#mary berry would never
You know what one of the skills of a good baker is? Being able to follow a recipe.
You know what's NOT a good recipe? 'make a lemon meringue pie'.
Even if you've made a lemon meringue pie hundreds of times before, even if you know how to do it, there are things you have to consider, like ingredient amounts, bake time, accounting for baking with a different oven and possibly different temperatures, using tools you may not typically be used to using to make your pie, a TIME CONSTRAINT that may not match what you usually use.
A decent recipe would provide that information. A paired down recipe should at least give you more than 'make the fucking pie'. It should at LEAST give you amounts to work with. Or an oven temperature. Or both.
Every time I think the technical challenges might be improving or might be something that actually represents technical skills a baker should know even if the recipe itself is unfamiliar, they do something like this. Or like having tacos bring your technical for a baking show. Or tossing in maid of honor tarts that nobody has literally ever heard of. Or expecting a bagel to be crunchy and being surprised when a babka is on the heavy side. Or. You know. Most of the technical challenges in the last few seasons.
Prue and Paul are awful people for doing this. The showrunners should have put a leash on them to stop them from making the technical a nightmare ages ago. Especially when, half the time, it doesn't seem to factor into the judging (remember Helena winning technical on the week she left?).
I understand the showstoppers being intricate and insane (to a degree, the portrait cakes were a mistake), because they're showstoppers. They're supposed to be special and elaborate and not something you make every day. I understand the signature parameters. They might not always be simple but they're things people know how to do.
The technical? I have NO IDEA what the technical means anymore, beyond pain and making the bakers suffer and turning their work into a big joke.
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missabbynormal · 2 years
Prue: I think the booze is perfect.
Paul: I think it’s too boozy.
Meanwhile my mother: ‘Give him more cake.’
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jtl-fics · 1 year
But also... Andreil on the great British bake off (they have celebrity seasons)
Look, I'm gonna be honest.
It's a disaster in two parts.
Neil is there EXPLICITLY because Stuart found out that he had been asked to go do it because he is technically British. Stuart has asked him to be the bane of Paul Hollywood's existence and is willing to do quite a bit to make the man's life hell.
"He knows what he did." is all Stuart will say on the matter.
Neil agrees to come be a Baker on the stipulation that Andrew also gets to come. Andrew has no interest in baking other than what it can produce for him to eat, he has no desire to do the laborious task of baking himself.
Stuart offers him an Aston.
Andrew agrees.
Neil is a nightmare in the tent. He hates desserts. He hates measuring. He has never done a single prep bake. He has no idea what the desserts are during the technical challenge. He just goes with his gut (his iron gut). He produces three straight desserts that Paul will not let Prue eat for fear that she will just straight up die if she eats it. He is a pile of misery upon consuming all three.
When Neil is kicked off in round one no one is surprised. Paul pats Neil on the back as he leaves the tent and Neil just leans in, "Stuart Hatford sends his regards." he says now that the mic has been removed. Paul Hollywood's tan fades but Neil doesn't look back.
Andrew is a nightmare for a completely different reason and that reason is that he very visibly and honestly does not give a single flying fuck about what he's doing but he's doing quite well. He is the most boring man on camera, zero quips, won't interact with Noel and whoever the fuck is the other presenter by this point, just him doing exactly what the recipe requires and then he always makes a point of grabbing whatever Paul and Prue have judged and taking it all back to his station so that he can eat it. He stares straight into the camera as he eats an entire three tier cake. He dedicates every week he is Star Baker to his inspiration: Kevin Day.
Andrew makes it all the way to the Finals with impressive bakes that he basically just decided on 100% by how much he thinks it would upset Kevin to watch him eat it knowing that he SHOULD be doing weight training for the olympics. ("Weight TRAINING not Weight GAINING Andrew! Do you have to hold up two fingers as you eat the entire thing? Can you at least PRETEND it's not to SPITE me?" Kevin wails as Andrew calls him for the post-credit scene where the star bakers call their families usually but Andrew just uses it so everyone can hear Kevin Day lose his mind on Public Access.)
Andrew gets to the finals and his show stopper....it's immaculate. It's gorgeous. It's a work of art. Paul Hollywood is looking at this feat of modern baking engineering in wonder.
He shakes Andrew's hand before he even tastes it and-
"Stuart Hatford sends his regards."
Paul Hollywood is now nervous to eat this cake. Does he look out at the gathered friends and family of the contestants and see Stuart Hatford? Does he remember what he did?
He eats the cake because show obligations and it tastes as good as it looks but he is oddly silent as Prue talks about it.
Andrew Wins and Paul Hollywood stays exactly one entire party's width away from Neil, Stuart, and Andrew during the entire victory picnic.
Andrew gives his post bake-off speech and flat out says it was kind of boring and he wants to go home to America. The next scene is him driving off with Neil in an Aston Martin.
Edit: Thanks @the-inner-musings-of-a-worm for the idea once again!
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 years
Minor bake off griping (no spoilers over challenge outcomes though!) :
I cannot fucking believe Paul had them use cream cheese frosting instead of ermine frosting for the technical challenge! What a great technical surprise and nod to the history of the bake that would have been!
Overall though, thrilled they're back challenging their technique over just playing "who's the best guesser?"
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ask-flip-frost · 2 years
((Sometimes self care is making a pavlova that you won't be able to eat until 11pm, and then letting your kid stay up to eat it with you so she can feel fancy and special before sleep.))
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 month
Hiii i just saw your post prision Spencer post with sunshine reader and im soooo in love with it (and in love with him too tbh) could you please do a pt2? Have a nice day💕
spencer and sunshine!reader have set routines on office days and spencer likes flirting pt 1 of their story 🤭
“Spencer Reid, prepare to have your mind blown!” You announce as you walk into the bullpen, your Mary Janes clacking against the tiles. You’re in a skirt today, Spencer supposes it’s because it’s a designated office day- there’s only three a month, but every time there is one, you come in an outfit Spencer would never even dream of. 
Today you’re channelling your inner Elle Woods. He knows about her from Resse Witherspoon, but also from your innate love of the film and the fact that you forced him to watch it on the jet once. 
You’re wearing a pretty black skirt, a grey top and a baby pink blazer that matches the pink socks you’re wearing and your eyeshadow that he just about makes out behind your glasses. 
“With what?” He’s on his way back from the kitchen, your prized orca mug in one hand and his mug in the other.
This is your new routine; you and Spencer have coffee in the morning while you both work through your crosswords and then get started on filing away reports for the many serial killers you’ve either interviewed with Tara or put away with the team. It’s fun, and it’s always something to look forward to, especially on designated office days. 
These specific mornings, you have time for a game you’ve fondly named, ‘Making Spencer Try International Desserts.’
Spencer can smell your perfume, you smell like you always do- orange blossom, coffee and lavender. It’s intoxicating, the way the scent just floats into him with every move you make. 
“The season calls for it, so  I got pavlova. It’s a New Zealand dessert and I got it with raspberries, strawberries and a passion fruit syrup situation to go on top.” 
Spencer knows the informational side to everything in the world but he’s never tried some of it out, as you’d learnt on a night out for drinks, so you’d started the game as a way to help him get real world knowledge of fun things- the operative word being up for debate but he hadn’t objected yet. 
He clears his desk, making space for the two little boxes you have in your hand. “They’re a little sweet for breakfast, but you only live once.” You open up the boxes and Spencer is shocked to see the mini pavlovas and the fruit sitting beside it in a clear container. 
“Do you like these?” He asks, handing over your coffee to you and pulling his box towards him. 
“I do, but they’re more of a picnic food to share in my opinion. Like you need to be having a bar-b-que or a garden party to have the full effect of these.” Spencer isn’t surprised by your enthusiasm for the dessert- your little stories about every one you’ve shared with him is enthusiastic for how and when to eat them. 
You sneak into the kitchen and return with two spoons. “Okay, try to get a bit of everything on your spoon.” 
Spencer does as you say, a bit of the berries, the passion fruit and the shell of the pavlova on his spoon as he takes his first bite. You sit in anticipation, watching him chew and swallow like it’s the most fascinating thing a person could do. 
You try not to focus on the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows or the way his tongue pokes out to lick away some of the meringue at the corner of his mouth. Spencer catches the way your eyes widen at the action and suppresses a smile. 
“What do you think?” You busy yourself with setting up your own perfect bite, willing your body not to give away any of your fluster at being caught looking at him. 
“It was really nice, I like the different textures.” Spencer compliments, watching you take your own bite and letting himself smile when some of the passion fruit syrup and meringue stain your bottom lip. 
Without really thinking, his thumb comes to your face, wiping away the stain easily. Your breath hitches and Spencer feels it, his smile widening even more. There’s a moment where you both just stare at each other, your breathing filling the silence- you’re fighting the urge to lean in and kiss Spencer and he’s fighting the urge to lick his thumb. 
“You only pretend to be this coy man, don’t you Doctor Reid?” you ask finally, leaning back in the chair you’re in and crossing your legs. Spencer’s sure his brain short circuits for a moment, your thighs have been a source of his torture for months now, especially when you wear skirts and dresses. 
“You know you only call me ‘Doctor Reid’ when you’re flustered?” he tries changing the subject, leaning forward a bit to get a little closer to you. 
“You have a knack for topic evasion, Spencer.” he laughs, a soft, sweet sound and he shakes his head. 
“I have a knack for you,” you can feel your heart pounding in your ears, more so when Spencer’s fingers wrap around the arm of your chair and pull you closer to his desk. “Where’s your crossword?”
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Strawberries (Terzo x Fem! Reader SMUT)
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Credit to @conjuring-ghouls for the gif!
WARNINGS: Minors Do Not Interact, MDNI, 18+, Explicit Content, Sexual Content, Minors DNI, food play, pussy eating, overstimulation
Dearest Shoe, @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe thank you so much for requesting this, it was so much fun to write and definitely something outside of my comfort zone. Love you bb ❤️❤️
My Masterlist! ~ A03 Link!
You couldn't stop the smirk from passing over your lips as you caught the sight of him. "You know, Primo's going to be awfully upset if he finds out you were messing around in his greenhouse Papa." You watch his shoulder shake slightly as he chuckles. His gaze lands on you, the two of you sharing a small smile.
"Surely he won't mind me stealing a few strawberries. Especially if I'm gathering them to share with one of his beloved Siblings, eh Sorella?" You knew that devious glint in his eye all too well. Terzo Emeritus was not anything if not a flirt. He knew exactly what to say and how to act in order to leave you a flustered and blushing mess, not that you were complaining. He held one of the ripe berries between his fingers, studying it as he slowly made his way over to you. "The first strawberries of the season are always my favorite. Deliciously tart," his eyes leave the fruit and train themselves on you, taking in the image of your curves under your work clothes. "Yet still so sweet." He stood in front of you, his intense gaze gluing you to your spot. "It's probably one of the greatest tastes I've ever experienced… so far anyways." He smirks at you. You pressed your thighs together to try and stifle the growing arousal between your legs. Despite the fact you had been a target of Terzo's charm for years, he never failed to get you all worked up. He held out the strawberry to you, watching intently as your lips wrapped around the tip of it, gently brushing over his fingers as you took a small bite. Your eyes never left his, beautifully mismatched hazy green with the other being so white it almost glowed. Terzo Emeritus was definitely a sight to behold.
"It's delicious Papa." You giggle, covering your mouth with your hand. He takes your chin between his fingers. Your breath hitches in your throat, his lips barely out of reach.
"Can I have a taste, Sorella?"  He smirks, your cheeks immediately heating up at his question.
