#like idk. it just sucks to see a dev say that. why would it not even matter to you what existing users want and need and think. idk
pepprs · 1 year
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gonna delete this later bc i know it’s unproductive to screenshot / namedrop and i actually am thinking the best approach would just be to privately share this thought w the dev who posted this in a possibly futile attempt to effectively advocate for the change i want to see (#worktag2 lol). but im workshopping it here w my beloved mutuals first as i always do which is kinda shooting myself in the foot given that the devs can probably see that but whatever. my thought is like… i get it. i really do. i get that this place needs to stay afloat and some of that is gonna involve sacrifice or something from everyone involved. but… why would you try to snuff out the things that make this place what it is and just make it like all the other places. why would you not even take into account how the changes are going to impact EXISTING users who are loyal even if they don’t pay. people aren’t going to come to tumblr for more tiktok and instagram. they’re going to come here for tumblr. for the anonymity and the customization and whatever. so like i just don’t get it. why is the solution to this problem to experiment with changes **that existing users won’t like** and not to listen to what existing users want and do more of it bc other ppl likely will want that too.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Hello again, and congrats for your 1k!! WOOO!! 🎉🎉🎉 I've just recently follow you and I instantly fall in love with your writing ((I stumble upon like real people do series))
If i may ask how much have you progress in NB? Have you read the new lesson?? 😭😭😭
If you have, I would request for sol's version— since idk why the dev didnt put sol's part in there ((probably him being busy))
If not! I would love to read some serious talking between MC and Solomon about their relationship.. like, well you know right Solomon have been through like A LOT.
Once again, congrats!! 🎉🎉 You deserve it (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
thank you!!!!! that series is my pride and joy i worked so hard on it and the feedback for it has been so !#@!@#!@!@!@!!!@!@!@!@!!!!!!!!!! /pos
i'm like halfway through lesson 12,,, i didnt get to it until like two days after its release and my cards are pretty weak (OBEY ME STOP HAVING CRAZY STRENGTH JUMPS BETWEEN LESSONS CHALLENGE ITS LITERALLY THE 12TH ONE!!!!! makes me worried for lesson 20 smh)
this isn't exactly a one word prompt but meh its cute so!! plus ive gotten SO MANY solomon rqs for the event i love you guys C: thank you again!! ^^ <333
The door opens once again.
Nobody should be in your room this late. Not any of the brothers, at any rate.
“Hey, MC.” Solomon sighs, kneeling at your bedside.
Your heart thunders in your chest at the tender look on his face, eyebrows furrowed and lips twisted into a wry smile. If you didn’t know him any better, you’d say he found this amusing. That’s probably what he likes to think.
“It’s been a while. Three days too long.” he says, reaching out to you, “You’ll come back soon though, right? You wouldn’t want to leave me all lonely.”
He cups your face, brushing his thumb over the skin. He mumbles something about how you’re still warm and that’s good, but it breaks your heart because that means his mind is telling him you might be dead. You wish you could move, you wish you could pull him into bed next to you and thank him for everything he’s done for you. He’s put himself in the most dangerous of situations, even braving time itself to come back and save you. He made sure you weren’t alone and stayed with you when you needed someone the most, and yet he still feels as though he’ll never be enough for you.
At this rate, he’ll destroy himself for you.
But Solomon just laughs. He sucks in air through his teeth as if he’s in pain, and for a second you can see a grimace on his face.
“I’ll have some of your favorite snacks for you when you come back to me.” he whispers, leaning over your body like a safety blanket, “I’ll make them myself. I’ll make them just for you.”
He kisses your forehead, and you feel a cold drop of something hit your skin.
Your heart shatters in your chest as Solomon leaves.
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illegiblewords · 4 months
Heavy stuff, venting.
I'm having a really, really awful time right now and it just sucks a lot. Things have been tough offline on a lot of levels lately. I don't share much of my creative stuff with people IRL, but it's one of the things that can give me a lot of joy through the day even when things are hard. Creative stuff can mean stories, or designs, or analysis. Even just poking around seeing what other people have done will cheer me up. I've been taking a break from FFXIV for a bit. I didn't play the most recent patch or holiday stuff. Some of the pacing and directions feel like missed opportunities. I might try again in Dawntrail but at this moment I'm taking a break to do BG3 for a bit. I've been interested in DnD for years, and I actually have a million ideas and things I find exciting tied to the Forgotten Realms. Haven't gotten to do more than the very beginning of a campaign because schedule hell but I'd really love to. BG3 has been a chance for me to actually interact with the world on my own terms a bit and it's been a big source of joy for me lately. And I love that Larian put as much thought and layering for the characters psychologically, overall. I love that they generally haven't shied away from stuff either. If I try to look at tags for say, Gale though? Mostly instead of other people making things, I've been getting people who are absolutely furious about how devs talked in a recent interview. I've dealt with characters I love to bits being treated in horrifying ways before. People who were with me when I did Spidey stuff will probably remember some of it. Shit was genuinely incredibly upsetting. I don't think the things people are mad at Larian about are intentional by Larian in the way they're being interpreted. I think this could probably be resolved just by explaining concerns assuming it was unintentional, without rage or accusation. They seem to really care about their fans and given the story told I think they care about their own characters too. Business bits aside. I haven't talked about any of this on tumblr or twitter because like... right now people seem to be a kind of angry where if you aren't angry the way they are, then fuck you you piece of shit basically. But if I'm just trying to make things, or find other people making things, or do analysis? I've just been wading through the anger from other people. It's more stress when I just don't need it. I've tried to find BG3 or DnD discords. I haven't found one for BG3. The DnD ones, I think there's a combination of them being kind of dead and... not really a place for what I do or how I talk. I have two homebrew monsters and a homebrew item I'd love to keep refining but I have no idea how stats work, and I can only really go so far on my own not having done a campaign in any way. Someone suggested I make my own discord community, and I could try, but idk if anyone else would be interested and being in-charge makes me anxious. Same time I'd be really nervous about whether discords run by other people are chill. I desperately, desperately want to avoid drama.
And stupidly I went to the official forums for lack of knowing where else to go. I was surprised that people were nice initially but one person came in and has been making weird personal attacks, backhanded compliments, talking like they're the authority on all things (lore, morality, storytelling as a whole). If you have a different opinion you are wrong and a bad person and stupid too. I genuinely think this person might be a narcissist and they are setting off every possible warning bell with me. Like I'm actually freaked out by how out of touch with reality they are. This person is making shit up that was never discussed, gaslighting like crazy, twisting words, and going into rages claiming I went nuclear when my whole point was 'why the fuck are you being mean to me and trying to boss me around???' I was very much not happy with the person but I was fucking careful not to insult them. And now I think this person doesn't want to leave me the hell alone. And like, I straight up said I don't want to talk to them further. When the user had a MASSIVE GODDAMN TANTRUM full of personal insults and accusations, I didn't reply. I thanked one other person in the forum for mentioning they read the message as hostile too, mentioned my 'leave me alone' message wasn't taken in its intended spirit, and touched briefly on why the accusations hit a particular sore spot. Then I apologized for derailing and switched to discuss character interpretations again.
Lunatic is like 'oh these replies to my message are so interesting, I'm going to answer you all once the website stops glitching'. And I swear to fuck I can hear the strings from Psycho going off.
I don't really trust that forum moderators will intervene. It's been a whole day since my first attempt to report, when the initial message happened. The second message was much worse. I generally don't trust people to take it seriously if harassment like that is happening. My assumption is if it's criminal I need to go to the police but otherwise like... no one is watching out for shit. And there is no block system on those forums.
I AM JUST TRYING TO MAKE CRAP MAN. I CARE ABOUT THE CHARACTERS. I CARE ABOUT AND INTERPRET CHARACTERS IN A WAY NOT EVERYONE ELSE DOES. I DON'T NEED PEOPLE TO AGREE BUT FOR FUCK'S SAKE LET ME MAKE AND TALK ABOUT SHIT IN PEACE. If I touch on a heavy topic, it's because I think it's warranted or adds a layer to the narrative that explains things or otherwise makes sense. I'm going to navigate heavy topics with care and empathy because I am very aware people get seriously hurt by that shit, a LOT of creators are actively cruel to victims, and! I love the characters! People are allowed to tell stories that cover the darker parts of human experience, not just the ones a single specific person approves of! And if you don't fucking like how someone else interprets or makes shit, DON'T READ IT AND MAKE YOUR OWN CRAP.
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This was probably horrible interneting in the sense that I shouldn't have replied at all, but what the everloving fuck. How do you go up to random strangers and lead with condescension like that? How do you go through life just assuming everyone different from you has something wrong with them? EDIT: Person has escalated. Not sure what to do. Have reported a lot but no action yet. FURTHER EDIT: Mod showed up and said 'people are allowed to disagree, be nice, there's a hidden ignore button on a separate webpage'. The personal attacks are allowed to stand and TOS seem to be meaningless. Another user pointed out that the lunatic had been recognized as aggressive by two people and that my analysis wasn't unreasonable or uncommon even if they didn't subscribe themselves. Person private messaged with me and was pretty reassuring. I'm just on the page of 'fuck those forums I am never coming back' at this point, with the added understanding that if I tried to talk again at all the lunatic would 5000% continue trying to harass me. I just hope they get distracted and move on/forget basically. Fuck that shit.
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moefling · 6 months
And finally Any Way The Wind Blows reread...
I really dislike Matali. Like of the the Adults who should have seen The Mages abuse, she is on the top and she is throwing it back in Penny's face!?? (f*ck Matali Bunce)
*sobbing* but also I love angst so also 😈
Dev is a Pitch?!? Idk why but I thought he was a Grimm (tho I did read the fanfic rebel rebel just b4 starting my reread so maybe that's my confusion)
How long is Simon's tail? I'm pretty sure that based on how it's described to twist around things it's gotta be like the same length Simon is tall (5 foot whatever)...
