#it’s literally always just either a stupid question that you can absolutely find with any search engine
sharkieboi · 2 years
certain fb group for animal care people just makes me sad sometimes cause it’s either just people looking for engagement by asking a very easily searchable question with “cute animal pic for tax!!1!1!1!!1!” so they can get some likes or people discussing actual literal human rights violations that their workplace is trying to commit and being like “but am i the bad person for buying donuts for my team when susan in HR who i never interact with is lactose intolerant?” or people using the anonymous post option to have impromptu group therapy
#shhh sharkie#like. it used to be a pretty good resource. and i’m not gonna leave the group.#cause every once in a while there’s actual useful or fun posts#and i’m not on fb enough to care really#but wow does it just make me cringe every time i check fb#it’s literally always just either a stupid question that you can absolutely find with any search engine#using that as an excuse to post the ‘cute’ animal pic that wasn’t getting enough likes on your other social media#like ‘hey what do you guys feed your lions? cute pic of said boy for tax!’ girl there’s literally several manuals for what to feed lions#or it’s someone being like ‘hey my manager kicked dirt in my mouth and called me an idiot idk maybe i’m the problem?’#or it’s someone being like ‘i’m depressed and overworked and also my mom just died anyway do you guys have self-care tips?’#half of these posts will be made by people who aren’t even keepers.#ugh i’m just complaining i do really wish we had an actual good resource to communicate with other keepers#that wasn’t paywalled like an aza membership#but was also more well-managed so that you don’t have to sort through all the above to find actual resources or advice#the amount of comments and even posts (!!!) that the person mentions they’re not even in the field!!!!!#and not even ‘anymore’ like literally never have been!!! why are you in this group!!!!!#this is not wild green memes this is a group for animal caretakers!!!!!!!#idk i’m just salty i fucking hate social media but i can’t get rid of it
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knowyourplace-fool · 7 months
Bully gojo and shy oc !! Who always torments you and humiliates you. Makes you do all his works and you do out of fear. You don't question him and feels smug . He tells how he hates you( but actually he likes her a lot but he doesn't confess because ypu keep rejecting every guy so he thinks you don't accept him either) and tells you that you are just a burden on this earth but then you get into an accident and don't come to scl for a week. Gojo doesn't know what happened to you and can't find out cuz you don't have frnds either. After a week you come to schl with a bandage to your head and a fracture sling on your arm. He gets worried and clings onto you and tou lash out for the first time telling him that he got what he wanted and he could be happy now. He gets angry and kidnaps you and fucks you🙃
-> omfg YES! gojo is such a bully
-> sorry for any mistakes!
⚠️: NON CON, Kidnapping, Mean!Gojo, physically, mental and emotional abuse, manhandling, bullying, biting, groping, size difference
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All you’ve ever done is mind your own business
Sure, you don’t have many friends but that doesn’t really bother you
You enjoy being independent. Your grades are high in the air, your part time job in your school is more than enough for you to live comfortably. (In this universe, inflation doesn’t exist)
You don’t really talk to anyone, not even family. Whole bunch of drama happened, and they were toxic so you ended up leaving them for university.
Everything seemed to be going as planned until a 6’4 menace walked into your life.
Gojo Satoru was your typical frat boy and the star of the university’s basketball team.
Some may even say the Golden Boy of your university. He was smart, athletic, had a good reputation among the professors and just with people in general. Not to mention, he was ridiculously handsome. Man literally had girls fighting over him.
You’ve seen him in the hallways but never actually interacted with him. He was in a few of your classes but luckily, you guys never were put together in a group.
Until today. Your prof is running a lab and gathered the smartest students he knows to do it for him. It’s kind of a two in one for him, the lab gets complete and you guys gain some experience.
Anyways, the group consists of you, Satoru and his friend Suguru and some other nerdy people
Now unlike Gojo, you already sorta knew Geto. He was really friendly and kind towards you so you were kind of excited to be working with him.
A few days into the lab and Gojo has a sudden fixation with you. Well he always had, but this lab is letting him work closely with you and it’s making his obsession worse.
You’re stupid if you think that Gojo Satoru hasn’t kept on eye out for you. Every time you walk by him in the halls, he gets a hard on just by catching a whiff of you. The cute skirts and the pastel closet you have drives him over the fucking edge.
It takes every cell in his body to resist the urge of grabbing ur wrist, pulling u into the janitors closet and fucking you absolutely dumb and stupid.
You look so cute and innocent, like a little bunny. And god, you are just an easy target to corrupt.
So, Gojo plans a party. A party on the following Saturday after your lab is complete because he knows that you’ll be free.
His plan is to get you to come, keep you company, get you a little hammered, then get a feel of your pussy. Simple plan.
It’s now up to Geto to get you to come to this party. And of course, for his best friend, he’s 100% on board with his plan.
All goes well in the lab and in your final days of completing the report, Geto asked the big question.
“Satoru and I are throwing a party tomorrow. If you’re free, we’d love for you to come. You can bring anyone you want.”
You blush. Party? Your first party? Your brain breaks out in celebration because as much as you liked to spend your weekend relaxing, you also have a severe case of fomo. (Fear of missing out)
Your eyes lit up, saying yes on the spot in excitement. The following day, you went back to your dorm and tore your closet apart, looking for a nice dress. You settled for a blue, body con, summer dress. (despite it not being a party dress but who gives af bc it’s summer)
The next night, you got all dolled up for the party. You made arrangements with Geto to pick you up. He made it on time, looking handsome in his all black fit with his hair in a bun.
You were excited… for nothing.
There was a party (a lit one), but you realized a little too late that your social skills were next to non existent. The whole time, you felt out of place. So you stood in the corner, drink in hand and watched others dance and interact with each other.
“You don’t look like you’re having fun.”
You turn your head only to be faced with a bright blue eyed man, the one and only Gojo Satoru.
“I guess partying is not my thing.”
“Oh come on, come with me.”
He grabbed your hand and headed towards the beer pong table
You and Gojo were a team and surprisingly you two worked perfectly together
The alcohol in your system made you flush, and you found yourself loosening up a bit and having a bit of fun.
Gojo’s plan seemingly was rolling out perfectly. You were a bit drunk, so he took you back to his room to “sober up” (but it was just an excuse to get u alone so he can fuck u but u don’t know that)
Now listen, Gojo got rizz alright. So imagine the look on his face when he went in to kiss you and you slapped him so hard, his face turned the other way.
“I’m not some whore you can use for tonight. I was genuinely having a good time with you, I don’t know why you had to make it sexual.”
You felt like crying. Is this what all guys think about?? Sex?
You get off the bed and head towards the door before you’re pulled back and thrown on the bed
“Satoru, stop! I want to go home.”
And just like how you did with him, he slapped you. Much, much harder.
He didn’t say anything, he just had this look in his eyes that could honestly kill. He took a hold of your wrist with one hand and let his other roam and touch your body.
He pulled your dress up, revealing the lacy, white, underwear you wore. You were a teensy bit wet, not because of him but maybe the alcohol? Or his best friend?
You don’t know, but Gojo thought the wet spot was because of him.
“Tch, saying you don’t wanna hook up but you’re fucking wet f’me.”
He pulled you closer to the head board, reaching out to his night stand and pulling out,,,, cuffs?
“Wait wait wait wait!” You say in a panic. You squirm to get your wrist free but once you feel the metal snake around your wrists and the click afterwards, you were doomed.
Your dress was ripped off by him. Your panty was somewhere on the ground and he easily took off your bra by doing the same thing he did with your dress. You laid nude under him, against your will.
As you can imagine, the night went terribly for you. You weren’t a virgin but it had been a while since you had sex (all the way back in high school) and really it was your first time with someone so experienced.
The next morning, you woke up with him cuddling you from behind while his lanky legs were intertwined with yours
You somehow managed to escape his grip and sneak out of the house before anyone could notice. You did have work, but decided to call in because of… well for obvious reasons.
On Monday, you dreaded to go to school. But with midterms coming around the corner, you couldn’t afford to miss a lecture. You dressed in baggy clothes and took a different route to class to avoid Satoru.
The day was going alright until you had to go to the library to pick out a few books to help you on an assignment.
While you were reaching on your tippy toes, someone behind you grabbed the book which made you quickly turn around. Your eyes meet his bright, blue eyes.
“You’re avoiding me now?”
The anger that overcame you in that moment was indescribable. You wanted to scream at him, hit him, threaten him or somehow bring him down, but you couldn’t.
“Did I fuck you mute? Answer me.”
You took a deep breath in and said, “leave me alone”
“Why? What, you think you’re too good for me? That I don’t have enough worth to fuck you? Is that what it is?”
He grabbed your cheeks with one hand and squished them together, pushing you back against the bookshelf in the process. He was holding you so hard, you couldn’t move.
“Listen to me, you slut. Don’t get our roles mixed here. You’re literally a piece of shit next to me. You hold no value in this world. If you died, no one would even think twice about it because no one gives a flying fuck about you. You think you’re soooo fucking special or something. You think you’re too good for everyone. Well you’re not. You’re just a broke whore, with no friends, no family, no hobby— nothing.”
He roughly let’s go of your face that you nearly fall to the floor. You tried your best but couldn’t help but cry at his words. Gojo swings off his backpack, grabs a note package and hands it to you.
“This assignment is due tomorrow at noon. I haven’t gotten the chance to start it because of basketball. So you’re going to do it for me cause you’re a worthless, bunny that has nothing else to do after school hours. And before you think about handing in something stupid, take a look at this.”
He pulls out his phone and in a matter of 10 seconds, you felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach.
A video. Of you. Getting fucked by the Gojo Satoru. It’s evident that you’re crying but it’s easy to cover it up with an “excuse”. Your face held a horrified expression.
“P-please, delete that! Please, I’ll do it but please just- just delete the video please!”
“No, not until that assignment is handed in and I have to get 100% on it. If it isn’t handed in or I don’t receive 100%, this will be leaked to everyone in a matter of minutes. I’ll post this shit everywhere with your full name on it, got it?”
You felt like crying and throwing up at the same time. This felt worse than a nightmare. This felt worse than dying even. “Okay, I’ll try my best but I don’t know if I can get-”
“If you don’t get 100 on this assignment, I’m leaking it. I don’t give a shit. I already showed Suguru— sick bastard got off to it, and I’m sure many more will too if you don’t score 100.”
