#love letters from hag
murderoushagthesequel · 5 months
happy new years!
thank you to each and every one of you for making this year special :) i know this account has died down quite a lot over the past few months but i honestly treasure every moment it's brought me
i've met so many amazing people, some of the best friends i've ever had and the love of my life, i've grown as a person and become more comfortable in my art and my writing, and i've been able to connect with myself better
this is not me saying goodbye by any means i'm just reflecting and so grateful for the impact tumblr has had on my 2023
reading and writing fanfiction, making fanart, engaging in the tumblr marauders fandom, and branching out improved my year and helped me through some really tough times so thank you :)
thank you for helping me make this a year i've enjoyed looking back on
i love you all!!
see you soon,
hag <3
a few people who (knowingly or not) made my year: @where-is-vivian @effiepotterisamilf @malakiwis @definitelynotttheo @not-rab @lostforgottenspaces @risetherivermoon @mo0n-water @calamitoustide @withtheoldstars @idkkkjustgay @vini213 @aroacelilyevans @artbyace @olivers-cocoapuffs @apricusapollo @floralembarrassment @ye-olde-trojan-horse @bellathethirstybitch @greenvlvetcouch @nothing-like-a-mad-woman @itsm3m00n @underburningstars @casstration @oesker @deadly-moonlit-embarrassment
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beachylupin · 10 months
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Harvest Moon || Remus Lupin x Muggle!Fem!Reader
it's finally here! here’s the moodboard to go with it! i worked far too hard on this so please let me know if you like it or if you want to see more of her! <3 to preface: this part takes place in roughly september :-) pt. 2 here word count: 4.6k warnings: mention of alcohol and cigarettes, maybe like two swear words, fluffy, some pining, quickly edited
You and Lily went to primary school together. Your mum and dad loved her like she was their own, and even though she had loving parents, she would often spend a lot of her evenings after school and summers at your house, evading Petunia’s constant need to bully her. The two of you were like sisters: sharing secrets, having constant sleepovers, playing pretend.
However, there was something different about her that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Petunia incessantly told you that Lily was a witch, but you didn’t believe her. Why would you believe someone who hated the girl that you loved so dearly? Lily wasn’t green or wicked, and she didn’t have a wart growing on the end of her nose. That’s all witches were to you back then, and Lily was the opposite. She was radiant and kind, like sunlight on a dark day. She was your best friend, not some evil hag.
It wasn’t until a giggling Lily appeared on your doorstep the July before you turned eleven.
“Look!” She said, shoving an odd letter into your hand. “It’s for a place called Hogwarts! Go on! Read it!”
She eagerly watched you read it out loud. “Dear Miss Evans. You have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” You couldn’t believe it. Lily, the radiant girl, was actually a witch. Petunia was right all along, and that September, Lily left to go to this magical school.
When Lily came home, she had befriended the greasy haired boy from down the street that you had only known as “snipe” from the kids at school, saying he looked close to the little bird that shared the name. You were willing to share her, seeing as he had no other options for friends, but he tried to take Lily away from you completely, saying she was his kind. Of course, Lily didn’t stand for this and split her time with the two of you equally.
As the years went on, the more you grew to dislike Severus. It was almost like he had a vendetta against you because you were Lily’s friend before she was his, or something like that. Whatever it was, you kept your head high whenever you saw him, ignoring his constant “filthy muggle” comments, and greeting him with a nice, “Hi, Severus! It’s so wonderful to see you again!”
His possessiveness didn’t seem to matter in the long run because Lily came back from her fifth year at this magical school gushing to you about some bloke named James. He was all she ever talked about. James, James, James.
“He’s annoying, and kind of a prick, but God, I just love looking at him…”
You felt like her real sister as you cursed Lily under your breath the entire way to the reception tent next to Potter Manor. She didn’t invite anyone else in your family to her wedding except you.
Sure, you were the only one to really know Lily, but a quick explanation, and your mum wouldn’t have asked any questions.
It wouldn’t have been that simple, you decided, when you saw the actual wedding. James and Lily took part in what the pixie-haired girl sitting next to you called the “Unbreakable Vow” in which they used wands to seal their promise to marriage. If one of them were to break this vow, they would die, the girl explained. It sounded intense, but as a hopeless romantic, it was one of the most beautiful sentiments of love you had ever seen.
Their vow keepers were the best man and maid of honor. The best man wore flamboyant plum dress robes with jewels adoring the lapels. He had shoulder-length, raven-colored hair and the biggest smile you had ever seen. He didn’t let the smile drop once. The maid of honor wore a pretty sapphire blue dress that complemented her skin tone very well. She wore her curls in a high bun, curly bangs framing her face.
James and Lily looked magnificent. James had on maroon dress robes that nearly matched his best man’s, but they were more humble with gold accents rather than the gaudy jewels the other man chose. Lily wore an ivory dress that flowed off her body like it was made of water. It had lace cap sleeves, and a bodice that contoured to her small shape. Every step she took, the ground blossomed with small lilies. 
The more you looked around, the more you realized that everyone dressed insanely nice. You felt self conscious seeing that other people around went “all out” for this wedding: beautiful gowns and tea-length dresses of all colors of the rainbow, and the fanciest dress-robes you had ever seen adorned with silver, gold, and jewels. Obviously, you thought, they had gotten their clothes enchanted, seeing a special tailor to look as amazing as they did. 
You got to work with Primark and Harrods, and since you didn’t have the luxury of getting something custom made by a literal wizard, you looked simple. You wore your hair down your back in loose waves, a plunging rose colored dress, and nude heels. In any wizard’s eyes, you’d look plain, unwilling to flaunt your nonexistent wealth through fancy clothes.
While the other people were nice and smiled widely at you as you walked past, you could tell that they knew you were different. It was in the hushing of their voices as you passed, and the way they looked at you like you had something growing out of the top of your head.
As far as you could tell, you were the only outsider in a sea of people that seemed to know each other. They all mingled, hugging and kissing each other like none of them expected this type of occasion, which baffled you.
Lily and James were made for one another. Even though James was quite literally Lily’s opposite, they worked. They fit together like two fiery puzzle pieces. You couldn’t see why anyone wouldn’t be expecting their wedding.
You self-consciously raked a hand through your hair, taking extra care to not snag any of it on your fingers, and looked at the table spots on the board next to the giant tent, desperately searching for your name. When you found it at table nine, you walked, head down, into the tent to sit down.
You took your seat in the nearly empty tent, pouring yourself a generous amount of the table wine, and drank it down. You sighed, taking a breath for what felt like the first time in an hour.
You wouldn’t necessarily consider yourself shy, but in this specific scenario, you felt yourself clamming up. These people, the party; it was all overwhelming. It was so different from the normal, non-magical life you were used to. You were normally willing to talk to just about anyone, but feeling underdressed at a huge wedding where you thought you were the only outsider left you feeling less than worthy.
You poured yourself another glass of wine and took a butter mint, popping it into your mouth. You sucked on it, looking around the slow-to-fill tent to catch a man glancing at you.
He was tall, lanky, and just so happened to be one of the most normally dressed people you had seen all evening. He wore a creamy brown sweater, with darker brown slacks, and a jacket that matched. From where you sat, you could see the faintest stubble on his cheeks and around his mouth. He was leaning on a cane, but didn’t seem to look any older than you since he had sandy brown hair that was long and swept off to the side with not a grey in sight.
A chill ran through you, and you looked away, feeling your face flush. He was handsome, and you decided then and there that at one point during this strange reception, you would talk to him. Needing the eventual confidence, you took another sip, glancing to see if he was still standing there, but he wasn’t.
“So you were the name I didn’t recognize,” said a voice from behind you, followed by a mention of your name.
“Oh!” You nearly jumped out of your skin, setting your wine down before you dropped it on your lap.
“I’m sorry, love! I didn’t mean to startle you!” He gushed, patting your shoulder as he pulled out the chair next to you to sit.
Embarrassed at the way his hand made your shoulder burn, you huffed, “You didn’t startle-”
You turned to look at him, your mouth turning bone dry despite the mint you had been sucking on.
It was the same man that had been staring at you before. Closer up, you could see that he had jagged white lines covering his face. A fresh scratch worked its way down his cheek, sure to leave a scar to match the rest of them. If you looked closer, you could see the tip of a wand sticking out of his jacket pocket. You were wrong.
You blinked, realizing you had been trying to figure out how to melt inside the chocolate that his eyes resembled. You swallowed the mint thickly. “Sorry, um-” you said sheepishly, tucking hair behind your pink-tipped ears. “What did you say your name was?”
You suddenly felt drunk, butterflies filling your belly with tenacity, but your mouth was so dry that you had to take another sip of wine before saying anything else.
“I didn’t,” he said, sitting. “I’m Remus.” He stuck his hand out to capture yours in his with a quick shake. Your eyes flicked to his hand, seeing if it was on fire. He was looking too, your gaze captured in the middle when you both looked up at each other. You pulled your hands away at the same time, Remus making himself busy by hanging his coat and cane on the back of his chair, a smile lingering on his lips.
You stared at the plate in front of you, trying to mentally blame your flush on the amount of wine you had already consumed. “Do uh- Do you know everyone here?” You asked, glancing at him.
Remus blew a puff of air out of his nose, amused as he looked around. “Just about everyone. You?”
“Nobody except for Lily,” you said, grabbing another buttermint to try and sate your dry mouth. “I mean, I know of James, but I spent every summer with Lily when she was home from school.”
“Oh?” Remus said, sitting straighter. He cleared his throat like had gotten something stuck. “Where did you go to school?”
“Saint Grogory’s,” you answered him. You tried to ignore that he was staring at his lap instead of you, his posture still stiff. “Now I work at a cafe while I’m going to the University of London to get my Master’s in English Literature.” 
“You can just study that?” He asked quietly, looking at you. Your eyebrows raised with amusement, gathering that he didn’t know you knew about any of them. “Sorry, that’s a daft question,” he said, exasperated. “I mean, that’s really… Um- That’s really neat.” You didn’t say anything, deciding to let the poor wizard flounder. “I’d go to school for… For um… For maths, but I hate maths, so it wouldn’t really-”
“I know that I’m the only muggle here,” you said, eyebrows still raised as your mouth tugged into a smile. “It’d be very hard to think this was a normal muggle wedding. There are candles floating mid air. That doesn’t happen in the muggle world. You know that right?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, shaking his head. “Yeah.” He visibly relaxed, sending his gaze skyward as his ears started to burn red. “Here I was thinking that I was about to spoil everything.”
“Lily told me the day she got the letter,” you said, smirking as you nudged him. “I sure got you though.”
The heat from Remus’ ears made its way to his face, his cheeks turning crimson as he nodded, looking back at you.
“Wine?” You asked, filling his cup without a response. “How do you know Lily then?”
Remus took his glass before you overfilled it, taking a sip. “We went to school together.”
“Is that where everyone is from?” You asked, and he nodded.
“Mainly,” he said, looking around. “A few from-”
“There you are!” The best man shouted, slapping Remus on the back. He rested his bottom on the table next to his friend. He peered over to you, his grey eyes sparkling. “Magnificent wedding, isn’t it? I heard the house elves did a real bang-up job on the feast too.” He grabbed the near empty bottle of wine, pouring what was maybe a sip into the glass next of him. “Merlin, Moons, you finished it all yourself? Nervous about sitting next to a pretty bird?”
“Sorry, that was me,” you admitted, flushing when the raven-haired man looked back at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“No worries,” he said, waving his hand nonchalantly over the bottle. It filled instantly, and he took it, pouring more into his glass.
You blinked hard, staring at the wine bottle. Grabbing it, you peered inside to make sure it was real. “How’d you do that?”
“Do what?” He asked incredulously. “Do you not know that spell or something?”
Remus took the bottle from you, setting it in front of his friend. He introduced you to his friend, finishing with, “Sirius, this is Lily’s friend from home.”
