#remus lupin critical
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jmagnabo92 · 9 months
Sirius Vs Remus last interaction with Harry in POA
With all this conversation about who's the better parent, the better guide to Harry, I'd like to address the LAST MOMENT in POA with Sirius vs Remus and WHY Harry ends up closer to Sirius and it has NOTHING to do with his 'status' as godfather and everything to do with their behavior directly after Harry discovers their relationship to his father.
Long Post under the cut.
First, Remus' last moment with Harry:
A shadow fell across them and they looked up to see a very bleary-eyed Hagrid, mopping his sweaty face with one of his tablecloth-sized handkerchiefs and beaming down at them. "Know I shouldn' feel happy, after wha' happened las' night," he said. "I mean, Black escapin' again, an, everythin' -- but guess what?" "What?" they said, pretending to look curious. "Beaky! He escaped! He's free! Bin celebratin' all night!" "That's wonderful!" said Hermione, giving Ron a reproving look because he looked as though he was close to laughing. "Yeah. . . can't've tied him up properly," said Hagrid, gazing happily out over the grounds. "I was worried this mornin', mind. . . thought he mighta met Professor Lupin on the grounds, but Lupin says he never ate anythin' las' night. . . . " "What?" said Harry quickly. "Blimey, haven' yeh heard?" said Hagrid, his smile fading a little. He lowered his voice, even though there was nobody in sight. "Er -- Snape told all the Slytherins this mornin'. . . . Thought everyone'd know by now. . . Professor Lupin's a werewolf, see. An' he was loose on the grounds las' night. . . . He's packin' now, o' course. " "He's packing?" said Harry, alarmed. "Why?" "Leavin', isn' he?" said Hagrid, looking surprised that Harry had to ask. "Resigned firs' thing this mornin'. Says he can't risk it happenin again."
Let's stop here - I included this part because it tells us something EXTREMEMLY important - Remus was going to LEAVE without even talking to Harry. He had NO intention of talking to Harry or explaining what happened. He had NO intention of following up on their relationship and build on it - he was just going to leave after ALL that.
Harry scrambled to his feet. "I'm going to see him," he said to Ron and Hermione. "But if he's resigned --" "¨C doesn't sound like there's anything we can do --" "I don't care. I still want to see him. I'll meet you back here."
This tells us that Harry wanted a relationship with Remus, and expected to have one. Only for Remus to disappoint him.
Lupin's office door was open. He had already packed most of his things. The Grindylow's empty tank stood next to his battered old suitcase, which was open and nearly full. Lupin was bending over something on his desk and looked up only when Harry knocked on the door. "I saw you coming," said Lupin, smiling. He pointed to the parchment he had been poring over. It was the Marauder's Map. "I just saw Hagrid," said Harry. "And he said you'd resigned. It's not true, is it?" "I'm afraid it is," said Lupin. He started opening his desk drawers and taking out the contents.
Here we have proof that Remus knows that HARRY would reach out to him - yet, he doesn't reciprocate. He sees Harry's upset about it and he just ... keeps packing. Using the Map to see Harry do just that.
"Why?" said Harry. "The Ministry of Magic don't think you were helping Sirius, do they?" Lupin crossed to the door and closed it behind Harry. "No. Professor Dumbledore managed to convince Fudge that I was trying to save your lives. " He sighed. "That was the final straw for Severus. I think the loss of the Order of Merlin hit him hard. So he -- er -- accidentally let slip that I am a werewolf this morning at breakfast." "You're not leaving just because of that!" said Harry. Lupin smiled wryly. "This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving from parents. . . . They will not want a werewolf teaching their children, Harry. And after last night, I see their point. I could have bitten any of you. . . . That must never happen again." "You're the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had!" said Harry. "Don't go!"
Here Lupin simply answers the question matter-of-factly and in fact, seems to expect that Harry would be affronted on his behalf. What's interesting here is that Lupin KNOWS that Harry has formed this bond with him and still makes what happened about him. Even though he ENDANGERED the kids ALL YEAR, here he focuses on the night before which was the most dangerous moment, and while he's doing the responsible thing but resigning and making it about the parents reaction to his condition feels like a ploy to make Harry feel sympathetic towards him. He didnot want him to feel like he screwed him over by not telling him about his parents, Sirius (and hiding something if it Sirius HAD been after him would've gotten him killed), and by slipping up the night before.
Lupin shook his head and didn't speak. He carried on emptying his drawers. Then, while Harry was trying to think of a good argument to make him stay, Lupin said, "From what the headmaster told me this morning, you saved a lot of lives last night, Harry. If I'm proud of anything I've done this year, it's how much you've learned. . . . Tell me about your Patronus." "How d'you know about that?" said Harry, distracted. "What else could have driven the Dementors back?" Harry told Lupin what had happened. When he'd finished, Lupin was smiling again. "Yes, your father was always a stag when he transformed," he said. "You guessed right. . . that's why we called him Prongs."
Okay. Here's Lupin's opportunity to talk to Harry - an orphan and his best friends' kid - about James and he doesn't take it. He just said - oh yeah, that's what he turned into.
Lupin threw his last few books into his case, closed the desk drawers, and turned to look at Harry. "Here -- I brought this from the Shrieking Shack last night," he said, handing Harry back the Invisibility Cloak. "And. . . " He hesitated, then held out the Marauder's Map too. "I am no longer your teacher, so I don't feel guilty about giving you back this as well. It's no use to me, and I daresay you, Ron, and Hermione will find uses for it." Harry took the map and grinned. "You told me Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs would've wanted to lure me out of school. . . you said they'd have thought it was funny." "And so we would have," said Lupin, now reaching down to close his case. "I have no hesitation in saying that James would have been highly disappointed if his son had never found any of the secret passages out of the castle."
Here, this feels very manipulative. Of course, if he didn't give the map/cloak back to Harry, James and Sirius would be pissed - that's his birthright. But It's pretty obvious that just like the other times that Remus uses James against Harry (Like when he discovers the Map - months previously - and he says 'I don't think your {dead} parents would appreciate you gambling their sacrifices for a bag of magic tricks'), that this time, he's using him to stay in Harry's good eyes. Especially given his parting statement.
