#mint yoongi my beloved
minisugakoobies · 1 year
Oh the way HE popped up on my dash literally two seconds after I finished your fic
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Coincidence? I think NOT
Hahaha, I love this for you! It feels so appropriate that Yoongi (mint Yoongi, no less) would be summoned by fanfic 🤣
I saw your rb, I'm glad you liked my little story! Thank you 💕
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atxn8 · 3 months
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Mint Yoongi my beloved😍
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Yoonmin fic rec 29
Memento Mori by PikaChiminie
Demon hunter Yoongi Min isn't the type to dwell on his mistakes. Sure, he underestimated a fire demon and got his beloved gun destroyed. Sure, he worked with a necromancer and managed to get himself killed. Sure, the necromancer reanimated Yoongi, effectively taking ownership of his soul. And yeah, sure, Yoongi may have slept with said necromancer's boyfriend before turning tail and running. But all of that was supposed to be dust in the wind, at least until the Raven of the South, necromancer Jimin Park, comes after Yoongi, demanding the demon hunter pay his dues. Now Yoongi is reunited with his bitter rival, and Jimin is none too happy to be working with him either. Jimin's heart has been stolen, though, and he needs Yoongi's help to get it back. When the quest is a literal matter of life and death, Yoongi can't afford to run again.
"you want a mint?" by blanket_kkik
Yoongi's the guitarist of Jimin's favourite band on campus. Which also means Jimin has an enormous crush on him and wants to suck his dick, maybe.
Supernova by PikaChiminie
As a son of Aphrodite, Jimin is allowed many luxuries in his life on Olympus. Despite being surrounded by the finest clothes, trinkets, and foods the gods can provide, he is also limited by the watchful eyes of his mother and brother. To Aphrodite, Jimin is vibrant, but vulnerable. To Seokjin, Jimin is curious and naive. They choose where Jimin travels, who he associates with, how his judgements should be made. Love is no exception to Jimin's forced limitations.
The son of Athena was never supposed to hold a place in Jimin's heart. Olympus runs thick with blood feuds, and bias is all the young demigods have known. Yet, Yoongi always seems to prove an exception.
wanna hold your hand (니 손 잡고) by blanket_kkik
“N-no, Jimin, I… I like you.” Yoongi looks him dead in the eyes. “And no, this isn’t a prank,” he says slowly, making sure Jimin doesn’t misconstrue his words again.
Shit goes down when Jimin and Yoongi room together.
(You're My) Water, Earth, Fire, Air by a_lonely_whale666666
Based on the pro-bending sport introduced in The Legend of Korra
When Kim Seokjin, the heir to Republic City's wealthiest business enterprise, first approached Jimin to sponsor and create a new probending team, Jimin had never expected for him and his friends, Jungkook and Taehyung, to be so successful and so formidable as only rookies in a league full of experienced players.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook finally meet their match when they face off with Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok, who together are known as arguably one of the best probending teams of all time. Several missteps and unfortunate encounters later, and Yoongi and Jimin learn that they really can't stand each other.
But sworn mutual hatred doesn't mean there can't be other benefits, right?
(Or: that one bending!AU I really felt like writing but with Yoonmin as enemies who are insanely attracted to each other)
Bad Apples Can Fall Pretty Far by SugaTheTurtle
Personally, Yoongi doesn't mind the bad boy title. He'd the poster boy for the magazine if there were one: with his motorcycle, and leather jacket, and smoking in the boys' bathroom, and frankly, blatant disregard for student conduct. Jimin, being the school's poster child student council president didn't mind the label either, until he comes into direct contact with Min Yoongi and realizes that maybe Yoongi isn't as bad as he seems.
FIC REC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
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asadfangirlbitxh · 1 year
BTS underrated hair colors
These are hair colors that BTS had that we should appreciate more. Okay bye
Blonde Jin had me by chokehold
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Pink Yoongi is so cute. I CANT
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honey blonde Namjoon my beloved
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hobiism · 3 years
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nobody asked, but here are some of my favorite pictures of yoongi
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jungk9ok · 3 years
Yoongi Bios !! like or reblog if you save ^_^
🍞🥞💭 ... For My Beloved Yoongi !!
pls stfu i'm listening to honsool by agust d
i only care about yoongi lol
YoOnGi ?!! My Fav CatBoy 🐱💭
i need Suga🌟 or i will die
🍜⭐ — Min YoonGi ... my love !!
mint yoongi lives in my mind rent free
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excusemin · 4 years
Keys - MYG
-Part Two of Quarantine with Bangtan
Pairing: Yoongi x female reader
Rating: PG
Genre: established relationship, FLUFFY FLUFF
Warnings: mentions of insomnia, a bit of anxiety, other than that I think we are good? :)
Word count: 4.4k 
Summary: Coffee and warm chocolate croissants can go down a sweet, sweet road.
A/N: Hello, this is so far my longest fic created and I hope it is likeable. Super huge thanks to @dontaskshhhhh​ for helping me throughout the whole phone call part. I’m so socially awkward, it’s embarrassing lol. The phone call was slightly inspired by the song 10000 hours hehe. Remember to send in an ask if you’d like to be tagged in the following parts to Quarantine with Bangtan. Enjoy. 💜
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Sleeping at night was always hard so finding different methods to sleep have become hopeless. Y/n has tried almost about everything that could come up in her mind. Ranging from aromatherapy to melatonin supplements, nothing seemed to work. Even avoiding the small afternoon naps after coming from work have made it worse. Fearing the dark corners of the room but disliking the bright light coming from the television, it was hard. White noise seemed to help but it could not be too loud. Sleepless nights were rough but can be dealt with coffee in the morning.  
That's until he came in the picture. It was any other ordinary day, walking into the nearby coffee shop to get an iced Americano for herself and a chocolate croissant as a ‘thank you for covering for me while I was running late again’ gift to her beloved coworker.
The wait for her order to come was slightly longer than usual and she could not stop the wave of anxiousness flowing through her body. She wondered how her coworker would scold her for being far more late than usual. Y/n started to unknowingly, pick at her nails while she waited for her order to be called up.
“Iced Americano and a chocolate croissant to go!”
Snapping out of her daze, she walked forward to grab a hold of her items, when she was met with a larger hand above hers. Immediately, her hand froze as she let out a gasp.  The larger hand was removed quickly as soon as the gasp came out of her lips. Her body jolted backwards at the action and ended up bumping into the chest of whoever the large hand belonged to. Too scared to bring up her gaze, she apologized to the owner of the large hand. Hearing nothing, she feared being told off for grabbing the drink. Stumbling over her thoughts, she mustered all the courage she could to bring her gaze up to the most likely angry person. 
Instead of being met with an angry person, she was met with locks of mint colored hair covering their face. Their gaze was focused on the floor as their hand moved to the nape of their neck, blocking Y/n’s view from their face. Worried, she stepped slightly closer to get a look of the person's face.
“Hey, are you okay? I’m so sorry about that, I hope I didn’t hurt you.” She spoke softly as she slowly raised up her hand to see if the person was okay.
Y/n softly touched the person’s shoulder and luckily her hand was not swatted away. She took note of the person’s comfortable outfit as she calmly waited for a response. They were wearing an over sized black hoodie, dark blue jeans with a few rips here and there along with some black combat boots. Comfortable indeed. She stared in awe of the mint colored tresses on the head of the person standing before her. Y/n wanted to reach out to see if they were as soft as they appeared but she didn’t want to push her luck too much. The locks of mint colored hair moved to slowly allow their gazes to meet. 
She was finally granted sight of the minty haired person’s face. Y/n was not expecting to be met with such a delightful sight. Letting her eyes wander, she noticed the soft features of the guy standing before her. Starting from his lips, they were a soft hue of pink, they looked slightly chapped but she wondered how soft they would feel. Moving her gaze up little by little, she took note of the faint mole near the top on his button nose. Too busy admiring his features, she did not notice him admiring her features as well.
Their eyes met and they both shied away from each other's gazes. Both faces were flushed and avoided eye contact at all costs. Luckily, the barista called out another order of an iced Americano and a chocolate croissant. Once again, looking at each other, their eyes widened realizing they had ordered the exact same thing. Smiling softly at each other, they walked up to the counter to retrieve their items. 
The mint haired guy reached out for the first order that was out on the counter before the incident while handing the one that was recently put out to her. Curiously looking up at the guy with a questioning gaze, he let out a soft chuckle. 
“It’s fresher so I’ll let you have it. I’m okay by the way. Not hurt in any way, I was just startled.”
“Oh! Are you sure? I don’t mind, it’s still a drink.”
“It’s perfectly okay...”
“Y/n. L/n Y/n. I am sorry for that.”
“I’m Yoongi, Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you. No need to worry sweetheart, it’s my fault after all, I did reach out after you’ve gotten a hold of it.”
“Thank you Yoongi, I’ll see you around?”
“Definitely sweetheart.”
Y/n smiled at him one last time before walking out of the coffee shop flustered. She wondered if she would still see him around as she rushed to her job. Work seemed to pass by in a flash and in no time, she was back home to finally rest. Falling asleep that night was easy because all that was replaying in her mind was the sound of Yoongi’s soft voice.  
The next day was a much brighter one, thanks to the extra hours of sleep. The whole walk to the coffee shop was full of hope to see the Yoongi once again. Arriving at the coffee shop, Y/n began to pick at her fingernails in nervousness when she entered the door. Immediately getting hit with the smell of freshly brewed coffee, she took a deep breath in letting the scent calm her down. 
Looking around for the mop of minty locks, she frowned when they were nowhere to be found. Y/n let her feet trail her to the line to get her usual order as she let out a sigh. 
“Good morning, sweetheart.” Y/n gasped at the sudden voice that spoke from behind her. Recognizing the voice right away, her face flushed while she hoped that he didn’t catch her scanning the coffee shop for him. Turning around, she offered Yoongi a warm smile. He moved up to be next to her as they moved forward in the line.
