#instead of actually. you know. approaching me like 'hey i think this specific post you shared was kinda misinformed and here's why'
veshialles · 4 months
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can't even find the post this ask was originally about and barely remember the context of what it even actually said at this point, but like.. since we're throwing up scenarios here, imagine policing the labels and experiences of random individual people you've never even met in 2024, and then projecting that onto me, an openly bisexual transfemme dyke on the tranny dyke faggot anarchy website, and getting mad because of a silly post that I vaguely remember reblogging from my trans lesbian roommate and best friend, and then deciding to block your decade-long mutual about it (and telling your partner to also block me about it) and telling me behind my back to kill myself because I didn't give you the cheerfully apologetic response you wanted in time, on account of me having a job and a social life lmfao.
hope you are out there finally touching grass somewhere. fucking bye I guess lmfao 💖
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glamaphonic · 2 months
i did this for rick so as promised my personal headcanon on the trajectory of michonne's feelings for rick
the most fun thing for me about this is that even though i would say that michonne is generally quite emotionally astute, it actually takes her way waaaaay longer than rick to be able to recognize what's going on between them
rick and michonne are so similar in terms of the things that drive them, that move them, that are most important to them (as gimple said: they have the same soul) and her entire approach to their relationship is basically tied into the fact that she and rick had inverse experiences at the very beginning of the apocalypse. he set out to find his family and did. whereas michonne had her family and lost them.
so she closes it all down, decides to just go away, but she can't really escape who she is, so she helps andrea. and this starts the recurring pattern in michonne's character arc where she repeatedly comes to these decision points where she has to make a choice between giving in to the nothingness or being herself (someone who is loving, compassionate, a protector) and every time she makes the choice to be true to herself, it invariably leads her to rick and their family
so from the moment they meet in s3 she is also viscerally drawn to him the same way he is to her, and like him there is no way she's in a place to even begin to process this. but she sought him out specifically because she was making that choice, to look for connection and community, and she sees who he is pretty much immediately, and so extends him this profound trust over and over again because who he is, what she sees in him, is fundamentally why she wants to be a part of that community.
in 4a, michonne's trauma has her turned every which way. she's already grown attached to rick and to carl and her reaction to this is to keep one foot out the door; to not be fully present for the community. to try to keep her distance even though while she's away she's still obviously thinking about her grimes boys all the time, i.e. bringing them back gifts, etc. and then the prison falls and it seems to justify her caution.
in 4b, she comes to one of those decision points and when she chooses to seek connection and community, it returns her to rick and carl. in my other post i note that this is where rick claims her as a grimes, but this is also where michonne fully commits. she claims them too. she accepts that they are hers. and of course we all know, and danai has even pointed out, the exact moment michonne fully falls in love with rick, when it clicks somewhere inside of her that it's only ever going to be him. but she's still nowhere near ready to consciously face that.
in 5a and through to 5b, just like rick she's not spending time examining what they've become. it just is. that's her family. they belong to each other.
towards the end of 5b, when rick starts to Realize, michonne doesn't because she instead actively sublimates the fact that she is in love with rick, that she has regained what she lost during the turn, into her general dedication to community. she puts everything into trying to shepherd their community without acknowledging her personal stake. which is what leads us to:
but that final wall is so hard to get past because that wound is so deep, she has to sit with all of that for a good long while (she's working up to it), and it still takes carl basically openly declaring that she's his mother and rick actually making the move before she finally lets herself see, in that moment, what was already long since there.
and it's just very delicious to me personally that from 4a on rick was hers for the taking, honestly. all she had to do was say the word, but she wasn't ready to take him until that moment on the couch.
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thydungeongal · 7 months
Hey, your romance post about systems that actually support it got me thinking, any advice for handling romance as a GM?
I'm running a Blades in the Dark game and at least 2 players are expressing romantic interest in NPCs. It's super out of my comfort zone for trauma reasons but it's something I'm interested in getting better at and this group is one I feel safe trying it in, but I just am unsure of how to even begin to approach it.
I've bought a few of the romance systems you've mentioned and am reading through them for ideas and tips but still pretty nervous about it.
So, having sat on this post overnight (thank you for your patience by the way), here are some of my thoughts informed by various readings on the subject as well my own experiences
First of all, this does very much sound like a safety and boundary issue for you, so I think my first piece of advice is to just remind you to take care of yourself and not put yourself in an uncomfortable situation. In your place I would start with a candid and open discussion with your group about how you want to get better at this because you want the game to be better for them, but you also want to be mindful of your safety and comfort.
I would then suggest familiarizing yourself and the rest of your group with the various safety tools that exist out there. This is a good article I found that discusses many of them, and I think in your case lines and veils would be the best thing to start with. These basically give you a way to announce before the game which topics are off the table (lines) and which topics are not off the tables but should not be referred to explicitly (veils). I don't know what your specific level of discomfort with romantic topics is, but you could use this to announce that, say, flirtation is okay, but anything beyond that should just be faded to black. You should also have some way of signaling to your group when things are getting out of your comfort zone sooner than rather than later, and the aforementioned article has some tools for that as well.
Now, for a bit of personal editorializing: as a GM I have found that it's actually easier to play out romance as a player instead of a GM: as a player if you find some NPC catching your character's fancy or you think it might be fun to play out a romance between your PC and another player's PC, it feels easy because you always have full agency over your character. As a GM I feel it's more complex because while the GM does have agency over NPCs, their agency can feel somewhat limited both by the rules as well as group expectations. I think it's mostly down to social contract, but as a GM it may feel harder to have an NPC reject a player character's romantic advances than when both characters are player characters. While I'm not sure how useful this is to you, I think it deserves to be mentioned because it may open up new venues for this conversation.
Anyway, that's my answer. I hope other people feel willing to share their advice and experiences as well. Also, the aforementioned link is not the only resource on safety tools there is, but I feel it's a good primer. Remember though, your comfort matters, and it's 100% okay for you to tell your players that you are not comfortable broaching those topics in your game if that's the conclusion you wish to draw. I think it's commendable of you that you're willing to try, but ultimately you shouldn't feel like you have to do any of this. :)
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(I loved your dead boy detectives game!)
Hey just read your tags and I totally agree with you with you— in every fandom I have been in, there’s at least one major fanon character interpretation that feels like a misinterpretation to me. So that being said, I don’t think it’s inherently bad to make a post with different evidence, because that’s what makes fandom fun! It also might be a relief to other people who also weren’t into the earlier meta analysis. I think where it gets hairy are the little comments like “everyone who disagrees with me is bad/dumb/stupid” that get tacked on at the end, or direct references to people who like other characters or ships all being malicious. There’s just no need for that, and I’ve seen it a lot in the past few days from some folks. :/
Games and general analysis spread a lot of positivity though! That’s what keeps fandom alive and makes people feel like they’re part of the fun. Thanks again for starting that ask game.
