#just little ftm things
defilerwyrm · 5 months
Something that shook loose in my head this morning:
Ever since bottom surgery my relationship with my gender has shifted dramatically. It’s a much quieter and more peaceful thing that I can easily ignore and honestly just kinda forget about for stretches of time, instead of an ever-present claxon in my head screaming that something is wrong. Now, I just get to…exist.
And ever since, I have these weird little moments where my brain jogs in place over the fact that I’m not just another normative, average man, that I’m still trans, and damn, isn’t that fuckin’ weird.
What I realized is that, because my dysphoria was so bad, I’d grown to associate the state of transness with feelings of wrongness and lack and deep discomfort, and that’s what’s behind those moments of…reorientation and feeling weird about it. That state means something different now, and I think this stage of my life needs must be the one where I figure out what that is.
It’s an exciting prospect. For so long my transness was something that just made me miserable all the time, but now I’m on more level ground with it, and I’m faced with the challenge of sussing out what it means to me now that I feel whole.
What a time to be alive!
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you don’t think your that pretty, mm? I might just need to please your handsome body and the only way your allowed to cum is if you repeat over and over and over how handsome, cute and pretty you are until I think you truly mean it and believe it…only then will i allow you sweet sweet release, until then you’ll just have to keep getting edged over and over and over until all you can think about is how cute and handsome and such a good fucking boy you are for me
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transmunsons · 6 months
Wayne had met Al’s child a couple of times before the kid showed up on his doorstep. The odd Christmas or Easter gathering didn’t give him much of an idea of the kid’s personality since it was still a wee thing.
The young Munson here in front of him stood tall, maybe up to Wayne’s eyebrows, whip-thin and willowy. Big brown eyes stared out at him from a sallow face. The resemblance to Al was uncanny; it would’ve been even more so if not for the kid’s raggedy buzz cut.
She wanted to be called “Eddie”. Sorry, he wanted to be called “Eddie”. Sure, it was something to get used to, but it weren’t the strangest thing Wayne had run into over the years. He’d met some colorful folk during a brief stint in Chicago. He even had a bit of an idea how to help.
He helped Eddie get documents, sorted out school, and—after finding Eddie passed out in the bathroom—started sending letters. He got the contact of an endocrinologist in Indianapolis. Wayne could only afford a consult, gathered information. Enough to place a request with his dealer.
Rick didn’t ask questions. Probably assumed Wayne just wanted some extra virility. Wayne didn’t care what he thought.
200 milligrams every two weeks is what that doctor had said. Eddie’s voice dropped quick as a stone. He worried that he’d start to look just like his dad. Wayne told him he’d look like a Munson and Eddie looked at him real long before saying that might not be so bad.
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
The thing that sucks sometimes about transition envy is that, I guess you almost expect yourself to "grow out" of it the more you transition. I used to feel so much envy, and it was something I hoped would stop once I transitioned medically, and while it's absolutely less frequent... man, when I experience transition envy, it's still just as bitter a cocktail as I remember. It can be hard to move past that, and almost... resent the other person/s, but what helped me is knowing that the person you're envying isn't specifically trying to make you, personally, feel like absolute shit. Just as you can't always help what you are envious about in other trans people, they can't help that they have traits or transition experiences or opportunities you do not have, you know? And absolutely, it sucks. But it's something that helped me because then it's a reminder that the world isn't Out To Get Me, you feel?
I think a lot of us can relate to the experience of transition envy, and it's shameful to admit to it, I suppose. It's hard to admit to envy in general, but it's important to not be judgemental about yourself. Your transition is as unique and beautiful and worthy as literally everyone else's and I hope you remember that forever
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pillxw-prince · 2 years
want you to spoon me at the end of the day when we're both so, so tired, but i've been so good today and i'm so soft in your arms that you can't help but caress my skin with one hand and move down to lazily play with my cock with the other. you kiss the back of my neck because you know it makes me melt, relishing in the gasps and soft moans it earns you, the hitches in my breath and gentle sighs as i lean into your attentions. you tell me i'm doing so good for you, that i'm such a good pet, even as i whine for more like the needy little thing i am. you don't increase your pace though, just keep slowly touching me until my hole is dripping, stopping only when i try to rut into your hand.
"shh, baby," you tell me, pulling down my underwear and slowly sheathing your pulsing cock inside my warm, wet hole. "just go to sleep, hm?"
i clench around you deliciously as i whimper, squirming a little bit before i finally relax against you, and you chuckle as you pull me close and nuzzle your face against my neck.
the best part for me, however, is no doubt when your hand eventually slides back to my cock, mindlessly playing with it while i'm filled by you, until the both of us slowly but surely drift off into a deep sleep.
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answersfromzestual · 3 months
This is to all the young ones out there.
If you see someone struggling, be nice and help.
All it takes is one kind soul to change someone's life or even save their life.
Bullying is out of control, but what's more out of control is people standing by and knowing what's going on with this person and watching them drown... stand up for your classmates, stand up for people who are bullied, stand up for the kid that is always picked on, try and talk to the loner kid who is always alone.
You could save a life by just acknowledging someone exists.
In university, I was taught that people who stand by are just as guilty as the bullies.
Please, instead of lashing out at dangerous strangers (even online), stand up for someone in your class.
High-school is hard for everyone. You are finding yourselves. You have the hormones going through all of you. Be kind and be the bigger person.
It is a reward in itself to be the one to make someone smile.
Please be kind, don't stand by and watch your classmates get hurt or worse.
Everyone has crap in their lives, be the person to send love vibes to the world. Be the change we all need.
