#lgbt discrimination
profeminist · 2 months
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"The Don't Say Gay Law has been cut down to size in more ways than this.
- LGBTQ+ students and staff may now be protected by anti-bullying and anti-discrimination measures
- Libraries are free to restock LGBTQ+ books
- LGBTQ+ topics may be discussed freely
Florida teachers can discuss sexual orientation and gender ID under ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill settlement
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sunnygang · 11 months
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i didn't see anything on my dash yet, so—
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likealayka · 5 months
The love of my life gifted me Jinkx and Dela tour t-shirt last year and I've worn it lots of times since then, even to work, where it was on display to every person who comes in our museum. My colleague, a sweet older lady, said she liked 'those two campy women on my shirt' and I smiled and told her that they are comediennes and actresses and singers and I can't wait to see them live one day.
My keyring has a little acrylic keychain of Jinkx on it - I cropped it out myself and then ordered it somewhere off AliExpress. It has a golden star for a buckle and all, proper fan merch if you will. It's of Jinkx' as7 reveal runway, of Picasso coat where she is slightly bent - looks like she's posing specifically for a keychain tbh and every time I see her I giggle a tiny bit. My parent person liked that keychain the most out of several I have together - said it's very vibrant and pointed at Jinkx' hair, asked whether it's here that I get my inspiration from (she did the same with my Jinkx wallpaper some time ago) and I laughed and said that yes actually, I do.
The sister keychain of Jinkx is with the love of my life right now, in place where you can be covered in blood and have pronouns go celebrate pride, tell people about your relationships and fucking... Just see the rainbow occasionally, you know? Not get beaten up for holding hands with certain people.
I have this old blouse (ehuhuhu no but really) - 60s style thing, decade old, still as vibrant as ever. Parent person wore it to important work (tm) and I'm wearing it whenever I feel like it - all throughout college and all of my jobs, including this one. Only this year my bestie pointed out to me that it has nonbinary flag colours in the most abstract pattern of lines and shapes - and it so does. We then went shopping and I've found a campy cropped sweater with bell sleeves in perfect lesbian flag gradient - it was the only one, buried under the trendier ones. I feel so beautiful when I'm wearing it, every single time.
Why am I telling you this?
Because I live in Russia, and you know by now that that queers and allies are suffering, will suffer here gods knows for how many years.
Gods bless subtle pride.
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hiiragi7 · 1 year
Frustrated about how inaccessible and inaccurate so much info about CAH is.
Annoyed with how many people call CAH a condition which only affects females, when it isn't.
Common CAH variations may still show signs in male patients (but are usually deemed "socially acceptable"), and there are CAH variations such as 3bHSD2D where *both sexes may have ambiguous genitals at birth*.
Sick especially of medical resources doing this shit because apparently all they know is what they read off of google about 21-OHD and stopped there. This is just one example of all the shitty misinfo about CAH and other intersex variations online and why it took so long to know basic shit about our body. Even our doctors did not know basic information on CAH and it was pure luck we got moved to an endocrinologist who knew there was more types of CAH than just 21-OHD and tested for them.
Want to know another fun fact? One I did not myself know until very recently despite having diagnosed CAH? Classic CAH is not synonymous with ambiguous genitals at all. In fact, with the type of CAH I have, most female infants are born with mild or no virilization at all and almost all have very low prader scale scores.
And yet ambiguous genitals as a classic CAH symptom are made out to be like it's the biggest sign of classic vs nonclassic CAH even by doctors. Nobody reads the actual fucking literature on this shit.
We've been under the assumption for years that we could not have classic CAH because our genital ambiguity grew over childhood and puberty rather than being born with super obviously ambiguous genitals and that it would've been obvious at birth if it were classic and we would've been diagnosed as an infant. It turns out with the type of CAH we were diagnosed with our experience is actually extremely fucking textbook for classic-type!!
We also assumed that we would've been caught by our country's mandatory CAH screenings as an infant if it were classic - Nope, our CAH variant in the way it presents in us does not cause elevated 17-OHP levels and the infant screenings only test for 21-OHD. It's why as an adult we were missed the first time by CAH screening as well until we ended up with previously mentioned endo who tested for CAH variations that aren't necessarily related to 17-OHP.
I am. So so tired of how nobody seems to know shit about anything intersex-related. I just want to know basic information about my own body like anybody else. I just want my friends to be able to understand themselves without going through this slow, horrible, agonizing process of constantly wondering if you're making it all up in your head or why the doctors are so fucked up or why your body looks and functions the way it does and having no answers.
This information should be so much more easily accessible and spread than it is.
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moneyfor-nothing · 11 months
I am once again confused about and flabbergasted by all the effort aphobes put into ranting about something that has absolutely no real impact on their lives.
Y’all waste so much time and effort going “boohoohoo the labels people use makes me angry cuz xyz” but like? Half the time no one asked, and 90% of the time, no one gives a fuck about you desperately trying to defend hating innocent folks who’ve done literally nothing wrong.
Like it’s almost funny. Why u so pressed about people being comfortable 😂 go touch some grass
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slumberingcorpse · 11 months
If you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, stop serving straight people. SCOTUS refuses our rights, let’s just match their energy. Fuck them, fuck everyone who supports it, fuck the Supreme Court.
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emuphobic · 2 years
Shocking news,
Muslims can be queer!! Saying they can't treats being queer like a choice and alienates queer religious people. Saying "they shouldn't act upon it" is fair I guess but it can also villianise queer people.
