#instead of being normal people and claiming adoption
frayazicat · 2 months
what if Triplets Dan, Danny, and Ellie?
like, people like to make at least Dan and Danny twins, but why not all three?? i never see that happen.
here's what i'm thinking. Reveal Gone Good, but Danny now has to tell his parents about the OTHER TWO biggest secrets he's kept from them; Dan and Ellie. he's a little hesitant cause this is not Phantom Planet compliant so they don't know about Vlad.
Dan's still in his thermos timeout thinking about what he's done and Ellie is...somewhere.
so, he tells them about his clone and his future self. this includes what Vlad has done to him. does it include who did this? maybe, i don't know. dealer's choice. anyways, the Fenton parents want to meet their new kids.
Team Phantom gets in touch with Ellie to get to FentonWorks as soon as possible while Danny introduces them to Dan.
it..might not go as planned, might end up fine, that's also dealer's choice. but! in the end, they somehow redeem Dan. Ellie arrives and the duo are welcomed into the family!
but, there are two problems now.
1) how do they explain away their new children?
and 2) Dan is full ghost (and adult-sized, i'm not sure the parents are old enough for a kid his age) and Ellie is an unstable clone - both half Vlad, and really not wanting to be half Vlad.
their solution to the second problem? make new bodies for them! they made two fully stable Halfa clone bodies from Danny, had Ellie and Dan fuse their cores inside these clones near the end of making them, and waited for them to pop out of the tubes at the same age as Danny! this might take some help from Clockwork and Danny to pull off without more melting clones..
anyways! now, they have three Halfa children. all they have to do at this point is find a way to explain the sudden appearance of TWO MORE KIDS!
their solution for THAT problem? hack into the database and change the medical files so it showed that THREE kids were birthed instead of one; Danail Jack, Daniel Jackson, and Dannielle Jacklyn Fenton. Dan, Danny, and Ellie.
but the parents take it SO MUCH FURTHER. they bribe the local schools and hospitals, they make fake receipts of things bought for them and fake records of government child support, and they even photoshop younger versions of Ellie and Dan into the family photos to make it legit. heck, they might have even gone back in time via Clockwork to add the birth certificates! they're THAT committed!
so, we got a new family of six gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing their way into legitimacy.
"What do you mean we only had two kids this entire time? Look at these records! Look at how similar they are to their triplet brother! The evidence says otherwise!"
"Listen, if you just play along and say nothing contrary to anybody who asks, we'll stop ghost hunting or driving for one month every time you do so. Sound good? We'll even put in some money to sweeten the deal."
"If we never had these children before, then why do we have memories of Dan viciously beating up Danny and Ellie's bullies at school?"
that sort of thing.
they're COMMITTED. it's INSANE. the town is going CRAZY.
where did these kids come from?? did we seriously forget about two teen kids for sixteen years??
(things go off the rails when Sam and Tucker get in on the action.)
now, i'm putting this under DCxDP, cause of just ONE little detail. Ellie's obsession involves moving, right?
well, what if the Fenton family becomes a wandering family of crime-fighters/mad scientists with an interest in the occult?
what if they get on the JL's radar because of one too many supernatural cases being solved by the Fentons in the JL's local cities?
they're at Gotham? suddenly, it feels as if the air is lighter and that it's not as drenched in evil and insanity as before. what did they do? fought the curses in the local Lazurus Pit like someone wrestling a pig in their mudpen.
they're in Metropolis? Lex woke up one day to find his entire stash of Kryptonite was missing with no trace. what did they do? the triplets broke in after sensing the gems and ate them like candy, their natural ghostliness shorting out the security feed as they do so.
they're in D.C.? all of the ghost relics in the local museums have been stolen with only a note saying, "Sorry for the disturbance! These were too dangerous for the living, so we put them somewhere safe! Don't worry! :)" left behind. what did they do? they took them and chucked them into the ghost portal where some allies on that side put them in safe places.
and that's all i got.
TL,DR; Fenton family goes full mad scientist in order to welcome Dan and Ellie into the family before packing up and wandering the states, effectively gaining the JL's attention with their suspicious and crazy appearances.
(i hope i didn't accidentally steal this idea from another. if i did, i'm sorry. feel free to smack me or something if that's the case.)
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By: Louise Perry
Published: Jun 8, 2023
When we get home from the supermarket, our two-year-old likes to assist with taking the groceries out from underneath his stroller and carrying them to the kitchen. He will pick up a carton of milk and heave it towards the fridge like an atlas stone. “Well done darling” I say to him in a pitch slightly higher than usual, “you’re being so helpful.” 
Of course he isn’t actually being helpful. In fact, he’s slowing down the process of unpacking and risking an enormous milk spillage all over the kitchen floor. But my goal is encouragement and kindness – he’s only two, bless him, and that carton is awfully big and heavy. 
My husband regards these exercises with more of a gentle briskness. “Thanks mate” he’ll say in his usual tone of voice, excising my white lie. In this, I’ve learnt, my husband is typical of other men. In a 2015 study led by Mark VanDam, a professor in the Speech and Hearing Sciences department at Washington State University Spokane, researchers outfitted preschoolers and their parents with recording devices to monitor social interactions over the course of a normal day. The mothers, they found:
… used higher pitch and varied their pitch more when interacting with their child than with adults. The fathers, on the other hand, did not show the same pattern, and instead talked to their children using intonation patterns more like when they talked to other adults.
As an instinctive speaker of so-called ‘motherese’ – that is, baby talk – I find that when our son mispronounces a word (‘tawtah’ for ‘water’ or ‘mulack’ for ‘milk’) I will automatically echo it back to him, while my husband will automatically respond with the correct pronunciation. These differences persist despite the fact that we share childcare almost exactly equally within our family. 
It turns out we’re not alone in this sex difference, and that it may well have some adaptive purpose. "We think that maybe fathers are doing things that are conducive to their children's learning but in a different way,” writes VanDam, “the parents are complementary to their children's language learning.” Mothers speak down to children, while fathers speak to them like equals – in combination, these two kinds of stimuli promote the development of adult language. 
The adoption of motherese is an instinct that, in its correct context, is both comforting and developmentally useful. But it can also, in some circumstances, be dysfunctional. And, as I have become more and more fluent in it, I have started to notice that motherese is no longer confined to the nursery or the classroom, but is now to be found also in public life. Not in its full expression – “have you got a boo-boo, honey?” – but in a more subtle form. 
I heard a lot of motherese, for instance, in the responses to philosopher Kathleen Stock’s appearance this week at the Oxford Union – a political event considered significant enough to attract commentary from the Prime Minister and rolling updates on the homepages of several national newspapers.
Students at risk of being traumatised by Stock’s mild-mannered, centre-left brand of politics were ushered towards ‘welfare rooms’ offering ear plugs, bottles of water, and snacks. “The Union has made the choice to amplify a voice that actively harms trans students, trans people and the trans community at large” wrote one student politician, “we’re tired of [the Union’s] refusal to listen to the communities they hurt” insisted another. It was as if Stock was a rampaging bully on the playground, knocking other children to the ground, and her critics were leaping to the defence of the persecuted toddlers. 
Witnessing the backlash against her, you’d never guess that Stock’s only sin is to offer a careful academic critique of the doctrine of gender identity – that is, the claim that one can become a member of the opposite sex (or some other identity category in between) merely by force of will. As she reiterated in her Oxford Union speech, to reject this doctrine is not to deny the humanity of trans people, but rather to balance their interests against those of other people, particularly women. 
But I am by no means the first to notice an unexpected feature of the crowds that formed outside the Oxford Union this week, and indeed all of the crowds that congregate in support of trans activism (now a regular occurrence, and not just in the Anglosphere). While the occasional acts of outright aggression are overwhelmingly committed by men, the crowds in general are mostly composed of young women. 
Polling reveals this to be a wider pattern. In the UK, women – and particularly young women – are far more supportive of trans activism than are their male counterparts. The same gap can be seen in US polling. The public figures who have received the most flak for their criticisms of trans activism are disproportionately women – I’m thinking not only of Kathleen Stock, but also of JK Rowling – and yet so, too, are the movement’s most devoted allies. This is, in the main, an intra-female conflict. 
But if trans activism poses a threat to women’s interests – as Stock and Rowling insist that it does – then why have so many women come out in support of it? I want to propose two explanations for this seeming paradox. 
Firstly, in socioeconomic terms, the women who have the most to lose from the disintegration of female-only spaces – prisoners and domestic abuse victims, for instance – are not actually the same women who are draping themselves in blue and pink flags outside the Oxford Union. This is a textbook example of what Rob Henderson has termed a ‘luxury belief’ – an idea that confers status on the rich, while causing harm to the poor. 
But then I am begging the question, because why on earth would trans activism confer status on the rich, or indeed anyone? This is where we come to the second factor: the extraordinarily well-documented differences in personality that have been observed between male and female populations cross-culturally. 
Note that there is a crucial distinction to be drawn between average and absolute differences. It is not true that all men or all women exhibit only masculine or feminine personality traits, in the same way that not all women are short and not all men are tall – rather, average differences between the sexes are obvious only at the population level. 