"Terzo!" You startled away from him as Primo's voice booms through the greenhouse. "I've told you before, not in my greenhouse, you'll crush the plants!" Terzo chuckles, taking a step back from you.
"Relax, fratello, I was just giving (Y/N) some fruit." The youngest Emeritus brother shoots you a wink and a flirtatious smirk. Your eyes trailed after him as he made his exit, taking the rest of the plump flesh of the strawberry between his teeth. The thought flashed through your mind of how good it would feel for him to bite into your thighs like that. You quickly shook the idea from your head as Primo approached you.
"Il mia bambina, I hate to trouble you, but would you mind harvesting some fruits and bringing them to Terzo's office? I would like to keep that menace out of my garden at all costs." He says with an exasperated sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Yes Papa, I'll take care of it." You agree with a smile. He pats you on the shoulder as he walks past you.
"Thank you Sorella. If you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with one Miss Mary Jane." He pardons himself with a chuckle. You made quick work of picking fruits, the thought of your earlier interaction with Terzo playing repeatedly in your mind, making you incredibly giddy. You grabbed some dark, sweet cherries, ripe peaches, tart plums, and of course more strawberries, carefully arranging them in your basket. You stopped by the kitchen, slipping some chocolate from Secondo's secret stash in with your other treats as you passed through.
"Papa?" You knock tenitavely on his door, pushing it open when you hear him give you permission to enter. He sat at his desk, reading glasses perched on the end of his nose as he filled out some paperwork. "Primo wanted me to bring you some fruits." You held up the basket before setting it on his desk. He chuckles, examining the gift before him.
"And the chocolate?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Just a little something special for my Papa." You blush slightly, your eyes drifting down to your feet.
"Thank you cara mia, this is wonderful. How can I ever repay you?" His question slightly muttles with the rustling of the candy's foil. You glanced up at him to find his eyes already studying you. The tension in the air was thick. Gone was the usual playfully flirty demeanor that often dominated your and Terzo's conversations. You stood before him now when there wasn't a single chance you would get disturbed. He knew he had you all to himself and he was planning on taking full advantage of that.
"There's no need to repay me Papa." You respond softly. He snaps off a small piece of chocolate, holding it out to you. You carefully take it between your lips, he watches your reaction to the slightly bitter chocolate intently.
"Oh, but I want to, Sorella." He neatly folds up his glasses, tucking them away in his desk before he stands. His slow, heavy footsteps echoing in your ears as he walks around his desk. He sat on the edge of the dark wood, picking up a peach out of the basket, tossing it in the air and catching it in his palm a few times. "You went through all this hard work just to bring me something I wanted… surely there's something you want as well." You eyed the fruit in his hand, wanting to relive the sensation you had experienced earlier. Terzo follows your gaze, holding the peach out for you to bite. Forbidden fruit hanging just out of reach. You hesitantly lean forward, sinking your teeth into the soft flesh. You felt some of the juice dripping down your lip. In one swift movement Terzo was standing, his tongue lapping up the droplet of juice before his lips crashed into yours. The peach tumbled from his hand and to the floor with a loud thud. His arms wrapped around you, pulling your body flush against his own. He sucked your lip between his teeth, a delighted hum escaping you as your eyes fluttered shut. He lifted you from the floor, effortlessly setting you on the edge of his desk. Your kiss broke momentarily as you both hurried to get undressed. "I can't even begin to tell you how long I've wanted you cara mia." He admits breathlessly. You tangled your fingers in his dark hair, giving it a firm tug that elicited a sinful groan from him, his fingers kneading into your hips.
"Then have me Papa… I'm all yours." His lips were back on yours in an instant, needy hands pulling at your shirt until it was removed from your body. Terzo kissed and nipped at the exposed skin of your chest. Terzo's eyes drifted to the fruit basket you had brought, a smirk crossing his features as he breathes out a chuckle.
"I think I know a pretty good use for your gift." You raised a curious eyebrow at him, watching to see what he would do next. He grabbed one of the various plums in the basket, leaning over your exposed chest and biting into it. The dark red juice dripped down his fingers and off his wrist before splattering across your skin. Your fingers slid into his raven locks as he dipped his head, licking the droplets up from the valley of your breasts. His eyes never leaving yours for a moment. You placed a finger under his chin, gently guiding him upwards until you found his lips, the tart juice of the plum mixing with Terzo's naturally sweet taste. He rests his forehead against yours after he pulls away. "The freshest fruit in the garden should be shared with the prettiest flower, sí?" You couldn't help but blush under his gaze, nodding in agreement. He offered you a bite of the plum before discarding it alongside the peach, his head dipping into the crook of your neck. His warm breath fanned over your skin as he trailed kisses down your exposed body. You mewled under his touch, back instinctively arching off the desk as he sucked dark marks onto your thighs. He paused, fingers playing at the band of your panties. "Will you allow me to taste you, Sorella?" 
"Please, Papa." You whine, your legs already beginning to tremble despite him not even touching you yet. Terzo lets out a deep chuckle, removing the main clothing keeping him separated from your soaked core at an agonizingly slow pace. Your breath caught in your throat as he licked a long stripe over your clit, the gasp he elicited fizzling out before it even had a chance to leave your lungs. He wasted no time, his tongue dipping inside your entrance allowing him to lap up the juices of your arousal. You pressed a hand firmly to the back of his head, grinding your hips into his face. His nose brushed over your clit as his tongue continued to work inside of you, a series of sinful moans falling from your lips as the growing knot in your stomach.
"So sweet, Cara Mia." Terzo groans before latching his lips around your clit, tongue expertly teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves. The arm you were using to support yourself gave out underneath you, causing you to collapse back against the desk. Terzo wrapped his strong arms around your thighs, holding you in place as he effortlessly pulled an orgasm from you. Your legs trying to force themselves closed, Terzo resisted you with a chuckle, the vibrations sending a jolt through your already sensitive body. You cried out his name, trying to push his face away, a task that only resulted in streaks of grey across your palms from his paints. "Forgive me for being selfish dolce, but you are the best thing I've ever tasted." He smirks as you squirm in his grasp. "Even better than those strawberries."
Tag List: @moss-the-moth @mustluvecho @kissingghouls @angellayercake @copiousloverofcopia @rabidghoul
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thelilylav · 28 days
Y'know what? Fuck it (gives u guys a list of poc artists to listen to cause the white ppl on the music side of tumblr have been embarassing me)
List is under the cut, and warning bc I made it very long
Los Abuelos De La Nada
Gesu No Kiwami Otobe
Chuck Berry
Ben E. King
Los Prisoneros
Ahmed Fakroun (ok this one's french art rock but in my book it still counts)
Burnout Syndromes (been fucking w them since I got into Haikyuu lmao)
Infinity Song (their hater song genuinely gets me every time LMAO)
People in the Box
N.E.R.D (my god if u don't know them.. idk dude my brother has been obsessed w them for forever so i just was not getting away regardless lol)
Punk/Punk Rock (& other punk subgenres):
Nova Twins (u must listen to them it's just the way it's gotta be guys)
Rina Sawayama (her hatred of Matty Healy is so attractive. i cannot believe i found her two years ago cause i still remember i would not shut up when i first heard her music it was so good)
BABYMETAL (the way their band name just straight up screams at people gets me every time lmaooo)
The Younger Lovers
Mashrou Leila
Stella Jang
Shak SYrn (Jenni is on repeat in my room at any given moment)
Steve Lacy (if u listen to more than just Bad Habit u will find an actuall amazing discography)
Jenny Nuo (i have been OBSESSED w her music since like 2021 ish and it is a crime she hasn't blown up more imo)
Hemlocke Springs (oooo i hate that she does not get more love!!! synth pop and alt indie is such a fun niche like!!!)
Lyn Lapid (in my head she's huge but i have recently learned that artists i think r super popular may be unknown to an entire genre of ppl soo)
Megagonefree (found them on ig and omg!! PLS go check them out genuinely)
boa (i am once again shaming u if u don't know them)
JAZZ (in all caps bc I fucking LOVE jazz no it's not dead go listen to jazz rn motherfuckers):
Idris Muhammad
Esperanza Spalding
Joanna Wang (ok she does pop and folk music too but idk she felt most appropriate here)
SAMARA JOY (put. some. respect. on. her. name. i would actually go to war for her i am not kidding. also this is in all caps bc MY MOM GOT TO SEE HER LIVE??? AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO SHE WAS PLS I WAS SO MAD OMGGG but i've been promised tickets next time so we're good)
Sade (my og one and only)
George Clinton (i mean he's just a classic yknow)
Parliament (Give Up the Funk can make me dance like no other i swear)
Stevie Wonder (i mean.. like if we're on the topic of classics anyway then...)
Michael Jackson/The Jackson 5 (moreso his earlier stuff if my memory isn't lying to me.. look it's been a second since i listened to mj IM SORRY i am a busy person ok TT)
Valerie June
Maxine Nightingale (if u don't listen to her... how do u have fun? actual question i put her on every time i need to feel happy atp)
Boney. M (technically they're reggae but they also count as R&B so idk.. i'm just putting them here if anyone wants me to move them later i will)
Amahla (Ca Suffit was so good and got me to check out the rest of her music, YOU SHOULD TOO!!)
Mary J Blige (not to judge but like... if u don't know THE queen then idk how to help you tbh)
SZA (wouldn't be a list without her in it tbh. i'm in love w her not even joking abt that)
Kali Uchis (to this day i cannot believe i saw her live i'm truly never getting a better moment than that omggg i have such a big crush on her anyway)
Aupinard (if ever u need to just vibe, this is the man u go to.)
Wejdene (TU PARLES AVEC UNE ANISSA MA MOI J'APPELLE WEJDENE- she's been my day 1 since i was like thirteen i can't even lie)
Annisse (just found out she only has like ~500 listeners on spotify??? apparently i'm one of them tho lmao so yeah go get that number up guys i love her too much for this disrespect)
Sister Sledge
Cheryl Lynn
Daddy Yankee (he's an honourable mention cause i couldn't not lmao)
Skindred (they're a reggae/metal fusion band and i will shut up abt them when i'm dead bc Nobody rewired my brain chemistry!!)
Manu Chao
Toquinho (i was so convinced this man was bossa nova but apparently he is reggae and i need to do some music theory review)
Sushi Soucy (oh the things I Deserve to Bleed had me going thru in 2020/2021)
Miriam Makeba (Pata Pata should be enough to get anyone listening to her, just saying)
Lead Belly (do urself a favour and do some research on this man, i'm not kidding even if u don't like folk music u should know abt him- ESPECIALLY if u like Nirvana that'll make sense later trust)
Corinne Bailey Rae (she has so much good music that gets ignored bc of Put Your Records On so.. yeah go listen to Black Rainbows she's only gotten better as time goes on lol)
Dru (he is for any person who likes ke$ha. i'm so serious he is early 2000s in a bottle and i love his music ur rlly missing out if u ignore him)
Monique Hasbun (found her recently! she's a Palestinian, Mexican and Salvadorian artist who plays around with Latin pop and does a lot of fusion music. she's dope go listen to her fr)
Mohammad Assaf (he made the Palestine song that's been going around ig a lot, but his other stuff is great as well. he's another Palestinian artist, so once again, go check him out!!)
Pinkpanthress (i LOVE her she's so much fun to just vibe to and idk how anyone couldn't have heard of her atp but then again this is the sight that didn't know who drake was so... sigh. go listen to her if u don't already!!)
