#lgbtqia asks
jerzwriter · 5 months
Thank you for answering.
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
13. Would your oc be open to a poly relationship? Why or why not?
Hey Nonnie, Thanks for sending these in! From this list.
4. Is your OC's environment supportive of their identity? How does this impact them?
Currently? Yes, they are all in environments that are very supportive. In OH land, Casey has a supportive partner, her friends are either queer or allies, and even her workplace is supportive - even if the last one is just for PR reasons. But it wasn't always that way. She chooses not to speak with most of her mother's side of the family because of their queerphobia (among other things).
Trystan and Carolina are both bisexual, and they absolutely love having a partner who "gets it." While Trystan is the opposite of demiro, he's always been very respectful of Carolina's boundaries.
Their friends and the family they choose to surround themselves with are supportive, but there are people in both of their families who would not be. In Trystan's case, even though some of his younger siblings were out, no one cared as much because they were further down the line of secession. Carolina also has some old-school Catholic family, but they're distant relatives, and she keeps her circle small.
11. Is your OC open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
So Casey is 100% open. If you google her name, you're going to see her activism pop to the top of your search, and that includes articles and interviews where she is loud and proud. That said, her end-game romance is with a man, so her relationship is straight presenting. And when it comes to clothing/style, especially at work, she is rather conventional. So, some people are surprised to learn she is bi. This hasn't always been liked in the fandom, but I don't care. Because trust me when I tell you, there are plenty of people who fit that very description in the community. But she's 100% open. Her children know she's bisexual from the time they're young and it's nothing she ever hides.
Carolina is also open and always has been. She really has had an "IDGAF, this is who I am." attitude from the time she was in her teens. But her identity is part of who she is. It's not all that she is. So it's not like she introduces herself by saying, "Hi, I'm Carolina, and I'm queer." But she's definitely not hiding it.
Trystan is also out, but I don't think he's "as" out. This stems from him being a public figure and in the media. Everyone in his personal life/realm knows, but he doesn't make much about it publicly. Now, people know he's dated men and women, so it's obviously known, but he doesn't focus on it publicly simply because he feels his private life is his private life.
13. Would your OC be open to a poly relationship? Why or why not?
I recently answered this, I think for you, actually lol! But here is my answer again:
Tobias & Casey (OH) : At one point in their lives, they might have considered this, likely with other partners (not each other). While Casey may have been willing to try, I don't think it would have worked well for her. She might have been OK with having an open sexual relationship, but love? No. Deep down, she has some security issues, and she would not be able to accept her partner being in love with someone other than her. Prior to Casey, I don't think Tobias even wanted the level of commitment he'd have to have in polyamoury. He was just having fun, no strings attached, and he never cared enough about anyone to really go beyond that. But, like, if he met Casey and she was poly, would he have given it a go? Hmmm. Never really thought about it, but I don't know. I honestly don't think he'd be keen on sharing her. Now, this is all in HC, I do have some AUs in WIP folder where they have an open/poly relationship, so I may explore it that way in the future.
Ethan & Kaycee (OH): Nope. That's the answer. lol He is 100% not wired for a poly relationship and she is 99% not wired for it.
Trystan & Carolina (COP): No. Trystan is a one-person kind of guy. Once he commits, he commits. As for Carolina, while it is possible to be demiro and poly, it's not possible for her. She has very little interest in getting to know anyone in a romantic love sort of way. Trystan was almost a fluke (one she's really happy about, but a fluke nevertheless). Plus, they just get each other so much, and they don't really have any desire to go outside of their relationship.
Eli & Zoe (WTD): Truthfully, I've toyed with the idea of them being poly. Mostly because I think being polyamorous in their world actually makes sense - it's practical. You don't know who will live to see the next day, so having a strong polycule could actually be a wonderful thing for the individual and for children should they come in the future. But with that said, I don't see them as poly. But again... maybe in an AU. :)
Thanks for asking!
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socialistexan · 2 months
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There is no more quiet part, they are just fully saying out loud that they think trans people even existing in public is a harm to children akin to sexual violence.
I'm so tired of liberals telling me over and over and over again that I need to just reach out and talk to these people. They see my very existence as a sex crime, they think I need to be exterminated out of public life and then exterminated for real. These are fucking fascists. I'm so tired of being a rhetorical chip used to shame others, I'm sure you'll feel smug satisfaction over your conservative uncle that you were right while he's carting us off.
