 days
Levi and female!reader developing a relationship (Canon Universe)
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Part 1/2
How your foolish idealism land you into the Survey Corp
You were born in a rich merchants family of Stohess. The only girl out of four children, with three protective older brothers and a younger one whom you adored. With all of your cousins being male too, you were spoiled rotten by both your parents and various uncles and aunts.
Your life was carefree, uneventful. You were well loved by your friends, you had various interests.
You loved parties, flirting and going out with boys. Your first boyfriend broke up with you when he started the cadet training, eventually becoming an assigned MP in Stohess. You both left in friendly terms and still meeting each other to chat.
Thanks to him you came to know all the events following the Trost battle. Your interest started to stir.
Then the Female Titan appeared in Stohess.
You lived in an area unffected by the distruction, but the idea of Titans so close to your loved ones disturbed you. And instigated your curiousity even more.
That tiny germ planted in your head by the tales of outsiders, people who can turn into Titans and secrets surrounding the Walls, blossomed after the retaking of Shiganshina and the truth of the world finally unveiled.
While you were reading the newspaper you felt a mixture of rage, exaltation, hope... your lifestyle, all of the sudden, appeared dull and meaningless. You wanted to see these things yourself, wanted to help and free Eldia from the hated Marley.
Whitout telling anyone you fleed one night to enroll in the Cadets Corp, whishing to join the Scouts.
After being shouted in the face by Shadis during the presentation of the recruits...
"Y/S, uh? If I had a penny for all the time I have heard idealistic bullshit like yours, I would be richer than your daddy. What fucking happened?? He didn't buy you the pony you wanted??"
You were summoned in his office the day after just to find Shadis together with your parents, your eldest brother and your former MP's boyfriend. Apparently he snitched on you.
Your parents and brother tried to reason with you, saying it was dangerous, that you were following a blind idealism without caring the consequences.
In the long run they were right on a lot of things. You'll end up thinking about their warnings and concernes often in the years following the Rumbling.
Your ex was equally adamant trying to get you kicked out of the corp.
He said he was worried for you and told Shadis that considering your upbringing you'll have problems recognizing authority and discipline.
You didn't miss the glare Shadis gave him: "I have teached you and countless cadets before you, kid. Are you implying that I can't do my job?"
Your ex boyfriend winced at Shadis threatening tone. In the end you were allowed to stay. They thought you wouldn't last long in this setting and you would come back home soon.
You swore to yourself not to give up.
Military life teached you a lot on discipline, surely it wasn't easy for you to get used to this kind of hardship but your strong will allowed you to graduate with good scores, despite not being in the top 10.
You stood at attention with your fellow recruits, listening to Commander Hanji speech and you were pleased to notice that the majority of your comrades decided to join the Survey Corps.
With other three friends from the cadet's years you were assigned to Varis and it wasn't rare that in some training sessions with the ODM gear Jean Kirschstein, one of the hero of Shiganshina, would tutor you to perfect the movements.
Despite being younger than you of two years you came to deeply respect Jean. Through him you created a friendly bonds with both Connie and Sasha.
Sasha trained you with the rifles and you share with her the things your parents sent you like you did with your bunkmates back in trainings: goods, soaps and other things. There were too much of these, anyways.
She invited you to spend the evenings in her's and Mikasa's room.
Mikasa wasn't as talkative, but she was polite with you and,slowly, she started to warm up to you.
In the mess hall it wasn't uncommon for you and your friends to sit at a table with Connie and laughing to tears over a bowl of soup at some of his stories: especially the ones that involved a livid Shadis punishing him and Sasha for some of their antics.
Floch Forster was another commanding officer you get along with, at least for a little while.
When you were assigned guarding the Marleyan's POW, watching them from your post, Floch passed by and you salute him.
"Everyting's in order?"
"Yes, sir" your eyes narrowed when a prisoner glared in your direction and Floch noticed.
"Don't bother, they are exactly where they deserved to be."
You straighted your shoulders "They'd better remember that, after what they put us through."
Floch nodded, regarding you with a renowed interest "Y/N, right? I'm glad that some people still have some common sense, you are absolutely correct."
It was too long that I had to divide this introduction part in two because I reached the world limit. Why can't I be more succint? T-T next part continue from where I stopped.
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Okay so ignore me, a Maribat shipper using the Dcxdp fandom for my own gain but like y’all keep doing de-aged Danny plots without considering something. Yes it’s great for those paternal and found family vibes but you know what it can also be used for: shipping.
This is heavy on the maribat vibes so skip if that’s not your thing:
> Danny, early 20s, pretty solidly being an everyday hero, left amity and kicks it on his friends couches when not in the GZ because going home is no longer an option. The town is basically rigged to find phantoms ecto signature
> Danny becomes a part of the JL and is fast friends with Kon and Jon but warms up to Damian over the years. He just thinks “huh what a weirdly spicy guy” and enjoys the chaos of befriending him. They have regular conversations about animal conservation and video games. Damian has always played the newest one, and he’s always down to best Danny
> Ladybug has also joined the JL and is very skittish about making friends since she’s trying really hard to keep her identity under wraps. She eventually warms up to Danny, talking about you guessed it, old video games, and she brings him like, so many snacks, that it helps him rewrite the normalcy of having food attack him. He starts to notice that she is her own flavor of chaos gremlin and they get along thick as thieves
>Here’s the thing, Robin has an great Admiration for (aka huge crush) Ladybug and only Danny has noticed. Ladybug is oblivious, Damian thinks he’s undetected and Danny might combust from the amount of times he’s now tried to set them up. The rest of the JL just, meh, doesn’t really see it.
> Danny gets a note from CW that the GIW are honing in on his ecto signature and something needs to change quick, or he’s going to pull him from the dimension for his safety. Well, the note mostly says: find this artifact and it’ll change your frequency. Take a bird with you.
> Danny initially recruits Tim to go as Red Robin but then he can’t bring himself to wake the bird up when found asleep at his desk. Robin steps in and says he’s free so long as the mission doesn’t take more than a day.
> Danny is de-aged, the artifact is lost, Damian is now barely functioning as a young 8yr old Danny opens up a portal to get them back to the watchtower before he detransforms and gets a bit younger. He looks like he’s seven and if his powers are linked to the aging cycle- then no powers for danny.
> ladybug enters the watchtower trying to escape a team member who needs to get a clue about the fact that she needs to detransform every now and then, goes into her normally empty meeting room, and as the magic washes off her - boom portal and Danny and Damian appear. Marinette is so fucked. Everyone is floundering and then Danny gets an idea about how this can still turn around to be an ideal outcome for all three of them.
> Danny decided now is probably the best time to pull a Cupid gambit: joint parenting. He demands that ladybug be the one to help portal them back to Gotham. Congrats, you guys are going to help me wait out this spell. Ladybug feels like she should just run from this whole thing, her identity is already compromised, but then Danny begs her for her help since it’s magical
> Just, Damian and Marinette trying to jointly manage Danny while trying to sort out aging him up- CW leaving vague notes here and there about why he’s not going to help them reverse the spell- Danny having so much fun going between Gotham and Paris with his “parents” and trying to nudge them together
>hell yeah they fall in love.