Sirius paled. “Oh… Fuck.” His hands met his face as he muttered something about James being upset. He looked at you, his face still alarmingly pale as he started taking out his wand. “I’m so sorry, love. Just sit still, and I can help you forget-”
“I just didn’t know that you could do magic with your hands,” you said, still staring at the wine bottle. “I thought you always needed a wand.”
Sirius shook his head, the color slightly returning to his face as he deadpanned, “What?”
“She knows we’re all wizards, you plank,” Remus sighed, drinking his wine. “Put your wand away.”
Sirius breathed a sigh of relief, a smile breaking his face. “Oh, good! Brilliant! Ignore that comment then.” He pocketed his wand then turned to his friend. “Have you got a light and a ciggy?”
Remus huffed, patting the table in front of you. “Excuse us for just a moment, will you?” He grabbed his cane, slipped on his coat, and he and Sirius went off to smoke.
Sirius was right. Dinner was magnificent, as well at the people who sat with you. Remus was back in time to introduce you to them all. Frank and Alice, who said they were going to have the next wedding, were the same people you sat next to during the ceremony. Next to them sat Marlene and Dorcas. Marlene had a bright smile and a head full of white blonde hair that hardly ever left Dorcas’ tanned shoulder. On the other side of Frank sat Peter, who looked to be the youngest of the group with his baby-faced cheeks.
The wine was passed and refilled a few more times as the night went on, as well as special cocktails, feuling riveting conversations amongst the wizards and witches. You decided to listen, taking in everything the boys were talking about. From the legalization of recreational boomslang to the crackdown on broom riding. Eventually, their conversation hushed down to mumbles and whispers.
Dorcas, Marlene, and Alice, however, were busily chatting about her wedding and how excited she was to finally marry Frank. They eventually roped you in on their conversation, asking your opinion about what would be better: live unicorns or a toad choir. Of course, you chose unicorns which had the girls roaring in laughter.
By the time that James and Lily danced their first dance, you felt good, and that wasn’t including the way you brushed up against Remus’s side as you stood alongside your newfound friends.
“We’re gettin’ drinks then goin’ to dance,” you slurred, the butterflies reemerging as he looked at you. “You want me t’ grab you somethin’? ‘M gettin’ water.”
He shook his head, pushing himself up from the chair. “I’ll come with you.”
“You sure?” You asked, watching him grab his cane and coat and nod a goodbye to Frank and Peter. “‘S not a big deal f’ me-”
“I insist,” Remus said, walking past you, slightly turning over his shoulder. “Come on then.”
You caught up, trying not to stumble alongside him. Focused on him, the two of you walked straight past the drink table.
As if Remus could sense your reminder, he said, “I want to show you something quick,” and led you out of the tent into the dusky lawn.
You didn’t protest, rather you felt bad for him, his nose scrunching every time he took a step. You lightly hooked your arm in his, your hand resting on his bicep.
“You ‘right?” You asked, feeling dumb as the words left your mouth. “‘M sorry. That was rude.”
“It’s a valid question,” he reassured you with a soft nudge of his elbow. “Hip just acts up sometimes. I’ll live,” he said, glancing at you as you pressed your cheek against his arm. “Are you okay?”
You sighed. “Yeah.” You moved off his arm, rubbing the side of your face that touched him, praying there wasn’t a burn mark. “I think I overshot.”
“You were drinking a lot of wine,” he snorted, opening a large manor door for you. “Do you need some water?” You entered, and he followed you, offering you his arm again. “A sober up potion?”
“The latter,” you said, desperate to feel the burning in your hand again as you hooked onto him. “‘M gonna hurl if I drink anymore.”
“We don’t want that.” Remus led you down a long hallway in the expansive manor. Marble floors and large columns made up the hallway, breaking off into the entryway and the living room. The two of you passed the huge, bustling kitchen and came to a double door.
“Here,” Remus said, nudging the door open slightly. “You go wait in there while I go find that potion, alright love?”
You nodded and the corner of his mouth tugged into a half smile. You watched him, entering the door he had nudged open.
You could’ve dropped dead on the spot, and you would’ve died the happiest lady on the planet. Books covered the walls up to the ceilings, lit by the large moon as it rose over the manor. 
You stepped closer to the shelves, tickling the spines when you noticed that they weren’t just books. There were books on runes, books with fur, and books that were quietly whispering.
You picked up a shiny book, cracking it open. While nothing popped out, the book began shouting. You screamed and quickly slammed it shut, putting it back. Your heart beat out of your chest as you picked up another one, finding ice cold air blowing out of it as soon as you opened it. The third book you picked up had a plaid spine, and looked safe. The cover read, “Frankenstein's Monster: Did It Actually Happen?” You held it to your chest and sighed, breathing in the dusty, papery scent.
You could live here, and nobody would know. You could nestle in amongst the shelves, hiding in the hole until all the books were read. Feeling drunk and overwhelmingly happy, you sighed again, closing your eyes as you plopped down on the sofa.
“Do you like it?” Remus asked from the door.
“I think I’m in love,” you replied dreamily, turning to look at him. “Has anyone read all of ‘em?”
“James said his dad was working through them,” he said, sitting down on the sofa. He handed you the potion. “I think he got about halfway through before he gave up.”
“God,” you said, looking around. “I’d try to read ‘em all.” You smelled the potion, instantly recoiling with a gag. “‘M not drinkin’ this.”
“It just smells bad,” he said, an amused smile gracing his face. “Drink it and you’ll feel better.”
You sighed, grumbled, “Fine,” and downed the potion like a shot. 
Remus lied to you. It tasted just as bad as it smelled, but it worked. You felt all the drunkenness leave you like it was being siphoned out of your body. You sat up straighter, pushing your hair out of your face.
“Better?” Remus asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Much,” you said, smiling as you looked at him. “Thank you.”
Despite not being drunk, you still felt the butterflies in your stomach as he matched your toothy grin, glancing at the book in your hands. “Are you going to steal that?” He teased.
“I’d like to,” you admitted, reading the first page to yourself. “It’s the first book that hasn’t done something.”
“I’m sure Fleamont wouldn’t care,” he said, his fingers dancing against yours as he took the book from you, pocketing it in his coat. “I can hold onto it for now. Until you leave, of course.”
“I suppose I should probably get back and say goodbye to everyone,” you said, standing and smoothing out your dress over your thighs. “The last bus leaves in an hour, and I still have to see Lily.”
Quietly, Remus nodded, standing alongside you. He offered you his arm again, and even though you weren't stumbling, you took his desperately, letting him lead you back out of the manor.
“Moon’s really big,” you said, looking up at the moon that shone orange in the sky. “Must be full.”
Remus winced, glancing at you to see if you noticed, finding you still staring. “There was a full harvest moon a few nights ago. If you look, you can see it waning.”
You narrowed your eyes trying to see what he was talking about. “Do you like the moon or something?”
“I-” He paused, catching you already looking up at him. “Sure.”
“I like the sun more,” you admitted, looking back at the moon. “The moon is fine, but without the sun, it’s just another dark rock.” You glanced at him to catch him staring at the moon, a grimace on his face.
Before you could say anything, a sharp squeal followed a flurry of red hair that was barreling toward you.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere! I thought you left already!” Lily shouted, picking you up and spinning you around. She held you at arms length. “Look at you!”
“I wouldn’t have left without saying anything to my favorite girl!” You beamed, taking in your Lily. “You... you look radiant.”
“Oh, pish,” Lily said, waving her hand in the air. She looked at Remus, who was still staring at the sky as if to give you and Lily your space. “Hi, space man,” she cooed at him, causing Remus to look at her, a tight smile on his face. She reached up, squishing his cheek between her fingers. “I’m stealing her from you.”
“Be my guest,” he said, pulling cigarettes out of his pocket. “I’ll be in there in a minute,” he said more to you than to Lily.
“That’s a nasty habit, Lupin,” Lily sighed like she had said it about a million times.
“Really? That’s funny,” he said, lighting a cigarette and holding out the pack to the three other men coming toward him. “Seems as though the other Potter likes it.”
You smiled as Lily pulled you away toward the tent, grumbling about James being irresponsible and how she was going to have to have a little chat with him later.
“Oh, you love him,” you cooed, and Lily sighed heavily.
“Very much so.” She turned the two of you around, gazing at the group of four boys all smoking and chatting away. “I mean look at him,” she mumbled to you. “I just want to hit that cigarette out of his hand and scream at him until my throat bleeds, but God, I just want to kiss him until he chokes, and I love him, and I just wish I could-”
While Lily continued to tell you about all the things she loved about her new husband, you couldn’t help but to look at Remus whose face was pulled in a genuine smile as James and Sirius began loudly talking about God knows what. The way he threw his head back as he laughed had your cheeks flushing, and this time, you couldn’t blame the wine.
“He’s cute,” you blurted, sensing Lily following your gaze.
“Remus?” She asked, and you confirmed with a short nod.
“He took me into the library,” you said, looking at Lily. “He’s got a book in his pocket for me.”
“Really…” She said, sounding far off as she continued looking at the group of boys. “It makes a lot of sense…”
“What does?” You could hear your heartbeat in your ears watching the way she smiled, knowing she made eye contact with one of them.
“You and Remus,” she said, looking at you with the same smile. “You should give him your number.”
“Lily,” you groaned and she grabbed your arm, leaning in.
“He wouldn’t have looked over here at least four times if he didn’t want it,” she whispered, a fiery look in her eye when you began to protest with pink cheeks. “He lives in muggle London. He owns a phone.”
You huffed. “Fine.”
Lily’s smize turned giddy as she gave you a napkin, your number already written on it. “I’ve had this in my pocket since I saw you sitting next to him.”
“You’re a minx,” you hissed, taking the napkin. You checked your watch and sighed. “You planned this out so I couldn’t say no, didn’t you?”
The glint in Lily’s eye said it all as she threw her arms around you. “I’ll see you soon. I can come round your flat, and we can watch movies, and we can have a proper girl’s night, alright?”
You squeezed her tightly. “That sounds amazing, Lils. I love you.”
“Not as much as I love you!” She said, pulling away. A mischievous grin grew on her face as she pushed you forward. “Now go get ‘em, tiger!”
You stumbled forward, throwing Lily a scrunched nose over your shoulder. She met it with a thumbs up and a cheeky smile before James snuck up behind her, batting him away as he tried to kiss her.
You laughed to yourself, shaking your head. You could only hope to have a love like Lily and James one day.
The napkin in your hand grew increasingly damp the closer you got to Remus. He was still standing outside nursing a cider that one of his friends must’ve given him. You stepped outside of the tent, siding up to him.
“Hey, you!” Remus said, nudging you with his elbow. “Are you heading out?”
“I am!” You said, the napkin becoming damp in your hands. “Bus leaves soon, and I need to catch it before I’m stranded here.”
“Alright,” he said, grabbing the book from his pocket. “Here you are.”
You took it, smiling while you looked at it. “Thank you,” you mumbled.
The two of you became quiet, not knowing what to do next. A handshake would’ve been proper, you thought, considering you had just met him and he took you under his wing for the night.
You panicked and stuck out your napkin-filled hand without saying anything. He looked at you with furrowed brows then took your hand, the burning sensation filling you from the tips of your fingers straight to your chest.
“It was really nice to meet you, Remus,” you said, pulling away and leaving the napkin in his hand.
You turned around before he could say anything, head down as you walked quickly down the Manor drive, hoping the scorched feeling in your hands would never go away.
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isabella1798 · 4 months
Why does no one talk about Eva (Jude’s mother) and Asha (Cardan’s mother) being best friends + Justin’s deal with Grimsen ?
