#just like I hate cold weather but drink iced coffee all winter
filet-o-feelings · 1 year
I forgot getting into this bed at my parents' house is basically an Olympic sport for someone of my height.
My parents got an alarm so I'm now locked in and can't even open a window. It's hot in here and nice outside and I just want to open a window 😭
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joesheistyy · 1 year
Cold Feet
two lil blurbs :)
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The chilly Cincinnati weather wasn't welcome when it came to you. While you preferred to be cold, you didn't mean THIS cold.
It was a chilly Sunday evening in the off season and you and Joe were spending it on the couch. Could he afford to turn up the heat? Yes. Was he raised to keep it cool even in the winter? Also yes.
The house was kept at a brisk 65 degrees. If it were that way during the warm months, you'd love it. But when it was 28 degrees outside? Absolutely not.
You had been up and around the kitchen, gathering snacks and drinks to have a small movie night. The hardwood floor felt like you were walking on ice, even when wearing socks. Your XL nike crewneck and Christmas plaid pajama pants clad your body. Your bare feet were freezing.
After you placed a bowl of popcorn and two Angry Orchards on the coffee table, you grabbed your favorite cozy blanket. Joe was sitting on the middle cushion of the couch. You were most comfortable when your back was against the arm rest and your legs were draped over Joe's lap.
You sat down, throwing the blanket over your body. Your knees were propped up as you tucked your feet under Joe's thighs.
"Jesus Christ y/n, your feet are so fucking cold," Joe whined as he felt your icicle feet through his sweats.
"Yeah cause someone won't turn up the heat," you replied sassily.
"Can't you just put on socks?" he responded, growing an attitude.
"I mean yes, but that's a lot of work and your thighs are warm," you stated simply with a shrug.
"y/l/n, just put on some damn socks,"
Spring was just around the corner, but you were in the staple midwest second winter phase. The day had been nice and in the mid 50's. You spent your day in the sunlight of the window on the couch reading your favorite book.
As the day progressed and the sun went down, the wind made the nice evening turn brisk. Joe had been out training most of the day, so he had become acclimated to the outdoor weather.
The house stayed cool and you moved away from the window that let in a slight draft. Joe arrived home after dinner time having eaten with the team at the stadium. You cooked yourself a bowl of tortellini with sautéed spinach and a glass of wine. The boiling water helped to heat up the kitchen a bit.
After Joe's arrival home, he made his way upstairs to take a hot shower. You both were in the mood to go to bed early.
Keeping the house cool at night was the right way to go for Joe to get a good night's sleep. Most of the time you could handle it because Joe was your own personal furnace, but some nights, your feet were too cold to sleep.
After you both had done your night time routines, you climbed under the blankets. Joe was partially sat up while he checked his phone one more time before bed. You, however, were all snuggled in.
"Joey lay down, I'm cold," you whined and tugged at his arm.
"Fine fine, c'mere you little icicle," he said as he plugged in his phone and turned off his bedside lamp.
After a couple minutes of snuggles, Joe turned away to face the wall, the way he normally sleeps.
You were still cold, especially once Joe turned over. His breaths evened out and you knew he was sleeping. Disrupting his sleep was something you hated to do, but you needed his warmth. He knew that if your feet were cold, you couldn't sleep.
You mischievously tucked your feet in-between his calfs. He stirred a bit, letting out a string of curse words as he felt your cold feet.
"Babe, put on some socks or something," Joe spoke, still half asleep.
"But you know I hate sleeping with socks on, and you're just so warm," you said as you snuggled yourself into his back.
"Fine, but this won't happen next time," Joe said before falling back asleep.
You smiled into his back, slowly but surely starting to warm up.
My house is freezing so I came up with these lil ideas! I hope y’all enjoyed!! <3 much love
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strawbearytae · 1 year
"you know what would make me really happy? to wake up at 7 am tomorrow just to go outside and build a snowman before everyone else wakes up"
ik maniac was completed but I just need to couple again…. Like extra tall flirty jk with that side of snark???? PUH LEASE MINHEE😫
your wish is my command
Baby It���s Cold Outside
warnings: language (as always), allusions to sex (as always)
a/n: maybe i need to make a masterlist for maniac because I’ve been getting a lot of drabble requests with this couple 0-0
One thing Jeongguk knew from dating you the past 2 years and 132 days (5 years and 17 days if you counted the time you were dating before the break up but who’s counting), was that you were magnificently ununderstandable. Jeongguk could examine every person in the whole world and wouldn’t be able to find someone like you. Your little jumps after you eat something delicious, your tendency to put your hair up in a ponytail before completing a task and the way you warned Jeongguk about drinking too much but still proceeded to take care of him the next morning despite your mumbled complaints and faux glares were all things he couldn’t understand but really appreciated about you.
But the thing he knew he could never understand despite being in love with you was why you loved winter. Jeongguk wasn’t going to lie, he hated the winter. He hated being cold, but tolerated it to a normal amount. Winter meant freezing mornings with the sun not even being awake for when he had to get up to go to work. Winter meant dead trees and cold feet against the tiles of the kitchen for when he went to make his daily serving of coffee and your tea. It was slippery roads with ice clinging to his pants as he tried to run through the snow in his freezing boots to come home to you. It was just too cold.
But you didn’t see it that way.
Your eyes would sparkle at the first snowflake landing on your nose. You loved going outside and dragging him along to made snow angels and take pictures. And sometimes you seemed to even enjoy being cold. You would laugh joyously even when your cheeks flushed bright red with your fingertips (though he had to admit that it made you look adorable), he just couldn’t understand it. He was continuously bewildered by your behavior.
So when the first 7 inches of pure white evil fluff blanketed the earth, Jeongguk knew that it was only a matter of minutes before you bounced into the living room with your coats to haul him off into that frozen hell. He had to make a plan… to distract you for the next few days until the weather warmed at least.
So that day Jeongguk made sure to rent out your favorite movie and cook your favorite food (though he accidentally burnt it and ultimately got takeout). You (of course) were delighted and had no qualms about staying in. You kissed him passionately after the movie to thank him for being the most thoughtful boyfriend ever, he mostly agreed though he did feel slightly guilty as it was because he didn’t want to go in the snow.
The day after that, you got off work earlier than he did. And before you could even utter a “how was your day,” he hooked his arms around your waist and proceeded to see how deeply he could press your back into the counter with his lips against yours. He was cold. It had snowed again and the only thing he could think about was how much he wanted to fuck you in your shared bed as you tugged at his snow-sprinkled hair.
The next day, he woke you up early in the morning (it was your day off) and drove the two of you to your favorite cafe before ending the night with dinner and some live music in a nearby bar. He loved the last part the most, the singers reminded him of the two of you years ago at the music festival that had ultimately brought the two of you back together. It was warm in all those places, especially with you refusing to let go of his hand in the crowded bar.
By the fourth day, he started to feel guilty. You were coming home in a few minutes and he didn’t have a plan… he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to make one. It felt… manipulative… to take you on dates just because he didn’t want to go in the snow.
“I’m home!” Your cheeks were flushed under your scarf as you hung your keys on the rack with a jingle, “Jeongguk, you would not believe what I saw outside!”
Oh, Jeongguk believed it. He saw how it snowed another 3 inches the night before. It was time to come clean.
“Y/N… love, I have something to confess…”
You frowned, “Is it urgent?”
“Quite so…”
“Are you hurt?”
You thought for a moment, “Will it hurt me?”
He hesitated, “maybe…”
You nodded solemnly before sitting on the couch next to him, “Jeongguk… what’s wrong?”
Jeongguk sucked a breath in through his teeth, “It’s cold outside.”
You smiled, “Yes.”
“It’s snowing. Y/N, you know I don’t like the cold…”
You rolled your eyes, “Of course, you whine about it every morning when you bring me my tea before putting your cold feet on my back.”
Jeongguk huffed before looking back at your held hands, “I- Just… I didn’t want to go outside and I knew you were going to ask me the last few days so I’ve been trying to distract you with all the spontaneous dates and I-" Jeongguk hesitated at your furrowed brows, "What I'm trying to say is… I'm sorry."
"So…" You repeated slowly, “You’ve been taken me on all these amazing random dates and fucking me because you didn’t want to go outside in the snow, but now you’re apologizing because it feels manipulative…?”
Jeongguk paused before replying with a hesitant, “Yes, except for the sex. I just wanted to sleep with you.”
He didn’t really know what to expect after that, were you going to be angry? Sad? Should he sleep on the couch or were you going to kick him out of the apartment before he was able to utter another word? Should he grab a blanket or-
But he didn’t anticipate you laughing.
And quite boisterously too.
He stared at you with wide eyes, mouth slightly agape… did he finally drive you insane?!
“Jeongguk,” You laughed through tears (shit there were tears), “I didn’t even ask you if you wanted to go outside yet.”
Jeongguk didn’t know how to respond except with an, “Oh?”
You shook your head as you gasped for air, “Jeongguk, you’re an idiot. If you don’t want to go outside you can just tell me.”
“But if I say that you’re gonna do that thing.”
“What thing?” You finally calmed down.
“Y’know.” He crossed his arms as if the answer was obvious, “That thing.”
“What thing?!” 
“The,” Jeongguk cocked his head before blinking slowly and pouting. “You know I’ll go outside with you every time if you do that.” He scoffed.
You shook your head with a small smile before flicking the underside of his chin, “I didn’t know you were that weak to my aegyo.”
He rolled his eyes before pulling you into his lap, “Well I am.” He leaned his head against your chest, “I’m sorry for tricking you.”
You played with the strands of his mullet at the base of his neck, “You didn’t trick me, you just picked an activity you would much rather do with me than going outside.” You pulled away from him slightly to look at him before pressing a chaste kiss on his lips, “And I liked all of them because I got to do them with you.”
“Cheesy.” He grumbled.
“And it makes you happy.” You smirked, pressing another kiss against his lips. This time he wrapped his arms against your waist to deepen the kiss, your hands moved to the base of his head once again to pull at the strands, making him gasp slightly against your mouth, “you know what would make me really happy?” You mumbled against his mouth before pulling away, “to wake up at 7 am tomorrow just to go outside and build a snowman before everyone else wakes up.”
Jeongguk rolled his eyes and sighed, “It’s cold.”
“But Jeonggukkkkkkk.” 
“There’s the thing again.” He sighed and slumped into the couch in defeat, “Go get our gloves, I’ll meet you outside in 5 minutes.”
You ran into your closet while yelling, “You better not ambush me with snowballs!”
“No promises!” 
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evereinefaust · 3 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐈𝐜𝐞 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Gray Fullbuster X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: MC found herself in a winter wonderland. And that was not a good thing. Because of a certain ice wizard, her entire house was filled to the brim with ice.
Word Count: 863
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"Oh, how I hate this season!" You grumbled as you rubbed your jacket to keep yourself warm. You had a thick jacket on you, but you still experienced the cold. It's just too much. You already had a thick sweater over your thick long-sleeved turtle neck, and a thick jacket over the sweater. You wore a thick leg warmer under your thick pants. And thick boots to complement your 'thickness style'. You are just so unused to this kind of weather, the cold isn't your forte. And worst of all, a certain ice stripper entered your house without your knowledge and then decorated the whole place with ice ornaments. Ice miniature, ice picture frames, ice sculptures, ice fruit baskets, ice mats, ice fruits, almost everything is covered in ice!
"I swear I'm gonna kill that bastard" You gritted your chattering teeth as you stayed inside your icy room, piles of blanket covering your already thick body. "I-I-I n-need h-hot choco-colate" You said as you reached for your very hot beverage resting on your coffee table. Once you got a hold of the cup, you blew some wind to warm it a bit before drinking. "[Name], why aren't you playing with the others outside?" There he is. The one and only ice mage in Fairy Tail. He is inside your room. Standing at the door without anything on except his boxers.
"Oh, hi there Gray!" You faked a smile while greeting him, waving your hands at him with your eyes closed. "Can't you see that I am suffering from the cold that I can't even leave my room?" You asked him sweetly, trying hard not to snap at him with venom in your voice. "I can see that" He simply replied, one eyebrow raised. "You freaking jerk! It's your fault that I'm in this condition!" Ow... Snap! Now you can't contain your anger, you're gonna burst anytime soon. "It's your fault that I'm here, trying to get warm while you and the others enjoy the snow! It's all because you invaded my house and planted some cursed ice in here that's gonna make me sick! It's your fault that I have to stay like this for the rest of winter! It's all your fault!" You yelled at him, your face becoming redder and redder by the second.
