#lost in time
vestaignis · 2 months
Большой ржавеющий дракон в заброшенном аквапарке Вьетнама.
A large rusting dragon in an abandoned water park in Vietnam.
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Аквапарк The Ho Thuy Tien открылся в 2004 году на окраине города Хюэ, что в центральном Вьетнаме. На момент открытия он был ещё не достроен. Но из-за своей нерентабельности аквапарк был вскоре закрыт.
За какие-то 10 лет парк развлечений пришел в упадок. Полопавшаяся краска, гостевые домики остались без крыш, горки, затянутые лианами - и над всем этим возвышается мрачная трехэтажная фигура дракона, который обвил куполообразное сооружение посреди озера. Раньше там были аквариумы, а сейчас - ржавчина, граффити и отвалившаяся краска. Бывший аквапарк нынче зарос травой и деревьями, и на его территории одно время водились крокодилы. Одно время проходила информация о том, что аквапарк хотели отреставрировать к 2013-2014 году, однако из этого так ничего и не вышло и обещания остались лишь обещаниями.
The Ho Thuy Tien water park opened in 2004 on the outskirts of the city of Hue, in central Vietnam. At the time of opening it was not yet completed. But due to its unprofitability, the water park was soon closed.
In just 10 years, the amusement park fell into disrepair. Peeled paint, guest houses left without roofs, slides covered with vines - and above all this rises the gloomy three-story figure of a dragon, which has entwined a domed structure in the middle of the lake. There used to be aquariums there, but now there is rust, graffiti and peeling paint. The former water park is now overgrown with grass and trees, and at one time there were crocodiles on its territory. At one time there was information that they wanted to restore the water park by 2013-2014, but nothing came of it and the promises remained just promises.
Источник: //novate.ru/blogs/150516/36375/,/dzen.ru/a/X95e_Irkhn2tJooO, /vietnews.ru/travel/zabroshennyj-akvapark-vo-vetname, http://www.top-vietnam.ru/khyue-khue/108-zabroshennyj-akvapark-vo-vetname-khue.html,ru.dimatourmuine.vn/заброшенный-аквапарк-в-хюэ/, /passenger.rocks/2019/places/zabroshenniy-akvapark-ho-thuy-tien/.
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caityxlittle · 2 months
Lost in Osawamachi, Nikko
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lostintimenl · 3 days
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An urbex video from this cars: https://youtu.be/VvUFTv_KaxI
Abandoned cars (Citroën HY&2CV) Belgium Sep 2022
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orange-photoproject · 5 months
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natalie668 · 17 days
Chapter 2 - Lost Girl
Warnings: will contain smut in future chapters, MFM, FM, sometimes more than 3 people lol. Violence (hello they’re vampires), mentions of drugs. (Paul smoking weed)
This story is going to be at least 30+ chapters. It’s still in its planning stages for the future but I love Lost boys (have since I was little) i need to let you all know that I’m a mother to 2 autistic children and a lot of my time is spent looking after them, but I will try and post at least weekly. Hope that’s ok with you all ❤️❤️ please feel free to post comments I’ll reply to every single one 🖤🖤
As we make our way through the crowds lingering across the boardwalk i can't help but to follow like a lost sheep. I have no clue where we're going but, but surely my soulmate can't be leading me to danger? That's why my legs willingly follow him as he makes his way towards a motorbike.
He gets on, and holds his hand out to me to take hold of, "come on, jump on." He says his eyes baring into my own.
I take a deep breath and pulling my pencil skirt upwards feeling rather self conscious, I get my leg over and secure my arms around his waist. This is my first time on a motorbike and my heart is in my throat. We begin to take off, he goes at a careful speed, we'd been driving for around 15 minutes before we came to a wooden looking house. We pull up the dirt path leading to the front of the home.
He kicks out the stand and slides off, his arms help me get off the bike, a smile now taking over his beautiful features. "This is my home, come on," he says as he leads me through the front door. "My mum should be home soon."
We make our way into what looks like a living room, there's a teenage boy sat on the sofa reading a Batman comic. I can't help but smile seeing a youngster reading.
He looks up from his comic, a frown marring his features, "why have you bought a girl home Mikey, moms not going to be happy." He practically finishes in sing song with a grin on his face.
He pushes his little brother by the shoulder, "Mom will be happy for me. Sammy; meet my soulmate - y/n."
