#its a Little confusing but if u get the hang of it u can find some rlly good content
cubedmango · 2 years
i’ve never used pixiv before and I’m scared to just wade in, would you happen to have any specific recs? the other option is to watch the movie 20 more times but I was going to do that anyway 😔
why not read these And watch the movie 20 more times . thats my new game plan now. Anyways Heres Some Recs
1. 結局なにが言いたいかって?恋人が可愛い: one of the first ones i read and oh my god its sooo cute ..... its from back when the drama was still airing apparently but the fact it still works even after the movie . Incredible. canon in my brain
2. 安達が黒沢にチョコを渡す話: love me a good valentines ep related fic (tho its not canon anymore rip 😔) and this one . Excellent
3. 片恋の始まり: everything by this author tbh but specifically this fic !!!!! im a sucker for kurosawa at the beginning stages of his incredible pining so
4. 黒沢7年の片想い: series of peak 7 yr pining content
5. 7年間の想い: even more peak 7 yr pining content. jp writers love this stuff apparently. and so do i
i had more i wanted to rec but i didnt save them apparently so ill have to go look for them again (wish pixiv had a better search function...) but yeah check these out if u wanna !! oh and if u do try using pixiv (its got an english ver and using it is p easy imo??) theres a bunch more stuff on the #チェリまほ and #くろあだ tags (+art and comics too) 👀 oh and for translating i recommend using deepl and translating individual lines or paragraphs? it tends to get weird if u put the whole fic at once :p but yeah happy reading ksjdfkjsf
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riksaes · 10 days
ni-ki | fluff fluff fluff , cute boyfie stuff
a/n : I’m trying to feed u all before I disappear for exam period + there might be spelling errors 😭
you were currently laying in bed waiting for him to come to your house after being out with his friends. scrolling endlessly through tiktok, instagram reels even youtube shorts before a slam from your bedroom door was opened.
it was the man you’ve been waiting for, with a plastic bag. looking over to him who was currently smiling at you like he won the lottery. “baby I got you some stuff that I want you to try on” he hid his smirk but was obvious between his words. sitting up looking at him with doe eyes and titling your head in a confused manner.
“what is it” you questioned to him while wondering what he got. “okay so I got you these lipsticks but because I didn’t know what shade would go well.. so! I got you a few” he said rubbing the back of his neck while placing the bag in front of you. peeking into the bag there were probably more than ten single lipstick boxes in there. “ki.. why did you get me these? not that I hate it im just confused” you looked up at him while he was absolutely red in the face.
“well I saw this trend on tiktok.. and I was wondering if you wanted to do it..” he flopped down next you on the bed wanting to scream in one of your plushies. "can i see the trend?" still in shock in the amount of EXPENSIVE lipstick there were in the small plastic bag. ni-ki grabbed his phone from the back of his pants, tapping a few thing until he founded what he needed. biting his lip which became a habit from jake because of how much they hanged out together. turning the phone around and laying it down on the bed so you could watch with him.
a familiar song "k." by ciggerates after sex started playing, until a girl in the video started placing lipstick on and smudging it. ni-ki wasnt watching the video in the moment, he was watching you and your expressions wondering if he did the right thing. the camera paned over her supposedly boyfriend covered in lipstick kisses and smiling at the camera. the video finished and ni-ki stayed nervous until you smiled down at him and ruffling the soft locks of his black hair. "of course i would like to do this with you ki! its so cute!!" mentally squealing while ni-ki felt happy and not so nervous anymore.
you looked through the plastic bag to find possibly one of the darkest but nice looking lipsticks which ended up being a saint laurent one. opening it quickly after seeing the packaging but being delicate with applying the first layer onto your lips. ni-ki watched with basically hearts in his eyes seeing you apply the lipstick in front of him.
"ki i need you to lay down on your back so i can get better access to your face" looking at the boy who was currently laying on his stomach until he flipped so he could lay on his back. grabbing the cheeks of his face before kissing him softly on his forehead and taking a look at it, before going back down to kiss multiple spots on his face except his lips.
ni-ki was enjoying the moment it was like he was on cloud nine because of his girl. he felt content and happy like he won life in this moment. eyes closed while little kisses were spreading like jam on toast. peaking an eye open to see you reapply the lipstick on now your stained lips before continuing back to your art piece.
as time went by ni-ki was now covered in his kisses and was ready to look pretty for the camera. for the last time you grabbed the lipstick and played the audio while applying the lipstick until smudging it for the video. a massive hand came in and wiped the lipstick away while cueing the part of the song making the camera pan around seeing ni-ki. he was covered in kisses from his face to his neck even some stains could been seen from the shirt. but what caught your eye was he wasn’t looking at the camera, he was looking at you lovingly.
after the video was done you both watched through it while trying not to smile at ni-kis part.
- bonus
all of the comments were from his friends saying how he was a love sick puppy to you and kept teasing him but he didn’t care he only worries about you
taglist [OPEN] (if not underlined or bolded username is invalid) add yourself here or comment !
@microwvdstrawb3rri3s @chaconkii @whois-miki @vousty @eluvhae @escapetheash @yourmomsneakylink
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hyperfixat · 4 months
Just read through your "how the brothers show affection" hcs and I sat there and thought "man I'd probably do that back no questions asked"
>Attempting to mimic Levi's Purrs/Trilling (and completely mutilating it but oh my demons he is FLUSTERED. Ask him to teach you and bro passes away)
>Softly biting Mammon (open mouth and slobbering on his jacket lmao) or straight up doing bird-style contact calling (I chirp and whistle at my pet bird she loves it and demands pets)
>Headbutting Satan in the arm (and then maybe doing some face nuzzles like cat becuase I think he'd melt)
>Nibbling at Beel, like if he feeds you a food just nip softly at his fingers (or like absent-mindedly chew on his forearm)
>Brat vs Brat Violence with Belphie waking up to find his whole face has been licked (smug bastard about it because he kinda smells like you now)
Idk it kinda just clicked in my head bc I do these things a lot and I wanted to share my brain juice
HELLO thank u for the ask and your comments on the rb and I LOVE THIS!!
post they’re referring to here
- i think levi would pass away then and there if while you guys are just hanging out, you start trying to make those noises. i imagine mild confusion anf then it clicks and he goes red in the face and falls backwards.. its like u suddenly reminded him he likes u and thats so embarrassing on his end >_< silly little otaku
- the mammon point you have made the slobber part really resonates with me <3 i would love to get his jacket covered in drool no reason other than to be a menace, and its more than fair!! you probably have bite marks and assorted demon afflicted marks on your clothes!!
- with satan i can see a headbutt compitition brewing. he does it, you do it (but harder), he goes slightly harder, and the good thing is u can almost always win!! he knows at some point if you dont give up he’ll end up hurting you.. its all in good fun, so the only way u lose is if you get interrupted by someone
- biting beel.. i like to think the demons in general have thicker skin if u know what i mean… hilarious to think that he doesn’t even know what youre doing or that it happened the first couple of times you went in for a bite 😭
like beel nibbles u a little and goes back to whatever he was doing idk, then in the back of his mind he thinks ‘hm something touched my arm’ completely not registering that was u going ham trying to dent his thick skin
- personally im not a licker, but i can also see compitition between you and belphie where at the end you both have to take a shower and change clothes becasue your licking went too far ☹️
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supermarketbae · 9 months
Could you do a cute Billy Hargrove x fem reader were they are secretly dating and the party are slowly figuring it out. Like max is confused why Billy is being a lot nicer. Eddie, Steve, and robin wants to know who keeps calling reader when they hangout at her house.
You can write the end however you like! Love your writing! Have a great day!
OMGGGG THANK U SO MUCH LOVE!! (also i'm back taking class courses again so sorry if I've responded late. bAcK To SchOOl FolKs *nerdy goth noises* this can be read as a part three but its fine on its own.
Billy Hargrove x fem reader
What's Best?
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Naughty and not so nice the series
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The sun had just set, leafless trees casting long shadows around the warm room as their spindly woven branches wafted softly against the windows a sound accompanied by joking and stupid dares. Your friends were oblivious to the sun starting to sink below the horizon. Everyone was happy to finally find some time to hang out together. How late it was getting was a small, trivial matter that was forgotten in the spirit of laughter and much needed relaxation. Max was thoroughly appalled when Billy made no objection in bringing her along to your house, and you thought she had keeled over when, instead of leaving he walked right in with her.
Robin glanced at you questioningly through the night. But you paid it no mind. Billy was starting to be roped into your little group of misfits, and there was nothing you would rather have more. "Soooo what's this talk I hear of my little baby having a boyfriend?" Eddie drawls smacking your butt playfully as he grabs a coke from the counter "Never thought you'd have it in you doll." he continues smirking sarcastically. Your heart shudders for a beat as you subtlety make eye contact at Billy from across the room, you scowl gently as you see his shoulders shaking in silent laughter "Bitch." you say pointedly turning back to Eddie to slug him in the shoulder.