“Good morning Yoongi.”
 “It is a good morning indeed. I thought I wouldn’t see you around after yesterday.”
“Me? I’m not going anywhere any time soon.”
“That’s good to hear, I’m glad I didn’t scare you off.” 
“You scaring me? I bumped into you. If anything, I feel like I did enough to scare you off.” 
“I’m happy for that, I wouldn’t have met you if you didn’t bump into me. Plus, a cute little thing like you could never scare me away.” Feeling heat rush to her face, she figured it was going to natural now when in the presence of Yoongi. 
“Yes Yoongi?” Sensing a pinch of nervousness laced in his soft voice, she turned around to look up at him to let him know that he had her full undivided attention. Noticing her attention on him, his hands immediately went into the front pocket of his dark colored jeans and avoided all eye contact with Y/n.
Noticing his shy behavior, she placed her hand on his arm and offered him a warm smile when he finally looked at her. Smiling back at her, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves. 
“I-It may seem a bit ridiculous considering the fact that we are standing here but would you let me treat you for coffee or anything you’d like?” 
“Coffee with you? I’d love that.” Hearing those words come out of her lips, Yoongi released a breath he did not know he was holding. 
Noticing that the line was nearing the front of the cash register, he placed his hand gently on the small of her back to guide her up the line as it advanced. Affected by the action, Y/n felt her heart pound in her chest as she felt her face flush for the hundredth time that day. She was faced with Yoongi’s black knitted sweater along with the faint aroma of laundry detergent. Yoongi glanced down at Y/n, eyes widening once he took note of how close they were.  
“Hello, how may I help you today?” Both of them looked ahead of them while mentally thanking the cheerful cashier for snapping them out of the little moment. 
“Go ahead sweetheart.” 
“Um hello, can I get an Iced Americano and a chocolate croissant?”
“Can you make that two of each please?” Y/n felt her breath hitch as she felt Yoongi’s presence behind her. Once the cashier read out the price, Y/n tried to reach into her bag to grab her wallet but before she could, Yoongi held her hand and told her that he had it.
Eyesight falling from his face to gaze at his larger hand holding hers, Y/n felt her cheeks burn up at view. She muttered a small ‘thank you’ once he paid for the both of them. 
 Side by side, they walked to a few empty stools to sit on while they waited for their orders to be prepared. Pulling out the chairs for the both of them, Yoongi waited for Y/n to sit down first so he could take a seat as well. As he waited, he felt his heart swell up at the sight of Y/n struggling to get on the wooden stool. Once she got settled down, he sat right next to her. 
Y/n’s eyes narrowed down at how easily Yoongi was able to slide into the stool. Watching her little fit of frustrations, he couldn't help but laugh at the observation. She tried to keep up the ‘angry’ look but eventually gave in to join his laughter. Once they both calmed down, they relaxed back into the wooden stools as their gazes met once again. Yoongi offered a small smile before he took the initiative to break the comfortable silence between them.
“Do you come here everyday sweetheart?”
“Pretty much, I live off of these coffees. How about you?”
“I think I started coming here about two weeks ago. Now, I think I’ll be coming more often. It feels so nice here, it feels so...”
“Yeah, I needed to get some fresh air and instead I got the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in my lungs.”
“That’s the highlight of my day.”
“I think it’ll start being mine too.” Looking back at Yoongi, Y/n noticed his cheeks tinted with a soft pink color while his eyes avoided her lingering ones. His gaze darted to hers once he heard Y/n giggle. Softly smiling along, he noticed his fingers were itching to hold her hand and whisper sweet words to her. Luckily, he didn’t get the chance to embarrass himself as the barista called out their orders. 
“Stay here sweetheart.”
Once again, Yoongi mentally thanked the barista for snapping him out of his daze as he walked to receive their orders. Coming back to the beautiful girl that caught his eye, he handed her the coffee and warm croissant. 
“Thank you Yoongi. Unfortunately, I have to go before I’m late to work.”
“No worries sweetheart. If it’s not too much for me to ask, is it fine if we can exchange phone numbers… we don’t have to if yo-”
Chuckling at his little stammering, Y/n unlocked her phone and handed it to Yoongi. Slightly embarrassed, Yoongi focused his gaze on her phone to type his number and his name with a little heart on the end. He tapped on the call button so he could get her number as well. Once he felt his phone ring in his pocket, he handed hers back to playfully answer the ringing phone.
“Hello sweetheart.”
“Hello Yoongi.” They could have sworn that they looked like complete idiots smiling at each other to anyone who was in the coffee shop but they did not care. 
“As much as I want to stay here with you, I have to get to work.”
“It’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow sweetheart.”
“See you tomorrow Yoongi.” As Y/n walked out of the coffee shop after getting her things, her phone chimed notifying her that she received a message. Carefully balancing her iced drink on one hand as she unlocked her phone, she smiled when another message popped up on her screen. 
‘I hope you have a wonderful day at work and well all day overall sweetheart. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.’
Y/n looked back into the coffee shop to spot Yoongi already looking at her. She brought up her hand to wave as she mustered up a bright smile. 
Her phone chimed once more and her eyes widened seeing the message of her coworker asking if she had to cover for her again. Quickly, she typed a text back letting her know that she’d be there in six minutes. Before starting her walk, she took a deep breath in and released it with a content smile on her face. To her, that coffee tasted much better than any other day along with the warm chocolate croissant that seemed to make her heart warm up at every bite. 
That content smile remained for the rest of the day, not even the loads of work that her boss piled on her desk was enough to bring her down. Almost exactly like the day before, work passed by once again in a flash and she was ready to go home. The walk home was not far but it seemed to pass by much more quickly than any other day.
Once Y/n was able to reach her home, she directly walked to the restroom to prepare for bed. As she passed her bedroom, her bed looked so comforting and she could have sworn it was calling out her name. Giggling at the thought, she made her way into the bathroom and turned on the water to the shower. As she waited for the water to adjust to the preferred temperature, she removed the clothes she wore for the day. Before she hopped in, she turned on a soothing playlist on her phone and set it down on the bathroom counter where it would not fall.
Feeling the water pour over her head, she pretended that her worries and troubles were being washed away along with the rose scented soap she lathered on. Once she felt she was clean enough, she wrapped a towel around her body as she stepped out. Gathering her phone, Y/n walked back into her bedroom humming the tunes she heard while she showered. 
Tossing her phone on the bed, she stood in front of her wardrobe looking for what to wear for the night. Settling in for an over sized shirt, she hung the towel on the hook by her wardrobe to dress up. 
When everything seemed just right, she let herself fall right in the middle of the bed. The phone next to her head chimed and Y/n bubbled with excitement in hopes that it was the guy with the minty hair. Sounding out his name, she realized that his name had a nice sound to it, she loved it. Or maybe she loved the guy that name belonged to. 
Shaking her head at the thought, she unlocked her phone and read the message. Her heart skipped a beat for the thousandth time that day. 
‘Hello, sweetheart. I hope it’s not too late for you but is it okay if I call you?’
‘I don’t mind Yoongi.’
Before she could pause to think if the message was decent enough to send, her own fingers betrayed her mind and it sent her heart into a frantic state. She’s talked to the guy before but it does not ease down her racing heart. Before she had any more intruding thoughts, her phone rang and her breath hitched. Once again, her fingers had a mind of their own and answered the call.
“Hello sweetheart.”
“H-hi Yoongi.”
“I hope I didn’t wake you up.”
“No, I just laid down so no worries. So Yoongi, to what do I owe the honor for this call?” 
“Um well… I just… well I wanted to hear your voice.”
Feeling ecstatic, Y/n shifted around to place her burning cheeks on her cool pillow as she let out a giggle. Part of her wished she could see his face but the other part of her is thankful that he doesn’t get to see the outcome of his words. 
“It’s just that you have a soothing voice and well, calling is so much easier than texting.”
Y/n stumbled upon her words as she tried to mentally gather what to say back to Yoongi but before she could embarrass herself any more, he started talking again. 
“The rain looks really nice tonight. Is it raining with you?”
“I actually didn’t notice it until you brought it up. It is soothing.”
“Do you love the rain?”
“Does it make you dance?”
Bursting into a fit of laughter, Y/n tried to muffle her laugh with her pillow to listen to Yoongi’s. She decided at that moment that it was definitely one of her favorite sounds in the world. After calming down, she let out a sigh as she felt her body less tense than when the phone call started. 
“Tired of me already?”
“No, I could never. I’m enjoying this Yoonie.”
“Yoonie? I like the sound of that sweetheart.”
“Really? Good, now I have a nickname for you too. I gave you my name and you still use sweetheart.”
“I just wanted to know more about you and I still do.”
“Feelings mutual Yoonie. Tell me something that’s on your mind.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Well, the only thing that comes to my mind other than you is that I need to finish the song that’s sitting on top of my piano.”
“You play the piano? You’ve gotta play something for me someday.”
“Actually, I can play a part of it and you can tell me if you like it or not.”
“Play me a song piano man.”
“Very funny, here we go. Ready sweetheart?”
“Ready Yoonie.”
Shifting was heard in the background, Y/n imagined that he was getting comfortable so she adjusted herself to lay comfortably on her side and brought her knees near her chest. Y/n turned the speaker on and pressed it close to her chest, hoping that Yoongi wouldn’t hear her heartbeat. 
At the sound of the first few notes, she let her eyes close to enjoy the sound coming from the other side of the line. Mellow tunes were being played so gracefully that Y/n felt as if she were floating in the softest clouds.
The peace and warmth that enveloped in her body was indescribable but it was enough to bring her comfort that she did not know she was missing. Tiredness was consuming her body but instead of giving in she tried to keep her eyes open to listen to the beautiful melody that Yoongi played so gracefully. The peaceful melody eventually came to an end and Yoongi’s soft voice made an appearance again.  
“I still need to work on it but it’s almost finished, did you like it?”