Aliyah's Interlude (BROOO if u haven't heard of her actually go listen rn i'm so serious she is so good i can'ttttt ok bye)
Veondre (had a collab w Aliyah on It Girl and is gonna be releasing her own music very soon! she's trans too so go give her some love)
Shalco (wasn't sure whether to put him here or in hip hop, but his stuff is very very good either way)
Ado (she's j-pop but it's a form of pop so into the pop category she goes)
Moon (she's got two songs out rn, Moonlight and Seoul City Drift, and both r going on loop in my head at all times)
Jay Chou (call me a basic bitch idc he's good ok)
Atarashii Gakko! (i wouldn't say they're j-pop, but google did, so i'm just going w it lol)
flowerovlove (just trust me on this one)
El Tio Gamboin (Los Gatitos is such a cute song)
Grace Chang (see note for Jay Chou)
King Gnu (for all my j-pop lovers... come get ur man)
Lalo Rodriguez (included this genre specifically so i could mention him)
Adalberto Santiago
Roberto Roena (he's a classic i can't lie)
Hector Lavoe (i think he might be the most popular one in this genre lol)
City Pop (this is its own genre bc i literally did a presentation in high school abt it and i'll be damned if i don't flex my knowledge now):
Mariya Takeuchi
Miki Matsubara (my QUEEN my everything my-)
Taeko Onuki (one of my most listened to artists last yr for a Reason)
Kaoru Akimoto
Kingo Hamada
Jun Togawa
Bossa Nova:
Joao Gilberto (ooo he gets me every time i fucking love this man)
Elizeth Cardoso
Johnny Alf (forgot this man the first time around my bad BUT he's called the father of bossa nova for a reason so)
Hip Hop:
Flyana Boss (they're sooooo good i actually can't gush enough i have never felt so girlypop listening to music before go listen to them!! found the duo through ig so yeah if u want go follow them on there too to show support)
Lil Uzi Vert (for any emo lovers, go check out his song Werewolf with Bring Me the Horizon it is SO GOOD)
Samyra (she's slowly curing my body dysmorphia lol)
Yame (there's an accent on the e but idk how to do that on tumblr. anyway my ass loves french rap and before him i was stuck with klub des loosers so he saved my faith in the genre i can't even lie)
Lay Bankz (u cannot be chronically online and not have heard Ick yet, but i'm repping her regardless bc SHE'S SO GOOD)
A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie (HEAR ME OUT-)
Kaliii (Area Codes was one of my most listened to songs last year... as it should be tbh)
Miguel (he does R&B too i just first listened to him bc of his collab w J.Cole sooo)
Tyler the Creator (putting him on here just to brag abt getting to see him in concert lmao)
XXXTentacion (he has been mourned and talked abt an insane amount, but he deserves it i'm not even gonna joke on this one. his artistry is insane and he deserves some love if u haven't listened to him yet)
Kendrick Lamar (i mean i've been reblogging stuff abt him enough. Mr. Morale was actually the album that made me start Listening listening to him and i'm honestly glad it was bc that album is still my favourite to this day if i'm being totally honest)
Renaissauce (criminally and i do mean CRIMINALLY underrated)
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 3 months
you have learned that the palace nymphs call you alice, a woman bound by something unknown, she who is from nowhere yet is the center of attention, the universe. king gojo's universe.
the king takes a particular liking towards you. he's much more taller than you in the space of the library. wearing distinguishable clothes that alert you that you're not talking to just anyone. the way he moves tells you everything you need to know. he's the king.
"your majesty," with embarrassment, you bow your head down, but the king makes it evident that no such attitudes like that are required with him. alone, at least.
he has been kind, too kind to let you live in the palace, granting you a room that could place marie antoniette's to shame. even the maids have noticed. they sneer behind your back, how a foreigner could ever make the king do what would only be done for a queen. but if they ever send a direct dirty look your way or do anything against you, fae king gojo has already taken care of it.
the elaborate dinners, sweet cream pastries with berries are rich. rich in care, in quality, as if you've dreamt the finest of dreams, this place is a heaven. and you see it.
king satoru treats you like no man ever has. holds your hand with the upmost respect, as if you were made of porcelain, his eyes feels like the gentle rays of light from your morning window, or the cool breeze of the night. never too much.
"stay with me," he asks of you one night, outside his balcony. your white shimmery gossamer dress, made with the most precision and care reflects among the moonlight, reminding you of the life you could live if you stay with him. the elaborate dinners, finest of goods, and the romantic attention you've always dreamed of cause you to hold your breath.
and then you wake up.
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candywife333 · 7 months
Wife Is Life
PART 3 of Fish-wife or No wife
Summary: Did Jungkook have a wife? The rumor mill had been churning for years, divided on this one topic. He was a successful worldwide pop star who was always seen with a different lady on his arm, as he flitted from country to country enjoying his prolific career. The reason for the lingering suspicion was a cryptic social media post showing a picture of 2 kids who shared the same exact eyes and smile as him. So in fact, if he truly did have a wife, who was she? And why had the public never seen her? Perhaps she didn't wish to be seen.
Description : famous pop-star/idol jungkook x chubby y/n , might be two-shot or trilogy
Disclaimer: The character of Jungkook shown in this fanfic does not accurately represent Jungkook's true personality or actions. Please treat this story as fiction.
Sorry for the little to no proofreading, have a lot more works lined up to post
Will have more drabbles of this couple lined up though this is the last official part.
It was 7 PM when I was startled awake by loud snoring. Damn, the man snored like a hibernating bear. I can't believe I let him touch my body. I should not have done that. Mentally reprimanding myself for poor decision making (though I truly did have little decision in the matter), I pried myself from his hold and went to take a quick shower. After a refreshing shower consisting of washing out all the cum he had pumped into me, I walked to the kitchen to see Mrs. Jeon reading a book on the couch.
"Hello auntie, how is your book so far?", I timidly asked. She smiled real wide as she saw me, pulling my hand to sit next to her, "Going well dear. Have been wanting to read it for ages but never got around to it till now". I nodded with a small smile on my face. "Auntie, I will be going out to briefly check up on the house in this neighborhood. It is just a quick 5 minute walk. Can you just take care of the kids in case they get up in between"?
Mrs. Jeon quirked her eyebrow slightly up, quietly whispering," Do you not trust them with Jungkook?" I smiled at her in a perfunctory manner, feeling a little soulless, "I honestly am not sure. He seems to only be interested in them for the time being. I don't think I can count on him to be a true father since he has not shown up for either of them consistently. I will be getting everything ready to shift into the linden house tomorrow morning". I sighed, feeling weary all of a sudden staring into Mrs. Jeon's eyes with resignation and acceptance, "I knew this marriage was a farce from the very beginning, so I never expected anything from him. I just hoped that he would visit the kids regularly. That was honestly it. You see Mrs. Jeon, ours is not a typical marriage. We just fulfilled each of our needs at the time. He found me, to take care of Iro. And I took his help to gain financial stability and have children that I could call my own".
She pensively stared back at me, with a sadness reflected in her eyes, face frowning slightly. I smiled in a reassuring manner and pivoted to grab my phone and wallet, walking out of the house to briefly check up on how ready it was. After seeing the house in perfect condition since my brief visit last month, I did some cursory cleaning so the kids and I wouldn't suffer allergies. It was a two story house with 5 massive bedrooms, a gym room, cute well equipped kitchen, and beautiful views of trees through all the windows. Imagine a house that looked like a winter wonderland, waiting for Christmas to blanket it; enveloped by berry, maple, and fir trees.
Walking back into the Jeon's house, Mr. Jeon opened the door for me with a soft smile. And to my distinct surprise, I saw Jungkook feeding or shall I say, attempting to feed Mari and Iro some pumpkin pudding that Mrs. Jeon had made. I walked in silently, and patted him on the shoulder , "Thanks for helping feed them. Both of them sleep early, so it is truly perfect that you are feeding them right now". He stared at me as if he were deciphering the contents of my soul, even as Mari jabbed her tiny finger (honestly resembling a claw at this point) into his sturdy chest. "Of course Y/N, it really is no big deal". I ate a light dinner , a bowl of lamb and potato stew with udon noodles.
Grabbing the kids from my Jungkook, I walked back to the bedroom. The kids easily fell asleep as they usually tend to once they are fed. Brushing and getting ready for bed in some shorts and a tank top, I slipped beneath the covers ready to doze off. Before I knew it , I had drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to Jungkook's heavily muscled arm wrapped around my waist, and his legs trapped between mine. His head was laid up on my left breast and I could feel his breathing on my nipple. Arousal was starting to pool in my underwear and my left nipple stiffened with the warm air of his breath flooding it. To make matters worse, his groin was rubbing against my wet core. I gasped as the small pleasure started to build in my core.
I had to get out of his grasp no matter what. I carefully detached myself from him. He had the notion that he could seamlessly slip into my life when our arrangement never included physical love. Even if he became a proper dad to the kids, I was not letting him fuck with me. The man showed how irresponsible and inconsistent he was. Actions speak louder than words. I quickly wrapped my hair into a bun, brushed, splashed my face with water, and changed into a blue cotton sundress.
I hadn't unpacked much at all, so I shoved whatever was out back into the two suitcases I had brought. Grabbing Mari as she slept, I gently woke up Iro and cleaned his face. Thank god Iro was a quiet child. We slipped out the bedroom with the suitcases and saw Mr. and Mrs. Jeon making breakfast.
I grinned, "Good morning auntie and uncle, just going to shift over to the linden house. I will feed the kids breakfast and we will go over there. You guys should come over for lunch, I will have a whole gourmet selection ready for you ". They laughed at my demand. After getting Iro to eat something and shoveling down some oatmeal myself, I packed some food for Mari and drove over to the linden house with the luggage.
Mari got up in between and I bathed both the kids as soon as we walked in. I let out a huge breath in relief, finally I would have my own breathing space. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon were lovely, but I did not want to constantly be around Jungkook. He had taken yesterday's advances, as a way to weasel into my bed. I started working on making shrimp stew, rice, fried omelettes, tonkatsu and some curry.
I was used to cooking since I was 16. It was a therapeutic activity for me. Finishing in a record time of 2.5 hrs, I took a quick shower myself and called Mrs. Jeon over. I didn't know that a hectic hodgepodge of erratic events were happening in the Jeon house in between.
Mrs. Jeon wacked Jungkook with a broom handle, "Get UP YOU LAZY BOY!!!!! GET UP!!! GET UP!!! Go get yourself cleaned up and read for lunch. You have a wife and kids to get back". She sneered , menacingly at him as slowly got up in a confused state, doe eyes wide open, puzzled by what his mother meant. "What do you mean mom? Aren't Y/N and the kids at home. Where would they have gone?"
Mrs. Jeon shook her head in disappointment, a frown on her face, lips pinched in irritation, "Your Y/N is a very independent, reliable girl. She bought the linden house before coming here and she moved into it with the kids this morning itself. She invited your father and I over for lunch. Clearly she wants to keep family bonds, but you are a miserable father and husband. If you didn't want to be a good husband, you could've at least been a good father. But no, you chose to fail on both counts". Ceaselessly shaking her head, she walked away before yelling, "YOU BETTER GET YOUR RANK ASS SHOWERED AND READY FOR LUNCH. SHE DIDN'T INVITE YOU FYI, BUT YOU ARE GOING ANYWAY, WE ARE NOT MAKING LUNCH AT HOME"!
