#like I had to bite my finger to stop myself shouting
widowbitessting · 2 years
I dropped my phone on my toe😭🤕 Be right back while I find it!
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Who wears the pants. || husband!John Price
Rating: M Words: 3.4K without the extra!! (this one got away from me, I'm sorry.) Pairing: husband!John x wife!reader CW: quick smut!, yelling mentioned, slightly dubcon (if you squint), john got angry and jealous Tags: you/your pronouns, afab!reader, smut, fingering-ish, slight exhibitionism, love bites and marks, established relationship, jealous!john price, anger mentioned, ghost's stirring the pot. Summary: John is embarrassed of the fact you 'wear the pants' in your relationship... But only after the lads come to stay over and a snarky comment from Simon, does he decide to show you what's what. a/n: my first attempt at writing smut that I wanted to post... Also Ghost/Simon is a dick in this one...
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John simultaneously is and is not ashamed to say how much he loves you. 
Of course, he loves you to bits, finds you the most stunning woman he’s ever seen, and would kill and die for you in a heartbeat. His love was the epitome of “If I ever were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself.”
However, he would never risk introducing you to his teammates. Not if he can avoid it. And not just because he cares about you and wants to keep you away from prying eyes, safe and sound in your family home…
More like… they don’t need to know how John purrs when you scratch his beard right beneath his chin and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. They don’t need to see how his pupils almost morph into hearts equally if he sees you in one of his shirts, or in your work clothes, or in joggers and a sweaty t-shirt, or a sexy little number, or nude…
And they especially don’t need to know that their tough-as-nails Captain figuratively rolls over and bares his neck in submission when in the presence of his wife… Or that your voice is like a goddamn foghorn making him genuinely quake in a way he hasn’t since he was a boy at Sandhurst, getting yelled at by drill sergeants… 
He hasn’t left the toilet seat up in 12 years. Hasn’t tracked mud into your shared home (whose floors you had just mopped!) in 10. Hasn’t eaten the last of your snacks or used the last of the tea bags without replacing it in 6. 
There is no weaponized incompetence in your home because you know John is not incompetent and you will not allow him to feign being it to make you his maid. You take care of him and your home, and you refuse to let him disrespect you in any way… And he knows better than to try.
His teammates have no idea how hopelessly in love he is with you. With the way you seize control from him in a way he allows no one else to. Not his soldiers, not the rest of his family. He’s been the ‘man’ of the house in all aspects for as long as he can remember… But that stops the moment he crosses the threshold of the front door, hangs his coat and his gear in the hall closet, and pads through the home in search of you. 
He always finds you busying yourself with something or other and you beckon him close like a puppy, with a pat on the chair next to yours as you work at the dining table, or a come hither motion of the fingers as you water the plants, or reach your arms out for a hug as you stand atop a ladder halfway through repainting the accent wall in the living room. He always hugs and burrows himself in you, inhaling your scent, basking in your warmth, leaving kisses and touches in every inch of exposed skin.
He’s not embarrassed of you, he’ll gladly shout out to the world about his love for you. But he’s embarrassed by how he acts around you. Soap and Gaz would tell him he’s “whipped” if they ever knew what you do to him. So he doesn’t want them to meet you.
But he doesn’t have a choice. December 23rd, at 11 P.M., he and the lads have just touched down from a mission. The weather forecast speaks of a rainstorm and severe weather warnings extending right over Christmas… And John knows what he must do.
So disgruntled, your husband walks off to his office and calls you. In a low tone of voice, almost hushed, because he woke you up, he grumbles about the storm, about how Soap won’t be able to drive up to Scotland for Christmas, that Gaz can probably risk driving to Birmingham, but it’s still pretty unsafe, and that Ghost, as usual, was going to lock himself in his quarters on base and drink himself until he passes out…
You don’t need to be told again. You spring into action immediately. You simply reply that you’re getting up and getting the guest rooms ready, asking if one of the lads would mind getting the pull-out sofa in John’s study, and telling John to drive safe, that the roads are dangerous with the rain… 
It’s midnight when you hear the front door opening, and the hall light turns on, flooding the space with a bright warm-toned yellow-ish light. “Shoes off, you lot. The missus doesn’t want water or mud inside.” He demands in a gruff tone.
As they go about unzipping coats and undoing their muddy boots, you can hear John still chastising them. “I’ll stress again: I want you on your best behaviour. No work talk, no cursing, no disrespect. The missus is doin’ you a favour.” He adds as if the poor lads are children who cannot be trusted to be polite.
Unbeknownst to you, he had already spent the whole drive over from base warning them about picking up after themselves, about being respectful to you, about putting the toilet seat down, about making their beds… reaming them out as if they were wild animals who had never once been inside a house and would break and dirty up everything they touch.
You move to stand at the step that separates the lowered entryway from the sitting room, silently observing them, arms crossed as you lean your shoulder against the wall, wearing a robe and your house slippers as you look at them.
They’re all taller than you, moving surprisingly efficiently and quietly, trying not to disturb the peaceful home too much. They’re dripping wet, probably from rushing from the car in the driveway up to the front stoop. A set of four backpacks or duffle bags are on the floor by the door, their clothes for the days they’ll spend here inside.
“Give them a break, Jonathan, you can keep bossing them around in the morning, love.” You quip and you immediately feel all their backs stiffen, four pairs of eyes glued to you.
“Hi, lovie…” John says, already crossing the small entryway to wrap his arms around your waist, dropping a deep open-mouthed kiss to your awaiting lips. Your hand touches his face, caressing his cheek over his mutton chops.
“Steamin’ Jesus, the Captain’s got taste…” You hear a voice murmur, followed by a sharp ‘ow, what was that fo’?’ which causes both you and John to look at the other soldiers. The offending man, the shortest, with a mohawk, rubs at his arm, which seems to indicate the tallest one on his left side smacked him into shutting his mouth.
You don’t need to be told who’s who to realize that it was ‘Ghost’ who smacked ‘Soap’, while ‘Gaz’ stands on Soap’s other side and shoots John an apologetic look. He told you everything about them, without ever revealing names or pictures, for you to know more about them than you should. John himself as his lips pressed together, his mouth nearly disappearing behind his mustache, as he glares at the lads (aka Soap) for making comments about you.
You quickly approach the three men. “You must be the lads my husband talks so much about!” You say with a chuckle. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet the men responsible for bringing my John home in one piece every time…” You tell them gratefully while shaking each of their hands with two of your own, your eyes shining a bit.
“Please, come in!” You gesture behind you into the home as you flick the sitting room lights on. “John, will you show them their rooms while I put the kettle on?” You ask your husband as you slink into the kitchen. 
A few muffled footsteps, created by socked feet, are heard as they walk inside, with John directing the boys to the different bedrooms (and study), and you hear a gruff voice murmur something about taking the pull-out sofa. You assume it’s Ghost.
Your husband then comes to hug you around the waist as you wait for the water to boil, dropping kisses to your temple and cheek, doting on you while his big, calloused hands squeeze at every part of you, your thighs, especially, but your tummy as well, along with gentle words. “I missed you so much, lovie…” “Thank you for doing this…” “You know, I can never sleep right without you in my arms…” “Just missed you so much…”
Five minutes later, you hear their steps coming back as you’re finishing pouring the water into a few separate mugs. Your husband dislodges his arms from around you. He doesn’t need the others to see he’s so crazy about you. 
“Your home is beautiful, Mrs. Price.” Gaz says as you set the tea mugs, the sugar, and the milk within their reach on the island counter. He takes one of the mugs and tops it off with some milk. The way the young boy calls you ‘Mrs. Price’ has nothing if not respect dripping from it. 
It makes you tingle on the inside, even after so many years, the realization that you’re John’s wife, John’s choice, John’s priority. Your husband preens himself a bit when he catches the look in your eye. He loves that you’re his, of course, but loves it even more that you like being his.
“Thank you, Gaz. I’m glad you like it.” You remark with a smile as you sip your own tea. Herbal, different from theirs, so you can resume your sleep which John interrupted with his phone call. 
“Aye, real cosy!” Soap quips from beside him as he slides up to a stool on the island. He doesn’t drink tea, so you didn’t prepare any, per John’s request.
“I hope the beds are to your liking… I kinda made them in a hurry.” You quip, which causes the boys, and your husband, to laugh, as they seat themselves across from you, in the bar stools. You barely even noticed Ghost taking the last cuppa and sliding up next to Johnny, his mask rolled up just enough to allow him to drink.
“We’re soldiers, ma’am, we’ll sleep anywhere,” Gaz told you, ever polite, with a sweet smile on his lips. John has told you all about Gaz, his protegé, of sorts, a respectful lad, the youngest, but one that has proved himself to be useful.
Your eyes flitter over to John for a moment, watching as he drinks his tea, two fingers laced through the handle of his navy blue mug, rather than around him, his behind leaning back on the counter beside you. While doing that, however, you miss the glances the lads exchange with each other, and then to you.
“As true as that might be…” You trail off after sipping your tea and look back at the soldiers again. “I still hope you have some good rest. And, I’m sorry about the pull-out sofa… it’s a bit old, came from John’s old apartment… Has gotta be a decade old now.” You quip as you look toward Ghost.
“It’s alright. I’ll sleep fine.” Ghost says. “Like Gaz said, we can sleep wherever.” He adds.
Soap nods along. “Anything’s better than sleeping on the ground with your rifle between your legs and your jacket folded up to serve as an eyemask.” He adds and laughs.
“Johnny.” Your husband calls out, chastising him. “No work talk.”
“Aw, c’mon, Captain, that hardly counts as work talk.” He retorts with a little boyish grin.
“Them’s the rules. No bloody talk about service.” John insists.
“John.” You scold him, and your husband stiffens next to you, his eyes flittering over to you, eyebrows scrunched and his eyes softened as he meets your eye… nothing short of a puppy.
It was stronger than John at this point, to respond to your tone of voice with nothing but a baring of his neck, not a baring of his teeth like he would with anyone else. The boys all noticed it, the way his shoulders sagged and his eyes looked at you with utter devotion.
“Let the boys talk about work. As long as it’s nothin’ too gory or confidential…” You trail off. “I’m sure I’ll enjoy ‘earing all the stories they have to tell about you at work... Right, lads?” You ask as you look at them again.
“Oh, we’ve got stories alright.” Soap says with a giggle and a wagging of his brows, which causes Gaz and Ghost to snicker under his breath.
“Well, then, regale me with them during Christmas dinner, ye?” You ask them, to which they nod along with smiles. You could swear even Ghost had one in the corner of his scarred lips.
After a bit more small talk, you kissed John goodnight, while he told you he’d stay downstairs and talk with the lads a little longer, so you waved at them while trekking your way upstairs, the boys once more thanking you for the hospitality.
The moment John’s trained ears honed into the fact the bedroom door has closed, he finishes his tea and glares at the lads.
“Don’t be bloody flirtin’ with my wife.” He tells Soap directly, though his comment extends to Gaz and Ghost as well, which is why he glances to both sides at the other two.
“Sir?” Gaz asks while blinking.
“You ‘eard me, Garrick.” He adds and points a finger at the young Sergeant. 
“We’re not flirtin’, sir.” Soap tries to defend himself.
“Aw, that’s rich that there, MacTavish, yeah.” Your husband says bluntly.
“Weren’t flirting.” Ghost retorts as he looks at John. “I was more so interested in the way she has your balls in her little purse.” He adds.
Both Soap and Gaz turn to look at Ghost with eyes so wide you’d think he just tried to kill the Captain directly… and he might as well have, the way John choked on nothing and started coughing up a lung.
The other two are trying to muffle their chuckles and hide their smirks as Simon continues. “Don’t give me that look, boss. We all saw it. Pretty thing might as well be walking you around on a lead.”
“Nonsense.” John says defensively as he snatches the cups of tea from the island and turns to deposit them all in the kitchen sink. He starts washing them quickly, shoulders stiffened.
“Bunk down.” John demands. “We’ve got plenty to do tomorrow.” He adds. The light screeching of bar stools being pulled back and pushed back into place is heard, as the boys vacate the kitchen with curt ‘Goodnight, sir’ murmured before they headed upstairs as well.
“Balls in her bloody purse, my arse.” John grumbles under his voice as he finishes doing the dishes, drying his hands, and then setting them on the island across from him, head hung in shame.
He knows Simon’s right. Hell, he revels in the fact you’ve got metaphorical balls of steel to confront him, to steal control right from under him, to wear the pants in the relationship. Lord knows it took him years to meet a woman who could not only keep up with him but put him in his place…
So why does it embarrass him so to hear them snicker at that fact? Why does it annoy him to look weak for you in front of his men? Why does it anger him that he loves to be weak for you?
Those are the thoughts in his head as he turns off the sitting room and kitchen lights and marches upstairs... And as he approaches your bedside in the dark, pulling the covers out from atop of you, exposing your body to him.
Under that robe you came to welcome them in, you were only wearing one of his t-shirts and no pants whatsoever, which he had peeped by the way your bare legs had shown through the slit between the two sides of the fabric whenever you walked.
“John?” You ask him in surprise, his breath is a bit ragged, more so huffing like a bull through his nose, as he grabs you and pulls you up into his arms, only to drop you on the bed further in the middle of the bed.
The giggle that escaped you when he did so annoyed him even more. He’s angry, pissed that he had been humiliated in front of his men, that you had humiliated him by merely existing and going about your relationship with him the way you always did…
So why are you giggling? Is he really that weak for you that you’ve grown to not fear his anger?
He grabs the hem of his shirt and yanks it up and over your head, tossing it to the side before he attacks your neck with nothing but kisses and bites, his hands touching your naked body, rough skin dragging over every inch of the softness he has left on display.
“John!” You giggle some more as he keeps touching and kissing you, his body weighing down on yours, your legs parted to accommodate him. “We can’t… We have guests!” You try to negotiate as his fingers dig into the pudge of your thighs and slide around to grip a greedy handful of your ass.
You still haven’t spotted the anger in him… And, as such, your playful attempts at negotiating postponing sex only annoy him more. You’re still trying to call the shots…
His left hand wraps around your face, quieting you with a strong palm holding your lips, his fingers digging into your jaw on either side. “You’re mine.” That’s all he says as his fingers continue exploring your body.
“You think you can embarrass me like that in front of the blokes?” He asks you in a whisper as his teeth catch your earlobe and suck and bite at it. “Hm?” He beckons, his tone aggressive. “Make me look like a big girl’s blouse in front of my subordinates?” He continues.
A shiver runs down your spine as his free hand wraps around the waistband of your underwear and yanks it off, down your legs, tossing them to a random spot, barely giving you time to react before his fingers drag up your thigh.
“You think you’re oh-so-box-clever, innit?” He asks you as his fingers slowly drag across your slit, finding your clit effortlessly, years of practice aiding in his torturing of you. You find yourself moaning and sighing against his hand, hips stuttering a bit, your feet looking for a perch at the edge of the bed so you can rub yourself into his hand.
“Walking around in just my shirt and those knickers and stupid bloody robe, making my boys see how lucky I am to have you, make them jealous… Only to embarrass me, make me look weak…” He trails off and tuts loudly, his tongue clicking disdainfully.
The things he’s saying make no sense to you. You didn’t try to seduce his friends, and you sure as hell didn’t try to embarrass him! It’s just the way you always act around him, around the house. He’s never complained, in fact, he’s praised you plenty of times for being ‘perfect’ for him… So where did this change of his come from?
Frankly, you don’t know, but you don’t care… It has been weeks since you were last together, sure, but you know that’s not the main reason why you’re loving this. The unbridled rage in his voice, combined with the way his experienced fingers touch your body, is making you feel things John’s never made you feel before. Your mind is clear of nothing if not a pang of hunger for him, your hands gently pawing at his shoulders atop his charcoal grey t-shirt, soft whimpers muffled by the hard palm pressing you into silence, into submission.
“I’m afraid I’ve let you gone unchecked for too long, lovie...” He grunts in your ear as his fingers draw circles against your clit, the rough pads catching at the throbbing bud, making you whine and whimper, your whole body shuddering against him. “I’m going to fix that attitude of yours...” He clicks his tongue again, sounding all the more annoyed.
“Now you’re going to be good f’r me…” He says as he uncovers your mouth, his hand, wet with saliva, slipping from atop your mouth to grab your wrists and pin them above your head, flush to the mattress. “And make the lads know exactly who’s in charge in here. Clear their doubts...”
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extra: 500 words-ish
The next morning, you wake up before John, as usually tends to happen when he comes back from a mission. The silence and lack of stress, the warmth of you in his arms, the cosy atmosphere of the house… It’s all the perfect sedative to keep him as good as dead for many, many hours. You slip out of his embrace and check the clock… it was just past 9 A.M. You pad quietly to the hall bathroom after fishing out a change of clothes from the wardrobe, and rinse off the sweat from the night before, as well as the dried slick and cum between your thighs. You’re still unstable on your feet, your thighs and the space between them deliciously sore, your body covered in marks of the night you spent in your husband’s arms… You feel like you’re floating as you drift downstairs and into the kitchen…  “Fuckin’ hell!” You jump, startled. In your kitchen, pouring himself a cup of tea is Ghost… You think. The height seems about right, though you didn’t expect a broad-shoulder, bare-chested blond in your kitchen. “Good morning.” You say softly as you shuffle inside, hearing him return that same greeting in a way-too-deep of a voice, standard of man who’s just woken up. “Go put a shirt on, this isn’t the beach.” You scold him, as you open the fridge, looking for the eggs. Your voice is as fierce as it usually tends to be with John. When he doesn’t reply, you look over at him, noticing his mask is missing. You assume John scolded him about it, how you’d likely be startled by seeing a masked man in the night. The look in Ghost’s eyes is unreadable, stern, unwavering, and eerily calm, as if he’s seeing through you. They flit over you, up and down, with a certain glint you can’t quite decipher. You straighten your back in the face of his look, portraying nothing if not confidence. Ghost leans against the counter, one hand holding his tea cup and sipping from it, the other resting on the counter to support his weight, before one of his eyebrows shoots up. “Nice night, huh?” He asks you and, immediately, you feel your entire confidence bleed out of you, your eyes widening like saucers. Of course he heard it… You’re sure all the lads heard you, especially considering John and you started right as they had gotten to their respective rooms to sleep, all of which were located in the same hallway as the master bedroom… It’d surprise you if they hadn’t… Hell, it’d surprise you if the neighbors across the way didn’t! The way John had you last night, crying out his name at the top of his lungs and making you apologise repeatedly for something you didn’t even do (on purpose) definitely leaked through the walls… Just like the shame you currently feel leaks through your pores. You turn away to fix your eyes on the fridge, too embarrassed to face him again after realizing he knows. Your brain rushes to find something to distract you, to hide what you feel… “Are you hungry?” You end up asking softly.
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envysparkler · 1 month
It had been a regular Friday—normal patrol, doing the rounds, Bruce hovering over all of them in spirit because he was laid up with a sprained ankle, and, of course, interrupted by a wannabe Rogue that was either insanely dangerous or ridiculously stupid.  Or, as in tonight’s case, both at the same time.
Magic.  Wondrous, terrible magic.  There was a reason Batman did his best to keep magic out of Gotham.  It was too unpredictable and they were all only human.  Their sole defense against magic was to dodge.  And keep dodging.  Damn, this guy was really fast at casting spells.
Dick hadn’t been paying much attention to his spiel—something something power something something Gotham something something everyone will know my name—because he’d graduated the point where he wasn’t the one who had to do the detective work—that was what younger siblings were for—and he merely calculated the height of those hanging lights and if one would crash and hit the magician if he cut them properly.
There was a yelp as Red Robin and Robin accidentally dove in the same direction to avoid a spell and ended up sprawling out on the ground.  Dick was on the other side of the magician, too far to help, but Red Hood stepped forward, growling, “Hey, you Hogwarts reject, did you learn aim from the Imperial Stormtroopers?”
Dick marked another point in Hood’s I-swear-we’re-not-family-fuck-off-Dickhead-or-I’ll-shoot-you-and-also-if-you-get-shot-I’ll-kill-you-myself column.  At this point, the only person who probably still believed Hood’s protestations of rebelliousness was Bruce.
Hood fired a warning shot from his gun.
The magician attacked on instinct.
Hood didn’t get out of the way fast enough.
Everyone in the warehouse saw the gray beam of light hit Hood square in the chest.  Dick’s heart dropped somewhere below his stomach, Red Robin made a sharp cry, and even Robin took a step towards Hood, though it was already too late.
