#it’s got a slightly disturbing love triangle
lurking-latinist · 20 days
now that I’ve got you all more or less used to early modern Scots via Kidnapped Weekly, is there any chance I can make anyone read Redgauntlet?
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teaberrii · 11 months
Chapter 6: Festival Fever
You've been Cupid for as long as you can remember. You've brought countless soulmates together, yet you've never found love.
When you're assigned to bring two childhood friends back together, it should be simple until you unexpectedly catch feelings for the mysterious and cold Ph.D. student, Dan Heng, the man with a soulmate… the man with answers to your past.
Dan Heng/You
Please be aware of the following warnings in this chapter that some people may find disturbing:
1. Small smut scene 2. Non-graphic depictions of violence 3. Depictions of gore... (I wouldn't say it's too graphic) 4. Small scene of non-consensual sexual contact
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
You close the closet door and look at your reflection in the mirror. The sun is shining brightly, and large, marshmallow clouds float slowly in the vast expanse of blue. It's a hot day, so you picked out your best summer wear. A pastel green, airy blouse tucked into your high-waisted black shorts. You're adjusting your blouse when you hear Pom knock on your door. Then, he opens it.
“Are you going to come and have breakfast or what?” You turn and see Pom leaning against the doorframe with a playful smile. “If I could offer my two cents… Dan Heng would think you look great in anything.”
You give him a deadpan look. “This isn’t about him.” Then, you walk past Pom and see the breakfast he’s prepared on the table. “Wow, Pom. You learn pretty fast.”
Pom sits across from you and smiles proudly. “Of course! Who do you think I am?”
After a short while, you say, “...I’ve been thinking about your theory.”
“You mean the one where you and Dan Heng are soulmates?” Pom asks, looking up.
“If we are, hypothetically speaking, why are we here to bring him and Stelle together?”
Pom puts down his fork, swallows his food, and says, “Maybe that’s part of the process. As you try to bring him and Stelle together, you and Dan Heng end up falling in looove.”
“Seriously, Pom.”
“I am being serious!” But, then, he sighs. “I admit it’s a little strange, though. If that’s really the case, wouldn’t that… feel more like torture?”
“...Do you think this is payback?”
“Payback? For what?”
"That man in my vision said they'd kill him because he wasn't one of our kind. Assuming he's talking about Young, perhaps… I got him killed."
"Hey, hold on," Pom says with a worried look. "It's way too early to jump to those ominous conclusions. There's no proof."
“I had another dream last night. Based on that… we continued to be friends. We knew the consequences.” You stab your food with your fork. “You said it yourself. If Dan Heng and I are supposedly going to fall in love, then this job will feel like torture.”
"Maybe this is just history repeating itself," Pom muses. "Maybe Young was in a love triangle between you and… Stelle." Pom leans forward. "I know you want answers, Cupid. But we don't have anything concrete yet. What we know is that you and a creature named Young knew each other in the past. That's it. That man you saw in your vision… there's also a possibility he's talking about someone else. I was only joking about the soulmate theory between you and Dan Heng."
“I know…”
You remember the conversations between you and Dan Heng. While you say you're friends, you're aware of the borderline flirtatious innuendos happening. What worries you, however, is that you're… enjoying it.
“I just don’t want to fall into a trap,” you finally say.
Then, you stand with your empty plate and head for the kitchen as Pom gives you a worried look.
When you and Pom head downstairs to meet your friends, you didn't think it's possible for Dan Heng to look even better than usual. His hair is stylishly messy. At least, that's the best way you can put it. His black t-shirt has a V-neck window to his chest, and it fits snugly into his fitted jeans that are slightly ripped at the knees and tucks into his black boots.
You see a watch on his left hand and a black belt. When he looks at you, your words are almost lost in your throat. When you get close enough, you get a whiff of his cologne, and your mind wanders to how good he’d smell if you got even closer…
You remember what you said about not wanting to fall into a trap, but when Dan Heng walks up to you, it’s hard not to look away.
“If you’re going to make fun of my clothes this time, I—”
"You look nice," Dan Heng interrupts without looking away from your face.
Pom looks from you to Dan Heng. “And no compliments for Pom? How rude.”
Dan Heng glances at him, and you almost chuckle when he doesn’t say anything, much to Pom’s shock.
After a short chuckle, Gepard asks, “Shall we go?” He looks at his watch. “March and Stelle should be there soon.”
You knew that March and Stelle would be coming as Dan Heng had asked if you’d be okay with them tagging along before you went to sleep. Of course, you said it was fine.
You and Dan Heng are following Pom and Gepard, who are walking in front of you, chatting about something when you notice a few girls glancing at Dan Heng as they walk by. Some even whisper amongst themselves with a curious look in their eyes.
“...You asked me if I knew someone named Young yesterday,” Dan Heng suddenly says. “Are you looking for him?”
“I thought I said not to worry about it.”
“You said you’re here because of me, yet it sounds like you’re looking for someone else.”
If you didn’t know better, it sounded like he was jealous.
“Has this been on your mind ever since yesterday?”
Dan Heng slides a hand into his pocket. “...I’m just curious.”
"You've been curious about many things lately," you joke. You can't blame him, though.
He turns to you. “...I guess I have you to blame for that.”
"I hope you accept my deepest apologies," you say, glancing at Dan Heng, who looks away with a light scoff and a small smile. “Anyway, I’m… not looking for Young. I asked about him because he’s, well, he has a connection to me.” You know Dan Heng is probably going to ask, so you quickly add, “Don’t ask what it is. I haven’t the slightest idea. The only thing I know is”—you stop, which also makes Dan Heng stop—“he looks exactly like you.”
You’ve held Dan Heng’s stare too many times to count. This time, however, it’s as if the world around you slowly starts melting away. You see no one but him and his blue eyes that almost compel you to step closer. Instead, it’s he who makes the move.
“...Then, perhaps he's the one who brought us together.”
His poker face never changes, which makes you wonder if he has any idea what he’d just said. From what you know so far, it's obvious Dan Heng has something to do with you. But as he has no idea about who you are or your visions and dreams of Young, it sounds like he’s—
You put your hand on his forehead, to his surprise. Then, you pull your hand back. “I had to check if you had a fever.”
“...My mind is clear. I know what I just said.” Then, he walks a few steps and looks over his shoulder with a ghost of a smirk. “Take it as you will.”
Does that mean he'll let you guess whether or not he was hitting on you?
It's the weekend, so the trains are packed. With different events and festivals around the city, it's no surprise that it's filled with young people and families. You want to get a spot near Pom and Gepard, but you and Dan Heng eventually end up near the corner of a compartment.
When a bigger man unintentionally tries to get into your personal space, you're close to elbowing him out of the way. Dan Heng moves in front of you, his hands on a metal rail above to steady him as he effortlessly blocks the man from squishing against you. He looks down just as you look up. Then, you turn around and look out the train window just as it leaves the platform.
When the train enters a tunnel, that's when you see him. Young. Standing where Dan Heng should be standing. His reflection freezes you in place as if scared that once you turn around, he'll be gone. Young's eyes are closed at first, but once he opens them, you're staring into the most beautiful green eyes you've ever seen. They seem to sparkle under the train lights. Then, you see his lips move, except you can't make out his words until…
“...We’ve finally found each other.”
Your eyes widen upon hearing Dan Heng’s voice. It’s so clear without the background noise of the conversations on the train. But that’s also when you see it. A thin gold chain you’ve never seen before around his neck.
When the train exits the tunnel, you see a full parking lot and a venue for a lively, bustling festival. You slowly turn around and see Dan Heng looking at you.
“...Did you say something earlier?” you ask.
“Would you have liked me to say something?”
You look at his neck, but there's no gold chain you'd seen on Young.
“...Where are you looking?”
You quickly look up, realizing that it might look like you’re staring at his chest window from where you’re standing. “Nothing. Sorry.”
Just as you turn around, you see Dan Heng's faint reflection in the mirror and question if you're starting to lose it or if Himeko lied to you.
Is Young really gone?
The train slowly rolls to a stop, and along with most of the people, you get off the train and start heading toward the festival entrance.
“Guys! Over here!”
March calls you over, and you see a young woman standing beside her. She's wearing a hat with a ponytail going through the closure and a black face mask that fits snugly around her small face. When you get closer, you recognize her. It's Stelle.
She immediately gives Gepard and Dan Heng a hug. You had to awkwardly stand back for her to do so. Then, she says hello to Pom, and finally, she looks at you.
“Hi,” she says. Then, quietly as if people around her will hear, “I’m Stelle.”
After giving her your name, you say, "Nice to meet you."
“I already heard a little about you from Dan Heng. You four are neighbours?”
“That’s right!” Pom says. “We live above them.”
Stelle looks at you curiously. “And you and Pom are… just friends?”
You raise a brow. “That’s right.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just… I’ve never heard of two friends, a man and a woman, living together before. It’s uncommon.”
Is she suggesting that she suspects you and Pom are something more? You think about explaining, but why should you? Your business is none of her business if you put it bluntly.
“Well, that’s what we are,” you say. “Just friends.”
As if sensing an awkward atmosphere, March loops her arm around Pom’s and swings her arm around you. “Are y’all hungry? Let’s get some food!”
Soon, you, Pom, and March are in line for corn dogs, while Dan Heng, Gepard, and Stelle are in line for some grilled squid.
“How long have you known Stelle?” Pom asks March.
“Oh, the four of us have been friends for a long, long time.”
You glance at Dan Heng, and you see a little smile on his face as he looks at Stelle. You look back at March, ignoring the feeling of a twist in your chest.
“I heard Dan Heng was the one who got Stelle into acting,” you say.
"Yeah! That's true. Stelle used to be really quiet. She wasn't very sociable, but she clicked well with Dan Heng. Maybe it was 'cause they had similar personalities."
"Huh… she wasn't sociable, but she went into acting?" Pom asks.
"She wanted to overcome it," March answers. "Dan Heng suggested she tried acting to become more extroverted. By taking on a new persona and all." She chuckles. "Honestly, we were all shocked when she agreed to it. But she did really well and got a career out of it. So, she's really thankful to Dan Heng."
You and Pom glance at each other. “How… close would you say they are now?” Pom asks curiously.
"Mm… You know those bonds where you haven't seen the person for a very long time, but after you get back in touch, it's like nothing has changed? It's something like that, I would say."
As Pom and March continue the conversation, you notice some girls looking curiously at Dan Heng and Stelle. Then, one snaps a photo, and the other leans over and giggles. You're not surprised that some people might've figured out it's Stelle. When you look at her and Dan Heng from afar, you admit they look good together. You quickly shake away the thought before it starts spiralling even further.
After getting your corn dog, you return to the group where Gepard suggests visiting the haunted house.
“Since we have six people, why don’t we go in pairs?”
“Ooh, good idea!” March says. Then, she loops an arm around Pom. “Dibs on Pom!”
“Unless you don’t want to go with me.”
“No! That’s not it. I’m just… surprised.”
You and Dan Heng look at each other. Suddenly, your words ring through your mind: I don't want to fall into a trap. He starts walking towards you, but you quickly say Gepard's name, making him stop.
“...Let’s go together,” you say.
Gepard looks clearly surprised. “Me?”
You nod.
“Oh, um… sure.”
As you and Gepard walk away, you hear Stelle saying, “Guess it’s you and me, Dan Heng.” Then, a soft laugh. “Just like old times.”
“Ooh, what a cool theme!” March exclaims as all of you approach a large, medieval castle. Then, Pom grabs her arm, and she turns to him with a smile. “Don’t tell me you’re scared already.”
Suddenly, a loud, blood-curdling scream pierces the air.
"Oh, of course not!" Pom says, but his legs are already shaking.
“Don’t worry,” the person at the entrance says. “Our staff won’t touch you.”
“That's great,” Pom squeaks as he and March head inside.
Soon, a small group, including you and your friends, are inside. To set the atmosphere, one of the staff members plays a short video of the backstory of what happened at this haunted medieval castle.
A newly-crowned, pregnant queen took her own life after discovering her husband's affair. Since her death, the castle was cursed with a series of unfortunate events. Some went crazy and took their lives. Others became murderers.
When you close your eyes, you suddenly smell rotting and burned flesh. Your head starts to spin, and when you open your eyes, the world around you seems to be tilting in all different directions.
You hear Gepard say your name, and you turn to him.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah… Do you smell something?” you ask. “Like… rotting flesh?”
Gepard looks at you, confused. “I don’t smell anything. Gosh, now you’re scaring me.”
That's when you don’t smell it anymore. Is it all in your head?
“Forget what I said,” you say, forcing a small smile. “Let’s go.”
So, you follow Gepard inside.
Props of dead soldiers lie to the side. Some have swords sticking out from their backs. You even see a shadow of one that's hanging by a noose. There's even blood dripping off the walls and bloody handprints and footprints scattered about. Some of the floorboards squeak beneath you as you and Gepard cautiously walk throughout the castle. Suddenly, you hear a scream, and you instinctively flinch.
“What was that?” Gepard asks.
You feel someone grab your sleeve. “Are you scared, Gepard?”
He quickly lets go and awkwardly clears his throat. "Sorry. That just startled—"
Something comes crashing through one of the walls, and Gepard immediately lets out a short scream and runs further in. You don’t have time to call his name when the zombie dressed in a bloodied hanfu turns its head towards you.
You swallow and nervously clap. “Very realistic.”
But then, the zombie suddenly says your name and your blood runs cold. This… is a staff member, isn’t it? How in the world do they know your name?
“...You… You killed everyone.”
The zombie stumbles but eventually gets to its feet. Its neck cracks as it rolls its head to the side. You step back as it limps toward you. Then, you turn around, but the way you came from has disappeared, making your hair stand on end.
The floorboards creak and creak until... 
You feel someone's breath on your neck.
“You will pay.”
A hallway with many illuminated rooms appears to your right, and without a second thought, you run as fast as you can.
“Please… Please! Have mercy!”
You ignore the blood splatter that suddenly appears on the wall.
“Don’t do this!”
Another scream.
“My child… Please… At least spare my—”
The lights flash, and you see the silhouette of a head coming off.
“I can’t take this… No more… Stop the pain. I must… I—”
You hear the sound of metal entering through someone’s flesh. A gurgle and then…
You stop running, slightly panting as you find yourself standing in darkness. There are no rooms. No hallways. Nothing that you can see.
Tears are starting to form in your eyes as you spin around. Where is everyone?
“...Dan Heng,” you say quietly without realizing it. “...Pom…”
And then you hear a faint giggle.
You turn toward where you think the sound is coming from and hear a loud, satisfied moan. What… in the world is that? You slowly make your way toward the sounds. Soon, you see a faint light like a crack in the door. You aren't sure why, but your heart suddenly drops into the pit of your stomach. Still, you dare to look into the light, and the erotic scene stuns you into complete silence and horror.
A man with a white ponytail has his hands on a woman's hips below him as he aggressively ruts into her. Yet, the woman's breathy moans and lewd screams clearly say it's more than satisfactory. Her breasts bounce with every thrust. Then, the man leans down and teases her hardened nipple with his tongue.
“...So fucking beautiful." The animalistic growl that came from the man's throat makes your body tremble.
You haven't the slightest idea who these people are, yet… your blood is boiling. Your heart is pounding a million times per minute. You clench your fists, knuckles turning white. The man grabs the woman's wrists and pulls her up and pins her against the headboard of the bed; he continues rutting into her with her legs raised all the way to his large, broad shoulders.
You want to look away, but your body refuses to comply. It’s as if it’s forcing you to watch this… disgusting scene unfold.
Suddenly, you hear the sound of nails scraping across a wooden floor behind you. That’s when you can finally move. You spin around and see the same woman you saw earlier on the bed on the floor. But this time, she’s no longer the curvy and sultry woman with a face full of pleasure. She's bone thin; her red and black hanfu is sliding off her body as she crawls. Half of her face is gone. The rest had a growing darkened pigment that was close to reaching her bloodshot eyes. As she crawls toward you, her skin starts peeling.
Once again, your body refuses to move. So, you close your eyes, hoping this crazy nightmare will end. But instead, you feel someone's breath fan across your face. And, when you open your eyes, you see her standing right in front of you.
“...How… does it feel?” Her voice is nothing but a hoarse whisper. “...I was a better fuck than you ever were.”
You’re sweating now. What in the world was she talking about?
“...He… never loved you.”
You finally step back, but when you hit something… hard, you almost don't want to turn around.
“You went too far.”
You recognize the voice. So, you turn and see the man from the bed looking down at you. He's naked from the waist up. His bottom half is covered with the bedsheet he'd been tumbling in. He grabs you by the neck and pulls you toward him until you're flush against his body. One of his hands finds your waist and slides underneath your shirt as you desperately struggle to free yourself.
“If I’d continued fucking you then”—his hand grabs your breast—”would you have started it?”
Nothing comes out but a silent scream.
Then, you see his piercing, golden eyes. “...Would you have started this war?”
He lets you go… but you never hit the ground. Instead, it feels like you're falling into a bottomless pit. His eyes never leave you as he watches you fall…
“...Hey… talk to me.”
“...Open your eyes…”
“...Look at me!”
Your eyes snap open, and the fog in your eyes slowly starts to fade. When Dan Heng's face comes into focus, your heart almost sings. He's standing close to you, leaning down so he's on eye level with you. For the first time, his expression isn't his usual poker face. It's one full of worry.
“...D-Dan Heng.”
"Everything's okay," he says softly, his thumb wiping a tear from your pale face. Then, without hesitation, you wrap your arms around him as the tears fall. He hugs you back, and your body slowly stops trembling. "...Everything's okay."
You bury your face into the crook of his neck, inhaling the familiar scent of his cologne that settles your pounding heart. You feel his comforting touch on your back, reassuring you that you're not alone.
Once you slowly let him go, he says, “Let’s get out of here.”
You have no objections.
Your hands naturally find each other, and Dan Heng leads the way.
Soon, you come across a worried-looking staff member who also went looking for you. As they escort you and Dan Heng out, you find out Gepard had gone back looking for you when he ran off. However, he couldn't find you and headed for the exit instead. When you failed to show up, Dan Heng went looking for you while the others notified the staff members. It turned out you'd gone into a restricted area, but… nothing can explain what you saw.
“...Someone getting decapitated?” the staff member asks. “We don’t have something like that.”
There's no reason for them to lie, and looking at the concerned look on their face, you drop the subject.
When you and Dan Heng exit the medieval castle, Pom immediately runs to you. "What happened in there? Are you okay?"
“You look pale,” March says worriedly. Then, she takes out an unopened water bottle from her bag. “Here. Have some water.”
You take the bottle from her. “I’m going to sit down for a bit.”
“I’ll come with you,” Pom says.
Dan Heng never expected to find you standing alone in a blocked-off area. The staff members said it would've been impossible for you to enter as it was locked. But… it was the only place he hadn't checked. So, Dan Heng took it upon himself to pick the lock. And lo and behold, he'd found you.
What concerned him was that you were completely unresponsive. Your eyes had clouded over. It was like you were in a trance, a dream, an… alternate reality. It wasn't until he'd put his hands on your shoulders that your body flinched at his touch. Then, he gently cupped your face and said, "...Cupid…"
Something isn't right. He's already curious about you enough, but this… seemingly paranormal incident is alarming. Who are you? What did you see?
Chapter 7
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @tanspostsblog @theprinceofkhaos @nqctre @lunavixia @akwardbiscuit
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attemptsonherlifepdf · 10 months
the parasocial problem: a comparison of leonard cohen and damien rice’s depictions of infatuation and entrapment
trigger warning for brief mentions of sexual assault terminology, no graphic descriptions (6th paragraph is signposted with tw)
romantic relationships are often the subject of musical musings. they are integral to the human experience and and musicians often use their medium to explore and reflect upon the nature of their relationships. more specifically, a common motif is that of romantic relationships breaking down, or being disrupted by another party. leonard cohen’s ‘famous blue raincoat’ and damien rice’s ‘back to her man’ both detail very similar, almost parallel circumstances from two different perspectives, and together provide an insight into parasocial relationships, dissatisfaction and the feeling of entrapment. these songs work in conjunction with one another to illustrate the cycle of the ‘parasocial problem’ wherein idolising people outside of one’s relationship works to trap all the parties involved in varying degrees of unhappiness and isolation.
‘famous blue raincoat’ by leonard cohen was released on march 17th, 1971. the song is widely considered one of the artist’s best, and is predominantly driven by storytelling. the song details a turbulent romantic relationship disturbed by another man’s interest in cohen’s wife, and reflects upon the nature of his romance. irish musician damien rice released the song ‘back to her man’ as an homage to leonard cohen on november 18th, 2016. the motivation behind the song lies in the story of rice opening for a performance of cohen’s in ireland. rice’s mother, sisters and girlfriend attended the show, and according to rice himself, they ‘were all dripping with love for [cohen]’ having watched him. the song ‘back to her man’ was then written about the idea that ‘after [the] show many women would be going back home and that their men were not, and would never quite be, leonard cohen.’ the song’s lilting, melancholy melody and humming solemn guitar echo the traits of cohen’s ‘famous blue raincoat’, and interestingly, appears to follow a parallel narrative.
