emuphobic · 2 years
:33< saying that fatphobia doesn't exist because "it's just an excuse for fat people to be slobs" literally proves the existence of it
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harukasakural · 2 years
:33< why are mspec lesbian/gay flags so ugly
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rjalker · 2 years
3nd3rscring3 for your free exclusionist and anti-endogenic blocklist
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emuphobic · 2 years
Shocking news,
Muslims can be queer!! Saying they can't treats being queer like a choice and alienates queer religious people. Saying "they shouldn't act upon it" is fair I guess but it can also villianise queer people.
Literal Muslims have said Muslims can be queer and non-muslimswill still go "WeLl AcTuAlLy"
You are not muslim
Why do you care
Non-muslims people will constantly use Islam as an excuse for not supporting queer people or being homophobic when they aren't even apart of the religion.
Your religion doesn't stop you from supporting human rights, stop being a dick
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emuphobic · 2 years
:33< if certain identities make you question your support towards the trans community then you never supported in the first place
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emuphobic · 2 years
I've said it once and I'm going to keep saying it until allies actually listen
You are not an ally if you only support under certain circumstances
You are not an ally if you misgender bad trans people
You are not an ally if you expect praise for the bare minimum
You're not an ally if you tell queer people that their issues aren't that bad because you can't relate to them
Listen to queer people
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emuphobic · 2 years
:33< "neopronouns mock the trans community" me, a trans masc using mew as a pronouns isn't going to kill trans people or make trans people look like a joke. What does kill trans people and make us look like a joke is cis people and the media they create that yk turns us into jokes
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emuphobic · 2 years
:33< being bullied out of using xenogenders and neopronouns or using a typing quirk isn't "character development" you were literally just harassed out of using things that made you comfortable, if anything you're less mature. Especially when you start hating on neos/xenos. You didn't mature or have character development you're just sucking up to people 💀
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emuphobic · 2 years
When will detransitioners stop speaking for trans people. I'm not talking about actual trans people who had to detransition for safety I'm talking about cis people who believed they were trans, is there anything wrong with thinking you're trans and then realising you aren't and detransitiong? No of course there isn't, I'm happy you discovered yourself. But just because you thought you were trans does not mean you have the right to speak on trans issues and insert yourself into trans safespaces
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emuphobic · 2 years
:33< I will forever just say I'm a trans man despite the fact I'm not. It's It's much easier than saying I'm genderfluid boyflux and agender and just sounds better than trans masc
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emuphobic · 2 years
:33< I can't choose between pinkie pie kinnie, fictionkin, furry, cringe catgender or shinji kinnie "kys" "you're a social reject" mean catgender
:33< tumblr choose my personality for the month please <333
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emuphobic · 2 years
:33< i love having an identity that doesn't make sense and confusing cis people I love being ftm genderapathetic and agender I love it when people say "well actually you're just genderfluid" like do I care? I love my confusing little identity ^-^
Im ftm in the way that I'm a man but I also don't care about my gender and just don't feel like I have any but im a man, I'm a boy but in the genderless way but also in a masculine way
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emuphobic · 2 years
:33< r yall Rui Kamishiro autistic or Emu otori autistic
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emuphobic · 2 years
:33< mfs be like "this generation is too soft" and then type an essay on why I can't be catgender
:33< like shit bro put that effort into your English essay
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emuphobic · 2 years
:33< Yall need to stop asking for Tws for dumbass things
:33< You're going to see things that trigger you on a daily basis and you need to learn to cope with it, that's the whole point of recovery, identifying these triggers and then learning to cope with them. Nobody is required to add triggers for outrageous shit, this is the internet, if something as simple as a blade will cause you to have panic attack you shouldn't be on here.
:33< Before anyone takes this out of context this doesn't apply to people who purposefully trigger others especially people who pull the "I'm in your walls" bs. Purposefully triggering people isn't comparable to kids being whiny little shits and thinking everybody needs to cater their content to them
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emuphobic · 1 year
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