#it was something like they would travel their home but the flight was postponed or smth and they had to stay together for a few days
devilsainz · 6 months
my favorote charlos christmas fics may have been deleted abd my day is ruined thanks
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dnarez · 3 years
Rain Season
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Tw. Sex, a lot of fluff, domestic, porn with plot
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Anonymous: I would like to request an Aizawaxfem reader, where she is a pilot but decides to transfer to an office job for him, also, please do is very domestic, like... he had an awful day and is very grumpy, but she takes care of him, and then he takes care of her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) if you  know what I mean.
I hope you liked it!!! This was my first time doing a request!!!
+3.9k words
I didn't made the second check to see if I have anything wrong with the writting, sorry
"Fucking rain season" said Eraserhead while getting inside his home, soaked from head to toe, he saw your heels on the entrance hall and frowned at it, he just wanted to be alone right now.
You heard him going inside your house and by the sound of his wet boots his mood was just as bad as the weather.
Chuckle to yourself as you keep preparing the bathtub.
Shouta's footsteps were light, but you always had a good hearing, and that helped to not letting him scare the shit out of you.
"I know that you are there love" you raise to your feet and look at him with a smile, but turns into a giggle seeing him all wet.
"Why are you here?" his rude tone would set anyone off, but you knew he was just being grumpy.
"I can't fly with this rain, it's too dangerous for me and the passengers so~" you go to him and brush his bangs away to let you see all of his beautiful face.
His eyes glare at you, he didn't want to get his hopes too high, Shouta knew that having a relationship with a pilot wouldn't be easy, and the little bit of time you two had together was heaven but always too short.
So any time that you had a day off he wouldn't ask for more time, but fuck he missed his girlfriend, he didn't even know how he was so lucky to fetch such a catch, but you would always respond with 'the bait was just too good to let it pass'
Even so, even if he tried to not get his hopes up, maybe... just maybe you would stay for a bit longer than usual...
You kissed his cheek and petted his drenched hair "I also got a promotion!"
Shouta frowned at that "so why don't you go celebrate with your friends?" He pushes you away and started to strip.
Huffing, you help him against his wishes "How barbaric! Didn't even let me finish!" You hold his hands stopping him from taking his pants off "I got a promotion for..." you clap twice "AN OFFICE JOB!" And make jazz hands on the end.
He looks at you astonished "An office job!? You hate working on a desk, and you also hate doing the same things every day! That's why you love being a pilot!" He says angrily, everything was making him angry right now, even your voice, one of, if not the most thing, he likes about you.
You sigh "Yes but... I already traveled to most of the countries in the world, I saw so much but..." you blush and evade his eyes
Aizawa gets closer to you, making both chests almost touch "But?"
"But... every time I saw something new I would think of you... and how you would like this, or how you would smile eating that, I'm feeling more and more homesick with each trip so... I asked to be transferred..."
He just... looks at you, which makes you blush more each minute that passes "I-I was thinking... that I could... maybe... move in, since it's so close to the airport from here, and... I would be able to sleep and wake up with you by my side" your whole face is red.
Shouta smile and hugs you tightly, "Why are you even asking? I gave you the keys in hope that you would move in"
You smiled and hugged him back, but his skin was too damn cold! You felt like you were hugging an ice cube!
The sweet moment was interrupted by him sneezing, "OMG! Bathtub! Now!" You pull him to the tub and help him to take off his clothes
"What about you? You just got here, right?" He asked while stepping out of his pants and boxer.
"I will take a shower, you can take your time and relax" you kiss his shoulder (because it's the highest place you can reach without him bending)
Shouta nods and gets inside the bathtub, smelling a woodsy scent, the water was also a little green "what did you put in here?"
You take off your clothes "It's a new bathwater, it helps relax the body and all that shit" you take a hair tie and ties Aizawa's hair in a cute messy bun "today we will take care of you, okay?" finally being able to kiss his cheek you smile nodding to yourself and goes to take a shower.
He watches you for some time and then relax on the bathtub, now that he's calm and relaxed he can faintly hear the sound of the rain outside, the strong bathroom lights were annoying him by not letting him relax "can you please turn off the lights?"
You stop for a minute and get out of the shower, doing what he asked, but lighting a few candles first "better?"
"Uhum..." he sighs and close his eyes
"I will keep on watch, don't worry, you can take a nap" you dry yourself and take the stool you normally used to shave and sit on it while on Aizawa's side
He just mumbles something and start to snore lightly.
You smile at the scene, he was always a sweetheart with you, putting you first, even if you had to cancel a lot more plans than he had because of work, the day you two meet was while he was working, and you were on your way to your flight, it was out of a novel type of meeting.
It was supposed to be a normal Friday, you were going on your vacation, and decided to walk to the airport, you decided that it was the only type of exercise you would do on your vacation, since you were going to eat a lot of everything no matter the place.
But while calmly walking and admiring the orange sky, some guys passed running way too close to you, the last one actually picked you up and started caring you!!!
"HELP!" you shouted and started struggling trying to get the man to release you, to no avail
"Calm down princess, we just want the cops to not shoot"
"YOU SHUT UP!" you screamed and punched his throat making him stumble and drop you on the ground.
You landed in a bad way over your arm, you heard something crack, but the adrenaline pumping in your veins made it impossible to feel any pain.
You heard footsteps coming to you and see that a pro was following them, one of the guys grabs you and point a knife to your neck.
"Stop or I'll slice her throat!" The pro stops a few meter away and glares at the villain.
The villain rise you to your feet and gives a maniac laugh "poor hero! I know that you won't forget her face after this-"
Since you had both arms free, and had a brain, you decided to not let him kill you, so as logically as anyone would think, you decided to grab his balls and squeeze them as strongly as you could, and sadly for him, you were really angry.
The villain releases you and falls to his knees, you take the opportunity to run to the pro.
The dark haired hero put quirk canceling handcuffs on both of them, he looks back at you and makes sign to get you closer, you do as told and, and he put his hand on your right arm, you scream at that and holds your arms close to your chest "FUCK!"
He nods to himself "the police and ambulance are already on their way, you shouldn't have done that, what would happen if he had cut your throat in impulse?"
"Then I would die" you look at him with a poker face "so what? Now I will have to get a license and won't be able to work for the next 3 months, GREAT!" you groan frustrated and glare at your own arm.
"You almost died and care more about your job?" He asks confused.
"Not exactly, I just got my vacation, and now I have to postpone for a few days, just so I can get used to the cast, this suck" you sigh and let your head fall forward.
"You just need to ask for your friend's help, why would that be difficult?" He looks back at the handcuffed villains and then looks the siren noise finally starts to be heard.
"I don't have friends" you say and look up at him "so again, it will be difficult to do things with a cast"
You two were silenced by the ambulance and the police car arriving almost at the same time, you were checked and told that you would go to the hospital, but before they closed the door the hero came back into view.
"You said you don't have friends so... would you like my help?"
Since then, you both had so much fun together, you started to pass more and more time with each other.
Until you asked him out on a date, and here you are, watching him on the bathtub taking a nap.
You smile at the scene and goes next to him, and start giving butterfly kisses all over his face to wake him up.
Aizawa wakes up and looks at you sleepy, you smile at his cute face "the water must be getting cold, come on, I already ordered food from your favorite restaurant" you help him up and dry him when he steps out of the bathtub, giving small kisses all over.
"You don't need to do this... I'm actually quite against this..." you chuckle and shake your head
"You work hard every day and night, always finds time to go watch a movie that I want, or go to a place that I like, you stay at school until late to help your students, or to help Yamada with paperwork, you are also thinking about getting the temporary guard of that little girl Eri" you put his towel around his waist and ties it there "It's my time to help you" you kiss his shoulder "and take care of the man I adore"
He nodded, permitting your plans to pamper the shit out of him.
You take a hold of his hand and brings him to the bedroom, where there were some candles and light blue rose petals, some relaxing song was playing, and the few scented candles were weak and just enough to help him relax.
"You got my favorite ones... " he looks at the light blue petals and gives a sad smile "thank you..."
You know that he is thanking for the flower, since the color always reminds him of his late friend, but when you two talk about it, you never ask about the accident, and just ask about everything else about him and their time together, so to Shouta when you show or talk about his late friend only good memories surge, and not the dreadful one, which he is quite thankful for.
"You're welcome, now lay down on the bed, stomach down and ass up" he looks at you suspiciously "I won't play with your ass today, don't worry, I will give you a massage"
He sits on the bed "since when do you know how to make these?"
You huff and put on one of his shirts "I took classes, so that I could help you de-stress, now lay down and let me help you"
He sighs thinking how this is a terrible idea, but smiles and comply at the end 'she learned something just to help me...'
You start on his feet, massaging with care a trying to remember what he told you on the classes.
Aizawa closed his eyes and thought about the time before this relationship, he would probably have taken a quick shower, ate some leftovers and slept the rest of the time, then woke up and go to work.
Having you is a luxury he wants to have every day.
Shouta knows that it's selfish of him to think like that, but you are so good to him, always has been.
When he was tired it seemed like you had a sixth sense to know, you would tell him to lay his head on your lap and would pet his hair while talking about your day with a sweet a low toned voice, he would always wake up on the bed, you said that you woke him up and brought him to the room, but he doesn't remember waking up at all.
Your hair was beautiful, your eyes gorgeous, your nose cute, the way you tilt your head before asking a question, the little mole you have on your eyelid, that can only be seen when your eyes are closed.
He really adores you.
The massage is so fucking good, you said you took a few classes??? He doesn't believe you.
Your hands go gradually up to his legs, then his lower back, his upper back, and you finish on his neck, when you had finished the feet he was already napping.
You hoped that the massage was good and that it would help him, you were going to wake him, but your phone buzzed signaling that your food was here.
You get up, pick the phone up and go to the door where you greet the delivery guy.
"Having a good night?" You ask while hiding half of your body behind the door
"Yes ma'am! Here's your order" he gives you your package which you quickly put on the table and return with your cellphone showing the qr code
"Here, have a great end of day" he smiles back at you and goes away.
You lock the door and put the table for the two of you.
Shouta wakes up feeling extremely relaxed, but something was missing, he looks around and see that the candles were off, only the scented one was light 'smart girl' he smiles at the thought of you, and notices how his body is super light.
He gets up and adjust the towel around his waist, his mood is a lot better now, but while hungry his facial expression still was an angry glare, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and frowns, you always had a carefree and relaxed expression, and he was starting to get aging lines, were you really only 5 years younger?
He sighs and opens the door not bothering to put on clothes, he sees you putting the table up and sees the package for his favorite sushi place and frowns.
You look back at him and smile "I was about to wake you up"
Aizawa gets closer to you "You shouldn't have done that, my favorite restaurant is too expensive to order if it isn't an especial occasion"
You shake your head "We are celebrating my promotion, also I got a fat bonus~" you sit and point serves you both some wine.
"Let's celebrate and relax" you start eating happy for the high quality product.
After eating you washed the dishes against Shouta's wish, but he did put the plates away.
"So... is there anything else you wanted to do?" You look at your boyfriend and see his relaxed body and face, much better than the angry wet cat that had arrived earlier.
He steps closer to you and looks into your eyes "I want to do you"
You blush heavily "this isn't about me today..." you pout
He shakes his head "I love when I see your facial expressions, and your voice screaming my name is my favorite song, now please... let me hear you sing" he holds your face with both hands and give you a peck on the lips.
You nod and close your eyes, going with the flow.
His pecks turn into kisses, that he cover your face with it, very slowly "my beautiful. Kind. Sweet. And caring girlfriend. Taking such a good care of me. You think that I didn't notice how the house is cleaner than when I left?" His kisses start to go lower to your throat "always so caring... you also need to de-stress a little. Let me help you" his hand start to travel down thru your body.
You sigh from how kind he is being, normally he would kneel and eat you out like he was a starved man, then he would proceed to fuck your brains out on the dinner table, but right now he wasn't stressed from work, or angry about the villains attacking even in this bad weather.
You should do this more often...
"Stop spacing out and focus on me" he bites your earlobe, and you gasp focussing on him, you only now notice his hands on your thigh and on your breasts under the shirt, he gave both a little squeeze which made you whimper and tremble under his hands.
"S-sorry..." he kissed your collarbone and bite your neck
"Let's go to our bed, it's been some time since we used it for something that isn't sleeping" you felt a shiver going all over your body from how low his voice got.
"Y-yeah! Let's do that!" You turn around to go to the bedroom, but he stops you by picking you up, you hug his neck and blush heavily again "hey! You surprised me!"
"Good, that was the intention" as he walks to the bedroom you hear something falling, when you look behind him, you see that he dropped the towel, and now you have a perfect place to see his butt.
"Why is your ass better than mine?" You pout and notice that you are now on the bedroom
"If you exercise more you would also have a nice and firm ass like mine, but I do prefer pudding"
"Pudding?" He lays you down on the bed with your back to the ceiling and stomach to the bed.
Shouta give your ass a bite, and you laugh "oh! Pudding! Now I get it"
He chuckles and kiss where he had bitten "mine..." he says in a sweet voice and hugs your waist for some time.
Then he raises and turn you around, now facing him "would you allow me to make love with you?"
You blush and smile, caressing his face "of course" you take the opportunity to untie his hair, that had been tied since the bath 'next time I will wash his hair'
Shouta smiles and kiss you slow and passionately.
This was different from normal, and so good, so sweet, you feel his hands going down again and opening your legs.
His fingers caressed your entrance, he broke the kiss and brought his fingers to his face "so wet for me already, how kind of you" his fingers go down again but this time he makes circling movements on your clit.
You sigh from the stimulation and pull his face close to you again "please, I want more Shouta" you open your mouth begging for more kisses.
He complies and kiss you passionately again, his second hand come up and fondle with your breast, sometimes pinching your nipple.
Everything he did was so slow that you felt like drowning in him, his taste, his scent, his skin touching yours, you were drowning in him and him in you.
After 2 years of relationship you two knew what the other liked or needed, and this was something new, that both needed this very much and neither knew.
His fingers went inside you slowly and curved slightly, then he moved it at the same pace as before, slow enough to tease but fast enough to stimulate.
You part the kiss again "more... please! More!" You move your hips to feel more and put your hand over his that was on your breast and squeeze it asking for more pressure.
"Such a nice way to beg... do you think you can take it? I want to feel you around me"
You knew that you needed more preparation, since Shouta was the biggest you ever had, and he stretched you to your limit every time, you remember that the first time you two had the sensation was the same as losing your virginity, but he asked so nicely... and by the looks of it he will be very loving, so you nod in confirmation.
He smiles at you and lined himself on your entrance.
Now that you think about it, it looks like he was hard for some time now, the purplish head and the pulsating vein make it obvious that he has been holding himself back.
"My eyes are up here~" he mocks, and you look at him, like... you really look at him, and you decide to drop the bomb.
The L bomb hadn't been dropped by neither of you, even after 2 years, both afraid of the other leaving after they got attached, but... you were already attached, and he has such a dangerous job, you never know what will happen, so you decide to let it be known.
"Aizawa Shouta... I love you"
He looked astonished at you and gave you a wobbly smile "I love you too" as he said that he penetrated into you and gave you a deep kiss with a lot of tongue to distract you from the discomfort.
Aizawa keep pushing until all of him was inside, he part the kiss and sighs relieved "you are always what I need to make a shitty day much better"
You shudder from his deep voice and put your hands on his shoulder "I'm glad that I can put your mind at ease in though days" you kiss his nose and he smiles back at you.
He gives a small trust, and you respond with a small moan, encouraging him.
Shouta gives slow and shallow trusts, letting you get comfortable.
You lick your lips and wiggle your hips trying to get more of him in "please move! Your going too slow!" He chuckles and bites your neck
"I had totally forgotten this" he takes your shirt off "there, all mine " he said in a sweet tone and hugged you close, letting both chest press against each other.
Shouta starts moving faster, and the way his body squeezed you was suffocating in a good way, you start scratching him as soon as he's hips start clapping against yours, the pressure on your belly.
'So close' the position had his cock rubbing against your favorite spot deliciously you were taking short breaths with your eyes glossy from pleasure.
But the feeling of you around him, your nails on his back and your small moans and whimpers, everything about you was intoxicating, Shouta bites your necks, then your shoulder, and start to bite you all over leaving marks on you "mine..." he said again and started pounding on you.
It was so sudden that you couldn't hold back a high pitched moan followed by a whimper "Shouta!"
He bites your nipple and suck it while fucking you, holding your body against him by the hips.
Shouta was going to be kind and have a slow and sweet sex with you, but the way you drive him crazy with so little, he wants to ravish you, but decides against it.
One of his hands go to your clit and rub circles on it making your body tremble, and you arch your back wanting more "Shouta!"
His thrusts got sloppier, now going faster "close... so close" he laid his head on your shoulder.
The feeling of his dick kissing you womb hurt in a good way, the way he knew you loved "close!"
You came first, creaming on his dick while arching your back, his thrusts got sloppier he bites your shoulder and grunts while coming on your stomach.
He sits up and looks down at you, and your stomach covered in cum and your fucked out face with pride.
I had already wrote this, I still am on hiatus, I'm just posting it here, since the other plataforms already have it
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lostmousemaid · 3 years
Return to St. Ninian’s
A Redwall fanfiction by Lost Mousemaid
Approx. 2,500 words
****** ****** ******
The multitude of freed slaves and rescuers had spent the duration of the day traveling north toward Redwall Abbey, but Matthias knew they would still be unable to make it to his home by nightfall. Matthias and Orlando discussed briefly whether to travel until they reached the Abbey later in the night, but Matthias decided against it.
“We should rest and return home first thing in the morning. There will be a great deal of excitement once we return, so we should all at least have had enough sleep.” Matthias smiled at Mattimeo and placed a paw on his shoulder. He found himself doing this often since they were reunited in Malkariss.
Orlando looked behind him at the creatures following in their wake. The woodlanders appeared much healthier since their rescue, but still they were thin and weary. Every meal he had shared with his daughter he had scooped an extra portion to her while she was glancing away. Still, she was much thinner than when they had shared their home in the mountains. “You make a fine point, warrior. I’m sure we will all enjoy the food from your legendary tables when we arrive in the morning.”
Matthias called to the woodlanders behind them, “My friends! We will travel north a while longer. When we reach the old church of St. Ninian’s we will settle there for the night. The building is running down, but it may be nice to have a roof over our heads tonight. We will return to my home Redwall in the morning, and you are all welcome to call Redwall home too.”
A cheer rose from the creatures at the knowledge that their journey would soon end. Elmtail and Sam spun in circles with excitement. Sam called to his new friend to climb a nearby tree with him to see if they could spot the Abbey from a distance. Jess smiled fondly at the pair as they scurried off the path and rushed up a nearby oak tree, their chattering fading into the foliage above them.
Matthias had seen Mattimeo’s carefree expression change upon mention of St. Ninian’s, but he did not press him at that moment. He motioned to Orlando to give him some space, and the warrior mouse pulled ahead of the group, knowing his son would follow his pace.