One trait on which men and women differ substantially is agreeableness. To put it bluntly, women are usually nicer than men – that is, they are “more nurturing, tenderminded, and altruistic more often and to a greater extent than men,” as psychologist Professor Yanna Weisberg puts it. 
This nurturing instinct often finds its way into polling on political questions. For instance, a typical study from 2017 asked 3,014 college students the following question: “If you had to choose, which do you think is more important, a diverse and inclusive society or protecting free speech rights.” 61% of male students chose to prioritise free speech, compared with only 35% of female students – exactly what you would expect from two populations that differ in this most crucial of traits.  
Don’t think that I’m bashing agreeableness per se –  it’s one of those personality traits that really does offer advantages and disadvantages all along the spectrum. Disagreeable people are often rude, but they can also be refreshingly honest; agreeable people are often pleasant, but they are easily taken advantage of. Think of agreeableness as motherese: soothing and lovely in the right circumstances, cloying and foolish in the wrong ones.  
The problems arise when an agreeable style of politics gloms onto a group that seems to offer plentiful opportunities for babying. Right now, it is trans people who have found themselves in the hot seat (or the high chair). For just one example of this babying tendency in action, observe the progressive response when then-66 year old Caitlyn Jenner came out as trans (a response parodied exquisitely in a South Park episode titled ‘Stunning and Brave’). When Glamour honoured Jenner as the magazine’s 2015’ Woman of the Year' – despite the fact that Jenner had not yet lived as a woman for a full year – I couldn’t help but hear the high pitched notes of motherese (“you look so pretty sweetie”, “well done that was very brave.”) 
Observe, too, the trans celebrity Dylan Mulvaney’s recent appearance on Drew Barrymore’s talkshow, which culminated with Barrymore kneeling on the ground, looking Mulvaney straight in the eye, and offering a heartfelt pep talk on self-love. Some gender critical feminists looked at this scene and saw a woman prostrating herself before a man. What I saw was a mother kneeling down to reassure a young child – for some bizarre reason, Barrymore was speaking motherese to a grown adult on national TV. 
At the risk of stating the obvious, trans people are not babies. Nor are they pets. They do not need earplugs and snacks to withstand an academic discussion, and they do not need to be spoken to like toddlers. Real two-year-olds may benefit from the gentleness of motherese. The rest of us need to grow up.
Women are more likely than men to say a trans women should be able to enter a women’s refuge, favouring this by a 36-32 margin while men oppose it 40 to 30. In fact, across all 6 questions pertaining to the trans issue (Stock, Rowling, refuges, gender identity, pronouns, teaching biological sex), women are significantly more supportive of the trans rights position even when ideology is taken into account. Women even exceed LGBT identifiers in their support for the pro-trans position on many questions.
Why? Is this not against the female interest? The likely answer is that women are more likely to be cultural leftists than men across most of the 25 attitudinal items in the survey. The inclination to empathise and care for groups perceived as vulnerable best accounts for the pattern. The result of the empathy dynamic is that the gender-critical feminist position, while intellectually prominent, is still a contested view among women. Indeed, the largest source of opposition to greater trans access to women’s spaces comes from cultural conservatives.
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This isn't a war between men and women, as some would like to assert.
It's really a war between different denominations of feminism. Like Catholicism vs Protestantism. Or Sunni vs Shi'a Islam.
One thing that's hilarious and worth pointing out: gender-critical feminists will sometimes say things along the lines of, well that agreeableness was socialized into women by "the patriarchy" to make them compliant. Which means they're denying the same evolved sex-based differences that they started off defending. Like claiming to be a Catholic while denying transubstantiation.
Either sex-differences are real, and can explain different participation rates in physics and kindergarten teaching, different career priorities and trajectories (and thus, the mythical "pay gap") and different work patterns as readily as they explain differences in swimming, cycling and weight-lifting performance, making "the patriarchy" as unnecessary as a god is to the existence of the universe... or they're not, and the gender-critical argument goes up in smoke in the flames of social constructivism. God can't be both good and unknowable.
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genericpuff · 26 days
saw a post criticizing lore rekindled a while back, and one of the points made was "it's unfair to rachel that someone else can profit off and make money off her work"
do you profit off lore rekindled??? i don't remember if you ever said that you were monetizing lore rekindled, so i'm unsure where this piece of information came from
I literally do NOT profit off Rekindled in any way shape or form, it's a Tumblr comic that's free to read, zero subscriptions, paywalls, or ads.
I did just recently open a Patreon and apply my Twitch channel to become affiliate, but 1. my Patreon doesn't have any paid members yet , 2. my Patreon won't be offering rewards that limit the reading experience of Rekindled (it's gonna be like random doodles n junk), and 3. I haven't even streamed since I applied for Affiliate and people are watching the streams for art and lo-fi, not for any sort of exclusive reading experiences that wouldn't also be accessible on Tumblr (you just get to watch me slowly work on Rekindled while playing FF XIV LMAOO) All of these restrictions I have in place is to prevent exactly what folks assume or accuse me - profiting off Rachel's IP. At the end of the day I just wanna create an AU fanfic project, even if it's created out of disappointment for what could have been.
I *do* spend a few hundred a month though for my assistant. So I'm working on Rekindled completely at a loss, out of my own pocket. So in that regard, even if I were to monetize any part of Rekindled... it wouldn't be for my own profitable gain, I'd maybe be able to cover some of my assistant fees 🤣 (but that's just hypothetical food for thought, because as I said above, I don't want to monetize Rekindled because of the potentially legal and ethical issues in doing so. Making money is also just not why I'm making Rekindled because it's something I wanna just do for fun! Money complicates things, turns shit into a job :'0) And let's be real, in that hypothetical scenario, I don't think any money I could generate on my free to read Tumblr project would come anywhere close to threatening Rachel's bottom line 🤣
And this isn't to throw anyone under the bus but when people get suspicious of Rekindled profiting off LO, I can't help but think of the actual fans of LO selling handmade LO merch on Etsy and LO-style adoptables and other arts and crafts dedicated to their favorite comic. And I'm not gonna judge them for that, more power to 'em if people wanna buy their cool stuff (and some of it is really REALLY cool, like I wanna buy their stuff too LOL), I just think it's ironic that people separate the two because... I'm not a diehard fan? Or because Rekindled has gotten popular here. Beats me. All that "popularity" is still just a niche remake of a niche comic in a niche medium. It's not Spiderman Lotus levels of big 🤣 but I know it probably feels that big to people who are engaged with this fandom and spend a lot of time in it.
There's an opposite side of being a yes man that perpetuates similar behavior on the other side - when you come up with reasons to rag on someone just for the sake of it because you can't rationalize them NOT being the all 100% pulp of evil LMAO (and I see people do this even to Rachel and it's not fair imo, like people who use the Lolita thing as a way to accuse Rachel of being a legitimate pedophile? Like no, I don't think we should be normalizing serious accusations like that. I think she's just misinformed in a lot of ways at worst and suffering from dark romantasy porn brainrot at best LOL).
Like, as an example, I've also seen people claim stuff like I'm in the fan spaces telling people not to read LO and to read LR instead? Which like... why would I do that, LR isn't for the fans anyways and I don't gain anything by being a dick in their space 🤣 If my own readers are doing that, that's out of my hands (but respectfully don't do this please!!! there's a reason I don't use the standard LO hashtags and only stick to the anti ones!!!!) but again (and this is a big assumption so take with grains of salt) I think people just like to claim these things because they feel it's just naturally the right thing to do when someone who has opinions they don't like actually puts them into action. Because now they can't say shit like "well if you think you're so much smarter than Rachel why don't YOU write the story!" and "you don't know what it's like to manage a comic!" so they grapple onto whatever other argument they can even if it's misconstrued or entirely pulled out of thin air and not backed up with any legitimate evidence.
Their perspectives make sense to them. My perspective makes sense to me. I don't blame people for being suspicious when they see someone like me pour this much time and effort and money into a project like Rekindled, they assume it HAS to do with something they can rationalize from their own point of view, like wanting to "steal" Rachel's work or profit off it or take it for myself out of "jealousy".
Sorry to disappoint y'all with a boring answer, but I'm just someone who was once a huge fan of LO and couldn't let it go. I'm just someone who's way too hyperfixated, with a lot of passion for making comics and experience to match. I'd still be making it even if I didn't have an assistant. I'd still be making it even if I was stuck working with nothing but paper and pencil. Because I love making it and I love what it means to me, and I love that it makes other people feel the same way I do about it.
And that's really all I have to say on that.
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So I can’t help but think that some of the owl house designs are sort of weak at times because since they could gone a bit more to look none human instead of them just having pointy ears and the poc as well could been better especially for Gus, luz, and willow since they’re supposed to be black especially willow.
i agree! i've seen some other people talking about this too, for a show that claims to be about “accepting weirdos”, the main cast sure looks very Normal™. like„ the boiling isles is a place full of monsters and demons and a lot of characters with interesting and unusual character designs, but luz's friends are all very human-looking?? except for vee, i guess, but even she takes a human form 99% of the time.
and honestly none of luz's friends are that Weird™, they're all mostly normal with normal human problems like getting bullied or being taken advantage of. not that that's a bad thing but i expected the show to delve deeper into the abnormality of the boiling isles.
if anything, i would have expected luz to immediately befriend someone like hooty, but in s1 and for the first half of s2, she seems to find hooty annoying just like eda and king does. what was all this talk about weirdos sticking together then? i guess you can be weird but not too weird because that's annoying. /s
and yes, i was really surprised when i learned that willow was supposed to be blasian because she has no black features at all?? they could have given her something, darker skin or curly hair, anything that indicated that she was half-black.
i didn't really know how the magic system in toh worked when i was watching s1 so i just assumed that willow was either adopted or one of her dads was her stepdad. idk they just made her look asian and called it a day.
