#millennium festival
breed-station · 1 year
Zantzu(@ask-suicune): Um. I was passing by and I heard there is a festival around here...what's going on?
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Francis: Today is the Tanabata Festival or also called "Star Festival"! Originally, it comes from Kanto, where I come from, but here in Alola is the Millennium Comet very visible!
Francis: Every year in Kanto, we celebrate the meeting of two deities of Vega and Altair. According to legend, the Milky Way seperates these lovers, and they are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. The date varies by region tho. People generally celebrate this day by writing wishes on small pieces of paper and hang them on bamboo or decorations.
Francis: Here, they combined it with the Appearance of the Millennium Comet since it is visible for only seven nights once every 1000 years. But only IF the comet appears. Speculations have it, that it does today!
Francis: So keep an eye out and write your wishes down!
[ @ask-suicune ]
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If you are from Chicago and I ask you where you want to hangout and you say Navy Pier I am hardcore judging you. Tourists who really want to go get a pass but are on thin ice.
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chloemphoto · 8 months
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marwahstudios · 1 year
Round Table Discussion on Television in New Millennium at 11th GFJN
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Noida: Media is vital for spreading information, shaping public opinion, and providing a platform for diverse voices and perspectives. Television is the important segment of the same. Television has come a long way since its inception, and the new millennium has brought about significant changes to the medium. Today we are here to discuss television in this round table,” initiated Dr. Sandeep Marwah founder of Noida Film City and President Marwah Studios in the opening session of the discussion.
“ The transition from analog to digital broadcasting has completely changed the way television is transmitted and received. Digital signals provide better picture and sound quality, as well as increased channel capacity and interactivity,” said Lord Rami Ranger of House of Lords, British Parliament, while lighting the ceremonial lamp.
“The rise of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime has revolutionized the way people consume television. Streaming services offer a wide variety of content, including original programming, and allow viewers to watch shows on their own schedule,” said H.E. Muhamed Cengic, Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina to India.
“The introduction of smart TVs has transformed the viewing experience by combining the traditional TV with internet connectivity, allowing viewers to access streaming services, browse the web, and even control their smart homes from their TV screens,” added H.E. Ashraf Shikhaliyev, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to India.
The new millennium saw the rise of reality television, with shows like Survivor and Big Brother becoming popular worldwide. This genre has since evolved to include a wide range of formats, from dating shows to talent competitions,” expressed Avinash Raj, CEO, Mitwa TV.
“Social media has had a profound impact on television, providing viewers with a platform to share their opinions and engage with their favourite shows and stars. Networks and producers have also embraced social media as a way to promote their shows and interact with their audiences,” narrated Ramnath Rajesh, senior journalist.
“ The advent of high-definition television has brought about a significant improvement in picture quality, with many networks and streaming services now offering content in 4K resolution.,“ extended Kumar Mohan, renowned film journalist from Mumbai.
“The availability of entire seasons of shows on streaming services has led to the phenomenon of binge-watching, where viewers watch multiple episodes or even entire seasons in one sitting,” spoke Prem Bhardwaj, Gyanbhiksu, renowned author.
“The ability to record shows and watch them later has become commonplace, with digital video recorders and on-demand services allowing viewers to watch shows at their convenience,” condensed Sushil Bharti of Radio Noida. Later Dr. Sandeep Marwah presented Life Membership of International Journalism Centre to all the dignitaries.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Chicago announces dates for Millennium Park jazz , house music and world music festivals
Chicago announces dates for Millennium Park jazz , house music and world music festivals
CHICAGO (WLS) — Chicago has announced more information about the dates and lineups for three of the city’s most popular free music festivals at Millennium Park. The Chicago Jazz Festival will take place September 1-4. Chicago’s summer block party, Sundays on State, returns to Loop Chicago’s House Music Festival will run from September 15-18. The World Music Festival Chicago will be from September…
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Apple fucked us on right to repair (again)
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Today (September 22), I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy. Tonight, I'll be in person at LA's Book Soup for the launch of Justin C Key's "The World Wasn’t Ready for You." On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine.
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Right to repair has no cannier, more dedicated adversary than Apple, a company whose most innovative work is dreaming up new ways to sneakily sabotage electronics repair while claiming to be a caring environmental steward, a lie that covers up the mountains of e-waste that Apple dooms our descendants to wade through.
Why does Apple hate repair so much? It's not that they want to poison our water and bodies with microplastics; it's not that they want to hasten the day our coastal cities drown; it's not that they relish the human misery that accompanies every gram of conflict mineral. They aren't sadists. They're merely sociopathically greedy.
Tim Cook laid it out for his investors: when people can repair their devices, they don't buy new ones. When people don't buy new devices, Apple doesn't sell them new devices. It's that's simple:
So Apple does everything it can to monopolize repair. Not just because this lets the company gouge you on routine service, but because it lets them decide when your phone is beyond repair, so they can offer you a trade-in, ensuring both that you buy a new device and that the device you buy is another Apple.
There are so many tactics Apple gets to use to sabotage repair. For example, Apple engraves microscopic Apple logos on the subassemblies in its devices. This allows the company to enlist US Customs to seize and destroy refurbished parts that are harvested from dead phones by workers in the Pacific Rim:
Of course, the easiest way to prevent harvested components from entering the parts stream is to destroy as many old devices as possible. That's why Apple's so-called "recycling" program shreds any devices you turn over to them. When you trade in your old iPhone at an Apple Store, it is converted into immortal e-waste (no other major recycling program does this). The logic is straightforward: no parts, no repairs:
Shredding parts and cooking up bogus trademark claims is just for starters, though. For Apple, the true anti-repair innovation comes from the most pernicious US tech law: Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
DMCA 1201 is an "anti-circumvention" law. It bans the distribution of any tool that bypasses "an effective means of access control." That's all very abstract, but here's what it means: if a manufacturer sticks some Digital Rights Management (DRM) in its device, then anything you want to do that involves removing that DRM is now illegal – even if the thing itself is perfectly legal.
