#it has a lot to do w mike and the door but also w where Lucas looks during the scene and some other things
aemiron-main · 2 years
god I’m analyzing the sauna scene for my gay Mike analysis rn and it’s actually kind of a sad scene when you get in mikes head and realize what he’s feeling in that moment + that his disgust isn’t so much with the old dudes but with himself.
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wheelercore · 5 months
The Curious Case of The Dead Wheeler Granny
Also known as: I need to make a cohesive post that actually has context so i can add it to the ✨ master post ✨. So basically if you already know, you know. idk.
So... recently have been thinking A Lot about weird "production errors" (tm) and creel home fuckery + wheeler parallels. Its no secret that there are Many references to the creel home in the wheeler home for whatever reason, from the piano to the wedding dress to even the clock chimes (?) close to the the door way of the wheeler home.
However one of the most fascinating Choices was when the main urn that sat on the wheeler mantle place since s1 suddenly changed to a completely different urn during the convergence of the four gates at the climax of s4. What was the reason for this? It's also no secret that ST is riddled with what we can call "intentional" errors in objects, peoples positions, etc etc. But why a seemingly random object that has been sitting in the background of the home for 4 seasons w/o any special attention? And why at the important climax of the season?
Season 1
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Season 4- before the climax
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Season 4- after the climax
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(and this isnt even to mention the fact that the wheeler dining room is covered in rose vases that mimic the OG urn)
If you reference this back to the mantle place in the Creel home... there is something quite interesting:
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A few little trinkets, weirdly placed and evenly spread out. There is a little bird (dove?) statue like how the wheelers have two geese statues sitting on their mantle place. Next to that though? A strange looking golden vase. Mind you, this is happened when Virginia is having her "holding up the mirror" moment. As in this mirror is right there reflecting Virginia and this little urn-looking vase trinket and the rose-y wallpaper behind her (which is interesting given that the OG urn has pink roses on it with a framed picture of pink roses next to it).
Put the Virginia relation in your back pocket for now. Lets go up to the stuff in the Creel attic, which are heavily referenced in the wheeler home, in particular the wedding dress:
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Where has have we seen a piece of a brides clothing in s4? In Suzie's home, where her sister Tabitha is wearing a wedding veil, and you guess it, a pink floral (roses? Honestly the color scheme is very similar to the creel wallpaper mentioned above) dress:
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In which Tabitha pretends to die. She's not really dying. The joke here is that Tabitha's father had thought she was dying though ("it looked genuine"). And oh... is that the edge of a grandfather clock I see right outside the doorway framed right there this scene?
If I was extra weird about it I could also point out that the letter blocks on Tabitha's bracelet kind of spell out (M?)AMA. But its super blurry and I cant get a good shot of it so take this with a grain of salt:
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A little sprinkle of Petergate here but Tabitha is a woman who was raised from the dead by Saint Peter:
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Which I mean... If we're going to talk about lying about moms dying? The "Nanas got cancer" gag in s3 in which... Hopper lies about Mikes Nana being sick but then goes onto say:
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There's nothing wrong with Nana
Mike then proceeds to repeatedly call him a liar. So... nothing's wrong with Nana? Would that explain the weird trend of people specifically lying over the phone about having a sick family member also in s3/s4?
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(credit: screenshots from this @/heroesbyler post - unrelated to this theory, I just think its neat)
And if we're talking about lies:
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(oh holly girl... wearing that pink + white outfit and that rose shirt lmao)
And of course: Papa lies.
(don't even get me started on how the grandfather clock most likely represents Brenner ("maybe hes a clock maker?" and s4 literally starting with Brenner setting a timer))
But this begs the question... If, by all accounts, nothing is wrong with Nana, so much so it would be like she was raised from the dead, then who's ashes do the Wheeler's have on their mantle place thinking that its their granny?
Could it be, thinking back to the weird trinket on front of the mirror in the Creel home, Virginia's ashes instead? Quick question, where exactly are Virginia and Alice buried? Did Victor get a say in his wife's funeral arrangements?
And if Nana Wheeler's death was a lie designed to conceal a truth and Papa lies... ah who am i kidding it was martin brenner. it was fucking brenner who else would do some weird shit like this. it was him.
Anyways things like this really make me question why exactly the Wheelers are one of two main families in the show. As far as I know they didn't do much in TFS, so hell, why not Patty? Bob? The Sin Claires?
Regardless, I would really like them to be kind and rewind back to whatever is going on here if you know what I mean
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Alright guys here's the first room closeup (+ headcanons/notes), by popular demand:
~Mike & Will's room~
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(Plz don't judge my choice of wall art I pretty much just picked it bc it matched the wallpaper colors and there weren't a lot of good options)
Ok so design details
I know yall see that blue and yellow, and the green in the middle. All very intentional. The bed w/ the yellow blanket is Will's & the one w/ the blue blanket is Mike's. They sit on the rug when they're having their little heart-to-hearts that the rest of the party never seem to be a part of for "some reason"
Also, these boys wear a lot of fuckin stripes, so. Blue and yellow striped wallpaper? Green striped rug? Idk man it was screaming byler what can I say
And then there's a record player or whatever on the dresser between them, bc as we all know Will is a music guy and Mike lets Will do whatever he wants even if that means keeping him up listening to his favorite song all night bc he'd never forgive himself if Vecna somehow got Will bc Mike made him turn it off*
*So, to explain what that's all about: after his repeated failed attempts with Max, One went after Will next bc y'know, lots of trauma, easy target, etc (at least that's what the mf thought, I'm pretty sure Will lowkey has powers or smthn)
(This happened before the start of the au btw so it's just sort of background info, it might be mentioned but it won't be happening in present)
But anyway Will almost got Vecna'd and it was partially Mike's fault bc they got in a fight, Mike said smthn stupid and Will ran off, we know the drill (Mike still blames himself for it even tho they made up & Will forgave him and is fine)
Mike kinda lost his shit, honestly I'm thinking in his terror he pushed El too hard to save Will (when she was already doing her best obviously bc that's her brother) and that was part of why they broke up bc even El realized he cared more about Will than her- Mike is pretty much the only one who doesn't know yet lol
And they all survived obviously but now they're both kinda extra paranoid about it and even though they've moved far away and One hasn't followed them they still worry that some day he might track them down, so they fall into a (compulsive) habit of playing Will's favorite songs on repeat
(I'm not giving you his fav songs bc first of all I can't even decide my own fav song and also it just feels really presumptuous like that's too personal of a thing for me to decide for somebody else. I take music very seriously & very personally ok. Funnily enough tho I am listening to "should I stay or should I go" at this very moment)
Anywho, moving along
That desk by the door is mostly used for coming up with new campaigns they don't want the others to spoil (it's ok for their roommate to have insider knowledge that's not an unfair advantage or anything and besides it just can't be helped y'know? /s) no but they do collaborate sometimes and they work so well together as storytellers that the others find it lowkey unsettling (Dustin and Lucas are used to it tho)
>tw: vaguely suicidal themes?
Someone, not thinking I guess, makes an offhand joke about them being on the ground floor so they don't have to worry about Mike jumping out the window, and Will, who somehow hadn't ever actually heard the whole "quarry story," asks what that's supposed to mean and then they very awkwardly have to explain and he's basically like "oh my god what the hell that's not fucking funny why would you joke about that" and for a while after learning about it he's extra conscious of any self-deprecating/self-sacrificing type shit Mike says
Also they have "crazy together" written somewhere in the room no one else will see it. It's uncertain where, or whose idea it was, or why they did it, but they did. Probably to sort of make the room feel more like it was claimed as *theirs* after having to move to a new house far away from familiarity, and as a reminder to always be there for each other when times are tough
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schoolbusgraveyard · 2 years
omg.. imagine the group having sleepovers or road trips.. taylor and logan making everyone friendship bracelets.. aiden making everyone wear matching halloween costumes(maybe aiden, ashlyn, and tyler as angels and ben, logan, and taylor as devils)..
pls just give me your heascanons on if they do anything together other then trying(and failing)not to get murdered every night
YES YES actually I started working on a fanfic where they were all having a sleepover/had it in my drafts for MONTHS and I was super happy w it, but I really need to go back over it/redo it tbh and then, y’know, actually post it somewhere. But ohhh my goddd oh my god all of the normal friendgroup stuff they could be doing............. adorable...... Esp the friendship bracelets made by Logan and Taylor tho, that just has my HEART.
I’ll use a few of your things for some of the headcanons, too, hope that’s okay! ^^
This is probably gonna get Really long
Okay so on the friendship bracelet note. Not really something they do, but when Tay and Logan hand them out, Ashlyn’s not really. Sure how she feels about it at first. She fidgets with it constantly, and literally only takes it off when she’s about to shower (or if it’s going to hurt her while she stretches) or get in a pool or something. She ends up fidgeting with it when she’s uncertain or thinking something over; it helps keep her grounded and also lets her do something with her hands.
Aiden is actually. Really careful with his. Like, scarily careful. If he’s about to do something where he’s worried that it’ll get broken or lost, he’ll actively put it on a lanyard or necklace under his shirt, in his bag--he’ll just take a single second to make sure it’s tucked away nice and safe somewhere before absolutely going off with whatever he’s gonna do.
God so the roadtrips thing; I feel like if they could drive (I know that the original Aiden could drive, and I’m not sure about anyone else’s skills atm) and had a vehicle they were allowed to use consistently, and the circumstances were... Different (aka not near-death every night), Aiden would pester the hell out of everyone to go with him on a long out-of-state trip. He and Ben would cover all of the expenses, and they could all just. Drive. Aiden, to me, seems like the kind of person who would just want to go, no real destination, no real place to be, just... Go.
Tyler kinda gives me the vibe of a guy that would just really enjoy just laying on the hood/roof of a car and staring up at the sky. He’d just get a kind of a “it’s calm and quiet and I don’t have to worry about anything right now” feeling?
On the note of sleepovers, I feel like the best place for it would probably be Ashlyn’s. Not inherently because of the graveyard, but where she has the murphy bed--they could all just spread blankets, sleeping bags, and pillows out across the floor and it wouldn’t be an issue, Mike/Emma would be constantly making snacks (they were being overdramatic and joking about ~pressing a cup against her door at like 3am to hear what she/her friends were talking about~ as well as sleepovers anyway) and checking on them, they’d be able to vote on a movie...
I feel like Aiden would immediately throw down like six horror movie DVDs that he brought preemptively, and half the group (specifically Ben, Logan, and Tyler would all just stare like “why? why would you want to do this? literally in an hour we’re going to pass out and see actual monsters and you want to watch a 45min ghost movie? and then after you want to watch another one?” to which he just responds with, “lol, yeah? perfect timing”). Taylor is kind of on the fence on it--I feel like she’d kinda lean away from a lot of ~haunted~ stuff after coming face to face with phantoms, but she still wants to try because, c’mon, they’ve all seen worse? they’ve lived through worse. how bad can one little horror movie be?
(Pretty bad, she probably ends up freaking out and clinging to either Ashlyn or Ben/hiding her face in one of their arms/etc. like, 2/3rds of the way through it if they even make it that far; Ben Cannot stomach horror stuff to save his life)
Aiden’s generally snuggly and physically affectionate (with a very weak understanding of boundaries) with everyone around him anyway--he would probably also be taking turns leaning against everyone, flopping down across them, or just kicking his legs up across theirs if they were all just sprawled out on the bed.
Taylor? Thrives off of this. As soon as he bumps his shoulder against hers, she’s immediately pulling him into a hug. Logan’s also pretty okay with this (and actually welcomes it! he’s just a little embarrassed), but he’s a little more reserved and withheld about it.
Ashlyn’s a little hesitant about it at first--moreso than Logan--but gets a little more comfortable after a little bit of the physical contact. She actually likes sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with Aiden on her own terms.
Not relevant to the sleepover bit, but 3am Walmart trips. Aiden’s idea, mostly everyone was ready to go along with it. Logan was a little hesitant at first, but after getting into a Walmart at 3am and seeing how quiet and peaceful/not crowded it was, he was like “oh. oh no, this is perfect, actually.”
Goofing off in the toy aisle, seeing the absolutely weird shit that goes on in Walmart at 3am, getting the Specific Sensory Experience of a late-night walmart?
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dinitride-art · 1 year
Lighting and Mike and Will and El - Full Analysis (pt.43)
Getting into reunions now! There’s a lot of stuff here, but a lot of it has to do with pairings and what characters are where. 
S4:E9 - Reunions (#1)
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So the Surfer Boy Pizza van rolls up in front of a pink house with a green truck. Under the power lines. Surrounded by green. From the start we’ve got forced conformity, green/colour associated with sticking out and Mike and Will, and possibly a reference to electricity. Considering that Mike, Will and El are in that van- this dramatic placement makes a lot more sense. 
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Argyles gay socks are the first thing we see when the van stops. He’s also wearing blue and red shoes. Two rainbows partially hidden by forced conformity- or something like that. 
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And then we see Mike and Will. The others are there as well, but Mike and Will are taking up more of the shot. Mike’s shirt pocket is positioned in a way that it’s still pointing to Will, and there’s two ‘boy’s. One’s through the window that Mike is beside and it’s flipped. And the other one is on the door and is partially hidden by Mike. 
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The two people we focus on next are Karen and Nancy. They’re looking at Mike and Jonathan. But Karen’s the first focus of this shot. 
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Then we move over to Nancy, and we can see her earrings (gold) with two hearts on them. And she’s looking at Jonathan. 
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Mike is our main focus. He’s in the middle of the frame and we’re kind of following him as the camera moves. El’s closest to the pink house and the blue truck. And Argyle’s wearing Pink and blue on the other side. The two of them are kind of caging everyone in. Which is a bit odd. Will and Mike are the only ones who’s heads are touching the surfer boy pizza sign, but Mike alone is in front of the orange part of it. There’s more power lines in the background, and one in the shot where Mike got out of the van. 
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Mike and Karen are closer to the camera than Jonathan and Nancy. They’re all surrounded by green. Also interesting that we’re being shown side by side a romantic and a familial hug between two pairs of people. It might be making a point about it. That these actions are not inherently romantic, its the context of the relationship that makes them one or the other. 
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Will and El hug Dustin, one of the first group hugs. Also surrounded by green. Dustin’s still our focus here. 
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It’s important that we see how Karen feels. And her reaction to Mike coming home. 
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Now Mike’s the one with the pink house behind him when Karen tells him he’s never allowed to leave again, or something along those lines. The camera is closer to Karen’s face, and there’s more of a stress on her than on Mike. These are OTS shots and Mike’s seeing Will and El behind Karen, along with Nancy and Jonathan. But also, Karen’s always had a specific focus on her. And her reactions. And when she’s talking to Mike or Nancy, we generally see the situation from her side more than either of theirs. It’s like Joyce talking to Will, but unlike what we’ve seen from Dustin’s mom or Lucas’ parents. Or even Ted. 
Karen’s earring also looks like a golden shield. 
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And Mike’s surprised that Karen cares this much- that she was worried about him. Argyle’s also in the background of these shots of Mike and Karen and it’s kind of weird. 
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This also continues the scene that happens in most seasons where Mike hugs his mother. And he looks really happy that she cares about him. Adding his initial surprise, this might be saying something about Mike and his relationship with his mother/his family. Argyle’s also still in this shot. Rather ominously. Not sure what it means just yet. 
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Jonathan and Nancy are one again paired off with each other. Their relationship is stressed. 
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Will and El are paired together, while Dustin stays separated from them. Even though El and Dustin are the ones doing the most of the talking here. Will’s still important enough to be taking up a considerable amount of the first shot. It’s not because Mike’s looking at him though- it’s probably because he’s gonna have plot relevance- fancy stuff. 
So. Dustin, Will, El, Karen, Mike. The characters we’re looking at. 
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drifloonz · 1 year
hmm.. do you have any favourite Pokémon/Poképasta characters? If so, what do you like about them? Or.. if you could make your own Poképasta character, what would their concept or design be? Or name in general, you don’t have to do a fully fleshed out backstory for them. Orrr, what’s your favourite thing about being on the internet or being in a fandom?
i... to no ones surprise, reaaally like steven. glitchys up there, but i think his og pokepasta sort of sucks ( which is not an unpopular opinion ), but strangled red ( specifically strangled red, strangled and doors open are... neat, but sort of badly written and way more stereotypical ) is just... mwah. chefs kiss. stories about grief and abt a depressive spiral that gets worse and worse AND you get to see how he was like before it? soo good. you can argue the missingno plotline in it was unnecessary which i could agree but i think its just cool more than anything else, esp since most pokepastas based on gen 1 use it or other glitches in the 1st gens for horror a lot, which i think is interesting. missingno can be many things!
i like to think logically that glitches and stuff in game prob exist in the pokemon universe as well, since... well.. pokemon can be turned into data. you put them into the pc. missingno likely just exists and is a heavily corrupted pokemon that is not supposed to be there, or a glitch that the pc or something made real.
therefore, miki probably was "healed" because missingno "filled" her "missing data" or something like that, but i like to keep it more vague and ambiguous too. you can do a lot with strangled red and steven, miki, and mike too which just intrigues me. once again read lessons in guilt and grief and faulty on ao3. they explore this and steven, mike, ( and daisy who doesnt get enough attention ) in a way i 100% agree with and enjoy .
as for other characters i obviously enjoy glitchy but i much more enjoy the like... post-fnflull version of him cuz' in his original popularity he was just sort of prettyboy red who was also a creepypasta but ppl barely drew him like he was one ( i like fnf lulls interp bc of how his body constantly stutters and how when hes irate his mouth just stretches and shit like that. gmod ragdoll with broken physics ass mf ). also as said before his pokepastas sort of forgettable but i do like the concept of a red stuck in a game self aware bc im allll for that shit. i am an IHNMBIMS fan, i love AM, i love self aware AIs that feel trapped and take it out on every1 else or cope with it in Some Way... very interesting concept, idk.
honorable mentions for pokepastas that ppl prob know that i do not talk abt a lot that i like the writing or concepts for are DISABLED and Hell Bell.
hell bell you could argue has a stereotypical 'pasta ending of "ooooh you die in the game you die for real" but idk i eat up the way they did it in hell bell bc the person doesnt die but they sort of do since nobody can see em anymore ( iirc, i hvent read it in a bit ). also uses gen 4 which as someone who started mainline games with diamond and pearl respectively, i enjoy that a lot.
for DISABLED, its not super deep or scary or anything ( ok well its scary for the narrator obviously ) but its another one that just sorta makes me feel bad in all the right ways.
i have concepts for pokepasta aus of my ocs and some side characters but they arent pokepastas theyre just like... ppl who live in the world ( of fnf lull usually since i like to think everything there is connected and coexists somehow ), but i am not original to save my life so i dont think id make an actual pokepasta anytime soon, lol. the closest i got was making a super horrible choose your own adventure where you played as a cubone on deviantart when i was like idk 9
as for internet and fandom stuff, i dont associate myself w fandoms or fandom terminology and unironically i just start to call myself an "enjoyer" of things, bc i dont like being associated w anything... fandom oriented a lot of the time anymore. a lot of fanonization of characters also sucks. i do think the pokepasta fandom has some funny fanonizations though. like yes dilfify that man ( @ steven )
also esp for pokepastas bc i have Hyperfixation Shame. its why i have a sideblog for it, both so it has a concentrated place to go and so no one knows i like it enough to write abt it lol
thank u 4 asking :]!
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roobylavender · 2 years
just saw someone refer to Zdarsky’s characterization of talia in that urban legends issue as “the talia damian deserves”… she existed as a better character for decades before him than she did after… when will we be free of the misogyny.
but, in all seriousness, it frustrates me because having to deal with this level of character defamation closes the door to so many conversations about talia’s character.
Like, for example, given things like the state of her & bruce’s relationship & the level of complexity that exists there even when they’re at their best bc of the age gap, along with her own history growing up, it’s totally possible that talia’s feelings about parenthood would be deeply fucking complicated. and it’s just something that slides under the radar because people are so busy either trying to compromise with, endorse, or disprove morrison’s (and those who followed’s) mischaracterization of her.
So, in the interest of being constructive: Obv she would love her baby no matter what, but there’s so much that could be said as to whether she’d be ready for that role (especially considering that she had to contend with the possibility of single motherhood), about if she felt like she had the tools to be a good parent in that moment regardless of how much she may love her baby, about whether she feels she knows how to give this baby the upbringing she knows it deserves because she still has a lot of growing to do herself. And to be clear she would be ask these questions out of nothing but love and hope that her baby will live the fullest life the world has ever seen, but it would still be really really fucking hard because it’s not an easy emotional place to be in! and that’s okay! it’s interesting! And that’s not going into the fact that I have never once heard a single person ever confront the possibility that, for all we know, talia could have struggled with post-partum depression. and it’s just so frustrating because examining this part of her story can be fascinating, especially because family, love, and responsibility are all major themes for talia’s character and contending with these sorts of questions through her would be such a fitting setup for deeply human character work. and tbc i do think, even following the line of damian being given up, talia would want to have a family someday, like she would want to be a parent yk? so her having to confront these issues and where she sees sort of faults in her person in the hopes of being better for the child she could have one day in honour of the one she already has? As a thank you for gracing her life, even if only for as long as she got to hold them? we could have had it all.
but hey, at least now she’s the talia damian deserves, whatever that means.
i think so much about the fact that her life from when she gave up damian to when he was introduced was rarely explored in context of that loss! like obv it was never mentioned again bc denny o’neil erased it out of canon for his tenure so no one could bring it up but i think it’s fun to work with that forced erasure and make something of it. like you could totally reason that talia’s behavior immediately following son of the demon (i.e., detective comics annual #1, bride of the demon) could be construed in light of post-partum depression. her strength of character was still there but i feel like there was a sort of childlike petulance to her, too, like she was grasping onto the last threads of happiness that she could have in light of that loss bc it was otherwise traumatizing to go through and process on her own, what with her being the only one to know the truth about his survival. mike w. barr was subtle with it obv but those last pages of bride of the demon always make my heart pang bc you could tell how badly she wanted to be able to share the grief of that with bruce, and yet not even he could bear to talk about it, so you can only imagine what she was going through
i also like to construe some of her later material approaching and following tower of babel as reflective of a developing relief within her at the idea that she didn’t have to be a mother. that period of time is so crucial for her in terms of breaking free of all constraints and expectations and i can picture her having those fleeting thoughts. thank god i gave him away. i don’t know how i would have done it on my own. i can’t handle raising a child. i would spend the rest of my life perpetually in fear for his safety, and i would wither away. not to position her as potentially selfish or anything but i think it’s always impt to note she was very young when she married bruce and like! it’s totally human to experience both a deep grief following such a loss and a deep relief at the idea of not having to bear such a burden as a young woman all alone with no one to support her. but i like it even more so bc i think it could be really fun to capitalize on in light of an introduction to damian where she finds out that ra’s has him. like can you imagine how guilty she would feel knowing she got to break free and forge her own life and make her own decisions meanwhile her father was busy recapturing the child that she was eventually relieved to have given away. i would love to see something like that explored on paper. it’s so much more interesting to me to explore the complicated nuances of talia’s (and bruce’s) “abandonment” of damian and how that would factor into building a relationship with him once they meet him, than is the morrison premise of talia having raised him the whole time bc ofc she had no life outside of the league and never went through an arc to gain independence 🙄
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m-jelly · 2 years
Hiie! I'm sending anon cuz I already send you one ask before and I don't want you to think I'm "crazy" or feel uncomfortable, but here it goes.. On the first seasons, almost an AU, when Levi and his group leave the walls (w Eren, Mikasa, etc), they accidentally find Levi's friend who is supposed to be dead - Furlan-, and they discover reader, who is a mix w Hange and Katie's from HG, lives outside the walls and she usually save some soldiers, like Furlan -who works with her killing titans and going on missions- and Isabel -who works more in the medical area-, and always makes experiments with titans, being able to kill a lot of them without de ODM gear, so Levi is just like BITCH NOW U HAVE MY HEART, BODY AND SOUL but doesn't show cuz he's kinda embarrassed so he ask Furlan for help
(Sorry if it's too big I just loved this idea and wanted to share, hope u feel comfortable to do it 😊)
First off, I don't think you are crazy <3 I am happy for people to send me as many requests as they want <3 I'm here for you, so if one person sends me 10+ requests I will answer all of them hehe. Ooow I like this. It's canon, but the timeline is changed by the reader's involvement. Lovely. The way it'll have to work is possibly Levi never found the bodies of Isabel and Furlan, but he thinks they're dead. She'll be a bit of an inventor too. This will be fun <3
Love lessons.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: canon world, falling in love, flustered Levi, Levi asks for lessons about love, cute Levi, confessions, sweetness, fluff, date.
Concept: When Levi returns to his friends, he finds them missing and a titan left there. Levi destroys the titan thinking the worst has happened. However, in their search outside the walls years later they find a very alive Furlan outside a once abandoned base, now restored. While exploring, they discover you. You share your story of life outside the walls and show off the equipment you use to protect yourself from titans. You share your weapons with the scouts and help them improve their chances of living against the titans. While teaching them, a certain grumpy man is falling hard for you. Levi asks Furlan for help and gains love lessons so he can make you his.
One minute his world was ending, then the next it was back to how it was. Levi had thought he'd lost his two best friends to the first titan they'd ever met, but he was wrong. All those years ago he thought they were dead, but they were alive. Levi sat there on his horse staring at Furlan limping around outside an abandoned base that had been fixed up.
Levi moved closer with the scouts behind him. "Furlan!"
Furlan jumped, then looked over to his friend. He dropped the crate he was carrying and waved at Levi with a bright smile. "Levi!"
Levi rode over, then jumped off his horse. "I thought you were dead!"
Furlan hugged Levi, then pulled back with a grin. "We were saved by this really nice lady. She had these weird devices that caused lots of smoke and made it dark. The titan stopped moving in the smoke. It was so strange."
Erwin pulled the reins of his horse. "Titan stopping smoke? Interesting. Where is this woman who saved you?"
Furlan waved them over. "This way. She's with Isabel right now."
Levi, Erwin, Mike and Hange all walked with Furlan as the rest of the scouts stayed behind the strange wall you had that seemed to crackle and buzz. They moved through the halls and admired how clean it was, along with the strange art and decorations all over the place. It was welcoming, but there were also things in place to protect the building as well.
Furlan pushed the door open and smiled as he said your name. "You have visitors! It's my friend Levi I told you about."
Levi looked over to Isabel sitting on a bed, then you standing over her with strange glasses on and gloves. You looked like you had a needle and thread and you were pulling it. You poured liquid on a fabric, then dabbed the wound.
You stepped back and sighed. "There, all done." You put your tools down, then pulled off your surgical glasses. "Hello, you must the be scouts. I've seen you lot riding out here, but you've never found me. I'm glad I finally got the chance." You introduced yourself and offered your hand. "Pleasure to meet you."
Erwin shook your hand and smiled. "Erwin. This is Mike, Hange and Levi."
You shook their hands one after the other. "Lovely to meet you all. Can I get you something to eat or drink?"
Hange picked up your glasses, then held them up. "What are these!?"
You smiled. "Surgical glasses. They magnify things and help me see things closer up." You waved them to follow you, then you led them down the hall. "I will get you drinks. I insist on it. I have fresh lemonade, or you can have my homegrown tea."
Levi perked up. "Homegrown tea?"
You nodded. "That's right!" You walked around your large kitchen and put out the lemonade with glasses, then you started making tea. "You know. I really am glad you guys found me. I have so many cool things for you to try against the titans." You poured cups of tea and smiled. "Enjoy." You gasped. "Food!" You grabbed from bread and meat. "Here you go. The meat is fresh. I have my own livestock." You referred to the seats around the table. "Sit for a moment and let's talk."
Erwin sat and sighed as his muscles relaxed. "What is making me feel so relaxed?"
You sat and wiggled in excitement. "That'll be the tea and the incense. I've discovered that certain herbs and flowers have different effects on humans. This one causes you to relax. Isabel, Furlan and the others here I've helped were a little on edge, mainly because that titan was rather close."
