#lover of rust
cemeterything · 2 months
absolutely love telling people who are only starting to get into silt verses that episode titles creat a poem
and the poem fucks hard
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rustyreveries · 24 days
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it’s beddy-bye time, bro
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jack-o-phantom · 2 years
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Nearly escaping a raid at the market, great time to go star gazing
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aliiaart · 10 months
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get in the car it’s august
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i-scream-and-i-bite · 20 days
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When will God give me a man like this... (I'd probably tickle him for hours to get him to talk with me and eventually he'd break my neck to stop that)
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Love You To Death 💙
In her place one hundred candles burning As salty sweat drips from her breast Her hips move and I can feel what they're saying, swaying They say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya, get ya, get
Black lipstick stains her glass of red wine I am your servant, may I light your cigarette? Those lips smooth, yeah I can feel what you're saying, praying They say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya, get
I beg to serve, your wish is my law Now close those eyes and let me love you to death Shall I prove I mean what I'm saying, begging I say the beast inside me is gonna get ya, get ya, get
Let me love you too Let me love you to death
Hey am I good enough For you? Hey am I good enough For you? Am I? Am I? Am I good enough For you?
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the-dark-ghost · 6 months
People Like Me Break Beautiful Things
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So, the idea of shipping various versions of McConaughey and Farrell has messed with my head, leaving it even more foolish than usual, hence ridiculous and absurd ideas come to my brain at the speed of lightning.
In researching both of their filmographies, I think I found two people who would work very well together. You know, it's just that cliché of water and fire, Yin and Yang, the old joke of "those who fight, love each other" or "opposites attract. What I mean, in other words, is that these two charming wizards:
Walter Padick and Percival Graves
Would be perfect for a damn ship. Percy, so serious, grumpy, proper, and on the side of good, paired with Walter, cynical, negatively fun, mocking, and entirely unethical... They would make a great duo, lol. Especially when you consider that The Dark Tower and Fantastic Beasts happen in the same place, New York. It's just a matter of transferring the events of one of the two movies to the same era. In my case, I've preferred to move the FB story to a more modern time, 2017 to be exact.
So, here I leave you a little fanfic I wrote a while ago, and it might interest you if you like crossover ships like me and angst:
Percival thought walter was the threat, but no, he wasn't, he wasn't at all.
An alternative AU in which the events of Fantastic Beasts take place in 2017. A new threat appears and Percival becomes obsessed with stopping it at all costs.
Likewise, Walter really isn't the only thing to deal with. There is a very familiar magician who has escaped in the middle of all the scandal that the man in black has created.
of course, this is part of a series of stories dedicated to my great stupidity for having this pleasure of pairing the two of them which is titled: My Least Favorite Detective (*wink* reference to a phrase from Velcoro in TD *wink* reference to the name of the series itself). There's also my other story: Surely this is it for me.
So you know...it looks like I'll be shipping these two for quite a while, I can't help it.
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wilgrhm · 1 month
Watching a scene of Rust and Marty arguing and I noticed that Marty is the only person with whom Rust actually makes intense and long eye contact.
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chazarusdre · 2 years
so yk how Deep Cut appointed Marie as their new boss (guessing they're the next games' squidbeak splatoon so cool) and Marie's probably finding this as unfortunate but imagine the found family content this could create. Marie warms up to the trio and is all 'if you even so lift a finger on them I will rain down the depths of hell onto you' do you understand what I mean
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flower1622 · 1 month
Their dates
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. Having picnic and riding bicycle together
. Watching movies
. Playing games
. Watch the sunset
. Just pass time together, walking around somewhere, maybe the Park. Talk about things. Make food together and put some on each other. Paint each other and laugh a lot.
Their songs
Their daughters
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Their house
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umhuhwellthen · 5 months
Just discovered the tag Character Death Fix
So Inazuma is no longer dead in my Usatello Single Dads AU, because she's a badass swordsman and totally survived having Jei yucking it about in her body and she's Usagi's cool and pretty friend switches between silent solidarity and teasing the hell out of him like all his other friends
Usagi deserves more friends! And this AU was made to give him things I believe he deserves!
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rivieraaviewss · 2 years
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salt air…
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hazzzyrider · 6 months
blood and guts and kisses between bone
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Sunflowers and Marigolds
Sunflower, that is what you called me
I think thats fitting its a very sweet thing
To be one’s shining sun i think about it 
I never thought I could be a star till i met you
I frankly always thought maybe you were the star
Like stars we all burn out
And you left me all too soon
But i do not regret a single moment
Of loving you 
Sometimes I wish i was the one to say
“I love you” first
But you did and you loved me
Your brown hair and how short it was
You never took pictures but I hope to  remember that face you had
It will fade but the feeling will remain
I never got the chance to say goodbye
But I know there is nothing to be done
There is not much more to say
I miss being that Sunflower
I want to be your Sun
I hope I will be that Sun again
Maybe to someone new 
As we both know
It is ok to love again
I will be that sunflower
I will be that marigold
The sun keeps rising
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the-weird-poet · 2 years
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ketavinsky · 2 years
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interesting to look back at my old writing and realise that yeah i have always been an enormous fan of commas. my god what a lot of fucking commas. son of a gun those are certainly some . those are some adjectives
the above is from like.... 2017 at minimum so it really does need to be updated as whereas each character is more or less the same in concept they have very different roles and different sets of flaws. if anything i think i’ve made them all much worse  and Irreversibly Doomed over the years aahshsf.s i still really want to do this bit like a storybook which means that i have to. i have to draw them all and that require some serious levelling up on how to draw eldritch. entities because genuinely what the fuck is this
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the only heterosexual couple in this whole shitshow is a firestorm abomination and his Bone Wife 
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