When Congress passed this stupid law in 1998, it had a very limited blast radius. Computers were still pretty expensive and DRM use was limited to a few narrow categories. In 1998, DMCA 1201 was mostly used to prevent you from de-regionalizing your DVD player to watch discs that had been released overseas but not in your own country.
But as we warned back then, computers were only going to get smaller and cheaper, and eventually, it would only cost manufacturers pennies to wrap their products – or even subassemblies in their products – in DRM. Congress was putting a gun on the mantelpiece in Act I, and it was bound to go off in Act III.
Welcome to Act III.
Today, it costs about a quarter to add a system-on-a-chip to even the tiniest parts. These SOCs can run DRM. Here's how that DRM works: when you put a new part in a device, the SOC and the device's main controller communicate with one another. They perform a cryptographic protocol: the part says, "Here's my serial number," and then the main controller prompts the user to enter a manufacturer-supplied secret code, and the master controller sends a signed version of this to the part, and the part and the system then recognize each other.
This process has many names, but because it was first used in the automotive sector, it's widely known as VIN-Locking (VIN stands for "vehicle identification number," the unique number given to every car by its manufacturer). VIN-locking is used by automakers to block independent mechanics from repairing your car; even if they use the manufacturer's own parts, the parts and the engine will refuse to work together until the manufacturer's rep keys in the unlock code:
VIN locking is everywhere. It's how John Deere stops farmers from fixing their own tractors – something farmers have done literally since tractors were invented:
It's in ventilators. Like mobile phones, ventilators are a grotesquely monopolized sector, controlled by a single company Medtronic, whose biggest claim to fame is effecting the world's largest tax inversion in order to manufacture the appearance that it is an Irish company and therefore largely untaxable. Medtronic used the resulting windfall to gobble up most of its competitors.
During lockdown, as hospitals scrambled to keep their desperately needed supply of ventilators running, Medtronic's VIN-locking became a lethal impediment. Med-techs who used donor parts from one ventilator to keep another running – say, transplanting a screen – couldn't get the device to recognize the part because all the world's civilian aircraft were grounded, meaning Medtronic's technicians couldn't swan into their hospitals to type in the unlock code and charge them hundreds of dollars.
The saving grace was an anonymous, former Medtronic repair tech, who built pirate boxes to generate unlock codes, using any housing they could lay hands on to use as a case: guitar pedals, clock radios, etc. This tech shipped these gadgets around the world, observing strict anonymity, because Article 6 of the EUCD also bans circumvention:
Of course, Apple is a huge fan of VIN-locking. In phones, VIN-locking is usually called "serializing" or "parts-pairing," but it's the same thing: a tiny subassembly gets its own microcontroller whose sole purpose is to prevent independent repair technicians from fixing your gadget. Parts-pairing lets Apple block repairs even when the technician uses new, Apple parts – but it also lets Apple block refurb parts and third party parts.
For many years, Apple was the senior partner and leading voice in blocking state Right to Repair bills, which it killed by the dozen, leading a coalition of monopolists, from Wahl (who boobytrap their hair-clippers with springs that cause their heads irreversibly decompose if you try to sharpen them at home) to John Deere (who reinvented tenant farming by making farmers tenants of their tractors, rather than their land).
But Apple's opposition to repair eventually became a problem for the company. It's bad optics, and both Apple customers and Apple employees are volubly displeased with the company's ecocidal conduct. But of course, Apple's management and shareholders hate repair and want to block it as much as possible.
But Apple knows how to Think Differently. It came up with a way to eat its cake and have it, too. The company embarked on a program of visibly support right to repair, while working behind the scenes to sabotage it.
Last year, Apple announced a repair program. It was hilarious. If you wanted to swap your phone's battery, all you had to do was let Apple put a $1200 hold on your credit card, and then wait while the company shipped you 80 pounds' worth of specialized tools, packed in two special Pelican cases:
Then, you swapped your battery, but you weren't done! After your battery was installed, you had to conference in an authorized Apple tech who would tell you what code to type into a laptop you tethered to the phone in order to pair it with your phone. Then all you had to do was lug those two 40-pound Pelican cases to a shipping depot and wait for Apple to take the hold off your card (less the $120 in parts and fees).
By contrast, independent repair outfits like iFixit will sell you all the tools you need to do your own battery swap – including the battery! for $32. The whole kit fits in a padded envelope:
But while Apple was able to make a showy announcement of its repair program and then hide the malicious compliance inside those giant Pelican cases, sabotaging right to repair legislation is a lot harder.