"He already gave me a sword, but I'm not magickal enough to call it." (page 6) this is so sad, I remember seeing a tweet from Rainbow saying the Sword of Mages was still in him he just couldn't call it and just that makes me want to cry for Simon
i love that Fiona continues to use the numpty joke with Baz because that is such a real family thing to do (page 14)
Premal and Simon should have a talk... they both have very complicated feelings about the Mage (i mean Simon wins but)
Poor Penny. she used to solve all of Simons problems and now she can't so she feels useless
"I'm ready to let go - to be me again. The me I thought I was before the Mage ever showed up." (page 37)
"I hate the sight of him. All I see is what I've lost- who I was. His match." (page 62) this f*cked me up because its a call back to CO when Baz says he loves that Simon is screwed up because "they match" and that quotes is VERY popular...
"I know I'll never love anyone like I love Baz. I know he's the love of my life. Of all my lives" "This was my life to find love. The truest love. The biggest. Buti it isn't my life to have it." "I'm too... broken. I don't know how to be close to people." (page 65)
we need for Fiona moments. the fact that she is marrying a vampire but can't ask Baz if he needs to feed? (page 82)
lol Simon showing up unannounced again and commenting on Baz's clothes (page 87)
Simon cuts so deep but i love it because it's real and he is telling everything so Baz knows
"I didn't get to keep anything... What did I get to keep, Baz?" (page 91) i think this hurts even more because he still thinks he's removing his wings and tail. to literally at this moment he doesn't think he got to keep anything: his magic, his mentor, his friends, his purpose in life, the safety that came with knowing what comes next
when Simon tells Baz he loves him to me the tone from Baz questioning it was even sadder because he wasn't just questioning Simon saying it but (to me) it seemed like a question that anyone would tell Baz that
headcanon that not only was Simon deprived of a magical childhood he also didn't have a normal one so he doesn't know things like Disney movies (or really used a cell phone)
i love that Baz switches between Simon and Snow regularly even in his own thoughts
gosh this book has the snowbaz bants that i've been looking for. referencing when they were enemies but now in a funny/ cute way
"'Christ, Baz, I never thought I was straight. I never thought about it at all.'" (page 127)
""I met him the usual way.' 'You chased him off the road?'" (page 167)
i love that there isn't really any comparisons between the Salisbury's and Simon until the end. it's not shoving it in your face if you can't remember the first book (no bronze hair like Simon or Ruth eats like Simon - there is a moment where it is mentioned that Jamie sucked at reading and talking and Simon thinks same but it is Simon thinking it not a comparison someone else is thinking)
is the light touch over simulation or has Simon just never been touched gently before so he doesn't understand it...
""I can touch you less gently, but I won't love you less kindly.'" (page 222)
when Ruth gives the glasses to Simon i remember on my first read i though that was how Simon was going to get his magic back...
i'm 80% sure Lady Ruth was ready to adopt Simon before she know he was Lucy's son and i'm 85% sure she would be very fine with them using the glasses for.... other purposes
the Demon turning to Penny after and basically winking as saying call me...
"'..it was children who brought down the Mage!'" (page 399) i think we need to talk about this more. the fact that Fiona is ok with it but all the Kids have BIG trauma about it all (and f*ck Matali again for victims blaming the Kids)
Simon using a pet name for Baz 😍😍
"'And you don't have to wear a jacket in the middle of June. Do you know how jealous I am?'" (page 407)
(something half baked about chosen ones being warm to the touch)
Baz wearing this boyfriends ex girlfriends sweatshirt
a note that Simon couldn't feel magic at all after Smith zapped him
so Smith's spell.... does it imply that you can waste magic? if you only have so much? or...
so what is Simon.... is he sorta a dragon?
Notes for Snow for Christmas
i love that this exists so we can see happy snowbaz without them doing chosen one shit
i love and hate that Baz tells Simon he is coming back after a fight (page 222)
i've decided that they should tell Lady Ruth about Baz's vamp thing because she would probably blink and then offer to keep blood in the fridge for when he visits. and she wouldn't tiptoe around it either
i like that Simon takes some responsibility to not drink because he kinda has a problem with it
Question... did Baz know he was a vampire before his teeth came in..? cuz knowing his family idk if they would have told him...
do Baz's siblings know he is a vampire? Simon asks but it isn't really answered...
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creativeartgal · 1 year
Ok so Im just going to rant for a bit. Sorry if it not coherent.
Yo devs what the hell!!! Why didn't you give Asmo a bday event. If your going to stop doing events then couldn't you have waited till Lucifer's bday? Dude ain't even my favorite but I'm still annoyed at this shit. Also I really don't like that the URs are going to be in nightmare now. I loved that Obey me did full events for characters bithdays. It was nice to read through the events even when it wasn't my favorite character. I thought that they were really cute. The only other time a game I played had that was when Mystic Messenger did it for Zen and it was more just an April Fool's event that was also his bday. Idk. Just sucks dude. I mean if you were going to stop doing events then finish all the bdays first. It just seems like incomplete that the other brothers having 3 bday events while Asmo will only have 2. Granted same would be the case for the side characters also but I mean the bros are the main focus so whatever still sucks for them too. Also something I didn't notice till I saw on Twitter there's no ssr for Asmo. I'm hoping it will come later like what they did for his ssr in the past event but I'm not optimistic about it.
Going back to the cards I really don't like it being a gatcha thing. I liked that it was possible to get a ur relatively easy (for me at least) if I just made sure to save up for it before hand. For a while that was how I got most of my URs when I first started. Like I already got to deal with that in twist for their bdays. And I have the worst gatcha luck in twist the last time I got an ssr was because I summoned 100x in the normal gatcha. Granted I have better luck when it comes to obey me but that's not the point. Honestly I'm not really sure if I wanna try to get Asmos card or if I should just hold on to my DV for when it's Mammon bday since it's most likely how all bday will go so far. (Sorry I am a simp for that man)
Also what the hell is with the yoga ball in the wanderer whereabouts? I thought that it would cost karma. Probably a little more than normal. But you have to pay money for it!? Dude I haven't even gotten any of the items using karma and now you gonna ask for actual money for this thing? Idk ever since nb came out I feel like the devs have been more money hungry. Like you can only get 10 DV with ravens, you actually need multiple versions of a card to fully level it up and more to raise the level even more and over really seems like they want f2p players like me to spend money. I wish I could say that it would make stop playing but I really enjoy the main story and want to see where the story goes so I will still be playing so I guess will still have to put up with this. Hell I'm probably going to forget about it after posting this cause at the end of the day it's a company. They are going to do whatever they want that they think will give them more money. Sure we can bitch and moan all we want but they probably aren't going to do anything about it.
So yeah sorry for the long rant just needed to get this out.
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agoddamn · 1 year
I sat down and pounded out several chapters of Engage to try and recruit Mauvier so I could see his birthday lines and missed the window by about two hours. </3
I really do not know how this dude is convincing himself he's helping Veyle through all this brainwashing. I had thought that maybe none of them ever really spoke to her (which seems to be the case with Marni) but Mauvier is supposed to be her actual knight who cares about her as a person and it's not until chapter 21 that he finally says, "I think the repeated brainmelting might be kind of bad for her"? With the mildest dissent possible, too. He is so mild about his dissent that he will even happily deliver another soldier back to the cause of brainmelting Veyle!
So far Mauvier seems like the kind of guy who's genuinely so stupid that you could convince him to suck your dick by telling him a bee stung you and you need his help getting the venom out.
As tired as waif mind-controlled to villainy is as a trope, Veyle's (JP) voice actor does an amazing job with the switching back and forth. I was enjoying just listening to her.
Got the DLC for my birthday and the way they present the 3H characters as having a "friendly rivalry" dynamic lmaooooo that's literally the name of the skill! I don't know what game these characters are from but it's not 3H
Lindon get! The average age of my army is slowly creeping up. Love that he's just...a guy. "Yeah idk I'm not vibing with this Fell Dragon thing any more, can I bounce with you?"
I can tell that the devs are having him constantly mention his wife in order to dissuade me personally, but that ain't gonna work
Got my very first A-rank support! Diamant and Alcryst. Definitely did not play naturally for it, took a lot of forcing them onto each other.
I had intended to use Rosado, but after his first map I realized how bad his shitty build score was crippling him. Bench juice.
I don't understand the economy in this game. It feels like there was supposed to be a money DLC grinding map like Fates--there's so many huge money sinks. The country donations? The gifts? The ingots showing up at the flea market? Weapon refining? Hell, the costumes? Absolutely fucking deranged of someone to make a dress cost a silver bar. And that's before getting into traditional FE money drains like staves and Master Seals! Makes me suspect a money grinding DLC might drop...
Me realizing the reinforcements on 21 aren't going to stop: I AM BEGGING YOU TO GET OFF MY DICK
Two break bars revival stones are stressful. Although... I'm this far in the game and I don't actually know what the "running wild" state does lmfao every time I see revival stones I set up my team to be able to end things in one round. At this point, enemies on the map are doing so much damage that it's a death sentence to try and tank hits.
Framme fell off and got benched :( this really is Fire Emblem: Bases
And with Saphir, the average age of my army climbs yet higher!
Weird, though--in English she's Saphir but the JP sounds a lot more like Zephaia, and Lady Badguy is Zephia in English but Sepia in Japanese.
"Why the fuck would you send ONE soldier as backup--oh. Her. Carry on."
