#like— he’s barely ‘evil’ before he isn’t and then just doesn’t get his actual redemption focused on for the rest of the show
velvette-hussle · 3 months
I wish Sir Pentious’ death would’ve at least done something and had some type of purpose in the fight (outside of, like, maybe bolstering morale?) because it just feels like such bad writing and blatant character disservice.
Yeah, in the end he ends up going to Heaven, but that’s more in service of the overarching narrative of redemption than it is Pentious’s own character arc. “He went out a hero”, but did he though? He certainly tried to do that but the show didn’t even allow him that much before unfulfillingly killing him off.
Really though, did Pentious even have a character arc to be left unfinished?
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swords-of-a-soilder · 4 months
Bless you for compiling what’s going on with that ex-bird app. It’s been genuinely insightful for me to understand the thoughts of the kinds of people behind those accounts.
That person trying to cancel creators for associating with Forever (and probably advocating for his lore to be excised from the server) saying “but I can’t possibly give up guapoduo, it’s My Hyperfixation” is very telling. Hypocrisy specifically in the context of “separating the art from the artist” isn’t something I’ve seen before, shockingly, so I guess I get to add that to my Social Media Discourse Bingo. (I had an online friend in 2016 who I was terrified to talk about my interests with because I didn’t know what angry punk teenagers on tumblr had deemed “evil and disgusting”, and even SHE stopped listening to some of her favorite metal bands when she learned they were homophobic, and had absolute turmoil when she learned that David Bowie might have allegedly slept with an underage groupie in the 70s. Her constant, unpredictable rage at seemingly random pieces of media was awful for my mental health, but at least she wasn’t a genuine hypocrite.)
Also that tone of “I’ve had good memories here… but I just can’t handle it anymore.” It sounds like someone whose meaningful but soul-crushing work has finally broken them, almost sounding like someone I knew at the frontline worker job I had mid-pandemic who missed her own birthday three years in a row, got repetitive stress injuries, and then got passed over for a promotion that was given to someone who did a fraction of the work. But the “God willing, I’ll never come back” was followed by “I’m 13” …damn, I got whiplash so hard that I astral projected into a universe where things made sense for a second. Because of course kids don’t have a complex view of other countries’ political systems or cultural pressures. Or the nuances of personal change and redemption. Or that sometimes people are just not online for a few days. And of course a 13-year-old doesn’t understand how dumb and petty they look by trying to ruin other peoples’ careers in the name of Activism (tm) while having a fandom portmanteau username.
“I didn’t want it to come to this but… I’m going to delete twitter!” I hope so, but more for their own sake, honestly. I actually have less anger towards most of them now. Many are kids with a false sense of grandiosity that makes them believe they are the ultimate moral authority, but have very little understanding of how messy people or societies can be. I just hope they can learn one day, and look back on who they are now and cringe. (And then many years after that, have the grace to forgive themselves.)
Oof, sorry for the wall of text.
I’m still not over the whole situation with Forever. I miss his energy, and his accent, and his silly bits with Richas that always dragged on too long, and N.I.N.H.O. (and everything it represented), and how different he and Cellbit are but how they understood each other WAY too well, and how he tried to make people who didn’t log onto the server as often still feel welcome and wanted, and how happy he got when anyone non-Brazilian even tried to speak a little bit of Portuguese. (I was learning, but I’ve barely touched it since.) I won’t lie, it’s affected me far more than I thought it would.
I miss Forever. Thank you for your blog being a little space where that’s okay.
I'm honestly a little worried for the kid (s), not in a "oh I just want the best for" fake bs way just a little concerned tbh. I still don't like them but I don't hate them either, they're a kid.
But at the same time I'm worried for their well being, they have like 5,000 follower on their main Twitter and 28 on curious cat (which is apprantly high for that app )
That's 5000 people (teens or not) waiting for you to tell them how to feel that can't be good for their mental state, not for a 13 yr old kid.
Most of their life was spent learning about the world and their still learning, these are the ages where you're worried about the sun blowing up.
You haven't seen how awful the world can be yet, You haven't seen how much worst it could get you haven't learned calculus yet!
To you the world is only these 13 years and you think if you don't act now everything will be over.
I get it, I had that fear too, most people grown into it and realize just how shitty it can get an settle in choosing their own battles and not letting It consume them, because no one had time for that anymore.
You want to experience the most out of live while you can and the older you get the easier it is to balance.
To me it looks like one of those situation where you'll look back and think "I wish I enojyed my childhood."
Because 5000 people waiting for you to tell them who to bash, 28 people prasing your while admitting they use to hate you.
It can't be good. And if they were to read this they'd probably say "oh you don't actually care you just want to shit on me."
And like, yeah I don't care, but am I saying all this because I want to shit on them? no I'm just pointing out concerns.
Apart from that I fully agree with anon.
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saintheartwing · 1 year
So, About The Owl House Finale...
Let me make something clear. I’m a Catholic and I’m happy with that being part of my identity, and Catholics believe VERY much in the power of guilt because we believe in the power of forgiveness and redemption. We WANT to believe people can see the road they’re on, see the damage they’ve done, and understand that they can make amends and become better. That if you’re truly SINCERE, you can be forgiven. But it’s not just a matter of wanting it. You need to prove you’re willing to EARN it. Think back to that guy who goes to Jesus and says “I’m willing to follow you anywhere” and Jesus is “Okay, sure. Just go sell all your possessions”...and the guy walks off dejectedly.
You just SAID you were willing to follow him anywhere. But you clearly didn’t mean it if you’re all depressed about being poor even if you’re walking alongside God himself. So you weren’t sincere. Sorry. 
That same lesson of sincerity applies to the Owl House. And yeah...spoilers under the cut here.
Even in the second third season episode we see Belos clearly being haunted by his brother Caleb’s ghost who’s looking at him hauntingly and rather accusingly. The message is clear. But Belos isn’t letting it sink in. He’s refusing to even REMOTELY acknowledge what he’s doing is wrong at all, or even ENTERTAIN it in the slightest. When Luz pointed out in the second season, and I quote, “You are SUCH a hypocrite! You talk about keeping humanity safe but you’re BARELY human!”  And she’s right. He IS a massive hypocrite. 
He doesn’t GENUINELY care about helping others or keeping humans safe, cuz if he DID care about keeping humanity safe from dangerous witches and magic, he would have focused on just shutting down all entrances TO the Boiling Isles from the Human World. He wouldn’t try to go back TO the Boiling Isles, considering the Collector’s there and going wild and everyone back there’s probably doomed and not going to the human world ANYTIME soon. But he just wanted to kill them all cuz he can’t get out of his mindset of “witches and magic bad” even after literal YEARS of being shown that’s not necessarily true. Even killing his own brother who’d evidently MARRIED a witch and was all “Hey look, they’re not actually that bad here, let me just talk with you about them...” 
So he had LOTS of chances and blew it.
Then we get to the Collector. The Collector doesn’t understand, like Belos, how life REALLY is. How things ACTUALLY work. But HIS is a lack of understanding of death. He doesn’t get that basically, death is IT for mortals. Once you’re gone, you can’t return. When he DOES realize this, he takes things more seriously. On top of that, he approached the Boiling Isles’s world with an open mind and heart. He just wanted to have fun and play and when the Titans were welcoming, he was in turn nice to them. It only went wrong cuz his siblings found out “Oh shit, THEIR magic cancels ours, we gotta kill them before they kill us”.  Belos had his mind and heart closed the whole time. The Collector is approachable. He’s not too far gone. He’s still young enough to have his mind changed and a decent person at his core who just wants real friends. He’s redeemable, he’s worthy of kindness and forgiveness because he doesn’t actually WANT to hurt people, doesn’t realize what he does CAN hurt them, and when he sees he HAS hurt people, tries to make things right and save lives.
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He does everything you could reasonably ask somebody to do. He proves he deserves mercy. 
Even in his FINAL moments Belos doesn’t even BEG FOR MERCY right. He doesn’t say he’s sorry. He doesn’t say he was wrong. He doesn’t take accountability in the slightest. He first tries to LIE and say “Oh I was under an evil curse, you freed me”. Luz clearly isn’t buying it...
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as it starts to rain. And, well...the Boiling Isles rain is BOILING. His transformed body begins to get burned away, he’s meeeeelting. Meeeeelting. What a world! What a world! 
THEN the jerk tries to GUILT TRIP her into saving him. “You let me die you’ll be just as bad, just as conniving, and just as evil as those witches! We’re human! We’re supposed to be better than this!”
You stopped being human freakin’ centuries ago, you literal slime. And THIS is the moment King, Raine and Eda pop up. Yes. A human IS supposed to conduct themselves with a level of integrity, and decency, and compassion. A human being probably would be expected to show mercy.
They, however...are not human. 
Supposed to be better than this? “Well WE ain’t!”
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And then they give Belos the boot.
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“That was EXTREMELY satisfying!” “Ew! It’s on my claws!”
Very few things I could ask more from this special. Especially the really sweet credits scene I won’t spoil for you. The whole episode is available for free on Youtube, you’ve got no reason or excuse to not watch it, so please, go see it, folks. You’ll love it. 
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Rank your favorite Masterminds, GO!
*Siiigh* Alright, I guess I can do this real quick. But if there’s one thing to know in advance when I talk about all these, I actually have problems with pretty much every DR/DRA antagonist.
//To start with, even though I’m fully aware of the issues with her character, I still stand by my belief that Junko is the best villain in the main series. Especially in Danganronpa 2. Most of the time she comes off as cartoony and you can’t really take her seriously, even if she is the woman who basically destroyed the world, but at the same time there is an element of true unadulterated sadism that comes out of her every now and then, and those are the moments where you actually see how evil this girl is and believe that she really could be responsible for humanity’s destruction. People in DR’s franchise tend to get sick of Junko, but in my opinion, every other villain in the series fails to emulate the level of villainy Junko carries.
//Monaca is our prime example. I might like Monaca if she had her own clear-cut character traits, but in general she just seems to be Junko 2 (which is ironic given that her entire goal was to then Komaru into Junko 2). If there’s one thing that Monaca does have above Junko, it’s a more fleshed out backstory, but at the same time, it doesn’t do much for her overall character. Danganronpa lore does state that Junko and Mukuro had rough childhoods and were even homeless for a time, but this time seems to have no effect on the Junko we know and hate. As far as anyone’s concerned, she was always a fucked up person. You’d think that Monaca’s consistent abuse from her father and stepbrother would be what causes her to snap, go crazy and use her sick and twisted, but genius mind to perform her evil deeds. But no, she’s in the exact same boat. She was just fucked up even without all the abuse. Monaca ultimately just never felt…finished, really.
//If we’re counting Izuru, then I’ve got some problems for him, and ironically enough, the main one is that he is just…super boring. And Izuru is actually barely ever shown or mentioned in DR2 until his actual reveal, Most of what’s actually shown of Izuru is in DR3, UTDP and DRS, the latter two which aren’t canon. But what IS shown is mainly just a stone faced guy who is just perpetually done with everything, and that’s about it. He’s a cool concept, but not a cool character.
//Utsuro from Another and Another 2 is in the same boat. He’s a bit better than Izuru because he actually has some semblance of a personality, and does seem to actually have things he cares about and a creed that isn’t quite like Junko’s or any mastermind that came before him, but he has his own issue. The main one is his power of Divine Luck, which has the same effect on his character as Izuru’s Ultimate Talents do on him. But the difference is in the larger scheme of things, Izuru’s talents were given to him when Hajime Hinata was lobotomised and modified, so with the mechanics and lore of the sci-fi genre at large, it makes sense. For Utsuro and Divine Luck however, it’s just “oh he was born with it.” That’s not interesting, it’s lazy, especially because of the constantly changing concept of luck across Danganronpa as a franchise. So while I didn’t hate Utsuro and while I thought the Yuki twist in the end was done well (they are the same character basically, but Izuru and Utsuro’s backstory’s are kind of the reverse of one another, which I appreciate) he’s nothing I really thought to write home about.
//AKANE TAIRA on the other hand, the OTHER mastermind of Another 1 is FUCKING FANTASTIC. Everything from her involvement across Another 1 and 2, her reveal in the end, her backstory, her character writing, her turnaround and redemption in the end; all of it was GLORIOUS. Maybe it’s a bit much saying this, but it’s kind of rare to see any of LINUJ’s characters get actual development, and Akane was handled super well in comparison to a lot of his characters. Not to mention her connection to Sora, who as I stated is my favourite PROTAGONIST, is also super interesting. I just really liked Akane’s moments across basically all of both games and I thought she was all around a super interesting character.
//Next is Tsumugi. And as you know, Tsumugi is important to me because she is the current main antagonist of Survivor. How do I feel about her in the canon games. If I can be blunt, one of the things about V3 that makes it so polarising for me is its cast. Half it’s cast is made up of some of my favourite characters in Danganronpa overall (Kaito, Kaede and Kokichi specifically) while the other half are some of my least favourite in the series overall (Kiyo, Angie and Tenko mainly) and Tsumugi unfortunately falls into the latter category for basically the exact same reason as Izuru. She is just so stupidly uninteresting. She gets props for being a mastermind who is truly her own evil and separate from Junko, as well as the fact that I think Dorothy Fahn’s voicework is really good with her specifically, but outside of that, as well as a cute and nice design, Tsumugi is just as she calls herself throughout the entire game - “plain and boring” even to the end.
//And lastly, I really need to apologise for this hot take, but if I’m being super honest, I REALLY don’t like Mikado at ALL. He’s just such a clown of a character with no depth to him outside of the twist of him being an AI. And while it is interesting that the Mastermind of the Killing Game is revealed from the start and actually serves as a participant in the game, it ultimately reduces the overall impact of the games main story when you know from the beginning who you can attribute all the bad events back to. I might not feel this way if Mikado was more of a twist villain in that he acted as a mastermind under the person who was REALLY pulling the strings, but that isn’t what happened. His plan was solid and he’s not bad by any sense of the word, but he’s just kind of messy in my eyes, like LINUJ decided on this plot point and then didn’t know what to do with it.
