#it was themed after like tinker bell
bones4thecats · 2 months
Hello, I don't know if you've watched Winx Club, but I would like to make a request for Leona, Jamil, Malleus, and Sebek with a reader who is a fairy (the transformation you think is best) if you haven't watched it, I would like to request these characters with a reader who is a fairy similar to Tinker Bell, but she can change her size, so she has her fairy form and a normal size
Having An S/O Twisted From Tinkerbell
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Leona Kingscholar, Jamil Viper, Malleus Draconia, and Sebek Zigvolt Name: Having An S/O Twisted From Tinkerbell Requester: @marinahavik
A/N: I haven’t seen Winx Club, so I’ll go with the second option on this request. So it’s the reader being mainly themed after the actual original book-style Tinkerbell. By the way, these are fairly shorter than my other pieces.. just saying!
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🦁 Leona was very caught off when he felt a small patter on his chest when he awoke the morning after your visit, he normally felt you shifting to get up before you smacked his chest
🦁 Opening his eyes and looking up at you, he saw that you had shrunk down to the size of those fairies in the garden
" Woah there, what in the name of hell happened to you? " " *Jingling Sounds* "
🦁 He understood that fairies were fairly powerful beings, but this was something he hadn't seen
🦁 While sure you could say that transforming was something he should be used to, since he came from a land surrounded by beastman who loved becoming their beast-forms to relax or travel
🦁 But, seeing someone just shrink without becoming an animal was fairly new...
🦁 Though, he had to admit, it was something he found to be quite enjoyable. He could literally pick you up and put you in his pocket now
" Well, I guess I can officially call you short without you getting mad now, right? " *Raising their middle finger* " Love ya' too, short-stuff. "
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🐍 Rarely did Jamil ever get time off from his seemingly never-ending job of caring for Kalim, but whenever he did, he would try resting with you beside him
🐍 With your large wings, you would leave them to rest on top of your resting lover as he allowed you to play with his hair, experimenting on styles
🐍 But, when he felt that you had stopped touching him with the feeling of a massage, he cracked a tired eye open
🐍 Looking around from his position, Jamil sat up and felt a small tug on his hood, and when he pulled his up and saw a tiny you fall down and make a jingling sound, he chuckled
" I knew you fairies had cool abilities, but this is actually kind funny and cute instead of scary. "
🐍 You furrowed your eyebrows his frustration and embarrassment as your boyfriend began to pat your head
🐍 Folding your wings over your flushed face, Jamil fully laughed at you before asking you to transform back and mess with his hair even more
🐍 Oh, how can you say no to someone you hold so dearly?
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🐉 You and Malleus have known one another since your childhoods, since you were the child of a high-ranking fae in society
🐉 So, as you grew, your magical abilities had advanced alongside one another's. That meaning whenever you transformed smaller, Malleus was just smile and carry you around
🐉 This time, you had been running away from a beastman, whom you angered by throwing a piece of machinery at their head
🐉 For what reason? Not sure, you just heard a malicious sounding voice say your lover's name and threw the nearest item
" My dearest? Are you alright? Why are you- " " Where is that little wretch? They threw a piece of metal at my skull! "
🐉 Looking up as you fluttered behind his horns and held on for dear life in your small and more fairy-like form, Malleus slightly glared at the leopard and bear
" I recommend you apologize for such an unworthy compliment. " " Excuse- me... "
🐉 Cocking an eyebrow as the duo apologized and ran off in fear, you sighed with a very low jingle
🐉 Malleus chuckled and held you in his hand as you rubbed your neck nervously awaiting his dozens of questions about why you threw something at someone's head
🐉 Oh, how entertaining could you get?
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⚡ Sebek and you have always had a complicated bond, from you meeting him by shrinking and hiding inside his bag of training equipment when you were younger being the main cause of that
⚡ But, when you began to visit and watch him train with your god-father, Lilia Vanrouge, you and him bonded more as the years passed
⚡ You two had even began to court one another when you both began to attend Night Raven College that year
" My, my, Sebek, where is my little god-child? I am in need of their small-size for assistance. " " I apologize, Lilia, but I have not seen them anywhere. "
⚡ Cue you flying into the room with Floyd on your tail holding a fly-swatter and laughing as you shrunk and flew underneath your boyfriend's hat
⚡ Lilia and Sebek starred at the merman as he groaned and whined as his twin, Jade, and their childhood friend, Azul, dragged him back to Mostro Lounge after apologizing for his actions
⚡ Sebek then lifted his hat and allowed you to fly down and enlargen back to your normal form
" What in the name of Twisted Wonderland did you do, Y/N?! " " I accidentally shrunk in fear when I heard the cackle of that eel and then he started chasing me with a swatter, claiming I was a fly. Can you believe that?! A fly! " " Well- you are small like one... " " I will knee you in the balls, Sebek. "
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Eddie's Memory Log: Day 30
part 1 here | part 2 here | part 4 here | part 5 here | part 6 here
(ao3 link here)
After one whole month of documenting Eddie Munson’s semi-fucked memory levels, Steve has come across a few crucial bullet points:
Eddie never forgets his own name.
If Eddie’s pain levels are bad, so are his memories.
Eddie likes the lime jello better than the chocolate pudding, except he always forgets.
Eddie’s memory is worse after the weekend, but it gets better throughout the week.
Eddie can hum the theme songs to all of the shitty soap operas (even on bad days).
Eddie’s memory is at its best if he’s had multiple visitors the day before.
And maybe the most important bullet of them all:
Eddie always remembers three people (Wayne, Dustin, and Steve).
Memory Log: Day 31
It’s Monday, which means Steve hasn’t seen Eddie all weekend. The knuckleheads and Hellfire lemmings take the weekend shift since they don’t have school. Steve should be grateful for the time off, but he can’t help but wonder how Eddie is feeling - if he’s throwing hissy fits or being confectionery sweet to all of his guests.
The curiosity and concern has settled its way into Steve’s routine during his days off. That’s just how it is.
And that’s exactly why Mondays are becoming Steve’s (secret) favorite day, despite Eddie’s brain managing the slightest soft-reset after the weekend.
“Is he a Hyde or a Kathy today?” Steve asks the nurse at the visitor check-in counter.
He knows the majority of the staff by now, and they’ve all adopted his Eddie Behavioral Lingo. Steve is getting far too cocky about being the hospital trendsetter.
“He’s um…” the nurse's gaze drifts up to Eddie’s door.
Shit. Steve bursts into the room because he already knows exactly what that translates to.
It’s a high-pain day. Eddie affectionately calls them Grendel Days - he finally decided to play along with their lackluster literary references.
Oh yeah… Eddie remembers Beowulf
“Hey, hero.” Steve speaks in a lower volume because loud noises are brutal on days like this. “I heard that Grendel crashed the party today, huh?”
Admittedly, Steve had Dustin retell the important chunks of Beowulf to him cause there’s no way in Nerd Hell that Steve was going to read that fantasy bible of theirs.
Eddie squints one eye open to look at Steve. “That son of a bitch is trying to slice open my goddamn kidneys, I swear.”
“Should I get my nail bat?”
“You’re what?”
Eddie remembers zero fucking percent about their monster battles (and it’s probably best to keep it that way while he’s still recovering).
“Not important.” It is but whatever. Best to just change topics. “Can I interest you in any pain distractions?” 
“What are you gonna do exactly - open your letterman jacket and offer me a lollipop?”  Eddie snorts at his own joke before slumping over, holding his sides.
Steve wags his finger at him. “See, that is karma for being so mean to me all the time.”
“All this pain you’re having.”
“Actually, I think it’s because I’m some type of Demonic Tinker Bell.” Eddie offers, fake coughing into his hand. “If not enough people are calling me freak, I start to die.”
It’s just a joke, but Steve is not so keen on his friends joking about things like Mortality anymore.
Still, he laughs. Plays along easily. “All hail the freak.”
Eddie stops his fake coughing fit.
“And just like that, my wings of darkness have returned.” Eddie flicks his wrist theatrically, giving Steve the weakest smile. “See? Much better.”
But it’s not Much Better. Eddie spends the rest of the visit seething with internal pains. Switchboard style - one area inflicting jolts of throbbing agony, then another. Eddie grabs wherever it hurts the most. Sometimes he can’t touch every pain point, it’s just too widespread.
Maybe Steve should… No. He’s not sure his hands could stop the hurt any better. He’s not a doctor and he’s not fucking magic. Steve is just the guy that wears offensively bright sweaters and watches Eddie’s torture spectacle from a front row seat.
They don’t talk much after that. 
Eddie can’t talk through the pain. And apparently… neither can Steve.
Memory Log: Day 35
The pain has been monstrous all week long. They’ve had to plug Eddie’s heart monitor back in because his heart rate tends to skyrocket when waves of pain hit. It used to be easy to forget that Eddie suffered anything other than head trauma.
Not anymore. Not with his room beeping like a terminal metronome at all hours.
Steve stops asking Eddie’s novel-based behavior levels because he already knows the answer. Wishes he didn’t.
“Munson?” The lights are off, which helps with Eddie’s headaches. That’s good. Less pain in his head, behind his eyes. Small victories.
“Go home.” Eddie’s breathing sounds labored.
Steve settles into his chair anyways. “Can’t.”
“I’m not in the mood.”
“Me neither.”
“Steve, I swear.”
“Like a sailor.”
Eddie chuckles. “Hurts to laugh.”
Seeing Eddie like this is god awful. He should be shredding on his guitar or mocking Dustin senseless for his clashing pattern combinations. He shouldn't be wrapping his arms around his torso, confining the pain that’s mangling him from the inside out.
“We’ve gotta find a way to get Grendel out of your system, man.” Steve bends down to Eddie’s eye level. “Cause this fucking blows.”
Eddie opens both eyes this time - they’re so sunken in. “… Grendel?”
Shit no.
If Eddie’s pain levels are bad, so are his memories.
Steve tries again anyway. “You know… from Beowulf?”
“Sounds cool.” Eddie eye’s close again. “Are they a band?”
Eddie doesn’t remember Beowulf.
“You think everything sounds like a band name…” Steve mumbles, ignoring the disappointment pinging in his mind.
Eddie reaches for the guitar pick on his neck - one of his bandmates brought it by a couple weeks ago. He rubs his thumb over it as if he can transfer memories through fingerprints.
“Hometown Slut.” Eddie sends a sideways smile over towards Steve. “Snatching virginities and record deals.”
Okay. Fuck. Eddie remembers inside jokes. That seems like a big fucking deal.
Steve attempts to not overreact with this revelation. Avoid another hair ruffling/thumbs-up situation. “Did you have to use the word ‘snatch’ in your weird little slogan?”
“Oh the word choice was very unavoidable, Stevie boy.”
Steve shuts the notebook, focuses on keeping Eddie distracted from his pain. “What about your band?”
“What about it?”
“Do you remem…” Steve searches for another phrase. “Do you think you can tell me the name?”
“Alright, please stop treating ‘remember’ like it’s a dirty word.” Eddie whines. “I’m not the fucking cable version of Breakfast Club. Stop censoring yourself around me.”
“Right.” Steve opens the binder back up.
Eddie doesn’t remember…
“Corroded Coffin.” 
Phew. Eddie does remember his band.
“Do you remember what instrument you play?” Steve puts emphasis on the un-censored word.
“Be serious.”
“Polka is dripping in sincerity.”
Steve pinches the skin between his eyebrows. Truly, it’s impressive that Eddie can still manage to be a massive prick, even when he’s writhing in pain. It’s like he’s going for the goddamn gold medal of assholery.
“Guitar.” Eddie dangles the pick around, somewhat peeved. “Now can we chill with the third degree for today, officer?”
Steve notices Eddie’s monitor is beeping faster than it was when he first entered the room. That sobers him up from his irritation.
“Yeah, sure.” He sighs. “No more questions for today.”
Eddie cuts him a devious look. “Well I didn’t say that now, did I?”
“Oh the vapid look is not nearly as cute as you think it is.” Eddie lifts himself up slightly from his stack of pillows. He flattens them out and into a pillow wall as he sits upright. “How about I ask the questions today?”
“Why? I’m not the one who’s struggling with brain stuff.” Steve walks over to give him a hand. Eddies seems to be struggling with his strength, which is to be expected after becoming a fucking bat buffet.
“That’s debatable.” Eddie mumbles.
Steve’s close enough to feel his breath as he pushes the pillows comfortably around Eddie’s new sitting position. 
It’s not weird, the close contact or the breath. Steve has been helping Eddie with gross shit for a month - holding his hair when he starts puking or coughing up blood. Unraveling him from tubes and cords because Eddie is notorious for twisting himself into a medical straight jacket with this shit.
It’s not weird… it’s just weird how aware Steve is of Eddie’s breath. How warm and jagged it feels, even through his layered clothes.
Maybe Eddie is aware too, because he starts breathing through his nose the longer the silence is drawn out between them. Steve finally takes a step back, creates a non-breath-touching distance once again.
“Humor me then.” Eddie fills the tense pause.
Steve crosses his arms. “Don’t I always?”
“No. Usually, you aggravate me.” But see, why do Eddie’s eyes get all shimmery when he says snarky shit? And why does Steve suddenly use words like shimmery to describe Eddie Munson?
Why does it remind him of those sequined dresses that girls wear to homecoming dances when Eddie’s eyes do that shimmery thing? It’s like his mind is taking the insults and turning them into compliments, which is so bizarre.
Shit, right. Say something instead of thinking about Eddie’s sequined eyes, goddamnit. “Yeah?” 
Real original, asshole.
“Just… look.” Eddie taps his fingers against this side of his bed. “There’s sharp pains shooting through every fucking limb on my body right now. I just need a distraction today - not a pop quiz.”