Once they were out of range and could not be heard by those behind them, Matthias asked, "What’s the matter, Matti?”
Mattimeo opened his mouth as if to speak, then closed it firmly. He looked back over his shoulder at Cynthia, who was walking beside Cheek. The two had become fast friends. Cynthia enjoyed his lighthearted mischief and found comfort in his company.
Not so long ago, not so far from this place, Tess had chided Mattimeo for his ill treatment of the young vole. Although he was not much older, he had been careful with the way he spoke to others and expressed his emotions and intended to stay on his best behavior, just as he had promised. He looked up at his father with a weak smile. “I’m fine. I’m just concerned for my friends. That morning after the feast, that is where they kept us. St. Ninian's. I don’t know if they would want to go back.”
Matthias felt a lump form in his throat. St. Ninian's had been crumbling into decay even when he was young, but once it had been the comfortable home to his friends the churchmice before it has been overrun by Cluny and his rats. It had not occurred to him that Slagar would have held the young ones in the church before continuing south. He wondered at the strength of the Churchmouse twins who had been born there and once called the church home. Even now they were laughing between themselves as they listened to Basil exaggerate the story of adopting the name Stag Hare. Matthias might have enjoyed a laugh too, as the story was much more elaborate than when he had met the retired foot fighter many seasons before, but he was not in the mood for laughter.
The warrior mouse was surprised that his grief for Slagar's scheme had not waned, even though Mattimeo was back safely in his company. He was aware that his son was trying his best to follow his example, but Matthias knew his young one: Mattimeo did not want to go back to the church.
“Where would you think your friends would like to sleep tonight?” the warrior asked quietly.
All around them was the peace of Mossflower woods. Moths had begun their lazy flight in the warm autumn air and crickets chirped their afternoon song in the distance. Mattimeo’s eyes wandered over the scenery before him.
“Why don’t we camp in the grass beside the road again? It hasn’t rained and the ground is dry. It’s warm too, after today.”
“That sounds like a splendid idea to me. You should ask our friends what they think.”
Mattimeo turned on one paw and made his way back to where Auma and Orlando were strolling quietly with one another. “Orlando, Auma, what do you think about—”
Walking quickly up behind him, Matthias cut him short. “No, Matti—ask everyone.”
Confusion crossed the young mouse's face for a moment. “But dad, you’re in charge.”
Matthias placed his paws firmly on Mattimeo shoulders and slowly turned him toward the crowd. “Not tonight, Mattimeo.”
The freed slaves relished at the idea of resting under the bright stars instead of the confines of a ruin. Suddenly, they all fell into their nightly routine. Jess led a group of the squirrels and otters in search of ingredients for their evening meal while others prepared the clearing for their night’s rest.
Tess ran up to Mattimeo and grabbed his paw. “Come on, Matti, let’s find some firewood. Orlando says he’s making a wild vegetable soup tonight!”
Basil watched the two mice run off together and nudged Matthias gently. “Did you notice, old chap? He hasn’t let go of her paw yet.”
Matthias could not help but laugh at his old friend. “Don’t get started, Basil. Don’t do to him what you did to me and Cornflower.”
Basil’s ears stood straight up in indignation. “What! Me? I say, sah, I never once made a comment regarding you and your goodwife.”
“As I recall,” Matthias taunted as he began assembling a fire pit, “You said something to Cornflower about being a 'pretty little filly' who anyone would be lucky to settle down with. You said it pointedly to someone. I wonder who that was, again?”
“You, of course,” the hare chuckled. “I bet you’re as anxious as a beetle in a bottle to get young Matti back to his mother.”
Matthias nodded sagely. “I’m just as anxious to get back to her, myself.”
Orlando’s cooking was as good as Auma had said it was earlier that summer. The young badger wrapped her paws around her father’s forearm. “I told them that it’s our secret that you can cook, dad, but I guess everyone knows now.”
“As long as everyone is fed and no longer hungry, they can say whatever they’d like about my cooking to anybeast.” Orlando wrapped his cloak around his daughter's shoulders. “But now, it’s time for rest.”
Slowly the weary travelers settled down for the night. Moment by moment, the increasing sounds of soft, deep breathing and loud, raucous snores filled the air. Mattimeo had laid down near his father but sleep evaded him and he rolled about restlessly. When he opened his eyes, he saw his father lying on his back, wide awake and staring at the quarter moon.
Mattimeo sat up and looked skyward with him. The moon hung luxuriously in the velvety darkness surrounded by wisps of clouds.
Careful not to wake any nearby creature, Matthias whispered, “Are you having trouble sleeping, Matti?”
Not taking his eyes from the sky above him, Mattimeo nodded.
The warrior stood and held a paw out to his son. “I can’t either. Let's go for a walk.”
The warriors walked silently side by side further north along the road. When St. Ninian's came into view, Mattimeo stopped suddenly and made to turn around until his father’s voice stopped him.
“Do you remember when you were young? When you couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t either. We would stay awake all night in the gatehouse. We would play games, and I would tell you stories, and most importantly—we would talk to each other, Mattimeo.”
The young mouse turned slowly back toward his father and kicked languidly at the dirt of the path. Matthias did not know why he was struggling to begin this conversation, but he knew he could not postpone speaking honestly to his son any longer.
"When did we stop talking to each other? I've always loved you. I want to know—I need to know—why? I don't want to go home without knowing that I'm the best father I can be to you, Matti."
Mattimeo looked at his father's expression. For the first time in many seasons, he felt he could speak sincerely. The words burned his throat, but he began to speak. "I don’t know what happened, dad, I don’t. One day I just—” He pinched the bridge of his nose, desperate the stop the tears from welling in his eyes. “One day I didn’t feel like I could tell you the truth anymore. I felt like everything I said was wrong, like I couldn’t do anything right and I would never be a warrior because I couldn’t be like you.�� Mattimeo turned toward the darkness of the woodlands while fidgeting nervously with his paws. “I started talking to Martin instead."
The words broke Matthias's heart. He saw so much of himself in his son. He remembered how he felt sitting dejected under Martin's tapestry while Abbot Mortimer lectured him on his deepest emotions, telling him that the days of warriors had long passed. He wanted to encourage his son to speak further, instead of silencing his passions. “You talk to Martin?”
Mattimeo began casually walking forward again. “Yeah, I mean—not always. But for a long time I have. Whenever I was alone in Great Hall I would feel his presence there and I would talk to him. Now I talk to him no matter where I am.” He paused. “You must think that’s strange.”
“No, Mattimeo. I talk to Martin, too. I have since I was young.”
Mattimeo turned back toward his father, a look of awe on his face. “You did?”
Matthias smiled as he saw the spark of admiration in his son’s eyes.
“I still do.”
Mattimeo suddenly increased his pace toward St. Ninian's. Matthias followed behind, careful not to interrupt his son’s lead.
Upon reaching the church, Mattimeo pushed the doors ajar to allow the moonlight to flow into the lobby. He stood silently inside the entrance until his father stopped beside him. The inside of the building was dark, with crumbling architecture illuminated by the light streaming from the door. Even with the fresh air from the woodlands blowing in, the two mice could smell the molding books and rotting wooden furniture from where they stood, along with other smells more abhorrent to imagine. The glum reverie was only broken by the hushed breathing of the two mice until Matthias spoke solemnly.
“Mattimeo—I will not ask you to tell me anything you want to keep to yourself, but if you want to tell me something, I am here to listen to you.”
His son pointed to the far wall that was completely shrouded in darkness. “There. The fox chained us there.” His paw dropped back and his side. Matthias heard his son's voice break.
It made Matthias sick to his stomach to see the place where his son had woken in a stupor after the midsummer feast only to find that his life was forever changed. Although the fox was defeated, Matthias felt rage building in him anew.
“I didn’t want to come back here because I didn’t want to see it again," Mattimeo whispered.
Fighting the image of the harlequin mask from his mind, Matthias brought his thoughts back to his son, who was standing beside him, free and safe. “Why did you?”
“Because, dad, I want to be as strong as you are and not be scared of anything.”
Matthias stepped in front of his son and looked earnestly into the young mouse’s eyes. “Can I tell you a secret, Mattimeo?”
The seasoned warrior waited for his young son to nod in approval before continuing. “I am scared of many things, Matti. I was scared of Asmodeus. I was scared of Cluny. I was scared of losing friends that I have lost. And mostly, I was scared of ever losing you.”
He took a deep breath, ignoring the images swirling in the darkness around him. He knew they were figments in his mind. “The moment John told us you were gone was the most scared I have ever been in my life, and the most disappointed and angry I have ever been in myself. Matti, it is not wrong to feel these things, and it’s alright to be honest with those close around you who can help you. And even if you defeat your enemy, sometimes that still isn’t enough to take that fear away.”
Mattimeo had never seen his father so vulnerable. He swallowed, struggling to bring forth words. “What do you mean, dad?”
“I barely had the courage to walk into the bell tower again after the battle with Cluny. Just the memory made my heart race, but they named a bell after me so I felt a responsibility to be there when they hung it. It was difficult for me, and as far as I know no one knew how hard it was for me to be there, except your mother. Sometimes even the memory of fear is enough to open deep wounds. If you fear the memory of Slagar, or of this place, there is no shame in that. You are a stronger mouse than I am to walk here on your own.”
Mattimeo stared into the darkness, his eyes unable to focus as they watered. Matthias continued. “There is a very heavy burden with being a warrior, and I'm sorry you have to bear it. Many of our closest friends do not have the fortune to return home with us or celebrate our victories. Many creatures around you expect you to put on a brave face even when you are falling apart in your heart. I truly believe that is a quality in a good leader, to hide how you feel to encourage others—but Matti—you do not have to fall apart alone. Please remember that. If you felt you couldn’t speak to me before, I want you to know that you can. I never wanted you to feel as alone as I did when I was becoming a warrior.”
Mattimeo’s jaw began to tremble, and Matthias wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close.
“There is more than one way to be a warrior, son. I need you to see that because you are one, too.”
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Hi! I don't know if you are taking requests, but if you are, could you please do a Chris Evans x reader where he proposes to her in a treehouse (which he got built without her knowing) on her birthday? I'm sorry if it's not good, or if I disturbed you.
Happy Place
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a/n - hello nonnie!! this is an excellent request and i loved writing it so much, i really hope this is what you wanted and i did your request justice. italics are for a flashback. Enjoy!!<3
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: i guess like one innuendo, apart from that absolute fluff:)
"Okay, I'll see you in a few days, alright?" you smiled, the phone to your ear.
"Yeah, only a few more days!" Chris said from the other side of the line, and you could hear the smile in his voice as well. "Listen, I gotta go, but talk to you in a bit okay?"
"Bye babe," you blew him a kiss over the phone and then you two hung up.
You laid back in your bed, a smile still on your face. When you were told you needed to go on this work trip, you were bummed out to say the least. It was actually supposed to end only a day before your birthday, you knew you would come home extremely tired, which could carry out to your birthday, and would also mean you wouldn't be able to travel to see your family on such short notice.
In short, it was a very problematic idea, and you were just about to tell your boss you couldn't make it, even though it could get you in trouble, but Chris convinced you that you should go.
"We can postpone your birthday by a day," he chuckled, and you pouted. "I know, I know, it's not ideal. But I don't want you to get in trouble at work, baby," he kissed your forehead.
"I know, I need to do my job," you rolled your eyes.
"That's my girl, love the enthusiasm," he laughed, and you slapped his arm lightly, a smile on your face. "Tell you what. When you come back, we can celebrate your birthday at home and have a nice time, and soon we'll go see your family. I'll book the flights," he offered.
"You're right," you admitted, "and thank you," you leaned up to peck his lips.
Now, laying in your hotel bed, you had to admit he really was right. Sure, it's not like you were having fun on your work trip, but you saw how your boss treated your coworker who couldn't go, and you wouldn't really want to be in her place.
And the promise of a nice stay-in birthday with Chris was closer than ever.
You told Chris to come pick you up from the airport when you came back. Usually he was very punctual, but today he was a little late. Not that you minded, obviously, you just found it a bit odd, but hey – you weren't one to judge, never perfectly punctual yourself.
"Hey babe, what’s up?" you asked as you got into the car, kissing Chris' cheek.
He captured your lips in a sweet kiss, and you smiled into it.
"How was your flight?" he asked with a smile.
"You know, as good as a flight could be," you chuckled softly, taking in the start of the sunset outside the window as he drove you both home, in comfortable silence.
When you got home you got out of the car and Chris helped you carry your bags inside. Meaning, he insisted on taking everything while you half complained half laughed that you could also take something.
When you were inside, Chris put down the bags and took out his phone, typing for a second and put it back in his pocket.
"Okay, I know you've been gone for two weeks, and you're probably very tired, so you can take a shower and then go to sleep. I could take care of your bags," he said, wrapping his arms around you.
"Well, that's a very kind offer, but how about this – the bags can wait for tomorrow and we can take a shower… together," you smirked.
"I missed you," he laughed in your ear and lifted you up, carrying you upstairs.
"Good morning, birthday girl," Chris murmured as he pressed soft kisses to your neck and jaw.
"Good morning," you answered with a smile.
"So, I know we said nice day in," he said, "but I have a surprise for you, so get dressed. It's not far, I promise," he smiled and got up. That's when you noticed he was already dressed in jeans and a shirt.
"Did you get up before me?" you asked, till groggily rubbing your eyes.
"Not a lot," he answered. "Now come on, before the coffee gets cold," he smiled.
You got ready for the day and went downstairs with a grin, seeing Chris playing around with Dodger.
"Happy birthday! Dodger, say happy birthday to momma!"
Dodger barked and you both burst into laughter. "Thank you, bubba," you smiled and leaned down to pet him.
Once you both drank and ate, you asked Chris, "So, where is that surprise you got me out of bed for?"
"Let's go and I'll show you," he took your hand and led you out the front door, but instead of walking to your car, he led you around the house, to the small grove of trees behind your house.
"Where are we— oh!" you stopped mid-sentence upon noticing something amazingly unusual about the grove – on one of the lower trees, there was a pretty little treehouse, obviously new, with a ladder leading up to it.
"Surprise," Chris said softly and hugged you from behind, making you lean back into him. "I had it built when you were away," he explained. "Do you like it?"
"I love it!" you exclaimed and turned around to kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"We haven't gone inside yet," he smiled and gestured for you to go ahead and climb before him.
"What a gentleman," you teased with a smile. He raised his brow at you. "We both know you're just enjoying the view," you smirked, and he laughed.
"Guilty as charged," he slapped your butt playfully.
You both laughed and you climbed up, followed by Chris.
Inside, you found a cozy little setup – the treehouse was full of fuzzy blankets, a couple of bean bags, and the walls were decorated with fairy lights, which weren't in their full effect yet since it was like 11 am, but you could picture how at night, they would glimmer and give the house a magical aura.
You wandered into the middle of it, ducking down only slightly so you won't bump the ceiling. You turned around to thank Chris but the words died in your throat once you saw him on one knee, holding a small box in his hand.
"Surprise," he said softly with a smile. You gasped, your mouth agape but you couldn't form words to save your life. Chris took a deep breath and spoke up.
"When you were gone, I had to take the chance and get you this birthday gift, because I knew how much you'd like it, to have a small place out here that's yours, if you want it. And judging by the look on your face, I'd say I did a decent job," he chuckled, and you nodded with a smile, biting your lip. "It may be your birthday, but you're the best gift I could've ever gotten," he grinned, "and I want to hold onto you forever. When I envision my future, you're always in it. And maybe one day we'll have some little ones you could share this treehouse with." You were tearing up now, and you let out a wet chuckle. "I love you, more than words can say. Would you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?"
"Yes," you were near sobbing now, sinking onto your knees in front of him and crashing your lips on his. The kiss was electrifying, the feeling of his soft lips moving against yours making you soar and grounding you in the moment at once. That could be said about your entire relationship; making each other stronger and achieving what you wanted, the comforting shoulder to lean on, the occasional yelling match, the domestic moments, the passion, the fun and the less fun. All of it combined to create one beautiful love story, one that was yours and yours only, the rest of the world be screwed.
"I love you," you whispered, your foreheads still touching.
"I love you too," Chris whispered back, and then reached to open the box. He opened the lid, revealing an absolutely gorgeous ring, glimmering in the soft morning sun.
He slid the ring onto your finger, and you both spent a moment admiring it before breaking out of your reverie and turning to each other once more, matching beams on your faces.
"Best birthday ever!" you exclaimed and tackled a laughing Chris into a tight hug which he eagerly returned.
And honestly, it was only second best. The first best was when you, Chris, and your kids spent the whole day in "mommy's treehouse," playing board games and having pillow fights, even eating in it, which the kids weren't usually allowed to do. But you didn't know that yet.  
i really hope you liked it!!
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
if you wanna join / be removed from this taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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supraveng · 3 years
Moving On - part 4
Summary: You are moving on from your past and starting a new life with your future as a Winchester
Characters: Reader x Sam Winchester, Dean x Cas, John x Mary, Joy Winchester
Warnings: fluffy Winchesters, swearing
Moving On part 3
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@iamwarrenspeace @mythandmagik    @lieswithoutfairytales   @bbmommy0902  @hailmary-yramliah  @jessyballet @paryl @tcc-gizmachine @vicmc624
The next two weeks in DC were a blur of meetings and packing up the personal belongings you had accumulated over the past 4 years, most belonging to Joy. By the time you were heading to the airport and saying goodbye to your life, you were feeling a bit overwhelmed. It reminded you of your escape from NY but this time with a bit more excitement of the unknown.
Settling in on the plane heading for your new home, you had brought everything you could think of to keep Joy occupied on the 3 hour flight. By the time you touched down and made your way through the airport to baggage claim, your daughter had become a deadweight that you were now carrying along with your other items, you couldn’t imagine never having the support you currently have from Sam.
Then you thought about trying to make this same trek with her if you were further along in your pregnancy and knew you couldn’t do this alone, you consider yourself a strong independent woman, but not nearly strong enough to be a single mother, those women were warriors that you could only aspire to.
Baggage claim was a madhouse and just as you are about to reach out and grab Joy’s car seat, someone moves around you and grabs it right out in front of you. You were too tired for this, and you looked up to yell at the culprit only to see the beautiful hazel eyes of the man you love.
“I thought I told you that you didn’t need to pick us up” you whispered, hoping to not wake your daughter.
He leaned in for a quick kiss, “I know, but I’ve missed my girls, and this way I get an hour just the two of us before getting to my parents house for dinner.”
“Well, I could definitely eat, but I thought you would be in court all day, so I really am surprised to see you” you snuggled into him as best you could before he started to take bags off your shoulders.
“Let me get this stuff, and you hold on to the precious cargo” he smiled down at Joy, rubbing her back and placing a kiss on her forehead before leading you out of the airport.
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By the time all your things were loaded in the car, your daughter was waking up and squealing when she saw Sam. He listened and responded to her the entire way down the highway and only stopped when we reached the Winchester home.