Hood’s figure winked out.
No, something in Dick screamed, already whirling towards the magician—and was stopped by a tiny, scratchy little meow.
Dick swiveled back.  There was an unbelievably small baby kitten on the ground where Hood had just been, all black with a tiny little spot of white on his forehead.
Red Robin made a choked sound.  Robin had frozen in place.  “Oops,” the magician said, sounding distinctly sheepish.
Before anyone could react, the magician disappeared with a crack.
“Hood?” Dick tried, struggling to keep his voice level.  The baby kitten made another sharp cry, and took a tottering step forward.
Dick couldn’t control himself anymore.
“Oh my god.”  He was so tiny.  He could fit into Dick’s palm.  Maybe-Hood hissed when Dick scooped him up, putting up a valiant effort to gnaw Dick’s fingers off even if those teeny tiny little teeth—and that little pink tongue—could barely put a dent in Dick’s gloves.
“Is that really Hood?” Red Robin said, a strange expression on his face, like Christmas had come early and he wasn’t ready to believe it.  “What if—what if the guy just…sent Hood somewhere, and replaced him with a kitten?”
“It would be an improvement,” Robin muttered.
Probably-Hood stopped chewing Dick’s fingers to shoot Robin the dirtiest look a baby kitten could muster, and Dick could see the consternation visibly melt off of Robin’s face as his baby brother resisted the urge to coo.
“Even if this isn’t Hood, we need to get back to the Cave and figure out what that spell was,” Dick said, studying the kitten.  “Hmm, little guy?  Are you my little brother?  Give me a meow for yes, and continue trying to bite my fingers for no.”
Most-Definitely-Hood hissed at him again.
“This is the best day of my life,” Dick grinned.  “Bruce is going to freak out.”
Bruce was, indeed, freaking out.  “What happened?” he nearly shouted as they got out of the Batmobile, waiting in the garage—and judging by Alfred’s visible aura of disapproval, clearly against orders.
Dick, climbing out of the passenger seat, had to make a flailing catch as the baby kitten attempted to make a break for it.  “Shh,” he said.  “You’re going to scare Jason.”
Bruce stopped and stared.  Tim, exiting the driver’s side, broke down again into the giggling fit that had nearly caused him to crash the car.  Damian looked visibly amused.
Bruce blinked at the car, as if expecting a hulking six foot two former crime lord to get out.  And then looked at Dick and the tiny little kitten hissing in his hands.  Back at the car.  Back at Dick.
“What?” he finally said, voice weak.
“At least Damian isn’t going to adopt him,” Dick said, firmly detaching tiny kitten claws from his gloves to deposit the furiously hissing kitten into Bruce’s grasp.  Jason squawked, loudly, and attempted to escape, but Bruce’s reflexes were too fast.
He slowly drew the little ball of fur up to his face, face slack, ignoring the way the kitten pricked his palms.  “You’re joking,” Bruce said flatly.
“Would I joke about something like this?” Dick asked, wounded.  Bruce gave him a Look.  “Okay, yeah, I would totally joke about something like this, I can’t believe I’ve never thought of it before, but no, our little magician problem waved his staff and it hit Jay and,” Dick waggled his fingers at the puffed-up kitten.
Bruce still didn’t look convinced.
“Of course,” Dick said to the kitten, “if this isn’t Jason, that means it’s a lost little kitten that needs to go to the vet and get lots of shots—”
Jason reacted predictably to the idea of needles and neatly clambered up Bruce’s arm, clinging to the man’s shoulder and hissing at Dick from his perch.
Dick turned the shit-eating grin to his father, “Believe me now?”
Bruce was wincing and trying to extract Jason’s claws from his skin.  “Jason got turned into a cat?  How do we undo the spell?”
“Frankly, Father, I find the current state of affairs significantly more agreeable,” Damian said, returning after changing.  “You have to admit that Todd is more tolerable like this.”
The kitten didn’t have time to take offense before Tim piped up, his face still splotchy from laughing too hard, “Yeah, he’s all cute and cuddly.”
Jason made a low growling rumble that showed clearly what he thought of that sentiment.  Unfortunately for him, it just made him look cuter.
“Boys, stop teasing your brother,” Bruce said firmly, finally managing to finagle Jason’s claws free of his shirt and tuck him into the curve of his elbow.  “Of course we’re going to figure out how to get him back.”
Jason made a loud hiss and scratched Bruce.  Bruce, startled, loosened his grip, and Jason leapt free like a bullet.  Dick dove for him and missed, Tim jumped out of the way as Jason went streaking past, and soon the black kitten was no longer visible.
“Well, that was entirely predictable,” Damian said, staring in the direction Jason had gone.
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little-emerald-snake · 5 months
Getting Caught pt 2 - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
This is a highly requested part 2 of my Getting Caught Kinktober prompt
Warnings: mutual masturbation
668 words
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She sat across from him, leaned against the stone wall, lightly spreading her legs. She watched as Ominis hesitantly moved his hands, revealing his throbbing length straining against the fly of his pants. “W-were you just starting or…almost there?”
He sucked in a shaky breath, biting into the flesh of his cheek. “O-oh erm, I was close to wrapping up, but I’m still…good for a while.”
She nodded, pulling her skirt up and sliding her underwear to her knees. She didn’t know if it was because he couldn’t see her or because she just trusted him but she was okay with getting comfortable doing this.
She straightened one leg to nudge one of his and he jolted. His heart rate doubled as he listened to her getting settled. He reached down to undo his pants. “I-is the way we are sitting okay for you?”
She bit at the skin of her bottom lip, sliding her fingers between her lips which made a wet sound that had Ominis’ stomach tightening. “Y-yes, for you?”
He nodded, finally freeing himself and letting his red angry erection spring up. She sucked in a soft breath and he winced. “I-is it bad? I-I wouldn’t know if it…looks good or bad.”
She blushed, rolling her fingers over her clit while not peeling her eyes away from his bobbing member. “I-it’s incredible. Y-you look so horny, like you really need t-to cum.”
He nodded, gripping himself and willing himself to memorize the slippery sounds of her pussy. “Y-yea, really do. I’ve been needing to do this, to relax and…relieve myself.”
She nipped her lips, eyes glued to his hand, now making light strokes up and down his shaft. “W-what do you think of when you do this? Being blind I can’t imagine its visualization. Is it…sound?”
He bites his lip, stroking faster. Her asking this question. Would he really be able to tell her that he imagines her subtle brushes of skin and the coaxing sounds of her voice carrying him to orgasm. “I-I erm…use the bits of touch that I do know, as well as voices. I imagine voices of people I like…telling me what to do or saying things to me for…encouragement.”
She moaned and the sound made him squeeze his tips harshly, begging his balls not to tighten and make him blow right here. His stroking doubles and she propped a leg up on a nearby crate, letting the sounds of her juices be heard. “F-fuck you sound so wet. Are you turned on?”
She whimpered a small yes and he groaned in return, stroking harshly. It took him everything not to cum, hearing her wetness and the sounds her body made. It’s the most erotic thing he’s ever heard and twice as hot as anything he’s ever imagined.
His hips bucked into his hand and his hand stilled, tightening around his tip while he fights the rush of cum that threatens to spill. “Holy fuck, I’m sorry…this is the closest thing to using pornography I’ve every gotten. I-I don’t think I’ll last much longer.”
Watching him fall apart quickly dragged her to her own edge. She was soaking wet and the squelching of her sex echoed in the dim undercroft. “I-I’m gonna cum too…d-don’t hold back. I-I want to watch you cum…”
He moaned, somewhere between a whiny groan and a grunt, he pumped himself harshly, squeezing his cock and wringing thick milky ropes from his tip. She flicked her eyes between his cock and his pleasure twisted expression, following him right over the edge. “F-Fuck, Ominis!”
Her shout of his name had him bucking into his fist even harder. “Shit…I’ve never heard someone moan my name…”
She gives a breathy laugh, relaxing back against the wall and catching her breath. “I-I’ve never moaned anyone else’s.”
His stomach tightened and the softening of his member stopped, excitement creeping back into his stomach. He willed it down, tucking himself away in his pants. “Well, if you ever need to relax…I’d…do this again.”
Part 3
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retnym · 1 year
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"Gosh, you just couldn't keep our names out of your mouth."
Flashing lights, loud talking, humid air, crowds full of paparazzi; all screaming to get you to look their way. My breath hitched as I stood up straighter, feeling the fabric of my dress finally move down as it had been tight against my torso. My manager thought it’d be a good idea to go with a tight red dress for the premiere of my new movie. Something I highly wanted to decline but I didn’t know until the last minute. 
“[Name]! This way!” A dark-haired lady calls me, her microphone in hand. This was someone that my friend, Emma warned me of. Heading over to her, she gives a quick side hug and has us stand so the camera sees both of us. “How are you, you look amazing!” 
How am I? Well to be serious, I am horrible. This dress is squeezing me in what feels like all the wrong places. The flashing lights, it feels like I’m going to go blind with only seeing dots for the rest of my days. The screaming, having to look everywhere all at once. And last but definitely not it, missing home for this movie. Missing my best friends in Germany for America. 
“I’m wonderful, seeing so many familiar faces, it’s great." Lying straight through my teeth here. "How are you?”  Obviously putting it back to her I start to space out, the loudness of it all being the cause of it.
I wonder what Bill, Gustav, and Georg are doing. Hopefully thinking about me. 
Glancing around the lights are still bright. I wonder if their fingers ever hurt from clicking that button repeatedly. 
“[Name]?” My eyes flicker to her face. 
“Sorry, everything is so overwhelming. The shouting.” I explain, bringing back a smile onto my face. A fake one, of course. “Oh, I totally get it.” She laughs an obnoxious laugh I’m sure everyone hears and finds just as annoying as I do right at this very moment.
“So, how does it feel being away from Germany?” This question makes me raise my eyebrow for the splitest second. It was like she read my mind. “Well, it’s pretty normal to be away just due to all my productions being away or my tours being in the United States. Only thing I will say is I truly miss my best friends.” I tell in a sad tone, at the end though I bite my buttom lip. Picking the dead skin off of it as a nervous habit that most of my fans have even caught on to. 
She does another phoney laugh for the viewers. Gosh, if Gustav was here he’d be subtly hitting my arm or squeezing it as he tried not to laugh. 
“And your best friends, aren’t they in a famous German band. What are they called again?” She questions the name of my best friend's band? If you’re going to interview me that’s the one thing you should know! It’s all I talk about, Jesus Christ, this lady lives under a rock. “Tokio Hotel,” I say in almost an irritated tone but I caught myself in time to stop it and not make her embarrassed or have this end up on MTV. 
“Right, I knew that.” And again with the laugh. Its excruciating.
“How do you know them?”
How do I know them!? It’s all over Myspace! Look on Twitter! Look on Youtube! We have repeatedly told people, over and over and over! 
“We’re childhood best friends! Mine and the Kaulitz twin's parents also grew up together. Bill is my absolute best friend, he literally knows everything.” I laugh, talking about them gives me so much happiness, a nostalgic feeling even though we’re still around each other.
“What about the other twin, Tom?” My face faulters a tiny bit.
“Oh, he’s a friend as well. Growing up together how couldn’t we be?” I save myself from a lecture from my manager. She never understood our hatred for each other and because of that both of our managers told us to keep it off screen. 
The rest of the interviews were just questions about the movie or about my dress. It was like almost every interview. Most didn’t ask about Tokio Hotel because if they did I’d probably sit there for hours.
By the end of the night, after watching the movie I had gotten into my limo by myself. 
I didn’t want to stay with everyone else or go to after parties. I was getting ready to go back to the hotel, change into some comfortable clothes to go back to an airport.
Heading back to Germany, it will sadly take almost 11 hours on a plane. I also get to go back to my kitty, Springroll or Frühlingsrolle. I couldn’t bring her this time since it was just a week's experience so I left her to the twins. Hopefully, Bill didn’t leave her with Tom for too long she might’ve been starved or neglected for too many hours.
Mentally rolling my eyes, we pulled up to the hotel. I lazily got out of the vehicle to another swarm of camera flashes and screams asking me about the night. This paparazzi you can not say a word to. They will twist everything you say. They’re nasty monsters. 
I just want to go back home. 
“I missed you guys so much!” I laughed, hugging my best friends as they were gathered outside the Kaulitz’s house. “Dude we missed you too.” Georg pulls back, all of us following suit. Bill was still grabbing onto my arm with a wide grin. “We saw every single interview. Gosh you just can’t keep our names out of your mouth?” He teases, the other two guys laugh. 
“Did you see-”
“Oh we saw, we saw the one lady.” Gustav cuts me off, and my eyes gleamed before bursting into a fit of laughter. “You guys have no idea how awful that was!” I shouted tugging on Bill as he agreed. We all talked about what I missed or what they should’ve seen while I was in America. It was all pretty wild.
My mother being from Detroit Michigan we go sometimes every now and then. The twins would join sometimes but they’ve never seen every state like I have. 
“We have pictures of Tom with Frühlingsrolle while he was sleeping. He will never admit it but they bonded quite well when you were gone?” Georg explains, pulling out his phone to show me the pretty blurry pictures of the other twin with my all-black kitty laying on top of his chest while he slept. His hat was in his hand as his dreads actually laid down.
I smirk, my eyebrows raised in amusement just as the angel of a man spoke, one of the devil's children came out with my cat in her crate. 
“Here’s your brat of an animal.” He grumbles, dramatically handing it to me causing all of us to snicker. “What?” He scrunches his nose in confusion. “My brat of an animal?” I repeat.
Bill was practically cackling at this point. 
“Yeah? That’s what I said.” He was not getting to what we were saying so Georg takes out his phone again and shows the picture. The boy's face slightly dropped as we all laughed.
“That doesn’t mean anything.” He crosses his arms.
“It doesn’t?” I frown in a sarcastic way making him punch my shoulder. “Aye, unnecessary.” I shove him back.
“It’s okay to be a pussy lover, Tom.” Gustav lays a hand on his shoulder, I shake my head and Tom just plays with his piercing to cover the noticeable smirk he has to attempt to hide his laughter. 
“Oh, I’m a pussy lover. Just not [Name]’s.” He flips me off, I nod. “You could never get it even if you wanted to.” I roll my eyes. 
“Oh really?” He comes closer and I straighten my posture. “Yup.” I glare at him. 
“Never say never,” He shoves me backward a little bit but Bill was behind me to make sure I didn’t stumble further than I could’ve. Before I could say anything else, Tom was making his way back inside. 
After he left it was a tad bit awkward. Usually how it goes. Either we go into full blown fights or tiny weird arrangements like that. We couldn’t stand each other if it saved our life. Surprisingly that was longest we’ve been in area together without cameras or outside people and didn’t fight until the last second but still. 
A World record for us.
Later than I wanted so I apologize for that. I will try to have the second chapter out tomorrow. I hope everyone enjoyed this, it's fun to get back into writing like I used to:) Also the chapters will be longer:) this is just the beginning.
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zablife · 6 months
a cillian request for you! maybe when cillian comes home after being tommy shelby and he’s having trouble setting back in so you help him feel more like himself 💕
Ooh, I adore this ask! Tysm for sending it my way, lovely! I've written a quick blurb below I hope you'll enjoy! (Note: contains smut 🔞)
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"Babe, you're doing it again," you frowned, watching your boyfriend march across the garden with shoulders pulled back tightly, arms awkwardly held from his sides as he stomped through the grass toward the table you'd set for dinner.
Cillian stopped immediately, looking down to see he was in fact in the Tommy Shelby stance. "Fuck...I can't seem to shake it," he admitted, arms lowering slightly.
You rushed in to hug him as you smiled warmly. "It's alright, I like a bit of Tommy with my salad."
Cillian chuckled at your deflection, then sighed heavily. "It's been three weeks since I was on set. I don't know why I can't rid myself of him."
You kissed up his chiseled jawbone in an attempt to soothe him as you replied, "You're too good at your work. Can't be helped if you bring him home with you."
Cillian rested his chin on your shoulder as he sadly confessed, "I don't want to bring him home. You deserve better."
Your hand slide beneath his jumper, rubbing circles into his flesh as you assured him, "You are. You're everything I want."
You felt the smile pulling at the corners of his mouth before you pulled away to look and it warmed your heart. Cillian was beaming and for the first time in months, you spied his signature smile and not the cockiness of Tommy Shelby's cool stare.
"I love you," you murmured against his lips.
"And I love you," he exhaled deeply, leaning in to feel the gentle press of your lips agains his.
"Although I wouldn't mind if Tommy reappeared tonight for a short while," you whispered, biting your lip in anticipation of the rough fuck Cillian had grown accustomed to when he was short of time. The quickies in his trailer had been something altogether different from your usual lovemaking and you couldn't say that you didn't miss it now. Those were some of the wildest times you'd spent together, clothes pushed aside and mouths frantic for one another. It made you wet just thinking about it.
"Need you," you mumbled into his mouth absently, still half caught in daydream.
"What? Here?" he asked, brow furrowed in confusion.
"Isn't that what Tommy would do?" you reminded him, pulling him onto the lush grass with you.
"You've got me there," he acquiesced, grabbing your leg and pulling it over him so you sat astride.
You moaned into his neck as you rolled your hips, desire creeping up on you with record speed. Then to your delight Cillian pushed you onto your back, hands pawing down your front until he reached your underwear.
"Are we really going to do this?" you gasped, feeling exposed in the cool night air. He didn't answer, fingers slipping past your wet folds and pushing into you until he had you panting.
"You're going to do anything I ask," he said, voice dipping into the dark register of Tommy's voice.
The words caught in your throat, only able to nod in response.
"That's what I thought," he said, pressing his hard length into your thigh. Sliding your dress up to your waist, he jerked your underwear from you.
"Fuck me, Tommy!" you moaned and he stopped short, eyebrow quirked in playful challenge. A giggle erupted from you in breathless pants. "I-I'm sorry, darling. I got carried away," you giggled.
"Let's see if there's anything else you can say," he said with wicked promise, pulling his erect cock from his trousers.
Plunging into you with one deep thrust, he shuddered as you clamped down on him.
"Cilian!" you shouted, feeling the exquisite stretch of him within you.
Without further discussion he pleasured you until his name was the only one on your lips, all mention of Tommy forgotten completely.
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green-eyedfirework · 1 month
Slade heard the shouting first.  Not many people ventured here, Slade had managed to secure himself a prime position in exchange for being one of the Arena’s best gladiators.  A cell that was more of an apartment, most all the luxuries he wanted, food and pretty slaves and good fights.  He’d killed the last master who’d ordered him to lose a match, and his new one had learnt that lesson well.
There was little more that he needed from life.  Talia knew that a content gladiator was a loyal one, and unlike her father, she’d cultivated that loyalty well.
“Please—Talia—stop—” a younger voice on the edge of desperation, and at least three sets of footsteps.  Slade straightened off the bench and moved towards the front of his cell.
“You know better than that, Richard,” Talia’s voice was coldly amused, “You lost a fight to one of mine, and the Arena voted life.  That means I own you now.”
“Bruce will buy me back!” the voice insisted stridently, “Talia, please—”
“I find myself not exceedingly fond of my beloved at this moment,” Talia said dismissively, “And you will serve far better as a gift.”
The footsteps reached the front of his cell, the curtains drawn back to leave only open bars, and Slade watched as his owner stepped into view, poised and calculating as always.  “Slade,” Talia smiled, eyes dark and satisfied, “How are you today?”
“Well,” Slade replied noncommittedly, far more interested in the struggling figure pinned by two guards, “I didn’t realize I’d earned a gift.”
“This particular one fell into my lap,” Talia’s smile grew wickeder, “And I have no need for a gladiator that loses fights, so I might as well use him as a favor.”  That was when the struggling figure jabbed an elbow into the stomach of the guard to his left and made a break for it.
Unfortunately for him, the guard recovered quickly, and made a sharp swing of his staff at the bandages that wound down one leg.  The unfortunate gladiator crumpled with a strangled shriek.
“Come now, Richard,” Talia said, her expression twisted with distaste, “At least try to lose gracefully.”  The guards yanked the limp figure off the ground and dragged him closer to the bars, and the spark of interest at the familiar name coalesced into sharp coldness at the sight of tan skin and dark hair.  Locks of it draped across that bowed face, as though Slade wouldn’t be able to recognize the man that had killed his son.