I would love a backstory of Asha and Eva’s “friendship” because we know they were best friends who went everywhere together causing trouble. Their companionship was brief, they were both awful and they used to sneak of to the mortal lands together. I can imagine Asha knew what was going on between Justin and Eva and made Eva spill all of the *tea*. I’m very certain that Lady Asha helped Eva and Justin escape and was present at the time of when Eva received that prophecy. It got me thinking how Eva and Justin could get a pregnant mortal in to Madocs household but Asha was probably the one that did by using her glamour. Asha said she could tell Jude about her mother and her mother’s escape which obviously tells us she was there. It also got me thinking if they sent letters to each other while Eva and Justin lived in the mortal lands is well. If Eva and Asha were still in contact then it might have been how balekin found out Eva and Justin were alive (although balekin claims he found out from gossip) … he probably found one of Asha’s letters at the time they lived in the palace (a symbolic reason as to why Asha burned Cardans letters to Jude). We also know Oriana didn’t like Asha and Eva. Which makes me think that part of the reason why she could not tolerate Jude, Taryn, Vivi and couldn’t care less about Cardan is because Eva and Asha were cruel to Oriana. Even though Oriana told Jude Asha never loved anyone, it makes me think Asha might of loved Eva, even if it was only a little bit. Of course Asha will never admit this to anyone because she is a heartless and shallow woman, but I think she wanted to help her friend escape because she could see how miserable Eva was. I get the impression she didn’t think it was a good idea but still did it because she loved Eva. And when she found out Eva had died she must have mourned for her ex best friend. I can also see Asha looking at Jude and Cardan and thinking how much they remind her of herself and Eva. According to Oriana Eva had a great appreciation for Asha’s wickedness and this reminded me of when Cardan said to Jude in TWK “I never thought I could see my cruelty as talents but you did”. That is the exact copy of Asha and Eva. I think that’s why Asha holds a lot of resentment against Jude because Jude is the spitting image of her mother and is a lot like her. And that’s something that Asha is reminded of that she wishes to forget. I can see Asha and Eva getting drunk on wine at each other’s homes and playing cruel pranks on the folk while making fun of everyone and sneaking off to the mortal lands coming back with heeps of mortal clothing, accessories and food while they were friends.
It’s quite interesting to think that Eva, Asha, Oriana and Liriope (Locke+Oaks mother) were all familiar with each other. Could they have been friends all in a group like Cardan, Locke, Nicasia and Valerian ?
But what I want to know is what was the deal Grimsen made with Justin and did it have anything to do with the hag that gave Eva a prophecy about Jude? And something to do with Cardan’s star chart reading? Was the deal that Justin’s future children would have power or something like that? I have no idea but this is a question that NEEDS to be answered before this trilogy ends. Holly Black said she will probably do one more book set in Elfhame after the Prisoners Throne and that Jude will “face a political problem” at the end of this book. This makes me think the last book will go back to Jude and Cardan. And if so we need to know what this deal was….
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deramin2 · 2 months
(Spoilers for Critical Role Campaign 1)
I don't have any expectations for wherever FCG will stay dead or come back somehow because I've spent 9 years watching Sam Riegel totally subvert my expectations in a narratively compelling way.
But I will say that "FCG shouldn't come back because it would lessen the impact of a narratively perfect death" is EXACTLY what people were saying about Percy's first death after C1 E68. (The first televised character death.) If he had to have an end, it was a fitting end that, while tragic, neatly tied up the thesis of the story. Would Taliesin even want him to come back? With Whitestone saved and Ripply killed, was there even much left to explore?
They found Percy's death letter telling them he loved them all but please bury him in a ditch with all his designs so he could be forgotten by history. He was so sorry for all he'd done and he could never make it up.
But they tried anyway, having to wrest Percy's soul away from Orthax. The players knew what they said in the resurrection ritual was meaningful along with their rolls. But they did not know they were also having to convince Taliesin. If they'd tried to appeal to Percy's soul in the wrong way, dice be damned, Percy was going to refuse. What we got was really meaningful and powerful roleplay (especially from Marisha and Laura) that did convince Percy along with successful rolls.
Being brought back did not at all weaken Percy's own sacrifice or the impact of his death. It forced him to confront everything he'd been running from. It forced him to see that there were people who loved him and would not let him throw himself away for them. They didn't want a martyr, they wanted their friend. It utterly changed the trajectory of his character.
There's only four ways I can think of on the table to bring FCG back:
True Resurrection — Incredibly expensive high level spell. They would have to find the materials as well as someone who both can and is willing to cast the spell in the middle of a war to stop a second Calamity. None of this would be easy. The ritual could still fail. FCG could decline to come back and the other players would not know that until they went to all the effort. The Raven Queen views True Resurrection as heresy which is why they didn't try it on Vax. How would a second chance change them?
Reincarnate — Lower level and cheaper spell. FCG would come back as a fleshy being instead of an Aeormaton. Would the experience live up to FCG's fantasies about it? How would it change them to realize they are truely alive, and always were, but are now also mortal? Reverse Veth story? Wild ass Pinocchio retelling? What does it mean to get a second chance but everything about you is different?
Wish — I think this would count as duplicating True Resurrection. High component cost and requires a high level magic user. (If it's duplicating a spiral there's no risk of no longer being able to cast Wish.)
Hag Deal — They do know a fatestitcher Hag who likes them and limes making deals even more. Orym may be able to just extend his existing deal. What are the consequences for the deal marker as well as FCG? Would the robit feel responsible for that person's fate? How would that affect how they feel about coming back and the meaning they need to make from it.
I don't think there's a right or best option because whatever we speculate on, the actual result will be full of meaning and very poignant. I can't imagine that Bell's Hells won't try to bring him back. They've lost so much already. They couldn't bring back Eshteross or Bertrand or Will & Derrig. They couldn't live with not even trying. Maybe their method works, maybe it doesn't. But at least they tried.
And if FCG does come back, they have to live with knowing that even though they saved their friends and put an end to Otohan, they also hurt their friends by treating themselves as disposable. They forced their friends to confront that each of them might have done the same and that's deeply unhealthy. It will change the character development tremendously.
My favorite film and play genre is where the protagonist dies (or nearly dies) (usually self-inflicted) at the beginning and has to journey through purgatory to find themselves again before they can return to the living. Films like Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) or Castaway on the Moon (김씨 표류기 2009). Death matters because it reminds you to live. The journey is finding meaning in both life and death and coming back utterly changed.
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t3ag3rs · 2 months
g e n s o - 0 1.
↪element is translated to genso in japanese, therefore y/n's nickname/future hero name is "element"
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"wait up you guys..!"
the h/c haired girl yelled out of breath. "you're running too fast!" you stopped and put your hands on your knees steadying your breath. those two boys are so fast..! i cant even keep up!
"genso! hurry up! we have to be first in line for the new all might action figure!" exclaimed the ash blonde boy, katsuki bakugou, otherwise known as kacchan. "im coming!" you exclaimed picking up your pace to be beside him and the other green haired boy, izuku midoriya, otherwise known as deku.
"im so excited to get the new figurine!" deku exclaims happily, you laugh in agreement. the trio slow to a stop as they go inside the shop and find the display. "mommy! lets get it! pleaseee? i wont ask for anything else!" you begged, pointing at the shelf as deku and bakugou walked to the register with their moms following close by, getting ready to purchase the toy.
m/n grabbed the toy, "i dont see why you shouldnt get it" you smiled widely and gave her a hug repeatedly thanking her as she bought the toy. you and the two boys were smiling out of happiness, "hey kiddos lets take a picture!" exclaimed mitsuki holding up her camera. you got in between deku and bakugou and let out a big smile as the two hugged you.
well... more like just bakugou. he wouldnt even let poor deku wrap his hands around you. to him you were all his and no one else could be with you.
whats bakugous, will always be bakugous.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"genso!" you turned and looked at bakugou, "my mom said to invite you and your mom for dinner tonight" you smiled enthusiastically, "really?? i'll tell my mommy!" you ran over to your mom and told her what bakugou told you. she smiled and agreed, so you ran over and told him you would be coming. "well.. we best head home now kacchan so I can shower and come over, i'll see you in a bit. byebye!" you wave and grab on to your moms hand walking away.
bakugou smiled triumphantly, "hey old hag! genso's coming over for dinner with her mom tonight!" he yelled, "KATSUKI BAKUGOU IF YOU DON'T STOP CALLING ME THAT I'LL PERSONALLY GO RETURN THAT FIGURINE" she screamed, unfazed at how he had invited you without her permission.
it wasn't the first time anyway.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you rang the doorbell and waited eagerly for bakugou to open the door. "oh hi there y/n and m/n! please come in!" mitsuki stepped aside and you walked in. you took off your shoes and placed it neatly in the corner, "wheres kacchan?" you ask looking around. "the brat should be around here somewh-" "GENSO!!" bakugou came running up to you and hugged you, taking both you and both parents by suprise.
you blush slightly, " h-hi kacchan..! " you hug him back, he pulls away and grabs your arm dragging you to his room. "lets go watch some all might footage!" you smile as he drags you away.
"looks like my little brat has a crush on your daughter m/n.." mitsuki chuckled, m/n just sighed and added "young love.." which caused both parents to laugh to themselves.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sat with bakugou on his bed watching the footage and making comments about how awesome all might is. "im gonna grow up and become a no. 1 hero just like him!" bakugou commented while punching his hand up in the air. you giggled at his action, "me too!"
bakugou turns to look at you, "your so lucky you got your quirk early! i can't wait for when i finally get mine!" you grin, "well whatever it is, i'm sure it'll be great!" bakugou jumps out of the bed, "wait here, i have something to give you!" he opens his drawer and pulls out a bracelet he made with the colors from all mights costume. you gasp, "you made that for me?" he nods as he puts it on you.
"theres the letter of your first name, a heart, and a 'k' for my name to show that i made it for you!" he exclaims, you blush and give him a hug. "thank you kacchan!" he blushes and stutters, "y-yeah, yeah.. whatever idiot..!" he pulls away and grabs another bracelet and puts it on himself. "now we can match!" he smiles and you giggle.
soon after a bunch of all might footage, mitsuki and m/n walk into bakugous room to find you laying on bakugou as he hugs you. both your parents look at the adorable sight and take photos to show you two later. "look at their wrists!" pointed m/n, "so thats why the brat was making bracelets!" smirked mitsuki, she prepared to tease him about it whenever he woke up.
m/n gently picked you up and grabbed your shoes. "we'll be going now.. thanks for the food mitsuki.. tell bakugou we both said bye!" mitsuki walked your mom to the door and waved bye as you two walked away.
her brat had a crush on you!
"oh that brat wont ever stop hearing about this!" she chuckled.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
a couple years later.. (12 yrs old)
you stand there shocked holding your acceptance letter from icaru private junior high academy. i actually got in..!
your mom and your dad congratulated you, and started texting all your relatives to tell them the good news. you were happy.. of course you were. you had just gotten into the academy you've wanted to go to for years! but that meant you wouldnt be able to go to school with bakugou and deku anymore. the amount of stress on the academics would also leave you with no time for hang outs with them.
you sighed as you facetimed both of them, mentally readying yourself to deliver the news. "why am i in a call with pathetic deku, genso?" snarled bakugou, you kept your mouth shut. it bothered you how much he had changed just because deku didn't have a quirk. "i need to tell you two something.." you paused.
"i got accepted into that academy i've been ranting about" deku smiled, "thats great y/n! congrats!" you smiled, "thank you izu..!" you looked down sadly, "but that's not what i called about.. you see, i won't be able to go to school with you guys and hang out as much now..."
bakugous eyes widened, "what?! are you kidding me genso!?" you shook your head sadly, "oh no.. y/n.." muttered deku. "i just felt like i should've told you two before i left.." you fiddled with your nails. "my last hang out will probably be this saturday, if you guys arent busy please come, okay..?" you let out a sad smile.