Yeah, Steve offered the distraction idea at the beginning of the week. But really, that’s not what he’s here to do. He’s here for the kids. He’s here to fill his jobless life with a meaningful task. Help Eddie the way he couldn’t help him in the Upside Down.
But the kids have no idea what it’s like every day. How some days, they are friendly and comfortable with one another. How some days, there’s a verbal boxing match between them - and on those days, they’re both the losers.
How some days, Steve is the one getting flustered instead of Eddie (who’s usually being called out for staring at Steve’s hair or arms or whatever else his eyes decide to fixate on).
Nobody else knows how many climates this hospital room can hold. Nobody besides Steve and Eddie.
“Fine.” Steve decides after mulling it over for far too long. “I’ll be your distraction.”
“Careful, Steve.” Eddie breaks the non-breath-touching distance, poking Steve’s wrist. “You almost sound flattered.”
“Hardly.” Bad time to bring up the word hard - when they’re seesawing between taunts and flirtations. Thank god for the binder Steve’s holding, obscuring any part of his anatomy that could potentially betray his coolness at the moment.
“Go ahead, Munson.” Steve backs away from Eddie’s touch. “Ask your questions.”
Eddie runs the entire thing as if he were a late night talk show host. Uses his hospital side table as his interview desk. Pretends his empty jello container is his microphone. Calls Steve his ‘special guest’ the whole time. Steve scoots his chair right next to Eddie’s bed, just to keep up the talk show charade. 
An hour into it, they’re both feeding off one another’s energy and attention. Steve can tell by the way Eddie’s fingers unclench from his sides and his teeth stop gritting together, that his pain is subsiding - or perhaps it’s no longer at the focal point of his mind. His heart monitor is at a tempo that seems ideal - less fast and less choppy. More like a ballad than a pop song.
Eddie’s questions range from common to outright strange. He asks Steve shit like, ‘what’s your favorite breakfast food?’ And then follows it up with, ‘okay - but if you could only eat scrambled eggs for dinner, would they still be your favorite breakfast? Or does time of day play a vital role in your food preferences?’
“Does it fucking matter?” Steve rolls his eyes. More than annoyed by Eddie’s constant need to play devil’s advocate.
“Nothing matters, Harrington.” Eddie replies. “And please stop answering my questions with more questions. This isn’t a goddamn improv game.”
Eddie remembers how to be a pain in the ass.
Steve doesn’t write it down, doesn’t really need to. “What the hell is an improv game?”
“I swear to Johnny Carson, I’ll kick you off my show.”
“Whatever.” Steve isn’t any less confused, but what’s new. “I guess time of day does matter a little bit.”
“Ha! Knew it. You’re so predictable.”
“And you’re a fucking handful.”
“That’s high praise coming from such an esteemed guest of the show.” Eddie’s hand is splayed over his chest, over his heart. The heart that’s beating like a ballad and not a pop song according to his monitor.
Okay stop.
Steve knows this is a game. A shtick. So why is his face heating up? Why are his palms sweatier than they were twenty minutes ago? Why does Steve keep wondering what Eddie’s eyelashes feel like against his cheek when he flutters them in that overly dramatic way?
The clock interrupts his questioning. Probably for the best.
They exchange goodbyes. Eddie always gets a little concerned that Steve might not show up again. Steve always tucks his bitchiness away to reassure Eddie that he’ll be back on Monday.
It’s their routine. Not just Steve’s routine. It’s theirs now.
Memory Log: Day 38
It’s Monday. Soft-reset day. Steve’s new favorite day.
“Hey, Steve.” One of the nurses stops him on his way to Eddie’s room. 
Her name is Sam - Steve likes Sam the best because she lets him stay longer on days when Eddie feels his shittiest. She also gives him gum to help with his nerves. 
Hospitals do that sometimes. They just activate his nerves like glow sticks. Snapping and crackling the radioactive colors that make his stomach churn.
Anyways, the gum helps.
“What’s up?” Steve asks.
“Just wondering,” Sam gives him a pleasant smile. “Do we have a code for Eddie’s good days?”
“Good days?” They don’t hear that phrase often around here. “I don’t think so.”
“Maybe you should think of one.” She starts flipping through some files. “He’s been in great spirits for three days now.”
Three days? Steve rarely gets three hours of Eddie being in great spirits. The guy is a perpetual ghoul, so this is definitely something to celebrate.
Steve makes a pit stop to the vending machine. Grabs them a couple of root beers and candy bars for the occasion. Look, it’s not champagne and hors d’oeuvres, but it’ll suffice. Besides, Eddie doesn’t strike him as a ritzy kind of dude anyways. He’d probably make some joke like, ‘you mean to tell me that a whore made these d’ouevres?’
Jesus christ, Steve’s been hanging out with Eddie for too long.
“There’s my favorite lady killer.” Eddie is already grinning as Steve walks in the door. 
Still remembers Steve is a Hometown Slut (of all the things that would stick to his brain… why that?)
“Seriously, you look sharp today.”
Steve’s knees lock at the compliment. “Um. Thanks. So do you.”
And the crazy part is, he means that. There’s a peachy color returning back to Eddie’s skin. The bags under his eyes are a faded gray instead of an Almost Black. 
And his hair. Eddie’s hair is actually untangled. His curls are fluffed out, sort of feathery at the ends. Maybe somebody trimmed all of the dead pieces off because it looks... Well, it looks nice.
Steve kind of hates to admit that.
“Guessing your pain levels are better?”
“You guess right.” Eddie nods. “Whatever meds they gave me Friday night finally kicked Grendel’s lousy ass.”
Eddie remembers Beowulf again.
“Glad to hear it.” Steve is trying to process how great things are going. Eddie’s complexion. Eddie’s memories. It’s never this clear on Mondays. Steve tries to just be grateful to have a day like this, but he can’t help but wonder why.
Why now?
“Eggs for breakfast?” Eddie is fiddling with his necklace again.
Steve jerks his head up. “You… didn’t forget?”
“Don’t get too excited.” Eddie gestures to Steve’s pants. “Because I wish I could forget those ridiculous khakis that you always wear on Mondays.”
“Shit, really?”
“What’s the deal with that anyways?” Eddie’s nose scrunches up at the question. “Laundry day or something?”
“I…” Yes.
“Or do you think your ass just looks better in lighter colors?”
“Well…” Also yes.
Eddie winks. “Looks like your ability to complete a sentence is just as fucked as my memory, huh Stevie?”
Steve nervously runs his hands through his hair. “This is just a lot to process, sorry.”
And it is. Steve starts jotting everything down before he starts to forget:
Eddie remembers Steve’s favorite breakfast food.
Eddie remembers Steve wearing khakis on previous Mondays.
Eddie remembers Steve’s Memory Fucked inside joke.
Eddie remembers a shit ton about Steve.
Eddie remembers.
Very lightly, Steve scribbles on the corner of the page:
Eddie notices Steve’s ass…
The rest of the visit is pretty awesome, one of the best ones they’ve ever had. Eddie recalls practically everything from Friday, which is blowing Steve’s mind. They talk about his visit with Dustin on Sunday, and how excited Eddie is to see Wayne on Thursday. Steve doesn’t even bother with taking more notes because Eddie remembers it all.
They talk like real friends today. Friends that occasionally notice other friend’s asses or get lost in their sequined eyes, but still. It’s somewhere in the ballpark of friends, right? Whatever it is, it’s better than ripping each other apart with insults. That’s gotta count for something.
Eddie falls asleep an hour before visiting hours are over. He falls asleep still smiling from the last joke he told before dozing off. Steve studies his facial features because he can finally see more of them (Eddie’s bangs were trimmed too, thank god). 
He’s still pretty banged up. Cuts that overlap and bruises that change gradient the further up they spread. As if the softer parts of Eddie are still freshly wounded. That’s not how it works, Steve has been beaten up enough to know that people don’t bruise like fruit. Not really.
Steve can just see more of Eddie now, which is proving to be a dangerous road to travel down. Way too many detours to let his mind wander. Think. Overthink.
He thinks Eddie is attractive. That’s the detour he’s taking tonight. And if this person didn’t already occupy so much space in his mind, that detour might be more shocking to him. But it’s barely registering on the shock-meter.
Eddie’s unharmed features are highlighted in attractiveness against the purples and grays and reds. It’s almost impossible not to notice that he’s attractive when his face has this many colors. This much character.
Steve doesn’t know what’s going on. This could all be his exhaustion kicking in. Or maybe Eddie’s great spirits has twisted Steve’s outlook on things. Or maybe it’s an illusion from the Better Day they’ve shared together.
The only clear answer that Steve has right now is that Eddie remembers him. And that fucking means something.
Steve stops by to tell Sam the good news on his way out.
“I think he’s getting better.”
Sam nods once. “He definitely feels better, I’ll give you that.”
“Sure, but…” Steve begins. “I think his memory is getting better too. He remembers the littlest details about me.”
“That’s huge, right?” Steve is so awestruck. “Like… I don’t know, Sam. Maybe he’ll get to go home soon.”
She doesn’t respond right away. Her eyes just keep shifting between Steve and Eddie’s door.
“I think I need to show you something.”
That can’t be good. Her tone is very, ‘speak with me after class, young man.’
They quietly walk back into Eddie’s room. Sam motions her head for Steve to approach Eddie’s bedside. Cautiously, Steve does.
She gently pulls back Eddie’s thin blanket, and Steve feels the air vacate his fucking lungs.
Eddie’s arms. There’s tape and IVs and tattoos and scars - all of the usual stuff. 
But then there’s writing. Eddie is covered in black ink, scribbled notes filling in all the gaps of his pale skin. Steve can’t make out most of the words - it’s all messy.
But there’s one word he spots over and over again.
It’s all messy, sure. But it’s all about him.
“Holy shit.” Steve whispers, quickly looking towards Sam. “Sorry, didn’t mean to swear.”
“No, that’s an appropriate response.” Of course she’d be cool about him swearing.
Without waking up Eddie, he begins to decipher the notes as best as he can: 
Scrambled eggs. Extra hold hairspray. Hyde or Kathy. Yellow sweater. Khakis on Mondays.
There are notes on things they haven’t talked about as well. Things that Eddie has just observed:
Steve visits Mon-Fri.
Steve laughs at all of your jokes, even the mean ones.
Steve applies chapstick when he’s nervous.
Steve will untangle your wires without making it weird.
The name Steve no longer sounds the same after reading it fifteen times over.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie.” Sam places a hand on Steve’s back. “It’s not that he’s remembering everything again.”
“He just doesn’t want to forget you.”
No. That can’t be right. That can’t be possible. Of course Eddie knows who Steve is. Of course he does.
Steve finds a shitty excuse to get the hell out of this place. He’s polite about it because Sam is a kindhearted person, but this is so fucking unfair. Every last bit of it, down the last ink stain on Eddie’s nondominant arm.
Max isn’t awake. Eddie still has a skim-milk memory. Nothing has gotten better?
Well that shit ends today. Because whatever detour Steve’s mind discovered tonight, it’s leading him down a fucking freeway of tenacity. He’s fueled by whatever attraction or feelings he’s developing for Eddie. Whether it’s friendship or something more, it really doesn’t matter. Not after tonight.
Steve just cares about Eddie way too much to let his mind rot away like this. He’s too close, too connected to the problem to let it go unsolved forever.
As soon as Steve gets home, he calls Robin.
“Really, dingus?” Robin answers the phone like that. Annoyed and groaning already. “It’s late and I’m neck-deep in a John Hughes marathon.”
“It’s about Eddie.” Steve gets right to it.
“Is he okay?”
“I don’t know.”
“Oh fuck.” She exhales loudly. “How can I help?”
“You’re friends with his bandmates, right?”
“Yeah, kinda. Why?”
Steve flips through the memory log. Locates one of his crucial bullet points:
Eddie can hum the theme songs to all of the shitty soap operas (even on bad days).
“I need you to ask them to make a mixtape of Eddie’s favorite songs.” Steve requests. “And it should be in chronological order. From stuff he liked as a kid, to stuff he’s into now.”
“Okay…” Robin pauses. “And you think this will help?”
“I don’t know.” Which is true, it could be a big waste of time. “But I’ve gotta try something.”
This might be dumb. But music helped them defeat(ish) Vecna. So there’s a possibility it could massage the knots in Eddie’s mind. Relax him enough to remember his life. All of it.
“Oh, and one more thing.” Steve adds before hanging up.
Steve hits the accelerator on his freeway of tenacity.
“I need my fucking car back.”
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cheeekycharchar · 1 year
A second theory has also been tinkering in my mind… Crowley's "I'm back" line isn't him showing up after a 4 year nap but.. CROWLEY IS ABOUT TO ANNOUNCE HE'S MOVING IN WITH AZIRAPHALE.
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hold my beer and let me explain my madness again~ lol
I think an unseen moment between the two led to some kind of argument about them moving their relationship forward after thousands of years of holding back and some kind of argument happened from it. Possibly unrelated but Crowley could have gotten SO unbelievably fed up with Aziraphale's holding himself back attitude that even after ALL that happened at the end of season 1 he still won't move forward.. "together".
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So Crowley runs outside the bookshop in pure annoyance and lets out a burst of demonic lightning energy in the streets and storms off in a huff.
Meanwhile, Aziraphale just thinks, "Oh, that silly wily ol serpent. Being his bitchy self as always" and goes back to his newspaper research about the strange occurrences with the Buddy Holiday song.
LATER THAT NIGHT (cause it's now dark outside. different scene from the Gabriel jump scare)
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Probably cause I'm in the middle of a big house move myself currently, when I first saw the running theme of naked Gabriel and the BOX. OH SO MANY BOXES. I immediately thought, "Oh! They're moving in together!"
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But it wasn't until the trailer and someone pointing out the plants in Crowley's car in one shot and possibly more stuff in his car in the first few seconds of the trailer…
This is Crowley's BIG GESTURE.