//Those are my thoughts and feelings, so here’s the final list from Best to Worst
Akane Taira
Junko Enoshima
Izuru Kamukura
Tsumugi Shirogane
Monaca Towa
Mikado Sannoji
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Post #66: UXM issues 196-197
In this issue, we jump straight back into Xavier teaching another psych class at Columbia. I'm still sad we didn't get to see his first class, and even in this issue we don't see much actual teaching, but it's nice to at least have one story in this very brief status quo, although Xavier himself barely has a part. His injuries have been aggravated to the point where he had to take drugs to suppress his powers so they don't overwhelm him. But while in a huge lecture, one especially strong thought breaks through- a student planning a murder. The trouble is, Xavier has no idea who the killer or victim is, and he'll have to figure it out the old fashioned way. Out in the Serengeti, Ororo finds herself face to face with a friendly lion who's silver mane matches her hair. Before she can approach it, though, both she and the lion are shot by those rich pricks she humiliated recently. The action zig-zags back to New York, where Xavier is telling the X-Men that they need to solve this murder before it happens. He doesn't tell them about his powers bring in the fritz, instead spinning some BS about an experiment he's doing with some drugs that are suppressing his powers. The scene is made a lot more interesting by the fact that it takes place in a restaurant where Xavier has taken out the team plus Magneto and Lee for lunch. Our heroes know Magneto isn't truly evil and have been willing to work with him in both Secret Wars, but having lunch is pushing it, especially cause his date is Scott's ex. Rachel sees the Beyonder at the counter ordering food, but he disappears into thin air, although he'll continue to stalk everyone from the shadows throughout the issue. The restaurant setting also gives an excuse to include some random people talking about how great Nimrod is. Rachel still hasn't made the connection between Nimrod and the Project Nimrod that future Kate went after. Kurt didn't show up to lunch, because he's visiting his priest to have a crisis of faith. In the past, he's turned to religion as an anchor when the horrors of X-Men life get to him, but he's starting to worry that the the Beyonder is God. And if he's not, than how can he trust a God who would allow such a being in the world? A lot of X-characters hit low points when faced with a huge traumatic event, like Ororo and losing her powers. We come back again to the bend or break theme. Ororo refuses to let things get to her, but the things keep coming, so she get bruised and hurt until she finally get knocked down. Then she begins the process of picking herself up. Kurt's more willing to roll with them punches, so rather than resist until he's knocked down, he lets The Horrors push him. But sometimes the punches just don't stop coming, Kurt's been getting pushed down so much he can't stand up straight. At the end of Lifedeath, he almost gave up, and though Rachel lifted him some, that was still the culmination of a lot of punches, and they've kept coming since then with the stress of leadership. All this to say that Claremont has been very gradually building to Kurt's crisis of faith for a long time, and using Secret Wars II as the catalyst for the peak of that crisis is a brilliant way to not have the crossover derail the book. Back to the rest of the team, they're investigating all of Xavier's students. Rachel and Anna are a pair, and have a conversation about Magneto. These are definitely the two who are least skeptical about his redemption, because Anna went through the same process and Rachel grew up with a heroic Magneto. They're sidetracked by a bunch of people jumping a guy in an alley. They save the guy, but he runs away from them, and they realize he was spray painting anti mutant graffiti. Rachel gets mad and blows up the wall. Rachel's arc through her time in this book is an inverse to Magneto's. They've both loved through a genocide and want to prevent another one. But while Rachel came back in time and told Kurt that the X-Men couldn't give up on being the X-Men, every day she's starting to doubt more and more whether their methods can actually lead to any other outcome. She's approaching the mindset that Magneto is moving away from as he comes closer and closer to joining the X-Men. He doesn't truly believe in the pacifist ideals of Xavier, but he wants to try to. Kitty and Logan are on another part of campus investigating other leads. Logan has his doubts about Magneto, but he believes in redemption and he trusts Xavier. Kitty is probably the most doubtful about Magneto, but she's also been growing a lot recently and learning to accept the possibility of change. She's also trying to be more like Logan, which we see when she tries to smoke his cigar and instantly regrets it.  She goes into the physics lab to investigate the next batch of suspects, who she knows from classes she's taking at the college. These are the culprits, which she suspects by the way they go quiet when she enters, but what she doesn't realize until it's too late is that these are the guys who mugged Xavier. They did it because he's a mutant, and they think she is too, cause she goes to his school. Kitty uses the n-word again, in the same context as in God Loves, Man Kills. I forgot that was coming, and it's terrible for obvious reasons, but I already talked a lot about that in the GLMK post, so I won't say any more here. Anyway, they chloroform her. In Xavier's office, Rachel is telling him and Magneto that she's been sending the Beyonder's presence following them. He appears in the room, but only to her, and when she tries to reach out, she triggers a psychic booby trap that Xavier has hidden that he apparently forgot to mention. It blasts all her power back on her, causing indescribable pain and briefly amplifying her psychic sense, giving her a vision of Kitty about to be murdered. Suddenly she's in her hound uniform and flies off to rescue Kitty (who she calls "my Kate," in case you were wondering if she was really in gay love with her). She blasts away all the would be murderers, and one of them takes a shot at her with his gun. She blocks the bullet and sends it back at him, but just before it hits him Magneto arrives and stops it. He knows exactly what she's feeling; she wants to make these people pay not only for their crimes but for all the crimes that other people inflicted on her. He doesn't even necessarily disagree that they deserve it, but he tells her that fighting hatred and fear with hatred and fear can never produce anything but more hatred and fear. He's spent his life fighting fire with fire, and the world is no better a place than before. She tells him and Kitty the truth about her past as a hound, and Magneto releases his hold on the bullet, telling her the decision has to be hers. She drops it to the ground and erases the minds of the humans before leaving alone. Kitty tells Magneto he really is a hero, but he denies it, saying he's just a man who's done unforgivable things and had worse done to him. But he believes that he can help Rachel find a better path. The big difference between Rachel and Magneto in his younger years is that Rachel isn't alone. Both of them began their crusades motivated by love for their families, but Magneto's wife and children condemned him. He was left alone,but carried on with his cause, becoming more bitter and corrupted over the years. But Rachel still has the love of a family, so she's able to hold on to the love that's still motivating her. Magneto's redemption has the same moral as God Loves, Man Kills. When he wanted to be the savior of mutant kind, he failed, but now that he's learned humility, he has a chance to be a part of that salvation. Similarly, Xavier's idealism can be an inspiration to his students, but he himself can't be a savior, because he's also a man who can be corrupted. For mutant kind to ever be saved, it'll take people like Rachel, who've walked on both sides of the old Xavier/Magneto divide and now toe the line. They can't do it alone without falling to one side or the other, but other people can help them keep their balance, as we see here. In a true masterstroke of improvisation in the face of event tie-ins, Claremont even weaves the Beyonder into this theme; earlier, both the Beyonder and Magneto questioned whether a god could truly evolve and learn. As we see in the end, they can, but only if they accept that they aren't a god. Magneto has finally accepted that, and the Beyonder is inspired to try the same. Unfortunately, the Beyonder also observes that Rachel is coming closer and closer to godhood every day. Whether she can come through it with herself intact is a question that writers will be asking of her for years to come.
Issue 197 opens with a dream sequence starring Peter. He's on the Shi'ar cruiser that the X-Men spent what they believed would be there last day alive during the Brood Saga, and he's fighting an imposter version of himself to save Kitty. He tosses the imposter out of the ship, but Kitty is a Brood Queen, and attacks him. He flees, and finds safety in the arms of Zsaji. But then she tells him she's still dead and she wants him to join her. He runs again, this time finding himself in the first scene we ever saw of him, saving Illyana from a runaway tractor. But then she tells him that by saving her life, he condemned her to eventually meet Belasco. All three women approach him, saying they trusted him and he failed them. He wakes up screaming, and finds that he and Kitty have been kidnapped in the night and taken to Murderworld. In Alaska, Scott wakes up to a call from Moira telling him he needs to return to the mansion. He promises Madelyne he'll be back soon. Back in Murderworld, Arcade explains why he's brought the two of them there. Doctor Doom is somewhere in Murderworld, out to kill him, and he's coercing the heroes into protecting him in exchange for their families' safety from his assistant, Miss Locke. They're suspicious of why Doom is playing by Arcade's rules, but they have no choice but to play along until they can figure out what's going on. We cut away again to see Nimrod hanging out in a diner with his friend Jamie. He's starting to adjust to life as a human, but when some guy comes in the rob the place, Nimrod incinerates him. He's met with applause by the other patrons for protecting the city. Back to the plot, Arcade supplies the heroes with an army of his X-robots to fight alongside them as an army of Doom minions attacks them. In the end, Peter believes Kitty is killed by Doom, but it turns out she put one of the robots in her place so she could ambush Doom just before he killed Arcade. It turns out to be not Doom, but Miss Locke, who was trying to kill Arcade for fun. As usual, the X-Men don't know how to make charges stick to Arcade, so they go their separate ways. This issue isn't as deep as most of the Peter-centric ones, but it was still pretty good. He's spent his whole life trying to lift other people's burdens and his whole time on this team trying to learn to share those burdens. But in this issue, he's forced to let Kitty carry her own burdens. He's been beating himself up for failing to protect the people he loves from himself and from villains. Here, he gets excited when he saves Kitty from a big robot, thinking that this is the way he can redeem himself for hurting her and for failing Zsaji and Illyana. But when that Kitty turns out to be a robot, and the real one outsmarted both him and Arcade, he has a more profound realization- Kitty isn't his to save. He does save her sometimes, but other times she saves him and herself. He's been freaking out trying to find a way to forgive himself, but Kitty already forgave him, and he's starting to realize that that's the sign he was waiting for. In the cliffhanger, Ororo wakes up in the Serengeti and waves off the vultures surrounding her. This was a okay issue, but like I said not the best Peter story. I realize that it would be out of character for Peter to not feel years of guilt over the Kitty/Zsaji situation, but (a) I hate it, as everyone should know, and (b) regardless of how I feel about it, it shouldn't be the only thing Peter's been dealing with for now over a year in the main book. We've still seen very little of him interacting with Illyana since learning she has magic. Last issue, we didn't get to hear his take on Magneto. In the Alpha Flight mini, we saw him in a situation where he couldn't sacrifice himself and had to decide to sacrifice others. Are you telling me someone who doubts himself this much wouldn't still be thinking about that? Peter is a hard character to write, because he'll always keep putting himself through the same cycle of self hatred. But that can be very interesting as long as you're finding new things to throw at him. He can keep being tortured by his every mistake, but in order to keep being an interesting character he needs to add some new mistakes. The material is right there, and it's frustrating to see Claremont still laser focused on the Kitty part of his life when there's so much more he could be dealing with. But if I'm remembering correctly, this is the last time Claremont does a Peter/Kitty centric story before Kitty spins off to Excalibur, so hopefully this is my last rant about that for a while. Next issue is Lifedeath II, one of Claremont's best issues and a huge turning point for Ororo.
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Tw for abuse mention!!
I was abused physically, verbally and sexually by my parents (not in that situation anymore dw) growing up, as well as neglected. Ive had child protective show up at my doorstep multiple times, and even I think that chloes situation is absolutely awful. For Astruc to say that Chloe is a brat simply because she gets what she wants and not acknowledge the toxic parenting style in her life, is really disrespectful to people who have been abused. I was abused, I got what I wanted because my parents didn’t want to actually parent me. They’d use money items to seem like better parents than they were despite us living in poverty, and used it as an excuse to guilt trip me.
In Chloe’s life, she has a shitty father because he is a downright ENABLER. Why is the head of Paris or whatever he is, listening so adamantly to his teenage daughter that really would have no power if he just didn’t let her? Why is he giving a teenage girl that much control? And Chloes mom is a neglectful abusive mom too. Not even remembering her name, not acknowledging her, making her feel worthless, is shitty abusive parenting. You could argue that since it’s a children’s show it’s not that deep, but these are relationships that kids can translate into real life. Even I am offended and hurt for Chloe despite having different circumstances, I can’t imagine the little kids who feel like monsters for behaving like her because they have similar parent types in their life. Not to mention I have a personality disorder and I can see Chloe having one too because the parenting style in her life is so chaotic. I’m not saying what Chloe does isn’t bad, she deserves genuine consequences, but it just is so upsetting to see her not get a redemption, it would’ve been such a good message for kids :/
I want to start off by saying I am incredibly sorry you had to go through that, and I’m glad you were able to come out and talk about it here.
The tragedy of Chloe is that neither of her parents managed to serve as a positive role model in her life, despite each of them treating her differently. Andre’s constant coddling and enabling of Chloe caused her to gain a sense of entitlement, while Audrey’s constant insulting and belittling of Chloe only fueled that part of her while she tried emulating her mother in an attempt to gain her approval.
But according to Astruc, Chloe wasn’t actually abused and says her mother mistreating her isn’t an excuse because he thinks that no matter how hard your life is, it’s no excuse to lash out in frustration.
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He is seriously saying that the right thing to do when something traumatic happens, like losing a parent, or being diagnosed with an incurable illness, is to just deal with it. It doesn’t matter how hard it is to adapt to or move on from the change in your life. You just need to buck up and move on, you little pansy.
Abuse isn’t a competition. You can’t generalize the psychological damage all abuse victims go through or set up a minimum requirement for someone to actually qualify as being abused. The way Astruc says Chloe wasn’t abused while comparing her to an abuser is essentially victim blaming. Yes, she should still at least face consequences, but you can’t just ignore her troubled upbringing and say she wasn’t at least a little damaged mentally.
Like you said, Chloe still betrayed the team, and I expected her to get consequences for it instead of her actions being ignored like everything else about the Season 3 finale while sabotaging a movie’s production was the breaking point for everyone in her life, but the problem is that the show never really tries to address her parents’ role in her upbringing. They just say she was always evil and never get down to what made her that way while Astruc claims the lesson was giving bad people a chance when the characters did the bare minimum in trying to help her with her issues before condemning her as unreasonable.
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Really, you can basically describe Chloe’s “arc” and the way Astruc views her like this.
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(Credit goes to the artist listed below, Alex Law)
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bluewhale52 · 3 years
The House by the River
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Summary: You, your husband and his brothers are back in the In The Soop house. But what happens when you forget the one thing you have to do during the pandemic?
Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: idol!au, established relationship, fluff
Rating: R - there’s a bit of a talk about sex but nothing NSFW
WC: 2.3k
Warning: setting during the pandemic, a breach of safety protocol, Yoongi and OC sleep naked, talk of sex, pregnancy talk ~Part of the Domestic Yoongi Series~
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It is a great idea, you have to admit. When your husband found out that he had two straight days of no schedules and no work, he immediately suggested going back to the house by the river, where he and his brothers had gone to for work and also for a time of healing and relaxation. 