"Babe, I thought we'd be going to your apartment, I could use a shower and nap before dinner with your family" you tell him as you lean over and pull him into a kiss. Whenever you two were apart for any length of time you were always very touchy feely that first day, but even more so when it's been weeks apart.
"Didn't I tell you, I didn't renew my lease, I've been staying here for the time being until we get our own place" he mentions as he exits the car.
"I vaguely remember you mentioned your lease but I thought we had a few more months'' you try your best to smile. You were really hoping for a quiet night in with Sam, but it looks like that's going to be postponed for who knows how long.
Before you even made it to the door, Mary was coming out with a huge smile on her face and pulling you into a hug, “we’ve missed you around here, well I probably missed you the most, there are too many men around here” she whispered before releasing you.
“Nana!” was heard from inside the car as you saw your daughter try to unbuckle and reach her grandmother as soon as possible. You were about to go to her when Mary stepped up, “please let me, I need snuggles with my Joy”.
“By all means, but she slept most of the flight, so she’s going to be full of energy” hoping to warn Mary but by the look on her face, she doesn’t mind at all. The two are running toward the house as you help Sam with your bags from the trunk.
You always loved the Winchester home, large but still inviting, spacious but still cozy, and the fact that every member of the family; immediate and extended; welcomed you with open arms from the beginning was the best feeling.
Growing up in foster care, you never had a home, not for more than a month or two at a time. Then being on your own since you were 15, you never expected to be here now, but it was as if all the years of struggling and trying to find yourself had been worth it to get here.
Becoming a Winchester was something you never knew you always wanted and desperately needed. You can hear Mary and Joy chatting in the kitchen as you make your way upstairs hoping for a bit of relaxation before you become completely exhausted. Sam pulls you into a warm hug before you’re even completely in the room.
Calming any nerves with a kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the apartment, I’ve been working so much trying to catch up so that we could have a nice weekend together as a family now that you are officially moved to Kansas that it completely slipped my mind. What can I do to make it up to you?” looking up at him you could see a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“There’s nothing to make up for, but if you were offering a back rub before my nap, I would greatly accept.” as you reach up and kiss me softly before making your way to the bed to remove your shoes.
“Well, if you insist, but I’m almost certain my world famous backrubs is what got you pregnant the first time” he chuckles as turns towards you.
“Good thing we don’t have that to worry about” and you kiss him again. Snuggling as close as you could to Sam, you fell asleep almost instantly, his arms being your safe place, your home.
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Waking up with a chill, you realized you were now alone and the absence of Sam made the room feel like a freezer. Quickly getting up and showered, you made your way downstairs to find your family.
You smiled watching Joy, curled up in Dean’s lap watching Scooby Doo, both laughing at the same spots, those two had such a great bond.
"There she is, how was your nap?" Mary asked as she entered the living room from the kitchen with Sam following behind.
"Wonderful, thank you. I promise to not disappear on you again" you told her as she pulled you into another hug.
"No need to apologize for allowing me more time with my granddaughter" as she moved towards the sofa and handed Joy a drink.
"Dinner will be ready as soon as John gets home, so I didn't think she needed a snack right now"
"thank you, but I was planning on cooking for y'all tonight" you told her as you and Sam joined them, while Joy and Dean shushed us for interrupting their show.
"Don't worry about that sweety, John is picking up dinner on the way here, we're just happy to have you two back in town"
The Winchesters were always so inviting, you had dreamed of a family like this when you were growing up and now you finally had it.
By the time John had come in with dinner, the tv had been turned off and you were helping your daughter clean up as Castiel came in and greeted you both.
"Unca Cas! I sit wit you" Joy squealed as she ran and hugged his legs.
"I've missed you too, and as long as it's ok with your mom" He crouched down to her eye level before she was throwing her arms around his neck.
"Don't you want to sit with your favorite uncle?" Dean asked as he patted the seat beside him. Joy laughed as she climbed into the seat between them "luv yu unca bean" and blew him a kiss.
"So, Y/N, we are so glad you two are back for a visit, how long do we get to keep you this time?" John asked as you all started eating.
"Well, about this visit, its um" looking at Sam for some help as he just shrugged with that cute smirk on his face. "Sorry, I'm not sure how to say this and I didn't really have a plan but, this isn't a visit" you looked around and everyone seemed a little confused. "We have officially become Kansas residents as of today"
"Oh, that's fantastic!" Mary told you as everyone seemed a bit shocked.
"Were you able to transfer to a local office?" John asked.
"No, actually, I resigned but they call it retiring so they have the option to hire you back when they need the help, but I don't think that will be a concern for many years if ever" you state trying to reassure Sam that this is it for you, for your family to be together.
"I'm happy for you, sweetheart, but that seems a bit sudden. Is something going on?" Dean seemed to be concerned by your sudden change.
Finally Sam spoke up, "yes Dean, something is going on" he smiled down at you. "Y/N wants to move the wedding up and become a Winchester as soon as possible."
You smirk at him and look back at the family, they seem happy but a bit confused. "Sam and I have a little surprise" you tell them as he squeezes your hand "we are expecting"
There was a unified gasp from the table before everyone was congratulating you.
Once the celebration was over it was time to put your daughter to bed, but with a house full of her favorite people you figured you wouldn't be able to do it tonight even if you wanted to. While Mary opted for handling bath time, the rest of you settled down on the patio, the men opting for whiskey to end the night while you stuck with a cup of tea.
"Might I suggest the name Dean, if it's a boy?" Dean told you with a smirk on his face.
"Really?" you asked "you don't want to use the name for your own kids?" Dean looked a little shocked but shook his head almost defeated.
"Come on Dean, you and Cas would make amazing parents, you never thought about it?" you questioned.
"We discussed it but I'm not sure kids are a realistic idea with as much as we work and travel all the time" he shrugged looking defeated.
Noticing Dean give Sam a pointed look, you realize you may have overstepped and decided to drop the subject. “Well, as your sister-in-law, I support any decision you make for your family. You need to do what's right for you"
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The morning was a whirlwind of finding what you needed amongst the bags you had packed and boxes you shipped, but ultimately you were able to get yourself and Joy looking presentable for breakfast with the family. By the time you make it downstairs, John is kissing Mary goodbye and heading towards the door. “Papa wait!” Joy runs full speed and hugs John's legs. “Oh sweetie, I’ll be home tomorrow and we can have a whole day together, how does that sound?” he asks as he leans down to give her a goodbye hug. “Yay, I wan pancakes” as she runs to the kitchen to find her Nana.
“You are working on Saturday? That’s awful” you tell him as he pulls you in for a hug also. “Small little hiccup, I’m hoping to make it back tonight but just in case, I will see you all tomorrow” he waves and is out the door. “So mom, do you think you can keep an eye on your granddaughter for a few hours? I have something I want to show Y/N, and maybe grab lunch in town”
Within the hour the two of you are driving through Lawrence and he’s pointing out all his favorite places growing up before he stops in front of a beautiful two story house on the north end of town.
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“So what do you think?” he asks as he opens the car door for you
“It’s beautiful, but what are we doing here?” you ask.
“Well, I was looking around and found this place, and thought we could have the wedding in the backyard” he tells you with a small grin.
“This is perfect, I wanted something small and intimate, but this is just someone’s house. Why would they rent it to us for our wedding?” you question as you walk around the house to the backyard.
“Well, that was the catch, we can’t rent it, so I bought it” he responds with a look between hope and apprehension.
“You bought a house?” you were shocked to say the least. You weren’t sure if you should be upset that he made such a big decision, but Sam was always one to surprise you.
“Yes, for us, technically it’s not ours until we sign the final closing paperwork on Monday but we need a place of our own and what better way to start our family than in our own home” he pulls you into a hug and you can only respond with a huge smile
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sylphid187 · 3 years
Coming Home, Taking Flight ‐ Chapter 1: Touchdown, Japan
A look into Hinata's return to Japan, his interactions with his friends, and how he makes it into the MSBY Black Jackals.
Reposting Chap 1 in text format.
His plane lands on an early morning, the sun just about to rise, as if it's rays were greeting him and welcoming him back.
Hinata Shouyou steps into Sendai Airport with a big smile and a feeling of euphoria. After two years navigating through the sands of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Shouyou was finally home. Two grueling years of trying his best to master the sands, to stand on his own two feet, for the chance to compete with the monsters that were waiting for him here. He was finally confident enough to say that he knew how to stand on his own on the court. He no longer needed to be branded as anyone's accessory, and he's finally found a way to fight his own battles.
He was ready to show the world that Ninja Shouyou was finally home where he belongs, and the first thing he has to do to make that happen...is to head to baggage claim.
Hinata navigates the airport with ease, as he successfully locates his things, and makes sure to double check that nothing is missing. He didn't want a repeat of when his money got stolen in Rio, so he takes ample time to check that he has everything, before making his way to the arrivals bay.
It feels odd to Shouyou. The sensation of finally being home, but also the feeling of starting something new once again. Here he is back in familiar territory, and after two years of making a name for himself on the beach, he is once again a complete stranger to those in the world of professional indoor volleyball. But that's okay. Shouyou's used to not being in the spotlight, being the decoy, the odd one out. He'd just have to find a way to make sure he makes an impression on the court.
He's just exited through the arrivals gate, baggage in tow, and about to grab his phone from his pocket to send a message to his mom regarding his arrival. Suddenly, another body barrels into him and envelopes him into a big, tight hug.
"Nii-chan! Welcome Home!" Shouyou doesn't even need to look to know who it is, and he immediately hugs back. For two years he's missed this. Two years of missing his little sister's birthday, her entrance to Niiyama Girl's High School, her volleyball tryouts and her overall presence. It feels like ages since Hinata has seen Natsu, feeling as if he's already missed so much in the short two years he's been gone. The thought of missing all of her newest milestones, and of not being able to see her whenever he came home at the end of the day, just makes Shouyou tighten his hold on her.
"Natsu. I missed you." He tells her, while eagerly lifting her up with ease. She's gotten much taller, her smile still bright and her eyes still sparkling like they used to.
"I missed you too Nii-chan." Natsu pushes away a bit, still being held up by her brother, and smiles wide. "Nii-chan you got a tan!"
Shouyou grins and lets out a laugh. "And you got taller! Unfair! You're probably going to end up taller than me!" He puts her back down, waits for her feet to properly touch the floor, and ruffles her hair with his other hand, full of affection. He notes in relief that Natsu still loved the attention from her big brother. He won't mention it out loud, but he's happy that, at least, hasn't changed.
He breaks their little moment together, when he notices that Natsu is alone. "Wait, I thought mom said she couldn't come to pick me up today? Because of work?" he asks her confused, he was already ready to book a taxi to make his way home. Shouyou didn't want to burden his family knowing that his flight would arrive extremely early.
"She couldn't." Natsu says with the grin never leaving her face. "Someone else is here to pick you up Nii-chan, I just got mom's permission to tag along."
As if on cue, not one, but multiple footsteps could be heard rushing towards them. "Hinata!!" Shouyou looks up and can't help his smile from widening even more.
"Yamaguchi! Yachi! Saltyshima!" He hears Natsu laugh at this.
"Seriously? I show up here for you and that's the first thing you say to me? I should have stayed home. Tsk." Tsukishima crosses his arms but a smirk is definitely etched on his face.
"Aw don't say that Tsukki!" Shouyou grins back. How he's missed this, bantering with Tsukishima.
"Don't call me that."
"Saltyshima it is then!"
The other two Karasuno alumni then immediately rush in between the them to give Hinata each big hugs. Yachi hugs him first, complete with the tears of joy in her eyes as she revels in seeing her friend again after two years. Yamaguchi hugs him next, laughing and joking at his height and new tanned look. "I can't believe how tall you've gotten Hinata! You're not so small anymore!"
"Yama-yama! I missed you! I hope you kept Slatyshima in line while I was away." Shouyou sees Tsukishima's eyebrows raise, and he just grins. Yachi and Natsu are chatting in the sidelines, while noting how Shouyou has changed so much in two years.
"Where do you even get these nicknames." Tsukishima sighs.
"Don't worry Saltyshima! I made sure to buy a special souvenir just for you." Shouyou grins.
"Oh god." Tsukishima sighs.
He hears Yamaguchi laugh again at their playful exchange, before they each begin to help him carry some of his belongings. "Now come on you two, I know you missed each other" Yachi starts "but we have to get going now, we have to drive the Hinatas' back home!"
"Awww you guys are driving me?" Shouyou exclaims, and then his smile softens. "You guys didn't have to. I didn't want anyone to go through the trouble, really."
"We wanted to." Yachi assures him softly. "Did you really think we would let you travel all the way back home by yourself?"
"Besides, we had to fight Kenma-san for this chance so..." she says with a grin.
"Wait what?" Shouyou asks, confused. He looks over at Natsu to ask for answers, but she shakes her head and replies. "Don't worry about it too much Nii-chan. They were able to reach a pretty good compromise."
"Compromise for what?" he asks again, but no one seems to want to answer him.
"Don't worry about it." Yachi tells him again with a wink. "That's something for you to look forward to."
Yamaguchi grins and chooses now to butt in. "Think about it this way, Tsukki loves you enough to drive for you, Hinata."
Shouyou looks over to the side and he's pretty sure he sees Tsukishima twitch. "Awwwwww Saltyshima!! I knew you loved me!" Yachi and Natsu giggle in the background as Tsukishima lets out a huff.
"First off, Yamaguchi shut up." a small, practiced 'sorry Tsukki' could be heard in the background. "Second, I only agreed to do this because everyone else was worried you'd get lost somewhere if we left you to find your way home on your own."
"Alright Tsukki, whatever you say. Whatever gets you to sleep better at night." Shouyou grins. 
"Let's just go before I leave you here, you shrimp."
Yachi laughs as she pats Tsukishima on the back, and tells him in a singsong voice. "He's not a shrimp anymore."
Soon enough, they eventually get to moving and continue to walk and talk. Once they make it to the car, with Tsukishima driving, Yamaguchi in the passengers seat and the two females and himself at the back, Shouyou can't help but look around the scenery outside. It's finally hitting him that he's back in Japan for real.
Japan's scenery passes by them in a blur as they drive past, and Shouyou begins to ask his sister about how she's been in school. Natsu is ecstatic to tell her brother all about her volleyball games in Niiyama. "You should have seen me Nii-chan! We're going to make our way to Nationals just like you guys did!"
"We should play together some time Natsu! I can toss for you!" He exclaims in excitement. The idea of playing the sport he loved with the sister he loved made Shouyou extremely happy. Getting to share his love of the sport with Natsu was something he was very much looking forward to. 
"I can't wait to see that. Think you can toss better than the king now?" And even when he's driving, Tsukishima could still look smug through the rearview mirror.
Shouyou laughs. "I don't think so, but I've been getting some practice in, these past two years. That, and the Grand King taught me." The thrill of playing with Oikawa-san in the beaches of Brazil will never truly wear off. And Shouyou will happily boast about that fact that Argentina's very own Oikawa Tooru had been one of the people who'd taught him the basics of setting. That, and Oikawa-san's image of his face hitting the sands mid-dive, will also be forever imbedded in Shouyou's memory. 
The conversation eventually drifts away from volleyball and Shouyou begins to ask his friends how other members of their old Karasuno team have been. He briefly wonders if he'd have the time to properly visit everyone during his short stay in Miyagi before his tryouts, but knows this might be best postponed at a latter time, when he is better settled in. The last thing he would want is to rush a reunion just because he had no time available at the moment.  
"Suga-senpai is a teacher now, and Daichi-san works for the Miyagi Police Force. They're living together now, I think?." starts Yamaguchi. It's no surprise to all of them that their captain and vice-captain eventually ended up together. Even during high school, the two were already considered as the pseudo parents of the team. 
Yachi then claps her hands together before continuing "Asahi-san's new line is supposed to be out soon too! And Nishinoya-san is still travelling I think. I've seen most of his photos on social media!"
"Am I the only one surprised about Tanaka-san and Kiyoko-san?" Tsukishima states. "Is no one going to mention that?"
Shouyou can't help but laugh at that "Now you're just being mean."
"So are you telling me that it didn't surprise you when you found out?" Tsukishima looks at him from the mirror and raises an eyebrow.
"Well...." It's true that the mentioned couple was definitely one of the most surprising, but Shouyou likes to think that Kiyoko-san would definitely balance out Tanaka-senpai pretty well. 
"It definitely surprised me! Can't believe he actually did it." says Yamaguchi with a grin. 
"I can't believe she said yes."
"Again, weren't you guys just as surprised?"
"Oh yeah, definitely." agrees Yachi with a small laugh of her own.
"I rest my case."
The drive home continues as they laugh and reminisce, and soon enough Shouyou feels himself drifting off. The tiredness suddenly overcoming him as he slowly begins to fall into slumber, and let out a yawn. He faintly hears teasing coming from Tsukishima, while Yachi and Yamaguchi are telling the latter to let him get his rest. As he continues to lose consciousness and let sleep overtake him, he feels a head rest on his shoulder and forces his eyes open for a few more minutes, only to see Natsu looking up at him.
"Welcome home Nii-chan." she tells him softly.
"Glad to be home Natsu. I missed you tons." He tells her, as he slowly reaches up, with his other arm, and pats her head. "I'm proud of you, and I hope you're ready to have me back. Because I have two years worth of memories to make up for."
Natsu smiles wide. "Of course Nii-chan. I missed you tons too. Things weren't the same without you." she leans into his side a little more before speaking again. "I can't wait to watch you play in the league." she tells him softly. Seems like Natsu was also starting to drift to sleep. Shouyou is unsure if any of the others are still talking at this point, but he figures they're probably also giving the siblings some time to catch up on their own, even if it was just for a little while. 
Shouyou chuckles. "I have to show up to tryouts and make it into a team first Natsu."
"You will. You'll make it, I know you will." Natsu says with certainty.
"If I do, you'll be the first to know, I promise." He tells her. His eyes are beginning to close now. It's feels like it's been ages since he's had a moment like this with Natsu. Shouyou wants to revel in it, just a little longer.
"You mean WHEN you do."  Natsu tells him again, firmly. "Believe in yourself more Nii-chan. You're Hinata Shouyou, and people are about to see just what you're made of."
Shouyou already knows the team he wants to be in, knows the capabilities of the players in the Black Jackal's roster, and knows the names and faces to some of those greats. Shouyou knows within himself that he is good enough, he just has to find a way to get others to see how high he can fly.
He smiles as he lets Natsu's words of encouragement and comfort wash over him. How lucky he is, Shouyou thinks, to have the best people surrounding him in this life. Natsu is right. He's trained hard to compete with the monsters of today, the last thing he has room for is self-doubt.
As Shouyou fully lets his thoughts drift, and his body give in to the lull of sleep, he feels his sister already drifting beside him with her head still on his shoulders. In the background, he thinks he hears what sounds like a camera clicking, and is sure that either Yachi or Yamaguchi has taken a photo of himself and Natsu while drifting. 'I should ask to see that photo later'
This warmth and comfort he surrounds himself with, and the excitement of the days to come are Shouyou's continuous reminders that:
It really was great, to be back home.