‘famous blue raincoat’s narrative is slightly more elusive than that of ‘back to her man’, but it essentially follows cohen’s reflections on a love triangle between himself, a man referred to as his ‘brother’ and a woman named jane. the core theme shared between both songs is the notion of being with someone who is no longer who you expect them to be, but for differing reasons. while rice’s song is about a woman’s partner not living up to the idealised man she has developed a parasocial infatuation with, cohen sings about his ‘woman’ no longer being his own and having to reconcile with the fact that his ‘brother…my killer’ took the woman he knew and made her happier than he could himself. in the final verse, cohen thanks the other man for ‘the trouble you took from [jane’s] eyes’ and continues, ‘i thought it was there for good / so i never tried.’ this suggests that the narrator is aware that this other man may make jane happier than he can, and serves as an admission of neglect for jane, having not even tried to make her happy himself. this fits into the aforementioned theme as jane has become a happier, almost unrecognisable person in the presence of another man. similarly, rice sings ‘whatever you got, you lost in the game / of picking your own pockets for someone to blame / there may be nothing above the arc of love / depending on who you're dreaming of’ as a reference to never finding satisfaction in a relationship if another person is making you happier and has become the subject of your fantasy. both songs focalise on the concept of another man, particularly in the context of a woman’s different reactions to the men in question; one man is the subject of infatuation while the other, her partner, is a source of dissatisfaction. in cohen’s case, his ‘brother’ is the former and he is the latter, and in rice’s case, cohen is the former and the woman’s partner is the latter. these songs almost act as a foil to one another, or as different perspectives of the same story.
‘famous blue raincoat’ sums up the narrative of both cohen and rice’s stories, with the second verse: ‘you treated my woman to a flake of your life / and when she came back, she was nobody’s wife.’ in the context of ‘back to her man’, the singer here would be referring to cohen, the ‘flake of [his] life’ being the small amount of time the woman will have spent watching him perform, and she returns home to her man feeling as though she no longer belongs in a relationship with him due to her infatuation. watching cohen onstage is a particularly small ‘flake’ or insight into his life as it is performative; he is not being his authentic self onstage and audience members fall in love with the performance rather than the performer himself. similarly, in the original context, this lyric references cohen’s ‘brother’ sharing a small amount of time with jane, and it was enough to make her dissatisfied in her relationship with cohen due to it’s contrast to her relationship with the other man. labelling jane ‘nobody’s wife’ also illustrates that cohen perhaps only views her in relationship to himself; rather than being a woman in her own right, she is a wife that must belong to a husband. this perception of jane could indeed be part of her dissatisfaction with cohen, and suggests the ‘other man’ may have treated her as an individual and not as a wife that only exists within the context of her husband. cohen consistently refers to jane as ‘my woman’ or ‘his woman’ and rarely refers to her as a person in isolation. this provides a subtle insight to the nature of his relationship with her, and illustrates how jane is arguably ‘trapped’ by cohen’s definition of her and she cannot exist outside of the context of her relationships. this entrapment is caused by cohen’s perception of her, which is in turn the result of his love for her. in this sense, cohen presents love almost as an object to be possessed rather than a feeling to experience, and almost isolates jane from her own personhood.
similarly, rice ends his final verse with ‘you can’t escape when it feels like rape / but who’s raping who?’ the usage of the term ‘rape’ creates incredibly visceral imagery; here, rice could either be referring to the feeling of entrapment stemming from being with a partner who no longer fulfils your wants, or he could be likening audience members’ infatuation with cohen to a form of assault, suggesting that their parasocial attachment to him is in some ways an aggressive violation. while rice has introduced the song by stating that he found the contrast between audience members’ love for cohen and the discontentment of having to return home to their partners ‘humorous’, the framing of this contrast within the song itself says otherwise. rice asks the audience ‘who’s raping who?’ as a way of pushing them to consider if their infatuation is in fact harmful to the subject. additionally, the word ‘rape’ itself is incongruous with the soft, quiet tone and lilting melody of the rest of the song, making its use all the more impactful. it darkens the lyrical and musical tone of the rest of the song, with the chorus of people singing the phrase ‘back to her man’ that follows translating to the listener as a kind of omen or warning. the sense that either cohen or the audience are trapped is made explicit with the phrase ‘you can’t escape.’ this illustrates the trapping cycle of obsession where the subject is destined to be objectified and only desired at a surface level, and the person perpetuating this is destined to be dissatisfied in their own relationship and thereby hurt or neglect their partner as a result: therein lies the ‘parasocial problem.’ cohen also uses a particularly stark image in his song; the title of ‘my brother, my killer’ that he gives to the ‘other man’ invokes a biblical image of cain and abel, demonstrating the extent to which he feels betrayed. this usage of the extreme as a means of illustrating betrayal or violation parallels that of rice, creating another theme that runs through both songs.
cohen and rice sonically construct a lamenting, listless tonality in their respective songs, however rice’s guitar parts are much softer and feel much more intimate. this is amplified in the live performances of the song as he introduces it’s backstory with a friendly demeanour and the performance almost imitates the narrative as he arguably ‘treats’ the audience to a ‘flake’ of his life and potentially perpetuates an audience’s infatuation with himself. ‘famous blue raincoat’ arguably has its own intimacy as well; it is structured as a personal letter to the ‘other man’, opening with ‘i’m writing you now just to see if you’re better’ and signing off with ‘sincerely, l. cohen.’ it allows the listener into his interpersonal life, and into this conversation he’s having with the subject of his wife’s happiness and romantic preference. the closeness and trust between the artists and audience in these two songs is reflective of the very narrative they explore: in letting audience members in on personal experience, rice and cohen are risking enabling listeners' potential parasocial obsession with them. the ‘parasocial problem’ is cyclical and the songs in question serve as a wider commentary on the relationships between artists and their fans, not just the specific interpersonal instances that are being written about. the more artists discuss their feelings on parasocial relationships, the closer audience members may feel to them. this in turn can perpetuate the delusion that the artists may return their love and obsession, as fans can feed off being let into personal experiences even if the songs are partially fictionalised or dramatised.
the cyclical nature of obsession is also demonstrated by the mirrored perspectives between the two songs. while cohen is saddened by his ‘brother’ being his wife’s idealised man, he as a performer is inflicting the same fate upon the husbands of his female audience members. in his interpersonal circumstances his wife has become detached from him, but in the context of his performances, he is the one causing this detachment and lack of fulfilment in other people’s relationships. this illustrates how the ‘parasocial problem’ permeates various situations and can function in multiple fashions. both songs depict the end result of this ‘parasocial problem’, where the jilted lover’s feelings morph into acceptance and defeat. cohen’s third verse directly addresses the ‘other man’ and says ‘if you ever come by here for jane or for me / well, you enemy is sleeping, and his woman is free.’ this serves as a defeated invitation to his ‘brother’, letting him know that his ‘woman’ is free to be with him. interestingly, cohen still refers to jane as his own ‘woman’, suggesting he is still unconsciously attached to her in some ways, and that he still perceives jane in relation to himself. rice also directly addresses the ‘other man’ in his song, stating that ‘there’s power in your pocket and ships in your sea.’ the ‘power’ in question references the power dynamic between an idolised performer, in this instance cohen, and an infatuated audience member. cohen, as the performer, holds the most power over this fans as he is the one commanding the stage and whose attention is coveted by the audience. he ‘pockets’ the authority he has, as he does not reciprocate the attention and infatuation he receives. instead artists tend to ‘pocket’ and keep the adoration they receive and are aware of the swarming mass of fans and unaware of each individual fan, as is the one-sided nature of parasocial relationships. rice utilises the metaphor ‘ships in your sea’ to paint a vivid image of the large volume of audience members or ‘ships’ that put cohen on a pedestal, rather than referring to each individual person. the combination of these two lines serves to construct the image of one powerful person and their pulsing mass of devotees; even the traditional structure of a concert corroborates this image. artists tend to be elevated on a stage, looking down to their audience. while this has obvious practical benefits such as ensuring the audience can physically see the performer, it also has a symbolic meaning, showing the disparity in power and value between the performer and audience.
the ‘parasocial problem’ functions both in the smaller context of the relationships detailed in ‘back to her man’ and ‘famous blue raincoat’ and in the wider context of fan culture as a whole. artists cannot discuss the feeling of either being idolised or jilted without letting audience members into aspects of their personal experiences, but this act can then fuel fans' unreciprocated infatuation with them, which amplifies the artists feelings, and perpetuates the cycle. this is not the fault of the artists, but is the result of fan obsession and delusion. it is a cyclical, one-sided form of social entrapment. artists and fans are united in the construction of social bondage that keeps them trapped in one of three conditions; either being objectified and desired at surface level, being dissatisfied with their relationships due to their infatuation with a performer, or being neglected or hurt by their partner who is obsessed with a performer. we define ourselves often in relation to one another, as the people and environment around us cannot be ignored, and the ‘parasocial problem’ is a particularly clear example of how these relative definitions can socially trap us. ‘famous blue raincoat’ and ‘back to her man’ both invoke visceral imagery in order to depict the cruel cycle of parasocial relationships and the disappointing outcomes of infatuation. in either narrative, a woman ends up unhappily going back to her man.
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hazelcephalopod · 1 year
I can’t sit on it anymore, I now it’s only been like two episodes and yes, the adult attitude and rxns are, on the one hand, good. Mature friendships where people talk to each other are good, but… I wanted the melodrama for once! Bi love triangle tease? Come now, give me a crumb. I am still shocked that I was at all invested in any of that because, not usually my thing. So… this is all… well, mildly irritating!
I know some people don’t like Eli, you’re valid, so shooo now go away if you really don’t like him. Yes, he’s the big problem little British man, but consider his adorable niece making him dress as Big Ben. Andy straight up turned him down a en then in the heat of the moment he and Travis boned and it was hot. Bring him back! I don’t want neat and good, I want messy and passion and maybe slightly disturbed actions due to anger and stuff. I want it to be a little fucked up. Maya is fixing herself which is good, Jack is kinda just been reset which is unfortunate and Dixon is not good drama he just sucks like people in real life. No! Bring a little something else to jolt some fun problems or shenanigans into everything.
Or, I’ll even take… just him being Travis’s bf who shows up sometimes for a while. Idk, he could help Ross with her issues or something. Just do something with the what, first bi man in the series? At least with that kind of semi- regular role! I woulda taken a bi v, I figure it has a higher likelihood than most (cable) shows which is still quite low.
All that said, I do like what we got, and who knows? The next couple episodes could deliver anything. Andy being like “honestly I think I was just pushing myself to date someone and try out a different type than I usually do and Travis you should call him because you have that look of at least interest in your eye.” I hope that goes somewhere.
I mean… I like it fine regardless I just needed to rant a little bit. Overall I enjoyed the last two episodes I’m just complaining. I’m going to try to find something else to watch and fill the void this has left.
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Fully Completely 2
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), violence, mutual irritation.
This is dark!Loki x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s a new face in Birch and he’s come to haunt your door.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, and Little Bones
Note: Here’s part two and things are getting aggressive fast.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 2: Either it'll move me
Usually your work kept you busy and if you were busy, you were content. Not that day. Not since that man ruined your lunch. You were so worked up that when you got back to the garage, you didn’t even finish your sandwich. You barely got anything done as what you did had to be redone in your distraction.
The night was little better as you planned to get the car done so the next time Loki bothered you, you could tell him to fuck off. If his headlight did come in before he left town, you’d send it down to Carl’s to have the work done. You would take the cost from what Bucky gave you to cover your time.
You were on your second coffee by the time you headed down to the garage, your apartment conveniently above as your existence was relegated to that single lot in Birch. At the bottom step you paused as you sipped from the travel mug and listened to the unexpected noise from behind the black door.
You locked all the doors at night, even that between the entryway and the garage that you kept propped open during the day. You stepped closer and tested the handle and bent to examine the lock. You glanced over at the painted front door and found that both had been picked.
Your fingers tightened on the mug. The last person to break into your garage, well, they weren’t around to bother you anymore after Jerome found out. You swung the door open and hauled the hot coffee across the garage towards the only sign of movement.
Loki sidestepped the splash, a few drops along his dark jacket, and continued to tighten and untighten the wrench. He looked at you nonchalantly and his mouth slanted. He shook his head as he let the tool hang perilously from his hand.
“Is this how you treat all your customers? This ungainly assault,” he peered down at the overturned cup beside his car.
“What the fuck are you doing in my garage?” you huffed as you marched over to him and reached for the wrench.
He gripped it tighter as you tried to snatch it from him and held you close as he sneered down at you.
“Two days,” he said “correct?”
“Tomorrow by my count,” you rebuked and pulled harder on the wrench, “not that it gives you any right to break into my garage and touch my stuff.” He let you yank the metal free of your grasp and you pointed it at his chin, “so leave or this time I won’t miss.”
He chuckled, barely bothered by the tool pointed at him as his green eyes sparkled, “your count is incorrect. I might be early but your work is due this evening so I will wait.”
“Not here,” you waved the wrench at him and grabbed his arm, “so get out and come back later then.”
His hand covered yours and he pried your fingers from him. He twisted your hand back and you gasped and swung the wrench with your other. You hit his shoulder as he raised his arm in defense and grunted at the sharp impact. He let you go and you swung again. He dodged and shoved you away from him.
“Do not presume to put your hands on me,” he warned, “you know who my brother is, that I associate with your cute local chapter--”
“I’m not one of them and I don’t report to them,” you snarled, “so get out now or you won’t be associating with anyone.”
“Mouthy little bitch,” he slithered, “you touch me again, or even attempt it--”
“I said get out,” you hit the hood of his car and left a dent, “It’ll be another day at least.”
His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. He fixed his jacket and sighed. He raised his chin and stiffly strode across the garage and through the black door. You followed feet behind him and made sure he continued outside. You cranked the lock behind him and listened to his footsteps crunch through the snow.
You might not report to Bucky and his goons but he was going to keep the rabble in line.
It was just after noon but you knew Bucky would already be at The Asp. You ventured down the street in your heavy boots, your jacket flapping open in the wind as you were set on your destination and the conversation that awaited you. You nodded at the man who leaned a few feet from the door and sucked on a cigarette.
You entered and shook the snow off your lined denim jacket and kicked off your boots. You looked around at the mostly empty bar. You rarely went there as it was more trouble than you needed. The men were drunk and dirty and like many places in Birch, you just didn’t fit. You didn’t want to fit.
Bucky sat at his usual table, a woman you recognized beside him. She had been a year or two ahead of you in school and a couple behind Bucky himself. You knew she was his new girl but she never really looked happy about it. Knowing him, it didn’t surprise you. He always wanted more than he got.
You crossed to him and stood in front of the round table as his right-hand thug watched you curiously. You raised a brow at Steve and focused on the boss.
“We need to talk,” you said plainly.
“We do?” he asked genuinely confused, “I owe you something?”
“You do and you don’t. I’m not here about money,” you replied, “but it’s important.”
“Alright,” he pointed to the chair in front of you and gestured to his companions, planting a kiss on the woman’s lips before she stood, her lips slightly curled at the corner, and left you. He shifted in his chair as they went and nodded when he was ready, “sorry, if I knew you were on your way, I would’ve kept her in the back.”
You scoffed and shook your head. He was always obtusely arrogant. “I stopped fucking you, Buck, I don’t care who you’re with now.”
“Yeah, yeah, I remember,” he inhaled and placed his hand against the table, “so what is it?”
“This guy, Loki,” you began, “brought his car to me two nights ago.”
“Mhmm, I sent him down. I know I should come down myself but--”
“Please, you hate going down there,” you waved his words away, “it’s not about the car, it’s about him.”
“What about him?”
“He broke into my shop this morning. There was… well, I got a few licks in and for the sake of you I’ve held back but you need to keep him away from me. I’ll fix his car but I’m not dealing with him anymore. He’s a pompous asshole who thinks he can just do whatever he wants.” You stopped yourself, usually not one to go on at length, “he’s your… associate, as he would say it, so he can deal with you, not me.”
He considered you and pulled his hand back to scratch the stubble along his jaw. His blue eyes were intrigued if not surprised.
“He… coming onto you?” he asked.
“No,” you blinked at him dully, “no, he’s just annoying me. You promised me the shop would be my space. He picked my locks, Buck, so you let him know what’s what.”
“He’s new in town,” Bucky sighed, “but I’ll talk to him.”
“You better,” you stood, “because I don’t care about whatever business you got going on, the next time, I’m gonna pop his eye out with a--”
“Don’t be dramatic,” he snipped, “I’ll take care of him, alright?”
“You better,” you said as you backed away, “or you can find someone else to fix up your bikes.”
“Really? You know it won’t come to that,” he sat forward in irritation, “go, he won’t bother you.”
The next day you looked over the front of the car. Aside from the cracked headlight, it was as good as new. You rolled up the garage door and took the keys from the hook. You drove the car out and steered it along the snowy street and parked just outside The Asp. You got out and headed inside to hand off the keys to Bucky with a promise that you would take care of the light when it came in as long as he kept Loki away.
You returned to the garage to close the door and checked the time. You were overdue for lunch and hadn’t been back to The Chipped Saucer since that eventful day. You were hungry and too lazy to climb up to your apartment and dig through your fridge. 
You crossed the street and entered the diner as Kimmie looked up from the harlequin novel she hid behind as she stood by the till. She marked her page and closed it before she grabbed the carafe from the machine and crossed to your table. She poured you a mug and confirmed your usual order.
There were a few of the older residents enjoying pie and coffee at the other tables but the snow still kept many in their own houses. You might try the strawberry rhubarb before you went. You didn’t indulge in sweets often but it smelled good.
Kimmie brought your sandwich and as you finished the first triangle, you were disturbed by the last voice you wanted to hear. You didn’t look back as the door chimed behind the new patron and you continued chewing as you once more reviewed the newsletter. 
To your chagrin but not unexpectedly, the figure appeared at your table side. You bit into the next portion of your club sandwich and ignored him.
“Hello, darling,” Loki sat across from you as he had days before, “I saw that you attended to my vehicle at last. Fine work, I must say. I do hope the headlight arrives soon.”
You said nothing and kept eating as you looked out the window and slid the newsletter aside with your other hand. You took the last gulp of your coffee and swallowed. You raised your cup and looked around, “‘scuse me,” you called out, “when you have a second.”
He laughed to himself and you felt his gaze on you. You pushed aside your uneaten crust and went about your meal as if he wasn’t there. When Kimmie refilled your coffee, he ordered a tea and a bowl of the daily soup. 
You barely withheld your grimace as you watched Babs across the street by her bakery. She dusted snow off the open sign before she retreated back inside.
“I’m pleasantly surprised by the food here,” he mused as he stirred a plume of milk into his tea.
“Can’t you take a hint?” you snapped, “I don’t want you near me.”
“Believe me, at first, the feeling was mutual, darling,” he said.
“I told you not to call me that,” you frowned at him directly and he smirked.
“I like the way it makes your eyes go,” he taunted, “admittedly, that first meeting I would’ve liked nothing other than to never encounter you again but the more I poke and prod you, the more intrigued I am.”
“If you don’t stop--”
“You’ll go back to Barnes, hmm?” he intoned, “yes, he did speak with me but I might enlighten you on one fact. The man requires my business more than a mechanic, especially as there seems to be healthy competition in town.”
“You have your car, you’ll have the headlight done, and you can be on your way out of town,” you growled, “and you can be far away from me. Whatever stupid game you’re playing at, I’m not biting. I meant it when I said I won’t miss--”
“Darling, this is not an invitation,” his eyes strayed from your face for just a moment and he considered the buttons of your flannel shirt, “a man like me doesn’t ask, he expects.”
Your eyes rolled so hard it hurt. You pushed your plate away and pulled out your wallet. You left your tab on the table and stood. You shrugged into your jacket and glanced out the window at the white main street.
“Whatever you expect, it’s not going to happen,” you rebuffed, “but I told you what you can expect if you come around me again.”
You left as you had days before and stormed across the street without looking. You dodged out of the way of a slow rolling Ford as it honked and you waved them off. You stomped up to the front of your shop and realised too late you were being followed.
You spun around at the door to face Loki as he slid to a stop. He grabbed your arm and drew you back from the painted wood. You hit his chest and he barely flinched as he flicked your chin with his finger.
“Oh, darling, let’s not drag this out, I do love that temper--”
“Get off--” you pushed him and he nearly slipped and took you down with him as his leather soles held no traction on the frozen ground.
He threw you back and you hit the corner of the doorframe and gasped out as it forced the air from you. 
“I promise you, it won’t last. I will damp out that flame and bask in the smoke,” he neared again and you kicked out. He fell to his knees as the force of it had you on your ass. 
You crawled away from the wall as he tried to stand and you grabbed onto his leg and pulled him back down. He slid back to his kneeS and gripped the collar of your coat. You hooked your arm around his neck and he jabbed your stomach, not as hard as he could, but a warning.
You brought your other arm up as you struggled to get a foothold and you managed to push you both back. You fell in tandem into the snow, your arms locked as he forced his fingers under them to keep them from snaking tighter. He was strong and you knew you could only do so much. You had to keep him on the ground.
He elbowed your ribs and you released him sharply. You rolled away from him as you panted and scrambled on your hands and knees. The frigid snow seeped through your jeans and burned your palms. You heard him behind you and you turned as you climbed to your feet unsteadily.
He was half-keeled as he got his feet set and his dark hair hung over his forehead as he glared through the strands. He stood straight and pushed back the mess of tangles and you faced him, ready for another brawl.
“Oh, this will be fun, darling,” he brushed the powder from his suit and his cheek twitched, “You needn’t worry about Barnes, you should be more worried about me.”
He puffed out a breath and spun swiftly, nearly slipping again on the icy walk. He headed back down to the street and you saw the tension between his shoulders as he pulled his jacket straight. He hurried across the road and you turned back to the garage.
It was a brief retreat, a chance to plot, you knew that much. You only had to outlast him and if you were anything, it was stubborn.
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spenciegoob · 3 years
A Short Film
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A/N: hey hey hey... mid writing this I realized how much I jumped the gun and thought this was a good concept, but now that I’m thinking too hard about it, maybe it’s not. I also wrote too much of it to back down now, so hopefully someone out there enjoys this as much as I did in my head lol.
Summary: Spencer steps way out of his comfort zone to ask his film major girlfriend a question.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warnings: nothing really...  Spencer hardcore struggling with technology
Word Count: 3.5k
“Hey Garcia, do you think you could help with something?” Spencer asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and not looking up from the floor of her office.
