#interacts with gender and genre expectations
cryptidm0ths · 21 days
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Vvvvvv messy doodles of magical girl au
#enstars#crazy b#crazy magic b#<- temporary name#euu wont tag more than that#now for rambles sooooo my main concept idea is a world with magical girls(gender neutral i still need to thing about how everything#interacts with gender and genre expectations#id say for now gender neutral with outfit aesthetics influenced more by the magic giving entity)#so magical girls choosen seemingly at random by some entity to protect the area from creature which are the manifestation of repressed#desires and dreams gone rotten#and so our characters have to defeat these monsters and purify the person/give them back their dreams/want to live#and so your standard magical girl focuses on purifying and giving people their dreams#idk if that makes sense#euuu not much is known about magical girls and how they work and one of the main theories is that magical girls are born when a persons#dreams and desires grow strong enought that they crystallise in magic powers#idk trust me so if you want something as much as you can and work on in in pure acts of love you too can be a magical girl#euuu ill reread the war tm to better write this but#i just visualise these flavour of magical girl like the idols of eichis dreams#crazy b stand a little to the left rinne positing that euu things blabla live life to your fullest feel your emotions allow yourself to be#alive a pure dream is nice if the rest of your emotions and wants are ignored they will rot (i need to reread the main story and nightclub)#yea euu ill make it coherent when im not bone tired#moth draws
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fiannalover · 5 months
What's that bro? You began interacting with a media from a different country than yours and/or was made in time period different than the recent present day? Haha that's sick bro! Keep expanding your horizons bro! You're remembering to take into account that sociocultural norms, gender roles and genre expectations are different from what you are used to and meeting the story halfway, instead of forcibly superimposing your ideals into the story, right bro? Right? Right?
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viperdove-if · 1 year
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They will sing songs of our legacy, weave tales of the blood we spilled and the hearts we stole. We have carved our names in history, my dove, using the lives of the guilty. And once you are appointed, you too will be marked in legend.
Genre: dark, crime, romance, gangs
Setting: fictional world of Hera, ancient times
You are the Dove, the heir to one of the most powerful crime families in your country. The grip your family--your father--has on their side of the land is tight, and now that you've reached adulthood it's time for you to be fully absorbed into the machinations of gang warfare. That means opium, mercenaries, assassinations. In this ancient world, blood moves people just as much as money does.
But your family is not the only family with a steel-like grip on Hera. The Dimas family have been your rivals for centuries, a blood feud fueling the anger on both sides. You both fight for territories, for money, terrorize innocent civilians and throw them in a fight they never asked to be part of. Eventually it must end...and eventually it will come down to you and the Viper, the rival heir.
But when murders and kidnappings crop up on both sides of families, the blood feud grows larger. Because there is an even bigger threat coming, and a blood war may be the only way to get out of it.
Viper & Dove is a dark romantic interactive fiction that follows two crime families in a blood feud taking place in ancient times. It is rated 18+ for violence, explicit themes, possible sexual content, and gore.
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Customize your heir from name, appearance, gender identity, pronouns, demeanor and more. Customize their approach to their position and how they feel about their family and their responsibilities.
Choose a weapon of choice like a sword, throwing knives, and more.
Choose what kind of heir you want to be, and how far you're willing to go to protect your title from your endless siblings...who are various shades of bloodthirsty.
Indulge in romances that go from a doomed Romeo & Juliet narrative to a bully arranged-marriage romance to a bodyguard romance.
more features to come.
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Talon/Thea 'The Viper' Dimas (m/f) : the eldest and heir to your rival family, neither of you can live while the other one breathes. Everyone is waiting with baited breath for the day you two come face to face for a fight to the death to finally bring an end to a century long rivalry...in blood. The day seems to be inching closer, and you wonder if you're prepared.
You are forbidden to see them. Forbidden to speak to them. Romancing them grants a punishment in blood.
Romance: enemies to lovers, forbidden lovers, heirs to rival families, Romeo & Juliet-esque
Alastair (m): your father's advisor, his second-hand man. He is serious, distant, and treats you with neutrality, mostly because of who you are. He oversees everything your father does and your father trusts him with his life. Romancing you would mean certain death for him.
Romance: forbidden romance
Shadow (real name unknown) (m/f): the family's head assassin and lapdog for your father, indebted to him like a prisoner. They have killed many, and their deaths pile up in a way that keeps them quiet and isolated. They do not speak, least of all to you, and you rarely see them underneath their assassins garb.
Romance: forbidden romance
Kalis Dimas (f): the twin of your rival. Even though she is a Dimas, you feel she has no interest in the blood feud. She is too kind, too pure. If anyone were to find you speaking to her--especially her very protective twin--the results could be detrimental to you both.
Romance: forbidden romance
Oren/Odessa (m/f): your betrothed. They are mean, rude, and a bully, and yet you are expected to wed them. After all these years of them bullying you, tormenting you, how could it possibly change?
Romance: bully romance, arranged marriage
Kai/ Kara: (m/f): your childhood best friend. Your guard. The one meant to protect you. They were once an orphan, then found and employed by your father to keep you safe. They take their duty seriously, lest they get thrown out again.
Romance: bodyguard romance, forbidden
Raven/Rome: (m/f) your personal maid/butler, hailing from the servant family that has served yours for generations. They don't look you in the eye and don't dare speak. Some might find their overt politeness endearing.
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This is my first interactive-fiction story and I hope you like it. Reblogs are always appreciated, thank you! :)
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sourbinnie · 11 months
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☆ pretender.mp3 ☆
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> angst ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> ot8!skz + 9th member!reader (gender neutral) ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> a night to remember starring your mom & dad (in the worst way possible) ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> family issues (toxic parents) ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
a/n -> i'm not writing from personal experience but i've seen a lot of people not have the best relationship with their parents. it's not easy to stand up to people you love and you want that love back too right? so it's not you to blame. please know that families are not always blood, sometimes they're chosen and the best experiences come from those who actually care and show you that they are there. if this one's too personal or too triggering, feel free to skip it! i love you all, my dms are always open.
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it wasn't a good idea from the start. you have always been on a tightrope with your parents but you couldn't really deny their request since they invited everyone when they were backstage and your bandmates kindly agreed. so now everyone was ready to actually meet them and to have a pleasant evening but you expected the worst. everyone saw how your attitude completely changed when you were in your family home, well if you could call it that.
it was never easy to be on the same level as your parents, for them to understand you. at first they didn't even want you to become an idol since you were risking so much by it but they eventually came to terms with it. right now though you could say you didn't have a relationship with them, your teenage years have gone to waste because of them leaving you in a fragile state. 
it was like you didn't connect anymore to what was going on. they might express and say that they're proud of how far you've gone but when you stumbled and you fell, they didn't catch you. now that they're back in your life (since you didn't see them for so long during your trainee and debut days) and showing up to events to support you, you felt odd. maybe you just weren't used to it and things would get eventually better but you couldn't help but doubt everything in your mind as you sat there and saw the boys interacting with your parents. 
you could feel someone sitting next to you and as you turned to see who it was, it happened to be felix. it was no secret that you had a fake smile the entire time and that your interactions were kinda weird. so you weren't really surprised when one of them noticed it. 
"your parents aren't like this always aren't they?" he asked and you nodded as you took a sip from your drink. considering everything you went through and all the things that they made you live, you could not really lie. you didn't want to pretend everything was alright 'cause you truly didn't feel like you could. you also didn't want to act like my parents were monsters but they weren't really nice people either.
"i just feel so weird being here right now." you mumbled and felix did try to comprehend you but at the end of the day couldn't. your past wasn't something you talked about with the boys and you were sure no one would have agreed to come here tonight if they actually knew the story behind your sadness.
"lighten up kiddo, you've always been this way!" your dad said which caught you off guard since you were sure that he was having a different conversation with someone else seconds ago. you didn't expect him to interrupt what you were gonna say to felix but also you knew this is where the weird comments would start.
"oh our (y/n), never bring the mood up" your mother said and it physically made you cringe but you let it pass. the night had just started yet you wanted it to be over already. it's not like anyone else noticed that you were suffering because of these things they were saying (or that's what you thought).
as the night progressed, you could hear compliments left and right. how much they admired the work and the effort that your members put in, how they were absolutely stunning to look at and just the best of the best when it came to everything. you couldn't recall the last time that they admired you like that and you had to hold back the tears because it was all too much. 
and then it finally arrived, what you were expecting and in front of your friends, your actual family. 
"our (y/n) always wanted to become an idol. we don't know how it happened but now they're here and that's what matters." ouch, they really called you talentless like you just got lucky by chance and they selected you out of pity or something.
"i truly think (y/n) is a crucial part of the team." chan said to lighten up the mood and give you a little smile on the process which you responded to by just shaking your head. he didn't need to defend you, it was fine, you were used to this kind of bullshit. "we wouldn't be where we are if it wasn't for them being with us."
"hard to believe, you're all talented young men!" your dad added leaving you out once again. it was inevitable that everyone was feeling kind of uncomfortable, it was like the attitude your parents were showing before was just a mask and these were the actual people behind it.
"(y/n)'s talent is immeasurable and their kindness is what i like about them the most." changbin said, trying to change the subject so that they would say something positive for you. it wasn't gonna happen, you already knew but you always had hope in your heart that maybe something nice would come out of it.
"well you should've seen them growing up, it wasn't easy." your mom commented and if the humiliating wasn't enough, it just kept going. 
"i'm sure most of us weren't easy teenagers to deal with." minho said and he looked completely done with everything. you knew how protective he was towards you but you also didn't expect him to jump on the train trying to defend you from your parents.
"yeah well it was probably very different to what we had to deal with. (y/n) was a difficult kid and now they're better but sometimes we wish they would open up more." wow you wonder why you didn't do it. with parents like that, better keep everything to yourself right?
you shook your head and grabbed your things to go outside. you weren't gonna say anything, you couldn't, you were never the type of person to confront. at the end of the day nothing was gonna change as much as you grew as a person or as a musician, they would never take you seriously. you didn't expect all of them to follow you but they did as you let your tears slide down your face. your relationship was never gonna mend, it was broken before you could fix it.
"i'm sorry. i should've told you all before we even came here, it was so awkward too." you said in between tears and sobs. you wanted nothing more than for the car that brought you here to arrive and drop you in the dorms. jisung reached for you as he hugged, holding you tightly as you let everything out.
"you don't have to say you're sorry. you didn't do anything wrong and we should've never accepted if you didn't feel confident and comfortable about it." chan said as he looked at you, he felt like he let you down but it was from that. you were so happy to have band members that looked after you in such a way, that cared about you so deeply and would stand up to your biggest fears.
it was hard saying that your biggest fear was your parents' opinion. you could act like you didn't care, like it was so easy to ignore it but you knew deep down all you ever wanted was for them to accept you. to love you for who you are and not who they had a vision of you being.
