#jay al jafar
goforshexgo · 4 months
Smart one
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You were up studying for a test, strange maybe for your other vk peers except for Carlos, but you cared about your academics and liked to do well academically. Halfway through your notes you heard someone start knocking hard on your window, it was Jay Al Jafar, one of your closest friends and the boy you had the fattest crush on. Not like you'd admit that, though. You rolled your eyes as you got up and opened it.
"Man, how many times do I have to tell you not to knock so damn hard, Jay." You scolded as the long haired boy climbed through your window, grinning.
"Yea yea, 'It's held together by broken hopes and dreams.'" He quoted as he walked further into your gloomy room before sitting on the dilapidated footboard of your bed and crossing his arms as he gazed at you with his signature smile. Rolling your eyes again, this time with an additional head shake and a smile. You sat back down at your desk and started your studying again.
"What do you want Jay ?" You asked but it sounded more like a statement, earning a pout from your dark haired friend.
"How lowly do you think of me to think that I came over to see you just because I wanted something from you ?" Jay pouted as he feigned hurt before a charming smile overtook his again as he walked over to the run down desk you sat at
"Very. Now what do you want ?" You questioned again not bothering to look up at Jay, who was now standing next to you, his hands planted firmly on the desk as he looked down at you.
"Anthony got this new watch, I want it." Jay confessed with his signature smile, the smile that you loved hated. "And he's throwing a hellraiser tonight."
"I'm not going to a party just to help you steal his watch." You told him flatly continuing to look down at your tattered text book and notes that smelled of mildew.
"Oh c'monnn, you owe me anyway." Your head snapped up to him upon hearing his words. You didn't owe Jay shit.
"I don't owe you shit, Jay." You asserted pushing back in your chair to cross your arms across your chest. Jay chuckled before moving his face closer to yours.
"Oh come one, just this once ?" Jay pleaded, looking at you with the prettiest brown eyes you swore you ever saw.
Hiding the flustered feeling you feel at his proximity you spoke.
"Oh, just this once ? You know it funny because I remember you said that when you asked me to try to steal one of Cruella's coats ? Oh, or when you tried to steal from Gothel and you got me to distract her ? Oooo, or what about the time you tried to convince me to sneak you into-"
Jay cut you off before you could finish the long list of "Just this once's"
"Okay okay, so it's not just this once but I swear it's worth it."
You stare at him with a bored expression as he talks
"And why is that Jay ?"
"Uh, because you get to spend time with me."
"Get the fuck out Jay."
"Come on, you know you want to spend time with me."
His voice sing-songy
You wanted to spend time with him, bad. Like embarrassingly bad. You'd never admit that though.
"Nah, I'm good."
You rejected
"C'mon... please ?"
Jay begged as he grasped at your hands, and VK's never said "please."
"Fine, but you owe me Al Jafar ."
You asserted as you stood, a finger pointed at his chest
"Yes ma'am."
When you got to Anthony's party it was already in full swing. The lights were dim and moody, the music was blaring and kinda shitty because of the busted speakers that the people of Auradon threw away to the people of the isle, and the air smelled of mold, sweat, and expired perfume along other expired hygiene products. Bodies danced and grinded, others stood in corners and chatted or tried their best look as evil and pretentious as possible.
"What now Jay ?"
You questioned as you looked around at the party that went on before you
"Gotta find Tremaine."
Jay answered as he grabbed you hand and walked into the party.
You felt your stomach leap as he made contact with you, frantically looking down where you two were now connected, then smiled to yourself small-ly
The two of looked around for three minutes tops, Jay still holding your hand, before he turned around to you.
"Can't find him, wanna dance ?"
He offered casually.
"We looked for less than five minutes."
"And we couldn't find him, so do you want to dance."
With a roll of your eyes, you agreed and began to dance.
"Was this your plan all along, Al Jafar ?"
"You really are a smart one, huh?"
I changed my mind for the plot of this fic last minute so I'm sorry the ending is lackluster. Also I haven't written fanfic in years. ISN'T HE JUST DREAMY THO 😍😍
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luna-1234s-blog · 5 months
El otro padre en mi Au genderbend
Ok , para este au e leído algunas teorías y fanfictions del tema , a si que voy a hablar de cual es la relación e historia de los padres en este Au
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Bueno , esta es evidente , Maléfica es francamente más desgraciada aquí, combinando un poco su historia con los live acción, tenemos a esta villana siendo traicionada por su hija adoptiva, tras años de resentimiento hacia los humanos, tras tener a Mal , lo que ella quería era una niña , que fuera tan dulce como Aurora, pero leal a ella, solo para resultar en un niño con pelo azul y un gran parecido al patético con complejo de dios , dejando a su hijo como un mal recuerdo, pero buscando hacerlo " fuerte "
Por otro lado , Hades es un dios que siempre vivió a la sombra de si hermano , con un trauma con su padre, decidió que no estaba listo para la paternidad... cosa que decidió una vez ya había tenido un hijo , pensando que era mejor alejarse de Mal , pero con la llegada de Hadie (aquí una niña ), pues digamos que el destino ya no le pregunto sobre sus Daddy issues, pero eso genero que Mal le recintiera , pues cuido a la niña , mientras a el lo abandonó con Maléfica, lo cual básicamente lo volvería el peor hermano mayor de la isla , también cabe decir que Mal parece ser más Hada , que dios , pero Hadie, aún con su padre atrapado en su forma mortal , parece ser mas diosa que otros semidioses, pudiendo ver fantasmas aún con la barrera
Evan ( Evie )
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Por otro lado tenemos a Evan , la reina malvada fue criada para pensar que la belleza es clave para tu final feliz, y aún si amaba a Evan , la verdad es que su cuidado extremo a su apariencia, lo termino volviendo un desastre lleno de trastornos alimenticios, pero eso no quita que tiene mamitis, pues sabe su madre solo quería que sobreviviera, aún a si , no quita que el fue producto de la búsqueda de un hijo más hermoso que Blancanieves, producto del hombre más apuesto e idiota que Evan pudo encontrar
Ahora, hablemos de Gaston , ninguno de los 2 sabe de su relación, nadie de la isla ... pues mucho no se parecen , pero no quita que fueron sus genes ,más los de la reina , que volverían a Evan en el más hermoso de todos , pero aún a si, Gaston no es fan de que el chico afeminado sea más popular que sus propios hijos , ni los gemelos son tan lindos con el , posiblemente la única persona que no despreciaria a Evan , sea Ginny , aunque francamente, no seria raro pensar que Gaston prefiriera volver a Evan " el macho más macho entre los machos", que demostrarle amor a su hija
Jade (Jay )
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Jade no pasó sus primeros años con Jafar, ella aprendió a robar de su madre , Sadira sin magia , sobreviviendo en la isla con una niña pequeña, tuvo que volver a sus viejas costumbres, enseñando a su hija a robar, más lamentablemente, la violencia de la isla cobró una víctima, Jade paso quien sabe cuánto tiempo sola ,hasta que cierto chico hada ma encontró , ayudándole a dar con su padre
Jafar por otro lado, no sabia que su aventura con otra de las pocas villanas de su tierra natal , había dado frutos en una niña ,una muy buena ladrona , Jafar si ama a Jade , pero lamentablemente, siempre le recalco a su hija que debían de sobrevivir, lo que llevó a Jade a alejarse de su padre , pues se sentía como una empleada más para el , más hay algo bueno de esto , Jade aprendió a rascarse con sus propias uñas , aún a si , Jade lleva siempre un hiyab rojo , la única cosa que Jafar le a regalado , porque al final del día,una parte de ella quiere saber si su padre le ama o no
Cloe ( carlos )
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Estos 2 se volvieron amantes ,aunque jamás formalizaron nada , pues Cruella De vil no pierde tiempo con hombres, una vez nace Cloe, su padre se fue de Hell Hall , volviendo de vez en cuando , cuando Cruella le dejó volver , Le Pelt realmente poco o nada le importo Cloe , aunque estaba con ella , jamás le confesó que era su padre , porque realmente no tenía ningún interés en ella , de hecho , su trato con la niña no es diferente al que recibía Alonso
Por otro lado , Cruella tiene una relación curiosa con su hija , su relación siempre estuvo de cabeza, con Cloe cuidando a su madre más como una hija , aunque de cierta forma, Cloe admira a su madre , no es fácil ser el icono de la moda feminista, para luego ser desterrado a una isla , pero no quita que Cloe jamás sintió refugio con ella , por el lado de Cruella , su estado mental actual la llevó a ciertos episodios regresivos , donde confundía a Cloe con Annita , que era cuando más cariñosa se ponía
Bet (Ben)
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Ok, técnicamente la Hechicera no es madre de Bet , pero basado en otros materiales de Disney y teorías, Bet es nieta de la Hechicera , la cual si bien se a mantenido alejada de su familia, en parte por la discriminación hacia los seres mágicos, solo se permitió ver a Bet y a Bella a lo lejos... aunque a ella le agrada más Mal , que Adam
Si hablamos de la Bella y la Bestia , Bet tiene una mejor relación con su madre , ya que las 2 son muy parecidas , mujeres sensibles e inteligentes, pero tercas como mulas , además de que Bella siempre le apoya , aún si esta preocupada por su actitud perfeccionista
Ahora, Adam es otra historia, sabia que el no fue el príncipe estándar, cuestionando muchas veces si el es bueno para Bella , no queriendo que Bet terminara con alguien como el , decidió animar un compromiso con Adrien ( Audrey) , le entrego a su hija el príncipe perfecto en bandeja de plata , y ella se va con el punk que no puede hablar sin palabrotas, pero su relación tiene más conflictos, Adam constantemente presiona a Bet para entrar en parámetros reales muy estrictos, pues sabe su hija la tiene difícil siendo una mujer , pensando que si era la princesa perfecta, recibiría más apoyo, pero Bet termina siendo un desastre emocional, llena de miedos extremos a la más mínima imperfección, además de con problemas de ansiedad
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
4 and 6 (bc i'm a sucker for sleeping headcanons) for jamikali and/or jaylos <3
@moorsgrimhilde MY BELOVEDS. 💖 Thank you, Sofia! 😘💕
4. When they can’t sleep, what do they do?
JAMIKALI: On the nights where Kalim is too restless to lay still for even a minute, Jamil will lead him out to the balcony outside their bedroom, where there's a hammock big enough for two. They lay there looking up at the stars, waiting to make a wish on one, and sometimes that's enough for Kalim to doze off on Jamil's chest in a matter of minutes; other nights, Jamil can be persuaded to sing, albeit very softly, and Kalim will smile like the sun had risen early.