He's taking it upon himself to pack up his things and move in with Aziraphale to show his Angel just how much he means to him and wants to finally be closer to him now that they're on "their own side" finally.
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So, Crowley's, "I'm back" line to me was him sauntering in after a big "OH EFF IT! I GOTTA DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE, DON'T I!?" meltdown moment of lightning frustration and then trying to act all cool and suave, take off his glasses, announce with a ring of the bell to the Angel sitting RIGHT THERE and.. Aziraphale has no idea what is about to happen.
He's probably thinking, "Oh, Crowley. Throwing a fit and running off and here he is again. What more could he possibly want to argue about now?"
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So he plays it cool and calm. Like the parent pointing out the obvious to a child after they just had a tantrum. He gets up and calmly straightens his vest, ready for the next bought of ridiculousness and… Crowley tells him he wants to move in.. together. <3
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He gets mad at Aziraphale saying that amnesiac Gabriel must be protected and stay at the bookshop with him. Crowley fights with Aziraphale over it being too dangerous, so he runs out in frustration, lightning in the streets, packs up his stuff in a huff and comes rushing back to protect his Angel..
Am I reading too much into this? Anyone else have this theory yet? Am I just wishful thinking? lol Which of the 2 scenarios do you think is more true? I want it to be the 1st but the 2nd one is probably more likely to happen. lol HELP I NEED SEASON 2, LIKE YESTERDAY D:
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dizzyjelly · 7 months
Good Morning Ellie Williams pt. 2(18+)
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Word Count: 1.9k
Part 1 here
Summary: you and Ellie are dating now and you attend your schools Halloween dance together. Ellie feels guilty for how she's treated you in the past and she gets a bit insecure. You both end yo back at your house early in the night where you prove your love to her.
Cw: loser!ellie, reader wears an angel costume, smut, tit play(e!receiving), fingering(e!recieving), clit sucking(e!receiving)
A/n: this was supposed to be out before Halloween 🙈 in case u couldn't tell I love to procrastinate 😍 anyways enjoy!!
You and Ellie had become official about a week later. She followed you around like a lost puppy, and did anything you asked with zero hesitation. She really did want to prove herself to you. Guilt consumed her every being whenever she thought about how mean she'd been. You, on the other hand, didn't really care all that much about her past behavior.
Occasionally it'd bother you when you thought about it too much, but you never really thought about it. She was so much kinder now. Sometimes too kind, you'd have to remind her that you don't own her. That she was her own person and she could always say no. She'd just nod silently when you'd tell her these things.
Well she had trouble accepting that she had nothing to prove anymore, she'd gotten better. Tonight the two of were attending the school dance, it wasn't amything special though. They'd just been hosting a Halloween themed dance for fun since they'd gotten some extra funding this year.
The flyer said to where a costume or Halloween colors to the dance, you rewore your costume from last year. A sparkly green dress with matching wings, tinker bell. Ellie showed up in what she always wore, which you expected. So you brought something simple to dress her up, an alien antenna headband.
"Ellie, come on! I told you to wear a costume.." Your voice had the slightest whiny tone as you approached her where she waited for you outside the school.
"I know baby, im sorry, but I don't have anything but costumes from when I was like a toddler.." She smiled down at you as she put her hands at your waist and pulled you close to her.
"It's ok, I brought this.." You giggle excitedly as you showed her the headband then put it on her head.
"Aw, thank you. I love it." She smiled and leans forward, pressing a gentle but tender kiss to your lips.
The two of you made your way to the school gym, which was all decked out now with lights and spooky decorations. They had one photo backdrop out in the open and also a photo booth with props on the table just outside of it.
There was also a DJ up front, which you dragged Ellie over to while holding her hand so you could write down a bunch of song requests. She watched you with adoration as you wrote excitedly.
"Els, anything you want me to write down?" You turn to ask her, she shakes her head no and you write down her favorite song anyway.
Her eyes kept traveling down yo where your dress hugged your hips and ass just perfectly. She cursed at herself silently and readjusted her eyes to look at the wall. You finished writing then stood up straight and fixed your hair a bit before walking Ellie over to the snack table.
She held everything you'd grabbed, asking for only a couple things herself. Then you both walked over to the tables and claimed two chairs for yourselves, setting your stuff down. You sat for a little while, eating your snacks and enjoying just spending this time with Ellie. She kept her hand rested on your thigh, she always wanted to be holding you somehow. Anyone could notice she was the clingy type.
After you finished eating, you sat for a little longer. The current song playing wasn't your favorite so you weren't too worried about dancing right now. But you stopped mid sentence when one of the songs you requested started to play. You stood like you could bounce off the walls and Ellie's smile was huge as you took her hand and began making your way to the dance floor.
Unfortunately, on the way there, you were interrupted. It was some guy who you thought shared your lunch hour, but otherwise you didn't really know him.
"No way, you and Williams?" He laughs loudly.
"Yeah, you have something to say?" Your tone was sassy and your hands rested on your hips.
Ellie loved how quick you were to come to her defense. And she loved that attitude of yours.
"No, I just mean- I thought you guys fuckin' hated each other!" He shrugs, walking away as fast as he could.
You let out a soft sigh through your nose as your lips were pulled into a thin line. Ellie went quiet. She already felt bad enough about your past relationship on her own, so when somebody else bought it up, she just felt even worse. You turned to face her, holding her hands in your own as the two of you stood closer to the wall now.
"Ellie.. it's fine." You spoke so softly to her, she just frowned.
"It's not. Why.. why do you even like me? I was so horrible to you.." her voice started to crack and her hands trembled in your own as tears welled in her eyes.
"Stop it.. I don't care about that anymore. You're so sweet to me and you treat me better than anyone ever has.." your thumbs wiped away her tears and she sniffled, leaning into your touch.
"I'm sorry." She sighs, grasping her hand around your wrist.
"I know, I forgave you a while ago.. Let's just leave." You knew she had to be embarrassed, crying in front of all these kids from school.
She wiped her tears on her sleeve then followed you back to your table where you got your bags. Then you held her hand as you walked to the door and out to your car.
As you drove back to your house, you rested one hand on Ellie's upper thigh. She enjoyed your touch and let out a deep sigh as she rested her head against the window. You knew she was upset, so you wanted to say something to hopefully make her feel better.
"You know I wish we took pictures, you look so gorgeous tonight.." You spoke softly and smiled to yourself as you kept your eyes on the road.
"Thank you." Ellie cooed, and you knew you at least made her smile.
Eventually you arrived to your house where the two of you went inside and you changed into comfier clothes while Ellie just sat on your bed waiting for you. Her fingers fumbled with your comforter as she waited for you to come out of the bathroom. She smiled gently at you when you re-entered the room in your pajamas.
You got into bed with her and brought her to cuddle into your side. Her cheek pressed into your neck and shoulder as your arm wrapped around her. Her arms hugged you and you used your free hand to put ob The Nightmare Before Christmas. Then you put the remote down and rubbed your hand soothingly up and down ellies arm. She relaxed underneath your touch and you could feel her small breaths puff against your neck.
"Ellie?" You whispered after a while.
"Hm?" She hums, her eyes still fixated on the television.
"Can we just talk about.. us? Don't get me wrong, I love how kind you are to me, but sometimes I worry you're not really doing it because you want to.." You didn't want to hit a nerve, but how else could you say it?
"I just-" She sighed, one of her hands played with the bottom of your shirt before she continued, "I guess I'm scared you'll realize that you could be with someone who was never mean to you like I was and so.. I've just been wanting to prove that I can be nice, I just didn't know how before." You were surprised and pleased with her heartfelt confession.
At first, you didn't say anything, you only held ellie tighter. One of your hands cradled the back of her head and you pulled her against you. You kissed her forehead before speaking again.
"Ellie, I will tell you a million times if I have to, I don't care about that stuff anymore. I.. I love you and you don't have to do anything I ask for things to stay that way, I promise." Your words reassure her enough that she doesn't feel the need to worry anymore that night.
Ellie smiled and blushed deeply when you said you loved her. She didn't think you'd say it first.
"I love you too.." She whispered back, looking up at you in awe. She wondered how she got so lucky.
A few minutes passed and you were just relaxing with each other, one of your hands traced over Ellies back softly. You smiled at the feeling of her chest rising and falling slowly, she always looked so adorable relaxed in your arms like this.
"How about.. I show you just how much I love you?" You whisper, your hand coming up to stroke her hair as she looks up at you.
"O-okay." She nodded nervously, understanding what you insinuated.
You and Ellie had made out before, but you never really went past second base. You were excited more than anything, but you knew she felt nervous. You had her lay down on you bed and your arms caged her in as you leant down to kiss her. Her lips pushed against yours eagerly, and soon you were kissing your way down her jaw and to her stomach.
Your eyes looked up at her cautiously as you started to push softly at her shirt, she nodded and you removed it leaving her in just sweats and a black Nike sports bra. You bit you lip and let out a small groan, leaning up to kiss her tits through the cloth.
"Fuck.. You're so beautiful." You whispered and she blushed.
"Thank you.." She whispered back, one of her hands threading through your hair.
You were quick to get her bra off, wanting to see all of her. She moaned underneath you now as you licked and sucked at one of her nipples and toyed with the other between your fingers. You switched positions every so often until you felt she was satisfied then you moved back down to her waistband.
And you felt like you were close when she whined out a breathy please as your hands met her waistband wearily. You pulled them down and rubbed soft circles into her hips as you kissed at her inner thighs. Eventually she lied naked beneath you and your lips were wrapped around her clit as her fingers held your head tightly.
"Holy fuck.. 's so good.." She moaned, her hips bucking into your face.
You smiled as you brought your middle finger to prod at her entrance and she swallowed you almost instantly. So you added your index finger and curled them deliciously as you kept sucking on her clit. She whined and moaned so beautifully that you'd do this forever if you could.
And as she got closer she only sounded better. Her voice went up an octave and she panted. You felt her hips rock against your face shamelessly now and your name fell past her lips like a prayer. And when she finally did cum, you kept going until her legs were trembling and she was pushing you away.
"Oh my god.." She speaks through her pants, her arm resting over her slightly sweaty forehead.
"Let's get you cleaned up.." You giggled, pulling her out of your bed and into your bathroom.
She smiled at you as you ran a bath while she peed as you told her to, and you set out some of your clothes for her to wear. The bath was ready and you got in first, having her sit between your legs with her back against your chest. You held her hand and she leaned into you sleepily.
"So.. you really do love me, hm?" She speaks softly.
And you laugh a bit before responding.
"I really do love you.." You whispered.
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xysidhe · 2 years
On the topic of Regulus' patronus, since I won't let this die until I see it in a fic even if I have to write it myself.
Regulus: Why can't I get this bloody charm to work
Remus: Happy thoughts, Reg. Happy thoughts.
Regulus: What part of my upbringing gave you the illusion I have those?
Remus: Happy. Thoughts
Peter: Think like that fairy! Tonker Bells!
Remus: Tinker Bell. Purebloods.
Regulus: Could you two stop arguing over muggle cartoons so I can focus!
Regulus: Expecto Patronum!
Sirius: Bloody hell Reggie, is that a lion?
Regulus: Oh.
James: Oh.
Remus: He's beautiful Reg, what are you going to name him?
Regulus: Helios
Sirius: You're going to name your patronus after the sun?
Regulus: It keeps to the family theme doesn't it?
Sirius: Mother would have a fit. Looks like both her sons are more Gryffindor than Black. This is bloody brilliant! Told you Reggie, you should've been sorted into Gryffindor!
James: I think his patronus is perfect for him.
Regulus: I think so too.
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narrans · 2 months
My Borrowed Son | 9 | ABCs and Wearable Things
Chapter Nine | ABCs and Wearable Things
If Amanda was being honest, this wasn’t the craziest thing she had done. Threading a needle to make her adopted two-inch tall child clothes definitely wasn’t the craziest thing she had done. She bit her lower lip in concentration as the thread slipped through the needle’s eye.
Amanda thought gluing the fabric might be easier, but her trials proved less fruitful than she wanted. The edges tore away too easily and absorbed into the fabric if she didn’t coat a certain amount; and at that point, she might as well glue the whole thing together. So, Amanda thought – knew – he was worth it. He couldn’t wear togas forever.
After hours of scouring the internet, Amanda could find nothing easily accessible too buy to clothe parker. She had found someone on Etsy who would custom make doll clothes for any size, but even he was surprised when Amanda asked for a one inch shirt and one inch pants.
In all reality, this was easier than trying to explain to a stranger the dimensions she needed for Parker’s clothes. Hours of work produced a dozen shirts and about the same amount of pants which Amanda had stitched together.
She found folding the cloth and cutting the pattern was the easiest. Making things a little bigger not only helped make the clothes, but it also made Parker look that much cuter. It also gave her safety pin harness more room when he wanted to explore.
Ever since the park incident, Amanda tried keeping Parker safety pinned when he was just out and about without her watching. It wasn’t all of the time. It was just when they went outside or if Amanda had to step away from the couch or the kitchen counter. He was becoming more adventurous by the day, and Amanda already had a few close calls with him nearly falling off of extremely tall heights that might injure him.
It felt like those parents who put the monkey backpack leash on their kids, which made Amanda feel absolutely sick, but she had few other choices if she wanted to step away and not leave him in his box or unsupervised.
She didn’t use it frequently, but she did use it for safety when she couldn’t always have her eyes on her adopted son. After all, what kind of life would it be if he had to stay in his box for the rest of his life.
His box, at least, was something Amanda was quite proud of now.
Parker’s room, as Amanda was now referring it, had push lights Parker could control as well as a proper bed, comforter, and pillow Amanda sewed. No more washcloth beds for the tiny boy. There was even an old matchbox she used as a bedframe, and she started folding paper clips to hold his clothes up on the string she put in there.
