#pluto placements
lunaa007 · 1 year
Astrology observations #1
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Welcome to my first astrology observations!
I’m in no way a professional astrologer, this is purely for fun. Take only what resonates with you! I'm happy to discuss these points further in the comments :)
♦️ Leo mars live for the praise. They love words of affirmation, especially in bed 😏 They call the attention effortlessly when exercising, dancing or other mars-related activities. But they might not always like this.
♦️ Chiron 1st house can be very insecure about their appearance if they don’t work to heal this. I know someone with this placement that hates mirrors as they never liked what they saw. But it gives great potential to heal and help others regarding these issues.
♦️ Sagittarius mars people could regularly need new experiences in their sexual life. They might be open to try everything once “just to see”, and they might lean less toward monogamy than other mars placements.
♦️ Moon in the 6th house might be more sensitive to anxiety as their emotions lie in the house of daily life and routine. So they might have to deal with their emotions on a daily basis. They might need regular physical movement and consistent routines to feel regulated and content.
♦️ Pluto conjunct MC might hate posting on social media as they could feel exposed and vulnerable if they do. They might have an intense need to keep their life private.
♦️Mercury conjunct/square/opposite Pluto might swear a lot, or at least more than what they were taught was okay. If their education was very strict they might swear only when surprised, like if they get hurt or forget something.
♦️Venus in 10th house or conjunct MC can work in the fashion or makeup industry and be known for their beauty and sense of aesthetics.
♦️Saturn in Aquarius could have interest or talents in Uranian fields such as astrology or technology. They might be motivated to work towards social causes. They also could have an emotionally distant outlook on life.
♦️Lilith conjunct Ascendant create strong reactions everywhere they go. They are provocative without trying. People can get easily obsessed with them as they exude tremendous sex appeal. But they can also get very aggressive and negative reactions towards them without any reason.
♦️Mars square pluto absolutely need to channel their energy and anger into exercise and breath work. Martial arts is the best for them. If they don't control this energy it can get dangerous for themselves and even for others in extreme cases. But if they learn to control this tremendous force, they can achieve incredible things.
♦️Venus square Saturn can have a lot of difficulties with their self-worth, which affects their relationships. If you have a low self-esteem you will settle for less than you deserve. Once they have sufficiently worked on themselves and on their self esteem, they can find great love. This doesn't mean it can't come early but it might be more challenging. However, Saturn delays but never denies. They are not doomed and will find love (this depends also on other placements and aspects).
♦️Moon in Taurus can have a very calming and healing aura. People feel at peace when with these natives, especially when hugging. They are very grounded and stable, which is felt by others and is very reassuring. However, they can be stubborn at times as Taurus is a fixed sign.
♦️Mars in the 12th house could be passive aggressive sometimes as they do not recognise their own anger and never really learn how to control it. They might have sudden outbursts which can take the people around them by surprise.
♦️Sun opposite Moon can have a difficult relationship with their mother. They can feel that their mother's personality is the complete opposite of them and that they are not understood by her. Other aspects to the moon can come accentuate this or make it easier.
♦️Pisces Mars often have a talent for dancing. One of my best friends has this placement and she is a professional contemporary dancer. Her movements are so graceful, it really looks like water moving. Mars at a pisces degree (12°, 24°) can have a gift for dancing also to a lesser extent.
♦️Pluto in the 9th house can bring transformations and soul evolutions when traveling overseas, studying a higher education or moving abroad.
Thank you for reading ❤️
© lunaa007
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janesgms · 6 months
Plutonian Women
(and unraveling their destiny)
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This post can be quite messy because I only wanted to share my thoughts on this topic. Do not take all of this as my absolute truth because these are things that I've thought for quite a while seeing it in my life and personally too.
Something I've realized lately is that Plutonian Women go through unique situations that set them apart from other people. And in this case, I'm refering to women only and not men because this is based on my experience, and you all know that energies manifest differently according to the gender so I'm not gonna afirm this also apply to men when I haven't seen it in my world, also, as we are tired of seeing, women are treated differently from men in our society so we cope with things differently.
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Firstly, I wanted to talk about placements that make a woman Plutonian in my opinion (when I say "Plutonian", I mean someone who is heavily affected by Pluto in their natal chart), but you can relate to this post whether you have some of these aspects or not, so share your experiences with me, I'd love to know!
🔮 1H/5H/8H/10H Pluto.
🔮 0° Pluto.
🔮 Pluto in water degrees (bonus points if there are aspected placements who are also in water degrees).
🔮 Pluto aspecting big 6 (specially harsh aspects: conjunction, opposition, square, contra-parallel / also specially the luminaries - sun, moon - and mars).
🔮 Pluto in the same personal planets/asc.
🔮 Pluto aspects to outer planets in case it's also aspecting big 6.
🔮 I think Pluto aspect BM Lilith/Chiron can also play a part in this.
🔮 Scorpio Pluto if it's conjuncting or heavily aspecting other placements.
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What distincts a Plutonian Woman from the rest is their gravitational energy that pulls you in like a black hole, and as intensely as one. Their eyes hold a shadow of their past traumas and occasions but with a touch of mystery that makes you wonder what they went through in their lives. Their stare is heavy and filled with emotions (let's not forget Pluto still rules a water sign).
I don't like to condemn people for their placements, but I think Plutonian Women came to this life to suffer a lot before gaining what they want and deserve, and this seemingly infinite cycle of pain will only end when they learn how to cope healthily with things of life. One of the reasons why they go through so much is their way of seeing and feeling. Plutonian Women feel things in almost a transcendental way, they feel intensely and with this, they can put themselves through "unnecessary" situations when not careful. They're also prone to self destructive behavior, their heart usually puts a dark veil in their thoughts when their emotions come crashing in like a hurricane. Their pain is the embodiment of "female rage", when they cry hard, it's a mix of anger, sadness, sorrow and everything that they were holding back from a while - because they do hold emotions - but they can't run away from their deepest parts, and one day everything overflows and they can finally reborn from that suffering; the music "Pretty When You Cry" describes them perfectly, because they're indeed pretty when they cry and crying frees them in a way, and a lot of people actually like to seem them suffer? Plutonian Women attract questionable men or women (romantically), because they're almost like a beautiful show to watch, and these men/women like them best when they're falling apart, but manipulation can arise and fool them (they should be careful with 12H synastry specifically, the apparently good ones can actually be the wolf in sheep's clothes).
But back to the way Plutonian Women perceive the world, they are actually fragile at heart, but they try to hide it at all costs, they have a pure heart who could be derranged due to childhood/romantic/any other issues but who has no bad intentions most of the times. I think of them as victims of situations they have no control of since young.