> oh and then Dani shows up and quickly gets Danny to sort himself out. The Dummy forgot that shapeshifting was a thing he could do.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 3 months
Yandere Alphabet - ABIJ
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A/N: Let’s get the mafia trilogy fandom going shall we?? Here’s a little Alphabet dessert for ya ;) I know y’all love Sam so here he isss…
Warnings: Yandere so mentions of violence, forced relationships, toxicity blahhh blahhhh blahhhh
Requests: are open 24/7 for any characters on my masterlist
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Sam is not an outwardly physically nor emotionally affectionate person. We know him to be extremely reserved with a high sense of professionalism and this carries into his romantic life as well. Even deep into his obsessions with you he isn’t as romantically intense as someone like Paulie would be towards their darling; especially not in public.
(In private he does cuddle and do the whole shabang but it isn’t overwhelming)
Yes I know he is a proclaimed lady killer but I personally like to think it only applies to women he’s trying to sleep with. The whole shtick is a fake persona. It's for people he wants to exploit but for you…he’s different because his love is “true”.
Basically still charming but toned down a little and closer to his authentic self.
He does however love giving you gifts and little trinkets that he buys or “borrows”. It’s his way of saying I love you and I’m constantly thinking about you. He also likes to use affectionate terms that are reserved only for you like “sweetheart” “my girl” “doll”
(You can see how he is with Sarah, still charming but there’s a lot of respect there for her and he doesn’t cross a boundary unlike the women he sexualizes)
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
The man is in the mafia..need I say more???
He’s willing to do anything to protect and keep you. We saw his hidden temper by the end of the game. Usually, it would be under control and not much could make him lose himself but when it comes to you he just can’t help it. He’s a ticking time bomb now and he doesn’t like when anyone flirts or even looks in your direction. He’s not afraid to kill someone in cold blood or send a hit out on someone’s head. Abusing his power in the mob is absolutely nothing to him, he’s willing to do anything to make sure all other competition or potential danger is out of the way.
No man in Lost Haven is exempt from being beaten to a bloody pulp for disrespecting either of you, even the new recruits know they cannot fuck around.
Might even start a street war just for you…
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Very stereotypical nuclear family. He wants to marry you, buy a house and have kids.
Maybe get a dog? Nahh he doesn’t like animals…
He’s a traditional man and wants to make the best possible life for you and the kids especially with him being an immigrant coming from nothing.
Regardless if you want this or not, Sam will still carry these plans out. This is the life of every Italian man of his time and he refuses to take anything less.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Sam won’t ever give anyone the satisfaction of admitting it but yes he gets so jealous.
You’re his and how dare someone mess with his prize possession. Extremely territorial over you and It consumes him to the point he does act out regularly on his compulsions. His charismatic gray eyes are almost always plotting something dark and sinister for whosoever crossed him.
By the way, Sam wouldn't ever get physical with you but if you ever got caught giving attention to another, it will end in a pretty nasty argument and him keeping you locked up for days on end.
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nomorerww · 8 months
TRAs ignoring women's rights to single sex spaces
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Look @ them pretending that the law is being unfair for protecting single-sex spaces…. (natal females don’t want to use men’s bathrooms/facilities hence why we never see that discussed).
“anti-trans” pressure group is a malicious misrepresentation of a small group of women fighting hard to protect women’ interests:
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Sex matters: WPUK response to GRA announcement
They keep acting like (some) uninitiated people deferring to their demands because they don’t know any better and/or their significantly larger propensity towards affective empathy is exploited  + they’re under social pressure to defer as is the case for women means that TRAs’ demands are justified. Lol, no. 
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More references on self-id and why it’s not a good thing at fucking all:
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Maya Forstater on single sex services
Gender Self-Declaration and Women’s Rights: How Self Identification Undermines Women’s Rights and Will Lead to an Increase in Harms: A Reply to Alex Sharpe, ‘Will Gender Self-Declaration Undermine Women’s Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms?’
Legally this is not a “trans rights issue” it’s a “sex rights issue”. A blog about boxes
The discussion on reform of the GRA isn’t about protection from discrimination – it’s about who comes within the classes of ‘men’ and ‘women in the Equality Act 2010.
Flushing Women’s Toilets down the Pan – a Backwards Step
Unisex Restrooms Discriminate Against Women (And You’re A Ranting Bigot If You Notice)
Some girls are missing school because they don’t like the growing trend of mixed sex toilets.
They are staying at home when they have periods because of “period shaming” from some boys. Other girls are going all day without drinking water so they don’t have to use the facilities and some don’t use them because they fear sexual harassment. Some Muslim girls also dislike having to adjust their hijabs infront of boys. The findings from a consultation started by women’s group Lleisiau Merched Cymru/Women’s Voices Wales comes as growing numbers of schools are opening mixed sex toilets which they claim reduces bullying and are more inclusive. Single sex toilets are still available in schools with mixed facilities but are often further away from main areas of the building, said Lleisiau Merched Cymru/Women’s Voices Wales
Transgender Activists Perpetuate Rape Culture
The message is that we’re silly, confused little girls who need our reality explained to us. That their feelings are more important than ours. That we must empathize with their struggle but quit bitching about our own. That we are wrong — in fact, bigots — for fearing rape. If we proceed with caution, we’re misandrists — whoops, I mean transphobes. If we complain, we’re being hysterical. When they tell us “Don’t worry about it,” they don’t see how brushing women’s fears off as mere “trans bathroom panic” is no different than Return of Kings mocking feminists for having Rape Tourette’s.
[...]Lack of access to toilets effectively tied women to their homes, putting them on a leash as long as their bladder capacity. (…) This was part of a broader Victorian pattern of dividing the city into a male-oriented ‘public’ sphere and a female-oriented ‘private’ one. Victorian society saw the ideal woman as being ‘the angel of the house’, naturally focused on being a good wife, mother, sister and daughter. (source: link)
Anger as rape crisis centres recruit ‘self-identifying’ women to provide counselling and advice for victims of sex abuse
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dialogue prompts
for those who don't know, my life is bonkers and I cope by making prompt lists out of the more bizarre things I say/people say to me/I hear by being in proximity of equally weird people. send a number with a character/ship/dynamic of your choosing and I'll do what I can
“So I may have accidentally recruited your ex to help me move.” “I’m so sorry, was he awful?”
“How’s living next to a construction site?” “I prefer the sound of people playing pool.” “That bad, huh?”
“You’re the main character!” “Stop saying I’m the main character, I have been the snarky, comic relief my whole life and I’m not stopping now.”
“I can’t quit my job, I can’t quit my job-” “What happened?” “Some guy wanted to talk to me about his prostate.” “Don’t you work at a library?”
“So because I’m me, I made a spreadsheet about it.” “You’re incredible.”
“You signed me up for a job interview?” “Yeah.”
“You’re not going to believe what he said.” “I find that hard to believe, try me.”
“I accidentally gave you so many traits.” “Hey, I had autism first.”
“I let you kiss me one time-” “It has been more than one time.”
“Were you here for the male model thing?” “No?”
“Have fun!” “Kill me.” “Or just don’t kill anyone I guess.”
“If you call Latin a dead language one more time I’m going to throw myself across this desk at you.”
“I’m going to ask you a question and you’re going to feel attacked.” “Fine.” “Why does it have to be that way?”
“I just took a quiz for fun and accidentally did geometry by hand.” “Nerd.”
“I’d wear shorts.” “It’s snowing.”
“You have a very expressive face.” “I don’t like that you noticed that.”
“When do you leave?” “In like an hour, why?” “Can you build things?” “Yes, but I repeat, why?”
“So here I am, sitting and talking about amputations-” “I have absolutely no idea where this is going, but I love it.”
“Did the raccoon get into the attic again?”
“It’s 8:30 in the morning on a Saturday, something better actually be on fire.” 
“Is a potato a vegetable?” 
