#might as well share it with the world yk?
hiorintruther · 22 days
An Updated ‘Reasons Why I Ship Hiorin’ — Because It’s Been Ages Since I Made The First One And I’ve Had More Thoughts (and we got more moments!)
Aka: can you tell this ship makes me mentally unwell?
Hi again! It’s been a while. I did make one of these long posts a while back outlining why I choose to ship hiorin even though they’ve barely interacted and on the surface don’t look like they’d make sense at all. Since then, hiorin has gained quite a few shippers in the fandom and I keep thinking about my boys, especially with the Bastard Munchen vs PXG game FINALLY giving us some new moments. Unsurprisingly, ever since making the first post I’ve also had a lot more ideas about the dynamic, it’s potential, some more connections between them that I never touched on before, etc… and rather than editing the other post I thought it would be easier to just make a new one.
Some stuff I go over here might be familiar from the first post. I want this to be a kind of hub for any and all of my hiorin interpretations, analysis, trivia, headcanons, ‘theories’ (which I don’t think will be canon but the narrative potential for them is through the roof) and anything else I think is relevant to the ship. Feel free to jump around and read whatever is most interesting for you. Hiorin is a ship that, for me, is built on mountains of untapped potential. I just want to bring that potential to light all in one place.
Note: for this post I’ll only use information that has been written by Kaneshiro, drawn by Nomura or Sanomiya, or has otherwise been green-lit by Kaneshiro as canon. Merch collabs, voice actor QnAs, the PWC game etc… for me do not count as canon and I won’t use them. Also, the 10-image limit is biting my ass so my formatting for certain bits might be a bit all over the place. Apologies.
So without further ado. Let’s start! Enjoy the yap sesh!
Part 1 — The Manga Canon
Hiorin get their (very sparse and brief) interactions mostly from the Third Selection Arc (chapters 87-108) and the U20 arc (chapters 109-151). We recently got some new moments in the BM vs PXG match (chapters 250-present).
First off, the tryouts. It’s implied here that Hiori and Rin have never met, as Hiori notices Isagi’s response to Rin and asks if Isagi knows who Rin is. Rin also doesn’t acknowledge Hiori in any way here, so we can presume they’re strangers (although some shippers like to headcanon that they met during the first selection).
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That being said during the match, after Isagi has been thoroughly shut down by Karasu, Rin turns his attention to Hiori as a teammate to help him get the ball up the field. Rin has never seen Hiori play before (as far as we know). They’ve never even talked. They’re barely getting familiar with each other’s play styles. And yet, they immediately link up to form a clean, deadly back and forth that optimises Rin’s play style. In fact, this duo helped Rin score 1 goal, and it would have helped Rin score 2 had Shidou not rudely interrupted the second.
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It was so deadly that Otoya had to intervene specifically to break them up, so that they could no longer continue their one-two passes up the field and threaten to go for another goal. (Also notice in this page below how as soon as the kickoff happened, Hiori was already running into position in the background. He understands what Rin wants to do).
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Not only did Hiori and Rin naturally form a link-up, but Hiori was also fully capable of keeping up with Rin, something Nanase admitted he struggled with during this match and even Isagi was struggling with as well, since later on we see Isagi fail to intercept one of Hiori’s passes due to not being able to reach it in time (which presumably Rin would have been able to were he in Isagi’s position). So, from what we see of Hiori and Rin in this match, they’re on a similar wavelength in terms of skills, field vision and gameplay, and are naturally able to link up even as strangers. I’ll note here that neither of them were playing at full power — Hiori was playing on 0 motivation, and Rin was still utilising his Puppeteer play style instead of his Destroyer. More on this later in the ‘Headcanons’ section.
After the Tryouts, we next see them interact in the U20 match. We start with a brief callback to their tryouts link up in chapter 132, where Rin passes to Hiori. Hiori is acting as a relay between Isagi and Rin, which in my opinion would be a good way to utilise him in the current manga after the NEL. Whether or not that’s how Kaneshiro chooses to use him in the future is anyone’s guess though.
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The next big moment comes in chapter 140, after Shidou has kicked Rin in the face and the game has briefly paused. I think this is by far the most ‘iconic’ hiorin moment. While Isagi is analysing the previous gameplay and Karasu is arguing with the ref, it’s Hiori who is the only one to actually go and check on Rin. Even Bachira and Reo were right next to Rin and neither of them were the ones going up to him. Hiori was further down the field but he was the one who moved to help Rin first. Not only is he gentle with and worried for Rin, but by some miracle Rin actually accepts his help! It feels almost out of character given how angry Rin is for the rest of the match, but for this very brief moment he lets Hiori help him up and reassures him that he’s ‘totally fine’ (yeah sure buddy…).
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For many this is the main ‘ooooooh’ moment with hiorin. But what if I told you it actually happens a second time this match? After Aiku goes rogue in chapter 142 and tries to score a goal, Rin ends up slide-tackling him to prevent it. And once again, if you look in the background of the panels following the interception in chapter 143, who is it helping Rin stand? It’s Hiori. And this time they actually hold hands!
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The final hiorin moment in the U20 match come soon after this in chapter 144, when Rin is about to enter his Destroyer mode. When Rin enters Destroyer mode, Hiori is in possession of the ball and so Rin steals it from him in a completely unpredictable move that had everyone stunned.
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The U20 match moments, for many of us hiorin shippers, felt like the last time we’d ever see them properly interact. I at least had zero hopes for PXG. But oh boy was I wrong! Kaneshiro might not realise the dynamic he’s setting up with this duo but I’m gonna milk every interaction for what it’s worth! And so with that, I’ll bring you to the BM vs PXG match (note: currently still ongoing, so I might have to update this section soon). Since the U20 match, we’ve had some changes. The biggest one is Hiori’s personality. After going through his arc in Ubers, Hiori has become more outspoken and confident, playing into his ‘Ultra-Sadist’ style and being more than happy to speak his mind. He’s more argumentative and can whip up a good piece of trash talk (my gamer boy fr!). We see this on full display in chapter 251 when he completely shuts down Rin’s goal opportunity because Rin was too focussed on Isagi to see the bigger picture of the match. He turns around, points at Rin, and tells him “if ya want a goal… come at me with an unpredictable script!”
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Notice here how he isn’t simply putting Rin down for not being able to score. Hiori may be taunting Rin, but he does still technically give Rin helpful advice. In a previous panel he explains how he was able to read Rin because Rin was too focussed on Isagi, and in combination with Hiori’s ‘unpredictable script’ line it forms some rather blunt and rude but nevertheless useful advice. Hiori is telling Rin exactly how to get past him and what Rin needs to do to improve. Notice the focus on unpredictability. This is veering into headcanon territory, but I don’t think it’s too unreasonable to think that perhaps Hiori is thinking about Rin’s unpredictable Destroyer mode. He experienced it first hand when Rin stole the ball from him in the U20 match. He knows what Rin is truly capable of. To Hiori, that version of Rin is a reasonable expectation (and I’ll get to their relationship with ‘expectations’ later) that would be the perfect key to getting through BM’s defence. But Rin isn’t showing that off because his obsession with defeating Isagi over scoring goals is hurting his performance. Hiori’s advice is reasonable and maybe Rin should listen to it.
As of right now, the final moment we have of them together is from chapter 259, where Hiori is aided by Raichi to block Rin in a 2-person press, causing Rin to lose the ball. From a purely indulgent shipping perspective, notice how Hiori and Rin’s legs are touching, their hands are on each other’s chests and they’re looking at each other. Raichi is just there lol.
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This may be it for their canon interactions, however it’s far from all the canon information we have about them that’s interesting for the dynamic. A big part of the hiorin ship is about looking at their individual information and drawing together similarities and/or parallels. While on the surface they seem very different, almost opposites, digging a little deeper reveals a lot of small coincidences about them that build up to make you realise that they’re a lot more similar than you might initially think.
Part 2 — Where Hiori and Rin Align
Analytical players. Both of them have a deeply analytical play style that utilises field vision and high levels of technical skills. They don’t rely on brute strength or pure intimidation to get through the opponents’ defence, rather they analyse, play with and overcome their opponents with strategy and out-play their opponents with sheer levels of skill. This similarity is likely what led to them to be able to so easily link up when they first met.
Sadism. Both are known sadists. Rin’s Destroyer mode is particularly sadistic but in general he revels in being at the top with others under him. He’s open with his insults and destroys chaotically, looking for breaks in his opponents’ defence and completely tearing them down until there’s no hope of his opponents winning. Hiori is a self-proclaimed “ultra-sadist” (personally I think he’s more a sado-masochist but we’re sticking to canon only here). After his arc, he enjoys watching his opponents scramble to try and keep up with him only to be destroyed by his top-tier plays, especially in a ‘best play’ scenario with his chosen striker of the moment. He’s also not loyal to any one striker and will leave them behind if they’re not playing up to his standards or goal vision. Hiori’s sadism also manifests as him teasing his friends, as we see in chapter 241 when he jokingly teases Isagi for getting shipped with Kaiser by BLTV fans.
Sae connections. Rin is Sae’s younger brother and was abandoned by Sae after Sae returned home from Spain. He says he hates his brother after the U20 match, when Sae noticed Isagi over Rin, and now Rin is playing for the sake of crushing Sae (more on this later). Hiori also has connections to Sae though. He’s been compared to Sae twice in-universe, once by Sendou in chapter 129 who said his passes had the same level of skill as Sae’s, and once by Yukimiya in chapter 241 who thinks Hiori’s ultra-sadist mindset is similar to Sae’s.
They’re both gamers. Obviously we know Hiori is one. That’s been a big part of his character ever since we first met him. However, Rin also plays video games, specifically horror games. We get this info from both the Egoist Bible and his prequel light novel, where it explains that he plays horror games to de-stress at night: (chapter 2) “… even games, should be chilling and scary. Playing horror games alone at night is quite thrilling”.
Horror, gore and zombies. As well as playing horror games to de-stress, it’s explained in the Egoist Bible and Rin’s light novel that he watches horror movies for the same reason: (chapter 2) “When he’s done, he watches a horror movie and then goes to bed. This is his daily routine. For some reason, since Sae has been gone, he only watches horror movies. Movies, videos …”. The light novel slightly expands on this to specify he enjoys splatter films, as well as showing an illustration of him watching rather a gory zombie movie: (chapter 4) “Lately, he's been into splatter films. The one where a killer comes out with an electric saw and a big-ass ax, then blood splatters all over the place. The one where a killer chases you no matter how hard you try to escape, and if you get caught, you end up being dismembered. His heart is pounding, but he’s not the type to show on his face, so Rin watching the slaughter scene without any expression on his face is much more horrifying”. Likewise, Hiori is shown in chapter 206 playing a zombie shooter in which he imagines the zombies being his parents and he violently kills them. We see his inner monologue of this in his prequel light novel, showing the depths of how much he wants them to suffer: (chapter 6) “Before he knew it, in his imagination, his parents became zombies. His father and mother are coming towards him, laughing. He shoots without hesitation. Bang! Headshot. The bullet that entered the father's jaw blew off the back of his head. Bang! Bang! His mother's eyeballs pop out and there's a hole in her chest. He aims for vital spots with rapid fire, but they don't fall easily because they're zombies”.
Solitude. They’re both introverts according to their MBTIs. Rin is ranked as the most anti-social member of Blue Lock in the Egoist Bible. He says he “doesn’t have time for lukewarm conversations” (although I do think on some level he longs for approval and love from someone, given how much he craves his brother’s attention). He is also one of the only characters who genuinely has no friends in Blue Lock. He tolerated Bachira for a time and trained Nanase begrudgingly, but no one is very close with him at all. Now, at a glance Hiori might seem far more social. He has a lot of friends and seems to enjoy hanging out with them. However, in a Twitter qna (which tend to have questions compiled for the Egoist Bible but alas Hiori doesn’t have a page) it was revealed that his ideal type in a romantic partner is “someone who can leave me alone”. The wording he used — 放置し合えるん — seems to imply a reciprocal nature of this ‘leaving alone’, ie ‘you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone’. Now tell me that arrangement wouldn’t work perfectly for Rin. Hiori is also shown in chapter 172 (pre-character arc) spending time alone in the BM dorms while others are out training. While Hiori can enjoy socialising, he also needs plenty of time to himself to the point where it becomes a deal-breaker in a relationship for him.
Ochazuke (tea on rice). Rin’s favourite food according to the Egoist Bible is ochazuke, specifically taichazuke. In the new Episode Rin extra chapter we also see him going to enjoy some taichazuke at a traditional restaurant because he was hungry for ochazuke. When Hiori was asked in another Twitter qna what his favourite accompaniment for rice is, he replied that it was the ochazuke brand Nagatanien.
Stripes. Rin’s casual outfits for both the Shibuya collab (designed by Nomura) and Episode Rin feature a striped/ribbed pattern. Likewise, Hiori’s casual pyjamas, childhood design and one of Nomura’s coaster designs all feature him wearing striped clothing.
Eyelashes. Both of them have long under lashes. That’s kinda it for this one lol.
Name kanji (yes, I’m in this deep). In Rin’s surname, the kanji 糸 means ‘thread/yarn’. In Hiori’s surname, the kanji 織 means ‘weaver’. Both of them have kanji relating to weaving, likely in relation to both Rin’s Puppeteer play style (and Sae’s insane control of the midfield), and Hiori’s way of ‘weaving’ together a best play through his skills (and his parents ‘weaving’ his life for him rather than letting him control it himself). To get poetic about it, you could say Hiori is the weaver who knows how best to utilise Rin’s threads and can guarantee their shared goal vision will be woven into place. To get even more conspiracy theorist-y, when Charles meets Hiori he calls Hiori “水色お兄さん” — literally ‘water-coloured big brother’, likely in relation to his hair colour because 水色 can also mean ‘cyan’. To keep it on the topic of water though, whose aura is made of water? That’s right. Rin’s! (yes I know this is really grasping at straws but I did say this post was for EVERYTHING hiorin soooo).
Part 3 — Family Relationships: Love, Expectations and Abandonment
Rin and Hiori both have relationships with particular members of their family that are similar and also unique among the rest of the cast. For Rin, it’s his relationship with Sae. For Hiori, it’s his relationship with his parents.
To begin with Hiori, his parents only wanted a child who could fulfil their dream of being number 1. They held this expectation of him throughout his whole life, pretending to genuinely care about and love him when in reality all they wanted was for him to be the best. If he tried to step out of line, they’d become monstrous, as seen in Hiori’s light novel: (chapter 2) “Can I take a day off from soccer tomorrow and go play with my friends?” As soon as he said this, the smiles disappeared from his parents’ faces. His mother looked very surprised, and then she made the scariest face he's ever seen. “......!” He doesn’t remember what she said. He just remembers that he was scolded terribly. After that, he was hugged tightly. “Hiori, you are born to be the best at soccer.” “You can play with other kids anytime you want.” “But if you don’t do soccer properly from now on, you will never be the best.” His mother was desperate. His father was behind her, looking sadly at Hiori. “Please, Hiori, trust us and play soccer.” Hiori felt that he had done something very wrong. … What should I do? I said something bad. I'm sorry. The air was stifling, as if he had been locked in a room full of needles. He felt like he would get hurt if he moved, so all Hiori could do was nod.” We also see the extent of this in chapter 206, when Hiori overhears his parents threatening to get a divorce if he isn’t the best. This makes him realise that if he doesn’t fulfil their expectations, he’ll be abandoned by them.