Who i now know as Sam, his mouth opens wide like a gawping fish. He stutters, "Oh my god! Mikeys found his soulmate!?" He says practically vibrating on the spot with excitement. I can't help but to grin and smile at the kid. He seems so happy bless him.
I lean forward extending my hand, "it's nice to meet you Sammy,". We shake hands both of us grinning.
Michael wraps an arm around my shoulders, "well, I'm going to go get to know y/n some more, shout us when mums home." He says as we make our way up the stairs to what I can only assume is his bedroom.
We step into his bedroom and I take in the posters around jotted around on the walls. A single bed is the only thing to sit on in there. He sits himself down making himself comfy, I make my way over slipping my shoes off before climbing onto the bed.
We look at each other taking one another in, “So, what were you doing at the Board walk, you looked a bit lost. And I know I’ve never seen you there.” He says to me as I press my fingers to my lips, I can’t get over how good looking my soulmate is, he’s so handsome.
I look down at my hands, trying to think of what to say, whether to risk telling the truth and scaring my soulmate away or risking him getting me sent to a nut house. Oh sod it, what’s the worst that can happen.
“You’re going to think I’m crazy,” i say as i look up to him, “This morning I was in the year 2024, and I was on my way home from work, and I got hit by lightning and woke up on the sand in 1987.”
I peer up at, him waiting to see his reaction, peering up at him he seems shocked, obviously what else would you expect. “I promise I’m telling the truth, I know it sounds absolutely bonkers but it’s true.” I say as I look into his eyes, they seem to be taking in what I just said.
He leans forward, his fingers pressing to my cheek, he leans in and kisses my forehead, pulling me towards him. "I believe you, why would you lie about something like that." his chin is resting on the top of my head.
I lean in taking in his scent, I can't help but to feel safe in his embrace, snuggling against his chest. He smells me, I can hear his intake of breath breathing me in.
"You'll be ok love, I promise I'll take care of you forever." he says to me, nuzzling his face against me.
"Forever is a long time Michael, are you sure you can promise forever." i say to him grinning against his chest. I feel his chest vibrate with laughter.
"You'll find, we'll all be able to promise you forever, sweetheart." his fingers caress my hair, his fingers running through it.
I pull away from him, confused. "What do you mean we?," i say to him, does he know my other soulmates?
Michael is just about to speak when theres a knock against his bedroom door, "Come in," he says to the person at the door.
A beautiful blonde lady walks in, you hazard a guess that this woman is his mother. "Hi sweetie, it's lovely to finally meet my Michaels soulmate." she says as she rushes over and pulls me into a loving embrace. her warmness and nurturing nature reminds you of your own mother, a mother who would be in her 20s like yourself in 1987, the thought makes your head spin.
I lean into her hug, "Its lovely to meet you too," i say as she pulls back a huge loving smile on her face.
chapter 3
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madcat-world · 4 months
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Lost in Time - DaiSanVisART
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bebemoon · 1 year
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pheobe tonkin and teresa palmer celebrating the 40th anniversary of “picnic at hanging rock” for vogue australia, ph. will davidson { + retro edits<3 } .
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icy-watch · 4 months
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Me: I'm so happy for him!
Also, me: *stressing bc Lloyd is still a child*
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little-frog-writes · 2 months
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Profile (2/4) for the Rottmnt cast. Leo’s human design was when I really started getting invested with each character’s individuality! I added blues and greens and wrote his font in an elegant swirly way to differentiate from Angelo’s loose writing. His outfit fits a fancy boy style while keeping some sportiness to it. The knee brace was a parallel to the 2012 story, although I covered his arm as a way to hid his scarring from the Kranng invasion. Sorry guys, Leo didn’t lose his arm in this AU… yet. >:)
He also gets crescent moon earrings to match the star theme!
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themindofmine · 6 months
I’m lost in this fucking enormous world and there is noone to lead me.
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vestaignis · 3 months
Дача Гаусвальд - первое в России здание в стиле модерн.
Dacha Gauswald is the first building in the Art Nouveau style in Russia.
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Дача Гаусвальд — это особняк, расположенный на Каменном острове в Санкт-Петербурге. Она здесь появилась в 1898 году и отражала свежий стиль — модерн. Дача была построена архитекторами Владимиром Чагиным и Василием Шене для жены булочного мастера Густава Гаусвальда, Евгении Карловны.