“Everything you do is calculated.” “You make me sound like a robot.”
“I’m so sorry, I’m going to be late.” “Everything okay?” “Yeah, no, I’m fine, I just may have broken my foot and I need to go to urgent care.” “That is… the opposite of fine.”
“Don’t question why I know how to pop the screen out of a window.” “Our fucking door won’t open, as long as we can get outside, I don’t care.”
“So Thursday was a bad day for you then?”
“You used to be buff.” “I thought you were going to say something entirely different, but I guess we’re going this way then.”
“How are you not freaking out right now?” “I’ve been living with this for months now dude, this is just entertainment for me.”
“I was elected most responsible at summer camp when I was five.” “Some things never change.”
“I had a chemistry teacher in high school who could write with both hands at the same time. She needed an exorcism.”
“The age of the child you hit with your car determines the number of points you get.”
“How’d the meeting go?” “I think I came out as gay to the entire board.” “What the fuck.”
“This is probably the only dick pic I’ll ever get and that’s okay.”
“Oh my god, I out-autismed the whole group chat.”
“No more kisses until you stop apologizing for being human.” “That’s not fair, you know that’ll work on me.”
“I can feel my bones.” “That’s not ideal”
“You dumb bitch.” “It worked, didn’t it?”
“Good news, you've just unlocked my niche special interest that I can and will talk for at least ten minutes straight about. Are you ready to learn?”
“You know what I’m talking about, you do not have the moral high ground.”
“I’m going to be so real with you, I literally hate this. Like this sucks.”
“I don’t think you understand that this is the greatest news I’ve ever been given. Like genuinely, this is the happiest I’ve been in weeks.”
“Good to know you would have died very early in the Middle Ages.”
“Is that a mosquito bite? Dude, it’s March.”
“You know you’re going to have a good day when the maintenance guy says ‘well that’s different’.”
“Yeah, I don’t know, the last time I cried I think it was December.” “It’s April?” “Hey, the time before that it was July, so.”
“No wait, turn up the music. Never mind, I thought it was the Law and Order theme.” “Do you think I have the Law and Order theme on a CD in my car?”
“Please don’t assault my boyfriend.” 
“Would you like a new best friend? Because I think I found your new best friend.”
“Guess who had a baby.” “No.” 
“What is the purpose of nipple rings?” “Decoration.” “Like a Christmas tree!”
“I honestly don’t know how to be a person anymore. Please don’t contact me for 3-5 business days while I sort that out.”
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jahiera · 8 months
GIVE ME ALLLL OF THE COMPANION!EMRYS LORE!!! but for the sake of brevity i request 1, 7, 11 for the general questions and the first question in the romance section 😇 (it was so hard to choose only a few questions but i didn't want to make your head explode sob)
tav as companion asks!
thank you so much MWAH, my head is always unfortunately rotating around my babygirl........ <3
Where can your Tav be recruited? Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region? Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
IN MY HEART Emrys could be recruited after the crash of the nautiloid, and the player would find her while she's pulling out pods looking for survivors (and finding none.) You could help her pry open a pod to see if someone's still alive (they're not) or watch her struggle and then get her little tadpole memory.
7. Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game? Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
Her main character arc surrounds her struggle with faith in Tyr, his unending silence + her constant pursuit of proof that he listens. secondarily her ideas on justice, right v wrong, nuance in times of brutality and learning to see the grey between, could all be challenged. in an ideal ending she reconciles faith in her own oath & almost redefining what her oath means to her, her "bad" ending would be her becoming an oathbreaker & she's noooot doing so hot in there--much more aggressive, sad, angry, and desperate.
11. Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner)
HMM.... if you met the false paladins of tyr before meeting Karlach, she'd have a fun interaction with them where she exchanges greetings & seems mildly enthused for about 3 minutes, then it's clear she's put off and once you leave the building she'll say something seems off about them & to be wary of their promises or his offering of his SACRED SWORD??? if you KILL KARLACH??? how dare he. weapons are like extensions of herself, she's very weird about it
(romance) Is your Tav a romanceable character? Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
She would be romanceable yeah, but it would be a slow fucking burn (lots of conversations + hidden feelings + she's very stoic, so the notes of Fondness are disguised for basically all of act 1.) themes ooooof...... freedom through connection, uno reverse card for the protector/protected, bit of a tender atlas in here. restrained like a guard dog is restrained if you will. said bad oathbreaker ending also could be achieved by making her abide by choices truly truly egregious to her by weaponizing her affection + loyalty and that would be FUN.
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fwooofy · 2 years
Can you bless us with some general Sasori HCs?
I'm sorry for how late this answer is, still not used to checking Tumblr - But thank you for the ask!!
Here are some of my Sasori HCs - It got a big longer than I anticipated, but I legit never shut up about Sasori lol
(Slaps the top of Hiruko) this bad boy can fit so much neurodivergence and trauma. Specifically I see him with ASD, he's somewhere on the spectrum, special interest is puppets. Sasori gives off narcissistic traits, he also has a big control issue. Things have to go this way, be done like this. Man also has routines, do not fuck with them. The shit Chiyou did to him as a child left its mark, its way more then just he hates waiting.
Human Sasori has freckles! (this one is self indulgent as a natural red head) Sasori had freckles, and its one detail he left off his puppet body. His puppet body is roughly the same size of his human form, if not a bit bulkier but its to fit tons of weapons and poisons inside himself. No one expects the short king to stab you in a vital point, it works to his advantage. If you look at Sasori and think he will be easy to take on because of his smaller stature, you've already fallen for his trap
Sasori left his village at 15, and we know he's 35 in the Anime. I personally hc him to be late teens, when we see his fight with Konan. And its somewhere in his 20's or so when he turned himself into a puppet. Oh how I wish we knew this process!!! But I like to HC that his human body is sealed away in a scroll somewhere in the back of his storage. It's roughly 17/18 in age, and probably incapacitated. If he transferred himself back into that body, he'd be weak and sick and would have to recover. The reasons he still has his human body is in the event he has to fix his puppet body and can't be in it- Ya never know (good rp material too)
During his rouge years, and when he was still human. Sasori was going on murder tours legit for 'Art Supplies' - Rouge Sasori is very different from the puppet man we know, he's free from his village, doing his art. Slaughtering villages along the way. I hc his mental health was at his lowest, and he /didn't care./ He was definitely on one, thank god Konan found him lol - Apathetic, uncaring, this is where he got his title Akasuna / Of the Red Sands
He gets along with some of the other Akatsuki members. I like to think Sasori and Kakuzu are actually decent friends/comrades. Both are one of the original Akatsuki members, along with Itachi. Both are old, some fashion of immortal, they both keep to themselves but when they cross paths they get along rather well, even if its for a short time. I'd say he also respects Itachi, but both are men a few words. No strong feelings.
Sasori actually does appreciate other forms of art, we see this in the hidden series where he and Deidara find someone who makes a specific kind of pottery, same when he fought Konan he brought up her jutsu being art. Knowing Sasori can look at other art forms, its telling about him and Deidara's fights. His opinions on Deidara's art is /personal/ - I feel like, Sasori was willing to say the sculptures themselves is art, but the second Deidara blows it up and makes that conflict with his personal art philosophies.... Is where the actual strife is. But he doesn't disregard Deidara's skill, just what he does in the end. But after so long of arguing over what /true art is/ it's now just personal beef. "Your art sucks, get a real hobby."