Actually, I started that ask game specifically to meet people!
Big fandoms are usually riddled with ppl who annoy one another, so my strategy is usually to *start* in the tag so I can block any blogs that would stop me from having fun with fandom, and whittle it down to a mutuals group so I can eventuality just use my dash instead.
I decided to use a mixture of surface, deep, and canon-irrelevant questions in order for others who use it to see multiple types of answers that blogs might not post otherwise, and realize which blogs they like. I think asking questions someone might not think to make a post on otherwise can be very revealing. Ask engagement is a really fun way to make friends here!
I think there are definitely points where mischaracterization can be malintended or even just accidentally harmful- reducing characters to either just their actions or just their circumstance runs the risk of stereotyping them or romanticizing/demonizing their behaviors, neither of which makes fandom a fun or accommodating form of socializing. Personally I take a non-confrontational approach and try to narrow my interaction, but I really don't know how to make fandom safer in general. I don't want to waste time on people who don't care, but it is hard to tell the difference between people who will and won't listen until you spend time asking!
Part of why it is difficult (for me) to make that distinction is fandom language. "ship" is a big one! When people "ship" a pairing, I don't know whether they mean it is interesting, whether they want it to be canon, whether or not they think it is healthy, whether they think it is already implied, or some other meaning, all of which change how and if I'd interact with them- and making fandom friends is part of why I'm here! I don't really have a solution here either, but it is pretty hard to navigate and pretty easy to get lost 'round these parts.
It's also hard to tell with popular fanon if people *know* it's fanon
Anyways, half of that was totally irrelevant to the ask bc I got into a tangent, but basically thanks for visiting my blog, even if you don't stay long! Have fun with fandom ! <2
(And one last hot tip! I mentioned going into the main tag before finding the blogs y'all like, but character tags, art/fic/meta-specific tags, and ship tags will tailor more to your taste!)
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snowydragon10 · 3 months
I think we're approaching this... "Chapter" of the Showgrounds Saga from the wrong direction
Theory Time!!
(It's a bit of a long one, so take your time)
Ok, so we've all been thinking - most of us at least - that this would be SMG3's Focus Arc and his turn to get character development and/or Trauma via a big movie event, but it's not what we expected. When I asked myself why, I came to some questions and theories
So, we've seen the pattern so far, SMG4's Perfection, Meggy's Idolization, and then WotFI happened, which I think was SMG3's Chapter.
I think what happened was that WotFI was his main event. Instead of building up to the tension, they swapped it and had the big event first with the development after, henceforth all of the focus episodes after WotFI regarding his shop, his selfworth and his place with the Crew.
So, "If SMG3 already had his fair share of Puzzle/Adware interference, then who's the focus for this chapter?" You may be asking, and I have the theory:
It's actually Us the Audience
Think about it! There's always some kind of connection between each Movie/Chapter moving towards the next one! In IGBP, while rescuing SMG4, how did Meggy fight off SMG3? Her splatfest skills (Former Splatfest Champion Wren)!! In Western Spaghetti, what did SMG3 have that added to his character from that point onwards? His bombs (Coffe n' Bombs Cafe)!!
So now, what's one connection with WotFI and this one? We the *Audience* are allowed to add our input based on the situation! (The Heist Plan Votes and the Video Reviews!!)
Not only that, BUT when WotFI finished and we got that post credit scene, Mr. Puzzles didn't address just anyone. No, he wasn't talking to SMG4, he wasn't talking to Luke, Marty, or SMG3; he was talking DIRECTLY to us the *Audience* at the 4th wall!
Adware KNOWS that we're finally picking up the hints and pieces!! He finally acknowledged that we're ready for our turn!!
When the first movie came out and he appeared as that keyboard malware virus (when we dubbed him Adware), we didn't think much of it. We thought it was a one-off, a fluke, something to further the story via typical SMG4 Weirdness.
It wasn't until the Western Spaghetti movie hype was building up that everyone realized that there's a pattern happening. That was when fans started pointing out, "Hey! There's something Fishy going on (Ha), and here's the hidden clues to prove it!!". We became suspicious of that damn symbol, and became more vigilant... and then WotFI happened!!
(Addition: I feel like Adware was beginning to test how ready we were when we got that one Steam Link with Tari in an empty room and the TV at the front of the train. Yeah, it was to hype up the movie, but it was also almost like a... puzzle, you could say)
Which could explain why this time it isn't a movie event that lasts for one week, but instead nearly over an entire month! I theorize that Winston wants to test us for some reason, and for that, he needs to collect information. Information like maybe a certain interactive website with reviews. You can't get the audience involved with just a single movie, just saying. Plus, the fact that he said endless entertainment all Saturdays forever? Who's the most involved in that specific detail, hmm?
Also! The theme! Granted, I don't have much proof for this one, but the theme I've noticed is Nostalgia. Blue's Clues isn't something very important to any of the characters that got kidnapped (minus 4 hating content farms) but it can be something that a lot of us have a fond attachment to! Which Adware could use to his Advantage! What better way to get good reviews than to target what the audiences like?
(4th wall sidenote, after that TV song jingle, Winston glances over to the screen directly at Us)
Also, notice how weird it is that the Crew Members that got kidnapped are popular among the fandom? You know, characters that we've gotten attached to? (Don't tell me Bob doesn't have a fanbase of his own). Every time a "Victim" is targeted, their close friends end up getting dragged into the mess.
SMG4 (3, Megs and Mar)
Meggy (Tari, Mario, Axol, DESTI)
SMG3 (Eggdog got a Cameo, 4, Bob??)
Us (Our favorite characters)
So, all of this to say, we need to stay on our toes, especially for this chapter. Be wary and all of that. I may be overthrowing it, but hey, theorizing is fun!! What do you guys think?
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trans-axolotl · 6 months
hi! no rush in answering this and I hope it all works out with your job, sending good vibes. I wanted to ask for some advice as my partner hss AFRID and (probably) anorexia. they've been refered for help for the AFRID stuff specifically and they (for very valid. and obvious reasons) don't feel comfortable opening up to drs about the other loads of eating problems they have. Now they are being monitored and freaked about abt the need to gain weight etc
Im helping them as best I can but it feels very us 2 (and our friends) vs the rest of the world plus that I feel I'm p much winging random stuff that Might help see what sticks. We are trying to find some middle ground were they can make some "progress" so they aren't coerced into something they really don't want to do by drs and so they can have a little more energy etc etc.
We are also both still living at our parents and it's all just not ideal. rn. Any advice at all would help really, is there anything I should do and anything I really shouldn't? just typing it up to someone who won't tell me to force them to get themselves admitted is already a relief tbh thank u for ur work on harm reduction <3
Hey anon! Thanks for reaching out. It can be so hard to find any information about how to support people with eating disorders that isn't just "Go get professional treatment right now," so I will do my best to share some stuff that we've been talking about in my harm reduction + peer support networks!
