#trans discrimination
kiruliom · 1 year
can we stop the belief that terfs hate transfems exclusively or like more than they hate cisgender men or transmascs and pretending it's just the trans women's battle against them and you're allies for them or whatever. this literally undermines how much harm theyre doing both to the trans community as a whole and even to the people (cis women) they claim to be protecting. terfs hate trans men just as much as trans women, transmascs arent safe because terfs view them as "uwu confused girlies trying to escape oppression", that is a very narrow worldview and inherently transphobic itself (it excludes butches, transmascs who's medically transitioned, intersex people, etc. etc.) transfems arent more oppressed by terfs than any other people theyre oppressing, please understand this. Im so sick and tired of people undermining my transmasc siblings when it comes to harassment from terfs because "well you arent a target to them", why are they harassing them then????
I just geniuenly dont like how the queer community can claim to be transmasc friendly and then view transmascs the same way transphobes view them (again, uwu girlies who are tricked into ruining their feminine beauty, they dont know anything and how lucky they are). feels both andromisic and misogynistic at the same time on top of transmisic idk how the fuck you manage to fuck up that badly
tldr: stop pretending transmascs arent affected by terfs nearly as much as transfems
anyone can reblog, except terfs of course they can fuck off
transfem is used as a way to refer to "TMA"/"AMAB" trans people transmasc is used as a way to refer to "TME"/"AFAB" trans people I know the definition is a bit more fluid now so I just wanted to note that
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profeminist · 2 years
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Photo ID: "first thing good, second thing bad" meme graphic.
First photo: a person responding negatively to the words "The state debating your right to exist."
Second photo: a person responding positively to the words "Debating the state's right to exist."
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i'm really upset about the transandrophobia discourse right now. i am not a transmisogynist for acknowledging that i also face oppression, and i'm not playing as a victim for wanting a word to describe my oppression. i apologize in advance if this is rambly or hard to understand
i am a transmasc nonbinary teenager, as well as autistic. i am *easily* spotted as queer because of how i express myself as transmasc. i am especially a target because of the ear defenders i wear to help with my sensory issues.
i have been threatened, harassed, called slurs, misgendered on purpose, physically and verbally attacked, fetishized, and more. this has all happened before and after i stopped trying to 'pass' as a cis guy and also started accommodating my autism. i absolutely do not benefit from male privilege in any way, nor am i accepted as a 'real' male by my peers. almost every cis boy at my school wants nothing to do with me, and only after years of being in school with me they are able to talk to me like a person. i have been asked by parents and teachers if i actually want to use they/them instead of my preferred he/him or he/they because of how i present (this comes from a place of support, but only makes me feel dysphoric). i was taken off of puberty blockers because therapists didn't want to approve hrt for me, despite my diagnosis of gender dysphoria, as i have non-normative transition goals. i can't go into any gendered bathrooms because people know i'm not a woman (and i feel highly dysphoric in the woman's bathroom), and i feel incredibly unsafe and singled out in the men's bathroom. i'm not seen as a boy, just a nonbinary person (which i am, but not only) or a confused girl who wants to be special.
by the way, i live in a very progressive place. i have it good compared to a lot of other transmascs.
this is absolutely a widespread issue, and by ignoring or denying it you are making it so much easier for people to target us without repercussions. i understand that people want to move past this discourse, but we cannot move on and advocate for each other as a community if the oppression against all kinds of trans people isn't acknowledged properly as an issue. please see us: the oppression we face does not undermine your own oppression
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
Reminder that "cis" is not a bad or derogatory word and anyone that says it is is most likely just transphobic!
If you as a cis person can decide you don't want to be called cis, but instead just a man or woman, then I, as a trans person, can decide that too. Or do you see us as our AGAB, or not real men and women?
Do you sepearate trans and cis people because you don't see trans people as real? You view them as something different than you and want only them specified
Cis is just an adjective, and if you can chose not to be called it, so can trans people.
A trans woman is as much a woman as a cis woman is, and a trans man is as much a man as a cis man is.
Stop being transphobic and learn what an adjective is!!
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lgbtawarenessproject · 11 months
Bad news about Florida y'all
(Also, check her out. She is EXTREMELY active on most social medias)
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fascistsarefreefood · 11 days
Just a reminder about the guidance the government has drafted on transgender students saying that schools must put them to their parents and that social transition should be greatly restricted. In light of the cass report we have to make a statement and tell the government we won't let them get away with there onslaught of transphobia. Sign the petition to get the guidance removed here:
Or read about what it entails here
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People really b like "why do trans men call me transphobic for not believing in transandrophobia!??!?!?" And then go and
Misgender anyone who disagrees with them (ex: calling trans men who disagree with them tomboys, girls, etc | putting transfems who disagreew with them onto transmasc blocklists without a care in the world that they're misgendering the trans women they claim to care about)
Creating and using slurs specifically targeted at trans men and transmascs (theyfab/pooner/zippertits/etc)
Commiting harassment against people specifically because they are transmasc
Denying people their identities not just as transgender but as black, latino, indigenous, etc. Because it doesn't fit the narrative that everyone talking about transandrophobia is a white privileged teenage transmasc.