"i already called for them to pick us up." minho said as he grabbed your hand and squeezed it. 
so you guys stayed there in the cold night, holding you and whispering sweet nothings as they tried to calm you down. it was for sure a night to remember for all of them but especially for you, the embarrassment was immeasurable but the scars will always remain. 
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kanekoii · 7 months
luxiem + ren, doppi and kyo reacting to a new kouhai whos model is Arlecchino from GI but she just ends up being the softest, sweetest and most innocent girl ever
lyra's notes -> another reader gender change but ouggghh arle...once she comes out i might retire my dps qiqi...(i havent seen any leaks abt her kit but arle is hot so im sorry qiiq)
pairings -> luxiem + ren zotto, doppio dropscythe, kyo kaneko x gn! reader
genre -> scenario, fluffy, a tiny bit of crack
song -> sorry i got nothing for this one
warnings -> a tiny bit of pining
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he thinks it's so funny, like he laughed so hard when he heard your voice for the first time. and he thinks your voice is adorable too! from your model and channel's theme alone, one would assume you're the mean and intimidating type. but nope, you're a total sweetheart and vox adores that. you're pretty innocent too, so some of his pick up lines will go right over your head and it's ADORABLE when he sees you get confused about some of the things he says.
he tries his best not to laugh when you say especially sweet and innocent things. he really tries but it's adorable and hilarious. your model is so intimidating and a little scary looking, but as soon as you start talking, that facade melts and shows how much of a sweetheart you are! especially in collab streams before everyone knows you super well, it's adorable to hear your sweet voice in contrast to your intimidating model.
he’s supposed to be intimidating too, so the both of you together is plain adorable! people will draw your models together and it will look so scary but when you’re collabing together, it’s just a wholesome fest most of the time! we know he definitely will have a soft spot for you and collabs with you a lot because he just thinks you’re so cute and he can’t get enough of you!
what. bro is so confused by you sometimes. yes you’re adorable but sometimes he just gets so confused by your intimidating model contrasting your sweet and innocent nature. ike is somewhat put off by it at first, but he eventually starts to warm up to it and finds your personality just as cute as the others do! even if it’s hilarious to see your model’s sharp and scary eyes light up when you get excited about something.
he’s got a bit of an intimidating model too, so it’s more than funny to see your wholesome and sometimes flirty interactions. you’re both some of the softest and most wholesome in en, so it’s just heaven for you to be collabing with him. the first time he saw your model, he was really convinced you were going to be the scary type but your voice ruined that image. he is so smitten with your cute personality and voice too <3
essentially just like shu, except piochan is much more weird than wholesome. one would come to expect a certain level of silliness in him that he happens to bring out in you despite your soft and sweet personality. it’s strange really, the way you and him can communicate in a language only the two of you understand.
it’s becoming increasingly hard to make these unique but here we go. ren fits his model pretty well, so seeing you have such a misleading model that reveals your adorable and soft personality is just so funny to everyone including him. for more please infer back to ike’s part because i’m exhausted sorry.
he has the same sort of thing in a way, except he’s a cute model with an utterly unhinged personality. as soon as he befriends you, his streams become even funnier because he’ll often be by your side to disorient viewers who were expecting you to act like how your models portrayed you. nope. enjoy your vtuber fame tho you deserve it for being so cute :p
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xxatinyminionxx · 9 months
[ENHYPEN Legal Line] MTL Agree to Make Adult Content With You
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Genre: Smut 🔞, MTL, Reader is Gender Neutral
Warnings: Jungwon is included, but with vague descriptions that fit my comfort level writing about him.
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this draft for awhile but here it is!
Jake - YES. The idea of making adult videos with you is hot to him, plus y’all would get BANK for it. Your content would probably start off faceless with SEXY oral-based content. This is because you can’t get enough of watching Jake between your legs and have to film it- Eventually you film all your in-bed activities and your channel grows A LOT becoming a major hit. Brand deals, collab opportunities, and a thriving sex life is in your future.
Sunoo - Yup. You both considered showing your kinks off in videos. The initial intention was to record it for yourselves, but you two decided to post one of the videos you were both proud of. Upon casually making a variety of content to enjoy watching back, you notice the response to the one video was overwhelmingly positive! You become a major couple in the adult entertainment world like Jake, but on the streaming side. The schedule flexibility and exhibitionistic appeal of streaming makes your intimate moments with sunoo so much hotter. Bring on the sex toys, interactive fan engagement, and bondage—I mean bonding.
Jungwon - You would run an account with him that has content galore. Some videos are short and get straight to the point while others are a bit longer experimenting with plot-driven roleplay that has been your interest lately. Due to the content you create being on the niche side, it is easily underrated until the algorithm starts taking a liking to them. Popular or not, making content never seems like a chore and you both find it enjoyable to serve your tight knit community.
Heeseung - He’s camera shy when it comes to recording your sex life for the whole world to see but wants to try because of how naughty the idea is. According to your comfort levels though, you both edit the videos so there’s a blur overlay on your faces. Oh and this man is definitely picky about which videos you post (usually you don’t post for months) but they always do so well! Expect the majority to be oral and pov fucking-based videos with a fair amount of dirty talk that gets you two riled up.
Sunghoon - He doesn’t mind making occasional mature videos, but he wouldn’t want to put the pressure of video creation on your relationship. Don’t get me wrong, he’s all about wanting to look sexy on camera but he also values a privately carefree sex life. He loves you so much and doesn’t want 19+ videos to become the forefront of your relationship. Kind of like Sunoo, your videos would be based around specific kinks like spanking and overstimulation.
Jay - It’s a big nope from him. He wants you and your sexy ways to be something that only he knows about. I also feel like he would become too self-conscious already thinking about the comments and overdo it in front of the camera to the point that it makes things less enjoyable. That doesn’t mean he won’t let you record for your own pleasure though ;)
©️ xxatinyminionxx 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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n1kiluvz · 3 months
★ you've grown— n.rk (part 1)
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pairing! - n.rk-f!reader genre!- fluff. tw!- swearing (pls lmk if more!). wc-(?)
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"mom are the nishimuras coming too?"
"probably not honey your dad had a chat with them mr.nishimura doesn't feel so well"
Mr.nishimura was your mom's colleague, you had known their family since your childhood. Their son riki was the same age as you and you played together alot but then you both lost contact when in fourth grade he moved away with his parents to another city.
You hadn't seen him in 7-8 years and your hope of finally seeing him at a family friend's wedding crushed when your mom said that, after being in an all girls highschool your hormones were abit uneasy and you really wanted to see riki since you heard from your parents that he has grown alot. You had expectations, what can you say? Your just a girl.
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Getting out of the car, greeting everyone there he was looking like a typical teen to whom puberty did well, "he used to be shorter than me.." you mumbled to yourself.
"Riki honey you've grown so much!" your mom said excitedly while you couldn't even look at him in the eye. How could you? he looked hotter than ever when he politely greeted your mom, shyness took over you. Damn you all girls school you've ruined my boy interaction skills.
"y/n do you recognise him?..i couldn't at all! Riki what are you an Eiffel tower?? Hahaha" your dad cracked one of his flop jokes in front of everyone to which riki smiled softly and of course seeing him smile made you smile too. It's true he did grow alot maybe 6ft? you can't ask him infront of everyone can you? you know how elders are when it comes to friendly interactions between two opposite genders. You're shy anyways so..maybe teehee your way out of this?
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Everybody's having lunch, seated next to him you still haven't spoken a word. what should I say to him? I mean I'll definitely regret if I don't talk to him now..what if he's not interested and that's why he is not talking to me? c'mon that can't be the case we haven't seen eachother for almost a decade he might be shy also
"what major are you?" You spoke lightly YES YES ASK HIM ABOUT COLLEGE
"buisness and dance as my side gig...what about you?" he said smiling slightly
"oh I'm studying STEM"
"that's nice"
"do you have insta—" "y/n honey how are youuuu~"
a drunk uncle interupted making you both flinch "c'mon lemme show you something~" "but I'm in a middle of someth—" "nuh uh darling this boytoy of yours can wait" a blush crept on your face when he called riki your boytoy.."fine uncle" you said giving an apologetic smile to riki and getting dragged by your uncle
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"mom have you seen riki?" "honey they just left"
to be continued
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© n1kiluvz all rights reserved 2024 ! please do not steal, plagiarise or translate any of my work ! check out @n1kiluvz for more contents !
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writerblue275 · 6 months
(Best)FWB!Ezreal Headcanons (18+)
Inspiration: This was one of the of ideas that got me to start this account lol. I’m also in the process of writing a fic based on this idea and it would be so much easier to just reference this post in the header rather than explain everything in the prose.
Champion: Ezreal (like Pilty!Ezreal/Explorer!Ezreal)
Genre: Headcanon
Category: TINIEST amount of angst but primarily FLUFF and SMUT - I mean what were you expecting. We're talking about best friends with benefits here. Typically the benefits are of an adult nature. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Length: This is a looooong one, friends. In my defense, I'm using this headcanon as world-building/background information for at least 1 future fic (It's quickly turning into multiple parts lmao).
Gender: Fem!Reader/reader who is fem presenting? Ahhhh even my non-binary ass doesn't know how to describe this...mention of dresses and stuff.
TW: Adult themes. Friends with benefits, reference to adult activities and kinks. For example: semi-public petting or Dom/sub dynamics. Slight mention of what (probably) happened to his parents and the emotional fallout of that. Mention of alcohol (always drink responsibly y’all). Swearing (as per usual).
Important context: I know game Ez’s age is a bit debated, though generally agreed on somewhere in early to early-mid-20s. For adult Ez in this, let’s say he’s like 23-24? Also Indiana Jones exists in this universe because DAMNIT I WANT TO CALL HIM INDIANA JONES AS A NICKNAME.
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Your father is a history professor at the academy who knows/works with Ezreal’s uncle, Professor Lymere, and who often collaborated with Ez’s parents before they disappeared. Archeology and history go hand-in-hand, after all.
These collaborations led to you and Ezreal being together often as kids since you were around the same age, and a close friendship developed.
To the point of casual physical affection (hugs, hand holding, occasional cuddles) and silly nicknames for each other. He calls you princess, you call him…idiot mostly. (Jk…kinda.) You’ve called him Indiana Jones for forever since he was just as fascinated about archeology/artifacts as his parents.
You have called him an idiot many times though, especially when he’s been extremely rash and reckless.
At various points in your friendship, people have seen the two of you and assumed you had to be dating. It’s hysterical to both of you.
“Me dating Ezreal?! Nah, he’s just my best friend.”
“(Y/N)?? Absolutely not. We’re just best friends.”
You’re one of the few people who can humble Ezreal, a specialty of yours since early on in your friendship.
You: *In your father’s office studying while he teaches a lecture to one of his classes in a nearby lecture hall*
Ez: *Runs into the office, breathlessly laughing as he leans against the now closed door, holding a toupee*
You: *Eyebrows raise* Whatcha got there, Ez?
