#last time i got absolutely 0 likes and 0 reblogs
Aaand chapter 2 is up! Yep, I'm sticking with this Twilight fanfiction, still mostly no regrets, I'm having a good time!
Anyway, to whom it may concern: enjoy o/
Fic summary:
Twilight universe but almost everyone is queer. That's mostly it.
Lots of feelings, lots of emotions, lots of growth and people finding each other and themselves.
Once upon a time, Bella used to live in Arizona with her mother and her stepfather, but sooner than she thought she would, she finds herself headed to Forks, actually desperate to get there.
What she doesn't know yet is that she will come to cherish her life in Forks more than she ever did her life in Arizona. She will find love (as will many other people), friendship and family.
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lustrous-dawn · 4 months
Some Positivity
I'm absolutely surprised I do not have an image of my sona with a heart so Zhen will have to do it. Especially given his ‘job’
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The start of the year for me has been rough. The folks who know my situation know my words are a severe understatement but I can’t let that hold me down. But it has made it abundantly clear that I am loved. 
I genuinely have folks who love me for who am I. 
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I couldn't ask for any more words than that today.
I am loved for what I am and what I do and that's all I could ever ask for. And I love myself for it.
So today, lets give out a little bit of love to some folk today. 
Edge; @casteliacityramen
I love how you are incredibly indecisive about reblogging some things on your side account. Something that means a lot to a character that someone may get a free hint on. I mean hell I used to do that all the time in my younger days to keep them on my brain to stay a little consistent on it. But man, I'm sure you've been hearing a lot from other people and honestly I'll be one of them hollering in the back about how we love Rio. 
The point is your story and characters have managed to grab people by the throat. You have an eloquent way of making them pretty relatable and gripping their attention. 
Hope you're enjoying the day with your significant other :0
Owli; @askvekpa
I always wonder if you be like “THERE GOES THIS GIRL AGAIN ASKING FOR HER DANG LUGIAS TO BE DRAWN AGAIN.” I can't help myself. You're too damn good at your craft and your attention to detail on beasties, dragons and animals alike. It's praiseworthy so I hope you always treat yourself kindly when it comes to what you do. Also, you seem to be doing better in the anxiety department, or I hope so. It's been a pleasure to see you be more interactive as of late with others so I hope you have been able to adequately spread your wings in that environment and get better.
Vega; @pokitsune
MAN I SURELY DO MISS YOU RIGHT. I HAVE SO MANY BRAINWORMS ABOUT YAKO AND ROSHI FIGHTING AND TEA TIME WITH ROSHI. Then I remember you're literally a DM away and my ass is just straight-up forgetful. I remember you chatted away about your Ninetales lore and goddamn I was eating it up. It FUELED ME to be so motivated with my characters, you have no idea. And coupled with your old ask blogs, I am so glad we started to chat last year and I am always grateful you send me images of stuff I can relate with on my characters. 
I hope you're having fun with FFXIV and I hope you and gf are doing something good today or both of you are taking some good ass time to relax.
Skins; @asksavel
I mean there are a lot of words I want to say. Overall it is always overwhelmingly positive. We were both there for each other in a horrible mental down. While mines is a bit still ongoing, you still have been sending me kind words and images to make the day all the more bearable. You noticed I have been withdrawn lately and you consider that when talking with me. 
Communication. It's something I always prized and I really appreciate it when we have chatting. Thank you so much for being the person you are and helping me. It has meant a lot to me.
Kai; @bunnkick
I'm pretty sure you weren't expecting me to do this! But HA I GOT YOU NOW TODAY. 
EVER SINCE YOU TOLD ME YOU CONSIDERED ME A FRIEND I HAVE BEEN LIKE A NERVOUS LITTLE PERSON TO CHAT MORE WITH YOU. I have been doing good to shoot messages your way to check in on you though and I'm proud of that much. Ah, I love your work man. I have been saying this for years as I have been working with you and imma saying it again, your style rocks man. And the chats we have, I love staying up for 3 hours to chat with ya. It's always a great time. 
Now I gotta hit you up for shows. I have been watching some and I always loved your insight ~
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mattodore · 16 days
hallo river :D idk which blog of urs to send this to (since it has main and personal blog elements), so I'm just going for ur main- Thank you for managing to be one of my biggest inspos on not just simblr, but overall as like,,, a person??? idk how to word it 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
I've said a lot of what I want to say already in my love train and biggest inspo posts, but I js wanna say that ur genuine passion for your ocs AND for media (movies and writing and stuff) has been incredibly infectious for me, in a good way of course. Pretty much since I started following you, I've had your main blogs post notifs on cuz I love seeing the quotes and other things that u reblog that relate to Theo and Matthias, and since following you, I've also, of course, found your side blog, which has opened a whole new can of worms for me, your reblogs about The Passenger got me to watch the movie and this movie has singlehandedly re-sparked a kind of hyperfixation that I haven't experienced in a LONG time (if u wanna exclude ocs), and NOW I have your side blogs notifs on cuz. yk. I love ur posts and reblogs ADKSKDK. I've currently got Tom at the Farm (and plenty of other movies you've posted abt) on my to-watch list (putting off TatF cuz im a little squeamish with wounds at times🧍‍♂️🤧). I've also started to look at and analyze deeper into stuff, specifically since finding your blogs and after seeing just how deep-in-the-guts The Passenger fans get LMAO- Your blogs have inspired me in wayyy too many ways at this point and im starting to feel like i need to put "fyi: this blog is heavily inspired by mattodore" somewhere on my blog AISJAKSKS (jk ofc)- I kinda feel like I'm repeating myself at this point,, but I just wanted to let you know cuz I have a lot of appreciation for you, your blogs and whatever you post.
If you have 1000 fans, I'm one of them, if u have 100, I'm one of them, if you have 1, IM that one, and if u have 0, I died 🤷‍♂️ anyways this turned into a slight ramble but again, thank you man, ur like,,,, kinda cool or wtv 🫵🫶 (also saw ur comments abt joining the server and just know I WILL join,,, later after I've slept LMAO)
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WELL... my body found dead in a ditch. thank you... both for being so kind and for telling me all this bc i do love validation lmfao. like you're super sweet and that bit about how passionate i am... like that's. ugh. kind of everything to me. so thank you.
anyway now to talk about the passenger 😁 UGHHHHH i'm so glad you watched it!!! i've been losing my mind every day for the last two months over it so YEAH. love that. i've ALSO not been this obsessed with something in such a long time. it feels good to really get my hands dirty in fandom again, like, it's such a fun outlet. i'm this 🤏close to writing fic again but i'm holding off through sheer force of will. also have definitely been reading your tags when you reblog posts from me and add more commentary about things you noticed!! jerma image let's take the passenger media analysis together
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TOM AT THE FARM. I'VE BEEN GOING BATTY WANTING TO TALK ABOUT TOM AT THE FARM. TOM!! MY BEST FRIEND TOM!! i would ABSOLUTELY be willing to take timestamps of any scene where there are wounds on display if you want, like... a safety guide? that you can skip around? or just so you're aware of what you're about to see. lmk! literally would love the excuse to rewatch it again. i don't think that any of the wounds in it are that graphic imo... but there's some blood that gets on tom's arms/hands from a calf being born and i think maybe if you saw it without context that could have looked really gnarly. idk what your baseline for okay vs. yuck! is wrt wounds though, so. lmk!
also join the server 🫵 i'm recruiting you come be online with me
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (18)
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(c!technoblade x fem!reader) (?who knows at this point..)
(Its literally been 1000 years and I’m so exhausted but I’m finally DONE with chapter 18!!! Thanks Cheesus cuz a bitch is tired. Y’all know the drill! If you like this then PLEASE I’m begging you to reblog and comment! The comments from the last chapter were the only thing keeping me writing some days cuz life is ass. Show me some love y’all! Please 🥺💗)
Tubbo was, for lack of a better term, freaking the FUCK out!!
He’d just been planning to go to the Nether to mine some gold since he was running out, and figured hey why not go through the portal close to Azo’s house so he could pop by to visit her?? No big deal, right? But instead of a normal visit/mining expedition he runs into Azo…
Where she absolutely positively was NOT supposed to be!
So yeah, the horned player was panicking. And Azo was shaking a little already, not a good sign! 
“What do I do? What the fuck do I do??? Uh, okay we gotta get back to the Nether!” 
He scooped the teary eyed Azo up and rushed with her towards the portal, but came to a sudden halt when her shaking intensified. It was too late. It didn’t matter if he got her back now, the zombification process was already starting!
His breathing hitched in panic, he sat her back down on the grass, not really sure what to do now.
The young hybrid furiously looked around them, making sure there were no mobs that would attack, seeing some pigs a bit away from them, and a skeleton about 30 blocks away though it didn’t seem to care about either of them at the moment. But Tubbo discarded that thought as soon as he had it, still freaking out about Azo. Without even bothering to keep the messages private he pulled up his communicator and sent out the panicked texts.
Everyone on the server saw them, including Reader, who was rightfully panicked after reading them. She up and abandoned the meeting she was in and sprinted out of the White House towards the portal leading to her smallest two children. She was going so fast a few people swore it looked like her feet weren’t even touching the ground. She forwent the wood path, dashing between buildings, through yards, and even over obstacles to get to the portal faster. 