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the-final-sif · 6 months
Okay, so XD now has a Small Child (tm), c!Dream is a little 4 year old who has just been take from his family and forced to wear a strange mask that fundamentally changes his body to a human form. He's not a fan of this, but he's taking it well. Probably.
Now, something that helps is that in Ender Dragon hybrid society, kids split off from their parents relatively young. Not at 4 years old normally, but it'd be shocking for a 10 year old to still be in their parent's nest. The average is about 7-8 for moving to a new nest, but some go as young as 6.
This is partially because Ender Dragons hybrids tend to be quite independent and want their own space, but also because much of Ender Dragon society is highly communal. A kid moves into their own nest (or sometimes a sibling/friend nest), but they aren't really on their own nor are they considered full adults. Most stay nearby their parents (or another set of trusted adults, grandparents, a mentor, cool older sibling, etc) and still get a lot of help from the adults around them.
Every adult is generally considered to be responsible for ensuring the well being of any older child based on their ability rather than genetic relation or adoption.
Some of this culture is historic, but some of it has also come around in "recent" years with Ender Dragon Hybrids being entirely isolated from other societies, cultures, and most outside threats aside from a very strange curse that claims the lives of marked children once each generation. The relative safety of this situation helps enable this sort of culture.
As a result, Dream wasn't necessarily super freaked out by a strange being abducting him. He generally trusts just about every adult he interacts with, and this adult is clearly of the End. The mask was quite shocking, but after XD explained that it was to help protect him, Dream understood. He was sad about leaving behind the people he knew, but also quite excited for this new adventure.
Also XD let him have ice cream, something he'd never had before and that tasted amazing. Clearly this man has secrets.
Great! The child has accepted whatever the fuck is going on here. XD was honestly excepting that to be harder than it was.
Now, admittedly, XD has been working on this plan for at least 300 years. It's the only chance he'll have at this. He had all the details nailed out, he'd picked the kills, found his excuses, figured out how to try to hide the child, all of it was planned for.
Except he kinda sorta forgot that he did need to actually raise the kid during this part.
In his defense, he no longer really remembers most of his human life. He forgot they like, need things.
So XD realizes he needs to take of this now-human child. What do children need? What do humans need? Dream appeared to enjoy the ice cream. Do humans need ice cream?
He doesn't really want to ask for instructions from the child because that would make him look dumb, so instead XD just... tries to replicate some of what he remembers being around the village that Dream was taken from.
Building Dream a new nest is the first challenge, the child is delighted at the idea and has his own ideas for how it should look. But things have to change a bit, Dream no longer has his wings and a lot of his instincts have changed. He struggles to scrabble up cliff faces without his claws, and he keeps falling over because his balance has changed without his tail.
XD sees this and decides that rather than building a nest in a cliff, a treehouse will need to work instead. It lets Dream stay up higher without looking like an Ender Dragon's home. The trees are also much easier for the child to climb.
Getting a treehouse set up with basic supplies isn't that hard. XD ensures that there's food, sets up a potion brewing area with plenty of supplies, remembers that humans need beds and water for various things, and before too long there's a nice little setup.
Of course, there's plenty of arguing and little Dream isn't entirely happy with everything, but he does like that XD lets him use the potion stand. Before he was told he was too young. But look at him now! He can brew whatever he likes!
Obviously, XD also gives Dream some proper armor and weaponry. He even enchants it so it'll grow as Dream does!
And then, having handed this small child enchanted netherite murder equipment, XD leaves.
Not like! Without warning! He checked that Dream was doing alright and that he knew to stay safe and hidden from any gods, and then... went about his day.
XD is a god! He has things to do! Probably.
More importantly, it's not safe for him to spend too much time around Dream. Not only could it attract attention from the other gods, but it could also seriously harm Dream.
See, humans tend to be negatively impacted by too much exposure to gods. Their bodies aren't made to handle it.
Ender dragon hybrids were famously capable of spending lots of time around gods, and godlings are generally immune to these effects.
But Dream is no longer an ender dragon hybrid or a godling. The mask makes him almost entirely human. Which makes him vulnerable to the effects of being exposed to a god.
So XD leaves the child alone in a treehouse, assuming this will be fine and normal, and promises to come back to check in.
And he does!
A week later
Dream was getting worried about his strange guardian not coming back, but he'd been making do. He'd already found a small local river and started fishing so he could put food away for the winter.
XD was quite proud to see his progress! He also remembered at this point that humans can't just morph their appearances at will, and require clothing external to them. So he produced several extra outfits for Dream.
Dream when XD got him was wearing a lime green shirt and white shorts, and so XD assumes that's what he should look like all the time.
He creates an array of different weather outfits based on that color scheme, makes about 20 copies of each outfit and they find space for them in the house.
XD assumes this should last Dream for a month or so, and then he can replace whatever Dream actually used.
Speaking of used clothing, XD realizes that Dream clearly needs a place to get rid of them once they're used. So he creates a little void linked trash can for Dream to use.
Just drop the clothing in once you're done with them and they're gone!
XD is very smart and has prepared for every situation.
It will be another 10 years before Dream finds out about washing clothing.
With all that settled, XD takes a little bit of time to do some basic training. He hasn't quite told Dream that he's going to need to murder two gods in the future. He will, eventually. But for now XD just tells Dream he'll have a big task in the future, and he needs to be ready.
Dream accepts this without question and when XD leaves again, he starts dedicating himself to figuring out his new body and to his training.
He's also working on reading some of the books that XD left for him on combat tactics.
Admittedly, that one is a bit harder. His reading skills aren't quite there yet. But he is working at it! He makes mental notes to ask XD about what some of the words mean. Hopefully his guardian won't be upset that he can't quite make his way through these books.
He is 4. An older 4 year old, sure, but he's still 4. I think this is important to remember.
XD thankfully isn't upset, and spends some time reading the words out loud to him to help him out. The two of them settle into mostly regular weekly visits.
As Dream settles into the area, he starts to explore more, traveling further and further out.
He's curious about the world. His former home was very cut off. People couldn't go that far. But there seems to be so much space here! The world just keeps going!
One day, he hears something quite strange. The noises seem familiar but aren't quite something he understands. Dream finds himself moving close to the noise, trying to understand it.
As he approaches the source of the noise, he hears a familiar word and suddenly it hits him
It's another person talking.
Someone else is here too.
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auricgold0 · 5 days
Random ideas I doubt I’ll ever write but I want someone else too #1
-Wilbur finds a dog/ wolf and tames it, rushing around for the day trying to keep the dog in check. The dog's name is Ozi (short for ozymandias) could include Quackity but includes Tommy for help with pets and shit.
-Randomly Wilbur creates and drinks a potion which practically gives him powers. He uses it to his advantage, an inconvenience to Las Navadas ending in a burst of flames or really cute idk.
-Dsmp au or just like au in general where Quackity and Wilbur are like life and death, put together as systematic partners to keep each other in check.
-Quackity and Wilbur (Dsmp) accidently become parents. Wilbur jokingly applies for an adoption paper just to piss Quackity off but when a little girl shows up to Quackitys place havoc reeks. Quackity and Wilbur decide to take care of this kid but stay rivals, the girl going back and forth between them. Romance happens, they both ease up more but they still hate each other cause yk it's them.
-Wilbur puts on eye makeup and is forced around Quackity by like Tommy or something and Quackity is just a mess for him like that so his demeanour is more distracted
-Wilbur sneaks into the library in Las nevadas late at night and Quackity ends up bumping into him while foolish is Discussing renovations to the design, it being too out of place or sum. Wilbur tries to hide from Q but Quackity finds him and asks what Wilbur is doing here. Wilbur goes on about books and Quackity blurts out that he used to have one before remembering it was ghostbur. Angsty shit, Wilbur goes on about Ghostbur and how people preferred him and Q reassures him. Then Q offers to suggest Wilbur some books, asking his opinion on the design.
-Quackity taps into his more nightmare guy and freaks Wilbur out while gambling blah blah idk - inspired by Alastors game
A fic where Wilbur forces himself into Quackitys home and convinces Quackity to let him crash for a few days. Cue arguments and overly clingy Wilbur who tries to hide that fact. Maybe have it lead up to his ending where he says goodbye or they fall in love so like a cute ending. Have them learn more about each other either accidentally or on purpose. A way to know your rival through living with them.