He picks up his backpack and leaves while you stood in distraught. The following night, after work, you immediately started on his assignment. You saw the assignment date and it was assigned 3 weeks ago. He wants you to do 3 weeks of work in 15 hours.
Somehow, you pulled through the night. Researching the best you can on the internet and trying to make it as best as you possibly could. You were able to send him the file at 11:30am so he could skim through it and hand it in.
You ended up leaving early for the day so you could go home and get some sleep. When you woke up the next morning, your nearly dead phone kept ringing over and over.
You pick it up and see hundreds of notifications on various social media’s and a few iMessages
Your thumb clicked on one of the iMessage notifications and there was Satoru’s name with the following message:
“I told you, only 100%”
Below the message was an image of his mark
A 98%
You swipe off of iMessage and open Instagram and boom
Hundreds of new follower requests, numerous dms and clicking of Gojo Satoru’s story, was the video of him blowing your back.
You checked Snapchat and there it was on his story too. You wanted to die. You wanted to dig a hole and bury yourself alive than live another day in this situation.
Later that day, you had received an email from the dean’s office regarding a “very sensitive and confidential” meeting that would be taking place tomorrow.
You had an idea of what it might be about but hope and prayed to god that it wasn’t what you were thinking.
But to your luck, this meeting was regarding your sex tape and how there is no longer a spot for you on the dean’s list or team.
Your whole world was crumbling apart. You spent your whole life to get to where you are today, only for him to ruin it in a matter of 12 hours.
You left the building slowly, still deeply thinking about what you could’ve done to prevent this. How stupid you are to go to that party and slap the Gojo Satoru.
“Why is this happening to me?”
All of a sudden, everything goes black.
You wake up in a hospital. Your head felt heavy and your arms was twitching. You look around and see… no one. The nurse catches a glimpse of your eyes and quickly walks in to check on you.
She explains that you were in an accident and that they tried to get in contact with an emergency contact but you hadn’t stated anyone. You stayed at the hospital overnight so they can monitor your brain activity and fortunately they were able to discharge you the next morning.
You took the rest of the week off from school and Gojo Satoru was losing his mind. He had spammed called you from various numbers but you weren’t answering your phone at all. He went from his usual mean insults to angry insults to pleading for a response back.
He doesn’t see you until Monday, with a bandage around your head and your arm in a cast which is also in a sling. He nearly runs to you, wanting nothing but to embrace you.
And he does. Holds onto you tightly, inhaling your shampoo until you knee his in the balls.
He immediately drops down and you completely lose your cool. “Don’t fucking touch me! I hate you! You ruined my life! You’re not allowed to touch me after you forced me to have sex with you and shared the video with the entire campus! You got what you wanted Satoru! You stole everything from me! Broke my entire world, burned my hard work down! Made me feel worthless! And now you want to act all concerned?! I hope you rot in hell!”
You ended up going home for the day, otherwise another headache would’ve set in. You took a quick lap before getting up and getting ready for work because those hospital bills weren’t going to pay themselves.
You had the closing shift and although working with one hand was quite the challenge, you desperately needed the money.
After closing up, the walk to your apartment is about 10 minutes away. Everything was going fine until a car quickly pulled up next to you, two men sprung out and shoved you into the car before you even had the chance to react.
One of them had his hand over your mouth while the other held your legs together.
You were blindfolded and tied in the car and after a while the car came to a stop and you were carried out.
You were thrown on the floor and when the blindfold was removed, you were met with his eyes again.
You immediately started crying. You were afraid and quite frankly exhausted of everything that’s happened over the last week.
“Please. I’m sorry. Just let me go. I’ll never ever bother you again. I’m sorry.”
You plead and beg but you hear his belt unbuckling. “Please! Please, I beg you Satoru! I’m sorry! I can’t- I can’t do it again please!”
You were left unheard. He threw you on the bed and tied your limbs to the bed. One of your arms was already in extreme pain and the other arm was starting to hurt too because of how tightly he tied you.
Every ounce of hope drained from your body when you felt his cock push into you. He pushed your head into the mattress and fucked you hard, like there was no tomorrow. Your tears soaked the mattress. Sweat, tears and snot covering your puffing face.
Satoru went on for hours. Abs glistening in sweat, his arm veins popping out because of how hard he was holding you. Not to mention his cock was coated with loads of cum.
You were passed out by the time he finished with you. Your body shaking on its on, cum dripping out your cunt and marks/bruises left all over your soft skin.
Hopefully his bunny learned her lesson.
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hopeluna · 4 months
𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𓂅 ໋⋅ | obey me
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Request: can u do how the om brothers would react to a mc that is like. (for lack of better words) EXTREMELY dumb ..... like karen smith level slow💀
CW: none really, gn!reader, this is honestly just some crack but it was so fun, also reader is dumb but like also likeable?? They're just confused but they've got the spirit. Dividers by @/cafekitsune <3
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Lucifer is....overwhelmed to say the least. Although he does find your wide confused look at everything slightly adorable, his neck breaks from all the times he's gotten whiplash from seeing you get upto something incredibly stupid.
It also absolutely gets on his last nerves that his brothers rope you into their shenanigans and then blame it on you when they get caught, cause they know that Lucifer is not going to punish you except for a little sigh and look of "disappointed but not surprised".
You two really take the prize for the most adorable and dumbest couple ever. Mammon was lowkey surprised that there was someone more clueless than him. He didn't think that was possible. He loves your confusion at everything 'cause you tend to support all his plans to make money, no matter how ridiculous they seem to others.
He will be ready to fight anyone though if they so much as to insult you in any way.
At first, Levi thinks you're absolutely horrifying because you remind him so much of Mammon. Though as he warms up to you, you're the only he tolerates cause he loves the way you listen to all his rants even though you don't understand half of it.
He is also very biased towards you. Mammon and you could be doing the same stupid stuff, but guess who gets insulted? Mammon <3 You could simply do no wrong in his eyes.
Everyone thinks that Satan would most likely get annoyed by your clueless-ness but its the exact opposite. You remind him of those orange cats that do the dumbest things possible and almost get killed. He thinks its adorable.
Even though your interests don't match often, he's always open to hear you rant on about your day and hobbies. He's also another one who is ready to make someone go missing if they insult you.
Asmo will literally squeal in joy of how cute you are. He will ignore every questioning look when you ask something stupid and will just honestly go on a rant of how adorably clueless you are about everything.
He fights the inner urge to squish your cheeks gently in his hands, because he thinks he might just die of cuteness overload at your confused puppy look at stuff.
Beel, for the most part, doesn't mind your oblivious nature and thinks its just cute how you manage to not think about so much stuff and be happy in your own little world. His favourite time of the day is probably when he gets to listen to you rant about whatever while eating his snacks.
Beel is also absolutely ready to defend you when someone insults you, its the only time anyone sees him get angry for something non-food related. He just gets the cutest little frown on his face when he sees that someone upset you with their words.
Belphie bullies you, no question asked. Of course, its all playful bullying but if he sees that his words seriously hurt you, he'll silently cuddle up to you before murmuring a soft apology for being mean.
If anybody else says something to you, well get ready to find a missing person report a few days on the news <3
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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bluesidez · 2 months
AcademicRival!Miguel x AcademicRival!reader
where they will do quite literally ANYTHING (legally) POSSIBLE to one up each other.
whether their petty rivalry began in high school or first year of uni/college, IDC- but they absolutely despise each other.
and!!! at some point down the track, they forgot why they were beefing in the first place, only for it to start stemming from a place of 'jealousy' (yk how sometimes jealousy is actually feelings of romantic interest in disguise,, yeah, that) and it gets to the point where they are quite literally making it all their friends' problem bc of it.
like i can imagine reader drinking something that Miguel sees and Miguel going 'i need to have this all the time and sell it out so reader can never have any' and Peter is like '???', or reader finding out Miguel got a certain mark and goes 'nobody speak to me for a month i have to understand everything about quantum physics before that smug asshole opens his mouth' and Jess is like '??? just kiss, fym??'
and then they finally have a moment where they have no choice but to rely on each other- whether Miguel's car breaks down on the side of the road reader happens to drive by and she takes him to his, or if reader desperately needs help in a situation and immediately calls him bc she knows he'll pick up bc she needs scary dog privileges and thats HIM so then they end up having a moment of reflection together with either super fluffy smut or absolute debauchery and fluffy aftercare i totally dont mind either way.
IDK do you know what i mean??? 🫣🫢🤭
anyway LY BLUE-BLUE, thank yew for letting me ramble on 🤍🩵
Are you asking me to write this? 🧐 (I shall add it to the pending ideas list just for you 🐰🩵)
I wrote that as a reply as soon as you sent it, but now I have more ideas that I wanna yap about to go along with this.
SO!! You already have a rivals, enemies to lovers trope going on. What better way to make it even more fun than to add the stoic x chatty dynamic???
Like I’m imagining the reader and Miguel first meeting in middle or high school. He’s a transfer student that’s immediately making the top grades and people are like where tf did he come from?? Reader doesn’t really think anything of it, she just carries on with her school life, chatting away (and getting in on the gossip about Miguel).
It’s not until he ends up in the same class with reader one semester (probably in high school) that reader is finally able to be in close contact with him. He’s so quiet and a little boring, but there’s always random girls coming in and out of the classroom to attempt to chat to him.
They’re always bringing snacks or sweets for him. He always turns them down with a “No thank you. I don’t like chocolate.” type of response. (What he thinks to be polite and cordial)
The guys in the class think he’s a huge jerk. The girls in the class still fond over him. You think he’s an oddball, a weirdo. But you really have no solid information to justify it.
It’s not until one day that the teacher asks this obscure question that he pisses you off. (I havent thought of a weird question yet tho). Everyone else has given crude or stupid answers, riling each other up and joking. You raise your head to give the most out-of-the-box, yet plausible answer that leaves the teacher impressed and the class laughing in shock. Miguel scoffs and debunks it so fast, that you start to feel like one of his rejected groupies. If you thought the laughter for your answer was loud, the laughter for his sounds like the crowd in a football stadium.
You’re embarrassed but you don’t really show it. You just brush it off and joke with everyone else like usual.
