#intellectually ethically morally emotionally etc.
cemeterything · 1 month
"i wish i could exfoliate my brain" you can. by reading things that challenge you.
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livi-the-writer · 2 years
List of character traits with definitions (negative character traits - part 3)
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/livi-the-writer/691224139105796096?source=share
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/livi-the-writer/691689802838523904?source=share
Absentminded - Absent in mind; abstracted; preoccupied; forgetful or careless due to distraction; easily distracted. 
Barbaric - Of or relating to a barbarian; uncivilised, uncultured or uncouth; marked by crudeness or lack of sophistication.
Belligerent - Inclined or eager to fight or argue; hostile or aggressive.
Bigoted - Being a bigot; biased; strongly prejudiced; forming opinions without just cause.
Bossy - Tending to give orders to others, especially when unwarranted; domineering.
Crass - Crude, insensitive and unrefined.
Dogmatic - Stating opinion in an assertive or arrogant manner; expressing opinions as if they were facts.
Erratic - Moving or behaving in a way that is not regular, certain, or expected.
Insidious - Characterised by treachery or slyness; crafty; wily.
Impressionable - Easily affected by impressions; esp., capable of being influenced intellectually, emotionally, or morally; sensitive.
Meddlesome - Inclined or having a tendency to meddle or interfere in other people's business.
Neurotic - Overly anxious.
Overbearing - Overwhelming in power or significance; predominant.
Parsimonious - Cheap, frugal or unwilling to spend money.
Patronising - Speaking or behaving towards someone as if they are stupid or not important.
Pompous - Characterised by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious.
Pushy - Aggressively ambitious; overly assertive, bold or determined.
Pusillanimous - Timid, cowardly, or irresolute; fainthearted; lacking strength or determination.
Quarrelsome - Prone to getting into arguments or fights.
Quick-tempered - Easily or quickly angered or frustrated.
Resentful - Inclined to resent, being angry or holding a grudge against something, marked by bitterness.
Rowdy - Boisterous and disorderly; a nuisance.
Scatterbrained - Exhibiting thoughts that are not logical or connected.
Self-destructive - Inclined toward actions and choices that hurt oneself.
Self-indulgent - Satisfying one's appetites, passions, and whims without restraint.
Sleazy - Sordid and corrupt; creepy; disreputable.
Slovenly - Careless in appearance, habits, work, etc.; untidy; slipshod.
Stingy - Giving or spending grudgingly or only through necessity; mean; miserly; not generous.
Stubborn - Refusing to yield, obey, or comply; resisting doggedly or unreasonably; resolute or obstinate.
Subservient - Extremely compliant and obedient; willing to obey or serve because of being in a lower position; submissive.
Suspicious - Suspecting others without proof or evidence.
Temperamental - Marked by unpredictable changes in mood.
Truculent - Showing or expressing bitter opposition or hostility; aggressively defiant.
Uncooperative - Unwilling to work with others; not cooperative. 
Uncouth - Lacking common social graces; uncultivated; awkward; clumsy.
Unethical - Not ethical; rejecting accepted moral beliefs and standards of conduct.
Unhelpful - Not providing help or assistance; not helpful.
Unintelligent - Showing poor judgment and flawed thinking; lacking reasoning or wit.
Unrestrained - Immoderate; not restrained or held in check.
Unthankful - Thankless; unappreciative.
Unyielding - Incapable of being changed; unalterable; stubborn; refusing to give in.
Vindictive - Disposed toward seeking revenge.
Volatile - Quick to react; having an explosive temper that may grow violent.
Weak-willed - Gutless; easily influenced; indecisive. 
Whiny - Whining; tending to whine or complain; disagreeable. 
Withdrawn - Detached from others, having retreated inside oneself.
Workaholic - Someone who works compulsively, sacrificing other interests and responsibilities.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
27 Tritype Connections
By Karkino.
How the combinations interact and/or amplify each other.
1 + 2 Node (125, 126, 127) The Guide • Enhance the natural wings of 1 and 2; • Double compliant; • May secretly feel as if they are better than others; • Feel that they must help people grow; • Mix of warmth and cold attitude; • May push people too much; "I know you can do better"; • Easily frustrated with laziness, inattentive behavior; • Strong internal critic; "I must show the example, I must be nice and accepting, etc." • Extremely sensitive to ungratefulness.
1 + 3 Line (135, 136, 137) The Super Achiever • Double competent; • Strong work ethics and desire to perform; • Internal critic : "I must deliver and be the best yet be humble about it"; • Internal struggle between the needs to be correct/fair and to be praised/admired; • On of the most productive and efficient combinations; • Perfectionist and Critical about their work and image; • Very sensitive to social recognition, even if not dominant social instinct; • Can become workaholic; "My work is my worth" • Very cold, rigid personality. May be a bit less strong with a 2 wing.
1 + 4 Line (145, 146, 147) The Humanist • Enhances the natural line of 1/4; • Double frustration; • Ethical and spiritual traits of the 1 is highlighted; • Hard to please, critical of self and others; • "There's always something missing ; You don't understand"; • Conflicting relationship with their emotions : refrain from feeling, then let go; • May have religious/spiritual tendencies; • Can become a highly refined individual, with unique tastes and values; • Can look very NF (MBTI) even if not.
1 + 5 Line (154, 153, 152) The Rational • Highly cerebral; • Usually displays intellectual tastes and hunger for knowledge; • Not easily satisfied with the superficial answers; knows what and how to search for them; • Very structured mind; likes to organize information (MBTI can modify that); • Attentive and focused; Can easily dive into its mind; • Very curious; always want to know why you think this or that; • Very aloof and distant, even with a 2 wing or fix; • Can give extremely detailed and structured information; • May be awkward in social settings, not known for its spontaneity.
1 + 6 Line (162, 163, 164) The Guardian • Double Compliant; • Most structured-oriented of all combinations; • Usually likes to plan ahead and know where they going; • Trust is not only a concept, but a vital line of conduct; • May be a bit intolerant of innovative and counterculture ideas; • Can often take a leadership role and be sensitive to the underdog cause; • Can look very SJ (MBTI) even if not; • Critical outlook but still can be congenial and understanding (especially if dominant self-preservation instinct).
1 + 7 Line (127, 137, 147) The Catalyst • Enhances the natural line of 1/7; • Very internally conflicted : wants structure and freedom; • May let go of the pressure of the internal critic more easily than the other 1 combinations; • Can look serious and enthusiastic at the same time; • Can implement order and morals in a fun and colorful way; • Perfectionist, even in their creative side; • May be hard to follow with their high ideals; • Unpredictable emotional demonstrations, mostly anger and frustration (especially if dominant sexual instinct); • Often a strong connection to their intuitive function (MBTI).
2 + 5 Line (125, 258, 259) The Advisor • Double rejection; • Emotionally guarded but appears amiable; • Often strong observational skills, especially for people; • Good listeners; • Sociable, but need time for themselves; • Help people by giving out advice, tips and personal knowledge; • Often express their anger in an indirect fashion, even if core 8; • Can spend a long time of their day observing and analyzing people; • Often hidden intentions, not truly open with what they want.
2 + 6 Line (126, 268, 269) The Helper • Double compliant; • Most service-oriented combination; • Attentive to others' needs; • Likes to be part of a team or be with people in general; • Values comes from being helpful and trustworthy; • Both energies combine well : 2's pride with 6's fear makes an overall great friend; • Fear to be excluded, outside of the social circle, even if not dominant social instinct; • Anxious to be of service, may create opportunities to help; • May be clingy and dependent.
2 + 7 Line (127, 278, 279) The Jovialist • Double positive outlook; • Very sociable and gregarious; • Natural entertainer, likes to laugh; • Possess natural charm and humor to entice people; • Bored and anxious when alone, needs the crowd to be stimulated; • 2w3 are often paired with this fix; • Looks SP or Extroverted Feeling (MBTI) even if not; • Doesn't like negativity at all; • Could help being a little more realistic about facing their problems.
2 + 8 Line (258, 268, 278) The Protector • Enhances the natural 2/8 line; • Double rejection; • Help people in a forceful, direct approach; • Very sensitive to being ignored or rejected; • "I know what's better for you than you do, so lemme help!"; • Most protective combination of all; • Can get very angry quickly, then apologize in fear of being unloved; • Mama/papa bear archetype.
2 + 9 Line (259, 269, 279) The Benevolent • Double positive outlook; • Soft, healing quality; • Dreamy, yet also focused on others; • Quiet presence but often ready to comfort with positive words; • Unassertive, may not know how to deal with negativity; • If core 2, softens a lot of the pride edges and may be blind to it; • If self-preservation dominant, may show their love with practical tasks (cooking, chores, etc.); • Very humble combination; • If sexual dominant, may become the supportive wife or husband, fusing with their mate.
3 + 5 Line (135, 358, 359) The Professional • Double competent; • Like to be known for their technical expertise; • Assumed image of a know-it-all, the game trivia nightmare; • Gives a core 5 more versatility and confidence to show what they're made of; • Productive, yet work at their own pace, may be procrastinator (especially with 359); • May run the risk of becoming robotic and unemotional; • See feelings ask inconsequential and a lack of time (less apparent with dominant sexual instinct or 4 wing); • Conceal their true identity, shapeshifters; • Very often Thinking types in MBTI.
