#might take a minute to get my ducks in a row tho
fergusdraws · 7 months
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lol i made a deer comic. in which a girl leaves a toxic work environment <3
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Hii! if you still take requests then can I request a dipper x reader? gender neutral or female whichever is more comfy for you, and for the age you can decide that too, it's alright if you don't wanna write it tho ^^
Thank you for the request!
Dipper Pine x Gender Neutral Reader, Age around 16-17
Summary: Dipper has a feeling that something is happening in the woods. He sneaks out of the shack and follows his gut.
“Hey Mabel have you noticed anything?” I ask as the tv goes to an ad.
“Uh noPe.” She says with popping the p out. “But now you’re asking, something has to be happening! What is it?!”
“SHH! Nothing happening, I just been feeling funny.” I say.
“Well if you find anything let me know.” The tv goes back to ducktective. After an hour I head upstairs to bed. I get dress and lay in bed.
“Maybe I should ask Ford about this feeling… No, he’s probably busy.” I turn on my side and fall asleep.
“Ugh.” I wake up from a bright light. I turn around and see a paper? I grab it and start to read it.
Dear Dipper Pines
You’ve been invited to the show. Tonight, 1:15 am. It might explain the feeling you’ve been having. Wear something nice. We trust that you bring no one, or else. Follow the light to come.
Sincerely, No one :)
After I read it, it disappears I look over to Mabel to see her dead asleep. I grab a pair of shorts, red shirt and a blue zip up hoodie. I grab my Journal and stuff it in my hidden pocket. I leave a note for Mabel if I’m not back. I put my hat on and walk downstairs. I see no one and walk quickly and quietly out the door and lock it.
I see the light and follow it as it zips off into the woods. I look back at the Mystery Shack and grab the baseball bat. I run to follow the light.
After about ten minutes of walk the light stop.
“Are we here?” I ask it and it nods? I look around and see a weird patch of a clearing. I walk towards it, the light follows me.
“Hello? I was invited to a show of some sorts.” I say out loud. I turn to the light and it pushes me to the ground, thinking I was going to land on the ground but I land on a stump. The light disappeared as music starts to play.
“Welcome one and all to the show!” A voice says, I look around for anything or anyone. Seats began to appear, rows of stomps or logs as chairs, a stage appears with people sitting and waiting for the show. Then some of the trees have some sort of lights similar to the one I had followed. Some white others purples and blues and one f/c.
“Now everyone it’s time we’ve all been waiting for! The one and only me!” A tall monster that had a seven foot frame, a top hat that had antlers glued to it, big red colored eyes, a suit and seemed to have a female frame.
“Before I start the show, there’s rules. You must follow them!” It say in a dark voice as everyone backs up a little bit from.
“Don’t worry! Simple rules! Don’t get up unless told to. Don’t switch seats, never tell anyone about the show, and of course if any are broken… You won’t want to know.” It says as the little dim and it leaves.
“IN COMING!” It says and I duck covering my head. I wait but nothing happens?
“Hello! I’ll be your guide.” What the?
“Didn’t the guy just say don’t leave your seats?” A girl says.
“We like to make it a surprise!” He says.
“Excuse me? Where are we? Why was I invited?” I ask the guy.
“Ah, Dipper Pines. Mr. Pines your all here for different reasons, some for better reasoning other not so much. Though if you could follow me, you might find out.” He starts to walk away and we all follow. I don’t understand this place, they might be hiding something. No, they are hiding something. What type of place would say not to tell anyone about the place?
“This is are first stop. Meet Grim, the monster behind the glass. Grim is one of the monster you’ll be seeing today. Grim is a Cerberus, also what humans call a dog. Though as you can see it’s a three headed dog!” He says, there’s more monsters in Gravity Falls? I mean it makes sense but still.
“Billy why don’t you go in?” Wait people are going in?!
“Okay!” Billy says and opens the door. The dog? Dogs? Grim stares at Billy, a huge bone is dropped in from the ceiling. Billy picks it up and throws it to Grim. They start to play together.
“See not that bad. Though this one is tamed. Never go near one in the wild, though there’s very few out there. Mainly Hades the Greek god was known to own one and they’re very, very, very violent. Let’s continue!” After a few monsters like, Cyclops, Naga, Werewolf, Werecat and a Ogre. We finally stopped with only me and one other person.
“I believe it’s your turn Dipper.” I look over to him and back to the glass front.
“Don’t worry. It’s a vampire, simply to talk to. They won’t bite, already feed. Though I wouldn’t get a nose bleed.” He and the last person walk away as I walk toward the iron door. I look around and open my journal, I flip to a page. I read the vampire page that Ford wrote. Maybe I should break my bat so I can stab them if it goes bad. I break the bat and hide everything. I sigh and open the door.
“Hello?” I say as the door opens. A teenager around my age walks in.
“Uh, hi.” He says.
“My names y/n, what’s yours?” I ask he looks sweaty.
“Dipper, Dipper Pines.” I nod my head to his question.
“You won’t hurt me right?”
“No of course not. I prefer to not hurt humans when I can. I already eat today so I’ll be good for a while.” He then leans against the wall far this away from me. Which is next to the door.
“I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.” I say as I sit down on the white padded floors.
“How old are you?”
“118, how about you?”
“16. Do you have any vampire type powers?”
“Uh yeah. I’m stronger then a human and if I wanted to I could fight a bear. I have super speed but it’s not like the Flash, I’m around the speed of a dog. I hear pretty well too, oh I don’t get cold or hot. Fast healer too.” He nods and pull out a journal with a pine tree on it, it matched his hat.
“Are you like a sappy vampire teenager movie?” I laugh and he joins in.
“No of course not. I’m not a glitter monster, and no soulmate stuff.” After a while of talking and getting to know each other, he starts to open up more but is still closed off.
“Beep.” The speakers go off in the hallway, a little muffled but with my hearings it’s not to bad.
“As you’ve all met the monster of the show, it’s time for one of you to be free! Though only one of you get to go home with a fun monster, maybe you could pay for one! Anyways here we go! The winner is…………” It says.
“Winner?” Dipper asks.
“This has never happened and I’ve been here for years.”
“Number 11! What a lucky little thing you are! Now LEAVE! THE SHOWS OVER!” It says, we cover are ears.
“Who’s number 11?” Dipper ask.
“I think that’s me? I mean the doors open, let’s go through.” Before we go everything disappears, no box that I called home, no monster out, no humans, just me and Dipper.
“What just happened?” I ask Dipper.
“Honestly, not sure. It’s almost sunrise, I got to go home.” He walks but pause as a thought comes into mind “Wait do you have anywhere to go?”
“No, I haven’t seen the world since 2017. I don’t need to sleep so I guess I could just walk around.” I shrug.
“Follow me and fast I need to hurry home before Mabel wakes up.” He start to run and I speed walk after him. We made it to a shack and stop.
“Here’s the plan, you turn into a bat and hit that window.” He points to the triangle window. “Give it till the sun is fully up and then hit it, then me and my sister will find you. After that we’ll take care of you. I’ll try to find a house or a job you can get till you have enough money to buy a house or something. Okay I’ll see you in a few, bye!” He says fast and runs in the shack.
I turn into a bat and wait in a tree. Once the sun goes up I fly toward the window and hit it with my stomach. I “fall” down and lay there. I here the door open and see what I assume to be Mabel come over to me.
“Dipper, what are we going to do? Is it dead!? GRUNKLE STAN! GRUNKLE FORD!!!!” Mabel screams. Dipper cover his ears as more people show up.
“What is it?”
“Mabel are you okay?” They say.
“I am but look!” Mabel points to me.
“What? The bat? Meh, feed it to the pig.” Mabel scream no at the thought. I’m literally sitting, I’m not dead.
“Well what happened?”
“It hit the window. It’s probably just needs to sleep it off.” Dipper says.
“I’m not have another pet. Waddles still isn’t wanted, just smash it with a shovel or something.”
“GRUNKLE STAN!! We aren’t killing Dracy!” Mabel says.
“Mabel it’s a girl..” Dipper says.
“Kids calm down. I’ll check if it has anything broken then we can just keep it in a box till it’s night time and can fly off. And question?” Ford I’m assuming says.
“Is it a vampire?” They all stare at Mabel with a shut up look.
“No question great. Dipper do you mind if you could get me a gloves and a box?” Ford ask as Stan goes back inside. Dipper nods and grabs the box and gloves.
“She isn’t shy. You think she’s a pet?” Mabel asks.
“Possibly but that’s illegal. Oh there’s Dipper.” Ford says, after he check me out and feels that I’m okay he puts my in a box and closes it shut.
“She’ll probably just go to sleep then we can let her go at night time.” I open the box and look at the twins. I fly over to Dipper and land on his hat.
“Aww!!!! She loves you!” Mabel says.
“Um, what now?” Dipper ask, Ford shrugs and goes back inside.
“Aww! I’ll go get Waddles! Maybe they can be best friends!” Mabel walks in.
“So can you talk in that form?”
“Yeah. So what’s the plan now?”
“You can stay with us till I come up with a plan. Probably could stay as a bat till I tell the family.” Dipper says, I fly down to his shoulder and hug his neck.
“Thanks you.” I say.
And done. I don’t know how many word this is but uh, request are still open! Also I don’t know if I got the character right to the bone, but I tried. If any writing errors let me know or you want a part two. Byebye
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promptis-imagines · 4 years
How about Promptis go on their first ever date at an arcade or a fair and they're both nervous at first. They relax after a nice chat and some junk food and Noct notices a giant chocobo plush at a stall/prize counter and tries to win it for Prompto
nananasonatra: Noctis taking Prom on a summer carnival date. They both act like teenagers in love and at the end of the night they ride the Ferris wheel .Noctis bribes the operator to make them stop ontop .Sorry my heads fried in this heat lol 
yes this is exactly what I need. You two have galaxy brains. So I will combine them: first date to the fair complete with shitty carnival games and a ferris wheel extravaganza
They are both very obnoxiously awkward. Prompto can’t stop talking even when he desperately wants to shut up. Noctis is having a hard time speaking at all. They went to the fair because hey, it’s in town! Surely that’s gotta be cheesy and fun. Thing is, both of them are too shy to admit that they love cheesy things (even tho they literally...are going on a date there. They’re doing their best). It’s the way there and the getting tickets where they’re still acting the nervous couple bit, but once they feel the adrenaline of a rollercoaster and stock up on junk food (a horrible choice before going on more rides), they start to loosen up and laugh off the nerves. 