Then, one of the class’s first huge tests come. You’re gunning for the number 1 spot although you figure it won’t be too hard with half of the room being class clowns and the other half not giving af. You read over the material once and already have a good grasp on it, so you joke around with everyone else. There’s rap battles and TT routines. You guys even manage to get the teacher in on some of them. From the front of the room, you can see Miguel glancing back at you with such a sour look on his face. Wtf was his deal??
Test day finally comes. You’re the first to turn yours in with a smug smile on your face. You even take a nap until the next bell.
You’re on cloud nine for about a good week. Although, every time you open your mouth in class, Miguel looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Then, the time came for the teacher to hand out the papers. He was pretty theatrical and loved to announce who got the highest score.
You were gearing up for him to say your name. And you don’t know of you’re crazy, but you’re certain your mom didn’t put “Miguel O’Hara” on your school registration form.
You frown as you come back to reality, watching as teacher handed him is paper. From your seat, you can see the bright red 100 in the corner, a smiley face to adorn it.
Then the teacher hands you your paper. A 99.5. Just 0.5 points from a perfect score. And what you got points taken off for is something so ridiculous that you could scream.
You can see him in your peripheral as you chat with the other students about the answers. Just as you discuss your silly mistake you take a small look at him. He has a faint smirk on his face, as if to laugh at your downfall.
From then on, you decide that it’s a war.
[and obviously, the story would travel with them as they grow. Once they’re adults, I can imagine Miguel to still be this same stoic, yet more approachable person who has had a ROSTER of hookups and a reader who’s still so flirty and chatty, yet can’t find a good partner to save their life. The dynamic of him knowing exactly how to make reader feel good verses reader being overwhelmed for once would be sooooo good]
What do you think Lexie-bun?? 🥸
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mins-fins · 1 year
the morning star — seok matthew
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is it weakness? or is he lovesick? matthew listens to the warnings, but for some reason, he can't stop staring at those pretty eyes.
tags :: seok matthew x m!reader , reader is horrible , he's quite literally evil , angel-devil comparisons , they have insane tension , matthew pov , matthew is horribly in love , angel: matthew devil: reader
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lee y/n is a bad person.
matthew knows that. he knows it very well, and it's not because all of his friends say so, it's because of how unrealistically horrifying he is. he seems to just have this presence that bothers people, and matthew gets it, because he almost always shivers when he's around.
y/n doesn't care about anyone else, and he doesn't keep it a secret, either. he's self-absorbed, selfish, simply belittles people for fun. matthew wonders, how does someone find enjoyment in intimidating others?
matthew will never get it.
maybe that makes him stupid or something, but he doesn't care, there's nothing you could say to convince him that being unnecessarily cruel to people for fun is okay.
so why does he feel something unexplained towards said cruel boy?
matthew knows his self worth, he shouldn't be looking at someone like that with so much love, but y/n.. for some reason, draws him in, like a magnet, he simply can't look away.
he's not in love, he can't be, because why would a person like matthew love a person like y/n? he's a person who hurts other people for fun, what would matthew ever gain from loving a person like that?
but if that's not the case, why does he stare so lovingly at someone so heartless? evil? what words could he even describe him with?
y/n isn't someone deserving of love, especially not matthew's love of all people.
yet, matthew felt unsaid feelings towards him.
"is that a devil necklace?"
the question slips past matthew's lips before he can even think about it. y/n looks up at him, his thumb continuing to click his pen, which is the only noise in the currently silent room.
why is seok matthew himself, sitting across from lee y/n in the library, asking him the most random of questions?
he doesn't even know himself.
"yep" y/n answers simply, he brings his hand up to it, fiddling with his necklace for a moment.
matthew narrows his eyes, humming. "you know, lucifer means morning star in latin".
"really?" y/n asks sarcastically, continuing to click his pen as he stares at matthew. he barely lets a smile come to his lips, just observes matthew, as if he's memorizing each of his features, like he could trace them with his pen.
"you know a lot seok matthew".
"internet researching is my hobby".
that gets a chuckle out of y/n, but matthew can't stop staring at his eyes. his eyes, so dark, empty, but they were so beautiful, did the prettiest of things have to be so insufferable?
"maybe i should buy you an angel necklace, then we'd match".
he says those words in the fakest tone matthew can think of, and the smile of his face grows as he sees matthew's glare. he hates how pretty he is, he hates how his eyes look majestical. he hates that he would absolutely kiss him right now if he could.
"no thank you".
"you don't want to match? my feelings are hurt".
"i hope they stay hurt".
"how cruel of you seok matthew" ironic that he says that, he's probably the cruelest person that matthew has ever met.
"i learned from the best".
matthew knows y/n doesn't care, but as he sees him smile, he feels his heart melt.
matthew hates that he's nice, because he knows y/n doesn't deserve that, but he can't help it.
y/n will clearly take advantage of that.
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"you look pretty".
that compliment is genuine, which is a surprise for y/n. matthew shouldn't be staring at him with hearts in his eyes, but he is, he pretty much does it unconsciously, like he doesn't have any control over his body.
y/n hums as he puts the necklace around his neck, clicking his tongue as he does so. "told you, it'd look nice".
how did matthew get convinced into this? he remembers just cursing out y/n in his mind a day prior, why would he let him buy the necklace?
it feels as if he's in a state of trance, he can't stop staring, he hates that he can't stop staring. since when was y/n so mesmerizing? the y/n that he hates with a burning passion. why does he feel so in love? so appreciated? why does he embrace such a cruel person like this?
"i.." he begins, looking down at the angel necklace which had been put around his neck. "yeah, it's super pretty, where'd you get it?"
"that's a secret".
matthew hates everything about him. his stupid smile, his stupidly pretty eyes, his stupidly pretty voice, his stupidly pretty everything— he's so horrible, he's not who matthew should love. matthew should love someone better, someone empathetic, someone sweet, someone who isn't a complete devil.
matthew was an angel, someone who was the opposite of y/n. he was sweet, empathetic, and giving, he didn't only care about himself, his eyes shouldn't even be focused on y/n right now.
y/n is like the devil, someone who only cares for himself. he's selfish, lacks empathy, and sees himself as the most important out of everyone else.
so why is matthew so drawn to him?
"what is wrong with you?" he whispers. y/n isn't surprised, many people ask him that, but he's just having much more fun with the question being asked by matthew.
he seems a little obsessed.
"i have no idea what you mean".
"god! your so insufferable! your horrible, you don't care about anyone else, your so selfish, and you just— enjoy watching people suffer! you piss me off!"
y/n raises an eyebrow, unaffected. "if i piss you off so much, why do you like me?"
"i don't like you".
"really? lying's a sin matthew, you shouldn't be doing that".
"i don't fucking care about sins!"
"cursing is also a sin, profanity is heavily frowned upon".
matthew takes a deep breath, having to calm himself down so that he doesn't just punch y/n in his pretty ass face. "you— i hate you".
"no, you love me".
matthew wishes he had a good rebuttal for that phrase, but he doesn't, unfortunately. y/n just smiles in victory, crossing his arms and putting on his sweater.
"don't miss me too much sweetheart".
matthew frowns, looking down at the necklace gifted to him as he begins fiddling with it.
matthew shouldn't love someone like lee y/n.
but unfortunately, he does.
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AUTHORS NOTE — i have no school today and i wrote this randomly 😭 i barely had any ideas but matthew omg i love him sm <3
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Keith walks into the briefing room expecting very little. They still have a couple days until their nearest big mission, and they’ve already planned it ad nauseam, so he isn’t sure what Allura needs to discuss.
But, black paladin or not, Keith knows damn well that Allura’s the boss, so. To the briefing room he goes.
He’s greeted with a beaming smile from Lance the second he walks through the door, which is surprising for a few reasons, but largely because last time he checked, he was firmly on Lance’s shit list. (They’d had an argument last night while Lance was on kitchen clean-up duty that had ended with Lance scooping a pot of dirty dishwater and dumping it over Keith’s head before storming out. So. How Lance went from absolutely furious to smiling at Keith like Keith was the sun after a storm was a mystery, but Keith has always thrived when Lance gave him any attention, so he decides not to question it.)
“Come sit next to me,” Lance offers, and obviously Keith does not hesitate to do so. The second he sits down, Lance reaches over and wraps his arm tightly around Keith’s, then hooks his ankle around the leg of Keith’s chair, yanking him closer.
Damn, someone’s in a magically wonderful mood, Keith thinks, pleased.
Before he can ask Lance what has him to happy, Allura strides into the room, straight to her place at the head of the table, and starts the briefing immediately.
“Alright, everyone. This briefing is going to be about a new mission we’ve just received. We’re expected to make an extended appearance at the Ghuwa System’s ball.”
Lance’s hold tightens as soon as Allura finishes her sentence, and suddenly his ‘magically wonderful mood’ makes perfect sense.
Oh, that motherfucker.
“You are a snake,” he hisses to Lance, who smirks and does not look at him.
“Shut up and pay attention,” he whispers back.
Keith does, but barely, busy fuming at Lance for setting him up.
What a butthead.
Usually, when anything even remotely suggesting a ball or dance or gala or whatever the fuck leaves Allura’s mouth, Keith finds a way to get the hell out of the room. Whether it be subtly inducing an argument between Pidge and Hunk so he can slip away unnoticed, or straight-up just leaving, he finds a way to not be involved.
And, yeah. He knows it’s a little immature. But he fucking hates stupid dances, and he’s fucking right to hate them. For starters, they are a massive waste of time. They had a war to win. Why the fuck are they spending literally any time at all twirling around a dance floor, or whatever? Secondly, and admittedly more selfishly, is that Keith just didn’t… do dances. He doesn’t know how, and standing awkwardly on the sidelines makes him uncomfortable. It’s not like he’s serving any great purpose, either. In the early days of Voltron, he’d make his presence for twenty or so minutes, then informed Shiro he was going to the washroom and just never come back. And it wasn’t an issue! Treaties were always signed, alliances always went through, with or without his presence. It was literally, in every sense of the word, a massive waste of his time.
“Some of us,” Allura says, pointedly looking at the space just above Keith’s head, “have been… flaky, in the past, in regards to these missions. And because I am endlessly benevolent —”
Lance snorts, making Allura whip a pen at his head without looking, nailing him square in the forehead. A dark satisfaction rises up in Keith’s chest.
That’s what you get, you backstabber.