"Wonder who he is, since you practically skip when the phone rings." Eddie smiles grabbing at your hair musing it up. "I do not!" you say wide eyed a light blush settling on your cheeks. You don't dare to look at Billy again to see his reaction. But to your relief, your embarrassment falls on deaf ears as the others continue enjoying themselves. You lean back on the counter as you watch the sight before you; Nancy and Robin talking together on the couch, Robin blushing lightly as she talks animatedly, Nancy grabbing her arm. Dustin, Mike, El, Will, and Max geeking out about some intricate thing. You find yourself smiling softly, blissfully unaware of Billy's approach behind you, that is until strong arms wrapped discreetly around your waist.
"What's up doll." his gravelly mumble tore at your chest causing your heart to constrict. "Nothing much, handsome," you whisper back voiced honeyed but still drooping low. "hands to yourself while you're at it too." you chide teasingly, pinching lovingly at his forearm. Your giggle echoes louder when Billy nips at your shoulder. The sound traveled sharply, catching the attention of your observant friend, Max glances up briefly surprised at the sight of you. She cocked her head in elegant confusion noticing Billy's usually scowling face in a radiant grin. Even more so that he was that close to you.
You caught her eye. A silent promise lay in them.
A soft smile.
She wanted what was best for him too.
And as she watched his face crinkle in laughter as you kissed his cheek secretively, she knew that you were, inevitably, what was best.
AHHHHHHH im sososososoossoso sorry i started up classes and OMLLLLL @unamused-boss thank you so much for requesting and I hope this brought your idea justice mllll thank you darlingggg
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chronicowboy · 1 year
Eddie isn't sure why he doesn't tell Buck about Marisol. He doesn't mention meeting her at the hardware store, doesn't mention exchanging numbers, doesn't mention the many failed texting attempts, definitely doesn't mention asking her out—or, well, saying yes when she asked him out.
A month ago he'd know exactly why he wasn't telling Buck about her. Most likely because a month ago he'd still believe he and Buck were dancing around something, so he never would have blushed his way through an interaction in front of the epoxy shelf in the first place. But now, with Buck and Natalia, Eddie doesn't know why he wouldn't just tell him.
Buck would be happy for him. He knows that much.
And yet, Eddie doesn't tell him, doesn't want to tell him, wants to keep Marisol as separate from Buck as he can possibly manage given how they met those first two times. He just wants to have something that isn't defined by Buck.
(He already has the heartache when Buck mentions Natalia with that little smile, already has the fear of rejection whenever he asks Buck to hang out now, already has Christopher who tilts his head when he's confused just like Buck.)
But its impossible to keep anything from Buck for long. And really, he should have seen this coming.
"Eddie, that is so embarrassing." Buck is shaking with his laughter at Christopher's colourful retelling of Eddie wiping out in the school parking lot the other day.
"For me or him?" Chris replies without missing a beat, only succeeding in making Buck laugh harder. He falls across the length of the couch as he clutches at his sides and Eddie shakes his head from the kitchen doorway. "Besides, if you think that's embarrassing," Chris snickers, and Eddie blanches, "you should have seen him trying to ask Marisol out."
Buck's laughter stops instantaneously, his whole body freezing up, and the silence consumes Eddie whole. He swallows thickly as Buck drags his eyes away from Christopher to look at Eddie. For once, Eddie can't actually see Buck, not the way he normally he can, all he sees is the Buck who can rip his heart from his sleeve and tuck it back into his chest.
"Marisol?" he prods weakly. "Rosa's mom?"
"No, God, no." Eddie shakes his head vigorously, tries to get back on even ground. "You think any single mom at that school would say yes after the Monday fiasco?"
"Who's Marisol?" Buck asks without even a huff of laughter.
"We went and helped her out after we destroyed the house she was fixing up, remember?" Eddie shrugs, ducks his head to avoid Buck's carefully blank eyes. "Saw her in the hardware store a month ago, finally worked up the courage to ask her out."
"Technically, she asked you," Chris chimes in. "I have no idea why."
"Thanks, kid," Eddie sighs.
"Wait, so I can't date someone I met on a call but you can?" Buck butts in, a heat behind the words that makes Eddie's hackles rise.
"I never said you couldn't date her," Eddie retorts, trying not to let his frustration boil over. "I politely tried to remind you that you dating someone you saved never ends well."
"Oh, wow." Buck scoffs. "I didn't save her, Eddie. She had a scratch on her hand, I patched it up. That's it."
"Yeah, I patched Ana's hand up too," Eddie mutters. He glances down at Christopher and feels a tendril of guilt curl around his heart. He's already had to live through his parents' arguments before, Eddie's not making him do it again.
Eddie purses his lips as he retreats into the kitchen, settling back against the fridge to let the cool metal calm him down. He tries to sort through Buck's reaction, but it doesn't make sense. This goes beyond the protective instincts of a best friend, and it feels like more than just Buck's abandonment issues rearing their head.
Everything gets so fucked up when one of them dates. A mess that neither one of them thinks to clean up until its too late. To Eddie, it makes sense. Now, anyway. Now, he knows why he'd hated Abby's ghost so passionately, why he'd U-turned so sharply from finding Ali perfectly nice to a ticking time bomb, why he'd only hated Taylor more with every day that had passed. And, of course, Natalia who never stood a chance when she was hanging onto Buck's death and running away from his life. Because Buck would never hold a grudge, but Eddie does it gladly and without being asked, simmering at the side-lines.
But Buck's reactions never make sense. Not to Shannon, not to Ana, not to Vanessa, not to Marisol.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Buck asks as soon as the kitchen door closes behind him.
"I don't know." Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and tilts his head towards the ceiling.
"Were you going to tell me?"
"I don't know." Eddie sighs, knocks his head against the fridge once for good measure. He cracks an eye open to look at Buck. "Were you going to tell me that you and Natalia bought a new couch together?"
"I did tell you." Buck frowns.
"No, I came over and saw the new couch and you distractedly told me that your mom's couch was covered in Kameron's amniotic fluid. Which you also didn't tell me about." Eddie folds his arms over his chest and takes a deep breath. "Buck, what are we arguing about here?"
"Our girlfriends apparently," Buck mumbles.
"I don't have a girlfriend. Just a date on Saturday." Eddie rolls his eyes, and a sharp thrill of bravery sparks at the base of his spine as he looks at Buck. "What are we really arguing about?"
"I-I don't know." Buck frowns down at his socked feet
"Maybe you should go back to the loft and figure that out," Eddie says quietly, hating himself for the flicker of hurt on Buck's face.
"Just me?" Buck croaks. "So you know what we're arguing about?"
"Yeah," Eddie whispers. He'd been arguing with himself about the very same thing for years before he'd just let himself feel it. Its only fair that Buck does the same.
"And you aren't going to tell me?" Buck asks wetly.
"Its something you have to figure out yourself, Buck." Eddie bites his lip and shrugs. "You don't have to leave now. I don't want you to leave," Eddie clarifies, "but no more arguing. Not where Chris can hear." And then, Eddie thinks that maybe he should give Buck a place to start even if Eddie never got that luxury himself. "He's already been through this with me and Shannon, doesn't need to go through it again with us."
He leaves Buck in the kitchen with the first clue to this little riddle of theirs.
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gummygowon · 1 year
forest green | choi san
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word count: 1k
request: forest green + angst (pls with happy ending i cant take sadness 😥💔)/opposites attract + san <3 !! thank u !
warnings: a few losers being mean to sannie
a/n: hi love thank you so much for requesting i'm so sorry this im posting this so late but i really had sm fun with this one i hope you enjoy!
"no shot y/n." your best friend soojin whispers to you as you guys walk out onto the court before the game starts.
"what?" you whisper back, trying to keep the cheerful smile on your face as you wave your forest green pom poms in the air at the crowd.
"you like choi san don't you?"
"what?" you pause, whipping your head to look at soojin.
"be so for real y/n, i can see you looking for his nerdy ass in the crowd right now."
"i am not!" you argue, turning your back to the crowd as the basketball team makes their way onto the court.
"y/n, you have the entire school at your finger tips and you choose choi san? nerdy ass choi san who spends his time in the library every friday night."
"and? i don't mind." you sheepishly answer staring down at your poms as san's cute dimple smile infiltrated your mind.
"my god, y/n, you have the kim mingyu wrapped around your finger and you want san?!?"
"at least san has a brain and isn't a jerk."
"so? he's hot that basically covers everything." soojin defends as you guys walk to the sidelines.