"Geez! You don't have to yell, I can see that!" Gray said in irritation. He walked his way to your bed, his right hand on his hip while the other on his ear. "Why you-!" You are about to snap again but you are cut off by his lips. He kissed you so immediately that you never had the time to register what was happening. "There? Satisfied?" He pulled away as he asked you. "Wha..." You were dumbstruck at the event, you can still feel his ice-cold lips touching your warm ones. "I demand an explanation" You snapped back to reality and then glared at him.
"You don't forgive people that easily, do you?" He chuckled, which earned him another hard glare from you. "Okay, okay. I was planning to spend most of the time with you. But since you will probably hang out with Lucy and the others, I made your house freezing" He explained the first part, sitting on the floor with his arms crossed. "And because of what I did, here you are, all alone in this freezing place" He finished. "That's it? I don't think that's enough to convince me" You raised your brow and then took another sip of your hot chocolate.
"I don't have to convince you" He smiled and then slammed his fist on his palm. "H-hey, wait! Please don't add another ice collection of yours here. It's freezing!" Your eyes began to panic as you waved your arms in front of you in a dismissive manner. The piles of blankets were separated from your body. Gray only smirked as he finished his magic, you could feel your heart drop. He just made you suffer more. You stared at him in disbelief and stayed like that for a while.
"Don't you like it?" He asked, snapping you back to reality. "Huh?" You shook your head and then looked at the finished product he made. It was a miniature you and Gray, he was wearing a tuxedo while carrying you in his arms, bridal style. You were wearing a bridal dress while holding onto his neck. Smile plastered on both of your faces. "I love it" Your eyes softened as you took the gift from him. "So that means I'm forgiven?" He asked, a smile gracing his lips. "Not yet" You smirked, his face almost dropped. You love this reaction of his. "I will only forgive you if you spent all of the day with me," You told him, pointing a finger at your red lips and setting the ice sculpture down. "As you wish" He returned the smirk then smacked his icy cold lips on your red warm ones once again. Icy love can freeze the moment.
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rollercoasterwords · 10 months
rae.... how are u...... how's life.... what are you reading rn & is it good? how do u like ur tea? what's your fav sentence you've ever written? and most importantly how's the weather!
hi hello!! what a nice message i'm doing good life is fun rn i'm on a little. weeklong vacation been having a good time walking around + exploring etc...got 2 pet some sheep got a fun manicure bought a bunch of presents 4 my friends + family went 2 a spa!! 4 the first time fun new experience...getting a tattoo tomorrow afternoon which i am v excited abt <3 unfortunately the trip is coming 2 an end i have tomorrow & then half the day wednesday before i take a train back home in the afternoon and then i have. one week!! 2 pack up my entire apartment + say goodbye to all my friends before i move...life is a whirlwind rn & it's mostly fun atm but next week i'm worried that the sadness of leaving behind the city(&country!) where i've lived for 2 years is finally gonna start settling in </3
as for reading i've been in a bit of a book slump lately...been wanting something fast-paced + fun but haven't been able 2 settle on something new to actually pick up & start...i did finally start reading volume 1 of marx's capital this past week but it is. SUCH slow going...i'm taking notes + reading it in v small chunks 2 try & absorb it all so i haven't even finished ch 1 yet lol
i am not a big tea drinker 2 be quite frank!! i much prefer coffee but i have recently sort of given up coffee 4 health reasons...still treat myself 2 a fun coffee beverage every so often but she is no longer a daily staple in my life </3 so i have sort of been replacing her with. peach iced tea <3 which is very easy 2 find here & satisfies my craving 4 a cold sweet drink...generally speaking i'm not a hot-drink guy i like iced beverages & that holds true 4 tea...i like it iced & sweet...except i don't like sweet tea (us-south version...sorry southerners). & when i do drink hot tea i want it 2 be sweet...i want honey or sugar...some milk as well...& my favorite hot tea is yuja tea <3 the kind that looks like jam + comes in a big jar & u mix it into hot water. DELISH that was my winter beverage this year i drank it religiously
favorite sentence i've ever written. well i don't have one...i've written many sentences that i love i simply don't think i can pick a favorite <3 ONE of my faves that i can name off the top of my head tho is the last line of thtf! also wrote a song this year w some of my fave lyrics i've written chorus goes "and if i'm a rabbit/you can cut off my feet/and if you are hungry/what's my body but meat?" which i am quite fond of i'd include that in the favorites list <3
as for!! the weather!!! there was a big storm at the beginning of the weekend so it was very rainy + windy for a bit but honestly i liked it because the temperature dropped so much that it was actually quite pleasant outside for most of friday + saturday...cloudy & drizzly & a little cool. but the sun came back full force by sunday so now it's. SO fucking hot & it's incredibly humid as well...honestly think i'm getting used 2 the heat & humidity tho it's not destroying me the way it did last summer...still hate it tho >:( moving 2 a colder climate soon & while i'm sure i'm going 2 freeze 2 death come november after years of getting used 2 mild winters right now i am just. REALLY looking forward to cheating my way out of summer...should start cooling down in september right when i'm moving whereas if i wasn't moving i'd be expecting another month of heat...#lifehack
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solomons-poison · 2 months
Heyyy Tarren 💗💗 For your ask game: 9 + 16 + 23 + 25. Have fun!!
Hi Winter!! Thanks for sending something in 💕
9. Which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
I prefer cold coffee! I just like cold drinks overall over hot drinks, but iced coffee specifically is just better to me in regards to taste and all that!
16. Can you drive?
I can! I'm the designated driver for any trips my family/friends and I make. I think I'm a pretty good driver, only had one issue of scratching my car against something, but never had a ticket or accident before.
23. How do you feel about chilly weather?
Depends on how chilly it is.... I hate cold weather even though I grew up in the north. But slightly chilly weather in spring or fall can be refreshing
25. Perfume/body spray or lotion?
Perfume/body spray. I'm not a big fan of scented lotions, and I don't really like the texture of lotion to begin with
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sammygvfslut · 3 years
i like you a latte | s. kiszka
Summary: Words cannot espresso how much you mean to Sammy Kiszka.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Hey besties!!! this is my first ever sam fic, and i really hope you guys enjoy it! it’s super cheesy so beware of some tooth-rotting fluff ahead. any and all feedback is appreciated <3
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Loud chattering and the sounds of espresso machines hissing and whistling filled the cafe. Every few seconds or so when a new customer walked in, a soft ringing above the door rang. Glancing at the clock, you sighed as it read 7am. Way too early for your liking. You wished to be back in bed under the covers with your cat Joey snuggling. Plus, the cold weather made it even harder for you to get out of bed every morning. Damn you, winter.
“Good morning.” A voice said suddenly, startling you as you slightly jumped. “Whoops, didn’t mean to scare you there for a sec.”
Turning around at the voice, your heart fluttered and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips. “G-Good morning, Sam! Nope, didn’t scare me at all. I was just uh...focusing very hard and you caught me off guard.”
A chuckle rumbled from his chest, his own lips curving and flashing that beautiful grin. God, he made you melt. You took a quick chance to admire his appearance for the day, luscious brown locks pulled back into a low bun with a few stray pieces framing his face, and he wore a slightly oversized brown grandpa looking sweater. He exuded true fall energy today and all you wanted to do was snuggle with him watching a movie while sipping on hot chocolate. “Right. Focusing on what exactly? Staring at the register?”  
“S-Sure. Yes, the register.” Totally not him instead. “Um, I realized it turned off right now and my mind blanked to turn it back on.”
Sam placed a hand on your shoulder as he laughed, his touch leaving a wave of goosebumps to rise out of your skin. “You’re so cute. I’ll leave you to that then, but if you need help trying to get the register to turn back on again, let me know.” And with that, he sent you a wink and turned on his heel away to start on the customers orders.
Alright, alright. So maybe early shifts weren’t as bad as you thought thanks to your insanely charming co-worker. Sam and you had been working together for the past year, and almost instantly you started falling for him. He welcomed you with open arms and he was a great help when it came to your training. Your co-workers were nice too, but Sam took that extra step in making sure you were comfortable with what you were doing. If you made a mistake and were freaking out about it, he somehow knew the way to calm you down. He was too precious and good for this cruel world. And most of all, out of your league too.
With his dashing looks and amazing personality, you just knew there was no way he’d ever feel the same about you. Except, any time you’d voice that thought to any of your friends at work, they’d tell you you’re crazy and that he likes you too. Apparently they caught on to the signs more than you did, which wasn’t a shocker considering that you’d have no clue if a guy was interested in you unless he blatantly confessed. So, trying to figure out hints was completely pointless for you.
“Uh oh, she’s deep in thought,” one of your friends/co-workers, Danny, teased. He also happened to be Sam’s best friend, and current band mate since the pair are in a band with Sam’s older twin brothers. “I bet I can guess what, or who you were thinking about.”
“Don’t even say it,” you warned with a finger, “He’s literally four feet away from us—”
“So?” Danny rolled her eyes with his arms folded. “Why don’t you just tell him how you feel? Come on, it’s been almost a year now. What’s the worst that can happen if you confess?”
“He can hear me.” You stared blankly at him, shaking your head. “Absolutely not though, Danny. I will not embarrass myself from the humiliation I’d have to face from his rejection.”
Danny groaned frustratedly, placing his hands on both your shoulders and shaking them. “You’re so hopeless! Y/N, how many times do the guys and I have to tell you he likes you too!” He raised his voice a little louder than necessary which accidentally caught the attention of almost everyone in the cafe. Sam included unfortunately. Danny’s eyes widened, silently cursing under his breath. “Carry on, everyone.”
As much as you hated to admit it, Danny wasn’t lying when he mentioned about the guys agreeing that Sam likes you too. Every time you came over Josh’s apartment and Sam was there he’d find any little excuse to have his arm around you or teasing you constantly. You’d shake it off that he was just treating you like a friend would, but of course the guys would disagree with you.
“We’ll finish this conversation later,” Danny told you sternly, “But for now, and don’t make it obvious, but Sam’s looking at you.” A mischievous grin spread across his face as he winked and stepped to the next register before greeting a new customer and taking their order.
Heart pounding out of your chest, you slowly looked over your shoulder in Sam’s direction. You saw his head quickly turn and finish off the drink in front of him. Your cheeks burned at this and tried taking deep, slow breaths to calm yourself down. Didn’t work much, but as a new customer waved and told you their order, your breathing turned back to normal.
On the other end of the counter, Sam was currently freaking the hell out from what he heard a few minutes ago between you and Danny. He didn’t mean to, but he also wasn’t that far from either of you. Plus, Danny wasn’t the best at keeping his voice low. He had a strong feeling he knew you were talking about him, and for that reason alone he overflowed the cup he was pouring into and made a mess. He cursed under his breath and wiped his hands on his apron, shaking his head.
You caught sight of this and rushed to his side, grabbing a cloth from under the sink and started wiping the sticky counter. Sam was certain his cheeks were tomato red from his embarrassment, making a complete fool of himself for not paying attention to what he was doing. More so focusing on your conversation and your damn smile from earlier. You weren’t the only one here with a crush.
“T-Thanks, Y/N.” Sam chuckled nervously, throwing the cup in the trash and tossing the drink pitcher he held in the sink. “I’m normally not this much of a dumbass.”
“I’m not too sure about that one, Kiszka.” You teased lightly with a grin. “It happens, don’t worry,” you assured. “I’m just glad it was cold tea you spilled and not steaming coffee. I’d hate for you to get a third degree burn. That happened to me once, don’t recommend it.”
“Didn’t I drive you to the hospital for that?” he asked. “I think that might’ve happened a few months ago.”
Your eyes widened at the memory. “Oh shit, you’re right. God, I’m still so sorry I had to drag you into that.”
Sam shook his head, lips curving and cheeks no longer flushed. “For the hundredth time, stop apologizing about that, Y/N. You know you can count on me for anything, so of course I didn’t mind driving you to the hospital. I remember even blasting some ABBA on the way over there so you’d have something else to focus on instead of the pain you endured.”
You smiled at the memory. “Didn’t we also go out for ice cream afterwards?”
He nodded, lightly rubbing his arm. “Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I mean, I always have fun when I’m with you.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his last few words, blinking slowly. “O-Oh.”
Oh? That’s all you have to say? Nice one, Y/N.
Sam’s heart dropped. Fuck. Maybe you weren’t talking about him after all. Maybe it was Danny or one of his brothers that you had a crush on and he was mistaken about it. He wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him whole right about now. Being anywhere but here sounded splendid to him.