3 + 6 Line (136, 368, 369) The Dutiful • Enhances the natural 3/6 line; • Double Attachment; • Very loyal and productive; • They often act for the greater good of their community or partner(s); • Like to show their loyalty and love through concrete actions; • Anxious if the authority question their value or their work; • Can become competitive in order to please the thing that gives them security (bosses, parents, partners, etc.); • Can adapt their speech and mannerism in order to conform better to their surroundings; • May question authority behind its back but support and perform in front of them.
3 + 7 Line (137, 378, 379) The Persuader • Double assertive; • Very positive combination; • Charming but a bit pushy in their demeanor; • Combine efficiency with entertainment : life is a game; • Like to promote the image of a successful, happy person; • May look fake and trying too much; • Like to submit innovative and original ideas to problems; • May follow rules, but prefer to make a colorful impact; • Don't have time for negativity or dealing with psychological problems.
3 + 8 Line (358, 368, 378) The Challenger • Double assertive; • Very competitive and aggressive; • "There's nothing I can't do, just watch me" • A Fighter archetype, don't give up easily; • May show an image of invulnerability at all times; • "No, you got a problem, no me!" • Hard to let things go and let their emotions speak; • May have an overwhelming presence; • Absolutely hates to lose; very strong egotistical stance.
3 + 9 Line (359, 369, 379) The Stabilizer • Enhances the natural 3/9 line; • Double attachment; • "Yeah, no worries, I can do that"; "Let me handle this"; • Steady, productive presence; • Very adaptable and accommodating; • Are efficient but don't usually push themselves further than what's expected of them; • Can pride themselves in being tolerant, uncomplicated and agreeable; • Unemotional, dry personality; • Hide their stubbornness by only adapting in surface and doing superficial changes.
4 + 5 Node (145, 458, 459) The Introspective • Enhances the natural wings of 4 and 5; • Deep thinker and feeler; • Very introverted and private; • Feel tired quickly when they in unfamiliar events; low energy overall; • Slow to commit to new habits and persons; • Generally prefer written communication to spoken one; • Great capacity to pursue their passions and interests; • Dislike changes in environment; • They have a hard time communicating their feelings to people (a little less if dominant social instinct);
4 + 6 Line (146, 468, 469) The Sensitive Soul • Double reactive; • Take a great deal of time analyzing and sorting out their feelings and thoughts; • Anxious about their identity, about what to trust; • Most emotionally sensitive and reactive combination; • Conflict between external security and maintaining personal identity; • "Can I trust him/her?"; "I feel so vulnerable"; • When they engage into something, they always have doubts ("Is this for me?", "Will I be able to do it?") • Creative, but need reassurance in their abilities and support from others; • Can be very volatile and explosive is they feel threatened.
4 + 7 Line (147, 478, 479) The Whimsical • Double frustration; • Very idealistic but with unstable energy; • Want significance and playfulness in their work; • Very creative and imaginative, dreamy personality; • Capricious and a bit of a brat; wants this done their way; • Sadness in hidden behind impish or childlike behavior; • Bipolar/dysthymic mind; oscillate between sadness and joy; • Often easily bored; • See things that are missing in order for the situation to be magical and original.
4 + 8 Line (458, 468, 478) The Maskless • Double reactive; • Very intense character regardless of the dominant instinct; • Reject inauthentic behavior; • Feel things strongly and express them in a powerful way (especially 468); • Protect the vulnerable, the rejected, the abandoned (especially with dominant social instinct); • Often provocative and defying taboos; • Likes to dig deep into emotional traumas (especially 458); • With core 8, gives an incentive to look into their vulnerable side; • With core 4, pushes them to act upon what they believe.
4 + 9 Line (459, 469, 479) The Receptive • Double withdrawn; • Hide their sadness with a smile; • The 9 fix erodes the melancholic side of 4, making it less jarring; • The 4 fix encourages the core 9 to look into their emotional side; • Ghostly, wispy demeanor; • Very passive and often unassuming; • Good listener, but may focus too much on the sad/emotional part of the conversation; • Very sensitive to painful experiences, retreat when feeling hurt; • Can be critical, but hide their comments from the public eye.
5 + 8 Line (258, 358, 458) The Independent • Double rejection; • Enhances the natural 5/8 line; • Strategic thinking; • Can act behind-the-scenes in a surprising way; Almost ninja-like; • Silently watchful and ready to act in accordance to plan; • Mix of hot and cold energy; may be hard to follow and hard to know; • Often have a razor-sharp mind and are very good at problem-solving; • Have a difficult time connecting with others in a casual, superficial way; • Menacing presence even if unintentional (especially with core 8).
5 + 9 Line (259, 359, 459) The Observer • Double withdrawn; • Aloof and detached personality; • Like to take their time to understand things their own way; • Like their peace and quiet time in order to recharge; • Usually very intelligent, may have a hard time voicing up their opinions; • Can be very quiet, but also very talkative when talking about something they like; • When they not agree with something, they may become argumentative but often give up; • Very observant and curious about a plethora of things; • Almost always introverted MBTI type.
6 + 8 Line (268, 368, 468) The Fighter • Double reactive; • Most confrontational combination (most aggressive tritype is 368); • Want to see the truth in all situation; • Often smell something fishy that others might not detect; • Very sensitive to power dynamics (personal and social); • Argumentative and emotional even in less dramatic situations; • May see problems where they aren't, a bit paranoiac; • Very protective about what they trust and believe into; • Like to know what they're going into.
6 + 9 Line (269, 369, 469) The Follower • Double attachment; • Often unassuming when alone, feel better in groups; • Feel harmony and contentment when in a familiar environment with their peers; • Unsure about their capacity to act alone, so they side with security; • Loyal and gentle with who they know and love; Aloof and anxious about the unknown; • The 9 fix helps the core 6 relax and being more tolerant and accepting of difference; • The 6 fix helps the core 9 being less indolent and more proactive when helping others; • Usually gentle and amiable, but can become secretive and anxious if they feel threatened; • Their biggest weakness is to act and think by themselves when necessary.
7 + 8 Node (278, 378, 478) The Conqueror • Double assertive; • Enhances the natural wings of 7 and 8; • Life is a playground; "I take what I want"; • Natural hedonistic and realistic approach to life; • May take for granted what others find offensive and obnoxious; • Good negotiator; Always find a way to win something; • Quick thinker and smooth talker; direct speech but in a funny, original way; • Hate limits and regulations, to the point of circumventing or breaking rules in order to get what they want; • Have a hard time to slow down and think about the consequences at first.
7 + 9 Line (279, 379, 479) The Optimist • Double positive outlook; • Gentle and ethereal; • May be a bit out of touch with reality; • Always have a alternate positive view of even bad or tragic events; • Soft, expansive energy, always dreaming about what could be; • Often have a lazy side that don't want to deal with boring or serious tasks; • Most prone to have symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder of all the combinations; • Create their own rosy bubble when dreary times arise; • May run the risk of being too positive and unfocused on taking real action.
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writing-with-olive · 11 months
Do you have any advice on writing antagonists/villains? Mostly general. If you do have advice that is. It's OK if you don't.
PS: love your blog
Howdy :D
So the first thing to remember that every entity, whether or not it's an antagonist or hero, individual or group or organization, will have some kind of goal, and some kind of values. This might be power and control, it might be protection of its in-group, it might be money, it might be knowledge, it might be self-image, whatever.
Unless you are just going for something flashy and fun, your villain probably isn't going to care about doing bad for the sake of doing bad. If they're a villain, they're going to be doing something we consider to be morally wrong, but they're gonna have their reasons. If they have some kind of nefarious plot to wipe out all of humanity, maybe they're angry and want to get back and it's an emotionally driven goal. Maybe they just want to prove to themself that they can and it's an ego-intellectually driven goal. Maybe they care about something else on the earth that they perceive humans are ruining and it's a protective aim, minus some ethics. If they're just an antagonist and not also a villain, that means they have a goal that's just opposed to the protagonist's in some way, such as getting in the way of the protagonists efforts to save it without being the one plotting its downfall - they don't have to even be a bad person.
The reason you want to figure out why they are doing the thing is because that will give you a sense of what their priorities are, which can help build some internal consistency. Continuing the above example, the rage-driven villain might be brazenly destructive to cause as much pain as possible, whereas the intellectually motivated villain could see those actions as sloppy and choose a more subtle route. The just-wants-to-conserve-something-else villain probably isn't gonna nuke the globe cause that would destroy more than just humans. It doesn't have to be Years Into Therapy levels of understanding, but just a basic one or two sentence "this is what their aim is" can help. That being said, if you want to create a whole psych profile for them, you are free to do that.
If you want to get more researchy with it, consider that villains are people, and in the real world, lots of people do horrible things, which gives you a data-set you can look into. How did they justify their actions to people? Did they justify it to people? How did they act towards people they considered allies? How do they act towards people they consider unaligned with them?
If it's more of a corporation or political entity, same thing, but you can also look at what the inner workings are, and how they might have recruited. More than once, I've copy/pasted America and put it in space or in fantasy, etc, and then just figured out what the implications of having a "we're here to spread peace by destabilizing your otherwise peaceful government, and other imperialist adventures" entity in a non-real setting.