Ez: *grins* One of the campus warden’s toupees!
You: *Stares at him for a second and sighs* You’re a moron….*goes back to studying*
After his parents’ disappearance, you were understandably worried for Ezreal. You watched as your best friend struggled through the stages of grief, and even worse, stalled before he could get to the acceptance stage of what most likely happened.
You were always there to listen when he needed an ear. Even more importantly you tried to serve as a voice of reason once Ez started planning his own expedition to find the final resting place of Ne’Zuk.
You never said anything to completely dissuade him, because you wanted him to follow his heart and his dreams, but you couldn’t help but worry. With what likely happened to his parents, you were utterly terrified he wouldn’t come back, especially considering his stubbornness, his recklessness, and his age. Losing your best friend was a thought you just couldn’t stomach.
Only you knew about his plan to sneak onto a supply ship bound for Nashramae. You sent him off in the middle of the night with a giant hug and a “Be safe, Indiana Jones. You better come back alive…Write when you can…”
After a second he pulled back from the hug, gave you a signature Ez smirk, and said, “You know me well enough to know I’ll be fine, princess…”
Once he did set off, you had to convincingly act as though you didn’t know where he went. It was difficult, especially seeing how distraught his uncle was once he read Ez’s note, but your loyalty was to your friend.
It was torment waiting for any sort of news. Ez wasn’t exactly going to the most populated areas.
Thankfully, he did eventually return, excited to show off his new gauntlet, using it often to flash behind you and scare you.
“Ez, I swear if you keep scaring me, I cannot be held responsible for any damage to your stupid handsome face.”
*Smirk* “Handsome eh?”
“…Shut up…f-forget I said anything…the last thing you need is an inflated ego.”
But he didn’t forget.
Over the years as he gained notoriety and fame from his adventures, you were one of the few people who didn’t treat him any differently from how you had in the past.
As much as his ego craved the validation and fame, hoping they’d be enough to draw his parents back (god damn this man needs HELLA therapy), having someone who just treated him as Ezreal, not as the prodigal explorer, was really nice…
Once he was a little older, when he started getting invites to parties and banquets to talk about his adventures, you became his go-to date.
As he told you, “It’s just easier than dealing with the rabid fans. Also you’re good-looking, and I need someone with me that helps make me look good.”
That earned him a sarcastic eye roll and “Thanks, I guess?” from you.
With the fame and scale of his adventures, Ez collected a decent amount of wealth on top of what his family already had. As thanks for being his go-to plus-one, he’d always take care of the cost of your clothes and accessories for these events, sometimes even buying outfits for you himself; things that he thought would look good on you. He has shockingly good taste and understands your sense of style very well. (SUGAR DADDY FRIEND EZ, ANYONE?)
It was about a year and a half ago that things in your friendship changed. He’d been gone almost 3-months chasing a particularly legendary relic rumored to be surrounded by an incredible number of traps that were said to be impassable.
“Impassable” is Ez’s specialty, as you know.
Of course, his exuberant return made him a popular invite to all the parties. Everyone wanted to hear the tales of Piltover’s prodigal explorer.
You were just fucking relieved to have your best friend home, alive, and in one piece.
It was after one of these fancy parties when things popped off. There’d been an open bar during the dancing portion of the evening. Both of you were tipsy. Both of you were giggly. Ez gave you a piggy back ride home since you decided to kick off your incredibly uncomfortable heels the second you stepped outside. (What a gentleman.)
Once you arrived at your apartment, you invited him to stay the night as he always did since it was so late. Of course he agreed, grabbing the extra set of comfy clothes he stashed there for such situations and going to change while you prepared the couch for your usual post-event chats, setting up, pillows, blankets, snacks, and water.
As he came out of the hallway to the living room where you were, you could feel his gaze glued to you as you bent down to prep some things*
You: *blushing a little and not looking up at him* “Yes?”
Ez: *smirks* I thought that dress would look incredible on you, and I was right….you look even sexier than usual…
You looked up at him with wide eyes, your cheeks DEFINITELY pinker as your mind took a second to register what he said* “You thought about how I’d look in this? W-wait…you think I’m sexy?”
He just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “Of course I did and of course I do. I’ve told you before that you’re good looking. Do you remember when you accidentally blurted out that I was handsome? Do you still think I am?”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or your curiosity about the direction of this conversation that had you saying, “Yes I do. I’ve thought that for a long time. But, I don’t understand why that matters? You’re my best friend, Ezreal, and to be honest, dating you sounds like a nightmare. I already worry enough about you when you’re on your expeditions. Adding deeper feelings into that sounds like a one-way express ticket to driving myself insane.”
Ez chuckled, “Who said anything about dating or deeper feelings? Feelings are the last thing I need in my life (again THERAPY, MY GUY). But, the way I see it, I’m physically attracted to you, you’re physically attracted to me, neither of us want feelings involved beyond what our friendship is now….that sounds like an arrangement that is mutually beneficial…”
You straightened up and folded your arms together as you contemplate his words. “So like a…friends with benefits sort of thing?”
Ez grinned. “More like best friends with benefits, but yes. I have needs. I’m assuming based on the fact that you’re currently not seeing anyone either that you also have needs. We’ve helped each other out with problems many times….why not help each other with this one?”
Ok, but why was he making so much sense??
He was also right. You’d been going through a hell of a dry spell as of late. And hey, when it comes to people, you trust Ezreal more than anyone else. You’d also be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t find him extremely attractive. All of these reasons pinged around your mind until finally…
“Yes…ok…yes….tonight can serve as a test of sorts…but I’m not finalizing anything until tomorrow morning when both of us are stone cold sober. I have conditions, but they don’t apply at the moment. Got it?”
His response was an frantic nod and an eager “Got it,” as he stepped closer and reached for your waist to pull you to him.
Your response was to turn around and move your hair to the side. “Ah ah ah. First help me with my zipper…then show me what you can do, pretty boy…”
And BOY DID HE. Quite honestly he blew your mind (and your back out 😉). But we’ll get to that later on.
The important conversation happened the next morning after you two woke up tangled with each other.
Ez sat up and stretched, and you couldn’t help it as you sleepily reached over and gently ran your fingers along his abs.
He gave you a sleepy smirk and eyebrow raise before murmuring, “Already want another round, princess?”
This resulted in you pinching him before you also pulled yourself up, not even caring that he was baldly admiring you as you stretched. “I tentatively agree to this arrangement, Ez, but I want to talk about limits/conditions. Let’s talk as we get breakfast ready…”
Your conditions: 1. While this arrangement is in place, he’s not sleeping with anyone else and that includes on expeditions. You don’t want the chance for any sort of disease. 2. If either of you falls for another person, the arrangement needs to end (obviously you two would talk about it so the other knows what’s going on). 3. This can’t fuck up your friendship. Even if things physically end, your friendship needs to remain intact. You don’t want to lose your best friend. 4. No falling in love with each other.
Ez easily agreed to your terms and laid out his own: 1. He’ll see you when he gets home from expeditions and while he’s in Piltover. 2. If he’s not sleeping with anyone else, he hopes you won’t either. 3. He wants you to take care of yourself mentally (a bit ironic), physically, and emotionally, especially while he’s gone. (He won’t admit it, but when he’s on his explorations, he thinks/worries about you often and wonders if you’re doing alright.) 4. He wants to continue to buy you gifts and clothes, and he also wants to start including lingerie in said gifts if you tell him your sizes and style preferences.
The last one surprised you. “Lingerie? Why? That seems pretty intimate for fuck buddies. I certainly don’t expect such gifts from you.”
He was unfazed, instead just grinning and chuckling at the surprise on your face. “Believe it or not, it’s almost more for me than you. Undressing you will be like unwrapping my own present.”
Strangely enough you couldn’t find any fault with that logic.
You agreed to all his terms, and the two of you did a little hand shake to finalize things. A strangely small gesture to seal a massive change in your friendship.
(*Clears throat*) And now for the important part…
Definitely NSFW - AKA How is Ez as a FWB?
With an ego like his, you might think Ez is a selfish lover.
And you know what, maybe to start he is, but you shut that shit down IMMEDIATELY. Remember, you’re one of the only ones who can humble this man.
Once you make it clear that this arrangement will not be one-sided in pleasure if he wants it to continue, he makes sure to act RIGHT.
Like he really makes sure to blow your back out every single time (hell yeah go you).
A large part of his initial “selfishness” is hesitance. You two have known each other forever, but certainly not in this way. You telling him off? Honestly it reminds him that this is still you, his best friend, who he knows better than just about anyone. He is just learning about another side of you.
That is a confidence boost to him and banishes any insecurities he has.
(Unlike Heartsteel Ez who I see very primarily as a sub) Ez is a true switch maybe even leaning a little dom.
Whatever you need him to be, he can be.
Ezreal can be VERY PLAYFUL. Your normal friendship is filled with laughter and teasing, and your friendship in the bedroom is no different.
That doesn’t mean he can’t be serious though, he absolutely can be.
He’s the extremely teasing type, expertly working you up with just a couple touches in public or private and then making you wait.
For example, at those fancy dinners you go to with him? If anyone bothers to look under the tablecloth they'll see his hand on you, thumb tracing shapes into the fabric of your dress high up on your thigh, while he casually recounts the harrowing details of his adventures.
There you are, just sitting there trying to keep a straight face and not blush. He does it often enough you think you’d be used to it by now but NOPE.
You’re really glad no one expects you to tell any stories at those things because every time his hand creeps onto your thigh, your brain short circuits a little bit. Trying to tell a story or hold more than a passing conversation would be incredibly difficult.
And he KNOWS IT TOO. Once he’s not speaking, he always looks over at you and gives you a little smirk.
And if you do the same to him when he’s not telling stories? He will not stop leaning over and softly complaining in your ear.
You take great pleasure in whispering in his ear, “Can’t handle what you dish out? This is what you get, you teasing fuck.” (Or something similar lol.) Then you pass everything off as normal with a very quick, friendly, and casual kiss on the cheek which makes HIS brain short circuit a little bit.
Very touchy and LOUD in bed, especially when you’re on top. To the point you have had to cover his mouth with your hand and threaten to STOP riding him if he doesn’t get himself together and be quieter. He knows damn well how thin apartment walls in Piltover are.
Eventually you just gag him with something, because let’s be honest, it’s an empty threat. You definitely DON’T want to stop and he’s well aware of that.
When he’s on top though, Ez intentionally will do things that cause your sounds to get louder, making no attempts to quiet you. Instead he just smirks down at you and whispers in your ear, “Is that all you’ve got, princess? I know you can get louder than that…don’t hold back for me…”
Don’t be afraid to mark him. Feeling your nails dig into his shoulders/back or feeling you mark his collarbone with hickeys drives him absolutely wild.
Very very VERY good at dirty talk. His wit and sass translate extremely well to more intimate contexts. And when you dirty talk right back at him? He loves it when you’re just as playful as he is. His favorite is when you murmur something filthy in his ear and follow it up with a playful little nip somewhere.