Tubbo was on the verge of crying along with Azo, but he just held her close and shushed her and told her that Mum would make everything better and it would all be okay. Azo sniffled but nodded as best she could with how badly her body was shaking. She didn’t feel good, she felt bad, like the time she ate some of that gross meat she found in a chest but so much worse. And why did her hands and feet sting? Like she’d been touching those “cold” drinks her mom makes for them. Only this cold is scary..
Wilbur was running, the minute he saw Tubbo he froze like some pathetic rabbit caught in the gaze of a fox even though the younger of the two of them hadn’t even seen him. He couldn’t move, both because he was actually shocked it had been the younger ram hybrid but also because he knew moving at all would alert Tubbo to him being there. The juvenile hybrid had damn good hearing and Wilbur knew that. So he just painfully stood there, barely breathing as he watched Tubbo try calming the baby piglin down before just picking her up and running through the portal with her.
But the second they disappeared into the purple swirling haze Wilbur was off like a shot, bolting through trees and heading to the ravine he’d left Schlatt at. He heard his communicator chime, signaling a message in the public chat but he ignored it to avoid a creeper. And by the time he’d made it all the way to the ravine he was beyond winded and trying to eat some bread to get his hunger back up. Along the way he got another couple pings on his communicator but ignored them too. And when he entered the ravine Schlatt seemed to be waiting for him, looking tense and before Wilbur could speak the ram was blurting out,
“What the fuck did you do?”
That caught Wilbur by surprise, and he asked what Schlatt meant. The brunet wondered how Schlatt knew something had happened. Well him sprinting back to the ravine probably gave a hint but the mustached ram sounded so sure Wilbur had fucked up. And when Schlatt just raised an eyebrow and gestured to his own communicator Wilbur remembered he’d heard some incoming messages, but he’d been so focused on running he’d ignored them. So now when he looked he bit the inside of his cheek anxiously. 
Reader knew.
Oh shit she definitely knew about what happened to the piglin kid. Wilbur didn’t like how his skin prickled in nerves, like he was scared. He had no reason to be! She’d never know it was him that caused this, even unintentionally! So he can just calm down, breathe and scrap the plan he had to use Azo as leverage and just think of something else. No problem. 
“Dude.. I don’t know what you did, but whatever it is.. I got a feeling it’s gonna bite us right on the ass..” Schlatt said in a surly tone.
Wilbur’s throat pinched as he swallowed and he told Schlatt he was just being paranoid, he hadn’t done anything crazy. There’d been a mishap thanks to some stupid ghast but that’s all it was; a mishap. Plus there was no way to tie it all back to him. No humans or hybrids had seen him so he was in the clear.
Though.. when he finally told Schlatt what happened, the look the ram hybrid gave him did the opposite of putting his mind at ease. Then he had the gall to let out a loud bark of laughter and say,
“Wilbur, buddy… you might have just fucked yourself here. Cuz last I checked, Reader actually gives a shit about the kids she keeps around. So.. she might hold a grudge when she finds out you more or less killed one of said kids..”
Wilbur didn’t look impressed with Schlatt’s statement, and the ram would even say the ex-president was totally bored with the conversation and didn’t really care… Or he would have if he hadn’t spotted the anxious drop of sweat beading on the brunet’s brow. Oh yeah, he was definitely internally freaking out. And Schlatt can’t really blame him. Pissing off hybrid parents was stupid, any hybrid will tell you that. The ex-president should know that, what with having a hybrid father and all. 
But Schlatt shrugged and said, “Well I guess so long as you’re sure nobody saw you there then you should be fine. Right?”
The glasses wearing player nodded, a breath of relief escaping him as he clung to that thought. Nobody had seen him but some piglins, a ghast, some blazes, and the kid herself. And he doesn’t think she’ll make it to rat him out so all’s well that ends well.
Reader stepped through the portal closest to L’manberg and sped through the Nether, disregarding anything in her path, and eventually she got to the familiar area where she’d build Azo’s house. But there was no sign of Azo or Tubbo anywhere. She furiously looked around before holding up her communicator, getting ready to message Tubbo if she couldn’t find him on the other side of the portal. 
But when she stepped through the sight that greeted the white eyed being almost made her knees give out underneath her. 
Tubbo was holding Azo. Azo. Who was IN THE OVERWORLD!
No, no, nonononoNONONO! She should not be here!
“TUBBO! NO! What-wh- oh fuck. What is Azo doing out here??” Reader gasped.
The boy in question started babbling about how he didn’t know, he found her out here and she was already shaking badly by the time he had. 
Reader shakily stumbled forward before collapsing onto the ground in front of the pair so she could check over Azo, her hands trembling as they reached out for her littlest child, but… she was already too far gone. Her usual white eyes looked milky and showed a glossed over appearance to them, revealing her not really being focused in the present. And her skin had taken on a bluish tint, giving her usually rosy pink flesh a colder candy pink tone. And if that weren’t bad enough, it looks like part of her flesh is starting to shrivel and rot. The sight made her stomach feel as if it weighed 100 pounds before it sank into her shoes.
Azo looked up at her but there was nothing behind her eyes. A sudden thought burst into Reader’s head and all at once she was opening her inventory and desperately scrounging through it for two particular items. She flipped through categories before finding the one she wanted, then started scrolling around in a pell-mell fashion in search of one in particular. Once she found the first she snatched it before going in search of the second. Both gathered she pushed her inventory closed and quickly uncorked the potion bottle and gently but urgently grabbed Tubbo and pulled him away from the mindless ziglin child. 
Then without warning she doused her in the potion, that’s when Tubbo realized what Reader was doing. Tears welled in his eyes and he gently placed a hand on his mum’s back, softly saying that trying the potion of weakness and golden apple route wasn’t going to work. He heard that it only works on villagers. But Reader snapped back that they didn’t know that for sure! Tubbo watched sadly as she tried offering Azo the golden apple, but she didn’t show any interest in it. Reader got so desperate that she bit off a piece herself before gently forcing it into the girl’s mouth, sighing in relief when she automatically started chewing it.
Tubbo hated that he actually held his breath for a moment afterwards, that he’d hoped it would actually work. But nothing happened and Reader’s desperation grew and she muttered about maybe the golden apple just not being strong enough so she pulled out an enchanted one instead, doing the same move of biting a piece off and feeding it to Azo. The small hybrid behind her sighed softly, his ears lowering in grief. He patted her back and said it wasn’t working, but Reader cut him off in a wobbly voice,
“No! It has to work!” before her resolve hardened and she pulled Azo into a tight hug and continued, “It WILL work!”
She rubbed Azo’s back, whispering words of encouragement, telling her she could do it and to just let the apple take effect. The antlered woman clenched her eyes shut, clinging to her piglin baby and mentally begging anything and everything possible in the universe to make it work. It had to, she couldn’t lose Azo to zombification. It wasn’t fair to the child, she didn’t deserve this fate. So Reader wished with all of her being that it would work and everything would be okay.
“Mum… I don’t think it’s working..” Tubbo muttered forlornly. 
Reader let out a choked sob, she knew he was right. Nothing was happening. But she felt like if she gave up then she was letting Azo down even more. She’d failed to keep her safe in the Nether and look what happened to her! She was a fucking zombie! Reader was a failure of a mother! She couldn’t give up! So in a wild frenzy she practically yanked her inventory open, just looking for something, ANYTHING! Her weapons, her various gold trinkets, other random shit she tossed in there without a care. Nothing that would help- huh?
“The orange?” She said in a teary tone.
At this point she was beyond desperate to help her child so she took a crafting table out and figured that if she didn’t try every option then she didn’t really want Azo healed so she was trying EVERYTHING. In record time she’d surrounded the orange with gold ingots before hesitating, not sure if she should use ingots or gold blocks or neither at all. Worried now she started frantically peeling the orange until she was left with 8 individual orange segments. She would try each of them on Azo one at a time to ensure she doesn’t waste the one orange. So normal orange first. She slips one of the segments into the piglings mouth, smiling as she chews. 
“Wait, is that an orange?-” Tubbo started to ask.
But just as he said this Reader felt like someone stole the breath from her lungs, because Azo’s body started to convulse while she let out little soft snorts. Reader took in a stuttered breath while looking down at her smallest child. Azo looked up at her, face still blank but the shaking was a sign that it was working! She might not even need the rest of the orange! Reader could feel her heart beating so fast she’s shocked she didn’t feel ill from it. But then of course she was hardly giving it any mind, far too zeroed in on her child’s physical state to even think of her own.
All they could do was sit there in stunned silence as Azo quivered under their scrutiny, not that she was aware enough to be bothered by it.
*sssshhhwwhooosh* “HEY HEY! What the fuck is goin on?! Tubbo what was with that ominous as fuck message-.. oh shit..” It was Tommy. 
He’d just rushed through the Nether portal, looking mostly angry, but with that hint of worry, before catching sight of Tubbo and Reader and demanding to know what the hell was going on.. but then he saw Azo. In the Overworld. Yeah so it was clear what was wrong..
Tommy started panicking, seeing Azo shaking in the Overworld and fucking zombified. Tubbo grabbed his arm and shushed him, ignoring Tommy’s anger at being shushed when something like this was happening before he began to fill him in on what was going on while Reader gently ran her hand down the soft hair on Azo’s head, not knowing what else to do right now besides attempting to soothe the pigling. While her two other children talked in hushed whispers behind her she was mentally chanting ‘please’ over and over again, praying to the universe that this would work and Azo would go back to normal and make it through this.