I'm sorry, there is no bridge to bring us to a middle ground between "I think I have the right to exist" and "I think your very existence is a crime" that doesn't end poorly for me.
There is no hand I can reach out without getting pulled by that hand straight down 6 feet under to my grave.
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Aspec men deserve much more respect and recognition in the aspec community than they receive. They often face a different form of aphobia specific to them ("men are naturally sexual they can't be ace" "all men are unromantic that's not unique") this rhetoric is spouted by many, even members of our own community and I hope for a day where that is no longer the case. As an ace and demiro woman (demigirl but that's beside the point) I want to encourage folks to take the time to give the aspec men in their lives support and to the aspec men reading, you are who you say you are no matter what people say and you deserve the world. I'm sorry for the ways in which toxic masculinity has harmed you. You are a valued member of the aspec community and the queer community as a whole. No ace or aro person is broken and neither are you. I'm sorry if anyone has ever told you otherwise.
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neptune-scythe · 5 months
Petition for Agender and aroace tags to have the flag colours thanks
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felixfeliccis · 4 months
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I'll be fine
Btw I'm referring to this tweet
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elya-doodles · 2 months
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rainbowinbeigeboots · 25 days
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i was inspired by @girlunionize to make this
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charleezard · 1 month
This might be an unpopular opinion, or not, and it likely will get me hate but idk it's been on my mind.
The concept of "pinkwashing" makes no sense. In fact I'd even say it's built upon a foundation of antisemitism. It borders on conspiracy theory.
You're making an assumption that Israel celebrates LGBTQ+ pride, is queer friendly, promotes queer rights, only and/or primarily as a way to manipulate and distract innocent gullible people.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Israel and the Israeli government are perfect and can do no wrong, I also criticize them when necessary. But even when we're pointing out things we think they do wrong, can't we also admit that maybe, just maybe, they do some things right as well? Why are you viewing a country celebrating queer rights and being welcoming to queer people as a bad thing? Even in a country you don't like, a country you view as doing many things wrong, there are still queer people who deserve rights and acceptance and celebration, and I don't think that should EVER be viewed as a bad thing.
And to continue my first point. The fact you see everything done by Israel (which, even if you don't want to admit it, we know you view just as a stand in for Jewish people) as some sneaky, evil, manipulative thing, and never as maybe something done with genuine and good intentions tells us a lot about how you view Jewish people. It really does and you can cry and scream you're not antisemitic but you're not the one who gets to decide that. You most likely are and need to deconstruct a lot of that subconscious internal biases that society gave you. So maybe next time you see a Pride event in Israel and feel like screaming "Pinkwashing", stop a little, and think to yourself what you really mean by that
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theworstcreature · 6 months
I may be a cis she/her girlie but if there is an upset conservative in the room, my gender is whatever will piss them off the most. Might even go a lil crazy and say I support basic human rights
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jerzwriter · 5 months
For whichever characters you want/feel comfortable talking about 😊
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
19. Do you have preferences about depicting homo/transphobia in your stories? What, and why? Does it vary by story?
The year-end asks were more complex than I expected, but I can do these. lol From this list.
Thanks for the ask, Ren! I'm going to answer for Casey and Trystan/Carolina.
6. How does your OC feel about labels? Theirs, or in general.
In general, all three aren't fond of labels. They're more likely to use the umbrella term "queer," and they just live their lives as who they are. Their identity could even be fluid, and labels could just hinder that. So overall, they're not big fans. lol But,that's their feelings for them. They know labels can help others, and they support them using them if they do. Carolina, in particular, learned that on a personal level. She knew she was bisexual as long as she could remember, but it wasn't until after college that she realized she was demiromantic. She assumed she was just "odd" and "different" from her friends and family, and that did nothing good for her on a mental/emotional level. Also, many "blamed" her "problems" on the trauma she endured when her father was murdered, so she just bought into that and assumed there was something "wrong" with her that needed fixing, then when she couldn't "fix" it, it set her back in many ways. It wasn't until she started seeing a therapist who had real knowledge of the LGBTQIA community that she realized there wasn't anything wrong with her, and this was one time giving it a name that helped her tremendously.
7. Is there something that could cause your OC to question their identity?
With Casey, she questioned her identity for quite some time. Her parents were very open-minded, but her mother's side of the family was not cool at all, and her father's was better but not great. The expectation was she'd date men, and that's what she did at first. It's no surprise that her HS relationship was with a boy who she was good friends with. They were "dating," but in reality, their relationship was really friendship. In retrospect, she realizes it just provided a place for her to "hide" as she tried to figure herself out.