Literal Muslims have said Muslims can be queer and non-muslimswill still go "WeLl AcTuAlLy"
You are not muslim
Why do you care
Non-muslims people will constantly use Islam as an excuse for not supporting queer people or being homophobic when they aren't even apart of the religion.
Your religion doesn't stop you from supporting human rights, stop being a dick
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virtueisdead · 1 year
saw a post that went like "imagine not understanding that we gays and lesbians and bis made this community for us and not all you who think you deserve to be part" like damn shawty, don't worry, we weren't trying to! see, we're "lgbtq+"! you get to be in your own club called “lgb” just the exclusionary bigots, that way everyone knows at a glance you're a fucking embarrassment to your progressive contemporaries! we wouldn't want to take your identity away from you <3
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personal-blog243 · 3 months
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Idk how some of y'all think it's okay to say all this stuff but
Quit blaming trans people for transphobia
I don't mean trans people as in the average trans man or woman, I mean
The mogai community
The xenogender community
People who experience little to no gender dysphoria
Nonbinary people
"Weird" trans people
Nuerodivergent trans people
No-op trans people
Trans people without official gender dysphoria diagnoses
Neopronoun users
This always happens when I scroll the gender dysphoria tag, for whatever reason there's always just so many exclusionary posts (most written by trans people) claiming that people from that list up there are to blame for transphobia
I can't believe I have to say this, or that anyone else has to say this
Transphobia is not the fault of its victims, it is the fault of its spreaders.
Transphobia is not the fault of "weird" trans people, it is the fault of transphobic people, transphobic people just use "weird" trans people as a scapegoat for their behavior.
And spreaders of transphobia includes trans people, trans people can be hella transphobic, most of the people blaming "weird" trans people for transphobia are trans themselves. There are plenty of people in this community that spread terf rhetoric and transmedicalist crap and a lot of them have large followings too such as Blaire White and her possee of associates, hell, transphobia from trans people isn't even always just exclusionist crap as we've seen from the rise of transandrophobia/transmisandry within the community via trans people calling transmascs "pooner" or "zippertits" or "14 year old girls" or "theyfab" in response to talking about the discrimination transmascs face.
I'm getting sick of this rise of casual hate and discrimination in our own community, I'm tired of the othering, the defensiveness, the false blaming, the misinformation, the casual use of terf rhetoric, the sucking up, the victim blaming, the infighting, the slur slinging, all the other hell.
I'm never quite sure how to put this kinda stuff into words but..
When you blame your fellow brethren for the discrimination you face, all you do is harm yourself and help your abusers.
They may pretend to like you now, but when they're done with the people you're helping them hurt, you're next. And they won't be nice about it.
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shreygoyal · 1 year
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Simon Brodkin: BREAKING: Rain expected in Qatar today, FIFA cancelling all #WorldCup matches in case there’s a rainbow.
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trivialoev · 2 years
russia moves to expand the law that prohibits lgbt propaganda. that law was applied only to minors since 2013 but the new bill includes adults as well.
what does it mean ?
the government stopping granting distribution licenses to films that "promote the denial of family values" (banning any films w lgbt characters and representation instead of putting a 18+ rating), lgbt media, websites and social media also could be affected and censored, there might be a censorship of books and comic books that feature mentions of lgbt (currently such books r published in russia and r v popular but marked w 18+ stickers including the books for teenage audiences)
what i found ironic is the phrase "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations equals to propaganda of war" as if russia hasn't been heavily advocating for war these past five months. lots of russians were surprised that we even have a law that prohibits propaganda of war lmao.
the co-author of the bill nina ostanina called homosexuality an "anomaly" and a "diagnosis". she also said that childfree movement is included in the bill that is supposed to stop the denial of ~family values~ (whatever the fuck that means. there r no values in this country as it is).
few hours later after those news #1 tennis player in russia who currently resides in spain, daria kasatkina, came out as gay.
in the interview she said:
"if there was a choice, who'd choose to be gay? and make ur life more difficult. seriously? especially in russia."
– when do you think u'll be able to hold hands in russia?
"never. the way things r going, never, dammit."
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somescenecatholic · 2 years
wth is wrong with some ppl-
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You need to stop comparing queer people to lgbtq characters.
I really don't care if you meant it as a compliment . Saying to a queer person that they would get along with another queer person they don't know is like saying that a cis man would get along with another cis man because they're both cis which is complete nonsense.
A person's sexuality, gender, race, disability, etc. does not define they're personality or with whom they would get along with. While people can have things in common, assuming that they would get along with each other based on a common feature, identity or interest is very superficial and problematic. In the specific example of one's sexuality, a person saying that implies that everyone with that sexual orientation has the same personality features which couldn't be further from the truth and comes across as an act of discrimination especially after the targeted person has openly said that they don't like being compared with the specificcharacter. It's annoying. The same thing with fictional characters there is really no way to tell whether two people would like each other or not because one of them is made-up.
Every person is different and the same thing aplies to queer people. Everyone is unique so stop comparing people with fictional characters you freak.
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moneyfor-nothing · 1 year
“The one reason an asexual/aromantic person might not want to join our community is because their lives are safer when they don’t” do you not see what a privilege it is to be able to avoid targeted harassment and legislation just by ignoring the LGBT community and not identifying yourself with it
I see your point, and I would respond with. I am an AFAB nonbinary bisexual in a relationship with a cis man. Though I look more androgynous now, in the past I could have easily “passed” as cishet and avoided targeted harassment. That doesn’t make me any less a part of the LGBT community, nor any less queer.
Yes, my life is safer than are the lives of many of my queer brothers, sisters, and siblings. But that does not mean that I do not deserve to be a part of this community because of it. Same goes for my ace comrades.
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