With Rin, it’s a bit more complicated. His relationship with his older brother Sae is still pretty up in the air as to what really happened from Sae’s perspective. We need to distinguish between what actually happened (which is difficult to determine as of right now) and what Rin interpreted as happening. From his perspective, Sae pretended to love him while they were growing up, only using him as a stepping stone to get to the world stage. After that had been achieved, Rin was abandoned (as seen in his inner monologue in chapter 125). While it’s difficult to discern, on a broad scale we could argue that instead of this, Sae has a particular expectation of Rin that currently Rin is failing to meet, and as a result Sae sees this abandonment as somehow ‘necessary’ to get Rin to evolve… or he really has abandoned Rin and is just an asshole, but I hope towards the former. This is where I cry on deaf ears for a Sae light novel or spin-off chapter, anything to get his side of the story. My current interpretation of canon is that Sae still loves Rin, however he knows that Rin’s desire to be the world’s best as a duo is impossible, and his way of trying to ween Rin off such a dream was to sever their relationship. No matter what really happened though, I’m more interested in what Rin interpreted and took away from being abandoned, which is an interesting mix of hatred and confusion but also still a desire for recognition.
This to me reads as very similar to what Hiori’s relationship with his parents used to be. He hated them. He wished death upon them. And yet he kept fighting for what they wanted, fulfilling their expectations because he was so afraid that if he didn’t, all the blame would be placed on him for their family falling apart and his parents abandoning him. Rin’s situation is sort of a dark mirror to Hiori’s where instead of just fearing that abandonment, Rin was abandoned, with all the blame being placed on him by Sae. And yet, deep down, he’s still fighting for Sae’s approval and love again, trying to find any way he can to fulfil Sae’s expectations. We see this in the way Rin has chosen Isagi to be his rival, not because of anything in particular that Isagi has done, but because Sae acknowledged Isagi over him. We see his desire for love in the way he travelled to Tokyo in the Episode Rin extra chapter to possibly watch Sae’s match, even though they’d already fallen out by that point. Rin and Hiori both strove for love from their families, it’s just that Hiori has now managed to break free from this mindset and fight only for himself, meanwhile Rin is still clinging to the memory of Sae no matter how much he wants to crush Sae for abandoning him.
This complicated relationship the two of them have with love, expectations and abandonment in relation to family members is what draws me to a lot of hiorin headcanon material. Rin is cold, antisocial and ruthless, and yet Hiori potentially has the capacity to understand his pain more than anyone else. This is especially true now that Hiori has broken free of his parents’ expectations. It gives him the freedom to look at these situations more objectively while retaining an understanding of their emotional core. He knows how difficult it is to both hate your family but strive for their approval, perhaps fruitlessly. And likewise, Rin might be able to actually learn something from how Hiori overcame his situation by going all-in with the egoist mindset, playing only for himself, completely discarding his family members’ expectations.
Part 4 — Headcanons Part 1: The Hiorin Potential For A Joint Arc (which yes I know won’t happen. Let me dream)
Anything from this point on is pure headcanon, taking into account all the canon information listed in the previous sections. This is NOT ‘speculation’. I genuinely don’t think any of this will be canon or else Kaneshiro would have started calling attention to it by now in the main manga. However by the end of this I’m sure some of you will join me in wishing it could be canon, because even if Kaneshiro hasn’t consciously laid the groundwork for Rin and Hiori to have a joint arc together, he has done so by accident and all the pieces are in place.
The bulk of this section revolves around Rin’s Destroyer mode and Hiori’s ultra-sadism, as well as the ‘best-play’ scenario theorised by Isagi and Hiori in the recent PXG chapters. Basically, I think that a ‘best-play’ chemical reaction between ultra-sadist Hiori and Destroyer Rin would be both broken as fuck and would be a great way to showcase Rin’s character development as he learns to break away from wanting to crush Isagi and Sae.
In Rin’s light novel, we learn that as a child playing alongside Sae as a duo, Rin didn’t have the Puppeteer play style he’s known for in the main series. Instead, he was fully zoned in on himself and the game, moving on instinct, looking for the perfect spot to break through the enemy’s defence, trusting fully that he’d receive Sae’s pass (chapter 1): ‘“Rin, what are you thinking about when you play soccer?” Rin scored two goals in today’s match. Meanwhile, Sae scored three points with a hat trick. His Nii-chan is great after all. “Hm? Nothing. I guess it's just about goals. I just run to the bad area and then Nii-chan passes to me.” “What do you mean by bad area?” Sae asks, while playing with the stick in his mouth. “Hm. The area where the enemy panics and falls through.” The area the enemy falls through. Sae let his younger brother's words quietly seep into his mind. “You rely too much on your intuition, you know.” “But Nii-chan always passes to me, so why not? Nobody else is good enough for me.” That’s why it’s okay to move on impulse without thinking. “......What will you do when I’m not around?” “I don’t know but, I guess I’ll look for a replacement.” Rin says nonchalantly.’
This method of running ‘to the area where the enemy panics and falls through’ seems to be alluding to Rin’s Destroyer mode — the version of Rin we see in the final moments of the U20 match after he loses control and goes on a destructive rampage. Indeed, in chapter 152 we also see Rin wondering what this side of him is truly capable of and how he wants to try harnessing it more, but he still only wants to use it to destroy Isagi and Sae rather than playing for himself. His Puppeteer is not his original play style, instead it’s one he developed after Sae left in order to appease his teammates and be a able to carry his team to victory by himself (chapter 3); ‘Even in a high-level club team, no one could handle Rin’s moves’, (chapter 4): ‘Without Sae's passes, he can't play the way he wants to play’, (chapter 5): ‘Rin erases his best image and then captures the whole picture. In his head, he sees the movements of all the players, as if filmed from a drone’, (chapter 5): ‘No one understands Rin's frustration. But they can win, so that's fine. It's as if there are marionette strings attached to his teammates, controlling and moving the team…… That is Rin's new weapon. It is a play that can only be made with Rin's combination of technical, physical, and tactical skills. It has also led him to bring out the best in his teammates’. It was only in the U20 match that the Destroyer was able to come out again after it had been sealed away for so long. It was a completely different way of playing that was more primal and natural for Rin but less controlled and more clumsy due to his lack of practice using it. Still, its pure destructive power was insane enough to almost score.
In the current chapters of the manga, we know that Rin has gotten a certain better grasp of the Destroyer since the start of the NEL. In chapter 239 (immediately after Hiori says he’ll happily drop Isagi for someone else should they come along, mind you) we see Rin utilising a seemingly toned down version of the Destroyer against Nagi in the PXG vs MC match. Clearly he has been trying to improve it since first letting it loose again during the U20 match. However, so far in PXG vs BM we haven’t seen it at all. Given Hiori’s comment about focussing on Isagi and predictability, as well as Isagi and Hiori’s theory of ‘ego types’ and a ‘best play’ scenario, it appears as though Rin’s biggest problem is that he’s using a world-type ego to show off his skills to Isagi (and therefore, by extension, to Sae as well). This is the ego type suited for the Puppeteer, one that utilises teammates and was created for the sake of appeasing others. The Destroyer on the other hand seems far better suited to a ‘self-type’ ego because Rin accesses it when in a state of mind that ignores Isagi, ignores Sae and hyper-zones in on himself and his own ability to score a goal. This would mean that Rin’s ‘true’ ego is a ‘self-type’ but he is hindering himself by using a ‘world-type’ to try and prove something to Isagi and Sae.
Now, undoubtably we’ll see the Destroyer at some point in this match, and I really hope when it comes out we see it decimate Hiori. Since Hiori flat out told Rin to come at him with ‘an unpredictable script’, the Destroyer can be the ‘unpredictable script’ that blows Hiori away. And I think that would catch Hiori’s attention. Remember, his resolve in chapter 239 is to create the greatest striker, and his ultra-sadism means he’s more than happy to drop Isagi for someone he thinks is better. So, no matter what the outcome of the match is, I think Rin’s Destroyer should pique Hiori’s interest as a potential best striker candidate. This is especially so when you remember that Hiori has technically already experienced Rin’s Destroyer first hand in the U20 match, when Rin stole the ball from Hiori (interesting side note here: Hiori’s immediate thoughts before the ball was stolen from him were him struggling to figure out who he should pass to, Barou or Nagi. He thought ‘which one of you?’ but didn’t pass, in my eyes because he couldn’t envision the play working with either of them, and then immediately Rin stole the ball. Rin unknowingly answered the question Hiori was asking in those crucial seconds).
In the next arc (a U20 World Cup training mini-arc I’d presume), I’d have Hiori and Rin slowly start to come to an understanding. I think Hiori’s ultra-sadism would be incredibly useful in helping draw the Destroyer out of Rin because Hiori only passes to the best spot on the field. He doesn’t alter his level of play for the sake of his striker. So, if Rin is in a mindset where he’s too focussed on proving Sae wrong, crushing Sae and defeating Isagi, then his plays become affected and Hiori simply won’t pass to him, likely passing to Isagi instead. This creates a bottle-neck where Rin has to evolve his mindset, discarding the ‘world-type’ ego of the Puppeteer (which is still useful in some cases, but not here) and instead fully embrace the Destroyer. If he can get into that mindset, only focussing on himself and not Isagi, Sae or even the other players around him, zoning in on just the goal ahead, he is guaranteed to be rewarded by receiving Hiori’s perfect pass to the ideal spot where the enemy ‘breaks’. It mirrors how Sae used to pass to him in their childhood (remembering Hiori has been compared to Sae in terms of both skill and mindset), except now Rin isn’t thinking that he’s part of a permanent duo, rather he alone is the star and he can trust his midfielder to aid him and match goal-visions without the need for the Puppeteer.
The key word here is trust. Rin and Hiori would have to develop a level of trust. Hiori has to trust that Rin will embody the Destroyer, and Rin has to trust that Hiori will side with him. It’s why Hiori has currently been able to work so well with Isagi. Their goal visions aligned and they placed the utmost trust in each other to perform at their individual bests, thus leading to Isagi scoring successful goals. For me, if Rin could also reach this state, it would be a showcase of the culmination of his development as he breaks free of Sae and learns how to play fully for himself. It would simultaneously be a return to his childhood, where he was able to freely utilise the Destroyer without worrying about the rest of the team, while also showing his evolution because he no longer places that trust onto just Sae ‘because it’s Nii-chan’. When Rin trusts in Hiori, it wouldn’t be because ‘it’s Hiori’, rather it would be Rin fully focussing purely on himself and his own plays, forgetting about everything and everyone else, and simply allowing the ball to land in the ideal spot at his feet. It’s a completely sadistic, self-serving mindset, just like Hiori’s is from a midfielder’s perspective. Hiori’s ultra-sadism means he likely can’t be controlled by Rin’s Puppeteer style, since he plays for himself fully. Therefore in order to successfully earn Hiori’s passes, Rin would need to fully embrace the Destroyer, abandon Isagi and Sae clouding his judgement, and throw himself fully into goal-scoring. Hiori can’t be controlled but he’s reliable and can be trusted. I do think the road to building this trust should have its ups and downs. Let Rin get frustrated at Hiori not being controllable. Let Hiori want to see Rin improve while also not bending to Rin’s will. Let Hiori refuse to work with Rin sometimes. All of it would be part of a gradual, arc-spanning development for Rin that doesn’t take place in a single chapter.
In my personal opinion, having Hiori specifically be the midfielder who helps Rin most would be more narratively satisfying someone like Nanase (no hate to Nanase or nanarin tho. Love them 🫶). While Nanase works as a nice support for Rin especially at the moment in PXG, plus his sunshine personality might help to make Rin relax and open up more over time, his skill level isn’t quite up to scratch for Rin’s highest level plays. Nanase’s passes are useful with his ambidexterity but they aren’t clean. They aren’t as reliable. Rin still has to pay attention to Nanase in order to guarantee a successful play. He can’t block out literally everything else to hyper-focus on goal-scoring in this state. Hiori on the other hand provides that high level of play which means that Rin can afford to essentially forget Hiori even exists — the ball will still find its way to him. They wouldn’t even have to look at each other (much like the Isagi x Hiori best play we saw in Ubers that was recently recreated in PXG). There’s also the thematic element that Hiori has been compared to Sae before, setting him up as a Sae parallel which I think could be utilised in Rin’s evolution. Placing trust in Hiori would show that Rin is finally able to detach his reason to play from Sae and he can stop striving so strongly for Sae to notice him. Then there’s the shared relationship Hiori and Rin both have with expectations, love and abandonment, which could arguably help them get on each others wavelength to understand exactly what they want from a play and how best to execute a strategy they haven’t even discussed beforehand, as well as have Hiori be the one to help ‘create’ Rin since Hiori has already gone through the mental baggage of his arc and would understand Rin’s mental blocks.
Still, I do think canonically Rin and Nanase will be the duo that continues forwards into the next arc. Rin’s development will likely come from a combination of Nanase’s kindness, Isagi’s yap sessions and a lot of internal monologues. Meanwhile, Hiori will continue to improve alongside Isagi as a plot device who can be pulled out at convenient moments, while occasionally passing to other strikers for dramatic flair (I don’t really like this after Hiori’s resolve so strongly telegraphed that he’d very happily drop Isagi without a second thought, but oh well, what can you do?). I doubt Hiori will canonically play into Rin’s development at all.
Still, from the moment Rin and Hiori met in the third selection tryouts, they were able to flawlessly link up without the need for planning or communication. Hiori understood what Rin needed and moved to the perfect spot to work with him. If both of them were in Flow, creating a ‘best-play’ scenario with the Destroyer and the Ultra-Sadist, it would both be a show of incredible skill and high-level play while also showcasing Rin’s personal development and evolution, as well as utilising Hiori as a narrative support in a way that doesn’t impose him too strongly on the main plot but keeps him relevant and active in the story.
Part 5 — Headcanons Part 2: Some Fun Ideas
This section is all about some fun ideas I’ve had about hiorin, mostly trying to use canon as a strong basis so that they make sense. They aren’t things I think will ever be explored in canon but they’re fun to think about nonetheless. These can range from canon-adjacent to domestic AU material, it’s a whole mix really. I’ll probably come back to this bit every now and again to update it with new ideas I have, so keep an eye out for that.
A shared understanding. Since they’re both familiar with what they perceive to be feelings of false love from family members, it creates a situation where they can understand why they act the way they do better than anyone else. I hc that this would help them to more naturally form link-ups on the field, since they’d be in tune with each other’s mental states as well as general play styles, and off-field in being able to recognise when something has ticked off the other and resurfaced some unpleasant memories. I don’t think they’d really be ones to talk about their family traumas to each other openly, but they’d have an understanding of the things they do find out and wouldn’t think the other is overreacting, especially Hiori understanding Rin. While I think it’s good that Rin has friends like Nanase who he can be more chilled out with, I personally prefer the idea that his partner be someone who can actually understand the depths of his issues and sit with him in the eye of the storm rather than trying to just ‘fix’ him or drag him out of it.
Touch-starved and both slow to physical affection. Since they’re both introverted and Rin is emotionally constipated as fuck, they aren’t really a couple that would be very into PDA. Not even hand-holding. But it doesn’t really matter for them. They’re both not very used to that sort of physical comfort especially in the presence of others. However, while I think in general Rin might be a bit more reluctant to initiate intimacy than Hiori, I do think he’d still be more inclined to initiate hugs. Why Rin of all people? Because he grew up with a sibling. And he was a younger sibling at that. On some level he would have received attention from Sae while their relationship was still good, even if only a little bit. Hiori on the other hand grew up an only child in a household where hugs and doting were used as a tool to manipulate him. He’d likely not be used to the idea of hugs as a genuine show of affection. But Rin’s hugs are always genuine and often given out sparingly and bashfully, after a lot of hesitation. They’re both slow to physical affection but they’d find a way to navigate their wants and needs together, taking their time.