However, to be more positive, I'd like to say that this is not a death sentence at all. Indeed, death is the right word to describe Plutonian Women because they die all the time (figuratively speaking, but literal death can be very present in their life too) and they are reborn as better people. Unfortunately, justice or karma is not much on their side because the world can be a place very unfair most of the times, but I think this is due the fact that they souldn't focus on revenge or negative thoughts, even though they can do it a lot as a way of thinking as a "justice". But the message they should learn is that they should focus on getting better, prettier, wiser, smarter instead of losing energy thinking on lower vibrational people.
The truth is that Plutonian Women are the defintion of a a Phoenix, if you do them wrong, you can be sure that they will gain their dignity back and get back stronger than ever, even with a "fragile" heart as I said, they have a malicious mind that protects this side of them; and also, once they apparently heal their deepest and oldest wounds, it gets harder and harder to break their shell, but if you were capable of doing so, just know that you opened all of them and made the Plutonian suffer all again and go to hell and back.
Overall, the word that describes them best is "raw" because this is what they truly are (in the best way possible lol). Due to this, they can attract a lot of hate - similar to lilith women and specially if they are also lilith "dominant" - from people who don't understand their beauty or actions, because their beauty is truly sharp, hypnotizing, dark and undescribable, furthermore, their actions are particularly unique and most of the times hide their intentions, they never do something significant without thinking first. They ultimstely search for what's beyond the surface, when in love, they wanna know your soul and more, they despise flings, they wanna get to know the depths of their s/o's being, they love hard but also get heartbroken hard when it happens. Academically, they like to be strategic and hardworking when they see it's worth the work, they can be perfectionist because they're hard on themselves most of the times. So, afterall, what's their destiny? Their destiny is to feel accepted and comfortable in their own skin, to get over their traumas and allowing themselves to be better, to let go of toxic people and surroundings, to not engage in toxic relationships anymore, to free themselves from karmic debts and to be finally happy.
Plutonian Women probably feel a deep connection with spirituality, astrology, pstchology, crying, darkness, mystery, the unknown, black/red/purple/dark blue, sad and profound songs, the night, dark places in general, mourning, wakes, death celebrations, soul level bonds and conversations.
Plutonian Women are masterpieces who deserve more from the world and people, they've gone through a lot and they should be 100% respected, sending a lot of love to all of you ❤️‍🔥
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Hey guyssss, I missed posting actual posts here but I wasn't feeling inspired lately. But I'm back!!! I hope you guys understand my point of view and I typed this with all my heart because I was based on my personal experiences and people around me's experiences. I was thinking in also making a post about Lilith Women since I also have a lot to say about that either ! Thanks for the support and see you later or sooner 💋 Also in case you noticed I didn't focused in scorpio placements here because I think they work differently (I just don't know how to explain this difference tbh, so I focused on actual Pluto)
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astrojulia · 1 year
From the Underworld to the Surface: Your Connection to the Unseen World
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I want to acknowledge that my perspective on this topic may be biased, but I'd like to share the reason why I write these kinds of posts, like I always like to point my point of view to other people who wants to know a little more. Pluto represents the underworld and themes related to death. Growing up in a family with umbanda as our religion, I learned to connect with the unseen world through the dead. I believe this is a common experience for many Brazilians, and our intuition and divination practices are closely tied to spirits, ancestors, and other intangible forces.
In this post, I aim to explore the connection between our intuition and the spiritual realm, using Pluto and its placement in the different astrological houses as a lens. In my view, Pluto's influence is highly relevant to spirituality and the mysteries of the unseen world.
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Pluto in the 1st house: You have a natural inclination towards detecting subtle energies and hidden truths in your surroundings. Your piercing intuition allows you to see through facades and uncover what lies beneath the surface. You are someone who is not content with superficial explanations and always seeks to uncover deeper layers of meaning. Even when you are by yourself, you may experience a sense of being guided by an inner voice that communicates without words. This voice is your intuition, which can be both directive and forceful. You may feel a sense of urgency when your intuition speaks to you, as if you are being pushed to take action. You are a powerful agent of transformation, both for yourself and for those around you, and your presence can be both unsettling and captivating.
Pluto in the 2nd house: You have a heightened sensitivity to psychic energies that can manifest as inner voices or thoughts. These voices may have a distinct quality that feels different from your own internal monologue, and you may sometimes struggle to discern whether they originate from within yourself or from an external source. They sound alluring, almost sensual. You may have a natural talent for divination or other forms of psychic exploration, and may be drawn to exploring the mysteries of the unseen world, it’s like you want to make the “underworld” tangible in your life. At times, this sensitivity can be overwhelming, but it also gives you a unique perspective on the workings of the universe and the nature of reality.
Pluto in the 3rd house: You have a powerful extrasensory perception that allows you to pick up on subtle energies in your immediate environment. This heightened awareness can be both a blessing and a curse, as it may cause you to feel overwhelmed by the thoughts and emotions of those around you. However, it also gives you a unique ability to tune into the underlying currents of communication and receive information from unexpected sources. You may find that insights arrive to you at unexpected times, such as through casual conversation, overheard conversations, or even through automatic writing or other forms of divination. Your ability to access hidden information can be a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding, as well as for navigating the complexities of the world around you.
Pluto in the 4th house: Your psychological foundations are deeply intertwined with your intuitive and psychic abilities. You have a natural magnetism that attracts subtle energies and hidden truths, and may find yourself drawn to exploring the mysteries of the spiritual realm. Your connection to the unseen world is supported by a team of spirit guides who are always ready to offer protection, guidance, and warnings as needed. You may have a strong sense of home and family, and may feel a deep connection to your ancestral roots or the traditions of your culture. However, you may also experience intense emotional upheavals or power struggles within your family or domestic sphere, which can be a catalyst for personal transformation and growth. Through your connection to the spiritual realm, you have the potential to gain profound insights into the workings of the universe and your place within it.
Pluto in the 5th house: You have a potent creative energy that is deeply intertwined with your psychic and intuitive abilities. Your artistic expression is a powerful channel for receiving messages from the divine, and you may find that your most inspired works come from a place beyond conscious thought. You have a natural connection to the energy of children, and may receive profound insights or messages from the young people in your life. This may be especially true when it comes to your own inner child, which retains a deep connection to the spiritual realm and may have a powerful impact on your intuition and clairvoyance. Through your creative pursuits and connection to the energy of youth, you have the potential to tap into a wellspring of spiritual wisdom and insight that can guide you on your path of personal growth and transformation.