Loves tying you up and loves being tied up, as well as using blindfolds.
Not the most attentive with aftercare, but hey, your arrangement isn’t romantic so you don’t mind. He at least stays the night/for breakfast and cuddles you which is honestly more than you thought he’d do.
It might be a bit inconsistent concerning WHEN you see Ezreal since who knows when he’ll come back from his expeditions, but whenever he is in Piltover, the two of you certainly have a good time. Besides, it’s good to know your best friend is home safe…at least until he sets off on another adventure.
Thank you for reading!! Omg I had so much fun with this one. And I’m already enjoying writing the associated fic. It was literally just supposed to be a one-shot and now there’s absolutely going to be multiple parts, so keep an eye out for that!
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mjjune · 4 months
i'm mj! i write and occasionally give advice
writeblr est. 8/8/2022
i have a side blog dedicated to my friends' writing and other writing i like. click here. on this blog it is solely my writing.
tag games/ask games always open!
don't mind if minors follow me, but there will be intermittent adult content. interact at your own discretion.
i love: any kind of minority representation, fairytale/myth retellings, platonic soulmates, neurodivergent characters, enemies to [anything], and general suffering <3
most recent quarterly review here
i write a variety of genres, mostly fantasy. i like to blend genres. currently i have finished works in urban fantasy, high fantasy, and fairytale retellings.
most of my stories explore complex relationships with gender and sexuality, marginalization/oppression, duty, familial and platonic relationships, nuanced morality, finding hope, and subverting expectations.
all my wips have a taglist! let me know if you want to be added
main tags: #mj mumbles #answered #my snippets
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akazzzaa · 3 months
Kokushibo with someone(any gender is fine!) that isn't... totally socially adjusted and a tad oblivious(putting that mildly)? they don't pick up on a lot of social cues and tend to fumble their words a lot and speak fast sometimes. Can't even make eye contact without getting nervous. Rather quiet and would more so like quality time than just simply speaking. (like, both could read books together or play games that were around in the taisho era)
this is me describing what its like for me to be around people as a neurodivergent person. I understand this is not the same thing for every neurodivergent person out there, but this is just my experience.
Thank you for your ask! I really relate to this, and I have such a horrible stutter :( I feel a lot of people may be able to relate to this as well. I wrote head cannons if that's okay :)
Summary-Kokushibo x (typically) Neurodivergent reader. Gender not specified
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None
Kokushibo, found himself intrigued by this companion who seemed to dance to a different rhythm than most.
Their interactions were often punctuated by awkward pauses and stumbled words, yet Kokushibo found himself drawn to their genuine nature.
You both can spend hours together in complete silence, yet each moment feels full and meaningful.
He observed your discomfort with eye contact and noted how you seemed to prefer the comfort of shared activities over idle conversation.
This suited him well, for Kokushibo himself is not one for small talk.
He never rushes you or grows frustrated with your social awkwardness, instead offering gentle encouragement and support.
Together, you both would spend quiet hours engrossed in books or engaged in traditional games of strategy like Baduk. His favourite game.
Over time, you and Kokushibo develop your own silent language, communicating through subtle gestures and shared expressions.
You learn to anticipate each other's needs and desires without the need for words.
In these moments, words became unnecessary.
Kokushibo found solace in you, appreciating the simplicity of your companionship
For both of you, your time together serves as a sanctuary from the demands and expectations of the outside world. In each other's company, you find acceptance and belonging without judgment or prejudice from anyone else.
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Hello, I'm new here! Was checking out your blog after seeing the melusine foul legacy post.
So... If it ain't a problem; Any melusine foul legacy headcanons?
Take your time!
Have a nice day :)
~ * ~ Melusine Foul Legacy HCs
Foul Legacy x Reader (Platonic) Genre: Fluff Pronouns: Gender Neutral Warnings: Mentions of the ocean
~ * ~
-He’s just… a lil guy… lil Abyss sea slug creature… -(I know all Melusines are female but you know what I make the rules here) -Legacy’s a bit peculiar, even to his sisters- apart from identifying as male, his body is also more monstrous and off-putting than the other Melusines -He’s still absolutely adorable, just a liiiiittle less soft and a bit more armored, all purple and red and midnight black -Slightly taller than his sisters, and has a pair of horns instead of antennae -You know the little wings some Melusines have? His are glittery and translucent, shaped like moth’s wings -Still has mitten hands though and they’re the bane of his existence, since they make everything so difficult to hold -Can speak, but also tends to intersperse his words with trilling and chirp-like sounds -Foul Legacy lives in Merusea Village, specifically in a small alcove in the underwater part, away from the other Melusines -He has an odd and intense interest in fighting and battle, which is actually fitting because his special token is an old, rusted blade that was lodged in Elynas’ body -You meet him when he dares venture above ground so he can get the sword cleaned and repaired, shooing away some people who were trying to scam him and offering to take him to Beaumont Workshop instead, where you happen to work -Your boss Estelle is quite amused when you walk into work with a Melusine at your side, sheepishly explaining that you got held up by some ruffians. Foul Legacy hides behind you until you explain that Estelle is your friend, to which he slowly nods, handing you the blade -He stares as you work, polishing and sharpening his most prized possession until it practically gleams, chittering in awe when you finally hold it up, complete
-Legacy thanks you profusely when you hand him the cleaned blade, looking as if it hasn’t aged a day. He cradles it carefully, doing his very best to not drop it as he sticks out a mitten-like hand to shake- he heard from his sisters that humans consider a handshake to be polite!- and he beams when you take his hand and give it a firm but gentle shake -He abruptly asks you to come visit him in Merusea Village, maybe so you can teach him how to use his sword, but unfortunately your lack of a Vision means you can’t breathe in Fontaine’s waters :( -But that’s okay- he’ll just visit you instead! He insists on it, in fact. You’re his first human friend (his first friend in general, actually) and he’s fascinated by your behavior and talents involving weaponry -You really weren’t expecting much when you gave this odd, star-speckled Melusine your address, telling him to be careful as he ran off back to Elynas, his precious sword held high over his head. But there’s a soft knock on your door a few days later, and when you open it there Foul Legacy stands, proudly clutching his blade with his mitten hands -Your friendship quickly blossoms from there as you teach him how to properly wield a weapon and show him around the Court of Fontaine. Legacy is extremely eager to learn and is very curious about the world above the ground, and he often tells you about life in Merusea Village in return -He brings you various components he finds to ask you what they do- they help power those large metal creatures patrolling the city? What’re they called? Are they friendly or rude? Why do you need them in the first place? -You also get to meet some of his sisters! You’ve seen them walking around the Court before but never really had a chance to interact with them, and almost every time without fail they’ll tell Legacy to stay out of trouble and not get into any tussles, while simultaneously thanking you for befriending their brother
-Foul Legacy is a little lonely, really. He doesn’t feel particularly at home with the other Melusines, especially since his appearance and demeanor are so different, so he’s very grateful for your company -He does still live in Merusea but makes it a habit to come up and wander around the city in search of you, and if he spots you going about doing your daily chores, he’ll follow you until you notice him- Estelle often teases you about having a little Melusine shadow (he absolutely lights up when you do notice him and runs over to hug you) -Yes, he does have a tail, and yes, it does wag back and forth when he’s happy -Would die for headpats -You teach him to use various types of weapons- bows are still his weak point almost entirely due to his mitten-paw-hand things. But Legacy is one determined sea slug, so somehow he makes it work (you don’t know how, it baffles and impresses you at the same time) -He swears that he’ll protect you from anyone or anything that tries to hurt you. Not that he doesn’t think you can’t defend yourself! He just likes the feeling of camaraderie and like he’s making a difference in someone’s life -Occasionally Foul Legacy will draw you sketches of what Merusea Village looks like, pointing out where his house is in particular. If you ever happen to be blessed with a Vision he’ll immediately ask if you’d like to see his home, happily swinging your hand and skipping towards the ocean if you say yes -Overall he’s a little strange for a Melusine, but is still very friendly and an excellent companion. Good sea slug Legacy :)
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How to Write A Victorian Era Fiction Novel
Step back in time and immerse yourself in the world of Victorian Era Fiction. With its unique social customs, political landscape, and fashion trends, the Victorian Era provides a fascinating backdrop for storytelling. But writing a compelling fiction novel set in this era requires a great deal of attention to detail and research. In this guide, I'll help you explore the key aspects of Victorian Era Fiction writing and provide a step-by-step process for crafting a novel that transports readers to this captivating time period.
Exploring the Fascinating World of Victorian Era Fiction
The Victorian Era is often romanticized in popular culture as a time of elegance, innovation, and progress. It was a period of intense change in politics, fashion, and morals, resulting in a complex society that ultimately makes for rich storytelling opportunities.
Discover the Allure of Victorian Era Fiction and what Draws Readers in
Victorian Era Fiction captures the uniqueness of a past era while also holding up a mirror to current societal issues. It allows us to explore the past while still being entertained by a well-crafted narrative. Readers are often drawn to this genre for its intriguing characters, turbulent plots, and lush imagery that transports them back in time.
Understand the Historical Context of the Era and How it Influences Storytelling
The Victorian Era was a time of industrialization, rapid urbanization, and intense social change. This turmoil can be seen in novels of the time, where authors often explored themes of class conflict, gender inequality, and societal unrest. Therefore, it's important to have a strong understanding of the historical context surrounding a novel, so that it can be effectively reflected in the storytelling.
Explore Popular Themes and Tropes in Victorian Era Fiction
Themes and tropes like romance, mystery, adventure, orphan narratives, the supernatural, and the gothic are prevalent in Victorian Era Fiction. Authors like Charles Dickens, the Bronte sisters, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Oscar Wilde all employed these popular motifs in their works. By incorporating some of these prevalent themes and tropes into your writing, you can create a compelling, Victorian-esque narrative that encapsulates the era's allure.
Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Compelling Victorian Era Fiction Novel
If you are fascinated by the Victorian Era and would like to write a fiction novel set in this time period, here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Begin with a solid story idea that can be transformed to fit the era
Start by developing a unique story idea that can be adapted to the Victorian Era. Consider how the story and characters can fit into this time period and what aspects of the era can be incorporated into the narrative. This will help you create a distinct and compelling story.
2. Craft a diverse cast of characters that reflect the social norms and customs of the time
The Victorian Era had strict social customs and norms that affected every aspect of life. Create characters that reflect these societal constraints and expectations. Explore how different genders, classes, and races interacted during this time period to develop diverse and authentic characters.
3. Use sensory details to create an immersive experience for readers and transport them to the era
Details about clothing, fashion, architecture, and language can help transport readers to the Victorian Era. Incorporate descriptive language and sensory details to create an immersive experience that will allow readers to see, smell, and hear the world of your story.