-Book of life au. Wilbur is a journalist travelling to Mexico after years of not being there. Last time he was he met The chief(Schlatt) and the researcher from the place (Quackity or change what he is) he comes back and his love blossoms
-Character them somehow finds fan fiction of themselves and read it (idk)
-They end up in the real world having to adapt to society and try to act normal. Having to buy houses, gambling addiction, laws etc. Wilbur ends up staying or they both go back and have a sweet ending. In the London area. Quackity realising Las Vegas is real, they have to work together.
-People are always claiming how they are the sun and moon . NOPEEE. Quackity is the moon, Wilbur the stars both equally as light and dark as each other. Stuck together because they're both in the dark 24/7. Do something symbolic with that
-Wilbur is like idk questioning his sexuality and stuff so he tries to be stubble and ask Quackity but it turns into a argument idk. I’ll probably actually figure out a plot but I want there to be dancing with Quackity in the lead, teasing Wilbur almost.
-The ‘there’s only one bed trope’ but them. Plot twist they don’t fuck but instead share sleepy secrets or admirations about the other and Wilbur falls asleep for the first time in a while. Why? Because he’s next to Quackity😍
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dtkqer · 1 month
wait why ranboo (idk much abt him)
ESSAY WARNING AHEAD do not fucking repost this shit anywhere holy fuck i will kill you!!!!!!! respect my boundaries :((
ok my thought process was somewhere along the lines of
rboo (kid wanting to blow up as a mcyter during summer 2020) getting attention through making fan content of dream smp (also trying to write themself into the lore) -> dream (kid who blew up as an mcyter before the pandemic hit, getting even more insane numbers) sees himself in rboo, adds him to the dream smp
-> path 1: parasocial stan delusion - ran is both viewer and cc, relatable to viewers in a down to earth way while gaining an insane amount of success very very fast -> heightened scrutiny to not fuck things up because his audience is full of normal people who care about social justice on paper (part of dreams influence in having a gender and race diverse (somewhat) audience) -> growing importance of boundaries (tm) -> fandom becomes insanely blue haired liberal and jumps on every mistake, demanding quick and GOOD apologies for both inane and serious shit -> fandom becomes volatile and creates disproportionate responses to everything -> they (rboo) become spineless -> this attitude and spinelessness leaks over to the whole of mcyt since most of dsmp shared an audience at that point -> feedback loop we see today (sidebar: growing media illiteracy combined with volatile reactions extend to lore shit on all ends and was absolutely compounded by their joining -> "sanctity" of the lore -> michael -> dsmp audiences split over the parasocial belief that character = content creator's thoughts beliefs and actions in real life instead of. acting)
-> path 2: control and queerness - branch off from blue haired liberal -> viewers have good intentions in wanting more rep in the cc space (queer and women, not so much race) -> marginalized communities cant afford to make mistakes as much as white men in the space -> disproportionate amount of criticism for both white men and marginalized ccs -> viewers attempting to take control of ccs due to ran blurring the line between viewer and cc during lockdown/most viewers' formative social years being taken from them -> not much education about queerness in the first place -> queerbaiting discourse and queer being a symbol of goodness -> people seemed to want dream to be straight and evil and ran to be gay/queer and good -> double standards when dream and ran come out because of dream's perceived power, status, and past growing up in conservative florida he had already been addressing, but ran gets a warm welcome because of bending to the audience more than dream has and past not holding as many mistakes meaning they could claim queer as an identity -> selective biphobia because if dream is queer hes a bad queer so everything he does is evil
-> return to main thread - brighton bastards formed, beeduo date and break up, everyone becomes bitter boots after lockdown ends and dream abandons his adopted bastard child he came to love that george originally gave birth to -> october and drexodus -> quackity resentment somewhere in there behind the scenes, dtkq breakup -> former audience split over lore comes back into -> qsmp shit -> dream and by extension dteam/munchy is evil except badboyhalo who supports dream but is still on qsmp because hes a lore andy -> schisms from the past continue to grow, new schism of q's side vs dream's side appears (secret third challenger of brighton floptopia) -> people air out their dirty laundry and snide comments -> november and december -> relative peace -> march-> karl gets hit by a car -> present day -> dnf sextape
i may be wrong for quite a bit of this but this is how i saw it . again this is a tumblr exclusive if you repost this anywhere even iwth my url cropped i will fucking kill you.
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tumblingxelian · 3 months
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - The Nevermore Affair
When Wednesday Addams was forced to attend Nevermore Academy she was confident about two things.
1: She would be escaping in short order. 2: She would in no way follow her mothers matrimonial footsteps.
Which begs the question of how she managed to find herself engaged twice over within the first twenty four hours!?
Worse still, it is to the two most vexing people at Nevermore, Enid Sinclair and Bianca Barclay.
Nevermore is quite literally a magical place.
One suffused with the power of oath and ritual, so much so that it requires a specialized rulebook to make sure you don't accidentally invoke a binding spell on accident.
Nevermore's Guide to the Magical and Mundane. This was a guidebook that Wednesday did not read because she had no intention of staying.
This becomes a problem on the first night when her argument with Enid is not interrupted and spills over into an actual fight after Wednesday ignored Enid's physical "Back off" warning.
This is a fight Wednesday loses due to not knowing Enid knew martial arts, underestimating her Lycan strength and generally assuming Enid posed no real threat and would become afraid the moment she gave her a slight scare.
Instead said fight ended with Enid's fangs buried in her neck, fangs Enid normally doesn't have access to.
Enid freaks out, apologies and flees while Wednesday is left annoyed, confused, a touch disappointed in several ways but dismissed it as "I miscalculated, won't happen again."
Long story short, the pose Enid adopted was actually a Lycan custom, saying "If you step forward to battle, you place your life in my hands"
So when she wins & doesn't kill Wednesday… Yeah you get it.
The very next morning, Wednesday arrives at fencing all kitted up in her suit from home, mask on her face and neck markings covered.
As is custom she picks a fight with Bianca and after a win, a loss with the final round being a tie breaker, she demands either military rules or something with similar principles much to the tittering of the crowed.
Wednesday herself ignores it, simply having defaulted to something she knows will make the fight more dangerous cos her parents always did it and she is excited but also wants to know Bianca off balance.
Duel of Dominion perhaps? Duel of Blood perhaps? Not sure.
Bianca, is incredibly vexed and not a little bit scared. Interpreting this as Wednesday trying to either 'claim' her or intimidate her into surrendering, but she is not about to back down.
Enid's efforts to subtly intervene are ignored by all and while normally the coach would intervene. Due to a mix of Wednesday's background and the fact Bianca can just refuse he doesn't.
They duel, Bianca wins.
"I suppose I will get to see you in white," She intones, before licking Wednesday's blood off the blade and sealing the pact.
"Its barely a scratch" Wednesday dismissed, taking off her helmet and revealing Enid's mark.
Much to the crowds surprise; the act itself may even have been encouraged by Enid.
Xavier starts losing his shit and is sent away.
It is worth noting that the binding can be broken, but that is an expensive and drawn out process and requires the victors permission.
Bianca intended to just hold onto it to keep Wednesday until she could extract a major debt from the Addams for breaking it.
Enid has no idea if the bond can be broken or even happened given her own issues, but was hoping to find a solution in secret.
Wednesday is sent to the nurses office for the cut but also to ensure she is physically well and also not been siren songed or anything else. This is also where she finds out about... All this and reacts as you'd expect.
Meanwhile, Coach Vlad drags Enid & Bianca to Weems to explain how Wednesday somehow got herself engaged by ancient rights of Lycan culture and Nevermore dueling culture within 24 hours!
Fun fact, but because both of these happened and in such quick succession, breaking the bindings will be much harder than normal.
Weems: I have the sneaking suspicion this is going to be about Miss Addams somehow. Enid (Trying to ease the tension) Well its Misses Addams now isn't it? Bianca (Exhausted with this) If you think I'm taking her name you're insane. Weems:... I trust... I pray that you two are merely telling a poor joke. Vlad: No Madame, I am afraid not.
Somewhere in Nevermore a scream of outrage echoed through the stone halls.
This is very much a "Crack taken seriously" style story. It begins as a comedy of errors and becomes much more messy and complicated as the three have to navigate the bonds, trying to break them, live with them, other people's perceptions of them and so on. Let alone the murder mystery.
