#jackpot marinette
bigfatbreak · 23 days
So I'm starting to see a pattern here... What deal did Marinette make with the Changeling Tikii?
nothin at all. Tikki just likes her.
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lovysmtalks · 2 years
He Only Has Himself To Blame
Summary: Felix joins the akuma class, he's seeking revenge and wants to demask the sunshine persona Adrien has put on
Marinette is lost after getting her heart broken, bullied and dehumanised by her old friends, so she finds comfort in a certain blonde boy who joins her class
This will be a short series that I decided to make after reading soap_lady's "he can only blame himself" fanfic on ao3
The characters are in 11th grade meaning most of them are 17-18
Marinette has been MDC ever since she was 14 and Gabriel's business is going down due to him getting too into the villain act, I'm trying really hard to not make Mari seem too ooc or a Mary Sue
Chapter One.
To say Felix hated school, it would be an understatement.
He DESPISED school. The place is full of gold diggers left and right, people who would throw you out in a split second
Felix transferred to Françoise DuPont during his third year of high school. His mother was having a business trip to Paris for some time and since Felix didn’t have friends in New York, she signed him up for this school until he finishes his lycée
Once he set foot on the school, people looked at him weirdly, well...maybe it was his questionable clothes, they clearly showed rich boy and that he wasn’t from this school.
He could hear the annoyingly loud “whispers” as he walked to the principal’s office
‘He looks like a model, do you think he is one?’
‘He looks like he has money, maybe we should try and befriend him!’
‘He looks like Adrien, oh my gosh I’m going to faint if we have two handsome models at our school, it’s like we hit jackpot!’
He sighed as he finally reached the school’s principal’s office.
Around 45 minutes of not important information later
Felix finally walked upstairs to his class, his head hurting from the goody-two-shoes principal, his way of lecturing teen-agers was in such a way it felt like he was in kindergarten again. To be fair it kinda was the same, he was in a strange place full of people he could sense had bad intentions, so he just rubbed his temples and opened the door to see a very loud class split in two parts.
The front side, he spotted the other blonde guy the whispers were about, Adrien Agreste, his cousin.
Oh boy, did that not just make this whole thing even more irritating.
The front side had much more people in comparison with the back side, the back side was formed of five people.
A girl with a strong pink hair in some loose pig tails who was making a hand gesture to what the front side was listening to
Felix wanted to laugh at that, as he caught a split second of what the girl with brown hair on the front side was rambling about, it was something about how she’s his uncle’s muse or some crap like that, nothing more than a fairy tale she could only dream of.
He remained silent and analysed the other people in the small group
There was a guy with bright red hair who looked like he was barely containing himself from bursting out laughing at what the pink haired girl was doing
The second guy in the group wore a red sweater and had a washed out kinda blonde hair that was spiked up, he was giggling at what the pink haired girl was doing, while having a hand on her shoulder.
The third guy, wore a cap with some black glasses, he looked kind of sad at the front group but his sad frown moved to a half smile as he sat down next to the second girl-
‘What the actual – NO WAY THAT’S HER’ Felix panicked as he remembered who the second girl was.
‘The “I-love-you” girl, what a coincidence to be in the same class as you’ he thought, not noticing the fact that he was staring
But someone did notice him stare, it was the actual girl herself.
She had the same shock on her face as Felix did, probably was not expecting to see him ever again after the stunt at his cousin’s house two years ago.
‘Great, this couldn’t be more awkward’ he sighed as he moved to step in the class, hearing someone was close to the door.
“Oh! You must be the transferred student, come on! My class is probably dying to meet you.” The ginger teacher said loud enough for Felix to shiver at how loud she was
Oh, he was sure the class of idiots was dying to meet him.
He could practically see the hearts sparkling in the sausage haired girl's eyes who moved to the second line of seats, behind his cousin.
The girl with two shades of colours in her hair was staring at him as she was whispering something to her seatmate’s ear.
Him and the teacher walked in the class as she was basically dragging him to the front desk.
"Good morning class! This is Felix, Felix uh…-" the teacher looked at him for an answer about his last name
He sighed and said "Graham de Vanily. Felix Graham de Vanily."
"Ah, yes! Class, he is a transferred student from New York, treat him kindly and make him feel at home. You can go sit uhm…in the back! With Marinette." She put a hand on his shoulder, making him shiver at the contact
'Oh great.' he caught a glimpse at his cousin's face, it was priceless
He looked angry then disappointed then it went back to normal.
'Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all' Felix thought trying to retain the smirk his face desperately wanted to make.
He reached Marrinete's and his seat.
He could see that she was avoiding his gaze, so he had the genius idea to put his hand on hers
She shot him a deadly glare, in which Felix responded by "smiling" warmingly at her
"What are you doing?" she whispered angrily
"I wanted to get your attention since you were clearly avoiding my gaze. I know you most definitely think of me as a son of a bitch, but i want to get revenge on my cousin, I know you won't help me since I saw your confession on his phone back to a year ago, but it was worth a shot for me to ask for your help." He whispered, it wasn't exactly a lie, it was mostly to make his cousin jealous. But what he didn't think of nor plan, was his heart skipping a beat once her gaze finally met his.
Marinette's face had a confused look on it, probably processing what he just said
What he did not expect, was for her to giggle.
"Let me get this straight, angel, you want to hang out with me to piss lil' ol' Agreste off, because you want revenge, you still want revenge after two years ago, you pretended to be him, try and kiss a superhero, then blame it on getting akumatized." She covered her giggles with her hand to hide the snorts begging to come out.
Felix thought she looked so pretty for whatever reason. He bit back a smile, then it clicked.
'Kiss a hero? How does she know about that?!' he thought. Felix was 100+% sure that no one saw when he tried to do that.
'What a silly mistake you just did Mlle. Dupain-Cheng' he looked back at her to see she closed her eyes while trying not to laugh out loud.
He smiled. (Not gonna say someone's dying, but the world's at it's end if he smiles)
'You're such an idiot to not realize what you could have had, Agreste.' Assuming she was laughing was a sign her and Adrien weren't together, maybe if he was lucky, not on good terms either, seeing that she did call Adrien Agreste and not just Adrien
"Well yes. He's not the person who everyone sees him to be, that's the reason I did what I did last time. I tried to show everyone how he really was, he called it a prank, I call it wanting the truth to get out, I do however realize that there were other things I could have done to show that but can't change the past now, can't I?" He whispered
Marinette opened her eyes with a thoughtful look on her face
"I know Agreste isn't who he stands to be, I'm more than aware he isn't this sunshine price in shinning armour mostly everyone belives him to be." She said in a serious tone, with a blank expression on her face
Felix was in deep thought, millions of questions running through his mind.
He decided not to press forward and just nod at her statement.
After some minutes of pretty awkward silence for Felix at least, Marinette finally looked at their hands who were still connected, with her hand being underneath his
Her smile passed Felix's eyes as he was looking through some papers on his part of the table
Marinette put her other hand on his, getting closer to his ear then whispered
"I'm in, I'll help you get your revenge." She backed down from his personal space then dragged their hands Infront of her
Felix was processing what she just told him, he was about to say something but then noticed she was holding his hand tightly between hers as she had a petty smirk on her face
The boy's cheeks got warm, to a concerning state, he just took his hand and turned the other way, covering his mouth and cheeks with the other hand as he avoided Marinette's gaze
In response to the sudden outburst, Marinette just laughed and went back to paying attention to the class
What neither of the teens knew, was that Marinette's out of character (for most people) affection was caught on by Lila, who looked like she was fuming as she looked back at the two.
