#it was only after i woke up that i was struck by the weirdness of that
The lemur boys made their way into my dream last night, so I'm now rewatching Exiled so I can see them for real.
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sanzaibian · 3 months
I should have known better.
You know, those highschool cliques ? The jocks, the nerds, the goths and all... Well, even though nowadays they might not be as clear-cut as they once were, I can assure you that they still existed.
You see, I'm a nerd. But when I say nerd, I mean nerd. Like the whole socially awkward, scrawny and ugly kind of nerd. Also the nasally always-right nerd with top notch marks that reminds the teacher he made a mistake kind of nerd. And also the loves DnD, fantasy and niche interests kind of nerd... well, you get what I mean.
Me being such a caricature meant that I was endlessly teased at school, and was senselessly bullied by the jocks. You know, these hot guys with always a girl in their pants, with big muscles and an obsession with looking good.
I hated it, I hated them, and suffered silently through highschool, until I finally saw the other side when I finally went to university. Although my first years were a bit messed up by Covid, when I was in the building actually studying applied chemistry, I finally wasn't bothered. No one was there to tease me, to bully me or anything else. I could finally live in the class without being bothered !
But, in my third year, Ethan, a guy looking like one of those jocks of old switched courses and came in my class.
I was shocked ! These guys are only good for being hot, playing sports, and entering hot girls' pants ! Not for doing some actual intelligent things like applied chemistry !
But he was even more annoying, that Ethan guy. Because he did not only take the courses I took. No, in fact, he was getting better grades than me. He's so good with polymers that he is the one who asks all the questions and corrects the teacher, not me !
So I tried to avoid him as much as I could. Even when he tried to befriend me, I just scoffed at him, sometimes even mumbling that he should go back to the football stadium. I also talked to the few acquaintances that I had made through awkward bumbling at how I felt he was dumb, and perhaps was only extorting some poor nerds for information to regurgitate in class.
And, one day, at lunch, I just had enough. Ethan and the polymer teacher had an intense debate just before the end of the class, a debate that I couldn't follow. My ego was struck, to the point that I just poured my heart out to the poor people sitting with me. I was seeing red, that day, and nothing could have stopped me... not even the fact that Ethan was there a few tables next to me.
I've since then heard that Ethan was very upset after my tirade, as he is always thought to be dumb due to his interest in being in shape and stylish, while at the same time, I was coming back home all happy to finally have given people a piece of my mind.
However, when I woke back up, I felt weird. I felt heavier, less agile and especially more groggy. As if I just couldn’t quite get up. There was also something cold on my chest that I couldn’t quite identify…
So I did the only logical thing and went to the bathroom to wash my face and properly wake up. But when I saw the mirror, I think what I saw woke me up immediately.
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The man behind the mirror was not me. It was a jock – a hot one at that – with big muscles, trendy hair, chiseled face and multiple jewelry. Yet, there were still a few things that signaled me I was looking at myself : the jet black hair, the tan skin, the brown eyes and especially those small pimples on my right cheek and on my right… I guess I can call it pec, now.
I stayed in front of the mirror for quite a while, looking at each corner of my reflection. I couldn’t believe it, and after a long while, decided to just eat breakfast and forget everything that happened. It just isn’t possible.
But when I was going to my kitchen I couldn’t stop being reminded of how I changed. From my heavy step to the sound of my new necklace, and from the pecs I saw in the corner of my eyes to the weird feeling I still felt in my head. When finally reaching it, I was surprised when I didn’t go for my usual biscuits but rather for an apple… I must eat healthily, after all !
After finishing eating breakfast, I went to my closet, and rather than going for the button-up I usually wore, I went for a simple white t-shirt, and went for a jacket that I didn’t feel like closing, in addition to my usual jeans – all suspiciously fitting me well.
And with that, I went to university, set on finding who did that to me.
When I arrived, the weird feeling in my head hadn’t lifted, though I was dead set in finding who was responsible. So dead set that I didn’t notice people turning their head at my arrival. Nor my backpack shifting to only being carried by one shoulder.
After a while, I saw my class, and approached them with heavy gait, swinging my torso with every step like a typical jock. However, curses befell upon me when I opened my mouth and greeted my classmate.
“Yo, bro ! Doin’ good ? I just wanted to ask, bro, anything weird happened since yesterday ?”
I was shocked at how I said that, so much that I covered my mouth with my hand. My classmate was similarly shocked, and only shook her head negatively before excusing herself. Why did she flee like that ?
I clicked my tongue before looking at myself. How had this happened ? Why am I doing weird things ? Why am I talking weirdly ? I can think the sophisticated thoughts, yet when I voice them, they are filtered through bro-speech !
As I was melting down, none other than Ethan came in, smiling. Of course it was him, I shouldn’t have given the benefit of the doubt to him ! I have been only graceful and nice to him, and this is how he repays me ? By turning me into this… hot monstrosity ?
As the anger was rising, Ethan lead me to the bathroom, and there explained himself.
“You know, Juan, you’ve been insufferable ever since we started that semester. Always distrusting me, and making others distrust me. I’ve never know why you were always so angry at me, while you treated others with respect… that is, until you went on a rant yesterday.
- You fucker ! Turn me back right now, or you’ll wish you’ve never been born, you son of bitch !” I didn’t quite expect to be this foul-mouthed…
- Hahaha ! No, I’m sorry, but I can’t. It’s already so unexpected that my prayers were answered to, so you turning back ? No can do !
- Bro that’s not fair, I wasn’t bad to you, man ! You were the one being rude on my turf, bruh !
- So funny ! You now sound like one stereotypical jock in addition to looking like one ! I’m sorry, Juan, but nobody will ever take you seriously in a conference If you talk to them like that !” he laughs.
- Bro, just turn me back… I promise I won’t continue, man !
- What didn’t you understand in ‘No can do’, Juan ? the ‘no’ ?”
I roll my eyes, but he’s right… God that fucking angers me. I want to strangle that piece of shit !
“So, Juan, I guess, see you in class, if you even dare enter it…”
On that, he left. That day, I didn’t go to class, spending my time looking for information on what made me turn like that, until, like clockwork, at 5 PM I felt like I needed to go to the gym…
After a few days of searching and not finding anything at all, I decided to abandon the quest to find myself back and to rather learn to live with this new body. With Ethan stubbornly refusing to tell me how he did it and with my searches on internet only yielding weird fetish pages, I knew it was desperate...
I’ve since started to learn to cope with my strange occurrence, though it has absolutely wrecked my life. After having debated a while with the administration to prove I’m myself, I find my grades slipping, especially due to my newfound rudeness that mess up every single oral exam…
But at least, I’m hot now…
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Hello, thank you for reading my small story, I hope it wasn't too bad !
Please do not hesitate to give me feedback - especially as it is the first real time I'm writing fiction in english ^^'
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thepenultimateword · 7 months
“Good morning, love,” Civilian beamed.
Villain slumped groggily on the stair rail, rubbing the leftover sleep from their eyes. “What’s got you so chipper?”
“I don’t know.” Civilian threw themselves around their neck. “Just woke up extra happy I guess.”
Villain trudged toward the table, but Civilian didn’t loosen their grip, stepping with them until they plopped into a kitchen chair.
“You going to give me any breathing space?” Villain said, even as they gathered Civilian into their lap. They were always a little resistant to affection first thing in the morning. Civilian was pretty sure they got shy. Almost like each day was a restart of their first, like they had to be sure Civilian was talking to them. It was sweet.
They shook their head into their collar. “Mm-mm.”
Villain gave them a gentle squeeze around the waist. “Just how happy are you?”
“Brimming. Overflowing. Oh! I made breakfast!”
They hopped out of Villain’s arms and swept a great plate of chocolate chips pancakes from the counter.
“You’re pancake happy?” Villain said a little surprise in their tone. “You usually only get pancake happy on your birthday or our anniversary.” They stiffened. “It’s not our anniversary is it?”
Civilian smiled, placing a reassuring hand on Villain’s shoulder. “No. It’s sort of weird I suppose. I just woke up early this morning and I was looking at you—“
“Shut up.” Civilian punched them in the shoulder. “I was looking at you, and I just started thinking how happy I am that I found you. You know from the moment we met…it was like I knew you. Like I’d always known you. I guess that’s how I figured it out.”
“Figured out what, my heart?”
“That we were meant to be together.”
Villain’s smile froze, thawed into a sort of grimace, then froze again wider. A sort of thin, strained thing, like a wash rag wrung out too many times.
Civilian backtracked. “That’s cheesy isn’t it?”
“No! No! It’s wonderful! I just feel guilty! You knew much sooner than I did. I let you chase after me for far too long. I don’t…I don’t always think I deserve you.”
Civilian grinned. “I didn’t mind. You’re just more cautious. I like that about you.”
They kissed Villain’s cheek and plopped down in the seat beside them, dividing pancakes between their plates. Villain’s eyes followed their movements as they slathered the stack with butter and cream and doused it all in syrup.
“How’s work? Any schemes planned for the day?”
Villain cut their stack in section and skewered three pancake pieces on their fork. “Not until evening, but I have to leave in a couple hours to organize it. It’s a museum heist, so I’ll be home a little late.”
Civilian nodded. “Are things smoother for you without Hero around?”
Villain choked on their breakfast. Civilian leaped for the pitcher, messily pouring a glass of water, and shoving it into Villain’s hand, then rubbing their lover’s back as they chugged it down.
“Hero?” Villain croaked once they had a hold of themselves. “Why are you thinking about them all of a sudden?”
Civilian didn’t stop rubbing their back. “I saw on the news they’re putting up a memorial statue in the park this afternoon. It’s been three years since they went missing, right? How well did you know them?”
“Fairly well.”
“Oooh?” Civilian rose their eyebrows.
“Not like that. I don’t know. We just fought. It wasn’t like we actually knew knew each other.”
Civilian nodded idly. That was about what they had expected. It was just their reactions around mentions of Hero were somewhat guarded. They supposed one didn’t have to be close to somebody to be struck by their loss. “What do you think happened?”
“They probably just settled down.”
“You think they’re ok?” It was the first they’d heard that theory, most everyone thought the vigilante was dead or kidnapped or undercover.
Villain nodded. “They weren’t the type to let someone get the jump on them. Besides they were always miserable as a hero.”
Civilian cocked their head.
“They were just always exhausted and angry and breaking down. I don’t think they liked being a hero, even if they were good at it. Anyway…” Villain ate the last bite of pancake and stretched their arms over their head as they rose. “I better get dressed and get going. What are you doing today?”
“Just grocery shopping,” Civilian said. “I’m going to make orange chicken for dinner.”
“Stop spoiling me,” Villain said, kissing them first on the head.
“I guess I just can’t help it. …I love you.”
Villain hesitated, but eventually, they took Civilian’s face in their hands and pressed a long kiss to their lips. “I love you too.”
Civilian swung the grocery bags in rhythm with their steps. The music blasting from the speakers in the square had them swaying and skipping like a dance more than a walk. A crowd of people were gathered across the street, some dressed in blue masks and capes.
Right. The unveiling.
Civilian idly crossed the street toward the crowd. They couldn’t stay long—they had ice cream in their bag—but they couldn’t say they were uninterested in this memorial. Hero intrigued them. What sort of person was willing to sacrifice so much for other people? Even after they disappeared, they were still making an impact. There was something sort of amazing and sad about all that.
The music died down and the microphone squealed in the hands of a smartly dressed woman in a grey pencil skirt and puffy, white blouse standing on the steps in front of the covered statue.
A dull pain started behind Civilian’s eyes. Was getting up so early affecting them?
“Welcome, everyone. I appreciate you all coming out this afternoon for Hero’s statue unveiling. Hero was my friend. No, more than that. They were my mentor. And I was with them the night they disappeared. You've probably all read the story. We got a call for help at an old factory, and Hero ran ahead.
“I was only a few feet behind when I saw a flash of light through the windows. When I got inside, Hero was gone. I never saw them again. Sometimes I still expect them to turn a corner or walk onto our old training grounds. To come back into my life.”
The pain spread up into Civilian’s forehead and temples, a throbbing sensation like someone knocking on a door to get in. Or maybe to get out.
Civilian clutched the side of their face. What was going on? A really bad migraine? They probably should just head home for some pain medication and lie down. And yet…they couldn’t seem to move. They picture the scene the woman had described clearly. Almost like each painful throb was focusing the picture clearer in their head. Had they been to the same factory? Maybe they’d seen a picture in the news when Hero first went missing.
The woman stared out across the crowd.
"It left me wondering, what do we do when the person who does the saving needs saved?" She paused. "We step up. We become the heroes. Hero inspired me to be better; they wanted all of us to be better. And today we honor their belief that ‘everyone possesses a little bit of heroism; they just have to be brave enough to use it.’”
Another stab of pain, worse than the others. Almost like their skull was being ripped in two. A scream pushed up their throat, lying threateningly just behind their teeth.
Villain. They should call Villain. They dropped one grocery sack and fumbled for their phone.
“Hero was always secretive about their identity,” the woman continued in the background, “but for the first time, I would like to share with you all the face of a hero. I would like to give them the honor and credit they deserve. Ladies and gentleman…our Hero.”
The sheet dropped.
Civilian’s scream was lost in the ecstatic shouts and applause. They dropped to their knees, legs and heads and bags blocking everything the bright spots flashing across their vision did not. For moment all they could do was tuck their head into their chest against the concrete and wait, trembling fingers still a button click away from calling Villain.
After what seemed like forever, the pain dulled and they were able to stumble upright.
Slowly, they blinked the blur from their eyes, taking in the horror of what they now already knew: the statue wore their face.
Villain flicked on the hall lights just after midnight.
Hero sat at the center of the room, kitchen chair dragged right into the entryway.
“Sweetheart?” Villain blinked a few times. “What are you doing sitting in the dark?” They seemed to quickly read the wrongness in their face. “Is this about missing dinner? I’m sorry, I should have called, but—”
“I’m Hero.”
Villain froze. Reddened. Paled. Ever the chameleon.
“Ah, so you did know.” They weren’t sure if that was better or worse. If Villain had fallen in love with them as a civilian maybe Hero could have excused them and saved some of the aching, quivering shards of their broken heart. But knowing that the deception had been intentional, well, now Hero had the freedom to explode.
“How did you…?” Villain swallowed. “Do you remember everything?”
“Not everything, but I remember you. And I remember me. And enough events between us to know this never should have happened.”
Villain took a step forward, and immediately, Hero stood to take a step back. Another step forward. Another step back. Forward. Back. Forward. Back. Until Hero was up against the wall and Villain only an arms length apart.
“We can talk about this,” Villain said, outstretching their hand.
Hero only stared.
“In what world is this getting solved with a talk? Our entire relationship, the entire three years we’ve been together, are a lie.”
“But you’re happy! You said it yourself! You’re brimming with happiness! Overflowing with happiness! With me!”
Hero slammed their fist into the wall behind them.“Happy? You took advantage of me! Manipulated me!”
At that, Villain looked affronted. “I didn’t manipulate anyone! You approached me that night! I tried to send you away; I tried multiple times to avoid you; you didn’t want to. And when I did give in, I never pretended to be anyone other than I am. I even told you what I do, and you were all too accepting, like you’d dealt with it every day.”
“Because I had!”
“Then what was I supposed to do?” Villain cried, throwing their hands in the air.
“You could have told me!”
“That would have defeated the point!”
Hero went rigid. Villain covered their mouth. Their eyes plead for mercy Hero was not capable of giving.
“You did this?”
Villain’s lip trembled. “It was meant to be temporary. A few hours. I didn’t know it was going to last three years! I tried to make it right at first! I tried to trigger memories or to come up with some sort of reversal machine, but I couldn’t figure it out, and meanwhile, you kept coming and coming and you just seemed happier this way! And things got so good, I got scared of ruining it!”
Hero stared them down, waiting for the ramble to sputter out. Their reply was slow and cold.
“You gave me amnesia and then made me love you!”
“I didn’t make you love me.” They took Hero’s chin. “It just happened.”
And that was what hurt the most. Hero couldn’t deny it. No matter the false circumstances or how their returned memories rebelled, the feelings had been real. But veracity did not make any of it alright.”
“Then I guess this is where it ends.” Hero smiled weakly. “Goodbye, Villain.”
They felt past feeling as they edged around their lover ex-lover nemesis’s shocked form, picking up their bag, packed and ready for the last six hours, at the door.
“Hero!” Villain lurched forward, seizing them by the wrist and yanking them around. Their other hand tangled in their hair as the pulled into a desperate kiss, gruff and noxious and pleading.
Hero stomped hard on their foot, ripping away as Villain yowled and fell back. The criminal barely allowed the pain a second thought, scrambling after Hero’s determined stride.
“Hero! Hero, I love you! I love you, I love you, I love—”
“You do not!” Hero shouted. Regrettably some emotion edged in on their fury; a few tears slid down their cheek. “You loved a version of me. A dead one. A made up one. Maybe I made them up. But they are not me.”
They stormed out without another word, leaving Villain crumpled and weeping on the floor.
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melrodrigo · 8 months
When The Night Falls - W.A.
Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader
Summary: Wednesday isn’t soft. But when it comes to a certain someone…
Warnings: Angsty fluffy crap mixed together, mentions of cheating
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: HA! You guys thought I would do something from the poll? I’m an uncontrollable creature. Also, this is semi inspired by ‘reckless’ by madison beer.
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Wednesday Addams was not soft. In fact, that was the last word she would ever use to describe herself.
But today, when she had swung open her door, ready to give whoever woke her up at 2 a.m. hell; she was surprised to find out she felt a little bad after seeing your crying figure.
“Wednesday?” You sniffle, swiping at your eyes desperately in an attempt to look somewhat presentable.
The raven-haired girl stares at you blankly, refusing to give away any of the emotions she was feeling.
Eyes all red and puffy, nose tinted pink; she hated to admit it, you look cute.
The thing was, for the past few weeks, Wednesday’s been feeling weird around you.
At first, she thought that maybe you were using your powers to cast a poisonous spell on her. But on further inspection, she realized you were casting a spell on her, just a very different one from what she expected.
It’s a peculiar feeling, having feelings for someone.
She doesn’t think she’s ever really experienced all that “crush” or “love at first sight” nonsense Enid keeps gushing about.
But right now, with you standing in front of her, she thinks she finally feels those funeral flowers budding all throughout her chest, wrapping itself tight around her heart.
“Do you mind if I come in?” You ask timidly.
Wednesday steps back without a second thought, still staring hard as you walk in. She’s suddenly struck with the realization that you came to her first, out of everyone in the whole school, even her bubbly roommate. It makes her heart sing.
You and Enid had a thing going on. The whole school knew that. You weren’t exactly together, but the look on your face when you talked about Enid was enough for Wednesday to keep her mouth shut about her feelings.
But she came to me, Wednesday thinks.
She walks towards you, tapping you softly on the shoulder.
You whirl, and immediately throw yourself at her, letting your whole body engulf hers.
You hear Wednesday let out a quiet gasp and it makes you giggle a little.
You know she’s not uncomfortable, and you know the tap was an invitation or at least an allowance for you to touch her. You have a bit of a reputation for being the only person Wednesday was willing to let hug her, apart from Enid.
Days spent with Enid usually meant days spent with Wednesday, and by now, you were fluent in the language of her.
“What happened so suddenly that you felt the need to wake me in the middle of the night?” She finally asks, failing to sound sympathetic.
She doesn’t expect it to sound mean, and you know that, so you pay her tone no mind.
“I found Enid w-with Ajax.” You tell her, voice cracking at the end of your sentence, tears welling at the corners of your eye.
Wednesday wasn’t an idiot. She knows what “finding them together” means, and despite all her fondness for the young blonde, she can’t help the anger that stirs in her immediately.
Here you were, crying and troubled over her stupid roommate (crying very prettily might she add), and what, Enid was with Ajax? Of all people?
“I’m sorry to hear that, Y/N. I know how much you adored Enid.” She murmurs, ignoring the instant tugging in her heart at the sight of you wide-eyed and looking up at her.
To her surprise, you giggle a little, and it sends shockwaves through your and her own body.
You reach up gingerly, pausing long enough for Wednesday to refuse your touch if she wants to, but the goth girl stays quiet, and so you brush away some of the bangs that are covering her face.
“It’s okay.” You whisper, staring at her eyes and then her lips. “To be honest with you, that’s not even the whole reason I was crying.”
“Why were you crying then?” She inquires, and you notice her hands flexing at her side.
“I think…I might like someone else. And I was kind of upset, because- I thought Enid really liked me. But I guess not, so it all works out doesn’t it?” You laugh dryly.
Wednesday’s eyes widen at your confession, suddenly feeling squirmish underneath your gaze. Her whole body freezes, and her mouth feels dry.
It would work out if I was your partner, she thinks.
