#jade nguyen i will protect you
wallyslinda · 4 months
i'm anti several popular (fanon mostly) ships that my favorites are part of... this is just me keeping track
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lacrimosathedark · 4 months
hey!!!i just wanted to know what is your lian harper?and cheshire?and roy? i personally love them what about you
I'm guessing your asking my opinion on them?
I love Roy Harper. He's been through so much and struggled and been treated like shit but damn if he doesn't do his best to be the best dad ever. Man turned his life around entirely when he learned he had a kid and I genuinely love that for him. And when he's not written by dickbags he's also just so sweet as a whole while still acting like a cocky asshole and I love that about him.
Lian is a fucking angel, she's so sweet and pretty funny sometimes, and now she can kick ass and has blue hair and tats. Hell yeah. Love her. I also admittedly love the idea of heroes having kids. It makes stories so interesting, especially if you can get the kid's perspective. And gosh, little Lian also just loved her daddy so much it breaks my heart sometimes. At like not even 4 she could tell her dad was consistently depressed and didn't want to sleep and leave him alone I love her so much.
I hate Cheshire with the passion of a thousand suns. Jade Nguyen is a cold-blooded killer who actively enjoys the suffering she causes, takes pleasure in poisoning and murdering people, and not even her immense love for her daughter is enough to make her stop. To me, she is the worst fucking thing possible; a genuinely loving and not awful parent who is an unforgivably awful person. Lian's gonna have to face that eventually, and it won't be pretty. Unless they change Jade's entire character in an attempt to redeem her.
But last time Cheshire played anti-hero and protected Alleytown, not even a week later she tried to kill Jason and was talking about how she'd wanted to for a long time and was having a blast with it. She is irredeemable to me. Fuck her (but not literally that's caused historic changes in reality)
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remosdeerica · 8 months
Summary: Jade has brought Lian to the only person she could think of to protect her now that Roy is dead: Damian al Ghul.
[Context: this is set in my AU where Damian has adopted a bunch of Villain's kids. The 11yr old mentioned is Zoe Lawton.
TW: there are allegations to postpartum depression and abortion but nothing explicit.]
"You can't be serious. Nguyen, this is insane."
"There is no one else. She is not safe with me."
Damian took a sharp breath through his nose in frustration as he stared Cheshire down. She looked ragged. Tired in a way he had never seen her before, though unless you had known her for as long as he had you would never be able to tell.
In her arms was a bundle. Small, wrapped in a pink fuzzy blanket. Damian knew what that bundle was, and as he had just stated, it was asinine for her to have brought it to him of all people.
"What about, Queen? If the child is truly Harper's like you claim her to be, would it not make more sense for her to be with her adopted Grandfather?" Damian tried to reason.
Jade gave him a hard look. "Do you truly wish me to entrust the safety of my only child to Oliver Queen?
Okay, Damian could at least concede that Queen being given access to an infant was a horrible idea. Especially so fresh after he and Canary have split for what he assumed was the umpteenth time.
"I just don't understand why you would bring her to me. I can not be your first choice."
"Of course not," Jade snapped. "My first choice is dead."
Damian could admit he felt a modicum of guilt at invoking the thought of Roy Harper's demise. Especially as he was seemingly to be given the privilege of being the first to meet his daughter, when by all rights it should have been him.
"You aren't even my second choice," she continued.
"Who was?"
"Todd?" Damian asked.
It would make sense, he supposed. From what he understood he, Harper and Jade had all had some form of… arrangement. Harper being the focal point. Damian had only witnessed Jason and Harper together once, but they had looked so disgustingly in love that he made sure to never have to be in the same room with them again, if he could help it.
Grimly, he thought that would no longer be a problem.
But the problem with Jason being her second choice is that shortly before Harper's death, he and Father had some falling out in regards to the Penguin and he went off grid. Damian wasn't even sure if he knew his lover was no longer living.
"Yes, Jason." She said, "but though hard as I try I can not find him."
Damian sighed. "I'm not surprised. When Todd wants to disappear he makes sure that even Father can't find him. But I still don't understand the logic of me being your third choice."
Jade laughed bitterly. "Do you not understand, Little Prince?"
Damian winced. She had not called him that since they had been in the League.
"You are not my third choice. You are my only choice. There is no one else. I have no one else to trust."
The pair shared a long look amidst the silence of the cold night air.
"The Justice League would help you, Jade." He said, softly. It was not often he showed others this kindness. But he knew deep in his bones the hysterical and bitter feeling of having no one to trust. No one to rely on. It was part of the reason he had gone about collecting his little band of misfits. So at least he could be someone to trust, even partly.
Jade scoffed as she tightened her arms around her daughter.
"Please," she spat. "Like they protected Roy? Or Jason? Or you?
Damian had to look away from her glare.
"The Justice League can not even protect their own children! I can not- will not- entrust them to protect mine."
"But why me?" He shouted, demanding to know what the woman was thinking. "I'm seventeen. I live with a handful of other teenagers and an eleven year old. We don't even stay in one place for more than a few weeks. Not to mention that said eleven year old is also being hunted because of her connection to her father. Your child will not be any safer from your enemies with me, Jade."
"Perhaps not. But she will be safe from me."
Damian felt a growing sense of unease as he saw a deep hollowness take over Jade's eyes. He didn't have to wait long for her to elevorate.
"Sometimes she just… cries. And cries and cries and one night I- I almost- I could have-" she took a shuddering breath. Damian had never seen her this shaken. " I thought I could do this. I thought I could love her enough to be what she needed. But I'm not… I'm not built for this. For the… softness that she needs. It's just not in me."
Damian felt his heart twinge as he watched a single tear trickle from her eye.
"I tried. We're she anyone's but his… I would have terminated. But I… I couldn't bear to bring myself to kill the last part of him that remained in this world. I tried for her, for Roy, but… I'm just not built to take care of anyone but myself."
Damian opened his mouth to say something. What, he didn't know. But he felt she deserves to hear something.
She, however, interrupted him.
"But you are," she said, her voice nearly more than a whisper. Then stronger, " I have known you since you were a boy. I have witnessed you in many parts of your life. And what you have always demonstrated, without ever giving it conscious thought, is your ability to care for those you consider under your protection. Those you consider your own."
"My brother's would very much disagree with you."
Her lips twitched upwards. "You are a good man, Damain al Ghul. You always have been. Even all those years ago. I know that you will guard my child with your life. And that you will take the life of others in her defense, should you find it necessary."
Damian felt his shoulders sag in defeat.