Talia read the simmering fury across his face.  “He’s yours,” she said softly, watching him, “To do with what you wish, for however long you wish to keep him.  His fate is yours.”
Richard Grayson made a barely perceptible sound.
Talia moved forward to unlock the cell and waited as the guards dragged Grayson closer before snagging the young gladiator’s chin.  “Your master needs a reminder on what happens when he spites me,” she murmured, “Your body will do quite nicely.”
Slade couldn’t see what Grayson did or said, but he saw Talia’s fingers tighten, nails biting into skin, before she let go and stepped aside to let the guards throw Grayson inside the cell.
Slade didn’t move.  Not as the guards retreated and Grayson pushed himself up to standing.  Not when Grayson pressed himself back against the bars, fingers tightened into fists as the click of the lock echoed in finality.  Not as footsteps receded, out of sight and out of hearing, as the beaten gladiator cowered in the corner.
Grayson looked gray.  His expression was fractured and his clothes were dusty and torn and he had one arm pressed to his chest in a way that indicated either an injured arm or broken ribs.  Possibly both.  The other arm was tensed, ready to lash out, despite him wavering on his feet.  One leg had bandages from calf to thigh.
More than all that, he looked small.  Exhausted and trembling and gaunt, like someone recovering from an illness, nothing like the snatches of the golden favorite of the Arena that Slade caught from time to time.  Not too many, no one was stupid enough to let Slade and Grayson in the same room, and especially not the kid’s previous master, but Slade remembered watching his son bleed out on the Arena sands as a sweaty, bloodstained, gleaming young gladiator lifted his dual swords to a wave of cheers that shook the entire stadium.
It wasn’t something he could forget.
“Who knew that the little bird would fall,” Slade said, low and cold, stalking out of the shadows.  Grayson pressed further into the corner but there was nowhere to go, blue eyes flitting around the cell like something would save him.  “You must’ve heard the story of the boy who flew too close to the sun.”
“Slade,” the kid’s voice was passably level, eyes wide and locked on him, “I—I’m sorry—”
“Sorry?” Slade arched an eyebrow, “Sorry that you killed my son?  Sorry that you built a career that started by defeating the Ravager?  I didn’t see regret when you stood over my son’s cooling corpse, I saw triumph.”  Grayson swallowed, expression fracturing further.  “You’re only sorry that you’re locked in here with me.”
He didn’t give Grayson a chance to spout off pretty words—apparently he had a talent for being charming, a talent for making friends.  There were a group of them, young, puffed-up gladiators, that fought on the sands like it was their own.  Excellent, trained fighters.  And cocky and arrogant to boot.
Slade had always hoped for the chance to meet Grayson on the sand.  To have the fight he’d been itching for for years.
This was almost as good.
Grayson ducked at Slade’s telegraphed punch, pushing off the bars and twisting past Slade to stumble deeper in the cell.  Slade turned to follow him, noting his unsteadiness and adjusting his speed accordingly.
The fun was in playing with his food before he destroyed it.
Grayson was talented.  With dual short swords in his hands, and preternatural flexibility, he had gone undefeated for years.  He was masterful at twisting out of the way of strikes, all speed and deadly grace, and even with an injured leg he kept his balance well.
But he was unarmed, his right arm was clearly paining him, and he’d looked ready to drop even before the fight had started.  Even drawing it out, it wasn’t long before Slade grabbed his wrist from a poorly executed punch, and wrenched.
The kid went down with a choked gasp, clutching his shoulder as he landed hard on his knees.  Slade gave him three seconds before slamming a kick into his side—the kid made a harsh, punched-out sound and toppled over.
“Pathetic,” Slade noted, standing over the panting young gladiator, “The golden Nightwing, lying broken in the dust.  A fitting legacy of a boy that tried to fly too high, too fast.”
Grayson set his expression into a snarl and tried to lever up.  Slade ground a foot into the bandaged leg and Grayson collapsed with a strangled sound, trying to claw away.
“If only Grant could see you now,” Slade murmured, “He had a talent for humiliating his opponents.”  What his son could’ve done with a broken bird at his feet—but Grant had been cocky, and Grayson had been smart, and Slade had to watch from the stands as his son gurgled out his last breaths.
Grayson stared up at him with a facade of defiance, half-curled up on the ground.  “Spare me the monologue and just kill me already,” the kid snapped, his snarl unable to hide the waver in his tone, “There isn’t an audience to entertain here.”
Cute.  Slade would take great pleasure in watching that break.
“No, there isn’t,” Slade agreed, and reached down to haul Grayson to his feet and shove him back into the center of the room.  “There’s no one to entertain here.”  He smiled, slow and sharp.  “Just me and you.”
The mask of defiance cracked, and for a moment, the only thing in Grayson’s eyes was terror.
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mochie85 · 1 year
Part of @the-slumberparty Week 1: "I Spy" Writing Challenge
One-Shot Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki plays a game with you on making the right decision. A/N: Also, 🥳Happy Birthday🥳 Tom Hiddleston! I think it's very fitting I post a Loki fic for his birthday, no? And shout out to @gigglingtigger for giving me an idea about this story. Word Count: Over 1K Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Warnings: Smut. Some fluff.
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“Oh, darling…” Loki’s voice sang through the hallway. His tone was what worried you the most. Whenever he sang like that, it could go one of two ways.
One, he found something that you had done that was so egregious, so criminal, that he would have to act and punish you. That thought alone sent a heated flow of arousal down the length of your spine.
Or two, he was up to mischief and wanted you to sanction/be an alibi/or take part in a scheme that would inevitably end with you having done something so egregious and criminal anyway.
“I have a surprise for you, sweet girl,” he said when he found you in the bedroom. Option number two, it is then.
You were laying on your stomach, propped up on your elbows. Your feet dangled in the air cross-legged as your hands splayed over a book, keeping it open. You had only your black cotton panties and a t-shirt on as you decided earlier that it was going to be a lazy kind of Sunday.
Loki took a moment to appreciate the view in front of him as he leaned on the doorframe. “Oh, if only I didn’t have something so delightful to show you, I’d like nothing more than to join you in your leisure.” He paused for only a moment, biting his lip, before he gave in to your temptation, “Oh, what the hell.”
You giggled, scooting over to make room for him in bed. He laid on his back staring up at you, as you gazed down at him. “What is it? What’s the surprise?” you asked eagerly.
Loki held both his fists up in front of you, “Choose,” he commanded softly.
You kissed the hand that was closest to you and looked back at him. “How fitting,” he said as he opened his hand to reveal a small Hershey’s kiss.
Your eyes went wide. Such a small, simple gesture. But one that had you enthralled, nonetheless. You giggled as he opened the wrapper. “Open,” he directed again, and you could do nothing but obey as you parted your lips and held your tongue out slightly.
The rich chocolate melted on your tongue as you savored the sweet treat. Loki sat up and leaned on his arm as he kissed your lips, invading your mouth with his tongue, tasting the smooth chocolate for himself.
“Mhmm. My sweet girl. Choose again.” He broke the kiss and held his fists out in front of you a second time. A small smile playing on his beautiful face. You took your calculated time, making a show of thinking hard about this decision. Loki only chuckled, as he patiently looked upon your face.
“This one!” You kissed his other hand this time and he unfurled his fingers, letting drop a dainty gold chain with a diamond pendant on it. Your eyes grew even wider. “Loki! It’s beautiful!”
“Turn around, darling.”
“I couldn’t possibly accept...”
“You can. And you will. Now don’t make me repeat myself,” he decreed. You bit down on your lip, trying to stop your smile from expressing just how turned on you were right now. You faced away from him as he brought the chain over and down your head, securing the back and letting it hang on your neck.
The chain felt cool, and the pendant felt heavy. He kissed the fastening against your skin and continued to trail his lips to the side of your neck. His hands roamed around your sides and across your stomach. He pulled you closer to him as he settled you in between his spread knees. You could feel him, straining against his pants and you couldn’t help but brush against him, wanting to close that space in between your bodies.
“Before I give you your final choice, I want you to wear nothing but this necklace. Is that understood?”
You nodded quickly. His hands gripping and tugging at your shirt making you pant with desire. His fingers slid under the band of your black panties and slid them down your thighs.
As soon as you were bare, save the gilded trinket he just gave you, Loki pushed you down against the bed. He towered over you and took in your wanton figure. His eyes lingered with desire at every curve, every line, every dimple. As if he were taking notes of where he wanted to leave his mark on you.
He used his seidr to divest himself of his clothes as his hands traced your thighs, separating them for him to kneel in between you. The warmth of his skin heated yours as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Your hips sitting on top of his spread thighs. His smile broadened as he held his fists out to you again. “Choose,” he growled.
You were so intrigued and so lightheaded from this game Loki is putting on. He had nothing in his hands a second ago. What could he have conjured in such a short amount of time?
You held your hand up, pointing to his left fist. A sinful smile appeared on his face as he opened his hand, revealing a set of leather cuffs- seemingly falling from thin air.
He grabbed your hands and the cuffs slid from his grasp onto your wrists. He positioned your hands above your head as a small whimper made its way out of your lips.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me,” he feigned. “Are you going to stop?” he asked. His breath fanned your face, and you can smell the lingering scent of chocolate. You shook your head. “That’s my girl,” he praised as his nose nuzzled against you.
He left your hands tied to the headboard as his own traced a heated path down your arms and onto your sides. “So beautiful. So enchanting,” he murmured.
His fingers brushed the swell of your breasts, across your hardened nipple, making you ache with need. He clasped the diamond and gently placed it on top of your chest. “That would look so lovely glinting off your skin as I take you repeatedly.” The pendant felt heavy on your chest, like a weight was sitting on you.
“Loki…” you begged. His growing erection already rubbing against your sensitive bud.
“Ah, ah, ah. Patience, my sweet girl,” he cooed. “I want to take my time with you. I want to savor every moan. Every stroke,” he panted as he slid the very tip of his hard cock inside you. You moaned loudly feeling him stretch you.
“God, Loki, you’re so…” at that moment he thrusted his whole length inside of you causing you to cry out in the most exquisite pain you’ve ever felt. The weight of the chain keeping you grounded.
“Th-that’s my girl,” he huffed as he slowly pulled himself out, only to crash back into you, the base of his lewd erection ramming into your walls. “Now let’s see this pendant bounce, shall we?” he grinned wickedly.
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@emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallows @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @gigglingtigger @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @loopsisloops @muddyorbsblr @luvlady-writes @kellatron55 @huntress-artemiss @crimson25 @purplegrrl27 @sarahscribbles @ladyofthestayingpower @ozymdias @lokixryss @athalialaufeyson @thedistractedagglomeration @theotherspiderlady @cheekyscamp @gigglingtigger
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Flint x Reader Hurt Oneshot
Good lord I had this short story in my grammery for a long time. X'D
Anyway hope you like this folks. I'm trying to get my groove back on writing these stuff. I miss doing them :')
And as always sorry if you see any grammer errors.
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“What the hell happened?!” You’ve gotten used to Flint’s temper after living with him for a while now. This time, however, he was yelling at his crew member after getting hurt from doing something stupid. 
And oh man, this is probably the new record on his wrath that made your heart beat out of fright. 
And also your wound wasn’t too bad. It was only a scratch on your palm. Not too long ago, you wanted to try that dagger trick after you saw someone performing it on the street.
But you accidentally cut yourself after your feet stumbled and grabbed the blades instead of the handle. 
“S-sir we kept an eye on 'er!” One crew protested. "And to be fair cap'n, she wanted to perform this stunt. We didn't make 'er do it!" 
"Is that so?" You saw him look at you coldly which made you bite your lips holding your hand where the wounded were.
He exhales his nostril in irritation and turns his men, mostly at his first mate, Billy. "Take 'em to my ship. I'll be there shortly." 
"Aye, sir!" Billy replied. Then the Captain turns to you and grabs your arm. 
"You and I going have a little talk on yer act," With that, you and he walked away from the crew. When you and he are alone in the dark ally he speaks lowly.
"Let me see yer hand,"  
At first, your instinct tells you not to. Since you are afraid of what he’ll say or do to you. Then you hear your captain repeat in a strict tone.
“Let. Me. See. Yer. Hand.” 
You show your wound nervously and you watch him examine it carefully. After about a few seconds he lets out a frustrated sigh.
“Just what the hell were ye thinkin'?” 
You lowered your head in embarrassment. 
“It’s only a scratch,” You muttered. 
“But that stunt could’ve gotten yourself killed ye know that?!” Flint almost shouts. 
You flinch and manage to reply. “I know it was stupid.” You added while trying not to sound afraid. “I just. I only want to impress your men that’s all.”  
In the corner of your eyes, you watch him shake his head and take a few breaths silently to calm himself. You then feel your chin gently lift and your face is looking at his. 
His face was now a hint of worrying that he never showed this side to his crew. He also was on his knees so you can see his face better. 
“ Lass you don’t need to show your impression on my men. Since you joined my crew ye been improved your strength and agility. That dumb stunt is never the bonus. My men and I were already impressed with your skills lass." He brushes your cheeks with his thumb-bony finger and finishes.
" And what impresses me more is your improvement over a month living on my ship," 
You felt your cheeks almost blush at his compliment on your endurance living on his ship. But then your face made a frown when your Captain said this. 
"And from now on no more handling daggers unless yer supervised. “ 
“Then how am I going to defend myself without one?” You asked. Feeling upset you can’t have one after that stunt.
“That until you be taught how to handle it properly.” As he spoke he took out his ray cloth from his coat pocket and wrapped it around your palm to stop the bleeding.    
“Now promise me you'll follow this order, for yer safe sake.” He looked at you long and you made a silent huff, looking down with disappointment.  
Y/N." He spoke sternly.  
"Okay fine I promise, swear to pirate code," You gave in. Not because of his tone. More of there's no point in arguing with him. You felt it wouldn't change anything the more you tried to argue with him. 
Also, you want to be done with this situation. You were embarrassed enough by that dagger stunt. Instead, you muttered for him to hear. 
"Can we go back now Captain?" You hear him make a slight chuckle and begins to lead you back to his ship. While on the way he spoke lowly. 
"Once ye handle some daggers properly, I can perhaps give ya a few tricks of mine." 
"And how long that'll be until?" You asked, looking up at him. 
"A year." 
"A year?" You almost laugh. "Come on can you give me a month?"  
"Please?" You did your best giving a puppy pleading, thanks to B.E.N. showing you how to do it. You watch him avoiding your gaze and he clinches his teeth in frustration.  
Soon he rolled all his eyes, "Remind me to punish B.E.N. on teaching ye how to beg when we get back. 
"So is that a yes?" You grinned. 
 He snorted. "Maybe." That made your hope up, knowing he'll change his mind once you and him are on his ship...or as he puts it. Maybe. 
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rorywritesjunk · 5 months
Let's be one another's present tense
Buggy ‘rescues’ you from an abusive situation, and after a less than stellar introduction, he has you audition for his crew to keep you safe. You want safety, security, and joining a circus seems like the best idea.
Rating: R-ish for now. 
Warning: Swearing, soft Buggy, sort of terrible communication but in a soft way, both of them are just a bit dumb. Kissing. Bath time for Buggy as well. Also insecure Buggy.
A/N: This story is opposite of my Kid Buggy series and I love that for myself. I'm also posting this chapter on mobile, so apologies if the formatting is weird but I wanted to get this chapter out and I'm impatient.
Title comes from “Crater Lake” by Lady Lamb. 
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 (NC-17) + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @neuvilleteismybby @fluffybunnyu @sinning-23 @the-angriest-angel @ane5e @fanshavegottensotoxic @honey-deerling
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Chapter 7
Honestly, confessing your feelings didn't make too much of a difference from what you two were previously doing, but now Buggy didn't wait until you were asleep to pull you into his arms, he did it when you were still awake, pressing soft kisses to your face and neck with promises of how he would keep you safe now, that he would take care of you. And you still prepared him a plate at breakfast, still made sure he ate, but now you made sure he had second helpings of his favorite food to get him through the day.
You still called him an asshole and he still called you a diva from time to time, but there was less bite to it than before.
Though sometimes you two still had arguments, mostly about your routine, which you were getting closer and closer to giving up on. Just a month after you two confessed to each other your feelings, it finally came to a head.
“You were under water for way too long!” Buggy snapped when you two were back in your room after a frustrating day. Both of you woke up late, breakfast tasted horrible, and several freaks kept messing up on their routines. Buggy was in a foul mood and you were just grumpy. You ignored him as you stripped off your wet clothes and started drying off with a towel. At this point being naked around each other wasn't a big deal.
“Four minutes!” You shot back. “I was only in there for four minutes, okay? And I'm fine!”
“No, four minutes is not okay!” He shouted. “That's too long!”
“Buggy, it's not a big deal!” You insisted as you pulled on one of his shirts to wear. You liked how they fit you and it was often your preferred item to wear for sleeping. Next was a clean pair of underwear. “I know what I'm capable of, okay? I wish you could understand that!”
“I know you're capable, I just don't like it!” Buggy snapped. “What if something happens when my back is turned, or your helper can't reach you?! I can't help you, remember?”
You crossed your arms and stared at him, worrying your lower lip between your teeth. If this was something he worried about…
“Well, why don't I just stop doing it then?” You suggested with a shrug, but when you saw the way Buggy's face fell you immediately regretted suggesting it.
“And then what?” He asked quietly. “Are you going to leave?”
That wasn't the question you expected. “What? No! Why would I leave?!”
“If you're not going to do it…”
“Then Cabaji can use me as target practice.” You sighed as you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him. “Look, clearly this isn't working.” You silenced him with your finger to his lips before he could fuss. “The routine, Buggy. You're stressing over it and I don't want you to stress, so what if I just… take a break from it for a while and work with Cabaji? You trust him, right?”
Buggy let the suggestion soak in. Okay, you weren't going to leave, you had a suggestion, and you still got to perform, which he was happy with. And yea, he trusted Cabaji. You would be safe working with him. No risk of drowning, just maybe a stab wound if he miscalculated a throw, but Buggy could deal with that. Maybe.
“I'll tell him about it.” Buggy mumbled as he leaned into your touch. “Just… don't leave.”
“Why do you think I'm going to leave?” You asked. “I just don't want you to stress. You've been stressing about this since I started it.”
Buggy just shrugged as he pulled back from you. “I need a bath.”
“Yea, you do, stinky man.” You sighed. Bathing habits of pirates was something you were still getting used to, and Buggy seemed to prefer going days without bathing before finally giving in, and right then you were grateful. You tried to get one at least every other day, but sometimes it didn't work that way. You had thought about taking one tonight but your little argument with your boyfriend distracted you.
Buggy sat down to unbuckle his boots but you stopped him. You could see how stressed he was, that he was feeling the frustrations from the day weighing down on him, so you knelt down and did it for him, setting them aside before pulling off his socks. Yea, you were washing his clothes tomorrow, you wouldn't take no for an answer on that.
“You don't have-”
“Shut up and relax.” You told him firmly. “Today was shitty and you're about to snap, so let me help, Buggy.”
He nodded and let you be in control. You stood back up and pressed a kiss to his forehead, resisting the urge to tell him who was in charge since he often liked to say that to you, whether being serious or playful, but you didn't want to rile him up. You needed him to take it easy.
“I'm going to do laundry tomorrow, so anything you want washed, go ahead and put it in the basket, Buggy.” You told him as you leaned down to unbutton his shirt. He just nodded, shrugging it off before standing up to take his pants off next. You moved over to the tub, starting the water to get it filled up. His hair needed to get washed and brushed out, and you wanted his face clean, so you grabbed the shampoo, brush, and the makeup remover and cleanser before returning to the tub.
“I can do this myself, y’know.” He mumbled as he tossed the dirty clothes into the basket. You shrugged and stuck your hand in the water to check the temperature.
“Do you want to?” You asked. “I can go do something else.”
“No, no.” He replied a little too quickly as he walked over to the tub and climbed in, lowering himself down into the water. “Just don't want you to think you have to.”
“Well, I want to.” You told him as you grabbed a towel to kneel on as you got yourself comfy behind the tub. “Now can I wash your hair? It got in my mouth last night and… it wasn't good.”
He smirked a bit and glanced back at you. “I can always put something else in your mouth, y'know.”
You tugged on a lock of hair when he said that before reaching in to push his shoulders down to get as much of his hair wet as possible. The bath water wasn't sea water thankfully, unlike some of it that came into the tank you would be submerged in. You knew that's why he felt helpless when you were in there, he couldn't help you if something went wrong.