“Endlessly benevolent,” Allura repeats, “so I have let it slide. But that won’t work anymore. Some of you are the leader of Voltron, now, it would be in the best interest of this mysterious person or persons to show up to these missions without complaining.”
“How come I can’t complain?” Keith protests. “I should be allowed to complain a little!”
“Who says I’m talking about you?”
“How many other leaders of Voltron are you referencing?!”
Allura shrugs, heavy amusement in her eyes giving her away. “Who knows. Anyways. The ball is tomorrow night, you’re expected to dress formally and each of you will be expected to dance at least once.” This time, she looks pointedly in Pidge’s direction. “That also means that certain tiny geniuses cannot hide behind their tall engineer friend.”
Pidge huffs. “I do not hide behind Hunk.”
“You really do,” Hunk says apologetically. “Sorry, man.”
“If that’s all, Princess,” Lance says before Pidge can argue, “Keith and I have somewhere to be?”
Oh, shit.
“That’s right,” Allura says, smirking a little. “You’re free to go.”
Double oh, shit.
“Or you could just execute me,” Keith offers.
Allura, Pidge, and Hunk all snigger, while Lance rolls his eyes and yanks Keith to his feet.
“You are the most dramatic person on this ship,” he says, which coming from him is the equivalent of a whale telling a dolphin it should lose a few pounds.
“That’s a dollar in the ridiculously strange cowboy idiom jar,” Lance says, dragging him down a mess of hallways, and Keith scowls.
“My idioms are normal.”
“They’re really not, dude. The six hundred twenty-two dollars you currently to the jar prove otherwise.
“I do not owe six hundred fucking dollars to the jar!” Keith protests, and he knows he’s right when Lance smirks.
“Right. You owe six hundred twenty-two.”
“I’ll give you an idiom. How about you shove your lying tongue right up my —”
“We’re here,” Lance interrupts, visibly holding back laughter.
Huffing and generously deciding to drop it, Keith looks around. ‘Here’ seems to be — an atrium, of some sort?
“I know part of the reason these diplomatic missions freak you out is because they make you uncomfortable,” Lance says matter-of-factly. “I can’t fix that, but I might be able to help.”
“I hate the diplomatic missions because they’re a waste of time,” Keith argues.
Lance sighs, shoulders slumping, and suddenly all the stress is visible on his face, tense lines furrowing his brow and deepening his frown.
“Look, man. I know — I know it feels like we’ve gotta be fighting 24/7. But that’s not what war is. Not all of it, anyway.” Dark brown eyes lock onto Keith’s, tired and anxious. “Do you have any idea how fucking scary we are?”
Keith blinks. That’s… not at all what he was expecting.
“Dude, imagine something for a second. Imagine there was this group of aliens on Earth. They each piloted their own insanely intricate and supernatural mecha-vehicle — sentient mecha-vehicle — and can combine to make a weapon of war equivalent to what is essentially and armoured tank that can shoot nuclear bombs. And each of these mechas is piloted by an alien with different, intense levels of strengths. One of them is a genius engineer, who can build anything out of scraps. One’s basically a walking supercomputer and can hack into anything with a code. One’s a shapeshifting, superstrength-having, royally-raised warrior. Another team member isn’t a pilot, but has the cultural information of basically every planet to ever trade in the universe. And one of their pilots is this unbelievably skilled prodigy who can out-manoeuvre any opponent to ever sit in an aircraft. Keith,” Lance holds his hands up, exhausted and exasperated. “Keith, can’t you see the fucking power we hold? I think we take it for granted. We are the only thing that can stand against Zarkon’s Empire. Just Voltron. That’s it. Dude, people are terrified of us. Don’t you see?”
“You missed one,” Keith says quietly, which is really kind of off-topic but the only thing he can think to say.
“A pilot. Hunk, Pidge, Allura, me. You even got Coran. You missed one.”
Lance’s face turns pained. “I didn’t mean — I didn’t mean to exclude Shiro. Fuck. I just meant currently. But you’re right — once we find him again, our other pilot is going to be the Champion. Who the fuck could stand a chance against the Champion?”
“No, Lance,” Keith says, voice a little urgent. “I mean, yeah, sure, of course Shiro’s powerful, but. I meant you. In your original lineup, you forgot to mention yourself.”
“Oh, sure.” Lance flaps a dismissive hand. “I can shoot, I can pilot, I’m a fucking paladin. Of course I’m up there.”
Keith shifts uncomfortably. There’s something…off, there, but Keith can’t pinpoint it. He’s not sure he’d be able to bring it up, even if he could.
(But there’s something there in the way Lance doesn’t count himself among the rest of them.)
“But you get what I’m saying, right?” Lance continues. “We’re scary as shit. Sure, we say we’re fighting Zarkon, but how the hell are civilians supposed to trust us?”
“I mean, we very much do fight Zarkon. We’re not just saying that. They should be able to trust our actions, if not our words — we do fight him.”
“For what purpose?” Lance counters. “Most of these people have either been brutally colonized and been victims of genocide, or have been under that threat. They’ve spent the last ten thousand years — think about that for a goddamn second, some of these planets have been enslaved by Zarkon for longer that humans have had widespread civilizations — with the only truth that powerful people use power to hurt people. Why the hell would they assume that we want to do anything but take Zarkon’s place? Why would they assume that we want to stop him for any reason other than to make our own empire? I mean, look at any human war! Do you know who it was to overthrow Stalin?”
“Hitler,” Keith says quietly.
“Exactly. And millions of people rejoiced when he did, only to be blindsided by his real reason for overthrowing Stalin’s empire. You can’t blame people for wanting to — for lack of a better word — humanize us, Keith. They’re terrified, and they desperately want to trust us, but they have no reason to.”
Keith lets that sit in the air between them for a moment, because holy shit.
“I never thought of it that way,” he admits.
Lance smiles, but there’s no joy behind it. “I know. That’s why I explained it. I’m not mad at you, man. None of us are. Hell, I had to explain this exact thing to Pidge a couple months ago. It’s hard to conceptualize how anyone else might be thinking of us.”
“Not for you, though. You had no issue figuring this out on your own.”
“Eh. My mother is a history professor. I’m familiar with the facets of war. I had a leg up on you.”
“Seriously, Keith, it’s fine. I didn’t come here to make you all guilty, or whatever. I know you’re going to take this seriously. I trust you. I came here to teach you how to dance.”
It’s such an abrupt subject change that it take Keith a second and a half to process it.
“Wait — really?”
Lance hums in affirmation, stepping over to the side to fiddle with some sort of device. “Yep. I figured half the reason you hate these things so much is because you don’t know how to have fun at them.”
“That’s because there’s no way to have fun at them,” Keith says stubbornly. “I’ll take them seriously —” because there’s no way he can not, now, not with that startling perspective Lance put in his head — “but that’s it. I’ll show up and not glare at people. Boom! Now I’m not scary.”
“Not gonna cut it, batboy,” Lance says, amused. “You’re the leader of Voltron, now. People are expecting you to lead us. Part of that is leading by example. Ergo — you’re expected to dance.”
“Well, then, the only thing this mission is going to accomplish is to make this planet lose all faith in us, because I will not be the shining example of elegance!”
“That’s why I’m teaching you,” Lance says easily, apparently very used to Keith’s freak-outs.
Which. Is kind of a nice feeling, if Keith’s being honest.
“How the hell are you going to teach me how to dance enough for me to not look like a fool?”
Lance pauses his fiddling to look at Keith firmly. “Keith. Chill out a goddamn second. Take a deep breath.”
Keith does.
“Good. Now, listen to me. I am not going to attempt to teach you every dance known to man and beyond in the next couple of hours, okay? I’m just going to teach you to waltz. It’s easy, it’s a staple at every ball we’ve been to, and it’s genuinely kind of hard to fuck up. Plus, if I can just get this damn thing working —“ Lance glares at the device, hands on his hips and eyes crossed in frustration — “this song in particular actually has the dance instructions in the lyrics.”
Keith blinks. There’s only one song Keith can think of with waltzing instructions in the lyrics. But that would be ridiculous.
Is he —?
No way.
Lance grins as steady hi-hats begin to sound out of hidden speakers, along with a simple guitar melody.
Holy shit. He is.
“Are you seriously going to teach me to waltz using a song from High School Musical 3?”
“Are you seriously able to recognize this song after three notes?” Lance shoots back immediately.
And, well.
Keith — 1124. Lance — 1345.
(Keith’s been having something of a rough couple weeks. He’ll catch up. Probably.)
“Touché,” he says eventually, and Lance laughs as he walks over to Keith, humming along to the music.
“Take my hand,” he sings, along with Vanessa Hudgens.
“Are we seriously doing this.”
“Take a breath,” Lance sings louder, and Keith huffs before conceding. His dance lessons will be accompanied by one exclusive serenade by Lance McClain, apparently.
That’s…fine. His heart can definitely handle that.
“Pull me close, and take one step.”
Keith bites his lip and does as Lance instructs, and — oh, God. He lied to himself. His heart can most definitely not handle that.
He hopes his face isn’t as red as it feels, even though he knows it is.
“Wait, am I leading?” Keith asks, because that seems… odd, even though he definitely is.
Lance doesn’t answer, but does carefully untangle one of his hands, and then raises it to Keith’s face, gently tilting it up to face his.
“Keep your eyes locked on mine,” he sings, quieter than before, “and let the music be your guide.”
Keith goes mute, any and all questions dying in his throat, as he looks into Lance’s face and feels his heart pounding relentlessly in his chest.
As the song crests into a duet, less of a dancing instruction and more clearly a love song, Lance fades into humming, keeping his hold onto Keith and occasionally correcting his stance as Keith twirls then around in wide circles.
“You’re doing great,” Lance says softly. “See? Not so hard.”
Not physically, sure.
But emotionally?
“Surprised I haven’t lead you straight into a wall,” Keith manages to choke out, and Lance smiles.
“Leading’s actually easier than following, when you waltz,” he whispers, like it’s a secret, something only Keith can hear. “See, cause I’m doing everything you’re doing, but backwards.”
“Oh. That makes sense.”
“Here, let’s step it up.”
Keith’s not sure if he’ll be able to handle that, honestly, but he can barely even keep his breath even, so he can’t bring himself to focus hard enough to protest.