Correct me if I'm retyping your situation incorrectly, but my understanding of what you shared is that your partner has ARFID and is also having other struggles with eating more related to anorexia in terms of fears about weight gain, body image, etc. Their doctors know about the ARFID and are receiving some sort of treatment for the ARFID, but the treatment is triggering some more of the anorexia stuff because of the increased monitoring.
This sounds like a difficult situation for both your partner and you as a support person, and I can understand how stressful it is to have to worry about coercive treatment on top of trying to figure out ways to cope with disordered eating in the first place. It sounds like you've been doing a really good job supporting your partner and listening to what they need, and trying out lots of different things to see what's helpful for them. I'll share some tips, but as always, what works for one person won't work for another! Asking your partner and collaborating with them to figure out what their exact needs and wants are is always going to be the most important.
@librarycards just made a post about harm reduction in eating disorders that I'm going to link to. I'm not going to restate everything they wrote, but one thing they talk about is identifying what feels like a necessity that can't be changed right now, and what things feel like there could be some wiggle room and space for change right now. If your partner is open to it, it might be helpful to sit down and make a list of what kind of eating disorder behaviors feel absolutely necessary right now that can't be changed, and what things feel more flexible. I think it's really important to be able to do this nonjudgmentally--a lot of eating disorder recovery spaces argue that "recovery" is all or nothing, and that allowing any kind of eating disorder behaviors is a failure. It can be really important to use a harm reduction approach to identify goals that actually feel doable for us, instead of saying the only option is to stop every eating disorder behavior and mindset 100%. That will look different for everyone, but explicitly giving yourself permission to continue some eating disorder behaviors can sometimes help people meet other goals around energy, quality of life, etc that are important to them. I know for me, having both ARFID and anorexia made it incredibly difficult to try to focus on dealing with both at the same time. I completely stopped trying to focus on any ARFID goals in increasing variety or challenging sensory needs, and instead just focused on figuring out coping skills and how to meet the energy needs for my body. Giving myself permission to only eat safe foods, ignore social norms around food, etc, helped me a little bit with figuring out how to cope with some of my restrictive urges. It might be worth figuring out with your partner what goals feel like priorities at the moment, and making a plan together.
Another thing that I found super helpful in my own journey with the ARFID and anorexia combo was learning about fat liberation and discussing it with other people. Basically all mainstream eating disorder treatment doesn't bother to spend anytime talking about fat liberation or fatphobia, and usually actually perpetuates a lot of fatphobia. I think that being able to dismantle the societal ideas we learn about weight gain, fatness, and diet culture is super important for everyone, and I think that for disorderly eaters, it can also be super important to track how that influences our own self-understanding of our eating. This list by Rachel Fox is a great starting point for fat liberation resources. For me, it was super helpful to be able to read through articles and books about fat liberation and discuss them with other people, and build a political understanding of fatness that allowed me to connect what I was reading to my experience with disorderly eating. If this is something that your partner is interested in, having someone to learn + read with can be super impactful.
I think it can also be crucial to think about your own boundaries and needs as a support person. You are not in charge of "fixing" your partner and your partner does not need to be "fixed." You're allowed to not know the answers to things, need to take breaks to support yourself, and to also be going through difficult times. Both you and your partner's autonomy is important, and figuring out ways to support without feeling responsible or trying to control each other can be really crucial. I can tell how much you care about your partner and it sounds like you're doing a really incredible job with all the ways you're providing care. If either of you ever feels like you need a space in your life to talk about this, ANAD offers peer support groups both for people living with eating disorders and for family/friends of people living with eating disorders.
Other than that, there's not a ton I can think of for things you should or shouldn't do, since it seems like you have pretty good insight into major things to avoid (forcing people into hospitalization, making fatphobic comments, reinforcing diet culture, forcing recovery) and are doing a lot of things right (asking your partner what they need, trying things out and being flexible, making room for harm reduction style goals instead of only "recovery.") Keep asking your partner how to support them, collaborate with them on the best ways to provide them care, and continue being there for them through this hard time.
Truly sending you and your partner the best of luck, anon, and hoping that you both can find some care and healing during this difficult time. All the solidarity and please feel free to send any other asks with more questions, vents, anything, <3 <3 <3
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Hey so regarding your recent post about past tense vs present tense: I would love to hear thoughts about why you prefer one over the other, if you feel like sharing?
I love your writing style, you have such a good sense of dialogue as well as making the settings feel very like... viscerally real, and your characterisation is always spot on, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on writing and how you approach it in general. I remember you mentioning once that you pay a lot of attention to smells, are there any other things you're like consciously trying to do when you write?
(this is so long sorry) hello! I love talking about writing, thank you!!
tense is very personal, but for me: my goal with writing is to be as economical with my language as possible, while still doing all the things good writing should do. I always think, every sentence should have a job. Move the plot along, share something new, convey something. that's what I like to write and read, personally.
and for me, past tense lets me do that much more easily. I feel like present tense has a very alluring way of making everything sound poetic and immediate and sexy, almost like spoken word, but for me it's always felt like a crutch, and at direct odds with the goals I mentioned above. tldr I think it's got a way of injecting false gravity, I guess. past feels like the opposite. I think it slows me down and encourages me to choose words more carefully, focus on good verbs and think about what everyone is actually doing and what I'm trying to say.
with that being said: that's 100% a matter of style and what you're trying to do as a writer!! I recently wrote a fic in present tense for the first time in a VERY long time because it felt like it suited the story, which itself was different than my usual style. the POV flowed back and forth between two characters and it was for true detective s1, so I was trying to evoke a very grimy greasy sexy violent type of thing, and I thought that present tense suited it.
BUT! right now I'm working on a fic for the show The Bear, which I also want to be grimy greasy sexy violent, and I thought present would suit it, but about halfway through I just kept reading over what I'd written and thinking, this doesn't work, this doesn't feel good, it feels like stumbling downhill. so I changed the tense (painstaking) and now it's going much better. it's funny how much it makes a difference, I think
for other things I think about-- I love that you remember my thing about smells, lol. smells are very important to me, especially bad smells. sweat, morning breath, lube and latexy condom, dirty clothes, unwashed hair, unwashed dick. I like gross stuff, I think it evokes a v unique kind of discomfort around sex/romance. getting fingered by someone who hasn't washed their hands, blood and shit on a condom after anal, snowballing. for setting a scene, I like to think about 1-2 things I can mention about an environment that would pack the biggest punch instead of describing everything. does it matter if there's a bookshelf against the back wall if there are heaps of dirty clothes on the floor? etc.