With those biting remarks, Mrs. Jeon left Jungkook alone with his dismal thoughts. His wife had clearly not accepted him back, even as a father to the kids. He scoffed , of course she wouldn't. He had been such a horrible dad, not seeing his kids as they were growing up. Even when he was told that Mari was born by her sister Wei, he wasn't bothered at the time. He almost wanted to sit there crying the rest of the day, remembering her cute toothless little chubby face.
He showered rapidly, running to the door as his parents planned on walking over with a basket of red bean filled pastries. Y/N opened the door in a light pastel yellow dress littered with a pattern of violets, and simple diamond studs. She was classic, a beauty , and she was the moment. Her curled hair cascaded down her backless sundress. Jungkook swore his mother slightly gasped when she first saw Y/N. As soon as Y/N saw Jungkook, her beaming smile faded into an indifferent nod. He hated that he had made her that way.
She pushed his parents toward the massive oak table with a beautiful view of the garden. The entire house was filled with paintings of forests and gardens, with a small collection of creepers winding around the staircase leading up stairs. The views were also ridiculously impressive, with trees looking close to a hundred years old shading the entire house, yet still allowing sunlight in. Jungkook could tell this property was super expensive, more so than the one he had bought just from the interiors and the 3 acre garden encompassing the entire circumference of the house.
Y/N had made bank, and she might not need him anymore. He started perspiring , beads of sweat lining his forehead as he frantically thought of how easy it would be for her to delete him from her life. She was emotionally stable, mentally strong, had his parents on her side, and financially rock solid. She could easily marry a more reliable, doting husband and leave him out of the picture.
Not able to control his panic, Jungkook was barely able to eat a spoon of the stew before he excused himself with a trembling voice, "I need to use the bathroom, one minute". He booked it to the bathroom, not even able to take his eyes from the ostentatiously furnished restroom complete with a settee and potpourri. Since when were bathrooms so big that they contained sofas and potpourri?!!
Y/N was confused at his abrupt exit from the dining table. It had been five minutes since Jungkook had stumbled away in a hurry. Y/N decided she would check on him in case he needed anything. "Give me one minute auntie and uncle, let me just check on Jungkook". They nodded , consumed in eating their food and feeding the kids. Y/N walked over to the bathroom and rapped on the door, "You ok there Jungkook? Need any help finding toiletries"?
Before she could take in another breath, the door opened with a frantic Jungkook who was shirtless, pants loose. An extremely defined arm grabbed her around her waist and whisked her inside the bathroom before she could even yell. Hitting on his tan glistening chest, Y/N sharply demanded "What the hell are you doing? Let me go. What is your damn problem? Did nobody teach you manners growing up?"
Jungkook grimaced, seating Y/N on his lap, her dress shoved up all the way to her waist, chest heaving, hair in disarray, " No Y/N nobody did. That is why I cannot resist you and am driven to utter distraction by you. Ever since I saw you at the door with Mari in your arms, I have been spellbound by you. You are an enchanting, gorgeous woman and I should've seen that earlier. I used to hate on you and shame you for your body to my Hyungs. But the minute I felt you in my arms, and saw you with my babies, I wanted to kill myself for my senseless and false words".
Even as I continued beating on his chest to release me, angered by him body shaming me in the past, he fixed me to his lap, restraining my arms making me grind on his lap, his hips guiding me into a blinding rhythm. I bit out with sheer venom, "Then why don't you divorce me and marry a model instead? I don't need your money anymore, and we can share custody of the kids. If seeing my body disgusts you, there is no point continuing this". Hearing those words broke Jungkook, how could he leave this beautiful caring woman alone for some vapid shallow model? Was she so stupid that she couldn't understand how much she meant to him?
Clearly he had never verbalized enough how much she drove him nuts. When Jungkook was in a depression after breaking up with the Spanish model and having Iro at his doorstep, Y/N had swooped in to the save day. Seeing her treat Iro as if he were her own son for two years had made him love Y/n so much. He had just never wanted to get close to her and get hurt. He knew in his soul that if anyone would break him, it would be Y/N. When he married Y/N, he never even touched a woman after that. He would have escorts who he would take to galas and work parties, the tabloids going nuts at his hired companions.
Finally having Y/N in his arms, he couldn't hold back anymore. Tears streaming down his face, he undid Y/N's dress zipper throwing it over her head. Y/N couldn't even fight back against his skilled quick movements. Making too much noise would alert his parents and her kids. He desperately shoved his face wet with tears between her breasts. His calloused hands squeezed the perfect globes of her butt, getting her to slowly grind on his cock.
Y/N couldn't hold back as the sensations overtook her. She moaned quietly as she could feel Jungkook kneading at her waist as his tongue traced her collarbones, littering tiny bits all over them. Y/N attempted refusing, putting hands on his shoulders to push him away, "No Jungkook we can't do this. I don't know how many women you have been with". Jungkook warbled back , "No Y/N, you are the only one since I have married you. I tried avoiding you, but seeing the kids and you have made that impossible. I was a horrible father and husband but I will make it up to you and the kids no matter what".
Not able to control himself, Jungkook came in his pants with Y/N heavily panting on top of his lap ,completely naked. He stared at his wife, amazed at her beauty. He would never leave her or the kids again. Y/N retorted back with a quirk of her lips, eyes shining with promise and mischief, "So is that it? That was all you had for me after so many years"?
Jungkook growled back , black eyes shining into hers, mouth smirking, grabbing her hair in his hand to bring her face closer to his, "Of course not my darling", kissing her in the mouth thrusting his tongue into hers, "This is just the beginning".
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Stars in Her Eyes
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Eleventh Doctor x Fem!Reader
Written for an annonymous ask. I hope you enjoy it!
Synopsis: When Y/n prefers to stay in bed instead of going on an adventure, the Doctor does everything he can to cheer her up.
Word Count: 1,275
A/N: Taking requests for Eleven fics!! xo
“So, where to next? Eh?” The Doctor bounced on his toes as he flicked switches on the console, “I know a great planet in the Mutter’s Spiral where the grass is pink, the sand is crystal and the sea is purple.” 
He turned to face Y/n who was sitting on the glass stairs, she was looking down at the ground her hand held her head as she wrested her arms on her legs, her eyebrows were furrowed, lips down in a frown. 
“Why is your face like that?” he frowned. 
Y/n was broken out of her thoughts, “What?” 
The Doctor wiggled his fingers at her face, “You’re all scrunched up. It looks weird. Stop it." He comes over to her and grabs both hands softly, “Come on. Anywhere in space and time. Where do you want to go?” 
She thought for a moment before slowly standing, “I think... I want to go to bed.” 
The Doctor stopped, “Bed? All of time and space and you want a nap?” 
She nodded and turned to make her way up the stairs, her movements sluggish, “Yeah.” 
The Tardis dinged and he span to look at the console, “I didn’t do anything!” 
She then whirred harshly and the Doctor raised his hands in surrender, “Alright. What do you suggest we do?” 
With a final mechanical whir, the Doctor grinned, he clapped his hands and kissed the glass, “Oh, you beauty.” 
He turned and ran down the glass steps, clapping his hands while running to the kitchen, “Okay. I need, I need, I need recipes, a large chef’s hat, a green whisk, an apron that says kiss the cook and Mary Berry. We have work to do.” 
With Mary at his side, they baked up a storm; cookies, brownies, apple tarts, jelly babies and a large box of Jammie Dodgers. He did get the side eye from Mary when he made fish fingers and a bowl of custard. 
Mary smiled as the Doctor led her back out of the Tardis again, “You know, dear. I’ve never seen you so smitten before.” she took the Doctor’s hand and patted it with her own, “She must be very special.” 
The Doctor grinned and kissed her hand, “The most special girl in the world.” 
“Until next time, Doctor.” 
After Mary left, he leapt round and ran to the console, “Come on then, old girl, let’s show our girl some stars.” He flipped the lever with a hyper, “Geronimo!” as he trusted the Tardis to guide them to the perfect spot. 
Y/n was curled up in bed, not sleeping, not thinking, just lying there. She felt so silly. Lying in bed moping when there was the most amazing man out there who was ready to show her things that she’s never even dreamed of. An alien who owned her heart as she owned both of his. Someone who would do anything for her and instead of being with him she was lying in bed MOPING. 
She was startled out of her pity party by five swift knocks on her door before it opened and the Doctor poked his head in. 
“Hello!” he grinned. 
His smile was infectious and she couldn’t help but smile back, “Hello.” 
“How do you feel? Better?” 
Y/n sat up, “Yeah a bit.” 
The Doctor clapped, “Good. Put a coat on and let’s go.” 
He grinned and booped her nose, “If I tell you, it won’t be a secret. Coat. Now.” he clicked his fingers and like a whirlwind he was gone again. 
Curiosity got the better of her and she got up, pulled on her trainers and a jacket before running out after him. 
He was standing waiting for her by the door of the Tardis, leaning against the door, arms folded and a smirk gracing his lips. When he saw her running down the stairs his hearts skipped. 
“What are we doing, Doctor?” she smiled gently as she walked over to him. 
He held out his hand, “Trust me?” 
“Always.” she reached out and placed her hand in his, feeling him squeezing tight as he pulled her out the door of the Tardis. 
Y/n gasped as she looked around. They were on the planet that the Doctor told her about. The crystal sand, purple water, the grass on the hills were bubble-gum pink and she stared in complete awe. The moon was high in the sky which made the crystals twinkle like stars. 
“Oh, my, Doctor.” looking around she saw he was standing a few feet away. A large blanket at his feet and a wicker basket. “Doctor?” 
He waved her over enthusiastically before sitting cross-legged on the blanket. 
Y/n walked through the grass and sat next to the Doctor on the blanket. “Is this... are we... Doctor is this a picnic?” 
The Doctor rolled his eyes, “Of course it’s a picnic what else could it possibly be?” He gave Y/n a look up and down, “Are you sure you’re alright.” he took out his sonic screwdriver and scanned her up and down before Y/n slapped it away. 
“I’m fine, Doctor.” she shrugged, “I just didn’t take you for a picnic kind of... alien.” 
The Doctor fidgeted as he took out things from the basket, “Well, this isn’t for me.” 
Y/n frowned, “What?” 
“I know you love stars.” The Doctor whispered. 
Y/n’s heart almost burst, he took her here to try and cheer her up. She smiled as she pointed to the sand, “They do look so much like stars.” 
The Doctor chuckled, “No, darling.” He slowly leaned forward and gently placed his hands on her cheeks and he tilted her head up. 
She gasped. 
The sky was impossible. She could see galaxies, the swirling of colours, the stars. Oh, she’s never seen anything like it. It was like she could reach out her hand and touch the sky. 
And that was the feeling you always have when you’re in love with the Doctor. 
The Doctor was smiling as he watched her eyes fly around the sky, trying to take everything in at once. Committing it all to memory so she could never forget it. 
The stars reflected into her eyes and they sparkled like the brightest galaxy. The Doctor’s jaw dropped as he realised that he was gazing at the most beautiful thing in the world. The most beautiful thing in every world. 
“Oh, Doctor. It’s beautiful.” she breathed. 
The Doctor never looked away from her face, “Yes, it is.” 
Y/n looked at him and chuckled. “Doctor! You’re not even looking.” 
He gently rubbed his thumbs against her cheekbones, “I don’t need to.” 
“Because you’ve seen it before?” 
The Doctor chuckled, “No. I’m already looking at the most beautiful thing. It’s sitting here, right here in front of me.” 
Before Y/n could stutter out a reply the Doctor leaned forward and pressed his lips to her ear, “I’m going to kiss you now.” He whispered slowly, his voice deeper than usual. 