“Y-Y/N, I—“
“Ihavefunwhenimwithyoutoo,” you muttered all too quickly, and poor Sam barely even understood what you said. He didn’t have the chance to ask you to repeat yourself because you quickly walked away to the back and he was left with a tug at his chest, frowning.
Within the next few days after Sam’s tea spill, literally, things between you and him became...awkward. Something went off in him to become even more clumsy than normal and forget everything he’s ever known when you’re near him. He’d get flustered, stuttering a lot, messing up orders, dropping dishes, and nearly tripping all the time. He hated it so much and wished he could just muster up the courage and apologize for being such an idiot and confess his feelings to you. Even during your hangouts with the guys, Sam and you wouldn’t interact as much and honestly you were well aware you were being super childish and immature about the situation. Sam did too, and he needed to snap the fuck out of it.
The next few days at work Sam would ignore Danny’s little side comments about his immaturity and continued working in silence. For the rest of his shift he didn’t talk much to anyone other than the customers. He wanted to talk to you when he had the chance, but then he’d quickly back out and walk the opposite direction.
He couldn’t figure out why it was so futile for him to just grow a sack and tell you he likes you. He’d never gone through this struggle before. Then again, as cheesy as it sounded, the other girls he’d asked out in the past couldn’t compare to you. Never in a million years, and maybe he was too afraid that he didn’t deserve someone as amazing as you.
Nearing closing that same day, it was only you, Sam, and Danny. The flow of customers died down and not many people came in towards the end of the night which you were grateful for. It finally gave you the chance to relax a bit and start cleaning things up ahead of time so you wouldn’t have to stay after. Joey and a nice warm bath were waiting for you at home.
While Sam decided on working the register and you and Danny would clean, he grabbed your arm and led you into the back.
“What are you two still doing not dating each other or talking?! It’s been way too long now, Y/N. And since it’s only us three tonight, you have no other choice. Come on, I know you can’t take this any longer, and he can’t either. I can take over the register for a bit while you and him talk.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating his offering. As incredibly thankful as you were for his help, you were also scared shitless of the possible outcome. Perhaps it was finally time though that you say fuck it and say what you needed to. You couldn’t go on for any longer to keep your feelings bottled up inside. Maybe, just maybe he might feel the same way, and by God you hoped that would be the case.
Inhaling, you nodded slowly and made your way back to where you were. Your eyes searched for Sam and saw he was busy making a drink, except there was no one else here besides you, him and Danny. It could’ve been a drink for him, so you shrugged this off and went towards the sink to start washing the dishes.
A few moments later, Sam cleared his throat from behind you. “H-Hey Y/N, so um, I know the créme brûlée latte is your favorite, and I thought I’d make you one. You seemed really stressed and busy today and I wanted to try to cheer you up. I hope that’s okay.”
Your heart swelled at his generosity and your cheeks burned as you felt his gaze burning into you, his palms soaking from nervousness. “Sam, you didn’t have to do that for me.”
He shrugged casually, a small smile on his lips and his cheeks tinted a light pink. “It’s okay, I wanted to. And I uh, tried my best on the art. Hope you like it.”
Raising a brow, your gaze dropped on your cup and your eyes widened as you saw what he was referring to. A small coffee cup with the words I like you a latte around it.
“It’s true,” Sam chewed on his bottom lip while running his fingers through his hair. “I really like you Y/N, and I’m so sorry for acting like such an idiot these last few days around you. I don’t know what came over me, and I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you much either.”
Setting your cup on the counter, you took a step closer to him and cupped his cheek, rubbing your thumb softly against his soft skin. “You don’t have to apologize for anything, Sam. I’m sorry for not talking to you too, as well as for making a fool of myself. I tend to do that around someone I like.”
Finally, the realization dawned on Sam as a wide grin pulled at his lips. “Glad we’re on the same boat.”
“I-Is it alright if I kiss you?” he asked shyly, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you.
You giggled. “You don’t even have to ask, loverboy.” You playfully rolled your eyes and cupped his other cheek before connecting his lips with yours.
A smirk pulled at Danny’s lips as he glanced at the two of you, shaking his head. Josh and Jake owed him $20 now. 
It was about damn time that Sam and you finally espresso’d your love for each other. 
tagging these lovely folks bc they helped inspired me and their work is amazing <3 @godlygreta​ / @flowervanfleet​ / @dharma-divine​
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rae-is-typing · 2 years
I love the headcanons format!!! So I was wondering if you had any lost but not forgotten headcanons. Like random quirks that the reader has cause she was raised in the pnw (also pnw whores unite lololol)
PNW WHORES UNITE LMAOOOOO my people have found me
Quirks the reader has in LBNF because she is from the PNW (pacific northwest)
All the time
No matter the weather
same with grayscale clothes and doc martens
Also iced coffee
Is it winter?
Is the reader still drinking an iced vanilla latte?
In general, you don't vibe with beaches thanks to trauma, but if you ever do go to the beach, you always dress like it's fucking november lmao
Your family is like ????
What is this child doing?
Why is she wearing a sweater, a flannel, and a huge jean jacket on top of it?????
And you're like
It's gonna be cold, duh
You know all of the local coffee places and get mildly annoyed if there aren't any near RDJ's or Debbie's place
You don't wear helmets when you go biking
Yes, this did give your parental units heart attacks
You may or may not have cried when you learned that the closest Dutch Bros was hundreds of miles away
You loooove the outdoors and hiking, which excites RDJ cause father-daughter bonding on the trails
Then you basically out-hiked him LMAO
he was unhappy
especially when you told him "Keep up old man, we don't have all day"
Indio jokes about you hating the sun
Cause it rained all the fucking time on the island
He bought you SPF 100 one time
You are the designated barista of the family
You just make the best coffee because, duh, PNW culture is having an absurd amount of coffee just everywhere
once you feel like you can joke about your trauma, you always say that it was jason and emilia's fault for raising you in washington
like if they didn't want you to solve it then why did they raise you in the pacific northwest
they don't find it funny lmao
ashlynn does though
she laughed her ass of when you first made that quip
true crime documentaries all the time
you even watch your own and laugh at the mistakes
you and ashlynn make a plan to do a tell-all series on social media once litigation is over and your family says its okay
420 jokes
even if you don't do the weed
all the time
"dad i need a blunt"
"nvm i think you need the blunt"
the seattle road rage is also very real
you also know how to mind your goddamn business
(its a huge thing to just never acknowledge people beyond a polite nod unless you know someone... at least in my area lol)
These are all off the top of my head, so let me know if i'm missing anything hahaha i loved this
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Title: 49% 
Summary: If there’s one thing that Spencer hates more than rejection, it’s spontaneity. But sometimes the things (and people) we love outweigh the things that we hate.  AKA a series of events leading up to a weekend wedding between the BAU’s finest Dr. Spencer Reid and his partner in crime, Y/N. 
Word Count: 1365 
Warnings: none 
Author’s Note: I hope that you enjoy reading this! I really appreciate all of the support and kind words :) 
Spencer Reid is terrified. Nothing could compare for the pure fear that courses through his veins in this moment. Not even the times he’d run into hostage situations without wearing a Kevlar vest or even in the most lonely parts of his life. He figures that he’s terrified because he has so much to lose. Never in his life did he have someone that loves him as much as Y/N does. And that terrifies him. Somehow, when Spencer is with Y/N he’s simultaneously a man numb with love and a little boy shaking with fear. He knows that he should have gotten over this fear of rejection years ago. He knows that Y/N would never intentionally hurt him. He knows that she loves him more than anything. 
So why? Why is he so terrified to ask her to marry him? Logically, there’s no reason for her to say no. They’ve been together for 3 years, which is long enough at their age to enter into an engagement. It’s not like she doesn’t want to get married; he’s seen her Pinterest wedding moodboard. She talks about their children, almost like they're already here. She wants to get married and she wants to have kids, but the question that bounces around in Spencer’s mind is does she want that with him? 
“Next!” the barista calls Spencer forward to the counter to order. 
“Hi, I’ll have an extra large black coffee with 6 Splendas, and uh, a large iced green tea with honey,” Spencer orders, pulling out his credit card to pay for the drinks. Coffee is probably not the wisest choice, but what can Spencer say the heart wants what the heart wants. 
Spencer awkwardly waits for his drinks, trying to ignore the small box that burns a whole in his pocket. He’d bought the ring a couple of months ago, right after a case that both of them almost didn’t come home, or worse almost came home in a casket. 
“Two drinks for Spencer!” a barista from behind the counter calls, telling him that his drinks are ready. Spencer takes a sip of his coffee, the sweet liquid burning his tongue. Taking a look at the time on his watch, Spencer decides that it’s time to head to the park. 
It’s a short walk to the park, but it seems like it’s the longest walk of his life. Maybe if he wasn’t so nervous or terrified, he'd be able to enjoy how beautiful was. Spencer might be a complete ball of nerves, but he’s a romantic at heart. He wants this to be a perfect start to their perfect life. He finds the park bench that he told Y/N to meet him at. He sits there, waiting for her to show up and waiting for their life to start. 
Spencer’s leg bounces up and down. He should have worn a different pair of shoes. These Converse are so old and ratty, he thinks. He thinks he looks ridiculous in his cardigan and corduroy pants, what was he thinking? He can’t actually expect that she’s going to yes to him. 
While his thoughts are occupied by the constant inner commentary of rejection and ridicule, he fails to her the leaves crunch behind him. His vision goes black when his eyes are covered by a pair of familiar feeling hands. Y/N’s laugh gives it away instantly, but Spencer’s constant vigilance does cause him to yelp in a high pitched squeal. 
“Spencer! It’s me honey,” Y/N says, wrapping her arms around his neck and peppering his cheek with quick kisses. It’s the kind of kisses that say “I’m happy to see you” and “You’re the only one I want to see”. It’s at times like these that he doubts his doubts; maybe he can have faith and hope and lean into the romantic side of himself. The side of himself that sees them walking in the park with a baby stroller, playing on the playset with their children, teaching their kids how to drive in the parking lot and sitting on this bench when their backs hurt all the time and their faces have a few more wrinkles.
“I’d know that laugh anywhere, Y/N” Spencer says, watching her move to sit next to him on the bench. 
“Ohh, thanks for the iced tea!” She says, taking a sip of the cold drink. Even though it’s barely winter, Spencer still can’t believe that she can drink iced beverages in any kind of weather below 50 degrees. He nods and kisses her on her cheek, which causes a small giggle to emerge. Spencer is still kind of surprised that his affections can elicit such happy responses from her. 
“So,” Y/N starts. “Why did you leave our house at 7:00 AM and text me to meet you here?” 
“Umm,” Spencer says, the nerves bubbling to the surface. You can do this, Spencer, he thinks. You can do this, she’s not going to say no. She can’t say no. At this moment, Spencer is really wishing he had his passport with him and a getaway car to jump in, just in case Y/N says no.
“Did you know that only 3% of weddings happen in a courthouse?” Y/N asks at a completely stunned Spencer. 
“Yeah,” Spencer says timidly, not entirely sure where this is panning out, but grateful to listen to his girlfriend. It beats the alternative, him saying something stupid and her laughing at him; him fleeing the state and ending up a magician in a Las Vegas casino. 
“Yes, courthouse weddings are a great alternative, they’re affordable and efficient for couples who just want to get married without all that fuss,” Y/N adds, looking at Spencer. 
She’s profiling you, Spencer thinks. Don’t make eye contact. He knows (and she knows) that the moment he looks into her eyes, he’s done for. Las Vegas here he comes….
“And 51% of marriages end in divorce,” Spencer tells her, before he can even think about what he’s saying. Great he thinks, the day that he’s supposed to propose to her, he’s talking about divorce statistics. 
“You know that I failed statistics in college, Spence?” Y/N asks him. 
“I think I remember you mentioning that,” Spencer says, now thoroughly confused as to where this is going. 
“I have an evil plan to seek revenge against statistics, so I think that it’s my life mission to prove them wrong,” Y/N finishes, pulling something out from her bag. 
Spencer can feel his heart beating in his chest. He’s even more terrified than he was before. Suddenly all those songs that Y/N made him dance to late in the middle of the night make complete sense. 
“But, I also think that it’s my life mission to spend the rest of my life with you, Spence. So, I know that it’s not alway the case for the girl to propose marriage, but I think that you deserve someone to propose to you,” Y/N says, very quickly. 
Spencer sits there on the bench with Y/N sitting right next to him, utterly speechless. Did she just….
“You want to marry me?” Spencer says, dumbly. 