I don't know what I can share about dialogue but I love writing it more than any other part of a story. I love how people talk. I watch a lot of movies (good movies, I think) and I think it's so great to dissect HOW a character says something and figure out what else they would say.
for fic specifically, I try not to get too far from the source material. I have to be actively watching/reading something to write fic for it, and the farther I get from that, the worse the voices come out. you can see this bigtime in my spn fic. my watching slowed down around snooping and breaking things, and I don't like much of what I wrote after that. even pine sweat has weak characterization, compared to like, human hands or yesterday minnesota. a xerox of a xerox.
hope any of that was helpful. for some more general writing advice, this post has some thoughts and resources that I still stand by!
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pleasejustletpercyrest · 10 months
I’m surprised I haven’t caved and done this yet, but I NEED to talk about how fucked up it is that ole Papa Ricky missed out on prime ace/aro representation via Leo Valdez in favor of? Ruining part of his character arc? Let’s get into it.
Essentially, Leo’s entire character is based off of the loser boy who relentlessly flirts with anything that moves because he’s desperate. We see this in almost every book until he starts to get serious, and of course when the Calypso plot line begins. IGNORING THAT ENTIRE SECTION OF THE BOOKS, and instead looking more closely towards the whole “seventh wheel” thing, I would very much like to point my gay little finger and declare Leo on the a-spec.
Leo as a character is very performative, and we see him taking the role of the comedian, or the resident funny guy along with his throwaway usefulness as the engineer and repairer. In his POV multiple times we see a deeper exploration to his thoughts and actions, while in everyone else’s eyes, he’s just annoying, funny, and hyperactive. While this is an entirely different post I should be making in the name of Leo Valdez and all of his quirks and flaws, I also think that this inherently plays into the loneliness and separation that we see over and over again casting him as the third/fifth/seventh wheel.
I think there’s also something very telling about that desperation. Besides Rick very quickly throwing him into a romance to solve most of his “problems”, a lot of the earlier books show him flirting and throwing himself at women, but there’s no SUBSTANCE to it. In my personal experience, and in something very often seen in the aro/Ace community, to fit into social norms, you often try to attach yourself quickly to people, or convince yourself and your peers that you are experiencing crushes/attraction for a way to fit in to conversation and convention. Unintentionally, Rick wrote this little playboy character who is SO EASILY read as queer, specifically ace/aro!!!!
While we can only give the books so much credit for diversity and representation (as they are written by a cishet white man well past his 30s), the way that Leo is written so stereotypically gives me FUEL to headcanon that he is better than written. I like to think of his third wheel era with Piper and Jason as a sort of PART 1 to this realization, and then PART 2 comes around with Hazel and Frank. There could have been so many silly interactions if he was actually pursued as a queer character, and I will forever rage because of the sloppily thrown labels after HoO with Nico’s coming out arc.
(Once again, big W for the representation being shown, but I do have some issues with the execution)
I just imagine Leo, confused, watching these relationships on the Argo II and taking notes about what romantic attraction looks like. He has messy notes scribbled on his palm like:
-Laughs at joke that is NOT funny because they are blinded by love???
-Look like idiots holding hands and staring into each others eyes
-‘I would die for you’ but in a sexy way (aka how to date in demigod 101)
-Whatever the fuck Percy and Annabeth have going on
Relationships, specifically romantic ones, seem to be the only way that Rick truly allows important interactions to happen. What happened to declaring your loyalty but in a platonic sense? What happened to fighting for the power of friendship? What happened to Grover?!?!!!
I also truly believe that there could have been an entirely new angle explored between Nico and Leo’s relationship, and how they could’ve become tentative friends after Leo comes back from the dead, especially after the death of Jason Grace. I see perfectly an interaction that would go something like:
Leo, approaching Nico wearily at the dining pavilion: hey man, how did you realize you were gay?
Nico, not paying much attention, absolutely destroying a bowl of cereal: didn’t like women, liked men
Leo, nodding seriously, knowing full well that he isn’t gay but also not straight: I see…
ADDITIONALLY there could have been such a fun friendship with Piper and Leo if Rick Riordan wasn’t a coward and actually gave Piper a character arc where she was established as queer instead of just sprinkling it in at random. Piper, as a daughter of Aphrodite, with that ‘love sense’, I truly believe they’re could have been such fun scenes such as:
Piper, suspicious that Leo isn’t straight: so…you have any crushes?
Leo, panicking because now he has to think of someone who could reasonably be seen as someone he was crushing on: uh, um, uh, what’re you? A cop???
Piper, getting literally no vibes of any attraction whatsoever from Leo, throwing her tf off: uh, maybe
This also leaves the very real, very hilarious question of what Leo would see if he ever met Aphrodite. As Jason sees a lot of Piper, and Percy sees basically just Annabeth, I think it would be interesting to have an internal dialogue of Leo meeting the goddess of love and having her features shift constantly to try and fit an impossible attraction by melding together traits that are stereotypically pretty or beautiful.
Not all of this was entirely coherent, but I have very strong feelings on this headcanon and I am HORRIBLE at articulating anything in a way that makes sense. Thank you for, once again, coming to my Teddy Talky.
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sludgewolf · 1 year
👉👈 hey! Feel free to ignore if you arent up for it but do you think you wanna try doing some hcs for Dave strider with an autistic s/o? Especially one who has trouble understanding their own emotions (alexithymia), kinda takes things literally, and has a special interest in bugs (specifically ants and isopods) thank you so much in advance! ♡♡♡
No, I am writting this hc!! Just be aware that I have ADHD not autism, so pls tell me if I got anything wrong or you want smt fixed and I hc Dave being half japanese, Bro raising him with some of the culture as well as the Strider charm (I'm just saying this bc there's a small part that won't make sense without that info)
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Dave x Autistic!Reader
Actually x btw
Dave used to just ignore his emotions so he never ended up learning how to deal or understand them until recently
so he understands you to some degree and helps you whenever you ask him to
and if you think you'd rather talk to someone else he takes you to Rose since she was the one to help him for the most part, the other part was Karkat but his though love approach isn't for everyone
Dave tones down on the sarcasm while talking to you, especially when not joking
Egbert now takes a double dose of the patented Strider Sarcasm™
poor idiot doesn't know what's coming their way
Still there's a learning curve for both of you
Dave doesn't do it on purpose, but sometimes forgets that you take things literally and he runs his mouth
going from tangent to tangent until things don't make sense anymore
at times starting to talk having no idea where he's taking things and discovering it only after he already said it
confusing you both and making you ask him if he's serious
to which he immediately cuts himself off and apologizes as if he just kicked a puppy
sometimes kneeling down to properly apologize is he takes things too far
If you have a collection of insects he is eager to see it
the first time you visited his room he immediately dragged you to his shelf to show you some sick bugs he has on amber or preserved in alcohol
Dave then listens attentively as you tell him about what kind of bug it is and what's their niche in the food chain
once you're done he tells you about how he found it behind the toiled after hearing Bro scream like a baby from getting spooked by it
If you have an ant farm or a bioactive enclosure with roly-polies and springtails Dave will practically beg you to let him feed them
just be careful since he will try to feed them pizza or some old candy he found in his pocket
and instead of water he'll give them apple juice thinking it's way better because he's watering and feeding them at the same time
You have to explain that that's the weirdest and stupidest idea you ever heard, but you sometimes let him put a drop of Aj in a bottle cap as a treat to your bugs
Congrats, you're the new target of his long and winded monologues
but you're more than expected to do it back to him
please tell him about deep sea isopods and the freak sizes they grow into, please tell him about the new hobby you've just started
Just talk to him
he craves your attention and company as much as he craves your touch, shit is unreal
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im-not-a-l0ser · 17 days
- 🐦‍⬛
a funny or crack WIP snippet
So, uh. Here's the thing. I really don't write much comedy or crack. I don't write comedy because (as I've been told for the last 17 years of my life) I don't really think I'm that funny, and I try not to write crack because that's a pipeline to misrepresenting characters. The only one I might've had was Chapter One of Beanies, but y'know. That's already posted.