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valkirsif · 3 years
Unthinkable CH48/???
Word 3500
Warning nothing
Y/N woke up early to prepare breakfast while Thomas showered, found Luke in the room busy on the phone and nodded to him before disappearing into the kitchen, turned on the coffee machine and took out bacon and eggs, set the oven at 200 degrees and prepared the baskets of eggs,
"Good morning Y/N" Luke greeted, taking a seat at the table,
"Day," she replied smiling, "Breakfast?" asked taking cups and plates from the cupboard,
"Would you like to thank you, Thomas?" he asked checking that the schedule was perfect,
"He's running out of shower" laughed the woman handing him the coffee, turned and took the baskets out of the oven,
"Day Honey " Tom said hugging her from behind, reaching out to make the coffee, "What a smell, I'm hungry" he said greeting Luke and taking a seat at the table,
"Day my King" smiled the woman doing the dishes, "I want to make sure you don't get hungry while traveling" she passed the dishes to the men and sat down in front of Tom, they ate staying eye to eye, Y/N tried to smile and not to be seen sad, he would have to stay away again but he tried to concentrate on the commitments she had made with Sophie, already in the afternoon she had an appointment with her for a charity afternoon for a hospital and was curious to see how these events worked,
" Thomas .. " Luke broke the peace,
"I'm getting dressed and I'm there," the man replied, standing up, "Darling, will you take me to the airport?" asked going up, Y/N nodded pulling jeans and sweater out of the closet, in 10 minutes they were ready, the car was waiting for them in front of the gate, they crossed the city and arrived well in advance at the airport, unloaded the luggage and headed to check in between the glances and the stolen shots,
"Miss Hiddleston if you want to pass then I'll let her out" said the smiling stewardess making them sit in the parlor of the company, they waited about twenty minutes
"We have to go," said Luke as he entered, "they announced the flight",
"I'll call you as soon as we land" said Thomas taking her face in his hands, "This month will fly you'll see" smiled kissing her,
"Yeah" Y/N replied with a lump in her throat, "I will miss you so much" she tried to smile, she hugged him before saying goodbye, a stewardess accompanied her to the garage where she burst into tears as soon as she got into the car, it would have been hard a month without him, "Heck, get over it," she said to herself shaking her head, she realized that crying about something like this was ridiculous, promotions were part of the man's job and she would keep busy, she had the new house to manage. workers would start on Monday, in two days he had an appointment with Drew for the furniture and an endless line of charity engagements, as Tom said would fly by.
Back home she went up to her room to change, had prepared a couple of dresses the night before, chose a simple blue dress with a peacock-tail pattern on the bodice and low-heeled shoes she chose a light make-up, had advice from make- up artists at the last event they attended for a natural and undemanding make-up that is especially easy to obtain, had never loved wearing make-up, she looked in the mirror satisfied with the result and went back to the room where she found Ali waiting for her,
"What are you doing here?" she asked in amazement, it wasn't an official release hadn't called her,
"Mister Hiddleston has prepared some kind of program" said Ali smiling, retrieving a folder from the bag, "I'm here to discuss days and times if you have time" handed her the program, Y/N opened the folder and looked at the sheets curiously, there it was a list of designers and shops,
"I thought a walk in Italy would distract you" she read at the bottom of the page in Tom's elegant handwriting, smiled and made himself comfortable,
"I have plenty of time, Sophie passes in a couple of hours" she replied cheerfully,
"Well, as a premiere you have Rome, Milan and Turin" she said checking the dates, "You will need at least 3 evening dresses and something for the day",
"I have too many day clothes" laughed the woman, "I could go next week",
"Perfect, where do you prefer to stay in Milan?" asked while texting, "Hilton, Four Seasons?",
"Nowhere" laughed Y/N taking the phone, "Hello, disturbing?" asked when they answered,
"Hey Poppy you never disturb" said Robi cheerfully, "Tell me everything",
"If I invade your house for 2/3 days next week what about?",
" Well I say I'll take you" answered the man laughing, "Why in Italy?",
"For the Italian premieres I need suitable clothes and Thomas pointed out that choosing home stylists would be better" replied Y/N, "I take the opportunity to take a tour and be with you, then I send a message to the others too",
"Tell me about my arrival so I'll take a couple of days off" he said happily,
"It will be nice to be together for a few days!",
"I also bring you the passes for the premier so we can have an evening together",
"Wow" he exclaimed in amazement, "What an honor" they laughed together,
"I want you with me the evenings in Italy, so Milan, Rome and Turin" said Y/N regarding the program, "Since we don't have a support in Turin, I thought I'd take a room for you too",
"But is it okay with Tom?" Robi asked perplexed, "We don't want to seem .. how to say .. here are the profiteers",
"Imagine he is happy if we are together when we can", they greeted each other and the woman returned to focus on the program,
"Ok, the living room is done too" she said reading the list of stylists, "I have no idea how this kind of evidence works .. " said turning to her pr ,
"I 'll make a few phone calls, in these cases it is better to rely on a professional who will collect the clothes of the designers and show them to you .. " replied Ali professionally, "..If that's okay with you I would ask Miss Urbinati, she is the one who takes care of this aspect for Mister Hiddleston ",
"It's fine and I'll be able to explain myself much better in my language" she laughed, grateful for the choice,
"I'll arrange the appointments and I'll call you back" said Ali, "the workers arrive on Monday and on Wednesday you have an appointment with Mister Pritchard , he called to postpone your appointment, so I would fix it for the weekend, from Friday to next Monday .. "
"You are the best Ali" smiled Y/N, "I would not be able to make ends meet" laughed greeting her, "I'll wait for the program then",
“I'll send you a message tonight with times and appointments” she replied, writing everything down in her diary, “Do you prefer to change stocks or are the usual ones okay? she asked,
"Sorry but I have to put my feet up" answered the serious woman, "I'll be at my house, with my family, I don't want anyone around",
"Are you sure?"
"Very sure, Gian and Phil will defend me in case or I'll do it alone but I don't want to be followed and controlled even from a distance" Y/N was very serious, she didn't want to feel like an animal even in Italy,
"I don't insist but I won't tell Mister Hiddleston , you know how he thinks .. " Ali laughed resignedly, the women said goodbye, Sophie arrived shortly after splendid in her afternoon dress,
"Y/N you are beautiful" she said greeting her, "I like the feather design",
"Thanks, I hope it's suitable" she replied, making her sit down, "You look great too, but you always look great" laughed,
"I'd like to fill the top a little more but I don't think anything will grow anymore" Sophie laughed, "I'm a bit envious of your cleavage "
Y/N made coffee and they chatted for half an hour,
"Shall we go with my car or do you prefer to drive?" Sophie asked as the woman closed the door,
"I don't know the city but it wouldn't be a problem, I don't have a driving license" Y/N smiled, "Maybe I should take it, I can't always call a taxi",
"That's a great idea, you could surprise Tom when he gets back",
"Do you say that in a month it is possible?" asked Y/N in Italy it took months, "I have a lot of commitments I don't think I can do it",
"When we leave the hospital I'll take you to get information then you decide" Sophie replied getting into the car, she liked the idea of ​​going to pick up Tom herself on his return.
They entered the room where the hospital director was waiting for them,
"Sophie welcome" he said friendly, shaking her hand,
" Stephan hi" she said cheerfully, "I'd like to introduce you Y/N will join us if that's okay with you" she smiled introducing the woman, Y/N stepped forward to shake the manager's hand,
"Very pleased" she said smiling,
"My pleasure" replied the affable man, "I'm glad you joined Sophie for this day .. ",
"Can I ask what we raise funds for, it's my first time and I'm a bit confused" smiled Y/N,
"We have to finish fixing the new neonatal ward and we would like to take some machinery" replied the man, "Don't worry it's very simple, in the end you just have to smile" Stephan laughed making way for the women, a part of the hospital park had been set up with wicker tables and armchairs, guests were strolling around the patio sipping drinks and chatting, Y/N followed Sophie observing her every movement, how she smiled and how she stood in front of the few journalists who had been invited,
"Miss Hunter .. Miss Hiddleston can we take a picture of you together?" asked a photographer approaching, the women smiled and posed close together, Y/N began to feel more comfortable moved between the tables and guests smiling affably, answering questions and thanking for donations, stopped to talk to a girl ,
"May I ask you why did you decide to turn to charity?" she asked taking a drink,
"I think everyone should do good if they have the chance," she answered sincerely, "In the position I am in it seemed stupid not to help",
"What does your partner say about this idea?" she continued with the questions, "Are you waiting for you in LA?"
"Thomas fully supports me as a UNICEF ambassador" she replied, "At the moment he left for the promotion of the film .. ",
“So you and Thomas are still together? That's not what people say" she smiled staring at her,
"Of course we're still engaged" Y/N said uncomfortably, "The paparazzi just do their job" she realized that that girl was not just a guest, she didn't know how to behave,
"There are several photos of her with other men .. " she made herself under the girl, ".. in various events",
"Unfortunately I'm a very sociable person .. " Y/N tried to laugh, "..I never thought my showing affection to friends would be misrepresented like this",
"She has many friends" she said curiously, "Some very famous",
" Well Rice and I have known each other for a lifetime if you're talking about him" she replied as neutral as possible, "And Evans is like a brother to me",
the reporter was about to continue the interrogation when a man approached, "here is another reporter" thought anxiously Y/N,
"This way miss .. " he said seriously to the reporter, "If you want to follow me to the exit" he motioned her to sit down, the girl smiled greeting Y/N and followed him without making a fuss, she had no reason to have obtained what he wanted,
"Everything good?" Sophie asked continuing to smile as if talking about the weather, "I'm sorry every now and then it happens that journalists interested in scandals come in",
"A little anxious about what I will read tomorrow .. " Y/N replied trying to be vague, ".. I can never let my guard down",
"I went through it too at the beginning of my story with Ben, but with my work I recognize a journalist in disguise when I see him" she laughed, taking her by the arm and returning to the guests,
"We have to go out together more often then so you can teach me all the tricks" laughed in turn Y/N finding her calm, at the end of the afternoon the director of the ward thanked the guests for the donations, the money collected would be used to restore the neonatal ward and buy the latest generation incubators, the women were extremely happy with how the day went, Y/N felt very tired, already at the dinner in Paris she realized how tiring it was to raise funds, smile and be affable and perfect was unnerving, she and Sophie went out smiling and left,
"How do you feel?" Sophie asked cheerfully, " It went very well as the first time",
"I'm a bit exhausted mentally but I feel great" Y/N replied smiling, " It's really satisfying to do something good for the children",
"We have collected almost all the money we need"
"Thanks for involving me, I can't wait to do it again" laughed Y/N relaxing,
Sophie crossed the city to go to the driving school near her and Benedict's house ,
"Here we are" she said as he parked in the driveway, "Before I take Sam's then we'll take something from me" she smiled accompanying her, Y/N followed her wondering how he would get her license in a month, they entered the studio making the doorbell ring,
" Sophie dear, welcome," said a middle-aged man walking around the desk, "How can I help you?" he asked hugging her,
"Hi Sam I'm here with a challenge" she replied dissolving the embrace and presenting Y/N, "She is Y/N, she has to get her driver's license and she is less than a month old" laughed,
"Nice to meet you Miss" he said shaking her hand, "Nice challenge really how come you want to get your driver's license so fast?"
"My pleasure" smiled Y/N, " Well first of all because I don't always want to book taxis or private cars and, secondly, I would like to surprise my boyfriend when he comes back" she laughed with them, " I know it's almost impossible but I would to attempt",
"Nothing is impossible here" he laughed making her sit, "As for the theory we use a practical app that he can use both on the phone and on the computer so he can take the test tests whenever wants" he began to explain, "Ditto for the lessons can follow them from the computer with a tutor if you want ",
"It would be perfect, I have a lot of commitments in the coming weeks" Y/N replied happily, "For the guides instead?" she asked worried about not having time to do them,
"It depends on you" said Sam, "If you use a car with manual or automatic transmission, in the first case you have to drive here every other day .. ",
"And this is difficult, next week I'm leaving for Italy for a few days .. " replied the woman, "..the second option?",
".. the second option is automatic change with a private tutor who will give you lessons every time you move" concluded Sam practical,
"Very well, the automatic gearbox gone .. when can I start?" she asked cheerfully, she could do it,
"If you give me your documents I will register you immediately" he said making a copy of his documents while calling the tutotr , "Erik I have a special student for you can you come in now?", 10 minutes later a guy walked into the agency,
"Here I am Sam" he said smiling introducing himself,
"She is Y/N Hiddleston from tomorrow you will take care of her lessons" said Sam explaining the program, "You are the most suitable person, you know how to juggle with clients' commitments and you are a great teacher",
"Miss Hiddleston is a pleasure" he said introducing himself, "I'm at your complete disposal" he smiled,
"Um thank you and give me some you" she replied to the smile, "If you are free we could start tomorrow, I'm full of commitments and I have to move a lot",
"Great with the more practice you do with the easier it will be to pass the exam" he laughed, "Can I get an overview of your schedule so I can organize myself?"
" Sure .. " Y/N answered taking out of the bag the folder that Ari had left her, ".. well, I hope it's not too delusional for you" she smiled giving the young man the sheets, Erik quickly read the program,
"I see that you have no commitments tomorrow" he said, reviewing the sheets, "I could come and pick you up tomorrow morning at 8 to take the first lesson and explain how the car works, what do you say?" he asked looking at her,
"It would be perfect if you have no other commitments" replied the cheerful woman,
"I am a private tutor, I work with those who do not have the time to come here to follow the lessons" replied Erik explaining himself, "For the next month I will be your shadow .. also in Italy" he laughed, Y/N paid the registration, she thanked Sam and left his number with Erik before leaving and going to Sophie's house.
"Take a seat, make yourself at home," Sophie said inviting her to come in, " BEN .. Benny are you home?" she said aloud checking the alarm and taking off her shoes, "He'll be in her study" she told Y/N leading her into the room,
"What a beautiful house" Y/N said looking around, it was very similar to theirs, large and bright spaces, a large garden, the open library hidden behind a double arch in colored bricks , he heard a violin playing somewhere in the house, she didn't recognize the melody but she liked it very much,
"It will sound familiar" Sophie laughed, "Those two have the same tastes, when Tommy comes back we have to organize a dinner with us" she said taking drinks for both of us, "I'm sure you will love hearing them play together",
"Play together?" she asked in astonishment Y/N drinking, Sophie nodded to the music Y/N bringing with if ,
"Don't tell me that Tom has never played for you" she asked in amazement, "How did he win you over then?" she asked laughing entering the studio with her, Benedict had not noticed their presence concentrated on the score, Y/N gasped seeing the studio which was nothing more than a music room, the man was playing the violin in the center of the room, on one side there was a dark and shiny piano and a series of wind instruments, the women sat in silence to listen applauded as soon as the man finished the piece,
"Hey my love, welcome back" he said smiling and kissed her partner, "How was your afternoon?" he asked cheerfully placing the violin on the cabinet, "Y/N well arrived" he greeted her embracing her,
"Thank you," she replied, getting comfortable again, "Is there something you and Thomas don't do perfectly?" she asked cheerfully, the trio laughed,
"She didn't know Tommy plays too" Sophie laughed to her boyfriend, "You see he didn't use your tactic to win her over",
"We just needed him to serenade me" laughed Y/N, "He had already bewitched me by reading me the Henry.. if he had also played I would have fainted at his feet immediately",
"Tactic number 2" said Benedict laughing, "Read Shakespeare .. ",
"If you didn't grow up here I understand that the extreme romanticism of English men is deadly" said Sophie, "I also fell like a ripe fruit .. and I know all their techniques" she laughed, they dined together chatting about the day and Benedict's projects ,
"I'll put my shoes on and I'll walk you home dear," Ben said standing up,
"Don't bother I already called a taxi" Y/N replied following the couple to the door, "Sophie thanks for the day, I really enjoyed myself and I learned a lot" she said hugging the woman,
"See you on Tuesday for the next event, dressed comfortably we will be on the farm" she smiled greeting her, the taxi had arrived,
"Where do I take you Miss?" asked the taxi driver, Y/N gave the address and picked up the phone,
§Friday boys arrive in Italy to shop keep free!§ she wrote to the group,
§ Really? § , § How wonderful§, §How long are you staying? §, they all asked together,
§I arrive on Friday and leave on Tuesday§ Y/N replied cheerfully for that weekend at her home,
§I will make your bed§ wrote Gian happily,
§ Gian is supported by me§ Roby replied, §We can all gather here§,
§Will, tomorrow I ask for a couple of days§ Franc replied , §Jack is in Vienna it's a shame§,
§As I said to Roby I also bring you the passes for the premieres of the film .. I want you with me§ said Y/N, they were all in turmoil for those evenings,
§Beautiful you should also invite Simo§ Rice sent her a private message,
§ Lucifer I don't think about it§ she replied annoyed by that request, it was like him to forgive certain things, § I know how you think but I'm not you§,
§I tried:) § replied the friend, §I could surprise you with my presence on Sunday§,
§ REALLY? § she asked excitedly by the news,
§Yes I have a photo shoot on Monday§ answered Rice, § And maybe I can also be there at the premier of Rome§, Y/N was very happy with that news,
§So I'll take you out to dinner just the two of us .. I owe you an evening after having blown you away after the parade§ wrote Y/N hoping he was not yet offended by that escape,
§ It is the minimum after having fled ;) §,
§See you guys on Friday, I want you nice loads for shopping§ greeted Y/N, he was home by now, the day had been long, weird and exciting, she just wanted a coffee and hear from her man, looked at watch, was almost midnight, she did the math by now Thomas's flight must have almost arrived, she took a shower and waited for the man to call her.
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worldwanderers · 3 years
A world of possibilities
At home, my boyfriend (X) always buys on Amazon travel guides of remote places would like to go to at some point. Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the borders of almost every country were closed but the books kept coming home during the pandemic.
Now we literally had a pile of possibilities, and we needed to consider where we would like to spend the next couple of months. The two-month leave that I had to take at work this year is something that it might not happen ever again. After two visits to the United States to get the Pfizer vaccine, our prospects had tripled. Many countries have set as a requirement to be vaccinated to allow visitors to enter.
Now we did not have Costa Rica or Colombia as our only options; we could also go to Iceland or —our goal from the beginning— any country in Europe. The Summer season in the Northern hemisphere had just started and we couldn’t wait to get some sun and relax for little a bit, after one and a half years of stress at work and an avalanche of fake news on social media.
To be honest, all other potential destinations were eclipsed now the old continent was actually a possibility. Although, the requirements for travelling to travel were changing constantly —depending on the country— and the local airlines kept postponing the date to resume their regular flights to Europe. Ten days before the date we wanted to depart, we finally got something clear: the only option we really had was Spain and maybe France, the other European countries weren’t open to outside tourism.