There was a knock on the door. Harry hastily stuffed the Marauder's Map and the Invisibility Cloak into his pocket. It was Professor Dumbledore. He didn't look surprised to see Harry there. "Your carriage is at the gates, Remus," he said. "Thank You, Headmaster. " Lupin picked up his old suitcase and the empty Grindylow tank. "Well -- good-bye, Harry," he said, smiling. "It has been a real pleasure teaching you. I feel sure we'll meet again sometime. Headmaster, there is no need to see me to the gates, I can manage. . . . " Harry had the impression that Lupin wanted to leave as quickly as possible. "Good-bye, then, Remus," said Dumbledore soberly. Lupin shifted the Grindylow tank slightly so that he and Dumbledore could shake hands. Then, with a final nod to Harry and a swift smile, Lupin left the office.
Now, finally, the end of his last moment in POA - note that he says goodbye, says he was pleased to teach Harry, and THEN SAYS:
"I feel sure we'll meet again, sometime."
What does this tell us? That Lupin - Despite being around for a WHOLE YEAR & creating a relationship with Harry - DOESN'T WANT to continue the relationship. He "feels like" they'll see each other - he doesn't say anything about 'I'll write you' or 'you can write me' - he basically makes it SO FREAKING CLEAR that he's done. He came into Harry's life and plans to disappear. There's no excuse for this (especially given book 4) and THIS is exactly why Remus isn't a "Parent" - he's not a "honorary godfather" and he's TERRIBLE.
Harry can tell in this interaction that he's just a professor, just Lupin, nothing else.
It just makes it obvious that he doesn't really care for Harry, so he wouldn't be a parent and doesn't deserve all of that 'Lupin was a better option', Lupin 'should've been godfather', etc.
Now, Sirius' last moment with Harry:
Harry picked up the letter. It was addressed to him. He ripped open the letter, and shouted, "It's from Sirius!" "What?" said Ron and Hermione excitedly. "Read it aloud!" Dear Harry, I hope this finds you before you reach your aunt and uncle. I don't know whether they're used to owl post. Buckbeak and I are in hiding. I won't tell you where, in case this owl falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about his reliability, but he is the best I could find, and he did seem eager for the job. I believe the Dementors are still searching for me, but they haven't a hope of finding me here. I am planning to allow some Muggles to glimpse me soon, a long way from Hogwarts, so that the security on the castle will be lifted. There is something I never got around to telling you during our brief meeting. It was I who sent you the Firebolt --
Let's stop here. First, Sirius makes sure to send Harry the letter when he's alone. I bet he's thinking Harry's going to do exactly what he does with regards to Aunt/Uncle because he KNOWS based on Harry's quick acceptance of moving in with him & the runaway situation at the start of the book.
Then, he immediately tells him that he's safe because he knows that Harry was worried about him enough to go through time, so he assures him that he's fine.
Next, he tells him that he's thinking about him and the affect of everything that's happened and how he plans to fix it SPECIFICALLY so that HARRY is safer after he put him at risk. He takes responsibility and does whatever he can to make up for it.
And while Remus acknowledged that he was at fault, he also put it off on 'Snape let it slip and I have no choice'.
THEN knowing that Harry was probably wondering about the Firebolt - he tells him what he did. Proving that he's been watching over and caring for Harry even from a distance.
"Ha!" said Hermione triumphantly. "See! I told you it was from him!" "Yes, but he hadn't jinxed it, had he?" said Ron. "Ouch!" The tiny owl now hooting happily in his hand, had nibbled one of his fingers in what it seemed to think was an affectionate way. Crookshanks took the order to the Owl Office for me. I used your name but told them to take the gold from my own Gringotts vault. Please consider it as thirteen birthdays' worth of presents from your godfather. I would also like to apologize for the fright I think I gave you that night last year when you left your uncle's house. I had only hoped to get a glimpse of you before starting my journey north, but I think the sight of me alarmed you. I am enclosing something else for you, which I think will make your next year at Hogwarts more enjoyable. If ever you need me, send word. Your owl will find me. I'll write again soon. Sirius
Now, for the rest of the letter.
Sirius explains about the Firebolt and how DESPITE being in prison, he immediately wanted to make up for missing 13 years of Harry's like buying the Firebolt (which is noteworthy because Remus ALSO missed 13 years, and does nothing - and he could've done OTHER things besides a gift like pictures or letters or stories...).
Anyway, then, even though Harry probably didn't even remember that night he ran away, Sirius points out that the FIRST thing he thought of on getting out of prison was to CHECK ON HARRY.
He's been tortured for 12 years and has a mission to get the rat and his priority is check on his kid! And if he could do it - so could Remus. Anyway, he TELLS Harry what he did and what he wanted - just a glimpse to make sure he was okay - and then *apologies* - he's one of the few adults that does.
Then, lastly, he tells Harry's he's been paying attention by enclosing the Hogsmeade slip and ASSURES him that he WILL be writing soon and that Harry SHOULD write to him.
Sirius - I'm here for you, I'll write, you should too.
Remus - Eh, bye I'll see you around.