If they're a Big Power they might not care about your heroes unless they are also similarly powerful. In that case, the injuries your core cast sustain by this villain might actually just be collateral and not a personal attack, or your villain might send some minions after the good guys instead. If they are more on the same level, then you might see that kind of head-to-head interaction. The head of a multi-world evil secret society isn't going to personally care about a few teenagers messing up a fringe supply depot. The guard who works at the supply depot as a part of the secret society will. But if you want to create the feel of the secret society personally caring, you can make this particular guard the face of the society for both your heroes and audience, making the guard the representative of evil, and the teenagers representatives of good. That kinda thing.
If you want your audience to hate this villain, you can focus on building up the compassion and investment they feel towards your protagonist, and then when the villain is in picture, focus on the pain, especially that which was unnecessary, that they cause the main characters, and its lasting impact. Stuff that even if the villain was dead-set on reaching their goal they didn't have to inflict.
If you want the audience to have more of a soft spot for the villain, you can focus more on the parts where the villain isn't necessarily wrong, it's just that their ethics are questionable. You could also lean into their humanity: what caused them to be like this? in what ways could they still be seen as a good person despite, ya know, the atrocities? do they have friends and family they genuinely care about? You can also make them hot.
Hopefully this helps. Happy writing!
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santilozart · 1 month
Reality is a bitch for neurodivergent people. I wish I could keep up 24/7 live game streaming. World satanize social media but don´t realize this kind of dopamine release trough livegamestreaming music, writings and games is what keeps me going, filling the oxytocin this world, either evil or high ethical standars cannot provide...
and is what kept me apart from depression and even suicide... So, stop satanizing TechMedia, which is a safer serotonin releaser than the violence and disorder of fungus, drugs, MaryJane, etc... to cover the void leaved by this society high perfectionist standards... at least on emotionally damaged people like me, who had gone farther after a damage no return point. Think this like medicine for mental illness, to keep depression out... I know some of you, relates with the deepness of my polemic writing, because you identify it is the true, beyond this society, moral, rational and spiritual tabus. So please, help me reach faster my goal of dedicating 100% to this, because I just cause troubles in real life when trying to get along with "normal" not awakened, just rational people... And I just want to keep writing, revealing more things, so you can understand the truth of this planet, for an endurable and sustainable one, to bring back paradise here, and stop the chaos on this unbalanced world... With that said, feel free to support with additional cheers, bits, and subs... And who know, I may be filling my dream of spreading love and goods news through my life project, from my damaged broken life... I used to believe on love and marriage as the ultimate source, boost to enhance my life as a human being, showing love to God another... but since there is such idealization on people nowadays, on spiritual people surrounding this topic... and I had been broken so many times... I better move forward, with this, my ultimate attempt to motivate and do something positive with my life, to serve my creator and aid others in the path to know the truth... respecting of course, if they would like to awaken... because you are free to keep your path ignoring me, and following your conservative old, traditional rational path... I know ignorance is a blessing, and it also brings peace too... I´ve been there, it is comfortable... as you prefer... In regards me, I find now comfort and feeling up to date with my inner awareness (God) by stepping aside from the crow and stop muting my voice... cause being aligned from your free will with your upper high global collective life call, is the greater experience you may acquire in your life self-development path, and I invite you to find your own call and path Aswell to build up a better world together, each one of us from our individualities enhanced towards greater good, without hiding our skills, gifts neither spiritual or intellectual talents... humbleness and silence should not be confused with obedience... and limitans leaders shouldn´t infuse you with fear to hide your call to serve who brought you to this world in first instance... With love, from a self-regulated schizoaffective guy, who learned to defeat emotional and spiritual illness trough this livestream, since the pandemic, and since there is lack of love, humbleness, humanity in the ones called to guide me... unsuccessfully guide which made me connect directly with Him and be guide by my own... due the imperfection and limitations of current leader´s criteria... Hope to find someone there, one day, enough to be really pure at heart and mind, with the feet on the ground, to guide me and several as me, properly, so they can deserve my respect, love and admiration. not my obedience by fear, judgement and negative speech of condemnation, absolutism and perfectionism, who damaged even more, mentally and emotionally, people a bit more sensitive and skilled spiritually like me, who didn´t need to be preached the God of judgement to learn but instead the God of mercy, love, kindness, the gentlemen He is, to perfectionate the love and spiritual gifts and not to make me hide them... with rigor and spiritual violence as they made unrightfully towards me and my spiritual right to serve God... #PlusUltra #PeaceOut #OnliveEzine #globalmiraism #fimlm #idmjioficial #idmji
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Our goal is to inspire your child to learn new things all the time by supporting the pragmatic development of their body, mind, and spirit. Our goal is to educate young minds, assist them in realising their full potential, and foster their physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Our ethics, love, care, protection, and moral ideals are reflected in the name Little Millennium.
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Your child's confidence grows through engaging activities with staff and other children.
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The staff at Millennium Education is competent in providing your children with care that feels like home. We value every child as unique. We therefore care about giving each of them the unique attention they require.
The integrated learning curriculum we utilise focuses on all of your children's fundamental growth.
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c-ptsdrecovery · 3 years
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Source: What is C-PTSD from Beauty After Bruises
From that source:
   To delineate some these hallmark challenges - as outlined in the proposed Complex PTSD criteria - we'll begin with the one that shows up most frequently in day-to-day life: emotion regulation. Survivors with Complex PTSD have a very difficult time with emotions -- experiencing them, controlling them, and for many, just being able to comprehend or label them accurately. Many have unmanaged or persistent sadness, either explosive or inaccessible anger, and/or suicidal thoughts. They may be chronically numb, lack the appropriate affect in certain situations, be unable to triage sudden changes in emotional content, or struggle to level out after a great high/low. It's also very common for these survivors to re-experience emotions from trauma intrusively - particularly when triggered. These feelings are often disproportionate to the present situation, but are equal to the intensity of what was required of them at the time of a trauma -- also known as an emotional flashback.
   Difficulty with self-perception is another fundamental struggle for complex trauma survivors -- particularly because their identity development was either fiercely interrupted or manipulated by someone with ulterior motives. In its simplest form, how they see themselves versus how the rest of the world does can be brutally different. Some may feel they carry or actually embody nothing but shame and shameful acts - that they are "bad".  Others believe themselves to be fundamentally helpless; they were let down by so many who could've stopped their abuse but didn't, so it "must just be them". Many see themselves as responsible for what happened to them and thus unworthy of kindness or love because "they did this to themselves". And, countless others may feel defined by stigma, believe they are nothing more than their trauma, worry they're always in the way or a burden, or they may sense they're just completely and utterly different from anyone or anything around them - they are alien. Startling as it is, all of these feelings and more can live inside someone whom, to you, seems like the most brilliant, competent, strong, and compassionate human being you know.
   Interruptions in consciousness are also a prevalent - and at times very scary - reality in Complex PTSD. Some may forget traumatic events (even if they knew of them once before), relive them intrusively, recall traumatic material in a different chronological order, or other distressing experiences of what is called dissociation. Dissociation is a symptom that exists on a spectrum, ranging anywhere from harmless daydreaming or temporarily "spacing out"; to more disruptive episodes of feeling disconnected from one's body or mental processes, not feeling real, or losing time; all the way to the most severe, which includes switching between self-states (or alters), as is seen in Dissociative Identity Disorder. Episodes of missing time can range anywhere from a few minutes, a couple days, or even large chunks of one's childhood. The larger gaps in time are typically only seen in DID, but those with C-PTSD alone can still endure 'interruptions in consciousness' that result in memory gaps, poor recall, traumatic material that is completely inaccessible, or, conversely, re-experiencing trauma against their will (e.g. flashbacks, intrusive images, body memories, etc.)
   Difficulty with relationships may seem like a natural progression since each area mentioned thus far can affect how fruitful your relationships are. But, these challenges go beyond a lack in quality or richness. This refers more to a survivor's potential to feel completely isolated from peers and not even knowing how to engage, to harboring an outright refusal to trust anyone (or just not knowing why they ever should), trusting people way too easily (including those who are dangerous, due to a dulled sense of alarm), perpetually searching for a rescuer or to do the rescuing, seeking out friends and partners who are hurtful or abusive because it's the only thing that feels familiar, or even abruptly abandoning relationships that are going well for any number of reasons.    With this in mind, and knowing more about the depths to which C-PTSD sufferers battle with their self-perception and interpersonal relationships, it may make it easier to empathize with them on the next category, which is:
   The perception of one's perpetrators. This can be one of the most insidious battles for some survivors with Complex PTSD -- even if it seems crystal clear to those on the outside. Victims of such prolonged trauma may eventually surrender, assuming their abuser(s) total power over them, possibly even maintaining this belief once they're 'free'. "I'll always be under their thumb, they call all the shots, they may even know what's best for me more than I ever will." Others may feel deep sadness or profound guilt at just the thought of leaving them - including long after they've successfully left, if they were able. Some may remain transfixed by their abuser's charming side or the warm public persona that everyone loves; it may feel truly impossible to think ill of them. Many hold a constant longing for their abusers to just love them - craving their praise well into adulthood, slaving away in their personal lives just to make them proud. Alternatively, there are others who may obsess about them angrily, holding only hatred and disdain for them to the point of persistent bitterness and/or vengefulness. Some can even stir desires to seek that revenge. (Though, it should be clearly noted that it's not at all common for them to actually do so. It's more about the thoughts than the actions.)