“Maybe once you're clean.” You shot back playfully as you made sure his hair was wet. He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. You poured some of the strawberry scented shampoo into your hand before you began to massage it into his locks, dragging your nails over his scalp gently, eliciting a moan from him. You couldn't help but giggle at the reaction, ensuring his hair was well lathered before dunking him back into the water. “Mm, you like me touching you like that, Buggy?”
“Fuck, don't ask me that.” He hissed as you wrung his hair out before letting it hang outside the tub while you grabbed a towel to dry it.
“Why?” You chuckled as you made sure to get his hair dried before wrapping it up in the towel. “You don't want me touching you?”
“I do.” He grumbled as he sat up a bit in the tub. “I'll… do the rest. I don't need you to help.”
“But I want to.” You reminded him with a frown. “Please?”
He glanced back at you, cheeks pink with embarrassment, but he finally nodded. You leaned forward and kissed his cheek before grabbing a washcloth to clean his face with.
“Can I wash your face?” You asked. “And… can I touch your nose?”
“Why?” He demanded, narrowing his eyes. You held the washcloth up as well as the remover.
“I just want to clean your face.”
“It's real, you know that.”
“Buggy, I'm just asking to wash your face.” You told him gently. “And I'll try not to touch your nose, but I may need to. That's all.”
He wasn't sure about that. For one thing, you asked to touch his nose. He was used to others just touching it in the past, not believing it to be real, wondering if it came off or even honked. Those incidents were humiliating and uncomfortable for him, and what if this was all a ruse, you wanting to see if it did anything other than sit on his face? He couldn't cope. He didn't want you to.
“I'll wash my face.” He mumbled as he looked away from you. With a shrug, you handed him the cleanser and washcloth. You got up to get him a clean pair of pants to wear to sleep in. He glanced over as you moved, wondering if you were upset now. “Maybe… next time.”
“Okay.” You found a pair and tossed it on the bed before tossing his socks and shirt into the laundry basket. “Buggy, communication is a big thing, y’know, and while I'm no expert with relationships, we do gotta communicate.”
“We do!” He insisted. “You asked me something and I said no, so we communicated!”
“I'm not saying we don't, Buggy.”
“Then what are you saying?”
You resisted grabbing one of his socks and throwing it at him. “Buggy, don't bite my head off. I'm just trying to talk to you. Why are you so defensive?”
“Why did you want to touch my nose?” He shot back. You stared at him before throwing your arms up in exasperation.
“Communicating! I asked because I know it's something you're sensitive about!” You exclaimed. “Geez, would you have rather I just touched it?!”
“No! Just…” he huffed and looked down at the washcloth and cleanser before looking back at you. “I don't want you to feel disgusted or anything, okay?”
“I'm not going to.” You assured him as you went back over to the tub. “I'm trying to do the right thing and ask first, okay, just like you ask me before doing things for me.”
Buggy sighed and handed the cleanser and washcloth back to you, which you took back before kissing his cheek. You were gentle, wetting his face before using the cleanser, massaging it into his skin before using the washcloth to clean his face. You were mindful of his nose, though your fingertips brushed against it just for a moment, making him flinch but he didn't pull away from you. Once you were done and his face was clean, you turned his head so you could kiss him on the lips.
“All done.” You murmured as you started to pull away, but before you realized what was happening, both of Buggy's arms detached and were hauling you into the tub. You couldn't help but shriek as you were suddenly dunked in the bath water. “Buggy!”
“You need a bath too, Cupcake.” He said with a smirk as he pulled the soaking shirt off of you. “Might as well conserve water.”
“You asshole.” You said, your tone playful as you shimmied out of your underwear, tossing it aside with the wet shirt. “Those were my only clean pair.”
“Eh, laundry tomorrow.” Buggy shrugged as his arms wrapped around you and pulled you against his chest. “It's fine.”
Guess you were sleeping naked tonight.
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kittyt-hexxed · 1 year
Her Sunlight
Ambessa Medarda x Queen!POC!Reader AU
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Warnings: Sub!MILF!Reader, Past Heartbreak, Yearning, Missing your ex-girlfriend, memories of the past, surprise meetings, pet names, sensual sex, fingering, loving praise, love bites, lipstick marks, murder
Summary: You and Ambessa were lovers when you were younger. She was unaware of your true identity, but you were ripped apart before you could tell her. You ascended the throne in your country and she became a ruthless warlord in hers. You never thought you’d see each other again, but fate had other plans.
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Your darling baby girl is laying on your chest, fast asleep and clutching your necklace in her little hand. You smile softly and smooth her hair down before carefully taking the pendant from her. The large, sun-shaped red diamond glitters in the low candlelight, and when you tilt it you can see the initials engraved into it - A.M. The necklace had been a gift from a lover many years in the past, but it was a past you cherished with all your heart.
“Y/n!” Ambessa whisper shouts, beckoning you over to her before ducking through the door. You discretely look around and slowly back out of the room, slipping through the door. You gasp as your hand is grabbed and you’re yanked to the left. The next thing you know, you’re running down the hall and giggling along with your girlfriend.
“Bess, where are we going?” You whisper as she guides you down a vacant hall.
“Somewhere private.” Ambessa grins as she stops in front of a door, “Take a seat.” She opens it, letting you step inside first and you realize that you’re in her bedroom. You raise an eyebrow at her as she heads over to her vanity but you take a seat on the edge of her bed. You watch as she fiddles with something, making a noise of success when it does what she wants it to. You giggle as she turns around but pause at the nervous expression on her face.
“Is everything okay, my moonlight?” You knit your eyebrows in concern as she stands in front of you.
“Ah, I know we’re only seventeen… but I wanted to give this to you.” Ambessa opens her hand to reveal a beautiful necklace. The gemstone was carved into the shape of a sun, but it was a rich red instead of yellow or orange.
“A necklace?”
“Do you remember when I explained some of the Clan traditions? That the rarest kind of diamond - a red diamond - is only worn by those in the Medarda Clan and their chosen.”
“Oh!” You brighten up, “Yes, I remember. Only the one who put it on can take it off. You said it’s like a marriage propo- Ambessa, you’re not- proposing to me, are you?” Your eyes widen and your heart starts to beat harder at the realization.
“My sunlight.” Ambessa tilts your head up, “It doesn’t have to be, but I don’t see myself giving this to anyone else. I want to give this to you, as a show of my love. Will you accept it?”
“I’ll accept it.” You grin, your heart fluttering in your chest. You knew what this meant, but until the two of you could actually get married, it would be a symbol of your love.
The door to your chambers opens and your husband comes in with a glare on his face. He insisted on doing the council meeting, to your displeasure, as the council hated him. You knew they were going to tear into him, but he didn’t listen. You frown, feeling annoyed that he ruined the peaceful moment with his grouchy mood. He crosses the room and goes into the washroom but that wouldn’t change how you felt. You went back to coddling your daughter, running your finger along her chubby cheeks and allowing yourself to relax in the brief time you have left. Adel comes back into your chambers, dressed in his night clothes, and gives you a strained smile.
“Hello, my love.” Adel sits down on his side of the bed, “How has Nyomi been fairing?”
“She’s fine. She had some milk and she’s resting now.” You wave him off.
“We have four children, now.” Adel smiles, brushing your hair back.
“Five, actually.” You glance at him, “I’m three months pregnant.”
“Already?” His eyes widen, flicking down to your stomach.
“Yes.” You hum, pulling your dagger out of your bun, “I’m excited to greet my final child into the world. They’ll all be raised right, don’t worry.” With a twirl of your fingers, you jab the knife into his chest. He lets out a shocked grunt, eyes looking at you in betrayal and the life rapidly drains from them. Adel was a man you held no love for and he knew as much when he asked you to marry him. He was in love with you, but you did not return that affection. You saw him as a means to an end as you needed to have children and the person you wished to be with wasn’t able to be with you. Your goal was to have your children and be done with the man. Killing him ensures that he does not become bitter or resentful of you and turns around to attack your family.
“You’ve fulfilled your purpose.” You push his body off the edge of the bed. There's a loud thud as his body hits the ground and you feel your body relax as if all of your worries have disappeared. The door to your room opens and your handmaid, Marianne, comes inside. Her eyes fade from a frosty white back to their normal ocean blue. You were lucky to receive a pledge from a powerful seer such as your Marianne. Although, she would claim that it was fated.
“Would you like for me to get rid of his body, Radiance Y/n?” Marianne asks sweetly.
“Yes, pet.” You give her a soft smile, “Join me afterward.”
“As you wish, my Radiance.” Marianne curtsies, tossing your ex-husband over her shoulder, “Shall I wear the ribbons you like?”
“Come bare with some wine.” You get up from the bed to place your daughter in her crib, “We’re celebrating, after all.”
“I shall wake the concubines, your Radiance.” Marianne chirps, exiting the room with a skip to her step.
“Your future is assured, my sweet Nyomi.” You whisper and kiss your daughter’s head.
“Bess? Would you ever want children of your own?” You turn over in bed to look at your girlfriend. Ambessa pulls you into her arms with a contemplative look on her face.
“I would. The older I get, the more I realize that I want a family.” She nods, “Why do you ask?”
“Ah- I was just curious. My brother just had his first child, and I realized that we never talked about it.”
“Would you?”
“Would I like to have children?” You ask, receiving a nod, “I would. I know I can comfortably raise them, so I would.”
“So you’d want to have my children after we marry?” Ambessa smirks, “We are nineteen, after all.”
“You’ll be having my children. Thank you.” You tease her, making her laugh.
You sigh wistfully. That was the last time you saw her. The last time you got to be intimate with her was before the war came along. You had to leave Noxus that very morning when your collectors came for you. Noxus had tried to invade Helios, and it was no longer safe for you to remain within their borders even if no one knew you were one of the princesses. You were heartbroken and desperately hoped that Ambessa would not lose her life in the war… or that she resented you. All you left behind was a short note and the memories of your time together.
~ 25 Years Later ~
All of Noxus’ generals and warlords were seated around a large table. A meeting had been called so that they could discuss everything going on within the empire. Usually, they’re held on the first of every month, but Ambessa had been in Piltover with her daughter. They knew better than to pull her away from mother-daughter time since she cut off the last General’s hand. This meeting took all day, but it was necessary to make sure that things were running as smoothly as possible. Ambessa found amusement in watching the generals try to puff up their chests and convince the three leaders that they were more important. She saw no need in fighting over that, as actions spoke louder than words. And, to her, they were insignificant.
“Now, the main issue we must discuss is the country of Helios. This country is ruled by a monarchy and has avoided Noxus’ attempts to conquer it for decades. The current monarch is a formidable woman her people refer to as their Radiance. Surprisingly, our spies have not brought back any valuable information. That leaves us in the dark. I’d like to open the floor and ask if any of you know about this country.”
“How could none of our spies bring any information back? That’s preposterous!”
“Ugh, you mean that uppity country to our East?”
“I’d be careful with your words about them. They’ve recently become one of the major powers of the world.”
“I’ve heard that their information network is shut tight. If they can tell that you’re not one of them, they will not tell you a single thing.”
“That’s impossible! How could a country that large manage that? Surely there’d be some kind of underground!”
“Helios is a vibrant country.” Ambessa speaks up, drawing attention to herself, “My Clan was permitted to trade with them after I took over. The people are well taken care of and want nothing. They’re very strict on quality control when it comes to imports and exports, and their streets are spotless. The main imports requested are wine and certain fabrics they cannot make themselves. Their people are very friendly and they hold their monarch in very high regard.”
“It would be beneficial if we tried to come to some form of treaty with them. They can clearly hold their own, and who's to say they won’t try to invade us?” One of the more level-headed generals chimed in. That proposition causes some discord in the room. Many people laugh at the prospect of Noxus being invaded or taken over. They believe that the Empire is too strong, but Ambessa knows otherwise. She’s seen the power of Helios with her own eyes, blinded by the magic of the Queen when she was miles away from the fight. Those who were had been burnt to a crisp and Ambessa had left the battle shortly after. She was unknowingly pregnant with her daughter at the time and was relieved she was unharmed.
“We will send a small party of Ambassadors into the country to negotiate, if those fail, then we will proceed with the war once more… We will be sending Kevin, Fiona, Lamar… and Ambessa.” That makes her raise an eyebrow and the group goes silent. Sending her - a known Warlord - was a calculated move. It would be both a show of power and insurance that they brought no harm to the generals. It also was a bit of a reminder that their egos were getting too big if they needed a supervisor.
“They wouldn’t welcome us with a Warlord!” Kevin scoffs, “They’re going to throw us out if we cross the borders with her!”
“Weren’t you listening when Ambessa said that she had permission to trade with them? I think she’s welcome into the country regardless of being a Warlord.” Fiona snaps at him.
“We will see.” Lamar leans back in his chair, “There is a difference between attending for the purpose of trade versus a war negotiation.”
“Whatever happens in Helios will affect Noxus, so don’t do anything stupid.” Swain rolls his eyes, “Their Queen is not a kind woman. If you ruin this for the Empire, you can kiss your seat as General goodbye.”
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Marianne informed you that Noxian Ambassadors had requested permission to come to Helios and hold an audience with you. You had scoffed at the request but permitted them to come through. The Noxians have been trying to take your homeland for decades and failed to do so. Your people were well-trained and fought not for you but for their families. You could overcome anything if a family was what you fought for, and you only nurtured that thought in your people. After all, you had joined your people in the war even while you were pregnant with your children. When the attacks had completely halted a few years ago, you knew they’d be making a move to either fully invade Helios or negotiate. You knew that they had sent spies within the country in those quiet five years, but they did not receive any valuable information. For who were not the best spies but your own people? Encouraging loyalty and trust allowed your kingdom to prosper in ways Noxus could only dream of.
“They’ve been waiting on you for ten minutes, Lady Y/n.” Irene, your advisor, sighs in exasperation. You look up from your book and raise an eyebrow at her. Que another sigh.
“They’re in my kingdom.” You close your book and stand, “They will kneel before an empty throne for as long as I want them to. These Noxians have a lot of nerve coming into my kingdom after trying to take it from me. I want them to know that as long as they’re here… they’re under my thumb. The sun will shine on them only if I tell it to.” You smirk at her, getting a shake of her head. Irene knew your ways, but as your advisor, she was to remind you about the customary things. Even if you’d continued doing things your way, she would make sure you were aware of the customs. Whoever these Noxians are, you aren’t going to welcome them with open arms. They were going to learn that no matter what they did, your people wouldn’t fall to their pitiful Empire.
The doors to your throne room are opened, and you don’t even acknowledge the people kneeling with a turn of your head. Your gaze is kept solely on the throne until you’re seated and you catch the smirks on the faces of your guards as you get settled. They were always in the room to witness the way you worked, and they were excited about this one.
“You may gaze upon me.” You permit them to lift their heads, crossing your ankles underneath your gown, “Be grateful for it.” You observe each person’s face closely as they’re raised, taking in their expressions when they see you and noting how they look. There was a lot you could learn from a person’s face and right away you can tell that they weren’t happy. You felt smug until your eyes landed on the last person and you feel your heart stop. Even though she has aged, you’d never forget the face of the woman you’re irrevocably in love with. The woman who has haunted your dreams and waking life for the past thirty-five years. Her face betrays her shock at your appearance. ‘Now is not the time, Y/n. Address them first, and then deal with… Focus.’
“Speak.” You turn back to the person in front, looking down at them with a sharp gaze, “What brings you here.”
“We’ve come to talk about peace between our two nations.” The blonde-haired male - General Lamar - says, “We are aware of our past transgressions and wish to rectify it.”
“Past transgressions?” You scoff, “Years of war. Many lives were lost and for what? Your empire’s thirst for more land that does not belong to them? How many more countries will your people destroy?” The other man in the group - General Kevin - glares at you.
“Noxus is-!”
“-desperate.” You cut him off with a cocky smirk, “My kingdom stands in your way. We control the airways and waterways into other lands. Your armies will not get past my security, which is why you’re so desperate to take my land. Am I wrong?”
“You are not.” Ambessa’s deep voice reverberates through the room, through your very being, “Noxus is desperate. You are not wrong, your Radiance.” Oh, how hearing your title out of her mouth sends shivers down your spine. You couldn’t attempt to ignore her presence. Not any longer.
“Ambessa Medarda.” You hum, standing from your throne, “Noxus’ most successful Warlord and the head of the Medarda Clan. You have a lot of nerve showing up in these chambers knowing the tension between our two countries.”
“Does my presence offend you?” Ambessa raises an eyebrow at you, a silent challenge that makes you feel like a kid again.
“Not at all, but we must discuss your presence here.” You gesture to your guards, “Take the other three to their rooms. I will have a private word with this Warlord, and official negotiations will begin in the morning.”
“Yes, your Radiance!” Your guards shout as the side doors to the East wing open and one of your maids comes through.
“You’re dismissing us?” General Kevin crosses his arms, “After only saying two words?”
“Yes, General Kevin. After all, you brought a Warlord into my halls and didn’t think I’d notice.” Your words make their eyes widen, “When I am feeling more amicable, we can talk. As for now, get settled.” They hadn’t told you their names, but they didn’t need to. No one came into your castle without you knowing exactly who they are. Especially a Noxian General.
“Thank you for your kindness, your Majesty.” General Fiona bows, “You’re too gracious to let us stay within your castle.”
“Yes. I am.” You wave them off, silently watching as they’re escorted out of the room. It amused you that they believed you wouldn’t know who they are. You were blindsided by Ambessa, of course. You didn’t expect her to be sent here as she is a known Warlord. Then again, the last you had heard of her, she was in Piltover visiting her daughter.
You take a deep breath and turn to face the woman who has haunted your dreams, “Leave us. No one is allowed to enter.” You wave off the rest of your guards. They bow and you stare down at Ambessa as they vanish through the hidden doors. Not a word is exchanged between the two of you as she stands and takes slow, measured steps toward you.
“After all these years...” Ambessa speaks, an unreadable look on her face, “After all these years, I find you seated on a throne.”
“Bess, I-” Your voice fails you as apprehension and nervousness rise within you. You had left her in the middle of the night after a deep talk about your shared future. You had shattered that plan, and undoubtedly, her heart along with it. How could she look at you and not feel pure rage? Betrayal? Being alone with her like this leaves you exposed and easy to attack should she feel like running a blade through your chest. You could protect yourself, of course, but never against Ambessa. She was a woman who could subdue you in mere seconds, and you were sure that it hadn’t changed.
“You left me.” Ambessa states climbing the steps and making you take a hesitant step back, “You left me with only a note: I can’t explain why I’m leaving, but know that I have left my heart with you. I have never forgotten those words. And here you are now…” She tentatively reaches out and cradles your face in her large hands, towering above you as she did all those years ago. Although you’re the royal one, she radiates nothing but pure power and authority. The woman in front of you is unchanged by age. Everything about her reminds you of her childhood self, even the way she tucks a loose curl behind her ear.
“You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you.” Ambessa whispers reverently, making your eyes sting with tears. Her deep cocoa eyes show nothing but love and longing, none of the anger or hatred you expected to see within them. You can feel yourself crumbling in her presence, slipping into a mindset you had long forgotten. There was something in the way she held you, something in the way her eyes gazed at you so tenderly that made your heart weep.
“My moonlight.” You whisper, your hands resting against hers as she brings your foreheads together, “You must know that I never meant to leave you. Our countries went to war and my parents feared the Noxians would find out I was the princess. I had to return home for my safety. I-”
“-Ssshhh, my sunlight.” Ambessa’s words make your breathing catch, “You must know that I never stopped loving you. When you left, you took my heart with you, darling. To see you here is a shock, but a welcome one. I’m relieved that you’re safe and well for I feared what had happened to you.” She draws back and wraps her arms around you, pulling you to her. You let out a small gasp, resting your hands against her chest to stop yourself from falling into her. She hugs you tightly, squishing your face against her body as her strong arms make your legs feel like jelly. You had wanted to try and hold your decorum, but that was impossible with her. After so many years and in your older age, she still has a hold on you.
“I thought you would’ve hated me, my moonlight.” You whisper as tears roll down your cheeks, fisting the fabric of her shirt in your hands, “I wanted to find you and tell you, but between the war and taking the throne-!” Your eyes widen, taken by surprise by her lips being pressed to yours. The way her lips move against yours is a familiar rhythm that has you melting in her arms. Your kiss is bittersweet, like coming home after being away for years. Her lips fit against yours the way they always did, a tad rougher from the scar over them.
