#louis lane x reader
princess-sof-time · 1 year
Valentine's Day
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The day began with the reader finding Clark in an enchanting location beside a serene lake. Clark was there, his smile warm and kind, wearing a casual outfit that enhanced his charming appearance.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Clark," said the reader, coming over and hugging him tenderly. "I'm really happy to be here with you."
Clark returned the hug with affection. "Happy Valentine's Day to you too," he replied, looking the reader in the eye. "I look forward to this special day with you. What do you have planned?"
The reader smiled, holding a small gift in his hands. "I prepared something special for us. Here's your gift."
Clark opened the present with enthusiasm, revealing a book he had always wanted to read. "Wow, I wasn't expecting that. Thank you, my love. I love that you are always attentive to my wishes."
The reader returned the smile, feeling happy for making Clark happy. "You deserve the best, Clark. Now, let's enjoy the day together."
As they walked along the shore of the lake, Clark and the reader talked about their feelings, their dreams and shared laughter and moments of intimacy. The connection between them was strong, and every word exchanged was filled with love and admiration.
Finding a quiet spot, Clark spread a blanket on the ground and revealed a lovingly prepared picnic. They sat together and enjoyed their food, enjoying each other's company and the beautiful view of the lake.
"This is an unforgettable Valentine's Day," Clark said, gratitude in his voice. "I'm happy to have you in my life. You've brought so much joy and love to me."
The reader held Clark's hand, looking at him tenderly. "And I am grateful every day to have found someone as special as you. You are my strength, my support and my inspiration."
Clark stroked the reader's face gently. "I love you beyond words. You complete me in ways I never thought possible."
As the sun began to set, coloring the sky in a vibrant palette of colors, Clark suggested that they take a walk along the lake. They walked side by side, sharing smiles and secrets as the night settled in.
Sitting on a bench, under the twinkling stars, Clark and the reader embraced, feeling the warmth of love between them.
"I never thought I'd find someone like you," said the reader, his voice full of emotion. "You are my hero, not just for your powers, but for your kind heart and the way you care about the people around you."
Clark held the reader's hands, looking him deep in the eyes. "And you are the most amazing person I've ever met. Your compassion, your inner strength and your unconditional love inspire me every day. I feel blessed to have you by my side."
They remained there, enjoying the peace and quiet of the moment, lost in the magic of that special night. As they watched the stars in the sky, the reader was grateful to share this intimate moment with Clark, knowing they were building a lasting love story.
"Clark, thank you for being my support, for loving and accepting me exactly as I am," said the reader, his voice cracking with emotion. "I couldn't ask for a better partner to face life by my side."
Clark smiled and caressed the reader's face tenderly. "I promise to always be by your side, to protect, support and love you unconditionally. You are the most important person to me, and my biggest wish is to make you happy."
As the night progressed, they got up from the bench and started walking back to where they started their meeting. The way back was lit by soft lights, creating a romantic atmosphere.
"Clark, my love, this Valentine's Day with you has exceeded all my expectations," said the reader, intertwining their fingers with his. "Thank you for making this day so special and for being part of my life."
Clark shook the reader's hand, conveying all the love and affection he felt. "I love you more than words can express. My heart is yours forever."
They continued to walk, together and full of hope for the future. Valentine's Day with Clark Kent was a day filled with love, togetherness and a true connection that transcended any obstacle. They knew they had found the perfect person to share their lives with and that their love would only grow with each passing day.
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The day began with the reader finding Lana in a flower garden, where they had agreed to meet. Lana was there, with a radiant smile and a dress that enhanced her delicate beauty.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Lana," said the reader, walking over to her and enveloping her in a loving hug. "I'm so happy to be here with you."
Lana returned the hug tenderly. "Happy Valentine's Day to you too," she replied, looking into the reader's eyes. "I'm excited to spend this special day with you. What do you have planned?"
The reader smiled, holding a small gift in his hands. "I prepared something special for us. Here's your gift."
Lana opened the gift curiously, finding an elegant necklace. "It's beautiful! Thank you, my love," she said, placing the necklace around her neck. "Now, tell me, what else do you have planned?"
The reader smiled, offering his arm to Lana. "I've booked a whole day for the two of us. We're going to take a city tour, enjoy a romantic lunch, and then watch the sunset together."
Lana seemed delighted with the idea. "That sounds wonderful. I love exploring the city with you and creating new memories together. You always know how to surprise me."
As they walked through the city's busy streets, Lana and the reader shared laughter, secrets, and intimate moments. The connection between them was deep, and every step taken was filled with affection and affection.
Arriving at a cozy restaurant, they sat together at a reserved table. Lana looked around, marveling at the romantic atmosphere.
"This place is perfect," Lana said, smiling at the reader. "I'm so happy to be here with you, enjoying a delicious meal and sharing this special moment."
The reader held Lana's hand, looking into her eyes with wonder. "I couldn't be happier than I am right now. You bring so much light into my life and make me feel complete. I love you, Lana."
Lana smiled and shook the reader's hand. "I love you too. Your presence soothes me and makes me feel loved. Thank you for being that special someone in my life."
After lunch, they decided to walk through a quiet park. As they explored the trails together, Lana moved closer to the reader, wrapping her arms around him.
"I'm so happy to have you in my life," Lana said, Lana said, resting her head on the reader's shoulder. "You brought genuine happiness and true love to my journey. Every day with you is a wonderful adventure."
The reader gently stroked Lana's hair and whispered sweetly, "I can't imagine my life without you, Lana. You are my inspiration, my motivation, and the person who brightens my days. I love you beyond words."
Lana lifted her face and met the reader's eyes, conveying all the love and connection between them. "I love you with all my heart, and I'm excited to build an amazing future with you. You complete me in a way no one else can."
As the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, Lana and the reader sat on a park bench, holding each other and enjoying the tranquility of the moment.
"We will always fight together, face challenges and build a unique love story", said the reader, with determination in his voice. "I promise to be by your side, supporting you in all your achievements and comforting you in difficult times."
Lana nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude. "I believe in us, in the love we share. Together, we can overcome any obstacle. Our love is a powerful force."
They remained embraced, watching the sunset as a promise of a bright future full of possibilities. Valentine's Day has become a special and unforgettable moment, marked by love and unity between the reader and Lana.
As night fell, they walked hand in hand, returning home with hearts full of gratitude and hope. The love between the reader and Lana would continue to grow and blossom, lighting up their lives with each passing day.
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The day began with the reader finding Lex at an elegant restaurant where they had agreed to meet. Lex was there, with a piercing gaze and an enigmatic expression, wearing an impeccable suit.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Lex," said the reader, approaching cautiously. "I'm happy to be here with you."
Lex regarded the reader with a slight smile. "Happy Valentine's Day to you too," he replied, maintaining an elegant posture. "I'm intrigued to know what you have planned for today."
The reader smiled, holding a small gift in his hands. "I prepared something special for us. Here's your gift."
Lex accepted the gift curiously, opening it meticulously. He found a rare book that aligned with his intellectual interests. "Interesting choice. Thank you," he said, putting the book in his pocket. "So what's the next step?"
The reader maintained his composure, suggesting a walk around the city to enjoy a contemporary art exhibition. "I thought it would be interesting for us to explore beauty and artistic expression together. What do you think, Lex?"
Lex looked at the reader, considering the proposal for a moment. "I suppose that's not a bad idea. Art has always been an intriguing way to explore the human psyche."
While walking through the art gallery, Lex and the reader observed the different works and exchanged impressions about them. They debated about the meaning of the pieces and shared unique perspectives.
"You have a keen eye for art," commented Lex, admiring the reader's knowledge and sensitivity.
"I like to explore different forms of expression," replied the reader, relishing the opportunity to share this moment with Lex. "It's fascinating how art can impact us in profound ways."
After the gallery visit, they decided to go to a quiet cafe to chat and enjoy a more intimate moment. Seated at a secluded table, they delved into discussions about politics, philosophy and the challenges of life.
"You are an intriguing person, reader," Lex said, leaning forward a little. "There's something about you that captivates me. Your intellectual curiosity and insight are refreshing."
The reader smiled, feeling a mixture of excitement and wariness. "I feel a special connection with you too, Lex. Despite our differences, I see something genuine and complex in your personality."
Lex contemplated the reader's words for a moment, looking puzzled. "Genuine and complex… interesting words to describe someone like me. Maybe there's more to me than people think."
The reader nodded, captured by the intensity in Lex's eyes. "I believe everyone has layers and stories that aren't always visible at first glance. I'm willing to explore who you are beyond the public image."
Lex smiled slightly, a trace of vulnerability blending into her features. "You are a unique person, able to see beyond appearances. It is a rare feeling to find someone willing to know the truth behind the masks we wear."
The remainder of the day was filled with deep conversations, where the reader and Lex shared their innermost fears, hopes and desires. With each moment, a deeper connection formed between them, transcending the adversities that could exist.
As night fell, Lex suggested that they walk through the lighted streets of the city. They walked side by side, exchanging whispered words through the night breeze.
"I didn't expect this Valentine's Day to be like this," Lex admitted in a sincere tone. "But I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to share it with you. It's an experience I'll remember."
The reader smiled, feeling his heart warm at Lex's words. "I too am grateful for this special night. We don't know what the future holds, but I do know that what we experience here and now is meaningful."
As they parted, Lex held the reader's hand with surprising gentleness. "Until next time, my intriguing reader. May we continue to explore life's mysteries together."
As the reader walked away, the feeling that something extraordinary had begun lingered in the air. Valentine's Day with Lex Luthor had been a mixture of fascination, tension and hope, an unexpected chapter in their intertwined lives.
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The day began with the reader finding Lois at a busy cafe where they had arranged to meet. Lois was there, with a radiant smile and infectious energy, dressed in casual attire that enhanced her vibrant personality.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Lois," said the reader, approaching excitedly. "I'm so happy to be here with you."
Lois hugged the reader enthusiastically, returning the affection. "Happy Valentine's Day to you too," she replied, a twinkle in her eye. "I'm ready to embark on an adventure with you. What do you have planned?"
The reader smiled, holding a small gift in his hands. "I prepared something special for us. Here's your gift."
Lois excitedly opened the present, revealing a book of travel and adventure. "Wow! This is the perfect gift for me," she exclaimed, hugging the reader gratefully. "You always know how to surprise me, my love."
The reader returned the smile, feeling happy for making Lois happy. "You're adventurous and fearless, Lois. I wanted to find something that matched your unique personality. Now, let's start our own adventure."
As they walked through the streets of the city, Lois and the reader shared stories, laughs and exchanged glances full of complicity. The connection between them was strong, and every moment was filled with emotion and romance.
Finding a busy park, Lois suggested they participate in an impromptu basketball game with other people. The reader accepted the challenge, and together they dived into the competition, laughing and having fun like never before.
"You're incredible, Lois. Your free spirit and determination are contagious", praised the reader, as he picked up the ball and passed it to Lois.
She smiled, throwing the ball back with precision. "And you are brave and kind, my own personal hero. I am grateful to have you by my side."
After the competition, they decided to have a picnic in a quiet spot in the park. Sitting together on a blanket, they ate food, shared stories, and talked about their deepest dreams and desires.
"This is an unforgettable Valentine's Day," said Lois, looking into the reader's eyes with affection. "I'm happy to have you as my partner in all the adventures that life has in store for us."
The reader held Lois's hand, feeling a surge of love and gratitude. "I love you beyond words, Lois. You complete me and bring so much happiness into my life. I look forward to sharing many more adventures with you."
Lois smiled, her eyes sparkling with emotion. "I love you too, in a way I can't describe. You are my support, my inspiration and my life partner. I can't wait to see what the future holds."
As the sun set over the horizon, you and Lois held each other, feeling complete and full of love on that very special Valentine's Day. Together, they knew they would overcome any challenge and that their unique and powerful connection would guide them through all the adventures yet to come.
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Upon arriving at the agreed location, a quaint downtown cafe, the reader found Chloe sitting at a table, wearing a radiant smile that lit up the room. She was dressed in a casual yet elegant outfit that enhanced her natural beauty.
"You look absolutely stunning," said the reader, walking over to the table and taking Chloe's hands. "Happy Valentine's day, my love."
Chloe returned the smile and thanked her sweetly. "Happy Valentine's Day to you too, my dear. What do you have planned for today?"
The reader replied, holding a small gift in his hands. "I thought I'd start with something special. Here's a present for you."
Chloe opened the present with enthusiasm and found a delicate necklace with a heart-shaped pendant. "It's beautiful! I love it, thank you," she said, slipping the necklace around her neck. "Now, tell me, what else do you have planned?"
The reader smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. "Well, I've booked a whole day for the two of us. Let's take a walk through the park, enjoy a romantic picnic and then watch the sunset together."
Chloe looked thrilled at the idea. "That sounds perfect. I love the nature and tranquility of the park. And a picnic sounds like a great way to enjoy our time together. You've thought of everything."
As they walked through the park hand in hand, Chloe and the reader talked about their lives, their dreams and shared laughs and jokes. The connection between them was deep, and every moment was filled with complicity and love.
Arriving at a quiet, sunny spot in the park, the reader spread a towel on the ground and revealed a carefully prepared picnic basket filled with delicacies that Chloe loved. They sat together and enjoyed the food while taking in the surrounding scenery.
"This is one of the best Valentine's Days I've ever had," Chloe said, looking the reader in the eye. "You made everything so special and meaningful."
The reader smiled and took Chloe's hands. "I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me. You are my partner, my confidant and my true love. I am so grateful to have you by my side."
Chloe nodded, thrilled. "And I'm also grateful to have you. You support me, inspire me and make me feel loved every day. I couldn't ask for anyone better."
As the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of gold and orange, Chloe and the reader embraced, enjoying the moment of tranquility and romance.
"It's such a pretty picture, isn't it?" Chloe said, her eyes fixed on the horizon. "It's like heaven is celebrating our love."
The reader smiled in agreement. "I like to think so too. Every day with you is a celebration, a constant reminder of how lucky we are to have found each other."
Chloe stroked the reader's face gently. "And I couldn't agree more. You fill my life in ways I never imagined. Your presence brings me joy and peace."
As night settled in, the reader suggested that they take a walk through the park, now lit by soft, romantic lights. They walked hand in hand, sharing laughter and secrets along the way.
On a bench under the light of a tree, Chloe and the reader sat together, enjoying the serenity of the moment. They exchanged looks full of tenderness and admiration, knowing they had found someone special to share their lives with.
"I love you," said the reader, with sincerity and emotion in his voice. "Today, on Valentine's Day, I want you to know how much you mean to me and how much I value our relationship."
Chloe smiled, her eyes sparkling. "I love you too. What we have is unique and special. You complete me in ways I never thought possible."
They embraced, sealing their love with a sweet kiss under the stars. At that moment, the world around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them and the promise of a future full of love and happiness.
Valentine's Day with Chloe Sullivan was a memorable day, filled with romantic gestures, heartfelt dialogue and moments of deep connection. They celebrated their love in a unique way, creating memories that would last forever.
And so, as the night turned into a beautiful memory, Chloe and the reader returned home, their hearts full of love and gratitude for having found each other on such a special Valentine's Day.
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The reader wakes up on Valentine's Day with a feeling of excitement and anticipation, knowing that he will be spending a special day with his beloved Oliver Queen. Oliver is a brave and passionate man, and the reader is looking forward to celebrating his love on this special day.
They decide to start the day with a romantic breakfast. The reader sets a table with fresh fruit, pancakes, and orange juice as Oliver looks on with a charming smile. They sit together, sharing laughter and cuddling, enjoying the tranquility of the moment.
After breakfast, they decide to do an outdoor activity together. Oliver, who loves sports, suggests a hike to a trail with a beautiful panoramic view. As they walk hand in hand, the reader takes the opportunity to connect with Oliver on a deeper level, talking about their feelings, dreams and plans for the future.
During the walk, the reader surprises Oliver with small romantic gestures, such as stopping to admire the sunset together or presenting him with a personalized bracelet. These gestures demonstrate the reader's love and dedication to Oliver, making him feel loved and special.
Upon returning from their walk, they decide to spend the afternoon in a park, where they can relax and enjoy each other's company. As they sit on the grass, Oliver takes the reader's hand and says tenderly, "You are the light of my life, and every day with you is like a dream come true."
The reader smiles, feeling the warmth of Oliver's love. "Being with you is a blessing, Oliver. I feel inspired and loved every moment with you."
In the evening, the couple decides to have a romantic dinner at an elegant restaurant. Oliver reserves a table overlooking the city, where they can enjoy an exquisite meal by candlelight. During dinner, Oliver looks deeply into the reader's eyes and says, "You make me a better man, and I'm grateful to have you by my side. My heart is yours."
The reader feels the love overflow and responds with emotion, "Oliver, you are my hero. Your strength, courage and kindness inspire me to be the best version of myself. I love you."
After dinner, Oliver surprises the reader with tickets to a concert by the couple's favorite band. As they watch the show together, they dance and sing to their favorite songs, feeling the energy of the music enveloping them.
At the end of the night, Oliver guides the reader to an overlook overlooking the city. They hold each other, watching the city lights as they share words of love and gratitude. The reader feels complete with Oliver, knowing that he has found his true love and life partner in Oliver Queen.
As the sky darkens and stars begin to dot the sky, Oliver gently holds the reader's face and whispers words of heartfelt love. "You are the reason my heart beats faster, my love. I can't imagine my life without you. You brought light and happiness to every corner of my being."
The reader, moved by Oliver's words, smiles and hugs him tenderly. "You are my safe haven, Oliver. By your side, I find courage and support to face any challenge. Our love is a force that drives us to be better together."
Involved in the magical moment, the reader and Oliver share a passionate kiss under the glitter of the stars, sealing their love and commitment to each other. In that moment, the world around them seems to disappear, leaving only the love and deep connection they share.
As they return home hand in hand, the reader and Oliver know that Valentine's Day was an unforgettable celebration of their shared love. Every gesture, word, and shared moment further strengthened their special bond. They know that together they will face whatever challenges life may bring, and that their love will continue to grow and blossom.
The reader falls asleep that night with a heart full of gratitude and happiness, knowing he has found his true love in Oliver Queen. Valentine's Day has become a precious memory, a chapter in your love story that will continue to be written with affection, care and complicity over the years.
May your love continue to blossom and may each Valentine's Day be filled with love, joy and special moments with Oliver Queen.
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ice-cream-writes-stuff · 11 months
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《Clark Kent/Superman x Reader HEADCANONS》
"Ohoho~!" You laugh mockingly, sweet. Prideful and arrogant as you stand beside the reporter. "I'm glad to have met you, Mr. Reporter.. Maybe will see each other soon!" You chirped, soft and gentle as you wave him off, heading into the limousine.
I swear there's a fic of like Wayne!Reader out there that's shipped with Clark! I swear!
Also! I think it would be fun that the reader was the "comedic-villaness" troupe since the show is so "shoujo-esk".
I would see Wayne!Reader straight up going to Metropolis to spite Bruce or to "understand" this so called "superman"
Then meeting Clark and just dragging him to expensive places and Clark showing her the simple city life.
"So 'Superman', very... Heroic." You chuckle lightly, easily walking around the roof-top as the "Super-Man" floats beside you, watching you carefully as you shrug at him.
Honestly love this idea of a Spider!Reader just being like Punk-Spider/Ghost and a hint of Miles!
Two heros forced to trust each other without realizing their identity! Miraculous anyone? Jk
Either spider!reader is from another dimension trying to get home. Or lives in the same universe. Personally, I like the first option!
I need this written! Maybe I will one day!
[Aight' This has been on my mind since I first posted my old fic! So yeah! Tag me if your inspired and wanna write about my ideas! Or let me know in the comments that yall need these fics! Maybe I'll write them!]
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: DC
Titles: Just Come Home
Series: Wheres My Love? (1/??)
Character(s): Jason Todd, Wally West, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Wally West, Connor kent, Stephanie Brown, Bruce Wayne, The Joker
Request: No
Genre: Angst,
TW: death, Joker(he’s seriously his own tw),
A/N: Reader is superman’s sidekick, Connor is superboy, (Y/S/N) stands for your superhero name, and it’s also a little rushed at the end
April 27th, 2016
You stood anxiously in the batcave, it should have been a quick and easy mission. Get in, stop the joker, get Jason, and get out. What was taking so long? You were good at masking your distress it was something you learned, when you first became Superman’s side kick. But there was one person who could always see through the wall you built.
That person being Connor, even though you weren’t blood related. If him being a clone and you being human, you two were brothers. The closest thing two of you had to family. He placed a hand on your shoulder, “He’ll be okay,” he assured you.
You hoped he was right, you went back to looking at the door to the batcave willing it to open. For Bruce and Jason to come in, then was Dick ran into the cave with Wally following not far behind. “He’s here!” Dick exclaimed. No one need to say anything else all four of you rushed to the door, the seconds feeling like hours as the door finally opened.
The four of you quickly moved out of the way letting Bruce drive the batcar in. You expected him to jump out of the car with Jason’s in his arms rushing him to the med unit but he didn’t. He stayed in the car, no one moved until he finally did. His helmet was gone, revealing the pained expression on his face. His baby blue eyes filled with tears.
No one moved. No one said a thing. For a good couple of minutes before Dick spoke up, “Wheres Jason?” He asked. Everyone knew, deep down they knew. They knew the second Bruce stepped out of that car, where Jason was. But nobody wanted to believe it not even Bruce himself who had just seen it happen.
Bruce for the fear of admitting he just lost his youngest son, Dick for his younger brother, Wally for the little brother he never had, you for your boyfriend and partner in crime, and Connor for the person who made his brother the happiest person ever.
Bruce stared at the four of you before clearing his throat, “I got there,” Bruce took a deep breathe, “I didn’t have much time to get to him before the bomb went off. I fought my hardest to get into the building but there were too many of them. And by the time I was about to open the door It was too late, the bomb blew and he was gone,” the tears began falling down his face, “i waited till the smoke cleared to look for him.
And once i did that’s when I saw him, the joker. He stood there in the middle of the wreckage, a crowbar in his hands and he was laughing so hard. Jason laid at his feet, I rushed over there. I tried everything but he gone,” Bruce told them.
Tears filled your eyes, you placed a hand over your mouth. “No,” you mumbled, you shook your head, “No,” you sobbed.