Parker had a bell to signal when he wanted something until Amanda installed a baby monitor so she could hear him. Amanda was enjoying setting up Parker’s room. She even gave him a chance to pick out his own “trim,” which was just colorful duct tape, and the colors of his walls, which he wanted to be a light blue with cloud themed tape.
It was precious and reminded Amanda of Andy’s room from Toy Story. A few toys and even a soft crochet blanket and rug later made Parker’s room actually feel like the room of a little boy.
Seven months and he finally had a proper room.
Seven months and he finally had a relatively decent wardrobe with a change of clothes.
Amanda let her hands rest in her lap as she glanced over into Parker’s box. He was playing with some miniature Tinker Toys Amanda had found online, and he was loving them. Amanda chuckled as she watched him play, amused by his nearly imperceptible babblings.
Had time really gone so fast?
She gazed down at him and noticed how long his hair had gotten and how he seemed just a little bit taller when he stood. His mind absorbed all of the information she gave him, and still he wanted more, which she happily provided.
He was growing up so fast, and everything felt normal. Despite their differences in size, Amanda felt as though there were no true difference between her and Parker. Seven months had taught her that much.
Amanda decided, after another twenty or so minutes, that she should get lunch started. Rather than just pick up Parker in his room and bring him with her, she decided to ask and offer him a choice. He was old enough to make choices after all.
“Parker? I’m sorry to interrupt but are you ready for lunch?” asked Amanda. Parker turned his soft brown eyes toward Amanda and nodded eagerly, the Tinker Toys in his hands as he continued to put the pieces together.
“Yes, momma,” he said as he finished fitting the pieces together and then standing up expectantly, raising his hands for her to pick him up. “Up?” It made Amanda’s heart melt.
“You want to come with me?” she asked. Parker nodded and grabbed with his fingers. “Use your words.”
“Could… yes momma. Could I go… um… go with you to… um… make lunch?” Parker’s adorable little “ums” as he pieces the words together quickly into fully coherent sentences was absolutely astounding. He was learning so fast every single day. She wanted to pat herself on the back for guiding him to use manners and proper words, but that wasn’t what parenting was about.
It was about teaching Parker to be a polite young man. He was her son after all.
“Yes, you may,” said Amanda as she lowered her hand into his room and he stepped on, grabbing one of his toys before he did. The two of them went to the kitchen where Amanda placed Parker on the counter next to the bread box. He knew where he was and was not supposed to go, but Amanda insisted on strapping the safety pin harness to the back of his shirt and pants
“Mom? Momma? Why… why do I need to wear this?” asked Parker. It was a question he had asked a million times as Amanda finished attaching the safety pin.
“Remember Parker?” asked Amanda. “It’s for safety. The countertop is very high, and if you fell you would get hurt. I don’t want you to get hurt.” It wasn’t the first time Amanda needed to explain this to Parker. He knew the reason. Still, he always seemed a little anxious when Amanda attached him to the line.
“Oh, okay!” Parker said as he sat down and began singing the alphabet song while Amanda crunched up some chips and made them both sandwiches. He was on his third time through when his little voice piped up. “Momma? Could… um… could we pway the afabet game?”
The alphabet game was something Amanda had seen online for young children. It was when you asked what sounds the letters made or what letter made what sound. The game also proposed, for advanced children, what words had the letter in them.
It wasn’t something that Amanda didn’t think a young child would be particularly interested in, and she only started integrating it to educate Parker; however, the more he learned and the more she read to him, the more he wanted to play the game.
The question made her heart swell with pride.
“Of course, Parker. Are you ready?” asked Amanda.
“Yes, momma,” said Parker. He placed his toy on the ground and looked up at her eagerly.
“Okay, what letter makes the ‘mmm’ sound?” Amanda asked.
“M!” replied the small child without hesitation.
“Good job! What about the ‘p’ sound?” asked Amanda, making it sound like a little puff of air.
“Good job, Parker. You’re so smart.”
The two of them continued all the way through the alphabet, pausing only when Parker had trouble with some of the letters that had the same sounding letters like “i” and “e” and “c/k”. Amanda rewarded Parker with a little piece of chocolate and a promise they would continue the game once Parker finished his food and washed his hands.
True to her word, they continued playing when Parker finished his meal and insisted on washing his hands immediately. He asked when they could read and when they could play Sneak and Peak again, to which Amanda promised they would while she did some chores around the house.
At one point, Amanda began asking how to spell different words. They were simple, like door and cat, but he was sharp enough to sound out the letters. They sat and colored and drew out the letters for hours until dinner. It took everything in Amanda to tell him they needed to get ready for bed at the end of the night.
It almost resorted in tears, but Amanda reasoned with Parker that they could keep playing during bathtime and until they fell asleep, to which the toddler agreed.
Never before did Amanda know a toddler who was so adamant about playing learning games. He was hungry for knowledge, and Amanda would not deny him.
As Amanda laid down and drifted off to sleep with Parker learning how to spell “bed,” she knew what she wanted to get him. He needed some little books and pencils to write with as well as some workbooks. It would take some ingenuity, but ideas were forming in Amanda’s head.
She also needed some ideas for his birthday; or, rather, the day she found him. In the blink of an eye, she knew it would be upon her. The mother’s last thought before she drifted off to sleep was how time was moving way too fast and that, very soon, Parker would be five. When was his birthday? And had it really almost been a year?
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elliewiltarwyn · 3 months
A Specialized Problem (OC Swap Gift for @mythandral)
for the FFXIV OC Swap discord's current swap, my giftee is the incomparable @mythandral! Coming in a little under the wire here cause the deadline is on Sunday ghasldkfjkasd BUT I'm really glad I finally sat myself down and devoted the energy to exploring Myth's whole deal because it's all so cool and fascinating and he's a wonderful character, and I hope this gift lives up to those standards!!
I present a 2,321-word fluffy MythXStephanivien fic illustrated with gposes from Steph's POV centered around Myth. I offered either gposes or fic writing, and then hubristically decided I could do both. >.> also there was technically a theme for the swap but thankfully they were optional because I completely forgot sdghalshgf however I suppose you could say this is adjacent to the Valentione's/Love option?? it is goddamn cotton-candy levels of fluff at least lol
ANYWAY WITHOUT FURTHER ADO hope you all and Myth in particular enjoy!!
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It was well after the end of the workday, with the gray Coerthan clouds beginning to tint orange and the sun beginning to aim its reach through the still-open doors of the manufactory, and Myth had yet to move an ilm from his spot.
This in and of itself wasn’t terribly surprising; Stephanivien was used to his husband’s tendency to focus on his projects to the exclusion of most else. It was a method of increasing his productivity and a process of healing both for him, allowing him to turn his anxieties into progress on any number of little projects that had fallen by the wayside in the manufactory’s assembly line, but ones that would be of immense benefit to unfortunate folk from the slowly-ascending peasants of the Brume to the steadily-recovering citizens of Garlemald. Even if it were for no benefit but his own, Stephanivien would never begrudge him these times to himself; Fury knows he could use some of those moments, butting heads with his lord father and Tedalgrinche and other such doubters all day as he does. Albeit less so these days.
No, Stephanivien’s concern was more prosaic: typically, Myth’s personal space in these times was active and bright, delighting in the sounds of his tools tinkering with his project, examining it from every angle and frequently ducking his head and craning his neck into unusual positions to do so, not to mention how he would gladly explicate upon his process to any who asked, especially if they were new hires of the manufactory who were like to stand there in awe of the Warrior of Light more than actually listen to a word he was saying. Quite frankly, Myth was a delight when he was in these moods.
Today, it had been anything but: Mythandral Raas, beloved senior engineer of Skysteel Manufactory, husband of its proprietor, and Warrior of Light, had spent near the full afternoon gazing blankly at the device in pieces before him on the table — his own aetherometer. His elbows had rested on the table for what seemed to be several bells, his hands clasped across the bridge of his nose as his burnished golden eyes, the color of the sun hiding behind the overcast sky, traced the span of gears, nuts, bolts and wires sprawled across his workspace. Most disturbingly, he had paid no heed to any who tried to draw his attention — not that anyone pressed particularly far, fearful as they were of disturbing such a notable figure of renown, no matter how open-minded and approachable Myth presented himself.
‘Twas quite strange for Myth, but Stephanivien had some ideas percolating in his overactive mind — both as to the cause and as to possible solutions.
And so as the day wound down and countless employees and guild trainees trickled out the door, each bidding both proprietor and Warrior of Light good night, Stephanivien pretended to busy himself with a pile of messy letters that a Haillenarte manservant had delivered earlier that day, flipping and reading through the same three or four until activity in the manufactory died down, until all that could be heard was the sound of steam rushing through pipes and small hisses of exhaust — the murmurs, chatter, and laughter of his employees finally absent. Even now, Myth continued to regard his aetherometer sternly, attempting to solve a puzzle that, Stephanivien admitted, could stump even himself.
Once he had judged it to be likely they truly were the last in the manufactory, Stephanivien raised his voice slightly to note, “Stare any harder, my dear, and you’re like to burn a hole straight through the thing.”
Finally, for the first time in several hours, Myth’s head rose from its downturned angle. Smirking to himself, Stephanivien balled up the letters in his hand, tossed them over his shoulder into the wastebasket, and slipped out from behind the desk to make for his partner’s side. As his boots clacked across the wooden floor, Myth’s head slowly craned around to gaze up at him over his shoulder, blinking fairly irregularly and furrowing his brow as if he had just awoken from deep slumber. “Of course, if doing so would solve your seemingly impenetrable dilemma, then I wholeheartedly encourage it by all means.” Stephanivien winked. “As I always encourage exploring such unorthodox methods.”
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“Unfortunately, this is a matter that requires a delicate approach,” Myth demurred as the corner of his lips tugged upwards slightly. “I won’t deny I’ve been quite tempted to incinerate the blasted thing a number of times, though.”
“’Twould certainly eradicate the problem in one sense.” Now by his side, Stephanivien reached over and laid a gentle hand on his partner’s shoulder while extending the other around in front; Myth took the hint and reached up to clasp it, each machinist curling their fingers around each other’s thick padded gloves. “Shall I take a look? Fresh perspectives oft bear unforeseen solutions, as you well know.”
Myth sighed. “You’re welcome to, I suppose, but I fear this is a particularly specialized problem. It involves…well.” He chuckled, sat up a little, and wryly rapped his knuckles against his own chest; Stephanivien knew very well the “problem” laying beneath Myth’s perfectly-tailored, shockingly-clean-for-a-Skysteel-engineer shirt. “My stint with the Light is largely resolved, but I am still particularly susceptible to fluctuations in my aether, particularly when I’m doing something aether-intensive; when I accrue a surfeit, the probability that the aetherometer will jam rises — the lightning-aspected aether it is supposed to draw becomes imbalanced toward the umbral.” With his free hand, he reached for a small wrench that laid on the table next to the meter, flipped it into his fingers with all the dexterity of a Lominsan rogue with their knives, and drummed it along the length of an internal piece of the meter’s machinery. “I am trying to figure out how to filter Light aether and restore the lightning’s astral balance, in essence.”
Stephanivien frowned. “That is quite the conundrum — after all, if it were possible before…”
“…I would likely have had a much easier time in the First, yes,” Myth mused with a grim chuckle.
“That aether fluctuations could cause errors with the extraction is a possibility I ought to have considered. It pains me to know my oversight has been causing you grief.”
“Come now, there’s no way you could have possibly known ‘twould be an issue when you invented this,” Myth immediately interjected, shaking his head up at his husband with a mischievous grin. “Frankly, had you, it would have raised serious questions about your choice of occupation. You could make a killing with that sort of precognition.”
Stephanivien submitted to a chuckle himself as he squeezed his husband’s hand and shoulder both. “You say that, and yet I am not unaware of the skeptical glares everyone still gives my prospectometer.” Myth stifled a laugh with his other hand, a sound Stephanivien had not heard all day and had sorely missed. “At any rate, mayhap we should step away from the problem for a time? Even your genius mind cannot carry on forever without rest and recuperation.” That being said, Stephanivien’s insides churned, as he knew quite well why Myth had been focusing so intently on solving this particular puzzle. From the tales he had heard, from what he had seen cross his husband’s torso, the Light had done quite a number on him, to put it far too lightly…
Thankfully, Myth’s response to the proposition was to sigh, lean his head against Stephanivien’s hand, and murmur, “Perhaps you have a point.” He groaned and stretched his other arm and both legs outward, rotating his wrist and feet as he stretched his neck to one side, then the other. There was a grimace on his face when he muttered, “I definitely should not have sat here all day. Have you aught in mind for an alternate activity?”
“‘Activity’ should not be a factor in the equation, my dear…” Stephanivien trailed off as his gaze tracked towards the chronometer sitting on the manufactory’s front desk. The specific time that it was currently displaying suddenly ignited the spark of an idea in his mind, and he grinned. “Though I do believe I’ve thought of something. Here — follow me.”
Myth’s brow furrowed in confusion, but he allowed Stephanivien to pull him to his feet and start to make for the stairs hand-in-hand. Stephanivien’s heart beat faster and faster in his breast as they climbed those stairs to the manufactory’s upper story, crossing the landing until they reached one of the doors on the far side with a ‘No Entry’ placard hanging off the handles; Stephanivien carelessly yanked it off and pulled Myth through, crossing into a poorly-lit corridor.
“Hm.” Even in the darkness, Stephanivien was well aware of the arched eyebrow upon his husband’s face. “I can’t say I’ve ever been down this way.”
“You did not think the ‘No Entry’ was a physical barrier, surely?”
“You never know.”
Stephanivien laughed gaily as they began to climb another set of stairs. After all his worrying, all Myth’s trials, he could not well describe the extent to which he was walking on clouds hearing his partner’s sense of humor return to prominence.