"Girl, you ok? Your face looks red and swallowed, are you having an allergic reaction?" A concerned Alya asked looking as her bestie
Lila swallowed HARD as she realized she was staring at the pair behind them
"A-ah…y-yes I am alright, just, don't you think Marinette would bully Felix too right?... She's been invalidating his personal space ever since he got to the back…" Lila said in a shaky tone, trying to make it sound as real as possible
'No way I'm letting Mari-brat take my key to success, Gabriel's business has been going down in fame since people are boycotting the brand for whatever reason. The Graham de Vanily family has a better reputation than the Agrestes ever could even dream of!' she thought angrily
"Lila, girl, you don't think she would, would she? I told you what Felix did last time he was here. If something he would be the one making fun of her, he's a bigger jerk than Marinette!" Alya whispered
'Oh, now you're taking her side?' Lila thought unfazed at her "friend's" stupidity
"Felix looks like a sweetheart! (Yea right) time changes people Alya, Marinette is a perfect example of that!" Lila whispered, trying to get her friend to understand what she meant.
"Hmm… you're right, after class we're confronting Marinette on her bullying, the poor boy just got here! How could she be so cruel…" Alya said angrily
"Oh Alya, I don't know…" Lila said, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder comfortingly
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heizuzu · 2 years
LOVE LETTERS. kaveh x reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: toothrotting fluff, possibly ooc (?), college/university au
synopsis: who is the one that sent you an anonymous love letter?
one shot fic.
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Kaveh considered himself to be a very straight forward person. He always directly asked for what he wanted, and if he didn’t immediately — he would, at a later date.
This was about the 6th, no, the 7th? He had lost count at this point. This was his under 8th attempt to send you a love letter.
You two had exchanged numbers a while back but only really talked to give each other ‘Good Luck!’s, or a reminder when the teacher was coming during class.
Kaveh doesn’t really remember when he developed these feelings. He knows for sure it had to have been for a while, considering it wasn’t at the start of the semester. And even worse…
“Are you still trying to write to that partner of yours?”
Kaveh considered him quite troublesome, but at the moment, Alhaitham was the only one who he could rely on.
He wasn’t sure how to deliver his feelings quite across. For some reason, everytime he tried to talk to you (when it wasn’t over text) he’d freeze up or embarrass himself. Similar to the way Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug did around Adrien.
So he asked his roommate what to do, and here he is. Attempting to write a love letter to you. A million things were racing through his head.
God, he did like you — so so much. So much he worried about how his feelings would be delivered. Could a piece of paper and pen really deliver his message that well?
He worried it wouldn’t be able to. At the same time though, he had no idea how he’d just, confess. It wasn’t that easy.
An anonymous love letter seemed also very romantic.
He forgot Alhaitham was still there.
“They’re not my partner,” Kaveh starts, soon adding in a whisper: “Though, I wish they were..”
Alhaitham looks over at Kaveh with a face the blonde haired man can’t read that well. What is he trying to say?
“I, for one, don’t get why you are stressing out so much over this.”
Gee. Thanks, Alhaitham. He really needed that.
Alhaitham begins to speak again (though, Kaveh wishes he really didn’t): “I think it’ll go fine if you’re honest. Just be yourself.”
Alhaitham began to walk away after, saying he was headed to get dinner.
Maybe, maybe Alhaitham was right.
So that’s what he did. He jotted down everything he felt about you, put in an envelope and planned to put in your locker.
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The next day came sooner than Kaveh would like to admit, he was nervous. It’s not everyday you just put a love letter in your crush’s locker.
He had a game plan, though. He had it jotted down in his handy-dandy notebook.
-> Plan to Confess to Y/N
Step 1: Put the love letter in their locker.
Step 2: Ask them if anything strange happened today.
Step 3: After they respond, ask if they like anybody.
Step 4: Admit the love letter was from you, if they say yes.
Step 5: If not, do not confess. Under any circumstances, do not confess.
And so he began to start the day, perfectly following the plan.
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Kaveh was on step two, waiting for the teacher to turn his back.
“Hey, Y/N,” You turn to him, and God, he feels all the positive emotions one can ever feel.
“Did you notice anything strange today?”
You shook your head, “Well, not strange but..” You show him the envelope that he put his love letter in, “I got a confession.”
He wants to say right there and then, that it’s him. That he likes you so much.
“Any ideas on who it might be from?” He says this like he’s trying to solve the mystery as well, when he’s the culprit.
“An idea..” You whisper this part into his ear, “Cyno.”
Now he’s lost. Where did Cyno come from? No, he didn’t have any beef or anything personal against Cyno. Quite the opposite, actually. He wasn’t Alhaitham.
“Oh!” He tries to make it not sound like he’s upset, but he is, his plan already failed. “Do you, like Cyno?”
“No actually, that’s why I’ll have to let him down…”You respond, unsure of what to say next.
Maybe his plan was a success then? No, that’s selfish thinking.
Maybe, maybe it was okay for him to be selfish. Just this once.
“Actually, Kaveh, can we talk after class?”
Shit. He was doomed, you were a genius that could rival Alhaitham just for fun. You had figured him out, and were going to reject him. That’s exactly what this was.
Tick, tock.
Kaveh began watching the clock, extremely nervous for what was to come next.
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Class ended, and now Kaveh & you were both on the rooftop of the school. Was it restricted? Absolutely. Did either of you care? Absolutely not.
“Actually Kaveh, what I wanted to say was..”
It was coming. A ticking time bomb of hard reject. He applauded himself in his head for at least having the courage to confess.
“I know you wrote the letter.” And there it was. Okay, Kaveh was definitely feeling a bit over-the-top because this wasn’t an exact rejection, it wasn’t an acception either. It was just, there. Like how a lake exists, the dirt and grass that resides besides its
“I feel the same, too.”
Did he hear you correctly? “Y/N, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t write that. Wasn’t it Cyno?”
Real smooth Kaveh, real smooth.
“I recognize your handwriting, you know.”
'Damnit.' He thinks, he should’ve had Alhaitham write it.
“So you do like me? Like, seriously?” Kaveh asks; still trying to process everything.
“Yeah! I have for a while now…” You trail off, nervous to what he’d say next.
“So, what does this mean now?” If this doesn’t make it obvious, Kaveh has never been in a relationship. You’re the first person he can recall himself actually liking romantically.
“Let’s go on a date, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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sarcasticbambi · 10 months
Even Rich People Deal With Late Shipping Sometimes
Something is off with Tim's Coffee™ and he just doesn't know what it is.
HMB Bingo Board "Did You Put Something In My Coffee?" + Fluff
Every day was the same thing. The alarm had been ringing for the past 30 minutes. Only one of them woke him up, the rest just served to annoy him so he’d get up and start getting ready.