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midnight-pluto · 6 months
XIAO — headcanons
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high school au headcanons
CHAR: xiao, mentioned!zhongli
PAIRING(S): none
A/N: recent event got me back in my xiao lover era
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a senior that always gets mistaken as a freshman </3 sophomore at best
got adopted by the sophomores and juniors back in freshman year and hung out with them predominantly until they all graduated leaving him behind to suffer
has gotten into fights before cuz man indirectly pisses people off - won all of them since he knows when he can’t take someone on - man’s a short king
him and the other boys in the friend group jumped a few people for making negative remarks about the girls
the kid always in the back that’s in their own world and that you’re 90% sure is on something half the time
surprisingly amazing in group projects - always gets his assigned work done days before the set deadline
not necessarily sporty but when it comes to gym and picking teams he’s normally picked first due to how he’s unintentionally a menace how fast he is
plays the flute and is in art club
however he always got frustrated because of whenever they were supposed to work with paint or clay it always ended up on his clothes
wears artist gloves all the time which shows off his black nails with his ring fingers painted teal
has the most stable hands ever known to man - there’s a reason why his iconic eyeliner’s always on fleek
wears headphones instead of earbuds
got made fun of for being short in middle school so he wears shoes with platforms
good luck finding this man in something that isn’t black or silver jewelry - the most will be accents of teal
speaking of teal, he dyed it himself bleach and all.
sometimes gets asked what his haircut is called and he always freezes up and doesn’t know what to say so they all assume he’s gatekeeping which he isn’t - he just took a pair of scissors in the middle of the night and chopped some of his hair off
bro’s accessory collection is lowkey astounding - rings, chains, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, hair clips - which leads for him to be ostracized from most boys at school; them claiming he wasn’t “masculine” enough leading him to feel even more out of place than he already does
girls love him but are soon put off by his lack of social skills
teachers love him for how chill and mellowed out he is but some despise him for how little he’s willing to work with others and how little he participates in class
isn’t doing the greatest in the league of social ladders
frequents the guidance counselor’s office which so happens to be his legal guardian - zhongli - for anger management
has naturally sharp canines
has the potential to get all A’s but sticks to B’s since he has barely any respect for the school system and doesn’t see the need to put in his full effort
but then again most of his classes are AP so-
writes really small and just slightly messy
doodles in the margins of assignments and notes are so real for him - mainly consisting of flowers, anatomy of skulls, and spiderwebs in every corner
bro’s tatted 100%
sometimes when he wears sleeveless tops and his zip-up hoodie you can manage to spot a glimpse of his arm tattoos if you’re lucky
his backpack for the first semester is horrendously messy and has a singular mechanical pencil along with crumpled paper, a pristine sketchbook, and the rest of his classes textbooks
the second semester however he’s got everything in there - gum, highlighters, multiple pencils, sticky notes, hand sanitizer, fake hall passes, lotion, and backup jewelry
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A/N: guaranteed on his banner but getting his weapon will be the death of me 😭
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xxcherrycherixx · 6 months
I know i like to talk about cupid and blondie just fucking every second but i legit just also want them to just do normal couple shit man, like cuddling on the sofa or treating the other to their favourite home cooked meal.
Kissing each others cheeks and foreheads sweetly, holding hands everywhere. Constantly telling their respective friends about how much they love their gf.
They go to the fair and try to win each other prizes! Theres an archery game and blondie keeps telling cupid she can totally win it, cupid misses miserably. Blondie has a turn and wins immediately explaining her skills with “sometimes i get bored when you’re not home so i shoot your bow in the house” cupid just stares gobsmacked unsure wether to tell her girlfriend off or kiss her right there. (She absolutely breaks that bow when she gets home just incase blondie has accidentally hit herself with one of the arrows)
Cupid eventually starts bringing blondie through the portal and to other worlds, they never stay for long and cupid makes sure they’re very careful to not get caught but they get to go on wonderful dates.
Blondie starts bringing cupid with her on field work days, cupid takes it very serious and helps as best she can (although she does sneak kisses in now and then which distracts blondie)
They live in a little cottage, near a forest so blondie can explore (occasionally cupid gets dragged along with her, she still isn’t a big fan of the woods though) they have multiple spare bedrooms and when people ask why they have so many empty bedrooms they just give each other a look and make an excuse about how the place just came like that and they didn’t really mind the extra space.
Those spare rooms quickly become kids rooms (and a cub room, blondie brings home a baby bear one day and cupid just sighs in acceptance of the fact that she’s now also a mother to a bear. She of course loves that little one just as much as their other kids though)
None of the children are cupid’s biologically, she states that shes not comfortable with the idea of birth so Instead they’re all either a mix of blondie’s genes and a donors genes or they’re adopted.
Cupid’s family happily take in blondie and the kids as family, but they always give cupid sad looks when blondie and the kids aren’t around. Nonetheless blondie gets invited to join their parties and get togethers as cupid’s plus one, Aphrodite likes the blonde girl very much and tells her to call her auntie too, she often invites the girl to join her and her friends for drinks claiming blondie is great at sharing gossip.
As the fairytale worlds society changes, Blondies family comes around to accepting the relationship. especially when blondie introduces their first child, a girl with golden curls. All the remaining walls drop and blondies mother scoops her daughter up in a tearful hug proud of her for becoming a mother too and apologises for not being there to support her through the pregnancy. Blondie’s mother makes sure to be there for every single one afterwards and it makes blondie so happy.
But not everything is “just right” in a relationship. ( hey guys trigger warnings here for like um lots of shit about death and suicide 😬 whoops it got angsty)
Theres a lingering dark cloud that hangs over cupid and blondie’s relationship. Cupid doesn’t bring it up but she knows and hates whats to come, Its a horrible realisation that strikes her not long after they start dating, its the reason her family gives her pitying looks, its the reason she refuses to have biological kids of her own even though she wants to. She notices her wife change, and she changes herself physically to match, but its never real.
Blondie is aging and she isn’t.
She confides in briar one afternoon, the girl was meant to sleep 100 years and outlive her friends and family, and while she wont have to do that anymore, she still had to live with knowing it was going to happen. Briar tries to comfort her, but fails. She tells cupid to tell blondie, but she refuses to.
Two years into their marriage blondie becomes pregnant with their first child. When their daughter turns one years old cupid visits her family alone and cries. She cries and screams about the future, how quickly one will turn to ten and ten will turn to her first child being lowered into a grave. Her father holds her silently, knowing that nothing he says can comfort her.
Cupid continues for the next decade trying to keep her fears at bay, and then blondie gets a call about a loss in the family. An older relative who had taken their own life not long after the death of their spouse.
Another horrifying realisation hits cupid. She doesn’t confide in anyone about this one.
one day Aphrodite finally lets it slip to blondie that cupid will outlive her and their entire family.
Blondie struggles with learning this, she had known her wife was immortal and very much older than her, but having it finally hit her that her wife will outlive her by thousands upon thousands of years with most likely many lovers after to replace her hurts. Knowing cupid and their family will be her forever, but she and their family will not be cupid’s forever, absolutely tears her heart to shreds.
One day she breaks and tells cupid, her wife tells her that she will in fact “be her forever”, that there will be no one else after her. Blondie accepts it as a lie to comfort her, but one day she realises what cupid really meant. she feels sick and terrified of her wife’s intentions, but she feels even more sick at the relief it gives her to know that she wont just be a short fling the other woman will one day forget.
They don’t speak on it again and they definitely dont tell cupid’s family of her future intentions, they continue to live happy and in love, but every now and then they think about the shared grave that awaits them.
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yuurei20 · 10 months
Leona Info Compilation part 21: Intelligence (pt2), Perceptiveness and Effort
In a vignette Leona helps Epel and Grim create a voice-changing potion that Rook told Epel is so hard that it shows up on graduation tests and “there is no absolute, surefire recipe”.
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Epel insists that they could never get the potion done in an hour, and Leona recreates it without issue over the course of a conversation (during which Grim insults him for being “a putz who’s already gotten held back a year”, but it is not unusual for Leona to ignore insults from people who regularly assume the worst of him).
When asked how he managed to create such a complex potion so quickly Leona responds, “the normal way."
Grim claims he must have used some secret cheat or “threw some random stuff in and called it good!” (The rare times he makes an effort being met with insults may be another part of why Leona does not seem to try as hard as other people think he should.)
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In addition to being well educated, Leona may be unusually perceptive: he seems to be the only person who was suspicious of Lilia’s role in Spectral Soiree from the very beginning, and refers to Lilia as “old man” during an event, while every other non-Diasomnia character seems convinced that Lilia is no older than 18.
Leona also catches on to Ace using him as a shield so that Ace can protect himself from Floyd (intentionally sacrificing Epel instead), and deduces that they were all gathered together in the same location at the same time intentionally before Malleus’ reveal during Halloween.
Leona is also the first to realize that Malleus is faking his own possession.
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Due to language restrictions NA has Leona catch Malleus referring to him by name, but the original situation was more subtle: Malleus adopts an outdated verbal tic so that he sounds like a ghost from a different era, but slips into a different verbal tic mid-conversation (neither of which are his own), which Leona notices and calls him out on.
During Book 6 Leona is also who makes the connection between the missing Grim and door in STYX that got blown off, deduces that Idia and Ortho are throwing out obstacles to try and buy themselves time and notices the presence of the Crystal Titan through changes in the wind, long before Jamil.
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When Ruggie returns a presumably missing Lucius to Trein, Leona is suspicious based solely on the fact that Ruggie did not ask for a reward in exchange.
It is revealed that Ruggie had arranged the entire situation in order to get Trein to give him a break in magic history class.
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Leona also (accurately) suspects Jamil of having unpleasant thoughts about him based on his facial expression alone and says he cannot imagine what Kalim must be thinking to risk spending time with a “schemer” like Jamil: “He just doesn’t get that any one these nights could be his last.”
Characters like Vil, Jack and Ruggie are often complaining about Leona’s lack of effort (“You could skate through life if you’d just TRY”), and we learn that Leona has given up because he will never succeed at his one and only goal no matter how hard he tries (“succession ain’t got nothin’ to do with ability”), so he just doesn’t.