"of course y/n..! anything for you!" you smiled and deku left the call, leaving you with just bakugou. "and you..?" you asked. he had been concerningly quiet during the entire conversation. "i'll come but it'll be after fucking deku leaves." he ends the call, and you sigh out, blinking back your tears.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
deku came by with his mom and gave you a all might plushie to remember him by. he stayed for an hour and left after giving you a hug and wishing you luck at your new school. you sighed out, one friend down... one more to go.
bakugou came by shortly after that with his mom. you opened the door and was immediately brought into a bear hug by mitsuki. "good luck at your new school hun'. i know you'll do just fine, you're a sweet girl, anyone will like you." you smiled and pulled away looking at bakugou.
you waited for mitsuki to walk away and took bakugou up to your room. he sat down on your bed and stared at you. you sat there in quiet until he finally broke it, "do you really have to go..?" he asked quietly. you sat next to him, looking at your hands, " my parents want me to go.. i need to make them happy bakugou.. "
he handed you a printed photo. you grabbed it and your eyes started watering.
it was the photo of younger you and bakugou sleeping on each other with the matching bracelets on your wrists. "i thought you should have somewhat of a reminder of us before you go.." he mumbled.
you turned and hugged him, crying into his shirt. "i don't wanna leave you guys here and be at a new school by myself..!" he just hugged you back, trying not to show how upset he actually was. "i don't want you to go either genso.. but this is what's better for you and that's all i want."
"HEY BRAT WE GOTTA GO!" screamed mitsuki from below. you wiped your tears and stood up. "genso" he called, "promise me you'll get into UA so we can be friends again." you looked at him, "i promise i will" you repeated.
you both walked downstairs and bakugou and mitsuki left, leaving just you and your parents there. "i'm gonna go back to my room.." you mutter, heading upstairs. you sit on your bed and look at the picture of you and bakugou.
right there and then you swore to yourself you would work yourself tirelessly until you got into UA.
and that's exactly what you did.
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previous part(s): pt. 00 next part(s): pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13
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Of course asking people which monster they find more fuckable is a good way to get them to say funny things, so I got a lot of funny comments on the Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon Tournament. So as usual, I compiled a list of the ones I liked best, ordered by the poll they were commented on. Enjoy!
Barometz vs Dryad (round 1 part 1)
dryad boobs in my mouth please please please you're nothing
Man-eating plant vs Mandrake (round 1 part 1)
getting my dick digested by a pitcher plant
its what laios would have wanted
Skeleton vs Dullahan (round 1 part 1)
why is the armor sweeping?? how are ya'll planning to fuck the armor??? at least the skeleton you could like wedge a vibrator or fleshlight into the pelvis. I forgot this is the celibacy site and fucking is not a real physical thing on here
fools do not see the eroticisim of plate armor
Phoenix vs Harpy (round 1 part 2)
harpy has a tits out kinda look
Griffin vs Hippogriff (round 1 part 2)
Me at first: really? You’d fuck the horse? Me, remembering the barded penises of felines : no wait you’re right
White dragon vs Red dragon (round 1 part 3)
It's canon that white dragons fight furiously while red dragon is the equivalent of that blue hands dinosaur in Prehistoric Planet
white dragon is cuntier somehow
Treasure insects vs Succubus (round 1 part 3)
another tits out kinda look
normal poll matchup. normal poll. do people want to fuck a succubus or inch long insects. who will win
Huge scorpion vs Huge spider vs Mimic (round 1 part 3)
What you do to the mimic is hidden from the eyes of all
The mimics got that dog in it
dark souls mimic resemblances have me thinking unwise
something about the mysterious air around the mimic
Golem vs Ice golem (round 1 part 4)
Same deal but one freezes ur junk off I think the winner is clear
Gargoyle vs Hag (round 1 part 4)
..abusive mother kink????
Familiar vs Jack Frost (round 1 part 4)
familiar is customizable 👍
Doppelganger vs Demon (round 1 part 4)
That stupid sexy cat simply slays too much cunt
Hippogriff vs Fish-man (round 2 part 1)
no offense to my buddy fish-man but that hippogriff is too majestic
Living armour vs Undine (round 2 part 2)
One if the extras has a really perturving bit: Undines fed by consuming liquids with mana. Holm mentions regularly feeding it BODILY FLUIDS.
is wearing living armor anything
White dragon vs Green dragon (round 3)
she made that dragon sooooo cunty and for what
Cockatrice vs Demon (round 3)
you should've put the slutiest picture of the demon. to remind everyone that ryoko -sensei is down BAD
no one: ryoko kui: i am going to make a lion demon that is SOOOOOOO [redacted]
everybody vote for demon! a vote for demon is a love letter to Ryoko Kui
I do find it funny we're blowing the demon whore moments on like, the cockatrice matchup
This manga is so slutty and yet so tasteful in it that you can't really call it anything but great in every aspect of its eroticism
Mermaid vs Harpy (quarter finals)
i am so mad rn. a mermaid !? more fuckable than a harpy!? for shame tumblr for shame
White dragon vs Succubus (quarter finals)
Dragon fluffye!
Chimera vs Mermaid (semi-finals)
sorry mermaid. falin fucks supremely.
sorry falin. gotta stand up for my fellow merfolk here
a vote for chimera is a vote for lesbians
Succubus vs Demon (semi-finals)
Not even the sucubbi stands up to the limitless demon sexo
if you think about it. the succubus can turn into the demon's many forms
Chimera vs Demon (finale)
fags and dykes fighting to the death over this one
Listen man. Even if I'm gay I understand why Falin is winning but- Consider that the demon knows your exact wants and desires and could satisfy your sexual needs perfectly. Also when he's buff and humanoid near the end
either of them deserve to win but demon sweep because that fucker showed up in a dream to me once
Mermaid vs Succubus (battle for the bronze)
mermaids can't lose to magical mosquito people PLEASE
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mybutcheredtongue · 3 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
post azkaban sirius black x fem!reader
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN (see full series list here)
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A man stands in the doorway, leaning on a long staff, hidden away behind the shadow of a black travelling coat. Every head in the Hall turns to him, a great crackle of lightning forking across the enchanted ceiling. The man lowers his hood and shakes out a man of long, grizzled, dark grey hair and makes his way up to your table.
The loud, dull clunk of a wooden leg echoes throughout the silent Hall with every step he takes, and your ears prick with the recognition of that clunk — you've heard that clunk before...many times before.
He makes it to your table, lightning flashing and illuminating the man's face. The skin of his face is scarred and looks rough to the touch. There's a large chunk of his nose missing, his mouth is thin and his lips are cracked. But nothing compares to his eyes — the most unsettling part about him.
One is small, dark, and beady. Dark like the depths of the Black Lake. The other is quite the opposite — as large as a coin, the iris a startling, vivid blue. It's encased within an eye patch, held on by straps of leather. The blue eyes moves without reason, spinning and twirling in its socket without blinking. And though the glass eye makes most look away from squeamishness, you give a little smile. You're well used to that eye by now, that skin, that clunk, that man.
It's the face of your old mentor, Alastor Moody.
Or, as he's more widely known...
Mad-Eye Moody.
Moody sits down at the table, shaking his man of grizzly hair. He pulls a small knife out his pocket, pulls a plate of sausages towards him, and spears one on the end of the knife before eating it.
"May I introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Dumbledore says brightly into the stunned silence. "Professor Moody."
Usually, the Hall erupts into applause from both the staff and teachers. However, tonight, it's only you, Dumbledore, and Hagrid that clap. Mad-Eye's not that bad, really, you just have to get used to him. He's a sweetheart!
Okay, that's a total lie.
But you do really just have to get used to his... peculiarities. Everyone'll be well adjusted to him by the end of the year, you're sure.
Moody doesn't seem to care about his unwelcome welcome, instead pulling a flask out of his pocket and taking a swig from it. Well, that's something he's always done — carry his own personal flask to drink out of.
"Constant vigilance!" He'd told you. "You'll never know if what's in front of you has been poisoned or not!"
Dumbledore clears his throat. "As I was saying," he says, smiling out at the crowd of gaping students, "we are to have the honour of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, an event that hasn't been held for over a century. It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year."
"You're JOKING!" Fred Weasley exclaims loudly.
The tension that had been thickening ever since Moody's arrival breaks as nearly everyone bursts into laughter at Fred.
Dumbledore chuckles appreciatively. "I am not joking, Mr Weasley...though now that you mention it, I did hear an excellent one over the summer about a troll, a hag, and a leprechaun who all go into a bar..."
Minerva clears her throat loudly from beside you.
"Er — but maybe this is not the time...no..." says Dumbledore, "where was I? Ah yes, the Triwizard Tournament...well, some of you will not know what the tournament involves, so I hope those who do know will forgive me for giving a short explanation, and allow their attention to wander freely."
Of course, as a member of staff, you've already been well briefed on the tournament and what's involved. You've heard it all before, and as per his instruction, you allow your attention to wander.
You trek down the stairs of the Astronomy Tower, clutching a letter addressed to Remus in your hand. You dread having to walk back up all those stairs for your last class of the day in an hour. A few students are milling about the corridors, a few chatting amicably while others complain about the homework they've already gotten on the first day back.
You round a corner, glancing at the oil paintings on the wall next to you. Then, you start to hear the sound of a dull clunk echoing down the hallway, and Moody appears, hobbling towards you. His glass eye is swivelling erratically in its socket, but his good eye isn't looking at you.
"Oh, sir!"
When you were training to be an Auror — which you never got to finish — you always addressed Moody as sir. Never Mad-Eye, never Alastor. And when you were talking about him with somebody else, you always said Moody. His character demands respect and you don't hesitate to give it.
But this is different. Now, you're proper colleagues. It's a bit strange, like adjusting to working alongside Minerva when you first started here. Hopefully you'll adjust to his presence just as easily as Minerva's.
Moody flinches when he hears you call out, head snapping to you, regular eye fixating on you.
You give him a hesitant smile, nodding at him. "It's — uh — it's been a while, sir. It's good to see you again."
Something flashes in his good eye — recognition. His glass eye spins and looks at you, scrutinizing you silently. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up under that interrogating eye.
It's a while before he answers.
"I know this probably isn't the field you expected me to go into — but you know, after everything..." You chuckle awkwardly, shrugging. You immediately curse yourself for that — that chuckle would have instantly gotten you reprimanded during your training.
"It's unconfident!" he'd said. "You're letting your guard down, appearing vulnerable. Do you want your enemies to think you're an easy target?"
But now, Moody doesn't comment on it. He barely even seems to register it.
"Right," he says curtly, before continuing on his way, hobbling down the corridor. You turn and stare after him, mouth agape at his coldness. You thought you had bonded during your time together, that he thought of you as a good student. And you really looked up to him too, you still do. But he disregarded you like it was nothing...like he forgot who you were.
As you stare after him, he pulls his flask out of his pocket and takes a swig from it, grimacing. He glances back over his shoulder and catches you staring. You quickly turn around and continue towards the owlery, feeling incredibly embarrassed.
Reuniting with your old mentor? Check!
Did it go well? Nope!
How embarrassing.
It's Thursday evening, and you sit in your office, reading Astronomy's Articles. The fireplace crackles in the corner, radiating warmth throughout the room. There's quite an interesting piece here on how old astronomical teachings influenced pop culture, and you're nearly finished it when there's a weak knock at the door. At first you think you might've imagined it, but the knock comes again, slightly louder this time.
You go over to open it, revealing Neville Longbottom, who is currently staring down at his shoes. In his hands, you spot a heavy book. He's shaking.
"Neville, dear, what's wrong?" You ask gently, concern obvious in your voice.
"C — can I please come in?" The poor boy's voice is no louder than a whisper. You nod wordlessly, opening the door further for him to come in and then closing it softly behind him.
"Sit down there, Neville, and a take a deep breath," you say kindly. You grab a jug and fill it with water, placing it on your desk with a glass for him. You pull all your papers out of the way and he sits down.
You sit down at your chair, looking across at him encouragingly. You don't say anything, just wait for him to start himself. While he's quiet, you take a look at the book in his hands, titled: Magical Mediterranean Water-Plants and Their Properties.
"I — I don't want to bother you, Professor."
You shake your head. "Neville, you could never bother me. Please, tell me. What happened?"
He doesn't meet your eyes, hands fiddling with the book.
"I just...Professor, when my parents...when they...did they really go through all that p-pain?" he asks shakily.