I've had colleagues lose as young as 12 year old students because there was no love in their lives, they committed suicide... They just wanted to be accepted and loved...
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sergeantpoliteness · 1 month
fuck fuck fuck guys im lifting and my arms are actually getting wider something is happening guys im becoming butch holy fuck i look kinda cunt kinda strong i look like greg puciato
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blackthorn-faerie · 6 months
If I don’t look like David Tennant after being on testosterone for a while, what even is the point
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defilerwyrm · 1 year
It’s no big secret that I love pretty rocks. I have a whole tag for it (#tom is a bit of a rock hound). I collect them when I can. I display them with great joy. I like to admire them, hold them up to the light, feel their warmth or chill and their textures.
And you know what. I really fuckin’ miss wearing them, too.
The sorry state of men’s fashion is that the only Pretty Rocks I get to wear are opaque bead bracelets. Don’t get me wrong, I do love my lava rock & tiger’s eye bead bracelet.
But I miss wearing amethyst and amber and aquamarine. I miss wearing chunks of onyx and alexandrite. I want to wear tanzanite and emerald and iolite and peridot. I want to wear big shards of bright, clear gems that catch the light. I want to hear cut crystals clinking when I shake my head.
But the only options for those are women’s jewelry and fucking cufflinks, and I’d rather go barefoot on hot asphalt than wear a goddamn suit.
And it’s a bad fucking gender feel knowing that the only options for these Pretty Rocks are the ones that make everyone who sees them think “woman.”
And I live in a place where a man wearing accessories that make people think “woman” will get him jumped, and not in the fun way.
So they stay on my shelves and on my wall, and I look at them, and admire them, and that’s all that I can do.
IDK man. I just think men’s fashion needs to get with the fucking gemstones. Let me wear my damn Pretty Rocks in a masculine way.
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prettypupp · 11 months
mlm post op is a man ageplay, ddlg, inc3stplay, wlw, and cishets dni
i need someone writhing beneath me pathetically while i use them for my own pleasure and entertainment
i want to study how their body reacts to what i do to them. every single thing. i want to watch them tense and shake, i want to hear them whimper and whine and beg for me.
i want to use what excites them the most against them until theyre crying and begging for me to stop, but they just look and sound so pretty i cant help it.
just a pathetic little thing for me to toy with and explore until ive learned everything about them, found every inch of their skin, not one curve left unmarked in some way that they enjoy.
my curiousity knows no bounds and ill use them until they sound so pretty i cant help but record their whining.
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thelilnan · 2 years
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these are my favorite selfies and i took them on a 45° carpet at the V&A
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ftm-radio · 1 year
in case you didn't know, the gender is stored in the fake septum ring.
(the mother's disappointment is also stored in the fake septum ring)
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I totally get gendered petnames like dude, sis, bro, and whatever else, and I get why some people might be confused as to why some trans people might take issue with a petname you might think is neutral. However, I do want people to remember that trans people often have different relationships with those petnames because they're gendered, and they might be uncomfortable with those connotations. A trans woman who doesn't want you to call her "dude" is probably not doing it to anger or accuse you of anything, but she might just have a negative relationship with that word.
I get that it can be hard to change habits, but it is worth it to include trans people. If a trans person in your life asks you not to use certain words, I promise they aren't trying to fuck you over or make you feel like you're under attack. They are just expressing a boundary - one that cis people also express.
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trans-wojak · 1 year
My boyfriend: hey, you haven’t been that much affectionate towards me lately, can I have some?
Me, forgetting to apologise for not showing affection & instantly writing him a poem while ignoring him talk about his day: i am such a good bf
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wild-at-mind · 1 year
(this is about trans stuff)
Probably need to get counselling about the fact that I’m so scared that my hormone balance is my personality.
#the cycle#so like i tend to associate my feelings with the Cycle position (menstral) that i happen to be in#so i feel strong and confiden and vivacious? upswing towards ovulation#sad and delicate? downswing towards menstruation#just being biologically essentialist or whatever some people say#thing is a lot of stuff about the effect of trans related HRT can read a little :/ if you're not feeling it#so the obvious example is gendercritical assholes saying trans women talking about feeling more emotional after starting hrt is misogyny#i actually think being emotional is not a bad thing tbh so they are tipping their own hands there#and also actually a lot of trans women seem to associate this change with positive things#but i'm talking about the way people talk about testosterone#a lot of people talk about the effects like it totally changed their personality tbh even if they don't realise it#it's scary like are our personalities our hormones????#someone on this ftm group i'm on said they were having difficulty forming romantic connections with people after a couple of years on T#and people were like 'well you're just aromantic it's fine! oh you weren't before HRT? well this is what your true#authentic self is then don't worry about it!'#like to be clear it was unclear from the post whether this guy needed reassurance that being aromantic is normal#or if he was bothered by it and wanted to change it#if first then the responses are fine#but if 2nd then .....wtf are the implications of this? is our sexuality and romantic inclination ALSO our hormones???#i don't think i'm wrong or crazy to feel weird about the idea of my personality changing and that my hormomes might be effecting it#kind of like how my personality is always shaped by depression and/or medication i'm taking for it#but it's scary like i only just got to know this brain i can't change it i'm FREAKING OUT#i feel like other trans people wouldn't want to talk to me about this because it sounds like i'm saying transphobic talking points. :(#but i really am scared of my personality changing.#if i go on t that is#can anyone talk to me about this on here?
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particlegentleman · 1 year
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while im at it im gonna show you this image i made because there isnt nearly enough mtf transfem or intersex wilson content out there </3
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