"for you it does." you huff, smoothing out your skirt as you get in your spot that was on the corner of the court. it gave you the perfect view of san who was wearing a forest green sweater to represent your school's colors. he was sitting at the very top of the bleachers looking lost as soon as the game started. a small smile appeared on your face as watch san's eyebrows furrow in confusion trying to understand what was happening in front of him. eventually, his eyes trailed down to the cheerleader section where you were. you caught his gaze and gave him a small wave which he returned with a shy smile.
the crowd erupts in cheers as hongjoong scores the first basket of the game meaning your little moment with san was rudely ended. the game however goes on well as your team absolutely destroys your opponent. cheers erupted the gym as the students shouted in celebration. as one of the cheer leaders you follow your team to the court to make a tunnel for the team as they head back to the locker room.
once they leave, your coach gives out her post game speech and then lets you guys go. to your surprise, you see san waiting outside the gym trying to make himself look busy.
"hey," you softly say bumping his shoulder with yours causing him to jump. "do you need help finding the exit or?"
"no," san scoffs bumping his shoulder into you as revenge, "just thought i should say you did great out there."
a shy smile makes its way to your face as your heart beats against your chest. "thank yo-"
"y/n!" mingyu emerges from god knows where, throwing his arm over you forcing you and san to separate. "you comin' to my house later? my parents are gone and i'm throwing a huge party for tonight's win!"
"oh, i-" you peer over mingyu's large frame to see san looking dejectedly at the floor.
"you're going!" yuqi shouts from behind, another one of your teammates.
you didn't even get a chance to say goodbye as mingyu and his teammates along with yours push you to the parking lot.
"why are you even hanging out with san? isn't he a total loser?" someone asks from behind you.
"yeah, plus he's a total sqaure!"
"little man probably hasn't felt the touch of a woman since his mother changed his diaper!"
"excuse me?" you say utterly in shock that your so called friends are just outwardly saying shit about someone.
before anyone even had a chance to say anything san pushes his way through the crowd angrily.
"san, wait!" you say trying to catch up to him only to have mingyu tug at your wrist.
"leave him be y/n. kid's a loser anyways."
"he is not!" you argue, ripping your arm away from him. "just fuck off and go have your stupid party!"
you made a beeline to your car and drove to the one place you knew san would be at a time like this. the park where the playground was a mix of ugly beige and forest green and where the park overlooked your little hometown. san liked it because it made him like he was on top of the world even if he was treated like shit.
thankfully, san's beat up toyota corolla was parked in front of the playground.
"thought i might find you here." you say in a quiet tone, wrapping your hands around self because of course you forgot your lettermen at home.
san didn't even turn to look at you as he swung slowly on the creaky swing set. "aren't you supposed to be at some party?"
"yeah, but i didn't feel like going." you answer sitting next to san on the other swing.
"so you decided to hang out with a loser on a good friday night?" he sarcastically asks.
"why do you even wanna be around me? midterms are over so you don't have to be around me for awhile." san spits, still not even daring to look up at you. "you know, i thought that maybe there would be a chance you actually like me."
your heart cracked at every word that was coming out his mouth. "san, i do. a lot. trust me."
"no you don't." his knuckles turning white because of how hard he was gripping the chains on the swing. "not in the way i do."
still san was refusing to look up at you until you take a hand and place it softly on his cheek. san jumps at your sudden touch before slowly raising his eyes to meet yours.
"i like you sannie." you confess, heart racing a hundred miles per hour. "i don't care what people or even you say about yourself. i like the way your dimples pop out when you smile. i like the way you never get frustrated with him when you're teaching me. i like the way you remember the little things about everyone. i like you, choi san."
"i-are you sure?" he asks to stunned to even respond to your confession.
you nod your head, giggling at the way san was staring at you in shock.
"can i kiss you?"
"of course, sannie." you answer before smiling to the warm kiss.
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aroseformyself · 9 months
yandere twst au !¡
heartslabyul | savanaclaw | octavinelle | scarabia | pomfiore | ignihyde | diasomnia | genshin version
⚠️tw: bullying, violence, nsfw, blackmail, yandere, noncon/dubcon, mc is depicted to be small and fragile (im not even like that but it fits with the theme), reader is gn for half then fem
. A Z U L A S H E N G R O T T O !¡
. the obsessed clingy stalker !¡
. stats
easily angered: 5/10 physical capability: 4/10 gullibility: 5/10 sexual sadism: 4/10
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azul is an business man, he knows his way to get someone to fall apart and has dirt and almost everyone. and if he doesnt the moment he finds a weakness he will exploit it with all his power. considering this info, once azul finds out mc is living in ramshackle, the perfect little hang out for the monstro lounge AND is magicless. azul will definitely find a weakness, a insecurity, or even a fear and attempt to force mc into a contract.
however, when mc refuses, azul can’t believe it. he had just offered them the offer of a lifetime, money and a confortable place to stay, but they refused. they didn’t even read the fine print (which would make mc an employee of the lounge).
azul is fuming because of this and almost throws a tantrum before the twins calm him down, saying they’ll take care of it. azul had a realization, the twins will find a way to force you into the contract, either they annoy you so much you sign just to get floyd to stop seeking you out in the halls. or to get jade to stop trying to feed you random foods and drinks that he swears are not “poisonous and harmful”.
so when the twins come back empty handed after weeks, you can understand his confusion and frustration. even though he’s offered you a great deal (minus you being an employee) and the twins annoying you so much, you should be running back, wanting him to stop the torture. he expected you to give up the first time he offered, or even run to him earlier, especially since your magicless.
he doesn’t get it, anyone else except a select few would have given up by now, so why didn’t mc?! they just keep going on with that old house that is one sneeze away from falling apart. it makes his blood boil that he can’t figure them out, “perhaps they’ve already planned for all of this!” azul said to jade, but jade shook his head, saying its impossible for someone as weak as mc to think that far ahead. they were thrown into a world of magic, surely they couldn’t have seen anything coming. but they are stoic all the time around azul and the twins…
mc not talking to them and lowley avoiding azul has lead all these thoughts about them to bubble up in azuls mind. it had him second guessing his moves for the first time, re-thinking how things will play out. but azul has a revelation, mc would be a powerful ally to octavinelle and could be a powerful business partner. as long as he plays his cards right mc will be his.
and unknowingly of mc, they’ve stuck themselves in azuls brain, permanently. while they were just trying to save themselves, they ended up falling deeper in, in the process. azul had become obsessed with them, so much so that he wanted them by his side forever, to never leave and stay with him at all times.
”what a poor unfortunate soul, but fret not, l/n, let’s make a deal.”
. J A D E L E E C H !¡ . F L O Y D L E E C H !¡
. the sadist stalkers !¡
. stats
easily angered: 2/10 easily angered: 6/10 physical capability: 7/10 physical capability: 8/10 gullibilty: 1/10 gullibility: 5:10 sexual sadism: 4/10 sexual sadism: 7/10
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jade is majors in strength, intelligence, and communication. he acts very gentlemanly, and masks almost everything up with a smile. considering this he. is midly shocked when azul comes into the lounge about to cry because of a little migicless mc from another world. he heard about the mc because gossip at NRC spreads quicker than wild fire. he knows about them being form another world, one without magic above everything else. so why would azul be so frustrated by a little thing like that?
it all starts to make sense when azul goes and comments on everything mc did to avoid him, saying things like “they’ve had to have known” which makes his interest in mc burn. jade like things he finds interesting and loves testing them. so you’ve been put on his radar to look out for (same with floyd). when he does get tired of azuls whining he decides it’s best to see for himself. little did he know, mc is a master of evading, whenever mc saw him they would immediately walk forward, a stoic expression on mcs face, acting as if they were so focused on something else, they weren’t thinking of the world around them. and of course he didn’t run after them, he would have looked like a fool, running after a random person in the middle of the campus. then there was mcs annoying so called “friends” who were invading personal space and always around them.
as if mc running away all the time wasn’t bad enough, they’re friends also didn’t seem to fond of jade. so they ran away to! jade was now trapped in a position either to suck it up and go to floyd, admitting he had trouble with mc, or find a time where mc would actually approach him. option one was the quickest, and time is somethign they don’t have with everyone starting to like mc. especially the animals from savanaclaw.
when jade asked floyd to help out, he didn’t expect floyd to literally tackle mc into the wall and squeeze really tight. and on top of that, mcs stoic facade breaking and their eyes watering was the most important thing to think about. if they do have the ability to have emotions, why cover it up? jade kept the thought in the back of his mind.