Spain was not our first option —we were thinking more in Italy—, but we’ve always had a good time when passing through Barcelona or Madrid at the beginning or the end of a longer trip. Also, we have a lot of friends in both cities. X spoke with an Irish friend that had been living in Barcelona for a year, to ask him how was everything with the pandemic and all that, and out of the blue he offered us his apartment to stay. He had to return to Dublin for work.
These unexpected circumstances made our decision process lot easier that had it to be. Everything was starting to fall into place, like the pieces of a very complex puzzle that was finally taking shape in our heads. Destiny had placed Spain on our path and we welcomed it with open arms. What awaited us there?
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mamourland · 4 years
Kissing Prompt  #45 - Magnum/Higgins
Prompt #45 - Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
 Context: Episode 2x02  -  follows the Prompts #2 & #46
Rating: Explicit 
Here it is!! The Tattoo search party ^^
“Why did we have to go to La Mariana again?” she panted against his lips as they tried to make their way up to Magnum’s room without tripping and tumbling down the stairs. It was quite difficult when neither of them wanted to relinquish the other’s lips.
 “No idea, we’ll never go there ever again. Better yet, we’re never leaving my room starting now.” he growled as he took possession of her lips one more time.
 She chuckled just as she broke away from his mouth, staggering across the wooden stairs in her high heels. Fortunately for her, he was holding her quite tightly against him therefore she didn’t completely fall down.
 “Need I remind you that we have a PI business to run and I’m still majordomo of this estate?”
 “Details!” he declared as they finally reached the landing.
  XXX Earlier that day XXX
  When he saw Higgins for the first time in a week after her trip to England, Magnum had only one thing on his mind: to take her in his arms and kiss her senseless. But since their friends weren’t aware of the new dynamic of their relationship, he refrained from giving way to his urges. However, when they were alone after he put her suitcase in the Ferrari’s trunk, he pushed a blond curl from her face before pressing his lips against hers.
 “How was your flight?” he asked after taking his fill of her sweet taste.
 “Long.” she sighed.” I’m so glad to be home.”
 She wrapped her arms around his neck and he encircled her waist with his, both enjoying their first hug.
 “I missed you.” she whispered.
 “I missed you more.” he told her as he pecked her cheek.
 She rolled her eyes.
 “It’s not a competition, Magnum. Come on, the others will come investigate if we don’t join them soon.”
 As they drove away from Rick’s potential new bar in the direction of Robin’s Nest, Magnum threaded his fingers through hers and brushed a kiss against the soft skin of the back of her hand.
 She directed an affectionate smile at him.
 “Watch the road, Magnum.” she scolded him gently.” We wouldn’t want to crash before getting home, would we?”
 He smirked at her because they both knew what they were planning to do the second they got home. A week was too long of a time to wait to finally have her naked against him. Especially since Magnum discovered how much of a tease Higgins could be. All week long, he would wake up in the morning and find dirty voicemails on his phone about what she wanted to do to him when they would be reunited again.
 He was only a man and couldn’t wait to make everything she had told him in a sexy voice come true.
 However, when they reached the gate of the property, an Asian man was waiting for them. It looked like their alone time would have to be postponed as they took their first case as partners.
 When she was in London, Higgins had called him as soon as she got out of her MI-6 meeting to let him know she accepted his offer to be his partner. She had waited to hear what her old employer had to say as a courtesy but her decision had been made as soon as their lips met before she even got on her plane.
 He had been ecstatic when she had told him the news; not only was she staying to work with him but their relationship was taking the most wonderful turn.
 When they watched Sharon being reunited with her husband, they shared a look, knowing they both yearned to share the same embrace as the spouses. They expedited their statement to Katsumoto before rushing towards the car; now that the adrenaline had worn off, desire burned in their blood and increased the longing between them.
 Magnum knew he shouldn’t have answered Rick’s call on the way home. His friend had asked them to come and meet him at La Mariana in half an hour. The PI groaned as he hung up and threw an apologetic look to his partner.
 “Sorry, Higgy. Rick has helped me so many times in the past, I couldn’t say no to him.”
 “That’s ok.”, she said in a resigned voice. “They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, I wonder what it does to other… things.”, she threw a glance towards his crotch and Magnum cursed. She’ll be the death of him.
 Thomas was peeling the label of his beer absent-mindedly, too lost in his own little world. His gaze was directed towards Juliet, sitting across from him, or rather her cleavage but he wasn’t ogling at her. He was just… absent, wishing time would pass faster so he could go home with her.
 She was wearing the most gorgeous wrap dress – cream-colored with a blue and red pattern – with platform shoes that did something quite wonderful for her posture, creating a natural arch for her back that Magnum long to graze with his fingers.
 In the back of his mind, he registered the beautiful sound of her laugh when Rick told them another story of the time when they were in Afghanistan. Suddenly, he jumped when he felt someone kick his shin rather painfully. His eyes met hers across the table and she frowned slightly at him while gesturing towards his blond friend with her head. He understood Rick had spoken to him and was waiting for him to answer him.
 “I’m sorry, I kinda zoned out.” he chuckled apologetically.
 “Thank God, you had more reflexes when we were on active duty!” Rick laughed and everyone around the table followed.
 Higgins came to his rescue when she yawned.
 “I’m so sorry to bother you, Magnum but I’m still a bit jet lagged. Would you mind driving me back home, please?” she asked him sweetly.
 He tried not to grin at her subtle attempt to find an excuse for them to leave. He cleared his throat, trying to act surprised at her request.
 “Uh, no I don’t mind. I’m getting a bit tired myself.”
 They both got up and bid their friends goodnight before hurrying to the car.
 When they finally reached Robin’s Nest, the sun had set and they could feel the chill of the night settle around them. He parked the Ferrari and put his hand on her arm to prevent her from exiting the car. He walked around the car until he was at her door and opened it for her. She smiled as she took his offered hand and rose to his height thanks to her heels.
 His eyes were immediately drawn to her red painted lips before traveling back to hers. She smirked when she noticed his slight pause on her mouth and closed the distance between them. Their kiss was gentle, belying the feverish desire coursing his veins due to their physical closeness. She broke their embrace when he tried to deepen the kiss.
 She took his hand in hers and walked towards the guesthouse, pulling him behind her.
 They were barely past the front door when they couldn’t hold it anymore and crashed against each other, their mouths colliding, teeth knocking and tongues mingling.
 Once they successfully climbed the stairs, they turned in the direction of his bedroom but he didn’t apprehend the move properly and bumped his arm against the edge of the wall.
 He groaned in pain and she laughed at him before rubbing a gentle hand across his afflicted skin. He didn’t leave her time to speak and fused their mouths back together, pushing her backwards with his hands around her waist. In the meantime, she started unbuttoning his gray shirt.
 With his eyes closed, he blindly advanced until they were in his room. They were stopped in their progress when Higgins almost toppled over one of the armchairs that was in their path. She yelped when she felt herself fall backwards and gripped the first thing she could: the lapels of his shirt. He felt himself being pulled down with her but he wrapped one arm around her waist and braced himself with his other hand on the armrest to prevent it.
 She huffed against his lips when he tried to distract her from this mishap with more kisses. She turned them around so he was the one going backwards and they resumed their journey towards the bed. She pushed his open shirt from his shoulders until it fell on the floor. This time they encountered a pair of sneakers lying on the floor, making him almost trip over them.
 « For God’s sake, Magnum! You were in the military and you don’t know how to pick up your things? » she grumbled as he kicked all the items threatening their safety away from their path.
 « Sorry, I didn’t have time to straighten things up. » he said sheepishly.
 She wanted to look pissed off but when Magnum looked at her, he couldn’t hold back a grin; her lipstick was now faded and almost completely smeared around her lips, meaning he must be sporting the exact same look. The thought that their intense making out was the reason behind this look made him almost giddy.
 « What’s so funny? » she asked.
 He brushed the pad of his thumb across her lower lip.
 « Nothing, you just look sexy as hell, that’s all. » he groaned.
 He didn’t give her time to answer before he seized her mouth again, thrusting his tongue inside. They both moaned and Magnum was surprised by how much he enjoyed just kissing her when not ten minutes earlier he wanted one thing and one thing only: to be buried inside of her. The feel of her soft lips made him want to relish in this moment with her and slow things down.
 She had other ideas though as she dropped her hands to the waist of his black jeans and opened the button before pushing them down his thighs. He tried to advance towards her to close the last of the distance between their bodies but apparently forgot his jeans were still around his knees.
 He stumbled into her and their heads knocked together.
 She sighed as she rubbed her forehead.
 « Someone is going to get hurt before we even make it to the bed. » she grumbled.  « So, lose the shoes and the jeans and we’re going to hold off on the kisses until we’re safely on the bed. » she directed him.
 He toed off his sneakers and shucked off his jeans before removing his socks. He stood up again and noticed her gaze drop down to the front of his tight boxer briefs where his erection was proudly outlined. He noted that she seemed to like what she saw judging on the way her lips quirked up. Her perusal made his member twitch within its confines.
 He grabbed her hand and marched towards the foot of his bed, dragging her with him. Once they finally arrived at their destination unscathed, he turned her so her back was to the bed and he was standing in front of her. He untied the knot of her dress at her left hip and expected the fabric to part like a robe but was disappointed when it was still attached between her breasts.
 She chuckled at his crestfallen expression and quickly undid the couple of buttons still holding her dress to her body. When the fabric finally parted he was met with the most gorgeous view. He pushed her garment off her shoulders to enjoy the full effect of Juliet Higgins clad in white lace.
 « You look so beautiful. » he breathed.
 « Ready for the search party? » she asked cheekily.
 He grinned, remembering his promise to look for her secret tattoo.
 « More than ready. » he groaned as his gaze traveled the length of her body.
 He didn’t see anything peeking out of her skimpy lingerie which meant that it must be a rather small tattoo.
 « Turn around. » he told her.
 She did a 180 slowly, and when he saw white lace disappearing between her butt cheeks, heat engulfed his whole body like fire was coursing in his veins. She was wearing a fucking thong!
 « You’re killing me, Higgy! » he whined and he had never seen her so proud of herself when she faced him again.
 « What’s your prognosis? » she asked him as if she didn’t just make his body burn with desire.
 He brushed his thumb across the soft fabric at her left hip.
 « Here. » he announced.
 « Well, there’s only one way to find out. »
 She bent over to remove her shoes but he stopped her.
 « Leave them on. » he instructed and finally grazed down the arch of her back created by her heels like he had wanted to, all evening.
 He, then, wrapped one arm around her waist and guided her to his bed until she was lying in the middle of the mattress before covering her body with his. She looped her arms around his shoulders and he kissed her one more time on the lips before traveling to her neck, nipping and suckling the soft and delicate skin.
 « No hickeys where we can see them. » she told him, already breathless.
 He grinned against her; that meant he could leave some in hidden places. He continued his journey, brushing some light kisses across her shoulder, pushing her bra straps aside as he encountered them. His kisses led him to her collarbone before he paid attention to the soft swell of her breasts peeking out of the delicate lace. He slid his hands beneath her and deftly unhooked her bra to divest it off of her.
 He checked her sides for any sign of ink on her newly uncovered skin but came up empty; he didn’t rush to see if he was right with his prognosis yet, her puckered nipples in front of him demanded his attention first. He wrapped his lips around one and suckled gently, reveling in the soft noises she made. He reserved the same treatment to the other ones and she dug her nails into the skin of his back, making him groan around her flesh.
 She panted as she pushed her pelvis up against his and he needed to move things along or he would spontaneously combust. He trailed his lips across her taut stomach and grazed his fingertips down her sides, making her squirm beneath his touch.
 When he reached the waistband of her thong, he felt her belly rise up and down with each rapid breath she took. He lifted the elastic and slid his fingers underneath, ready to remove the underwear. He caught her eyes, filled with lust and affection, before he pressed a kiss under her navel.
 Left or right? The anticipation was both killing and thrilling him.
 He pushed the lace from her hips and there it was.
 The small black design, next to her left hip bone, that looked like the infinity sign but was still different. The loops were not actually joined, but represented an arrow with its head and nock next to each other in the middle of the pattern. He stroked the delicate skin, starting at the back of the arrow and following the features until he reached the arrowhead. He couldn’t wait to find out its meaning.
 « It’s the Malin symbol. »  she said, answering his unasked question. « It’s Swedish; it’s an acknowledgement of the fact that setbacks are a natural part of moving forward in life. »
 He thought that was the perfect summary of both their lives; nothing had been linear, instead there had been ruined plans, betrayal, and challenges among other misfortunes.
 “It’s quite true.” he agreed. “But now we seem to have found a steady situation, don’t you think?” he asked her as he ran his fingertip from the arrowhead to the wide expanse of her skin ahead of it, indicating their lives could be free of new setbacks.
 “I hope so.” she whispered as she cupped his cheek and brushed her thumb across the thin skin under his eye.
 He dipped his head to press a gentle kiss on her tattoo and finished sliding her underwear down her legs. When he reached the foot of the bed, he dropped them on the floor before unstrapping and removing her shoes. He stood up to get rid of his boxers and they were both finally naked.
 He resumed his position on top of her, aligning their hips together. He slipped his hand between their bodies to run a finger through her folds, checking if she was ready for him. When he was met with more wetness than he anticipated, he groaned.
 He met her eyes and she smirked.
 “No need to tell you how much I want you right now, I suppose?”
 He ground his pelvis against hers to make her feel his hot pulsating member full of desire for her.
 “Right back at you.”
 He grabbed his manhood and positioned himself at her entrance before slowly entering her. She wrapped her legs around his waist so he could sink even deeper into her heat and, for a few seconds, Magnum felt dizzy. No word could describe the feeling of being buried inside of her.
 He slid his arms around her lower back to keep her hips pressed against his and started moving within her wet, tight heat. They both moaned and he swallowed the sounds coming out of her with his lips.
 They kept undulating in a steady rhythm, sharing the same air and looking into each other’s eyes until he felt her walls around him flutter. She closed her eyes and arched her neck as her orgasm rushed through her. She groaned his name loudly and Magnum hissed as she squeezed him tightly.
 When he was certain she had ridden the last wave of her release he took care of his own with quick, short thrusts and buried his face into her neck when he came with her name on his lips. She moaned when he emptied himself deep inside of her before he collapsed on top of her.
 She stroked his back lightly as they both tried to catch their breaths.
 A few minutes later, he rolled away from her and lay on his side, propped on his elbow next to her. He stroked her tattoo with his index finger.
 “I was right about the location. So what do I win?” he asked eagerly.
 “I just gave myself entirely to you, what more do you want?” she asked him, amused.
 His heart raced at her words, finding the idea of her as completely his more than appealing. He brushed his lips against her shoulder.
 “That is quite a prize, indeed.” he agreed with her.
 He laid his head above her breast and relished in the way her nails were scratching his scalp.
 “You’re mine and I’m yours.” he added against the skin above her heart, feeling it thrum more quickly at his words.
 “You have so much more to offer than MI-6.” she said lightly.
 “And don’t you forget it.” he warned her gently.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
Sweet Creature || Jumin x MC  -Oneshot
sweet creature, wherever I go, you bring me home
genre; fluff. so much fluff.
summary; Jumin gets stuck in another country away from his wife. He’s been having trouble falling asleep, so MC decides to tell him a bedtime story. A simple request ends up making Jumin open up about a small insecurity he had over is wife and his best friend.
notes; I said Jumin is in Peru because the law is very strict here: flights are not allowed and we’re under mandatory quarantine. Also because the time difference was a nice touch for this lol. Oh! This idea came up while listening to this song, hence the title~
“Isn't it dangerous to travel these days? :(“
Jumin read that text over and over, as if, somehow, he could go back to the moment where he read it for the first time. He should have postponed his business travel, but due to his father giving him more responsibilities at C&R and himself thinking nothing wrong could happen, he was now trapped in Peru, kilometers away from his wife.
He turned around on his hotel bed, dreading the soft aroma of whatever detergent they used for the sheets. It wasn't unpleasant itself, but it wasn't the smell of your shampoo that always lingered on the pillowcases. 
It had been more than fifty days already. All he wanted was to return home, but flights were prohibited and he had no way to return home to you. Jumin checked his dual clock on his phone and decided it was okay to call you. It should be 5pm in Korea. It went unanswered, making him furrow his eyebrows. Surely nothing bad had happened, since you were under lockdown as well. 
He was letting his mind go to dangerous places when he received a call from you. He picked up, your face appearing on the screen with a smile.
"Sorry! I was at the bathroom. I thought you were already asleep, isn't it... like, 3 am there?" you asked, putting a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Couldn't sleep" Jumin replied. He put his phone against a pillow, just where you would be lying if you were actually by his side. Picking the cue, you did the same, laying on the bed and looking at your husband through the screen.
"What's on your mind?" you asked.
"How long am I supposed to wait to be able to embrace my wife" he sighed.
"Probably a while more. When you come here, I think you'll have to go under quarantine yourself. Just in case" you answered, with a small pout. "I know it’s been already fifty-six days apart, and that those other forty when you get back aren't ideal for our first year as a married couple, but... we'll survive".
"You sound so collected. I thought I was supposed to be the businessman and you were the dedicated piano teacher" he teased. His smile grew as he watched you laugh.
"I may have learnt a thing or two from you. But honestly..." you let out a big sigh "I miss you too. Whenever anyone from the RFA checks on me I'm always sulking about how I can't see my husband".
Jumin's smile faded a little, watching you lose focus a little, your eyes lost somewhere in your bedroom.
"I'm sorry. I should have listened to you, I-- I thought it would be safe. Sorry for not being there for you".
"But you are" you assured him, your eyes on him again. "You are here for me. I'm in one of the safest buildings in town, there's plenty of food and I don't need to go outside for anything since you set up a delivery for me and Elizabeth be 3rd. You are still protecting me from so far away".
"We're missing so many celebrations. I was planning to take you out each month on our anniversary date for our first year as a married couple".
"I know, but you'll definitely be here for our anniversary! And we'll get to celebrate together, have a nice and romantic dinner at home and then fall asleep next to each other". 
Jumin smiled at your promise of a future where he wouldn't sleep on a empty bed anymore. He had got used to sleeping next to you so quickly, he didn't understand how was he able to sleep alone for so long.
"I am worried about something, though" you admitted. Jumin immediately scrunched his face, concerned.
"What is it?"
"I'm worried it's 3 am there and you can't seem to fall asleep" you said, concerned.
"I miss you"
"I miss you too. How about I tell you a story?"
"A story?"
"You know, a bedtime story. Maybe it can help?" you offered, shifting on the bed.
"I've never listened to a bedtime story. Wouldn't it be rude to fall asleep while you're talking?"
"No" you chuckled "That's the point. Let me try, okay? I'm going to tell you the story about... Mia. Mia was a girl who loved playing the piano. She loved it so much, sometimes she would cancel plans with her friends to stay home and play. She studied at a Music School to be a teacher and got pretty good grades".
"The piano?" Jumin asked, with a small smile. He then closed his eyes.
"Yes, this new and exciting character loved the piano. Anyway, one day she decided to download an app she didn't know, thinking it was a game she could play while on the bus. There she met these incredible people who ended up being a big part in her life. Even if things got… complicated surrounding lost brothers and surprisingly, cults, everything worked out in the end. She ended up falling for one of them, you know?”