“I’m sorry,” Bruce told you, “I should been quicker.”
June 21, 2017
You read the headstone to yourself over and over again. Repeating in your head mantra like somehow, someway he would came back.
Jason Peter Todd
“A true hero,”
August 16th, 2001 - April 27th, 2016
It had been a year and you still weren’t over it. You still couldn’t believe he was gone, you sat down in front of the grave placing the flowers, you had brought with you, down at the bottom of the grave. “Hey, babe,” you smiled, “I miss you, everyone does,” Your smile only widened, “Bruce found a new Robin, he’s really sweet and funny. You would have liked him, his is Tim.”
Your eyes quickly lit up as you remembered something, “Oh! I almost forgot, I’m becoming independent, I’m no longer superkid. Connor is now the the only sidekick of Superman. I am now (Y/S/N), it’s cool I know,”
Tears filled your (E/C) eyes, “I really wish you were, it’s not the same without you.” You stared at the grave once again reading it like mantra, you were pulled from your trance like state by your phone going off.
You pulled it from your pocket, it was message from Dick. He needed you at the batcave, you responded with ‘be there in a sec’ then shut off your phone placing it back in your pocket. “I have to go, Dick needs me. I love you,” and with that you were off.
May 31st, 2018
You stared at the green haired man in front of you, anger filled your eyes. He just smiled at you, then extended his arms outward. “Do you know where we are, (Y/S/N)?” He asked.
You looked around quickly, never really taking your eyes off of the man before looking back at him. “No, please enlighten me. Where are we?” You asked.
The clown’s smile only grew, “Warehouse eight,” he whispered to you. The name sent a shiver down your spine, he must have seen your reaction because he began laughing manically. You looked around once more then confirmed what he said, you were at remains of warehouse eight. How couldn’t you have know? You asked yourself. “This is where your pathetic little bird boy died.”
“Don’t call him, he wasn’t pathetic,” you spat. The joker began laughing harder at your comment, staring at you as if you were the insane one.
“Oh but he was, you know. As I beat him with that crowbar, he begged for you,” he began to mimic Jason’s voice, “Superkid, save me.”
Rage built up in your system, you always knew the joker was crazy but you never he would slump this low. Killing a innocent kid, then mimicking his finally moments like it was some joke. The clown began talking again pulling you from your thoughts, “You know, he called for everyone, Batman, Nightwing, Arsenal, Kidflash, Superboy. But he called for you the most,” he shook his head as he took a step towards you, “but you didn’t come.”
That’s it, you thought as you lunged towards him. He must have seen this coming because he quickly moved out of the way. You pulled two Kunais out of the secret pocket on your boots. You through them at him, one grazed his left arm and the other one hit forearm making him stager back.
He stared at you in shock, “You bitch,” he mumbled. That was when the real fight began, you had the advantage with the state his arm was in. So within seconds you got him on the floor, you began delivering punch after punch to his face.
You too lost in your murderous rage to realize two other vigilantes, as shown up. They called your name but you didn’t hear them, all you could hear was the thumping in your ears. You felt yourself being pulled off of the Joker but you fought against whoever grip it was.
(Y/S/N),” they said, you knew that voice. Dick, you thought yourself. Rage slowly drained from your body as you calmed down. You realized Dick wasn’t the only vigilante here, Stephanie was too. She looked at you with genuine fear in her eyes, “What the hell was that?” Dick asked.
“I…I don’t know,” you told him. You looked at the joker and grimaced at his appearance, then it dawned upon you almost killed him. You wanted to kill him.
June 3rd, 2018
You felt Connor and Clark’s eyes on you as placed your clothes into the suitcase, “How long will you be gone?” Connor asked.
You didn’t look at Connor just keep your eyes on what you were doing, “if I have it my way, I won’t be coming back,” You told him.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and you didn’t need to look to know it was Clark’s, “You can’t do this,” he told you.
You shook your head and closed your suitcase before turning to your mentor, “Do what you?” You asked.
“Run from your problems,” He replied.
You pinched the bridge of nose and sighed, “Listen Clark, I’m not running from my problems because I don’t have any problems,” that was the lie and everyone in that room knew it. You had problems before Clark and Louis took you in and you problems after too.
“I know about what happened with the Joker,” you froze. How did he know? “Dick told me,” Clark said as if reading your mind.
You huffed, “oh fuck him,” you exclaimed, “look i’ll be honest with you, that shouldn’t have happened but it did. And me leaving doesn’t have anything to do with it, I’ve been thinking about leaving for a while now,” You explained.
“So that was, the thing that sent you over the edge?” The black haired man asked. You sighed as realized he wasn’t gonna let this go, you sat on your now sheet less bed. Clark and Connor both joining you, your on your left and your mentor on your right.
“Look, I didn’t know what I was doing. I was fine, when the fight first started as I chased him away from town. Then I just, I just got so anger and then the next thing I know in remains of warehouse eight. And he starts talking about how pathetic Jason was and then he was telling me how Jason scream my name.
And something inside of me just broke. I was blinded by rage, there was something telling me kill him and I would have if Dick and Steph never showed up. The joker would be dead and it would be all my fault, and as Dick was screaming at me asking what the hell was wrong with me I realized that.
I realized that I was gonna kill a man. He was gonna die, and then I,” You looked at Clark, “thought and Louis,” then you turned your brother, “and you and I thought about how disappointed you would be. And I wondered would you even look at me the same? What would have happened if Dick and Steph never showed up? I kept asking myself these questions. And it became clear, I need to leave because as long as I am here. Everything is gonna bring me back to that night,” You told them.
“But you didn’t kill him,” Connor replied.
“But I could have, and I can’t leave like that knowing every time I fight the joker and even see or get close to him. I might kill him. I can’t do that,” You explained.
Clark sighed and the both of you turned to him, “You know, (M/N). I always thought I did wrong with you, that I could have raised you better but now looking at you now. I know that me and Louis did well with raising you. You turned into a wonderful person and now I need to know. Is this really what you want?” He asked.
“It is,” You replied.
“Then i’ll be here to support you in anyway I can,” Your mentor replied, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Thank you.” Connor and Clark helped you pack and soon you were on a train out of gotham. You had decided to head to New York, where you would stay with a friend. You made a promise to Clark, Connor, and Louis call them once you got to new york.
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Yandere Short Stories: Love Me More
Yandere Supervillian x Afab Reader x Ex Superhero
In honor of spooky month, you’re all getting some of my old original thriller works. Enjoy
8.4 k words
Buy Me a Coffee, Please?
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    Crescent shaped wounds formed on the palms of soft (skin color) hands while (eye color) eyes stared holes into the tv and the daily broadcast. Blood dripping from the young woman’s lips from the force of her biting them. 
     “Today’s broadcast starts off with the news of the blooming relationship between the superhero Hydro and Heroine Terra. The two started off as partners on missions before taking their relationship to the next level! Who knew such chemistry existed between the two?!” A reporter stated while showing videos of the blonde haired hero kissing a pink haired woman. The two did look good together but there was only one problem. Hydro, no… Reign, was (your name)’s boyfriend. 
     Reign had always told her not to use the tv remote but she was just so bored in the house. Ever since powers had started appearing seven years ago from a mysterious storm, Reign had been keeping her locked up in their shared house. The blonde had insisted it was for her utmost safety, but now (your name) felt like it was all just a rouse to keep her in the dark on his affair.
    A scream left (your name)’s throat as she began pressing all the tv buttons in frustration before throwing the tv remote away from the couch. A small thud echoing in the room while the tv screen turned black.
    The young woman began to shake as she tried to conceal her sobs while she patiently waited for her boyfriend to come home. Her form shaking as she gazed numbly at the blood dripping from her hands.
    She had waited an entire week for him to return from his latest mission. She had been worried sick about him since he hadn’t answered her calls or texts asking how he is or what he was doing. And now (your name) knew why. The true reason in why Reign never replied… was because he had another woman in his life.
    Seven years down the drain. She has always wondered why he hadn’t taken her on dates in the last two years since he had risen to stardom. Why he wasn’t as affectionate before or as talkative. Why he never held her or told her he loved her as much anymore.
   Perhaps some part of herself had deluded her into believing it was just a phase. Never in her life would she have thought she would be the phase. This was no Superman and Louis Lane love story. This was real life.
    Reign would never want to be associated with a girl who had a low grade power like hers. What good was a healing power if she couldn’t even heal a partner who was never injured anymore?
    (Your name) and him would never get married or have the happy ending she had always hoped to have since her rough childhood. It would only be Reign and Terra’s. The perfect super couple that took the nation by storm. 
  �� (Your name) sighed, a few tears falling down her face. She had thought his sudden avoidance of her was due to the high stress of his work. So she had given him space to organize his thoughts and feelings. The young woman had tried so hard to comfort him with his favorite foods, writing him notes everyday, and making sure their home was always clean. And for what? For him to cheat on her and lie about it? Did he even deserve a good bye?
    (Your name) thought for a moment before releasing a sad sigh. Reign truly didn’t deserve anymore than she could possibly offer him. He didn’t deserve a good bye. Especially not when he was the one who left first.
    (Your name) knew what she needed to do. It was time to let go before she became even more of a mess. But first, she should clean up her hands and lips. 
    The young woman walked to the bathroom and began rinsing her hands, the hot water stinging the self inflicted wounds lightly. Dull (eye color) orbs staring at her reflection as she released a sigh. She practically looked like a corpse with the bags under her eyes. When was the last time she smiled anyways? Has it truly been a year since she truly felt anything?
    A light green glow left her hands as she healed her broken skin. It was the least she could do so no one thought she was insane when she walked out of this house with a duffle bag.
   (Your name) shut off the water before heading into her separate room to pack her things. The couple hadn’t slept together in months and it really took a toll on her. It was pathetic just how far she had let herself wallow in self loathing and pity. 
    (Eye color) eyes frowned at the photo of a blonde male smiling as he held her younger self. A (skin color) hand reaching out and placing the picture face down. Her hands quickly facing all the photos of them face down so she didn’t have to see his face while she packed. She didn’t want to be reminded of the love they once shared.
    Such a shame the fame had gotten to him. Reign was her first love, her first for so many things. But it was time to put him away, just like he did to her. 
    (Your name) smiled sadly before packing up what few belongings she had, making sure to leave whatever Reign had gotten her behind. She didn’t want any reminders of him and his broken promises any longer.
   “Good bye, Reign.” (Your name) whispered as she left the empty house. “I wish you happiness.”
     Bars were never really her scene and yet here she was lightly sipping on some Scotch. The bitter alcohol stinging her throat while her eyes scanned the crowd.
    The scent of sweat and liquor causing her nose to crinkle in disgust. Just what I’m earth was she thinking coming to a place like this?
    This was the nearest bar to the cheap hotel she was staying at for the time being before she found a job to make enough money to move to another city.
    A sigh escaping her throat. Her mind was still in shambles and a complete mess. Even this small glass of liquor couldn’t satisfy the lonely ache in her chest.
    The young woman raised her hand up to attract the bar tender. “I’d like to close my tab please.”
   The walk to the hotel wasn’t too bad. Just pass by a few alleyways and she’d be right there in her tiny room. Hopefully there weren’t any roaches in her bed…
   A sudden groan reached her ears, causing the young woman to freeze in place. (Your name) turning her head left towards the alleyway in fright. The young woman trembling as her mind began to race.
   She was going to be stabbed wasn’t she? Young women always got abducted or stabbed… or raped at night. And what could she do to defend herself?! She didn’t even have a taser-
    “Please…” a deep voice barely whispered while another groan left the alleyway. “Please help me…”
    The young woman began to pace as she tried to sort her thoughts. Her mind was telling her no but her heart clenched at the thought of someone truly needing help.
  “Screw it.” (Your name) slowly made her was into the alleyway, her (eye color) eyes nervously scanning the alleyways.
     “Hello?” (Eye color) orbs widened as she stared at the male before her in shock. Deep gashed covering his body while ragged breaths left the male’s throat. The young woman quickly rushing over as she began trying to talk to the young man. “Oh lord, you need a hospital-“
   The male reached a hand out, blood now staining the white sleeves of her coat. Red eyes meeting (eye color) orbs for the first time.
   “N-no hospital…” the male rasped while his eyes gazed at here in desperation. “P-please… put me out of my misery-“
   “I-I can heal you!” The young woman quickly leaned forward while a green glow surrounded her hands while she tried to heal as many of his wounds as she could. “Please don’t die-“
   “It’s okay… I don’t have anything to live for.” There was so much blood. Whatever or whoever had wounded him, had truly wanted him dead. 
    Tears began to gather in her eyes while she tried to desperately heal the large gashes on the man before her. Just why did her powers have to be so weak? 
   “Please, whatever may be out there… I just want to save this one person. Please…” tears fell down her face as the male began to slump over ever so slightly. “I just want to save someone so I can have purpose again.”
   The male’s eyes widened as the green glow began to become brighter while his wounds quickly began closing. A warmth filling his body and soul while she worked her magic. The young woman beginning to slump as a wave of exhaustion hit her.
   “Hey-“ the male quickly caught her before she fell on the pavement. His heart drumming in his chest as he realized she had passed out.
    Healing abilities were so incredibly rare this day and age. They were usually killed off so they wouldn’t interfere with the hospitals since they could heal for free… so just how on earth did she come to find him? Wait a moment…
    The dark haired male smiled softly as he studied her pretty face, his face lighting up in recognition. It was (your name)… She was still so pretty and small… would she be willing to be his new purpose now that she was all alone?
    Did she still remember him from high school? She had always been such a sweet girl, such a shame she chose Reign Huston over him. He could’ve give her the world… but now he could! He truly could give her the world… or at least what would be left of it when he was done with it.
    It must be fate that had brought them together! The string of fate must be tied tightly to their fingers, uniting them in a time of hardship once again.
   The male slowly rose up. The dark haired man carry her out of the alleyway with a smile on his face. 
    “You’ll be my reason to live again and I’ll be yours.” The male waved his right hand, a Violet portal appearing before the two. “My true reason on why I want to burn this world to the ground. Nothing will ever hurt you or I ever again.”
    The poor girl has no idea that the man she just saved was a monster… a monster she had once unknowingly escaped from in the past…
    Reign finally arrived home after not receiving any texts or calls from (your name). Which was strange for her since she always clung to him whenever he left for long periods of time.
    Maybe she realized what he had to do in order to crawl up the ranks of superheroes. Reign couldn’t afford for the public to know of their relationship. It was dangerous to be with someone who couldn’t protect themselves.
   It would be nerve racking to be seen with a girl who had no name or strong ability to protect herself since he was such a well known hero now. Reign was just lucky Terra was in the same boat as him. With the pink haired woman by his side on the media, he’d be able to have the perfect looking life. A life where (your name) would never be endangered or discovered.
    Reign had felt terrible distancing himself from her but he had felt so guilty for pretending to be with someone else. It was what his agency wanted for more media coverage. Yet he knew this was all for the best if he wanted enough money to move the two of them far from anyone and everything.
     “I’m home-“ silence greeted Reign when he walked into the empty house. His brow furrowing in confusion at the eerie silence. “Hello?”
    The blonde male began to walk around the house, his blue eyes narrowing in concern. Where was she? (Your name) always greeted him when he came home.
   “(Your name)?” Reign reached her bedroom door, the male reaching a hand up to knock on the smooth, white wood. “I’m home-“
    The door creaked open before he could even knock, the male’s blue eyes widening at the sight of a bare room with all of the pictures placed down. The room looked as if it was ransacked in a hurry.
    “(Your name)?!” Reign quickly entered the room as his blue eyes began to scan for any sign of his girlfriend. “(Your name)?!”
    Reign then began to run room to room as he called out for her.
    “(Your name)?! Please answer me!” Reign began to dash to the living room as tears began to gather in his eyes. She couldn’t have left right? Didn’t she know how dangerous it was out there?
   The male took a step near the tv, his foot landing on top of the remote, causing the tv screen to light up. A loop of the broadcast from the other day beginning to talk.
    ‘Today’s broadcast starts off with the news of the blooming relationship between the superhero Hydro and Heroine Terra. The two started off as partners on missions before taking their relationship to the next level! Who knew such chemistry existed between the two?!’
    Reign’s eyes widened in shock as he felt his chest tighten. He had forgotten to hide the remote… she wasn’t supposed to know.
   Reign choked back a sob as he realized what he had done. Oh god… she left him.
    Reign began to freak out. (Your name) had a healing power and that was considered illegal since the hospitals didn’t want any competition. What if she was killed or kidnapped for her powers?
    Reign took a deep breath before trying to calm himself. He was going to have to find her and explain everything.
    Maybe he’d have to use some of his old skills back when he first had gotten (your name) into his arms… it shouldn’t be hard to hack into the city’s traffic cameras. One of them had to have had caught something of her. He was sure of it.
    “Don’t worry, (your name). I’ll find you.”
    Light trickled down from a window. It’s bright rays shining on (your name)’s face, the young woman groaning as she began to stir awake. Her brows furrowing at the unfamiliar room she resided in. Where in earth was she?
   (Eye color) orbs examined the modern gothic room. The young woman turning her head around to see that the king sized bed was in the center of the room behind the giant windows of a balcony. Green foliage of exotic plants hanging from the ceilings, the giants leaves covering some of the light from the full moon. Long black and red candles sat on shelves on the black walls, illuminating the room in a comforting manner.
    “Are you awake?” A deep voice asked, the young woman turning to gaze at the door frame. A tall male with long black hair stood in the doorframe. His red eyes staring at her in adoration. “You’ve been out like a light for almost two days now.”
    The male stalked forward slowly like a predator. His red eyes never leaving (your name)’s. A small smile slowly crawling on his plump lips while his eyes became half lidded. The male bending down to sit beside her in the bed.
    “You saved my life.” The male then gently grasped her hand in his much larger one, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. “My name is Dante Hawkthorne. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?”
    (Your name) blinked a few times in disbelief. The man she had saved was one of the most influential businessmen of the century. Just what on earth was he doing in an alleyway? Could he have been jumped? Or maybe he was doing something sleazy?
    (Your name) shook her head to clear her thoughts. It’s not like it was her place to judge him since she was also on the sleazier part of town.
    “My name is (your full name).” The young woman gave him a soft smile, causing Dante’s cheeks to blush.
    “That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl…” the young man then slowly pulled away from her as he stood up to his full height. “Would you care to have dinner with me?”
    (Your name) raised a brow at the arm he offered for her to grab. It wouldn’t hurt to indulge in his offer would it?
    “That sounds lovely, Dante.” The male’s breath hitched for a moment before he quickly composed himself.
    “How does (favorite meal) sound?” The two began making their way towards the dining hall. Each one exchanging small talk.
    Turns out Dante was only three years her senior and he owned a lot of morgues and graveyards in the city. She would’ve never thought he’d be the type involved with the dead so it was pretty interesting to see and hear about.
     Yet she couldn’t help but have a deep gut feeling that there was something off about him.
   Perhaps it was the way his eyes lingered on her a little too much for comfort or the way he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. His large hands constantly rubbing against hers as they made their way towards the dining hall in the long hallways.
    “Are you alright, Dante?” The male simply gave her a soft smile as he stared at her lips intently.
    “Yes. I cannot thank you enough for what you did for me back there. Perhaps it has made me enamored with you.”
   “How do I put this?” Dante tapped a pale finger to his light pink lips before giving her a flirtatious smirk. “You enthrall me.”
    (Your name) blinked a few times at the oddly flirtatious male before giving him a nervous smile. She had never been the type of girl who had gotten the attention of men like this before. What on earth was she supposed to do?
    “Um… I’m flattered?” A deep chuckle broke her from her nervous thoughts.
   “You’re quite cute, miss (your name).” The young woman could only chuckle nervously while she turned her head towards the ground. Hopefully he would let her leave soon after this meal. She really needed to get out of this city as soon as possible.
    “Um… thank you.” The young woman perked up at the sight of the long table in the center of the grand, gothic dining hall. “Oh wow. Your home is so lovely.”
    (Eye color) orbs gazed intently at the various portraits on the walls. A shiver rolling down her spine when her eyes met one of a young woman that looked eerily similar to herself. And did that painting just blink?
     (Your name) nearly jumped out of her shoes at the sudden creak the chair made while Dante pulled it out of place. The brunette giving her a soft smile, as if to reassure her that he only had benevolent intentions towards her.
    “Thank you, Dante.” (Your name) gently took a seat. Dante quickly sliding her into her spot before taking a seat beside her. 
     A group of masked butlers quickly scurried into the room with various bottles of expensive looking liquor in their black gloved hands. Which seemed odd to the young woman that she couldn’t see their face or hands.
     “Would you care for some wine? I have all kinds of flavors and colors. Whatever you may like.” Dante smiled, gesturing his hand to all of the bottles the butlers held. 
    “Oh… I would like some (favorite wine).” 
     “Excellent choice, my dear.” Dante then snapped his fingers, one of the butlers gracefully walking forward. The red number one reflecting off the black wooden mask on his face. His feet moving in an uncomfortably stiff way that was almost unnatural. It was if the butler was a doll.
    With perfect poise, the butler’s posture never grew slack as he poured the (wine color) wine into the glass in front of her. The butler than quickly snapped to attention once the wine was poured, giving the two a low bow.
    “Thank you, Henry.” The butler then made his way back to the other line of butlers while another stepped forward to pour a deep red wine into Dante’s cup, the dark haired male giving her a smile. The red number seven was on this butlers head, but that wasn’t what made the hair stand up on the back of (your name)’s neck. It was the fact that she couldn’t see the butler’s eyes, almost as if he didn’t have any.
   “(Your name). Are you ready for the meal?” Dante asked the young woman, snapping her from her musings. The young woman giving Dante a nervous smile. 
   “That sounds lovely.” Dante snapped his fingers. The butlers stepping back to make room for the black masked cooks to make their way towards the couple. The numbers one, two, and three on their masks this time. Yet unlike the butlers, the numbers on their foreheads were a dull yellow rather than a deep red.
    The tallest one, three, pushed a golden cart that had two golden covers atop of the golden plates. The shortest one, number one, then perfectly placed the meals in front of the two. Just as stiffly as the butler who had poured their wine into their drinks.
    “Thank you.” (Your name) told the butler, who didn’t respond, causing Dante to narrow his eyes.
