#im streaming (pirateing) so lol
devils-bite · 6 months
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you tell em Sylvie! (im definitely not projecting)
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nero-neptune · 1 year
i don't have the bandwidth to start giffing yet another 30+ year old television show, so i'm like neck deep in the northern exposure tag just to find stuff to reblog lmao
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branmer · 2 years
the other day i was thinking mournfully that i wished i worked in animation for tv and film instead of boring old info-animations, and then literally the same fucking day hbo start deleting shows just because they don’t want to pay workers residuals lol lmao
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It's really disheartening that Rick Riordan stance on the war I understand that he wants to be neutral on this stance but in my opinion by becoming neutral he only worsening the issue as many Palestines are dying that are mostly children, how the majority of Israeli are supporting the Genocide of Palestine, and how the government is trying so hard (but miserably failing) to justified the genocide. I will hold him accountable for what he said on this issue as during this period the choice is basically "you are with us or against us."
Part of me wishes he will realize what he said was wrong and understand the bigger issue that plays at hand. I will criticism for his actions as how can a man who promotes LGBTQIA and representation of minorities and disabilities in his books turn a blind eyes to Genocide of people. However we can only wait and see on his next move.
One last thing about your previous you said you don't group Riordan with other authors where do you would group him with? Also this is more on an opinion base answer but many people are boycotting companies that support Israel there as been another post on Twitter on boycotting authors. Rick Riordan happens to be one of them. Do you believed that he should be boycotted with other authors or he should be properly educated and apologized for his previous statement? If you believed he should be boycotted what do tou have to say to those who might have the mentality of "separate the art from the artist"
thank you for this ask, and i completely agree with you! it is extremely hypocritical of him considering what he preaches for in his books. i think he’s convinced he has properly addressed the apartheid by using very vague language that can be applied to anything, and in doing so, he’s addressed nothing really.
your first question on who i would group him with— probably other authors who are doing the exact same as him in their virtue signalling. i always like to link my other blogs to each other, so i don’t think it’s a secret that i have a red queen account and i’m pretty passionate about that. unfortunately, victoria aveyard is another fantasy author who has literally wrote a whole four-book series on the uprising against oppression but is now playing neutral in her address of the apartheid. rebecca yarros is in the same boat, although i haven’t read ‘fourth wing,’ fans have said there are large themes of oppression within the book. so if i had to group riordan it would probably be in the ‘i-like-to-write-about-it-for-profit-and-praise-only’ group.
in terms of boycotting, i think that’s a great idea! i would also like to remind everyone that the percy jackson tv show is coming out in a little over a month, but disney is a huge industry financially supporting israel as well ($2 million in funding), which is obviously far more damning than a poorly written address by one person. there is a boycott happening for disney as well— and the pjo show will be released on disney + . i implore everyone to not watch it on that platform!! personally i will be pirating it online (idk if i’ll get into trouble saying that here but lol oh well), because im pretty sure the boycott is only for withdrawing financial support, not simply consuming media.
i feel like separating art from the artist only works if that artist is… like, dead, and you’re using that art and its values as a historical insight to how the world was during its time. you can still like a piece of work that has a problematic artist, you can engage with the work (to an extent). but separating art from the artist barely works because either:
to engage with the art is to support the artist in some way, so that artist is making money based on your interaction with that (particularly in the case for singers and streaming of songs)
that artists’ views and values are so rancid that it’s literally embedded within the text itself. to ignore it is harmful.
harry potter is my all-time favourite example to use, because jkr is the scum of the earth, and her views are entrenched in her work. a lesser known example is sarah j maas and her books (she’s also not as dogshit as jkr, but then again, its not hard to be a better person than her). i’m not going to bag on these people for liking things by problematic people (would be hypocritical of me), i just think it’s cowardly not to address it when you come across it, or at least admit to it. to simply write things off as ‘separate to the artist’ is like purposefully turning off your critical thinking skills.
on whether boycotting or an apology is enough— if riordan did apologise and used specific language and not the nonsense he had in that blog, expressed his remorse for his ignorance and then actually did or said something to support the people of palestine then, yeah. that’s fine and that’s how we learn ig. but he should educate himself, too many activists, people from the arab community and especially palestinians are expected to be all-knowing and to educate everyone else on an already draining and personal tragedy. it’s been exhausting for me, i can’t imagine what they’re going through. if riordan (or anyone) needs to be educated, he should do it himself, and (at least in my opinion) i don’t think the info is very hard to find now. it’s just about weeding out the misinformation.
i think boycotting is a good idea as of now. it can serve to be a catalyst for self reflection for many people. also, as much as i hate most online discourses, talking about it online needs to happen. i don’t want these authors to forget, for a moment, about the ignorance they posted online during a time of international crisis.