Pluto in the 6th house: Your psychic abilities are intimately connected to your role as a healer and servant. You have a natural talent for providing support and guidance to those in need, especially during times of crisis, illness, or fear. In these moments, you may find that you tap into a deep well of knowledge and wisdom that goes beyond your years, and that you are able to channel this energy to provide comfort and healing to others. The divine may work through you as a soul physician, using your unique talents and empathy to help others navigate the complexities of the human experience. However, you may also be challenged by intense power struggles or dynamics in your work environment, which can serve as a catalyst for your own personal growth and transformation. Through your connection to the energy of service and healing, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights that can deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
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Pluto in the 7th house: Your psychic abilities are deeply intertwined with your relationships and partnerships. You may find that your intuition is reflected and amplified through the people in your life, including friends, loved ones, and even business partners. These individuals may unknowingly serve as channels for messages from the divine, providing insights and guidance that you might not otherwise have access to. You may have a natural ability to tune into the energies of others, and may find that your own psychic abilities are enhanced through close connections with others. However, this can also be a challenging placement, as you may be prone to power struggles or intense emotional dynamics in your relationships. These struggles can be a catalyst for personal growth and transformation, allowing you to deepen your understanding of your own intuition and the ways in which it is intertwined with the energy of those around you. Through your connections with others, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights and deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
Pluto in the 8th house: Your psychic abilities are at the very core of your being. You have a natural talent for tapping into the hidden and unseen realms of existence, and may find yourself drawn to spiritual practices and beliefs that explore the mysteries of life and death. Your body may serve as a vessel for a wide range of intuitive experiences, and you may find that you are able to communicate with spirits and entities from beyond this physical plane. Relationships are a particularly powerful arena for your psychic abilities, and you may find that your romantic connections lead you on a journey of transformation and self-discovery. However, these relationships can also be intense and challenging, and may require you to confront and overcome your deepest fears and insecurities. Through these experiences, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights and deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. You are a natural explorer of the unknown, and your psychic abilities can lead you on a journey of discovery that transcends the physical world.
Pluto in the 9th house: Your psychic abilities are strongly linked to your higher mind and your quest for truth and understanding. You have a natural curiosity and an insatiable desire to explore the mysteries of the universe, and may find that your psychic abilities are enhanced when you engage in philosophical or spiritual pursuits. Your connection to the unconscious is particularly strong, and you may find that you receive prophetic visions or insights that provide guidance and wisdom. You may also have a natural talent for interpreting symbols and uncovering hidden meanings, and may find that you are drawn to divinatory practices such as tarot or astrology. Your spiritual journey may be marked by profound experiences that challenge your beliefs and transform your understanding of the universe. Through your connection to the higher mind, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights and unlock the secrets of the cosmos.
Pluto in the 10th house: You have a powerful sense of intuition that feels like guidance from a parental figure or authority figure. This intuition may speak to you in a forceful, almost threatening voice, urging you to take action and make changes in your life. However, this psychic voice can also serve as a valuable source of insight and guidance, pointing you towards your true calling and helping you achieve your greatest aspirations. In this way, your intuition can act as a messenger from your future self - the version of you that has already achieved success and fulfillment. By listening to your intuition and trusting its guidance, you can tap into your own innate wisdom and potential, and make your dreams a reality. This placement can also indicate a strong connection to the collective unconscious, and a desire to use your intuition to serve others and make a positive impact on the world.
Pluto in the 11th house: You may have a strong connection to the collective unconscious, and receive intuitive insights through the medium of nowhere, making you prone to Claircognizance. This intuitive message can feel electric and charged with energy, as if you are receiving psychic revelation directly from the universe. You may have a natural ability to see into the future or to receive visions that offer glimpses into the unknown. Your intuition may also be geared towards using your insights to help others and make a positive impact on the world. In this way, your intuition can act as a powerful tool for change, helping you to manifest your vision and create a better future for yourself and those around you.
Pluto in the 12th house: You have a powerful psychic ability that allows you to see through the surface and delve into the deeper layers of others' souls. Your intuition is not limited to any specific medium or channel; it is a constant companion that energizes and guides you through every social interaction. Your empathic ability is universal, and you can easily tap into the emotional state of others. This ability allows you to connect with people on a deeper level and offer comfort and support when they need it most. You may also find that you are drawn to helping others through your work or volunteer activities. In addition to your empathic ability, you are also gifted with visions and prophetic dreams. Your intuition can manifest in different forms, and you may receive messages through symbols or metaphors. You have a natural inclination towards the esoteric and spiritual realm, which can bring you profound insights and revelations.
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[7] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 1: Introduction. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[8] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[9] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 3: Planets in Houses. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
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hairybirthdayclown · 10 months
vi. astrology notes
*(not a pro. just for fun)
• i think cancer placements are quite intimidating & no one mentions this. any placement can be intimidating if they're in the wrong crowd but specifically for cancer, people who are not in tune with their feelings can find them quite intimidating. especially their overly emotional tendancies that can rub some people the wrong way. that's why they're quite hated because society was wired to deem such behaviour as weak.
• a mix of cancer & virgo in a natal chart can make someone very open to dealing with unpleasant feelings if it's something that has do be done in order to progress. i think they're also the type to have a "i'll do_____ when i become_____" mentality especially with 6H placements in the chart because they tend to be prone to perfectionism.
• just an observation, but from what i've gathered from my cringey/annoying classmates i had in highschool, most of them had air/fire Sun signs.
to clarify, when i say cringey i mean yelling tiktok audios which would disrupt class or saying unnecessary 'jokes' in which the teachers awkwardly & PAINFULLY had to fake laugh at. everyday was torture but they were a bit friendly. annoying would be randomly starting a fight with a teacher for a stupid reason.
• a person who i've been involved with that had the best energy & aura from all the people i've come across had Sun, Mercury & Mars opposite Uranus and Moon square Uranus. people who have a generational planet as one of their dominant planets have a very striking presence.
• i don't know if this has any sort of significance but my friends 3H cusp is in 10° & she doesn't like using slang unironically or altering her speech with whatever is trending on the internet at the moment like how most people incorporate it in theirs. she hates the word 'rizz' & etc.
• you can never go wrong with astrocartography. the place in which i'm going for higher education at is exactly where my Jupiter line is which will grant me growth, travel & major opportunities.
speaking of astrocartography, a friend of mine lives on her Pluto line & she constantly mentions how she wants to get out of the country & move away. not because it's anything severe but she says she has always felt the urge to leave.
• the last time Mars was transiting my 3H, my cousin got recruited for the military (Mars represents war), my other external family members were always being talked about by my parents more than usual in an disrespectful manner & one of my uncles was being quite demanding/assertive.
• as clichè as it sounds, a guy i know regularly travels to visit his mom & he has the Moon in 9H. my brother who has the same placement travels too from where he lives just to come home. the Moon represents your family, maternal figure & the 9H represents long distance travel.