“Relax, Wends.” You murmur, placing your head back down to her chest. Your words seem to calm her down a little.
“It’s funny, I don’t like her anymore, but when she gets with someone else, I get sad. How messed up of me is that?” You tilt your head up, watching Wednesday gulp once before speaking.
“It is a stupid thing to feel.” Is what she answers, racking her brain to think of something better to say.
You hum, and everything goes quiet for a while. You feel safe, in Wednesday’s arms, in her bed, and you don’t care if Enid comes back to the dorm and sees this.
Before you know it, you’re drifting off into some walmart heaven- the smell of Wednesday encompassing you and the softness of her skin pressing against you.
“YN?” She whispers, stirring you from your so-close-to-sleep state.
You hum in question.
“Now that you aren’t interested in Enid, are you interested in anyone?” She asks, trying her best to not sound too interested in what you have to say.
You smile soft, the drowsiness making your critical thinking skills all mushy.
“Yeah, I told you that already.” You tell her and promptly snuggle yourself further into the girl.
When Wednesday finally gathers up the courage to ask you who it is, you’re fast asleep, snoring quietly on her.
The next morning, when you wake up alone, feeling the most well-rested you’ve felt in a long time, you barely notice the dark colors of the bedsheets.
It takes you a minute, but you prop yourself up on your elbow, trying to figure out where the hell you are.
But as the events of the night prior come back to you, you find yourself grinning.
“Stop smiling like that. You look weird.” Wednesday quips, and your eyes dart to where she is, hunched over by her typewriter. There’s a glint in her eye that tells you she’s joking.
You flash her another toothy grin, surprised when she sends you a tiny smile back. And then, as if she’s just gotten shy, she turns back to her typewriter and ignores your teasing remarks.
You sigh dramatically and flop back onto her bed.
“I’m gonna sleep here from now on!” You announce.
You take her silence as a quiet acceptance.
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cheapposts · 5 months
Scar wakes up and gets to live another day.
It feels so weird. So wrong. Wasn’t he supposed to die in the end? Scar is pretty sure he was. He saw it with his own eyes: every winner before him died in the end. But for some reason, Scar didn’t.
At first he was confused. Maybe there’s been some kind of mistake. Maybe he’ll drop dead any minute now. But then a day came by. Two days. A week. And no god struck him down with a lightning. Scar was becoming more and more weirded out by that. He tried taking matters in his own hands, but no amount of jumping from a cliff to his death led him to freedom. He respawned again and again, wearing the same clothes with poppies and lilacs, having the same red eyes looking back at him from the river, staring at the same shade of red his name had every time he took his communicator in his hand and typed, "Hey?", "Anybody alive?", "Hello?", because what if the reason why he’s still alive is that he’s not actually a winner yet? What if there’s another player, and all he has to do to end this is to find and kill them, or let them kill him? But he never found anyone, and two weeks after the day he won, he stopped searching.
Three weeks after the day Scar won, he already had a new house going on. He settled at the edge of the map near mesa. "Screw this," he figured, "I’m not going to just wander around the land for months if the gods forgot to kill me. I’ll do things!" And things he did. After he was done with his new house, he fixed his old base, and tore down Mumbo's tower, and built a couple of things here and there. It was nice.
The next week was spent relaxing. He tended to his crops and fed cows he’d stolen from someone (not that the person would mind; they were dead). He died once that week and woke up in his bed again, but at that point it was starting to feel normal.
Five weeks after the day Scar won, he finally had to admit that the gods were not going to kill him. That for some reason, they decided to trap him there. Or maybe that’s what their idea of a happy ending was, maybe Scar happened to become the winner of the final game, the final round, and this was his reward. Maybe all the other players have gone home. Maybe Scar’s the only one left behind, and they live on without him.
There was no use in thinking about possibilities. It was only upsetting him. No - terrifying him. Instead, he took the matters in his own hands once again, and paid a visit to The Secret Keeper.
"I don’t want that," he said to it. "If this is my reward, I don’t want it. I want to go home. To Hermitcraft. Back to my friends. Back to where they’re alive."
The Secret Keeper didn’t seem to react. Scar felt his chest heat up with rage.
"Get me out of here!" he yelled, voice wavering. "You psychos! I- I miss my cat!"
The Secret Keeper didn’t answer.
Scar went home, laid down on his bed, and spent the evening thinking about Jellie's warm fur and his friends' smiles.
Scar wakes up and gets to live another day.
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pixiesfz · 5 months
kyra cooney-cross x reader
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plot: you and Kyra used to be best friends and now she's on top of the world and you feel like you're falling behind.
warning: angst, swearing, idk
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You sat at the restaurant with a menu in front of you as another waiter came to ask for your order "I'm just waiting for someone" You smiled politely but they just nodded their head and walked away.
You checked your phone again it was 8:30, you had both agreed on 8:00, all those years ago, every Friday. She was hardly ever late. Well that was until after the world cup.
She had thrived and you watched on the sidelines almost every match, she gained attention and you loved that for her, you were even the first person to go to her apartment to congratulate her on her signing with Arsenal.
But now she was busy and even more popular with the fans, you wanted to be so happy for her but it pulled her away from you so you never fought it, you only texted her a couple of times with congratulations and the conversations never lasted long. But you always had your Friday night 'dates' your other friends called them.
It was no secret that the two of you had some feelings towards another and your flat mates bullied you for it non stop. You realized you liked the girl when she got the call up to be in the senior squad for Matildas. She was so happy and her dream had finally come true.
You had a feeling she liked you too but you never acted on it, you were always scared whenever the opportunity came up.
You regrated never telling her because maybe then she would be sitting in front of you right now looking at the menu over and over even when you knew she would just settle with a classic margarita pizza and a sprite lemonade. She wasn't to fancy.
It had been 45 minutes now and you had lost your hope, she wasn't coming and she didn't even send you a text. You felt embarrassed as you sat up and paid for your drink as you had told the workers you were waiting for someone and now you were walking out alone.
It was when you turned the corner of the street you saw the girl you had been waiting for in a frantic state almost running to the restaurant.
"Y/N!" she called out as you walked past her "you were late" you told her, not changing your pace. You felt her go to your side again "Y/N I'm so sorry-"
You breathed in before turning to her "you didn't even bother to text!" Kyra looked down to the floor giving you an opportunity to talk again "where even were you?" you questioned and she was silent again "I forgot" she mumbled and you took a step back.
How could she forget.
For three years you've been doing this. What could have been so adamant on her mind that she forgot that she was supposed to see you.
"Or did you forget about me?"
Your question struck something in Kyra "No I could never-" "No I'm serious" you told her "I'm happy for you I really am but I feel like I'm just something that you're leaving behind, we don't talk as much, we haven't facetimes each other in god knows how long" you ranted
"I'm sorry" Kyra said looking at you but you shook your head "I know 'm not your girlfriend or anything, but I don't want to be another ex friend" you started "we've been through too much for that" you told her before walking away and to your car and driving off.
When you woke up the next morning you didn't know how to feel, did you just fuck up everything? You looked to your phone to maybe see a message from Kyra but instead you saw one from Steph, Kyra's team mate from Arsenal and the Tillies.
Steph: Hey do you know what's wrong with Kyra she seems weird today
Fuck. You ruffled your hair between your fingers and ignored the feeling in your stomach
Y/N: Yep I have a feeling, I'll come over after training.
You didn't want Kyra to feel like this even though it was what she made you feel for weeks on end, but you couldn't give up on her, you couldn't give up on the both of you.
It was late when you finally had the courage to drive to Steph's house where Kyra had been staying before she found an apartment near training. It was dark and the stars were in the sky.
When you knocked on the door Steph was quick to greet you "hey Y/N" she smiled and let you in "hey Steph" you sheepishly smiled as you walked in "Kyra's in the guest bedroom, been stuck in their since training" she sighed and turned to you "you're the only person that I've seen her be so happy with" she pointed out "sorry if I interrupted-" "your fine Steph" you waved her off before breathing in "I'll go talk to her" you nodded before making your way into the guest bedroom.
You hesitated before knocking on the door but did anyway "I'll have dinner later Steph" she called back "It's not Steph" you replied back and Kyra was quick to open the door after hearing your voice "hey Y/N/N" she whispered "Hey Ky" you smiled before letting yourself in and closing the door behind you.
"Steph texted me, said you weren't yourself" you admitted and Kyra nodded "I can't believe I forgot" she told you and you nodded "to be fair I distanced myself a little bit, I didn't want to invite myself to everything whilst you adventured with Arsenal" you shrugged and she looked up at you "I noticed the distance" she told you "I thought you started seeing someone or something"
You laughed "me" you pointed at yourself "never" you shook your head and the girl laughed a little as you sat next to her on the bed. You both of you stayed on the bed in silence before Kyra spoke up
"I didn't just forget yesterday I went out" she admitted and you nodded, it didn't really change anything "with the team?" you asked and she nodded "It started with the team then I got stuck in a conversation with a fan"
"was she cute?" you teased and she laughed "Nah you're cuter" she teased back and you both blushed "what did you talk about?" you asked "Football, my career, treating me better than I had at other clubs, treating me like I was somebody"
"Your getting a fan base Kyra, you play for the Arsenal" you poked her shoulder as she leaned back and came back and leaned her head on your shoulder.
"I wonder if she would've talked to me if I wasn't somebody?" she wondered "I would've" you smiled and Kyra looked up at you.
You just kept your smile as she looked at you "I've always been your biggest supporter" you reminded her "I know" she smiled "and I plan to stay" you shot your eyebrows at her and she nodded "I'd like that...a lot" she laughed and looked back down to her legs.
"Can you stay tonight?" she asked sheepishly and you nodded "of course" you stated and gave her a kiss on the forehead that lingered "always" you said as you walked over to the door "Imma ask Steph though"
"Y/N your making this seem like a sleepover in high school" Kyra laughed and you shrugged "oh well the most eventful stuff happens at high school sleepovers" you said and walked out to Steph, leaving a blushing Kyra behind.
When you came back Kya was pulling out pajama's for you which consisted of her Matilda's jersey and old pajama shorts which you laughed at. "You just wanna see your name on my back" you smiled as Kyra shrugged and just jumped on the bed, you following once you got changed.
Once you got comfortable Kyra turned to you "When I asked you if you were seeing anyone you said never" she stated "what did that mean?" she asked and you looked at her "I'm not sure I guess..." you trailed off "I just had a crush on someone and just never got over it" you said quietly before moving closer to Kyra who subconsciously did the same "what about you?" you asked even more quiet as Kyra's eyes were set on your lips "same thing" she said before leaning down and giving a slight peck on your lips but not leaving as your foreheads stayed together, nothing was said before you leaned i again and kissed her back, it was nice as your lips just felt like they were made for you, when you pulled back you both smiled.
"Yeah I'm not going anywhere" you laughed.
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"Time & the Trickster" A Loki/Doctor Who crossover
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Chapter 2: Window to the World
Having Loki in your apartment leaves you both confused and star-struck. But fangirl crushes will have to wait as you take it upon yourself to give Loki a history lesson about your reality and his role in it.
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You were an early riser, and always had been. Even on mornings after you’d not slept well, you were usually able to greet the day with at least some energy. It was your superpower: you were the only morning person you knew. It was usually good for adding an extra hour or so of recreation to your day. 
You needed that superpower more so today than ever. For once, when you woke up and remembered why you were splayed out like a deflating sex doll on the sofa, not a shred of dignity to be found in your position, you felt your head begin to pound. 
Coffee…bring me to life…
You glimpsed at the Loki figurine on the kitchen island where you’d stashed it without thinking. Scrunching your nose, you went to the cupboard to start brewing a strong pot of Elixir of Life (French Vanilla light roast). 
You weren’t sure what to think. If your new houseguest was truthful, that meant you presently had the God of Mischief in your bed. Hell, it meant that the God of Mischief, as well as Thor, Odin, and Asgard, existed. And what did that mean for everyone else in those movies? How did he even find himself here, and where was his intended path? 
And, perhaps the biggest question of all: how was he supposed to get back to where he came from? Should he even be allowed to go? After all, it wasn’t like Loki from The Avengers was a good person. What if you had an intergalactic criminal in there? Lying not about his identity but about his benign existence? 
Heh, I guess I had stranger days in college. 
You heard shuffling at the front door. After a few moments of keys jangling, Joey came in, looking worse than when he’d left you hours ago. 
“More fun at work, asshole?” you said with a sneer. 
“Always,” he said, taking a seat on the other side of the island on a barstool. “Actually, I did a lot of cleaning shit out tonight.”
“Good. Serves you right for making me spend my last hundred bucks on Prince Loki in there,” you replied. “That was our grocery money, by the way. Hope you like the Crackers and Oxygen Diet.”
Joey laughed. “I was thinking about it…about him,” he said after a brief pause. “And I was wondering if you thought the same thing I did.”
“What about?”
“About The Doctor.” 
The timer on the coffee pot beeped. You swiped two cheap mugs stolen from a hotel room and placed them in front of your brother. 
You nodded. “I definitely thought about him.”
“Maybe it’s not such a weird coincidence that he looks like him, Sis,” Joey reasoned as you poured. “I mean, that kook in London sure looks like David Tennant.”
“It’s a publicity stunt, genius,” you said, bringing one of the full mugs to your nose so that you could inhale the gentle, earthy aroma. You were already beginning to feel more awake. 
“Disney owns the Loki side of things, but not the Who side,” said Joey. “I doubt the BBC and MCU would do something like this at the same time.” 
You smiled and took a slightly longer look at him. Despite his disheveled appearance, Joey really did look like your father to a T. “You and Dad watched all the old Doctor Who stuff. I just watched the Thor movies for the…”
You looked briefly at the toy on the counter. 
Joey took a long sip of coffee, rolling his eyes before setting the cup down to express his thoughts. “Sure you did, Sis. Hey…uh…didn’t you lose your virginity to the audiobook for High Rise?”
“SHUT UP!” you barked defensively, absentmindedly taking a sugar cube from a glass nearby and chucking it at his face. Your aim was wide (and half-assed), and instead of hitting your target, the cube flew across the room and landed at Loki’s bare foot. 
You hadn’t noticed him open the door or leave the bedroom. “Oh,” you gasped.
“Hey, Loki! Good morning, soldier!” Joey raised his mug in toast. 
Loki looked a little bewildered, but otherwise mentally intact. “Did I miss something?” He bent over and scooped the sugar cube, holding it between two of his fingers, observing it. 
You shook your head. “No. Uh, coffee?”
“Um,” was all Loki said before Joey gestured to his own seat, getting up and offering it. Loki felt compelled to take it. 
“Hey,” Joey said in an aside to you as Loki helped himself to a coffee mug, “We should tell him.” 
“About how he’s a fictional character? I was going to.”
“About The Doctor,” Joey repeated. “I’m just saying, maybe it’s NOT so weird that two time-jumpers landed here after all.”
Shaking your head, you disagreed. “I want to show him the movies first,” you said, looking briefly over your shoulder. “If he is who he says he is, then he doesn’t know the truth. We can’t send him out into the world as a helpless little dingus. Someone could take advantage of him.”
Your brother sighed. “I guess. I’m gonna shower and get some sleep. Maybe when I wake up we can talk about what to do.”
You gritted your teeth and groaned. “He sounds like he wants to get back to where he came from as soon as possible.”
Laughing, Joey headed for the bathroom, barely large enough for him to turn around in. “I don’t think he has much choice.” 
“No, that’s not what I’m worried about,” you added. “What if he gets desperate and, like, hurts one of us?”
He shrugged and said quickly as he closed the door, “Well, try not to bleed onto the rug. The landlord’ll add that to our rent.” 
You rolled your eyes. Thanks, Joey. 
You turned to go back to the kitchen island to help Loki with something to eat, but stopped in your tracks when you saw that he had found the figurine, and was holding it up in front of him as if it were covered in syrup. 
“Y/N, what is this?”
Your jaw fell open as your heart began to race. You couldn’t explain the look on Loki’s face; it was as if he was wrestling in his mind between confusion and amusement. 
Loki was smiling as he held the trinket closer to his eyes, observing the details. “My my…” he mumbled. “Why does Midgard have toys of my likeness in this timeline? Am I a hero?”
His smile peeled further back on his cheeks as he had a realization. 
“Do…do you admire me, Miss Y/N?”
Your skin went ice cold when he winked with a chuckle. Your mind was short-circuiting. This was a super fan’s anxiety nightmare come to life, and it was your show. You did the one thing you knew would work to get you out of it: change the subject. 
“Loki,” you said solemnly, “There’s something I need to show you.” 
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You called in to work (the shop owner was a retired teacher with a sweet disposition, so she understood that you “had family in town”) and brought out Joey’s DVD cases. Between the two of you, you owned the DVDs of the entire Infinity Saga. Joey even burned a few bootleg copies of one of the streaming shows, but alas, it was Wandavision, not Loki’s show. You couldn’t afford any streaming services, and since password sharing/stealing was no longer possible, you only had these discs and basic cable as your entertainment in the evenings.
I wonder what’s in his serial, you thought. Has he lived it yet? Should I warn him about spoilers?
You laid out a spread of snacks, in case Loki got lightheaded or distressed over what he saw.  Luckily, sleep had remedied some of his anxiety, at least to your eye. He appeared fine with the idea of sitting back for most of the day with movies. 
“So, what do you know about this place? This world?” you asked as you hit the pause button as the opening logos of Thor began to appear. 
Loki was sitting formally, with immaculate posture. “My seidr doesn’t work here. And your version of a Loki variant is possibly fictional and enshrined within these documentaries you are about to show me.”
“What’s a variant?” you asked. 
“It doesn’t matter,” Loki said after a moment’s pause. “Show me the films,” he added with a hint of sadness. 
Thus began your day watching Loki watch himself in movies. It wasn’t exactly what you’d pictured you would be doing with him if he ever became real, but at least you weren’t bickering or fighting Christopher Eccleston. He seemed entranced, a little disturbed, but also fascinated in earnest. Once in a while, he even made a critic’s comment on the filmmakers’ and actors’ choices. It made you smile when he did, because his shoulders relaxed, he sat back against the sofa cushion. He was becoming comfortable with you. 
He remarked that Thor’s film counterpart was a bit off in particular: the real God of Thunder was apparently a bit less bumbling. He was as much a hunter as he was a soldier, which gave him sharper instincts than what was portrayed on screen. Still, the physical resemblance was outright uncanny. 
“So, to be clear: in your world, Loki is ONLY a character?” he asked. 
Nodding, you hoped he wouldn’t have some kind of existential crisis triggered by your honesty. “Yes. All of these people are the result of actors acting and writers writing.”
“And Midgard is the only Realm that exists?”
“As far as we know, and we’ve mapped the stars pretty well.”
“...and there’s no magic? Or Avengers?”
“Not outside of Comic Con.” 
“This fellow playing my role is a bit theatrical.”
You nearly snorted your water. Loki even made you laugh once in a while. “You really think so? Isn’t that the point, though?” you giggled. Loki looked at you warmly. 
“Your laugh is nice,” he said. “I am fond of the sound of laughter. You know, I notice these stories neglect my more playful side. I wasn’t always a parasuicidal, power-maddened Prince.”
You raised a teasing eyebrow, and he shrugged. “To be fair, I did say not always.”
He knew more about the plot than you expected. You noticed in some scenes he mouthed the dialogue verbatim, which sent shivers down your back to see. Other times, he seemed as clueless as a first-time viewer as to what was happening, especially when you popped in Ragnarok after a brief lunch break. 
“That wasn’t at all how Sakaar happened,” he hissed bitterly. “I never attempted to betray Thor, and would’ve never allowed him to electrocute me without my permission!” 
You chose to skip over the next film (ignoring Loki’s odd addendum about ‘permission’) and you got the feeling Loki knew why. “Thank you,” he said, “yes, I know what happens to me on the ship after Ragnarok.” 
“How?” you asked. “You’re not as surprised by some of this as I thought.”
“I’m surprised by some of the accuracy, yes,” he admitted, looking at you with a twinge of sorrow in his eyes. “But you aren’t the first one to bring my life’s review before my eyes like this.”
“Who was the first? And how?” you wondered. 
“Are there other films of this Loki?” Loki asked. “I can show you what happens next. Surely you know my life didn’t exactly end there.” 
“Sort of.” 
You got up from the sofa to clear the boxes of old Chinese leftovers as you explained. “You do get away in the next one, the last one. They figure out time travel. Thor finds a universe where you escape from arrest after taking over New York.”
“Yes,” recalled Loki, “but did they show you what happened after that? Where I fell?”
You bit your lip as you crammed everything into the overflowing garbage can as far down as possible. “Not unless you can afford fifteen extra bucks a month,” you admitted. “There is more, but I don’t have access to it.” 