You were so excited at the getaway idea, and although his six brothers invited themselves for the trip, you did not mind. Your daughter adores them, moreover you would have six very eager babysitters at your disposal. 
So that’s how you find yourself, on a beautiful autumn day, on a hammock and reading a book Namjoon has lent you. You hear Jimin and Taehyung back at the ping pong table, and Hoseok screaming gleefully at his toy aeroplane he has built himself. Sweet musical notes drift from the house; Namjoon and Jungkook must have gotten inspiration in nature and are creating a song together.
You hear the familiar giggles coming from the dock, and you close your book. Leaving the hammock, you head to the boathouse to meet the owners of those giggles.
Your little girl is smiling ear to ear, and shrieking in delight at Seokjin, who is carrying a bucket and two fishing rods- well, one fishing rod and a toy one. He has been regaling your daughter with stories of fishing, it was not difficult at all to get her all excited to be his fishing buddy.
“Hey baby,” you kneel as your daughter barel into your arms. “Did you catch a lot of fish?”
“Four!” She happily exclaims, wriggling out of your arms to pull Seokjin closer to you. “Look, Eomma!”
“She’s my good luck charm. Not Yoongi, not my painting, Min Soojin was all I needed to show these fish who’s boss!” He ruffles her hair. She beams at him proudly.
“Wow! Are we having sashimi tonight?” You turn to find Hoseok right behind you, peering into the bucket. He turns to your daughter, innocently asking her, “you’re going to help Uncle Jin and Uncle Kook cut the fish?”
Soojin’s face immediately turns serious, her smile all gone. “Cut? Eomma?” She turns to you. “We cut fishies?”
“Well, that’s how we get sashimi, baby.”
Her face crumples at your answer, tears start pooling in her eyes. “No, I don’t want to hurt fishies.”
The two men immediately bend down and soothe her. “No, no, we won’t cut the fishies. Uncle Hoseok is just joking, right?” Seokjin gives Hoseok a stare.
“Yes, I was only joking, Soojin-ah.” Hoseok cuddles her. “Hey, do you want to see the plane I made?”
Soojin shakes her head. “No, I want to take fishies home so you don’t cut her.”
Hoseok resigns to his fate. He knows now your four year old daughter will see him as an evil villain, out to cut all the fish in the world.
“Baby,” you coo at Soojin. “Why don’t you, Uncle Jin and Uncle Hobi return the fish to the river?”
Seokjin glares at you. You know how challenging it was for him to catch even a single fish on his last trip here, and on the day he caught FOUR, he can’t even enjoy one as a sashimi.
Hoseok on the other hand, jumps at his chance of redemption. “Yes, that’s a great idea! Let’s do that, Soojin. Let’s free the fish!”
Soojin looks at Hoseok doubtfully. He grabs the bucket from Seokjin and offers his hand to your daughter. She gingerly puts her hand in his, and her other hand reaches for Seokjin’s.
Over your daughter’s head, Seokjin whispers sharply at Hoseok. “YOU put the fish back.”
You watch them squat by the dock, laughing along with Seokjin and Soojin as Hoseok squeals in disgust as he picks a fish out of the bucket and throws it inelegantly into the river. After the fourth fish is back in the water, Soojin is satisfied and her mood is back to her cheery self.
You look at your watch. 5pm. It’s time to get your husband out of his makeshift studio. “Soojin, want to see Appa?” You call out.
“No! Plane!” She points at Hoseok who is winding his toy plane again.
“Go get Yoongi. We’ll look after her.” Seokjin offers, and you give him a grateful smile. It IS nice to have your husband’s band mates around.
You walk up towards the campervan by the upper house. Your husband specifically made the request for the van to be there. You knock on the door, and you open it only after you hear his gruff response from inside.
“Hey babe,” you greet him from the door. “It’s just past five.”
Yoongi stretches behind the laptop and all his equipments. Rubbing his face, he mumbles, “Already?”
You open the door wider, letting more sun inside the dark campervan. “Did you manage to get all your work done?”
Yoongi gestures for you to come inside. You step in, and sit next to him. “Wanna hear?” He offers.
“Of course.” You take the headphones from his hands. You love how he always shares his rough drafts with you, even before he shares them with his members. It doesn’t matter that you know zilch about music, he loves watching you reacting to his creations.
He presses play, and your eyes widen at the sounds filling your ears. You turn to smile at him, pride on your face. He returns your smile with his own gummy one.
You love this kind of moment with Yoongi. You don’t need dates at fancy restaurants or expensive gifts like big diamond necklaces. Just time with him, alone like this, is enough. He watches you bopping along to his music, and burst out laughing in embarrassment as you scrunch your face at his attempt at a high note.
When the song ends, you take off the headphone and kiss him. “Well, Min PD-nim, I think you have another hit there.”
“You say that to all my songs.” He brushes away your compliment as he starts packing up his things.
“Well, it’s true. I’m not just saying that because you’re my husband.” You stand and move to the door to give him more space in the cramped sitting area of the campervan. You report to him about Soojin’s fishing experience earlier while Yoongi is putting his equipments in the bags.
“So Hobi actually held the fish?” Yoongi chuckles.
You nod. “I regret not capturing it on video. It was so funny.” You open the door and you both walk towards the upper house. “OH MY GOD!”
You exclaim as you see the state of the kitchen. Yoongi curses next to you.
All the foods you have bought for the stay are scattered all over the counter and the floor. Packages ripped open, vegetables and fruits half eaten.
“Oh no, did an animal- or a pack of them- get in?” You lift a bag of bitten and nibbled onions. “They like onions it seems.”
Your husband sighs. “Guess we’ll have to go out for dinner then. There’s no way we can salvage any of this.”
You agree with him and start cleaning up. Shortly after, the kitchen is clean and free of scraps, and you both return to the main house to break the news. The members don’t seem to mind going out, Taehyung even suggests going to the burger joint he visited with Hoseok before. Seokjin and Yoongi decide they could stop by a supermarket on the way back to get enough food for breakfast and lunch for the next day.
And so off the nine of you go to the town for a burger dinner. Arriving at the small restaurant, you are shocked at how crowded it is. “Wow, the burgers here must be really good.” You comment to Taehyung.
He nods, licking his lips. “One of the best, Noona. You’ll love it.”
You smile at his enthusiasm, and also when he picks up Soojin to show her the menu board.
Then you realize something.
Your heart drops when you realise that no one, not a single person is wearing a mask. The staff, the patrons, and even you, your husband and his brothers, and your daughter, none of you is masked up.
You start to panic. Reaching for Yoongi, you tug his hand. “Babe, we’re not wearing our masks!”
“Relax, baby, we’re fine. No one recognizes us here.”
“No! Yoongi, not to hide your faces. The pandemic isn’t over yet and we’re not wearing masks!” You shout at him.
To your shock, no one seems to hear you, or even care that everyone in this burger joint is ignoring the most important safety protocol. You panic even further, and while making your way to Taehyung to take Soojin back, you feel something tugging the back for your cardigan.
You turn to chide Yoongi, thinking it is him who is pulling your clothes. You gasp when you find no one behind you. Not Yoongi, not Namjoon, not anyone you came to the place with. In fact, the whole place has become empty, but for a little boy standing in front of you.
He has feline eyes, much like Yoongi’s, and his complexion is as milky white as your husband’s too. He looks up at you with such innocence, and you kneel down to meet him at eye level.
“Hi,” you greet him. “Are you okay? Where are your parents?”
The boy continues to look at you silently, then he fishes something out of his packet. It is a folded K94 mask. He offers it to you.
“For you, Eomma.” He says shyly.
You sit up, gasping out loud. You immediately reach for your face, feeling for a mask around your mouth and nose. Your fingers touch bare skin directly, which sends you into a panic.
You start to look around for a mask frantically, only to find yourself... in your bedroom in Seoul? And your husband is stirring awake next to you. You reach for the baby monitor, and relief floods over you as you see on the screen that your daughter Soojin is sleeping peacefully in her room.
“Babe,” Yoongi sits up next to you, voice still thick with sleep. “You okay?”
You place a hand on your bare chest. Your heart is still beating fast. “I just had the craziest dream.”
Yoongi reaches for you and pull you down to lie with him. Rubbing your back, he asks you to tell him your dream.
“We were back in the house, that In the Soop house,” you begin. “We were having such a good time, Soojin was laughing, the boys were all there too.”
You try to focus but bits and pieces of the dream are already forgotten in your mind. “And somehow we all went out for dinner, and no one was wearing masks, Yoongs, including us and I panicked I think?”
Your husbands hands are soothing you. “And that’s when you woke up?”
“No...There’s something else.” You struggle to remember. “There’s a boy I think, and I thought he was lost, but he gave me a face mask.”
Yoongi stops rubbing you. “The boy gave you a mask?” He sounds tickled.
“It’s a dream, it doesn’t have to make sense.” You playfully swat his chest.
He nuzzles your hair. “You dream of the weirdest things.”
You giggle in his embrace. Your naked bodies pressed closer as sleepiness starts to disappear, slowly replaced by something more carnal.
You suddenly remember something. “Oh my god, Yoons!” You push Yoongi away. He leans back, confused.
“What if that was a conception dream? The boy called me Eomma.”
Your husband looks at you as if you have grown two heads. “A conception dream?”
“Well, we may have conceived a child tonight, considering... you know, how many times you came in me.”
“Only twice but thanks for the ego boost.”
“I’m serious!” You give him a stern look. “What if we conceived a baby tonight, and that was my conception dream? Oh my god, how could my conception dream be of a boy giving me a K94 mask?”
Yoongi starts laughing. “And what do you think that would mean? We’re gonna have a son who’d become a doctor? That wouldn’t be so bad, right?”
You pout. “Now you’re just teasing me.”
He cradles you back in his arms. You have talked with your husband before about giving Soojin a sibling. Your hand unconsciously moves down to your tummy. You and Yoongi have foregone all birth controls tonight, and you hope one of his swimmers has made it.
Yoongi strokes your hair gently. “You know, since you have the conception dream already, why don’t we make sure it doesn’t go to waste?”
His hands are moving down your body, sending sparks all over.
“I agree, Min Yoongi. You better give me a baby tonight. Just in case the first two times weren’t quite successful.”
Laughing, he rolls over to be on top of you, determined to get you all nice and pregnant by the time morning comes.
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A/N: I actually had the dream OC had - minus the boy with the K94 mask. The fact that Miss Rona actually invaded my dream, that was just so crazy I had to write it down! And eventually it became this little piece of a fic 😄 Please remember to wear your mask, social distance and stay safe! 💜
Published 08022021
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themandylion · 3 years
97 & 41 jaytim
Oh wow, this ended up long. /o\
97 (Time Travel) + 41 (First Kiss) + JayTim
He's boosting tires in the Bowery when the thugs find him. Crowd him up against a wall and threaten him with bodily harm for horning in on their territory, even though this part of the city is a free-for-all, with no one reigning supreme. There's three of them to his one, all of them full-grown men with bulging muscles and nasty tempers and Jason knows he's in his final moments, that there's no way he's escaping this. Still, that doesn't mean he's going to go down without a fight. He squares his shoulders, plants his feet, raises the tire iron in his hand, and—
Between one blink and the next, the back-most thug is on the ground, groaning and clutching his crotch. There's a blur of red, and then the next one's down on his knees, the crowbar he was gripping half a block away and the hand that was holding it pinned to the wall by a slim, sharp-edged disk.
Silver flashes through the night, and the final guy collapses in a heap, just sprawled out on the pavement like he's not even human anymore, just a pile of discard clothes over something lumpy and unmoving. Someone lands on his back, light and nimble and impossibly tall. "You okay there, kid?" the new person asks, crouching down so he's at Jason's level and smiling.
"…Batman?" He's only ever seen the Bat from a distance before, but he's heard about the cape and cowl, and this guy has both.
The guy shakes his head. "Nope, not him. I'm his partner, though."
"Robin wears green," Jason feels compelled to point out, because he's definitely seen Robin before, though always on the TV, when the Teen Titans are fighting really scary bad guys elsewhere in the world.
This time, a shadow seems to pass over the man's face, sad and unhappy. "I'm a different kind of Robin. Red Robin. I'm pretty new, it's not surprising you haven't heard of me." He leans back on his heels and glances around at the thugs, frowning. "I've got to tie these guys up and leave them somewhere the GCPD will find them. Do you think you can get home on your own?"
Jason gulps, staring up at him, at the way all that tight leather and spandex hugs his body. Gee whiz. "Yeah, I. I can take care of myself. Thanks!" He surges forward, practically smacking his mouth against Red Robin's cheek, before running off into the night. Maybe not headed home, but to as close as anything gets, these days.
Two weeks later, Batman catches him boosting tires on Crime Alley. A week later, he's going home with the man. Jason asks about Red Robin and gets a confused, clueless look, which is strange. With everything else happening, he forgets about the man in the black cowl with the silver staff, but he still finds himself drawn to that one particular shade of red.
He forgets until the memory is jarred out of the deepest depths years later on the other side of the multiverse, when he's bound to a chair and staring down the barrel of gun. A gun held by another Batman, a different Bruce. One who did all the things he thought he wanted his Bruce to do, only to end up a broken man as a result. Jason tries to explain himself and his presence, but it's hard to when he keeps seeing that suit in the case over this Batman's shoulder.
They reach an understanding, a kind of peace. Both of them, finally, for the first time in ages. This other Bruce offers him the suit, and Jason doesn't think twice before putting it on. He's traveled across the multiverse, seen places where dead people live again, where evil people are good and vice versa. It's not too far a stretch to believe that somehow, he's going become his own childhood hero.
When he finishes pulling on the last piece, Bruce looks on him with pride and announces, "Red Robin lives!"
"Red…?" Jason murmurs, more than a little startled. It's been so long, he'd nearly forgotten the name, but it fits, it makes sense. Finally, he's back on the right path, back to being someone the boy he once was could be proud of. Will be proud of, when their paths cross again, which he's sure they will.
The other Batman dies.