Reader couldn’t even bear to open her eyes at first when Azo stopped shaking, too scared to look down and see her baby still rotting away slowly. But the surprised but happy gasps from the two boys behind her gave her enough hope to pull back enough to look down. And she felt tears well in her eyes at the sight of Azo all healed and no longer zombified. She went to pull her small child into another happier hug but stopped when Azo made a soft snort of worry. Reader paused and asked her if she was okay, mentally starting to panic, thinking she was about to re-zombify again. But Azo pushed herself away from Reader until the antlered woman let her go.
Azo timidly took a few steps away from the three, looking anxious… like she’d never met them before..
“Kiddo, what’s wrong? You still feel sick?” Tubbo asked with a tense frown. 
Azo didn’t answer him, just stared like she was too shy to reply. So Tommy chimed in and asked if she was alright, even calling her ‘Azzy’ like he did sometimes when he was feeling more brotherly than usual. This seemed to catch Azo’s attention but now she just looked confused. Reader felt a dark pit forming in her stomach and she kneeled down and spoke directly to Azo,
“Azogamay. Do you know who we are?”
This time Azo visibly perked up, her ears twitching at the sound of Reader saying her actual full name. The white eyed child glanced between the two boys and Reader before gingerly shaking her head ‘no’. Reader felt like she’d been kicked in the chest by a ravager. She wanted to cry, to scream, anything to help her not feel so hollow all of a sudden. She knew from her ‘past life’ knowledge that the only way to ‘reset’ a villager with a profession was to zombify them, heal them, and then give them a new profession. Dying, even briefly, made them forget what and who they knew.. But she stupidly hadn’t thought that would apply to Azo. But that was probably just her foolish hopes speaking.
Reader couldn’t help how she fell back onto her behind and just… started crying. Her baby had forgotten her. 
Tommy and Tubbo were at a loss. They’d never seen Reader cry, hell they’d never seen her this upset ever. But.. if Azo had really forgotten them then they knew Reader had a reason to cry. They didn’t want to admit it but they would probably cry if Reader suddenly forgot who they were and that she was their mum.. And when Tubbo looked at Azo he saw her looking at Reader sadly, apparently not liking how she was crying. That was a good sign at least. So Tubbo blinked back his own tears and pulled a gold ingot from his inventory and held it out to the small pigling. She blinked at him before quietly taking it from him. Then he gestured for Tommy to do the same, snapping the blond boy into action. Soon Azo had two ingots and looked a lot less tense.
Tubbo sat next to Reader and rubbed her back while Tommy went and sat on her other side before gesturing for Azo to come sit in front of them. She did, gold clutched to her chest and not feeling scared anymore, now only feeling curious and sad for the tall lady in front of her that felt a bit familiar.
“Azo, this is your mum, and she’s ours too. You’re our sister!” Tommy explained with a grin that had the pigling’s head tilting in curiosity. 
The two explained everything to Azo while Reader softly cried herself out. The whole afternoon had been one emotional gut punch after another and she was feeling more than a little exhausted from it. But after she calmed down she did feel better, which was one good thing she supposed. But she felt a little bad for breaking down like that in front of her kids, she shouldn’t place the burden of consoling her onto their shoulders. So without thinking she untied her mask and took it off to wipe her face clean, missing how her sons’ eyebrows shot up seeing her do this. And when she opened her eyes they couldn’t hold back the flinch of surprise they gave to the glowing white orbs.
But Azo seemed to like them, they were the same color as hers! So she scooted closer and gave little snorts of happiness, which made Reader smile in return. But then she sighed and she told Azo that what her brothers said was true, she’d adopted all of them even if she couldn’t remember any of it. She told Azo all about the house she’d built for her in the Nether to keep her safe and how she came and visited her every day with Tommy and Tubbo, making them all food and playing with her when she wasn’t working. Azo didn’t seem distrustful anymore but Reader wasn’t sure she believed them, but then the antlered woman remembered something she had saved. With a gasp she pulled out her ender chest and happily told Azo she’d saved all the pretty pictures she’d drawn for Reader.
When she pulled out the stack of colorfully decorated paper Azo’s tail swished back and forth happily. So many were things from the Nether. Fire, netherrack, piglins, blazes, fungus, gold, and more. Then there were some things from the Overworld that the three had given to Azo; like potted flowers, amethyst gems, a jack o’ lantern, and other stuff. But Reader’s absolute favorites were the ones Azo drew of her, Reader, Tommy, and Tubbo all together. She showed these to Azo with tears in her eyes and a loving smile on her face, so motherly that Azo couldn’t help but feel loved. The little pigling might not really remember these three but they clearly remember and love her. Which was… odd, but also nice. She feels bad she can’t remember but she likes these Overworlders so she’d like to stick with them. So with a happy snort she stands up and takes Reader’s hand and says,
Reader wanted to cry all over again but held herself back and grasped Azo’s hand back gently and agreed with her, saying,
“Yeah sweetie, I’m your amamay! And these are your brothers, Tommy and Tubbo!”
Azo waved at the two, then said their names in Piglin speak, which was basically just Ubbotay and Ommytay, which sounded sorta cool but still goofy to them but they were just happy Azo was seemingly slowly starting to come around. It wasn’t back to how things were originally but.. it was better than her being a mindless zombie. So Reader rubbed her thumb over the back of Azo’s little hand and said with as much love as she could muster,
“Azogamay, I know you don’t remember us right now. But we promise to love you no matter what. If you someday get your memories back we’ll be so happy!”
Azo let Reader pull her into a hug as she continued speaking, 
“But even if you don’t… I’ll still be your amamay and they’ll still be your otherbrays. Maybe we can make lots of new memories together, as a family. How’s that sound?”
All Reader got in reply was a hug from the little pigling, and she supposed that was as good an answer as any. And with no hesitation the eldest of the four pulled the two boys into the hug with them, saying that no matter what now they were going to stick together since it seems that since being healed Azo had no problem in the overworld. The boys asked her if she wanted to come live with them, saying they could take her fishing, show her the markets, introduce her to Henry the cow, all their friends, and more! Azo seemed pretty excited so Reader stepped in and said if Azo wanted they could make her a room in her house, but only if she wanted of course. And in her excitement Azo agreed easily. Living in the Overworld sounded fun!
With that settled Reader sat Azo down on the ground between Tubbo and Tommy and with a much happier smile pulled some paper and crayons she made from her inventory and told the two boys to keep an eye on Azo while she went into the nether to grab Azo’s stuff from her house, then they could all go back to L’manberg together. They agreed and waved Reader off when she warned them to keep an eye out for mobs but then she put her mask back on, almost forgetting it, and hopped through the portal. Once through her smile fell and a scowl overtook her features as she looked around at the damage she’d missed before, the craters from what she was guessing were ghasts. But she wasn’t here for that, she was here for information.
She started questioning all the piglins in the surrounding area, asking them if they’d seen anything odd that day involving the pigling that’d gone through the portal. A couple of them weren’t sure but one did and called over two others from further away and the trio started filling Reader in on what they’d seen that day. About how a human had kidnapped one of their young and they’d all given chase but he’d been fast while only one of them had been wielding a crossbow. And when they finally caught up with him he’d run with her through the portal, and they shamefully admitted to losing sight of them after that since they couldn’t follow them through. They’d said a prayer for the child but chalked her up to being dead, which was a fair guess on their parts to be honest since she had ‘technically’ died.
But she needed more information. She asked them if they remembered what the human looked like. What color was his skin, his hair, clothes, anything to give her a hint on who he was. None of them got a good look at him from the front, since he was running away from them and all. But they did manage to notice a few distinguishing things about him…
Like his wavy dark hair.
His dark pants and long. Brown. Coat.
The hat he wore that was almost the same color as the netherrack around them.
And the funny little patch. On his shoulder. 
Reader felt her eyes narrow behind her mask and with a blank expression she pulled out some paper and drew a little L’manberg flag, internally seething when the Piglins all snorted in confirmation that, yes, that had been the patch on the man’s sleeve. Reader crushed the paper in her hands before tossing it into the nearby lava to burn away. The sound of her grinding her teeth together in silent rage made the piglins’ ears flatten in displeasure. But they said nothing, not wanting to aggravate an already furious looking ‘sow’. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the child that had been taken was her’s. So it was best to just answer her questions and stay out of her way. So they just nodded when she gave them a tense but grateful smile and excused herself. She really did have to go get Azo’s things since the pigling was going to be living with her and the boys now.
But as she did she felt her rage festering inside her. That little bastard, it was his fault Azo had fucking died. She almost lost her child because of him, it was only by pure chance they’d managed to save her. Reader never wanted to hurt someone quite as badly as she wanted to hurt Wilbur at that exact moment. Just snap his little bastard neck and toss his worthless body into a lava pool, no fuss no muss. But… she couldn’t. She wasn’t some psycho killer who snaps the spine of anyone who wrongs her. ..Even if they deserve it. She needed to talk to Wilbur first, get his side of things. There’s a chance, small as it is, that the piglins saw someone else who looked like Wilbur. Sadly Wilbur wasn’t the only white boy with dark hair on this server, so she has a duty to do some kind of investigation. 
As she decided this she made her way back to the portal, Azo’s belongings tucked away in her inventory. She needed to remain calm, cool, and collected. She would peacefully message Wilbur saying she needed to have a meeting with him, question him on his whereabouts for the day, and if he was suspicious it would lead to an arrest for child endangerment and kidnapping. It would be handled professionally.