“Come on honey, you have that meeting with the board today that you can’t miss.”
“I can never miss any meetings anyways; it doesn’t matter if it’s with the board or not...”
Marinette has to admit, it didn’t matter his age, Timothy Drake-Wayne always managed to look cute when pouting. Maybe it was because it was so uncharacteristic of him that made it so endearing and needed to be saved as a precious memory.
“Yes, I’m aware. And I’m sorry for that, but you were the one intent in inheriting the company, so you kind of have yourself to blame for that.”
Insert Tim Drake-Wayne pouty  glare.
“Alright, alright! Hahah, if it’s of any comfort, Bruce and Damian also have to be there for today’s meeting?”
“Really? That’s certainly better than dealing with those old snobs alone! I won’t be miserable by myself!”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen any family relish in others' misery as much as you guys…”
“I’m sorry honey, but you already know how it is with them, eat or be eaten!”
“Yes, yes Tim. Now go and wash up, I’ll start on breakfast.”
Just like she’d told him, Marinette went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, only to come into a block she never thought they’d ever stumble upon.
Where’s the coffee?????
Marinette’s caffeine deprived brain was struggling to comprehend why she couldn’t find the coffee. It should be in the exact same place as always! The second cabinet in the top left corner!
She ended up looking everywhere and, by the time Tim was out of the shower and started getting ready for the day, she had turned the kitchen upside down and there was still no sign of the damned coffee grounds.
With some help from Tikki (Marinette swears she’d never get anything done if it wasn’t for the tiny Kwami), she ended up calming down enough to process her thoughts for what could possibly have happened to their precious godsent beverage. 
Turns out, they had actually run out and, a simple look at the calendar in the fridge and she could tell they were supposed to get their latest shipment two days earlier. Opening the shipment tracking app, she found out that they missed on ordering the previous month for extra stock (like usual) and ended up only getting the regular monthly shipping, which had actually been delayed because of some sort of storm and, since the storm still prevailed in the area, all flights had been delayed and/or cancelled depending on their destinations. And guess what, North America was one of those destinations that were “Cancelled Until Further Notice”.
Marinette was so close to pulling her hair out from the stress. How was she and her boyfriend supposed to survive their lack of proper coffee “Until Further Notice”???
Turning around the stove to turn off the kettle of boiling water, she happened to land her blue eyes in the container pushed almost all the way to the back of the cabinet and, if there’s one thing Marinette is, is curious.
Curiosity killed the cat.
So, she grabbed the container to find out it was instant coffee from one of the times Connor had been over and commented on how their coffee was too much trouble to prepare in the morning “with all those boring and time-consuming steps”, so he ended up getting himself a bottle of instant coffee from the store.
Curiosity did kill the cat, but satisfaction brought it back!
She had hit Jackpot! 
It was no special roast carefully observed to reach the perfect level of bitterness along with the exceptional flavouring and meticulously packed and shipped at the appropriate storage temperatures to maintain all the properties farmers worked so hard for while also keeping it fresh when it reached their front door and, eventually, ended in their perfect mugs.
So, with the determination to still get some kind, ANY kind of caffeine in their systems that day, Marinette set out to make instant coffee for what was probably the first time in her life.
By the time Tim came out of the room, fresh and almost ready to start a new day, she had accomplished the feat of making a cup of instant coffee for the two of them, along with a couple of pastries to accompany.
She just had completely forgotten the fact that Timothy Drake-Wayne had never, in his entire life, had anything other than the best and highest quality of coffee specifically imported from tropical countries to quench his thirst for the blessing that was caffeine. 
And, when Tim saw the slight mess that was the counter, and the anxious look on Marinette’s face, he knew something was up. Marinette may be clumsy, but her kitchen was never a mess. It was a sacred place for her after all.
He decided to shrug it off, she was often stressed about something, maybe she’d just gotten a message from one of her clients that left her out of sorts for a hot second. The rest looked perfectly normal anyways, so there was really no reason to be worried.
That was what he thought, at least, until he took a sip of his coffee.
It took everything in him not to just spit it out, simply out of respect for Marinette who had gone through the trouble of making it.
When he looked at her, she was looking right back at him through the rim of her own mug.
“Did you put something in my coffee?”
“Why do you sound unsure?”
“TeChNicAlLy. I didn’t put anything in our coffee…”
“Yes! You see, APPARENTLY, there’s been an issue with our coffee shipment this month and we hadn’t stocked up last month and now we’re out of beans and “UnTiL fUrThEr NoTicE” we won’t have anything and then I found the bottle of instant coffee Kon got last time he slept over and that was our only other resource and I just couldn’t let you go to that boring meeting without caffeine lest I wanted you to snap at someone for breathing and I also needed some sort of pick me up and-”
“Marinette, honey. Breathe. In and Out.”
Repeating his actions and instructions, Marinette managed to somehow calm down from the anxious stream of words coming out of her lips in the usual Marinette Ramble™.
“It’s ok, it happens to everyone. I guess even with all the prime and premium subscriptions, even billionaires have to deal with late shipping sometimes.” 
“But... your coffee?”
“It’s fine Bean, I was just asking because the taste felt off and I wondered if in your sleepy state, you could have missed a step or let it sit for too long and it saturated the flavour. To be honest, you could have just told me, and we’d order something to go from the cafe shop nearby and then get something better fitting for our tastes at the company. You know they are kind of required to always have a coffee fix for us if they want us to work properly, so we should be fine for the next 30min until we get there dear.”
“Ah, that’s right... I’m so used to taking my own tumbler of coffee that I tend to forget about the company cafe unless it’s an emergency” Marinette would have facepalmed if Tim wasn’t already holding her wrists and, having her so close to him only gave her the option to drop her forehead on his shoulder. His hands immediately dropped her wrists to fall on her waist in a hug.
“We could even ask for a bag from the storage until our shipment arrives. Or, you know, we could always drop by the Manor. I’m certain that Alfred has a storage room dedicated only for our coffee in case of emergencies like this, so you don’t need to stress so much over it.”
“You’re right! I didn’t even think of that! I honestly don’t know how you’re so calm. I thought you’d be the one skirmishing over this, not the other way around.”
“Because, if I’m not calm then there’s no one to help you calm down and then we’d both be a mess and would not be able to do anything.” the chuckle that left his lips should have been somehow offending, but Marinette settled to just snuggle up to him for a bit more before getting ready for the day, now with the reassurance that they’d still get their coffee fix for the day and that the shipment delay wouldn’t affect them as she thought it would.
15 minutes later and they were both out of the house, the instant coffee now cold and long since forgotten on the dining table, the rest of the pastries arranged with some fruit and cheese for the Kwamis to maintain themselves while the couple was out.
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fragileizywriting · 6 months
GIRL marinette is so LUCKYYYYYYYYY look at me and tell me she doesn't cry tears of joy knowing that she hit the jackpot
forked-tongue, dyed haired and tattooed man, ripped jeans + black boots + band shirts, looking like the devil? luka, god's favorite little angel.
posh little nerd, dresses in turtleneck sweaters or wool vest sweaters ontop of button down and slacks, shiny shoes, curly blonde hair looking like a little cherub? adrien, hell's crowning demon prince.
i'm punching the air rn she's so lucky i'm gonna cry
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uptoolateart · 7 months
Where We Find Ourselves Again - Ch 12
Chloe eased down onto her sofa, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. She scrolled through the camera roll on her phone, smiling at the latest impromptu ‘photoshoot’ of her daughter.