Not that they didn't try. When New York State passed the first general electronics right-to-repair bill in the country, someone convinced New York Governor Kathy Hochul to neuter it with last-minute modifications:
But that kind of trick only works once. When California's right to repair bill was introduced, it was clear that it was gonna pass. Rather than get run over by that train, Apple got on board, supporting the legislation, which passed unanimously:
But Apple got the last laugh. Because while California's bill contains many useful clauses for the independent repair shops that keep your gadgets out of a landfill, it's a state law, and DMCA 1201 is federal. A state law can't simply legalize the conduct federal law prohibits. California's right to repair bill is a banger, but it has a weak spot: parts-pairing, the scourge of repair techs:
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Every generation of Apple devices does more parts-pairing than the previous one, and the current models are so infested with paired parts as to be effectively unrepairable, except by Apple. It's so bad that iFixit has dropped its repairability score for the iPhone 14 from a 7 ("recommend") to a 4 (do not recommend):
Parts-pairing is bullshit, and Apple are scum for using it, but they're hardly unique. Parts-pairing is at the core of the fuckery of inkjet printer companies, who use it to fence out third-party ink, so they can charge $9,600/gallon for ink that pennies to make:
Parts-pairing is also rampant in powered wheelchairs, a heavily monopolized sector whose predatory conduct is jaw-droppingly depraved:
But if turning phones into e-waste to eke out another billion-dollar stock buyback is indefensible, stranding people with disabilities for months at a time while they await repairs is so obviously wicked that the conscience recoils. That's why it was so great when Colorado passed the nation's first wheelchair right to repair bill last year:
California actually just passed two right to repair bills; the other one was SB-271, which mirrors Colorado's HB22-1031:
This is big! It's momentum! It's a start!
But it can't be the end. When Bill Clinton signed DMCA 1201 into law 25 years ago, he loaded a gun and put it on the nation's mantlepiece and now it's Act III and we're all getting sprayed with bullets. Everything from ovens to insulin pumps, thermostats to lightbulbs, has used DMCA 1201 to limit repair, modification and improvement.
Congress needs to rid us of this scourge, to let us bring back all the benefits of interoperability. I explain how this all came to be – and what we should do about it – in my new Verso Books title, The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Mitch Barrie (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Daytona_Skeleton_AR-15_completed_rifle_%2817551907724%29.jpg
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kambanji (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/kambanji/4135216486/
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Rawpixel (modified) https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12438797/png-white-background
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zoekeating · 4 months
Dear Listeners, 
Happy 2024 to you, in all its weirdness. 
I’m working on NEW MUSIC and will be sharing little bits of it and my process with you as I go along. For now, I’m putting the videos on Instagram and my Facebook Page and will link to them on my blog (sorry I let that lapse, somehow I managed to forget blogging existed). Here’s the first, a snippet of a song with the working title “Supernumerary”
What else? There are a few concerts in the immediate future:
March 15 - ArtYard - Frenchtown, NJ
March 16 - Underground Arts - Philadelphia, PA
March 17 - Le Poisson Rouge - NYC, NY
March 21 - Big Ears Festival - Knoxville, TN
The show in Philadelphia is opening up for my old friends, the Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. My connections to members of that band go back 20+ years to my 964 Natoma days. I first encountered Nils Frykdahl in the previous millennium while he was playing amplified flute in the rafters of the warehouse along with Dan Rathburn making noise and sparks with an arc welder that illuminated butoh performer Shinichi Moma Koga contorting himself on a metal grate. Anyway, Sleepytime is a delightful group of very talented avant garde art rockers and this year needs more of their unfiltered catharsis. I immediately said yes when they asked if I would play for one of their East Coast dates to support their new album.
The Big Ears festival is something I’ve wanted to play at for almost a decade, so I am beyond thrilled to be added this year. I’ll be sticking around for the festival to hear as many of the other artists as possible, it’s off the hook, check it out https://bigearsfestival.org/
More concerts dates are coming in the autumn. East, west, middle, as many as I can fit in ;-)
Thank you for listening!
celloly yours, Z
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dailyadventureprompts · 3 months
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Villain: The Hollow Lords
Though their reign was long thought ended, this circle of skeletal tyrants have returned from the dark depths of history to conquer the ream once again. Their awakening heralded by a tide of destruction and plague meant to destabilize the land and seed it with corpses to make up their army of undead.
Something is wrong with this story though, details that don't match up, an unknown will at work behind the actions of the lifeless villains. Whatever threat they may pose, an even greater danger pulls the strings of the hollow lords, a danger the party will confront all too soon.
Adventure Hooks:
Before they awaken, the hollow lords should be woven into the campaign as an innocuous background detail, a threat from a previous millennium which defined the heroes of that era. Forgotten today outside of festival traditions, old monuments, and the standing alliances between kingdoms, This sets a standard against which the party can measure themselves.
Scenario A sees the Hollow Lords emerging in the party's own realm, a wave of inexplicable disasters paving the way for the rise of an emerging threat just in time for our heroes to enter a new adventuring tier. In this instance it's about preventing the disasters from spreading/ the undead from establishing their foothold across a land the party has just finished journeying across. Our heroes will be stretched thin, People they know are going to suffer, and deliberate choices will need to be made about what they can save. Looking into the history of the lords only raises more questions, namely that many of them emerged from graves belonging to people who were born and died centuries after the original Hollow Lords were vanquished.
Scenario B has the Hollow Lords as an established threat, ruling over a Mordor like kingdom of darkness either bordering the party's own homeland, or being the party's own homeland if you want to get bleak about it. After our heroes defeat their first of the villains they receive a strange invitation, another of the Hollow Lords has broken partially free of whatever enchantment binds them and is pleading for help. If the party are willing to take a gamble, this rogue undead is willing to use all its dread power to aid them if they can figure out a way to put it to rest for good.