��Of course, Boy Wonder? What can I do for you?” Garcia answered while excitedly turning her chair back to her wall of screens.
Spencer grabbed the extra chair in her office and mumbled, “Actually um,” causing Garcia to completely abandon her position and fully face the genius.
“Spencer, are you okay? Is something wrong?” Spencer couldn’t blame her for asking. He was sweating more than usual, his face was bright red and he hadn’t stop fiddling with his hands since he shut the door.
“Oh no, nothing’s wrong. I just, uh, I don’t really know how to ask this,” Spencer stumbled back. It was the truth after all. No life experience had prepared him for such a request, one that in the grand scheme of things was not a lot, but to Spencer.
To Spencer, it was everything.
“That’s okay. Take your time,” Penelope stated back, and coming from anyone else, Spencer would have believed it was sarcastic in nature. But he also knew that Penelope was one of the only people he could never find judgement or maliciousness from.
You were the other.
“So Y/N and I as you’re probably aware have been together for 2 years now, and you also know that she just got her degree in cinematography and design, which is really funny if you think about it because I know nothing about any of that, but she knows everything. You know, sometimes she’ll explain to me what she sees through her eyes and it’s nothing like what I’ve ever been able to. I’m rambling now but I want to do that,” Spencer spurted out, and once he was done, he took a breath so deep Penelope whole-heartedly believed if he spent one more second talking, he may pass out.
“Woah there, slow down. First of all, that’s adorable. I love Y/N so much. Second of all, how exactly am I supposed to help you see things that way? Shouldn’t she be more help?” Penelope questioned, now completely confused about Spencer’s intentions with this very early morning visit.
“She can’t exactly know. It’s kind of a surprise thing,” Spencer answered shyly. He hadn’t even gotten to the punchline and yet, he was contemplating every move.
Was this a good idea?
But when he saw the way Penelope lit up before she yelled, “Tell me everything, and spare no details. None!” He knew he would stop at nothing to make this perfect.
“So here’s what I was thinking.”
That was 1 year ago today, and since then, Spencer has tried to figure out what to say when he revealed his big project. He stood in front of the mirror every day for 365 days trying to find the perfect way to put it. Still when you sat on your shared couch gazing up at him in amusement, confusion and adoration all at once, his mouth was dry and his throat clamped up.
“Spence, you’re starting to scare me. Are you okay?” You asked, watching as your boyfriend stared at you like a deer caught in headlights with a laptop and assorted cords in his hands.
“Uh, yes! Yes I am okay. I just need to um, this needs to go. You know what? I wasn’t told how to do this part, can you help me?” Spencer paced back and forth between you and the TV four times while he was talking before he stopped defeated in front of you. He wouldn’t have asked for help unless he was certain Penelope was smart enough to insert a black screen in the beginning of what caused the laptop to burn a hole in his hand.
“Yes, of course,” you said, slightly chuckling at his confusion. Spencer Reid and technology, whilst tragic, was also very adorable. “What are you trying to do?”
“I need the video on the laptop to play on the TV,” he stated simply. At least he knew what he wanted. That was a new, first step in the right direction.
“Okay easy. Just hand me that cord, and,” you drew out the ‘and’ as you bent around the TV and plugged in the cord. “Perfect. Now just plug this end into the laptop and hit play.” You handed Spencer back his end of the cord, watching as he examined the object and the side of the computer to know where exactly to put it. It almost felt like watching a toddler try and find the rightly shaped hole for the triangle piece, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t endearing.
Before he could break anything, you stepped in. “I know you’d be able to figure it out, but it’s that one.”
“Thank you,” he mumbled back sheepishly. 
“Okay so a little back story. A year ago today, I asked Penelope to teach me how to record videos on my new phone. Thank you for that by the way, the camera on it is really cool, and I’m not just saying that because it’s one of the only things I know how to work. Anyways, I started secretly recording videos of you, of us, anything that reminded me of you, and me talking about you. So I sent them over to Garcia and she pushed them all together, and I think what I’m trying to say is I made a short film? Home video? It doesn’t really matter, but I’m showing it to you now.” Spencer didn’t acknowledge the shocked look on your face as he settled next to you and put the laptop on the coffee table.
But as you watched him find the video and set up, your jaw stayed slack. Spencer Reid, the world’s biggest technophobe, figured out how to use an iPhone camera just for you. While to others it may not seem like a lot, to you. 
To you, it was everything.
“Spence, I don’t even know what to say. This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” It didn’t feel like enough. The amount of awe, and love that filled your chest was so comforting, so warm.
It felt like home. It felt like Spencer.
“You don’t have to say anything, just watch,” he stated before hitting the spacebar, something he’s seen you do plenty of times.
The video started out with Spencer crouching down slightly to where the phone was set up against a bookcase in front of the couch.
“Is it recording?” He whispered, and when he realized it was, he took a step back and gave a thumbs up before rushing to sit on the couch. You couldn’t help but let a full smile stretch across your face, an involuntary act when it came to Spencer.
“Hey, love bug. It’s Spencer, but wait you knew that because you can see me.” There was a small pause as Spencer squinted to see if you could actually see him from his position on the couch. When he realized he was in frame, he continued. “This is totally weird that I’m technically talking to myself right now, but I hope future me gave you an explanation. I tried to wait for a good time to start recording this, and in the two weeks I’ve known how to work that thing,” Spencer said as he pointed to the camera. “We’ve been on a case. I came home tonight, and you’re sleeping right now, but if I stay quiet enough I can say what I need to.”
You looked over at Spencer as he was twiddling with his fingers. Something he only did when he was nervous. You reached over and grabbed one of his hands, giving it a reassuring squeeze, but when you tried to pull away so as to not truly disturb his fidgeting, he caught it. So, you intertwined your fingers together, and continued to watch past Spencer.
“I came home today, and all I wanted to do was hold you. Granted, that’s every day, but today was just, it was really hard. When I came home you were asleep on the couch. One time you told me you didn't like to sleep in our bed while I was away, something about it being too big. At first, I was mad because your poor back, but today I changed my mind because the amount of steps to get to you was much less.”
Spencer unlocked the door to the apartment, resting his head against the wood as he inserted the key into the lock. The most recent case had ended with the death of both the latest victim and the unsub, and he couldn’t bear another second of remembering the scene play out in front of him.
All he wanted to do was lay in her arms, but when he opened the door, the apartment was completely silent.
And then he saw a little fuzzy sock clad foot sticking out from underneath the huge, fluffy blanket on the couch. Slowly, he walked towards you, finding you fast asleep with a t-shirt of his tightly snuggled up to your neck and face.
Spencer got down on a knee in front of you, and brushed the hair that had fallen over your eyes. Slowly, they fluttered open at his feather touch, only to widen with realization.
“You’re home!” You squealed, throwing your hands around his neck. Immediately, he reciprocated the hug, tighter than usual. Spencer tucked his head into your neck and inhaled the scent of your shampoo, a grounding technique he would never tell you he developed. The hands he delicately placed at first across the expanse of your back grew heavier, drawing your body closer to his. 
You pulled your head back, him following your movements, and stared deeply into his eyes for a second. The moment you two locked eyes, he knew the jig was up. Spencer knew you could see right through him, and he knew that even if you weren’t there to witness what he had, you saw it replaying over and over in his eyes.
“You must be tired, let’s get you to bed.” Your words shocked him at first. Usually, the people in his life would ask insistent questions on his mental well-being, and while they were greatly appreciated, Spencer was never one to open up when asked to.
You, however, didn’t meddle, you didn’t push. You simply gave him a place to feel safe as you two settled under the duvet together, never letting go of one another even for a second. You held the back of his head, slowly brushing your fingers through his curls as he laid against your chest. Your fingers were medicinal to him, softly taking away the pain and violence of the day, and replacing it with security, comfort, love.
“No one’s ever been that excited to see me before, let alone knew how to take care of me the way you did. I just,” Spencer trailed off and looked towards our bedroom, where you stirred in your sleep looking for him. “You’re about to wake up and wonder where I went. Now you know what I was doing in “the bathroom” for 30 minutes actually meant. Alright, see you next video, love bug.”
The screen cut to Spencer obviously holding the phone close to his chest, the only thing in frame the space where his shoulder and neck met. The soft chords of the start of Vienna by Billy Joel can be heard from outside the room he was in. 
“Okay, I’m gonna have to sneak up on you. I’m sorry in advance.” 
Spencer finally addressed the camera. As the Spencer on the TV quietly left his position in what you could only assume was your bedroom, you looked over at your very real Spencer softly smiling at the TV.
When he caught your stare, he said “Watch, this is my favorite part.” Turning back to the TV, you watched as Spencer carefully tiptoed to the living room, placing the camera to lean against the vase in the middle of the dinner table to face the kitchen.
In the kitchen, you watched yourself very poorly sing along with Billy Joel using a whisk that you just got done washing as a microphone. The blush that crept up your neck and to your cheeks with embarrassment still felt the same as it did that day.
You hadn’t heard Spencer sneak up on you, not until he was right behind you and let out a soft chuckle at a note you missed. Spencer had never seen someone jump out of their skin as much as you did when he made his presence known. 
“Jesus Spencer, you scared me!” You yelled before a smile crept up your face. You couldn’t help it, even in the most embarrassing times, not when Spencer looked at you like that.
“Sorry, love bug. Although, I didn’t mean for you to stop the show.” At that you hit his chest with the whisk/microphone, both of you laughing fully now. “Come here.”
Spencer took your hand, pulling you softly to his chest where you laid your head to his heart. Wrapping his hand around your waist, the two of you started to slowly sway to the music. You both were incredibly offbeat to Vienna, but listening to Spencer’s heart, you realized that the tempo you were dancing at matched up. Unbeknownst to you, due to the adrenaline of being scared, Spencer could feel your heartbeat on his abdomen, and was swaying to that.
You didn’t know how long you stayed like that, dancing to the in sync beat of each other’s hearts.
The clip of you dancing however only lasted 10 more seconds as the next scene of Spencer bundled up for the fall played. You had met Spencer during the fall, and fell in love with the way the red, yellow and orange leaves contrasted against his honey eyes. This clip was no different.
“Hey, love bug. I’m on my way to deliver this coffee to you in between classes, but I had to stop so I can show you my new friends I’ve made along the way.”
The camera panned down to 4 little ducklings surrounding Spencer’s converse, most of them just waddling around, but one was insistently pecking at the rubber toe of his left shoe. Spencer pointed at the little deviant and said ‘that’s you’ before bringing the camera back up to his face.
“I may have made the mistake of feeding them the fruit I was bringing you, which reminds me I should probably go get you more. I don’t think you’ll be mad though. How could you? Look how cute they are! I kind of want to take them home, but I definitely know that’ll make you mad. Anyways, I just wanted to show off that you’re not always the animal person in this relationship. See you soon, love bug.”
“Oh my god, Spencer. That was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, but to confirm your thoughts, yes, I would’ve been mad,” you stated, the giddy smile never leaving your face, and giggles spreading themselves through your words.
“I know, I know. They belong in the wild,” he said back, holding up his free hand in faux defeat.
A new scene presented itself to you, this one being Spencer setting up the camera on the bathroom sink while brushing his teeth. You knew you were approaching by the music slowly getting louder.
You entered you and Spencer’s shared bathroom, Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John playing out of your phone. He was brushing his teeth, and you followed suit, not stopping the small dancing as you did.
You looked at Spencer, and started moving side to side, your free hand grabbing the crook of his elbow to join you. Looking in the mirror expectedly, you watched Spencer look up at the ceiling before joining you, a smile on his face.
Slowly, the two of you fell into a rhythm to the beat of Elton John, making funny faces to each other in the mirror as you did so.
You reached out fully to lean your head on Spencer’s shoulder as you watched.
The scene on the TV shifted once again to show a very flustered you standing in front of the TV with Citizen Kane paused. Your hair was in a messy bun, and you were sporting one of Spencer’s old Caltech t-shirts, and fuzzy black pants with little pumpkins printed everywhere.
Spencer was also wearing the same fuzzy pants.
“Spence, I’m gonna sound crazy here,” you sprinting off the couch after pausing the film you were currently trying to study for your film analysis class. 
“You’re not off to a great start here,” Spencer laughed out. Spencer once told you that no matter what he thought about a book or film, he wanted to listen to you ramble about it for hours. The first thing he fell in love with about you was the way you challenged his thinking, expanding his mind to the possibilities of learning about the difference between production design and cinematography. You taught him something that no class, book or person could ever.
Your mouth dropped open, an over exaggerated gasp leaving your lips, your hand meeting your chest softly. 
“Meanie.” Spencer and you chuckled at the antics, and when the laughs died down, you continued. “Here me out, though.”
And from there, you went into a deep dive about the unreliable narrator, and how it affects camera placement in the scene you two just watched. 
“Oh my god. I talk that fast?” You asked Spencer, who just let a breathy laugh out at your realization.
“Don’t worry, I think it’s adorable,” he whispered the last part, the smile on his face turning from one of hilarity to one full of love.
30 seconds into your rant, you realize the phone he was attempting to hide close to his lap. Your eyes flicked between the camera that was pointed at you, and Spencer, who’s face filled with confusion as to why you stopped talking.
“Are you recording me?” You asked, a smile never leaving your face. Oh no, he’d been caught. Spencer has to think of a believable excuse, and quick.
“Uh, yeah, sorry, I just uh... I figured instead of you trying to write it down later, you’d want all your notes now.” Perfect!
“Damn, that was good,” you said, nodding softly at his swiftness. You couldn’t be mad he lied, how could you when the truth was this beautiful?
“I know, right? I came up with it on the spot,” Spencer joked with you. As if TV Spencer knew he was interrupting a moment, a throat clearing came from the video. The Spencer you saw was from 3 days ago, and was sitting in his car in what looked to be the Quantico parking garage.
“Hi, love bug. I’m days away from showing you this, and I still don’t know what to say. I hope the me you’re with now has figured it out. So, uh, yeah. That’s it. Uh, take it away, future Spencer. Actually, you’d be present Spenc-” The video cut off, courtesy of Penelope Garcia.
“Y/N,” Spencer started, turning to face a very emotional you fully. “I still haven’t found the right words. None of them could express my love for you, and perfect doesn’t come close to describing you. I know you have a thing for supporting evidence, and I think I just provided a lot to prove that the best thing to ever happen in my life is you.” You let out a small giggle, the tears welling in your eyes breaking free. “Oh no, if you cry, then I’m going to.”
You let out a full laugh now as Spencer wiped the tears falling down your cheeks before continuing.
“Before you, I was reckless. I didn’t care what happened as long as I did something to help. Now, I have a reason to be careful, a reason to care. I can’t do that to you, and if I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you, I need to live.”
You inhaled softly as Spencer reached into the pocket of his pants, taking your hand in his.
“Which brings me to my question,” he said with a small smile and cocked his head. Slowly, he dropped down to one knee in front of you.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?” Spencer opened the velvet box to reveal a simple silver band with a square cut diamond delicately placed on top.
“Spencer Reid, yes. I will marry you.”
With shaky fingers, he slid the ring on your fingers, the fit perfect. You couldn’t wait any longer, and grabbed his face in your hands to pull his lips to yours. Your lips molded together in perfect harmony, lulling you deeper into Spencer’s embrace. 
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips.
“I love you, too,” Spencer answered, only pulling back far enough to mumble before kissing you again.
Note to self: thank Penelope Garcia.
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riddlecrux · 3 years
What is past is present: Azriel and Elain, Helion and Lady of Autumn Court
This post is going to be a long one. I will be talking about parallels between Helion - Lady of Autumn Court - Beron and Azriel - Elain - Lucien situation. How their relationships mirror each other, how the blood duel mentioned in ACOSF and ACOWAR will come to an end, but also how the first triangle was used as a plot device in ACOWAR. I believe it is not a coincidence that SJM decided to put these scenes and histories in the same book with such a short span of time passing between things happening on the pages of their story. I would like to say that this post is a pro Elriel meta, so if they are not your cup of tea please scroll past this. Many thanks to Gardening Tools, especially @silverlinedeyes !
We are going to start with the Lady of Autumn Court and the scene at the High Lord’s council. She is there with her husband, Beron and as the conversation surrounding Hybern increases in intensity, we are presented with a bit of background information about the Lady.
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Lady of the Autumn Court had 2 sisters that died during Hybern's soldiers' attack. We got to see another family of three sisters, two of them dying for their sister. What's even more important is a mention of Hybern's war camps and how it's very unlikely for anyone to survive their time there.
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Here Beron taunts Kallias by telling his mate that Hybern and his people probably torture and abuse women before killing them. (Please be sure to remember that because we're going to go back to this notion later in this post.)
Another big insight about Lady's life and this particular accident comes from no one else but Helion.
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Few things that are very important to mention: - she had already given birth to a few of her children - Hybern directly attacked the estate they were in - her sisters let her run away because they loved her - she tried to fight and stay with them till they convinced her to run - the beasts sent by Hybern tailed her and finally cornered her in a trap
What Feyre says in this particular scene - about Helion knowing too many details holds great importance for the further quotes. We also get to know that, in fact, it was Helion who rescued the Lady - not only saved but found her. The setup, the build-up and the fact that it wasn't her "husband" that came for her are the main things I wish to bring attention to, as we are going to analyze different scenes from the same book with this knowledge.
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He could have ended it differently, yet he didn't. Why? The question seems to be imprinted in Feyre's mind as she tries to connect the dots and points she was given, just like us readers. I do believe that what we are being presented with is the notion of the mating bond. Helion's rage at Lady's attack projects typical mate behavior - such as unnecessary violence against the ones who dared to hurt their mate. It also goes with the information of him finding her - how was that possible? Her husband wasn't there, it was Helion who essentially knew that something was wrong. How? Well, by applying the mating bond in this picture we can easily deduct few things: Helion probably felt her distraught through the bond, was able to locate her and save her.
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Another insight given by Helion is about Lady's relationship with Beron. Not only it gives us information about her young age (cue to Rhysand's mother and how her young age was also brought up as something very disturbing and not in favour of some mating bonds), but also we get to know that her marriage was arranged. Just like the reader, Feyre is left with these very personal insights and detailed descriptions - so she presses Helion more, to speak, to see if her suspicions are correct.
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Another person jumps into the conversation and it is Mor who hands the information of a possible romance between Lady and Helion. We learn that both of them met at an equinox ball before she was proposed with an arranged marriage with Beron. Feyre's curiosity is evident in the way she perks up at Mor's words. Helion on the other hand counter-attacks and provides us with the political background of the story. The Lady was basically left without a choice when it came to her love life.
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Helion saved Beron's wife during the war. And Beron didn't know and still doesn't have an idea that it was Helion who saved the Lady.
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Feyre tries to fish for more information - and Helion seems to be very reluctant to answer her question about his relationship with the Lady. It makes us think that, in fact, their relationship was somehow forbidden, being kept in secret. Moreover, what's even more interesting is the fact that we suddenly have a shift of focus on another person - Azriel. We are deliberately made aware of the fact that Azriel is listening to this important conversation.
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We are starting to see Helion becoming slightly less humorous - Feyre can spot the difference between his usual self and the way he delivers his question. It suggests that the relationship and potential mating bond is a very touchy subject for him.
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Their forbidden relationship went on for decades. They were secret lovers till Beron found about them. We see that contrast between the Lady with Helion - all brightness and smiles, Lady with Beron - withdrawn, timid, scared.
I clenched my teeth. “If you were her lover, why didn’t you stop it?” The wrong thing to say. Utterly wrong, by the dark fury that rippled across Helion’s face. “Beron is a High Lord, and she is his wife, mother of his brood. She chose to stay. Chose. And with the protocols and rules, Lady, you will find that most situations like the one you were in do not end well for those who interfere.”
Helion reacts with anger at Feyre's inquiry about his lack of participation in the case of the Lady's wellbeing. "Dark fury rippling across Helion's face" is also an interesting word choice. Again we are reminded that their romance was meant to end that way due to the notions of choice and politics.
“Beron never called you out for it?” “To publicly do so would be to admit that his possession made a fool of him. So we continue our little dance, these centuries later.” I somehow doubted that beneath that roguish charm and irreverence, Helion felt it was a dance at all.
Helion reminds us about politics that bind different Courts - in this case, we can easily see that the matter of choice in this example ends with Lady choosing duty over love. It also supplies us with an idea that if Helion would have wanted to fight for Lady he would need to participate in a blood duel. Yet, the Lady chose Beron - we don't know why Helion probably was left alone with the same question. However, by analyzing this situation I believe that Lady knew about the possibility of a blood duel happening she didn't want her potential mate to be hurt. So, in the end, she opted for a life in a loveless marriage with Beron. Furthermore, we have Rhysand and Feyre coming to the conclusion that Lucien is Helion's son - and he is the fruit of the loving relationship between Helion and the Lady.
What does this mean, though? Nothing—ultimately nothing. Other than the fact that Lucien might be Helion’s sole heir. And that … it changed nothing in this war. Especially not with Lucien on the continent, hunting that enchanted queen. A bird of flame … and a lord of fire. I wondered if they’d found each other yet.
The usage of the word "this war" is not a coincidence, as well as Rhysand's poor prediction of the future. Because as we know, right now - it changes a lot. Elain being his mate bounds him to the Night Court, so losing that relationship puts the Court at risk. Especially now, when Lucien doesn't know that Helion is his father. Another very important addition is the part about Lucien and Vassa. Feyre has prophetic tendencies and her thoughts about both Vassa and Lucien always focus on their... relationship. Not to mention that it was brought up after that whole conversation with Helion. With all these things above, I would like to move on to Elriel parallels. Starting with the Cauldron kidnapping Elain. Please bear in mind that this scene happens after the meeting with Helion, after learning about the story of Lady's and Helion's romance.