Harry looked eagerly inside the envelope. There was another piece of parchment in there. He read it through quickly and felt suddenly as warm and contented as though he'd swallowed a bottle of hot butterbeer in one gulp. I, Sirius Black, Harry Potter's godfather, hereby give him permission to visit Hogsmeade on weekends. "That'll be good enough for Dumbledore!" said Harry happily. He looked back at Sirius's letter. "Hang on, there's a PS. . . . " I thought your friend Ron might like to keep this owl, as it's my fault he no longer has a rat. Ron's eyes widened. The minute owl was still hooting excitedly. "Keep him?" he said uncertainly. He looked closely at the owl for a moment; then, to Harry's and Hermione's great surprise, he held him out for Crookshanks to sniff. "What do you reckon?" Ron asked the cat. "Definitely an owl?" Crookshanks purred. "That's good enough for me," said Ron happily. "He's mine. " Harry read and reread the letter from Sirius all the way back into King's Cross station. It was still clutched tightly in his hand as he, Ron, and Hermione stepped back through the barrier of platform nine and three-quarters. Harry spotted Uncle Vernon at once. He was standing a good distance from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, eyeing them suspiciously, and when Mrs. Weasley hugged Harry in greeting, his worst suspicions about them seemed confirmed. "I'll call about the World Cup!" Ron yelled after Harry as Harry bid him and Hermione good-bye, then wheeled the trolley bearing his trunk and Hedwig's cage toward Uncle Vernon, who greeted him in his usual fashion. "What's that?" he snarled, staring at the envelope Harry was still clutching in his hand. "If it's another form for me to sign, you've got another --" "It's not," said Harry cheerfully. "It's a letter from my godfather. " "Godfather?" sputtered Uncle Vernon. "You haven't got a godfather!" "Yes, I have," said Harry brightly. "He was my mum and dad's best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though . . . keep up with my news . . . check if I'm happy . . . " And, grinning broadly at the look of horror on Uncle Vernon's face, Harry set off toward the station exit, Hedwig rattling along in front of him, for what looked like a much better summer than the last.
And Lastly, Sirius proves that he thinks of Harry's friends, too, by providing Ron an owl, as well as knowing that Harry's needs his form.
Also, it's worth noting that Harry was so touched by the letter that he kept reading and rereading it AND given that he'd run away after blowing up Marge & what happened with being locked in the year before, it's entirely possible that the Dursleys planned to lock him up again and Sirius gave him an adult that he could use against the Dursley's (WHICH IS APPARENTLY ALL THEY NEEDED TO BEHAVE) - and that means that despite reneging on the whole 'live with me' deal, he still provided protection that Harry desperately needed.
Which is what a PARENT does.
THUS, Sirius is the Proper Parent, the Best Choice, and did the BEST HE COULD DO for Harry, while Remus dropped the ball.
Also, worth noting the differences in the last POA interactions sets up the next few books nicely with regards to Sirius&Remus with Harry. Harry turns to Sirius when he needs someone, despite knowing Remus for more time. He writes to him, he lets Sirius reassure him and support him, he expects him to be there - and he is. Remus isn't. And he never planned or wanted to be.
That much is obvious from the get.
So, in conclusion, Sirius is a GOOD GODFATHER, and Remus can suck it.
This has been properly tagged, so don't come at me, but feel free to discuss nicely.
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padfootswhiskers · 6 months
just saw a post with 3k notes saying remus would fight walburga i'm crying IN WHAT WORLD
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fiendishfyre · 2 months
Sirius deserves better than always being shipped with Remus, deserves to be his own character and his positive traits should be acknowledged, not just his bad or worst, completely changed to be someone he was never.
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lex-hj0519 · 8 months
you let him starve
A little follow up to "what do you think we'd do, let them starve?": Sirius plans. Remus interrupts. A conversation is had.
It was some time later that Harry drifted off to sleep on the floor of the attic, leaning heavily against Sirius. While Harry slept, Sirius planned. He didn’t care if Dumbledore didn’t agree; he would kidnap Harry off the train platform next summer if he had to.
Harry had to return to Privet Drive once a year to keep the protective enchantment there alive. If he didn’t, then they would break and there would be no way to replace them. They would only have to hide out for a few days before the enchantment was gone for good and Dumbledore could no longer argue that it was the safest place for Harry to live.
Sirius didn’t want to have to take his kid on the run, even for only a few days, but he would do it if he had to. He made a promise to care for Harry like his own, and it was time to throw caution in the wind and fulfill his promise to the fullest.
The door to the attic creaked open. “Sirius?” Remus called.
When he spotted Sirius and Harry on the floor, Remus's expression twisted into an odd combination of relief and irritation. “What are you two doing up here? The other kids went to bed over an hour ago and Molly’s going mad with worry over Harry’s empty bed.”
“He was upset,” Sirius explained shortly.
Sirius pulled his wand out of his robes and waved it over Harry, then slowly got to his feet. Even with the lightweight charm he had cast, standing up with an armful of teenaged boy was awkward.
“Upset about what?” Remus asked.
“Never you mind,” Sirius said brusquely as he remembered just who had sent Harry fleeing to the attic. “Don’t pretend you actually care about him.”
Remus gaped at him. “Of course, I care, Sirius,” he sputtered.
Sirius shushed him as Harry stirred in his arms, then pushed past him and headed for the door. If they were going to have this conversation, it wouldn’t be it front of Harry. Sirius ignored Remus, who followed them down the stairs, and set Harry on his bed.
A quick search of Harry’s messily packed trunk turned up only the same oversized, worn-out clothes he’d been wearing all summer. Remus had insisted one night that Harry must be wearing them because he didn’t want to get his good clothes dirty while cleaning, but Sirius knew the truth: Harry didn’t have good clothes. The only things in his trunk worth wearing were his school robes and a small collection of knitted jumpers.
Sirius summoned a set of his own pajamas, biting back a smirk when Remus leapt to the side to avoid the clothing that came flying down the stairs and through the doorway. A quick resizing spell shrunk them down to Harry’s size, and a switching spell replaced Harry’s holey jeans and worn-out t-shirt with them.
Then Sirius tucked his boy into bed for the first time in fourteen years. After Harry curled up under the covers without even waking, Sirius bent down and brushed his forehead with a gentle kiss.
“Good night, Harry,” he whispered before he slipped out of the room and shut the door quietly behind him.
Remus was waiting for him in the hallway, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
“What do you want, Remus?” Sirius asked tiredly. “It’s late.”
He didn’t want to have this conversation now. The conversation they had both avoided for over a year now. The “why weren’t you there for Harry?” conversation.
“I think we need to talk, don’t you?” Remus asked.
“Fine. Let’s go, then.”
Sirius led the way down to the kitchen. While Remus sat down, Sirius opened the cupboards forcibly, thumped two goblets down on the table, and added a generous pour of Firewhiskey to each one. Remus frowned, but took the goblet that Sirius shoved in his direction.  