"I still don't think this is a good idea. What exactly is your plan?"
Knowing she had won, Jade drew her shoulders back.
"Find Jason," she said, authoritatively. "He is who she has left now."
"And if he won't take her? Or if… he can't?"
"Do whatever you have to do to keep her safe."
Damian sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time that night. "I supposed that's all I really can do."
He lifted his arms towards her to take the child.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
The Flames That Burn The Brightest
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans (Fab Five), Arrowfam
Summary: Donna Troy is working as a teacher at a high school, and to her surprise, she comes face-to-face with an old flame who just so happens to be the new guidance counselor.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Lian Harper, Garth of Shayeris, Dick Grayson, Wally West
Relationship(s): Past DonnaRoy, Past CheshRoy
Additional Tags: Teachers AU, No Powers AU, Donna Troy-centric, Platonic Soulmates Dick & Donna, Parent Roy Harper, Lovers to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Fluff, Reunions
Chapter One: Sunlight (Donna's POV)
Roy arranged flowers in my hair for a picture once. He leaned over me, chuckling as he worked. His wheezy laugh was grating to most, but it made me smile. Actually, it made me laugh. “Roy, please don’t make a d—.”
“Lay still, you’re gonna mess it up… And stop breathing on me. It tickles,” Roy warned me as he wheeze-laughed. And no, it wasn’t asthma. It was more—. It was a snicker. A raspy snicker. He smelled great. It was probably the best he ever smelled since I knew him. Notes of something baked and sweet complemented by a smoky wood. I pulled his shirt to my nose, and he leaned backward on his knees. Smiling. His mouth formed cute parenthetical folds on freckled canvas. Roy was sunlight.
“Roy, we’ve been here an hour—.”
“I’m almost done. Trust the process,” Roy whispered. His voice seemed more serious at that point. “Donna, you said you already set your Polaroid—?”
“You’re done?” I asked. He nodded and stood over me with his camera. “How do I look?”
“Like a goddess,” Roy whispered, and I felt my cheeks redden as I shut my eyes. Roy snapped three pictures before kneeling beside me and removing the flowers. “Do you have a brush?”
I laughed and shook the rest of the flowers out of my hair as I sat up. “Roy, you’re stalling. Let me see—.” He held them to his chest, protecting them from me. “What? What is it?”
“Donna, if you don’t like them, would it be weird if I kept them anyway?” Roy asked. I gently pried the pictures from his hands, and the flowers spelled out I-L-Y in my hair. I looked at him, and he rubbed the back of his neck.
I laid my head on his shoulder. I was speechless, and he didn’t expect anything, but I wish I said something that day in the field. Roy was like that. He loved and never expected to be loved back. That’s what made him special to me. I could never say what I wanted to, but he didn’t force me to try. Roy pressed kisses to the side of my face and my neck. “Roy,” I whispered.
“You’ve gotta go away… I know you do, but I want you to know I’ll wait for you if you want me to,” Roy whispered.
It felt selfish to make him wait for me, but I couldn’t look at him and tell him to go. I couldn’t speak. I wish I could’ve said something, but my throat ached. I kissed him, and I think he knew. “Let me keep one picture,” Roy whispered. I nodded, and Roy returned to my cheeks and neck. I craned into his touch but could feel his pain through my flesh. It hurt, but I needed him close. I pulled him in by his shirt, and he shook his head. “Wait… Wait, I’m shaking.” Roy pulled away from me, and I turned to him. I reached to touch his arm, and he stood up. “Let me take you home before I say something dumb—.”
“You can say whatever you want, Roy. I won’t get mad,” I whispered as he took my hand and helped me stand. “Roy? Please?”
“I want ya to go. I do. Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t wanna—. I wanna—. Come on, let me take you home,” Roy sighed. He seemed irritated. Not with me, but the temperature between us changed. “You’ve got packing to do, Princess.”
His smile disappeared, and I held onto his hand, desperately squeezing for the warmth and safety it offered only moments ago. I held onto him like a child holding onto a teddy bear. “Roy, are you mad at me?” I asked.
“No, I could never—. I’m a little mixed up right now, but I’ll be okay. This is your big moment, Donna, and I’ve got a present for you back at your place,” Roy whispered, “I’m sorry… I’m gonna miss you a ton. I guess-. It didn’t feel real until today.”
He opened the door for me, and we stared at each other for a while. I wanted him to ask me to stay. I know that sounds cliche, but I hoped he would at least try. Or hell—. I don’t know. I wish he would’ve asked to go with me. We drove to my place in silence, and when I got to the door, I wanted to say everything I’d held inside—. “Surprise!” they yelled. I backed into Roy, and he offered a gentle push toward our friends.
Dick punched Roy’s shoulder. “Hey, chump, what took you so long?” Dick half-joked. Roy forced a smile.
“I had to take a quick detour to spend time with my favorite girl,” Roy replied as he slipped into the crowd. Everyone seemed so happy for me, but I couldn’t help but feel lonely.
The night droned on, and I slipped into my bedroom for a break before running into Roy. He sat on my bed with a gift box on his lap. “Roy—.”
“I know you don’t like people in your room, but I’m—. I thought you’d make an exception this one time,” Roy smiled as he gave me the box. I carefully unwrapped my gift and smiled. A plush lamb in a replica of my first drama class costume. I held it close to my chest. “I know we’re a little old for that stuff, but I—.”
I embraced him, and then there was silence. Then there was longing. Then there were lips… My lips against his warm, peach-fuzzy cheeks. Then there were lips. His lips against mine. And his scent was sweet and smoky, luring me in. I kissed his neck, and he laughed his wheezy laugh. “Donna, the party—.”
“Will you stay until after they’re gone?” I interrupted. He lifted my chin with his knuckle.
“Well, I’ve got a lot of free time with Ollie gone, so I don’t mind waiting around tonight,” Roy grinned. We partied that night, and after everyone left, Roy curled up in my bed and reached for me.
We were quiet. It was so quiet it scared us when the bed made a noise… or Roy bumped into the wall. He was gentle. “This is goodbye, isn’t it?” Roy whispered afterward. I frowned. “Maybe one day it’ll be hello again… But we’ll always be friends, right?”
“Nothing will change that,” I replied. Roy was sunlight. Far too bright to look at. Hot to the touch. He cried that night. He waited until he thought I was asleep, but I heard him. I didn’t speak because I didn’t want to hurt his pride. Still, I wish he would’ve come with me. I wondered if we would’ve stayed together if he’d simply asked to come along. I would’ve said yes. I would’ve done anything to make space for him there.