• it can be difficult for people who have Mars square Neptune to manifest because you might be conflicted with how easy it is. they would rather achieve their goals the practical way especially if Mars is in aries, scorpio & capricorn. getting things out of the blue without doing the work might demotivate them.
thanks for reading :)
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rainydetectiveglitter · 9 months
How Pluto's Obsessions Can Kill
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The effects of Pluto's obsessions on each house can be quite impactful, potentially leading to challenging outcomes. As Pluto represents transformation, power, and intense desires, its influence can trigger a process of deep change and regeneration. However, when obsessions take hold, they can lead to destructive tendencies or extreme behaviors. Let's explore how Pluto's influence might manifest in each house:
First House (Self-Identity)
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Obsessions in the first house could lead to an intense preoccupation with self-image, appearance, or personal identity. While this might drive personal growth, it could also result in self-destructive behavior if taken to the extreme.
Second House (Finances and Values)
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Obsessions in the second house could revolve around material possessions, financial security, or personal values. This may lead to a relentless pursuit of wealth or possessions, potentially at the expense of other aspects of life.
Third House (Communication and Learning)
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Obsessions in the third house might manifest as a need for control over communication or a fixation on learning and knowledge. While this can lead to intellectual depth, it may also result in an inability to listen or communicate effectively with others.
Fourth House (Home and Family)
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Obsessions in the fourth house could center on family dynamics, home life, or emotional security. This might lead to power struggles within the family unit or an intense need for control over one's living environment.
Fifth House (Creativity and Romance)
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Obsessions in the fifth house may involve creative self-expression, romance, or personal passions. While this can drive artistic achievements, it could also lead to volatile relationships or risky behaviors.
Sixth House (Health and Service)
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Obsessions in the sixth house might manifest as an intense focus on health, routines, or service to others. This could lead to health-related anxieties or a compulsion to control every aspect of daily life.
Seventh House (Partnerships)
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Obsessions in the seventh house could involve partnerships, relationships, or collaboration. This might lead to power struggles or an intense need for control within relationships.
Eighth House (Transformation and Intimacy)
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Obsessions in the eighth house may center around shared resources, intimacy, or deep psychological exploration. This might lead to issues of manipulation, control, or a preoccupation with taboo subjects.
Ninth House (Travel and Philosophy)
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Obsessions in the ninth house could revolve around travel, higher education, or philosophical beliefs. While this may drive a quest for knowledge, it could also lead to rigid beliefs or fanatical ideologies.
Tenth House (Career and Public Image)
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Obsessions in the tenth house might involve career ambitions, public image, or status. This could lead to a relentless pursuit of success, potentially at the expense of personal well-being.
Eleventh House (Community and Friendships)
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Obsessions in the eleventh house could manifest as a need for control within friendships or a fixation on social causes. This may result in power struggles within social circles or an intense desire to influence group dynamics.
Twelfth House (Spirituality and Isolation)
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Obsessions in the twelfth house might involve spirituality, subconscious patterns, or isolation. While this can lead to profound spiritual growth, it may also result in a retreat from reality or an unhealthy preoccupation with the unseen.
Always keep in mind that astrology provides valuable insights, yet our actions and choices are shaped by a myriad of factors. While Pluto's influence in each house can spark intense interests, it's essential to strike a balance. Embracing self-awareness, practicing moderation, and seeking guidance from professionals can help us navigate any tendencies towards obsessions that might arise from Pluto's energy in our lives. Remember, we're all on a unique journey, and understanding ourselves better is a step toward growth and harmony.
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11hedonistic · 1 year
i’ve noticed that ppl with heavy scorpio/pluto in their chart get a lot of strong reactions. a lottt of dislike too.
and its mainly from people who aren’t really confident within themselves, so they feel intimidated/threatened.
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© slut4astro ✭ tips are highly appreciated! (in bio)
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leoascendente · 2 years
Pluto archetype through the astral houses 🦂
Pluto archetype:
Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house. It's called that way because of the Roman God of the Underworld. In Greek mythology is known as Hades.
In astrology Pluto is a transpersonal planet, this means that deals in a soul level for a trascendent way to face life. It's a destructive force of old structures that no longer serve to our purpose in this lifetime, the changes that Pluto impose are drastic and emotionally intense, sometimes it can be very hard to deal with.
Represents the most raw and honest reality about ourselves, mostly the parts we try to hide to the rest of the world. This planet prefers to move in the shadows, like Pluto's mythology.
Pluto's obstacles are hard to face but involve positive changes and a most trascendent understanding of the situations or life itself. Those tests can transform us for our best wellbeing and are made to aling us with our soul mission in this incarnation.
Pluto's placement shows us where and how we can get very passionate about the things we love but get obsesive with them as well. It deals with our basic instincts and the darkest parts of our personalities.
Represents the death of the ego and the awakening of the soul. Like alchemy, it transforms what's old into something new and brighter.
Pluto face us with what makes us uncomfortable about ourselves to make something beautiful of it, like the chrysalis evolves into the butterfly or the snake shedding their old skin.
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Pluto through the houses:
Pluto in the 1st: The natives have tendencies to self destructive behaviors, they are also highly competitive when it comes to recognition and they prefer to keep their bussiness to themselves so nobody can use it against them. If they experience difficulties to face their dark side or Pluto is bad aspected on their chart, they can be very manipulative to sabotage the situations they don't want to face, thia is not because they are scared to face the situation, they are mostly scared of getting angry and can't control their angee. They can be very destructive and ruthless when they feel cornered or threatened by other people but if they channel thia energy they can be the inspiration even of their bosses because of their passionate spirit. These natives have an strong survival instinct, they are passionate and determinated with their goals, they also have an strong willpower when they want to achieve something specific, when they want something they finally get it no matter how much it costs to them, sometimes they make stops in their journey to recover the motivation to keep going. They are not afraid of drastic changes even when it comes to their physical appearence or their style. Their first years of life could be traumatic, stressful or emotionally hard to deal with. They don't like to trust in the Universe and prefer to believe in their hard work, they could have some trust and control issues that comes from their childhood. If Pluto is too close to Ascendant they could have problems in their birth or were born in extreme conditions, they are survivors from the very first moment.
Pluto in the 2nd: These natives can get very obsessed about their resources, money or material elements that reforce their sense of stability, for them those are the elements that makes them feel like thay are important people. They can be perceived as materialistic people or too attached to money or the security in themselves that money gives them, they might feel that money, resources and luxury are the major indicators of personal power, even they might feel that their sex appeal is closely related to the amount of money they have. They have very stablished values and moral and hardly change their mind about what they believe is true, that's when Pluto appears to make them more open to other people's perspective, to help them see that there are more options and theirs is not the major truth of things. These natives distrust anyone who has a higher level of incomes or the authority figures, it makes them feel threatened and become passive agressive, even ruthless if they are feeling that someone is putting in danger their resources. Pluto forces them, through some tests, to stop and think about the way they manage themselves and their bussiness, to realize that material resources are important but not fundamental for their inner peace and personal satisfaction. The attachment to money can come from the chilhood, where they could feel less than other people or humilliated for their economical situation, that's why in their adulthood they try as hard as possibe to never feel that way again. Through their life they can experience both extremes of poverty and wealth to help them value themselves if a softer way being more empathetic with their self value. These natives have an special talent to get the most out of the most little things to transform it into something great, they also are good with money managment and investing. People usually feel very comfortable by their side or asking them for guidance or advice, they are great watching things with a cold mindset on difficult moments, that's what makes them amazing counselors.