Though each was mighty or powerful in their own right, there was no unholy conspiracy that connected the Hollow Lords during their living years, at-least not on their part. Instead they were all called back to the mortal plane by a veiled necromancer who had some invisible claim on their soul. Stripped of their will, they were forced to act on behalf of this faceless puppeteer, allowing whoever it was beneath the skullmask and robe to carve out a kingdom while remaining in the shadows. Most troubling of all, those one or two Hollow Lords that were around for their first attempt at world domination also remember the veiled necromancer, speaking of a conspiracy centuries in the making.
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dduane · 1 year
For the holidays: get Diane Duane’s whole (ebook) store for $44!
 With the Shortest Day upon us (in the northern hemisphere anyway), and the festive season in full swing, we thought it’d be nice to give folks a year’s-end chance to grab a whole pile of ebooks—more than two million words’ worth*—for not a whole lot of money.
Maybe you want to give somebody a gift of lots of reading. Or maybe you want to give yourself a present. (And why shouldn’t you? After the last couple of years everybody’s had, you certainly deserve something nice!) There’s a list at the Ebooks Direct “I Want Everything You’ve Got” page of all the goodies you’ll get... including the updated/revised New Millennium editions of DD’s award-winning Young Wizards series, and the groundbreaking (and also award-winning) Middle Kingdoms LGBTQ-centered fantasy series.  
As always, all our books are DRM-free and can be moved from device to device at your pleasure. If your computer or e-reader crashes, if you change platforms, or if you just plain lose your ebook files, we’re happy to replace them for you free. (And why not? You’ve already paid for them once. It’s not like we’ve got a space program to support or anything...) And if you want to send one of these packages as a gift, just email our support address and we’ll sort that out for you.
So if you want to take advantage of it and get our whole ebook store for $44, here’s all you need to do.
Go to the following page and follow the directions—
(Our apologies in advance to our UK friends, whom we can’t include in this offer due to Brexit. More info about that over here.)
Meanwhile,thanks for your interest! (And to those who decide to avail of this offer, thanks in advance for your support of small independent online book businesses.** It’s much appreciated.)
*Oh, all right. 2,685,698 words...
**Especially from the author who’s going to have to go have a spinal MRI right after the New Year. Looks like a few decades spent in a typing chair can take their toll...
ETA AGAIN: Having bumped this.,.. please note that the discount is still in place. We’ll put something more detailed up about this tomorrow. But since @neil-gaiman was kind enough to reblog it, it seemed likely that the post would be in circulation for a while... and so we left the discount running. ...Hey, it’s still the holidays, right?
(....Also: if over the last few days you somehow paid $55 for the package instead of $44, contact the store (quoting your order number) and we’ll refund you the $11.)
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florenceafternoon · 5 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
Really, we shouldn’t be surprised by now but I have more amazing jily AU fics to share because the writers of this fandom are incredibly talented and I have my screen report to prove it.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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serendipity by desperateforsanity (on ao3)
Modern college/uni AU. Dearest Students and Staff, I am pleased to announce Hogwarts University’s fourth annual Pen Pal Program. Upperclassmen and sophomores likely remember and cherish the memories of their previous penpals and are excited to make another friend this year.
TW: for the later chapters for discussions of grief and its effects on one's mental well-being. For the most part, though this is a fun fic full of great banter!
The Frenzied Misadventures of Balcony Man and Window Woman by @clare-with-no-i
prompt: "It's 3am why are you outside my window- are you trying to rob me?"
It feels necessary to preface this entire thing with the fact that, yes, James had good reason to be dangling precariously from a third-floor balcony, and anyone who says differently is simply attempting to smear his good name.
At least, that’s the story he’s sticking to.
Hijinks & Shenanigans
mellow is the man (who knows what he's been missing) also by @/ clare-with-no-i
Earl's Court. 24th May, 1975. Led Zeppelin live in concert like you've never seen them before.
FEATURING: prolonged eye contact, deeply metaphoric descriptions of cigarette smoke, painful levels of detail about makeup, and a special one-time performance by Two Teens In Love! OR: the "we made eye contact at a Led Zeppelin concert but my friends pulled me away to mosh before I could come say hello" AU
So when I say that I saw this unfold frame by frame in my head, I mean the writing is on another level. The way that I could almost smell Earl Court ... I regret waiting so long to read it. Also, found out this is written by the same author as one of my favourite jily fics foreigner’s god so that explains it “I'm not a religious person but I do sometimes think God made you for me.” ― Sally Rooney, Normal People
but he’s a little bit too far away by @firefeufuego
Historical AU. A decade after they met as cadets for The Times, the toll of James chasing stories in war zones is starting to hit home for Lily.
Taking A Shot At You by @annabtg
Modern AU. Lily Evans, pharmacist, has to work all day and night on New Year's Eve - and ends up ringing in the new year with a bloke who just got himself a dog bite.
The Right Track by BeeDaily (on ao3)
Co-workers modern AU. When James is first handed the train ticket, his immediate reaction is to laugh openly in his father's face.
the horoscope by lirians
Modern AU. James stops momentarily to give way to a bunch of rambunctious teenagers on the pavement before he regains his step. Lily has come to a halt a bit further, waiting on him.
“Horoscopes?” he asks as they move onwards. He’s relieved that any awkwardness between them is apparently gone. “How so?”
“Marly sent me mine this week because it said I would meet someone from the past again,” she explains. “I’m still not sold on the idea of it, but isn’t this weird?”
I was inspired to read this by this art
The Falcon and The Squid by @jfleamont
There's a Lego Millennium Falcon that needs to be built. There's also a bet, a ring and a bike.
Put it all together and what do you get?
