You need to stop comparing queer people to lgbtq characters.
I really don't care if you meant it as a compliment . Saying to a queer person that they would get along with another queer person they don't know is like saying that a cis man would get along with another cis man because they're both cis which is complete nonsense.
A person's sexuality, gender, race, disability, etc. does not define they're personality or with whom they would get along with. While people can have things in common, assuming that they would get along with each other based on a common feature, identity or interest is very superficial and problematic. In the specific example of one's sexuality, a person saying that implies that everyone with that sexual orientation has the same personality features which couldn't be further from the truth and comes across as an act of discrimination especially after the targeted person has openly said that they don't like being compared with the specificcharacter. It's annoying. The same thing with fictional characters there is really no way to tell whether two people would like each other or not because one of them is made-up.
Every person is different and the same thing aplies to queer people. Everyone is unique so stop comparing people with fictional characters you freak.
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