Izabel was easily the best thing to happen to her – her greatest achievement. Those gorgeous dark eyes inherited from her father. That luscious hair inherited from Chloe. And the way she posed…. It was like a second instinct – incredible, bearing in mind she’d never even met her grandmother Audrey. It was like fashion was in the blood.
It was time for another major upload to her social media account, to remind everyone she’d won the Mother jackpot with her Izzy. Frankly, that was the only reason she’d even signed up for this account. Some people latched onto social media to hold onto their pasts like precious antiques. But not her. She had zero interest in keeping up with everyone – practically negative interest. Why move to Rio just to keep doing the same thing she was doing in Paris?
She opened the app, her finger moving for the ‘New Post’ button – when a message notification grabbed her attention. Probably Sabrina, off on her latest charity mission somewhere, sharing another reel of a cat being stupid.
Preparing herself for a good laugh, she tapped the notification and…blinked at the screen.
Lila Rossi?
Good god. She hadn’t thought of her in years. They’d never really been friends. More like…acquaintances drawn together by a mutual dislike of that baker girl. One more thing she’d put behind her when she’d run off with Leo to Brazil – just like she’d put Lila behind her. You couldn’t build connections based on common hatred. You couldn’t build anything on hatred.
But…maybe Lila had learned that, too. After all, they were nearly forty now. Surely no one was still hung up on stuff from when they were in school…right? She probably just got drunk last night and looked her up and sent a totally generic message about…well, how gorgeous Izabel was, of course. What else would anyone message her about, who didn’t know her personally?
So why was her heart pounding…some instinct telling her not to open that message?
‘Ugh. Chloe Cardoso, you are being ridiculous – utterly ridiculous!’ She stabbed at the phone and brought up the message.
Lila: Hey!!! Long time no speak!! Your daughter is GORGEOUS. So I know it’s been FOREVER but I just found out the most INSANE NEWS about Adrien and Marinette. I know, I know, who cares about those losers anymore?? But this is BIG, Chloe. Like…BIG. It changes EVERYTHING.
Read at Ao3
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Mending Warped Designs Chapter 25
"Hang on!" A black blur collided with her, knocking her out of The Empress' path and onto a neighboring roof. "Okay…not a bad start, but-"
"If you say hit it really hard one more time, I'm going to hit you really hard," Ladybug muttered, brushing herself off as Chat Noir tugged her to her feet.
"Well if that's what it takes for you to get in touch with your destructive side, it will have been worth it," Chat Noir said, grabbing Ladybug's hand and laying it on the concrete. "Here."
"Wait, what are you-" Chat Noir laid his hand on top of hers, fingers crackling with black electricity.
"Shh; just feel this," Chat Noir said, closing his eyes as the Cataclysm ran through Ladybug's fingers. A strange euphoric terror shook her as she felt raw Destructive power course through her veins and leap out her fingertips to pulverize the stone at her feet. Even as he withdrew his hands, she could still feel little electric currents dancing between her fingertips.
" That's what it feels like," Chat Noir said. "Somewhere inside you there is something that should feel just like it. You just need to root around and call on it the same way you call on your Ladybug powers."
"Are you sure?" Ladybug said, staring at her fingers. "What if-"
" Marinette," Chat Noir said, grabbing her by the shoulders with a gentle squeeze. "We do not have time for 'what if' right now. Don't think about it; don't question it. Just feel it."
It was hard for Ladybug to feel anything except the weight of his gaze and his hands on her shoulders. No one had ever expected more of her or had more faith in her ability to rise to those expectations. Even when she didn't believe it herself; it was as though he saw something scrawled on her forehead and could only try and make her see it.
"Feel it…" Ladybug said, staring at her fist. "It's not going to be the same, is it?"
"No…it's going to be yours ," Chat Noir said. "It's not anger; it's wrath . It's not aggression; it's fury . It's not mundane; it's divine . Gods gain power through belief and you need to be your own most devoted believer."
Is inflating my ego really all I need to do?
"It's not ego, it's...ah, how did Master He put it?" Chat Noir poked her in the center of the chest. "It's who you are; it's a feature of your biology just like your heartbeat. Birds fly, grass grows, and Ladybug is a force of Destruction…does that make sense?"
"No…but maybe looking for a rational explanation is completely irrational at this point," Ladybug said, closing her fist. "You need me to hit it…I'll hit it. As hard as I can...until it falls over."
Good girl. The wave of admiration that came bundled with those two words made Ladybug's cheeks darken in spite of herself until she realized that neither Ladybird nor Cat Noir were anywhere to be seen. "Where are the kids?"
The building rattled as The Empress raced past, chasing Ladybird and Cat Noir as they ran for their lives.
"...Adrien, did you make the children run interference?"
"They volunteered- "
" Adrien !"
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miraculousfanworks · 2 years
Fanfiction Prompt
The school holds an anonymous service auction (where they auction off different services instead of items, but don't say on the description who is offering that service) for charity. Adrien is really excited when he hears the description of one of the services offered: "I will teach you to cook or bake your favorite food." While he hopes it's from Marinette, there's Alya, daughter of Chef Marlena Cesaire in their class… It's ok. It sounds like a lot of fun, so he bids fast and high, and soon the gavel is declaring him the victor. Marinette is blushing like mad as she congratulates him and pulls out her phone to coordinate a time for them to get together and bake or cook. "Croissants!" he excitedly declares. "My favorite food is croissants!" Marinette's eyes go wide and her face blanches. "Um, ok, we can do that… but do you realize that croissants are a 3-day process? Adrien freezes for a brief second, then his face splits into the most enormous grin. "Three days with you? And croissants? Jackpot!" Little does he know that 3 days with Marinette is 2 days more than he needs to fall madly, hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with her.
via @mommadon
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purrincess-chat · 10 months
Cat Ranks Every ML Episode For the Third Time (S1-S5)
 Why I keep doing this to myself, we may never know. But I think it’s fun to see how episodes hold up over time in my mind. Which ones lose their luster and which ones hold their own. Anyway, this is broken up into tiers because rating them is hard and makes things complicated. This list is about vibes, okay? And if you don’t like where I’ve ranked some of these episodes, too bad. Go make your own fucking list. This one is mine. 
S Tier aka “SUBLIME!”
The creams of the crop, the best of the best according to me, my all time favorites, chef’s kisses all around. I love all of these episodes. They hold special places in my heart. If I could only grab 10 (11?) episodes in a fire, these would be it. You get the idea. 
1.     Riposte
Over time, I have come to accept that the umbrella scene clouds my judgment in ranking Origins II so high year after year. Don’t get me wrong, Origins II is still in my top 5, but I’ve finally embraced the fact that Riposte is my favorite episode. It’s just top tier Ladrien, and Kagami was and is such a treat and a wonderful addition to the cast. If this episode is ever on, I will always stop what I’m doing to watch it. Just immaculate vibes.