You're highly taken aback by this. What is he doing asking something like that? The answer will only hurt him further.
"Oh, Neville, what brings this on?"
He doesn't answer you for a moment, looking down at the cover of his book.
"Professor Moody...he — he showed it to me," he responds quietly, like he's telling a big secret.
"Showed what to you?" You're almost reluctant to hear the answer. Something heavy settles in your stomach sickeningly.
The office is silent as Neville breathes heavily. He fiddles with the book again, bounces his leg. It's like you can hear every blink of his eyes, every individual lash brushing against his under-eye. What would Alice say if she seen him like this? She'd be devastated, no doubt. You're here to look after him. Harry and Neville. Both lost their parents, parents who were your best friends. You could never sit by and watch as their sons sit in turmoil, battling something extremely difficult.
"The Cruciatus Curse," Neville breathes.
You blink in confusion. "I'm sorry, what do you mean he showed you the Cruciatus Curse?"
"O-on a spider," he says quietly. "He-he pointed his wand at it and said — "
"Crucio," you whisper, horrified. "Why would he do that?"
You're confused and shocked and horrified. Moody really did that? In front of the students? In front of Neville? He knows exactly who Neville is, he knows exactly who his parents were and what happened to them.
"He — he said we needed to know. That we n-needed to see it to know how to defend it."
You bring your hands up to your face. You've seen the curse performed before, when you were helping Moody track down a dark wizard who'd taken a Muggle hostage, and nothing about it is pretty. It's scarring — it's the kind of thing that lodges itself in your mind, and the image never weakens. The sounds never fade.
Neville hasn't stopped trembling since he walked in here.
"Neville..." you bite your lip, unsure what to say, so you do the only thing you think you can: you stand up from your chair, and hug him. You pull the frail boy into your arms, gently stroking his hair soothingly. You're conscious of the fact that really, Neville's only maternal figure in his life has been his grandmother who — while being a formidable, strong woman — can't hold a candle to the warmth that Alice had. The heart of gold and love that she had — that she still has, somewhere — for her son. He needs you to provide that warmth and support now.
He pulls away to talk again. "My parents...do you think they suffered...? "
"They did, Neville," you say, pulling away but leaving your hands on his shoulders. "They suffered. I'm afraid I can't tell you any different."
Neville's eyes begin to water and he doesn't meet your eyes.
"But," you continue softly, "they were brave, Neville. They were so brave and strong and stood their ground. Anyone else would have ran, fled with their tails between their legs, but not your parents, Neville. And — the people who hurt your parents? They're all in jail. Rotting away in Azkaban, which is an awful fate. Perfectly deserved for the horrible scum that did that to Alice and Frank."
Neville nods slowly, taking a shaky breath. He sits for a few moments, quiet, as he thinks over what you said. Eventually, you feel confident that he looks a bit less shaken, colour returning to his face. He stands up and you give him a sympathetic smile.
"Would you like to stay here for a little longer?" you ask softly, and he shakes his head.
"No, it's okay...I'll get going now."
You nod, patting his shoulder and moving to open the door for him. "Alright." He exits and you follow, locking the door behind you. When he looks back at you in slight confusion, you say, "I'd like to go have a word with Professor Moody."
Moody's office isn't too far from yours. Neville departs off towards the Gryffindor Tower, the time nearing curfew. You knock on the door, waiting impatiently for the door to open. Eventually, you hear hobbling behind the door and it opens a crack.
You can only see the blue eye, spinning rapidly in its socket. He looks you up and down, scrutinising you.
"Look, I just talked to one of your fourth-year students. Is it true you showed them the Cruciatus Curse? That you performed it on a spider?"
Part of you is scared. This is you, standing up to the best, strongest Auror you've ever met. Your mentor. But at the same time you're filled with anger. How could he do that? How could he put that on Neville, and all those other students who had to bear witness to that torture?
Moody doesn't answer. His tongue darts out of his mouth to lick at his lips for just a second, before receding back. That's something you don't think you've seen Moody do before. No, you've definitely not seen him do that.
But you recognise it. You definitely remember being grossed out before by that exact move. He must've just caught it from someone else, after all, they do call him Mad-Eye. He has been known to be somewhat far-gone.
"I'll admit it was an unorthodox way of teaching, but they needed to see it," he answers curtly. "They need to see in order to know how to defend it and resist!"
You shake your head furiously. "There are other ways to show them how to defend themselves! You can't do that. They're children, sir. They shouldn't be coming out of class half traumatised!"
He pulls the door open more, revealing his cracked face. His good eye stares daggers at you and he moves forward, forcing you to take a step back. He leers over you threateningly.
"Don't question me, girl."
You stare back at him, searching his face for any sliver of a joke, but are met with the hard, steel expression of a man who is certainly not joking. The Moody you know would never say that to you. He would never use that threatening tone with you, no matter what you did. Constructive criticism, yeah, a bit of frustration, yeah, but not this. You've never had to feel scared in his presence.
But you do now.
You're suddenly aware of the fact that this is a strong, strong man in front of you. You would never be able to fight him off. Your lip trembles, and embarrassingly, you feel your eyes start to water.
This was your mentor. This was someone who you looked up to so much, and now he's looking at you like some scummy substance he found on the bottom of his boot. You feel hurt. You feel so badly hurt and embarrassed and scared.
Moody continues to stare you down, before grunting and doing that janky tongue movement and slamming his door shut in your face. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, and stare at the closed door in front of you.
What do you do? Should you tell someone? None of the other teachers know about that class, otherwise something would have been said. Minerva would already have been banging on your door to talk about it.
Is it worth your while even reporting it? You doubt anyone would care. It's Alastor Moody, famed Auror. Who would they really rather support: you or him? You don't stand a chance against him.
You return to your office that night feeling sick to your stomach. Worries churn your stomach sickeningly and quiet tears drip down your cheeks. You're just so confused. Why would Moody do that to you? He never expressed any dislike for you before, but there it was obvious. You feel so foolish for allowing yourself to think the Mad-Eye Moody cared about you at all.
You feel lonely. You start to just want Sirius here, next to you, so you can talk to him. He always knows what to do. He always knows what to say. You want him to be here and to take you in his arms, stroke your hair soothingly, reassure you.
You just want him here.
Spring, 1980
Bright, cheerful chatter fills the area, guests milling about and laughter bubbling up out their throats. Beside you, Sirius has his hand on your knee, circling it idly with his thumb as he chats to James beside him. James tells a joke and Sirius lets out a hearty laugh. You watch his face light up in joy, a beautiful smile spreading over his face.
He's so handsome.
His long locks just tickling his neck, the shirt of his suit unbuttoned to show the skin of his chest, his jacket shrugged off and thrown on the back of the chair. The sunlight catches his long lashes, the outline of his face, making him look like something out of a dream.
You glance around at the guests, thinking about what to do next. You take a quick sip from your wine and lean over to Sirius.
"I'm going to go mingle," you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He stops talking, turning to you with a loving expression.
"Don't be too long," he says. "I want my wife back as soon as possible."
He kisses your lips softly, smiling, and you pull away to go mingle.
You make a beeline for Alice and Lily immediately, who are chatting animatedly with Remus and Peter.
"Hello, hello!" You greet with a grin and they all smile.
"Well, if it isn't the beautiful bride!" Alice exclaims with a laugh.
Everyone looks absolutely perfect. Alice and Lily in their pretty bridesmaid dresses, Remus and Peter in their groomsmen suits. It's a small enough reception, you could never invite too many with the way things are right now. There are a few Aurors and Order of the Phoenix members dotted around, some looking about the place like they're expecting an attack.
"Where's Frank gone?" You ask Alice. It's rare to see Alice without her dear husband, her husband of two months now. Even now, you can see the way her face lights up at the mention of him.
"Oh, he's just gone to get us some drinks," she says with a smile, looking past you to see a man standing at the drinks table, plucking two glasses out of the lineup and turning around to come towards you.
You throw him a small wave, and he nods back because his hands are full. Beyond him, you catch sight of a man you didn't actually expect to see tonight: Alastor Moody. He's standing beneath a large tree, shaded from the sun by its foliage. He's looking around him suspiciously, like he's afraid someone's going to spot him.
You place a hand on Alice's back, patting it as you say, "I've just spotted someone. If I don't see you leading a conga line when I get back I'll be livid."
She giggles, saluting you jokingly. "Yes, ma'am."
You smile at the group, taking your leave and heading for Moody. He looks up when you approach, his good eye settling on you while the other dances in its socket.
"Sir, you came," you say with a smile. You really are shocked that he actually showed up. You gave him his invitation ages ago, and hadn't mentioned it since. He said nothing of any intentions to come to the wedding.
He nods, glancing around himself furtively like he doesn't want anyone to catch him here. "Yes, well...I'm here just in case something happens of course... in case you have a few unwelcome guests."
"What, like you?" You joke, and you can see how he tries to hide his chuckle, shaking his head gruffly.
"Dark wizards, more like."
He doesn't seem entirely certain of that, however. You can tell that he's not just here for that, but you don't say anything. You're just happy he's here. Nobody would attack your wedding. Maybe because there's Order members here, but something tells you that won't happen. You have such a happy gut feeling, you feel like you're on air today. Nothing could ruin it.
"Well, thank you for coming," you say genuinely. "I really appreciate it."
He glances away from you, seemingly fixating on something in the distance. "I can't have you getting attacked on your wedding day. It would make for a pretty shitty story."
You smile. "Thanks."
You stand together in silence. You glance out at the rest of the party: Alice is, as you instructed, leading a long conga line on the makeshift dance floor, now bathed in evening sunlight. You spot Sirius right behind her, enthusiastically throwing out his leg in time with Alice. You chuckle appreciatively at them.
"You know," Moody starts, and you turn back to him, "when they told me I'd have to take on a student, I thought they'd be a nuisance, getting in the way of my work. But you, I am...I'm glad it was you, and not some clueless thing who doesn't know their left from their right. You're good at this, and you'll be even better when you're finished with me."
Your mouth opens dumbly and you just stare back at him in surprise, before a great big smile spreads over your face. You don't want to say anything to embarrass yourself, so you just smile at him and he looks away, clearing his throat.
"Once you stop giving me cheek, that is," he adds.
You can't help but laugh, before he fixes you with a look and you straighten up again, pursing your lips, holding back any comments.
"Now, it's time you stop bothering me and go back off to the lovesick lad you've left behind," he says, nodding his head in Sirius' direction, who has detached himself from the conga line to beckon you over with a longing gaze. You smile back at him and don't hesitate to hurry towards the fun.
→ all kinds of interaction are appreciated ♡
hugs and kisses to all my taglist loves for all their kindness and support:
@wholelottalove05 @izuoyarmin @hyperspeedo @carpe000diem @jennifer0305 @idkman5335
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wolfiafuntime · 8 months
Who Fell First, Who Fell Harder? But Make It Yandere!
Wanted to do this with all of the Mondstadt & Liyue men, but I lost inspo immediately after writing Aether's part. Had to force Albedo's part out... Planning on making sequels with all the other boys in the future, but idk when.
Ft. Yandere! Aether, Albedo (separate) X Yandere! Gn! Reader
Tw: Soft yanderes
Published: October 12, 2023
Words: 657
Pages: 2
Aether: You fell first, he fell harder!
 You fell for him when he saved your life from an unexpected Lawachurl. How could you not? He looked so perfect, jumping in front of you and slashing at the monster with his sword. And the interaction that followed was equally as perfect, starting with him pulling you up from the ground with ease as a floating child asked if you were okay. He didn't talk much, the child- whom you soon learned was named Paimon- doing most of the talking, but his expressions said enough.
 You couldn't help but follow Aether around, and you learned how he was searching for his lost sister, but unfortunately had to spend most of his time helping others. The second-hand offense you had felt was so strong you vowed to personally handle every problem dumped on him. And upon being reminded that you couldn't fight, you changed that vow to 'personally handle every social problem'. You hated being away from him, but his grateful smiles and his occasional quiet 'thanks' were great motivators to keep your promise. And on the plus side, all of your hard work got you a good if not great reputation in every nation you guys visited. Which, in turn, allowed you to threaten greedy merchants, scummy villagers, and shady military personnel.