floyd is a moody teen who likes seeing peoples reactions specifically people he’s interested in, which now includes “shrimpy” or mc. he wants to see them all, all the expressions and emotions they are capable of. so while jade asked mc a few questions regarding their cooperation with azul and the price they want to become an emplyee of the lounge, he noted floyd’s hands wandering all over their body. when one of his twins hands went to their thigh and gave it a slight squeeze before almost sliding up into their shorts which caused mc to let out a breathy gasp, is when he decided it was enough. telling floyd to knock it off before someone comes over. (not bc he hard)
when jade and floyd come back to azul’s office to tell him they finally got what they needed, they can tell azul has been over thinking. and as amusing as it is, they can aslo tell he has a new place in his life for mc. but the thought of mc is enticing, who can blame him? even the twins have taken a new liking to mc, but the question is, how is mc going to deal with them.
now azul, jade, and floyd are tasked with finding a plan that you won’t be able to tinker with. one that is simply ingenious. and your friends are the perfect targets. floyd first suggested just enslaving the school and you along with it, and azul and jade built from that, taking the exam to their advantage, azul made fake exam cards and fake answers for the dtudents to study with, the ones who didn’t make it to top 50 were toast and the ones that did weren’t free to leave leave. of course they suspected you wouldn’t fall for that, but you weren’t the target.
ace trappolla amd deuce spade, your closest friends fell for it in an instant, and didn’t tell you. just how they thought it would play out. azul felt great in his glory, no more times that you can make him second guess himself.
you couldn’t believe the smug looks on their faces when they saw you walking into azul’s office after you your friends failed. azul started by questioning how your day went, and you harshly replied with “horrible”. but it didn’t seem to make even a dent in his facade, he just chuckled and proposed an offer you couldn’t refuse. freeing your friends and you taking their place, and of course you said yes, you were just to innocent for this school if you thought they would just make you a forced emplyee.
and oh how they wished to ruin that innocence. the first day of your job was saturday, so you weren’t expecting anything out of the ordinary to happen, all you had to do is take people orders and give them said orders. pretty easy, and since it was a weekend you didn’t have any work for school to do. however what you did NOT expect floyd to be following you around, monitoring you and all your movements. so when you accidentally dropped a drink, floyd hugging you while saying, “oh~ look who messed up!” wasn’t a surprise, but floyd dragging you back to azul and setting you down on his table, while jade walked in.
. slight nsfw !¡
you frantically tried to defending yourself by explaining what had happened thinking they were mad with you, “i didn’t mean to-” but azul cut you off, holding a finger to your lips.
“as you know our supplies are limited until we can bring in more at the end of the week.” but it is the end of the week, your sweat drops as floyd stand behind you, his hands graze your thigh. “we require payments and sense you are in no position to pay in full. we must take it from you in other ways…” his evil smirk did nothing to calm you, are they gonna beat me up? you thought, as floyd’s hands gripped your thighs tightly. but your heart dropped when his hands moved toward your inner thigh, prying them open despite your protests. “hush now, it’ll feel good, i promise.”
you need a safe place to escape to. perhaps savanaclaw will work?
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justaghostingon · 4 months
In which the Tsarista wants Friends And Furina is the Unfortunate Target
A silly genshin au
So i was thinking, u know how every archon has nothing but respect for Furnia?
What if the Tsarista did too? After all, the tsarista wants to defy the heavens, ancthe only person to get away with that and live (that we know of) is Furina.
And its so hard to find archons to hang out with. She’s still not talking to Venti. Morax has to many shady contracts with celestia, Nahida is a child by archon standards, Ei scares her, and frankly the less said about Murata the better.
So when word gets to her through whatever highspeed knowledge that the archons a seem to have about what Focolors and Furina did, she instantly wants to bring her in as an ally.
But alas! Arrlecino has made an absolutely terrible impression on Furina! So much so that Furina refused to meet her without othwr parties present!
This is a huge failure!
She proceeds to tell Arrlecino that while she’s not in trouble, as she did bring back the gnosis, couldn’t she have been a little nicer?
Just look at Childe! He managed to make a good impression on Morax, and he didn’t even realize it was Morax he was hanging out with!
They still get drinks somwtimes!
If Childe can befriend a god by accident, surely Arrlecino could at least mend bridges with Furina? Furina would be sooo useful after all.
Arrlecino, who has jetted off after getting the gnosis with a sick Childe and most certainly doesn’t have connection to whatever instant gossip communication that the Tsarista has, is very confused
She’s still under the impression that Furina was a cursed human, archon impersonator, and all around waste of space.
Now her boss and archon she respects is passive agressively trying to get her to introduce her to Furina and mad she’s not in her good books?
Her general attitude is to point agressively at Furina eating her cake and going “This is the ONE u want? THIS one?”
Tsarista, sighing dramatically, “She’s perfect”
But Arrlecino is a harbringer, and what her archon wants, goes. So she goes back to fontain and tries to arrange a meetinf with Furina
This is of course, completely rejected, and accompanied by a sternly worded letter from Neuvillette saying that Furina is retired and not to bother her anymore.
Arrlecino tries to just go directly to Furina, but is chased away by some very agressive melusines. Arrlecino didn’t even know Melusines could be agressive
At this point, Arrlecino is getting annoyed. Did all their personal meetings mean nothing to Furina? She spent so much time and money on her favorite cakes!
Sure she tried to kill her, but that was one time! She should be over it by now!
But she hasn’t lost her head yet. It’s tiem to use her trump card. The magic siblings!
Lyney is a bit dubious on their new mission: “make nice to furina at all costs.” After all, their last two interactions with with her were Furina putting lyney on trial, and lyney and the gang putting her on trial. Not exactly easy to bounce back from.
But orders are orders, so they give it a shot.
They start with trying to ask Furina for help on stage management, give her invitations to their shows, etc.
Shared interests are important after all.
Bur Furina is not biting. She’s not good at magic she points out, so she won’t be much help to them and their better off seeking others to aid them.
She does go to their performance, but spends the entire time sandwiched between Navia and Clorinde. When lyney and lynette try to approach her, navia drags them into conversation instead as Clorinde escorts Furina out.
So that’s a no go.
Lynette then decides to take the more direct route, of breaking into Furina’s apartment to reach her. This goes understandably terribly, as Furina does not take well to a cloaked figure standing over her bed, saying “the Tsarista wants to talk to you”
She sends her water familiars to chase lynette away.
At this point Furina is getting very paranoid and the magic siblings are at the end of their rope. They break out their last hope: Freminet.
Sure he’s not the most social, but he’s by far the most adorable (in the twins opinion) and definitely nonthreatening.
Freminet’s turn goes as thus: Furina is sitting on a bench with her water familiars playing around her
Freminet sits next to her on the bench with Pers. He doesn’t look at Furina, instead staring at his feet.
Pers goes over to the water familiars and they start playing together. Furina and Freminet watch
Finally Freminet blurts out. “The Tsarista thinks your cool and wants to be your friend.”
Furina is startled, then switches into celebrity mode. Freminet doesn’t seem to mean any harm, but she doesn’t want to agree. So she sets an impossible task. She informs Freminet that she is a very popular person and if the tsarista wants to see her, she must come in person to Fontaine instead of sending minions.
Freminet nods and thanks her, saying he’ll pass on the message. He tells her Pers had a good time, and Furina smiles, certain that she’s handled the situation perfectly.
Exactly one week later, there’s a knock on her door. Furina opens it to see thr Tsarista dressed like a tourist with a bag of luggage. She informs Furina they are having a “girls” week.
Next thing Furina knows she and thr tsarista are sitting at a super fancy cake shop where the tsarista is piling Furina with all her favorite cakes with a beaming smile on her face.
As she resigns herself to her fate of lots of cake and spa activites with Tevats number one most controversial archon. Furina realizes she now knows where the Fatui get their crazy from
The end
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rzyraffek · 9 months
Platonic yandere yautja x human child reader
Aww dad yautja😊 I didn't write for yautjas in months!! Hopefully u enjoy it!! Also i used they/them for kid. No tw, only cuteness and wholesome dad figure yautja👹 request open
Dad yautja with human kid
Bro is confused ??? Tf??? Why is there a child here??
He either found them abandoned in middle of nowhere or accidentally killed their perents, by 'accidentaly' i mean ofc he wanted to kill them he just didn't know there was a child nearby and now he feels bad
Kinda finds human pups ugly😭 why are you so smol and loud wtf
Dad!yautja after he kinda adopts y/n he gets too overprotective! Like dude won't leave their side at all, especially when you guys are outside; dude will pick them up and just carry around.
Can't cook to save his life, he kinda set kitchen on fire. And humans cant eat raw meat, so now you are on fruit diet for now (and veggies)
Had this parental instinct to teach them everything, how to shoot, find food, basic self-defence, overall taking good care of themselfs. But he kinda likes that he has to provide for them, it gives him control yknow
When he carries them around everywhere! He acually lets them sit on his shoulders or just hang on his neck😓😍
Cant say no to those cute big eyes! Yes he will let them 'decorate' his armor (with glitter and stickers) and he will let them paint his nails and he will lisen to them gossip about their friends.
