#me @ me: are you questioning the way your gender is perceived by others or are you just. like. spiraling overall
takinghisbow · 1 year
so uh what if i 👉👈 tried using an alias here to just like, idk, test something out
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soaringwide · 23 days
PAC: How to enhance your personal allure and beauty? • Glamour Reading
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This reading is meant to dive into your own personal glamour and find ways to magnify the way you appear to others, privately or publicly.
Beauty is about weaving illusions in some ways, but the best lies contain a part of truth. How to weave lies and truths to enhance your expression of beauty is what I'm going to try to uncover today, which is why we're going to look both at your natural abilities and untapped potential.
It's something I've wanted to do for a long time since it's a subject that fascinates me, and wanted to test it out in a tarot spread, so a pick a pile readings seems like a good starting point.
If you'd like a personal reading, I'm in the process of opening my website but in the meantime I'm available through DMs.
As always, this is a general reading meant for multiple people so it might not apply 100% to you. Take what resonates and leave out the rest.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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Cards: The Hanged Man, Death, The Chariot, Knight of Cups, The Fool, 7 of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, 10 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles
First, let's look into your natural beauty and talents, if you will. This is easy to tap into and you might already do it to some extent, and is what people perceive from you at first glance.
I see someone with a strong, magnetic presence that might be intimidating to some people, giving the vibe of someone who is confident and knows what impression they want to give off. You have a very deliberate style and strong personal allure that might lean into darker types of aesthetic, but it would definitely be ornate, romantic (in the true, dramatic sense of the word) and as far away from minimalism as possible. I see you choosing little elements that others might not notice but that are full of meaning and symbolism for you, like a piece of jewellery, or swapping the color of your shoelace or socks to fit into a vision you have in your head. Wearing hats or headpieces might also be something significant for you. You see your clothes and other visual upgrades as some type of armor you wear to feel stronger, more confident, and make a great impression on people around you. You like being noticed and want people to find you beautiful or stylish, but at the same time have very little regard for established rules and like to bring a twist of change in the way you appear to others. It's like you're already practicing glamour naturally, funnily enough, because I see you magnifying your natural talents already and you definitely are shrouded in some type of glamourized, attractive mystery.
When it comes to your ideal archetypal beauty, what you can draw inspiration from to push yourself even further, i see you as someone who embodies the characteristics of going against expectations when it comes to style and appearances. I get the idea of playing around with gender expression (might not apply to all or be applicable to varying degrees), going against what's commonly assumed to be fitting for your perceived gender to create something unique and different, but it could also simply be about going against common taste. It's about carving out your own path, inspired by yourself and your unique perspective on life, and by extension, on your style and appearance. This is not someone who follows trends and style guides mindlessly, but someone who is not afraid of calling everything into question, in order to incorporate what they choose and add their own unique flair to it. Taste is subjective and it's something you can learn to lean even more into.
Now, for the untapped qualities, or raw power you can learn to incorporate, I see strong Uranus influence, which was already highlighted in your ideal archetypal influence.
There is an elements to finding joy and pleasure in shocking others a little bit. Letting yourself be completely free with your style expression, but keeping personal enjoyment in mind. The goal is not to shock for the sake of being an obnoxious eccentric, but going to the core of what makes you feel empowered and free and fining the graceful pleasure in it. There is also the idea of weaving some type of illusion so that people can never guess what you're going to do next. I think you have an untapped natural talent for manipulating how others see you a little bit. Right now you focus on your personal magnetism, but you could push that even further and endow yourself in whatever illusion you see fit for the time or situation. I see you being able to work on your appearance like a beautiful work of art, following the vision you have in mind.
For how you can magnify everything I mentioned, here is what I see.
First of all, it seems that despite all the great things I said about you, deep down, you feel quite inadequate and vulnerable, which is perhaps why you put so much effort into your ''armor''. I've got to tell you that these doubts are only in your mind and that the powers I describe are felt very strongly by others, they might just never say it or only give you a light compliment, which you don't even take into account. You seem to keep these worry very private and assume everyone can sense that when it's not the case. So yeah I definitely see you are already doing sooo much but it's just in your mind you don't see it, which is the first thing you need to focus on. Because I think that these doubts might influence your stylistic choices to some extent, which would be self-sabotaging your natural and ideal strengths. Therefore, you first need to clear out these thoughts and hurts in order to see yourself as others see you, in your highest potential.
Secondly and once you've done that, you definitely are advised to invest further in your appearance, and by that it could be money but also time, effort and energy. I feel like there is a new direction that is available to you, perhaps to switch things up a little or express some things more intensely. In both cases, the very strong message is to be deliberate in your vision and keep your eyes on this. I think you already do it to some extent, but here we're talking about Glamour, glamour, like, it's not enough to pick a pair of earrings or the color of your top, you need to focus on what it is the impact you want to have on others is, and how to best achieve that, keeping in mind the strong Uranian influences about being your own Icon and breaking boundaries along the way. Really, the next step involves planning and deliberate steps. Don't just throw whatever in your cart but be mindful of what story it's telling and if it aligns with your vision.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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Cards: Queen of Cups, 8 of Swords, The Star, The World, The Lovers, The High Priestess, Knight of Cups, The Hanged Man, Ace of Wands, 9 of Cups
First, let's look into your natural beauty and talents, if you will. This is easy to tap into and you might already do it to some extent, and is what people perceive from you at first glance.
What's actually really interesting is that there seem to be an opposition between constriction vs liberation, as embodied by Saturn in Aquarius qualities. It seems being in touch with your imagination and ideals is natural to you, you appear dreamy but in a melancholic way, a loner that people don't approach easily. People might get the sense that you are lost in your thoughts and that something else is taking your attention. You don't project a strong sun-like charisma, but rather, charm people when they get close to you and get a feel for your rich inner world. You are very authentic in the way you approach your appearance, as in, you don't seek to appear as someone you are not, up to a fault I'd say. Like, if you don't hold a high opinion of yourself that might stop you from dressing how you like because it doesn't feel true in some way. It's also like you feel constricted when you have to follow a dress code and would rather be able to wear whatever puts you at ease in the given situation, but then again it's a problem is you feel weak or stuck because it influences your choices. On top of that, I'm again getting strong ideals, so I would not be surprised if your social or political ideals influence the way your present yourself. Perhaps you have an inclination towards sustainable fashion or cruelty free beauty and it helps you feel more aligned with your inner world.
When it comes to your ideal archetypal beauty, what you can draw inspiration from revolves around the idea to let your idealistic and creative nature run free, like the waves on the ocean's shore. This hints at a poetic approach to your style and appearance, with the desire to evoke gentle feelings. Your archetypal beauty is one of a siren, enchanting and mysterious. You might benefit from beautifully ornate jewelry, nacre, pearls and shells come to mind, and I'm also getting renaissance inspired aesthetic like cherubs imagery and dramatic silhouettes, rosy cheeks and braided hairstyles. The ocean is wide and mysterious, fascinating and unknowable, and that's definitely an allure you can harness at your highest potential. Even in that configuration, you're still highly focused on your inner world but it appears on the outside as well.
Now, for the untapped qualities, or raw power you can learn to incorporate, I see a few messages.
The thing is that, despite the saturnine influences, you do have raw potential for a more radiant and inviting, shall we say, energy to you. With the Lovers which is connected to Gemini, you can really learn to actually express your rich inner world and come across as communicative and adaptable regardless of the social situation. Balancing out the coldness with warmth and being more inviting if you will. Someone people can't stop looking at, which implies you actually have to get out of your comfort zone and accept being seen by others.
Paired with you natural characteristics, this has the potential to increase your magnetism and make you mysteriously seductive because people will tap into both layers, sensing an inviting and charming first impression but also getting a feel of your deep inner world. There is also the potential to truly express your emotions through your clothes and appearance and thus sticking true to your desire for authenticity. Don't shy away from being creative and even artistic with your appearance. You have a natural inclination toward romantic styles and flowyness (sheer fabrics or silk-like textures) which can make you stand out in a crowd. Approach your style like a dream, something that is felt intensely and that you can get lost in. Play around with color combinations, and I would suggest having fun creating color palettes that evoke specific feelings rather than being minimal because you want to blend in. You can really project a striking vibe with your newfound confidence, with the help of your clothes and beauty care.