“Yoonie that was so beautiful, I loved it so much. What’s the name of the masterpiece?”
“Ah, I’m really happy to hear that. You’ll know the name pretty soon if everything works out sweetheart.”
“Hmm, I’m excited for that day to come. I’m sure whatever name you choose, it’ll be amazing.”
“ Thank you sweetheart. Your nickname suits you very well.”
“You know, your voice is pretty soothing too.”
“Ah you heard that.”
“Were you hoping for me not to hear it?”
“Part of me did but the other part of me is happy you did.”
Before she could answer back, a yawn escaped her mouth. 
“A little.”
“You should try to get some sleep sweetheart.”
“Already trying to get rid of me Yoonie?”
“Not at all but who am I to keep a princess from getting beauty sleep.”
“Very funny, I’m enjoying this conversation a lot but I don’t want to fall asleep on you.”
“Go ahead and sleep, I’ll be here when you need me to be sweetheart.”
“Will I see you tomorrow Yoongi?”
“I’ll be there waiting for you.”
“Good, I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night Yoonie, sleep well.”
“Sweetest dreams to you sweetheart.”
Sighing as Y/n finally let sleep consume her, she does not remember if she ended the call or not but she could not bring herself to check. She heard a faint chuckle before she drifted off to another restful sleep.
When Y/n walked into the coffee shop the next morning, Yoongi had been waiting for her along with their orders of iced Americanos and warm chocolate croissants. 
As each day passed by, their mornings became dates whenever they found free time in their busy schedules. As each week passed by, they became more comfortable with each other. As each month passed by, their feelings became stronger for each other which led Yoongi to confess with a mixtape labeled as ‘Honey FM’. 
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Waking up to an empty bed was slightly disappointing but hearing the soft tunes flowing out of the piano made up for it. Smiling to herself, she stretched out and released a couple of tired yawns. Y/n would have made the bed but she knows that somehow they’ll end back under the comfortable sheets pretty soon.
Following the source of the soft tunes playing until she caught sight of her boyfriend sitting in front of the piano with his eyes closed while his hands flowed up and down the piano gracefully. 
Zoning out, she remembers the nights where they cuddled together. There were nights where he’d be the big spoon and there were nights where he would be the little spoon, she loved both especially when one of his arms were wrapped around her body while his other hand was intertwined with hers. When she was sure he had fallen asleep, she would bring up the hand that she held and place soft kisses on them. She felt as if the action was showing her wordless appreciation towards him even if he was asleep.
Little did she know that he would sometimes still be awake. The first time she had done it his heart warmed up and he wanted nothing more than to turn her around to place the most love packed kisses he could muster up but he didn’t want to startle her. So he would pretend to be sound asleep just to watch her display so much affection, his heart never seemed to cool down at the affection. 
Snapping back to reality, she slowly walks up behind her boyfriend bringing her hands up to place them softly on his shoulders. Smiling to herself when he shifted his head to the side to let her hand caress his face. He let a soft sigh escape his lips as Y/n placed a soft kiss on the apple of his cheek.
“Yes sweetheart?”
“Can you show me how to play?”
“You want to learn?”
“If you don’t mind showing me, yes.”
“Come here baby.” Yoongi grabbed Y/n’s hand from his shoulder and led her around to have her sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her into a small loving embrace once she got comfortable enough. 
“I’m not a good teacher but I’ll play something short and easy for you to learn. How does that sound?”
“Perfect Yoonie, I think you’ll do amazing!” He tightened his hold around Y/n’s waist as he placed a peck on her cheek.
He stretched his arms in front of them to place his hands above the keys, instructing Y/n to place her hands on top of his. Nuzzling against the crook of her neck, he started to test out a few keys to warm up.
“I want you to guess the song I’m going to play. Ready sweetheart?”
Nodding, Yoongi began to move his fingers on the keys playing notes gracefully while Y/n’s fingers tried to remember the keys he played. Once she caught on to the song, her heart warmed up to the sound he played. It was the song he made for Y/n when they first met. She remembered the little mixtape he gifted her along with that song were many covers of the songs she liked. The most unforgettable part of the mixtape was the little handwritten letters with shiny black letters reading out ‘Honey FM’ with a tiny little heart at the end. It was sweet indeed. 
Y/n shifted in Yoongi’s lap slightly to place her forehead on his and give him a small peck on his slightly chapped lips.
“Baby, as much as I’d love to continue kissing your lovely lips, I will need you to pay attention. I promise that I’ll give you all the kisses you want as long as you learn this.”
“Okay Yoonie.”
Once again, he unwrapped his arms from around Y/n and put them on the keys of the piano while she took in a deep breath to calm her heart down. Years after being together, she expected to get used to this feeling but he always found a way to speed up her heart and she did not mind one bit.
“Okay. I’ll go slow about a few tries and then once you memorize them, I want to see you try on your own.”
“Do you think I’ll learn it quickly?”
“If you set your heart to it, yes. Even if you don’t learn it, I’ll be here every step of the way.”
“Let’s get started then. Show me your ways piano man.”
“Slow down princess, we have all quarantine to learn this.”
“That’s not what I’m eager for. I want my unlimited kisses so let’s get learning.”
Chuckling underneath Y/n, Yoongi placed one last kiss on the back of her ear before getting ready to play again.
“Let’s get learning then sweetheart.”
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
Since people are asking your fave things here's another one: which is your favorite hair color for each of BTS members?
🤩🤩🤩 omg great question thank u for sending it!
namjoon: silver. I swear to god no other idol manages to work silver hair like him FUCK!!!! white hair from persona era is a close second but the problem with platinum blond/white is is that it goes yellow too fast
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jin: contrary to the beloved blond jin I love him best in his natural shade or the iconic grape hair
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yoongi: I think everyone needs to move on from mint haired yoongi and accept the real icon: jet black hair with his forehead visible. I'm sick of seeing him in bowl cuts please for the love of god push his hair back!! daechwita will always have the best yoongi look
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hobi: I cannot choose. red hair is superior only because he says it's his favorite but imo it doesn't look as good and it's very high maintenance. I'm gonna go with either his natural shade or the iconic blond highlights from cns
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jimin: this is easy because he looks absolutely STUNNING with pink hair. pink hair is his idc
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taehyung: this man looks good in EVERY shade it's insane. I hate him but I'm partial to black hair OR the iconic honey blond dynamite hair
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jungkook: since he doesn't have a lot of variety in color I've grown to love his natural hair! one thing I can tell you is which is NOT my favorite and it's the bleached thing he had going on at the beginning of this year 💀
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armymaryoongi · 4 years
Final chapter: Sakura Handkerchief
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
genre: fluff, slightly mature, historical au; king au
warning: fluff+++
words count: 1k+
Note:  English is not my native language. (Here is the final chapter! thank you everyone who has read this series from day one! It was such an incredible journey as I have learnt many things about Joseon. Once again, thank you for your support and love💜)
(Names, places and incidents are just based on fiction)
Summary: Just like any other kids, King Min Yoongi also has his own childhood memories but his involved a mystery girl who he met once and was known as his love at the first sight. Will he gets any chance to meet her again? What will he does when he found her? Will the girl remember her too?
He growls, nothing can come out from his mind. He doesn’t know what to do anymore. Min knew and realised that it was all his faults. In those two weeks, he visited and talk to you but you dismissed him or you would go to your mother-in-law instead. Not only that, he even tried to see you in the royal kitchen when you cooked for him, but you would turn your back to him. He let out a frustrated sigh. It such a stupid reaction he ever did. Whereas, you are well aware that you cannot be too hard on him as he is your King; anytime and anywhere he can dump you right away. You have tried to convince your heart to listen to his explanation, but you are still mad at him. Truthfully, you act too far from who you are and you cannot make any conclusion to your choice.
Sunset is about to set, yet you let out a yawning way too early. Why did fatigue and sleepiness always bother you recently? You didn’t do much since that quarrel, and does it relate to hormones? You sighed and put away your embroidery needles. Since you didn’t let Yoongi meet you, you have embroidered again. The light from the sun peeking through the opened window and blinding you as you standing to look out the window. You crossed your arm on your chest and let yourself sink in your thoughts. Yes, it’s true, you miss your husband so much. It hurts to endure all this pain for the sake of your ego and to see him in sorrow. He doesn’t deserve this because, after all, you are the one he loves, right? His last words keep ringing in your ear and it succeeds to make you smile.
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Later at night, your court lady gave you a pink hanbok, simple yet elegant, just like yours when you were a little girl. She has sent a message from the King, to wear the outfit and meet him at your own quarter around eleven at night. Curious with his sudden orders, but you just shrugged it off, knowing that this is the only way for you to mend the relationship. It’s time to let down your guard and let him explain things you already know. You wished you don’t laugh at him for doing that.
The stiff air filled your surrounding. He looked at you from the bench at your quarter, said nothing, and just flashed his captivating smile that always makes you fall in love again. He dropped all his royal attires tonight; the mint hanbok became bright on his pale skin and he complimented his look with the Gat. Whereas you being yourself, beautiful the way you are no matter what you wear but you need to admit, this attire made you miss your youth. How badly you wished you could turn the clock.
You know you can’t be mad at him anymore, but to keep yourself stoic is your job for now. He can see you clasp your hands together as you let out a puff, feeling cold in just your pink Hanbok. Red painting your nose and cheeks instantly. Without hesitation, he comes closer and wrap your delicate figure by your shoulder and take your small hand into his other hand. Obviously, after all circumstances, things will turn awkward unless one of you dare to break the ice. He could practically see that pout on your face, probably still keep those anger with you. He quickly leads you out of the quarter to the front gate, walking side by side, leaving those footprints behind and still in his warm embrace. There are few guards following from behind as it considers late for the noble to go out of the palace.