Pluto in the 3rd: These natives hace an extraodinary intelligence to dig into the depths of any situation, they are very hard to cheat because they can see other people's bad intentions from afar. They enjoy open minded people who they can talk and share about things that society use to see as taboo, like sex or death. Theae natives are natural detectives but can use their knowledge to earn power over other people, they also have a sharp tongue, they know what to say to cause the most damage. This placement have the tendency to focus on intrusive thoughts or obsessive ideas, making the natives see things worse than they really are, because of this they prefer to don't talk to much what they think to avoid being misunderstood. They have a powerful mind, great for visualization but they can be scared of it, if they train this aspect they can become great manifestators for attracting the things they desire into their life. In their childhood they could feel their enviroment as threathening, where they had to keep their eyes wide open to prevent other people's intentions torwards them. In their adult life they keep this alert sense, sometimes overwhelming their nervous system because of that child wound. The relationship with siblings or cousins use to be complicated and with a lot of hidden competition between them, as well as their first years of school they felt like nobody was worthy of trust. They must be careful with their neighbours and when they make short trips (trips on the country they live in).
Pluto in the 4th: The source of the emotional complexes of these natives use to come from their family roots or their transgenerational tree, there could be some traumas related to their experience with the father figure or the part of the family related to the father, maybe because of an early death or abandonment. As a water house, these natives tend to hide and repress their feelings deep down to avoid getting their heart hurt, deep inside they are very sensitive and emotional but they prefer not showing this part of themselves, this is one of the most intense and deep of Pluto's placements. They can read people like books, their intuition is extraodinary, if they don't like someone after a while they find out the intentions of that person weren't good. The wounds of their past use to manifest mostly in their domestic life, through their life they use to experience some crisis that impose a chage in the familiar structure to evolve for a most positive stage. They heal very fast from illness and sorrows, very resiatant people but aftaid of being vulnerable, if they find a way to channel their sensibility they can heal even their ancestor's wounds, as well as improve their intuition and psychic abillities. Learning how to dive into the subconcicious can make them find hidden treasures. Their way of ending situations can be very drastic and dramatic, they cut from the roots and hardly gives a second chance.
Pluto in the 5th: These natives have the inner need of express themselves openly, they usually move between feeling like kings looking for power and authority and feeling like they can't recognize in themselves the things that makes them unique. They like to win and can be a little obsessive about it, they are competitive to extremes, the aproval of other people is very important to them, making them feel powerless if people don't admire what they do. The relationship with children can become problematic, they will be the mirror of the dark parts of the native that haven't recognize in themselves, some may feel that having children can take their freedom away. For women is important to take a lot of care for themselves when it comes to pregnacy or giving birth. These natives can be very posessive over their children overprotecting them or trying to control what they do. Romance is another place where emotions turn into a rollercoaster, they are prone to validate themselves through the sexual conquer and the power games, sometimes their relationships are too dramatic. Pluto asks to these natives to value their worth in a different light, learning the importance of humility and reciprocity, understanding that othe people's light doesn't turn of the inner light of this natives, they have an strong willpower and knows how to motivate people when they are feeling low, a good way for channel their energy is through creative activities
Pluto in the 6th: This placement is a little difficult to deal with, the major conflicts in the subconcisious mind manifest through the physical body. A negative mindset or emotional state can drive them to suffer the consecuences by a physical illness, even if it is in a unconcious level, their mindset is aligned to the good functioning of their body. Understand how their mind, body and feelings are connected can help them to improve their daily life and make them feel healthier in every level. They have an strong connection with nature, mostly with animals, if they have a pet they should analize if they are projecting over the pet any unsolved wound they have, these placement has the tendency to take care of the pets but not taking care with the same affection to themselves. Routines and daily tasks are very important to their emotional balance, they must be careful of become too obsessive about it, feeling like their day is ruined if something gets out of their control. These natives are great workers with a big sense of responsability, they also have an extraordinary capacity of concentration. The relationship between coworkers can become complicated due to power games, an excesive criticism or sexual tensions in the workplace. Pluto in every earth house doesn't get along with authority figures, in the workplace there can be conflicts with the boss. Is veey important for them to feel really passionate about the work they make, they need to feel like thwy are doing something useful for other people's lives, if they don't resonate with their work they can try to sabotage the situation and escape.
Pluto in the 7th: Pluto is the planet for extremes and the 7th house is all about balance and harmony, it can be a hard placement to deal with but can become a beautiful source of transformation. For these natives, is really difficult to trust in other people, this distrust is bigger with their romantic partners. They can be possisive, jealous and demanding in their relationships but if they don't recognize this dark side of themselves they will project them over other people, sometimes they attract romantix interest with those characteristics. Their distrust in their partner use to lead to distance from people they really love, making them swing between pide and sadness for the lost chance, if they don't feel well with their couple they tend to sabotage the relationship to be the other part the one who takes the step, sometimes they live relationships so intensely that they end up burning it. In some cases the decease of the partner can lead to a personal transformation in the way they face relationships. They are prone to power games in the shadows with their romantic partner, Pluto's energy leads them to balance this aspect giving the same power to both parts of the relationship. These natives are great for help and guide people that are going through hard periods of their lives.
Pluto in the 8th: These placement makes people with intense impulsive tendencies but with a powerful self control of their emotional world. Sometimes their passions gets so intense that become overwhelming, they need to recognize if they are angry or excited, these natives are the kind of people that starts with a discussion and solve it in the sheets. They have strong defense mechanism to avoid getting their feelings hurt, they hardly show vulnerability to others but they are deeply emotional, the pressure they feel because of repressing their feelings can lead to explossive argument or a fit of rage. The best way to avoid this situations that brings more conflicts is looking for a way to channel those energies, high-performance sports or activities with a little dose of risk, like martial arts, parachuting... These natives are passionate with a high libido, sometimes they use sex as a way to escape from their reality. They crave for a significant intimate bound but can be scared to commitment and reject chances of conections that could be very fullfilment, in some cases they end up in tragic relationships with a lot of emotional draining, that's why they prefer to keep their guard up. These placement offers a great intuition if they take the courage to listen to it, they can feel very attracted to occultism/mysticism, sex and what happens after death, they have the abillity to to catch the energies from a place and predict what is going to happen, they have an strong inner power to reborn from their ashes. In some cases I've seen this placement in people who had near-death experiences and somehow something inside thems asks them to understand in a deeper level the meaning of life and death.