2.     Protection
If you followed me at all during s5, you should have seen this coming. I talk about this episode a lot as my stand out of s5, and honestly, I will probably talk about it for a while longer yet. It’s like the opposite of Riposte in a way, but also in the best way. The entirety of the pajama picnic set-up was the absolute sweetest thing anyone has ever done for anyone ever, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
3.     Emotion
Honestly, this episode surprised me with how much it sticks out in my mind. Other than thinking we should have had this episode sooner (or just Felix’s return sooner), I can say that the episode itself is very good. We finally get to see Felix’s motives/intentions come out. We get the sweet Adrigaminette we always crave. Gabriel doesn’t exist for like five minutes. Marinette gives a heartfelt speech about Adrien. Honestly, this episode slaps, and I will not deny it.
4.     Origins II
Okay, okay, look how she has fallen from grace. I still have a lot of love for this episode, and the umbrella scene will forever be #1 in my heart. But I have finally allowed myself to see past my umbrella scene blinders and realize that the episode itself outside of that scene is fine. It’s just fine. Take out the umbrella scene, and I’d rank this episode in like the upper middle probably. But since the umbrella scene is there, she’s still top 5 for me.
5.     Gorizilla
This episode hits a sweet jackpot for me because it’s primarily Adrinette and Ladrien, and I don’t know if I will ever score this much again in this show. It has my favorite Ladrien moment of all time. Definitely a top 10 overall moment for this show for me.
6.     Simon Says
I feel like at this point you all should just know that if it has Adrinette or Ladrien, I’m going to love it. That’s just the rules. Also, Gabriel almost died in this episode, and what a blessing that would have been for all of us.
7.     Strike Back
Best season finale by far. By faaaaaar. Like if I had to rank the season finales, and I did, I’d put this one at the top.
8.     Chat Blanc
This one has moved up for me. If any of you recall the last two rankings I did a few years ago, this one sat in the teens, but I think as time has gone on, my initial intrigue for other episodes has diminished, but this one has stayed solid. I hope that post-reveal love square is doing alright in this universe. I hope they beat up Adrien’s dad and sent him to jail, then went home and made out in Gabriel’s stupid butterfly cave.
9.     Evillustrator
The OG MariChat. I’ve said before that I started this fandom primarily as a MariChat stan until I watched the umbrella scene, then Adrinette took over my life. Evillustrator was why. Nathaniel was just okay in this episode, he gives nice guy vibes, but Idk I enjoyed the MariChat interactions, and while they’ve certainly come a long way since then, I still appreciate the nostalgia of seeing their first interaction knowing how far they go down the line. This episode coupled with those memories knowing what I know now about them just makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
10.  Stormy Weather  
This is another one for the nostalgia books. Stormy Weather was baby’s first Miraculous episode. Does the nostalgia I hold cloud my judgment at ranking this one so high in compared to the other bangers underneath it? Yeah, probably. But I can’t bring myself to rank it lower. It’s still one of my favorite s1 episodes because I think it’s just a good introduction to the show. All of the dynamics are in peak form, and Stormy Weather is just peak akuma design imo. Sue me.
11.  Oblivio
Oblivio might be outside my top 10, but when I was originally ranking these again, I used a tier maker list, and Oblivio is the last one in S tier for me. I feel like it’s self-explanatory though. This episode was that bitch in s3 right next to Chat Blanc. I just couldn’t put it in A tier. 
Okay, so I think for most of the middle I’m gonna skip all of the preamble, but I might give a comment here or there about why certain episodes are where they are.
A Tier aka “We love to see them”
Overall, these episodes are great, and I love them. They’re not quite the crème de la crème, but they’re still good.
12.  Glaciator
It’s the LadyNoir cheek kiss for me.
13.  Elation
Self-explanatory. I don’t hate MariChat, guys! I like them!
14.  Revolution
This episode honestly surprised me, but tbh I really liked it. A lot of shit happened, and most of it was incredible.
15.  Mr. Pigeon 72
Having canon confirmation that Adrien had a crush on Marinette in this episode just makes it better.
16.  Dark Cupid
17.  Despair Bear
Adrinette slow dancing uwu
18.  Glaciator 2
MariChat shenanigans and also LadyNoir communication. This episode set up a loooot of what we got in s5 from the love square
19.  Risk
Adrien confiding in Marinette got me weak
20.  Volpina
Honestly, this season finale gagged me when I first watched it, and the fandom was exploding with intrigue. No other finale has sparked so much discussion, fan theory, and excitement as this one.
21.  Kwamibuster
I’m a Marinette stan, what are you gonna do?
22.  Mayura
What do you mean Adrien wasn’t in love with Marinette until the end of s3???
23.  New York Special
Adrien and Marinette are two halves of a whole idiot, thanks for coming to my TedTalk
24.  Deflagration
25.  Time Tagger
Alix is my favorite classmate
26.  Gamer
The lucky charm!!!!!!
27.  Lady Wifi
Chat Noir closed the door like a gentleman
28.  Gang of Secrets
This episode revived my faith in this show
29.  The Collector
Started s2 strong
30.  Origins I
Where I’d likely rank Origins II as well if it weren’t for the umbrella scene. They’re good episodes.
31.  Heart Hunter
Honestly, this is here mostly because of the Adrigaminette. Actually, it’s entirely here because of them.
32.  Determination
He’s in love your honor
33.  Sandboy
I just think he’s neat, and everyone’s nightmares were hilarious
34.  Evolution
Again, I love Alix Kubdel, and watching Hawkmoth nearly kill his own ass out of greed and stupidity was amazing.
35.  Backwarder
I’m a Fu stan. I miss him.
B Tier aka “Always a good time”
I have less to say about these. They’re good, and I like them. They just don’t have the wow-factor to make them stand out in my brain. Or they have something about them that prevents me from ranking them higher.
36.  The Mime
37.  Frightningale
38.  Passion
39.  Gabriel Agreste
40.  Style Queen
41.  Transmission
I would have ranked this one higher if it weren’t for the B plot of this arc (aka Scarabella and Kitty Noire). If it was focused on the Adrinette, I would have shot this episode up way higher, but overall, this episode wasn’t as good as part 2 of this arc. The fight was boring, and them giving up their Miraculous still doesn’t make the most sense or even leave a lasting impact. It felt like filler bc they needed something to go around the Adrinette development.
42.  Startrain
43.  Kuro Neko
44.  Jubilation
45.  Prime Queen
46.  Christmaster
47.  Ikari Gozen
48.  Oni-Chan
49.  Felix
50.  Multiplication
51.  Furious Fu
52.  Catalyst
53.  Psychomedian
54.  Miraculer
55.  Timebreaker
56.  Copycat
57.  The Dark Owl
58.  Mr. Pigeon
59.  Sapotis
60.  Zombizou
61.  Syren
62.  Pretension
63.  Derision
64.  Ephemeral
65.  Animan
66.  Confrontation
67.  The Puppeteer
C Tier aka “These are fine”
These episodes likely have aspects that I really enjoy and aspects that I don’t particularly care for. In the end, the good and the bad end up balancing out, so these live here.