But Azriel asked softly, “What about Elain?”
The one who noticed that Elain was absent was Azriel, we can speculate whatever it was his intuition, his shadows, or perhaps some kind of feeling that made him aware of her absence. Yet, it's not a coincidence that another male character, the one who doesn't have an official mate is the only one who either felt/realized that she was taken. That's the first parallel I would love to bring to your attention - Helion was the one who found and rescued the Lady. Now, the situation is almost identical - Hybern attacks via Cauldron takes Elain to the war camps.
And what Hybern would do to Elain, might already be doing— From the shadows near the entrance to the tent, Azriel said, as if in answer to some unspoken debate, “I’m getting her back.” Nesta slid her gaze to the shadowsinger. Azriel’s hazel eyes glowed golden in the shadows. Nesta said, “Then you will die.” Azriel only repeated, rage glazing that stare, “I’m getting her back.”
Azriel reacts with rage, a silent debate raging within him. He is battling something deep inside him, which is obstructed from the reader's point of view. I wonder why? He is the one who swears to find her and rescue her. Also, worth mentioning how Feyre seems to realize the graveness of the situation - as if she can remember the conversation she had with Helion about what happened with sisters of the Lady of Autumn Court. War camps. Nobody would walk away from them alive.
We looked to Rhys, to Cassian and Nesta, to Mor—right as she appeared, breathless, between the tent flaps. Her eyes went to me, then the shadowsinger, and flared with shock and fear—
In this scene we also have Mor. Mor was present during Helion's conversation and gave input about their love and forbidden relationship. Mor that possess the power of Truth. Is it possible that Mor knew about the mating bond between Helion and the Lady? Is it possible that Mor knows about the truth of the mating bond between Lucien and Elain? Does Mor know about the potential mating bond between Azriel and Elain? There are so many questions and we don't get an answer. Mor keeps secrets, which is understandable yet it provides a whole new aspect of Mor being the one who realizes what's happening. (Not to mention that Mor is always present when Elain is with Lucien, assessing them.)
Screaming. A shadow gripped my shoulder, reminding me not to run. Ianthe would not run—would not show alarm. My mouth went dry as that scream sounded again. I couldn’t bear it—to let it go on, to see what was being done— Azriel’s shadow-hand grasped my own, tugging me closer. His rage rippled off his invisible form.
It is Azriel who reacts once again with - rage. At the thought of Elain being tortured, abused, or being killed. Feyre can't stomach the idea of what is happening to her sister in this war camp.
I could feel Jurian’s smile against my ear. “She’s in his tent. Chained with steel and a little spell from his favorite book.” Shit. Shit. Perhaps I should have gotten Helion, who could break almost any—
The mention of Helion is such a beautiful parallel. We, as readers, are amidst a rescue mission. A situation that was very similarly described few chapters before, a situation in which it was Helion in Azriel's shoes. In the past it was - Helion and Lady, here in the "future" we have - Azriel and Elain. The same circumstances - Hybern attack/Hybern powers, three sisters, and the only one is targeted, a savior that isn't husband/mate finding and rescuing the girl.
Azriel gently removed the gag from her mouth. “Are you hurt?” She shook her head, devouring the sight of him as if not quite believing it. “You came for me.” The shadowsinger only inclined his head.
I could write a whole meta about this quote because it's ridden with such enormous parallels and foreshadowing. Let's start with the simplest one, which is the word "devour". It has very strong connections to physicality, it basically means that Elain greedily took him in, he was her focal point at that moment. Also, the following addition of her not quite believing that, in fact, it is Azriel who arrived before her - she hadn't expected him to rescue her and you may be wondering why? It all beautifully goes with the idea of two mates/true mates theories - what is making me say this with so much certainty? Well, first of all, ACOWAR is full of descriptions of how a healthy mating bond works, for example, Feysand one. It's a bridge connecting two souls through which our emotions, thoughts can be perceived for the other person.
Find me, find me, find me, I tried shouting down that bond. But my mate’s wry voice didn’t answer. There was only the roaring void.
This happens at the begging of ACOWAR when Feyre tries to communicate with Rhysand through their mating bond. I find it very interesting that throughout the whole book the trope of "finding your true love, significant other" is very persistent. This brings me back to the theory that both Azriel and Helion heard their mates' cries of help and that's how they were able to rescue them and find them. In addition to that Elain's "you came for me" is striking so many questions. What does she mean? Why is she so docile and peaceful? As if she somehow had an idea that someone will come for her - did she perhaps inwardly call through the mating bond? This, again, brings us to another parallel - Beron doesn't know that it was Helion who rescued the Lady. Lucien doesn't know that it was Azriel who saved Elain - which, we really don't know if he even felt/knew that something has happened.
The hounds closed in, two breaking away—to cut to the side. To herd us. For that was a cliff at the other edge of the camp. A cliff with a very, very long drop, and unforgiving river below.
I'm bringing this up because the setting is oddly familiar with the run of Lady of Autumn's one. The isolated place, a trap etc.
Azriel’s roar echoed off the rocks as the hound slammed into him, dragging those shredding talons down his spine, his wings— The girl screamed, but Elain moved. As Azriel battled to keep them airborne, keep his grip on them, my sister sent a fierce kick into the beast’s face. Its eye. Another. Another. It bellowed, and Elain slammed her bare, muddy foot into its face again. The blow struck home. With a yelp of pain, it released its claws—and plunged into the ravine.
Parallel on parallel. We have Hybern's beasts, we have a similar setting again and fight. What is different, however, is that in Helion's case it was solely him that destroyed beasts while rescuing the Lady. Here, however, it is Elain that fights against beasts - she who had never trained, she who is a gardener is fighting against evil. She is kicking as the beasts hurt Azriel. She took the initiative and killed the beast at that moment when they previously hurt Azriel. Also, the most beautiful comparison in my opinion is the fact that after Elain knocks the beast it falls down the ravine, dying. It is somehow very symbolic that Elain kills the beast that falls into the ravine, whereas Lady of Autumn is stuck in the ravine as beasts approach her and it is the moment when Helion saves her.
The gray light of morning had broken over the world, mist clinging to our ankles as we headed into that camp, Azriel still cradling Elain to his chest. He dripped blood behind him the entire time—a trickle compared to the torrent that should be leaking out.
After that intense battle, they arrive in the safety, but Azriel still holds on Elain even if he himself is bleeding all over the place.
Rhys lunged for Azriel, taking Elain from him and gently setting my sister down. Azriel rasped, swaying on his feet, “We need Helion to get these chains off her.” Yet Elain didn’t seem to notice them as she rose up on her toes and kissed the shadowsinger’s cheek.
Another mention of Helion in that very parallel setting. He was very present during the rescue mission, which is a neat way of showering the audience with foreshadowing. If I wanted to indulge even more in the symbolism of this scene, I would point out that the chains on Elain are very symbolic as well. They could either mean the restrain of her powers, but also the chains of the "lack of freedom", "lack of choice". Being freed by both Azriel and Helion is something that I believe is very important to remember while waiting for the next book. Because even if Elain is a mirror to Lady - Elain will change the course of her story. Elain is going to choose love over duty, she will choose Azriel - which ends with them discovering that, in fact, the bond was there from the beginning. Helion getting rid of those chains is also a metaphor for what is to come. He will break Lady's chains by fighting with Beron during the blood duel. In this timeline, Azriel and Elain are symbolism of healthy love, mating bond, freedom of choice. Lucien doesn't mirror Beron, because he himself doesn't want to be with Elain since both of them don't feel comfortable with each other, they are making each other miserable. Not to mention the fact that their mating bond is... very weak and through the ACOWAR and ACOSF we see that it is different from the true mating bonds that are present in the universe. Azriel-Elain-Lucien triangle will break the past wheel of unhappiness and forced love, changing it by their own rules of free choice. As for Helion-Lady-Beron love story, if I may be so bold, the blood duel is going to happen and Beron will die - freeing Lady and Helion from him and politics that kept them away. If you are still not sure if these two situations are foreshadowing I would love to put this quote as the ending of this very long meta.
Azriel shrugged. “We—Rhys, Cass, and I—will occasionally remind each other that what we think to be our greatest weakness can sometimes be our biggest strength. And that the most unlikely person can alter the course of history.”
And as you can guess, that very unlikely person who altered the course of history in ACOWAR was Elain when she killed King of Hybern.
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hansolmates · 3 years
(not) best friends 2 lovers | 03
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summary; you’re on the other end of the spectrum, watching jiyu constantly pine over her best friend jeon jungkook. tvtropes lore guarantees that eventually, jungkook will grow to love his best friend back... right? pairing; jock!kook x not best friend!reader genre/warnings; fluff! college au!! roommate au! angst! language, this part is kinda ://// but totally needed. jiyu lowkey infantilizes jk  w/c; 1k a/n; ever meet someone in school and u become friends overnight or by association and u think the world of them only because u know very little about them and they only show you the best version of themselves. yea this is the part. more on what happened in p2 will be revealed in p3! enjoyy
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This is worse than when you were hiding your feelings. 
“I forgive you,” Jiyu hands you a buttered biscuit, one with homemade strawberry preserves and warm to the touch. 
You shove the whole biscuit in your mouth, not caring about the crumbs bunching on the corner of your lips. As long as you’re eating, you’re not obligated to talk. You shift uncomfortably, your butt and feet already numb from shoving it under your tiny coffee table where your makeshift tea party is happening. 
Jiyu doesn’t seem bothered, and slips yet another biscuit on your plate. It’s your third one in the span of ten minutes. This disturbs you slightly. Does she want to fatten you up so you’re unattractive to Jungkook? That’s not possible, Jungkook would find you beautiful regardless. Maybe the biscuit is poisoned? 
You chew slower, and when you finally swallow it goes down your pipe with more force than necessary you speak, “Um, thank you? But what do you mean by you forgive me?” 
“For hooking up with Jungkook, duh,” Jiyu relaxes against the bottom part of your couch, kicking her legs in the air. She points her toes like she’s in ballet, lacy white socks shining in the daylight, “I mean, I totally get it. He’s irresistible. But he’s a boy. He isn’t looking for anything serious.”  
Does Jiyu think the three of you are partaking in a love triangle? You’re on edge, especially because Jiyu’s now taken to entering your apartment on a regular basis now. Since the whole fiasco with the lingerie and the pot pie, Jiyu is now stopping by after class, tugging Jungkook off to a new cafe or watching a moving in the (shared) living room. You can’t remember the last time you sat in the living room all by yourself.  
The light has dimmed for Jiyu. Not a month ago were you helping a drunken Jiyu up the stairs to her apartment, you holding her jacket and heels while Jungkook hauls her body upstairs. It was a lovely night, a comfortable spot where your feelings for the dark-haired athlete were at an ignorable, bare simmer. Seeing Jungkook tuck Jiyu in that night, blankets all the way up to her chin, made you hope your feelings would go away so you could love and support the pair to the fullest. 
Yet hearing her right now, Jiyu reducing Jungkook to a mere boy and telling you that he just can’t help himself and chose you out of convenience, doesn’t sit right with you. The second you’re seemingly threatening to Jiyu’s position, all bets are off the table. 
“Jiyu, I’m not hooking up with Jungkook,” you say levely. 
She furrows her brows, “Then what are two you doing, just kissing?” 
“Jiyu, I like Jungkook. And he likes me back.” 
“Wouldn’t I know if my best friend likes someone?” 
This all feels so high school. From your four years at college, you’ve realized that the drama carries for miles and miles of your life—no matter where and when. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this,” you get up, ignoring the way the table bangs mercilessly against your knee. You get up way too fast and it makes your head throb and your leg tingle, but you don’t care. “Are you fucking with me? Scratch that, are you and Jungkook messing with me? What exactly did he tell you? Or are you lying to me again, like you lied to me about confessing to him?” 
“I didn’t lie!” Jiyu refuses to get up, posing like nothing’s wrong. 
“You omitted. Jungkook told me that you’ve confessed your love to him multiple times,” and to further punctuate your anger you add, “and have been rejected each time.” 
Normally you wouldn’t be so vindictive. Just a couple weeks ago you were plush and cotton soft to Jiyu, understanding her conflict. Now that you are given more context, more leverage and more reason to stand your ground. 
“Fuck you,” Jiyu curses, and you can’t help to hide the uprise that blooms on your lips. Seeing Jiyu crack gives you a lick satisfaction, surprisingly so. 
“Are we even friends, JIyu?” you ask exasperatedly, hands falling into your lap. “I really like you, I really do. You’re nice and sweet and I really don’t want a boy to get between us.” 
“He’s not just a boy,” Jiyu exhales, knotting her hands through the ruffles of her skirt, “it’s you that got between us, me and Jungkook were fine before he moved in.” 
“Please get out of my apartment, Jiyu,” you say, “if you want to spew bullshit about me to Jungkook, that’s fine. Because from personal experience, the truth comes out no matter what.” 
“I’m not leaving. Jungkook is going to pick me up and take me to a game night with his friends.” 
You’re not losing brain cells over this. 
Your first instinct is to go into Jimin’s room, burrow yourself between the plush duvet and lay there until you’re one with the mattress. Jimin’s bed is the comfiest out of all the mattresses, due to the fact that his is brand new. His scent is comforting and deep, and as a good friend and roommate, lets you nap here when he isn’t around. As much as you want to call Jimin up to talk about this, you feel that you’d be defeating the purpose of stopping drama if you start to spread it. 
Does it even matter who’s right or wrong? Is it worth all this drama and potential heartbreak? -
The room is dark and envelopes you into a space of comfort. No need to smile or keep your back straight, you can just focus on your breathing and the soothing silk sheets that soak your skin. 
Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you wince as the light floods your little blanket bubble. 
You: jimin, when are u and kook free? The lease on this dorm is up once the semester ends and i was wondering when would be a good time to discuss the move
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Thank you guys for the list! Such good food! TT0TT If you don't mind me staying on the Book v Movie topic, I wanna know what your thoughts on Charlie and Renee are with both (like who is better for Bella). B!Charlie likes the Cullens right off the bat(big ol' Carlisle man crush, but who could blame him)BUT he really shows his ass when it comes to Jake, while M!Charlie seems all around chiller. Both Renees seem more or less the same but that could be we just don't see enough of her in either. -Sw
(Anon is referring to this post.)
Glad you liked it!
Charlie I think was adapted pretty well, he’s not the exact same but his part in the story is to be Bella’s lonely and gruff but devoted father, and he did that perfectly.
I’m not by default opposed to changing characters a bit in an adaption, not at all. I’m not even opposed to radical changes. One of my all-time favorite movies, Total Recall, lifted only the premise of its source material, apart from that the story goes a completely different place. It understood the spirit of the short story it was based on, “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”, and made a fantastic movie out of it. Quite notably, the short story is a very typical short story, and there are things in it that I don’t think would translate well to screen. “Total Recall” is the best place they could have gone with it.
I was going somewhere with this...
Ah, yes.
Charlie of the movies gives a slightly different vibe than Charlie of the books, but I don’t mind that at all.
When it comes to his response to the kiss, I was going to write that in defense of book!Charlie, it doesn’t come across clearly that Bella was in fact assaulted, he just sees his daughter squabbling with the guy he’s sure is right for her, and that he wants it to be lover’s quarrel so he laughs it off. Well, I reread it, and fucking hell, Charlie. It’s made very clear she was kissed against her will, and he could not more thoroughly side with Jake. It’s to the point where I don’t think this guy should be sheriff at all, nevermind in a small town, because I don’t trust that he’d act with integrity if he were called to a home for domestic disturbance and happened to be buddies with the wifebeater.
The only thing that can be said in his defense here is that it’s his best friend’s kid, he’s watched Jacob grow up, he believes down to his very core that Jacob is good. He loves his daughter, so it’s not like he thinks people assaulting her is funny. I think his strong bias in Jake’s favor and even stronger desire to see Bella with the guy who’ll be good for her clouds his judgement.
Still, this is just... nope. No. I sincerely hope he leaves his biases at home when doing his job, or Forks is gonna be a pretty miserable place to live.
Back to your question, I’m glad the movies took that out. It was a moment that said a lot about Charlie, but none of us wanted to see that.
I do think the movies should have been more clear on Charlie’s hatred on Edward. He’s not just hating on his daughter’s boyfriend because that’s what fathers do, he was a fan. It was New Moon that saw him alienated, he hated Edward for what he did to Bella. That she then went back to him was in Charlie’s mind an unmitigated disaster, which only got worse when she ghosted on Jacob. The intensity of his Jake/Bella shipping was also played down, I get why but considering how boring that love triangle was, Charlie’s parental angst was the most interesting part so I wish they’d had him less Generic Shovel Talk Father.
Book Charlie had very good reason to feel the way he did about these two guys, movie Charlie is just dishing out shovel talks.
But, let me be clear, I liked movie Charlie.
As for Renée, I agree that she’s the same. I’ll say this, though, the thing about her is that in the books we meet Bella, then meet Renée and go “Oh, so that’s why Bella’s like that”. In the movies, Bella had a lobotomy (can’t for the life of me find the right meta. Have this link that touches on the same thing instead!) so there’s no mother complex for Renée to explain. Renée is unchanged, but her context is not.
So, I’ll say with caveats that the movies did well by Charlie and Renée.
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Come As You Are
Blake: [To Sun] I still don’t think this is necessary.
Sun: C’mon, babe-a-licious, it’s perfect! You’re the life of the party!
Blake: *Raises eyebrow*
Sun: Okay, well you were the life of the party but that’s not your fault.
Yang: Yeah partner, it’s pretty hard to compete with [gestures at her body] all this!
Blake sighed, choosing to ignore that comment and glanced down at herself. They were at a “come as you are” party celebrating something (though it seemed like with the death of the Grimm Queen and the rapid downspike in Grimm activity, plus a collective loss of intelligence in the Grimm, that people didn’t need a an actual reason to party) and the theme was obvious.
So Blake had eventually caved to Sun’s pleas and was busy wearing what was effectively lingerie. A black bandeau top with a cartoonish hole shaped like a cat head (basically a circle with two triangles about where the ears would be) that left little to the imagination as to the size and shape of her boobs and a short black skirt, a studded belt and hanging from the studded belt was a black cat tail. Her ears were on display, she’d drawn whiskers on her cheeks and blackened the tip of her nose but she’d drawn the line at wearing cat paw gloves and slippers and had opted for a sensible pair of heels.
Sun had basically stripped down to a furry yellow speedo and a pair of flip flops and was carrying a bunch of bananas, his own tail swishing back and forth happily.
Yang on the other hand was technically wearing more but it hardly mattered. She’d somehow managed to fit her excessive curves into a skintight bodysuit that was somewhere between a leotard and a corset, her rump barely fitting in the back while Yang’s breasts were all but spilling out of the top. It was sleeveless, she wore no stockings as she was happy to show off her legs and she wore a pair of four inch black pumps and atop a head filled with lightly curled blonde hair was a pair of bunny ears. And as if to prove her statement right, Yang had had eyes on her all night, not that it mattered to the very taken brawler.
Three guesses what she’s was supposed to be and the first two don’t count, Blake thought.
Blake: Such modesty, Yang.
Yang: Pfft, modesty schmodesty. If you got it--
Blake: Let it all hang out?
Yang: *Snorts* You see anything hanging?
Sun: [Uncomfy] Hey, uh, isn’t Jaune supposed to be here? I mean you two did say you were gonna match outfits.
Yang: Yeah, well, lover boy changed his mind last second and refused to share with his loving girlfriend what he was doing.
Blake: You put him in a headlock and demanded he tell you again?
Yang: *Blushes* No! I haven’t done that in years!
Blake: *Waits*
Yang: [Sighs in defeat] I may have tried to smother him.
Blake:*Crosses arms*
Sun: With your--
Yang: With my tits. [Grumbles] I think I’m using them too much if he’s actually developing an immunity.
Blake: [Pleased] There we go.
Still, Blake couldn’t help but smile at the grumpy and still slightly red faced form of her partner even as Sun coughed and tried to pretend that he suddenly found something interesting about Oscar’s exaggerated farmer costume of heavy brown boots, heavy duty dark blue jeans and the black-and-red plaid shirt he had tucked into his jeans with the sleeves rolled up, one hand carrying an actual hay fork.
Blake looked around and saw Ruby in track shoes, track pants and a sports bra with goggles resting at her hairline. She was busy talking to a group of admirers alongside Weiss, who was in a smart pure white pantsuit with a pale blue blouse beneath that really was no different from her everyday wear as the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company. The only additions being a clipboard and a pair of fake eyeglasses to sell the look, her hair dun up in a bun.
Nora was wearing a horned helm of some sort, sleeveless chainmail that left her biceps open to admire and brown leather bracers on her forearms. She wore studded black leather pants that showed off an equally powerful lower body and furred boots. A red cape was tied around her neck and the young woman had Magnhild over her shoulder and was darting about excitedly, other partygoers ducking to avoid getting smashed over the head by the low hanging hammer.
Blake wasn’t sure what she was supposed to be, but the same went for Ren who wore poofy white pants, black flats (slippers? She didn’t know) and a green jacket that was similar to his first outfit, but he could hide his hands in his sleeves and rather than buttons, there was a length of white rope that tied it together. He was busily following Nora, trying to ensure she didn’t cause any brain damage in her hyperactive state.
Otherwise Neptune was wearing a toga and a golden circlet of equally golden leaves native to Mistral with strappy brown leather sandals. Sage was across the room wearing a ceremonial robe that was unfamiliar to the Menagerie born faunus with a wooden staff and Scarlet was both dressed as a stereotypical pirate and was clearly flirting with Yang’s uncle, who’d been lazy and added a small top hat and wraparound shades and was drinking liberally from a flask.