They get back, finally done traveling across the multiverse, fleeing across Apokolips, running from plagues and maybes and might-have-beens. Donna and Rayner return to wherever they call home, and Jason... He thought he finally found himself when he put on the cowl and became Red Robin, but with everything that happened after that moment, all the contrition he gained has been too long stewing in a half-broken heart. He isn't sure who rescued him when he was a kid, but it wasn't him, and it wasn't the long-dead Jason of another world. Maybe it was no one at all, and he made it all up and convinced himself it was real.
He runs back to Gotham, strips off the cape and cowl, the bandoliers and leather. Throws it all in the trash and goes to knock some heads and blow off some steam, anything to escape from what the rest of the Justice League brought with them—a sob story and a broken, days-old body.
The suit disappears from the can where he threw it, and he thinks good riddance to bad rubbish, but the person who's wearing it now doesn't understand the significance, the legacy. Doesn't know what it symbolizes, a last chance at redemption, a final loss of innocence.
The new kid distracts him, muddies the water and still Jason doesn't see it, doesn't realize what's happening. Even when the kid takes the cowl, adds it to his green-free suit, he doesn't see it.
Jason's too busy fighting, too busy screaming, raging, being angry at himself and the world to realize how things are swirling tighter and tighter, closing in, twining together, weaving themselves in an intricate, impossible mesh that's new and old and always existing all at the same time. The three of them—him and Dick and the new kid—push and shove and fight and scream and grieve in their own ways, trying to figure out who they're going to be now, what the world is without Bruce.
He ignores overtures of friendship, leaves the kid broken and bleeding out and thinks nothing of it, still too busy hurting and too busy denying he hurts.
Thinks nothing of Robin back on the streets in red and green and black and yellow, a different boy, an actual child.
Bruce comes back, but he's just as stubborn as always, and Jason burned the last of his bridges while the old man was playing possum. There's nothing left for him to do but lurk in the shadows and grit his teeth and watch Drake bounce around the city in a costume that isn't his, telling himself he doesn't care, that it doesn't rub him the wrong way.
Doesn't actually realize what's happening until one day he's watching as Drake races across the city, ready to step in and stop him if he dares to cross into Red Hood's territory when suddenly—
There's no one. The roof's empty, not a soul in sight.
He swings over, investigates. There's a strange acrid smell in the air along with the faintest traces of sweat and exhaustion, but there's no clue to where he's gone, no hint. Minutes pass and the sky is getting darker as evening turns into night. Just when he's given up, Drake reappears, but still, unmoving. One hand grasping his staff while the other touches his cheek and he stares into nothing, dazed and unfocused.
His attention snaps up, and Jason is too startled to move, still standing there in the middle of the roof, the two of them locked in place.
"Holy fuck." He can't. This isn't—
He's tried to kill Drake multiple times over the years. They've barely had a conversation that hasn't ended with Jason drawing a knife or a gun, and more often than not he comes out on top. Leaves the guy knowing that he's alive at Jason's mercy.
But now he's standing there, finally grown into the Red Robin suit and name, filling it in all the right places, all the right ways, grasping a staff that Jason somehow failed to recognize until this exact moment.
"I never—" He never thought to make the connection, always assumed it had to be someone else, some one huge. Big enough to match the larger-than-life figure that dominated a half-forgotten memory.
"Huh." Red Robin collapses his staff, clips it his belt. "Random time blip? I didn't even realize."
Which would explain it. Of course he didn't realize—no way would he have helped that other, younger Jason if he'd known who it was. Why save a boy who's going to grow up to become a monster bent on destroying him over and over again. "Sorry," Jason says, startled, confused, unable to wrap his head around it all as he stumbles backwards, tries to do what he always does when he's confronted with too much, too fast—run.
Red Robin—Drake—tilts his head to the side and then does something completely unexpected. He shoves back the cowl and studies Jason with cool, clear eyes. "I have a feeling this has been a weird night for both of us. You could stick around. We could figure this out together."
So help him, Jason hesitates. "Time travel is pretty weird."
"I was thinking more being kissed by my childhood crush. But yeah, that too."
"Your… what?"
"Come on," he says, holding out a hand. "I think it's time we finally talked. Maybe without the death threats this time?"
Gulping, Jason takes that hand in his.
It's not much, but. It's a start.
(The Fanfic Trope MASH-UP is still open for asks!)
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Why I Can’t Read the Harry Potter Series the Same Way Anymore
 (I know this is different from the stuff I usually post on this blog but… frankly I wrote three pages to vent about this and I wanted to publish it somewhere so just bear with me.)
So, I know what this looks like. However, this is not because of the… real life misgivings of J.K. Rowling. As a trans person myself, yes, she is transphobic. Also, she lies about what her books actually contain to seem more progressive than she actually is, like claiming Hermione was always black when she was described and pictured as white in the books and then played by Emma Watson in the movies that Rowling was personally involved with the production of. But that’s not what I’m here to argue because frankly, that’s an old argument and while it does taint my view of the author, it’s not what taints my view of the books.
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I should preface this with this: I don’t hate Harry Potter. I read all the books and watched all the movies. I was an active fan of the series for a long time and I still enjoy the world and the characters. Heck, I still sort my friends and characters into Hogwarts houses for the fun of it. However, overtime, some of my issues with this series have started to weigh on my mind more and more as I’ve gotten older. I mentioned the Hogwarts Houses, which while it’s fun to sort characters outside of Harry Potter into these houses, the way they’re handled in the series is lazy at best and problematic at worst. First off, nearly every good character is in Gryffindor, while Slytherin is almost entirely made up of villains. Gryffindor is the designated good house where all the “brave” people go when barely anyone there actually embodies the house traits, besides Neville, Hermione, and maybe Harry. If you wanted a variety of personalities in one place, maybe you shouldn’t have made your sorting system based on personality!
In fact, here’s a whole list of characters who should not be in Gryffindor:
-Ron Weasley (Hufflepuff. He’s super loyal to the point where him leaving his friends in the final book felt out of character)
-Fred and George Weasley (Slytherin, they are some of the most ambitious, cunning characters in the whole series. Opening a joke shop IS an ambition and is a great example of a non-evil ambition.)
-Ginny Weasley (Also ambitious with her Quidditch to the point of spending years sneaking out to practice on a broom before she attended Hogwarts.)
-Percy Weasley (Ambition is his whole thing. He’s even a darker side of ambition. Him coming back to his family would be more meaningful if he were a Slytherin!)
-Dumbledore (Ravenclaw or Slytherin. He manipulated the ever-loving hell out of Harry, which I’ll get to, and is known as clever, wise, and a little eccentric. Either house could’ve been a better fit for him than Gryffindor.)
-Hagrid (Either Hufflepuff or Slytherin. Hufflepuff seems like the best fit for his current personality but Slytherin makes the most sense considering his backstory and history with Tom Riddle. The SuperCarlinBrothers made a really good video explaining this called “What House Was Hagrid in.” Go watch that.)
Leading into my next issue with the Hogwarts Houses, I have a serious issue with how Slytherin house is represented.
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This has been said multiple times but the fact that every single Slytherin in the series is either evil (Voldemort, Bellatrix), assholes (Draco, Snape), morally gray (Slughorn, Regulus Black), or not in the core seven books (Albus Potter, Scorpious Malfoy, and Merlin), is extremely problematic. It makes the line between good and evil incredibly obvious and clear cut, with hardly any effort to blur those lines. The closest thing we got, especially in the author’s eyes, was Snape, who was not redeemed. He just wasn’t. He was a bully to his students, emotionally and physically, to the point where Neville’s biggest fear was him, and yet it’s suddenly all okay because he was in love with Harry’s deceased mother? That’s not how this works. His actions are not suddenly all okay because of that and frankly, he didn’t do enough to warrant saying he redeemed himself, besides indirectly letting Harry know that he needed to die to defeat Voldemort through the memories in the Pensieve, which just isn’t enough. Draco had more of a redemption and frankly proved he had good in him, yet we never got a true redemption from him because apparently all Slytherins are evil. Sure, there is a total of… one evil Gryffindor: Peter Pettigrew, who is pretty awful, but is there a single fully good Slytherin? No, they’re all either assholes, dabbled with evil, or are full on evil. Not only is it basic black and white morality, but it’s also downright harmful. The kids are sorted into their houses by their personalities and values. Some of the Slytherin traits are ambition, cunning, cleverness, resourcefulness, and leadership qualities, all pretty positive traits. The thing that divides these houses are their traits and values, so this is sending a message that traits such as “ambition,” “cleverness,” or “resourcefulness” are bad or evil, when they’re not. This is especially problematic when you remember that there is an official Wizarding World quiz that sorts you into a Hogwarts house based on your personality and likes and one of the houses you can get is this designated evil house. So if kids take this quiz and get Slytherin, they’re going to be disappointed and possibly think they’re evil. I’m especially annoyed at “ambition” ALWAYS being represented as a negative trait. That’s not just a Harry Potter problem but it still bothers me. Having aspirations and the guts to pursue them is not a bad thing, having evil aspirations is a bad thing. Ambition is a purely neutral trait, it can be positive or negative depending on what you’re pursuing yet it’s only ever shown as a “villain” trait.
(Look at this wonderful tweet I found while looking for images for this by the way:)
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(Way to be even more blatant that you hate Slytherins and also have a poor understanding of racial issues. Speaking of which...)
This series tries to tackle racism… and it didn’t do it well. At all. It didn’t even tackle racism itself, it used elements of its magical world as an allegory for racism and these allegories just don’t work. The two that are most well-known are the wizard/muggle tension and the house elves as a whole. The pureblood purists are essentially an allegory for white supremacists, which has some troubling implications since wizards are literally genetically superior to muggles. Even if it’s not an objective fact, the books do imply that wizards are better than muggles from the story alone so this racial allegory doesn’t work when you’re saying one side is more powerful or better! The house elves are even worse. Their entire species is enslaved to these “genetically superior wizards.” In fact, if I remember correctly, house elves are enslaved mostly by rich pureblood families like the Malfoys and the Crouch’s, similar to slavery in the real world. But apparently, the house elves are happy to be enslaved (besides Dobby, who died) and were insulted when Hermione tried to free them. Winky in particular was horrified when she was freed by her master, treating it like a horrible punishment. Surely I don’t have to say how messed up that is.
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Finally, my biggest problem with the Harry Potter series and the main reason I can’t stomach reading or watching them anymore, is the treatment of Harry himself. Harry was abused by the Dursleys. This is not me reading too into the book of reinterpreting anything, this is what is told to us directly. Harry is thin from being underfed in the first book, was forced to live in the cupboard under the stairs for eleven years, is frequently yelled at and berated by the Dursleys, heck Petunia and Vernon practically encourage their son to beat up Harry and frequently show favoritism to Dudley over Harry to an absurd degree. They make it clear to Harry that they don’t want him there. They also lock him in his room in the second book, literally boarding up the window and not letting him leave, passing him soup cans under the door. And all of this is just off the top of my head. Dumbledore left Harry in this environment. Dumbledore is fully aware of how Harry is being treated. Harry’s acceptance letter into Hogwarts literally has the address “the cupboard under the stairs” written on it. Yet they leave him in this physically and emotionally abusive and neglectful environment because the Dursley’s treatment somehow humbled him and made him the hero the wizarding world needed. Let me repeat that loud and clear: Harry is a hero because he endured abuse. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. I don’t care what your justification is, it is never a good thing to leave a child in an abusive situation. You are not good or noble or heroic or anything for staying with people who hurt you. And it’s not just Dumbledore. I understand that Harry living with Sirius wasn’t much of an option with him on the run from Azkaban and then dying in book 5 but what about the Weasleys? Why do they let him return to the Dursleys when they know full well what he’s going through there after Fred, George, and Ron bust him out? Oh yeah, he can’t leave because Lily’s love spell protects Harry when he’s in a blood relative’s house. He doesn’t have any other choice. This is a lazy excuse from the story to justify Harry staying with his abusers and frankly, doesn’t even work since he’s constantly trying to avoid his house, a pretty common response to domestic abuse by the way. So it’s not “protecting” him, even by that stupid logic. Harry was left with and forced to return to the Dursleys year after year solely because he’s the chosen one and needed to be put through hell because abuse apparently molds people into heroes and if Harry was even a little arrogant, he wouldn’t be a hero. And he wouldn’t have been prepared to die to Voldemort to destroy the horcrux in him. The story is framed in a way that glorifies Harry for being abused and I despise it. Dumbledore used Harry as a tool to defeat Voldemort, never taking his feelings into account and he’s just forgiven for all of this in the end. Everyone says Harry shouldn’t have named his kid after Snape? What about Dumbledore? Harry basically named his child after two of his biggest tormentors. It sickens me. It’s like the series is supporting and glorifying abuse, even if that wasn’t the intent of the author (and I doubt it was, since she was abused herself) that is how it feels. So yeah, I can’t really enjoy Harry Potter anymore the way I used to.
(On a side note, I hate “destiny” stories and Harry Potter is a good example of a terrible destiny themed story. Harry didn’t have a choice in anything. He was just forced into this scenario and twisted by the plot to be what it “needed” him to be, having no agency of his own. Great inspiring hero. -_-)
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introvertguide · 3 years
15 Badass Movies for a Fun Time at Home or with Friends
There is a buzz in the air as COVID-19 vaccines are rolling out and the hope of having a movie night with friends is again becoming a reality. Watching alone isn’t as fun because I want to talk to somebody about what I have just seen. A full theater does not agree with my introvert nature because somebody screaming or laughing or talking on their phone will ruin it for me. Watching with a fellow cinephile or two is perfect. But what to watch first? People have been stuck inside, so fantasy and alternative worlds have been overly popular. All I do is talk over zoom for a living. I think what I need most right now is a movie about realistic people with realistic skills that go into a situation and just wreck house. I need a badass movie. What is this “badass” movie you might say? Well, here are some basic criteria: 1) There must be a tough lead character who kicks butt while spouting one liners and doesn’t need superhuman powers (high levels of peak skill with speed, aim, or strength is OK if they are plausible in the real world), 2) most of the characters (good and bad) must be likable, admirable or at least memorable, 3) the lead must face and defeat overwhelming odds against them, and 4) extra points for memorable one liners. Also, I am only dealing with human protagonists (sorry Terminator), but slightly superhuman opposition is acceptable. This list is by no means exhaustive, it is just an example of some badass movies. So in no particular order:
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1) Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
To start off the list, I want to mention the most well known American badass. Indiana Jones is a smart guy with a gun and a whip. He is rugged and punches guys in the face. He has weaknesses but works through them to get the job done. Harrison Ford was in his early 40s for this role and had this tough-as-nails and seen the world kind of feel while still being young enough to fight hand to hand. Any of the first three films featuring Indiana Jones would work here, but this is the original and it started the fun. Easy to watch. Easy to cheer for. Great movie. You can’t really go wrong with any age or group with this one. 