4. Layer multiple plotlines to create a complex and interesting story
The Victorian Era was a time of great change and upheaval, with many political, social, and economic events happening simultaneously. Consider weaving multiple plotlines into your narrative to create a complex and interesting story.
5. Incorporate historical events or lesser-known facts to create unexpected twists in the story
Research the era and incorporate historical events or lesser-known facts into your story. This will help create unexpected and surprising plot twists, while also giving readers a sense of the time period and its influence on the narrative.
6. Experiment with different story structures or narrative devices to keep the reader engaged
Experiment with different story structures or narrative devices to keep readers engaged. Consider using multiple points of view, non-linear timelines, or other creative techniques to make your story stand out.
Writing a compelling Victorian Era fiction novel requires research, creativity, and attention to detail. Following these steps can help you create an immersive and unforgettable story that captures the essence of the time period and leaves readers wanting more.
Researching Key Aspects of the Victorian Era to Enrich Your Fiction
If you want to write a compelling Victorian-era fiction novel, it is important to do thorough research about the time period to ensure your story is accurate and authentic. Here are some key aspects of the Victorian Era that you should consider incorporating into your research:
Investigate the political landscape and social customs of the era
The Victorian Era was a time of significant social, political, and economic change. From the reign of Queen Victoria to the period of industrialization, it is crucial to understand the issues and events that shaped the world during this time.
Examine fashion, architecture, and language used during the time period
The Victorian Era was famous for its distinct fashion style, from the upper-class women's corsets and hoop skirts to the working-class attire of the time. You should also research Victorian architecture, as this can heavily inspire the setting of your novel. Finally, understanding the language used during this time is also key, as it allows greater authenticity in your dialogues and narration.
Incorporate historically accurate events or figures into your story for added depth
History is full of exciting stories to draw inspiration from. Whether you want to incorporate real-life events or famous figures of the Victorian Era, doing so can add depth and color to your story. Through research, you can create a more rich and accurate version of Victorian England that would captivate your readers.
By taking the time to research key aspects of the Victorian Era, you can bring depth and authenticity to your fiction writing that will make your story come to life.
Creating Authentic Characters in Your Victorian Era Fiction Novel
One of the key factors in creating a compelling Victorian Era Fiction novel is the characters. Here are some tips and tricks to help you create authentic characters that reflect the time period:
Utilize Character Archetypes
During the Victorian Era, certain character archetypes were prevalent in literature. These include the noble hero, the damsel in distress, the villain, and the mentor. By using these archetypes, you can create characters that are believable and realistic for the era.
Consider Social Constraints and Expectations
The society of the Victorian Era was highly stratified, with strict expectations placed on individuals based on their gender, class, and race. When developing your characters, consider the constraints they would have faced based on their societal status.
Explore Interactions between Different Classes
One of the interesting aspects of the Victorian Era is the interaction between individuals of different classes. Use this dynamic to your advantage by creating characters from various social backgrounds and exploring how their interactions impacted their lives.
By incorporating these factors, you can create characters that are authentic to the time period and resonate with readers of Victorian Era Fiction.
Mastering the Art of Dialogue in Victorian Era Fiction Writing
One of the key elements of a successful Victorian Era fiction novel is the ability to master the art of dialogue. This is because speech patterns, honorifics, and language use during the era were vastly different from what we use today. Here are some tips to help you write authentic and engaging dialogue for your Victorian Era fiction novel:
Study the Language and Speech Patterns of the Era
Before writing dialogue, it's crucial to understand how people spoke during the Victorian Era. Reading books written during that time period, such as Charles Dickens' works, can give you a good idea of the vernacular and speech patterns used. Additionally, historical documents such as letters, diaries, and newspapers can offer unique insights into how people communicated with one another.
Utilize Proper Language and Honorifics to Reflect the Social Hierarchy
Addressing others using proper language and honorifics was particularly important during the Victorian Era, as it reflected the strict social hierarchy of the time. It's important to research and understand the different titles and forms of address used for different classes and professions, and to incorporate them into your dialogue to reflect the social structure of the era.
Consider the Impact of Vernacular or Slang on Different Characters from Varying Backgrounds
Vernacular and slang were commonly used during the Victorian Era, particularly among working-class characters. It's important to consider the use of dialects and slang words when crafting dialogue for characters from diverse backgrounds. However, it's also important to avoid caricaturing characters and being insensitive to different accents and dialects.
In conclusion, mastering the art of dialogue in Victorian Era fiction writing is crucial for creating an immersive and authentic reading experience. By studying the language and speech patterns of the era, utilizing proper language and honorifics, and considering the impact of vernacular or slang on different characters, you can craft engaging and believable dialogue that transports readers to the fascinating world of the Victorian Era.
Crafting Intriguing Plot Twists in Your Victorian Era Fiction Novel
One of the most crucial elements of a successful Victorian Era fiction novel is a compelling plot that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Here are some tips to craft intriguing plot twists that will keep your readers engaged:
Layer Multiple Plotlines
One way to create a complex and interesting story is to layer multiple plotlines. For example, you could introduce a mystery or romance subplot that weaves throughout the main storyline. This will keep readers guessing and prevent the story from feeling one-dimensional.
Incorporate Historical Events or Lesser Known Facts
Another way to create unexpected twists in the story is to incorporate historical events or lesser-known facts. This not only adds depth and authenticity to the story but can also surprise readers who may be familiar with the era. For example, you could include a true crime event or a lesser-known social custom that adds intrigue to the plot.
Experiment with Different Story Structures or Narrative Devices
Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different story structures or narrative devices. For example, you could use flashbacks or alternate narrators to reveal new information or perspectives on the story. This can keep the reader engaged and add complexity to the plot.
By incorporating these tips, you can create a Victorian Era fiction novel that will keep readers enthralled from beginning to end.
Editing and Polishing Your Victorian Era Fiction Novel: Tips and Tricks
After completing your draft, it's time to polish and edit your manuscript to perfection. Here are some tips and tricks to consider:
Take time away from the manuscript before editing:
Leaving your manuscript for a few days or even weeks before revisiting it can help you gain a fresh perspective. You'll be able to look at your work with a critical eye and spot any plot holes, inconsistencies, or areas that need improvement.
Read the manuscript out loud:
Reading your work out loud is an excellent way to catch any grammatical errors or awkward phrasing that may have slipped by during the writing process. It can also help you identify areas where dialogue sounds forced or unnatural.
Ensure consistency:
It's important to ensure that the tone and language consistency remain steady throughout the entirety of the manuscript. Pay attention to character development and ensure that all details, such as clothing or mannerisms, remain consistent throughout the story.
Work with beta readers or editors:
Having a fresh pair of eyes on your manuscript can help identify areas that need improvement. Consider working with beta readers or professional editors to gain a new perspective on your work and fine-tune your manuscript.
Take breaks:
Editing and polishing your work can be a tedious process. Take frequent breaks to avoid burnout and to maintain your focus and productivity.
Keep a style guide:
Keeping a style guide can help you maintain consistency and avoid errors in grammar, punctuation, and formatting. Use this guide both during the writing and editing process.
Final thoughts:
Editing and polishing your manuscript can make or break your novel. Take the time needed to ensure that your work is flawless and reflective of the fascinating world of Victorian Era Fiction.
In conclusion, writing a Victorian Era fiction novel can be an immersive and rewarding experience, as it requires a deep dive into the historical context of the era, and a keen understanding of Victorian sensibilities and societal customs. By following the steps and tips laid out in this guide, writers can create a compelling story that transports readers to a bygone era filled with intrigue, romance, and adventure. So why not take the plunge and embark on a journey into the fascinating world of Victorian Era fiction writing?
Copyright © 2023 by Ren T.
TheWriteAdviceForWriters 2023
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glazelilyy · 1 year
before the roar of thunder
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pairings (separately!) - diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, childe/tartaglia, xiao x gender neutral reader (no pronouns used!)
word count - 4597
genre - angst, hurt/comfort
format - drabbles
warnings - blood/injury/wound mentions, cataclysmic destruction, violence, crying, kissing, character deaths with no graphic description (but not for the paired character or reader EXCEPT in childe's)
summary - a storm approaches but just before it does, you share a tender moment with your beloved for the last time
a/n - i have been mia for a while :') but this idea just kinda hit me out of nowhere so i decided to write about it :P i don't know if this writing will live up to expectations or any of my work from the past because i haven't written in a while but i'm trying to enjoy writing just because i like it rather than to live up to an expectation, so i'm gonna try and do my best :) i hope you enjoy this piece and thank you all so much for your patience and love these past few months i could not be more grateful that i am being interacted with and sent such wonderful messages <3 (also fun fact i listened to multiple vbs songs while writing most of this which just doesn't fit in with anything happening in these drabbles and majority of the time i had akito rapping in my ear while writing about death LMAO)
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diluc loved.
he loved his city, born from the death of corruption and nurtured by the souls and free spirits of her people. he loved the crisp breeze that swept by falcon coast and cradled its peak in a bough of brevity where his worries would fly away and cast themselves up into the sky to become stars. he loved the shade from beneath the towering tree at windrise where memories of summers and picnics and childhood mischief came alight with a single glance towards her wavering leaves. he loved the cool touch of a crystalfly's perch upon his gloved finger.
he loved his companions; silently from afar he'd send well wishes in quiet messages meant only for their hands to caress or ears to indulge. he loved lisa; lazy as she might appear not once had she ever let him down. he loved jean: hardworking, disciplined, strong, courageous, but for every pedestal she was placed on was she ever more human—flesh and blood with a heart that pounded for others and never herself. he loved kaeya—his beloved little brother who always preferred the cool shade of his shadow and shielded his back from the many blades that sought his head.
he loved you. you who brought light with gentle hands and placed it within his heart. you who illuminated the dark, winding pathway of justice he thought he'd walk alone forever. you who showed him trust, who knew how he liked his tea (sweet, for a man who was even sweeter). you, who braided cecilias into his hair and peppered kisses across his ruddy cheeks and doused him in all the sugary sweetness that love could ever provide.
diluc loved, and loved, and loved, tremendously.
and he still loved, even as mondstat burned in a storm of fire.
he still loved, even as he stood over lisa and jean whose eyes had lost their brilliance and sparkle of life.
he still loved, even as he wept for his little brother who had feared death and spent his remaining strength gripping onto the tassels of his jacket and begged for him to stay; to reassure him in his last moments.
he stayed, despite the agony that coursed through his body and the never-ending sorrow that scorched his heart when kaeya stilled.
he still loved, even as he gripped your hand with tenacity laced in his veins.
soot and ash coated both of your bodies and faces as you stood at the gates of mondstat and watched the world before you crumble beneath your feet.
diluc felt his heart bob up and down in the narrow passageway of his throat.
he was always too late.
too late for his city. too late for his friends. for his brother.
the love in his heart was never enough. he was never enough. and now everything was gone. burning.
never before had he despised looking at his vision so much.