Leda's jily will always be a favourite of mine. They're idiots in love your honour
Glastonbury by elanev91 (on ao3)
Prompt: we're at a music festival and you crawled into my tent when drunk and fell asleep, now you've woken up bewildered and to be honest I should be more annoyed but you're just so good looking
One Day at Time by @sweeethinny
Single-mum-lily AU. One day at a time is the mantra Lily uses to keep peace inside her mind, but there are days when it's simply impossible and in the end all she needs is a glass of wine, a cozy hug with her boyfriend, and a serious talk with her son.
Note that you can read this as a stand-alone one shot but it's part of a series that takes place in this AU
For All My Life by aheartcalledhome & SecondJadeofLan (on ao3)
When saving the bees ends in a happy family.
pumpkins and blueberries by evotter (on ao3)
Modern soulmate AU. In which Lily Evans hates puzzles, Marlene McKinnon is a coffee-making goddess, and the stuffy manager with the unkempt hair just so happens to be Lily's soulmate. In the wise words of Mary Macdonald, nothing is scarier than a relationship. Especially if it's with your soulmate.
After Moon by lovesickjily (on ao3)
When the universe sent Lily back in time for some inexplicable reason, she didn’t realise that she’d fall for the charming, messy-haired Prince along the way, nor did she realise that she’d see him once again.
here's to never growing up by elixirsoflife (on ao3)
Chat fic where a group chat documents the lives of four highly dramatic teenage boys as they navigate their A Levels.
Or, like, die trying.
Okay, I rarely ever read chat fics, they're just not my thing. BUT this one had me wheezing on my way to school. It's crack. Just treat it like crack
Ice Baby also by elixirsoflife
Modern college/uni AU. In his defence, James never expected to meet his soulmate at thirteen minutes past eleven on a Sunday morning when he’s aiming a puck at Sirius’ balls.
Or: call me sweetheart again and I'll punch you in the throat.
Not a Clue by PotterandEvans (on ao3)
Modern college/uni Quarantine AU. Lily stood in the doorway of the flat, looking at the boy in front of her. She had spent most of the last two years keeping her distance from the annoying piece of work, staying away from his ego mostly. “Come in.” She said, stepping away from the doorway to let him into the flat that she usually shared with Remus.
"Ah, so kind." James muttered as he walked inside, his heavy bag weighing him down. This really was not the ideal situation, for either of them. But he had nowhere else to go, so staying with Lily Evans it was going to have to be.
they were zoommates (requires an ao3 account) by elanev91 (on ao3)
Modern college/uni Quarantine AU. Lily's on lockdown and, because she can't help herself, signs herself up for a whole bunch of extra (and free) work with her ad agency. Minerva, her boss, assigns a cheeky social media manager to her team to help her. Also, Marlene discovers TikTok (this is nowhere near as important to the narrative as its inclusion here suggests).
And You Heard About Me (Ooh, We’ve Got Some Big Enemies!) by @wearingaberetinparis
Fame AU. Lily Evans is a Grammy-winning singer-songwriter and global superstar, who recently broke up from her latest and long-term actor boyfriend Amos Diggory. James Potter is a professional football player who plays as a forward for Manchester United and has never been quiet about his celebrity crush: Lily Evans. When Lily Evans thus plays at Wembley Stadium - a place he is more than familiar with due to his being part of the England team - he just has to go and see her perform, embracing his inner, besotted fan boy, while the woman on stage is completely oblivious to his presence. Or is she?
The most unrealistic part was man u winning (but it's James so that explains it). Regardless, I started this fic while waiting for my final grades from last year to come through, and while they were disappointing, this sure wasn't. I was crying so hard that I fell asleep. Then I woke up and continued the fic and suddenly I was giggling along with Lilly. Anything and everything Mary writes is a masterpiece. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.
it continues (the beginning doesn't matter) by whitesunlars (on ao3)
She is the last person he expected at his door at that exact moment, despite feeling unsure about the fact that she managed to track down his address, he agrees to go out to coffee with her. A lot could be said about James Potter, but nobody could claim that he had good self-preservation skills.
They meet in a bar. Mistakes happen. They learn to keep going.
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Star Wars Masterlist
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One Shots
Pasaana Festival - Poe x Reader 
Change Your Name... - Poe x Reader
The Spice Runner Story - Poe x Reader
Back Home - Poe x Reader
Confusion In The Force - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
The Younglings - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
You Did What? - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
Reckless - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader (Ft Anakin)
Homesick Padawan - Young Anakin, Reader (ft. Obi-Wan)
Mission Jealousy - Cassian Andor x Reader
Crossed Lines - Cassian Andor x Reader
Side Quest - Reader, Boba Fett, Fennec (all platonic)
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine Cassian helping you dress a wound after a difficult mission
Imagine Poe watching you fix a busted electrical box in the Millennium Falcon
Imagine feeling uncomfortable on a planet in a galaxy far away (Poe Dameron)
Imagine Poe’s reaction after he finds you packed to leave
Imagine having to leave on a Jedi mission suddenly (Obi-wan)
Imagine Obi-Wan confessing that he’s in trouble
Imagine Obi-Wan helping you out of a situation
Imagine Obi-Wan trying to understand what is troubling you
Imagine getting a holo-call from Boba Fett and Fennec Shand
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sotwk · 9 months
can you tell us more about the celebrations and dances in the Woodland Realm 🥺 (plus extra related headcanons regarding the 5 princes 😁 like what are their favorite celebrations? favorite dances/dance moves? dance styles?)