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2) 13 Assassins (2010)
This movie is extremely badass but not for everyone. This is one of the goriest films I have ever seen as 13 warriors kill off a couple of hundred soldiers and the evil leader that they guard. The movie was directed by Japanese extreme horror icon Takashi Miike if that means anything to you (hey made Audition and Ichi the Killer). The movie has gallons of blood, but also an amazing story of redemption and honor. There are tons of scenes of a single warrior taking on dozens of soldiers and managing to overcome. Not for everyone, but still very much a badass movie.
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3) The Raid (2011)
This is an Indonesian action thriller with the word action in bold. The film is directed by Gareth Evans and stars Iko Uwais as part of a small police force that tries to take down an old building that houses a drug lord and his violent gang. It has a lot of what I like in badass movies: one-on-one fights between the lead and almost superhuman villains, long well-choreographed scenes, a banging soundtrack, ridiculous weapons, and ridiculous gore. The fight scenes in tight places and the use of the environment for weaponry is amazing and the sound design makes sure you can feel every punch. The lead character should have no chance, but he makes up for it with skill and being a pure badass. This movie is one of the few that I would describe as having non-stop action.
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4) Jon Wick (2014)
When did Keanu Reeves become so cool? I grew up with him being part of the Bill and Ted duo. He decides to learn martial arts and play a god-like being in the Matrix movies and then becomes a one man wrecking crew? I guess he is a badass because he does it so well. Keanu plays a retired hitman who is wronged and decides to go back to work for vengeance. He just won’t stop coming and seems to constantly survive out of pure hatred alone. There are 3 films in the series and any one of them will impress. Pure fun too watch.
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5) Casino Royale (2006)
When I was asking around, there were many people who thought that James Bond was the ultimate badass. I disagree in that many of the older films show Bond as overconfident with the assistance of many people. In fact, Q is more of a badass in many ways than James Bond. However, when the series was taken back to its roots with the last book that had not been made into a serious film and made darker, it reached badass levels. From the parkour chase to a poisoning to an extreme torture scene, this was not like any James Bond movie before it. Roger Craig plays a much colder lead who gives no quarter, much more like what the greatest secret agent would have to be. Heavy on violence but light on gore, this film is more for all audiences than other films on this list.
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6) Desperado (1995)
What makes this movie is not all about Antonio Banderas and Selma Hayek. It is that every other character is memorable and badass as well. The street standoff with Bucho’s men versus El Mariachi, Quino, and Campo is iconic. El Mariachi murders everyone in a bar with precise skill. The rogue assassin Navajas with all the knives played by Danny Trejo. Nothing but extreme shoot outs and fight scenes with a ridiculous variety of guns and explosives. I think what makes this movie so amazing is that all these amazing assassins are incognito and, when they suddenly produce an arsenal out of nowhere, it is always a pleasant surprise. Quino and Campo are amazing when they bring their guitars. 
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7) Pulp Fiction (1994)
Truly the role that made Samuel L. Jackson into the ultimate badass. He and his partner Vincent are hitman that keep running into the worst situations. The thing about the film is that everybody is so cool. The characters are cool, the music is cool, the dialogue is cool, hell even the diner featured in the movie is cool. The movie only spans a couple of days (in completely separate segments shown out of order) but packs in 7 distinct situations that are all berserk. From the mind of Quentin Tarantino, this movie is dripping with the best characters traveling through the best story. Highly recommend.
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8) Leon: The Professional (1994)
Also known simply as The Professional in the U.S., this film features the debut of Natalie Portman. It is directed by Luc Besson at his best period, right between La Femme Nakita and The Fifth Element. The lead is actually a quiet hitman who reluctantly takes a little 12-year-old girl on as an apprentice to become a paid assassin. Her parents were killed by a corrupt cop and she wants Leon to help her exact revenge. He is an absolute badass and somewhat of a caring surrogate father to the girl. Unlike a lot of the films on this list, the premise is not simply kicking butt in a bad situation. There is serious character growth. Apparently you can be a caring parent and a cold-blooded murderer...and that is badass.
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9) Kill Bill (2003)
Being a badass is not exclusive to men and The Bride is a prime example of this. She survives a shot to the head, kills deadly assassins, slaughters a gang, and takes on a crazy school girl bodyguard. She is tougher then any lead I can think of and she has the bad attitude and sense of vengeance that makes for a badass. Combine this with the soundtrack and beautiful cinematography associated with director Quentin Tarantino and you have a beautifully violent movie in which the hits keep coming. Even on this list, the fight scene between the bride and Gogo Yubari is insane. Also note the nod to Bruce Lee with the bright yellow motorcycle suit. Beautifully badass film.
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10) Aliens (1986)
In nature, there are few things more dangerous than a mother protecting their young. A mother will fight you to the death and make sure that, at the very least, you won’t be able to go after her kids. Now imagine an alien planet covered with hostile beings created in the mind of James Cameron and Stan Winston and you have a setting made to create a real badass. In the beginning, Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) is just desperate to survive and barely knows how to use a weapon. She meets a little survivor named Newt and then has a real reason to become aggressive. She and a group of marines fight through a station filled with super destructive xenomorph aliens made straight from nightmares to save this kid. The transformation is truly amazing and culminates in a mech suit versus a giant queen alien and it is extremely badass.
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11) Army of Darkness (1992)
Far and away the funniest movie on this list, this is the third film stemming from Evil Dead and again stars Bruce Campbell taking on the deadites that were raised by reading from the Necronomicon. The opposition is the undead evil that faces the world which makes the violence very unrealistic. This was early work from Sam Raimi and features a variety of different shots done to the extreme. What really makes this film stand out is how Bruce Campbell is amazing at delivering a one liner. His classic quips have been used as fun Easter eggs in video games like Duke Nukem and World of Warcraft for decades. The quintessential horror comedy and a perfect example of a badass.
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12) Die Hard (1988)
Apparently, I am a big fan of single characters that need to work their way through a building of villains using mostly intelligence and the element of surprise. Throw in some one liners and I am all for it. That is exactly what this is with Bruce Willis crawling barefoot around a 40 story building and fighting off a gang of villains. The movie also has Alan Rickman as the main bad guy and he is chewing the scenery. This is a great example of being a badass, but it is too bad that the follow up sequels were so poor. Definitely stick to the original and let the rest pass by.
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13) The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (1966)
An OG of the badass movie genre, this is some of the best of Sergio Leone and the spaghetti western. Instead of one badass, this movie has three different leads that are all amazing. You have the good, Clint Eastwood, who is an amazing shot and a heart of gold under a rough exterior. You have the bad, Lee Van Cleef, playing an conniving assassin that will kill anyone that he doesn’t have a use for. Finally, you have the ugly, Eli Wallach, as a desert rat that will do anything to survive. They all gain information about a gold stash and need to work together to get it, but this creates a vortex of cheating, undercutting, and straight up murder. Clint Eastwood is more of the classic badass with his cigar, hat, and poncho, It is an iconic look on an iconic character in an iconic movie. That is what I call badass.
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14) Ong-Bak (2003)
This less of a badass movie and more houses some of the most amazingly badass fight scenes that can only be described as badass. This movie introduced the great Tony Jaa to the western world and showed the high flying nature of Thai boxing and Muay Thai in general. The main character is entered into a street fighting tournament and the moves include a flying double knee drop and a full splits kick. If the whole movie was the tournament, it would be the best movie that ever existed. The variety of opponents makes the fighting even better and the cinematography is top notch. Tony Jaa is truly badass in this film.
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15) Dredd (2012)
Not the crappy version with Stallone, this movie is seriously badass. It features Karl Urban who is helmeted for the entire film (as Dredd would be) taking on a 200 story mega slum filled with residents that want to shoot him dead. There is a drug dealer high up in the building and she locks down the entire compound with instructions to kill Dredd, who only has his rookie partner to help. He takes on random resident mobs, groups of gang members, and even a trio of mini guns that have bullets that can rip through walls. He has a smart gun with a bunch of ammo that he uses judiciously to kill everybody. This movie was seriously underrated since it had not been that long since the garbage Judge Dredd came out in 1995. The 2012 is a far superior movie, being much more violent and dark instead of having Rob Schneider as the comedy relief (not badass).
I know there will be a lot of opinions about what makes a badass film and what movies i didn’t add. Feel free to add your own movies or critique my choices. I will stand by my choices, however, and recommend any of these films for a night of cheers and badass action.
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silverducks · 3 years
Game of Thrones - Jaime Lannister
A rambling character study of Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones.
Part 1a – Jaime’s Character Arc
This post is going to look at my thoughts on exactly how I see Jaime’s character arc in Game of Thrones, based on just the show. But it’s also to set up my future posts where I explain why I find it so darn hard to understand why he had the ending they gave him. At least beside the obvious - because the writers wanted to.
Yeah I know; I’m late to the GoT train wreck of a final series. But I have a lot of thoughts and hence why I’m here typing away.
(And this is where I start to really go all English Lit exam analysis on you, so a warning for anyone who actually might be reading this post, LOL!)
My Intro to this series of posts btw, is here.
So, spoilers be below.
Ok, so to help explain why Jaime’s ending makes no sense, I firstly need to explain what exactly his character arc is in the show, or at least how I perceive it. As mentioned in a previous post on honour vs loyalty, for Jaime I see his character arc being about two, interconnected things – redemption and identity.
In series 1 and 2, he’s not a nice character – he’s a self-righteous, proud, full of himself, snob. He’s arrogant and cocky and says pretty cruel, snide things to characters we do like. And as we see him through the PoV of characters like *Mr Honourable Eddard Stark, Jaime is pretty despicable to say the least. And that is before we even get started on the whole pushing a boy out of a window because he caught Jaime having sex with his own twin sister. Oh and just as an FYI, Jaime is also called the Kingslayer because he killed the King he was sworn to protect. So yeah, most people watching the show don’t like him at the start, and neither do most of the other show characters we do like.
And from a story telling perspective, Jaime’s character can either get worse, better or stay the same as the show goes on. And in this story, he gets better, with a few slip ups along the way, and it’s fascinating and glorious!!
Like, I can think of nothing that even comes close to the amazing way Jaime Lannister’s character develops in Game of Thrones and how we as a viewer change in our perception of him.
But that only makes his ending so much more frustrating and disappointing…
Before I start rambling away though, just as a point to note; I’m using terms like good and better person and right and wrong quite loosely here. Obviously the world, even in a fictional world, isn’t all that simple. As that would be a whole other massive thematic and philosophical thesis, and it’s not really that relevant, just take the “general” meaning of the ideas, but with the understanding I know it’s a bit more complicated. Where I think it does become more relevant, I’ll expand on the ideas in that particular context. If I sound a bit flippant at times, it’s because of the whole black vs white vs grey, and how there are “rules” in storytelling that wouldn’t necessary apply to our own, real life reality. There are things that we need to take into account when we analyse characters in stories vs actual, real people. And on a side note, this is one of my favourite things about Game of Thrones, the complexity and moral ambiguity of both its characters and its story themes. But yeah, that’s a whole thesis in its own right.)
Redemption Arc
So, redemption. In order for us to start to like this character, and see him as a good guy, he has to go through a redemption arc. Like pretty much rule number 1 of storytelling. That means we have to watch him and believe in him becoming a better person. Conversations like the whole oath vs oath issue, or his chat with his father about his nicknames in series 1 makes us take notice of a character, maybe even be more invested in a character and their shades of grey, but it’s not really redemption. And considering how far in debt he is in the good vs bad guy department, he has a lot of work to do.
And my goodness, he does it. Like, I mean, this guys’ redemption arc is astonishing! He goes through so much, rethinks and challenges everything he once thought/knew about himself and his world, faces all his past wrongs and bad character traits and becomes not even a better person, but a hero! He goes from a bad villain who kills kings and pushes kids from windows, to becoming one of the main heroes we’re rooting for by the end of the story.
(A quick disclaimer here, like I’m not saying Jaime is ever, or ever will be perfect, heck, he’s human and this is Game of Thrones and Jaime’s more messed up than most. But when you think back from where he started and where he’s been, it sure is impressive – if we ignore his actual ending that is, LOL!)
And his glorious redemption arc all pretty much starts around the time he starts his fun road trip with Brienne in series 3.
So, just to give a few of his finer redemption points (and just remember his series 1 and 2 actions and our opinion of him in contrast):
He stops Brienne from being raped and gets his hand cut off for the trouble (Ouch! But suffering, especially from doing something good, gives lots of redemption points.)
He risks his life to save Brienne from being mauled to death by a bear. Like, he’s recently lost his sword fighting hand and has no weapon, but he jumps in the bear pit anyway and puts himself between the bear and Brienne. He then helps Brienne out of the bear pit first and then only just makes it out alive himself. Oh and if that wasn’t enough, he basically tells the bad guys that he’s leaving with Brienne, or they will have to kill him. Like he says this to the guy who not so long ago chopped his hand off. (Just think on that one a minute ok.)
He keeps to his promise/oath to Catelyn Stark and continues to help her daughters by giving Brienne a priceless sword and some stunning armour so she can find and help them. (This also helps Brienne, because he knows she’s not safe in Kings Landing, and gives her a purpose, because he knows that’s what she needs.)
Firstly offers to sacrifice his own life needs and goals and those vows he’s now starting to hold more dear to save his brother. When said brother then screws up that opportunity, Jaime then also helps said brother escape from being killed, going against his sister and father, who want his brother dead. (Yeah, the Lannisters are an interesting family… And you wonder why Jaime is a little messed up?)
Takes RiverRun without any bloodshed. (Like pulls off the perfect bluff in GoT siege history so that he can make sure his army succeeds, but no one is killed. (I don’t count the Blackfish, who chose to fight to the death rather than escape/get taken prisoner.)
Joins the fight for the battle against the dead, even if it also means renouncing his entire house and lineage and putting himself at the mercy and judgement of pretty much all his enemies and all he has wronged. (One of which has a habit of roasting her enemies alive with Dragon fire)
Oh and also risks his life in above mentioned battle against the dead.