“You, my sunlight, have nothing to answer to. I mean look at you.” Ambessa gives you a wide smile, twirling you around to take in the extravagant dress you’re wearing, “A Queen. Not just any queen, but one who has successfully held Noxus off for forty years. One who has gained the unshakable loyalty of her people and is a force on the battlefield.” She escorts you to your throne, bowing and motioning for you to sit.
“I expect nothing less of the woman I love.” Ambessa smiles, taking the pendant of the necklace between her fingers, “I knew I made the right decision to give this to you.”
“I’ve kept my eye on you.” You smile, caressing her face, “You’re not a woman easily forgotten. A Warlord from a young age, a mother of three successful children, and the most renowned Medarda from trading alone.”
“You’ve done your homework.” Ambessa chuckles, eyes twinkling with youthful mischief, “Impressive.”
“As if you haven’t?” You tease her, “I’m sure you know everything about me that’s available to the public.”
“You mothered five children. Each one of them is a master fighter in their own right, but you gave them the freedom of life outside of the crown. You’re the strongest monarch to hold the throne, and the most beloved.” Ambessa states, kneeling before you and resting her hands on your thighs. If this was anyone else, they would be begging you for mercy for daring to touch you without your permission. But, Ambessa? There’s nothing you want more than for her to touch you.
“Yes.” You smile wistfully, “I raised them on my own. They’re my pride and joys, my children.”
“And what of their father?” Ambessa questions, attempting to hide her jealousy from you.
“You seem jealous, darling.” You raise an eyebrow at the stormy look in her eyes, “Are you?” Your heart was pounding in your chest. Ambessa was always possessive of you, making sure that the others around knew that you were hers. Her girlfriend. Her sunlight. Her future wife. The fact that she’s jealous of a man you held no love for is oddly attractive to you.
“I did say I wanted you to bear my children.” Ambessa’s hand snakes under your dress, gliding up your leg to rest on your bare thigh, “I am annoyed that a man got the honor of something he didn’t deserve.” The heat from her hand warms your thigh and makes you blush as she squeezes it.
“I did not love him.” You say, trailing a finger along her jaw, “He was dedicated to me and I used that to my advantage. I married him so that my children would have the same father, but once I was pregnant with my last daughter… I killed him.”
“You’ve always been mine, haven’t you?” Ambessa purrs, rubbing your thighs, “Even now, you’re still my sweet girl.”
“A-Ambessa.” You stutter flusteredly, unsure of what to say. Her hands on you make your mind feel fuzzy and it’s all you can focus on. She wasn’t wrong. You’re still hers after all these years.
“Hm? Something wrong, sweet girl?” Ambessa coos, “I can stop if you want me to.”
“No. No, I- Hold on.” You shift and stand up, lifting your skirt to expose your legs, “I’d like for you to continue.” You hook your legs over the arms of your throne, exposing your lack of underwear. When you were younger, Ambessa always asked you to be straightforward with her. She loved how flustered you could get and would challenge you to tell her what you wanted even when you couldn’t say it.
“That’s my girl.” Ambessa hums, her hand immediately caressing the inside of your thigh, “I’ve missed you so much.” She whispers, locking eyes with you as her fingers run along your slit. You bite your lip, head tilting back slightly as she pushes a thick finger in. A soft groan leaves your lips as she puts the second one in, slowly moving them in and out as she delights in your reaction.
“Don’t tell me you touch other women like this.” You crack your eyes open, idly wondering when you closed them.
“Like this? No. I take from the others. But with you?” Ambessa leans in, her lips hovering before yours, “I am more than happy to give you all of me.” She whispers, kissing you once more. You find yourself completely entranced by your ex-lover. The way she touches you has you seeing stars. Her fingers felt as though they were meant for you, running along your walls as if they owned you.
Ambessa watches you closely, drinking in how beautiful you look on your throne while moaning her name. Her necklace dangles from your neck, a physical reminder of the love she feels for you and the time you lost together. She felt possessive over you. She wanted you to be hers once again. That burning fire in her heart reignited the moment she saw you, and she’d be damned if she lost you once more.
Sweet, loving praises were whispered to you as Ambessa brought you closer and closer to your release. Her red lipstick was smeared along your thighs from the kisses and bites she left, and your lips were tinted from kissing her. Every soft whisper from her made you yearn for her. You wanted her back. You wanted her to be your lover once more.
You moaned her name when you orgasmed and you were swept up into her arms shortly after. There was nothing to say as she sits on your throne, holding you on her lap as you catch your breath. You rest your head on her shoulder, Ambessa rubbing your back and placing a kiss on your forehead. The two of you sit in silence, enjoying each other’s company after being apart for so long.
“I love you.” You whisper, playing with your necklace, “I’ve missed you, my moonlight. My heart has ached without you by my side.”
“I love you, my sunlight.” Ambessa tilts your head up, “Truthfully, I do not wish to leave you now that I have you.”
“Marry me.” You state, looking at her with determined eyes, “I have no husband and neither do you. I want you. I want you by my side for as long as we have left. And, it could be passed as a political marriage to Noxus. A way to get your country to end this stupid war before I’m forced to destroy it.”
“I would love to.” Ambessa holds you close to her, “But, I’m doing this for us. Not for Noxus. I want to be yours.” She kisses your knuckles, giving you a sweet smile that has your heart fluttering.
“Then, we’ll tell your Generals tomorrow.” You stand up, “In the meantime, you will be staying with me in my chambers.” Looking at Ambessa, you can’t help but think that she looks magnificent on your throne.
“And why is that?” Ambessa asks teasingly.
“I’m not done with you, yet.” You smile innocently, “Or rather, you’re not done with me.” You can see the lust in her eyes as she gazes at you.
“I am not done with you.” Ambessa agrees, standing and smirking at you, “It’s been too long since I’ve heard you screaming my name, my sunlight.”
“You’ll be my wife by the end of the week.” You shrug, “You’ll have much longer to hear it.” Ambessa puts an arm around your waist, caressing your face with her other hand.
“I love you.” Ambessa whispers, leaning in.
“I love you, too.” You whisper back. After all of these years, who would have expected that you and Ambessa would be with one another? Your decision is about to shake up the world, but you didn’t care. The love of your life has returned to you, and that’s all that matters.
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avastrasposts · 11 months
The Pilot and his Girl - ch. 18
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Finally some good news for our sweet Frankie and his girl, stuck in this nightmare The Last of Us universe that I so cruelly created for them!
Happy Frankie Friday!
Chapter 19
Series Master List
Word count: 6.7k
Warnings have their own post.
Life in the QZ is strange. It’s like living in limbo, it feels like you’re waiting for something but you don’t know what. A return to normal life? Or for this to feel normal? But at the same time there’s an ever present knot of fear in the pit of your belly, that the infection will spread inside the walls, or that the infected will get inside. Sometimes you forget about the knot but then something happens, a loud noise, someone shouting, a gun firing in the distance, and the fear returns. Having Frankie close helps, you always feel safe with him next to you. But you both work, mandatory for all inhabitants in the QZ if you want to eat. So most of the time he’s not by your side and you bite back the fear and try to get on it with. 
The first week you try to figure out your role in this new setting, how to talk to people about everyday things while you, and everyone around you, has gone through a type of trauma you couldn’t have even imagined only a few months ago. Your new co-workers all seem to handle the situation differently, some say nothing unless they have to, others never stop talking about what life was like before the outbreak. The worst ones complain about everything, the food, the work, the accommodation, until your supervisor tells them to shut the fuck up and docks their rations cards for the day. You didn’t even know that was a thing so you keep your head down and do your job. You’ve thankfully been put on kitchen duty, your skill as a cook the one thing that was deemed useful in the QZ. You spend your days inventing new ways of combining beans and rice, the two dry goods staples that there seems to be no shortage of, into new dishes for the FEDRA soldiers, including Frankie. 
Frankie has patrols and guard duty most days. He doesn’t tell you much about what he does, saying it’s all routine. Until one evening when he comes back late and there’s blood on his uniform and a bright cut on his cheek, his hands shaking as he unbuttons the shirt. You’re standing in the doorway of the bathroom, watching him struggle with it, so you gently push his hands away and slip the buttons from their holes, your fingers staining red with blood. 
“Talk to me, Frankie,” you say in a low voice, looking up at him as he looks down at your hands. 
He shakes his head, “You don’t need to hear it, cariño,” he says but you know that’s not how it works anymore. 
“You need to talk to me, Frankie, you can’t keep all the bad stuff inside just to protect me.” You push the shirt off his shoulders and drop it in the sink, filling it up with cold water, letting the t-shirt go the same way as he pulls it over his head. 
“I see some pretty grim stuff out there, I don’t want you to know how bad it gets,” he sighs as you gently push him down on the toilet seat, taking out the first aid kit. 
“You may want to protect me, but the people in the kitchen don’t care, they talk about all the stuff they’ve seen or what they’ve heard about from other soldiers,” you say, “I hear about the grim stuff every day.” 
Frankie seems to scan your face for a minute while you clean out the cut on his cheek, when you’re done he gently takes your hand and presses his lips to your palm. 
“I had to learn how to push the grim shit to the back of my mind when I was in the military,” he says, still holding on to your hand. “I made myself indifferent to the pain and suffering I saw others go through, just so that I could get on with the mission. Indifferent to the pain and suffering I inflicted. I don’t want you to have to do the same, cariño.” 
“If I ask you to tell me about the stuff you go through, I’m doing it to help you, I’m not going to be indifferent to that, Frankie,” You slip your fingers between his and make him stand up, unbuttoning his cargo pants and pushing them down. They’ve got dark mud stains along one side and you pick them up and dump them in the laundry basket. “I want to know what you go through, because I love you and I want to help you, so you don’t have to carry it all on your own. That’s kinda part of the whole ‘wife’ thing you asked me to be.” 
You see his mouth quirk up in a small smile as you poke his chest, “Get in the shower, Morales, and tell me about your day.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“Atta boy.” 
The second week of your time in the QZ sees your routine start to crystalize; get up, quick shower, breakfast with Frankie if your schedules match up, otherwise you head over to the big kitchen you work in and have breakfast there. You always stop by the service center first and scan the notice board that contains lists of people in this QZ and any updated lists of inhabitants of other QZ’s. So far none of your friend’s names have appeared on any lists. Only Benny and Hannah so far and Frankie hasn’t been able to get through to him yet, he only had a short message from Ben saying Hannaha and him were ok.
Once you’re done with breakfast you spend the rest of the day preparing and planning meals for the soldiers. The kitchen is in an old high school building, the large school kitchen ideal for preparing meals for big groups. The cafeteria now serves as a mess hall for soldiers rather than high schoolers and it’s bizarre seeing the high school banners and colors hanging on the walls over rows of men and women in army fatigues. You usually have the early shift and then you’re done by mid-afternoon, free to do what you want within the confines of the QZ. When Frankie’s shift ends around the same time he’ll meet you in the high school gym. He’s started training you, as he promised in his note for you, teaching you basic fight techniques and how to get away if someone grabs you. It’s exhausting, Frankie is not going easy on you, making you drip with sweat as he encourages you to punch his flat palms harder. Trying to break free of his grip is even harder, his weight and length makes it easy for him to just pin you down. But he makes you practice a few basic moves over and over until you are able to throw him off balance and break free most of the time. At the end of your second week in the QZ your body is aching, your knuckles are raw, but the bruise on Frankie’s jaw from is proof that you’d managed to learn something useful at least. 
On Monday afternoon of your third week you leave the kitchen and head for home. Frankie’s got a late shift and won’t be home until dinner time. You drop off an application for some clothes that you need at the donation center and take a new route home. You weren’t familiar with the city before the outbreak and Frankie had tasked you with learning your way around all the streets. He’d said it was a safety precaution in case something, anything, happened and you needed to move swiftly through the city. You hoped you’d never need the skill but you still took different routes home every day, wandering aimlessly, mapping the streets in your head. 
Today you come to a small square where some people have set up makeshift stalls, really just blankets on the ground, to sell anything they didn’t need. People would barter or trade for ration cards, the inofficial currency of the QZ. After a few miserable rainy days, the weather was nice again and it seemed to have brought out more people than usual, making you have to weave and dodge around the crowd as you make your way across the marketplace. You don’t notice the dark haired man crouching down by one of the blankets, talking to the owner selling an assortment of shoes. But he seems to sense you, maybe he catches a glimpse of your hair from the corner of his eyes, and he stands up, staring at your back as you weave past the last of the people. 
You hear your name called, a tentative tone to it, questioning if it’s really you and you turn, looking back at the crowd of people. At first you don’t see him, but then he steps forward, looking like he doesn’t trust his eyes. 
“Pope!” you gasp, your voice barely a whisper as you take a step towards him and it makes him spring into action. In a few quick steps he’s on you, his arms thrown around you, hugging you tight as you wind your arms around his neck, holding onto him as you feel tears start to well up in your eyes. 
“Pope, you’re alive!” you sob, your heart feels like it’s about to explode with relief and happiness, “You’re actually alive!”
“I am, and so are you, hermana, I can’t believe it,” Pope’s laughing into your ear as he hugs you tighter, “I can’t fucking believe it!” 
He pulls back, his arms still tight around your waist and looks down at your tear stained face. “Frankie?” he asks, his smile giving way to a pensive look and you beam at him through your tears, nodding. 
“He’s alive, he’s here too!” 
Pope blows out a loud sigh of relief and hugs you tight again, “Thank fucking god, I would’ve killed him otherwise.” 
“I’ve got so many questions,” you say, still buried against his shoulder, and he pulls back again, “what happened after you left the cabin?” 
Pope sighs, loosening his grip on you but his hands still holding on to your shoulders, shaking his head. “It’s a long story, so much shit went wrong.” He suddenly grips you harder, his eyes wide with fear, “Lucía? Is she with you, please, fuck, please tell me she’s with you!”
You open your mouth but nothing comes out, you don’t know how to get the words past your lips, but he sees your face and understands, without words he understands exactly. He drops his hands and steps past you, walking away from the market, and from behind you see him raise a fist to his mouth. You follow him, further away from the crowd, and when he stops you stand in front of him. He drops his fist, his eyes wide, staring towards the sky and you can see  tears collecting in his thick lashes. When he drops his gaze down to his boots tears drip down and you reach out and hug him, folding your arms around his neck, one hand on the back of his head. He doesn’t sob the way Frankie does, he trembles under you, shaking, but no sounds come from him, just his ragged breath. 
“How?” he asks eventually, lifting his head from where he’d dropped it on your shoulder. 
“We got to her house Monday afternoon, they’d been evacuated by soldiers, taken to Franklin. So we followed but…” you hesitate, the memory of the pile of dead bodies on the side of the road floats up to the forefront of your mind. Lucía’s mom with bullet holes, Lucía’s dress, Frankie’s voice when he thought she was alive, and the inhuman scream from her as she tried to attack him. The gunshot. 
“It was a nightmare, Santi,” you whisper. “They’d killed all the evacuees, they were all on the side of the road, shot.”
“I heard rumors about them executing people who weren’t infected, but even children…” 
“They were infected, or at least some of them were,” you interrupt him. “Lucía was infected, she…” you draw a shuddering breath, squeezing your eyes shut at the memory. “She was infected when we got there, we thought she was alive but then…Santi…” you look at him, dreading telling him the worst part of Frankie’s trauma. “She…Frankie had to…” you can’t bring yourself to say it, but he understands, his dark eyes reflecting your pain. 
He wraps his arms around you again and together you stand still, holding each other up as the images from that day swirl in your head again, and Pope begins to understand what kind of state Frankie will be in when he finally sees  his best friend again. 
Pope puts his arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk to your apartment, not talking much, he tells you where he’s living and skirts your question about what he’s working with. It raises a twinge of suspicion in you but you drop it. A lot of stories will need to be told to cover all the time that’s passed since you last saw Pope in your old apartment back home, and you’d rather have Frankie with you for that. He’s not home yet when you unlock the apartment door, he’s not due for another half an hour, so you point Pope to the couch and start dinner. 
“I have news about Benny and Hannah,” you say as you pull out a pot to boil rice. “They’re in the Arlington QZ, Frankie had a message from him a couple of days ago.” 
“Oh shit, really?” Pope says, sitting up straight on the couch, “are they ok?” 
“We don’t know anything except that they’re there and the soldier who told me hadn’t heard anything about Benny having a brother so we think Will isn’t with him.” 
“A soldier from the New York QZ told me recently about a guy who sounded very much like Will, but I haven’t been able to verify it. I’ve been asking around every chance I get.” 
“How would Will end up in New York though? That’s hours away even if you could drive the whole way.” You look over at Pope who just shakes his head, and shrugs. 
“I have no idea why he would be there, but that’s the only lead I have.”
A key in the front door draws your attention and Pope stands up, he’s directly in line of sight of the door and he’s grinning when the door swings open. Frankie’s got his eyes on a note in his hand as he walks through the door. 
“Cariño, they’re turning off the water tomor-” He stops dead in his tracks as he spots Pope. 
“Cada día eres más feo,”  Pope grins at Frankie’s stunned face before taking two steps and grabbing hold of his jacket, pulling him in for a bear hug. Frankie stumbles into him, hugging him back, still dazed. 
“Pope..how?” He pulls back from the hug staring at his friend, his face splitting into a grin as he claps Pope’s shoulders, “Where the fuck did you come from, pendejo?!”
“I ran into your girl on the street, she told me you guys just got here and invited me over.” Pope’s grin is as wide as Frankie’s and he’s grabbed hold of the other man’s face, looking at him like he can’t believe he’s real. 
“Fuck, you make it sound like you just dropped by for a fucking house warming,” Frankie says, pulling him in for another hug, “It’s fucking good to see you, hermano.” He lets go of Pope and, still grinning, kicks off his boots as Pope walks back to the living room. You’re leaning on the kitchen counter with a smile, looking at the two men reunite. Frankie comes over to you for a kiss before turning back to Pope. 
“Where have you been, how did you end up here?” he asks, sinking down on the couch and Pope joins him, grabbing hold of Frankie’s shoulder. You grab three glasses and a bottle of whiskey Frankie had found while on patrol, you’d been meaning to use it to trade with but this was better use. 
“Frankie,” Pope says, his voice suddenly serious as he looks at the other man, “I heard…about Lucía.” 
Frankie gives a short nod and drops his eyes, looking at his hands for a second before he grabs one of the glasses, you can see his hands start to tremble. 
“I can’t talk about it,” he says, before downing the whiskey, grasping hard at the empty glass as he looks up at you, seeking your support. 
“I get it, man, I’m…” Pope drifts off, tilting his head back and looking at the ceiling. “Fuck.” He draws a deep breath and accepts the glass of whiskey from you, you refill Frankie’s and then your own. 
“So you guys go to the cabin?” Pope asks, looking over at you. 
“Yeah, we got there early Sunday evening, we saw your note and left for Lucía’s place early Monday morning.” you say, sitting down next to Frankie on the couch. “After…” you glance over at Frankie who’s dropped his gaze back to his hands, “after we went back to the cabin. And we stayed there until a few weeks ago, hoping any of you guys would turn up but no one did. We survived on Denny’s supplies but when they ran out we had to head out and find more. Things went bad and we got attacked by looters, they took the supplies we had left and held us prisoner at their farm.” You shudder at the memory, still too fresh in your mind. “Frankie got us out, killed them, but our supplies were lost so we had no choice but to come here.” 
“I tried getting back to the cabin but I was injured,” Pope says, pulling up his shirt and showing a fresh scar on his right side. “I was on the bike, just as I was getting into Lucía’s town some fucking hillbilly took a shot at me. I crashed the bike, managed to kill the guy when he came after me, but then I lost consciousness. Next thing I know I woke up with a rifle against my chest, nearly got shot again.” Pope takes a sip of his whiskey, shaking his head at the memory. “It was a military convoy going through town collecting evacuees, probably the same one that picked up Lucía. They were killing anyone infected or injured but I told them I was Special Ops and they patched me up.” He looks over at Frankie’s who’s lifted his eyes and is looking at Pope as he tells his story. 
“Frankie, if I’d known…they told me they were taking the whole town to the QZ, so I went with them…I…” 
“It would’ve been too late,” Frankie shakes his head, “It wouldn’t have made any difference. I know how she got infected and it would’ve been too late even if you’d gotten there before the soldiers.” 