Sasori HATES Orochimaru. I honestly don't think these two were 'close' when Orochimaru was his partner. Honestly I think Sasori thought Orochimaru was off putting, their ideals of how to get immortality differ nor do I think Orochimaru would of cared for Sasori's art. I don't think there was any strong feelings, UNTIL Orochimaru left. Sasori suddenly was like, "FUCK THAT SNAKE FUCKER! He attacked one of our members and then went AWOL?!?!". Sasori was with Pein when Orochimaru was recruited, didn't want him to join in the first place - and I know Sasori just muttering under his breath like "I knew we never should of let him in, no one fucking listens to me. I should of killed him" - And because Oro left, they needed to find a new membber- So that means Sasori was than inconvenienced with having to find a new partner, and oooooooo he hates that snake SO MUCH.
His relationship with the Kazekage is always a fun thing to think about - and normally for me it gets into more ship / trauma related things. BUT without those themes, I think Sasori has strong, hate filled feelings for his country and its leaders. They /used/ him for this war, he was making puppets to kill. Chiyou's bullshit aside from fucking him up, this was something he grew to hate. We don't know how or when he took the Kazekage, we only know that it was hard and he left 0 trace, it's why the puppet is his favorite. With Sandaime taken, the sand spent all their recourses looking for him making them weak and easy to attack. This was part of Sasori's plan, one final fuck you to his village. As well as the bragging rights of legit stealing and now using 'The strongest kazekage known to the Sunagakure history' - I can only imagine his smug face and sense of superiority.
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saltnpepperbunny · 1 year
Till World’s End- 4: Seven Days Remain
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PREVIOUS: Eight Days Remain > NEXT: Six Days Remain >
Till World’s End is rated Mature. Viewer discretion advised. Content Warnings listed on the Cover.
* * *
“… He said what?”
“You don’t want to be the one who stands in his way,” Shadow reiterated. Selkie ground her teeth together, smoke practically puffing from her nose. Of course Lyn the human had approached her and she missed it! How irritating! She would’ve liked to scratch his nose off when he insulted her to her face!
But she tossed her irritation aside with a short exhale. It was illogical to be irritated about trivial insults in the midst of open warfare. She’d make a misstep if she let her anger run rampant. “We know for sure, then. Lyn is here to save the world.” A grin tugged at the corner of her lip. “We truly do have an enemy.”
“Yeah! It’s not good!” Shadow yiped. “You said you were working on a solution. Did you think of anything?”
Selkie sweat. “Of course I’ve thought of something! Just what do you take me for?” She whipped her head to the side.  “But if you have any ideas as well, I’ll hear them out.”
Shadow’s ears drooped. “You’ve got nothing, huh?” The question came out more as a dejected statement.
“We’re doomed!” Shadow started pacing about the room like a caged animal in a veterinarian’s office. “If you can’t think of anything, what can I even do? Selkie, are we gonna have to k-k-kill him?!”
“Ideally not! Calm down!” Selkie hissed. She watched Shadow’s stormy eyes swirl. “I would rather avoid killing him. It certainly would make things easier, but breaking the pokemon’s laws could jeopardize us. I’m not willing to endanger you.”
Shadow sighed with relief. His eyes dripped honey, no doubt from her last comment. “But then what can we do?”
Selkie tapped her chin with her claw. She’d been considering Lyn’s arrival since the morning briefing two days ago but was uncertain how to approach the problem. What if she misstepped and did something too risky? She didn’t want to make a move that would put Shadow in danger, for she knew how humans treated weak pokemon. And after yesterday’s events, she was hesitant to act recklessly. She felt powerful enough that any move she made would likely work out, but if she fucked up, she’d upset Shadow again. Was it too risky to confront Lyn directly? What about spying on him? Neither felt like an issue, but what if it went wrong? Shadow had really put her in a bind here!
“There’s one thing other thing.” Shadow’s voice cut through her train of thought. “I think Lyn sensed you were a human, too. But after we met, he thinks otherwise.”
Selkie’s eyes widened. “So, he thinks I’m a pokemon… Excellent.”
Shadow’s brows shot up. “Excellent?”
“Excellent! We have the upper hand!” Selkie’s tail swished back and forth. “Lyn was warned of me, but now he doesn’t think I’m a human. He’s wary but has no real reason to suspect we might stand against him. We can gather information and form a proper plan.”
Shadow grinned wide. “From the shadows!”
“From the shadows,” Selkie echoed. How adorable her partner was. She shuffled towards the bedroom door. “Everything will be fine. But this is all contingent on ensuring Lyn’s ignorance. Whatever we do, Lyn must not find out that I am a human.”
Knock knock knock!
Selkie’s eye twitched. Who dared disturb her team’s peace? She swung the dorm door open to see—
Lyn the human stood in her doorway. A familiar yungoos recruit and Margarine the cutiefly were at his sides. Lyn’s eyes darted between Selkie and the zorua, and after the briefest of pauses, he shot her a wide, sharp-toothed grin. “Good morning, Team Tempest! The Guildmaster has assigned you to accompany my new team on a mission today!”
“…. Okay.” Selkie couldn’t decide whether to snap Lyn’s neck or her own.
* * *
“So, this is a mystery dungeon, huh?” Lyn stepped forward. His half-lidded yellow eyes widened just slightly in wonder; his mouth fell into an o-shape. “It looks just like an ordinary cave!”
“Ordinary caves don’t have stairs,” Selkie muttered. She pushed past Lyn to the front of the group. “Now, stick with me if you don’t want to die.”
This was great. Just fucking great. Leave it to the Guildmaster to ruin fucking everything! It had assigned Team Tempest and the newly formed Team Apex to fetch a lost item in Silver Inlet. Why Selkie’s assistance was even necessary on this mission was lost on her. Apparently, the Guildmaster wanted an experienced team to accompany Lyn on his first outing and provide extra support so Team Apex—consisting of Lyn, Margarine, and Thistletooth the yungoos—could figure out how to work together. But why hers of all teams? This wasn’t even an outlaw capture job! She couldn’t wait to gouge out that kommo-o’s throat, feel the blood run through the fur of her flippers and take its fangs as her prize. Fuck that stupid dragon.
Shadow came close to her and nosed her gently. Selkie took a deep, shaky breath. With a last glance at the members of Team Apex, she turned towards the dungeon’s entrance. “Let’s just find that joy ribbon and get out of here.” She shuffled forward, Shadow fell into step at her side, and Team Apex plodded after her. Together, they entered the dungeon.
Silver Inlet was one of the nearest local mystery dungeons. Due to the low numbers of ferals, rookie teams often took missions here to get their feet wet before graduating to bigger challenges. Selkie had never spent much time here as a new recruit; the more challenging dungeons had always been more alluring. However, she did appreciate the atmosphere of Silver Inlet. It was a spacious, silver cave littered with stalactites and connecting pools of water.
“It’s so… wet here,” Lyn muttered. Selkie glanced over her shoulder to see the litten’s fur stood up on his back. His eye twitched every time he stepped in a puddle.
“Bad choice in first dungeon for a fire-type,” Selkie muttered at him.
Lyn squinted. “I didn’t—… I didn’t pick the mission, the Guildmaster did. I wouldn’t have picked somewhere damp and cold.” He shot her a cheeky smile. “But I suppose these conditions are ideal for a popplio.”
“Oh, yeah. If I wasn’t babysitting, I could navigate this dungeon with far more ease.” Selkie gestured to a nearby pool of water with her flipper. “The pools here are all connected through tunnels under the ground. Swimming between them is the easiest way to navigate. Unfortunately for us, the Guildmaster shackled us with a fire-type. A feline one, at that.”