 He fell for you after you had taken a bullet from a Fatui Skirmisher from him. At first, he was irked as he took the formerly unnoticed Fatuu out; bitter that you had gotten hurt. Although the reason why was a mystery to him. He always knew this would happen! Why did he let you come? Why did you have to follow him around so much?? Why did that stupid skirmisher think he could get away with this?! It wasn't until he killed the Fatuu and returned to your slowly-dying side that he realized. Despite Paimon's cries, and the horrid smell of burnt flesh, you weren't worrying about yourself. You were worrying about him, even using your seeping strength to place your hand on his cheek.
 He could never explain the relief he felt when a doctor saved your life. He helped you through every step of the healing process, making sure to wrap every one of your bandages himself, gathering the best materials for the healthiest foods, and helping you re-learn how to walk. When you were finally healthy again, he made sure to never leave your side. He'd follow you around help you deliver letters, or settle arguments. And when he'd have to go on commissions, or deal with disgusting perverts and annoying hags, then he'd tuck you away into his Serenitea Pot for safekeeping.
Albedo: You fell first, you fell harder!
 You fell for him a few weeks after your first love broke your heart and ran off with a harlot. When he had comforted you with some magically healing words. After that, you started following him around as best you could. And unlike the concubus who had tricked you, Albedo actually cared about you! Like when you tried following him into Dragonspine, he recommended that you stop so you didn't get yourself hurt. And when he learned that your 'stalking' was interfering with your job, he recommended that you get a new one in the Knights of Favonius Investigation Company!
 You continued to fall for him as he personally taught you alchemy. And when he'd give you tips for surviving Dragonspine's harsh conditions. And as whenever he took the time to make you and occasionally Timeaus food while you were up there. Naturally, you did all you could to repay his acts of love. Such as getting him rare paints to use. Or handle his friends for him. And even use your newfound power as a Knight of Favonius to hurt every harlot stupid enough to think they deserve his love!
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petrichorium · 11 months
his eyes are what you focus on the most, in that strange set of weeks that gojo, the newly crowned king (formerly the presumed dead crown prince turned coup leader turned heir apparent), spends courting you.
for a time, you wonder if you’re as simple as the rest, as easy to please. they’re beautiful, undoubtedly; you can see why his ancestors held them to such esteem, it’s difficult not to believe they must be a sign of divinity. he hides them most of the time behind that damned black cloth or an odd adornment upon his face—a pair of circular lenses colored deep black, connected with a frame of gold, an ornate chain attached to the earpieces and hanging around his nape. yet he takes off such things when he barges into your chambers, removes the blindfold and drops the jewelry so that it dangles from his neck like the pendants he so loves gifting to you, and with the way those eyes trail you relentlessly you wonder if it’s so that he can watch you unhindered.
soon enough you realize that you like his eyes for the same reason he hides them: because they give him away.
or rather, you suppose, because they give him away to you. you’d be surprised if he were so careless with his expressions around others—he’s smart, this you know, smart and strong and capable. certainly too smart to wear his emotions on his sleeve in court as he does around you, eyes soft and adoring every time they’re cast upon you. he hasn’t a taste for subtlety or reservation, not when it comes to you or anything else he covets. greedy man, you call him one morning, when the sun’s rays shine through the curtains and cleave great fissures of light across your bed which most resolutely should not be occupied by another. his long fingers curl around your wrist and bring it to his mouth. only for you, he whispers against your pulse, lies to you with blue irises glinting and tone dripping with saccharine syrup as if he hasn't toppled a regime with the very hands he holds you with.
(or perhaps it’s not a lie, perhaps all his greed truly does lead back to you)
you like his eyes, too, because they remind you of childhood. you recall countless times where he’d tug on your hair to drag your attention from a book, your gaze going from letters to that piercing blue. he still looks at you like that now, and you think you might hold his childhood in your palms just the same as he yours. yet despite that familiarity there’s something more you like in the changes—he’s grown so monstrously large, not simply in stature, and there’s a mature air about him that compels you. he's grown, which should be unsurprising; the surprising part is that you're not altogether turned away by his adult self the way you should be.
you still remember the first time you saw him again, that horrible night, and the way that single eye had stared at you. you don’t believe it’ll ever truly leave you. crazed, bloodthirsty, entirely devoid of warmth—unrecognizable to you, the eye of a man who had lost everything and come back to reclaim what was rightfully his. you’d be lying, frankly, if you said the prospect that you were among that list didn’t send a thrill through you, even back then; lying if you claimed your breath caught at the sight of his eye out of pure fear and not something much more shameful.
(your queen had been the first to notice—or rather the first to act, for his eye upon you had been plain for all to see. she’d offered herself for you; her throat or her hand, without fight, to let you go. you remember how he’d covered up that eye once more, how his smile had dropped, and how he’d left no room for misinterpretation of his intent. you think an old hag like you is a fair trade for her? sorry, auntie, no deal. i’ll have whichever of your ladies i desire)
you, to name the lady of his desire. you still don’t know if you’re flattered by it—whether the part of you that simpers at the thought of being special to him, cherished by him, outweighs the part which resents him. it’s difficult to detangle the threads of your feelings, anger and attraction and hurt and sentiment and more all roiling within you so turbulently that you’re never sure which will be most prominent the next time you meet that piercing blue gaze. you wake up in your bed to see his sleeping body next to you and you ponder whether to run off to the east, then you surprise yourself that evening when he returns by tugging him down by his collar and pressing lips to his cheek in greeting. you’re more than conflicted and you know he’s well aware, those eyes piercing like they can see every clashing emotion.
not fear, though; never fear, you’re not all that afraid of him anymore. not when he’s so careful with how he touches you, not when looks at you like you’re the most important thing gracing the halls of his newly acquired castle. when he’s in your chambers it’s like he’s the same satoru you grew up with—the utter disregard for tradition had practically been signature, and he so adored exasperating you with it. if someone had told you back then that you’d end up years later with him courting you, the fact that he’s so bold as to spend the night with no chaperone would likely be the least surprising of the circumstances.
and perhaps you ought to be more careful, more suspicious; your teachers, your parents, they’d all tell you that you’re a fool for allowing such a man to court you. he barrels through etiquette, has no concern for modesty, throws decorum to the wind—not that one would expect anything less from a usurper. he could ruin you, just as he has left the court in ruin, should he decide that playing with you is no longer amusing and choose to cast you aside.
and it’s a frankly foolish decision to marry you, to make you queen over any of the other more eligible candidates. you are good at working the court, this is undeniable, but your talents are certainly far more suited to an advisor than a queen and your title is so very low that you’re practically ineligible—not legally, but socially. he can marry you, in technicality, but you’re practically a commoner despite how indispensable you'd made yourself to the former queen. certainly not somebody to choose in the already turbulent political landscape he’s created. he’s been crowned in the aftermath of a coup, one which he led himself—he ought to be wed to a proper match, a zen’in or a kamo to appease the families or a princess from a nearby kingdom to reforge allyship.
of course when you’d brought this up he’d merely cooed, cupped your face in a large hand and rubbed soothingly at your cheek with his thumb.
“nobody in this castle can tell me what to do,” he’d told you cheerfully. “except for my darling betrothed, of course.”
the unsaid implication there is hardly subtle—nobody can stop this union, except for you. he’d break it off if you insisted.
but… you don’t want to. you’re not sure what it is exactly. ambition, perhaps; the allure of the crown—or affection, the allure of him, because despite how you ought to feel (he’s upended your life, thrown the court into disarray, imprisoned or killed nearly a quarter of the peerage including more than a fair share of his own family members) you find yourself charmed by him; his easy smiles and his schoolboy teasing and even his incessant need to touch you despite your endless lectures on propriety. it’s likely both, to be frank with yourself.
(perhaps he’s rubbing off on you, selfish man that he is, taking what he wants without thought for what might come of it. perhaps you are looking before you and what you see is a man more devoted to you than you’d ever dreamed you might find, who also happens to be a king, and though you know it isn’t what’s best for your country it is what you want for yourself)
in the end you don your ornate wedding dress and you bind yourself to him and you don’t regret it—in fact you’re pleasantly giddy throughout the whole ordeal. you don’t think about how many men he’s cut down with the hands that take yours at the end of the ceremony, and you don’t wonder how much blood he spilled in these very halls with the same grin on his face that he gives to you now, and you don’t ruminate on the number of lives likely lost in the king’s chambers as he’d stormed it. in fact your mind is quite clear when he tears that blindfold from his face, lifts you easily with a single arm around your thighs despite the extravagance of your skirts, and carries you through those connecting rooms to the bedroom where, he swears to you against your skin, you’ll spend the rest of your nights until your dying days.
and if it weren’t he’d surely have dashed any thoughts from your head when his lips met yours, searing and fervent and hungry.
usurper!gojo masterlist
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girls-alias · 6 months
Dean's Dream P4
Title: Dean's Dream P4
Part 3
Words: 1333
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
TW: Foul language.
Dean is captured by a Djinn and dreams of Y/N.
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She turned, smiling at me. From the smirk on her lips I knew she had caught me checking her out. She giggled approaching me. "Keep looking at me like that and we wont make it to Sam's," She explained seductively before leaning up. I smirked, leaning in to connect our lips. A kiss, intended to be short and sweet but developed into roaming hands and dancing tongues. I smirked against her lips, thankful I was here though I knew I didn't want to be anywhere else.
"Excuse me!" An old woman's voice called from behind me. I moved to pull away but my lips wouldn't allow me to leave hers. The woman in my arms, the love of my life only pulling me closer.
*What Dean couldn't see was his woman flipping the old lady the finger over Dean's shoulder. *
"How rude! There are kids in this neighbourhood," The woman continued to complain. I watched as she pulled away from the kiss, eyes rolling. She looked pissed.
"Wind your neck in lady or we'll show them the birds and the bee's right on this porch," Her voice was raised, her eyes serious and dark but a smile never leaving her lips. It wasn't a sincere smile but a smile non the less. I chuckled, admiring her as she stared the lady down. Damn!
The old hag scoffed dramatically, looking around for other neighbours to take her side but no one was looking in our direction. She grumbled as she walked away.
"What a cuck," My woman scoffed before turning to me, as soon as her eyes were on me she had loving and happy eyes. Her smile reflecting the love she has for me. I wanted to chuckle but didn't want to miss a second of looking at her. "Come on, hot stuff. You're driving," She explained holding car keys out to me. I chuckled as I accepted the keys, she moved to keep walking but I pulled her back by her waist. Instantly connecting our lips again. She giggled as she kissed me back but pulled away smiling brightly. My lips curled into a smile as I admired her up close.
"I love you," I confessed but she chuckled, placing a hand on my cheek.
"I love you too," She expressed, connecting our lips softly and pulling away slowly. "We do have to go though," She explained reluctantly. I nodded, finally releasing her hips from my grasp. She smiled interlocking our fingers to hold my hand as she guided me down the porch steps and towards the car.
1967 Chevy Impala. I admired it's beauty, wondering how I could possibly recognise the car more than the amazing woman who loves me. I still don't know her name. Maybe I should look for letters in the mail, that will surely have her name on it. Her fingers began slipping from mine as she made her way to the passenger's side. I took the opportunity to slap her ass as she walked away. She looked back, smirking at me devilishly. The grin on my face growing as I got another excuse to admire her.
We got in the car, AC/DC instantly playing through the car as I started the engine. She gasped leaning forward to turn it up. She likes rock music, how is she getting more and more perfect? I put the car in reverse ready to drive away before realising I have no idea where I'm going.
"I'll give you directions don't worry," She explained as if it was no big deal. I looked at her, taking a second to just watch her as her smile grew wider the more I was looking at her. She giggled after a little while. "What?" She asked.