Erwin gulped. "How do you keen the titans away?"
You blushed a little. "Well, when it was just me they didn't come close. However, the more people I saved the more I had to fight them. I was living in the trees near here and I was pretty sick of it. So, I started messing with things. I found some strange stuff washed up on the beaches and along with some metal I might have taken, I started experimenting. Did you know water can generate energy? This whole building has lights, not candles. The answer is electricity! You convert force from the water and the motion of a wheel moving in to produce power. I funnel the power through conductive material wrapped in things that don't conduct for safety reasons. Turn out, the titans don't like electricity. It hurts if it's not dealt with safely."
Hange squealed. "I must see your notes!"
You nodded and waved over one of your tea. "Could you take Hange to my records room? Show her everything she wants."
Erwin hummed. "What about the smoke?"
You blushed. "Well, it's a device like a ball. when certain materials mix, then produce a very dark smoke. To activate it, you press a button to mix them and the smoke comes out of the little vents. I'd give you the names of the materials, but I don't know what they are. I just messed with things over the years."
Mike leaned closer and sniffed around you. "Strange. You don't smell like a normal human. You smell like, well, flowers."
You laughed a little. "Well, Titans know the scent of humans, so I soak myself in floral baths every night for years to get rid of my natural human scent. I also have a cream I rub into my skin. I get those who live with me to do that same. We also wear colours that match the environment around us. I know we won't be safe forever, so I have a backup home in the trees."
Erwin hummed as he tapped his finger on the table. "Can we have access to your weapons?"
"Of course! It's all yours. Just, don't be weirded out by the glass arrows."
You sighed. "There are these arrows that break on landing and release a strong concentration of human smell."
"Fascinating. And Titans run to it?"
You nodded. "Yes." You cleaned up the table and smiled. "So, would you like to stay here for a bit? I have plenty of room and you look like you need a bath or shower."
Erwin got up. "Thank you." He let out a long sigh. "We could all do with a rest."
You waved another person over. "Please take these gents and the scouts outside to rooms and the bathroom." You smiled, then turned your head to see Levi was still sitting there. "Hello. Levi, right? Furlan and Isabel would not stop talking about you for the many hours I had them." You tilted your head as Levi's cheeks were pinks and the tops of his ears. You reached over and touched his forehead. "Are you okay? You look a little hot."
Levi was blushing. He wasn't unwell, but blushing hard from you. You'd saved his friends, kept them healthy, you grew your own tea, kept a very clean home and you were pretty. He gulped hard as he felt something inside him that he'd never felt before. He felt a little flustered.
Levi pulled away, but at such a force that he fell off his stool. He stumbled backwards, then tripped over the fallen stool. He blushed even more at what he'd just done.
You smiled at him, then picked up the stool. "It's okay. You don't have to speak to me. Just know that if you need anything at all, I'm here for you."
Levi thought of different things to ask for or to say but it didn't work out. "TEA!" He winced at shouting. "M-More tea please."
You knew instantly what was wrong. You'd seen a nervous man before, so seeing such a handsome and strong one was flustered by you was cute. "Sure." You got out a tea that would calm his nerves. "Is there anything here at my base that you would like to see? Anything that piques your interest?"
Levi's eyes ran all over your beautiful body. "You."
You turned to him with his tea. You were a little impressed that he let that slip, but you could tell by looking at him he didn't mean to say it. "What was that?"
Levi took his tea. "N-nothing."
"Well, if you need anything." You walked closer to him. "Anything at all. I'm right here for you."
Levi let out a long sigh he didn't know he was holding as soon as you left the room. He sat down a the table and groaned as his feelings felt like a mess. He was a mess around you for days. The scouts left the base, but Levi opted to stay because Furlan and Isabel were there and they didn't want to leave you. Hange also stayed, mainly because she wanted access to your experiments and wanted to help you with them.
Erwin would come out every week to visit. He'd stay for a few days, then leave. Thanks to you and Hange working together, the scouts were finding newer and safer ways to kill the Titans that attacked them. You were like some sort of angel that came out of nowhere. You were wonderful and perfect to Levi.
Levi would help you out and watch you every single day, but whenever you flirted and talked to him about anything but Titan business he'd fumble his words. Levi didn't mind a bit because it made you laugh. He wanted to be around you as much as possible. He wanted to make you laugh.
He was with you so often, then he discovered you were actually very vulnerable. You'd lost so many friends and family to the Titans. You'd beat yourself up a lot when an experiment would fail. You would often mentally beat yourself up. Levi thought you were wonderful though, but he wanted to do better than he had been. So, he needed the help of his friends.
Furlan watched Levi pace backwards and forwards in front of him in the weapons room. Furlan worked on weapons for you and Isabel was medical. Furlan smiled, then cleaned his hands. "If I was pacing this much, you would tell me that I look like I really need a shit. So, what's on your mind?"
Levi stopped and said your name. "She's on my mind. She's always on my mind. I stayed here because of her." He looked to Furlan. "No offence."
Furlan chuckled. "None taken. I know how much I mean to you and Isabel does too, but this woman is something else. You love us two like family, but this woman you want to make a family with."
Levi blushed hard. "Yes."
Furlan hummed a laugh and patted a seat. "Sit and let's talk."
Levi sat down, then put his head in his hands. "What do I do? Every time I'm close to her I become a blubbering mess! Help me."
"Yeah, you are really bad."
Levi glared at his friend. "Tch, oi? You're supposed to be helping me."
Furlan let out a long sigh. "Well, in my opinion, she likes you a lot. So, all you need to do is ask her out on a date."
"How the fuck do I do that? There's nowhere to go out here!"
"Think. What would she like? What would sweep her off her feet?"
Levi hummed and frowned. "I think I know. Thanks."
"Confidence is key!"
"Got it!"
Levi went to your kitchen, then packed a nice romantic lunch and even grabbed a bottle of wine. He took the bag to the gear room, then put on the new and improved ODM gear you made, which was more compact and used higher compressed gas. Plus, they weren't carrying around massive things on their backs. He stormed down the halls and found you outside tending to your garden.
Levi let out a long sigh. "Confidence is key." He walked right up to you as one of your men flirted with you and made you laugh. Levi stood behind you and said your name.
You turned around and smiled. "Levi, lovely to see you. How can I help?"
He gulped hard, then pulled back his shoulders and held his head high. "You are coming with me. Now."
You smirked at Levi's confidence. "Am I now?"
Levi nodded. "It's a date."
You hummed a laugh and walked up to him. "Well, if you put it like that..." You hooked your arm around his. "Let's go."
Levi pulled you along to the edge of your protective wall. "Do you trust me?"
You nodded. "I do."
He handed you the bag. "Can you put this on?"
You pulled on the bag, then smiled. "Done. Now what?"
He turned his back to you. "Hop on and hold on tight."
You climbed onto his back, then locked your legs at the front. "This is exciting."
Levi smiled a little at feeling your thighs squeeze him, along with your boobs against his back. Levi fired his gear, then lifted you and him up into the air. He flew with you through the trees and felt you squeeze him at first out of fear, then you relaxed. He smiled when he heard you giggle and squeal in delight. He left the trees and reached the wall.
Levi's feet slammed against the wall. "We're going straight up, so you better hold on tight."
You squeezed Levi. "Hold on!" You squealed as you fired up into the air and Levi laughed at you. "Don't laugh! This is all new to me!"
Levi flew up, then landed on the wall. "I used this gear for years. You made it better." He placed his hand on yours. "You can let go now."
You dropped off Levi's back and panted. "That was something." You hummed a laugh. "No wonder you all feel so free and don't want to lose the gear."
Levi took his gear off and hummed. "Well, we're glad you changed it to something better. The damn old gear would leave marks and bruises."
You gasped and rubbed Levi's chest making him blush. "Are you bruised now? Can I help?"
He was perfectly fine. "Yes, actually. What you're doing is perfect." The guilt started to set in. He grabbed your hand. "I lied. I'm fine. Your gear is perfect."
You smiled at him, then squeezed his hand. "You sure about that?"
Levi stared at you a little confused, then you winked at him letting him know you wanted to. "Ah, actually it hurts a little."
"Let's sit and I'll help." You took the bag off. "Sound good?"
Levi opened the bag. "Wait." He pulled out a blanket and put it down. "There."
You sat down and waited for him to sit. You rubbed his chest again and hummed. "The things we put our bodies through just to be free." You sighed. "It's crazy."
"Yeah." He gulped a little. "Thank you."
You smiled at him. "Any time Levi. I'll do anything for you."
Levi took your hand and played with it a little. "It's a nice view, huh?"
You looked out at the land and smiled. "It'll be so strange when we won't need these walls anymore."
"Tch, yeah." He grabbed the bag, then pulled out the food and wine. "So, this is a ah date. I brought wine and food."
You hummed a laugh. "So cute."
Levi blushed hard and gulped down some wine, then he handed you the bottle. "I'm not cute."
You down some wine and sighed after. "When a person calls someone cute, we're not saying they're adorable and weak." You leaned closer making him blush. "We're saying you're very attractive."
Levi locked eyes with you. "You find me attractive?"
"I do. I've been hinting that to you for a long time."
He shuffled closer. "Well, I find you incredibly attractive."
You whispered in his ear. "I know. I've known for a while that you have feelings for me, but I wanted you to take the lead. You needed the confidence boost."
Levi hummed. "I'm a little mad, but I also agree. You didn't think maybe I needed a slap in the face?"
"I can give you an actual slap if you want?"
He sighed. "No, no thank you. Tch, damn brat."
You leaned over and kissed him. "I love you, Levi Ackerman."
Levi blushed hard as he said your name. "You have my heart, body and soul. I love you too." He captured your lips again and hummed in happiness. "My sweet brat."
You hugged his side and hummed against his warm body. "Guess this means I'm yours now, huh?"
Levi put his arm around you. "Obviously."
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widow-maximov · 2 years
Sorry to double send, I realized my ask probably may not have been detailed enough
I imagine like reader works at a bookstore or library or cool store of some kind. And Wanda walks in lookin Daddy af but is polite and kind of a gentleman ya know? Like she’s confident and definitely flirting with reader but in a gentle kinda soft not to forward way. But reader is just fumbling anyway cuz hello Wanda Maximoff is in front of her smiling at her.
Also picturing Wanda like wearing a short sleeve shirt that’s like tight on the sleeves or something OR she’s wearing a button up with the sleeves rolled up (AHHH) and yes so I’m imagining her leaning on the counter just casually flexing and her shirt already shows off her biceps but reader (me) is trying not to faint
Also picturing Wanda genuinely wants to get a book or whatever thing she decides to buy if not a bookstore and it’s like a cool af book. And reader is like 😍 —-If you need book ideas you could do Kindred by Octavia Butler or Beloved by Toni Morrison (ik those two are intense) you could also do How Long til Black Future Month By NK Jemisin..(that one is sort of less intense anyways I love all those books and they’re really good).
Evening Shift
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Warning: Language, angst, fluff
Summary: Regular day working at a book store, you wouldn't think that someone as famous as Wanda Maximoff takes a trip to where you work, how will your gay heart react?
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: I would just like to say that I prefer detailed requests but I don't mind those who send some what detailed, thank you for this request, it was quite fun writing it.
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
You always would recall messy interactions with girls that you met, it was horrible. You could never keep your cool around women, especially ones that just look so fucking hot.
The reason you took the job at the book store, it was because not many people nowadays like books and that just gives you some peace with yourself whilst you're stacking books.
Plus it's a way for you to be yourself and not fall over every word at a sight of a woman, it was a perk that not many young women came in here, but mostly elderly who are just looking to stay somewhere quiet.
This bookstore was known to have every book that has ever been published, some are in the storage room and some are out on display, you really loved it especially when you would have your breaks, you would just sit and read.
It was one of the things that came with the job, unlimited amounts of books and it was the best feeling in the world, day after day went by and yet you were still stunned by how many people were tempted to walk into the store.
Your colleague Mike, recently joined the store as an employee as one of the girls who worked on evening shifts left, so he was hired to replace her but since evening shift didn't have many people, you offered to do it as well.
Since then, you were promoted, it was a feeling of reward for you really, I mean you worked here for sometime and dedicated a lot of time to make sure everything was in order.
As time came to slowly start closing the story, you and Mike were managing the books that were left in places that didn't belong, you heard the door bell as if someone walked in.
You knew that Mike was here so you didn't bother going over to the counter until he ran over to you with his eyes widen "What's wrong?"
"Wanda Maximoff is here" That was his only words.
Your eyes widen at what came out from his mouth "W-what?"
It wasn't the first time she stopped by just never when you were at work but not many people knew who she was, but not you, you knew about her. God of course you knew, you adored her, the way she left everything behind with no one to trust and her brother dead.
It must've done a lot to her and now that she is here, you couldn't face her, you knew you would just make a whole ass mess out of this so you stood glued to your spot "W-well go!"
He whispered "No, you go"
You pushed him slightly "Are you crazy! I'm not going"
He pushed you back "I'm not talking to her, you're the supervisor here!"
Before you could try to send him again, her voice echoed "Hello?"
You gulped, as this time he pushed you out so she could actually see you, you sheepishly smiled at her as you made your way towards the counter.
"Ah, I thought it was closed" She spoke when you were closer.
You smiled at her "N-no, we are soon though"
Her smile dropped "What? Oh silly me I didn't think it was this late"
Your eyes dropped to what she was wearing, a button up shirt with rolled up sleeves with jeans that complimented her figure really well, that shirt fit her perfectly, showing off everything that she wanted to.
How her muscles would flex and teasingly just enough of her cleavage to make you weak in the knees but it all tied together with the most softest smile anyone could pull off.
"Is it okay if I quickly take a look around?" She asked as she noticed your eyes travelling down her body.
You met her eyes, feeling the sudden butterflies hit your stomach "Yes!" You answered quite too loudly and quickly for your own liking
"Check me-" Your eyed widen at your words but quickly tried to cover it up "Check whatever you need" You chuckled nervously in hopes it worked.
Wanda forced the most innocent smile anyone could plaster across their face "With pleasure" she answered as she walked off and a small smirk replaced the smile within seconds.
Your heart hammering in your chest, not quite registering what she said yet, your head whipped to Mike who appeared next to you with a shocked face "That was-"
"Insane!" You whispered, as excitement coursed through you.
He stood next to you as he slightly leaned with his hip on the counter "But you girl are a mess"
You rolled your eyes, knowing that from the start "Yeah no shit"
You didn't even had the time to calm your nervous down before she appeared back by the counter "I'm so sorry to bother, but I can't see the book I am looking for"
Your breath hitched as if she just walked in but this time you actually held onto the counter, trying very hard to not just faint "What book are you looking for?"
Mike asked before any words left your mouth, she smiled at him "Beloved by Toni Morrison"
He smiled slightly "Let me check if I can find it for you"
Now that he was gone, her attention was pulled back to you but your eyes never left her face, who would've believed that the Wanda Maximoff would step into some corner book store at night.
"Very good taste in books" You spoke up, quite surprising yourself when you didn't stutter.
She raised her brow perfectly "Coming from someone who works at a book store it must be true then"
You laugh slightly at her as you nod "Not many people come here and ask for books from the 80s"
She leaned on the counter "They are fascinating, wouldn't you say?"
You nodded with a slight smile across your lips but before you could say anything, she fired another question towards you "I haven't seen you before here, are you new?"
You shook your head "Uh, no, I have worked here for 3 years"
Her brows shot up in shock "Wow, and I haven't had the pleasure to meet you"
Your heart picked up again "Well at least you did now"
Her eyed dropped down to your hands after giving you a nod, her hands reached out to it as she grabbed it and looked at the ring on your finger "That's a really nice ring."
You swallowed down your dry throat "T-thank you, my ex girlfriend bought it"
For some reason you felt the need to point out the gender that you dated, causing her to look up at you "So you're into girls?"
The grip on the counter definitely tighten, trying very hard to keep yourself in balance as you smiled and just nodded "Good to know"
Mike's head appeared with a little smile "Uh Y/n could you come for a second"
His eyes never failed to notice that your hand was held by Wanda, her eyes only left you when she looked at him but they were solely focused on you.
You looked back at her with a nervous smile as you slowly slid by your hand "Excuse me"
She nodded as she turned around to take a double look at the empty room whilst you went to sort out whatever he needed.
"What?" You asked slightly worried.
"You see I can't find out box with the books from the 80s" He confessed with anxiety.
You sighed as you let your eyes close for a second before opening them, you pointed in the direction of a box that was well hidden "They should be there"
He nodded as he walked over to where you pointed and pulled out the box where, you were correct, the books were. He quickly found the book that Wanda needed and handed it to you.
"Here, you can take it to your new girlfriend" He smirked as you took the book from him.
"Not my girlfriend" You whispered as you walked out with a slightly glare at him.
You walked back, a little bit less nervous this time, you held the book out for her to see if it was 100% this one "We had the last one"
She sighed with relief "Thank god I got here when I did because not only I would miss my chance to meet you but also buy this book"
Your cheeks flush a red colour and she noticed, causing slight giggle to escape from you, she smirked as she takes the book but doesn't pull it out of your hands.
Her hands touch yours but her eyes are glued to your face as if to search for some sort of conformation, when you looked into her eyes so quickly at the interaction, letting your breath hitch in your throat at the direct contact.
She knew exactly what she was doing "Thank you little one"
You let go of the book when you realised that you had to calm yourself otherwise you would just trip over your words again, you looked over at the monitor which displayed the price.
"You know, have the book, it's on the house" You offered it as you knew this was once in the life time opportunity.
The corner of her lips tugged upwards at your words "I can't let you do that"
You waved your hands to dismiss her "Nonsense, it's yours"
"Plus when have you ever gotten a free book after walking in near closing" You joked causing her to let out the most cutest giggle you ever heard.
"True" She replied simply, you knew it was the end of this moment, that this was probably the last time you'll see her.
She was close to turning around and walked out but something was stopping her "This could go two ways"
You looked at her a little confused and just let her continue "I could walk out and there could be a possibility of never meeting again or I ask you out to a date and you agree and we see where this goes"
Now your throat was dry, was she really just suggesting a date, it was as if the time has stopped as you stared into her eyes. They felt warm and you without a doubt knew she was that warmth you needed in your life.
"I could give you a choice but I think I already know your answer" She smiled widely as your shocked face made her giggle.
"I'll be back tomorrow by 7pm before the closing for our date, what you say?" She asked as she stood straight with the book held to her body with one hand.
You swallowed down the dry throat, realising you haven't said anything "Y-yeah okay, I will be ready"
But were you? How could anyone be ready for a date with the Wanda who looked like she could grab you by your throat and you would only encourage her to proceed.
As she walked towards the exit, she stood by the door as she looked at you once again and just send one of her winks towards you with a wide smile, all you could do is just blush a deep red colour and try your best to return a smile.
She disappeared and you almost immediately fell to the floor as your knees gave in on you as Mike appeared with a simple "Whoa"
You nodded with your eyes focused on the shelf in front of you, trying to process what just happened "I have a date with Wanda Maximoff.."
He smirked "Now aren't you glad you did evening shifts, little one?"
You finally looked at him with a simple eye roll "At least I got a date"
He opened his mouth in shock "Shut uppp"
You giggled as you finally stood up and looked at the clock "Okay, let close up and head home, I need to pick an outfit"
He laughed as the two of you worked your way through the book store and closed within couple of minutes. As you walked home a smile never left your lips.
It was a very good day, the best day you ever could wish for, you met someone who you adored and now she is here, asking you out like you were the only person in the world.
The next day came quickly and before you knew, even though you felt like it was longer than it was, you stood anxiously as you waited for her.
Mike has gone home as you waited in the book store, the only thing you had to do was close the door and enjoy the rest of the day with your date.
As excitement slowly leaves you and disappointment starts to flood in, a sad realisation hits you, maybe she wont come? Maybe she forgot or maybe it was only false hope..
As time starts to drag with the anticipation of her arrival, you stared at the clock on the wall with a sad smile, maybe it was too good to be truth.
You took a deep breath trying the best to hold back your tears as you closed the door, just as you turned around there she stood, breathing heavily with a smile.
It was as if she read your mind "I'm sorry, the meeting was longer than I expected"
You gave her a smile of relief, she didn't bail, she looked like she ran here, you walked towards her as her eyes finally took you in "Even more beautiful than I remember"
Even though the air was cold, it was easy to tell that her comment made you blush "Good save"
"You look- very hot" Your words left your mouth as you looked up and down at her, she smiled at you as a giggle left her soon after when your eyes took her in.
She laughed as she extended her arm towards you "Ready?"
You smiled at her laughter, taking her hand, taking a second to answer "Always"
Her smile widen and her eyes shined with excitement and a familiar warmth that engulfed the two of you, good you were holding onto her because you were sure you would faint.
If this was your chance at happiness, you took it with a smile and followed it with ease, her eyes were more beautiful with the street lights shining and the most beautiful smile.
This was the start of a beautiful story...
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kimvvantae · 3 years
puzzle; 8 (FINAL)
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➜  you and jungkook are best friends of a lifetime, even though your personalities are like unmatching pieces of a puzzle. the line between friendship and something more has never been crossed between you two - but that changes after a break up and a drunken night, when you not-so-accidentally cross this line to something much more. what happens when after this accident your non-matching puzzle pieces seem to match in a way you’ve never imagined?
pairing: jungkook x (f) reader
genre: smut, angst, comedy; friends with benefits au; college au
warnings: lots of swearing, alcohol consumption, unprotected sex
rating: 18+
word count: 16k
A/N: finally the last chapter! i am actually feeling very emotional right now. i enjoyed writing puzzle so much and it received so much love since the beginning! your feedback always kept me motivated to write. thank you so much to everyone that followed these two dorks and waited patiently for every update. i hope we can meet again in future works! 
hmmm, a little rec?? but i listened to sweet night by taehyung as i wrote this chapter. maybe listening to it will enhance your experience too!
➜  Chapters: check up masterlist in bio!
« playlist »
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You don’t know how long it has been until Taehyung finds you.
It’s cold. The tears have finally come to a halt, but you’re still sobbing and sniffling. You should probably get up and go home. It’s late. Not safe to be alone on the street like this. You should probably call an uber or something. 
Yet, every time you think of Jungkook’s tears, it seems that your own eyes well up with tears all over again.
What makes you snap back into reality is the sound of shoes walking down the stairs.
You get up in a jump, feeling your legs ache in the process, and turn around to see the person you least expected to see right now. Taehyung stops some steps ahead. The light pole behind him marks his silhouette with a halo.
“I finally found you,” he says after a few seconds. He sounds hesitant but somehow relieved. 
It makes your heart clench even more.
You make an immense effort to speak, as if words ran over inside your throat and made it stuck. Well, they did, in a sense.
“Taehyung, w-what…?” is all you can stutter. You don’t really need to finish the sentence. What are you doing here? Why did you come after me even though I hurt you?
He looks down and caresses the back of his neck. You notice that he’s nervously fiddling with his car keys on the other hand. Oh. He probably didn’t want to be around you, either.
“Well, you ran away down the street like that. I got worried.”
You shouldn’t.
“It’s… not safe to be by yourself on the street like this. I’m taking you home.”
Please, don’t be kind to me. 
It will be much harder if you’re being kind to me.
“Taehyung, I…” you feel yourself squeezing your purse against you, just as nervous as he is. You don’t want to bother him with your presence anymore. “I was about to call an uber. You don’t need to…”
“It’s alright. I’m already here anyway.” He starts to walk up the stairs again without looking back. Without giving you a chance to disagree. “Let’s go.”
It seems that your legs forgot how to walk as you watch him. You don’t want to get inside his car. You don’t want to face him, not right now. 
When Taehyung reaches the top of the stair alley, he finally looks back at you in silence. 
That’s when you realize that you have to face him. You were never one to run away from the consequences of your actions.
The newest consequence is staring back at you in quiet sadness.
You inhale deeply before going after him.
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An awful silence hovers in the air during the entire ride home.
You can’t help but shrink on the passenger’s seat, hugging your own arms tight, your head leaning on the window. Taehyung does not make any attempt to engage a conversation. His presence is suffocating.
Something cold sets in your stomach when he parks the car in front of your apartment’s building. There’s nothing out there to distract you anymore. Nowhere else to run to.
You inhale again.
“Thank you.” you say softly. 
Taehyung doesn’t say anything as he rests his hands on his lap. You watch him intently as he gulps, his eyes glued in something ahead.
“So.” He starts, his voice as low as yours. This is painful. It was never your intention to put him in that situation, never. “I don’t want to take a drunk man seriously.”
It’s your turn to gulp. You really really don’t want to explain everything to him in detail. “Mike is a son of a bitch. He got it all wrong.”
“It seems that he got one thing right, though. Judging by Jungkook’s reaction.”
It’s getting difficult to breathe again.
Taehyung turns his head slowly to look at you.
“Are you guys…?”
You honestly feel like jumping out the window, but your feelings for Taehyung make you stay still. He’s a kind friend. He deserves to hear it clearly.
So you take a deep breath before speaking.
“Jungkook and I, we… we were never a real thing. Not really.” It hurts to say this out loud. It seems that you can still hear his broken voice…
There was never anything real happening, right? We were never real.
“B-But recently I realized that I have feelings for him.”
Taehyung nods slowly and sinks on the driver's seat. He rests his chin on his hand, letting a shaky deep breath out.
“Why did you call me today, then?”
“To tell you the truth.”
He gasps softly and shakes his head again. Taehyung has completely broken eye contact with you and his body language looks protective - building an almost visible wall between you and him in seconds.
“Wow. It seems that I was the one who got it all wrong.”
You feel like touching him to give him even a little bit of comfort, yet you know that you’re his main discomfort in the moment. You turn your body in his direction, pleading.
“Taehyung, it wasn’t meant to happen this way. I didn’t want to hurt you, not at all. I know that an apology won't be enough...”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” He cuts you. His voice sounds strange, so different from how he has ever talked to you. He’s very quiet, but you can feel the anger and hurt lying underneath. “We never had anything anyway. I was the delusional one here.”
No, not again. You don’t think you can take more guilt for one night. You didn’t just delude him going on that date; you deluded him every time you talked, every time you texted each other. Taehyung saw something more when there was nothing at all - he felt something more, and you were too confused with your own feelings for Jungkook to notice what you were doing.
“I’m feeling very ashamed right now.” He admits with a shaky exhale. “Could you…?”
He doesn’t finish his sentence, but you know very well what he meant. Leave.
You nod and open the door into the cold night. You still stand there on the sidewalk hesitantly for a few seconds before whispering a shy “I’m sorry”. Taehyung doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even look your way.
When you shut the door, you know very well that from now on, your friendship with Taehyung is also shut. 
You’ll miss him really bad.
It feels like you can barely carry the weight of your own body as you slowly make your way to your apartment - which is weird, because you feel empty right now. 
Your apartment isn’t as empty as you expected when you open the door, though. Seulgi is standing on the kitchen counter and she smiles wide when she sees you. She looks excited in a way she hasn’t been in months; it seems that she’s about to say something.
Her smile dies as she sees your puffy face and your red nose and eyes. 
“Y/N, what happened…?”
For some reason, when you look at her, you start crying again.
Seulgi wides her eyes and runs to where you’re standing, shocked and confused - probably because you have never cried in front of her yet. Never. 
“Oh my God, Y/N! What happened?!”
You can’t answer because the sobs won’t let you. You can just rest your face on Seulgi’s shoulder as she hugs you, patting your back. She is so confused that she can’t really think of anything else to do.
After a few minutes of restless crying, Seulgi manages to lead you to sit on the couch and runs back to the kitchen to take a glass of water. She sits by your side and hands you the glass, caressing your hair sweetly.
“Can you talk now, babe? What happened?” She asks again quietly as you try to drink a little bit of water.
You wipe the tears away once again and sniff. This place reminds you of him way too much. It feels that he belongs here, even though it’s not his home. And maybe… maybe he won’t ever step inside, ever again.
“I-It’s J-Jungkook.” it’s hard to speak between the sobs.
“Did you guys fight?” You nod weakly. “Was it that bad?”