She's afraid of heights...m-moe
She bullied the absolute shit out of Griss 😂 dance brave axe dance brave axe die
I gave her Lyn and much like Diamant, she's getting scary with an actual speed stat. I'm getting her to double with her brave axe on enemy phase.
Lindon...lends himself very well to the "dirty researcher" archetype, huh...
--Panette and Pandreo are siblings?? I guess they do have the same hair color...come to think of it, I think I remember hearing about this pre-release. I learned this from the ally notebook because Panette is another one who joined and went directly to the bench
So Lindon wants to do research with Mauvier, huh...
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min-pathologica · 8 months
a not-very-complete-or-comprehensive list of my lukewarm drdt takes (takes i’d like to think are hot but are not that interesting regardless). it’s 3 am, prime min-pathologica tumblr bullet point hour.
- levi has the murderer secret, but isn’t the killer.
- i am almost entirely neutral about david. the only notable opinion i have about him is that he should at least get his act partly together.
- i don’t think rose will die from being “overpowered”. i think she’ll have a mental windows shut down, and end up surviving.
- veronika probably will not be a killer. honestly i think she might end up being the first discovered victim chapter 3, if drdt dev takes the three-casualities route. then again, i feel they may not
- hu and veronika need to interact. i’m talking arguing on screen, and no not just “hehe chaos” “pulls your ear and yells”. i think post-david-gay-reveal, hu won’t be doing so hot (assuming she survives), and veronika on the other hand will be having the time of her life. so i think veronika will offend her and that’s where they get really foil-y. because those two are foils i’m telling you. all of the pairs at the end of the chapter 1 recap are each other’s foils.
- oh yea, j and rose are (if i’m right) foils which i am really excited to see! idk how yet but it might have to do with how j sees distancing herself from her family as important whereas rose sold her soul to dickie curling (richard spurling) to get her family out of debt. maybe they will make each other cry. also j specializes in digital stuff if i’m not mistaken, whereas the creator has stated rose exclusively does traditional art.
- i have no strong opinions about monotvid other than that their theme song is girlfriend avril lavigne. it is. admit it.
- probably shouldn’t feed a terumin shipper past midnight speaking from first-hand experience…… oh but um please give us water :(
- i know in a lot of charwhit angst fics where one of them dies, charles’ goggles always end up shattering. i don’t know why this happens but it always seems to. what i’m saying is, shouldn’t lab goggles be a sturdier material?? it’s a lab. the goggles are meant to protect your eyes, so they shouldn’t be something like glass which easily shatters and stresses. google (so trustworthy) says they’re usually made of polycarbonate, which i recall is usually used for kids’ glasses and clumsy people if they request it. i would know what those are like - my old glasses were polycarbonate, and i ran into a door three times. none of those times did they shatter, but they did fall out of frame which sucked. anyway, my point is charles’ goggles probably wouldn’t shatter unless someone specifically tried to break them. idk. i’m not a professional chemist
- bi + lithromantic asexual levi
- genderfluid arturo?
- one more and forgive me…… apagender rose?
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randomnameless · 2 years
Speaking of Localisation, did you see that Guy (FE7) post on the FEH subreddit? There was a difference between his words. In the Japanese, he says beautiful women. But in English, he says beautiful people. I dunno man. Seems to be a clear difference to me cuz of what it says about his attraction. So, when one guy pointed it out though in a rough manner, he got downvoted to hell for it. Yeah.... Uh... Is this something that should be ignored? Cuz... I feel that it shouldn't... I dunno...
Honestly I'm going to comment more on redshit than on FE7's og script -
Take it with a grain of salt - or maybe it's just my own salt - but, imo, a vast majority of redshiter created a community around their version of the game, so if you point out how "their version" might have "inaccuracies" because lolcalisation or else, you will be downvoted or just ignored.
Imagine, in 2022, there are still people saying there are two Xanders, support Xander and plot Xander - because they just do not want to know/understand/admit that maybe the lolcalisation team butchered FE14 to the point where parts that weren't butchered feel completely out of touch with the loLcalised part of the game.
FE14 and FE Tellius (remember the Ike'n'Elincia controversy? The localisation team added more "shipping" moment between the two in FE9, which led to "that person" on SF being obnoxious as hell whenever the topic of Ike's sexuality came up) are old, but I have the feeling that lines are drawn more firmly now.
If someone went on redshit to post about how Zieja's the reason why meme Lord!Claude exists and kind of missed the point of his character in VW, that someone would be insta-flamed, like worse than Bernie.
IIRC I made a "dual audio or no dual audio" poll in the 3H sub maybe 10 months ago, and the results were pretty much showing overwhelming support for "dual audio". Now, the most recent polls about this issue? Surprise, Dual Audio or JP Dub (which is just stupid because it's not a dub, it's the og language, back in my day you called US Sub for subtitles) lost - and it's baffling because, hey, in both polls the question was clearly meant as an option, would you like to have the option to switch to the JP audio or to the US/EN audio - and, people argued against that choice???
idk, maybe it's because reasonable people left redshit or the 3H sub, or maybe because more and more people were starting to connect the dots, and realise that Pat's hateboner for organised religions and shoddy job in 3H butchered several characters - that are completely different in their "original" version.
It's the two Xanders issue again, if you spent 2 years saying a game (or a character) sucks because of their portrayal in the loLcalised version, then when people start to say that no, it's not the game or that character that you hated/sucked, but their loLcalised version... Sunk cost fallacy strikes - the loLcalised version doesn't exist, rather, it's the only version of the game, if you're using the og version, then it "doesn't count", or you're back to being ignored.
So IDK what tone the guy who "corrected" the other on redshit used, but bringing the JP/OG script is, depending on the sub, 7 times out of 10 going to be met with opposition/defiance.
I supposed he was downvoted because used a certain tone and opposed to a "progressive" reading of the character, even if the jp script always takes precedence over the localised one but I remember reminding someone who made an entire essay about Smol!gard "The Future"'s title that this title is a loLcalisation exclusive thing that the devs of the game never thought/meant to be, and the OP was super nice, basically complaining that it sucks how loLcalisation teams loLcalise.
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sminny-wew · 2 months
Megaman Network Transmission final thoughts
(From someone who watched a playthrough instead of actually playing it lmao)
Despite my overall enthusiasm I can see why it's considered one of the weaker games, this definitely feels like something made to appeal to classic Megaman/X fans who might've felt too alienated by Battle Network's gameplay style
I know the main draw of the series is the Cyberworld, but compared to the mainline games where you also get to explore the real world, having any and all real-world events take place in Lan's bedroom (not even elsewhere in his house, only his room) feels cramped and sucks out a lot of the tension. Very much feels like a budgetary choice so the dev team could focus on the Cyberworld levels
The dialogue is a liiiiittle janky but it gets the point across
I'm sorry but Lan's 3D model is ugly. This is not my beautiful son
Some of the boss choices definitely felt a bit repetitive, but I liked the new navis like Quickman, Brightman, and Starman!! Also funny to see Bass pop up as a secret boss before he's been properly introduced to the story lol
Megaman trying to talk mean will never not be funny. This boy legally cannot say fuck
As repetitive as some things felt I will never not enjoy Lan and Megaman's allies coming together to help them during the climax
Professor is the Agent Stone to Wily's Dr. Eggman, you can't change my mind
I love Zero.EXE so so so much I would commit a felony for him
Really tho as simplistic as the story is, it still poses the interesting question of, "If data is not strictly good nor evil, is there such a thing as a good virus?" and I think it answered that pretty well with Zero. I was also pleasantly surprised by how his arc ended!! I was so convinced that Zero was going to have to sacrifice himself to save everyone from the Life Virus R, thus giving up the opportunity to be a real navi, but making peace with that if it meant keeping others safe and getting to feel happy that he could help. But nope!! Dr. Hikari just somehow made him into a real navi offscreen and now he gets to explore the Cyberworld!! It's a tad anticlimactic and I would've written it a little differently but hey I ain't complaining!!
The Life Virus R's design is also just as sick as the original, kinda reminded me of one of Lucemon's digivolutions
Idk how soon it'll happen, but when I eventually get to Battle Network 2, I'll actually be playing it for myself since I got the Legacy Collection for my birthday a while back!! In the meantime I'm gonna try to watch more of the anime when I can
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sexhaver · 2 years
what would you say is the best dark souls game to start on? im a complete beginner and i really like learning about lore so i kind of want to start on 1 but idk. thoughts?