    “She told you thank you, Ayden.” Dante hissed, the cook hurriedly giving the young woman a bow. A smile now in place on Dante’s lips. “Thank you, Ayden.”
   The cook with the number two then stepped forward to hand (your name) and Dante a glass of water. The three cooks giving them a curt bow before pushing their golden cart away and back to the kitchen.
    (Your name) pulled the lid off, her eye brows furrowing at what lord under the cover… this was (favorite food)… how did Dante know her favorite meal?
    “What’s the matter, (your name)? Is the food not to your liking?” Dante asked with furrows brows, the male clenching his fists tightly. “I can ask the cooks to remake it. Is it not (hot/ cold) enough?”
    “Oh it’s not that, Dante.” (Your name) gave the dark haired male a reassuring smile, causing him to unclench his fist. “This is my favorite food… it was just interesting on how this is what they served me is all.”
    “Oh!” Dante removed the lid on his food to reveal the same meal. “It’s my favorite food as well!”
   (Your name) sighed in relief as she took a bite from the meal. This was probably the best she’s ever had of it. “This is delicious, Dante.”
    “I only have the best in my home.” Dante smiled, the male then grabbing his glass as he raised it. “A toast to you, my savior.”
    (Your name) nervously raised the glass before clinking it with Dante’s. The two taking a swig. The taste was a little off, which may be due to how expensive it looked. But other than that, the wine was excellent.
     “Is the wine also to you liking?”
    “It’s very good.” Dante smiled as he intently watched (your name) eat her food. 
    A sudden wave of tiredness swept over the young woman, which was odd.
    “Are you alright, (your name)?” Dante asked, his brows furrowing in worry as he rose from his seat.
    “Oh I am just a little tired is all.” (Your name) gave Dante a reassuring smile. “It feels terribly rude to be so tired when I’m sharing a meal with you.”
    “Nonsense. You can spend the night here.” Dante smiled, causing (your name) to grow goosebumps at the strange look in his eyes. (Your name) raised her hands up while she tried to think of an excuse to leave. Something felt off.
    “Oh but I don’t want to be a burden-“ Dante’s hands clasped her.
   “Oh what nonsense. You saved my life!” Dante flashed (your name) a charming smile, the young man then rose up from his seat. Dante held out a large, pale hand to her. “I can escort you to your room if you are not comfortable walking alone. Tomorrow I can also arrange a maid or two to prepare a bath for you until you feel better.”
    (Your name) hesitantly took Dante’s hand, the young man helping her up from her chair. His red eyes never leaving her form. 
    Dante snapped his fingers, nodding his head at cook one and two to gather up the plates.
   “Perhaps tomorrow, in the morning we could have a nice breakfast in the garden?” Dante smiled, which caused (your name) to nervously giggle. “It’d be like a date-“
    “Oh I just got out of a relationship so I’m not sure if I feel comfortable going so fast yet-“ (your name) shivered at the twisted smile that flashed on Dante’s lips for the briefest of moments. 
    “I’m a patient man, (your name). I can wait.” Dante led her towards her room, his eyes carefully observing her to make sure she didn’t pass out too early. Soon she would be completely in his grasp and assimilated in her new role.
    Pale fingers traced circles on (your name)’s smooth skin, the fingers slowly working their way up to her (hair type) locks.
    “You’re still so beautiful even after all these years.” Dante smiled dreamily before grasping small section of her hair and brining it to his lips. Dante pressed his soft lips to the hair before taking in a deep inhale of her scent. The male moaning in ecstasy.
     How many years has it been since he’s last touched her? Seven? Eight?
     The male shivered to himself when (your name) released a soft breath while she slept. Her lips looked so soft… it would be okay if he snuck just a small kiss on her, right?
    Dante gulped while his palms began to sweat profusely in anticipation. His teenage self had always dreamed of touching her. Of being with her… of being inside of her. 
     Dante wanted to be inside her body, mind, and soul. He wanted to be the thought, no, the being that never left her mind. The one she would call out for at night as he pleasured her night after night, day after day. He wanted her to be all of his just like he was always all of hers.
    Dante slowly swung his body on top of hers. His form straddling hers while his body looked over hers. His red eyes almost glowing in the dark like a predator of the night.
    Dante interlaced his fingers with her hands as he held her hands above her head. His long black locks hanging over his face, the locks tickling her skin.
    “I have always loved you… it’s meant to be, (your name)…” Dante then leaned forward, his warm breath fanning her face. His eyes becoming heavy lidded with lust. “You were always so sweet to me… it was so hard to live without you for all these years…”
    “But it’s worth all the pain and suffering I had to go through now that we’ve crossed paths again…” Dante released a soft chuckle before leaning his face just an inch from hers. “I wonder if you’ll ever know who I am unless I show you a picture from the past… I wouldn’t mind either way because the face you have now is custom made just for you.”
    Dante’s lips then gently pressed against hers. His breathing becoming erratic when he immediately pulled away. His eyes now completely consumed with lust, his hips slowly grinding into hers. A low moan escaping his lips, the male biting them to prevent anymore sounds from leaving him.
    “The doctor said the drugs were pretty strong so I could kiss and touch you more… I could kiss and touch you all over.” Dante then pressed his lips to her lips again and again. The young man moving his lips all over her face and shoulder in a sort of worshipping manner. “You’re mine now. Mine. Mine. Mine.”
    “So won’t you love me more than him now?”
    Dante glanced at the clock before sighing at the time. It was almost midnight now. He should probably let her get some rest.
    Red eyes took a longing look at her pretty hairs, his eyes flashing with desire yet again. 
    “I’ll just take a small amount of hair… you won’t even notice.” Dante pulled a knife from his pocket with a smile on his face. “I’ll add it to my collection.”
     “Welcome home, (your name).”
    “Shit!” Reign hissed as he slammed his fist into the wall of the seedy motel. (Your name) hasn’t returned to her motel room in a few days now. Could something have happened to her?
    Reign placed his head in his hands as he sighed in aggravation. It was highly unlikely anyone would have her. If anyone… no, no. It couldn’t possibly be that weirdo from high school… what was his name again?
     Dante Noxwell. He was always hovering around wherever (your name) was when they were in school, picking up items she dropped like some sort of pigeon hungry for scraps. He was never a very good looking fellow either with his hunched over back and scarred face. 
    Yet that never stopped (your name) from being kind to the freak. She always sent a smile his way or laughed at his stupid jokes… Reign knew Dante coveted her. Reign always watched Dante’s red eyes stare at (your name) longingly, almost as if he thought he was worthy of her.
    It disgusted Reign to no end. Dante’s eyes, Dante’s smiles, and most of all, his audacity to even breathe the same air as (your name), pissed him off to no end.
    No one deserved to be around her, no one but him. Nobody could protect (your name) as well as Reign did. It was Reign’s own fault for being careless and leaving the tv remote in a place she could find it. She just didn’t understand the lengths he had to go through to protect her. 
    Once he found her though, he would be sure to lock her up even better this time. He had gotten too comfortable with time but he’d have to improve where he failed. 
   Reign swore to himself he’d never fail (your name) ever again. She would never, ever escape from him again. Never.
    Reign stormed out of the room, his head deep in his thoughts. Perhaps he could try Dante’s address… it wouldn’t hurt to try would it?
    Reign placed his hand in his pockets. Completely unaware of the security camera focused on him…
    (Your name) groaned, the dancing dreams flickering away when her eyes fluttered opened to see the bright sun light that lit up the room. Had she truly passed out?
    (Your name) glanced around the room in confusion. How I’m earth did she get back to her room and what was going on?
    The bedroom door creaked open revealing a tall feminine figure. The maid wore a white mask with the number seven on it in pink, entered the room with perfect posture. The door loudly shutting behind her.
    The maid gave (your name) a curtsy before grabbing an outfit from the closet beside the bed. Her white gloves were completely spotless and she had such a strange scent to her…
     “Oh, you don’t have to-“ (your name)’s eyes widened at all the clothes that were in her size. How on earth did they have her size? “How do you have my size-“
  The maid gently handed (your name) the clothes, the young woman grabbing her hand in haste.
    “Wait-“ the maid pulled her arm away, the glove slipping off her hand a bit to reveal greenish tinted skin. Alarm bells ringing in (your name)’s head at the sight. “What-“
    The maid quickly pulled up her glove before bowing. The maid quickly exited the room, (your name)’s mouth hanging open in surprise.
   What on earth was wrong with the maid’s skin?
   “Are you decent yet, (your name)?” Dante’s low voice from the other side of the door requested politely. “I’ll escort you to breakfast on the patio personally.”
      “Not yet!” (Your name) bit at her nails. The young woman didn’t really want to stay at Dante’s home any longer. Something felt completely off about the place and she did not want to spend a minute longer in here.
     (Your name) nervously fidgeted with her hands. She was going to have to sneak out at night in order to get away from him. And hopefully everyone would be asleep by then.
   Dante frowned at (your name). He could tell what the young woman was thinking and he didn’t like it one bit. Looks like he’d have to teach her a lesson earlier than expected.
    For now, he’s play along. He would treat her like a princess and make sure not to slip up in front of her. 
    A soft jingle came from Dante's phone, the male quickly looking at the device in annoyance. Yet his expression quickly changed to joy at what he saw.
    “Oh what is it, Dante?” (Your name) asked, a fake smile on her pretty lips.
    “Oh nothing too crazy…” Dante gave (your name) a bright jovial smile. “Just found out I finally caught the rat in my trap is all. That vermin has been plaguing me for quite some time.”
   (Your name) nodded, completely oblivious to what Dante had truly meant. But that was okay. Dante didn’t think she’d like that he had referred to Reign as a rat.
  Yet she didn’t know that Dante had purposely put out the wrong address for people to find him at if they looked hard enough. It was always funny to see his enemies in the graveyard they would soon be buried in.
    Dante cleared his throat before gleaming at the woman beside him. She had no idea how elated he truly was with this news. One more body to join his collection.
      Dante smiled at all of the security footage on his computer screen. His face twisting into a grin as he spotted Reign entering the hotel where (your name) was last seen. 
    How silly of Reign to not think that Dante would finally have the upper hand this time. 
    A deep chuckle left Dante’s throat, his eyes turning to the other monitor to see all the angles of (your name)’s bedroom. A dreamy sigh leaving his throat.
   “Soon you’ll be all mine. And this time with no interruptions.” Dante leaned his cheek against the screen that showed (your name) sleeping in her bed. The dark haired man gently kissing the screen before releasing a dreamy sigh. “It’ll all go the way it was supposed to the first time.”
     (Your name) wandered around the halls, being sure to duck into the corners to avoid being spotted by the workers of the estate. 
    She had to get out of here as quickly as she could. It just didn’t feel safe anymore. It has already been almost two weeks since she had been trapped in this estate. 
  Anything was better than being trapped like a bird in a cage again.
    (Eye color) eyes peered around the corners to make sure no one would spot her before she crossed over to the other hall. So far, no luck in finding an exit.
   Tap. Tap. Tap. (Your name) paused in her steps, her eyes widening at the sight of a masked worker with a blue number, eighteen, on their forehead that strolled adjacent to the hall she was on. The young woman gulping at the rifle strapped to their back. Why on earth would a worker need a rifle?
   (Eye color) orbs quickly scanned for a place to hid. A black door sat to her right. 
  As quiet as a mouse, the young woman tiptoed to the door. Her body shaking in fear of being discovered by the worker. 
   (Skin color) hands shook as she turned the handle. The woman rushed into the door, the door softly clicking shut behind her. A sigh of relief leaving her throat.
    (Your name) turned around and leaned her back against the door. Her (eye color) orbs widening at shock in what the room held. 
   The room stretched in a barely illuminated hall. A large portrait covered with a red drape sat on the end of the hall as well as a light switch. Each side of the wall appeared to be lined with a pattern of mirrors and portraits of some sort.
  What on earth could that possibly be? What were truly on those walls?
    Before (your name) could stop herself, her feet wandered forwards towards the covered up portrait. As if she were a piece of metal drawn to a powerful magnet.
    She needed to know what was behind that drape. Perhaps it was the truth of this entire situation. Her  limbs continued to move on their own. Her hands reaching out to lightly touch the drape that held the portrait.
    With a sharp tug, the drape fell to the ground, all the lights turning on in the room to reveal the entire hall. The grotesque face of a boy from her past staring back at her.  The scarred up face of her schoolmate stared back at her with his dull red eyes.
   “Oh my god…” (your name) took a step back before falling onto her bottom. It all made sense now on why she felt so uncomfortable.
   (Your name) then turned to gaze down the lit up hall. Bile riding in her throat at the various portraits of Dante’s face and body changing over the years. Yet it was one that stuck out to her the most…
    It was the small picture of Reign that sat in the corner of each portrait. Was Dante trying to be Reign?
    (Your name) quickly rose up to her feet. She had to leave. She had to get out of here. It wasn’t safe here. No… it was never safe here.
    (Your name) quickly dashed down the hall, only to see one of the guards standing in front of the doorway. A rotting stench coming from him.
   “Please move-“ the guard pushed his mask aside to reveal the green skin of a walking corpse. His eyes, nose, and tongue completely missing. 
     (Your name) screamed loudly as the guard came charging at her. An inhuman snarl leaving the guard’s throat. 
   But a swift kick came to the guard’s side. Dante standing over the guard with a disgusted look on his face.
    “What a useless puppet you are.” Dante then held out his hand, the corpse instantly turning to dust. “He didn’t scare you too much, did he darling?”
    (Your name) froze at the familiar nickname. Her whole body convulsing into shivers.
    “I’m glad you know who I am now!” Dante smiled brightly  as if he hadn’t just turned a corpse to dust a second ago. “We can finally continue where we left off!”
    “What are you talking about?” (Your name) whimpered, Dante chuckling. His red eyes shining brightly.
    “Well the answer to the letter I sent you all those years ago, darling!” Dante exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air. “Unless you didn’t get to read it before that bastard ripped it out of your hands.”
    Oh (your name) knew exactly what Dante was talking about. He had written her many, many creepy love letters those years. The dead body of the kitten she used to feed was still fresh into her memory. Dante had claimed he saw Reign had poisoned the kitten due to jealousy and wanted her to give it a proper burial. Yet (your name) didn’t think her ex would do such a horrible thing… right?
 But the one he had personally delivered to her was the most simple of all. Dante had asked her to be his girlfriend on his knees in front of the entire school and Reign tore up the confession letter. The blonde then kicking Dante across the head repeatedly.
    “I don’t know if I can give you an answer-“
    “Darling. Baby! You’ve had seven years to think!” Dante’s expression changed to match his frustration with (your name)’s difficulty. “And I had seven years to adjust my appearance to your tastes. Do you know how busy I was over these years? How many diet plans and how much  exercise I pushed myself through just to become the perfect man for you?”
    Dante ripped the front of his shirt to show her his chisels physique. “This body was made specifically for you! I know you’ve always liked the pretty type-“
    “I-I am flattered, but we just met again-“
    “I’m sure you could love me now that I don’t look like what I used to.” Dante interrupted, his large hands holding hers tightly. “I had a hard time finding these parts to use over the years but I only got the best! Just for you! I almost gave up when I couldn’t find you again. My puppets weren’t efficient enough, I guess.“
   (Your name) furrowed her brows at his words, a shiver rolling down her line. What did he mean?
   “Oh you didn’t know did you?” Dante chuckles before holding out his hand, a large number of workers walking up to the door. “My ability is that I can control the dead.”
   (Your name) shuddered as she watched the workers removed their masks to reveal the green skinned monsters she had seen a little while ago. So everyone here was undead?
    “See? I think I can keep you safe better than Reign can! He locked you away so well for all these years. I couldn’t find you like I used to be able to!” (Your name) felt as if she went numb. Could Reign have been insane as well? Did her ex truly lock her away from the world. 
   “Don’t worry! I can do everything he can do but better!” Dante exclaimed with a bright smile. “I just love you so much!”
    “Dante-“ Dante’s hands quickly grasped hers. His red eyes staring intently into hers.
   “You saved me just like you always used to. Its destiny. Can’t you see?” Dante then pressed his lips to her forehead, his body shivering at the contact. “I can love you so much more than Reign can and I make so much more money than him. I could provide for you-“
    “Dante, it’s okay-“
   Dante suddenly pressed his lips against (your name)’s, his soft lips turning into a smile at the contact. The male slowly pulling away.
   “I could give you so much more than he can.” Dante then wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her onto his lap. His manhood slowly grinding into hers. “I could… I could please you… whatever you want. I’ll do-“
  “But I want to leave-“ Dante pulled (your name) in for another kiss. His tongue forcefully entering her mouth hole his hands began to grab every bit of flesh he could on her body. A strong of saliva connecting the two when he pulled away again.
   “You can’t. You can’t ever leave me again.” Dante buried his head into the crook of her neck. “I’ll go insane. I won’t be able to live again without you. Please just stay, just stay with me. I’ll make you happy.”
    “Dante I’d be happier outside-“ a sharp prick interrupted (your name)’s words. Her eyes widening at Dante’s twisted smile. 
    “No. You can’t leave again…no. I won’t let you.” (Your name) could feel her body going limp, Dante quickly pulling her into his arms. 
    “I promise to love you more than he ever could. I promise you. I’ll keep you safe.”
    (Your name) felt her vision going dark, her eyes fluttering in and out of consciousness. Fear consuming her entire being at the last words she heard from Dante before going into a dreamless sleep.
    “He’ll be taken care of shortly. No more interruptions this time.” 
   What on earth could he possibly mean by that?
    Reign stood in front of a grave yard in confusion. This couldn’t possibly be Dante’s address could it?
    Reign strolled forward. His brows furrowing in thought, unaware of the many eyes that followed his every movement.
   Reign sighed before walking up to the mausoleum in annoyance. Something felt off to him. Almost as if he was missing something. 
  Reign froze when he heard a crunch behind him. The blonde quickly spun around to come face to face with a dark haired man.
    “Who are you?” Reign asked, his brows furrowed in confusion and fear. Why was a man in the middle of a graveyard? 
    “You know who I am very well, Reign.” The male chuckled before slowly walking towards Reign. A twisted smile on his lips. “You used to make my life a living hell everyday after all.”
   “No… you can’t possibly be…” Reign couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There was no way the man in front of him was Dante. He was far too beautiful to be the hunched back boy he used to bully. “Dante?”
    “In the flesh, or at least what is left. I sort of killed that old Dante off years ago.” Dante chuckled, his red eyes meeting Reign’s shocked blue ones. “That boy was far too weak and too helpless to stop you back then. But now… ever since I got my powers. I can easily stop you.”
   Reign held out a hand to blast water at Dante, only for arms to shoot out from the ground and grab his arms and feet. Reign screamed at the sight of all the undead monsters below him. The blonde thrashing to escape but to no avail.
   “Why don’t we chat for a bit, Reign? We have lots of catching up to do after all.” Dante smiled before a chair made of bones rose up from the ground for him to sit on. “You are supposedly supposed to defeat me after all. Nox is a good villain name, don’t you think?”
    “You’re sick. How could you kill so many people-“ a twisted laugh interrupted Reign. Reign’s eyes widening in fear at the feral look on Dante’s face.
   “I’m sick? Then what are you? A saint?” Dante stood from  his chair, the tall male grabbing Reign’s jaw to stare him directly in the eye. “You killed too for her you know. And hurt. And bullied. I was merely searching for her is all. I even tried to find her in other people but to no avail…”
   Dante let go of Reign’s chin to reach into his coat pocket. His pale hand holding out a strand of (hair color) hair in front of the blonde. Reign’s breath hitching in fear and anger.
   “What did you do to her… what did you do to her?!”
   Dante laughed as he began to taunt the blonde with the locks of hair. “Oh nothing yet. I’m merely trying to have her warm her heart up to me. The Stockholm syndrome merely hasn’t set in yet. But she’ll be set for life if she gives into it.”
   Dante placed a hand to his cheek as he let out a lovesick sigh. “She’ll be such a beautiful bride. I did so much work trying to make everything perfect for her… the perfect looking husband, the perfect home, and… a lot of money. I could provide for her and maybe even a small family if she’d allow me the pleasure!” Dante gave Reign a mischievous smirk. “Something you could’ve easily have had if you hadn’t slipped up. Thank you for that by the way. Her and I have been reunited at last… I promise to take good care of her-“
    A glob of spit hit Dante’s cheek, causing Dante to sigh in annoyance. Dante wiped the spit off his cheek in distaste before glaring at Reign.
   “Tch. Seven years and you still haven’t learned proper manners. A shame.”
    “Go to hell.” Reign snarled, his blue eyes glowering at Dante in hatred. 
   “I’ll see you there in a few years then.”
   “I’m going to save her from you!” Reign snarled, the blonde thrashing in the undead’s cold grasp. “I will get her back-“
   Dante gave Reign a sadistic smile, causing the blonde to freeze up. 
    “Sorry. I don’t plan on giving you the same luxury you gave me all this years ago when you beat me to a pulp in front of the entire school.” Dante began to shush the blonde’s tears in a teasing manner. “Shhhh. You’ll be among the dead soon. And I will be the only victor from this.” 
   “But… heroes always-“
   “Oh but who ever said you were a hero?” Dante teased. “Heroes would never do the things you do. You could’ve moved on like a normal person but just like a rat, you’re always digging into places you shouldn’t be. A pity.”
    Dante snapped his fingers, a large army of the undead crawling out from their graves like grotesque puppets.
    “Kill him.” Dante then walked away, the sound of Reign’s screams filling the graveyard. A sound that came to a sudden halt, almost as if it had never even happened.
    “What a shame. I was really hoping for something more… climatic to our reunion.” Dante muttered to himself before turning back. “But I do truly think she’d come to love me more.”
    Dante snapped his finger, a reanimated Reign crawling towards him. A sinister smile crawling on his lips. “Don’t you think I’m more suited for (your name), Reign?”
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tulipsforvin · 2 months
✧ an albert j. moriarty x f!reader slow burn (reader is a doctor)
✧ ⚠️: angst, bittersweet ending.. idk
✧ it's so long :') please excuse my poor effort at foreshadowing 🌷
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CHAPTER ONE — “so, let me get this straight. your biggest dream is to open a small clinic in london?”