“We need to find it,” Loki decided. You were about to agree when he changed his tone: “Oh…perhaps I can regale you with the antics of the TVA myself?”
The way he looked at you, hopeful that you’d agree to hear his version of the next chapter of his life instead of the MCU’s, warmed your heart. You had to fight back your urge to leap across the room and embrace him. Scaring him was the absolute last thing you wanted to do. What you did do was sit next to him again and fold your legs underneath you. 
You said simply, “Please.”
And he did. For hours after. 
There was something in the way he wove a tale that felt not quite of this planet. His delivery was almost exaggerated as he told you about the TVA, Mobius, Sylvie, and OB, as well as Kang and Ravonna, and how he ended up unconscious and naked in an alley on South Salina street. 
His voice was hot and soothing, like a drink of tomato soup against a dry, raw throat. You could have melted into his lap as he described everyone and everything, all of the marvelous lands that didn’t exist for you, the magnificent species and cultures, and the horrendous monsters he’d beaten. 
You didn’t particularly care for Sylvie, who sounded like she thrived off of Persecution Complex and attention like a lamprey fed off of a shark’s hind. The way he described both her and Mobius, with equal fondness and perhaps even love, made you sink back in your seat. You were suddenly not as giddy inside.
“You love her,” you said softly and suggestively. 
Loki shook his head in denial. “I thought I did until I repeatedly attempted to pull her away from the Citadel.” 
“What happened there?”
He explained that he’d realized there, after repeatedly trying to pull her away from her desire to murder Kang and set the timelines into brutal chaos on a scale not even Loki could contain, that sometimes people don't change. It was all Loki could do to accept that perhaps the trite little world in Oklahoma that Sylvie longed for was, perhaps, the one she belonged in after all. 
“I don't agree,” you said stubbornly, sticking out your chest in a bit of cartoonish defiance. “She needs to be held accountable for nearly taking down all of reality.” 
He sighed. “No, I don’t see how. Her fate is not mine, nor is mine hers. She couldn’t take my place.”
“Your place?” you asked inquisitively. “You mention so many weird things, Loki, and expect me to know them.”
He didn’t answer you. Instead, the wheels in his head were sparked into action, and he looked for a moment as if he were reading something in the air in front of him as his idea materialized. 
“Maybe…” he suddenly said. “...the stone!”
“What?” you asked, snapping out of your dreamy trance. 
“We have to go back for the stone!” Loki snapped up off of the sofa as if his ass were on springs. It startled you. “Where I landed!”
“Loki! You don’t know your way around here at all! It was dark and rainy last night, so how do you expect to find it?” you slowly got to your feet and put your hands on your hips. 
“There was a street sign nearby. S. Salina street! I’ll know what it looks like,” Loki promised, grabbing your hand and dragging you toward the door. “Quickly!” 
“Oh my god,” you said, your breath quickening, your anxiety beginning to rush upon you. “Please slow down before I pass out. This is all so much!” 
You sat back down again, this time on the barstool closest to you. Laying your head on the island, you let out the smallest, lowest moan of frustration. “This couldn’t have been a normal day…”
You didn’t expect to feel Loki’s large, cool hand on your shoulder. You could feel his skin through your flimsy cami top, and it only took a moment before you began to calm. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have assumed that people here move with the frequent urgency they do where I come from.”  
The tempest waters slowly receded. You turned around, craning your neck to look up at him. You were suddenly conscious of how much of a train wreck you must’ve appeared. You’d never gotten out of the leggings you wore to bed…the leggings with the two gaping holes in the inner thigh seams. 
You quickly slammed your thighs together, but if Loki noticed, he was a true Prince about it and didn’t say a word. Instead, he wiped a small piece of hair from your eye. “Have I made you ill?”
“No! Err…” 
A moment of frightening silence passed as the pair of you stood and sat where you were, simply observing one another as two creatures from different planes learning all they could about each other.
Meanwhile it wasn’t helping your blood pressure as you were still having difficulty absorbing the fact that you were staring into the literal face of your teenage sexual awakening. Surely he wasn’t looking at you the same way, but his studious eyes with pounding urgency behind them were taking you in regardless. You felt vulnerable…vulnerable and turned on like a seat warmer in January. 
Finally, you couldn’t stand it anymore, and you broke the silence. “If you really think you know where on that street it is, I’m calling a cab.” 
On your way out the door, you dug into Joey’s jean jacket pocket, just knowing you’d find treasure. Indeed, it only took a moment before you found his tip wallet, and pulled out several tens and twenties before replacing it. Thank god you finished your shift last night, jerk. 
You didn’t bother waiting for Loki to ask before saying, “Don’t worry, he owes me way more than that.” 
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The rainstorm had receded, but the after effects were worse. 
The heat of the waning spring was thick in the air this afternoon, the sun hanging high and dry over the city with not even a wisp of cirrus obscuring it. Humidity radiated off the concrete streets and sidewalks, turning the pavement into a massive stovetop. Luckily, Joey and Loki shared a shoe size (in spite of his diminutive height, he had a larger bone structure that led to large hands and feet). A few buildings over, near one of the corners, a small group of kids had managed to crack open an old fire hydrant and were running under the makeshift water fountain, ignoring the hollers of the angry adults scolding them. It had to be ninety degrees with the heat index, which was hot for this time of year, with summer inbound but still another ten days away. 
Sadly, shoe size was the ONLY size Loki and Joey had in common, and the God was forced to wear the smelly castoffs from the police station the night before. You counted the bounty you’d stolen from your brother as you waited for the cab. “I think we have enough to get you something from the Salvation Army while we’re out. It won’t be pretty, but at least it’ll be clean…and not so full of holes and stains!”
“The Army! That’s what I need!” Loki shot back, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“Sweet Jesus, Loki, I still have so much to teach you.” 
You asked the cabbie to drive low and slow as you drove about the city, down to the south end on the other side of the highway divide. Once there, you were surprised by how quickly it took for Loki to shout “Stop! Stop the car!” 
The cabbie did as he was told, and you threw two twenties at him. No need to force him to linger, especially when you had other places to go within walking distance. 
Loki pulled you along by the wrist as he maneuvered down the familiar street. 
 “There! That’s where I awoke!” 
He ducked into an alleyway, lined high along each side with filled trash bags, loaded dumpsters, and wet, crumbling cardboard boxes. Immediately, he turned to the west wall and began looking down at the ground, as if he was just going to find this stone lying on the ground. 
“Hey, I got bad news for you, Loki,” you whispered, “if this stone was shiny and bright like the one in the movies…it probably wouldn’t last very long just out in the open in a neighborhood like this.” 
He didn’t listen, but as the minutes passed, he realized that you were right. The stone was absolutely and undeniably not in the alley. Someone had made off with it. 
“The old man with the…territorial streak,” he mumbled to himself, recalling the first face he’d seen when he arrived in Syracuse. 
Before you could ask what he meant, you were cut off by the sound of laughter from across the road. 
“Oooh look, Naked Loki’s back! In clothes!” shouted Di, whooping gleefully from the same deck as she’d been last night. “Thank the Lord! Hi, Naked Loki!” she cheered as she waved vigorously in your direction. 
“I think he was better off when he wasn’t wearing anything!” giggled her roommate.
“Hello, ladies,” Loki said briefly, waving sheepishly and tipping a non-existent hat to them without moving closer. “May I inquire something of you?”
Di and her roommate laughed again, and Di primped her hair. “Well, I’ll see what I can be inquired of.” She laced her reply with a British accent that would’ve made Dick Van Dyke shake his head in shame. The sass more than made up for it. You nearly lost your mind in sudden laughter. 
“The crazy man who shouted at me from this alley last night--”
“Yes! Abe! Exactly! Abe!” Loki snapped to full attention, a positive bounce in his step as he finally moved in on his new friends. You followed behind him slowly, stepping back to let a car pass first. “Do you know what Abe does with things he finds? Shiny things? Does he stash them somewhere or sell them?”
“Shiny things, like what?” asked Di. 
Loki tried to get her to understand. “Like an emerald, perhaps?”
Di shrugged. “I know he’s got some kind of relationship with Kit at the pawn shop near Gannon’s. I guess he’d go there to sell. Dunno if he does, though.” 
“Thank you, my Lady,” said Loki graciously, thinking nothing of taking the woman’s hand in his and laying a brief kiss on it. 
“Woo! Come on back anytime, Naked Loki!” she squealed. 
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TAGLIST: @crashingwavesofeuphoria @kkdvkyya @red-shirt-mania @misschris1412 @salvinaa @marygoddessofmischief @spiderstyles04 @fireflymoonwitch @mochie85 @loz-3 @lcolumbia1988 @lokilurker @eleniblue @gruftiela @starkzdaughter @mrsbarnes-avenger @thedistractedagglomeration @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @holdmytesseract @itsthattimedarling @wolfsmom1 @scully2u @shinisenko @mischief2sarawr @ririsutty73 @lulubelle814 @meg81589 @gloriuspurposeposts @theonetruepotato87@linllewellyn @wistfulclueless @etherealkistar @tinydancer40 @hardtravelerwizard-blog @halfbakedideas @theoraekenslover @abeeigrl
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nottapossum · 2 months
Itty Bitty Sinners 1.6
Pirates and dolls 🏴‍☠️🧸
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⚠️TW⚠️: Abusive parents, taking away comfort items, implied sexual abuse, losing a pet, being ignored, being abandoned, having to give up a pet.
Lmk if I should add.
'I was never a sharp one
But I try to write even when it's dull
This night is a dark one
But sometimes I like when it gets cold
Yeah, all of my movies play in black and white
This wasn't the same old plot I thought I had in mind
Don't ask me if I'm alright, I can't decide
I'm spiraling down, don't wanna take you on a ride.' ~Tony22, Safe place.
~~~Velvette past: Age 13~~~
Velvette's favorite doll was her cabbage patch doll, her name was Nicoline katherine.
It was a gift from her grandmother when she turned five.
She was the only person in Velvette's life who actually listened to her, the only one she could tell anything to without being shot down, judged, or made fun of.
School was awful, home was worse- both of them. And she just needed one person to share her frustrations with.
On this specific day, she came home from school in need of a friend.
She wasn't exactly popular, in fact she was the very opposite.
She wore clothes the other kids found weird, she was loud and overenthusiastic, and though she was really smart, she never did well on tests so everyone of course thought she must be dumb.
It was an awful day, the worst day possible! She hated the world and hated everyone in it.
She ignored her siblings, ignored her step mother, ignored everyone who tried talking to her when she got home in favor of walking upstairs to talk to Nicoline.
But she walked into her room and saw her beloved doll gone.
“Dad? Have you seen my doll?!” She shouts.
Her father does not answer her.
What a surprise.
Velvette sighs and stomps downstairs. “Dad?!"
“Woah, hey. What's going on?” Julie, her stepmother asks, standing in her way. "What happened?"
“My doll isn't in my room.” She says.
“Oh, maybe Sasha took it." She suggests.
“What? She isn't even old enough to climb the stairs!" Velvette says, walking over to the small two year old holding her doll.
“Sasha!” Velvette shouted, she took the doll from Sasha and caused the little one to cry.
“Hey, leave her alone!" Her father snapped at her. "What is the matter with you?" He asks, taking the doll from her.
“That's my doll.” Velvette tells him. "She stole it!"
“Okay. And? You can't share it with her?" He asks.
"Aren't you a little too old for dolls anyway?” He asks her.
“No, aren't you too old to be jobless?" She asks.
“Hey, you will treat me with respect, young lady!” He scolds. "I didn't tolerate this attitude with your mother, I won't tolerate it from you!"
"So divorce me too then!" She shouts. "I don't care!"
He doesn't respond to that, he just hands the doll to his other daughter.
“She's my doll! You can't just give her away just because you like your cheater brat more!” Velvette shouted.
She's slapped across the face.
She looks up at her father again, holding her cheek.
“Go upstairs to your room. I don't want to hear it.” He said.
So she went upstairs and slammed the door.
That was the only time her father ever struck her.
Because Velvette never gave him a reason to…
She didn't talk to him much except to answer questions.
And when she turned 14, her mother got full custody.
And no, she didn't get her doll back.
Her mother agreed she was too old for dolls, so the rest were given to charity.
She didn't complain.
A good child was a quiet one after all.
She took her frustrations elsewhere.
At school,
Then later online.
No one was safe from her opinions there.
She also vowed to buy herself a thousand dolls when she became an adult.
She didn't need her parents.
She didn't need anyone!
She could be her own parent.
Angel woke up the next day, just relieved to be in the hotel, and not at Val's place.
He got up, completely ignoring his phone in case Val was going to try and convince him to work today…
He just can't today, he doesn't care what Val does.
Angel got himself ready for the day ahead.
Took a shower, brushed his hair, got a bit of makeup on…not a lot just enough to cover the black around his eye that Val so “lovingly” caused and some mascara to make him look more awake than he actually was.
It was enough to convince them that he was still worth investing in.
It's enough to make them think he's okay.
Yeah. It's good. He's good.
Angel opens the door to his bedroom to meet with everyone downstairs, he's ready to fake a smile through the next couple of hours- but he sees someone waiting at his door.
“Good morning, Angel.” An annoying smile says to him.
Angel sighs. “What do you want, Al?”
“Me? Oh nothing.” He says. “Just wanted to make sure everything was alright. You seemed so upset about Niffty taking your baby blanket yesterday.”
“It's not a baby blanket.” Angel growls.
“Oh? Then what is it?” Alastor asks.
“It's…it belongs to fat nuggets.” Angel says.
“Oh, yes of course. Silly me.”Alastor says, tilting his head to peek inside Angel's room. “So, I suppose it's safe to assume the adult sized pacifier is also his?” he asks, leaning on the doorframe.
Angel looks behind him and sees Fat Nuggets with his pacifier.
Shit! How does he keep getting a hold of that!?
He takes the pacifier from Nuggs quickly.
The pig just sat down on the floor and smiles, the piglet so proud of himself, thinking he did something good…
Angel doesn't have the heart to tell him what he's actually done.
Angel anxiously fiddled with two of his hands, one was gripping the pacifier tightly, and the last was tugging at his hair.
He was screwed.
“What's the matter, Angel?” Alastor asks. “Are you afraid?”
“Al, I think even you can understand why I don't want this getting out.” Angel says.
“Don't want what getting out?” Alastor asks.
Angel crosses two of his arms. “Stop playing dumb.”
Alastor scoffs. “Honestly, Angel. What's the big deal?” He asks. “Are you worried they'll judge you?” Alastor asks.
Angel crosses his arms. “No.”
“Worried they'll think you're too much to handle and leave you?” He asks. “You don't have to be. I'm sure Husker won't abandon your friendship once he finds out about it.” He says, still smiling.
Angel froze…
Once he finds out?
Angel takes a deep breath, he has no patience for this. “What do you mean by that?” he asks, starting to sound Angry.
Alastor simply shrugged. “Nothing.”
“What do you want? I don't have much of a soul to sell if that’s what you're after.” Angel says.
“Oh, I desire nothing from you. I simply wanted to talk, catch up.” Alastor says.
“I don't believe you.” Angel says. “You always have an angle.”
Alastor shrugs, then he disappears into a shadow.
“Al wait- ugh fuck!” Angel curses.
Angel walks back into his room and throws his pacifier against the wall.
Angel sits on the floor. “Shitshitshitshitshit! What am I going to do- honestly, of all the people to find out! Why did it have to be him?” He asks out loud.
Nuggets fetched the pacifier to give it back to Angel.
He takes the pacifier from his baby piglet, and sets it aside. He picks up Nuggets and holds him close. “Thanks Nuggs.”
What was Alastor up to?
And more importantly, how was he going to stop that strawberry fucker to keep his mouth shut?
After the group had completed their trust exercises for the day, Charlie and Pentious went to her office for their daily age regression session!
Angel hardly said a thing all day, it worried Charlie greatly….
Was he okay?
Was something wrong?
Can she help?
She shook her head. ‘No no, focus on Pentious, talk to Angel later.’ She decided.
“Okay Pentious, I thought we'd try something new today. Something a bit more vulnerable.” Charlie says.
Pentious tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I got you another gift.” She says, handing him a box.
Pentious opens it, this time without hesitation and smiles when he sees a little soft toy....Teddies he thinks they’re called! He didn't have them as a kid, but he's pretty sure that's what they are called.
In the box was also a super soft blanket with an elephant on it.
The teddy wore a hat...he liked that about it.
He stared at it for a moment...something was strangely familiar about it…
“Pentious?” Charlie asks. “Are you okay?”
“What- what is it?” Pen asks her.
“It's a little dog plushie.” Charlie says.
“It's a dog?” Pen asks.
“Yeah, I thought it was a bunny at first but I looked it up and…”
Charlie's voice muffled underneath his thoughts.
Of course he was a dog. A very good dog.
Yes, that's what this was!
A good little puppy.
“Okay, baby blow out your candles.” His mother told him.
He squeezed his eyes shut and made his wish before blowing out the single candle on his cake.
“What did you wish for?” His mother asks.
He shut his mouth tightly.
“What? You won't tell me?” She asks.
Pen shakes his head.
“Can I make a guess?” His father asks.
Pen thinks about it and nods.
“Is it a…new pair of shoes?” He asks.
Pen shakes his head. "No."
“Is it a new book?” He asks.
Pen shakes his head again.
“I only have one more guess…is your wish… in this box?” His father asks, handing him a box, it wasn’t wrapped, it was just a small box with a lid that was barley placed on top of it.
Pen takes the lid off the box and a small beagle jumps up at him and licks his face.
“A puppy! How did you know?!” Pentious asks them, picking up the dog happily.
“Must be magic.” His mother says.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He says. “I love him! I'll take such good care of him! You'll see! I'll be the best puppy father ever!”
“I have no doubts.” His mother says, ruffling his hair and kisses his head. “Happy birthday, darling.”
“Pentious?” Charlie asks.
Pentious doesn't say anything, but he hugs Charlie close, crying into her shoulder.
“Hey, it's okay, I'm here.” Charlie says. "It's okay.” She says, patting his back. “Are you okay?” She asks him.
He let's go of her and holds the little puppy close to his chest.
“Are you okay, Pen?” Charlie asks. "What happened?"
Pentious looks down at the puppy teddy. “Yes, I'm okay.” He says. “I just- I-”
He wipes away tears. “I love it.” He says. “The teddy is wonderful, Charlie. Thank you.”
Charlie smiles. “Awe, I'm so glad you like it!" She says, relieved. "I was worried something was wrong."
"No, I'm okay...I think..."Pentious felt a fuzzy feeling in his mind. It was strange…unnatural. He felt like’ like a-
His pupils expand as he looks at his new Teddy. He wipes away his remaining tears, understanding what it must be. “Charlie?” he asks.
“I do…feel smaller now.” He says.
“Wait, really!?” Charlie asks, getting excited.
Pen curles into himself, the feeling of small isn't a bad feeling, but it is rather strange and he doesn't know how to process it. “I think! I…uhm I feel like I am small and fuzzy inside.” He explains. "like I'm smaller than I actually am."
“Pen! You regressed! That's amazing!” Charlie's cheers.
“Is it?” Pen asks.
“I mean, yeah. I think so anyway. How are you feeling?” Charlie asks.
“I- uh. Good. But strange.” Pen explains as best as possible.
“That's okay. You'll get used to it.” She says. "Did the...Teddy trigger it?"
"Yes," Pen explains. He reminded me of my alive dog when I was alive!" He says.
"Oh yeah?"
Pen looks sad all of a sudden. "He was a good dog."
"I'm sure he was." Charlie says.
"I miss him." He says. "I had to abandon him because they wouldn't let me keep him."
"Who's they?" Charlie asks.
"The orphanage." Pen answers, his eyes building up with tears. “Dogs weren't allowed there, so I had to let him go.”
“Oh…pen. I'm sorry.” Charlie says. “Can I hug you?” She asks.
Pentious nods. “Uh, yes. Please." He says.
Charlie smiles and does just that. She squeezes the snake tightly. “Thank you for telling me, Pen. I'm so proud of you."
Pentious feels even smaller as he hugs her back. "You are? Really?”
"Of course I am. You're being honest about your feelings, and opening up to me, it shows just how far you've come since you first got here. You're growing."
"No, I'm shrinking but in a good way." Pen corrects.
Charlie chuckles. "That too."
Pentious rests his head against Charlie. "Thank you, Charlie."
Charlie pets his head. "You too, Pen.”
~~~Charlie and Pentious: Later~~~
Charlie and Pentious were playing with Legos when Charlie's phone went off.
“Oh, Vaggie is calling me." Charlie says to Pentious.
She answers the phone, so Pen keeps quiet. "Hello?”
“Mama?” A small voice says through tears.
Ohh no. That's little Vaggie. “Hold on a second please, sweetie?” Charlie asks.