"they'll be back," you whispered hoarsely, and diluc turned to look at you, "the abyss order."
your hand seemed to squeeze his with every ounce of strength you had left, eyes wide and trembling with the flickering flames of destruction reflected in the glassy haze of your irises. the fresh tear tracks on your face twisted his heart into a knot.
"i know," he replied, never once casting his gaze away from you, "i'm still alive, after all."
diluc would not tell you that he could smell the unmistakable stench of abyssal magic from over the horizon. he couldn't. you'd seen horror after horror and now was not the time to tell you that more bloodshed approached. the abyssal army approached slowly and steadily, and soon they would be here to have his head on a stick. there was no running, there was no use escaping the inevitable.
"diluc..." you turned to him, doll-like and devoid of life with a tremble of sorrow buried in the abyss in your expression, "what do we do?" you whispered to him, as if he contained secrets of the universe that should only be shared between the two of you.
wordlessly, he pulled you close and rubbed a soothing hand in gentle strokes up and down your back. his embrace guarded you from the inevitable end that slowly crouched closer, rising with newborn sun. gloved, soot-covered hands slid up to your cheeks to thumb away at the tears that collected near your eyes.
diluc's heart wrenched in his throat uncomfortably, knowing well and good that this may be the last tender moment he'll ever share with you.
to that end, he found himself asking, "would you care for a dance?"
the question came out broken and hoarse, just barely under a whisper and lost was the man who once held a burning flame of retribution and tenacious blaze of justice in his eyes. you peered into a pool of tired red, glossed over with a misty haze of sorrow.
wordlessly, you allowed him to guide your hands and let him set the tempo as you moved carefully to avoid the debris scattered at your feet.
you'd always joke that he was much like a prince when he danced; so elegant and refined with the composure of royalty itself, he spun and dipped you much like a silk ribbon weaving through the air.
this time, however, diluc held you close and swayed to an invisible song. no elegant movements or dips from your prince. now, he was but a man clinging to the last remnants of life in his soul; the only thing tethering him to this world.
your hearts wildly pounded against each other's chests, horribly out of sync yet still so tremendously close that you'd fuse together if you could.
as the sun rose and illuminated his once beloved city, home to the people he loved, diluc leaned in and captured your lips one last time in a kiss that touched your soul and wrapped your heart in a blazing warmth of flame.
his hand wrapped so tightly around your waist and held itself firm at the back of your head, desperate to drink every last drop of your love and desperate to not let your eyes open and see that the abyssal army had breached what was left of mondstat's defenses.
diluc loved, and loved, and he loved you more than life itself. but in the end his love was never enough.
(continued utc!)
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once, at the tender age of five or six, kaeya alberich witnessed death for the first time.
he'd grown fond of the butterflies that fluttered near the crystal clear lake behind dawn winery. their vibrant colors were foreign and new and his childhood intrigue urged him to watch with glowing eyes at each flap of its multicolored wings.
it was on one of these days where he found himself in the presence of the gleaming scythe of death itself when a colossal frog leapt from the waters and captured a butterfly within its maw.
he'd never felt such fear, and he convinced himself he'd never feel that fear again.
he now realized he was wrong.
he felt it again when diluc screamed, a horrifying sound, for his fallen father and kaeya did not know how to handle the immensive wave of relief that flooded over him. he felt it when a fiery blade swung itself down against his eye and believed his punishment was nigh. he felt it now, as mondstat burned to the ground and the corpses of citizens, knights, and abyssal monsters alike littered the once love-filled, lively streets.
death had always followed him closely like a friend—like a lover, he corrected himself. its arms wrapped around his body and cooed sweet nothings to him. death trotted after him wherever he went.
perhaps he should've gave into its embrace. maybe if he had, death wouldn't have found a lover in his home and snuffed the life and vivacity out of every mondstatian and every building within the city's walls. death would not have sunk its claws into jean, who took the abyssal army's leader with her when she pounded at the gates of celestia. or lisa and albedo, who fought at the western front for days on end only to succumb to the overwhelming onslaught of enemies with not enough manpower. what a shame, kaeya thought; he was rather looking forward to his daily midnight tea session with lisa and bothering albedo during his experiments. in some other universe, he is there and he is happy.
he loathed to think of it, but death had latched its talons into the flesh of little klee. a child was no exception to this hoard of monsters, but was the monster not truly him for failing them all? he wondered as he held her cold body close and wept.
death had always followed him but kaeya came to the conclusion that he was the one who truly wielded death. where he went, bodies dropped and lives fell into ruin. his prime example: his brother, who now lay at his feet with a sword through his back. a sword through his back, he seethed, because his attackers were so cowardly that they knew this uncrowned king would not go down so easy. it filled kaeya with an ugly rage that blotted out the tears in his eye. his shirt remained caked in diluc's blood from when the man brought him into a hug as he dangled at death's edge and whispered apology after apology into his ear.
always caught between the worlds of the blessed and the sinned, kaeya believed that he had grown quick enough to outmaneuver fate itself. but death remained steadfast and tenacious.
death was his lover and he was doomed to dance an everlasting tango so long as he lived. if not for him, the imposter in an aviary full of beautiful, golden-winged seabirds, perhaps the abyssal army would have left mondstat alone. jean would be here, ready to give him an earful for getting carried away with all the scars littering his body. albedo would chide him as he dressed his wounds while klee went on about another dodoco story while her little legs swung back and forth in the air. lisa would hand him a cup of tea and enjoy his company in silence. diluc...oh diluc, all the things he wished to tell his brother.
the only problem in his death theory was you.
you were still here.
you held him close as he wept for his beloved friends, for the little girl who always called him big brother, and for his beloved most treasured big brother whose fiery hair blazed no more.
how were you still here? was death not his lover? did he not bring death and sorrow wherever he went?
but if anything you were life. in your hands he renewed himself again, much like a butterfly unfurling its wings after cocooning for so long. warm smiles and fluttering kisses always greeted him after a long day's work. even now, as you wept beside him for your fallen friends, you remained his last thread of life keeping him tethered to this world.
"everyone's dead." you whispered from the crook of his neck as you both sat on the dust covered ground where the statue of barbatos once stood, mighty and proud.
"i'm sorry." he pleaded in return.
you shot your head up, bewildered and...offended.
"it's not- it's not your fault!"
kaeya laughed dryly, "oh, darling, you know it is."
death was his lover and he was succumbing to it. death was his lover and he drank in each of its poisonous kisses and sneaky touches.
you wasted no time in bringing him close, effectively delaying off death for a while longer. "it. is. not. your. fault."
"they'd be elsewhere if not for me-"
"mondstat would have fallen a lot quicker without you, kaeya," you interrupted, "you are no harbinger or vessel of death. you protected this city and its people with your life."
how did you always know what to say? perhaps you were an archon—that would be funny, wouldn't it? a sinner and an archon in love. kaeya wanted to laugh at the thought of it but all that left his lips was a broken whine that slid into a muffled sob. you were there to catch him as he fell into the overwhelming onslaught of sorrow that flickered around him much like the distant flames of burning houses and crinkle of crackling wood and stone.
"it should have been me." he croaked.
you shook your head and swept away the locks that clung to his sweaty forehead. "if it were ever you, i would go as well."
his heart ached in the cavity of his chest, eager to run away from this all. but he lay tired in your arms as you peppered kisses to his skin. even as you sunk to the ground on your side and gathered him in your arms, all he felt was the overwhelming tide wash over him.
death was not his lover, you were. and you were life. he loved living with you and with his beloved friends and comrades.
he lay beside you and kissed every inch of your face, covering you in his love. he cared not for the distant roar of abyssal mages and monsters anymore, not when he held life itself within his arms. life who kissed him back with just as much love and sweet tenderness that set his heart alight.
on this day, two butterflies sat perched on a perfect calla lily, waiting for the inevitable end of a frog's maw; their hearts and souls forever intertwined.
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childe can't remember many of his dreams, but there is one he's clung onto for years.
he is in a soft bank of snow, surrounded by his darling siblings and cherished parents. his father does not look at him as if he's seen a beast dredged up from the darkest of nightmares. the world around him is pure and crafted of childhood dreams: there is no evil and there is no heart ache.
you are there and you are smiling at him, waiting for him with open arms.
this has remained but a mere dream of his for a reason.
in reality, there was only the cold, concrete ground of the fatui jail cell and dry, underground air that left him suffocating. slivers of eerie, ghostly blue light trickled in from the false candles that lined the underground jail. the rust-caked iron bars bathed reluctantly in the ghastly glow.
his eyes flickered up to the ceiling, hoping to make out shapes or cracks within the foundation. just give me some hope, archons if you're listening—please! but the gods stayed silent and the ceiling remained unchanged.
his vision and delusion had been stripped, weapons all but ripped from his hands. there was no hope left. childe let his gaze wander to you.
you lay in the cell across, face down, unconscious after taking the butt of a fatui gun to the nape. how cruel—to involve the lover of a scorned harbinger. for the god of love the tsaritsa was awfully sadistic. no matter how much he struggled and screamed that you should not bear the burden of his crimes it did nothing but urge the fatui to get their hands on you even more urgently.
childe wishes that he had accepted reality—wishes that he had never tried to desert from the fatui. steal away under the cover of night with you in hooded cloaks and cross the snezhnayan border for a life free of misery and a life where it'd be you and him together.
as much as the fatui have given him power, you have given him strength and courage and hope and love. there was no place for childe among the fatui, not when he wanted his place to be by your side. to feel your love each and every day and wake up to your smile.
you stirred from your cell, snapping childe from his thoughts. his hands snatched themselves at the bars, eyes blown wide and searching for signs that you were okay.
"hmmn...childe? where...where are we?"
his heart ached tremendously and beat against the skin of his throat.
"jail." he whispered.
"what?! but...but we were just about to cross the border when-"
"when we were caught by pulcinella's men," childe finished, "and brought here. i've been charged with desertion and my punishment is at sunrise."
childe hated seeing you feel anything but happiness—anything but love and the sunshine of emotions that you deserved to experience. he failed you when tears gathered in your eyes.
"but the punishment for desertion..."
childe smiled with eyes that swam in a sea of sorrow, "execution." he finished.
you lifted yourself up onto your forearms and dragged your semi-awake body to the edge of the jail cell. between each cell lay a narrow path, where you desperately reached your hand out to the other side. the tears that had gathered in your eyes streaked their way down in hazes across your cheeks as you suppressed your sobs and whines. your fingers shook with everything within you as you stretched and reached out to him, this beautiful, golden man whose wings would be clipped at sunrise.
childe scrambled to shove his hand past the bars and reach your hand. he only managed to grab onto the tips of your fingers but it was enough for him. you were in his grasp, it was enough for him.
he was thankful his family would not have to bear the brunt of his desertion, he should really thank mister zhongli for sneaking them out of the country into liyue. he regrets not having you go along with his family, but you insisted on going with him. it's his fault you were in jail.
reality was far too cruel.