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richincolor · 1 year
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Title: She is a Haunting Author: Trang Thanh Tran Genres: Horror, Contemporary, LGBTQIA Pages: 352 Publisher: Bloomsbury YA Review Copy: Received eARC via NetGalley Availability: Available 28 February 2022
Summary: When Jade Nguyen arrives in Vietnam for a visit with her estranged father, she has one goal: survive five weeks pretending to be a happy family in the French colonial house Ba is restoring. She’s always lied to fit in, so if she’s straight enough, Vietnamese enough, American enough, she can get out with the college money he promised.
But the house has other plans. Night after night, Jade wakes up paralyzed. The walls exude a thrumming sound, while bugs leave their legs and feelers in places they don’t belong. She finds curious traces of her ancestors in the gardens they once tended. And at night Jade can’t ignore the ghost of the beautiful bride who leaves her cryptic warnings: Don’t eat.
Neither Ba nor her sweet sister Lily believe that there is anything strange happening. With help from a delinquent girl, Jade will prove this house—the home her family has always wanted—will not rest until it destroys them. Maybe, this time, she can keep her family together. As she roots out the house’s rot, she must also face the truth of who she is and who she must become to save them all.
Review: [SHE IS A HAUNTING is a horror novel that involves a lot of body horror, insects, and colonialism. Please check the author’s website for a full list of content warnings.]
SHE IS A HAUNTING, Trang Thanh Tran’s debut, has so many of the elements I love in a horror book: family secrets, past wrongs, compelling descriptions, and a desperation to protect people you love. Trang does a fantastic job of allowing the dread to collect around Jade in an uneasy slow burn that kept me turning pages, worried all the while that Jade wouldn’t realize how much everything was escalating until it was far too late. (The body part interludes were delightfully creepy and incredibly worrisome.) There were so many complicated and intertwined layers of what was happening (and had happened) inside the house, Nhà Hoa, that the reveals felt earned even if I had guessed some of them ahead of time.
I really liked Jade as the main character. She had nearly as many secrets as Nhà Hoa did, and having Jade uncover the house’s secrets while her own escaped her grasp was a great way for the story to unfold. Jade’s first-person narration was very well done, and I appreciated how much character Trang could pack into Jade’s internal thoughts and observations. There were some very lovely (and sometimes also horrifying) bits of prose in SHE IS A HAUNTING that helped establish Jade’s character in fantastic ways.
Sometimes romance can undercut the narrative in a horror story, but I very much enjoyed Trang’s development of Jade and Florence’s relationship. Jade and Florence served as foils for one another in many ways, and I looked forward to them falling for each other just as much as I looked forward to uncovering more about Jade’s family secrets and learning about what had happened in Nhà Hoa. Where Ba’s character had to be kept more mysterious to preserve tension and Lily’s served more as the person Jade had to protect, Florence was the one Jade could be messy and honest with—and be believed when things started going very wrong.
There’s so much going on in SHE IS A HAUNTING regarding colonialism in Vietnam, diaspora feelings, and identity, but a lot of it I can’t talk about without going deep into spoilers. I’ll just say that this book grapples with big, important ideas, and the author used horror to better explore them. That kind of complicated exploration is one of the strengths of good horror, and Trang did a great job of it.
Recommendation: Get it now, especially if you are a horror fan. Trang Thanh Tran’s debut novel is filled with secrets, past wrongs, and the repercussions of colonialism. Jade’s struggles to sort out her present while she tries to unravel the secrets of Nhà Hoa make for a tense, compelling read. SHE IS A HAUNTING (and its haunting prose) is going to stick with me for a long time.
Extras: Revealing She Is a Haunting, the Atmospheric Horror Debut From Trang Thanh Tran
Four Questions for Trang Thanh Tran
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browneyesandhair · 2 days
Hey! It's ya girl! April Edition
I got no chill and a large obsession with a lot of things. So this year, I'm tracking it! Okay, so this year, is the year of recs! (you may have seen some of my posts, but I also have an extensive queue, so maybe not (check out the #recs on my page)). Running a little behind (it's already June, oops!)
Anyways, I've created a collection for this year overall and then also for each month! Let's check out April's stats -
Works read (&finished): 112
Fandoms (top 8):
1 - Bridgerton: 33
2 - Harry Potter: 28
3 - The Vampire Diaries: 16
4 - Young Justice: 15
5 - Les Miserables: 13
6 - Criminal Minds: 2
7 - Percy Jackson and the Olympians: 1
8- Merlin: 1
The rest didn't make the first drop down section of AO3, so oh well! Let's check in on relationships (top 8):
1 - Polin: 33
2 - Klaroline: 16
3 - Spitfire: 14
4- Enjolras/Eponine: 13
5 - Harmony: 9
6 - Hinny: 5
7 - Roy Harper/Jade Nguyen: 4
8 - Dick Grayson/Zatanna Zatara: 2
Quite a few recs that were reread/added to the list this month:
Harry Potter:
The Changeling by Annerb
Ginny is sorted into Slytherin. It takes her seven years to figure out why.
Sequels also read: pick it up, pick it all up and start again, we can still be, who we said we were, and in my head we do everything right
Six Pomegranate Seeds by Seselt
At the end, something happened. Hermione clutches at one fraying thread, uncertain whether she is Arachne or Persephone. What she does know is that she will keep fighting to protect her friends even if she must walk a dark path.
Sequels also read: Bouquet of Asphodels
Forever Means Forever by cocoartist
If she ever saw Unspeakable Number 37 again she would kill him with her bare hands: Hermione's research into the Veil has an unexpected side-effect. COMPLETE.
Les Mis:
It Is Not a Word Spoken by CrazyAce_n_PokerFace
*…I don't understand. You can't possibly be suggesting you were seriously trying to sext me.* She stares at his words and exhales slowly before typing, *And if I was…?* É/E Modern AU. The long-awaited sexting fic. Very NSFW. Dedicated to the wonderful samthenardier as a birthday gift. Title taken from the lovely poem "It Is Not a Word" by Sara Teasdale.
Radioman by Footloose
The reason SAS Captain Arthur Pendragon can't keep a communications specialist in Team Excalibur because none of them are good enough. And then Lieutenant Merlin Emrys gets assigned to his squad, and Arthur does everything he can to prove that Merlin isn't good enough, either. Except he is.
Returned for a Better Try (to Make a Better Time) by atypicalhypocrite
The Fire Lord’s blast is sharp and thorough. Still on his knees before his father, a thirteen year old dies instantly. Another Zuko, once teacher to the avatar and a Fire Lord himself, jolts into being in his place, and deals with the consequences. Timeline preservation nothing, he’s going to be a better Fire Lord this time, and start sooner.