Pluto in the 9th: This planet on the 8th looks for a meaning, in the 9th Pluto looks for a major purpose for their lives. They usually gets dissapointed with religions or gurus, feeling like they don't get to really see the image of god clearly with those religious doctrines. Their image of god is usually like the old bearded man seated on the clouds waiting for them to make a mistake and punish them for that, that feeling can lead to an unnecesary feel of guilt for little things that they think god won't approve, they sometimes blame god for the bad things in their lives. Pluto leads them to open their perspective and look for a more compassive, forgiving and indulgent image of the Divinity, if they get distance from what society says is correct they can find answers in holistic ways of life and take the hard moments of life as a learning with a meaning behind to get a higher level of consciousness. They can have a very nihilistic perception of life, becoming apathic people, they are passionate people with strong charisma and willpower, they have great ideas but they can sabotage themselves thinking about all the negative possibilities. University years can be transformative, they can switch the career they want to follow from one moment to the next. Traveling and getting in touch with other cultures helps them to reach a better understanding of themselves and get them close of the things that motivates them and makes them feel happy and alive.
Pluto in the 10th: This is another placement of Pluto that can be hard to deal with. They usually had a difficult relationship with the Mother figure, sometimes seeing her like someone dark or with negative intentions torwards the native. In other cases, when Pluto is well aspected, the Mother could be seen as someone brave and inspiring, with the abillity to turn negative things into something wondeful, in other cases, the early decease of the Mother could be very transformative. This native's first experience with the Mother figure will project over their public life and career, they can become obsessive about being important and their reputation to feel powerful. They don't get along to well with authority figures, they usually feel intimidated by them but refuse to show it. They must be careful with their hidden intentions torwards their succed or fame, sometimes, even if it's subconsciously the motivations behind are more related to the power and control they could have. Pluto leads them to focus in succed by doing something they really feel passionate about, they can be very admired and recognized by doing something they love, instead of looking for being an authority for the rest of the world. These natives have very high standards for themselves, they are ambitious and brave to achieve what they want no matter how much time it takes to get their goal. They must be careful with their reputation through their life becaude they could experience drastic transformations in the way the introduce themselves to the world, sometimes they shift their career as well and work in something completely different feom what they were doing before. Their biggest lesson is to feel grateful and satisfied with what they have while what they want is on their way, also is very important to find the career that really fullfils them. These natives have an special eye to see the structures from institutions that are no longer useful and find new ways to improve them, like the fuctioning of schools, prisions, hospitals or things related to laws.
Pluto in the 11th: These natives tend to move between self imposed isolation to avoid feeling misunderstood or feeling so related to a higher cause that they loose themselves in their own revolution. They deeply feel the need to find a movement that inspires them and can be a legacy of wisdom to future generations, they need intelectual stimulation or will scape the situation before it become too boring. They use to feel both attracted and intimidated to groups situations, mostly related to the improvement of social structures that are no longer useful and the evolution of society. They must be very careful about getting involve with radical ideals or jumping compulsively from a social cause to another to avoid their responsabilities with themselves or avoid their reality. These natives born with the need of finding their soul tribe or soul family, the people they can open up with and be themselves, they are also very talented with themes related to personal and psychological growth. Pluto here makes the natives focus first in the negative things in their enviroment, they are also great imagining the worst possible scenario for any situation, Pluto forces them to realize the power of their mind and use it to throw light over the positive thing or the learning behind the negative. These people usually have hard dissapointments with their friends because of lies or betrayals, but they can also make deep bounds with friends that last a whole life. Through their life they can completely shift their goals and hopes.
Pluto in the 12: Pluto in all water signs have a bad time expressing their emotional world, in the 12th this tendency becomes more intense. They are usually scared of their own instincts and impulses, feeling them so powerful that they think if they open up the door a little bit they can become uncontrollable. They don't get along with drastic changes if they mean they have to renounce to something they feel related to, feeling like they are loosing a part of thwir identity. They tend to be scared of death and what happens after that, also there are some doors in their subconscious mind that intimidates them and prefer to keep them hidden. These natives are deeply emotional and a natural conection with higher realms (I've seen this placement in charts of people that transformed their fears and developed their psychic habilities, one of them is dedicating his life to channeling from the akashic records), they are talented to swim in the depths of the mind to see the lights and and shadows in the same way, Pluto helps them to reach a better understanding of the Universe and themselves and how they are interconnected to each other. The hardest part of this is that they come to heal and transform not just their subcouncious but to heal the colective, sometimes they get so overwhelmed by other's negativity that they isolate from society a while to recover and recharge batteries. These natives use to have some problems with institutions or spend times of imprisonment on them. They are highly sensitive with the natural talent of healing, they can shift their perceptions of things and make aomething great from small places, even if their living conditions are hard they can turn the situation into something useful and beneficial that will help others in the future. Holistic therapies, astrology, meditation and the interpretation of dreams are careers where they become relevant figures, as well they can channel their eneegy through creative activities like drawing, music or poetry.
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vivmaek · 2 years
PLUTO IN THE 1st HOUSE: Observations
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These individuals are captivating and extremely alluring. Their eye contact is INTENSE. It can scare others because Pluto first housers radiate a sense of power even without meaning to, and this is especially felt through the eyes. Others feel as though there is nothing they can hide from those with this placement, people are aware of how their every movement is being tracked. Of course, this ability is considered to be extremely attractive. People want to have an in with Pluto first housers, it is like being invited into an exclusive club. These individuals usually have a posse of sorts that will follow them around. This group includes friends and people who watch from afar. Despite drawing others in rather easily, these natives still struggle with feeling seen for who they truly are. Behind closed doors, Pluto first housers are not as glamorous as it may seem. The inner world of a Plutonian runs deep, they spend most of their time trying to unravel this. There are many dark secrets that haunt these individuals, and power struggles are a consistent theme. There are particular aspects within life that Pluto first housers have obsessive control over. These natives will explore many avenues in a quest to gain personal power. Those who have this placement have been lead to believe that others are not to be depended upon. Oftentimes their extreme sense of independence was necessary to survive during childhood. This has led to a strong ego that is tough to break down. Learning to trust their faith within others is a major life lesson. Learning how to forgive is also important, not for the sake of others, but for peace of mind. These types will ruminate within past memories, re-experiencing the pain. They may believe that by doing this answers will be found, but they only harm themselves further. The dark undercurrents of their personality are not hidden in shame, but rather put away knowing that others have the capability to take advantage of vulnerability. As for appearance, these natives have a bewitching aura. Their sex appeal runs high and they mystify others through their beauty. They hold themselves confidently, and will drape their bodies along furniture when resting. After a period of extreme struggle, their appearance will transform drastically. This can make those who have this placement feel insecure. Just when they form a sense of familiarity and comfort within their body, a period of change will be soon upon them. Partaking in a consistent exercise routine can bring a sense of normalcy, allowing these individuals to focus on their bodily strength rather than bodily restriction. Ultimately, their unique sense of passion and endurance is unforgettable. Others want to be what Pluto first housers are.