There were others they knew but the only others she could see at the moment were Fiona Thyme in what looked like wool footie pajamas and Maria Calavera in a hooded cloak, upside down and...doing a kegstand with two men near her age holding her feet, wearing what looked like a gimp suit, the other in slacks, suspenders, a bow tie and nothing else!?
Blake’s head snapped back to Yang who was staring, disturbed, at the same scene. Blake shuddered. Sun shrugged.
Sun: At least the old lady’s having fun.
Yang: Yeah. Kinda wished her fun didn’t make me wanna bleach my eyeballs though. [Grouchily and quiet] Where is he? I swear, if he’s skipping out on me...
Blake: I’m sure he’s just--
A ripple of laughter cut her off and Blake blinked, looked and--
Blake: [Disappointed] Late. *Big sigh* Oh boy.
Sun: [Breaks down into snorting laughter, turns away to avoid potential Yanger]
Yang: [Spins] What’s--
Jaune had arrived, but instead of whatever he’d agreed to wear with Yang he was wearing a large, stereotypical trash can around his torso with his bare arms moving awkwardly at his sides, his bare legs waddling slightly in the clanging and clunking costume. On his brightly grinning head was the top to the trash can, held in place by a strap that went under his chin.
Yang: [Sputtering incoherently]
Ruby: [Distantly] Yang, that’s so mean!
Yang: [Distressed] I didn’t--
Weiss: [Distantly] For shame, Yang Xiao Long.
Yang: [Upset] Nooo, it’s not--
Partygoer: Wow. Poor guy. [To his girlfriend] Please don’t ever do that to me. [Girlfriend hugs his arm]
Yang: [More upset] I swear--
Scarlet: [Finally looks over] *Squawking laughter*
Yang: [Even more upset] Stop, it’s seriously not--
Qrow: [Disappointedly] Firecracker. We raised you better.
Yang: [Can’t decide whether to cry or explode; pouts at Jaune while trying to glare] Baby, we talked about this!
Jaune: [Happily smiling] You talked. I ignored. Besides, everybody’s perfectly in character! Who am I to deny my nature!?
Yang: *Unhappy teakettle noises*
Dragonslayer’s probably my favorite RWBY ship, Black Sun’s leagues better than Bumblebee (IMPO) and I really couldn’t help myself here.
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flowers-of-io · 3 years
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@eri-223​ you brought it upon yourself, now I won’t shut up c:
I can’t really draw neat straight lines between the two, but there’s so much aesthetic similarity to me, particularly with Toland and the Hive-Ascendancy thing. Maybe it’s just me dying for the vibes (or loving POTO in general since I was 9), but it struck me today how Eris/Toland--when it’s made a Working ship--is basically everything Christine/Erik is not. There is so much to be said about Christine/Erik alone, but to me it’s an epitome of why gothic-novel-esque dynamics don’t really work in the long run when they don’t move past being just Gothic and Tragic. And hear me out. A goodhearted, elfin woman at her vulnerable point (grief over father) meets a honey-voiced stranger and has this secret thing with him, this music they share in the dead of night, and it’s intoxicating because music *is* her passion (and something she has deep emotions over in itself, the thing that is most hers in the world) and it’s secret, and a whole other world to what she’s facing in the daytime. The mystery is intriguing, and that’s intoxicating too. And there’s an uncomfortable power imbalance but it doesn’t bother you just yet, because there isn’t really any attraction between the two--not in the romantic-as-in-love sense at least, rather this romantic-as-in-romanticism pull all dark beautiful secret things have.
And here we can shout a fucking thank you at Erik for completely ruining that beauty by being an absolute creep. But Chrissie doesn’t know that yet. And so he leads her deep down into the dark, into his world of darkness and secrecy and yet twisted beauty, and she is living the mystery now, she’s in this nighttime world they would share in secret. And she’s close enough to take a peek behind the mask, something she was so violently curious about and attracted to, a glance into the dark abyss of his soul that is so intriguing. And so she does peek, and what she finds is terrifying rot.
And this, THIS is the best moment of the entire thing to me. This story could be well off without Raoul (whom I deeply love and cherish but he ruins the gothic) because he adds this romantic tension of a love triangle (which I absolutely loathe because ugh. love triangles.) to what could have been a tale of a girl torn between the world of day and night rather than two men who each love her in a different way. There’s so much of Persephone-sque struggle in Christine’s soul that has been shunned by the story imo, and would have made the whole thing better in the long run (and maybe less grossly-abusive on Erik’s part).
So let’s circle back to Toland, another pale, bony, possibly disfigured brunet in a dark coat with a living room full of skulls and candles (the vibes, huh. he probably owned a boat and a horse too). If we take Eris/Toland as starting off before the Hellmouth (I’m really starting to tentatively test my ground on this hhhng), it feels like the same story slightly to the left. Granted, Eris has more agency, but there’s still a huge power imbalance in her and Eriana coming to Toland--an exiled genius|madman with an evil black crow (Guren) perching on his shoulder--and asking him for help, laying their and their team’s lives at his feet - him, who could probably kill them in seventeen different yet equally fancy ways were he more invested! And there is so much darkness here already because how dark it must have been in Eris’ soul to agree on this revenge fantasy, what an abyss Eriana’s eyes must have been hiding; how desperate they must have been to come to him, to even consider this, to choose a possibility of painful, screaming agony in the Hellmouth over the ache they were feeling now. And so there’s vulnerability, too, in a way - because they’re desperate, because they’re hurting, because everything has been taken from them and they have nothing else to do but this ridiculous, mad plan. And oh he can abuse this void, he can make them do whatever he wants and they’d do it gladly, and I have a feeling both Eris and Eriana are aware of that.
And so they work, in secret, cracking secrets of the Hive, tasting the rot of the forbidden fruit, hiding from the daylight with their dark, heretic, nighttime folly. I think there is a threshold at wherever it is they are meeting--be it a room or a house, Eriana’s kitchen or Toland’s disturbing “lab”--in the doorway, between the bright but empty world of patrols and strikes and dead friends and this horrid, twisted, yet fascinating realm of promised vengeance. And I think Eris learns, hungry for secrets, hungry perhaps for Toland’s eyes on her because all dark beautiful secret things have a pull, and she can’t tell if she’s more drunk on the adventure, or the heresy they’re so blatantly committing, or him. And maybe he reciprocates in his own twisted way, maybe they talk or kiss over the parchment pages, and she cannot tell--she cannot tell if his eyes are truly for her or the Hive, the mystery, the thing they’re doing. I’m thinking of what you wrote, how “he wanted Ascendance as badly as she wanted him”. But despite that--or maybe because of it--she allows herself to be led deep down into the dark, into his world of darkness and secrecy and yet twisted beauty, and she is living the mystery now, she’s in this nighttime world they would share in secret. Is it the Hellmouth? Maybe, though I think it’s a process that spans between their secret studies of the Hive and the midst of their descent, when Vell is dead and maybe they’re all doomed, and Toland’s eyes twinkle in the dark and it’s such beautiful madness she cannot help staring. And the checkpoint has come, time to show cards--and she’s close enough to take a peek behind the mask, something she was so violently curious about and attracted to, a glance into the dark abyss of his soul that was so intriguing. And so she does peek, and what she finds is terrifying rot.
I think this is Ir Yut, or maybe a little bit earlier, but nevertheless the bubble bursts and Eris is left in the dark alone and betrayed. That’s of little concern, of course, when the Hive is hunting you down and all you hear is your friends’ dying screams, but it still hurts, it’s still bitter, it’s still so, so wrong. I like to think he comes to teach her then, maybe give her the journals, and it’s a whirlwind of madness and horror and fury and gore, but he’s whatever comfort she can hope for at this point. It’s twisted, it’s awful, it’s dark-gothic rotten, it’s as wrong and horrid as Erik/Christine is as a whole.
But then they’re given the chance Erik/Christine never got. They’re allowed to outgrow the rot. There’s so much dysfunctionality and disturb going on in most gothic-esque “love” stories because it’s not love, it’s attraction taken for a spin and often grossly abused. Love is growth. I like to think of what must have been going on in Eris’ head (and Toland’s too, perhaps, though I doubt he had one at that point) when they were exchanging the letters, the dearest Eris right next to did you watch me carve out each eye; now that she’s wiser, and scarred, and not so stupid anymore--but there’s still that dark pull she can’t help, now even scarier than before that she knows him for what he really is, now that she’s seen the rot. There’s so much hurt to be outgrown, so much betrayal, but she finds he’s yet again whatever comfort she can hope for (that entry *is* called A Light In The Darkness, huh). I could wax poetic about this whole process but I think you captured it so well in STM I don’t have much else to add.
I wanted to throw quotes into it but couldn’t quite fit them into this, uh, essay (which I didn’t absolutely re-read), and I guess Music of the Night would apply here but it’s ripe with uncomfortable sexual tension?? And aside from that (which is in its entirety a trip) just consider these ah
this whole moment
also this
He'll always be there singing songs in my head  Is this Eris in the letters phase? maybe. I performed a vibe check and it showed positive
Wandering Child for how unhealthy-twisted and beautiful it is (ignore Raoul, I have no metaphor for him in this au)
For either way you choose, you cannot win  It’s just a good quote y’all
Farewell my fallen idol and false friend / We had such hopes, and now those hopes are shattered 
Angel of Music, you deceived me / I gave you my mind blindly  (HOW SHE WHISPERS THAT LAST PART IN THE MOVIE OK)
Stranger than you dreamt it  now you’re stranded in the Hellmouth good job
What warm, unspoken secrets will we learn / Beyond the point of no return
The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn
Down that path into darkness deep as hell  but Toland smiles while he sings this
And of course the classic,  And in this labyrinth where night is blind / The Phantom of the Opera is here inside my mind
Wow! I didn’t even get to the Dreaming City! It’s way more vague than the whole Eris/Toland thing because of course ships take up 80% of my brainspace but idk I just find it so incredibly fitting when it comes to paralleling Savathun/Dul Incaru terrorising the Dreaming City with what Erik does to the opera. Like, everybody knows he’s There but no one can do anything about it, he sends vague threats and kills people but nobody can catch him, and the place is just a giant playground for him to have fun and achieve his personal goals in. And whatever the hell is going on in Masquerade, like
Masquerade! Seething shadows breathing lies Masquerade! You can fool any friend who ever knew you Masquerade! Leering satyrs, peering eyes Masquerade! Run and hide, but a face will still pursue you
wow that sure is subtle. Seething shadows breathing lies, huh. Run and hide, but a face will still pursue you :) And then he crashes the party in a fucking Red Death costume. If this doesn’t have huge Dul Incaru/Siren of Riven energy I don’t know what has.
And of course the shitshow only starts when we kill Riven but the seeds have been planted long, long ago. If you listen closely, you can hear Petra screaming in confusion somewhere under box five.
I know most of this second part is a stretch, BUT! this is my au. And for the record, I know there are very mixed feeling about the 2004 POTO movie but to me personally it was a formative experience, first watched on a very crappy TV in music class at the age of 9 and not even in its entirety, but I was already captivated and shaken to the core, and there’s still, after all those years, something that screams at my soul when I hear the first notes.
And, as a treat for those who suffered with me until the end of this essay,
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cantsaythetword · 3 years
Let Nature Take It’s Course!
~A/N  - HALLO!
Damn I’ve been back to writing a lot today. This one is from a while back when me and one of my best friends (thegirlIhavebeencrushingonforlike2yearsnow) were at her place watching stuff and started messing around with one of those head massager things 
(these things
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you know the ones)
So of course I turned it into a fic, with a little added bit at the end for something I nglreallywishhappenedbutohwell...
Also this is my first MJ and Peter fic (i think)! So lemme know if y’all like it. 
Love you all, I am proud of you, you are doing great <3
- Enoy! ~
When Peter had agreed to a late night study session, he never expected this.
To be at MJ’s house, 5 hours later, watching wild, wacky, and wonderful youtube videos at 3 O’Clock in the morning. 
Yup. They had entered a spiral into the weird side of youtube. And they weren’t getting out of it any time soon. Sure, the first few hours had been productive. They had snacks, laptops out, tea, everything they needed for a night of assignment writing and content memorising. But now, well... They had just finished a video about the Pompeii explosion, and the youtube algorithm had decided that the Bermuda Triangle would be next.
Of course. That’s a logical progression. 
In preparation of the next 10 minutes of mind blowing conspiracies, MJ had decided to get comfy. Meaninglessly lying back against her best friend’s chest.
The best friend in question, however, found this anything but meaningless.
Peter’s heart began to race. Having MJ so close to him was both comforting and exhilarating. His hands grew sweaty, knees weak (arms are heav- ok I’m sorry I’ll stop...), and he just couldn’t concentrate on the video playing in front of him. His thoughts and eyes would just continually drift back to the girl beside him. Something about her kept her in his head, over and over again she ricocheted in his mind like a game of ping pong. And nothing he could would stop it.
In an attempt to stop himself staring at his crush, he let his eyes wander around her bedroom. Not in a creepy way, of course, just to distract himself enough so he didn’t disturb her (or draw attention to himself). It was only the second time Peter had been in MJ’s house, after all, and he couldn’t help but have a bit of a look around.
There was the regular things - posters, pictures of family and friends, jackets, etc. etc., all stuff you’d expect to find in someone’s room.
Then there was the slightly stranger stuff. Like the toy cat they had found for a Halloween costume a year earlier. Or the giraffe onesie that matched Peter's which she had found for a PJ party.  
But none of that was what interested Peter, oh no. As his eyes locked on to a rather interesting object in MJ’s hairbrush holder, he nonchalantly reached over to grab it. It was time for some fun, and thankfully MJ didn’t realise what he was up to. 
With the poise and grace of a... graceful person... he slowly brought his arm back towards him and held the head scratcher over MJ’s relaxed form. Lining up the spokes around her head, he brought it down slowly onto her. 
Oh this was even better than he had imagined.
Her body seemed to seize up immediately, eyes scrunching shut in an adorable grimace, and he could tell there was a threat of giggles gathering in her throat. He gently raised and lowered it a few times, each movement causing her to jerk and shudder in a more entertaining and endearing manner, the smile never leaving her face. 
“Peheh- Pete...” She winced and gasped with each tickly motion. “Cuhu- cut ihit- OUt!”
Eventually he gave her a moment of repose, and she shoved his hands away and gave him a glare.  
“Peter.” She said in a threatening tone, but the boy was way too giddy with himself to notice. 
”What?” He grinned. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”
“Oh, how about you try it then?”
Peter’s face morphed from a teasing smirk to a nervous, open-mouthed smile. He shook his head repeatedly, continuously moving the hand holding the head scratcher so MJ couldn’t grab it off him. The shit-eating grin returned, however, when she gave up and sat back upright to face him.
“Not so brave now are you?” She huffed, giving him a jab to the ribs.
Uh oh.
With the singular small squeak and dramatic flinch, Peter had just signed himself up for a whole world of trouble. And from the look in MJ’s eyes, she wasn’t looking for a further invitation.
She dove onto Peter, forcing him onto his back against the mattress, and began to squeeze her hands into his sides.
He gasped and shrieked, making every effort to stay quiet and not give in to his bubbling laughter, the last thing he wanted was to wake her parents. 
“Come on Peter!” She teased in a sing-songy voice. “It can’t be thaaaat bad.”
“Shuhuhut uHUp!” He squeaked, giggles pouring out of his mouth despite his best efforts to stop them. 
Her fingers were like little tickle machines, perfectly dancing over his ribs in the most torturous way possible, and there was nothing Peter could do about it. Sure he could fight off 5 bad guys at a time with his hands behind his back, but the second anyone wriggled a hand at him he was curled up in the fetal position laughing his head off. 
Ribs, tummy, sides, hips, they all blended into one agonisingly sensitive zone as MJ continued her relentless attack. Once she felt Peter was sufficiently tickled out, she grabbed the head scratcher out of his hand and held it in front of her threateningly. 
“Nononono MJ please!” Peter begged, giggles still getting out of his system. “I can’t tAKE IHIHIT!” 
MJ wasn’t going to take no for an answer, 
Managing to scratch at his head, causing hilarious sputters and squirms out of Peter, she let out a chuckle of her own. Bringing his hands up to block another onslaught, she resorted to another target.
Oh boy was that a good choice.
If Peter’s head was ticklish, his knee was even worse. His leg kicked out and spasmed with every slight movement, and she had managed to land herself on top of his thigh so could easily keep him pinned while torturing him.
Through his teary-eyed laughter, Peter latched into MJ’s armpits, sending her tumbling to the side of him and giving him the opportunity to grab the massager of doom. 
“My turn!” He said through gulps of air, laying on her legs and slowly trailing the scratcher down the sides of her knee. 
She squealed and thrashed behind him but he refused to let go. When her arm got caught underneath him, he moved on to her elbow. Sawing the spokes up and down the length of her arm. While it wasn’t as bad as her knee, it still tickled like crazy, causing her hand to flail around as he moved. 
“Got you now!” He grinned cockily.
Perhaps a little too cockily. 
In his over-confident state, he released some of the pressure keeping MJ trapped, giving her the opportunity to escape his clutches, grab the scratcher, and shove it down onto his shoulder. 
The tingly, tickly sensations shot down his chest and over his back, his body practically vibrating like she had just shot him with a tazer. He collapsed into her and giggled helplessly as she cooed down at him.
“Awwww, someone a little ticklish here huh?” She smirked, adding her fingernails against his neck to increase the sensation. 
His head slammed down towards his shoulder, but it couldn’t block out the sensations. It was just too much, and he was just lying there taking it. He had to act fast if he wanted revenge before he was too tired to do anything. 
Quickly spinning himself around, he sat himself up and readied for battle. Both of them with hands outstretched in claws, waiting for the right time to strike. Peter went first, aiming to tickle all over her exposed neck. She squeaked, shoving her hands into his now wide-open armpits. The two were locked in a tickly tangle, both fighting to ensure the other’s surrender. 
As MJ reached with one hand for the head scratcher, Peter kicked off the bed to get a better angle of attack, and the pair of them went tumbling off the side of the bed.
Landing with a soft “oof”, Peter looked down to realise he was now on top of a still giggly MJ. 
“Sorry...” He blushed, frozen in both embarrassment and infatuation. He broke eye contact for a while, wondering how best to approach the situation. Before he had a chance to think, however, something grabbed at his shirt. The collar tugged his neck downwards, head lowering towards the ground, his eyes turned to face the girl below him and OH MY GOD...!
MJ’s lips met his.
Though it lasted for mere seconds, Peter could feel his body exploding like fireworks. Electricity zapping through his veins, fogging up his brain and relaxing every bone in his body. As she pulled away and he opened his eyes, it was like the room had been blasted with a bright light. There was a shine in his gaze, adoration reflecting through his pupils. He gently brushed the hair from her face and smiled down at her, before lowering his head for another soft kiss.
He fell right into her trap.
As their lips connected, MJ slowly reached for her weapon and plunged it through Peter’s soft, mossy brown curls. She could feel his mouth contort into a helpless giggle of betrayal as he pulled away and fell to her right. He playfully batted her hand away and sat upright to recover.
“You jerk.” He laughed, giving her a playful shove.
“You started it, asshole.” She smirked, shoving him right back. 
The pair locked eyes for a moment, a spark flickering between them, before launching into another round of tickle attacks again.
Ah, young love.
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eyeless-cunt · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write something with EJ or Toby. I'm down to read whatever you feel like writing honestly. I'm sort of new to your blog and so far I really enjoy it! The randomness is so amazing. I never know if I'm gonna be surprised by Rasputin, slightly disturbed/confused by sand up someone's ass, or feel warm and fuzzy after reading a fluff and I love this. - Blue💙
hi yes i screenshoted this and put it in my drafts to answer later but i wanted to answer this last part nOw because it made me laugh
okok so i CAN TELL that you’re new because you’ve only mentioned like two things that happened these past two weeks and THEYRE NOT EVEN THE WORST THINGS TO HAPPEN ON MY BLOG
So I’ve taken this opportunity to list some of what I personally think are the FUNNIEST worst things that have happened within my three years of running this blog
Except they go from awe cute to what the actual fuck
This was maybe about two years ago? Could have been 2018/2019 dno but someone came to me with the headcannon that animals just naturally liked Toby and migrated towards him which was cute but !! THEN SOMEONE DREW HIM AS SNOWWHITE AND IT WAS SO FUNNY FOR NO REASON
People used to send me memes they made of the creeps (which is partly why I made @eyeless-cunt-art because I got like twenty a day and didn’t want to flood my blog) and they were THE funniest shit I literally used to sit on my bedroom floor as my phone charged and laugh my fucking ass off. This was when I had about 500 followers so I was still pretty new. There were a lot of Masky=daddy ones
The fucker wars. I don’t even know how to explain this one but if you search up ‘BEN fucker’ ‘Ej fucker’ ‘Toby fucker’ ect in my tags then you should...find some stuff on that. This is was before I tagged my nsfw stuff as pp warning so minors beware
Psp telling us about two trucks which is about two trucks having a loving relationship including having sex. Also has takes on toxic masculinity. A true masterpiece.
Laughing Jack sucking off Mr Krabs. They are lovers.
Me and Carrion pissing on each other in the shower
Another incident with PSP in which they introduced the cum house to me. That was fun. Look up ‘cum house’ in my tags if you’d like to learn about the house of coom
BEN owning a garfield fursuit
People saying they were going to use Ej’s cum as a face mask
People saying that they wanted to be Ej’s cum jar
That time the Jeff fuckers rose up and decided that we needed a new religion. It was hell on earth. Horny posting in my ask box led to things I’ll get to farther on this list. Look up Jeffism in my tags to see for yourself
Someone off anon saying that BEN probably has a USB stick for a dick. Then a debate breaking out about whether or not he had a usb or water rotted normal dick
Yet again another incident with Psp—they went on to explain about how BEN and Jeffery were murged furbies in an AU
Someone said that BEN and Jeff do nsfw roleplay as garfield and jon
There was a time where someone in my server said they shoved a cockroach up their ass when they were a kid and so it somehow became bug fucking and then that leaked into my blog as well. Anything in my server just can’t be contained. Also J posted bug porn in the horny jail art room so that was fun.