“I always thought you would fall for Jihyun” Jumin commented, his eyes still closed.
“What?” you shifted on the bed, supporting yourself on your elbow.
“Mia. I always thought she would fall for Jihyun because they're so alike” he opened his eyes and put a hand through his hair. “They are very emotionally intelligent and always want the best for everyone around them. Natural caretakers. And also inclined to an artistic career”
You stayed in silence for a minute, not knowing if your husband was trying to make a joke you couldn’t understand or if he was being serious. You took a deep breath before talking.
“Hmmm, she liked him, yes. Jihyun was kind but she saw him the same way she saw Hyun or any of the others. He was a friend she could trust and a friend who would easily understand her when she was having a problem”.
“But if he could understand what she was feeling with a glance why did she…”
“She felt protected” you interrupted him “and loved by everyone at the RFA. But there was this man, the oldest of them all, who at first seemed cold and detached, but soon revealed his true self. You won't believe this, but he would send tons of photos of his cat to Mia!" Jumin chuckled. "But it was a beautiful cat and he was a beautiful man, so Mia liked it. He was fun, even if it was in an unconventional way. He went through a rough time when his cat got lost, but thankfully Mis was there for him. She got to know him a lot more on those days. For example, she found out he had trouble dealing with his feelings”.
“Not like Jihyun”
You sighed. “You think he was jealous of Jihyun?”
“I think so, yes. At least because of how easy it was for him to show emotion to his old girlfriend. How it was easy for him to express himself”
“Mmmm... Well, Mia didn't think the same. See, some people say music is a language itself. So she learnt from a young age words are not only the only way to express oneself. And there are a lot of ways for that. Some people say they love you, some people bring you presents, others spend quality time with you… there are a lot of ways, seriously. So when this young, cat-loving man asked Mia to stay for longer at his apartment, she understood he meant he wasn't feeling okay and that her presence, somehow, was helping her deal with everything. So she stayed. And... if you insist on Jihyun, I don't think he and Mia would have made a good couple" you say, tapping your chin with your index finger. "I think whenever one of those would have had a discrepancy, the other one would have made a drama out of it. I think they were so alike they wouldn't have let the other one grow. But whenever Mia talked with this guy I’ve been telling you about, she would always learn a thing or two. She would see a problem from another perspective and actually understand it better. Also, let's face it: she was melting whenever those dark eyes landed on her. Boy, did she feel like a teenager whenever he said something kind to her! It was embarrassing honestly” you laughed, hiding your face with your hands.
“Like a teenager?” Jumin asked with a soft smile, raising his eyebrow.
“Yes! One of those days she stayed at his place, he asked her to dine together, so she went to ‘refresh herself’ to the bathroom, okay? Actually, she was having a meltdown, fixing her makeup the best she could and thinking about interesting topics she could talk about with him”.
“I'm not joking. Jumin, she would get up earlier than him, brush her teeth, comb her hair and lay on her bed again so she would look somewhat good when he came to see her in the morning. It was pathetic. That's how smitten she was with him. Thank God I've never acted that way" you scoffed. Both you and Jumin looked at each other and smiled. “Not a long time went by before she ended up marrying him, can you believe it?” you asked, feigning surprise. Jumin chuckled.
“Sounds unreal” he admitted.
“I know, right?” you asked, laughing softly. “But she did, she actually married this guy in a beautiful church surrounded by the people she loved. It was a wonderful day. She couldn’t believe she could love someone that much”.
You stayed silent for a while, just looking at each other's face, remembering just how much in love they had been from the moment they saw each other.
“I'm sorry my story didn't help you sleep” you apologized in a soft voice.
“I do feel more relaxed now. I'm going to try and get some sleep now” Jumin said, stretching his neck.
“Please call if you can't. I'm always here for you, Mr. Han.” you teased him with a grin.
“Thank you, Mrs. Han. Have a nice evening. Please remember how deeply grateful I am that you chose me” he said in a soft voice. You smiled and blew out a kiss for him.
“As I am. Goodnight, my love”
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we fell in love in October
A/N: this was requested by anon, I hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think! 
Summary: One where the reader and Ben were together in high school and left Derry together and when they come back they are married and everyone is surprised to see them still together
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A phone call that your entire adult life is based on stacks of self-imagined and wrongful placed memories is best not received in a an overseas, foreign country with your husband ten thousand miles away. The trip it selves originally lasted no more than five days, but after Mike’s ring, you cut it short and immediately booked a flight destination Derry Maine after two. 
It was a work trip meant to educate you on all the new techniques and information you missed out on during your two year hiatus, and the company you represented, Thomas Cook, is an English company, so England was the best place for you to learn.
You and Ben had been away from each other every once in a while, so neither of you made it a big deal to spend a few days apart, but Ben nor you expected the phone call that shook both of to your core.
Following a meeting on etiquette, you returned to your hotel room for the night, unlocking your phone and noticing that you missed a few of ben’s calls. That was odd, considering Ben always patiently awaits for you to initiate contact so he wouldn’t ever interrupt you in case you’re busy.  
You were planning on returning the call the moment you arrived in the privacy of your room, when another person tried to contact you, and this time it wasn’t someone you recognized. The number came from Derry, and although that name sounded vaguely familiar, you couldn’t pinpoint an exact memory to place it.
Thinking that it might have been an assistant reaching out to you, you picked up the phone and listened as the elevator slowly rose floor above floor, trickling painstakingly slower than a snail, and making little bump noises at every level.
The only other person in the elevator with you, a coworker, swore to never reveal the undignified yelp you let out as Mike reintroduced himself to you, claiming to be one of your childhood best friend and begging you to come home to aid in another battle.
It clicked then why Ben never let up the constant stream of messages and bells, and why you always felt like you knew since the beginning of your life, because you had.
Every new thing Mike explained to you solidified itself in stone, as real as the clothes you wore and the floor you stood on. The name pennywise revolted you, every hair on your body standing up in high alert as a fight or flight reaction, transporting you back the summer you turned thirteen years old and an inhuman thing haunted your nightmares and your daily life.
By the end of the call, you craved Ben’s calming presence and his sweet nothing whispers he shook out of his sleeve at times you dreamed of shadows curling up your form and pulling you down to the deepest pits of despair with futile strength.
It made sense now why you blanched every time someone asked you where you and Ben met, or how long you two had been dating before marrying in a forest Ben decorated with fairy lights and flowers that sprouted a smell so delicious you caught a few guest sneaking them with them at the end.
‘Mike?’, You asked right before he launched into another aspect of his story. Part of you felt immensely sad, at the idea of Mike staying behind in Derry, helpless to do anything as you all forgot and moved on, but another part of you couldn’t care less at the moment, talking to Ben the only thing you knew would calm you down.
‘Yeah Y/N?’
‘Did you speak to Ben yet?’ In a way, you knew the answer. The none stop flood wouldn’t exist if he didn’t, but as long as an ounce of doubt remained, you were not picking up.
‘Yeah, I talked to him. Wait, you remember him?’
In a not so proud moment, you ended the connection abruptly, and pressed the icon next to Ben’s name, his contact photo one you snapped when he designed the new home and proudly presented it to you as a surprise.
An answer came at once, before the first ring even echoed, the breathing down the other line harsh and brisk.
‘Y/N, thank god. Are you okay?’ His deep, sturdy voice anchored you back to real life, a tranquility that he somehow always possessed reducing your stress levels.
‘I’m fine honey. I’m fine, are you?’ It’s a throw away question for sure, since Ben would do anything in his power to let you remain sane, and expressing his own worries is not part of that plan. Not being able to be there for your husband when the world is tilted up its head is killing you.
‘Sweets, don’t worry about me, worry about you. I can fly over to England tonight if that’s of any use.’
Frankly, getting to Ben and sifting through the confusing onslaught of emotions and recollections with him lists higher on your priority list above everything else, but you can’t do that to the others.
‘No, Ben listen to me.’ Your voice remains flat and drained of anything other than firmness, a benefit of working with customers you have required over the years. Freak out postponed ‘till you dragged your suitcase from terminal to terminal, for you had to arrange plans first.
Ben would most likely think with his heart and prefer to be around you, but by the time he would land in England and the two you transfer to another plane, the other losers – you named each other that if you recall correctly – may be dead.
‘Book a flight to Derry, and I’ll do the same. I won’t travel as fast as you, so assure the others that I’m on my way.’
‘But Y/N’, Ben protested, his desire to protect you standing in the way of common sense, god you adore this man.
‘Ben please,’ a droplet of tears drip on your cheek, confronting you with the realization that you cried.
‘Okay,’ Ben gives in, the displeasement out in the open, but listening to you none the less.
The old clubhouse is not as hard to find as you originally thought, the way to the spot from your old house purely muscle memory that allows you to pinpoint the exact location.
You know the reunion of the losers already transpired yesterday, Ben updating you throughout the night, but your flight only touched base this morning. Derry is an old town with reception towers spaced out and far apart, resulting in barely any communication between you and Ben.
The Derry-Inn was exempt, and so the next best guess as to where they could be was that the losers retreated to the one place radiating with love and untainted by the dirty hands of the towns curse.
The hushed talking under the hatch prove you right, and a smile carefully pokes through the bland face you’ve sported for two days, and regardless of how crazy it might seem, a blanket of safeness falls upon you, creating a barrier between you and the problems about to head on your path.
You reach down to rattle the hatch, a warning that you’re coming down to the others, and the swing it upon, dust flying in your face in such a huge amount it suffocates you. While coughing, your hand flags away the excess dust swarming around you, gulping down breathes of fresh air.
The leader creaks under your weight, but surprisingly you’re not required to bow down to fit into the clubhouse, a comfortable height for you to ease into.
You misjudge the last step, losing your footing and tumbling down the last two trads with a yap at the pain radiating from your feet up your leg, falling down faster than you should have.
Richie shrieks in fear, jumping several steps away from his spot under the stairs to hide behind Mike, the entire losers club swiftly glancing at you.
‘Ha’, Eddie exclaims once his brain catches up to his sight and he apprehends its you. ‘That’s what you get fucker, that’s karma.’
‘Yeah? Was it karma when I fucked your wife as good as I fucked your mom?’ Richie inquires, smirking at the reaction Eddie provides him.
‘That’s fucking disgusting and not the definition of karma by the way.’
‘You guys are clearly still the same’, you mutter, forgoing the pain and observing the interaction between the two best friends.
‘Y/N’, Bev breathes, approaching you with a pep in her step and halting in front of you, allowing you to close the distance and embrace the girl that you forget about yet missed so dearly.
With most of the losers here, it’s hard to grasp that you ever omitted them, for they colored your childhood in so many ways and are intermittent with the person you are today.
Ben shuffles closer too, but waits forbearance so Bev can take her time. The other losers greet you with a smile and a far-off hello, happy to see you again after so long. After Bev stops hugging you and walks away to further explore the shelter, Ben stoops in and kisses you with a short and soft peck. He’s always respectful of you, to the point he usually won’t kiss you in public so you’re comfortable, but this is an exception.
‘Ben, man didn’t you claim to have married someone?’ Richie wonders aloud and gaps at the two of you, resembling a fish out of water.
‘Yes’, you drag out, confusion lilting your words, ‘we are.’ The losers pause, including Mike, the wheels turning in their head to process the new information.
‘You guys got m-m-married?’ Bill questions, his eyes sparkling with happiness for his friends, all the times he psyched Ben up so he gained the courage to ask you out on a date in high school.
‘Yeah for two years now’, Ben proudly proclaims, resting his hand on the small of your back to stable himself and hide the way he falters when everyone zero’s in  on him.
‘In October. Ben arranged the whole thing in the woods with a fairy tale theme.’ You nearly add that it was perfect, but that’s a lie. Something was missing that day, like a stubborn smudge you tried very hard to remove yet remained. You never shared it with Ben, because he thought of every detail and ever speck to a T, and by all means it should’ve been flawless. Maybe that smudge was the insistent memory of your friend not being there to support you like you wished they were. Despite not sharing your concern with Ben, you wonder if he experienced the same thing and was afraid to inform you.
‘Wait, do I remember this wrong or did you guys start dating in October too?’ Bev quizzes.
You peer up at Ben for guidance, but he comes across just as clueless as you. It could very well be, and looking back on it, the two of you did instantly reach a consensus about the date of the wedding. Perhaps the remnants of your childhood manifested in the date, and if they did, the next anniversaries will be extra special than so far.
Right now, it’s essential your focus lays elsewhere, like in how to defeat IT for good this time, so no other lives are cut short because of an intergalactic demon.
Ben links your hands together, a tight grip that lets you know he’s right beside you, and he’s not going anywhere. The two of you together are equipped for anything.
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kuratoki · 4 years
Changes 12
This is getting a lot longer then I thought but there is good reason :) Also, Jenos date outfit has to be the gif for today♥ Thank you guys so much for enjoying Changes ^_^ Character asks are always open♥
Changes Masterlist
Do you agree that things change in time? Well four years abroad would tell wouldn’t it?
Pairing: Reader x Jeno ft. NCT`
Words: 3841
Warning: Swearing
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The next morning(or a few hours later), Jeno woke up confused and alone. He sat up in bed and looked around, the side of the bed you slept on was cold meaning you had to have woken up quite sometime ago and the hoodie that was on his chair was missing. 
Running his hands through his hair, he looked at the clock which read that it was only half past seven. The two of you had probably fallen asleep around 3 in the morning which meant that you had a lot less sleep than he did for sure. Stretching his limbs, he got out of bed and started his search for you. What he didn’t expect was to come out to a table full of breakfast and the smell of coffee to invade his nose. Scanning the immediate area, he frowned when he saw the bathroom door open and the space vacated. 
Looking towards the patio doors, he noticed that one of the doors was slightly ajar and made his way, only to stop when he heard your voice. It sounded like you were talking to someone on the phone but who was it? 
“I told you. I’m fine.” he heard you say softly, “I just needed to get away...without everyone asking what happened. I thought I told Renjun that...Listen to Renjun, Jisung please…”
Ah so you were on the phone with Jisung, you probably called him back after seeing all his texts from the night before. He knew it was bad to eavesdrop and after last night, he knew he had no reason to doubt your feelings for him but it was your mutual best friend he was unsure of. He was starting to realize that after you transferred over, Jisungs loyalty had switched and Jeno was positive that you were Jisungs best friend not him. 
“I’m not too sure yet. After last night, he postponed his flight and he’ll be here in a day or so...I’m just waiting for him to contact me.” the conversation continued, “Jeno said we’d be back Monday night...he drove so probably not...I will...Don’t worry...seriously…” he heard you let out a sigh and he resisted the urge to peek outside to see your facial expression, “I should go...Jeno’s probably awake-” 
At the sound of his name, Jeno quickly but quietly walked towards the kitchen just as he heard the tail end of your conversation as you were walking back into the house and started to pour himself a cup of coffee.
Upon entering the dining area, your eyes widened slightly and you almost dropped the phone in your hand. There was Jeno, in a white t-shirt, black sweatpants, bedhead and all. Were his arms always this defined? You knew he worked out on a regular basis outside of dance in the gym he had in his home but you didn’t realize it till now that this was the result. 
Jeno looked up when he felt someone enter the room and gave you one of his reserved for you only smiles.
“Morning.” he said in a sleepy voice  and grinned internally when he realized you were still frozen in place, just starting at him “Why did you wake up so early?”
“My phone was blowing up.” you answered, blushing when you realized that he had caught you staring, “I guess Renjun was too vague about our conversation and Jisung was worried.” 
“But it’s only seven...why would Jisung be awake?” Jeno asked with a slight pout, knowing the boy would take advantage of all his weekends to sleep since it was the time you bothered him the least.
“He hasn’t slept.” you said with a frown before shaking it off and smiling at the handsome person in front of you before he could catch it, unfortunately for you, he did, “I finally convinced him to take a nap so he’s asleep now. Are you hungry?” you asked motioning to the table in front of you, “I just ordered something random since I wasn’t sure what you wanted to do today.” 
Jeno put the cup of coffee in his hands down and walked over to you and held you in his embrace. He didn’t want to admit that Jisung was starting to bother him, he didn’t want to admit that the texts he saw from him the night before irked him. He didn’t want to admit that he was already afraid of losing you even though you weren’t technically even his yet. At the same time, seeing you walk through the patio doors in his hoodie gave him a vision of what living together would be like and he suddenly saw his future.
The original plan was to move to the city once you were both finished at SMAA and with your current program, you were both set to be finished within the next three years. You were both technically set for life and wouldn’t have to work unless you wanted to and the two of you; like your parents, were big travel junkies. Although he hadn’t done much of it in the last four years since travelling only reminded him more of you, he could see himself going places with you, exploring new cities, making everlasting memories. It was what he wanted, it was what he dreamed and he felt that dream slowly becoming reality. 
He could see you putting your own personal touches to this place and making it yours. He could see the endless picture frames that would decorate the wall, he could see a place for the cats, all he could see in this place was a future with you.
“Jeno?” your muffled voice from his chest broke him out of his thoughts, “Are you okay?” 
Pulling away slightly so he could look down at your big doe eyes, he nodded, “Just lost in my thoughts.” he answered lightly, “How about we have breakfast and then head out to town? We can just make a day out of it.” 
“Okay.” you said smiling and closed your eyes when he leaned down to brush his lips against yours lightly, something you didn’t expect but it wasn’t totally unwelcomed either. 
With the Jisung topic long forgotten, the two of you sat down and had breakfast, talking about the things you wanted to do for the day. After cleaning up and putting everything away, the two of you started to get ready separately for the day. Jeno went to the bathroom in his bedroom and you went into the one that was designated for you in yours. 
A little while later, Jeno was on the couch waiting for you to finish while he went through his various messages, mostly from Jaemin and Doyoung. He was surprised not to see any texts from Jisung which only confirmed his suspicions on whether his friends' loyalty changed or not. 
[10:42am] NaNa - Bro, where tf are u and why are you swearing my girlfriend to secrecy?
[10:43am] JeNo - Cause you have a car. Jaemin, you know I love you but you have a girlfriend and we can’t keep doing this. I need some time away from you :) I’m in love with someone else
[10:45am] NaNa - ….You’re cheating on me? Excuse me Lee Jeno, we’ve been through how much together?
[10:46am] NaNa - Jokes. Have a good weekend with Y/N ;)
“Is that Jaemin?” you asked, coming down the stairs from your room. 
Jeno looked up and his jaw almost dropped. You were wearing leggings and an off shoulder baby blue top. Your hair was curled into loose waves and your make up light. To him, you were the epitome of perfection and he couldn’t wait to call you his. 
He stood up and met you halfway across the living room, taking your hands in his shyly as he did a once over and completely ignoring your question.
“You look beautiful.” he whispered and smiled at the blush that crept up your cheeks once again. He seemed to be really good at doing that as of late and he was glad that he had that effect on you.