A pretty impressive list imho, lots of redemption points there and that’s not even including everything else he does. Following the general storytelling themes of forgiveness and redemption, Jaime basically ticks all the boxes by all the good deeds he’s now done. And that’s one of the major reasons why we as viewers now love him so much as a character.
But that’s not all, of course. As we discover also in series 3 (a pretty important series for our Jaime), it’s not even just about him doing good things, but we realise as an audience we’ve (intentionally by the show) completely misunderstood him! Yes, he did kill the King he was sworn to protect, but only because said King was mad and was about to blow up the entire capital city where hundreds of thousands of innocent people live. And not only did he do this incredible honourable thing, but because it did go against his vow as a Kings Guard, he’s ever since been derided as the Kingslayer, Oathbreaker, Man without honour. A horrible set of nicknames that he’s borne, because he doesn’t think people would care or understand anyway. (Of course, I want to add in here that it’s partly the negative trait of pride too, thinking himself as the Lannister Lion, above having to explain himself to the sheep.)
Anyway, all this has worn him down a lot over the years and it’s messed him up good and proper. It kinda makes your own initial dislike of Jaime through *Mr Honourable Eddard Stark’s eyes seem a little unfair. Especially when the guy was barely more than a kid at the time (16 or 17 I think). And his defence mechanism to deal with this is one of the reason’s he is so cocky and arrogant – he uses his dry, often cruel humour, to mask that he does actually still care. In fact, it’s worked so well, I think at the start of the show, Jaime believes it himself; that he is a horrible, hateful person. But he did have that honour inside of him once; he did care and try to do what was right. And when you think back to his scenes in series 1 and 2, they take on new meaning now. He’s no longer such an evil arrogant, cocky knight we all pretty much immediately hated.
And as this revelation happens around the same time as he starts doing all those good deeds, it all helps work together to make us re-evaluate Jaime and grow to love him and become invested in his redemption arc even more.
(*I feel the need to add a disclaimer here, I do like Ned Stark a lot as a character. But it is interesting that as the show goes on, he almost does the opposite to Jaime – we see he actually isn’t always as good as we thought, that perhaps honour tripped into bitterness and prejudice a few times. That perhaps Ned, as much as we like him, is less full white and more speckled in shades of grey after all...(which makes him a more interesting and nuanced character imho, so rather than undermine him, it makes him more human.))
And when I rethink Jaime’s scene with Robb Stark when he’s captured, where he gives Robb the choice of ending the war if Robb can beat him in single combat, well, it adds even more depth to his character. Of course, Jaime knew he would likely win, as did Robb, so Robb refused. And as a viewer who was all Stark=Good, Lannister=Evil (except Tyrion) at the time, I was glad Robb wasn’t stupid or arrogant enough, like the Kingslayer Mr Jaime Lannister, to fall for that.
But then I remember the parallel in series 6, when Jon Snow (Stark=Good) gives exactly the same choice to Ramsay Bolton (Bolton=Spawn of Satan). Ramsay can either fight Jon in single combat, or they can all send their troops to die in their war. And as a viewer now, NOW! I think Ramsay is weak and awful for not agreeing (because he knows he can’t win too) and so sending all these soldiers to an early grave. Which is like 100% opposite for pretty much the same scenario of its series 2 counterpart. Of course, we HATE Ramsay and he has no, I mean literary NO! redeeming qualities, unlike Jaime, who we never, ever hated in the same way. But it does make you think about the whole idea of perception as well as actual deeds here. And that actually Jaime, you could argue, was doing the honourable thing by asking Robb for single combat, to spare the lives of both of their armies… I mean, obviously he wants to win the war, but maybe, he also wanted to spare as many lives as he could, too – like Jon in the series 6 equivalent. Maybe not so arrogant a request from our Jaime after all…
And another point to add in here, which further adds up to Jaime’s redemption arc, is Lady Brienne of Tarth. Yes, I’ve saved her to last for a reason, as she is, imho, THE catalyst for this amazing change we see in Jaime. If you’ll notice, a lot of Jaime’s good deeds involve Brienne and start happening around the time the two characters meet. And that very fact further proves that Jaime was and can be a better person.
He does not like her at first and she’s not quite your typical maiden. Not only is she a “beast” (to quote Jaime), but she’s a fighter, full of honour, self-sacrifice and steadfast in her purpose, and more than a match for him. Oh and she’s also his captor, dragging him to Kings Landing with a rope around his hands so they can trade him for the Stark girls.
So yeah, not the most cordial of first meetings. He pokes fun at her, trying to get her to snap, to prove she’s not as good as she seems. But she doesn’t, because she is that person, she is true to herself and not pretending. Unlike so many people Jaime knows, she is genuine.  
And he’s impressed by her skill and courage as a fighter as well. She is able to best him in the sword fight (granted when his hands are tied and he’s been sat in a cage for over a year, but he is like renowned for being one of the best sword fighters in the entire realm). Also when she fought the men who had murdered the women they found hung along the road – both as justice and to give the murdered woman a proper burial. She isn’t all talk, she can, and does fight. I bet Jaime wasn’t expecting that! And as sword fights are his thing, what he pretty much defines himself by and is most proud of, that’s a pretty big for tick from Jaime for Brienne right there.
Basically, she is a) an honourable person b) sticks to her oaths c) also able to fight (and therefore protect people) and d) refuses to let him get the better of her. The perfect, chivalrous embodiment of a brave, honourable Knight. A true Knight in all but name, whilst Jaime is now a Knight in nothing but name.
Now, I’ll discuss this more in the identity arc bit, but basically all this challenges Jaime, makes him rethink his own bitter images of himself and his world. She reminds him of his younger self, when he wanted to be that honourable Knight. And seeing this reflection of his younger, naïve and less world weary version of himself in Brienne, it helps to trigger this change in Jaime. It makes him remember who he once was, what he once stood for and believed in; that ideal that Jaime once believed is actually possible - of the brave, worthy Knight people sing songs about. And it started to make him want to be that person again. And this in turn, makes him want to start to do the right thing, to start to put honour first, which paves the way for his redemption arc very nicely.
I won’t talk too much more about Brienne here, because I think her relationship with and influence on Jaime deserves its own post. But I do think it is the specific personality of Brienne, together with the very fact that she is an ugly, “beast” of a woman, that triggers Jaime’s arc in just the right way and enables it to be so profound.
One last note on his redemption – I’ve said before it was partly his Lannister Lion pride that caused some of his suffering in relation to his nicknames. And indeed part of his arrogance is because he does think he’s better than everyone else (although not to the extent we first thought). He is the Lannister’s golden son after all and the Lannisters are basically the most powerful and wealthiest House in Westeros. It is a bad trait, yeah. But even this, even this! gets sorted out in series 8. From my list of redemption points, see the second to last point above – he faces judgement. Like a guy who had too much pride to admit he actually killed a King to help save hundreds of thousands of lives, actually, of his own volition, faces his enemies to be judged and to atone for what he has done wrong. Yeah, he also offers excuses at said trail, but if I’m honest, they do sound quite genuine to me. Is it any worse than what your typical soldier would do in a time of war? Fight in a battle and kill people? Try to capture the person (Ned) who’s wife captured your brother to avert a war? And we already know now he was justified in his killing of the mad King.
So, all in all, with this new insight into Jaime’s character, especially also seeing him through the increasingly positive eyes of Brienne (more on that later), who we know really is good and honourable, we have both a better understanding of his past actions, see his ongoing internal struggles and conflicts as he strives to do what is right and along with all his good deeds as the show goes on, we see him slowly (with lots of unfortunate set backs as well) become a better person. So come series 8, his redemption arc up to THAT scene, is glorious and basically complete.
And then there’s his identity arc. The other side of his character development, which is just as important for me and very much interconnected with his redemption.
(Like, seriously, there’s so much going on with this character that I could write essays, no a whole thesis I bet! I seriously can’t wait until I get to read him and Brienne’s chapters in the books and discover even more sides and shades to this character.)
But I’ve rambled on for far longer than I intended on his redemption arc, so I’ll save his identity arc for another day. (And hopefully it won’t be as long). Then we can get into the fun stuff like that hand he lost, that famous bath scene and his, how to put this, interesting relationship with his sister…
#If you were brave enough to get this far #Thanks for reading #And hope this made sense #Just my rambling thoughts #Yeah, I have a lot
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Sirius or Remus?
Dear Noony,
I have no context (and way too many ask games to check which one this is about) so I'll make this a long-ass post because I just have ✨ thoughts ✨ on these characters.
The topics are:
Who do I ship more with Severus.
Who do I see becoming friends with Severus.
Which character do I prefer more.
Who would win in a fight.
Who would I choose for myself.
Who would I write in my next fanfic.
Who do I see myself getting along with.
Whose counterpart is cooler.
Who do I ship more with Severus: Now, although I like a good Snupin (love it when Moony recognizes Severus as it's mate), it's Snack/Snirius that steals my heart. It just has that perfect level of angst, enemies to lovers, and love angles (not triangles, I usually dislike them, thanks). Hate sex is amazing too, and the fiction is beautiful. And the weird tingling that the fighting seems like flirting in the back of their minds. And when they're both mutually pining but they think that it's unrequited. And more.
Also, yes, Remus may be more wholesome and might give Sev some therapy (after he gets some himself, of course) but I can't ship a relationship that may have a NPC that's being too giving and a replacement for therapy. Trust me, Remus would drop Sev because of how much he hates himself not being there for him as therapy.
Who do I see becoming friends with Severus: Remus, tbh, even though I'd like to say Sirius. Sirius has an irrational dislike for Severus from the start, while I think Remus just went along with his friends. He's the flow in the moment kind of person (I'm pretty sure he's a February Pisces) and they are kind of NPC characters or they believe they are. Obviously, Remus has to stop having NPC syndrome for him to actually move on from his prejudice against Severus and SEVERELY beg for forgiveness if he wants to be on friendly terms with Severus. Severus (in my opinion) has the capacity to forgive people with time and convincing (as I imagine is the case with McGonagall, who used to favor her Marauders). And Remus has the capacity to work really hard for a goal (as we see when he is spying in the Werewolf camp), to the point that people start questioning his loyalty.
When we see Remus go back to his pregnant wife (I hope he did, I can't remember)... We know that Remus can get over all this and try, at the very least, to be Severus' friend.
Which character do I prefer more: I'd love to say that I prefer none of these because I usually do but... I like Sirius more than Remus (not that I hate Remus). As a Pisces Rising, I get that Remus wanted friends and that he had a serious hindrance stopping him, but the fact that even after everyone is dead and gone... He doesn't reevaluate what he thought of Severus really shows. His behavior towards him, his first lesson, the way he minimized what James and Sirius did even after so long really shows that Remus is very comfortable and in love with the position he is in. I get that its easy to not think critically, but Remus was in a position to bring change. You see, after the job was gone, and Harry came to him asking about James' bullying... Remus should have really taken the chance to talk positively about a fellow order member that Harry would be trusting his life onto (if not for Severus, for Harry's mental health because he was trusting Sev with his life). When I realized that Remus was a Pisces, I felt very offended because I would never not use the power I had for some good (he was prefect) and I couldn't imagine life being as passive and unchanged as Remus was. I guess, in the end, I kinda dislike him for personal reasons... I mean, did this fictional character have to be a Pisces??
No shade on Sirius, I actually do like him, and it's not completely based on how much I kind of dislike Remus. Remus is a gray character and Sirius is the kind of gray that's closer to black. But I love him for it because he didn't have any leadership roles (except as Harry's godfather) that he completely fucked up. Sirius does show change, minimal though it is, he really does. As a teen, he believed in complete evil and complete good. He desperately tried to be completely good, who was James ig. He did become mini James but as an adult, he kind of realizes that James isn't completely good. Obviously, his hate towards Severus is still there; he's still the bully. However, I do think that his redemption from that role was set up when he says that line "the world isn't divided into good people and death eaters". I think (?) this is said around Regulus' sacrifice was found so it was mostly applying to Regulus and not Severus for Sirius. But, in my opinion, Regulus is the appetizer for Severus' redemption. And! Sirius told Harry that he never thought Severus could actually become a death eater, so this feeling multiplies. I see amazing Snirius happening Post war (whether they survive or not doesn't matter, they can get together in the afterlife for all I care). Sirius being the elder brother, having all responsibility on his head, and him breaking through them is really cool (although he didn't break away from two stereotypes: crazy and dark/dark gray). Him never feeling remorse is scary af but brief moments before his death, I did see some spark of redemption there. Above that, more than 10 years of isolation and prison does drive people mad, okay? This man needs some serious therapy (I think I also project some of my BPD onto him).
So, in the end, I like Severus only (I almost never need to project onto him because he's that good) and barely tolerate the others 😅.
Who would win in a fight: My man Remus, plz, he'd win anyday. He did, against Sirius, in canon (POA).
Who would I choose for myself?: Neither for sex, Sirius as my slave coz he'd hate it. (He's fictional) I have a gf so I'm happy everywhere else. All I want is a good slave 🤣. Also, dogs are cool, lol.
Who would I write in my next fanfic?: I have two planned already, but I think I want to write some Severus x male!Reader with background Severus x Remus (onesided, atm).
Who do I see myself getting along with: Neither, really, because I would think that Sirius is too much and Remus too NPC. I do think that I'd be acquainted with Remus because we love libraries and chocolate but our interests would vastly differ and I think it's weird trying to talk to someone new when in a library.
Whose counterpart is cooler: I was going to go with Remus, and I'm still going to go with Renus. I do see the potential in Sirius (change at your will) but from a medical perspective, and muggle too, Remus is way cooler. Potion-making barely (if ever) needs magic and that's what the muggles have. Becoming a Lycanthrope doesn't require a magical core (as far as I'm concerned). Lycanthropy is the kind of magic that muggles are familiar with, a moon-blessed-craziness (it's well documented). If muggles research, they can find a way to make transformations completely painless etc. Muggles can be Lycanthropes but not Animagi so Remus is definitely cooler.
Conclusion: Wow, that was long! Okay, in the end, I think they were both complex characters who each had their redeemable qualities. Gray af, too, as most of HP characters are. Too bad, I only like Sev and those who I think matches well with him (he is the bar and if anyone is beneficial to him, only then will I like them).
