#stop homophobia
annadriesen2121 · 1 month
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Dear Omar, thank you for your words, for letting us into your heart, for sharing such an important message with all of us!
May your words help those who have not yet found the courage to be themselves and live with pride ❤
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Just a reminder that tomorrow (12th April) is The Day of Silence. I learnt about it yesterday so I can be wrong (please correct me if I am) it's celebrated to honor the queer students who face harassment, are bullied, ostracized or silenced. I saw a report that 9/10 LGBTQ students face verbal harassment and 1/3 of students are scared to go to school. To all of you, stay strong and safe. There's nothing wrong with you. You're awesome.
Have a nice week
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that-bisexual · 1 month
TW: Homophobia
Thursday I took heartstopper with me into class like I do with all my books. Well we had free time and my teacher let us talk and I was showing my friend Heartstopper (which I bought at the school book sale). I'm sitting across from two boys, let's call them Daniel and Nathan. I knew them both pretty well because we are in classes together but I don't think anyone told them I was bi. So this conversation happened:
Daniel: Ew you bought that book? Me: Yeah so what? Daniel: Well it's gay (At this point I got angry) Me: I said so what? It doesn't matter. Nathan: They should NOT be selling that at school. Me: It's just a book Daniel: But it's gay and that's wrong. That's not what God wanted. (I got angry, started shaking and was about to snap) Me; It's just a book! Nathan: But they're gay? Why do you even have it? Me: Because I want to read it. (I was getting nervous and shaking from both anger and fear. All of my friends in that class were just itt there watching it happen even though they know homophobia and stuff triggers me) Daniel: You now they had a...a...a gay girl book at my sisters school (his sister is in the 3rd-5th grade school in our district) and it's just wrong. They're forcing their agenda on children. It's so sad what the word has come to. (At this point I was shaking and just about to cry) Nathan: Why is she getting so upset? Daniel: Yeah what the hell is wrong? "Friend": Oh you guys aren't in the group chat! (She's referring to the group chat where I came out to all my friends in that class. We were all really tight nit last year because of a program we did. So I look at her with a panic expression because I don't think she really gets what a danger it can be coming out to a homophobic person. She shuts up tho) Nathan: Yeah. We aren't. Why does this have to do with a group chat. (I stayed quiet bc of anxiety and I couldn't speak at all bc I was scared) Nathan *Whispers to Daniel* I think she's a lesbian
This made me so mad and scared and just sad. I don't get why people are so hateful. Queer kids are stuck reading romance stories they are never gonna relate to all their life they should be able to read stories they like. And what really made me mad was when he said 'gay girl' you know there's a name for that but obviously your head is so far up your homophobic ass you can't see that people being queer doesn't effect you at all.
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steakmakesnoises · 2 months
I swear to god some people doesn't give a shit about sa/csa survivors. Especially those people who accuse the LGBTQ+ community of "grooming". Surprise, say "it's ok yo be gay" ≠ grooming. Stop being fucking stupid (I literally was abused by conservative homophobic hetero man btw).
It's ironic that almost every LGBTQ+ hater is later exposed as a predator.
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tommydashwood · 5 months
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justatiredfan · 18 days
wtf guys
just wanted to come out here and say it: stop the bullshit jokes about Grian being homophobic. It’s spreading false rumors if it isn’t labeled as a joke and it’s just straight up awful. Grian has always been supportive of the lgbtq+ community and I find it disgusting that people are taking his one snapshot of disappointment/confusion as homophobia and posting “jokes” about it. I’ve seen so much homophobia recently and my tolerance has run out for these ridiculous accusation that people are posing as jokes. No jokes about Grian being homophonic should be tolerated by anyone.
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heartshapedcock · 9 months
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They made out in front of thousands of people 16 years ago! Happy Frerard kiss anniversary 🖤
Ngl I miss Projekt Revolution's "drama"
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personal-blog243 · 13 days
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Quick way to generate random info here.
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teenytiny-ant · 2 months
What do bullies think gives them the right to pretty much ruin other people's life and make them feel horrible about themselve for reasons they can't control?
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that-bisexual · 3 months
Throwback to the time when I was like 11 and me and my dad were joking around and I said boys are gross (before I even knew my sexuality) then he looked me dead in the eyes and stopped laughing. He then proceeded to say 'you better not like girls or I'll kick you out' I started laughing again because I thought he was joking and said 'oh yeah, definitely' He went absolutely FERAL and started screaming. I was about to cry and I went 'No I was joking! I like boys! I'm straight!' We didn't talk for the rest of the night. I didn't think much about it then because I thought I was straight but now that day haunts me.