Over to the left, at the edge of the crater she’d passed on her way in was a splotch of brown amidst the sea of sangria colored soil around her. Her eyes narrowed and she paused before going to see what it was, the white hot anger she’d managed to cool earlier now beginning to heat up again. And when she got closer and reached down to pick up the offending material, which turned out to be a small strip of dirty brown leather. One she’d fucking know anywhere. It was a part of that god awful fucking coat of WIlbur’s. She’d bet anything on it. She clenched her teeth together, milling them together and wanting so badly to just tear them into something, just bite something so hard. She needed to talk to WIlbur. Now. So with an inhuman speed she opened her communicator and started typing…
Back at the ravine the two defectors stared down at their respective communicators in silence, the air around them feeling almost stagnant from the tense feeling that was settling into both of their bones. Schlatt narrowed his eyes, his ears dipping down as anxiety buzzed around in his head, he needed a drink. While Wilbur felt his mouth suddenly increase its saliva, causing him to hurry and swallow before he stiffly cleared his throat and opened his mouth to say something to clear the air but… nothing came out. Schlatt ended up being the one to cut through the strained atmosphere,
“I’m gonna hazard a guess that… someone may have seen you after all..”
That was pretty fucking obvious by this point, at least if the string of messages from Reader were to be any indication..
Reader: Wilbur
Reader: wilbur I need to talk to you
Reader: now. message me right now.
Reader: where are you?
Reader: wilbur soot message me right fucking now.
Reader: wilbur I know what you did. I know you were here in the nether.
Reader: im going to come find you.
How they started normal, but slowly became more and more threatening sent chills along the ex-presidents spine. Despite being quite sure he could take the behemoth in a fight he still felt… anxious with how aggressive her messages had gotten. Wilbur swallowed again, not sure if he was trying to swallow the surplus of his saliva or his own mounting alarm. But either way he thinks they’re going to be needing backup asap. So he pulled out his crafting table and penned a quick but straightforward note before tucking it into an envelope and sealing it with twine. Schlatt watched over his shoulder as the brunet wrote the name of the future recipient across the back before sending it off,
@lady-bee-fechin @kacchasu @putridjoy @lunawritesstories @galaxypankitty3030 @paradigmax @zachariethememerie @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @reverse-iak @corpiet @beepa99 @anxiousnarwhale @bananaaddictmilkshake @realitycanbeajerk @lostandsouciant @thegeekisheere @sparkling-gayyy @woman-soot @xxtwizztedxx @fall3n-vo1d @coolleviauchihadreamerlove @jaciahbabes @lucian-kinnder @deadroses2021 @victory-is-here @where-thesundoesntshine @itsberrydreemurstuff
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heeeey hopefully this is thee Absolute Last Time I need to do one of these buuuut:
those who have been following me for a while know that I finally got approved for Social Security Disability after a total of six years and two attempts!
...however my retroactive backpay still hasn’t been released yet and they took all my retroactive Medicare premiums from my first proper check, leaving me with only $18.90...and that was back in February. I didn’t get ANYTHING in March because they released THAT payment too early, and my usual monthly pittance ran out faster than usual due to circumstances beyond my control and i’m down to $22 ;-; and that’s somehow supposed to last me until next wednesday...
i just wanna avoid overdrafting this one last time. once my first proper payment comes in next week i’ll be okay. i can also post a picture of the letter stating that all of that happened if need be.
p@ypal: @/fantasytheater
v3nmo: @/venus3palette
(remove the slashes)
i’m setting the goal amount at $50 once again but any little amount will do, and once that goal is met i’ll be disabling reblogs, just like last time.
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xojennyboo · 4 months
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A/N: hello everyone! Happy Valentines Day. I wrote this special chapter for someone who requested it. I wanted to take the time and say thank you once again for reading my stuff. This is my first request submission so I hope I do it justice. Please don’t forget to support me and reblog, like, vote, and send in your requests. Thank you so much for reading!
Plot: This imagine is about you and your boyfriend Harry celebrating Valentine’s Day together. He takes you to Rome in Italy, for your dream vacation. You are currently 5 months pregnant and expecting a little girl. During this trip he plans little things that will lead up to him asking you an important question that will define your future.
Valentines Day. A day where many show more appreciation and love towards one another. A day filled with hearts, flowers, and chocolates. As you got older, you started to not like the holiday, majority because of your lack of a relationship at the time. That all changed when your boyfriend Harry came into your life. He always made every holiday special, especially Valentine’s Day.
Early on in your relationship you had mentioned your lack of interest and once you explained your reasoning behind it, he made sure that every Valentine’s Day you guys spent together was special. He always payed attention to detail, even if it was the smallest ones.
This year, the holiday was extra special because you were 5 months pregnant with your first child, a baby girl on the way. So, when Harry surprised you last week with tickets for a flight to Italy, you had to make sure that you were safe to travel.
The past few days, you were running back and forth trying to pack everything that you would need for your trip. You didn’t know how long you were staying, Harry only explaining to pack light, that if you needed anything that he would buy it over there. He mainly did that so you wouldn’t overwhelm yourself too much with packing due to your pregnancy.
You had arrived in Italy last night, staying at a hotel in Rome. This was one of the small details that he would remember. You never truly spoke about your dream travels as often, but you remembered mentioning it when you had your first few dates a couple years back. He knew you were fascinated by the beauty of the city and the architecture. So, this year, he planned the trip to lift your spirits up.
Harry had thought of absolutely everything. The accommodations, making sure there was a pregnancy pillow on the bed, making sure you had the best view and the best care, so he mentioned. You had arrived in Rome late at night, and to be quite honest, you were exhausted from sitting on the plain. You felt uncomfortable the whole time, even with first class tickets. But you kept your comments to yourself, not trying to bring him down. As soon as you and Harry arrived at the hotel, you both got ready for bed since you had a busy day tomorrow according to your boyfriend.
The next day, Valentine’s Day, you were awoken with the smell of French toast and coffee. The smell of coffee here was different, it smelled richer. As per your doctor, you were only allowed one cup a day. You sat up on the bed and stretched your limbs, feeling good right afterwards. “Good morning darling. Sleep well?”, Harry says, walking towards you and kissing your lips. “Mmm. Yes. I was exhausted. It smells so good”, you mumbled, getting up and going straight to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t help but rub your belly, feeling small kicks from your baby girl. “Good morning my love”, you whispered to your belly, feeling her kick one more time before you walked back into the main room. “Coffee?”, Harry asks, nodding your response as you sat on the small sofa that looked out to the city.
It was a beautiful sight, the air smelling clean compared to back home. You could hear the chatter of the locals along with tourists. The sun hast fully risen yet but the streets sounded alive. “Here you go darling”, he says handing you the cup of coffee. Taking a sip, your insides immediately warmed up, feeling relaxed as you leaned your head against Harry’s shoulder. “Ready for today?”, he asked, kissing the top of your head as he takes a bite of fette biscottate (Rusks), which was an Italian breakfast item.
“What do you have planned Mr. Styles”, you ask teasingly, grabbing his hand that held the small breakfast item, pulling it to your mouth so you could take a small bite. “Mmm that’s delicious”, you moan in pleasure. This caused him to chuckle, getting up to grab a couple more for the both of you. “I think we could go out for a walk around the city if you’re up for it. Then we can have dinner, and then I can give you your surprise”, he says walking back to the couch to hand you the plate that held your breakfast.
“Of course, I’m up for it. What should I wear?”, you ask him, taking a bite of the delicious pastry. “Anything you’re comfortable in my love. Maybe a dress?”, he suggests. “Oooh, I think I packed the dress you got me a couple weeks ago”, you say. “That’s perfect”, he says finishing his breakfast. “Done?”, he asks. “Yeah. Thank you”, you say handing him the empty dishes as he places them back on the cart.
“Bath or shower?”, he asks you. “Mmmm shower? That way we can go explore quicker”, you giggle, smiling widely at you. “Let’s go shower then”, he takes your hand and drags you to the bathroom. He helps you undress, because he wanted to not because you struggled, crouching down to kiss your belly. “Good morning princess”, he whispers to her, earning a small kick. “Ouch”, you say at the slight pain it caused you. “Sorry”, he says kissing you. “Come on”, you say walking into the shower.
Once you were showered and dressed, you pack a pair of sneakers in Harry’s bag, just in case your sandals made you uncomfortable from all of the walking you would do today. Hand in hand, you and Harry walked through the streets of Rome. Little did you know that Harry had planned a small tour of the city with tour guides to make things simpler. The first stop was at the Colosseum. The tour took you through the underground passages and you were able to step foot on the arena floor!
Then, the tour continued to the Trevi Fountain. There were a lot of people there but that didn’t stop you from trying to get to the front. “Babe be careful”, he chuckled, following right behind you as you dragged him through the groups of people trying to get pictures of the sight. Once at the front, Harry took multiple people of you holding your baby bump and then you took pictures together, the lovely tour guide taking pictures of you two as well. The rest of the tour was amazing, enjoying the different scenic routes the tour guide went through.
By the time the tour finished you were hungry and exhausted. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”, Harry says, putting his arm around your shoulder as both of you walked around some more looking for a place to have dinner. “It was. I had fun, although I’m starving now”, you say, rubbing your belly. “I know honey, but I have one surprise for you, and I promise you that we’ll eat right afterwards”, he says. “Alright Harry”, you giggle as he hails a cab. You arrived at your destination in minutes, looking out and taking in the sight before your eyes.