Yes. Yes, it was.
After months of pretending, you finally open up to Seulgi. There’s no reason to keep this from her anymore. After Mike’s scandal, that’s probably everything the whole campus will be talking about in the next few days (you saw a lot of familiar faces at the bar).
It seems that Seulgi’s eyes will pop out of her face as you speak.
She stares at you, jaw dropped in pure shock.
“You and Jungkook what?!” is the first thing she exclaims. “Since when?!”
You rest your back on the couch and gaze at the ceiling. The sobs have finally stopped, at least. “Do you remember when I broke up with Mike? When we went to that club?”
“Yes, and you spent the night out…” Seulgi trails off as realization hits her. She stares at you as if you’ve grown a second head. “That guy you were talking about was Jungkook?!”
You just nod.
Seulgi gasps and rests her back on the couch right by your side, your arms touching. She’s speechless for a while.
“But, like… how many times?”
“I don’t know.” She gasps again.
“That many times?”
You nod. “It was almost daily at some point.”
It seems that she can’t close her jaw anymore. “Where?”
“Here. His apartment. His car.” You frown. “Sometimes a cheap hotel downtown, when you and Jimin were both home.”
Seulgi stays quiet for a little longer.
You side eye her. “You didn’t suspect?”
She shakes her head slowly. “I thought you guys were acting strange for a while now, but I never thought this was going on.” She looks back at you. “Did someone know?”
“Jimin caught us once.” you decide to omit where he caught you. It’s embarrassing to say that you fucked inside Joy’s bathroom out loud and it makes you feel even worse. “But he promised to not tell anyone."
Back to silence. You can almost hear the engines inside Seulgi’s brain trying to process everything you just told her.
“But why did you guys fight?”
You take a deep breath before telling her the rest. Taehyung, Joy, Mike, Yeri. It’s quite painful to explain, but it’s also relieving.
If you thought Seulgi looked shocked before, now it looks like she just found out that Santa is real.
She completely turns her body in your direction, eyes super wide. “Do you like Jungkook?”
You nod softly, staring at your own fingers.
“It’s more than just liking him.” You admit sheepishly.
Then she’s quiet for a long, long time. You decide to finally look up at her.
Now you’re surprised.
“Why the hell are you smiling?”
Seulgi hides her mouth with both hands - as if this wouldn’t let you see the big ass grin on her lips. “I’m sorry. It’s… it’s cute.”
“Cute?” you quirk one eyebrow. “My suffering is cute to you?”
“That’s not what I mean.” she waves her hand dismissively. “I always kind of shipped you two, okay? It’s just that you two looked really good together and you always had such good chemistry and all. But I tried to stop thinking this because, you know, I thought it was wrong to assume that a man and a woman can’t be just friends… and it never looked like you had feelings for him, not at all.”
You stare at her as if she has a second head growing now. “You shipped us?”
“You can’t judge me.”
You cross your arms and sink on the couch even more. This is kind of shocking. “You never thought I liked him?”
Seulgi shakes her head. “Never. Jungkook, though…”
You turn your head to look at her so fast that your neck almost breaks. “What about him?”
She hesitates a little bit before speaking. “Well, sometimes… sometimes I caught him looking at you in some type of way.” 
There it is again. The fast beating of your heart. It’s ridiculous that, even though you’re this miserable, you still feel this spark of happiness inside of you. 
For fuck’s sake, Y/N! I’m in love with you!
You press your lips tight in an attempt to hold back the uninvited smile. It’s not appropriate to feel happy now; it feels that you don’t even have the right to feel happy at all. But his confession is hitting you just now. Hitting you like a truck. 
God, if only you could go back in time. If only you could just make him shut the fuck up and listen to you. Why did he have to be so damn dramatic? 
I love you too, dumbass! Now stop being a cry baby and kiss me!
What if Jungkook never gives you a chance to explain yourself? He can be hard-headed when he wants to. What if Jungkook never lets you get close to him again, what if your intimacy finally dies, what if you get so distant that when you’re in the same room you can’t bear each other’s presence anymore? What if from now on, there won’t be any Jungkook to steal your fries when you’re not looking, or to let you steal his clothes even though he pretends he doesn’t know you’re taking them, or to help you understand a difficult assignment, or to annoy you because he’s bored at 4AM, or to tell you the things no one else would be brave enough to tell you or to just be there when you needed someone the most?
Your brain can’t even comprehend what life without Jungkook is.
A mix of despair and hurry makes you get up in a jump.
“I’m going to his apartment.” Your breath is irregular, adrenaline taking control of your actions. “I-I need to talk to him now.”
“Hey, hey!” Seulgi gets up in a jump and puts her hands on your shoulders, forcing you to stop. “Y/N, you’re not okay. And you said Jungkook is drunk. Do you really think you’ll manage to have a civilized conversation right now? He’s probably still angry, maybe he won’t even listen to you.”
“I don’t care. I’ll shout on his door until he listens to me.”
Seulgi holds you in place again when you try to free yourself from her grip. “This is not a good idea and you know it.” She looks at you very seriously. “Take a shower, Y/N. Go to sleep. Tomorrow you’ll both be cold-headed and able to talk.”
“B-But,” you feel the tears coming back. Fuck. You hold Seulgi’s arms weakly. “But he needs to know the truth. He needs to know I like him back.”
The black-haired girl frowns. “Like him back…?”
You nod and look down. “He… he said that he’s in love with me.”
“Really?!” Seulgi huffs and taps your forehead lightly. “Then why are you so desperate?! He loves you back, dummy!”
“But I’m scared, Seulgi.” You sniff.
She rolls her eyes and pushes you into another hug. “Everything will be okay, Y/N. There’s no need to be worried. You already know the most important. Tomorrow you go talk to him, alright?” She chuckles softly. “Never thought I’d see you acting like this.”
You sniff again. “Now you understand how it is to deal with a stupid lovesick roommate.”
“Ouch.” You notice how she pats your back a bit aggressively. “But for real, Y/N… I’ll always be thankful for what you did today to me and Irene. Even though it was none of your business. And I’ll probably beat you up if you ever intervene in my life like that again-”
“Wow, I really see how you’re thankful, Seul.” She chuckles again.
"And I'm kind of offended that you hid this from me for so long."
"We promised we wouldn't tell anyone about this!"
"Alright, alright." She sighs. “I love you so much, you crackhead. And Jungkook loves you, too. You don’t need to be sad anymore, okay? Just take a shower and go to sleep now.”
You nod weakly.
Maybe she’s right. You’ll have enough time to talk to him tomorrow.
But you don’t think you’ll get any sleep right now.
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[you]: jungkook
[you]: can we talk?
[you]: we really really need to talk
[you]: can i go to your place?
[you]: please
[you]: i know you’re reading 
[you]: stop ignoring me
[you]: jungkook
You sigh heavily. This is so frustrating. He didn’t even leave you on read - you’re sure he’s just reading the texts on the notifications and swiping them away. He didn’t block your number, which is a good sign, but this is already getting on your nerves. You’ve been texting since early in the morning (because you couldn’t sleep) and it’s already 5PM.
“He’s ignoring my texts.” You whine to Seulgi as you enter the living room. 
“You said he had things to do today, right? Maybe he’s actually busy.” She says as she checks her makeup on the mirror. It’s been a long time since you saw her getting all pretty like this; she did her nails, made curls on her hair, put on that green skirt she bought months ago but never wore it. This is what being happy and in love looks like. Pretty, well-dressed, nice hair, healthy skin and all.
Meanwhile, your hair looks like a bird nest, you’re wearing the ugly Naruto t-shirt you have since middle school, your entire face is swollen and you have bags under your eyes. This is also what being in love looks like, unfortunately.
“Why don’t you just go to his apartment already?”
“You told me not to do it.”
“I told you not to do it yesterday. Today he’s not drunk anymore.”
You cross your arms. “I’m… I’m still kind of nervous.”
Seulgi turns around and looks at you and quirks her eyebrow. There’s the ghost of a smirk on her lips. “I never thought I’d see you nervous because of anyone. You look like a teenager…”
"I swear to God, if you say that you think I look cute one more time I'll fucking kill you."
Seulgi laughs and runs to you again, putting her hands on your shoulders. "Y/N, do you remember how you were always telling me that I was complicating simple things?"
She lifts her eyebrows. "So."
You roll your eyes and huff. "But it's not that easy!"
"Now you understand how I felt, huh?" Her eyes soften again. "For real, though. If you show up at his door he won't ignore you, I'm sure. Just go."
You sigh again and nod. "You're right. Just… let me build some courage, okay?"
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" She looks a bit worried. "I could go out with Irene another day."
"No, no. Go on your date." You wave your hands. "I'm not gonna die. Also, your pussy must be dusty after so long-"
She smacks your shoulder a bit too strongly as you let yourself laugh for the first time today. 
When Seulgi leaves, you still stand in the middle of the living room for a good while. Like a Sim whose action has just been cancelled.
Whoever is playing you is really evil for putting all the wrong people in the wrong places past night.
You know that you’re not being rational. You should have gone to his house a long time ago… but something holds you back. Perhaps because now there’s no turning back. You know what you feel for Jungkook and you know what he feels for you - your relationship got completely out of its comfort zone, and now you can’t even pretend anymore. Things won’t ever be the same. 
Maybe Jungkook is ignoring you because he’s embarrassed of what Mike did. He basically exposed you two in front of his friends. Sure, that’s none of no one’s business, but still… Jungkook didn’t want anyone to know about it in the first place.
You stare at your phone for a good while. Your reflection on the phone’s screen stares back at you in disgust.
For the hundredth time today, you unlock it and open Jungkook’s number. Your thumbs hover over the keyboard hesitantly.
[you]: jungkook i know youre mad at me and you have all the rights to be but
You frown and delete the text. It doesn’t sound good.
[you]: can you stop being dramatic and just text me back already?
You feel tempted to send this one, but if Jungkook’s angry, this will only make the situation worse. You sigh and try again one more time
[you]: i just really want to talk. you didnt let me speak last night. i know youre probably busy but please. i wont take much of your time
This one sounds about right. You tap the send button.
Then, your fingers mindlessly type one more text. It makes your heart beat fast just looking at it.
[you]: i love you too
You want to send this one so bad.
But you don’t.
Because this isn’t something to be told by text.
Coward! the angry voice of your consciousness yells in your mind. Stop being a coward! You’re an evolved human being, not a stupid teenager! Get this ass up the couch and go meet him!
You get up in a jump.
“I’m not a coward!” you say out loud. If you weren’t this out of your mind, you would have noticed how stupid it was to scream encouraging words by yourself in the living room.
But you don’t care right now.
You don’t care that your face is all puffy and the dark circles around your eyes make you look like a raccoon. You don’t care that you’re wearing your ulgy Naruto t-shirt with old ketchup stains, and you don’t care that you’re wearing the sweatpants that fall down your butt as you walk, and you don’t care that your hair looks like a living animal.
You just straight out leave your home and march to his. Flip flops and all.
Your heart beats at a stupid race as you walk, the sun already disappearing behind the buildings. The anxious part of your brain keeps reminding you that you don’t know what to say when you meet him and you don’t know what his reaction will be, but you shut this whiny voice up. Being with Jungkook always meant that you didn’t have to think a lot in the first place. Being with him is natural, it takes no effort. When you see him you’ll know what to say. You’re sure.
Yet, you can’t help but feel more and more nervous as you enter his apartment building (you never needed to ask permission to enter). You close your hands in fists, gulp multiple times, your heartbeat sounds like drums on your ears.
Your hand hovers over the door.
“Shit,” you whisper to yourself. It’s real. It’s happening. Come on. Don’t be a coward.
After taking one more deep breath, you finally knock on the door.
There’s noise inside. Steps. Fuck, you’re shaking.
You hear the sound of the door unlocking and you hold your breath ready to face him-
He widens his eyes and blinks.
“Oh. Hi, Jimin.” you say awkwardly. Why is he looking at you this way? “Hm, is Jungkook home?”
Jimin looks hesitant for a moment.
It’s your turn to widen your eyes. So that’s why he isn't texting you back. This makes you a bit relieved.
“Is… is he working?” You can’t hide your disappointment.
“Not yet. He starts tomorrow.”
You put your hands on your waist and walk from side to side as Jimin just watches you in silence.
“Jimin, at what time he’ll be home tomorrow? Do you think it’ll be too late in the night? I really need to talk to him, but that fucker keeps ignoring my texts.”
You don’t like the face Jimin is making now.
You really don’t like it.
He scratches the back of his neck and frowns. “He… he didn’t tell you?”
This makes you stop.
“Tell me what?”
Jimin exhales and gulps.
“He told you that he’ll start working for Mr. Choi, right? That director.”
“Yes.” Each word of his makes you more and more worried. 
“So… this project he’s involved in…” Jimin licks his lips before continuing. “It’s overseas.”
You stare at him in silence as this information sinks in.
“Overseas?! Are you telling me he fucking left the country?!”
You can’t believe what you just heard.
“B-But- yesterday Jungkook and I were planning to go out! This makes no sense!”
“Well,” Jimin looks hesitant again. “In fact, his flight is tomorrow morning, but he left earlier because we kind of had an argument.” He sends you an apologetic gaze. “He was drunk yesterday and all and I was trying to calm him down and I might have accidentally let it slip that I knew about you two, and this kinda pissed him off even more because, well, he was drunk and you know how Jungkook gets stupid when he’s drunk, so I think he left to his parent’s house and he’ll head to the airport tomo- wait, are you crying?!”
You sniff and hide your face behind your hands.
“Oh my God,” Jimin sounds confused and borderline panicked as he watches you start sobbing again. “Y/N, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
“B-Because h-he-!” you can’t fucking speak anymore.
Jimin puts a hand on your back and guides you to sit on the couch. He brings some tissues and pats your back awkwardly as you cry and sob like stupid. 
“W-Why didn’t he tell me he was l-leaving?” you ask yourself. 
Jimin sighs. “Y/N, it’s not like he’s leaving forever. It’s just for this project. He’ll be back by the end of the week.”
“B-But he would’ve told me something so important!” You blow your nose. Jimin frowns. “I didn’t know this project was so huge! What, is it a movie or something?”
“It’s a music video.” You stare at Jimin in disbelief. “Jungkook has been around the recording studio with Namjoon and Yoongi a lot. He ended up meeting Mr. Choi, who has been directing some music videos for Big Hit Records’ artists. He liked Jungkook’s work and invited him to work as an assistant… I mean, the assistant of the assistant, as Jungkook himself said.”
You exhale, feeling your shoulders drop. “Why didn’t he tell me this?”
Jimin’s eyes soften. “Your friendship hasn’t been in the best shape these days, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t think it was this bad.”
You rest your elbows on your legs and hide your face behind your hands again. You didn’t want to be crying this bad again, yet you just can’t stop. You don’t even know why you’re crying anymore. Jimin just caresses your back in silence as your sobs start quieting down.
“You were right,” you say at some point.
“When you told me not to hurt him. I was hurting him and I didn’t even realize. I’m so stupid.”
Jimin tilts his head. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, Y/N. You were both stupid.” You side eye him.
“Jungkook said that he’s in love with me.” This makes him quirk his eyebrows.
“You don’t look very surprised.”
“I’m not.”
“Did… did he tell you?”
“Was it that obvious?”
Jimin presses his lips together hesitantly. “Do you want me to comfort you or do you want me to be honest?”
“Be honest.”
“It was pretty fucking obvious that he’s in love with you. At least for me.” 
You exhale and swipe your hands over your face. “I’m so stupid!” you repeat.
“Look, Y/N, to be honest, I think Jungkook is the most stupid. He was torturing himself with this fuck buddies thing, you know? He agreed to it in the first place. Everyone knows that this type of thing shouldn’t involve feelings, but he was the one to throw himself into it while he already had feelings.”
“It’s not like he’s the only one, though.”
Jimin seems about to say something, but he stops and stares at you, jaw-dropped.
“Wait, what do you mean?”
You rest your back on the couch. “I mean that I was also stupid enough to throw myself into it while having feelings.”
He’s quiet for a few more seconds.
“Do you mean that you like him back?”
You don’t answer. 
Much like Seulgi, it looks like Jimin just discovered something world-shocking. “Since when? Have you liked him since the beginning?”
You sigh sadly.
“No, I haven’t. To me, it was just fun. Until I realized that he was getting too far from my reach and- and I realized that Jungkook has never been too far, never, and I don’t know what to do when he’s not around.” You sniff. You’re not talking to Jimin anymore at this point; you’re talking to yourself. “Y-You know, now that I think about it, I… I guess I understand why it was always so good. Not just because he fucks good or because of his big dick-”
“I don’t need to hear this, do I?” Jimin whines in disgust.
“-but because it was him.” One more tear rolls down your cheek. “It was good because it was with him.”
The way you always felt comfortable to be naked in front of him. How it was always lighthearted and fun and exciting. You had good sex with other people before, but never like this. Maybe because these other people didn’t have Jungkook’s handsome smile or because their eyes didn’t gleam with excitement the way his does or because they didn't smell like baby powder. Or maybe because it was never scary to be exposed in front of him because he already knew everything about you - there wasn’t really anything else to expose. 
Jungkook felt like home.
Now, you feel homeless.
You wipe the tears away once more and look at Jimin-
“Why are you smiling?”
Doesn’t this scene look familiar?
“I’m sorry, it’s just that- wow, I don’t even know what to say.” Jimin doesn’t even try to hide his smile. “I’ve been waiting so long for this. Like, I kind of suspected that you had feelings for him, but I couldn’t be sure because you’re a hard bitch to read. To be honest, when I saw what you two were doing I wanted to kill you because you couldn’t be this blind to not realize how he feels about you-”
“Can you stop being honest for a moment?”
“Oh.” Jimin gulps, but he can’t stop smiling. “I’m sorry.”
You sigh again and cross your arms. “What if he never lets me explain myself, Jimin?”
“Stop the drama.” Jimin’s voice hardens suddenly. “You two are very similar in this sense, you know? I’m sure that Jungkook will listen to whatever you have to say. And he’ll be away for just four days! It’s not like he’s leaving forever.”
You sit there in silence for some moments. You’re sure that if you tell that you’re scared to talk to Jungkook, he will probably beat you up. He never had that much patience.
Jimin exhales heavily and gets up. “Wait a minute.” You watch as he walks into Jungkook’s empty bedroom, frowning. He stays there for a little while. When he comes back to the living room, he stops in front of you and hands you something.
“Jungkook’s gonna kill me when he finds out, but I don’t care.” 
“What is this-?”
“Just take it already. And watch it when you’re back home. It’s so personal that I got uncomfortable the first time I watched it.”
“Then why are you giving it to me-?”
“Just fucking take it, Y/N!”
You take the small device before Jimin makes you swallow it. 
He smiles sweetly.
“Everything will be fine, okay? Don’t worry. I’m always right.”
You stare at the small black pen drive in between your fingers.
This time, you genuinely hope he’s right.
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You had honestly forgotten how it feels to get drunk. 
At the same time that the dizziness feels familiar, it's also hitting you like a truck. Your friends didn't believe you when you said that you'd stop drinking, yet you've been loyal to your word. Of course, it's not like you didn't drink anything in all those months, but a single beer isn't the same as a pack of beer.
The way your body's responding to the alcohol in your system isn't right. Your stomach is already tangling around itself, you can't walk a straight line from the couch to the kitchen counter without feeling that there's holes opening on the floor, and your thoughts are more incomprehensible than usual. You'd usually not get drunk so fast - and surely not with just beer. You're the girl that was still very sober after many tequila shots that time a random date of yours was trying to get you drunk - he ended up drunk after a few shots, of course, and you left the son of a bitch alone while he vomited on himself.
Being in love sure has changed you a lot.
Look, it's not the first time you drink to forget about your problems. You've been doing that since high school and you're tired of hearing Jungkook say how this behavior is unhealthy (he's right, as usual). This time, though, you're not forgetting about your problems, you're just thinking about them more.
It doesn't help that you're listening to Seulgi's playlist on Spotify called "i miss you irene." You laughed your ass off when you found out she really made a heartbreak playlist and named it like that. "You're torturing yourself, Seulgi," you told her. I mean, why would someone sad listen to songs that will only make them more sad?
Here you are now, laying on the carpet as Spending my Time by Roxette is blasting on the speakers.
People really knew how to write heartbreak songs back in the 90s.
"Fuck you, Jungkook." you mumble, staring at the ceiling. "I'm shoving alcohol up my ass. You can't tell me what to do."
Jungkook, that fucker. Why didn’t he listen to you? Why didn’t you shut him up? If there was a way to go back in time you’d do it. You wouldn’t have kissed Taehyung, you wouldn’t let him get the wrong impression. You wouldn’t have encouraged Jungkook to be with Joy. Fuck, if you could go back in time you would have woken up that first morning in Jungkook’s bed and said that it meant a lot to sleep with him, that you were willing to not be just friends anymore.
(Of course, back then you didn’t feel that way, but you’re drunk and sad. Give yourself a break.)
Now, you can’t tell him what you feel because he’s somewhere overseas. He probably bought new clothes for such an important occasion. You imagine him being in a real set for the first time, his eyes gleaming as he watches the staff working, him trying to hold his excited smile back because he’s supposed to look professional and-
You sniff. You have a stuffy nose. Fuck.
You're so drunk that you can't really control your actions anymore. If Seulgi were here, she would probably stop you. But she's not here. She's somewhere with Irene.
So you take your phone, tap the Instagram app and start typing.
[@you]: hell o 😅😂🤣😊
[@you]: its been a log time how u doing???
[@you]: what if we meeet????
And unfortunately, she replies.
[@yerimiese]: hi 🤗
[@yerimiese]: yeah, sure!
[@yerimiese]: when can we meet?
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It’s the back pain that makes you wake up the next day because you slept on the floor. You’re dizzy and confused, your poor brain trying to understand what’s happening, why you’re on the floor, why there’s so many empty beer cans around you and why your phone is flashing with notifications from last night.
When your sight finally adjusts to the light your phone screen produces, your eyes widen and you stand up in a jump, making your back ache even more.
Did you seriously DM Yeri and she seriously agreed to meet you?!
It’s currently 11:40 AM - and you agreed to meet at noon. 
You run to your bedroom so fast that it makes you dizzy and you end up hitting your hip against the doorframe and it feels like you fucking broke it. You just have time to wear the first clean clothes you see laying around, tie your hair up and run to take the first bus you see.
You could’ve just told Yeri that you weren’t going anymore, of course, even though she agreed to meet you and it would’ve been kind of rude. You know it’s going to be the most awkward moment ever to see her after so long, especially now that you have feelings for her ex. Gosh - you’re already feeling so much embarrassment that you feel like jumping out of the bus and running back home. Why the fuck do you always end up doing stupid things when you’re drunk?!
But again - it’s that same chaotic side of you that makes you stay inside the bus and meet her. This chaotic side takes a good portion of your personality, it just gets more outgoing when you’re drunk. The same chaotic side that made you start some friends with benefits bullshit with your best friend just because you liked the idea of not being caught and the same chaotic side that made you passive aggressively flirt with Taehyung when you didn’t really want anything with him-
How the fuck did your friends even stand you?!
You’re forced to stop the existential crisis when you see that you arrived at the park. You feel a shiver run down your spine.
Yeri is sitting on the bus stop. 
She looks prettier than you remember; her hair is short and blonde now, which makes her look more mature. Yeri was always one to walk around well dressed, but right now it feels almost humiliating that she's all pretty when you literally look like a scarecrow. 
She smiles awkwardly and gets up. You didn't even say anything yet and it already feels awkward.
"I’m so sorry, Yeri,” is the first thing you say as you approach each other. “Did I make you wait too long?”
“No! It’s alright. I also got a little bit late.” She says, smiling prettily. Pretty is a word that overall describes her very well. “So, how you’re doing?”
“I’m doing fine!” You’re doing anything but fine at the moment. “What about you?”
“I’m fine, too.”
My good Lord.
You start to regret all of your life choices right here and right now. You don’t see this girl in almost a year, you’re not close anymore, you know nothing about her life. Why the fuck did you even come anyway?! The awkwardness is so big that you can almost touch it.
There’s also a small and annoying thought that grows as you watch her - a thought you try very hard to ignore, but you can’t - that this is the girl Jungkook used to fuck before he started fucking you, that he used to go down on her and that he used to be inside of her and that those pretty lips of her once were around his cock and for some reason you start getting really angry-
“Do you wanna have a drink?” Yeri suddenly says.
You blink. “Hm… it’s 12PM.”
“And?” She quirks an eyebrow.
She’s perceptive, this one. Nothing’s better to break the ice than alcohol. 
You don’t even know what you’re doing here anyway, so who cares?
“Sure. I know a bar nearby.”
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Yeri slams the empty glass on the counter and stares at you, shocked.
“Mike did what?!”
You nod and swallow one more shot. Your tastebuds are so used (even calloused) from this bitter taste that you don’t even scowl as the drink slides down your throat. “Yeah. It seems that he was cheating on me for a while with that bitch. I caught them inside the lab.”
Yeri stares ahead. She looks speechless. “I will be honest… I heard that he was cheating on you, but I never thought this happened.” She shakes her head slowly. “Why the fuck were they inside a lab anyways? Are they stupid?”
“The lab was deactivated. That part of the science building was being renovated.” You sigh. Reviving those memories is kind of painful right now, especially after what Mike did to you some nights ago. Honestly, he could die and you wouldn’t care. “I was looking for him. His friends told me he went in that direction… well, kinda weird that they snitched on him like that. Maybe they really didn’t know. Anyways, I still don’t know how they got the key to the lab.”
Yeri nods. “Wow… I am really, really shocked. You guys were a pretty couple.” She gesticulates with her hand. “One more shot, please.”
“Me too, please.” You say.
The bartender looks at you two with visible worry. There’s no one else in the bar - who the fuck drinks so much this early? Wait, why is this bar even opened this early? - so he’s obviously hearing your whole conversation. You wonder what’s his opinion on your fucked up love life.
“Are you sure, girls? Shouldn’t you slow down a little bit?” He asks hesitantly.
You wave your hand dismissively. “Nah, we’re good.” You’re still not dizzy, just a little talkative. Getting drunk yesterday seemed to awaken all of your high tolerance superpowers. Pretty Yeri also isn’t one to get drunk that easily.
“We’re strong girls.” She reassures. The bartender shrugs as he prepares two more shots. “You seemed to like him a lot.” 
“I did.” You admit. 
“And he seemed to like you, too. I never expected that. Well… to be honest, Jungkook sometimes told me that he didn’t like Mike and that he was sure that he wasn’t a good guy.”
The sudden mention of his name makes you freeze. You realize that Yeri freezes, too. It seems that she’s also surprised for bringing him up like this. Yeri looks down at the new shot the bartender just placed in front of you two.
“It seems that he was right. As usual.” She finishes in a much lower voice, drinking her shot in one go.
This single sentence makes you realize that “Jungkook” is still a delicate topic for her. Of course it’d be - you don’t know much about their break up, but you sure know it was anything but friendly. Jungkook got pretty fucked up for a few weeks after their break up - and the fact that he refuses to talk about it to this day is enough of an indication.
“Anyways, it didn’t stop there.” You decide to go back to your suffering for now, so she can get distracted. “The day before yesterday I bumped into him. He was drunk and made a scandal. Called me a bitch in front of everyone.”
Yeri gasps and looks at you wide eyed. “What? Please, tell me someone punched the fuck out of him!”
“Yeah, my friend did before I could.” You’re not telling her which friend, of course. “It was satisfying. Still made me feel really bad, though.”
“You shouldn’t. You did nothing wrong, Y/N. He’s the son of a bitch here.” Yeri reassures. 
You nod and drink. “But enough of talking about my depressing love life. What about you?”
Yeri sighs, holding the small cup with both hands. “I’m doing fine, I guess. Didn’t really get serious with anyone yet. I’m seeing a guy, though. I don’t think I like him yet, but he’s about right. Who knows?” She says, shrugging.
You nod slowly. We’re getting into dangerous waters now. “I’m glad we’re both moving on, I guess.”