JAYLOS: They're both light sleepers, even in Auradon, so the faintest sigh or restless push of the covers and they're both awake. "Are you okay?" isn't worth asking, since they know the answer on nights like those. Instead, Jay will say something like, "Bet I could kick your ass at Street Fighter 3 with my eyes closed," and next thing you know, they're waking up on the couch in a tangle of limbs to the sound of Mal and Evie pounding on the door because they missed breakfast.
6. Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?
JAMIKALI: Kalim likes to pretend he's asleep so Jamil will drop his guard, and then he'll slowly crack one eye open to sneak a glance at Jamil and smile to himself as he inches closer for snuggles. Jamil just pretends not to feel it when Kalim inevitably worms himself under his arm and presses up against his chest. He may never admit it, but he sleeps the best when Kalim is in his arms like that, since there's no question of his safety when he can feel his warmth the whole night.
JAYLOS: It's almost always Jay, though there are exceptions, like when Jay does something stupid enough that Carlos almost loses him; and, god, he wants to be mad, but the stupidest things Jay's ever done have been to protect Carlos, especially back on the Isle. That's why there's nights where Jay lays deep asleep, unaware of Carlos hovering beside him, keeping vigil in the moonlight, and letting a smile slip because he loves this fucking idiot to pieces.
OTP Ask Meme
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
The old guard descendants au
Mal. Andy
Jay. Joe
Gil. Nicky
Uma. Nile
Hadie. Booker
Facillier. Copley
Lonnie. Quyhn
Chad. Merrick
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lsleofthelost · 3 years
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Jay’s never too tired to be charming
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asusaionji · 4 years
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Jamil sweetie you're in disney universe
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kattahj · 4 years
Is it just me, or do the Core Four from Descendants have a lot in common with Team Cockroach from The Good Place?
Eleanor / Mal
Protagonist. Quite cynical. Most likely to actively want to be bad. "El" sound at the start of their names.
Chidi / Carlos
Sweet but super anxious. Most likely to actively want to be good. Name starts with a C.
Thief. Not too smart, but would do anything for their friends, including criminal activity. Into sports. Jay's name is the beginning of Jason's name.
Tahani / Evie
Start out super shallow, obsessed with beauty and popularity, but have hidden depths. Name ends with an i/ie.
All of the above:
Trying to impress neglectful parents, sent to a place where they have to try to be better people than their lives so far have prepared them for.
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hykazu · 4 years
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I know I've been abscent for a while, but the school is killing me. I have a lot of new sketches and this is the first of them. I hope I can show you the rest of characters and the final result soon
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antlerqueer · 3 years
To preface: this is for a aged up college descendants server because belle and beast had no right to make their 16 year old take the throne: Do you happen to know of any MENA alts to booboo stewart as Jay in descendants? He plays Jafar’s son, so while I found him wonderful in the role, I’d rather like to provide actual MENA suggestions to whomever picks him up than just be lazy about that casting
Absolutely! Here are some options that could play college-aged characters:
Sami Outalbali (1999 - couldn't find resources)
Cengiz Al (1998)
Omar Ayuso (1998)
Emre Bey (1997)
Idris Nebi Taskan (1997)
Aria Shahghasemi (1996)
Berkay Hardal (1996)
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
The Addams Family - First National Tour - October 18, 2011 (SunsetBlvd79's video master) CAST: Douglas Sills (Gomez Addams), Sara Gettelfinger (Morticia Addams), Cortney Wolfson (Wednesday Addams), Blake Hammond (Fester Addams), Patrick D Kennedy (Pugsley Addams), Pippa Pearthree (Grandma Addams), Tom Corbeil (Lurch), Crista Moore (Alice Beineke), Martin Vidnovic (Mal Beineke), Brian Justin Crum (Lucas Beineke) NOTES: Beautiful capture of the again newly reworked version of the tour. This would technically make it version 3.0. Changes include new songs, reworked, new or cut scenes and plots, that work for the better! A+
Aida - Broadway - March 29, 2000 (Matinee) (Major's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Heather Headley (Aida), Adam Pascal (Radames), Sherie Rene Scott (Amneris), John Hickok (Zoser), Schele Williams (Nehebka), Damian Perkins (Mereb)
NOTES: Amazing quality for the early 2000s. Digital if I'm not mistaken. Audio holds up well.
Aida - Broadway - December 3, 2000 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Heather Headley (Aida), Adam Pascal (Radames), Sherie Rene Scott (Amneris), Tyrees Allen (Amonasro), John Hickok (Zoser), Daniel Oreskes (Pharaoh), Phineas Newborn III (u/s Mereb)
NOTES: Extremely clear video from a digital shoot. Show is very well captured.
Aida - Broadway - March 27, 2001 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Maya Days (Aida), Adam Pascal (Radames), Idina Menzel (Amneris), John Hickok (Zoser), Damian Perkins (Mereb)
NOTES: Date is most likely wrong, as Heather Headley was still playing Aida at this point. Idina Menzel only played Amneris Sep 13, 2001 - Jan 27, 2002.
Aida - Broadway - December 12, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Maya Days (Aida), Matt Bogart (u/s Radames), Idina Menzel (Amneris), John Hickok (Zoser), Damian Perkins (Mereb)
Aida - Dutch Concert - June, 2019 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: April Darby (Aida), Freek Bartels (Radames), Willemijn Verkaik (Amneris), Tony Neef (Zoser), Tjindjara Metschendorp (Nehebka), Nigel Brown (Mereb)
Aida - National Tour - November 18, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Simone (Aida), Patrick Cassidy (Radames), Kelli Fournier (Amneris)
NOTES: Includes about 90 minutes of highlights from the Broadway production with Matt Bogart.
Aida - Netherlands - July 8, 2002 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Chaira Borderslee (Aida), Bastiaan Ragas (Radames), Marleen van der Loo (u/s Amneris), Ben Cramer (Pharaoh)
NOTES: The only known video with Bastiaan Ragas and Chaira Borderslee.
Aida - Netherlands - July 22, 2003 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Chaira Borderslee (Aida), René van Kooten (Radames), Antje Monteiro (Amneris), Marlon David Henry (Mereb)
Aida - Netherlands - July 31, 2003 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Carolina Dijkhuizen (alt Aida), René van Kooten (Radames), Antje Monteiro (Amneris)
NOTES: Full show plus the first act from Carolina's last show on August 2, 2003.
Aida - Tecklenburg - August 29, 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Zodwa Selele (Aida), Patrick Stanke (Radames), Willemijn Verkaik (Amneris), Mario Mariano (Amonasro), Marc Clear (Zoser), Ansgar Schäfer (Pharaoh), Milica Jovanovic (Nehebka), Thada Suanduanchai (Mereb)
NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot.
Ain't Broadway Grand - Broadway - May 6, 1993 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Mike Burstyn (Mike Todd), Debbie Shapiro Gravitte (Gypsy Rose Lee), Maureen McNamara (Joan Blondell), Maureen McNamara (Bobby Clark), Gabriel Barre (Marvin Fischbein)
Ain't Misbehavin' - Television Production - 1982 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: André De Shields, Armelia McQueen, Charlayne Woodard, Ken Page, Nell Carter
Ain't Too Proud - Pre-Broadway Tour - August 24, 2018 (Opening Night) (thehouseonsunset's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Derrick Baskin (Otis Williams), James Harkness (Paul Williams), Jawan M Jackson (Melvin Franklin), Jeremy Pope (Eddie Kendricks), Ephraim Sykes (David Ruffin), Saint Aubyn (Dennis Edwards), Shawn Bowers (Lamont), Jahi Kearse (Berry Gordy), E Clayton Cornelious (Shelly Berger), Rashidra Scott (Josephine), Christian Thompson (Smokey Robinson), Jarvis B Manning (Al Bryant), Candice Marie Woods (Diana Ross), Taylor Symone Jackson (Johnnie Mae/Mary Wilson)
Aladdin - Broadway - August 22, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Jonathan Freeman (Jafar), James Monroe Iglehart (Genie), Clifton Davis (Sultan), Brian Gonzales (Babkak), Brandon O'Neill (Kassim), Don Darryl Rivera (Iago), Andrew Cao (u/s Omar)
NOTES: Act one has three major blackouts: the scene between Arabian Nights and One Jump Ahead, the scene between One Jump Ahead and Proud of Your Boy, and the last 22 minutes of the act, which is all of Friend Like Me and Act One Finale. There is also a head that blocks center stage and the action is often lost behind it. Act two is much better with no blackouts and only some heads on the bottom that are worked around well. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. There’s a lot of chatter and rustling from the audience, but the sound is otherwise excellent. Includes playbill scans.
Aladdin - Broadway - November 5, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Merwin Foard (s/b Jafar), Michael James Scott (s/b Genie)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of latest Disney Broadway offering. Great to see the changes from the Toronto tryout. Michael and Merwin do terrific jobs as Genie and Jafar. A
Aladdin - Broadway - June, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Telly Leung (Aladdin), Arielle Jacobs (Jasmine), Jonathan Freeman (Jafar), Major Attaway (Genie), Brian Gonzales (Babkak), Steel Burkhardt (Kassim), Don Darryl Rivera (Iago), Brad Weinstock (Omar)
Aladdin - Disney's Aladdin - A Musical Spectacular - January 8, 2016 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Miles Wesley (Aladdin), Deedee Magno Hall (Jasmine), Lace Robert (Jafar), Nick Santa Maria (Genie)
NOTES: This is not the same as the Broadway version! Good quality video overall, filmed 2 nights before closing.