They both stared at each other for a moment, waiting to see who would speak first. Remus was the one who broke.
“I care about Harry,” he said earnestly.
Sirius leaned back in his chair and regarded Remus thoughtfully. “You believe you care about him,” he said slowly. “You want to care about him. But you do a piss-poor job of showing it. Did you try to check on him when he was growing up?”
Remus bristled. “I’m a werewolf.”
“That doesn’t answer my question. Did you even once try to check on him?” Sirius repeated.
“What could I have done?” Remus asked defensively. “I’m a werewolf, Sirius. No one wants a werewolf on their doorstep, least of all Lily’s sister.”
“You’re a wizard, Remus.” Sirius retorted. “You know how to cast a Disillusionment Charm. You could have checked on Harry with the muggles none the wiser.”
“Dumbledore said he was safe and well cared for.” Remus protested, but he shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he said it.
Remus may not have known it then, but he had to know it now, Sirius thought. All you had to do was look at Harry. And Remus had taught him for a year.
“You cannot look at that kid and tell me that you believe he was well cared for,” Sirius snapped.
He had been trying to keep his cool, but the excuses and lies were enough to bring his temper back to the forefront.
“His parents died, and what did you and the Order and the rest of the wizarding world do? You all sat back and let him starve.”
“I - .” Remus started to speak and then stopped. He shook his head, regret written all over his face. “It doesn’t matter what I say. I can’t go back and change the past.”
That was as close to admitting guilt as Remus was going to go, Sirius suspected. He didn’t respond.
When the silence between them had grown uncomfortably long, Remus rubbed a hand down his face. “Where do we go from here, then?”
Sirius knocked back his Firewhiskey.
“That kid doesn’t need another adult who’s going to waltz in and out of his life whenever it suits his fancy,” he said sharply. “He needs adults in his life who he can rely on, always. You’re either in or you’re out, Remus. Make your choice.”
Without waiting for Remus to reply, Sirius shoved back his chair and strode out of the kitchen.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 15 days
Snape being gaslit
“He must have Disapparated, Severus. We should have left somebody in the room with him. When this gets out —” “HE DIDN’T DISAPPARATE!” Snape roared, now very close at hand. “YOU CAN’T APPARATE OR DISAPPARATE IN- SIDE THIS CASTLE! THIS — HAS — SOMETHING — TO — DO — WITH — POTTER!” “Severus — be reasonable — Harry has been locked up —” BAM. The door of the hospital wing burst open. Fudge, Snape, and Dumbledore came striding into the ward. Dumbledore alone looked calm. Indeed, he looked as though he was quite enjoying himself. Fudge appeared angry. But Snape was beside himself. “OUT WITH IT, POTTER!” he bellowed. “WHAT DID YOU DO?” “Professor Snape!” shrieked Madam Pomfrey. “Control yourself!” “See here, Snape, be reasonable,” said Fudge. “This door’s been locked, we just saw —” “THEY HELPED HIM ESCAPE, I KNOW IT!” Snape howled, pointing at Harry and Hermione. His face was twisted; spit was flying from his mouth. “Calm down, man!” Fudge barked. “You’re talking nonsense!” “YOU DON’T KNOW POTTER!” shrieked Snape. “HE DID IT, I KNOW HE DID IT —” “That will do, Severus,” said Dumbledore quietly. “Think about what you are saying. This door has been locked since I left the ward ten minutes ago. Madam Pomfrey, have these students left their beds?” “Of course not!” said Madam Pomfrey, bristling. “I would have heard them!” “Well, there you have it, Severus,” said Dumbledore calmly. “Unless you are suggesting that Harry and Hermione are able to be in two places at once, I’m afraid I don’t see any point in troubling them further.” Snape stood there, seething, staring from Fudge, who looked thoroughly shocked at his behavior, to Dumbledore, whose eyes were twinkling behind his glasses. Snape whirled about, robes swishing behind him, and stormed out of the ward. “Fellow seems quite unbalanced,” said Fudge, staring after him. “I’d watch out for him if I were you, Dumbledore.” “Oh, he’s not unbalanced,” said Dumbledore quietly. “He’s just suffered a severe disappointment.”
Poor Snape. Book 3 was really bad for him. Dealing with Remus' passive aggression. Having to brew wolfsbane potion for the guy who nearly killed him years ago and said guy not seeming to care too much about said detail. Dealing with Sirius again and having him escape. Then having Dumbles gaslight him - sometimes I just have to shake my head at his old man. What a shady character. Can't believe people call these men friends. Dumbles is not Snape's friend. A friend doesn't get amusement from their friend's uncontrollable rage. Not to mention I don't know how Snape can truly be friends with the man who was his headmaster in school - the age difference is too great for a close friendship IMO. Plus Dumbles contributed to making Snape's school life hell. I literally don't understand how Snape could be friends with him OR Minerva.
If I were a better writer, I would write a fic where Snape tells both Voldy and Dumbles to screw themselves, throws Lily's memory in the trash where it belongs, moves far away from Hogwarts, opens up a successful apothecary and marries and has a small family with a lovely woman who adores him. I just want this poor man to have all the good things in the world and leave Harry's dim witted butt to someone else. There are fics where this happens...but they tend to make Snape gay for some reason :'(. Why is it so hard to have Snape marry a woman??
PS: I kind of like seeing Snape and Draco lose their absolute marbles over Harry. I feel bad for them but it is still amusing to see :')
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v-a-l · 8 months
Daily drunken reminder that Sirius didn’t owe Remus shit and was in no way obligated to apologise for not trusting him.
A. Sirius, James and Peter became animagi and risked prison for Remus at age 15. They went above and beyond already and owed him nothing more than that.
B. Remus didn’t trust him either. Remus was the one who left Sirius in Azkaban and Harry with the Dursleys without so much as a how do you do. Idk why fandom is so eager to forget all the creative ways in which Remus disappointed Sirius, but I digress.
C. How do we know he didn’t try with Harry?
We do cause Remus didn’t try with Harry after meeting him in the third year let alone before. He didn’t try with Harry when Sirius was dead. He didn’t even try for his own kid and pregnant wife until being guilt tripped by a 17 year old orphan.