Also I can just...picture that scene. So vividly.
The sky was growing darker by the minute, which was only accentuated by the carnival lights dotting the view. Most of the rickety rides had been conquered, though not without a fair share of screaming on the couple’s part, so the tired boys decided to take a break for snacks before taking on the rest of the event. 
Okay, maybe calling them “snacks” was a bit of an understatement. Two orders of fried oreos, an entire funnel cake, some wildly-oversized corndogs, and a large lemonade. They might have forgotten to grab dinner before the fair in their nervous endeavors, and nothing was healthy at the fair.
Sitting on that bench, laughing and munching on their food, any hint of awkwardness or fear was left behind in some gross seat of a rollercoaster car. Well and truly, this was a real date.
There was only a bit left of the funnel cake in the end. Prompto heaved a sigh, shoving the plate onto Noctis’ lap while his head flopped onto his shoulder. “You eat it,” he murmured.
Noctis pouted. “No, you.” The plate was passed back.
“Noooo, I’m so done, dude,” Prompto whined. “Just take one for the team.”
That earned a snort from Noctis. “What team? And why do we have to finish it?” he questioned.
Prompto paused, then sat up straight again. “I dunno. Feels wrong to just throw it away?” he reasoned. Especially considering that Noctis was the one who paid for all of it. He would feel bad, prince or not.
Noctis lightly bumped him with his shoulder. “It’s not that big of a deal. It’s the last thing we have, and I’d rather toss it than have either one of us get sick before our date is over.”
He couldn’t lie, Prompto’s stomach still erupted with butterflies at legitimately hearing Noctis say they were on a date. He’d been dreaming of this for so long that he’d chalked up his hopes to wishful thinking. But no, they were here, and they were having a good time. It was enough to make him grin. “Fine, fine. Throw it away, and we can walk around for a while before hitting something that could make us lose all that food we just ate,” he conceded.
The two of them hauled their trash to the nearest trash can, and Prompto had to laugh at just how much powdered sugar had attached itself to Noctis’ all-black clothing. “Y’know, I applaud your choices to start wearing white,” he teased, making Noctis look down at his shirt.
“Oh, come on,” Noctis grumbled. 
Prompto ran his hands along the worst parts. “No worries, I got you.” It only took a few seconds more for him to note how low the powder had gotten. “Um...”
Noctis huffed a laugh, getting the rest off. “You’ve got some on you, too.”
“I do?” Prompto asked with a confused expression. “Could’ve sworn I dusted myself off, already. Where’s it at?” he rambled, hoping he didn’t look like a mess.
“Hm, right here.” Suddenly, Noctis’ hand was on his cheek, his warm lips pressed gently to Prompto’s in a kiss that lasted all of three seconds. Nonetheless, his cheeks were absolutely burning afterwards.
When they parted, it appeared that he wasn’t the only one. Noctis’ cheeks were dusted a soft shade of pink, though it was hard to see under the harsh lighting around them. 
It took a moment for either of them to say anything. “Did...you get it off?”
Noctis’ lips turned up in a faint smile. “Think so.”
Now it was Prompto’s turn to smile. “Cool. Thanks. What would I do without you?” he joked.
“Dunno. Have powdered sugar all over your face?” Noctis returned teasingly.
“All over? You saying I’ve got more on me?”
Noctis hummed in thought, once again brushing his fingers along Prompto’s cheek. “Nope, got it all,” he confirmed.
An eye-roll from Prompto. “Dork. Let’s move away from the trash can, yeah?”
The two headed back into the bustle of the fair, hand in hand without Prompto even realizing they'd reached for each other. It made him giddy all over again.
Before long, they stopped. A long row of carnie games sprawled out before them, vendors shouting for patrons to step up and take their chances. Stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes were presented along every surface, and it was a safe bet to assume they’d been waiting to be claimed for far longer than necessary.
Prompto looked over to his date. “Got something in your sights?” he questioned.
That got Noctis tugging him towards a nearby stall. “Does a giant chocobo sound good? I’ll try to win it for you,” he stated, all the determination in the world lighting up his eyes. It was rare to see Noctis this enthusiastic about something. Gods, it was cute.
Still, Prompto couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. The thing Noctis had pointed out was giant, which also meant that it was going to be near impossible to get. “I mean, it sounds great, Noct,” he started, leaning against Noctis’ shoulder. “But I’m not gonna get my hopes up.”
Noctis knocked his head against Prompto’s. “What, don’t believe in me?” he returned in mock-offense.
“Oh, c’mon, you know these things are rigged,” Prompto reasoned. “Plus, this is a shooting game. One, that’s even more rigged. Two, we should both know by now that I'm the better marksman out of the two of us."
His boasting earned him a scoff from Noctis. "While I might cave and admit that, it doesn't mean that I'm bad at it. Have a little faith," he requested, giving Prompto's hand a light squeeze. Without waiting for a response, he was off towards the unattainable holy grail of stuffed animals. Oh, to be the carnie that got to proctor this little event in history.
Watching with an air of amusement, Prompto leaned on his elbows over the counter. "Heya! What's the requirements for getting that Behemoth up there?" he asked, gesturing to the comically large bird in question.
The carnie's polished grin focused on him. "Well, buddy, it's fairly simple!" he chirped. "All you've gotta do is shoot at those little targets that are moving across the planks." He made a grand gesture towards the back wall, which sported plenty of painted wooden ducks with red and white targets on their sides meandering in a single file. "Each duckie has a different number on the back. Shoot as many as you can before the time runs out, and your score will be tallied afterwards. Get over fifty points, and the chocobo is all yours. But watch out! Some of the ducks are hiding negative numbers that will reduce your score. So, care to test your skills?"
His speech had sounded so trained and NPC-like, Prompto had to laugh. "No, not me. But this guy wants to give it a go." He tugged on Noctis' sleeve, a grin of pride bright on his face. Noctis, on the other hand, had lost some of that brazen confidence in his expression.
 It was always funny to watch people's eyes go wide. "O-Oh, Prince Noctis! Er, that is you, isn't it?"
"Nah, but I get that a lot," Noctis replied nonchalantly, rolling his shoulders in preparation. "Just a guy trying to win a chocobo for his boyfriend. Can I start?"
The man, seemingly recovered, nodded with his previous vigor. "Of course! Here is your weapon, good sir." After ducking down to grab one of the dingy guns from under the counter, he handed it over. "The timer starts when you first shoot."
Prompto cast a smirk at his boyfriend. "Let's see what you got, sharpshooter," he teased.
Noctis took aim. "Oh, hush. I'm doing this for you."
After a quick "Good luck!" from the man behind the counter, Noctis started the timer with a pop from the toy gun. One duck down, who knew how many more to go.
"Wohoo, got one!" Prompto exclaimed, beaming at a smug-looking Noctis. "Think you can keep it up?"
Still keeping his eyes on the targets, Noctis gave a little nod. "You bet I will. I've got someone to impress," he replied before knocking another off of the shelf.
Prompto snorted, slumping more over the counter. "You say that like you're on a date," he continued.
Another duck toppled. "And what if I am?"
That earned a dramatized gasp from Prompto. "Are you, now? Didn't know you had it in you to snatch a date. Always thought you were too shy." The mocking edge to his words were light, and he couldn't hide the slight giggling that followed. The next few shots hit the wall. He poked Noctis in the shoulder before wrapping an arm around his middle. "Trying to win him something?"
Noctis gave him a knowing glance. "I would be, if he wasn't doing stuff to distract me. Don't be disappointed when I can't get the prize for you," he warned, getting another target down.
Prompto leaned in to press a kiss to Noctis' cheek. "A good marksman should be able to work well under pressure." Still, deciding that he'd messed with him enough, Prompto let go and returned to being an encouraging spectator.
As the timer drew nearer to zero and the little duckies came crashing down, Prompto did have to admit that he was impressed. Especially considering the hindrance that was a rickety carnival gun, the sizeable amount of targets Noctis had managed to hit was most likely more than the average. Though he hadn't expected much of a reward from this mess, part of him was thinking he might be going home with a giant stuffed chocobo.
When the timer sounded, the carnie bounced back to life. "Aaalrighty, let's see how you did!" he said in his merry speech. He collected the last few fallen ducks, then laid them face up on the counter in front of them.
"Sweet, let's count 'em up!" Prompto was grinning as he began to turn over the targets. "Noct, count with me. This one's five," he stated, "and then eight, and…damn, negative six." Oh well, there were plenty more to bring the score up.
Noctis continued flipping over the next few. "Hey, got a fifteen," he boasted, shoving it over to the counted pile.
"Aw, so proud."
The scores varied for the rest of the ducks, some on the smaller or negative sides, presumably to keep the prizes from all being taken. Still, Noctis had gotten a few of the higher numbered ones. With one left to check, he had reached a whopping forty-five. Prompto was tingling with excitement; that chocobo was as good as won.
The last one stared them down with its chipped paint and bright, ducky smile. "You want to do the last one?" Noctis offered.
With a nod and bated breath, Prompto turned over the last one to add the number….
"Negative twenty?" he cried. "Why is that even in here!" Noctis groaned as well, and the two boys slumped against each other in defeat.
The man behind the counter drew up an apologetic smile. "Sorry, fellas, luck of the duck. But you still get to choose from one of the smaller prizes!"
He gestured to the side wall that sported the rest of this booth's treasures. They were way smaller than the grand prizes, more hug-to-your-chest size, but they were still something.
Noctis nudged Prompto's shoulder. "Go ahead and pick one."
"Mh-hm." Prompto's eyes flitted over the options: stuffed dogs and coeurls, moogles, various fruits for some reason, and a mini version of that giant chocobo above their heads. "Not to be predictable, but I do want the chocobo," he decided. So what if he consistently chose them? They were his favorites!
As it was being retrieved, Prompto turned to Noctis with a bright smile. "By the way, good job, dude."
Noctis shrugged, a light mix of embarrassment and pride in his face. "I would've won if it had just been about knocking them over," he reasoned.