Aladdin - First National Tour - April 16, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), Isabelle McCalla (Jasmine), Jonathan Weir (Jafar), Anthony Murphy (Genie), JC Montgomery (Sultan), Zach Bencal (Babkak), Mike Longo (Kassim), Reggie De Leon (Iago), Philippe Arroyo (Omar)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the newly launched tour. A terrific cast and a few new small variations to accommodate the tour on the road. A+
Aladdin - First National Tour - January 19, 2018 (Highlights) (thehouseonsunset's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Jonathan Weir (Jafar), Michael James Scott (Genie), JC Montgomery (Sultan), Zach Bencal (Babkak), Mike Longo (Kassim), Reggie De Leon (Iago), Philippe Arroyo (Omar), Jaz Sealey (Prince Abdullah), Olivia Donalson (Fortune Teller), Michael Graceffa (Shop Owner), Bobby Daye (Razoul), Albert Jennings, Annie Wallace, Charles South, Mary Antonini
NOTES: ACT ONE ONLY!!! Taken with a GoPro Camera. There is no Zooms but a clear view of the entire stage . There are some heads blocking the view and I occasionally tilt the camera by accident.
Aladdin - First National Tour - March 7, 2019 (Matinee) (thehouseonsunset's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Clinton Greenspan (Aladdin), Lissa deGuzman (Jasmine), Jonathan Weir (Jafar), Major Attaway (Genie), Jerald Vincent (Sultan), Zach Bencal (Babkak), Jed Feder (Kassim), Jay Paranada (Iago), Michael Bullard (u/s Omar), Albert Jennings (s/w Prince Abdullah), Olivia Donalson (Fortune Teller), Erik Hernandez (Shop Owner), Albert Jennings (e/c Razoul)
NOTES: A kids head blocks my shot from time to time but not throughout the entire video. Video ends right before Aladdin and Jasmine get onto the magic carpet.
Aladdin - Pre-Broadway / Toronto - November 3, 2013 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Jonathan Freeman (Jafar), James Monroe Iglehart (Genie), Clifton Davis (Sultan), Brian Gonzales (Babkak), Brandon O'Neill (Kassim), Don Darryl Rivera (Iago), Jonathan Schwartz (Omar)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions! Disney's newest theatrical production with a wonderful cast and lots of big production numbers. Sure to be some changes before it hits Broadway! A+
Aladdin - Stuttgart - July, 2019 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Leon de Graaf (Aladdin), Nienke Latten (Jasmine), Paolo Bianca (Jafar), Philipp Tobias Hägeli (Genie), Claus Dam (Sultan), Tobias Weis (Babkak), Nicolas Christahl (Kassim), Eric Minsk (Iago), Robin Cadet (Omar), Devon Braithwaite (Prince Abdullah), Paola Fareri (Fortune Teller)
NOTES: No zooms, pretty overexposed and white-washed but captures all the action and has great sound.
Alan Cumming: Legal Immigrant - Joe's Pub - June 30, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Alan Cumming (Alan Cumming)
 Albion - London - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Nigel Betts (Edward), Edyta Budnik (Krystyna), Angel Coulby (Anna), Daisy Edgar-Jones (Zara), Dónal Finn (Gabriel), Victoria Hamilton (Audrey Walters), Margot Leicester (Cheryl), Nicholas Rowe (Paul Walters), Helen Schlesinger (Katherine Sanchez)
NOTES: Proshot for BBC Four. Aired on August 17, 2020.
Alice at the Palace - Broadway - July, 1981 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Meryl Streep (Alice), Debbie Allen (Red Queen)
NOTES: Filmed without an audience on a sound stage, songs synced to pre-recorded tracks. Released commercially through Broadway Theatre Archive.
Alice By Heart - Off-Broadway - March, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Molly Gordon (Alice Spencer/Alice), Colton Ryan (Alfred Hallam/White Rabbit/March Hare), Wesley Taylor (Harold Pudding/Mad Hatter/Pigeon/Knave of Spades/Mock Mock Turtle), Noah Galvin (Dodgy/Duchess/Dodo/Mock Mock Mock Mock Turtle), Catherine Ricafort (Clarissa/Canary/Queen of Diamonds/Mock Mock Mock Turtle), Kim Blanck (Tabatha/Cheshire Cat/Caterpillar 2), Grace McLean (Red Cross Nurse/Queen of Hearts/Magpie), Heath Saunders (Angus/Caterpillar/Knave of Hearts), Andrew Kober (Dr Butridge/King of Hearts/Duck/Jabberwocky/Mock Turtle), Mia DiLena, Zachary Downer
NOTES: Really beautiful shot in an intimate space. Lots of zooms, but a good amount of wider shots too with a very limited (almost nonexistent) amount of heads. The lighting in this theater really liked my camera and I know the show almost “by heart” so I think I followed the action as well as possible. My battery died during the last song, but it starts at the very beginning with only one drop out during dialogue.
Alien: The Play - North Bergen, NJ High School - April 26, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: NJ High School Cast
NOTES: 4K, 8.11gb.
Alive! The Zombie Musical - In Concert - Pershing Square Signature Center (New York Musical Festival) - July 29, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Amanda Jane Cooper, Zach Adkins, Nicholas Belton, Lindsay Nicole Chambers, and Hunter Ryan Herdlicka, Chris Dwan, Blaine Krauss, Mary Page Nance, Alex Gibson, Kennedy Caughell, and Daisy Hobbs.
NOTES: - ALIVE! was presented in concert on July 29th at 8pm at the Signature Theatre in NYC, starring; Amanda Jane Cooper, Zach Adkins, Nicholas Belton, Lindsay Nicole Chambers, Hunter Ryan Herdlicka, Blaine Krauss, Chris Dwan, Alex Gibson, Mary Page Nance, Kennedy Caughell, and Daisy Hobbs. Directed by David Ruttura and Music Direction by Taylor Peckham. https://www.playbill.com/article/alive-the-zombie-musical-in-concert-starring-amanda-jane-cooper-zach-adkins-nicholas-belton-will-be-available-for-streaming A concert version of Alive! The Zombie Musical, which was presented in July 2019 at the Pershing Square Signature Center as part of the New York Musical Festival.
All About Eve - West End - April 11, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Gillian Anderson (Channing), Lily James (Eve), Rhashan Stone (Lloyd), Jessie Mei Li (Claudia Casswell), Sheila Reid (Birdie), Monica Dolan (Karen)
NOTES: Proshot for NT Live
All My Sons - The Old Vic - May 14, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  TS (HD) CAST: Bill Pullman (Joe Keller), Jenna Coleman (Ann Deever), Sally Field (Kate Keller), Colin Morgan (Chris Keller), Sule Rimi (Dr. Bayliss), Oliver Johnstone (George Deever)
All Or Nothing - West End - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Carol Harrison (Kay Marriot), Chris Simmons (Steve Marriot)
All Shook Up - Broadway - April 9, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Cheyenne Jackson (Chad), Jenn Gambatese (Natalie Haller/Ed), Sharon Wilkins (Sylvia), Nikki M James (Lorraine), Mark Price (Dennis), Jonathan Hadary (Jim Haller), Alix Korey (Mayor Matilda Hyde), Curtis Holbrook (Dean Hyde), John Jellison (Sheriff Earl), Leah Hocking (Miss Sandra)
NOTES: Includes NY1 interview
Allegiance - Broadway - 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Lea Salonga (Kei Kimura), George Takei (Sam Kimura/Ojii-chan), Telly Leung (Sammy Kimura), Katie Rose Clarke (Hannah Campbell), Michael K Lee (Frankie Suzuki), Christòpheren Nomura (Tatsuo Kimura), Greg Watanabe (Mike Masaoka), Darren Lee (Dr. Tanaka/Ben Masaoka), Rumi Oyama (Mrs. Tanaka), Shea Renne (Betsy Tanaka), Scott Watanabe (Mr. Maruyama), Janelle Toyomi Dote (Mrs. Maruyama/Executor), Aaron J Albano (Tom Maruyama), Momoko Sugai (Peggy Maruyama), Marcus Choi (Johnny Goto), Elena Wang (Nan Goto), Dan Horn (Private Evans/Recruiting Officer/Big Band Singer), Scott Wise (Director Dillon/Farmer/Photographer), Kevin Munhall (Private Knight/Federal Agent/Tule Lake Guard)
NOTES: The Collector's Edition DVD from the Box Set
Altar Boyz - National Tour - May 4, 2007 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: James Royce Edwards (Matthew), Dan Domenech (Juan), Dan Pachecho (Abraham), Tyler McGee (Luke), Danny Calvert (Mark)
I Am Harvey Milk - Gay Men’s Chorus Of Los Angeles - 35th Anniversary Concert - July 19, 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Lippa (Harvey Milk), Alexandra Silber (Soprano), Quinn Morrissey (Young Harvey Milk)
NOTES: Great capture with no washout, obstruction or blackouts; filmed in 16:9, mostly moving between wide shots to capture the chorus and close-ups to capture the soloists. Great clear picture and sound. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. Also included are 36 minutes of highlights of the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles's 35th Anniversary Concert that preceded I Am Harvey Milk.
I Am My Own Wife - Broadway - November 19, 2003 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jefferson Mays (Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, et al.)
NOTES: Great video, great show with lots of close ups.