68.  Perfection
69.  Reverser
70.  Optigami
71.  Gamer 2.0
72.  Befana
73.  Troublemaker
74.  Revelation
75.  Party Crasher
76.  Collusion
77.  Ladybug
78.  Reflekta
79.  Lies
80.  Weredad
81.  Sentibubbler
82.  Illusion
83.  Intuition
84.  Anansi
85.  Darkblade
86.  The Bubbler
87.  The Pharaoh
88.  Kung Food
89.  Pixelator
90.  Rogercop
91.  Guitar Villain
92.  Princess Fragrance
93.  Gigantitan
94.  Antibug
If anyone remembers from my first ranking (and maybe second), this episode used to be in the bottom 10, but I’ve softened on it over time. The LadyNoir partnership in it is just too good, and Chloe has disappointed me in worse ways since this.
95.  Desperada
96.  The Puppeteer 2
97.  Representation
98.  Adoration
They really robbed Marinette of her confession moment. We’ve been waiting 4.5 seasons for that, and that’s what we got? Lowest Adrinette moment of the season tbh
99.  Robostus
100. Reflekdoll
101. Sole Crusher
102. Destruction
103.  Guiltrip
104.  Hack-san
105.  Rocketear
Tell Nino Adrien is Chat Noir! 
106.  Qilin
107.  Dearest Family
108.  Reunion
109. Horrificator
110. Penalteam
111. Silencer
D Tier for “Dumb”
Now we are getting into the territory of boring or just generally bad, or things that I don’t care about. These are episodes that I don’t have a desire to rewatch, and will likely always skip unless I’m just in a really particular mood.
112.  Conformation
113. Santa Claws
114.  Simpleman
115.  Truth
116.  Queen Banana
117.  Migration
118.  Malediktator
119.  Mega Leech
120.  Crocoduel
121.  Bakerix
E Tier aka “Awful”
We have reached the bottom 10. I have them in two tiers because some of these episodes are worse than others, or my reasons for hating them are worse than others.
122. Captain Hardrock
This episode isn’t so much about the episode itself, but more about the fandom reaction and pushback I received for daring to be indifferent to it when it came out. I will never forget Birthdaygate, you sons of bitches. I hope you enjoy your cringe lord campfire guitar boy in all of his mediocre glory. If it weren’t for the stans, I’d likely have put this one in the bottom middle somewhere. I was and still am indifferent to it. 
123. Frozer
Stemming from birthdaygate, I just didn’t care for this episode as a whole. The double-date, the pitting girls against each other for a boy, the contrived LadyNoir conflict. The ice powerup is cool, I guess.
124.  Animaestro
I still cannot believe that Thomas inserted himself into this universe with his whole confident chest just to bitch and complain about how underappreciated he feels while working on this show. Like, sir, get a therapist.
125.  Stormy Weather 2
Arguably, this episode isn’t terrible. It’s just not necessary imo. It’s just a clipshow recapping the previous 2.5 seasons of info, and for someone who has been following this show the whole time, it’s just redundant and doesn’t add much. It could have been redeemed if Adrien had rubbed his braincells together a little harder at the end, but alas, we left with net-zero development.
126.  Chameleon
I feel like anyone that knows me, knows my feelings about this episode by now. I mean, I wrote *checks AO3* 160,000 words across various fics because of this episode because everyone in it is struck dumb with an idiot ray, and I just could not. I’ve cooled off a lot on this episode, but not enough to rank it out of the bottom 10.
127.   Queen Wasp
So, while I enjoyed Style Queen and found Malediktator meh, Queen Wasp is the sour middle of this trio arc. I have many more thoughts on Chloe’s character throughout the show, and maybe I’ll talk about them more later, but they spent several episodes in s2 trying to make Chloe sympathetic, then this episode happened, and in some regards, you can still argue her mom sucks, and she’s just a young girl, blah, blah. However, I don’t see a reason why she got her Miraculous back after this. If it were up to me, I’d have brought in Zoe after this arc and made her the new bee as far back as s2 because Chloe did not deserve her moment in the s2 finale after this. And I was rooting for Queen Bee to happen back in s2. A lot of people were. But again, as I mentioned in my s5 episode ranking post, I think the writers just realized around this time that it was more plot convenient for Chloe to be mean. I think having her be a hero was just to sell merchandise, and maybe they did play around with the idea of redeeming her, but when they started thinking about where to take things, it served the plot better for her to be mean. So, that’s what they went with. Which is sad, because I do think they could have given her more potential, but I mean, we’ve all watched the episodes after this one. Choices were made.
F Tier aka “Why?”
These are episodes that make me irrationally angry when I think about them for too long.
128.  Miracle Queen
I will attempt to not be too wordy on these last 4, and especially this episode, I feel like I’ve voiced my opinion on it numerous times. If Queen Wasp bought the wood to make Chloe’s character coffin in s2, Miracle Queen was the finished product. And don’t get me started on Fu.
129.  Feast
In my other two rankings this episode used to be my least favorite because HOW COULD THEY DO MY BOY FU LIKE THAT? Honestly, I feel like his mistake was a plotline that they started, realized they didn’t have room to explore, so they just threw something together to cut it off. I think that’s also why they made Fu lose his memories in the s3 finale, then replaced him with a worse knock-off in s4 just to avoid elaborating on it all together. They knew what they did. People have (incorrect) opinions on Fu as a mentor to Marinette, but are we really gonna sit here and act like Su Han is a better one? Is anyone willing to tell me with their full chest that Su Han is a good character? Or a better character than Fu? You can’t. And if you think you can, you’re a liar. Idk, the LadyNoir shenanigans redeem this episode a little bit, but I have not forgiven them.
130. Re-Creation
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this finale. As an end to the Agreste arc, it doesn’t feel satisfying at all (to me). I think my feelings for this episode are going to have to marinate over the next season and see what they end up doing with it. What does Gabriel’s brave new world look like? What are the after-effects of his wish? I just think that overall, it’s a weird choice to let the villain get what he wants and paint it as a good thing. Because we’ve spent the whole show rooting for Ladybug and Chat Noir, the heroes, but in the end, you just let them lose? You let the bad guy make his wish? Just because it was about a main character’s mommy? Yall couldn’t think of any other alternative? Like idk, making Gabriel go to therapy and move the fuck on? Yall spent all this time on GabeNath in prior seasons, and even made a point to show that Adrien was fine with it. Then yall didn’t do anything with that? No?
I dunno. I’m not mad about Lilamoth bc we all saw that coming, and I don’t even know that I’m entirely mad at this episode. I honestly, don’t know how to feel about it. I do know that I would not have ended it that way, if it were me, and I stand by it not being a good ending. It maybe doesn’t infuriate me like s3 did, but overall, I just don’t think it wrapped up s5 and the Agreste plotline very well at all. And again, s6 maybe continue to tie up loose ends, or it may move on and pretend the ends aren’t loose at all. You never know with ML.