Lyn rolled his eyes. “Very funny.”
“It wasn’t a joke.”
“Hey! Come on!” Margarine flitted in between them. Selkie hated that incessant buzzing of its wings. She wished she could swat it out of the air. “We all gotta work together on this, okay? Let’s not fight. It’s my first time ever on a team mission, I wanna do this right.”
“Sorry, Margarine,” Lyn said.
“Yeah,” piped up Thistletooth. The yungoos has been lingering at the edge of the group, but it now paced forward. “Sorry the Guildmaster ruined our chances before we even got out the gate.” It narrowed its eyes at Selkie and Shadow. “Why did he have to give us the psychos?”
“Hey—” Shadow growled.
Selkie bared her teeth. “Oh, petty insults, how clever! You speak so boldly for a recruit who’s been with the Guild several weeks now, yet still needs to be babysat even in the mildest dungeons! I would personally be embarrassed to spit in the face of the pokemon assigned to keep you alive, since you apparently can’t be trusted to do that yourself!” She leaned down and thrust her pink nose into Thistletooth’s snarling face. “Next time, consider biting your tongue, you insolent little whelp.”
Thistletooth snarled at her but otherwise said nothing, and Selkie lifted her head back up. “Besides, listen to your teammate. We’re not here to bicker.” She shuffled forward, and Shadow padded after her. “I don’t want to be here anymore than you do. Let’s just get that lost item and go.”
After a moment of silence, she heard the plodding pawsteps of Team Apex quietly following her lead. Fucking finally.
They traversed the dungeon in blissful silence after that. As the fire of Selkie’s anger dwindled, boredom nibbled at the creases of her brain. Curses. Curse the Guildmaster, curse Lyn’s inept rescue team! She didn’t like coming here! Silver Inlet was boring! There were hardly any ferals nor items to find, never a monster house to crowd surf in! Just walking through damp, sparkling caves. Selkie ground her teeth together. Damn this boredom. She walked amidst an enemy who most definitely knew what she was at this point and still managed to find it dull.
Selkie glanced over her shoulder at Lyn. He was in a quiet conversation with Margarine, the two muttering together under their breath. Margarine caught her eye and gave a smile. Selkie stared back. The cutiefly dropped its gaze and went back to whispering with Lyn. Hm.
Selkie’s social connections amongst the Guild were sporadic and strenuous at best. Most recruits regarded her as the village psychopath, the creature to whisper behind the back of, the monster to poke and prod but never outright provoke. Few pokemon had the will to approach her, and most who did just challenged her to fights. Margarine was the sole exception: Its values guided it to seek out resident freaks to offer kindness to, and since Shadow was too terrified to talk to it, Margarine targeted all its efforts at Selkie. They spoke occasionally about their troubles, and what started as impulsive fibs on Selkie’s part had warped into an elaborate web of lies surrounding her dysfunctional popplio family, monetary troubles, and poor, ailing grandmother. She was rarely one to trick others in that way—she lied often, but keeping track of elaborate stories was more work than she was often willing to put in—but Margarine practically begged to be manipulated. Its trust was unyielding, its graciousness knew no bounds, and its pockets overflowed with coin. Selkie couldn’t fathom how a cutiefly family got rich, but economic disparity was just as stupid in her own world, she supposed. Wringing out the stupid little rich kid for its coin was an admittedly phenomenal pastime, and it gave her extra cash to spend on Shadow. (She knew he loved it.)
But now, Lyn and Margarine were together. How that happened was beyond Selkie; perhaps Margarine’s attempts to buy friendship from its fellow recruits finally paid off? Undoubtedly, the two would discuss Selkie at some point. All pokemon gossiped, humans especially so. What would occur when Margarine told Lyn of Selkie the human’s impoverished popplio family and ailing popplio grandmother? Would he tell it the truth? Let it live the lie? Could this exchange of information jeopardize Selkie’s mission at all?
She supposed it remained to be seen. Oh well. Hopefully, the end result would at least be interesting.
The group made their way through the dungeon, descending stone staircase after staircase. About three floors down, they walked in silence, Team Tempest at the head and Team Apex behind, when the fur of Selkie’s neck suddenly stood up.
She stopped in her tracks, eyes darted about the cave. “Selkie? What’s wrong?” Shadow asked her, but she did not respond right away. The shadows concealed the various tunnels around them like black curtains, but she could still hear it: the scratching and scuttling of approaching ferals.
“Ferals are coming. Prepare for battle,” said Selkie.
“B-b-b-battle?” Margarine spluttered.
“Aw yeah! Time to show our stuff!” Thistletooth yapped.
“Don’t get cocky,” Selkie growled at it. The last thing she needed was one of the Idiots Three charging into battle headfirst and getting wounded. That would be the epitome of inconvenience, if her escort mission suddenly became a real rescue. By the sound of it, a lot of ferals were approaching. Enlisting the help of Team Apex would be the easiest option, wouldn’t it? But how could she do that without this battle spiraling into a chaotic mess?
Out from the darkness burst a hoard of krabby. Selkie counted five, ten, no, fifteen? She stopped counting after twenty. The members of Team Apex backed away from the approaching hoard, hackles raised. Only Shadow stood his ground, but he lowered himself into a battle stance, teeth bared, and Selkie saw the nervousness in his eyes. How could she protect him without risking herself too heavily? How?
Suddenly, something awakened in her.
Selkie leaped up onto a tall, nearby boulder and slapped her tail to make an echoing THUD! Team Apex flinched and looked up at her, and her bark bounced through the cave. “If you want to survive, listen to me now!” She combed her brain, rifling through memories left dusty from years of neglect, and the corpse of a girl who had once prized pokemon opened her eyes.
“Cutiefly, use silver wind and knock them back!”
“O-o-okay!” As Selkie thanked herself for having looked at Team Apex’s movesets ahead of time, Margarine flapped her buzzing wings and unleashed a whipping wind that knocked back the oncoming krabby. The ferals grunted and braced against the attack, and Selkie whipped her head to Thistletooth. “Yungoos, use sand attack on as many of them as you can!”
Thistletooth snarled at her. “Don’t tell me what to—”
Thistletooth flinched from her shriek and, with an irritated snarl, got to work. A fair amount of sand was fortunately available in the wet cave. The yungoos dashed past the hoard and kicked up a storm cloud that flew into their eyes and mouths. The krabby spluttered and hissed, and Selkie saw them open their mouths in preparation for bubblebeam.
“They’re going to attack! DODGE!”
The bubbles launched. Thistletooth, Margarine, and Shadow were quick to duck out of the way. Shadow charged forward, vanishing in a flickering shadow for a moment before he reappeared and bashed some krabby into the wall with a sweep of his paw. Margarine launched another silver wind to knock back the oncoming bubbles. Selkie barked at Thistletooth, “Focus on using bide to deal as much damage as possible! Let the bubblebeams hit you. Only use pursuit if you see one trying to flee!”
“Don’t need your advice, Psycho!” Thistletooth barked at her but followed orders regardless.
Selkie realized she’d lost track of Lyn, and her eyes darted around in search of the human. But before she could find him, Shadow’s bark suddenly rang out. “Selkie, be careful!”
She looked down to see a group of krabby scrambling up the boulder towards her. She snarled and readied disarming voice in her throat. Coming for the trainer, eh? She would show these idiot ferals what-for! A krabby launched a bubblebeam, but before Selkie’s own attack could leave her throat…
Something big and heavy slammed into her side. Selkie went tumbling down from the rock. The disarming voice left her throat in a yelp, and beneath her, the rocky walls of the mystery dungeon glowed blue and split open. “SELKIE!” Shadow screamed out, but he was too late to do anything. Selkie—and whatever had attacked her—rolled through the opened slice in the stone. She caught a glimpse of Shadow’s terrified face, hordes of krabby behind him, as the opening in the dungeon sealed once again. She hit the rocky floor with a thud.