There wasn’t much further banter as the two ascended the stairs to an extent much further than Stephanivien was sure Myth expected, distracted as they were with the effort and the numbered floors counting off in Stephanivien’s mind. Once they reached the fifth landing, he diverted off the steps onto it and led Myth down another few dark corridors, eventually reaching one sitting unremarkedly at the far end.
“You may want to cover your eyes for a moment,” Stephanivien warned with a cheeky grin; Myth looked confused still, but obliged, lowering his goggles and shading them with his hand. Holding his breath in anticipation, Stephanivien yanked the door open and pulled Myth through.
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The moment the sun fell across Myth’s face, it rose in shock, his lips slightly parted as it literally dawned on him what was happening. “Wait, but…”
Stephanivien couldn’t help a satisfied smirk as he gently coaxed his partner forward, stepping onto a surprisingly wide stone landing and making for its edge. “Ishgard has a reputation for dreariness that is not wholly unearned,” he said matter-of-factly, “but there are certain places that are adept at reminding me ‘twas not always a cold and biting clime.”
“Right here at the manufactory?” Myth replied in awe; having apparently gotten used to it now, he pushes his goggles back up onto his forehead and lowers his hand, his golden eyes sweeping back and forth, taking in the vista before them.
“‘Tis not particularly known, and I am ill-inclined to reveal it to most. But of course, I will make certain exceptions.” Stephanivien beams at Myth as they reach the edge and draw to a standstill, relishing the way the widening of his partner’s eyes gave him premium access to the view of their golden pupils, now soaking in not just the scenic view of the ridges of Abalathia’s Spine but the way the sun perfectly sat at the apex of one of the gaps between the Pillars for which the district was so named.
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A hesitance struck Stephanivien at that moment, the potential pitfalls of his devious plan now catching up with his overactive mind. After all, if Light was the source of such woe for him… But he remained resolute as he gestured at the vista, lingering in particular on the rays of the sun, so strong with such defined shapes that he swore he could reach out and pluck them from the frigid air. “The sun travels over Coerthas as normal, of course — but it never nestles into what I would declare its proper spot aside from this particular time of day, in this particular season.”
He exhaled a visible puff of air and put his hand on his hip, the other now tightly beginning to curl into Myth’s. “From this spot,” he began quietly, “I can remember easier that we are not so isolated here in Ishgard — that the warm touch of the sun can reach even us.” His gaze flicked up to Myth’s eyes again, meeting them as Myth turned to stare at him. “Both that we need not suffer our trials alone… and that ‘tis still possible to partake of that which is comforting about the light.”
Myth’s other hand, on apparent instinct, rose up and placed itself directly upon his chest, over the precise centerpoint where Stephanivien knew the scars laid. “Steph,” he breathed, “you…”
Stephanivien chewed his lip anxiously, the nerves beginning to rise to a fever pitch as he suddenly found himself unable to read his husband’s expression. “I apologize profusely if I’ve given any offense,” he murmurs, averting his gaze, “I merely thought—”
A leather glove wraps around his hip and pulls him in to share a deep kiss with Myth, one which he enthusiastically reciprocates, reaching up to cup his partner’s cheek and move in for a more comfortable position, a warm position, here in the arms of Mythandral Raas.
“You are,” Myth breathed between kisses, “as always, a genius, and have the answer to everything.” They pulled apart slightly, just enough to rest their foreheads against each other; Stephanivien stifled a chuckle as their goggles clacked awkwardly against each other. “Thank you, my love.”
Stephanivien grinned. “I’m overjoyed to have helped.” They kissed again, and Stephanivien began to tangle his fingers in the lengths of Myth’s luxurious hair. “If you like,” he whispered somewhat mischievously, “I can steal down briefly for some of the ale stores? I’ve found it goes quite well with the view.”
“Oh, on any other day, I would gladly,” Myth replied, pulling back and grinning at his husband. “But tonight, I think I would keep my mind clear. I’ve just had a flash of inspiration about my problem, after all.”
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chemnections · 4 months
sorry i’m too old to screen record, but here are the highlights from frank and anthony’s instagram live in not particular order:
-when they were having trouble connecting frank and anthony had to restart the live anthony was joking what a rare frank sighting it was, that he hopes frank doesn’t think he was just hung up on and isn’t mad at anthony, the anthony joked that maybe that will break up the band
-anthony jokingly told frank it was a good thing he came on when he did because he was about to say something bad
-frank got a new pedal he showed off
-frank got an mri today, and the chemicals he was given to light up in his brain made him feel crazy
-the new single will not be part of the new dunes album, it’s a stand alone. apparently it is a different direction from the album and doesn’t fit theme wise
-it was written in october, the record was written in december
-they rented an airbnb to write the record
-they can’t wait to play it live
-anthony recently played acoustic on some vocals frank wrote - not sure if this was part of the record or not it didn’t sound like it
-frank talked about watching movies to work on music with mcr
-anthony complimented frank’s skin, frank joked it was from lois’ saliva
-when they said goodbye to each other anthony said he would call frank in 20 minutes, that he loved him then told frank “bye daddy”
-after the call anthony repeated what a rare and special interaction with frank that was, and it was like seeing big foot, or a unicorn or tinker bell
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
if anyone actually reads all this, I’ll be impressed
Tv show themes through the years playlist
I colored the ones I cared most about in each section if none are colored it means I care about the things in that section equally.
Star Wars:
Original Trilogy 
The sequels are alright but I pretty much only care about HUX and Kylux
Rouge One
Star Wars Legends
Star wars Infinites
Star Wars as written by William Shakespeare 
Star Wars Clone Wars
The Bad Batch
Star Wars Rebels
Obi-Wan Kenobi Series 
Star Wars Visions 
Tales of the Jedi 
Tales of the Empire
Anything Lego Star Wars 
the movies (I’m not caught up yet) 
Falcon and the winter soldier 
Loki (not caught up) 
Wanda Vision
Avengers Assemble (literally so weird and silly) (not finished with season 5 cause it’s ass)
spider verse
Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies
Andrew Garfield, Spider-Man movies
Bye Bye Biride
Christmas Carol
Little mermaid
Wizard of OZ
Anything goes
Sponge Bob
Beauty and the Beast
Guys and Dolls
The guy who didn’t like musicals
ride the cyclone
Les Mis
The lighting thief (not finished)
into the woods
Zac McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders!!!! (Literally the best game)
Twisted Wonderland (read through book 6)
Ultimate Shark Simulator
Hogwarts Mystery (not caught up)
KOTOR (not caught up)
Star Wars Asault Team
MHA (stopped watching mid season 4 only really care about Iida)
Angels of death 
Darling in the franxx (only really care about Goro)
Saki k (haven’t seen season 2)
Minecraft SMPs:
Dream SMP (not caught up)
Empires SMP
X Life 
After Life 
New Life 
Pirates (not caught up) 
Trafic Light/Life Series (I only watch Jimmy, Joel, and Martin’s POVs)
2000s Kids shows:
MLP G3 and Friendship is Magic
Wild Kratts 
TMNT 2012
Odd Squad 
imagination movers
Dinosaur Train
Lego Friends (The og version)
Monster High
Ever After High
Avatar the Last Air Bender 
Sofia the first
Elena of Avalore
dinosaur train
Weird Sci-fi and Fantasy Shows:
Doctor Who (only on the 4th Doctor) 
Read All About it 
H2O Just Add Water 
Wolf Blood 
Fragle Rock
Mako Mermaids (only watched season 1)
Alien Surfer Girls/Lightning Point
Thunder Stone 
Girl From Tomorrow 
Ocean Girl 
Sparticle Mystery 
Elephant Princess (featuring Liam Hemsworth) 
Eerie Indiana 
Girl’s World
House of Anubis 
A girl named Jo (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
Blue Water High (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
The Prisoner 
Spell Binder 
Just Add Magic 
Maddigan’s Quest 
The Next Step (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
Return to Jupiter 
Rocket’s Island 
Silver Sun (not caught up) 
Disney Plus Telenovelas: 
Soy Luna 
Misc fandoms and shows:
Harry Potter (not caught up, I do not support J.K. Rowling or read the books) 
The Tick (og cartoon version) 
The Outsiders (movie, book, and 90s Tv series) 
Alex Rider (the show not the books) 
Wild at Heart (never finished) 
White Collar 
National Treasure Edge of History 
The Lodge
Gilligan’s Island
NCIS New Orleans
Hell of a Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Heart Stopper
OFMD (not caught up)
Julie and the Phantoms 
Disney in general 
Tinker bell
Book series: 
Percy Jackson (currently only read the lightning thief)
The Final Six 
Thea Sisters (when I was little) 
Chronicles of Narnia
Wizard of Oz
The black stallion
Series of unfortunate events
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mysterybooks-world · 4 months
Guys, I have a great story idea
do you know Frowny Fox from GameToons?
Frowny Fox is a rejected toy of Playtime Co. and a rejected member of the Smiling Critters.
my idea is
( I reincarnated to Frowny Fox )
Listen to my idea
y/n was a teenager and a fan of Games & fan story
y/n You like video games & played (poppy playtime) before & And watch The GameToons channel.
When y/n died. they reincarnated to Frowny Fox
They were pleased Because Frowny Fox was their favorite character
My idea is to summarize the story.
After you realize that you Die and become Frowny Fox
y/n Decisions to live a happy and adventurous life
first: You tried to find out if there was a guide and Find a screen
shows you your level and your advantages
Kind of reminds you of undertale
secondly: Fix your body.
You search for a laboratory & you Find the materials to Fix Yourbody.
And you have found a shoulder bag
thirdly: Look for Frowny Fox project ownership papers And destroy the backup copy
Even if you were a rejected toy It is better to be completely free From the factory and CEO
you expected it to be difficult, But you found it easy surprisingly.
You said to yourself: Okay makes sense After all I know the law of the universe GameToons
Fourthly: Find a way out of the factory After you left a message to Hoppy Hopscotch the only and true friend to Frowny Fox
fifthly: What is your goal?
Simply You help people of all ages: like
Abuse Children
Fix parents' relationship with their children however if the parents Don't change
y/n uses the phone to call the authorities and says they are an unknown person who would like to report an Abuse Child.
After the intervention of the authorities
y/n helps find a new family for Children.
Children who are bullied or do not have self-confidence or Autistic children.
teenagers & Adults who find difficulty in their lives
People who Face Trauma & Losing someone dear to them & Mourning
y/n as Frowny Fox you listen to their stories and Help them
After you left the factory
your level up And you earned it new power
Like your bag
y/n appearance changed a little
Imagine with me a Frowny Fox wears glasses
(A note I am a person who wears glasses and I like my character to have glasses So I make y/n a person who wore glasses before they died)
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(I want his hair to be fluffy and soft)
Imagine this scene with me:
Frowny Fox sings at a music festival With a teenage band
Like this scene (Let It Rain | MLP: Equestria Girls)
Imagine a smoke coming out of the mouth of Frowny Fox And drying up people like Sunset Shimmer
(This is the color of the gas)
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You have to admit that this is a fitting (Let It Rain | MLP)song for Frowny Fox
I have other songs that suit the story scenes, I imagine it such as:
(“Gonna Be My Day” My Little Pony: A New Generation) (Good Vibes | MLP: Equestria Girls ) (Run to Break Free | MLP: Equestria Girls) (Equestria Girls Season 2 | 'Find the Magic' Music Video) (Play (Original Broadway Cast Recording)) (Applause - Lady Gaga (Lyrics)) (Top Of The World From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile ) (Rip Up The Recipe From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile ) (Carried Away From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile) (Take A Look At Us Now From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile) (Running Out Of Time - The Motion Picture Soundtrack Vivo) (Keep the beat The - Motion Picture Soundtrack Vivo) (Tough crowd - Motion Picture Soundtrack Vivo) ("Wake Up" Clip | Julie and the Phantoms) ("Flying Solo" Clip | Julie and the Phantoms) ("Finally Free" Clip | Julie and the Phantoms) ("Bright" | Julie and the Phantoms) (Stand Tall" Julie and the Phantoms) (Touch The Sky (Brave) Cover) (Lena Hall - The Magic Inside (I Am Just a Pony) (Aviators Remix)) (Who I Am - Lyrics | Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy) (Weightless - Lyrics | Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy) ("Float" from Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast) (I'll Save You - Jordan Sweeto) (Anna Blue- Where Do I Go?) (Wildside (From "Adventures in Babysitting") ( Theme Song Zendaya - Keep It Undercover) (This Is Me From "Camp Rock") (Victorious Karaoke | Freak the Freak Out) (The Greatest Showman | "Never Enough") (The Greatest Showman Cast - The Greatest Show) (The Greatest Showman | "From Now On") (Will Smith - Friend Like Me from Aladdin) (Adam Friedman - Glorious (lyrics)) (When Can I See You Again - Owl City) (Owl City, Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time) (Post Malone, Swae Lee - Sunflower) (Song of the Sea | Lullaby) (Bubble OST Florence Mok) ((bubble) theme song Smooth but only the Bubble and Humming sounds 🎶ONE HOUR🎶) (What Else Can I Do? From "Encanto") (Lundh & Jon Becker - Tonight) (Rival & Cadmium - Seasons) (Rival & Arc North - Starlight) (Rival & Cadmium - Fight For Me) (Arensky x Marin Hoxha x Jon Becker - My Gaming Life) (Dominick Soth - Chasing) (Unknown Brain & Spce CadeX - Holding You) (Real Hypha - Getaway)
Yes, I know it's a long list of songs, Anyway
I came up with this idea after watching: REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER
My brain said to me: Do you remember fan Stories of reborn as UnderTale characters
reborn as Sans or Frisk or Undyne Or any other characters
My brain: Why don't you write a story like this About a reader reborn as Frowny Fox?