“yeah!” you nod happily. “i want to treat the less fortunate people out there; people with financial troubles, men, women & children from the slum, you know?” the brown haired noble hums approvingly.
idyllic, soft noises of a piano being played comes from below the floorboard, probably downstairs. you lift your head up from the man's injured arm in mild surprise, only to be met with his own curious gaze.
his expression immediately softens upon seeing your own gaze and his lips melt into a small, subtle smile.
“must be louis.” albert says, grinning. “he's been practicing piano lately and—” he winces when you tighten the bandage around his forearm. “—ouch.”
you grin back at him teasingly. “you can deal with it, you're a big boy.”
“aha.” he rises to his feet. “that, my dear, i am.”
“here, catch.” you throw him his shirt, crisp white and clean and he catches it mid air with ease. he smiles proudly like he's caught an alligator by it's jaw. he wipes his sweaty hands with his handkerchief.
“i hope you'd come around here more often.” albert says while leaning against a wall, arms crossed. he's halfway in his shirt, deciding not to put the other arm in since he thought it'd be too painful to try. “it's fun with you around, (name).” he approves of his own words by nodding to himself. “truly.”
“hmm..” you pretend as if you're pondering, index tapping your chin idly and eyes looking up at the ceiling in feigned thoughtfulness. your gaze drops back to him. “then perhaps you should be ambushed during your missions more, yeah?”
the brown haired chuckles amusedly at your words. “ah,” he says. “now words, my dear, you should be careful with. i may as well willingly fall down a flight of stairs just because you've said that to me now.”
what a flirt, you scoff.
you stand to your own feet as well, sling your sids bag in and stuff in your medical supplies. his gaze falls to it momentarily before returning to your eyes and he smiles at you.
“you should let me drop you off as a thank you of nursing me.” he tells you, walking a few steps forwards until he's directly looming in front of you.
you lift your head to look up at him and speak. “no, that's okay. i'm pretty sure i can find my way back myse—” his hand slides between the gap of your arm and your waist and you're sure you feel the back of his fingers touch your waist as he's zipping your side bag shut. and you feel tingly all of a sudden.
what a goddamn flirt.
“i insist.” he says, voice soft before he pulls back a few steps. then, he grins at you as he's always done, with that easy, boyish grin he always has. “please.”
“fine.” you clear your throat, looking away. you're hurrying your way towards the doorstep and fiddling with the doorknob until it's open. you step out.
and he eagerly follows you behind, almost jogging to keep up with your fast pace of walking. his heart seems to be beating for some peculiar reason; perhaps due to the physical exercise of keeping up with you. “my, (name).” he laughs brightly. “i wasn't aware we were having a marathon.” and you groan annoyedly at his antics. “please be silent.”
if only he knew what was going on in your head right of this moment. if only he knew how hard your heart was thumping inside of your chest at every brush of your elbows. if only—
you've only realized you've already been out and about for a while now, that you've been walking past the streets and the lanes and under the unlit lamps and finally infront of your house. you've so realized that he'd been walking past you quietly surprisingly in obedience just like you'd told him to.
“then..” he speaks after some time, turning to look at you. he holds out his hand to you and you place one of your own over his. your eyebrow raises when he raises it to his lips, places the softest of kiss over it & lets both of his and your hands fall back to your sides.
“i'll see you, (name.)” he tells you, stepping back.
“i..” you pause, rather flustered. “y-yes. me as well.”
you tell the noble to get home safe and you step inside of your house, lock the door, back against the door with weak knees before sliding down against it.
you're sure you're red. everywhere. down to the tips of your very fingers, neck, face. everywhere.
it was only politeness. countless, not only noblemen but men in general have done that before. it was only right. so why did it feel so different when he did it?
“idiot.” you murmur under your breath. “stupid idiot.” at this point, you're not exactly sure who you're cursing and mumbling about. you, or him.
✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡ . ✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡
CHAPTER TWO — the purple melted into the pinks and the pinks blurred into the shades of oranges that hovered right above the horizon. the morning was early. the day was new and so, a new enthusiasm had risen in you.
you had made up your mind.
enough of the unrequited love, you thought.
enough of the days spent daydreaming while fiddling with gauges and vials of ointment, you thought.
enough of the nights spent thinking and dreaming, dreaming and thinking once more of how it would be like for you to be his and his to be yours.
you grip at the belt of your side bag. your hands are clammy as you're riding your bicycle towards the moriarty residence and your entire body is hot with nervousness. the sun is pressing gentle kisses on your back and the soft, soft wind pushes back stray hairs away from your forehead.
your plan for the day? invite him over to your place so that the two of you can get closer somehow. maybe doing something like cooking, or baking. or just spending some time with him in general.
“(name)!” bond's opened the door, grinning enthusiastically at you. “it's good to see you.”
“good to see you, too, bond.” you tell him, returning the man's smile. he's new to the group, apparently. your smile at him is familiar. usually meeting someone new and interacting with them would be awkward but with bond, it was easy & comfortable.
“is albert home?” you question and he nods.
“yes.” he tells you. “in his bedroom.” he tells you, stepping back to let you step inside.
“okay!” you're hurrying your way up to his bedroom, heart pumping out of your chest in a mixture of excitement, anticipation and nervousness.
one knock. two knocks.
“come in.” a voice calls from within and you recognise it immediately. who else would have that velvety, deep & smooth voice except than him?
the door creaks open and he visibly brightens upon seeing your face. “(name).” he smiles. he's slipping on his leather gloves. “to what do i owe this pleasure?”
“well—” you shift your weight from one foot to the other. “i wanted to ask if.. you wanted to come over to my place and you know, do some baking. or something.”
albert blinks. “you came all the way over here to tell me that? (name)..” he exhales. “you could have just sent a telegram instead of going through all the trouble to get here to invite me.”
“i know.. but,” you clear your throat. but what? did you even have an excuse? “i wanted to spend more time with you.” “i thought- i thought i'd exercise or something. get some fresh air, you know?”
he pauses. “yeah.” he nods. ponders. speaks. “i.. actually have to get to a meeting in about one and a half hour or so.” and he watches your face fall.
“oh.” you can only mutter out. so much for trying to get closer to him, you think. “oh, okay. that's fine, then. always a next time, right?” and you try to laugh — it's almost a piteous sound, you can't seem to hide your disappointment and he sees right through it.
albert runs a hand through his brown hair. “it would be a hassle going back and forth.” he continues. “however..” small smile. “i think i can make some time for a simple cake if we do it here.”
your eyes twinkle and you nod vigorously. “but what of the ingredients?”
“i am sure we have plenty here.”
୨🌷୧ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈
and that was how the two of you ended up like this, with you licking frosting off your fingers, watching albert as he frosts the cake with a sky blue icing. he takes a step back, rubs the sweat off his brow with his arm, looking at the work that the two of you created. it's simple, really; covered in a sky blue, a few small decorations here & there but it's yours. and his.
“well?” he sighs, turning to look at you with an eyebrow raised. he's wearing a dark green apron dusted in flour and so are you. “my hands were trembling, i was afraid i would ruin the cake or mess up the decorations.”
you beam up at him. “it looks great!” and he grins with the most proudest smile you've seen. “although i wish i could've helped more. i was the one with the idea and yet you're the one who did the most work.”
“nonsense.” albert says. his hands are already busy cutting slices for the two of you. “i only did the finishing touches and assisted here and there. you are the one that worked more diligently,” he reaches over and his thumb swipes at your cheek. he pulls his hand back & gestures at the excess flour he gathered from your cheek. “and there is the proof.” he grins.
“that doesn't prove anything, by the way.” are you stuttering? is your face too red? are you doing something out of the ordinary? is your expression too silly? too stupid? is it obvious that you like him?
“haha.” he chuckles. “i'd like to think otherwise.”
is now the right time to confess? it's been long enough, hasn't it? you've known him for four years already — isn't that enough? wouldn't he accept?
“albert?” you inhale, your fingers fiddle with each other in nervousness. you gather your courage, let it simmer under your skin momentarily as you prepare yourself to tell him what you feel about him.
“i've- i've actually always liked—”
moran walks into the kitchen, hands stuffed into the pockets of his pants as he makes his entrance. “hey, it's time for the meeting.” his gaze falls on the cake. “ooh, is this for me?” he says greedily.
albert sighs. “no it isn't, colonel.” he swats the large man's hand away and moran yelps. “ouch!”
“tell the others i'll be there in a minute.” the brown haired man says, taking off his apron. moran shrugs his shoulders and walks away. “ah, right.” the man pauses, turns to look at you and tilts his head. “wasn't there something you were about to tell me, (name)? something about always liking something?”
“what?” you blink. “oh, nono- it's okay.” you shake your head frantically. “i just..” you clear your throat. “i just meant to say that i've always liked your determination to.. change this world of ours and that i've always respected your ideologies, that's all.”
“....” the silence in his pause is defeaning.
albert's lips slowly broaden into a smile. he nods in acknowledgement of your words. “thank you.”
“albert!” the both of you hear moran calling out for the noble. albert's head turns towards the direction of the noise momentarily before returning to yours. “i'll take my leave now. moran seems to be getting his knickers in a twist.” he grins when you giggle. “you should take the cake with you, though.”
albert leaves, but manages to take one more glance at you. his expression has shifted, a little different as he's leaving; strange. almost unreadable. his smile has disappeared — as if he's thinking of something.
does he know? or is he just suspicious? not that him being suspicious of your feelings is any better.
you're left alone in the kitchen. you feel like ripping your hair out in embarrassment. you wanted to do this slowly, taking your time, doing it the right away.
and yet, you panicked. rushed. failed.
“ugh..” you groan at your ruined attempt to tell him how you actually feel about him. “this sucks.”
✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡ . ✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡
CHAPTER THREE — it's been entire weeks since you've properly talked to albert. some days when you talk to him, he pretends not to hear at all, some days he only answers if he really has to and some days he blatantly ignores you. as if you don't even exist.
“i am alright, (name). please don't worry about me.” william smiles up at you. you've finished tending to his wounds and are currently observing him for any more bruises or any signs of distress & ptsd. william willingly let himself be kidnapped for one of their missions.
however, a kidnapping is still a kidnapping, now matter how much it was planned with detailed intricacy. “you should check up on albert, instead. it seems he's gotten a little hurt during my rescue.”
“well..” you gulp down hard. you're reluctant — because he's been keeping his distance from you for the past few weeks. you're not exactly sure why, but you have a hint. he definitely knows, doesn't he?
albert was known among high society to be on friendly terms with both noblemen and noblewomen alike. he was popular, but he was also infamous for suddenly turning distant and reserved towards a particular lady if she confessed of her feelings to him, or the news of someone becoming interested in him romantically came to his knowledge.
of course that was also because he didn't want to hurt anybody. he couldn't afford being in love — knowing how their grand plan would end, anyway.
and you being treated like one of those women made you feel terrible; like you'd been thrown aside.
weren't you special to him? then why did he treat you as such? does he treat other women the same?
“alright.” you tell william reluctantly and he offers you an empathetic smile. he gives your arm a small, encouraging pat and you feel a little comforted.
“i am sure things will go well with the two of you.” nothing was ever hidden from william, was it?
with his encouragement, you make your way to albert who's currently conversing with moran. moran would never, ever in a hundred years or a million years pass down the opportunity to tease albert.
“getting rusty, aren't you?” moran laughs loudly, finding great amusement in this. “this is what happens when you're cooped up in adminstrative work instead of being out there in the field.”
“very funny, colonel.” albert responds gruffly.
both the men notice your presence and moran gives you a loud "yo" as a greeting. albert is much quieter than usual and only gives you a curt “good morning”.
it hurts, you realize. but never mind that — you're here to check up on him, not bring your personal feelings into this. “give me your arm for a second.”
and he does. his head is turned a few degrees away from you and he's busying himself in conversation with moran deliberately. he has a bruise on his cheek, a few scrapes on his arms that broke skin, but that was it. you put down your side bag on the nightstand besides the medical bed and begin to shuffle through the necessary items to treat his wounds.
you pour disinfectant on a piece of cotton and lean in to dab away at the bruise on his cheek. albert flinches sharply, grabs your wrist unconsciously.
what? both of your expressions seem to say exactly that. albert looks up at you with wide, panicked eyes. his grip on your wrist still hasn't loosened and you wince slightly in pain when you try to tug it back.
“oh..” he finally realizes what he's just done and he clears his throat uncomfortably, looking away. he drops your hand and “apologies. i didn't mean to do that.” he murmurs quietly. “give it to me, i'll do it.”
albert snatches the cotton drenched in disinfectant away from you and begins to do it in your stead.
and you can feel your heart aching because even now he's ignoring you. it's been days, no—weeks, since you've had a proper conversation with him.
you feel a lump rise in your throat because he doesn't even sound sincere with his apology. he sounds so halfhearted, like he just wants to get it done with, like talking with you is a chore. he's so distant. so cold.
“albert, can i please talk to you?”
“i'm sorry, (name). i'm a little tired from right now and i'd like to rest.” albert says, volume and octave of his voice a little higher than usual. his tone of voice is brittle, firm, rough — so unlike the gentleness he used to address you with only a few weeks ago.
he's avoiding you.
“it won't take long, so—”
“(name).” his voice is stern, without a hint of warmth.
it's obvious. and it pains so much.
“i can't seem to comprehend why you're bothering me after i outright asked that you let me rest. can i not have that? or did you not hear me, perhaps?”
you feel your heart drop to the pits of your stomach.
albert spoke loudly to make sure everyone would hear him, and that it would seem rude if you were to bother him even after he directly told you he needed rest. all eyes are on you. your head feels heavy. your heart is drumming hard, there's a hollowness in your stomach and a deep, aching pain in your chest.
and you shift anxiously. you can only shift anxiously.
he's put you in an uncomfortable situation. you'd never expected him, of all people, to do that to you.
why was he being so hostile to you?
your fingers wrap tightly around the belt of your side bag. “i- okay..” you say, defeated. “get some rest.”
“yes.” he says, voice tight. “leave.”
your hands are trembling. all the ignored words, avoidant eyes, distance, harsh words from him was getting to you. he was being mean. your vision is blurry — most likely due to the formation of tears. you dare not let them drop right now.
why was he acting like this? what had you ever done to him? was your only sin falling in love with him?
“i should go now.” you pray. you pray hard that your voice didn't sound shaky. you pray that your voice didn't crack. you pray that it didn't sound like you were about to cry. but a tear betrays you, anyway.
you can't look at anybody right now.
everyone is gawking, and you rush out of the room. it doesn't matter anymore — it's too much for you. you run past the hallways, past the door, past fred tending to the plants in the conservatory and out of the manor. you run and you keep running until the moriarty residence is out of sight, until you begin to gasp and breath hard for air, until you collapse onto your knees over rocks and gravel and dirt.
the pain from bruising your knee over a sharp rock only makes matters worse. the cut is deep and you bleed over the blades of grass and over the dirt.
you bleed over his words.
you cry and cry. you cry your heart out.
✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡ . ✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡
CHAPTER FOUR — exactly six months have passed since your falling out with albert. you've given up all dreams of being involved with him romantically. you've been huddled up inside of your house for a few weeks, researching and researching. soon, you'd have enough money to move to london and finally fulfill your dream of opening your quaint little clinic.
you'd forgotten your precious side bag at the moriarty residence but were too hesitant, too embarrassed, too hurt to retrieve it.
william and bonde, especially, have sent numerous letters asking about your health and if you are well — which you haven't answered. not to a single one. one from louis and fred each and one small note from moran bluntly telling you to just forget all about albert and about how much of an asshole he is.
you'd laughed a little at that one — it was short and half of it consisted of profanities but you knew that it was his own way of caring. and it was sweet to know.
no news from albert, or about albert. but you'd decided to leave it all in the past, anyway.
you take a step into the shower.
tonight was very special for you, anyway.
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this is the first time you're going to attend a noble function. you're accompanying a viscount by the name of francis. he's over six feet tall, has warm hazel eyes, curly black hair, wears glasses — a little awkward and stutters in social situations, but you figured that was his charm.
he was your business partner. he'd provide the money to allow you to open your clinic in london and you'd provide your intellect & experience in the medical field. everything was set; tonight was a stage for the two of you to advertise and hopefully, find customers. or donators. both would be a great help.
“s-shall we get some drinks, (name)?” francis holds out his arm to you and you link your arm in with his.
“we shall.” you beam up at him. you're wearing an emerald coloured silk dress that francis bought you which perfectly hugs your body — you look striking.
the two of you get yourself a glass of sparkling wine each and begin to actively engage with other nobles; you in the lead with francis backing you up, subtly pushing the topic of opening your clinic into the conversation. everything seemed to be going good.
“brother, how about we not overindulge in wine tonight?”
that's a familiar voice.
your neck almost whips towards the direction of the voice. albert and william, clad in perfectly fitted tuxedos and crisp white shirts underneath.
“what are you saying, will?” albert laughs. “how can i say 'no' to wine, out of everything else?” that same, handsome face. except there was a type of gauntness to him — a tiredness in his expression.
“(name)!” you flinch sharply. “what?”
“you're zoning out.” francis looks concerned, eyebrows furrowed in worry. he has an arm rested atop your shoulder and he squeezes gently. “are you alright? i've been calling your name for a while now.”
“oh..” you feel queasy but put on a smile regardless. “everything's fine. i was just looking around, y'know?”
francis's hazel eyes narrow.
they slowly lift to see albert; only for him to notice that albert's sharp, green eyes were looking right back — especially at you. he may be awkward, but he wasn't stupid, and he surely wasn't dense enough to not be able to read the room or social situations.
‘‘an ex-lover? a failed love? an one-sided love? which is it?,, francis thinks to himself.
“you know w-what?” he holds his palm out to you, giving you his usual warm smile. “the dance is about to start soon. how about you be my partner?”
you blink in surprise, taken off guard. “huh?”
“we're business partners, a little d-dancing isn't going to hurt either of us, is it?” he tells you softly.
“well..” you contemplate for a long time.
then, the music begins to play.
“my arm is beginning to hurt, (name).” he tells you, gesturing towards his extended hand that he's been holding up for a while now. “may i have this dance?”
you exhale, smile, nod your head and place your hand over his. he brings it up to his lips before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close.
“woah—” you squeal in surprise.
“s-sorry.” francis grins. “too close?”
you shake your head. “no.” you chuckle. “just fine.”
the music is soft and slow. violin, piano, trumpet, etc cetera. a few others have already started waltzing across the large ballroom, swaying in sync to the music. you place your hands on his shoulder.
“i must inform you beforehand,” you tell him, peeking up at francis. “i am not the finest of dancers, i am afraid that i may step on you.”
he laughs. “t-then i seem to have done a good job picking the toughest shoes out of my collection.”
you smile up at him — genuinely, sincerely. it felt good being with francis. but to albert, it sure didn't feel good watching the events unfold before him.
why was he feeling this way watching you two?
there was a strange feeling of unfamiliar irritation and resentment for francis bubbling under his skin; even if he's sure he's never met the man before. there was something about the way francis had his hands placed on your hips that pissed him off.
albert's green eyes narrow and his fingers tighten around his wine glass. suddenly, his finely tailored tux begins to feel constricting. he wants to pull his gaze away, he really does, but his eyes are stuck on you.
does he feel something for you? why is his heart beating so hard in his chest? is it out of anger for the man you're dancing with? or something else entirely?
listening to you laugh as that man twirled you around the grand ballroom makes his jaw tighten.
it annoyed him to a great deal — even if he wasn't aware why. william notices this and places a comforting hand on his older brother's shoulder. “perhaps we should take a tour in the gardens? i am told the greenery is beautiful here.”
albert inhales deeply, lets go of the breath he was holding and nods. “that's a wonderful idea.”
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the moon tonight is pale and it illuminates the gardens with it's iridescent glow. the two brothers have been walking around in the gardens for an hour or so now — it's hard to keep track of time for albert anyway, with how his mind is filled with thoughts.
“(name)!” william calls out, noticing you staggering into the garden. albert's eyes flash open and they follow his gaze. you're swaying side to side, a bottle of wine sloshing around in your hand.
“(name).” albert's voice is hoarse and he practically runs over to you. he scans you down from head to toe, eyebrows scrunched in worry. “what is..all this?”
“hnn—?” you trip on your other foot and almost crash down on your knees until albert catches you by both your arms. you grunt, stabilising yourself on your feet and look up at the man, only to notice that it's albert, of all people. “don't touch me, you prick!”
you slap his hands away. his eyes widen momentarily before he huffs frustratedly. he runs a hand through his silky, brown hair. “where is the man that was accompanying you?”
“i don't—hic!—need to say anything to you!” instantly, the tower of all of the negative emotions that had been building up inside of you suddenly come crashing down. “you think you can act all chummy with me again? news flash, you can't!”
your voice is loud and it's booming over the garden grounds. albert lifts his head from you to see if anyone has heard you. he can only thank the gods above that the music is much louder inside.
“you're drunk.” he states. “how can that imbecile leave you alone when you're in this state?”
“don't call francis that!” you yell at him, words slurry. “he's a million times better than you will ever be.”
“so francis that is fool's name?” he scoffs. “contrary to your belief, that's quite hard to imagine when he's left you like this. what if some man was to—?”
albert isn't sure what's struck him until his ears ring. there's a sharp ache emitting from his cheek, only later realising that you've just slapped him. hard.
“i..” william clears his throat uncomfortably, looking just as surprised. “i shall get a carriage for us.”
albert's quiet for a while before he mumbles: “...yes, that would be ideal. thank you, will.” william gives albert a small nod before making his way out of the gardens and leaving the two of you alone.
“i don't think—hic!—you're in any position to talk.” you retort at him. “you are no better than the rest.” you're glaring daggers up at him. “infact, you are much, much worse! you're the scum of your species. you would rather run away from everything that bothers you than face it like an actual man!”
albert watches you holler and throw profanities at him in utter silence with a grim expression on his face. his face only further darkens when tears begin to build in your eyes and stream down your face.
“i hate you!” you shout up at him. the flow of tears won't stop. they keep falling over and over. you'd been strong for too long, and this was the result.
you keep shouting over and over that you hate him, sides of your fists pounding against his chest as albert just takes it all in — lets you do as you please.
it's only until your shouting has turned to sobs and sniffles that he wraps his arms around you and pulls you in close. “shhh.. shhh...” he cooes to you softly.