"you'll escape, right? you've always got a plan." you pleaded between heaving breaths.
childe weakly laughed from an ugly, hopeless place.
he wished to make all your dreams come true, protect all your wishes and hold your smiles and laughter close like a warm trinket tied around his neck. anything but this ceaseless crying and sorrow that he felt slither from your heart through your arm and into your connected hands.
"come now, no tears, sunshine. you know i'll be okay, i'll figure something out." childe cooed, though he knew better. oh, lord, these lies would swallow him whole, but it is fated.
"do you promise?" you whispered brokenly.
his heart screamed at him not to do it, conscience pounding at the doors of self control in his mind. but childe was a protector of dreams and happiness.
a lean, scar riddled pinky looped in your own, holding tight to the invisible promise that linked the two of you. "i'll keep it all my life."
"if you break it i'll throw you on the ice myself."
the warbled smile on your face was enough. your watery eyes and tender touch gave him light that was not reminiscent of death like the flickering blue candles that lined the jail.
"of course. i'll owe you a duel as well. do you think you'll best me this time?"
you scoffed and tugged on his fingers, "of course i will, so you have to stay alive for me to beat you."
"well, i can't ignore orders from the top now can i?" he joked and reveled in the muted laugh that bubbled past your lips.
even in the bleakest of moments you gave him hope, like a light shining in a sea of never ending darkness.
"you'll always have me, no matter where i am. i promise you i won't let them hurt you." he whispered, and unlike that last promise, he meant it.
you held his hand until the guards came and even as you screamed and pleaded and cried with all your heart for him to stay, there was some morbid part of childe that was glad he got to hold your hand for the last time. he called out his declarations of love one last time as he fought against the grip of the guards and shoved his hands through your jailcell bars to cup to face and swipe away your tears. agony coursed through his veins as the guards ripped him from your grip and your fingers slipped through his hands like the sands of an hourglass. the last picture of your face would be one of horror and tear-stricken as the guards dragged him off. he whispered your name and as it rolled off his tongue it left in its wake a taste of sunshine and mirth.
i love you, more than anything in this world. more than power and glory and all the temptations of this world. you are my dream.
as he kneeled before the tsaritsa in handcuffs and chains nailed to the floor with her hand raised to deal the strike of death upon him, he smiled once more at the dream he cherished.
he is safe, and warm, and everyone he loves knows no sorrow.
though he promised to protect that dream, he knows his tongue will freeze over so that he may never spew lies again.
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for as long as he's lived, xiao has prepared himself extensively for only a single thing: his death.
it wasn't a matter of sorting out the wares and material items he didn't own—such things weren't of importance to an adeptus like himself. rather, it was the acceptance of death itself. he was no stranger to this cloaked figure of fear that knocked on its hosts doors or barged in uninvited. blood covered his hands, dripped down the slope of his jaw and pooled at his feet. death invaded every crevice of his life much like a persistent parasite that sought to drive him to the brink of madness and back again. but it was familiar and offered a morbid sense of comfort.
as far as he could ever consider, xiao had waited for death for as long as he'd known the stars to dot the sky.
those same stars flickered down back at him, almost pitifully, as the ground shook with tremors that made the grass come alive and dance a morbid waltz of terror. crimson smoke painted the sky and blotted out the overhead glow of the stars. screams cried out in the distance and clashed with the sounds of blades and battle cries and war horns to produce a macabre melody that twisted a knot in his stomach.
fading bodies of monsters lay at his feet, numbers in the dozens. his breath caught in his throat, desperate to retreat yet needing to escape. he clenched his blood-bathed spear, fingers curling taut around the metal to cling to the last shred of hope he could muster.
his eyes flickered up to you, who mimicked his breathless, tired disposition as a mitachurl fell at your feet. your weapon clattered to the ground, your knees following shortly after.
xiao raced to your side in a blip, quick to grip your forearms before you could hit the ground. his polearm laid abandoned where he once stood, now its final resting place. his arms were now full of you and eyes clouded in worry. exhaustion crept its way onto your face and it was then he knew: hope was all lost.
the abyssal armies and undead, ancient gods raged onwards in the distance, they harrowing sounds a mere whisper in comparison to the loud thundering beat of your heart against his body.
reluctant as he was to touch you for fear of his karmic debt, xiao found himself hesitant to let go. for you to slip through his fingers and the fear of never allowing his fingers to trace the slopes and edges of your face invaded him like an intruder. your arms reciprocated and slid around his shoulders as a silent plea. this madness would never end, let's stop. you seemed to cry out.
perhaps this was the very moment he'd been preparing what felt like eons for. death crept its way around the corner, leaving war and destruction in its wake and its march to sink its fangs into both him and you was inevitable.
his knees buckled as you both sank to the grassy bed, bodies and limbs entangled and intertwined in a connection that seemed impossible to sever. as much as his conscience begged him to move and enact his long written duty, his body cried out a different tune, his heart a different dance altogether.
you shifted his body and laid his head on your lap, bracing yourself on a palm as your other hand worked to move the sticky strands of lush, forest-green locks from his sweat-covered forehead.
"rest, you've done well." you murmured with a gentleness in your eyes that made his stomach swim up to his throat and choked him ever so sweetly.
had he done enough? war raged on, lives devoured by the endless deluge of monsters and evil beings that sought death. his most reliable companion, death, would soon march up to his door and barge in with a demand for his head.
all the while, xiao believed that he was ready to embrace death. he pictured it perfectly: he'd meet his end in the midst of battle and his death would contribute towards a greater good. some would garner a chance to escape while the monsters gorged themselves on his death and feasted on his powers.
now, however, an unsettling sense of dread settled in his chest. the world around him burned and crashed and yet you remained intact, gently stroking his hair and humming a sweet song that you'd often coo to the birds on the railings of wangshu inn (and he loathed to look west and see the silhouette of a once towering, proud inn now toppled to the ground).
had he not readied himself for the one, singular thing that has been constant in his life? had he not witnessed enough to resolve the conflict that was life or death?
as he listened to the melody that fell from your lips with the world around him blotted out to nothing but you and him, he realized a truly frightening thing: he was not ready yet. death could not guarantee that you would be there to sit silently beside him on cool, summer nights and fold butterflies out of leaves or go crystalfly watching in the early mornings of spring. death would not ensure that he felt an uncomfortable yet welcoming warmth in his stomach when your eyes met his and a smile bloomed on your face (and though he'd never know how he should respond, you always seemed to somehow know how he felt).
he was not ready to be without you. a dreadful realization. he had failed at preparing himself for the one thing he knew was inevitable. but in this moment, as the world caved in and crumbled around you, he felt peace. his worn body lay tired and supplicant in your arms. once a weapon, now he found himself rusted and worn beyond repair left with only this beautiful longing in his heart to be filled with all of you. his eyes fluttered up to your visage and behind your kind eyes and warbling smile, the stars glimmered back down at him.
in these final moments, xiao wished to be nowhere else. with a heart so full of love, its wings unfurling and stretching high towards the sky where it'd soar on forever in an unmarked destination.
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date published: january 30th, 2023
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txttletale · 2 years
What's worm? I can't exactly google it bcs of the name but I'm intrigued
worm (2011-2013) is a web novel about superheroes by a canadian author who goes by wildbow. it was published serially over the course of two years and in that time managed to get well over a million words long. i think it's very good for a couple reasons:
it takes an approach to 'deconstructing the superhero genre' that i don't think i've ever actually seen--instead of something like the boys or watchmen it doesn't extrapolate forwards from 'what would superheroes be like if they were real', but instead extrapolates backwards from 'what real-life conditions would have to exist to lead to superheroes acting like they do in comics'. the world of worm is believable, well-drawn, and interesting to inhabit
it has incredible character writing. this might not be one of the first things most people associate with it but wildbow has an amazing capacity for giving characters, even side characters that appear for half a chapter, extremely intriguing personal and internal conflicts. sometimes wildbow will write a chapter from the perspective of a side character you never see again and it will leave you wishing they had their own novel series. also despite a lot of problems wildbow has with Some Demographics, most of these well-developed characters are the female ones, who get to dominate the emotional landscape and the plot in a way that's refreshing to see tbh
the protagonist is great. a lot of attention is paid by some fans to the fact that she's a smart problem-solver, and that is true--her power is 'controlling bugs' in a world where other people can fly and shoot lasers, so she has to get smart with it. but i like her mostly because she's an extremely traumatised freak making horrible decisions and justifying them to herself post-hoc constantly. it's fun and interesting to be in her head
worm gets away from a lot of the more reactionary undertones that the superhero genre often fails to escape by making powers an in-universe result of (and, on a narrative level, a pretty clear metaphor) trauma. they are essentially coping mechanisms exaggerated to the point of superpower--because of this it neatly avoids two genre pitfalls because 1. there is no 'some people are better and stronger from birth' angle and 2. it mostly takes a social view of crime--supervillains in worm aren't cartoonish forces of evil (mostly), they are people who are marginalized and desperate.
the powers are cool. this is lower down on my personal list of reasons i like worm than many people's but it's undeniable true. each character has a strictly defined powerset with certain inbuilt limitations that both work to say volumes about their personality but also make fight scenes fun and interesting to read because wildbow puts a lot of thought into how they interact
this is not intentional and worm is at times downright homophobic but i would be lying if i said this didn't play a part in how i and most people i know think about worm: a queer reading of the main character is very easy to make, and the intense and at times tempestuous relationship she has to the girls around her is damn compelling. don't go into it expecting 'representation' or anything, wildbow has insisted at length that the main character is straight. but fr shes gay af
now all this said: there's a lot of nasty stuff that happens in worm. there is a lot of body horror and a lot of insect horror. there are so many instances of bugs being forced into human orifices in this book i could have filled out this list with that instead. so if that turns you off give this one a miss. child abuse and violence against children in general is also something that comes up semi-regularly.
and to expand on something i said in the post that i assumed prompted this question--when these topics come up, worm does a very very poor job of handling race and a better but still not great job with gender and sexuality. the world outside north america is sketched with a looseness and a lack of research that borders on caricature (i can think of like five organizations/characters that were very clearly named through google translate). the pacing takes a huge hit after a certain event in the back half of the story, and it can be a little exhausting to read because it is both thematically and literally about constant crisis and escalation.
still, if none of that is a dealbreaker for you, i'd recommend it 100%. i'm definitely glad i've read it. it's a powerful story about trauma and authority and control that does reward the outrageous time commitment it demands. there's also a fanmade audiobook if that sweetens the deal for you. i haven't listened to it but i've heard that it's pretty decent for a volunteer effort.
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Hello! Love your work!
Can you do headcanons for Hosea with a daughter? (Or child if you'd prefer gender neutrality)
She's his kid with Bessie, and I was wondering how the two would be, growing up in the gang, how he'd be as a father, how she'd be with the other members, whatever you'd like to write!
As for her age, I'm thinking young adult during the events of the game, maybe John's age too
Thank you!