“Of course I do, Spencer! Give me your hand, I got you an engagement ring and-”
Spencer, suddenly fearless, cups her face in his hands, effectively making her quiet. He works on the surge of confidence, leaning in and kisses Y/N on the lips. It’s like he’s kissing her for the first time in his life. It’s like his first kiss ever, but it’s the first kiss of all the kisses of the rest of their life. 
“So I’ll take that as a yes,” Y/N says, breaking apart from Spencer. 
Spencer lets out a laugh, completely forgetting why on Earth he was so scared to propose. 
“So you’re not the only one who had this idea, Y/N” Spencer tells her, reaching into his cardigan pocket. He hands her the velvet box and reveals the vintage ring that he picked out from the second hand jewelry store. 
“Spencer? Is this why you told me to come here? Oh God, I ruined your proposal!” Y/N says, embarrassed that she messed with Spencer’s plans, knowing how nervous he can get. 
“On the contrary Y/N, I’m sure that this is the best possible proposal,” Spencer tells her, as she lays her head against his shoulder. 
“Spencer,” Y/N says, suddenly serious. 
“Yes, fiance?” Spencer teases. 
“How would you like to be in the 3% of marriages? Like as soon as possible. Like tomorrow? I don’t think I can wait another second not being married to you,” she confesses. 
“As long as we’re in the 49%, I’ll do anything you want.” 
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team-gabriel · 3 years
iceberg headcannons?
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
Iceberg’s got a lot of variety going on. I feel like he listens to a lot of rock/heavy metal….but I also feel like he’s got some Broadway musical songs or Taylor Swift or angsty tween breakup music on there too that he quickly skips past and acts like he has no idea why that’s on there if it ever comes on around somebody else.
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to
Iceberg and Gears are pretty much tied for “most sleep deprived Foundation staff”. Occasionally Ice will fall asleep at his desk, and Gears just will let him be.
the game they'd destroy everyone else at
It doesn’t matter the “game”, Iceberg will find a way to make it a competition.
I can’t find it — but that post about playing Jenga with engineers. That’s Iceberg.
the emoticon they’d use most often
I feel like he’d severely overuse the 🥺 emoji
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
Iceberg gets meeeeean when he’s exhausted.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
because of his anomaly, Iceberg can’t drink anything that’s more than “slightly warm” without severely burning his mouth. It sucks. But iced coffee is his friend and savior.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
He just…shuts everything off. No text messages, no work emails, no phone calls — he totally disconnects himself for a while, and gets some (much deserved) rest. The site can burn down for all he cares — he’s taking a break!
what they wanted to be when they grew up
He either wanted to be president, or he wanted to overthrow the government. Probably also went through a phase where he wanted to be a chef.
their favorite kind of weather
It should kinda go without saying that he likes winter. He can comfortably go outside in a raging snow storm with jeans and a t-shirt and be absolutely fine. Hates the summer. Also hates rain (it freezes to his skin)
thoughts on their singing voice
he’s alright — not a singer by any stretch of the imagination, but he can carry a tune.
how/what they like to draw or doodle
Iceberg seems like the kind of guy to just absentmindedly sketch out blueprints to stuff. On one side of the paper he has a to-do list, and on the other are instructions to build a bomb.
original questions from here
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maryeve-the-bitch · 3 years
Un jour de février
Fruk week 2021
Day 4: winter / spring
Words: 2,565
Summary: Domestic fruk. Old married couple vibe. The couple is visiting Matthew in Quebec city during the cold month of february.
Warning: French, so much french (Translations are at the end), and mention of sex. Not really explicit though. 
Francis couldn’t wait to visit his son in february. However, he was dreading the cold and the weather he would face when they’d arrive in the city. He wasn’t used to that kind of cold anymore ergo he knew how much he would suffer through it. At least, he would be in good company and his boyfriend Arthur was coming as well.
As soon as Francis and Arthur landed in Quebec city, they traveled straight to their hotel since Mathieu would only be coming the next day and his meeting in the capital got delayed. Hopefully, Francis would enjoy a nice evening with his dear Arthur. The hotel room they picked had a cozy fireplace with a plaid fluffy blanket laid on the king bed. The decor of the room reminded Francis of a lumberjack’s cabin with deer antlers hanging down from the wall and the wood-like walls. While it wasn’t the usual style Francis would like, he did appreciate the coziness of it. He reminded himself not to let Arthur choose a hotel for them by himself again. At least, the bathroom was huge compared to what he is used to and in the middle of it, there was a bath that could easily fit 3 people in it. At the sight of the bath, Francis gave Arthur a teasing smirk as he tucked a lock of his blond hair behind his hair. Arthur rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Sure, love. Later.” Arthur agreed to his boyfriend’s silent plea.
Francis wrapped his arms around Arthur’s from behind.
“Je te promets qu’on passera un bon moment.¹” Francis whispered to his ear as he delicately bit it.
“I promise I’ll kick you in the arse if you don’t stop teasing.” Arthur said with his jaw clenched and a blush on his cheeks.
The comment made Francis chuckle and hugged his boyfriend closer.
“C’est trop facile de te taquiner."² Francis kissed Arthur’s cheek and let go of him.
Since they were both exhausted from the flight and the jetlag, they decided to go to bed early after they took a shower.
In the morning, they decided to wait for Mathieu to tell them when and where they would meet in their room after they got back from eating breakfast on the first floor. Francis looked outside the windows, contemplating the landscape from the city under the snow, as Arthur finished getting dressed and buttoned his shirt up.
“On n’a plus d’hiver comme ça par chez nous, hein?”³ Francis sighed.
“You never had winters like this before. Unless you count the ice age.” Arthur commented.
“Ouais. Du coup, c’est ben mieux que ta pluie 10 mois par année.”⁴ Francis retorted, looking back at his boyfriend.
Arthur glanced at Francis before taking his jacket from the bed and put it on.
“Tu sais que la reine vient pas aujourd’hui, hein?”⁵
“Shut your bloody mouth and get dressed, Francis.” Arthur sighed.
Francis let out a dramatic sigh as he let himself fall on the bed face first and grumbled Arthur’s name on the pillow. Arthur just rolled his eyes, ignoring his melodramatic scene as he was well too familiar with it. Francis turned around and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Peux-tu m’aider, mon amour?”⁶
“What? Help you get dressed? You’re not a child anymore.” As Arthur spoke, he received a notification from his phone that was placed on the desk and charging. He picked it up to see what it was.
“It’s Matthew. He wants to meet at the castle at noon.” Arthur paused to look at the time. “You’ve got one hour to get ready.”
“Quoi? Une heure?” Francis whined. "Ça nous donne même pas le temps de faire l'amour."⁷
"We would if you hurry the fuck up and stop whining."
Francis finally got up from the bed, not without whining even more. At the end, he did get ready in under an hour. When Francis got out of the bathroom, he paraded in front of Arthur who was sitting on the chair in front of the desk. Francis wore an open blue see-through shirt with some kind of green flower pattern on it. As for the bottom part, he wrote black trousers with the same flowery pattern.
"We're not going to a gay pub or a fashion show."
"Ah mais il faut que je sois à la hauteur de moi-même quand je sors. Je ne peux pas sortir comme si je serais un pauvre paysan. Pour qui tu me prends, putain?"⁸
"What the hell does that mean?" Arthur sighed. "You're going to wear a warm coat at least?"
Francis walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a navy blue double button wool coat and put it on.
"C'est sublime, non?”⁹ Francis turned around to show all angles of his outfit, feeling proud of it.
“Yes. You’re looking very handsome. You’re going to be cold though. Have you not brought something warmer?” Arthur put his hands on his waist.
“J’ai une écharpe qui ira bien avec. De toute façon, on restera pas trop longtemps dehors. Qui serait assez fou pour aller dehors en un temps pareil?”¹⁰ Francis replied.
“Right. Don’t say I haven’t warned you, frog face.”
Francis would probably die of humiliation if he had to wear something ugly so he’d rather die of hypothermia and being pretty than be seen wearing something hideous. The couple left their hotel room and took a cab to get to their destination. They were still a few minutes late, but nothing Arthur would mind and Mathieu was already waiting for them in front of the castle as agreed.
Upon meeting, Francis hugged Mathieu tightly since he hadn't seen him for months. Arthur greeted him politely under his giant coat that he brought to make sure he didn’t freeze to death. He wore both a winter hat and the hood of his coat with a scarf and at least 2 pairs of gloves. Since Mathieu knew both Arthur and Francis, he didn’t make a comment on how they were dressed. In his opinion, one was overdoing it and the other thought fashion was more important than warmth.
Since Mathieu was getting hungry, they went and looked for a restaurant. While Francis wasn’t hungry, he was gladly welcoming the idea of getting inside. He’s only been 2 minutes out and thought his nipples were already frozen. On their way to the restaurant, Francis tried to warm himself with his hands in his coat pockets and holding his arms close to his body, without much success.
After going down some stairs, at Francis’ displeasure, they walked down a small street that led to the restaurant. Francis remembered that street, he visited it during summer a long time ago. It changed a bit but not enough to not recognise it. He would admire the scenery if he wasn’t so goddamn cold. He just couldn't wait to get to the restaurant at last. Mathieu was explaining to Arthur the historic facts of some buildings even though Arthur already knew those facts; he just forgot. Their chatter sounded mostly background noises to Francis as his focus was mostly on his movements.
Finally, they reached the restaurant. They got seated and offered the menu to order.
“You’re awfully quiet, frog.” Arthur commented as he opened the menu. “Not complaining. That’s just unusual for you.”
Francis glared at his boyfriend. They both knew why he was quiet.
“Can you two stay civil please?” Mathieu asked. He knew his dads and their tendency to fight or argue way too well.
“Of course, lad.” Arthur replied. “I’d offer you my coat for a while, at least until you warm up, but I know too well you won’t accept it.” He continued.
“J’ai pas besoin de ta pitié. Je vais juste commander un bon café chaud et ça ira.¹¹ Francis replied.
“If you say so, love. I hope they offer good tea here.” Arthur said, dismissing Francis’s passive aggressivity.
The waitress came soon after and they all ordered their food and drinks. She took back the menus and left for the kitchen.
“You two are so different. I sometimes wonder how you are still together.” Mathieu commented.
Both Francis and Arthur looked at each other, Francis smiling lovingly.
“Cause we have great sex. That’s why.” Arthur answered Mathieu’s wonderment. He soon received a kick under the table from his partner.
“C’est vrai.”¹² Francis added.
“Please stop. I don’t want to know.” Mathieu interrupted Francis before he would add anything too explicit for him. The Frenchman chuckled while Arthur smiled. Well, at least, Mathieu succeeded to ease the situation between the two.
While they waited for their order, Francis grabbed Arthur’s hand under the table.
“Fucking hell, Francis!” Arthur exclaimed when he felt his boyfriend’s cold hand on his.
“Ah. Je suis désolé, mon amour.”¹³ Francis apologised, looking dejected.
“It’s fine. You surprised me, that’s all.” Arthur said softly as he took Francis’s hand in his.
Thankful, Francis smiled and let Arthur warm his hand. Usually, Arthur hated public displays of affection even as small as hand holding, so it overjoyed him that he accepted to do so.
They talked about Alfred the rest of the time they waited for the order. The American was quite busy at the time so he couldn't make it, but Matthew was grateful he couldn’t because he could easily bring all the attention to him. He appreciated the rare times he got alone with either of his parents. Even when Alfred wasn’t here, he got all the attention, but that was fine with Mathieu. He’d prefer that over Alfred present and talking loudly and interrupting him.
After lunch, Francis felt warmer and happier from the cup of coffee he drank and the small affection he received. His joy wouldn’t last long when Mathieu offered to walk alongside the river and the old port since they were close by. Arthur agreed to it too quickly, Francis thought.
“Et si on allait faire du shopping? Ça serait pas mal, non? Tu m’avais pas parlé d’un centre commercial avec un mini parc d'attractions à l’intérieur?”¹⁴ Francis suggested.
“Well, Matthew and I never liked shopping much and I don’t especially like theme parks either.” Arthur protested as he put his coat back on.
“Besides, there are probably too many people there already.” Mathieu added.
Francis pouted and followed the other two outside. They walked a few minutes until they reached a pedestrian path near the river. Arthur narrated the scenery with tales of the past, including Mathieu in it. Francis would normally enjoy joining in and teasing his partner, but he had troubles following them up even though they walked at a relatively normal pace. The Frenchman wished he was anywhere else other than outside in the cold. He thought of leaving them, calling a taxi and going back to the hotel on his own, but his fingers were already frozen again and he would have to look for the taxi’s number. Arthur probably had the phone number since he called one earlier. However, Francis was too prideful to ask him the number.