Star Trek:
Ten Degrees Below Zero by kianspo
After a serious incident aboard a starship, Commander Spock is demoted and transferred to a remote base where he must now serve with other "undesirables." He adjusts to his new rank and duties, and, while the future does look bleak, he is not ready to give up on himself or Starfleet yet. There is work to be done and hope to be found, especially as he begins to get to know his new colleagues, particularly one intriguing engineering officer James Kirk...
The Vampire Diaries:
At Horizon's Edge by Cupcakemolotov
Sometimes when a girl goes on a shopping trip to pick up a new pair of boots at the local, and somewhat hostile, human space station, she accidentally aids and abets a prison break instead. What happens in the black really doesn't stay in the black.
The Umbrella Academy:
broken still you breathe (breathe, breathe, just breathe) by Eternal_Peace_is_Overrated
“He’s not coming,” Luther says impatiently. “Let's just get this over with.” “Who’s not coming?” The voice sounds behind them suddenly, and all of them startle and whip around in synchronization. “Klaus,” Luther hears himself say distantly. “You’re…here.” Four tilts his head, bringing his hand to his lips and inhaling deeply around the cigarette dangling between his fingers. When he exhales, the smoke curls around his head like a halo before drifting into the air. “Yeah, well, I would’ve gotten here sooner,” Four says around the cigarette. “But I just really didn’t want to.” *** Number Four shows up to the funeral three hours late with an iced latte in one hand and a cigarette dangling from the other. Or; Klaus fled the Academy the day they turned eighteen. He never looked back. Ten years later, their father dies. Number Four returns. And none of them quite know what to do with this new version of their black sheep brother. AKA: Klaus single-handedly stops the apocalypse. It really wasn't that hard, so if everyone could stop looking at him like that, that would be great, thanks.
Plenty Far To Fall by useyourtelescope
When financial troubles mean third-son Colin Bridgerton must cease his yearly travels and find employment instead, he has difficulty finding something suitable. Until he learns of a unique position being offered by the notorious gossip columnist Lady Whistledown.
Alright, that's all folks (mostly), for fun, here are the top 8 additional tags from the stories that I read in April:
AU - Modern Setting: 24
AU: 16
Smut: 14
Fluff: 10
Friends to Lovers: 10
AU - Canon Divergence: 9
Angst: 8
Explicit Sexual Content: 7
And, that's all folks (for real this time)!
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spiderben2011 · 2 months
Open Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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"So, you're the one who hired me, huh? Normally I work on missions that involve assassinating or stealing. Never body guarding someone," said Jade Nguyen aka Cheshire who was hired by your muse to protect her from being killed.
"Still, for the amount of money you're offering. I suppose it'll do," said Jade as she crossed her arms and walked over to your muse. "So, who do I need to protect you from?"
((SFW RP))
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
assuming dick takes care of damian in e82 when he first comes to the manor (?) how will this differ if you’re adding anastasia al ghul into the mix? or just the damian origin story in general
i know i spelled her name wrong shskshsjh oops
lmao you’re good, ik what you meant!
the biggest change with damian & athanasia is that while they’re both still angry children, their thread of softness is obvious from the beginning. they’re both desperately missing their mom and their primary caregiver, jade nguyen. and they’re both fiercely loyal to each other.
damian becomes robin v and athanasia becomes batgirl iii. damian considers attacking steph to prove he should be robin but athanasia convinces him otherwise, because she’s convinced if they attack, they will be hated.
dick does his best with the twin baby assassins, but truth is he’s having a terrible time. he’s 23 years old, his dad died, jason is off forming the first iteration of the outcasts, and tim is desperately searching the world for bruce. dick’s support system is still large, but he has to send steph, cass, and bette to his city to protect it while he can’t. luckily, he still has alfred, babs, and luke’s support. as well as the titans’ whenever they can spare the time.
damian learns to love visual art while athanasia falls in love with creating music, specifically with the piano and gu itar. they both grow very close to the adults in their lives as they learn how to fight without killing.
it mostly stays the same as in canon, except a bit softer.
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ao3feed-superbat · 4 years
Sensible madness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
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ao3feed-batlantern · 4 years
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
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youngjusticeslut · 4 years
You and I, Right or Wrong Chapter 3
Fandom: Young Justice Links: AO3 // FF.net Characters: Roy/Will Harper, Jade Nguyen Ships: CheshRoy/RedCat Summary: A collection of short drabbles centered around CheshRoy. Inspired by a Discord prompt challenge to get the writing flowing again. 
Prompt #3: You cannot believe you stand any chance to win.
Rating: T+ Word Count: 1,124 words Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters
It took thirteen months for Lawrence Crock to find her; if she wasn’t so annoyed that he’d managed, Jade would have congratulated herself on the new record.
“Don’t cause a scene,” he said, so calmly that no one passing would have been the wiser. Like the prick he was, he’d ambushed her as she was shopping for prenatal vitamins. Jade grit her teeth, wanting nothing more than to yank the kunai from out of the waistband of her jeans and right into his vital organs, but he was right. She was laying low, she couldn’t cause a scene even if she wanted to. And God, how she wanted to.  
Instead, she picked up a bottle of vitamins, avoiding her father’s gaze by reading the ingredients. “So, you found me. Congratulations.”
Lawrence shrugged, leaning against the tallest shelf. “I wouldn’t if your mother hadn’t told me about your little predicament. You messed up, Little Girl.”
“Clearly,” Jade muttered under her breath. “What do you want, Crusher? Come to gloat?” she asked, placing the vitamins in her basket. To her chagrin, Lawrence took them out, replacing them with a different brand.
“Your mom took these,” he explained, grabbing a protein bar from the shelf across and ripping it open. “The Shadows aren’t happy with you.”
“Neither are most people I interact with.”
Lawrence rolled his eyes, wagging the protein bar at her. “Don’t be cheeky. You betray them for the clone—”
“A momentary lapse in judgement. Ra’s understood.”
“I knew you were dumb, but I didn’t think you were an idiot.” When Jade scoffed, Lawrence grabbed her arm and gave her the look that still haunted her some nights. She knew this look. It was the same look he gave her when she failed to properly throw her first shuriken, or when she refused to fight her sister for the first time. After years of practice, her body tensed automatically, preparing for the punishment to come. “What are you going to do with this baby, Jade? Play mommy?”