This is a thought that buzzed in my head like a bee
There are many ideas for story chapters.
After Frowny Fox became famous.
The evil CEO ordered To catch that toy
The evil CEO asked how this happened and how Frowny Fox escaped from his factory
Evil CEO: Oh if I knew this would happen and mumbles
Wilson: sir
Evil CEO: What do you want
Wilson: I checked the cameras Like what you asked about Frowny Fox
Evil CEO: Did you find something?
Wilson: Seemingly Frowny Fox went to a laboratory. then he went to Records.
Wilson: I went to check the Records room.
Wilson: I discovered that he took The original papers of the Frowny Fox project ownership papers And he destroyed the backup copy But he left something out
Evil CEO: Let me see
It was a USB With files
The files were How to fix & update: the reject toys and the forgotten toys And a hair growth formula file for the CEO.
while the USB contains a film of Smiling Critters.
The movie is about There is an evil character Take control of CatNap It makes him create nightmares for children
In this adventure with Smiling Critters With children who save CatNap from the control of the evil one.
Do you remember his episode:
CATNAP is NOT a MONSTER… (Cartoon Animation)
the Scene: (2:25/8:30)
They said: the tape got all warped
so Frowny Fox make Cartoon movie.
With this movie, the people might give CatNap another chance To buy him
There is a file on how to fix CatNap gas problem.
And there too Cartoon episodes about Poppy Playtime toys
Do you remember the episode:
THE FORGOTTEN TOYS… (Cartoon Animation) The REJECT Toys… (Cartoon Animation)
y/n felt sorry for toys In the factory So y/n decided to make ever toys feel loved
Before y/n escaped from the factory, y/n did some research About toys And their problems
After y/n found problems with them and Writ a book of solutions How to fix them & update toys
the a reason that y/n made a Cartoon of Poppy Playtime toys
This is the best promotional method for the reject toys and the forgotten toys
Children will love their stories So it makes sense they will buy toys.
There is a blueprint to build it Repair machine for toys
if there was a toy It was made in bad condition like
LEGEND of KILLY WILLY… (Cartoon Animation) the Scene: 2:20/11:09 The REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation) the Scene: 0:10/8:33
so y/n explained in a message
Instead of throwing them in the incinerator
Why not fix them?
the machine is called (fixesyl)
Any damaged or bad-looking toy will be repaired by (fixesyl) machine
And finally there was an envelope letter for the CEO
it says:
((If you are reading this, This means you know I'm not in your factory
I don't mind you making Frowny Fox toys But no more evil things
I wanted to know what idiot had thought of making me smell like a wet fox
this is not fair Why do the Smiling Critters have the smell of flowers or fruits while I smell like wet fox
Why didn't they give me a berry scent or Spring rain
And don't worry I will send you the second season of Cartoon Poppy Playtime toys.
After showing the First season the episodes.
And trust me when I tell you, you couldn't find me or catch me however I wouldn't mind being your business partner.
I know what you're thinking right now
I the CEO work with a reject critter, and will Maybe not reject toy anymore.
I will find a way to keep in touch with you.
I have a lot of ideas for you.
I confirm my ideas make you rich dozens of times.
But ask yourself, do you really want me to be your enemy?
So in your opinion:
A: Make me a partner does not care about his share of the profit of the business. just wants you to stop Hurt toys and people
B: If you think the Prototype or Player Or any other toys was worst enemys, wait and see what I capabilities of.
We both know the answer to the question
I know you will make the right choice.
note: I made a hair growth formula for you
From your friend And your future partner Frowny Fox))
Let's say Things are getting better improvement In the factory
Some were Confused & doubtful, Others were surprised But some were happy about the change
especially reject toys and forgotten toys They were really happy about the change For example CatNap is Glad he's back in the TV show With his comrades, He does not know the reason for the change But he likes it.
There were a lot of rumors about the CEO's New business partner, No one knows who they are.
And a lot of drama.
Anyway I will do something evil in my au
Do you want to know what it is?
I make the Evil CEO's relationship with Frowny Fox like a parent a With their child relationship
I can imagine the CEO As a member Of the Bad Parents Club Consisting of
(Mommy Long Legs & Daddy Long Legs)( Boxy Boo parents) (BUNZO parents) (the PROTOTYPE)
I know what you're thinking: the PROTOTYPE is not a Parent But if you saw episode:
PJ PUGAPILLAR's DARK SECRET… (Cartoon Animation)
(the Scene: 1:00/8:20)
of course the Evil CEO will deny this And he still says the evilboss only cares about money.
while Frowny Fox grin and gives him knowledge looks.
In part of the story events.
there is evil oc
An evil person Trick the CEO To have him sign the papers handing over ownership of the factory
After he kicked the CEO out of the factory.
the evil oc found a way to conquer ever toys
using Minimize gun it made big toys very small and made them lose their abilities
even The Prototype Defeated
all toys became his prisoner
he Lock them up like this cages
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the Image from: The LOOKIES Get REVENGE! (Cartoon Animation)
While giving his evil speech in front of toys cages And the terrible things he will do to them But he was interrupted by one of Co-Workers.
Sir, there is a Missing toy
Evil OC: WHAT, How did this happen?
And what is the name of this toy?
the Worker: Frowny Fox one of the Smiling Critters, We couldn't find him Because he is not in the factory, sir
Hoppy Hopscotch raised her ear When she heard her friend's name
Smiling Critters know who he is Frowny Fox but Other toys do not know him
Evil OC: What that is impossible, these toys do not leave this factory, but live in it.
Wilson: you see sir, the situation With Frowny Fox is different
Evil OC: How so
Wilson: Explain the situation that Frowny Fox was The newest Smiling Critter is invented but he was rejected.
But that won't stop Frowny Fox from move forward.
And explain the rest
the Evil OC and toys were shocked When they knew that Frowny Fox was the business partner with the CEO.
the Evil OC: ordered them to catch him.
Then the Evil OC went to a meeting room With some of Workers.
Hoppy Hopscotch: Don't worry I'm sure Frowny Fox will save us.
Player: Does anyone else know who Frowny Fox is
Poppy: CatNap do know him
CatNap: Yes I know him And true I feel regret When I knew The person who Fix my reputation I treated him badly.
DogDay: no we all did treated him badly will except Hoppy
KickinChicken: we kinda ,played rough with him
Hoppy Hopscotch Shouted: you played rough with him.
you guys bully him and Didn't give him a chance Because he was different from us.
and CatNap do you remember that day When you bring Frowny Fox
The reason Frowny Fox attacked Bubba & DogDay because of they hurt him first. You didn't ask what happened And you attack him without giving him a chance to Explains the situation
The REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation)(the Scene: 7:44/8:33)
What about that another time when DogDay & KickinChicke threw Frowny Fox away in the incinerator
REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER (the Scene:0:55/8:17)
DogDay: It was an accident
KickinChicken: Yes, and don't forget that you were pulling His hand too And then we loss of balance Then he fell in the incinerator Then he came back in big monster and tried to kill us.
REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER (the Scene: 7:12/8:17)
Bubba Bubbaphant: Since that day we have not seen him again
Mommy LL: Why am I not surprised
Boxy Boo: Wow, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't save you
Lovey Dovey: And here I thought I had a personal problem with my Twin sister
sir poops a lot:This is not acceptable to forgive you After what you did to him
Me and my comrades know how he feels Because we were rejected toys too And we were going to stay like that But thanks to Frowny Fox. he gave us another chance to be on store shelves.
Then they started quarreling with each other
Poppy: That's enough, everyone. Listen. We have to work together if you want to get out And return to our natural sizes & And regain are Our strength
Huggy: She's right, We need a plan,
while the CEO meet Frowny Fox by coincidence
the CEO immediately hugged him, And how happy he is that he found him.
Frowny Fox: What is happening In factory.
the CEO Explain how a "Evil OC" Trick him to Sign in a contract that Handing over ownership of the factory to them
to make it short: Everyone was saved and the Ownership of the factory was returned to the CEO
From that day on, some things changed in the factory
Thanks to Frowny Fox They have a Peace Treaty between Toys and Humans
But some details have not changed in the factory's life
Such as chasing or intimidating.
y/n remembers episode of:(BABY LONG LEGS Wants to Be HUMAN)
(The Scene: 3:56/11:22)& (11:15/11:22)
if Baby Long Legs can transform into a human Then back to being his toy self again
What if there was a way to help those who were transformed into toys
So y/n as Frowny Fox With some of the scientists of PlayCo.
Frowny Fox created a device Makes toys who were human Or an animal can be transformed back to themselves
the device design It could be bracelets & a Hair clip & a badge or a necklace & a ring & a watch
with this device They can turn to human self Then back to being toy self again.
So I will ask you what you think of my au idea
Of course, someone will ask if I wrote the first Chapter
Unfortunately, no Because I was busy drawing Frowny Fox
I try to improve my drawing.
But if I find some time I might be able to wrote the first Chapter
Okay, why do I feel if I opened my page the next day There would be many of you?
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seasonschange32 · 4 months
I'm trying to watch Athena P lore videos because god are they entertaining and so funny. But here's some shows/movies I would love a lore deep dive on and why:
Inspector gadget reboot - the 'romance' between penny and Talon was so confusing yet endearing. Also, loving how chief Quimby just Disguises himself just to give gadget a misson
Total drama - not only was it a huge fan of gross out humor and has our overlord chris mclain, it literally introduced me to the ' bad boy x good girl' trope before ripping it out and taking a character ( who was literally perfect with another) and forcing them together due to aesthetics.
Transformers: robots in Disguise ( 2015) or Transformers prime - two shows that have fanbases debating ( seriously), each saying why each respective show is better. But other than that, both are fine for what they are and gave me two crushes that I hold dearly.
Mia and me - a fairy show that's not only animated but live action? With the main character having an ability to talk to unicorns? And with one of her bullies DISCOVERING HER SECRET LIFE??
Ben and hollies little kingdom - super wholesome and I love how the humans coinside with the fairies
Max and ruby - there's a tiktoker who made a whole series on why ruby was annoying. Need I say more?
Trollhunters and the spin off 3below - honestly from what I remember, I loved the stakes of the show and how cool the Armour the main character had. Regarding the spin off, loving how the bully I think was into the alien girl
Max steel ( not the 2000s one. sorry) - Max having to come up with the most unbelievable excuses as to why he has to go is cliche but also kind of funny? And the fact that the company Max's dad works for has lore as well is kind of interesting
Dino squad - I actually remembered this show through a cringe compilation of all things and had to add it. From the theme song, to the plotines, to the fact that I had a crush on Laruzo even though he was obviously queer coded ( his Dino form was cool though)
Jem and the holograms - the I am a giant song from the misfits lives in my head rent free. Also, jem practicing trying to reveal to that one guy only from him to yell at her is funny to me
Lolirock - same with jem as revolution is iconic as well as the villians. Plus, why is was eventually taken off
The tinker bell movies - forgot I was supposed to mention movies as well ( sorry). But I love them and how the fairies each have their own abilities ( as well as different kinds). From pirate fairies to winter fairies, it's really cool.
Barbie: a fashion fairytale - I love all barbie movies equally but this...this just takes the cake. What other movie will you see ken making a child cry, fairies with attitude, rotting dresses, and a roller skating aunt?
Zoom (2015) - the trailer showing a scene of the main character and her character arguing is honestly what made me want to watch it ( I haven't but I'm planning on it)
Super hero squad - kid me was laughing my butt off when falcon married his bird. So...
The little prince movie - I didn't even read the book but when I saw that the old man had died, I was emotionally devastated, especially after listening to all his stories which inspired the main character to go find the prince UGHHH
The book of life - is it cliche? Yes. Is it like coco? Yes. Do I like that in the end, the main boy has to sing a guitar version of creep to calm down a bull? Absolutely yes!
Epic - josh hutcherson, beyonce, Amanda Seyfried, Johnny knoxville, an enemies to lovers storyline, a snail, a royal guard having a love for the queen, the enemies being bugs, and ANDD a nerdy dad. That's it.
Rise of the guardians - I absolutely love it followed jack and his arc of being seen and when he finally is, the kid and him are just so excited! Also, the fact that a lot of people are simping for the Easter bunny is a testament to how many people will call anyone sexy.
Daniel spellbound - wanted to add this because there's an awesome creator ( cough cough @bonkalore) who's made an amazing au out of this show and I wanted to see what you thought of it and your theories
Bonus options ( just random one's I think could fit): the rainbow fairies series, Lego friends, the complicated life of Claudia Christina Cortez, sonic underground, drama or sisters ( but any book by rainia would be great), Junie b Jones, stoked, barney, goddess girls, glitter force ( that's what I remember it as), invisible sister, a monster in Paris, Maya and miguel, and Martha)
If you want anymore, let me know!
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Cover art by @/crazycookiemaniac
Summary: The strings of Fate continue to twist and turn and wind in a rather odd manner. It's almost like the fate of the world would be dependent on just a few of the threads. Is there a chance to affect the way they are woven together? And how about the formerly so happy couple? All they carry of the other as of now, is the tender, but bittersweet emotions in their hearts, along with the rings on their fingers. Rings, which held a spell.
Pairing: Fuegoleon (CC) x Solara (OC) Fanfic type: Book/long fic Warnings: Mostly canon typical content, the battle/war themes are there, angst, Fue's fear manifests as anger (he's only human, after all), Solara is still pregnant so themes of pregnancy
Tag list: @succulentsunrise @loosesodamarble
A/N: Three months later... I wanted to see where canon progresses, but decided to make some decisions of my own in the end anyhow. Hope you like them (nyehehhee).
Word count: ~3.6k
Chapter 6: The Rings
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‘Tis curious... It’s as if the Seer is no more. The string is awfully thin... Like all else. So, I wonder... I wonder if ... I wonder what’s in that room, beyond the mirror. The passage. She’s always looking at me through it, but I think there’s something behind her. Not that she ever spends more time there. But I think... there is something in there.