   Many survivors can have a primary, more surface-layer set of thoughts and feelings about their perpetrator(s), particularly when asked. They may know what they're "supposed to say" or "supposed to feel", and then follow suit. But it's helpful to know that a collection of all these responses can, and often does, coexist within one person, vacillating between extremes underneath what's shown to the world or even to themselves. Day to day, and year to year, their feelings may shift - and - what the survivor knows to be true intellectually versus what they feel emotionally may remain incongruent for a very long time.
   One's 'System of Meanings'.  Of the many, many well-observed developmental disruptions those with C-PTSD face, one that many find to be the toughest to conquer, even with therapy, is one with which we hope to offer the most help and support. That area is what's referred to as one's 'system of meanings' ; an area that, after being subjected to such tumultuous trauma, can feel almost irreparable. What this criterion is referring to is the struggle to hold on to any kind of sustaining faith or belief that justice will ever be served to indiscretions of ethics and morality. These survivors' outlook on life and the world at large can be unfairly contorted, and understandably so.
   They may doubt there is any goodness or kindness in the world that isn't selfish-hearted. They may worry they'll never find forgiveness. Others may even believe they only came to this world to be hurt, so there can be no good coming for them. This level of hopelessness and despair, as well as these greater meanings assigned to their suffering, can fluctuate greatly over time. There may even come several years where things no longer feel so bleak or as though they were conned of a meaningful life. But, as more layers of trauma are processed in therapy, or new memories bubble to the surface, they may wrestle with it once more as new feelings strike a devastating chord inside their chest. This is a common experience for so many survivors, and can have lasting ramifications with each plunge. We want to be here to help bring pause to those deep swings into the darkness - doing what we can to keep survivors in the light a little longer. Or, better yet, support them in adding some of that light inside of themselves. That way, even if they need to hide in the darkness for a bit, the light never leaves them for good.  We're still here.
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crimeronan · 3 years
Can you explain the appeal of Julian Blackthorn? This is a genuine question because I read the books and came away utterly bored by him and unconvinced of his moral greyness as opposed to like, Adam Parrish’s. He seemed so one dimensional to me but I want to know if I’m Wrong TM considering I tend to be very very biased toward my favourite characters and bored by the rest, and my favourites were Mark and Kieran. So maybe I just didn’t pay him enough attention??
it’s been a while since i wrote any earnest tsc meta but cringe culture is dead and the chance to infodump about my julian thoughts has me vibrating where i’m sitting so.  yes okay.
technical stuff
(aka: things pertaining to How The Story Is Constructed)
cassandra clare’s characterization has become much stronger just in general since she first began writing the series like twenty years ago
perhaps most importantly: the more recent stuff i’ve read from her has involved characters who actually grow, change, and learn from their past mistakes 
rather than repeating the same stupid decisions over and over again
and over and over and over some more
seriously take a shot every time someone in tmi miscommunicates or self-destructs in ways They Have Learned Not To Do for no real reason. u will die of alcohol poisoning
in tda this shines ESPECIALLY with the evolution of mark, kieran, and cristina’s relationship, but that’s a separate post
clare’s trademark is also the angsty traumatized jerkass love interest with a secret heart of gold
the woman is almost singlehandedly responsible for draco in leather pants and the proliferation of this kind of character type in fandom and teen lit. this isn’t a criticism it’s me marveling at how if you commit hard enough to a single trope you truly can change the world.  follow your dreams
sad jackass with a heart of gold isn’t an Inherently Problematic Character Type
but poorly done it can lead to relationship dynamics in which one partner is constantly being hurt by and then forgiving the other despite them making no real effort to change, because they are narratively absolved due to being sad
(there’s a lot of this with earlier jace content.  in some ways i think will was later created specifically to be a same-archetype protagonist who actually does get called on his shit and grow. that’s also another post)
also if all of your sexy male love interests are tortured jackasses with a heart of gold then people start calling you a one-trick pony
enter julian blackthorn!
from the very start everything about him is designed to be the INVERSE of the heart of gold jackass.  which immediately makes him interesting just from a meta perspective
(mark and kieran are also both alternate angles on this time-honored archetype.  mark gets the heart of gold and kieran gets the jackass and then they’re both much more deeply messy than that.  yet another post)
julian is kind, self-sacrificing, empathetic, artistic, emotionally supportive, responsible, and favored by old grannies everywhere
so a completely nonthreatening milquetoast guy, right
immediately forgettable if you’re only here for the dramatic conflicts and shithead antics of clare’s other protags
except that he is A Mess
and that he has structured his priorities very carefully, and they are as selfless as you expect from The Hero (TM) but they are also Not Heroic (TM) and they do not align with the moral framework The Hero (TM) is supposed to use
moral ambiguity in characters always exists in relation to their narratives imo. you mention adam parrish - trc’s narrative already mucks around in different ethical shades of gray, and adam falls on the canon scale about where julian does on his canon scale.  both more willing than the average pov character to do the ruthless thing or make the fucked-up choice if the ends justify the means; both with an intensely strong sense of internal priorities that they adhere to at all costs, both so unbelievably fucking down for murder; etc
i do think there are ways julian’s choices could have been pushed even further, but considering the number of readers who hate his guts already, i can see why clare opted not to go for the most controversial possible conflicts
so we’re flipping the narrative
instead of seeing this angsty bad boy and peeling back the layers of his trauma to find his heart of gold, we’re seeing the put-together selfless family man and peeling back the layers of his Responsibility Mask to expose the rotting husk underneath
then when julian DOES lash out in hurtful, uncontrolled ways, he has significantly more narrative justification for it than most of clare’s protagonists (will elaborate in characterization thoughts)
julian is also interesting as fuck because of how his struggles allow for a more in-depth look at the failings of shadowhunter society, something that’s also sorely lacking in clare’s earlier work
his apparent amorality is simply the result of him making pragmatic and impossible choices because he has been faced with fucked-up ethical dilemmas since age 12 Because Society Has Failed Him
which opens the door for narrative exploration of how and why he’s been failed so badly & what needs to change
i also love that he has such a coldly calculated way of analyzing situations and allowing harm to occur when need be, bc a lot of clare’s early protagonists have such a bad case of Rush In And Get Myself Killed Because I’ve Got Feelings About Impulsive Heroism syndrome that i wanna push them in front of a truck
probably there’s other meta narrative stuff i could say but i’m stopping myself and moving on to character analysis
characterization stuff
(aka: reasons why i’m also attached to him in a vacuum)
i don’t read him as one-dimensional at all tbh
u may feel the narrative pushes “ruthless julian blackthorn” too much without delivering enough actual ruthless julian But i don’t think that’s the same as having only one dimension
from the get-go, the big question centered on julian is always “how far are you willing to go?” and the narrative pushes the stakes slowly higher and higher to continuously test julian’s “the price is always justified” mindset
he has a far more layered and realistic response to trauma than clare’s early protagonists - trauma affects every single aspect of his personality and how he conducts himself, and the effects vary depending on the circumstances
his conviction that he has to be the perfect parent to his siblings because they will fall apart if they see him show weakness??  rooted in how he feels like he’s fallen apart since losing the stable adult support he once relied upon
his willingness to hurt semi-innocent people, commit coldblooded murder, manipulate people using political leverage, allow harm to befall any stranger if it protects his family??  rooted in how he has already had to ask himself how much he’s willing to sacrifice, and how his family is his only source of stability when the world has never done Shit for him
his conviction that he has a darker heart than anyone else because he killed his possessed father, even though intellectually he knows he was saving his brother’s life??  rooted in having no means of processing this trauma and being unable to voice his feelings for fear of backlash from a deeply non-understanding society
the way he represses every single negative emotion he ever has, to the point where emma - his actual literal magic soulmate who can feel his emotions - is startled to find him hurting or angry??  once again all about how he has to be the perfect father or he’s failed completely
the way his anger is so totally disproportionate to different situations and the way his negative emotions can only come out in completely uncontrolled breaks??  all that repression baybey.  this kid has not processed a single bad feeling in five years.  every single real grievance and petty annoyance has been festering indefinitely inside him like a slowly spreading infection
julian’s arc involves him needing to get thru being his worst self to actually start to heal
as in, he has to actually learn to acknowledge his feelings, take care of himself, lean on his family, and let other people take some responsibility
he also has to learn that in his quest to be the perfect emotionally controlled authority figure, he has not actually learned how to control or deal with his emotions. like. At Fucking All. good god
the narrative setup is also about asking “how far are you willing to go?” until the answer is finally “not this far.  not this far”
and once he reaches that point, he has to reevaluate everything about how he weighs his priorities and morals and plans, etc
(i also like that emma has a perpendicular arc in which she’s always the one tempering julian and telling him “no we can’t go that far” until she’s willing to do something horrific that he absolutely won’t and HE has to stop HER. very sexy)
it’s also just really nice to have a character who’s learned to relate so well to literally every single member of his family while still having a very detached ruthless interior consciousness. i have similar feelings about how adam teaches himself to love people, but with julian it’s spelled out more explicitly in canon & it’s a more central character theme
i’m sure i’m also forgetting stuff here but this post is long enough so i’m gonna say good enough
and like i said in the tags on my other post, there are things i’d personally write differently if it were my story - plot points i’d shift, character contrasts i’d up, themes i’d explore differently, pacing i’d adjust, etc.  i have plenty of ways i could be nitpicky and editorial about the effectiveness of julian’s arc.  but i also don’t feel like writing them out at the moment & none of my critiques on effectiveness have an impact on the core appeal of his character 2 me.  he’s so fucking good
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little thoughts about sagittarius placements
Sagittarius Sun
― a desire to be noticed for their wisdom and ability to bounce back from anything life throws at them. feels like they have a right to voice their opinion about other people’s moral and ethical values. levels of vitality are connected to their inspiration in life. open-minded by nature. the ego here can get very much caught up in being seen as someone all-knowing and all-powerful, so much so that they create fantasies and projections around their true self. can get annoyed when people question the way they live their life. can hold themselves back when they don’t see the silver lining in things. can help another shine light on the power of self-belief. 