Yeri goes quiet for a while.
“Yeah. I guess so.”
A deep silence settles after this. You stare at the empty cup blankly, feeling the tension building up.
"I… have to be honest." Yeri starts quietly. "It was surprising that you called me after so long." She taps her nails on the counter slowly. "And I have the feeling that you called me for a very specific reason."
You nod slowly. She's not stupid. "You're right."
Yeri hesitates for a second. "You didn't… Jungkook didn't ask you to come here to talk to me, right?"
You almost gasp. Jungkook doesn't even dream that you're with her right now. "No, no. He didn't. You know I'm kinda nosy, but I have my limits too."
Yeri quirks her eyebrows and nods. You really hope that this tiny thing you saw deep in her eyes wasn't disappointment. You really hope that deep down Yeri doesn't still like him.
"So… why did you call me, then?"
You sigh. She came all this way just to meet you, so you have to at least be honest right now.
"I was drunk yesterday when I texted you."
"Oh." Yeri widens her eyes. "I thought there was something wrong with you by the way you were texting."
You chuckle. "But… I did call you because of Jungkook, somehow." You say carefully, She stiffens. "I know it's kinda cruel to do this. If you want to simply leave or if you want to slap me, I won't judge you. But… we had a really ugly fight these days and I don't know what to do. I was hoping that maybe… maybe you could help me understand him."
Yeri goes very, very quiet after this.
"Did you guys fight because of me?" She asks after a while.
"No and yes." Yeri was one of the things that got you overthinking anyways. "I… I really need to know. Again, you don't need to tell me if you don't want to. But… why did you guys break up?"
Yeri turns her head slowly to look at you. There's something very serious and hardened on her eyes.
"He never told you." It wasn't a question. You shake your head. "Well, I figured he wouldn't." She looks back to the cup between her hands; you can see she's thinking hard. "Y/N, I always admired your friendship with him. What you have is something truly special. Maybe you won't want to know why. Maybe I don't want to tell you because I don't want to destroy your friendship."
"My relationship with Jungkook won't ever go back to what it used to be anyways. I don't care." 
Yeri looks surprised. She still hesitates for some moments - what makes your blood boil in expectation - but finally sighs and nods.
"Alright, then." She crosses her arms. "I broke up with him because of you."
You stare at her, jaw dropped.
"What? What did I do?" You ask, genuinely confused.
"You did nothing." She chuckles drily. "That's why I couldn't hate you, you know. And I tried to hate you really hard."
You don't know what to say. Some girls Jungkook had some sort of relationship with were very jealous of you, you knew, but Yeri was different. "Were you… were you jealous of me and him? But Yeri- you know we weren't like that."
This is not a lie. You weren't like that while they still dated. You were too stupidly in love with Mike to notice the person that was standing right by your side all along.
"I know." She nods. "I know you didn't. But Jungkook did."
You freeze.
Yeri finally looks at you again - clear sadness on her eyes.
"Jungkook loves you. Not in a way a friend does."
You’re absolutely speechless.
Your heart is beating so fast that you think you’re about to faint. Your brain malfunctions and it seems that you lost the ability to speak for a few moments. This shouldn’t shock you - Jungkook confessed his feelings himself not long ago, and Jimin also said how he knew about Jungkook’s feelings - goddamn, even Seulgi noticed it a little bit. But back then? When he was still dating Yeri?
“B-But Yeri-” you hate the way you’re stuttering and you hate how Yeri is telling you something she obviously doesn’t like, but you still feel so fucking happy and fuzzy inside. “Jungkook was in love with you. I’m sure.”
“I thought so, too. And he thought he was in love with me.” Yeri stares ahead again, and in this moment you realize that yes, it still hurts her. “You know… Jungkook was too much like a dream.” She chuckles to herself, as if she can’t believe in what she’s saying. “He was perfect in every sense. His good looks, the way he was always so sweet… God, even the way he’s in bed.” Yes, he’s unbeatable in bed, you want to agree. “Too perfect to be true.”
Yeri goes quiet again for a while. She stares at the cup as if it’s showing her something important she can’t look away from.
“I started to realize why it was so perfect.” Her voice sounds painfully fragile. “He was trying too hard. Always trying his best. At first I thought that it was a good thing… We all want someone that’s always trying their best for you, right? But then… then, I started to watch how he acted when he was around you. Y-You know what’s worst in all this? It’s not like you two gave me actual reason to be jealous. You were never touchy around each other. You were even dating back then, and you two avoided going out together because Mike and Jungkook never got along well. I know it.” She sounds like she wants to cry. It makes you feel really, really bad. 
“But… fuck, it was the way Jungkook acted with you, the way he talked to you, the way he looked at you, that smile he just showed when you were around. With you, he wasn’t trying anything. He didn’t need to try. I saw how he was so comfortable around you and… well, I didn’t need to be a genius to understand that he was so stupidly in love with you that it got him blind.” Yeri inhales and exhales deeply. “Jungkook was too much like a dream. But everyone has to wake up sometime, and I didn’t want to be there when he woke up from his. So I left him before I could get any more hurt.”
You can just stare at her, jaw dropped, adrenaline making your breathing shaky.
“Yeri, I never… I didn’t…” you stupidly stutter.
“I know you didn’t.” She nods. “I even pitied Jungkook, you know. Because he didn’t want to see what he really felt, and because you obviously didn’t feel the same.” Yeri chuckles. “That’s why I can’t hate you. That’s also what gave me some sense of revenge. At least he’s suffering a little bit.”
You’re both very, very quiet for some time.
“I’m sorry.” You say quietly. She doesn’t know you’re apologizing for putting her under the torture of telling those memories that are still painful for her. You weren’t expecting that Yeri still felt so affected by her past relationship even after so long. 
“You don’t need to apologize.” She shakes her head slowly. “It wasn’t meant to be. That’s all. We would both keep suffering like that.” Yeri exhales again and looks at you. “Well… I guess I’m going now. I really hope I didn’t completely kill your relationship with him.”
She didn’t.
She quite helped to save it, actually.
Yeri takes some money from her purse and puts it over the counter, paying for her drinks. As she gets up from the stool, you say:
“Thank you for telling me, Yeri. I really wish you all the happiness you deserve.”
The blonde girl opens a small smile. You see why Jungkook fell - well, at least thought he fell - for her. Maybe Yeri doesn’t know it, but she also looks like a dream. You just hope she’ll find someone that will wake her up to see the most beautiful, warm and lovely reality.
“Thanks. See you around.”
She leaves.
You just sit there, all alone, staring at the counter.
Well- not exactly alone.
The bartender is furiously side-eyeing you.
“What?” You ask drily.
He presses his lips together. “I don’t think I should say anything…”
You tilt your head. “Go ahead. You heard everything anyway.”
The bartender stops in front of you. There’s something wise about him. That’s probably the result of hearing hundreds and hundreds of love stories every night - day, in your case.
“That dude you guys were talking about,” he says. “Your friend. You like him, right?”
You stare at him seriously. “Why would you think that?”
“Because your eyes lit up so much as she talked that I thought you were going to explode.”
Fuck. You can’t even pretend anymore. You avoid his gaze, embarrassed, and nod. “I do.”
He lifts his eyebrows. “Then, and excuse my intrusive ass, what the fuck are you waiting for?” He almost looks annoyed, as if he’s having to explain something painfully obvious. “Go after him, woman!”
You stare at him. 
He’s right.
What the fuck are you waiting for?
Oh, right. You’re waiting until he comes back, because he’s fucking overseas.
It makes you so, so angry. After everything you just heard, after everything you’re feeling right now, you wanted nothing more but to run to him and make him listen to you. You want to see him, to hug him, to make him understand that he’s your most important person in the world, that you can’t see yourself in a world where he isn’t around.
But guess what - you’ll have to wait three days to meet him. 
You look so grumpy on your way back home that people deliberately avoid looking at you. Seulgi and Irene are there when you arrive; Seulgi looks worried, Irene looks confused, you just decide to say you’re alright and lock yourself inside your bedroom because you can’t physically look at a happy couple right now.
You throw yourself on the bed and scream against a pillow.
If someone told you you’d be feeling so many things when all of this started, you wouldn’t have believed. You were always someone to continuously keep the fuck it button pressed - or at least, you pretended you did. Like that, you could trick your heart into believing you weren’t hurt by some jerk who cheated on you, that you didn’t feel like a piece of shit for drowning your problems in alcohol, that you didn’t care that most of your “friends” just cared about you when it came to parties and having fun, that there was never really anyone that truly took you seriously in a relationship.
It’s really easy to pretend those things aren’t real. But it’s just like Yeri said - one moment, everyone has to wake up. To you, waking up means facing the consequences of your actions, to face your feelings.
And it really hurts right now.
It also reminds you that the person you’d usually let your guard down for was Jungkook. You were never embarrassed to be weak in front of him - and it was the other way round. You were always in tune. Always in synergy.
This makes you remember the little black pen drive laying on the nightstand.
You sit in a jump, taking your laptop and the pen drive. Just feeling the device between your fingers makes you feel nervous… that’s why you still didn’t check what’s inside of it yet. Jimin said it was something personal. You’ve been hesitating to see whatever it is.
It can’t be bad, can it?
You plug the pen drive in your laptop. 
The files tab pops up. There’s actually only one file inside the pen drive - a video. It’s called euphoria final test i swear to god. 
You chuckle. This is so Jungkook. 
Your finger still hovers over the touchpad hesitantly. It looks like one of Jungkook’s test videos - you’ve seen plenty of those. Nothing new. Nothing to be scared of. You double click. 
The video opens up and fills up the screen.
It’s a vertical video recorded on selfie mode. Jungkook is walking down the university hall; he has a playful smile on his lips. The video shows you walking by his side, a grumpy expression on your face.
You remember this. He actually posted this on his Instagram stories around one year ago. His hair was way shorter back then. Why does he still have something so silly?
“Y/N’s team lost the championship.” Jungkook says. Of course he looks happy. He roots for the rival team. “How are you feeling right now?”
“Fuck you.” Is all you say.
Jungkook laughs loudly.
Another video.
A song kicks in.
It starts with the sweet melody of a piano. You frown, not recognizing this song at all. 
Then the voice of the singer kicks in, and you feel your whole body freezing.
It’s Jungkook’s voice.
He sounds soft and angelic as you’ve always known - only this time, through professional mics and mixing. This itself is already shocking. You always felt blessed for being one of the few people to know of Jungkook’s singing ability, but this is different. He sounds like a professional singer, someone that makes a living out of it.
You remember Namjoon’s voice.
Hah, Jungkook didn’t tell you yet? He has been working with us! We’re doing a good job. He lent his voice to record some demos.
You then remember what Jungkook told you.
I… I kind of helped them write a song. I felt kind of inspired. It was just for fun, though.
Maybe I’ll let you listen to it any other day.
Is… is this the song he was talking about?
Jungkook’s sweet voice sings:
You are the sunlight that rose again in my life
A reincarnation of my childhood dreams
I don’t know what these emotions are
Am I still dreaming?
Your breathing is irregular. Your fingers are shaking slightly. 
Because as if his voice wasn’t enough to singlehandedly make you feel completely lost, the video is still passing on.
Videos of you.
You sitting on the university’s library, reading a book. You crying that time you ate tacos that were way too spicy, Jungkook’s laughter from behind his phone ringing softly over the song. You playing Just Dance with Seulgi, ridiculously trying to follow the doll’s moves on the TV. You running after Jungkook down the hall as he laughs because he stole your last cookie. You dancing around your kitchen as you prepare breakfast. You and him singing to Staying Alive that night at Burger King, both of you visibly drunk. Your shocked reaction as you watched a plot twist unfold on the TV - an anime he insisted so much for you to watch that you ended up watching.
I hear the ocean from far away
Across the dream, past the woods
I'm following this clarity
Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria
You remember some of those videos. He posted some of them on his Instagram or Snapchat. Some of them you sent him yourself. Some of them, though, you had no idea that existed. Videos of you doing… nothing. Scrolling down your phone. Reading a book. Watching TV. Some of them look more professional - those are from the times you accepted to be his “model” so he could test his techniques, yet he never let you see any of those videos.
Just you.
You, you, you and you.
Were you wandering around
Looking for an erased dream too?
It’s different from what destiny suggests
We share the same painful views
Won't you please stay in my dreams
Yes, both of you had erased dreams. Your erased dream was Mike. His erased dream was Yeri.
Jungkook thought that you would never be more than friends. What he felt, though, was different from what he thought destiny suggested.
The way you drifted apart from each other. The pain you went through, watching your friendship slowly die. You shared the same painful views.
You don’t know at what moment you start to cry, but now, tears are freely dripping down your cheeks.
Even if the earth crumbles
No matter who shakes this world
Don't let go of my hand
Please don’t wake me up from this dream
You remember that time you were looking at the pictures Jungkook took at a wedding, and you noticed how the groom looked at his future wife with overflowing love. You wondered to yourself if someone has ever looked - or ever would - look at you the same way.
Well, sometimes… sometimes I caught him looking at you in some type of way.
It was the way Jungkook acted with you, the way he talked to you, the way he looked at you, that smile he just showed when you were around. 
You’re not seeing him in this video.
Yet, it shows how Jungkook sees you. And you can’t help but think… in his eyes, you look beautiful.
He sings beautifully. Passionately.
Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria
Close the door now
When I’m with you I’m in utopia
As the song slowly ends, the screen shows a last shot from a very old video you didn’t even remember. It’s from your graduation day from high school… actually, a video your mother recorded. The difference is clear from how shaky the camera is. You can’t help but think you look too goofy in your old school uniform.
“Y/N, it’s your graduation day! Next year you’ll live by yourself in a big city!”
“Thanks God. Less bills to pay for,” you hear your father jokingly say somewhere out of sight. You roll your eyes, but still laugh.
“Thank you so much, Dad. I see how much you love me.”
“But I love you, sweetie!”
“Shut up, darling. I’m trying to do an interview.” Your mother shushes him. “So, how do you feel, Y/N?”
You look thoughtful for a moment. That stupid teenager on the screen looks so full of hopes and courage. So young, so naive. “I’m a little bit scared, but I’m excited.” You say. 
Then you smile, as if remembering something very important.
“Besides, Jungkook will live next to me, so I’ll be alright.”
The video ends.
You just sit there, sobbing uncontrollably for the next few minutes.
When you clicked that file, you never expected this.
You never expected to feel so loved with just a video.
At the same time, it makes an urge - the strongest urge you’ve ever felt in your life - flow through you. You need to tell Jungkook how wrong those lyrics are.
He doesn’t have to keep dreaming anymore. You’ve woken up from your own dream - and you’re ready to show him the real world in which you love him back, unconditionally.
Irene and Seulgi look worried as they see you marching out of your bedroom, sniffling, tears streaming down your cheeks. Before Irene can say anything, you put both hands on her shoulders and look at her seriously.
“Remember when you said you owed me one? That you’d help me with whatever I needed?”
Irene starts to look scared. “Yes.”
“Were you serious?”
“Of course!”
“Good. Then I need you to buy a flight ticket for me. Today.”
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“Are you sure that’s the right hotel, Jimin?” you ask out of breath, your phone almost falling as you balance it between your ear and your shoulder, your hands busy holding your passport and flight ticket. You, Irene and Seulgi run inside the airport, looking like three crazy women in a dangerous mission - which isn’t too far from reality.
“I’m sure, Y/N!” Jimin says through the phone, starting to sound a little bit annoyed. “God, you asked me this a hundred times!”
“But I need to be sure! Can’t you ask him once again?”
“He will start to get suspicious. I already had to make up one hell of an excuse to make him tell me which room he’s in without sounding creepy.”
“Room 23, right?”
“Room 32!”
“So, is he sure that’s the right hotel?” Irene asks.
She clicks something on her phone. “Good. It’s not too far from the airport. You’re lucky there was a room available!”
“Are you sure about this, Y/N?” Seulgi asks, looking borderline panicked. “You’re not going to die if you wait a few days until he comes back.”
“Yes, I am going to die if I wait any longer.”
“So dramatic.” Jimin says over the phone. You can even see him rolling his eyes.
“Shut up!”
“Why are you telling me to shut up?!” Seulgi asks, offended.
“No! I was talking to Jimin!” You finally hold the phone with your hand. “Okay, Jimin. I’m hanging up. Thank you so much for your help.”
“Don’t fucking die out there.” Jimin says, but you can hear the smile on his voice. “Good luck!”
You shove the phone inside your back pocket and turn around to look at them.
“Y/N, I don’t trust you alone in a foreign country.” Seulgi says. She does look panicked.
“I don’t trust myself either, but it’s alright.” You reassure her - but she only looks more nervous. You didn’t even bring a suitcase, choosing to just take a backpack with a few clothes and extremely necessary items. 
Irene takes something from her wallet and hands it to you. “Here’s my credit card. I will text you the password later.”
You widen your eyes. “Irene, that’s not necessary…”
She shrugs in a dismissing demeanour. “Of course it is. How will you survive out there without money?” This kinda reminds you that this is only one of her credit cards and that whatever money you spend won’t really mean much to her. Still, you take the card hesitantly, making a mental promise to not spend more than the utmost necessary. “Your room is booked. You can ask a taxi to take you directly to the hotel. There’s no way to get lost.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that…” Seulgi says under her breath.
“Seulgi, I will fucking beat you up.” 
“Sorry! I’m nervous!” She admits.
Your gaze softens. “I promise I won’t die, okay?”
She steps closer and hugs you tightly. “Be safe. Huh, you’re so stupid, but this is so romantic! It feels like I’m watching a Netflix romcom movie in real life!”
“Why do you always have to bring Netflix up?” Irene wonders under her breath. Seulgi sends her a menacing glare as she steps back again. “Anyways, if you need anything, please call us. Call us as soon as you get out of the plane. Keep us informed.”
“Okay.” You jump over to hug Irene; she gets visibly surprised, not really the type of person to appreciate a lot of physical contact. “Thank you so much, Irene! You’re saving my life!”
“The same way you saved mine.” She giggles. “Now go, unless you want to lose your flight!”
You wave them goodbye one last time before walking to the check-in area.
Yeah. You know that this is very, very stupid to do. You could wait three days. But when your impulsive, chaotic side takes control, you can’t really hold it back. That’s why you get inside the plane even though you’re really fucking scared of flights, going to a country you know absolutely nothing about. 
But it’s alright. You’ll be with Jungkook, so it’s alright. Even if he rejects you - it’s alright.
Your chaotic side says that you’ll annoy him until he at least listens to you - and this time, you don’t think your chaotic side is all that wrong.
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You get lost.
Which is dumb, because there were lots of information boards around the airport. Maybe that’s why you got lost - too much information, your peanut-sized brain couldn’t process all of that. After walking around the gigantic place for a good thirty minutes, only stopping to buy something very important on a vending machine, you find the exit and the taxi area. The taxi driver sees how desperate you are and it looks like he pities you.
Irene was right; the hotel is only twenty minutes away from the airport. It’s not a super hotel, but it looks like it’s much more expensive than you’d be able to pay (you couldn’t even pay for the flight tickets anyway). 
You get more and more and more and more nervous at each passing minute. You feel like you’re about to fucking explode as the receptionist types something you can’t see. When he gives you the key card for your room, you feel goosebumps run down your spine.
It’s now.
Getting inside the elevator, you press the button to Jungkook’s floor. You don’t even want to drop your things in your own room before meeting him. You’re so nervous that, if you wait a little bit more, you’re sure that you’ll pass out.
Every step of yours on the corridor’s carpeted floor echoes in your ears. Your heart beats furiously. Your hands are trembling slightly and you feel cold in your stomach.
Room 23.
You stand in front of it, frozen.
Oh my God.
As expected, you don’t know what you’ll say when you see him. You tried to plan a speech the entire flight as a way to forget you were thousands of feet away from the ground and how fucking scared it made you, but you couldn’t think of anything.
You inhale and exhale deeply. It’s alright. It’s Jungkook who you’re talking about. You’ve always known how to act around him. Right now it’s no different.
Finally, you knock on the door.
“J-Jungkook?” You call, your voice failing slightly.
No response. 
Weird. Jimin made sure that Jungkook wouldn’t be working anymore at this hour.
“Jungkook, it’s me. Can we… can we talk, please?” You say a little bit louder, knocking on the door once more. You can't hear any noise coming from inside the room. Come on, Jungkook. You have to open the door before any security guard can drag me away from here. 
Your breathing is difficult. Your hands are trembling slightly. It feels that the floor is opening holes under your feet.
"Jungkook, I know you're mad at me. But please… please, let me at least explain myself." It's stupid how you already feel your eyes welling up with tears. Since when you became such a cry baby? Your chest tightens, hurts. "Y-You can't just leave me outside your room like this. Stop being a jerk. I need to tell you… I-I need to tell you that I lo-"
You freeze.
You turn around, looking at the exact opposite room in the hallway.
It's him.
Jungkook still holds the doorknob, indicating that he just opened it. He's barefoot, wears shorts and a long sleeved shirt, all black. His damp hair falling slightly over his eyes indicates that he probably just took a shower.
His eyes are so widened that it looks like they're about to pop out of his face.
He sincerely looks at you like you're the weirdest thing he has ever seen in his life. 
"W-What-" he stutters, looking like he can't form a coherent sentence. "What the fuck?!"
You're still frozen in place.
You turn around again, looking at the door you were knocking on.
Room 23.
You look back at Jungkook again - the sign on his door.
Room 32.
"Oh." Is all you can say.
Shame suddenly makes your shoulders weight. You really, really hope there's no one inside Room 23. 
You both stand there, staring at each other with widened eyes like two scared chipmunks. Your neck and face feels very, very hot.
Jungkook looks like he's recovering from the shock. He didn't hear anything you said, apparently. 
"W-What exactly are you doing here?" Jungkook asks, tilting his head to the side. He frowns, looking at you like you're an exotic species. 
"Oh." You repeat. Your brain is malfunctioning. You step closer, simply showing him the plastic bag you're holding. "I-I brought you this."
His eyes go from you to the plastic bag and to you again. 
"It's banana milk." You explain hurriedly. He widens his eyes slightly. "I mean- it's this country's equivalent of banana milk, I guess. It's the closest thing I could buy in the vending machine."
Jungkook raises his hand slowly and takes it. He's moving carefully, as if this exotic species can jump on him and bite him at any moment.
"Did you take a 5 hour flight just to buy me banana milk?" 
"Yes." You agree mindlessly. You feel your entire body burning now. "A-And I also came here to talk, because your dramatic ass didn't let me speak the other day."
Jungkook quirks one eyebrow and crosses his arms slowly. "Alright. I'm listening to you now."
He stares at you very seriously. 
His gaze is overwhelming. It almost feels that you're getting small under his eyes. Gosh - you've been wanting to see him for days, but right now, when he's right in front of you, you can't say a damn thing, your brain completely overheating, your braincells melting. You thought you'd know how to act when you met him - but ha, guess what? You don't.
And that motherfucker is just standing there, waiting for you to speak. Just staring at you.
You hold the doorknob in a swift moment and close the door on his face, just letting enough of it open so he can still hear you.
"What-?" He gasps from inside the room.
"Shut up, okay?! I just can't speak looking at you right now." You hold the doorknob so tightly that your knuckles get white. You hate the way your voice is trembling and you hate the way your sight can't really focus on anything around you - that's just how nervous you are.
Jungkook doesn't say anything. You feel him leaning on the other side of the door, waiting patiently.
You inhale and exhale heavily.
"You got so fucking angry at me when I said you were my best friend that night.” You start, not really knowing where you’re going with this. You don’t even know if it’s possible to convey everything you feel through words only. “But you know, it’s- it’s true. You are my best friend. But what you didn’t let me explain is that you’re not just my best friend.”
Your heartbeat thunders on your ears at each word. You can’t see Jungkook’s expression, and at the same time it helps you keep talking, it also makes you more anxious. 
“Y-You’ve been with me through everything. You were there with me when I broke my arm when we were kids, and you were there to help me when I thought I wouldn’t get into college, and you were there with me to celebrate when I got into college. It’s even embarrassing that you’ve seen all of my lowest moments.” You rest your head on the door, staring at the carpet under your feet. The first tears roll down your cheeks. “You know everything about me and sometimes I hate it. You’re like… fuck, I hate how cheesy this sounds, but you’re like a part of me. A-And you’re the best part, because- I don’t know how to explain, but you’re always the one making my average self want to be more.”
Normal you would never say something like this. You’re far from being an emotional person and you’re shit with words. But right now you’re crying and sniffling and trembling and you can’t shut your mouth anymore.
“Please, you have to believe me. I would never purposefully hurt you. Whenever I see you sad I die a little bit inside, and to know that I was the cause of your sadness is fucking killing me. It’s killing me.” You sob. “I don’t want to be the cause of your sadness ever again. I-I want to return all the good things you’ve done to me. So, please… I know I’m a pain in the ass to deal with, b-but if you’d let me be by your side… if you’d just bear me a little bit longer until I become someone that you’d want to be with-”
Jungkook opens the door. 
You hear him whispering under his breath wait, wait, wait, interrupting you. Gently, he puts his hands on your arms and pulls you inside the room, closing the door right after, so now your back is against the door - right in front of him.
He stares at you, lips parted, eyebrows slightly knitted together. He looks stunned. Very, very confused. And very hopeful.
His starry eyes are welling up with tears.
“What… what do you mean with all this?” Jungkook asks softly. He almost sounds scared. “What do you really mean?”
You stare at him in silence. His beautiful face. His beautiful self. 
You’ve never been so sure about anything in your life.
“I love you.” you confess, your voice cracking slightly. “I-I fucking love you. I’m sorry that I took so long to realize.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen.
The next thing you know is that his lips are against yours.
He drops the plastic bag full of banana milk on the floor, holding the back of your neck with one hand and pressing your body against his with the other. He tastes like toothpaste and tears; you can barely breathe, adrenaline rushing through your bloodstream, your fingers grabbing the strands of his damp hair.
When he finally lets go of your lips, you’re both out of breath and trembling.
Then, he smiles - and it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
He wipes the tears away from your cheeks as his own cheeks are wet with tears. His eyes are smiling too, and you think that you want to keep that smile forever.
“Y-You have… you have no idea of how long- how long I dreamed of hearing this,” Jungkook says quietly, his voice cracking a little bit. He giggles, frowning his eyebrows slightly as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing right in front of him. “I can’t believe you took a fucking plane to bring me banana milk! How can I stay mad at you when you do this type of thing?!”
You start giggling too. His warmth, his scent of baby powder, the way his eyes are shining as much as diamonds - this is something you didn’t know you needed, you didn’t know you’d ever have.
“God- I fucking love you, too.”
Your heart feels filled.
You smash your lips on his again.
It’s desperate and intense and makes your senses completely dizzy.
You feel the backpack dropping from your shoulders right before Jungkook lifts you up as if you weigh nothing and you circle your legs around his waist. Without breaking the kiss, he carries you to where the bed is, sitting down with you on his lap. 
Adrenaline and excitement washes over your body in anticipation. It’s even familiar at this point - his gaze clouded with want, your heavy breathings, hands grabbing and caressing everywhere they can find. Jungkook moans quietly against your lips as you grip his hair tightly, humping your clothed core very slowly against his growing erection.
“I missed you so fucking much,” he whispers in that deep voice that makes goosebumps run down your skin, his lips against your neck as he kisses and sucks it. You giggle.
“We fucked just a few days ago,” you point out.
“I miss this everyday. All the time.” 
You hold his face, forcing him to look at you.
You might be shit at words, you might not know how to express yourself that well. But one thing you know better than anyone else is how to make him feel good.
So, softly, you push him back until you’re hovering above him and he’s propped up by his elbows.
You don’t say anything. You just smile and start to take his shirt off.
He doesn’t complain.
Your hands roam his exposed skin as you kiss and suck his neck gently. While your lips are still glued on his neck, one of your hands travels to caress his clothed member. Quiet moans come from the back of his throat. Slowly, you kiss your way down his chest and stomach - until you’re kneeled in front of his opened legs.