I wonder what it is... for ever since I was... how old was I? When I came here? Decided that it’s best to observe. To be an observer, rather than a Seer. Which, perhaps... Perhaps it’s what the researchers of Old Micah were supposed to be. To watch, but not tinker and toil.
Though the bells are awfully annoying.
Maybe they could hear the bells too and just wanted them to shut up.
Though sister... sister says that she can’t hear anything wrong with them. That some hear the bells, but hear nothing wrong about how they play. If you call that as playing. The blasted bells. They drill into my very soul. At times.
Maybe they drilled into the souls of the scientists too. And that’s why they drew the strings, and ventured too close. Trying to tinker with them. Temper with the threads that shouldn’t be tempered with.
And thus were no more... Nothing but a whisper. A distant memory for only those who are able to remember them. Their lair being nothing but ruins, hidden behind forcefields in fear of it taking place again. Another one breaking through because someone played an off note with the strings.
She half scoffed; half chuckled.
Or weaved them the wrong way. Since ... though I... perhaps it’d be better to call them as weavers. I’m not one, despite being like a spider caught in a web. Or... at least feeling like one. Though maybe spiders don’t feel trapped inside their own creations.
And since this isn’t my creation, I think that a spider isn’t a fitting description after all.
But... then... what does it make me? What am I?
I’m not a Seer, Weaver or ... Or... anything that there are supposed to be. I just exist.
Just exist and watch as the threads turn and twist, helpless as ever. Though. What would it affect me? If they’d cease to turn. If they’d... become tangled in a way like never before? What would it affect me? I am here, without a burden on my consciousness. For if I ever do nothing, then how could I be guilty of doing anything wrong?
Though sister is adamant that I do something, because choosing to do nothing is as bad as doing something wrong. While she also agrees that sometimes it’s best to mind one’s own business. Take care of her queendom and let others do as they will. Because others existing as they do, while not bothering us is... they might exist differently than we do, but it’s not inherently wrong in any way.
However... the twisting and the turning that’s taking place... Never did I think that so many threads could be affected by one path... two paths... Or maybe... It’s hard to tell.
The threads are awfully small and wound together where I can see them.
But still. They’re tied to awfully many places, and the web seems like it’s crumbling. Falling apart.
So maybe... but I couldn’t.
No one is to touch the threads. That is a Law.
One that the researchers of Old Micah learned the hard way.
No mortal hands are to touch the threads as they are.
But that makes me wonder... how would one then affect the twisting and the turning? Perhaps with a tool? That is how the scientists made it possible to weave into the net. With a set of tools that allowed them to touch threads that weren’t meant to be touched.
However... that doesn’t mean that there wouldn’t be a tool that wouldn’t allow for it. To take a hold and play the bells, attached to the threads. Or even... maybe if you connect something to the threads, and touch those instead of touching the threads themselves?
I wonder...
Her head turned towards the mirror, the pathway and the thin sheet of something she couldn’t name, which existed between that place and another. A place from where her sister gazed to her every once in a while. And for reasons that were lost even from herself, she couldn’t turn her eyes away.
I wonder what’s in that room...
The art of crafting a wedding band is delicate and precise work. After all, the piece of jewellery is meant to be worn around one’s finger for the rest of the days they have on this earth. And thus, it should be both durable and stylish; something that fits the person carrying the ring itself.
Designing such a piece takes time, let alone execute the craftmanship. Especially while working with a fragile material such as a leaf from the Tree of Binding Fates.
It was long, long time ago discovered that the material, which becomes hardened after falling off, could be used in jewellery or other memorabilia. But considering the significance of the ritual, it seemed only logical to incorporate such a fine material, add a fine detail, to a piece of jewellery as important as a wedding band. It in itself would already make the pair of rings unique, because no one else would have the same leaf, the same pattern, of the same shape and size and weight, as the one that The Tree served the couple. Perhaps one might find similar ones. Even hauntingly similar, while looking at older rings, preserved and kept intact for future generations to see and admire. Because surely love is something to admire. To read about the joys and sorrows the couple held, while looking at the rings, which were still there, as if to prove that the couple had existed, once upon a time.
The old man, in Thea, working for the [Lil’ Old Jeweller] had been doing what he knows best for 55 years already, in that very same shop, which was founded by his great-grandfather with no greater aspirations than to simply do a good job. It had been his wish to do an honest day’s work, in a manner that he could be proud of.
The old man could remember his grandfather having told how his father had felt rather silly while putting the word ‘old’ into the sign while opening, but he had felt that it added a certain charisma to the name. However, the word had grown true to itself, as the shop had gained popularity.
The old man could remember when his grandfather had gotten his first job with a request to add a leaf from The Tree, and how nervous he had been. Because it wasn’t just any material, it was something that couldn’t be replaced. So, he had started by chipping off only a portion of the leaf in hopes of being able to chip off another piece if he failed on the first try. And the method had proved to be successful. There had even been only a handful of occasions when a new piece had needed to be chipped off the leaf, because as the old man, his father, and grandfather, had all noticed, the work took shape around the leaf piece.
There was always a hint of a kind, along with having spoken to the couple, most of them easy to talk to, and some seeming more like they’d be the end of each other than the love of each other’s lives, about how the rings should look like. One had to work with the ring, instead of having to make the ring work for oneself. That was one of the things he had hoped to have gotten across to his daughter, who had taken an interest in adding leaves, actual leaves and flowers into the rings as well. Encase them in resin or alike material, along with the leaf from The Tree. And she seemed to do good job. Her customers seemed happy. Which was enough for him. He might not have understood the fascination, because when he thought about a ring, he thought of silver and gold, fine elements of the earth, along with gems and the leaf.
But he was already an old man. And he supposed that it was alright. Time went on, and his daughter also had the skill of listening. The old man had thought himself to have held the gift of seeing too, but upon watching the pieces his daughter made, he thought himself to have only a narrow view of seeing.
Though the daughter said their ways of seeing to simply have been different. There was no right or wrong, as long as you work with the couple, and do a good, honest day’s work.
The old man had been pleased with this answer. Perhaps that was all there was to it.
And so, the old man would continue doing his work, with the couples, the leaves and the pieces of metal, embedding the magic of the leaves of The Tree into a piece of jewellery that was worn on the ring finger of the left hand, from where there was a straight path to the heart.
Sometimes he would think how many utilize the magic that was embedded into the ring. Perhaps not quite many, because it could be used only once, and it wasn’t that often one held such a desperate need to get to one and another instantly. Especially if it was only once. Though he could always make a new ring, with the remainders of the leaf. None just seemed to think of it. Or then it wouldn’t be the same, because you only, really, get married to one person once in your life. At least... in most cases.
It was also possible that many simply... forgot about it. Put if off as just some ol’ wives tales and went on with their lives.
He also went on as to speculate that some might have thought the spell, or the mana, to activate to have needed something grand. A specific set of words that would wind into a sentence that would bring one to their loved one, or vice versa, for after all, the door swung both ways. But in reality, what was required, was rather simple.
Another thing he thought that many forgot, because more didn’t use it. And those that, perhaps, remembered it, deemed it invasive to simply yank one’s beloved to them away from whatever it was. Especially, again, since the spell could be used only once. And would give away to this one little ace in one’s sleeve. Not that it was so special that other nations couldn’t have come up with it and used it for themselves.
But, during times of trouble, he also found himself thinking if people, who once upon a time had sat there, in the small seating area of his shop, talking to him about their wishes for the rings, eyes full of love and hope for the future, had found themselves falling out of love. After all, it was not always love that bound people’s fates together. So, it was possible, that somewhere down the road, what had brought the couple together, drove them apart. And thus, the magic that existed in the rings was left unused.
Luckily, those thoughts, those moments, were scarce. And more often than not, he found himself smiling while thinking back to all of the encounters he had with the brides and grooms to be. Every story different from the other. But the smiles and the gazes, the tender, subtle displays of affection, they he could recognize. Even if they all harboured a special flare of their own, no matter how similar one might have thought them to be based on a glance. And the similarities, he had found, stretched far beyond the borders of nations.
For a while he had nearly forgotten it. During the years that it had been only Thean couples that came to see him. But one of the latest couple he found himself thinking more than any other for a while. Perhaps because of how much they had been talked about. Because of what was achieved, essentially because they had been the driving force for the borders opening and new alliance forming.
He had thought that maybe he shouldn’t have been so surprised to find them, sitting across the table from him. But. He had been.
However, the surprise and the wonder had faded away as he looked at them smile. As he smiled because they smiled, and because the smile was contagious.
He hoped that the couple would never need to use the magic of the rings. He hoped that they could be happy and content; spend the days of their lives, together.
The smooth surface of his wedding band, which hid a pattern, as if flames, on the inner surface of it. He let his thumb grace the piece of metal, which spoke of a promise. A shared vow between two lovers, during a time that had been filled with... hope... More hope. A time that had been joyous and had made his flutter in the best of ways.
And he could remember... how it had been her fingers gracing over that surface of his wedding band. He could remember, how her fingers had trailed up his arm to play with his hair. How she whispered gentle nothings to his ears, or how she’d giggle, burst into a laugh because of something silly that he couldn’t even remember anymore. He just remembered the laugh.
He remembered how beautiful she had been.
He wondered how he had been blessed. Even for such a short while. A passing moment. A breath.
That’s how it felt, even if they had been together for years. Despite having been the best years of his life, they had been over in a blink of an eye. Too soon. Too quick.
Though he wasn’t sure if even a lifetime had been long enough of a time. But that was all the time he had; all the time she had. A lifetime.
It was just a shame that his lifetime would end up being shorter than hers. Not that he would have willed it any other way; for hers to be shorter than his.
And for a moment, he had to wonder if it had been only a dream. Something his mind had concocted during his coma, which he wished to believe with his entire being.
But... it hurt too much for it to have been a mere dream. The golden threads of fate, spun into ropes, were wound tightly around his still beating heart, which he hoped would carry his affection to her. He hoped that she could hear him, feel him, there, until he wouldn’t be. And perhaps, even after that.
He wished that she knew his last thoughts to be of her. Even when the battle was raging around him. Even as the end was nearing.
Something seemed to have caught the angels’ interest, perhaps a squad, or another captain. He wasn’t sure. But he had seen Yuno upon a glimpse, battling Lucius. He almost sure that he had seen Noelle too, which meant that the Bulls had returned. Perhaps that was why the angels seemed to have found something else of interest than the civilians, for the most part. Which allowed him to look around. Gaze around the area that surrounded him, rather than fire spells haphazardly at the enemy all around.
And what he saw, did anything but shed hope into him. If there had been much to begin with.
But the thing was, as a knight, he couldn’t give in; give up, turn his back on the sacrifices of his knights. He owed it to them. He owed it to the citizens of Clover. And, he felt that he owed it to his family. To stand his ground and be the man that he had tried to be, all his life.
He didn’t think himself to be afraid. Not anymore. He didn’t think himself to be angry, or sad... He didn’t know what he thought himself to be. If he was anything but a pawn in a game that seemed fixed. He knew that he had preached about the dangers of hesitating, freezing up; doing anything but steeling oneself.
He had learned that the hard way.
And yet, he found himself placing, again, his thumb over his wedding band, and thinking of her.
I wish... that we could have been together. This was our choice, and it was... the right ... choice. But still... I wish that... you’d be here.
However... as his mind formulated the thought, the words, the gentle, genuine confessions of his heart into a manifestation, he didn’t think the gilded string of fate, bound into ropes, to be listening. He didn’t remember the little spell, not in the pendant around his neck, but in the ring around his finger.  
The little spell where the door swings both ways.
And the magic, the first spark of mana was so faint that he almost missed it. Almost, but not quite.
It was just enough for his gaze to fall onto the small piece of precious metal, which now glowed a gilded, reddish glow, which reminded him of the leaf from The Tree, the rest of which was still in their room.
The glow was followed by a flash of light. Golden threads coiling around what looked like a small, tender, summer sun.
Perhaps, in another time, in another place, he would have thought it to be beautiful. Perhaps, but now, it chilled him right down to his very bone, because it meant something he didn’t wish to comprehend. Something he didn’t want to understand; believe.
He couldn’t believe it.
He didn’t want to believe it.
Never would he have thought that seeing her, would have equalled his worst nightmare. But now, as it did, all he could do, was stare at her. Eyes wide open, pupils constricted and locked onto her.
This… can’t be…
“Are you hurt?” She asked, as if that had been a reasonable question. The first thing she asked, as her eyes met his, her arm moving to her other, to do... something... but he didn’t register half of it. He could only think about the question.
As if it had been a reasonable question…
As if…
She was wearing an armour, and though it wasn’t… one that he could recall, it still… wasn’t enough. The thick plate around her stomach seemed only as a thin veil over what was more than a target to an enemy.
“Honey?” She asked, eyes full of worry, sorrow, but still with a soft fondness in them that was far too gentle for a place like this.
Place that was worse than the Underworld, worse than hell. Because even in hell are only those worthy of the punishment cast upon them. And here, it was mostly those … who were not.
“What… are you doing here…?” He could hear himself asking from her, through the haze and the deliria.
For a moment he had to consider that he had died, and this was but a fever dream. A horrid, twisted concoction of his mind during his final breath.
“I... was drawn to you,” she replied, looking at her ring. Yet another horrid statement.
Though… perhaps… in another life, another time, he would have deemed it soft and sweet, a promise fulfilled and so sacred that he couldn’t comprehend… But now, in its gentle caress lied thorns.
Oh how he wished they would have been mere thorns, instead of the soul carving, hollowing, burning, flooding sensation that sought to take over him.
A primal emotion. The primal emotion of fear, fluttered in him. But it came out as rage.