If his kid is a little artist and walks up to him and says "papa i drew you!" He does not care that he looks like a lizard nor that they didn't color it perfectly. Dude is purring, picking y/n up and he carries this drawing in pocket everywhere
Other yautjas say that he spoils them, but he disagrees! Your a HUMAN baby, i mean yeah your basically one of yautjas now but!!! Your tiny! And your skin is so squishy!!!
He had to learn how to comb their hair cuz at some point y/n simply refused to cut it (me too lil guy) and he respects them so much he won't just do something against them
Kinda wishes he could understand human body language more
Also about body language i can imagine kid just kinda mimicing yatuja body language and habits. Like dad!yatuja will say "child please go to bed its late" the kid will just angry respond with a hiss👹 "hsssss👽🦎" "?????" If yaujtas had eyebrows, he would rise them
If y/n is a girl, and she has her first period? Dude panics! HUHH WHAT BLOOD??? FROM WHERE!?? UHHHH????
Dude tries to be a perfect father figure, he tries to have similar intrests with his kid so they can connect more, but if y/n is totally not into hunting, collecting, nature themed stuff, Yautja is more than happy to catch up with whatever teens are into this days, but he will judge the hell out of tv shows (if they watch any)
I kinda forgot it suppose to be yandere so it turned out to be just wholesome im so sorry
Understands that kid needs privacy but he will just go invisible mode and lurk in shadows! Like what if somone attacks you??? Or worse! What if you meet some humans that he doenst like??? What if they will tell y/n all lies about what 'bad war crimes' he commited and what 'murderous' his kind is!! Those are lies pls dont lisen to humans
No boy/girlfriends!!! Nuh uh!! Your his little baby you cant go doing all those... things... with some human. ugh! this person probably can't even hunt for you!! Or give you nice treasures!! Or build a pretty nest!! Why would you like them my child?? Look at all those trophies i gathered for all those years! You should stay here!
He loves the fact that he lives in some wild ass jungle and y/n cant leave him due to all those dangers around, plus he loves that y/n will always stay tiny(in comparison obviously) and weak so be basically needs to provide for them! Right???
I used x reader tags ONLY to reach bigger audience
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junhui-png · 3 months
A day for you
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"wave to earth - bad"
01:22 ━━━━●───── 04:16
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
Tumblr media
summary: a cute and short date w joshua !
notes: hey y’all I really wanted to write something else but I didn’t want to start a whole other project so I decided to write this short ff! Hope u enjoy!!
genre: seventeen ff, seventeen fluff, Joshua as your boyfriend, some cursing, kissing, cuddling, touchy Joshua, some mentions of other seventeen members, cute nicknames (Babe, baby, my love, etc)
You were in the kitchen of you shared apartment, while your boyfriend was in the living room scrolling through his phone. As you were searching the kitchen for some sort of snack, Joshua's sweet voice calls out to you " baby do you wanna go on a date?" You turn around to look at Joshua, who was staring right back at you with his doe-like eyes. "Like right now?" You clarify "Yeah right now" Joshua gets up from the couch and makes his way to you "Anything you wanna do?" His hands naturally find there way to the small of your back, pulling you in just a bit. "there's that new restaurant down the street?" you suggested and your boyfriends replies with a simple hum "Whatever you want" A small smile forms onto Joshua's lips "Ok be ready in 30 minutes then" With that Joshua disappears into his room and you do the same.
You come back out of your room wearing a pair of washed flared jeans with a off-shoulder sweats complimented with some gold jewelry. When you walk into the living room you see Joshua sitting down on the couch on his phone. He was wearing a black sweatshirt with white writing on it paired with a jeans and a black bucket hat. Joshua noticed you presence and he immediately stood up and approached you "You look pretty" He smiles smugly, gently taking your hand and putting it into his. "You look pretty too" You let go of his hand and walk over towards the door to put your shoes on "I look pretty?" Joshua lets out a chuckle at your compliment. "yeah, pretty" You looked up at your boyfriend, who had a silly smile playing on his face "Thank you baby" Joshua slides his hand around your shoulder before walking out of your apartment.
You and Joshua walk down the street towards the restaurant you had mentioned earlier "Hey Josh?" You began, you voice a little hesitant. Joshua turned to face you, his gaze on you "hm?" "Why'd you want to go on a date so suddenly?" You asked. Joshua's lips curled into a tender smile. "Because I missed you." You look up at Joshua, the confusion very evident in your face "We live together though?" Joshua chuckles softly, his eyes still on you "I know that, but I just miss the romance of our past dates, you know?" You heart swells up a bit at the words your boyfriend has just spoke.
The two of you had arrived at the restaurant and you had to admit, the place definitely looked fancy. The place was decorated with beautiful vintage chandlers and vines and flowers covered the walls. A waiter greeted the two of you before seating you in one of the corner booths and handing you a menu. "How are things with you friends?" You ask once the waiter leaves. From what you knew it had been quite awhile since Joshua had went out with any of his friends, so naturally you were curious on how things were going "They're fine, Vernon texted me earlier asking if I wanted to hang out" Joshua answers casually "Why didn't you go?" "Because I felt like going out with you". You can't stop a smile from appearing onto your face at your boyfriends words "You should've gone though" you say but Joshua shakes his head "Its fine, I can go out with him another time" He gives you a sweet smile before the waiter arrives and asks for you orders.
You both finish you dinner and begin your walk home when a few minutes into your way back home Joshua stops in his tracks "What?" You stop and turn to face him. You boyfriend's face lights up a bit before turning to face you "Wait here baby, ok?" Before you can responds Joshua runs of into a farmers market, leaving you stunned. He comes back about 5 minutes later with a Boquete of pink and red flowers in his hand "Josh.." Joshua hands you the Beautiful Boquete he had bought for you "For you, my love" you take the Boquete and Joshua is quick to take your free hand and place it into his, intertwining your fingers together. "Thank you Shua, really" You smile up towards your boyfriend you smiles back warmly "Of course baby, Love you always" "I love you too."
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
okok im back with incel!kenma
whats even worse is if you really can’t tell if you’re a guy or a girl, the type of person that gives gender envy. if you have longer hair he just assumes your like him and can’t be bothered to cut it.
also ik this isn’t one of your hcs for kuro but nerd/loser!kuro x mean!goth!gf but maybe you’re not mean to him but everyone else, people even look at him the wrong way and you have them absolutely terrified. and during your face chats with him you never have your makeup or you daily clothes on. normally just bare faced and in something of kuros. surpising how he didn’t pick up kuros old nekoma jersey
number one: maybe kuro posts a picture of you on his story possibly at your pc playing with incel!kenma. or it could be one of the spicy mirror pictures you made him post because why the hell is the dumb bitch from class feeling up on your man for. maybe you even rant to kenma about this dumb bitch who can’t keep her hands to herself, and why the fuck is she touching a taken man. (okay i think incel!kenma is misogynistic but not homophobic because why the fuck would anyone want to deal with some needy whore constantly.) but that rant solidifies the thought that you are infact a guy maybe not one who hates women on the same level as he does but a man nonetheless. but once kuro posted that picture he figured it out and was disgusted.
number 2: kuro is at your house studying, so to keep your boredom at bay you hop online with kenma, it’s about two hours in when he hears a knock shuffling in the back ground followed by the sound of someone falling onto your bed when he asked about it your response is casual “oh its just my boyfriend.” and he doesn’t pick at it anymore. but then the mic catches a familiar voice in the background. “pretty girl when are you gonna be done, i want to take a nap with you” you give a hum in response to his question. “alright bro gotta leave after this round, so we have to win don’t wanna lose the last match of the day.” obviously you land up losing because kenma can’t get his pretty little head around the fact that he couldn’t tell you were some fucking bitch, you never told him either so that makes you a fucking liar (even tho he didn’t ask). when the game disconnects he’s seething.
number three: this is the worst option really kuro begs him to come hang out with him at his girlfriend, he swears up and down that she’s not the type of woman he’d hate. promises that they have a lot of the same interests. maybe he sends a picture of you cosplaying as one of his favorite characters but that just lowers his opinion, in the photo he can’t even tell its you though. so he’s even more confused when he meets you guys at the arcade. he cautiously calls you by your in game name and you respond with a smile and respond with your irl name. he’s genuinely not sure how to react. not just bc you’re the person he’s been gaming with for almost a year, but with your thick ass platforms you’re just as talk as kuro if not taller. you literally look down at him, can he even talk shit about a bitch like you with out getting his as beat.
anyway this drug out for way longer than intended. but yeah incel!kenma making assumptions and being totally wrong. how funny would it be if he had a crush on kuros gf
bestie.....my beloved......all of the options just sound so amazing to me omg *kisses u*
the absolute torture incel!kenma has to go through upon finding out that 1) his favorite gaming buddy is a disgusting female, 2) she's dating his best friend and somehow he never knew, and 3) she's so fucking hot that kenma can't stop picturing her face every time he rubs one out.
and you just won't let him live you're so fucking mean to him that kenma can't even get a word in when you're roasting him. the only thing that reels you in is kuroo's soft, pleading voice asking you to be nice.
kenma's embarrassed that his friend has become such a simp but fuck if he didn't wish he was on the receiving end of your sweet words.