For how you can magnify everything I mentioned, here is what I see.
First of all there is a need to change you ways drastically. As we saw, there seem to be an opposition with how people currently see you vs what your potential is. Don't get me wrong, everything is present within you but it's like it's dormant. I sense you being somewhat stuck in your routine and stylistic habits and reluctant to change anything. You are being called to step up and take actions toward change. Dare to wear what makes you feel like your creative and dreamy self. You know yourself well but if you truly want to change the way people see you you have to take deliberate actions towards that. Not by wearing what you think people want but by going to the highest vision you have of yourself.
You would also benefit greatly from a more optimistic outlook on yourself and learn to communicate happiness, ease and expansion. Be more generous with your energy, which means that you don't have to hold everything in in fear of being judged or disliked, but rather learning to stand strong in your individuality and communicate it to others. Not everyone will like it obviously but those who do will be enchanted by your presence.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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Cards: Ace of Cups, The Magician, 3 of Pentacles, The Hermit, 9 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, King of Cups rx, the Fool, 7 of Cups, 3 of Swords
First, let's look into your natural beauty and talents, if you will. This is easy to tap into and you might already do it to some extent, and is what people perceive from you at first glance.
I get strong Mercury qualities when it comes to how you naturally appear to others. You manage to seduce others with your quick wit and knowledge on many different subjects. It's like, there is nothing you don't have a smart or funny opinion on and people love that about you. You are highly intellectual and I think you like mirroring that in your appearance, favoring established aesthetics and proven formulas, relaying more on your personality than your clothes so to speak. And if clothes you chooses to put the accent on, I see a more traditional and refined approach. Modest and put together. You are meticulous in your choices and don't like appearing messy. Nothing comes in excess, you pay attention to color and texture harmony and like a balanced, classic look. As a result you appear serious and put together to others.
When it comes to your ideal archetypal beauty, what you could embody when pushed to your highest degree, with the Ace of Cups, it is quite abstract than a given aesthetic. I see you having the power to initiate strong positive emotions towards others. Perhaps they admire you or have fond feelings for you, or they may fall in love or become friends with you easily. You make them feel easily connected to you by you presence and allure, you energy having that color that drives people in. It's like, a very friendly and gently type of charisma.
Now, for the untapped qualities, or raw power you can learn to incorporate, I'm not sure why but I feel a strong rag to riches vibe here. As in, it is possible that you have experienced mental and financial hardship in the past, a situation might have improved to some extent, but that probably isn't fixed completely yet. That left you scarred and you try your best to hide it, which is why it's in the raw power position. I see the potential to use that as a strength to add depth to your character. With the King of Cups reversed, you feel inadequate and undeserving. I'm getting the sense that when it comes to glamour, you can fake it till you make it so to speak. Don't forget we are talking about magnifying your allure and I think there's definitely an air of like, you know who you are and you are aware of your situation, but you don't want to appear that way to others. It's strange because for all pile I got strong impression and aesthetics here, but for you it looks more like something that's dragging you down, which means there's a potential to turn it into a strength in some way. You got the Ace of Cups as ideal archetype and the King of Cups is nothing but the Lord of this Ace, so if you manage to flip it you can embody its quality and empathetic, abundant authority and trigger positive feelings in others. There is also this idea that, even when you make that shift, you won't forget where you come from and will keep being highly empathetic and kind, and that will be part of your charm.
For how you can magnify everything I mentioned, I notice a strong idea of starting fresh and stepping away from the heartache that plagues you. There is a youthful carelessness to it as well, the idea of opening yourself to the world and see the richness you have within with your larger than life personality. You would benefit from letting that aspect of you loose a bit. You are a bit chaotic at heart and this is so so endearing to many.
Furthermore, don't get too focused on glimmers, as all that shines is not gold. I think you may have a tendency to seek material things to counter or hide your difficulties with money, but here it's all about character expression when it comes to charm people. But be mindful of how you interact with others as to not to appear aloof or unapproachable.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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cripplerage · 7 days
I'd like to talk about this:
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{Image ID: A cropped screenshot of an online form with a purple background. The question is "What is your gender identity (click all that apply)." The options are "Woman," "Man (disqualify)," "Feminine-Identifying," "Non-Binary," "Transgender," "Unsure," "Prefer not to say," and "Other." The other option has a text box, and they all have unchecked check boxes. End ID.}
This is an application form for an advisory/advocacy group for the intersectionality of woman/female experiences for disabled people. If you somehow figure out WHICH group this is, please do not contact them in any way. I would like to have the opportunity to calmly and politely give my feedback to them, and an accidental harassment campaign would not help. And of course, they're not really doing anything wrong, they're trying their best, etc. my intention with this screenshot is to use it as a learning example.
Here's the thing... They are clearly trying to be inclusive and acknowledging the gender spectrum, but they're acting as if it's a bar that they can just take one half and leave the other. But as a non-binary person who is also sort of a trans-man, who appears fully as a woman and is perceived as a woman by the general public and the healthcare system, this just doesn't seem to work.
For the form I only ticked non-binary, and I listed my pronouns as they/them, when I usually use he/they. And I don't think of this as lying because my gender is a bit fluid, but also I sort of think that it would be my right to lie in this situation because I deserve to participate in this discussion?
I think we as a society seem to forget that most trans men were raised as women, and do have women-aligning experiences. And most of us don't have male privilege, and the few that do have it immediately negated in situations like healthcare. Being transmasc never prevented me from experiencing ableism or medical mysoginy. And I don't know for certain but I imagine some intersex men, even if they're cis, deserve to be part of this conversation, too.
I think what I'm saying applies to more intersectionalities than just disability, but I don't think it's really my place to talk on that. And don't get me wrong, I do think that discussions about feminine intersectionality are important. Here's what it comes down to - I think we need to just let individuals decide for themselves if they are eligible for certain discussions. I don't know for certain what the best way to do this, but I suggest something like the following:
"This group is centred around the experience of intersectionality between femininity and disability. You may be eligible for this group if you are a cis woman, transgender, or intersex."
I'm open to suggestions or feedback on that.
Tl;dr: gender identity and gender experience are different. Someone's gender identity does not necessarily mean that they should be excluded from discussions regarding lived experience of another gender.
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janesgms · 6 months
Plutonian Women
(and unraveling their destiny)
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This post can be quite messy because I only wanted to share my thoughts on this topic. Do not take all of this as my absolute truth because these are things that I've thought for quite a while seeing it in my life and personally too.
Something I've realized lately is that Plutonian Women go through unique situations that set them apart from other people. And in this case, I'm refering to women only and not men because this is based on my experience, and you all know that energies manifest differently according to the gender so I'm not gonna afirm this also apply to men when I haven't seen it in my world, also, as we are tired of seeing, women are treated differently from men in our society so we cope with things differently.
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Firstly, I wanted to talk about placements that make a woman Plutonian in my opinion (when I say "Plutonian", I mean someone who is heavily affected by Pluto in their natal chart), but you can relate to this post whether you have some of these aspects or not, so share your experiences with me, I'd love to know!
🔮 1H/5H/8H/10H Pluto.
🔮 0° Pluto.
🔮 Pluto in water degrees (bonus points if there are aspected placements who are also in water degrees).
🔮 Pluto aspecting big 6 (specially harsh aspects: conjunction, opposition, square, contra-parallel / also specially the luminaries - sun, moon - and mars).
🔮 Pluto in the same personal planets/asc.
🔮 Pluto aspects to outer planets in case it's also aspecting big 6.
🔮 I think Pluto aspect BM Lilith/Chiron can also play a part in this.
🔮 Scorpio Pluto if it's conjuncting or heavily aspecting other placements.
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What distincts a Plutonian Woman from the rest is their gravitational energy that pulls you in like a black hole, and as intensely as one. Their eyes hold a shadow of their past traumas and occasions but with a touch of mystery that makes you wonder what they went through in their lives. Their stare is heavy and filled with emotions (let's not forget Pluto still rules a water sign).