What an awesome question, dear Anon! In regards to the celebrations in the Woodland Realm: there are SO MANY of them, in my worldbuilding headcanon, at least! Feasting is such a major part of the Silvan/Woodland Elves' culture that I must take the time to write separate posts describing each one. Mereth Nuin Giliath is the one movie creation, but I have several of my own to add.
For now, while I work on those, I hope you don't mind if I offer you some general headcanons about dancing in the Greenwood culture, and describe in particular (as you requested) the customs and preferences of the Thranduilion Princes.
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Dance Culture of the Greenwood Elves
Silvan Elves love to dance. Along with singing, dancing is an art form highly valued in their culture long before the Sindar arrived to assimilate with them.
Silvan styles of dancing are primarily informal and done in large groups during community gatherings. They are joyful, vigorous, and incorporate skills in jumping, spinning, and various acrobatic feats. Such dances are done in lines or circles and require no partners. All participants perform generally the same movements, which are learned organically and usually passed down as traditions to the succeeding generations.
Many folk dances involve the use of "props" or objects that vary according to the function of the dance and the season or festival.
For example, spring dances have scarves or floral crowns, summer dances are done with more acrobatics and less clothing, fall dances integrate baskets and food, and winter dances use lanterns.
Every celebration or feast in the Woodland Realm includes dancing--no exceptions. Needless to say, every elf in Greenwood knows how to dance. It is considered a basic and necessary life skill.
Partner or "social" dances were first introduced by the Sindar Elves towards the middle of the Second Age, but they did not gain much popularity until the arrival of Prince Thranduil's betrothed, Lady Maereth.
At the betrothal celebration of Thranduil and Maereth, they danced with each other in front of the gathered guests (a form of the waltz), and this was the first demonstration of dance as a romantic activity, extending its function in Greenwood society as a part of the courting ritual.
Balls devoted entirely to social (i.e. partner) dancing became popular in the early Third Age. At these events, attendees can dance with their established partners, but balls also provide unmarried Elves chances to closely socialize with each other, with or without romantic intent.
Greenwood balls are considered formal, invitation-only events. They are typically held indoors and usually hosted by the Royal Family. Many times, they include guests from other realms.
The biggest annual ball is held at the palace in the wintertime, as the culmination of the season's main festival.
Attendees are not expected or required to come to any ball with an escort or partner.
The King and Queen dance with each other once to start the celebration, and then spend the rest of the evening dancing with other attendees. The same is practiced by their children; a married prince (i.e. Mirion, after he married Itarilde) has the first dance with his spouse and then is expected to give the rest of his dances to other partners.
Within the first millennium of the Third Age, other styles of dance were introduced by the royal family to Greenwood society as a result of their travels and dealings with other kingdoms and races.
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Dancing with the Princes of Greenwood
Thranduil's sons may be of Sindar and Noldor blood, but due to their upbringing and the culture they embraced, they consider themselves Silvan.
Like all Silvan children, the princes learned to dance as soon as they could walk. Not only do they all have a natural talent for it (inborn athleticism and musicality certainly helps), but it is something they all genuinely enjoy doing.
Feasting with the people of Greenwood is something the royal family does regularly. There is no class separation at feasts, so the king, queen, and princes have no special seats or places; they dine and dance with their subjects for the entire celebration.
At most gatherings, dancing is still done in groups. But for balls or certain dances that require a partner, the princes may invite anybody to dance with them.
It is also perfectly acceptable for maidens to approach the princes and ask them to dance. (There is no expectation among the Greenwood Elves that the males have to ask the females.)
The social etiquette for the princes at balls is stricter than it is for their guests/regular attendees.
Public celebrations or balls are not opportunities for the princes to "bring a date"; those must be done privately, on their personal time.
It is understood that every ball hosted or attended by the Thranduilions comes with their willingness to dance with anyone who might ask them.
Protocol calls for the princes to dance with as many different partners as possible, and to avoid "doubling up" or attaching themselves to one person for the entire celebration.
Giving noticeably extra time, favor, or attention to one specific person is frowned upon and seen as rude to the other guests.
The Thranduilions embrace this as one of their social duties as princes of the realm. Between the five of them, over the centuries, it could be said that every single maiden in the realm has danced with at least one of the Princes of Greenwood. Many maidens could even claim to have danced with all of them, multiple times.
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Bonus: The Thranduilions' Favorites
The most popular and most requested dance partner among Thranduil's sons is Crown Prince Mirion. This is likely due to his reputation for being a most gracious and amiable companion; he is also greatly admired and loved by his people, who consider it an honor just to spend any time with him.
Mirion is the most practiced at ball dances, and with his sociable nature, he enjoys this style and the traditions it involves the best.
Turhir favors partner dances over community dancing, since he finds group dances "chaotic" at times. He likes being able to spend one-on-one time with people, which surprises those who don't know him well and misjudge him as "stern" and "distant".
Arvellas is always eager to learn new dances, especially from other places and cultures. Although an excellent dancer, he much prefers to be taught or to mimic movements instead of coming up with his own.
Gelir is not much for slower dances (and likes the restrictiveness of ball dances the least), but he would be the first to jump into a dance line or circle--the louder the music, the wilder the style, and the more people involved, the better.
Legolas is the one most likely to create new moves and dance variations of his own, and more often than not, it will involve some sort of showy acrobatics.