You look over at Frankie, he’d never said anything about how she got infected before and as he sees your questioning look he takes your hand. 
“It was the fucking pancakes, the box mix. FEDRA has information about the infection starting in the food supply, in cereal products like pancake mix. Her mom always used the fucking box mix even though I told her it was shit.” His shoulders sag and he takes another long sip of the whiskey. 
“Fuck…” you breath, trying to process the information. 
“I’d heard rumors about that too,” Pope says, “that’s what people are saying but FEDRA has never confirmed it.” 
“Why do you think they serve only beans and rice to the soldiers?” Frankie says, looking over at Pope, “I’ve got fucking beans and rice coming out of my ears.” 
“What happened after you got to the QZ, Pope?” you ask. 
“It wasn’t set up like it is now, they had a temporary set up, blocked off streets with barricades while they set up a fence.” Pope shoves his hand through his thick hair, his eyes suddenly very tired, “I don’t remember much, I got septicemia, I was out of it for the better part of a month, they didn't have enough antibiotics, most of the supplies got destroyed in the outbreak. The major hospital here caught fire and burnt almost clean to the ground.” He leans back against the couch and sighs, “It’s not been good in here, by the time I was back on my feet the wall had gone up, FEDRA had taken control and they control who leaves the QZ, and who comes in. You’re not allowed to leave unless you’re being transferred to another QZ.” He looks over at Frankie, still in his uniform, “And you’re working for them, Fish?” 
“Yeah, it was the only way we could get in,” Frankie says, “And it comes with benefits, but I’m starting to see some sides of FEDRA I don’t like.” 
You nod next to Frankie, you’d heard the stories too by now. The staff in the kitchen would complain loudly about the food, the work they had to do, the accommodation, but never about FEDRA so that the supervisors could hear. But at breaks, and in whispered conversations in the dry good storage, you were told about the injustices in the system FEDRA had put in place. From small things like docking rations when you turned up late to work, to things that made your skin crawl, FEDRA soldiers abusing their power by demanding services from women in the QZ, especially those who didn’t have family to protect them. One of the women in the kitchen had looked at you with envy, “You'll be protected, your guy´s one of the officers, just make sure you know where he gets any extras he comes home with.” You’d told Frankie about the conversation and his eyebrows had furrowed, a dark look in his eyes. 
“Yeah, I’ve stayed away from them,” Pope says, “I gave them a fake name when they put me in the hospital.” You raise your eyebrows in a questioning look and he chuckles, “Some habits die hard, I try to stay under cover when I can.” 
“So that’s why I haven’t seen your name on any of the lists of residents!” you exclaim, reaching over and slapping his arm, “We’ve been looking every day for you, pendejo!” 
“You teaching her the bad words now, hermano?” Pope smiles and bats your hand away. “She definitely picked that one up from you, I’m sure,” Frankie retorts with a grin and you can’t help but feel happiness bubble up inside you as you see his smile, having Pope back was a god send, especially for Frankie.
“I’m gonna plate dinner, you guys wanna keep up with the whiskey or switch to water?” 
“Water,” Frankie immediately says, “I have an early shift tomorrow.”  
Dinner stretches on late into the night, despite Frankie needing to get up early the next day. You talk about your friends, about memories from before the outbreak, all three feeling the need for a break from the grim reality you now live in. Halfway through dinner Pope notices the ring on your left hand ring finger and grins big.  “Congratulations,” he smiles and points to your hand and you grin as you look down at it. 
“Thanks, Frankie decided to be a romantic despite the world ending.” 
“Good job, Fish, told you she’d say ‘yes’.” 
“You knew?” you ask with a surprised look on your face. 
“Of course! I helped him pick the ring. Although, the one I suggested had much bigger diamonds, just so you know.” 
Frankie gives him a friendly slap on the arm, “Shut up, you know why I picked this one and not your fake looking iceberg.” 
“Why did you pick this one? I meant to ask you but I forgot with everything that happened.” You hold up your hand so that you can look at the thin gold band, three small diamonds in a row.
“Three diamonds, one for you, one for me, one for Lucía,” Frankie says, his voice low. “And room for more diamonds if we have kids together.” 
“Frankie…” you whisper, taking his hand and pulling it to your heart. He gives you a small smile and Pope slaps his back. 
“Go on, Fish, kiss her, I won’t look.” 
That makes Frankie chuckle and he pulls you onto this lap, making the old chair creak under your combined weight as he holds you close for a long kiss, tangling his fingers in your hair until Pope clears his throat and pours more whiskey, calling for a toast. 
In the end Frankie tells Pope to crash on the couch rather than walk home, the curfew is about to go into effect anyway. Frankie gives him the spare blanket as he pulls his sweater off, you disappear into the bathroom for a quick shower. 
“I’m really happy she found you, man,” Frankie says, putting his hand on Pope’s shoulder, “It’s a fucking weight off my chest seeing you in one piece.” 
Pope grabs Frankie and pulls him in for a hug, grabbing hold of the back of his neck to hold him tight. “Same, man, it’s good to see you. And I went through fucking hell leaving her at your apartment, Fish, but she wouldn’t leave you behind. And the relief when I saw her today, you have no idea. And then you too.” 
“Yeah,” Frankie mumbles, his arms tight around Pope, “she’s been my rock, she never gives up on me. Even when I’m about to give up on myself.” 
Pope pulls back, looking at his friend’s dark eyes, “Shit got dark, I almost walked away, after Lucía…” Frankie shakes his head, dropping his eyes from Pope’s steady gaze. “I knew I had to keep her safe, but then, when I got her somewhere safe, I was gonna leave, let her get on with her life without my broken ass. But she never gave up on me.” 
“If you’d walked out on her, I would’ve tracked you down and slapped your sorry ass,” Pope’s voice is gentle despite his words as he pulls Frankie’s head against his so that their foreheads are touching. “I know the shit you’ve already gone through, Frankie, before all this, and I can see the shit you’re dealing with now. But you’ve got her, and you’ve got me, and I’m not fucking giving up on you this time either.” 
Frankie gives a small nod, and Pope lets go of his neck.
“Better get some sleep, hermano, early start,” he says, picking up the blanket and shaking it out over the couch. 
“Yeah, I’ll see you in the morning, Pope,” Frankie says, giving the man’s shoulder a final squeeze before he heads into the bedroom. You join him a few minutes later after saying good night to Pope too. Curling up next to Frankie, his arms wrapping around you, you grab his cheeks between your palms, pressing a kiss to his soft lips. 
“I’m never giving up on you either, Frankie.” 
Early next morning Frankie drags himself out of bed and you follow him, getting breakfast ready for the three of you as he’s in the shower. Santi is sitting bleary eyed on the couch, rubbing the crust out of his eyes. 
“How’d you sleep? Not sure how comfortable that couch is,” you say to him as you get the coffee going. Thank god for endless coffee shops, at least there’s plenty of coffee to go around for now. 
“Between the whiskey, good food and finally knowing you guys are safe, I slept like a baby,” he yawns. “I was thinking though, we should try to get a message to Benny, see how things are in Arlington. Maybe it’s worth transferring there, team up with Benny and we could all go back to our old apartments, if they’re inside the QZ.” 
“From what I hear, it’s not too hard to get a transfer, the difficult part is actually getting to the QZ,” you say, pouring milk into Santi’s coffee and handing it to him as he comes into the kitchen. 
“You shouldn’t be using your rations on me, hermana, I’ll pay you back,” he says but accepts the coffee gratefully. You pour another mug for yourself and Frankie before you pull out the powdered eggs and tinned ham .
“Don’t be silly, Pope, you know it doesn’t work like that, we’re family, now more than ever.” 
“I’m grateful anyway, you know that.” He hooks an arm around your shoulder, giving you a squeeze, before he sits down at the small table. Frankie ambles into the kitchen, pushing his fingers through his damp hair and grabs his coffee too before pulling out a frying pan to cook the ham while you deal with the “eggs”. Before long you’re all sitting down for breakfast. 
“Pope thinks we should try to talk to Benny and see how things are in Arlington and maybe get a transfer.” You say to Frankie and he nods. 
“I was thinking the same thing, we have a good chance of getting a transfer there as it’s our hometown. The trick is actually getting there in one piece, I’m not risking your life again, cariño,” Frankie puts his hand on your leg, but Pope shakes his head. 
“I heard FEDRA does convoys with supplies between cities, you’re military, you’d get a lift with that, both you and her, no problem.”
“And you? How’d you get transport?” You ask, giving Pope a worried look, “you’re not even here under your real name.” 
“I’ve made a few connections, a couple of people owe me big favors,” he grins, “I’m sure I can get a seat on a convoy.” 
“Always making deals, always have a way, you don’t change, Pope,” Frankie says, looking at his friend who raises his coffee mug in mock salute. 
“You know it, Frankie!”
“When do you think you can arrange for a radio call with Benny?” you ask Frankie. He’s the one who has the best chance at getting a radio call approved, with his rank in FEDRA. 
“In a couple of days probably, I’ll put in the request today. I’ll try to schedule it for an afternoon that you’re not working, all three of us should be there.” Frankie looks over at Pope, “What are you doing for work? You’re not in FEDRA, but you’ve got to eat, right?” 
Pope waves his hand in a vague gesture, “A bit of this and that, I do those daily jobs they’re always looking for people to do.” 
“The stuff no one else wants to do?” you ask, raising your eyebrows, “I hear they’re really nasty jobs, burning bodies, sewage details, that kinda stuff.” 
“Better me than some poor civvie,” Pope says with a shrug, “I’ve seen much worse, I can handle it.” 
“Santi…” you say, shaking your head, “you could do a lot better than that, FEDRA will take you any day, you could patrol with Frankie.” 
“And have Fish give me orders?” Pope chuckles, giving a mock salute at Frankie, who grins. “No, no offense, Fish, but I don’t think FEDRA is the way to go for me. There's a bit more to be done on the private side.” He drains his mug and pushes back from the table, getting to his feet, “Besides, I’m staying with a woman who’s good enough to share her rations when I bring home useful stuff.” 
“What do you mean ‘bring home useful stuff’?” Frankie asks, looking up at Pope who’s got a sly grin. 
“You know, stuff ration cards don’t cover, or stuff that’s hard to find. You know me, I always had a nose for finding useful things.” 
“Pope, man, are you going outside the wall?” Frankie says, standing up and looking at his friend with knotted eyebrows. 
“Never, too risky,” Pope says immediately and you both know he’s lying through his teeth with how fast his reply is. “Anyway, I’ve got to go, gonna go see if I can pick up a job today. Let me know when the radio call with Benny comes through, ok?” 
“Yeah, sure, I’ll come find you as soon as I know,” Frankie says and Pope pulls him in for a hug.  “Mantente a salvo, hermano.” 
“Tú también.” Frankie claps Pope’s back before the younger man heads out the door. 
“He’s definitely lying about not going outside of the wall,” you say to Frankie after Pope has left. 
“Yeah, he’s a world class liar but not good enough for his friends,” Frankie shakes his head. “FEDRA puts people who got outside the wall in lock up, repeat offenders are locked up for good, transferred to a prison near San Antonio. I hope he’s fucking careful, both for his sake and for ours.” 
“I just hope he doesn’t get himself infected,” you say, “I hate that I have to worry about him too now, not just you.” 
Frankie takes your hand, taking the dirty dishes from you and putting them on the counter before pulling you into his arms. “Pope’s a big boy, he can handle himself, and he doesn’t need you worrying about him.” He leans down and puts his forehead against yours, looking at you so that all you can see are his warm, brown eyes. “Don’t worry, cariño lindo.” 
“I can’t help it, I know what you face some days, and it scares me.” 
“I’m better trained than almost everyone in FEDRA, and I’m extra careful, and do you know why?” 
You shake your head gently, Frankie’s hands coming up to cup your cheeks, running his thumbs over the soft skin. 
“Because I have you to come home too. Every decision I make when I’m out on patrol is based on you, coming home to you, that’s my priority, everything else comes second.” Frankie brushes his lips over yours, “Hermosa….” his warm breath ghosting over your skin, “Every morning I leave your warm body in our bed, and every second of every day it’s the one thing that keeps me going, knowing that I get to come home and crawl into bed next to you.” He presses his plush lips against yours and you feel yourself melt into him as you wrap your arms around his waist. 
“You’re gonna be late,” you mumble into his mouth and he tilts his head, slipping his tongue in between your lips. 
He is late that morning but only five minutes and when his C.O. asks why he says he was stopped by civilians asking for directions. And it turns out it’s lucky he’s late because everyone else has already gone down to check out their guns from weapons storage when the radio call comes in from Arlington QZ and he gets sent up to answer it. 
“Franklin QZ, Captain Morales here. Go ahead Arlington, over.” 
“Fuck me! Catfish! Is that you?!” Benny’s shocked voice comes over the radio, forgetting all radio commands. 
“Benny!” Frankie yells down the microphone. “Yeah, it’s me! So good to hear your voice, man! How are you?!” 
“I’m good, Fish! I couldn’t believe it when I heard you both made it to Franklin! I’ve been worried fucking sick about you and the rest of the guys!”
“I’ve got even better news, pal,” Frankie laughs, “Pope’s here too! Ran into him out of the blue and he’s been here the whole time, got here a few days after the outbreak.” 
“No fucking way! That’s awesome” Benny laughs down the radio channel but Frankie swallows, he knows he needs to ask about Will and he braces himself for bad news. 
“Benny, I’ve got to ask, is Will with you?” The silence that follows is telling and Frankie squeezes his eyes shut, pressing his knuckles into the eyelids. 
“No,” Benny’s voice comes back after a long pause, “I haven’t heard from him since the outbreak. I was meant to have dinner with him and Hannah that night, but then shit started popping off and when he didn’t come home Hannah and I got really worried. She stayed behind at their house, and I took the car to go look for him at the office. I tried getting to it but there were infected everywhere, and…” The line goes quiet for so long Frankie starts to think the connection’s been lost before Benny’s voice finally comes through the static. “The building was on fire, that restaurant by the entrance, something must’ve made it catch, because it was blazing. If he was still in the building…or in the street…” 
“Pope said he’d spoken to a soldier from the New York QZ who mentioned a guy who sounded like Will,” Frankie says, just to give Ben some semblance of hope. 
“I’ve asked everyone, Fish, every QZ we’re in touch with, no one has heard of William Miller.” Even through the crackling line Frankie can hear Benny’s deep sigh, “I’m not giving up but…Hannah’s grieving him, she doesn’t think he made it, and the more time that passes…” Benny’s voice drops off. 
“I’m really sorry, Ben, I really am, man, but I’ll keep asking here too, ok?” 
“Frankie, when Ingrid told me about you guys being in quarantine she said it was only you and your girl…?” 
Frankie was expecting Benny to ask but he still feels his throat close up as the memory of his daughter surges to the surface and he clenches his fists, nails digging into his palms. He shakes his head, his eyes on his hands, before he remembers the other man can’t see him. 
“She didn’t make it,” he presses out between his teeth and the tension in his voice lets Benny know, through the patchy radio line and miles that separate them, how fragile Frankie is. He’s quiet on the other end when Frankie lets go of the button, pressing it down on his end to speak but he can’t find the words, opening his mouth to say something but closing it again. Finally, after what feels like minutes he just breathes out a low Fuck over the airwaves. 
“Yeah,” Frankie’s voice comes through, low and tight, and the silence stretches between them again untill Frankie shakes his head to clear it, “Listen, Benny, I’ve got to go, what’s the message for HQ?” 
“Sorry, man, didn’t mean to keep you,” Benny says, picking up a folder at his end. “There’s a convoy coming through, ETA Monday next week. Three transfers, agreed upon supplies and ammo, all accounted for.” 
“Ok, got it, I’ll pass it on.” Frankie responds, jotting down the information on the pad next to the microphone. “Listen, we were talking about applying for a transfer over to Arlington, all three of us, what do you think?” 
“Yeah, absolutely man, put me down as a reference on the application, I’ll get it through. I don’t think Arlington is in any better state than Franklin but at least we’ll be in the same QZ.” 
“Ok, good, we’ll get that done. I’ve gotta sign off now, Benny. Fucking great hearing your voice though, man.”
“Same, Fish, really fucking same, stay safe, all of you.” 
Benny hesitates, Frankie can hear it in his voice, years of knowing Benny and he can all but see the look on the younger man’s face. “I’m really sorry about Lucía, I loved- love her.” 
“Thanks, Benny,” Frankie pushes his nails into his palms again. “I’ll talk to you soon, man, ok?” 
“Yeah, talk to you soon and see you soon, gonna be good, man.” 
Frankie signs off and leans back in his chair, taking a moment to shove the memories of Lucía into the back of his mind before he goes on duty. He hears steps in the corridor and looks up, his C.O. looking in through the door. 
“Everything ok, Morales?”
“Yes, sir, just gonna pass this message from Arlington to HQ.” 
“Good, sign out your gun when you’re done and join Johnsson in the training yard.” 
“Yes, sir”. 
He pushes up out of the chair and gets to work, forcing his mind into soldier mode for the rest of the day.
Chapter 19
A note on how Pope greets Frankie: "Cada día eres más feo" (Every day you're uglier). It's what Frankie says to Pope when they greet each other in Triple Frontier (so it felt fitting to use here), except Pedro says something along the lines of "Ca´día más feo"if I'm hearing it correctly. I had to ask the latino husband and he says it's basically just sloppy Spanish, dropping half the words and mashing the rest together. So I went with the grammatically correct version, husband approved. 😅
Taglist: @pimosworld @i-own-loki @casa-boiardi @littlenosoul @stormseyer @mxtokko  @javicstories @nunya7394 @welcometothepedroverse
139 notes · View notes
izgnanik-a · 10 months
Could we get a smut writing where Soap actually does join the reader and Gaz?
I already have my list filled up with pre-picked characters, but I’ll give you a little 🎁 while I’m out and about 😇 :
Referring list: ABC’s CoD Masterlist
Smut below line ⬇️ MINORS DNI - 18+ only
Help Me Get Away From Myself
Pairing: Kyle Garrick x Reader (feat. Johnny MacTavish) Word count: ~4K words Mostly proofread 🤷🏽
Tags: dub-con, threesome (mmf), p-in-v, anal, reverse cowgirl, cowgirl, breeding kink, double penetration, oral (f & m receiving), spit-roast, multiple f orgasms, vaginal fingering, light choking, spanking
18+ only - MINORS DNI
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Kyle had you by the nape of your neck as he pushed you firmly against the back of the barrack’s dorm door. His lips already pressed tight to yours.
“I’ve been waiting,” he kissed you, “all day for this.” He squeezed your ass, grinding you forward onto his hardening cock. “You don’t even understand.”
You’d been in and out of his sight for the following weeks, a teasing gift dangled in front of him only to be taken indoors to straighten out paperwork, or physical training.
You’d been awake for the past 16 hours. Despite it all, you were just as wound up and hot for your boyfriend as he was for you. Maybe more.
“Arms up.” He directed, habit of having obtained his new role as corporal. He’d hoped to be a SGT or LT one day, but settled in his new seat of corporal well.
And like a good soldier, you put your arms up as he rolled your shirt over your head. You returned to his mouth as soon as you could, wrapping your arms around his neck, and grinding into him.
He moaned as he pushed back, unclasping your bra.
You put your arms down momentarily to drop it by your feet and return to holding him.
Pushing you up against the wall instead of the door, he hoisted you up to cling onto his hips. “You know,” he said between breaths and kissing. “If I’d known.. how much time it would.. take to get my hands on you again.” He cupped your face to hold your gaze. “I would have been thorough the last time I fucked you.”
“We can make up for lost time.” You smiled as he sunk back into you, already reaching for your uniform belt and slacks.
He got it undone before his private bathroom door was coming open, and you gave a startled shout as you shielded your chest.
Kyle looked over. “For fuck’s sake Johnny.” He grumbled, “Stop letting yourself in.”
MacTavish, standing in his comfy clothes, straight from the shower, was unbothered by the sight in front of him. Having seen you naked several times before from when Kyle and him shared a barrack room in bootcamp.
“You have better water pressure. Where else am I supposed to go? LT’s?”
Their lieutenant, Simon Riley, was a man who bites when someone steps on his toes.
“He’ll be all more the happy if he catches you taking a shower.” Kyle joked.