And more that I couldn't put into words or remember ATM.
Transandrophobia deniers don't really care about minorities, let alone trans people, they show so many reactionary and terfy behaviors, even towards the people they say they care about, I'm tired of it.
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sophieinwonderland · 7 months
Friggin hate hate hate the way folks are just blatantly ignoring the lived realities of transphobia. Like this is literal transmedicalism and transmed rhetoric. Full stop.
The notion that you have to use the right language or else you don't face oppression is utter garbage. Fuck a lot of the transphobic legislation happening was sold as attacking Drag, which says nothing about a person's gender identity.
Like, apply any of this shit to singlets and it seems flatly obvious that it's transmed bs (at least I would hope so). Hell, wasn't the general explanation of transness "X trapped in a Y's body" up until the last like 5-10 years? I'd really like to see someone try to parse the difference between that and cis headmates in body's that don't match their gender.
This all just stinks of transmedicalism we've seen with our own two eyes. "You need to use my words or else you face zero of the same issues." Or "How dare you mention how you're affected by this, you don't even use the words I want you to use!" It's all so frustrating!
Anyways, thanks for staying strong! I thought your breakdown of your reasons for identifying as cis were really interesting and cool! Keep on being awesome! -Faye
Thank you Faye! 💖
That's a great point about the anti-drag laws, and it got me thinking about how a lot of transphobia and transphobic laws tend to rely on dog whistles to make them more appealing.
The far right doesn't say: "let's go take the rights of transgender people to use the bathroom that matches their gender."
They say: "we need to protect our daughters from men who will dress up as women to get into their bathrooms."
It's not exactly subtle but it leaves room for plausible deniability at least. It lets them say "we don't hate trans people, we just want to protect children."
Anti-trans rhetoric in many cases is masked as something else. It's not supposed to look transphobic and many of the people who lap it up or excuse it won't feel it is.
Anti-drag laws are sold as being against drag itself not trans people. Bathroom laws are sold as being against potential predators who may just be pretending to be trans.
What all of this boils down to is a form of transphobia that tries to look like it's actually against all of these other things and just happen to erode the rights of transgender people as it does. And because of this, actually calling yourself trans has very little to do with if you'd face discrimination or be impacted by transphobic laws.
I don't know why some people have such a hard time grasping that you can face discrimination and oppression even without using a certain label.
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notenderlaith · 7 months
I need some help for Trans people:
Sorry to bring any negativity or controversy to this site, but I have been getting ads on YT for this movie called "Gender Transformation" and its hate speech. I live in a place that is very not safe for trans people. I can't risk this making head way. It hasn't seemed to take off just yet, but I don't wanna give it the chance. Please mass report these accounts and do everything you can to keep this from hurting more people. Its dangerous, very very dangerous. Please stop this.
There is nothing wrong with detransitioning, but that is not what this film is saying. It's saying that children are being forced to be trans and that it will destroy everyone's family. So few people detransition, even less of them want to detransition because they don't identify with the trans identity, the last thing that people who detransition need is being weaponized against their community. Detransitioned people are not weapons to be used against Trans people. This is dangerous to both parties. Transphobes need to take their stupidity to a place where they face the consequences of their actions and not the innocent people who are just living as they are.
I don't want this to be tied to me or my account. But it needs to be said. I wont post about it again.
Here is the YT of the channel that made it (EPOCH ORIGIONAL)
Here is their twitter:
Here is the website:
Do what you can, I'm passing this up to the next person who can fight for me. Keep this from gaining the power to hurt or even kill more trans kids. Though be it, indirectly. Thank you. Have a nice day.
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samhutson · 1 year
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Let's get one thing straight.
You can have a genital preference and not be transphobic. That is fine. Not wanting to have intercourse with someone that has a certain genital regardless of gender is fine.
If you don't want to date someone because they're trans, that is transphobic. What's the difference? Well, quite a few trans folk have bottom surgery to match their gender. Let's show some examples.
If you are a gay man, and you don't want to date/have intercourse with a trans man because they have a vagina, that's your genital preference. However, if they have had bottom surgery and no longer have a vagina and you STILL don't want to have intercourse/date, then that's transphobic.
If you are a bi woman, and you don't want to date/have intercourse with a trans woman because they have a penis, that's a genital preference. But if they don't have a penis anymore, if they have a vagina now. And you still don't want to date them, that's transphobic.
Because now there's nothing that should stop you from intercourse/dating, since they fit your genital preferences and sexuality. If the thing that stops you from dating someone is that they are trans,that they used to not have those parts, that's transphobic.
Is this clear? Does that make sense? Did I miss something?
Edit: I forgot to mention that you don't have to date anyone, but I'm saying that it can still be called transphobic. If you have trauma, this post is not talking about that.