I don't like to condemn people for their placements, but I think Plutonian Women came to this life to suffer a lot before gaining what they want and deserve, and this seemingly infinite cycle of pain will only end when they learn how to cope healthily with things of life. One of the reasons why they go through so much is their way of seeing and feeling. Plutonian Women feel things in almost a transcendental way, they feel intensely and with this, they can put themselves through "unnecessary" situations when not careful. They're also prone to self destructive behavior, their heart usually puts a dark veil in their thoughts when their emotions come crashing in like a hurricane. Their pain is the embodiment of "female rage", when they cry hard, it's a mix of anger, sadness, sorrow and everything that they were holding back from a while - because they do hold emotions - but they can't run away from their deepest parts, and one day everything overflows and they can finally reborn from that suffering; the music "Pretty When You Cry" describes them perfectly, because they're indeed pretty when they cry and crying frees them in a way, and a lot of people actually like to seem them suffer? Plutonian Women attract questionable men or women (romantically), because they're almost like a beautiful show to watch, and these men/women like them best when they're falling apart, but manipulation can arise and fool them (they should be careful with 12H synastry specifically, the apparently good ones can actually be the wolf in sheep's clothes).
But back to the way Plutonian Women perceive the world, they are actually fragile at heart, but they try to hide it at all costs, they have a pure heart who could be derranged due to childhood/romantic/any other issues but who has no bad intentions most of the times. I think of them as victims of situations they have no control of since young.
However, to be more positive, I'd like to say that this is not a death sentence at all. Indeed, death is the right word to describe Plutonian Women because they die all the time (figuratively speaking, but literal death can be very present in their life too) and they are reborn as better people. Unfortunately, justice or karma is not much on their side because the world can be a place very unfair most of the times, but I think this is due the fact that they souldn't focus on revenge or negative thoughts, even though they can do it a lot as a way of thinking as a "justice". But the message they should learn is that they should focus on getting better, prettier, wiser, smarter instead of losing energy thinking on lower vibrational people.
The truth is that Plutonian Women are the defintion of a a Phoenix, if you do them wrong, you can be sure that they will gain their dignity back and get back stronger than ever, even with a "fragile" heart as I said, they have a malicious mind that protects this side of them; and also, once they apparently heal their deepest and oldest wounds, it gets harder and harder to break their shell, but if you were capable of doing so, just know that you opened all of them and made the Plutonian suffer all again and go to hell and back.
Overall, the word that describes them best is "raw" because this is what they truly are (in the best way possible lol). Due to this, they can attract a lot of hate - similar to lilith women and specially if they are also lilith "dominant" - from people who don't understand their beauty or actions, because their beauty is truly sharp, hypnotizing, dark and undescribable, furthermore, their actions are particularly unique and most of the times hide their intentions, they never do something significant without thinking first. They ultimstely search for what's beyond the surface, when in love, they wanna know your soul and more, they despise flings, they wanna get to know the depths of their s/o's being, they love hard but also get heartbroken hard when it happens. Academically, they like to be strategic and hardworking when they see it's worth the work, they can be perfectionist because they're hard on themselves most of the times. So, afterall, what's their destiny? Their destiny is to feel accepted and comfortable in their own skin, to get over their traumas and allowing themselves to be better, to let go of toxic people and surroundings, to not engage in toxic relationships anymore, to free themselves from karmic debts and to be finally happy.
Plutonian Women probably feel a deep connection with spirituality, astrology, pstchology, crying, darkness, mystery, the unknown, black/red/purple/dark blue, sad and profound songs, the night, dark places in general, mourning, wakes, death celebrations, soul level bonds and conversations.
Plutonian Women are masterpieces who deserve more from the world and people, they've gone through a lot and they should be 100% respected, sending a lot of love to all of you ❤️‍🔥
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Hey guyssss, I missed posting actual posts here but I wasn't feeling inspired lately. But I'm back!!! I hope you guys understand my point of view and I typed this with all my heart because I was based on my personal experiences and people around me's experiences. I was thinking in also making a post about Lilith Women since I also have a lot to say about that either ! Thanks for the support and see you later or sooner 💋 Also in case you noticed I didn't focused in scorpio placements here because I think they work differently (I just don't know how to explain this difference tbh, so I focused on actual Pluto)
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f1fnatic · 9 months
SCRUTINY ⤿ f1 grid
→ ( in which. . . ) you are a woman on the f1 grid. you face criticism and digs almost every day from toxic fans, specifically the men. but, you shut them up after a rewarding race.
→ ( fanfic genre. . . ) written
→ ( pairing. . . ) 2023 f1 grid x female!reader
→ ( content warnings/disclaimers. . . ) cyberbullying, misogyny, sexism/sexist comments, overall a shitty environment. not based on this year's monaco grand prix or the season so far just has the drivers of this year's grid at this moment except alonso he is a reserve for aston martin, jumps around a little, not a completely solid plot, other pilots make subtle mentions, but mainly reader focused.
→ ( author's note. . . ) i enjoyed writing this one a lot. with being a woman myself and seeing how we are perceived in sports, especially a male-dominated field like motorsport, it was not very difficult to keep writing. anyways, i hope you enjoy! see end for more.
→ ( masterlist )
sunday, pre-race interview ↴
scrutiny. a word that you are familiar with. a word that has so much meaning but so little at the same time. you had recently joined your dream team, aston martin. after a challenging run in f3 and f2, you finally got recognized for your talent. you knew the comments would only get worse as you moved up the ranks, but you didn't expect them to be this bad.
it was the monaco grand prix. your least favorite track to race. the tight corners haunted you. without fail, you always almost crashed and cost your team everything. but it mainly cost you your dignity.
you were sat along a crisp white sofa that sat your teammate lance stroll, along with charles leclerc, lewis hamilton, lando norris, daniel ricciardo, and lastly max verstappen. you had all become acquainted when you first got to f1. lance and you got along swell and were close to inseparable. the rest were like brothers to you. these types of conferences were your personal least favorite. you enjoyed being with your friends, but the questions that were asked were downright embarrassing.
"y/n, coming over to you." the interviewer voiced, all attention was shifted onto you. "monaco in the past years has not treated you well, do you think you will have another devastating grand prix? and do you think your difference has to do with your performance?" you felt the scoff bubble in your throat. was he serious? you knew what he was playing at. your difference being your gender.
"well, first of all, i do not think my quote en quote 'difference' has anything to do with my performance." you start, putting finger quotes to emphasize the word difference. "if anything, it would be a difference in the car. in past monaco grand prix's the aston martin car has struggled. there are no real straights for the car to get its usual speed from. the differences in the care have nothing to do with me as a driver." this was unbelievable. were they really questioning whether you could hold your own as a woman in motorsport?
"you are starting p7 in today's race. do you think you performed well enough in qualifying? what could you have done differently?" finally. a normal question. you were excited to answer.
"uh, yeah. i think considering the conditions in qualifying and the nature of the track i did well. i am happy with how i performed but there is always room for improvement. and i am open to that." you answered, smiling. you looked over to lewis and saw him smiling at you. he knew how the media worked. he himself was getting pushed under the bus with racist remarks and 'concern' around his piercings. he was always supportive of you, and you were supportive of him. there were often times when you would text or call him ranting about how unfair it was that you were being treated the way you were. he would join in with his own stories and you would listen.
"y/n, i am sure you have seen the scrutiny online about being a woman competing in the pinnacle of motorsport. do you believe you should be here competing with men?" another reporter asks.
you are stunned. you couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"are you serious?" lance scoffs beside you. "what is with these questions?"