“Come, I want to show you something”, he says, taking your hand and walking into the castle. Yes. Castle Sant’Angelo. He took you up the stairs, with the help of the guide, and stopped at the terrace. There the view of the city was beautiful. You saw the calming river in front of you, the city slowing down in traffic due to the it becoming evening now. The sun was now beginning to set. “Oh my”, was the only thing you could say right at the moment.
“I rented out the place for this evening, wanted this to be special and intimate”, he says going to the chair and pulling it out so you can sit. The place was adorned with roses and heart shaped balloons. There were rose petals on the floor leading up to the table. “It looks beautiful”, you say looking at him who was sitting in front of you. “You’re beautiful”, he says, taking your hand in his, kissing it. You couldn’t help but blush at the small gesture.
The dinner was the most beautiful dinner you’ve had. There was a small band that played beautiful Italian music as you ate, the lights outside adorning the river. You were too busy looking outside that you didn’t notice Harry get up from his chair. “What’re you up to Harry”, you say looking at how he was lacing back and forth nervously. Then he suddenly stopped in front of you, kneeling down and touching your belly. “You two are my everything, you know that right?”, he quietly says. “Yeah?”, you cheekily say, squeezing his cheek making him chuckle. “Yeah baby. You are the love of my life. You’re the fresh breath of air that I need everyday. You’re my rock, my lover, my partner. I love you so much. You’ve made me the happiest man alive”, he says to you, tears brimming your eyes at the words that he was speaking to you.
“Harry baby, what’s wrong?”, you ask him, running your fingers through his hair and noticing how nervous he was getting. Taking a deep breath, he takes something out of his pocket, a box. Not just any box, but a ring box. “Baby, would you give me the honor and marry me?”, he says, opening the box and held a beautiful ring in it. You gasped, tears now spilling from both of your eyes. “Are you serious?!”, you say, the excitement now taking over you. “Yes. Yes. Yes. I accept!”, you say kneeling down in front of him and kissing him passionately as he hugged you tightly.
He took the ring out of the box and placed it on your ring finger. “I love you y/n”, he stands up taking you along with him. “I love you too Harry. You’ve made me the happiest person ever”, hugging him tightly. “Why don’t we get out of here yeah? You must be exhausted from all of the walking”, he says, taking your stuff from the table. Your journey back to the hotel wasn’t long, arriving there faster than you thought. Once you were in your room, you and Harry took a long bath together. You talked about your plans for the baby, your future plans together, and also the wedding. You were so elated. You couldn’t be any happier. In a few months you were going to have your baby girl and in the next year a wedding. “Y/n Styles”, he says to you, tracing patterns on your belly as your back was pressed against his chest in the bathtub. A small smile played on your face hearing the sound of his last name with your first. “Sounds so nice, doesn’t it?”, he continues. “It sure does Mr. Styles”, you say, “thank you for making Valentine’s Day so special. I will never forget today”, you say, turning around as best as you could to plant a passionate kiss on his lips. “Don’t ever forget that I will do anything for you. Absolutely. Anything”, he says between kisses. That night, you couldn’t sleep from all of the emotions you were feeling. As you watched Harry’s peaceful body sleep, you couldn’t help but feel so excited about this new journey you were going to encounter with him. As nervous as you were, you knew that him by your side, you could do anything.
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rosella-writes · 2 years
self-rec meme
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to a couple of other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
Thank you @exalted-dawn-drabbles and @cleverblackcat for the tags on this! Last time I got to highlight some fics I was proud of that hadn't reached many folks, which was really rewarding. I've written quite a bit since then so I'm happy for the chance at another go. 💚
1. let them not make me a stone (and let them not spill me)
Post-DA Inquisition || Solas x Virelan Lavellan (past relationship) and Friendship Boogaloo || M for childbirth themes || one-shot, complete
Virelan Lavellan gives birth to Tulin, but she's not alone. Iron Bull has guided her through pain worse than this, Harding has always been her firm foundation, and Dalish of the Chargers brings the comforting words of their shared people into the forefront of her grieving mind. Solas is not there, and she breaks her own heart long enough to miss him.
2. red is the colour of lust (but green is what lust leaves behind)
DA-Inquisition//Green Knight AU || Solas x Virelan Lavellan || M for violence and sexual themes || 6 chapters, complete
A creature of legend challenges King Deshanna of the Dales. Virelan, her youngest knight, answers the call. In which Virelan is Sir Gawain, Deshanna is King Arthur, and Fen'Harel is the Green Knight. Virelan deals what should be a deadly blow to the wolf in her king's hall, and is fated to receive a blow in kind from him in a year and a day. When the time comes, she sets off on her journey to meet her fate. Along the way she meets Envy, Fear, Compassion, Pride, a Lord, a Lady, and an old hag who talks too much.
3. my life is like the dust (that hides the glow of a rose)
DA-Inquisition || Cassandra x Solas || Rated T || one-shot, complete
When Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast first met the elven apostate, she would have put him to the sword as an accomplice to the murder of the Divine. As time goes on, he becomes her closest friend. In which Cassandra teaches Solas to ask permission before casting a barrier spell on her, they comfort one another after losing Wisdom and the Seeker order, and dance together at the Winter Palace.
4. pick a star from the sky
DA-Inquisition || Solas & Cole || Gen || one-shot, complete
A human child's mother died during the attack on Haven, and while it is now safe, dry, fed, and protected, it is still in need of being held. Solas tires of its squalling and deigns to carry it. Cole interprets the baby's thoughts a little bit, and Solas supposes human spawn isn't so bad after all.
5. Basvaarad
Post-DA-Inquisition || Solas & Saarebas OC || T for violence || 3/10 chapters completed
A saarebas's arvaarad falls in battle against Agents of Fen'Harel. She is determined to fulfil her duty under the Qun and end her own life... until an opinionated elf stays her hand. In which Fen'Harel saves an enslaved mage during his campaign to lower the Veil and winds up with a very large, very traumatised daughter.
Tagging in turn (with absolutely 0 pressure): @thebookworm0001, @melisusthewee, @rakshadow, @dreadfutures, and @noire-pandora
If you've completed this recently, feel free to reblog it with me tagged so I can share it, or make a new one with moar fics. 🥰 I'd love to see!
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For dating game: Donna Noble for a non Mash option from something I'm pretty sure I've seen you reblog stuff from, BJ, and Klinger
I can't believe I got 2 Donnas for this game and neither were the MASH one haha. And yes I AM a Doctor Who fan but like with Twin Peaks I'm only a shallow fake one because I only feel really passionate about RTD era :( sowwy again. I'm 0 for 2 today. But at least I didn't skip MASH s1-3 AND I didn't skip the 9th Doctor AND I read Laura's diary + Dale Cooper's tapes. So now everyone has to give me a little headpat and forgive me and say they're not mad at me thank you <3
Donna Noble
I couldn’t handle Donna QwQ I couldn’t match her energy it’s very sad :( I feel like I would do the exact opposite of what the Doctor did for her in terms of bringing out her most amazing qualities. And I do really try to highlight and praise the qualities of people in my life!! I just don’t know if I could help her reach her full potential. Which sounds like one of those weird therapy-talk approaches to relationships but unfortunately sometimes when you really admire someone you actually do start thinking about things like “am I supporting her journey effectively” and all that. But this is just a date right so it can just be a casual thing. I feel like Donna is someone with whom I could straight up be like Hey so I was never socialized properly and your last relationship ended comically terribly so do you want to like try practicing dating with each other? I think it could be fun! And then eventually she could move on to find happiness with Mr. Temple :)  
Wait actually sorry quick tangent if Donna doesn’t remember the Doctor what does she think happened to her fiance from way back when. Does she. Does she remember the giant alien spider or. Hang on--
BJ Hunnicutt
BJ Hunnicutt is the human equivalent of Disneyland. Everybody in the entire nation is absolutely obsessively feral over it it’s sooo beautiful it’s sooo fun you just HAVE to experience it it’s a quintessential expression of the American dream blah blah blah. But I will never attend this overpriced (constantly borrowing money) and overcrowded (too much competition from the rest of Mashblr) theme park. I do not care for its fastpass system (willingness to cheat on his partner) or its uninspiring coaster design (anger issues), and I am further offended to hear of the constant introduction of cost-cutting measures that harm visitor experience (growth of mustache). Not even the prospect of purchasing a fully functioning Cogsworth clock (chance to join the Punnihawk polycule) is enough to tempt me. It’s not happening. I am going to Dollywood (Maxwell Klinger).
Maxie my beautiful girl Maxie whomst is so very adored by me
My wife my kitten my sweet snuggly wuggly good time gal. My Dollywood. Know that I love and adore Maxwell for eternity <3
BUT. I must love her from afar because I couldn’t in good conscience waste her time when I figure there must be a more compatible match out there, ya know? Like, I know hardly anything about baseball and I wear the same clothes every day and I don’t eat red meat so I can’t even share those beloved hotdogs. Max deserves the Best as I’m sure we all agree, and we know he wants a serious long term partnership. I want the same thing, so I know that such a lifelong, committed relationship should be with someone who finds themself more easily compatible with Max’s tastes and interests.  