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hermaphrodianna · 2 years
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Part one: After my complaint this year about my experience of discrimination in the kitchen of HH, located in Theddingworth. They only put this statement up to cover their backs but really the story goes like this. Earlier this year, round March time I opened up to one of the heads of colleagues about my being transgender then the micro aggressions started and it became a snowball effect into more blatant trans. For example I told my now former boss I’m transgender and he proceeded to ask questions like is the surgery free or do you have to pay for it to which I replied “No it’s free on NHS” “Our taxes have to pay for that” he responded. At the time it did make my blood boil but I brushed it off. Then around June time I told him about my traumatic experience with a male stalker. Then he mentioned that one of my colleagues brought up my old name/dead name and after that followed “your a woman to me” thinking it would justify what he said prior. I also remember him inappropriately touching me with a feather duster from a bulk batch of stuff ordered for the kitchen. During all this time I was in a very bad place mentally to the point I was self harming and my colleagues thought it would be funny to make a mockery out of my scars. I was also having moments of being very high and very low in mood which made me an easy target for bullying let alone being transgender. Excuse this being very scattered but my dyslexia doesn’t exactly help matters. I also remember other staff laughing/giggling at me but then when I would go into a room they would stop talking. This also became true for my colleagues which is among countless other things I hate about work place bullying. They’d rather keep shut then confront the bullied about what’s being said about them. And as I said it continued like a snow ball effect into worse bullying/Name calling and dead gendering. For example dead gendering like “He’s angry today isn’t he”? My boss would say to a fellow colleague. “He’s always having up and down moments isn’t he”? He would say to another colleague whilst grimacing at me. In another situation he smelled the area in which I was standing and said “I smell butty” in front of a younger part timer. And I think this younger part timer is one of the main antagonists of this problem in which many others participated, mainly men. Men who have very little understanding of lgbtq problems but in my case it was mainly transgender problems. I’ve had this problem all my life when men sexualise me then bully me because I’m some sort of experiment to them. And this has been ongoing from the age of 14. There is a part two.
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
The fact that trans people are increasingly being in more danger (not even just in the U.S.! That's what I see talked about a lot is the recent anti trans laws there but there are other countries dealing with an uptick in anti trans pushback too!) but all some of y'all can focus on is stupid online discourse like what trans people are really valid (ex: nonbinary validity discourse, nondysphoric trans people discourse, xenogender discourse, gnc trans people discourse etc.) and if certain things trans people use for themselves is mocking the community (like dear gods the fucking neopronoun discourse, and the discourse over transmascs who use she/her + transfems who use he/him) instead of focusing on the rising pushback against our existence and bodily autonomy, it REALLY shows where your priorities lie.
"Oh but don't you know you can focus on two issues at once!!" But you aren't, and quite frankly, when it comes to this, no you can't. Because when it comes to minorities, intercommunity fighting over who "really" belongs or whose "right" on what identities are valid actively pushes apart the community based on opinions on that. And if we're busy being divided and pointing fingers at one another, we aren't working together to push back against the people who actively want our minority gone. Intercommunity arguing and validity discourse? It's exactly what the transphobes want. They want us to be fighting each other because if we are pointing fingers at one another and blaming each other for their actions, we aren't pointing fingers at them and blaming them for their own transphobia. We aren't fighting them because we're fucking fighting each other.
[ Please do not add discourse to this post explicitly being against discourse, I don't want to fucking hear it ]
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ghostlydeer39 · 2 years
Lets talk about why TERFS support rape culture
One thing TERFs all have in common, is that unknowingly or not, they all support rape culture. Any gender can be a victim, and any gender can be a rapist. I do agree that many victims and rapists are statistically gendered, but that is because of the current structure of society, and how children are raised. The idea that cis women can't sexually assault other genders is pure evil. It seems a lot of TERFs want to fight against the patriarchy. But being a TERF does not dismantle the patriarchy. Patriarchy and matriarchy are synonymous with rape culture. They can not exist without upholding rape culture. The idea that gender determines whether someone can be a predator, or a victim, is an integral part of rape culture. Right now, I am unable to articulate/communicate my emotions as well as I'd like in written form for this post. I'm only showing a minuscule amount of my emotions and anger about rape culture and transgender discrimination in this post, so, don't use that as an excuse to trivialize the severity of trans discrimination and rape culture.
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
Cackles at that person tryin to argue with you about what gender is in exclusively gnc trans person
(nah but fr transphobes consistently forget we exist or just outright deny our existence LMAO)
It's ridiculous honestly
They go "gender roles are bad!!" while demonising and trans person who dare to be anything but the perfect picture of traditional gender roles
And gnc trans women especially, awful scary predators here to ruin womanhood. Oh the horror /s
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fascistsarefreefood · 2 months
Transphobes want us to be arguing about whether trans men or trans women are more oppressed to distract us from the question of why any of us are oppressed
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