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mannazandwyrd · 10 months
Late August and early September in the Northern Hemisphere are packed with pagan harvest celebrations dating back several millennia: “First Fruits” festivals in valleys full of orchards; “Hops Hooding” shows where girls from brewing regions wear bowers of vines; competitions where ribbons are awarded for the biggest or least-blemished fruit; processions with hobby horses and elaborately-costumed dancers; rituals involving the last sheaf of grain and the alcohol made from the first of the harvest. In the early second millennium CE, among the city-dwelling early New Heathens of a pre-sea-swell late-capitalist society disconnected from the ancient agricultural calendar, a new harvest ritual spontaneously emerged that echoed prior lavish offerings of fruits and grains to the Elder Gods. It was called “Spongecake Day”. While its origins were lost with the drowning of the great digital libraries, in this essay, I shall discuss the
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girl-next-door-writes · 6 months
And I Love Her
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Characters: Poe Dameron x reader
Summary: The Winter Festival provides the perfect moment for Poe to relax and tell a special someone how he really feels.
Word Count: 1172 words
Prompt: Best Friends To Lovers. Putting Your Head On Their Shoulder.
A/N: This is the third of my Build-A-Festive-Fics so thank you to the super @sweetjedi who put these prompts together for the lovely Poe. (I have NOT proof read this so if you find a mistake LET ME KNOW!!!)
The Winter Festival celebrations were fast approaching, and the Resistance base was awash with joy and merriment. Festive lights adorned the side of the Millennium Falcon, casting a warm glow across the snow-dusted landscape. The mouthwatering aroma of roasted meats wafted through the air, blending with the sound of laughter and the distant hum of starships. In these moments, the sense of hope was more tangible than ever, and the belief that anything was possible permeated the atmosphere.
Poe, dressed in his slightly battered Resistance uniform, leaned casually against a sturdy wooden post, surveying the scene with a contented smile. His gaze drifted over the gathered revellers, but it always came back to you. You, his best friend, was busy helping Chewbacca hang yet another strand of twinkling lights. There was a sense of camaraderie in the air, and Poe couldn't help but feel a warmth blossoming in his chest.
The two of you had been through more than your fair share of battles, shared triumphs, and weathered defeats side by side. As he watched you expertly manoeuvring around Chewbacca and the lights, Poe couldn't help but marvel at the strength of your beauty.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull, Poe pushed himself off the wooden post and made his way toward you, navigating the sea of joyful faces. The snow beneath his boots crunched in time with the festive tunes playing from strategically placed speakers, creating a rhythmic backdrop to the holiday preparations.
“Need a hand there?" Poe called out, his voice cutting through the lively chatter.
“Hey Poe! Trust you to show up just as we’ve finished. It’s like you’ve got a sixth sense about these things.” You teased him, earning an eyeroll and a lopsided smirk.
“Or perhaps I’m trying to stay out of trouble after last time.”
“Oh, yes, I am sure anyone flying into the base won’t be looking at a rather inappropriate image fashioned out of lights.” You giggled, recalling the previous Winter Festival.
Poe smirked. "Hey, it wasn't intentional. Finn and I were just trying to spread some holiday spirit."
You rolled your eyes in mock disapproval. "Sure, Poe. Holiday spirit, I'm sure that's what everyone thought."
He grinned. "Well, this year, I've made sure our decorations are, let's say, more family-friendly. No accidental light art."
You chuckled. "I appreciate that. I don't think the Resistance needs another incident report on inappropriate festive displays."
"Fair point. How about we grab a festive beverage? I hear they've added a new touch to the usual juice this year."
You raised an eyebrow, amused. "A new touch?"
Poe nodded with a mischievous twinkle. "It’s a festive surprise.”
You laughed. "Wow, Poe. That's some serious dedication to holiday spirit, festive surprise huh? Lead the way!"
As Poe led the way through the lively Winter Festival crowd, your arm securely hooked through his, the atmosphere around you felt charged with festive energy. The colourful lights overhead reflected in his eyes as he stole fond glances at you, a subtle smile playing on his lips.
The joyful chatter of fellow Resistance members surrounded you, and the air was filled with laughter and the sweet melody of holiday tunes. Poe's steps were confident, and his arm provided a sense of comfort and familiarity. He could feel the warmth of your body against his side, and the simple act of being close brought a sense of ease.
Every so often, Poe turned his head to catch your eye, his gaze holding a mixture of playfulness and genuine affection. His eyes spoke volumes, telling tales of shared adventures, unspoken understanding, and a hint of something beyond platonic.
As you meandered through the festivities, the scent of festive treats wafted through the air, and the glow of colourful decorations created a magical backdrop. Poe guided you toward the makeshift beverage station, where a selection of festive drinks awaited.
"Here we are," Poe said with a grin, gesturing towards the array of beverages.
You surveyed the options, a playful glint in your eye. "So, what's the special touch this year, Poe?"
He picked up two glasses, each adorned with a sprig of festive greenery on the rim. "Behold, the pinnacle of holiday sophistication."
You laughed, taking the offered glass. "Well, I must say, the Resistance knows how to throw a party."
As you clinked glasses in a festive toast, Poe's gaze lingered on yours. "To friendship, to adventure, and to not causing any unintentional intergalactic incidents with holiday decorations this time."
“That is definitely something I will drink to.” You chuckled, clinking your glass to his before taking a sip.
The two of you wandered off to find a place to sit, finally perching side by side on a slightly damp bench. The two of you observed your friends and comrades, revelling in the joyous occasion. The air was charged with the spirit of friendship, and the twinkling lights reflected in Poe's eyes as he stole glances at you.
