#inclusive business models
marrywillson · 5 months
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The relentless drive for innovation among start-ups has not only attracted substantial investments but has also witnessed the need for Sustainable and Inclusive growth.
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thecuneiform · 6 months
How start-ups can accelerate sustainable and inclusive growth
Discover how sustainable development intersects with inclusive growth through socially responsible entrepreneurship and innovative green technology startups.
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India's startup economy is transforming, with a surge in start-ups accounting for 5% of GDP in three years. With 89 unicorns and 175 potential unicorns, these ventures are crucial for sustainable development and inclusive growth, attracting investments and societal well-being.
Indian tech startups in pursuit of becoming green technology companies
1.Incubation and Mentorship:
Startup India program promotes sustainable entrepreneurship, market opportunities, and regulatory compliance through incubators, mentorship, networking, and support for sustainable businesses.
2.Collaboration with Local Initiatives:
Green technology startups can enhance community growth and economic inclusivity by collaborating with local NGOs and leveraging digital marketing to uplift artisans and businesses.
3.Renewable Internet Strategies:
Startups can foster sustainability and inclusivity by implementing green hosting, efficient code, responsive design, accessibility, multilingual support, and user-centric solutions, thereby promoting sustainable business growth.
4.Social Development of AI Practices:
Ethical AI practices are essential for sustainable start-up growth, promoting fairness, transparency, and responsible data usage, and requiring AI principles fellowship programs to educate start-ups on ethical practices.
5.Innovation with Responsibility:
Innovation is crucial for Indian start-ups to establish market dominance, requiring ethical codes and conduct for business scalability and societal well-being, ensuring appreciation and recognition of true innovators.
6.Diversity in Hiring Teams:
Recruiting diverse individuals from diverse backgrounds can help organizations achieve business goals and societal well-being, as natural talent and new age skills contribute to a more result-driven approach.
Indian start-ups are embracing sustainable and inclusive growth by adopting strategic approaches aligned with societal well-being and environmental consciousness, integrating renewable internet strategies and ethical AI practices, and fostering a diverse workforce.
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stag-bi · 1 year
what a whiplash going to see my 2016 tumblr dash (as linked in that last post) and getting slapped in the face w full blown ace discourse 😭😭😭
#i was an exclusionist too lmao i was so pissed as if hordes of cishet aces were coming to Invade Our Spaces?????? CRINGE#i still have beef w the split attraction model when non-aspec ppl use it ON BI SUBREDDITS CONSTANTLY TO DISCOURAGE ANY SELF-REFLECTION#like telling newly out bi's their internalized homo/biphobia is just an inborn trait that cant be helped so dont bother looking into it :)#thats more of a personal pet peeve than anything though#honestly the whole discourse was so stupid and the fake stories and moral panic coming from it was ridiculous#u kno whats real and can be trusted? peoples own experiences and interpretations of themselves. and that needs to be respected and accepted#i got so fed up w the dehumanizing and circlejerky nature of the exclusionist side. not to mention the victimhood complexes and the#black and white thinking that were being normalized by the entire discourse. and the essentialist thinking and public shaming#identities are not inherently above examination and there needs to be a balance between inclusion and exclusion in any context#bc both have negative and positive sides when applied to any group or identity. it should be approached w common sense#i wanna veer away from any generalizations and approach things on a case by case basis#but when it comes to someones personal identity and their lived experience. thats none of my business whatsoever#no matter what. basic respect is believing ppl when they say who they are. thats the bare minimum of interpersonal acceptance#fighting against that in order to uphold some us vs them dynamic is straight up awful#if you cant respect someone bc you cant personally understand their experience youre stuck on the wrong thing#you shouldnt need to relate to someone in order to treat them w kindness and empathy#if you need to find someone relatable to accept their validity then youre not genuinely someone accepting of differences
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techdriveplay · 1 month
Why Investors Are Excited About This Hot New Fitness Concept This Year - J.I.M
Franchises have long been a popular business model for investors, as the business concept, plan, procedures and often the marketing is done for them, which allows them to “plug-and-play” easier than they would if they were to start a business from scratch.  Investors typically analyse demographic trends, which we know play a crucial role in driving investment. One sector that is experiencing…
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msmeday · 1 year
Strengthening the capacities of MSMEs to adopt SDG-focused and sustainable business models.
Whilst challenges are numerous, the adoption of environmentally and socially sustainable business practices and further engagement in critical SDG areas such the circular economy, energy efficiency, climate adaptation, represent tremendous opportunities for MSMEs to enhance their competitiveness and resilience, as well as their contribution to inclusive and sustainable economies. As a starting point, there is scope for enhancing the awareness of MSMEs and build their capacities to identify, manage and report on their sustainability impacts and contributions to the SDGs
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autisticlee · 1 year
I feel the need to critique and complain about the fashion/modeling industry standards and their bullshit size and weight requirements, even though thar doesn't necessarily fit either the theme of this blog 😅
i just read somewhere that women's size 4 is the start of what's considered "plus sized" in modeling and looked up inches conversion. it's about 26in waist for pants/25 dress? (average sizes basically since it also depends on the brand) I think this is in the US so it may be different elsewhere.
LOL that's disgusting. i'm 29in waist at literally 20-30lbs underweight (due to chronic health issues out of my control) about 5'8 / 105lbs. my organs measure that much around.
women's clothing sizes/modeling industry are a scam and disgusting and they need to stop this whole "plus size" bullshit and simply have normal sizes. there is no need to other or alienate people based on their sizes. just go up in size without separating them into demanding categories.
the sizes dont even make sense, especially since no one can decide on a standard agreed sizing system, every brand/store being a bit different, which makes this even more bullshit! i'm glad I don't generally wear women's clothing because I don't want to support that bullshit.
I would be apparently considered plus size if I were a female model with size 8 dress/size 6 pants according to these gross standards set by the modeling/fashion industry, despite being underweight by quite a bit. now consider how most models are considered "standard size" and how unhealthy they must be, how normal weight women are seen, and how that affects all of their mental health and body image.
these disgusting standards need to die NOW.
this is considered "plus size" according to those disgusting people and it's all complete bullshit:
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you are not "plus size" you are just whatever size you are and all of you deserves love. you don't need to fit into these impossible to reach boxes and sizes. I know saying this to anyone who has body issues won't do anything, but i vehemently hate this bullshit, and I wish things would change for the better :(
ALSO I want to add, being thin DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE HEALTHY. I am thin and unhealthy. BEING "PLUS SIZE" DOES NOT MEAN UNHEALTHY. i'm tired of gross people pretending to be concerned about health and deciding anyone that's a healthy weight is "unhealthy" due to these pathetic standards and claiming people who starve themselves are "healthy" it's disgusting.
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trapangeles · 1 year
The Elite Era: Neiman Marcus Puts Focus on Wealthy Customer Base
Neiman Marcus, the high-end luxury department store, has recently made headlines by announcing that it will focus solely on catering to its wealthy customer base. While some have criticized the move as being exclusionary or discriminatory, it's important to understand that this decision is based on economics and not on any discriminatory motives.