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (Part 29)
Tw: mental breakdown and thoughts that made you go a little "wtf", mentions of non con touching, a bit of smut, chapters kinda short
okay here u go Evangeline enjoyers
Part 30
You decided to confront her. The suspense as to why she did what she did is killing you.
So you have to work, on composing a long-winded paragraph with a beginning, middle, and end. Your hands were shaky from the adrenaline coursing through your veins, you were never really assertive. So this is very new to you, yet exciting, yet frightening.
You tried not to be too accusatory and not too dismissive. It was hard because you either tend to paint her as a horrible person or paint yourself as an overreactive dramatic. However, you managed to find the right balance with the ultimate goal of extracting her reasoning behind her latest behavior towards everyone.
You held your breath as you tapped send.
You waited and waited while chewing on your nails. Imagining all the ways she would respond. Anger? Remorse? Revenge? Nonchalance? It could be anything, even no response at all.
Which you thought you might be getting. She hasn't replied to you yet and it's been 30 minutes since you sent it. You sighed, she's probably just busy and will take her time to read too, you should be patient and find a way to calm your nerves.
You were about to put your phone down and prepare yourself dinner; which is just following the instructions Yves plastered on its container- usually only involving the microwave or the saucepan. You jolted when your phone buzzed to life, your mouth was gaping wide when you saw the contact to be your dreaded friend: Evangeline.
You whimpered, pacing around the room as you let it vibrate. You feel unprepared, inexperienced, and upset. You regret doing this in the first place. You wish you could just disappear into a hole somewhere, or disappear into Yves's warm embrace.
It stopped ringing. A text message took its place after that.
"Pick up"
She didn't give you more than ten seconds to read before attempting to call you again.
So you decided to take a leap of faith and answer her call.
"(name)? I read your text, what are you talking about?" She sounded concerned and worried, and there were hints of something darker that you picked up in her voice.
She did not read your text. At least, she refused to understand it. You were clear in what you wanted from her; which was to stop doing what she was doing and reflect upon her actions, giving you her rationale behind her offenses at the same time.
You summarized it, telling her that she was confusing and weird. You didn't like how she tried to touch you without your consent. You cannot figure out for the life of you if she was on Montgomery's side, Yves's, or yours.
"I'm on your side, of course. I'm your friend! What? So I can't touch you now? I think you need to get out of your shell more, (name). That didn't mean anything, you can touch me the same way too if you want to get even--"
You cut her off and told her no. You don't think whatever she's doing is merely a friendly gesture. You felt dirty and violated even having Evangeline suggest that you do the same to her.
There was a beat of silence, followed by a sigh.
"...I'm sorry you felt that way, (name). I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just trying to be a good friend."
You didn't know what to say next. Soon after, you heard sniffling and soft weeping.
"I'm so sorry. You're such a good friend to me, I don't want to lose you. Please don't be mad at me." Her voice cracked and wavers. You
You don't know how you feel about her reaction. But you do know that, unlike Yves, you have the power to walk away from her. He's coming back tomorrow anyway, so you won't be the 'friendless' on campus anymore. So you can afford to cut her off because she's acting strange and you think that being with her, will lead to more trouble.
You told her that you're not mad at her. But you don't feel comfortable hanging out with her anymore.
"What?! W-why? I apologized, what more do you want me to do?" She raised her voice and strained it painfully. You hear that she began to sob and wail.
You told her that there was nothing she could do except to move on. You wished her the best and said goodbye.
You hung up before she could get another word in. You immediately blocked her and flopped onto your bed. The breath you exhale felt like smoke evacuating your lungs, you felt you could breathe properly again without feeling too worked up. At least that chapter of your life is done, you most likely would either need to take the bus or Yves would drive you around. Fine by you, no Evangeline or Mr. Jones in sight.
You will let Yves handle Montgomery, he has a bigger, legal hammer to beat him with.
"Sweetie...?" Mr. Jones creaked the door to her room open, letting the lights from the hallway spill into her pitch-dark room.
She was crying, her breathing was choppy and her whimpers bounced off the walls. Evangeline was sobbing into her pillows, her blond hair was a mess around her, unlike her usual combed style. Her beautiful dress was wrinkled and her blue eyes were red and puffed.
Her father stared at her with heartbreak and pity. You must have told her already. However, he knows that this behavior of hers needs to be addressed. Evangeline's mother is cooking downstairs, she was never the type to be compassionate in her discipline methods. So Mr. Jones decided to be the one to break the news to her.
"Oh, Evangeline..." He switched the lights on and sat right next to her sniveling form.
She didn't acknowledge his presence, nor did she wish to talk to him. But he has to discuss with his daughter that some things aren't acceptable.
"Sir Yves... he called me earlier." Mr. Jones felt her entire body tense up to the mention of his client. "Mx. (Name) told him you were touching them inappropriately, is that true?" He was gentle with his words, careful not to provoke his already emotionally unstable daughter.
She neither confirms nor denies. Evangeline just stayed very still.
"...Please, Evangeline. You have to talk to me." He pleaded, rubbing a soothing hand on her shoulder. "What's going on?"
No response.
He shuffled himself on the bed uncomfortably. Mr. Jones cleared his throat.
"You can tell us anything. You know Mommy and Daddy love you no matter what." Evangeline moved a bit, but it was only to adjust her positioning. Her face remains buried in her pillow.
"I-I don't get it, I know you're a good girl but... these things that happened to you, these things you did... Why?" He asked, gently shaking her as Mr. Jones looked at her in desperation.
"Hitting your baby cousins suffering from illnesses, pushing your pregnant aunt Myrtle down the stairs, accusing your uncle Ben of infidelity, the rumors about some... ridiculous cheating scandals, and now this? Why?" Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as well, he bit back his lip to try and avoid it from rolling down his cheek.
He retracted his hand when he felt Evangeline trembling. It was soon made known to him that she was shaking in hysterics.
"You are all so ungrateful! I was trying to help everyone!" She snapped, her heart holding an ugly contempt for the world around her, which included her doting father.
"They weren't going to live long anyways, their mothers constantly complain of needing to take care of their children. I wanted to save Aunt Myrtle from that horrible, horrible fate, but I'm the villain? Uncle Ben hated his wife and kids, he wanted to escape. I gave him that escape, didn't I? He went ahead and married a woman much prettier and younger than his ex, didn't he? Why am I the villain?" She screamed as she hyperventilated, her father taking a step backward to avoid her erratic movements.
"I didn't- I didn't steal her boyfriend! I was trying to get along with him, I wanted us to be a big happy group but they were fighting. I didn't want them to fight..." She sobbed loudly into her hands. Her nails dig into the delicate flesh on her face as she tries to quell her rage. "They were my friends! (Name) was my friend, I tried to help them, I tried..."
She crumbled to her knees and bawled. "I tried helping them get along with Sir Yves, but I was punished for it. I tried helping them get along with Monty, but I was... told I was 'weird'. I just wanted something back, I just wanted to touch them, they were so good to me... I wanted to touch them. Was that so wrong?"
"Yes, Evangeline! You can't just... touch them like that! You don't touch your friends in that manner, you don't touch anyone in that manner! What are you..." He was at a loss for words. Her father tried looking back at what was being taught to her, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but why couldn't she think normally? Her logic is distorted and her sense of entitlement is demented, it's much more serious considering that she began her unhinged quests for justice just a year ago.
She looked away and wept some more. Evangeline is alone again, a feeling so familiar to her. It's ironic, that her parents tried to expose her to as many people as they could to improve her loneliness as an only child. But in a room full of children and adults who she knew on a first-name basis, she was alone. So, so alone.
There is nobody in the world she could tell her thoughts to. She tried telling her mother, her so-called 'friends', her extended family... they all deemed her crazy. She was forbidden to have her truest opinion on life and Evangeline never understood why, it felt unfair, it felt like the world was against her. Not even the vastness of the internet allowed her to find like-minded companions, she was shunned out of communities she desperately yearned to be in for being true to herself.
"You're just like the rest..." She mumbled inaudibly under her breath. "It's useless..." She muttered, a bit more coherently now. Enough for her father to pick up on.
"What's useless, sweetie?" He wiped away his own tears of anguish, it was horrible to see his child suffer like this, but he did not have the skills or understanding to help her.
"Crying about it... it's useless." She sniffled and wiped away her tears. Mr. Jones watched her blink multiple times with a neutral expression.