"I love you," I confessed because she knows me so well. I have no idea what's going on and she's guiding me through it so easily. She knows me better than I know myself.
"I love you too," She chuckled as she shook her head softly.
She guided me all the way to Sam's house. We pulled up outside to see a small house on a quiet street, 7 houses at most. I smiled knowing he must be happy here. I turned off the car, she gave me a final smile and kiss before climbing out. I can't stop smiling, she's too perfect! I climbed out and watched as she opened the back door and started grabbing a large bag full of wrapped presents and a card on top. I grinned knowing she must have put a lot of effort into this. I hurried to her side as she started leading the way to his house, I placed my hand over hers, accepting the bag from her grasp. She smiled brightly but chuckled.
"It's a little heavy," She explained but I shrugged, it can't be that heavy. She chuckled before dropping the bag into my hand. My eyes almost popped out of my head. It wasn't too heavy that I couldn't carry it but it was heavy enough to make me almost drop it. She laughed, a beautiful, harmonic laugh. Stopping in her tracks to bend, she was laughing so hard. I chuckled, simply wishing to always remember this moment no matter what happens.
"Oh, you think that's funny?" I asked playfully, she struggled for breath as she stood up straight about to come back with a snarky remark but couldn't hold her laugh in any longer and burst out again. I laughed alongside her.
"Having fun without me," Sam's voice called from his front door. I looked up as he started walking out to greet us. She stopped laughing and her smile was beaming. "Y/N," He exclaimed hurrying down his porch steps. That's her name! Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. I need to remember it! Y/N. Y/N. Y/N.
"Sammy!" She exclaimed rushing to hug him. They met in the middle hugging tightly as he lifted her from the ground. He put her down and turned to me not noticing that she playfully rolled her eyes at him. I grinned widely, they're best friends. I love it! Sam hurried to me a little, I wasn't completely sure how we would greet each other but his arms opened and I accepted his tight hug. I grinned widely, patting his back with my free hand. He stepped back smiling at me widely.
"Happy birthday, Sammy," I explained holding my arm up a little to offer him the bag. He looked surprised before accepting it and smiled at me with tear filled eyes.
"Thank you, you didn't have to do all this," He explained, grabbing the card from the top.
"Y/N did it all," I cheered, happy to be saying her name. It rolled of my tongue with ease. She gasped audibly. I looked to see her approaching. She stood by my side, lifting my left arm to drape over her shoulders, I smiled as I pulled her in closer.
"I'll have you know, it's baby to you," She explained correcting me. I chuckled seeing the irony. I've felt terrible all morning for not knowing her name and now she only wants me to call her baby. I didn't even need to know it really. "But Dean's being modest, he has been working on your gifts for months, isn't that right babe?" She asked, turning to wink at me to play along. She wants me to take the credit. She's fucking perfect!
"Well, I wouldn't say that," I played it off but Sam chuckled.
"I really appreciate it, man. Thank you," Sam explained, coming back to hug me again.
"Don't say that, you haven't opened them yet," Y/N joked, making us laugh as we pulled away from the hug. She clapped her hands together. "Alright, where's my nephew? Russ!" She called out facing the house. My eyes widened as I watched his front door. Sammy has a son?!
A dog burst through the screen door, it banged against the wood panelling of his house. I almost sighed with relief. Thank God I didn't forget a child. Y/N's face lit up as the dog rushed to her and she quickly stroked him talking to him with a baby voice. She keeps getting cuter and cuter.
"Come on, I'll get us a beer," Sam explained, gesturing with his head to the house. I watched Y/N as she smiled brightly and joined me at my side for the small walk. I draped my arm over her shoulders, watching as she smiled even brighter.
"God, I love you," I whispered as I kissed the top of her head as we walked.
"I love you too," She explained slowing down and turning to me to quickly connected our lips. She really is perfect.
Masterlist Part 5
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jasmine326 · 3 days
Hello and thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.
Okay, how in the Hell is Lloyd Garmadon's son??
I am about to go off about this because it's honestly bothering me. There are many pieces of evidence pointing against Lloyd being Garmadon's son but there is nothing. NOTHING. Solid enough to really mean anything and it really makes me angry.
Me and my friend just recently got back into Ninjago from originally being into it when we were kids and we have proposed the idea that Lloyd is not in fact Garmadon's son.
Evidence 1:
This man, Lloyd, has blond hair. BLOND. You know what color hair misako had before she became an old hag? and Garmadon before he was fully evil? Brown. They both had brown hair.
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You see this?? You see this shit!!? There is clearly some fowl play here.
Evidence 2:
There is no noticeably evil influence over Lloyd. Garmadon was bitten by the great devourer when he was very young and it almost immediately began to take effect in him. This venom took hold in every aspect of his being, mental, emotional, and physical. This is more speculation than anything admittedly but if it was powerful enough to change his entire completion it would have affected his DNA and therefore would have affected his child.
Evidence 3:
The timeline doesn't fit. Garmadon had left for the underworld a while ago, how old was Lloyd when we first see him? Like 12 maybe, at most. Wu and misako are young adults in the picture above and that picture is from right before Garmadon left for the underworld. Misako I guess could have greyed that much in a little over a decade, but Wu?? No. Absolutely not. Completely impossible for that amount of aging to happen in 13 years at most. This amount of time is a generous estimate.
The Theory
Garmadon is not the father. You know who is? Wu. Lloyd has to be Wu's kid. Wu has blond hair, the same hair color as Lloyd. Misako always seemed more affectionate towards Wu than she did towards Garmadon, even after the second season when he became good again. Wu was there when Garmadon had left and misako had no one. Wu wanted to take Lloyd in off the street and give him a loving family when the serpentine had all left him to fend for himself and when the ninja couldn't care less for him. He went to the entire underworld to fetch his brother, the downfall of Ninjago itself, so that Lloyd could be saved from the snakes.
The Flaw:
Basically the only flaw in this argument is the fact that recessive genes exist. This argument, however, IS BULLSHIT BECAUSE GUESS WHAT FUCKERS THAT'S NOT HOW STORYTELLING WORKS. You don't make a character blond with two brunet parents when the blond is actually from those two parents. And recessive genes also do not account for the timeline of when garmadon left and when Lloyd was born.
The only question we're left with is why. Why did this happen? Why doesn't Garmadon know? Why doesn't Wu say anything?
Honestly, couldn't tell you. My friend and I have some thoughts though. They think that Misako sleeps around a lot and they don't know that Lloyd is Wu's kid. That or they told Garmadon that Lloyd is his son in order to give the dark Lord an emotional attachment to something and therefore a weakness of sorts. Really I'm not sure what to think, I think maybe Misako knows who's kid he is but it's possible Wu doesn't. Potentially Misako was with Wu and she received the letter that was from Garmadon that actually turned out to be from Wu and she decided to dump Wu for Garmadon even though she had already gotten pretty close to him, close enough to make Lloyd even. This theory doesn't go with the timeline but you know it's whatever, that's just a theory after all.
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corruptedcaps · 1 year
Closet Confidential
Katie worked the lock on her mother's walk-in closet until she heard the satisfying click of it being unlocked. She took a deep breath and stepped inside, taking in the luxurious surroundings of the closet. Her mother, Darla, had never been a fashionista, but that had all changed recently.
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Katie's heart pounded in her chest as she began rummaging through the clothes, searching for the source of her mother's recent transformation. She knew it had to be here somewhere.
It didn’t help that Katie had no idea what she was looking for. She just hoped she’d know it when she saw it but what item could change someone overnight? The physical changes were the most obvious of courses. She now had big boobs, tanned skin and sleek blonde hair but it was the mental changes that most worried Katie. She had become cruel and spiteful, dressing provocatively, staying out late, and even getting a boyfriend twenty years her junior named Chad.
Darla had always been kind and loving, but now, she seemed like a completely different person. And the worst part was that no one else seemed to notice. Everyone around them seemed to think that Darla's had always been like this.
Katie's hands shook as she flipped through the clothes, searching for something that would catch her eye. She had to find it. She had to destroy whatever it was before it could do any more damage. Finally, she saw it, nestled in a corner of the closet. It was a book, standing out like a crow amongst a flock of doves. The cover was black, with bold white letters spelling out the title. "How to be a Bitch."
“Seems a little on the nose.” Katie said to herself as she picked up the luxurious tome. She flipped through the pages, scanning the words, trying to find some sort of clue as to how the book had changed her mother.
But there was nothing. Just a bunch of generic advice on how to be confident, assertive, and in control. Katie felt frustrated and defeated. How could this silly little book be responsible for her mother's transformation?
However Katie soon found herself unable to tear her eyes from the words on the page. They were like nothing she had ever seen before, a combination of affirmations and mantras that seemed designed to boost one's confidence and power. And the longer she read, the more she found herself drawn in, her eyes glazing over as the words took hold of her.
Without even realizing it, she started to recite the words aloud, her voice low and hypnotic. "I am in control," she whispered. "I am powerful. I am the queen of my own destiny." The words flowed through her like a drug, filling her with a sense of strength and purpose that she had never felt before.
It was only after 15 minutes of repeating the words that she found herself able to break from her trance and look up and see herself in the full-length mirror. Her reflection seemed different somehow, sharper and more defined. Her eyes were brighter, her lips bigger, and her hair seemed to be more blonde in the light. And then she realized the truth.
The book was working. It was changing her, just like it had changed her mother. At first, she was terrified. What if she became just like Darla, cruel and spiteful? What started as as fearful thought started morphing into a desirable one. If the book could change her old hag of a mother, imagine what it could do to her young supple body. Why should her mother get all the fun?
Her breathing became shallow as her fingers ran over the pages of the book. Did she dare cross the line that turned Darla into such a bitch? As she reached to turn the page the book itself seemed to rise to meet her finger. It wanted her to use it. She felt the power surging through her veins, and she knew that she could never go back to the way things were before. She could no longer be a victim when the opportunity to be a queen was at her literal fingertips.
"I am in control. I am powerful. I am the queen of my own destiny."
As she recited the words, her reflection changed before her very eyes. Her skin grew smoother and softer, her muscles toned and defined. Her hair shifted from its natural color to a shining blonde, cascading down her back in waves.
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Her nails grew longer, sharpening to a fine point. Her eyes grew darker, taking on an unnerving glint that sent shivers down her spine. Her face became colder, but also more beautiful, with sharp cheekbones and full lips. She was becoming more beautiful with every passing moment, but there was something else there, something darker and more sinister.
The mantras seemed to be taking on a life of their own, twisting and turning in her mind until they became something else entirely. "I am better than everyone else," she whispered. "I deserve to be worshipped. No one can stop me."
“No one can stop me," Katie repeated to herself, feeling more powerful with every passing second. Even as she closed the book she still felt it’s influence continue to shape her body and mind.
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She turned her attention to her mother's closet, searching for an outfit that would fit her new wicked persona. She rifled through the clothes, looking for something that would make her feel sexy, confident, and in control.
Finally, she found the perfect outfit. It was a tight black latex dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. It had a plunging neckline and was short enough to show off her long, toned legs. It was the kind of outfit that the old her would have bristled at, but now she couldn't wait to put it on.
Katie slipped out of her own clothes and slid into the dress, feeling the fabric cling to her skin. She ran her hands over her body, admiring the way the dress accentuated her curves. She put on a pair of strappy heels and stood in front of the mirror, feeling better than she had ever done before.
The old Katie would have been too shy to wear something like this, but the new Katie reveled in it. She posed in front of the mirror, admiring the way she looked from every angle. She felt powerful and confident, like she could conquer the world.
Katie was lost in her newfound confidence, admiring herself in the mirror when she heard her mothers car pull up and out clopped Darla. Only this was the old more aged Darla. Katie smiled as she saw the clothes on her mother were now too tight for her saggy body. Katie didn’t know her use of the magic book would take away everything her mother had gained but it certainly was a bonus.
Katie watched as Darla stormed into the house, followed slowly behind by Chad who was started to wonder what the hell was going on. Darla burst into the bedroom as Katie was touching up her makeup in the mirror.