Neiman Marcus has been struggling financially in recent years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated these difficulties. In order to stay afloat, the company has had to make some tough decisions, including closing some of its stores and restructuring its business model. By shifting its focus to its most profitable customer demographic, Neiman Marcus is attempting to increase its revenue and improve its bottom line.
It's also worth noting that Neiman Marcus has a long history of serving a diverse range of customers, including those from different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds. The company has a reputation for providing excellent customer service and for carrying high-quality products that appeal to a broad range of consumers. Neiman Marcus has also been involved in a number of charitable initiatives and community outreach programs, further underscoring its commitment to diversity and inclusivity.
While it's understandable that some may view Neiman Marcus' new strategy as being exclusionary, it's important to keep in mind that the decision is ultimately a business one. By focusing on its most profitable customer base, the company is hoping to secure its future and continue providing the high-quality products and services that it's known for. In short, Neiman Marcus' move to cater exclusively to its wealthy customers is not a reflection of any discriminatory motives, but rather a necessary step in the company's efforts to remain financially viable.
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smartzvibes · 2 years
Blizzard Announces LGBTQ+ Inclusive Programs For Overwatch 2
Blizzard Announces LGBTQ+ Inclusive Programs For Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard Today, Activision Blizzard announced three programs coming to Overwatch 2’s competitive and casual scene. These aim to foster a healthy environment, with a focus on its new and returning LGBTQ+ player base. In a blog post titled “Calling All Heroes,” the Overwatch team and its competitive E-Sports program, Overwatch League (OWL), announced it would co-develop an in-game…
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carrionne0 · 7 months
Cool Aro and/or Ace Spec Resources + Other Stuff!!
This list is for ALL people regardless of your identity. This blog is a safe space for all types of aro and/or ace spec people. Hate will NOT be tolerated. Questions are okay! :)
Also! I can't fit all the cool things I found on this list, so I'll make another one in the future! :)
Cool things!
Are You on the Aromantic Spectrum (quiz)?
Are You on the Asexual Spectrum (quiz)?
Aro Ace Character Database
Aro Arrows
Aro-Owned Businesses
Asexual Pride Friendship Bracelet Tutorial
Attraction Layer Cake
Books With Asexual Main Characters
Canon Aroace Characters
Canon Aro and Ace Characters
Crochet Pride Turtle Modification Guide
Free Asexual Bee Crochet Pattern
Free Asexual Flag Cross Stitch Pattern Ace of Spades
Free/Online Aromantic & Asexual Fiction
LGBTQ+ Flags in Minecraft - Banner Tutorial
Pride Patch Tutorials
Learning and Resources!
7 Tips For Coming Out As Ace
Ace/Aro Mythbusting
Ace & Aro Spectrum Definitions
Advice on Coming Out As Aromantic
A Guide to Allo Aro Inclusion in A-Spec Communities
Am I Demisexual If...
Aromantic Info Carrd
Aromantic Spectrum Wiki Stub
Asexual Advice Tumblr
Asexual Affirmations: Things That Don't Make You Any Less Ace
Asexuality and Disability
Asexual Spectrum Wiki Stub
Ask An Aromantic Tumblr
Bi-Oriented Aroace Carrd
List of A-Spec Identities & Info
Myths About Demisexuals
Oriented and Angled Aroace Carrd
Split Attraction Model
Types of Tertiary Attraction
What Is Graysexuality?
Why I’m Founding Disabled Ace Day
Queering The Narrative: Tropes to Avoid When Writing Asexual Characters (intended for allosexuals, not asexual authors)
People's Stories!
An Interview About Allosexual Aromantics
Aro/Ace Confessions Tumblr
Aromantic Coming Out Stories
Asexual Authors Discuss Why They Write and Their Experiences
Asexual Coming Out Stories
Asexual Disabled People Exist, But Don’t Make Assumptions About Us
Asexuality Exists Tumblr
Existing and Defying Stereotypes As An A-Spec Disabled Person
Gray-Romantic, Grieving, and Dealing with More Internalized Amatonormativity than I Thought (tw: internalized arophobia, abuse)
How Asexual and Aromantic People Observe a Day Dedicated to Love
If You Can See the Invisible Elephant, Please Describe It
I'm Aromantic and Asexual - And I Love Valentine's Day
Is It Possible For Me To Be Lesbian and Aroace at the Same Time?
I’ve Realized I’m Asexual but Have Internalised Aphobia, So What Now? (tw: internalized acephobia)
Lesbian Ace and Aro Perspectives
‘Not Broken’: The Struggles of Being an Aromantic Allosexual
Three People Who Identify as Asexual and Aromantic Explain What V Day Is Like For Them
What Is It Like Being Allo Aro?
r/aaaaaaaarrrrro (memes)
r/aaaaaaacccccccce (memes)
r/aaaaaaaspeccccccc (memes)
r/aarrrooooooaaacceeeee (memes)
r/aceandaroart (art)
r/acefood (food)
r/acesoftwaregeeks (programming)
r/amiace (ask)
r/animace (anime/manga)
r/aroacebooks (books)
r/aroacechristianity (christianity)
r/aroaceindia (india)
r/aroacememes (memes)
r/aromanticcirclejerk (satire)
r/asexualcirclejerk (satire)
r/asexualdating (dating)
r/asexualgamers (gaming)
r/asexualindians (india)
r/askallosexual (ask)
r/askaroace (ask)
r/askasexual (ask)
r/dateademi (dating)
r/faceoface (photos)
r/mildly_ace (photos)
r/traaaaaaarrrrrrro (memes)
The Asexuality Visibility and Education Network
Demi Grace
Ace & Aros
The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project
Ace Week
Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
Asexuality Archive
Asexual Outreach
The Association for Asexuals in Denmark
Resources For Ace Survivors
Discord (I don’t used discord so I haven’t verified if these are any good, but I choose the most popular ones)
Ace Homies
Ace Planet
Acing the Arrows
The Aro & Ace Café
Bows & Aros
For Creatives (Artists, Writers, etc.)
Aromantic Writing Month
Carnival of Aces
Carnival of Aros
Arospec Poetry Network
Aro Worlds
Asexuality 101 (playlist) (Haven't watch all the vids yet, but the ones I've seen seem pretty good)
Ways to Show Your Aro and Ace Pride
(If I should remove any of these, let me know)
Aro Humor
Asexual Spectrum Spector
AVENPT (Asexual Visibility and Education Network Project Team)
Fuck Yeah Asexual
Growing Up Aro
Perks of Being Ace
The Humorous Ace
Your Fav Is Aromantic
Inclusive Picrews
Heart Hold Character
Legitimate ID Maker
Little Guy Maker
Opossum Party
PotatoLord’s Persona Creator
Prideful Cats
Pride Icon Maker
Wervty’s Obscured Icon Maker
If you have any other cool aro and/or ace things you’d like to share, please let me know and I’ll add it to the list! :) Also, if there's anything I should remove, let me know (and please tell me the reason why)!