Amadeus - National Theatre - February 2, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Adam Gillen (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart), Luciene Msamat (Antonio Salieri), Karla Crome (Constanze Weber), Fleur deBray (Katherina Cavalieri), Wendy Dawn Thompson (Teresa Salieri), Tom Edden (Joseph II, Emperor of Austria), Geoffrey Beevers (Baron van Swieten), Andrew MacBean (Guiseppe Bonno), Alexandra Mathie (Count Johann Kilian Von Strack), Hugh Sacks (Count Orsini-Rosenberg), Everal Walsh (Major Domo)
Amazing Grace - Pre-Broadway - October 29, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Erin Mackey (Mary Catlett), Josh Young (John Newton), Stanley Bahorek (Robert Haweis), Chuck Cooper (Pakuteh (Thomas)), Harriett D Foy (Princess Peyai), Tom Hewitt (Captain Newton), Chris Hoch (Major Gray)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the ProBroadway tryout. Josh is in beautiful voice here in the story behind one of the World's most famous songs! A very solid cast and production. A
American Idiot - Berkeley - October 4, 2009 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: John Gallagher Jr (Johnny), Michael Esper (Will), Matt Caplan (Tunny), Tony Vincent (St. Jimmy), Rebecca Naomi Jones (Whatsername), Mary Faber (Heather), Christina Sajous (Extraordinary Girl)
NOTES: Stunning capture of a wonderful production. The cast is fabulous and bursting with energy. Beautifully sang, executed, arranged and a very talented cast! A+
American Idiot - Broadway - February 19, 2011 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Gallagher Jr (Johnny), Michael Esper (Will), Van Hughes (s/b Tunny), Billie Joe Armstrong (St. Jimmy), Rebecca Naomi Jones (Whatsername), Jeanna de Waal (Heather), Libby Winters (u/s Extraordinary Girl), Chase Peacock, Gerard Canonico, Jennifer Bowles
NOTES: Probably the only full capture of the show with the lead vocalist of Green Day Billie Joe Armstrong in the role of St. Jimmy.
American Idiot - Los Angeles - 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Alec Cyganowski (Johnny), Matt Magnusson (Will), Payson Lewis (Tunny), Caitlin Ary (St. Jimmy), Lindsay Pearce (Whatsername), Briana Cuoco (Heather), Bianca Gisselle (Extraordinary Girl), Abraham Lim (Favorite Son), Casey Hayden, Jordan Booker, Reesa Ishiyama, Zach Zagoria
American Idiot - Third National Tour - May 15, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jared Nepute (Johnny), Casey O’Farrell (Will), Dan Tracy (Tunny), Carson Higgins (St. Jimmy), Olivia Puckett (Whatsername), Mariah MacFarlane (Heather), Taylor Iman Jones (Extraordinary Girl), Antwaun Holley (Favorite Son), Alex Boniello, Alison Morooney, Andrew Humann, Antwaun Holley, Chelsea Turbin, Josephine Spada, Liam Fennecken, Michael Pilato, Sean Garner, Turner Rose Jr
An American in Paris - West End - May, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Robert Fairchild (Jerry Mulligan), Leanne Cope (Lise Dassin), David Seadon-Young (Adam Hochberg), Zoë Rainey (Milo Davenport), Haydn Oakley (Henri Baurel), Jane Asher (Madame Baurel), Ashley Andrews (Mr. Z), Julian Forsyth (Monsieur Baurel), Julia J Nagle (Olga)
NOTES: Aired as part of PBS Great Performances on November 2, 2018. Can be found on BroadwayHD to stream. File info and quality varies across traders, therefore ask them before trading. One file that is being traded is 10.29GB, a WEB-DL from Amazon that includes soft-subtitles.
American Psycho - Broadway - March 29, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Benjamin Walker (Patrick Bateman), Jennifer Damiano (Jean), Drew Moerlein (Paul Owen), Alice Ripley (Svetlana/Mrs. Bateman/Mrs. Wolfe), Heléne Yorke (Evelyn Williams), Dave Thomas Brown (David Van Patten), Anna Eilinsfeld (Victoria), Ericka Hunter (Video Store Clerk/Sabrina), Theo Stockman (Timothy Price), Alex Michael Stoll (ATM/Craig McDermott/Tom Cruise)
NOTES: Excellent capture of the new dark musical transfer from the West End. Great cast and wonderful 80s style and inspired musical. A
Amélie - Berkeley Repertory Theatre - September 5, 2015 (Preview) (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Amélie Poulain), Savvy Crawford (Young Amélie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Nino Quincampoix), Tony Sheldon (Raymond Dufayel / Collignon), John Hickok (Raphaël Poulain / Bretodeau), Alison Cimmet (Amandine Poulain / Philomene), Maria-Christina Oliveras (Suzanne), Carla Duren (Gina), Alyse Alan Louis (Georgette / Sylvie / Collignon's Mother), Randy Blair (Hipolito / Suicidal Tourist / Elton John), Perry Sherman (Lucien / Mysterious Man), Perry Sherman (Adrien Wells/Wallace), Paul Whitty (Fluffy / Collignon's Father), Paul Whitty (Joseph), David Andino (Blind Beggar), David Andino (Garden Gnome)
NOTES: An adorable and charming new show premiering at Berkeley Repertory. Samantha, Adam, and Savvy are fantastic in their roles, the music is gorgeous, and the sets are beautiful and clever. A very nice capture with just one quick dropout and one small head that can occasionally be seen at the bottom of the screen but never blocks the action. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums and close-ups. The sound is excellent. The show runs 1 hour and 40 minutes with no intermission. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. A
Amélie - Broadway - March 29, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Phillipa Soo (Amélie Poulain), Savvy Crawford (Young Amélie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Nino Quincampoix), Tony Sheldon (Raymond Dufayel / Collignon), Manoel Felciano (Raphaël Poulain / Bretodeau), Alison Cimmet (Amandine Poulain / Philomene), Harriett D Foy (Suzanne), Maria-Christina Oliveras (Gina), Alyse Alan Louis (Georgette / Sylvie / Collignon's Mother), Randy Blair (Hipolito / Suicidal Tourist / Elton John), Heath Calvert (Lucien / Mysterious Man), Heath Calvert (Adrien Wells/Wallace), Paul Whitty (Fluffy / Collignon's Father), Paul Whitty (Joseph), David Andino (Blind Beggar), David Andino (Garden Gnome)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new whimsical musical. The entire cast gives great performances in this fun and sweet tale of a dreamer! A-
Amélie - Broadway - May 12, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Phillipa Soo (Amélie Poulain), Savvy Crawford (Young Amélie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Nino Quincampoix), Tony Sheldon (Raymond Dufayel / Collignon), Manoel Felciano (Raphaël Poulain / Bretodeau), Alison Cimmet (Amandine Poulain / Philomene), Harriett D Foy (Suzanne), Maria-Christina Oliveras (Gina), Alyse Alan Louis (Georgette / Sylvie / Collignon's Mother), Randy Blair (Hipolito / Suicidal Tourist / Elton John), Heath Calvert (Lucien / Mysterious Man), Heath Calvert (Adrien Wells/Wallace), Paul Whitty (Fluffy / Collignon's Father), Paul Whitty (Joseph), David Andino (Blind Beggar), David Andino (Garden Gnome)
NOTES: Great HD capture a week before the closing performance. First 10 or so minutes are full stage shot, then zooming begins. Still a great cast with some great songs and moments in the show. A-
Amélie - Pre-Broadway/Los Angeles - December 4, 2016 (Preview) (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Phillipa Soo (Amélie Poulain), Savvy Crawford (Young Amélie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Nino Quincampoix), Tony Sheldon (Raymond Dufayel / Collignon), Manoel Felciano (Raphaël Poulain / Bretodeau), Alison Cimmet (Amandine Poulain / Philomene), Harriett D Foy (Suzanne), Maria-Christina Oliveras (Gina), Alyse Alan Louis (Georgette / Sylvie / Collignon's Mother), Randy Blair (Hipolito / Suicidal Tourist / Elton John), Heath Calvert (Lucien / Mysterious Man), Heath Calvert (Adrien Wells/Wallace), Paul Whitty (Fluffy / Collignon's Father), Paul Whitty (Joseph), David Andino (Blind Beggar), David Andino (Garden Gnome)
NOTES: This show is magical, Phillipa is captivating, and the entire ensemble is perfectly quirky. There have been a few changes since Berkeley that tighten up the show a bit and make it ready for Broadway. A near perfect capture with no washout, no obstruction, and just one very quick dropout. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans.
Amélie - UK Tour - June, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Audrey Brisson (Amélie Poulain), Danny Mac (Nino Quincampoix), Johnson Willis (Raymond Dufayel / Collignon), Jez Unwin (Raphaël Poulain / Bretodeau), Rachel Dawson (Amandine Poulain / Philomene), Kate Robson-Stuart (Suzanne), Sophie Crawford (Gina), Faoileann Cunningham (Georgette / Sylvie / Collignon's Mother), Caolan McCarthy (Hipolito / Suicidal Tourist / Elton John), Oliver Grant (Lucien / Mysterious Man), Oliver Grant (Adrien Wells/Wallace), Samuel Morgan-Grahame (Fluffy / Collignon's Father), Samuel Morgan-Grahame (Joseph), Josh Sneesby (Blind Beggar), Josh Sneesby (Garden Gnome), Chris Jared (Raymond), Charley Magalit (Cecile), Emma Jane Morton (Delphine), Nuwan Hugh Perera (Jean-Yves)
Anastasia - Broadway - June 28, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb Vaganov), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O’Connor (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Nicole Scimeca (Little Anastasia / Prince Alexei Romanov), Lauren Blackman (Tsarina Alexandra), Constantine Germanacos (Tsar Nicholas II / Count Ipolitov), Allison Walsh (Olga Romanov), Shina Ann Morris (Tatiana Romanov / Dunya), Sissy Bell (Maria Romanov / Marfa), Molly Rushing (Young Anastasia / Paulina), Ken Krugman (Count Leopold), Allison Walsh (Odette in Swan Lake), Kyle Brown (Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake), Wes Hart (Russian Doorman)
NOTES: Great HD capture of the Broadway transfer. There are a few short scenes/moments far stage right blocked by a head, but nothing major. Beautiful production, performances and cast to match! A-
 Anastasia - Broadway - September 6, 2017 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb Vaganov), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O’Connor (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna)
Anastasia - Broadway - September 17, 2017 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb Vaganov), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O’Connor (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Nicole Scimeca (Little Anastasia / Prince Alexei Romanov), Lauren Blackman (Tsarina Alexandra), Constantine Germanacos (Tsar Nicholas II / Count Ipolitov), Allison Walsh (Olga Romanov), Shina Ann Morris (Tatiana Romanov / Dunya), Sissy Bell (Maria Romanov / Marfa), Molly Rushing (Young Anastasia / Paulina), Ken Krugman (Gorlinsky), Ken Krugman (Count Leopold), Allison Walsh (Odette in Swan Lake), Kyle Brown (Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake), James A Pierce III (Von Rothbart in Swan Lake), Wes Hart (Russian Doorman), Janet Dickinson (Countess Gregory), Zach Adkins
NOTES: Actor's Benefit Performance. Includes post-show speeches.