All-nighter horror dates. Be it playing co-op horror games or binging horror movies in the dark, I think they’d both prefer that as a date night over going out to a restaurant. It’s an activity they can both have fun with as a shared interest, just the two of them, alone at home with no need to even leave the house. They can let themselves get more passionate and competitive (and sadistic) while playing horror games too.
Yoga together. While we only have canonical confirmation that Rin both regularly does yoga and is good at it, I hc that Hiori would also be quite good at it due to his parents likely drilling him with intense schedules and being helicopter parents about his health. Yoga would likely fall into it somewhere as a cool-down and a good way to exercise on rainy days. While Hiori initially wouldn’t find yoga fun to do with Rin due to his negative associations with it, I feel like over time it could be a nice bonding activity for the two of them. It requires minimal talking of they’re doing their own things, and as long as Hiori isn’t messing up the moves I think Rin would tolerate the two of them existing in the same space. At the very least, Hiori wouldn’t try to one-up Rin with moves he can’t do and topple into Rin as a result (looking at you, Isagi…). They wouldn’t do couples yoga though, just their own thing in the same space.
Sharing food. In the Twitter QnAs, it states that Hiori’s favourite food is salt-grilled saury (saury shiyoyaki) “including the bitter bits”. His least favourite food is cotton candy because “it’s just sugar”. Therefore, I hc that he tends to enjoy bitter food while disliking sweet food. In contrast, we know that Rin quite likes sweet food because he used to eat ice cream with Sae on the way home from practice, plus in the Episode Rin extra chapter he goes to buy dessert at a special desserts cafe after eating ochazuke (a traditionally salty dish). Because of this difference in tastes, I like to hc Hiori giving any sweet food Blue Lock offers in their meals to Rin. Likewise, if the main meal Rin is given is ever burnt or charred too much for his liking, he gives the charred bits to Hiori since he knows Hiori will eat them so the food won’t be wasted.
Tea and coffee. As an addendum to the previous hc, I think Hiori would be a coffee drinker and Rin would be a tea drinker. This is because coffee tends to be more bitter, especially ones without sugar like espressos, so I can see Hiori preferring it to tea. There’s also the idea that ochazuke is made with tea, which is a bonus for Rin liking tea over coffee.
Cooking. Last food-related one I promise! While Hiori likely has a ton of technical knowledge about nutrition, dieting, calorie counting etc… due to his mother’s frenzied control of his diet growing up, I headcanon that he doesn’t actually have a clue how to cook. Once again, this is because of his parents being overprotective and worrying that he’d injure himself with a kitchen knife or on the stove. So he has zero clue where to start in the kitchen. On the flip-side, while Rin isn’t the best cook in the world I reckon he’d have somewhat an idea of how to cook the basics, plus he likely also has knowledge of dieting and nutrition for the sake of his own health. So while they’d both have things to learn in the kitchen, it would be Rin doing more of the actual cooking and Hiori deciding what meals to eat to optimise their health and training.
A joint-aura that’s a blizzard — in the event that they ever were to team up on the field, I think that the aura they’d give off together should be a blizzard. It makes sense to me for them to have this because Hiori has ice associations with the kanji 氷 in his surname, which means ‘ice’, and in chapter 239 when he gives his monologue about finding a reason to play, a metaphorical key appears with a snowflake on it to symbolise his newfound resolve. Rin’s connections to snow are less positive though, since it was snowing the day that Sae abandoned him. I think making their joint aura a blizzard could symbolise both Hiori’s ultra-sadist resolve to play, and Rin finally being able to move on from Sae to associate the snow with his sadistic determination. The fact that it’s a snowstorm emphasises the pair of them having a sadistic, destructive take-down of their opponents.
Hiori has a type. His canon type is already ‘someone who will leave me alone’ as I previously discussed in section 2. However, I do like to semi-jokingly say that his type is also ‘dark-haired, analytical guys with an attitude who are really good at football’. Obviously this is meant to refer mostly to Isagi and Karasu (we’ve all seen the heart-eyes you give them, Hiori!), but it is amusing to me that the description also fits Rin perfectly.
Part 6 — Transformative Works I Recommend For New Shippers
These are just some of my favourite fanfics all linked together in one place. I’ll start with a shameless plug of my own fic:
14 Days To NOT Fall In Love (but guess who did anyway)
Summary: This annoyingly mandated break of Ego's was only fourteen days long. That would never be enough time for Rin to fall for this aggravatingly sweet, understanding, level-headed, cyan-haired gamer boy... Okay, maybe he'd need to exercise SOME restraint. Aka: how Rin and Hiori become mutually pining idiots after the U-20 match through a combination of video games, late night discord calls and learning that perhaps they're not all that different after all.
(Chapters: 10 , Word Count: 67088 , Rating: T)
And now for my personal favourites I think new shippers will enjoy, in no particular order (if any of the authors see this and have tumblrs you want me to tag, lmk!):
catch us in the morning by transrightssokka (kellallyourfriends)
Summary: Hiori looks down and brings his hand up to his mouth, hiding a faint smile. “You don’t wanna go home, do you?” “No shit, I don’t,” Rin says. He’d rather sleep on the sidewalk than spend the next two weeks with Sae. Hiori is silent for a minute. His pretty eyes flick to his feet. Up to the back of the seat in front of them. Over to Rin. “So.” “So?” Rin says. Hiori lowers his voice. “So, what if we didn’t?”
(Chapters: 3 , Word Count: 27206 , Rated: M)
Even When It’s Starless by saturnshots
Summary: Everyone’s had an imaginary friend or two — it’s not often they change the course of your life, but who says being imaginary could stop them from bringing your dreams come true?
(Chapters: 1 , Word Count: 2838 , Rating: G)
sine wave by starstruckdove
Summary: Rin discovers Bachira’s “super secret surprise” sooner than he’d thought. There’s a new boy standing next to Ego at practice, and Rin knows he’s new because each of his unfortunate teammates have made their presence (loudly and raucously) known in his life. The boy has a nice face–wide eyes and soft mouth, all rounded corners instead of sharp edges. His hair is a shocking shade of blue and Rin finds it almost familiar. “This is your new manager,” Ego says with about as much energy as a dead battery.
(Chapters: 1 , Word Count: 8990 , Rated: T)
Daydreaming by em_hiorin
Summary: Hiori can’t seem to concentrate during practice, as a certain Itoshi has been plaguing his mind.
(Chapters: 1 , Word Count: 1560 , Rating: G)
My family thinks we’re dating. by akiangelsolos
Summary: “Oh, I see.” His mother hummed, placing her silver fork down on the table. “You must be upset, Hiori hasn’t come over in a while. You have to be lonely without your boyfriend around.” “I’m not lonely-” Rin shot his eyes at his mom, “What did you just say?”
(Chapters: 2 , Word Count: 5486 , Rating: G)
Part 7 — Wow, You Made It This Far? Congratulations And Thank You!
If you’ve made it this far, then I am both immensely thankful and I applaud you. Seriously, thank you for putting up with my insane, delusional brainrot over this silly rarepair that has barely any canon backing to speak of. Hopefully if anything, you now understand why people are starting to take interest in the ship (or at least why I enjoy it). And if you’re a shipper now, welcome to the club! You will now have to watch Hiori and Rin never affect each other’s development, never interact in any meaningful capacity and you’ll be eternally bitter about it 👍. For any aspiring fic writers, I hope this can be a nice hub of info for all of you if you want to consult the hiorin ‘dynamic’ (i say in quotations because let’s face it, I made up like 95% of the dynamic based on analysis and a canon dynamic doesn’t actually exist). Also, bear in mind that in the off chance we do get some more moments, I plan to update this post. So you may end up being subject to even more brainrot in the future.
Until that day comes though, I can only thank you once again. Hiorin is my otp and no matter how much Kaneshiro doesn’t make it come to fruition, he will have to try incredibly hard to make me stop shipping them. The dynamic can change. They can become more and more ‘incompatible’. I don’t care. If hiorin has no shippers, I have passed on from this world.
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lich-of-dreams · 7 months
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arlertwhore · 2 months
need more paige fics on here it’s criminal atp 💔🥲
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pairing: paige bueckers x fem! reader
synopsis: paige invites her sneaky link to a team dinner, but she has an appetite for you.
warning(s): smut, dom paige, sub reader, more power play, pussy eating (p a munch), fingering, spit kink, mommy kink, nastiest public sex ever.
word count: 3.9k, if i read the estimate right.
author note: unedited - based off a request. ty sm for the love on my first post, it made me feel like writing this 🤍 I check every noti and read every comment!! enjoy, inbox open, yk yk. MINORS DNI
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Paige wouldn't confess to it openly, but she knew her feelings for you had underwent a significant adjustment following your whole jersey stunt. She — nicknamed Paige Da Pimp by her teammates for her playboy attitude, was not the type to get smitten for girls, and especially not the ones she had just been hooking up with in a casual sense, but after photographing a memento of you in the jersey post-fuck to keep her sustained for her busy week away of back-to-back games, practices, training... etc, all that athlete jazz, she had come to the agonizing realization that it was the biggest mistake she had ever made. And if there was one thing to note about Paige, she HATED mistakes.
Although she hadn't seen it that way at the time, which was totally understandable since it was just a sexy photo, Paige knew she was acting brainless for what she did. You were cute, fucked well, really turned her on, and she liked you as a hook-up, but she knew better than to genuinely like people, girls, in a serious sense while committed to her career. It'd never work out, and it was something she was very forward about the first time you hooked up. Paige had taught you her many rules, making it clear that she was the one in control due to her media appearance. She expected the feelings aspect to be the other way around but had soon found herself blushing as her team teased her about you relentlessly for being her lock-screen and gawking at a TikTok of you, sharing your daily routine. Sure, Paige knew the lockscreen aspect might've been pushing it, perhaps another misstep, but it was faceless due to her penchant for privacy in your affair, and she used it motivationally for her jampacked week, not as a new means to stay fixated over you.
To the tall blonde, that pictured depicted the prettiest girl in the world wearing her jersey, a visual testament to the hard work and perseverance that had brought Paige to where she was.
So, the photo served as a reminder to keep pushing forward despite how difficult it got. Though Paige surely did like you, she was also very cognitively astute, and knew that whatever feelings she had unfortunately accumulated for you would automatically dismantle due to the demands and stress of her career. She might have panicked over her feelings if you guys had an upcoming visit, but since both of your schedules were full, it became a wait-it-out game where you had both been thinking of each other as you tended to your daily lives. Before her Tuesday game, Paige examined her lockscreen before tossing her phone and running onto court, kissing upwards of the arena, plausibly sending the kiss off into the sky, presuming it would fall wherever you were. The net had tried to decipher the action to no avail. You
were at work and witnessed the moment when it had occurred, so the kiss had been retrospectively received. The cycle repeated each day: you worked, studied on breaks, went to the gym late, then came home, and studied again. The sole reason you were able to remember Paige outside of all else was because you waitressed and they played her games on TV occasionally. It was cruel to think you had some good sex just a few days ago before being forced back to your life. Paige was your only escape and you both didn't have any time in the world to see each other. You couldn't shake the thoughts that with each missed day to spend, because you guys were casual, you were running out of time. Like she was going to leave and find somebody better and more convenient. It was mundane to say the least, but that all changed on Friday night. By the end of the week, Paige soon realized there'd been no point in hiding you from her team. Her fans, the media especially, sure, but you two weren't a secret amongst the knowledge of the team.
Some of them: KK, Azzi, Aubrey, and Ice had even spoken to you and met you three months back at the party, where you first met Paige. You were hammered out of your mind and ranted to them about how much you wanted Paige. They had all discussed how hilarious you were here-and-there after Paige gave you a chance. Paige herself had missed you greatly, so she figured it didn't matter if she invited you to a team dinner.
Her friends were inviting their friends too, and it wouldn't have looked weird if fans or the media noticed. So that's how you found yourself scrambling through your closet at 8 PM, clothes strewn around the room as you searched for your black dress, which was Paige's favorite color on you. You had hurried through your assignments on break at work and left early just to make it there, hating that Paige had sprung this on you randomly.
This is something one would need aforemention for; you had to be more perfect than usual. Hair, makeup, nails, dress, behavior—for crying out loud, you were representing Paige freakin' Bueckers, and that meant you couldn't be tardy or shabby in any aspect. You simply had to be PERFECT. You didn't wanna get replaced by someone more convenient for her, and you knew she had only made this gesture because she missed you: typical Paige wouldn't even consider bringing you to a team dinner, so you thought she was crazy for even offering, knowing this opportunity might not arise again if you didn't show tonight.
As you arrived, you could see the team and some other faces present at the grand table. Thankfully, you did look better than the guests, and even though you were aware, you were still incredibly nervous. Seeing Paige's face, giggling with a teammate sat across from her, was the only thing that kept your high-heeled cladden feet advancing, heart pounding senselessly in your chest. The fullness in the restaurant didn't make you feel better, and with all eyes on you, you felt they knew your secret. You were right: most of them did, and as you reached the grand table, the entire team glanced at you knowingly. The last time you saw them all was at the New Year's party three months ago, before the fact you acted on behalf of Paige. It was majorly awkward now, seeing them sober, knowing you had rambled to all of them, especially KK & Azzi, about how badly you wanted Paige. You being here proved Paige had made your dream come true.
"Get over here, weirdo," Paige called out, and at the sound of her voice, you chuckled, feeling the tension ease. After not touching her, tasting her, holding her—seeing her for what felt like years, you had yearned more than ever to kiss her, to do everything to her that you hadn't had the chance to do in the past week, but due to being in public, all you could do was hug like friends in-case others knew who she was and were recording. It was bumming. You engulfed her in a big hug, smaller arms wrapping around her toned body as you tenderly whispered, "Wanna kiss you so badly. Missed you so much, Peanut Butter."
Paige chuckled softly at your clever play on words, sighing, "I know, I know," as she caressed your upper back, cautious of moving any lower, "Thanks for gettin' it, angel."
You smiled, feigning contentment as you released Paige, mindful that your embrace couldn't linger for too long, lest it provoke any speculation. She kindly helped you remove your dress coat, like a gentleman, and allowed you to sit on the inner side of the booth, assuming her new spot on the outer beside you at your right. To your left was a girl whom KK had invited — she sat sorta close, but far enough at the perfect proximity for Paige, in one very swift movement, to place the coat upon your lap and rest her big hand onto your thigh behind the eyes of everybody else present.
The blonde leaned in, her breath warm against your ear and body pressed flush against yours as she rasped, "As long as they don't see, right?" hand inching up your thigh, her inflection, voice, and touch sending shivers down your spine as she stroked your inner thigh preciously. "Paige!" you growled quietly, "Get a grip—this is unlike you." Paige knew you were right. She was losing her marbles because she liked you so much and couldn't control herself for any longer after having to for an entire week. She needed to have you. It was a blooming sign of her ensuing limerence for you. And she just loved that look in your eye too, all high-strung and panicking at the mere touch of her fingers—it was intoxicating.
You screwed your eyes shut briefly as her middle finger pressed against your clit, lightly; barely moving, edging you. Exhaling deeply, you struggled to get your eyes open, forced to pretend nothing was happening as banter and conversation and laughter flowed around you.