So, the only one I have isn't Hatchetfield, or even Starkid at all. It's Dear Evan Hansen. Kleinphy, to be specific. It's a 5+1, here are the first couple. I'll reblog with the other(❓) one momentarily.
Anyway, it is mildly nsfw, because that's the only way I know how to write crack apparently.
Most people knew that Jared could calm Connor down when he was angry, but a grand total of two people knew how, and that was Jared and Connor themselves. 
The first time, it was a massive shock. 
Third week of Junior Year, Connor was a bit up and arms at lunch. It wasn’t really his fault in all honesty, but he was the one that drew the crowd in, not that he meant to.
“I just can’t believe they even let guys like you into the school.” Connor scoffed.
“Me? You’re worried about me being in the school? You pay people to do your urine tests and you hit on every girl you see! Including teachers! And haven’t you been held back like seven times, aren’t you like legally allowed to drink now?” He was a super senior, but just the one year. Though, he drank enough that you’d hope it was legal. “But no, me, I’m the one that’s a risk to the school even though all I ever fucking do is mind my own business until someone gets into mine, you’re absolutely—”
“Hey, Murphy!” Someone suddenly yelled from the sidelines.
Even though other people were yelling both of their names, this person seemed to specifically get Connor’s attention. He was quickly approached by a short guy that only a handful of people in the crowd recognised. 
He simply cupped his hands around Connor’s ear and whispered something. Then he walked away. 
Connor’s body seemed to relax. He took a breath, pulled down his hoodie, and walked off. In a different direction than the kid, which was specifically interesting. It meant that he wasn’t trying anything, he just. Got him to stop somehow.
“Who was that kid?” The perpetrator asked.
“Jared something, I think,” Someone in the front row of the circle said. 
“What the fuck is his deal,” He laughed. Everyone else laughed too. 
Four rooms away, Jared was waiting for Connor to meet him in their designated place to be alone. Connor joined him not long after, where he was held until he didn’t need to be anymore. 
The next time, it was actually in public. Connor was at the grocery store with his mom— he did not want to be— and he was getting sick of the whole thing. 
“I swear, if you get another meat substitute and claim it tastes the same again, I will cut open myself and we can just eat that instead!” 
“Connor!” Cynthia exclaimed, “That was extremely uncalled for!” 
“Was it? I’m pretty sure I’m slowly dying because of the way you cook, what’s so wrong with speeding that process along then, huh?”
“Whoa, okay!” 
Someone new had entered the conversation. 
“Looks like someone needs to calm down!” He said, throwing his arm around Connor’s shoulder. Cynthia stared, confused, but her son didn’t look too shocked. More surprised that this person was here. 
He used his free hand to cover the side of his mouth and whispered into Connor’s ear. 
Most people probably wouldn’t have noticed, but Connor’s face flushed ever so slightly. The guy pulled away. 
“I’ll see you on Monday,” He said. He pat Connor’s shoulder before pulling away. 
“Oh, you fucking asshole,” Connor accused as he walked off, but it didn’t sound nearly as angry. More annoyed. 
“Who was that? Did you know him?” Cynthia asked. Connor crossed his arms. 
“Some asshole from school,” He grumbled. 
On Monday, Connor went straight to their closet, finding Jared on his knees, just as promised.
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road-rhythm · 1 year
hey Roadie! A question I've been curious about for a while, if you feel up to answering: how do you plan your outlines for the long, plot-heavy fics you do?
You've mentioned outlining in advance in your author's notes in the past, and I'm curious about how that process looks for you, because I'm always impressed by how... organic (?) each new development feels. "Organic" is the best adjective I could come up with, but I mean that (at least in Hard Mouth, which as a finished story is easier to see globally) you do a great job of building tension toward what *seems* like it will be the resolution of a problem, and then you throw a wrench in the works so something else takes relevance instead, or else the planned outcome loses a lot of the "this will fix all our problems" McGuffin-ness by the time it comes about because of shifting circumstances, but it doesn't take away tension at all, just keeps reframing the action in cool and intersting ways.
So that's a very roundabout way of saying I love your plotting and do you have any thoughts about how you approach it? Or maybe you'd be willing to tell us about HM and if/how the outline changed? <3
how do you plan your outlines for the long, plot-heavy fics you do?
On index cards, half like a Rubik's Cube and half like solving for x. Except I don't know what shape the Rubik's Cube is going to be, and I can make more blocks for it (but not an infinite number), and "that's hot" is a valid standard of proof in the algebra.
When I start something, I have a constellation of ideas that I want to put in it because they're iddy or otherwise attractive to me. Sometimes these are very specific images or scenes; sometimes they're barely more than a mood. Then I think up ways to connect them. When some number of them are connected, including enough of the ones that need to go at the beginning, I start writing. Then I continue thinking up ways to connect the dots in the constellation and think up more dots to put in along the way and then also think up ways to connect the new ones and in the process move all of the dots around, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Then I write more and also plan more and keep doing those things until I finish. Really it isn't any deeper than that, I'm afraid.
The final output of that process is a first draft that ideally should then get edited into some best version of itself, but which in practice ends up standing as-is because life is short and while my interest in the final shape of the stories is not zero, it is at a level that makes things like editing optional. Nowadays when writing fanfic I yeet installments without reading them more often than not, which I do occasionally regret, but not enough on balance to stop. I do ninja-edit a lot of sentence-level stuff after posting; e.g., at this point I have actually read Hard Mouth pretty much all the way through and have ironed out the highest-intensity cringe bits in the prose (I hope). But there's no help for the structural things, because they would take a lot of work to fix and I don't care enough to do it. Like, I care about being able to tell that they're there, I think? I care about the attempt to say something I mean, I care about saying what I mean as faithfully as possible, and I care about saying what I mean as effectively as possible. But I care in that order, and "faithfully" and "effectively" are not always congruent, but whatever, this is a very long digression. I have neither the lifespan nor the attention span to edit my fanfic, but I would if I did.