"why do we get questions about normal things like our literal jobs and y/n's questions are always about her gender?" daniel adds. the couch breaks out in murmurs. the reporters visibly get uncomfortable with what has happened and end the interview.
standing up you walk out of the office and to your drivers room, ignorning the voices calling after you. these interviews were always bullshit. daniel was right, why were you always getting questioned about your gender and how that effects your performance? what does gender have to do with racing?
this was only the beginning.
sunday, day of monaco grand prix ↴
you were exhausted. exhausted by the comments, the bullshit interviews, and the stupid prick men that felt the need to voice their opinion about a woman in f1.
you could this year's grand prix was going to be a tough one. mentally and physically. you wanted to be done. done with the bullying, the sexism, the misogyny, everything. you knew you worked hard to get where you are, and you will continue to. you dreaded the after-race interviews. no matter your result, you would always get at least 4 sexist remarks.
you didn't know what else you needed to do to be able to prove yourself worthy of your seat. you shouldn't have to prove yourself anymore than you have. you are in f1, and all of these assholes are not.
your pr manager, bless his soul, had to listen to your rants after interviews. lewis always got brunt end of it as well. he had experience with degradating comments. he always knew what to say and when to say it. fernando has been a huge help as well. he was like a father to you, always there when you needed someone. he would defend you when you needed defending. he always knew what to say and when to say it.
race start, p7 ↴
p7 was not a bad place to start, at all. but the internet and crowd thought differently. you were sat in your car, ready for the formation lap when someone yelled at you, "c'mon pretty lady! get back to cleaning! this is a man's sport!" you resisted the urge to quip back at him, instead you raised your left hand and flipped him off. your pr manager would have your head later but you couldn't care less. you needed to do something to voice your annoyance.
concentration is what you needed, but you couldn't seem to gain it with more comments being shouted your way. "hot momma!" followed by a cat call whistle, "sweetheart take off that suit! let's see what's underneath!", "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS JOB!" were only some of the handfuls thrown at you. they also seemed to be the ones that bothered you the most. your grip on your steering wheel tightened, anger bubbling in your gut. these people knew nothing. they don't know how hard you work. they don't know how much blood, sweat, and tears you poured into achieving your dream. and they never would.
before you knew it, the formation lap started. it went quickly. you got back into your respective starting positions and stared down the lights. you took a deep breath to attempt to ground yourself. it is just a race, you have done this before y/n.
the lights lit up red, until they didn't. you flew forward in your aston martin, pushing it for a decent start. you ended up gaining two positions, going from p7 to p5. the rest of the race was uneventful, until it wasn't.
"y/n, caution on the chicane. hamilton, perez, and leclerc crashed. yellow flag, safety car." your race engineer voiced over the radio. "that moves you into a fortunate p2."
"okay, copy." you were ecstatic. this was your chance to prove yourself to everyone. to those men who scrutinized you before the formation lap, to the trolls online, and to those misogynistic pricks known as reporters. this was your moment.
"gap to verstappen 1.6 seconds, push." you did as you were told. you pushed, and you pushed hard. this was for all of the girls that wanted to be you. "oh my days y/n! p1! p1! you just won the monaco grand prix!"
"yes! oh my god! fuck me! we did it!" you had done it.
you did your victory lap and parked behind the p1 tower. when you got out of your seat tears stung at your eyes. you ran over to where the aston martin team was and hugged them over the barrier. team members were banging on your helmet. lance had managed p2 and came up behind you and hugged you, along with the team.
the podium was a blur. you could not describe the emotions you were feeling. pride, excitement, and most of all, happiness were swirling within you. you stood tall as aston martin's anthem played and even taller when yours sounded shortly after. the champagne spray was the best part. carelessly spraying lance as giggles sounded on the podium. you also sprayed your team below, this would not have been possible without them. you would never forget this moment. it is forever engraved into your mind.
this was it, this was what you needed to prove them all wrong.
not feeling super happy w this one. i like the beginning but i feel it gets away from me in the middle and end. feedback and requests are welcome! make sure to leave a comment and kudos as well, only if u want to tho! lmk if you like it :)
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bratzforchris · 2 months
little!matt having a panic attack during a podcast and cg!reader helping calm him down maybe?
Relax, Baby
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Summary: Anxiety can be really, really hard, but with your help, Matt knows he'll always be okay<3
Pairing: Little!Matt x gender neutral and caregiver!reader
Warnings: Panic attack
Word Count: 894
A/N: As always, age regression is a nonsexual and innocent coping mechanism. Also, I am not saying or assuming this is how Matt is irl. It's fiction. If you don't like it, don't read it :) Enjoy!
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Anxiety and panic attacks had been a struggle in Matt’s life for quite some time now. He always thought too much about how people felt about him and how he was perceived, which would usually lead to him having a rather bad panic attack. You had known this going into your relationship with the boy, and together, you two had worked to find a solution that would help him heal and calm down.
When you had first suggested the idea of age regression to Matt, he had heavily refused, insisting that he didn’t need to be babied. With some gentle coaxing, you had gotten him to just try it, only for Matt to realize just how much regressing helped. Allowing someone else to take the reins for a bit, while he went back to a peaceful, childlike state, was like a breath of fresh air. Whenever he slipped into littlespace, Matt could feel the tension leaving his body, especially when he cuddled up with you. But littles were people with big emotions, and on days like today, those emotions took over everything else. 
The triplets were getting ready to film a new episode for Cut the Camera, and Matt was less than excited. Nick and Chris had been getting on his nerves all morning, calling him things like ‘Miserable Matt’ and ‘Mumble Matt’. Normally, this wouldn’t really bother him and he’d just make a joke back, but today, he’d been feeling extra anxious since the moment he’d woken up. Matt sat in his chair in front of the mic, fiddling with the stuffed flamingo he kept there for comfort. His mind was anywhere but the episode; instead, he was thinking about you upstairs in your cozy, shared bedroom. You had been disinfecting his stuffed animals when he came downstairs to film, and all he wanted was to be cuddled up in your arms again, covered up with his woodland animals blanket, paci in his mouth, and Mr. Wrinkleton in his hand. 
“God, Matt,” Nick interjected. “Are you even paying attention?”
Matt flushed scarlet, his ears and cheeks going red. “Um…what was the question?” he asked quietly, biting at his cuticles. 
“Kid can’t even remember the question,” Chris rolled his eyes. “Too busy being ‘Miserable Matt’ to pay attention.”
“I’m not being miserable,” Matt huffed. “I was just thinking.”
“About your significant other treating you like a fucking baby? Don’t think we haven’t noticed.” Chris bit back. 
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Matt hastily pushed his chair back, already sobbing and struggling to breathe. He had been on the verge of panic all morning, and now that Chris had spewed his deepest secret on camera, there was no going back. The brunette ran up the stairs, trying not to hyperventilate as he burst through the bedroom door. You looked up from the desk where you were working, glancing at Matt’s huddled form on the bed, his body shaking with tears. 
“Honey, what’s wrong? I thought you guys were filming?” You asked, checking the time on your phone as you rushed to Matt’s side. 
Matt just sobbed, his wails ricocheting around the room. His hands had moved to tangle in his hair as he hyperventilated, eyes wide with panic. You could see it in Matt’s glazed over eyes that he wasn’t fully ‘there’, whether that be from the panic or from slipping into littlespace. Either way, you knew you had to help him. You gently removed Matt’s hands from his hair as he wailed, holding them softly. 
“Matt. You are panicking. You need to breathe,” You instructed, placing one of his hands on your chest. “In for four, out for four. Copy me.”
Matt tried his best to copy you, and his cries slowly reduced to little sniffles and hiccups as he latched onto you, thumb migrating to his mouth. “Hate Chris. Hate him.” he mumbled, suckling on his thumb as his babyspace lisp made an appearance. 
“Oh sweetheart,” You cooed sadly. “Is that what’s got you so upset?”
Your boy sniffled again, laying his head down on your shoulder. “Feels sicky.”
You pouted, knowing that Matt tended to get nauseous during and after a panic attack, and especially after a fight with his brothers. You didn’t ask what had gone on between him and Chris for fear of upsetting, but you knew the conversation would need to happen eventually. You just moved towards the bed, laying down with Matt and tucking him in next to you. You handed him his water bottle and Mr. Wrinkleton off the nightstand, watching for any signs of another impending panic attack. 
“Can you drink some water, baby? Just a little?”
Matt nodded, taking a few small sips, before cuddling up with his stuffed animal. A great yawn escaped his mouth as you handed him his blue, decorated pacifier that read ‘Baby Boy’ on it. It wasn’t long before your boy was cuddled into your side, snoring softly while clutching his stuffie and suckling away on his pacifier. You knew that you would have to find out what Chris had done in order to make Matt so upset, but for now, you just focused on cuddling the sleeping baby beside you.