I’m honestly tired of Sirius being crucified in the altar of someone so inherently mid.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 6 months
New Fic :)
“Why not here?” Sirius shrugs, a hint of a smirk curling his mouth. “A drink is a drink, right? It doesn’t matter where you indulge.” For you, yes, Remus thinks bitingly, fleetingly, but he pushes the thought down. It’s unfair to grouse about Sirius’ preferred poison when he himself can leave this place whenever he wants. Sirius, for his own protection and for Harry’s, is under house arrest, stuck in a building that he seems to hate with every fibre of his being. He can numb the hatred however he likes.
“You’re more comfortable in the kitchen,” Remus says instead. “Aren’t you?”
Sirius invites Remus to have a drink with him in Grimmauld's study. It's not about having a drink. Remus should've known.
Or, Dadfoot is one snarling guard dog.
Relevant tags: Sirius Black & Remus Lupin; Sirius Black & Harry Potter; POV Remus Lupin; Remus Lupin Critical; Good Godfather Sirius Black.
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goodfornothingstar · 7 months
I have a guilty pleasure of reading Jegulus fics. Despite I shouldn't because of reasons-
#1 They are repetitive in their characterization. James is never shown as canon James that is cruel, arrogant and intelligent. Regulus is changed to diluted version of Sirius but with some self preservation because the dude went to Slytherin.
#2 I am majorly into Prongsfoot (obviously into romantic James and sirius for all those requiring clarification). So I feel like I am cheating on my babies for reading this fic where james is with sirius's brother.
# I hate wolfstar and Lupin with a passion. And if you had read a Jegulus fic, you will know that that pairing doesn't comes without wolfstar. Like ever. Ever. So, even though I have to suffer through this painful thing, I read it.
Because of the drama available there. Obviously. You get fluff. You get black brothers, you get strong women characters, you get different tropes and what's ifs, you get an ending where first war has better result as compared to canon.
But I hate it too because -
#1 James will never even look towards Regulus when he has the better black brother sirius right in front of him 24*7
#2 Sirius will never give a damm about remus when James is right in front of him for 24*7
#3 These fics forget that besides from the Wizarding war being about blood purity, it was also about dark wizards fighting for their rights. And Regulus black was a dark wizard. So okay maybe he does not want to be killing people for their status but if he also didn't want to be a dark wizard then you are making him sound like a very disfigured imitation of sirius but only more coward version who is a spineless, worthless follower.
I mean let the dude be a person who does not give a damm about whether other people are killed for their blood as long as he and his people are safe. Let him practice dark magic because he is a proud dark wizard unlike sirius who is a closeted dark wizard and has to hide his affinity to that part of magic just to fit with his friends.
#4 Every single Jegulus fic shows walburga and orion as physically and emotionally abusive parents. When I think it was never the case. I believe that with war on the horizon and with strong personalities, sirius and walburga clashed all the time because of their belief system. Walburga distanced herself when she felt that sirius was lost case and started focusing on Regulus who up until the point was not paid much attention.
Regulus was too happy to make his parents pay him attention, became even more malleable to their belief system in search of that affection while sirius thought that nothing he could do would be any better than Regulus so why try. He was jealous of his own brother. Like any normal child he resented his brother for getting his parents love. It was crystal clear in ootp if people dared to pay attention. {No but we were all busy paying attention to that brotherly hug in poa to have any brain cell remaining to pay attention to other books. Lol}
Why the reasons for sirius running away need to be exaggerated. Look around yourself. Have seen some parent child relationship in which there is no abuse involved, but still miscommunication, expectation, circumstances and belief were the reason of their estrangement.
#5 That point where you are reading form Regulus's pov and he has these abandonment issues because of sirius leaving him alone and not taking him away too and you feel for the guy because he is laying his heart out for his audience to see how much he suffered. He blames sirius and James. I feel that bullshit. First of all I think that Regulus was supper happy that he got to be having the sole attention of his parents. Again my version of his parents were not abusive people just two people who didnt know a thing about parenting. The guy was Slytherin, he liked winning. But he was also hurt by his parents still not being as concerned about him like they are of sirius, even when he is disowned. He hated his brother for having that concern in his parents' mind even now. He wanted to be better. He wanted to make them forget that sirius ever existed. He overcompensates by joining DE, he was not forced. He wanted to be make them pleasantly surprised when walburga never wanted that of her sons. She just wanted them to be bigots like her.
She absolutely despised the idea of her youngest bowing to someone. When Blacks are supposed to be the topmost. Practical royalty.
Regulus when he found out that his parents are in fact not happy with his decision, felt betrayed first and then lost. When he got the actual reality of death eating business, it was too late and he felt that he had no one in his corner. His only friends were all DE and quite happy in it. His parents were silently disappointed.
So when he found out about horcrux. He thought that he can make it upto his parents. But also he did not want to seek their help in his embarrassment. So he seeked to do it by himself and met his tragic end. Also I head canon that he could have fought to survive but his will to survive was lost because he felt adrift with no one to confide the complexities of his life, he felt alone. And he accepted death quite quickly with a relief because he was lonely in the world full of opinionated people.
So the bottom line is that I read Jegulus and then I hate myself for reading it. Because it is bullshit. But it has drama. And fanfics are their to entertain us even if it makes me pull my hair out and gauge own eyes.
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heidi891 · 1 year
Snape isn’t responsible for Lupin losing his job
Let’s look at the timeline:
The Shrieking Shack drama.
Lupin turns into the werewolf.
Harry, Ron and Hermione are in the Hospital Wing.
Harry and Hermione use the Time Turner.
Snape has a meltdown in front of Cornelius Fudge and Dumbledore.
In the morning Snape tells Slytherins that Lupin is a werewolf.
Harry talks to Lupin who’s been fired.
A lot of people think that Lupin was fired because Snape told his secret. But Lupin was actually fired because he betrayed Dumbledore’s trust—multiple times, as a student and as a teacher.