They walked and walked until they reached a small park in front of the train station. By that time, Francis thought his fingers were so frozen that he might lose some of them. His feet weren’t any better. Arthur and Mathieu spotted a bench and sat on it to take a break while Francis stood in front of them. At this point, Francis had his hands inside his coat pockets and the bottom half of his head hiding behind the scarf. Some of his hair locks were frozen too for some unknown reason and his cheeks and ears were red, almost turning to purple. When Mathieu sat down, he noticed how cold Francis looked.
“Es-tu correct, papa?”¹⁵ Mathieu asked him with concern.
“Ouais”¹⁶ was all Francis could be able to say through his shivering.
“Would you like to go back to the hotel, Francis?” Arthur sighed.
Francis nodded.
“You could have said so before, you dumb bitch.” Arthur added as he took his phone out to call a taxi.
The Frenchman didn’t have the energy to insult him back. Mathieu stood up and removed his jacket and offered it to his papa. He wouldn’t have taken it if he wasn’t so desperately cold and if he didn’t appreciate and enjoy gifts he received from his kids. The inside of Mathieu’s jacket was really fluffy and warm, like wearing a cloud.
When Arthur was done telling the taxi operator their current location, he hung up the phone and noticed Mathieu gave his jacket to Francis and only wore a red t-shirt.
“Aren’t you cold, Matthew?” He asked his son.
“Nah. It’s only -10°c anyway.” Mathieu shrugged.
Arthur almost choked himself with his saliva at this comment.
“What do you mean, ONLY -10°c? That’s too bloody cold, lad.” Arthur replied, making the taller blond boy laugh. “Even I want to go back inside and get warm. Perhaps get a cup of tea or something.”
“We can wait for your taxi inside the train station if you want.” Mathieu suggested.
The other two didn’t even have to say anything; they both agreed and followed Mathieu inside the train station.
Back at the hotel room, after Arthur took out his own coat, gloves and hat, he helped Francis get undressed and wrapped him around in the fluffy tartan blanket from the bed.
“Sit down on the chair and I’ll light up the fireplace for you.” Arthur requested him.
Francis smiled softly as he sat down in one of the two sofa chairs in front of the fireplace. It didn’t take long for him to sit with his bare feet on the chair, holding his legs close to his body. Arthur took a match out of the matchbox sitting on the top of the fireplace and lit it up. He quickly threw the match inside the fireplace and closed the glass door.
“Right. I’ll get some water boiling for tea. Would you like a cup?” Arthur asked.
“Oui, s’il te plaît.” ¹⁷
Arthur kissed his boyfriend’s red cold cheek and left to the small kitchen to boil some water with the kettle. Francis laid on the side of his head on the chair and watched him, smiling. While Arthur rarely said he loved him or complimented him much, he did care a lot when it mattered. He was there for him if he needed him and of course, Francis would do exactly the same.
Arthur came back with two cups of boiling hot water and put it down on the side table between the two sofa chairs and sat down next to Francis. The Frenchman noticed his boyfriend brought his own tea bags and even thought of bringing Francis’ favourite kind of tea even though he preferred coffee over tea. He watched as Arthur soaked the tea into the cup.
“Are you feeling better, love?”
“Oui. Merci.”
“You’re welcome”
Francis got up from his chair and went to sit on Arthur’s lap.
“What do you think you are doing?”
Francis wrapped his arms around his partner’s neck and kissed him tenderly.
“I love you.” Francis whispered after he was done kissing. Arthur blushed and pulled Francis closer.
“Je t’aime aussi.”¹⁸ Arthur whispered back.
¹ “I promise you a great time.”
² “It’s too easy to tease you”
³ “We don’t have winter like this back home, do we?”
⁴ “Yeah. At least, it’s better than your rain for 10 months a year.”
⁵ “You know the Queen isn’t coming today, right?”
⁶ “Can you help me, my love?”
⁷"What? One hour? We won't even have time to have sex."
⁸ "I must be at the top of myself. I can't go out like a poor peasant. Who do you think I am?"
⁹ “It’s gorgeous, right?”
¹⁰ “I have a scarf that would look good with it. Anyway, we won’t stay long outside. Who in their right mind would stay outside in that kind of weather?”
¹¹ “I don’t need your pity. I’ll order a nice hot coffee and I’ll be fine.”
¹² “It’s true
¹³ “Ah. I’m sorry, my love.”
¹⁴ “What about going shopping? Wouldn’t it be nice, would it? You told me about a shopping mall with a mini theme park inside, didn’t you?”
¹⁵ “Are you ok, dad?”
¹⁷ “Yes please.”
¹⁸ “I love you too.”
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flippyspoon · 3 years
Walking Home
Note: Okay it’s a boring title. Just a little ficlet about Steve being very cold and eager to get home to Billy who will angrily take care of him lol.
Steve could no longer feel his fingers.
Had he coherent thought in his mind, he might have considered that impulsively loaning his car to Mrs. Henderson had been a bad idea in the dead of winter. But Dustin’s mom had been stuck and he hated to think of her waiting around for rides in the snow or borrowing some unreliable beater from Rex Auto while she waited for her Oldsmobile to get fixed.
Steve had handed her his keys hours ago in the middle of Family Video and she’d practically burst into tears, she was so grateful.
Then he forgot all about it, worked the rest of his shift, bid Robin and Keith goodbye and finished up the register and locked up by himself. They were long gone by the time he remembered and the video store was already locked up and the alarm was set and he couldn’t unlock the alarm once it was set to go back inside without getting in trouble with “corporate” because it was a computerized system and they’d see it on the log later. Robin’s mother would happily have given him a ride. Keith would have given him a ride in his shitty brown Datsun that smelled like cheese puffs.
He could have called Billy for a ride, but it was eight blocks to the first payphone he could think of and since everything was closed, he’d end up waiting in the snow for Billy to come crawling up in the Camaro, the worst car in the world for driving on ice roads, so he had to drive very slow. He calculated that it would be faster to walk and hoped somebody would see him and pick him up.
But nobody saw him. 
It was a Friday and that meant Family Video closed late at ten and most of the shops were closed, especially with the awful weather. No one was out on the street. and it was so dark and the visibility so bad with the snow, Steve feared he’d lose his way even following the road down into the woods to Hop’s old trailer overlooking the lake where he lived with Billy.
It was a much longer walk than he remembered it being in the fall when the weather was nice.
Three miles? Four? 
It was deadly dark and much too quiet and all he thought about as he put one foot in front of the other was how he wished he had his bat at least. It was an eerie night: he couldn’t stop thinking of monsters.
He lost his footing three times and got wet with snow. He was wearing a thermal under a sweater under his best parka. He was wearing a beanie and decent gloves and thick socks under his boots. He felt like he might as well have been wearing a towel for how cold he was. The cold was tiny knives bulleting his skin. The cold had a vendetta. The inside of his nose ached. 
One foot in front of the other down the endless dark road. But the woods... 
Don’t think about monsters.
Think about Billy.
Billy Billy Billy. Billy would be home. Billy would be pissed as hell that Steve had not only loaned out his car but forgotten to call for a ride earlier. Then he wouldn’t have had to wait at all.
Billy would make him drink a shot of whiskey while cussing out Mrs. Henderson under his breath (even though he actually loved Mrs. Henderson now). Maybe he’d rub Steve’s hands and kiss his fingers with his warm, warm lips…
The snow wouldn’t stop. It would hit his ankles soon, even in the road.
He wondered if he would get frostbite. How long did that take? Most winters these days, he successfully carted himself from heated shelter to heated shelter. He didn’t worry about things like frostbite. He couldn’t feel his fingers…
And then suddenly he was home. 
He didn’t even remember turning off onto the sideroad into the woods that led to their trailer. He was on automatic pilot. And then there the trailer was with it’s bright yellow light on in front that made the icicles that hung from the porch awning glitter. His boots crunched in the snow as he passed the frozen lake. 
Only now as he came nearer and nearer the steps up to their front door did he feel the terrible ache in his legs. His feet were two giant cement blocks for all he could tell. 
Crunch crunch.
“Steve! Christ!” The door burst open and Billy came running down the stairs. “Where is your car! You did not seriously walk home! Why didn’t you call me! What the hell!”
Steve said something along the lines of: “Hh-huh...uh...ugh.”
Billy all but carried him inside. Steve wasn’t sure. He just felt Billy’s arms around him and seconds later the front door was shut behind him and-
“Ah.” Steve stood frozen in their tiny living room with the ugly brown shag carpeting and the second hand burgundy velour couch and the Sinclair’s old TV with wood paneling. He was home.
He was safe at home with Billy.
He was violently shuddering. He couldn’t speak for how hard his teeth chattered as Billy moved in a blur. Steve was hardly aware of it. He never moved from his spot, but somehow most of his clothes came off. Billy had fluffy clean clothes straight from the dryer. 
“Y-your sw-sweatshirt,” Steve stuttered as Billy shoved it over his head. Billy had a gigantic old Los Angeles Raiders sweatshirt that Steve stole whenever he got the chance because it was the coziest thing in the world to wear and often smelled like Billy. It was kind of like wearing Billy himself. He hummed in relief and then faltered because Billy was moving his feet for him, dressing him in sweatpants and then thick fuzzy socks. 
“Sit the hell down!” Billy commanded, and pointed at the couch. “Goddammit. The Beamer get stuck?”
“M-Mrs...Henderson n-needed it-”
“You had to loan your car to that cow in a blizzard!”
“B-be nice!”
“Why didn’t you call!” Billy bodily moved Steve to the couch where he plopped down, still rather stiff. 
“I forgot.”
“Harrington, I swear to God!” Billy glowered down at him where he winced as he curled up on the couch, rubbing his still freezing hands together. “ Stay there!” He threw the little afghan throw that Mrs. Henderson herself had made for them over Steve’s head before running out of the room with one last: “Goddammit!”
“Sure you’re okay there, baby?” Billy rasped.
Steve was wrapped in three blankets, a hot mug of spiked cocoa in his hands which had fully regained feeling. He was cuddled up on the couch with Billy, who would not remove his arm from around Steve’s shoulders. David Letterman was on TV.
“I’m fine,” Steve said for the fifth time. “I swear, I’m fine. But you’re really cute when you’re worried.”
“If you don’t remember to call next time, I swear to God…” But the threat was slightly undercut by the kiss he pressed to Steve’s cheek. “Be more careful, sweetheart. Alright? Jesus. Gonna drive me to an early grave and I’ve already died once.”
“Wow, you love me so much,” Steve said, smirking into his cocoa. “It’s kind of annoying really. You should get a life.”
Billy only snorted at that and tugged on one of Steve’s blankets, pulling it half over himself and snuggling up closer to his boyfriend. “I was about to call the National Guard when you were running late. Look what you turned me into, pretty boy. How’s that whiskey cocoa? You want me to turn the heat up? You want some more mac and cheese?”
“It’s eighty degrees in here and I’m full. Everything is good,” Steve murmured, and took another swallow that pleasantly burned going down. He set the mug on the coffee table and cuddled deeper under the blanket as he reached for Billy. “But you’re better. C’mere and warm me up some more.”
“Oh, I’ll warm you up any time you want,” Billy said, a bit of growl in his voice. He wrapped his arms around Steve under the blanket and kissed him deeply, and Steve revelled in the heat of that talented tongue that Billy so often used to tease. They made out lazily for a bit and then Billy laid soft little kisses along Steve’s throat and then took Steve’s hands in his own and kissed his fingertips.
“Thanks for taking care of me,” Steve said. He beamed up at Billy who stared fixedly back at him as if, should he look away, Steve might vanish into the dark and snowy night again.
Worth the walk home, Steve thought, and reached up under Billy’s sweater to press his fingers to the warm belly he found there.
“Yeah well, I love you like crazy, but it’s a pain in the ass sometimes,” Billy said, but he didn’t try to hide the smile on his face. “Come here, baby, lemme really warm you up,” he said, and pulled Steve closer.
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
christmas alphabet - spencer reid
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a/n: request: this is just fluff, no warnings in place. enjoy!! 
A = After Dark (a date after dark? late night cuddles? surprise mistletoe?)
On cold winter evenings, when Spencer is not travelling for work, the two of you like to cuddle up on the coach under a fluffy blanket. A cup of hot chocolate in hand; with an even number of marshmallows each. The night is either spent discussing both of your days in detail or watching old Christmas classics, like Miracle on 34th Street for example. 