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(A point about Leona being a “hated” second prince was removed from EN, and possibly has something to do with why Leona is choosing to repeat years at NRC and stay away from home as much as possible, as well as maybe the real reason why he is so troubled about being secondborn.)
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olreid · 2 years
Hi! First of all i'm sorry if this is a weird or heavy question but i feel like i need to ask somebody, and you were the first person i thought of, so, yeah. How do i consume media critically? It's a phrase i hear around a lot, especially with some of my main interests, but i'm not 100% sure what it even entails. I know i have to be aware of the metatextual reasons for things and its flaws and such but... what then? am i supposed to do something about it or...?
this is from carl freedman on kant: "any mode of thought that declines to interrogate its own presuppositions and to engage its own role in the construction of the objects of its own knowledge may be appropriately stigmatized with the adjective precritical [...] precritical thought is the "intellectual equivalent" of the work of any status quo."
so essentially there is a certain amount of precritical thought that is necessary to maintain and reproduce the structures which make up dominant society. certainly there are people who are actively imperialist, capitalist, white supremacist, etc. but their numbers are bolstered by the people who don't question why things are the way they are -- whether it's why some people are forced to sleep on the streets or why we budget so much money toward police -- who ensure that things stay the same by accepting the things around them as normal, natural, and inevitable.
conversely, adopting a critical posture is not something that applies solely to media -- it is a way of moving through the world that involves being curious about why things are the way they are and questioning things that might otherwise be taken for granted. when we validate the claims that projects, policies, and objects implicitly make to being normal, natural, and right, we give them a lot of power. imagine a world in which cities had to start from scratch and justify every dollar they allocate toward police instead of just saying 'this is the way it is and the way it's always been.' when we start to poke at the historical, social, and political forces that have produced the world we live in, things start to seem a lot less inevitable and a lot more mutable. we can more easily imagine different ways to live and different ways to structure the world we live in. freedman again: "critical theory constantly shows that things are not what they seem to be and that things need not eternally be what they are."
we can apply this questioning and curious attitude, this desire to understand how things were made and why, to all parts of life, including the media we consume. the cop show wants us to take its centrality in the media landscape for granted; the true crime podcast wants us to squeal about the grisly details of murders without stopping to wonder why that particular form of storytelling is so popular in this specific moment in history and culture. the point is not necessarily to get definitive answers to those questions, but to explore, theorize, investigate, and take an interest in the things we consume. it's a lot like doing due diligence about where your food comes from -- aren't you interested in who is making the things you surround yourself with and what, if anything, they're trying to sell you or convince you of?
as to concrete strategies for developing your critical thinking and reading skills, i'm not sure i have any great advice that's not already been given. it depends on the person -- what they are naturally curious about and can use as an entrypoint, what methods of research work best for them, what pieces of media they love enough to do background reading and research about. you don't always have to go out of your way -- you can start being critical wherever you are. re: "am i supposed to do something about it?" no one is going to make you develop a critical framework for approaching your life. there is no force-feeding of interpretive tools and skills; no one is going to sit you down and supervise you until you are sufficiently critical . it's a choice you will have to make for yourself. for my part, i enjoy honing my critical capacities and actively work toward those goals because i never want other people to make choices for me about what i believe. i want my values and principles, the things that make up my life, to be chosen intentionally rather than handed down to me by the tides and trends of mass media, the propaganda in form of advertisements and targeted content and shows designed in a lab to appeal to my demographic, whatever that means. i want to be able to think for myself, rather than surrendering my agency and autonomy to those who are eager to think for me and make of me an uncritical, uncaring reproductive agent of the deathmaking systems that need our support to go on working.
one last freedman: "the increasingly totalitarian character of capitalism as a world system paradoxically makes it increasingly difficult to feel or even to theorize either capitalism in general or particular capitalist societies as wholes (just as fish, for instance, presumably do not feel wet and, even if endowed with rational faculties, would have great difficulty in producing the concept of wetness." being critical is stretching our capacities in pursuit of being able to be that fish that can conceptualize the wetness of water -- to see the things that were hidden from us before, often intentionally, and decide for ourselves whether we like what we see or whether we want to build something different .
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hopefull-mindset · 8 months
Hi I'm the anon who sent the "rambling" ask about Nagito from like 2 weeks ago. I forgot to check for a response lol.
I wanted to elaborate on what I said about Nagito's backstory bc it was vague and I have Thoughts.
I actually don't think his casual attitude towards his past makes it harder to take seriously (if anything I think that adds to the tragedy of it). I was mostly just referring to the specific things that happen. One of my gripes about DR is that I feel like some characters have unnecessarily dark/tragic backstorys. Either bc I feel like they don't really need a dark past at all (eg Akane), or it's excessive to the point of being ridiculous.
I know Nagito's backstory is supposed to unbelievable to show how extreme his luck is, and that DR as a whole isn't exactly grounded in reality, but I feel like it would hit harder if it was just a little more believable.
Like, maybe his parents die in a car crash instead of a plane crash (or just make it a normal plane crash without the convoluted "the plane gets hijacked but then the hijackers get hit by a meteor but that also kills his parents"). The cancer is fine, but the dementia is overkill. Then there's the kidnapping thing which like. I find it hard to believe that the killer would just let him go after not getting what they wanted. It'd make more sense for him to have escaped on his own. Or we could just get rid of that entirely. If you want to drive home the fact that he has no family, just have him end up in some shitty orphanage or something.
Which brings me to my next point. It's implied that Nagito just lived alone after his parents died. But I find it hard to believe that an elementary school-aged kid could live by himself and have full control over his own finances. It'd make more sense if he ended up in some kind of foster care (or maybe just on the streets). I also think him being an orphan who doesn't get adopted/gets bounced around between foster homes would be fitting with his perceived worthlessness and desire to be loved, perhaps even more so than him being totally isolated.
Ok I think I covered everything (as far as canon events go at least). Sorry this turned into an essay lol.
Oh hello anon! Thank you for clarifying, I was a little perplexed as to how I should’ve responded to your ask. I don’t have much to really say about the events themselves, but I’ll try to add my two cents.
I do agree that it makes it sadder how casual he talks about it, I think I was more talking in behalf of the people that didn’t rethink his words when he claimed he was lying because of how unserious it felt with the music playing behind it. It’s so normal for him to experience these things that his layer back attitude is very unnerving for the normal person, which is utterly tragic.
I do see what you mean about not need every character to have some tragic messed up backstory, especially when it has no actual impact in the story itself. It’s good to expand a character through side content, but it gets too much. I think it works in favor for the sdr2 cast considering it shows that all of them have the potential to turn to despair due to their past experiences, and how Hope’s Peak doesn’t actually care for the students themselves and their own feelings towards their talents, but canon kicks itself in the crotch by never expanding more with these backstories in the actual storyline and how dr3 was handled ughh.
When it come to Komaeda’s backstory however, I do think it works for him when it comes to the absurdist writing because his entire existence is drenched in the absurdism danganronpa is known for. It would probably hit harder if Komaeda was more realistic and I understand that, but ultimately that’s not what Komaeda is. He is purposefully hard to relate to and hard to believe, only with real effort you can find yourself in him, and he even rejects that effort itself. Komaeda cannot survive in a series that isn’t Danganronpa because he is Danganronpa, a clunky mess that somehow works in its accidental genius.
I sound absurd myself, but when it comes to Komaeda you can only rely on your own suspense of disbelief to sympathize with him. Sorry for being a bummer to your roll because your criticisms are not at all wrong, I just personally don’t find it to be a problem myself.
About the killer and orphan thing, I think I could try to give some insight on them? Here’s one thing you forgot: he’s canonically implied to be a rich kid. Even if he isn’t thrown into situations like being on the streets or the foster care system, he still had other family members to be dropped onto, his status would still give him privileges like a nanny to watch over him, etc.
The killer, while I did find strange that he decided not to kill the rich kid after all, he definitely did target him because he was from a wealthy family. So what could that mean? Well obviously we could go for the heartbreaking answer of nobody in the extended family wanted to help him because of his problematic luck or annoyance of his existence, we could go for another that none of them were alive to actually get anything out of him since it took place in middle school, and he did say that his luck took direct action against him right before he was eventually taken into Hope’s Peak academy because of his lack of family left. It depends on when during middle school this happened.
So I guess there wasn’t any real consequence to leaving this lonely wealthy child on his own since there’s nothing nobody could actually do to lead back to them or would care enough to do anything. Upsetting I know, the unfortunate irony of being thrown away like trash for Komaeda is… well anyway I think the point of this event was to drive in Komaeda’s feeling of being unwanted, even by the worst of the worst of society, at least that’s what I think of it.
The only thing I question is how Komaeda himself personally describes his good fortune after what happened to his parents. What would a kid in elementary really need immense wealth and freedom for??? I find myself perplexed by his choice of words because it implies a lot. I know we could go the route of “his parents were terrible” when it comes to the freedom part, but I think there’s a better answer to this.
This is an example of Komaeda justifying what happened to fit a narrative he’s formed because of, most likely, what society/the people around him has fed him and what he’s chosen to believe. I’ve already mentioned this before, but his mentality reflects specific societal beliefs to an exaggerated point because his life is exaggerated. Where any of these came from to make Komaeda think this: who freaking knows.