1 has some important lore stuff going on but holy FUCK has the gameplay aged like milk:
the roll feels like dogshit compared to 3 - it has WAY more recovery frames + awkward acceleration, and i hope you like your equip load effectively being quartered because midroll starts at 25% and is equivalent to ds3 fatroll. also almost every class starts above this threshold so you will be running around naked and looking like beef jerky for the entire early game. this is by FAR the biggest issue. people are going to respond to this saying the ds3 roll is OP and spammable, which is true. however, 1. both of those things are good and 2. it doesn't feel like you're throwing your character headfirst into a brick wall and patiently waiting for them to recover from the resultant concussion every time you press B
the lighting is reminiscent of Hollister circa 2013
not having fast travel enabled until HALFWAY THROUGH THE GAME is objectively bad game design (as evidenced by it being fixed in ds2 and 3)
severe lack of build diversity - every melee build is the same (i.e. STR-based because DEX sucks)
people will tell you magic/pyromancy is busted, which is technically true, but only if you know exactly where to go for the right spells in the early game. doing a blind pyromancy playthrough is pain incarnate
the amount of bullshit esoteric knowledge you need to have on hand to have even a little bit of fun is absurd, and not having this knowledge is punished severely. did you start with any gift besides the Master Key? wrong, you've fucked up and made the game 20x harder for no reason. did you pick up the zweihander 2 feet away from the starting area, read the 24 STR requirement, and start powerleveling strength so you can weild it? wrong, dumbass, you actually only need 16 STR to 2hand it, because 2handing multiplies your STR by 1.5, which is not described literally anywhere in-game and the UI will still tell you you're not strong enough and show the X over the sprite as you equip it. did you arrive in Lordran, see 10 estus flasks in your inventory, and assume that's the amount you have to work with? wrong, that only applies to the starting bonfire, every other bonfire starts off refilling you up to 5 and you need to kindle them to get more refilled, which requires beating a specific boss behind arguably one of the worst areas in the game. you fucking idiot. go fuck yourself.
speaking of bonfires,
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anyone telling you to start the series on ds1 is not your friend and does not have your best interests at heart.
ds2 gets a lot of flak for being the black sheep of the series - it had a different creative director and very different overall vibe when compared to both 1 and 3. it was also extremely rushed and a lot of planned content never panned out (check out Zullie the Witch's youtube channel for more info). despite this, it actually plays like a game designed after the Cretaceous period, which is more than can be said for 1 and the graphics + lighting will not make you want to gouge your eyes out. a strong second place
really you should be starting on ds3, not just because it's the closest to Elden Ring, but because it has the best boss fights and combat mechanics by FAR. also there's actual build diversity. you can wear up to 4 rings, and unlike in ds1 where the devs made half the weapons in the game unusable as a funny joke, you can make pretty much anything work in PvE. also as previously mentioned the roll feels and acts fluid, which is good because you will spend approximately half of your time rolling.
tl;dr: start on 3, then 2, then 1. also watch VaatiVidya lore videos if you're confused about why you're fighting a specific boss from a narrative perspective
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streaming-yn · 3 years
HIIII it's 3 am and i'm trying to sleep but brain went brr with ideas n shit and oh well- thing is ; i was wondering if i could make my first request? (smth simple if u want to, no need to be very long or anything + pls don't rush nd take ur time AND don't feel pressured to actually do my request :] ! ) maybe smth ab faceless art streamer! y/n [they/them]?? (if u could add that the reader is like an indie game dev or works for smth like that u'd be sosososososo cool omg) with maybe quackity, tommy, dream, ranboo, niki and/or jack?? idk brain did the storming and its all messy hsdnshhfjsjz (btw! i know it's a lot of CCs so feel free to remove some or do the ones ur only comfy with !!! take care nd stay safe !!! luv ya <3 (/p))
AS SOMEONE WHO LIKES TO GAME DESIGN, CHARACTER, AND PLOT DESIGN YOU BET I CAN MAKE THE READER AND INDIE GAME DEV (and aaaa ty for adding jack!!! I think he's really neat and not enough people acknowledge him :))!!)
Multiple x indie game dev!artist!y/n
pairings: quackity, tommy, dream, ranboo, niki, jack manifold (separate) x indie game dev!artist!y/n
pronouns: they/them
other information on the reader:
. faceless
. knows how to code
. artist
. streams them drawing video game characters
. minor
. makes indie / horror games
form: headcanons
genre: platonic, fluff(??)
warnings: horror games / horror mods, ranboo enderwalk lore in his section
abbreviations: y/n -> your name
okay let's get the obvious out of the way; definitely going to be the type of person that's like "I'm going to play this game first after you're finished" yk? playfully ofc, n playfully fight with anyone who says the same thing (*cough* Wilbur, tommy, dream *cough*)
he probably wouldn't be on your art streams often – he doesn't really enjoy watching people draw, but he would want to see the finished pics
he would happily be on voice chat with you while you're drawing though!! :D
would be proud to answer any questions you have about character / scene / etc designs!!
"quackity!! so for this character – check your dms for a current picture – would red or purple antenna be better? also, two or four antenna?"
"*gasp* you're asking me?? 🥺" /j
"y'know what, nevermind, chat wh-"
"so what do you think?"
also, if you do end up sending him the finished pics of the art he will hype you tf up !!!!
would try to get you make joke games – not like actually, it's just an ongoing bit between you two!
if you make a game for him – or give him a sneak peek of a game before anyone else he's going to freak out!! and he won't really know what to say bc putting feelings into words is hard
if y'all ever meet up and you're fine w hugs he's gonna give you a huge hug, hoping that makes up for the lack of words to describe how just,, proud of you he is bc he really really is!!
you're not even in your 20s yet and you can make video games, or help with them?? not to mention how creative you are with the characters and story line??? he's amazed by you
might actually cry /pos if you base a character off of him
like let's say a part of a puzzle is to get a rubber duck and place it into a pond to get the next hint or thing you need – only when he plays it on stream, he doesn't know anything about the game, so you're watching and waiting for him to get there
when he does get there – he finds out the duck has a beanie and has a white ring appear around it that flashes to life before fading out after picking it up, signifying it was the right thing to get
at first he doesn't really notice the ring, "oh! that animation is different than normal" he notes, but mainly focuses on the beanie, comparing it to himself before he glances at chat to see them freaking out over the planet duck reference
then he's just talking about it, shocked of course but flattered, and then you type in chat "you helped me a ton with things I couldn't decide during this game, I couldn't not add you! :)" everyone's just :(((( !!! /pos
overall supportive n proud, maybe a bit loud about games in progress, but just a really nice guy in general :)
he is ABSOLUTELY loud about your games in progress!! if you don't want something said you have to tell that to him before telling him or else he's going to brag about how cool it is the next time he streams
"chat!! chat, y/n is making this new game and they told me that one of the outfits you can collect for the player is going to be based off me!- right!! that sounds pog!!"
if he ever accidentally let's anything slip on stream that he was supposed to say, everyone who's a fan of you is just like "wow! suddenly! I cannot hear anymore!", sometimes they're like that even if it was okay to say
the just like being surprised :)
as for art streams, he'll try his best to tune in but obviously won't be there all the time! he's usually very active in chat too! likes being on call with you while you do art streams if you let him!
he once convinced you to make a texture pack and a shader (meant for both to be active at the same time), the fans loved it and a lot of them use it more often than the original!!
tommy however, not to much, proud of you bc that must've been a ton of work!! but at some time it slipped his mind that you make indie and horror games; I think we all know he doesn't do well with horror games
so you liking horror and such made the textures look more ominous and just make it look like and area you don't want to be in, and the spook goes up even more with the shader!! it's darker than usual, there's unusual fog, the portals look too dangerous now, so on and so forth yk
so,, tommy didn't use the texture pack for long;;
if you ever raid him after you're done streaming and he has a question, he's literally just gonna ask you on stream
"y/n raid? oh! are they still here?" when you confirm you're in chat, he continues "great! okay I had a question about your new game that's going to be available soon and how to download it-"
fans love how casual you guys are about game information, like you had to teach him how to export a game character he made on the website you usually make yours on (it was for a fun stream) and it was just a simple back and forth but everyone's like omg :((( omg them :((
also if you're the type of person to go insane over tiny details in other games, he will absolutely tease you for it
like you can just be going on and on about how this game had a sentence at the start that had a backhanded meaning by the end and he's just gonna call you a nerd (genuinely thinks is cool how much of the small things you notice in games though)
and if you took other coding classes hoping that I'd help with video game coding he'd just listen to you talk about it
"I actually took robotics for a while before because the school didn't have any video game coding classes and I was hoping it'd help either way" "oh?" "it,, it didn't help, it's so hard to code robots and considering how fast I caught onto video game code you think it'd be easier to understand the robot code" "yeah, that sounds reasonable" "NOPE,, WHY R THEY SO DIFFERENT I ALMOST FAILED" "D:"
fanartists like those moments, if one of those talks happen expect a bit of fanart of just dream and you chilling while you talk and he listens, the art always gives off comfy vibes n it's just cute :)
offering him to play a semi-rough draft of the demo so that he could see if it's good or what you needed to do to make it more enticing for the player
power duo fr fr o/
people like comparing y'all to hackers sometimes bc y'all know how to code???
you play into the bit with the fans though and honestly it's so fun !!!
fans: omg,, hackers (affectionate),,,
you next time you stream: hacker voice; I'm in
wouldn't be able to watch your art streams for long because he would get side tracked, the streams are just too under stimulating for his brain to focus on, but he'd hang around as long as he could though :)
would be glad to be on call with you while you're doing an art stream – though if he has is game sounds on you may occasionally have to repeat a question that was aimed at him
you're also in his streams when you can :)
also, you like sending donations to communicate rather than chat
one stream dream turned off his donos because you wouldn't stop giving him money 💀
being friends with such a popular creator and being a game creator yourself has it's downs as well
nothing thats too hard to deal with – the most common one is actually kinda funny – some people will slide in your dms acting like they're dream and just got locked out of his account, trying to get you to make them a game
like ??? do they think that dream would mssg you over Twitter or insta?? he has your phone number bro ,😭
also!!! when dream plays through new games you made he complements the small things and complements how hard something must've been to code :)
and I'm ngl, he kinda sucks with every game he plays at first but he's a quick learner so dw :)
would be glad to help if you're having a difficult time choosing between things too! except he'll answer right away without any teasing
"dreammm" "y/nnnn" "for this area should I do like shattered stone walls or mossy stone walls like with vines n stuff?" "depends on the vibe you want, shattered stone would give it a dangerous and uneasy undertone and mossy stone would be more of ominous, if that makes sense?" "oh! okay, thank youuu!!"