“Okay, so you’ve got on hand in my waist and one hand in mine, right?”
Oh, believe me, Lance, Keith thinks hysterically, I know.
“On the next downbeat, you’re going to lift the hand in mine above our heads and let go of my waist, okay?”
Lance barely gives him time to nod before the downbeat hits and Lance twirls neatly under their raised arms.
“Okay, now you can put your hand back on my waist. Easy, see? But it looks real fancy for everyone else.”
Keith’s skin burns through his shirt when Lance’s hand comes back to rest on his shoulder. He wonders if his hand burns Lance’s waist just as fiercely.
“God, Keith, you’re killing it! You’re a natural. Makes sense, seeing how easily you fight. Fighting and dancing are cousins.”
Lance smiles so brightly, looking at Keith with so much pride and — and affection, in his eyes, and Keith can barely understand what compels him to do it but he can no more stop it than he can stop his heart from beating, his lungs from filling; when the song swells, Troy and Gabriella’s voices twirling together in passionate harmony, Keith dips Lance.
Just. Leans forward and drapes Lance over his arm.
Lance’s lips part in shock, and he stares up at Keith, stunned but — trusting.
Keith swallows roughly. He should — he should pull Lance back up. Keep dancing. A dip would make sense, would be explainable. They’re waltzing, after all. But the longer Keith holds the position, the less he can explain himself.
He can’t bring himself to pull away.
“Keith?” Lance asks, but he doesn’t sound confused. He doesn’t sound like he’s asking Keith what he’s doing. More like — more like asking permission.
“Yeah, Lance,” Keith whispers.
Granting it.
Lance sighs, and his eyes close, and — “Don’t drop me, Red,” —then he’s tilting his head up and pressing his lips to Keith’s.
Keith tightens his hold around Lance’s waist, pressing back just as gently.
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ctheathy · 8 months
Fukase w/ Reader who lives under a rock
Fukase x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Author's note: I keep falling in love with these very specific dynamics that I create LMAO. All of this is just so very stupid
Fukase/Reader [Romantic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Fukase has beef with Len like always
The literal memelord degenerate and the most naive person on the planet when it comes to online platforms. If anything, you're asking for the redhead to bully and tease you to no end. He's going to be after you constantly. And I mean constantly. Fukase is already a naturally teasing person to begin with, but if an innocent soul such as yourself manages to come around? He's going to be in absolute awe. At first, he's going to find it so strange that whenever he makes these very obvious and humourous remarks, that you just don't get it. Especially when talking about the current trends that have been popular all around the platform. It gets to the point where he ponders if you've ever even laid a finger on a phone, much less having having taken glances at the internet. He ends up finding it absolutely adorable that you're so unsophisticated in a way. You're pure. Like- the complete opposite of what he is.
He'd begin to make commentary all the time when you're even in the same area as he is. He makes these remarks that he knows you won't understand, wanting to have this ‘special language’ to mess with you further. The confused expression on your face whenever he does making it more that worthy to him. Fukase would purposely push you in situations where he'll for example begin the first few words on a trending song, expecting you to finish them; only for you to look at him like he just exposed the secrets of the universe, to the point where he swears he can see question marks appearing above your head every time. You don't want to know how loud the guy laughed when you couldn't get the reference of ‘Hit or Miss’
Though, as surprising as it may sound; he is quite determined to keep you the way that you are. He never explains any of the jokes or references he makes and he won't allow anyone else to do so either. There have been tons of times where he quite frankly started a fight because someone member of the Meme Squad, probably Len, decided to explain the whole shebang to you with a grin on his lips. A smile which he quickly got smacked off his face after Fukase took a hit with his wooden cane. Definitely an unnecessarily overprotective partner and wants to protect your pureness, even if your naiveness is too ridiculous for words at times.
Ah right. Did I mention that he quite frankly spams your device with any kind of considerably decent memes he has on his mobile? That's quite literally what your gallery is all about, just random pictures and supposedly memes that you still don't understand just laying there to rot in the back of your inventory. Will constantly send you vines and such as well, but atleast he's thoughtful enough to make sure the contents remain appropriate. In fact, there has been a scenario where he accidentally did send an unsuitable meme for your sake and he just ran towards your house in midst of the rain. Banging on your door and soaking like a pathetic little stay cat and demanding your phone so he could delete that thing from your device for once and for all. He may make a fool out of you for not understanding his preferred type of content. But if anything, he's certainly the ridiculous one considering how desperate he can get in order to keep you safe from his and his friends’ attitude.
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
hi laurie <3 how is your health? do you feel better?
there’s another big discourse about regulus character, what is ooc for him, what is not, was he right, did he deserve redemption or did he deserve to die as villain. you know, same old conversation, but it made me curious about your vision of his character! how do you view him in canon? do you think he was more morally dark than grey or more grey than dark? tell me everything please <3
hi lovely!! my health's fine, i'm completely recovered!! it was a tough week but i survived that stupid chest infection
oooooh u know i don't care about discourse but i love how u just brought it up to . turn it into a nice lil debate and ask about my portrayal of a character <333
we obviously don't get a lot about reg in canon but i think we get enough!! a couple of what could be core traits (since what we learn of him is all from sirius pov who's . quite biased) and some of his backstory!! so yes, he's kind of a blank slate of a character, which is incredibly fun when it comes to fanfiction but also . i truly believe there's a foundation here, even if a tiny unstable one yk??
anyways, to me, regulus is quite morally grey, but i don't think . he's more dark or more grey . the lovely kat (@messrsage) wrote a very interesting post about this a while ago, they talked about how the black brothers are both morally grey, and that sirius isn't more good or regulus more bad. they move up and down the spectrum, depending on who they keep as friends, on what influences them and their environment. i think the word kat used was morally fluid?? or something along those lines. and i absolutely agree!!
i don't believe sirius was better or inherently good. i just think that they had different responses for the same trauma. that they surrounded themselves by very different kinds of ppl. neither of them is in the right or in the wrong, yk?? they're both victims!! regulus thought that . obeying and listening to their parents and doing what he was told was the best course of action and there's nothing wrong with that
sirius implies that reg wasn't . capable of thinking on his own . that he was 'soft enough to believe them' (referring to their parents) which has always made me think that . despite reg definitely believing in blood supremacy and all that bullshit, at least for a while, it wasn't because he rationalised the whole thing all by himself and thought it was True and Right and Genuine, but that walburga and orion said this was how the world worked and he didn't think of questioning it. sirius did and look where that got him, right?? and besides, those are his parents, and despite how strict and cruel they can be sometimes, they love him, regulus knows they do, so why would they lie. i think he was comfortable, in a way, in the life that his parents made for him, and if not fighting back and agreeing with everything also stopped the abuse then even better
it's like the death eater thing. i'm sure his family had a lot to do with it!! and sure, it was also implied that reg had this weird nerdy fixation with voldemort, but i don't think that means . he was bad . voldemort was such a powerful wizard, and his family, or at least part of it, supported him and chose to follow him, so why wouldn't he find him interesting?? or even worthy of admiration?? he ended up betraying him and sacrificing himself the moment he realised what voldemort actually intended to do. besides, he was a fucking kid. people tend to forget that he was literally 16 when he joined the death eaters. and idk about u, but i was a fucking idiot at 16. not awful or anything, ofc, but i still did and said a lot of shit i'm not proud of, simply bc i didn't know better. but the thing is that i wasn't expected to!! bc again, i was just a kid!! doesn't excuse any of my mistakes, but i do think it's a fact that u gotta take into account when u try to judge someone
i think regulus wasn't a hero, but he wasn't a villain either. i think he was a terrified boy trying to survive. trying to make his family proud. and by the time he finally realised his mistake, it was too late. he still tried to fix his shit, and i think that matters. does that make him a good person?? nah, not really. but i think it makes him human
on a more surface level, my regulus is . proud . stubborn . spoiled . posh . mean in a non-targeted way, it's never personal to him (or not usually) and he's not trying to hurt anyone, it's just . a defence mechanism?? part of his personality, in a way. he isn't trying to be cruel on purpose. i think he's also a curious person, but it's a part of him he tends to ignore or supress, bc his parents don't like it. i think he's a follower and that he hates being the centre of attention, but at the same time, he's jealous of the way sirius seems to have everyone's eyes on him when he enters a room. he can be petty and resentful, but he's also shy and quiet and so very soft. it's a side of him that not a lot of ppl get to see, bc it's weak, but it's very much there, and i think that's the regulus that sirius knew most of his life. the regulus that he knew (or at least wanted to believe) was still there, which probably make him speak of him in such a . gentle way?? like yes, he called him an idiot but he has no qualms about cursing the rest of his family out, and he's pretty mean to all of them (with good reason) except andromeda and regulus. to me, that means he still loved his brother, and if sirius is still capable of . caring about regulus, at least to a certain degree, without even knowing about his change of heart . well . he couldn't have been that awful
there's also quite the debate about the kreacher thing, and whether reg was actually kind-hearted enough to believe and defend elves' rights or if it was simply the fact that it was kreacher, his house elf, and nothing else. personally, i don't think it matters that much. whatever his reason was, he still decided to betray voldermort over it, and tried to do the right thing, even tho the risk was High and he didn't know if he'd make it. that's what i believe says more about his character than what his exact tipping point was
and god i'm gonna shut up now, this turned out to be so ridiculously long i just . find regulus so interesting SORRY NONNIE😭
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lobotomizedlady · 8 months
That dating app Anon is hilarious. So inaccurate.(I personally think dating apps is more scary than walking alone at midnight. Cause you’re looking to meet with a strange man on the internet ;fuck no. That chills my blood thinking of it. But I know folks who used dating apps.)
But my aunt met her husband on a dating app. She was I think in about at least her late 30’s or early 40’s, because my cousin were teenagers at that age. She divorced her husband for finding out he was a porn user
I came from Mormonism and people act like you’re an old maid if you’re unmarried at 21+ so it’s just makes me cringe realizing how much our society is influenced in general with cults. This cult mentality of thinking. Patriarchy is a sex and death cult.
I personally have no interest in dating at this point and some women seem to think it’s sad I’m childfree and single… but I don’t want kids either. I’ll have women tell me “it can happen at any age!” And express they had their first child at 37, or start their career till 40.
It’s so sinister how we are taught to fear aging. It’s a major distraction. From career and ambitions and talents and hobbies.