Jungkook is breathing heavily in anticipation. Maybe it’s the sole sight of you biting your bottom lip as you manage to get his member free from his boxers and shorts that makes it throb. He has to gulp when he sees you spitting on his dick, the feeling of your spit trickling down his member making goosebumps roam his skin.
You hold his member and start to bump it slowly at first - which makes waves of pure pleasure wash over Jungkook, stunning his senses. He hisses when your lips envelop the head of his cock, sucking it. His eyes are half lidded, lips slightly parted, Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulps. He looks so beautiful as he’s being pleasured.
You start taking more of him inside your mouth until you feel him on your throat; Jungkook moans louder. You bob your head up and down his length, taking turns between sucking and bumping his member with your hand, your spit making it easier and producing obscene sounds. Jungkook hisses and groans and moans and then he’s grabbing your hair, making you take more of him inside your mouth. You don’t complain. You just want to make him feel the best he has ever felt.
This time, though, it’s being much quieter than what it usually is. Jungkook just swears a little under his breath. No dirty talking. 
His face and neck are covered with blush, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead, his face distorted with pure pleasure. His moans are getting more constant and louder. You wouldn’t mind if he cummed in your mouth right now, but Jungkook hisses and takes his hand off your hair.
“Oh my God- stop. Stop. Come here, babe.”
You decide to just do as he said. As soon as you prop your knees on each side of him, Jungkook sits up again and starts to get rid of your clothing hurriedly - first your pants, then your coat and shirt. When he unclasps your bra, he immediately takes one of your breasts on his mouth, making you moan quietly. His hand pushes your panties to the side to meet your already wet core; you moan louder as he gently caresses it. You unconsciously start moving your hips against his hand, his movements adding more pressure over your clit, his lips still licking and sucking your breasts.
Jungkook decides this was enough to get you wetter. He pushes your panties to the side, holds both sides of your hips as you guide his member to your entrance.
Both of you moan as he enters.
You close your eyes tightly, the feeling of being stretched by him so familiar and so delicious. Steadying yourself on his shoulders, you start to guide yourself up and down on him, never breaking eye contact, watching him carefully. Every deep moan coming from him makes you shiver. The pleasure, the sound of skin hitting skin - how many times have you done it before? You don’t even remember. Yet, right now, it somehow feels fresh and new. 
Maybe it’s because there’s more in Jungkook’s eyes than just lust. Maybe it’s because you notice how he watches you with adoration. And maybe it’s because you watch him with the same intensity, the same feeling.
Jungkook grabs the skin of your hips tightly as you increase your pace. He loves your face contorted in pleasure, he loves the sight of your boobs jumping at each move, he loves to feel the soft skin of your ass on his hand. He loves it. Both of you are really sweating now. You kiss him deeply, never decreasing your pace, your tongues entangling around each other, grabbing the strands of his hair.
God, how much he loves it.
He loves it much more now, because he sees how this time, he’s not the only one feeling something beyond physical pleasure. He knows you too damn well. It’s just like that morning at your house. You’re feeling it, too. 
You love him, too.
Thinking about it makes him smile. You think it’s simultaneously the hottest and the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.
Jungkook simply circles his arms around your waist and completely switches positions, throwing you on your back on the bed, which makes you giggle. He finally gets rid of your panties and hovers over you, thrusting inside of you once again.
His pace is fast and steady from the beginning. Your moans get higher and higher, louder and louder. You love how his face is so close to yours, how strongly he’s hitting you, how he tightly intertwines his fingers with yours (Jungkook really is the type to intertwine his hands when having sex!)
It’s ridiculous how you feel your eyes welling up with tears in a moment like this.
This moment… It’s not just bodies connecting - it’s souls. 
You used to think you and Jungkook didn’t match; you were opposites in many ways. Jungkook is an introvert, you are an extrovert. Jungkook prefers quiet places, you prefer parties. Jungkook works out, you’re too lazy to do so. Jungkook hates coffee. You can’t live without it.
But, it’s in this moment - when he’s inside of you, when all of your senses are stunned by pure pleasure, when everything you can smell is him and everything you can hear is the sounds of bodies against bodies and when everything you can see is his beautiful starry eyes looking right back at you - is when you realize how wrong you were all along.
You’re like two jigsaw puzzle pieces. They need to be different to match. They are different, but when you put them two together, they complete each other.
You’ve always matched.
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Seulgi didn't expect to find Jungkook standing in the kitchen when she came home.
Of course - you told her that the flight back home was scheduled at night and you'd probably arrive in the morning. This shouldn't be surprising. Yet, Seulgi still widens her eyes when she sees Jeon Jungkook cooking breakfast, his hair a mess, his face slightly swollen - an indication that he just woke up - wearing shorts and a white t-shirt.
He turns around and smiles. "Oh! Y/N didn't tell me you were coming back so early." He sounds a little bit surprised.
Seulgi notices it immediately.
That smile on his face and those gleamy eyes are just shown by someone that had a long, steamy and tiring night of sex.
Sure, Seulgi knows that you and Jungkook made up - and that you've been fucking for months now - but damn, it's still shocking to see it with her own eyes, considering that you only looked like good friends.
"I didn't know I'd come back early, too." Seulgi says, sitting by the tiny kitchen counter. She was expecting to spend the weekend at Irene’s penthouse, but she had to work. This is one of the reasons why Seulgi loves Irene; Irene could just enjoy her fortune and do nothing, yet, she decides to actively work for the company. She’s admirable.
"Do you want breakfast?" He asks over his shoulder.
"Well… I already had breakfast, but this is smelling really good." She admits. Jungkook nods and proceeds to prepare one more portion. She just watches in silence as he works around the kitchen (and she's also surprised that he knows where everything is, every pot, every spoon, literally everything). He hums quietly, that tiny satisfied smile never leaving his lips. 
Seulgi thinks she has never seen him so happy.
It's kind of adorable.
"So, how was your job?" She asks.
"It was great!" Jungkook says excitedly. He chuckles. "I thought I was going to be the assistant of the assistant, but actually I was everyone's assistant. I didn't really do much, but it was great anyways. It's totally different to study about it and see how things work in real life."
Before Seulgi says anything, she sees you coming from your bedroom.
Your face is swollen and your eyes are barely opened; it seems you're not even seeing where you're going. Your hair is a complete mess. You wear one of Jungkook's shirts and Seulgi suspects you're not wearing anything under it.
She watches as you walk on a beeline straight to Jungkook and hug him from behind, burying your face on his back.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" At least that's what she thinks you said, because your voice sounds muffled.
"Because you looked so funny that I didn't want to wake you up." He says softly. Seulgi can hear his smile. "You were drooling and all. I even took some pictures."
"You didn't."
"I did." Jungkook giggles when you punch his back, but still keep your body glued on him. 
"Fuck you. What are you cooking anyways? It smells too fucking good." You mumble.
"It's my special recipe." Jungkook moves to take something on the cabinet. You go along. "I can't cook if you keep smashing me like this."
"I don't caaare."
"Since when do you like hugging so much?"
"You didn't know girlfriend Y/N. Girlfriend Y/N likes long hugs."
Jungkook chuckles again. "Nice to meet you, Girlfriend Y/N."
Seulgi just stares, jaw dropped. From all the things she thought she’d see in her life, this is the most unexpected.
This is so cheesy. So not you. Not even when you were dating Mike you were like this. 
And Jesus- she has never seen you look happy like this.
You turn your head to look at Seulgi, and she watches awkwardly as you let go of Jungkook and proceed to walk in her direction. You kind of look like a really happy zombie.
“Oh, good morning, Seul. Don’t be jealous. I love you toooo.”
And you throw your arms around her shoulders, hugging her so tightly that she almost falls from the stool.
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The only person that doesn’t get shocked at your relationship is your mother.
You casually called her just to talk and gave the news. What she said?
“Well, finally.” 
Everyone else is utterly shocked.
When Hoseok saw you kissing each other goodbye the other day - it was just a peck - his eyes got so wide that it seemed they were about to pop out of his face. He stared at you and him, completely shocked, as Jimin just laughed. That was pretty much everyone’s reaction.
You and Jungkook were never the type to be too touchy. It’s still kind of awkward to hand hold in public or call each other things like babe or love. You physically cringe just thinking of calling him “babe”, honestly.
It’s weird, because you’re “officially” dating now, but your relationship isn’t all that different. All the overwhelming awkwardness between you is gone (thankfully), so now you do what you always did; you swear at each other, you have your violent ways of showing affection, he still ghosts you because he’s too busy playing whatever game. The only difference is that now you can fuck without feeling guilty (and oh boy, you’ve been fucking a lot these days) and there’s a lot of kissing. There wasn’t that much kissing back then.
You thought it was impossible, but sex is even better now. It’s more exciting and even funnier - especially because there’s no awkwardness weighting in the room after you both reach your climaxes. Instead, there’s giggles and hugs and soft kisses. You also sleep at each other’s places now, which is good.
To be honest, if you think really hard about it, you’ve been lowkey dating for years. It’s just that now, you fuck a lot. 
When you tell him this, Jungkook just chuckles. You don’t think he’s really listening to what you’re saying, though - nor you’re thinking straight anymore. You went out with your friends at a karaoke and, as expected, ended up drinking way too much; you and Seulgi had a singing competition in which none of you won (Irene just sat there looking absolutely embarrassed), Jimin sang a little bit but disappeared at some point (Jungkook said he noticed some hot guy in the side room), Hoseok got so emotional singing Haru Haru by BigBang that he started crying as Seokjin laughed so hard he almost choked, and Jungkook didn’t sing at all (because everybody knew he’s actually good at it and he would humiliate everyone else), until Jungkook silently asked if you wanted to leave (and you did) and you two left before anyone could notice (they were too drunk to notice anyway).
Since he’s drinking, you took a bus. The wrong bus. You’re at the other side of the city now, sitting on the bench of a park, watching the sun rise. It sounds romantic, but really, everything you see is heavy traffic and the grey pollution line in the horizon, almost blocking the sun.
Not that you care.
“We did everything backwards.” Jungkook says, his voice low and a little bit husky. His eyes look heavy because of the alcohol. You love how his hair is tied in a tiny ponytail. “People usually are friends first, then go out on dates, then they fuck.”
“We jumped straight to the fun part!” You say as if it’s obvious. He giggles again. 
Peaceful silence. Jungkook watches your intertwined hands sitting on his lap, a small smile on his face. You can see that, even though he’s right by your side, his mind must be far, far away. He’s clearly sleepy. It’s silly - you know this guy almost your entire life, you already have memorized each detail about him - but you can’t take your eyes off of him right now.
You inhale.
“You know.” You start absently. “I saw the video.”
Jungkook frowns and looks at you. “What video?”
You’re trying really hard to hold back a smile.
“I think it’s called euphoria final test I swear to God.”
His eyes widen.
“W-What? Who showed you?!” He groans. “Jimin. Oh my God- I’m gonna fucking kill him!”
You start laughing as you see blush creeping on his cheeks and ears. He hides his face behind his hands and moans painfully.
“Why are you so embarrassed?” You ask, endeared, trying to get his hands off from his face, but he won’t let you.
“You weren’t supposed to watch that! It’s- it wasn’t- ugh!”
“But the song is beautiful, Kook!” You try, still laughing.
“Yeah, the song is alright, but the video?”
“What’s wrong with the video?”
He finally side eyes you for a few seconds. The blush on his cheeks gets redder. He hides his face again, groaning.
“You weren’t supposed to find out about that. Shit, I can’t look at you anymore. I wanna fucking die.”
“Stop being so dramatic!” After a lot of effort, you finally manage to cup his face with your hands. Still, he avoids your gaze. “Hey, hey. Look at me!”
He does.
He looks sheepish and it’s adorable.
“I loved it. Every second of it. You’re so damn talented.”
“B-But I didn’t write the song alone… Namjoon takes most of the credits with the lyrics. I just helped a little bit. A-And you know, it was just for fun, it’s not an official demo or anything-”
He’s forced to shut up when you peck his lips.
“I love you.”
He knits his eyebrows a little bit.
“You like to say this a lot.” He notices quietly. “I didn’t know you were this type of person.”
“I’m not.” You agree. “But it’s because it’s you.”
You’ve been “officially” dating for, what, almost two weeks now? People usually don’t say “I love you” this early. But this isn’t the beginning for you two. It’s more like a progression. It feels natural, like it has always been with him.
It feels like home.
Jungkook avoids your gaze again. The blush hasn’t gone away. “I don’t know what to do when you say things like that- why are you crying?!”
It’s Jungkook’s time to laugh at you as you try to wipe the tears away. He pulls you to rest your head on his chest, hugging you tightly.
“I am supposed to be the emotional one here, not you.” He says, still laughing.
“Shut up. I’m drunk.” 
“Yeah, sure.” His laughter slowly dies until it’s just a quiet giggle. You feel his scent, hear the beating of his heart. Jungkook kisses the top of your head gently, caressing your back. “I’m gonna be so embarrassed when I remember I said this tomorrow,” he says softly against your hair. “But I think I’ve loved you ever since that first day of school when we bumped into each other on our way.”
You bury your face on his chest even more.
Everything around you is blurred and distant. It seems that nothing really matters besides right here, right now - as if you’ve never realized what you’ve been waiting for your whole life. This moment.
The puzzle is finally complete.
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Fantasy Cruise
This piece is made for a very special someone, @standoutofthecrowd as a gift. The characters in this story are original and do not belong to any fandom. If you give it a read, I hope you enjoy ❣
Warning! The rating of this is M for Mature themes. ;)
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They called it the Fantasy Cruise.
The hyper-luxurious ship of not-so innocent dreams, which promised to make anyone’s fantasies a reality during its five-day trip across the Mediterranean.
Well. So long as the money was there for an individual to afford one of its limited, mind-boggingly expensive tickets. Whoever said dreams were cheap clearly hadn’t heard of that cruise.
The advertisements all over the world promoted the experience as ‘starring in a romance movie’. And wouldn’t anybody be excited to star in their very own epic adventure?
“No.” Quinn deadpanned, dragging her luggage behind as she followed Lena into the fifth circle around the same deck, where their cabins were supposed to be.
“What do you mean no, stupid, isn’t this amazing?!” the other girl asked excitedly.
Quinn wondered what exactly was so amazing about getting lost on a piece of wood floating into the vast blue sea. Her glare met Lena’s back without much of an impact.
“No means no. It’s fine at best.”
“Don’t be a spoilsport, Quinn! Just look at this!” the redhead said, turning around to throw an arm around her shoulders and motion towards the polished-to-a-sparkle saloon, as if that would change the brunette’s entire worldview. “I won us free holidays to the world’s sexiest cruise. You should be beside yourself with excitement right now and buying me a shit ton of drinks as thank you!”
Quinn shook her head. “Correction; You won a trip for you and Mike –but then you had to go and break up and drag me into this, at the last moment.” As always. The woes of being a best friend.
“Because your single ass could really use what this dreamy ship has to offer.” Lena stated.
“It could also use some rest and relaxation at my grandparents’ seaside house.” The brunette countered. “Instead of being the wingwoman to the universe’s most annoying redhead.”
Lena grimaced. “And a sucky wingwoman, at that. Most of the guys I’m interested in come onto you.”
“Except I’m a tad too gay to care.” Quinn let out a small, exasperated sigh.
“Well, then this cruise is your chance! There are a ton of girls here and I can guarantee they aren’t straight as arrows, hon.” Lena replied. “Tell you what. When we find our rooms, we’ll take a look around. And if nobody exists to catch the great Quinn’s interest, I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the trip.”
Quinn’s brown eyes immediately lit up at the sound of that.
“I should be offended at how much you perked up just now.” The other girl commented. “But, anyway. Do we have a deal?”
They shook hands. “We got a freaking deal.”
It only took another hundred turns to find their respective rooms.
Quinn was no stranger to waiting for Lena to get ready. The woman could show up anywhere from a quarter to an hour later than their arranged meeting time, so it was nothing out of the norm.
Alone in the empty corridor, Quinn checked her smartwatch, then leaned back against her door with a bored huff. She could already feel the ultra-comfy, queen-sized bed within calling her name, but if she gave into the urge to rest Lena would surely come in like the human wrecking ball she was and ruin it for her.
Giggles from down the corridor reached her ears, then.
Two girls were walking towards her, one raven-haired, the other blonde. Quinn didn’t really pay them any mind, until they were close enough to tell the cute laugh belonged to the blondie.
The stunning blondie.
Quinn hoped –but wasn’t betting on it— that she was subtle in her double-take. Because as soon as the beauty entered her field of vision, all else faded into the background. The girl’s hair was shining like silken strands, her pink lips glossy and glistening, absolutely kissable, her pretty face and killer body taken straight out of a dream.
Hazel eyes met brown for a single, earth-stilling second.
Then the girls were past her and Quinn blinked, checking the blonde’s back out before she disappeared around the next corner.
Damn, she thought. Maybe all that crap about fantasies coming to life weren’t complete bullshit, after all.
“Why do you look like a fish out of water?” Lena’s voice came, shattering the dream to pieces.
“Because I felt like one, waiting for your sorry ass to get ready. Move it or I’m going for a nap.”
“No, you’re not~ we’re hitting the pool.” Lena sing-songed.
Ugh. Maybe I can find someone to keep her busy for the next four days. Quinn thought. She’s happy, I’m free, win-win.
If she only knew…
“Hey. Hey look.” Lena whispered. Quinn huffed over her drink. “How about that guy? How would you rate him?”
“Why do you assume my answer’s gonna change? All guys get a zero out of ten from me. Period.”
“He’s an eight at least.”
“Sure, Lena.”
“How about that sexy over there, who’s been staring at your abs for the past ten minutes?”
“Hm?” Quinn turned, following her friends’ gaze under her glasses.
The drink nearly dropped from her hand when she saw the blonde from earlier on the other side of the crystalline pool, fair skin glittering from suncream. The brunette’s throat went dry.
“Ah, now she’s speechless.”
“Tsk. Don’t be an idiot, she’s probably not even gay.”
“Do you have eyes? Even I can tell she’s interested.” was the immediate reply.
“From this distance you couldn’t tell a dude apart from a girl, you idiot.” Quinn teased with a smirk.
“You’re the idiot if you don’t act fast and another girl chats her up first. Remember; We’re here to have a good time. Stop being uptight; There’s your good time, all blonde and waiting for you.”
“Yeah, yeah, Lena, whatever you say-” But her friend was already rising from her sunbed. Quinn didn’t pay her any mind, at first, thinking she was just going for a swim or for a guy that caught her eye.
Instead, five minutes later, much to Quinn’s terror, the insufferable redhead was taking a seat right beside the cute blonde.
To say the brunette rushed to the other side of the pool would be an understatement. She could not recall a single instance in her life where she ran faster. It was practically teleportation.
“Hello, girls. This one has had too much to drink so excuse me, I’m taking her away~”
“Lies, they needed to know you have the hots for blondie but you’re too pussy to make a move-” the redhead began.
Quinn covered Lena’s mouth with a hand, pulling her into a headlock with the other. “Shh, don’t listen. We’re leaving. Sorry for the interruption.”
“Sad.” Miss Cute Blonde spoke up with a shy smile. “So… you’re not interested in me.”
“I… did not say that.” Quinn replied, heart suddenly in her throat. “I also didn’t say I don’t want your number.”
“Oh, good.” Another darling smile.
God. Head empty, girl too pretty. Quinn mentally slapped herself to get her shit together. “And definitely didn’t say I don’t want to see you at the bar later. At, like, ten o’clock.” Thank whatever higher power graced me with this sudden bravery.
“Maybe I’ll be there.” The blonde said.
It was only after Quinn went back inside with her friend in tow that she realized she didn’t even ask for the girl’s name.
“You’re welcome.” Lena laughed.
“Shut up…”
“You’re such a useless lesbian, by the way.”
Night had well settled over the ship. The massive pool at its pinnacle stood illuminated by both the moonlight and the soft LEDs within it, creating a beautiful setting, equal parts calming and seductive. Perfect for drinks and dates.
Quinn adjusted her blue button-up shirt as she walked out into the deck, greeted by the wonderful sight. There were tons of well-dressed people all around, but her eyes caught on one individual only.
“Hi.” She greeted, surprised she could speak at all, with the gorgeous blonde right there and dressed up just for her.
“You look beyond beautiful. Only problem is, I can’t keep calling you ‘cute blonde’ in my head.”
“You look sexy. And you can call me Paisley, Quinn.” she replied in her sweet voice.
“You… know my name.” Don’t blush, don’t blush—
“I asked your friend.” came the shy admission.
“Yeah? What else did you ask about me?” Quinn smirked, slipping into the stool next to hers.
“Um… if you like girls…?”
“If I like you?” Feeling bolder, she raised a challenging eyebrow.
“If you like me…” Paisley chuckled there at the end. It was a sound that shot straight to Quinn’s heart.
And that– was worrying.
Because this was quite literally her dream girl in front of her... except she’d already paid the price of dreams, before. It had felt similar, then, since the first moment. A zap, undeniable attraction. An instant connection. And then… she’d been left bitter and alone.
Cold. Afraid to approach women for anything other than one quick, meaningless night.
“I think it’s quite easy to tell I do like you. A lot of things about you. Your hair, your eyes, your smile, that melodic voice. How come a girl like you is single? That’s a crime.”
“Um. Long story, I guess. How come a girl like you is?”
“Long, unhappy story.” Quinn grimaced.
“I have time.”
They ended up chatting the night away, until the small hours of the morning.
The deck had nearly emptied.
Paisley and Quinn were walking side-by-side, admiring the dark waves as they gently lapped at the stark white shell of the cruise. It was time to say goodnight, but both were hesitant to go. To break the moment. To lose the chance for more.
Slowly, they turned to face each other.
“I had a great time.” Quinn began. “Thanks for the amazing company.”
“No, thank you…”
Neither moved to leave. Instead, they gravitated closer. Perhaps it wasn’t a smart move. Perhaps it would only lead to more trouble in the end. Perhaps it was fated. Perhaps it was fleeting.
Quinn knew she would regret it for her entire life if she let Paisley slip away without first knowing exactly how soft her lips would feel against her own.
“So…” She began. “In the hypothetical scenario I wanted to kiss you before we go… would you like that?”
A brilliant smile, enough to rival the moon in its shine. “Hypothetically… I would.”
No more needed to be said.
The lock of their lips spoke the rest for them. Slippery, soft, tasting of daiquiri and strawberry lipgloss, that kiss was everything.
That kiss was the beginning of everything.
A full day had passed and they spent every moment together.
Swimming, laughing, trading interesting little facts and life stories. Trading kisses. What they had was a bond that formed so suddenly yet so powerfully it defied even logic.
As love often did.
And it was love. They both knew it, instinctively. Perhaps they weren't ready to admit it, perhaps the word was scary to fully register, yet that didn't make it any less true.
Every kiss fed something more than desire. Every caress, over an arm, over the gentle curve of a neck or a thigh, carried more than a physical aftershock.
They both knew they were on the same page on what they wanted, come nighttime. It was a wonder they hadn't ripped each other's bathing suits right by the pool so far. But they could only play nice for so long.
Quinn could feel her skin alight with want at every wayward trail of Paisley's nails on her. She wanted to have everything with the girl, even if it was just for a few days, just for one unforgettable night. They could worry about the rest later. They were already in too deep, anyway.
Paisley's back pressed against the door to her room. Her mouth was already onto Quinn's, tongue over her own, soft sighs and breaths filling the nonexistent space between their bodies.
Quinn's hands slipped under the blonde's top, caressing her tight, quivering stomach.
“Ah, at this rate we'll never make it inside.” Paisley panted.
“Good. Then whoever comes this way will know you're mine to have.” Quinn replied. Her teeth caught the sensitive shell of an ear. “You'd like that, wouldn't you? For them to walk in on us like this? With my hand in your pants, rubbing you slowly?”
“Mmh.. Fuck...”
“With my fingers in your pussy, working deep?”
“Fuck Quinn...” Paisley groaned, pushing herself down on the thigh trapped between her legs. It only made the ache at her center worse.
Quinn couldn't help but rub herself against her, to ease her own lust. Their lips locked again while Paisley fumbled blindly for the electronic lock. It was a wonder they got the door to open with how focused they were on each other. Quick steps took them to the plush mattress at the far end of the room.
The brunette pushed gently, taking great pleasure in how easily her lover allowed herself to fall. Pale wrists were pinned onto the bed while thirsty tongues and bodies sought each other out...
But then they both pulled back. Paused. Stared into each other's eyes. The mood shifted like the wind before a storm. All the previous lust melted into something softer and far deeper, the urgency muted as they slowly started peeling each other's clothes off.
“You really are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.” Quinn whispered.
“You're the most stunning I've seen.” Paisley said back, a hand caressing her brunette's strong shoulders.
As much as she wanted to melt under the ministrations, Quinn wanted to bring her girl to that serrated edge of bliss, first. Thus began her descent down the marble plane of the blonde's neck, pausing to mark the skin with her teeth before soothing it with licks and kisses, enjoying every hitched breath she drew.
God, she feels so good...
With a light caress over Paisley's thigh, her mouth licked over a hard nipple, paying it the proper attention before moving further down. Her blonde was quivering by that point, non-verbally begging for her release. Every muscle taut, every breath shallow, eyes blown into swirling black pools. She was breathtaking.
Everything about the moment was.
When deft fingers finally dragged over soaked flesh, the reaction was as immediate as it was loud. Quinn decided she could easily get hooked on the sound and repeated the same motion with her tongue, from bottom to top.
She could feel in her mouth how ready to topple over the edge Paisley was for her. How she tried to last longer but couldn't help it. Quinn didn't think she could wait any longer, either. She needed to see her unravel more than she needed oxygen, right then.
With the insertion of fingers and a powerful suck, Paisley was crying out into the room, arching, clenching and contorting for her. Quinn, brought to the edge by her voice alone, couldn't help but grind down on her leg to mirror her release.
They both lay together after that, basking in the quiet closeness of their afterglow, hands roaming, worshiping, until the sunrise greeted them with its golden glory.
“I'm scared.” Paisley admitted between them. “That when the cruise ends, so will we. And I'm not ready to let this go tomorrow.”
“Neither am I. Not tomorrow. Maybe not ever.” Quinn said. “I haven't felt this way before. I don't generally feel things so... powerfully.” But this one slipped right under her defenses, somehow.
“But how will we make this work? You live here. I live on the other side of the world.” The blonde lowered her head, expression overtaken by sadness. “We'll just hurt to be apart.”
“We'll hurt, yes. But we won't 'just' hurt. Every relationship comes with pain— I think it's unavoidable, whether one’s partner is near or not. The question is, whether that pain is worth it. And I'd rather hurt yearning for you than for not having you at all.”
“I— I don't know what to say...” Paisley trailed off. “I only know I can't bear to lose you.”
“You won't lose me if you don't let me go. I will never abandon you, never let you face this shitty world alone.”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise.”
A promise sealed with a kiss and intertwined fingers below a gorgeous sunset.
And as it turned out, love can defeat any obstacle if it's real and true. Physical restrictions don't matter when it comes to what the heart needs. Distance bends before it. Even time can. Laws of physics and reason cease to apply.
The heart will love what it is meant to love.