“What have you done?!" Darla shouted, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for something. "Where is the book?"
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Katie remained calm and collected, even a little bored at her mother's rants. She knew that the book was the source of her newfound power, and she had no intention of giving it up.
It’s my book now," Katie said calmly, holding it up for her mother to see. "And I'm not giving it back."
Darla's face contorted with rage as she lunged for the book. But Katie was too quick, easily dodging her mother's clumsy attack.
"You don't understand," Darla cried, desperation creeping into her voice. "I need that book. I can't go back to the way I was before. I don’t want to be ugly and weak again. I won't be able to keep Chad without it."
With the mention of his name, Chad appeared in the doorway at the bewildering sight. The woman he was dating had transformed into a older much less attractive version of herself and was begging at the feet of her now stunningly attractive daughter.
Katie turned to face him, locking her eyes on him. He was the last thing she could take from her mother, and she wanted him. She knew that she was beautiful and irresistible now, he would be like putty in her hands.
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Katie stepped closer to him, her hips swaying seductively.
"Come on, Chad," she purred. "Let’s get out of here and hit the town. There’s a stink in this room.”
Chad hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should question what was happening or take the prize being offered to him. The hesitation lasted only a second. He stepped forward and took Katie in his arms, kissing her passionately.
Katie felt a surge of triumph as she kissed Chad. She had won. She had taken everything from her mother, and now she had even stolen her boyfriend.
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severevoiddragon · 1 month
I didn't know you were a dm, can I ask about your campaign? :00 /np
Yesyesyesyesyes you can!!!! I can't share too much behind the scenes (as much as I'd love to) BC Alien will most likely see this n Munts may see it too- Putting this under a cut purely BC this is so long bc ive ended up infodump sm-
So, it started w each character getting a letter from someone they know, an old friend for Hecate and Nivaira, and Izumi's half sibling, called Ammon. (All 3 letters were from Ammon just to be clear-) Ammon invited them to his house, as well as 3 others. Eventually, Ammon made it clear that she wanted the group (all 6) to locate an amulet, but that they couldnt SAY where it was bc. Evil can hear. BC you see, Ammon, who is a divination wizard/wild magic sorcerer had been studying the amulet, and got a dream that a great evil was looking for her and got scared. So ran away. The other 2 NPCs also left. There's a lot of plot holes but shhhh-
Anyway the party found the amulet, and the party discovered that Relania, one of the others summoned by Ammon, decided to try and take the amulet, resulting in a big battle which ended with Relania tied up and. Somehow escaping. She's still loose to this day.
The second adventure had the party meet a little girl called Ruby, and her mum. Ruby's mum was exhausted from lack of sleep so told Ruby to go to her granny's house in the woods (no this isn't a werewolf adventure). The party were asked to accompany Ruby, to ensure she got to her granny's safely. The party decided that because this nice little old lady lived in a SCARY part of the woods, she was evil. So stalked Ruby's granny, Winnie. They went down a whole rabbit hole of nettle/false nettle like plants n then decided Winnie was a night hag. And then Ruby's mum died. And so Hecate (the group's researcher), decided to see if there's any way of discovering if someone was killed by a night hag post death. There is! They just needed truesight. Noone had truesight. So, they put up a notice on the community board and hoped someone followed it.
Meanwhile, the Banducci Carnival was coming to town, and the group went to the carnival that night while waiting for the post to be found. While visiting Madame Banducci, the fortune teller (and owner of the carnival), Izumi got a lil. Hypnotised. Although he acted as normal until later :)
The next day, a cloaked figure with a kitsune mask appeared to use truesight as per the notice. They called themselves "Bob" and had an awful deep southern American Etomian (the name of the country "Bob" is from) accent. "Bob" did cast truesight on the body of Ruby's mum, and yeah, it was from a hag. And then "Bob" revealed herself to be Bella Banducci, daughter of Madame Banducci. Who then got Hypnotised!Izumi to steal the amulet for her, and give it to her. The rest of the party didn't notice.
The party went back to Winnie's house, to confront her, but. Ruby and Winnie were gone. They party then discovered how hags reproduce and then went "oh shi-" as they realised exactly what had happened.
Eventually, Hecate, who was in charge of the amulet, realised it was gone, and something happened that I don't remember and eventually Bella appeared like "heyyy I've got the amulet you idiots and I'm gonna sell it BC my mom wants me to but idc who to, so you guys give me 500gp and you can have it <3" the party managed to persuade Bella to join them (she hates the carnival), as they do a 500gp bounty (to retrieve an object)
The party follow the bounty to Sirraux', an expensive artifacts shop, ran by Monsieur Sirraux, a tiefling. It had the object the party needed to retrieve - a dwarf's magic pickaxe - buutt Sirraux didn't wanna give it up. In exchange, it asked the party to collect a sample of an interesting flora on an island far away. It got it's dwarf assistant to bring the party to the island. It was an island that Nivaira knew very well :). It was also infested with mushrooms. Currently they just got to Nivairas hometown, where all the people have been turned into evil myconids (evil mushroom ppl). Fun times!
There's also Eiwin Tamiel, an important NPC who hasn't been adventure relevant yet but will be! Just you wait for the Christmas special!!! He's a human cleric (???) and works in a small artifact / trinket shop. They're also definitely crushing on Ammon <3 Who is definitely not crushing on him back <3 I ship them sm- they write notes to each other in celestial and arghkejrjfkwf i cant share all the cute info bout them bc. Spoilers.
ANYWAY if you read all that well done, I'm impressed-
Now tell me bout your campaign :DDD
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optiwashere · 3 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Fic Prompts
Prompt fills always give me a quick shot of inspiration, so why not? There's not a lot of general prompt lists out there for this fandom - at least that I can find - so be the change you wish to see and all that.
You can send in a ship or platonic pair along with the letter and number for the corresponding prompt that you want to see (e.g., "Shadowheart/Karlach B5") and I'll write a ficlet! These are meant to be largely rating agnostic.
If you have multiple prompts, please send them in separate asks! It makes keeping track of everything so much easier 💜
A. Fluff & Comedy
Non-sexual physical intimacy
Cooking together
Building something together
Teaching one another their language(s)
Character A gushes about their favorite book with Character B
Gift giving
Bickering/arguing over the party's magic item distribution
Playing a game of cards and one of them gets very competitive
Celebrating one character's firstmorn (birthday!)
First post-canon date
B. Hurt/Comfort
Resurrection hurt/comfort
Breakdown and comfort
A character that isn't used to being protected finds someone who will protect them from anything
After being separated from the party, Character A carries a wounded Character B to safety
Character A has a vivid nightmare and Character B comforts them
Non-sexual assisted bathing due to injuries/sickness
Convinced that their past makes them irredeemable, Character A struggles with Character B's affections
Character A suffers from low self-esteem and Character B vocally or physically adores them
C. Angst
Lifespan differences (e.g., Character A is an elf and Character B is a tiefling)
Mutual pining
Unrequited love/attraction
Tired of fighting
Fear of abandonment
Fear of acceptance
Permanent character death (no resurrections, no revivify)
Character A forgets everything about Character B and the relationship they have due to memory loss, mind control, or any other devious plot device the writer devises
Character A believes that Character B doesn't truly love them/care about them at all (resolution up to the writer)
Character A kills Character B
D. Action/Adventure
Catching a spy in camp
Trying to get a better reward for a quest
Exploring a dungeon together
Sneaking into a location together (literal stealth, disguises, etc.)
A desperate escape from an unwinnable situation
Attacked at camp while on watch together
Scouting ahead together
Last two standing in a fight
Stranded on another plane
Character A is magically incapacitated (petrified, mazed, etc.) and Character B is the only one that can help them
E. Miscellaneous Scenarios
Tadpoles sharing thoughts that shouldn't be shared
Discussing their Dream Visitors
A clash over differences in deities
A magical mishap with a scroll, potion, or wand
The first night at camp in the Shadow-Cursed Lands
Character A considers consuming a Mind Flayer Parasite or the Astral-Touched Tadpole, and Character B sways their decision one way or another
While relaxing at camp, Character A begins to suspect that Character B is Orin in disguise
The first morning/day/night in Baldur's Gate after the conclusion of the Absolute Crisis
Character A is considering a devil's deal or a hag's bargain, and Character B convinces them one way or another
One of the characters draws from the Deck of Many Things
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deramin2 · 2 months
One theory is that Orym's pact with Nana Mori is fulfilled because they jaunted back to Exandria briefly so she'll make him serve her despite not all of them coming back from the mission alive. (Personally I doubt this because it breaks the spirit of what Liam thought he was agreeing to so much that I don't think he or Matt would find that fun or satisfying.)
More likely the deal is null because FCG is dead, and Orym is free to go.
But I would like to propose a third option:
The first deal is null, but Orym feels like he failed his family again and can't stand the thought of losing one of them to Otohan, even as a self-sacrifice to kill her. So he reaches out to her for a second deal with the same offer in exchange for bringing Letters back. Before anyone knows or can stop him.
My impression (contrary to most people's) is that Liam seemed like he'd love to explore working for Nana Mori and hanging out with his bestie and her weird grandmother in their home as a way of settling down. I'm not sure he views that as a tragic outcome.
Nana Mori doesn't feed off abject misery, she feeds off cringe if people don't hold up their ends of the bargain. And she likes collecting things and people. They're hers and she exerts some control, but Fearne isn't trapped there forever and she's been clear that she had a wonderful and fulfilling childhood. Orym could just live out his life in peace trending to the topiary garden and scaring off intruders and both he and Nana Mori could be perfectly happy that way. His friends would be welcome to see him and he might even get vacation days because crucially she likes him and Fearne likes him. And that story would subvert so many expectations about hag deals while being perfectly in character for everyone that it's rich soil for the kind of story telling Liam and Matt really like.
It would fit so well with Orym's constant appeals to a greater authority, desire to serve, difficulty returning home, and dogged desire to keep getting up and trying again if he fails. He's so close to stopping the people that ruined his life 6 years ago and making sure they can't hurt anyone else. After that he has no purpose and no plan, and I think that would make him way more miserable than serving Morrigan the Fate Stitcher while knowing his current family is she and whole. And Mori gets a rare collectors item of a man who went to the moon and stopped the gods from being eaten. Partly because of her plucking the threads of faster through him. Quite a prize.
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nightingaletrash · 8 months
Tallis loves Auntie Ethel. Aside from Astarion, she was the only person not to have some averse reaction to the weird shit that falls out of her mouth and instead treats her with kindness, which immediately gets Ethel on her good side. She then believed Ethel over Mayrina's brothers, who she happily murdered the shit out of, and popped down to the teahouse to see about getting her tadpole removed.
She struck a deal, and while she was surprised to discover that Ethel really is a hag, she didn't think it her place to judge, considering all of her fucked up thoughts, urges and impulses. And when Ethel failed to remove the parasite? Well, she tried. Its not Auntie's fault that she didn't know about the Netherese magic. Tallis couldn't ask for more than that.
And then nothing happened to challenge Tallis' love for Ethel. She never showed up in Baldur's Gate to reveal her monstrous intentions for Mayrina's child or to be the bad guy in anyone else's tale so Tallis just... continues to love her Auntie Ethel. She legit writes to her sometimes, hoping that she's doing well while telling her about the things they're grappling with. And then one day its just, 'hey Auntie, turns out this whole tadpole thing and Absolute Cult is literally my own fault and I'm a Bhaalspawn lmao crazy right? btw dad murdered me for refusing him, but I'm okay because Withers resurrected me and now I strongly suspect that he may be Jergal himself. Anyway, hope you're well and that you're getting lots of bargains that are going better than mine did xx'
Ethel must be flabbergasted. She had a Bhaalspawn in her house and didn't clock it. That same Bhaalspawn has so much genuine affection for her despite the deal utterly failing to work out for her, and now she won't stop writing letters. She gets an invitation to a wedding. Jergal is there.
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