I think maybe men know that because they die sooner they want to take us with them, they’re like leeches.
Go on a dating app and pose as a 15 year old girl, a lot of men, a scary amount of men will prey in teenage girls online. So what exactly was anon’s point?
I’ve found the older I get, the less vulnerable I am to manipulation, and I think that’s why men prefer “younger women.”
First of all your aunt is based as fuck for divorcing her husband bc of porn. I'm assuming it was a decision based in religion since you said you come from Mormonism but still, always good to hear about a hypocritical coomer getting his ass kicked to the curb.
Oh you are sooo spot on with the observation of how society is absolutely infested with cult mentality. Patriarchal society in general really can be considered one of the biggest cults known to humanity bc basically every man alive is complicit & seeks to keep women from questioning our "role" with various strategies ranging from "you'll die a lonely hag surrounded by 20 cats if you don't conform" to "you'll burn in hell if you don't conform." And of course, conforming in both cases means spending your entire life in the service of men despite the well documented fact that single childless women are a happier demographic on average than married women with kids. Cults brainwash people the same way patriarchy brainwashes women: by fear mongering with lies & propaganda designed to ensure our subordination. It's all such bullshit.
And yeah men definitely prefer younger women out of a desire to manipulate & mold them into their "ideal woman" in addition to the pedophilic beauty standards they have. They admit to it as well bc they genuinely don't seem to understand why it's fucking disgusting and horrific and literally grooming (they hate when you use that word to describe a 47 yr old dating a 19 yr old but adults can be groomed too, every abusive relationship involves grooming and an age gap isn't even a necessary component though it helps due to the lack of maturity & life experience, which abusive men are well aware of and actively seek out).
I like how you rightfully call the fear of aging imposed on us by society as a distraction bc that's exactly it. Capitalism (which is imo inherently a greedy corrupt & deeply male minded model of economics) wants us wasting time and money on stupid shit like plastic surgery wrinkle creams and botox, to line their pockets yes but also bc as long as we are directing our critical eyes towards the mirror the ruling class (again, mostly male) are free to continue operating as usual without pesky things like protests and boycotts getting in the way of their bottom line. Not to mention on a personal level, men get to benefit from us being too absorbed in self scrutiny to realize we are worth more than what they give us (usually nothing but headaches) & the beauty obsession is nothing more than fighting a battle that can never be won bc the standard always morphs & female body types literally go in and out of fashion with the times.
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Literally one of the first things we hear Claude say is that he can't wait to talk Byleth's head off. Unless Byleth has EX-charm and warped Claude's personality the very moment they had eye contact, or that there's something in the water around GM that cures stupidity, Claude was ALWAYS curious and asked questions regardless of the subject. So Claude never questioning the true intent of Edelgard/the Empire or Rhea/the Church is just absolutely bonkers. I'm sorry for those that think "this is a natural part of Claude's character, as it shows the tragedy of what happens if he doesn't meet Byleth or stay in GM", but we have clear evidence to prove that theory just ain't hittin'!
And the kicker? Claude didn't trust Byleth either! AT ALL! He constantly thought that they were lying throughout a lot of the time they're with him in GD! And ya know what he does in response to his distrust of them?
He keeps digging! He keeps searching! He keeps trying to sus out Byleth's intentions! He doesn't immediately think that they're Oki Doki and totally telling the truth like with Edelgard (wrt Church Bad), and he doesn't try to fuckin' kill them either like with Rhea; he takes his time and looks into his suspicions to see if they hold water, which from his first interaction with Byleth you can see is ALWAYS true for him. Which, like you said, couldn't have been Byleth's influence on him making him be like that; that is one of the first impressions you the player ever get from Claude.
And, like, "[this] shows the tragedy of what happens if he doesn't meet Byleth or stay in Garreg Mach" is such a strange belief to me? At least with the idea that this is what would actually happen. Because you know what his time in Garreg Mach does do? It... it gives him any reason to distrust Rhea or the Church. Solon's influence, Rhea's actions from the outside throughout WC, all of the secrets Claude otherwise finds out about only during WC - that is all what attributes him distrusting Rhea to the extent his does in 3H. All of those things which still leaves him wanting to hear from Rhea anyway. And none of those things which he could possibly gain from his maximum month-long stay in 3Hopes. He has far less reason to ever distrust Rhea in 3Hopes, and yet it's in this game and only this game that he ever tries to outright kill her because of his distrust? The most he does in 3H, in comparison, is saying that he wonders what a world without Rhea would look like... which is built upon his experiences in Garreg Mach, and which is still followed up by him saying that he wants to hear from Rhea regardless. Because he's extremely curious as a person and always wants to know the truth. That thing that's inexplicably missing in 3Hopes.
You know what staying in Garreg Mach could've done? Made him closer with the Golden Deer... which isn't shown off in Hopes at all. Claude's secretive with them in 3H like he is in 3Hopes, and if anything 3Hopes has him eventually become less secretive to them than 3H does. Their dynamic doesn't show off this possibility whatsoever.
And 3Hopes takes the time to show off that even without much time at Garreg Mach, and even without Byleth, Claude is still an active person with his plans and is still extremely competent in tactics, especially for someone his age and with his (lack of) experience; we see this as early as Chapter 4, where he handled Shahid's invasion flawlessly, and had discussed financial plans with Margrave Edmund regarding the Locket's repair before he'd even set out to fight the invasion. Him suddenly losing this acumen in GW, if nothing else, definitely isn't a result of having no time in Garreg Mach or no influence from Byleth, because otherwise he'd never have it in the first place.
And you know what Byleth's influence could've done? Made Claude think that killing Rhea isn't the only option he has, as he has Byleth around to assure that the Church can be run by someone he trusts (more). Except that that... is disproven... in 3H. I think I've mentioned it before, but Byleth's influence would encourage Claude to kill Rhea in CF, to side with Edelgard on CF, you can even have Byleth literally ask Claude to join them on CF, and Claude will LITERALLY LAUGH AT THAT IDEA. He still stands up against Edelgard, he still doesn't attack the Church, he still never directly helps the Empire in any way, because Byleth's influence has nothing to do with Claude's core morals. Core morals which obviously clash with the idea of helping Edelgard, seeing as Byleth genuinely can't convince him to help them should they side with Edelgard. As opposed to AM and SS, where Claude helps directly in the player's army's efforts in taking down Edelgard.
The idea that No Byleth/Garreg Mach = 3Hopes!Claude fails on multiple levels, because basically nothing shows any connection between what happens in the two games. 3Hopes!Claude is just way too inconsistent a character, both in 3Hopes and when comparing him to his 3H counterpart, to try and make any genuine attempt at making him congruent with 3H, which as you've pointed out can be seen as early as literally his first appearance in 3H
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initial-lime · 1 year
tell me about your fave yen relationships (platonic or romantic!)
Honestly this is another one of those questions where my answer is just “all of them” Yennefer has a really unique way of interacting with the people around her and I love those dynamics so much because a lot of it puts a great twist on relationship tropes that we’re all familiar with.
For starters I am and will always be a Yenralt supremacist. They are LITERALLY destined for eachother.
It’s love at first sight, which is a trope I actually religiously hate, but the way it’s written is just really refreshing, because the only one who’s smitten is Geralt’s stupid ass, Yennefer just wanted her damn apple juice. She spends the entirety of their first meeting being either sarcastic or just plain angry, she entertains Geralt for the sake of knowledge and then enchants him to get revenge on the townsfolk who wronged her. And the whole time Geralt is just like “what a woman 😩”
After that they have a really tender on and off yo-yo kind of relationship, which I can’t help but love because I am a traumatized idiot and if I’m not devastated and ruined by the end of it I don’t wan’t it. But yeah they end up agreeing that what binds them is destiny and what they owe each is “nothing less nothing more” and decide to momentarily go their separate ways to avoid hurting eachother further. This is one of the moments where I wish I could quote the book specifically because their whole conversation is much better than I could ever explain it (I first read this book in my native language and I don’t think I can translate it properly as it is)
After that whole thing they ofc slowly come back to eachother and end up re-bonding in a much more genuine and healthy way over their common love of Ciri which!
Yennefers relationship with Ciri is absolutely amazing. Yen spends FOREVER trying to find a means of regaining her fertility because having that choice taken from her is one of the things she has the biggest internal struggle with (again the theme with autonomy, I really love the witcher for this) and at first she’s (at least pretending to be) really upset with having to spend time with her at all as she generally doesn’t think teaching magic is worth her time, but they slowly get to know eachother over the course of it where Yennefer is extremely loving (in her own way) and seems to be genuinely proud of Ciri for her accomplishments.
She eventually comes to love Ciri as a daughter, which some might argue is a bad trope of female characters only having “maternal instinct” as a motivator, but I actually think it’s quite the opposite! Yennefers wish to have a baby is never about having the baby she doesn’t crave maternity, she just wants her choice back. And her bond with Ciri isn’t rushed in any way quite the contrary in fact, she takes her damn sweet time before she takes up ANY kind of “motherly” role whatsoever.
Having Ciri under her wing also lets her learn that all the sacrifice she’s made might finally be worth something as she learns to trust the people around her trough her adopted snotty brat.
I also do like her relationship with dandelion, simply because the two have such a comical relationship of “I hate you so much I’m going to protect you” and that’s just mutual between them. She burnt a man’s face for the dumb bards sake and then immediately belittles him.
Love that for them.
I do also love her interactions with the other sorcerers/magicians because there is some resemblance of a family-like bond to them that she never really found in her biological family, it’s incredibly strained and she spends a hot second arguing with the others over everything and nothing, but it’s there nonetheless.