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"Shopping for clothes is already intimidating. There are so many options and styles to consider, as well as factors like sustainability and ethics.
But for people in fat, disabled, or queer and gender-nonconforming bodies, it’s even more arduous.
Nico Herzetty, Emma K. Clark, and Paul Herzetty wondered: What if there was a way people could shop — not necessarily by color or size — but by measurements, materials, and ethics?
So they set off to create their website: Phoria. 
Here, shoppers can set up a free profile, add their body measurements (and “typical fit challenges”) and peruse over 270 brands. Once these data points are entered, users can personalize their pages with “saved,” “recommended,” or “hidden” brands. 
Pages can be totally private, or shared with the community to connect over styles and brands.
Aside from fit, brands in the Phoria database (which claims to be “the largest database of plus-friendly brands”) can also be filtered as “gender-neutral,” “woman-run,” “small business,” or “natural fibers.” Users can also filter for price, preferred styles, and more.
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Pictured: A screenshot of the "Fit Challenges" feature on a Phoria user's profile.
Some brands include popular names like Athleta, Levi’s, and Patagonia. Others are small businesses, like Beefcake Swimwear, or Hey Peach.
“For so many people, it feels too damn hard to find and keep clothing that fits in all the ways that really matter. So we’re doing something about it,” the Phoria website reads.
“Unlike most online shopping experiences, we center the needs of plus-size women, nonbinary, and trans people, and prioritize supporting clothing brands focused on sustainability, ethics, and inclusion.” ...
That team — made up of Clark, and Nico and Paul Herzetty — calls themselves “fat, disabled, and very, very queer.” 
“These are some of the main ways we identify, and they’re qualities that have directly impacted our ability to get dressed every day in a way that feels good,” the Phoria team introduces themselves on the website.
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Pictured: A screenshot of Phoria's plus-size clothing brand database.
In addition to catering the user experience to women, non-binary, and trans people, Phoria is also a benefit corporation, or a B corp.
“We’ve legally required ourselves to consider the interests of all our stakeholders — customers, employees, the planet, and our shareholders,” the Phoria website explains.
“Our specific public benefit purpose is to reduce people’s dependence on buying mass-produced items made in unsustainable ways and to use human-centered business models to boldly challenge economic systems of inequity.” 
Right now, in the early stages of the company’s business, it doesn’t make any money.
“We’re focused on building something that genuinely solves plus-size people’s challenges around clothes shopping and supports smaller and more sustainable brands,” Phoria’s website states.
So, spreading the word seems to be of utmost importance...
Additionally, TikTok creators @couplagoofs (a queer couple named Morgan and Phoebe), recently shared a video in which they discovered Phoria. They met the website’s creators at a fat liberation event in their city and were introduced to the tool.
Quickly, commenters responded with gratitude and excitement.
“It is so disappointing to sort through pages of plus size clothes that aren’t even plus size,” a TikTok user commented. “This is gonna be such a good tool!” 
Some even shared emotional responses, speaking to the need at the heart of Phoria’s mission. 
“I’m… gonna cry,” another commenter wrote. “I’ve needed this my whole life.”"
-via Goodgoodgood, November 20, 2023
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marvelsmostwanted · 5 months
This is sad but unfortunately I think this is just going to be the norm for the next few years as streaming services die a slow death.
HBO Max should in theory be able to make money from a show that was at one point the top new series in the US. At the time, David Jenkins said "This is what happens when a major media company invests in inclusive mainstream stories" (agree!) but unfortunately that major media company, like all streaming services, has a terrible business model that can't support that investment.
This is an interesting article about how streaming services are losing money and scrambling to make it back by trying to convince people to buy cheaper, ad-supported options or bundling with other streaming services. Unfortunately for them, I think that's like... all of the options? At some point they're just going to continue to lose money. Making shows is expensive and very few consumers are willing to pay more when they could just cancel and use a cheaper service (or, you know. 🏴‍☠️)
This is also a good article that was written after Shadow and Bone was cancelled by Netflix about whether it could be saved:
"The problem is that while saving shows used to be plausible, at times, the cost of Shadow and Bone combined with the fact that streaming services are really, really starting to cut back on spending means that this would be an extremely tough sell. WB Discovery’s Max is being lambasted for killing finished projects for tax breaks to chip into its massive debt. Disney Plus has done the same thing and has said they will cut back on things like expensive Marvel shows. Amazon Prime is mired in expensive creator deals going nowhere and throwing insane amounts of money at projects they are realizing are not panning out. Paramount Plus losing $500 million a year. NBC’s Peacock is losing $650 million a quarter."
TLDR; Streaming services have reached such a dire point financially that they have to cancel some of their most popular content (Marvel shows on Disney+???? These have seemingly been very successful; it's wild to read that they're "cutting back") in the desperate hope that a new season of something that's cheaper to make will get more attention.
What I gathered from these articles is that steaming services are dying a slow death and sadly, a lot of good shows are going to go with them.
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riberius · 2 years
i want my tunnel vision order and i want it NOW i want to look so cute i want to be so hot
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cherryxkush · 9 days
risky business (part one) | pjm x reader, jjk x reader
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synopsis: you’re a successful entrepreneur in the beauty industry and after your assistant/best friend sees the spread in Korea GQ magazine of a popular k-pop artist, she gets him on the first flight to California to start a sponsorship deal, and it was none other than the world-renowned fuckboy you met at a product launch party for Gucci two years ago.
pairing: jimin x female reader x jungkook
rating: mature (18+)
genre: enemies to lovers, love triangle, angst, fluff, smut
warnings/content: swearing, employer/client relationship, past situationship, fuckboy!jimin, celebrity!jimin, love triangle, tattoo artist!jungkook, jin is reader’s lawyer best friend
explicit content: varies between chapters, this one is reader x jungkook, protected sex (good job jk), oral sex (female receiving, but mentions of wanting to give a bj), slight hand/veins kink, multiple orgasms, missionary, doggy style, spanking, jk has a daddy kink, jk calls reader babygirl/princess
disclaimer: this is entirely a work of fiction, and in no way does it reflect thoughts or acts of bts in the real world (:
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾: 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗑 𝗃𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝗈𝗇𝗅𝗒, 𝗃𝗂𝗆𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋. 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗂𝖾𝗌 ♡
“Please make sure you actually take off the lens filter before shooting this time,” you told your assistant and best friend, Naiya. You were already behind on shooting and editing the photos for your product line, and you couldn’t afford any more mishaps — otherwise the new launch would be late, and it wouldn’t just be your pay that you had to worry about.
“It was one time!” She rolled her eyes before double-checking that the lens filter actually was off, and then she started taking some photos of the models that were standing against the backdrop. Between each shot, she looked down at the electronic viewfinder on the camera, assessing what could be tweaked and what needed to stay.