It's the mentally ill character for me!! Sirius wins!!
Thanks so much for asking and if I didn't cover any part, feel free to ask some more!! Or even if you want more elaborations 😌
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elephantinparis · 4 years
A Sky beyond a Storm Review
If I could give this book -∞ rating I would. This review won’t be spoiler free, so if you haven’t read the book don’t read further. Now that that’s out of the way let’s get into it.
First of all, I want to start by saying how sad and angry I am to be writing this because this series had become one of my favorites and it completely disappointed me in the end. I’m not sure disappointment is even a proper word for what I’m feeling at this point. I also want to mention that yes, I am a huge fan of Nightbringer, but I wasn’t expecting a hea for him. What I was expecting was an arc true to his character from previous 3 books. Instead, what I got was a complete character assassination. It all started from the very first chapter–Nightbringer kills a small child, but at that point I was still trying to defend the book and genuinely thought: yes, it fits his character since he despises scholars. So even though I didn’t like it I understood. But then the complete character destruction started. First, we had a moment when he saw a happy family and went: yeah, I’ll kill the mother and the kids out of nowhere because they remind me of my family and if I can’t be happy no one can. Now, let me explain why this is ooc behavior: The Nightbringer as we knew him always had a beef with scholars only. The family he randomly kills are not scholars. Another thing: why would he put someone through the same agonizing pain when he is always specific about the deaths having meaning to him and that he doesn’t kill in vain(scholar killings are not in vain for him) other people, however, don’t fall into that category. Another ooc behavior moment was when he put one of his jinn in chains (yes only for a second and yes the jinn tried to use her influence on him), but the Nightbringer I know would never put his people through that after them spending an actual millennia in a prison. He spent so long trying to get them out, he would never put them in chains again. Then the cherry on the top of the cake was that all throughout the book the author tried to drive it home how much Nightbringer wanted Laia dead and how much he wanted, and I quote: “Open her up.” Another inconsistency since in Reaper he saved her more than once and completely let her go (because we know he loves her). Yes, he wanted to know what magic she possessed since the moment in Torch, but he had multiple opportunities to kill her and he never did. But in this book, he more than once physically assaults her when she’s in no position to truly hurt him and from his previous behavior that’s ooc actions. And you can come and say: but wait a minute Laia is a real threat now and that’s why he wants to kill her after he “opens her up” and I’ll point you to the chapter where he finally learns of his wife’s betrayal and understands what magic Laia possesses. And what does he do? He walks away. The man who spent the entire book hunting her down has her vulnerable, alone, he finally figured out the mystery of her powers and I am to believe from all his previous actions that he’ll kill her, but he DOESN’T. Because, of course, it’s not in the nature of his character to kill someone he loves even if they’re trying to stop him. So, which is it Sabaa? The inconsistencies are jarring. It just drives it home how his actions in this book were character assassination. The final nail in Nightbringer’s metaphorical coffin (because of course in the end he gets no funeral, no established peace, nothing. Unlike Keris…but I’ll get back to that later) is the fact that his evil villain plan is to literally end the world…I’m sorry WHAT?! So, in the span of this book he went from wanting scholars dead, then wanting all humans dead and then wanting the whole world to end which would result in his people dying, too. What in the actual hell is this?? So many possibilities could’ve been taken with this character, even if the author didn’t want to give him a redemption arc, he could have been a much better villain with a good goal. Instead we get this. Please someone try to explain WHY would he do this when he just freed his people? They would suffer just as much from his plan, so it makes no sense at all. His entire character was about protecting the jinn, giving them a safe space once he freed them. Another thing I noticed is that in the previous 3 books Nightbringer was very much humanized, embers and torch focused on him feeling again, his growth once he fell in love with Laia and even in Reaper his actions were tied to her, but in this book it’s completely forgotten. He does monstrous things to other people who aren’t scholars which was never his goal before. He had a millennium to set his anger and hurt on others, but he focused on those he felt were responsible for his life being ruined – the scholars. And yes, he was wrong to try to take revenge on people who didn’t do anything, but the point remains the Nightbringer I knew would have never done anything to jeopardize the jinn’s safety. Even as a villain his story went in a very cruel direction. I never praised Leigh Bardugo’s depiction of her villain Darkling, but maybe I should’ve since she gave him the bare minimum and Nightbringer didn’t even get that. Funny that the author has said on more than one occasion he was her favorite character. I shudder to think what she would’ve done if she disliked him. 
Another character who was treated with cruelty all throughout the story is Helene. Now I’ve got to give credit where it’s due - Helene grew a lot throughout the series: she shed her prejudices, finally acknowledged she had been protecting the wrong people and that martials need to change, she also grew as an incredible leader and a warrior and when the people chose her to be their Empress I was so proud, but then…she made her vow. To never marry, to never have children (which is totally fine since it was even mentioned she didn’t want them earlier), to completely give herself to her duty to the empire. It rubbed me the wrong way immediately because a big part of her arc was love–love for Elias who rejected her, love for her family–who got slaughtered before her eyes, love for Avitas–who also was killed for no real reason other than to make her suffer even more. And what does this show? It shows to Helene that love isn’t her friend because it only brings her pain, she lets people in, loves them with every part of her soul and they end up dying. So, at this point we have a young woman who started the series thinking she wasn’t worthy of love end up thinking love itself wasn’t worth it. How messed up is that? Still as cruel as this arc was it was at least consistent or that’s what I thought. In her very last chapter, it’s heavily alluded she might have something with Musa. And if it was written as just two friends grieving their lost loves it wouldn’t have bothered me at all. But there were clear romantic undertones and then I was left thinking: what? I thought she chose only her duty. And though Avitas was barely a few weeks in the ground at that point I couldn’t even fault Helene for wanting to move on because I just wanted her to be happy again. But at the same time, I cannot ignore the inconsistencies. The cruelty she experienced was too much.
It’s ironic how two of my favorite characters got the short end of the stick.
I don’t really have much to say about Elias since he didn’t really have his own plot, he was just inserted into Laia’s. His ending was by no means earned and I know it’s hard to say that because he had gone through so much in the first 2 books. But ever since Torch he made a conscious choice to become the Soul Catcher. Sure, he only did it to save Laia’s brother, but he made a vow to serve and he completely disregarded his job after the fact. I think if the ghosts that got out in Reaper didn’t hurt anyone, he would have continued to ignore the duty he himself chose. Now in this book he could’ve had an interesting development since he didn’t remember his past life, but this was resolved in the very beginning when Cain somehow gave the memories back. Then in the very end for a quick resolve someone just took over his job and Mauth was okay with it. The person who took over was just brought back for plot convenience and it makes me so mad. He didn’t earn the freedom…
Then we have Laia. The problem I had with her character in general is the fact she disregarded her past with Nightbringer. She can be in love with Elias and acknowledge what she felt for Nightbringer. Alas, she only sees a monster, shows no compassion once she learns of his story and since she spent all the book trying to kill him and not just stop him the very end felt hollow when  she suddenly starts showing compassion to a suffering Nightbringer. Laia from Torch showed compassion and understanding in her own way toward Nightbringer and now it was just gone. She was still conflicted and in this she’s completely closed off. I don’t think her romance with Elias would’ve suffered if her very real past with Nightbringer was acknowledged properly.
I also want to talk about Rehmat (Nightbringer’s wife). We learn that she had a gift of seeing the future and once the war started and she lost their children she saw what Nightbringer would become. So, what does she do? Does she go to her husband and tell him what she saw, tries to change the future, show him that even when she’s gone, he can go on and be who he was always meant to be? Beloved. Hell no she goes to humans and uses blood magic to extract her essence and be put in the progeny of a random tribe. Then waits a millennium to kill her husband. What in the world is this?? The reason why she does this is never addressed. So, as a reader I must make assumptions that she never loved him. That she didn’t even try to change anything. She also could’ve told him of her plan so he could’ve found someone to awaken her sooner so they could once again be together. He was deeply hurt and alone without their people and she left him too. Tell me how you bring in this new force and you don’t even explain her actions? How is this good writing?
Now I want to talk about the death count and if the deaths had any meaning. Got to start by saying that only supporting characters were killed.  First, we have Darin. Killed by Nightbringer because he wanted Laia to kill him for his plan. See, the thing is Laia already wanted to kill him throughout the book, she got the weapon and she came there with the goal of killing him. Nightbringer didn’t need to “encourage” her by killing Darin. So, in my opinion the death was pointless and served no great purpose. It was a way to make the reader hate the villain, sympathize with the heroine and was done for shock value. Livia was another character to suffer a pointless death. She was the only person Helene had. There was no reason to do it same with Avitas. I guess for Avitas I could try to excuse it by saying it’s war and he did die on the battlefield. Keris had always been a great fighter and even Helene couldn’t take her on. But she already lost Livia and now this?? Too much. Too cruel. Livia’s ending could’ve also been written off as a war casualty, but she wasn’t actively participating in the war. Sure, she was the Empress Regent, but to me it’s just too much after her family. Both deaths only caused Helene pain and she didn’t gain anything profound from those losses. Lastly, I truly hated how the author tried to humanize Keris Veturia. And when I say tried, I really mean it because at least for me it didn’t work. The author suddenly had her saying she couldn’t kill Elias when time came even though she already had. She poisoned him and he died because of her. That woman first abandoned him, then tortured him throughout his time at Blackcliff and then in the end cost him his life. And Elias mourned her…She also had a lovely send off in the Waiting place where she found piece with her mother. So then if this villain deserved peace why didn’t the other one? At least Nightbringer had his reasons. We never knew hers.
In conclusion, I don’t understand how the story could’ve gone so wrong. As always everything you read is my personal thoughts and my humble opinion.
Tagging: @nightbringer @bookittothelibrary we suffered so much...I can’t.
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TROS spat in the face of every single abused child who was looking to this fairytale for hope. The sequel trilogy wasn’t about a farm boy looking for adventure or even an abused child falling to villainy, it was about three abused children from the different class systems all rising out of trauma and dysfunction. This was our fairytale, our story, and JJ Abrams perverted it into abuse apologist propaganda in a pathetically desperate attempt to appease the most hateful groups of fans who never understood or appreciated the story to begin with (which is why the story had to be butchered in order to appease them).
1.) Rey
Rey’s parents selling her for profit into slavery was portrayed as a good, loving thing. Child trafficking was literally portrayed as excusable, and even loving, in this children’s film. Just let that sink in for a second.
What is the message there? If your parents did something horrible that caused you years of trauma and torment, you should just not lose faith in them because they may have had a good reason (even if you have no evidence of that). Maybe a space wizard who has been dead for decades forced them to traffic you. This scene makes me want to vomit. This is how a children’s fairytale portrayed parents who sell their children into trafficking:
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There is no excuse for this. Rey’s parentage was solved. Her identity crisis was over. This wasn’t needed except to force this abuse apologist message. Oh, and of course to feed the sexist fanboys a bit of eugenics to make them stop whining about how a woman could possibly be important and powerful.
TLJ was about Rey discovering her identity and letting go of her unhealthy, irrational dependency on parents who she never knew, who sold her to an abuser and left her to half-starve alone in a desert. TROS decided to give her a new identity crisis out of literally nowhere just so they could erase all that “You are not your parents, even if your parents don’t love you and/or aren’t special, you are still special and still deserving of love. You can find belonging ahead of you.” stuff with dynastic “Actually, your blood family does entirely define your identity and you should always assume they’re right even when all evidence points otherwise, just ignore your own trauma and blame it on a dead space wizard.”
The whole Rey Palpatine thing left a very bad taste in my mouth. Not just because it’s fucking stupid and something Reddit would write, but because Rey was horrible in TROS. She acted like she was possessed by Palpatine, she stabbed Ben (who she cares for and always had compassion for) to kill while he was distracted. She suddenly acted like she didn’t care about anyone around her. She just overall acted unrecognizable from the warm, loving, empathetic woman we saw in TFA and TLJ. The message here is clearly that because she has this “bad blood”, Rey can’t have an identity for herself. The only thing that saves her is taking on the identity of the good guys, she never finds her own. All the traits she’s had up until now don’t matter, who she actually is doesn’t matter. All that matters is what man’s blood runs through her veins. All Rey is is someone’s granddaughter, because if she wasn’t, then she’d really be nobody.
And thus, JJ Abrams decided that “Anyone can be special, even nobodies. Your worth is not defined by your class or your background.” was a stupid message and instead it should be pure eugenic “You’re only special if you have important people blood/name. Your identity is entirely your (male) family, not your own. No silly woman could have power of her own!”
Rey taking on the name of Skywalker is an utterly shallow attempt to fix the fact that they took every bit of Rey’s real identity from her, took half her soul (Ben is her dyad, two that are one), and then left her alone on a desert planet as if to say that her “true self” is the abused child she once was and that she can’t actually escape that. The moral of this fairytale was “You don’t need friends or love, as long as you have a glow stick (material possessions) and a super duper special name that makes you important (which you weren’t before, you were nobody).”
Not to mention that Rey basically named herself after Luke, no one else she knew actually used that name. And Luke didn’t do anything to deserve that, he rejected her at every single opportunity and only did the bare minimum to help her after being berated into it. Han was her surrogate father and the first person to offer her a life outside of Jakku. Leia was her loving mentor and pseudo-mother. Ben was the love of her life who has always been there for her when she needed someone to confide it, someone to see her true self and tell her she wasn’t alone. Luke was nothing but some cranky old guy who made her feel awful about herself and never accepted her (not to mention telling her she was inherently dangerous and also trying to murder her soulmate when he was a child which the real Rey was furious about).
2.) Finn
Finn’s character has not been given much in terms of development. For the most part, he’s been reduced to “Rey’s friend” and then “Finn’s friend”, with a little moment in there where he got to be with Rose and have his own identity but TROS of course decided to reward racist bullies and cut out Rose instead of giving the rest of the fans a satisfying story.
In TROS though, the one thing that Finn actually did that was heroic by himself, his character defining moment of turning from The First Order, was credited to the force and described like it wasn’t a choice at all. Which brings up a lot of questions and, as Han would say, “That’s not how the force works!”. It was so entirely unneeded to take that from Finn, but they gave up all of Rose’s potential screentime to do it.