ofc if you didn't have a specific vibe or couldn't choose which was better he would just give a straight up answer so you didn't stress out trying to choose one \o/
would absolutely like being a guest in a drawing stream, he isn't the best at art or character design but it's fun to see him try
maybe you both plus some friends do a "drawing Minecraft mobs from memory" stream? ,, with that the thing is; his would mostly be relatively accurate if you could understand wtf he was drawing 😭
dream may or may or have some of your art as his phone homescreen, he loves your style so much :(( /pos
first off; he's incredibly impressed!! like!!! you made this game?? this playable game, completely from scratch??? how??
also you may or may not have made a small Minecraft mod for him to tryout on stream,, little gift from you to both chat n ranboo 🤲
its literally all based off his lore,, if you get close to obsidian and crying obsidian fallen down from Undertale starts playing, if you splash water on yourself 1) you get hurt 2) your screen blacks out and when it comes back, your in a different place than before, some things art taken, maybe a few extra things are added
and there's a 50% chance that when you go into your "enderwalk" state (the blackout) you blow something up, so there may or may not be an explosion somewhere nearby, you also have a 20% chance of building something small in you enderwalk state :)
he found it so incredibly cool!!! chat was crying while complementing you while ranboo thanked you and complemented you over n over again
he won't shut up about how cool the mod is for several weeks, maybe even a few months, it's just so cool!!
will absolutely use it as a comeback if you let him; "oh? you got first place? well y/n made me a really really cool mod, so who's the actual winner here?"
will absolutely play every single game you come out with – it doesn't matter if it's his style or not – and he thoroughly enjoys all of the games as well
as for art streams, he will absolutely try to tune in every time he can!! active in chat and donos!!
doesn't really like being in art streams – like in call is fine but actually drawing? not really, he just doesn't love drawing in front of a ton of people
but will join an art stream if you ask
will listen to you rant about whatever, even if he doesn't understand it! like will listen to you go on and on about how well a game set up the atmosphere or maybe talking about how difficult coding is, and he'll converse back with you but won't really understand yk?
"ranboo I just played a really cool game do you wanna hear about it?" "yeah yeah- of course!!" "ok so like, the atmosphere was so well put together- like it was a horror game and I didn't even see the monster but the vibe was so well put together that it was still unnerving!!" "that's awesome! how did the atmosphere get set up the best and when you saw the monster, was it scarier?"
yk what I mean? like engages in convo so you don't feel bad about talking so much, plus shows his interest without the constant "hm?" "cool" etc a lot of people do and even though he does talk more than the acknowledgment sounds many people make he also manages to almost never sidetrack you and when he does it's on accident :)
if your way of learning is teaching then he'll gladly be the person you teach it to if you want! most likely won't use the information therefore his brain won't retain it but that's not on you, and the whole reason is so you can learn, not him, so! ^^
will make sure to take care of yourself, and he has a through way of telling if you have or not bc he's known you for long enough to know that even if you try to hide it a little bit of your tired voice shows so he knows if you've been sleeping like you should
also friends with you on discord, where you have your Spotify attached,, you like listening to music while you work on things that aren't sound related and if it's active later than it should be he's going to confront you
overall wholesome mixed in with a little pain bc both of you are like "ah yes, lore <3" and like to see fans cry /lh
I feel like this is expected but if you need to get extra motivation she would probably be your go-to
she hypes you up but like, in a sweet and quiet kinda way, where as everyone else here would probably be relatively loud ;;
honored to be on an art stream if you invite her :')
and would absolutely watch your art streams when she can :D hypes you up in chat
also compliments, tons of compliments!
might call you a prodigy? bc you're so young but can already make games?? and make income off of them?? and do really good art??? and so much more??? like tell me that's not prodigy energy,
if you make a video game character based off her she might cry,, like in a positive way obviously but like at the same time :(( no don't cry!!
I say might bc it's dependant on how she feels that day yk? like she might just have the almost-cry wobble to her voice or she might actually, if that makes sense?
she genuinely loves your art style!! even if it's pointy and kinda creepy she really likes it!!
yk the "awww (name) :(" /pos she does sometimes? 100% does that with you
there are a few compilations of just "aww y/nnn" on YouTube and all the comments on those videos are just crying over y'all /pos
would be happy to help if you're stuck between some options in a game, but would feel kinda bad bc it's your game, you're supposed to be the one choosing the stuff
assure her that it's okay n stuff n she'll be ok tho !
I can't decide if she would play your games or not
bc on one hand she's a huge supporter of you and your work and would like to experience it first hand
but on the other hand she isn't the best with scry games,,
so maybe she'd do both? maybe she'd react on stream to a playthrough, maybe your playthrough? or maybe she would only play some of your games? I haven't decided so up to you I suppose!
jack manifold
genuinely amazed by your talent and will make it quite clear!!
can and will go on tangents about you on stream if someone brings it up
everyone is so :(( <333 /pos bc of it
will play the games you've made as soon as he can
if there are different games that line up in a story he'll make sure to play them in order :)
people also sometimes compare you two to hackers bc you code a ton and he kinda looks like a hacker
difference here is that both of you play into the bit, it's tons of fun!!
listen, I know he doesn't draw much but I am a firm believer that he will doodle his favorite character(s) from your games after he's done playing them
like after he plays a game of yours then expect a small doodle in your texts :)
you compiled a bunch of these doodles into one picture and made it you phone background and he only found out after y'all met irl and it caught the corner of his eye and he registered "oh hey wait that looks familiar"
he found out while recording the vlog n when editing, the editor was like "hey let's leave this in, it'd be funny if the fans knew right?" ,, the fans were crying for two weeks,, /pos
and speaking of drawings; he would like to be on a drawing stream with you, thinks it's be tons of fun!! :D
and he's usually free to call while your streaming and doesn't mind so if you wanna talk to him while drawing just call :)
and he will watch the streams he can make it to!! he may leave a bit early but he stays for the majority of it
if you make a character based off of him he's going to constantly thank you and brag about how cool you are anywhere he can
"hello manifolders, if you haven't done it already go download (game name)! I'm there!" with a ss of his character from the game and he'll reply to the tweet on his alt to talk more about the game and how much he really liked it :)
another that'll help you were you need it! he'll make it into a joke before anything else, but he'll get to the point
taglist (sorry i forgot to do it on the past two): @cvsmixplant // @l0ver0fj0y // @youngstarfishdinosaur
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ilikedetectives · 3 years
“Eivor is m!Eivor’s skin!”, sweetie, calm down, the dude doesn’t even have a name, he’s just called “M_Player” in the game files. At least Eivor was called Jora.
“Jora is a gender-neutral name!”, honey, how feminine or gender-neutral do you think “M_Player” is? Are you saying Ubi originally planned to give us 2 male protags to choose from? Are you hearing yourself? Just so we’re clear “M_Player” means “Male Player”, not Magnus, lol.
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We don’t know why the devs changed Jora to Eivor (my gut feeling? Probably cuz they wanna make sure there’s no question about female is canon, as if “Let the Animus decide” mode, she/hers pronouns even if you play as male, and Varinsdottir/Varin’s Daughter aren’t enough proof), because Eivor is undeniably a female name, specifically, an old woman’s name. Think of it like Beth for example. So yea, female has always been in the plan to be canon from the get go. If “M_Player” doesn’t show how much the narrative team doesn’t care about him (I’m sure marketing team loves him tho), idk what can; narrative team didn’t even bother consider a name for him lol. 
So yea, the physical attributes of Eivor are definitely intentional as part of her character. Listen, I know it’s trendy to shit on Ubi for reusing base game assets like Helix outfits (have you seen the Roman statues in Alexandria in Origins popping in Asgard lololol?) and Ubi totally deserves it, but it’s not the case here. Eivor walks like a brute. Idk about you but growing up in Nordic winter, walking in knee to waist-high snow, carrying heavy supplies, while riding horses, fighting, and fishing, I don’t think Eivor can walk like Aspasia/Hekate. Even then, Ubi could’ve easily gave Eivor Aspasia’s walking animation, swap and done; shit, they could’ve given her Kassandra’s walking animation, they have all the feminine walking animations in their assets library from Origins and Odyssey to choose from if they want, but they didn’t! I’m convinced that this is intentional. Holy hell, Eivor has arm hair, do you know how rare that is in video games? A female protag with arm hair? Granted the LOD is :hidethepain:, but I see they’re putting in the effort! If someone says she’s men’s skin for her hairstyle, armor, and voice, Imma summon Abby and let her slap some misogynies out of you. Also if you say you can’t relate to a queer character cuz she isn’t strictly attracted to only men, please get your homophobic ass out of my blog. The devs could’ve gone with a more feminine Eivor to “sell” better like what the higher-ups/marketing want, but they didn’t! So celebrate that spirit, instead of shitting on it because your misogynist brains can’t understand the narrative for a gnc, queer woman.
“But but, there are choices!” oh, do you hear that? That is the sound of Ubi making sfm money with turning AC into an RPG that these RPG elements are here to stay, “Let the Animus decide” is a good meet-me-half-way method to let those who want to experience the story as canon, suck it up buttercups.
Conclusion: a lot of us (including me) would love a stand-alone female lead, but that takes progress, especially with Ubi’s culture. Change is not immediate, higher-ups will always be higher-ups. Progress is slow, but I do see some improvements, at least in terms of canon. We go from not knowing Kassandra is canon until the scandal last year to now having multiple explicit proofs from the game and a canon gameplay mode showing Eivor is canon: she is queer, she is buff, her voice is rough, and she has arm hair! I, and a lot of people, like to count this small victory. You want changes, good for you, but don’t shit on the progress made so far that basically lays the foundation for better changes to come, as “lazy” work, because you can’t handle gnc, queer women as women. You get changes by celebrating the small victories, not shitting on it.