Eventually, you knew you would have to join in, but right now, you were consumed by the sensation of Paige's touch. And when she jested, "Hey," lowly, the sound sent tons of slick oozing out of your wet pussy, igniting a fire within you that you couldn't ignore. Her long, delicate finger teased your little clit, sending waves of pleasure throughout the entirety of your body as you struggled to remain still, quiet, and maintain your composure.
It almost set you off when Paige's foot began to play with yours as she admitted, "I couldn't stop thinking of you all week," in this way of raw carnality and blatant desire you hadn't ever witnessed Paige showcase. It was just pure fucking, usually. A fuck that you didn't have to act totally sexy for all-the-time since it was just a mutual thing. This, whatever Paige was doing tonight, was something very different. Her words — "About how I'd get to touch you, taste you, and how your body would look and how you'd sound. Fuck," she says in a low grunt resemblant of pain. "I can't wait for you again."
Paige stopped briefly, and you didn't know whether to be thankful or upset, groaning out in response. Paige tutted thrice. "You aren't gonna look at me when I'm talking to you?" she chided. "Be a good girl, angel, use your manners so I can give you what you want." You were utterly bewitched by her words. Her touch. Her voice. Her body against yours. Her aura. She was just so captivating. Today, she had foregone her glasses, leaving just her raw, intense eyes to pierce through you. Clad in her post-game attire—a sleek black Nike Tech outfit, her hair styled in the signature front braids and ponytail—you couldn't deny the magnetic pull she had on you. You found yourself afraid to look at her for too long, fearing that the sheer intensity of her presence would send you over the edge. She almost did. You were right. When you looked at her, she smirked at you, locking eyes with you in a gaze that was indescribable. The way she looked at you had changed. "Just like that," she cooed, "Keep your eyes on mommy just like that." You let out a small whine, squishing your legs together to unwaver what felt like a climax. You felt like you were going to explode. Leaning forward, you took a second to recollect yourself as Paige's fingers continued to service you. Around you, the conversation was flowing, and as the head of her team, Paige easily inserted herself into it by introducing you to everybody. "Guys, I want you to meet Y/N L/N, Y/N L/N, the team and friends." Used to celebrating excessively, they all clapped for you, and Paige tapped your side with her free hand, urging you to sit up and be polite. You waved to everyone, adorning a smile that had taken every morsel of energy within you to present. "Long time no see, huh?" KK instantly began, "Let's hope you don't drink too much tonight and spill any secrets about how much you want Paige." Laughter filled the air, including yours. Relaxing against the booth, you tilted your head back, a soft chuckle escaping your lips as Paige's fingers began to intrude your entrance, their movements smooth and tantalizing, causing you to clench around them. "Don't gotta be lit to tell you, K," you giggled, diverting your attention to the conversation that had just begun, while also trying to ignore Paige's relentless fingers.
You just didn't know how she could do it so seamlessly -- her beautiful big blue eyes had managed to look utterly focused, absorbed in KK's story as if she hadn't been scissoring you open with purpose in each fervent stroke of her fingers into you. A contented grin was fixed on her face, seemingly listening to KK's recount of the first time she met you intently, but that was not the case whatsoever, and you two were the only ones aware. Paige rested her head upon your shoulder, her left arm hooking around your waist to grab her Shirley Temple, to take a sip.
She raised the glass, offering you a sip, and you disguised a moan in a hum when she began a come-hither motion against your g - spot, savoring the cold drink to assist in cooling down your rising body temperature. "You like that?" she asked, early not referring to the drink. Her tone was cunning, smirk suggesting she knew the effect she was having on you.
You managed a smile, maintaining your composure. "Mhm. I like it." you uttered, your voice resonating with an underlying force, each word carrying the weight of your struggle to sound controlled.
Thankfully, Azzi had interjected KK's story, prolonging it, and you anticipated that Azzi's sociable nature would keep you from speaking for a while longer. However, just as you expected the social buffer, a waiter approached for your order. Being a waiter yourself, you understood why she was there, and you blurted out, "Water," upon her arrival, eager for her to leave as quickly as possible. Fuck! you thought, That seemed bitchy. You resolved to tip her later to make up for it, but you couldn't have cared less in the moment. Your head was spinning; Paige's ring finger had begun to circle your clit precisely, at a steady pace, in a touch and speed you couldn't replicate no matter how hard you tried. Her middle finger had been gathering your wetness and smoothing it over your clit, intensifying the sensation, intensifying the situation.
"So then, besides this intro story, Y/N, why don't you tell us about yourself? You know, the real you?" Paige prodded, her tone laced with subtle encouragement, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes as she attempted to coax you into speaking. "U-uh," you stammered, clearing your throat, "studying at UConn." It's a line you're programmed to say regularly, especially at work when dumb college goons try to hit on you.
The prompt silence urged you to continue speaking, but you wanted to curl up and pretend to be asleep. Your hole clenched around nothing, and you tried to avoid looking at Paige, fearing you might cum on the spot like you nearly had earlier. Gathering your strength, you said, "I'm studying to become a nurse. I'm from the city just over, but I'm, uh, you know... just an average girl."
You, being at a dinner and getting finger-fucked wasn't just stuff average girls did.
Nothing was average about this dinner experience. Not even the amount of wetness you had accumulated, which had become so much that it began to trickle down your leg. To have the amount of need you were suppressing literally oozing out of you, you moan, an audible one, but mask it as a cough before raising Paige's drink to your lips, taking a sip, and then placing it down. You could hear Paige laugh hushedly from your side, relishing in the power dynamic. "My throat's so dry," you quickly add to compensate for the odd noise, hoping to divert attention away from your unintentional reaction. "Did the questionin' make you nervous?" KK teased yet again, her tone playful as she pointed out, "You're breaking a little sweat."
You wanted to jump for joy. Finally, you had an excuse to excuse yourself. "Oh no, am I?" you replied, trying to hide your relief. "Lemme go make sure my makeup's good, P."
Forced to stand before you could exit, Paige did, and as you rose to your feet, she made sure you saw the image of her fingers in her mouth, sucking your wetness off them.
This, combined with all you had just endured got you weak in the knees as you stood up and made your way out. The sensation of her touch lingered, leaving you feeling so worked up that you felt like you were going to implode.
You weren't even wearing any makeup. You rarely did outside of work. Inside of the bathroom, feeling rather empty, you briefly considered touching yourself but rendered that option pointless seeing as you wouldn't be able to satisfy yourself how Paige did you. You also always failed to replicate it too. Instead, to cool down your body and thoughts, you resorted to flushing your face with cold water. By the time you finished, Paige had appeared in the doorframe behind you, nearly as tall as it was.
"You got sick, I had to take you home, here's your coat," she said, recounting the tale you'd explain for leaving early, flinging the coat at you with a brisk motion, one of an athlete.
You caught it, but urgency pulsed through you. If she wanted to test you, you would test her. High heels clacking as you strode over to the taller blonde, you pressed her against the bathroom door, your kiss fueled by an intense need. The taste of yourself on her tongue drove you crazy and you couldn't deny how intoxicating it was. Her knee was nestled between your legs, and she pulled back to rain kisses down your neck, her voice filled with fervor as she questioned, "Why the hell aren't you wearing panties, hm?" In a rush, but with purpose, you responded, "Can't you see I'm dressed exactly how you like, P? It's all part of the plan."
She picked you up, your body clinging to hers as she placed you on the counter of the sinks. You made out fervently, her strong body no longer pressed against the door, leaving you both vulnerable to potential intruders. This was dangerous, extremely so. Paige kept letting you take dominance, even if it wasn't as blatant as her own, and it was exhilarating. When you placed your legs upon the counter, high heels on, your tits dropping below your dress with your pussy on display, clenching and unclenching as you pleaded, "I want your mouth," Paige couldn't resist. As she dropped to her knees, she reasoned that she was already in too deep to back out. The vodka in her Shirley Temple convinced her it was fine too, and fuck, it felt beyond fine. Her eyes remained locked with yours as she began by licking your hole, teasing the tip of her tongue inside before traveling up to your clit, prodding at it expertly.
"You taste so good," Paige murmured against your clit, sucking it.
"How would all your good-girl Uni friends feel if they saw you like this, hm? Legs spread like the slut you are, begging for my mouth."
Paige was losing control. She was spiraling. You looked too slutty, too good, and the situation was too risky for her not to take a picture of this. Removing her phone from her pocket, she handed it to you, and you already knew what to do.
You eagerly begin a video recording of Paige devouring you, capturing every salacious moment with fervor. Her mouth and tongue work tirelessly, exploring every inch of your dripping sex, her fingers sliding effortlessly into you, curling and stroking in the harmony with her oral ministrations. You moan uncontrollably, your senses overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through your body. As Paige's tongue dances over your clit and her fingers plunge deeper, you writhe and squirm on the counter, unable to contain the ecstasy building within you.
The sensations are overwhelming, driving you to the brink of madness as you teeter on the edge of blissful oblivion. "Film yourself," Paige murmurs against your pussy, and you obediently turn the camera toward your face and heaving chest. The lens captures your flushed cheeks, your parted lips, and the dazed look of ecstasy in your eyes as you surrender to the euphoria of Paige's mouth and fingers.
"M'gonna cum, baby," you whine, bucking your hips with a primal urgency against her face, desperate for release. "Yes, yes, please," you whimper, your breath coming in ragged gasps as the pressure builds to an unbearable peak. "I need it, Paige, I need to cum." As the climax washes over you like a tidal wave, you cling to Paige's head, holding her against your pussy as your body convulses with the force of your release.
With a satisfied smile, Paige grabs a paper towel and tends to you, then looks up to the camera from her knees, tongue teasingly licking off the remnants of your arousal. You hastily rearrange your clothes, staying put on the counter as Paige rises from between your legs to place her lips against yours. Paige's lips kiss with tender urgency that feels like unspoken intimacy and connection. As her mouth melds with yours, you feel the lingering heat of desire between you guys. In that fleeting embrace, there's a sense of vulnerability and trust, as if the world around you fades away, leaving only the electrifying sensation of her lips against yours. It's a kiss that speaks volumes, a silent reassurance that you're in this together, navigating the waves of need and indulgence as one.
But then again, you're recording, so the moment, while still undeniably sexy, lacks the sweetness of intimacy. Paige takes the phone from your hand, filming as she guides you off the counter by your hand, only to drop it suddenly, spinning you around and pressing you against the cool surface. With her lap pressed against your ass, she asserts control, her hand firmly guiding your hips as she captures the action in the mirror.
As you grind back against her, you breathe out softly, "We're defiling this place, P," your voice laden with desire.
She responds in kind, her voice husky with arousal. "You're right, angel. Come on." With a firm grip on your hair, she pulls you back up until you're tilting your head to meet her gaze. Without hesitation, she delivers a fast, open-mouthed kiss that feels less intimate this time, followed by a daring act of dominance. She spits into your mouth, and you swallow, the act captured on camera for all to see.
With a shared glance, you rearrange yourselves, a tacit acknowledgment passing between you as you hastily fix your appearance. The urgency to flee the restaurant is palpable, both of you acutely aware of the need to escape before anyone catches wind of the steamy encounter that just unfolded in plain sight.
masterlist here
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herlondonboy · 4 months
so it goes, clarisse la rue
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summary: based off of this ask!
warnings: angst to fluff, bullies yk.
wc: 1.4k
from the moment you and clarisse started your relationship, it was evident that your affectionate nature and innate clinginess were characteristics woven into the fabric of your connection. clarisse, with her understanding and patient demeanour, assured you early on that your constant need for closeness wasn't just tolerated but genuinely embraced.
in those initial stages, clarisse would gently remind you that she enjoyed the warmth of your touch, the way you sought comfort in the proximity of one another. it was as if the world outside faded into insignificance whenever you two were entwined, and the simple act of being close provided a sanctuary for your heart.
days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, yet your affectionate tendencies persisted and even flourished. whether it was a subtle hand on her arm, fingers interlaced, or a comforting arm around your shoulders, the physical connection became an unspoken language of love between you two. it wasn't just about the warmth of the embrace; it was about the security and reassurance it offered.
clarisse, appreciating the way you expressed love, reciprocated with a warmth that matched yours. it became a dance of affection, an unspoken agreement that permeated every moment spent together. even in the most mundane activities like watching a movie or sharing a meal, there was an unbreakable link, a tangible reminder that you were both present and connected.
the outside world might label it as clinginess, but for the two of you, it was an unspoken promise of solidarity. for you, it assured you that clarisse wasn’t going anywhere. for clarisse, it reassured her that you were real. clarisse found solace in your touch, and you, in turn, found security in her acceptance. it wasn't just about physical proximity; it was a testament to the emotional bond that continued to strengthen.
as time passed, your relationship evolved, but the affectionate nature remained a constant. each touch, each shared moment, became a testament to the enduring strength of your connection. in the arms of clarisse la rue, you found not just a lover but a haven, a place where the simple act of touch spoke volumes, whispering promises of love and everlasting togetherness.
heart heavy, you raised your hand to knock on the cabin door, only to freeze upon hearing clarisse's siblings teasing her from within.
"how do you put up with them?" one of her brothers chuckled. "you can't seriously like having them all over you all the time."
clarisse joined in the laughter, "i know, right? they're super annoying. i just need a moment to myself every now and again."
as their words hung in the air, a lump formed in your throat. doubt crept in, overshadowing the reassurances clarisse had once offered. the sanctuary you believed you had found in her arms began to crumble.
torn between confronting the situation and retreating, you took a step back from the door. the vulnerability of the moment choked you, tears welling up in your eyes as you questioned the authenticity of your connection with clarisse.
with a heavy heart, you turned away, the creaking of the floor beneath your weight muffled by the echoes of laughter from inside. the cabin, once a refuge, now felt like a distant memory as doubt clouded your perception.
as you walked away, the words of clarisse's siblings lingered, echoing in your mind. the path before you seemed uncertain, the foundation of your relationship shaken by the unfiltered opinions of those close to clarisse. a battle raged within you– the desire for connection conflicting with the fear of being a burden.
in the solitude of the outdoors, you grappled with your emotions. the vulnerability of that moment lingered, but so did the love that had initially bound you and clarisse together. it was a pivotal juncture, a moment of truth that demanded introspection.
as the evening unfolded, the air outside in camp thickened with tension. the dinner table became a silent witness to the growing unease. clarisse, noticing your absence, excused herself from the table, her siblings' banter fading as she stepped outside in search of you.
the pebble beach, bathed in the soft glow of twilight, welcomed clarisse's searching gaze. her heart quickened as she spotted you lying down, your hand trailing through the gentle caress of the water. relief and worry danced in her eyes as she approached, her footsteps slowing to avoid disturbing the fragile atmosphere.
tapping your shoulder gently, clarisse's touch sent a shiver down your spine. for a moment, you almost melted into her warmth, forgetting the turmoil within. as reality struck, you sat up abruptly, distancing yourself from her touch. clarisse, sitting down beside you, furrowed her brows at the puffy redness in your eyes, evidence of the tears you had shed in solitude.
concern etched across her face, clarisse asked, "what's wrong?" her voice was a gentle melody, but the weight of the earlier conversation lingered in the air.