Архитектура дачи Гаусвальд воплотила многие характерные черты стиля модерн. В ней была подчёркнута асимметрия, отлично прослеживались изломанные линии портала и крыши. Прообразами здания послужили изысканные английские коттеджи. Здание — 2-хэтажное, его основной объем — деревянный, построенное на подвалах, с высоким каменным цоколем. Дача частично — кирпичная, выполнена сложная объемно-пространственная композиция из разновеликих объемов. Отделка фасадов имитирует фахверк — каркасное строительство из несущих столбов и балок, которые видны с наружной стороны дома, что придало ему характерный облик средневекового колорита. Северо-восточные части здания украшают парапетное ограждение террасы и угловая стилизованная башня, сложенные из кирпича. При отделки использовали различные материалы: бутовый камень, облицовочная керамическая плитка "кабанчик", известняк, дерево, керамическая черепица, поливные полихромные изразцы.
 Впоследствии, в 1910 и 1916 годах дача претерпела перестройки.  Самые серьезные изменения она претерпела в 1984 году после проведения в ней капитального ремонта, в результате сего были утрачены некий внешний декор и отделка интерьеров. В то время здесь неоднократно снималось кино. После она долгое время пустовала и к 2008 году находилась в аварийном состоянии. Около 85 % конструкций было уничтожено разрушающим древесину белым домовым грибом.Однако в 2017 году начались работы по восстановлению. В ходе реставрационных работ была сохранена большая часть исторического здания, также специалисты покрасили дом в оригинальный оливковый цвет. Внутреннее убранство практически не сохранилось, поэтому его кропотливо восстанавливали. 
Dacha Gauswald is a mansion located on Kamenny Island in St. Petersburg. It appeared here in 1898 and reflected a fresh style - Art Nouveau. The dacha was built by architects Vladimir Chagin and Vasily Shenet for the wife of bakery master Gustav Gauswald, Evgenia Karlovna.
The architecture of the Gauswald dacha embodied many of the characteristic features of the Art Nouveau style. The asymmetry was emphasized in it, the broken lines of the portal and roof were clearly visible. The prototypes of the building were exquisite English cottages. The building is 2-storey, its main volume is wooden, built on basements, with a high stone plinth. The dacha is partly made of brick; a complex volume-spatial composition is made from volumes of different sizes. The decoration of the facades imitates half-timbered construction - frame construction from load-bearing pillars and beams that are visible from the outside of the house, which gave it a characteristic appearance of medieval flavor.The north-eastern parts of the building are decorated with a parapet fence of the terrace and a corner stylized tower, made of brick. Various materials were used for finishing: rubble stone, ceramic facing tiles "boar", limestone, wood, ceramic tiles, glazed polychrome tiles.
Subsequently, in 1910 and 1916, the dacha underwent reconstruction. It underwent the most serious changes in 1984 after a major renovation was carried out, as a result of which some external decor and interior decoration were lost. At that time, films were filmed here several times. Afterwards it was empty for a long time and by 2008 was in disrepair.About 85% of the structures were destroyed by the wood-destroying white house fungus. However, restoration work began in 2017. During the restoration work, most of the historical building was preserved, and specialists also painted the house in its original olive color. The interior decoration was practically not preserved, so it was painstakingly restored.
Источник:://peterburg.center/story/dacha-gausvald-v-peterburge-pervoe-v-rossii-zdanie-v-stile-modern.html, //www.221b.ru/geo/7-gausvald.htm,//www.citywalls.ru/house1603.html?s=7kmm6pd2i9i0dm9uficg32j3of.
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sewersludgeovo · 5 months
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this is fanart for the fanfic Lost In Time on Ao3. I just thought Mikey looked so cute in her human form, I had to draw her 🥰💕💕 the chapter that the original art is from is chapter 12: Exploring the Great Unknown (chapter 14 on the site)
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lostintimenl · 10 months
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An urbex video from this train station: https://youtu.be/3Niib5R7umM
Abandoned station (Montzen Gare) Belgium Sep 2022
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Art by CollageSoul
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a-j-s-the-only · 5 months
It’s 12:56am and I feel like it’s 2pm. My thoughts are running faster than time. People stopped driving down my street a few hours ago. The world is falling asleep. My mind replays that thing in my head I’ve long forgotten.
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gurumog · 2 years
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Waxwork II: Lost in Time (1992) Electric Pictures Dir. Anthony Hickox
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