You didn’t know he will bring you somewhere tonight. You expected him to just make up by talking and explaining in the palace. Nevertheless, you don’t mind at all and enjoy his plan because finally, you have time to go out somewhere other than the palace. The atmosphere is too lovely and quiet as your destination has been accompanied by the light from the lanterns hung above your head. There is no one in sight. Probably those folks already dozed off or spending the night with their beloved ones. Your eyes sparkling with amazement. This was not where you belong to when you were born but you feel proud to see how this kingdom and village authority peace and happiness. Take no notice, you miss seeing that stiff body beside you. Yoongi could feel his heart thumping, mind racing to create a conversation between you. “Perhaps, you don’t mind if I bring you to the place where I bought that precious handkerchief. Also, it will answer all your questions.”
Ha! A smile bloomed on your lips. Right, you know to where he is guiding you now. Of course, it’s that place—the market! ‘Joseon Market’ blake and white on the wooden signboard that you failed to notice when you was young. Ah! You miss that feeling, you miss to be that young and curious Princess Y/n. Too immersed with those memories of yours, Yoongi shakes your body lightly while calling your name. Quickly, you checked your surrounding, you are now in the centre of the market, a few meters from that embroidery shop where you used to came and the first place you met this young boy that took you sometimes to forget. Don’t want to ruin his plan, you played along. “Min, why are we here?”
Yoongi’s hand left your shoulder, and you frowned, instantly miss his warmth. He pressed his lip into a thin smile while looking down and holding your hands. “This was that place, I met her for the first and last time. It may sound cringe, lame and cliche, but I liked her so much. I don’t know if you as my wife who has vowed loyalty and love would like to listen to this.” he looked up and tried to find assurance in your eyes. You nudged your head as a sign for him to continue. “Did you still remember my story about me sneaking out once in a while when I was a child?” you nodded and chuckled. “I met her when I did that. It was so embarrassing because I just have my eyes on her until she disappeared like a speck of fine dust.” Yoongi looked up at the night sky above you while refreshing his memory.
On the other hand, you chewed your lower lip to prevent yourself from laughing because you were that mystery girl who he described but his next words made you shocked and blushed “Didn’t know what has gotten into me at that moment, I forced my parents to wed me by having crown princess selection. I hoped to meet her again and made her my wife, my queen.” Of course, you know about that story at the market, but you didn’t expect him to risk his life willingly for his love at first sight. Ah! You feel like crying when you see his eyes hooded as his face looked glum. You about to give him a hug yet, he retreated his hands from you. He hands you the Sakura handkerchief.
“I bought this as my present to my queen in the hope she became mine but I think I don’t need to keep this anymore. Took me long to forget her but I finally let her go when I was wedding you. That’s why I became so angry. I’m so sorry, love. I never mean to hurt your feelings.” you pulled him as you cannot resist yourself from giving him a hug he deserves. He swayed you to right and left, try to lighten the mood. Here, you don’t want to play anymore, let settle this. “Don’t you know that it’s bad to touch a maiden’s hand?” you bombarded him with a question out of nowhere. Quickly, he looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, try to read between the lines. “You touched her hand, weren’t you? Technically, you touched my hand.” you pinched his cheek. “Bad!”
Yoongi still looked at you, surprised at your sudden gestures. “Yes, my King. I was that girl in pink hanbok.” you playfully pinched his other cheek. The shining full moon completely illuminates you, make you look like that little girl he used to see once. He feels like a fool and couldn’t believe his eyes, why he just noticed? “You know how excited I was when I found this handkerchief but you ruined the mood!” you pouted and took granted when he still looked speechless. His eyes glassy, staring at your face with a gummy grin. 
He thanked Heaven for answering his question and fasten his grip to hug you again. “Really? It’s you? It’s you!” he chuckled and spin you around slowly, makes the hanbok of you two flow behind. Rested his forehead against yours, he vowed: “I’ve crushed on you since I first saw you, then I like you when you became my queen and I love you for being my first and last.” You smiled as you felt the sudden rush of butterflies in your stomach, “Who knows this sakura handkerchief has brought along our fate? I will let our children listen to our love story.” You received a chuckle and delicate kiss from him as to tint all these feelings between you two.
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Sakura shows purity and beauty and that’s how the love between you two blooming from day to day—from an innocent childhood crush to a married couple who are exhilarated in each other arm.
It is indeed an endless love between King Min and Queen Min.
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jingukk · 4 years
dessert or death
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Pairing: yoongi x reader
Genre: drabble, fluff, established relationship!au
Word Count: 700+
Inspo: “If you do this you’re dead to me.” 
Synopsis: You love your boyfriend, you truly do. But if you were to choose between him and the soft, heavenly dessert that is red bean mochi, you’re not so confident he would come out on top.
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Your heart is beating so loudly that you can hear it in your ears, like the pounding of a drum. Every muscle in your body is tense, the slightest noise or movement around you bound to send your nerves into overdrive. Dents form on the table under your fingernails as you try to maintain your composure. “Get. Out. Now.”
The dark haired man on the opposite side of the table smirks at you, the corner of his mouth lifting up slightly. “Or what, doll?” He chuckles darkly, putting both hands on the wooden surface, rings of every design out on display. God his hands were nice. He quirks his eyebrow at you, captivating eyes piercing into yours. He's taunting you.
Gritting your teeth, you match his stare, refusing to back down. “If you do this, you’re dead to me.” 
His taunting demeanor slowly fades and seconds pass as he stares at you with a blank expression. You hold your breath, not daring to break eye contact. All of a sudden, he slowly lifts one hand off of the table. Your eyes widen. No. You’re too slow. You can’t stop him. He wouldn't. He could never. 
Betrayal fills your body as he swiftly shoves the last red bean mochi into his mouth.
You lose your shit. “ MIN YOONGI!” you shriek, jumping over the table and, to his shock, right onto him. The both of you crash to the ground, the fuzzy rug bracing your fall. Groaning on your back, you blink at the ceiling as your body groans from the impact. Why did you do this again? The sound of someone chewing rapidly fills your ears. Oh yea, thats why. Rolling over and getting on your knees, you clamber on top of your boyfriend, swinging one leg over his body until you’re straddling him. He’s laying flat on the rug prepped corpse style, his legs straight out in front of him and his hands neatly folded on his stomach. His eyes seem to be focused on a potted plant on the windowsill, with his cheeks all puffy from still chewing. 
You roll your eyes, scoffing. “Get up hoe,” you sneer at him, pulling him up by his sweater. “You might choke like that and the only way you should be choking is with my hands wrapped around your windpipe.” You give him the deadliest glare you can muster but the damn fool still manages to send a wink your way as he sits up, propping his arms behind him and coughing a little as he swallows the last bits of your precious red bean. He beams at you.
“Thanks, baby.”
You smack him upside the head, though not very hard, and you begin to whine. “Why would you do that, you knew I was saving the last piece for myself,” you wail, shaking him by his shoulders. Yoongi does nothing but laugh at you, placing his hands on your thighs to support his balance, (since the both of you have yet to get up off of the floor and hey, anything to grasp your thighs, right?), and to lovingly rub his thumbs in circles over your skin. Pft, as if that would bring back your beloved dessert. 
As you pout, Yoongi coos at you, wrapping his arms around you while you bury your face into his chest, still sulking. His warmth slowly soothes you, and you feel like a baby as you breathe in his scent. Yoongi smells like eucalyptus and mint, two things that you used to hate until he entered your life. You're rather fond of those smells now. “My dear y/n..” Yoongi murmurs into your hair, voice lathered in affection. He places a gentle kiss on the top of your head, and you try not to melt while you snuggle further into his embrace. “I deserved the last mochi more than you and I think you know that.”
Betrayed a second time. You tear yourself off of him and get up, cursing him out loudly as you make your way to your shared bedroom.  “YOU SLEEP ON THE COUCH TONIGHT, MIN YOONGI!” 
Cackling gleefully, Yoongi runs after you with his arms outstretched, longing to have you back in them. Is this bliss? He thinks so.
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sugar-petals · 5 years
Fuckin’ Wembley (m)
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➝ you take care of a pliant, blindfolded yoongi before bts’ concert in london. 
⌈pairing › yoongi x reader ⌈words › 1,555 — one shot ⌈a/n › for yoongi’s birthday ♡
⚠️ warnings › smut/fluff, handjobs, guided masturbation, finger sucking, mommy kink, clothed female naked male, sensory deprivation, sub!yoongi, dom!reader, aftercare
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Yoongi feels still under your touch. He savors it. 
Peeling off his black shirt proves to be a bit difficult because you don’t want his earrings to entangle with it. Tugging and stretching the hemline a little, you manage to leave his hair fairly untouched. It’s kind of spritzed and sprayed and textured already. A hurried member of staff came to the table and messed with it before breakfast. He’s performing later. 
The stylists sent you jaded, almost rabid glances when he arrived all disheveled and marked head to toe last time you had been fucking two hours before a concert in Macau. Looking at his collar bones now, not a trace is left. Smooth, supple skin. Staff’s lucky today. Maybe.
You shift closer.
“What are we in the mood for? Sleepyhead.” 
“Hey... I slept less than on the flight.”
That’s true. Two hours, in fact. 
He’s well-rested either way. No bags under his eyes.
You nibble at Yoongi’s neck, shirt plopping down on the carpet. Delightful. Perky little nipples. Goosebumps. 
You like what you see. 
“Am taking care of you today if you wanna.”
He’s leaning against the headboard of the bed, jaw loose and eyes closed, in his boxers and crumpled Kumamon socks. It’s the last bit of relaxation he can get. 
A little nod follows. He caresses at your hip. 
“How much time?” you ask.
“Got rehearsal at 1:30.”
Something to keep in mind.
“Certainly watching that one.”
“You said you’d choke me out after the gig.”
His tone is frivolous. You’ve been texting him about it since Los Angeles.
“Hm, I did. Probably here again.”
“Love that.”
You pull off his neck with a twinkle in your eye, perhaps intended, perhaps not. The blue towel folded at the end of the bed is already waiting to be used.
“So this is just warm-up.”