Lupin knows it himself:
“I sometimes felt guilty about betraying Dumbledore’s trust, of course ... he had admitted me to Hogwarts when no other headmaster would have done so, and he had no idea I was breaking the rules he had set down for my own and others’ safety. He never knew I had led three fellow students into becoming Animagi illegally. But I always managed to forget my guilty feelings every time we sat down to plan our next month’s adventure. And I haven’t changed ...”
Lupin betrayed Dumbledore’s trust as a student when he was roaming around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade as a werewolf.
“That was still really dangerous! Running around in the dark with a werewolf! What if you’d given the others the slip, and bitten somebody?”
“A thought that still haunts me,” said Lupin heavily. “And there were near misses, many of them.
Lupin himself admits that there were many near misses. He’s extremely lucky that he didn’t infect or kill anybody. If he had, if others had found out about him, Dumbledore would have been finished as a headmaster.
Lupin’s face had hardened, and there was self-disgust in his voice. “All this year, I have been battling with myself, wondering whether I should tell Dumbledore that Sirius was an Animagus. But I didn’t do it. Why? Because I was too cowardly. It would have meant admitting that I’d betrayed his trust while I was at school, admitting that I’d led others along with me ... and Dumbledore’s trust has meant everything to me. He let me into Hogwarts as a boy, and he gave me a job when I have been shunned all my adult life, unable to find paid work because of what I am. And so I convinced myself that Sirius was getting into the school using dark arts he learned from Voldemort, that being an Animagus had nothing to do with it . . . so, in a way, Snape’s been right about me all along.
Lupin knew Sirius was an Animagus. It was crucial information. Everyone—including Dumbledore, Snape and Lupin himself—believed it was Sirius who had betrayed the Potters. Lupin was (again) extremely lucky that it turned out it was in fact Pettigrew.
The Ministry and Dumbledore did their best to protect Harry, but the whole army of Dementors was helpless against Animagus Sirius. Lupin himself is disgusted with what he did.
That betrayal is even worse, because Lupin being a teacher in the same year Sirius is on the loose is probably not a coincidence. Dumbledore must have asked the person he trusted and who knew Sirius very well. Dumbledore hoped that Lupin would have some information about Sirius and help protect Harry; being a good DADA teacher was a pleasant bonus. But Lupin failed to do the very job he was hired for.
Lupin managed to deceive Dumbledore and Snape who were both skilled in Legillimency. What’s more, during the first war Lupin probably was trying to convince other werewolves / spying for Dumbledore just like during the second war, so probably he knew at least a little Occlumency. The thing is, Lupin was hiding something the whole year (that he knew Sirius was an Animagus) and Snape saw some clues that Lupin wasn’t entirely honest. Lupin admits it too.
So let’s get back to the timeline:
Dumbledore wants to know what happened in the Shrieking Shack. He’s heard the children’s account, but he must want to hear the story of the three adults involved in the incident: Snape, Lupin and Sirius. Lupin is obviously unavailable.
We know he talks to Sirius:
“Last night Sirius told me all about how they became Animagi,” said Dumbledore, smiling. “An extraordinary achievement — not least, keeping it quiet from me.
He tells Harry this in the morning, after Lupin has left. The conversation probably took place when Sirius was arrested, after the Shrieking Shack incident but before the rescue. Lupin was in his werewolf form at that time, somewhere around Hogwarts.
The most disapointing thing for Dumbledore must be the fact that it is Sirius, not Lupin, who tells him all about Lupin’s first betrayal as a student. That also reveals Lupin’s second betrayal—that he didn’t tell Dumbledore about Sirius’ ability, even though he believed him to be the traitor.
Dumbledore must be determined to hear Lupin’s account. So as soon as the night ends and Lupin turns back into his human form, Dumbledore has a conversation with him. We know it happened because when Harry talks to Lupin, Remus has already been fired. The only way it could happen is that the Headmaster fired him personally.
Of course Snape couldn’t fire Lupin personally, he was just a teacher, he had no power to do so. The only way Snape could have had Lupin fired was to tell the Slytherins about Lupin (which he did), inform the school governors himself or have the students (like Draco Malfoy whose father was a governor) inform their parents and then wait for the governors to force the Headmaster to fire Lupin. However, there was too little time for that. Alternatively, he could have just told the Slytherins about Lupin, thus manipulating Dumbledore and forcing him to fire Lupin. BUT (1) Snape is very loyal to Dumbledore and it would be surprising if he went behind his back and endangered his position as the Headmaster; (2) there’s no indication that Dumbledore is mad at Snape. He certainly would be if Snape forced him to do something he didn’t want to do.
But Dumbledore is mad at someone else.
“Well — good-bye, Harry,” he [Lupin] said, smiling. “It has been a real pleasure teaching you. I feel sure we’ll meet again sometime. Headmaster, there is no need to see me to the gates, I can manage...”
Harry had the impression that Lupin wanted to leave as quickly as possible.
“Good-bye, then, Remus,” said Dumbledore soberly. Lupin shifted the grindylow tank slightly so that he and Dumbledore could shake hands. Then, with a final nod to Harry and a swift smile, Lupin left the office.
"Mad" is perhaps too strong, Dumbledore is rarely outraged. He’s disappointed. He isn’t emotional (neither "Oh, that horrible Snape, what did he do to my precious Lupin?" nor "Oh, you horrible Lupin, you’ve almost eaten my precious Harry Potter!"), he assesses the situation rationally. He’s rather cold. Whatever he’s said to Lupin earlier has made Remus embarrased. Lupin wants to leave as quickly as possible when Dumbledore has come to avoid further embarrasment. He knows he screwed up and he knows that Dumbledore knows it too.