Jade scowled, yanking her arm away with a ferocity that almost made her basket spill. “None of your concern,” she hissed, pulling her sweater down farther over her stomach. A woman entered the aisle, giving the two a look before brushing past to get to the vitamins. Lawrence straightened up, cleared his throat and nodded to a more secluded corner. If she refused, she knew he would be the one to make a scene, and that was the last thing she needed. So she followed.
“If you want to bother one of your daughters, go pick the other one,” Jade bit out. “I don’t need whatever well-intentioned advice you think you have to give me.” “When my other daughter joins the Shadows, betrays them, gets knocked up and vanishes off the radar, then I will,” he countered. “If I found you, so can they.”
“Wouldn’t count on it. I’m rather good at disappearing.” Jade turned, browsing through the canned goods and letting out a deep breath. The baby kicked her, almost as if it were concerned. Right. She was supposed to be avoiding stress, not engaging with it.
Lawrence shook his head, crossing his arms across his chest. “If they find out, they’ll kill you.”
“I’d like to see anyone try.”
“You aren’t as good as you like to think you are, Little Girl. And as much as I’d like you to get your ass handed to you, you idiotically brought a baby into the picture.”
Jade narrowed her eyes, clenching her first around the handle of her basket. “What exactly are you implying?”
“You really are an idiot.” Lawrence crumpled the empty wrapper in his palm, tossing it off to the side. “Don’t get too invested in this kid, Jade. You can’t believe you have any chance to win.”
It was rare that Jade felt at a loss for words. She always had something she wanted to say, and whether she did or didn’t depended entirely on her mood. Yet now was one of those times where she couldn’t find the words to say. Of course she knew the risk of keeping this child. She’d known it from the moment she’d seen the pink plus sign on the pregnancy test. The odds that this baby, her child, would live a normal life were slim to none.
Still, she wasn’t doing this for herself. It wasn’t about winning, not for her, anyway; this was for Roy. This baby gave her the drive she needed to pull in her chips, to find out the truth about Speedy. If the baby did that for her, what would it do for Roy? The child deserved better than what they currently had to offer her, which was why she had to fix things. Make things right. If she could do that, then that would be enough for her.
Jade straightened up, relaxed her shoulders. Her face fell into a calm facade, as if they were discussing anything but the possibility of her ultimate demise. “You said what you had to say. Now leave me be.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Lawrence made to grab her again but she moved away before he could.
“No one is going to lay a hand on her,” Jade swore, and she meant it. She’d make sure of it, by any means necessary.
Lawrence stared at her for a couple more moments before he nodded. “Fine. Do me a favor, though.” He reached into his pocket, pulling out a card, with a key taped to the back. “Go somewhere safe.”
“I don’t need your help.”
“You want to protect her, don’t you?” He shoved the card into her hand, closing her fingers around it. “It’s not that hard to track you down. Even if you avoid your old spots, they’ll go after your family. You want your sister to get involved in this? Your mother?”
Jade frowned, knowing that he was right; she really, really loathed when that happened. “Who’s place is this?” she asked, looking at the address written on the card.
“Does it matter? You’ll be safe there. No one will come looking.”
“I hope you’re not expecting a thank you.”
Lawrence rolled his eyes. “You’ve always been so ungrateful.” He glanced towards her stomach with a disdain that made Jade’s skin crawl, letting out a sigh. “You better take care of this, Little Girl. If this harms my rep, I’ll kill you myself.”
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lacrimosathedark · 4 months
Allow me to show you an example of why I loathe Jade Nguyen aka Cheshire.
So her first interaction with Lian since her childhood is in Catwoman, where she helped defend Alleytown during Fear State.
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This scene is in Catwoman 38, which was released on December 21 of 2021.
Cheshire then appears in Task Force Z 3 on December 28 of 2021 where all of that softness she shows Lian is fucking gone.
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Maybe two weeks after defending Gotham, acting as a hero, and actually introducing herself to her daughter who I have no doubt she loves dearly, here she is casually poisoning her allied henchmen and taking great joy in nearly killing Red Hood.
Even before this, in Batman Secret Files, we have the appearance that showed me how unrepentant she is.
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She's just having so much fun toying with him, and she's already killed the diplomats he was trying to protect from her. She's just...I Do Not Like Her.
And Jade acknowledges she isn't fit to be in Lian's life herself. In Detective Comics 1077, in a story fittingly titled Toxic Love, Lian turns up to her current residence with Solomon Grundy in tow after escaping captivity. This is Jade's internal monologue.
"You turn up on my doorstep bloody and bruised. You are exhausted and seeking help, and so I say-- "You'd better come in." I do not call you "daughter." We both know I do not have that right. But perhaps you have already become more like me than I ever wished for you. [...] You are uncomfortable inside my home. You should not be... It should have, by rights, been your home as well. I make tea with the hands that should have held you as you took your first steps. A month ago, I held a man's throat in these hands. I felt with my thumbs for his carotid, so the poison lacquered to my fingernails could reach his brain before his security forces could apply first aid. These were never hands fit for child-rearing. I'm sure you can see that. The day after I left you on the steps of a church, I killed a revolutionary and his wife in their bed. I did it quietly. So their son sleeping in the next room did not wake. So I could spare him. Before you were born, I would not have bothered. I remember fearing I had been contaminated by motherhood. That it had made me weak."
Jade Nguyen unmistakably loves her daughter. But she also unmistakably loves what she does. And what she does is kill people with various poisons. And Lian, before being dropped at a Gotham church, was raised by superheroes. Her dad is Arsenal, her godfather is Nightwing, she spent a lot of time with "Auntie Donna" and the other Titans, Ollie and Dinah adored her, Mia babysat her. She takes great pride in her family being heroes. Her mother is the antithesis of all of that.
Roy is known for loving things that are bad for him.
Jade herself is toxic. She is ruthless and cruel and only ever expresses any regret when Lian is involved. She bombed the entire country of Lian's babysitter. Lian was basically a toddler but she was so hurt. She loved her mom so much and was furious and so sad that her mother was hurting someone she cared about, killing people those close to her loved.
Jade Nguyen is not, has never been, and will never be a good person. Some people may find her an intriguing character, and tbh I probably would too were it not for Roy and Lian because I have an Alice obsession, I love cats, and poisons are fascinating. I'm not saying she's a bad character. I just hate her guts.
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remosdeerica · 3 years
Batshit AU Pt #2: The Grandkids
So I mentioned in the last post Batshit AU Pt. #1 that I cover Dick and Jason's kids but since I've been thinking (read: fantasizing) about the future of the Batfam I figured I'd just do a post with ALL the grandkids!