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king-litchi · 4 years
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Picture source : @Mnine5 (Meijo) in Twitter
Note : actually, it’s not a request but I was bored and I wondered « what kind of person would the SNK characters on the social medias be » - soo here we go
Sorry for my english…I am french and I still learning - please forgive me and protect your eyes 🤧
Warning : (12+) social media can be dangerous
Instagram : friends, family, abs, outfits, travel….king of instagram, super popular on instagram, everyone follow him but he only follows his friends and instagram he finds interesting, over time it has become an influence, Eren has like a million followers on Insta @IamErenJaeger
Snapchat :  « who has a netflix account ? » in story, selfies with friends at all kinds of events, often takes pictures of Mikasa and Armin by surprise, never puts a filter on for him or for the people he snaps, everyone can watch his story and comment (public baby), already received nudes… @ErenJaegeeer
Whatsapp : he is in all group discussions but rarely answers, when he answers it is surely because the conversation becomes funny or because they talk about Jean and then it degenerates (when too far between Eren and Jean everyone leaves the group and they end up « wait…everyone is gone…? ») and a new groupe is created but the fight starts again (others are like « here we go again » )
Twitter :  can easily get upset in a debate, is not afraid to say what he thinks, it is blocked by a lot of people (please take away his twitter), has a large fanbase : Jaegerist (@CaptainFlochForster is the leader fanbase…best to avoid them.) it’s very simple : either you’re wrong or you’re not right @ErenJaeger
Tumblr :  He is not really known on tumblr, follow only his friends and is followed only by his friends. Does a lot of reblog tumblr he likes and post a lot kind of sick jokes like « What is the only dog you can eat? - A Hot Dog » (20 followers…)
Instagram : sharing photos of his travels around the world, a lot of ocean scenery, monuments like the Eifel Tower, does not put a photo of him or his friends, his instagram is public to share his beautiful photos with the world  (2,5K followers) @ArminVibe
Twitter : Sharing conspiracy theories with other twittos, if by misfortune a conspiracy ends up in TT you can be sure that it will tweet all evening, twitter reveals its dark side, It can deal with all subjects and he’s gonna take his time to make you understand that you’re WRONG @ArminArlett
Snapchat : he doesn’t know why he has a snapchat, if you send him a snap photo he will just look without answering but if you start a discussion he will probably lose your message if you have not recorded (his fault, but he really does not do it on purpose, he does not really drag on this social media)
Whatsapp : quite active on whatsapp, in groups it is the one that stays the longest active, uses a correct grammar, always has time for someone who needs to talk (a colossal heart…)
Tumblr : very popular on tumblr with his famous landscape photos, he also likes to share theories with whoever wants it, has created a discussion group of which Erwin and Hanji are part (these three are often found in several discussion groups…), is subscribed to Annie
Instagram : her account is private (like most of his social medias) if she does not know you be sure that she will never accept a subscription request (and she receives a lot of subscription requests), sometimes post photos of Eren and her, sometimes with Armin and a picture with the whole group together, has maximum 5 publications and has maximum 100 subscriptions and she subscribes to only 25 people (who are they?) and her favorite girl’s band @MikasaAckerman
Twitter : is fan of girl’s band, a twitter just to follow their news, she has already been on top tweet (never knew why and honestly she doesn’t care), her account is totally private but she receives a lot of follow requests (she declines) @MikasaAckerman
Snapchat : does not do a lot of selfie but she likes cute filters, often does black snap with dark quotes « the sun always shines after a dark night » , tends to reply 2 days after being sent a snap (🤡) yet she makes the flames with Eren (already 834 flames) so she just ignores snaps
Whatsapp : she is in full of group discussions, but always reads without answering (”Read”), she often ends up leaving the discussion groups (but there is always someone to add her to the group, often Sasha)
Tumblr : has a fake account, by the way she is super popular, she posts her covers of her favorite songs @Mikasong (fucking great voice), already has a small community
Instagram : is totally subscribed to Emily Ratajkowski (but who is not?), was the first happy to know that the likes are hidden, kind to like a lot of ass and body fitness (…<.<) it’s sure Historia blocked him (probably deserved) @ReinerBraun
Twitter : profile photo of a football player, often mentions his friends, and ALWAYS mentions Conny for challenges « Dare or not to ring your neighbor’s door at 3:00am and ask him for sugar », the kind to tweets like « Nicki Minaj or Cardi b ? » @ReinerTheBigBrother
Snapchat : You see this guy who makes a lot of views on snap and who everyone asks for publicity? Yes, it’s Reiner. Become master of the screenshot (already found himself in a complicated situation because of it…this awkward moment where you catch something you shouldn’t capture…), also receives nudes (btw 🤡) he never watches stories @ReineerGg
Whatsapp : he often ends up being ejected from discussion groups for his dubious humour and is often the victim of Ymir’s blackmail (screenshots can be fatal…)
Tumblr : he doesn’t even know what it’s for
Instagram : has two instagram accounts, the first is his real account, he only follows his friends and is only followed by his friends and the second is a (secret) fan account on Annie Leonhart @fannie-kickass
Snapchat : goes selfie on occasions like birthdays (party) or when he is with friends, likes animal filters, snap everyone and without warning, during the evenings with friends he often finds himself in the snap of everyone without his knowledge and discovers him the next day (sleeper pose) @Berth5
Whatsapp : the kind of person to share a lot of petitions like « Hi, Nolan still needs 300,000 signatures to be able to convince his parents to buy him ps5 » (he can’t refuse to share when asked…colossal heart - like Armin <.<), calm in group discussions (is not the type to get involved in an argument, always remains neutral when the situation degenerates), he often speaks with Reiner privately and gives him advice on how to approach Annie - but by the time he decided to send a message to Annie, she had already deleted the application… (legend says he’s still waiting for an answer)
Twitter : if you identify him in a tweet, it will probably not read it but will still like it (why not), he does definitely part of the commentators of entertainment shows or sports matches @Bertholdt
Tumblr : hesitates to create a tumblr but does not really know what he could talk about
Instagram : shares his training and does not hesitate to make demonstrations of his techniques, is quite popular on instagram, to a lot of publication, post a photo with his father just after each victory with a caption « It is God who gives » ; already has a good community (320K followers), account is certified
Snapchat : never goes on his account, totally professional use, it is his father who manages his snapchat to post in story the videos her training and his official matches with the caption « Little Rocky 🔥 »
Whatsapp : it ended up deleting the app because too much discussion that ends in spam (it will be for a next time Berth)
Tumblr : her little cocoon where she can be herself, the only social media that has her interest, her tumblr is dedicated to the cat, she is a fan @Kitty-Catnnie , the only person in the group to know her tumblr is Armin with whom she sometimes chat
Twitter : She is still on top tweet despite her « Mikasa vs Annie, who wins ??? », she never tweet but retweet a lot of things especially those of Conny, it happens to like the tweets of commentator Jean
Instagram : if you want to see his account you must first subscribe, generally accept all requests, send quite a lot of DM like « you wouldn’t have a bandage because I hurt myself by falling in love with you » sometimes succeeds other times it ends blocked ( or screenshots that end up on Twitter) @JeanOfficiel
Snapchat : He was blocked by Mikasa and Eren (not for the same reasons), made the flames with everyone (but the most with Marco), has already tried to snap Mikasa in secret (it is caught in the act), loves selfies @Ihateeren
Whatsapp : the kind who doesn’t look to whom he sends a message and always has the wrong discussion, so becomes panicked « DONT READ!!! » accidentally already sent a nude in a group discussion (unfortunately screenshots have been made) Eren laughed about this story for several months like « How is Jeanbo doing ? He’s grown up since last time? » (he doesn’t talk about Jean…you know…)
Tumblr : he created a popular mini series on tumblr « You prefer…? » and also « If you were… » (the concept is very cool and we can do it with all the subjects), made a lot reblog, reblog ALL covers of Mikasa
Twitter : has been blocked by half of the tweetos sphere after several heated debates, is one of the people who comment on the shows mainly reality TV (he does it with passion) « SANDRA LEAVES WITH ANTONIO W/O MONEY !!!! IT’S A FUCKIIIING JOKE ?????!!!!! #TheVillaOfBrokenHeart2 » or « I’m the only one who hates Mike ? #MonacoShore » , it’s that kind of tweet that Annie likes) @JeanKirschtein
Instagram : accepts only requests from friends, his account is private, sharing small moments of his life with friends and families, use many hashtag like #AllThatGlittersIsNotGoldEvenJean (but nobody understands what he means)
Snapchat : often comments his friends’ stories, is the kind to come talk to you if you put a dark snap like « cruel world »
Whatsapp : often receives private messages like « Marco, are you there? » it always ends in long discussions (« The confidant ») he knows how to find the right words, it is active and always “available” if someone needs it
Twitter : always makes Jean’s defense on twitter, the kind of person to be part of a fanbase (like HarryPotter), uses hastag LGBT+
Tumblr : super popular on tumblr, he makes headcanons and screenplays of his favorite books, series and movies, has a preference for Yaoi but he can make any request (2K followers) @HalfMan
Instagram : very very popular on instagram thanks to his account with Sacha where they share their farce and does not hesitate to challenge, they post the pranks they make to their friends (1M followers) they are not yet certified @TwoDummies , he has a second private account :  with just family and friends (arround 55 followers) @hismotherson
Snapchat : the kind of person who does a snap at 2H00 of the mat « who for the flames », has a lot of snap discussions, always makes stories that ends badly like « I’m going to ride a bike » and in his last snap he ends up in emergency… (true story)
Whatsapp : has an unimaginable number of “caption this” for ALL situations, it sometimes created discussion groups (it’s just that it prepares a stupidity) otherwise is not super active but will always answer if it has a message
Twitter : clash with everyone « Your mother was pregnant for 9 months of your big head but you can’t stand a joke ? SHAME » (blocked), king of challenges, makes all the challenges where it is mentioned, retweet all the « Dare or not… » of Reiner, uses a lot of abbreviation, he invented a lot of hastag like #AlphaLevi and people have fun with his hastag
Tumblr : his more than empty tumblr, has no profile photo, and compulsive liker, it’s literally a fake account for liking funny things @JustConny
Instagram : receives many comments under the photos of his joint account with Conny like « POTAETOS GIRL WE LOVE U » and « POTAETOS POWER », often pranks and ends up in the account, has a second private instafood account and also post photos with Nikolo @MadamePatate
Snapchat : oh my dear, he gets into a lot of trouble (funny drama) so stay connected for his “Storytime” evenings (we often hear Ymir commenting in the background with sarcasm and Conny’s laugh)
Whatsapp : the kind of person to send in a « bbiad » discussion (I’ll be back in a bit) and never come back in the discussion, written in abbreviation, loves group conversations
Twitter : has disabled twitter because of a "caption” that Conny posted on it (potaetos girl exists thanks to a tweet) but there reactivated a week later, tweets like a dramaqueen « WHAAAAT @netflix SEASON TWO IS COMING OUT TOMORROW BUT NOT TODAY  ???? WHYYYYYYYYY ! I’m never gonna be able to wait till tomorrow to eat my popcorns frkrkellelrlrl BUY ME POPCORNS NETFLIX BUUUY », has already been on top tweet #potatoesgirl
Tumblr : victim of her reputation even on tumblr, reblog a lot of post food and potential future challenges from Conny, often finds “caption this” with her face and always reacts with a more than dramatic surprise « SHIT AGAIN ??! »
Instagram : receives a lot of DM from people she doesn’t know, never accept them, like all the photos of her friends, you can see her insta only if you subscribe…(15K followers) @RealHistoria
Snapchat : renames all her friends by cute nicknames, the kind that snaps the place where she is or her food with a « have a nice day », queen of selfie, likes the filters
Whatsapp : uses a lot of emoji, hearts have become a punctuation, in group discussions she often comments « Ymir !! » after a sarcastic comment, tries to temper when the situation becomes too stormy
Twitter : avoids twitter like the plague, has disabled her account, reactivates it on occasions before losing interest once again, in fact her account is a fake where she is named @christaLenz
Tumblr : pretty active, committed LGBT+ activist, reblog testimonials, lots of likes, reblog Mikasa covers a.k.a Mikasong
Instagram : a lot of photos of Historia (it looks like a fan account), often comments the photos of her friends (unfortunately for them) @Ymir
Snapchat : a lot of selfie with Historia, if a fight or something awkward happens in front of her she will be the first to make a snap (and no scruple to put it in her story), if Reiner is the King of awkward screenshots then she is the Queen for INTENTIONAL screenshots, her memories are filled with compromising photos on EVERYONE
Whatsapp : Do you remember the screenshots on snap? Well it is on Whatsapp that they find their usefulness. Can send them to a discussion group as if nothing had happened but her specialty is a service for her silence (yes blackmail) it’s never anything bad, but enough to piss off the victim (who is often Reiner)
Tumblr : forgot her password and honestly she doesn’t want to find it, why did she tumblr ?
Twitter : she is often upset about debates, often sarcastic in her retweets, « Caption This », always the last word, she is very popular on Twitter, she’s already been on top tweet (because a drama with her identity) @LadyYmir
Instagram : does not really look at his newsline, Instagram in black and white and very orderly (#GrandArt), his account is public but no one can comment on his photos @LeviAckerman
Snapchat : a block Hanji (too many snap video that turned into spam), to rename all his contacts by nicknames like « Brat Number one », « Brat Number 2 » (etc.) and Zeke « shithead » nothing abnormal, It has already posted a snap of his head in front camera (had not done it on purpose) deleted after realizing…(especially after receiving plenty of notifications), he and Zeke attack each other by proxy story (no one understands…but it’s funny to read)
Whatsapp : is always “offline” or “busy” but will always respond if sent a message, probably blocked Zeke on all social medias
Tumblr : shares his passion for tea and cleanliness, loves the healthy atmosphere of tumblr, has quite a fan, reblog and subscribes to Armin @TeaWithLevi
Twitter : Tweet by accident (in the pocket >.<) like « jf’dyt’rimsjrdy’yfgi » but other thant he almost never tweets, but when he does it is to complain or creepy « today I learned that a lollipop breaks easily like the legs of a clown » (…we don’t want understand), he’s already been on top tweet with the #AlphaLevi like « #AlphaLevi can surround his ennemies. Alone. » ; « #AlphaLevi makes the onions cry » ; « #AlphaLevi can go up downstairs » (we thank Conny for this hashtag) @LeviAckerman
Instagram : honestly if you want to do a search on someone you have to check with Hanji, FBI of the net (”the stalker”), its account is public : post photos with Levi (who has to be taken by surprise) mentions everyone on its posts, photo with Moblit during their experiences (like “Break”), its instagram looks cool @OfficerZoe
Snapchat : snap often its scientific experiments (and other) and we always hear Moblit screaming in the background « Hanji-san! Back ! » , they like to comment on the stories of Levi and Zeke, already tried to make the flames with Levi and Erwin (tried without success)
Whatsapp : spends its time doing focus groups before it degenerates, its favorite pairs are Eren/ Jean and Levi/ Zeke but never has a battery
Tumblr : strangely its tumblr is very serious, they share its hypotheses and theories on scientific subjects, they talk about its experiences and future scientific experiments, they post the results of its research, has its own focus group (Erwin is one of them) @DrHZoe
Twitter : @Dr.troublegirl everything is in the pseudo, will accumulate and then become spectator of a massacre, his catchphrase is « you’re implying… »
Instagram : it is very orderly and pleasant to look at, post works of art that crosses his path, does not often check his actuality but when he does it everyone is happy…(always the little comment that makes a good mood and a little like)
Snapchat : his story is public but only his “friends” can comment, snap his visits to the museum and snap a lot the streetart but is not really active when he makes “snap discussion” @Eyebrow (account created by Hanji…)
Whatsapp : uses impeccable punctuation and grammar, often discusses with Armin on intellectual topics and confronts their assumption he is the only one who is not part of a discussion group with ALL the characters (just a few groups like Hanji/Levi/Mike), from time to time he receives family photos of Niail and talks about old times
Twitter : activist totally committed to good causes ( #blacklivesmatter) (#justicepourAdama ), retweet the political news, has already tweeted with the #AlphaLevi @ErwinSmitt
Tumblr : pretty active, post on subjects that fascinate him (like history), his tumblr is very interesting and orderly, proposes developed theories and some people (students like Conny) go there to find answers to their homework… @Sasageyo
Zeke / Sieg
Instagram : created an insta to talk with Eren but he got blocked after commenting on one of his photos « Beautiful sweetren, you grow up day by day, signed your beloved brother » didn’t understand why he couldn’t see his instagram after that ; his instagram is very neat : instafood & instabook but doesn’t have many followers because his instagram account is private (like 150 follower) @ZekeJaerger
Snapchat : made stories to address to Eren instead of sending him directly in private (didn’t really understand the concept) that’s how to start the attacks between him and Levi, Eren ended up deleting the app to him
Whatsapp : uses impeccable grammar (also blocked Livai on all its social medias), tends to read without answering « Read since two days »
Twitter :  tweets like « I am now on twitter. » or  « Good Morning Twitter. » and lots of  « Join me on Candy Crush » , he also likes to comment on his favorite culinary shows with a lot hastag, honestly he is one of the people who blocked Eren on Twitter but does not really assume it  « What ? Weird…I must have hit the wrong button… » yes of course… @ZekeJaeger
Tumblr : reblog Erwin’s posts which he finds very interesting, to himself his own theories which he confronts with Erwin in discussion groups, is part of a quite popular team on tumblr “GenshiKyojin”, (with leader Eren Kruger) #uses #too #much #hastag (#like #me) @KemenoNoKyojin
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billyspotato · 4 years
Hi can I get a rafe imagine where they’re dating but the reader loves the pouges and she has like a protection spell especially on Pope and she finds out what he did to him at the golf course w topper and reader ignores him or makes him jealousw JJ as punishment tysm this my first time requesting one so I hope that’s not too much aha
A/N: I changed some things to make it more intense and angsty, hope you like it either way. (Sorry for taking so long, btw)
Best Friend - Rafe Cameron
Words: 3.700+ words
Type: Angst & Fluff
Summary: (What’s in the request)
Warnings: English is not my first language, sorry if I misspell something. Swearing, maybe? Fem!Reader.
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A/N: Gif’s not mine :)
You swipe clean the wooden tables while listening to Kiara’s conversation with JJ, silently.
“Y/N, can you give this to the table in the corner please?” Kiara’s dad, Mike, says to you.
“Of course,” You say with a smile.
You discard your wet cloth and wash your hands quickly before grabbing the plate of food and taking it to, who you believe are, some tourists.
They thank you as you place the plate down and as you walked away, both of them started eating their appetizer.
Your phone vibrates on your back pocket and you check it quickly, a text from your boyfriend, Rafe, wishing you a good morning. You smile down at the screen and answer him quickly before Mike could notice, but Rafe is quick to ask something else: if you’re going to the party tonight.
“What did I say about phones, missy?” Mike says, making you look up at him and apologize, smiling at his fake-angry expression.
You send a quick ‘idk’ to Rafe and shove the phone back in your pocket.
“I’ll see you later, Y/N,” Pope says while walking out with JJ.
“Bye, have a nice day at work,” You tell him, and he smiles at you while waving at you and walking out.
If you had to choose, Pope is definitely one of your favorites guys in Kie’s whole friend group. No offense to JJ and John B, but you always found Pope so cute and innocent. He’ll always be your favorite.
And that’s probably something that Rafe does not like. Even when dating a Pogue (you), Rafe wants you to stay away from that crowd and hang out with him and his kook friends.
As if his crowd is any better.
Kie walks behind the counter as well and gives you a small smile when noticing that you spaced out. You smile back while slightly shaking your head and turn your attention back to the plates.
It’s been some hours, and your shift is finally done. It’s almost time to have dinner and you’re exhausted. How are you supposed to go to a party?
You say a small ‘goodbye’ to Kie and her parents before walking out.
As you were scrolling through your phone and walking down the small makeshift wooden bridge, you see John B walking back to the restaurant with a frown and a glare.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You ask him once noticing.
“What, are you going to act like you don’t already know?” John B asks you with an angry tone while scoffing at your concern.
“Know about what?”
“About what happened to Pope”
You look at him confused. Wasn’t Pope supposed to be working until now?
“You really don’t know, do you?” John B asks and you shake your head, ignoring the texts that you’re receiving from Rafe. “Pope got jumped when he was delivering groceries in Figure 8”
Your eyes widen in shock right as those words came out of his mouth.
“By who?”
“Rafe and Topper at the golf course” John B says, and you start to understand his anger towards you.
Your boyfriend did this to one of your best friends.
“How bad is it?”
“Pretty bad,” John B says while nodding and looking down at the flooring beneath you, “Pope is at his house, in case you want to see him”
“Yeah,” You say while sighing in disbelief, “I’ll go over to his, then”
John B nods again and turns to walk out of this conversation and in the restaurant, probably, to tell Kie everything. You walk down the wooden path and get to your mom’s borrowed car before driving to Pope’s house.
After some time of hanging out with Pope at his house and trying to make him feel better, everyone from the friend group started to come inside to the house.
You ignored JJ’s glare as he came in and you went over to the kitchen to make Pope’s favorite sandwich. And Kie comes in.
She sits next to Pope on the couch, taking a look at his bruised skin, but she doesn’t say anything, she just looks.
You walk back and give Pope the sandwich, which got you a smile and a small ‘thank you’ from him. You smiled back slightly and sat on his other side.
“Did they say why they did this to you?” Kie asks, finally speaking.
“Just that I don’t belong to that part of the island” Pope answers before taking a bite out of this sandwich.
You look down as you felt your blood boil. How could Rafe do this? And for what? Some sort of sick entertainment?
You want to call him and make him drive over here just to get screamed at, but you decide not to, for many reasons, but mostly because he has a big party tonight, that you were supposed to go with him. And to be honest, ditching him sounds way better than exploding at him. Especially when he doesn’t know you’re doing it. Guess that that party will be very entertaining. Waiting for his partner the whole time. What a fun time!
JJ continues to send a glare towards you as you heard Kie’s way to change the subject with Pope, but she stops when noticing the blonde’s annoyance towards you.
“Jesus Christ, JJ. It’s not her fault that this happened” Kie says.
“Oh really?” JJ asks with pure anger in his voice, “Because she’s the only one here that is dating a fucking Kook that surprisingly is the one that beat Pope into a pulp” He says, using sarcasm.
“How does that make me at fault here, exactly? Because I date a Kook, JJ? Screw you!” You say, not taking his annoyance anymore, “I might date Rafe that doesn’t make me less of a friend to Pope or less of a human when it comes to knowing what’s right or wrong”
“Doesn’t seem like it” JJ says, “Rafe has done so much fucked up shit and you still date him, maybe you don’t know the right or wrong thing”
“Oh well, excuse you,” You say with a tone filled with sarcasm and annoyance, “Do you want me to dump him over text or call right now just so you can feel slightly better about yourself and what you’re saying? Because, surprise surprise, JJ! I know my boyfriend fucks up a lot, but fuck me if I want to have a conversation face to face with him when shit like this happens”
“I still haven’t seen you plan a conversation with him”
“Oh, shut up, JJ!” Kie says, defending you. “It’s not her fault, she doesn’t control Rafe. He was the one that fucked up, so that means that he should be the one feeling like shit. So, stop trying to make Y/N feel that way”
JJ rolls his eyes at Kie but finally shuts up and leans back on the couch.
“I’m going outside for a bit,” You say in almost a whisper.
Pope and Kie look at you slightly concerned, and you walk around the coffee table to step outside to the warm night. When shutting the door behind you, you lean your head back on the cold wall, deep in thought.
You tie the lace of the apron behind you when stepping into the restaurant’s open kitchen and you say a little ‘good morning’ to Mike and the other co-workers.
“You look tired, did you sleep well?” Mike asks you.
“No, my neighbor’s dog didn’t shut up for a second, last night” You lie, making him smile a bit.
“That’s rough” He comments, making you say a little, ‘yeah’.
You start by picking up the plates of many types of breakfast dishes and taking them to each table, trying your best into giving a smile to each customer.
You stayed up late last night because of everything that happened. You want to talk to Rafe about everything, but you just don’t know how to. And also, the words that JJ gave you last night also didn’t really help with trying to feel less pressured.
Rafe texted, called, left voicemails. Everything. And you ignored most of them, you read some and heard some of his drunk voicemails, in which he would act like he was sad because you dumped him but eventually, say that he loves you anyway.
So that didn’t really help either.
Today is Kie’s off day at work, which means that you’ll be extremely bored today, but hopefully, she will still have any kind of meal here.
After almost an hour of serving plates of food to many tourists and some locals, and grabbing back the plates, Kie and the guys walk in, ready to have their late breakfast.
Pope gives you a small hug when seeing you, while you are occupied with asking him how bad he feels today, in regards to how sore he is. Which you just got an ‘I’m fine. Better than ever’. Kie and the guys just gave you a small smile as they walked by you.
One of your co-workers goes to their table to ask what they feel like eating and you check if Mike needs you to take anything before you walk over to them.
You sit next Kie and she starts making conversation right away.
You laugh at her and she smiles, grabbing Pope’s and JJ’s attention into the conversation. She continues whatever you two were talking about and you notice JJ looking at you.
You sign with your head as if you were asking him ‘what?’ and he mouths a simple ‘I’m sorry’.
You roll your eyes at him playfully and he smiles as he notices that you are playing around.
Kie continues talking, not even noticing what just happened from two sides of the table and just like that, the group is back to normal.
“Y/N” Mike calls you and you get up, thinking that it’s time to serve more food, “Someone’s here for you”
You freeze when your eyes meet Rafe and the guys stop talking behind you when noticing him.
You unwrap your apron from around your waist when close enough to the barstool, where Rafe is standing, and grab his wrist before pulling him with you to the outside of the restaurant.
“No breaking my plants!” You hear Mike scream as you were walking out.
You two walk out and move over to the side, where the chairs are.
“What the fuck were you thinking, yesterday?” You ask him, catching Rafe in surprise.
“What are you talking about exactly? Because if we’re talking about the party, I was the one that got ignored the whole night”
“That’s what you’re really worried about?”
“About you, out of nowhere, not texting me right after saying that you were getting off work, not answering calls or anything? Yes, Y/N, I was worried about that”
“Don’t turn this around,” You say before Rafe was able to make you two start talking about how he was ignored, “Before the party, around lunchtime, you did something, right?”
Rafe hears you and starts to think, really not remembering anything at first. Until…
“Shit,” Rafe says before clenching his jaw.
“Yeah, Rafe, exactly ‘shit’” You say, “Were you expecting me not to know any of this?”
He doesn’t answer. And you stay silent for some time, letting the silence set in Rafe’s ears. When noticing that he isn’t going to talk about anything else, you decide to talk.
“Just tell me why you did it” You say while bringing your hands to your head in frustration, but he stays silent again, “You don’t have a reason, do you?”
You shake your head in disbelief and look away from him, not wanting to believe his words.
“So, you just did this out of pure entertainment? Beat up my best friend when he was just working” You ask him, “Do you at least feel any remorse in what you did?”
“Of course, I do,” He says, and you scoff at his words, “I do”
“You couldn’t even remember that this happened when I asked you, Rafe” You say, “How do you expect me to understand your side or even forgive you when you say and do shit like this?”
“Because I did it without thinking. Your friends had been annoying me for some time now and I just, stupidly, exploded” He says, and you shake your head again. “I know I shouldn’t have done it. I know that”
“Seriously Rafe?” You admit, “Your friends also annoy the shit out of me, you know? With their stupid jokes and with their sexist comments. Everything. But you’ve never seen me start arguments or even fight anyone! Why do you feel the need to start this shit every time?”
“I don’t know,” He says, and you scoff again, “I’m serious, I don’t”
You two stay silent. Rafe doesn’t try to defend himself, he just stares at the wooden floor silently. You also aren’t looking at him but at one of Mike’s plants.
“What can I do for you to forgive me?” Rafe asks in a whisper, making you stare back at him and snap out of your thoughts.
“I don’t know, Rafe,” You say, shrugging before looking away to the side. “But you have to apologize to Pope. You know that, right?”
Rafe looks up at you, you’re not even looking at him, and that hurt him, in some way.
“Yeah,” He says, nodding and looking down at his hands.
Silence is set between the two of you again and you look inside the restaurant, where you find the guys and Kie looking at you.
“Should I do it now?” Rafe asks and you shake your head.
“Not yet, everyone is still pissed, even if they don’t show it” You say before looking down at your shoes, getting a glimpse of his hands, which don’t stop moving. “Any other day, just not today. Let this calm down for a bit”
Rafe nods and you look over at him while silent.
“I’ll see you around, Rafe,” You say before leaning forward and walking back in the restaurant, not letting him have time to respond.
As the door closes behind you, you grab your apron and tie it around your waist once more, ignoring your friends’ eyes on you.