Peter griffen x jeff x herobrine love triangle. This is what truly turned my blog into a hellscape. If my followers weren’t sure what I was ok with before—at this point they knew they could send me the grossest shit and I’d only sob. I got literal writings of explicitly explained smut scenes between these three. Or just two of them. Cock vore, the word cummies, ect all became words I dreaded. I think there was one which included a piss kink? I can’t remember thankfully.
But yeah. My blog is a hellscape and this is only what I remember off the top of my head. Feel free to come in my ask box and talk more about what cursed stuff I’ve forgotten to put in here.
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todoroki-waifu · 3 years
Tanjiro x GN!Reader x Murata (one sided) 
Final: Tanjiro x Reader
Scenario: Murata asks Tanjiro to help him get to know the reader better. He specifically wants Tanjiro to find out if they’re single and their likes/dislikes. Of course, being the nice friend he is, Tanjiro agrees; however, he didn’t expect to fall in love with the reader as well.  
Word Count: 6518
Genre: Slight angst, drama, and fluff. 
Warnings: Gender neutral reader, cursing, love triangle, and some mentions of blood. 
“I can’t believe I’m tired already and we still have the rest of the afternoon. I hope I can make it.” You pout slightly, settling down on the outside porch of the Butterfly Estate. All the lower ranks were to train with the higher ranks and Pillars in order to prepare for the battle against Muzan. You and Tanjiro just finished training with Uzui, now waiting for the rest of your group to meet for lunch.
“I’m sure you can make it! You’re strong and I believe in you!” You slightly blushed at his words of encouragement, now feeling that you would regain your strength after your short break.
“Thanks, Tanjiro-kun.” You reply back as you look up at the sky, watching the clouds as you both sat there in silence. Tanjiro eyes you from the side, remembering his promise to Murata. He knew the boy wanted to know if you had a significant other, but it was hard for Tanjiro to bring it up. So he decided to start with smaller questions.
“Hey, __(y/n), I don’t think I ever asked you this but what’s your favorite color?” He asks and you turn your attention to him.
“You and your random questions. I hope you’re not collecting any data to use against me.” You laugh jokingly as he stutters slightly.
“O-of course not. I’d never do that to you. I-I’m genuinely curious.” Tanjiro hopes his cover isn’t blown.
“I’m just kidding. I know you won’t. Anyway, my favorite color is __(color).” And that simple question opened up a discussion of different topics. You noticed Tanjiro asking you random questions for the past two weeks, but figured he was just a curious guy. You actually enjoyed it since you loved his company. You met at Mount Natagumo and ended up seeing each other more often. The trio plus Nezuko basically added you to their group, seeing how frequently you were paired with them for missions. You didn’t mind. You got along well with them. 
“___(y/n)-chaaaan!” You hear a familiar thunder user’s voice. “Save meeee! I’m gonna diiiiie!”
You and Tanjiro turn your heads towards the entrance of the Butterfly mansion, the dark red head’s eyes widening slightly at how fast Zenitsu was running. Zenitsu was sprinting to you with wide arms, whining about how mean Sanemi was and how his tough training was killing him. Tanjiro reacts quickly, grabbing the front of your uniform and pulling you towards him. You froze at the sudden pull, your hands unconsciously latching onto Tanjiro’s chest. 
“Z-z-zenitsu!” He grabbed you just in time, watching the yellow orange haired male hug the air and fall beside you. “You have to be careful! You were running way too fast and could’ve hurt __(y/n)!" 
"But I’m going to diiiiie.” Zenitsu pouts as you hear Tanjiro scold him some more. Your heart was racing not only from being potentially tackled, but at how closely pressed you were to Tanjiro. He ignores Zenitsu’s complaints as he glances down at you, both his arms now encased around you. 
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“Y-yes, I’m fine. Thank you, T-tanjiro.” Your nerves were twisting and shaking, causing your voice to break during your sentence. Tanjiro couldn’t respond right away, his own heart racing at the proximity. He suddenly becomes aware of how __(color) and alluring your eyes were. 
The way you stared up at him, the way your lips were slightly parted, and how your hair frames your face; Tanjiro is only now appreciating your beauty. He felt a few degrees warmer as his breath was trapped in his lungs. He didn’t understand why his heart was pacing so quickly almost as if it was chasing something… or someone? 
“I-I-I’m so sorry!” He immediately releases you from his hold as he scoots back a bit as if to return your space. “I didn’t mean to just grab you like that. That was so rude of me, I truly apologize!”
Before he could bow, you held onto his shoulders, reassuring him that you were just fine.
“Don’t be silly! I’m glad you did that. Otherwise, I might’ve bumped heads with Zenitsu-kun or he might have squished me." 
Tanjiro laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head as he hears Inosuke and Murata at the entrance. Ah, and that was another thing you noticed lately. Murata has been hanging out with your group a bit more often than usual. You assumed he probably felt like he wanted to connect more with all of you or that maybe his circle of friends were split up during training sessions. 
"Hi Inosuke-kun, Murata-kun.” You greet the boys with a smile and wave.
“The great Inosuke-sama has completed his training! Now I’m hungry… let’s get food!" 
"H-h-hi, __(y/n)-chan! How was your morning?” Murata instantly blushes at your smile, butterflies swarming in his stomach. 
“We should go see if Aoi-san needs any help! C'mon, guys.” Tanjiro gets behind Zenitsu and Insouke, pushing them to the kitchen area.
“We should go, too.” You tell Murata, but Tanjiro stops the both of you.
“It’s okay! We’ll be quick. We’ll come back if we’re not needed. You guys just…just stay there!” He immediately rushes his two friends as you tilt your head to the side slightly.
“Why are we hiding? I thought we were going to the kitchen?” Inosuke grumbles with his arms crossed.
“Oh, good! They’re talking.” Tanjiro lets out a small sigh, peeking out the window, careful to not be seen. He stopped pushing the boys once he was at a safe distance from you, checking if Murata was taking the opportunity he had given him. 
“He still hasn’t confessed?” Zenitsu knew about Murata’s dilemma, surprised that the black haired boy still made no move. “If it was me, I would’ve just asked ___(y/n) to be mine." 
"You already do.” The flame and water user rolls his eyes. “Murata-san is just really nervous. He wants to make sure he confesses to them properly." 
Zenitsu eyes his friend in the green and black checkered haori, blinking curiously when he notices Tanjiro’s gaze focused on you. When your laughter echoed in the courtyard, his sensitive ears picked up the quickening rate of Tanjiro’s heartbeat. Before he could question, Aoi found them lounging in the middle of the hallway, scolding them to hurry into the lunch room. 
That night, the three boys were getting ready for bed, laying out their futons on the floor. 
"You stupid boar, move your futon! That is MY spot!” Zenitsu yells, glaring at the mountain boy who laid right in the middle of the room. 
“No it’s not! It’s mine!” Inosuke grabs his pillow, ready to defend his territory.
“You’re supposed to be sleeping closest to the door! And you’re not even lined up properly!” Zenitsu was starting to get cranky, tried from today’s training and the dreadful feeling of knowing he had to do it all over again. 
Tanjiro ignores the bickering, concerned about his missing sister. He hasn’t seen her since dinner and she was usually with them around this time. She wasn’t one to wander either. He gets up from the floor, neglecting his half folded bed to search for his younger sibling. 
“Nezuko!” He calls out to her, careful with how loud his voice was so he wouldn’t disturb the other Butterfly residents. Tanjiro stops momentarily, picking up a sweet and joyful scent. It made his entire being warm with happiness, a smile slowly stretching his lips. He even felt like laughing, but held back the idea when his eyes caught two familiar beings. 
There you were, in the middle of the courtyard with his sister, jumping and spinning wildly. The two of you were dancing in the rain, giggling at each other’s movements. Nezuko noted a huge puddle forming to her left and immediately bounced both her feet into the water, creating a small series of waves around her legs. 
She made a noise to catch your attention, grabbing your hand as she pointed to another puddle. She stops in front of it, never letting go of your hand while she looks at you then to the water then back at you. The hand holding yours begins to slightly swing as if readying the both of you to dive into the miniature pond. You nodded, agreeing with her proposal and counted to three so that you both leaped at the same time. 
Nezuko cheers happily against her bamboo muzzle, raising her arms in excitement as you laugh, also holding your arms up. Your arms were stretched out horizontally, spinning around a few times and stopping just before you felt dizzy. Nezuko continues to hop into every puddle she sees as you stand for a moment in the rain, tilting your head up and allowing the water to wash over you. 
“Where is everyone?” Zenitsu realized that he was left alone with Inosuke, wondering where their third member went. As he passed by a few rooms in search of Tanjiro, he didn’t see you or Nezuko either. The yellow and orange haired male can hear a sequence of loud thumps, his feet following the sound until he finally reaches its source. 
“Tanjiro?” He says quietly, catching his friend standing on the engawa and looking out to the open space. Zenitsu’s eyes quickly traced to what had him so entranced. He finds you standing there, head slightly tilted back as you continue to be doused with water. You gave off a relaxed aura as you breathed in and out deeply. And there was Nezuko in the back, busying herself with the multiple puddles littering the courtyard. Even Zenitsu’s heart did a small jump at the sight of the warm scene before him. 
“What are they doing? Are they training?” Inosuke’s rough voice makes Zenitsu jump in surprise.
“What? No! They’re just play-”
“I’m gonna fight them! Let’s fight!!” He roars loudly as he zips towards you and Nezuko, causing the both of you to yelp in surprise.
“I-inosuke! Stop! Be careful!” Tanjiro is finally released from his daze, stepping down from the porch to stop Inosuke from chasing after you and his sister.
“You dumbass! Why are you bothering my sweet Nezuko and __(y/n)?” Zenitsu joins the spinning circle. 
“Gah!” Tanjiro accidentally slips on the wet ground during the chase and you quickly rush to his aid. Tanjiro’s fall momentarily stops everyone from running while Zenitsu immediately appears next to Nezuko, checking to see if she was okay and of course, complimenting how cute she was. 
“Are you okay?” You hold out a hand for Tanjiro to use as a leverage off the floor. 
“Yeah, I am. Thanks. I managed to break my fall a bit so I didn’t land too hard on the ground.” He takes your hand, accepting your help as he is finally on his feet. 
“I’m sorry about us playing in the rain. I didn’t mean for us to be out too late. And I also didn’t mean for Nezuko to get so soaked.” You hoped he wasn’t too upset with you for allowing Nezuko to be out in this type of weather. You were outside first and all of sudden, Nezuko appeared and begged you to let her join you. How could you say no? 
“I-it’s okay! No worries at all! I’m just glad you guys are okay. It was really nice of you for letting my sister play with you. I could tell she was having a great time, so, thank you for making her happy." 
"It’s no problem at all. I love your little sister. She’s wonderful to be around with.” You look to where the others were, smiling as you see Nezuko returning to her original task with Inosuke competing with her on who can make the biggest splash and Zenitsu telling him to let Nezuko be. 
Tanjiro stays silent as his gaze is focused on you again. You note his lack of words and you turn your head to the burgundy haired slayer, tilting your head at his staring. His eyes take in your cute and confused form, your drenched hair adhering to your face closely.  Before you could question his silence, the rain came down harder. 
“Oh wow, I thought it would stop soon.” You say as you find Tanjiro’s hair now falling to the front, almost blocking his beautiful, deep magenta eyes. You raise your hand up to his face, using your fingers to comb his hair back and securing them behind his ears. You smile once you get a clear view of his eyes, the boy’s cheeks burning a bright red. 
“There, now I can see your pretty eyes better.” You tease as Tanjiro’s face glows brighter. 
‘There it is again.’ Zenitsu turns his attention to the two of you. 
The rhythm starts to get faster again.
’Now he’s making a different sound.’
'Why does it sound like it’s getting closer?' Zenitsu frowns at the change of tone, trying to decipher the sound.
“Kyyaahh!” Zenitsu screeches at the new sound, recognizing it as thunder. A flash follows the rumbling, Zenitsu immediately recalling the time he had a very close encounter with lightning. He clings onto Nezuko, big tears dripping down his face as he now begs for everyone to go inside. Nezuko blinks at her frightened friend, patting his head gently as she is reminded of when Ryouta used to cry during thunderstorms. 
“I’m not afraid of any storm! Come fight me, thunder!” Inosuke shouts to the sky. The loud clap forced you and Tanjiro to gather the rest of the group inside, finally getting yourselves settled for the night. As Tanjiro lays on his futon, staring up at the ceiling, he thinks back to where you were dancing in the rain. 
You looked so beautiful spinning around so carefree and happy. He remembers your fingers adjusting his hair to its usual style and how you light and gentle your touch was when he felt it graze against his cheek and ear. Your touch and gaze sent a chill up his spine while his heart began beating against his chest. He quickly changes his position, laying on his side as he tries to focus on sleeping.
A few weeks pass and it has been the same between you and Tanjiro. Him asking questions or simply sitting beside you either on the engawa or in the middle of the forest during breaktime from training. It was something he looked forward to everyday. When you went out on a mission, he became slightly distracted and a bit more mellow for those three days you were gone. However, when he learns of your return, his demeanor is suddenly lifted.
That is until he hears you’re admitted to the Butterfly Estate for a head injury.
“Tanjiro!” He turns around to the source of the voice, recognizing Murata as the one calling him. 
“Hey man! Good thing I caught you. I need you to give this to __(y/n), please. I’d give it myself, but I feel a bit guilty since I was on the mission with them. I got too distracted by the enemy and I wasn’t there when they needed me. But anyway, please tell __(y/n) that I’ll see them later. I have to give the report to Oyakata-sama.” Murata hands him a small bouquet of flowers, turning towards their master’s home. 
“Wait! But…is __(y/n) okay?” Tanjiro was worried about your current state.
“Yeah, they’re fine. When the medics came, they said it was a minor concussion, but they still needed to be admitted and monitored. Anyway, I really gotta go. Thanks again, Tanjiro!”
“Y-yeah. You’re welcome! Good luck!” He tells Murata as he stares down at the flowers. Tanjiro also starts to feel guilty for not presenting a gift and feels slightly inferior to Murata. He immediately shakes that thought out of his head, almost forgetting his secret mission. He wasn’t supposed to feel competitive towards his friend. He promised Murata to help his feelings reach you. 
“Tanjiro-kun!” You beamed at him, your heart happily leaping that he is your first guest and the sight of flowers in his hands. You tried to calm yourself, not wanting to look too gleeful at the assumption that the bouquet was for you. 
“__(y/n)! I’m glad you’re okay. I’m sorry to hear about your concussion. Is it painful?” Tanjiro continues to eye your bandage. 
“I had a massive headache earlier, but I got some medicine from Aoi-chan, so, it’s much better now." 
"That’s good.” He almost forgets that he is still holding the flowers. “These are for you." 
"Aw, Tanjiro, thank you! These are so nice.” You gladly accept them, inspecting and admiring the flowers’ beauty. 
“They’re actually from Murata-san. He was really worried about you and wanted you to have these. He wanted to give them to you right away, but he said he has to meet with Oyakata-sama." 
"O-oh! I see. I have to thank him later.” You were both surprised and disappointed that it didn’t come from Tanjiro, but you were still grateful for the small gesture. You just wished it was from the boy who you had a crush on. “Well, thank you for delivering them." 
Did Tanjiro only visit to give you the flowers as instructed? You thought he was here on his own and that he was truly concerned. Maybe he was, but it did seem as if he was here only for Murata.
"You’re welcome. So, what exactly happened on your mission?” He starts the conversation, but suddenly, you’re not in the mood for visitors at the moment. Yet part of you doesn’t want him to go away. 
Before you answer, it was as if someone else decided for you and a knock was heard following the sound of the door opening. It was Aoi with a small tray of tea, medication, and bandages. 
“Sorry, Tanjiro, but __(y/n) needs their treatment and rest. You can visit them later." 
"Oh, right. Sorry about that.” Tanjiro stands up, putting his chair aside as he smiles at you. “I’ll see you later? I hope you feel better soon." 
"Thanks, Tanjiro. See you later.” You wave a hand to him before he exits the room. 
That evening, Murata had visited you as promised, updating you on what had happened before you lost consciousness during the mission. He apologizes repeatedly, even getting on the floor to show how guilty he felt for not protecting you. You reassure him it was okay and that you were not mad at all.
Then the conversation turns into a very different subject. Murata begins to confess his feelings to you and how he had asked Tanjiro to help him scout information on you. Murata tells you everything, again feeling guilty for using Tanjiro as a middle person instead of him going directly to you. He was too shy and afraid of your reaction and thought that the plan in his mind would work out. 
However, cupid’s arrow decided to go a different route and Murata knew to not stand in its way. Another reason why he decided to bring this up now was due to his curiosity. Though he knew his chances of being with you was low, he knew he’d regret it if he never asked. 
Unfortunately for him, his assumptions were right. You couldn’t return his feelings, but he was happy you weren’t too upset at him for what he did. He also begged you to not be angry at Tanjiro, solely taking the blame on himself. You again reassured him that all was well and that you were not upset at anyone. Instead you apologized that you couldn’t reciprocate his feelings.
Once the awkward tension disappears, you’re glad that you still have a friend. You have a quick and light conversation with him and before he leaves for the night, you make sure to thank him for the flowers. Once you’re alone, you sigh loudly to yourself, slightly shocked at what you learned.
Tanjiro was only talking to you for Murata and not because he wanted to get to know you. You knew you couldn’t be angry at anyone, but you definitely felt different with Tanjiro. You’re so upset that your crush didn’t want to get close to you willingly. You sigh again, mentally yelling at yourself to not think so much about it and that it was to be expected that Tanjiro might not feel the same as you. But that thought definitely made small cracks in your heart. 
“What? You told __(y/n) everything?!” Tanjiro exclaims, surprised at Murata’s bold move. He was so frightened to even talk to you yet here he was telling Tanjiro that he finally confessed to you.
“Yeah, I did. I felt too guilty and it was definitely wrong of me to make you be the middleman. I should’ve had more courage in the beginning instead of involving you. So, I’m really sorry for the trouble." 
"It’s no trouble at all. I’m not upset. I’m just shocked you told them the truth. Were they mad?" 
"No, not one bit. __(y/n) actually apologized that they didn’t like me back, but I told them it was okay. We’re still friends, but I’m not gonna lie and say it doesn’t suck.”
“I’m really sorry about that, Murata-san.” Tanjiro places a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s fine. I mean, I had a feeling it wouldn’t work out, but hey, I think you have a good chance with them!" 
"Me? What makes you say that?” Tanjiro blushes at the mention of you and him potentially being lovers.
“Well, I’m gonna be honest with you, another reason why I decided to tell __(y/n) the truth was I started to notice something. The way you look at them and when you talk about them, your facial expression and tone become different. And different in a good way. You get super excited and happy, which isn’t a bad thing! But that means you totally have a thing for __(y/n), right? And I’m not gonna be mad or jealous at all. If anything, you guys have my blessing! I can see how much you really care for ___(y/n) and I don’t think I’m the right match for them.”
“Hold on, now I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to take them away from you. I hope I didn’t seem that way.” Tanjiro frowns, confused at Murata’s sudden disinterest in pursuing you. He really had every intention of helping his friend!
“God no! I know you’re not that type. I’m just saying, the way you look at __(y/n) and the way they look at you…there’s definitely something there and I’m not gonna get in between that." 
"Y-you really think so?" 
"It is so obvious, even the other three know it.” Murata was referring to Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko. They bid each other good night after a while, the Kamado boy smiling to himself as he felt relieved that he didn’t have to play matchmaker anymore. It also felt good to finally admit his feelings for you to himself. 
You were off of bedrest for a while, but decided to avoid the Kamaboko group for a bit. You were confused and conflicted after Murata’s confession and decided you wanted to either be by yourself or with a different group of friends such as Genya and Kanao. You were glad that this week you were paired with Genya for training, but trying to start conversations with him wasn’t the same. He either didn’t say much or he froze up.  
While you were on break from training, you decided to sit out on the engawa where you and Tanjiro usually sat at the Butterfly Mansion. You shook your head to clear your mind of the memory, focusing on meditating and total concentration breathing. You and Tanjiro were in different groups so you had assumed your breaks wouldn’t overlap. 
“___(y/n)!” Ah, what timing. Normally, you’d love to spend time with Tanjiro, but you were so disappointed that it hurt to think about him.
“Hey, Tanjiro.” You smile slightly as you stand to greet him.
“It’s been a while. How is your head?” 
“Much better. I’m all healed up and was cleared to practice my sword and techniques.” You tried to be polite, but deep down, you just wanted to leave.
“That’s good. I heard you’re in a different group this week. How has it been? Are they treating you well? We all miss you, you know. Me, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko.” 
“Tanjiro…you know, you don’t have to keep hanging out with me.” You felt like you were going to explode if you didn’t get the burden off your chest.
“What do you mean?” Tanjiro frowned, shocked at your response. 
“Murata-kun told me everything. From how he likes me to how you tried to help him. I’m not mad, I’m just a bit surprised.“ You avoided looking at him, your eyes moving from the clouds, trees, and the ground. "So, you don’t have to force yourself to spend time with me anymore. I know you have a busy schedule so I wouldn’t want to take that away from you. We can still hang out, like all four of us when we have a bit of extra time, but you know. . .you don’t have to go out of your way to get to know me anymore either. I wouldn’t want you to do anything you didn’t want to." 