Charlie smiles at Pentious. “I gotta take this, uhm, why don't you-” Charlie grabs a remote and turns on the TV. “Watch some cartoons. And I'll be back soon, okay?"
Pentious nods. "Oh-okay." He says. His attention turns to the screen as she walks out.
~~~Charlie and Vaggie:~~~
Charlie, with very limited options, walks out of the room. “Vaggie? Baby? You still there? Where are you? What happened?”
“I sowy.” Vaggie starts sobbing through the phone.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. Are you in our room?” She asks, whispering in case anyone is listening.
Vaggie sniffles. “Mhm.”
Charlie climbs the stairs quickly as her heart pounds in her chest, anxiety rising. “Okay, babygirl. I'm on my way, just stay put.” She tells her.
Vaggie doesn't respond, so Charlie just focuses on getting to her room.
She opens the door and starts to look for her precious little one. “Vaggie? Baby? Are you okay?"
Vaggie crawls out of the closet she was hiding in. “Mama!” She cries, holding her arms up to Charlie.
“Oh, baby. Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" She asks, picking up her little one.
Vaggie hugs Charlie. "M' otay." She says.
Charlie sighs with relief. "Oh thank goodness. Sweetheart, what happened?” Charlie asks.
“I wegwessed.” Vaggie says.
Charlie almost laughed- but kept her composure, Vaggie is obviously upset, making her feel embarrassed on top of that wouldn't exactly help the situation. “Yes, I can see that. Have you been feeling overwhelmed?” She asks.
Vaggie doesn't answer.
“Vaggie?” Charlie asks.
“I'm sorry!” She says. “I twied to big!”
Charlie hugs her. “No, it's okay, it's fine! You're fine. You didn't do anything wrong.” She tries her best to reassure her.
“I twied to stay big, I twied to be good.” Vaggie cries harder.
“You are good, you're so very good. It's okay to be little.” Charlie explains.
“But, you aweady take’ caew of Pen.” She says. “I in da way!”
Charlie kisses Vaggy's head as she holds her close. “I don't care what I'm doing, or who I'm with, I always have time for you.” She says. “You are never in the way, you're the full picture, you understand?” Charlie asks.
Vaggie nods. “Otay.”
Charlie pets Vaggie's head and holds her close.
She really needs to get back to Pentious, he's all by himself and so small! She can't just leave him alone!
She takes a deep breath. "Vaggie, sweetie. I have to ask you something, and I want you to be completely honest with me, okay?" She asks.
Vaggie nods.
“Would it be okay if Pentious knew you were a little?” She asks.
Vaggie doesn't answer that, she just looks away from Charlie.
“Because right now, Pentious is little too, and I don't want him to feel abandoned. Can I bring you downstairs with me, so I can take care of both of you? I promise Pentious will play nicely. He's very nice.” She says.
Vaggie nods. “Otay, bu’ you ‘tay wif me.” She says.
“I won't leave you, I promise." Charlie wraps her pinkie around Vaggies’.
Vaggie wraps her finger around Charlie too.
Charlie sets Vaggie down on the ground. "Can you walk?"
Vaggie nods and takes her hand.
“Okay, sugar cube. We gotta be careful and walk downstairs together, so you can hold my hand, but I need you to be very quiet so no one else knows you're regressed. Okay?”
Vaggie nods. “Mkay, mama.”
“Good girl.” Charlie smiles and kisses her cheek.
The two of them walk downstairs quietly. The only one who saw them was Husk…and he couldn't care less what they were up to!
How lucky are they!
~~~~~Pentious, Vaggie, and Charlie! Playdate Time!!~~~
Charlie and Vaggie walk back into the office, Vaggie holding Charlie's hand tightly.
The TV was happily playing: “Can he fix it? Bob the builder-”
“YES HE SHALL!!” Pentious shouts as the two women enter the room. “Charlie! You're back! You was gone forever!” Pentious says. "Dis many minutes!" He says holding up all his fingers on one hand.
“I know, I'm so sorry, Pen.” Charlie says. “I actually have a big question for you, and I need you to be honest with me, alright?"
Pentious tilts his head. “What is it?”
“Well, Vaggie is little right now too. And she needs me to take care of her. I was wondering if it's okay that she plays with us today?"
Pentious looked at Vaggie who looked very shy…
But he smiles at her. “Of course! Does she like Legos too?” He asks.
“She's a little small for Legos right now, but I'm sure there's a bunch of games we can all play.” Charlie says. “Oooh! How about mega blocks?” She asks.
“What's that?” Pentious asks.
“They're a lot like Legos, except they're bigger.” Charlie explains, grabbing the big zippy bag of blocks from the closet of many things.
“Okay, I'll play.” Pentious says, slithering over to them.
Charlie sits on the floor and Vaggy crawls onto her lap.
“Vaggie, do you want to play mega blocks with me?” Pen asks her.
Vaggie nods. “Mhm.”
“Superb! What shall we build?” He asks her.
Vaggie thinks about it.. “Uhhm piwate ship!”
“Ooo! I like pirates.” Pentious says. "That's a great idea!"
“Piwates!” Vaggie giggles. “Mama, nee’ mah Piwates.” She says.
Charlie chuckles. “Okay, hold on. Let me get them." She says.
Charlie sets Vaggie down and walks over to the closet and gets Vaggie's pirate toys. They keep some of them here so Charlie can keep an eye of Vaggie while she does some work if needed.
She sets the toys on the table as she starts putting away the Legos.
"Don't ruin my work in progress, Charlie." Pentious says. “I want to finish it later!”
"I won't," She says. "I'll put it up here for safety." She says, setting his lego project on the desk.
"Piwate." Vaggie says, taking her little pirate cat figurine.
"Are we making a ship for them?" Pen asks her.
Vaggie nods. "Piwate!"
Pentious is very patient with Vaggie, even though she's a little young and it's hard for her to build like he does, he never complained about her doing it wrong.
“Oh, Vaggie. That goes here actually.” He says, tapping where the block she placed was supposed to go.
Vaggie picked up the block and set it where Pen said to. Then she looks up at the snake to be sure it was right this time.
"That's better!" He says. "Good job."
Vaggie smiles at him, and Charlie does too. She was a little worried about how Pentious might react to a younger little one, but he's doing so well! Like a perfect older brother! It was so cute!
He finished the pirate ship for Vaggie since she lost interest very quickly.
"There you are, your pirate ship." Pentious says, setting the ship in front of her.
Vaggie gasps and sets her little pirates on the ship. "Chawe, Piwate!" She says to her caregiver.
"Mhm it's very lovely, what do we say to Pentious who made that for you?" Charlie asks.
"Tant' oo' Pen." She says.
"You're welcome. While you're playing with that, I'm gonna build a sea monster to attack them!" He says.
"What a fun idea!” Charlie says.
Vaggie handed Charlie one of the pirates to play with and the two of them started to play out a story.
"Hello, pirate cat. Are you ready for our big pirate adventure?" Charlie's fox character asks her.
Vaggie's cat character jumps on the table. "Twesue'" She says.
"Yup, gotta find the treasure. I sure hope we don't encounter any evil sea monsters on the way." Charlie says.
"Piwate ship!" Vaggie shouts, placing her cat and Charlie's fox into the ship and moves it around the table.
Pen did a very good job building it, it didn't even break when Vaggie moved it.
"Rawr! An evil sea monster approaches!" Pentious starts to play, with his monstrous and extremely clever creation.
"Oh no, pirate cat. What are we gonna do?" Charlie asks dramatically.
Vaggie looks around and sees a single mega block. "Tannon!"
"A cannon, what a great idea. We can defeat the monster!" Charlie says.
Vaggie's character shoots the cannon and hits the beast.
Pentious's character groaned. "Nuuuu you have shot me! What a world what a world indeed! I deaded! I deaded forever!"
Vaggie laughs at Pen's dramatic characterization of the monster. "Montow no tay dat." She laughs.
"What?" Pentious asks.
"What do monsters say, Vaggie?" Charlie asks.
"Waw!" She growls.
"Ohh." Pentious understood her that time. "Rawwwwr!" Pentious played the death scene again, this time in proper monster language. "Can I be a pirate now that my monster has died?' Pen asks.
Vaggie hands him the dog pirate. "He-a-go." She says.
"Thank you." Pentious says. "Let's go find that treasure!"
“Good job sharing, Vaggie.” Charlie whispers, making her little one smiles.
The three pirates did find the treasure after a long journey across the office.
"Finally, the treasure!" Pen's figurine said.
"What if the treasure was inside of us all along? What if the real treasure was friendship?" Charlie's little fox asks.
"Uhm, no it's...it's gold." Pen's dog pirate says.
"Oh okay." Charlie says. "My bad."
They found the gold and they returned home.
“You did it, Vagitha!” Pen says.
Vaggie giggles. “Yay!”
The perfect ending to a perfect little adventure.
~~~Velvette and Vox:~~~~
Velvette worked overtime and then some.
She worked until she could forget what made her so upset in the first place.
And when she still didn't, she stopped when she became too tired to continue working anymore.
She walks to the kitchen to get some water and sees Vox at the table with a cup of coffee.
"Vox? What are you doing up this late?" Velvette asks.
"Vel...hey!” Vox says, sounding exhausted as he rubbed his screen where his eyes were. "I uh- that, up there is for you." He says, pointing at a gift that was on the counter.
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Uh, what?"
"Just- open it, please?" He asks.
She unwraps the box and...
It was a cabbage patch doll...
It wasn't Nicoline, but she was still very lovely.
She looks over to the Tv man. "Vox-?"
"You mentioned that you used to have one when you were little. I was going to give it to you on your birthday, it's probably not the one you had as a kid, but-"
"Did you seriously stay up just to give me this?" She asks him, hand on her hip.
Vox scoffs. "What? No! Of course not, I was up already, I just thought I'd do something nice since you were so upset." He says, as if it wasn't a big deal.
Velvette rolls her eyes. “Sure.”
“Look, I'm sorry you had a rough couple of days.” Vox says. “It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. But, you can if you want to, and I'll listen.” He promises. "Or you can talk to the doll if that’s easier, that's fine too."
Velvette looks up at him. "How-"
"You told me while you were regressing a few weeks ago." Vox says. "I know something happened...and I don't think it's right for you not to talk about it."
She looked down at the doll again.
He listened to her...
And took her pathetic little story about a doll seriously.
"I know it's not really like us to talk about stressful adult stuff." Vox says. "But, it can be."
Velvette's eyes fill with tears. “Really?” She asks. "You actually want to hear me bitch about stupid shit all the time?"
"Who doesn't bitch about stupid shit?" He asks. "Me and Val do, why in the hell would it be any different with you? I don't care less just because you're not a kid. I don't hate your company, and I don't hate talking to you either. You have great ideas, it's nice to have someone to talk to who isn't an idiot."
He actually thinks she’s smart?
He actually cares?
Actually wanted to hear her? Actually want to listen?
Velvette puts the doll down and she runs to hug Vox.
"Vel?" Vox asks, this was clearly not at all what he expected.
She doesn't want the doll, for the first time in a long time she didn't want the doll.
She just wanted her caregiver.
Velvette starts sobbing into his shoulder. "M'sowy." She says, sounding small- tiny even.
Vox knows the voice, so he picks her up and hugs her. “It's okay, I'm here.” He says to her. “Get it all out, it's okay.”
She wraps her arms around his neck
"You ready to get some sleep?" He asks her once she's calmer.
She nods. "Okay. Can you stay wif me?"
Vox nods "Yeah." He takes her doll and carries both of them to her room to get some well deserved rest.
They can talk about it tomorrow.
~~~Charlie, Vaggie, and Pentious:~~~
Vaggie and Pentious had a fun time playing together, they played pirates and aliens, and Charlie even taught them patty cake!
It was a full fun day for them.
Vaggie got pretty tired after a bit and asked to take a nap and cuddle with Charlie.
So, Charlie put on Jake and the Neverland pirates for the two littles, and all three of them cuddled up on the couch to relax.
After episode two, Vaggie had fallen asleep.
Charlie turns to Pentious. “Thank you so much for being so nice to Vaggie today, Pen. You were such an amazing friend to her.” She says. “I know it's not always easy. I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate it.”
“It was very easy.” Pentious says. “Vaggie is fun.” He says. “She likes pirates, adventures, and weapons!” he says. “I haven't had so much fun in ages!”
Charlie smiles. “I'm so glad to hear you had fun.” She says.
“Could we do it again sometime?” He asks.
“Of course, if Vaggie wants to. I think she had a lot of fun too.” Charlie says.
Pentious smiles and snuggles up next to her once again.
There's nowhere else in the world Charlie would rather be right now.
'Oh, by the way
All my stuffies wanna know if you're okay
I've been great, 'cause they put me in a safe place
Act like I'm nine when I watch Adventure Time
To cure the pain, I'll explain
That shit put me in a safe place.' ~Tony22, safe place.
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Taglist: @todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy @dex-dawn @abby5577 @innocentlittlelambsnursery
79 notes · View notes
beachylupin · 5 months
lighthouse for steve plss
you two broke up (not mutually) and you went off to college and didn't return to hawkins at all and when you did, you saw him and it was kinda awkward but nice to see him
Big Buy Blues || Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
i'm sorry this took so long omg :-(((( i've been so stupid busy, and i've had this request sitting in my inbox since early november and i feel HORRIBLE about it. i hope this is okay! if you'd like to see more of this pairing, please let me know (i lowkey am thinking of a second part) word count: 2.6k warnings: honestly??? like nothing. maybe like... old people being old people? and anxiety, kinda angsty?
Your hometown of Hawkins was always filled with Christmas lights this time of year. Every house looked like iced gingerbread, covered in a dusting of fresh snow. Christmas trees played peek-a-boo out the window with the children sledding down the sidewalks. It was magical.
Although it was magical, you went to college out of state to escape the small town with even smaller thoughts. You were bigger than Hawkins, and everyone there knew that. They knew that you’d amount to so much more than the little, strange town could provide you.
Escaping people was yet another reason to leave. Everyone in Hawkins was connected, whether from friend groups in school or the tragedies that seemingly struck the town every year. A messy breakup had sent you northwest to Minnesota, attending the university there.
Sure, there was much more snow and a lot more people in St. Paul, but there, you could be just another face in the crowd. Nobody there knew you. Nobody there knew what you had seen or what you had been through. You could just be a normal person.
You hadn’t seen anyone from Hawkins since you moved out in July, not promising that you’d ever return.
Thanksgiving not at home was weird, but necessary. Your friendsgiving was good enough to keep you feeling like you didn’t need to go home. You didn’t need anyone at home. You had almost decided to not go home for Christmas until your mom called, practically begging you to come back.
“Just for a few days, sweetheart,” your mom had cooed over the phone. “Your dad and I just want to see you for Christmas. You can go back to Minnesota right after.”
It was her tone of voice, the brokenness, that called you back home. It was the promise that you could leave that made your decision for you. 
The plan was set: home for a few days before Christmas and heading back to your small apartment right after. No dilly-dallying in town. No time to see anyone. Just simply going to their house, staying, and leaving.
You had pulled into your parents’ driveway late last night. It was a joyous reunion with a promise of nobody else knowing you’re home besides your mom and dad and maybe a few family members. You hugged your mom before getting stolen from her by your dad, who hugged you like you’d been overseas at war. The hug had confirmed that you’d be staying later than expected, just for him.
They’d left your childhood bedroom almost the same since there was only so much that two people could change in five months: pink walls, white dresser and run down desk. The only thing that had changed was that your once twin bed was now a queen, taking up much more space in your little room than normal.
You almost missed the normal city sounds that St. Paul had to offer, but settling into bed that night, you relished in the quiet of Hawkins. Snow fell softly, quieting the whole town, and you quickly fell asleep, sleeping soundly for the first time in months.
You woke up to light streaming on your face, and you had to resituate yourself. You were really in your childhood bedroom. It wasn’t a dream. You really had driven seven hours to Hawkins, Indiana for Christmas just for your parents, and you didn’t have to go anywhere.
You dressed in light wash jeans with a rip in the knee and a blue, turtleneck sweater. Padding your way down the stairs in stocking feet, you saw your mom waiting for you in the living room, a worried look on her face.
“Honey?” She asked you, standing and walking up to you.
You lingered on the bottom step, furrowing your eyebrows. “Why do you look so nervous?” You asked, almost retreating when she hugged you, knowing she was going to ask you something.
“I need you to go pick up the ham from the butcher,” your mom said as she pulled away, trying to hand you money. You stared at her hand, your teeth ground together. “Please? I won’t ask you to leave the house anymore this week.”
“Why me?” You asked, still staring at her hand. You weren’t going to take it until she gave you an amazing explanation as to why she couldn’t go.
“We’re expecting company any minute,” she said quickly. “You’re great auntie Hen and grandma are coming over, and-”
You huffed, annoyed, grabbing the cash from her. “This is the one and only time I’m leaving the house,” you stated hotly, tucking the money in the pocket of your jeans. “Do you need anything else?”
Your mom glanced at your dad, who just shrugged, mumbling a quick “I dunno,” his typical permissiveness showing its true colors. “Apple cider? Maybe you could-”
You cut her off with a loud sigh. “Why don’t you get me a list while you’re at it,” you suggested, looking at your dad as your mom walked into the kitchen to grab a notepad, your mouth tight.
“Maybe you won’t see anyone,” he said quietly, causing you to roll your eyes and follow your mom into the kitchen.
She was hunched over the counter, writing things down as she thought of them. You peeked over her shoulder, scoffing.
“Mom!” You whined, taking the list away from her to look at it closer. “There’s like twenty things on here! I’m not going grocery shopping for you!”
“It’s all at Bradley’s!” She offered with a small smile. “Please, honey? It’s not good to stay all cooped up.”
“I want to be cooped up!” You could’ve screamed, but hearing the loud knock at the door, you decided against it. You followed your mom to the door, hissing, “I want to stay here!”
She shot you a look over her shoulder then opened the door.
“My baby!” Your grandma gasped, pushing past your mother to hug you tightly, smearing red lipstick on your cheek. She passed you along to your great auntie Hen, who held you at arm’s length.
“Have you been eating, sweetie?” She cooed, hugging you as gently as she could. “You look like you’re going to blow away.”
“I wish I would,” you grumbled more to yourself than anyone else, but you meant it all the same.
“My God,” your grandma scoffed as she was taking off her coat. “Did you rip those jeans yourself or did you buy them like that?”
“That’s the fashion nowadays, mom,” your mom said for you, sending a sideways look your way. “She’s a university girl now. She’s fashionable.”
You refrained from rolling your eyes in front of your grandma and great aunt, resorting to sighing softly through your nose instead. 
“Well, that’s not what I call fashion,” your great auntie Hen pitched in. “Showing too much skin for my taste.”
“It’s just my knee,” you said quietly, feeling ambushed, but she continued over you, her hands on your cheeks.
“Have you gotten any sleep, dear?” She asked, looking at you through the bottom of her glasses. “You look exhausted-”
“I’m fine,” you said just to get her hands off of you. You looked at your mom, your eyes wide with panic. You wanted them away from you.
“She’s getting enough sleep, auntie. Quit worrying,” your mom said, smiling as she put her arm around the woman. “She was just on her way to run errands for me, so let’s get out of her way. Come on, now. There’s a fresh pot of coffee…”
Her voice trailed off as she ushered the women into the kitchen, leaving you to regain yourself.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, making a mental note to change your pants when you got back from the now not-so-dreaded trip to the supermarket.
You grabbed your keys, your peacoat and purse, and slipped on your sneakers, not even saying goodbye as you left what was supposed to be your haven in Hawkins.
Bradley’s Big Buy wasn’t anything special. Like a typical supermarket, they had a little bit of everything. Because of that, everyone shopped at Bradley’s, and it just so happened that they all decided to shop at the same time as you.
Finding a parking spot, you parked, sighing to yourself. You looked at the store and how busy the lot was and dropped your head to your hands.
“Please don’t let me see anyone I know,” you whispered to yourself, shutting your car off. “Please don’t let me see anyone I know.”
That was your repeated mantra as you walked through the sliding glass doors, grabbing a basket. You kept your head down amongst the busy loud store filled to the brim with Christmas stuff and songs, walking straight back to the butcher.
You rang the bell on top of the counter, and lifting your head for the first time, you looked around while you waited for the butcher to come out.
Your heart dropped to your stomach when you spotted him next to the deli meat, his tell-tale hair now in a longer, modern type mullet. 
Sneakers squeaking against the linoleum, you wheeled around, ducking down a half-busy aisle. Your hands began to sweat as you grabbed a random box of flake potatoes, trying to look as natural as possible while scanning the side of the box.
You hadn’t seen that head of hair since last May, when you graduated Hawkins High and the owner was there for Robin. Not you. Rather, he was there for her instead of you.