"if you don't like my touching you, why did you say you did?" the words spilled out, carrying the vulnerability that had plagued you since overhearing the candid remarks from her siblings.
clarisse's confusion morphed into realisation, her eyes widening as she connected the dots. the revelation hit her like a wave, and she scrambled to find the right words. "y/n, i didn't mean any of that. i was just playing along with my siblings' teasing. i love your affection; it's one of the things i cherish most about us. i never wanted you to doubt that."
the sincerity in her voice began to melt the walls you had erected. as she rushed out an apology, you felt the tension easing, replaced by the warmth of understanding. the vulnerability shared in that moment became the bridge to healing.
the vulnerability lingered in the air as you asked clarisse how you were supposed to believe her. doubt still clung to your heart, a lingering echo of the overheard conversation. clarisse, sensing the weight of your uncertainty, took a deep breath before gently taking your hands in hers.
with a sincerity that transcended words, she locked eyes with you, the depths of her gaze conveying a truth that needed no verbal affirmation. "y/n," she began, her voice a gentle reassurance, "i understand why you might doubt, but you mean everything to me. my love for you is real, and your touch is something i cherish, not something to be teased about."
in that shared moment, her touch became an anchor, grounding you in the reassurance you sought. the world around you seemed to fade as clarisse spoke through the language of touch.
wrapping her arms around you, she pulled you close, creating a cocoon of warmth that melted away the remnants of doubt. "i never want you to question how much you mean to me," she whispered, her breath brushing against your ear. the tenderness of her embrace spoke louder than any apology or explanation could. it was a silent pledge, an unspoken promise that resonated through the shared heartbeat between you two.
as clarisse pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, the gentle gesture spoke volumes. "i love you," she murmured, the words a balm to the ache of uncertainty. it was a gesture of love, an act that transcended the need for words. in that moment, you could feel her heartbeat sync with yours, a rhythmic affirmation of the bond you shared.
the beach became a sanctuary, the lapping waves providing a soothing backdrop to the intimate dance of emotions. clarisse's arms around you became a shield against doubt, a fortress built on the foundation of trust. the silence of the night was broken only by the whispers of the wind and the tender exchange of touches that bridged the gap between fear and assurance.
as clarisse held you close, you felt the walls around your heart crumble. the vulnerability you had carried transformed into a newfound strength, fortified by the genuine love that radiated from her every touch. "i believe you," you finally whispered, your voice a fragile acknowledgment. it was in that embrace that you found the answer to your question, a tangible affirmation that spoke louder than any words ever could.
in the quiet intimacy of the beach, doubts were replaced by a profound understanding. clarisse, through the language of touch, had dismantled the barriers that threatened your connection. as you rested in her arms, the moonlit night bore witness to the resilience of love, the power of vulnerability, and the unwavering strength of a bond that emerged unscathed from the storm of doubt.
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mieeaahhh · 3 months
All for the game headcannons (so so so many)
(might delete because I’m embarrassed)
-Aaron and Andrew hang out at least once a week because bee said they should give it a try and then once they graduate and live separately they call once a week instead.
-Aaron has a slightly stronger southern accent than the rest of the foxes and they like ‘mock’ him by repeating what he says sometimes. (idk if that makes sense and I’m not American so idek if he’d have a southern accent I just saw other people saying the foxes would😰)
-the foxes usually go to Aaron if Abby isn’t around when they have like a small ache in their arm or something along those lines.
-on Valentine’s Day since Eric lives so far away and Seth is yk 💀 the foxes do small things to try make nicky and Alison’s day better. Matt and Dan invite them to tag along their plans sometimes, Andrew and Neil leave them extra ice-cream in the freezer, Renee makes gets Allison flowers and sometimes takes Allison on a walk if she’s up to it, Aaron and katelyn let Nicky watch movies with them sometimes, and they also just hang out with each other and somewhat ‘bond’ about being by themselves on Valentine’s Day 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
-Aaron had piercings before meeting Andrew without his mum’s permission which obviously made her absolutely furious, so then Andrew had gotten them as well because he knew she hated them. (And he thinks they’re cool)
-the twins share a lot of their shoes. Like they’re is only one pair and it’s neither Andrews or Aarons🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
-Neil named sir and king because when he suggested that Andrew should name them, Andrew just said something lazy like “cat one and cat two”.
-Katelyn’s personality is like Nicky’s and Renee’s combined. Also I like to think that Aaron is an absolute MESS around Katelyn and the foxes do NOT leave him alone about it.
-Randy is like one of those mums that’ll ask you to invite people you are barely friends with over for tea and she started doing it with Matt about Aaron. (I like to think that Aaron and Matt end up becoming really good friends)
-Aaron doesn’t like sleeping by himself and will sometimes awkwardly ask whoever he’s with if he can sleep in their bed with them (only if he trust them like A LOT and is obviously like close with them??) and most of the foxes are aware he does this but never bring it up as they all do things that are a little childish to make themselves feel better(safe)
He’s slept In Nicky’s, Andrews and obviously Katelyn’s bed the most.
-Matt always gives people those double high-fives after good games (like this🙌) and one time turned towards Andrew for one without thinking and then put them down with a quiet apology while Andrew stared at him. Andrew silently set his hand out for Matt to give him a high five and he hesitantly did.
-there is a photo of Seth (that Allison picked) on the foxes photo wall with a metal plate thing next to it that has his name, exy position and t-shirt number.
-they take a ‘team photo’ every year for the photo wall and it’s probably the most awkward looking photo in the world.
-Katelyn is an accessory girly🤞 she constantly has hair clips and jewellery and whatever else on and when she gets sick/annoyed if having a hair clip in around Aaron she will wordlessly clip it somewhere onto him. His jumper, his hair, his bag, his shoe etc etc and a lot of the times he doesn’t even notice.
-Katelyn has videos of Aaron singing his absolute heart out while drunk and she reminds him of it whenever he’s being difficult
-a lot of the foxes sing while drunk so it often leads to a mini concert when they drink together
-Wymack has a mug signed by all the foxes that he uses every day because they got it for him on Father’s Day as a joke (Kevin’s name is the biggest)
-the twins have both been caught standing on countertops soooo many times trying to reach stuff but nobody is brave enough to mention it.
-Andrew helps dye Renee’s hair and Renee helps paint Andrews nails.
-Aaron’s septum is ALWAYS squint and it drives Katelyn mad so she always just fixes it for him and he just kinda stares at her in confusion because he honestly forgets he has piercings sometimes.
-jeans new hobby is drawing (I saw Nora say he picks up a new hobby and I’m hoping, wishing and praying it’s art related)
-Jeremy has a habit of doing this 🤙 all the time in photos.
-Kevin and Wymack start going out for lunch once a week after the books take place.
-Andrew fiddles with his piercings and picks his nail varnish when he’s bored/anxious.
-Aaron’s glasses are bent slightly from always falling asleep on them at his desk
-Neil is the only fox who isn’t afraid of spiders so he’s the designated spider remover whenever they see one.
-Neil likes holding Andrews face a lot and sometimes Neil will squish his cheeks slightly too annoy him.
-we all know Andrew has a resting bored face but I think Aaron has the worst case of rbf knows to man bro. Like he will look at Matt or something and Matt will feel the need to apologise.
-Dan, Allison and Renee invite Katelyn for girls nights and slumber parties because they know it annoys Aaron and they actually just really like her.
-Aaron likes the smiths
-Kevin has dimples
-Aaron and Andrew have freckles on their nose, Neil has freckles all over and Jeremy has freckles on his cheeks
-Aaron apologises whenever he cries (trauma response??) and when he lived with Andrew and Nicky they’d always try tell him that he has nothing to apologise for which made him cry even harder
-Neil wears caps and Andrew hates it so whenever Neil wears them Andrew flicks them off his head
-Katelyn is the tallest out of Neil, Andrew and Aaron
-Dan always sends the photos she takes to the person in said photo so that they have a copy of it as-well as it being on the wall.
-Dan and Matt have soooo many matching clothes it’s ridiculous
-Andrew has smoker lungs💔
(he coughs so much it’s concerning sometimes)
And his voice is like raspier than Aarons is
-whenever the twins say something or do something at the same time they just automatically say something like “shut up” or “stop” as if the other did it on purpose.
-the twins always sit weirdly because if they don’t they’re feet will go numb from not being able to reach the floor.
-Dan made a group chat for the foxes that barely ever ended up getting used but after everyone graduates and goes on with their own lives it ends up getting used a lot more for calling/FaceTimes each other
-Nicky sometimes tags along in the twins weekly hang outs/calls
-after that big sleepover the foxes had after getting Neil back they start doing things like that regularly. Having sleepovers, trips, movie nights, baking, board games/game nights, etc because they do start realising that maybe they do care about each other more than they say they do and it should be shown towards one another a lot more or it could be too late🤷‍♀️
Sorry bro there is so much and I can’t think of any more right now 💀
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kaisfruit · 6 months
Hi! how's your day going?
I'd like to request the ninja from Ninjago and an older sibling reader if that alright? You know just cute fluffy days with siblings.
Ninjago Older Sibling!Reader Headcanons <3
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A/N; Ahhh hi!!! my day is good ty <3 tysm for this ask this is so cute 🥺🥺 i hope u dont mind hcs, but if u do feel free to ask again and i'll gladly make smthn longer :] jus thought hcs fit the vibe
warnings; none! just fluff <3
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Kai and Nya
Absolutely the most chaotic sibling trio
Nya constantly getting upset with you and Kai for playing the "i'm the older sibling" card
You and Kai: older siblings get cake first that's just the rule. sorry <33
But Kai gets just as upset as she does when you do it to him
You guys all love each other though so it's okay
Just the vibes of being their older sibling would be the most competitive basic sibling rivalry type stuff yk
Constantly doting over him
You might as well be his parental figure since MISAKO AND GARMADON WERE THE WORSTTTTT
You and Kai take turns mother henning him
You and Kai are bffs btw like. I don't make the rules. Kai is just his adoptive older brother in my head, so you two bond over caring for Lloyd
Definitely his comfort person after a long day <3
You're the one Lloyd trusts the most in his life and he isn't scared to tell you his fears because, despite any assumed sibling teasing, he knows you'll take him seriously on that regard
You guys make annoying each other a full time job
Constantly fighting over who the favorite is
Y/N: At least I help out at the junkyard!!
Jay: I'm literally out saving the world everyday!!!
*aggressive slap fight ensues*
OMG no. he's definitely the younger sibling to pull the rapid fire kick tactic
His elemental abilities go out the window when y'all fight. Just straight up, falls on his back and starts kicking up at you
All fun n games until you're able to catch one of his legs
You totally embarrass him as much as you can in front of Nya too
As Jay's older sibling, you're legally obligated to be Cole's bestie since Cole is Jay's bestie. you guys lovingly torment the lightning user together <33
The most chill sibling duo to ever exist
you both didn't appreciate Lou's insistence of the singing and dancing shit so y'all just decided to be ride or dies for life
much like cole, you get along so well with the rest of the ninja
idrk what to say here
nvm i do
You guys play video games with each other and you are infinitely salty at the fact that your younger brother is better than you at most video games
like wtf? isn't it supposed to be a god given right for all older siblings to be better at video games???? the FSM screwed you!!!
but you've never let him live down the one time he lost to you at super smash bros
you have refused to play with him since
See, idk if you'd be his ACTUAL sibling yk since he's a robot? maybe more like you were supposed to be a protege to dr. julien, but decided to just be a 4 lyfer with zane after his passing
you've helped zane understand human culture so much and he's real appreciative of your existence
the ninja absolutely fucking ADORE when you're around because what's better than one zane? TWO ZANES !!!
well, obviously you're your own person but! i could see zane adopting a lot of your mannerisms so you two end up being very similar
quality time is y'alls bread and butter
working around each other perfectly as y'all both cook in the kitchen
words never need to be shared between the two of you. just hanging around the other is enough yk? like y'all are bonding just by existing near each other and it is magical
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ANOTHER A/N; i tried my best to highlight reader being the older sibling but </3 idk if i did it that well. i saw "sibling fluff" and RAN!! im willing to do a pt 2 or like a one shot or anything with a prompt similar to this !! im the youngest sibling myself tho so idk if i can properly portray being an older sibling (only in a mean light. yk like greg heffley and rodrick. do NOT recommend having older siblings y'all /j)
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 9 months
Hello what if in sagau the reader thinking about the idea to make big shelter for tramuatised creatos of alternative tevyat this time reader one night drinking with other archons (of course zero alcohol for nahida only some strawberry jucie or something) and in drunked state reader comes to idea of creating shelter for creators of alternative trvyats the archons thinks that just reader begin drunk.....but no reader is serous and day after the archosn must help reader establish the shelter for goodly victims of the cults and like that zhongli venti ei nahida and foclaors relaized how some of thier alternative version are insane(yandere cult au) or morons( most impostors au)
Oohhh, interesting, interesting...I'll see what I can come up with!
So...You may have had a little too much to drink when you decided to hang out with the archons, and you spilled your idea of wanting to create a shelter for alternate teyvat universes where the Creator gets treated like absolute crap.
At first, the archons present (there's only 5) were shocked—who would dare try and hurt their own creator in their own universe? Then, right after you pass out from alcohol consumption, the archons convince themselves that it was just the drunk-ness speaking and not actually your idea.
Boy, were they wrong when you showed them your latest creation.
Venti, Zhongli, Raiden Ei, Nahida, and Furina Reacting to Reader's Shelter for Other Creators.
(Warning! Might Be OOC & Using the General Sagau!Imposter!AU Stuff For This!)
Man really thought you were joking. When you weren't, safe to say he wished he wasn't trying to get himself wasted during that time.
He was very cautious not to trouble the residents of the Shelter you created since yk PSTD and all that, even if it is annoying that you spend all your time there and he wants to barge in and drag you out to go and have a drink or two.
He isn't sure how he feels exactly, knowing what the other versions of you went through...so safe to say that he tries his best to keep his distance. He personally finds it awkward, and he tries to excuse himself from the situation whenever you try to invite him to greet the other versions of Creator.
"Ehe, I'm honored, Your Grace, really! Unfortunately, Sir Captain Kaeya promised me a drink today at Angel's Share in trade for my latest song. I can't miss out on that, you know?~" You can barely tell nothing's wrong with how well Venti hides his emotions and tactics on a day-to-day basis.
He may eventually get along with the residents of your Shelter area, but as it stands right now...he's keeping his distance for them to cope.
Same as Venti, he really was not expecting this. Sure, he had only a cup of alcohol unlike a certain drunkard bard he knows, and he had contemplated whether or not you were going to do it...but seeing things and speculating things were two different concepts.
He is polite to the residents that have the courage to come close to him, smiling and politely keeping a good distance while also making sure he is not seen as a threat.
He tries his best not to do anything suspicious—he always makes tea in front of their eyes, the tea leaves freshly picked, dried, and then boiled in hot water. The last thing he wants is for any versions of his creator to pose him as a threat in your world. You especially help reassure others at the Shelter that Zhongli's tea isn't poisoned either, so that's good.
"Fear not—Your Grace has been with me these past few weeks, inspecting my tea before I bring it before you." Zhongli sips his own cup, and you follow suit, grinning because you know for a fact it ain't poisoned one bit. "Please rest easy, knowing you will not be harmed here."
Overall, he becomes this sweet grandpa who tells stories while also respecting other people's boundaries. If ever there is a threat, he's already shielding everyone with his ever-famous geo shield, but that's the furthest he does as you insist you take care of the threats yourself. After all...most versions of the Creator have major PTSD from seeing Zhongli wield his polearm.
Raiden Ei
She feels incredibly guilty, knowing that other versions of her raised their blades against their version of the Almighty Creator than to protect.
She practically froze when you drunkenly mentioned about the other versions of you, and it got Ei thinking how bad it was. Though she was reassured by the other archons present, she now wishes she had followed her gut. She was not prepared to meet the Other Versions of the Creator.