“i love you, can't you see that?” you babble up at him and he exhales quietly. “i... can. i do.” he says.
you huff, still quite intoxicated. “and your answer?”
albert ponders, hesitates, but speaks in the end. “i don't have one.” he replies. “i'm not sure how i feel for you.” he pauses. “i'm not sure i do feel for you.”
you stiffen in his embrace. one beat. two beat. three beats. and you detach yourself from him.
“this is wrong,” you mumble. “so very wrong. how can you tell me you don't feel anything for me and that you don't have an answer to give me while you're hugging me? don't you think you're being too heartless?” you wipe away at excess tears with the sleeves of your green dress. you sniffle twice.
“i need to leave.”
you back away, albert catches you by the wrist. “wait a second—” he says, tone of voice panicked.
you turn around. “what?”
“let me drop you off. to make sure you're safe.”
✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡ . ✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡
CHAPTER FIVE — (albert pov!) the heavens are scowling constantly this week and the rains frighten the terrains. the unstable weather is the perfect reflection for albert's current state of mind.
he sighs deeply, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
it's been a week since the function.
a week since you broke down & cried infront of him.
a week since he's seen you —
and almost seven to eight months since he's last heard your laugh.
albert's too much of a coward — he's terrified that you would turn him away if he came to visit. even back then with ending his life and even now, his cowardliness seems to persist throughout his life.
the side bag that you left here months ago sits atop his lap and he fiddles with it's chain idly. this is all that he has of you right now; a worn out leather side bag.
he isn't even sure why he feels the need to keep it close with him but having even a semblance or a fragment of you calms his heart down somehow. there's a gap in his heart and he doesn't know what to fill it with. he doesn't know what piece fits in his chest and that makes him feels numb and empty.
“haa...” he exhales tiredly. when was the last time he actually slept well? he doesn't even remember. everytime he tries to fall asleep, there's a deep uncomfortableness he feels — making him avoid it almost completely. he's tired and sleepy, but this strange anxiousness in him won't let him rest.
“caffeine.” a rough voice speaks. “here, it'll help to stay up.” albert lifts his head to see moran holding out a mug of steaming coffee to him.
“colonel.” he responds hoarsely. “thank you.”
“you'd really prefer to do all kinds of mental gymnastics just to justify your own inaction, huh?”
moran sits opposite to him, dragging a stool under him and plopping down on it comfortably. “so?” the black haired man begins. “what is it?”
“what is what, colonel?” albert exhales. he's too exhausted to deal with anything right now.
“the issue, man.” moran says matter-of-factly. “you're weeping & mopping your ass everywhere around the manor and it's pissing me off. everybody's worried.”
albert looks down at his mug of coffee quietly.
“do you think how i treated (name) was wrong?” he fiddles with the mug holder, gaze locked to it.
“what? psshh—” moran snorts. “so all of this-” he waves his hand around the room. “-is because of a girl?” the large man snickers, slapping his knee.
albert only shoots a glare and moran throws his hands up in the air, shrugging. “yeah, i mean you did treat her like garbage. if you don't like her than just tell her and move on, y'know? you didn't have to do all that ignoring and criticising extra shit.”
“that too, and..” albert leans back in his chair. “i.. what does it mean to feel uncomfortable and strangely irritable if you see a friend of the opposite sex dance with a man?”
“huh?” moran yawns, sipping away at his coffee. “what does it mean? doesn't that just mean you're jealous or something?”
the brown haired man freezes. “jealous..?”
“yeah. jealous. for example, if a girl i'm seeing or interested in is dancing with other men and doing things that only someone intimate would only do is obviously going to annoy the shit out of me. you'd want it to be you in their place, you get me?”
“you'd want it to be you in their place..” he echoes thoughtfully. looks up at moran. “then, would that indicate that i'm in love with that person?”
“well, not exactly love—it could just be infatuation.”
“then what does love feel like?”
“uhh, i guess your palms get sweaty and your heart beats fast and—” moran pauses. “wait, why do i have to be the one teaching you this shit? gross.”
“..” albert ponders to himself. “colonel, i think i'm in-”
moran shudders. “shut the hell up!”
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the day of your departure is nearing. you've packed all your clothes days before. you're nervous, but excited. this is a new chance for you aft life, and you'll gladly take it. you'll miss the people and the memories you've made here but you've decided to make some more. just somewhere else.
four days left.
albert spends most of his time in his office, lost in thought. he still isn't exactly sure what he feels for you is love — but seeing that man; francis or whatever that gibface's name was or even imagining anybody else, for that matter, touching you in that way would irk him greatly.
three days left.
not even alcohol lets him forget you. you're so deeply ingrained into his brain, too entangled with his soul. it's a strange feeling — this desperation to have you.
two days.
he's realized for sure that he loves you. he was always unfamiliar with the idea of love since childhood because it seemed to him that everyone around him were merely estranged with each other due to political reasons or for convenience.
even while growing up, he was always busy having to act as a shield for his younger brothers so that they could focus on themselves and the moriarty plan. he'd absorbed the limelight to himself but was always detached from forming any romantic relationships. 'what use would it do, anyway?' he often thought to himself, knowing the only fate awaiting him and his brothers was death.
but that had changed with your appearance into his life. he was a fool to realize it this late.
one day.
albert recalls it all; his sweaty palms when you treated him, if wasn't because of the room temperature — it was because you touched him.
the time that the two of you were supposedly 'having a marathon' to see who would get to your place first, it wasn't because he was running that his heart was beating out of his chest, it was because the two of you were side by side, elbows brushing and genuinely having a fun time together.
that time how his hands was trembling the time that the two of you were baking a cake, it wasn't because he was afraid of ruining the cake, it was because you were watching. it all made sense.
he had decided — tomorrow he would buy the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find, get to your place, earnestly apologise to you for his behaviour, tell you all about his realisations and properly ask for a chance to let him woo you.
✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡ . ✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡
THE FINAL CHAPTER — “louis, do i look good?”
albert is standing infront of a lifesize mirror, watching louis from the corner of his eye as he enters with a tray of tea and breakfast in hand.
louis puts down the try, albert turns to look at his youngest brother - practically sweatdropping.
“you do, brother.” louis says, tilting his head. “but i'm curious; why are you asking me this?”
albert rubs the back of his neck. “i.. am going to go see (name). and tell her that i love her.” he tells louis & louis's lips broaden into a genuine, sincere smile.
“i am happy for you.” he tells his older brother, stepping forward to fix his cravat. “and i am glad you have finally noticed.”
albert laughs somewhat embarrassedly. “i see you were aware of my feelings even before i was.” he smiles. “does william know?”
“yes, it was obvious.” louis says, stepping back.
“it seems i have gone through all the trials and tribulations of pushing her away for nothing.” albert sighs, grinning nonetheless.
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albert is probably carrying the biggest bouquet he's seen in his life. there are probably over a hundred (fave/colour) roses in this bouquet - but it's worth it.
it will all be worth it.
he rings the doorbell of your place. waits.
ten minutes have passed and yet he still waits.
twenty. thirty.
the door still doesn't open to him.
his arms have begin to ache with carrying the humongous bouquet and he exhales sadly.
“excuse me,” he begins when he sees an elderly woman come out of a house beside your own. “do you know where the owner of this house has gone?”
the elderly woman looks around her, not sure that the nobld was speaking to her. “me?”
“yes.” albert says. “do you know where she's gone?”
the woman ponders for a moment, “ah, right. you mean (name)?” she says when she remembers. “isn't she boarding the train for london today?”
he feels his heart falls to his feet.
“what?” albert asks weakly.
“mm, i'm not sure if i remember this correctly but i remember another noble—francis, i think his name was, coming around here and discussing with the lady about their departure and future plans.”
future plans? departure? him and you? together?
“w-when—” his voice is unsteady, panic written over his face. “when did they leave?”
“uhh..” the old woman looks around for a clock, remembers she has a pocket watch, opens it. “i think.. around thirty five to fourty minutes ago?”
“and the train, when is it supposed to leave?” his words are spoken hurriedly and looks at the elderly woman with wide, anxious eyes.
but the woman, due to her age isn't sure: “i don't know, young man. maybe.. hmm..”
time is ticking away.
“i'm not exactly sure.” the elderly woman ponders thoughtfully. “my grandson..he told me about this..”
“oh, right..!” the woman nods her head enthusiastically upon remembering.
“in i think— around 20 minutes?”
twenty minutes. getting to the station would take fifteen to seventeen minutes by carriage — and that's only possible if there isn't traffic on the road.
albert doesn't even have time to thank the elderly woman; the large bouquet is almost thrown aside as he begins to start sprinting. he's running down the street; looking for any carriage, any, to get to the train station as fast as he can.
he finds one after some searching, practically jumps in. “to the train station, please. and quick!”
the carriage begins to set off, horses trotting down the streets of durham in high speed. the horses run and run until they come to a halt — almost pushing the brown haired noble lunging out of his seat.
nineteen minutes.
“what is going on?” albert exclaims frustratedly, to which the carriage driver answers — “traffic. it seems there's been an accident.”
he huffs, looks down at his pocket watch.
eighteen minutes.
fuck it.
he takes out a small bag of coins from his pocket, passes it to the carriage driver and jumps off his seat.
“sir?” the carriage driver's eyes widen, alarmed.
“i'm getting off. keep the change.” he says to the driver before disappearing into the crowd.
seventeen minutes.
he pushes past people, rushing and scampering past the large huddle of people, exclaiming ‘excuse me’s, ‘sorry’s and ‘passing through’s as he gets through the crowd.
soon, he makes it past the site of accident and all the people swarming that place. he's never ran so fast in his life — he's getting out of breath.
sixteen minutes.
“haa.. haa..” albert's panting, breathing in irregular, hard inhales and breathing out in short exhales.
fifteen minutes.
his legs are hurting.
fourteen minutes.
he's sweating.
thirteen minutes.
his heart feels like it's going to fall out of his chest or just stop instantly. it's pumping, hard.
twelve minutes.
he doesn't know if it's due to the fear of never seeing you again or due to the constant, fast running but his legs begin to feel wobbly.
eleven minutes.
his knees are about to give up. he's sorry, so sorry.
ten minutes.
he can't give up — not now.
‘if there's really a god,’ he prays. ‘then at least let me make it on time.’
nine minutes.
he's grunting to keep on going forward. his ironed, white shirt is practically drenched in sweat now.
eight minutes, seven minutes, six minutes, five...
albert's neck is turning and twisting in all directions, trying to find your familiar face. he looks behind him, only sees a father holding up his child, he looks to his rest, only sees a couple holding hands, he looks to his right, only sees an elderly man feeding his grandson.
and then he looks in front of him. you. ten feet away.
“(name)..” he's panting, huffing, exhaling and inhaling all at once. “(name)!” he staggers forward to you.
you freeze in place.
this familiar voice, you've heard it before. “who—?” you turn around and your eyes widen in shock.
four minutes.
“i'm sorry.” he says, voice shaky. “i'm so, so sorry for everything. i should have never pushed you away — it was wrong of me. all those words, i should have never said them to you. i should have faced a lot of things properly, i should have faced you properly.”
“albert, what are you talking abou-”
“i love you.” his voice breaks, disperses at the end. “that is my answer; i love you too. i have loved you since i first laid my eyes on you, (name). and i'm sorry it took me so long to realize this, to say this.”
you watch him in stunned silence.
he's sweating — he looks haggard, his hair is messed up due to the wind, his shirt has become creased due to the constant running. he's exhausted; but he doesn't stop talking. he needs you to hear him out.
three minutes.
“yell at me, hit me, be angry at me for as long as you want to.” albert says. he takes out something from his pocket; your side bag, you realize. he holds it out to you. “i love everything about you, all your habits, your way of talking, thinking, the rise and fall of your laughter, this- this silly side bag of yours. i love it all.”
is this really happening?
“choose me, (name).” he pleads. “it doesn't matter if i have to spend the rest of my life being scorned by you, if it'll make up for even a fraction of—”
albert's eyes widen and he almost falls backwards. this warm sensation against his lips —
two minutes.
“mmhh..” he hums in surprise, feeling your soft lips against his own. his hands, big and warm situate themselves on your hips and he leans down to kiss you better, kiss you deeper. the two of you are almost running out of breath but neither of you want to pull back; this desperation, this passion is all too consuming for either of you to run away from.
when you pull back, the man almost whines for more. his forehead rests atop yours, eyes closed. “i.. don't know what you've heard,” your voice is hoarse, soft. “but francis is just my business partner.”
his emerald eyes open to meet your (e/c) ones and he breathes a deep, deep sigh of relief. “i see.” he says. “but why are you leaving so suddenly, then?”
“it's not sudden. remember the clinic i wanted to open in london? he'll offer the money to help me run it in exchange for my skills.”
albert groans. “if it was money you needed, i could have given it to you for free. i'll give you everything of mine to you without asking for a cost.”
“no,” you shake your head. “i couldn't do that. plus, the contract and all the necessary arrangements have already been made.”
one minute.
“passengers please board the train.”
you pull away from him. “will you wait for me until i return?” you begin to pull up your luggage but albert takes it from your hands and does it in your stead.
he nods. the two of you walk side by side over the cobbled floor and he helps you get onto the train, puts away your luggage and looks up at you from his position on the platform. “even if you ask me not to.”
“good.” you smile down at him, genuinely. you lean in to place a kiss on cheek and his emerald green eyes unconsciously flutter when you're close to him.
the train begins to move and albert takes a step back. “until next time, (name).” he smiles warmly at you - albeit there's a tinge of sadness on his face upon seeing you go. “i'll write you letters.” he pauses - adds in desperately, just in case: “i love you.”
“i love you too.” you grin. “and if we meet again,” you tell him, having to speak a little more loudly since the train is travelling away from the station. from him.
“don't be a stranger to me.”
the end.
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Precious {William James Moriarty}
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A/n: I'm so sorry I took so long to write this but I had trouble with like inspiration and shit so there you go I hope you like it @ashllleyyy
Pairings: William x f!reader
Warnings: description of wounds but as far as I am concerned other than that it's good
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Majestic. Those were the words William chose in order to describe the performance he and his brothers just watched at Drury Lane.
Louis, as odd as it sounds, had came across an article at the newspaper and he was thrilled to say the least. That was how he decided to buy tickets to The Phantom of the Opera for him and his two beloved brothers. Even though Albert had been a bit reluctant to agree due to all the work he had, he eventually said yes. Surprisingly enough, William had accepted the proposal almost if not immediately.
So there they were, leaving the Drury Lane building after the performance had ended. The ending scene was still playing in William's head as they were walking down the stairs.
Usually, like all nobles, they would have a carriage waiting for them outside the building but William had insisted they walked back to the house they were staying at in London. He hadn't given an explanation but Louis knew, better than anyone, that his brother wanted nothing more than to gaze the night sky.
As they turned left and entered a narrow alleyway, the three brothers stopped walking. It was Albert who had first heard the muffled cries and groans coming from somewhere near them and it was Louis that first noticed it.
You, the star of the play, laying barely unconscious on the street. Other than the name of the character you played, Catherine Daaé, your real name was a mystery to them but no matter the case, they rushed towards you. It didn't take long to understand that you were badly injured, with a stab wound on your stomach and since no one was around to do anything besides them, the three men carried you with them to their house.
Without waking up the other residents of the estate, Louis, Albert and William carried you to the guest room at the end of the hallway. Louis took it upon himself to take care of you and your wounds since calling a doctor this late at night would have led to many disastrous results. Thankfully your wound wasn't deep and only required a couple of stitches.
Judging by how tired you were last night and the fact that you were wounded, Louis was surprised to see that you were awake when he entered your room the next morning. He was carrying a tray with tea and some biscuits he had made himself and was planning on waking you up but the last part of the plan had already been covered.
“Good morning.” He gave you a kind smile which you did not return.
The expression on your face gave everything away: you were frightened and rightfully so. You were in a stranger's house, wounded.
Louis chose to remain quiet and after setting the tray in front of you, he left and went straight to his brother's office. Maybe William could handle it better. But William was a bit busy at the moment so the next option was Albert who gladly accepted.
“Thank you.” You mumbled as soon as Albert was done explaining the timeline of events.
“Since our side of the story is covered, I think it would be fair if you also told us what happened. It's not everyday we find an opera star unconscious after her performance.” Albert took a sip of his tea.
“Well as you could clearly tell, I was stabbed. I didn't see who did it and I certainly don't know why but it happened.” You replied, fondling the hem of the white satin bedsheets.
“I see.” William entered the room and after introducing himself to you he took upon the questioning since Albert had received an emergency letter from Mycroft. “Do you think it is possible for one of your fans to have done such a thing?”
“No.” You said after a few moments of careful thinking. “There had been some sort of an argument when the casting for the play was taking place.” You continued a bit taken aback by how carefully William was listening to what you were saying.
“A jealous cast member?”
“More like a furious partner. You see, a fellow cast member of mine wanted to play Christine since her fiancé was set to play Erik, the phantom.” You paused to catch your breath. “He became enraged when I got the part. It wouldn't surprise me if he was the one.”
“Hmm.” William's hand moved to his chin and his red eyes focused on the floor. “I'll look into it if that's okay.” You nodded your head almost immediately. “I would advise you stayed here until your wound is healed.”
“Oh no I couldn't-”
“I insist, it's the least we can do for the excellent performance you gave us last night.”
To be completely honest with you, William could have found a better excuse to make you stay and he knew it. But he couldn't help it, as cliché as it sounds he was amazed by your beauty and of course your voice. And during your one week stay in the Moriarty manor he got to hear you sing.
When you finally left he found himself missing you.
Oh yes, you.
He missed everything, you singing to train your voice, the long walks you would take together at the garden Fred was oh so beautifully taking care of, the late night conversations you both had about different theatre plays with you tucked in your bed and him sitting at the edge of it, teacup in hand. He missed all of it.
So when you left he found himself buying books about Shakespeare and in a matter of days he had read most of his plays. But it was pointless. You weren't around to discuss them with him. And oh did he long for those late night conversations, he wanted to tell you everything about what he had read, from Romeo and Juliet to Macbeth.
And so two weeks passed. As far as William was aware, you busied yourself with a new play and he had his plan on taking down the nobles to set in motion, besides his job as a professor.
He didn't know how much he longed for love until he met you and he hated himself for it. He hated it because he had already planned everything out, he knew how the whole thing, his whole plan, was going to end and for the first time, that was the night you left, he found himself almost backing out. However, he immediately returned to his senses and continued working.
“Brother...” Louis opened the door to William's office. “You have a visitor.”
The youngest Moriarty brother could barely hide his smile and it was only natural. During your stay in the manor you had been of great company to him as well.
“Let them in please.” William set his pen down and waited patiently.
The moment you walked in, he almost threw his chair back and ran towards you. But he kept his cool and actually stood up quite calmly and reached out his hand for you to shake.
“How is the play going?” He offered you his seat as he sat down at the chair meant for guests in front of his desk.
“Wonderful.” You giggled. “We're putting Romeo and Juliet up.”
His heart clenched a bit at the sound of that. You were beautiful and talented enough to play Juliet but this somehow...he almost reminded him of you and him, how he was going to die wether you ended up as a couple or not.
“William...” His attention shifted back to you and you swore you saw stars in his eyes the moment his name left your lips. “I have grown quite fond of you.”
He was taken aback. Of course he knew you weren't shy, for god's sake you were an opera singer, but had you always been this straightforward? He didn't know but he liked it.
“So if the feeling is mutual-”
“It certainly is my dear.” He chuckled and reached out for your hand. “It certainly is.”
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no1frogfan · 10 months
For love of the game
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Takigawa Chris Yuu x gn reader
Word count: ~800
Tags & warnings: very vaguely suggestive language? (there are some good names in baseball), baseball lmao
Note: Been feeling unmotivated to write, so I decided to tap into my love of Chris and of irl baseball to do some dialogue practice. Thank u to the daiya server for motivating me and to @paleokarst for talking over the ending :*
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“What’s that?” You give Chris a quizzical look as he steps through the front door carrying a large plastic storage box in his arms.
“Hello to you too.”
You pad over to give him the usual greeting kiss. “Yeah, yeah, welcome home or whatever. Now tell me what this is.”
“My parents found it while cleaning out their basement and I thought you might want to look through it together.” He sets it down in front of the couch. Reaching inside, he pulls out one of many smaller cardboard boxes and opens it to reveal a neatly-packed row of cards. “They’re my old baseball cards.”
“Seriously?” The box is in your hands in an instant and you immediately begin rifling through its contents.
There's a few minutes of focused silence until, “OH MY GOD,” you exclaim, brandishing a card at him. “This can’t be his real name. Dick Pole?! Dick. Pole.”
“Sadly, it is,” Chris chuckles before holding out a card of his own. “Here, I found one for you.”
“NO. His name is not Rusty Kuntz?!”
He snorts. “Actually, it’s pronounced KOON-tz.”
You erupt in cackles. “I mean…if my name were Rusty Kuntz, I would also insist that it’s pronounced KOON-tz.”
“What else do we have here— hello, what’s this?”
Glancing over, he sees you reach for a small leather binder. “Oh that’s where I kept my special cards.”
“Your special cards?” You tease, “god little Chris was such a little nerd.”
He rolls his eyes, pulling you closer to give you a peck on the head. “Well you’re the one dating me so what’s that say about you?”
“That apparently I like nerds,” and pointing to one of the cards, you urge, “now come on nerd, tell me what’s so special about this guy.”
“Ah, that’s Bob Gibson. He’s a Hall of Famer, probably the best right-handed pitcher in St. Louis history. He was good at fielding too, which is rare for a pitcher. He worked hard and led the team to two World Series wins.”
You flip through a few more pages. “Wow you have a lot of this Iván Rodríguez guy too.”
“Well, he was my favorite player growing up and maybe the best catcher of all time.”
“What makes him the best?”
“He’s a solid hitter and his defensive play is exceptional. He’s got unparalleled game sense and a great strategic mind. Um, he’s caught for some of the best pitchers of the era and he caught nine no-hitters. The only way you can have a no-hitter is if the battery works perfectly, so that means he was able to bring out the best in a lot of different pitchers. Plus, he was always fun to watch.”
“Is he why you became a catcher?”