There was no way back.
“DAMMIT! STUPID MYSTERY DUNGEONS!” Selkie jumped back onto her belly and slapped at where the opening had been with her tail. “OPEN UP! ARCEUS DAMN YOU!”
Selkie’s ears pricked. She whipped around to see Lyn on the ground, rubbing his head with a red paw. No other pokemon was in sight. Frustration bubbled in Selkie like a boiling pot. She gnashed her teeth and barked at him, “You fucking idiot! Did you try to protect me back there?! What was the point of that?!”
Lyn hissed and looked back over his shoulder at her, yellow eyes crossed in irritation. “I was trying to protect you from those krabby, obviously.”        
“Well, now we’ve fallen through a hole in the dungeon! We’re likely on another floor, and your team has no protection besides my partner. Good job!”
Lyn curled his upper lip to show his teeth. “My teammates can protect themselves just fine.”
“Then what am I here for?!”
“I didn’t ask you to come! The Guildmaster did! I would’ve been fine coming here on my own!” Lyn suddenly barked at her. Selkie’s brows shot up. So, he could raise his voice!
“Clearly not, if you can’t even organize your own team for battle! I had to step in!” Selkie shouted. “And now we’re uselessly stranded on the other side of the dungeon, and my partner is alone with your troupe of circus clowns! If Shadow gets hurt, you’re dead, you hear me?! You’re dead!”
Lyn’s tail thrashed side to side. He glowered at her, yellow eyes flashing with irritation. “Like you give two shits about that zorua.”
“He’s my teammate,” Selkie growled.
“Your teammate is gonna be dead in seven days and you damn well know it!”
A fog of silence settled between them. Lyn’s sides heaved. He gritted his teeth. Even in the dark, gray cave, his lamplike yellow eyes shone bright as gold. There was life in there, a fire that bore deep into the murky depths of Selkie’s still water eyes. Finally, Lyn brushed the dust off his chest with a paw and gave Selkie a look that oozed disappointment.
“The Guildmaster didn’t ask you to bring my team out here, did it?” Selkie muttered.
“What do you want from me, Lyn?”
“I want to understand.” Lyn paced towards her, his head lowered like a predator. “You’re like me. And I know you’re like me because I was warned of you. The one who brought me here said that another would stand in my way. But I don’t understand… Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why won’t you save the world?!” Lyn cried. “I’ve been here for three days. You’ve been here for years. And all you’ve done is dawdle around a rescue guild on some tropical island, adopt a pet zorua, and pull teeth off random outlaws! Do you not get it? In seven days, you’re dead, too!”
“I am completely aware of that fact, yes.”
Lyn looked at her like she’d just spluttered gibberish from her mouth. His brows crossed, his expression a mixture of offense and sheer confusion. “Wh… What? What?! Selkie, in seven days, this entire world will cease to be! The pokemon here, your zorua, yourself! Do you not understand?!”
“Do you think I’m dumb? I know what will come to pass! I perfectly understand my choice.” The skin of Selkie’s muzzle furrowed as she curled her lips. This was getting real annoying real fast. Oh, humans and their insistence on treating her like an idiot.
Lyn scoffed. “You’re suicidal. You’re meant to be the hero of this dying world, and you’re too suicidal to do anything about it.”
“I’m no hero,” Selkie growled.
“Well, luckily for you, I am.” Lyn slinked closer and began to circle her. He lifted his chin high and tall, a glass cup on the edge of the countertop begging to be swatted down. “Unlike you, I understand my place in this world. Before I came here, I was nothing. Just another human. But now, I’m a pokemon. I’m better than a pokemon. I’m the hero who’s gonna save this world.” The smirk he shot her made Selkie want to claw his face off. “Whether you like it or not, Edgelord.”
Selkie’s eye twitched so hard she thought it would bulge out of its socket. “I’m the edgelord? Me? I’m not the one who seems to think he’s the protagonist of a goddamn isekai.”
Lyn quirked a brow. “Oh, you know anime genres? Takes one to know one.”
Selkie rolled her eyes. “For a grand hero, you sure do come off more as a self-important schoolyard brat! Do you think anyone will thank you for saving the world?”
“They will.”
“They won’t! You’ve assigned yourself to a thankless job, and no good will come of it!” Selkie’s bark bounced about the cave. “You think you’re better than me because you want to save a bunch of worthless animals from themselves? Don’t make me laugh! All you’re doing is as you’re told!” Though her chest was empty, cold, and still, a chuckle bubbled from her lips. The giggles dropped and pinged against the floor like falling coins. “Haha! Hahahaha! You are so human, aren’t you, Lyn? You follow instructions like a trained rockruff. You sit and roll over and save the world as you’re told, all to save a bunch of pokemon you don’t give two shits about, and for what? To bolster your ego? At least mine is not so fragile!”
Lyn’s pupils turned to slits. He scraped at the ground with his claws. Agonizing noise. “You think I’m doing this cause I was told to? I accepted the mission cause these pokemon don’t deserve to die!”
“Hahahahahaha! Oh, but they do! Of course they do! There is a single pokemon in this world who doesn’t deserve to die, and he has CHOSEN death!” Selkie laughed. Her heart suddenly panged. What emotion was that weird heavy sensation meant to be? “Ahahaha! Everywhere I go is the same. Our world is rotten to its core, life there is torment, and the weak are eaten alive. This one is the same! If our world isn’t worth saving, this one isn’t either! Ahahahahahahaha!” She laughed and laughed. She thought of her zorua in the belly of that dark, monochrome cave. What was this pressure behind her eyes? “Isn’t it hilarious? Isn’t it tragic? How a world of innocent creatures can still mutate like this? Break like this? There is no difference between humans and them!” She stopped laughing. She looked Lyn dead in the eye. The pressure faded. Her body ran cold. “That is why they deserve to die.”
Lyn stumbled back. “Y-you’re a freak.”
Selkie wondered for a moment how to respond to that. Then, she shot him a bright grin. “Yours truly!”
Lyn’s eyes darted this way and that, a rattata in search of a bolt hole. Selkie shuffled towards him, and he hurriedly slunk back and jumped when his tail bumped against the cave wall. Selkie truly felt like the goddess of this world as she shuffled so close they were nose to nose, stretched a flipper out to lean against the wall and box the litten in. The fur of Lyn’s neck stood on end. Eyes wide as Selkie leaned down.
“Let me put it this way, Lyn. In one week, I am going to give Shadow his happy ending. I am going to have my happy ending. No creature in this world nor the one we came from has the power to save us. If you should choose to stand against us? Let’s just say…” Selkie raked her claws down the cave wall, and sparks of delight popped in her chest as Lyn shrank beneath her. “You do not want to be that person.”
They stared each other down in silence for what felt like eternity, Selkie’s eyes steadily narrowing as Lyn’s grew wider. She breathed in his fear, his weakness like curling smoke, let it wash through her lungs. In that moment, she was the most powerful being in this world. And then suddenly, Lyn’s golden eyes narrowed into a deep, dark glare.
She knew that voice. Selkie’s head shot up to see Shadow dashing towards her from down the tunnel. Behind him came Thistletooth and Margarine, and when the yungoos saw Selkie pinning Lyn against the wall, it sucked in a gasp. “Get away from Lyn, you psycho!”      