Very similar to Venti, she tries to distance herself. Unlike Venti, however, Ei directly declines your invitations to meet any of the residents at the Creator Shelter, thinking her presence would only do more harm than good. In a sense, she goes back in this similar trance during the Inazuma Archon Quest. While she's present in Inazuma, she doesn't step a foot near the Creators' Shelter.
"I apologize, Your Grace....It is best I tend my duties here instead of meeting the Residents of your protective Shelter. If, however, they ever wish to visit Inazuma, I will ensure they meet no harm whatsoever—and do my duty that which the other versions of me failed to succeed in—to protect them with my blade." Every single time you try to invite Ei, she makes this very long speech similar to this. Ei feels awkward, to say the least. After all, she doesn't know how to deal with emotions...
Though it may be irritating that you can't get her to see them, you respect Ei's wish and openly invite others to Inazuma. Safe to say that Ei keeps her word and does indeed protect the other versions of the Creator with her Misou No Hitotachi.
Nahida, Nahida...With the General Imposter!Sagau AU idea, Nahida is the only one of (when there was only 4) the archons available that would not attack you, but would rather help you instead. However, due to unpopular Sagau AU ideas, Nahida is also a part of the team that wants the Creator dead. So, in a sense, Nahida is a 50/50 amongst the residents, but it's safe to say that she's by far the archon most versions of the Creator would approach freely.
When she first heard you talk about the Creators' Shelter and their lives (albeit drunk), she found it both scary yet curious. However, since there was no proof of whether this was true or not, Nahida had turned a blind eye on the possibility for the time being, as it could have just been you drunkenly seeing and knowing things.
She was pretty much half-prepared to meet the Residents of the Creators' Shelter...but at least most of them like her? I mean, they allow her to hug her...that's a good start, right?
"It's okay, Your Grace's Guests! I promise, our world would never hurt you, no matter what!" She tries to use this opportunity to try and have the other versions of the Creator open up to other people—after all, their world of Teyvat was different, and vast! She didn't want them to miss it!
You know Nahida's Skill line, "Everyone Hold Hands!" ? Yeah, she wants everyone to get along and smile and be happy!
I am proud to say that Nahida keeps the Creators' Shelter up-to-date with the stuff happening in your Teyvat while also trying to coax them to meet other people. And she's doing a great job!
From the very little research I did, it seems that Fontaine's Stance in the Imposter!Sagau AU ideas is more sophisticated—but, if Reader turns out to be "guilty," then that could possibly mean public execution. In this case, with the knowledge gained, Furina's stance in this is the same as her personality likeability: 50/50.
When Furina first heard you talk about it, she thought that this entire thing you were going on about was interesting! She loves herself a good opera, and she would gladly play a role in your show! She just didn't like how it was versions of you from the Imposter!Sagau aus (she's the only one who'd probably remember what you called them and use the same terms), as it makes it hard to really prove to others that Fontaine was the best nation of Teyvat! Not that she wants to flex or anything (she wants to flex)
As it stands right now, Fontaine is pretty new. Most likely only a few recent versions of the Almighty Creator would have some form of PTSD with Fontaine, but most of general residents at the Creators' Shelter are from when Fontaine was yet to be released. This means that many people would cautiously approach Furina to ask what Fontaine would be like, while the very recent versions of you might be more frightened to go near her.
"Ah, yes! Fontaine has the best places to view the grandest and most extravagant buildings you will ever see! If ever you wish to visit, I shall personally escort you to the Nation of Hydro, and we may feast on both the justice we place put, and the opera we present to please! Now, I shall go and ask Your Grace if I may bring you Desserts from Fontaine—toodle-loo~" Furina gladly lets the other versions of the Creator see her enigmatic personality, not afraid to present herself as she usually does.
However dramatic and ever-flamboyant she may be, Furina isn't stupid. She can see wariness and suspicion seeping in to some of the most recent Imposter!Sagau yous, so she immediately yet cleanly makes sure she takes her leave, her curtain call with a promise to return in the near future.
She's probably the second-most visiting archon the Creators' Shelter sees, but Furina's visits are always short. At least she brings desserts from Fontaine to share with everyone!
And we're done! Boy, this took longer than expected...I hope you guys enjoyed it, though!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I have not been keeping up with what's going on in the Sagau Genshin Community, so Furina's bit may be very off on what is actually going on in the general Sagau Community. Sorry on that part.
I was originally tempted to try and do my own interpretation of Fontaine's stance in the Sagau!Imposter category, as they are known for their justice and love of good plot story. If you think about it, Fontaine might be more intrigued with the idea than be heavily offensive about it—after all, Fontaine loves their opera. I vetoed the idea though bc this request needed a focus on the generic stance of an Imposter!Sagau Au so I scrolled through a few posts to see what others were up to.
But yeah, I'm alive! I honestly love how like—no one has made the "sagau furina" tag yet and I had to make it myself LOL. Man, I've really been dead on Tumblr, huh?
If you're still on the radar for The Lost Shining God of Celestia, don't worry—it's not being cancelled. I'm still on hiatus due to writer's block (it only has two paragraphs im sobbing at my inactivity), but I'll get there eventually! Sorry for testing you patience lol—
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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justsomefluff · 11 months
Ateez as Types of Everyday Fluff
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Hongjoong: the type to kiss something off of your lips rather than wipe it away with his hand
I know that he is one of the members who hates kisses the most
but not with his partner
just thinks kissing the members is cringe
anyway if you two are eating together or maybe having a snack while sitting on the couch
doesn't care if it's in public or not
if you get something on the side of your mouth and dont notice it?
swoops in so fast to kiss it away
and you'll just kind of stare at him dumbfounded because he's not much for PDA
and he'll just smirk and shrug while licking his lips
"you had something there. but i got it for you :)"
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Seonghwa: the type to say "but what about me" when you're cuddling a plushie
picture this
you're sitting on the couch waiting for Seonghwa to bring some snacks to the living room for movie night
and you got a squishmallow (lol my real life mixing with my delusions get me outttt)
and you're hugging it and stuff bc soft
and when he comes back he stops and stares at you
one because it's super cute, but two because... where he gon sit?
will literally drop all the snacks on the table and pout at you
if you ask what's wrong he's literally just gonna rip the plushie from your hands and fling it (lmao yk the video of him throwing the bean bag)
but then lowkey feels bad and brings it back to you
will allow the plushie to remain on the couch but it must watch as you snuggle him instead
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Yunho: the type to pull you closer in his sleep
whenever you two share a bed he's gotta be touching you
swears he won't fall asleep if you don't snuggle
when he does fall asleep though, I feel like he's the type to roll around and fidget a lot
and if you move away or he moves away?
he might not wake up but he's gonna grope the bed until he finds you
just kind of flopping his hands and arms everywhere until they land where they should
he won't pull you to him though, he'll pull himself to you
and just nuzzles his lil nose in your neck and it tickles because he's snoring and letting out lil baby puffs of air
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Yeosang: the type to bully you
bullies you in the cute, cringey way
like will take you to the aquarium and point at the wolf eel and be like omg your twin
or if you walk by a garbage can he's like omg it smells like your morning breath
omg this reminds me of you (hands you literally the ugliest shirt you've ever seen)
curses your own two ears with his insults
but he's also so giggly and cute about it
it's impossible to be mad
and he always makes sure you know he's joking
whether because he's scared he'll hurt your feelings, or because he's scared you'll hurt him
the world may never know
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San: the type to give you his plushie to hold
polar opposite of Seonghwa
if you're sitting together playing a video game or watching a movie or just chilling
and he has to get up for some reason
he doesn't like the idea of leaving you by yourself even for one minute so he'll be like
baby i'll be right back hold Shiber
and when he first does this it's kind of like ???? lol ok????
but then you realize that he just wants you to have company
he always wants you to know that he's thinking of you even when you're apart
does that mean i have to think of you going to the bathroom rn
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Mingi: the type to feed you the last bite of his food
you guys are getting to the end of a meal together
and he's noticed you eyeing his food the whole time as if you didn't have your own
he'll be super dramatic about it and be like
and will look at you, and stretch and yawn and rub his tummy
and then offer you his fork
"finish it for me?"
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Wooyoung: the type to do nothing with you
i know that sounds weird
but he just enjoys your company
does not care if theres an activity involved or not
just wants to be around you
you two could just lay together and talk
or even lay together and say nothing at all
i know he's our hyperactive boy
but since he runs a million miles a minute he really loves when he can savor the slow, peaceful moments with you
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Jongho: the type to drop you off at work
wants to be there for you even when you don't need him
also enjoys the little time he can spend with you, even when you're half asleep in his passenger seat
likes to be the last person you see before you go into work
he likes to think that you'll have a better day that way
like he's some sort of good luck charm (he is)
also sees himself as an acts of service kind of guy
loves to do things for you
little things you'd never complain about, but still appreciate when they're done for you
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darknadaworld · 2 months
a long Antasma analysis and why I think he's misunderstood as a villain
about time i made this one ngl. took me long enough but looking into DT more really gives me a different prespective on Antasma .
i'll be first of all going with what we know based on what the Pi'illos and pi'illoper say (cuz basic informations)
based on what the Pi'illos said:
simply the basics. he was a normal bat, ate a Pi'illo's nightmare once, turned into a monster motivated (possibly) by hunger for that . eventually laid his eyes on the dark stone. started a WAR after stealing it. lost the war and got sealing away by the Zeekeeper into the dream world. but before he did, he shattered the Dark stone. its bits petrified everyone on the island . making this a fight where nobody won.
now what Pi'illoper wrote in his books:
basically Pi'illoper sliiiightly gave more details but , still more into the pi'illos pov .
so not much is added aside from calling Antasma a mage king of bats and adding this slight assumption that it's possible that Antasma ,possibly, isn't actually ORIGINALLY from pi'illo insland
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(but again the pi'illoper isn't a reliable source much in that matter but yk had to add it .)
So regardless , in both takes , Antasma is hungry for both power and dreams .
now aside from these facts, i'll go right into the interactions with the rest of the characters (and why i think people maaaaaaybe looking into his motives and all a bit from a wrong direction)
first of all his interactions with the Mario Bros:
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now not ONCE did Antasma bat an eye on the bros specifically. he was always interacting only with bowser and DREAMBERT. he's ALWAYS adressing dreambert.
the only time he adressed the bros was as "these creatures" . he doesn't care about them at all, he doesn't see them much as a threat seemingly, or even as equals. he's merely focused on Dreambert and Dreambert ALONE .
so, he's so arrogant and full of himself . he thinks they are NOT on his level .
now, with Dreambert:
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it's obvious how much rivalry and bitterness he holds against Dreambert yk? he only adresses HIM he only has a grudge against HIM (for now . before Bowser's betrayal). but even so he still has that bit of arogance and pride regardless
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especially when he gets apparently stronger by the end of the game . he's deadpan like "if you even DARE i will hand you pillow butt back at you " . (and he did lol)
nooooooow then next part is
Antasma's dynamic with bowser and why i think he did not give two dangs about him from the starts aside from his power and dream energy.
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from the START of their interactions , Antasma made it so clear that he only wants Bowser on his side because:
1- he's stronger than Peach (both brawn wise and dream energy wise) also gotta stop here for a sec cuz i do wonder how it would've been like if he kept on with kidnaping Peach instead but oh well.
2- he is evil. he will cooperate better if treated right into the situation.
as the game goes on we get MORE hints that Antasma isn't much of a loyal dude himself but he DOES demands loyalty from others .
how he's OBVIOUSLY not very loyal and totally plotting something :
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ok THIS part specifically, to almost everyone in the fandom, interepts it differently which is ok and very understandable!
but the way i see it is that Antasma is clearly LYING about sharing his powers. because he really went "i wish to conquer THE WORLD" but IMMIDEATLY changed that wording to "i wish i can do whatever i want actualluy! just fly around you know!"
but like, sure , do anything he wants , which still can imply yeeting Bowser aside ANYWAYS when he doesn't need him anymore , because by that time antasma is free to do whatever, correct?
ANOTHER hint to why i believe doesnt bat an eye about Bowser aside from the benefits (get it? bat an eye? cuz he's a bat king-)
is this scene specifically:
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it might not sound much but it sorta is . basically right before that Bowser suggests taking that dream energy from his minions instead but Antasma is like "mmmmm no you're more evil and stronger idc"
so another trait Antasma has is that he's glutton . as HELL. both for power and Dreams .
you know what that reminds me of? Parasites. in which, parasites pick a specific host and just takes whatever benefits and gives nothing in return . because based on everything before that he's clearly using that "ah yea sure WE- of course we. you're there of course." excuse just as a big lie. he aint sharing any of that power he gets.
When the betrayal happens later on, Antasma is obviously as surprised as everyone else . Not because he's like loyal to Bowser or anything but either becausehe betrayed him FIRST or because he expects his pawn to be loyal to him anyways .(Cuz as I said before, Antasma is Arrogant and very prideful .)
The one take I see from most of the fandom is that in that moment he reconsidered NOT betraying Bowser and actually keeping the alliance which . .. would be possible but we get no hints to that really other than, what I said before, subtle hints that Antasma is simply manipulative towards the koopa king.
Sooooo lemme conclude all this long essay :
1-antasma IS evil . Very evil.
2-he's very prideful and arrogant .
3-he has this hunger for power and dream energy.
4-he sounds veeeery manipulative through all of his screentime.
5-geniunely has this parasitic behavior
6-he would take everyone down with him if he's not winning. Not because he's desperate but because he believes nobody is on the same level as himself .
7-he doesn't give a darn about the bros but still used Luigi's dreams to escape to the real world (idk might be cuz Weegee is a perfect dream host if that made sense)
8-he doesn't get much screentime but when he does there's a lot going on but I wish it was explored better .
But again this is just my pov of it!anyone can have a different take I suppose
That's all I suppose lmao until next time when I hyperfixate!
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 8 months
what's your take on odasaku and dazai's idealization of him?
also any takes you want to share about bsd/bsd in general?
(If you don't mind, I'm also interested in your thoughts about verlaine if thats ok 😭) tyty
who's your fave bsd character and whose the character from bsd you want to have more screen time?
i think its another case of projecting onto someone and it fucking things up. like notably how kouyou projects her own feelings abt light & dark onto kyouka. we just dont often see it that way because what oda does is like. stereotypically good? he uses his dying words to push a friend out of the dark. a death motivating others to act and furthering their character development is classic storytelling. you go into bsd knowing dazai is on the "good guys" side (not that the ada are "bad" but obviously reading bsd as a good guys vs bad guys story is. wrong), so clearly it worked out. so you kind of overlook the surrounding events yk? plus dazais own idolization of oda hammers that in. dazai tells atsushi that "He was a friend of mine (...) He’s the reason I quit the Port Mafia and joined the agency. I’d probably still be killing people for the mafia if it wasn’t for him" in dead apple (the lightnovel. im not going to go through pulling up the movie for this fhfhtndj). and so aside from previous bias people are going to take what dazai says at face value. hes thankful oda showed him the "side that saves people" and of course we're going to agree with that. the thing is. again. projection. now i havent actually finished dark era (i am working through it) but a lot of the time it feels like oda is just shoveling off all his feelings about being "someone meant for the darkness" onto dazai when thats something thats not going to be true for. well. anyone really? and his final conversation with dazai is very influenced by that. he says "You told me if you put yourself in a world of violence and bloodshed, you might be able to find a reason to live... (...) You won’t find it (...) You should know that. Whether you’re on the side that takes lives or the side that saves them, nothing beyond your own expectations will happen. Nothing in this world can fill the hole that is your loneliness. You will wander the darkness for eternity". now the thing is this is kind of a fucked up thing to say to an 18 year old with suicidal tendencies, but odas view of dazai makes it seem like a well needed wake up call. he obviously had good intentions. hes trying to "step into that solitude" but because of his flawed view of dazai he kind of. stumbles. dazai up to this point has been clinging onto the hope that he'd find a reason to live by observing the entire human experience. now oda comes along and dazai thinks hes found someone who understands him better than anyone, and oda tells him hes not going to find that. ever. so he should become a better person and make the world a good place. and also he's dying. so dazai, as we've seen, takes these words to heart. so hes not going to find a reason to live but he should also make the world a better place. good cool got that. so i think he gets a bit too comfortable being collateral for a good cause. and hes already convinced hes not going to find anything here, so of course hes not going to find anything. does that make sense.
i dont think ive phrased anything correctly here but like anyway i think with all his other friends around he'll be able to sort things out there. i cant see bsd ending without any sort of resolution for him in this regard yk.