(If I were selling original work, the editing phase would be non-optional and therefore I would do it. Attention span factors would still make it difficult, but those can be pushed through to a positive result.)
TL;DR index cards & vibes
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Hey torship.. do u think ppl binge reading on long ongoing fanfictions are bad? I was just finished bingeing a work and another reader commented before me like " oh wow icb i've just finished this (200k+series) in 2 days, what am i gonna binge read now?" And i was like, whoa so honest bro, would that hurt the feeling of the author or not? If it was said like that..
Hmmm, I've not really thought much on it, not enough to have a solid answer off the cuff. I'll try and muddle through it but, short answer? Don't we all 'binge' read?
Long answer is a bit more scrambled but stick with me.
I mean, you gotta join an ongoing fic at some point. If you mean specifically the type of binging where readers wait until updates pile up so they can read big chunks of the story in one go (I have readers who do this, you poor things will be on tenterhooks for decades at this point lol) or, maybe, they wait until the story is completed to start... That's a little different but it's not bad or wrong. I think it's more that, when you read that way, you're distancing yourself from the author's ongoing creativity.
Now, quick disclaimer, a fic is a fic and you can read it however you like, I binge stuff all the time. But fanfic is different from published OG work because the reader DOES have that opportunity to, kinda, participate in the creative process, to be there every step - or update - of the way.
I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to this question, it's about how you approach your reading as much as how you view your writing. To me, as an author with a majority of ongoing works AND breaks in my updating, comments like that are a bit... Sweet and sour. This person binged my fic, maybe even the whole series or all of my works, and now they're left adrift with all these cliffhangers and emotions and the track is hanging, suspended and unfinished, and it's hard to scale off the ride by yourself. I always feel feral when I come up for air after a binge like that, like one of those pics of deer in dark grasses and the eyes are all lit up by the torch. You devoured my work like an animal, all fingers and teeth? I'm delighted!
But the listlessness of an unfinished work binge can also, intentionally or not, sting. Like, yeah, I know that was a lot to leave you hanging with, ain't it rough? (But please don't beg me for more because then the pressure makes it worse) and oh you read all 50K in one day, so you must've been so gripped? (You only commented on the last chapter, you ate that five course meal with a ladle and you mashed all the dishes together and did you even notice the care and garnish?)
My slowly revealed banquet becomes a buffet, whether you're picking at it or gorging. It's a different experience altogether. That's not your fault and it's not mine. It just is.
Most people don't pace themselves when they start a new show, you watch everything you can get your grubby paws on before jumping over to AO3, so why does binge reading become a thing in fandom? Because, for most people, it's the slower process that really makes the experience so positive. I've never published a work that was rubber-stamped finished before the readers ever saw it, so I'll be honest that I'm talking out of my ass as per usual, but I don't think I'd want to just.... Post all the chapters together. I want the reactions, I want the anticipation, I want the readers to travel with me.
To come back to your actual example tho, Neptune, "what am I gonna binge read now?" Is a comment that I would largely overlook by itself. I mean, if that's it, nothing about enjoying the work or thanking the author or anything to soften it, then it's a bit of a micro. Up there with letting the door swing behind you instead of holding it for the person after. (No harm really meant, just in your own world)
If it's part of a comment that expresses that the reader might've shoved down those five courses without savouring the flavours but they just REALLY loved that food, then it's more than fine, it's a big compliment! You were so busy eating that you barely paused for breath! And binging isn't a prerequisite to not commenting or savouring! It's like a mukbang, they love the flavours but fucking hell can they pack down that food in one sitting.
If it's rude, entitled, then I wouldn't give it the time of day. Putting something out there does not mean you're entitled to getting something back, even a smile or thanks. That doesn't, however, mean that it's not poor manners. And, if someone comes into my house and wolfs down my five course banquet before huffing with impatience or immediately leaving for their next meal, that's only a reflection of them and not me. I put the meal out, I can't tell people how to eat it.
This metaphor is running away from me lmao
TLDR: everyone binges, it's not a bad thing. But your manners matter and we should all be mindful that you're enjoying something for free; if the author wanted that conversation between chapters, if the author thinks binging is a compliment, if the author doesn't care at ALL. It's not a crime to be "late" to an ongoing fic, it's not a crime to read how you want.
Personally? I binge a lot, I try to comment as much as I can, and I try to remember that fandom is about community. I hadn't thought too much on the topic before this, tbh, and I don't even know if this makes any sense but I tried to sound it out for you guys anyway.
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polychaeteworm · 7 months
Feel free to delete this if you'd like, but your post about endo systems reminded me of a conversation I had with my therapist years ago. I have diagnosed DID from trauma and I told her I often fear that maybe I'm just making it up. We talked about how DID is a response/coping thing and how, regardless of if I "actually" had it or not, it helped my mind through a lot of hard shit. So in the end she asked me if it truly made a difference, I said no.
I'm almost 28 now and frankly have seen plenty of life experiences that are so different from mine, so how could I ever know to tell someone if their experiences are valid or not, ya know? So basically thank you for that post because it made me really think.
No problem! You're very welcome. I write these posts to make people think and to kind of inject nuance even if my nuance isn't always effectivly communicated lol. I appreciate asks like this because they give me an excuse to info dump, so here I goooo..
I unfortunately have a lot of experience with running away from my DID label and needing to frame my system in a way that doesn't cause some alters distress while still healing and being in touch with reality enough to be functional because a lot of my coping mechanisms are tangled inseparably from maladaptive daydreaming.
This would (and still does) have me defining and presenting myself in ways that would make my system look fake. I was the "in denial trauma system" these people say endos turn into and frankly this doesn't make me doubt the validity of endos any less. If they are in denial traumagenic systems, that is sooooo personal! You are absolutely correct about the variability of the human condition and how much it really doesn't make a difference how it all looks in the end as long as someone is coping and healing!
To me, the structure, presentation, and way a system forms is such a sacred and sensitive thing that is so different from person to person that it really can't be picked apart and fully understood by strangers in the way people seem to want to do with Syscourse on Tumblr.
I spent most my life (literally childhood on into college) telling people very non ironically that I am an alien. Because I am autistic I was just traumatized by existing in the world, I was born traumatized, and my autism was received as a supernatural occurrence by my abusive mother (a fun story for another day), so I truly have zero memory of ever being a singlet, or even feeling like a human. Therapists and authority figures outright refusing to engage with this aspect of my condition is what actually did me harm.
I didn't actually heal until I found the therapist who approached me with "ah, ok you're several aliens, how interesting! So let's make sure you can human as best as you can while you're here on earth." Instead of "you aren't an alien, and you are one person, grow out of this." And I've tried! I TRIED SO HARD to be a single human and failed, all I have left of that struggle is a nice mask and invader zim-esque "the humans are onto me!" levels of imposter syndrome.