And now he’s here, at Bradley’s, an aisle or so down from you. For deli meat.
It was always something else. He always needed something or someone else.
“Miss?” The butcher called out, gaining your wide eyes. “You rang?” He pointed at the bell, and you nodded, setting the box of potatoes down as quickly as you picked them up.
You approached the end of the aisle, not quite stepping out. “I’m supposed to pick up a ham,” you said, holding out your hands to show how big it was supposed to be. “But I don’t want to carry it all over so I’ll come back.”
“What?!” He half-shouted, his hand cupping around his ear. To be fair, Christmas music was blasting, babies were crying, and people were stomping all around the store. It was loud.
“I’m supposed,” you started again, clearing your throat so you could be louder. “I’m supposed to pick up a ham!” You stood to your tiptoes, trying to shout over the people crossing in front of the two of you. “I don’t want to walk around the store with it, so never mind!”
His hands slapped to his side in frustration. “You’re going to have to come closer!” He shouted, and a few people glanced at your reddened face.
You huffed, and squeezing your eyes shut, you stepped forward, opening them as you got to the counter. “I need to pick up a ham, but I’ll be back because I don’t want to carry it all around the store,” you said quickly, and he furrowed his eyebrows.
“So you’re telling me that you’re coming back for it?”
You nodded, feeling stupid.
“Name for the order?” He asked, and you owlishly blinked at him. “I can get it all rung up so you can just come back and grab it.”
You gave him your mom’s name, followed by a quiet, “Thank you!”
He just shook his head, pushing back through the double doors into the cooler.
You scrambled away from the counter, nearly missing a cart as you ducked back into the aisle, pulling your list from your pocket.
You could just leave the store. You could just grab the ham and go.
Nevertheless, you persisted, grabbing the random things your mom sent you to the store for, including apple cider.
It was a nagging itch in the back of your mind that he was still there. You ignored it, keeping your eyes glued to the ground.
He hadn’t seen you, so why worry? It’s not as though he was going to recognize you anyway. You had gotten your hair cut, sporting a wavy bob instead of your normal, long hair. You held yourself taller than you used to. You had grown into yourself, a confident feeling that was quickly diminishing the longer you spent in that stupid supermarket.
Once you had gotten everything, you started on your way back to the butcher, hoping you could just ring the bell, grab the ham, and hightail it out of there.
You ducked down a busy aisle, clipping shoulders with a woman, who loudly scoffed. You looked up from your sneakers, apologizing to her briefly before continuing down while watching where you were going.
You felt as though your heart stopped, your feet stopping as his brown eyes cut across the aisles to yours. He perked up, sending you a small, lopsided smile and a wave.
You looked around, hoping he had seen someone else. You looked back to find him still staring, now making his way through the crowded store to see you.
This is exactly why you wanted to stay home.
“God, are you a sight for sore eyes,” Steve said when he finally stood almost toe to toe with you, his smile growing. “You cut your hair!”
“Bout a month ago,” you said, staring at him, taking in as much of him as you could.
He hadn’t changed much. His hair was shorter up top and longer near the bottom, and he was in a blue athletic sweater, wearing jeans and sneakers. If you wanted to be presumptuous, you’d almost say that you matched.
He even smelled the same: citrusy, green, and soapy.
“It looks nice,” he said, shifting his basket to his other arm. “How’s school, Ms. University?” You furrowed your eyebrows, knowing you hadn’t told him where you were going. “I talked to your mom,” he said, sensing your confusion. “Said you’re studying history?”
“Right,” you said, mentally cursing her. “Yeah, history. It’s fine.”
Of course she still talked to Steve. She loved Steve almost as much as you did.
“Well…” He trailed off, pushing a hand through his hair before shifting his basket back to the original arm. He stood a little straighter, almost as if he had come to some sort of quiet conclusion. “How long are you in town for?”
The dreaded question sent your heart to your stomach, and you didn’t really know why. You swallowed the pit, clearing your throat.
“Just until the day after Christmas,” you said, blurting out, “But I don’t go back to school until the fourth,” before you could stop yourself. The tips of your ears burned.
“If you wanted to stick around Hawkins, I’m having a little New Years Eve party at my house,” he said, his eyebrows raised hopefully.
“I don’t know-”
“Everyone misses you,” he added quickly, causing the pit in your stomach to grow bigger.
You searched his face, trying to find the hint he was lying. You sighed, finding him genuine. “We’ll see,” was all that you could give him.
He nodded, the hopefulness leaving his eyebrows as absentmindedly checking his watch. “I gotta run,” he said, smiling tightly at you before squeezing your bicep. “It was really nice seeing you.”
You met his smile with the realest looking smile you could muster. “You too.”
He let go, taking a few steps away. “Think about the party, okay?”
With your eyes on his, you nodded. He took that as permission to leave, a small skip in his step as he left you in the aisle to think about why your heart was beating so fast.
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izurusstuff · 5 months
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⚠️ 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!! ⚠️
message from izurusstuff: hello, lovelies <3 i woke up today and immediately ran to tumblr because of an amazing thought i had >:) it’s inspired by @goddess-of-green’s teacher nagito smut, i highly recommend you check their’s out because it’s awesome and lives in my mind rent free. also this is 18+ only, minors do NOT interact!!! and everyone’s legal age. also there’s spoilers for the danganronpa 3 anime and ending of goodbye despair, so read with caution if you don’t want spoilers
summary: You’re a student at the University of Tokyo a couple years after The Tragedy. The whole ordeal inspired you to become a psychology major with a minor in ethics. It’s your senior year at the university— you only have a semester left until graduation. Everything was perfect until this point, but your high-level ethics professor makes it hard to keep up your perfect grades. Fed up, you confront him, which leads to… something special ;)
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A+ (Teacher!Izuru Kamukura x Fem!Reader Smut)
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It’s another day in class towards the end of the semester. Finals are quickly approaching, and your stoic teacher is handing your papers back at the end of class. For some reason, he just wouldn’t give out A’s in his class. Your perfect 4.0 GPA was going to be brought down by this right before you graduated! You grew tired of his antics. Of course, it didn’t really tick you off until you spent days without sleep trying to finish your paper. Every other source told you that it was amazing and captivating.
But you got a B+, an 89.9
You were basically fuming at that point. It was obvious Professor Kamukura wasn’t going to admit that your paper deserved an A. Rage boiled through your body. Your nostrils flared and your knuckles tightened. You stared into your professors eyes with pure anger. He wouldn’t admit it, but your reaction wasn’t boring to him. He was used to boredom. His eyebrow ever so slightly raised at you, which only pissed you off more.
Without breaking any eye contact, you ripped up your 30 page paper in front of him and slammed it on his desk. Oh boy, he did not know what he was signing up for when he messed with the valedictorian’s perfect GPA.
“Can I help you?” He scoffed.
His apathy was the straw that broke the camel’s back. With your fists balled up, you took a deep breath and let it OUT.
“Is it your mission in life to make everyone miserable? Is it because you got used by your school to become a human weapon? Why the FUCK do you have to be so condescending?! Do you KNOW how hard I worked to be here?! DO YOU?! If you hate people sooo much and you’re always bored by them, why did you take the job here? It’s not like you’re the best of the best! I can name thousands of people who’d be a better teacher for this job than you are… so why do you think you’re hot shit? You’re not… you’re a hurt little boy with some weird complex a-and you’re RUINING everything… so what the fuck is your problem, Kamukura?!”
Holy shit. Your response had him speechless for a brief second. He had to compose himself before staring you down and giving a response. However, you weren’t even CLOSE do being done…
“Your paper was bori-”
“Boring? Yeah, I fucking KNOW! Everything’s boring to you! But I am NOT letting your stubborn ass ruin my perfect GPA, do you understand?! What would capture your attention? Writing my paper on Junko Enoshima? Chiaki Nanami? Ooh I know! How about Hajime Hinata!”
Ouch. The last name really struck a nerve with Izuru. He actually felt a sense of sadness; something he hasn’t felt since he watched Chiaki’s final moments. Kamukura simply walked away, the nerve!
“Oh, you think I’m DONE with you?!”
“Doubtful.” He rolled his eyes, opening the classroom door for you. Huh, weird.
“I’m heading to my office. You can come with or continue your temper tantrum in here until the next class comes.”
You stood in shock for a moment. He was actually inviting you to his office…? I mean, it was in his own weird way, but it counted, right?
He walked in front of you without saying a word, only motioning to the door of his office.
Izuru’s office definitely didn’t fit him. There was a few coffee mugs, packets of chamomile tea, kawaii stuffed animals, a sword, etc. Were these all the gifts his former classmates gave him?
You did as he said, looking around at everything in awe. Kamukura pulled out a folder than had your last name on it with copies of your old papers. You were utterly shocked he kept up with stuff like that.
“[L/N]. Your final semester here.”
“How did you-?”
“You’re valedictorian. I hear about you wherever I go.”
He… knew stuff about you? You were utterly shocked and dumbfounded. You thought you were just another boring face to him.
“I’ll say this one time and one time only. Your response to your grade impressed me. We both know that never happens.”
“Oh. Sorry, I guess?”
“Don’t apologize. It takes away character.”
You looked at the floor and nodded as Professor Kamukura looked through your folder more. Surprisingly, it earned a few impressed eyebrow raises from him.
“Your papers have no mistakes. They’re merely boring to me. Except for your last one on the ethics of Hope’s Peak. For obvious reasons, I do not have any interest in reading a paper about the school that used me.”
Realization hit you, and you actually felt bad for him. It was the first time you did. You looked at the ground and nodded. Kamukura obviously picked up on your regret, which he rolled his eyes to and tapped on the desk to get your attention.
“Why are you remorseful? It’s just a grade. If you need an A that badly, I’ll change it.”
You shook your head. It nearly knocked him out of his seat in surprise.
“No. It’s because you’re still a person, which everyone forgets about. Including me.”
Your humanization of him really REALLY struck a nerve. But in a good way. The tone in the room shifted to a way more positive one, and you swear you saw his mouth turn into an ever so slight smile.
“Your response… was not what I was expecting, Y/N.”
He used your first name?! You jolted up to stare at him in utter disbelief.
“If you want to go, I won’t keep you.”
You shook your head. Neither of you knew what to say next. However, it seemed you two were truly seeing each other as humans. Not human experiment and student who only cared about her grades, but humans… and tension filled the air. Both of you stood up with Izuru locking his office door and backing you against the wall.
Your heart fluttered so incredibly fast. Just mere moments ago, you were about to square up with your teacher. Now you want nothing more than to hold him. Little did you know he felt the same about you.
His red eyes expressed a hint of worry behind them. You could tell he was concerned about hurting you or pressuring you into this.
With a deep breath, you closed the distance between you two and finally kissed him. You expected him to shove you away and call you boring, but his hands merely cupped your face as he deepened the kiss. You melted into it, completely forgetting that he was the reason you wouldn’t have a perfect GPA. But in that moment, you couldn’t care. You didn’t care that you were passionately kissing your teacher who has no emotion towards anything.
“Are you sure you don’t want to leave?” Kamukura asked, not taking his eyes off your mouth. You could tell he wanted nothing more than you to stay with him.
“I’m sure…”
His mouth slightly widened into the barely visible smile he had before. He smiled into another kiss with you, pushing you up against the wall. Izuru obviously knew what you were thinking, but he didn’t want to make the first move out of respect (consent king). So, you took his hands and moved them down to the dip in your hips. He definitely got the memo.
“Tell me if you want to stop.”
You nodded. The kisses got more rough, but he took his time with caressing your body. You loved the passion he was showing, but God you wanted him to hurry up.
Once he got to your chest, you took your shirt off, giving him an uncovered view of your chest. He was mesmerized by your body. Kamukura pulled you into yet another kiss, but this time it was by grabbing your ass. You were surprised by his strength, but then again, he WAS made to be impossibly strong…
While he was doing his own thing to you, you unbuttoned his shirt and watched it slide down his muscular arms. Holy shit. You weren’t expecting that. You should’ve, but you didn’t.
He softly chuckled, and that surprised both of you. Izuru removed his shirt, pulling you closer. You could feel each other’s body heat. You finally took off your bra and slid your skirt down. He took no time in reaching for your chest and caressing it. Meanwhile, you got his pants off. He led the two of you to his desk…
Kamukura laid you down and kissed down your body until he got to the line of your underwear. With a delicate touch, he took them off and put himself between your thighs, looking up at you with curiosity and lust. You whimpered, and that only made him more crazed.
He gently rubbed a finger up your slit, causing you to whimper yet again. You could see his smile through your half lidded gaze.
Finally he stuck a finger in. You gasped out in pleasure, and he slowly moved it in and out. You grabbed his hair and whimpered again. Fuck it, he couldn’t wait any more.
Kamukura removed his last article of clothing and slowly slid into you. Your hands grasped onto his toned back as your moans got louder with every inch he put in. He looked down at you, putting his hands underneath your back as he began his thrusting.
You heard his soft grunts, making you further crazed. You wrapped his legs around his torso and he sped up. The light of the hallway peeking in through his blinds gave his toned body a beautiful glow, and you were starstruck by it.
In an odd moment of wholesomeness, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead while he harshly thrusted into you. The duality, good lord.
Your whimpers and tightening drove him crazy. He sped up as fast as he could, causing his desk to shake. Even if someone heard you two, neither of you cared because of how good you both felt.
Even though it felt like seconds, moments passed before you tightened around him from finishing, therefore making him cum too. Both of you were unbelievably sweaty from the deed, and you laid on his desk staring at the ceiling.
“I’ll change your grade to an A.”
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silv3rswirls · 1 year
Worship me
Warnings: 18+, unedited, yandere au, idol yoongi, stalking, online harassment, mentions/fantasies of sex and masturbation, obsession
Note: I wrote most of this in an hour. No one speak to me, I am unheathily in love with this yoongi. Also, I didn’t have the brainpower to write a like actual story with scenes and stuff, so I’ll probably post the little blurbs and such to go with this.
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Until recently, Yoongi never found himself absorbed in his social media. Other than his members, and close personal friends he didn’t find himself scrolling aimlessly or jumping to see anyone’s new posts. That was until he stumbled on your profile. He was bored one night, and couldn’t sleep as he tossed and turned in bed so he went scrolling through his feed to check out what the other members were up to. He huffed as he accidentally clicked on Jin’s likes rather than hearting them. 
He would’ve click off right away like usual, but he stopped at the last second to see your profile nestled towards the top of the list. He tilted his head, why not check out some profiles? It would pass the time and hopefully bore his insomnia away. Maybe it would have worked if he hadn't spent well over an hour just looking at your posts, reading every caption; piecing together some kind of life story to go with your admittedly cute face. He closed Instagram and called it a night, thinking nothing more of you.
Too bad he woke up the next morning, sleep-deprived and cranky; only to open Instagram and scroll. Just for a few minutes to wake up, but eventually, he found himself typing in your username without much of a thought as to if you had posted- you had. He had to stop himself from liking it. What was he thinking? He could only imagine what would come from his official account liking some random girl's post just minutes after she posted it.
No more, he told himself, there was no need to go to your profile to kill boredom. He got ready for the day and headed to the studio to do something far more productive.
Productivity came hard though, as every day his desire to check your profile grew. He couldn’t help it, you were so cute and your posts were addicting- there wasn’t even much special about them, Yoongi told himself one evening, but still he looked. After a week of taking in every selfie and photo, reading your captions closely, and making his way through your older posts; he had completely sunken into the never-ending hole that was stalking your profile. He made note of everything you did, your likes, what you ate that day; it felt weird at first, but every day he found himself caring less and less. He was alone, doing it in his free time. You posted it all for people to see, so didn’t he have a right to look?
Every few minutes he checked for your updates, he hated not being able to follow you. Sometimes the temptation to do so struck him hard, but he held off. He wanted to comment, and tell you how beautiful you were. How much he loved your interests and humor, hated how you interacted with other men in your comments. He wanted to talk to you, this wasn’t fair. Didn’t he deserve to talk to you?
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Yoongi was drinking more than usual, why? He couldn’t say. Maybe sipping on liquor and staring at you has become his new favorite pastime. He spent god knows how long locked in his studio doing it, his work neglected as he favored you. He’d get tipsy, get flirty and think about everything he’d say to you. He typed it out sometimes, teasing the idea of sending you a message. 
He wanted to send them, so badly.
He’d get upset, start drinking more and then get sloppy with his messages. They turned from light and flirty to downright awful. Paragraphs filled with how much he wanted you, in every way he wanted you. How he thought about going to that cafe you were always at just to see you, how he wanted to give you everything, how he wanted to touch you; how he wanted to fuck you and never speak to you again, or how he wanted to be with you forever. Use you. Love you.
Sometimes he would get a little too worked up thinking about, staring at pictures as you went out in cute outfits with your friends. Tonight was starting to feel that way, he was leaning back at his desk, eating up your new post about going out to the bar with some old friends. You weren’t that dressed up, inches of your skin weren't on display. You looked how you usually did, but Yoongi found himself shifting in his seat uncomfortably as his cock twitched in his pants. He was growing warm, mouth a bit dry as he m ogled over your pictures. Never had he considered himself to be so needy like this, but he couldn’t help but to slip down his pants and tug at his cock. Just thinking about you did something to him, made him want to whine for you to touch him; be with him.
He stood, one hand keeping him propped up against his desk as his head lulled down, little grunts and half moans filling the dark studio. His eyes fluttered open, looking at the space of the empty desk beneath him. He could imagine you laying there under him. Thrown with care in a rush of passion, his hungry eyes traced your every curve. Sometimes his fantasies felt so real, in the daze of lust he’d reach for you under him only to be reminded that you weren’t there.
He’d wake up the next morning and feign guilt for even thinking to speak to anyone that way, but deep down he knew he had passed guilt a long time again. What he said was true, and he wanted you to know it. He never felt guilt for getting off to the thought of you though. You were always posting such cute photos, didn’t he deserve to do it?
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Two months into his insistent stalking a new face started to appear in your posts. Though you always said he was a friend in your captions or comments, Yoongi felt an immense weight of jealousy on his shoulders every time. Sometimes he could barely look at your profile, you posted too much with that damn guy. It pissed him off, unreasonable anger boiling in his as he gripped his phone tighter and rolled his eyes. The way you let other men put their hands on you. His arm was thrown over your shoulder, smiling ear to ear, or how when he held your waist in one. 
He’d get drunk and think about all the nasty things he’d call you, and all the horrible things he’d do to that guy if he ever saw him. 
Call him insane, but he created a fake profile just days after so that his fantasies of talking to you could be true. Still, locked in his dark studio with desire squirming and eating at his insides, he went all in. He couldn’t calm himself down to play it cool- he was damn near begging you to stop posting that guy, to accept his affection and not his. He went on and on about you, how he had been watching your profile- how one day he saw you at your favorite cafe, that he waited for hours hoping you’d come.
You read it but didn’t reply.
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Tonight he was fuming, and a bit tipsy as he looked at your new post. He wet his lips, eyes burning as he kept a hard stare on his screen. Whoever that guy you are with was, he looked pathetic. Yoongi could only sneer. If only you knew that he had messaged you, not some random faceless man, but Min Yoongi- the Min Yoongi. Far superior to any random man you would ever post in your feed.
Rather than continued to gravel at the will of your Instagram feed with fucked up fantasies of you, occasionally hoping to see you in public and just look at your beauty. He should be making you chase him. If only you knew, you’d be at his fucking feet in an instant. The image sent a thrill to his head. He didn’t care about keeping his ego in check anymore. He was Min Yoongi; a genius producer, a worldwide superstar. Other men could never compare, you should be at his feet begging for every part of him.
He deserved you, how dare you disrespect him? How dare you not reply to his messages, shouldn’t you be grateful? You post so much, didn’t you deserve this?
He dragged a hand through his hair, his mind clouded with lust as he stared at your story. You were laying in bed with your cat, smiling as it walked over your stomach, the camera panning up to your smile as you giggled. A harmless video was no longer harmless to him, everything set him off. Everything you did made him want you more. He couldn’t recall a time that he had yearned so hard for someone, but it felt so good. He lets out a light sigh, rubbing himself over his jeans as he thinks about how you’d look so much better laying in his bed, or over his desk, or anywhere as long as he was there.
Though, he didn’t whine for you or think about how much he wanted you with him; he thought about how he deserved your presence. You should be here letting him have you, he deserved it. He was Yoongi, you should be here all over him. His eyes passed over his liquor bottles sitting untouched, he had stopped having to get drunk to think about you this way weeks ago. He ignored what that said about him, or how it marked how he was changing every day; falling deeper into a worse person.