Anastasia - Broadway - March 31, 2019 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Christy Altomare (Anya), Cody Simpson (Dmitry), Constantine Germanacos (Gleb Vaganov), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Vicki Lewis (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Penny Fuller (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Delilah Rose Pellow (Little Anastasia / Prince Alexei Romanov), Gail Bennett (Tsarina Alexandra), Tally Sessions (Tsar Nicholas II / Count Ipolitov), Allison Walsh (Olga Romanov), Shina Ann Morris (Tatiana Romanov / Dunya), Maria Briggs (Maria Romanov / Marfa), Molly Rushing (Young Anastasia / Paulina), Ken Krugman (Gorlinsky), Ken Krugman (Count Leopold), Allison Walsh (Odette in Swan Lake), Kyle Brown (Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake), Matt Wiercinski (Von Rothbart in Swan Lake), Wes Hart (Russian Doorman), Colby Dezelick, Janet Dickinson, Jennifer Smith, Justin Scott Brown
NOTES: Closing show! Or “rock concert” if you ask Christy Altomare. Yeah so this is a pretty obstructed video. Everyone was really excited so people were standing up, people were moving around, and honestly I had a little trouble paying attending to my viewfinder with all of the tears streaming down my face. Like Beetlejuice I would say it’s mostly like highlights, but all of the things that happen in the center part of the stage are captured really well and the video is DEFINITELY Christy centric. “Journey to the Past” is complete and gorgeous and you will cry. First act starts around when Anya meets Dmitry and the second act starts during “Crossing A Bridge.”
Anastasia - Broadway - January, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christy Altomare (Anya), Cody Simpson (Dmitry), Constantine Germanacos (Gleb Vaganov), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Vicki Lewis (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Penny Fuller (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Delilah Rose Pellow (Little Anastasia / Prince Alexei Romanov), Lauren Blackman (Tsarina Alexandra), Tally Sessions (Tsar Nicholas II / Count Ipolitov), Lyrica Woodruff (Olga Romanov), Kelli Youngman (Tatiana Romanov / Dunya), Maria Briggs (Maria Romanov / Marfa), Molly Rushing (Young Anastasia / Paulina), Ken Krugman (Gorlinsky), Ken Krugman (Count Leopold), Lyrica Woodruff (Odette in Swan Lake), Kyle Brown (Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake), James A Pierce III (Von Rothbart in Swan Lake), Wes Hart (Russian Doorman)
NOTES: A beautiful video of the show, with newcomer Cody Simpson.
Anastasia - First National Tour - February 28, 2019 (mynewfavoriteday's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Lila Coogan (Anya), Stephen Brower (Dmitry), Jason Michael Evans (Gleb Vaganov), Edward Staudenmayer (Vlad Popov), Tari Kelly (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Joy Franz (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Victoria Bingham (Little Anastasia / Prince Alexei Romanov), Lucy Horton (Tsarina Alexandra), Michael McCorry Rose (Tsar Nicholas II / Count Ipolitov), Claire Rathbun (Olga Romanov), Kourtney Keitt (Tatiana Romanov / Dunya), Taylor Quick (Young Anastasia / Paulina), Fred Inkley (Gorlinsky), Fred Inkley (Count Leopold), Claire Rathbun (Odette in Swan Lake), Mark MacKillop (Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake), Ronnie S Bowman Jr (Von Rothbart in Swan Lake), Peter Garza (Russian Doorman)
NOTES: Great capture of this wonderful touring company with no obstructions except for a head leaning into the frame for a second or two in Act One. Filmed with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups, and there’s only a couple instances of wandering after applause (limited to early in Act One) and no major dropouts.
Anastasia - Pre-Broadway / Hartford - June 15, 2016 (Matinee) (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Manoel Felciano (Gleb Vaganov), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O’Connor (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Nicole Scimeca (Little Anastasia / Prince Alexei Romanov), Molly Rushing (Young Anastasia / Paulina)
Anastasia - Scheveningen - January, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Tessa Sunniva van Tol (Anya), Milan van Waardenburg (Dmitry), Yannick Plugers (u/s Gleb Vaganov), Ad Knippels (Vlad Popov), Melise de Winter (u/s Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Liz Snojink (alt Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna)
NOTES: MTS, somewhat shaky but good quality
Anastasia - Scheveningen - October, 2019 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tessa Sunniva van Tol (Anya), Milan van Waardenburg (Dmitry), René van Kooten (Gleb Vaganov), Ad Knippels (Vlad Popov), Ellen Evers (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Liz Snojink (alt Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Steven Roox (Tsar Nicholas II / Count Ipolitov)
NOTES: Unfortunately, one of the key scenes (approx. 2 minutes) in the end, right after „A simple thing (Reprise)“, is missing. The very last minute of the finale was captured though.
Anastasia - Stuttgart - February, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alexandra Alexandrova (u/s Anya), Milan van Waardenburg (Dmitry), Mathias Edenborn (Gleb Vaganov), Thorsten Tinney (Vlad Popov), Jacqueline Braun (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Daniela Ziegler (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna)
Ann - Austin, TX - May 4-15, 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Holland Taylor (Ann Richards), Julie White (Voice of Nancy Kohler)
NOTES: ANN is a no-holds-barred portrait of Ann Richards, the legendary governor of Texas. This inspiring and hilarious new play brings us face to face with a complex, colorful and captivating character bigger than the state from which she hailed. Written and performed by Emmy® Award winner Holland Taylor (“Two and a Half Men"), ANN takes a revealing look at the impassioned woman who enriched the lives of her followers, friends and family.
Anna in the Tropics - Broadway - December 11, 2003 FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Victor Argo (Santiago), David Zayas (Cheché), Priscilla Lopez (Ofelia), Vanessa Aspillaga (Marela), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Conchita), Jimmy Smits (Juan Julián), John Ortiz (Eliades)
Annie - Broadway - September 30, 1980 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Allison Smith (Annie), Betty Hutton (Miss Hannigan), Conrad John Schuck (Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks), Kathryn Boule (Grace Farrell), Gary Beach (Rooster Hannigan), Rita Rudner (Lily St. Regis), Jennine Babo (Molly), Caroline Daly (Pepper), Stacey Lynn Brass (Duffy), Martha Byrne (July), Tiffany Blake (Tessie)
NOTES: Looks about how you’d expect for a video this old. Serious gen loss (both softness and rainbowing), decent but not great audio.
​ Annie - North Shore Music Theatre, Beverly MA - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Lauren Weintraub (Annie), Jacquelyn Piro Donovan (Miss Hannigan), Raymond Jaramillo McLeod (Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks), Jessica Tyler Wright (Grace Farrell)
NOTES: Pro-shot. Presented "in-the-round" by the North Shore Music Theatre. Filmed using one camera on a tripod with audio patched in from the sound board. The disc also includes a three minute highlights montage used for promotional purposes.
Annie - Plays In The Park - June, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Emma Schwartz (Annie), Vicki Tripodo (Miss Hannigan), Todd Fenstermaker (Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks), Gabrielle Visser (Grace Farrell), Randy Accardi (Rooster Hannigan), Allison Foote (Lily St. Regis)
NOTES: A Pro-Shot Archival video of the Plays in the Park production
Annie - Second Dutch Tour - December 8, 2019 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Dalia Neeskens (Annie), Willemijn Verkaik (Miss Hannigan), Edwin Jonker (Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks), Eva van Gessel (Grace Farrell), Sjoerd Spruijt (Rooster Hannigan), Myrthe Huber (Lily St. Regis), Doris Baaten (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
Annie 2: Miss Hannigan's Revenge - Kennedy Center (Washington DC) - December 23, 1989 FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Danielle Findley (Annie), Dorothy Loudon (Miss Hannigan), Harve Presnell (Oliver 'Daddy' Warbucks), Lauren Mitchell (Grace Farrell), Marian Seldes (Marietta Christmas), Terrence P Currier (Drake), Ronny Graham (Lionel McCoy), TJ Meyers (Babe Ruth), Raymond Thorne (F.D.R.), Scott Robertson (Charlie Spinoli)
NOTES: This first attempt at a sequel to Annie, Annie 2: Miss Hannigan's Revenge, opened at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. in December 1989 to universally disastrous reviews.
Extensive reworking of the script and score proved futile, and the project ended before officially reaching Broadway; newly surfaced video was filmed from the balcony. Shot between heads, and the balcony railing is visible, but not too bad-you still get a good feel for the show. Recorded at the second night performance. Some generational loss. B
Annie Get Your Gun - Broadway - 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Bernadette Peters (Annie Oakley), Tom Wopat (Frank Butler), Valerie Wright (Dolly Tate), Peter Marx (Charlie Davenport)
Antigone - Barbican Theatre - April 26, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Juliette Binoche (Antigone), Patrick O'Kane (Creon), Finbar Lynch (Tiresias), Kirsty Bushell (Ismene), Samuel Edward-Cook (Haemon), Kathryn Pogson (Eurydice)
NOTES: Proshot. Cameras exclusively capture the Oscar-winning Frenchactress Juliette Binoche playing the title role in Sophocles's tale of family loyalty, courage and tragedy. The Barbican's visionary new English language translation by TS Eliot Prize-winning poet and classicist Anne Carson is directed by renowned Belgian theatre director Ivo van Hove.