“You know…” Chris contemplates for a moment, “that’s honestly never occurred to me. My dad was obviously the reason I started, but I played a lot of different positions before deciding on catcher. Dad was the one who suggested I try it — he thought I had a good understanding of the game — but you might be right, maybe I stuck with it because I wanted to be like Iván.”
You hum in response. “Makes sense. The way you described him…he clearly has a lot of qualities that you value as a player.”
It’s long past dinner time when the two of you finally tire of strolling down memory lane and begin to tidy up the mess of cards now littered across the couch cushions and coffee table.
“What are you gonna do with all of these?”
“Well right now I’m going to put them away. Then I’ll probably give some away and throw away the rest.”
“You’re not keeping any?”
“Nah. It’s not like they’re worth anything.”
“Well in that case, I’m gonna keep these.” You swipe the leather binder from the box before he carries the rest off into the storage closet down the hall.
“What do you think?” You gesture toward the refrigerator when Chris returns.
Some of the precious real estate on the fridge door has been tidied up, and a cleaned-up Rangers magnet now holds his signed Iván Rodríguez card front and center, nestled between memories. To its left is a picture of him with his parents and Coach Kataoka after his first game with Seidou. Below it is another picture of him and the coach, this time graduating from Seidou alongside the rest of his teammates. To its right is a picture of the two of you at his MLB debut game, your smile toothy and gleeful as you hold up the ball from his first major league hit.
A lump forms in his throat.
It’s just a baseball card, one fleeting snapshot in the collage of moments that make him, the values that shape him, and the people that support him.
It's just a baseball card, but he can barely get the words out. “It’s perfect.”
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luvly-writer · 1 year
“You are my sunshine”
Part 36: Thanks indeed
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Status: Finished
Warning: None
Author’s note: Part two of thanksgiving! WHOOP WHOOP.
Taglist: @lorosette @nanas-teatime @izukuisbaby @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife @graywrites5567 @addictedtothefictionalworld @halleest @randobeetlehouse @prettyacademia00 @tamimemo @jasontodd-artemisgrace4life @mxtokko
Series Masterlist:
All eyes turn to you once you are both down and you hide behind Jason, blushing because of all the attention. Jason smiles and moves out of the way to present you. He takes your hand and pulls you towards Diana, who you were looking at in pure awe. “Aunt Diana, this is YN, my soulmate. She is a big fan of yours.” He presents you sweetly, placing you in front of her and your cheeks grow hot. “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Wonder Wo- I mean, miss Diana!” You say making her laugh. You want to die of embarrassment. “Well it is true what they have been saying, you truly are blessed with beauty! The pleasure is all mine, child. Do tell me, are you sure you are not a lost child of Themyscira? Artemis was right in saying that you look the part.” She responds making you giggle and shake your head with a smile as an answer to her question. Diana smiles at you and waves as Jason pulls you away. You wave back and excitedly whisper to Jason, “omg! Jason! Did you hear that! She complimented me!” Making Jason laugh. “Rightfully so, love, now” he pulled you in for the of a red head boy and Artemis, “to formally introduce you,this is Artemis and Roy, part of the team of the Outlaws and my best friends” he says and Artemis laughs and smiles whilst Roy nods with a smirk. “Good to finally, ACTUALLY meet you, gorgeous” said Artemis with a wink making Jason scowl and mutter “behave” at her, causing both of you laugh. Roy takes your hand and shakes it, “Good to finally meet the one that finally cuffed this dumbass, good luck dealing with him” he says making you smile and nudge Jason, who rolled his eyes at his best friends and says, “ok ok, we do not need to scare her away”. The four of you laugh and engage in small conversation as Jason brings you closer to a hug. Before you can get too comfortable in his embrace, Bruce calls you over and Damian takes your hand and pulls you away. He brings you close towards the Kent’s, who are all standing there waiting for you to arrive. Once you get there, Bruce begins to speak, “Ah yes, this is YN, the newest addition to the family” and you can’t help but smile at the fact that they already introduce you as family. “YN, this is Clark Kent, his wife, Louis Lane, his kids, Conner and Jon, and his cousin, Kara.” You smile at all of them and wave, you fail to see Kara narrow her eyes at you. “It is a pleasure to meet you all” you politely respond and Lois brings you in for a hug. You hear Clark ask Bruce, “you adopted another one?!?!” And once Lois lets go, you see Bruce answer, “nah, this one is Jason’s girlfriend, not adopted” Clark smiles and teases Bruce by saying, “you do have a problem with that” to which Bruce retaliates with a huff, rolled eyes and a pouted lip, “I do NOT”. You laugh at the exchange and turn to look at the others. Conner extends his hand and introduces himself. Kara keeps on glaring daggers at you so instead, you look down at Jon and smile. Damian had stepped back throughout the whole exchange but now, he returned to your side and was looking at Jon, puffing his chest with pride. “Kent, this is YN, my new older sister.” He says with a smirk and Jon stared at you with awe. “Hi! My names Jonathan but you can call me Jon, I am Damian’s best friend” he says with a wide smile and you coo at the sight. Damian rolls his eyes and responds, “we aren’t best friends, Kent. Just close allies”. Jon laughs and replies, “that’s just a synonym for friend Damian” with a sing song tone and just before Damian can answer, Alfred interrupts and tells everyone that dinner is ready. You turn to find Jason and once you see him, you go towards him, hug his arm and smile at him. He smiles back and you hear Roy throw a comment about how Jason is whipped to with he shoot a middle finger towards Roy making you giggle.
Once you are all settled at the table, you stay quiet and observe everyone as the chatter stars again. Bruce is at the head of the table. To his left is Clack, Louis, Kara, Conner, Tim, Steph, Duke, and Cass. To his right is Diana, Artemis, Roy, Jason, you, Dick, Damian, and Jon. Finally, after placing all of the food at the end of the table, Alfred sits at the other end of the table. You all thank Alfred and begin to eat. It feels a little weird because you are used to doing a prayer before eating whenever you are back home, so you do a little prayer in your head and dig in. As you eat, you notice Kara continuously making eyes at Jason and glaring at you which confuses you so you tap Jason’s shoulder and lean in to ask him but before you get the chance to, Lois interrupts. “So, YN, I hear you are an architect.” You smile and nod, you love your job and you never mind talking about it. “Yeah, I am.” You answer and it is now Clark’s turn to ask, “Any of your works we might know?”. You think a little and then answer him, “Actually, yeah. Even though I work mainly in Gotham, Start city and Central City, there have been a few times I’ve worked at Metropolis. Do you know the New Stars Theater at 57th Shine Street?” everyone from Metropolis nods, all intrigued now that you were talking about their city. “Well yeah, that’s my design. The new owner of the theater district is an old friend of mine so she asked for my help when it got renovated and I delivered.” She finished explaining with a bashful smile. Clark and Louis were elated, that was one of their favorite placed to go with Jon and Conner on weekends, who would have known. Jon, who was beaming couldn’t help but say, “that is sooooo cool!” Making you laugh. Before you could respond, Kara decided to voice her thoughts, “That old thing was designed by you? No wonder it’s falling apart”. You are taken aback because it was a recent renovation. How could it be falling apart? You furrow your brows deep in though and Jon comes to your rescue, “No it isn’t! It looks great miss YN, don’t listen to her” to which Louis smiles and agrees, “yes, it is functioning amazing, maybe Kara was thinking of another theater.” And you ease up at that. Damian was frowning at Kara. He never truly liked her cause he found her obnoxious and now even worst cause she tried to offend your honor. So as a result, Damian decided to brag about your talents as to shut her up and said, “YN is the lead architect for Gotham’s new animal sanctuary, she has quite the talent for design. I’d know, she constantly takes me with her to visit” and looks directly at Kara. You smile bashfully at everyone, a little embarrassed at all of the attention. This is when Diana decides to chime in, “An animal sanctuary? Isn’t that just marvelous! Is it open?” You clear your throat and take a sip of water. “Not yet, we still are creating a few habitats. It is a really large space. So it’s still a work in progress, but hey! I’ll tell you when it will open.” You smile at her and Diana claps elated, saying she will take her for that offer. Conversation and laughter picks up again, but it is not long before Kara speaks up again and interrupts the nice vibe created, “So Jason, looking mighty good” At that, Conner rolls his eyes, Tim, Dick and Duke grimace. “Not again” whispered Steph. Jon facepalmed, Damian gave her a side eye and Cass let out a deep sigh. “Has me wondering, is this” she gestures to the two of you “legit orrrrrr…?” She carried on looking at him. Jason tensed up and cleared his throat. He looked around at everyone else. Everyone was waiting for his reaction, except for Alfred, who had changed chairs with Artemis, and the rest of the “adults”. They were all engaged in a conversation, already used to dinners filled with chaos, so they ignored them. Roy tried to hide his laugh in a cough and Artemis glared at him. “It’s pretty legit” answered Jason, and Kara let out a loud laugh.
“Please! Is this another ploy to make me believe you’re not single again? Babyyyy, that isn’t going to work this time” she said finishing with a sing song tone. To that you let out a laugh and she turns to look at you, “what’s so funny?” She asks, eyes narrowed and you answer, “hun, if someone has to create a false relationship in order to avoid you, Iiiiiiii don’t think they are the problem”. Roy let a soft chuckle, still trying to contain himself and Artemis gave you an approving look. Kara rolled her eyes and turned back to Jason, “When are you giving up baby? Like come on, you can’t avoid it, it’s in plain sight, we should be tog-“ Aaaaand you were now you were laughing incredulously. “Oh, Jason hasn’t told you it seems?” You interrupt. “Tell me what?” She asks with hostility, tired of you interrupting. “I’m his soulmate” you say smiling at her, smug look on your eyes. Kara’s jaw drops. Steph and Dick are looking excitedly at the situation, drinking the drama up. Cass smiles at her food, Conner nudges Tim to confirm and Tim nods. Jon is awestruck, and Damian is smirking at Kara (he truly found her annoying). Artemis raises her glass and tips it at you, smiling and Roy is looking at Jason with wide eyes. Kara scoffs and looks at Jason, who nods in confirmation and gets up, causing everyone to look at her. “I um I- if you excuse me, I’m going to the bathroom” she says with a tight smile and leaves. Roy, Conner and Dick bust out laughing, Tim looks up and says “it’s oveeeeer”, Damian is looking proudly at YN because she won (this boy loves to make everything a competition, excuse him), Steph starts to text Barbara on what she has missed and Duke and Cass keep on eating with small smiles. At the beginning, it was funny; seeing Jason struggle with letting her down softly and squirming but uncomfortably, but over time everyone grew TIRED of it. Sometimes she would make innuendos that made the rest gag and other times it was downright pitiful. They were glad you were here this time, and that you would stick around. Kara came back after a while and dinner finished shortly.
Stephanie, Tim, Cass, and Duke went back to the living room that had the consoles set and handed out the controls to Dick, Jason, Conner, Damian, and Jon. Kara seemed to not be in the mood for playing so she settled in one of the farther sofas, looking bored. You excused yourself in order to call you mom. You had promised that you would call her by FaceTime and see all of you family so that you spent a little bit of the holiday with them. You settled for one of the balconies of the Manor that had a sitting area. There, your family passed the phone around smiling at you, saying they missed you and that they can’t wait to see you on Christmas. You hadn’t mentioned that you were bringing Jason because you wanted it to be a surprise. You call Jason to come quickly and sort of introduce him to your family virtually. You cousins and tias absolutely ADORED him saying that you should bring him next time you visit. Jason looked at you confused and you placed you finger to your mouth, motioning to keep quiet and you winked. He caught on quickly that they didn’t know yet and he laughs. He hears his siblings call for him and kisses your head, saying goodbye to your family. You stay a little while more, just listening to your family and then hang up, promising your mom you’d text her when you got home. You stand up and lean on the rails. You will never get used to the view of the Wayne Gardens. you look over to the place where Alfred’s gazebo is getting built. Keeping him away from it has been a CHALLENGE and you giggle at the thought. You hear some steps behind you and turn around expecting to see Jason, only to find Kara. You tense up and turn back around. She stops next to you and turns to look at you without saying anything. You turn and smile at her politely, not knowing what else to do. “You truly do have the beauty of an amazon…” she says softly and you look down, muttering a soft thanks. She is still staring at you, almost as if she is trying to figure you out. “Definitely pretty, I mean pretty enough to get Wonder Woman to compliment you, smart, talented, and charming. Vigilante?” You shake your head, looking at her genuinely confused and curious, “no? Hmm, you look the part, wouldn’t have guessed” she says and you answer with, “I go to the gym, helps with anxiety” and she nods. She takes a deep breathe “you know, I have been chasing him for a few years now and not once has he looked at me the way he does to you. Lucky girl. Take care of him or else” she finishes with an obvious underlying threat there and frankly you got fed up. “Or else what, Kara? I am his soulmate and nothing is changing that, I would never hurt him and if you ever dare or even think of hurting me, this family, more specifically, Jason will have your ass so don’t make try to make threats that will not end good on your behalf.” You say looking at her dead in the eye. She steps back and says “and fierce, no wonder he loves you”. You both stare at each other, you looking at her directly in the eyes and her trying to avoid your eyes, until you hear some footsteps. You turn to see Jason come with two glasses and stops when he sees the two of you. Kara excuses herself and leaves, and Jason takes her place. “How long where you there?” You ask, suddenly embarrassed. “Long enough to hear you getting threatened and then you threatening her back. Honestly, I have absolutely no idea how you do it but you manage to win a stare down with Batman and a super. You sure you aren’t a wonder? We can check DNA” he jokes as he hands you the wine glass. You laugh and respond, “even if I do come from an island, mine is tropical and in the Caribbean. So sorry to disappoint, tienes tus islas mezcladas” you joke back and he laughs. Jason tugs you to one of the chairs and pulls you to his lap. You stay there in a comfortable silence, cuddling in the cool November breeze until you decide to break the silence. You sit up, still in his lap and look at him, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something…”
Jason looks up at you and smiles, caressing your arm, “No, Kara and I never dated. She has always had a crush on me, even back when I was Robin, but as she grew older, weeeeell she got bolder and well it grew even more annoying. You could tell by the reactions of the others. I normally ignore her and all, knowing it’s just a superficial crush, nothing deep. Even if it’s a little unnerving at times” he says and you laugh shaking your head. “It wasn’t about that” you say and Jason looks at you curiously, “then about what, preciosa? don’t tell me Roy scared you away with all of the stories, I am so sorry, I told him to behave but he listens with his ass so” he says and you laugh even louder. “Noooo, not about that, although now that you mention it, you should prepare yourself for all of the stories my family will have about me. There we will be even” you say and Jason smiles fondly, he was excited to go to your home and meet everyone. “I was wonderiiiing” you continue and he gives you his entire attention, “Since you practically live there already, iiiiiiif you’d like to move in with me?” You ask and Jason stays silent for a moment. You are nervous with his reaction. Was it too soon? Would this become a fight? What if- “I’d love to, mi amor.” He smiles brightly at you, takes both of you drinks, placing them at the table, and pulls you for a tight hug. “Love, I thought you’d never ask!” He says and you giggle.
You both decide to spend a few more moments together, cuddling and enjoying each other’s presence before Dick barges in, killing the mood. “As much as I hate to interrupt, we are going to play monopoly, just dance, charades, and clue aaand also restarting the Mario kart tournament so Bruce was wondering if you guys were coming?” You nod excitedly and the three of you headed back to where everyone else was. The rest of the night was filled it’s laughter, fun, and a lot of family time. You could get use to this.
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Hi! I have some ideas I can't decide to write next after I finish the recent request so tell me aht you think of them!
Scratched out = already done and in masterlists
You don't have to request one of these, you have a request that you wanna ask for request it!
Also if you want maybe #2 with Arcane characters but I made it with twdg characters if you request it I will gladly write it with arcane characters
Maybe if on a request you want Vi and Clem or Cait and Jinx but I wrote Ekko and Vi or Marlon and Louis if you request the same one but with other characters I will still make it!
Just request it and I will get to it!
Okay, now Ideas:
1. Reader who was powder's bestfriend and after ep 3 became a firelight, during a fight with jinx is recognized as her mask is knocked off when punched and Jinx takes her
2. Arcane character's with a intimidating, tall reader with tattoos who seems cold until they get to know them.
3. Mylo's twin sister
4. Adventures in the lanes with the younger gang before ep 1
5. Arcane & TWDG characters with a cold reader untik reader is shown love and clings to them
6. Reader with tattoos, piercings, muscles and all around badass
7. Reader who is from Piltover and loves giving gifts
8. Soulmate au for Arcane where reader is the complete opposite of them
9. Meeting your Arcane or TWDG soulmate aburplty
10. Jinx x reader on the bridge fight instead of her and ekko and is a firelight who was her bestfriend/childhood crush, jinx wakes up somehow and sees reader and begs silco to take them to Singed, reader is injected with Shimmer and wakes up, realizes and she and jinx argue with Jinx trying to convince her its okay and you can now be together
11. Twdg or arcane character doing something random and reader just comes up and falls asleep on them
12. Reader who was traded with the Delta with the twins and reuniting with your twdg s/o of your pick
13. Messing with Arcane or TWDG characters hair
14. Bothering your Arcane or TWDG S/o
15. Throwing your TWDG s/o over your shoulder in an argument and they're shocked at your strength because you don't look very strong
16. Forcing your TWDG s/o to hangout with you in the rain
17. Throwing your TWDG S/o over your shoulder in an argument
18. Arcane characters dying your hair at 3 am
19. Giving twdg characters or arcane characters a tattoo while they give you one
20. Stealing their shit
21. Characters of either twdg or arcane with a reader whos very blunt without meaning to be
22. Reader who bites to show their love
23. Reader cooking but cant cook for their life
24. Reader who takes a bit of time to understand stuff, generally just struggles a bit and the character finds it amusing
25. Finding puppies or kittens and surprising your Arcane, TWDG or The Last Of Us S/o with them
26. Sacrificing yourself on the bridge and stopping Minnie (maybe tackling her) causing both of you to be eaten by walkers as your s/o watches
27. Marlon's sister finding out abt the twins the same night he killed Brody and stopping him from hurting Clem, only for AJ to shoot him and him fall into her
28. Jinx bothering you by messing with your stuff, messing with you and hiding your things but you love it and at one point she is energetic and maybe sitting on ur lap as you listen to her rambling
29. Being Powder/Jinx's twin, also a firelight with ekko after he found you after ep 3 and reuniting with Vi at the hideout and on the bridge saving Jinx, bringing her back to the hideout
30. Powder's older brother and her and him reuniting as he is with Vi in ep 6
31. Reader who is like a mother to Powder seeing her again as Jinx and seeing Vi once again
32. Arcane characters x reader who is either a model, actor or a singer
33. Reader reuniting with twdg characters because they used to be at the school before or it all and were close to everyone there, the characters requested had a crush on reader and so relieved their alive
34. Ekko having your face painted on the wall as you had been childhood friends with crushes until he finds you once again, with Vi as you both had been thrown in Stillwater, even if you were only 17
35. Yandere headcannons maybe for arcane? Thought'd it would be fun
36. Reader for twdg characters who has 3 large pitbulls, dobermans or german shepherds...or one of each!
37. Arcane characters with reader who is a rich piltover citizen with a family name and likes giving gifts!
38. Doing Ekko's face paint in the morning
39. Babysitting Scar's daughter with Ekko as it goes horribly wrong
40. Ekko flying past a piltover apartment and stopping as he sees reader focused on something lookin' all pretty and seeing her in the undercity and yk...snatches her-
41. Going to a carnival with arcane characters or an amusement part
42. Arcane or twdg characters seeing their s/o with a child and falling more in love
43.Reader screaming out of nowhere and jumping on their s/o's back bc of a spider
44. Sneaking around Piltover with your s/o or the gang before ep 1
45. You and Jinx are stuck in a room on fire and with no way out you both hug as the flames consume you, dancing as you both hold each other
46. An alternate ending/beginning where Caitlyn caught the gang and you robbing Jayce, she doesnt say anything but ventures down to the Undercity and finds you guys
47. Moments with Vi either Arcane or TWDG that lead up to them knowing they loved you
48. TWDG Louis with moments leading up to him knowing he loved you
49. TWDG Clem with moments leading up to her knowing she loved you
50. Moments with Jinx leading up to her knowing she loved you
51. Sitting with Cat at the party in tlou while she smokes watching Dina and Ellie sadly and you comfort her
52. Graysons daughter x Vi
53. Sevika x reader, reader had a bad experience with love once and became a brothel worker and swore off love. But Sevika is her main client, coming to the brothel often and eventually gaining some feelings for Reader but Reader doesn't know what to do
54. Painting Powder's face on the wall, knowing Jinx is alive while a firelight asks you if you would go back in time and swap places with her
56. Silco's daughter, you x Jinx
57. Instead of Jinx shooting Silco, she shoots you. Silco's daughter who is her girlfriend, she thought she couldn't trust you anymore because of the actions of your father
58. Jinx shooting her brother at the tea party, her twin brother
59. Sally face x reader, Reader is a ghost in the Addison apartments who Larry and Sally find
60. Silos wife/Jinx and Powders mom at the tea party was shot by her instead of Silco, Jinx says sorry and Reader says goodbye. Jinx can't handle it, Vi just wants to leave with her sister but Jinx refuses to leave her mother
61. Being Jinx's childhood friend, also a firelight who she hurt before, meeting her where it all happened at the old cannery. She’s sorry but you have to say goodbye to Powder
62. Being a firelight leader and helping the kids braid Jinxs hair
63. Swooping in to save Jinx who is cornered by enforcers
64. Teaching Jinx how to ride a hoverboard
65. Taking in Ren (Marcus' daughter) with Jinx
66. A Vi x Reader, featuring Aunt Jinx and your daughter Violet
67. Reader with rough hands. (Cracks in them, sorta dry and some eczema, I have it lol)
68. Reader who picks at their skin. (Around their face, making them bleed sorta. And picking at scabs generally.)
69. Placing their hand on your thigh, how often, do they even do it and why?
70. Staying up all night with the gang when everything was okay in the Undercity
71. Ekko taking you on a hoverboard ride at 3 am
72. Modern AU, being scare actors with the Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko, Mylo and Claggor
73. Being a protective, sibling like friendship with Tenn, AJ and Willy and being their protector/bodyguard
74. You, Ekko and the firelights raid a shimmer facility under Silco’s nose, and you find a child, who clings to you, so you and Ekko take them in
75. You knew Powder was alive, thought she was being held hostage until she puts a gun to ur head
76. Dancing to songs with Mylo, Claggor, Vi and Powder with your husband, Vander as a family and before everything went wrong, before everything was lost.