B = Baking (how does baking sweets go? for or with someone?)
The brunette doctor is skilled at literally anything he sets his mind to, but baking is not his forte. The kitchen always ends up a huge mess, and whatever concoction he was attempting is dangerous to eat. However, Spencer enjoys baking with you. Together you make a quite the team and the gingerbread cookies are a big hit with the rest of his team.
C = Cold (it’s cold out! how do they react to the freezing winter air? does someone else help with fighting the cold?)
Spencer enjoys the lower temperatures, they’re a nice contrast to sunny stuffy Las Vegas where he grew up. You on the other hand struggle with the crispy icy air and often find yourself stealing his scarf for extra warmth when you’re out and about. 
D = Date (christmas date! how is it asked? where do they go?)
You ask the brunette agent to go ice-skating with you. Spencer is reluctant at first but you hold onto him tight and any fears wash away. You whirl together around the rink in slow circles, simply enjoying the moment. 
E = Evening Dance (a night at a ball? or maybe just silly dancing in the kitchen?)
Spencer catches you one wintery morning humming along to Blue Christmas by Elvis Presley. He gently takes your hand in his and the two of you slowly sway around the living room.
F = Fireplace (how do they spend their time by the fire? hang stockings? fall asleep on each other?)
The two of you bought stockings with your initials, a lovely red pair with a fuzzy top. Since there is no fireplace at your place Spencer hung them underneath your mounted television. And whenever you feel like cozying up on the coach together you simply turn on a ten-hour fireplace video on YouTube.
G = Grateful (how grateful are they to spend time with others? enjoy being alone or with others?)
The hazel-eyed doctor is extremely grateful to spend time with you, not only over the holidays. While he likes the occasional meet-up with his team for after work drinks at their favourite bar, Spencer definitely prefers spending time with you alone. He's loves comfortable company more than anything.
H = Hosting Family (how does family work? are they invited to others, or stay with their s/o?)
While Spencer would love to spend Christmas with his mom, his unpredictable hours don’t usually allow him to make set plans. Therefore instead you decide that you will spend the holidays with your family, and if by chance he is free to join he will. 
I = Invitation (a sudden invitation comes up! what’s it for? how do they react?)
An invitation arrives for dinner with his team and their loved ones on a faithful Saturday in December. Of course Spencer asks you to accompany him; he wouldn't have it any other way. You’ve met his friends before so you shouldn't be nervous, but yet for some reason you were. This occasion felt different somehow. More intimate. 
J = Just In Time (the present arrives just barely in time! how do they rush up to hand it to them? do they wait for the perfect time?)
Spencer spent weeks trying to decide what to get you for Christmas. Nothing he thought of seemed right. You weren’t a material person, which is one of your many qualities he adored. He wanted your present to be thoughtful, he wanted something meaningful. About a week before the holidays, he came across a website that sold customisable star maps. He ordered one then and there - a map that showcased the stars the night you first met.  
K = Kiss (how do they react to a kiss? flustered? happy? surprised?)
When Spencer first kissed you it was gentle, almost timid. As if he was afraid to fully let himself go. Now when he kisses you he does so with all his might and immense passion. He cups your face with his hands and pulls you in as close as humanly possible. 
L = Lights (christmas lights are important! how do they hang them? around the house? on the tree? outside? what kind of shenanigans go on?)
The brunette agent had given you a key to his apartment. One night in late November he comes home after working a case to find you already there, tangled in a rope of lights. You tried to surprise him by slightly decorating his place for the holidays, but instead found yourself entwined. Spencer can’t help but chuckle at the sight. He sets off to help you; after taking a picture to commemorate this precious moment.
M = Mistletoe (how do they react to suddenly being placed under a mistletoe with their crush/lover?)
He gets flustered at first, mainly because you’re in public and everyone is watching. But the second your lips brush against his the whole world dissolves and he gets completely lost in you. 
N = Naughty or Nice? (how has your character been this past year? are they a trickster or a good of heart?)
Definitely good of heart. Spencer is one of the kindest people you have ever met. He’s caring, he always puts you first and stops at nothing to make you happy. The only time you could describe him as naughty would be in bed.
O = Opening Presents (how do they react to opening presents?)
Eagerly, although very neatly. Even though he is extremely excited to see what you got him, the hazel-eyed doctor rips off the wrapping paper so precisely that it is actually good to reuse.  
P = Packaging (wrapping presents is never easy. how do they fair?)
Packing presents with Spencer is just as organised. All the pieces of the festive wrapping paper are a perfect size for each gif and the ribbon is measured before cut to the correct length; so that there is no waste. 
Q = Question (how do they confess? is it the big question, or something smaller but just as intimate?)
“Y/N?” Spencer catches your attention. You look up from the book in your lap and meet his honey gaze. “Yes?” “How would you feel about spending next years holiday in a cabin somewhere? Just the two of us?” A smile spread across your facial features. “I thought you didn't like to plan that far ahead, especially around Christmas time.” You teased. He smiled back at you. “I don’t, but with you I can break a few of my rules.”  
R = Relaxing (how do they relax with their s/o? the best ways? the cutest?)
Watching Christmas movies, cooking, discussing various topics, or sitting in comfortable silence and reading. Simply enjoying each others company. 
S = Snow (how do they like the snow?)
Spencer likes to share uncommon facts about the snow; more than the weather phenomenon itself. “Snow is actually translucent, not white.” The brunette doctor chimed as the two of you looked out the window admiring the first snowfall of the season. “It’s the light reflected off a snowflake’s faceted surface that creates its white appearance.” 
T = Tree (how do they decorate their tree?)
Gold fairy lights intertwined with a simple white wreathe hung loosely around the Christmas tree at your apartment. Mixed between the more traditional-looking gold bobbles were various fancier ornaments that reminded both of you of your relationship, such as: a stack of books,  R2-D2, fast food items, gin bottle, a coffee cup. 
U = Undying Love (how did they fall in love? what was the real moment they found out?)
Your constant smile and positive outlook on life, not to mention your delicate beauty, lured Spencer in right from the start. He fell for you hard and pretty early into your relationship. And now not a day goes by where he doesn't tell you just how much he loves you.  
V = Villa (how is it in their house? festive? normal? candles?)
Apart from the decorations you had plopped around, the doctors apartment remains normal. The two of you have focused more of your time and energy decorating your place - from the living room to the kitchen and bedroom, there is even a miniature Santa in the bathroom. 
W = Wish (what is their biggest wish for the coming year? or in general?)
Spencers biggest wish for the coming year would be to keep evolving in this relationship with you. He hopes to grow even closer with you, learn more about you and explore the world with you (if he ever gets the time off work). 
X = eXcitement (general excitement about christmas? love it? hate it?)
He’s excited because you’re excited. Seeing you so happy around the holiday season warms his heart and he hopes he’ll get to cherish these moments with you for years to come. 
Y = You (how does their s/o react to them being beautiful? handsome? to them in general in the christmas season? how in love are they?)
The brunette doctor constantly reminds you how perfect you are. Whether you’re dressed up for an evening at the bar with friends or simply sitting on the sofa in a matching wintery pyjama set, Spencer will be sure to point out just how beautiful you look. You of course do the same. There is something about hearing you say how handsome he looks that makes his heart skip a beat. 
Z = Zzzz… (how do they sleep? lots of blankets? none? cuddled closely to their loved one?)
Wrapped up in a large duvet and blankets mainly because you get cold during the night. Spencer’s arm is placed gently yet firmly around you. He holds you close, quietly snoring into the crook of your neck. 
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dulce-pjm · 3 years
all roads lead to you
word count: 4.2k
genre: fluff, angst
summary: nothing is more frustrating than standstill traffic. you should be long home, but instead you’re stuck in your car. alone, cold, and pissed. but when an old friend catches your eye, you might find it less difficult to bear the frustration and freezing weather. 
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You slam your hand on the horn and scream. 
Nothing happens. Other than a few people yelling that you’re crazy from the safety of their cars, which, like yours, are completely and totally still. 
It’s been like this for twenty minutes. You could have been home by now, curled up under the covers or chatting over coffee with your dad. But no. You were stuck in standstill traffic because of the shitty winter weather. And even worse, your gas tank is low. You knew you’d need to turn off the car soon and just suffer the cold if you planned on making it to your house. But you grant yourself a few more minutes of warmth, halfway hoping it’ll thaw your cold, frozen heart. 
So much for the holiday spirit. 
“Jeez, Y/N, you could have at least warned me! I have my phone to my ear.” You breathe out through your teeth, attempting to quell the anger and frustration rising in your chest. 
“Sorry, Jimin. I’m just-”
“Pissed? I could tell.” Jimin chuckles sweetly through the phone, making you roll your eyes. Even when he was teasing, it felt like he was paying you a compliment and even you couldn’t be mad. Infuriating. 
“Just check the weather channel already, would you?”
“I just got home from the store, gimme a sec.” 
“Yeah, yeah...” 
The car beside you honks their horn. Good effort, buddy, but you’ve already tried that. You grab your strawberry chapstick from the cupholder and start slathering it on your lips. It’s instinct to do it at this point. You hate chapped lips and you hate winter even more for making chapped lips a problem for you. 
Through the speaker, you hear Jimin shuffling around his house and fumbling with the plastic grocery bags. Kid’s never been particularly quiet. 
“Didn’t you tell me you were going to the store like an hour ago? What took you so long, the corner store is right down the street.” You hear Jimin drop something and curse. 
“I got a bit-” Crash. “-caught up. I’ve been a little distracted since.” You scoff. He’d been a clumsy idiot since high school. You weren’t surprised even a grocery trip gave him trouble. 
“You okay, kid? If you’re busy you don’t have to stay on the line.”
“No, it’s okay! I want to, just give me a sec, okay?”
“Okay...” The neighboring car honks the horn again. You think you might even hear shouting. You wonder if people would actually riot over a prolonged traffic jam. You hope they do, kinda sounds like fun. 
“Well, shit, Y/N.” That can’t be good. “It just started snowing outside.” 
“Ugh, really?”
“Yeah, really. I’m about to turn on the tv but I think that might be your answer.”
The car next to you honks a third time, this time prolonged and obnoxious. You wish you had something to bash your head with. 
And then you think you hear your name. No, you’re certain someone is shouting your name from outside your car. You slowly turn your head to the left only to see the last person you would ever expect. 
“Y/N! Hey!” You’re caught frozen, chapstick hovering above your bottom lip. 
“Yeah, weather’s getting bad, but I think there was an accident ahead of you, so traffic should be moving soon. Oh, well that actually looks pretty awful, so maybe not? Do you want me to see if I can pick you up?” You aren’t listening to Jimin in the slightest when your eyes are locked with a certain individual’s. 
“Hey, Jimin?” The words are whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. 
“Might be a few hours- yeah?” You gulp, unable to tear your gaze away. 
“I’m gonna call you back.”
“What? Y/N-”
You hang up the phone, still staring at the boy just a few feet away, separated only by your car doors. He’s waving madly, a massive, boxy grin stretched across his face. 
You roll your window down, unable to wipe the fearful and incredulous expression off of your features. Shivers run down your spine. Because of the cold, obviously.
He hasn’t changed at all. His mess of brown hair is still overgrown and tousled, bangs barely poking over his eyes. His features are sharp and intimidating, but the goofy smile he always carries makes him nothing but approachable. Huggable. Even his outfit is reminiscent of your high school years, a rumpled plaid button up thrown over a white t-shirt. It’s almost like looking into the past, looking into a mirror but seeing your younger self instead. 
Your heart squeezes in your chest. 
“Y/N!” Taehyung sighs in relief, falling back into his seat. “I’ve been trying to get your attention for like five minutes now. What were you doing?” 
“I-” You’re stammering, struggling for words. Are you these nerves you’re feeling? Nerves? You’re not sure, but what you do know is that you feel like a clumsy eighteen-year-old again. “I was on the phone with Jimin, actually.” Taehyung’s eyes crinkle in delight at that. 
“No way, really? I was talking to him earlier. Did he tell you about the girl he met? He’d tried to play it cool but I can tell he’s already whipped.” You laugh breathlessly, still trying to wrap your mind around the situation. Taehyung- your Taehyung- talking to you like you were, what, old friends? Like nothing had ever happened?
“No, he didn’t.” You realize you’re still holding your open chapstick and quickly shove the cap on and toss it back into its designated cup holder. 