Before you ruin him completely. Your sweet cherished little one. But that he already knows.
Mounting his lap with your jeans still on, it’s easy to feel Yoongi not having had a clear mind during breakfast while you teased him— under the table. Rock harder he couldn’t be. You squeeze his dick on purpose by means of letting your weight sink down on him slightly.
“My favorite thing for you to say.”
More squeezing. Yoongi grits his buck teeth. He’s kinda adorable this way. 
You decide to pick up your phone from the nightstand.
“Need a pic, Min Yoongi. Hold pose.”
Perfect capture. The phone goes back. You muster him, now that he’s all cornered. Pinch his nipples. Tickle his belly.
“You like how I tease.”
It soothes his trembles. And yet, you can still see how nervous Yoongi looks at the watch on the wall. There are still over a dozen hours left before the fans even enter the stadium. You pull off your charmeuse scarf and pray that the ever-irate hair stylist forgives you. But anything to distract your boyfriend does the job.
Yoongi reclines even further against the wall. Finally, smoother. At least a bit more, his breath normalizing. 
A small surprise twitch jolts through his body once you pick up a lubricant bottle from underneath the bed and squirt a frugal amount into his half-open palm. He can tell by the scent what it is, however. 
After reaching down to store the bottle where it came from, you guide his hand down into his boxers gently, holding him by the wrist. More nipple pinches with your free fingers. 
Soon enough, he firmly jerks at his erection without missing a stroke, like a beat. Yoongi moves so much more fluidly with the blindfold on. Pulling down the elastic of the trunks reveals to you the red little peak of his cock, with a small pearl on top. Cute as hell. 
It’s fun to pick up the bead of pre-cum with your thumb and sliding it between his lips. Either respond almost instantly with sucking, lush and wet. Yoongi loves to lick your thumb. So you leave it hooked in his mouth. 
Ogling his neck makes you look forward to the late night romp that’s all planned out in your mind already after BTS went Wembley on the second day. Perfect for some more marks to upset just about nobody tomorrow because Yoongi is allowed to rest at last. With you. In this very hotel.
“Grab a little harder.”
Your order translates directly to his right, pumping and stroking away with a more severe grip. Only the pace is missing. So you guide his wrist up and down to increase friction, making Yoongi’s tongue all incoherent on your thumb. More jerking, more precum. His little muffles are desperate. You don’t let go of his wrist just yet. You keep him on track. His mouth is hot and sloppy like the spread-out lube on his shaft. 
The mattress of the hotel bed is not so much squeaking now, but very well bounces underneath the two of you. It’s hard not to shove your jeans off right away and ravage him. Waiting is rough. However, his pumping hand is rougher under your lead. So much, his docile moans become frenzied, his neck veins so much more prominent at either side.
“Be my sweet boy, cum for mommy,” you coo. “I’m only letting you on that stage when you’re all empty.”
Pinkish and under heavy grates, Yoongi’s cock won’t take too long to respond to yet another teasing motion of yours pinching at his little ears. You love how sensitive they are. Rubbing a little at the lobes and the other parts not covered by the blindfold: Good fun. Without the thumb in his mouth, his drool is very much left to its own devices. Yoongi still tries to keep up with his palm chafing furiously, down until the base, and up again so relentless that it makes it hard for him to speak.
“Hurts, hurts—”
“My boy. Add the other hand, quick.”
He obeys. You let go of his ears and lean right in to lick his lips clean. Slipping into his mouth with your tongue isn’t as easy given how much the mattress vibrates and his body shakes, so you grab Yoongi by the jaw to hold him still. You pin him hard against the headboard. Merging your tongues completely, Yoongi arches with jittery hands around his dick.
The messy spill on his stomach comes dripping down as fast as it shot out in little strands. Almost clear fluid, just a little whitened. Quitting the drug that is his mouth leaves you high and dry more than ever, but wet spots of saliva on your jeans. Gladly— not lube. He’s not been that wild with his little yanks and jerks today. Maybe you will make him, soon. 
You untie the blindfold with care and swing the scarf back around your own neck. It’s nice, light, and a tad warm. Cozy like Yoongi. You will wear it during the rehearsals. And backstage. And during the concert. He’ll always see it.
Yoongi collapses at your chest with slicked up hands hanging down at either side of his torso. Seemingly, with each last bit of tension pulling like threads on his every limb completely dissipating. The strings are cut. 
“Did I do well... mommy?”
“You did.”
“The sheets—”
He gazes around.
“Nothing really stained. You have better aim without seeing. Only, um.”
You point to his spit on your jeans.
Yoongi smiles his little gummy smile in reply. Embarrassed. He does remember Macau.
“Gosh, sorry for shaking…”
“Energy comes back in a minute. Jus’ lay back.” 
You help Yoongi accommodate on the bed, unscrew the water bottle next to your phone. He takes huge sips. Within a few swipes, you remove the pooling semen from his belly with the blue towel, among the drool around his chin. Yoongi’s a sloppy baby. That’s what you love him for.
Double-checking the back of his head for hair out of place is rendered useless now that the sheets pretty much swallow him again as if for another nap, with you pulling off his boxers completely. You glide off the edge of the bed content, take another look at the risqué picture you had taken, and head toward the wardrobe in the same room to browse through the available items. You find two rather scruffy grey bathrobes, another towel. And some more casual street wear— a sweater of yours to lend, just as black as his discarded shirt. Tight ripped jeans, light white sneakers.
“Enjoy this here, little one? For your rehearsals.”
Yoongi hums in reply with one eye open, peeling his beloved socks off by using his toes. He already knows that he can’t lie down for too long. The wake of the concert, the clock, his own bleeping phone with the group chat getting active. All reminders. But he doesn’t seem as antsy as before. That’s a good sign.
From your suitcase, you grab a petite shampoo bottle and comb, some conditioner, both hibiscus-scented. Tamper with your own clothes, pick a matching color. Compare. Alright.
“We’ll be taking a nice Wembley shower. Come. I’ll take your earrings off.”
Yoongi, dainty knowing smile, wriggles himself out of the pillows. The stylists will have to put up with freshly blow-dried hair and a bit less of a ‘texture’.
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© 2017-2019 submissive-bangtan. All rights reserved. Do not repost, translate, or modify.
Thank you for reading!
@seesaws-wife @re-sugance @mint-tea-only @mintyy-yoons @never-mind-singularity @yoongismykink @sugarcookiesandsins @suga-swaeg @honeysyubb @honey-boyyoongi @eshika0102 @submissivekpop @bendovabangtan @siedhr @softyoongiionly @galaxy-min-yoongi @cupsofsuga @anpansuga @syubcandy @pinkypie-sadness @softie-yoongi
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lokisasylum · 4 years
BTS Tag Game
Tagged by @utopiajeon​
1. First BTS song?
I know I always say that Boy In Luv & Danger are what really got me hooked on them, but I do recall listening to “No More Dreams” when they debuted and I was getting into Kpop at that time.
2. First bias?
Since the beginning, Park Jimin ❤️😎
3. Current bias?
Still Mr. Christian ChimmChim Jimin-ssi from the Alexs Armandou House.
4. Bias Wrecker?
5. Put the members in order of your bias list
I think it goes without saying, but for the sake of the hypocritical whiney bitches out there in the fandom, I won’t name names.
6. Favorite BTS song?
It’s different depending on the album... but if we’re going by the one no skip-this-is-my-fucking-jam-don’t-talk-to-me-right-now-hoes ... “Butterfly”
7. Favorite BTS song that is Underrated?
Aside from “Dead Leaves”, I think all the hidden tracks like “Sea” are heavily underrated. As well as some of the Japanese ones.
8. Favorite Song of Wings?
Boy Meets Evil, Lie, Blood Sweat & Tears & First Love.
9. Favorite song of each LY Her, Tear & Answer?
From LY: Her - I always liked “Best of Me” despite what people thought of it, and I think the toxic cancel-culture ruined a lot of good songs for people in the fandom at the time.
From LY:Tear - FAKE LOVE because of the emotion behind it & Anpanman is my jam.
LY: Answer - Serendipity ALL THE WAY.
10 . Favorite song of each MOTS Persona & 7?
Persona: Intro: PERSONA
MOTS7: interlude: SHADOW, Filter, My Time, ON and UGH!
11. Favorite MV?
Prologue: Butterfly
I NEED U (the original uncensored ver.)
Blood Sweat & Tears
Spring Day
12. Favorite Dancer?
Jimin, because as an artists myself and art major I love the way he portrays the emotions in a song, how fluid his movements are. How he can go from delicate, alluring and sexy one minute, but then go HARD the second. He’s just overall a breathtaking performer to watch.
13. Favorite vocalist?
People can say what they want, and continuously praise the SAME member over and over again like they the only vocalist in the group.  But Jimin’s voice will always be my favorite.
14. Favorite rapper?
15. Favorite Hair color on each member?
Namjoon: purple hair looked great on him
Jin: pink
Yoongi: mint
Hoseok: red
Jimin: orange, pink & demon BLACK
Taehyung: BS&T blonde cause they left his eyebrows black and it gave him a very unique facial feature especially when he wore beanies.
Jungkook: honestly I like Kookie with his coconut brown hair and during Not Today/Spring Day when he had the pink highlights.
16. Favorite Choreography?
Baepsae, Butterfly, I NEED U, I like it pt. 2, BS&T, Baepsae, FIRE, Not Today, Mic Drop, Baepsae, Fake Love, IDOL, Anpanman,  Oh yeah and Baepsae Live.
17. Favorite Ship?
Vmin (the beloved soulmates)
Jikook (the princes of Busan & powercouple)
JinMin (the Sping Day lovers)
Jihope (the sexy roommates, who are also cuddly AF)
Minimonie (tol and smol TT)
Yoonmin/Miniminiz (i mean bitch tell me they ain’t the cutest dorks in the world??)