Sagittarius Moon
― temperament is usually slanted towards an optimistic, jovial nature. less likely to hold grudges. doesn’t take much personal, unless what they believe in is being attacked. needs to be careful of falling into toxic positivity. prefers not to dwell too much in emotionally suffocating situations. can be seen as insensitive or someone who perceives things bigger than they really are. emotions can manifest egotistically, brashly, expansively, acceptingly and jokingly. sensitive to people who try to rewrite how they feel about a given situation. in connecting with others, they appreciate people who don’t things too seriously. reactions can be explosive, but humour interjected in it tempers it slightly.
Sagittarius Mercury
― a philosophical mind, who isn’t afraid to question someone or bring ethics into the question. someone who likes to be regarded well for their opinion. a fan of debates. honesty is the best policy. likely to say how it is. tends to speak about justices/injustices in the collective society. can be tolerable of other people’s thoughts if it doesn’t align with them. needs to be careful of separatist thoughts. can spin their truth to make them look good. Great at lifting other people’s spirits. needs to be careful of not shoving the truth down other people’s throats. tends to like learning things that will help them personally grow and get further in life. takes you on a journey with their stories. 
Sagittarius Venus
― tends to be attracted to people who are different to them in some way; background, skin colour, etc. love matters are pursued with confidence but a relaxed attitude. can have an ‘appetite’ for dating and prefer a friends with benefits situation. if they do get into a relationship, it may not look super serious on the outside but inside, they hold it in the highest regard. needs someone who is willing to experience things together. love is all about the experience. the ‘up for anything friend. people look to them to get the party started. attracted to people who embody their personal truth, and have fun whilst doing that. May resonate with the term sapiosexuals. 
Sagittarius Mars
― life experiences test their inner faith in themselves with each redirection rejuvenating their belief system. can be motivated to achieve things so they can be a role model for others. starts things with gusto and lofty ideals. if it doesn’t align with what they believe in, they will have little drive to pursue it. one to talk up for the people who society disregard. can get distracted by the next best thing. in the bedroom, they may like a little bit of risk involve somehow like public sex. not a lot can faze them sexually as they’re pretty chill with whatever.  morals and sex can intermingle; either dismissing them or being acutely aware of them. in an argument, they may possibly wave off the nuances of something and instead talk about the bigger picture of something; the end goal. up-tight or hypocritical people can irritate them.
Sagittarius Jupiter
― seeks to grow and improve themselves by living what they preach. opportunities for expansion come whey they don’t get hung up on trying to convert people into believers but holding space for others. needs to be careful of being too complacent in life. usually cultured in some way. an interest in foreign cultures, religions, races and social systems, often expressed through study and long trips to foreign places. manifesting can come easy to them when their intentions are grounded. escapism can occur when they struggle to find meaning in life as it’s what drives them forward. their sense of self is very much connected to their moral/ethical standpoint in life. having no one to talk about things on a more philosophical, far reaching level can make them feel isolated. 
Sagittarius Saturn
― can feel blocked in their ability to muster up the courage to take risks in life. can feel looked down by society for not being as travelled, cultured or intelligent as they’d like to be. they could have a fear in relation to their ability to see things from an abstract perspective and relay this information to others. could feel unlucky in life. they need to cultivate their inner fire in themselves. has a deep need for some intellectual, philosophical or spiritual achievement which will bring distinction. can motivate others to align themselves to what inspires in life and just funnel their energy into that. guides people how to take calculated risks in life. in this lifetime, they need to view structures in life as guidelines, not blocks. 
― more about sagittarius  
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Some people gon be mad at me, but I gotta say it...
Some Scully fans don't understand Scully or her relationship/feelings with/for Mulder.
Scully's relationship with Mulder is this utterly pure thing that is grounded by how much she genuinely cares, respects, and supports him as a person. When you understand Scully's perception of Mulder in this view, seeing her as some long suffering woman doesn't make any sense.
Most of the time Scully sacrifices or choosing Mulder isn't based on romantic feelings, it's based in moral and ethical values and what she holds important. The show sets this up early.
In Squeeze, Tom asks "who's side are you on" and Scully says, "the victim."
This coincides with the side Mulder is on.
Tom was obstructing the case due to his on bias and hatred of Mulder. Despite Mulder's pettiness, Scully understands that Mulder will always prioritize the victim. She chose justice (Mulder) over pettiness (Tom).
When Scully declines a second date with the single father, she's choosing knowledge and curiosity over romance and her personal life.
Interestingly enough, Mulder never asked her to choose him. He's always asked her to be honest about the truth, but he never put her in that situation to prioritize him over her own professional goals or personal life. In fact, he would've understood if she did and said as much.
So when I say some Scully fans don't understand Scully, I'm not being insulting or intentionally rude, I'm saying they're overlooking small character moments that inform her characterization throughout the series.
Scully was not only a workaholic, she LOVED her work. And there wasn't just an obligation to Mulder, it was to the victims as well. I often think about how in this universe, if Mulder and Scully hadn't investigated these cases, either no one would've or it would've never been solved. It must've been something Scully also thought about as well.
Scully mentioned a few times that she joined the FBI to make a difference. Not for prestige or make a name for herself, but to make a difference. She didn't throw away her career for Mulder, she was exactly where she wanted to be. Those other cases handled by mainstream agents were always going to be investigated and solved (if possible), but x file cases?
There's a reason Mulder was called from bumfuck, Kansas or backwoods, West Virginia. There was no one else. Her and Mulder were the only two who took these things seriously.
But also, Scully genuinely genuinely cared for Mulder. Not because she wanted to fuck him, thought he was hot, or really wanted to date him. She enjoyed him as a person. Like truly. After working with him, understanding this beliefs, and meeting many victims, the x files became her passion project too. She attached herself to Mulder because there was no one alive she respected more than him. Someone who stood by their convictions regardless of what others thought to the betterment of people besides him.
He had his flaws, but the great parts of Mulder truly outshined the worst parts of him.
People often overlook how much the x files and her experience changed Scully. The deadpan, straight to the point Scully we know and love came to fruition in season 5. Believe me, I checked. Remember, Scully used to be goofy, open, and free. Then she was abducted, given cancer, kidnapped, sister killed over mistaken identity, etc. That changes a person.
But none of this is Mulder's fault. Mulder changed her in the best way possible. He opened her mind up and challenged her--it was intellectual. Those other things I mentioned made Scully pull within herself and close off. It made her guarded. So suffered so much emotional and mental and literal physical trauma.
As a result, her social interactions changed.
As a reminder, she became a workaholic because of her passion for the x files and she enjoyed it. Then to add on to that, her work was wild as hell, hard to explain, and some of it classified. Scully lived such a unique experience that regularly interacting with others would've been frustrating, exhausting, and her having a sense of feeling misunderstood. And dating would've been a minefield.
Thing is: Scully didn't mind this change to her life. This isn't to say that Scully didn't want or have any friends, it's to say that she didn't strive to have a booming social life nor did she care. Again, she VOLUNTARILY became a workaholic and threw away a normal life for paranormal shit. Someone who does that isn't trying to meet friends for happy hour on Friday or planning to have serious relationships any time soon.
Not only that, some people live lives like this right now and have incredibly fulfilling lives. Some people just work and have one or two friends and they're living their best lives. The idea that just because Scully doesn't have an active dating life and a circle of friends she regularly talks to means that her life is dour is so flawed.
Scully's eventual dissatisfaction with her life was rooted in her believing she should want things that she didn't want. Scully could've walked away. She could've said enough, instead she kept finding reasons to stay because she wanted to be on the x files. And it's quite clear that you can't work on the x files and have a normal life. She didn't want both, she wanted the life that she chose.
At that time, Scully was unable to articulate just how much she wanted to be with Mulder, which is why she positions, "Don't you want to get out of the car?"
She wanted moments of normalcy with him.
And it isn't just because Mulder gets that life because he lives it, its because Scully is actually in love with Mulder for who he is. She's seen Mulder at his best and at his worst and loves every part of him.
Whatever feelings Scully had for Mulder in the past that she pushed away, she couldn't do it anymore. She loved Mulder in a way she couldn't put into words. It was the truest feeling she ever felt, the most sincere thing and she hadn't realized it yet. Then, when she does, it takes them time to get there because Mulder is literally the most important person in her life.
Which seeds were planted back in season 2. In "Little Green Men" (I think), the thought of not working with Mulder saddened Scully because it meant she wouldn't get to see and talk to him. Mulder made a huge impression on her and became important to her very quickly.
So imagine 5-7 years down the road...embracing this feeling and the thought of losing Mulder if things went south would've been devastating for Scully. She wouldn't lose just a partner, she'd lose a best friend too.
Because she genuinely cared for him and he's her literal best friend.