“Well, you should ask. It’s pretty cute seeing him all flustered.” You nod, cursing yourself for letting him make you feel like this. He’s the only one who ever made you feel so soft, so nervous, so small. He’s always had you melting. You hate it. 
“Well,” Taehyung pauses, searching your face, “how have you been?”
“Good, good.” You let the December chill shock you back to reality, force your mind to start moving. You should just treat it just like running into an old high school buddy, why should it be weird? “What about you?”
“I’m great! Though sitting in a car this long is making my back ache.” You nod in agreement. You weren’t gonna say it, but your ass was killing you. Without you offering any further comment, the man continues, suddenly looking as nervous as you feel. He throws a hand to the back of his neck, scratching anxiously. “Hey, I don’t really think this traffic is going anywhere and I’m starving. Wanna grab a quick bite to eat and catch up?” 
“Yes.” The words leave your lips before you have time to think, to reason, to be logical. 
And that’s how you end up slurping noodles across from your high school sweetheart. 
“Market research? Makes sense, you always did like numbers.” You roll your eyes, but the gesture holds no malice or annoyance. 
“There’s a bit more to it than that.” Taehyung smirks, shoveling his ramen into his mouth like it’s the last meal he’ll ever eat. Even when he dips his head to take another bite, his eyes never leave yours, making you squirm in your seat. 
“Well, are you gonna tell me or make me google it?” A small chuckle leaves your lips against your will. 
“Nah, it’d bore you.” You ignore the flash of disappointment in your ex’s eyes. “Last I heard, you were an art major?”
“Oh, no, not anymore,” Taehyung replies, shaking his head. He cracks his knuckles one by one, a sign you’ve long learned is one of nervousness and apprehension. You guess he didn’t love discussing this topic. Good, it’d make him less... comfortable with you.  “I’m pre-law now.”
You nearly spit out your drink.
“What? You’re lying.” Taehyung laughs, the pleasant sound making your stomach squeeze. 
“I’m not! I promise.” But you’re too intrigued now to let it go, and just like that, Taehyung’s pulled you in again. 
“I’m sorry to pry, but how did you, the Kim Taehyung, art genius, end up choosing law?!” You lean back in the booth, ready for the explanation of a lifetime. 
“Well, it’s not like I stopped doing art altogether,” he protests, mimicking your posture. “But I ended up taking a poly-sci class freshman year because it sounded interesting and easy. And then I ended up taking a philosophy class and I really enjoyed that. And then I met this really cool and chill lawyer that works with this nonprofit to change immigration laws and long story short, I realized I had taken enough prerequisites to switch my major and so I did. I guess I plan on being a lawyer now.”
You don’t know why you’re surprised. Of course he’d ‘go-with-the-flow’-ed his way into pursuing a law career. The most relaxed, unregimented person you knew had just happened to think law was cool and went with it. 
“Wow.” It’s all you can muster for the moment. “Is it working out well for you?” Taehyung cocks his head, giving you a knowing look.
“If you’re asking if I’m flunking all my classes, the answer is no, Y/N.” You immediately feel heat rush to your cheeks, embarrassment fill your chest. You quickly lower your drink from your lips. 
“No! That’s not what I meant!” A grin plays dangerously on his lips. Is he enjoying this? Seeing you flustered and caught off guard? You push the thought aside. “It’s just not like you, that’s all. You never were one for textbooks and memorizing and structure. And that’s what law is, right?” Taehyung shrugs, returning to his meal. 
“Yeah.” He takes a big bite, chewing while he talks. Guess that’s a habit he never broke. “But I think I could help people. I’m serious about it. And when I’m serious about something-” He swallows, eyeing you intently. “-I’m gonna do the work and chase after it, you know?” You gulp. 
“Yeah, I guess so.” Overwhelmed by his gaze, your eyes shift outside, watching the snow lightly fall. You can remember taking walks in the chilly weather with a certain person who may or may not be across from you. You remember shoving snow down each other’s jackets, gripping on each other for dear life when you started slipping on the ice, sneaking kisses as the sun set and the two of you were frozen to the bone. You remember hating the cold until you had Taehyung by your side, keeping you warm. You can feel his warmth now, comforting and inviting. It scares you immensely. 
“Do you remember the time we fell down the hill near your and Jimin’s house?” You gape at him, feeling like he stole the thought from your mind. Taehyung doesn’t notice your look, too caught up in the memory, a light chuckle echoing from his chest. “I lost my favorite hat during that fall!” You glare. 
“Not to mention my arm was broken.” Taehyung smirks. 
“And who took you to the hospital and stayed by your side?” You feign ignorance. 
“Hmm, Jimin?” you deadpan. Taehyung gasps, dramatic as always. 
“You forgot already?! I was your knight in shining armor, you know.” You scoff to yourself, eyes on your soup. 
“Yeah, I know.”
“I miss back then. We didn’t know how good we had it.” You quirk a brow, wondering if he means what it sounds like.
“We have it good now, Taehyung. That’s what you’ll be saying in a few years, at least.” Taehyung considers this and nods, sipping on his water. Your eyes linger on his lips for a moment too long.
“Right as always, Y/N.”
You can’t take it anymore. The question’s been plaguing you since you saw him in the car. It’s too painful without knowing, without understanding. The way he calls your name, the old habits he still falls back on, the new ones you’re itching to learn. It’s all too much. 
“Mmm?” He’s gone back to work on his noodles, hunger seemingly insatiable. 
“Why are you talking to me? Why are you being nice to me?” Taehyung meets your eyes while he drinks his broth, leaving you in torturous silence for several moments. And then he shrugs. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” And now you’re annoyed. You shoot Taehyung a dark look that he doesn’t entertain for even a moment. He’s always been the more mature one out of you two. 
“You know why.”
“I don’t.” He’s relishing in the way you’re squirming, panicking. You can feel it. The little shit. Your nerves are overtaken by annoyance as you angrily switch to picking at your food. The two of you fall into a silence that Taehyung doesn’t attempt to fill, instead letting you sulk like the child he knew you were. 
It’s been nearly two years but the memories are still fresh. You’ve always been told that time heals all wounds, and in a way it does. The memories don’t hurt as much as they used to, thinking about them for too long doesn’t bring tears to your eyes. The sadness and heartbreak faded away, leaving resent and regret and shame in its wake. It was almost worse. Knowing what you did, who you were back then. Knowing you can’t change it or take your words back. 
When your eyes lift again, they find Taehyung smirking at you, amused at the private hissy fit you’ve been throwing in your side of the booth. 
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks. You suppose that while you were observing how Taehyung was exactly the same, mellow and unfazed by your antics, he was thinking the same thing about you, noting that your moody personality and attitude remained constant. 
It was moments like these that ultimately led to your relationship’s failure. It was a high school romance, after all. Naive to think it’d last. You were insecure, immature, uncomfortable with vulnerability while he was just the opposite. It made you angry, how he could just sit there and watch while you were exploding uncontrollably with emotion. But even more so, you were jealous of him. He was nice and approachable. You were judgmental and pessimistic. Anyone else would laugh at the thought of you two ever being together.
But once you found yourself in his vicinity, you never wanted to leave again. He had pulled you in, made you feel soft and sweet. In turn, you made him feel brave and adventurous, more willing to take risks and work hard if it meant having another moment with you. You were addicted to his light and he was addicted to yours. 
In the end, you relied on him too much to pull you out of the dumps, to give you hope.
But as the both of you realized that your futures were branching apart, that there was a chance this wasn’t going to work, you both started to self-sabotage. It was a dangerous trait for one person to have in a relationship, borderline explosive with two. You got madder, more irritable. You were looking for a reason to be upset with him so you didn’t have to deal with sadness of him being gone. And he was looking for a reason to let you go, to release himself from the guilt when he knew how you were feeling. 
You regretted all of it. Every last word that left your mouth. You regretted succumbing to your fears and letting them control you. You’d worked on changing that over the past few years, worked on becoming more in control, more at one with your emotions. 
But sitting across from Taehyung, you were absolutely terrified your old habits would sneak their way back in. That you’d fuck it all up just like you did last time. 
“Wanna get ice cream?” You sharply turn your head in his direction, feeling like you were going through emotional whiplash. 
“That gelato place is down the street, if I remember right.” A sweet smile sits on Taehyung’s face as if you hadn’t just passive-aggressively tried to get him to admit what his intentions were. 
“You want to get gelato?” He nods excitedly, fumbling to get out his wallet and pay for his lunch.
“It should be open, I think. I can pay if you’re worried about that, I don’t mind. And traffic still isn’t moving.” Your eyes narrow. 
“You want to get gelato when it’s snowing?” Taehyung shrugs sheepishly, handing his card to the waiter and insisting he can pay for you in spite of your protests. 
“Why not? Let’s to do it, for old times’ sake.” You sigh, allowing yourself to further indulge in his presence. 
You’re feeling particularly soft while spooning mint chocolate chip ice cream into your mouth and sitting on the sidewalk curb. It makes you just stupid enough to say what you’ve been thinking for the past two years. 
“I’m sorry, Taehyung.” He looks at you curiously, his lips slightly parted as he struggles to keep his strawberry scoop from falling off the cone. 
“Why are you sorry?” You inwardly cringe but push forward. You deserve to get this off your chest, to say the words you should have said all along. He deserves to hear it, too.
“I hurt you.” Taehyung doesn’t argue, so you elaborate further. “I was petty and childish and I didn’t deserve you. I took what I had for granted and I hurt you. I’m sorry.” 
When your once-boyfriend doesn’t respond, you force yourself to look away from the mint chocolate chip and study his expression. 
He looks slightly shocked, understandably. You weren’t the kind of person to admit when you were wrong very often. The person Taehyung knew definitely would not be admitting she’s wrong right now. 
But then, to your surprise, he starts to laugh. And laugh. And laugh. 
You blush, expression indignant.  
“Why are you laughing at me?” He attempts to answer but the words get caught in his throat as he attempts to catch his breath. You can’t help but give him a light shove. “It isn’t funny! I’m being serious.”
After a few moments, Taehyung starts to regain composure and wipe away the tears from his eyes. He’s positively endeared at the way you’re pouting to yourself, playing with your ice cream like a toddler. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know you’re being serious.” He draws in a deep breath. “You really haven’t changed at all, have you?” 
You’re suddenly ashamed. Because you’d tried. You’d tried to change. You’d tried to better, but you guessed it wasn’t good enough. Taehyung saw right through you, saw how terrible you were. He probably thought you were insincere and simply saving face, or maybe-
“Always blaming yourself.” You freeze. That’s not exactly what you were expecting. 
“What?” A shiver runs down your spine as the cold finally seeps its way through your thick coat. Of course you were to blame, what was he even thinking? You were the one who’d acted like a child and told him to leave. You were the one who walked away.
“There was so many things I should have said to you, but I didn’t. I was an idiot. We both were. We were kids, Y/N. Stop think it’s all your fault and cut yourself some slack instead.” He shifts his body towards you, looking at you earnestly. “See the situation as it really was. We were young and naive and we made mistakes. And I don’t know about you, but I forgave you and regretted everything the minute you walked out the door.”
You laugh humorlessly, rubbing at the tip of your nose as it burns from the temperature. 
“No, I did too.” You pause, glancing his way. “Seems like you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this.” Taehyung throws his head back and laughs, the sound comforting and sweet. 
“Speak for yourself.” That signature mischievous look crosses his face. “You know, I’d really love to hear that apology again, actually.”
“Huh? Why?” A sense of unease crosses your stomach. You have a feeling you’re about to be annoyed. 
“It’s not every day I get to hear the words ‘I’m sorry’ from the L/N Y/N. Actually, can I record you? I’d love to make it my ringtone.” You cover the giggle that threatens to leave you with a scoff while you jab at the sensitive spot in his abdomen. Taehyung yelps, nearly leaping to his feet and away from you. 
“Jerk!” If the snow hadn’t solidified into ice, you’d grab a bunch of it and toss it in his face. 
“Hey! That’s such a cheap move!” You roll your eyes at his protests. 
“You started it, idiot. Don’t expect me not to retaliate.” 
“Still, you could have skipped the retaliation tactic that makes me scream like a kid.”
You stare out at the cars, still stationary. The part of you that wishes you were home is rapidly shrinking, but you don’t notice 
“I was scared back then. I felt like you were leaving me behind when you decided to move off for college. I didn’t have direction and thought I would just hold you back.” Taehyung nods, finishing off his ice cream cone. 
“I was scared, too. I thought I was just stringing you along and one day you’d realize you were too good for me and leave.”