Why would we, after all these years ever tell someone that they should "just stop pretending" because we don't agree with the way their disorder presents? I'd rather just say something like "hey -specific toxic behavior- is causing me distress, if you don't stop I gotta stop interacting with you" and not attack the basis of their entire mental health journey. It took me a while to learn that one so that's why I'm like "young adults please wait till your brain is done cooking before attacking people".
Deep down though I think my opinion on Syscourse and why I spend so much time writing about this comes from the fact that a core component of my systems trauma is being told that I don't really know my(our)self. And to be seeing takes that endos are "lying" by tons of people who are so much younger than I and the people they fake claim is... honestly unsettling to my system for a number of reasons.
And it's not that I ever think of these people as "stupid kids" it's that I think a lot of younger folks with an anti endo stance have yet to develop an understanding that their experience with mental health isn't universal and that life is not black and white. That latter realization being a hard won understanding, especially if you have mental illness of any kind. I just feel so crazy when people on Tungle hell site think their opinion of someones mental health is more important than what that persons therapist says. Like why. Your disordered need to express pain through negativity because you were hurt badly is showing fam.
But yeah in closing, I had a similar conversation with my own therapist about faking and he had a similar "does it matter" take. He also has been very straightforward with how he believes that if there is something someone is doing as a coping mechanism that psychology hasn't explained yet, and that mechanism is working as intended while conflicting with the DSM, there is just more research to be done.
Im reminded of a Ted talk where a linguist basically explained that a word not being in the dictionary, doesn't make it not a word, it just makes the dictionary incomplete. What makes a word a word is it serving a function in language. Humans police the dictionary, not the other way around. My therapist agrees that the DSM and mental health as it happens to people irl is in a similar situation. It's not a mental health Pokedex, it's so your health provider has a road map to go off of and can charge your insurance properly. It's the collection of what we know and we don't know everything.
I really just dream of the world where we don't have to introduce ourselves as systems with a performative defense of a lived fact.
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thelonesomequeen · 2 years
I just want to say that of all the blogs that have been discussing this whole CE and AB situation this one is one of the only ones I’ve come across that approaches it reasonably. I don’t think you guys are rude either, some anons just won’t be satisfied unless you tell them what they want to hear 🙄
Thank you! We really do try to be mindful of what we post, especially lately, when there are so many crazy conspiracy theories running rampant. And on top of that, so many people who are taking theories and opinions as hard facts when they’re not.
We are honestly always in a “you’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t” type of situation here. We have definitely noticed a pattern where people get angry at us in our inbox if we’re not saying exactly what it is that they want to hear. But we’re not here to tell you what you want to hear, we’re here to try and dig up the truth (if we ever can) and share our thoughts and opinions on specific things when asked. Compare and contrast to things we’ve seen in the past, because let’s be real, we’ve been around awhile. If you only want to hear from people who are going to tell you what it is, you want to hear, then we’re not the space for you. And I’m sure there are plenty of other blogs and websites you can go to find opinions that match yours.
Tying to hold a nuanced conversation over certain topics can be really difficult, too. It’s hard just to have simple conversations anymore without people taking our comments and trying to turn them into an argument or turning them around on us. People no longer know how to have a discussion, but go straight to assumptions and arguments. There are so many issues that are not simply black and white, but actually contain a lot of gray area (like the age gap or how or what we view as PR). I’ve got plenty of opinions on those things, but it’s easier to just keep it to myself because too people now lack the conversational skills to HAVE conversations about those things. Plus, when we do try to discuss some theories, the immediate type of comments we get in the inbox are “why are you even talking about that? Why are you giving that any attention? Now the crazies will run wild.” But if we DON’T post about something it’s “why aren’t you talking about this or that? Why are you covering up for people? You must be on payroll! Why are you ignoring this?!” And as soon as we say something that someone disagrees with, no one can just agree to disagree or share their own opinion without being condescending or rude. There’s nothing wrong with saying “hey I saw what you said about xyz and I personally disagree because (insert opinion).” Instead, we get things like “unalive yourself!” “You’re just a bunch of cunts!” “Delete your account!” “No one likes this page anyway!” “You’re the worst!” And so on and so forth. We obviously don’t post those things because they really don’t need the air time. But trust me, we’d love to have deeper conversations about so many things but this fandom can make that extremely difficult sometimes.
If we don’t immediately drag Chris (or Alba) we’re massive shippers and on payroll. If we call out something we don’t care for, we’re suddenly haters. This kind of goes back to what I said about some concepts not being simply black and white, but instead subjects that deserve nuance and fair conversation. If we’re asked about something that happened in the past and people don’t like whatever it is we’re “trying to ruin Chris” but if we’ve got hot gossip and receipts we’re suddenly the best and everyone that sure loves to shit talk us are showing up to take those receipts to post elsewhere. And the minute we match the energy of the people in the inbox, we’re suddenly the worst.
I’m not posting this for any time of sympathy or attention, but to maybe give some of you insight into what it’s like to run a space like this. It’s not always as glamorous as it seems. It’s certainly not as simple as it might seem. But for the most part, we do enjoy being here. I don’t want this response to sound like we don’t because I really do enjoy talking with other people from all over the world about a multitude of different topics, not just the Chris tea flavor of the day.
Anyway. I think I’ve rambled enough. As we’ve said, before, if we’re not the space for you, then that’s fine. Nobody is forcing anyone to be here and you’re free to find spaces you like better than ours. For those of you that you enjoy being here, thanks for sticking out the chaos with us. We’re glad you’re here! 🦎
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Unavailable - Part 3! Sneak Peek!
We're going to make Harry a little simp again. It's my new addiction 😏
Read Part 1 & Part 2
The holidays were lonely and cold. She mostly slept on the actual days as she was not working and then got back to her schedule as soon as the festive days were done. Harry wouldn’t be coming back until the 8th so she would need to endure the solitude for a bit longer. This particular day seemed to be dragging on and as she briefly looked through TikTok on her break a great majority of the posts were about wellness or fitness and she took that as her sign to go to the gym after work.
She and Harry liked to take walks in the evenings but as soon as it started cooling down he would drag her to the gym with him instead - he even added her to his membership. And while he would go off and do his thing she would do her half-assed exercises before sitting in the sauna with him for a while. It was amusing to go to the gym with Harry; Y/N very quickly noticed that most of the girls at the gym would ogle him. He seemed to be everyone’s gym crush. She also started to notice that when these women would see him make his way towards her they would shoot her odd or jealous looks and she would always tell him and he’d make a full on show of grabbing her hand or hugging her close with a very mischievous smirk. It was a fun little game they played and she would definitely miss it at her session today. 