Just a heads up: this is a LONG post.
First we shall start with the Grayson's:
Mar'i and Jake (Jake is not my original name I've seen it pop up in other media- dunno if it's canon in any timeline but I'm going with it).
Mar'i Grayson: Mar'i is the biologically daughter of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r of Tamaran (aka Starfire). Kori is unknowingly pregnant after one last one-night-stand with Dick before going back to her home planet to take over as queen. Unfortunately, because of Kori's sister Komand'r (aka Blackfire) causing civil unrest to try and usurp the thorn from her, Tamaran becomes unsafe for Mar'i as she is Kori's only heir.
-Kor'i goes back to Earth with an infant Mar'i and begrudgingly hands her over to Dick so she can live with him and be safe from Blackfire.
-Kori of course visits while she can but has a lot of responsibilities on Tamaran. When Mar'i is older she is able to go back to Tamaran to visit her mother.
-A few years later when Dick and Barbra get married, Barbra officially adopts Mar'i. Seeing both Kor'i and Barbra as her mothers Mar'i decides so call Kori "Mama" and Barbra "Mom/Mommy".
Jake Grayson: don't have much of an exciting backstory for him. He was basically just an orphaned infant Dick and Barbra decided to adopt after his bio-parents had been murdered.
Now he have the Todd family:
Because I am a heartless monster I decided that since Roy died in the comics without any sign of Lian and Jason was pretty fucked up about it, I would have Jason adopt Lian because Roy wasn't round to take care of her. So this is basically what happened:
Lain Harper-Todd: 1 year or so after Roy's death, Jason is visited by Jade Nguyen (aka Cheshire) who is carrying an infant Lian. Jade explains that she hadn't realised she was pregnant with Roy's child until after he was already dead and since she is not ready to give up her life as an assassin she states that Lian is better off without her. She then asks Jason if he would be willing to take Lian in as Roy's former partner (read into that how you will).
-Jason agrees, and decides to hyphenate her last name Harper-Todd so that she will always have a piece of Roy with her even if he can't be there for her in person.
it's not that I don't think JayRoy is cute! It's just that I honestly I don't really picture Jason dating anyone in my mind and the thought of him being a single dad is just precious. I'm also allergic to OC's (of my own making) so I usually try to keep to characters that are at least canon in some timeline and Lian was the first to come to mind.
Also I'm a angst-hungry monster so...
Drake-Wayne/Dowd/McGinnis household:
Lol, this family has too many names.
I already went over Terry and Matthew McGinnis' backstory in Batshit AU Pt. #1 but if you are too lazy/ don't feel like reading it I'll try to make sure to cover the important details.
Terry & Matthew McGinnis: A few years down the road, Tim is the current Batman and married to Bernard Dowd (my new fave batship). One night on patrol he finds the boys hunkered down behind an garbage container and approaches them.
-Terry is extremely protective of his younger brother Matt and becomes immediately aggressive, swinging a baseball around and threatening Tim to leave them alone.
-Tim finds it admirable/endearing that Terry is willing to face Batman alone in order to protect his brother and tells him so. He then asks them where there parents and and Matt (trusting Batman) tells Tim that they were killed by the 'Bad Men' who are now looking for he and Tarry.
-Tim is worried for the boys safety and offers to take them to the Police, but Tarry only says that they already tried that and that there are spies in the GCPD who ratted them out to the 'Bad Men'.
-Tim figures out that the boys are in more danger then he first realized and takes them home with him in order to protect them.
-Tim eventually finds out about Project Batman Beyond, an experiment orchestrated by A.R.G.U.S. in order to create the perfect child to usurp the Cowl and give A.R.G.U.S and 'in' with the Justice League and the super-community as a whole. A part of this project is making sure the children are biologically Bruce Wayne's in order for them to also gain influence over Wayne Enterprises.
-Tim realizes that there is no real safe place that he can send the boys and after discussing it with his husband, Bernard, the two decide to adopt the boys.
I think this adoption story is one of my favourites. Especially because I find the idea of Bernard not at all being surprised by his husband brining home black-haired blue-eyes orphans, hilarious.
Bernard: I figured since you are now Batman it was only a matter of time.
Tim: >:(
Wayne-Kent situation:
DamiJon is one of my absolute favourite ships in existence. But since both boys are so young in canon my version of their future relationship truly is creature of my own design, I will explain them a little and then the kids. I'll be quick about it. Promise. (There is also a 2 part series I'm working on that goes into my version of events called "Jon and Damian" if anyone is interested. Jon's chapter is done but Damian's is still in the works).
Jon: he is the one that I really have to explain. I call my version of him "Dark-ish Jon" or 'dark ish jon' for the tags. For those of you who already know the deal (or don't really care) y'all can skip to the *** for the kids.
-basically Jon was kidnapped by Jon-El (Clark's Kryptonian Bio-dad) in order for Jor-El to mold Jon into the perfect weapon for his plan to conquer the universe. They have a machine that Jumps through various timelines so no one can find them, and Jon-El trains/tortures Jon for 2 years.
-Jon eventually discovers new powers that allow him to kill Jor-El and escape but he ends up spending the next several years trying to find his original timeline.
-He eventually meets the Legion of Superheroes that help him get home, but once he arrives home he realizes that for him it has been 7 years since he was kidnaped, but only 2 weeks for his family/friends.
-Because of this he and his family find it hard to adjust to the new situation and Jon ultimately decides to return to the Legion but visit occasionally.
Damian: Honestly I don't think I really have to explain much about Damian for y'all to get the kids but I do want you to know:
He has long hair
He has peirced ears
Possibly tattoos?
He's has more of a slim figure than Bruce's bulky one
He is a fashion icon and kinda has 'bitchy white girl' energy
Bacically he very pretty and looks a LOT like Thalia
And yeah. The two eventually reconcile after Jon is done moping in another timeline and they decide to retire from crime fighting and build a cottage/farm and live in peace.
Athanasia: So she is actually Bruce's bio-kid from the Injustice timeline. And for my AU she is still Bruce's biologically and she does recognize him as her father, but because she and Damian are 13/14 years apart and she knows him better she lives and defers to him as her caretaker. I shall explain:
-Athanasia was created by Thalia in a fit of madness after Damian's death. Because of what happened to Damian, and because Athanasia turned out to be a girl (and therefor Ra's would have no use for her), Thalia keeps the little girl locked away and a secret so that no one can harm her.