He pulled back and leaned into Y/n’s space, capturing her lips in a deep kiss. The feeling of her lips against his own made him want to give her the sun if she asked for it. Even if she didn’t, he would still give it to her. 
He tangled his long fingers into her hair, the other stayed cupping her cheek as she clutched the lapels of his jacket. 
That’s where they stayed, neither of them sure how long. 
Kissing under the stars. 
Sharing fish fingers and custard. 
Eating Jammie Dodgers while lying side by side, hand in hand, to stare at the sky. 
The Doctor and Y/n. 
The greatest love story in the universe.
Y/n moaned as she ate a brownie, "Doctor! This tastes amazing! There is no way you made this!" she giggles.
The Doctor grinned as he took his own bite, talking with his mouth full, "If I told you who did, you wouldn't believe me."
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majestyjun · 1 year
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# soobin + church sex !! xmas special
tw. f!reader, church girl!reader, religion (im not religious anymore… so this might be inaccurate), pet names, corruption kink, unprotected sex (please dont irl), first-time. minors dni + nsfw
a/n. for all the soobin corruption kink lovers a special merry xmas <3
“to the holy father we thank for our many blessings and gifts on this special day.” soft bells ring throughout the church pews, worshippers closing their eyes as they unanimously “amen” to end the pastor’s sermon. decked out for christmas, the church halls were filled with bright green wreaths dotted with holly berries before the stained glass windows depicting christ and the virgin mary, shepherds and sheep. snow slowly falls from the cloudy sky outside, softly landing on the windowsills. countless candles lined the pews, emitting a soft yellow glow, wax dripping down the candlesticks.
hands clasped together, you whispered a quiet, “amen,” before dropping your tithe into the basket offered by a sister with a smile. “thank you, dear, and bless you.” if the church nuns had a favorite, you were certainly close. always dressed in your most modest, blouses and dresses buttoned all the way up with long skirts. never hesitating to volunteer before services, and attending every sunday. “thank you, sister. merry christmas to you.” you nodded politely, a genuine sweet smile adorning your features. the masses in the pews began to stir as they collected their belongings, turning for the door as they headed for fellowship and coffee. weaving through the crowd, you approached the front of the hall. “pastor, may I stay behind to clean? it would be a shame if the hall was left untidy after todays service for the coming days.” “of course, my dear. if only the other young gentlemen and ladies had the same dedication to church as you did. especially that choi soobin.” the pastor sighed, collecting his coat for the cold. your eyes blinked innocently, considering the boy in name.
choi soobin. the name of the one member of your devout church congregation who rarely showed up to service (primarily at the end if he did… for free refreshments at fellowship) and wore untidy clothes to all events. his friends were non believers, and to many of the church elders, it was unacceptable that he mingle with so many with poor habits. while the name struck a sigh of disappointment amongst the congregation, he struck a chord of curiosity within you. his soft, brown eyes and heart-shaped lips were the envy of many of the church boys, and the desire of many church girls. perhaps you included. he’d shown up today, dragged in by his grandmother who had compromised by sitting in the back of the hall.
“remember, if you need anything, my office is always open during hours.” the pastor’s voice broke your train of thoughts, and you quickly nodded before whirling around, pressing your cold hands to your bright red cheeks, flushed with warmth. it was a sin to think about boys in the church hall—especially those who were unfaithful to the lord. you blinked and glanced around, realizing the church hall was devoid of people. as you walked towards the storage closet, an arm wrapped around your waist and spun you around in a gentle pull. your eyes met a broad chest dressed in an oversized black sweater, matching the pair of fitted dark wash distressed jeans. your gaze slowly tilted upwards, to be met with the round, chocolate brown eyes of choi soobin.
“s-soobin!” you squeaked, equally startled by his appearance and distracted by the arm around your waist. “hey, sweetheart,” soobin smiled, his free hand toying with the small rosary dangling from your neck. “h-huh? sweet…sweetheart?” you mumbled, flustered by his proximity. you’d last spoken to soobin at sunday school several years ago, and had kept your distance after hearing the church elders discuss their concerns over his poor attendance and behavior raucously at fellowship. a small laugh escaped his heart-shaped lips, gazing down at your smaller figure with amusement. “always the good girl, not even going to fellowship until the church has been cleaned?” warmth flooded your cheeks, both embarrassed and defensive at his words. “what do you mean?” you asked hesitantly, still unsure of whether to escape his grasp or to sinfully remain in it.
“don’t you ever have any fun, sweetheart?” soobin hinted, “church life is boring, after all.” your eyes widened at his insinuation, heart racing at the thought of breaking your modest lifestyle. “of… of course not!” you stammered, “i could never betray the trust of the lord.” “that’a a shame.” with a sigh of disappointment, the hand around your waist dropped as he turned around. a “w-wait!” you cried without thinking, reaching for his absent hand. “oh?” leaning his head over his shoulder, soobin glanced behind to see your small, blushing figure tentatively holding to his hand, “what’s this? a devout church girl holding the hand of someone like me?” he teased, amused at your evident display of emotion.
your eyes darted nervously around, unsure of your actions. your mind insisted you let go, and send him on his way for his bold actions. your heart begged you to listen to him, to have the time with the handsome man you’d always been curious about. to challenge his mindset about you.
“w-what did y-you have in mind?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. a grin spread across soobin’s face, before he swiftly pulled you into his chest, leaning over to whisper in your ear. “don’t you ever wonder what it’s like to sin? to feel the lust and greed that the bible condemns?” you blinked in shock at his words; the temptation to know beckoning at your heart to follow soobin murmurs over the pastor’s constant preaching of abstinence. “can you imagine it? the sensation of physical touch… just like this.” finger tips danced down your back, gently smoothing over your curves through your skirt before warm palms cupped your waist and ass. humiliation burned through skin as shivers raced up your spine, breathy gasps escaping your throat at the unfamiliar touch. “it feels good, doesn’t it, doll?” he whispers, licking your earlobe in a long stripe. you gasped at the warm, wet sensation, an unfamiliar burn in your lower abdomen sparking alight. “sit on my lap,” soobin quietly instructs, taking a seat at a church pew and pulling you with him. a squeak leaves your throat as you straddle him, unfamiliar with your proximity to him.
“undo your dress buttons for me, sweetheart?” he asks, glancing down and taking your hesitant hands in his own and guiding them to the high neckline of your blouse. shakily, the buttons of your blouse come undone, exposing your cleavage to the frigid air conditioned room. “so pretty, all untouched for me.” soobin murmurs, before biting down on your skin. “a-ah!” you cry out, the sharp pain quickly soothed by a gentle lap of his tongue. breathy pants echo throughout the church hall, your head tipping backwards to expose more of yourself to soobin. murals of god and christ covered the ceiling, condemning and shaming you for your lack of modesty. humiliation trickled down your senses, although the thought of violating the lord’s words in his sanctuary sent heat rushing down over your body. “ah! wait—n-not there!” you whine, his ministrations trailing down your throat to the soft skin of your breast uncovered by your bra. “look at yourself, doll. all marked up by me.” your face burns with embarrassment and shame at his words, a moan escaping your lips as you glance down at the purple-red splotches dotting your chest. pressure builds in your core, an unfamiliar feeling of need taking over all other senses. “s-soobin, need more! feels… feels hot everywhere!” you whimper, desperate to quench the burning sensation crawling over your skin.
“i’ve got you, doll. just trust me?” soft lips meet your own in a gentle kiss. your eyes flutter shut, leaving behind all resistance as you melt in in soobin’s warm touch. the hard wood of the church pew meets your clothed back as he guides you into lying down. climbing over your vulnerable figure, soobin claims your lips in a string of kisses, only broken by shared breathy pants of arousal. tickling trails of fingertips gently pop open the buttons of your skirt, cold air rushing to meet the smooth skin of your thighs, doing little to quench the searing heat of your core. “soobin, it still burns!” fear laces your desperate plea as his hand comes to palm your clothed cunt. “shhh, don’t be scared. you’re doing so well, sweetheart.” you whimper at his praise, watching in nervous anticipation as he pulls away and settles between your thighs. “so cute and plush,” soobin remarks, licking your inner thigh in a single stroke, “don’t be nervous.”
pulling down your panties to your ankles, soobin licks his lips in anticipation. your soft, untouched pussy glistening with innocent, unknowing slick. two fingers gently prod at your entrance, the sudden contact causing you to clench your legs shut. “can’t do that, sweetheart,” soobin coos, coaxing your legs apart once more before taking your hand in his, “i’ve got you. just breathe.” his fingers slide past your entrance into your tight walls, clamping down on the foreign feeling. whimpers mixed with the soft sound of your juices squelching in and out with his fingers echo throughout the church hall. the sight of such a salacious act in front of you brings tears of shame to your eyes, to be feeling arousal before the lord. desperate cries break free from your throat as you squirm, despite your attempts to stay still. prodding your sensitive spot, fire races through your stomach as pressure builds, eliciting lewd, high pitched moans from your chest. “does it feel good, doll?” before you can respond, his lips latch on to your sensitive clit, sucking at the bud. broken cries fill the empty air of the hall, “s-soobin! c-can’t take anymore!” you sob, the knot in your stomach releasing as you cum over his lips and fingers, a wail leaving your throat as you tremble with aftershocks. soobin’s fingers swirl over your juices, making eye contact with your dizzy, unfocused eyes as he licks your slick off each finger slowly, relishing your taste.
climbing over you again, his sticky fingers press to your lips. “taste yourself, sweetheart. you’ve been so good for me.” you sloppily lick his fingers, dazed from your first orgasm. “are you ready for the real thing, doll?” he whispers, pressing soft kisses to your neck. “mmmhmm” you mumble, having lost most of your thoughts to the overwhelming experience. “i need words, darling,” lacing his fingers with yours once again, soobin presses a soft kiss to the back of your hand, “you’ve already done so well, sweetheart.”
“yes, soobin.” you whimper, “i want you.” you find yourself reaching for the zip on his jeans, feeling the hard member concealed within. “good girl, so greedy for me.” he praises, wrapping his hand around your trembling fingers and pulling the zip of his jeans down along with his boxers. your eyes widen at his heavy, long cock, stiff and red with impatience. “a-are you sure it will fit?” you squeak, intimidated by his size. “i know you can do it, doll,” soobin coos, aligning himself with your entrance, “i’ll go slowly.” pressing his lips against yours, tongues entwining as he pushes in, stretching your walls slowly. “doll, relax,” soobin groans against your lips, your cries at the stretch lost in kisses.
tears slip down your cheeks, uncomfortable yet aroused by his overwhelming size. centimeter by centimeter, soobin sheathes himself inside your clenching warmth. “look, sweetheart,” soobin coaxes, encouraging your eyes to open, “can you see how well you‘ve taken me?” a lewd whimper elicits from your throat as you see his large hand over yours on your stomach, gently pressing down to feel his cock deep inside you. “i’m going to move now, sweetheart.” you nod, unable to form sentences at the unfamiliar, full feeling. slowly thrusting in and out, incoherent moans echoing throughout the church hall as the sound of skin on skin fills your ears. “soobin! a-ah! f-feels good!” you squeak, whines flowing freely from your lips as you give in to pleasure, the knot reforming in your core. “s-so tight!” he gasps, grabbing at your waist to angle deeper in your small pussy, “so good and pretty for me!” control gives way to sloppy, uneven thrusts as he reaches down to rub your abused clit, encouraging you to your high. “s-soobin! can’t take anymore! ha-have to—“ you sob desperately, the obscene sounds deafening to your senseless body. “c’mon doll, c-cum for me?” soobin gasps, as pleasure and heat burn beneath your skin. your orgasm crashes on your overwhelmed core, walls clamping down on soobin’s cock. “f-fuck! t-take it all, doll!” soobin moans, flooding your cunt with thick, white cum. your arms pull soobin tighter to you, whining at the overly-full feeling in your abdomen.