He didn’t care anymore, he was Yoongi. He could do what he wanted, he had every right to treat you like this in his head and through the messages you still ignored. He wondered for just a second what the others would think of him if they found out. One day Namjoon had almost seen the messages on his phone, and Yoongi almost challenged him to see them and say something. So confident in his obsessions he was. 
He was Min Yoongi after all, he deserved to have you at his feet worshiping him.
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wooahaes · 1 year
before i know it, the me of today hopes for the you of tomorrow
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pairing: non-idol!wonwoo x fem!reader
genre: fluff
word count: ~0.7k
warnings: one mention that pins down readers birthday as being a summer birthday. but mostly its just sappy, loving wonwoo.
daisy’s notes: he is boyfie shaped fr........ i will b thinking abt him forever
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Wonwoo had a soft spot for the nights where you fell asleep in his lap while he was gaming.
Most of the time, it was because you hated going to bed alone unless you had to. You’d always been the more openly affectionate one in your relationship, and you’d told him outright one day (long after moving in together) that it felt weird to not fall asleep snuggled up close to him. So you’d come into the living room to where he was playing online with his friends on a game system rather than his PC, and you’d lay your head in his lap and watch... until you inevitably fell asleep every single time. He’d asked about it once, and you did have to confess that you didn’t intend to fall asleep. You just wanted to stay close with him until he was done, but the sound of his breathing was calming (even if the occasional things he said weren’t), and usually you ended up dozing off by accident.
Tonight was no different. He had his headset on, controller in hand, and your head using his lap as a pillow. Seungcheol was saying something about his plans to get in and play later this week when Wonwoo starting keeping an eye on the time. The clock ticked over to midnight, and he let out a quiet sigh as he waited for Seungcheol to finish speaking. The moment he did, he spoke up and said he was going to get off for the night.
“I‘ll see you tomorrow,” he said as he started to disconnect.
Only to hear Seungcheol’s quiet ‘tch.’ “We all know you took off today for her. You don’t have to hide it.”
Wonwoo smiled to himself. “That’s why I said I’d see you tomorrow.” Before he bid his farewell and disconnected from the game.
It was only light teasing, and it left him with a lovestruck smile on his face as he looked down at you. He reached out, fingers grazing the side of your face for a moment before he turned off the console. He’d plug in his controller in a few minutes. For now, he was going to admire you for a little longer...
Only for you to stir, finally looking up at him after glancing back at the TV. “You’re done?” Then you sat up, stifling a small yawn. “You didn’t play long...”
“That’s okay,” he said, reaching for the remote. He clicked the TV off, before turning to you. “I’m all yours for the next twenty-four hours.”
The way your brows had drawn together in slight confusion only made him smile. Being able to vex your brain and surprise you like this always made him happy, and maybe he had taken advantage of your sleepy state to be able to do it. He nodded toward the clock, and watched as you put the puzzle pieces together mentally before realization struck.
He had already slid a little closer to you, pulling you in for a soft kiss. “Happy birthday, my love,” he said as he leaned back, casually dropping the term of endearment just to see you smile. “Whatever you want to do today, I’ll do it.”
You didn’t have plans. Wonwoo knew you didn’t have plans, too. But the fact that he had cleared everything today in order to give you his full attention was sweet, considering he knew that you were used to people being too busy (or on vacation--the pains of a summer birthday) around your birthday. And of course it would be Wonwoo who knew that and found a way to say, without saying it, that he was there for you. That he’d always find time for you.
Maybe the sentiment would make you cry later... but for now you just leaned in to kiss him one more time before going to bed. The two of you could figure out plans when you woke up later. For now, you just wanted to cuddle with him and think vaguely about how you would spend the day with your beloved.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​ @wonuziex​ @synthetickitsune​ @cinnamoroxie​
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teaberrii · 8 months
Chapter 22: Yours
You've been Cupid for as long as you can remember. You've brought countless soulmates together, yet you've never found love.
When you're assigned to bring two childhood friends back together, it should be simple until you unexpectedly catch feelings for the mysterious and cold Ph.D. student, Dan Heng, the man with a soulmate… the man with answers to your past.
Dan Heng/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
Stelle couldn’t forget about the man who saved her.
She’d left the house after another fight with her brother about Jing Yuan that day. Stelle didn’t understand why her brother was so dedicated to him. There was something Caelus wasn’t telling her, and the only excuse he gave was that he was protecting both of them. But Stelle didn’t buy it. Caelus was a delivery boy, a job he’d taken up as an easy way to get into the palace. The siblings had agreed that it would be a way to find out what happened to their mother, but Stelle felt her brother got caught up in something dangerous. 
She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed the broken tree trunk that was struggling to hold itself up. In a stroke of bad luck, it struck her when it fell.
“You must’ve been imagining things,” Caelus had said when she told him about the mysterious man who had saved her.
“I wasn’t! Why won’t you believe me?”
“You’re only hurting yourself if you get involved with them.”
“I’d rather get involved with them than magic,” she muttered.
Caelus rolled his eyes. "If what you told me is true, he used magic to help me find you."
Stelle crossed her arms as she changed the topic. “Why have you been spending so much time with the general at the palace? Why is he teaching you so much about magic? That’s not what you should be doing. You’re supposed—”
“...To find out what happened to our mother,” Caelus said, not looking at her. “And that is what I’m doing.” When he looked at her again, Stelle had never seen such a cold look in her brother’s eyes before. “I used to think how our lives would improve if we had more money… more power. But, a simple life is best, Stelle.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The people who rule our nation don’t deserve what they have. They’re criminals. All of them.”
Before she could say anything else, her brother had left.
Stelle stopped. She’d been thinking about her brother’s words when she realized she had wandered back to the same place where she saw the mysterious man.
Would she ever see him again?
As soon as Stelle opens the door, she sees March.
“Heya!” March holds up the takeout she promised to get before coming over. “Hope you’re hungry!” Stelle steps aside and March walks into the empty house. She looks around. “No one’s home?”
“Dad’s at work,” Stelle says. “...Luocha hasn’t been visiting lately.”
March puts the takeout on the counter. “No wonder you called me over. I was thinking you were spending time with him or something.”
“You make it sound like I’m using you.” Stelle hugs her friend. “I missed you, too!”
March laughs. “I know, I know. I’m just kidding!”
Soon, they’re sitting across from each other at the dining room table with a plate of food in front of them. After catching each other up on what’s been happening in their lives, March asks, “Have you heard anything from Caelus?”
“...Not recently.” Stelle picks up a French fry. “But… I dreamt about him yesterday night.”
“Oh, gosh. Don’t tell me it was a premonition.”
“I don’t know, but we were fighting about something.” Stelle sighs. “I didn’t really understand it.”
March waves her hand dismissively while holding a chicken nugget. “Ah, I wouldn’t worry about it. People have weird dreams all the time.”
“I guess.”
March bites into her chicken nugget. “Or… is there a reason why you’re so hung up on it?”
“Well… after I woke up, I suddenly wanted to see Dan Heng.”
“Aw, well, call him up! I’m sure he’d love to hear from you.” March takes a sip of her juice. “Do you know he’s dating Cupid?”
“Mhmm! He kissed her head and everything! I never thought Dan Heng would be so open about affection.” When Stelle says nothing, March continues, “Is… something wrong?”
“No. Why?”
“Well… I thought you’d be asking a lot of questions. This is Dan Heng we’re talking about! His first official girlfriend! A little late... but hey, better late than never."
Stelle chuckles softly. "Honestly... I never thought Dan Heng would date.”
March almost chokes on her food. “What? What made you think that?”
“He was just always so… I don’t know… indifferent to dating.”
“Yeah… that’s true.” March shrugs. “But aren’t we all like that until we meet that special someone?”
Stelle bites into her hamburger. “Didn’t you say you’re all going on a trip?”
“Yup. You're coming, right?” March gently kicks her friend underneath the table. “Oh, c’mon, Stelle.”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t coming.”
March smiles. “Good. You’d better get packing then!”
You get a text that morning from Dan Heng that he’s going to see Caelus. You know he's going alone, but you still joke that you’ll miss him while he’s gone. You expect him to flirt back, but his serious response catches you off guard.
Dan Heng: It’s best if I go alone.
You’re still looking at your phone when Pom, sitting across from you, looks up from the food he’s eating.
“Something wrong?”
You put your phone down. “It’s nothing.”
Pom continues staring at you. Then, he looks at your phone. “First couple fight?”
“Why are you smiling?”
Pom laughs. “He’s probably jealous because of what happened yesterday.”
"Well, I mean… You had your hand over a guy's naked chest, and he was flirting with you. Dan Heng's a saint, if you ask me." You think back to yesterday night. Dan Heng had never shown any sign he was jealous. He was his usual quiet self, so you never thought anything was wrong. "I know we're supposed to be getting on better terms with Jing Yuan, but he was in love with you, wasn't he? It's totally possible his old feelings are coming back."
“And I thought he was talking about Young,” you say quietly.
"Did you hear what Jing Yuan said about Young? He doesn't believe he's really gone."
Pom looks at the locket around your neck. "I do remember that once we open that thing... it'll set him free. So, yeah, I don't doubt that." Pom leans forward. "Hey... If Young appeared in front of you right now and asked you to go to the afterlife with him, would you?"
You give Pom a deadpan look. "That's impossible."
"It's totally possible!" Pom points toward your locket. "He's probably sitting in that thing just waiting for his chance."
You sigh. "Anyway, I have a feeling we’ll have to make a choice.” You tap your fingers against the table. “The past, the present, the future… I feel like time’s finally catching up to us.”
Pom leans back. “Y’know… we’ve been together for so long.” He looks at you with a slightly sad smile. “What if we end up making different choices?”
“I think I like you better when you’re not asking the hard questions.”
Pom chuckles. “Fine. Then, let me say that poor Dan Heng really has his work cut out for him. He needs to worry about two men from the past. One who seems like he’s rizzing his girlfriend, and the other is his past self who may or may not want to take his girlfriend back with him to… wherever that may be.” Pom sighs dramatically. “Gosh, Cupid. Tell me your secret to getting all the good-looking men. Or, do you just naturally have main character energy?
You raise a brow. “Rizz? Main character energy?” Pom picks up his phone. Soon, he shows you the meaning of the slang terms. You slowly clap. “I don’t know whether to be more impressed that you know how to use a phone so well or you’re very up with the times with your vocab.”
Pom smiles proudly. “Why not both?” Your phone dings with a message. You and Pom glance at the screen, and he smiles. “You know… You could use his jealousy to your advantage.”
“Oh, no,” you deadpan as you stand. “I’m not going to listen to your crazy ideas.”
“Fiiine.” Then, he waves you off. “Don’t have too much fun on your swimsuit shopping date.”
You smile. “Oh, I will.”
After you put the dirty dishes in the kitchen, you’re out the door.
It doesn’t take you long to meet Dan Heng at one of the biggest malls in the city. You catch him standing near the entrance but when you start getting closer, you see that he’s on the phone and hear a little of the conversation.
There’s a pause before he continues, “...I understand, Stelle.” You’re slowly walking up to him now, a little curious at what he’s talking about with Stelle. “I’ll come over tonight.”
You freeze. He’ll go over… to her house… tonight? You don’t want to jump to conclusions, but that’s just suspicious and—
“You’re here.” You snap out of your thoughts when you hear Dan Heng’s voice and feel his hand in yours.
“Ah… Yeah. I just got here.” You awkwardly clear your throat. “Um… I heard you talking on the phone with Stelle. Is everything okay?”
“She wanted to get together with everyone for game night.”
“Game night?” you ask as you and Dan Heng enter the mall.
“It used to be a tradition,” Dan Heng explains. “The five of us would get together on Friday nights to play games together.”
“I guess she wants to bring that back.”
“She wants to take her mind off of Calelus.”
You can understand that Stelle must be worried and lonely. But, still. You tighten your grip on Dan Heng’s hand. “How is he, by the way? Is he… getting better?” It might be a stupid question, but you think you should ask anyway considering your progress with patching things up with Jing Yuan.
“The curse is still spreading." Does this mean the theory about you letting go of your hatred is wrong? Then, as if reading your mind, Dan Heng says, “...You and Jing Yuan are still patching things up. It’s too early to say we’re right or wrong.”
“...Did Caelus remember anything about Stelle?”
There’s a slight pause before Dan Heng says, “Apparently, she met Young more than once.”
“You’re going to what?” Stelle stepped in front of the door, blocking her brother from leaving the house. “Jing Yuan is turning you into a murderer! Why… Why would you want to kill—”
Caelus put a hand over her mouth. “You don’t need to announce it to the world, Stelle. Keep your voice down.”
She slapped his hand away. “Then, explain how killing someone has to do with finding out what happened to—”
“Mom was killed!”
Stelle’s eyes widened. “W-What?”
“I didn’t want to tell you,” Caelus muttered. “But you’re leaving me with no choice.”
“Killed? By who? By—”
“The night she was taken away… She was brought to the palace to become the king’s concubine.” Stelle was shaking as Caelus finally told her everything he knew about their mother. “I hate the royal family, Stelle. I’m going to kill them all. I want to make them suffer.”
“Young is the princess’s lover.”
Stelle clenched her fists. “...So, you’re going to kill him to make the princess suffer? It's not his fault for what happened to Mom!"
"They are pawns of a bigger scheme. You wouldn't understand."
Caelus didn’t have time to react as a sharp pain shot through his face. His head was turned, and he slowly looked back at Stelle who was glaring at him. “You’ve turned into a monster! My brother… he would never toy with people’s lives like this!”
“...Get out of the way, Stelle.”
Caelus narrowed his eyes. “I’ll be fine, Stelle. I’m not the one who’s going to kill him.”
“...You can’t. I… I won’t let you.”
“What’s gotten into you? Why do you care so much?”
“He was the one who saved my life.”
“Are you sure that was even him?” Caelus asked, crossing his arms. “Have you met him besides that one time?”
Then, looking at her brother in the eyes, she said, “I have.”
“Has Young ever mentioned her?” Dan Heng asks.
“No… Not that I can remember.”
Dan Heng notices the conflicted look on your face. Does it bother you that Young might've met Stelle in secret? Or... is it because you don't have all of your memories?
You and Dan Heng walk in silence for a few minutes before coming to a store that exclusively sells swimsuits. You’re looking at one on a mannequin when a woman approaches you.
“Hi! Are you looking for something in particular?”
“Oh, um, not really. Just looking.”
She smiles. “Well, we have a new summer collection that might interest you!” Before you can say anything, she’s already leading you to a large selection near the back. Dan Heng casually follows you. The woman picks out a black two-piece and puts it over your clothes and looks at Dan Heng.
“What does the boyfriend think?” she asks.
Dan Heng isn’t expecting the sudden question, but he still calmly says, “She’ll look good in anything.”
The woman turns back and smiles. “Let’s pick out a few more styles for you to try!”
Soon, with a bunch of different swimsuits and bikinis draped over your arm, you’re on your way to the changing rooms. Dan Heng is waiting outside while the woman goes off to attend to more customers. He’s leaning against the wall when you unlock the door and peek outside.
“Is something wrong?” he asks.
That’s when you fully open the door and reveal a lavender one-shoulder bikini top and a high-rise bottom. You gently pull the top down. When you look up, you think you see a blush on his cheeks… even though he’s looking more to the side.
“You’re not even looking.”
“I am.”
“Gosh, does it look that bad? I—”
That’s when he turns to you. “It looks good.”
Too good.
The top pushes your breasts together making them look even more flattering. The bottoms make your legs look longer while hugging around your curves. Dan Heng thought he’d been prepared for this date, but you found a way to surprise him.
You smile and look down. “Really? Hm... but let's try something else.”
When you close and lock the door, Dan Heng sighs softly, but his heart doesn’t get a break for long. When you open the door again, you step out in a black, O-ring one piece. Dan Heng never thought he’d like seeing you wear dark colours so much.
“What about this one?”
He steps closer to you. “...It looks good.”
You put a hand on your hip. “Don’t tell me you’re going to say that for everything I try on. C’mon, give me some honesty.”
Dan Heng puts one hand on the doorframe and the other on the opposite side. When he leans in, you get a whiff of his cologne and your heart races.
“I like this one better.” Coupled with the way he’s looking at you, you suddenly want to kiss him. “...I’d rather not say more.” The faint blush on his cheeks worsens, and you smile.
“Could it be you like dark colours?”
Dan Heng hears how you’re enjoying teasing him, so he asks, “If we’re talking about what looks good on you”—he leans closer—”you’d look best in all natural colours.”
Is he saying what you think he’s saying? Without any—
Dan Heng stands upright and nods at the other swimwear you’ve yet to try on. “Are you going to try those on?” He looks at you. “Or, have you decided?”
“I’m going to try them on,” you say a little too quickly.
You catch that little mischievous smile before closing the door.
The next time you open the door, you only poke your head out. “...Um, could you help me with the straps?” you ask.
Who is he to say no?
Dan Heng closes and locks the door behind him. He glances at you in the mirror who’s holding the straps of the one-shoulder top together. He puts his hand on yours and you slowly let go to let Dan Heng handle the straps. Is it silly that his occasional touches on your bare skin make you nervous? You’re looking off to the side but when you look back at the mirror, you catch Dan Heng's gaze as he finishes tying the straps. Then, he puts his hands on your shoulders.
With a genuine smile, he says, “This one looks good, too.”
You turn around and put one hand in his hair. When he doesn’t pull away, you kiss him, and he instantly returns it. His thumb runs along the curve of your throat as his body closes the gap between you and him. His hand finds itself in your hair at the nape of your neck, drawing you closer. Warmth and sweetness pour throughout your body as kiss after kiss makes the world melt away around you. You feel a cautious touch on your waist as if he’s asking for permission. You take his hand and put it on the small of your back where you feel it roam upwards until his fingers find the straps again…
Dan Heng is the first to break away. You can see it in his eyes. He’s holding something back.
“...What is it?” you ask breathlessly. You put a hand on his cheek. “Tell me.”
His forehead is against yours as he says, “Your lips. Your kiss. Everything about you… I want them to belong to me… and me alone.” It takes you a moment to realize that your back is now against the wall. The intensity in his eyes is enough to send your nerves on fire. “...You’re my woman.” His lips briefly touch yours; one of his hands is on your outer thigh. “...No one can make you feel the way I make you feel.”
His lips find your neck, and you gasp as he lifts one of your legs. Your arms go around him, holding in the breaths as his hungry, butterfly kisses travel lower… and lower…
“...Dan Heng,” you gasp.
When he kisses just above your breast, he draws a quiet moan. He looks up at you, the blush clear on your cheeks. He dips his head lower and uses his teeth to pull down your top until it reveals what he’s looking for. You’re biting your lower lip as his tongue teases its way around until you feel the warmth of his mouth. You grab onto the hook and with each flick of his tongue, you subconsciously grip it tighter until…
Knock. Knock.
“Hi! Is everything okay in there? Are the sizes okay?”
Dan Heng slowly lets you go, making sure you’re stable. Your mind is still a mess when Dan Heng says, “Everything’s fine.”
Your eyes widen as the woman says, “O-Oh! Okay! That’s good!”
Dan Heng has one of his hands on the wall beside you. Then, quietly, he says, “Seems like I didn’t tie it as tight as I thought.” You’re feeling everything all at once. Desire. Frustration. Happiness. It’s coming in waves that you’re so close to not caring about where you are. You need to feel his touch again; heat courses throughout your body as you remember every sensual movement of his tongue. “...Turn around.”
What is he planning now? You do as you’re told, feeling nervous and… arguably a little excited. However, there aren’t any hidden motives. Instead, Dan Heng helps fix your top. Then, with his hands on your shoulders and a little smirk, he says, “...All done.”
You don’t get a chance to say anything when he unlocks the door. You hear him say something to the woman before stepping out and quickly closing the door behind him.
This isn’t how you imagined your date. You aren’t complaining. You just want more.
It’s late afternoon by the time you and Dan Heng leave the mall. You can’t stop thinking about what happened in the changing room, but are you the only one? Dan Heng hasn't brought it up and shows no sign that he's thinking about it.
Suddenly, he looks at you, and asks, "Is something wrong?”
“...Was what happened in the dressing room about yesterday?”
There's a slight pause. Then, “...I heard what Jing Yuan said.” His gaze lands on the pendant. “I know Young will always have a part of you, but when this is all over… I want to be your future.” Then, as if embarrassed, he looks off to the side. “I didn’t mean to sound so serious.”
You take his hand. “I want to know what happened in the past, but… that’s just it. The past.” Dan Heng looks back at you. “If Jing Yuan’s words left any impression on me, it’s that the future is more important.” You glance down. “I… I don’t know what’s going to happen, but”—you take a small breath and look Dan Heng in the eyes—“I know that no matter what happens, I want to be with you.” You smile. “So… no more being all huffy and puffy about Jing Yuan… or Young.”