Once you start helping Mike with the plating, you notice Rafe finally getting up from his chair outside and walking away, back to his car.
A week passed, you and Rafe haven’t even texted each other since the altercation on the restaurant. But you both know that you are okay by talking to mutual friends that hang with both kooks and pogues. They’re useful in getting information on both parties.
Talking about parties, you’re in one right now. It’s nothing too crazy, just a bonfire beach party. It’s mostly chill. Just hanging out and meeting new people.
“JJ, be careful,” You say while laughing after he pushed you away playfully, “You almost made me spill my drink”
“Ooh, such a bad consequence of my actions,” He says while waving his arms around dramatically.
“Shut up,” You say while rolling your eyes and also pushing him away by hitting him with your shoulder.
He laughs at your way to hit him and at the way you sip your drink, as far as possible from him, since last time you did it confidently, he just slapped your cup down out of hands and into the sand.
“JJ don’t!” You say laughing, as he moves his hand closer to your drink.
“I’m not doing anything,” He says, smiling.
“Then why is your hand here?” You ask, still giggling.
“Because I’m protecting your face from the sun”
“It’s 11pm, JJ” You remind him of the dark skies that are surrounding everyone.
Pope rolls his eyes at the two of you and then his eyes shift to someone further away.
You follow his gaze, curious and see Rafe, standing with some of his kook friends by the entrance of the beach, looking at you with a frown.
“What is he-” Pope starts to ask but JJ hits your cup out of your hands once again, catching you by surprise.
“Are you serious?” You ask him.
You glare at him and he laughs at your annoyed face, before getting up and offering you another drink as a way to make you forgive him.
“Maybe I should go talk to him,” You say to Pope after JJ walks away and he looks over at you.
“When was the last time you two talked?” He asks before sipping his non-alcoholic drink.
“Last week,” You say, and his eyes widen at your answer.
“Oh, okay,” He says while nodding in shock, “Maybe it’s better”
You look down at your, now trashed, cup and spilled drink on the sand before almost forcing yourself into getting up and walking over to your boyfriend.
Once Rafe notices that you’re walking his way, he’s quick to end his conversation with Topper and Kelce. And once you’re close enough, every single one of his kook friends stare at you.
“Can we talk?” You ask him and he nods right away.
You two walk off to a more secluded area and Rafe decides to be the first one to talk once you are far enough.
“I know I still have to apologize to Pope” He says right away and you shut your mouth to let him talk, “I just haven’t done it because it never seemed right to walk over to your friends and ask to talk to him, especially when you were there. And when he was alone and working… Even worse”
You stay silent while looking at him in the eyes as he continues to avoid looking at you for too long, and you decide to speak.
“Do you want me to get him?” I ask and he nods, “Okay”
You step away from him and quickly walk over back to your friends. Both JJ and Pope look up at you once you stand next to their sitting selves.
“Rafe wants to talk to you,” You tell Pope and he looks at you confused, “I’m serious”
“Why?” He asks.
“You’ll see. It’s nothing too bad” I tell him and both him and JJ get up, “Oh. No, no, no. You’re not going in there” You say while standing in front of JJ.
“Why not? I can’t let my boy go in the lion cage on his own”
“He’ll be fine, JJ,” You tell him, “I’ll be close to them”
JJ sits back down after taking a good look at your face, as if he’s trying to see if you’re lying, and you turn back to Pope, who was waiting for you.
You two walk side by side and when you two are close enough to Rafe, you let Pope walk alone to him and you stay back to let them talk in peace.
You’re close enough to hear random words in random sentences but too far to understand anything.
Rafe looked slightly nervous, but nowhere close to how Pope looked.
You turn to look at JJ and everyone in your friend group is staring at you as if you’re crazy. Why is everyone acting like you just killed Pope?
You look back at the two boys and Pope continues to nod while listening to Rafe, looking way more relaxed than when he got there. You can only hear words such as ‘sorry’, ‘hit you’, fucked up’ and ‘apologize’.
It was a lengthy speech and Pope almost caught you by surprise when he started talking as well. In which you only heard, ‘forgive you’, ‘love her’ and ‘it’s okay’.
You start walking to them when noticing that their conversation has died down and just after two steps and with also them not noticing that you’re closer than before, you see Rafe grab Pope’s arm before he could walk away.
“Just one more thing,” He says and Pope nods, making Rafe let him go, “Do Y/N and JJ hang out a lot?”
“Sometimes, yeah” Pope answers, without understanding where Rafe wanted to go with this.
Until he does.
“Oh, but they’re nothing. JJ just likes to constantly pick on her, there’s nothing between them”
Rafe visibly relaxes and Pope gives him a small grin.
“I’ll see you around, bro. Good luck with Y/N” Pope says before walking away.
“Yeah,” Rafe says before laughing a bit, “I’ll need it”
Pope smiles a bit at you when walking by, without noticing that you probably heard everything, and you walk back to Rafe.
“So, how did it go?” You ask him and he looks down at you.
“Good, he forgave me” He explains, and you nod.
You look down at the sand under your feet and slightly kick it before looking back up at Rafe.
“What was that about JJ?” You ask him and his eyes slightly widen at your words.
“What?” He asks and you smile at him.
“The question you made Pope about me and JJ hanging out a lot?” You ask and he looks over to the side before chuckling, acting like he’s embarrassed.
“Yeah, I didn’t know you heard that” He says, and you chuckle.
“That was all I heard, to be honest” You explain, and he nods before looking back at you, “Were you jealous?”
Rafe bites the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing out of embarrassment at you and you grab his hand to hold you into yours, just like you used to do, before all of this.
“Just admit it” You whisper, and he rolls his eyes at your playful words. “I’ll take that as a yes”
You look over at your friends and they all circled Pope to listen to what just happened, and you relax when noticing that Kie is smiling at what he’s saying.
“Am I forgiven by you as well?” He asks and you look back at Rafe.
“If you promise you’ll never, ever, do something like this again,” You say emphasizing the word ‘ever’.
“I promise,” He says, and you give his hand a light squeeze.
“Then you’re forgiven,” You say before pecking his lips quickly, catching him by surprise.
Rafe looks down at you with a sweet smile and quickly leans down to you to connect your lips once more. You two smile into the kiss and you cup his face closer to you.
- - - - -
Hope you guys like this one 💖
🌸✨Sorry, but I’m not writing in this account anymore. Go check out my new one @twinklelilstarkey ✨🌸
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lu-undy · 3 years
Happy birthday, Solitude But Two!
Here is a bonus Chapter!
"You guys will be alright, yeah?" 
"Of course, Micky, it's not the first time you leave the kitties with us." 
"But it's gonna be more than an evenin' this time. Also, before I forget, I put one of Lu's shirts in the bag, they need it to sleep, don't forget it or they'll harass you until you give it to them."
Perle was gladly following Caroline around while Soot lay on Mike's lap, purring as the old man gently massaged the black cat. 
"Bah, we raised you and we used to have cats as well as dogs."
"Your Mum's right." Mike answered from the sofa. "We'll be fine. You go and have fun with Lucien. Did you tell him by the way?" 
"Nah, not yet. I'm keepin' it a surprise for him. Speaking of, I really gotta go or we’ll be late. He’s waitin’ to have lunch with me before I take him." 
"You arranged everythin'?" Caroline asked.
"Yeah, almost. Right, you guys take care, alright?"
"We will, Micky, you go and have your fun with your Lu'." Caroline answered as Mundy opened the front door.
"Meow!" Perle came trotting to her father and Soot jumped out of Mike's lap to join her. 
"Oh, sure, baby, c'mere you guys…" Mundy squatted down and dealt headbutts and scratches left and right to both the felines. "You behave with Grandma and Grandpa, yeah?" 
"Good babies." He left a kiss on their heads and pushed himself back to stand up. "See ya!"
"See you in a few weeks, Micky!" 
A few moments later, the Aussie was on his motorcycle, racing through the streets and in his own mind. He had been preparing this for a while now. 
It had been one year. 
One year since he had put a ring on Lucien's finger and vice versa. Well, it would be one year exactly in a few days and this was what it was all about, celebrating the first anniversary of Lucien and him being… well… husbands? 
Of course, their legal status remained single but in their hearts and their heads, they were very much taken and faithful to each other. Mundy never did attract a lot of attention from ladies and gents, but Lucien… 
Every time the couple was having dinner outside, or enjoying a party with the few friends they had made, one person would walk to Lucien and hit on him. The first time it happened, it was a woman but Mundy nonetheless felt the itch to show her the rings, Lucien's and his. As he came close to his lover, he heard Lucien chuckle at the poor woman's attempt to pull her into her bed. He remembered it with a smile now…
“Oh, here you are, Mundy.”
“Hey, Lu.”
The woman had raised her eyes to the Aussie. 
“This your friend?” She asked. 
“More than that…” Lucien put a hand on Mundy’s chest and leaned on him. ���Please meet my everything, Mundy. Mundy, this is the charming Amanda.”
“Hey there.” Mundy had stuck to being cold but polite, a defensive hand went to grab his Lucien and pull him to himself, almost defensively. 
“What d’you mean, ‘your everything’?” She chuckled with a raised eyebrow, confused and slightly mocking. 
“I mean this.” Lucien answered and pulled Mudy’s neck down for the Aussie to be at his lips height. He pushed a loving kiss on his lips and released him. Mund opened his eyes again, his mind still on the kiss even though Lucien’s lips had parted from his. 
Amanda’s jaw hung low and wide. 
“He is my husband, look!” Lucien went on, uphased. “This is the ring. It has only been a few months, mind you, time flies, but we love each other as if we were half our ages… Oh? Amanda?”
The woman had spun on her heels and left, leaving Lucien to chuckle and turn back to Mundy. 
“So, mon loup, are you enjoying your evening?” 
[My wolf]
“Uh… Y-yeah… Wasn’t she hittin’ on you?” Mundy nodded in the direction of the woman. 
“She was, very much.” Lucien answered. “But for some reason she left now. I cannot think why… Women shall remain a mystery!”
“Maybe that’s cause you snogged me like there’s no tomorrow in front of her?” Mundy answered.
“Oh, that? Maybe.” Lucien answered and leaned against Mundy’s shoulder again. He stared at the woman refilling her glass with whatever strong alcohol she could find before he raised his light blue eyes to his lover. 
They exchanged a smile. 
“You’re a devil, you know that?” Mundy said. 
“Maybe, but I am having great fun.”
“Why did you do that to her? You could have just said that you were already with someone.”
“And miss this laughter we shared? For nothing in the world. This ring that she chose to ignore,” Lucien raised his hand to Mundy. “It means that I vowed to make you happy. You did laugh, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I did. “
“Then I am upholding my vows. Très bien.”
[Very well] 
 “You’re mean, Lu’. Look at her now…”
“I am not mean. If anything, she was.”
“What?!” Mundys eyebrows jumped in surprise.
“I am wearing my engagement ring and she still chooses to approach me. She knew she was taking a risk and she liked the thrill of it. Well, let this be a lesson for her: not all the risks are worth taking, Madame Amanda.”
“Well, if you put it that way…” Mundy agreed. 
And Mundy reached his destination, which pulled him out of his daydream. He parked the motorcycle safely and entered his house. 
“Mon loup, c’est toi?”
[My wolf, is that you?]
“Oui, mon amour.”
[Yes, my love.]
Lucien rose from his armchair and met his love at the front door. 
"Your accent when you speak French is delicious…" He said before pushing himself to the tip of his toes and kissing Mundy. 
"I'm makin' progress, aren't I?" Mundy laced his arms around Lucien's waist.
"Oui, but please, never lose your accent." 
"If it goes like it does with you, I'll still have my accent in a hundred years."
"Are you saying I am old?" Lucien frowned in an exaggeratedly sad way. 
"I'm not the one spendin' my time sayin' 'You'll see when you get to my age', eh!"
They chuckled together.
"You ready?" Mundy asked. 
"Where are you taking me for lunch?"
"Where d'you think?"
"Hm…" The couple exited the house and Mundy locked the door as Lucien thought out loud. "Maybe the new Lebanese place that opened in town? I am told it is exquisite and very reasonable in price." 
"Since when d'you care about the price of things?" Mundy smiled. "Oh, no, no, Lu', we're not goin' with the bike. I called a taxi." 
"Oh? This means that you intend to get drunk, so maybe the Irish pub? But isn't it early to get drunk?"
"Never too early to be with you, baby." Mundy raised his arm for the taxi to stop while Lucien's blush took a moment to fade. 
They both embarked in the taxi. 
"Where to, Sir?" The driver asked. 
"Where I told you on the phone, please." Mundy answered. 
"Alright." The driver let his foot press on the gas pedal and off they all went. 
"Tu me caches des secrets?"
[You are holding secrets from me?]
"Oui." Mundy answered. 
"Dis-moi où tu m'emmènes." Lucien asked.
[Tell me where you are taking me.]
Mundy shook his head and took a glance in the inside rear view mirror. The driver was busy. Good. The Aussie slid his hand to take his lover’s. 
“C’est une surprise, doll.” He answered with his accent. 
[It’s a surprise.]
“D’accord.” Lucien smiled and nodded.
[Very well.]
And the ride took them away from where the usual restaurants the couple frequented used to go. Lucien straightened his back and looked through the window. He started frowning when he saw the control tower of the airport, the same one he had landed in, a few years ago now. And it got him thinking. What if he could go back and see the Lucien that disembarked on the plane that day. Would the slightly younger Lucien believe him if he had told him what he would become? What would he even tell him? 
Tu rencontreras l’homme de ta vie et ta vie basculera. Tu ne demanderas plus comment ni pourquoi. Tu vivras l’instant, tout simplement, comme quand tu avais vingt ans. Tu vivras et aimeras, comme quand tu avais vingt ans. Tu seras heureux comme jamais tu ne l’as été. 
[You will meet the man of your life and your life will flip upside down. You will not wonder how or why anymore. You will live the instant, simply, as you did when you were twenty. You will live and you will love, as you did when you were twenty. You will be happy as you never were before.]
Would the younger Lucien believe him or would he laugh at him, scornful and disdainful, before he would realise that perhaps, the older him was senile, old, and out of his mind? 
Pff, in the end, Lucien did not even care. He smiled at that version of himself. The bitter, cynical and lonely old man. He was now even older, but so much happier…! 
Mundy's voice broke the Frenchman's train of thought. 
"Je t'aime." 
[I love you.] 
Mundy said those words with such honesty in his eyes that Lucien's cheeks turned pink on their own. 
"Moi aussi."
[Me too.]
He smiled back at him and clenched his fingers a bit harder between Mundy's. 
"Alright, we're gettin' there, Sir. Which door should I drop you at?" The driver asked. 
"Departures, please." Mundy answered, his eyes sealed on Lucien's and the Frenchman's eyebrows jumped. 
"Departures?" He repeated.
"Are we… travelling?"
"But Mundy, we haven't taken any luggage with us?" 
"Don't be silly." Mundy gently chuckled as the driver parked. 
Both men exited the car and Mundy winked at Lucien. 
"C'mon, Lu', keep up! We don't wanna miss the flight…!"
"W-wait!" Lucien caught up with his lover. 
The airport was as busy as an anthill. People coming, going, running, pushing carts, holding their hats on their heads as they ran. 
"Mundy, were you serious?" 
"Course I am! We're goin', c'mon!" Mundy glanced up at a screen and quickly spun on his heels to change direction. Lucien followed, sometimes even trotting after his lover. 
"But where are we going?" 
"Told you, and in French at that, it's a surprise." 
"You cannot keep the surprise going forever, I will soon know." Lucien answered. 
"Yeah, but meanwhile, I'm likin' this whole 'Lu' doesn't know what's happenin'' business." Mundy smirked and looked down at Lucien, which he knew the Frenchman had a weakness for. 
"I shall find out myself!"
"Alright, good luck, Sherlock." Mundy winked and Lucien smiled. 
They walked through halls and corridors. 
"Uh, uh, uh! Gimme what you took from my pocket back!" Mundy stopped walking and turned to Lucien
"How could you possibly know?!" Lucien stopped. "I made every effort for you not to feel it!"
"You stole somethin' from my back pocket." Mundy said and opened his palm flat. "Give it back…" 
"How did you know?" Lucien frowned. 
Mundy sighed with a smile. He took the step that separated him from his lover and bent slightly such that his lips were next to the Frenchman's ear.
"I felt you touched my butt, and I liked it."
"Ah…" Lucien lowered his head and raised the plane tickets that he had taken from Mundy's back pocket. 
"Thank you, now stop bein' a spook and follow me."
They went on following sign after sign and looking at all the screens they met. 
"Here, that's the search thingy. I hope you don't have your blade with you." Mundy said as they queued. 
"What do you take me for?"
Both men started undoing their belts. Mundy removed his glasses and his hat. When the Aussie finished, he walked through the metal detector and soon after, his lover followed him. 
"Ah, oui, I must explain myself." Lucien calmly said and Mundy observed the scene. "This is my passport. If you run a check on me, you will understand." 
The security employee took the passport and disappeared for a while. He came back and his colleague stopped him. 
"Hey, don't let him go, he had a knife in his belongings!"
"No, we have to let him go." The man handed Lucien his passport back. "With the knife and all. Have a good day, Sir, and sorry for the inconvenience." 
"No problem, you are but doing your job, Monsieur." Lucien took his belongings back and left the area. "Mundy? Are you coming? I do not know which gate we should head to."
Mundy had been standing there, his belt half put on, half still dangling down. His jaw had dropped as he watched. 
"Uh, y-yeah."
"Mundy." Lucien stopped him. 
"Maybe you should finish putting your belt first?" Lucien tilted his head on the side and Mundy looked down at his waist. 
"Ah, uh, yeah…" 
A few moments later, both of them were standing in front of a screen. 
"Well, this is the moment where you'll see where I'm takin' you, doll." 
"Oui, it is. So? Which gate shall we go to?" 
Lucien's eyes scanned the screen. 
"Oh… Mundy, but… Why Paris?" 
"Because I love you, and I wanna see what it's like over there."
"C'mon, let's go." 
When they sat on the metallic, back-breaking bench at the gate, they chose a corner where they could be alone and in peace.
"Mundy, why go to Paris, honestly?" Lucien looked up at his lover. 
"Told you. I wanna see what your life was like when you were there. I mean… I know you told me you're not from there. But still… Besides, you've been livin' with me in Oz for a while, you've seen me and my life, I wanna see yours."
"I have indeed seen the Bushman in his natural habitat." Both exchanged a chuckle. 
"Look, if you don't want it, we can go back home. I don't wanna force you, baby." Mundy cast his eye around and dropped his hat on his thigh. He then slid his hand and pulled Lucien's underneath it. The Frenchman felt Mundy's thumb brush against the back of his hand.
"So, what d'you say?" Mundy asked.
"I say we go and I will show you the city where I grew up." Lucien answered. 
"You sure?" 
"We are about to board, Mundy, it is rather late to turn and go back home, non?" 
"No, not at all. If you feel awkward or anythin', we can go back home. I wanted to make it a surprise for you but the point's not for you to feel weird about it." 
"Non, Mundy, you are right. I should show you." Lucien clenched his grip on Mundy's hand. 
"You sure? I mean, are you happy to do it?"
And Mundy took a second to stare in his lover’s eyes. Was he lying just to please him? To not make him feel awkward? The Aussie slightly squinted. He looked through the crystal clear irises to see the soul beyond them. Were Lucien’s lips deceiving the Aussie? Bah, it wouldn’t be the first time but… When was the last time that Lucien had lied?
Oh! Yeah, Mundy remembered it, it was… 
At the lake, almost exactly one year before, the wig. Lucien had worn a wig because he thought his lover could only look at him with the eyes of love when he made himself more feminine. It was obviously wrong and Mundy had tossed the long-haired lie away. That was Lucie’s last one.
Mundy blinked and his eyebrow relaxed. Lucien was not lying. He was looking up at the Aussie with eyes that screamed his limitless love for him. 
“Alright then, doll. Glad you’re happy to show me around.”
“Of course.” Lucien answered. “I am surprised by this trip but welcome it warmly. I think we should probably have done that before but I suppose we did not stop to think about it.”
“Yeah, that’s true. Got any ideas on what we should see?”
“Apart from the classics like the Tour Eiffel, the Arc de triomphe, and other tourist attractions? Hm, I shall think about it.”
“Can I ask you to show me some stuff in particular?”
“But of course. What do you have in mind?”
“Where you lived, where you worked, places you liked to eat at, that kind of thing.” 
"I will."
They exchanged a conniving smile and the call to board the plane interrupted them. 
"Ready, baby?" 
"Right, let's go and queue." 
A few minutes later, both found their seats in the plane and Mundy looked through the window. The sky was blue despite the relative cold of winter. Well, once in Paris, it will be summer… The plane took off and when the couple was higher in the sky than the clouds themselves, Lucien looked up at Mundy on his left. 
“I am surprised.”
“You’d better. Been hidin’ evidence of everything.”
“How did you do it?”
“Gave the tickets and everything to my Mum.” Mundy smiled. “I even tried to not think about it. I never know with you; could turn out that you can read my thoughts or somethin’.”
Lucien chuckled. 
“I could indeed.” He confirmed with a lingering smirk on his lips. “However, I choose not to.”
“The Lucien of the previous life used to read minds because he needed it.”
“And now it’s just a hobby?” Mundy chuckled. 
“Almost.” Lucien answered. “Non, I value my relationship too much with you to not give you the same privacy that you give me. It is a question of respect. However, it is cute to see you try to read me to see if I lie sometimes.”
“Ah, uh, well…” Mundy scratched the back of his head. “Sorry...  I don’t want you to think that I don’t trust you…”
“Not at all. It gives me the impression that you really want to know what is going on in my head, which I appreciate.”
“Oui, I like this side of you, the side that wants to read all my fears in my eyes before I am fully aware of them.”
Mundy blushed. 
“Yeah, well… Sorry, can’t help it.”
“It is a gift and a blessing, thank you for being so.”
“You’re welcome, baby. But uh, Lu’?”
“Why did you say you were surprised?”
“Ah…” Lucien chuckled before he even gave the answer. “I did not take you for the business class ticket kind of a man.”
“I was gonna go for the economy thing, but then Mum said that in business we’d get a booth and we wouldn’t be bothered by people givin’ us looks. So I can do this…” Mundy reached for Lucien’s hand and took it. “And no one’ll look weird at us.”
“Cutely thoughtful of you, mon loup.”
“You can thank my Mum for that.”
Both chuckled and Lucien leaned his head on Mundy's shoulder. 
“I will, but in the meantime, thank you, mon amour.”
Minutes passed that turned into hours and the sky naturally darkened. After the dinner they were handed in, the couple closed their eyes. 
“Mornin’, luv’.”
“Bonjour, mon amour.”
[Good morning, my love.]
Both yawned, woken up by the bright morning sun above the clouds. 
“Slept well?”
“I think my neck will hate me for a few hours only. What about you?”
“My legs…”
“How long do we have left until we land?”
“Uh…” Mundy checked his watch. “A few hours…?”
“Some number of hours…?”
“Mon loup.”
“Alright, ok, we got three hours left.”
“That isn’t that bad, actually.” Lucien answered, surprised.
“Yup. Oh, Lu’, I just thought about something.”
“Uhm… Y’know how I told you I wanted to visit your workplace?”
“Oui, I remember.”
“How’re you gonna do it? I mean you're supposed to be dead for the Ministry back there, aren’t you?”
“Indeed, I am. You will have to call me by my second name when we get there so as not to raise suspicions.”
“But you still look like yourself. People will recognise you, won’t they?”
“Non, they will not. I was once a spy: entering places I shouldn't be while being someone I am not was my occupation for decades and not a trade easily forgotten.” Lucien raised his eyes to Mundy. “Do not worry, I will show you the Ministry.” He smiled tenderly.
“Alright, I trust you. But if you think we can’t make it or somethin’, there’s no shame in sayin’ it.”
“Non, absolutely not, you are right. But this will be easy.”
A few hours and a nap later, the pilot announced the imminent landing. Mundy looked at the city below the plane. He could see a river flowing, zigzagging through the capital. 
“C’est la Seine.”
[It is the Seine.]
“Ca, c’est l’île Saint-Louis… Et ça ? tu peux me dire ce que c’est ?”
[This is the Saint-Louis Island… And this? Can you tell me what it is?]
Lucien pointed and Mundy squinted to see better. 
“It’s… Oh! C’est la Tour Eiffel, non?”
[It’s the Eiffel Tower, isn’t it?]
Mundy answered in French and Lucien looked at him as he always did, yet each time, the Aussie couldn’t help but fall slightly deeper for his lover. 
“Oui, c’est la tour Eiffel.”
[Yes, it is the Eiffel Tower.]
Lucien confirmed. 
“It’s the real thing? It’s tiny…”
Lucien’s smile vanished. 
“I beg your pardon?”
“It’s tiny! I thought it was supposed to be very tall!”
“Well, you will climb it using the stairs and I swear to God your thighs will make you regret these words!” Lucien answered and Lundy burst into laughter. 
“I’m jokin’, you sensitive, patriotic old baby…”
“Hm, joking now, aren’t you…? I will still make you climb to the top of it on the stairs.”
“How many steps is it to the top, d’you know?”
“One thousand six hundred and sixty-five. It takes between half an hour and forty-five minutes to climb it to the second floor which is not even the top.”
“You're pulling that out of your arse, aren’t you?”
“You shall see….!” Lucien leaned back on his seat with a smug smile on his lips. 
“Hm… Hold on, we aren’t gettin’ closer to the ground, the Eiffel Tower’s still tiny…”
“It is because it is forbidden to fly over Paris.”
“Are you serious?”
“Oui, I am, it has been so since the Second World War, if I remember correctly.”
“Woah… You guys know no Germans are gonna come and bully you again, don’t you?”
“We know. But we would rather keep our sky blue and free of planes.” Lucien answered. 
“Fair enough. Makes it more calm I guess."
When the plane landed and both made it through, Mundy held Lucien back in front of the airport's closed doors. 
"Hold on, before we step into actual Paris…"
"I love you, Lu'." 
Lucien smiled. 
"I love you too."
"Alright, now, we can go." 
They took a step more and the doors slid open. The first rays on the Parisian summer sun hit their skin warmly and the lightest of breezes grazed their cheeks before rolling up to the sky. 
“Here we are then, eh? Paris.” Mundy said looking around him.
“We are outside of the city itself but I guess you booked a hotel inside?” Lucien asked.
“Actually, I didn’t.”
“Oh?” Lucien raised surprised eyebrows. 
“I was kind of counting on you to know where to go…?” Mundy admitted with a half ashamed smile.
“Oh, of course. I have recommendations.”
“You choose then, Lu’. I looked up the hotels and stuff but there were too many of them and I didn’t know which one to pick.”
“It is fine, let us call a taxi, I know where we should go.” Lucien smiled.
“Thanks, Lu’.”
“My pleasure.”
After half an hour inside a taxi, both stepped out in front of a hotel and Lucien waited for the car to disappear behind him. 
“Welcome to the Ritz.” Lucien said and Mundy looked up to take the large three-floor building in. The architecture was nothing like he had seen so far. At the end of a flight of stairs hidden by a red carpet, the doors stood wide and tall between spiral-trimmed slim plants and equally fancy dressed porters. A French flag was flying above the double door that put a slight proud smile on Lucien’s lips. The walls were all made out of light beige stone and on each floor, rectangular windows were neatly and equally spaced. On the first floor were slim balconies adorned with a golden plated logo of the hotel. As Mundy’s eyes followed the column of clean stones, jumping from one window to the one above, he noticed that high up, the roof was covered in dark slate with windows surrounded by smoothly moulded, light beige stone.
“Come on, we both need a shower at least.” Lucien smiled at how absorbed Mundy was by the looks of the building. 
The couple decided to take a few days of rest and let the jet-lag fade away slowly. They had their clothes bought and delivered to them at the hotel and enjoyed their meals either in their suite or in the restaurant downstairs. 
“What did you say the room we’re in was called?”
Lucien chuckled. 