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Scorpio Moons: The Psyche & The Hidden Temples Of Their Minds.
Scorpio moons carry a depth that no one can fully grasp. Their oceans of emotions runs deep into the most hidden spaces of their minds. Each day is a journey that is constantly trying them but each day they must learn to prevail as their worlds tend to crash right inside of them. Silently, they learn to allow the boat to sink when it is tired of swimming. And eventually will let themselves drown, only to come back up ten times stronger.
These individuals have a knack for finding out the truth, it is a must as it truly brings them purpose. Learning about the ways humans exist here is what gives them something to look forward to in their early years, because in the next few years of their adolescence they will learn the hard way... thats if they didn't already go through it as a youngin. What most don't know about scorpio moons is that, they tend to grow up faster than most. They do not get to live life as a child because life had already shown them that there are things we cannot run from, no matter how old we are. These kids learn that at a young age that there is the good, bad, and the ugly, and then theres just you.
So which will it be? Will you succumb to the monsters in yourself? Or will you try and be as good as possible. The way these people think, is merely not as black or white as most may claim. These individuals will go through the depths to uncover the secrets that most people will put away if it gets too comfortable. Scorpio moons will try their hardest to not succumb to the beast within, but soon realize it is a must to learn growth in this life time.
In the earlier years, they may have received some slack for their nature, and may have known to much as a kid to where this made adults and other children uncomfortable. So they may have decided to let go of who they truly were to seem more acceptable.
In these times this causes them to be uncomfortable with who the are, being shamed for what they know and not being enough will make them prone to hide certain aspects of who they are and when they get to teens/adulthood they learn to suppress it enough until its almost forgotten. These babies know whats its like to be used, abused, and seen as nothing. To the point where they start to become closed off to the world, while also studying the humans that come around.
This becomes odd because as they close themselves off from the world, its as if they are a magnet to others for their personalities. Awfully quiet at times, they shun the rest of society out and live in a world where most will never truly get to see.
As they lay quietly in their own realm, this is where the hidden forces come to play. Their subconscious takes them to realms where most will never truly get to see, only the real can survive here. Ancestral knowledge can come to them with immense ease if they are welcoming of it, generational healing is a big thing for most of these placement holders. They may have felt something 'big' about their personalities and overall existence, this is because they are meant to heal the people around them and more importantly themselves. This is not an easy feat however, they have to go through trials and tribulations just to get to the other side. The many deaths they go through just to get back to that little angel that was hiding all these years is a path so trying it forces them to give up, however their resilience keeps them going like never before.
These moon holders are capable of escaping the worlds they lock themselves in, they commit to holding on to the past until it kills them. This is when the psychological warfare starts to kick in. With their psyche holding on to all this trauma it can effect their mental, spiritual and psychical health. It is important for them to do healing and shadow work often so that they can uncover the clues as to why they move the way they do.
They try hard to hold on to the persona they keep in front of people but it is only a matter of time before they crack.
This of course delivers chills to the people who do not understand them, even family. The first reason as to why they are so closed off in the first place. Most come from very toxic homes, and this causes the to not want to be to close to others even if thats what they desire. Becoming suspicious of people around them, it becomes harder for them to notice who's really for them and who is not.
Now, we get the unwanted, unknowing, loyalty tests from them. Only because they been through enough woes of showing who they are to quickly being cut off when theres something that the other person doesnt like about them. They could be too strange, too honest, too conniving, or just to intense. Most people love you when your intense romantically, but forget that this is a everyday thing and it doesnt just stop at love. So at times even in their romantic life they could be too much, and their partners may start to run away.
So when the person you want to give your all to doesnt even like your true passionate self, who else would?
Hiding away all the goods, and no one gets to see who they are for the next ten or so years. Yeah this is a bit dramatic but im telling you, you're lucky if they DO express themselves vulnerably to you all of a sudden. Because it took them a really long time to do. I mean seriously.
The keys to their hearts are normally locked away and they take so much shit to the grave its almost crazy. If you learn to love them without trying to understand them, they may just give you the key. But most dont know how long it'll take to go through those deep waters just to see who they truly are, and to be honest most never will. They know this. So they pick their lovers and friends and have selective family members in the process. Scorpio moons could put you on a 'pedestal' depending on who you are in their life. Meaning they might have you and everyone else on some type of pyramid of whose the most loyal/who they deeply care for, love etc. And will boast about you if they really like you. They might not show this too much but if they DO...... You better love that because it was hard for them to do it in the first place, their learning to grow into their vulnerable strength just like all of us.
I had to give them a pass sometimes, all though their are some pretty interesting traits that show their toxicity levels being at an all time high, I know that it comes from a place of protecting who they are . Their secretly protecting that sweet inner child of theres, no matter how crazy it can appear. There hearts are numb to the realities of the life they live, and everyday is a new day to be reborn and that can get awfully tiring. So I say this to say that the emotions of this moon sign can take a toll on them so deep that it keeps them isolated from the rest of the world, so be gentle on them if you can.. It gets heavy.
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spoileddarkfemblog · 1 year
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bluemoonastrology · 1 year
Pluto enters Aquarius ♇ ♒︎
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At 1:42 am PST Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius.
This transit will impact how we as a society function. Pluto often brings destruction in wake of evolution. Matters of technology, politics and social structures are all big themes. As well as many Pluto characteristics like rises and falls of countries and revolutions. These will likely be the areas most affected during this transit. Use this energy to your benefit, as Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2044.
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spiritualgirlie · 1 year
Transiting Pluto
This week, I discussed the occurrence of the French Revolution in relation to the astronomical event of Pluto's entry into Tropical Aquarius, which happened between 1777 and 1778.
It is important to note that the Revolution itself, began in 1789, indicating that France had been in a state of disrepair for quite some time before Pluto entered Tropical Aquarius. They were undergoing a process of dissolution of their government, and the monarchy was deposed. It is noteworthy that Pluto was situated in Sidereal Capricorn during this period, which is its current location, thereby rendering the alignment more comprehensible—even with what's happening today.
When Pluto is in Capricorn, it symbolizes the disintegration of traditional power structures or authority to effectuate change in antiquated systems of governance; or those who are responsible for setting rules and regulations.
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It is possible that there may be a correlation between the displacement of Queen Lili’uokalani of the Kingdom of Hawai’i in 1893 and the positioning of Pluto in Sidereal Taurus, which is a fellow Earth sign. Despite not originating from her own people, this was the catalyst for the sovereignty movement which ties into the energy of Taurus.
Despite my own knowledge, I still find it pertinent to note when outer planets move into Tropical Signs as this could prove to have some form of correlation with current events. Although I do assert that Tropical Astrologers are mistaken, I do not imply that I am unwilling to examine what they have to say.