131.  Wishmaker
Okay, so this one has lost favor in retrospect given the follow-up in s5. I wasn’t as pissed at the time that this episode aired because I told myself to wait and see what happened. Well, we saw what happened, and BOY! Like, am I secretly pleased they wrote in a reason to write blue boy out of the show for a while, sure, but can we just revisit the fact that he LIED TO HER FACE about the biggest secret she has. The secret she dumped him over? She trusted him, and he turned around and LIED to her about it, then in s5 he doesn’t even get punished for it. “Oh, but he has to leave-” and who does that punish? His annoying stans? He went and traveled the world with his dad and ended up learning Mirakungfu, and Marinette wasn’t even mad at him for LYING TO HER FACE about blowing her BIGGEST FUCKING SECRET. Blue boy stans can miss me. I wasn’t sorry to see him leave, and he deserved way more pushback than he got. Glad to know lying is only bad when it’s a young girl looking for attention and not when your ex-boyfriend crosses your boundaries and then lies about it.
Anyway, I’m gonna leave it at that because I’m getting too heated. So, there you go to the 4 whole people who will read all of this. As always, if you disagree with the ranking, uhh spend 4 days making your own damn tier list. If you agree with my rankings and want to gush/vent about it, feel free to send me an ask. Additionally, if you’d like the reasoning behind any of the episodes I didn’t comment on or just want me to elaborate on, feel free to ask about those too. Or don’t. I dunno. Live your life.
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miraculouslycool · 2 years
i've long since wondered what the lightning strike moment for ladybug to chat noir would be, and i didn't think it would happen this way but once it did it makes so much sense.
love isn't finding treasure at the bottom of the ocean. love is collecting the seashells that have washed on shore. love is accumulation of the treasures you already own, not a jackpot you've won in a lottery.
ladybug has known for a long time that chat noir is in love with her and why he's in love with her. but she's known long before that about the kind of person he is. she's known that he's brave, that he's humorous, that he's reckless, that he sometimes overdoes it but he's always trying to help, that he's loyal and that he's endlessly kind. (she had suspiciously high standards for the new chat noir in kuro neko, none of which included what adrien was insecure about, it's almost like she had determined before she even met chatwalker that he'd have very big shoes to fill)
and she's learnt over this season that her knowledge of him as a person isn't complete and she's welcomed that lesson. i keep repeating it but it's true.
she's been trying to avoid being in a romantic relationship with chat for so long because the world keeps telling her it can't happen and it will destroy the world and it will destroy him, and there is no room for anything in marinette's rulebook that will harm what she's trying to protect, so she keeps telling herself she can't be with him. he's not an option. little does she know the reason she's trying so hard to keep it from happening is because deep down she thinks there's a possibility of it happening, her and chat getting together.
on that rooftop, the coup de foudre struck when she began recalling everything she knew about him in a different light, because at the end of the day, him coming back for her isn't something new. he's been doing that since day one. she's known that. and that long-stored knowledge is what triggers her realization.
love is accumulation, not a jackpot. the strike of lightning didn't mark the moment ladybug started falling in love with chat, it marked the moment she realised that she always was in love with him.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Marinette not being able to process Chat noir as Adrien and Vice Versa makes sense.
Marinette has her initial impressions of both of them and kept it separate because she knew Chat noir had feelings for Her (as Ladybug) so now she had to process and try to understand if Chat noir (the person she thought she wasnt in love with) might be the true face of Adrien (The person she believed she loved) So now she was questioning if she truly knew him.
But thanks to Luka, helping her see this as a chance to see this more of an expansion on who Adrien is and not a divergence. She started to see that they were both one in the same. Chat noir was adrien and Adrien was chat noir. One was not the other, they were both him.
So her finally accepting that allowed her to show her true-self to him.
Adrien didnt need to do this. Because his view is simple. Ladybug is the woman he loved, whoever was under the mask would still be the person he fell in love with. Finding out it was Marinette was Like hitting the lottery. One of the people he considered a close friend was someone he was in love with? JACKPOT!
He never had that moment where he had to disassociate Marinette from Ladybug. (Heck he figured it out several times before hand).
I think this whole situation was great for Marinette as a character, because she got to finally see Adrien, All of him. And she realized how much deeper her feelings were for him.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
Wedding Plans
Wedding Plans by Hazel652
Lila finds a sketchbook in Marinette's locker which is full of plans for Marinette and Adrien's wedding. Thinking she hit the jackpot, she brings it to class with the hope of embarrassing Marinette and ruining her friendship with Adrien. His reaction, however...isn't quite what she expects. Based on a prompt by 11JJ11.
Words: 2131, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Lila Rossi, Mylène Haprèle, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Sabrina Raincomprix, Alix Kubdel, Lê Chiến Kim, Juleka Couffaine, Nino Lahiffe, Caline Bustier, Caline Bustier's Class
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Lila Rossi Lies, Lila Rossi Faces Consequences, Wedding Planning, Humor, Adrinette | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois Being Chloé Bourgeois
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38444212
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africanotaku92 · 3 years
AUs List
Ok, wow. Y’all really liked my last Au post! Because of that, I now have enough confidence to post a list of all the dumb AUs me and my sisters, @baaaa-king and @omniithedeer, have come up with. If you’d like to enquire about any of these ideas, send me an ask!
Danny Phantom AUs.
1. An AU where Danny and Dani get adopted by a ghost family and gain 400 siblings and an Eldritch grandma.
2. Supernatural Delegations AU (a one shot of the same name is in progress.) Other supernatural/paranormal beings exists and commonly interact with each other. Ghosts have been out of contact since Pariah Dark’s reign, and when they hear about the new monarch (AKA Danny), things get wild.
3. Young Ancients AU. A forgotten ghost artifact is rediscovered, and all the ancients hold a meeting to decide who should have it in their possession. Pariah crashes the meeting and, in the scuffle, activates the artifact, de-aging everyone into their teens. Of course, they go to Danny for help. We have collectively decided that Pariah is British. No one has a say unless it's to confirm.
4. Addams Family Danny Phantom crossover where, after Danny’s powers are reviled and the whole Fenton’s A+ Parenting, Danny runs away. He ends up being found and adopted by Morticia and Gomez. Honestly disappointed no one has made this yet >:(
5. Ghost Royalty AU. Danny, Sam and Tucker are all royalty/nobility in the Zone (Undergrowth is less of an ass here, and formally adopts Sam in Urban Jungle instead of mind controlling her. You already know Danny and Tucks royalty qualifications. Also, I know this isn’t my AU specifically, but my sisters and I have a lot of prompts, so its here.)
1. Isolation AU, inspired by Telescope by Cave Town. AFO is not Hisashi. Inko, Mitsuki and their husbands went to a fertility clinic to have children via IVF. The clinic is actually the fore front for quirk experimentations funded by AFO. Izuku and Katsuki are born from the clinic and taken away, while AFO administers a mind-altering quirk on them to make them believe their children are stillborn. They are then taken and raised in a facility with other children for 15 years before Aizawa comes and rescues them.
2. Gore Warning for this AU!!
Isolated Cannibals AU, Inspired by Animal Cannibal by Karen Skladany. Quirked Izuku AU, specifics below.
Izuku and Katsuki are kidnapped just before their quirks came in and given to the Doctor to perform experiments on them. Along with the quirks they were born with, they were given copies* of a quirk called Carnivore, which lets them digest any form of meat from any creature, and get more nutritional value from it. They can still eat fruits and Vegetables though. For 12 years, they were tortured, tested on, and used as “Disposal” for failed experiments and Nomu before they got rescued.