Anyone Can Whistle - Carnegie Hall Concert - April 8, 1995 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Madeline Kahn (Cora Hoover Hooper), Bernadette Peters (Fay Apple), Scott Bakula (J. Bowden Hapgood), Walter Bobbie (Comptroller Schub), Nick Wyman (Dr. Detmold), Chip Zien (Treasurer Cooley), Ken Page (Chief Magruder)
Anyone Can Whistle - Encores! - April 10, 2010 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Donna Murphy (Cora Hoover Hooper), Sutton Foster (Fay Apple), Raúl Esparza (J. Bowden Hapgood), Edward Hibbert (Comptroller Schub), Patrick Wetzel (Dr. Detmold), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Treasurer Cooley), John Ellison Conlee (Chief Magruder), Max Kumangai (Martin), Tally Sessions (George), Holly Ann Butler (Osgood), Sara Jean Ford (June), Michael Marcotte (John), Linda Griffin (Mrs. Schroeder), Dana Steingold (Baby Joan), Anthony Wayne, Clyde Alves, Eric Sciotto, Grasan Kingsberry
NOTES: Includes the talkback with Stephen Sondheim, Casey Nicholaw and others.
Anything Goes - Berlin - 1993 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Helen Schneider, Ralf Wolter, Hartwig Rudolz, Cusch Jung, Michelle Becker, Alfred Müller, Monica Solem
NOTES: The footage is all over the place, the show IS NOT IN ORDER. Includes extra footage from dressing rooms, backstage and the wings. This footage seems to have been a shot by one of the cast or crew.
Anything Goes - Second Broadway Revival - April 3, 2011 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Sutton Foster (Reno Sweeney), Colin Donnell (Billy Crocker), Laura Osnes (Hope Harcourt), Joel Grey (Moonface Martin), Adam Godley (Lord Evelyn Oakleigh), Jessica Walter (Mrs. Evangeline Harcourt), John McMartin (Elisha J. Whitney), Jessica Stone (Erma)
NOTES: Sensational revival and stunning production. Sutton of course is talented beyond words and it truely shows. Such a fun revival and everything is beautifully captured here. A
Anything Goes - Second Broadway Revival - November 15, 2011 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Reno Sweeney), Colin Donnell (Billy Crocker), Erin Mackey (Hope Harcourt), Joel Grey (Moonface Martin), Adam Godley (Lord Evelyn Oakleigh), Kelly Bishop (Mrs. Evangeline Harcourt)
NOTES: Great audio and video, but the mic seems to get covered midway through the second act until the end of the recording, muting the audio quite severely.
Anything Goes - Second Broadway Revival - November 19, 2011 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Reno Sweeney), Colin Donnell (Billy Crocker), Erin Mackey (Hope Harcourt), Joel Grey (Moonface Martin), Adam Godley (Lord Evelyn Oakleigh), Kelly Bishop (Mrs. Evangeline Harcourt), John McMartin (Elisha J. Whitney), Jessica Stone (Erma)
NOTES: Stephanie makes a remarkable Reno with such a voice and quite different from Sutton. Everything is nicely captured here and includes the new replacements Erin and Jessica. The last four minutes, which is the end of the wedding are audio only. A
Anything Goes - Third National Tour - November 30, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rachel York (Reno Sweeney), Erich Bergen (Billy Crocker), Alex Finke (Hope Harcourt), Fred Applegate (Moonface Martin), Edward Staudenmayer (Lord Evelyn Oakleigh), Sandra Shipley (Mrs. Evangeline Harcourt), Dennis Kelly (Elisha J. Whitney), Joyce Chittick (Erma)
NOTES: One head on the right side of the screen, but it never blocks the action; no blackouts and very little washout throughout the show. Filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. Great sound; video includes curtain call and BC/EFA speech.
Anything Goes - Third National Tour - March 23, 2013 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Rachel York (Reno Sweeney), Josh Franklin (Billy Crocker), Alex Finke (Hope Harcourt), Fred Applegate (Moonface Martin)
Anything Goes - Third National Tour - September 29, 2013 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Rachel York (Reno Sweeney), Josh Franklin (Billy Crocker), Alex Finke (Hope Harcourt), Fred Applegate (Moonface Martin), Edward Staudenmayer (Lord Evelyn Oakleigh), Sandra Shipley (Mrs. Evangeline Harcourt), Dennis Kelly (Elisha J. Whitney), Joyce Chittick (Erma), Vincent Rodriguez III (Luke), Marcus Shane (John), Chuck Wagner (Captain), Jeff Brooks (Purser)
Applause - CBS Television Adaptation - March 15, 1973 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Lauren Bacall (Margo Channing), Penny Fuller (Eve Harrington), Larry Hagman (Bill Sampson), Robert Mandan (Howard Benedict), Harvey Evans (Duane Fox), Rod McLennan (Buzz Richards), Sarah Marshall (Karen Richards)
NOTES: Good copy for 1973. There is a horizontal black bar near the bottom of the screen, but it doesn't cover any of the action.
Applause - New York City Center - Encores! - February 10, 2008 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christine Ebersole (Margo Channing), Erin Davie (Eve Harrington), Michael Park (Bill Sampson), Tom Hewitt (Howard Benedict), Mario Cantone (Duane Fox), Chip Zien (Buzz Richards), Kate Burton (Karen Richards), Megan Sikora (Bonnie)
NOTES: often gets listed as February 8th or February 9th. Time stamp at very beginning says FEB 10 2008 
The Apple Tree - Broadway (2006 Revival) - January 20, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kristin Chenoweth (Eve/Princess Barbára/Ella and Passionella), Brian d'Arcy James (Adam/Captain Sanjar/Flip, the Prince, Charming), Marc Kudisch (Snake/Balladeer/Narrator)
NOTES: Includes a review and news segment from NY1.
The Apple Tree - Broadway (2006 Revival) - February 11, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kristin Chenoweth (Eve/Princess Barbára/Ella and Passionella), Brian d'Arcy James (Adam/Captain Sanjar/Flip, the Prince, Charming), Marc Kudisch (Snake/Balladeer/Narrator), Walter Charles (King Arik/Mr. Fallible/Producer)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of this charming show which features three different stories. This show really show cases Kristin's amazing talent and such a wonderful production! A
The Apple Tree - Encores! - May 13, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kristin Chenoweth (Eve/Princess Barbára/Ella and Passionella), Malcolm Gets (Adam/Captain Sanjar/Flip, the Prince, Charming), Michael Cerveris (Snake/Balladeer/Narrator), Daniel Marcus (King Arik/Mr. Fallible/Producer), Krisha Marcano (Nadjira)
Aren't We All? - Broadway - June 2, 1985 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rex Harrison, Claudette Colbert, Lynn Redgrave, Jeremy Brett, George Rose, George Ede, Brenda Forbes, John Patrick Hurly, Leslie O'Hara, Peter Pagan, Ned Schmidtke, Steven Sutherland
NOTES: *Excellent video and very good sound for the time, although the first minute of the show is blacked out. Includes about 7 minutes of stage door footage showing Rex Harrison leaving the theatre, and minimally interacting with the fans. *B+
Artus Excalibur - St. Gallen, Switzerland - March 25, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Patrick Stanke (Artus), Annemieke van Dam (Guinevere), Mark Seibert (Lancelot), Thomas Borchert (Merlin), Sabrina Weckerlin (Morgana), Robert Johansson (Loth), Kevin Foster (Gareth), Gero Wendorff (Lucan)
NOTES: Beautiful multicam proshot of a wonderful show and cast.
Artus Excalibur - Tecklenburg - 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Armin Kahl (Artus), Milica Jovanovic (Guinevere), Dominik Hees (Lancelot), Kevin Tarte (Merlin), Roberta Valentini (Morgana)
Asking For It - Birmingham - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Dawn Bradfield (Mam), Lauren Coe (Emma), Seán Doyle (Sean), Liam Heslin (Bryan), Amy McElhatton (Maggie), Tiernan Messitt-Greene (Connor), Simon O'Gorman (Dad)
NOTES: MTS T/W for this show: descriptions of sexual assault & attempted suicide
Aspects of Love - Broadway - March 1, 1991 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sarah Brightman (Rose Vibert), Kevin Cullum (Alex Dillingham), Barry Ingham (George Dillingham)
Aspects of Love - London - 1989 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ann Crumb (Rose Vibert), Michael Ball (Alex Dillingham), Kevin Colson (George Dillingham), Kathleen Rowe McAllen (Guilietta Trapani), Diana Morrison (Jenny)
Aspects of Love - Off West End - January, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kelly Price (Rose Vibert), Felix Mosse (Alex Dillingham), Jérôme Pradon (George Dillingham), Madalena Alberto (Guilietta Trapani), Eleanor Walsh (Jenny), Minal Patel (Marcel), Julia J Nagle (Elizabeth), Jason Kajdi (Hugo), Jack Churms (Jerome), Eleanor Jackson
NOTES: MP4, shot around heads
Assassins - Barcelona, Spain - 1997 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Albert Muntanyola (The Proprietor), Miquel Fernández (The Balladeer), Gabi Doz (Lee Harvey Oswald), Benjamí Conesa (John Wilkes Booth), Eva Losanda (Billy), Natàlia Sau (Sara Jane Moore), Eva Folch (Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme), Daniel Claramunt (John Hinckley, Jr.), Rafel Brunet (Giuseppe Zangara), Isa Mateu (Emma Goldman), Eduard Doncos (Leon Czolgosz), Xavier Mateu (Charles Guiteau), Jordi Font (David Herold)
NOTES: Catalan language production
Assassins - Broadway - May 29, 2004 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Marc Kudisch (The Proprietor), Neil Patrick Harris (Balladeer/Lee Harvey Oswald), Michael Cerveris (John Wilkes Booth), Eamon Foley (Billy), James Clow (President Gerald Ford/James Blaine), Becky Ann Baker (Sara Jane Moore), Mary Catherine Garrison (Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme), Alexander Gemignani (John Hinckley, Jr.), Mario Cantone (Samuel Byck), Jeffrey Kuhn (Giuseppe Zangara), James Barbour (Leon Czolgosz), Merwin Foard (President James Garfield), Denis O'Hare (Charles Guiteau)
NOTES: There are two full length videos of this production which circulate under various dates. This one is most commonly listed as May 29th, but has also been circulated as April 20th, or confused with the other April video and listed as the 4th or 10th. Check your screencaps to confirm which performance you have.