Selkie pushed away from the wall, giving Lyn room to stand back up as the humans’ teammates rushed up to him. Thistletooth and Margarine surrounded Lyn in a fretful swarm, checking their leader for signs of misuse, as Shadow stepped up to Selkie’s side.
“I’m so glad I found you, Selkie,” Shadow sighed with relief. “Are you okay? Did you finish the mission?”
“No. The mission’s off. We’re leaving.” Selkie ripped her rescue badge out of Shadow’s treasure bag.
Margarine suddenly spluttered. “W-w-what? We’re leaving? But the mission isn’t over, we haven’t found the lost item! I-I-I—”
Selkie growled at the cutiefly. “You’re on your own. Your leader lied through his teeth. The Guildmaster never assigned my team to accompany you. You’ve lost your babysitters.” She lifted her rescue badge above Shadow’s head, and he vanished in a swirl of blue light.
As Selkie readied herself for the teleport, something light tugged on her collar. She glanced over her shoulder to see Margarine staring up at her, eyes wide, wet, and watery. “I-I-I’m scared to be alone here, in this dungeon. Don’t you care?”
Selkie blinked at Margarine. Her still water eyes were still, her heart empty for the thing that deserved to die. “No,” said Selkie.
She left in a flash of the dungeon’s blue light.
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
Hi, where can I see a thesis of the drama that’s happening between the chantry and wardens? purely for educational purposes. I’m here to see if someone agrees with my thought of Duncan recruits people that the chantry would find ✨problematic✨.
well. LMAO there's my post which i think you've seen already but if you're specifically asking for a thesis -- as in, a statement or a theory -- rather than a long essay or dissertation?
i think duncan definitely recruits people who have an inclination to be more critical of the chantry/typical andrastian beliefs, if not outright dismissive or rejecting them. which is interesting as an approach, and i think it links a lot to the kind of ideals that the wardens try to embody versus the ideals and morals that the chantry expouses. remember that one guy on reddit who refused to recruit anyone in awakening because they were all evil criminals? yeah. the wardens can't afford to be so black and white in their morality, especially because for the last however many hundred years, most people don't believe the darkspawn even exist anymore -- recruitment pickings are slimmer than ever. i do think he's specifically looking for people with the specific kind of looser morals & utilitarian thinking, because that's what the wardens need.
but the conflict between the chantry and the wardens, in my opinion, extends outside of just the (relatively current) ferelden wardens. it's how orlesian nobility who are threatening to others for whatever reason get thrown to the wardens -- stroud, for reference. it's how you recruit loghain and the man is a national hero who still has vocal supporters from the survivors of ostagar long after the events of dao, and you recruit him for his ability to grow an army, for his reputation to better the wardens, and then for some mysterious reason -- "the first warden being concerned about loghain getting involved in local politics" is a bullshit excuse when it happens in the "first warden is so excited about the grey wardens getting their own arling in ferelden" dlc -- he's packed off to orlais where he does nothing of note for the next ten years for the wardens. it's the "first warden is so excited about the grey wardens getting their own arling". it's how the mages break off from the circle and the wardens open their doors to the mages, and there's nothing the templars or the chantry can do about it. it's how blood magic is effective against darkspawn, and how duncan encourages its' use against darkspawn, only for the chantry's defacto army to march on the wardens en masse for blood magic.
it's how the chantry sent templars after mage wardens who have been legally conscripted. it's how the chantry is willing to forcibly recruit the fucking commander of the ferelden grey wardens as the inquisitor to rebuild their army. it's how the wardens refused to aid the chantry in the exalted marches; it's how orlais refused aid during the fourth blight and all the griffons died.
this got a little long anyway, but i'm compiling the list of evidence, slowly, as i run into them; it's not a rush for me atm. but, to me, the conflict between the two is so much bigger than the ferelden wardens and i really, really wish that had been properly concluded.
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Fame, Riches, and Music
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Name: Nalanthar Arabana (He/Him/They/Them)
Race: Drow Half-Elf
Class: Bard (College of Valour)
Background: Entertainer
Inspiration & Story: Unlike the previous two, I never got to play in a pen & paper or virtual tabletop game with this one. He was originally my Pathfinder: Kingmaker character for that CRPG. During EA (Early Access), I gave the Bard a try and fell in love with the class. Thus, I decided to bring this guy into the mix. The summary of his whole deal is that Nalanthar originates from the Underdark and had a harsh upbringing. He would eventually leave his dark homeland, seeking the pleasures and adventures of the surface world. Upon reaching the surface of Faerun, he fell in love with the various cultures, people, and dangers that it brought. So he dedicated himself to recording such stories and spreading them around for anyone to hear.
Nalanthar was visiting Baldur's Gate simply to enjoy the view and record new stories. So suddenly getting snatched up by a Mindflayer ship and having a tadpole forced into his head was less than ideal. He did save Shadowheart, but when it came to revisiting her, I've decided I wanted to see how far I could get without recruiting her into my camp/party. Story wise, I would explain this as Nalanthar having not crossed paths with Shadowheart yet. (I was able to evade her at the Druids Grove lol).
Right now, he has recruited Astarion, Wyll, and Lae'zel into his fold. Gale would've been a part of this too...But I failed the saves lol (I haver Karmic Dice off, so....). Seeing how Lae'zel has a one-to-one solution to their tadpoles, Nalanthar is on board with finding the Gith Creche. However, he has grown interested in the tension and drama involving the Tieflings, the Druids, and the Goblins and their whole Absolute thing.
This isn't out of a desire to do good by the Tieflings or anything, but he wants a good story. In a almost fucked up kind of way, he only chooses to help the Tieflings in hopes of spreading the story of helpless refugees being liberated from a "low-stakes" threat. And considering that he has Wyll, the Blade of Frontiers, on his side, he hopes to write his next piece about him doing such deeds.
In terms of the Absolute, Nalanthar was able to speak with the captured Goblin, Sazza and gleamed some information about this strange little cult. He even got a chance to meet Volothamp Geddarm as they both indulged each other on their fantastical stories about the Goblins.
Companion Relationships:
Astarion: Once again, doesn't know he's a Vampire, but he see's Astarion as a good lad. Nalanthar doesn't have a huge opinion on him just yet, seeing Astarion as a useful blade for hire.
Shadowheart: Once again, I'm purposefully avoiding her, just to see how far I can get without recruiting her lol. As of late, Nalanthar does think of her from time to time, wondering where she went or if she's dead.
Lae'zel: Welp, they fucked lmao. I also hit all the good marks with Lae'zel on this character, however, Nalanthar was a tad bit more willing to clap Githyanki cheeks this time around. Nalanthar isn't looking to make this a serious relationship, only really indulging her because he thought it would be a good story to sing about how he banged a Gith. Speaking of which, Nalanthar's run is probably gonna be "which of you fuckers can I get in my pants and which of you fuckers are willing to share this Drow ass." But aside from the Gith fucking, Nalanthar, seeing how Lae'zel has given him a straight answer on what to do with the tadpole, is willing to trust Lae'zel on this Gith Crech journey. Because of her exotic nature, Nalanthar has been curious of her people and their customs.