“You seem to be spending a lot of time with Jaemin lately.” you said jokingly, reaching up to move the hair out of his eyes, “I never took you as the cheesy type.” 
“That’s what you get for abandoning me with him for four years. I think I’ve learned every pick up line he used on Hana to get her to date him.” he retorted though his smile remained, “Are you ready to go?” 
“Just need to grab my purse.” You said pulling away and soon with your hand in his, you were out the door.
Even though you both knew it was a date, it really didn’t feel like one. You were both already comfortable with one another and after the conversation the night before, things just seemed to fall into place. 
Jeno took you to a few places he remembered that were still around, from shops to stopping at one of his favorite restaurants for lunch. It seemed like he had the whole day planned out but nothing would have prepared him for what was to come next.
It was late afternoon when the two of you decided to stop by a cafe for a coffee break. The two of you sat outside since it was a nice day and Jeno went inside to order. As you waited for him to return, you decided to check the various group chats you were in, hoping to see any update from Jongin. Unbeknownst to you, two pairs of eyes were staring at you from across the street and were quickly making their way towards you.
From inside the cafe, Jeno took out his phone and snapped a picture of you from the window. Today was a good day and he was glad that there was none of that awkward first date stuff that most new couples went through. He just went with the flow of what the two of you felt like doing. He had gotten some things he wanted to put in the penthouse and you had bought some things for yourself.
Jeno had tried to pay for you on multiple occasions and actually had made some secret purchases for you while you were busy in the fitting rooms. He took note of the things you would walk past and look at, like shoes, or a piece of jewelry that you picked up but put down since it wasn’t a complete necessity. It was the one thing he loved about you, you only bought what you actually needed despite being able to afford whatever you wanted. You never flaunted what you had nor did it matter to you. You always remained humble to your roots.
Hearing his name called, Jeno picked up the drinks; ignoring the baristas flirtatious smile and made his way to you. He set the drinks on the table, causing you to look up to thank him while he took a seat in front of you 
“Anything from the guys back home?” he asked, taking one of the straws and stabbing it into your drink before handing it to you.
“Mmm, Hana checked in and Jisungs texted me a few times.” you answered, taking the drink from Jeno and thanking him, “Jongin said he’s on the plane and should arrive tomorrow so I guess I just gotta wait for his call.” 
Before Jeno could answer, a familiar voice reached your ears and you almost jumped out of your seat. 
“Is that you Swan Y/N?” 
Turning around, you gasped, getting up quickly as you saw two boys running towards you and you quickly engulfed the two in a group hug, squealing the whole time, confusing Jeno. 
“What are you guys doing here?!” you asked squealing, “I haven’t seen you guys since..I actually can’t remember!”
“We go to school here. Do you not remember?” one of them retorted, “The real question is what are YOU doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Europe?”
“I transferred to SMAA this year after I finished the junior program.” you explained, “Jongin and Xander pushed me towards it and I kind of missed home.” 
“Are you sure you missed home and not a boy?” the other one asked, nudging you slightly with a suggestive wink, motioning to Jeno who was looking extremely confused, eyeing the boys arms which still wrapped around you, “Where are your manners Y/N?”
“Oh right.” you said wincing and turned around to give Jeno an innocent smile while he raised an eyebrow at you. “Guys, this is Lee Jeno, we grew up together and he goes to SMAA too.” you then motioned to the two boys who were giving Jeno the once over, “Jeno, this is Lee Chan and Kwon Soonyoung, they’re both on the Selects Competition Team but attend Pleds Dance Academy during the school year. We met during training camp in second year and keep in touch from time to time. Mostly through the Competition team group chat.” 
“Which you and E.T are illegally a part of.” Soonyoung commented, “It’s for Senior Competition team members only.” he emphasized.
“Not my fault Jongin likes me and Renjun better than you.” you said with a shrug, “Are you guys busy right now? Why don’t you join us?” 
The two boys raised their eyebrows at you and looked at Jeno.
“We don’t mind...unless we’re intruding on something..” Chan commented, looking at the bags that were on the ground along with your outfits. It was obvious the two of you were on a date and they had only come by to say hi.
When Jeno realized that Chan was looking at him specifically, he shook his head. He told himself that he wanted to be a part of your new life and it was obvious that these two were part of that, “Not at all.” he said getting up and motioning to the two seats in front of you, “Do you guys want anything to drink?” 
“We can grab it.” Soonyoung said and Chan nodded going into the cafe, “We’ll be back in a bit.” 
Taking the seat next to you, Jeno let out a sigh , “You really grew your circle while you were away eh?” 
“Connections, connections, connections.” you said with a grin, “Soonyoung is actually the competition teams foreign rep and co-choreographer. He takes care of all the non-European team members and ensures that everyone is up to speed on the latest routine. Chan was probably the youngest junior on the competition team after Jongin and Mia. He’s a five time junior competition world champion. Because we were all from Korea, we hung out a bit outside of practices and once again, when I tried to ditch Renjun so he could hang out with Mia.” 
“Oh the sacrifices you had to make.” Jeno joked, making you giggle, “They seem like cool guys.” 
“Oh they are. You should see when the main choreographer Jay and Soonyoung are together.” you snapped, “Two great minds make great choreography.” 
“Awe, Princess. I know you want to get on the competition team next year but you don’t have to butter me up. Your skills alone would get my referral.” Soonyoung said as he and Chan returned with their respective drinks.
“Speaking of competition...Jeno did you compete in Nationals last year?” Chan asked curiously and Jeno nodded and Chan grinned, “I was right! I’m not sure if you remember, but I was a guest judge for the junior division. I went by Dino.” 
Jeno raised his eyebrows as recognition showed on his face, remembering the youngest judge present at the show, “Oh shit, it was you that said that the piece was one of the most powerful yet emotional ones you’ve seen in a long time right?” 
Chan nodded his head, “I remembered I couldn’t stop talking about you to Soonyoung and the rest of the competition team members after it was over. I was so impressed, cause you totally weren’t dancing on a junior level. We need your skill on our competition team. We would dominate.”
“He’s not joking.” Soonyoung said, taking a sip of his drink, looking at you with an empathetic smile, ”We heard about Xander by the way...we’re sorry.” 
“Why are you guys sorry? He was your friend too.” you said giving them a reassuring smile but you felt yourself reaching for Jeno’s hand under the table and tightened your hold when you felt his fingers interlace through yours. It made him happy because he knew that this was you leaning on him for comfort though above that, you remained composed. 
“Yea...but we knew how close you two were. I was going to call you today actually to see how you were doing but I guess things work in interesting ways. We’re going to visit his grave when we go for training camp this term, you should consider coming with us.” Soonyoung said, “What are you guys doing here though?”
“I slapped Yuwens brother after finding out  about Xander.” you said, “He started blaming me for his death in front of all our friends so I kind of threw everything back at him. After that I had to get away.” you nudged your head towards Jeno, “He helped me escape and now we’re here for the next few days.” 
“How long?” Chan asked curiously.
“We have to leave Monday night to get back to school for Tuesday.” Jeno answered, “A few of the guys from the Dance Club I’m in are part of the student council and covering for us for a day so it gives us a sense of relaxation.” 
“You should come by our studio tomorrow then.” Soonyoung suggested, “Jongin’s flight gets in around noon and I have to take a cab to pick him up. We can all meet up and talk about what he wanted to meet with us for.” 
“He said he wanted to meet with me and Renjun though. I’m sure you guys heard that the junior performance team wants us to come back as-” you started but was cut off by Chan.
“Odette and the Prince.” he said with a nod, “We heard. Are you guys going to do it?” 
“We aren’t sure. But for me personally, I’m thinking of agreeing regardless of the circumstances...you know, in memory of Xander and all.” you answered and relaxed significantly when you felt Jenos thumb rubbing comforting circles on your hand under the table. 
“I think Renjun would feel the same.” Soonyoung said with a nod, “Speaking of him, how is he? I haven’t spoken to him in months.” 
“Did no one tell you that he’s at SMAA?” you asked confused and both the jaws of the boys in front of you dropped. 
“Y-you mean he’s here? In Korea?” Chan asked completely shocked, “That mother forker...didn’t tell anyone. Not even the group chat.” 
“What are you doing then?” Soonyoung asked, “Call him and get him to get his ass over here!! I miss that alien!” 
“You call him an alien too?” Jeno asked, eyes wide as you sighed.
“Renjun’s nickname with the Selects is E.T. He has a reputation and I’m sure his girlfriend pretends to listen to only half the stuff he says sometimes” you answered, “And why can’t you call him yourself?” you asked Soonyoung.
“Left my phone at the studio. We were just here for a coffee break.” he answered and reached out his hand, “Here give me your phone.” 
Handing your phone over, Soonyoung proceeded to call Renjun and put the phone on speaker. 
After three rings, he finally picked up.
“Why the heck are you calling me for? Aren’t you supposed to be spending alone time with Jeno?” the voice on the other line said, making Chan and Soonyoung look between you and Jeno with suggestive smiles.
“Renjunnnieeeee!!” Soonyoung said into the phone cutely.
‘E.T...Hamtaro? Is that you?!” Renjun asked, “Dude it’s been so long.”
“Then get your ass to Gangnam by tomorrow. I’m going to let Jongin know that the two of you are in our area so we can have our meeting.” he said, “Plus I missed you.” he said cutely, making Renjun scoff.
“I have a girlfriend.” he stated, “Is Y/N or Jeno still there?”
“Obviously.” you both said at the same time.
“What’s up?” you asked and you heard Renjun sigh.
“You guys are also on speaker.” he stated, “And I’m with Jaemin, Hana, Jisung and Chenle right now and Jaemin demands to know the address of your Gangnam place Jeno.” 
“Shit.” Jeno said and the two of you shared a look, so much for alone time.
“So I assume that he’s your only way of transportation…” you said slowly and you heard Renjun hum, “And he will have three extra passengers with him.” 
“Bingo.” Renjun said, “Are you guys still game?”
“Not like we have a choice at this point.” you said and felt Jeno squeeze your hand, “Jeno said he’ll text Jaemin the address after we get home.”
“Sounds good. I can’t wait to actually see you all tomorrow. It’s going to be like old times.” Renjun said sounding a bit more excited. 
“You mean when Y/N used to ditch you to hang out with us so you would have the balls to ask Mia out?” Chan asked and he heard Renjun scoff over the line.
“Hello to you Chan.” Renjun deadpanned, “Just text us details later. I’m going to go before Jaemin and Jisung try to rip the phone out of my hands.” 
“See you tomorrow E.T!” Soonyoung said excitedly as everyone else said their goodbyes and then hung up. 
“Are you guys free for dinner?” Chan asked, “It’ll be our treat since you guys are technically guests and we want to catch up with Y/N.” 
“And get to know you too Jeno.” Soonyoung said with a secret smile, “What do you guys say?” 
You looked at Jeno and the two of you had a silent conversation with your eyes. As much as he wanted to spend time with you and only you, he also wanted to know the girl you were back in Europe and it looked like these two would be the perfect ones to help with that. 
“Why not?” Jeno said with a smile, “It’d be great to know more of Y/N’s friends.” 
“Great!” Soonyoung said with a clap and stood up, “We’ll head back to our studio which is just across the street and then we’ll meet you back here.” 
Once the two were gone, Jeno leaned down to kiss your cheek, completely unaware that the two were still watching you as they were on their way back to the studio. 
Looking up at him with a curious look and he shrugged, pretending nothing happened and you realized he was doing it just because he could, making you roll your eyes.
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Symbols in the snow and kisses under the birch (jjk)
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Genre: fluff, (tiny bit of angst implied), established relationship
Paring: reader x Jungkook
Word count: 3100
Putting all your faith in the first snow, leaves you disheartened and annoyed when there still hasn’t fallen a single snowflake by the 1st of December. Despite your normal agreement with Jungkook to decorate for Christmas together, you’re too stubborn to wait for the universe to give you a sign and decides to take fate into your own hands. Which is how Jungkook finds you, when he returns home from tour.
Taglist: @spookidema​ @jessicarhb​
A/N: The first christmas drabble is here, my loves! May it bring you at least as much peace and love as I felt while writing it 💕 The next drabble will be up this wednesday! The schedule and themes of the stories can be found in the master post for the drabbles. If you want to be added to the tag list for this little advent calender of drabbles, just let me know!
My other stories and drabbles can be found in my masterlist 
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Huffing in annoyance of the sight of the absolute mess of a space you called your attic, you tip-toed across the room towards the bright red boxes in the back that you knew contained all of your Christmas decorations. Balancing your weight on one foot as you tried not to step on some of Jungkooks old exercise equipment, you could almost reach the handle on the top box. Mumbling out a string of curse words, you recalled the small argument you had had last year after Jungkook placed the boxes against the backwall. He knew you couldn’t reach them there, but he had promised to be home to help you put up the decorations this year. And yet he wasn’t here. Sure, you had planned on putting them up next weekend, but you needed them up now and nothing was gonna change that. Not even him being away for a concert.
Still stretched out towards the boxes, you accidently knocked over another box labeled ‘Winter clothes’ in Jungkooks neat writing, sending it a defiant glance as its content spilled out over the descending staircase. Your eyes followed the clothes’ tumbling flight down the stairs and you let out an annoyed sigh. Not like it mattered anyway. Despite your hopes and prayers there still hadn’t been even a millimeter of snow this year. Thus, the early Christmas decorations.
Finally reaching the box, you let out a triumphant roar as you carefully freed it from the surrounding boxes and cradled it to your chest, as you made your way down the staircase now hidden under the coats, scarfs and hats. Placing the box in the middle of the living room, you stretched out your back for a bit as you looked around the house you had called home for almost three years now. It was decorated fairly simple, since none of you were big on trinkets. The walls were bare say for some frame photographs of family and friends. Returning the happy smiles from the photos, you connected your phone to the speakers to put on your Christmas playlist. Failing to contain the wide grin from settling on your face as you heard the first notes of ‘The Christmas Waltz’, you let yourself be carried away by the music as you started putting up the decorations.
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As Jungkook walked through the door some time later, it only took him a second to figure out what was going on. He could hear the music even before reaching the door, and the smell of cinnamon and cloves hit him the moment he opened it.
An almost giddy love for Christmas was something you both shared, which is why decorating the house usually was an activity you cherished doing together. Typically, you wouldn’t put up any decorations until the first snowfall, which was another Christmas tradition of yours. Watching it together. Despite your non-Korean heritage, it had become one of your favorite Christmas traditions and you knew it was one of Jungkooks as well.
But the missing snow this year had postponed your decorations quite a bit and it had put a severe dimmer on your usual happy self. He knew it would only be a question of time before you put up the decorations – with or without snow, you wouldn’t enter December without Christmas decorations in your home.
As he made his way to the living room, he found your figure a top a chair trying to secure a mistletoe over the door leading into the kitchen. Observing you for a bit, he let his gaze follow the curve of your body as he felt that familiar feeling of home settling in his chest. As always, your presence immediately put him at easy and he felt the stress of the last few days of travelling and schedules melt away as a giddy grin settled on his face.
When the chair wobbled a bit, he quickly stepped up to wrap his arms securely around your legs, making you squeal in surprise.
“Watch out, babe,” he mumbled with a grin against your thighs, making you giggle in joy when you recognized his voice and the feel of his arms around you. “You shouldn’t do stuff like this, when I’m not around to catch you if you fall.”
Looking up at you he tightened his hold on your thighs, lifting you off the chair as he spun you around slowly to the song playing in the background. Supporting yourself on his shoulders, you sent him a happy smile, earning a soft bunny smile back, as he slowly loosened his hold on you, allowing your body to move closer to the ground and your face closer to his.
As your feet reached the ground, you let your fingers get tangled in his hair as your eyes roamed his face, taking in those features you loved so dearly.
“Welcome home, baby,” you smiled at him, before leaning forward to pluck a kiss from his lips, making his eyes light up in a smile. “ I missed you,” you added, as you tucked some hair behind his ear, a habit you had picked up from when he had his long hair.
“I missed you more.” He connected your lips in a long overdue kiss, sighing in content at that familiar taste of you. Tugging on your sweater, he pulled you flush against his chest and let his hands rest on the curve of your back. “I see you started decorating without me?”, he teased with a wink, as he threw a look around the room. “But I only see one mistletoe? That sure is a downgrade from last year.”
Giggling at his dry comments, you softly scratched at his scalp and smiled blissfully as you saw his eyes flutter shut for a moment, before he reached for your hands and pinned them against his chest.
“Don’t distract me, young lady,” he scolded in a poor attempt of dismay as the sparkles in his eyes intensified. “You know, this is our thing. Decorating the house has always been something we do together,” he reprimanded, although his words had no real weight behind them, as he was pressing featherlight kissed to your knuckles in-between his words.
“I know, but I couldn’t wait any longer,” you whined, not even attempting to free your hands from Jungkooks grasp. “It still hasn’t snowed, but I will not go one more day without our decorations. I’m telling you, guk. If I can’t have snow, at least I will have my tree and decorations up.”
“There’s my girl,” Jungkook smiled at your decisive tone, as he let go of your hands to cradle your face and press a kiss to your lips. “Do you need any help?”
“You’re not mad?”, you asked in bewilderment as you watched him walk over to peer into the box, you had brought down from the attic.
“Of course not,” he chuckled as he roamed through the box. “You’ve been waiting for the first snowfall for almost a month now. Expecting you to wait another week was foolish of me. I mean, this is the girl, who couldn’t even wait for our first date to end, before you were planning the next one,” he laughed, making your cheeks heat up at the memory.
“Can you blame me? You kept talking about your neighbor who wouldn’t stop asking you out,” you reminded him with a reminiscent smile. “I needed to make sure, you wouldn’t come home after our first date and forget about me.”  
As he looked up from the box of decorations, he couldn’t help but smile at the pout you were sporting, making his heartbeat pick up.
“I would never,” he spoke softly, letting the few items he had picked up fall back into the box, so he could walk over and take you in his arms, feeling a sudden need to have you close. “I’m so happy you saw through all my bullshit back then and took a chance me,” he whispered against your lips as he took out all his pent-up emotions and feelings on your lips. Feeling you whimpering against him, he wrapped his arms tighter around you as he felt your body melt against his. He felt your fingers tugging at his nape, drawing him impossibly closer to you as you sighed against his lips.
“Wait,” you exclaimed, suddenly drawing back and leaving Jungkook pouting at the missing contact. “Decorations. Please, guk. I really need them up.”
Cocking his head at your whiny tone, he took in your slightly distressed features and reached up to cup your cheek.
“Why do you need them up right now, babe?”
“I just…” shrugging your shoulders, you tried avoiding his observing eyes. “I just wasn’t feeling the Christmas spirit and it hasn’t even snowed, and I just need something to feel like it is actually December and not any other month.”
Instead of questioning you further, Jungkook simply gave you a subtle nod before pulling you close and placing a light kiss on at your temple.
“I’ll go get the rest of the boxes from the attic,” he spoke against your skin, making your eyes flutter shut in content. He always knew when to support you without question and when to push you. Despite the long stretches of time you spent apart, he was always the perfect partner for you. When he was home at least.