She smiled at the models, telling them to take a 10 minute break before walking back over to you. “So, here are the shots so far,” The both of you looked at the screen as she pressed the button to proceed to the next photo, and you were genuinely impressed. “Some of these we can use. They’re great, aside from just a few things to edit. I can do that in post, of course — but, I do think we could use a high-profile male model.”
Your eyebrow rose in question, “High profile? You don’t think we have enough models already?”
“We have a good amount, sure, but finding someone famous will bring more exposure to the brand. Which leads to more inclusivity, more press, more deals — and more coin. Plus, you sell men’s skincare products too, so it’ll look even better for the optics,”
You were actually speechless. Partly because you hadn’t thought of it before (not even the head of your advertising department did, which is a shame), and partly because she was absolutely right. Getting someone with a lot of recognition to model for your beauty brand would create a massive amount of exposure for your business, and could finally land you a spot working with a brand you’ve dreamed of collaborating with since your teenage years.
You were successful in your industry, yes, and it took you a long time and a lot of hard work to get where you are, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t strive to be even better within the industry. Following your passion came with sacrifices, and you weren’t about to let those dark times be for nothing.
But at the same time, this product line that you were about to put out was going to be the bread and butter of your business, so you needed it to be great. Almost perfect, even, and you didn’t know how long it would take to find someone to fit the bill, for the deal to work in both of your favors. It seemed like it was too risky.
You sighed, “Yeah, you’re right. It would really help and we could get tons of publicity from it, but it’s just cutting it too close, Nai. We can’t have this product launch be anything less than damn near perfect.” You walked over to a work desk that was in the studio, pulling out the chair and sitting down before stressfully running a hand through your hair. “I mean, who would I even reach out to? Would we have to do model calls again? The launch is in less than two months now,”
“Girl, look at these,” Naiya said as she walked over to you before plopping down on top of the desk and reaching over to grab her laptop. She took a sip of her drink, opening up the Adobe Photoshop application before turning her laptop towards you. “These are some of the finished shots from the other day. We didn’t even think we’d be able to finish editing these in time, and look how amazing they turned out,” She wasn’t lying — they were stunning.
“They’re beautiful,” you agreed and she beamed, proud of herself. She was your go-to for everything photo and video and she’d wanted to get into that scene long before she actually started, so she had a lot of knowledge and skin in the game in regard to what would look the best for the vision you were going for. She definitely had your back, but there were still some things you were unsure about business-wise, that neither of you were really familiar with. “You’re great at what you do, but what about the other stuff? Making a deal and all the legal things that go along with it? We’re not just talking about influencers that get a commission from sales here, you know?”
“You let me handle finding the person and closing the deal, you go talk to Jin about starting a contract and all the legal shit that goes with it.”
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“Absolutely the fuck not.” Jin eyed you with a blank expression as he sat comfortably with his hands folded, judging you.
“What the hell do you mean?!” You exclaimed before turning to examine yourself in the mirror again. “This is cute!”
“You got asked out to dinner after being dry for like 2 years and you can’t do better than leggings and a sweater?”
You rolled your eyes. “First of all, this sweater was expensive,” You walked over to the rack inside your closet, grimacing at the idea of having to wear a dress or skirt. “Second of all, you just want your women to be as high maintenance as you.”
Jin laughed, “This is true, but you would definitely increase your chances of getting laid if you put in more effort,”
“Who says I’m trying to get laid?”
“Your attitude and the fact that you used one of my charging cables for your vibrator.” You felt your face heat up at Jin’s comment, and you wanted to proceed to crawl into a hole, lie in the fetal position, and stay there for eternity.
“I hate you,” you frowned and Jin smirked.
“I love you, too, and wear the black dress. It’ll suit you.”
You spotted the dress at the end of the rack. It was made of a sleek material, smooth silken fabric with mesh, tulle-like sleeves. You’d bought it about 2 years ago after an event in Los Angeles. It was nighttime and on the way back to the hotel, you walked passed the prettiest little boutique and fell in love with the dress immediately — but you never wore it.
You frowned, silently questioning if you could pull it off. It was a different time back then, one where you felt on top of the world and you thought you’d found someone that would sweep you off of your feet and you’d beam at seeing his glimmering eyes rake upon your beauty in the dress. But it didn’t happen that way. In fact, it didn’t happen at all.
In an effort to distract yourself from your thoughts, you decided to ask Jin about the modeling contract.
“Okay, fine, but there’s something I need to talk to you about first.”
“And what’s that?” He raised his eyebrow in question.
“So, you know how I’m releasing a new product line soon?”
He scoffed, “About damn time! Of course I’m already handsome, we all know this, but men need good skincare too,”
You rolled your eyes, “Hence the reason I’m putting out this line, Jin. Anyways, Naiya proposed the idea that we should have a high-profile male model, preferably someone really famous who can bring us a lot of publicity,”
“Okay, and did you find this person yet?”
“Naiya’s working on that. But I do need your help with creating a contract and all the legal shit that’s included,” You grabbed the dress off of the rack hesitantly.
He brought a hand up to his chin as if he were thinking before meeting your gaze. “Alright, say I do it. What do I get out of it?”
“Um...my love and support as your best friend?”
“Will love and support pay my bills?”
You glared at him, “No, but you sure do eat a lot of my food to not pay my grocery bill.”
He laughed nervously, bringing up a finger to rub at his temple, “Well played,”
“Will a full-size bottle of that serum you like be good enough?”
“Throw in those little eye patches too, I don’t care what anyone says about me for using them — my bags are horrendous these days.”
You laughed and Jin cracked a smile. “Deal.”
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jungkook [8:31pm]: i’m outside pretty, buzz me up?
you hearted a message from jungkook
You happened to meet Jungkook about 2 months ago when you decided to get a tattoo for the first time. You were really excited about the journey you were on with your business and the woman you were becoming, so you decided to get a self love tattoo that really resonated with you, and Jungkook was your artist.
During your session you couldn’t stop ogling at him due to his good looks and his many, many tattoos — he boldly asked for your number afterwards and you gladly but shyly gave it to him. After talking for a couple months and your busy schedules finally coinciding, Jungkook had been adamant about taking you on a date.
You walked over to the buzzer next to the door of your luxury condo and pressed the button to let Jungkook through the downstairs entrance. Your heart fluttered at the fact that he chose to come all the way to the fifth floor of your building to come get you instead of asking you to meet him downstairs.
You heard a gentle knock before opening the door, meeting Jungkook’s gaze as he presented you with a bouquet of flowers.
You grinned with rosy cheeks, “Aren’t you the gentleman?”
“I try,” He smiled smugly.
“You definitely succeeded,” You walked over to put the flowers in a vase with some water before leaving out. “You really didn’t have to do all this, Jungkook. This is beyond sweet,”
“I meant it when I said I wanted to take you out and show you a good time,” He grabbed your hand as he met your eyes, just as you finished putting away the flowers. “Come on, we don’t wanna be late for our reservation.”
You blushed even harder. “Y-you made a reservation?”