Poe felt a gentle weight on his shoulder as your head came to rest, creating an intimate connection between the two of you. The beating of his heart quickened, creating a rhythmic melody that seemed to synchronize with the music playing in the background. He stole a sideways glance at you, marvelling at the way your presence seemed to complete the scene.
The world around you blurred as Poe's attention became solely focused on the shared moment. Torn between the enchantment of the evening and the warmth of your presence, he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions. His heart, a drum beating in sync with yours, whispered the untold words that hung in the air between you.
Taking a deep breath, Poe's gaze held yours, his voice a gentle murmur amid the festive symphony. "You know," he began, his words carrying the weight of unspoken emotions, "this... this feels right. Everything seems to fade away when I'm with you. It's like the world stops, and there's just us."
His fingers found yours, intertwining in a silent dance that mirrored the connection between your hearts. "I've been trying to find the right words, and I realise there might never be a perfect moment, but I can't keep it in any longer." Poe's eyes searched yours for affirmation, a vulnerability he rarely showed on the battlefield.
“I know.” You hummed softly, and a smile pulled at his lips.
A soft smile graced Poe's lips, and he couldn't help but express his gratitude for the connection you shared. Leaning down, he planted a tender kiss on the top of your head, a gesture filled with unspoken affection.
Pulling you a little closer, Poe continued to watch the merriment around you, his heart beating in harmony with yours. The world had changed, and yet, in that shared embrace, it felt like everything had fallen into place. The confession of love had woven a new thread into the tapestry of your relationship, and as the night unfolded, the promise of a future together lingered in the air, sweet and undeniable.
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frostfire-17 · 8 months
What would you most want a layman to know about the Hittites?
There are so many things, how can I choose? But I put some specifics at the bottom of this post, so here are a couple of more general things! Anyone who is curious for more should feel free to ask.
They have a truly incredible corpus of religious texts! Festivals, rituals, oracles, prayers, you name it they got it. There's a spring festival that's THIRTY-EIGHT DAYS LONG. There's a ritual against domestic disputes that involves spitting into the mouth of a live sheep. There's an oracle about what to do when the temple-women are sleeping with foreign men and not ritually purifying themselves afterward!
The Late Bronze Age had several medium-sized empires all bumping up against each other, so it is extremely fun to learn about. Border disputes! Marriage alliances! Snarky diplomatic correspondence! Most of these empires were based in river valleys (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon), so they hung on through the 1200BC collapse, but the Hittites were based in central Turkey, and constantly had to work to maintain their population. So they did not last into the first millennium BC (when the Western canon of texts begins) and that is why no one knows about them.
Their ruling families had BIG big personalities that we can actually see in the texts (unusual for the time); for example I Put This Empire Together With My Bare Hands No Thanks To My Ungrateful Family (Hattusili I); Because Of The Deadly Plague I Am A Weeping Statue Of Grief (Mursili II); I Am A Midwife And A High Priestess And An Absolute Boss And I Will Outlive All Of You (Puduhepa). I love all of them and so should everyone else <3
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rock-and-roll-hell · 10 months
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August 17, 1996
Monsters of Rock
Castle Donington, England
📸 include Brian Rasic and Martyn Goodacre
“For one thing the performance is showing its age. Nowadays, Paul Stanley has to preface ‘Cold Gin’ with the '90s admonition not to drink and drive, and watching Ace Frehley or Peter Criss embark on a lengthy party-piece is a timely reminder of why solos went out with the turn of the decade. Added to which, an over-rehearsed sterility creeps into the performance – there’s no chemistry between the band members, with Ace in particular looking like he’s just going through the motions” (Heavy Hard Music Monthly, 11/96).
“KIϟϟ, the Peter Pans of Rock, stole the show with their rock 'n’ roll showmanship – fireworks, personalized helicopters, painted faces and zany costumes. Together with Ozzy Osbourne, they took on the new breed of yell-it-with-attitude metal merchants. And complete with painted faces and high-heeled boots, the headline act lived up to their billing for the 50,500 rockers who made the pilgrimage to Donington” (Derby Evening Telegraph, 8/19/97).
 "Time stands still and dinosaurs rule the earth at Castle Donington’s annual rockfest: heavy metal, isolated and supreme, returns to make a lot of noise for the benefit of 50,000 beer bellies squeezed into denims and band-emblazoned black T-shirts. Who better to headline such an even than KIϟϟ and Ozzy Osbourne… KIϟϟ still looked like refugees from the world’s worst S&M club. Originally part of Neil Bogart’s Casablanca empire – also responsible for unleashing Donna Summer and Midnight Express upon the world – the once took trash rock and glitter frenzy to its illogical heights… The bassist spat blood and fire, the guitars shot sparks, they strode on platforms the size of tricycles and had more lights than Blackpool. Their loud, empty songs, all fat choruses and cartoon leer, avoided the choler of the younger bands, preferring to keep things at groin level. I fear KIϟϟ, truly monsters of rock, will still be around to haunt us come the millennium“ (The Guardian, 8/21/96).
The day prior to this show Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick issued a press-release announcing their respective departures from KIϟϟ due to the success of the Reunion tour and likelihood of an extended, if not permanent, layoff from their line-up of the band.
KIϟϟ technically shared co-headlining billing with Ozzy for the 1996 Monsters of Rock festival but was the final act to perform due to size and complexity of their stage-show. The Evening Telegraph review of August 19 notes 50,500 fans attending.  "Rock Bottom,” “New York Groove,” and “Beth” were dropped from the set
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