Prompto chuckled. "Sure would've. They weren't ready for you," he teased.
"Here you are, sir." Holding it in his hands, Prompto decided that this was officially the best first date ever. How cool was it that his boyfriend won him something at a shitty carnival game?
They ventured back into the crowds, a bit dissuaded from trying any of the other booths for now. The chocobo plush was held securely with one arm while his other hand held fast to Noctis'. Now there was just the matter of deciding what else to do before calling it a night.
"Got any ideas what to do next?" Prompto questioned.
Noctis pursed his lips, doing a quick glance around. "Well, I think we already went on all of the rollercoasters, and you're not putting me back on that drop thing," he said definitively.
That drew a laugh from Prompto. "I half expected you to warp right off of that thing, by the way," he commented. "But fine, something else. How about…." He trailed off, rubbing his thumb along Noctis' hand. "Oh! We haven't done the ferris wheel yet."
What other way was there to end a night at the fair than being sappy while overlooking part of the city from the top of a rickety ferris wheel? Prompto hoped he wasn't coming across as too sappy, though; it was embarrassing, but he really did enjoy those dumb romantic fantasies. Even after being asked out, he was still worried that Noctis might laugh at him for wanting to do cheesy romantic things. Noctis just didn't seem like the type to enjoy that. He knew he was probably being ridiculous, but that didn't dispel the doubt in the back of his mind.
Thankfully, Noctis gave a casual shrug and nodded. "Sounds good to me. We can hit the ferris wheel and then head out for the night," he said.
Relief flooded back into Prompto's lungs, and before long, they were speeding up towards bright lights of the their last ride. Giggling, the two kept it up until they were running and dodging people in the crowd to get there first. Nevermind that they were still holding hands.
The pair stumbled to a breathless halt at the entrance gates, turning to each other with a full-out laugh. Prompto still had his chocobo clasped tightly between his arm and chest.
"After you," Noctis said, finally letting go of his hand to gesture to the open gate.
Prompto landed a playful punch to Noctis' shoulder as he walked past. "Really acting like a prince today, huh?"
"What, I don't normally?"
"Gonna have to give a no to that one, bud."
The worker got them situated in the seat, Prompto first. Noctis lagged behind slightly, turning to the lady in charge before climbing in next to his boyfriend.
Once they were snugly hip to hip, Noctis sighed. "How old do you think this ride even is?" he asked.
Prompto looked up. "Proooobably pretty old," he reasoned. "But I'm sure it's fine. They have, like, inspections and stuff, right?"
Noctis huffed a little laugh. "Hope so. If something does happen, I'll just grab you and warp off of this thing."
"My hero," Prompto teased. Though, as they began their ascent up and around the ferris wheel, the idea that it might break down did start to creep into his mind. A jarring bump halfway there didn't help one bit.
He pressed closer to Noctis' side just as he did the same. Prompto took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting the feeling of being close to him soothe him. The warmth they shared was a nice defense against the cold winds, too.
A tiny smile formed on his face when he felt Noctis nuzzle slightly into his hair. "Sorry I couldn't get you the giant chocobo," he heard him murmur.
Prompto gave a slight shake of his head. "Nah, don't worry about it. This one's just as cute. And it's travel sized." He gave the toy a squeeze. Honestly, he was thrilled to have a gift from him in the first place. It was a silly little thing, but it made his heart swell in a way he thought he'd never feel.
As they completed the first rotation of the wheel, Prompto decided to look around more at the fair below. By now the sky was completely dark, making the colorful lights shine brighter. Laughter and shrieks of children reached even where they were up high. He even saw someone drop their cotton candy in a puddle, which he pointed out to Noctis so they could both grimace at the sight.
All of a sudden, they were stuttered to a halt at the top of the wheel. Prompto swung his leg a bit and laughed. "Welp, looks like we're up here forever," he joked.
Noctis snorted. "We'd better not be. I'm not sleeping on a ferris wheel."
"That's your problem with it?" Prompto laughed, making the seat sway slightly.
"There's other issues with living on a ferris wheel for the rest of my life. That one just came to mind first," Noctis said in his defense.
Prompto's laughter continued while he squeezed the stuffed chocobo to keep from dropping it. "Yeah, okay. Sleep is always your first thought."
"Don't judge."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Being stuck at the top really wasn't so bad. They could see everything, and it was just the two of them, despite there being hundreds of people around. It was as if they'd been brought up just to be alone for a few minutes.
A hand rested atop his thigh, and Prompto turned to face his date. And gods, did he look so good with the lights of the city behind him. Noctis' dark hair made him a silhouette, though his features were close enough to make out. His cool gray eyes had a soft shine to them, and he was looking at Prompto in a way that stole his breath. He had to be the luckiest guy in Eos right now.
Noctis quirked a small smile. "Is it…too cheesy if I ask for a kiss right now?"
Prompto paused, then cracked a smile as well. "Very cheesy. Do it," he replied.
"Then can I kiss you at the top of the ferris wheel?"
Without speaking, Prompto slid a hand along the side of Noctis' neck and pulled him in. His lips were tinged with slight cold, but they felt soft as they touched Prompto's. And just like that, they were sharing one of those dumb movie kisses on their first date at the fair. The thought made Prompto's smile grow as he leaned in more.
Once they pulled away, there were a few moments of silence between them. Then the ride began to move again, starting through one more loop before they would be let off.
Prompto couldn't hold back another little laugh. "Good way to end that?"
"Definitely," Noctis said, looking equally relieved and happy. "Now we can't say anything else for the rest of the time so we don't ruin it."
That earned a shoulder punch from Prompto. "Oh, shut up."
"See, like that."
Prompto grinned, taking Noctis' hand in his. "Too bad you're stuck with me, then," he retorted.
Noctis smiled back. "What a shame."
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 years
Hi there! Just found your blog and I like it so far. Btw being Present Mics favorite student headcanons were amazing, as a bnha nerd may I request a part 2 where Mic meets readers parents and other stuff? Sorry if my English is bad.
A/N:Thank you so much for liking my blog and choosing to request, that means a whole lot! I got you with the Present Mic headcanons, please let me know if you want any more Present Mic stuff i’m here. I’m sorry this request took so long to come out, i was busy with a few thing please love me
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-So i would feel this year would be a lot of fun, just like last year but the only difference being you are working harder towards your hero license and school is becoming much more difficult. This means that you have to up your game with your quirk skills and tactics while staying on top of your studies. You are stressed to say the least.
-Like i said previously present Mic knows when you are having a hard time, believe it or not he is quite attentive and super smart so he quickly asses the situation and realizes a few things. He sees you’re struggling with your quirk and school so he takes matters into his own hands.
-He offers to train you and offers extra help with school to you, he only wants to see you succeed even if that means sacrificing his free time.
-”oh- no no Mr.Hizashi that’s so sweet but i know you’re really busy-”
-tHaT soCCer dAD rIvaLrY iS stiLl haPPeNinG 
-Everyday after school you guys meet up at the park or one of the training centers to train for a few hours
-”Now Y/N, breath in and when you breath out use that force to push your quirk-”
-Honestly you thought the training wouldn’t be as hard as it was (it’s Present Mic after all) but boi were you wrong
-”Get up off the ground Y/N, you’ve only been running for .3 seconds”
-” hUstLe y/NnNNnN”
-Aizawa comes to your trainings and observes bEcAusE hEs nOSeYy
-He actually helps out and help with things present might not have thought of or isn’t the best at
-This year your relationship with Present actually takes a deeper turn, you find yourself around him more often both in school and after school. You both learn more about each other's quirks and personalities a lot more.
-You thought you already knew a lot about him, given he was like an open book it seemed. But Hizashi is a much deeper and emotional person than you honestly thought and he truly had such a more serious, kindred spirited side to him
-Like sometimes when you guys are taking a break from training he will open up about his life at UA and how it was for him. He told you how he felt kind of odd and awkward and how that’s probably why he can relate to you so so much uwu
-”You know Y/N as much I am super bubbly and “overly confidant” , i still feel super out of place sometimes. I guess i always have it isn’t a new feeling, although I have Aizawa and the other teachers, sometimes I still feel...not understood? If that makes any sense?? But like I totally understand how you feel, and you are not alone...seriously. Thank you for being open to me and allowing me to teach and train you. Kind of makes me feel wanted and useful..haha-”
-iM sOft 
-He always thought of you as a little “sidekick” however recently he kind of looks at you as his own daughter and he’s really protective and fatherly over you. He’s more on top of you and making sure all your ducks are in a row. He’s not controlling or anything like that tho so don’t worry
-”Did you eat yet, Y/N?”
-”are you okay Y/N? You look exhausted.”
-”make sure you finish that report for class, okay? If you need any help let me know.”
-pRotEccS yOu fRom bOys
-If he sees a teacher kind of poking at you and making you feel uncomfortable or feel bad for being a “teacher's pet” he will immediately have them stop. He feels bad you have to get crap from him being a bit biased towards you
-You guys have a secret handshake
-”YNNNNNNNNN AMErIcAAAA YoUU foRgoT yoUr lUnCH Box iN mY cLaSS *whispers* i put a donut in there for you”
-It’s okay because he lets you skip class to pass out in the library after being exhausted from everything
-You take his weird sunglasses and strut around with them all the time
-EmaiLS yOU
-” ohiyo americAa,
It’s me MiC and iM waTchING tHat drAmaA you recommended to me and Im cRyING. Also i heard from the sleepy teacher that there may or may not be a pop quiz in his class on last weeks topic...Anyways I’ll see you tomorrow...unless...Nah just joking okay mic is out!
                              sEnt fRom ToaSter oVeN”
-You get about ten of these things a week from him. help this poor man ;-;
-Made a few youtube videos with him
-He helped you pick out your hero name and outfit, you are so ready to be a hero i swear
-Once you do get your hero license..he is such big boi proud like he’s in tears, snot running out his nose, eyes all puffy and his voice is cracking. He even got you a little teddy bear with a little candy bag attached to it.
-”See kiddo, i knew you could do it!”
-” Pfft all thanks to you!! Oh and Hey, Mr.Hizashi? My parent(s) are coming up this weekend to celebrate me getting my license. I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner? They’d like to personally thank you for helping me.”