-Years pass and Athanasia has never seen the outside would. Eventually something happens (will depends on the Fic -because I will get around to writing this shit eventually) and Athanasia is given to Damian (the only other person Thalia ever told her about.)
-At this point Bruce is getting older and most of his current children already have their own kids, so both he and Damian agree that because Athanasia is mostly attached to Damian and doesn't really know who Bruce is outside of being her father, that she will live with he and Jon.
-Athanasia get's older and eventually meets another girl at her school named Carrie Kelley. The girls form a quick bond, Carrie's louder personality complementing Athanasia's more quiet one.
Carrie Kelley: being best friends with Athanasia leads to Carrie spending a lot of time over at her house. This allows Jon and Damian to get to know the girl and become quite fond of her.
-one night after a sleepover at Jon and Damian's house with some of their other friends, Carrie's father comes to the house drunk and carrying a shot gun. He accuses Jon and Damian of being pedophiles because of their sexual orientations and calls them a variety of homophobic slurs.
-It's his attempts at shooting Jon that leads to Carrie calling 911 and having her own father arrested.
-Because her mother had already left and Carrie only had her dad to take care of her, Jon and Damian offer her a place in their home and eventually adopt her along with Athanasia when the girls are teenagers.
So, yeah! That's it for now. I am absolutely obsesses with this AU. I just love the idea of Bruce deciding to take in Dick leading to him having an army of children and grandchildren so large that all family gatherings have to happen at the Manor because nowhere else is big enough.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Titans Academy
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans, Arrowfam
Summary: Grant struggles to accept his new reality when Roy takes him in and enrolls him in Titans Academy. He must adjust to life at a boarding school and life with his new foster family (Roy and Lian). Can he learn to trust the people who claim to care about him? Or will he shut himself off from love altogether?
Chapters: 4/?
Characters: Grant Emerson, Roy Harper, Bart Allen, Toni Monetti, Cody Driscoll, Lian Harper, Jade Nguyen, Audrey Spears, Tommy Blake Jr.
Additional Tags: Father-Son Relationship, Boarding School AU, No Powers AU, Found Family, Second Chances, Roy Harper is a Legal Guardian, Roy Harper is a Father, POV First Person, Grant Emerson POV, Autistic Bart Allen
Chapter Four: Group Therapy I
It felt like the day went on forever, but I still had to go to group therapy. Roy practically escorted me there. I didn't know any of the kids in my group from my other classes. They went around introducing themselves and saying what grades they were in. When they got to me, I introduced myself, but I forgot to say what grade I was in. "Hey, pay attention, Daddy's boy. You forgot to say what grade you were in," the first boy teased. I hated being talked to like that. "Cody—." "Fuck you," I replied. Cody grinned. "Hey, can we bring it back?" one of the other kids suggested. "It's nice to meet you, Grant... Try not to worry too much about what Cody has going on." "Roy's not my dad... I don't know my dad. And I'm a junior," I replied. "Cool-. I mean, the junior part. Not the part about your dad," she whispered. Once the group got back on track, the guy moderating started talking about family and conflict. "My mom was cool about everything, but she worried. I gave her a lot of reasons to worry, I guess. She didn't even tell me I was going here," Cody replied, "She just dropped me off... But I guess it was good that she did." "Sounds like she was trying to avoid conflict for herself, not for you," one of the girls mentioned. Cody softened, and he shook his head. "My mom's doing her best. What's bashing her gonna do?" Cody asked. He didn't seem argumentative or cocky anymore. That all faded away with a bit of criticism of his mom. I felt a little bit sorry for the guy. "At least she did something," I replied, "My—. I guess she's not even my mom... She never tried to help. She stood back, and she'd clean everything up after the fact. All she did was try to make me forget, but it wasn't to protect me. Do you know how bad that feels?" I realized I was talking about myself, and I sank down in my seat. Cody mouthed, "Thank you." I nodded in reply, but I felt weird sharing anything about my parents in front of strangers. Another kid jumped in and started talking about how his dad turned everything into an argument, and a few other kids shared. The guy moderating explained that there's a balance to conflict. Too little battle could prove to be as detrimental as too much. "A fear of disputes can look like complacency or a lack of consideration... While too much can make you feel like your guardians are nitpicking or that they simply don't appreciate you at all," the man whispered. We closed out, and Roy met me outside. He had tears in his eyes. "You okay?" I asked. Roy nodded. "It was a brutal end to the day, but I'll make it. Group's never easy," Roy replied, "How was your first day?" "I thought I was gonna hate it at first... But it wasn't that bad—." "Thanks for today, new kid," Cody whispered. Roy glanced at me and smiled. "Cody's thanking someone?" Roy questioned. He seemed impressed. "You're free to go for the next forty-five minutes, but I want you home by nine." I nodded, and Roy left me to wander the campus. Bart ran into me and offered for me to come back to his room to read comics. I took him up on his offer, but we mostly hung out. Bart talked the whole time, but I didn't hate it. At least he seemed happy. "Hey, Bart... Who's this?" I asked as I touched one of the pictures hanging on his wall. "That's my dad. He died when I was a baby," Bart replied, "And the other pictures are of my grandpa and grandma, my cousins, Wally and Jenni, and—." "You're a twin," I interrupted accidentally. Bart tensed up. "Where's your brother?" "I don't have a brother... I have a twin," Bart replied. I didn't know what he meant by that, so I didn't say anything else. I said goodnight, and I went home. Roy lay on the couch with his eyes closed. "You're early, you know," Roy whispered. He seemed exhausted. "What'd you do?" "Why does Bart hate his twin?" I asked.