“What, are, you doing here?!” He shouted as his face twisted; teeth bared as if canines to ravage flesh. 
“I-, came to-”
“WHY ARE YOU HERE?!” He yelled again, jaw clenched and overtaken by a flood from within him.
“I… You...” she managed, before his right hand grabbed his left, fingers twisting onto his wedding ring.
“GET. OUT!” He yelled, slamming the ring, embedded with a leaf from the Tree of Binding Fate, onto the pavement of the Capitol. It clicked against the stones under them as the only sound she heard.
It might have been but a small, ringing sound of metal against stone, but the faint sound, was the loudest thing she could conceive.
And with it, she could feel her heart sinking in her chest. As if punched, her organs pushed all the way to her back.
As if a slap in the face.
And all she could do, was stare at that ring, as it rolled away from her.
But she didn’t want to see it go, so, she reached forward with a motion that was heavy; trembling. And cast Gravity of the Sun with minimal effort in hopes that it’d come back as tears rolled down her cheeks in the middle of the Capitol where she sat, alone, on the cold harsh ground.
No choice that she could have made, was good. But somehow, this, felt the worst one she could have taken out of the options provided. To sit there, unsure of what to do.
And… what made it worse, was the fact that she could feel the little ones kicking in her stomach.
They’re so feisty… she smiled to herself despite the tears. Just like their father…
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This week, we have five fics that take place in Marquet! Check them out under the cut, and as always, if you liked them, don't forget to comment and kudos!
Complications and Catches by Derkish (18231,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Cassandra de Rolo & Keyleth & Vex'halia de Rolo
Every year, Vex and Keyleth take a week off from their responsibilities to unwind and catch up on the sunny shores of Marquet. When Vex notices Cassandra having an off day, she invites her (read: drags her) along to join them. Because Cass really, really needs a vacation.
Reccer says: Great female friendship and relaxation
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you're gonna carry that weight by allmadeofstardust (2095,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings: Bells Hells & Ariks Eshteross
Lord Ariks Eshteross knows his time is drawing to a close. That doesn't mean he's going out without a fight.
Reccer says: I liked it
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Second Chances by thewriterintheback (1039,General) Warnings: None Pairings:Imogen Temult & Relvin Temult, Liliana Temult & Relvin Temult
what the world looks like to the people who love us when we go off to save it and have to leave them behind
Reccer says: An interesting look from Revin's point of view as the one who stayed back
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Sealed With Gold by bluegreenamber (1771,Mature) Warnings: Pairings:Ashton Greymoore & Milo Krook
Milo Krook is more than used to fixing other people's messes, but picking up the literal pieces of a certain earth genasi has never been part of their job description as a tinkerer. All they know is that Ashton is going to owe them so many drinks by the end of this whole ordeal.
Reccer says: Great Milo and Ashton hurt/comfort!
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the dawning hour by jude_writes (520,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: none
Jarett in Marquet.
Reccer says: I liked it
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics featuring Blindness/Deafness!
After that, it'll be Focusing on Jester, and then one of the Critter Gen Week Prompts for this year!
Oh! Also! Critter Gen Week is happening! Prompt suggestions are now open, if you've got any ideas.
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit! If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Been rereading some IDW and I wanted to compile my favorite very evil and badass things Eggman has done so far and hope to see much more of in the future:
When he ordered for Mimic to kill the Diamond Cutters (most members are just teens!)
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and then he threatened Mimic to finish the job when he finds out Whisper got away in a way that makes me 😳😳😳
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When he was cruelly toying around with poor critters during the testing of the Metal Virus and loving it, which is a great look into how he treats the animals when they're in his grasp that we don't usually get to see.
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When he went back to spit in the face of the people of Windmill Village that took him in as Tinker by pouring the virus goop all over it while saying "no good deed goes unpunished". Ungrateful bastard being an asshole and loving it, gleefully making them regret being foolish enough to give him a chance.
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When Starline dared to try to take out Eggman's prey that's for him to beat and destroy alone after proving his power and superiority. I love it mostly for the way he grabbed Starline's neck with just a finger or two and slammed him against the glass hard enough to crack it as the first thrilling display of his physical strength 😍
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The way he likes making toys and once again combines a fun hobby with evil as he models his awesome creations and uses them to plan and figure out battle plans and strategies
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Plus the reveal of how Eggman made the figurine of Starline a robot, hinting at how he was always either replaceable and nothing more than an underling for him to use just like all his other lackeys
When he fires Starline as a fine example of him throwing his lackeys away when he's finally had it and no longer needs them and just how harsh he is when they disobey his orders
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When he attempted to manipulate Sonic to plant a seed of doubt and make him feel guilt for the tragedies of the metal virus. I love the gorgeous sly smirk on that bastard's face 💜
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When he grabbed his gun like "oh yeah?" and tried to shoot Tails
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The way he was doing evil VR gaming in his evil simulated world, as yet another great way for him to combine a fun hobby with his diabolical schemes!
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When he first met Belle as his real self and was just like "pfft what makes your precious Tinker as good as me when I can do stuff like THIS?" *Shows her his fucked up tower concept*
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When he talked a bit about his delightfully cute but twisted and disturbing reasons behind his theme parks, capturing everything I love about how admiringly charismatic and passionate he is but so messed up about it at once!
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When he fought Starline in the glorious EGG EMPEROR! And the great moment where he said Starline never really had a place of co emperor alongside him because it's all or nothing for him, the world belongs to him alone and nobody else! He said so much of exactly what I've been saying this whole time while in the mech behind my username. I was so happy 💕
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The beautiful creepy silhouette Egg and he way he revealed that Starline has been outsmarted and absolutely dominates him
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and the way he absolutely fucked Starline up with an epic display of his strength that makes me swoon 😍💖💜💘💗💕
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then walked away knowing everything was collapsing and left Starline to his doom, then just announced it like "lol he's dead- so anyway"
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Eggman beat him and it killed his will to go on, then he left him as everything caved in which finished him off. Therefore he killed him, he knowingly had direct causation without a care and I consider it as part of his body count.
When he tried to shoot Surge and then grabbed and threw her- while in his awesome Eggwalker too! 💜💕💗
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When he praised Starline but only after he was dead and gone, so he could use it to praise and prove himself as superior by the way Starline is still a bested enemy that he defeated despite this. God damn, that's cold and selfishly egotistical… My man!!! 🥰
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And everything about Scrapnik Island with it exploring how he's carelessly thrown away so many of his robots and the impact it has on them all- especially the closer look into how much it devastated Mecha Sonic to go from his greatest creation to abandoned trash.
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All these moments bring me great joy and feel like the Eggman I know and love in the games too, I adore his exciting evil and badassery when he gets a piece of the action, proves his skills and strength, and reminds everyone why he's the best!!! 🥰💜
When he's treated well, written with care, and given some of the focus he deserves, he can be fantastic in this comic. His characterization has really been looking up lately, he just really deserves more of a time to shine now as it's been five years and he still hasn't actually been the main villain of a big arc without some twist involving others taking the spotlight. I really hope he gets his turn to really shine in that spotlight for much longer soon!
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
could you do any stephanie and bruce headcanons
I need to work on using the "keep reading" cuts
Bruce's grief after Steph died was much more silent than Jason's because otherwise the public would've started prying, but he also placed every ounce of blame on himself and seriously considered retiring Batman (and in turn, Robin, so no more kids have to get hurt)
She jokingly made him pinky promise to take her to Belgium for waffles on her 18th birthday and he stuck to his word
They sold rainbow cookies at Pride and the proceeds (plus an extra donation from Bruce) went to Steph's high school GSA
Steph changed Bruce's lock screen to her double-chin selfie with a psychedelic filter. When one of his coworkers at saw it, he just said, "Kids, am I right?"
They are contractually obligated to sing the Space Jam theme together at karaoke
Whenever they travel as a family, Steph and Bruce each get their own hotel rooms—Bruce because he snores and Steph because she thinks she's Adele performing at Wembley Stadium
She trolled Bruce's Twitter so hard that people were convinced she was a rival CEO
Steph refused to let Bruce pay for college, so instead he visited often and helped her write the perfect scholarship applications
She found a five-leaf clover and stuck it to Bruce's cowl in the middle of his town hall speech
They tried to cook together and reeeally overshot the amount of salt
Bruce cried a little when she moved to her first apartment
They went to a family therapist for 3 months after Steph came back from the dead to sort everything out
Steph doesn't remember when she told Bruce she doesn't like licorice, but he never forgot
She decorated Bruce's motorcycle helmet with Spoiler stickers
They have a shared hatred for people who don't put their shopping carts away
Bruce learned the "make a wish on a dandelion" thing from Steph, and he does it when no one's watching
In her senior year of high school, Steph was on the freshman orientation team and to stand out from the other orientation leaders, she had Batman stand next to her handing out free t-shirts
Bruce follows her suspicions, no matter how silly they might seem at first—she has a better eye for details than him
One time he found her tinkering with a non-functional music box she found in the attic. They stayed up all night to restore it together and when it was done, it had a newly painted ballerina and played Martha's favorite childhood song
When she was Batgirl, people constantly compared her to Babs and Cass and it made her question every tiny thing she did and whether she could live up to the mantle. Bruce knew this, and he also knew this wasn't something he could fix for her in one fell swoop. Still, that didn't stop him from leaving the positive comments on her mission reports and telling her she's doing a good job in the middle of a fight
"Bruce, I can read your mind." "What am I thinking right now?" "Why is her thumb in my ear?"
Her way of waking him up involves a squirt gun in each hand
Bruce thinks Steph is really brave for showing up to the Wayne gala in an outfit that's half of her Spoiler costume mixed with pajamas
Bruce failed his own company's drug test because Steph gave him a poppy seed bagel that morning
Steph played an important role in Bruce and Selina's wedding: making sure villains stayed away and the cake didn't topple over
One time they were the only ones awake at sunrise when the snow had just freshly fallen, so they raced outside for a snowball fight
One of their undercover disguises was as a father and daughter—with Steph being the father
Steph forgives Bruce for her death because she was the one who put herself in danger, and she hopes someday he can learn to forgive himself
They both picked the worst wallpapers for the bathroom so Alfred had to override their decision
Steph made him watch all the Tinker Bell movies
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dumping-ideas · 1 year
I'm not really familiar with Peter Pan because Peter Pan is such a brat, but I still remember the novel content lol
Fun fact: although Peter Pan appeared in a novel before, his first appearance as a protagonist is a play by the same author. Theater roots!!
So in this set, Emu is Peter Pan, Len is Tinker Bell, and Rui is John I guess? Because I don't think Michael wears glasses in the novel lol. But John does wear glasses in Disney animated version!
Now where the heck is Wendy???
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Otori Emu, or the Girl Who Wouldn't Grow Up
.... Or would she?
Peter Pan is a character that symbolized childhood youth and naivety and also brings others along in his adventure, so Emu is definitely the perfect choice (just look at her kizuna titles and her previous two events). And plus, Peter Pan was played by female actors in the early days, so this is neat!
Emu is definitely crying in this card. Congratulations everyone, this hurts so much. Look at her, it looks like her eyes are swollen from crying. And the ship in the background... I know it's the pirate ship but it can also symbolize a journey. I can think of two reasons for her tears, one is that she's saying farewell to her friends with a smile and the other one is she's saying goodbye to her childhood and decides to grow up alongside her friends. The original Peter Pan refused to grow up, but I don't think Emu would choose the same. Letting go her friends or her childhood hurt her either way, so I wonder what path that she took.
Thankfully, she's not alone as Len is with her (a call back to Smile of Dreamer I see)
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We're not done with the time theme from Rui's event, as now he's sitting with his back on the clock. It's good that he's not fixated on the passing time anymore after the event of Curtain Call. Also is the bell in the background a callback to SekaHaji? Particularly the part about breaking the harmonious future to start a new life? Very interesting.
So... Rui is John Darling, the rigid but adventurous boy (iirc). I remember he's complaining a lot in the early part of the novel, but I wonder why they give Rui this role... Until I know the rest, I don't think I can analyze the rest lol. But more than that, I like how Rui is reading a book, probably a story book, because I remember Wendy is taken to Neverland because she knows lots of stories. So maybe it's a reference to that, and how Rui is now looking at the story of WxS.
And that fairy trail! Len is not visible, but he's also here!!
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This costume will look so good with Ena's fairy set.
Making one of the VS as Tinker Bell is briliant--they're unchanging because they're not humans who can grow up. And I like how Len is lighting Emu's and Rui's cards, but here he is alone in a dark room--unlike Rui and Emu where you can see the full moon.
Anyway, another clock at the corner, they really don't want us to forget the ticking time lol. It's dark and there's a lot of books... Either it's in the ship or in the Darling house, not much details to pinpoint.
But I guess the highlight of this card is the miniature ship, where we can see the representations of WxS members... but Tsukasa is harder to find because not only is he in the corner Len's fairy light doesn't even touch him lol.
Judging by their position, is it a reference to the denouement of the novel, where the kids have a little fun as pirates? Emu/Peter Pan as the ship captain, Rui/John being adventurous by looking out at the sea, and... Huh, maybe Nene is Michael? Michael admired Peter Pan, and if so it's obvious Nene would be next to Emu, other than it as a reference of them being close friends.
So... Tsukasa is Wendy?? Lol, I mean Wendy isn't really impressed with the boys playing pirates, so it may the reason why he's hugging the pole in the corner. But is there any other reason for why he's not in the light...? A reference of him not really caring about his childhood (ie. the magic of them being together forever?)?
Or maybe I read Tsukasa wrong, that he's actually lonely but doesn't realize it?? I mean, this is not the first time of him being ignorant of his negative feelings (re: Hinamatsuri and Dazzling Stage) and because he's ignorant of it he can't face the light...?
Oh boy, I really need to see who's the 3*
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