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Idea list
Hey, same thing. Old account and new account but my idea list now!
Hi! I have some ideas I can't decide to write next after I finish the recent request so tell me aht you think of them!
Scratched out = already done and in masterlists
You don't have to request one of these, you have a request that you wanna ask for request it!
Also if you want maybe #2 with Arcane characters but I made it with twdg characters if you request it I will gladly write it with arcane characters
Maybe if on a request you want Vi and Clem or Cait and Jinx but I wrote Ekko and Vi or Marlon and Louis if you request the same one but with other characters I will still make it!
Just request it and I will get to it!
Okay, now Ideas:
1. Reader who was powder's bestfriend and after ep 3 became a firelight, during a fight with jinx is recognized as her mask is knocked off when punched and Jinx takes her
2. Arcane character's with a intimidating, tall reader with tattoos who seems cold until they get to know them.
3. Mylo's twin sister
4. Adventures in the lanes with the younger gang before ep 1
5. Arcane & TWDG characters with a cold reader untik reader is shown love and clings to them
6. Reader with tattoos, piercings, muscles and all around badass
7. Reader who is from Piltover and loves giving gifts
8. Soulmate au for Arcane where reader is the complete opposite of them
9. Meeting your Arcane or TWDG soulmate aburplty
10. Jinx x reader on the bridge fight instead of her and ekko and is a firelight who was her bestfriend/childhood crush, jinx wakes up somehow and sees reader and begs silco to take them to Singed, reader is injected with Shimmer and wakes up, realizes and she and jinx argue with Jinx trying to convince her its okay and you can now be together
11. Twdg or arcane character doing something random and reader just comes up and falls asleep on them
12. Reader who was traded with the Delta with the twins and reuniting with your twdg s/o of your pick
13. Messing with Arcane or TWDG characters hair
14. Bothering your Arcane or TWDG S/o
15. Throwing your TWDG s/o over your shoulder in an argument and they're shocked at your strength because you don't look very strong
16. Forcing your TWDG s/o to hangout with you in the rain
17. Throwing your TWDG S/o over your shoulder in an argument
18. Arcane characters dying your hair at 3 am
19. Giving twdg characters or arcane characters a tattoo while they give you one
20. Stealing their shit
21. Characters of either twdg or arcane with a reader whos very blunt without meaning to be
22. Reader who bites to show their love
23. Reader cooking but cant cook for their life
24. Reader who takes a bit of time to understand stuff, generally just struggles a bit and the character finds it amusing
25. Being separated from the group and thought to be dead until at the delta they hear gunshots or such and see you walking out of a herd of walkers
26. Sacrificing yourself on the bridge and stopping Minnie (maybe tackling her) causing both of you to be eaten by walkers as your s/o watches
27. Marlon's sister finding out abt the twins the same night he killed Brody and stopping him from hurting Clem, only for AJ to shoot him and him fall into her
28. Jinx bothering you by messing with your stuff, messing with you and hiding your things but you love it and at one point she is energetic and maybe sitting on ur lap as you listen to her rambling
29. Being Powder/Jinx's twin, also a firelight with ekko after he found you after ep 3 and reuniting with Vi at the hideout and on the bridge saving Jinx, bringing her back to the hideout
30. Powder's older brother and her and him reuniting as he is with Vi in ep 6
31. Reader who is like a mother to Powder seeing her again as Jinx and seeing Vi once again
32. Arcane characters x reader who is either a model, actor or a singer
33. Reader reuniting with twdg characters because they used to be at the school before or it all and were close to everyone there, the characters requested had a crush on reader and so relieved their alive
34. Ekko having your face painted on the wall as you had been childhood friends with crushes until he finds you once again, with Vi as you both had been thrown in Stillwater, even if you were only 17
35. Yandere headcannons maybe for arcane? Thought'd it would be fun
36. Reader for twdg characters who has 3 large pitbulls, dobermans or german shepherds...or one of each!
37. Arcane characters with reader who is a rich piltover citizen with a family name and likes giving gifts!
38. Doing Ekko's face paint in the morning
39. Babysitting Scar's daughter with Ekko as it goes horribly wrong
40. Ekko flying past a piltover apartment and stopping as he sees reader focused on something lookin' all pretty and seeing her in the undercity and yk...snatches her-
41. Going to a carnival with arcane characters or an amusement part
42. Arcane or twdg characters seeing their s/o with a child and falling more in love
43. Reader screaming out of nowhere and jumping on their s/o's back bc of a spider
44. Sneaking around Piltover with your s/o or the gang before ep 1
45. You and Jinx are stuck in a room on fire and with no way out you both hug as the flames consume you, dancing as you both hold each other
46. An alternate ending/beginning where Caitlyn caught the gang and you robbing Jayce, she doesnt say anything but ventures down to the Undercity and finds you guys
47. Moments with Vi either Arcane or TWDG that lead up to them knowing they loved you
48. TWDG Louis with moments leading up to him knowing he loved you
49. TWDG Clem with moments leading up to her knowing she loved you
50. Moments with Jinx leading up to her knowing she loved you
51. Sitting with Cat at the party in tlou while she smokes watching Dina and Ellie sadly, you comfort her even if you love her
52. Graysons daughter x Vi
53. Sevika x reader, reader had a bad experience with love once and became a brothel worker and swore off love. But Sevika is her main client, coming to the brothel often and eventually gaining some feelings for Reader but readed doesn't know what to do
54. Painting Powder's face on the wall, knowing Jinx is alive while a firelight asks you if you would go back in time and swap places with her
55. Powder losing you, finding Jinx and saying goodbye to Powder, Jinx seeing you again but not you, Jinx thinking she found you, Jinx getting you back
56. Silco's daughter x Jinx
57. Instead of Jinx shooting Silco, she shoots you. Silco's daughter who is her girlfriend, she thought she couldn't trust you anymore because of the actions of your father
58. Jinx shooting her brother at the tea party, her twin brother
59. Sally face x reader, Reader is a ghost in the Addison apartments who Larry and Sally find
60. Silcos wife/Jinx and Powders mom at the tea party was shot by her instead of Silco, Jinx says sorry and Reader says goodbye. Jinx can't handle it, Vi just wants to leave with her sister but Jinx refuses to leave her mother
61. Being Jinx's childhood friend, also a firelight who she hurt before. Meeting her at the abandoned cannery where it all started. You never let go of Powder but once she shot you, you realized she was gone. You say bye to Powder but Jinx is sorry and doesn't want to let you go. Also can be a sibling reader instead of childhood friend.
62. Being a firelight leader and helping the kids braid Jinxs hair
63. Swooping in to save Jinx who is cornered by enforcers
64. Teaching Jinx how to ride a hoverboard
65. Taking in Ren (Marcus' daughter) with Jinx
66. A Vi x Reader, featuring Aunt Jinx and your daughter Violet
67. Reader with rough hands. (Cracks in them, sorta dry and some eczema, I have it lol)
68. Reader who picks at their skin. (Around their face, making them bleed sorta. And picking at scabs generally.)
69. Placing their hand on your thigh, how often, do they even do it and why?
70. Staying up all night with the gang when everything was okay in the Undercity
71. Ekko taking you on a hoverboard ride at 3 am
72. Modern AU, being scare actors with the Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko, Mylo and Claggor
73. Being a protective, sibling like friendship with Tenn, AJ and Willy and being their protector/bodyguard
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onlywriting · 7 years
Just let me marry her!
Request : Bruce proposes to his girlfriend
Bruce loved you more than anybody in the whole galaxy
And you loved him
After 5 years of dating he decided to make you his wife
But it took him a lot of time and a lot of money
Attempt number 1: He tried to do it in a fancy restaurant. He asked the waiter to put an 500$ ring in your favorite dessert but the luck wasn’t on his side. The waiter mixed up the orders and an old couple left with the ring. Bruce didn’t tried to stop them because you said that it was really cute plus it would be really awkward to take away a ring from an 78 year old man and a woman
Attempt number 2: He tried to do it in the house. Nothing could go wrong right? This time he put 550 $ ring in your coffe. He prepared your favorite film and was ready. He left the room for just a minute and Tim was choking on the ring. He drank from the cup not knowing it was for you nor that a damn ring was in it. Bruce came on time and stopped Tim from choking but returned the ring (He didn’t like that idea of you wearing a ring that was in your son’s mouth)
Attempt number 3: He took you on a beautiful hill and at the sunset he was going to do it but a drunk guy came in so that was a fail
Finally he lost it all and asked Alfred for advice
“ Master Bruce I don’t think that Miss would want anything special like a fancy restaurant or a sunset or some 1000$ ring. She is a simple woman you should just do it without thinking to much about it. ”
So at last he did it
Like Alfred said you were a simple woman
You two were walking around your garden talking about random stuff.
He pulled you over to the rose’s and said “Remember that time you said that my mother had a really pretty ring on her hand…. SON OF A BITCH! ”
When you looked up to the sky you saw the bat signal
Ohh so that was going on. You noticed that Bruce was always taking you somewhere romantic and getting very angry when you two were interrupted
When you turned your eyes back tu Bruce he was gone. He ran away because he was ashamed for what he said. It was supposed to be perfect this time. He remembered that one time you said that his mother has a very beautiful ring and luckily the ring was still in the house. It was the ring that his father have to his mother when she gave birth to Bruce.
Bruce was putting on his Batman costume when you camed in.
“Bruce? ”
“What is it? ”
“I love you too. And yes I will marry you. ”
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starlightval · 3 years
favorite things || thomas shelby
Pairing: thomas shelby x reader
Summary: All of Tommy’s favorite things in life revolve around you.
Warnings: none
Note: If you couldn’t tell, I love fluff.
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Every one of Tommy’s favorite things in life began and ended with you.
His favorite smell was your perfume, his favorite sound was your voice, his favorite color was the color of your eyes and all of his favorite activities involved you. 
Waking up next to you, holding you, eating meals with you, riding horses with you, fucking you.
You, you, you. 
The list goes on and on.
In short, you’re at the center of his universe and his reason for everything, even breathing. 
Hell, you even made menial things like dealing with the mountains of paperwork less irksome just by sitting across from him reading over your own papers. 
He’s considered placing another desk in his office just for you but quite likes you sharing with him besides, you don’t sit and do much work when at the main office anyway. You much prefer being back in the betting shop on watery lane for reasons Tommy doesn’t really understand.
He’s worked tirelessly to bring the family up from the bottom and that muddy road only serves as a reminder of what he works so hard for, but to you it's just home. 
Watery Lane holds some of your fondest memories and some of your saddest, but the good outweighs the bad and despite Tommy’s protests, you often bring Charlie to the old house. 
You’re extremely appreciative of everything Tommy has worked to give you and your son. Charlie would want for nothing and never have to worry about money or where his next meal would come from but you are adamant about him also growing up humble.
You had seen first hand how awful rich children behave. Spoiled and bratty, all it took was meeting one council member's son to decide you’d never let Charlie behave that way.
He’d see both sides of the world and show everyone who deserved it respect, from the stall cleaners to the mayors. Which is why on a bright Monday morning, you gathered your things, got Charlie out of bed and dressed before heading out towards watery lane.
Esme agreed to bring Jessie and Louis, the children closest in age to Charlie, to the betting shop with her so you could pick them up to play with their cousin. 
Which is where Tommy found you some hours later, fixing an early lunch in the tiny kitchen that Pol has used many times before, with three children running rampant around your feet.
He stands in the door observing quietly and unbeknownst to you, watching as you laugh as the kids sing their songs or squeal and slam into your legs by accident.  It’s all very domestic and reminds him very much of his own childhood. 
No maids, no nurses or random staff mucking about a house that no matter how many fires you light will never be warm enough. Just a mum at the stove cooking with kids running around in circles between her legs.
Arrowhouse is everything he ever wanted, proof that he had drug himself out from the mud and separated his family from low class but this moment felt like home. 
Tommy watches as Charlie beams up at you calling out ‘Mumma.” with grabby hands prompting you to move the pan off the burner before scooping him up and planting a loud exaggerated kiss on his chubby cheek earning a loud happy laugh. 
Witnessing the affectionate display between his little family, he can no longer remain in the background and makes his presence known. “Hello,” He crosses the room to where you are and runs his hand over Charlie’s head and gives you the smile only reserved for moments like these. “Hello Charlie, Whadda you up to eh? helping your mum?”
“Tommy, what are you doing here?” You kiss him in greeting, a little thrown off because you swore he had told you he was booked with meetings all day. “Thought you said you’d be busy today.”
“Wanted to see my family, Mary told me you came here.”
“Dada hat.” Charlie interrupted his parents, pointing a demanding finger toward his father’s cap. This caused the both of you to laugh a little, knowing your son already had a fascination with peaky hats that his father and uncles wore.
He often tried to snag one off their heads but thankfully the boys knew to watch out for it. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of your fury if any of his little fingers got cut.
“No darling, let's leave daddy’s hat where it is, yeah? Go play.” You gently placed Charlie back on his feet and watched as he toddled away quickly distracted by his cousins before smiling up at your husband, whose eyes had never left you.
Afterall, of all his favorite things that revolved around you, watching you be a mother to his son was his absolute favorite of them all. 
“What? What is it?” You ask him, letting out a small laugh, “Why are you staring at me like that?”
Tommy shook his head, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile. He didn’t answer you, but it didn’t matter. He did this often, gazing at you in pure adornment while you did mundane tasks or speaking about your day. You guessed he was just content to be in your presence after a long day of doing god knows what.
Tommy knew the war had stolen his happiness and the light that was once inside him, leaving him in what he thought would be perpetual darkness but you proved him wrong. Your presence and love was brighter than any darkness tainting his soul.
“How long are you keeping John's kids?” He asks suddenly, confusing you. 
Tommy never really showed interest in such things but then you thought maybe he needed you for something. You had handled all of your paperwork for the day last night but in this business things had a habit of unexpectedly popping up.
So you shot him a quizzical look but shrugged glancing towards the kids, “Esme said to keep them for as long as I wanted and to just drop them off to their nurse whenever cause her and John wouldn’t be home until late. Why?”
“I was thinking that you, me and Charles could spend the day together.”
“Really?” The way your eyes lit up excitedly made his smile grow and he nodded confirming it.
“Yes, really.” 
You beamed, placing your hands on his shoulders and leaning into place a very loving kiss on his mouth. “Oh Tommy, a family day sounds perfect. Let me feed everyone, then we can drop them off and go on about our day, yeah?”
He nodded and you kissed him once more, a hand pressed affectionately to his cheek this time, before you turned around to gather the food onto plates for the children while Tommy took a seat at the table behind you.
As he sat watching you effortlessly fix three plates and wrangle all three into sitting he realized that something he always somehow managed to forget was that you weren’t materialistic in the ways other women were. 
Sure, you liked pretty dresses and earrings but it didn’t make a difference to you whether or not you had them. Any other woman with a husband of his standing would take advantage of their power. Shop more, demand the nicest things, dress to the nines no matter the occasion but you were different. 
Quality time with the ones you loved meant more to you than anything money could buy and he made a mental note to never forget it again, because the pure excitement in your eyes and added bounce in your step at just the thought of having a family day with him was worth delaying every business deal no matter who it pissed off. 
You and Charles are worth everything, and he’d go to the ends of the earth to make you happy.
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: DC, MCU
Title: Did She Run Away?
Series: Wheres My Love (2/??)
Character(s): Peter Parker, The avengers, Talia Al Ghul, Connor Kent, Jon Kent
Request: No
Genre: Fluff, Angst
TW: None
A/N: Reader used to be superman’s sidekick . When I through New York in here, if y’all didn’t expect this to be a DC, Marvel cross over idk what to say
(Y/S/N) = Your superhero name
(N/N) = Nickname
(S/W) = signature weapon
December 1st, 2019
Almost two years that’s how long you had been here, in New York city. You were living with your friend Peter Parker and his aunt May. It had hit the news quickly that (Y/S/N) had moved from crime fighting in Gotham, Bludhaven, and Metropolis. To fighting crime in New York city, you hadn’t had a run in with the avengers, the rip off justice league as you called them, or heroes that were affiliated with them yet.
That would change tonight though. Since you decided to suit up about two months into your stay into New York, you had only gone after minor thugs. Which you found patrolling, which you were doing at the moment. When a familiar spider-boy who wore bright red decided you need company.
He swung down landing in front of you, before he could say anything you spoke. “What you want?” You asked.
“I thought you would like some company,” he replied, he stuck out his hand. “Spiderman,” he told you.
You rolled your eyes before taking his hand, “(Y/S/N),” You replied. You two began talking for awhile, getting to each other without revealing anything about your secret identities. You too had moved so you were sitting on the side of building with your legs dangling off the edge.
“So what’s it like working for superman?” He asked.
You shook your head, “I didn’t work for him, sure I was his sidekick but there no power dynamic. I would boss him around sometimes, he would do the same to me. He’s my mentor but he was also so much more then that,” You replied.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, “It must have been hard leaving. I don’t what I would do if I had to leave behind black widow or Iron man,” You gave him a sad smile, and nodded.
“Why’d you leave?” He asked. You froze, you hadn’t told anyone not Peter not May. The only people who knew were the ones back in Gotham and Metropolis. He must have noticed your reaction to the question because he quickly told you, that you didn’t have to tell him.
“No, I’ll tell you. It’s fine,” you replied.
“You sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,”
“It’s fine,” you assured him, you took a deep breathe. “My robin died,” you told him.
He tilted his head much like a confused puppy would, “Huh? Your bird died?” He asked.
You laughed and shook your head, “No, Batman’s sidekicks are called Robins. Mine died, he was killed by the Joker. It was couple of years ago but I never got over it, I spent months reviewing the footage from Batman’s suit from that night,” your voice cracked, “Trying to figure out if someway, somehow he wasn’t dead. But I just found myself watching my baby die, over and over again.
I did it until realized he was gone, that he wasn’t coming back. So I started visiting his grave, telling him everything that he was missing. I thought I was okay, I really did. Then one night I found myself fighting the joker. And were there, at the warehouse or what remained of it.
And he started things and I just remembered how mad, I was,” tears rolled down your face, “Mad that this sick son of a bitch was alive, but my baby bird was dead. Then I just snapped and I almost killed him and I just remember thinking that was I wanted to do it. I want him dead, I was gonna kill. If Nightwing and Orphan hadn’t shown up, I would have killed him,” You looked over at spiderman, “I’m not a murder,” you told him.
He shook his head, “Your not a murder (M/N).”
He removed his masking, revealing that he was Peter. “I figured it out, while you were talking,” the brunette explained.
“Can we go back your apartment?” You asked.
Peter nodded, “let’s go,”
March 2nd, 2020 (There is no COVID)
As the elevator went up heading to the top floor, where currently the Avengers resided, so did your nervous. Peter must have sense this because he placed a hand your shoulder, “Relax, everything is gonna be okay,” he told you.
You scoffed, “Telling people to relax doesn’t really make them relax,” You replied, “Besides this like meeting the Justice League all over again,”
“But it’s the avengers this time,”
You shook your head, “Still. Do you know how bad I embarrassed myself the first time, I met the Justice League?”
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Peter replied.
“It was that bad!” You exclaimed, “I fell into the fucking pool of Justice!” You looked over at Peter and noticed he was trying not to laugh, which earned him a small shove. “Asshole, don’t laugh!”
“I wasn’t laughing at you,” He replied, “Pool of Justice?”
You bit your lip trying to stop yourself from laughing as well because you knew if you laughed, Morpheus would strike you down then and there. “Yeah…the justice league isn’t the best at name things,”
“Then I feel really bad for there children,” Peter laughed.
You shook your head, “Surprisingly there kids have good names, well the ones who didn’t name themselves or had names before they got there,”
“Named themselves? Names before they got there?” Peter asked.
“Well sure the justice league treats there sidekicks and refers to them as there kids but most of them aren’t. Like my buddy Dick, he might be Bruce’s son but Bruce didn’t name him.
Dick’s parents did and so did my parents. And as for naming themselves, sometimes there sidekicks are manmade. Like my brother, Conner. He was made to be a clone of Clark and Lex Luther, he escaped the lab though and he needed clothes. So he stole them from one of the guards and the name on the outfit was Connor,” You explained.
Before Peter could respond the elevator door opened signaling you were on the avengers floor. “You ready?” Peter asked, you nodded. The two of you exited the elevator and walked down a small hallway that took you to living room.
Where a butch of people sat you recognized them all right off the bat. There was Black Widow or Natasha Romanoff, Iron Man or Tony Stark, The god of thunder or Thor, Hawkeye or Clit Barton, Bruce Banner or the Hulk, and Steve Rogers aka Captain America.
They all smiled at you, “You must be (M/N) Kent,” Tony smiled at you.
“I am indeed,” You smiled back.
Natasha patted the space next to her, “come sit down,” she told the two of you. You both did as you were told.
“We’ve heard a lot about you from Peter,” Clit told you.
“Good things, I hope you,” you replied.
“Really good things,” Steve assured you. You spent the next hour or so getting to know them all. It was nice, you laughed a lot this much since Jason died.
“How’d you end up with, Superman and superwomen?” Thor asked.
“My parents dropped me off outside, Superman’s house. Apparently they were work buddies with his Superwomen and they couldn’t take care of me. I was two, they left a note with my name and I haven’t seen them since. But it’s okay because Superman and Superwomen raised me as there kid. There my family,” You explained.
“So why’d you leave, Metropolis and Gotham? If all the family you’ve ever known was there?” Tony asked, “Get tired of the Justice League up your ass?”
You shook your head, “The love of my life died,” you told them. You felt the whole rooms atmosphere change.
“I’m so sorry, what happened? If you don’t mind me asking,” Natasha asked.
“It’s okay,” you replied, “He was murder by the Joker and years later I thought,” You shook your head, “I didn’t think, I knew I was okay. Then I’m back at what remained of the warehouse, he was killed, fighting the Joker and I almost killed him. I was lucky two of my friends were in the area because they pulled me off of him and at that moment I knew I couldn’t stay,” you explained.