Dan Heng leans in to kiss you but stops when his phone suddenly buzzes. When he pulls it out, you see the name on the screen, and you slightly frown. Dan Heng notices and gently pinches your cheek.
“...Who’s the one being all huffy and puffy now?”
You haven’t forgotten about your job. What’s going to happen now that you don’t want to give Dan Heng up to Stelle?
“She knows I’m with you,” Dan Heng says, opening the message. “She wants you and Pom to join us for game night.”
“I bet Pom would agree in a flash.”
“What about you?”
You gently pinch Dan Heng’s nose. “What do you think?”
The palace grounds were eerily quiet that cloudless night. But if one dared to venture to the underground dungeons, they would hear low growls, snarls, and the sounds of chains striking the ground.
“...What…. What are we going to do with them?” A guard holding a torch finally tore his eyes away from the grisly scene of the undead clawing at the ground, desperate for food. The guard that Luocha bumped into that night and the maid that Jing Yuan's wife had attacked were part of them. 
Neither Luocha nor Jing Yuan had an answer. They kept them alive in hopes they would find a cure, but the situation wasn't improving. The curse appeared to be evolving. Even those who hadn't been directly attacked were falling ill, except they didn't turn into monsters. Instead, they were slowly becoming paralyzed.
Time was of the essence.
With the king gone, Jing Yuan and Luocha were now in charge. An announcement was made that anyone who had direct contact with the infected had to come forward. Some people took it seriously. Some didn't. Regardless, the situation had spiralled into chaos.
Misinformation spread like wildfire. With no one unable to identify what in the world this mysterious disease was or a clear source of transmission, everyone was living in absolute terror and trust was slowly becoming a thing of the past.
However, what was truly alarming was the talk between the North and the South.
“...Don’t tell me you’re creating some kind of army.”
Jing Yuan slammed the alcohol on the table. He felt a pang in his heart as he thought about his wife. “They cannot distinguish friend from foe. We are all in danger.”
The King of the South sighed heavily. “Let me get this straight. It's those who have been attacked by the infected are the ones who turn into monsters. However, those who had 'close contact' with the infected are becoming paralyzed?”
“...Perhaps it’s proximity or sharing food, clothing, and other items.”
“...Could we use magic to control the monsters?”
“It’s not about controlling them,” Jing Yuan said, a little baffled that the king he used to serve would propose such a thing. “We need to stop—”
“Think about it, Jing Yuan. They can be used as weapons of war. Humans can finally reign supreme. We can get rid of the human dragons… for good.”
Things were spiralling out of control so fast that Jing Yuan couldn’t keep up. His initial desire for revenge had dug him into a hole that was going beyond rock bottom.
Pom, as a crow, was perched on one of the iron bars of the dungeon cell. His eyes went from Jing Yuan and Luocha to those of the cursed. The shapeshifter thought back to the night he saw Jing Yuan’s wife attack one of the maids. After you'd told him about Jing Yuan's wife attacking you, Pom went straight to work. He'd come to a conclusion and shared it with you just the other night... only for you to hit him with information that felt like a punch to the gut.
“Just like love, hate can be incredibly strong. It's also a never-ending cycle. I hurt you. You hurt me. I hurt you." Pom sighed. "You get the point. The curse carries your hate. It has your essence. No matter who you curse, they will always see you before losing their marbles because you were the one who... hurt them."
“Can’t say that’s a good thing or bad thing,” you muttered.
"...There's also something else." Pom put his hands on your shoulders. "Do you remember when we first planned this entire mission? We were prepared for pretty much anything... We didn't think there would be a way to stop it. But... there is. And, you have to be prepared because—"
"I know. Killing me is the only way this curse can ever stop.”
His eyes widened. “You knew? All this time?”
“You say you’re an expert at magic, Pom, but I’m one step ahead this time.”
“How… How did you—”
You snapped your fingers and a book mysteriously materialized in your hand. Pom quickly took it from you as if unable to believe that you had this in your possession all this time.
"The Grimoire of Black Magic?" Pom asked. "This belongs to the Gods. How did you get your hands on this?"
"...I found it. It appeared not long after Young died."
Pom sighed. "Then... I guess the stories are true."
"The Grimoire tempts those with enough darkness in their hearts to do terrible things and appears in front of those who have the potential to create such powerful magic." Pom looked at you. "I don't know if this is true, but only those who have the potential to become Gods themselves can wield such magic. This book is owned by them, after all."
"...The Gods may own the book, but not all of them are involved in creating it." You took the book from Pom and flipped to the last page. Then, you muttered something, and pages began to materialize. "I doubt they know of all the curses in this book."
Pom had so many questions, but what he wanted to know most was: "You didn't bother telling me this when we first put this plan together?"
“I didn’t think it was worth mentioning."
Pom’s jaw almost dropped. “...I don’t know if you’re the one who's gone crazy or if… you’re just not scared to die.”
“...You shouldn’t be scared to die, Pom.” You took his hands and put them at his side. “Because living without a purpose is a fate much worse than death.”
Pom immediately sits up, but before he can let what he just saw sink in, he hears a male voice from the doorway.
"Long time no see, Pom." Pom turns, and his eyes widen. The man smiles. "Looks like you remember me. So flattered."
Pom quickly stands and says the name he hasn't said in centuries. "...Sampo."
Chapter 23
End notes:
I'm the author, and I can't believe what happened in this chapter lol
Also, I never intended this but Pom gives me LGBT vibes. I'm here for it though lmao
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @tanspostsblog @theprinceofkhaos @nqctre @lunavixia @akwardbiscuit @kplatzman @sunsethw4 @hiqhkey @n8mareee
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gritsandbrits · 2 months
The Creation of Eve Pt. 1
Hazbin!Adam x Eve!OC, based on personal theories & my own rewrite. Set before the show proper. 
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This is a story of how I, Evelyn Lambert, came to be.
After Lilith fled the Garden, Adam was in a rage. They were created to be equals! What went wrong? He looked everywhere for her, but he could not find her. Adam was now on his own.
God knew that underneath the anger masked a deep loneliness. To soothe that pain, He decided to create another companion, one who could follow the rules and serve their purpose as intended. 
But first God had to put Adam to sleep. 
*Adam stands in the middle of a clearing, looking perpetually confused. Suddenly a rock hits him on the head and knocks him out. He lies on the ground tongue out his mouth and a lump on his head*
With Adam asleep, God could focus on His project in peace. Gently, he plunged into Adam's chest and took out a rib. 
In a different part of the jungle God began to work. He scooped up a lump of clay from the silt of a nearby river and molded the clay around the rib until it began to look vaguely like a human body. He smoothed the body until he made a form he was satisfied with.  
God looked at the clay. There was something missing. He pondered what else he could put in it. Then He saw a crop of sugarcane growing nearby. Grabbing a stalk, God crushed it in His Hands. The juices trickled down onto the clay, turning it sweet and sticky.
The mixture smelled pleasant but it was still missing something. There had to be something else to balance out the sugar. Then God saw a cinnamon tree. He picked a couple of sticks and leaves, then went about the garden gathering various spices, and mixed them into the sugar-clay.
He plucked the prettiest flowers and ripest berries, anything nice He could put his hands on, and put them in the mix as well.
By then the sun reached its peak. The air was fragrant with the scent of drying clay, Adam still unconscious. God realized he had less time before the man woke up. He pinched two holes into the head, placed fresh wet clay into them, then began adding details around the body with a carving stick. He wanted this one to resemble Lilith yet different. Unique. 
Finally he took a tuft of wool and placed it on the head, weaving until it laid flat and long like a blanket. By that time the sun had retired for the day. The stars were showing up. God placed his new work of art into a secluded area of the garden. He told the animals not to mess with it.
When the body was almost dry, he poured water into her, the fluid that would sustain her. As the water settled, God blew air into her mouth, watching as the hardened clay turned into flesh. The wool softened into silky curls, the red clay seeping into an auburn shade. 
God smiled. It was only a matter of time before His Creations woke up. Gently He carried the woman to a clearing and laid her down on the grass. The rays of dawn were peeking over the horizon. Quickly God went back into the skies and waited for his Creations to wake up.
When the Woman came to, she noticed two things. The color blue and something tickling her underneath. She rolled to her front and found she was laying on weird green stuff. It was scratchy yet soft. 
Getting on her knees, she looked around and saw that she was surrounded by more green. She looked up at the blue again. There was so much of it she was starting to feel overwhelmed. The blue had patches of fluffy white stuff. She reached a hand towards the blue but frowned when she realized she couldn't grab the white stuff. It looked so close yet so far…
She turned her face at a giant bright object and winced as the light struck her face. It stung! She turned away and rubbed her face, and was surprised to feel wetness on her hands. She made a note to never look directly at the light.
Her legs were not strong yet, so she crawled over to a tree. She touched her head and was pleasantly surprised at how soft it felt. It felt better than that green stuff. The area was quiet save for chirping sounds. The Woman leaned back to listen. They sounded as pleasant as her hair.
Something told her to explore this new home. With a determined breath, she held herself against the tree, legs wobbling like a newborn calf, till she managed to balance herself. She held onto the branches as she placed one foot over the other, the Voice gently ushering her as she moved. 
The woman strolled about the Garden, taking note of the sights and smells. She saw more life. Creatures smaller than her toes, beasts reaching the highest branches, bearing claws and hooves and fur all over and different patterns and colors.
But they did not harm her. In fact, a small wooly animal - as fluffy as the patches in the blue - approached her. She stood still, nervousness beating through her, but simple it nuzzled its face on her let. She smiled in relief. This one wasn't a threat.
She learned that the chirping sounds belonged to a winged critter. When she tried to grab it however it flew away. She petted leaves, traced fingers along the winding plants, and sunk her toes into soft grainy sand. The Woman saw a line of liquid, blue and sparkling. Now this blue she could touch. It was wet and cold, and so clear she could see her own face. She stepped into the river and shuddered. Cold! To her surprise she saw other creatures, but they lacked wings and fur of the ones she found in the jungle. One of them even began to nibble at her toes. She giggled and shook it off.
After her dip in the river, she returned back to her spot to listen to the chirping some more. The sereneness of the garden made the Woman feel safe. The walking patch of fluff she saw earlier climbed onto her lap. She smiled as she petted it. She was starting to like this place.
Suddenly she heard noises coming from the bushes. They didn't sound as pleasant as the chirping. Alarmed, the woman and her friend scampered behind the tree, and saw a strange creature enter the clearing. 
It looked nothing like the ones she saw in the jungle or in the water. It walked on two hinds and lacked so much hair. Its muzzle was oddly shaped, and bore similar eyes like hers but different. They were bright like the stinging light in the sky but lacked its warmth. 
The Woman stared at this creature, shrinking herself further into the safety of the shade as she watched it turn its head. She hoped It didn't find her. 
End of Part 1.
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microwave-core · 10 months
Would You Still Love Me if I Was No Longer a Worm?
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Zelda x Fem! Reader
From her initial disappearance, to her many cryptic apparitions, you’ve held onto the hope that Zelda might eventually come back to Hyrule. You never could have imagined the reality of her fate, nor how things could have ended.
A.K.A. The continuation of “Would You Still Love Me If I Was a Worm?”, which you can find linked in my pinned masterlist instead of here because Tumblr is sometimes weird with links. Like a worm on a string, this bitch is long.
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Everyday felt the same. You woke up, you worked, and you waited. When was the last time you were truly “all there”? When was the last time you weren’t lost in thought, leaving your body to operate on auto-pilot? It was hard to say. You were barely aware of the time passing you by.
In truth, there was no point to it. You originally counted down the days, watching on in suspense as the sun climbed further and further into the sky until it dipped below the mountains, fully aware of every second that passed. Every minute meant the potential for an even worse disaster, but the world and her news took too long to reach you, and, soon enough, you paid no attention to the time that passed at all.
Your feet took you where you needed to be, your hands finished work without much of a problem, and those around you made sure you kept up with your health. All so your mind could be off somewhere else, high above the clouds, never to come down unless to ravage any news about the whereabouts of your beloved.
There seemed to be a permanent outline of your form on the side of the School in Hateno. Like old times, you waited with baited breath, hoping that maybe, just maybe, she would walk out after all of the children had left, eyes filled with admiration and smile laced with joy. She would be there, like this was all just a twisted, shared nightmare.
 But, of course, that never happened. You would wait and wait, but nothing changed. Sometimes, you arrived early enough to see the children leave to go play and hit each other with sticks in the street. The poor, sweet children who were too young to understand what was happening in the world. The children who only knew that their favorite teacher had disappeared. 
Sometimes, you could catch glimpses of worry and anxiety on their faces. Sometimes, you’d watch them pretend to be heroes in their wild games of imagination, where they’d eventually find the lovely princess and bring her home where she belonged. Sometimes, they’d hand you poorly drawn pictures of her, and you would hold them close and pretend that the paper wasn’t suddenly stained with tears.
Symin would follow, watching you with concern. He would approach, placing a hand on your shoulder, reassuring you that everything would be alright, and that she would be back one day, safe and sound. Some days, you would walk through town together in an attempt to keep her off of both your minds. Other days, you would collapse into his arms, shattering at the slightest bit of comfort.
When you heard that Link had been found, having gone missing since the new maelstrom of events struck Hyrule, you ran to meet up with him as soon as possible. The journey to the foot of Hyrule Castle all the way from Hateno was a long one, but, thankfully, the prospect of seeing your lover (and a great friend) again gave you the drive and confidence to press forward.
Had it not been for Purah holding him back for so long, he would have fled Lookout Landing as soon as he arrived. After all, he was just as desperate to find Zelda as you were. Knowing he was safe filled you with a sense of relief, of course, but that didn’t stop the iron-clad grip of dismay from surrounding your heart.
He didn’t have the heart to tell you about her sudden appearance at the castle, knowing that the information would only get your hopes up. Besides, another mention of her name without any news of her whereabouts would surely cause the cracks in your resolve to deepen.
You lingered in the small settlement for several days before heading back. Winded from your long journey and hampered by disappointment, it was far easier to remain there than head back home immediately. Besides, news of her whereabouts would sooner reach the Lookout than Hateno.
The eventual return trip was long, considering that you weren’t beelining through every obstacle to reach your destination. The stables along the way helped restore your fatigued body, and the issues of the Lucky Clover newspaper kept the burning dread in your being at bay. The new issues were read several times over, and old issues thoroughly combed over for any details you might have missed in the off chance that there might be some mention of the princess.
But even with the growing drama between the mayor and fashionable mushrooms, Hateno simply lacked the excitement of Lookout Landing, leading to you journeying between the two frequently. The fresh air and new scenery helped keep your misery at bay. Or at least, that’s what you told yourself.
Each visit progressively became longer and longer, until, eventually, Lookout Landing was essentially your new home. Helping Purah tinker with her beloved Sheikah technology and aiding Josha with her Depths research was leagues better at keeping your mind busy than any of the mindless work in Hateno. And when you eventually had to return to the farming town for short periods of time, you could check in with Robbie and let him ramble about his discoveries and inventions.
While you loved to check in with him, though, you were all too anxious to return. You simply couldn’t bear the thought of missing any new information. No amount of distractions could fully blow away the anxiety embedded in your bones. Nothing could fill the ever growing void nipping at your heart.
You clung to every bit of information, no matter how small or unbelievable. So many sightings had been reported from all across the kingdom, and even though the princess they describe was so far removed from the woman you knew so well, you chose to believe them. You hoped and prayed that she was somewhere, anywhere, even if she was a vastly different person
And while the newspaper was, generally speaking, a great source of information, nothing compared to the fount of knowledge that was Link. Zelda means as much to him as she does to you. He knew more than anyone the pain that her disappearance had caused your aching soul. He was busy, traveling across the world and solving crises left and right, but he always made time to bring new information to you.
Hearing about the various Zelda sightings from him made the tales feel so much more real, even if the woman in the story never ended up being the real deal, and he filled in gaps that you never even knew existed. Interwoven within his words were stories of his exploits. About the Zonai, and the Depths, and the Sky Islands, and the general alteration of the world. It helped to ease your mind, in a weird way, and it seemed to help him relax a bit as well.
Through it all, you were sick and eaten away by worry. Zelda was a capable woman. If she was in danger, she would know how to defend herself, surely. She would be fine, and would turn up, somehow, and life would go back to how it was before. And you told this to yourself over and over again, yet a part of your mind refused to let it stick.
But your mental setbacks could be pushed to the back of your mind as you watched Lookout Landing grow. The various races of Hyrule all pooling into one area overtime, spreading tales of their people and the hardships they had just endured, filled your heart with warmth. A comforting, fuzzy feeling that you had all but forgotten about for far too long.
While dread filed into the pit of your stomach each day that passed, knowing that the various kingdoms of the world were prepared to spend all available resources to find the princess rekindled the spark of hope in your soul that was previously burnt down to the cinders.
With the knowledge that Link had cleaned up the last of the strange phenomena in the world, you anxiously awaited his return, knowing that he would have new information to share. When he finally did, though, having to go through the onslaught of people wanting to thank him for all he had done, he approached you with a level of hesitance you had never seen before.
Link, the man you had only ever known as being fearless, if not the very embodiment of courage itself, appeared to be anxious. On edge. His posture, the look that he gave you when he finally met your eyes, told you that he was nervous. But before you could even greet him properly, Purah let out a garbled scream, as all eyes turned towards Hyrule castle and the blood-red sky.
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You have never been so high up in your entire life. Had it not been for the serene beauty of the cloud painted landscape below, you’d be clambering to return to the surface. He’s told you about the Sky Islands before, and in extreme detail to boot, but actually standing on solid ground far above the world you hailed from was otherworldly to say the least. Not that it took away from the current situation.
Link had called this place “The Temple of Time”, a name that seemed odd to you, considering that such a place existed on the surface, although with a vastly different appearance. Getting past the moving gears to get to the back of the temple was almost as unnerving as getting to the sky in the first place. Almost as unnerving as standing in the open air, on a platform that felt as if it could crumble at any moment.
Almost as unnerving as facing the reality of the situation. Of facing the information that Link was going to tell you that made it necessary to come up here in the first place. His insistence of coming to this place, along with his blatant nervousness from before, was more than enough to put you on edge.
Your only saving grace was learning that the Zelda plaguing Hyrule and, primarily, her stables was a mere puppet created to spread chaos throughout the land. But a part of you already knew something was wrong with “her” to begin with, considering that the stories didn’t sound like your Zelda. And given how Link looked when going into Hyrule Castle, it was evident that he already knew as well.
Still, the entire event put you on edge, watching on with baited breath as he made his way into the castle, followed by his entourage of companions, or sages as Purah called them. Their eventual return, bearing disastrous news about some so-called “Demon King”, delayed Link even further. But seeing each of his friends was nice. While you didn’t know them well, they all knew you, and, more importantly, your relation to the princess.
Through their discussion of how to purge this ancient evil, they gave you rather effective comfort. But as they eventually left to their own domains, prepared to attack as soon as Link was prepared, you were left with him. His nervousness, while less obvious, was still noticeable, as he insisted upon taking you somewhere different to tell you what he had learned.
Slowly, you turn to him. Link’s gaze darts around the horizon, seemingly looking for something just out of view. Whether he notices you waiting or not doesn’t seem to matter. You were always anxious to hear what new information he had amassed, but this was an entirely different matter. 
The sound and feeling of your heartbeat prevented you from calming down, as your anxiety threatened to take over. Though the scenery and strange sensations-primarily the bizarre sound of the temple’s bell and the constructs and, what seemed to be, odd roaring in the distance-provided a distraction, it was only a matter of time before the dam to your emotional reservoir would burst open.
Suddenly, he perks up, motioning you over to the edge. Shifting over slowly, as if any sudden movement would hurl you over the edge, you gaze out into the open sky, as a strange, albeit familiar, shape enters your field of view. A dragon. You had seen it flying around before, surely, but were never sure if it was one of the others slithering about the skies or something entirely new. 
From here, it was obvious. The golden fur (hair?), turquoise accents, and… wide eyes made it clear that this dragon was new to Hyrule, likely appearing alongside the Sky Islands and falling debris. The longer you looked, the more features you absorbed and committed to memory. It was strange, but it really reminded you of-
“..What? What do you mean-”
“It’s Zelda.” You look at him. You stare. Surely his words couldn’t be true, could they? Realistically, there’s no way a person, especially your Zelda, could become something so.. so different, but the conviction and earnestness in his tone, and the fact that he would have no reason to lie to you, on top of the fact that he spoke…
You turn away from him, looking back at the horizon, at the dragon slowly grazing through the sky, cutting through the air like a fish through water. The golden hair, the blue accents, the effortless grace laced into its movement…
Link grabs ahold of your nearly limp body, preventing you from tumbling into the lake far below. Your legs had given out from under you, strength leaving the moment his words truly sank into your mind. You weren’t sure if you should laugh or cry at, what very well may be, one of the worst cases of cosmic irony the kingdom had ever seen.