The love Scully feels for Mulder surpasses known definitions of romantic love because her feelings aren't centered in that. She loves him on levels that most people can't imagine. Scully cares for Mulder so much and she shows that by listening to him and protecting him even if Mulder doesn't think he needs protection. She validates him and doesn't trivialize his beliefs even when she doesn't agree with them. It doesn't matter who the person is, Scully will always go to bat for Mulder because he only ever had himself and he needs to someone to say "hey, you're not alone and you're taken seriously."
I bring this up to say, the idea that Mulder doesn't deserve Scully when Scully clearly wants him is flawed. The idea that Mulder should be lucky that Scully "puts up" with him is flawed. The idea that Scully would ever tell Mulder as such or anything resembling (and stressing how she could've been happy with this perfect other man) is flawed. Those first two things are categorically wrong and the last is something Scully would never do because she loves Mulder and that is harmful. Scully would never tell Mulder something that would harm him or that she believed could.
All Things is so pivotal because Scully stops concerning herself with what she believe she should want and embracing what she actually wants: investigating x files and living an unconventional life with Mulder.
Scully wants that.
Not dating around, girls night, or frequent intimate get togethers with her family. She wants to investigate haunted houses on Christmas Eve and discover invisible bodies and help victims find justice.
After her and Mulder get together, she's committed to him. She waited so long to be with him that even while he was in hiding, she never considered dating anyone else. Emotionally and spiritually, she'd been married to him. Now that they'd been together, she didn't want anyone else but him.
Like there's so many layers to this, which hasn't even taken the "like a switch" speech. Or her reaction to Diana, which had multiple levels--romantic, platonic, and professional.
Lastly, the idea that Scully was waiting around for Mulder (to ask her out) is such a basic take. Scully wasn't waiting on Mulder, she prioritized their working relationship over romance AND she knew Mulder had his own stuff going on with himself. Even if she had wanted to date then, she didn't fault Mulder for not asking her out. All the shit he'd been through and was going through, Scully was more concerned about his emotional well-being opposed to upset that he hadn't pursued her.
Although I do get the criticism and the desire for Scully to date, have on screen friends, and shit, it just doesn't track with what we've seen and know of Scully.
Like, this woman almost went on the run with Mulder after knowing him for 2-3 years. They only reason they didn't was because she wanted to see her sister who'd been shot. The reason she almost went on the run was due to moral and ethical reasons and not romance, however, my point is that Scully's convictions and priorities is why her life was the way it was and that's the way she wanted it to be. She then went on the run with him when she didn't have to, but we know she would because 1. his sentence was an injustice (we know how Scully feels about justice) 2. she was madly in love with him and refused to continue living her life without him.
Once again, Scully is discarding any notion of normalcy because she didn't want it and hadn't wanted it since getting assigned to the x files.
And that's on that.
(And it's why I object to the characterization of their relationship in IWTB and seasons 10 and 11. Although it's fine and makes sense for their relationship to have issues at times, the writers handled it so cavalierly and without thought. You cannot have the backbone of the show in a romantic falling out and not address it--not really. They don't try to genuinely deal with such a situation because it's melodrama, but my question is: why introduce it in the first place. If it isn't worth being addressed, it's not worth being introduced. Mulder and Scully had a chat or two, but it was so superficial and lacked teeth. It's not that I wanted the show to focus on them romantically, I just want the show to not bullshit or half ass shit they're introducing and bringing up is all.)
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impalementation · 4 years
have you ever written your thoughts on the bathroom scene in seeing red? do u think it was the right thing to do?
ah geez. someone asked this once a while back and i demurred, mainly because i don’t like courting discourse. i just like analyzing things. but whatever, here are my thoughts. under a cut for obvious reasons.
i think the the basic summary of my feelings is: (1) intellectually, there are a lot of reasons the choice makes sense. i think it clearly fits with the season’s obsession with violation and control, as well as the ambiguous consent in the spike/buffy relationship. spike’s tendency to conflate love/sex and violence, and romanticize that conflation, is a pretty central part of his character. i kind of suspect anything less than sexual assault would have felt on some level like chickening out. like not biting the bullet of a lot of ideas they had been playing with for a while, both in the season and with spike himself. i can also see how the unsettling realism of the scene fits into the season’s “horror of mundanity” ideas. (2) morally, i can see the argument for really wanting to make it clear that the negative sides of spike’s character should not be romanticized. i can understand the writers being frustrated that they were trying to depict an unhealthy relationship, but having many members of their audience excuse it anyway. but (3) emotionally, i hate watching it, and unlike many other things that i’ve hated watching on the show, i don’t feel like the show makes it fully worth my while. either in the immediate or long run. watching the body is painful as fuck, but it’s an artistic sort of pain. or to compare to other media, the movie irreversible is famous for depicting a long, graphic rape with a nauseating degree of realism. but again, i feel like the movie makes that unpleasantness worth my while.
it also makes me really uncomfortable to know how terrible that scene was for marsters to film. i think there’s some degree of discomfort to be expected in making art, and i think it’s fair that if actors and writers and etc have signed contracts that they be expected to fulfill them. for instance, i think the writers were within their rights to stick to their artistic vision for the season even though it made gellar uneasy at times. but if you’re at the point of putting your actor into the fetal position between takes, and sending them to therapy, that crosses a line for me. maybe not legally, but certainly ethically. it would cross a line even if the content was something that didn’t seem like it “should” have that effect on an actor. it especially crosses a line considering my above observations about feeling like it wasn’t fully worth it.
but i’ll also say that every other suggestion i’ve read for what they should have done instead has left me unsatisfied. so i have some sympathy for the writers. i don’t think biting would have worked at all, symbolically. spike has just never been depicted as caring all that much about buffy’s blood. his character conflict is not about seeing buffy as food or not. it’s between loving in a possessive, boundary-crossing way and loving in more noble and selfless way. and rape is the ultimate in crossing boundaries (also the ultimate in love/sex-as-violence). it also fits much better as a parallel to warren, given that it’s “real world” the way a shooting is, and given warren’s near-rape of katrina in dead things. i know that people disparage whedon and noxon for adding the attempted rape part after not feeling like the scene was intense enough as-is but…i can’t lie. i see their point. or i understand their instinct, at least.
i think, however, that there may have been a way to execute the idea that left the audience more artistically satisfied. buffy’s injury is just so contrived, for instance. and the commercial break is pretty crass, even if it’s a standard tv convention (put an ad break on a character in peril!). and those things leave you with a feeling that the subject isn’t being handled in a particularly respectful way, which leaves you with the feeling that it wasn’t actually artistically necessary. also, while i do actually think that the scene fits with buffy’s season six arc (specifically, the assault and the gunshot wound both emphasize the fragility of her physical body/existence, which she has spent the season treating somewhat carelessly. the fact that she shoves spike off is important for showing the tragic necessity of having respect for one’s physicality in that way, and that buffy is at a place where she does, and unambiguously would no longer welcome something like being shot.), i think the writing could have made that aspect much stronger and more obvious. which would have helped in making the scene feel more worthwhile.
so i think—and again, this is only speaking 100% personally—my ultimate attitude is that the content of seeing red (all of it, not just that one scene) was more or less the “correct” thing to do, but the episode should have been a masterpiece in execution. an a+ instead of a b+. it should have been irrefutable. it should have gotten the attention and care that the very best episodes of the show got. it should have been stylistically incredible from start to finish, with character motivations so believable and clear that all you can do is be awed by the tragedy of what happens. instead of feeling like the writing took a knife to your stomach and then asked you to be impressed at how shocking it was. it should have made the actors as proud to have accomplished as once more, with feeling. and yeah, maybe that sort of effort wasn’t possible at that time because of outside constraints, maybe everyone was worn out. but i don’t think it’s an unrealistic thing to want considering the standard the show had proven itself capable of working at. basically, for all that i understand (and even respect) the choice creatively, and can analyze a ton about it, and can see how it’s a product of the same boldness that led to many things i loved in season six...i also can’t help thinking that they shouldn’t have done it unless they were willing to commit to doing it with more consideration. both for their actors and their audience.