Evangeline stared into the distance for a few minutes. She didn't blink nor did she speak, not a single twitch of her muscle could be seen or felt. Her father was worried that she wasn't even breathing because her sniffles stopped and the girl let her nose drip freely. Her blue eyes are dilated and blank.
"Evangeline...?" Her father hesitantly shook her by the shoulder. She blinked one last time, allowing a tear from each eye to roll down her already damp cheeks.
When she opened her eyes once more, her usual girlish sparkle was back. Evangeline blew her nose on a piece of napkin she pulled from her tissue box nearby. She crumpled the soiled sheet in her hands, a long strip of muscle on the inner side of her wrist was raised when she squeezed it in her fist. She let go and threw it into her trash can.
"All better." She smiled, patting the area under her eyes with her fingertips.
Baffled by her sudden, impossible change, Mr. Jones tried asking her all the questions in his head, but it came out as a pathetic stutter.
"I'm sorry for costing you a customer, Daddy." Her eyes were downcast. "I promise I won't do it again."
Mr. Jones's eyes darted around her. Confused and terrified at this strange switch of hers. "Sweetie, I-"
"If you'll excuse me, Daddy, I need to freshen up." She stood up and smoothed her hair. "Please leave my room, I will join you and Mommy downstairs for dinner, later. Okay?"
He has no words to give. So he nodded and as usual, became a pushover for his daughter.
She guided him out, waved goodbye with the sweetest smile, and closed the door. Her hand went to the knob to lock it shut.
She took a moment to stare into space as she listened for her father's footsteps. Once she's positive that he has gone downstairs, she lets out a sigh.
Evangeline switched her lights off and headed to her bed. She laid on it and picked her phone up.
The screen illuminates her face. She made a few taps on it and soon found herself scrolling through her picture gallery.
"Maybe it isn't so bad to be the Villain..." She mumbled to no one in particular, grinning to herself.
Her pupils dilated tremendously when her optics landed on a picture of you on the beach. You were bending over and collecting seashells, so focused on your activity that you didn't notice a pair of lenses capturing this moment.
Evangeline's breathing became more ragged as her eyes glimmered at the sight of your mildly saltwater-dampened rear. You're such a prude, how she wished you wore something a bit more accessible. That would have made her very happy. Maybe if it was a little warmer, you would have worn something a lot more revealing and easier to worm her depraved digits around.
Her soft hands slowly slid down to her panties, torturously tucking one finger at a time under the fabric.
The more the blonde stared at different pictures of you, the further her perverted hands and thoughts went.
She stifled a moan as she touched herself, she imagined doing all kinds of unspeakable things to you. She wanted to see you under her, she wanted to see you squirm and beg for her forgiveness. Evangeline wanted to ravage you like the beast she was under that heroine-like persona.
She quivered as she pumped her fingers into herself. But her eyes never strayed away from that photo of you. Evangeline wanted to take you so badly, she wanted to overpower you and have you pinned against the wall, the bed, the floor... She drooled at the thought of you so helpless and despaired.
Her baby blues shifted towards your clueless face. You looked like you never experienced the high of an orgasm before. She could fix that, she could make you cum over and over again until you fell unconscious in her fluffy pink handcuffs, eyes rolled back into your head, and all your orifices dripping with sexual fluids. What a sight, she thinks.
She had to push her face into her pillow as she let out a powerful moan.
Even then, she still went on. Furiously rubbing herself and imagining herself as this antihero in your story. But ultimately, you saw her as your savior in her mind.
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writeshite · 1 year
can u write a homelander x male reader, I'd prefer fluff but I dont really care. (Noone writes x male readers😭)
John wakes up to a second heartbeat. His soulmate’s guide is six years overdue, and the cuddliest, friendliest dog he’s ever met, a dark brownish-red golden retriever - John calls him Scout. Dr. Vogelbaum is surprised - firstly, that the universe gave John a soulmate, and secondly, that a dog managed to trot its way into a secure location with little effort - it takes three dead scientists before they realize Scout is here to stay. Vought hates Scout until he can make a profit. Some mediocre photographer snaps a photo of John carrying Scout after he’d run through the mud; it’s on the internet in under an hour and the highest trending photo in the United States by dinnertime.
‘Everything you need to know about Homelander’s soulmate.’
‘13 facts about golden retriever guides, and what that can tell you about Homelander’s soulmate.’
‘How to get guides to choose you.’
The internet dissolves into a mess overnight, and the subject of John’s soulmate is trending globally; the week before Valentine’s Day is his soulmate tour, thousands of people come along, and Scout becomes the face of the ideal guide. John feels so many things - proud when the world praises his guide, confused as Scout’s friendly demeanor makes it harder to find his soulmate, and downright murderous when a fan tries to drag Scout to her and get him to like her - Sitwell tries something similar to the latter, reaching out once to pet the dog, before getting her arm bitten. John laughs, his tone cold as Scout darts behind his legs. When the Seven is formed, the others are a mixed bag; John doesn’t care enough to pay them attention, and they do the opposite, openly gawking at Scout, eyes widening further when Scout outwardly prefers his company; they want to ask, but clam up when he glares at them, hesitant to touch the guide. 
“Can’t you take me to my soulmate, already?” he asks Scout one morning; the dog tilts his head, tongue hanging out, and John swears he nods his head in response. Scout grabs his glove, and darts off with it, dodging John as he attempts to grab him; John is just about ready to throw caution to the wind when Scout stops; John doesn’t, flying directly into a tree. He’s not knocked out, but it takes a moment for the ringing to stop; when his eyes open again, you’re standing over him.
“Oh my god, Homelander, sir, are you alright?” 
John never quite understood how people could just know their soulmate by sight, even with their guides, he just never understood how people were 100% certain, but now looking at you, it’s like his whole mind just screams ‘yes.’ You hold out your hand for him to take, helping him stand, even with the gloves; your touch just feels right; Scout is the happiest John has ever seen him, tail wagging fast, “Oh, hello again,” you say to him, scratching Scout just behind the ears, you turn to John with a fond teasing smile, and he knows he’s already gone. “So, I guess this means the cat’s all you?” The cat is an orange ragdoll that, according to you, has scratched, bitten, hissed, and attacked anyone who came too close to you for her liking; John’s proud to hear that you named her Mochi, and he’s less proud of that, “Mean cats need cute names,” you simply state.
“What, you’re gonna give me a cute name too, then,” he snickers.
“I don’t see why not,” you eye him for a second, pursing your lips as you think of a name, “Snookums.” His face scrunches in horror, and you laugh, “Ok, ok, that was bad. Honeybun? Pudding? Pumpkin?” You rotate through so many names, each one as sappy as the last one, John’s expressions fueling your laughter further - there’s the distinct sound of a camera shutter, but John ignores it - placing a hand over your mouth as you dissolve into giddy hysterics. “Alright, point taken,” you say, and John is acutely aware of how close he’s pulled you to him. “How about your name then? I can’t just call you Homelander forever.”
“John,” he says.
“John. Johnathan,” You try the words on your tongue, “Jonnie, Johnny Boy.” You shake your head, “Yeah, I’ll stick with John.” You smile, giving John your name, “Nice to meet you, John.”
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
Hey!! Sorry if I’m doing this wrong I am new to this kinda stuff but do u mind writing headcanons on how the p5 phantom thief boys would take care of the reader when they’re on their period? If not it’s fine!
꒰baby im yours !꒱
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p5 boys when their s/o is on their period headcannons !
character x afab!reader
includes joker, ryuji, yusuke, and akechi !
warnings : mentions of periods, obviously lol
a/n : its shark week for yours truly so i thought now is the best time to write this :D i wasnt sure what gendered reader you wanted, so i just decided to leave it as afab, hope thats alright :))
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maybe this is biased, but i feel out of everyone on this list hes the most prepared.
like, hes not overbearing but he knows just enough to spare you both any awkward conversations.
he doesnt have any feminine products in his bathroom since its technically shared with leblanc customers and he doesnt want to embarrass you or anyone else, but you know theres always a few of whatever you need in his school bag or his dresser!
hes a very calm person, which can be very relieving, especially when you accidentally bleed on something.
you both were hanging out one day after school, and when you got up off of his bed to go make some food, you noticed a red spot on the sheets.
you were internally freaking out, trying to figure out what to do knowing how some guys tend to find it gross, while ren literally just comments "dont worry about it, i needed motivation to do laundry anyways." and asks if you need anything.
you feel like youve just been given whiplash, no way thats it, hes so cool with it?
he even gives you a pair of his boxers and sweatpants since you bled through your clothes, and when you come out of the bathroom hes got a steaming hot cup of coffee and some chocolates on the counter all ready for you. <3
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confused, embarrassed, and a little bit (a lot) dramatic. he tries to act like its not a big deal, but in reality he doesnt really know anything about periods, and hes convinced youre secretly in a lot of pain. (which i mean, you could be depending on cramps… but you get what i mean.)
hes horribly uneducated on this topic, and definitely the worst person to be stuck with when you start. 
hes calling ann asking her to explain what to do with the reddest face youve ever seen. 🧍
ryuji definitely thought it was a little gross at first too, but once he understood it was just a normal thing your body did he felt more okay about it.
hes trying super hard to be a good boyfriend, but hes stuttering over his questions. barely able to ask you if he needs to get you anything.
i swear his eyes almost popped out of his head when you said all you wanted was for him to shut up and cuddle with you. 💀💀
he tries to be there for you as much as possible, but if you tend to get more angry, just note that hell try to stay away a bit. 
he has issues keeping his temper under control, even when it comes to you, and he doesnt want to start any unnecessary arguments.
at the end of the day, communication is key when it comes to you guys relationship, he just wants whats best for both of you!