 -He somes in a very nice suit with his hair tied into a perfectly neat bun. And is thAT GLasses he’s wearing??????  (so cute omg)
-Him meeting your parent(s) was a pretty chill experience 
-”Mr.Hizashi, right? SO NIce to finally meet you and thank you for everything you have done for Y/N.”
-”Ah, it was my pleasure. And please, call me Yamada.”
-At first it was kind of awkward but once the conversation got going, you guys were there for hours
-and i mean HoURs
-”um excuse mE, wHen aRe yoU gUyS lIkE idk LEAVING???”
-Haha but no, the literal talk was just them hyping you up and how the waiter dramatically fell coming over to the table
-”yeS Y/N is such a great kid i can’t believe you raised such a strong and patient daughter”
-”Did he just trip and act like he didn’t just dropped our food on the ground??”
-”One time Y/N tripped and dropped her easy bake cookies and she didn’t even cry, that’s when we knew she was going to be a pro hero.”
-”did he step on the fries and up it on the plate and try to serve it to us???”
-Also your parent(s) grew up around the same time as Present so they had a lot to talk about and it was interesting learning about each other different childhoods and cultures.
-Your parent(s) seriously enjoyed Hizashi and they would love to talk to him again. Vise versa, it was a great time for Hizashi as well and prepare to hear about it the next time you see him.
-”Thank you Y/N for inviting me and allowing me to meet your parent(s) it was very nice getting to know them. Next time they come up, I must treat them out instead.”
-Let’s just make up a different scenario where maybe your parents were kind of rude and not as nice and welcoming, both to you Yamada
-When you heard your parents were coming up to visit you in Japan, you were at first excited. You were still in this frenzy of like “wow i got my hero license” so you weren't thinking about it too much plus you were excited about being treated out to dinner and having your favorite teacher tag along. 
-Everything was great...that was until you started to think about it more and started to question was that such a great idea?? Let’s just say your parents aren’t the nicest people (person). For some reason it seems like they were never proud of you, no matter how well or bad you literally did. 
-Won a championship game? Eh good, but could be better
-4.00 GPA? That’s okay but thousand of kids get that, you have to do better.
-You want to be a pro hero?? Ha in your dreams, that kid next door has a better chance of becoming one than you do.
-You started to realise they were one of the biggest reasons you wanted to exchange to Japan so much. It was far away from them and super peaceful. You wanted to tell Present to not come, but he seemed so excited, and you wanted to tell him how dreaded your parents were. But you didn’t want him to worry and get others involved. So you just hoped and prayed that they would be nice? And everything was okay?
-Everything was okay...for the first five minutes. 
-Well everyone greeted each other and sat down to eat, then the condescending comments started to pour in.
-”Yeah, well I think Y/N will make a perfect Hero in the near future. She’s gotten a lot stronger with her quirk and-”
-”Pfft, let’s not get ahead of ourselves now, Although Y/N has gotten her License that doesn’t mean she’s hero material. We watched the sports festival and compared to the other students, she’s severely overshinned. I just don’t think a year or so of training can fix that. She has to do better.”
-For a second hizashi just sat there with his face utter disbelief. How could someone just say that about their child...in front of their child...so camly?
-He looked over towards your uncomfortable figure, your face was colored with complete dismay, He felt so sad and slightly angry. You didn’t look in a position to defend yourself so he started to speak up for you
-”I really hope the both of you are seriously joking.” he snapped back with a sassy firm tone in his voice which made you look towards the three adults
-”No we are not, Y/N is pretty average and for you to put in her head that she could possibly become a Pro? Haha I understand teachers are supposed to be supportive but like come on now, just be honest with yourself.”
-Hizashi slammed his hands against the table, gaining the attention of everyone in the restaurant, including yourself who was previously looking down to avoid confrontation.
-”How DARE you. Y/N is PERFECTLY  CAPABLE of becoming a hero, her quirk,skills, technique and intelligence is all was stronger than you can even imagine. Do not downgrade her just because you’re too idiotic and narrowminded to see that. She is the sweetest kid I have ever met and quite frankly the purest. Disgusting how you talk about your own child like that. AND IN FRONT OF HER?? Now with all due respect, I think you guys need to do a self reflection and change the wrongs you have within you. If you need any help i don't mind emailing you a list of things.”
-on you still wore an embarrassed kind or dismayed face and when Present say that. hE tHoUghT yOU wErE eIthER mAd oR sCaREd oF Him. cri
-In reality you were literally so joyful and happy. LIKE DUUUDEEE. MARRY ME LOLOL. Seriously you were super thankful that he did that for you. 
-He looked around and suddenly realised that all eyes were on him. Aww poor man felt so flustered he didn’t mean to make a fuss and disturb others, he was just so angry your parents were such a*ssholes. 
-He turned to you and bowed while simply muttering “I’m sorry Y/N”, then grabbed his coat and walked out.
-Without even thinking you jumped up and rushed out the door with him, leaving your dumbfounded parents at the restaurant
-”m-Mr.Hizashi wait up!”  you called out from behind the blonde haired man, he stopped in his tracks then pivoted in place to face you
-”y/n im very sorry to you and your family i didn’t mean any disrespect. I understand if you may not want to be around me any more or allow me to train you.”
-cutting you off from your frenzy and gave you a big bear hug, “haha don’t ever let what they have said about you ever ring in your head...okay L/N? I belive in you and i know you are going to be fucking great.”
-”Really?” you smiled
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lettersfromleslie · 4 years
Hello! Writing you from the old nest, my erstwhile hometown of Amsterdam. Ariel and I have been hiding out at my dad’s the past ten days like a pair of runaways. What a life, eh? One minute you’re sitting pretty in your janky home on the hill, working like a bastard, enjoying your cat and your garden in a placid famblyman setting. Next thing you know a swarm of ronies come flapping in and you’re out on your ass again. So it goes. The lil lady and I broke our heads trying to come up with ways to salvage our life in that rusty old sausage factory N.Y.C., but with the lease coming due & wintertime looming there wasn’t a plan in sight, so here we are being a pair of mooches again. Amsterdam is where my family live, all in separate houses now, and I’m lucky to be able to count on em in gruesome times such as these. Our 10-day quarantine is over and we’ve been creeping around the old spots, empty canals, rainy days, looking to get smart, fit, and a bit less drunk.
What a summer, though! It was a weird and eerie privilege to be one of the few musicians in NYC still performing almost daily. I talked about that all plenty in my last post, but now that I’ve had to do without it for a while I’m beginning to realize how lucky I really was. Might ease me itchy fingers with some fresh livestreams, if there’s still an appetite for those these days. But yeah, so our lease expired on October 15th and that’s where the rug got pulled out from us. Sold most of our things and stashed the rest with pals. Spent two weeks in Ariel’s old hometown of Tupper Lake - see the photos above - and came back to the city to vote and fly on off again, this time to my old family stomping ground. Seems to be the thing these days. 
All of which was a bit of a bummer. Not where I’d fancied myself being at this point in my life. Tactical retreat, eh?
But hey, big news on the album front. Impatient tho I’ve been to just release the damn thing - I’ve had a “finished” solo cut since June - I held off because a few really wonderful opportunities floated my way. The one I can finally talk about is that Tony Garnier is playing bass on the record. That’s a big deal - Tony’s an absolutely legendary career man who’s played with everyone from Tom Waits to Paul Simon and whose main gig is as Bob Dylan’s permanent touring/recording bassist from the 80s on. I don’t think I could’ve picked anyone in the world over him. We recorded his parts on Sept. 29th at Van Gelder Studios in New Jersey - you’d have to Google that place to get a handle on how many legendary albums were recorded between those walls - and it sounded glorious. Ghosts galore! All of this was made possible by ace producer Perry Margouleff, who’s been a mentor of sorts for years - he gifted me the 1930s Gibson-made guitar that I used on *Masks & Mirrors* as well as the new album - and who will be doing the mixing for the final product. How bout that? And it actually looks like there’s more to come on the overdub front, altho I’d rather not jump the gun on that one till it’s all done.
Delays are only natural in this time of the Rona, I suppose. The people who helped fund the album on IndieGoGo have already received a copy of the solo takes (without any of the fancy production or overdubs) that got Perry and the other industry chaps interested in the project. Seemed only fair to hook up my backers, considering the original release date I set on the crowdfund was May or something. Everyone else is gonna have to wait, I guess! What with the goddamn pandemic and the political madness it seems a lot of people in the biz are waiting till the new year to start putting things out, and it looks like it’ll be the same for me. We’re not even done overdubbing yet, let alone mixing, mastering, and pressing the records! Meanwhile I’ve got to figure out what to do with my time here in the old country. I’ve got some work ahead getting all me ducks in a row for the album release - quack quack - preparing videos, photos, album art, PR shite, Fancy Contacts and so on. Meanwhile, while I have the last of my summer fat left to burn, I’d better try and get back to writing... I usually put out albums at a leisurely pace of one every couple years, but what with performing being a thing of the past I might as well try and double that. The fuck else am I supposed to do? With the world likely to remain all gummed and masked-up there’s not many options for us music bums aside from scribbling like hell and trying to land a record deal or something. Eh? Or get a real job, I guess, which is what I may have to do come January unless a miracle happens. Never had one yet, can you believe that? All I’ve ever done is play music.
Could be worse. I’m not grumbling. There’s been enough encouraging news & feedback on the album front that I’m feeling genuinely hopeful about the whole Career thing… I already felt good about the album but I feel even better about it now that all these people I have such enormous respect for are willing to sign their names to the thing. So I’m soldierin��� on, lads lasses & everyone in between! See you on the other side of the damn ocean some day!
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cutiecrates · 6 years
Cutie Reviews: NMNL 14 March 18
I’ve got nothing to say here, so lets just get into it!
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This months theme/focused point: The face °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
I don’t believe I brought this up in the last review (it might have started in this one and I just forgot tho), but the booklet was recently modified. Now it includes a more “decorative“ page for the contest featured in each month, as well as pages for some beauty tips or tricks, and featured brands and products.