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Dylan Bruton
CMMA 422
Professor Harris
25 September 2021
                                                                                     Blog Post-Ethical Philosophies
Ethical philosophies are integral in promoting and encouraging conducive and responsible behavior and mentalities within our society.  Without those at hand, we would descend into total anarchy and chaos. Interestingly enough, one of the principles listed, hedonism, is in closer relation to anarchy and chaos from a modern connotation. At its philosophical root from the philosopher Aristippus, it is purely about living a life in the moment of seeking pleasure and enjoyment BUT of the mind, not physical desires. In present time, it is moreso associated with narcissistic carnal minded nihilism rooted in living for today since tomorrow is not promised. On the surface in complete juxtaposition is the philosophy of utilitarianism. This focuses more on the wants and needs of the collective community or group that’ll in total benefit everyone positively as opposed to just the individual. Following the initial foundation of utilitarianism by scholars such as Jeremy Bentham and Joseph Priestly, John Stuart Mill amplified upon the idea further. He distinguished that intellectual happiness takes precedence over physical happiness because to be of sound mind and judgement allows one to think at a higher aptitude in positive strategizing. In Mill’s perception, certain actions that could be deemed as “harmful” are only justifiable if their proverbial means to an end turn out to benefit the large collective total. Ironically enough, though seemingly different on the surface, there have been some scholars who have seen some of the nuance in both, combined utilitarianism and hedonism into ‘hedonistic utilitarianism” which suggests that “the right action is the one that produces (or is most likely to produce) the greatest net happiness for all concerned” (https://iep.utm.edu/hedonism/). This could surprisingly be a possible precursor to the philosophy of the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule encourages morally to do unto others what you would want for yourself or in the religious context, ‘Love thy neighbor like you love yourself”. Dating back to the ancient days of Greece with philosophers like Pittacus of Mytilene, Thales of Miletus, and Epictetus, who were all considered part of the renowned Seven Sages of Greece, in one variation or another they all emphasized treating all people with genuine respect and generosity. Incorporating the aspect of positive in the moment interactions would be from a hedonistic perspective of living free in the mind while the aspect of thinking selflessly and compassionately is moreso from the angle of utilitarianism. Many think because religions incorporate The Golden Rule and some principles of utilitarianism reject traditions and customs enforced by religion that those two would hold no relation. However that becomes more a matter in which these religious faiths are practiced and what is being taught as opposed to morally and ethically. This level of discernment in how information is professed and understood can even find itself in a philosophical concept like the Veil of Ignorance. Under the Veil of Ignorance, slightly similar to The Golden Rule, all people regardless of race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, belief system etc. are equal in terms of how they can be judged and treated. In an idealist society, this would remove any systemic subjugating “isms” that marginalize, oppress, or hinder people institutionally but this philosophy as coined by John Rawls in 1971 is more in connection to the way humans treat one another. The ability to remove presumptive judgement on somebody grants more compassion and understanding to potentially be able to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”. Yet given the contradictions and inadequacies that exist in this world and society, can undeniable wrongs NOT be called out and identified? This is where the last philosophical principle, Categorical Imperative, emerges. Described as the definitive concept of right is right and wrong is wrong, philosopher Immanuel Kant’s studies and critiques of reason lead to him founding this ideology. The word Categorical means absolute while the word Imperative means vital or important. Combining the two, it leads to understanding that the principles and morals that are unequivocally just, need to be preserved and promoted. In short many of these philosophical principles incorporate a multitude of each other simultaneously. But  in a microcosmic world, being able to think and understand concepts macrocosmically will serve to the individual in creating the best collective community in total. 
My ethical philosophies naturally incorporate a variety of perspectives and ideas so I can conclude to a higher level of understanding. If I was to condense that to a sole philosophy principle on the list, I’d say I adhere to The Golden Rule and Categorical Imperative the most. I believe that there are indistinguishable rights and wrongs within this society that I morally believe or repudiate but I’m not a judgmental person. I try to treat everyone I encounter with respect and genuine class unless I’m given a reason to move differently. I’ve unofficially practiced stoicism for the last 3 years or so and emotionally removed myself from attachment to Earthly things so my level of coolness and peace within myself is very high. It is not always easy however and I’m consistently tested both carnally and spiritually but as a believer in God, I believe there is nothing that comes in my life that I cannot endure and survive and eventually overcome. Not everyone is rooted in the same ideologies as I am but I’m a Man of principle and code so those who operate in that mindset often can connect and understand my perspectives. I have a great respect for ethical, existential, and philosophical principles and the ability to question other conceptual topics within society.
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contextualalice · 3 years
Research Essay
·       Born 5 January 1941) is a Japanese animator, director, producer, screenwriter, author, and manga artist. A co-founder of Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio, he has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of animated feature films, and is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished filmmakers in the history of animation.
·      Miyazaki co-founded Studio Ghibli in 1985
·      Hayao Miyazaki was born on 5 January 1941, in the town of Akebono-cho in Bunkyō, Tokyo, the second of four sons.[1][c] His father, Katsuji Miyazaki (c. 1915 – 18 March 1993),[3] was the director of Miyazaki Airplane, which manufactured rudders for fighter planes during World War II.[4] The business allowed his family to remain affluent during Miyazaki's early life.[5][d] In 1944, when Miyazaki was three years old, his family evacuated to Utsunomiya.[4] After the bombing of Utsunomiya in July 1945, Miyazaki's family evacuated to Kanuma.[5] The bombing left a lasting impression on Miyazaki, who was aged four at the time.[5] From 1947 to 1955, Miyazaki's mother suffered from spinal tuberculosis; she spent the first few years in hospital, before being nursed from home.[4] Miyazaki's mother was a strict, intellectual woman, who regularly questioned "socially accepted norms"
·      He aspired to become a manga artist,[11] but discovered he could not draw people; instead, he only drew planes, tanks, and battleships for several years.[11] Miyazaki was influenced by several manga artists, such as Tetsuji Fukushima, Soji Yamakawa and Osamu Tezuka. Miyazaki destroyed much of his early work, believing it was "bad form" to copy Tezuka's style as it was hindering his own development as an artist
·      Miyazaki's works are characterized by the recurrence of themes such as humanity's relationship with nature and technology, the wholesomeness of natural and traditional patterns of living, the importance of art and craftsmanship, and the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic in a violent world. The protagonists of his films are often strong girls or young women, and several of his films present morally ambiguous antagonists with redeeming qualities
·       Miyazaki's film Princess Mononoke was the first animated film ever to win the Japan Academy Prize for Picture of the Year, and briefly became the highest-grossing film in Japan following its release in 1997;[a] its distribution to the Western world greatly increased Ghibli's popularity and influence outside Japan. His 2001 film Spirited Away became the highest-grossing film in Japanese history,[b] winning the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 75th Academy Awards, and is frequently ranked among the greatest films of the 2000s
·      Born in Bunkyō ward of Tokyo, Miyazaki expressed interest in manga and animation from an early age, and he joined Toei Animation in 1963. During his early years at Toei Animation he worked as an in-between artist and later collaborated with director Isao Takahata. 
·      In September 2013, Miyazaki announced that he was retiring from the production of feature films due to his age, but wished to continue working on the displays at the Studio Ghibli Museum
·      In August 2016, Miyazaki proposed a new feature-length film, How Do You Live?, on which he began animation work without receiving official approval.[155] In December 2020, Suzuki stated that the film's animation was "half finished" and added that he does not expect the film to release for another three years
 Possible Hayao Legacy’s:
·      Traditional Art/Animation (compare to Walt Disney – timeline)
·      Timeless messages despite set eras/worlds etc…
·      His artistic style
·      Expressionism and Surrealism doesn’t seem to stray too far from reality
·      Harmony of art and music
·      Tells his own stories through his work (like a grandfather to all his viewers exaggerating his life stories to the viewers)
 Walt Disney Overview:
·       Walter Elias Disney (/ˈdɪzni/;[1] December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966) was an American entrepreneur, animator, writer, voice actor and film producer. A pioneer of the American animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons. As a film producer, Disney holds the record for most Academy Awards earned by an individual, having won 22 Oscars from 59 nominations. He was presented with two Golden Globe Special Achievement Awards and an Emmy Award, among other honors. Several of his films are included in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress.
·       Born in Chicago in 1901, Disney developed an early interest in drawing. He took art classes as a boy and got a job as a commercial illustrator at the age of 18. He moved to California in the early 1920s and set up the Disney Brothers Studio with his brother Roy. With Ub Iwerks, Walt developed the character Mickey Mouse in 1928, his first highly popular success; he also provided the voice for his creation in the early years. As the studio grew, Disney became more adventurous, introducing synchronized sound, full-color three-strip Technicolor, feature-length cartoons and technical developments in cameras. 
·       Disney was a shy, self-deprecating and insecure man in private but adopted a warm and outgoing public persona. He had high standards and high expectations of those with whom he worked. Although there have been accusations that he was racist or anti-Semitic, they have been contradicted by many who knew him. His reputation changed in the years after his death, from a purveyor of homely patriotic values to a representative of American imperialism. He nevertheless remains an important figure in the history of animation and in the cultural history of the United States, where he is considered a national cultural icon. His film work continues to be shown and adapted; his namesake studio and company maintains high standards in its production of popular entertainment, and the Disney amusement parks have grown in size and number to attract visitors in several countries.
Miyazaki’s Legacy in comparison to Walt Disney
 ·      Miyazaki’s Legacy has the potential to keep developing as he has come out of retirement, whereas Walt Disney cannot because he is dead.
·      Disney’s iconic 2D style started to decline in 2005 after the release of Chicken Little, but officially came to an end in 2013 with their 3D movies rising rapidly to success.
·      Ghibli released its first 3D animated movie Earwig and the Witch in 2020 without Miyazaki’s involvement and ended up not being as successful. However Miyazaki himself is out of retirement and working on his own 2D movie for which is far more anticipated. Proves his legacy is still strong because the Ghibli name is so heavily tied to his style despite it not conforming to the 3D take over.
·      Although exaggerated, Ghibli seems to capture emotion more realistically imperfect that Disney.
·      A majority of Disney films are based on stories that are already out there, prequels, sequels, remasters etc… whilst although Ghibli takes some inspiration from pre-existing stories… is mostly original.
·      From the beginning till now Miyazaki represented strong, independent women. Disney on the other hand took a lot longer. Could be argued that Disney was around a lot sooner in History when people were less open minded.