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yusuke has probably never felt the touch of another human being before you so hes very… confused to say the least.
what do you mean youre bleeding? and its normal? this happens monthly? his mind is blown.
i dont see him being weird in the way he wants to use your period as inspiration for a painting, but weird in the way that hell track it.
maybe this just a personal thing who finds it weird when a guy wants to track when your on your cycle, but it seems right up yusukes alley 😭.
hes a little strange, and he just wants to help! but he also doesnt really know what hes doing, so his presence can be a bit overwhelming.
gets pouty when you end up snapping at him, but once you explain why hes a lot more aware of how much hes bothering you.
hes also willing to get you whatever you need, as long as youre buying.
one time you had asked him to get you pads/tampons, and he called you 30 minutes later saying that he didnt have any money…
however, unlike someone else on this list, hes not embarrassed about it. more so genuinely curious, as he loves learning about you and he thinks its important to know how your body works!
hell probably draw you something nice as well if it makes you feel better. :)
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oh boy, akechi sure is a character. and i think with him it depends.
usually though hes just a pretty average guy. hes not stupid, but he also isnt the best at understanding your emotions, or his own, for that matter.
youre in public, akechi talking to one of the tv hosts after hes finished appearing on a show, and you gently tug on his jacket to let him know you started your period, and need the restroom. 
hes conflicted, whats supposed to come first, you or his reputation? when it comes to him, he makes any simple situation way more complicated in his head.
he makes an eternal sacrifice to shoo away the people talking to him, and he quickly takes off his jacket to wrap it around your waist. you both find a bathroom nearby and he paitently waits for you outside.
when you walk out, he offers to pick up whatever you may need (including some food) and take you home.
at your front door, he kisses your cheek, but cant help but noticed the nervous expression on your face.
its only then when you mention that akechis jacket is, in fact, a light color, and is most definitely stained now with bright red blood. his face goes blank, and youre worried for a second he might be mad.
he only shrugs at that, same detective prince smile as always, and jokes that youre paying for his dry cleaning.
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theragethatisdesire · 4 months
quick bright things - teaser 2 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"So quick bright things come to confusion.” - William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream Act I Scene I
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MY TOP SECRET WIP HAS A NAME NOW!!! welcome to the world of quick bright things !! here is a little sneaky surprise :) i still don't know when it will be done or even if i should be posting this but i can't stop myself i love you guys i love this eren i never want to shut up about it ANDDDD i think part 1 should be postable soon.....if only you guys knew what i had in store for this uni truly. anyway.....tell me what u think hehehee enjoy<3
teaser 1 here if you missed it
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
“Open up.”
You’ve been enjoying this game of trading one sense for another, and you keep your eyes shut firmly, letting your jaw fall open and your tongue hang out. A piece of peach, fleshy and dripping with juice, finds its way onto your tongue, pinched too roughly between strong fingers. When you close your lips around the fruit, the fingers stay with it, frozen in their pinched position and forcing you to suck the peach from them, to swallow around them, to run your tongue along them and get as much of the meat as you can. When the fingers withdraw from your lips, you open your eyes and gasp quietly.
Eren’s leaning over you, a solar eclipse that smells like tan skin and sounds like Campari, and in the silhouette of the sunlight, you think he’s smiling.
“You’re still hungry,” he says, a question that’s left its punctuation mark behind. You think of Historia, of the shame of revealing your appetite. You dodge.
“I’m never hungry.”
“Never?” Eren crawls over you to kneel between your legs, propping one of your ankles up on his shoulder. The game you started is ripped out of your hands, chess pieces flying into the pool, scattering across the table, knocking over bottles and matchbooks. It’s so silent out here in the sun it hurts, and you almost miss the constant buzzing horseflies of early summer.
“If you’ve never been hungry,” Eren muses, tilting his head so that his cheekbone fits into the sensitive arch of your foot, reaching a hand down to splay it wide on your belly, “you’ve never been full.”
“How do you figure?” Your words come out throaty, waterlogged.
“Can’t have one without the other.” Eren shrugs, turning his head to the side. His lips brush against your heel, your Achilles’, the swirly seashell dangling from your anklet. You dig your teeth into your bottom lip, toes twitching behind his ear. “I don’t believe you, anyway.”
“No?” You try to tilt your head coyly, like your heart’s not clawing and scratching against your throat to get to him. Hungry, indeed.
“You wouldn’t stare like that if you didn’t want to.”
You’re taken aback, but not enough to fall out of the moment, Eren’s lips closing around the knob of your ankle slowly, like the pit of a fruit, make sure of that.
“Didn’t want to what?”
Eren’s hands meet the cushion on either side of your head hard enough to rattle the chair, his long, tanned body stretching over yours. He’s close enough to brush his nose against yours, but you can still see the hazy green of his eyes flicking here and there on your face: from your eyes to your lips to the beauty mark on your cheek. Your poolside lounge feels more like a butcher’s block under your taut spine.
Sasha’s told you about the wolves in these hills, that they howl murder at night, but they’re sleepy and indulgent in the heat of the sun. One of Eren’s canines catches the light and glints at you as he grins.
“Eat yourself sick.”
come hang in my inbox if u have questions or thoughts or literally anything at all hehehehehehe i love you guys!!! enjoy him <3
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captainjacklyn · 1 year
carrying neige in bridal style by tall reader then running away with him, how romantic
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Oooh ! I like the sound of that, it really is romantic ! So sorry for answering this ask so late, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I liked making it.
Pairing(s) : Neige leblanche x reader
Warning(s) : nothing too bad, just the disadvantages about being famous. Reader is gender neutral but is mostly addressed by 'you', also their tall so short people- You can always dream/j
Content : Neige was having some trouble handling the overflow of fans, as his s/o, you had to help him in the most logical way possible...swipe him off his feet and RUN FOR IT !
Neige Leblanche :
Its not unexpected for Neige to be overwhelmed by fans whenever he goes outside without a disguise to hide. As his partner, this was a daily occasion really.
But the people started to get a little too comfortable with him as time went by, some would grab him by the shoulder ever so often and others had the audacity to straight up hug him despite his discomfort.
Your relationship with him was kept a secret and you understood why, rumors spread like the plague and they can get especially nasty with celebrities like him.
Whenever you wanted to go on a date together, it always had to be somewhere private. With no one to bother you whatsoever. you did get caught more than once to be honest but eh-
Until recently, SOMEONE managed to sneak a picture of the both of you in a restaurant. And now, the secret is out.
Which means...
That Neige has to deal with an insane crowd of fans even bigger than the last time he was swarmed by admirers.
You just came back from a little conversation and the first thing you see is your boyfriend....getting bombarded with questions. Again.
Seeing him being so nervous and almost scared had you really irritated, this is going too far.
So you did the first thing that came to your mind with no thinking about the consequences.
"Coming through !"
"U-Uh ?"
"Gotcha !"
"WHA- ?!?!?! [N-NAME] ?! What are you-"
"Just hang on tight love ! THIS IS GONNA GET A LITTLE WILD !"
Now people on the streets are witnessing Neige being carried bridal style by his significant other, dashing through the alleys with a humongous group of people after them in a comedic chase.
You luckily lost them after 15 minutes of running with your lover in your arms.
"Where did they go ?!" "They went this way !" "No, I saw them heading that way !"
You could still hear the group trying to figure out where you went when Neige started to giggle like crazy.
"Eh ? Is there something on my face ?" you asked a little confused.
"Pfft- haha No, it's just....I never had this much fun running away ! Hehe, Thanks for saving me though...I love my fans but they can get a little suffocating sometimes.." Neige was actually finding the entire situation hilarious, he didn't think you would actually do something like that.
"Anything for my damsel in distress ! Now come on, we gotta go before they find us !"
"Haha ! got it."
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Thank you for reading !
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