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tags ♡: @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @bunny-cotton @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @not-phone-guy @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @faygo-frog @oobleoob @runasvengence @aemrsy
note ♡: my taglist is closed for the time being, thank you so much for your support 💐🧸🎀
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justblades · 1 year
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⟢ CHARACTERS : dan heng, gepard landau & sampo koski x gender neutral! reader WC : 1.4k
⟢ IN WHICH they celebrate your day in their own special way <3 tooth rotting fluff
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dan heng — beams a sweet smile as he fixes the little gift's wrapping that nestles in his gentle soft palms. he closes his eyes for a little while, envisioning your reaction once he finally gives the item he carefully prepared for you. although silent most of the time, dan heng is the type to pay attention to your preferences, your dislikes, almost everything that you babble about to him.
with his eidetic memory and meticulous nature, his present, without a doubt will cater to your liking. but apparently, two hands cover his eyes, making the male flinch from the sudden presence behind him. "oh, what could this be?" you query, scooting closer to the male, scrutinizing the gift box before him.
"wait, remove your hands first." dan heng protests as he attempts his best to gain his vision back. a chortle slips from your lips and eventually gave in, letting the male breathe free again without the restraints of your hands plastered on his face. he arises from his seat and hands you the gift, teal eyes glimmering with excitement although not that evident from his expression.
sometimes, a small smile from his lips and his long lashes fluttering are all you need to know his heart is brimming with happiness and excitement. dan heng is usually perceived as a cold yet nerdy type, it's actually a privilege you get to see him like this.
gepard — whisks the mixture carefully, having a full on chef look from the apron tightly wrapped around his snatched waist and a hand towel draped on the front pocket. aquamarine irises glancing from one dessert to another he intricately made for you, euphoria pools inside him - feeling satisfied with everything he did so far.
every dessert is different from the other in spite of each one belonging in the same category, he made sure that your taste buds won't cloy from eating too much sweets of the similar variety. the blonde male suddenly takes a trip down the memory lane, moments of when he tried to perfect each sweet dish flash in his mind.
with enough perseverance, he finally perfected the arts of it— thus, he calls you from your room, masculine yet gentle, affirming voice chiming into your ears from the other side of the wall. "coming!" you respond with such enthusiasm and once you got to meet up with your partner face to face, your eyes avert to the desserts prepared on the glossy tabletop.
pudding, ice cream, muffins, everything. the extra toppings were even in your favorite flavor, you also noticed how majority of the courses were also in your favorite color. a miniature doodle adorns the pudding's gleaming surface, supposedly a chibi version of you and gepard together bound by a small heart.
the doodle looked different yet adorable in its own way, baby pink hues flushing his pale cheeks. "it's not much but . ." you immediately cut him off by pressing a quick chaste kiss on his lips, "this is everything to me already. it's a lot, it's not 'not much'!" gepard's heartbeat picks up, embarrassed from how he looks disoriented in front of you. "i'm lucky to have you."
sampo — is usually deemed unreliable and a ridiculous person, leading you to doubting yourself how did you fall for someone like him. sometimes it's unbearable to hear people dissing him and even the male knows it well. however, he sports that usual smug look on his face and shrugs it off by saying "it's not a big deal."
you knew him very well so it was natural for you to not heed any mind to those comments. your perception of your boyfriend is always a 50/50 and never exceeding past that number. 50 of happy for having him, 50 of wanting to strangle him because he always does questionable things that irk you.
no matter the outcome, sampo never fails to grant him a saccharine smile from your lips. he has his ways to make you happy - but he might be crossing the line just now. today is your birthday but the male is nowhere to be seen, he was gone since yesterday and you couldn't help but heave a sloth sigh in the end.
traversing the boulder town with no particular plans in mind, you find yourself seeking companionship from whoever could improve your solitude in the streets. your eyes land on the moles and they do so too; hook trekks towards you followed with her other two playmates, curiosity glinting in her eyes. "huh? isn't it your day? where's your blue haired lover?"
kids can really rub salt on the wound sometimes and your nervously chuckle, "it's okay, he's probably busy." when suddenly, a confetti pops from above, glittering shiny paper shreds fall down in a horizontal blur from your sight. you quicly whip your head, your eyes greeted by the lush green ones- and the iconic cocky smile.
he bows lightly with a gloved hand on his chest, sampo gestures for you to look at your left and three unknown men make their entrance. one man was holding a bouquet of roses, one was holding a box of chocolates, and the remaining guy hands you an envelope, seemingly a handwritten letter for your lover. "i hope i'm not late." he says, holding your right hand and seals a lingering kiss on the back of your palm.
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my masterlist !
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spacebarbarianweird · 4 months
Astarion x Changeling!Tav P.2
Part 1
Sooo… Astarion breaks up with you, when he realizes you've been lying to him. But can you have a chance to mend things up?
You disappear the moment the tadpoles are gone.
Change your appearance to something completely opposite.
Into a half-elf man with short red hair.
Your new body resembles Astarion's.
His muscles, his pale skin, his manhood.
You take a new name and leave the city.
There is no way he can find you, and neither can you search for him.
But you can change the body as if it was a dress, but you can't change your personality.
You loved. You cared.
You fucked up.
You reach out to your former companions, asking where Astarion could go.
He is a monster hunter, basically solving the problem with vampires he created in the first place.
Well, there are other nasty and dangerous things he is keen on killing.
You change your face once again and pretend to be one of the clients who desperately needs to get rid of some fiend.
Astarion is here.
He is different now. His vampiric powers have returned to him.
He is unnaturally strong, can climb walls, and regenerates in a blink of an eye.
He knows who you are before you open your mouth.
"I want to see you. Not this mask."
You try to remember how you looked during your adventures. A woman. A human. Black hair. Green eyes.
Astarion is annoyed.
"Tav, stop this nonsense. I want to see the real you. Not the pretty dress you wore for me."
Does he want to see your true form?
Genderless, raceless, faceless?
First of all, it's like being naked in public.
Second… It's not like Changelings look pleasant in their true form.
"You owe me that, Tav. You had plenty of opportunities to tell me the truth, and, gods, you skipped every one of them. Do you think I would love you less if you showed your true self? You think I would forget everything you did to me? Show me who you truly are, and then we can talk."
You get rid of the mask and stay in front of Astarion as a changeling.
He carefully studies you as if you were some ghost.
Then, he asks.
How does it feel to change your form? What race and gender do you like more? Do you have preferable "bodies"? How do people perceive you? How do changelings recognize each other?
You answer each of his questions. Your voice is pale and dull, like the rest of you.
He takes your hand in his.
You feel like crying.
"Will you forgive me?" You ask.
"I have already forgiven." He replies, tugging you close to himself.
Oof, that was tense! I think now we need some domestic fluff of these two living their happily after
Tag List
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary
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moumouton4 · 2 months
Taking The Next Step || Dabi x reader
A/n : I really missed writing for my favorite dazing vilain
Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : No mention of gender for reader, in the beginning : verbal fight, tension, aggressiveness, but it eventually gets fluffy
Summary : Expressing his feelings isn't his strong suit. Though for you he would gladly do anything
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 886
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You are pinned against the wall, one of his hands heavily pressing your shoulder to the back, while his other hand hovers above your neck, successfully holding you flat against the cold surface of his secret apartment. You could feel his breath hitting your throat, with each stinging word he spat your way.
“Why can’t I just burn you ?!?” he raged. And indeed, the heat emanating from his body was so intense that you wonder if he, even through the layers of clothes, would be able to give you burn marks.
“Why can I burn you and all the feelings you have been growing inside me to ashes ?! Everything would be so much easier !” he continued lashing out.
If you didn't know better you would bet he was going to bite your throat off. But you have known him for so long you knew he wouldn’t actually be able to bring himself to hurt you. In fact the mere thought of something happening to you was unsettling to him.
He had dreaded this moment to come, the one when all his previous efforts to keep his feelings for you at bay, always pushing and burying them deep in the depths of his heart, will reveal itself powerless in the face of his overwhelming attachment to you. Call it love or whatever.
"I feel like I'm going crazy" he sighed, his blazing azure eyes only holding yours as intensely as ever.
He felt it in the depths of his being, like a lingering thought in the back of his head that told him again and again how addicted he was to you, just as you were to him. Truth be told, if you were anyone else, the question wouldn't have been asked twice. He would have been immolated without the slightest remorse, and everything would have been much easier - emotionally - for him to handle. Hell, if you weren't who you were, he'd never have looked at you and given you an ounce of his attention.
Keeping your gaze in his, you manage to perceive a hint of vulnerability swirling in his blue orbs. He soon found himself at a loss for words, for the simple reason that he couldn't go on spewing hatred and imaginary threats against you.