“Of course, you’re too pretty for me not to,” He flashed you a grin before grabbing your hand and interlacing his fingers with yours, and you felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest.
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The date went well. Jungkook had taken you to a restaurant that had really good food even though it was overpriced, and you liked the vibe of it. It was fancy, with the wait staff dressed in black-tie attire and you were happy that you went with the dress Seokjin suggested. Jungkook took every opportunity to compliment you and he didn’t just compliment your looks, but your conversation as well.
He’d also told you about his career as a tattoo artist and how he’d loved it, having opened up his own shop about a year prior, and you shared details about your journey into the beauty industry. It was almost endearing, the way that he talked about his job, and you felt the same way about yours. Although it could be really stressful, you couldn’t see yourself doing anything else, and you could tell Jungkook shared that with you. It was a connection beyond the physical attraction; it was mental, too, the way it seemed you both complimented each other.
Although, the physical attraction was definitely there.
He’d absentmindedly roll up his sleeves a bit showing his veiny arms as he focused on talking with you, his lip ring glinting in the moody lightning. It made you want to bite your lip, and you shuffled a bit in your seat, growing flustered at the sight of the man before you.
He was fully dressed, engaging in conversation, and you found yourself enamored with him, in awe even though he hadn’t even touched you. Seeing his dimples when he smirked made you want to whimper. Clock it to maybe the fact that you hadn’t been laid in a couple years, and Seokjin’s words had started to creep into your mind, but Jungkook had you hot and bothered without even trying.
“You okay there?” He smirked, not missing the pinkish tint to your cheeks.
Slightly startled because you’d been caught, you replied sheepishly before clearing your throat, “Y-yeah, I’m fine,”
He wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin after taking the last bite of his food and seeing that you were done with yours, suggested you both do something to wind down, but not end your date so soon.
“Do you wanna take a little walk in the city for a bit? I remembered you saying you hadn’t been to this part of town in a while,”
There go the stupid butterflies again.
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You arrived outside of your apartment building, Jungkook skillfully parking his sleek car as close as he could to shorten the walk.
He turned off the engine, the both of you relaxing in each other’s presence before either of you decided to leave. He was mesmerizing, lax in nature yet attractively attentive and his scent drove you crazy; it was an earthy, musky scent, one that made your mouth water and your thighs instinctively rub together.
His eye contact sent a delicious chill down your spine, and you missed the burn that his lips left on your hand after giving it a gentle kiss.
Instead of kissing your hand you wanted him to kiss other places, and suddenly his spacious car became too cramped and stuffy for your liking.
To put it plainly, you wanted him out of the car and in your bed. And even though you were shy as hell, this was one opportunity you definitely didn’t want to let pass you by.
You blinked at him, trying to steady your breath before speaking, but it still came out a little bit more breathy than you’d like, and unbeknownst to you, made Jungkook’s dick jump in his pants. “Would you want to come up?”
His eyes went wide with surprise before he tried to shake it off. He cleared his throat, not expecting you to ask, but he took you up on the offer.
In usual Jungkook fashion, he smirked. “Lead the way, Princess.”
You took the elevator up to your condo, hastily putting in your key once you got to your door. You stepped in, taking off your jacket and offering to hang up Jungkook’s.
He closed the door quietly before pinning you against it, his face dangerously close to yours.
His voice was just above a whisper, thick and gravelly. His gaze switched back and forth from your eyes to your lips, and he absentmindedly brought his tongue out to wet his own. “Let me make this clear, do you want this? Because I do,”
You swallowed thickly, already feeling desire pooling in the pit of your stomach at the hold that Jungkook had on you right now. You couldn’t help but nod to answer him, not finding the strength to use your voice. Jungkook wasn’t too happy about that.
“Use your words, baby,” He moved to your ear before dipping just below it to leave a kiss there, a kiss that added to the fuel that was already him hovering over you like this.
“Y-Yes,” you croaked. “I want it,”
“Want what?” He probed, chuckling softly as he continued to pepper kisses along your skin, slowly moving from your ear and down your neck. He could feel you shifting, your thighs squeezing together to give yourself some relief. “If you want more, you gotta use that pretty mouth of yours and tell me,”
He kissed a particular spot that made you gasp softly and offer more of your neck to him. He sucked on the spot, making you whimper and flutter your eyes closed before he pulled away entirely.
You frowned out of disappointment and opened your eyes to see his smug face, lips curled into an amused smirk. There was a glint in his eyes that made your mouth run dry.
“If you don’t want to use your words, I can’t help you, and by the looks of it, I think you want me to,” He bit his lip as he surveyed you, looking you up and down and your tongue came out to wet your lips, “But consent is important, and I need to know if you want it too, and that I’m not reading this wrong,”
You struggled to meet his eyes, simultaneously wanting to crawl into a hole and crawl under him, having him hover over you with his silver chain dangling in your face. You managed to find the courage, though, and the butterflies turned into searing-hot sparks.
“Y-you’re not reading it wrong, I want you, Jungkook. I want you to touch me,”
He cockily grinned at you before closing the gap between the two of you, “Thought you’d never ask.”
He brought his lips to yours, sending all of your nerve endings on fire and creating a heat that pooled in the pit of your stomach. He grabbed the back of your neck roughly before his fingers found themselves in your hair and he tugged slightly on the strands, causing you to moan.
“Oh, she likes that, huh?” He slid his hand down your body before toying with the hem of your dress. “You look so pretty with this on,”
“It would look prettier off,” You quipped, bothered that he wasn’t where you needed him to be.
“Someone’s eager,” he chuckled deeply before dragging his fingers upwards, letting you feel the rough pads of his fingertips on the skin of your thighs. He lightly grabbed the bottom of your dress before pulling it up to your hips. He traced the fabric of your thong with his finger, “Cute,” he said, distracting you a bit from his hands before he firmly pressed a thumb on your clit over your underwear, rubbing in small circles.
“Fuck,” you whispered, throwing your head back against the door, relishing in his touch. You started grinding against his hand, desperate for relief, and he didn’t hesitate to call you out on it.
“So fucking needy,” he growled, and you felt an electrifying jolt run through your body again. He rubbed harder and you gasped, rolling your eyes back. “I barely touched you and you’re already soaking through your panties.”
You brought your hand up to rake your manicured nails along his scalp before pulling, earning a grunt of approval from him. You smashed your lips onto his in fervor and he grunted, opening his mouth to allow you entrance and your tongues battled for dominance. He held you closer, cupping your scantily clad ass in his big, veiny hands before slapping your ass hard. You let out a small, surprised yelp before relishing and moaning at the sting.
He did it again but harder, and you were positive you were in fact dripping down your legs at this point.
You pecked him a couple of times before grabbing his hand and leading him after you. “Room. Now.”
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Once you got to your room, Jungkook proceeded to turn you around to face him and continued kissing you, bringing up a hand to cup your face.
He walked you backwards and when the backs of your heels reached the frame, he pushed you onto the bed.