I Tag: @guincoleridge
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
I’m just saying… but that blonde is a perfect base for the return of mint yoongi…
Stop. It. I will scream 😩
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gukyi · 6 years
stages | myg
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⇒ summary: from neighbors, to locker buddies, to college classmates, you and min yoongi never seem to leave each other alone.
⇒ {neighbors!au, enemies to lovers!au (sort of??), bad boy!yoongi}
⇒ pairing: min yoongi x female reader ⇒ word count: 3k ⇒ genre: fluff ⇒ warnings: n/a ⇒ a/n: surprise!!! i needed a break from twp and this was the first thing that happened. it’s kinda short and kinda doesn’t have a plot, but whatever!!!
When you are five years old, it is the summer before kindergarten. Your mother has been dutifully preparing you for the beginning of your public education, teaching you how to read and write. You can almost read your favorite children’s book—Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, clearly, the superior children’s book—entirely on your own.
You are five years old, and sitting at the edge of the sidewalk, the hot pavement burning the backs of your lower legs as they are crossed criss-cross-applesauce. In your hand is a thick black Sharpie, and in front of you, held down onto the pavement by your foot so it does not go flying off in the wind, in a piece of paper.
You are five years old and in front of you come zooming a small minivan in a sky blue color and a big, white truck behind it. On the truck are the words “Moving Company.” You don’t know what they mean, but they stop at the house right next to yours. You stop drawing for a second, peering over the bushes planted at the sides of the sidewalk to see what all of the commotion is about.
You are five years old when, amongst the sounds of car doors slamming and big men shouting, emerges a little boy from the backseat of the minivan, his hair as jet black as the shapeless blob you’ve convinced yourself is a dog on the paper in front of you. He’s tiny, his thick bangs cover his eyes, and he’s wearing all black despite your mother always telling you to wear light colors in the summer so you don’t attract heat.
You’ve never seen another child on this street. All of your neighbors, at least the ones that you’ve met, are either old people or people with dogs instead of kids. Not that you’re complaining, because Pickle the German Shepherd from the house two doors down is the sweetest dog you’ve ever met, even if he’s the same size as you.
Your mother did always tell you never to talk to strangers, especially strangers that not even your parents know, but the little boy isn’t a stranger. He’s the same age as you. By default, that makes him a friend. That’s just how it works.
You drop the Sharpie onto the paper resting on the sidewalk, not really caring if it blows away in the wind—it’s not like it was a very good drawing, anyway—and begin to make your way into the road. With each step, the hot pink sneakers on your feet light up and the pigtails in your hair bounce in the wind. You can feel the bobbles keeping your hair up hit each other with each playful skip.
The little boy has his back turned to you when you approach him. He’s reaching into the backseat of his car to grab something, but you can’t figure out what. As you get closer, you realize that you’re about the same height, though you’re willing to be that you’re actually taller than him.
“Hi!” You exclaim excitedly, chirpily. Your shrill voice clearly catches him by surprise, and he whips around with his brown eyes blown impossibly wide. In his hands, clutched tightly to his chest, is one of those play keyboards, the ones that make all of the drum sounds. “I’m Y/N.”
“Hello,” the boy says quickly, ducking his head and pushing past you.
You raise your eyebrow. That’s never happened to you. You always make friends. That’s how it works.
“What’s your name?” You persist, following him intently. You’re not leaving until the two of you have shared your life secrets with each other. He’s the only other kid on this block. You’re desperate.
“Yoongi,” he mutters quietly, and you almost don’t hear him if it weren’t for your apparently good ears.
“Nice to meet you, Yoongi,” you say, quickly running in front of him and holding out your hand. He’s still clutching the keyboard, even as he dodges all attempts by you to be friends and walks up to the house next to yours.
He doesn’t reach out to shake your hand, something that your father always told you was rude. What’s up with this kid? All he does is nod, trying to avoid you but clearly to no avail.
“How old are you?” You continue to interrogate him. “I’m five.”
“Me too,” he says rapidly, the words slurring together in an effort to make them even faster.
“We should be friends,” you suggest plainly.
Yoongi’s eyes widen again, and he looks you up and down four times (four!), from your head to your toes. You realize what you must look like to him, a crazed little girl covered in pink and purple items, a bright smile on her face, and a wild fire in her eyes. In response to your declaration, Yoongi brushes past you once more, heading right into the house. You’re left standing outside the front door, mouth still open and arm outstretched, wondering why on Earth this new kid, Yoongi, doesn’t want to be your friend.
When you tell your mother later, she tells you that he’s probably a new neighbor. You don’t know what that means until she explains that Yoongi and his family will live next door, and that brightens your spirits a little. Maybe today was just an off day, and tomorrow you can try again to become best friends. Your mother even suggests the two of you make a welcome cake for the family. Cake always works.
He’ll definitely want to be best friends after the cake.
(Spoiler alert: He doesn’t.)
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You are sixteen, and out of every single time you’ve spoken to Min Yoongi, you don’t think he’s spoken back more than four words to you at any single instance. His responses are always short, clipped words, no more than one syllable, and they very clearly convey some sort of disdain for you that you can’t exactly pick up on. It’s been eleven years since he moved in, and Min Yoongi wants absolutely nothing to do with you.
You are sixteen, but that doesn’t mean you are foolish. You know that Min Yoongi has made it plenty obvious he’s not keen on being your friend. Which is perfectly fine, you’ve come to realize. Not all people have to be best friends with each other. But what you do not understand is why he is so intent on letting you know that he dislikes you, why he always rudely responds to you whenever you try to just be amicable and friendly. It costs zero dollars to be a nice guy, but not even Yoongi can manage that.
You are sixteen, and so is Min Yoongi. And he is still wearing all black—at least, he is whenever you catch the occasional glimpse of him in the school hallways or outside of his house—and has bangs that cover his eyes. Instead of them being black, however, he changes it up, and every time you see him he’s got a different color to them, pink, mint, blonde, blue. He has piercings that decorate his ears from top to bottom and one on his bottom lip, too, and you have never seen him without his thick black earplugs in.
You are sixteen, and high school is in full swing. You’re at the peak of your teens, and it doesn’t get much better than being sixteen and carefree and genuinely happy, right before the weight of college applications and actual college drag you down into the fiery pits of hell, where you most definitely belong. Still, you have yet to grow out of your phase of pink and purple, even though you’ve added a few more colors, like yellow and blue, to your arsenal of clothing.
When you are sixteen and you get to your locker for the first time for the school year, already ready to shed yourself of the weight that’s definitely going to give you back problems in the near future, there is already somebody standing there. It’s not difficult for you to figure out who.
Min Yoongi looks different up close, his back turned to you just like it was when he first moved in, reaching into his car to grab that fucking keyboard of his. He isn’t reaching into the locker that is most definitely yours, but he is blocking it. Him, and his all black getup, his combat boots, and the earrings that dangle from his lobes. They’re all blocking the way to your locker.
“Excuse me?” You ask, and you can see the way his shoulders slump when his ears recognize your voice. Alright, you get it. He doesn’t like you. “You’re blocking my locker, Min Yoongi.”
Yoongi whips around, and you’ve never seen him so up close like this. His eyes are small, beaded, hazy. They hide secrets behind the chocolate in them, a fuzziness you can’t make out. His lips are bright pink, plush, especially so with the lip ring piercing his lower one. His skin is smooth and warm, despite his already pale complexion. His hair is fading more in the front than in the back, the blue turned into an icy gray. You can’t deny that he’s attractive, not even when he’s staring at you with nothing but displeasure lacing his features.
“Is this your locker?” He asks, deadpanning and unhappy.
“Yeah,” you say brightly, trying not to let his pessimistic mood get the better of you. You’ve always been chirpy and cheerful, and you refuse to let a certain Min Yoongi change that. “Is that one yours?” You ask, pointing to the locker directly to the right of your own.
Min Yoongi sighs, which you take as a yes.
“Great! Guess we’re locker neighbors this year, along with being regular neighbors!” You say as Yoongi moves out of the way, clearly regretting every single one of his life choices, probably beginning with his agreement to move next door to you. Quickly, you enter in the locker combination and begin to pull your stuff out of your backpack, already starting to decorate the inside with photos of you and your friends, your beloved dog, and various bright colors of stationary for emergencies.
One glance over at Yoongi’s locker reveals to you a wholly bland locker, filled only with his books and his black denim jacket. No pictures, no decorations, no spare supplies.
“Guess I’ll see you around, Min Yoongi! We’ll become super close this year, I’m sure of it!” You say happily, already well aware that Min Yoongi will try his damn hardest to avoid you at all costs.
Well, this year, you’ve decided that you’re not going to let him get away with that.
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It’s the season of the annual winter formal, which is always less formal than prom but more formal than any other school dance you have during the year, if there is such a thing. It’s winter formal season and you are intent on interrogating Min Yoongi, to the ends of the Earth even if you must, to convince him to go. He doesn’t even have to go with you—you laugh at the thought of him thinking about it for even a second—but Min Yoongi never does anything for the school, never goes to the games, never raises his hand, never contributes to the fundraisers. All he ever does is listen to music and sulk in corners.
“Min Yoongi!” You say one day, slamming his locker shut and catching him entirely by surprise as you meet his eyes. He immediately loses all form of expression when he sees your face, his lips curled down slightly and a single eyebrow raised.
“What do you want, Y/N?” He asks. “I told you, I don’t want a partner for our music project.”
“I don’t need you for our music project,” you object. “I have my own partner, and we’ll be fine. Fuck you,” you tell him. “Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you were going to the Winter Wonderland dance.”
Yoongi scoffs, eyes looking away with his mouth open in shock, as if he’s saying, “Is she really asking me, Min Yoongi, if I’m going to some lame school dance?”
“Why, did nobody else want to take you? Am I a last resort?” Min Yoongi asks, pouting your way as he leans down condescendingly.
“I don’t need an escort, I’m not a princess,” you tell him. “I’m going with friends, thank you very much. I just wanted to see if you’d go. We’re trying to get our attendance up this year.”