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I believe this is an accurate depiction to how I felt upon seeing this:
It’s a humorous looking Exercise Mask used to lift the face. It’s also a duck bill. Apparently it’s very popular, and it’s very easy to use (at least in comparison to most other facial exercise devices I’ve seen, this is also the least scary looking). All you do is insert it into your mouth and bite down on the knobs that stick out of the back 3 times in 10-second intervals. You only do it twice a day.
You’ll know its working if you feel any sort of discomfort or very small pain, which I did after the third try per-set. That’s the muscles getting their workout.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I’ve done as it instructed, at least three or four days in a row. I don’t think it made a difference, but there’s nothing actually saying how long this should be done that I know of. I also covered my face while doing it because I am very easy to embarrass >3< which sort of takes the joy out of it. But I did learn that it comes in handy cheering people up so I suppose it has it’s good points too!
It’s kind of like a weird toy for your mouth. I’d recommend it if you’ve ever wanted to try any sort of mouth toy or exercise piece, simply because it’s super-easy to use and makes for a fun accessory.
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Next is a product from the brand Country &Stream. We’ve received a few products from them before (usually in a honey yellow theme :3), so it was interesting to see it’s also in Apple red too.
This is a Skin First Essence, a product that works best when applied after washing the face. Utilizing apple extract, the product absorbs easily into the skin and ups the effects of skin care product. It is recommended to use once a day for its full effect.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
It’s very cute looking in my opinion, and this brand is a pretty good one. I’m not entirely sure if it does anything though. Like it says it does, but it’s not really something I can exactly see? I do like that the product doesn’t take long to soak into the skin though, and it’s barely sticky for a few minutes. It smells like a real apple too :3
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I adore Hello kitty, and this adorable, pink Bath Bomb was no exception ♥ It was available in both pink peach and blue soap-scent. It contains hyaluronic acid and collagen to leave the skin moisturized.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
There’s not much you can say about a bath bomb- you know unless it has a prize or made your skin feel weird, or dyed it. This is a perfectly normal, kawaii bath bomb. The peach scent was very strong though, which can be a good or bad thing depending on preference/allergies.
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I normally dread eyeliner due to my inability to use it. But when I saw how cute this one looks- I couldn’t help but fall in love ♥ This is a Canmake Lucent Sherbet Eyeliner. It is very versatile and made from a waterproof gel. It can be used as eyeliner around various parts of the eye, and blended for an eye-shadow (and probably more if you’re creative enough). 
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I was delighted upon realizing it was coated in glitter as well. I also noticed it lasted for a good while on my skin despite rubbing it a lot to try to get it off.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I adore the color, the shimmer, the texture... I’d be practically endorsing this thing if I could just use it right. I’m not a makeup professional though, and I don’t know if I’ll ever learn how to use eyeliner. All I can do is keep practicing and try to make it work with what I can do.
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Of course, when you include Sanrio characters you can never have too many, and here we have a My Melody Face Mask with red wine scent.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Typical face mask. I loved the packaging though, and it was neat how it opened from the bottom, rather than the top. My only displeasure was the scent- which essentially reminded me of rubbing alcohol. I never drank wine before (I rarely ever drink period), so I can’t say the scent was accurate. Though someone else said it was after they smelled it. It became tolerable after a few minutes.
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Our final item is a “partner“ for the My Melody Face Mask, a Slim Cat Mask. This is made from silicone, which is a popular trend at the time in Japan due to its reuse-ability. Due to its tight wrapping it also helps increase the benefits from a face mask. It can also be used during a bath to create a warming, spa sensation due to it being infused with germanium and tourmaline.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Again it’s a weird item. But I love cats so I actually thought this one was kind of fun (even if I did get a few strange looks while wearing it). It wasn’t hard to put on at all like I initially thought it would be, and it held itself and the mask fine. It was actually pretty comfortable once I got past the weirdness behind it, and I like to believe it delivered what it said it would. 
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Quality/Pricing - 4.5 out of 5. I feel like the items are probably worth the price, if due to packing more than anything. We had a bunch of it, plus popular characters and brands don’t hurt either. 
Content - 4.5 out of 5. Again I really like them! I might have like one low score but it was mainly due to not noticing anything change or embarrassment.
Total Rank: 8.5/9 out of 10 Cuties. I didn’t count the theme because they didn’t exactly list one, but they said it was face-involved and clearly every item here was. I did like the products, I didn’t hate anything at all. It was a perfectly fine box, although I’m not sure I felt extremely amazed by it either? I’d say it was right in the middle.  
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Canmake Sherbet Eyeliner - It’s adorable from top to bottom! I also adore the pink shimmering product.
2. Hello Kitty Bath Bomb - It’s a plain, basic hello kitty head when you get down to it. But I am obsessed with Hello Kitty so I appreciate it regardless~ 
3. My Melody Face Mask - The mask is plain but the packaging is ultra-cute. I love the French inspiration behind it!  
4.Cat Slim Mask  - Well I mean I love cats so I have a bias. It’s cute in a sort of... creepy way?  
5. Skin Essence - I love the simplistic red and white packaging. The small bottle is also really cute. 
6. Exercise Mask  - It’s a duck bill. Nuff said >3< 
Okay Cuties, we’ve reached the end of March’s NMNL box, next up is our KiraKira Crate so I hope you’re exited! I know I am! Until then, stay cute!
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mmkelleywrites · 6 years
Rose’s Whisper
The house seemed like an absolute miracle, the asking price was unbelievably low, the sellers had remodeled most of the house to try to entice buyers and the yard was absolutely enormous, surrounded by vacant, wooded lots on three sides. We were in a tight spot, the seller of the house we were buying backed out at the last minute. The house we were in was in closing. It was the most welcoming vacant house I’d ever seen. Even from the first night, with only boxes and no furniture in place, it was home. There were no nights of unfamiliar noises breaking our slumber.
    Shortly after the move, I started my junior year of highschool. I didn’t know anyone in this sleepy little town yet. The move was sufficiently far away none of my friends were close enough to even visit. It was pretty average, people were too busy with their own business to really notice me. At lunch on the first day a pale girl sat down across from me.
��I’ve never seen you here before.”
“I just moved here a few weeks ago,” I admitted.
She nodded along, pulling her arms into her black TSOL shirt. I watched her squirm in her seat, and try to shake the tuft of auburn that hung from an otherwise shaved head out of her face.
“Why Pinehurst?” she asked with more than a tinge of disgust.
I shrugged, “My parents just really loved the house and happened to find better jobs around here.”
“What house?” she probed, skeptically.
“The big purple house on Garden Row.”
She came to life, her eyes lit up, her flat expression turned to the most infectious smile.
“You’re telling me you live in Rose’s House?” she laughed.
“Rose’s House?” I was lost.
“It’s the haunted house!” she exclaimed before launching into a barrage of questions. “Have you seen the lady in the bright red dress? Has she been calling for her lost lover? When I broke into it back when it was still abandoned, I totally saw her in a mirror behind me!”
“Slow down there, Egon.” I said with a laugh, “I haven’t seen anything like that.”
“Just you wait! You’ll see her!”
She practically dripped with excitement as she climbed over the lunch table, plopped down next to me and flung her arm around me.
“Ghosts aren’t real.” I reminded her, trying to wiggle from her grasp.
“Just. You. Wait.” she shot me finger guns and a wink.
    The lunch bell rang and everyone dispersed to their schedules. I decided not to share my residence with anyone else for awhile. I kept thinking about how sure she was, how she said that she saw the lady in red before. Were those shadows that we see from the corner of our eyes really the lady in red? Had I explained away something terrifying? I was on high alert when I got off the bus. I carefully observed every window in the house, searching for movement, silhouettes, anything that might tell me there was something in the house.
    Our entire house was still as I slipped through the door as quietly as I could. I checked behind me so often I felt like I was spinning. I crept down the hallway, peeking into each room from the edge of the door frame. I winced with each creak of the floor. Then came a sharp snapping sound that echoed through the house. I scrambled into my room and hide behind my bed. Silence swept back through the house.
    It took me a few minutes to get my bearings. I absolutely knew there were no such thing as ghosts and I needed to step up and be an adult about it. I marched back into the hallway with a hair straightener in my hand. The door at the end of the hallway slammed shut. I started to scream, but managed to pull it together and yelled into the house.
“Who the fucks there?!” I bellowed down the hall.
I ran down the hall, breaking the silence with the thuds of my feet. I ripped the door open and swung my implement of destruction wildly for anyone in there to catch. It was our home office, and it was completely empty. Someone had left the window open, the curtain was snapping in the wind, and the wind probably slammed the door. I threw myself into the office chair and sat the hair straightener down.
“Jesus, what’s wrong with you!” I said into my hands with an aggravated growl.
    My stomach sank, now there was the distinct sound of a person coming down the hallway. A strange yet familiar voice called out, “Hey, you alright back there?”
    I grabbed my straightener and peaked out into the hall. I should have known by the clunk of her boots.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I said, holding my chest as my anxiety leveled out for the third time.
“I… uh… “ she stammered, trying to find a reason to be at my home.
“I told you there’s no ghost here.”
    Her face was red, she chewed her bottom lip. “Well, there is,” she said matter of factly, “but that’s not why I came over. You did tell me where you live, I figured you wanted to hang out.”
    She was an odd duck. We sat out on the patio in the back of the house. It was honestly the fastest I’ve ever become friends with someone. The only girl named Johnnie I’d ever met, she hung onto my every word and I hung onto hers. We’d been talking for what felt like minutes but had stretched into hours when she jumped up from the swing.
“Do you smell that?” she asked with a grin.
“I thought it was you.”
    She took off towards the woods and yelled back for me to hurry up. I ran after her. It didn’t take long before I found her in a clearing with an absolutely massive rose bush. The buds were equally disproportionate, some of them as big as dinner plates. Its thorny tendrils stretched across the clearing, it seemed like nothing else wanted to live near it. Johnnie reached out and was stroking one of the large flowers to be.
“Laura?” I heard my mom call from the house.
    I turned to look towards the house, “I’m back here with a friend.”
        The bush shook violently. I jerked around and Johnnie had tripped over one of its sprawling vines and into the thorny bush. I dug her out, but the thorns had done a number on her arms. I helped her back to our bathroom to clean her wounds.
“Ow!” She exclaimed as I dabbed peroxide on her arm.