On an unrelated note, Charles sure seemed to get super into baseball in War For All Seasons, huh? :) And we know he cares a lot about his clothes, as we see him hiring a personal tailor at least once! :) And he was surprisingly eager to get to share in Max’s hotdog delivery in The Grim Reaper, too! :) So many random fun facts in this world \^w^/
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I posted 9 times in 2022
That's 9 more posts than 2021!
9 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 9 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 9 posts
#my digital art - 9 posts
#dreamworks - 6 posts
#puss in boots - 5 posts
#dreamworks puss in boots - 5 posts
#puss in boots the last wish - 5 posts
#romance - 4 posts
#love - 4 posts
#disney tangled - 3 posts
#heart - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 40 characters
#day of the little candles with starlight
My Top Posts in 2022:
🎲My First Digital Art of DicePunzel☀️
This is my first digital drawing of my favourite ship that I’ve made: DicePunzel (King Dice x Rapunzel)
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Let’s just say that I was truly bored and that I would like to do something new and here it is, I tried the app called Sketchbook that got many tools you could think of it turned out great! Hope all of you like it.
5 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
🎲My Second Digital Drawing of DicePunzel☀️
I also did another that those two were about to share the first attempt of the kiss 😘
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I actually proud of the results and here’s what it says on this picture that I got from my Instagram;
See the full post
6 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
🕯Day of the Little Candles with Starlight🕯
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Made this from 1st to 4th of December, I do hope all of you like this! Day of the Little Candle will be on the 7th of December, so bring the magical dust to your door and maybe draw something like this in your style and your favourite fandoms and your own original characters!
7 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
🦝SlyWolf🐺 Digital Art
I also made something so sweet and cute for SlyWolf that is based on Angie’s love for Oscar in Shark Tales
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I kinda went over board but I absolutely love it!
8 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Puss in Boots DTIYS
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This is my 500 dtiys for everyone to join in! Not only to celebrate my 500 followers, but also celebrate Puss in Boots: The Last Wish as well!
Here are the rules;
1) draw this in your style, no tracing or copying (sorry, guys)
2) you can change the few things but make sure that it looks similar to this art that I show you
3) you can add few things to make it outstanding and breathtaking for antoniobanderas or joel.crawford.art to see (from Instagram)
4) make sure it's still the same outfit that I already show you for Puss to wear (yes, it looks similar to Belle from Beauty and the Beast.…ish...)
5) you can add few of his friends if you want or it can be a crossover friends as well
6) make sure to tag my name as well as the hashtag called #PussinBootsWishingStarDTIYS (it can be in instagram or tumblr, or even DeviantArt)
7) it can be digital or traditional if you want
8) have fun (because everyone will have a great time with this challenge as pussinboots from dreamworks in instagram)
The deadline will be 23rd of April 2023 as the day would be called Spanish Language Day
13 notes - Posted December 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 14,600 times in 2022
15 posts created (0%)
14,585 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 14,600 of my posts in 2022
#this is a ladies appreciation blog - 2,390 posts
#star wars - 2,147 posts
#you couldn't be more wrong - 2,020 posts
#you think we are just pretty things - 2,011 posts
#life is tough my darling but so are you - 1,841 posts
#favourite female character - 1,743 posts
#video games - 1,726 posts
#dc - 1,166 posts
#you don't think i'm a godess? try me - 990 posts
#dc comics - 946 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#told through their actions with parallels to darth vader and obi wans duel to darth vader and ahsoka's duel mirroring each other perfectly
My Top Posts in 2022:
i don’t think i see anyone talk about this but, you know that scene in the last episode where harrow was about to kill marc / steven and for one second we see marc turn to look at layla where we see harrow’s followers trying to hurt her, as we already know jake takes control of the body as a last resort to protect marc and steven we see that from this scene that he also takes control of the body to save layla which just goes to show us that even though layla has not interacted with jake lockley yet he loves her as much as marc and steven do.
57 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
I knew the obi wan kenobi series would make me emotional , but i have no idea how I am going to handle it if we get an ahsoka mention because obi wan doesn’t even know that she is alive it’s not just anakin that he lost it’s ahsoka too considering how their last moments with each other went and everything that was unsaid. 
Whatever you do don’t imagine obi wan replaying the last conversation that they had in season 7 of the clone wars  ahsoka saying “tell anakin that i and him agreeing to tell him. it’s just ... they were so important to each other as long as they are together even knowing that ends up not actually being true is so heart breaking.
61 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
i’m so happy seeing razer again in young justice phantoms it brought me to tears knowing that he is still searching for aya. the growth between kilowog and razer has me full on sobbing. while i adored hearing razer tell kilowog to say hi to hal for me but would have liked to see a reunion between hal and razer.
 green lantern the animated series is actually what got me in into the dc universe in the first place, the show really helped me during a tough time in my life and to never lose hope, i can not wait to see all the green lantern the animated series content that everybody comes up with.
61 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
I know I probably shouldn’t and it will most likely not happen, I hope I am not the Only that saw the chemistry between them I ship Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair from the scenes between them that we have seen so far. Even if they don’t happen I can not wait to see more of their dynamic
128 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
a clan that consists of boba fett , fennec shand, cobb vanth and grogu ( and black krrsantan and peli motto of course) is absolutely the clan that din deserves.
it’s about the found family dynamics who are ride or die for each other
142 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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coolemyasi · 1 year
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I posted 9,444 times in 2022
22 posts created (0%)
9,422 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 244 of my posts in 2022
#can it bird brain - 24 posts
#homestuck - 11 posts
#long post - 8 posts
#i think about this a lot - 7 posts
#tumblr updates - 4 posts
#4/13 - 3 posts
#i have a mighty need - 3 posts
#future reference - 2 posts
#birbs - 2 posts
#i do not like this button layout - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i also did ship cheese sandwich and pinkie but i was unaware that they had him come back because i stopped watching in the crystal pony arc
My Top Posts in 2022:
I swear that the default name for the female PC in Legends: Arceus being Akari is going to just continue to mess with my brain, because since like, Alpha Sapphire that has been my go to name for my trainer, and was obviously the one I chose for my character this time, and seeing it used in like, fan art and stuff catches me off guard every single time
7 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
A couple weeks ago I went to Hot Topic, and saw they were making these hoodies, and knew immediately I needed to own one
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I had to order it online to get the right size, and it finally came in today, and just
See the full post
8 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
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I got Cult of the Lamb last week, and I absolutely love it, so appreciate the lamby boi in his fancy blue poncho that my I couldn’t help but draw today
11 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
I have found a new variety of blind boxes that I am absolutely in love with
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I bought two of them, and even got the one I wanted the most of the bunch (Love Struck)
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They're just so cool
See the full post
56 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Why they socially distance the post buttons?
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Like, that's just mildly annoying
363 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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maleficent-cannoli · 1 year
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I posted 30,063 times in 2022
That's 28,746 more posts than 2021!
117 posts created (0%)
29,946 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,327 of my posts in 2022
#your gender please sir - 263 posts
#kinnporsche - 46 posts
#vegaspete - 36 posts
#the eclipse - 35 posts
#the eclipse liveblogging - 31 posts
#the eclipse the series - 31 posts
#kpts - 31 posts
#kimchay - 29 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 27 posts
#<— exactly - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#my friend who i haven’t talked to in years got stuck upside down in one of those weird coffee-filter looking kindergarten basketball things
My Top Posts in 2022:
Might I suggest ✨ little spoon Vegas ✨
81 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Can we talk about novel! vs show!Porchay?
Please take this with a grain of salt because we haven’t actually reached the parts of the plot I’m going to talk about so there is still room for it to happen in the show, however unlikely it’s looking so far.
So far, show!Chay has been a little ray of sunshine while also making it clear whose brother he is, which novel!Chay did a little differently. In the original novel, Porchay was a little spicier when it came to his language, which can be very clearly seen in two parts of the novel.
“Do you think this will scare me? You're just being insecure. Because whatever you do, my brother will always be ahead of you. He's even better than you because P’Kinn won't follow him around like that if he's not!”
So the first is when he’s kidnapped by Tawan and takes it as an opportunity to mock his brother-in-law’s ex and hit him where it really hurts. The novel even mentions him having fun annoying him. He also calls Tawan a preschooler.
"Kim, you fucking bastard! Just try getting on with someone else, I'll pray to the Gods to make your dick shrink and rot!"
The second time is during the gathering of mafia wives (Tae’s words, not mine), which he tags along on because he’s absolutely convinced Kim is cheating on him (as far as we know, he was not). And he yells that out the car window as they drive away.
So, in conclusion, I really would love to see Baby Chay show his fangs a little bit. He’s been very precious so far, and I appreciate that, I really do, especially in a mafia show where he is the one shining beacon of purity and Wattpad-like joy amidst the darkness of moral ambiguity, but at the same time, it could be interesting to see him just SNAP at some point. He is Porsche’s little brother after all, and I would love to see him make at least a snarky comment. 
127 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Guys. I just realized something. What if we get to see Bible’s thigh tattoos in the VegasPete NC scene? What then?
134 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
Rb if you’d fight the suppalo teachers behind a 7/11
134 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Timelining KP
The time has come. I’ve spent the last few days organizing my notes as much as possible, so here it is. And it is a monster of a post, I swear I didn’t realize how long this was going to end up being.