“so good, doll, you did so well,” soobin mumbles into your neck, before pulling out his softening length. “f-feel full.” you whimper, as soobin zips his jeans back up. “don’t worry about it, sweetheart. have to clean you up, okay?” pressing his sweaty forehead to yours, his fingers deftly button your rumpled clothing and slide your panties back up your legs, containing the your mixed cum. “you did so well,” soobin repeats, before scooping up your limp figure up from the church pew and carrying you towards the bathroom. “soobin?” you whisper, “i r-really, really liked it.” “i’m glad you did, doll. merry christmas, sweetheart.” he whispers back, the thought of what else he could do the corrupt this innocent, untouched church girl sending blood to his core.
merry christmas ~ love, mille
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klaus-mikaelsonslut · 9 months
dating caroline forbes...
pairings: caroline forbes x feminine character
warnings: mentions of sexual content
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she's the sweetest girlfriend ever <3
literally you couldn't be any happier
she's always complimenting you, telling you she loves you, etc
she is 100% a swiftie
so you can only imagine her beaming face when you revealed that you had bought her taylor swift concert tickets
liters your face in kisses 💋
lipstick stains are left on your face
she's the type of girl to do scrapbooking
has photos from dates, holidays, school events like decade dances, just random stuff tbh
made you a moodboard of pictures of you and her for your birthday
she LOVES doing secret santa
she's just made for gift giving, literally never disappoints
she once bought bonnie a book of ancient spells she got in new orleans, a locket, a curler, a bunch of fashion magazines and her favourite chocolates
she prefers summer over winter any day 🌞
the thought of tanning and drinking a fancy cocktail just sits right with her
if you're a witch, she'll always be with you when you're doing spells to make sure you're okay
not that she doesn't think you can't defend yourself, but if something were to go wrong and she wasn't there then she wouldn't be able to forgive herself
she LOVES watching you do spells and you use it to your advantage
for example, if she wanted to style your hair and didn't have any extra clips to pin a section of your hair, you just levitate the piece of hair and she's ✨amazed✨
if you're a vampire, she's totally supportive whether you decide to feed off of humans or follow stefan’s bambi diet 🐇🐿️
you guys enjoy compelling people at different shops so that you can have your own little fashion show 🛍️
'does the green t-shirt make me look fat?'
'i love that pattern! you have to try it on!'
if you're a werewolf, this woman is the most caring and loving person you've ever met 🫶
she plans everything a week before your transition, wolfsbane bottles, chains secured tightly, she even gets you to digest a random herb that supposedly dials down the pain
literally the best gf 💞
she loves cooking so much, you walk into her house and she's either flicking through fashion magazines or baking brownies
her baking tastes SO good
like the american mary berry
she loves cuddling, whether you're spooning or laying your head on her stomach (or her breasts 🤭)
she's like a little bear during winter, little suffocating you with herself and a blanket
when meeting her mother, liz absolutely loved you and is always asking you to come over for dinner
so interested in you and caroline's relationship
caroline LOVES dates 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🍝🕯️
she loves organising the perfect location, buying flowers, setting up candles, etc
once you took her up this beautiful view up a mountain with a romantic picnic
let's just say you got a very pleasant thank you later that night...😘
speaking of, caroline is a FREAK in the sheets
no wonder she had almost every man in the series 🫣
we're talking lingere, toys, being tyed up, different locations and positions, sensual music and candles, petals, her sending you pictures while you're at work...
she literally loves you more than herself and would die for you
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just-wublrful · 1 year
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a conversation between a man condemned and his devotee
Litany of Things Which are Crossed Out, Richard Siken | Uriel, Yves Olade | Heart Berries, Terese Marie Mailhot | When Rome Falls, Yves Olade | Neon, Yves Olade | @sandarafreedompark | Death Wish, Josh Alex Baker | Beloved, Yves Olade | Confessional, Sue Zhao | Straw for the Fire, Theodore Roethke | A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway | Blossoms, The Amazing Devil
(ID under the cut)
[ID: A collection of quotes from various sources. 
1. Dear So-and-So, I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your party. / Dear So-and-So, I’m sorry I came to your party / and seduced you / and left you bruised and ruined, you poor sad thing.
2. We met out the back of the bar, and you smiled, all knives. Said, You don’t know me yet, but you will. We’re going to be so dangerous, babe, I can feel it. Found out biblically wasn’t the only way to know someone when I prised open your chest, looking for burning.
3. I wanted to know what I looked like to you. A sin committed and a prayer answered, you said.
4. I say, I promise I won’t do anything awful, / and he says, you are something awful, / but I’m keeping you anyway. / does that make me your bad thing? your wild / thing? something worth hunting across the county? / you want to kill me more than anyone else. / That’s what love is, baby.
5. It’d be the good kind of fire. More purgatory, less witch hunt. / I could try burn all this shame out of me. / It’d work as well as you think it would, / meaning, not at all.
6. I’m scared of the love I have for you. Because I know it will ruin me. And I also know that I will let it.
7. I will never admit what he means to / me. Will say / he was simply a game I / could not pass up. Love / is a death wish between you / and the you you’re / becoming. I will never admit to / him that his love feels like a tease / from God. A gift I / only deserve as prelude to punishment. Love / is a bluff  between goodbye and forever. You
8. & vicious. & lovely. So when God asks / me about love, I respond with cruelty. I know / no other answer / I know no other question. I’m
9. And when one of us had finished confessing, we’d fall into the others orbit. And the other could always be relied upon to keep us there. / So when we asked the question in out own convoluted way, (will you love me anyway?)
10. It’s your privilege to find me incomprehensible. I gave you my minutes; let them remain ours. I hope I haunt you.
11.  "Hell," I said, "I love you enough now. What do you want to do? Ruin me?" / "Yes. I want to ruin you." / "Good," I said. "That's what I want too.”
12.  And I pick up the phone, dial your number and wait / And shine like my petals once shone / And just as it's ringing, I whisper aloud to my saint / "Oh, we, we're gonna get on"
End ID.]
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arteastica · 1 month
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (27)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 3.2k
Marie. Her name thrown at you unsolicited, an intrusion so abrupt and unexpected you could feel it bruising your chest. Or, perhaps, it was the violent hammering within your rib cage that accounted for all the pain, because inside, your heart surged and throbbed with the force of water crashing against the riverbank.
Hesitant to lift your gaze and recognize her unknown face in the crowd, or worse, catch his dreamy blues staring into hers, you kept your head down, clutching his arm with the kind of intensity that bordered on desperation. And, while you hoped you weren’t hurting him, you knew you had no other choice. Your hands were the only ones who could reassure you that he was still there, by your side and not hers, since your eyes didn’t dare to even glance his way. And, honestly, you couldn’t blame them for that. What if he could see through them? What if one glance was all it would take for him to learn about all those stupid emotions chaotically swirling within you at the moment? What if he found out about all those pathetic little thoughts you were so ashamed of?
“Same as usual, albeit a little busier now that a new one is on the way.” Commander Nile’s unexpected response encouraged you to look up. Carefully at first, as if giving your eyes time to adjust to a brighter light, and then scanning your surroundings with more ease, a tide of relief washing over you when your eyes couldn’t find anyone linked arm in arm with Commander Nile, and most importantly, no one your Commander’s eyes could wistfully linger towards. In the relief however, you also found shame. Shame and disappointment.
Because you hated that it was like this.
You hated that you were like this.
Vulnerable and small.
Why did you have to let it all consume you? How could a mere name stir up such turmoil within? How was someone from his past, absent and unknown to you, able to hurt you this much?
Amidst the backdrop of laughter and cheerful music lifting everyone's spirits, you couldn't help but feel pathetic and insignificant. Out of place. Like dirty, stepped-on, three-day-old snow hiding under a blanket of freshly fallen, perfectly textured, shimmering whiteness. And it was no one else’s fault but yours.
You had spent enough nights pouring your thoughts and secrets into your journal to know that the problem was you. You, and not her. Always you, never Marie Dok. Always you, never any other woman from his past. The venom that infiltrated your mind that winter afternoon when Hitch had told you about his ex-lover, or that early fall night when Lord Wald had mentioned his intentions to wed his lady daughter to the Commander, that agonizing presence coiling within your chest like a snake… it would persist indefinitely because something within you continued to nurture it. The problem had always been you, and unless you did something to change it, you would forever continue to be the source of your own distress.
"I understand. Congratulations to the both of you." The Commander's husky voice interrupted your thoughts; something, probably your survival instincts, cautioning you against the urge to meet his gaze. Whatever emotion lingered in his eyes, you were better off not knowing, especially in your current fragile state. "Please convey my greetings to her." He added, and though you sensed a smile in his tone, you couldn't discern whether it was genuine or tinged with longing. But then again, you harbored no desire to find out.
"I will." Commander Nile replied tersely, both his voice as well as his eyes devoid of any particular emotion; the latter though, were still shadowed by dark, prominent bags.
“Tell Marie I take no offense at her absence. I understand daily life can become chaotic, especially when you throw a young kid or two into the mix.” Said Lord Koch, as he snagged a couple of drinks from a passing waiter.
“Very chaotic indeed.” Commander Nile agreed, taking the amber-colored liquid his friend was offering.
“And if that’s the case, then what are you doing here drinking apple toddies?” Mrs. Koch intervened, her expressive eyes drilling the question straight into Commander Nile’s soul, who almost returned the sip he had just taken. “Pregnancy is a perilous journey where every step should be taken together.” She concluded, snagging her husband’s glass and raising it as though silently toasting to all the caring husbands who didn’t abandon their pregnant wives at home. “Take heed, Erwin, for when you have children of your own.” She added, unexpectedly sending a wink your way, as she brought the glass to her smirking lips.
You clutched his arm again, Mrs. Koch’s remark setting your cheeks and ears ablaze, and you were yet to recover from the sudden leap your heart had taken at her words, when you sensed his gaze upon you.
“Is everything alright?” The Commander whispered gently, and realizing that you had probably been holding him way too tight, you eased your grip. Funnily enough, amidst all the turmoil happening inside, your mind didn’t fail to notice how soft his tone was. His words always sounded so different when they were directed at you. There was a distinct warmth to his voice, when he knew you would be the one hearing it. Just as there was a unique depth to his eyes, when you were the one meeting them. And, not wishing to keep them waiting, you finally gathered the courage to look up, bravely meeting his gaze.
You would claim surprise, but deep down, you knew that would be a lie. After all, when had his gentle blues ever failed to captivate you? This morning, the golden sunlight shimmering upon transformed them into a glistening stream, enchanting you entirely and urging you to jump into its inviting waters and confide. The sweetness in his voice sounding way too tempting, so tempting that you could taste the words on your lips, the lingering bitterness which you knew he would help sweeten. The burdensome worries that you knew he would help alleviate.
“I’m just a little thirsty.” You replied with a smile, swallowing your intentions to ask for help, along the beautiful delusion Mrs. Koch’s remark had helped create, upon deciding this was not the place, nor the time for any of that. Because for once in his demanding, fast-paced line of work, he had this day to himself, he had this bright spring morning to enjoy celebrating his friend, and you refused to be the one to darken it with your grey.
“Come on, Augusta, let the man enjoy a day off for once. Aren’t the dreadful circles under his eyes pitiful enough?”