Sorry if this isn’t exactly what you were expecting, and I wish I could add more. I hope this was satisfying enough.
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everestphillips · 1 month
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michael evans behling, pansexual, cis male + he/him, mage «—◦—→ well met, everest phillips! the godling born child of aphrodite. it’s been 26 years and now they have answered the song in their veins. can he change the course of history with their cooperation, extroversion, + resilience? or will their aloof nature, arrogance, + impatience hinder them? only time will tell before this godling’s name is sung into myth and legend!
name: Everest Phillips nicknames: Ever. Mt. Everest date of birth: May 19, 1997 age: 26 face claim: Michael Evans Behling godly parent: Aphrodite height: 6'3" dominant hand: Ambidextrous education level: Some college (Dropped after the first year) occupation: F1 Driver
parents: Jonathan Phillips. Deborah Phillips-Kim (Step Mother) siblings: Jonathan Phillips Jr., Noah Phillips, Lilian Phillips-Kim, Trevor Phillips-Kim. pets: none
astrological sign: Taurus positive traits: Cooperative, Extroverted, Resilient, Charming negative traits: Aloof, Arrogant, Impatient, Egocentric habits: Will be up before anyone else and make it everyone else's issue to deal with. Can be overfamiliar with people like they were friends forever. quirks: Fidgets with whatever jewelry that he is wearing. When he's completely concentrated in something he bites his bottom lip. He actually really likes to cook but the problem is that after he's done making it, he doesn't want to eat. So, he prefers to cook for others instead. pet peeves: Loud eaters. People who don't pay attention to what's being said hobbies: Cooking. Sketching. Swimming. Jogging. Legos. People Watching. Singing.
sexual orientation. Pansexual. Homieromantic sexual position. Top - Vers
clothing style: Ever since he became an F1 Driver, his appearance to the public became just as important, maybe even more so than his career. Luxury brands loved to dress him due to his natural charms and looks, fighting to be the one highlighted in the next event. Even in the rare occasions he's out in public, all that he wears is meticulously chosen and styled for him prominent features: His height. Smile. Perfect Skin.
what were they doing when they hear the song of their godling blood?
Just finished his daily practice and he was in the middle of a meeting where other people were talking about his performance and making decisions for him.
class: Mage. inspirations: Aphrodite from Hades. 24 Hours by Sky Ferreira. Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers. Enchantress (Amora) from Marvel. The unnerving feeling of being alone despite being in a crowded room. Loki from Marvel. Sit Down Beside Me by Patrick Watson.
biography: Everest was born in Austin, Texas, the middle child of five. There was some disconnect when it came to his siblings, because the two oldest were sons of his father's first wife who passed away, and the two youngest were twins to his newest wife. Leaving him to be the middle child of a mystery woman that no one has met, not even Everest. So it was a very common joke that he was just adopted.
His family was very affluent, which brought a lot of comfort to him. However, that wealth came with a lot of lessons of proper etiquette that didn't quite land with Everest like it did with his siblings. The others were bright and studious, doing everything to make themselves and their family proud. While on the contrary, Ever was very rambunctious. He wanted to be in all of the athletics he could, took a liking to thrill rides at a very young age, and had a deep love for racing. They thought that was something normal for a young kid until they realized he wanted to be in those cars, and begged his parents to take him karting all the time.
Of course, if he wanted to continue his passion, Everest had to be good in school. And he did just that. Though it was never explicitly stated that he had to be the one doing his own work. It's not like he was forcing other people to do it, but he did find that a little smile and a please had some of his classmates volunteering to do the book reports or his part of the group project that didn't have a desire of doing. But it's not like he was coasting through school either. He could do his work if he wanted to, he just asked for help. Other than that, he was a social butterfly who participated in a lot of extra curricular. It's not his fault he was popular.
Once he graduated high school, he gave college the good ol' college try, but after his first year he thought it was better for him to drop out and focus on his career since it was finally taking off. Ever since then, he was thrust into a world of glamour and social hierarchy that he somehow has been readying himself for a while now. He was making a lot of money through his career, but his image soon became the biggest focus of it. Possibly shadowing the racing he loved so much. And although he knew he should happy about the success he found from this, he was conflicted. Still, he smiled through this inner turmoil and tried to enjoy this new life, even though what was important to him was the thrill of the race.
Well, that was until he came across a new type of adrenaline rush.
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overthinkingtaleblr · 4 months
How do you think each Acachalla child came into the fam?
I was going to answer this yesterday but stopped trying after clicking away and losing progress twice, so this is my third try! I really wanted to put my VISION out into the world as much as possible. Because I have a vision. Because I am normal.
I wanted to go into detail about Gertrude and Papa’s relationship first since that’s the situation they’re getting kids in, but I’m doing Gertrude and Papa’s relationship as this week’s masterpost, so I’ll just say that they were barely dating when Sally and Billy came in, but were married before Sue joined. Additionally, everyone was taken in when it was noted that they were in need.
Cutoff since I expect this to be a bit lengthy!
Billy and Sally joined the family together and were the first out of the siblings. Papa was working late at the 7-11 when these two random kids stumbled in and after awhile of them wandering around (and the smaller one getting into the Eggos), Papa was incentivized to actually figure out what their deal was. It took about an hour to work out that they both had no memory where they came from, they had no idea how they got there, and no money on them. After an additional call to Gertrude, it was concluded that no one was looking for them either. If Papa was more into the paranormal, it would've been easy to conclude a pair of black-eyed children found out what contacts were.
Of course the family would never realize it, but Billy and Sally were placed there by Darth Calculus to infiltrate the family. Only Sally, who was not in on the plan, was supposed to be amnesiac, but she ended up being more crafty than expected and had Billy's mind wiped instead. Sally still had all her memories... she just had no idea what was going on. 24 hours ago, Sally was in a zombie apocalypse, one where she got her brain partially destroyed after getting infected. However, due to not being human, she didn't become a normal zombie. Neither of them had the language or understanding to express any of these ideas, leaving Papa confused as to what he was dealing with.
Normally, Papa would've been more ready to call in a social worker or something, but these crazy teens kind of pulled at his heartstrings. It had been years since he had any real connection with his living family or the people he grew up with, and these two had some... similarities. The girl shared a name with one of his close friends who he had a recent falling-out with, and the boy was a dead ringer for his cousin who died at about the same age. If his hesitation wasn't enough, Gertrude's insistence that the foster system was terrible (she had a bit of experience) and immediate attachment to the kids was something separate to blame.
Since they still thought these kids were from the area, they didn't actually adopt them at first. Just took them in for food and shelter while keeping an eye out for missing posters or something. Gertrude gave up the loft she was staying in for the kids to share and slept on the couch until it started hurting her back. It took a bit of placement shifting before she and Papa agreed to share his bed. Around that time their new family system became normal and the kids started being considered Acachallas as well.
Spencer is unique in that he followed specifically Gertrude home. She had a harder time keeping a job, moving from place to place frequently, being fired and quitting in equal amounts. When the sloppy younger teen walked in critiquing her for her lack of knowledge in the things she was selling, she kicked him out for being a know-it-all jerk, not really considering if he had family close by. When she went to leave for the day, she saw he was still loitering outside and, mostly out of concern that he was going to try to break in after she left, offered to call his family for him. After awhile of talking in circles and a few harder-to-believe lies, including some mumbles about being a god that Gertrude laughed off, Spencer claimed to be a runaway. He stole the basement without asking.
We know Spencer is a god slowly recovering from the well-known illness of 'literally being dead', but who's going to believe him when he says it? He intentionally tried to get into the Acachalla house hoping that being under the watch of the Acachallas would keep him guarded from things that might interrupt his regeneration of power. Additionally, he knew that somewhere in the house was a portal that could access almost any known dimension, and he hoped to take advantage of it when he had his power back, staying in the basement because he assumed the shadow monster he found down there, Jeremy Acachalla, was related to the device in question.
What "The Mighty Spence" was Not expecting was being SACRIFICED by who was supposed to be his OLDER BROTHER. A consequence that Spencer could have predicted if he saw it coming: a large chunk of Spencer's (gestures vaguely) godly power/energy/self whatever-- it went into the revived ghost, Maxwell. It also partially revived the host body "The Mighty Spence" was using, making Spencer less of a temporary arrangement and something that his consciousness was actually tied to. Almost mortal. If he forgot to eat, he hungered, if he forgot to sleep, he stumbled... things like that. After awhile he complained about his conditions to the Acachalla adults, and (to his bafflement) they started making an effort to actually care for him as well.
Having not even fully recovered his memories from before his initial resurrection, Spencer kind of began to forget he was immortal, seeing himself as the only normal in a house full of crazies. His high horse came less from superiority, and more from confusion as to what drove the insanity of the others. He started becoming more social outside of the house, he felt more comfortable having opinions that were not explicitly objective fact, and he started considering his future. He's still a dick about it, but he called Gertrude "Mama" and almost made her cry for it, so that was nice. He allows himself to be officially adopted into the family soon after that, getting the papers himself. They hold a party over it.