Assassins - Pegasus Players, Chicago IL - December 21, 1993 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Will Chase (The Balladeer), Scott Lowell (John Wilkes Booth), Meredith Brickett (Sara Jane Moore), Lori Scarlett (Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme), Christopher Eudy (John Hinckley, Jr.), Jeff Still (Samuel Byck), Stef Tovar (Leon Czolgosz), Chris McNamara (Charles Guiteau), Anthony Cesarelli
August: Osage County - Broadway - January 2, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ian Barford (Little Charles), Deanna Dunagan (Violet Weston), Kimberly Guerrero (Johnna Monevata), Francis Guinan (Charlie Aiken), Brian Kerwin (Steve Heidebrecht), Dennis Letts (Beverly Weston), Madeleine Martin (Jean Fordham), Mariann Mayberry (Karen Weston), Amy Morton (Barbara Fordham), Sally Murphy (Ivy Weston), Jeff Perry (Bill Fordham), Rondi Reed (Mattie Fae Aiken), Troy West (Sheriff Deon Gilbeau)
Avenue Q - Janesville, Wisconsin - March, 2012 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Deshawn Christiansen (Gary Coleman), Nicki Dougherty (Christmas Eve), Dan Houser (Brian)
NOTES: Single cam on tripod, soundboard. Good zooms, follows action well.
Avenue Q - Janesville, Wisconsin - March, 2012 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Deshawn Christiansen (Gary Coleman), Nicki Dougherty (Christmas Eve), Dan Houser (Brian)
NOTES: Single cam on tripod, soundboard. Good zooms, follows action well.
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Anybody wanna hmu and help me come up with some actual plot to justify The Saddest Fucking Thing I Have Ever Written? Cause right now it’s just over a thousand words of Aladdin being helplessly forced to watch Jay die. :)
Slowly, painfully, Jafar’s son staggers to his feet. 
(Jakeem. His name is Jakeem, but he thinks it sounds arrogant, it reminds him too much of his dad. He likes to be called Jay instead.)
There’s blood dripping sluggishly down his face, and one of his eyes is quickly swelling shut. His left leg buckles under his weight, and he nearly goes down, but catches himself with a pained grunt and shifts his center of gravity until he’s standing tall again.
(He’s two years younger than Aziz, and he has a sweet tooth, and he’s spent the last few months teaching himself how to cook. He wanted to be able to make desserts for himself and his friends, but he’s having more fun than he thought he would, and he’s getting pretty good at it. He hasn’t tried to make baklava yet. He doesn’t want to.)
He can’t walk properly, so instead he hobbles, limping on his injured leg, holding his bleeding side with one hand. He’s trembling. “Jay,” Aladdin says, hoarse. “There’s a servant tunnel down the hallway, hidden behind the elephant statue. It goes straight out to the garden. You should be able to get away through there. Go get help.”
Jay groans, “Won’t make it,” and collapses to his knees in front of the cell door. 
(He’s sixteen years old and his favorite color is red and he never knew his mother, he’s afraid of ghosts. He either wants to play tourney professionally or open a bakery when he grows up. If he grows up.)
“What are you doing?” Aladdin asks, when Jay sways on his knees and slumps forward, hands out, bracing against the barrier. Instead of responding, he bows his head and breathes raggedly for a second, then kneels back and fumbles for his pockets. He pulls out a set of worn-looking lockpicks and carefully pushes them as close to the bars as he can. “Jay,” Aladdin says again, sharper. “What are you doing?”
“S’okay,” Jay slurs. “M’okay with this.”
(His friend Evie designs all the clothes for their group so they always look like they’re matching. Jay likes that everyone who sees them will know they’re a package deal. He says Mal is their eyes, their leader. Evie is the heart and Carlos is the brain. He puffs up with pride when he calls himself the hands. On the isle, when Jafar made him steal to earn a place to sleep at night, he would sometimes hold onto the best scores and give them as gifts instead. He says it was always worth the night on the street, to be able to give something nice to one of his friends.)
The barrier over the cell crackles warningly when Jay presses against it, cutting into his hands and wrists with sparks of red, and he whines but doesn’t pull away. Frantic, Aladdin presses against the bars, trying to catch Jay’s eyes. “The servant’s tunnel,” He shouts, and bangs against the bars like he used to bang on the walls of his hideout, to try and scare away the rats that would come creeping around. “Go get help, Jay. You need to get help.”
Jay shakes his head, unsteadily, and keeps feeling over the barrier like he’s looking for weak points. He says, “It’s okay,” and only that, over and over again. “I’m okay, I'm okay with this. It’s okay.” 
He does... Something, something Aladdin can’t explain. The barrier ripples and solidifies into a hazy red film in the air. Jay’s good eye is glittering like polished obsidian, strange and familiar. Of course. Jafar is a sorcerer, of course Jay has magic. It shimmers over his skin like gold dust.
“It’s not fucking okay,” Aladdin shouts, over the sound of his own blood rushing through his ears and the awful crackling of the barrier as it does it’s job, fighting back against being broken. More blood joins the puddle around Jay’s legs. The mess on his face isn’t dripping sluggishly anymore. It’s pouring out of him, like it’s been thinned, soaking down the front of his shirt and dripping from his swollen-closed eye and coating the hands he has raised against his father’s spell. It, too, is glittering. Jay’s magic shines like the inside of the Cave of Wonders. It’s pouring out of him like sand from a broken glass. “Jakeem ibn Jafar, you stop right now!”
He doesn’t realize he used his dad voice until after it’s already echoing off the walls. Jay seems shocked, either by his tone or by the volume. He falters for a moment, peering up at Aladdin through his good eye. For a second, Al feels hope.
Then Jay smiles, crooked and shaky and wrong. “Huh,” He says, and closes his eyes.
And then there is light. Gold, then red, then gold again. The barrier explodes outwards, trying to destroy whoever is attacking it, but Jay’s magic meets it head on and tears it to shreds. With a sound like a small explosion, the spell is broken. 
Aladdin stays hunched on his knees for five shaking breaths. Ten. Fifteen. His ears are ringing, his eyes aching from the blinding flash. Around him, everything is silent. He doesn’t open his eyes. Blindly, he reaches out and feels the shape of the bars, and the air beyond it, and the air beyond that. He slides his hand down one bar, onto the floor, near where the lockpicks should be. The stone floor is cold, and cold, and cold, until it isn’t anymore. His hand slides in something warm and slick. Aladdin gasps for breath, gags on the smell of iron and salt, and breathes through his mouth instead.
He finds the lockpicks a few inches farther out, smooth metal against his fingers. They jingle when he lifts them and rises to his feet, feeling for the keyhole to the bars. It takes him a moment of fumbling -- he’s out of practice, and on the wrong side of the lock -- but he manages to get the door to his cell open. The hinges creak. Aladdin breathes.
He can’t look down. It isn’t a matter of not wanting to -- of course he doesn’t want to see (the boy who snuck him food and water and flinched if Al moved too fast like he was afraid he’d be struck, the boy who turned against the father he was so afraid of to try and do the right thing, the boy who Jafar dragged bloody through the dungeon but refused to lie down and die, the boy who could have saved himself) the boy he failed, but that isn’t it. His neck physically won’t tilt down, his eyes won’t leave a spot on the wall right across from him. He tries, and tries again, and can’t look. 
(Jay was younger than Aladdin was when he met Jasmine, and he had scars on his back and on his hands, his fingers were all crooked from being broken and healing wrong. He shook all over when Jafar came for him but refused to make a sound and Aladdin sat there and did nothing for years while Jay starved and suffered. Aladdin sat there and did nothing while Jay died)
Aladdin looks down and finds himself staring right at Jay’s eye. It’s open, but it isn’t glittering anymore. He’s lying sprawled on the floor in front of the cell in a pool of his own blood, a sixteen year old boy who killed himself to save a man who abandoned him to his fate. A sixteen year old boy pimped out by his own father, a sixteen year old boy with scarred hands and haunted eyes, who liked to cook and stargaze and have sleepovers with his friends. 
With shaking hands, Aladdin reaches down and (hopeful, desperate) feels for a pulse. When he doesn’t find one (he didn't really think he would), he closes Jay’s eye as gently as he can, then turns and takes two shaking steps toward the hallway. Stops. Turns again.
Blood soaks quickly into his sleeves. Jay is heavy in his arms, but Aladdin shifts his grip and refuses to drop him. He carries the corpse of the boy he killed and makes his way towards the servant’s tunnel. 
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bunny-lou · 4 years
Random trivia time!! Not sure if anyone cares but hey. I know snake jay is more to do with Jafar than anything but I just remembered there was an episode in the Aladdin tv series where this cat goddess (can't remember her name or her grudge off the top of my head) tricked Jass into using some magic lotion to turn her into a Naga and they had to quest for a special fruit to cure it. It got weird in some parts and Al got poisoned by her on accident but that's 90's after school toons for ya.
Oooh, interesting! Send this to @hersilentlanguage, who wrote the snake!Jay piece!
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
Does the Descendants fandom collectively have last names for the kids? I know Harry's last name is Hook, and obv Carlos's last name is de Vil, and fanon seems to suggest that Evie's last name (by popular demand) is Grimhilde (?), but what about everyone else, esp those who don't have canon last names at all, including the aks?
Hello, Anon! There are definitely some unofficial surnames that the fandom has (more or less) collectively agreed on. Some have been popularized through the tags (like #evie grimhilde), but there are variations I've seen mentioned more than once as headcanons.
Evie Grimhilde - This surname is based on the Evil Queen's name (Queen Grimhilde) in some old Disney canon publications.
Evie Queen - This one comes off like a pun, but it's plausible since "Evil Queen" is the only name E.Q. goes by in Descendants canon.
Mal Bertha - I'm including this because it could be argued that Mal doesn't have a surname, so just uses her middle name as needed.
Mal Moorland (or Moors) - Referring to Maleficent's kingdom.
Mal Fae (or Fairy/Faerie/Faery) - Simple species-based name.