* Izuku’s quirk is called All for All. He can temporarily posses a quirk, make copies with either temporary or permanent features, and either bind them to himself or another person of his choosing. He can also get creative and merge two copies into one unique customized quirk. The strength of the copied quirk depends on his base quirk, so the more he practices, the stronger the copies. Holding too many quirks could affect his physical and mental health, along with possessing the original drawbacks of the copied quirks.
3. A crack AU where everyone from Class 1A + Monoma and Shinsou is related to the Addams family.
4. Homestuck crossover AU where Izuku has a tiny bit of Troll Ancestry in his bloodline and that makes him pupate when he’s 4 and in an ironic jackpot of the Troll Genetics Lottery, he pupates into a Fushcia blood Troll. This is not his actual Quirk though. His actual quirk is a mix of hydrokinesis and the ability to control sea life. Think of Percy Jackson’s demigod powers. He also has natural pheromones that allow him to control or manipulate anyone his Troll instincts think of as lesser both Humans and Trolls. I plan on making Alternia invade Earth. It happens a few weeks After the Kamino Arc.
Miscellaneous AUs.
1. Homestuck AU where there’s A mafia/syndicate organization called The Ophiuchus Collective that believes in blood equality and that rank should be dictated by hard work. The Signless helped the syndicate in the past and owe him the favour of taking care of his descendant. As they hate owing favours, once they found Karkat they do everything in their power to protect him and ascend him to the position of Heir to the Leader.
2. Smitten Kitten Eyes: Post reveal crack miraculous AU where after a mission Plagg reaches his daily cheese limit (so as to not eat his family into bankruptcy) and Adrien refuses to give him more. Because of this, the next time Adrien transforms, Plagg leave his Chat Noir eyes once everything is over. Now he must navigate life trying to explain to everyone who doesn’t know why he has Chat’s eyes. Marinette has a blast the entire time.
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flightfoot · 3 years
We know that Marinette and Adrien got their miraculouses due to the sacrifices they had made; Adrien gave up his opportunity to go to school, and Marinette dropped her macarons and risked getting into in an car accident. But I've heard people say that Adrien's sacrifice wasn't really convincing since even if he hadn't helped Master Fu before Natalie and his bodyguard caught up to him, he still wouldn't have been able to get into the school later anyway, so it was pointless. And that really upset me, because a lot of that argument was basically salt against him and I was always thought about that too. I don't know what to think, I love this show a lot, but maybe I can kind of see their point too on that scene. Could you explain why exactly that scene made him worthy in Fu's eyes of the Black Cat miraculous??
...Okay honestly I think that overexaggerates the effectiveness of Fu's plan. He was on very short notice and basically was just trying to see who would help a stranger, I don't think "sacrifice" was actually part of the equation. He was just trying to see who was proactive and caring enough to take time out of their day to help him. I doubt he was going "Okay, so, how can I place myself so that this random person will risk, or even actually lose, a lot if they try to help me, thus proving that they're willing to sacrifice a lot for the sake of others? Oooh, that girl has macarons, I'll see whether she's willing to drop them in order to help me! And that boy... I bet he's had to sneak into school. If he helps me, he'll miss that chance, at least for today! Jackpot!"
Also, any sort of "Chat Noir is unworthy and has not proven that he deserves his Miraculous" argument is probably not worth listening to. Had enough of that nonsense, thanks.
Fu's not really this all-wise person anyway. He's just a person who's fumbling around trying to find some people who can help. I think he ended up choosing some pretty good superheroes, but honestly almost the entire class would pass his tests. He's just testing for basic human decency here, not finding the absolute best, most perfect and skilled people who could ever exist.
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
The Many (Past) lives Of Marinette AU
An Au where its common for people to know who they were in their past lives. They get tested at birth or when they’re really young by the International Bureau of Reincarnation (IBR) and get the certified results when they turn sixteen.
Its common that a person shares personality traits with their past selves; selflessness, heroism, compassion, creative, imaginative, loyal, determination, honesty, integrity. However, they also can take on the bad traits as well; impulsive, arrogant, bossy, cowardly, dishonest, traitorous, conceited, lazy, pompous, disloyal…etc.
However, it also common for the newest reincarnation to be completely opposite of their past selves if the soul learned its lesson or something.
Phobias and birth marks are usually connected to how you died in a past life. (No one know how to explain to a seven-year-old with a line across their throat means. Or why they don’t like heights.)
You also dream, and sometimes actually remember, moments of your past life that stood out the most as you get older. It can be traumatizing.
A common misconception, that the IBR is constantly trying to stamp out, is that it’s a guarantee that who you were in the past life is who you’ll be in this one. That statement is false. There is no such guarantee. (Only 32% of people don’t learn from their history and are doomed to repeat it.)
If you decide to work in any form of government or high security job, employers have the “right” to contact the IBR to screen your results to make sure you don’t have a history of betrayal. Most jobs don’t care that much.
If your past life(or lives) was really famous for anything somehow it “accidently” gets out. I.E some underpaid government employee looking to make an easy buck sells it to the media. And then your famous.
Similar to the reincarnation process from Avatar the Last Airbender.
In other words its this post:
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A lot of kids freak out when they learn who they were in their past lives. Either because they wonder if who they were makes them a bad person. Or suddenly have all this pressure on them to succeed like their past selves for fear of disappointing people who now have high expectations of them.
SO lets sum this AU up: somehow, someone at the IBR notices that there is class in France where nearly every student has one or more very famous past lives. And thinks: Jackpot. Suddenly the news is blowing up.
Of course prior to this Lila was bragging about her past selves; princess this, Queen that, Helen of Troy, the works. Everyone believes her, and Marinette can’t call her out because its not like she can prove she’s lying.
At least until she claims to be one of Marinette’s past lives but even then she lets it go because Marinette doesn’t want that type of attention of her.
However, when the news gets out, Lila’s empire falls.
One of the Chloe’s past selves were Marie Antoinette.
Lila was Benedict Arnold. And nearly every one her past lives were connected to betrayal, lies, heartbreak, etc.
All eyes are on Marinette though as EVERY one of her past lives were remarkable.
Who are they?
And who are the rest of the class.
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miraculousfanworks · 2 years
Fanfiction Prompt
Post reveal, pre-relationship. Marinette accidentally leaves a sketchbook out, which Lila/Chloe/someone finds, and discovers it is full of plans for Marinette's and Adrien's wedding. Thinking they hit the jackpot, they take it to Adrien to try to ruin his and Marinette's friendship. Adrien looks through the wedding plans, eyes widening in horror.
Adrien: "Marinette, I thought we agreed on red and green for our wedding colors!" Marinette: "You suggested it, I didn't agree. I'm not having our wedding look like a Christmas party!" Adrien: "But blue? Why not like... green and pink? You love pink!" Marinette: "I tried that in my other sketchbook, everything looked like watermelon." Adrien: "What's wrong with watermelons?"
The class just watches in pure confusion as Adrien and Marinette, who aren't even dating (yet), talk about a wedding that they've clearly spent a lot of time planning.
via @graaythekwami
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