He released his grip on your throat, his hand descending to the small of your back. His breathing calmed and he let out a soft sigh before resting his head on your shoulder. You felt his hand trace circles on your visible skin, a testament to his inner turmoil.
"I-I can't stand being here without..." his grip on your waist tightened a little "... without you anymore" his voice carried an apprehension foreign to his personality.
For a moment, you didn't realize what he had just said. Running your hand through his ebony locks, you gently scratched his scalp where the white roots of his true color emerged, as if to urge him to express himself again.
"I want you to come here with me... so I can make sure everything's all right" he mumbled, as if afraid you would reject him, as if you hadn't proved your loyalty time and again, even after learning about his past.
You smiled, pushing his head a little closer against your neck. He just wanted to ask you if you wanted to take the next step and move in with him. Things had changed a lot by now, and while the final blow was about to fall on the villains, Dabi only wanted one thing : to have you close to him, where he knew he could protect you.
"Of course I do" you pulled away a little and kissed his cheek tenderly "Besides, I spend so much time here that it's as if I already lived here"
Relieved by your answer, a small smile formed on his lips. He buried his face against your neck, nuzzling against it. You were about to wrap your arms around him, but he took you by surprise and carried you bridal style against his chest, his step confident as he steered you towards the couch. 
Adjusting his grip around you, to make sure you were comfortable as he sat down, he lowered his gaze to you "It's the only way I feel complete" he mumbled so quietly you would have sworn it was a dream.
"But you already are, Toya" you whispered his real name, which always held a conforting aura over him, placing your hand against his cheek, which he leaned against.
He didn't even dare speak for fear his voice would give away too much of his feelings, he just squinted his eyes, acknowledging your words. But you could feel it in his grip that your words meant the world to him. You could see it in his gaze that he was thanking you for accepting.
"Thank you for considering having me here" you replied.
Sometimes words didn't matter in the face of the strength of your relationship. In the end, it was the others who had to watch out, because now Dabi was going to become even more protective over you and if he were to learn that anyone in this town would even look at you the wrong way, they would understand why they say blue flames are more devastating than red ones.
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detransition · 6 months
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Many trans people talk about dysphoria as if it is some mysterious thing, that cannot possibly be comprehended by others. Having experienced gender dysphoria, I actually think it is a very ordinary thing. It is the discrepancy between how one would like the world to be and how the world is. You want your body to be one way, and it is a different way. You want to be treated in one way and you are treated in a different way. You want to be seen in one way, and you are seen a different way. This is really a universal experience, shared by all human beings. I find it helpful to see that, it helps to create empathy and compassion, rather than separation and isolation. It then follows that anything that increases the gap between how you would like the world to be and how it is will increase dysphoria and anything that decreases that gap will decrease dysphoria. Frequently, people report that when they come to a point of identifying as transgender rather than questioning, their dysphoria increases rather than decreases. This is not surprising because they have increased the gap between how they would like the world to be and how the world is. Now being seen as your birth sex hurts more, because you have solidified your idea of being otherwise. The pain of being misgendered increases greatly after taking steps to transition because you have committed to the idea of the world seeing you as the gender you identify with, and they don’t. The more rigid these ideas, the more suffering that there is. When faced with the challenge of the world being different than you would like it to be, there are two things that you can do to reduce that gap. One is to change the world so that it is more to your liking and the other is to accept the world as it is. It is like the classic serenity prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.” When it comes to gender, there are things you can change it is true, you can change your hormones, you can have surgery, you can change your name, you can change the way you behave in the world. However, you cannot completely change your sex, you cannot control the perceptions of others. Not accepting those two facts, will lead to endless suffering. I remember having dysphoria that was so severe. It was very important to me that everyone perceive me as female. Whenever this failed in some way I would create some rationalization for why it happened. Sometimes that wasn’t possible, and I would go into a tailspin. I even moved to a place where people were less trans aware in order to attempt to be perceived as female. That didn’t work either. I wanted the world to be other that it was. I still had body dysphoria after surgery because I wanted my body to be other than it was. The only way out, was the path of acceptance. That was what helped to let go of dysphoria, not changing my body, not attempting to convince everyone I was born female, not attempting to convince myself that I was female in every way. You can change your body or not, but without the acceptance, the dysphoria will not go away. If you are dependent on other’s perceiving you a certain way, that won’t work either, because you do not control the perceptions of others. This acceptance is essential for any path through this maze, whether transitioning or not, going on hormones or not, having surgeries or not. So why not start with that first? I know for myself, if I had practiced this acceptance first, I would have not needed to change my body. I am not sure what is true for you, but I do know we all need to confront the fact the world is other than we would like it to be.
from thirdwaytrans | thinking of detransition? you are not alone
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fire-lizard-ro · 4 months
AGHHHHHHH lately ive been thinking about sunday with a reader thats like him personality wise and their relationship is both trying to assert control over one another as a friendly rivalry but to other people its like gosh get a room
No mentioned gender for reader, so this is gn reader.
yyyEEESSSSS- I love that, hehe. It's always fun to talk about this sort of thing. A relationship where many cannot tell if the two of you hate each other or just have an odd way of flirting. Maybe it's both? Maybe it's neither~ They'll never know, and you'll never tell. But of course, even if you don't say it aloud the two of you understand each other and what the relationship is that you share. It's a delicate dance of attempting to perceive each other's intentions with every interaction and countering what plans the other may have come up with to try and get a one up on the other. While some may consider this exhausting to maintain, the two of you love it. It's something you two can't get from anyone else but each other. This battle of wits and skill is just for the two of you.
It’s a lot of veiled insults that sound like the two of you are just pleasantly conversing, but there’s almost an intimidating aura around the two of you that would likely suggest otherwise. And backhanded compliments. Plenty of those. The two of you sometimes try to have competitions, seeing which one of you can basically gaslight the most people at an event or will try to actively convince a “target” of the opposite idea whilst the other person is trying to convince them of theirs.
There’s also the fact that you two like to try and see who slips up first. The attempts to manipulate each other are always met with almost light-hearted laughter. “A good try, but not quite~” he would tease with that charming smile of his.
Despite all this… You two always seem to be together? If you want to find one, you have to find the other. Can’t find Sunday? They ask where you’re at. Can’t find you? They ask where Sunday is. And the two of you are always standing oddly close together, the two of you often leaning in as you speak. There is an undeniable tension there that everyone is incredibly confused about. Aeons above get a room already! Is what they would say if not for the fact that they aren’t sure if they want the two of you and your combined attention to be focused on them.
How you two interact away from the prying eyes of others is always up for questioning, but of course- No one actually asks. And so they are always left wondering every time they see the two of you together.
Sorry I couldn't come up with more! This sort of ask is a bit harder for me even though I love these concepts. OTL
And sorry if this isn't quite what you meant! I just wrote based on what I assumed you meant but if not, always feel free to send in another request~
Thank you for sending this in!
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s41l0rm00nz · 1 year
hiii love your drabbles <3
i was wondering if you could write a remus lupin x shy!reader where he make her give him head in public
what ever you're comfortable with! thanks x
om- i love this request and i hope you love this js as much!! ty for requesting <33 srry for the wait i’ve been busy xx
(reader is gender neutral and perceived as submissive)
cw: public sex (remus n reader almost get caught), oral sex (male recieving), remus is a lil mean
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in the common room of gryffindor, it seems the sun always shines in the right place, and that's exactly what remus thinks when the sun shines directly on your spit-covered face.
he's leaned back, manspreading on his love seat. his eyes are hooded, grinning when he pushes your head down too far.
after lunch, you have a free period, and for once the common room is empty. despite knowing it's possible to be caught by anyone at any moment, you don't care when remus is the only eye on you.
“fuck- you probably wanted this, hm?” your head is shoved deep down his cock, your nose touching his trimmed pubic hair. he revels in the way you gag on him, tears welling in your eyes. “you want me to bully you like this. when anyone could walk in.” his words are taunting, a false frown on his face as he sits your head in the same spot, using his other hand to wipe your tears then pulling your head off.
your lips are swelled, your cheeks puff up more than usual, and your lashes glisten with tears. remus loves you like this, not even being too sorry about your knees.
“m’sorry rem, didn’t mean to make you mad-“ your apologies are futile. remus just sticks his tip in your mouth before you could utter another word.