“It is not a room, but a suite, mon amour, and it is called the Coco Chanel suite.”
“Funny name…”
“It is the name of a prestigious designer. She designed the room herself.”
“She was French?”
“Oui, she was.”
“Ah, guess it makes sense… How much is it per night?”
“A price that pales next to that of your company.” Lucien poetically answered. 
“Thanks, Lu, but I meant in Francs?”
“About a hundred…”
“Oh that’s quite cheap for a suite.”
“... Thousand Francs per night.”
“WHAT?!” Mundy almost spat his coffee out.
Lucien burst out laughing, catching his breath in the short little snorts that Mundy fell in love with. 
The next couple of days were spent visiting all the tourist-heavy places: the Eiffel Tower, the cathedral of Notre-Dame, the Palace of Versailles… Mundy saw more paintings and sculptures in those few days than he did in his entire life.
Lucien’s voice was firm, too firm and cold to be addressing Mundy. The Aussie turned and saw Lucien with his hand on a young man's wrist. 
“Hold on, that’s my wallet in your hand…!” Mundy snatched it back from the stranger's hand. 
“La prochaine fois que tu pick-pocket quelqu’un, choisis mieux ta cible et ne regarde pas autant que ça à droite et à gauche, on te voit venir à des kilomètres.”
[Next time you pickpocket someone, choose your target more carefully and don’t look so much left and right, you are telegraphing all your moves.] 
The young man opened wide eyes and as soon as Lucien released his wrist, he darted off. 
He stopped and turned to Lucien, a few metres away from him. 
“Tiens. Et tu n’es pas mauvais, tu devrais en faire quelque chose.”
[Here. And you are not bad, you should do something out of it.]
Lucien handed him a note. The young man took it and left. 
“You gave him money?” Mundy asked. 
“Oui.” Lucien resumed his walk and Mundy followed him. 
“Because stealing is rarely a hobby. If one does it, it is out of necessity. Throwing  this young man in a cell will not help him at all. On the other hand, helping him such should.”
Mundy fell silent for a moment. 
“Besides,” Lucien started speaking again. “I was once this young man, only I never got caught.”
The next day, the couple woke up normally. Good, the jet-lag had finally passed. 
“Do you want to visit the ministry today?”
The half woken up Australian opened wide eyes in a flash. 
“Sure. Uhm, how are we gonna do this?”
“I have an idea. But I need to call Maurice first. You go and take a shower, I will telephone him and will let you know.”
A couple of hours later, both men stood in front of an elegant building in the heart of the fifth district of Paris, or as Mundy liked to call it ‘the fancy one”. 
“Shall we?” Lucien asked. 
“I’d follow you but ho ‘re we gonna go through these soldiers?”
Two military looking people were guarding the entry and checking everyones credentials. 
“As easy as just follow me.” Lucien answered with a smile before he took the flight of stairs up and met with the soldiers. 
“Bonjour, Messieurs. Nous venons de la part de Maurice de Ronzières, en Australie.”
[Good morning gentlemen. We come on behalf of Maurice de Ronzières, in Australia.]
“Je dois vérifier.”
[I must check.]
“Faites donc.”
[Pray do.]
Both men waited at the door and when the guard came back to them, he let them in. 
“Gosh, Lu’ - I mean, Louis… We’re in…”
“Oui, welcome to a place that they redecorated and I barely recognise…” Lucien shook his head disappointedly as he held his hips.
“That means we can’t visit it cause you don’t know where stuff is anymore?”
“Non, non.”
“Then why d’you look uh… not happy with it?”
“Because they redecorated and made it is ugly!” Lucien raised his arms in the air before letting them drop again. “Had I been still alive, I would have given the Minister of Defense a piece of my mind…!”
“Hold on…!” Mundy caught up with his lover and walked through the corridors. 
They abruptly stopped walking in front of a small door hidden under the stairs, on which Lucien gave a few knocks. 
“Qui est-ce?”  A muffled, old man’s voice asked.
[Who is it?]
“C’est moi.” Lucien answered and the door opened.
[It’s me.]
“Grand Dieu, Maurice a dit vrai…!”
[Good Lord, Maurice spoke the truth…!]
A short, skinny, old man emerged from what Mundy understood was the broom closet. He had lost most of his hair on his head and wore round, thick glasses.
“Comment allez vous, Georges?” Lucien opened his arms and the old man took a step forward and hugged him.
[How are you, Georges?]
"Ça doit faire une éternité! Les cheveux gris vous changent, Louis, mais je vous reconnais bien.”
[It must have been an eternity since last time. Grey hair makes you look so different, Louis, but I still recognise you.]
“Parlez-vous un peu d’anglais?”
[Do you happen to speak a bit of English?]
“Oh, j’ai les rudiments, à force d’entendre tout ce qui se passe…!”
[Oh, I learnt the basics on the fly here, as I’m forced to hear bits here and there…!]
“Then,” Lucien naturally switched to English. “Please meet my husband, Mundy.”
Mundy blushed beyond his ears. It was so uncommon for Lucien to introduce him as his husband straight away. 
“And Mundy, please meet Georges, the ultimate spy.”
“Nice to meet you.” Mundy extended his hand and the old man shook it with a smile. 
“Does he understand French?” Georges asked, his accent so thick that next to him, Lucien sounded like a native…!
“Bits, oui, I have been teaching him.” Lucien answered. 
“Then, mes félicitations, mon garçon!”
[Congratulations, my boy!]
“Oh, uh, thanks… But how are you the ultimate spy?” Mundy asked. 
“We can chat as we walk, boys, come on, follow me!” The old man pulled a trolley of rags, dusters and all kinds of cleaning products out of the closet before he started pushing it. Lucien and Mundy followed him. 
“Georges here is responsible for the cleanliness of everything you see. He also happens to have the keys to every room in this building apart from a very select few of them. And all of that makes Georges the best guide to this place." Lucien explained as the trio walked through the corridor. 
The old man pushed his trolley through the corridors, making sure to take all the stair cases that nobody usually takes. 
"And I forgot to say," Lucien added through Georges' explanation of the rooms and corridors. "This man here is invisible to everyone meaning that if we stick to him, we become invisible too." 
"And so you don't break your cover… Ah, I get it…" Mundy nodded to himself. 
"Georges, could you take us to the portrait room, please?" 
"Yes, I can. They didn't move it cause they say history can't be changed." The old man answered, the keys jiggling from his belt loop.
"Ah, perfect." 
Georges took a second to unlock the door and push it open. 
"You have ten minutes, fifteen tops, before my colleague comes here to dust everything off. I'll try and buy you some time but he's young and finds I talk too much so he usually just leaves me alone to do his job. Counting on you, boys, be careful with the time!"
"We will be. Merci infiniment, Georges." 
[Thank you infinitely, Georges.]
"Avec plaisir." 
[My pleasure.]
Both men entered and Lucien shut the large, wooden double doors after them.
“Wow, what’s this place? Who’re these people?” Mundy said as he found himself in a room surrounded by painted or printed portraits. The oldest were black and white engravings while the most recent ones were coloured.
“This is the portrait room. It contains the photograph, painting or engraving of every man who made a decisive contribution to the establishment or security of this country.” Lucien explained. “Please, do have a look.”
Mundy started walking in what felt more like an art gallery than a room. He admired the faces, sometimes commenting on the military attire or the old style moustaches and beards. Lucien tried his best to recall the bits of history he knew about those important figures of the country, mentioning a few anecdotes when his memory allowed him to. 
“Golden frames for everyone, eh? That’s fancy as all hell…” Mundy said. 
“Indeed it is.” Lucien answered. “I am told that nowadays, when young spies finish their training, they are brought here and come out of this room with the hope that one day, their face will be on thiese walls.”
“Yeah, I can get the enthusiasm.” Mundy said. “Oh, Lu’... Hold on… Is that…?” Munddy squinted in front of a photograph and took a step forward. His eyes zigzagged on that of the man with light eyes and coal black hair. “Bloody hell, isn’t that you?!”
Lucien chuckled. 
“Guilty as charged.” The Frenchman said. 
“How old were you on this? You look half the age of the others!”
“I started my career early and abruptly. Some would say I even started without knowing it myself. But to answer your question, I was in my early twenties in this picture.”
“Bloody hell… You look like an angel back then already.”
Lucien smiled. 
“What did you do to get your face up there?”
“I helped in the Résistance to free France from the Germans. I started as a courier boy, delivering messages until I grew up and understood that my, ahem, ease to approach women could be an asset for the country. Countless Nazi were caught through their wives and their mysterious lover.”
“Mh-hm, me. I broke a lot of German hearts back then, even before France’s liberation.” Lucien chuckled.
“Wow… Id love to take a picture of it.”
“We could take it back, if you want.”
“What?! You wanna steal it?!”
“It is my face and I am dead. I can claim it back.” Lucien shrugged.
“Hm.” Mundy fell deep in thought. “You know what?”
“Leave it there.”
“You have changed your mind?”
“Yeah, leave it there for folks to look up at you and remember you. You changed my life, yeah, but you also changed an entire country before that. Let them have a souvenir.”
Lucien smiled. 
“Very well, mon loup.”
The next day, the couple woke up with the first rays of light, wrapped in the satin sheet of the Coco Chanel suite at the Ritz.
“Uhm, there’s somewhere I wanna take you today.”
“Oh?” Lucien’s surprise was obvious. Mundy wanted to take him somewhere? Where? Why? And above all, how? The Aussie had spent the past week or so following his lover blindly and complaining that he did not know how Lucien could know where he was going. “Sure, when do you want to go?”
“This evenin’, if that’s fine with you too. We can go have dinner somewhere and then we’ll go?”
“Perfect for me, Mundy.”
And for the entire day, Lucien kept on thinking about it. Where would Mundy take him…? Until of course it was time to go. He followed his tall lover through the streets. The Aussie stopped only a few times to check his map and make sure they were heading in the right direction. 
“Alright, should be after this street.”
They stopped when they reached beautiful dark blue, wrought-iron gates. 
“A park? You wanted to take me to a park?”
“I uh… I don't think it’s any odd park.” Mundy answered and Lucien frowned. They both entered and wandered inside, following the yellow narrow roads. 
“Why did you want to bring me here, Mundy?”
“I think you guessed why.” Mundy answered. “You know we’re not in any park.”
“Indeed, I do, so why here?”
“Because it’s part of you and it’s important.” Mundy answered before he stopped walking. “Now, you gotta guide me.”
Lucien took a deep breath and let it all out in a long sigh. 
“Très bien.” He started walking and it took a few minutes of silence before they reached their destination, under a tree. 
“Is it here?” Mundy asked. 
“Oui, it should be.”
“Gimme your blade.”
Lucien took it from his inner pocket and passed it to Mundy who went down to sit on his knees and started digging. The Frenchman waited, his arms wrapped around himself. He felt slightly cold even though the day had been scorching hot and he evening was still warm. 
“Here we go...!” Mundy unearthed a small tin box. “Let’s go back to the hotel.” He stood up and dusted his knees off before both him and Lucien headed back. 
When they were in their suite and alone, Mundy headed for the bathroom. He cleaned the box of all the soil on it and brought it back to the living-room on a towel. Lucien had been sitting on the sofa, his stare blank. 
“You alright?”
“Oui,” He shook his head as if to land back into reality. “I was just lost in thought.”
“C’mon, ask me.” Mundy said and Lucien sighed. 
“Why did you do this?”
“Because you told me that everythin’ that was you before was in a box, that you had buried it in a park in Paris as the rain was pouring down in the middle of the night. You told me that it has all sorts of things like pictures of you, maybe even of your family and everythin’.” 
Mundy took a deep breath and took Lucien’s hand in his. 
“It’s been one year of you and me bein’ a solid thing and it’s been even longer of us just spendin’ all our time together, and even longer of me lovin’ you to bits.” Lucien blushed at the last part and smiled shyly. “And today, it’s been exactly one year of us being a thing. I put a ring on your finger and you put one on mine one year ago exactly. I just… I don’t wanna make you feel bad at all, I love you, I just wanna see your life from before and beyond that, I want you to be at peace with what you were before.”
“I don’t care what you were, I just want you to accept whatever's in that box as a part of you. It doesn’t need to be buried down in the ground, it shouldn’t be there. It should be with us, with our pictures and memories.”
Lucien had sat silently through his lover’s speech. 
“You understand, baby doll?”
Lucien raised his eyes to his lover. 
“You are right, Mundy.” He took the box and put it on his lap before gently opening it. “This is the only photo album I have ever bought in my life, before we got ours. The oldest pictures are of my parents, then me as a baby and a young boy. The next picture is when I was officially made a spy, after the end of the Second World War, during which I served in the Résistance.”
He flipped the pages and pointed for Mundy to follow.
“Wow, you were already gorgeous back then.”
“Thank you.” 
The Aussie wrapped an arm around his lover to pull him close and Lucien leaned on him.
“How did you know which hpark it was?” Lucien asked. “I don’t think I mentioned the name of it.”
“I asked Maurice for the park where we could spend some quality time that would mean something for you.”
“Ah, I see.” Lucien turned the page. “This is the few pictures of Marie and Jérémy that I have.”
“She was real pretty.”
“Oui, she was.” Lucien smiled at the pictures. 
“And Jeremy kind of looked like you a bit, I mean, his hair’s lighter than yours but…”
“He was born blond like the sun.” Lucien said. “His hair darkened as he grew up and was dirty blond before he passed.”
“Oh, I see.”
“This is us, all together.”
“Look at you bein’ a dad… You look so comfy handlin’ the baby. I’m always scared when I’m handed a kid. Always scared to drop them or hurt them or somethin.”
Lucien smiled with nostalgia.
“You should not. They are indeed very fragile but you are very strong.” He turned his head and pushed his lips on Mundy’s. 
“Thanks, luv’.”
“Thank you.” Lucien put the photo album aside. 
“There’s more stuff in the box?”
“Oui. Here, this was my first ever blade.”
“Oh, you kept it?”
“Oui, as a souvenir. When I was in the Résistance, I never thought that doing what I was doing would turn me into a spy, get me a job and a life that is reasonably put together. I just did it because I could and I was told I had a gift for it.”
“And you went on to become the best spook ever.” Mundy said, recalling the portrait at the Ministry.
“Something like that.” Lucien smiled. “Here, this is all black and old, but it used to be silver and shining bright.” He handed a thin, yet very old string of metal to Mundy. 
“It’s a bracelet?”
“It bears my name on it. It is a common gift that young children are offered here. I kept mine because it reminded me of my mother, whom I loved beyond everything else. Oh and this is a very old and worn out thing now, but I used to wear it to cover my mouth and nose, for people to not recognise me when I worked to liberate France.”
“It’s a black bandana?”
“It used to be Burgundy red.”
“We could give a polish to your bracelet and a good wash to your bandana. I’m not good with clothes but I’m sure there’s ways to bring it back to life.”
“I think so, oui. Ah, there it is… Although it is broken, this used to be the bracelet that I offered to Marie, when we first started to meet each other regularly.”
“It’s a pearl bracelet?”
“Oui, I have always liked pearls on women, I think it might be because my mother used to have a pearl necklace that she treasured more than anything else. It was a gift from my father. I remember as a child, I one day found it as I was prying into whatever I could lay my hands on in the house and she told me off for touching it.”
“Oh, wow…”
“Wow indeed.” 
Mundy took a second to look at the way Lucien was looking at his belongings from another life. His eyes were almost dreamy and his gaze, very soft, filled with nostalgia and bittersweetness. And soon, the smile widened and it was not an awkward listing of antics but objects that threw the Frenchman’s mind back when pictures were only black and white, when uniforms were compulsory at school, when with a Franc, you could buy a mountain…
“Oh, I am enjoying this actually, Mundy.” Lucien raised his eyes to his lover. “Thank you so much, mon chéri.”
[My darling.]
“You're welcome. See? It’s better to acknowledge everythin’ and even if it's bad things or mistakes that you can only blame yourself for, so be it. The only way to repent I guess, is to not make those mistakes again.”
“You speak truth and wisdom. May God keep you by my side for as long as we want.”
“Amen, baby.”
“Thank you for… Well… Half-forcing me to do this. I realise that I should have done it long ago.”
“How d’you feel?” Mundy asked. 
“Better, lighter in a way.” Lucien wiped a silent tear. 
“Hey, you sure you good?”
“Oui, it is not tears of sadness. It is… The intensity of all this. Finding myself in the Ritz again, but this time, not on duty, not for business, just for our enjoyment, the breakfasts, lunches and dinners here now taste so much more flavourful, I never realised that their food was exquisite. I knew it but I never felt it as much as I have in these past few days. And the outings with you, seeing the sights, guiding you through Paris, telling you her story. It is better than a dream come true.”
Mundy smiled compassionately.
“Happy first anniversary.”
“Oh…” The Frenchman dived head first into his lover’s chest and let the tears run down his face. 
“It’s ok, Lu’, I’m here.”
“This is why you wanted to take me to Paris?” Lucien pulled himself out of his lover's embrace.
“Yeah, for our anniversary.”
“Je t’aime, Mundy.”
[I love you, Mundy.]
Lucien took his handkerchief out and wiped his face. 
“Je t’aime aussi, mon Lucien.”
[I love you too, my Lucien.]
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tiptapricot · 3 years
can i get uhhhh david and sam hcs? like in the everyone lives au where david is w michael
Heck yea!
They don’t like each other at first. David thinks Sam is annoying and clingy and Sam thinks David is mean and creepy and that his brother could do better
But, because of Michael, they end up hanging out a lot
David comes over in the evenings to wait for Michael to get back from work so they can go out, and usually that means he and Sam are stuck cohabitating in the living room or kitchen for an hour or so
Sam would do homework in his room, but they still haven’t set up a desk for him and he refuses to work on the floor
So downstairs it is
They usually end up bickering a lot, exchanging vague insults or annoyed glances, and whenever David leaves he always puts on this shit eating grin and ruffles Sam’s hair like he’s five
Sam hates it
In retaliation, he convinces Mike to let him tag along with them at least once a week, more if he thinks he can push it
David always looks pissed and annoyed, probably because he is
That’s why it’s weird when, at some point neither of them can pin down, their interactions stop being antagonizing
The hair ruffling becomes fond, they start genuinely talking while Sam does his homework, and Sam starts laughing when David intimidates shop owners into giving him prizes on the board walk instead of getting scared and going off to find the Frogs
David calls him “little man” and “kid” and actually pays attention when Sam talks about comics and music, sometimes chiming in with his own opinions or bits of historical info, but mainly just listening and nodding
On the other hand, Sam makes David feel more human again, hanging out with this kid that has so much spark and drive, smiling and laughing and trying to find where he fits in it all
He likes him. A lot.
Sam is one of the few people that can make David legitimately laugh, and though he always denies it when asked, he can feel himself soften up when the kid’s around
Sam’s view of David eventually settles on: he’s Michael if Mike were actually cool (which is a sentiment David thinks is hilarious and finds every opportunity to tease Michael about)
David’s very protective of Sam, too, as are most of the boys. They don’t kill anyone that messes with Sam, mainly because he’s asked them not to, but David will take the boys to certain kids’ houses for some.... stern talking to, if he feels it’s needed
David also takes Sam on bike rides and lets him hang around with him and the boys when Michael’s busy, but he’s adamant on not letting him do anything actually dangerous or illegal
No, no beer for you Sam
Stay here, we’ll be back in a second
C’mon kid, time to go home
It frustrates Sam a little. He thinks David and the boys are so cool, but they won’t let him do anything
So he decides to try and pierce his other ear one night, so he can at least have something cool and dangly like David and the others have, but he messes up and it just ends with a tissue pressed to his ear and a pricked finger
He forgot David was coming over to go out with Mike that night until the door to his room is slammed open and David’s frantic eyes land on him sitting on the edge of his bed
He seems to relax a little when he sees Sam, sighing as he closes the door behind him
“Smelled the blood from downstairs,” he says. “What happened here?”
Sam feels like he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. There’s no use in lying, David can always tell when he’s lying
“Wanted another earring,” he says lamely, “didn’t go so great.”
David frowns slightly. “You tried to pierce your own ear?” Sam nods and David immediately walks over to the bed and grabs Sam’s wrist, pulling his hand away to examine his ear with concern
Sam hisses, but lets David look him over anyway
“You didn’t fuck up too bad, which is good. Don’t try this again though Sam.”
Sam nods, squeezing his thigh. “Yea, ok. Sorry.”
David sighs, letting go and pushing off the mattress. “I’ll grab some ice, clean off the needle if you haven’t already. We’ll do this right.”
Sam blinks in disbelief, eyes wide. David pauses when he reaches the door, glancing back with a smile that’s a little kinder than Sam thinks he means it to be. “You can just ask next time, ok kid?” he says. Sam nods, and the moment the door closes he’s rushing to the bathroom
David’s hands are gentle and firm, and by the next week Sam’s new earring is just as dazzling as his smile
Headcanons masterpost
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
That's life || Steve Harrington
Chapter nine
November 11, 1983
I opened the door for Dustin after he knocked thousands of times.
"What's wrong?"
"Will is alive. We more Eleven communicated with him. We heard him singing. He's in the upside down. Lucas knows where the gate is. Miss Byers and Hopper are driving to the lab"
"the lab has the gate to the upside down" he nodded. "Son of a bitch. And Barb? Is she alright" he looked down.
"I'm sorry El said she's gone." I placed my hands in front of my mouth in shock.
"I have to go to the school again"
"We are hiding El there. I just want to get some food." I nodded and he walked into the kitchen.
"Dustin I really think you shouldn't go back" I walked after him and stole his cap
"nooo. Give it back" he jumped to reach the cap.
"You've got plenty in your room." He rolled his eyes and walked to his room.
The phone rang a few times before I reached it "Henderson's"
"Y/N here's Nancy. I need your help I'm at the Byers house. Could you come over."
"Of course I'm there in twenty minutes." I walked to Dustin's room and told him that I'm leaving.
So when I knocked on the door Nancy opened it with a baseball bat in her hand.
"Right time. Maybe you can hit some nails into it that would be great" she handed it to me and went inside.
Ok that's strange.
"Hey Y/N it's good you could make it. Two hands more are better. So we planned that we would throw fuel into the hallway and--"
"okay wait. Why are all these Christmas lights hanging around?"
"Oh yeah my mom thought Will wouldn't be dead and there was wavering lights. And she thinks she's talking to him through all these" I only nodded.
absolutely strange.
"And how do you 'call' the monster?" I gestured quotes to the call.
"we don't have any names for them but I heard your brother and his friends talking about it and calling them demogorgon or something like that."
Could it get any stranger?
There was some knocking on the door and Jonathan answered that.
"Steve, what the hell are you doing here!" I eavesdrop their conversation in between the hittings.
"I wanted to apologize for the incident." Steve paused, maybe because Nancy walked over to the door.
"Steve leave. Don't involve yourself in that. Please stay outside or go home" she shouted at him.
what's with me?!
"What is this noise?" He meant the hitting of nails.
Steve walked past Jonathan into the house and looked around.
"Y/N you're here?" I rolled my eyes at him.
Suddenly all the lights began to flicker and then it shut down.
The whole house was in a reddish light.
"Nanc" Steve's voice echoed through the hallway as he was looking through the whole house for Nancy.
That hurts.
Jonathan ran towards the monster but there was plenty space between them. He had thrown the lighter on the floor and the flue had inflames.
Automatically I covered my face and turned so I wouldn't look into the flames, Nancy did the same but she still held the revolver in the direction of the monster. Steve had grabbed the bat out of my hands and stands next to Jonathan.
"What should we do Jon?" Jonathan turned to look at Steve as he shrugged his shoulders.
Great, we are going to die.
The monster began to walk towards us and we started to take few steps back to keep the distance. The monster pinned Jonathan to the ground and Nancy began to shoot it. But then Steve ran in the direction of the demogorgon and hit it with the bat. The monster flew away from Jonathan.
"Steve you're insane what's wrong with you" I screamed after him.
"Go Steve you'll kill it" Jonathan stepped next to me once he was standing and Nancy shoot a few times again.
Why are my friends so crazy.
After the monster disappeared into nowhere the four of us were standing in the middle of the hallway questioning what happened a few moments ago.
"I don't know what's happening but that's crazy, it's weird" I sat down on the couch as the three other teenagers walked into the living room.
"So mom is right" Steve was the only one who was still standing.
"She is what? What the hell was that?"
"That lovely Steve is a demogorgon, something from the upside down"
"where did you catch this word?" I rose my eyebrow.
"At the funeral when you were talking to the boys. And also at school yesterday when we communicate to the upside down"
"Where's your mom now?"
"She is with Hopper. She told me they are going to the lab"
"Jonathan could I use your phone?" He nodded and I walked over to it.
After a few rings my mom answered the phone.
"Hey mom, can I talk to Dusti?"
"Oh sorry he is not here."
"he's not home? Do you know where he is?"
"No sweaty I'm sorry"
"but thanks mom, love you." I ended the call and turned to my friends and Steve.
"I have to go"
"I don't know but I have to safe my brother" I was halfway out of the door when Steve held my wrist. "let me go. I need to go."
"You don't even know where to. Let me come with you to protect you." Jonathan and Nancy looked confused between us.
"I think I'm able the protect myself. And where I am going there's a badass girl with telekinesis super power who will protect me" Steve's eye widened as I said those words.
"Okay wait serious? Where are you going then?"
"The school"
"I'm coming with you" Steve walked after me through the door and held his passenger door open.
"Thanks" he started the engine and we drove through the dark streets to the Hawkins middle school.
We sat a few minutes in the car after we arrived scared of what we would face in there.
"I like your new style" he pointed towards the cap.
"Mm thanks" and again there was this tension between us.
"Y/N I'm sorry for everything really if I could turn back in time I would and I'd change so many things. I'm so sorry."
"Steve leave it, please" I saw a lot of white Van's driving on the school ground and parking in front of the entry.
"Who are they?"
"I don't know but. What the hell you're seeing this?" The people leaving the cars and walking into the school all held weapons.
"I think we shouldn't involve ourselves into this"
"Steve my brother is in there" I'm looking right into his hazel eyes.
Oh god I missed them so much. How much I'd like to kiss him. Stop it right now!
"If you're right. With that girl. They are safe. Y/N we only going to risk our life" he took my hand into his and squeezed it.
"I can't just sit here and wait" I wanted to open the door but Steve locked it. "Son of a bitch open it!" Shots drowned my voice and we went silent.
"Fuck" muttered Steve under his breath. The lights outside the school began to flicker and Steve threw his arms around me. We ducked into the footwell.
"I'm here Y/N it's alright." A few tears escaped and he wiped them away. We were in this position until we heard knocks on the window and we both frightened. He let go of me and looked where the knocks came from.
"Look. It's Dustin." I turned to look into familiar blue eyes and I began to smile.
"Steve unlock the fucking car" when he did, I opened the door and threw my arms around my brother. "Dusti you're alive"
"stop you're embarrassing me"
"those are your friends, they know how I am" we laughed a bit but then there was silence which could kill you.
"where is.." Dustin cut me off
"she's in the upside down she saved us." I looked at Mike who was crying and walked over to him.
"Mike I'm so sorry" I hugged him too and rubbed his back. "If you need help I'm here you can talk to me" he nodded and Lucas asked if Steve could drive them home.
"Of course but let's go" on our way home the boys told us everything that happened in the school building.
"That's insane." Steve couldn't believe it but listened tensioned to them.
When we were at our house Dustin went inside so Steve and I could talk.
"I'm sorry that you're involved in this too. I should've left without you."
"So you would be killed by the men with the weapons of course Y/N" he rolled his eyes and laughed slightly
"but thank you Steve" I kissed his cheek and went inside the house as well.
It took Steve quite a while to drive away but he did anyways.
"So you and Steve" he wriggled his brows and smiled.
"There's nothing he's with Nancy anyways"
"but she will choose Jonathan over Steve I bet" he hold his hand in front of me but I didn't shake it.
"I'm not betting over feeling that's dumb."
"When you say it. Good night idiot"
"night asshole" he walked into his room and I into mine as well.
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