Attending NYU was the first time she felt surrounded by people who understood her and encouraged her to be her true self. But it still wasn't easy as bisexuality is often not welcome, even in the LGBTQIA community. But she knew she was bi, and she never doubted that again. Outsiders cast doubt on her, and while that can be painful, she knows that she knows who she is better than anyone else, so she dismisses it.
Trystan was always accepting of his bisexuality, but he had to hide it because of his role as monarch. That caused some feelings of shame, and when he was younger, he wished he could "convince" himself to be straight, but he knew that wasn't a possibility. Being out of the monarchy was a huge relief to him in many ways, because he felt he was free to be himself.
Carolina had no issues with her bisexuality from the time she was very young. I HC that she was open with her father about this before he died, and he was supportive of her. That love and support left her very confident and assured, so she didn't think questioning/doubt was part of her vocabulary. But, as mentioned above, that wasn't the case with her being demiro. She questioned that lot, then, when she developed romantic feelings for Trystan, she questioned it again. It took some time for her to understand/accept this.
16. Did you ever change an OCs identity once they were already established? Why?
Ren. Darling. My dear friend. Do you WANT me to get more anon hate? Like - I don't get enough? lol (JK JK) .
The only person I ever changed after established was Carolina (COP) being demiro, and that's because when I looked at her character, it really made sense. But my queer characters have been queer from the start; my straight characters have been straight from the start. There is one particular straight character that, now, I'd love to change to bisexual... but I won't. Partially because the world is far too big/established, and it would take a lot for me to change it at this point. Second, it could appear to some that I was bullied into the decision, and if you know me, you know I can be a stubborn bitch, and I'm not about to have that. lol But, I think they might be bi in some future AUs. We'll see. (And that's all I have to say about that... I mean outside of DMs lol)
19. Do you have preferences about depicting homo/transphobia in your stories? What, and why? Does it vary by story?
It honestly makes me very uncomfortable to write any form of queerphobia, but I also think it's necessary. There isn't one queer person walking this earth who hasn't experienced phobia, so it would be inauthentic to never show it in my fics. However, I also don't want to focus on it. Too many people, ironically, usually straight writers writing for queer characters, tend to focus on trauma. Bruh, that's not all that we are. That's not what it's all about. And the last thing I want to do when I sit down to read is focus too heavily on that. But again, I think it would be wrong to avoid it completely.
Now, here's the irony. When I've dealt with some issues of biphobia in my fics, it has been difficult for me at times, but in reality, it's been very cathartic. I've gotten that feedback from some readers as well. So I think it can be good to depict, but it has to be done thoughtfully.
Thanks for the asks, Ren! :)
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socialistexan · 2 months
Transphobes really are this fucking dense. It has to be intentional.
What do you mean you thing trans women aren't afraid to go for a run at night or stop at gas stations or be too afraid to go to a bathroom without fear being attacked (an utterly BIZARRE claim given this discourse around us using the restroom for the past decade)
I'm a trans woman and not only am I afraid of those things, my partners are afraid of me doing those things!
On our last road trip I barely left the car and we planned our pitstops at companies that have been vocally pro-trans where I know the odds of my being assaulted for even daring to exist as a trans person in a public space are slightly lower. A public space where I have been yelled at and called slurs.
They really do think trans women just wear womenhood as a mask and take it off at the end of the day and enjoy all the benefits of male privilege instantly.
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talisidekick · 10 months
wearing cat ears in public is so fucking cringy get a grip 💀
You know, I thought about this for a bit and I realized there's no funnier way to respond to this except with a tumblr poll. So ...
Not giving a "see results" option because I need your decision! Do I cave to the demands of a stranger who will never like me anyways or do what I love doing and be myself? You have 24 hours! Reblog to breach containment!
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Pic for reference! And yes. I'm buying another trans themed patch come saturday too.
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onlyamor · 5 months
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redheadbigshoes · 1 year
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pokimoko · 14 days
If you're still doing the pride flag animal things..
Could you do an aroace Jaguar or Raven?
I just thought they might look cool.
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An aroace raven is very cool, I agree. Here ya go!
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poomphuripan · 28 days
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Why must you be a virgin? If my 'first time' is with you, Ming. I wouldn't mind it.
MY STAND-IN (2024) | 1.01
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