Why did it hurt so much telling him that? If he was only being around you for the sake of his friend, that wouldn’t be fair to him. You didn’t want to be selfish, but not seeing him as often as usual was going to be a bit. . .lonely. 
"But __(y/n), it’s reall-" 
"Tanjiro, really, it’s fine. Like I said, I’m not mad or upset. But anyway, I actually have to go. . .so. . .see you around.” You bowed your head slightly at the male before walking towards the exit, telling your heart to be strong and to not let your emotions on display. You didn’t want Tanjiro to feel like he had to comfort you. You were done getting your hopes up. 
“Wait!” Tanjiro was too slow to respond, too stunned and panicked to get his thoughts organized. You were already gone, but Tanjiro caught a scent of sadness from you before you left. He could feel his heart unhappily thump against his ribcage, causing a small pain as his eyes watered more than usual. 
The rest of the day and the next week was difficult for both of you. You were used to the routine of spending a few minutes of alone time, but now, your alone time was spent, well, alone. You tried to nap during down time, but it was hard without thinking about Tanjiro. 
The checkered haori slayer was the same, thinking about you and wondering how you were and if the both of you were going to have normal conversations again. He sighed, trying to speak with you, but was always interrupted either by you saying you had something to attend to or busy with missions and training. While Tanjiro thinks of a way to communicate with you, his thoughts are now directed towards his crow flying above him. 
“Caw! Caw! Kamado, Tanjiro! Here are your orders. Head to the Takayama village and hunt the two demons terrorizing the village. The two demons have raided the neighboring towns and continue to spread their chaos. You will be with a team of four, who you are to meet at the front gate now. Prepare yourself well! Caw!” The black bird flies away and Tanjiro gathers his belongings and Nezuko before heading to the meeting place. 
He sees you standing by the gate, bidding your ___(bird) farewell as it flies away. Once his footsteps catch your attention, you turn to greet the person. You freeze slightly, recognizing Tanjiro and you couldn’t believe your luck. Your heart was pounding and you were slightly nervous, remembering how awkward it was between the two of you.
“Hey, Tanjiro.” You politely greet him, giving him a small wave.
“Hey, __(y/n).” He replies back, stopping a good distance from you. His heart was also racing, feeling the tension swirling around you and him. But this was his chance! The rest of the group wasn’t here yet.
“__(y/n), I really need to talk to you. I know that we haven-" 
"Alright!! Let’s go kill some demons!" 
"Why do you look so happy?! Don’t you know we’re gonna die?” Zenitsu begrudgingly walks to the front gate with Inosuke in front of him. 
“Hah! As if! I’m gonna kill them first!” Inosuke replies back. 
“Oh, Inosuke-kun, Zenitsu-kun! It’s been a while since we’ve been on a mission together.” You mentally let out a sigh of relief, happy that you didn’t have to engage in an awkward conversation. Tanjiro frowns at the interruption, his heart growing a bit heavier as he can feel any hope of you two patching things up slowly disappearing.
The five of you head towards your destination, reaching near the village by nightfall. Most of the people in the town were hiding in their homes, not a single soul was out in the streets. They have heard rumors about their surrounding towns being attacked by demons and became frightened of becoming victims. 
“We should split up. If there are two demons, we can find them faster if we’re separated.” Tanjiro suggests.
“I can look for them by myself!” Inosuke unsheathes his swords. 
“No, you won’t. Don’t underestimate them, Inosuke. Your safety comes first, not competing on who can kill who faster.” Tanjiro advises as the boar man stares at him with a giddy expression. “Anyway, I’ll go with Inosuke. Zenitsu, you go with __(y/n)." 
You were a bit surprised he didn’t try to pair himself with you, but you figured now wasn’t the time to ponder too deeply into it. The four of you head into the woods, splitting into different directions with your partners. 
Zenitsu screams loudly as a figure shoots out from above, attempting to pounce on you both. 
"Perfect! I’ll be ahead of the game once I eat you two.” He shouts, opening his mouth wide to dip his fangs into your flesh. Zenitsu runs behind a tree, trembling in fear while you go to swipe at the demon’s face. He immediately dodges your swing, but quickly attacks again. 
You learn that the demon was competing with the second one and they were playing a sick game on who could consume the most by the end of the night. Because of how much he’s been eating consistently almost every night, his strength was difficult to handle. 
Zenitsu watches in horror as the demon slashes at your back and arm, soaking your uniform with blood. After exchanging a few blows, you and the enemy are pushed back onto the ground, just a few feet apart. Your partner whimpers loudly when the monster crawls to you and grabs your ankle tightly, his sharp nails puncturing through your skin and muscle. He roughly lifts you up, spinning you a few times before throwing you against the tree the thunder user was hiding behind. 
“You’re next.” He laughs, slowly walking towards Zenitsu and you as you momentarily lose consciousness. 
“__(y/n)!” Zenitsu is by your side, panicking at the damage you received. He scolds himself for not participating in the fight and thinks how lucky he was to have a friend like you to tolerate his cowardly behavior. He also thinks of Tanjiro, knowing he would be so disappointed and angry to allow you to get hurt. 
“Run, Zenitsu. . .” You knew how hard this was for him. “I got thi. . .I’ll catch up, I promise.” You struggled to get up, but your injured ankle sends a sharp pain up your leg and through your spine, causing you to momentarily be paralyzed. You calmed yourself, readjusting to the pain. You look at Zenitsu, telling him again to hurry and leave.
“I. . .I won’t!” He refuses as he unsheathes his sword, blocking the demon’s attack. You argue back that you could handle the demon by yourself and you’ll find him once you are finished. 
“Zenitsu, listen to me! I told you I got-”
“No, __(y/n)! I can’t just leave you! I won’t let the person who Tanjiro loves die! He’ll be heartbroken if you’re gone. I don’t want him or any of us to go through that!”
“T-t-tanjiro. . .loves me?” You stare at him with wide eyes, shocked and in disbelief at the indirect confession. "Wait. . .what? Why? And how? How do you know he loves me? Did he tell you?“ 
"He didn’t have to tell me! I could tell by his sound. . .there’s this noise his heart makes and it’s been there for a while and it gets stronger everyday!" Zenitsu explains quickly as he runs away from the demon’s attacks. 
"Are you sure? Like are you really sure?” Your heart was pounding quickly but it wasn’t from the battle. 
“Yes! Of course! He’s been falling for you since the beginning but he was holding himself back to give you away to Murata because Tanjiro knew that Murata had feelings for you!" 
"Really? Does Tanjiro still have the noise? Do I have the noise? Does Inosuke and Nezuko know about this, too?”
“Should we really be talking about this right now!?” He screeches, becoming distracted by your torrent of questions as he almost misses blocking a set of sharp claws. You apologize quickly, forcing yourself to stand up and refocus on your mission. 
However, as soon as you stood up, Zenitsu was thrown to you, knocking you to the floor once again. The demon charges to your direction, licking his lips in anticipation. Before you could switch spots with your partner to take the blow for him, a third person emerges from the trees. 
“Found you!” Inosuke yells, but his twin swords miss your assailant. “Huh? You’re not the demon we were just fighting.”
“__(y/n)! Zenitsu!” You turn your head to Tanjiro’s voice and frown at the injuries on his person. Taking a deep breath, you concentrated your energy and mentality on the battle. You thought of multiple moves and plans to secure victory, sharing your ideas with the others. The second demon that Inosuke and Tanjiro were targeting found them, but instead of teaming up with his competition, their greed cost them. 
They argued constantly on who was going to eat who, which you and the others took advantage of whenever their attention was elsewhere. It definitely was not easy defeating the two, but it made things easier with your team. It took hours to defeat them which left you all panting on the floor from exhaustion, but you were grateful for another successful mission. 
You were the first to recover during your three day stay at the Butterfly Estate. Thankfully, your injuries were only mild, but the other three were recovering a bit slower than you. You were okay to return for training and missions tomorrow so you were planning on making the best out of the rest of your day.
“May I sit here?” You look to your left to see Tanjiro standing a few feet away from you.
“Oh! Hey Tanjiro, did Shinobu-san medically clear you also?” You gently pat the empty seat beside you, indicating for him to take the spot beside you.
“Yeah, just a few minutes ago.” He answers as he situates himself on the engawa. 
“That’s good. Now we wait for Inosuke and Zenitsu." 
"Yeah.” Tanjiro says softly, looking at the ground in front of him. He doesn’t wait too long to give you the opportunity to leave like before, needing to release the heaviness on his chest.
“I-I’m sorry! Please forgive me!” The burgundy haired slayer shouts suddenly, almost scaring you from the sudden burst of noise. “I know you’re upset with me because of what happened with Murata. I’m sure you must have felt angry and sad and you kept that to yourself all this time just to spare my and Murata’s feelings. You went through a lot because of my carelessness. I shouldn’t have agreed to help Murata-san had I known I was going to fall for you, too. But __(y/n), you’re wonderful. You’re kind, sweet, selfless, strong, funny, beautiful, and you make me feel so. . .so happy. So please, please know that I don’t regret or feel that the time I spent with you was a waste. I loved every second of it. It was the best part of my day and I always looked forward to it. I’m really sorry, __(y/n). I know I don’t expect you to forgive me right away or not be upset, but I miss you so much. I miss your company. I miss laughing with you. I miss sharing memories and secrets with each other. I just miss us being okay." 
You gently lift his shoulders from the ground after watching him bow lowly to you. 
"Tanjiro, of course I forgive you. I was never going to stop talking to you. I just wanted some time for myself. I know I might have seemed upset at you, but I was more upset about the situation." Your chest has a tiny knot from hearing him express how he felt. "I can’t be mad at you if you didn’t have feelings for me and wanted to help Murata. I was just confused and felt extremely dumb because I liked you, but when he told me everything, well I definitely felt embarrassed and disappointed.”
“I’m really, really sorry, __(y/n).” His heart would have done a happy leap when you mentioned your feelings for him. Instead, he was thinking of all the 'what ifs’ scenarios. Would things be different if he admitted his feelings earlier?
“Do you regret. . .falling for me?” You ask quietly, afraid of his answer, but curiosity would not let you hold back. 
“No, not at all! Never! I’m glad that my heart chose you. I just wish the situation could have been different. But like I said, I truly enjoyed getting to know you.”
“I enjoyed your company and your 21 questions.” You chuckle slightly. “Do you still have feelings for me?" 
"Y-yes, I do. They haven’t gone away.” Tanjiro looks down shyly, but his head shoots up quickly when he feels a pair of soft lips make quick contact with his own. 
“Me, too.” You send a small smile, scooting a bit closer to him. Although the kiss was short, he was left speechless, almost as if he was questioning if it truly happened. You start to get a bit nervous at his silence, looking at Tanjiro meekly. He responds back with a swift peck on your lips as well, both of your faces now painted with red. 
When you both finally have the courage to face each other, you share a laugh as you feel confident enough to snuggle into his side. You rest your head on his shoulder, snaking your arms around his. He, too, is feeling bold as the arm that was being held takes your hand and holds it firmly. You and Tanjiro say nothing, letting your hearts do the talking with the sound of their beating. 
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miraculous-rewrite · 3 years
Miraculous Rewrite- Flashback
Nathalie has reached her tipping point
We start out on the Agreste mansion once again, but this time we see standing in the darkened lair, hand on Emilie’s cryopod, is of course Nathalie. Nooroo is hovering nervously beside her and she looks pissed. 
We see in the glare of the pod the quickest flash of a memory, just a little girl with blonde hair and a camcorder smiling down at someone. 
“I’m so. Tired. Of this.” She hisses. 
“Miss Sancour-”
“Does he think this is a game?!” She slams her fist down onto the pod, it shakes slightly but isn’t disturbed. “He brought me into this, how is HE the one that’s not taking things seriously anymore?!” She turns away and starts to pace.
“Gabriel IS already well aware of your anger with him, what’s the point in lingering on it?” Nooroo tried weakly, but at Nathalie’s glare he quickly quiets.
“Oh I know he knows, but that doesn’t mean I’m any less FURIOUS.” She cries and storms to a nearby wall, punching it angrily. “We’re NOT siblings. He’s just married to my sister! He just uses me to project about his stupid drama with his stupid brother!” 
“You’ve called him your brother before…”
“Because he was being relentless! I had no other choice! But now he’s making HIS choice and apparently it’s to acknowledge that this whole thing was only fun for him when he got to hold all the cards!”
“...I wouldn’t say it was ever ‘fun’ for him-”
“I’m not playing his stupid little micromanaging game anymore. If he decided my sister’s LIFE isn’t worth collaborating with people he doesn’t want to work with-”
She cuts herself off with a quick ‘transform me’ and as Monarcha she turns to the window.
“Then I don't see why I shouldn't pay him the same respect.”
Cue intro
We start out on a menu, some fancy looking dishes listed therein. The menu pans up for a bit before we see a pair of dark blue eyes surrounded by equally blue eyeshadow peering above the top of the menu.
We cut away abruptly to see Adrien looking at the Menu with Chloe peering over the top at him. 
“Ack!” Adrien jumps and drops the Menu, but Chloe stays half perched on the table to peer imperiously at him.
“Adrikins~ So now that I’ve come to terms with my own bullshit it’s time to hound you about yours~”
“Oh so you’ve finally internalized your guilt complex about what happened when the Wolf Showed up and fully processed that it’s not your fault that Alya’s been going Heist Crazy for the past while? And you’re going to hound me about addressing my stubborn refusal to let the reality of my situation sink in by deflecting everything with goofs and jokes?”
Chloe blinks twice “I was gonna say ‘what are you gonna do about the whole ‘Marinette and Kagami’ thing, but if you’d RATHER-”
Chloe chuckles. 
“So what are you gonna do?” she asks once their food gets there. “You still love Marinette, Ali going all ‘lovelove Akuma’ proved that, And you love Kagami too-”
“Yes, I know i’m horrible-”
“BUT I don’t know if you noticed, but Kagami was having a similar thing with you and Marinette while she was under too.” Adrien splutters around his glass of bubbly drink while Chloe takes another bite of her food. 
“Wait- Really?” Adrien coughs. 
“Mmmhm…” Chloe looks off to the side. “Jury’s still out on Marinette though, I’ll talk to Cesaire about what she might have found out about all of this, but I'm not exactly close enough to her to ask myself.”
“I don’t see why she’d-”
“Adrikins, Marinette was completely in love with you for ALL of College. And like a solid seventy percent of her spars with Kagami are full of such raw romantic tension I could write an entire romance novel out of it and I’m not even a writer.”
“Wait, Chloe, what are you getting at?”
“What am I- Adrien. Likes. Kagami. And. Marinette. Kagami likes Marinette and Adrien. Marinette likes Adrien and Kagami. All three like each other. ALL. THREE. LIKE. EACH. OTHER.”
“....A Love triangle?”
Chloe throws her head back with a groan.
“Yeah I know I’m in a love triangle Chloe, if that’s all you’ve got to say-”
Hard cut to Plagg and Shorr sitting on a little dish on the corner of the table, Plagg itching some cheesy bread, and Shorr munching on a cinnamon bun. 
“So how long will it take your charge?”
“Give him some time, my kitten isn’t the smartest at relationships.”   
We cut back to Adrien and Chloe. “But wait you said you were done sorting through your own bull DOES THAT MEAN-”
“Chloe! I’m SO proud of you!” Chloe’s face turns bright red 
“No! No! I gotta hear this! Come oooonnn come back to the apartment with me! You haven’t met Uncle Michael and Aunt Lucia yet!”
Chloe lets out a long annoyed groan, but as the bill is paid and the two of them get up, when Adrien grabs her wrist and begins to drag her off Chloe follows without TOO much complaint.
Of course that doesn’t mean NO complaining.
“Can I get an Akuma? Can I PLEASE get an Akuma?”
 “Ugh, has NINO met them yet? Isn’t HE your ‘best bro for life’?” 
“I doubt that hovel you’ve holed up in will- okay I can’t even finish that sentence.”
But they’re already finishing climbing the stairs to their apartment by then. 
But just as Adrien and Chloe approach the apartment, and Adrien pulls out his keys, a flicker of black catches her eye. 
“Oh shit-” Adiren lunges forward, tossing his keys at Chloe and pushes her aside, before clasping his hand tightly around the butterfly.
“Call Marinette, if I can keep hold of this thing it’ll be okay.”
“WOW.” But Chloe nonetheless pulls out her cellphone. 
As they carefully enter the apartment now, Chloe handling the door because now Adrien is doing everything one handed. And inside Adrien calls out a quick ‘I’m home’ before leading Chloe into his room. 
“So… We just brought an Akuma into your house.”
“Yup. Think you can open the window so Ladybug can get in?”
“You’re not the boss of me.” She says as she is opening the window.
“She text back yet?”
“Nnnope-” Chloe’s phone buzzes just as she says so. “Oh, yeah. She’s on her way.”
“Good. My hand’s cramping.”
“Is there anything we could do to make sure it doesn't possess something?”
“Beats me.” 
Chloe thinks for a moment before pulling off her bracelet. “Okay, let's do a little experimentation then.” Shorr is worried as she hands them back the bracelet. 
“Chloe what are you-”
“Gonna go meet your uncle. Keep hold of that thing, Adrikins.” Chloe pinches his cheek and winks.
When Chloe walks out she’s immediately seen by a certain Michael Agreste, and quickly makes his acquaintance, the two chat for a quick moment before Chloe asks for a cup of water, Adrien and she are going to start on a project for school (I mean HE doesn’t know she’s doing homeschool, huh?) and it’s gonna be a doozy. 
Once she gets back inside the room she dumps the water out the window and holds out the glass. 
“Slap your hand over this.” And quickly, just quickly enough that the Akuma doesn’t touch either of them, Adrien does so and Chloe tilts the cup to land on his desk. 
The Akuma flutters about inside, but it isn’t disturbed.
The two let out a breath of relief, flopping onto Adrien’s bed, and then glancing at one another. 
“So… your uncle didn’t seem to have any strong negative thoughts, and I didn’t see your aunt anywhere.” Chloe hummed, and Adrien nodded along. “Who was that for, then, if it was heading towards here?” 
Adrien thought for a moment, before shrugging. “Dunno, maybe someone else in the building?”
It seems reasonable, and Chloe begins to nod before her eyes widen. Another akuma is fluttering its way into the apartment, and a quick look down at the cup on the table shows the first one is still in its makeshift trap. So, without further thought, she jumps to her feet to catch it like Adrien had before. 
“Your turn to ask your uncle for water.”
Adrien thankfully is simply able to sneak over and grab a glass from the shelves himself, and captures the Akuma. 
“My father is targeting Uncle Michael. How nice.” Adrien is clearly pissed, but just as quickly as the bad mood develops it vanishes, the two captures Akuma quickly trying to bust through the glass to get at him. 
“Okay Plagg, you and Shorr get a little vacay.” He mutters as he takes off the ring. Plagg and Shorr are both still out of course, but share nervous looks as their miraculouses are placed beside each other. 
“Are we sure this is wise?” Shorr asks nervously as Chloe and Adrien start prepping for this. “Should you both fail, or yet worse should the Akumas being sent out grow too numerous before Ladybug arrives and purified them-”
“We’d be way more dangerous if we got akumatized with you guys with us than we would be without.” Adrien responds simply.
“Besides, if Daddy Dearest is really gunning for Adrien’s Uncle, Marinette should probably stay here with us until he gives it up for today.” Chloe cracks her neck. “So to make sure we get them all.”
“We’re guarding Uncle Michael today!” Adrien chirps. 
So we get some upbeat rock montage as Adrien and Chloe come out, announcing that it's break time, and you haven’t MET Chloe officially yet have you Uncle?  And every so often we see an Akuma being spotted in the background and whoever didn’t have Uncle Michael’s attention at the time quickly runs up with a glass to capture the Akuma. Several of these happen before, right aqs Adrien is putting down the sixth cup, there’s a tap at the window. 
“Ladybug-” Adrien sighs in relief before opening the window for her. Ladybug enters and her eyes widen whens he sees the collection.
“....Wow Hawkmoth really IS gunning for your uncle, isn’t he?”
The door slams open with a clatter, CHloe looks harried as one can hear the clatter of things being thrown from the other room. “TWO AT ONCE! I DID NOT KNOW THAT HAWKMOTH COULD DO TWO AT ONCE I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR TWO AT ONCE.” She rants angrily before grabbing the bracelet from the desk and slipping Shorr back on. “Sorry Adrikins.”
“...Well, just when I thought Father couldn’t sink any lower. It’s not your fault Chloe, he probably used the powerup potion or something.” Adrien slides the ring back on. “I’ll call Felix, let him know to stay away. Fighting your parent Akumatized is… kind of a doozy.”
“You’re telling me.” “No kidding.” Chloe and Ladybug agree. 
“So,” Ladybugs smiles encouragingly at Chloe. “Is Cheshire gonna be back in the field for realsies again?”
“...Well I DID transform to try and beat you and Kagami up during that musical Akuma, so I might as well.” Chloe blushes and rubs the back of her head. 
But before she transforms the door kicks down, revealing Uncle Micheal’s Akuma form. 
“Adrien- My sweet little nephew~” he humms and stalks forward. “Oh? Is that Ladybug too I spy? Well no matter, you and your friends are just right for this!”
“Uncle Michael-”
“It’s Flashback, sport.” 
Adrien takes a step forward, glancing at Ladybug only once before glancing urgently at the rest of the Akumas trapped in cups. 
“Flashback, then, What are you gonna do with us?”
“I’m going to find your father and give him a piece of my mind for what he’s done.” Flashback pulls out his Akuma object, a small handheld mirror, and holds it up to the three , a small flash of light shining over the heroes before chains seemingly made of pure light whip out and ensnare Adrien and Chloe. Ladybug dodges, but just as she moves in to strike back there’s a clatter, as Flashback sweeps his arm across the line of captured Akumas. 