·      Ghibli is a lot less censored than Disney, making t both more and less accessible to certain viewers. Even though a majority of Ghibli isn’t too graphic, there are some mature themes that put an age limit on 1 or 2 of the films. Could be seen as what makes Ghibli more realistic and emotionally
·      Though Ghibli has a lack of diversity in its characters, they are otherworldly enough, as well as relatable enough for all audiences to fall in love with. Disney has shown a lot more progression with it’s diversity and representation, however that can’t make up for the offensive undertones he began his legacy with. Neither are perfect but at least Miyazaki never insulted anyone from a different culture.
·      Practically all of Miyazaki’s main characters are human without power or fancy clothing, putting emphasis on the impact everyone and anyone can make on the world. Disney tends use a lot less realistic characters, even humanising those that are not, perhaps to avoid encouraging certain behaviour to children?
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Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all
St. Peter’s Convent, Vikas Puri is one of the most esteemed schools in West Delhi. The school upholds its motto ‘Life and Learning’, emphasizing on not just academic excellence and intellectual growth but also encompassing the aspects of art, athletics, sportsmanship and extra-curricular activities. The school is among the Top 10 Schools in Delhi. The school focuses on providing holistic education through a plethora of activities, which not only encompasses the conventional music and art, but also keeps in mind the current scenario and the rising competition. The school provides regular classes of yoga, taekwondo, western dance and aerobics to its students, thereby enhancing their holistic development. Selecting the best school for your kid is important because schools play a key role in shaping their lives.
The bedrock mission for our school is the education of children and adolescents.  When it comes to SPC, we create a space where children can thrive, not just intellectually, but also emotionally and spiritually.  We try to balance the negative cultural influences, to which the children of this generation are exposed and hence is known as the Best School In Vikas puri. It is also the best school for academic excellence in West Delhi with qualified staff, modern amenities and state of the art infrastructure. It provides learning to the students which would stay lifelong and enable them to become successful in future.
The school help in building the foundation of the children. Thus, the students that study in St. Peter’s Convent have a sparkling career and excel in every field whether it being academics or extra-curricular activities. According to Times of India survey conducted in the year 2019, St. Peter’s Convent, Vikas Puri bagged 7th position in the challengers category in West Zone.
Along with academics, a good school always teaches its students valuable lessons of social skills, conduct, discipline, work ethics, moral values etc. A school widens the horizon of the child by introducing him to diverse points of views and different cultures, which would help them, become a better and stronger person. The best schools also identify the child’s talent and hone it to help them build a flourishing career. Finding the right school for your child is extremely significant because it makes a lot of difference in their career and overall life. Parents are aware of the importance of a good school and what role it can play in their child’s life; hence they want to enroll their kids in the best school in their town. If you aspire for a school in Delhi, which can provide your kids with an immaculate academic education, and can inculcate human values in them too, then you must consider St. Peter’s Convent, Vikas Puri as it is the Best CBSE School in Vikas Puri and among the Best Schools in West Delhi. The security of each ward is our priority and the CCTV cameras have been installed to fulfil the purpose.
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simonjunod · 3 years
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We all remember the one kid in class who always seems to be behind compared to the others. One would think that since they’re the one having a hard time that the teachers or even the system would focus more on that kid’s intellectual and emotional growth. Unfortunately, that rarely happens.
The current educational practices have a skewed rewards system. Students who perform well are given more attention and more accolades, but the students who have a hard time catching up are berated even more under the guise of “motivating him or her” to do better. In the end, the kid loses interest in education, the problem never gets addressed, and nothing changes.
Growing up, we have been accustomed to educational practices that have not always been productive—sometimes these are even destructive. Individuality and specific intelligences are often blurred out through standardized tests, benchmarking, and rankings, thus stunting the holistic growth of students in the process.
Cultivating wholeness and including every aspect of humanity—from STEM to spirituality—in education is critical to raising a more conscious generations. With the world rapidly changing, we cannot afford to raise leaders that are unreflective, ill-informed, and with no connection to their core humanity. In our current educational system, we may raise Doctors, Accountants, Lawyers, and Journalists, but without the Philosophy of Wholeness, we just might be raising Doctors who would not do anything unless for a price, Accountants who manipulate records, Lawyers who will do anything for power and money, and Journalists who frame false information to be true.
According to Scott Forbes, Holistic education is one that “educates all parts of the child”—intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. It sees the child as a whole being, and as part of the greater whole—the advancing society, the environment, their communities, etc. With this approach, educators will continually be asking the question, “how will this child use this information for the greater good?” and not simply teach information for the sake of it. It develops the child’s creative and critical thinking skills, persistence, motivation, and healthy risk-taking. It teaches the child that their moral and ethical choices are deeply linked to the world around them, and that their humanity should be at the core of their goals and aspirations.
This kind of education is a stark contrast to the current trends we have and challenges the practices that reflect materialism and consumerism; practices in which the goal is to compete and consume in the global marketplace. It reduces the child as a mere statistic, turning their complexities into narrow benchmarks with the goal of just making more money for businesses.
Holistic Education has its roots planted in Ancient Wisdom. It is focused on the integration of the vast range of human experiences, one that fosters deep appreciation for learning about the world, nature, and the universe. Holistic education develops one’s identity and encourages one’s connection with the world and the environment around them. Holistic educators try to capture and recover the indigenous and aboriginal people’s sense of meaning and incorporate it to today’s modern education.
The concept of holism, or wholeness, comes from the Greek concept of holon which teaches that the universe is made up of interconnected wholes that cannot be divided into parts. Socrates himself pioneered holistic education when he said, “know thyself”, wherein he encouraged his students to examine their life and see if it reflects the education they receive. Schools of thought inspired by the Philosophy of Wholeness include Perennial Philosophy which teaches divine reality and oneness; Indigenous Worldviews which encompasses Ancient Wisdom and reverence for the universe; Ecological Worldview which explores environmental issues, dialogues with nature, and sustainability; and Feminist ideologies which push for equality, inclusion, and mutual responsibility.
The challenges children face especially in the age of technology are reflected in their self-concept. Internet algorithms often display unrealistic standards that affect their self-esteem. Most of what they see can even be false or dangerous, which can lead to their perceptions becoming skewed. Materially, the world is progressing, but the younger generations are at risk of devolving and disconnecting from their authentic selves. Returning to our roots— to Ancient Wisdom—is the antidote to these issues. When we discover the interconnectedness of our existence, we can make better decisions for ourselves and our communities.
Athena Wisdom Institute is deeply passionate about incorporating Ancient Wisdom to our modern lifestyle, our workplaces, and most importantly, our schools. We recognize the importance of educating all children holistically for the advancement of society, and for the good of our world. We believe that the role of educators is to encourage critical thinking and develop a profound connectedness to humanity, and Athena Wisdom is here to spread this message to leaders around the world.
By: Athena Wisdom Institute
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thestarr-girl · 6 years
My imperfect perfect person
Blue eyes
Long hair
Facial hair
Broad shoulders
Taller and larger than me
V lines (a girl can dream)
Doesn't smoke
Is able to party without drinking
Surfs or skates
Plays an instrument
Speaks another language
Accepts me for me
Feminist : loving me despite my hairy armpits and spiky legs and excessive sweating. Respects my pmsing
Is not a prude: able to be equally gross
Open minded
Not racist, prejudice, homophobic
Respects that I need medication and does not take this personally or judge me
Never compares me to others
Doesn't watch porn
Makes me laugh
Wants to travel, immerse in other cultures, camp, get dirty
Has definite morals and values
Knows who they are
Not work obsessed but has great work ethic
Helps others
Loves and respects his family
Family orientated and will join my family events
Will spend time with my sisters
Will do things with my dad like watch rugby even I've he doesn't enjoy it
Makes an effort with my friends
Has good manners : offers to wash up, clears up, pays for dinner
A romantic
A gentleman. Will go out of his way to do things for me because I will do the same.
An animal person
Is able to laugh at himself
Doesn't take things so seriously when he doesn't need to
Can let his inner child out
Is not afraid to be emotional
Is a romantic
Is confident and secure within our relationship eg sexually experimental, let's me hang out with my guy friends. Understands self harming will most likely not be about him. Does not need me to message him constantly. Understands my cat will always come first. Know that he does not own me or my body
Confident in his sexuality : watches chick flicks, lets me dress him up, can go to gay bars etc.
Independent has his own interests, friends,time.
Includes me in his plans
Will make the time to break down my walls.
Loyal. No exceptions
Is able to apologise and know when he is wrong
Does not hold a grudge
Able to call out my bullshit, able to handle when I call out his
Can teach me new things
Will read with me
Sentimental, knows our anniversary and what certain things mean to me.
Is able to have debates
Good communication skills
Understanding: understanding when I need time alone, when Im not in the mood for sex, my anxiety attacks, my mood swings
Pushes me in an encouraging way
Is a man: Protective in a respectful way, wants to provide, strong physically and emotionally, treats me like a lady but acknowledges me as a strong independent woman.
Wants to grow with me
Cares about making a difference
Does sweet unexpected things
Random dates
Can cook
Will spend the day in bed with me
Will listen and let me be depressed instead of trying to be so positive.
Similar music taste
Similar goals although can take different path to get there
Kisses my forehead
Knows when I'm not alright
Writes me little notes or shows me he is thinking of me in his own way
Tucks me in at night
Kisses my scars
Holds me when I cry
Loves my body for what it is.
Will get drunk with me. Will let me get drunk and look after me
Remembers what I tell him
Will put in the effort during sex. Will not make me feel shit when we don't have sex.
When he says he loves me he really truly means it.
Loves love and will fight even when it gets tough.
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