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moonlightlullaby · 3 years
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Joining the call, we’re welcomed by the amigops, Brooke, Karl and Bretman.
“So, everyone, this is my older brother, Dylan!” 
“What’s up, guys? Nice to meet y’all!” variations of hi’s and hello’s hit our ears all at once.
“Hey, Dylan!” Karl chimes after them “Good to see- well, talk to you again, man!” 
“Oh yeah! Thanks for helping us the other day.” Corpse sounds much more relaxed now - I mean, eveyone does… Bottom line is that streaming, however authentic and open you are with your viewers, does put a strain on you, so hearing everyone - myself included - more loose doesn’t really come as a surprise.
“Yeah, wish I could’ve done more. It sucks that you still lost.”
“Hey!” I elbow his side, causing him to dramatically gasp and fake cry and everyone in the call to laugh.
“Yeah, about that, you shouldn’t mention it around Alex. He’s still super bitter about it.” I giggle at Karl’s remark and, on cue, none other than Alex joins the voicechat.
We keep chatting as more people join us, introducing themselves to my brother - and Dave to both of us since it’s our first interaction ever. I’m really intrigued to see how he plays.
Dyl and I have decided to megazord today and play as one - not without some whining from Alex. He’s claimed it would be unfair and disproportional - even though no one else seemed even slightly bothered by it - and has only agreed with it after I’d exposed my brother’s pathetic skills in among us - earning me a glare and a light punch from Dyl - and reminded him of how much better a victory would feel knowing he didn’t trick eight people, but nine.
With Tina’s arrival, we all agree on who will be playing the first round and get the game started. CREWMATE flashes on the screen. Alright, let’s try and stay alive.
Yeah, that didn’t work out. 
For some reason - read: lack of functioning braincellls -, Dyl wanted to do simon says first and, since the universe loves screwing us over, of course Ludwig would walk in and shoot our astronaut just as we’re about to finish the task - after having already failed twice, may I add. Both of us just stop and stare - I, at the ceiling; Dyl, at the white little guy flopped over - before we burst into laughter. 
“Of course this would happen!” he shakes his head and, being his persistent self, opens the task to start all over.
And just in case you’ve ever doubted Murphy’s law, you should definitely reconsider it because guess what happens next: right before Dyl presses the last button, an emergency meeting is called. 
“Alright, fuckers, who did it? Who would hurt my baby girl Y/N like this?” although I feel very honored to see Brooke defending me with so much passion, I can’t contain the giggles that escape my mouth at the contrast between how threatening and intimidating she’s trying to sound and how she actually sounds.
The meeting is not productive at all. No one is sussed and everyone skips. “Don’t worry, D and missy Y/N, we’ll get whoever had the audacity to do this. I promise!” Sweet, Bret, sweet!
When “No one was ejected. (Skipped)” takes over the screen, a low, soft sound fills my ears. However, by the time my brain catches up, the sound’s stopped. Corpse was humming ‘cheater’! Yes, the infamous 2008 nightmare of a song I was stupid enough to share with him!
“Did you show him?” my wide-eyed brother whispers to me. I immediately shush him while muting ourselves at the speed of light. “Dylan!” I whisper-shout, turning to face him. This asshole is smirking! 
I narrow my eyes and furrow my brows, mentally throwing daggers at him and setting his body on fire. I open my mouth, but, before any sound can leave it, a notification pops up: a private message from the one and only boyinaband. A glance at my brother tells me his mind is somewhere else already as he pets Fiyero - I mean, our family’s never been known for our impeccable attention; who would’ve expected it to be any different now? -, so I open his message.
hey, y/n!
don’t mean to make things awkward at all, but i’d like to thank you for whatever you’ve told corpse
yk, he tends to shut off when things get hard, but he reached out the other day for help and company
so thanks
Why is he-? How does he-? What-? I’m…
Has Corpse said anything about me to Dave? Why would he do that? 
No, no... No, Dave might have just guessed it since Corpse and I are constantly talking
Yes, yes, it has to be it.
oh also, it’s great getting to meet you and play with you!
you’re really cool indeed :)
Y/N: oh there’s nothing to thank me for, really
but i’m really glad we’ve met too!
i love your content btw and you’re funny af
Dave: thx! 
so it’s lud and...?
he killed me so gracefully idk how to feel
Y/N: jshdfgjhdgfkwfgjewv
fuck idk either
Speaking of imposters, all of our tasks are yet to be done, I should get back to them.
After that round - in which, by the way, Brooke was the other imposter and carried the entire thing after Lud vented in front of Tina, wasn’t able to catch her and got ejected -, the afternoon went on pretty smoothly.
Dylan and I arguing every 2 minutes about what strategy we should follow and ending up with a no-strategy approach. Friends killing - and being killed by - friends, lying to friends, throwing friends under the bus… you know, very friendly things. Dylan and Bretman basically ignoring everyone else and isolating themselves in their own bubble for half of the time. Everyone just vibing to miscellaneous tunes - from Dolly Parton to Wilbur Soot, from CORPSE to BLACKPINK -, and chatting, laughing and having a good time as Toast had proposed.
Without the distraction of an audience and the pressure of being funny or 666 IQ, I got to actually talk to and learn more about Leslie, Dave - who (I was right) is a sweetheart and with whom I hit it off instantly -, Sean, Toast himself and, well, pretty much everyone. 
It’s so crazy how, in a little over one month, you can connect so much with these many people! Some who were complete strangers to you until then and others who you already admired and looked up to… and now, you can call them all your friends. It’s insane!
🐝 bee-girls are ruining my life 🐝
chapter 12: what friends do
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A/N: Hi! I wasn’t sure if I’d post today, but, quite frankly, writing’s the only thing I can get myself to do lately and knowing that there are some people out there who want to read what I have to offer really warms my heart 🤍 Sorry for the sappiness and for any typos heheh See you on tuesday hopefully!
Taglist: @callmemaeve-y @victoria-a567 @the-thighs-of-betrayal @tclegane  @hydrate-tion @neenieweenie @clubfairy @cherry-piee @summerbbygirl @officiallyunofficialperson @a-dot-dev @that-chick212​ @bellomi-clarke
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icharchivist · 3 years
Hi same nonny as usual haha! You asked for my thoughts on the spring troupe so now that I've finished the summer troupe debut I'm going to knock out two birds with one stone! I liked summer troupe a lot more then spring troupe. Not that I didn't like spring troupe! I just think that they didn't really communicate with each other?
The only reason why sakuyas issue with swordfighting was resolved was because masumi happened to be eavesdropping on a convo with the director, and why someone knew about itarus injury was because of citron noticing. I'm not saying there was no communication at all these two issues just. Bothered me so much the swordfighting one a lot more then the injury. The thing that bothers me about the injury is that itaru wasn't like. Told off for not telling anyone about his injury. Cause he could have seriously damaged his foot or something. I get that in the future there's probably going to be character development for itaru that lets him open up more to his troupemates. The swordfighting one just felt like a cop out to have a "moment" between sakuya and the director instead of having sakuya discuss that stuff with his troupe (which, bleh do not care for the characters flirting with the director at all. wish it wasn't there but I get why they do it.)
Despite my griping I did really enjoy spring troupe! They were fun! They just felt less trusting of each other then summer troupe at the end of day. And I get that char Dev will prob happen bout that but still haha. That's my thoughts on spring troupe! I could just be horribly misremembering the entire episode but oh well!
I know I said I'd also do summer troupe in this ask but it's already horribly long and I'm writing this on my phone. I'll get to that later. Thanks for reading my rambling that has not been proofread at all or edited. Hopefully it makes some sense hahaha. Thanks for introducing me to a3 it's tons of fun.
aaahh thanks for sharing!!!
honestly i kinda get where you’re coming from. I really love Spring, but it’s especially now in insight of their development. On first read, i think the thing especially was that the chapter was more about setting up some of the most major issues of the universe (the debts, the way  to arrange themselves in that new environment ect..) that therefore the characters issues may be not as focused as the others chapters?
(also for character flirting with MC there will be only 2 in main stories that do that a lot, one of which is Masumi, and the other isn’t much flirting as just hopelessly in love. Not much we can do about it but honestly once you move on from spring if this really holds you down, it will ease off at least, even if there’s a few thingss here and there stil)
Summer was the moment i really fell in love with the game, i really, really adore Summer’s dynamic and it was just. so good to go through.
As for the things you bring up about Spring, on one hand on first read i think i get you, but yeaaaah in insight of all we learn about the characters, it’s really not that far fetched ahah.
For Sakuya imo it’s really just that he freaked out because of his abandon issues and i don’t really see him discussing it with Spring yet at this point? Like. Sakuya is terrified of not being good enough and being abandoned as a result, like all of his relatives ever did. So he tries to compensate. When Masumi just brought up that they’ll just replace him, i don’t find it far fetched that Sakuya freaked out about it and failed to explain it to Masumi at the time. 
Those very same issues also lead Sakuya to hold on everything bad ever to himself. The reason he opens up to Izumi, more than her just coming to him there, is that she already proved before that she wasn’t willing to abandon him, if only by how she took up the theater because of his passion to start with. And, just, timingwise. 
And i think Sakuya wouldn’t have taken reassurances from his others troupesmates who have already made clear they believed in him, because i think Sakuya would be more crushed with the idea that they’re just being polite and kind with him. Because he knows he’s failing and the others’s way to reassure him would probably have made it worse. He needed reassurance 1) from the director who at this point has already started to be giving more constructive critisms, 2) Masumi, who’s the one who caused those insecurities by the fact he doesn’t hold back. But i don’t see him reach of to Masumi with how hostile Masumi has been to everyone up until that point. (i have more thoughts but that’d be me overreading it too but dKJFDLKF a3 makes my brain go brr)
As for Masumi, this kid has serious communication issues (only child with no friends and no parents around? oof) and i don’t think he would have reached out to Sakuya or even figured something was wrong otherwise.