If those guys got out it would be far worse, so Ladybug hangs back while Adrien and Chloe are toted off. 
“Strong memories, painful memories, things we wish we could forget.” Flashback hums as they make it outside. “Adrien, you’ll be first-” The chains tighten around Adrien’s middle and he grunts in pain before Flashback forces him to peer into his mirror. “Remember-”
Adrien’s eyes flash white as the mirror pulls a memory from him. It doubles in size and Flashback whistles lowly “Wow Two memories not one” he mutters before peering into it himself.
He squints as the reflection in the mirror ripples before playing a scene back before him, all eyes seem mesmerically drawn to the mirror as it comes alive.
It’s Adrien in his old Stock College outfit, he’s sitting back at the mansion, doing work on a tablet. When we close up on him we see the ring is missing. 
“Adrien?” He looks up, and Nathalie is at the door. She looks tired, hair barely contained in the bun and bags under her eyes. “Your father received a call, and the courts have made their decision.”
Adrien gets to his feet and approaches Nathalie, anticipation and dread havy in his body language. “And…?”
Nathalie looks down, and we see her swallow hard and seem to steel herself over. “Due to the circumstances of her disappearance the courts have declared Emi-... Your mother, legally dead.” 
“I’m sorry, Adrien.” Nathalie slips back outside, and since we know more now than Adrien knew then it’s obvious that it’s not sympathy making her exit as quick as possible, shoulders tense and trembling. 
The scene shifts and it's implied to be a few days later. Now Adrien looks rumpled and worse for wear too, and he’s standing outside his father’s bedroom. He knocks weakly on the door, leaning forward and resting his forehead against the frame.
“Father, please. I know you’re in there. There’s literally nowhere else you’d be in the house.” Adrien takes a breath. “Look I’ve been doing research about… stuff like this… since before it was made official and-” Adrien’s hand lowers. “We’re gonna need each other to get through this.”
The memory fades just as Adrien says ‘Please open the door’
Flashback looks grim and when the white light fades from Adrien’s eyes he looks tired and melancholic. A hand grasps his own despite the two of them being bound Chloe shoots him a small sympathetic grin. I mean- She was his only friend back then. 
“It’s alright Adrien.” Flashback says after a pause, reaching up and placing a hand on Adrien’s head. “I wish you’d trust me about what brought you to our home, but I guess that was the root of all of this, wasn’t it?” 
“Uncle Micheal-”
“I can assure you, you’re not going to be happy when you find my father.”
“I don’t expect to be happy. Not after everything.”
As Flashback stalks down the streets civilians give him a wide berth, as most would with an Akuma, especially since he doesn’t seem interested in building an army or taking many hostages. 
But as he approaches Agreste Manor one can see a pair of red flashes trailing the group. Ladybug and Ryuko peering from the shadows. And as Flashback takes another step a flash of blue pierces through the frame, as a fan spoke pierces through the ground before them. 
It didn’t make a monster, the ground is too big to be a monster, it just embeds into the ground physically. 
Flashback turns just in time to get clocked in the face by who else, but Argus. The Akuma stumbles back, just long enough for the chains of light to loosen on Adrien and Chloe, and immediately Argus approaches the two of them. 
“Adrien, are you alright? Did they hurt you?” he starts unwinding the chain from Adrien’s torso. Adrien looks, more than a little confused as he lets it happen. 
But now he was free and Argus was unwinding Chloe’s chains as well. “I am going to have WORDS with Nathalie for letting whoever that is-” he gestures vaguely at Flashback, who is still gaining his bearings. “Use the two of you as collateral.”
“You… didn’t akumatize him?”
Gabriel glances at Adrien once before looking away, that classic Unshakeable Agreste mask up again now that the worry has passed. “Why would I akumatize someone if their first action was to capture and hurt one of us? I’ve done a lot of things Adrien, but hurting family is the one thing I've been trying to avoid.” 
Adrien looks like he’s about to say something in response, but in that time Flashback has regained his bearings and goes to punch Argus back. The two very quickly get into a scuffle and in a quick lull of inactivity Gabriel makes eye contact with Adrien and gestures widely. “Get out of here!” Chloe and Adrien look at eachother and nod. 
A Butterfly halo lights up Flashback’s face, and his scowl increases.
“Gabriel, what are you doing?!” He shouts, Monarcha speaking through him like back in Full Disclosure.
“I’m protecting my son.” Gabriel responds, surprisingly easily, the two are practically sparring, in a way that makes you kind of realize Gabriel and Micheal probably learned to fight from the same source. “I’m not letting you use my son to torment me, Nathalie. Frankly I'm disappointed in you.”
“Oh shut up, You’re the one who disappointed me first!” Flashback gets a solid hit, using the momentum to pin him to the ground. “Why not let Big Brother Michael see what you’ve been up to ever since you RUINED his future? I’m sure he’ll LOVE to see how you handled things while he had to settle with his stupid white collar accountant job.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened. “Micheal?!” He struggles against the grip, but no dice. “You didn’t tell me- Michael is that you?” 
The Butterfly halo fades from Flashback, who goes from Nathalie’s smirk to a look of realization of his own. “...What a family reunion, huh? Too bad the parents are off in Germany now.” still able to keep Gabriel pinned (though he doesn’t seem to be struggling any more) Flashback holds up the mirror. 
“You know, Monarcha is right, I WOULD like to see what you’ve been up to since we ‘parted ways’.”  
The white light flashes and the mirror grows a few sizes as it begins to ripple.
“Wow! That's a lot more to remember than Adrien’s was.”
The mirror is so big he has to hold it at a distance just to see it. 
We come back to the shadows, and sure enough another set of eyes peer at the scene from the shadows. 
“Alright, we’ve got Chess on crowd control, to make sure this guy doesn’t reveal any identities with that memory mirror… Chat-” Ladybug reaches up to grab his shoulder, but Chat shrugs it off.
“... I wanna see this. Can we wait for a second?”
“I shall call Bloodhound, if your father is aware of you being in the battle he may allow us to take out the akuma.” Ryuko pops open her communicator. 
“Yeah. Go ahead…” Chat mumbles, but just as he finishes the mirror flashes to life. As before it seems that all eyes are mesmerically drawn to the mirror as it flickers to life. 
As Monarcha suggested, the flashback begins with an argument between Gabriel and Michael. They both look far younger, Gabriel looks just barely out of Lycee while Micheal looks maybe in his early 20s, maybe.
“I can’t believe you-”
“Look, that lady was no good, She was going to use you for your grant money!”
“And now I don't have a Grant to speak of Gabriel!” He grunts “That thesis was my ENTIRE life! My passion! And now it's gone because YOU couldn’t accept ONE thing that might be a risk!”
“I was trying to protect you-!”
“Whether Sophie was bad news or not wasn’t the damn point! The point is that you don’t know how to help ANYONE without controlling them! And I’m tired of being your damn target!”
But the scene changes before the argument continues and we now see Gabriel and Emilie. They look about mid 20s, and They’re at a coffee shop. Emilie is ranting about this family trip her family went on to Tibet.
“-and look, LOOK. I know there’s this whole adage about not taking anything with you but photographs, but You’ve got to see this Gabriel.” Emilie looks both ways before pulling out something in blue. A little blue pin. “I found this when we were exploring the ruins of some burned down temple in the forest. Apparently there was some sort of civil uprising that even the monks couldn’t escape back then, and I just HAD to pick it up.” 
“Are- are you sure that wasn’t some kind of… sacred relic or something?”
“See that’s the thing, when I picked it up there was this flash of light and-…” she looks left and right again. “I saw something.”
“I SAW something, Gabe. A little blue… creature! It didn’t say anything, it just kinda looked at me and yawned and vanished back into the pin, but there’s something IN here and I wanna find out what it is.”
The mirror flashes again and we see Emilie tinkering with the pin, looking through one of those desk-magnifier glasses, and when we pan to the side to see the door frame we see Gabriel standing there with a chubby blonde baby wriggling about. Adrien no doubt. 
“Em? You alright there, honey?”
“Just another minute-”
“You’ve been staring at that thing for hours.”
“What?” Emilie looks up. “I only JUST sat down to look at it-” but when she looks out the window, sure enough it’s dark. “Oh… Huh… is it dinner then?”
“It is…” He mutters, but when she approaches and takes Adrien from him his expression turns worried. “You’ve been acting differently lately, are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine Gabe. In fact,” she turns around and holds Adrien a little tighter “I feel more me than ever! Like My inner self is being let loose!”
Hey Audience, remember what we’ve been saying about prolonged Miraculous exposure affecting a person? 
But we cut away from that to see Nathalie being handed a toddler Adrien, he’s happily playing with a couple of those ‘wooden block’ cars, racing them with each other on his Aunt’s shoulder. 
“Thank you SO much for looking after our little guy for the week Nath.” Emilie chirps before shouldering her bag. “I would have gone on my own, but you KNOW how Gabe is.”
Which is when Gabe pokes his head out from the other side of Nathalie’s shoulder. “I’m right here, Em. If you’re going all the way to Tibet to try and find more out about that damned pin I’m not letting you go alone and die in a rockslide or something.”
Emilie rolls her eyes and grins at Nathalie whom snorts her own laugh and shifts her grip on Adrien. “I’ll try not to burn the house down.”
“That's all we ask.”
The scene cuts away and now it's all coming in short clips. The second trip to Tibet involves finding the Temple in the mountains, Gabriel finding the Book. and Emilie finding Nooroo. We get a bit of a voice clip of Nooroo explaining the Miraculous and what they do, and though he’s forbidden from giving any names, as is Kwami law, he confirms that the Pin in Emilie’s grasp is a Miraculous as well.
We get further clips of Adrien growing up, and as it turns out it was Emilie’s decision to Homeschool him, citing that she just wants her baby to stay with her, before making a surprisingly callous comment about the public school that Gabriel had gone to as a child, but Gabriel seems to agree with a laugh. Then the two of them pouring over the book, unable to translate even a word. Then Emilie making one different noise after another, hoping it’s a kwami name before ‘transform me,’ Then when Adrien was about ten she got it right. 
For two years she was a ‘behind the scenes’ hero. Creating monsters to help with natural disasters and the calamities of life. And since it had been so long since Duusuu had been awake, she had a little more energy to spare. So it took longer than expected for her to drain Emilie.
Then, when Adrien was thirteen he convinced them to let him go to public school next school year, and Emilie started to get sick. Duusuu and the book were locked in the safe. 
Then, there’s Gabriel and Adrien when Adrien looks about fourteen, carrying Emilie to her bed, and she coughs wetly into her hand, pulling it away, there’s blood dripping down her chin. 
And we cut away to Chat, still watching, but his expression goes from shock to fury as one hears Gabriel in monologue.
“Editor. My champion. Until I can fix what has been broken, No one shall remember. Not even you when you’re done.” 
We cut to Nathalie, butterfly halo over her own face, looking just as furious as Adrien.
“....So Catalyst wasn’t the FIRST time you put a butterfly in my head, was it Gabriel?”
Flashback looks a little surprised. “....That's a lot to hold out on alone, huh Gabe?”
Gabriel thunks his head lightly on the ground. “....Nathalie you have to understand-”
“Oh Monarcha’s not here right now, she’s so angry she severed the connection.” Flashback smirks, and gets off of him. “But that doesn’t mean we’re alone.”
Gabriel is just standing up when a flurry of darkness swipes through the air, and Chat Noir is pouncing on him now. 
“I can’t believe you- I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU” Flashback backs away as the chat and bird fight. 
“....Huh here I expected it would be Bloodhou-” a chakram zips through the air and merely smacks Flashback in the head. 
“What’s the point in being angry when Chat’s pissed on my behalf?” Bloodhound lands on the ground before Flashback. “Come on Uncle, shall we see how rusty your skills are?”
Now THIS is a fight, Bloodhound and Flashback are going toe to toe in a strikingly in sync spar while they both seem to be trained as boxers. But we pan away from them quick to get to the REAL main fight, as in a Fenrir Vs Argus rematch it’s Chat Noir Vs Argus, and though Gabriel’s Miraculous is no longer damaged, Chat’s been Chat a lot longer, and he’s quickly getting the upper hand. 
But unfortunately for him, this fight IS a little familiar, isn���t it? And As Chat reels back for a punch, for a moment we see through Gabriel’s POV, and as Chat reels back, for a moment it’s Fenrir, and for a moment it’s Adrien. 
And for a moment Gabriel realizes. 
But the hit lands and he’s sent stumbling back. But once he’s out of strike distance, he continues to back up. 
“I… I’m sorry.”
“What?” Chat’s voice is low, dangerous.
He shakes his head and turns on his heel. But they weren’t the only heroes here. 
Ladybug spools out her Yoyo wire then, quickly Grappling Argus in place as Ryuko goes in sword first to aid Bloodhound and end the stalemate. 
“Took you guys long enough.” Bloodhound calls out. 
“Facing this on his own was important to Chat.”  Ryuuko shrugs. “Shall we?”
“Chat, be careful.” Ladybug’s voice is low when Chat approaches, she reaches out and he grabs her hand halfway. 
“Please Ladybug, let me do this.”  She pauses, but nods. 
“Gabriel Agreste, you have abused the butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses for your own personal gain. You have terrorized Paris for two years to steal the Ladybug and Black Cat, and now we find out that you’ve been abusing them for far longer for your own ends, up to and including editing the memories of all those around you after you had stolen the Tome of the Miraculous from its eternal resting place in Tibet.” 
“You edited your own son and Sister in law’s memories of Emilie Agreste.” his fist tightened. “And your allyships have proven themselves to be just as dangerous. So as a Guardian of the New Order I-” He glances at Ladybug, and she tightens her grip on the wire. “-We, hereby reclaim what you’ve stolen-” he makes a reach for the unprotected peacock, Gabriel’s not even fighting on this. 
But just as Chat’s finger close around the broach a slash of sandy yellow cuts between them, The Lion, grabbing Argus and hanging a bit of the yoyo spool to bring it up to his sharp lion teeth, snapping the wire in two and letting the yoyo portion fall away as Sun Min grabs Gabriel around the middle and vanishes with little more than a jaunty two fingered salute to the heroes and a wink. 
“You know… I was perfectly there to watch you all tear into that fool, but it’s the fact that you children are pretending like you have any sort of authority on this that’s really pissing me off.” A silver slug zips through the air and hits Chat Noir in the back, and sure enough when he tries to summon cataclysm nothing comes out. 
Wu Lian charges at the two remaining heroes. 
We now cut to the Eiffel Tower, where Sun Min drops Argus on, ironically the place the heroes used to usually hang out. 
“You’re really getting your ass handed to you lately, aren’t you?” Sun Min hums before sitting beside him. “Kinda messed up.”
“Adrien is NOT Chat Noir. He’s Fenrir- Or Bloodhound or.. WHATEVER. He’s the DOG.”
“And I didn’t-! Nathalie didn’t NEED to remember back then! I didn’t think it would take THIS long! She HAS to know that!”
“I’m sure.” 
“And- And there was no point to bring Michael into all of this except to upset me! She was just being cruel!”
Gabriel turns to Sun Min, who is just casually staring out across the city. 
“Adrien is NOT Chat Noir.”
“Of course.” Sun Min looks away and humms. “But even if he isn’t-”
“He’s NOT-”
“-Then he’s still down there and one of the leaders on his team REALLY just pissed off my order. I doubt Master Wu is the only one down there now. Better hope they called up more backup than were already there.”
“They promised his life-”
“They Promised the Dog Wielder’s life.”
Gabriel is silent for a long moment. 
“You wanna take that gamble and risk being wrong or do you wanna get back in there and make sure nobody gets hurt at all?”
“Here I thought you’d be on your order’s side and now here you are pleading for a ceasefire?”
“I’m on My Side, M. Agreste.”
“....Adrien is Chat Noir isn’t he?”
“You wanna find that out the hard way or are you coming with me?”
Sun Min offers his hand to Gabriel, who takes a breath and accepts it. 
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the-lady-of-stars · 4 years
Poly! Obi-Wan x Cody x Reader
A/N:  //PLEASE READ// Hellooo!!!! This is the first part of my poly Obi-Wan, Cody and Reader series! This first part will just be about how the relationship was established but after that I’m just gonna be writing random scenarios involving the three characters, so please request any scenarios you’d like to see in my ask box! Note that I only write fluff and angst! But please send in what you’d like to see! I have given the reader the nickname ‘Bunny’ bc I thought it sounded cute. I spent an entire hour googling petnames before I chose Bunny and let me just say... the amount of ‘shmookums pookums’ nicknames I read took about three years off my life. Btw Bunny is not an OC it is just the petname I have chosen for Obi and Cody to call the reader :) Hope you enjoy! Please send in requests for Bunny, Obi and Cody! :) Also Bunny is a Jedi healer!!!
Tagging @nelba and @cherry-cokes-world because they convinced me to go through with this hehe
The three of you had been skirting around each other for years. Emotional speeches in the medbay about how worried you were when you heard they were injured, the few almost-kisses which always followed them, tenderly healing wounds, a kiss-it-better kiss over the bacta patch, longing glances from across the hangar before leaving for a mission- you name it. Yourself and Obi-Wan, both being force-sensitive, could feel the emotions shared between you three, that sense of adoration which was requited in every way- and Cody, well, Cody didn’t need the force to know you all loved each other. It was just a game of who would be the first to do something about it.
As it turned out, it wouldn’t be any of you to do something about it. More a power failure aboard the Negotiator. The main power system had malfunctioned, leaving the whole flagship on a lockdown until the issue had been fixed. All doors had been sealed, which left you, Obi-Wan and Cody trapped inside the medbay together, the only light coming in through the viewports from the glowing white streaks of hyperspace. 
Obi-Wan, ever the observer, struck up conversation with the illuminating statement of “it would appear that we are trapped.”
“So it would,” Cody groaned in response. 
Your comment of “Well isn’t this just peachy,” resulted in a resounding snort from Cody, and an amused smirk from Obi. 
“Hey now. Cheer up, Bunny,” Cody was the one smirking now. “You’ve got great company in here. Could be fun!”
“Oh certainly,” Obi chimed in. “Perhaps we could begin with a round of sabaac!”
Your generous response of an eye-roll sent both of the boys into a fit of laughter, the sight and sound combined begrudgingly pulling a smile from you.
“Aww, Bunny! Is that a smile I see?” Obi teased, flustering you enough that you had to turn to hide your face for a moment. At your actions, you felt a wave of affection radiating from the boys. 
Needing to recompose yourself, you walked over to one of the large viewports in the corner of the room, which spanned seamlessly from the ceiling to the floor. You sat on the floor in front of it, gazing out at the passing stars which formed radiant white streaks as you went through hyperspace. The sound of two pairs of footsteps grew closer behind you. Ever so gently so as not to disturb you, Obi-Wan and Cody settled down in front of you, leaving you in the corner with Cody sat to your right and Obi to your left. 
It remained silent for a while, the three of you staring mindlessly out at space  until Obi-Wan sighed, drawing both yours and Cody’s eyes to him. He looked down, clearly contemplating his next words behind furrowed brows. Eventually, he let it out. 
“How long are we going to keep doing this?” he spoke softly, voice ripe with discontent. 
“Doing what?” you questioned.
“This. Acting like nothing’s going on, like everything’s fine between us.”
“Is everything not fine?” Cody asked, concerned.
“It’s fine, don’t get me wrong it’s just- it could be better.”
You and Cody shared a look of confusion, worry in your hearts for the man you both cared so much about.
“What do you mean? If you helped us to understand we could make things better,” you gently tried to persuade him to open up, only for Obi to pull an even more frustrated look.
“But that’s the thing! You do understand, I know you do!” Obi wan paused and sighed deeply, looking down and scrunching his eyes together as though he was about to say the most difficult thing he’s ever said. After a moment’s silence he looked back up, glancing between you and Cody with upset eyes.    “I love you. Both of you. And I know you both love me too, and I also know you both love each other. The three of us have been stuck in this love triangle for years now and I’m sick of us just ignoring it. I understand if this is awkward, and you don’t ever want me to mention it again, and if that’s the case then I’m sorry for bringing it up at all.”
Neither you nor Cody knew what to say in that moment. You both looked to each other, silent words behind your looks. Obi-Wan, fearing that had been wrong to bring it up at all, started to sit up, ready to go hide at the other side of the room until the power came on until something froze him in his tracks.
Clasped in his right hand was your hand, and in his left was Cody’s. For a moment, Obi-Wan’s heart skipped a beat, his overwhelming sense of disappointment fading slightly. His eyes widened, flitting between yours and Cody’s. Your eye contact with Obi was broken when you felt something touch your right hand, looking down to see Cody’s other hand delicately sliding to hold yours. You tightened your grip around both your boys, giving them a soft squeeze. Your boys. This was happening. After all this time. 
“This-” Cody began to speak, “could be difficult. It definitely won’t be easy to say the least but if you’re both up for it then I’m willing to try. I care about you both very much, and if this works out it could be like the dreams I’ve had where we all stay in love and find peace together after the war, but we all need to be in agreement for this to work.”
“What have we got to lose?” you replied. “I love both of you, so I’m fully willing to give this a go. I’ve dreamt of it too, what we could have. And there’s nothing I’ve ever wanted more than for those dreams to become a reality. I say we try it out.”
“So?” Obi-Wan’s face flickered with hope. “We’re all in agreement then? We’ll try being together.”
You and Cody nodded in return, contagious smiles catching from one to another. 
“Yeah,” said Cody. “Sounds perfect to me.”
Tears pricked at Obi’s eyes, slowly falling one by one down his cheeks. You let out a breathy laugh, leaning forward to kiss the tears off his cheek, Cody doing the same on the other, never letting go of each others hands.
Maybe, just maybe, this could be your dream.
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