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skyartworkzzz · 1 month
COTL Headcanons ramble
Felt like sharing these in case I take a long ass time to draw it out These are still raw in my mind, so some things may change futurely or the way I explain it might not make sense BUT ALAS it is fun to ramble
Before Narinder was banished, a feeling of mistrust was already growing amongst the siblings, and one of the reasons for such a thing involved envy (except for Shamura, I like to think they were above finding themselves lower or greater than anyone) Ever since a young age Narinder has always been a fast-learner, and quite skilled at everything he did. Gardening, fighting, cooking, strategizing, he was good. Definitely not perfect, but alarmingly good So as time went by, the Bishops grew colder with him until he eventually turned against them all, and thats where their feeling of envy turned into fear. For both of their own lives and their brother's, because that's when they realized his "flawless" abilities were always and clearly prone to turning him into the monster he then became (smtng like Anakin Skywalker if the image I have of him in my head makes any sense-) Naturally, a feeling of guilt lingers in them for not having been able to see it sooner and stop it, but as Shamura pointed out after Narinder was sealed, this was meant to happen. He was meant to be a monster, and a really good one
Aym and Baal were secretly given to Narinder by Shamura; they performed a ritual by themselves and killed the kits to send them to the Gates. When the brothers arrived, Narinder reluctantly took them in and naturally grew fond of the twins as time went by, but because they were sacrificed as offerings, Aym and Baal were half-immortal (something like the Lamb once they receive the Crown), meaning that they still had mortal needs such as eating or sleeping At the time, Ratau was serving Narinder as the bearer of the Red Crown, and amongst the rat's adventure, the god of Death eventually introduced the red chest we use to sell things for gold. He would request Ratau regularly to send in meals and fish in order to feed Aym and Baal (and I feel like a genius for coming up with why that chest exists hi-) When the kits were finally fully grown and well-trained, they ascended to Divine Guardians of TOWW and officially started serving him Despite their Ascension, Aym and Baal were never trapped into the Gates, so they were able to visit the world above but as ghosts of sorts (which means only a few ppl would be able to see them). It was through these ghostly travels that both were able to learn who their mother was and watched her from afar when not serving TOWW
The Bishops were once mortals before becoming bearers of the Crowns, a long time to ago, meaning that they likely have a life they no longer rememeber For the funs and giggles of it, I like to imagine that this "long time ago" for them was around the times animals still did not wear clothes nor knew how to speak aside from their respective noises AUHAUHASDJSD ALSO POSSIBLY LESS HUMANOID I like the thought of them looking either much more beast-like or just- tiny. Very tiny. As the animals they are AUHAJMDKADS
The Lamb doesnt know how to do SHIT aside from fighting. Im writing my Lamb as an artist in my Death After Life fic for the sake of the angst, but in actuality, they do not care about art that much. I like to think that they'd prefer small silly doodles over full-blown paintings, but if they do put in the time and effort, they manage to make smtng Mona Lisa-esque. So the skill is there, but they prefer to not use it unless for smtng specific. Its like those kinds of hobbies nobody knows u have til u make smtng CRAZY yk This also goes for cooking, except they are truly a Terrible cook, in modern AU Lambert lives off from cheap pizzas and dollar-stored cupnoodles u cannot change my min-
Leshy is the one who'd soften up the most for me. Obv still a fcking GREMLIN but I think he'd be much more considerate than his former self My guy would go from "kys /srs" to "kys /j" ALSO I like to think his and my yellow cat's love language is gifts and/or acts of service, theyre oftenly pampering each other out of the blue <3
This idea is still in the approval stages but.............Shamura remembers a bit of their pre-Bishop life. A bit. And that bit revolves around the fact that they might have known love in the past. Perhaps a romantic one, Im still not sure- Which now that I think about it would make the most sense as to why theyre so forgiving to Narinder, since the Bishop of War would probs want anything but peace with those that wronged them, unless they had a good reason not to cause havoc immediately............
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hyukabean · 2 years
txt’s love languages // giving and receiving
req — an irl friend wanted my opinion on this, so i thought why not make it a post lol
nana’s notes — just my opinion ofc!! feel free to leave your thoughts below ^^
warning(s) — none!
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choi yeonjun
giving: acts of service, gift giving
alright, i feel like this is kinda self explanatory tbh
jun is the embodiment of acts of service!! just look the todo ep 13, remember when kai fell? (i mean how could you forget-) and jun was laughing his ass off with everyone, and them immediately goes into hyung mode and says, “be careful”, cause there was a table behind him?
yeonjun teases people, a. LOT. but, he also cares equally as much! he may not verbalize it often, but he’ll definitely show you his love through his lil actions!
its the hand on your back to make sure you don’t bump yourself anywhere, or the non-sexual dominance like holding your hand when you cross the street, standing in front of you always, regardless of your height:<
gift giving is also quite clear! remember when he was buying perfume for gyu, and gyu had no idea? he’s the type of casually stroll buy and drop a gift into your lap, and say: “this reminded me of you”, or “bought this on my way here”, regardless of how expensive it might be
once again, he cares, but he doesn’t want to have to say it, so you gotta read between the lines a lil bit~
receiving: words of affirmation, physical affection
yeonjun is clearly a fan of words of affirmation, i mean come on~ have you see this man when he gets complimented on vlive? or when a member is complimenting someone he’s like??uh?? what about me??? hello?????
he may be super flirty, but he can tell genuine and fake compliments apart really well, so your words, provided you’re being truthful, really so mean a lot to him!
“who’s pretty? hmm? me? awww my baby thinks i’m handsome? cute~”, meanwhile he’s losing his shit on the inside-
same with physical affection, he wants love, but he doesn’t want to ask for it!! the amount of time be randomly hugs the members or cuddles with them? not a coincidence;)
back hug him a bit, or pinch his cheeks every once in a while! and if you’re feeling adventurous, kiss his neck or cheek and just dip;)) he’ll be like?? huh? “뭐야…”
now sit back and watch blush for a solid second before he fixes his composure to get you back:))…
choi soobin
giving: words of affirmation, quality time
words of affirmation is a big thing for soobs! soobin is a leader, when he talks, people listen. though he is quite shy, he often cheers on the members when they’re nervous and consoles them when they’re upset.
binnie also knows when to ask, and when not to; if your relationship is a bit new, it may take some time for him to pick up on your habits, but he becomes a pro sooner rather than later!
this means he is super aware! the second he sees you looking a little glum, he’d know something is up, instantly. “bun, is something up?”, he’d pout slightly, wondering who or what in this world would want to piss you off so badly!! “aww… c’mere bunny, let me compliment you a bit, hmm?”
soobin also enjoys spending quality time together with you! he’s obviously busy being an idol, but if anything, it makes the moments you share even more precious to him
like he said, he’ll take the back seat in a relationship and go along with whatever his s/o would want to do!
best believe that if you want to text? he’ll giggle into his pillow and rant to kai about how cute you are. you wanna call? okay, let him grab his headphones for ‘privacy’ (he’s goons share everything with kai anyways but yk-). you wanna meet up or cuddle? just lay down and listen to him slow breaths and soft little giggles!
receiving: words of affirmation
remember that idol house episode i referenced in my meet the members post? where soobin gets pouty cause no one was complimenting him? yeah okay case closed.
words of affirmation, mean a loooot to mr choi! the members have mentioned him reading fan comments in his free time, so i think enough said!
just grab his lil face, give him a lil kiss, and list all the things you love about him! “mhmm m-munny you’re maging me mlush!”, he’d stutter out, but like?? don’t stop obviously? duh????
soobin will light up when someone praises him, verbally expressing their feelings or thoughts truly foes mean a lot to him! he wouldn’t mind getting physical affection as a token of love, but saying to him? that’s a whole new level…
choi beomgyu
giving: quality time
beomgyu is surprisingly reserved, but he mainly shows his love through quality time.
watch any todo episode, any vlive, literally anything! gyu is always cracking jokes, trying to make sure everyone enjoyes themselves, truly the mood maker:))
he is super receptive, and though he may not always be able to express it in words, he will find a joke or funny remark to make anyone cheer up when they’re feeling down!
“hey! y/n!! look at me!!! heyyyy god gave you eyes so you could marvel at my face, so look at me already!”
during these times, he’ll do anything with you! you always get to hear his new releases first, you get to help him with his lyrics, or just lay in his arms and hear him ramble or sing
“y/n… if i was a worm-”, “gyu nO”, “Y/N WHAT IF”
receiving: words of affirmation
beomgyu loves to hear words of affirmation! just telling him “well done!” or “good job!” makes him go soft </3
beomgyu foes super quite if he sees that someone, especially members aren’t listening to him… don’t get me wrong! beomgyu knows damn well that he’s a catch, but… hewoudln’tmindhearingitfromtimetotime-
when he realizes just how much he likes you, he’s fucked. but then, when you tell him verbally how fucked you are for him? he’s gone. i’m taking tapioka eyes and all!!! wide eyed and so pure n soft
finally someone can reassure him in the right way! someone who will stick with him through thick and thin!
“do you like it?”, “it sounds wonderful gyu, thank you! nice to know i’ve got someone who’ll compose songs about me~ i’m so lucky to have you pretty boy”, cue eyes lighting up:(((
please do make sure you reassure him from time to time though… or else you’ll see him randomly pouting in the corner, crossing his arms slightly, thinking he had annoyed you or worse, upset you some how!!
“angel, is something up?”, “…you haven’t spoken to me today…��.”, “gyu…….. i just aRRIVED”, “I DONT CARE DAMN IT”
kang taehyun
giving/receiving: acts of service
taehyun’s love language is the same, whether he’s giving or receiving! taehyun is a straightforward person, but he shows his love subtly!
after being together, even if its only for a short while! he picks up on the smallest details! how you like your coffee/tea, what time you shower, when you wake up/go sleep, mans a y/n-lexicon
he’ll cook for you, clean your desk, anything to help you out a bit! and his heart will flutter if you do the same!!
“oh? coffee? two sugars, no cream? you remembered!!”
also has a slight thing for gift giving, but in a service type of way? like, he’ll buy you certain items to life just a lil easier for you:)) “here’s the portable fan you wanted! and a cup that will keep your tea warm for extra long!”
huening kai
giving: physical touch, gift giving
hue. ning. kaiiiiii. the tummy patter, the cuddle bug, the most likely to hug you more than your own mother!!!!!! ofc his love language is gonna be physical touch, no duh???
we all know hyuka loves to rub and pat the members’ tummies and you’re no different! like soobin always says, you cant hate kai! you can’t ever say no to him!!
literally, you could be sitting down, tummy pats. drinking boba? tummy pats. menstrual pain/general aches? tummy pats. its fool proof okay??
he’ll also randomly grab your hand when he can’t pat your stomach! he’ll play with your fingers, hold them to his face, cuddle into you like he does with soob! the boys a walking fluff ball with so so much love to give!!
kai takes his skinship se!! ri!! ous!! ly!!!!! he’ll find the dumbest excuses at first, cause he’s sacred he’ll come off too clingy:(( “you smell nice…”, or “odi is looking at you funny, i think he’s gonna bite…”, “kai he’s in a cAGE-”
def a spoon. not a small spoon, or a bug spoon, just a spoon. cuz as long as he’s touching you, he’s okay!!
plz just pat his head, and listen n try not to go deaf to his laugh n soft giggles n aegyo:((((
hyuka would buy gifts from time to time, like plushies at crane games at the arcade/carnivals/etc, but really, he just wants them to make cuddling more enjoyable dkshsj- so gift giving ig? but not really~
receiving: physical touch
i feel like kai would love someone who can match his energy in terms of affection, hands down. physical touch = love in his eyes
HOWEVER!! i have an inclination that he would adore a tsundere partner even more! not necessarily in terms of personality, but more so someone who’s inexperienced or just too shy to admit they wanna cuddle n touch 24/7!!!
making them blush is the only thing on his mind, all hours of the day istg- and he’d such a tease too!!!: “oh? you wanna cuddle? no? then why are you leaning against me, hmm? huh, what’s that, could you speak up please? aww~~, since you asked so nicely!!”
he’d get such a kick put of watching them open up, and crave his touch slowly!!
but i do think he’d seriously struggle with someone who doesn’t like being touched fr. maybe if he likes them enough, he’ll stick around, but the chances are rather slim!
just please hug him, and kiss him, and call him ning ning!! this big boi will literally melt in your arms!!!
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© hyukabean all rights reserved. - do not translate my work, claim it as your own, and/or repost on any platform
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fbfh · 2 years
loded diper's new guitarist hcs
pairing: loded diper (ben, chris, ward, and rodrick) + reader, future rodrick x (gn) reader
wc: 1.9k
warnings: unsupportive parents, country music, reader has a younger sister and another sibling greg and manny's ages, mentions of making out, one use of the phrase hooking up but like in the vague sense yk, second hand embarrasment (showing up to a rock audition dressed like a country music star), all of them think you're really hot
a/n: welcome to more fics that are from my scripts lmao,, rodrick deserves more love tbh
also imagining this during the audition
tags: @yesv01 @dustyinkpages @the-snake-pit
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You love music
You've loved singing and performing in any way shape or form that you possibly can since you were a baby
You know in your heart and soul, with every fiber of your being that you're going to be performing in the music industry someday
You don't know when
You might not even know specifically what you'll be doing
But you know deep in your bones that you'll be on stage belting your heart out
That's all you know and that's all you care about 
Your career planning teachers HATE you
They hate that you refuse to consider a backup plan
You know that's probably smart for other people, but you don't need a backup plan
You’re going to be on stage, singing and performing
Your family thinks you're crazy
They think you're delusional, that you're going to get torn to shreds by the real world 
Every "be realistic", every "and how's that going to work out?", every eye roll and shared look when you tell them you got a new instrument or are going to practice your guitar hurts
Of course it would
But more importantly it's more and more people to prove wrong 
You have a list of what achievements your parents feel need to be met to have made it as a successful musician 
They were trying to give you a wake up call about how hard it is to make it in the industry 
You drew little check boxes next to each line and have it hanging on your wall in between band posters and concert tickets
Every jab from someone that should have your back is one more name on that list of people to prove wrong 
It's strangely motivating 
The most frustrating part of all this is that no one sees how hard you work for this 
You've taken every gig, every odd job that involves singing and music and performing that you can find
You've dressed up as various popular characters and lead karaoke and sing alongs at kids parties, been a tooth fairy's assistant at a kindergarten, a keyboard playing mascot at a car dealership, and most recently, a tribute act to a famous country star performing at retirement homes 
Seniors in plainview really like country music for some reason
Once word got around, at least twice a week you get all dressed up in the polar opposite of your usual self
Down to a cow print cowboy hat, garish boots, and a rhinestone fringe denim jacket 
You whip out your acoustic guitar and sing some hits from the 60s and 70s to the seniors there who tell you that you have such a nice voice, why aren't all kids your age like this, back in my day etc etc
And a lot of them tip really, really well
So even though it’s not something you’d normally even consider, it’s a gig
It’s a paying gig
Which makes you a professional musician
So you’ll happily take it
Your parents have been talking about moving to another part of town for a while, and after months of looking, finally found a nice place on Surrey Street 
The only problem is you would be in a different school district, and have to transfer to Crossland high which has the most shitty theatre and arts programs ever
Which makes it a hard no from you
Your younger siblings aren't to happy about it either, but are very quickly won over by the idea of having their own rooms, leaving you out voted
You had even tried to bribe the youngest by letting him touch your guitar, something he always tries to do as soon as your back is turned, but it was already decided 
The only way they got you on board at all was with the (very reluctant) promise of guaranteed practice space in the attic and slightly less babysitting duty
Right before the move, you're at a gig at a retirement home 
Leisure something? Towers, village, something like that 
It's closer to where you're moving, so that’s something
Part way through your set, you're very thrown off guard by the surprisingly hot piece of ass that's a dead ringer for Billie Joe Armstrong watching you play at the back of the room
He and a kid that looks around the same age as your sister are standing next to one of the older guys
Mr. Heff-something? 