Min Yoongi nods. “Right, I forgot you were one of those Student Council bastards.”
You try not to dwell on the insult to the one school organization you actually kind of care about, moving right past it. “That’s besides the point. You should come, Min Yoongi. It’s a lot of fun and the food isn’t actually half bad. Plus, someone almost always laces the punch.”
“Sweaty bodies grinding up against each other in a dark gymnasium to the tune of terrible pop music?” Yoongi asks. “Not really my thing. Sorry, Y/N. You’ll have to try persuading somebody else.”
“You’re always such a stick in the mud, you know that? You hate doing everything and you keep to yourself and you’ve never liked me even though I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong to you,” you say, trying not to let all of your pent up emotions on Min Yoongi spill out at once and failing miserably at it. “What the fuck is your problem? Why do you hate me so much?”
“I don’t hate you,” Min Yoongi says quietly.
“What?” You ask, unsure if you heard him correctly.
“I said, you just bother me,” he says, changing his words. You’re still not one hundred percent positive he said he didn’t hate you, but it’s too late now. He won’t change his words again. “Sorry, Y/N. Not everybody loves you.”
With that, he’s walking away, putting his earbuds back in and letting the bass echo around him, loud enough for you to make out as he leaves you speechless yet again.
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You are eighteen, and you’ve come to the conclusion that the universe maybe just has it out for you, or something.
You are eighteen, and you are so damn excited for university. So damn excited for a fresh start, for a clean slate, for you to be able to wipe away all of the terrible memories of high school and make room for better experiences, experiences worth remembering. You can’t stop shaking with anticipation as you move into your cramped little dorm, decorating it with fairy lights and an abundance of throw pillows and stationary that’s too aesthetically pleasing to use.
You are eighteen, and the only class that you’re actually looking forward to is your Intro to Music Production class, a giant seminar that will probably not be very engaging nor personal, but enlightening nonetheless. You swear you’ve picked a university that nobody else from your school is attending, a promise that there will be no loose ends you have to tie up now.
You are eighteen, and when you walk into your first Intro to Music Production class on a warm, sunny Wednesday, the first person you are greeted with is none other than Min Yoongi.
He’s up out of his seat, rearranging himself, when he makes eye contact with you. The both of you must look like deer caught in headlights, shocked at the sight of the other, standing in the same lecture hall at the same time in the same university. Only God would play such a mean practical joke on you, laughing from above you at the fact that you have to spend the next four years dealing with Min Yoongi despite the fact that you swore you’d never see him again after graduation.
What is surprising, however, is the fact that after you quickly turn your eyes away from him and rush to an empty seat, far from his, you feel a body sitting to your right, and when you turn to look, it’s him. He says absolutely nothing, his earphones still in like usual, playing a song you’ve never heard before. You open your mouth to speak, ask him why, ask him how, ask him if he’s gone insane, but nothing comes out.
Maybe it’s better this way. Maybe if you don’t say anything, don’t question his actions, then you really can start fresh. Maybe this is his way of wiping his own slate clean, the first show of something other than clear disdain for you. Maybe, if you do question it, something will change. And strangely enough, you don’t want anything to change.
Turns out, Intro to Music Production brings out a Min Yoongi that doesn’t decide not to pay attention and mope around, headphones in and music blaring. Intro to Music Production is a class that both you and Min Yoongi avidly care about, taking notes that aren’t nonsense and trying to engage yourself in the content being taught.
When the class is over, you have half a mind to dash out, not wanting to spend another second in such close proximity with Yoongi, the feeling so foreign it gives you chills. But, the other half is telling you to wait for him, to talk to him, to finally make an attempt to become something other than mild enemies. So, you resist the urge to run and loiter around, your stuff held tightly to your chest as you wait for him to gather his own belongings.
“What’s gotten into you?” You ask as you’re walking out, trying to avoid his piercing gaze. He’s stopped dyeing his hair so much, his roots heavily grown in, and he’s traded his lip ring for a simple stud, but other than that, he looks the same. A little older, a little softer, but the same.
“I don’t know,” Yoongi says gruffly. “I just liked seeing a familiar face.”
“But you hated me in high school,” you say, laughing at the absurdity of it all.
“I didn’t hate you,” Yoongi says. “I just wasn’t used to you.”
“We’ve been neighbors for thirteen years,” you remind him, not buying his excuse.
“But you… you were always so loud and wild and vibrant,” Yoongi says. “I wasn’t used to it. You scared me.”
“Not my intention,” you tell him apologetically. “My bad.”
“Mine too, really. I did actually kind of like you, you know,” Yoongi says. “Your overbearing presence in my life was comforting.”
You place a hand on your chest, offended by the word ‘overbearing’, but you do appreciate the fact that Yoongi has changed, is changing, is learning to change. He’s always been something of a constant in your life, him and his stoic personality. You remember your friend telling you a word for people like him, tsundere. It’s such a perfect word for a guy like Min Yoongi.
“I guess your uptight, emo self was kind of a constant in mine as well,” you relent, giving into his words with ease. Strangely enough, everything just feels so natural when it comes to him.
“Hey, I was not emo,” Yoongi says. “I was expressing myself.”
You scoff. “Sure thing, Emo,” you tease, ruffling his hair and making his nose scrunch up. Yoongi laughs at the action, something you don’t think you’ve ever seen before, and it is warm and bright and makes your heart flutter ever so slightly. Damn.
“Hey, do you want to grab some coffee with me?” Yoongi suggests happily. “We can kick start college the right way—caffeine.”
You giggle. “Like a date, or something?”
Yoongi looks up to the side as if he’s pondering your question, figuring out an appropriate response. “Sure,” he says, nodding. “Like a date, or something.”
And maybe you and Min Yoongi haven’t always gotten off on the right foot, but you are eighteen and things are changing, and you hope that like always, Min Yoongi will be there through it all.
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⇒ hmu with feedback or just talk to me here!
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dat-town · 7 years
Coffee taste (m)
Characters: Min Yoongi & You
Genre: fluff, smut (just a prolonged foreplay though)
Summary:  As in what happens when you disturb your boyfriend late at night in his studio uninvited and try to lure him home.
Warnings: mild dirty talk and light sexual content
Words: 2963
I blame my late night conversation with @taetaeby about sweets, coffee and Yoongi.
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“Come on, take a break.”
If there were a list of things you definitely shouldn’t tell Min Yoongi, that would be at the top of it right after Hey, wake up, sleepy head. Still, you get no reaction from the young man sitting in the chair in front the computer illuminated by its fluorescent light. His fingers are constantly typing, clicking, pausing or drumming to the beat that’s coming from his headphones. He is so lost in his music that he is completely unfazed by his surroundings.  You take a few steps towards him after closing the door shut with a quiet click and setting aside the bag in your hands. You have always found the so-called Genius Lab cozy with its worn leather couch and stylish furniture decorated with memories of its owner’s most cherished or life-changing moments: a museum of photos, awards, CDs and let’s not forget about the iconic Kumamon plushies either.
Your steps come to a halt just to stand behind the swivel chair that provides you a better view of what Yoongi is currently working on. Not that you know anything about music softwares, so the only thing you comprehend is that he’s still staring at the same file he opened two days ago when you were in. Based on the empty pizza and Chinese take-out boxes in the corner it looks like he didn’t move around a lot in the meantime and you sigh at the collection of various neglected energy drinks on the wooden table. You gently pull off the headphones you bought for him last Christmas and place it around his neck while you bend down to rest your chin on his shoulder.
“Hey,” you greet him in a soft murmur, pressing a short peck on his nape which finally jerks him out of the trance. You feel the muscles in his shoulders tense immediately because he certainly didn’t expect a visitor in the middle of the night and your fingers move quickly to soothe him by applying light pressure on the uptight area.
“Oh shit, it’s late, right? I forgot about time,” cusses fly out of Yoongi’s mouth followed by a tired yawn and you can tell from his raspy, deep voice that he hasn’t spoken out loud in a while. Which means he didn’t really have company during the past days.
“It’s okay,” you reassure him like the patient girlfriend you are even if you hate sleeping in the cold king-sized bed alone. You had been well aware of his life style and perfectionism when you started dating after being just friends for years. You admire him for being so invested in music, living so diligently to his passion but you are willing to be that person who stops him if he overdoes it. Someone has to make sure he takes care of his health and doesn’t forget about his family and friends either.
Your hands smooth down on his hoodie-covered arms and when you reach his pale, bony fingers, both of you instinctively move to intertwine them with yours. “Let’s go. You need to get some rest,” you nudge him lightly, whispering into his skin that’s still faintly mint-scented despite the previous days without seeing daylight much less taking a decent shower.
“Soon. I’ll just finish this beat,” Yoongi promises hastily while he brings your hand close to his face and you feel his slightly chapped lips brushing over your knuckles lovingly. Even though his affectionate gesture sends shivers down your spine, you know better: in his dictionary soon means another hour then one more again and so on. The never-ending battle with his own expectations to create something perfect: he won’t stop until he’s satisfied with the track and that takes a lot of time. You can’t blame him because good things take time and the outcome is always jaw-dropping: a heart-stirring song you could cry on or a rap track you would be hyped for. However, it means a lot more nights spent alone. An unintended whine escapes your throat.
“You haven’t come home yesterday and the day before either,” you remind him trying not to pout but failing miserably. The disappointment must colour your voice too because Yoongi turns in his chair and looks at you with those sincere eyes as black as his favourite coffee.
“You know what it’s like with inspiration.”
It sounds like an apology you don’t want to hear. You understand and respect his love for music and his loyalty to his fans but you won’t let him work himself to death.