We know about two conversations. But there was another adult involved in the Shrieking Shack incident, someone who Dumbledore trusts more than Sirius (whom up until that night he believed to be a traitor and a murderer) and Lupin (who let him down at least once by forgetting to drink his potion and by not staying behind in the Shrieking Shack, thus almost killing a few people, including Harry Potter—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg). Snape. However, although it’s logical for that conversation to take place, we don’t know when it could happen. After the Shrieking Shack incident Dumbledore talks to Sirius, so he couldn’t talk to Snape then. Then he suggests the children use the Time Turner. Then Snape has a meltdown and is probably too unstable to hold a rational conversation. Then finding Lupin could be a higher priority than talking to Snape since Dumbledore already knows most of what happened, Snape is biased and wasn’t present or was unconscious for the most part and Lupin right now is a danger to students and Hogsmeade villagers (including Dumbledore’s own brother).
Another thing that is worth mentioning is that Snape kept Lupin’s secret for over 18 years, including two years when he was a faithful Death Eater and Lupin was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Snape is also deeply loyal to Dumbledore. It would be illogical for him to betray Dumbledore like that and to face no consequences for that. So, logically, Dumbledore must have given him some sort of green light, even if it was just a mild sugestion that it was up to him now.
To sum up, the adjusted timeline looks like this:
The Shrieking Shack drama.
Lupin turns into the werewolf.
Harry, Ron and Hermione are in the Hospital Wing.
Dumbledore talks to Sirius and finds out about Lupin’s first and second betrayal.
Harry and Hermione use the Time Turner.
Snape has a meltdown in front of Cornelius Fudge and Dumbledore.
At dawn Dumbledore finds Lupin and talks to him. Lupin quits / is fired.
Dumbledore talks to Snape, probably implying that he isn’t bound to keep Lupin’s secret anymore.
In the morning Snape tells Slytherins that Lupin is a werewolf.
Harry talks to Lupin who’s been fired.
Lupin got himself fired all by himself by keeping crucial information from Dumbledore and endangering students, including Harry Potter.
Snape is responsible for ruining Lupin’s reputation but not for Remus losing his job.
Snape isn’t responsible for Lupin being unable to have a job afterwards, because Remus has already had this problem.
He let me into Hogwarts as a boy, and he gave me a job when I have been shunned all my adult life, unable to find paid work because of what I am.
Somehow his empleyers knew about his condition or quickly figured it out. If Lupin had been discriminated all his adult life, it wasn’t because of Snape.
He worsens Lupin’s situation, but it’s been already bad. His situation, his prospects don’t really change after that. They were bad, now they’re slightly worse.
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it will always be sirius > remus for me
not because sirius is "cooler" or "funnier" or whatever. not because remus is "too boring" or "too cold".
but because of their reactions regarding harry's home situation.
Remus left Harry alone for 13 years. He acknowledged that Harry's relatives were bad in the ootp and still did nothing when Harry was sent back. He didn't bother staying in contact or popping by at all (even before poa, he never reached out to harry) despite the fact that he had the ability to.
Harry was Sirius's number one priority- ALWAYS. Sirius broke out of a prison for him. He sent him multiple gifts and letters, and even offered him a place to stay. He made numerous attempts to stay in contact (if not by letters, then by Floo). He would've gone and plucked Harry from the Dursleys himself had he not been in hiding and wanted for mass murder.
idk. maybe sirius could understand harry, given that he had a similar childhood- but that doesn't excuse remus's behavior. i find it unforgivable that he at the very least never stayed in contact the way sirius did. he was absent for most of harry's life.
to me, leaving him alone was the worst thing to do.
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padfootswhiskers · 1 month
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expectopatronum81 · 4 months
Ok but can we talk about that one scene after Snape kills Dumbledore though
Death Eaters: Are clearly running away from a crime scene
Death Eaters: Continuously try to hex Hagrid (man who fought a literal court case for him)
Death Eaters: Set Hagrid's hut on fire
Snape: Hexes Harry to the ground
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padfootastic · 9 months
Remus had some nerve accusing Harry of throwing his parents’ sacrifice aside, when a) Remus had no real way of knowing that Harry was aware Sirius posed a threat to him specifically because I’m pretty sure it’s just Arthur who informs him of this and not any of the teachers. To the teachers’ knowledge, all Harry knew was some guy broke out of Azkaban and wanted someone at Hogwarts dead, but none of them actually told Harry “hey, we think this guy wants you dead.” Like, they didn’t offer him any form of protection and he’s been in danger in the actual castle, why the hell would he automatically go “oh, Hogsmeade is totally where this guy will try to kill me, I should stay in the castle where a whole bunch of people are in danger every year and the teachers never actually do anything about this, I’ll be totally safe there.” There was a big-ass snake just roaming around the entire year before and the teachers accomplished precisely nothing in terms of protecting the students, Harry has no reason to believe he’ll somehow be safer there than in a literal crowd of people and with both of his best friends right next to him and thus capable of causing a hell of a scene if something happens to alert everyone nearby that Sirius Black is present and attacking Harry Potter. Sirius is good, but I’d put my money on the screaming capacity of two pissed off teenagers who just wanted some candy and butterbeer. B) Remus over here is literally helping Sirius, albeit unknowingly, by refusing to tell anyone he’s an animagus. Even if Remus wanted to believe Sirius was getting in some other way, he’s still risking the lives of everyone in the castle because he doesn’t want to disappoint Dumbledore. I can see why they didn’t trust him in the First War, he keeps secrets even when he knows he is putting others at risk. The guy believes Sirius is a Death Eater, a spy, and Voldemort’s second-in-command who is poised to take control of the rest once Harry is dead, and yet he is just staying silent on the matter. Horrible AU where Sirius really was a traitor the entire time and Remus’s silence damns everyone, Voldemort comes back some other way or Sirius just kidnaps Harry for LV so V comes back later
no but that first part!!! i remember reading a fic? post? ab it that literally no one thought about telling harry wtf was going on (story of his life, really) and remus definitely didn’t try. so for him to say what he did? TO AN ORPHAN???? it’s mind bogglingly cruel and i rly wonder why it’s so overlooked. and the fkn audacity to do it when he’s the one disrespecting jily’s sacrifice by giving their alleged betrayer access to their son???????
i’m also afraid that in this Horrible AU, it would do absolutely nothing except send remus into a self pitying guilt spiral guaranteed. nothing more concrete than that.