You can't remember
But goddamn that guy is hot 
By the time your set is finally done, you thank them with your signature twang that you spent hours perfecting in your room
You watched interviews of country singers for a week straight until you got it perfectly right 
The hot guy and leaves with who you're assuming are his brother and grandpa before you can even consider approaching him and your heart sinks a little
You’re thinking maybe there will be some hot guys at Crossland, even though your hopes aren’t high
On your way out, you see a blue piece of paper on one of the coffee tables towards the back of the room you’d been playing in
You pick it up and your heart starts pounding
Wanted: gutarist for a rock band. Must know how to shread.
You skim the rest of the flier
You’re so excited you don’t even notice the glaring typos scattered across the page
A rock band
You were finally going to be able to audition for a rock band
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t freaking out 
But the auditions are at the end of the week
And you have a gig that day
You type the addresses into your phone
It’s only a few blocks down the street from your new house
If you get the timing right, you should be able to get home and change out of your country music getup, then make it there before auditions are over
That also means you’re going to have like, no time to prepare
The next three days are spent practicing nonstop
Much to your family’s dismay
Your little sister barges into your room, hands over her ears
She’s never been shy about her disdain for your beloved rock and pop punk music 
“I have a spelling bee tomorrow.” she states
“Sick,” you reply, not looking away from what you’re doing
“I have to focus!” she says
“Same!” you reply, tone sarcastically chipper
“I can’t focus with all this racket.” 
You toss her a pair of headphones and go back to playing
She leaves with a scoff
She’s always been very straight laced and rule oriented
You have always been the “rules are meant to be broken” type
You do not see eye to eye at all
You never really have
This week is jam packed for you
You have to finish packing everything up because you’re finally moving into your new house, you have a gig at the end of the week, and that audition the same day
You can totally handle this
You can so totally handle this
That’s what you tell yourself as you scramble out to your car after your gig, which has somehow run tremendously late 
You barely manage to make it to 12 surrey street, grabbing your guitar and scrambling towards the garage, where the audition flier is taped
“I’m telling you man, no one’s going to show. Let’s just call it-” 
“Hi, is this the guitarist audition for the rock band?” You ask
Four punky looking guys stand in the garage you just entered, all eyes on you
One is holding a bass, one’s next to a mic, one of them is wearing a t shirt that says “loded diper", and one is standing in front of a well loved drum kit
You recognize the last one as the hot guy from your last gig, and your heart flip flops in your chest
“...yeah.” the hot guy says
You introduce yourself, rambling a little about how much you love music and how long you’ve been playing
They don’t seem sold
“Can you shred?” hot guy asks
“Yeah, totally.” you state
The guy next to the mic says something quietly to the hot guy and he shrugs
“Show us what you got.” 
A few minutes later, you’ve played your way through some pop punk classics and a few personal favorite riffs and guitar solos 
Watching their jaws drop when you nailed the guitar solo in I’d hate to be you by mayday parade was something you really enjoyed  
They’re stunned as you finally finish playing, and let out a satisfied sigh
“Told you I could shred.” 
Honestly, Rodrick was sold on you when he saw you playing guitar at his grandpa’s retirement home
He had no idea how you’d gotten a flier, he figures one fell out of his bag or something
And now he’s thanking a god he’s not sure he believes in that it did
That it brought you here
Because you are exactly what they need
He shares a look with Chris, Ben, and Ward
There’s no way they can turn your down
And not just because you’re the only person who showed up to the audition
You’re amazing
Ben sighs
“I mean, we’ll need to do something about the look, but-” 
“Oh god no,” you interject, “I don’t normally look like this. It’s for a gig.” 
After some introductions and exchanging numbers, you’re ready to meet up for practice twice a week 
You smile, elated that it went this well in spite of the bumps in the road along the way 
You thank them again before you leave 
They watch you exit the garage and get into your car, letting out a muffled cheer before heading out
“...Okay,” Rodrick starts, “new rule - no dating band members. No matter how hot they are.” He mutters the last part, and everyone very, very reluctantly agrees
Are you the hottest person he’s seen in a very long time? Yes!
Are you the best guitarist in plainview hands down? Fuck yeah!
Is your hotness amplified by how excited you are to be in loded diper in spite of their terrible reputation? Abso-fucking-lutley! 
But Rodrick won’t let anything jeopardize the future of this band 
He knows all the guys think you’re hot
Like really hot 
So if they can navigate this
If they can write some more songs and book a few more gigs without anyone hooking up  or making out with anyone else (cough cough with you) he’ll consider that a huge success
Lying in bed that night, Rodrick decides there’s no way you can be hot enough to break the no dating band members rule 
That decision is challenged when you show up to practice in grungy eyeliner and a worn ramones t shirt 
And it’s challenged further when you start playing together because jesus fucking christ you’re good
You’re exactly what this band needs, he reminds himself 
The band needs a guitarist, not their guitarist and drummer making out in secret 
But with the way you’re looking at Rodrick, watching him play, the feeling is mutual
And it’s a matter of time before the rising tension becomes too much and someone cracks 
Because not only do you get to be in a band, you get to be in a band with a stupid hot guy that looks like the pop punk star you’ve had a crush on since middle school
This won’t be a recipe for disaster
Not at all
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bcofl0ve · 1 month
hey, what do you think of austin in elvis? i know it's one of his biggest projects and i confess i haven't had the courage to watch it yet because i feel that maybe the film glamorizes elvin's story too much when we know he wasn't that glamorous, right? always abusive and problematic with women, especially priscilla, involvement with minors, drugs and all that. idk about the movie's approach, but it annoys me a lot of people (or even austin) think elvis is some kind of inspiration because ok, he was talented, but come on…its not hate yk, but i see so many people deifying the movie and if it's only because of austin's performance i really believe it because he's a PERFECT actor…i wanted to hear from you :)
hiii! assuming you’re a newer fan if you haven’t seen it since i feel like that’s how most of us (at least generally speaking) got here.
i saw elvis 10 times in theaters, once 3 times in 48 hours when it was doing a $5 ticket run during 2023 awards season LOL. soooo i think that tells you how i feel about it! it’s one of my favorite films of all time. i think austin absolutely knocked it out of the park and baz’s directing style is *my* style so. it was all around perfect, to me personally.
i also feel the need to clarify that i am an elvis presley fan. i have a tattoo for the man 😅. i understand he had some very deep seeded issues (i also adore priscilla to bits. not one of those elvis fan who thinks she’s an evil incarnate for daring to love him while also being honest about his short comings! i gen really liked the priscilla movie as well!) while 1+1=2 a movie endorsed by the estate isn’t going to show every waking bad thing he ever did, i think it did a good job of showing that he was very infallible. it shows him cheating on priscilla, and his anger issues. (one of priscilla compliments to austin was that he nailed elvis’s temper…🫣) the movie as a whole is very ‘heavy is the head that wears the crown’ themed in that it’s centered around the ups and severe downs of the massive fame he got, at a time where he was really the first artist to achieve that level of super stardom. i love it for that.
but in terms of reservations about watching it for the first time- i think it may help you (and anyone else with similar qualms about it) to check out some of the interview lisa marie (elvis and priscilla’s daughter) did with austin? she is very *very* protective of her father’s legacy, understandably. but she adored the movie, spoke very highly of it and loved austin to bits. it makes me emotional to know she got the biopic of her father that she deserved in this lifetime.
she unfortunately passed away suddenly in january 2023 just a few days after watching austin win his golden globe and i have never been crushed by a celebrity death like that. ever. the love she shared with/for austin was so so beautiful and i was heartbroken that such a happy time for her with all the movies success, especially after losing her son to suicide in 2020 got cut short how it did. (if this feels like i’m being OTT, i’m not. lisa herself captioned a photo with austin during press ‘i do believe this might be my first smile in 2 years’)
just for some added context re: lisa marie and austin. during press she took him upstairs at graceland for *3 hours*, something that’s outright unheard of for non family members. even baz only got 20 minutes up there for pre production, and he wasn’t allowed to take photos/had to quick sketch and memorize as much as he could.
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i know her adoration of austin meant the world to him, and to me that says so much more about his portrayal of elvis then i’ll ever be able to as just a fan. i hope this helps, but feel free to circle back and follow up!!! ❤️
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toothlespoggers · 3 months
GUYS I WAS LISTENING TO SUNROOF (the kidz bop version because I love how childish and vibey that specific song sounds in that version, don’t judge me) and I had a great idea.
so you know how I’ve been working on that character Razzle Dazzle for some time now? Getting his lore, comic and everything planned and worked out.
Image for those who aren’t familiar with Raz
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Image description thingie: A small round octopus-like creature with a purple body and cyan splotches. One giant yellow eye with a red pupil.
my “fresh parasite” that’s actually just a species of monster native to waterfalls deep water named the Squimic
basically they’re creatures that have the intelligence of a regular small monster and an octopus, they have a mix of octopus and squid traits and can see perfectly in the dark but are sensitive to light. They’re semi aquatic meaning they can survive on land if they stay in a moist environment, they eat sugary foods primarily and survive by camouflaging themselves like a octopus, their natural colours blend right in with the marsh of waterfall and the bioluminescent spots make them look like a mushroom, which not only stops them from being spotted but also helps alert predators that they are in fact poisonous (about as deadly as a blue ring octopus but safe to handle just don’t eat it.)
anyway, in the story, raz’s classic world goes into a genocide and he survives by being so stealthy that the player never encounters him that’s my excuse for why he’s not in canon undertale jk
but basically in order to survive he has to mimic the abilities of a stronger monster, that’s how his species works they have no magic of their own they just copy others and imprint their own unique flare onto it. So the strongest monster happened to be sans, since he was going to fight the human and Alphys was saying he would probably succeed when the underground was evacuating. I was going to have him jump onto the sans, takeover the body and end up crashing the game sending the two of them into the void. But then I had a thought- what if he really is just a mimic? What if he never takes over the sans body, what if he just shapeshifts into a sans, yk because his whole species magic revolves around copying? What if that’s what happens.
then raz would just, have the same thing happen to him, but he’d just- be raz. The previous plot holes I had with the sans having sentience logically would vanish and the lore would match up perfectly.
it’d explain why his body changes when he meets fresh and decides to copy his appearance and behaviour. How he goes from round classic sans to a slightly different shape- skinnier and taller. He’s a shapeshifter, that’s why he never had eyelights, that’s why he bleeds rainbow. That’s how he’s able to turn from little squid man to skeleton. He’s a shapeshifter.
I shouldn’t technically be dumping a lot of my revelations on my au here since I’m kinda scared someone more popular than me will take my silly idea and no one will pay attention to me. But I’ve been working on this for a while and this just clicks into place so nicely I had to share it with the class. I mean, might as well let people see what I’ve actually been working on.
y’all are free to ask me questions and I can answer them if you want, I definitely don’t have many pieces of art to showcase the writing work I’ve been doing on this au yet. So most of it is just me explaining it until further notice. But hopefully everyone will think it’s cool!
I’ve been told by friends and stuff that my whole raz idea is a really unique fresh sans. Since he’s like his own thing ^^
I’m going to close tumblr immediately after posting this because I panic at the response I’ll get whenever I send something I’m excited about
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loveanaox · 7 months
One Piece Live Action Actors Ideal types
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(Sorry yall I've been busy so a little inactive, but after I fix my schedule I will answer all the other requested readings on the kpop idols)
Inaki Godoy (Luffy)
Cards pulled out: Five of pentacles reversed, eight of cups reversed, four of pentacles reversed, the devil reversed, nine of pentacles back of the deck
So I pulled cards once but then I didn't like how they came out and it was really confusing to interpret but it seems like some cards just want to come out
So this what im getting:
He definitely likes someone who likes to improve their financial situation. Someone who's stable, got their shit together. Very independent and secure. Someone who makes him feel welcomed in a way. He might like that either seeing them healing from their abandonment issues, or he likes when they're not completely yk for commitment, like scared of commitment. Someone who is very open and generous, but someone as I said who's independent and very like green vibes. Like green and sweet. Someone's who's been in it for the rough but like reclaiming their control and becoming independent.
Jacob Gibson (Ussop)
Cards pulled out:Strength, king of wands, five of pentacles, the devil, page of cups
He likes someone who's very brave and Courageous, confident and friendly. Just like a "I am my own person" type of person. Someone who lives up to their own expectations and is just a funny, honest and just has a way with their words type of person. He wants someone who knows how it feel to be left out in the cold but then to become independent and detached from the world. He digs that. Someone very cheerful and optimistic like sassy but cute, someone sensible and emotionally mature. Very Youthful and a dreamer and actually works on those dreams.
Emily Rudd(Nami)
Cards pulled out: Six of pentacles, the hierophant reversed, nine of cups, ace of swords, knight of pentacles back of the deck
Someone who is very generous and kind, but also someone who challenges normal traditions, someone whi doesn't mind or believes in gender roles reversed. I saw a house husband lmao. Someone who's very optimistic and abundant. A person who has a good intellectual ability. Someone who can stimulate her mind and other, a person who believes in justice. Someone who can concentrate well and see things from outside the box. Someone who's like different from others but "far ahead in life" someone who can provide stability and materialistic things and bring in things and be able to build with her on a mental level.
Taz Skylar(Sanji)
Cards pulled out: Ten of swords, justice, chariot, the lovers, three of wands
Someone who has been betrayed or backstabbed before and just really ket down, causing that person to really believe in justice or karmic things. Someone he rebuild themselves and are now successful in life and victorious and those hoes can't even touch em. He wants someone where it can feel romantic and it feels like they're soulmates yk? Someone who he gad shared values with. Might like someone who travels a lot or a foreigner. He is attracted to someone who believes in themselves and someone who likes to experience life.
Okayy hope yall enjoyed the readings. I didn't do all the casts just bc I don't think you guys all wanted to see all the actors. I didn't to Mackenyu cause he has a wife if anyone was wondering.
But ja I will now continue with the kpop readings I need to finish.
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