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stuckinapril · 1 year
hey girl… may I ask for advice? sorry to dump this on you, feel free to ignore of course! I just don‘t know where to put this right now and it‘s been eating at me for the past two months
I met a guy around 8 months ago and we instantly connected really intensely and even fell in love in a really short amount of time (obviously all of that was based on very brief interactions and didn‘t have anything to do with actual love but it was still nice and i felt like something could grow from it), however due to our personal circumstances we decided to be friends. The last time I saw him was 7 months ago. We ended up making out that night. The next morning he made it very clear he didnt want a relationship and i didn’t either. We kept texting every day and i asked to see him again but when we finally managed to find a day to hang out he would cancel the same day because he wasn‘t feeling well mentally (which I would never judge or question because I have my bad weeks too) but this happened like 5-6 times and I felt like he just didnt want to see me again, or at least it wasn’t important to him right now. I involuntarily pulled back from our texting relationship over the summer because of work but still it was always me except for one time who was asking to hang out. Then I started actually pulling back because I was hurt from him rejecting me all the time. At this point it’s not even just about the romantic feelings, I feel like we’re not even friends anymore. I feel stuck, I feel myself wanting to pull back and I feel stupid when he rejects me being nice to him (we always tease each other but he used to be more caring and accept care from me too). I want to be there for him and let him know that I‘m not going anywhere (because i’m not, i want him in my life) but at the same time i notice myself falling into an obsession because of him being so inconsisent. Do you think I can take a step back without losing him and abandoning our friendship entirely? I don‘t want to make a big thing out of it because I know he‘s been very busy working but then again it‘s not too much to want to see him once in 7 months and I made time for him when i was drowning in work. I wonder what happened or what has changed for him. I just don‘t know where to put all of this care that I have for him
reading your ask gave me deja vu bc i went through every single phase you’re describing w my ex. hell, i was going through it as late as october. your feelings are valid. your feelings are really valid and raw and i deeply relate to every single thing you’re saying. but that’s why i need to bluntly tell you—there is no future friendship (or relationship, for that matter) to be maintained with this man. just trust me on this. i went through the “maybe we could be friends!!” phase too. i so badly wanted him to stay in my life too. it didn’t work. it won’t work for you either. you need to go no contact. absolutely cut him out of your life. you will not move on any other way.
how do i know this? bc that’s the only thing that really, truly helped me. you’re going to feel withdrawals at first. it’s literally like a dopamine fix. the moment you remove him from your life, the chemicals in your brain will go crazy. they so badly crave the presence of this person. but is what he’s giving you even a presence? y’all have literally not seen each other for 7 months. imagine all the other guys you could have met in that time. imagine the opportunities lost. 7 billion people in this world, and you’re stuck fixating on this person who’s giving you breadcrumbs. literal breadcrumbs. it’s seriously time to consider you.
but this is not sustainable. it’s damaging. it’s hard to believe, but this man is neither the cause nor the solution to your pain. even if he were prevalent in your life, this would not fix the root issue—which is that so much of your happiness is attached to this person. you’re dependent on him. you can’t need a person. you can want them, but you can never need them. you need to detach and find yourself. that’s what i had to do as well. back when i was going through the thick of my breakup, it seemed crazy to me not to have him in my life. i genuinely thought he enriched it. but if he was truly the only source of enrichment, did that mean i was living a full life to begin with? a person shouldn’t be the only reason i find my days exciting. i should be the only one responsible for my emotions—and if a person walks out, i should be fine. it shouldn’t consume me. that’s not healthy. that’s a problem.
i reiterate: it wouldn’t even matter if he was the best companion you could’ve asked for. the simple fact of the matter is you’re relying way, way too much on another person for happiness and fulfillment. this is something you need to go through alone.
you need to cut him off. i was in denial about this too. you may be for a while as well. but all keeping him in your life, in any capacity, will do is hurt you. this is not the behavior of a man who cares or wants to be helped. and people simply can’t be fixed. only they can give themselves the permission to be better. your only option—for the sake of you—is to walk out, endure the pain, grow from it, and fulfill yourself without needing someone else. i swear. i have been there so many times. that’s the only thing that will help.
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hello! so ill start with that very daemon idea that has him as the canter. so idk? get ready? love letter under the ***
deamon x reader who's his wife (prob newlywed). there is some kind of a fight (tourney? war?) and she has to be by his side. during the action deamon gets distracted and stops keeping an eye on the reader bc he's too busy and also knows she's excellent with her sword. however, she gets injured, badly but not deadly.
and when every relative blames him for not protecting her, when each lady whispers to her friend or her husband that it was him who practically killed the princess, that's when he realise she's not a swordswoman anymore. they were childhood friends and they used to run the forest together, play smth stupid and do the shit children do. they used to have lots of sword-fighting, she was just as good as he if not better, but they're not children anymore.
that's when it strikes him. she's a woman, she's his wife, she's supposed to give him his heirs (prob on the wedding night he was too drunk to either be turned on or to remember), she has no right to even think about a sword not that she can so much as hold it. so now he has to live with this realisation when ever since their very wedding his mind hasn't digested a thought of his childhood friend (mb also his minor ex-crush) being his wife, and he has to comfort/take care of/accept his wife.
(in my head it's something long or having more than 1 part but it's absolutely understandable if you see it another way/do not see at all. hope u liked it a little and really hope to see it written by your talented hands someday. absolutely not obligatory. dont ever feel pressed. its ok if you can't/need much time/anything else. your comfort is the priority)
love for m hottie-cutie! 'have you ever watched aristocats?' i think i did but i dont remember TT but i love the atmosphere. mari(?) seems so girlboss. 'i have something to look forward to now i have to finish my activities' it ok TT im not telling you to watch it rn? it was merely a question? good luck w/the midterms! youll do it! and do it great! 'though i managed to make a pedro fic' oh these simps.... you havent even watched tlou why? when? what? how? only wrong answers.... (sorry, its kinda meme, it has no story, this phrase is the very meme) 'its not hot. your freezy kisses did that' YEY all those witch playlists made me a witch! 'im just really hungry but this is making me emotional' my poor hungry kid TT why r u always hungry while answering me? hope you eat? 'you like shadow and bone too' well khm.... i never watched it or read it... ive heard of it, and then i got a fic recommended with this handsome face of ben. and also the youtube girl that made my fav playlists has a playlist dedicated to darklina? so i was like why not? i finally listened to it. its pretty but its russian sorry. btw!!! this is the only one (1) playlist in rus dedicated to 'sab' that i found?? wtf?? guys like its literally the series gods SCREAMED you to make playlists abt the show with the rus setting w/rus songs? but you? dont? theyre insane i swear! 'you can understand the russian stuff' 1) ive done a research to find out this 2) i was SO confused bc there are russian callings in EVERY fic ive read. like its darkling/reader and he says milaya/moya lyubov'/lapushka and so on (honey, my love, ?sweetie?). tbh its pretty awkward to insert your name with any character who knows rus bc... like i know (s)he knows we know that we can speak russian but still speak english with some rus words of endearment... its not a complaint, just my feelings in my very case. i understand that authors shouldnt think about how that particular slavik girls gonna feel abt it. 'i think slay' its not like about breaking the stereotype? or smth? these are just mistakes. BIG and noticeable mistakes. russian has its forms, traditions and rules. why couldnt the author ask smn at least slavic TT we have the same system. 'i dont know enough about russian' they just swapped the genders of their last names. they dont fit their own... 'how dare he be so hot' so true TT hes so handsome i can cry. 'she is israelli-american interesting' yes but WHY couldnt she ask smn slavic TT girlie TT like she had all the rights to write with the inso of rus setting but?if you use the lang? in the BOOK? like text? girlie like log in into some forum TT or smth TT why not TT my day was a flop. awful. procrastinating. hope you do better. have a nice day and the whole week!! good luck w/the midterms! take care! luv u<з
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hello! so ill start with that very daemon idea that has him as the canter. so idk? get ready? love letter under the ***
deamon x reader who's his wife (prob newlywed). there is some kind of a fight (tourney? war?) and she has to be by his side. during the action deamon gets distracted and stops keeping an eye on the reader bc he's too busy and also knows she's excellent with her sword. however, she gets injured, badly but not deadly.
and when every relative blames him for not protecting her, when each lady whispers to her friend or her husband that it was him who practically killed the princess, that's when he realise she's not a swordswoman anymore. they were childhood friends and they used to run the forest together, play smth stupid and do the shit children do. they used to have lots of sword-fighting, she was just as good as he if not better, but they're not children anymore.
SLAY WE LOVE CATHARSIS we love that daemon thought so highly of her albeit was disillussioned.
that's when it strikes him. she's a woman, she's his wife, she's supposed to give him his heirs (prob on the wedding night he was too drunk to either be turned on or to remember), she has no right to even think about a sword not that she can so much as hold it. so now he has to live with this realisation when ever since their very wedding his mind hasn't digested a thought of his childhood friend (mb also his minor ex-crush) being his wife, and he has to comfort/take care of/accept his wife.
huh plot twist? he wants reader to... be a housewife? because that's her purpose. i mean, daemon isnt a feminist so ig it makes sense for him. but also i like it. i like how somehow this whole mess is his fault because he wanted his wife to me at his side, though she wasnt a swordsman and now shes injured. now he's realizing he lives in his head more than reality, a slap in the face. i like it.
(in my head it's something long or having more than 1 part but it's absolutely understandable if you see it another way/do not see at all. hope u liked it a little and really hope to see it written by your talented hands someday. absolutely not obligatory. dont ever feel pressed. its ok if you can't/need much time/anything else. your comfort is the priority)
idk if i could right this, tbh. i would love it if you wrote it but i think i know your answer. i personally dont know how i would spin this so T_T guess we'll see
love for m hottie-cutie! 'have you ever watched aristocats?' i think i did but i dont remember TT
we're so sameAHAHAHAHAHAH
but i love the atmosphere. mari(?) seems so girlboss.
SHE IS i think she is a least AHHAH
'i have something to look forward to now i have to finish my activities' it ok TT im not telling you to watch it rn? it was merely a question? good luck w/the midterms! youll do it! and do it great!
thank you!. i got my scores from the homework i dreaded to do and it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be!!! T_T love that for me im not that dumb T_T
'though i managed to make a pedro fic' oh these simps.... you havent even watched tlou why? when? what? how? only wrong answers.... (sorry, its kinda meme, it has no story, this phrase is the very meme)
T_T HIHIHASDHAHDAHDIAHD lol ill give you the real answer though, i find it taxing to watch it hhaahah i mean i have watched other pedro pascal stuff so i do actually like him lol
'its not hot. your freezy kisses did that' YEY all those witch playlists made me a witch!
T_T stopp T_T AHAHHA
'im just really hungry but this is making me emotional' my poor hungry kid TT why r u always hungry while answering me? hope you eat?