“shh, keep this up and i’ll cum soon, yeah?” he shudders as you suck on his red tip, hands grabbing your hair as he guides you up and down his cock. he hisses and grunts at your hollowed cheeks, bucking his hips upwards to stuff his cock further.
he grows impatient, although the feeling was nice he needed release.
his movements sped up, hands gripping your head harder while his thrust became more sharp. the feeling could give you whiplash, but you stayed strong. trying to breathe out of your mouth when you hear a door open from up the stairs.
remus stops for a second, clearly hearing the incoming students before continuing.
“m’gonna cum soon lovey, keep bein’ good f’me.” he flashes a grin, bobbing your head faster. he tries to silent his moans, if anything he could just quickly utter a few spells before they arrived at the stairs but truly where’s is the fun in that?
you feel him twitch in your mouth. he stuff your head all the way down again, your nose twitching from being tickled is what you think about for a second before his cum shoots down your throat.
you sit there for a litte, taking it all just in time for them to round the corner towards the stairs. he quickly pulls you off and stuffs his cock back in his boxers, resting your head against his thigh and muttering a quick ‘swallow.’
a group of boys emerge down the stairs, shooting remus a ‘hi’ then noticing you. you looks demolished, eyes heavy and you’re panting. they can’t help but notice the way the sun lights up your wet face and a hint of white at the corner of your mouth before choosing not to question it, walking out of the common room as they shoot each other a few looks.
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nothorses · 9 months
Question about your points on the post about TERFs vs TIRFs you made bc it has me questioning a lot of the stuffI've been taught:
Why is it TERF ideology to think that women are oppressed by the patriarchy? Why is it TERF ideology to be intimidated by men if you’ve been a victim of sexual violence at the hands of men? Women (both trans and Cis) face so much violence all over the world, why is it radical feminism to acknowledge that?
I’m genuinely curious because I want to deconstruct any harmful biases but it feels incredibly harmful to dismiss violence against women under the guise of “talking about this is all radfem ideology”.
I'm glad you're asking these questions, and I'm glad you're being critical about that post!
You're absolutely right that it would be harmful to "dismiss violence against women under the guise of “talking about this is all radfem ideology”- and I don't want anyone to take that whole list as A New Set Of Rules without thinking any further about it.
The point of that list was not to say "all of this is Bad", but rather to lay out some logical through-lines and how these ideas all work together to reach harmful conclusions.
Any radicalization pipeline relies on a kind of "rabbithole", or as @psychoticallytrans recently called it, "milk before meat". The idea is that you're given the "easy" stuff first, the stuff that is or feels right, and then those ideas steadily lead into more and more extreme ideas.
Women are oppressed by the patriarchy, and pretty much every branch of feminism is going to agree with you there; that's not a radfem-only idea. What distinguishes radfems from the rest is that they believe "the patriarchy" is embodied by every single living man; every man is The Patriarchy, and every man oppresses every woman. No woman can oppress a man, no woman can harm a man... etc.
You can see where we lose the plot here: is the patriarchy a system, or is it every single man? Who, then, do we count as men? How old is a man? What about other intersecting forms of oppression?
One of my go-to questions to ask, when taking a critical look at some of these ideas, is: under this ideology, are white women oppressed by black men? How? Can white women do harm to black men? How would this ideology answer these questions, and how would they (do they) deal with the archetype of the "Karen"; a white woman using her white womanhood to enact violence on black men through state institutions of white supremacy, like law enforcement? (Hint: radfems tend to complain that "Karen" is strictly a misogynistic insult.)
To answer your other two questions:
Why is it TERF ideology to be intimidated by men if you’ve been a victim of sexual violence at the hands of men?
(For context:)
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Short answer: it isn't.
Long answer: My point here was to outline the way that the "inherent woman trauma and justified fear of all men" is weaponized against trans women, first and foremost, but there's more nuance here as well.
There is a difference between a traumatic response that you cannot control and need time to heal from, and a fear being actively encouraged as "justified" and "accurate" by those around you. There is a difference between exercising practical caution (even if you shouldn't have to), and fueling paranoia and a fear of the outside world. There is a difference between grappling with your own personal healing process after a traumatic event, and generalizing a traumatic response to the entire world & everyone in it.
Some people's trauma after a sexual assault latches onto the gender of the person who hurt them. That is understandable. Some people, knowing they are perceived as women, take extra precautions to ensure their safety from potential sexual assault and harassment at the hands of, predominately, cis and straight men. That is understandable. But when that translates to "you should fear all men at all times because any of them can and will rape you given any opportunity to do so", we have a problem.
Again, we should be asking: does this ideology make room for other forms of oppression? Can white women oppress black men? How does this interact with the racist stereotype of the sexually aggressive and dangerous black man? How does this ideology deal with the history of white women accusing black men of sexual assault in order to sic white men and police on them & enact state violence, as well as reinforce white supremacy? (And more! What about trans women and trans lesbians, in particular? Are trans men seen as sexual aggressors instead, if not them? Is either remotely accurate to reality?)
Women (both trans and Cis) face so much violence all over the world, why is it radical feminism to acknowledge that?
This is mostly answered by the above, but again, the short answer here is that it isn't radical feminism to acknowledge misogyny or misogynistic violence.
What is radical feminism is that idea that this violence is enacted by individual men, and not patriarchy as a system of oppression. What is radical feminism is the idea that misogyny is the ultimate form of oppression, and that others only "intersect" in niche circumstances (if at all) that do not need to be included in the majority of these conversations.
In radical feminism, black women's oppression is its own conversation, trans women's oppression is its own conversations, and we can handwave things like "Karens" by saying that's about racism; we don't need to make room for it in feminist theory. When trans-inclusive radfems say "if men could get pregnant", and trans men say "we can", they can respond "you know what we meant"- because they don't believe they need to make space for transphobia in feminist theory.
Another good test: when radfems talk about sexual assault as a woman-specific issue, and transmascs point out that statistically, we face higher rates of sexual assault than cis or trans women (or any other demographic), TERFs will say that's because it's "sex-based oppression" & ignore that our rates are higher, because there's no room for transphobia in their feminism. Trans-inclusive radfems will deny that it's true or important in the first place, because men can't be "more oppressed" than women.
It's not radical feminism to acknowledge misogyny and patriarchy. It is radical feminism to ignore everything else.
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grendel-menz · 2 months
I agree with what anon said about the song and your voice! I was thinking a gravelly, higher-pitched alto… my jaw dropped when I actually heard it! Made me wonder if you like your voice? Do you feel like it matches you? I wonder if it hinders people’s perception of your gender identity or like, makes it more difficult for people to perceive you as masculine because of it?
And I agree with the other stuff too—you sound like a natural singer! I think there are definitely people who would listen to your music, me included!!
Ooo this is such an interesting question!
I think as a kid/teenager I definitely had some anxiety and dysphoria about the way I looked and sounded - I thought a lot about going on T and having surgery and all that, but both because of where and how I live and being broke nothing like that ever ended up happening. At first I was upset and bitter about it, but then I began to build up more confidence in myself as a person and more sure in my identity. Honestly, I'm like 5' and the men in my family can't grow body hair or anything so even if I had done something with my hormones or top surgery I don't think it'd have been worth it for me personally.
Then when I was 20 or so I started researching precolonial ideas around gender and presentation and how things were seen and really became content with myself - my identity became based on my philosophy and politics and the role I want to play in my communities rather than my physical presentation. I don't care if people see me as a girl or whatever else because it's not going to change whether or not I hold doors open for women, etc etc.
Also it's like! I'm so lucky to have the body I have and the life I have, and I have better things to do then nitpick my own self how other people perceive me. (Also this is just my approach to myself, not everyone will have the same journey and all that!).
Also thank you ;_;... I am not confident in my singing or song making but I wanna do everything ever so I am in the process of putting some of my music up on spotify.
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ghostlyforxst · 1 year
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GENDER: Gender Neutral Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere Tendencies, Inappropriate Language, Snake creatures (nagas), punishments, and Mentions of Gore
CHARACTERS: Bakugo Katsuki & kirishima eijirou
A/N- it's random, short oneshots with headcannons. In my opinion, uhm, it helps get more written and more for you all to read. So, enojoy and posses my inbox with your ghostly desires!