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Mouth Full Of White Lies
From this prompt by @impishtubist . It's un beta'd, so don't be too critical. ao3
Remus cannot do this.
He doesn't have the strength— the courage.
Sirius sits in the armchair front of him, slender fingers wrapped around a mug full of Irish coffee and pitch black hair pulled back into a messy bun, looking as comfortable and relaxed as if he was sitting on a cushioned throne. He stares out of the window, wearing a snug cream coloured jumper and one foot pulled up to the seat. Something twists in Remus' chest, but he cannot pull his eyes away from Sirius' face. He takes in the sharp angles and the arched eyebrows, the grey eyes and the relaxed line of his lips, the few flicks of his hair that fall over his forehead as he looks down into his mug when he takes a sip. Sirius looks anywhere but at Remus.
Remus doesn't know how to do this.
Without Harry around to act as a buffer, Remus feels the tension crawling up his spine slowly but surely, and it's worsened by the fact that he cannot tell if Sirius is feeling the same or not.
It has been eight days since Remus arrived at Grimmauld Place with Harry in tow, and in all that time, he has taken great care not to be caught alone in a room with Sirius.
Clearly, he went wrong somewhere, because here they were— alone together in the second floor parlour.
Remus swallows. Digs his fingers into the armrest of his chair.
Sirius did not raise his voice. He did not say it in a hostile manner. He did not even look at Remus. That hurts more than Remus thinks it should.
"Sirius, I—"
"Don't, Lupin."
Remus flinches, feeling the words dig into his heart like he's been slapped. Sirius has not called him by his last name since the November of their first year at Hogwarts. After that, it was always Remus, Remi, Moony, Moons, Froot Lupes, any other nickname he could come up with. Not Lupin. Never Lupin.
"Padfoot, I'm sorry—"
"Lupin." Sirius finally looks at him. Remus flinches again, curling his shoulders into himself at the expression in his eyes. Or rather, the lack of expression. Sirius' face is blank, and his eyes are colder than a blizzard. He looks down his nose at Remus through lowered eyelids, the set of his eyebrows making it seem like he is utterly, completely indifferent to this conversation, like he does not give a single shit about what Remus has to say.
"I don't want to hear anything from you. If we must spend time together, we spend it in silence. Understood?"
Remus gives him a beseeching look, but Sirius doesn't waver in his decision, and Remus casts his gaze into his lap.
They sit in silence. Remus does not look back at Sirius, and Sirius relaxes into the soft padding of his armchair.
"I really am sorry, Sirius," Remus says quietly after a few seconds, fidgeting with his own fingers in his lap.
"I really don't care, Lupin."
Remus huffs and lifts his chin to stare at Sirius' impassive face. "It was wrong of me to leave you in Azkaban and I know it—"
"This," Sirius interrupts in a deceptively soft voice, "is not about my imprisonment."
Remus feels a chill travel down his spine. Still, he swallows down his urge to cut the discussion short. For once, he is not going to run away. For once, he will stay, and he will see this talk through.
"Then what is it about?"
Sirius looks at him like Remus hasn't an ounce of sense in his brain— the kind of disdainful and judgemental look he used to reserve for the students of Hogwarts who were not as smart as him or James. Remus feels the point of a dagger dig into his heart.
"Harry, Lupin," he says, and the icy frost that covers his tone makes the dagger pierce even deeper. "This is about my godson."
Remus grits his teeth, a sudden wave of annoyance rising up his throat. "I told you, Sirius, a werewolf is not capable of taking care of a child—"
"You could have visited him," Sirius cuts him off, and Remus hates how calm he looks, hates the way Sirius looks at him like he isn't worth his time. He hates the way his mind whispers in his ear about the school days when Sirius became eerily calm and composed, when he got that thunderstorm glint in his grey eyes that meant he was out for someone's cold blooded annihilation. "You could have checked up on him. You could have wrangled a deal out of the Hell-flower that made it impossible for her to harm my godson the way she did—"
Remus is on his feet now, glaring at Sirius, who simply reclines back in his seat and still manages to look down his nose at Remus. The expression is so similar to the times in school when Sirius eviscerated someone with nothing but his whip-quick tongue that it makes Remus' blood boil. He hates the way Sirius is so.. so calm and collected. He wants Sirius to scream at him, yell at him, throw shit around and rage at him.
"Everyone always has a choice," Sirius answers coldly. "You had the time to make one— you had twelve years to make a choice. You didn't."
Remus breathes in, then breathes out, and the air that leaves him feels hot with anger. He glares at Sirius, clenching his fingers into fists and locking them down to his sides.
"You don't understand—" he grits out, but Sirius cuts him off again, the expression on his face growing colder with every word he utters. "Oh no, of course I don't. I have no idea what it's like to be a werewolf. That doesn't change the fact that you left Harry there. You left him there. James' child. The child we swore to protect—"
"I did no such thing."
The moment the words leave his lips, Remus knows he has fucked up.
Sirius shuts his mouth with a decisive click of his teeth, face going blank and unreadable. He stares at Remus, nothing showing through the mask he has snapped into place. Remus feels the dread trickle down his throat like freezing cold water, and he scrambles for words the longer the silence goes on, trying to find ways to fix this, to make it better, to get Sirius to understand.
"Sirius, I—"
"I suggest you stop speaking before I rip out your tongue and strangle you with it."
Remus snaps his jaw shut with an audible clack of his teeth at the flat tone of voice. Sirius is very much capable of carrying out that threat and both of them know it.
"Get out of my sight, Lupin."
Remus swallows down the seven replies his mind comes up with and twists on his heel, stiffly walking towards the door. When he is about to shut the door behind him, Sirius speaks again.
"You're not Moony to me. I am not Padfoot to you. You will refer to me as Black, I won't answer to any other name. And stay away from my godson."
Remus let's out a shaky breath. Nods. And steps out, pulling the door shut behind him.
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v-a-l · 8 months
The worst thing about Wolfstar is that Remus’ mediocrity and negligence is blamed on Sirius to facilitate a false equivalence that hinges entirely on Remus having Sirius’ personality and Sirius having no personality.
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