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notyouralien · 1 year
To all the women who watch bl just to fetishize mlm relationships and still manage to be homophobic when it comes to queer women, sincerely from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
They'll literally be talking about bl and then be like eww when i bring up kristen stewart (the only queer woman they know obv)
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mushroom-sunn · 2 months
Mañana le diré por fin a mi madre religiosa, homo/transfobica que soy pansexual, me tomo 6 años tomar esa decisión, y sé que muy probablemente destrozara nuestra """increíblemente sana relación""" entre ella y yo.
Lo reflexioné un montón, intenté darle pequeñas pistas como: "esa chica es linda", "no se qual es su género pero amo a esa persona" etc. Hasta pinté una parte de mis Converse blancas con los colores de la bandera pan y mi hice una pulsera también. Pero creo que no lo pillo.
Hace tiempo, algo como un año, descubrió mis conversaciones con mi mejor "amiga" (es género fluido pero como sé mi madre no acepta esas cosas, tengo que decir que es chica :'( ) y malinterpreto una parte donde decía que me iba a confesar a mi crush (no mencioné su nombre en el mensaje, ya que elle ya sabe quien es) así que me quito el cel pensando que estaba saliendo con mi mjr amigi y que era lesbiana (soy género fluido tmb😭)👁️👄👁️. Así que después de convencerla de que no estaba saliendo con elle (tardé más de un mes en convencer a mi madre) entendí que no le importaba mucho ocultar su homofobia y transfobia.
Hoy, no se como, llegamos a hablar de los homofobicxs del Facebook y dijé que, para mi, es muy tonto y gay ser homofobicx, peor aún si ni siquiera crees en dios (no digo que creer en dios perdone o sea una excusa eh?) en que te molesta que dos parejas del mismo sexo/ género se amen? Y ella me sacó lo de: "incluso si no eres religios@, hay gente con principios. Eso es anti natural, a vuestra generación (gen z) os hacen creer que es algo normal, pero no lo es. No deberían enseñar cosas tan asquerosas (tomando sus mismas palabras) a niñ@s etcetcetc. Lo peor de TODO, es que dijo eso muy tranquilamente, delante de mi hermanita de 6 años, osea quiere que se vuelva una completa imbécil que no sabe aceptar las vidas de personas que ni conocen como lo hace ella. Y de verdad me da asco la idea de que se vuelva como ella algún día...
En fin, yo ya he tomado mi decisión, y sé perfectamente que no lo va a aceptar, pero por fin me siento listo en salir del closet con mi madre (literalmente medio Internet sabe que soy pansexual y género fluido excepto mi madre, padre, hermana, y todos los tíos, tías, abuelos, abuelas... El único que lo sabe de mi familia "biológica" es mi hermano menor). La próxima etapa es decirlo a mi padre, pero creo que si lo hago, me va a matar o algo del estilo 😭👍. Tengo miedo de que sea una mala pero buena idea al mismo tiempo, ayudaaaaaa😭
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kaethrine-whatever · 2 months
Дорогие подданные! У нас с братом произошла ссора… 😭 Я предложила попробовать кое-что новое в, ну… вы понимаете 🔞🤭
Я предложила так сказать, поменяться ролями, потому что мы в Нильфгаарде прогрессивная сверхдержава, а не какие-то там пуритане! АлександЭр отказался (ханжа ебаная) но что куда хуже - в результате дальнейшей дискуссии выяснилось, что он ГОМОФОБ 😭😭😭
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just-michael799 · 2 months
Don't Really Want To But... I'll Do It Anyway
Man, Mothers Can Be Pissed At Us For No Fuckin' Reason. It's Like a Person Being Pissed At Something. My Mom Is Literally Hurting Me In My Mind Several Times That It Makes Me Wanna Yell At Her Just To Make Her Feel Bad. My Mom's Name Is Karee. She Is a Straight Freak. I Called Her That Bc She Didn't Respect Me As a Trans Male. So I Had To Hate Her In Secret.
Before Everyone Says “Oh, NoT aLl MoMs ArE bAd” Yeah Right, Bc I'm Aware That Moms CAN Be Very Bad. When I Was 12, My Mom Would Took Away My (Old) Tablet Anytime When I Tried To Get Back On Insta. I Came Out As Trans & My Mom Would Say “What If Everyone Doesn't Wanna Play With You” How FUCKING Disgusting Of Her. Just Bc I'm Trans Doesn't Mean That Everyone Gets To Hurt Them. My Mom Would Also Yell At Me For An Unknown Reason. And Didn't Want Me As a Trans Male For a False Reason Like C'mon.
People Like My Mom Needs To Respect LGBT People Cuz If Not Then It's a Su***dal Time For All Of Us, & That Includes Me Too. If She Ain't Respectful I Hope She Jumps Off a Building Like C'mon! She Ain't Gunna Be a Bitch For That. What a Pussy.
Sorry For Doing That Thing. I Was Just Gossipin' Abt My Mom.
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