“I’m so sorry,” Tony replied, “I wouldn’t know what to do if Pepper died, especially if I found myself fighting the person who did years later,”
“It was hard,” You replied.
“Well, on a happier note,” Bruce spoke up, “we don’t usually summon people to the Avengers tower, you’re aware of that correct?” Bruce asked, you nodded.
“Well were thinking about giving you an opportunity, to work with us. You know this business way better then a lot of us do, and we could use that,” He explained.
You lit up, “Really?”
Bruce nodded, “You could teach a lot of us some things and some of us have been in this game for years.”
“I’ll try my best,” You replied.
“So you in?” Peter asked.
“Of course,” you smiled.
August 23rd, 2021
You sighed as you unlocked the door to your apartment, yes your apartment. You moved out of May’s and Peter’s a couple moths ago. Finally having enough money to buy your own, which you were very happy about. You loved Peter but after a night a patrol all you wanted to do was go to sleep, which was with him that was not so easy.
As you entered the apartment you were quick to realize that the Tv and the light in the living room were on. This set you on alert, you pulled your (S/W) out and slowly made your way to living room. As you got closer you heard a laugh, one you had heard so much that you almost immediately knew who had broken into your apartment.
You rolled your eyes, as your entered the living room. “Con-” you cut yourself off. Curled up, asleep next to Connor on the couch looked like a mini-boy version of Louis Lane who couldn’t have been more then four years old. “Whose that?” You whispered.
“(M/N), meet our younger brother, Jon,” He smiled at you.
You were very skeptical, “Is this another clone?” You asked.
Connor shook his head. “So Clark and Louis…,” you didn’t finish the sentence.
Connor nodded once more, “Yep, they had sex. I wonder how that would work, I always-,” you grimaced and cut your brother off.
“Connor!” You exclaimed, “I don’t wanna think about my mother and father figure having sex!” Your shouting cause Jon to stir next to Connor, immediately opening his eyes.
He blinked a couple times before looking around eyes landing on you. “(M/N)?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, getting down on your knees in front of your baby brother.
“Hello, Honey,” you smiled.
Before Jon could respond Connor spoke up, “You know, Bruce had another kid,” Connor told you.
“Really?” You asked not taking your eyes off of Jon.
“Mhm, he’s an Al Ghul,” This caught you off guard, you turned Connor wide eyed.
“Yep, I know,” Connor replied.
“Holy shit!” You exclaimed.
“Hey! Watch your mouth in front of Jon!” Connor scolded you.
You put your hands up in surrender, “I’m sorry,” you replied.
“You better, do you know how much of a bad mouth Dick, Stephanie, and Tim have?” You watched as Jon visible lit up at those names and quickly looked around.
“Dick?” Jon asked, you shook your head.
“He’s not here buddy,” you turned Connor, “he can’t be more then four, when did Louis have him?” You asked.
“She was three months at the time you left.”
You couldn’t believe it, Clark and Louis probably knew but they didn’t tell you. Hell they didn’t even tell you he was born. You were anger but also hurt, Connor could tell. He could always, he placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m really sorry (N/N),” he told you.
“How could they not tell me?” You asked.
“I don’t know, maybe they thought you’d come straight home,” Connor suggested, but you both knew it wasn’t true.
“I can’t believe it!” You exclaimed. “I’m just much as there kid your two are,” you gestured to Connor and Jon, “I didn’t know my parents, Clark and Louis were the only I had. How could they not tell me?” You felt tears burn your eyes and at this moment you didn’t care, you let them fall freely.
Connor weakly smiled at you, he moved off the couch and sat down on your right. He took your hand into his, you could tell he was fighting back tears. You two had always been close, doing everything together. So when one broke down, the other was very close to following because you didn’t like seeing each other like that.
You didn’t like seeing each other in pain, or sad, or sick. “(M/N), Clark and Louis aren’t good people. You always looked up to them, so I never wanted to tell you but there not. Heck once Jon’s old enough, and Clark doesn’t need me around to take care of his son. I’m gonna grandma and grandpa, I’m not gonna be welcome at home anymore.
I’m gonna be superboy, he is. Because he was kid Louis and Clark wanted,” You watched as the tears fell down your brother’s face, “Not some clone made of him and his arch enemy, not some random kid left on his door step. He’s gonna be the golden boy, the golden child and were gonna be left behind like we never exist,” Connor told you.
You didn’t wanna believe it but deep down, you knew it was true. There was no avoiding it. “Do you ever wish you lived with Lex, instead of Clark?” You asked.
Connor nodded, “Because he even the small times I see him because I have too. Because as much as Clark and Louis want to deny it i’m his kid too. He treats me better then either of them did, he might be asshole sometimes and supervillain but he’s good dad. You ever wonder, what it would be like if you parents kept you?”
You nodded, “Everyday. I wonder what it would like. If they take me back now, even with how fucked I am,” Connor squeezed your hand.
“You not fucked up,” He told you.
You shook your head, “I am! Connor, I am! I couldn’t take care of myself before Jason died, I can hardly do it now. Hell i tried to kill the Joker. I’m having nightmares about the Lazarus Pit and Jason crawling out of his grave. Even though I know it’s gone, and so is he. I’m fucked Connor,”
He shook his head, as he pulled you into a hug. “I love you so much,” he told you, “Your brother, and trust me your not fucked. Clark, Louis, the
joker, and everyone else is,” you felt an extra pair of arms wrap around you and looked to see Jon.
He smiled at you, “I love you too,” he told you.
You couldn’t help but smile as well, “I love you too, Jon. I love the both of you,” you told them.
“Now I have two awesome brothers!” Jon exclaimed. Your smile grew even wider at that.
February 1st, 2022
You, Peter, and Nat were building away from were the other avengers. There was group of people who had landed on Avengers and tower and Friday classified them as threat. The group of people, they brown robes and on the back of them was a symbol one you had seen before.
You knew it but you couldn’t remember where it was from. You remembered it being from a league of some sort, you watched as leader of the group, a women, looked around and as your eyes laid on her you realized who she was, Talia Al Ghul.
“Shit!” you exclaimed. You moved from the building you were on to the Avengers tower. Nat and Peter’s called your name but you didn’t care, as you cared about was making sure Tony, who blasted was currently pointed at Talia, didn’t do something that would cause a war behind the league and the avengers.
You landed in front of Talia seconds before Tony was about to shoot, “Stop!” You exclaimed.
“Good of you finally show up,” Talia told you, you just rolled your eyes
“(Y/S/N), what are you doing?” Tony asked.
“You can’t hurt her, you’ll start a war behind the league and the avengers and believe me that is the last thing y’all need,” You explained.
“A war?” Steve asked.
“The league is a very power power group,” you turned from your friend toward Talia, “What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Can’t I visit my son’s boyfriend?” She asked.
You cocked your eyebrow at her, “Huh?”
Talia just rolled her eyes, “Jason, my son?”
You couldn’t help but be more confused, “Since when is Jason your son?” You asked.
“Since a couple months ago,” she replied.
“Talia, Jason died. He’s been died for years,” you replied.
Talia just smiled at you, “Oh (M/N), he’s alive,” you froze, “And you know it. You’ve been having dreams of him and the Lazarus Pit,”
You shook your head, “No.” You simply said, “Jason died years ago, The Lazarus pit was destroyed years before that by the Justice League,” You exclaimed.
“Yes, but I rebuilt it. I need someone to take of Damien,” She replied.
“So you brought my boyfriend back to life?!” You screamed.
Talia frowned at you, “I thought you would be happy,”
“Oh i’m thrilled!” You stomped your foot, “So fucking thrilled, do you know how dangerous that is? Talia, sure he can protect Damian but he is gonna have urges cause by Lazarus. He’s gonna be so unbelievably anger at Bruce, the Joker, Dick! Everyone!” You exclaimed. Then you remembered, Damian was in Gotham, “Is he..,” You didn’t finish the sentence, you didn’t have too.
“He is,”
“Talia,“ you whispered.
“I didn’t know,” she replied, “You need to stop before he does,” she told you.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Your connected to him. You can stop him, you can help him,” Talia replied. One of the assassins whispered something to her and she frowned, “I have to go but you need to stop him.”
Before you could speak they were gone you just stared at where they once were. “(M/N)?” Tony asked.
You turned around and noticed Nat and Peter had now joined the other avengers, “I have to go home, I have to go back to Gotham,” you replied.
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A list of my old writing that you can request I revise
Song Prompts
Meeting and Dating Headcanons~
Pretty in Pink
Andie Walsh
Duckie Dale
Blane McDonagh
Steff McKee
Sixteen Candles 
Jake Ryan
The Lost Boys
Poly Lost Boys
Edgar Frog
The Breakfast Club
Brian Johnson
John Bender
Andrew Clark
The Outsiders
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-Bit Mathews
Steve Hays
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Cameron Frye
Karate Kid
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jeff Spicoli
Brad Hamilton
Better Off Dead 
Lane Meyer
Weird Science
Gary Wallace
Wyatt Donnelly
Dream A Little Dream
Dinger Holfield
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan 
Dating Poly Bill and Ted 
The Princess Bride
Inigo Montoya
Interview with the Vampire
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Children of the Corn
Malachai Boardman
National Lampoons 
Rusty Griswold (European Vacation)
Cant Buy Me Love
Kenneth Wurman
The Chocolate War
Jerry Renault
Archie Costello
The Mighty Ducks
Fulton Reed
Dean Portman
Adam Banks
Les Averman
Brian Schwartz
Anthony ‘Meat’ Tuperello
Tommy Turner
Tim Cavanaugh
Mickey Jarvis
Just One of the Guys
Terry Griffith
Greg Tolan
Dead Poets Society 
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Charlie Dalton
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Earth Girls are Easy
Combat Academy 
Perry Barnett
Waynes World
Garth Algar
Austin Powers
Austin Powers
Toy Soldiers
Ricardo Montoya
Good Will Hunting
Chuckie Sullivan
10 Things I Hate About You
Joey Donner
My Bodyguard
Ricky Linderman
Melvin Moody
Stand and Deliver
Angel Guzman
Something Wild 
Ray Sinclair
Three O’Clock High 
Buddy Revell
Young Guns
Jose Chavez y Chavez
Billy the Kid
Doc Scurlock
Dazed and Confused
Benny O’Donnell
Don Dawson
Kevin Pickford
Randall “Pink” Floyd
Fred O’Bannion
Mitch Kramer
Ron Slater
Shavonne Wright
Eddie Birdlace
Freddy Renfield
Robert ‘Rabbit’ Nurick
Stand by me 
Ace Merrill
School Ties
Rip Van Kelt 
Chris Reece
The Untouchables
Eliot Ness
The Godfather
Tom Hagen
(Young) Vito Corleone
(Old) Vito Corleone
Henry Hill
Little Shop of Horrors
Seymour Krelborn
Near Dark
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
Billy Loomis 
Poly Billy and  Stu
Stu Macher
The Craft
Nancy Downs
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Thackery Binx
Lydia Deetz
Adam Maitland
The Crow
Eric Draven
Ray Stantz
An American Werewolf in London
Jack Goodman
Sleepaway Camp
Ricky Thomas
Herbert West
Silence of the Lambs
Clarice Starling
Fright Night
Jerry Dandridge
Daniel Robitaille
The Evil Dead
Ash Williams
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Harvey Kinkle
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Full Metal Jacket
Sgt. Hartman
Animal Mother
Preference~ the boys with an s/o whose ex stalks them
Total Recall
Douglas Quaid
Requested “Would Includes” and Imagines/Fics~
Darry falling for Johnny’s sister
Allison Reynolds dating a shy nerdy girl
Starting a family with Cameron Frye
Making out with Cameron Frye
Cameron Frye comforting you when you’re upset
Getting drunk with the Ferris Bueller crew
Gary Wallace dating a tall girl
George Mcfly with a dominant flirty s/o
Comforting and being comforted by Will Hunting
Will Hunting having a crush on you
Being apart of the good will hunting gang
Armand with a virgin s/o (including nsfw)
Lestat and Louis dating a girl who loves horror movies
Making out with Duckie Dale
Duckie Dale cheering you up
Cliff having a crush on you
Making out with Cliff
Making out with Bryce
Bryce having a crush on you
The Lost Boys with an s/o having an anxiety attack + fighting depression
The Lost Boys with a sweet and innocent s/o
The Lost Boys with a curvy mate
The Lost Boys fighting with their mates
The Lost Boys dating a shy short girl
The Lost Boys taking care of you when you’re hurt
Getting drunk with the Lost Boys would include
David x Laddies older sister
Making out with Edgar Frog
Being Married to Archie Costello
Going to the beach with Archie Costello
Making out with Archie Costello
Darrys girlfriend landing a job at a local cafe as a singer
Making out with Kenneth Wurman
Being Cindys friend and Ronalds crush
Harold Sherbico having a crush
Kim Kelly dating her polar opposite
Neil Perry dating an artist
Making out with Charlie Dalton
Jealous Charlie Dalton
Jealous Knox Overstreet
A study date with Steven Meeks
Spending the winter season with Neil Perry
Comforting Charlie Dalton after he gets expelled 
The dead poets walking in on Charlie and his secret, shy girlfriend 
Simon Boggs having a crush on Laneys friend
Faking It-Cindy Mancini falling for the girl who paid her to be her friend
Spike having a crush on you
Steff McKee having a crush on you
Marko having a crush on you
David having a crush on you 
Paul having a crush on you
Dwayne having a crush on you
Dwayne x vampire reader who dresses like Stevie Nicks
Making out with Keith Nelson
Meat having a crush on Peewees sister
Admit it- Mickey Jarvis and his future s/o having crushes on each other
Being a part of team USA and meeting Adam and Charlie
Dwayne Robertson having a crush on you
Sleepover with Bill and Ted (including nsfw)
Being pregnant with Ted Logans child
Starring in the schools Romeo and Juliet with Ted Logan
Ted Logan asking you to be his valentine
Spending Valentines day with Steff McKee
Spending Valentines day with Steven Meeks
Spending Valentines day with Keith Nelson
Spending your first Valentines day with Bryce
Wishing I Was Her (Nick Andopolis)
If You Want Out Just Say It (Ace Merrill)
Going on the Ferris adventure
Going on your own adventure with Cameron Frye
Making out with Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Travelling back in time with Marty McFly
Tommy Devito dating a chubby artist
Years Gone By (Michael Corleone)
Sonny Corleone dating his opposite
Phillipe Gaston x reader~ Fairy Tale 
Being Fulton's sister and Dating Dean Portman
Comforting Todd when he’s upset
Being married to Bill S. Preston Esquire
Being married to Ted Logan
Spending Halloween/October with Knox Overstreet
Making out with Knox
A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle
Falling in love with Edward Scissorhands
Dwayne Hicks with an Android!Technician s/o
Private Joker dating an artist 
Jareth falling in love with you
Being married to Matt Hooper and going to Amity
The way you make me feel~ John Bender
Being in a long term relationship with JD
J.D. with a chronically ill s/o
Archie with a chronically ill s/o
Making out with Ted Logan
Archibald Craven falling in love
Andy Dufresne falling in love
Nsfw Headcanons~ 
Group sex with the lost boys
Sam Emerson
Threesome with Obie and Archie
Archie Costello
(sub) Archie Costello
Johnny Cade
Cameron Frye
Duckie Dale
John Bender
Randy (Intruder)
Joey Donner
Kenneth Wurman
Keith Nelson
The Dead Poets Kinks
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Todd Anderson
Neil Perry
Gerard Pitts
John Bender taking your virginity
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Dinger Holfield
The Lost Boys
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Benny O’donnell
Fred O’Bannion
Johnny Walker
George Mcfly
Brian Moreland
(sub) Perry Barnett 
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Randy Meeks
Michael Emerson
Nancy Downs
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler
Angel Guzman
Sgt. Hartman
Brad Hamilton
Douglas Quaid
Chris (night of the creeps)
Sonny Corleone with a shy, virgin s/o
George Mcfly getting jealous and being dominant
Grease Monkey (Keith Nelson smut)
Sins of the flesh and matters of the heart (David x reader + Dwayne smut)
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onlyfreds · 3 years
Upcoming Projects
So, I saw @wand3ringr0s3, @lumosandnoxwriting, and @whizboingies do this so I decided to tag along as well. These range along from fics that are sitting in drafts to the ones that are almost done and the ones that are blossoming ideas.
𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕎𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕝𝕖𝕪
The Secret (modern au!)
Y/N is an actress, and Fred only finds out after a Quidditch Match. This also features an appearance from Louis Partridge. This one has been circling in my head for months now.
Perfect (x louis partridge’s sister!reader, modern au!)
After five years of dating Fred, Y/N finally lets him meet her muggle brother, Louis Partridge. This was supposed to be a song fic, but ended up being another fic that features Louis Partridge.
Breaking Free (High School Musical Au!)
Basically follows the main plot of HSM. This maybe the longest fic I’ve ever written. Fred as Troy Bolton? How I wish this was canon. Contains a tiny bit of angst.
Photo Album 
The title may change, this takes place after the war. (Fred lives of course!) Probably where Fred and the reader have a kid. It’s just pure fluff really. Their child discovers the photo album and the couple basically takes a trip down memory lane.
Sand and Sea
Title may also change, this takes place in the summer in the beach. Fred and the reader have been having feelings for each for so long. Y/N confesses when she loses a bet with Ginny and Hermione.
Movie Night
Just based on my headcannon, “Watching Titanic with Fred includes...”
Takes place during the war. Contains a near death experience (though I won’t reveal who) But the person in the near death experience most likely survives.
Write about Us
Another blurb inspired by another Perks of Being a Wallflower scene.
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verecunda · 3 years
Fic writer tag game
Tagged by @nocompromise-noregrets. Thanks! :D
Sticking it under a cut, as it’s rather long.
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 102!
What’s your total AO3 word count?
300,745. Which isn’t bad, actually!
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Oof. I’ve written for so many random wee fandoms, this could get a bit long! But here goes. Excluding generic tags like “All Media Types” or “Author’s Name - Works”, and counting books and their screen adaptations as one fandom, we have:
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke Horrible Histories (BBC) Dickensian (BBC) The Hobbit (movies) Frontier Wolf - Rosemary Sutcliff Night at the Museum Historical RPF Julius Caesar - Shakespeare The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien The Eagle of the Ninth/The Eagle - Rosemary Sutcliff Endeavour (ITV) ’Salem’s Lot - Stephen King Final Fantasy IX Great Expectations - Charles Dickens Arthurian Mythology Final Fantasy X The Chronicles of Prydain - Lloyd Alexander Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson Original Fiction The Silmarillion - J.R.R. Tolkien The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson The Girl in Lovers Lane (1960) Brave (2012) The Uninvited (1944) Antony and Cleopatra - Shakespeare Eagles of the Empire series - Simon Scarrow Exile | Avernum The Pirates! In an Adventure With Scientists! (2012) Rome (HBO) The Fugitives - Rosemary Sutcliff Monty Python’s Flying Circus (BBC) King Arthur (2004) Ghosts (BBC)
That’s thirty-three altogether!  What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My four old NATM fics: Amo, Amas, Amat, Slightly Scandalous, Reality Bites, Poetry Slam, as well as Kindred Spirits, my Thomas/Captain Ghosts fic.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, all the time. I went through a patchy bit a few years ago, when my brain just wasn’t up to it, but I really appreciate any feedback I get, and I like to let people know that.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably Against Hope. I wrote that to fill in the details of Estella’s adoption by Miss Havisham in the Dickensian universe, so the ending was pretty bleak, with the understanding that it was only going to get worse.
Do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Nah. I’ve had the odd idea for a crossover, but never got round to actually writing any of them.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Only once, and it was such a bloody odd one. Someone left this tl;dr comment on a fic - uh - ~critiquing~ the actions of the POV character in canon, even though it had absolutely no bearing on anything that was actually in the fic. It was so detached from the fic, in fact, I kind of suspect it was part of some longer screed c+p’d from somewhere else. Weird.
Do you write smut? if so what kind?
Yeah, when the mood hits. What kind really depends on the pairing. I’m quite happy to write anything from sweet vanilla first time cuddle-sex, to filthy rough shameless hate-sex. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, though I should probably check those mirror sites that pinch folks’ fics en masse. I keep losing the links, though.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My NATM fics have been translated by a few people.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I think if I ever tried, I would drive my poor co-author to distraction!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
What a question! It really does depend on what I’m hyperfixating on at that moment, but there are definitely some I find myself coming back to time and again: Squall/Seifer, Zidane/Garnet, Sam/Frodo, Brutus/Cassius, Marcus/Esca... those are the ones that spring immediately to mind. <3
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh... too many to even think about.
What are your writing strengths?
Gosh, that’s a hard one. I think I do characterisation pretty well. And on a good day, I think my description and scene-setting is strong.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, on a bad day, I think my description and scene-setting is florid and pedantic.
But above all, PLOTS. What the hell are they all about?!! (Hence why I write one-shots. XD)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Like most things, I think moderation is key. A word or phrase used judiciously is fine, especially if it’s one that your readers will be familiar with from canon, or one whose meaning can be easily worked out from context. Translation notes at the end or mouseover text can also be good aids in these cases. But I wouldn’t go writing whole chunks of conversation in another language, even if it was a real language I knew well. When a writer does that, they’re not serving the story, they’re just showing off how clever they think they are. Above all, writing is about communication, and if you start put up barriers like that, you’re cutting off communication with the reader.
Actually, that reminds me, I was going to go back and add a translation note for some Elvish phrases in a recent fic.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Heh. I think if we’re going right the way back, my first fandom was technically historical RPF (Bonnie Prince Charlie/Flora MacDonald DON’T JUDGE ME). I think the first fandom I ever posted fic online for was actually Final Fantasy VII.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
As far as actual fanfiction goes, to this day I still think The Pirates! In an Adventure With Origin Stories is one of the most absolute fun things I’ve ever written. :D I’m also still very proud of my original fic from last year, The Revelation of Brother Eadwine (tropey monk porn and dirty marginalia, if that’s of any interest!).
I tag: @di-daydreamer, @themalhambird, @bryndeavour, @pudentilla, @chiropteracupola. 
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