Hosea with a Child
Gender Neutral language!
Genre: Fluff! Some angst - No game spoilers Featuring: Dad!Hosea, Platonic John, Platonic Arthur Warnings: Mentions of death and grief
AN: I hope you like these! I really enjoyed writing this request it was so cute and fun to think about Hosea as a dad raising a kid in the gang <3 Thank you so much
---> Requests are open! Check out my guidelines if you have any questions!
Childhood Years:
According to Hosea, you were the only good thing he had ever done with his life.
Being his only child with Bessie, you were spoiled as much as he could afford. As an infant you were given the warmest blankets, the softest toys, and the most attention he could give you.
That short period of time where he left the gang was around the time that you were born after him and Bessie’s wedding. He wanted to give you a proper childhood away from the hardship of the life of an outlaw.
As he said himself, though, the life just draws you back in.
When he went back to Dutch he brought you and Bessie with him.
Hosea worshiped and adored you. Everything he did in the gang he convinced himself was for you and Bessie.
He told you the story of Robin Hood as you grew old enough to understand stories before bedtime. He’d sit you in front of the fire and smile as you gazed up at him in wonder while he told the tale of the hero who stole from the rich to give to the poor.
During the earlier years of the gang, when they still stole for the good of others in one way or another, you always thought of Hosea as Robin Hood - he was a hero to you.
You started calling Dutch “Uncle Dutch” and considered many other members of the gang as family.
You were only eight when Arthur was brought in to the group. You followed him like a shadow and it warmed Hosea’s heart to see you trying to play with another kid (even though Arthur was fourteen by this time - he was still the youngest person for you to hang around).
Since Hosea eventually started viewing Arthur as a son, you viewed him as your badass older brother.
Teen Years:
By the time you turned fifteen, you were expected to start contributing to the gang. Most of the time you were just a pickpocket. Hosea didn’t want you robbing trains or putting yourself in any real danger, and Bessie wouldn’t allow you to do anything that could taint your soul (as she would put it).
For a while you were just quick and sneaky.
Arthur watched over you whenever you went into town to grab a few coins and watches from the people walking through the streets just in case anyone caught on to your act and you needed assistance.
You whined to Hosea that you felt like he didn’t trust you to take care of yourself since Arthur was always babysitting you, Hosea said he’d figure something out. He knew you could take care of yourself, of course.
He fixed it by telling Arthur to be sneakier while he was watching you.
Once you turned sixteen, Hosea started taking you on hunting trips with him. He wanted to make sure you could take care of yourself and your mom in case anything happened to him.
“Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he’ll eat forever.” He’d say on nearly every hunting trip the two of you went on.
“But we’re hunting deer, Pop, not fishin’.” You’d correct him and he’d just wave his hand in the air as if to dismiss you. “Same concept, kid.” He’d retort.
At seventeen, John joined the Van Der Linde gang. It was the first time there was someone exactly your age near you daily that you got to interact with.
At first, John was following Arthur around like a puppy and it made you so jealous. You complained to Hosea about it, you said John was taking your brother from you and it wasn’t fair.
Hosea laughed lightly whenever you dramatically groaned and whined and told you to give it time, John would become your friend as well.
Hosea was right of course, as always. After a month or two the amazement over Arthur Morgan wore off and John became a great friend of yours.
The two of you bickered a lot, though. Being the same age and all, you were constantly at each other’s throats.
Bessie always said that you and John were like an old married couple. That comment caused you two to look at each other gag over dramatically.
Young Adulthood (around the events of the game):
When your mom, Bessie, died a part of you died with her. Hosea might as well have died too.
For a year, he never left his bed and when he did it was only to grab another bottle of whiskey to drown his sorrows in.
Some days were better than others during he grieving, but there were weeks that would go by when he couldn’t bear to look at you.
You had Bessie’s eyes and her smile. You had all the best parts of Bessie and seeing her in you but not seeing her made Hosea’s heart shatter all over again.
During this time you depended on Arthur and John to be your rocks. They were the ones who kept your focus away from the black hole of grief eating away at your insides. And during the days that the grief was too much to handle, they pat your back and held your hand while you let yourself rot away in bed.
Some nights John would come to see you when he couldn’t sleep and the two of you would cry over Bessie until you drifted out of consciousness.
Everyone felt her death deeply.
As time goes by, your wounds have healed as have Hosea’s. He sobered up and after a long crying session where all you two did was hold each other and reminisce over Bessie, you were a family again.
During the events at Blackwater, you were Hosea’s first priority. He got you packed and to safety as fast as he could once it was time to flee.
In that huge snowstorm on your way east, Hosea gave you his extra jacket and gloves to keep you warm. You rode in the wagon with Abigail and Jack, huddling with them for warmth and assuring them that John would be okay and back soon.
For a while after Blackwater, Hosea refused to let you out of his sights. After what happened with Bessie and the chaos that was that whole situation, you were the only thing he lived for. He couldn’t have anything happen to you.
You didn’t complain, either. You didn’t want to be away from him for a while. You were terrified during Blackwater, terrified you’d lose him or John or Arthur. You let him baby you and watch over you like a hawk as long as it gave his mind peace.
At Horseshoe Overlook, you went hunting with Hosea as often as you could. It was like a tradition for the two of you.
“Give a man a fish,” He’d start his lecture on the importance of learning survival skills and you’d have to stifle a groan and a laugh.
You’d probably heard that phrase nearly a million times at that point. He always said fish, too. Never changed it for whatever you were hunting.
Hosea wasn’t only your father, but your best friend. He was the best person you knew despite his occupation, and you adored him with your entire being.
He wasn’t technically a good man, but he was a great dad.
I hope you enjoyed these!! Thank you for reading
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haileyywrites · 1 year
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Summary: "Regretting the past is useless and pointless." - that's what Alhaitham had always thought, but even he regretted something from his past. Rather someone...
Pairings: Alhaitham x Gn-Reader!
Warnings/Notes: Reader is completely gender neutral and not described in any way so poc friendly! Possibly ooc Alhaitham! Fluff & Angst! Possible grammar errors that you are free to point out <3
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Regrets were a very normal part of any humans life, but Alhaitham always believed them to be a completely pointless waste of time. Why spent time regretting the past? There is nothing that can be done to change or erase the past so it's best to just move on and forget about it. He and all other mortal beings had plenty of other things to do rather than mourning time that has passed. But it seemed even he regretted something from his past, or rather someone...
He didn't even know your name and he never got to... He had met you while moving to his favorite spot to quietly read while in-between classes, a place that was usually completely empty with him excluded. He was able to enjoy the fresh air and good weather under a shade while reading undisturbed, truly a haven for him.
But then he saw you... You were sitting there with a book in hand and a soft smile on your lips as you scanned over the words written on thin pages you occasionally flipped over. He thought about turning heel and going elsewhere since he wasn't looking for a conversation or a disturbance while on break, but for some reason decided to just stay and read along with the stranger.
You noticed him of course and offered a polite smile which he returned with a simple dismissive nod, to his complete surprise you turned your gaze away and simply continued to read without engaging in conversation like he had expected in the beginning. He wasn't complaining at all over it - he was infact relieved that you dived your nose back into your book instead of bothering him with pointless small talk. He let out a hum of satisfaction before doing the same and flipping open his book.
From that day onward he would find you there reading on more days than not and you would always smile at him in greeting, but never spoke a word to him. He would greet you back with his signature quick nod and sit down to read like you weren't even there. But the longer this interaction went on the more he found himself paying attention to you...
Paying attention to what color your hair or eyes were, what distinct features you had like freckles, moles, scars and so on. How you styled your hair that day or what clothing you wore, the accessories you had and how you wore them or simply what book you were reading. If he happened to come across the same book you were reading he would pick it up out of curiosity no matter if it was his preferred genre or something he was personally interested in.
Sometimes when going through the many shops of Sumeru while shopping or simply browsing he would find himself thinking of you when a certain color, clothing or accessory reminded him of you... A particular necklace that suited your style in his opinion had especially caught his eye. He wondered if you would like it, but quickly shook the thought away and continued on with his day while trying to forget such a thought ever crossed his mind.
He soon noticed that he looked forward to seeing you each day and reading silently with you despite not knowing your name or anything at all about you. Maybe that was why he was so curious about you, at least that's what he would tell himself when thinking about you. He would never admit to anyone - even himself that it took him longer than normal to fall asleep as his mind was filled with thoughts of you...
He wasn't one to long for others company so you were quite peculiar to him. He theorized another reason that he was so interested in you was that you ignored his presence in favor of your books like him - even after you noticed his presence you would simply wordlessly yet kindly acknowledge him before returning to your book.
At some point he decided to be completely honest with himself and recognize the growing feelings he had for the stranger whose name he didn't know. He wasn't familiar with feelings like these, being romantically interested or attracted to another was completely foreign to him, but he could understand that there was no denying that it was the case for him.
He would be lying if he said that having to research such things didn't utterly embarrass him! But he was a rational man and simply convinced himself that this was a normal thing most human beings would experience at least once in their life. Still, he wasn't sure if a relationship was something he himself or you were interested in, but the rational next step was to finally introduce himself and ask you your name.
The next day he arrived around the time he always did, but to his surprise you weren't at your usual spot. It was uncommon, but sometimes he would arrive before you. He didn't know what your daily schedule consistent of since he didn't know what your occupation was, but you always arrived there at some point to read - sometimes you even took a nap in-between books.
Alhaitham didn't think too much about it before sitting down and opening his book to kill some time before you arrived. But you didn't. You never arrived that day. It was highly unusual as Alhaitham couldn't remember a day where he didn't see you... Since he knew literally nothing about you he simply accepted that you had a life of your own that had prevented you from coming there that day, or you just felt like doing something else with your time. Either way you would surely arrive tomorrow like any other day.
But you didn't, nor did you come the day after that. It confused Alhaitham deeply, perhaps you were away visiting family or something of the sort? He continued to believe this for days and weeks, until they slowly turned into endless months. At that point he would have been incredibly foolish to think you were ever coming back.
"Regretting the past is useless and pointless." But he did truly regret never getting to know you. He also regretted not knowing what happened to you... One day you were there beside him reading for hours upon hours in a comfortable silence and next he never saw you again. He knew and preached about how useless regret was, but he regretted all the time he spent with you without getting to know you.
He hated that that when he lost focus his mind was filled with questions about you, like what your name was or what kind of person you were. He believed you could tell what kind of person someone was based on the books they read, but despite reading and knowing each book you had read from front to back he still wasn't sure what kind of person you were...
His one and only regret in life was you. He still carried with him the necklace that had caught his eye that day at the market, he had gone back to get it a few days later. Even after years have passed and seasons changed he still thought of you, he wondered if you ever thought of him too? Or was he just another faceless stranger to you that you have long forgotten about after leaving Sumeru City behind...
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A/N: Damn this got sad, but I kinda love it :') Anyways likes, reblogs and or feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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