So the short version is this:
Ep 10 - VP starts, Chay gets kidnapped, further discussion of the mole, videos, Tawan is dealt with (30 - 33)
Ep 11 - VP episode, “fuck where’s Pete”/dead body, Porsche’s birthday (34 - 36)
Ep 12 - funeral/Return of the Pete, post-VP (36 - 40)
Ep 13 - parental issues, conversation re: Vegas  (42 - 44)
Ep 14 - boss battle, party (44 - end)
And now things get more specific, which is what was taking me so long.
Episode 10 (next episode)
Transition between the end of the Tawan arc and the beginning of the VegasPete/Everything-Is-An-Absolute-Trainwreck arc
VegasPete starts (obviously)
KinnPorsche will probably break up, but get back together by the end of the episode, potentially with the pool scene (although I know I’m setting myself up to be clowned with this one)
KimChay reveal
Kidnapping plotline
Porsche tries to move out/Big pushes Chay dumpster fire extravaganza
Basically everything up to the end of chapter 33 of the main novel (Tawan arc over, KimChay are a mess)
Further discussion of the mole (Kim knows Porsche isn’t the mole, everyone else probably realizes he isn’t the mole, so who is?)
Again, potentially Chay getting kidnapped (kinda hoping that’s what they go with since it was a really nice transition in the novel, not just for Chay himself, but it was the push KinnPorsche needed to talk out some of their issues and get back together, particularly for Porsche to be willing to hear Kinn out after the shit he pulled)
Maybe the whole thing with the sex tapes toward the end, or episode 11, or not at all, who knows
Oh and this would be the VegasPete episode that will probably feel the most uncomfortable because it’s really the beginnings of their relationship and even toned down it’ll be quite the experience
Not just for us but for Pete as well
We will probably see Vegas become more attracted to Pete beyond just being intrigued and amused
Episode 11
I’m thinking primarily VegasPete, like (hopefully) almost entirely VegasPete
Probably cut in with some main family drama 
Chay moving in with the main family?
KimChay kinda going to shit
Obviously some Tankhun commentary would be amazing
See the full post
149 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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allthingskakashi · 2 years
honestly forest fairy SHOULD be a career option. does that mean you’re gonna be moving around? :0 hhhh my reach in fandoms ended up veering into kpop, genshin, and the whole ordeal, but i’ve got a few naruto fics in there!! (might actually get back to it 👀) my username is Sleep_WhatsThat, i’d be happy to see you around! are you planning on posting anything soon? even if not, i’m j happy to see what you reblog :p ~1AM
RIGHT? who's the manager here i need to have a word 😤 And yup, it's pretty possible that I'd move elsewhere but i don't wanna leave my home and my cats :((( for now I'm just gonna do some wfh stuff tho
ALSO. OKAY. i found you on ao3 and binged your entire naruto Masterlist while having breakfast. I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE KAKASHI?? him in all his goofy glory while also preserving all the deeper more layered aspects of his personality. And every interaction w naruto and his students is so so fkn wholesome i was giggling and smiling most of the time. Your writing is very meticulous and fluid, i loved loved loved your writing style as much as your portrayal of the characters. I HAD NO IDEA YOU COULD WRITE LIKE THAT UGH YOU'D BEEN HOLDING OUT ON US. Definitely looking forward to reading more of your stuff if you decide to write more!! I'm gonna be going back to put my individual comments on each fic, just wanted to ans this ask first!!
As for me..... I wanna write.but.... I don't wanna be making any promises in case i can't fulfill em >_< i just really wanna finish this one angst fic id started working on last year. We'll see ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also!! Linking your naruto works here cause the world needs to read these absolute masterpieces of fluff and wholesomeness
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fitgothgirl · 2 years
Hiiii I miss y’all. I miss the fitblr community. Besides coming here a couple times to check in on some mutuals’ updates, the last 3-4 weeks I’ve just either been on my other tumblr or not on tumblr lol. But I wanna try to get back to posting and reblogging here again. 
I’ve still been fairly regularly going to the gym for a 3-day split, besides a couple small gaps for concerts/a music festival and then having a cold. But I just keep wanting to go back so it’s been a fairly consistent 3 months! My initial gains that are so easy when you’re a newbie have started to level out too, but still working on progressive overload.
Concerts are crazy right now. I talked about last month’s (although Odesza got postponed to 11/5), and so far in October I’ve seen Alexisonfire, gone to Thursday and Friday of Aftershock Festival, and last night we went to a Nero & deadmau5 concert. Tonight we’re going to TWO shows; one is an artist we absolutely love (Kanga) but she’s not huge so she’s just one of two openers for a headliner; that show starts at 8pm and we’ll be there right when it starts. Then we’re leaving just when she’s done and meeting up with a friend and the three of us are going to a Crooked Colours concert less than a mile away from Kanga’s show lol. Crooked Colours’ show doesn’t start until 9pm and it’s okay if we miss the opener, so that should line up nicely. They’re not my favorite or anything but they’re chill and I just wanted to go with my peeps. All this these shows are great exercise too with the walking and dancing! 😅
This is actually the third time in my life I’ve done a double concert day, not counting sets within a festival ofc. The last time was only last December, and it also involved seeing Kanga open for someone (lol), followed by an Excision concert. The other time was in like 2013 when we saw a free Beats Antique set at the San Francisco Amoeba Records, followed by a Calabrese show.
Next week brings Twin Temple on Thursday (Satanic doo-wop haha) and IC3PEAK on Friday, the latter being the one I’m really frothing at the mouth for - they got me back on Duolingo for Russian lol. November & December do seem to slow down (2 and 0 concerts respectively), unless more pop up between now and then. As they tend to lol. 
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bbnibini · 2 years
ohHHhhh helloo~ i saw you reblog my fic with satan and lucifer and i did a double take on the name and i was like oH WAIT IS THAT!!! and it was!!! the person who has that skdfjgklhg massive epic of a fic with the CYOA stuff up on Ao3!
PSISLY has got so much going on and i have a super hard time following ultra lengthy fics so i've only read bits here and there, but i read That One Oneshot (prelude?) to it and just augh.
the concept is so cool, and you're doing so much with it - plus when we get to those moments of emotional intensity of the characters? when u do,,, the html/css formatting magic and the feelings seem like they're spilling out on the fic itself, everything going off the rails,,??
absolutely top tier!! you're an amazingly gifted writer, you put so much thought into your work! the fic you reblogged was one i was proud of hehe and i'm glad it came off well, hope you enjoyed <3
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It's nice to meet you! Yes, I read of your fic some time ago and it was really good! :D I was listening to Yamino Shu's cover of Deep Coma and felt like the lyrics really fit so well with your fic's themes? It talks about "losing something", "losing yourself", and picking yourself up again. I had goosebumps with how it was so timely haha!
First of all, I absolutely loved the way you wrote the passages! They're so beautiful and the metaphors were simple yet meaningful. One thing I noticed was how easy it was to distinguish the shift on perspectives because your writing has a lot of character. :0 Lucifer's perspective was more introspective and brooding. Satan's perspective shift resembles Lucifer's brooding lens albeit in a more rough, juvenile and crude way, which I find really fascinating. The nuances! Mammon's perspective shift had a more casual feeling--he is a simple and straightforward demon but he's also very perceptive, caring and thoughtful. I can practically hear him when I got to his part on the perspective shift!
I always loved reading fics about "the fall", especially on Lucifer's POV because it humanises his character for me. Reading your fic actually reminded me of another amazing fic (one of my favourites, actually) which is You'll Have to Ask Your Dad by Sand_Cursive on Ao3!
Lucifer. You are, and shall always be, My greatest creation.
…he really is a demon, isn’t he?
No. He’s worse than that.
He’s his father.
But Satan will never be his son.
You absolutely nailed it in the last lines! It can be interpreted in so many ways--for me, it means that he acknowledges that Satan isn't his son because Satan is his own person.
Thanks for sharing your fic here! It was a pleasure reading it after work haha.
And thank you! I actually didn't notice you commented on my oneshot too;;; (thank you for reading JY, it's my first fic in the OM fandom and means so much to me c:)! Aaaaa thank you again for your kind words!♡ PSISLY also means so much to me and endeared me to Obey Me and its wonderful cast of characters. Here's to hoping I'll finish it soon!
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rinisbowen · 2 years
kyla breaks down (well- writes down) the season 2 trailer, released on thursday april 08, 2021, in preparation for the season 3 trailer, released hopefully on this upcoming thursday june 30, 2022. 
just so you know- this is more of like- a full transcript with time stamps and stuff, maybe i’ll later do some sort of analysis on it in another post or a reblog even, but it’s also largely here for others to do with as they please too.
y’all can use this to draw whatever conclusions you’d like to about the season 3 trailer when it comes out, or just to talk about the season 2 trailer vs. what we saw from the season in general. 
0:00-0:05 - accompanied by miss jenn v.o. “after the triumph of high school musical, it’s time to turn my attention to the spring musical. 
east high sign in front of school, miss jenn posing in front of high school musical the musical poster from last semester, miss jenn flipping through costume rack (from when she decides on beauty and the beast after pulling out nini’s fork costume), miss jenn holding up the hsm2 dvd, miss jenn’s talking head from episode 1. 
0:05-0:09- kourtney (partially v.o.) “why wouldn’t we do hsm2, our hsm was legendary”
visuals: the group dancing to fabulous in front of the piano at ashlyn’s nye party, (what i’m pretty sure is) the ashlyn, ej, gina reaction shot of big red walking into the nye party, “our hsm” focuses on rini sitting together on the couch, kourtney comes on screen to say “was legendary” to carlos. 