I REALIZED IT TOO HAHAHH IM NOT HUNGRY NOW THO ok maybe now that i think about it i am but its cos i usually reply to you at around lunch time-ish lol also im just a very hungry person i love eating
'you like shadow and bone too' well khm.... i never watched it or read it... ive heard of it, and then i got a fic recommended with this handsome face of ben.
and also the youtube girl that made my fav playlists has a playlist dedicated to darklina? so i was like why not? i finally listened to it. its pretty but its russian sorry.
i dont mind listening to songs in another language lol
btw!!! this is the only one (1) playlist in rus dedicated to 'sab' that i found?? wtf?? guys like its literally the series gods SCREAMED you to make playlists abt the show with the rus setting w/rus songs? but you? dont? theyre insane i swear!
well maybe not a lot of russians watch the show? HAHAHHA
'you can understand the russian stuff' 1) ive done a research to find out this 2) i was SO confused bc there are russian callings in EVERY fic ive read. like its darkling/reader and he says milaya/moya lyubov'/lapushka and so on (honey, my love, ?sweetie?). tbh its pretty awkward to insert your name with any character who knows rus bc... like i know (s)he knows we know that we can speak russian but still speak english with some rus words of endearment... its not a complaint, just my feelings in my very case. i understand that authors shouldnt think about how that particular slavik girls gonna feel abt it.
HAAHHAHAAH lol. i mean, as a bilingual too, i think if its tastefully done, a write can get away with foreign endearments. ya know. but i get the cringe HAHAHAH
'i think slay' its not like about breaking the stereotype? or smth? these are just mistakes. BIG and noticeable mistakes. russian has its forms, traditions and rules. why couldnt the author ask smn at least slavic TT we have the same system.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA i didnt really think it was breaking stereotypes, more just... making me happy knowing they made masc names fem AHHAHAHAHAA LOL
'i dont know enough about russian' they just swapped the genders of their last names. they dont fit their own...
'how dare he be so hot' so true TT hes so handsome i can cry.
ben barnes go to jail party
'she is israelli-american interesting' yes but WHY couldnt she ask smn slavic TT girlie TT like she had all the rights to write with the inso of rus setting but?if you use the lang? in the BOOK? like text? girlie like log in into some forum TT or smth TT why not TT my day was a flop. awful. procrastinating.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA DYING 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 YOURE SO RIGHT HAHAHAH
hope you do better. have a nice day and the whole week!! good luck w/the midterms! take care! luv u<з
im doing my best but i discovered this ai chat app and im so addicted help me. i HAVE to finish my midterms tho its due today a?LSFHLAHSFDASFASf
i love you take care thank you for your love letter and your daemon prompt <3
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oh-three · 2 years
For the oc asks 2 and 8 for all of them and 3. 22, 23 and 28 for my three favourite age mates
Don’t mind me bombarding you with questions, I love hearing about them 😂
2. Do they have any scars?
Rakesh- definitely. He's always been reckless in combat, and more than likely has a collection growing beneath his outfit. Not to spoil too much, but it's going to get much worse later on.
Brakan- any scars he has are small and of his own doing, like papercuts, etc. No one would dream of harming him.
Vori- most likely similar to Brakan. I see her being a bit clumsy (but not very) in comparison to the others.
Loktof- also definitely, though none that part his fur.
Jurr- also not visible, but he has so much experience that he has to have scars.
Tindri & Linaleh- they've done a lot of stupid stuff and have many scars that sane people wouldn't have.
Not gonna lie, I never really thought about them having scars other than what happens to future Rak. They all have their mental scars though, I'll tell you that much. No one can escape that.
8. What's something that will always make them smile?
Rakesh- the others doing things wrong and having them backfire. On a more wholesome side, Vori. She annoys him, but he spent the first decade+ of his life with her, so there's a certain bond between them.
Brakan- he smiles a lot, though usually the soft ones that make people want to hug him. It's the moments that the others get along best that make him smile the most.
Vori- literally anything. She's so smiley. It's sad the others are far too gone for it to rub off on them.
Loktof- Rakesh misery.
Jurr- about the same as Brak, really, so long as the others aren't getting into trouble. He's warm and gentle to them all, and I see him as a father figure toward them. As long as they behave, he'll smile.
Tindri- the others' reactions toward her teasing them. She really likes to see their reactions. But she also smiles when things go well for them, as she's not a complete psychopath.
Linaleh- she smiles the most when the others are happy. She is very protective of them and seeing them in pain leaves her in pain. Though, she is also like Tindri and finds it entertaining to tease the less fragile members, such as Rak and Loktof.
3. Do they have any bad habits?
Rakesh- taking extra shifts so that he doesn't have to think, brooding when he's not on shift, hoping that Jocasta Nu will let him have unrestricted access to the Archives. Also, taunting Lok. That never is a good idea.
Brakan- nope! Not that I've yet come up with, anyway. In the future, who knows.
Vori- picking on Rak because of how close they are. He may have once threatened to bite her over it.
22. Do they have any regrets?
Rakesh- many things. Especially many of the harsh remarks he makes, even though he couldn't stop making them if he tried. It's rooted deep in him and is basically just who he is. Luckily, the others have accepted this and usually don't take most of them to heart.
Brakan- has no regrets. He's pretty content with how his life is going so far.
Vori- only that she can't convert the others to being as happy as she, Jurr, and Brak are. She tries to be happy for them instead.
23. What do they fear the most?
Rakesh- political corruption. He fears the way the Order is changing as it evolves with the war. In a more amusing sense, sparring with Loktof, since he never wins.
Brakan- combat, even though he participates in training and knows every lightsaber form. He and Jurr are some of the most peaceful pacifist people in the entire Guard.
Vori- having no one. She's a lover and a talker, and being all alone would be the absolute worst thing for her.
28. How do they break bad news to someone?
Rakesh- flat out says it the next time he sees/has the ability to contact the receiver. He isn't afraid to have to deliver bad news, though he isn't fond of it either.
Brakan- would definitely wait until the very last moment, when there's no choice. If he was dying of illness, he wouldn't mention it until he was laying in the Halls Of Healing getting treated. (Out of nervousness of how they’d react, not stubbornness, I might add.)
Vori- would definitely cry with the person receiving the news. She has so much heart and could never take bad news well. If Rakesh was to die, she'd be probably not move for a week and that's how people would know.
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emerald-x-green · 5 months
Hello this is more of a question than a request but what advice would you give to a person trying to become a writer that does requests and reader scenarios?
Oh my god, this is a milestone moment! I am so honored you want my advice. ❤️
Honestly, most of my writing isn’t requests/reader scenarios. I usually write one shots or fan fictions with multiple chapters. Transferring that to the typical bullet point format of headcanons was really tough at first.
(more under the cut)
What I learned was that you really have to go more with the flow than anything else. If a thought pops into your head, put it in a bullet point. You don’t really have to outline a post as long as you have a general idea or vibe for each character or situation.
Of course, sometimes you have a mini storyline you want to write. In that case, write it like you’re telling your friend a story. It can be a bit jagged, and it doesn’t have the flowery and long descriptions that traditional writing does, but it does still tell a story. Overall, writing requests and reader scenarios is a lot more informal than other styles of writing.
When it comes to specifically taking requests, it’s definitely a lot tougher than using your own ideas. Sometimes I can’t picture what other people are picturing. Absolutely try your hardest to write any request you get, but sometimes you just can’t. And that’s totally fine! You’re doing this for free, so you have no obligation to keep going or fulfill every single request you get.
Another piece of advice I’ve got is to set boundaries for what people can request. A popular thing for people to request is hurt/comfort related to their mental state at the moment (such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc.). I’ve sent similar requests to other people. It’s totally normal, but some people either feel uninformed to write on those topics or deal with it themselves and it would be detrimental to their own mental health to take those requests. Other people have different things they won’t write as well. So I’d suggest making a pinned post about what you will and won’t write (as well as how many characters one request can ask for because writing for 5+ people every post can get exhausting) as well as what to include in a request. (And a link to your master list when you feel you have too many posts to scroll through.)
And a piece of advice that I love to give wherever and whenever I can: write it stupid and fix it later. Have a certain word in your head but it just isn’t coming to you? Write a silly description of that word, keep writing, and come back to it later. Plotting a story and you know points A and C but not B? Put some bullshit down after point A and fix it later! Trying to write a perfect first draft not only takes infinitely longer but is so much more exhausting. Find a way to mark the ‘stupid’ and just keep those fingers moving!
Also as a little tidbit- even if you have 500+ requests in your inbox, always try to write some posts for yourself. It keeps your motivation high and is also a nice reward bevause writing- unless someone is paying you good money- should first and foremost be about you.
Good luck! (I’m trying to act cool but I was literally squealing when I saw this ask because oh my god you like my stuff that much???)
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thecoffeelorian · 1 year
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So...after reading 16 episodes’ worth of transcripts, 15 episodes’ worth of screencaps, and getting two big moments of animated nihilism...literally nothing seems to have changed, other than the underlying thought of all the Clones generally being doomed has begun permeating every aspect of the latter half of this season.  This leads me ask the same question I did two years ago, after watching the first season from start to finish:
What in the world is all of this for?
+Is it for the continued LACK of confirmation in-show that the thing jutting out of the side of Crosshair’s head isn’t some kind of inhibitor chip, and that the studio execs were fibbing all along when they claimed it was no longer there?
+Is it for the rough guess that all of Crosshair’s old belongings have been sold off for credits now, including that backpack and old squad portrait?
+Is it for the unending conversation of Is-She-Or-Isn’t-She A Force Sensitive surrounding Omega?
+Is it for the unanswered questions of why she started out as the Kaminoans’ most prized creation, only to become just some hostage to force Nala Se’s compliance?
+Is it for the conflicting ideas that helping children find a home is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE, but wanting to create home with new squad members in distant lands is WRONG, FORBIDDEN, HOW DARE YOU, shut your stupid mouth and DIE already...?
+Is it for the unspoken message of ‘Hunter is ALWAYS right, and Crosshair is ALWAYS wrong, even when he’s trying to be good’??
+Or do none of these carry any importance any more, and the audience is just meant to watch all of these characters waste away and disappear?
So far, I have absolutely nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Zilch.
And I guess until I do...I can do nothing but read all of the spoilers, avoid any further viewings, and wait for this squad to either pull itself out of its tailspin, or make a massive crash landing they just might never walk away from.
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