“I know,” you mutter with an acknowledging nod because during the last nine months of your relationship and ever before, as soon as you miraculously became friends with him over a cup of coffee, you promptly learned how it is when he gets into the zone. You literally had to drag him out last time when he was in this phase before their latest comeback. You mercilessly threatened him to visit Holly, his beloved dog in his hometown alone and bless your acting skills, he believed that and crawled out of his cave. Somehow you figured, the trick won’t work multiple times. So you adapt to the circumstances with a sigh. “I kind of already knew you would say that so I bought you coffee and sweets just in case your supply ran out.”
You draw back a little and pull out two cups of sweetened coffee from the bag set aside along with a package of colourful french fancies you bought at that fancy patisserie open 24/7 down the corner to ensure his normal blood sugar level. Of course, you also brought decent food: a serving of black bean noodles and spicy rice cake.
“You are an angel.” Your boyfriend exclaims with widened eyes, sitting up straight and he licks his lower lip at the sight. You just smile at his eagerness and hold out wooden chopsticks for him which he takes still dazed. “What did I do to deserve you? I must have saved the world in my earlier life.”
“Probably,” you laugh it off, a pink blush heating up your cheeks as you watch him attacking the sauced pasta. He doesn’t talk much while he’s munching on the food but he has always been softspoken. You’re glancing at the luminescent light of the clock on the shelf and it shows a little over 1AM.
Your boyfriend lets out a content sigh patting his now full stomach and tosses away the empty box. He wash away the taste of spicy food with big gulps of coffee and you swallow hard at the sight of his Adam’s apple bobbing. You can’t even argue with that fan claiming she would sue Yoongi because he really is a dangerous man. Who else could turn you on just by looking hella fine while drinking?
“I really needed this, thanks,” he rewards you with a grateful smile after he finishes the cup, and then turns back towards his computer to continue working.
You almost unconsciously slip off the table you’ve been sitting on the last fifteen minutes while Yoongi devoured the food you bought him. You know that you should probably go and leave him work in peace so he can come home in the morning and make it up to you. But you’re needy when it comes to his presence and you don’t want to leave yet, at least not alone. So you slip into his personal space trying not to block his view and unceremoniously sit on his lap sideways with your legs swinging on his left. You act like you don’t know what it does to him even though his tense grip on the computer mouse makes his knuckles turn white. Leaving it without comment, you casually stretch yourself to reach the package of pastries across him as if it was your sole purpose of closing the distance between you.
You open the plastic bag noisily to take out a strawberry flavoured dessert. As soon as the typing sound dies away in the background, you can sense Yoongi’s hungry gaze on you and try your best not to smile. The pastry looks delicious but when you hold it to him, he shakes his head dismissing your kind offer. Though, his dark eyes are still trained on you absorbedly and you dare to maintain the eye contact as you ever so slowly bite into the sweetness.
Eventually you end up smiling when the rapper’s breath hitch in his throat.
It’s a warning, you know well but it doesn’t stop you from innocently licking the sugar off of your fingers that became sticky because of the frosting.
“Are you absolutely sure you don’t want to come home? To freshen up a little? We can shower together and then cuddle,” you murmur, your lips barely touching Yoongi’s ears but his hands suddenly find their way on your waist and his grip immediately tightens.
“Hm... tempting,” he lets out a shuddering breath and you enjoy the effect you have on him until you can. Most of the times he’s too composed to let you have the upperhand so it’s always thrilling to have a chance. He’s a little emotionally reserved, rarely allowing his feelings to be shown but right now he’s too tired to put on a mask and you shamelessly try to make the best out of it.
“Well, that’s what I was aiming for,” you admit with a cute giggle while your fingers are tangling in his soft locks. You press an unexpected peck on his cheek again but Yoongi takes you by surprise as he greedily chases after your sugary lips. He’s still a little tired so the kiss is kind of chaste and sloppy but you love it nonetheless. The coffee washed away the spiced flavours leaving nothing but the bittersweet caffeine aroma on his lips. Shakily you have to grab ahold of your boyfriend’s shoulders while he’s stroking your thigh through the thin fabric of your jeans. You kiss like this for what feels like hours and your limbs slowly turn into jelly at Yoongi’s light touches. You open your mouth instantly with a sigh when his tongue licks at your sugar-coated lips seeking entrance. The way the sweet taste of dessert and the bitterness of coffee mixes overwhelms you and before you could stop yourself, you let out a whimper in pleasure.
Yoongi pulls away with a light groan, panting heavily into your neck with his breath hitting on your heated skin.
“If you keep that up baby girl, even if we make it home, we won't sleep soon.”
You are already breathless from the kissing but the nickname and the implication that slips out of his mouth so casually really knocks out all the air from your lungs. You remind yourself that you came here with a purpose and you won’t be deceived so easily into thinking that it was his idea all along.
“You said you need to finish that damn beat so do it,” you provoke him, just a little and your daring gaze follows the way Yoongi’s tongue wets his lips. Both of you know that it’s a challenge but also a clear innuendo.
Finish what you started is one of Yoongi’s most common used line when it comes to you. He can be a teasing little shit in the bedroom but pretends not to like when you tease him (but oh, he does love it very much). You know exactly how to rile him up and he knows how to push your buttons to conjure up those sweet sounds he adores so much. Sometimes he’s rough and into dirty talk, whispering sinful things into your ear, telling you how much he’d like to record those filthy moans that leave your mouth and maybe include them in his next mixtape. His skillful, fire-spitting tongue and teeth are always on the mission of mapping out your whole body while he holds you down not letting you to touch him, torturing you in the best way possible and only allows you to have your release if you beg him like a good girl. But other times, he’s so gentle as if you were made of porcelain and his gentle touches are sorrys for the purple bruises and love bites he left earlier even though you love the way he marks you and makes you his. His butterfly kisses on your hot skin are full of praises, his mouth engraving silent I love yous on the canvas of your body while he makes love to you oh so good.
“Okay,” Yoongi shrugs nonchalantly, tugging the headphone back on one ear and starts revising the track, replaying it again and again leaving you disappointed and untouched like a doll in a vitrine.
You have no idea because he looks so put together as always that but deep down inside it’s killing him to resist and deny you what you want. Still, he acts like he’s unaffected by your charm and focuses on the unfinished melody while you watch silently as he works. You love observing him when he writes lyrics or produces a song, it's always so inspirational. But tonight, you aren’t in mood for inspiration. It's late and you want to go home. With him.
Your patience only lasts for a few more minutes and while your lips graze his earrings, you can’t see but rather feel Yoongi’s cunning smirk. He knows you too well, he knew you would break eventually, a lot sooner than he would give in because you aren’t as stubborn as him.
You plant a kiss under his ear, then right under his jaw, at the corner of his mouth and then on his plump pink lips. You expect him to stop you, to tell you to leave him alone for a bit but he surprises you once again and you gasp loudly when he finally kisses you back with fervor. His hands cup your face keeping you close while you lick the taste of iced americano out of his mouth and savour it. He always tastes like coffee. bitter and sweet at the same time, it's addictive, really.
“Impatient, are we? You really want me that much, huh?” He chuckles sneaking a hand under the hem of your shirt so he can caress the soft skin of your stomach.
“So bad,” you admit without shame and your eyes flutter half-closed at the wonders his long, pianist fingers are doing to your skin leaving goosebumps behind. You can’t even protest, not when he asks you so nicely. But who could blame you? When a comeback or concert tour is nearing, you see your boyfriend less often and he’s always so stressed, you rarely have time to be intimate. It’s been a while and you missed feeling him close.
“You couldn’t even wait until I finish. You’re so spoiled, princess,” Yoongi clicks his tongue disapprovingly and you feel arousal licking your veins at the authoritative tone of his smooth voice. The small studio suddenly feels too hot. Perhaps you like it a little too much when he takes charge. You can’t seem to shake off the memories of him blindfolding you and tying you up completely leaving you at his mercy and you think you could get off on that thought alone. But why bother if he was right here?
“Will you punish me for being bad?” you ask seductively, fluttering your eyelashes at him while your naughty fingers dance down on Yoongi’s chest until the button of his jeans and you tease it just to test the waters without taking your eyes off of him.
“Maybe,” he replies after a moment or two of nerve-wrecking silence and his raspy voice sends shivers down your spine. The anticipation is building up quickly as you bury your fingers into Yoongi’s soft raven hair you adore so much and he wastes no time to crash your lips together. As you devour each other you can still feel the sleepiness in your boyfriends’ lazy moves but you find it too attractive to complain about it. Maybe he will make you do all the work tonight, but you wouldn’t regret it one bit.
The way his calloused fingers tap on the small of your back makes you bold and he growls into your mouth when you sit a little too close to his sensitive part.
“I changed my mind…” he pants heavily as he pulls back but you’re no better when a whine escapes your mouth. You can’t help the tremble either that shakes you to the core when his rough voice whispers those dirty words so close to your ear, his teeth gently nipping at your earlobe. “You’re definitely going to get punished. You’ll regret playing with me, baby girl.”
You know that he’s dead serious because he doesn’t joke about these things. Yet, it’s not fear but excitement that makes your blood boil. He’s like fire, burning hot but you’re reckless enough to seek this intoxicating sensation.
“Really? Because so far you’ve been all talk but no action,” you say trying to keep your voice as calm as possible but it cracks when Yoongi’s fingers teasingly play with the clasp of your lacy bra under your shirt. Staring into his darkened coffee brown orbs, you can pinpoint the exact moment when he snaps. He dives in to lock lips with you quickly and roughly one last time before he pats your butt silently ordering you to stand up. As you obediently do that, you can see the mischievous glint in Yoongi’s eyes and the dangerous curve of his mouth promising you a long, long night.
“Okay, you won. Let’s go home.”
And oh, winning never felt so sweet.
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baekookbitch-blog · 7 years
favorite hair eras
no one asked for it but here it is!! my favorite hair eras the beloved boys of bts
namjoon: pink (hyyh) seokjin: blond (fire) yoongi: mint (run) or blond (dope/agust d) hoseok: dark brown (i need u) jimin: black (fire) taehyung: red (young forever) jungkook: black (war of hormone)
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