My own examination of the topic using Sidereal placements led me to the conclusion that this system makes more sense.
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hairybirthdayclown · 1 year
iii. astrology notes
*(not a pro. just for fun)
• i'm assuming everyone listens to music frequently but Mercury 6H sextile/trine Neptune are completely enamoured by it & have their headphones in all day, everyday. they surely listen to music more than anyone else especially if Neptune is in their 8H (house of obsessions)
• 11H ruler aspecting Saturn Rx have a lot of karmic friendships that could be long-term & dragged out. old friends could pop out of nowhere throughout their life & they could rekindle briefly. these people may also still be connected to their old friends somehow. for example, your parents still talk to theirs.
• Neptune aspecting ASC/MC is what i call the 'YOU DON'T SEEM LIKE YOU POOP' aspect. these natives tend to get dehumanized by people they encounter as Neptune represents delusions, idealization & glamour. Beyoncè has Neptune sextile ASC & a lot of people can't believe that she's real & project their idealizations onto her, good or bad (that illuminati mess!). this aspect could possibly be a fame indicator too.
• it's extremely hard for people with heavy scorpio placements (especially Venus & Mars) Mars dominant, Pluto - personal placements, to be fake for the sake of being nice. they have a low tolerance for nonsense & get uncomfortable & cold towards those who are inauthentic. for them, it's better to keep quiet than to kiss ass without even meaning it; especially Mercury conjunct Pluto natives.
• every time i hear something about Lilith (h13) conjunct ASC/ in 1H it's either how they're treated poorly or people downright sexualize them lol. i've noticed only those with Lilith influence are treated decently by other people with the same influence. (my friends & i have Lilith heavily in our charts & i've never felt more open talking about issues with people. i feel really seen by them & understood unlike my other friendships)
an astrology blog said something like "Lilith 1H can tell who has Lilith 1H too amongst other people" (i forgot their @ :/) & it's soo true. when i was still in the dark about astrology i was so intrigued by famous people who i didn't even know had this placement (Megan Thee Stallion & Marilyn Monroe). my friends who i've mentioned said they were so drawn to me when we first met. birds of the same feather flock together i guess.
thanks for reading :)
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rainydetectiveglitter · 7 months
𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕤/ℙ𝕝𝕦𝕥𝕠: 𝔸 𝕁𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕪 𝔸𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤
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While Mars and Pluto are traditionally associated with concepts of assertiveness, transformation, and power, we're looking into an interesting exploration that reinterprets these planetary forces through the prism of the Seven Deadly Sins.
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Mars/Pluto in the 1st House: The Wrathful Warrior When the fiery energies of Mars and the deep transformation of Pluto unite in the 1st house of identity and self-expression, they form a potent blend of power and intensity. This placement can give rise to a fierce, assertive persona that seeks to conquer obstacles and challenges head-on. However, it may also bring forth inner conflicts that need to be harnessed and channeled constructively to avoid wrathful outbursts.
Mars/Pluto in the 2nd House: The Possessive Temptation In the 2nd house of material wealth and possessions, the Mars/Pluto combination can ignite a strong desire for control and accumulation. This placement may lead individuals to struggle with possessiveness and an insatiable hunger for material security. Finding a healthy balance between financial ambitions and a sense of contentment is crucial to overcoming this temptation.
Mars/Pluto in the 3rd House: The Communicative Obsession When Mars and Pluto converge in the 3rd house of communication and intellect, their intense energy may manifest as a deep obsession with knowledge and information. This placement can fuel a relentless pursuit of truth and power in communication, often leading to intense debates and a desire to uncover hidden secrets. It's essential for individuals to channel this energy wisely and avoid becoming consumed by their own obsessions.
Mars/Pluto in the 4th House: The Familial Power Struggle In the 4th house of home and family, the Mars/Pluto duo may bring about power struggles and intense emotions within the family dynamic. These individuals may grapple with unresolved family issues and the need for control within their domestic sphere. Exploring the depths of their own psyche and seeking transformation can help them find emotional healing and harmony within the family.
Mars/Pluto in the 5th House: The Creative Tempest The 5th house of creativity and self-expression becomes a battleground of passion and intensity when Mars and Pluto unite here. Individuals with this placement may experience creative bursts of energy but may also struggle with creative blocks due to their inner turmoil. Learning to channel their intense desires into artistic endeavors can lead to powerful creative expressions.
Mars/Pluto in the 6th House: The Perfectionist's Abyss In the 6th house of work and service, Mars and Pluto's influence can manifest as a relentless pursuit of perfection in one's professional life. These individuals may become workaholics, pushing themselves to the brink to achieve their goals. However, they must learn to balance their drive for success with self-care and well-being to avoid falling into the abyss of perfectionism.
Mars/Pluto in the 7th House: The Relational Power Struggle When Mars and Pluto converge in the 7th house of partnerships, relationships become a battleground for control and power. These individuals may face intense conflicts and power struggles within their relationships. Finding ways to transform these conflicts into opportunities for growth and mutual understanding is essential for harmony.
Mars/Pluto in the 8th House: The Depths of Transformation The 8th house of transformation and shared resources becomes a realm of profound change and intensity with Mars and Pluto's presence. Individuals with this placement may experience significant life-altering events and a deep fascination with the mysteries of life and death. Exploring the depths of their own psyche and embracing transformation is essential to navigate this powerful placement.
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As we conclude our journey through the houses guided by the intense forces of Mars and Pluto, we gain a deeper understanding of how these energies can shape our lives and lead us toward both temptation and transformation. By acknowledging and harnessing these energies wisely, individuals can embark on a path of self-discovery and growth, ultimately transcending the grip of the Seven Deadly Sins.
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starfruiity · 2 months
ideas about Venus in 8th house Quincunx Pluto in 1th house ?
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ hiii
From what I understand the quincunx aspect is a minor aspect that has a nature similar to an opposition and square, particularly a square as the aspect tends to point to an internal conflict that is not acknowledged or obvious to the person.
A quincunx/inconjunction typically indicates a disconnection that is rarely resolved because the expressions are not the same in any way and can show a person "pushing and pulling" from one extreme to another.
For Venus (in the 8h) inconjunct Pluto (in the 1h) I'm thinking that the person may find themselves putting their self-interest and personal "power" (Pluto) in front of the connections (Venus) they have or can have.
When Venus "takes over", they put the connection they have or can have over their own self-interest & since Venus is in the 8th house this would be very passionate.
With a Venus quincunx Pluto aspect I think it's about control and the extreme push and pull from having it and then not because of the desire for connections.
lol this is really rough, but it's just an idea. I can actually think of many other interpretations as Venus represents many things like someone's mother, sister, or love life.
kk bye thx!!
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