Other than those playful interactions things had stayed extremely platonic between the two. There was obvious tension at times, but they never acted on it with each other at least. That had been her biggest concern with staying with him, but he was very respectful of her space which was so wonderful of him and she didn’t intend on getting tangled up with him while she healed from all the crap in her life. Sure, if they hooked up it seemed like an ideal situation for them if they wanted consistency, but that also meant that things could get complicated quickly and fall apart and she really didn’t want that to happen with him.
Y/N was not feeling tired after her session at the gym today, if anything she felt more energized, maybe it was because she skipped out on the sauna, but she didn’t feel comfortable going in without Harry. It was always full of dudes who were less than discrete when they looked over her, but they were a lot less ballsy with Harry around. Either way, she was making her way past the reception desk when someone’s voice caught her attention.
“Hey, where’s your boyfriend?” She didn’t think it was directed towards her but then she heard more specificity, “I’m talking to you in the pink shirt!” The voice said and she stopped and turned around and was met with quite a handsome looking guy behind the desk who was offering her a smile.
“Are you talking to me?” She asked pointing to herself and he chuckled.
“Yes, I don’t see anyone else in a pink shirt.” He said with a friendly smile and she giggled.
“True.” She pointed out as she approached the desk.
“I was just wondering about your man because he usually comes in religiously and I haven’t seen either of you over the last few weeks.” He explained.
“Oh yeah, well just to clarify he’s not my man, which is why I didn’t respond to the boyfriend thing.” She informed with a flirty smile, “And he hasn’t come in because he went home to England for the holidays.” She explained and he hummed in understanding.
“And what’s your excuse?” He asked with a teasing grin and she narrowed her eyes playfully at him and then read over his name tag that said Aaron.
“Well Aaron, if you must know, I hate working out and my roommate bribes me with Chipotle for dinner if I join him.” Y/N explained and this made Aaron laugh and she giggled at his reaction.
“I see. So why did you come in today? Did you bribe yourself with Chipotle?” He teased with a smirk and she giggled. 
“Actually, my TikTok feed was showing me fitness videos for like ten videos straight and I took it as a sign from the universe to not waste away my evening.” She confessed and he laughed again, she liked that he found her funny and he was cute and his laugh was also nice, it made her giggle along with him.
“You’re funny and I’m glad you decided to come in.” He said flirtatiously but in a very subtle way and she smiled and nodded.
“Thank you, me too.”
“Well maybe I’ll see you around if you come in again, this time is usually towards the end of my shift.” He informed her and she bit her lip to suppress her smile and nodded.
“Yeah, maybe.” She said as she started to step back to leave.
“What’s your name?” He asked her before she turned around fully to head out.
“Y/N.” She disclosed and he smiled.
“Very cute, it suits you.” He flirted and she grinned.
“Thank you, Aaron.” She responded and he grinned.
“I’ll see you around. Have a good night.”
“You too!” She smiled and then turned around and left. 
She felt a bit giddy at this guy’s attention towards her even more so when she realized that he was probably the most age-appropriate man she had flirted with in a really long time, her one hit wonder with Harry didn’t count because it should never have happened; in fact she was kind of grateful for the way things went down with Harry because it felt like the proper goodbye to her old and fucked up ways, it was quite poetic really. And as hot and attractive as she continued to find him, getting involved with him now was just not a good call and now she was even able to flirt with other guys. She could just feel it in her bones that things were about to take turn for the better, this was going to be her year.
Regardless of her slight disdain towards exercising and gyms she found herself stepping into the gym at the 7:30pm hour when she came up to the front desk to sign in she was slightly disappointed that Aaron was not there and she just went on to the elliptical to warm up; the after work crowd was starting to leave, freeing up sufficient equipment for her to take her time and she did and was glancing around for the first 20 minutes of her time there before giving up on finding Aaron.
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mysticbewitched · 1 year
Hey Mystic,
So I used to be an affirm and persist girl back when I first learned about the law, and it actually worked for me, at first. For whatever reason, I just had no problem believing that all I had to do was affirm and it would get me what I wanted, and so it did. That feeling of calm confidence that you talk about, I had it when I would affirm. The thing is it actually eventually ruined my life because I thought that my thoughts had power, which in turn made me fear my thoughts, which in turn made me focus on those intrusive thoughts even more and made them even worse to the point where it took over my life and I was in a constant state of anxiety, worrying that I would accidentally manifest the most horrible things you could think of. I wished that i'd never learned about the law so that I could live in peace. I was living in fear of my own mind, and that is a living hell. But i've evolved since then, my understanding of the law has evolved, and I now understand that it wasn't my thoughts that were creating but the belief I had in them. Thank you so much for your post where you talk about fearing your thoughts, it helped me and I feel like not many people talk about it. But on a more positive note, I'm now taking a different approach to the law, reading edward, and practicing fulfilling myself within. Recently I sat down and just let myself feel the way I wanted to feel, without focusing on anything specific, and just felt like everything in my life was perfect and taken care of. I felt at ease and like I could just relax. The next day, a youtuber posted an "everything in your life is perfect" subliminal. It just shows you how quickly your reality conforms when you change your state. I did fall out of the state, and I know i would've already seen changes in my reality had I maintained that state, but its okay because im still practicing and it exists within me and I can return to it at any time. And I also feel like it really hit me that your state is your reality, and that you're not actually experiencing the 3D, you're experiencing your state, you can only ever experience your state. For example, 2 people are at a music festival both on psychedelics, one person is having the best time of their life, and the other is having a horrible experience. Both are experiencing the same physical surroundings, yet they're having 2 completely different experiences. It's 2 different realities. So as soon as you change your state, you've changed your reality. Anyway sorry for the long ask. But I will keep you updated on my success. And i'm also making my subliminal today.
I absolutely appreciate this ask, and you are most definitely correct about everything you said. This is was all very beautifully said, and I thank you for sharing your insight on my page.
You never ever have to be in fear of your thoughts, and I completely understand the living hell you must have felt when you were in complete fear of your thoughts. It's a living hell to feel as if you are a prisoner of your own mind.
It's quite a beautiful realization to understand that your thoughts are absolutely powerless and that you truly are the one who holds all of the power instead. Your thoughts are never the power. *You are.*
I'm so incredibly glad that you can live so much more peacefully now and break yourself free from the chains of the fear that you once held. You deserve to live peacefully and free from fear.
Now that you understand the law of consciousness much better, you can completely set yourself free from any leftover fear and embrace the power you possess as the infinite creator of your own reality.
The comparison between you shared between states and the two people having two different perceptions at the music festival was absolutely brilliant, and you are entirely correct.
It is completely all about perception, and when you change your mindset: your perception shifts. You therefore end up experiencing a different outcome in your reality as a result.
I look forward to hearing your success story, and I'm excited to hear that you're taking my advice about prioritizing your mindset.
You are awesome, anon and you rock.
Much love to you.
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