“Not as tough as you look?” I asked with a laugh.
“Can I ask your parents if they've seen Rose?”
I jabbed one of her cuts with a cotton ball. “You have a problem.”
She stayed for dinner that night. My parents loved her like a second daughter from the first hello. Johnnie was unlike any other person I'd ever met. She treated everyone she ever met like they'd been with her their entire life. My parents basically let her crash at our house as often as she wanted. They wouldn’t have really noticed anyway, the workaholics that they were. I think they liked that I had someone around to keep me company.
After a couple of nights, I caved. “Johns, what exactly is Rose?”
    I thought she was going lay an egg. She squealed with absolute delight. “Did you see her? Is that why you want to know?”
    “No, I just know you’re really into it and wanted to know why.”
        “Well! Let me tell you! This was one of the first houses in Pinehurst. That’s why it seems so much older than most of them. Eventually they sold more and more of the land and people built more homes up around it.”
    “So, the house is haunted because it’s creepy?” I asked flat and unimpressed.
    “I’m getting to it! So! Rose was a resident here after they’d broken up the big land parcel. She was a single woman, no kids. Which was a little strange but not unheard of when she lived her. Unfortunately, she had a very early mental decline.”
    “Like Alzheimerz?” I asked.
    “I don’t know, but at first she was still her friendly self, then she had a little bit where she was just kind of a husk. Out of no where, she started lashing out at the nurses who’d come to take care of her. She’d hit them, she’d scratch them. Most of them didn’t do more than a few shifts in a row with Rose before they’d take a break.”
    “Why didn’t they put her in a home or something?”
    “Do you know where the nearest home or asylum is to Pinehurst?” she asked before continuing, “It all culminated in one of the nurses getting killed. Her fingernails had gotten a little too long and went a little too deep. This was before cellphones, they didn’t have constant contact. Her agency assumed everything was business as normal. Rose was alone with the body for a few days, as that was the nurse who was scheduled for that block. When the next nurse came a couple days later, she found Rose gnawing at the flesh.”
    “SHE FUCKING ATE HER?!” I screamed, clearly too drawn into the story now.
    “Not so loud, she’ll hear you,” she said with a wink, “She attacked the second nurse as she called the police. She fended her off, but Rose fell and hit her head. Ever since, people in Pinehurst say they see her looking out of the windows, watching her neighbors and admiring her garden. If she catches you in her house, tho--”
    “It’s our house! We live here!” I cried.
    “She’ll make you feel every bit of emotion you’ve ever felt. It call comes racing into the forefront of your mind, paralyzing you. Then, she feasts again.” she growled that last part with a grimace.
    “How do they know what happens if she eats you?” I asked, with a jarring clarity.
    “Maybe one kid saw it happen to another and escaped while she was tearing into his friend?” she mused.
    “Why are you so into this stuff?” I asked, honestly curious.
    “Well, I always loved ghosts and scary shit,” she admitted, “but when we were kids, I dared my brother Mikey to break in here.”
    “I haven’t met your brother yet?” I asked, a little hurt.
    “He… uh… well…”
        She was struggling to find the words. It looked like every time she found one, it got caught in her throat and fell back down to her darkest depths. I hugged her and shushed her.
    “You can tell me when it’s time.” I assured her, she nodded into my neck.
Night after night we stayed up into the wee hours of the night, vigilant until dawn broke. I didn’t believe in Rose. Ghosts were for campfire stories. Even still, I was sucked in by the energy that she threw towards trying to show me what she absolutely knew. One night, she was positive we’d found Rose. There was a rustling outside, we charged out like warriors. The raccoon rummaging through the flower beds was more of a warrior than we.
“Laaaauraaaa…” I heard Johnnie’s voice call out to me from the darkness.
    Our wide eyes locked. Johnnie mouthed “What the fuck?” to me.
“Laaauraaaa...” the words drifted through the night air a second time.
It felt like it was coming from the house or the backyard. She gripped my hand with white knuckles as we bolted into the house. She held the door open for me and locked it as soon as we were both inside.
    Once we were inside, Johnnie’s terror had transformed into bliss, she grabbed my arms and gave me a shake with an excited scream. Mine had not.
“She called for you!” she squealed and jumped up and down, “I told you she was real!”
“Why did it sound like you?” I asked, my voice cracking.
“She’s trying to luuuure you!” she cackled.
        I sat there on the couch and stared at the floor.
“C’mon!” she tugged me by the arm, “Let’s go find out who it was. Ghosts, aren’t real, right?”
    I shook myself and jumped up with her, of course she was right. Ghosts aren’t real, they’re just stories to scare kids like Santa or Barbara Streisand. We crept through the house. Just my mom in the office, she assured us it wasn’t her that was calling for me, nor did she hear anyone calling my name. We swept the backyard with a flashlight we keep for walking our dog at night. Nothing. We spent the rest of the night watching movies. I don’t think you could have pried me off of Johnnie with a crowbar that night.
The ghost hunts chilled out, even as fall moved in and Halloween was upon us. No more voices, not even false alarms. We ate lunch every weekend back in our secret grotto. The buds grew bigger, but never blossomed, even into October. I tried a few times to find out what kind of flower it was, but it certainly wasn’t native to North America.
For Halloween we were attending a party at a friend's house. Johnnie had ran home to pick up a few accessories for her costume. I was finishing up my make up, Raggedy Anne to go with my curly red hair, and heard Johnnie call my name from down the hall.
“I'm in the hall bathroom!” I bellowed down the hall.
No one answered for a few minutes. I finished painting my face before I went looking for Johnnie. I called out for her from the top of the steps.
“Johnnie!” echoed back up the staircase.
    I froze, I couldn’t figure register who the voice belonged to. It rang out again, calling for Johnnie. Simply hearing the voice made me queasy, it was so familiar, yet alien.
“Laura? I just got here, what's up?” Johnnie’s voiced called out.
“Oh Jesus.” I said into my hand.
    Frozen at the top of the stairs, I stared down at the landing. Then, Johnnie appeared at the bottom. I pointed to my chest and shook my head. She motioned for me to come with her. I scrambled down to her. She kept her calm and ushered me to the Halloween party. Even under thick make up, more than a few people said I looked like I’d seen a ghost.
“I’ve never *seen* a ghost,” I assured them.
We tried to avoid being in the house after that. We crashed at the Halloween party that night. I felt safer with Johnnie with me. Looking back, the voices were unnerving, but they didn’t feel malicious.
Thanksgiving was coming up fast. Pinehurst was bathed in oranges, browns and gold. Except for the little alcove behind my house. The trees were thick enough to hide it, but that immediate area stayed green. One of the blooms was swollen, the green casing stretched thing with the petals inside pressing outward. I watched it blossom a few days before Thanksgiving. Johnnie had went on a store run and I was still avoiding being in the house by myself. It unfolded delicately in a plume of red, each petal waving into place. The flower itself was a dull beige oval after the first couple of layers of red. Closer inspection revealed another oddity; it had three stamen instead of the usual one. Two on the top semi close to each other, and one farther down, a little larger than the other two.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. Johnnie was back. I helped her get the things for Thanksgiving put away. Then, I told her that the bush in the back had bloomed, and about it’s peculiar hue and anatomy. Naturally I took her to see the rarity in our backyard. She loved weird. When we breached the woods into the clearing, her joking stopped when she saw the bloom.
“What the fuck?” she screamed, running to the plant.
The beige petals of the bloom had folded and laid across each other. It was a face. A young boy that looked strikingly like Johnnie. My heart sank. She cradled the bloom in her hand, her eyes were already swollen and red with tears. She looked to me with eyes that crushed my soul. I dropped to my knees next to her, embracing her.
“It looks like Mikey” she she mumbled, “it… it looks like Mikey...”
“It looks like Mikey,” she reiterated, “It. Looks. Like. Mikey.”
“Johnnie, who is Mikey?” I pushed.
“He - My - He went -” she sputtered, “My brother who went missing.”
She’d mentioned a missing brother, but never a name or shown a picture. I always assumed she was too young when he went missing to have remembered much of him. Maybe she had been, and that flower brought it all raging back. The petals wiggled. Writhed? I don’t really know what to call it, but his--it’s? mouth started opening and closing, like a guppy gasping at the water. We both tumbled back into the dirt, Johnnie shaking in my arms. I could scarcely pull my attention from the monstrousity to notice the sunlight being devoured by the encroaching shadows.
“Wuh… wuh…” the flower wheezed.
I started shooting back towards the house, adrenaline giving me the ability to drag a paralyzed and hysterical Johnnie backwards. Until we hit a wall of thicket. I drug us both to our feet and surveyed the area. We were surrounded. I couldn't see the house. The woody vegetation stretched up into the tree tops and tangled until I couldn't see the sun or clouds. Everywhere I looked was obscured by branches and brambles.
“Why… why…?” it moaned.
Johnnie went limp in my arms. I couldn’t hold her dead weight, I couldn’t do much but slow her crumpling to the ground. There was a thorny tendril creeping towards her.
“Why did you let me?” It groaned at her unconscious body.
I stomped and kicked the vine. It wouldn't be dissuaded from it's pursuit. I grabbed it. I yanked and jerked on it, I tried to pull it in the opposite direction, despite the thorns cutting my palms. I screamed her name until I was hoarse. She wouldn't stir no matter how loud I screamed.
Another blossom unfurled in front of me. Johnnie. It was Johnnie staring at me through the brilliantly colored petals. I stood there in awe. Then I felt everything. Literally every thought, every feeling I'd ever had about Johnnie surged through me. It was beautiful, it was horrifying, it left me on my knees with tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldn’t find the strength to move a single muscle.
I forced my eyes shut. I refused to acknowledge it even existed. I knew she was on the other side of the bush. I rose to my feet, I was weak and shaking, but I made it. I looked away from the shrub. The vines had wrapped around her ankles and were inching her through the packed dirt towards its base. I wobbled and stumbled towards her, keeping a wide breadth from that thing.  I tried to snap the vine, but now it was thicker, heavier. It was like trying to sway a steel cable from its anchor.