Are those just easy way out for the writers? maybe, but that’s just how writing is isn’t it? if you want to make even some “artificial” conflict, you need to make it believable why this conflict exist even in the first place. 
Honestly the swordfighting issue doesn’t strike like that to me, and those are all about things that are shown in the Spring chapter itself, but i suppose since i also know those things are expended on, it does add a layer of “this was made with depth for their characters in mind” imo.
Also i think if Masumi hadn’t eardropped, Izumi would have talked to him about it, being the mediator and all of that, and i think Masumi would have understood then. I don’t think Masumi was unwilling to understand, but that he lacked the groundwork to understand it. and we mostly were spared from having to repeat the scene with Izumi telling him about it.
Idk if i see Sakuya managing to tell it to Masumi even after this talk? I think Sakuya is the kind to take all of his pain in silence and assume responsibilities for everything that goes wrong, and i don’t think he would have felt comfortable opening up with that, especially since, as he tells Izumi, he genuinely feels like *he’s* the failure about it (and as Izumi tells him, it’s not his fault if others people don’t try either. Sakuya was made to believe that he had to take full responsibility when a relationship doesn’t work because of his relatives, and i think he was set on doing the same with this Massu’s situation, and the reason he could share it with Izumi is because she’s not the person he’s taking responsibility for). On top of that, Sakuya remains Masumi’s elder, and Sakuya does want to be someone people rely on - he wants to be a big brother figure, and i think he wouldn’t have wanted or known how much of this responsibility he could share with Masumi knowing that. And i don’t think it’s healthy! but it’s perfectly understandable from Sakuya’s perspective and the specific way he shoulders responsibilities because i will fistfight his family his family sucked.
As for Itaru, on this one we only got the reveals about how deep this lack of trust Itaru had for people ran only recently, so imo early on you just need to take it at face value and hope when you get to know more, it’ll click. Realizing he doesn’t want to be alone anymore and wants to be more with Spring is a turning point from this set up about him, so he can only develop from here.
For why no one really told him off about it, i guess i can understand the grip ahah. imo i think everyone worried already enough that he was talking about leaving the company this was the priority to discuss and i do think talking about his ankle at that point may have not worked with the pacing of the emotional moment. I wouldn’t have minded seeing some of them being more worried about it in general though.
In the end the thing with Spring is that aside from Tsuzuru, they are all people who come from background where communication isn’t their forte. Sakuya fears he’s never good enough, Masumi never even had to face how lonely his life had made him until now (and i think he specifically lashes on the director because it’s the first time he feels like he wants a connection with anyone in his life and he doesn’t know what to do with it. I find his obsession creepy imo but i also see where it’s coming from), Itaru has severe trust issues and rather be solo in general, and Citron hides a lot about himself.
and i think, we have Tsuzuru has never been really alone ever, and he takes a lot of responsibility, (though there’s a few things about his background we learn later that shows he still has similar struggles than the rest of his troupe regarding some.. broken connection, which he vagues at in the Spring chapter (... which is something i only noticed on my reread knowing that so i wouldn’t blame you for not catching it))  but he’s also trying to do things for himself for once in his life. Ultimately he knows how to communicate more in general but he has that going on for him, and especially, i think his way to communicate or connect may be too foreign for the rest of the troupe for a smooth connection off the bat.
All of them are trying to connect in their own ways coming from those complicated feelings they have about connection imo... and i do find it fascinating. 
I see Spring a lot like, the kids who had to grow up too fast and the adults who are unhappy with where their adult lives have taken them and the expectations pushed upon them who yet are trying to cope on their own mostly because they have reasons to feel unsafe otherwise. (Tsuzuru is a bit in between imo bc he’s not “unsafe” yet and he’s already taking himself back in hands with the expectations things, but anyway, i am. trying to keep it short, believe it or not) And they’re still navigating where that leaves them as people, and where that leaves them in their connection with others, and especially with each other because in the end they’re all yearning to connect especially with one another, and just don’t know how to reconcile this desire with who they have been all this time to cope through all of this.
All of this is present in the Spring intro chapter but ^^” i could imagine that without having the full picture those aren’t things that may be easily picked up as important for their characterizations. But honestly there’s a throve of details in the writing to flesh them out when you know where to look and i find it fascinating. (but also i like. relived this chapter 5 times, 4 of which after i’ve seen most of their development, and my first read is so long ago i think i just overthink everything DLKJFDLKF and like, Spring was one of my least favorite at first read bc i struggled to connect with them, so it’s not like i don’t get you, it’s just. nowadays, spring is care spring is love and i cry over their intro chap a lot.)
Anyway i guess i get what you felt still, but, idk maybe i feel strongly about it ahah, i like the way the characters stand out from one another even in the moments that are probably just.. stupid, but in a “they wouldn’t know how to do better because of what’s holding them back” way.
i feel like “lack of communication” is a problem every troupe have to various degree and for different reasons, but the whole thing is about trying to figure out how to fix that and work it with them. Some are more forward than others (like, Summer, mostly because Tenma and Yuki are stubborn and loud and straightforward in their own way)(”than others” i have so much to say about this i’m holding back dLKFJD) but i think it depends also a lot on some thematic it wants to tackle and the spirit of the characters in each troupe. It changes as the story progresses but yeah after all, they are all strangers. And while the game mentions they have a few months to prepare for their play, it was reckoned that every play takes one month to prepare, so it doesn’t really give a lot of time on their first play to really figure out everything they need to work on.
Spring, in essence, as a season, is about blooming back after Winter, after sadness and hardship, and learning how to slowly open up again. So imo their intro chap have to reflect that slow progress for them. While Summer can afford to be more loud, straight to the point (and even there it’s not always easy), Summer is full of learning from their mistake, living in the Now, in the Moment. So their season thematic reflects a bit in their intro chap at least. (ofc they all grow from there though but that’s still interesting imo).
anyway i rambled LDFJDLKFJFDLK
I didn’t mean it in a way to say your reading is invalid though!! sorry if it feels that way, i’ve tried rewriting it a few times DLKFJDLFK i just have a lot of emotions about Spring and the points you mentioned made me think about some stuff about it. 
if you want to share your thoughts about summer too and the rest you’re always welcomed o7 i’m glad you’re still enjoying your stay, and i hope you’ll keep enjoying the ride!
And Take care!
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heavenly-roman · 4 years
The Talk
Plot: “Dee never thought they would have to have “the talk” with five grown men, but lo and behold, their life was full of surprises.”
Warnings: sympathetic deceit and remus, swearing, coming out (and the fear that comes along with it), a lil bit of crying and embarrassment, misgendering (due to not being out yet), kissing ((i promise it isn’t as much of a doozy as it sounds like))
Pairing(s): roceit, platonic drlamp(?? is that what it is ?? idk)
Word Count: 1148
if you liked this, consider buying me a coffee?
Taglist (bc i have one now!!): @emo-disaster
(ao3 link!!!)
Dee never thought they would have to have “the talk” with five grown men, but lo and behold, their life was full of surprises. 
No Girls Allowed ;(
Dear Devin Hansen (6:17pm): hey guys
Dear Devin Hansen (6:18pm): can you meet me in the living room? I have to tell you something
JD-lightful (6:20pm): uh sure dev?
Patton me, are u aaron burr, sir? (6:22pm):  yeah of course!!!!! You okay?
Dear Devin Hansen (6:22pm): im fine pat, just hurry up, im anxious
H. Chandler (6:23pm): isn’t that virgil’s domain?
Drama-Turd (6:25pm): remus, stop it.
Drama-Turd (6:26pm): devin, I will be downstairs soon. 
Drama-Turd (6:26pm): and roman?
H. Chandler (6:27pm): uhhh yes lo?
Drama-Turd (6:29pm): you’re never allowed to choose my nickname again.
Dee sat patiently on the couch, leg bouncing nervously as the others filed into the living room, faces all showing various levels as curiosity. Logan appeared last, and Dee took a deep breath.
“So,” they said. “I have to tell you all something.”
“Dev, if you’re about to tell us you’re gay, we know,” Roman laughed.
“Hey,” Patton scolded. “Let him talk, he’s clearly nervous.” he turned to Dee, saying, “Go ahead, Devin.”
Dee cringed at the use of their birth name, not going unnoticed by Remus, but he decided to let Dee talk and confirm his hunch. 
“Well, actually, I-” Dee sighed, feeling a pit in their stomach, and decided to take a page out of Virgil’s book, ripping off the band-aid. “I’m non-binary. My pronouns are they/them, my name is Dee.”
There was a cacophony of shocked noises, causing Dee to wonder why they didn’t just do this in the group chat. Their hands became clammy and their leg started bouncing even more than before. They held their head in their hands, feeling regret and shame creeping in and tears of embarrassment prick their eyes. The murmurs ceased and they looked up, wiping their tears, to see five concerned faces. Patton was the first to speak up.
“So, Dee,” He said softly, reaching his hand out to grab Dee’s. “I guess that means we have to change your nickname in the group chat?”
“Dee Evan Hansen!” Remus quickly shouted, causing Dee to bark out a laugh.
“I was hoping for Sincerely, Dee, actually,” They chuckled.
“Both are appropriate nicknames,” Logan nodded, unlocking his phone to change Dee’s nickname.
“Hey Dee?” Virgil called. Dee nodded, signalling him to continue. “Pain in the ass is a gender neutral term, right?”