He stood over you, skilled hands working at undoing his belt and you could see how hard he was. Throwing your head back, your hands reached your clothed breasts and began to fondle them, fingertips enclosing and twisting your nipples, and Jungkook’s mouth watered at the sight.
His belt flew to the floor somewhere and he grabbed the back of your calves to pull you closer to him at the edge of the bed. Your dress was covering too much, he decided.
“Take your dress off, babygirl, unless you want me to rip it.”
You almost moaned at his words. The dress flew somewhere too, and you lie in front of him, clothed in nothing but your thong, tits on full display.
He licked his lips and as you saw his face coming toward you, you could’ve sworn it would’ve been to take one of your tits in his mouth, but he placed a kiss above your belly button. And you shivered as you saw that he kept going lower.
He peppered soft, slow pecks along your skin until he was face to face with the source of your wetness, and Jungkook leaned in to lick a strip on the material of your panties. Your hands fisted the blanket as he teased you at an agonizingly slow pace, moving his tongue anywhere but the place you actually needed him, making you squirm.
He hooked his fingers underneath your underwear before ripping it off of you, the frail piece of lace no match for his strength as it tore.
“Will just have to buy you another pair.” He winked before kissing you again, but this time right above your clit, his breath warm and his touch sending you into overdrive.
You spread your legs for him eagerly and his long fingers spread your lips, stopping to admire you. You self-consciously had half a mind to close them as he gazed upon your lower half, but he held them open and finally licked a strip from your hole to your clit.
“S-shit,” you moaned as he held you open, his tongue meeting your clit as he swirled it in tight circles before giving it a hard suck. “Fuck!”
“Mmm,” He moaned against you, causing you to shiver again, hips bucking into his mouth. “You taste good, gonna make you cum on my tongue first.”
He lapped at you like you were the dessert he craved but never had, as if you were the best thing he’d ever taste. He licked at you, flattening his tongue before circling your clit again, and you had to try your best not to scream.
And you didn’t scream, until he started sucking on your clit again.
“Fucking shit, ‘Kook,” You moaned loudly and he hummed at the nickname. You had never been eaten out this good before, and you were so close to cumming on his tongue in so short of a time that you were almost embarrassed.
One of his fingers teased against your hole before diving in, and your toes curled before he added another. “Gotta stretch you out,” He mumbled against your pussy before swirling his tongue again. He curled his fingers expertly, reaching the spongey part within you that made tears prick your eyes from the pleasure.
You arched your back, hips leading away from his mouth before he tightened his grip around them with his other hand and held you so close you were worried you’d suffocate him.
He made eye contact with you and it had you feeling like you were going to combust. You reached down to tangle your fingers into his hair and he created a faster pace with his digits, darting in and out of you so quickly that you were sure you’d cum in 5 minutes flat.
His let go of your hip to rub your clit as his tongue took a break, and the coil in your stomach tightened even more, tears rolling down your face at how good he was making you feel.
“Look at how well that pussy takes my fingers,” he mused, “Fuck, you’re so pretty,”
Your pussy tightened around his fingers and he slapped your clit lightly, “Fuck, yes!” you were shouting, and it made his heart swell at the pleasure he was giving you. He wanted to make you cum hard, and fuck if he wasn’t gonna taste it. He wanted all of you.
“I’m so close,” you said all breathy, your vocal cords nearly strained, and you had so much more to go. Jungkook’s goal was to make sure you couldn’t walk the next day.
“Cum for me, pretty,” He rasped, before sucking on your clit hard, and watching you come undone on his tongue.
“I-I’m gonna cum, I’m — Jungkook!”
He hummed as he lapped up your juices, tasting you as he let you ride out your high and when you came down from it, you thought he’d give you a break. But he wasn’t done.
He stood up and brought his fingers up to his mouth, sucking them to get every last bit of you off of them. He leaned in to hover over you and kiss you, your tongue colliding with his as you tasted yourself. To your surprise, it only seemed to make you wetter.
He took off his boxers, cock springing up to slap against his stomach. It was leaky, the tip oozing precum and you wanted so badly to have him in your mouth but when you’d suggested it, he declined and you pouted.
He grabbed a condom from you don’t even know where and ripped it with his teeth before rolling it on. “Uh-uh, tonight’s about you. You can take care of me another time, babygirl,” He said before winking at you and pumping himself a couple times before lining himself up with your entrance.
He grabbed your legs by your ankles and put them over his shoulder, pushing into you and you mewled at the stretch. He stopped to let you get acclimated to the size and waited until you gave him a nod to continue before backing out of you and snapping his hips in a pace that was so rough and so fast it damn near knocked the wind out of you.
You screamed so loud that were sure your neighbors would hate you, but you didn’t care, not one bit.
“S-Shit, your cock is so good,” He groaned as he continued his pace while you were clutching the blanket so hard your knuckles were turning white. “Do it again,”
He snapped his hips into you again, hitting your cervix. “Babygirl likes that, huh? You like when I slam my cock into you?”
“F-fuck, yeah, I l-love it,”
“How is your pussy still so tight after fucking you with my fingers like that,” He was gritting his teeth, trying not to empty his load into you already. He can usually hold out but your pussy was too good, so slick and tight and sucking him in.
You clenched purposefully and giggled and he groaned, damn near having to stop to pace himself because of you. Nonetheless he kept going, and he was determined to wreck your pussy and make you crave him afterwards.
He grabbed your legs and pushed so you were bent at the knees and you were holding them in place. Then he started speeding up again, snapping his hips into you and you were seeing stars.
“Fuuuuck, J-“
“Say my name baby, who’s fucking you this good?”
“You are, J-Jungkook, fuck,” you threw your head back into the pillows, eyes rolling back and toes curling.
He was holding onto you so tight, thrusting into you so hard he was going to leave pretty little bruises for you to remember the night by.
“Your pussy is s-so good,” He reached down to rub your clit, and you arched your back again, clenching around him and he moaned. “W-wanna fuck you in doggy before I make you cum again,”
He slid out of you, leaving you feeling empty and missing his warmth before he helped you turn over, positioning you face down, ass up.
He smacked your ass with force and you whimpered at the sting before wiggling your bum and teasing him so he’d do it again.
He did it harder this time and the pain had you gritting your teeth, but it sent a delicious chill along your veins that was intoxicating, and you wanted more.
He lined himself up at your entrance again and as you felt him lined up perfectly, his head peaking at your hole, you slammed back against him, ass meeting his pelvis as he bottomed out. You moaned into the blanket, grabbing fistfuls of it.
“Fuck!” He yelled, eyes rolling back and you felt the coil winding up again at him being vocal. “Babygirl wants back shots from Daddy, yeah? If you wanted me to drill you, Princess, all you had to do was ask.”
Oh shit.
Ohhhh shit.
He pulled almost all the way out of you before snapping his hips again, bottoming out and hitting your cervix so good your toes curled and your back arched so much you knew you’d be sore afterwards.
He continued his relentless pace and you met his thrusts, his balls slapping delectably against your clit and you moaned pornographically in response.