It felt like everything went black. That moment of struggle made me absolutely know what “drowning in sorrow” felt like. I distinctly remember the ground tearing open, like a little Hollywood earthquake. The roots twisted and writhed, covered in white thorns and hooks. I grabbed a long stick and jammed it into the gnarled mass of roots. It recoiled, just long enough for me to drag Johnnie back away from it. I found a small gap in the twisted wood that had walled us in with it, I managed to squeeze through then pull her through behind me.  
I screamed her name as I inched her limp body down the trail towards the house. I remembered it as just a short walk, but now it was miles. Eventually I had to stop. I couldn’t drag on any further, I propped her up against a tree and sat next to her. It was quiet. No rustling, no voices. She started to come to as I layed in the dirt.
“Mikey?” she mumbled with drowsiness clouding her mind. Then her eyes shot open and she punched my shoulder, “Mikey?! Where the fuck did he go?”
    I shook my head, “That was just the roses, Johnnie. It was trying to drag you into its roots.”
“How did it know?” she started sobbing, “Did it get him?”
“I- I don’t know. It showed me your face.”
    I ushered her back to the house. She wept and wept. I cried with her. What was happening at my backdoor didn’t dawn on me until we were on top of it. The two rose bushes that flanked the door were no longer dormant. Lush and green, their branches were drooping with heavy buds.
“Noo..no no no” I stammered, supporting some of Johnnies weight.
“What now?”
    The plant on the left’s bloom unfurled. A small forehead, slightly pointy nose and thin lips folded out of the delicate petals. The one on the right a strong jawline, wide nose, deep set eyes. Mom. Dad. The petals annealed together, forming perfect replicas of my parents right down to their skin tone.
“Giiiirls,” my mom’s voice cracked, “It’s time for supper!”
    My dad’s voice cackled and carried through our yard. I’d never heard him sound like that before. It was his voice, but it was not my father. I clutched Johnnie close.
“C’mon, girls!” his voice called out, “Help me with the flower beds!”
“Laura! Johnnie!” my mother’s voice followed up, “Come look at these beautiful roses!”
    Johnnie stood on her own. I could see the exhaustion, the same that was starting to weigh me down. Whatever that thing was, it’d taken too much. Too much from me, too much from Johnnie, too much from everyone who’d ever found it. I ran for the shed that my dad put back by the woods. The gas can for the lawn mower was full.
“Girls! We found what you've been hiding!” My father's words mocking, drenched in sarcasm.
“You shouldn't have dared me to go!” a small voice I didn't recognize called out.
Johnnie looked like she'd been punched in the gut. She clenched my arm tight enough to cut off circulation. I shook my head to her. “It’s not him, not anymore, anyway…”
She swallowed it all. We trudged on. It whipped at us with stray vines, the trail was even longer than it was mere moments ago. Each sharp lash drove away Johnnie’s sorrow. We grew more resolute that this had to be solved tonight. I lugged it back to the clearing as fast as I could. The living walls had retreated, the ground was still open, the tangle of roots gnashing in the void of soil.
“Come join us all down here!” a legion of voices echoed from the pit.
    I unscrewed the nozzle and threw the metal gas can in. The hungry roots shredded it into ribbons. Johnnie lit the trail of gas with a lighter she always carried with her. The fire shot into the hole, then erupted out like a volcano. We were surrounded by pained wails, I could see faces hanging from the plant, screaming as they burned. I could hear Mikey’s voice, Mom’s, and Dad’s too amongst the cacophony of the lost. I heard my voice and Johnnies voice distinctly, along with an innumerable mix of others. We watched it burn.
    The path back to the house was short again. There were sirens coming towards us. The house was on fire, plants around the house were also ablaze. They must have been connected through the roots. We met the firemen in the front yard. They heard the painful wails too, but never found the living people they thought they were going to find. Neither us, nor the firemen were prepared for what we found in the tree in the front yard.
    My mom and dad were both in that tree. Crucified by a thick tangle of now burning vines. The vines were bursting through their skin, coming out of their mouths. Terror and confusion were permanently sculpted on their faces. I broke down. Johnnie held it together for me in the moment, and broke down with me again later at her house. The flames burned for days. When everything was done, bones started popping up. In all the places that were previously plants. They identified Johnnie’s brother based on dental records, he’d gotten caught up in the old green house in the backyard.
        I moved in with Johnnie and her parents, I helped them with arrangements, and they helped me. Next year we’ll hopefully be roommates at the same college. I can’t say it’s been easy without my parents. I love Johnnie and her family, but it’s still a void that I know will never be filled. It’s hard to know that my Dad will never have the chance to walk me down the aisle, or that we’ll never get to see Mikey graduate. Johnnie never got a chance to try Mom’s world famous banana bread. The only real solace either of us gets is that maybe, when we burned that thing, we set them all free somehow.
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harryfeatgaga · 7 years
so at least 4 models won't walk the VS show this year because they had problem with the visas. Many reporters who were supposed to cover the event cancelled because the Chinese government won't give them visas. TV producers have not been able to get permission to shoot outside the arena. That's also why everyone flying last minute and not a week before like previous years. We might not get backstage pics at all and IG is not allowed there. This is gonna be the worst VSFS ever for the brand.
Anonymous said: The VS show sounds like an absolute disaster as of right now, like all the issues they’re having...yikes. They were stupid to do it in China, since they have such strict rules and it’s so difficult to deal with visas etc, that was a big mistake on their part, yikes.
yea i don't get it jbhdjfbhj i knew they were strict but i had no idea it was this strict.........welp
Anonymous said: Oh and most models are already on their way there and Gigi might not be in the show at the end because of the drama about buddha and how she mocked it
rfjbhhfujbfhubfh bye and i saw katy is banned? rjfibhhfjk what is happening
Anonymous said: Ig stans think that tweet, "they're my baby girls..leave them alone" is real...
Anonymous said: 2014 1d didnt even go to australia and it was the wildest harry was, imagine if harry went to australia in 2014 YIKES
Anonymous said: they also had that party in brazil that ended at 7am and harry had way too many tequila shots! i miss drunk harry
Anonymous said: I wasn’t into 1d when they were wild here in aus and it haunts me bc I’m so scared that I might know of someone who hooked up with Harry and I’ll never get the tea :(((
Anonymous said: Lmao idk it was this girl I think she was front row or at least the front with her friend and I believe security talked to her and they took her to the hotel?????? Like there was a messy pic of her laying on a couch that her friend took while waiting or something like that
bye omg
Anonymous said: 2014 Orlando four promo harry gave no fcuks remember when the woman said So I have to ask you about (some rude personal question) and harry w his best snark face was like 'Do you really?'
Anonymous said: Niall would never do a tell-all he's 1D af
Anonymous said: Zayn is so resentful to his time in 1d wtf is he doing not exposing everyone???? That boy would have so much shit on all of them and its not like he has a relationship with them anymore lol
bye ik
Anonymous said: TRU tbh Louis skip the solo career just expose everyone tho I feel he would mostly expose the poor management they had? But that also seems to be where a lot of their issues came from
Anonymous said: the other day niall said he didn't like the 1D duck tape and that pissed people off. this fandom could not take a tell all, literally never would anyone be able to handle it!!!
omg stop rifjhbghfuji tru tho
Anonymous said: Yesterday gigi tripped and almost fell.Obviously there's photos of her laughing and surprised but bella's facial expresion stayed THE SAME like "ugh don't fall G ._."
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Guilty As Charged 2020 (1-19-2020)
January 19th, 2020
Seattle, Washington
Angel of the Winds Arena
Video Package: Recapping that it is a new decade upon us, who will capture the moment? Recap of Lotus/Chris Johnson followed by a short recap of Jordan vs 3M, The formation of The Set 2 nights ago on Pyro, Plagueground smashing McGraw’s arm with the steel steps 2 weeks ago, Slayer and Bryce brawling on a Ferris wheel, GG vs Champagne
Pyro and music opens the show with a pan of this hot crowd tonight in Seattle, Washington. Kaitlyn Khaos: A new decade. A new XPWEW. Tonight who is guilty who is innocent, is anyone innocent welcome to Guilty As Charged!
Introduction to our commentary for tonight the team of Nick Simmonds & Kaitlyn Khaos as they welcome us in and run down the card
Best 3 out of 5 Falls 1 on 1 M1: All Man defeats Garrett Thompson (GT accompanied to the ring for the first time with fellow Brit; Ethan Bedlam. All Man is as always brought out with his partner in crime All Woman; Tennille Dashwood) All Man captures 1st fall All Man captures 2nd fall All Man captures 3rd fall with a roll up All Man is still your Mr. Case Your Luck as he sweeps Thompson in what still feels like an upset every time he snags a victory. Thompson’s new year isn’t off to the start he wanted coming off his 9 month injury. XPWEW Tag Team Titles M2: Plagueground defeat Leonard McGraw & Dragon Kid w/ Ms. Ryu
*PLAGUEGROUND WINS (captures 2nd tag team championship gold)
Joe Gacy hits the mist on Dragon Kid during a moonsault mid air, Kid crashes on his head looked like a stiff and rough landing but Gacy quickly covers him for the 1-2-3 and the Plagueground has captured their 2nd reign as tag team champions tonight After the match: Leonard McGraw helps Dragon Kid up “I’d never hit a man while he’s down. So I’ll help you up”
*Leonard McGraw hits the buckshot on Kid*
*crowd pops in shock, Ryu looks at McGraw in shock and he looks at he, she looks around and follows him to the back, McGraw leaves the mask on Kid’s chest. Have we just seen the break up of America’s Favorite Tag Team? Has Ryu aligned herself with a solo McGraw.
Masato Tanaka entrance Slayer & Rosemary entrance Golden Bryce champion entrance
XPWEW International Title 3 Way Dance M3: Slayer defeats Golden Bryce & Masato Tanaka
Golden Bryce eliminates Tanaka with the 6rings Slayer makes Bryce submit to the helm sharpshooter when Rosemary is able
Slayer wins his 5th International Title
As him and Rosemary clutch and hug in joy up the ramp. THE SET is standing at the ramp front facing Ruckus & Oliver with Lexoni, Chrissy, Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil as they slowly walk past Slayer and Rosemary.