Dee shoves him, laughing. They sobered for a moment, “Seriously guys, I… I really appreciate how cool you’re all being about this.”
“Of course, Dee,” Logan smiled. He stood, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to get back to.”
Logan left, and the others slowly trickled out of the room,  leaving just Dee and Roman.
“So,” Dee started. “You’ve been awfully quiet.”
“Yeah, I-” Roman sighed, and turned to face his friend. “I just… how long have we been misgendering you?”
“Oh, um, not long-“
“Okay, it’s been… about five months.”
“It’s fine, Ro,” Dee grabbed his hand reassuringly. “I’ve been introducing myself properly to everyone else I meet.”
“Oh, so you’re just letting your best friends misgender you then?” Roman sassed.
“No, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.” Roman squeezed the hand that was holding his. “I’m sorry that you didn’t feel comfortable enough to come out to us-”
“And I’m sorry if we did anything to invalidate you, or-”
The actor at least had the decency to look sheepish. “Oh, sorry.”
“It wasn’t anything that you, or one of the others did to stop me from telling you guys. I just… I needed to be sure of my identity. You had no negative affect, Roman,” Dee comforted. “Do you… have any questions?”
“Just one,” Roman said.
Roman shifted closer, and Dee absently noted that they were still holding Roman’s hand. “So, you’re still attracted to men?”
Dee flushed, though they tried their best to hide it with sarcasm. “No, Princey, I am suddenly attracted to,” They fake gagged and shuddered, “girls.”
Roman chuckled, “So that’s a yes?”
“That’s a yes.”
Roman shifted closer again, causing Dee’s breath to catch in their throat. Roman leaned in, brushing his thumb against Dee’s bottom lip. “Is this-”
“Roman if you do not kiss me right now-”
Roman rolled his eyes affectionately and leaned down to press their lips together. Dee snaked their hand to the back of Roman’s neck, holding him there. Roman’s hand moved to cup Dee’s cheek, and god, if Dee could stay in this moment forever, they would.
Unfortunately for them, Dee needed to breathe, and therefore reluctantly pulled away from Roman.
“Dee, I-”
“Don’t talk, just keep kissing me.”
Roman acquiesced, a smile on his face, as he leaned down again to capture Dee’s lips once more. 
No Girls Allowed ;(
H. Chandler (10:37pm): attention peasants
Patton me, are u aaron burr, sir? (10:37pm): Roman, be nice!!
JD-lightful (10:38pm): what do u want roman
H. Chandler (10:39pm): Dee and I
H. Chandler (10:39pm): are no longer friends
Drama-Turd (10:40pm): That is rather unfortunate. 
Drama-Turd (10:40pm): Should we make a secondary group chat and remove one of you from this one?
Patton me, are u aaron burr, sir? (10:41pm): Roman, sweetie, is this because of Dee coming out to us? Because if it is, I’m afraid I’ll have to take their side
Sincerely, Dee (10:42pm): Roman
Sincerely, Dee (10:42pm): that is the WORST way to tell them we’re dating
Sincerely, Dee (10:43pm): also thank u for taking my side pat love u
H. Duke (10:43pm): HA CALLED IT
H. Duke (10:43pm): SUCK IT
Patton me, are u aaron burr, sir? (10:44pm): love you too, Dee!!!! <3
JD-lightful (10:44pm): :((((((((
JD-lightful (10:44pm): pat thats flippin gay
H. Duke (10:45pm): also yeah happy for u guys i guess
JD-lightful (10:45pm): im not
JD-lightful (10:46pm): because now i lost twenty bucks
H. Chandler (10:47pm): wait wait wait
H. Chandler (10:47pm): you bet on us????
Sincerely, Dee (10:48pm): yeah guys how dare you
Sincerely, Dee (10:49pm): (remus if i dont get half of the loot im ending our friendship)
H. Duke (10:50pm): sure thing double d ;)
H. Chandler (10:50pm): hit on my partner again i dare you
H. Duke (10:50pm): okay
H. Duke (10:51pm): hey dee you’re cute we should go out sometime
Sincerely, Dee (10:54pm): hmm okay
H. Chandler (10:55pm): OKAY THATS IT
And if Roman removed himself from Dee’s arms to go fight his brother? Well, that’s none of their business.
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chessdaze · 3 years
Since I outed myself with an ask to phoenix about an event I’ll go ahead and post something about my schedule for three wishes here. I won’t put this under read more just for visibility, so sorry ahead of time for clogging your dashes.
As a note ahead of time THESE ARE ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE, I DO NOT GIVE ANY DATES CAUSE I’M NOT PUTTING MYSELF ON A DEADLINE. I’m doing this for my own enjoyment and hopefully, others as well but please don’t rush me. I’m sharing this just to be open about my plans and what I’m working on, and perhaps for the motivations / reminders it’ll give me - not to give anyone a reason to come at me. Okay? Okay.
Not counting small comics or misc posts of art and info or fics:
First order of business is for me to finish drawing all of Silas’ outfits and Design the Enchantress. I have Silas almost completely done sketch wise, so I’ll work on the sketches of the Enchantress next and then line/color and post those. I might also do some side character designs as I have a few that might show up here and there (but they’ll just be like the ghosts in canon, occasionally there and then you don’t see them for fucking ever). I WOULD do outfit design sheets for EVERY character BUT....that would be a lot of work. I might end up just making polls like ‘who would you like to see outfit references for’ and then work on them at my own pace. That way you guys get what you want first and I still have fun designing everyone’s outfits regardless.
Second order of business is my event I mentioned in the ask to phoenix, BATTLE OF THE BANDS! I accidentally went full game dev on the documentation (because if I’m not gonna use all that documentation homework I did for that game art degree NOW then when am I going to??), but I’m actually pretty far along planning wise since I’ve been working on it when I needed break from art things. Right now I have about half of the main story of the event outlined. My order of doing things is Summary of Story > Outline of items / mini games > Figure out what characters were going to be in the event > Main story outline > Card Story outlines > Finalized story and Card Stories > Art Assets. So it might take awhile before I post any art for it. But if people show interest in me posting some of the in progress things feel free to send me an ask every now and then and I can update you! Because of the ask and permission given, Evonie from @phoenix-manga ‘s Diamond Crown Academy will make an appearance in the event, as well as Three Wishes OCs made by @tsukikoayanosuke (Bridgette) and @missnekonyan (Donelle) as the clubs their characters are involved with the event overall. I’m really excited I got permission from all of them to be able to reference their characters! They won’t be big rolls but I’m happy to give all of these creators spotlight by adding in their characters.
Third thing, Regular Card Stories and Art for Cards! I am already making documentation to have these noted down, Will probably do them one dorm at a time but I do have a few ideas already. I will say that my R-SSR order of the cards is a bit different from canon. R’s are School Uniforms and PE outfits (will be slightly different depending on which PE course is taken by the student, since there’s three at three wishes), SRs  are Dorm Outfits and Fundraising outfits - as Dorm outfits are different per person i didn’t think they were special enough for SSRs but still worth some highlight, and Fundraising / Volunteering is a mandatory class at Three Wishes so that gets another SR spot. Then lastly their SSRs are their Ceremony outfits. These are also different per character but they will all have a matching color scheme so that’s why i wanted these to be the SSRs.  I also already have like four future events planned and which characters will be getting cards / what rank the cards will be for those characters! None of these events have any kind of outline yet, only general concepts and characters possibly involved, so the characters may change but I have them written down so I don’t forget and I can add to the event outlines as I find inspiration.
Maybe the fourth thing is actually designing the dang school. I SUCK at environment art, I’m not going to lie. It’s why alot of my comics up until this point has had minimal or no backgrounds at all. But one of the reasons why I’m drawing comics is to maybe get better at backgrounds cause I’m already sick of them not having one so progress I guess. But this is why this is kind of last on my list, as I definitely need the practice. If there’s a dorm or location I have listed that you would like to see art for or just described in better detail, Feel free to send me an ask!
And the thing I’m kind of working on while all of that is going on is of course, the Main Story Outline! I have all the chapter names picked and I have at least the Prologue - Second chapter bullet pointed as a first draft - I already know some places I wanna go back and change things but for now I’m just trying to get the general ideas for each chapter down. As of now there are eight chapters in total - including the prologue and the finale, so six major story chapters over all.  I’m still not sure how I want to tell this story in all honestly. Part of me REALLY REALLY REALLY wants to make these full blown comics in all honesty. I’ve been wanting to draw actual comics since I was a kid and I’m closer now than I ever have been to being able to do so. But I also know how much of a time sync that is and know that I haven’t quite grasped all the shading tools in CSP to really give it the effect I want to have - which is one of the reasons I’m working on the mini comic pages here and there so I can slowly improve - but I can’t promise anything. If nothing else, I’m semi confident in my writing skills so I will maybe end up writing it out.
As a treat TM, I’ll list the chapter titles I have down below. THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, but I am pretty happy with them right now - they’ll only likely change if I end up changing my entire idea for the chapter or changing the order of chapters. Anyone care to give me some theories on what you think each chapter is about? :thinking:
Prologue: the start of an actor's life Chapter one, Nightingale: by the stroke of midnight Chapter two,wondrous: a queen among thieves Chapter three, diamanttobar: the wishing well Chapter four, guardian: a dragons curse Chapter five, lapinhole: tipping the golden scale Chapter six, servireu: the guest has arrived Finale: when the last petal falls
If you read this far, thank you so much and I hope you look forward to more three wishes content! <3
Also I ask that this post isn’t reblogged, not gonna come at you if you do but it’s just a to do list really lol idk why anyone would want to reblog it.
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