“You think so?” Johnny perked up. “He’s not too bad on the eyes—“
“Kyle.” You whined.
You were still pressed up against the wall, topless, and flushed red in embarrassment with your pants undone. You would’ve been even more upset if Kyle had been a little quicker with putting it in you, and he’d stopped mid thrust to talk to Johnny.
The least he could’ve done with put you down so you could grab your shirt.
“What?” Kyle hummed, his shoulder blocking sight of Johnny. “He was just leaving. Right, Johnny?” He turned to look again.
Johnny shrugged, “Not unless you need another person to watch for foul play.” He snorted, his tone was half serious.
Kyle tilted his head at Johnny and then you, as if it were a question that you were supposed to answer.
You looked at Johnny. “No. We’re fine.” You blushed.
Johnny shrugged, grabbing his hygiene bag and walked past you and Gaz to the door. “Suit yourself.” He teased.
Gaz kept his eyes on you, gears turning in his head. “Johnny?”
The door was half open, anyone walking by in the hall would see you if he wasn’t quick to shut the door. But he stood there like a big dumb boulder in the doorway, keeping it wide open.
“Come back in and shut the door.”
Your eyes flashed with surprise at your boyfriend.
Johnny did as he was told. Turning until his back was against the door.
“Come’ere.” Kyle gestured towards himself as he fit his hands under your ass, pressing his stomach to yours.
Johnny came right up to his side, his chest practically touching Kyle’s bicep. “You need something?” He let his eyes fall on you, and then your clasped breasts.
Your boyfriend smiled at you devilishly. “Yeah. I think I do. You mind sharing?”
“Not at all.” He purred.
And both men looked at you like you were a stack of delicious steaks, ready to tear into.
“Get on the bed Johnny.”
He wasted no time crossing the room, sat on the edge of the bed and watched.
Kyle cupped your face, “You alright?”
You glanced towards the other man in the room, noticing his bulge pushing up against his sweats.
“Eyes on me love.”
Kyle kissed you again, suckling on your bottom lip before drawing his fingertips down your shoulders and over your hands on your chest.
“Don’t worry about him.” He hummed against your tongue, “I’ll make sure he uses you nice before I show you how much I missed you.” Interlinking his fingers with yours, he pulled your hands away from your chest and gave Johnny an eye full of them.
You moaned as Gaz rolled his hips into you, rubbing against your clothed cunt. Unable to pull your fingers free from his, he dragged your hands up against the wall as he grinded into you.
He moved to your neck, suckling and biting at your collar as you panted.
You looked toward Johnny.
His eyes were fixed on the way Kyle’s lips mouthed on your flesh, encircling the roundness of your breasts, and perfect dark shade of your nipples. You could see his hunger grow when Kyle latched his mouth around one, teasing the bud with his tongue, and sucking hard until you quivered and moaned against him.
“Sounds rightfully sinful.” Johnny remarked.
Kyle smirked against your breast, “Tastes good too.” He looked up at you. “Let Johnny have a taste of you. Yeah?” He dropped your hand to latch one in your open slacks. Pushing into your underwear, he lathered the overwhelming slick of your folds between his fingers.
You cried out, clutching his hand from over your slacks. “Kyle—“ you moaned.
“She’s soaking wet.” He chuckled. “Does it make you hot because you know I might let Johnny fuck you?”
You moaned again as he dragged his fingers back and forth before pulling his hand out.
His fingers glistened with your slick.
Johnny crossed the room again, taking Gaz’s wrist before fitting his lips around them and sucking the taste of you into his mouth. He licked between them before licking his lips. “So cruel.”
Kyle hummed in agreement. “You want more?”
“Yes sir.” Johnny replied.
Kyle grasped your lower back and thigh before moving to set you down on both feet, and your hands fell back over your chest. “Kyle—“
“Do me a favor, Johnny, if she covers her chest one more time, spank her.” Kyle announced. “She likes when you spank her.”
“Is that right?” His hand grasped one of your wrists before pulling it from your chest. “You heard the man.”
Kyle kissed your cheek and neck as he began tugging your slacks down, massaging his hands into your ass before pulling them lower. “Johnny’s gonna get you nice and ready before he takes you, and you’ll suck me off. Alright?” He kept your underwear on as he pulled your pants off your feet.
You stared up at Johnny as Kyle kissed you.
Kyle lightly smacked your ass. “Yes or no?”
You flinched, pressing your lips together as you tried to remain composed. “Yes.”
He held your face in his hands. “I love you.”
You nodded as he moved in to kiss, “I love you.”
Kyle wrapped his arms around your lower back before hoisting you and turning your back to Johnny’s.
You felt the warmth of Johnny’s hands on your ribs and then the press of his cock against your ass. You felt the ghost of his fingers along the sides of your breasts before stronger hands grabbed them and pushed on them.
“Like this.” Kyle instructed, guiding Johnny’s fingers to tease your nipples while squeezing your breasts. “She likes it rough.”
The fact that he was talking about you in front of him was making you pant.
“Isn’t that right?” He gripped your chin with a teasing smirk, pushing your head back against Johnny’s chest.
You arched your back and whimpered as Johnny refused to let up on pinching and rolling your nipples between his fingers. “Yes.”
Johnny pressed his lips to your cheek, holding you against him with one hand on the base of your neck and the other gliding down towards your underwear. “Like this?” His palm pressed into your throat, gentle, but his fingertips squeezed your carotid.
You shut your eyes in bliss.
“Just like that.” Kyle hummed in delight as he watched Johnny’s fingers slip into your underwear and lather them between your folds.
You moaned, bucking against his fingers, and he hissed as you pushed back against his cock.
“Bring her here.” Kyle said as he settled on the bed, bringing his pants down and releasing his cock.
Johnny practically dragged you forward, fisting a hand in your hair firmly and bringing your head down to his cock.
“Now you’re getting it.” Kyle chuckled before moaning when your lips wrapped around his cock. His hand joined Johnny’s as he watched you bob your head.
Johnny clasped your hips, “Can I take this off?”
You lifted your head to speak, but Kyle’s hand in your hair was firm. With just enough space to speak over his cock, you panted, “Yes.”
Kyle nodded and Johnny rolled your underwear off your hips.
“Bloody— Jesus.” He groaned as he pulled your cheeks apart, staring at your glistening cunt.
“Smack it.” Kyle insisted. When Johnny hesitated, Kyle leaned over your back, and slapped a hand over your ass cheek.
You whimpered over his cock.
Another slap landed on your opposite cheek, by Johnny’s hand. It was heavier, bigger, you clenched up and still whimpered.
“I can see why you took this one for yourself. You’re rightfully blessed.” Johnny praised.
Kyle smiled as he combed your hair from your face, gathering it in his fist again, and sunk back on his elbow. “Eat her out. Then you can fuck her.”
Johnny gave in to impulse and sunk his teeth into your ass cheek. He smirked when you flinched only to push back into his mouth. “Yes sir.”
He wasted no time pulling your cheeks apart and licking you from swollen clit to wet hole.
Everything he had done with his tongue was right. You bucked against his mouth, feet still planted on the floor, and moaned and cried on Kyle’s cock as he fucked his tongue in you.
Kyle wiped the tears from the corners of your eyes as he fucked you down to the base of his cock, gagging to please him as he was pleasing you.
Johnny sucked on your clit, showing it important attention that had you practically shaking and crying. He was relentless, never coming up for air.
Your orgasm was nearing.
Kyle watched you rock your hips into Johnny’s face desperately, like he would when you’d ride him, seeking for a quicker release. His hand came up to slap your ass and Johnny’s other hand followed.
It had your knees buckling into the side of the bed, falling forward into Kyle’s stomach, and trapped against Johnny’s mouth.
Kyle hooked his hands under your thighs before setting your knees onto the mattress, pushing your face down so your ass remained up.
Johnny didn’t once break from your cunt.
You sobbed into Kyle’s shirt, holding onto his hips tightly. “Kyle—“ you trembled. “Ah- I’m-“ you reached behind you to grab onto Johnny’s hand on your ass, keeping you spread for him.
“You cumming baby?”
You nodded your head viciously.
Johnny fucked his tongue along your clit to those words and you pushed back onto him as you were cumming.
“Fuck.” Johnny gasped as he lapped into you again.
You whimpered, legs shaking to hold you up as your orgasm edges were still lingering.
“You’ve got a condom?”
“Top drawer. Grab two.” Kyle said as he pulled you up to your hands and knees, cupping your face. “You did so good.” He praised. “Still want it?”
You nodded, “Want you.”
Kyle sucked on your mouth. “How about Johnny? You want him?”
You panned your eyes along Kyle’s face. “Can I?”
“Can she have you?” Kyle asked, glancing over to Johnny standing with two condoms.
“Anytime she wants me.”
Kyle smiled at you. “Then it’s fine with me.” He kissed you again as Johnny peeled his sweats down, rolling his condom on his cock, and gazing over the sight of you on all fours.
“Can I step in?” Johnny’s hand pulled on your hip.
Kyle released you and watched Johnny pull you up to your knees against his chest.
Johnny kissed your neck. “I’m gonna take you apart nice and slow.” He smoothed his hands along your nude body, stroking your nipples and rubbing your thighs. “You want to sit on my cock and ride me, pretty girl?”
You nodded as you wrapped a hand around the neck of his neck, bringing his mouth to yours.
He grunted against your tongue as he grinded his cock along your cheeks. Bringing himself to sit beside Kyle on the bed, he propped a pillow behind his neck.
You climbed into his lap expectantly.
“Turn around.”
You stared at Johnny’s sure eyes and turned until your back was to him, holding his thighs.
His hands smoothed along your back, Gaz’s hands playing with your hair again.
You grinded along Johnny’s cock under you, slick and lube from the condom making you excessively sticky.
Johnny groaned as he pushed you up on your knees, holding his cockhead to your hole, and watched you sink down slowly.
You moaned, leaning forward on your palms, and rocked back and forth to ease yourself down.
“Fuckin— “ Johnny cried out behind you, stomach clenching, and he gasped when you swallowed all of him inside. “God, you feel good.”
Kyle rubbed your back and ass as you grinded against his cock, making little noises as you bounced. “That’s it. Good girl. You’re doing so well for Johnny.”
You fucked yourself back slowly, his hands holding your rotating hips, and Kyle’s praise filling your head. You let your head tip back, and a hand gently tugged on it.
You were pulled back flush to Johnny’s chest, legs unfolded under you until your feet were flat on the bed, and Johnny’s hands stroked along your thighs.
“Lift up your hips.” He instructed.
As you did, he secured his hands under your back to keep your hips elevated. Then he was pushing up into you.
You cried out, baring your neck as he fucked you. Firmly pushing up against your cervix, you were breaking apart again in his hands. You arched your back, meeting his thrusts, and listened to the stagger of his breath with each.
Johnny teethed along your shoulder. “You gonna cum for me again?”
You shook your head.
“Not yet.” Kyle said, “You have to touch her first, like this.”
And if Johnny wasn’t holding you up by your hips, you’d fold down. You cried out as Kyle rubbed your clit vigorously, kissing your open mouth, and down your chest.
Johnny underneath you began panting harder, fucking harder. “Fuck— I wish I could finish in you.” He growled in your ear as he was getting closer to his edge. “Wish I could breed this pussy.”
You let your eyes shut, rolling back in your skull, and went limp as another orgasm buzzed around in your head.
Johnny grunted as he came, filling the condoms and still fucking into you. He dropped your hips onto his, and collected his breath.
Kyle soothed his hands along your sides before bringing a hand to your sternum, knuckles rubbing firmly.
It brought you back from pleasure. Maybe even an orgasm coma.
You licked your lips.
You nodded softly.
Kyle hooked his arms under your sweaty back, hoisting you into his arms to kiss you.
Johnny collected himself, eyes shut in exhaustion.
Kyle tongue was slow and sensual against yours. A beat slower than before, and definitely softer than a second ago. “You still want me?” He asked.
You nodded.
Kyle hit Johnny’s stomach with the back of his hand, and he flinched. “Get me the lube from the drawer.”
You kissed along Kyle’s throat, knowing he was going to work you open. Only because your pussy couldn’t take another hit right now.
Johnny grumbled as he sat up, grabbing it from the drawer and set it and himself back on the mattress.
Kyle brought your mouth to his as he lathered his fingers. “Hold yourself open for me.”
You pressed your cheek to his shoulder as you reached behind, holding your cheeks apart as he ran cool gel along your hole. You clenched as he was already pushing in.
“No fucking way.” Johnny groaned, watching you take Kyle’s fingers. “You’ve got a real gift.”
Kyle chuckled as he kissed your neck. “Yeah I do.” He fucked his fingers in a quick manner, crooking his fingers against your rim, and stretching you to three thick fingers. “You think you’re ready for me?”
You nodded, releasing your cheeks to straddle him and hold yourself steady over his bare cock.
Kyle wrapped himself up, stroking his still hard cock with more lube, and bringing it to your hole. “Nice and slow.” He instructed.
You rolled your hips as his tip breached, meeting his hungry mouth and whimpered as he stretched you out.
“Hell.” Johnny groaned as you settled over Kyle’s cock completely and began fucking yourself down to make him cum.
Kyle watched you bounce, held your hips, and stared in amusement as you made it your goal to fuck him senseless. “You look so good taking my cock. Made for it.” He praised, “Wish you could see yourself, dove.”
Johnny’s hand returned to smooth along your ass, before half missing a smack as you bounced.
You whined, clenching over Kyle’s cock.
Kyle grit his teeth and moaned. “Squeeze me again.”
Johnny slapped the other cheek, making full contact this time.
You put your hands on the mattress to steady yourself as you flinched, clenching down.
Kyle pushed up against you. Wrapping his arm around your back, he fucked up into you to chase his orgasm.
“Kyle—“ you gasped when he practically ragdolled you against his cock. “Slow down.” You cried out against his collar.
“Gaz.” Johnny said.
And Kyle slowed to look at him.
“Turn her over.”
With no questions asked, Kyle lifted your hips and his cock fell from your gaping hole. He helped you to turn to straddle reverse cowgirl again, but Johnny put your back flat to Kyle’s chest.
He had peeled off his dirty condom and returned with another. He put his knees on the bed. “If you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” Kyle mumbled, bringing his cock back to your hole.
You sunk down easily with a cry. But Johnny’s cockhead was at your cunt again, pushing in. You pushed your head back at the full pressure of being stuffed in both holes.
Kyle grunted, soothing his hands along your thighs.
“This feel okay?” Johnny asked.
You had your back arched over Gaz’s stomach as you cried out, “YES.”
Johnny chuckled as Kyle smiled. “That’s the most enthusiastic reply I’ve heard yet.”
Kyle pushed up into you as Johnny pulled out.
So overwhelmed with the full and empty sensation, you were pliant against both men’s demands. Johnny fucked his hips in shorter bursts, meeting Kyle’s languished thrusts and grinds of his cock.
You didn’t know whose mouth was on your neck, or who’s hands were on your waist, but you were thrumming with overstimulating energy. Orgasm after orgasm, you could’ve sworn you had already cum again when fingers started flicking your clit.
“Already had enough?” Gaz teased Johnny as his hips staggered.
“You?” He feigned strength but he was pushing it with another orgasm.
“Never tired of this.” He picked up pace, rocking in short motions.
You grew in volume again. “Johnny.” You cried as he suckled on your nipples, pinching the other.
“Oh. Say it again, pretty girl.” He resumed puncturing thrusts regardless of exhaustion. “Say my name again.” He clasped a hand at your throat again, bringing you forward.
“Johnny.” You sighed.
He was fucking with vigor before kissing you hard, teeth pinching, tongue hungry. He tangled a hand in your hair, still holding your throat, and fucked you as he was cumming again.
Kyle rubbed your lube and slick covered clit in circles, fucking into you until you and him were cumming simultaneously. He fucked you through the tightness.
Your body was limp over him once again.
Your holes were empty as they slipped from you.
A blanket was drawn over your quivering body, lungs on fire. A hand cradled your face, lips over yours, and another pair on your neck. You cracked your eyes open to see Johnny holding your face. Kyle pulled your face from Johnny’s hands, kissing you too.
He pulled you into his chest as Johnny lingered at yours, suckling your flesh with softness.
“You with me?” Kyle peppered your mouth with little kisses.
You kissed back every time you could, too buzzed out to bother moving.
Johnny kissed the corner of your mouth, taking up space alongside Kyle's kisses. Or rather jealous of his mouth on yours as he pushed in alongside Gaz's. "You did so well."
Gaz hummed in agreement.
"And to think I'd been missing out on this the entire time." Johnny chuckled. "You've got a real prize."
"I do." He said in delight, stroking his hands along your stomach.
You shut your eyes in exhaustion as both men kissed your mouth, still hungry for more but feeding on scraps.
"You plan on sleeping in?" Gaz asked, the pair of them going on in conversation as if you didn't just get your soul fucked out of you.
"If you don't have to get up in the morning early. I've got physical training shit at 9am."
"Don't have to be up until 8am. If that doesn't bother you."
"Doesn't bother me at all." Johnny hummed against your neck as he kissed there. "If it means I get to fuck her in the morning."
"It's her favorite way to wake up."
"Fucking hell."
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chenlesun00 · 2 years
opposite direction
yang jungwon x reader (fem); highschool au
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genre: best friends to lovers, fluff, angst
warnings: little bit of cursing, someone scraped their knee pretty bad (let me know if there are any more i should add!)
synopsis: In where you try to get rid of the feelings you have for Jungwon by ignoring him, slowly distancing yourself until you’re sure you see him as a friend and nothing else again. Except he notices your change in attitude towards him and doesn’t like it.
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You and Jungwon always walked together in the morning going to school. You used to enjoy these walks, talking about school, classmates, or whatever topic you’d have that day, also because it made the physical activity of walking less tiring and more fun as long as Jungwon was there with you.
But at the same time you absolutely hated it, you didn’t like how your fingers would brush against each other from time to time, how your shoulders would occasionally bump into each other, or how Jungwon would always offer to carry your bag or when he’d grab you by the shoulders if someone was passing by, bring you closer or in front of him to keep you bumping into anyone. It made your mind go haywire, screaming inside and use up all your willpower to stay calm and collected. It only made your feelings for Jungwon grow bigger and made getting over him even more difficult.
“Walking to school is super tiring honestly.” It really wasn’t to be honest, but you had to at least give him some sort of heads up that you’d leave him to walk by himself someday, so you thought that telling him it was too tiring was the perfect reason. “See, I told you to let me carry your bag for you, you always refuse, here give it to me.” Jungwon shrugs off one strap of his bag and let’s it hang off his right shoulder, reaching to get your bag, to which you turn your upper body to the side, facing him so that he wouldn’t reach it “Stop doing that Jungwon, I can carry it by myself—“
You’re cut off by Jungwon grabbing you by the shoulders and being moved in front of him, holding you close in a protective manner, if it wasn’t for your bag in between the both of you, your back would be touching him, if that happened you feel like you really would lose it .‘AAAA!! He- he’s doing it again i can’t do this anymore. You bite hard on the inside of your cheeks to keep you from smiling and lower your head in a way where your hair would cover your face, just in case he’d see how flustered you were.
Jungwon clicks his tongue “Ah, some people should really learn to bike slowly or at least try not to run into people who are walking here.” He glares at the person biking who passed by, you didn’t even realise it was a bike that almost hit you.
You raise your shoulders then drop then down, repeating this action to move Jungwon’s hands trying to give a signal that he still has his hands on your shoulders. ‘Skin contact time is over Jungwon! or else I’ll lose my mind!’ He doesn’t seem phased with how close to each other the you two are.
Jungwon hovers his head over your shoulder to look at you “Are you okay? Your hair’s blocking your face is that why you couldn’t see? Want me to tie it for you-”
“No Jungwon I’m fine.” You wave him off and walk a few steps forward and separate yourself from him again. “I’ll find a way to get to school without having to walk” You smile at him, he frowns but catches up with you and continues talking about whatever he was talking about before that happened.
The next morning Jungwon shows up with a bike which has a padded backseat. He stayed up late looking for it in their family garage, deciding that He’d bike the two of you two to school with him paddling and you sitting in the back. He’d probably be super tired but it’ll be worth it, he thinks. Jungwon waits in front of his house since that’s where you two usually meet up, but to his dismay, he sees you passing by on a different bike on the lane opposite to his. Jungwon shouts at you, “y/n! Y/N!” He knows you can hear him, which is why he’s filled with confusion when you ignore his screams.