XPWEW Juniorweight Title
1 on 1
M4: Jordan Oliver (c) defeats 3M Ultra
Jordan Oliver wins clean The Set joins him and Ruckus, the clear leader says 2020 vision. 2020 sight. We want all the gold. Larva I’m talking to you. Champagne. Slayer. Plagueground. Amy Lee. The war is on. The war is waged. Your turn. Ruckus then hits the Bankroll on an already beaten down 3M Ultra for good measure. Jordan Oliver has successfully retained his juniorweight title.
Kaitlyn Khaos on commentary “The next time xpwew comes to pay-per-view we will be back on FITE TV! The new home for XPWEW on PPV. It’s FLIRTING WITH DISASTER on February 23rd 2020 in Little Rock Arkansas and tickets are nearly sold out! Hurry now and before midnight tonight save $5 dollars and get the PPV for this low price of $9.99 but you have to place your order before midnight tonight.”
The debut of the PYRO on VICELAND ad
Golden Bryce hanging out with Action Bronson “fuck that’s delicious”
Golden Bryce Spears the boom operator. *fuck that hurt*
Pyro 9pm on Friday’s only on VICE
James Westerbeck interviews Champagne Clausen and Clausen says tonight I’m going to pave the asphalt with my creation, my match. This match is my lasting legacy. In the year 2040 when the Clausen Cleaver match happens remember tonight is where it started, James asked “How’s your Dad?” I’ve been ducking this question I’ll admit it. So heres your scoop James :) My dad is in my sisters custody and I have no clue what they are doing other than they are home, watching this. Watching me retain my title successfully tonight, I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.
XPWEW World Women’s Title
4 Way Dance
M5: Kiera Hogan defeats Amy Lee, Doxy Deity & Audrey Carbine
Doxy & Carbine both pin Amy Audrey makes Doxy submit Kiera Hogan sunset flip for the win and we have a new champ LARVA’s KIERA HOGAN WINS HER FIRST WOMENS TITLE ! Despite the loss Amy hugs Kiera as they are both members of the Larva, Rosemary comes down and holds both their heads and kisses her nest eggs.
GG entrance through the crowd very reminiscent of Sandman’s ECW entrance as he drinks beers handed to him in the crowd. Seattle supports their hometown underdog GG
Champagne Clausen enters with pyro entrance
XPWEW World Heavyweight Title
The 1st ever Clausen Cleaver Match
M6: Champagne Clausen defeats GG
(A very long gruesome match that goes 47 minutes long)
Champagne retains when he hits Cognac Arrest pins GG, wrong side rolls him over to his side for the 1-2-3 and clean win. Match saw many neat spots with the split ring. GG had many close 2 counts tho.
All Man comes out dragging behind him referee Sandy Monahue, They are blitzing running to the ring, All Woman lagging behind a bit. The crowd pops huge for what might just be about to happen. All Man runs in the ring with All Woman behind him, he looks at his case then looks at Champagne (bloody on his knees praying cowering)
All Man quickly pushes the case at Referee Sandy Monahue and says “yeah I’m gonna do it”
Champagne “you son of a bitch”
Bell rings *crowd pop*
All Man runs toward Champagne and punches him rapidly *crowd is coming unglued*
All Man picks up Champagne for the Almond Joy, Champagne reverses it jumps off his shoulders, ducks a clothesline, runs back and All Man scoops him up quick and hits THE ALMOND JOY *huge pop*
1 - 2 - 3!!!!!! YES! YES!
All Woman kisses All Man passionately
*crowd goes absolutely bonkers*
Champagne is outside whining and shoves Nick Simmonds on commentary and takes his headset and starts saying through the commentary mic “This isn’t a title change. It’s not. This is not a title change. This is a goddamn travesty.”
All Man is raging on the top rope with his new title. Champagne runs in behind him, All Man pulls the ropes down and Champagne dumps himself to the outside but he plays it off and just keeps walking up the ramp without looking back, then he picks up a guardrail and pulls it out and I guess tries to pick it up and slam it but it’s bolted down so he just looks dumb. All Man still in ring as “You Deserve It” chants rain down. Nick Simmonds: Ive followed this mans career for over 10 years and I never thought I’d seeing him hold the world title, anybody can win! All you have to do is work hard! All Man is the champion of the world! All Man and All Woman celebrate a bit longer at ringside and All Man jumps into a corner of the front row where about 8 fans body surf him as it fades into black.. but results are as follows:
XPWEW World Heavyweight Title
M7: All Man defeats Champagne Clausen
Backstage: Champagne Clausen goes up to General Manager Romeo Roselli, “You know that wasn’t fair right?”. Romeo: “He had the briefcase, he cashed it in how do you figure.” Champagne: I’ll be back with a lawyer and all of that nonsense you just seen never happened. It’s null and void I’ll see you both Friday. I’m going over your head. Make me happy or I’m jumping ship. Romeo: Or else what? Champagne walks away and kicks door
Show goes black for 30 seconds
Warning airs on screen that XPWEW is not responsible for this next contest.
Chris Johnson entrance Lotus attacks him from behind and it’s a arena brawl from the stage, to the stairs to the parking lot onto the street with moving cars and it’s a unique brawl
Non Sanctioned Contest M8: Lotus defeats Chris Johnson
0 notes
January 29, 1942.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pvt. John H. Clarke
Platoon #132, Recruit Depot
Marine Barracks
Parris Island, S.C.
Dear Sweetheart,
Betty I’m going to try to write you as often as I can but we don’t have one minute to rest from 4:30 A.M. until 9:30 at night. This is going to be a mixed up letter as I’m going to tell you whats going to happen + what has happened.
FIrst of all since last week all new men will have to learn to be as good as a marine in 10 yes, ten days as what they have been turning out in 6 weeks!!
If I knew we were going to be worked 1/10 millioneth as what we have been in 2 days and in the future I never would have joined the marine. When you hear about a U.S. Marine being the best and most efficient disciplined fighting man it is the truest saying ever said by any human being! And are they TOUGH OH! BOY and will I be in a military way! But if your a wise guy or a rowdy they have a way of making you a perfect gentlemen too. All of us will be real tough -- or the toughest fighters as well as being real polished off duty.
Other men or new recruits were not issued uniforms or rifles (don’t dare call it is a gun or it means 4 hrs of Brig guard duty. It is a rifle from now on.) For 5 days. Our bunch got all these things the first day. That’s proof that we will see action sooner than we expected. Here is a list of the things we got today.
1 Winter Forest Green Overcoat
1 Uniform Forest Green suit type coat
2 prs sun tan pants
2 shirts
2 ponchos (“rain coats”)
1 Forest green overseas cap with emblem
1 sun tan overseas cap with emblem
1 2 piece grease monkey suit
1 sun helmet
3 undershirts -- Gov
3 government shorts
2 Henry sweatshirts
2 Sun tan ties
2 belts khaki + Sam Brown
1 Army cot
2 Army blankets
2 Army sheets
2 Pairs of shoes (the feel like 5 tons after a days hike)
1 Sea bag (Everything has to be filed neatly in it and be kept locked. If you are called out again and given 40 seconds to get something -- it has to be locked after you get what you want even if its in the bottom)
1 Laundry Bag
1 Duffle Bag
1 Knapsack ( Forks, knifes, first aid kit, gun parts, meat cans, snake bite serum, oil) etc.
1 30/30 Army Rifle Straps also
1 mean looking Bayonet (Which we are really taught how to use it!!!)
1 sewing kit
4 towels (lots of toothpaste, razors, comb, brush, shoe polish, clothes, shave cream, 8 bars of soap, tooth brush)
1 cartridge belt
1 Bayonet scabbered
1 gun cleaner
1 [unreadable] pail
1 paint brush
Writing materials
2 pencils
Also a few more little things I can’t think of now. But if we lose one article, at inspection we will get K.P. or the brig. The Army or Navy can’t even come near this outfit for discipline. I don’t mean maybe you have to be here to believe it.
I know how to march, drill and know ammunition in one day. In the army it takes you about a year to really even get the orders straight. We do or else! All the tough little so + so says in -- How is H … do you think the marine got the names “Devil Dogs” + “Leatherneck”! We all know I never could have believed a guy could drill + run + leg a pack _ fall flat on your face, jump up + run again -- fine + hike on the double all day long in the blasted hot sun down here -- !
THe tough little top kicks + commanding officers are all southern men. No matter how good we drill he balls thru firing deuce of you. You can’t smile all day, smoke, or talk -- and do they mean it! The only time you can feel at ease is at midnight and we are so gosh darn tired we flop off to sleep the instant we hit the cot.
If we make a little mistake in a drill the Corp says in a southern accent “Why that’s so G_ _ _ D_ _ _ _ simple a halfway smart _ _ so + so could get it without trying and a lot of other fancy words.
We are bunked in Mission hurts but out on the plains about 300 in a row in mud up to your ankles. You walk on duck boards. Your hut with 13 men to it has to be kept as clean as a whistle and your cot had to be just so a certain way -- square corners + what not.
We get up tomorrow morning at 3:00 A.M. to go for a morning hike full pack!! Have breakfast at 5:30. Get a shot at 6:45. Drill all day and break rifles down and learn rules all the time. We will have to go to thru swamps like nothing up to our hips -- look out for quick sand + cottonmouth snakes + fever, trench mouth + ptomaine poison. Sleep in woods eat + drink you feel like dying but you cant even get time to lay down and die.
But we will know how to be fighters + know how discipline, if we don’t we’ll be crazy.  Please tell mom a few of these things because dear I’m too tired to write all of this.
We are training the Corporal says, to be able to shove off for parts unknown in 10 days. We can hardly believe it I have a swell buddy from N.H. with me. His name is Shea.
We haven’t even got time to think about getting homesick all we know is that we’re learning to be toughest fighting men going so that Corp says I can hear him in my sleep. ----
I hope + pray every night that I might be able to see you just once before going away to some place, the good lord only knows where.
I could write forever on what takes place during the day + evening but I’m going to fall in as I’m awfully blurry eyed now.
I love you and still am as tender in my heart about you even tho I think or rather I know I’ve changed in 2 days for being stern + serious + tough.
The good is swell, can’t talk while in mess.
Tatoo is now blowing 5 more men + Taps blow so I’ll say good night darling + please remember I never loved any girl or never will more than what I love you. I pray that I’ll be able to see you again. Will write soon again. Please excuse pencil.
Love and kisses,
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