You heard the Kochs squabbling in the background, though their voices faded more and more into a distant murmur the longer you held his gaze.
“…plus it’s not like he abandoned his wife or anything, we all know how much Marie enjoys the quiet of her home.”
Mr. Koch’s words were barely audible over the continuous laughter of nearby partygoers.
“…I myself would move to Karanes if Mitras didn’t keep me so busy.”
If the crowd hadn’t swallowed her and your father, your mother would undoubtedly be here, front row, lecturing you about the impropriety of ignoring older individuals. However, you had no attention to spare for the Kochs. It wasn’t your fault that the beautiful sapphires locking eyes with you were so utterly distracting.
“Marie’s elusive beauty tends to evade congested occasions like today’s, or so Leon would say. Are you familiar with my nephew’s work, Nile?”
They were so distracting, reassuring, and comforting that you couldn’t even fully concentrate on the words coming from his own smiling lips. Something about citrus punch and syrup water. So you simply nodded, silently praying that his eyes would never look at another in the same way they were now looking at you.
When you left the Kochs, the conversation had unexpectedly shifted into a literary discussion about Leon’s poetry, early influences, and even his horror anthology; and you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt for potentially interrupting what would have been a pleasant chat between the Commander and his friend. As you let him guide you away to the drinks table, you exchanged a smile with Mrs. Koch who was waving you goodbye, prompting thoughts of your own mother and her current whereabouts.
“Everything okay, princess?” He whispered lovingly, leaning in as soon as you were out of earshot; his sweet, velvety words reaching your ears and offering much needed comfort.
“I am, but…it’s just that- Commander Nile can be a bit intimidating.” You lied, opting once again to keep your discomfort and concerns to yourself.
“Well, he could have been your boss.” He joked, amused, and you chuckled in response, your initial aspirations of joining the Military Police looking more and more like someone else’s dreams now. And, although you weren’t sure whether your response convinced him, you appreciated he didn’t press the matter further.
“True, and then I wouldn’t be here interrupting your chances to impress everyone with your vast literary knowledge.” You teased, trying your best to fall back into the cheerful mood you were in when you had first stepped into the courtyard less than an hour ago. “You want to head back there and theorize about Leon’s horror stories?”
“I’d rather not think about it, if given the choice.” He said with a poorly feigned shudder. “The second story in Lord Angert’s anthology made me think twice about setting foot on a basement again.”
The idea of someone like Erwin Smith enjoying ghost stories made you snort, yet thoughts of Eren’s basement in the Shiganshina district started creeping into your mind, and laughing suddenly felt very inappropriate.
“Not to mention, I can think of far more appealing activities I’d much rather be engaging in right now.” He added unexpectedly, causing a knowing smirk to take over your lips, as you wondered whether those happened to be, by any chance, the same type of activities you were thinking about earlier, when you first encountered him in the middle of the courtyard.
“Let’s say for example?”
“I assume a Mitras princess would know her graceful way around the dance floor.”
“I would presume so, but my Commander, one can only imagine the disappointment on their faces if you were to open the dance floor by dancing with your assistant.” You teased with feigned innocence, following his eyes as they hungrily traced your lips and jawline, something forbidden about this dynamic you had clearly exciting something within.
“My lady!”
You turned around at the delicate touch of satin on your forearm.
“There you a- Oh! Commander Smith!”
The blue sky painted behind her, the wind playing with her reddish-brown locks, and the diamonds on her W brooch, sparkling under the sun, turned the Koch’s courtyard into a heavenly scene, something inside you brightening at the angelic sight before you.
“Lady Angelika.” You greeted her enthusiastically, smiling as you squeezed the delicate hand she had placed in yours. “It’s nice t-”
“Father was spot on. You did arrive, as he foretold.” She uttered unexpectedly, cutting you off and shifting her focus to the man beside you.
“My lady.” He sent an acknowledging nod her way, the smile gracing his lips perfectly mirroring the one Lady Angelika was putting on for him, a sign that told you that they had crossed paths in the past. “I’m afraid my predictions lack the same accuracy. I was convinced your lord father would be present, as he is renowned for seizing every chance to uplift the spirits.”
“It was indeed his desire to attend, but in a very unfortunate turn of events, his spring allergies reached him faster than Uncle Hansel’s invitation could.” She explained cutely, her delicate fingers gently tucking a strand of auburn behind her ear, and her angelic eyes resembling two perfectly round dollops of honey as she gazed up at the Commander.
“Very unfortunate indeed.”
Lady Angelika chuckled playfully, seemingly content to simply gaze at him, because, for what felt like more than enough for you, she did just that, remaining completely silent save for the occasional giggle escaping her lips, which you would have undoubtedly found adorable if her eyes weren’t so intensely fixed on his.
“I wish your lord father a speedy recovery, my lady.” You said with a smile, trying your best to remind yourself that not every woman he encountered had intentions of seduction, no matter how striking she was or how prettily her eyes sparkled in his presence.
“Thank you, my lady.” She flashed you a sweet smile before turning her attention back to the Commander. “Have you been playing competitively lately?”
“Not as much as I would like to.”
“We should fix that. It would be unfortunate if your skills were to dull.” She noted with concern. “How about arranging another match soon? Our first encounter was short-lived, but I assure you, I’ve been practicing almost every day with the sole purpose of outsmarting you next time.” She threatened playfully, too playfully for your liking.
“I must admit the thought does concern me, my lady, especially considering how close it came to happening last time.” The Commander replied politely, confirming Leon’s praises about Lady Angelika’s prowess on the chessboard.
“How about a rematch after you accompany us for dinner tonight?” She proposed unexpectedly. “Father mentioned that you declined our invitation for lunch last time, yet as a member of the Wald family, it is my duty to insist, although I suspect I already know the answer.”
The Wald family?
‘I was hoping we could become family someday, Erwin.’
Your eyes shifted to the sparkly diamonds on her brooch, your heart surging abruptly when you finally understood what the ‘W’ stood for.
‘You left quite the impression on my youngest.’
So Lady Angelika was Lord Wald’s youngest. No, she definitely didn’t take after her father.
“Your deductions are as frighteningly sharp in real life as they are in the game, my lady.” The Commander replied, his polite refusal providing an unexpected sense of relief within you. So calming and relieving that you almost felt guilty about it. Almost. “I fear that after today's reception, my fatigue won’t allow me to be good company at another.”
Indeed, Lady Angelika would have to find someone else to outsmart, since he would undoubtedly be too exhausted to play with her, especially after dancing with you; your favorite song beginning to play in the background acting as a convenient cue for you to selfishly whisk him away.
But it seemed Lady Angelika had interpreted the same signal as you, because just as you were about to reach for his hand, she beat you to it. And you would have said something, had your body not betrayed you, freezing in place at the audacity displayed before you.
“If you are going to decline my invitation to dinner, you are morally obliged to at least indulge me in the pleasure of this dance.” Lady Angelika insisted with a cheeky smile, her grip on the Commander's hand firm as she took a step towards the dance floor.
And listen, you did say earlier that you hated to be like this, petty and insecure, but goodness… you had to admit that sometimes life gave you enough reasons.
As you watched her alluring figure try to lure him onto the dance floor, you couldn’t help but acknowledge the validity of your insecurities. You couldn’t blame yourself for fearing that someone might one day come and steal him away, whether it be Marie Dok, Angelika Wald, or some other beauty. After all, what were you to him at the end of the day? What claim could you assert on his heart when you weren’t even certain of your place in it? At least Nile Dok, if ever feeling insecure, could find solace in the certainty provided by their marital bond. Marie Dok had chosen him. But you and the Commander… well, he had never professed love for you, or any of his feelings for that matter. You were just his assistant. Simply someone he slept with whenever you managed to seduce him, or whenever he felt like.
Still a better claim than Angelika Wald’s though.
“My lady.” You called with resolve, briefly locking eyes with your mother, whose face you had unexpectedly spotted from the other side of the courtyard. “I apologize for any disappointment, but…” You smiled politely, sending an acknowledging nod her way as you took a step forward. “I’m afraid this happens to be my favorite song as well.” You announced, seizing the Commander’s hand, which she had conveniently dropped by this point, in yours.
You didn’t look back to check on her when you entered the dance floor. She would be fine. You didn’t know of anyone with her expressive eyes, pearly smile and innate charm, who had any difficulties finding a partner to dance with. In no time, she would be swaying to her favorite song with some handsome man. Just not yours.
You’d have to start allowing yourself some selfishness from time to time. It was healthy in moderation. How’d you know? Because you hadn’t felt this burst of confidence in a while. You realized as you turned around to face him once you reached the center of the dance floor, smiling as his arm found its way around your waist, claiming you possessively in front of all present.
“You promised there would be no fair ladies waiting for you to lead them onto the dance floor.” Your lips curved mischievously, relishing the sensation of his broad shoulders under your palms. “Tell me, what would have become of poor you if I wasn’t here?”
He smirked distractingly, prompting you to grip his firm muscles tighter, just in case your legs gave in.
“I am lucky that you chose to join me, then.” He remarked, to which you simply rolled your eyes, smiling wide as you realized that, despite earlier hurdles, the day was finally beginning to resemble the one you had envisioned.
“Erwin.” You called hesitantly, reminding yourself that he had every right to decline, and that doing so wouldn’t necessarily reflect anything about your relationship. “My parents wish to meet you. I was wondering if- is there any chance that-”
“I would love to.” He replied with a smile, not giving leeway for doubt to set in within you.
“Thanks.” You said, releasing a small sigh of relief as you finally got to nestle your head on his chest. All that remained was to enjoy the moment, to let the gentle sway of your bodies soothe everything inside you, to let his comforting scent slowly persuade you to confide in him, about your insecurities. These were your fears to conquer, yes, but you needed him, you needed his warmth, his stability to be your safe harbor amidst the storm. And while you weren’t sure whether it was unfair or too much to ask, you hoped it wasn’t.
“I need to tell you something.” You announced, closing your eyes, knowing that you could trust him to remind you later. You would share all those secrets with him, but not now, favorite songs were meant to be enjoyed without interruptions, after all.
"I know." He whispered, drawing you closer against his chest, his heartbeat as relaxing as the ballads the band was playing.
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taglist: @mysticalnightbeliever @aliasrising @elnyrae @mchlist @apts2000 @angelaevangelion @depitaangeline @ynackerman9499 @afatalheat @pumpkin-toffee @velouria17 @gassytritis @goddessinsweats @nube55 @jeanboyjean @crazychaoticizzy @braunsbabe @erwinawesomeness @lucifers-nipple-piercing @karmabyfernando @thicc101q @shittyprofilebutfuckit @dilfenthusiast-union
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lancermylove · 5 months
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Chapter 12 (Ending)
➣ Pairing: Demon brothers, Royals, Solomon with fem!Reader. ➣ Warning: None ➣ Word Count: 2,494 ➣ Chapters [SFW]: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] ➣ Chapters [N.SFW]: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]
➣ A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
You basked in the peace of the gazebo, enjoying one last moment of solitude in the winter wonderland. The snow-peaked mountains served as a tranquil backdrop, and you felt a twinge of sorrow at the thought of leaving this beautiful setting behind. As you took in the breathtaking scenery, you felt the weight of your imminent departure, yet a fond nostalgia for happy memories lingered just beneath the surface.