0:09- 0:29
zack and miss jenn and carlos in the costume shop on new years eve, i’m not going to bother bc while there are a bunch of cuts, there’s nothing particularly misleading or different going on.  
exterior of the bowen household, from when ricky and his dad are about to talk / the rini christmas montage in 2.01
0:31 - miss jenn (v.o.) “okay everyone! 
reaction shot of the kids seeing miss jenn come into the nye party, redlyn kissing in background. 
0:32-0:40 - miss jenn (partially v.o) “this semester, we are entering the alan menken awards for high school musical theatre. and we are doing beauty and the beast.”
the confused, reaction of the kids to miss jenn telling them they’re doing beauty and the beast, the excited reaction of the kids to them entering the alan menken awards, miss jenn on screen delivering the news about batb / the menkies, reaction shot of kourtney and carlos to what i’m pretty sure was the menkies news, big red and ashlyn looking at each other reacting happily to what i’m pretty sure was the menkies news. then we see miss jenn on screen, delivering the news about beauty and the beast.
0:40-0:42 - 
what we’re supposed to think is them reacting with absolute shock to the batb news, but is actually from the moment at the end of 2.01 where nini says “ricky i’m moving to denver”
0:43- something in the air starts playing in the background, “i’ve been waiting for this moment” 
“disney+ presents” title card
0:44-0:49 nini “we are going to make this long distance thing look easy”, ricky “i’m going to facetime you every morning”
rini’s embrace from the 2.02 flashback where they say goodbye in nini’s bedroom before she goes to yac, nini and ricky saying those lines to each other from 2.02, smiling at each other
0:49-0:55 nini’s talking head from 2.01, (partially v.o) “i got into the youth actor’s conservatory!” “it’s a huge deal to me,” “but honestly ricky’s a huge deal to me too”
we see nini delivering her talking head, also nini at her desk at yac from 2.02, fade to black, then back to the talking head, cut to nini and ricky saying goodbye at the train station in 2.04, the part from the beginning of granted where he looks at her sadly then she looks back at him sadly over her shoulder before she gets on the bus. 
0:55-0:57 something in the air plays - “it’s my year i’m gonna own it”
visual of gina stretching on stage from 2.02, before carlos comes up to ask her about co-choroegraphing.
0:57-1:00 miss jenn, partially v.o. “who is ready to go from amateurs to statewide award winners?” 
wide shot visual of miss jenn talking to big group on stage before auditions start in 2.02, closer up reaction shot of group, specifically seb, kourtney, and ashlyn, brief close up shot of miss jenn talking, brief close up shot of ej and gina together while miss jenn talks, the shot from when ricky’s frustrated with himself backstage before he goes and helps big red.
1:00-1:02- kourtney- “born ready”
said on screen to ashlyn, followed by the handshake, seemingly in response to miss jenn’s statement, but actually them getting ready to do their duo audition to ashlyn’s song, 1-2-3. 
1:02-1:06 lily (partially v.o.) “hello wildcats” “maybe you should stick to the stuff you know”
reaction shot of the wildcats group in north high’s costume room in 2.07, shot of lily delivering the line next to antoine, reaction shot of ej next to gina both looking frustrated (i’m pretty sure this is right before gina says they’ll do the dance off bc gina wants to defend ashlyn, but it might also be in reaction to antoine’s line about their beast mask), shot of lily delivering the second line, kourtney’s reaction to her beast mask getting insulted (framed as the reaction to the ‘stick to the stuff you know line). 
1:07-1:08 ricky “i’m a little scared right now”
he says this on screen, this line is from when they’re looking for the beast mask in north’s costume room, before lily and antoine enter. 
1:08-1:10 gina “guys, we’re east high”
the on screen visual from when gina says the line to ej and big red in 2.07 when they’re getting ready to do the dance off. 
1:10-1:11 carlos “we got this”
the visual from when carlos says this to the group in the north high main hallway before they do their ‘what team wildcats’ led by ricky in 2.07, framed as being attached to gina’s line.
ricky goes in for the what team, on screen, but we only get the “wildcats!” audio, accompanied by the wide shot visual of them all throwing their arms up. 
1:13-1:15 “there’s something in the air” lyrics playing.  
title card reading “on may 14″
1:15-1:17 “about to go off right now” lyrics from something in the air (2.01)
gina dancing in hallway portion of something in the air, ricky and nini behind her with dancers
1:18 miss jenn (partially v.o.) “north high is impressive”
shot from 2.08 of them all on the bleachers in the bomb shelter, day 1 of the improv workshop thing, miss jenn briefly delivering the line next to carlos.
1:19 gina v.o. “they have their own dance studio”
footage from the mob song dance off in 2.07 from the back of the north high theatre, short clip of gina delivering the end of her line from 2.07 in the hallway, close up of north high dancers from 2.07 in the mob song dance off.
1:22-1:23 miss jenn (partial v.o.) “but all we need is-” “to connect with our characters”
kourtney (and the other wildcats) reaction shot from when the curtain raises to reveal north high’s batb set. miss jenn delivering the second part of her line on screen next to carlos in 2.08 in the bomb shelter. miss jenn throwing the ball at carlos, hitting him in the head. 
miss jenn throws ball at carlos from 2.08, reaction of carlos getting hit, screaming “ow”, wide shot of miss jenn “in character lumiere”, carlos’s reaction- “ow” with his arms up like the candelabra, fade to black.
1:29-1:34 nini v.o. “so many kids would kill to get into a school like this” / “but there’s one thing they don’t have”
visual of nini at her dorm doorway from 2.02, nini looking frustrated/burnt out  at her desk at yac. all the kids at the pizza parlor, ricky holding nini up on facetime for the group picture big red’s mom is taking. alternate wider group shot at the pizza parlor of them getting ready to take the picture. at the end of ‘don’t have’ it goes directly into-
1:35-1:37 ricky “hard to picture doing a show without you”
visual for line in 2.02 of ricky on facetime with nini in the hallway before the audition in 2.02, followed by nini visual from her dorm room, looking sad when ricky’s phone dies at the pizza parlor and their facetime call drops later in 2.02, fade to black.
1:37-1:41 lily (partially v.o.) “sounds like your girlfriend wants some space,” “let me know if you’re looking for one who doesn’t.” 
starts black screen, visual of lily delivering the line in 2.07, visual of ricky reacting to her telling him about nini’s song and such, back to lily for second half of line. (as a note, the line change to “sounds more like a girl who wants some space” as aired in the episode is one of my favorite examples of adr i’ve seen. it was a way better choice for the scene, though the line in the trailer is way more dramatic for a trailer, if anyone wants me to talk about why i like this change so much i absolutely will.)
seb possible side eye / confusion? face from 2.03, i think it’s when they’re trying to do the waltz / kourtney’s trying to sing batb title song and it’s not going well, kourtney stands next to him and they’re in the bomb shelter. 
1:42-1:47 - carlos “is this mamma mia 2?”, background something in the air music. “cause here we go again”
visual of carlos asking miss jenn this in 2.02 at auditions. visual of gina dancing to a dancer’s heart from 2.05, close up and then wide shot, visual of big red and ashlyn dancing in the pizza parlor to kourtney singing batb title song from 2.03, close up visual of nini’s hand putting the microphone in the stand from when she goes to serenade ricky at his house in 2.03. visual of carlos delivering second part of line to miss jenn at auditions in 2.02. 
1:47-1:48 ashlyn “hit it!”, then “there’s something in the air” lyric plays.
we see ashlyn deliver the line to ej at auditions to press play on 1-2-3, we see ej turn on the stereo. changes to big red adjusting the lights at the quince in 2.05, changes to title card. 
title card reading “this season”
1:50-1:52 something in the air lyric plays, “about to go off right now”
ashlyn, kourtney, gina, and dancers perform 1-2-3 fantasy sequence from 2.02.
 1:52-1:54 zack “i’ve always loved your competitive spirit”
zack delivering the line in the coffee shop in 2.05, then miss jenn’s grinning reaction to it
1:54-1:56, something in the air lyrics come in
title card, “school the competition” aka the tagline. 
shot of nini playing the rose song on the stage in 2.06. 
shot of gina dancing at the quince in 2.05. 
1:58-1:59 gina “it’s going to take all of us”
gina delivering the line in seb’s barn in 2.05, talking about planning the quince, but presumably talking about the competition. shifts to visual of gina, ashlyn, and kourtney hugging in 2.02 at auditions i think after doing 1-2-3 but maybe before.
1:59-2:00 “rawrr”
ricky roars from rehearsals in what i’m pretty sure was a 2.05 rehearsal scene of the wolves in the forest. 
2:00-2:01 - lily (partially v.o.) “may the best school win” 
visual of her delivering the line before the dance off in 2.07, meant to be implied as about the menkies, visual of dancers performing something in the air from 2.01
2:02-2:04 - natalie v.o. “buckle up wildcats”
visual of mazarra sort of? dancing in 2.05, visual of ricky after playing the perfect gift for nini in 2.01 and smiling at her, visual of gina’s high kick in 2.04 when she’s demonstrating what she wants for be our guest, visual of miss jenn and zack dancing to around you in 2.07, fade to black. 
2:04-2:06 - natalie “this party’s just getting started”
we see natalie on screen delivering her line with the noisemaker from 2.01 new years eve. 
2:06-2:09 “there’s something in the air” lyric plays
title card: “high school musical: the musical: the series - original series streaming may 14
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