He reached forward to grab your hair and pull you up so that your back met his chest, and the burn made fire ignite in your belly, so much so that the coil was going to snap any second now.
It was too much and not enough all at once. You wanted more and more of whatever he was willing to give you, you wanted to be so drunk on his dick that you forgot your own name.
He reached down to rub circles on your clit and that’s when you lost it.
“J-Jungkook, I’m cumming!” You creamed on his cock with a cry and a shake, quaking from the sheer amount of pleasure of your orgasm. He coaxed you through it as you rode out your high, his fingers still playing with your clit as he rubbed it just the way you liked.
He led you down to the bed, gently as he slowed his pace inside you. “I’m almost there, Princess. Daddy’s gonna cum for you,”
You moaned loudly, leaking even more at the name. You loved how vocal he was and how sexy he made you feel. It was addicting.
And to try to repay him for how good he made you feel, you managed to have the strength to throw your ass onto him, hard, to get him to cum. You wanted his load in you.
“F-fuck baby, I really will cum if you keep doing that,” He bit his lip, toying with the ring and you were glad you had turned around slightly in time to see it. When you faced back forward, Jungkook was in for a treat.
You pushed back with force, arching your back so well that he hit the right spots all while clenching your pussy like you wanted to milk him and he loved it.
“S-Shit, baby, I’m gonna cum,”
“Cum for me Daddy,” you said with a sensual tone, one that had his eyes rolling back into his head as your ass met his hips one last time before spilling his load into the condom.
He came with a hiss and holding onto your hips for dear life. You were sure to have marks tomorrow, and neither of you were mad about it.
After coming down from his post-orgasm high, he gently pulled out of you before proceeding to take off the condom and tie a knot before throwing it away in the bathroom connected to your room.
He was rummaging in there for what seemed like a tad bit too long, and you were puzzled although you were too tired to see what he was doing. You heard the sink run for a few seconds before being turned off, and then you saw him come out of the bathroom, damp towel in hand.
“Sorry about that,” He smiled sheepishly. “I wanted to get something to clean you up,” He gently wiped your juices from your body. It was relaxing and gentle, soothing you. You smiled in appreciation before thanking him, grinning as you met his eyes.
“Still the gentleman,” He winked, sending butterflies roaming around your stomach again. It was becoming a regular thing with Jungkook, and you liked it.
“I try,” He laughed and you threw a pillow at him while laughing too.
You got up to go pee before changing into some underwear and a loosely fitted t-shirt. You glanced at the clock and saw that it said 3 am before turning off the lights and climbing into bed, Jungkook cuddling up next to you and you laid your head on his chest.
The light coming from your phone was bright as it flashed and you heard the familiar tone of an incoming iMessage, but you chose to ignore it, as Jungkook was too warm and this was the best you’d felt in a long time.
You were in for a big surprise tomorrow, but for now, as comfy and giddy as you were, maybe you could get used to having Jungkook around.
2 unread messages
naiyaaa [3:02am]: srry i know it’s hella late, i fell asleep at like 7 while watching my show lmao
naiyaaa [3:02am]: just wanted to tell u i got somebody to model for u!! it’s park jimin, he’s super famous in south korea bitch. we going worldwideee
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author’s note: 𝖺𝗁𝗁𝗁!! 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝗆𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝖿𝗂𝖼 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖼𝖺𝗇’𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗂𝖾𝗏𝖾 𝗂𝗍 𝗅𝗈𝗅. 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗉𝗅𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 & 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗂𝖿 𝗌𝗈, 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝖽𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽 <3 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗈𝗈𝗇 ♡
© 2024 cherryxkush.
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beenbaanbuun · 2 months
I have no idea whether I'm asking about your canon or the unhinged madness in our DMs, but what would you say addams! Matz does for money? Like we've established that they're RICH rich but is it old money? Do they have coffers so overstuffed they probably won't have to worry about it the next few centuries? Black market trade? A law firm? I'm actually so curious about this LMAO
oh they are RICH rich, not that they ever like to brag about it. they might have money but they’re actually very humble people underneath it all. if we overlook the huge victorian mansion, their humongous closet filled with clothes and their massive collection of antiquities and oddities, they’re just your average run of the mill family with a few (very successful) family businesses under their belt.
the first one is a antiques business. it’s no secret that rich people love owning one of a kind things, and it just so happens that through a family connection, hongjoong is able to get his hands on a lot of them. ancient treasures from athens and rome, stunning jewellery from historic kind and queens, even a few weapons that were used in famous wars and executions; hongjoong sells them all. of course, seonghwa and his dove get first pick. anything that either of you want is yours, no matter how much profit he’s sure it would bring at auction.
the second business is one of seonghwa’s own creation. the growing and selling of rare species of plant. he loves roses, first and foremost; they remind him of you, so delicate and sweet smelling. in fact, over recent months he’s found himself wanting to grow and sell more and more pink variants, as a pose to the red and black he usually goes for. he’s even bred a new variant which he so fondly named ‘lamb’. he doesn’t sell those ones though, choosing instead to decorate the house with the pastel flowers. they don’t quite match the decor, but he finds they look quite beautiful.
the third and final business is a jewellery business. hongjoong designs them and seonghwa models them; they’re a match made in heaven. most pieces have ruby or jet inclusions, but their most recent creation was a silver choker with a pink sapphire flower encrusted in the front. it sits in a display case in their wardrobe, the pair having yet to put it up for sale. it just doesn’t look right with seonghwa modelling it; perhaps hongjoong would have to request your assistance instead.
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lowkeyremi · 9 months
mayaaaaa !! so your aot fluff just sent my soul back to my levi fanfic phase 😭😭 can you please please write more of levi with his younger lover ??? i need to know all about it !!! how do they cuddle? how did they get together? what’s he like in public with them????
love you lots <33
OFC!! This is such a cute concept i'm excited to write this >:3 AND ILY TOO <333
It's not required but if you haven't read the first part you might wanna do that :)
CW: None, just fluff
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First encounter:
The two of you met when he was on a business trip. You and your friends were shopping for new clothes and he was at the store for a new tie, because according to his boss, "you wear that same tie all the time, Ackerman. This meeting is really important so try to look nice."
When you saw him it was game over. Funny thing is you didn't even try to hide it either, your eyes widened, your jaw was on the floor, and everything.
"That guy is so hot! You should talk to him." Your friend squeals.
"No way in hell, he's probably married! That'd be so weird." You argue in return. Your friend didn't give up though.
"Excuse me, sir! If you're looking for a tie my friend can help you look for one! She used to work in retail." Her voice is sweet when talking to him. If that super hot guy hadn't been right there you would have smacked her.
He didn't say anything at first, he looked you up and down. "He's checking you out!" She whisper-yelled. You elbowed her in the rib.
"I have a suit that looks like- you know what let me just look for a picture." He says, and what the hell... his voice is like silk.
You walk over to him. "Here it is." The suit is a dark gray, with a white undershirt. Your eyes scan his phone, it's an older outdated model and you can't help but giggle.