Jay - No last name. I've seen this as a plot point in some fics for just Jay, specifically. The reactions to it can be interesting to explore.
Food for thought from @lsleofthelost:
just a comment, in Arabic names “al” means from. so, if a person was born in Riyadh, you could say “al Riyadh”. for Jay, you could argue that it’s possible for him to have “al Agrabah”, though i use “al jazirat aldaayiein” (roughly translates to lost island), since he was born on the Isle of the Lost. if you want to use a patronymic, you would use “ibn” or “bin”. so, “Jay ibn Jafar” - “Jay son of Jafar”
Uma Triskelion - I'm not sure where this one originates, but it refers to the triple spiral symbol, so I assume it's a nod to the Sea Three and, of course, might also evoke the idea of water aesthetically.
Gil LeGume - This is taken from Gaston's originally planned surname in Disney canon. As I understand, it's never actually been used, but it's the closest thing we have to canon, so it makes sense for Gil.
Ben Florian - Off the top of my head, "Florian" is Ben's canon middle name. I've seen it used as a surname for him and his parents, though.
Ben Beast - It's a little clunky, but I've seen this used occasionally.
Audrey Rose - I can't remember if "Rose" is canon in Descendants. It can definitely be taken as implied canon based on her mother, Aurora (aka Briar Rose). I've seen it used variously as a middle or surname.
Li Lonnie - This one is implied canon since her father is Li Shang.
Jane Fairy - Just a simple species-based name I see around a lot.
Chad Charming - Based on his father, Prince Charming.
Doug Dwarf - Another species-based name I've seen around, though not as much as others (to be fair, I don't seek out content with Doug, so there may be some better options that I haven't encountered).
If anyone has alternative headcanons, feel free to add on. <3
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hitchell-mope · 6 years
Descendants and the good place
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lsleofthelost · 5 years
They first meet when they are not much more than just street rats, just ten years old. He is the first one brave (or reckless) (or desperate) enough to try to lift something from her. She is definitely not the first one to put blade on his jugular for it.
And...okay, it’s like this: he feels the familiar cool of a knife on his neck, the strain in his arm where she grabbed him and the way his knees sag, because she is pulling him down, to her eye level. Jahid hates that he thinks (hopes) that she’ll kill him. He’ll be revived, of course, because there is no escaping the isle, but by then all his haul will be taken by freeloading rats. All he can think about is that after he deals with this, he’ll need to find a place to spend the night.
Her words shock him from that particular spiral though. “That was wicked,” she’s smiling that Isle half-smile, “show me how you did it and I’ll let you go.”
And well, that’s a deal of a lifetime. “Return the bracelet and I’ll show you, little girl.”
She presses the knife harsher to his throat, and a drop of blood rolls down his neck. Her sharp teeth glint. “You are in no position to make demands.” The girl probaly wanted to say that phrase for way too long. But just because it’s a cliche, it doesn’t mean it’s not real and she won’t slit his throat in this filthy alley.
“Relax, baby fae, I’ll teach you.”
“We’re the same age.” She removes the knife from his neck, but it is still pointed in his direction. “The name’s Mal.”
“I know. I’m Jay.”
They are eleven, and they have an alliance of sorts. He is a loner and she runs with Mad Maddy and Uma. But still, they don’t lift shit off each other and they teach each other tricks sometimes (pickpocketing, fighting, running).
They are twelve, and they begin to trade junk they don’t need for junk they need between each other. One morning she comes to their spot with a clearly broken leg and, for some reason, he takes the time bandage it as properly as he knows, instead of taking advantage of the situation like he should. She invites him to hang with her, Uma and Maddy.
They are thirteen, not quite mature enough to terrorise anyone beside their peers. Uma doesn’t run with them anymore, Maddy hasn’t been seen for months and it’s just Jay and Mal. He likes it better this way. They don’t spend too much time together, because what are they, friends?
They are fourteen, and that’s when it all changes. Jahid’s head is hazy and all he can do is crawl because even revival couldn’t heal most of his injuries (the staff is heavy) and he drags himself to their spot. She’s there, oh thank Gods, she’s there. Mal’s eyes flash vivid green when she takes him to the roof of the building they are close to. He offers her jewels and daggers and anything: “Just make it stop, kill me or something. If I die again it will be easier.” She leaves him on the roof and doesn’t say a word.
He probably deserves that. He betrayed many. Jahid can see Auradon from where he is half-sitted. It’s disgustingly beautiful, clean and sparkling. He wants it to burn. For a moment, he can’t even bring himself to hate Mal, who saw him so vulnerable and left, because his hate of Auradon is so all-encompassing.
But she returns, with potions and bandages and a new necklace of bruises. She cleans his cuts and says nothing. Mal takes heavy breaths now and then but he can’t tell if it’s because she wants to say something or it’s just that she can’t breathe properly. She is setting his right leg when she finally breaks the silence.
“Jay, look at me,” her voice is wet with tears. “I- You won’t escape this shithole by leaving a beautiful corpse, okay? We, you and I, we will be so rotten the whole Isle will fear us! And then, and then we will find a way out of here and we will kill everyone who stands in our way. We will kill them and they will stay dead. We will burn the Mainland. But it’s you and I, okay? It’s you and I.”
She is holding his hands in hers and when Jay looks down, he sees that she is wearing that cheap snake bracelet she stole from him when they first met. And it’s like, paradigm shift, in that moment he can see a future where he isn’t miserable and hungry all the time. He nods and smiles weakly because that’s all he can muster.
Nothing is ever same since then.
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jadedvampiress · 4 years
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when prince ben invited four children of the isle to come study at auradon, he never anticipated the trouble he was getting himself into. from fairy godmother’s wand nearly being stolen by maleficent, to him being abducted by a group of pirates. but, still, he wouldn’t have changed a thing.
it came as no shock that just a year later, he would open auradon’s doors to even more children of the isle. the long since banished children of villains were welcome, should they want to accept the invitation, to come and study at auradon prep. however, that came with a whole new slew of troubles.
mirror, mirror, on the wall, between good and evil, where will you fall?
1. to join, please submit the follow application HERE.
2. please be active! i don’t expect you to be on every day and every night, but group verses thrive on activity.
3. be respectful of your fellow roleplayers. we’re all here to have fun, but please, keep ooc drama out of the verse.
4. this verse is a disney verse, with potentially young characters. if the character isn’t 18+, please steer clear of nsfw things.
5. you’re welcome to play as many characters as you can juggle.
6. track these tags: WYWGROUP & WYWBIOS
7. please post a short bio/bullet point fact sheet about your character after joining the verse.
8. this group verse will feature a bi-monthly plot drop open to all characters, to keep things interesting. 
9. please be mutuals with @jadedvampiress upon applying.
jade dear, 18, daughter of aunt sarah, auradon-born, fc: giorgia whigham | @jadedvampiress, hales, she/her
beth phillips, 18, daughter of sid phillips, isle-born, fc: marlo kelly | @missamericanaed
hales, she/her
audrey rose agrabah, 20, daughter of aladdin & jasmine, auradon-born, fc: naomi scott | @missamericanaed, hales, she/her
emma carstairs, 18, daughter of a neverland mermaid, isle-born, fc: gabriella wilde | @missamericanaed | hales, she/her
noah czerny-tatou, 18, son of colette tatou, auradon-born, fc: willem de schryver | @missamericanaed, hales, she/her
josette darling, 18, daughter of wendy darling, auradon-born, fc: kaylee bryant | @restingpout, kt, she/her
evie grimhilde, 19, daughter of the evil queen, isle-born, fc: sofia carson | @fairestblue
kt, she/her
hero costas, 20, son of hercules & megara, auradon-born, fc: froy gutierrez | @herocules, kt, she/her
julian blackthorn, 18, son of mad hatter, isle-born, fc: daniel sharman | url here, kt, she/her
theresa “tessa” florian, 23, daughter of belle & the beast, auradon-born, fc: adelaide kane | @induro leyla, she/her
lydia atlantica, 19, daughter of ariel & eric, auradon-born, fc: holland roden | @induro, leyla, she/her
hope hook, 18, daughter of captain hook, auradon-raised, fc: jenny boyd | @induro, leyla, she/her
mal bertha, 20, daughter of maleficient & hades, isle-born, fc: dove cameron | @induro 
leyla, she/her
aelin galathynius, 27, daughter of cinderella & prince charming, auradon-born, fc: tabrett bethell | @induro, leyla, she/her
tyler lockwood legume, 20, son of gaston, isle-born, fc: michael trevino | @galaxiqs
court, she/her
theo ashdown fitzherbert, 18, son of rapunzel and flynn, auradon-born, fc: matt cornett | @galaxiqs , court, she/her
jay al farzi, 20, son of jafar, isle-born, fc: booboo stewart | @galaxiqs 
court, she/her
ronan lynch, 19, son of facilier, isle-born, fc: keith powers  | @galaxiqs court, she/her
christopher “gansey” robin iii, son of christopher robin, auradon-born, fc: nick hargrove | @mythborne, holly, she/her
ricky bowen robin, 17, son of christopher robin, auradon-born, fc: joshua bassett | @galaxiqs, court, she/her
sirius black mim, 20, son of madam mim, isle-born, fc: tom welling | @theblackfamilysheep, courtneé, she/her
harry hook, 20, son of captain hook, isle-born, fc: thomas doherty | @wickedbledashley, she/her
ben florian, 20, son of belle & the beast, auradon-born, fc: mitchell hope | @crownedbled, ashley, she/her
chauncey chernabog, 21, son of chernabog, isle-born, fc: bill skarsgard | @ilysian  kenna, she/her
chrysanthemum springwater, 20, daughter of the spring sprite & chernabog, auradon-born, fc: india eisley | @ilysian, kenna, she/her
slade king, 25, son of the horned king, isle-born, fc: andy black | @ilysian kenna, she/her
hayden hadesson, 21, son of hades, isle-born, fc: bryan dechart | @ilysian  kenna, she/her
cassidy rose, 18, granddaughter of the enchantress, isle-born, fc: elizabeth olsen | @crackedmxgic, jules, she/her
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