If the power of the Mighty Spence inside of Maxwell managed to reconnect with Spencer's body, it will restart the god's resurrection and cause problems and headaches. Might even kill Spencer Acachalla as a person.
Sue entered the family last and the most calmly, no ulterior motives or anything. She arrived at the house with an assigned goal: stop Prince Fang from reaching the portal in the Acachalla house… and didn’t need to do anything, Gertrude alone handled the situation using a weakness Sue had no way of knowing how to exploit. Even if Sue was there, she probably wouldn’t have been able to do anything and might have just gotten in the way. Stressed and tired from a bunch of other things happening in her life at the time, Sue wound up in tears when she realized all of this. While comforting her, Gertrude recognized that she was basically working as a child soldier at the time, and that she didn’t have any family or any way out of this situation, much less any idea on how this world worked. One pair of puppy-dog eyes later, and the Acachallas were adopting a new daughter.
I don’t know all the details of Sue’s backstory. One day she was in a nuclear wasteland, living in a bunker with a father who didn’t respect her, living with a ski mask sewn to her face for most of her childhood because everyone she lived around vaguely sucked. The next, she was somewhere else entirely having wandered through a portal. She didn’t walk right from the wasteland to the Acachalla house though, there was an organization in the middle. Not sure who or what yet, maybe the American Military, but Sue beign a Smigglebug was very exciting for them and they employed her without asking for her input. They didn’t even put in the effort to get the mask off her face, or help her choose a new name. Before being sent to the Acachalla house, Sue was subjected to a series of people telling her in no uncertain terms that she was a disappointment.
When going through the process of adopting her, the family got stuck on the name question, since Sue didn’t want her future deadname on the paper. Papa offered the name Susan, saying he thought it suited her, and she took it and the nickname Sue with glee (Gertrude offered the middle name Annie, which Sue was also very excited for). The process was a joyful one, but was also incredibly exhausting. Billy and Maddie-Friend helped her cut the mask away, a process that wound up being surgical due to it being there for several years. She kind of shut herself away during the weeks of recovery in her own room (originally built for Spencer, but it turns out he liked the basement), but had constant visits from her new family, who always wanted to make sure she was healthy and knew they cared. She may not be the best at everything, but she was happy to be apart of the chaos when she was healthy enough to join in.
Sue’s favorite part of being an Acachalla is caring for the animals Papa adopted, most of them she had never even heard of before coming to this dimension. She’s also a big fan of experimenting with self expression, with playing dress-up with Sally, with studying new things with Spencer, with learning to cook with Billy, with being watched by Maddie when the family is out… She’s a bit of a glass cannon when in a fight, but before and after she’s happy to just be a normal girl with a family who loves her. It’s everything she wanted when she was growing up, so now she loves every second of her life. Even the pain. She’s okay with the pain.
I like to assign her Papa Acachalla’s favorite child, mostly because she never has any intention to hurt him, but also because trans solidarity. He gave Sue the deadname of someone from his past so that Susan Acachalla would be remembered as someone who actually identified with the name. Plus, maybe some sentimentality. Not like he could’ve kind-of named any of the others after his dad, they all came pre-named.
And that’s the main four siblings! Lmk if there’s any other member you want to know about!
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nuctoria · 2 months
ok ok I'm starting to be a pain... Luigi's harem opinion again but with children, like fanchild or AU (with Bowser it won't be difficult)
First of all, you are not a pain, you are the only person that ever gives me asks or requests and as a new account here I love answering them. Plus, you ask me about things I can ramble on for hours, what more can one ask for? Also, I actually have ideas for fankids for both Mario and Luigi but I'm more hesitant with Luigi cause they are a very big stretch to canon Luigi.
Daisy: when I first go back to the fandom as a teen, I was hooked on this ship and did actually make a fanchild for them, drew her, made a story on Wattpad and everything. The fanchild was a girl and was named Lana, she looked like her dad with some traits of her mom and got involved with ghosts to but she was less afraid of boos and more wary or uneasy. She is sporty like her mother but calm and introverted like a father in a less shy way, best believe she got his snarky tongue when annoyed. She begs her father to tell her about the human world and her family on his side as they don't come often and they don't really go to the human world. Much to both parents' relief she was born with great strength like Daisy instead of thunderhand like Luigi.
Peasley: I saw a post that said that children in Bean Bean Kingdom come from the ground but I kept wondering how the child would be biologically related to the parents and claim right to it (I think it was @pianokantzart but it wasn't please tag whoever it was). I'll headcanon that the parents prepare the soil for the baby and somehow create a seed or bean that will spout into a child underground, I can think of the details later. If that's the case then the child won't be blood related to Luigi but he will still raise it with Peasley as his own since they both wanted to be parents and planned this together so the child is as much to Luigi as it is to Peasley. The sprouting of the child will be celebrated like never before, it will be cherished and dotted on by everyone in the kingdom. The two fathers could not be more happy and the grandmother never wants to leave their side, giving them all the tips under the sun on how to care for it and raise it. While it is a royal, Luigi suggests giving them the opportunity to get close to their people and make friends with local children and have fun playing like a normal kid. The kid loves music and tried to learn multiple instruments, its favourite being the trumpet from how fun it sounds. They also got a green thumb (literally-) from their fathers as they like plants a lot, giving their friends and loved ones roses or other flowers they can get their hands on after seeing how happy and flustered Luigi gets when Peasley surprises him with a rose.
Dreambert: Dreambert actually started asking for a child after he started having dreams of how life would be if they had one and craved for it more and more each day. Luigi didn't need much convincing as he's always wanted a family of his own and that's how they adopted their son. This lil guy is as shy as Luigi and as quiet as a mouse. Even so, the two could not be happier to have adopted him, showering him with unconditional love and affection and helping him be less shy so he can enjoy the world. He loves reading about mythical creatures and often explores Somnom Woods in search of a new discover, which is usually weird rocks, plants or other trinkets he finds while exploring. Naps all over the place, with a stuffy if he carries it with him. Loves moths and will follow them around in Somnom Woods when he sees them. When he's around 10 he carries a little notepad to draw the pattern on the wings.
Bowser: this dude has 8 kids, they don't need no more, Luigi is the proud stepmom on these mini koopas. He plays with them, he teaches them new things, he cooks for them and bakes them treats, keeps them in line when possible, is there for them when they're feeling down and has great fashion tips for Wendy. He loves those kids and they love him back equally, but it took some time for them to get used to him at first, especially since he's Mario's brother, their biggest enemy. Even now that they've settled it, it's weird having Mario as their uncle but they are slowly warming up to him too. Idk what else to add here tbh cause it's not the first time this family dynamic has been talked about since the movie so I can't say much about it.
King Boo: boos that are on the more neutral side and don't exactly hang around King Boo's territory have treated Luigi without hostility and some have really warmed up to him so when they come by to see him, Luigi treats them like his children and spoil them with Boo Candy. While in a relationship with KB, Luigi tried to teach the boos to be more well mannered and not target his friends all that much, failing most of the time since many take great pride and joy in their scares. The boos that did keep him company but are under KB's command after the relationship failed and the hatred started, they couldn't go see Luigi to see how he's doing nor did they want to hurt him so they tried to find ways to not be selected by their king in his schemes. The neutral boos visited him instead and tried to support him through this, either through comfort or bringing him things that might help. Either way, Luigi loves the boos with all his heart, no matter how cruel KB decided to be to him.
Antasma: they will most likely adopt like with Dreambert. They found a colony of bat pups somewhere and no other adult bat was with them or would come for hours while they chirped and cried for food so Antasma's instincts kicked in and he fed them, which got to imprint on him as a result. And so they took the colony in and the family was created. Antasma had to teach Luigi how to properly care for them and he was the many parent that educated and trained the children, so they are much closer to Antasma, but they still really love Luigi. Much like their bat father, the babies cling to Luigi like koalas all the time to the point Luigi goes about life with his winged children on his back and shoulders, accepting his role as the colony's personal perch. They still do it when older and with Antasma for fun and old time's sake which Luigi loves in all honesty. He was a nervous wreck when caring for them as babies and wasn't sure if he was following Antasma's instructions correctly but eventually he calmed down and showered them with love and care. The colony will most likely be of 5 bats max, can't see it being more than that.
Dimentio: This is probably the hardest one to imagine a child for, why? Cause Dimentio doesn't seem to give off parental vibes and if he was to be a father, he's still very much unstable and not the safest. I see this dynamic being Luigi as the actual parental figure and Dimentio being the fun yet reckless parental figure, but he may be more serious and give proper advice if the child has magic that is similar to his own. They both love the kid, but Luigi is the one fusing about them more since Dimentio doesn't think he should intervene unless the kid is critically injured or in active danger. He probably pulls pranks on Luigi with the child or cause some mayhem with them, teaching about the different worlds, about magic, showing them magic tricks and so on, it's his way of showing his affection. Luigi tries to teach Dimentio on how to use more common methods to take care of the child but the things that aren't logical, basic necessities he finds dull and pointless so they have disagreements on that. I'll be honest and say that this ideology is based on @lizadale Dimentio and it started making sense to me if I thought about it more deeply.
That's all I have for now so I hope this is good enough. Go ahead and object on anything if you find it wrong.
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