"Is gray a bad color for me?" He asks, with sarcasm.
"No no! It's just.. what model is your phone? It looks old." His brows furrow as he inspects his phone.
"I don't know, I got it a long time ago." He says with a shrug, "It works just fine."
"Sorry sorry. What kind of tie do you have right now? If you have one." You say trying to be inclusive.
"The one I usually wear is black but this is a special occasion so I need something else." You hum lightly while looking around.
"Okay, I'm thinking blue. Specifically dark blue." He nods and you two look around for a dark blue tie without patterns because he's basic.
Out of the corner of your eye your friends are making smooching faces and other romantic gestures. You're going to end them later.
"I found one thanks for the help." He says.
"Of course!" Fuck, too happy?
He stares at you for a moment, and you stare back before looking away. You take a step back and clear your throat.
"C-can.. I get your number?" Your foot is tapping and you're looking everywhere except for at him.
"Yeah, sorry if my calls don't go through because of my crappy phone." He says with a small.. smile?
You stare for a second in silence.
"That was my attempt at making a joke, it was bad." He says with a sigh.
"Yeah... we're gonna need to work on that. What's your name Mr. Gloomy?" You hand over your phone, you have the dial screen open so he can put in his number.
"Levi Ackerman." That small smile returns.
"I'll see you around, Levi."
In public:
Turns out you were actually the one who wasn't big on telling people about you at first. Levi is proud of everything he does. In all honesty you were slightly embarrassed by having an older boyfriend.
"What if people think you're my sugar daddy or something?" You reason.
"I'm not that old." He rolls his eyes.
"Why does it matter what other people think of our relationship anyway? They're not dating you, I am." He explains. He makes it sound like common sense, which it is, but you still think it's a little awkward.
"I mean it doesn't matter too much but-"
"I respect your decision. I'm not huge on PDA but I'd at least like people close to me to know." He explains rubbing his hand up and down your thigh. You grab his hand (which happens to be very veiny and pretty) and kiss it.
"Thanks, Levi."
When you did tell everyone... you were all over him. Levi was never big on PDA but he didn't mind giving you a little kiss or holding your hand.
The only time he's really touching you in public is one someone's hitting on you. Levi gets scared that you'll find someone younger than him.
"Did you want to go out sometime?" Your new co-worker asks you. He doesn't know you have a boyfriend but you've been rejecting him all week.
You check your phone to see that Levi's just arrived. Your shift ended early today and he promised to come get you and take you out.
"Um no than-"
"Are you ready to go, baby?" Levi's voice is confident and smug. The guy looks over to Levi and then to you. His face flushes and he starts to stammer.
"U-uh sorry. I... I didn't know." Levi exhales as the guy walks away in a hurry.
"You should call me that more often." You chime in with a cheeky smirk.
"I do." He offers you his hand. When you take it, he leads the way to his black cadillac.
"I mean yeah! But not outside of the house."
"I'm working on it... baby."
Meeting the parents:
To your surprise they were very accepting of Levi.
"They've always been very childish. I'm so glad they found someone to keep them in shape." Your mother was embarrassing as always.
"Take care of them." Your father had said.
Levi nodded and they stood there awkwardly.
"Um dad! Levi works for a law firm! Isn't that something? You've always wanted me to get into law school, remember?" Your attempt to change the subject worked.
"I did, but you never wanted to. Always said "Dad! I don't wanna sit at a desk all day!" What law firm do you work for Levi?" It must be a parent's job to embarrass their child.
"Oh I work for..."
That convo went on forever.
"Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Ackerman." Levi nodded, which motivated you to place down the bouquet of Mrs. Ackerman's favorite flowers on her gravestone.
"You guys seemed like great people from what Levi told me. I'm taking care of him, he's not a lonely loser anymore." Tears are welling up but nothing comes out, you smile softly.
"I was never a loser." His eye roll doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"If that's what makes you feel better, then okay. Anyway, I wish I could have had the chance to meet you guys. Mrs. Ackerman I can see why your husband married you. You were fine as hell. That must be where Levi gets it from." You rant with a little giggle.
"I look more like my father." He reminds you.
"Yeah yeah, this isn't about you. I'm trying to meet your parents." You wave him away and continue to talk to the Ackermans.
"I think they would have liked you, a little weirded out by you at first but in the end they would have loved you like you were their own." Two arms wrap around you and then those tears fall. Out of all your relationships none have ever made you feel this loved and wanted.
"Boop!" Levi almost bites your finger this time.
"Stop "booping" me. It's annoying." He's facing you while in bed, those dark, onyx eyes look into yours. God he's so beautiful.
"I'm bored, let's get up." That's probably the tenth time you've said that to him.
"We agreed on fifteen more minutes of cuddling." Levi is a cuddler. In previous relationships you've complained about not being cuddled enough.
Levi is all about physical affection inside of the household. You love it, but at times like right now, you just crave to move around.
He's peppering your face with kisses, your eyelids, your nose, your cheeks, everywhere. The cherry on top is that he smiles when he hears you chuckle at his actions.
"Okay now we can get up, since you're so impatient." Those snuggly arms let go of your body so you can go get ready for the day.
"I love you Levi!" He hesitates upon hearing you say that before responding, "I love you too."
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In conclusion Levi is literally like a dad who has to keep one of those little kid backpack leash things on his kid (you) lol he loves you tho <3
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genericpuff · 8 months
Little conspiracy theory- what if WEBTOON is aware this is AI? I remember there was this thing where you could take a picture of yourself and with ai they would try imaging you in a popular webcomics style. As a person with darker skin, mine looked pretty iffy. What if WEBTOON is testing how far they can go with ai?
Not even really a conspiracy theory tbh, they have the selfie AI thing and the AI coloring tool. I think there's just a very real possibility that WT is moving towards AI-assisted and AI-made comics and, like many of their controversies over the years, they're just expecting us to accept it blindly. Of course, they haven't outright confirmed that yet, but odds are high considering the past instances of AI they've promoted, and I don't think they want to say anything outright about it because that'll open up a can of worms they aren't prepared to deal with.
Something something "it's a feature, not a bug".
Also yeah, definitely not surprised to hear that the AI selfie tool didn't do a good job at rendering your skin tone (although I am sorry you experienced that, it's so unfair to anyone who isn't one specific shade of white) I have dark-skinned characters who I tried to color in on their painter tool and it just assumed the darker tones were meant to be shadows, it literally just made them look like their faces had been spraypainted 😭 I made it a point in the survey I filled out about it that it needs to be able to handle non-white skin tones better than it is (because duh), but I don't think they've bothered refining it since then. It's kinda telling they've been training these AI tools purely on their Korean library which predominantly features light-skinned casts.
Webtoons/Naver seems to operate with a very specific audience in mind and they're not as inclusive as they try to pretend they are. I'm very done with their "monster of the week" business model where they're just constantly outdoing themselves on how shitty and cruel to artists they can be.
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