The following days after that, you either bike past him or start walking faster when he calls for you. Eventually, you both start walking to school without the other; alone.
new crush
Nothing seems to be working. You’re still head over heels for Jungwon and ignoring him is only getting harder and harder by the day since he’s constantly looking for you while you try to run away or make excuses to not interact with him in return.
If ignoring him isn’t working, then maybe getting a new crush to replace him would be better. Enter Heeseung, another one of your good looking classmates (aside from Jungwon); the best candidate for the title of “y/n’s crush.”
Fortunately, a school project requires you to choose a partner, and the second you’re told to look for one by your teacher, you stand up and immediately approach Heeseung. You ask him to be your partner for this project, to which he agrees, phew.
Jungwon watches the entire thing, from when you stood up the second the teacher stops talking and walking quickly to Heeseung. Not even looking at Jungwon when you’re always his partner for pair projects.
Now, this was just way too much, you’re going to ignore him to everywhere and at all times? He’s feeling all sorts of anger, hurt and confusion. Sick and fed up with whatever this all is, he approaches you at your locker when classes end.
“Aren’t you going to explain to me why you’ve been ignoring me for the past few days?” You’re shocked to see jungwon standing there behind you, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
“Hi jungwon” You try to smile “I’m not ignoring you though?” He opens his mouth and scoffs
“You ignore me when I call you in the morning and walk the opposite direction when you see me near or heading towards you, and now you don’t even go to me for pair projects”
“We’ve been partners way too many times Jungwon, teachers might start getting mad, and I’m just really uhm, distracted these days? I suddenly remember things and transfer my attention to them.” You sigh “And maybe i was just spacing out and didn’t hear you, it happens.”
You close your locker and walk away, slowly picking up the pace so that Jungwon doesn’t follow you or ask any more questions. You didn’t mean to sound annoyed when talking to him, but maybe it was for the best, yeah no- it was.
It’s been a few days since your exchange with Jungwon in front of your locker. Now you’re both ignoring each other. Your feelings for him however, are still there.
Today didn’t start off so great, your foot got stuck on something while getting off your bike so you fell to the ground and scraped your knee, hard. It was bleeding and made it painful to walk, since you were already on school grounds you thought the best thing to do was to just walk to the nurse’s office.
You were limping walking across the highway pausing from time to time to hold onto your knee or take a break, until the last person you wanted to see came walking in from the other side of the hallway, Jungwon.
He was carrying a bunch of envelopes and folders, was probably instructed by a teacher to bring it to the faculty room or something, but it seems like this task would have to be delayed as he picks up the pace in walking towards you. ‘Awh shit’ you muttered, turning your body away from where he was to get away from him even if you were struggling. But, because of your limp you don’t even get to make five steps before you feel a hand on your shoulder and turn around to see a worried Jungwon.
“Hey are you okay? I- no you’re not.” He brings your right arm over his head and let’s it rest around his shoulders holding them in place, while his other free hand holds the envelopes and folders, still supporting you.
No one’s inside the clinic when you get there, so Jungwon sits you down on one of the beds and gets a first aid kit. and places it next to you.
Before he could open the box you move his hands away and do it yourself “Okay! Thanks a lot Jungwon I can do this by myself, now go deliver those papers to the faculty room— or wherever you had to go do I can treat myself” you say in a happy tone with a smile please go away
You get a cotton swab and ointment for injuries and cross your injured leg over the other to get a better view of your wound, but this action brings a sting and makes you hiss out of pain. “It’s better if I help you treat it y/n.” He gently moves your leg and crouches with one knee on the floor, taking the medicine from you.
Jungwon has been waiting for an opportunity to talk things out with you for days already, and not wanting to wait even more, he chose to do it now.
“Did I do something wrong? It’s just, you’re ignoring me and I don’t know why” Jungwon says while cleaning up your wound
“Why’re you so upset about it anyway, the worlds not going to end if we don’t talk to each other for awhile Jungwon.” You add a small laugh at the end trying to lighten up the mood, if you’re not careful this conversation could lead to you confessing and you did not want that.
“It’s because it’s- I’m not used to it. Like, I’d understand if you needed some alone time and space but you’re being normal towards everyone except me, it was always the two of us” he gets silent “I even feel like you’re trying to replace me with Heeseung or something…”
You don’t know why but a tear trickles down your face “I- what if I wanted to know other people? I can’t do that if i’m so caught up on you can I.” You try to explain with excuses, the feeling of this will not end well growing. You stop watching him treat your wound and look away.
“What do you mean caught up on me?” Jungwon stops what he’s doing and looks up at you
“You know, like what if I wanted to make more friends ! I can’t do that if i’m always hanging out with you, what if I wanted to get to know my classmates more, I can’t do that if i’m always talking to you, what if I wanted to date someone, I can’t do that if I-“ you realise what you said.
You duck your head down, tears start falling and you try to make them stop but you can’t. “If you what?” Jungwon asks.
You keep crying, it feels like everything is going to end here, now Jungwon’s going to be the one ignoring you and your friendship with him will be over. You want to get away, you need to.
You get a bandage from the kit and hastily put it over your wound. “I didn’t finish treating your—”
“It’s okay I’m fine now.” You stand up and wince at the pain from doing that, but you don’t care and start walking to the door.
Just before you reach for the handle Jungwon grabs your wrist and stops you “Y/n what is wrong with you?! You’re injured and need to rest. Why do you keep running away from me?”
“I don’t know why I’m so upset about it either, I don’t know why I don’t like seeing you not talk to me or act like I’m not even there!” His grip on your wrist tightens “I just thought I was upset we wouldn’t get to hang out more but when you started getting to closer to- to people like Heeseung, it made me so confused and angry and I couldn’t understand why!”
In truth, the both of you were lying now. Jungwon knew exactly why he was so upset about it as well, but he too didn’t want to reveal his hidden feelings.
“I just need to understand, please, tell me why you’re acting like this towards me so that whatever- whatever I did to make you upset I can fix it. I promise i will just please, please don’t leave me.” He bows his head down and looks at his hand holding yours, reluctantly letting go.
You ball up your hands and take a deep breath.
“It’s because I like you Jungwon! Okay? And I’ve been trying my very best to get over you so that we could stay as friends, I’ve tried distancing myself from you— literally everything and I’m still here. I still…”
You hang your head in shame
“Like you”
‘What…’ Jungwon whispers,
“Sit back down y/n”
You knew that leaving the wound untreated would only make things worse, so you follow Jungwon’s instructions. The room silent a result from what you just said, things don’t seem like they’re going to turn out well, at least you’ve stopped crying.
‘At least it feels like a weight’s been taken off my shoulders, maybe letting everything out there wasn’t so bad… I just have to get used to it’ You think to yourself
Jungwon removes the bandaid you sloppily placed on your knee and replaces it with a new one. You just feel tired now, not bothering to look at Jungwon dressing your wound, you just stare at the door, letting him finish what he was doing so that you could both leave already— until you heard sniffles not coming from you, but from Jungwon. He’s crying.
He places another bandaid on your knee, properly this time and brings up the palms of his two hands to his eyes trying to stop the tears, he takes a pause to wipe them away and push his hair back after, you look at him confused, you can feel yourself tearing up as well.
“What the hell” Jungwon sobs, “I can’t believe you ignored me just because of something so small, you idiot.” You get down to kneel in front of him so that you’d be on the same level, “Don’t kneel, you’re hurt.”
Jungwon stands up and brings you with him. “Why are you crying too Jungwon” a second wave of tears starts coming out of your eyes. “Stop crying already, will you?” And although it does sound a bit cringy and childish, you say: “Because when you cry, I cry too!”
“You don’t know how depressed I became when you started ignoring me, I didn’t even want to go home or talk to anyone, and it hurt me even more because I-“
He cups your face and wipes your tears with his thumbs “I like you too y/n.” Jungwon says as he leans in, placing a soft, sad but at the same time happy, tear stained kiss on your lips, to which you reciprocated.
You cry even more when you pull away, however, instead of tears of joy, it was more of a ‘I can’t believe we had to go through all of this bullshit’ tears. Both of you slowly stop crying and calm down, you try to keep your ugly crying snot from coming out, trying to at least look a little bit appealing despite your current state.
“Can I please be your boyfriend so that you stop ignoring me?” Jungwon hugs you and rests his head on your shoulder. “Yes, Of course, Absolutely. Is there any other way I can say ‘Can I please be your girlfriend’ too?”
He chuckles at that, “From now on we’re going to walk to and from school together, everyday. And you’re going to let me carry your bag for you, and you’ll let me be your partner for every school activity, and you’ll let me hold your hand, hug and kiss you, if that’s okay with you, okay?”
You smile and let out a hearty laugh, “That’s exactly everything I want, I love you Jungwon”
“I love you too y/n, probably more than you love me”
You both laugh and giggle, sharing more hugs and soft sweet kisses. Eventually the two of you get out of the clinic, you had a whole ‘Day 1’ of being in a relationship with Jungwon to celebrate and spend.
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a/n: HI GUYS hope u enjoyed reading that!! i’d really appreciate it if you’d leave a comment or give me feedback on this fic🫶🫶 love u all MWAH
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mrsrookhunt · 11 months
A Pretty Sort of Mistake
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Yan!Rook Hunt x Fem Reader, NSFW
Warnings: Noncon, Rook is an absolutely disgusting man but that's what we're here for
Synop.: Rook has taken so many pictures of you before in which to pleasure himself to. But when you end up taking off your clothes in what you think is a secluded corner of the campus to change, he's shocked, stunned, and hungry.
"Haah..." You don't hear the heavy panting from a few trees away. You're on the edge of Campus, quickly changing into new underclothes, which had gotten soaked with sweat in the humid Potionology classroom.
"Oh, fuck me--" you curse, realizing you forgot another bra. You can't put on that old one. It's drenched.
"I will-"
You don't hear that, either.
You rush to throw on your shirt over your bare breasts and hope you can make it to Ramshackle in time to grab a new bra before your next class.
You don't see Pomefiore's very own Rook Hunt palming himself with one hand in a tree top, camera loaded with your naked photos. Long after you left, he spends a good 20 minutes relieving himself over and over to your pictures.
He knows he could go to Ramshackle and hope to sneak another glance, drunk on your body as he is, but logically, he recalls that you always have your blinds closed.
Groaning, he zips up his pants, leaving a sticky mess far up in the trees as he leaps down on wobbly legs.
He can't wait much longer, not when you're giving him such delicious teases like that.
Getting a text from Rook was certainly... strange. Especially when he pressed you to come visit him at 2 am on the edge of the Island with a near desperate undertone, and despite having rarely spoken to you, insisted you come alone.
No one else would be necessary, he promised.
You made your way down towards the shore of the island, struggling against the less maintenanced plants and overgrown vegetation. The side he'd asked you to come to, you'd never even been to. As far as you knew, most people hadn't been down that far.
You gasp and whip around, momentarily startled.
"Hey! Rook! Is that you? I'm over--MMPH--" A hand gracefully covers your mouth, gripping you in such a way that your cheeks sting with his grasp.
"Shh...." Rook's breath is hot and heavy in your ears. "Oh, Mon Tricksteur, and here I thought you weren't dull enough to come following me out here," A hand moves to your inner thigh.
"Nngh... Ah, Mon Cheri.. Clearly I was wrong."
The hand on your waist moves to your crotch, clothed by your thick uniform pants. You shout into his hand, trying to kick and bite him, having now realized he wasn't teasing, but had called you out here to isolate you and take you any which way he wanted.
His now-prominent bulge rubbed against your ass with a fevered desire that made you sick to your stomach. His breath became rapid and wet in your ear, and he seemed to be deftly using his free hand to trace lines across your thighs and occasionally dragging his index finger lightly down the line of your slit.
You were weeping unheard tears into the night, muffled by his thick leather glove.
You shouldn't have gone. Why did you go? You didn't tell Grim, or Ace or Deuce. You simply left without a trace. He could fuck you and drown you in the sea, and you would simply leave this island as you came to it; without a trace.
"R-roo--" He moaned out at your muffled attempt at his name, coming to a stop.
"Heh.. I'm afraid I will have to deny myself until the end of the performance," He nips your ear with his teeth, saliva stringing back onto it. "But if you call me by my name, I may not be so gentle, Mon Tricksteur."
You struggle against his tight grasp again.
"N-no---Roo-k--" You desperately want him to listen to you, for just a moment.
He chuckles, taking his hand away from your mouth, coming down to pull you tightly against him in your entirety as he leans into a nearby tree and slides to the ground with you.
He waits for you to speak, but for a moment, all that leaves your mouth are heaving sobs.
"I--W-hat are y-you gonna d-o t-to me, R-rook?" You whimper as he shushes you gently, coming up to trace a now ungloved finger on your lips.
"I'm going to make sure that you're mine and no one else's. I'll give you a marvelous stress reliever that I believe is just what you need after all your classes recently~"
You can see in his eyes that he's out of his mind with lust. Whatever you say right now will not stop him.
You nearly vomit as you burrow into his shoulder in an act of defeat. Perhaps if you're compliant, he won't harm you.
You allow the smallest of smiles to grace your face.
"W-well... classes h-ave been p-pretty stressful lately.."
He laughs, a predatory smirk resting on his face.
"Oh, darling. You can't fool a hunter."
Within a few minutes, you're unclothed and bare to his touch.
You've all but given in, lying limp as Rook kisses and bites up and down your body, taking control as he toys with your nipples and licks a wet trail from your belly button to your pussy. You were never one to think of yourself as giving up in this situation, but as Rook ravages you, you don't know how to feel. You had liked him. You had wanted him, desperately, your own moans filling the air at the thought of him when you were alone. But at the same time this was horrifying in every capacity. How long had you had fantasies of this exact moment, trapped under him in the forest like some unsuspecting prey, getting ruthlessly fucked? But now that it was happening, you couldn't stomach it. It was just a fantasy, a making of your own imagination to make up for the one sided affections that you held in your heart.
It should have stayed a fantasy.
Now you're lying underneath him, watching in anticipatory terror as he strips himself of his clothes and frees his cock; fat, veiny, and covered in pre cum, twitching with the lewd excitement that shows all over Rook's face.
He dips his head down to rub his tongue around your clit, before pulling back with an expression of ecstasy as your back arches painfully with the stimulation.
"Ah...Ah! How I'd love to stay here between your legs all day.. but today I am allowing myself to be a bit selfish."
With a sudden grasp on your hips that makes you jolt upwards, he aligns his cock and pushes in with one fluid movement.
You feel warmth flushing across your body as you silently admit to yourself that you're enjoying this far more than you should.
His dick is wonderfully large, a nice 7" that seems to fill you up with barely any room to spare. You'd always pictured him with a slender, smaller dick. But at very least inside of you, he felt massive. You can feel some of those veins rubbing against your walls, the consistent twitching of his cock making you beyond wet.
He weakly sings some sort of French lullaby in the crevice of your neck, drops of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth with anticipation as he waits for you to adjust to him.
Your eyes are blown wide open with the new sensations. You whimper and buck your hips against his by instinct, regretting it when Rook takes that as his sign to move, fingers digging into your waist while he pounds into you with all of his strength, tears forming at the corners of his eyes for joy that he finally gets to fuck you, after so many months of watching, stalking, waiting.
Your own eyes are filled with tears for a different reason, the reality of the situation beating you down once more.
You were certain that were there a bed underneath the two of you right now it would be close to breaking, between his thrusts and your shaky moans. With each thrust, Rook rams into you even more vigorously and passionately than before.
Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.... twenty-nine...thirty-four.... you eventually lose count of his senseless thrusts. Rook pulled your leg up to his shoulder, gripping the flesh on your thighs tightly. Not in all of this time has he gotten sloppy, but you feel he's close by the pitch and rapid nature of his breathing.
"Mon Amour, Mon Amour, Mon Amour---!"
You see a look of bliss glaze over his eyes for a moment before you feel his warm, sticky cum wash into you with a few final, deep thrusts. The sensation leaves you gasping as you realize what he's done.
One few second pull-out leads to massive amounts of cum leaking out of you.
He recomposes for a few moments, pushing his cum back inside you while he's catching his breath as his face and body are flushed beet-red post-ecstasy.
He grabs onto your ass for stability and enters you again, slamming into you with renewed stamina.
"E-ug--h- R-r-r-ook! What are you-?" You arch your back with a shrill moan you didn't mean for him to pull out of you.
He leans down over your face, forcing you to stare into those gem-like eyes of his, clouded with the lust you've created for him, expertly folding you into a mating press while he's at it-- "hmm, did you think I was only chasing after my own high?" The laugh he gives you is throaty, sadistic. It makes his head toss up with gleeful delight, golden hair shining in the moonlight as he speeds up his thrusts.
"Oh, non, non darling. It's your turn now."
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eashmo · 8 months
-Welcome Home-
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Warnings: SMUT and small fluff
A/N: I seriously have so many short stories that I need to finish for Eddie, Billy, and Steve.
It has been 3 months since I last saw my precious boyfriend. Eddie was on tour with his band Corroded Coffin. After so long,  the phone calls just didn't even begin to cut it anymore. I needed him, I craved his kisses and cuddles. He was coming home today, so I decided to give him a surprise welcome home. 
I grinned at Eddie as he entered our bedroom, watching him closely as he stood there smirking as i fucked myself with a dildo, and his eyes didn’t move away from it. I brought my other hand down to rub my clit, my fingers gliding over it easily. 
“Welcome home, rockstar.” I moaned out. 
“You couldn’t have just waited until I got here?” He asked, but he couldn’t even pretend to look disappointed.
“I figured you’d enjoy a surprise,” I breathed heavily. The dildo was a perfect shape and size, hitting my G spot perfectly. It was the same size as him. Which was perfect when we had phone sex. It felt like he was there when he was miles away from me. But I craved the real thing every day.
“Oh trust me, babygirl, I’m enjoying it,” he smirked. He ran a hand over the bulge in his boxers, hearing the pet name made me wetter, biting my lip as I rubbed my clit faster as I pumped the dildo in and out of me. Eddie watched intently, his eyes going darker by the second.
“Feels so good, Eds,” I whimpered. 
“I’ll bet it does,” he groaned, taking out his cock from his boxers, jacking himself off to the sight of me “keep going, babygirl”
I did as he told me, and I began to move my wrist fast and bring myself close to the edge. I stopped before I came, not wanting to let go before Eddie got his hands on me. I pulled it out of me slowly, his eyes completely dark when he saw how much it stretched me out as it popped out “I need you baby” I breathed. 
He startled me when he roughly grabbed my ankles and pulled me closer to him, 
He kisses my lips, moving down to my neck, making me moan. He circles my sensitive clit with his thumb, making me cry out more. I bite his neck firmly, which always drove him crazy. I rake my nails roughly down his back.
“Eddie please” I gasp into his shoulder. 
He grabs my hips, and runs the tip of his cock over my soaking core before he roughly shoves himself inside of me, making me cry out loudly. I need him in me. Now. He gives me a second to adjust to his thick member before pulling out and slamming back into me over and over and over. He picks up his pace, leaning over me to rest one hand on the headboard, to use it as leverage. I was not going to last long like this. This man knows exactly how to please me. He knows I love it rough.
“Fuck i’ve missed this pussy…” He growls into my neck. My hands grab a fistful of his hair, making him groan again.
“Eddie…” I whine. I was getting dangerously close, and he knew it.
“Don't you dare...cum…” he warns me. He began thrusting harder, driving me even closer to the edge. I try my best to hold back my quickly approaching orgasm.
“Please what?” He says in a low voice, beginning to lose control of his rhythm. He is close, too.
“Please let me cum…” I whine.
He continues his now erratic thrusting, and relentless playing with my oversensitive clit for a moment. “Cum with me, babygirl” He whispers in my ear. I shout his name as I am consumed with wave after wave of pleasure.
 “y/n” I hear him groan, finding his own release. His fingers on my hip dig into my flesh, definitely leaving his mark. He collapses on top of me, breathing heavily. He slowly drags himself to lay next to me, pulling me with him. I turn to face him and snuggle up to him.
“God, I've missed you y/n…” He says; his voice deep and gravelly.
“I missed you too.” I say, running my hand up, resting it over his heart. “I love you, eds”
“I love you too, baby girl. Also, thank you for the welcome home sex” 
“Anytime, baby”
 We both laughed as we savored the moment of him finally being back home. Back into my arms.
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