The past month had been like a dream. From visiting the market with Asmo to watching him befriend Mary, going tree hunting with Beel, sweater shopping with Levi, decorating with Belphie, exploring the woods and cave with Mammon, temporarily brokering a ceasefire between Lucifer and Satan, aurora gazing with Solomon, ice skating with Diavolo, and cooking with Barbatos - you would never forget these memories. You knew you would spend time with them in Devildom, yet you found yourself craving more time with them here.
As the wind picked up, you decided to return to the cabin but paused to admire Mammon and Solomon's outdoor decorations. Golden letters glowed radiantly, spelling out 'Merry Christmas,' and a large white stag stood proudly in the front yard. A pine wreath with a crimson bow and a garland with pine cones, berries, and LED lights adorned the door and the doorframe. Matching garlands were perched on the railing of the second-floor balcony. Blue LED string lights hung on the edges of the roof and the area under the circular balcony. As you admired the decorations, you felt a wave of warmth washing over you.
Walking into the cabin, you reveled in the festive atmosphere created by Diavolo, Belphie, and Satan's endeavors. The interior was brimming with glittering garlands of pinecones and holly, festive silver and gold tinsel strung along the walls, and a glimmering Christmas tree with silver and gold ornaments and garlands, red bows, and colorful string lights. As you surveyed the Christmas tree, you noticed that the star on top was slightly crooked. You recalled how you had grown a bit afraid while climbing the ladder to place the star upright. However, the somewhat crooked star had added extra charm and character to the already beautiful tree.
Your eyes fell on the mistletoe, which you suspected Asmo had hung up, and a playful grin tugged on the corners of your lips. Walking beneath it, you waited for the perfect opportunity to surprise your favorite demon/human. As soon as he grew near, you beckoned him to come over and pointed upwards to the branches tied together with a scarlet ribbon. You flashed them a coy smirk, anticipating their reaction and subsequent move.
Lucifer smirked at you, and without warning, he placed his hand on the back of your head, pulling you towards him for a fiery kiss. Your lips met in a heated embrace, melting into one kiss after another. He took your lips until you could hardly breathe, and all thoughts escaped your mind save for his warmth and passion.
Mammon blushed, but in a bold move, you pulled him close by his coat's flaps and firmly pressed your lips against his. The demon was initially stunned but quickly returned your kiss, clinging to you while he took your lips with renewed fervor. He continued kissing until you felt lightheaded and out of breath.
Levi's eyes widened, and his cheeks turned a bright shade of red. You waited patiently for him to take the initiative and even closed your eyes to help ease his hesitation. After a short while, Levi leaned closer, placing a single soft kiss on your lips.
Despite his cheeks turning red, Satan was not opposed to the idea of kissing you under a mistletoe. Keeping his gaze on yours, he softly captured your lips in a sweet, lingering embrace. His kiss was full of delicate tenderness and lasted longer than you anticipated.
Asmo flashed a mischievous grin and gleefully proclaimed that he had hung up the mistletoe in hopes of this very moment. He drew you into a tight embrace and kissed your lips passionately. You eagerly reciprocated the kiss, holding onto him firmly without the hint of letting go anytime soon.
Beel chuckled and leaned in closer to your face, but the smell of chocolate from your snack earlier caught his attention. He repeatedly began pecking your lips and stated that the aroma of the chocolate was tantalizing and making him hungry, eliciting a laugh from you.
Belphie gave you a small chuckle and gently cupped your face, drawing you closer before swiftly capturing your lips in a deep kiss that made you gasp. He held onto you tightly, kissing you passionately but with a hint of restraint. The kiss continued for some time until Belphie began to feel drained.
As the prince spotted the mistletoe, he knew exactly what it meant, thanks to Asmo's explanation. The thought of fulfilling one of his wishes had made him extremely happy, and he hurriedly brought his face close to yours. You braced for a deep kiss, but Diavolo surprised you by kissing your lips softly and sweetly. 
Barbatos gave you a playful smile and grasped your chin, bringing his face closer to yours. A slow, tender kiss was exchanged between you, initially gentle but growing increasingly intimate with each passing moment. 
Solomon laughed and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close. He then pressed his lips firmly against yours, using plenty of tongue in the kiss to ensure your mind melted and your senses were sent into overdrive.
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Barbatos positioned the final dish onto the dining table while you placed the last utensil. Taking a step back, you couldn't help but admire the fragrance of all the dishes, which melded together in a pleasant aroma that was simultaneously sweet yet savory, filling the air with the promise of a flavorful feast. The dishes ranged from roasted turkey, glazed ham, roast potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, salads, pretzels, pies, cakes, fudge, candy canes, gingerbread men, and much more.
As the aroma from the dishes filled the air, the others slowly made their way down from their rooms and gathered around the table, staring with wide eyes. Everyone began to shower Barbatos with compliments, but the noise of their voices and praise drowned out any individuality to their words. Out of your peripheral vision, you saw Beel desperately fighting against Lucifer and Diavolo as they tried to prevent him from pouncing on the dining table.
Asmo took his time taking pictures of the dining table, making everyone wait to eat. Fortunately, it didn't take him too long, allowing all of you to settle down and enjoy the meal. You focused primarily on your meal, diving into the deliciously sweet and savory dishes. The small conversation around the table was a pleasant change from the usual loud and chaotic chatter, and everyone appeared to be in a delightful mood as they delved into the bountiful assortment of delectable dishes.
Midway through the meal, you felt eyes on you, prompting you to glance up. To your surprise, you saw Lucifer and Diavolostaring at you with smiles. Lucifer's gaze bore gratitude for bringing them together and helping to create a pleasant atmosphere, while Diavolo's gaze twinkled with joy and happiness. Towards the end of the dinner, everyone reached a state of fullness except Beel, who clearly showed no signs of halting until he had finished every last crumb.
Asmo suddenly gasped as a realization dawned on him. "We forgot to wear the sweaters that (y/n) and Levi brought! I want to take pictures, so can everyone please change?"
Despite some protests against moving after consuming such a heavy meal, everyone went to their respective rooms to get changed. To their surprise, their sweaters were laid neatly on their beds, but none of them took a moment to evaluate the situation as they assumed you were kind enough to bring their respective sweater to their rooms.
Even though the design was a little gaudy for Asmo's taste, he had to admit that the word swapping was fun, allowing him to switch between "nice" and "naughty," depending on his mood. Belphie laughed at the sight of the sweater, which he felt was quite fitting for him with the emphasis on sloth. Beel loved the pizza Christmas tree and was tempted to eat it, and he would have had his twin not stopped him. Lucifer was not amused by his rather gaudy sweater or the fact that Satan compared him to The Grinch. On the other hand, Satan was quite fond of his sweater since it sported a cat. The Avatar of Wrath thought the grumpy cat also resembled Lucifer, which made his older brother glare at him.
After Barbatos explained the meaning behind his sweater to Diavolo, the prince found it absolutely endearing that the T-Rex could not reach the presents at its feet. He also felt bad for this dinosaur and wished he could somehow help the poor creature. On the other hand, the butler smirked when he saw his own sweater. In contrast, the butler smirked when he saw his own sweater, knowing that he could undoubtedly get you or anyone else on the naughty list. 
Mammon found his sweater hilarious and laughed because he knew in a matter of a few minutes, he would no longer be innocent and would be found guilty. Solomon looked questioning at Mammon, wondering why the second brother was laughing to himself. Was his Christmas sweater really that funny? The sorcerer examined his own sweater and chuckled - truer words had never been spoken. He preferred to stay on the naughty list and loved every minute of it.
After getting ready, you went into your bathroom to brush your hair and touch up your makeup. As you brushed your hair, you noticed unfamiliar packets dumped in the trash bin. You didn't remember using any product with a black and blue exterior. Examining the packets, you recognized them as the very same items that Mammon had hidden from you days prior. There was no logical reason for them to be there, so why had the second brother tossed them in your trash bin?
Upon closer inspection, you realized that he had attempted to hide them underneath the trash overhead, but they had been inadvertently exposed due to the movement of the trash above. Curiously picking up one of the packets, you noticed what the letters said and quickly ran out of your bathroom, down the hall, and downstairs. But you are too late.
You noticed Mammon in a corner by the fireplace, laughing heartily. Rapidly surveying the room, you saw Lucifer leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed and eyes closed, seemingly unaffected by the situation. However, his eyebrows and the corners of his lips kept twitching, indicating that he was irritated. Still, his pride refused to allow him to openly display his emotions despite his annoyance.
Then, you saw Levi standing in front of the sofas, desperately attempting to reach his back with a perplexed expression. In contrast, Satan seemed to be taking advantage of the corner created by two walls intersecting, rubbing himself against it to scratch his back. Asmo stood near Solomon, panicking and fearing that his flawless skin would be contaminated by the unpleasant sensations he was experiencing. On the other hand, Solomon remained calm and unbothered, using a back scratcher to reach the unreachable places as he listened to Asmo's complaints.
Barbatos stood by Lucifer with his usual joyless smile, seemingly unaffected by the irritation. It was as if he had predicted what would happen and had prepared himself for it ahead of time. In front of him stood Diavolo, who requested the butler's assistance to help scratch his back. Beel remained seated at the dining table, unwilling to give up his meal. He continued enjoying his dinner with one hand while the other scratched Belphie's back. However, the Avatar of Gluttony rubbed his back against the backrest of his chair, hoping to quell the itch bugging him.
You shot a glare at Mammon, who was too occupied with enjoying the chaos and the suffering of the others to pay you any mind. With a look of determination, you ran up to Mammon, grabbed the collar of his sweater, and dumped the remainder of the itching powder into the back of his apparel. The Avatar of Greed yelped, and in moments, he began rolling around on the ground to relieve the itching sensation that now plagued him.
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After an hour, everyone gathered back in the living room, annoyed by Mammon's prank to put itching powder in their Christmas sweaters. You stood by the windows and observed the changing weather outside as the snow flurries danced to the rhythm of the wind. Why was the weather taking a turn for the worse? Pushing the thought aside, you turned around to see myriad glares directed at Mammon.
The Avatar of Greed shrugged his shoulders and nonchalantly said, "It ain't a party without someone causin' chaos. That's what the demon brothers are known for, y'know."
The room was filled with an eerie silence after Mammom's comment until Diavolo broke into laughter. He found some truth in the Avatar of Greed's words and agreed. The demon brothers were well-known for their chaotic tendencies, so the inclusion of a 'chaotic touch' was bound to add some entertainment. As the prince laughed, the other demon brothers exchanged confused gazes, yet none said a word, still irritated about experiencing the uncontrollable itching that Mammon had bestowed upon them.
However, Diavolo spoke up in the Avatar of Greed's defense, proclaiming, "It is Christmas today, so forgive Mammon for his doing. It was harmless fun."
Though the other brothers disagreed with the prince's words, they reluctantly decided to let the incident slide, but only for the sake of maintaining peace on Christmas.
"Ah, speaking of Christmas. (Y/n), would you mind explaining to everyone what Christmas is all about?" Solomon said out of the blue. The glint of mischief in his eyes brewed a bad feeling in the pits of your stomach, but against your judgment, you ignored it. What harm could come from explaining to the demons what Christmas was all about? At least, that was what you thought until you began to explain.
"It is a celebration of the birth of-" Your explanation came to a screeching halt when a shocking revelation left you dumbfounded and speechless. Everyone watched in curiosity as the color began to slowly drain from your face.
"Ah, allow me to finish (y/n)'s sentence," Solomon flashed an impish smile. "Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, meaning you demons celebrated a holiday related to the son of God."
The entire room went silent. All you saw were open mouths, wide eyes, and pale faces. How had you forgotten the most crucial detail about Christmas?
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