You shook in his grasp. The expression on your face was blank, as tears formed in your eyes and fell to the pristine floor below. Link’s embrace and attempts of comfort went unnoticed, as your entire being was focused on the dragon in the distance. On the woman you love, who’s been here since this shit storm began, who was both so familiar yet so different at the same time. There was but one thing you could do for her now, and no force in Hyrule would be capable of holding you back.
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You all but begged Link to take you up to her, properly this time. While the regular dragons of the world weren’t entities you were familiar with, you knew that they were peaceful creatures. Surely, she would be the same. You were confident. He knew how much this meant to you, but it was difficult to find a good time and place considering that she was constantly on the move. But eventually, it happens.
Being launched into the sky by an amalgamation of foreign devices made for a terrible experience, but it was worth it to reach her. Despite your insistence, you hesitated to get off of the Lovecraftian machinery Link had concocted. Pressing your foot onto her body as gently as possible, as if your body weight would cause her excruciating pain, you slowly move onto her.
Link follows after, jumping off of his device with reckless abandon as it topples to the ground below. He’s done this song and dance before, many times, you were sure, but it still made you uneasy. He takes you by the hand and gently leads you down the expanse of her body, moving slowly so as to not disturb your balance.
Your hands lingered on her turquoise spines, holding them gently, the same way that you would hold her hand. The iridescent glow of her yellow scales was a marvel on the eyes, but you kept yours fixed forward so as to avoid looking at the ground below. Although, the movement of her limbs consistently grabbed your attention, as they waved back and forth and periodically clutched around nothing. It was cute, in a sense, but then again, you thought everything she did was cute.
The blond mane at her head was odd. Thicker and more coarse than regular hair, but not unpleasant to the touch. It crunched slightly under your boots, as if it had not been disturbed in many, many years. You grimaced at every step. Even though she showed no signs of distress, or even any acknowledgement of your presence, you couldn’t help but think otherwise.
At the top of her head, Link stopped, looking back at you. With hesitant steps, you follow, making sure that what you were doing was fine. He releases the hold on your arm slowly, before stepping back. He couldn’t just leave you up here alone with no way to get back down, but he could still give you some privacy. 
You move to sit down, perched between her elegantly-curved horns, to prevent yourself from falling. Your legs felt unreliable, which was understandable considering how high up you were with nothing to save you if you fell. Not to mention the fact that the creature you were standing on is the love of your life, a notion that still felt so shocking that it made your limbs weak.
Your hands ran over the fur that covered her head, it’s softness contrasting her sleek, cold-to-the-touch scales. Her horns, which were oddly chilled as well, appeared delicate and almost glass-like with the way they caught and reflected light, but were strong and sturdy in your hands. Amazement and awe fought tooth and nail with your anxiety and dread.
It felt somewhat strange to speak to her. Would she even understand your words, or would they come off as gibberish? And even if she did understand, she wouldn’t be able to properly respond to you, would she? On second thought, maybe it’s better if she can’t understand, because otherwise she would be trapped in her own mind, unable to communicate.
“Zelda.. I’m sorry it took me so long to see you.” Not the words you meant to say, but that’s all that came out, sounding tired and pathetic. You really hoped that Link couldn’t hear you.
“Do you remember what I said to you, before you went under the castle? About being a worm and all? I said it as a joke, sure, but I want you to know that I meant what I said.” You shuffle slightly, peering over from your spot to look into one of her eyes. It remained unchanged, staring off into the abyss aimlessly. Still, you hoped your words reached her, even if she didn’t understand them.
You move back to your spot. Brushing your hand over her head, you lean down and gently press your lips onto her forehead, the same place where the Master Sword had occupied for so long. Another thing Link had told you, about the ethereal light that poured from it while embedded in her skull, and about how she thrashed about when he attempted to pull it, and the realm of golden light she brought him to, and about how she spoke to him afterwards. About why she changed herself, potentially forever, for the sake of the world.
You decide that maybe it’s best to join her in staring off into the sky beyond. The mix of brilliant orange and bright yellow peering over the horizon has always been beautiful, but you haven’t appreciated it since she disappeared. The moment felt… right. You desperately hope there would be a way for her to turn back, but you could still make this work.
You could somehow make your home in the sky and take rides with her across the world. You could remind her of all the things she loved, tell her about all kinds of technology and discoveries made in the world since her human form left and bring her Silent Princesses. You could scold Link when he inevitably shot arrows into her body, even though she didn’t appear to be in pain. You could live together again.
With newfound determination and vigor, you stand slowly, turning back to Link. He had traveled pretty far down her body, having picked off a handful of spikes that had come loose since the last time he visited her. You nod, signifying that you were ready to go back down to the surface. 
As much as you want to stay with her, you have a whole slew of things to do in order to keep your promises. Besides, the longer you stayed, the more motion sick you felt. Hopefully, you’d build up a tolerance over time. Hopefully. He jogged over to you, sticking the spines into his pocket.
“Were you going to Tarrey Town anytime soon?” He turns his attention from his infinite pocket space to look at you, eyebrows knitted. You lean against one of her horns for balance, running your hand over its somewhat rough surface.
“You know, to ask about a dream home.” He looked at you with some concern, then carefully considered your words, before giving you a look as if to say ‘that isn’t going to work’. You try to convince him otherwise, about how Hudson Construction could pull off anything with enough resources and determination, as he grabs your arm again and prepares for a rough trip down.
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For once in a very, very long time, you felt somewhat at peace. The all-encompassing dread that previously crushed your soul had lessened dramatically. Knowing that Zelda was safe took the weight off your chest, but failed to pluck away your anxieties in full. Even though you were determined to stay by her side, and were willing to do whatever to be with her, you were afraid of spending the rest of your life with her like this.
You could manage for now, sure, but it was only a matter of time before the constant trips to and back from her, as well as the reliance on Link to actually get up to her, would run you ragged. You’d never tire of her, of course, even if she can’t communicate with you, but you could do without the journey.
Maybe you could find a way to build a small house on her, that way you wouldn’t have to leave as often. Link has the inexplicable ability to build things, sometimes out of thin air, so maybe he could help. But, then again, that would probably be uncomfortable for her.
No matter. You’d have time to think about that later. Like always, you have to focus on seeing her again. Your short visits to Hateno were all but forgotten about, as you were all too focused on trips to see Zelda, and when you weren’t doing that, you were helping out around Lookout Landing.
 Admittedly, you haven't told anyone about the princess’s fate. It’s not necessarily an easy topic to bring up, assuming that people would even believe you to begin with given how unbelievable it sounds without actually seeing her in person. The people around you had no idea what you were up to on all of these trips, but they were at least happy to see you in better spirits.
Each trip would be relatively the same. You’d set out on your horse and ride around until you caught sight of her. It took a considerable amount of time to do, but you managed to follow and track her general path throughout the land on horseback, meaning all you had to do was travel along the path until you found her.
On some trips, you would just ride along in her shadow, as if the two of you were going on a walk throughout the countryside, no matter how rocky the terrain or terrible the weather. Other times, you had Link by your side, which allowed you to sit with, or rather on, her, but only after having a minor heart attack in the process.
Even though the Demon King’s rise was imminent, he always found the time to help you up to her. If anything, it gave him an excuse to relax and rest for a few hours. He’s been through hell and back multiple times, and will undoubtedly face much worse threats soon, so taking a little time to himself, especially when he can help you in the process, does his soul good. Besides, he misses her, too.
While there, you would talk to her. You’d tell her about all her old friends and companions, about how they’ve been doing and how much they miss her. You talk about the most recent discoveries revolving around the Zonai and about the innovations Purah and Robbie have been making. You talk about what life has been like since she “disappeared”, although it often ended up being barebones, considering you spent most of that time thinking and worrying about her, and she didn’t really need to know that.
You’d also bring her Silent Princesses, making sure to show them to her, even if she never looked directly at them. You’d weave and braid the stems into her hair and around her horns, and any left over would be left on her head. They’d wither away eventually, assuming they didn’t fall off first, but it never deterred you.
You’d bring other objects as well, one’s with some sentiment, although not important enough just in case they were dropped. You had brought books she’d gushed about and personal journals. There were also pieces of clothing, like her favorite kind of tunics, as well as the hoods she had taken a liking to after the Calamity. You also brought her barrettes and a brush once, with the intention of brushing her long mane, but it got stuck almost immediately. Not wanting to risk hurting her, you gave up after getting it untangled, sticking to running your hands through it instead.
All in all, being with Zelda as is was a full time job, one that was both time consuming and rewarding. But you could keep this pace up, at least until after the Demon King had been defeated. Once he was dealt with, the world could regain a sense of normalcy, making your life easier to some degree. Maybe you and Link would even be able to tell the others the truth about her disappearance, taking some of the stress off of your shoulders.
You had just returned from an annual trip to Kakariko Village, dozens of Silent Princesses on your person. The massive chasm that collapsed the center of the forest was terrifying to navigate around, but the fear of falling was worth it for her sake.
Stashing away most of the flowers for later, with the remainder carefully packed into your horse’s saddle pocket, you begin planning your next outing. Or, you tried to, but it was difficult to think straight with the tension in the air. Link had finally gone beneath Hyrule Castle, putting everyone on edge. 
His companions-the sages-had all showed up, ready to provide him aid. They only stopped by for their final preparations before setting off after him, but seeing them made the situation feel much more real. It reinforced how dangerous their mission was. It made you think about all of their terrible things that could happen if something went wrong.
It was obvious that everyone was on the same wavelength, trying to keep their thoughts off of what ifs and go about life as normal. But it was truly impossible to just brush off the momentous battle happening beneath your feet, impossible to pretend that everything was perfectly normal.
Trying your best to act natural, you tend to your horse while thinking of what to say next time you see her. You would need Link to come back alive, something you were certain would happen, in order to get up to her. There would be so much to talk about, and she deserved to know every last detail. She especially deserved to know that the ancient evil, the one that led to her being trapped within the body of a dragon, was gone for good.
You look back at the castle, wondering if they were all faring well against the previously imprisoned evil, if they were even fighting him at present at all. You think of Zelda, naturally, wondering if she knew what was happening. Realistically, she didn’t. How could she? But it was interesting to think about what she would do if she could help Link fight.
Your gaze shifts over to Purah, perched on her prized telescope, panning over the general castle area. She, like everyone else, was determined to act as if the current situation wasn’t affecting her or her work ethic. However, she hasn’t moved from her position since Link left. If she saw anything happening in the castle or around the crater, she didn’t let on.
You look around the rest of the Landing, watching just about everyone do the same. All attempting to do their work or training while keeping their eyes transfixed at the floating castle. You look back at your horse, continuing to brush through its delicate mane. If only you could be ignorant to the happenings around you, only worried about getting your hair brushed.
You focus your mind on anything else. About Zelda and wherever she was on the path she had chosen to take for the rest of her worm life. About the horse in front of you, who didn’t have a care in the world other than your affection and care. About the swaying trees and fauna out in the distance, bouncing in the breeze. Or about the fish leisurely swimming in the nearby lakes and rivers. Or the monsters chanting with one another at their campfires.
Or the shaking of the ground. About the tremors from deep below the earth that shook you to your core. About the ones that previously racked Hyrule Castle when it originally ascended into the sky above alongside a cloud of red and black flame. Or the screams of people around you, terrified at what was happening above.
Looking back in a panic, you see it. First, it’s the castle shaking, as parts just out of view seemed to shake loose. But from below, a dark, bellowing figure, appearing to be made out of pure malice, emerged. The ghastly figure takes root, limbs reaching out to grip the castle walls, which were abandoned when the castle proper rose, as it escapes from the abyss.
The being soon became concrete, as it flew higher into the air. It was another dragon. A dragon bigger than any of the ones you’d ever seen, with massive curled horns and a viscerally bloody mane. The Demon King, the ancient evil who had been trapped under the world for centuries.
Before you can even consider what might have happened to Link and the sages for it to break free, another figure, high above, catches its attention. It’s Zelda, swooping below the Demon to catch something, or someone. Presumably, hopefully, the small speck in the sky that fell between the two was Link.
The two dragons intertwine with one another, as the Demon continuously attempts to attack Zelda, only for her to dodge past his maw and blazing hellfire. She flies far above him, before suddenly dropping down, as if preparing to catch something, before repeating. You have never seen her move so quickly, soaring through the air, as if escaping the clutches of evil was an effortless task.
The battle is both terrifying and enrapturing, as the two dragons appear to become more and more desperate. Their movements become more rapid, more erratic, the Demon lashing out to do anything to survive while Zelda does everything in her power to stay out of the line of fire. 
You're too distracted thinking about Zelda’s safety that you don’t even notice the sky twisting red, or the sudden rise of the moon, or the massive light bursting from the Demon’s head, or it’s wretched screeches as it burrows further into the air, where it implodes into a massive pillar of light.
In the back of your mind, you’re aware of it. You know it was there, that it happened, but your focus was entirely on her. She coasts through the air, moving about like normal, floating around the pillar of light, until she stops.
You watch with baited breath as her entire body begins to still and glow with a brilliantly soft light. In the blink of an eye, she’s gone. The Light Dragon is gone, as the light from her body scatters into the sky. In her place is another tiny speck, followed by the other.
You can hear the commotion around you. People are still yelling in confused panic, some clinging onto each other in fear. Others are praying, or stationary in disbelief. Those brave enough left to the foot of Hyrule Castle, watching for damage and any other threat that may slither out from the Depths below. But your mind isn’t here. It’s with her.
You watch as the two figures inch closer to each other and the ground. Your mind was simultaneously far too busy and far too empty. Dozens of thoughts and possibilities flitted across your consciousness, but each one was discarded as quickly as it was conceived. You couldn’t think about what could or might be. There’s no room for anything other than her.
Her body comes closer into view, now held by Link who directs their falling forms into the water below, crashing into it’s pristine surface. Shakily, you swing onto your horse, as adrenaline courses through your veins. You’re vaguely aware of Purah yelling after you, but your body moves on its own. Spurring your stead forward, you move as quickly as possible to the small pond by the Landing, praying for the best.
As soon as you see Link, you jump off of your horse. Despite the shakiness in your legs, the weariness in your bones, you force yourself over to him. He looks up at you, nodding reassuringly. He’s tired and haggard after witnessing unseen horrors, but you can’t focus on him. Because past him is her.
Zelda. Dressed in strange yet beautiful clothing, it’s Zelda. Not a mindless dragon soaring through the air, laying in the bed of flowers before you, it’s Zelda. You kneel by her side as Link backs away, ready to give you both space. She stirs, eyes cracking open slightly. She looks around, regular, emerald eyes taking in her surroundings, and then sits up. She looks to Link, confused, and then to you. 
“What? How did-” Her voice comes out hoarsely, but with an undertone of warmth. However, she’s cut off as you bring her into a tight embrace, holding her body against your own as if she could slip through your fingers at any moment. She sits there for a few seconds before coiling her arms around you.
She eventually leans back, fighting against your grip, in order to make eye contact. She looks up at you, eyes brimming with joy and tears.
“Would you still love me if I was no longer a worm?”
“Of course. Whether you’re a big dragon or not.” You move a hand to her caress her cheek, voice so soft that it was barely above a whisper. “You’re too important to me to just let go like that.”
She laughs, a wonderfully bright sound that for so long only existed in your distant, hazy memories. She wipes away the tears rolling down your cheeks. You don’t even know when you started crying.
“Well, I’m glad… I..” She sniffles, as the tears welling up in her eyes threaten to spill over. “I never thought that I would get to see you again.”
“I came to see you whenever I could. I followed you across Hyrule just to see and speak to you.” You brush away her tears with all of the gentleness you can muster, before taking the hand away to grab her own cradling your face, gently guiding it to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to each knuckle. “I even tried to build a home in the sky to be with you.”
The gentle tears turned to sobs, as she fell back into your arms. Despite her crying, the same bright smile is painted across her lips. She takes a few moments to compose herself again before speaking.
“I’ve been asleep for all this time, but I can remember a warm feeling, like a wonderful, loving embrace.” She moves your conjoined hands away from your face, squeezing it gently, before leaning up to press a sweet, delicate kiss to your lips. The amount of warmth and love in her expression was blinding.
“Oh, I wish you could have seen it, the founding era of Hyrule. The world the Hylians and Zonai built together was wonderful, and all of the people I met, the King and the Queen, they…” She trails off, voice quiet, as if you were the only two people in the world. “I wish you could have met them. They would have loved you so much.”
Her smile somehow brightens, as her tone morphed into the same one she used when discussing her discoveries. She rambles on about the people she met and all that she had seen. You’re both vaguely aware of the people around you, in shock and disbelief that the princess was safe and sound. But you didn’t pay them any mind, and neither did she. She was home, and that’s all that could ever matter.
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(A dad shadow milk au fanfic)
I woke up to a loud crash outside, followed by a kids muffled crying. As soon as I stood up to check on Vanilla, I was hit by a painful headache.
‘Jeez, did I hit my head while I was asleep or something’ I thought to myself.
I sighed, got out of my bed and started walking towards my sons room.
Pure Vanilla is very afraid of thunder. I still remember the first time he experienced a thunderstorm, gave me quite the scare honestly. Seeing my child sobbing and begging me to ‘make it stop’ was not something I prepared myself for that one afternoon.
Now that I think about it, it’s unusual for Nilla not to come running into my room whenever he’s scared. I wonder what made him stay in his room this time?
My thoughts were cut off when I realized I was now standing in front of Vanillas room. The crying and whimpering was alot more apparent now. I knocked on the door twice and for a moment it seemed like Vanilla had forgotten about the thunder. Leaving me with nothing but the sound of raindrops softly tapping against the walls and windows.
I was about to knock again when I heard a weak and shaky voice.
”D-dad? Is t-that you?” “Of course it is silly! May I come in?” There was a short pause. “Yeah..”
I slowly opened the door and saw a mountain of blankets on top of a bed. Although, it was not hard to see the very intense shaking coming from beneath them.
I walked up to the pile of blankets and sat next to it.
“Nilla? Can you please come out?” I asked quietly. His little head popped out shortly after. He looked like he was trying to hold back his tears (he failed miserably).
“Are you alri-” I couldn’t finish my question before Vanilla had tackled me into hug. I hugged him back and let him cry as much as he wanted. I silently watched him shake, cry and jolt every time lightning struck the ground.
After 5 minutes he seemed to have calmed down, his sobbing had died down to a occasional sniffle and he was no longer shaking.
“…are y-you m-mad?” sniffled Vanilla. I couldn’t help but be caught off guard by that question. Did he think he was going to be punished for being scared?
“No! Nononono! Blue bird, what makes you think I would be mad at you?” “I woke you.! *sniffle* Y-you told me-e not to bother you with my childish n-needs… I’m s-sorry!”
“What? When did I tell you that?” Did he have a nightmare? I can’t recall saying anything like that, atleast not recently.
“Yesterday, when you came back home from the meeting with aunt Sugar, Flour and uncle Spice a-and Salt. You came home later than you s-said you would, a-and you were so mad for no reason! I was a little upset that you came home so late, so I started l-lecturing you. You got very angry at me and started y-yelling at me.”
I listened to his little rant but it only confused me more. Heck, now when I think about it, I can’t even recall getting home from the meeting! Either way, it doesn’t sound like me in the slightest. Nilla must’ve had a nightmare in the worst time.
“Are you sure didn’t have a weird dream?” “N-NO! I swear you were acting weird yesterday! I-I can prove it! Your soul jam looked like it got an eye in it when you came back! Maybe it was your jam that caused you to act so weirdly!”
I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. I mean I know kids have wild imaginations, but really?
“Why are you laughing? I can prove it!” Whined Vanilla.
I was left laughing even harder at that. “Sorry, sorry! But Vanilla, I promise you that there is nothing wrong with my soul jam.” “But—” “Now now, it’s time for you to sleep, c’mon let’s get you a glass of water and then we go to bed.” It was too late for Vanilla to stay up and I knew for a fact that nothing is wrong with the jam. It was crafted by the witches afterall! They would never risk giving a cookie something that could harm them or make them harm others.
It was still raining, the sounds were comforting and helped me with my headache. It wasn’t thundering anymore and hopefully it won’t start again in a while.
I was filling up Nillas glass when I heard him speak.
“Dad?” “Yes?” “Can I sleep with you tonight?” “Of course, Blue Bird”
Eventually, I was back in my bed. But this time, I had my son in my arms. Vanilla was half asleep already.
“I love you, Silly-Vanilly”
I apologize to anyone who actually read this 🫡
(I apologize for any grammatical errors, english is my third language so there is probably a lot of them :/)
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