You scoff, shoveling another spoonful of ice cream into your mouth. 
“You? Too good for me?”
“Ridiculous, right? I am pretty great.” You shoot him a look and he instinctively protects his side, but you decide to spare him. 
“I’ve always been scared. Of you, mostly.” Your lips feel dry. You wish you hadn’t left your chapstick in the car. Taehyung hesitates, cracking his knuckles. 
“You still scared of me now, Y/N?” You sigh, needing no time to know your answer. 
“No, not anymore. I’m scared of myself. That I’ll hurt you again.”
“You shouldn’t be.” You meet his eyes, an unspoken agreement passing between the two of you. An agreement to put the past to rest. To forgive yourselves, to look forward. 
“I missed you,” he murmurs, dark eyes staring deeply into yours. A warm hand settles over yours on the pavement. “A lot.”
“I missed you too,” you reply softly. “A lot.”
You don’t need to say anything more. You both already know what the other is thinking. You fall into silence as the two of you watch the snow fall, looking away from each other. You almost feel like you might float away, but Taehyung’s hand grounds you. 
You feel calm. You have the closure you’ve been seeking for the past few years. A part of you dares to feel hopeful, too. Hopeful for a future with him. You’re not sure where it will lead, but you promise yourself to cherish every moment you have. You won’t make the mistake of taking him for granted again. 
“Oh, fuck!” You snap out of your daze and follow Taehyung’s eyes to see traffic moving again. The both of your cars sit still while everyone around you to begins blowing their horns in frustration. 
Before you have time to think, Taehyung is yanking you to your feet and tugging you towards your vehicles. 
You giggle, childishly delighting in the clumsy sprint the two of you are attempting on the slick pavement. With anyone else, you might have been embarrassed. But there’s nothing that could wipe the stupid grin off of your face. 
You throw yourself in your car, shoving your keys into the ignition. Luckily, you have just enough gas to make it home. You fumble to shift gears, when a knock on your window startles you. You whip your head to see Taehyung’s face staring at yours. 
“Hey, uh-” He begins as you roll down your window, suddenly flustered. You secretly relish in seeing him struggling for words. He’s always been endearing like that. “Your number is the same, right?” If at all possible, your smile stretches wider into your cheeks. 
“Yeah, it is.” 
“Oh, okay. Great. I’ll call you, then.”
“I’ll look forward to it.”
The two of you are stuck grinning at each other like idiots before another angry car blares their horn and you’re snapped out of your daze. Taehyung tears his eyes from yours and gives the other drivers an apologetic wave before dashing to his car and sliding inside. 
You find yourself glancing at him as your cars take off and gain speed. A significant part of you is sad as you watch him take the exit before yours and you cruise down the highway, finally heading home. 
You switch the radio to the holiday station and sink into your seat, letting yourself hum along to the cheesy tunes. Your fingers are tingling from your time enduring the outside weather, but you don’t mind. 
You feel much warmer than before. 
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The Vampires’ Pet, A Otome Game Story
I play a few otome games to pass the time. I am in a relationship, but sometimes a girl just wants to be swept off her feet by handsome 2D men, ya know? This idea has been bugging for some time now, so I thought I’d give it a try. How it’ll work is that there’ll be five character classes you can chose from which will determine how the story begins, influence decisions, and how it’ll end. I don't like sad endings, so there won’t be endings like in typical otome games where it ends badly. I also have played D&D, so this has also influenced the character classes you can chose from. These obviously won’t describe your race or physical characteristics, but it will determine career, general aesthetic, and some general personality traits. 
In a land where witches, vampires, and fae exist, one family rose up to create an empire for themselves. Living secluded in the dark woods, the Todoroki family rules over a town. More benevolent than other vampires, they never hunt to kill, no matter how many mouths they have to feed. That doesn’t make them any less dangerous. A hungry vampire is still a hungry vampire, no matter how merciful they might be to those they govern. 
Meet the Cast
Enji Todoroki: The Patriarch 
What’s it like to be both feared and respected? Enji knows. While stuck in a political marriage, he is free, just as Rei, to pursue consorts. He can be harsh, though never cruel unless you ask him to be. There are things he regrets from his past, but it will be difficult breeching his well-built walls.
Favorite Color: Dark blue
Favorite Food: Kuzumochi
Likes: Control, business, money, strength, body-building, hunting
Dislikes: Whining, laziness, weakness 
Kinks: Brat taming, breeding, mating press
Turn Offs: Lying, obnoxious optimism, slackers
Favorite Blood Type: A
Rei Todoroki: The Matriarch 
Staying in a loveless political marriage was a decision made for herself for protection and for the sake of her children. It doesn’t hurt that she slightly enjoys the power and control she has over the estate and the ability to help the townspeople. There’s power in numbers. With her family surrounding her, there’s nothing she’s incapable of doing.
Favorite Color: Silver
Favorite Food: Coffee cake
Likes: Reading, gardening, flowers, embroidery, winter
Dislikes: Loud noises, gore, violence, intruders
Kinks: Soft dom (her), temperature play, voyeurism (sometimes likes to watch Enji fuck or be fucked)
Turn Offs: Yelling, rudeness
Favorite Blood Type: B
Touya Todoroki: The Troublemaker 
Just don’t call me Touya. You’d be better off calling him Dabi like he asks. His family might have kept him tame and he’s smarter than to let himself fly off the handles because of a pretty face or daddy issues. He might be looking for a good time, but when it’s time to get his hands dirty, Dabi isn’t one to mess around. 
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Anything spicy
Likes: Music, dancing, metalworking, a pretty face, embarrassing his father, drinking
Dislikes: Enji, staying in one place, boredom, sweets
Kinks: Wax play, heat play, chains and bondage, exhibitionism, choking 
Favorite Blood Type: B
Natsuo Todoroki: The Scholar 
If he could live anywhere else, he would. It isn’t that he hates his whole family, though his relationship with Enji has cooled to frost by now, but Natsuo can’t make himself like the ostentatious wealth. Oh, he likes money, but there is far too much space at the Todoroki estate for his liking. If it also wasn’t for the fact that vampires really should be sticking together, Natsuo would have left home ages ago.
Favorite Color: Sea foam blue-green 
Favorite Food: Sashimi
Likes: Books, wine, science and medicine, the ocean, nature walks, bubble baths
Dislikes: Warm weather or room temperature, spicy foods, strong smells (perfume, sweat, herbs, etc)
Kinks: Silk lingerie, ice play, bathtub sex 
Favorite Blood Type: O
Fuyumi Todoroki: The Sensible One
Unlike the others, Fuyumi stays at home the least. Not because she has a place of her own, but because she acts as the go-between for the town and her family who rules over it. She’s the most kind, gentle, and level-headed of her family, though that doesn’t make her a push-over. Having grown up with a strict father and as a vampire who’s exist walks a thin thread, Fuyumi is a lot stronger than her casual clothes and glasses make her appear.
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Ice cream
Likes: Children, tea, reading, poetry, rain, autumn, dramas, theater
Dislikes: Hot weather, sweat, violins
Kinks: None, pretty vanilla 
Favorite Blood Type: B
Shoto Todoroki: Little Brother*
Being the youngest of the family hasn’t helped his case. While having grown out of his rebellious teen phase, Shoto is still considered the baby of the family, still learning the ropes as to what it means to be one of the family, an adult, and a vampire. He lives to high expectations, and thus is why he hangs around his eldest brother so much to blow some steam. 
Favorite Color: Lavender 
Favorite Food: Cold soba 
Likes: Drinking, reading, playing cards, dice games, horseback riding, shopping
Dislikes: Staying indoors too much, hypocrisy
Kinks: Temperature play, edging, overstimulation
Favorite Blood Type: AB
That’s all I have for now. Since the format is completely different from a regular story, this will require a lot of planning and research. (Oh no, I'll have to play more dating sims games in my spare time. What torture!) In all likelihood, this will probably end up on a side blog or on AO3. This kind of content is too long for single posts. Tomorrow I’ll give a rundown on the character classes as this post is already really long as it is.
*Yes, Shoto is aged up. I don’t feel comfortable writing teenagers.
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noorengels · 4 years
the seasons with you
Engel detested winter.
She hated the cold air and the days so short that made her feel unaccomplished at 4pm. She hated having to constantly put on or unload layers of clothing whenever she entered or left a building. She hated how the beloved summery months of January and December were suddenly freezing in the northern hemisphere. She hated the icy roads that made it difficult to walk and drive. She hated being stuck indoors when the weather was too bad. She hated having permanently chapped lips and a constant cold. She hated everything to do with the season. And it was in the winter when she met her.
She was a face she frequently saw sitting next to the window in the coffee shop by Engel’s school. She was a face that often watched the snow fall outside with a smile, the warm mug in her hands fogging up the glass. She was the face that nodded Engel over to her table for two on that abnormally packed day in which she couldn’t find a seat. “I’m Noor,” she told her. Engel began to sit there every time she could after that.
Over the weeks she learnt that winter was Noor’s favourite season, and how sad she was to see it soon come to an end. Noor learnt that Engel craved those summer nights where she felt like she had the world in her hands. Engel learnt what her favourite drink was and surprised Noor outside the café with one in her shaky hands as she asked Noor out on a date. Noor learnt that she had never ice skated before after walking past a frozen lake. Engel learnt that she liked to take the long way home just to enjoy the winter scenery a little longer. Noor learnt that her kisses were sweet, even if they tasted like coffee.
Soon the hot drinks turned into roses as the winter became spring. Engel loved how everything around her began to regain colour and life, and the world did seem a little brighter whenever she was with Noor. Noor met her friends and she met Noor’s. Their relationship blossomed like the colourful flowers at the park where Noor asked Engel to be hers. Stolen kisses became a regular thing. The rainy days that once dampened Engel’s week turned into lazy days with Noor. Engel’s notebook started filling up with doodles of flowers and short poems about Noor. Daisy chains and soft kisses became her favourite thing that day they spent in her garden, singing to all their favourite songs with flowers in their hair. Engel grew to love the feeling of fingers as soft as dandelions running through her hair. Noor loved how her cheeks would blush whenever she surprised her outside school with buttercups for her favourite girl. Engel’s yellow-coated nails matched the sunflowers she painted on Noor’s guitar. She didn’t mind the teasing from the girls whenever her face lit up after receiving a text from Noor. Engel was happy.
Engel was ecstatic when the days grew longer and the sun was warmer. Engel loved summer. She loved the whispered ‘I love you’s as she laid beside Noor beneath the stars, sharing their deepest secrets. Engel loved dancing with her in the moonlight. She loved the feeling of their hands intertwined as Noor led her towards the rollercoaster at a fair. She loved midnight driving with the windows down. She loved lazy days at the beach that ended with her in Noor’s lap, arms wrapped around her waist, gathered around a bonfire with their closest friends. She loved the spontaneous trips, each becoming an unforgettable adventure. She loved making out in the pool. She loved waking up with Noor between her arms. She loved smushing ice cream onto Noor’s cheek, the happiest of laughter escaping her lips as she chased Engel. She loved feeling like she was on top of the world. She loved the drunken nights where she could only remember her. She loved singing at the top of his lungs while Noor drove through the streets. She loved Noor.
Autumn came as the greens were replaced by browns and the air became chilly. The burgundy lipstick Noor now sported often stained her neck. Engel enjoyed walking on crunchy leaves with their hands intertwined. She liked wearing Noor’s warm hoodies. Noor loved seeing Engel after they had been discarded onto the bedroom floor. Noor liked how dates at the coffeehouse where they met became more frequent. Noor loved using the excuse of “I’m cold” just so she could wrap herself around Engel whenever she pleased. Watching films hidden beneath piles of blankets became a recurring theme throughout the week. Baths that smelled of cinnamon while they sipped on hot drinks were the highlight of her day. It was the season for baking pies and making out on kitchen counters while they sat in the oven. It was the season when Engel held Noor’s clammy hand when she met her parents, grins wide when they noticed them visibly approving of her girlfriend.
The winter felt foreign to Engel this time round. She didn’t mind the cold air that whipped around her as Noor taught her how to skate on ice. Because with her she felt warm and happy. The snow that she once thought of as a nuisance became ammunition for their snowball fights in the garden. Date nights consisted of spending hours in Engel’s new car with the heater at full blast, eating takeaway in an empty car park. She didn’t mind caring for Noor when she was sick, even if she managed to catch whatever it was a few days later too. She liked drinking hot chocolate while her other hand held Noor’s in her pocket.
Engel loved the winter. Engel loved Noor.  
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