Gale: Yeah, so, originally Gale was suppose to be the main guy my Bard would romance...That didn't work out lmao. I failed all the checks that would help Gale out of the portal, so now he's currently MIA. Hopefully, this didn't lock Gale out of me getting that Wizard booty XD
Wyll: Oh they were meant to be! Wyll was the back-up romance option for when I couldn't get Gale. Nalanthar loves to see a famed hero in action, perhaps the first famed hero he's been in physical contact and speaking terms with. Nalanthar hopes to write grand stories of Wyll and his adventures, starting with starring Wyll as the "Blade who Skewered the Goblin Menace!"
Karlach: Haven't met her yet, only has Wyll's word on the matter. However, Nalanthar is eager to meet this famed Devil who has been putting names on gravestones.
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angelcasendgame · 2 years
omg renu finally someone else who appreciates dean and amara!!! i need to stop being so shocked that you and i share the same opinions so much alskflfl;f but literally i feel like fandom always writes them off as a "weird noncon thing with no chemistry" but like.... regardless of how it started i just think they ended up truly caring about each other in the end!!! and i actually do think it's interesting how they could never really hurt each other and the nature of their bond and what it truly meant. because it's not something as simple as "amara forced a connection onto him" when even in season 15 she thought it was something chuck did to them!! anyway sorry for rambling but i just love them <3
Hello Moogs beloved!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜
I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING!! We are literally one I love that for us 💜💜 yes exactly to what you said!! Like she's this ancient being from before creation whose brother locked her away for the universe to be born!!!! It's more complicated than that which makes it all the harder to figure out!! GOD THE S15 THING AHH. Okay ideally I wish Dean and Amara after the Mary talk would be on better terms and instead of destroying her, they'd recruit her but thats spn for you. Also you have unleashed a beast bc I have so many emotions about Dean and Amara and I'm gonna subject you to them under the cut because you just Get Me <3333
Okay so idk if you're aware of the story, the ones who walk away from omelas but the general premise is this beautiful perfect town, Omelas where people are happy. But then it turns out there's this one single child locked away under the town and as long as they're miserable, the town continues to be okay (and most people, once they find out, can't handle the guilt and walk away, hence the title but that's besides the point)
I can't help but think of both Amara and Dean in this way. Like Amara was literally locked away for creation to exist, all of this, the entire world is here because she was imprisoned and miserable. And Dean was locked to his family to keep all these strangers and his dad and his brother happy. And obviously Sam was abused by John too, this is not Sam crit at all, but from Dean pov, he always felt obligated to stay imprisoned to this life out of wanting to make John happy and Sam happy and these strangers that he saves happy. So we have two beings locked away in their own way for the happiness of others. But the difference here is that their respective "towns" weren't happy. Dean was never enough for John and always made him feel inadequate. Sam literally ran away even though Dean had the opportunity to dip with Sonny but chose to come back for Sam (not Sam crit, I 100% support his decision to gtfo) but he feels that betrayal. Even though Dean keeps killing monsters, there's always more, by season TWO the life was too much for him. Like all this happiness he sacrificed and for what?? The people he loves always leave and he keeps failing the people he can't save. And Amara was literally imprisoned for all of creation, she finally gets to see the world and all she sees is the bad. This is what she was locked up for?? All this misery and hatred? I would also destroy the world the FUCK
This isn't saying that the child in the book doesn't deserve to tear the world up, but I'm just looking at their dynamic
But Dean without John around is learning to have a better place in the world. He's farrrr from perfect (see: the entirety of the show) but like Cas said, Dean has so much love for the world and people. And this is what Amara learns from him too by the end--the thing that stopped her from destroying the world was the literal power of love despite the horribleness that exists in the world
And I think this is the connection she was looking for. Dean and Amara were linked from the moc but I think she latched onto him bc she saw herself in Dean. And all the consumption of souls was yes for power but part of me thinks she was looking for something to fill the void (uh darkness pun not intended). And then yeah, she understood after speaking to the woman feeding the birds and understood what she was missing from Dean which was love for the world
She got her closure with Chuck and then bounced to explore the world (you go girl) and I do think Dean got closure from John in Lebanon when he truly put the idea behind him uh see this post lmao, where he just wants the idea of John but not John himself . And I just WISH s15 would have been them coming together after healing and taking Chuck down together who implemented the whole fucked up system to begin with!!
There's just so much to explore in their relationship and like this doesn't even TOUCH Amara bringing Mary back to life and saying she did that to give Dean the opportunity to know the real her and not the false one John made up (also ahhh Chuck and John as gods and authors, I could go on about this forever too fhskhdkshs)
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Fallout-anon here. I saw your post with mtn-dewloyalist and I have to say I never really considered a super mutant "faction" before. Honestly, I don't even think super mutants should even be in Fallout 4, considering how contrived it feels . I could see how they came about in 3, considering they had a whole vault/research lab, sure, but it just felt weird seeing them in 4. Don't get me started on 76, that's another story.
But your concept of a faction for them sounds interesting! I remember reading somewhere-- and don't quote me on this-- that the Robotics Pioneer Park was supposed to be a sort of super mutant refugee camp before it got turned into another empty location. My concept for super mutants would be that they aren't from the Institute (the Institute would never have FEV or maybe just not fuck around with it to make mutants) but are from the Capital Wasteland. They're a group of refugees who, following the chaos of the Enclave-Brotherhood skirmish in DC, fled to try and find another place to call home. Some groups went south, others went north, and some traveled towards Boston. The Boston group would be the one you meet in the Park-- tired, weary, but determined.
While not violent, a lot of the mutants have mental disabilities (think Lily from New Vegas) and the "smarter ones" (again, think Marcus in New Vegas) work as caretakers and guards. There are brahmin pens, there's groups who collect water, some are put to work fixing up cabins or making furniture like beds, it's all slap-dash.
You meet Strong, a sort of "scout" for the party who you can recruit by doing some stuff for the camp. Strong reveals, as best as he can, the dynamics of super mutant society, how mutants think and feel, etc.
I dig it. To be honest, I don't necessarily mind having the bulk of them be another hostile-on-sight enemy type--it's an action RPG, you need a variety of enemies--but I definitely agree that a camp of non-hostile ones would be a neat addition. And yes, they absolutely shouldn't have been a random Institute experiment as a handwave for why they're in the Commonwealth; particularly since there's no reason whatsoever the Institute would've been fucking with FEV at all.
I figure that, paralleling Raider gangs and such, Super Mutants might be organized into tribes (more named leaders with personalities, like they did for Raiders). In the game as-is, it's not ever addressed, but they're a dying race since they're completely unable to replenish their numbers, so let's change that-- among the various Prime types (former humans that retained or enhanced their intelligence from the mutation, we're familiar with them), among the leader and the weaponsmiths and so forth, each tribe has at least one "Shaman", entrusted with safeguarding their cultures of FEV while they migrate and setting up the vat in their new strongholds. Some tribes just snatch and dunk people and expand aggressively; some (like Strong's, as you mentioned) want a more stable if not necessarily totally benign existence, and are far more selective about who they dunk--perhaps to the point of trying to recruit and convince promising candidates to get the sweet deal of being immortal, immune to radiation, and swole as fuck. While I don't particularly expect converting during the game to be an option (it'd be a ratfuck pain in the ass to code all that, write around and record dialogue for it, for starters) they'd definitely be interested in a genuine-article Pre-War human like the PC for that purpose.
On incredibly rare occasions, a la nomad confederations throughout history, tribes might band together (even the base game mentions a "horde" of Super Mutants at a couple points) under a consensus/council/quasi-republic mode of leadership as befits their collectivist ideals rather than some Super-Khan. Hell, if you wanna get crazy, you could have helping the non-hostile tribes organize one of these confederations and going against the other factions as one of the main story/faction paths to the game.
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