"He'll tell you when he's ready," Roy replied, "Could I hear about your day?" I sat in his chair, linking my fingers over my chest as I stared at Roy. He lay still, eyes shut, but I knew he was listening. "It was alright... Am I allowed to talk about the group?" I asked. "You can talk about yourself but no one else," Roy replied. "The day was long, but I'm glad I don't have to talk about myself anymore this week. Am I allowed to hang out this weekend?" I asked. "Yeah. If you get through tomorrow the way you did today, you can go wherever. I think Garth is going to the beach or something... Donna's going bowling with whoever's down to go... And I'm doing movie night. Saturday, though, I'm not sure what we're doing. I'll probably take some of the kids hiking. I feel like I'm forgetting something important," Roy mumbled. He pulled a blanket over himself and stretched out. "You don't have to wake up at four tomorrow... But that's not what I'm forgetting." "Roy? Are you gonna sleep there tonight?" I asked. "Not sleeping, just resting my eyes... Thursdays are my tough days. I run a group just like everyone else, and sometimes it takes a toll... But I'll be okay by tomorrow," Roy reassured me. I rolled my shoulders back and went to the kitchen. I couldn't sleep when people seemed tense, so I made Roy some tea. He had a bunch of different kinds. Some stuff I'd never even heard of. After the kettle started whistling, I picked two packets with a picture of white flowers and what I imagined was a lemon. I set the teacup on a coaster and tapped Roy's shoulder. "I don't know how you like your tea... I just thought that-." Roy sat up and took a deep breath. I thought he'd chew into me for touching his stuff, but he leaned forward, hiding his face in his hands. "Thank you, Grant. That was really thoughtful," Roy whispered. He collected himself without a tear, but I could tell it was hard. It was weird. I'd only known the guy for three days, but it seemed like he knew me way longer than that. I wondered if he knew something I didn't or if he was like that with everybody. It felt good to finally come home at the end of the day, but I worried things wouldn't stay that way. If I learned anything from my parents, things are never what they seem.
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bonyarishitafuan · 4 years
10-80: Pursuit In Progress (111835 words) by tori1116 Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Red Hood/Arsenal (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), DCU, Batman (Comics), Batman: Under The Hood (Comics), Red Hood: Lost Days, Batman: Streets of Gotham (Comics), Batman and Robin Vol.1 (Comics), Young Justice - All Media Types, Green Arrow (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Past-Roy Harper/Jade Nguyen (Mentioned), Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Lian Harper & Roy Harper, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya - Implied, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel - Mentioned, Past-Essence (DCU)/Jason Todd, Past-Roy Harper/Other(s), Past-Jason Todd/Other(s) Characters: Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Professor Pyg (Lazlo Valentin), Scarlet (Sasha), Artemis Crock, Lian Harper, Renee Montoya, Harvey Bullock, Helena Bertinelli, Jade Nguyen, Arnold Wesker, Essence (DCU), Cassandra Cain, The Joker, Barbara Gordon, Grace Choi, Leslie Thompkins, Grant Emerson, James Gordon Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - Police, Alternate Universe - No Capes, but With As Much Dramas As The Cape World, and Probably Some Capes I Donno, Roy is a Detective, Jason is a Detective, and Also the Red Hood in The Before Part, Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Adaptation of Canon Events, Police Brutality from Det. Jason, Past Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Past Physical Traumas, Angst, Established Relationship at Present, Non-Linear Narrative, Workplace Relationship, Past Psychological Traumas, I don't really know how cops and lawyers work, Morally Ambiguous Character, Moral conflicts, Roy's only just known his daughter, The Joker is dead, Things Aren't Off To A Great Start, But They'll End Up Better Than How They've Started, Pre-52 Characterization, The Canon Roy Who is a Hero and a Buddy to Everyone, and a Total Slut, Crime Alley Kid Jason with His Controversy, cuz That's the Jason I Love, Artemis Is More Like Lian's Big Sis Than Her Aunt In Here, off-screen sex, Closeted Character, Bats Dysfunction, Mention of Teenage Drinking & Drug Use, Bisexual Character, Not a Love Story, Just a Story of Jason and Roy Each being The Hero of Their Own Story, while Mixing Up with Each Other and Being the Better for It Series: Part 2 of The Fuzz(y Logic) - The Jayroy Cop Drama Summary:
The prequel and also sequel of The Thin Red (Blue) Line, which can be considered as a standalone story and I don't think is really necessary to read first in order to know what's going on in here. You could read it anytime if you'd like to know more about this AU (which would be much appreciated), but if you don't want any spoiler, you could just leave it until this whole story is finished.
In a universe which is quite like the Pre-52 comicverse but without (or with a lot less) super people, instead of dressing as a Bat, Bruce has joined the law enforcement in order to protect his city from crimes and is now a police commissioner; "Under the Hood/the Red Hood" isn't so much as a Batman's story but a Jason Todd's story co-starring Roy Harper, who is a great many things: an orphan, a Navajo, a former junkie, a cop, a very good friend and partner, and also, a father (to be).
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scartetqueens2 · 4 years
Chapters: 31/31 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Hood: Lost Days, Batgirl (Comics), Green Arrow (Comics), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Justice League - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul, Joker, Red Hood, Batman, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Original Female Character(s), Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Roy Harper, Lian Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra’s al Ghul, Lady Shiva, Misty Copeland, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Dinah Lance, Diana (Wonder Woman), J'onn J'onzz, kal el, Clark Kent, Shayera Hol, Oliver Queen, Selina Kyle, Thomas Wayne Jr., Thomas Wayne, Martha Wayne, Harley Quinn, Dr Jonathan Crane, Pamela Isley, Harvey Dent, Edward Nygma, Ubu (DCU) Additional Tags: under the red hood alternate ending, Talia is a good mum, Batman is a poor dad, joker needs to die, like seriously DC, Violence, Suicide Attempt, Character Death, Assassins, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Panic Attack, Mental Health Issues, anger issues, Abandonment, damian is a good brother, The Red Hood Gang is badass, female ninjas, dick grayson is a dick, I love my female OC’s, they’re so about the family, it ain’t even funny, also Eshe and Sada will kick your arse if you’re mean to their Jason, drunken fun, Dancing, Drunk Dancing, Jason has a few beers and they go to his head, Roy is there, they remember the fun they used to have, mentions of underage fun in a club, Nothing Explicit Happens, Angst, Fluff, Eshe and Sada are there for Jason, they want to protect him, while also filming his drunk ass, family holiday, Damian and Lian become quick friends, Roy Harper is a good parent, Holiday, family trips, Ballet, Misty Copeland - Freeform, American Ballet Theatre, Child Abuse, forced drugging, Truth Serum, Bruce Wayne Being an Asshole, Medical Procedures, past child trafficking, Forced Labour, Poison, Don’t mess with the Terror Twins, or the Three Musketeers, Jason is so gay, Murder, Gun Violence, Mind Meld, Memories, Childhood, Rehabilitation, pet injury, dog injury, science is amazing, STEM needs more women, Forced Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Human Experimentation, Science Experiments Series: Part 6 of Reputation, Part 1 of Look What You Made Me Do Summary:
Red Hood watched as the Batmobile pulled into Crime Alley and Batman jumped out. He threw one of his throwing stars at the Bat and took off; he knew his ex-guardian would give chase. The condemned building he was aiming for was only five rooftops over and with all his training it was easy enough to get to without Batman catching up to him.
How everything going wrong on that night can actually result in everything going right for Jason.
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