There’s also the moment when Poe, our alleged hero, so hilariously (i.e callously) compares himself being a criminal to Rey being a scavenger and Finn being a stormtrooper. Completely ignoring the fact that they had no choice in that, as if their trauma doesn’t matter at all. It’s a small moment, but it was very insensitive and highlights how much the writers Did Not Care or even understand their main characters’ experiences.
3.) Ben
I don’t even know where to start with Ben Solo. His ending was the one that broke me as a person, I had so many hysterical sobbing fits over it that my loved ones were actually getting tired of it and it genuinely put me in a really bad place with my depression that I’m only just not getting out of.
Ben Solo’s story in TFA and TLJ was abuse victim’s epic, it was the story of a boy who was tortured and groomed from the time he was in his mother’s womb. A man who never knew a life without abuse. Ben Solo was described as a pure beam of light in his mother’s womb who was ensnared and tainted by a predatory force bigger and stronger than himself that he could not escape.
The feeling of being tainted and corrupted is common in abuse victims, and the fact that TROS told every single abused child out there “Yes, you really are tainted and corrupted. You do deserve to die before experiencing more than a moment of happiness and safety.” is something that I’ve yet to get over. It still infuriates me, it still breaks my heart. Ben’s entire arc up until this point has been about how he is still worthy of love.
And no, this isn’t me woobifying; it’s in the text of the films and the canon novels that Ben worked for his redemption, that he earned it. Ben fought Snoke from the time he was a child, but Ben was only a child and Snoke was too powerful, too relentless in his cruelty for him to withstand. The one and only person in the entire galaxy who had the training and the knowledge to protect Ben was his uncle, who chose to try to murder him in his sleep instead of protecting him. Ben was left with nowhere to turn except to his abuser. And even then, we see him struggle every single day to try and force himself to be this evil person that he never was. Ben was light itself who was convinced he was darkness through abuse and manipulation.
Then, when Ben found the first person who he could feel and connect with through the force, even though Snoke and Luke had abused and betrayed him - Ben still took the chance to reach out to Rey and be vulnerable with her. While interrogating an enemy, he took off his mask and revealed himself (something we only see him to for his father and when Snoke forces him to maliciously). In the middle of a war, under the thumb of the monster who has tortured him since forever, Ben was able hold Rey’s hand and tell her she wasn’t alone. He was still able to be kind. And because of that kindness, that connection, Ben found the courage to finally destroy his abuser and free himself.
Ben freed himself, and he did it out of compassion for and a need to protect Rey, not out of wrath or vengeance. If Ben were truly a creature of wrath, he would have killed Snoke before, but it was only when he had to see and hear and feel his soulmate be tortured by his own abuser that he found that courage. And yes, he did take Snoke’s place at first because that was the only way he knew how to protect himself. In his experience, people without power get hurt and that’s it. But even then, Ben was able to muster yet more strength to shed the armor that was Kylo Ren and stand with Rey unarmored against the very thing that has abused and tortured him since before he was born.
That took so much bravery and love and selflessness for Ben to stand there as himself, ready to fight his abuse and trauma head-on as Ben Solo. For him to admit he was hurt for the first time in the series. For him to crawl up a cliff with a badly broken leg out of love. For him to willingly give his very life force out of pure love. All of these things are incredible for Ben to have been able to do after all he had been through, these are more than deserving of reward. But TROS punished Ben for doing everything right, they proved that abusers always win in the end. Ben was going to survive until the last few edits. Everything we see was literally leading up to him surviving. This was Ben’s redemption, this was supposed to be him fighting for his new beginning and taking his first steps into the happiness and safety he earned, and should have had as a child, not a pointless struggle before succumbing to death:
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But TROS told us, told traumatized and neurodivergent children who saw themselves in Ben, that it wasn’t good enough. That love isn’t good enough. That doing the right thing deserves to be punished. That children tainted by violence and abuse and darkness don’t deserve love and healing even when they earn redemption, even when they do everything in their power to do the right thing and be brave. The hopelessness of that is what broke me as a person. That is not what Star Wars is about. Star Wars is about redemption and love and hope; TROS was about cruelty covered up with a thin sheet of materialism and confused, poor storytelling.
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crowstan · 4 years
Sanders Sides post except I haven't seen it before
Ok this post is inspired by an absolute flood of Patton and Logan in a skirt, on my Instagram, which was not anything related to any of the dnd or homestuck tags but whatever. That whole mess that happened yesterday inspired this, because as y'all know: I love analyzing things weirdly and what is blogging but analyzing your own thoughts in an odd way? Anyway, spoilers ahead because this is what I've unfortunately been leaked, which means I got this stuff via spoilers.
What is Sanders Sides? So, I actually have no idea and I want to go in bare bones because. I never get to go in with little info. All i know is that it's by Thomas Sanders (he apparently does have a tumblr, I did not look up what it was because, once again, trying to get the barest and best experience I can and I worry that may taint it in some way). All I know about Thomas is that he did vines that I really like and that he has his pronouns in all of his bio's, which so far makes him very ok in my books because I have not met one person who is in any way harmful to others who has their pronouns in their bio. Then again i don't see it often anyway but regardless. And that's literally all I know about him and Sanders Sides, so. Stuff that I have worked together with the unhealthy amount of spoilers I didn't willing get that made me want to make this. -They are all symbolic or are humanoid versions of like, different parts of someone? They're also color coded which my little color coding heart loves sm! There's morality, creativity, creativity #2: electric boogaloo, logic, anxiety, and deciet which may also be denial? not sure about the last bit. -Morality's (moralities?) name is Patton, and his color is light blue. He is the dad character and is bad with any "negative" feelings, which, mood. He is one of the sides i saw in a skirt and may be my favorite possibly, simply bc I Do Not Have Good Male Figures and he's a dad character. Name a better duo than good dad characters and my lack of any positive guys in my life that aren't my age. He's part of the "core four", whatever that means. Really likes animals? I mean that does make sense bc, morality, but also that's different for each person. overall conclusion: now my dad. (/j) -Next up: Anxiety. Name is Virgil (?), color is a shade of purple. Don't know what one bc purple is one of those colors i can't remember too well. Seems like how I imagine my anxiety but a little less focused on death. I would befriend him were in not for the fact I Cannot approach people unless I'm actually dying and even then I can't. Apparently was a "dark side" at some point but now isn't? Redemption ark ig, idk what a dark side is or if it would be equivalent enough with "evil" to have that be a redemption ark. Final conclusion: wait, is that me but cis and let loose in a hot topic? -Creativity #1. Name is Roman, color is red I think. A prince character, and I'm not sure what else to add. I think he is a theatre fan, amd also I would avoid him at all costs because as friendly as he is, we don't have the same vibes and i would panic. Definitely drinks his "respect women" juice, and it's actually "respect women" juice n not whatever the hecc it is that people who /say/ the drink "respect women" juice drinks. he'd go out of his way to make sure your drink doesn't get spiked. this man is hella good, 10/10, would trust but not talk to. -Creativity #2, apparently the brother of Roman? His name is Remus, color is green, and i say this with my full heart: I love him. he seems like the kind of person who barked at people in middle school bc he thought he was a werewolf. who drank an entire bottle of glue in kindergarten at had to go to the hospital and did it again. he's the kind of person who would offer you up a worm and tell you disturbing facts about animals and then go off and play his little games he made up with twisted scenarios. and you know what? that's amazing and i absolutely love that so much. I know nothing about him except he eats deodorant and is the embodiment of intrusive thoughts and "oh god /why/" scenarios you thought of for some reason. -Logic. Name is Logan, ah, really similar to what he represents but I mean, still a very good name. His color is dark blue, aka my favorite color besides dark grey. Really likes jam? I feel like this man has read the dictionary and has "different vocabularies" he uses for different events and people, which may be a self projection but. Def Ravenclaw vibes bc!! hear me out!! not stereotypes!! I feel this man, the literal *embodiment* of logic, would value learning and knowledge which is part of what makes a ravenclaw! so it is not self projection, it is *knowledge* (/hj). that's it, i would absolutely love to debate him sm but i feel like that would be similar to that time i talked about Quadrants with a friend for an hour and they had no idea what was going on at all.
-Last one, deceit/denial. I don't know if he's denial as i got that from a little comic that i thought was funny because it had a pun. His name is Janus (don't know how to pronounce it, been saying it like Jay-Nuhss), and his color is yellow. apparently part snake or something and!! I love snakes. Apparently was in a courtroom at one point, and we all know those are fae territory, so possibly a fae (hj). apparently has multiple arms!! which does not fit in with the snake bit, as snakes have zero arms, but regardless still cool! I know the least about him, and I'm definitely looking forward to watching him!! i love snakes sm.-
moving on from the sides slightly, apparently there's another one, who's color is orange! from someone who vaguely knows about colors but knows enough that each side more or less relates to their color, i have no idea what this side could be! best guess is it's just Thomas in a top hat. I never learned about orange because orange, yellow, some reds, and some blues are very stabby to my eyes and i will get a headache so I just. never learned it. why would i learn about a color i literally can't look at without my eyes hurting? I do know orange is a caution color, and in nature it cam be found on dangerous stuff as a "stay away!" color, and pared with black it doesn't kill my eyes and those are the Halloween colors. So maybe caution? Or some dangerous thing? It doesn't make sense, as those aren't really "sides" in the traditional sense, nor with anxiety being a sort of "caution" thing. Anyway, I would need more info on orange and, depending on how the orange color is, i may react more negatively. Like with blue Christmas lights.
-there are lots of puns!! i love puns!! i don't take the opportunity to make many, but i love them sm. just like snakes! and cats! in fact i actually know a lot about cat behavior
lmao that's literally all i have, I'll go watch the whole series and also talk about that later in smaller posts, each post being one or two episodes depending on how long it is
(ah jeez it got all messed up again, under maintenance!! sorry about that!! the tags got all mixed around too!!)
(update #2: still messed up but I'll need to not use my tablet to fix it, which i can't do rn! sorry y'all :(!! )
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todomitoukei · 4 years
I didn’t like what Deki said however... he’s a teenager. He was his friend suffering. And a man who overall was good suffering.
Comparing Endeavor back then to the man he was back then he can see how much he’s working on him, but I doubt this is about Enji. This is about Shoto. Shoto is happier now that his family is doing better than what they did in years. And Dabi came, destroyed the little peace he had and now is trying to burning him alive while Shoto is desperate and in tears. He just doesn’t want his friend to suffer. Even if he knows a glimpse of what Endeavor has done he’s the “I wanna see the positive side” type; so he prefers seeing how he has improved.
And that made Shoto little happier. Now he feels useless in front of his friends suffering and he wants to alleviate his pain istantly. Even if this means ignoring Dabi’s past abuses.
That’s because they didn’t see the broadcast. He just saw a villain who is laughing while hurting father and son. He saw the most psychotic side of his (unlike the reader). And I lowkey thinks that the double meaning of “you’re not Endeavor” is even for Dabi’s sake. Like “you don’t have to do this”. However up until now Deku is still polarised in “heroes vs villains”, unlike Uraraka who said “I saw Toga crying” (=she felt her pain). His idol after all was All Might. And All Might is so just and fair that in comparison all villains must be evil.
What are Toshinori complains/sins up until now? Not saving Tomura ? He’s basically a saint. Of course he would see just white/black, evil/good, heroes/villains. And his just a teen. No way he could have said the right thing on the moment. He’s no All Might. Much like Bakugo’s only worry is to yell his heroes name while Shoto is been burned alive.
I’m gonna be honest here, but you guys all have the exact same arguments (”he’s a kid” and “this is a fight, he’ll have time to think about this afterward”) and I am once again asking you to just not interact with me if that’s all you’re gonna say because I’ve been saying multiple times why those arguments are not as great as you think they are.
I get that he’s a kid and I also don’t think these kids should be there at all. However, kids/teenagers are not stupid. Yes, their brains are still developing, I get that and again - I am not expecting as much of them as I am of the actual adult Pro Heroes. But even a teenager should have some critical thinking abilities, at least enough to figure out that responding to a victim in a manic state by saying “Oh, but your abuser made me stronger and is trying better now” is not going to help.
“He didn’t see the broadcast” and “they are currently in a fight” are also stupid arguments. This isn’t the first time he hears about the Todoroki family situation. He doesn’t need to see the broadcast to know that Touya didn’t grow up in a healthy household. He can put 2 and 2 together here, or so I would assume of a high school student.
And I do not care how an outsider thinks about the “improvement” of the abuser. It’s not about them. It’s not about the abuser, either. Victims are allowed to feel pain, to hold a grudge, to want to fight back.
Please keep in mind that there are real people out there who relate to Dabi and them constantly having to see people claim that Dabi is in the wrong, that he shouldn’t speak out about this, that his feelings aren’t valid, and that he should instead see how much Endeavor has “improved”, whilst also wanting for Dabi to not be given a chance at redemption and instead have to just suffer even more because of the crimes he has committed? There are real people out there who relate to this and who are already having a hard time having to see how Endeavor gets treated so much better for doing the bare minimum while Dabi doesn’t even get properly listened to. And those real people don’t deserve to constantly have to see this bullshit.
If D*ku can only see black and white right now, then he should do exactly what Dabi told him: stay out of his business.
You can have your opinions and your hopes but don’t send them my way because it’s so annoying just being sent the exact same arguments over and over again when you guys apparently can’t be bothered to read my posts and maybe let my point of view sink in before your only response is the exact argument that I’ve been responding to before already.
Maybe also ask yourself why you want to defend characters like D*ku so much when they are hurting victims even more, instead of just admitting that he’s not being helpful right now.
Again, you can say that this isn’t the right situation to be thinking clearly, but I say that this could have been avoided, had the heroes just listened earlier.
Also, that part where you say “that made Shouto happier” - where? Shouto, as well as the rest of the family, are not in a better place. They have learned to accept their situation, but you can’t honestly believe their family is in a better place now and that Dabi somehow just destroyed all of that. We don’t see Shouto’s reaction to this because he doesn’t appear in the chapter after that interaction. Right now, the Todoroki family is still in a weird place. They’re still not happy, they’re still not sure if they can forgive Endeavor or not. They see he is trying, but that’s all there is. That doesn’t mean things are better.
Stop putting the blame on Dabi.
Again: DNI if you’re just gonna say “but Dabi killed people” - tragic that becoming a villain seemed like the only thing left for him to do, isn’t it? He can be held accountable, but that doesn’t change the fact that he deserves to be listened to first.
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