“Did you have a fight with our coats?”, he snorted, as he was met with the chaos that was currently the staircase leading up to the attic.
“No,” you whined, unable to contain the giggle from spilling from your lips. “I was punishing them for being useless. They should feel ashamed.”
Shaking his head in amusement at your words, he cleared the staircase before retrieving the remaining boxes from the attic.
You could faintly hear him roaming around the attic over the sound of ‘Santa Clause is coming to town’ and you felt yourself calm down and the comfortableness of having Jungkook home expand your heart. Home wasn’t really home, when he wasn’t there with you and just hearing him somewhere in the house made you feel more at home as well.
Humming along to the song, you continued putting up the decorations, smiling softly when you heard him cursing about the boxes, as he descended the stairs.
“Look, when we pack the boxes away this year, I’ll listen to you,” he huffed in defeat as he placed the two boxes on the floor. “It took me forever to get them out from the back.”
“Thank you for getting them down for me, babe,” you smiled at him, as you placed a sweet kiss to his cheek, before busying yourself with the content of the boxes.
Jungkooks hand fell comfortably to your hip as he leaned over the box with you, looking through the content.
“Oh, here are the other mistletoes!”, he exclaimed, pulling the tangled mess out of the box and holding it above your heads. “Kiss?”
As you pressed a kiss to his lips without hesitations, he rewarded you with a bunny smile.
“See, this is why we do the decorations together.”
“So you can steal kisses from me every 5 minutes?”, you asked dryly, although you loved his playfulness.
“Exactly. And there are at least 3 mistletoes here, so you owe me two more kisses, missy,” he smirked, dangling the mistletoes again.
Mirroring his smirk, you threw yourself against his body, making him stumble back a bit in surprise and drop the mistletoe, so he could catch you. Feeling him smile against your lips, you heart was swelling with happiness at how easy you got back to being you after he had been gone on tour. You let your hands roam his back and felt him tightening his hold on you as he deepened the kiss.
Drawing back for air, you locked eyes with him and sighed deeply.
“I missed you,” you smiled softly through a comfortable smile.
“You’re being really cute today, babe. Everything okay?”
Nodding at him, as he tugged some hair behind your ear, you felt your heart swell with love at how attentive he was with you. Maybe you were overthinking things.
“I’m good. Just missed you.”
“I missed you too,” he smiled at you, earrings dangling as he cocked his head a bit. “I’m so happy to be home.”
He pulled you close for a hug, caressing your back as he hooked his chin over the top of your head and let you rest your head against his chest, so you could hear his heartbeat. Closing your eyes for a second, you breathed in his scent and felt the comfortable warmth emanating from his body. Drawing a heavy sigh, you opened your eyes again. Looking out the window you were met with…
“Snow!”, you exclaimed, quickly untangling yourself from his embrace to run to the window. “It’s snowing,” you giggled, beaming back at Jungkook with sparkling eyes. “It’s finally snowing.”
Grabbing his wrist and dragging him outside, you ignored his weak complaints as you stopped in the middle of the garden, turning towards him and giggling once more at the feeling of the cold ground under your feet.
“It’s snowing, babe,” you repeated, this time in a softer voice as you craned your neck to take in the beautiful snowflakes falling around you, missing the way Jungkooks face turned soft as he took in your features.
“I was afraid it wouldn’t happen this year,” you half-whispered, half-giggled as the flakes landed on your outstretched hand. Suddenly hit with a wave of emotions, you looked up at Jungkook and felt the tears pressing in the corner of your eyes. “I’m so happy you made it home for this.”
“Is that what this is all about?”, he asked, voice laced with concern as he stepped up to you to pull you into a hug.
“It’s just… we’ve both been so busy lately and I was afraid that we were drifting apart a bit. But we’ve always been together for the first snow, and I just felt like we needed a sign,” you admitted, your voice muffled against his sweater.
“A sign of what?”
“That we should stay together.”
Hearing his sharp intake of breath, you immediately regretted telling him your concerns.
“No, listen. I want to be with you,” you spoke in a sure voice as you held him close by his sweater. “I do. I love you and I love us. But it’s been tough lately, right? You gotta admit that it’s been tough, Kook. It’s just…” Taking a deep breath you looked up to see his eyes already a bit misty and his jaw tensed. You hated seeing him cry. It was endearing seeing him cry over a song or a movie, but when you were the one causing it, it felt like all air had been punched out of your lungs. It was unbearable. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“But you’ve been upset,” he countered with a knowing look, tightening his hold on you as if afraid you would slip away from him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because we’ve both been so busy. There wasn’t really anything that could be done.” Your voice was soft, but not weak. This wasn’t a defeat, more a confession. Despite Jungkooks crazy schedule as an idol and your own work burden, you had never actually had any trouble making your relationship work. Allowing each other the space you needed for your careers and other friends, your relationship had remained a sturdy haven for you, when life was flying at warp speed around you. But lately your time spent in that haven had decreased severely.
“And you needed the snow to convince you, that we should stay together?”
His voice broke your train of thoughts and when you met his eyes, they were clear and stubborn.
“Well, you taught me that seeing the first snow together means we will have a long and happy relationship together,” you reminded him.
“Y/n, I told you that because you were so hesitant in the first few months of our relationship, and I know you always look for signs,” he admitted with a slight giggle. “I checked the weather forecasts for weeks to make sure I didn’t miss it. Didn’t you wonder, why we were out almost everyday during those days?”
Taken aback by his confession, you thought back to the first winter of your relationship. You had gone skating, taken long walks together, visited Christmas markets and a thousand other activities, which sure enough all happened to be outside.
“Ya,” you exclaimed, lightly hitting his chest and earning a chuckle from the man, who had been way more cunning than you thought. “You tricked me! I can’t believe this!”
Unable to keep your own bubbling laughter from escaping, you looked up at Jungkook with sparkling eyes and found his own twinkling back at you.
“You really think I would let the weather decide our relationship?”, he chuckled, although you felt the sincerity behind his words. “I love you. With or without snow. With or without Christmas decorations. Always. I promise, I’ll be better at showing it. And I will find all the signs I can to put in your way, so you will never doubt it again.”
“Guk,” you whispered and raised yourself on your toes so you could give him a soft peck on the lips. “I love you too. I’m sorry I doubted us.”
Smiling softly at you, he reached down to cup your thighs and by instinct you jumped into his arms. Sliding his hands further back, he cupped your ass giving it a light squeeze as he sent you a mischievous grin.
“It’s okay, babe. Guess I’ll just have to be better at showing you. Oh, and what’s this?”, he asked innocently with a cheeky smirk as he looked up. “A mistletoe? That’s a sign! We should kiss!”
Following his eyes upwards you snorted out a laugh.
“Guk, that’s birch tree, not a mistletoe,” you chuckled.
“Nah, babe. Trust me on this one. That is definitely a mistletoe, and if you don’t kiss me right now, you are working against the universe,” he countered, his smile growing wider with each word.
“You just want me to kiss you.”
“Yes, definitely. And preferably the entire night only interrupted by you gasping my name in pleasure,” he deadpanned as he started carrying you back to the house.
“Jungkook!”, you squealed in a giggle, before connecting your lips in an effort to shut him up, before the entire neighborhood heard him.
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Endnote: Happy December 1st, everyone! 
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finnpoe-wizard · 4 years
For your finnpoe AU game if you're still doing it: Roman era, birds and boats. Thank you so much and I hope you have a nice day!
OH wow you got lucky! I was going to just give some ideas but then I googled the significance of birds in ancient Rome and it was so fascinating I had to write something! Here is a link to some of the info if you're interested, I learned so much. Thanks for the prompt! Period AU’s are my favorite. 
Poe braced himself against the side of the ship, peering through the early morning dim at the coast of Etruria. The sails billowed and snapped, wind bearing the shouts of the fleet. Poe righted his cape where it had blown around his waist, willing his shoulders to remain strong under the burden of doom that awaited them all. 
“Commander. The ships have reached the shallows. We are prepared to go ashore.”
Poe cast one last look at the sea and followed the soldier to the launch boats, giving out the order to drop anchor. The fleet loomed on the horizon, more than fifty ships filled with Rome's best cannon-fodder, and Poe clenched his jaw to avoid another bout of sickening rage. They had left their home port three days early in order to seek the verdict of the region’s most renowned Augur, the highest trust of priests who could interpret the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds. No Roman would dream of any major undertaking, from war to commerce, to religion, without consulting one, yet Poe stewed in his resentment, grimacing at the cry of seagulls overhead, until the small crafts ran aground on the sand. 
Poe and his handful of his men had to travel a significant distance inland until they spotted their destination: a small white building on a hill overlooking the valley. The rattle of their armor echoed as they climbed the narrow path, the rays of dawn beginning to cast a golden hue over the landscape. The beauty of the valley mist and dew-covered grass was stunning, but the man in the doorway outshone them all. 
He was younger than Poe expected for such a high office. He was only slightly taller than Poe, dark skin glowing in the dawn and warm eyes that drifted over the company. His demeanor spoke of peace only a life among the hills and birds could bring, and the full robes of his priesthood--stark white with ornate purple trim--were draped around his body in the mountain style. Poe cleared his throat and bowed at the waist. 
“Honored one. We are a legion ordered to war in the east, and are in need of a divination.” 
The man smiled. “Of course. I received word you were coming.” 
Poe’s breath caught at the deep timbre, and he stared mutely as the Augur gathered his robes more tightly around him. “The conditions are favorable. If you and your men could seat yourselves on the benches there,” he gestured. “I will begin.” 
Poe nodded and followed the directions. They sat quietly as the Augur approached the south side of the hill, drawing lines in the air with his staff and murmuring incantations.The peaceful sight soothed Poe’s anxieties and he rested his elbows on his knees. eyes fixed on the young man whose head was turned towards the sky, watching the birds in flight. He seemed to know them, and they, him. Poe wondered what it would be like to see the will of the gods in their wings, to hear divine words in their singing. 
A peace settled on the group, his men relaxing in the silence. Thoughts of battle and the long journey ahead fell away, unable to touch them on this sacred hill, and Poe allowed himself to dream of a peaceful life, here on the rolling green with a soft-eyed priest, rather than a gory death on a far-away battlefield. Some time passed, and Poe drifted pleasantly until startled by approaching steps. 
The form of the Augur blocked the rising sun, casting him in gold-lined shadow. With heavy hearts and bated breath the soldiers awaited the verdict, and the Augur regarded them with a casual swoop of his staff.
“It is not the will of the gods.”
Poe’s head snapped up, the others clambering to their feet around him. “What?” he demanded.
“Alio Die. Another day. The augury is postponed.” He retraced his steps to the house, leaving Poe and his men stunned. The Magistrate was bound by the words of the Augur, the legion would have to remain here until another suitable time for divination arrived. As if reading his thoughts, the young man paused at the doorstep, looking back to Poe.
“The harbor is big enough for your fleet, and the city can support your men until I send a message to the magistrate. The conflict in the east has little time left.” He stepped into the entryway and Poe spoke before he could stop himself. 
“Wait! What is your name?” he called. The smile on the gods-carved face grew brilliant then, eyes crinkling in mirth. 
“My name has many days in which to reveal itself.” 
Poe sat heavily, breath leaving him as the painful band around his chest loosened with hope. A tawny sparrow landed on a nearby fence post, warbling a bright tune before taking flight again, and Poe watched it disappear into the sky, bearing on its wings the lives of five thousand men. 
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psychicreadsgirl · 4 years
General reading
Note: I am not a health practitioner. I just do predictions.
I’ve received several requests about this, so rather than giving a one-to-one reading about the same question I’d just do my reading here.
This virus as people already know has severe economic effects. This is again a time of economic downturn--a 2008 financial crisis that’s already set, perhaps a bit worse due to how it restricts many industries and has even more global impact. Most people are going to be affected mentally, emotionally, physically, and more. There are job losses and there will be more job losses coming and hiring freezes. 
For those that are just graduating or are job hunting, you will have to prepare yourself mentally and financially for some hard times. For those too with jobs, do not be surprised if there are many layoffs coming or have already come and more automation of your jobs will happen in the near future. I’ve already heard about many layoffs from many friends, family, and people within the community. There have been people who were set to start their jobs in spring/summer and are now told that the businesses cannot afford to hire them. The layoffs are not just targeted in one sector; it’s many sectors including food/beverage, banks, travel, dentistry, beauty, retail, etc. 
The lockdown can help stop the spread of the virus, but people require human-to-human contact and are social creatures. The lack of social connections will drive many to fall to depression or cope with bad habits. There is only so much interaction you can get with online stuff or phone calls. 
Now is also not the time to take this virus as nothing. Do not be stupid and participate in large gatherings. Do not be selfish and hoard items. Only buy what’s needed for you and your family. Do not be financially stupid and not budget. 
For those that have not budgeted in the past, now is the time to really use this time to learn how to budget. You can see this as a lesson, not to spend frivolously or to consume more than necessary. 
Now is also the time to reorganize yourself if you are at home with nothing much you can do.
For the businesses or people that are taking advantage of this virus economically, there will be repercussions for doing so. (I.e. trying to profit off of this virus is not a good idea.)
For those who are thinking about whether to go to concerts in April/May/June or even in this summer to early fall, I would advise not to do so. If you are waiting for some event planner/company to announce something to make reservations, I would personally suggest that the chances of things being cancelled/postponed indefinitely are very, very high for this year’s events/concerts. (If you already see big events that have cancelled/postponed around the time that the concert you’re eyeing on is allegedly being held, then I think you have the answer to your question..) 
I think you are also smart enough to make your own judgment call as well. Sometimes it’s best to lose out a bit economically than risk your own health. Also, many people will not be able to afford going to concerts soon so you’ll need the money for necessities like rent and food. (When the economy is bad, the first things that go out of a typical family’s/person’s budget: entertainment and luxuries. Why? Because they are “extra” costs. Would you rather use that $ to pay your rent/feed yourself/family/finance your hydro/mortgage/etc or use that $ for extra clothing/albums/concerts/travel/etc?)
As you may already know, carriers of this virus may not show symptoms. A huge concert means crowds (very close contact with people). Concerts, if you’ve attended one, often are sweaty as well. This virus is transmitted through close contact. Many cities have banned large gatherings. Many countries are also not as equipped as some others to deal with this virus. Many flights are currently suspended or many airlines do not fly out as often. Many flights will continue to do that (randomly cancel flights b/c of border closures/lack of passengers/fear of virus). Many hotels and Air bnbs are closed or will close. Many borders are also closed and will close between countries.
We’ve only seen the Hubei province recently open some parts and they were the first affected by this virus. Took them around 2 months-ish of closure before they re-opened (and well no one is sure whether the virus is completely controlled there for now). So you can also estimate yourself. There will be at least 2 months before things may reopen. I honestly think 2 months for many countries is too optimistic. Even then you should hesitate/refrain from attending big events/concerts. Many places, including planes, will not have been fully disinfected and nor will people be completely virus free.
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putschki1969 · 4 years
Hello there! If all goes well I will be travelling to Japan this summer (planning to attend some YK Lives). It will be my first time. Do you have any tips for a first-time-traveller? Thank you!
Hello there!
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YAY! Your first Japan trip! BANZAI!
You must be super excited! And also worried due to COVID 19. I really hope things will have calmed down until summer. So far they have not postponed any of the YK FictionJunction lives so that’s a good thing. However, they are currently looking for a transfer date for the very first performance which was supposed to take place on July 11 in Kanagawa. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and of course I will post an update as soon as we know more about these FJ lives (that have Keiko and Hikaru as vocalists).
As for tips, here is what comes to mind right off the bat〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Meticulously plan your trip: When you are travelling for the first time, having a detailed itinerary is KEY. In particular, I would advise you to pay a lot of attention to opening hours and time tables. It will save you a lot of time and it will help you avoid trouble/stress.
Bring a lot of cash: There are many places in Japan that don’t accept cards and usually it’s cheaper to exchange your currency to yen in your own country (speaking from my own experience). Don’t worry though, there are enough places in Japan where you can withdraw yen with your cards (7/11 ATMs, International ATMs - e.g. there’s one at Akihabara Station).
Get yourself a prepaid/rental SIM card for WiFi: Having internet at all times is a life-saver. During my first Japan trip I barely had any WiFi, it was hell. I don’t even know how I survived. I recommend you get one in advance and don’t wait to buy it at the airport (because those are overprized). There are rental services that will send the SIM to the airport and have it ready for you to pick up when you arrive. You will have to return it at the end of your rental period via mail (just drop it in a mailbox). There are also pre-paid SIMs that are sent to your home and they only work for a limited amount of time once you activate them. I order mine from a German site so that probably won’t work for you but I am sure a service like that is available for your country. 
Install Google Maps on your phone: Getting from A to B in a foreign country is always a bit intimidating (especially in Japan). This app will help you navigate your way around the rather complex public transportation system. It provides all the info you need (intervals, platforms, stations, ticket fares etc.). While the app may not be as useful in other parts of the world, it’s super reliable in urban Japan.
Get yourself a Suica as soon as you arrive in Japan: Suica cards can be purchased (500 yen deposit) through ticket machines in any JR Station. It’s a prepaid e-money card for almost all kinds of public transportation (and other stuff). Depending on the length of your trip and your itinerary you should add around 5,000 to 10,000 yen to your card.
Consider getting a JR Pass: If you are planning to travel longer distances by train you should look into different JR Pass options. Riding the shinkansen (Japanese bullet train) is convenient and pro-environmental but unfortunately very expensive. It can really pay off to invest in a JR Pass instead of paying for every single train ticket.
Bring a few small disposable ziplock bags with you: While travelling you will be producing a lot of garbage (more so than usual because the Japanese love their elaborate packaging). However, you will quickly notice that there are not a lot of public trashcans in Japan. I always carry a small ziplock bag with me to collect all of my junk. You are responsible for your rubbish, bring it home and dispose of it in your hotel (or wherever you can find a trash can), do not llitter under any circumstances!
Find all kinds of stores for used goods in the area you are staying in: You can make awesome deals at used goods stores in Japan and the items are usually in great (almost unused) condition. I am mainly talking about Kalafina-related stuff here (which you can find in stores like Mandarake, K-Books, Boof-Off, Surugaya, etc) but in general I would say that Japan is a thrifter’s paradise.
Bring your own pain-killers and meds: When people are on holiday in a foreign country they are prone to get sick so you should bring the meds you are already used to. NOTE: Be careful with prescription drugs though! Do some research!
Always have a small hand-towel in your bag: You will be hard-pressed to find paper towels or hand dryers in a majority of Japanese bathrooms so you better carry your own little towel/handkerchief with you unless you wanna spend your entire trip drying your hands on your clothes.
If possible, get a traveller’s insurance: I pay all my flights with VISA so that usually includes some sort of travel insurance but you might wanna look into some other options. You wanna be prepared if something bad happens to you in a foreign country
* This list is not exhaustive. Just a handful of random tips I find useful.
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