Ps. @officialabortive asked for pt. 2! Letting you all know Tumblr is not allowing me to reply or comment on any post, I'm not ignoring yall! If you have question or anything, the best way to get ahold of me is through my messages or inbox!
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The two serpents cradled you, brushing past the leafy undergrowth as both approached their nest. Your lip quivered, crying, and squirming in their grasp. You needed to get home, even if your parents were no longer with you, it was better than being with them.
"So restless," Kirishima cooed, "we're close to the den."
"I don't want to be at your stupid den!" You grunted, your fist pummeling against his chest. "I want to go to my home!"
"That's not nice," He glowered.
"You're not nice," you sneered, "you took me away from home and killed my parents!"
Bakugo whirled around and snarled, "You're acting like a fucking brat, brats get punishments and apparently that's what you need!"
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU disciplining you by lashing you with their tail or leaving you out of the nest to suffer from the chilled air that nipped at your skin, teaching you that you need them—who's going to keep you warm if they're not there?
*•.¸✧PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO tends to chasten you the most, you reckoned, but both equally discipline you. Kirishima is just the more lenient one.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU pampering you after each punishment; cuddling, assuring each other that you won't do what you did again, tickling your face with kisses, and et cetera.
Their soft snores and murmurs were still perceivable, thankfully, since you had managed to detach yourself from the grasp of their twitchy tails. You smiled, short of breath, and tread towards the entrance of the hollow tree—this was your opportunity.
You peered your shoulder, their snoozing silhouettes had stayed motionless.
"It'll be okay," you whispered.
You stepped out into the night and made a run for it, haven't a clue which direction your massacred village was. You couldn't be bothered by that because you were going to be elsewhere, gone from their suffocating presence. You tore through the foliage, your bare feet becoming tender and your breathing becoming ragged, eager to escape. A heartening feeling fluttering within your chest, but then only to be vanquished when hearing the low hissing and crunching of leaves from behind. You yelped, bawling, being plucked from the ground.
"Where the hell did you think you were going, huh!?" Bakugo hollered, furiously.
"Let me go, Let me go, Let me go!" You screamed, repeating as you clawed at his hands.
"You'll learn to accept and love us as your parents, give it time." Kirishima assured, coming from behind Bakugo.
"No, the both of you are delusional. I'm not your son/daughter and you'll never be my parents, I hate you!"
Bakugo's chest rumbled angrily and Kirishima whined dismally. You knew after those words, you were in trouble.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO hauling you back to their den, scolding you the whole way, and tossing you roughly into their nest.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU punishing you by scourging you with the small of their tail, three lashes for each of them, and a scolding from Bakugo immediately followed after.
*•.¸✧. PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU never trusting you by yourself again, one is always with you or a person they trust is with you.
A month, a month of feeding the two nagas delusions of being your parents. Your spirit and resistance had been demolished. To them you were progressing, recuperating various of their affections. You haven't even tempted to make an escape again, being able to trust you to take you outside.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU sunbathing on a sizable rock, you snuggling between them. Even if you were drenched in sweat and complaining that you were hot, but that's if they did not feel like moving.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU floating in the river having you rest on one of their chest when the summer days were sweltering.
You and Kirishima splashing each other while Bakugo is preparing lunch for all of you.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU trying to teach you how to hunt, but your standing dumbfounded or crying because bakugo killed a rabbit.
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You turned away, pushing Bakugo's hand away, refusing to eat the raw meat.
"You need to eat," Bakugo urged.
Three days, three days since you've been taken and three days since you haven't eaten. The two captures were worried, they could only get you to eat the fruit they've forage for.
"Why not!?" Kirishima asked, panicking.
"It's uncooked."
"Stop being picky and eat it!" Bakugo frowned, shoving the bloody meat towards you.
You turned a deaf ear and scooted away from him.
Bakugo huffed, "Fine, you can starve!"
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO learning human recipes to be able to get your 'picky' self to eat.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO loving the pleased hums and praises you give him after eating his food.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO making sure his ingredient are the best and freshest for his little snakling. Kirishima will start their own little garden of vegetables and herbs, getting you to partake in it for some quality time.
You look between the two, watching as Bakugo and Kirishima bicker over a name for you.
You loured before suggesting your name, "what about Y/n?"
The two halted and pondered on the name before nodding their heads.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU agreeing on your name because that's what you wanted.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU before deciding on your was going to name you [favorite other name]
*•.¸✧ CHILD READER conflicted with themselves, despising the uneasiness of being alone. Though calling out for Kirishima and Bakugo, but silence greeting them.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU coming back from hunting to find you distressed, triggering their primal instincts to protect and them hastily asking questions.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU baffled when you leaped into their arms, finally addressing them as your papas.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU feeling euphoric when hearing those words from your mouth and praising you there and then.
"Such a good little snakling you are, our baby."
"We're so proud of you!"
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
Things commonly asked while questioning one's gender
Here are some questions you may ask yourself if you are in the process of questioning your gender; if these questions have occurred to you, or create a dialogue or reaction in you, you could possibly have an experience that falls under the trans* umbrella. PLEASE note that NONE of these are REQUIREMENTS for being trans- people have asked me to lay out some basic questions you can ask yourself or a checklist and this is what i've come up with so far:
Does being called by my birth name bother me? would i be happier going by a different name of a different gender or a different name somehow?
Do the pronouns assigned with my birth gender feel inaccurate somehow? would i be happier if i changed my pronouns? does the gender marker assigned to me on licenses and IDs bother me or feel inaccurate?
Does the way other people address me affect me? does the way other people perceive me and assign gendered terms and roles to me in passive conversation bother me? does it bother me that people treat me like a "man" or "woman" when that's not how i feel? does it bother me when people aggressively call me sir, ma'am, lady, man, sister, brother, etc.
When engaging in roleplay or thought exercises, do i find myself naturally envisioning myself as a different gender, or creating characters of a different gender because it feels more safe, natural or comfortable to me while doing thought exercises or fantasizing? do i find that it comes easily to me to put myself in the shoes of another gender, perhaps even moreso than my agab?
Do I find myself relating to one gender moreso than others whenever I engage with fiction? do I find that I wish I could be a lot more like characters of a certain gender ? Do I find that it's easier to project myself on to characters of a different gender?
Do i feel trapped, uncomfortable, upset, irritated, or freaked out when other people comment on how feminine or masculine i am? do i feel like they are wrong in how they see me? do i feel uncomfortable when separated by genders with my peers? do i feel alienated when assigned to be partnered up with one gender but more at home with another? do i feel as though i'm forced to use the incorrect gendered spaces like restrooms?
Would i feel better or more free if i tried to look for different clothing? do the clothes i wear now feel wrong, restrictive, uncomfortable, or in some other way like they are not mine or do not suit me?
Do i wish my voice were lower or higher? does my internal view of how my voice should sound match how it does, and do i feel like i should change that to feel more comfortable and safe, or more like myself?
Do i wish my body were different in some way? does my internal view of how i look match how my body looks? is there something that's wrong or makes me feel uncomfortable? is there something that would make me happier if i changed it, like my musculature, fat distribution, facial structure, hair growth, and so on? do i feel as though something is missing, or needs to go?
Do I feel as though the genders described to me by others just don't fit? do i feel as though i just cannot fit into the boxes of male and female? do i feel as though no matter what gender i try to identify with , it is still inaccurate? do i find that i have an experience with a gender, but it's nothing like how most other people describe their experiences?
Do i wish that i could have more freedom in my presentation and identity? would being able to change my identity on occasion be more beneficial to me? is it too difficult for me to nail down an exact identity and it would be easier for me to identify with a more nebulous term like genderlessness? do overly rigid pre-defined genders or presentations make me feel trapped or left out?
Would i feel more comfortable if i were the one defining the terms i identify with as opposed to other people assigning them to me based upon how i look, sound and act?
Do i feel as though it is not possible for me to be cis no matter what way i try to present or which genders i identify with?
Do I find myself naturally looking up to gender non conforming, trans, nonbinary and other queer people in general? do i find that the way they go about presenting their genders and interacting with gender makes more sense than how cis people approach gender?
this is not an attempt at a diagnostic tool, nor is it required for you to experience ALL of these things, or even most of them. every trans person experiences something different. i'm presenting a list of common questions people ask themselves while questioning their gender. we will continue to add as we think of things
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