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dreamgirledward · 13 days
i think since the writer's strike ended a lot of you forgot but like. creators have been unhappy with the way the entertainment landscape's been looking for years and it's gotten worse. they're working more for less money. the writers and actors won their fight (kind of) but it's not at all close to perfect working conditions. your favourite youtubers are included in this. that's their living. their job. and they ARENT UNION so theyre on their own. some of them have decided not to be sellouts. they all have teams working with them behind the camera that need to be paid fairly. yes the way the watcher team went about this can feel a bit tasteless but theyre producing a roster of high quality series and that costs a LOT of money! if you cant afford to pay for so many streaming services at once, im begging you to learn how to torrent. im beginning to lose sympathy for you guys!! if you have a decent computer and internet connection, you CAN watch the newest netflix show very easily and for free. go see indie movies in theatres, support the art you CARE TO SUPPORT but bring back the pirating generation for fuck's sake lol and stop making ARTISTS feel bad for MAKING A LIVING
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pickypickypeak · 1 month
Oh my god dude wish is going on disney+ on April third im so Scared, the only thing i wish for is people realized that asha is not Selfish but what if they don't😭 what if it gets Worser?! Whats gonna Happen on april 3???😭
Mmmh… Not gonna lie, I’m a little scared too. Scared because I really don’t want a second wave of hate for this movie lol.
There’s still hope inside me that general audiences will see wish and go “you know what, this was not bad, I’m definitely gonna see the next disney movie in a theater”, not because of wish specifically, but because I’m tired of this trend of people just giving up on cinema because “it will come out in streaming in the end anyway”. Sadly this is probably not changing soon, though I have high hopes for inside out 2 and moana 2 to change at least people’s view on disney.
I think the most likely outcome is that people just ignore it like they did with the marvels, which also recently hit disney plus (and was also a good movie despite people hating on it even before it came out because it was “woke” (= had 3 main women and 2 of them were poc)). Also because maybe some people who haven’t seen wish in theaters have pirated it by now so it’s not like there’s a big hype for it coming out on disney plus. This is still sad but, hey at least they won’t hate it twice.
However, anything is possible so we’ll see! ME I’m definitely rewatching on day one LMAO
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nanjokei · 11 months
i think the spread of character ai usage (and ai art generation usage also) is definitely an issue with people wanting instant gratification which actual rp usually is just not sustainably built for unless you're doing chat rp, even then your friends aren't awake 24/7 waiting at beck and call to entertain you. it's not literally entitlement, but it 100% stems from entitlement to be entertained constantly and passively instead of actually going out and finding something to do.
god this sounds like such boomer shit but the creation of endless scrolling like on tiktok with specifically tailored algorithms has made people so PASSIVE. ai can never come close to human creators but if people, especially the younger generation, are getting too cozy with choosing it over seeking out other human beings (whether it be indirectly via consuming fanmade work or directly via actual collaborative stuff like online roleplay), then how different is it from the ai "winning"? i don't think any of the excuses are valid. it's a subpar product in every way. it's almost never im character, it breaks if you propose anything too left field, and it's ultimately empty wish fulfilment and i have no idea how anyone past the age of 16 AT BEST gets any gratification from it. is it just the spread of a lack of reading comprehension? OPEN THE SCHOOLS!!
i do think it's an issue of people not being comfortable with boredom, always needing instant gratification, not wanting to sit down and hone a craft, or give the people who hone a craft themselves the time of day because they can't crank out """content""" for you 24/7. in a way, i'm thinking right now, when i'm bored i just channel surf on tv even if i don't do it as much anymore. but most people don't have tv anymore (personally we pirate iptv so LOL). i don't blame it on that necessarily, but i think with the rise of streaming, you just sit there on a media library staring at a bunch of thumbnails and posters, having to make a decision on how to invest your time. in this case, i get why people are so passive. tiktok is easier, character ai is easier. because i never ended up watching anything whenever i opened netflix (when we had it years ago). one could argue that watching tv is passive, but there's still a choice. you check the tv guide or google it and you know a certain show is on tv a certain channel at a certain time so you keep that in mind. what do you do in the meanwhile? i remember when that was an actual routine for me. i'd be slacking and not doing my homework, so maybe i'd draw a bit, maybe i play on my ds for a while, maybe i go make myself a snack or bake some pastries if i have all day, maybe i continue a book or even surf the web a bit.
the instinct of "aight, im gonna do something else on my own while i wait" is kind of dying. yes i'm on my phone! the difference is my use case. these days i'm not on social media aside from here so i don't use it as much aside from talking to friends on messaging clients and playing games (rarely tho). i say this as someone who stares at the ceiling not doing anything for a good bit each day, but at least i feel like i still have retained some ability to sometimes go, ok time to learn about a new hobby! i don't have to even pick it up. just entertaining it is gratifying on its own. i'm not a writer, but sometimes i'll write a little bit for fun then go "yeah i get why i don't jive with this". lately, i've been interested in competitive pokemon (with not much interest before) because i've been replaying platinum. i research a bit, watch videos, i even got a little brave and tested some sample teams on showdown. it was a fun time killer! i might keep doing it. i might even do it later today. i started reading pokespe too to scratch the pokemon itch too. and it's not like i don't suffer from crazy hard executive dysfunction but hey, this is a product of my effort. lately i've been thinking i wanna pick a character in guilty gear and learn at least one combo! trying new things is fun!!!
i'm sure this post sounds self important, self impressed, self absorbed (c-c-c-combo breaker) and boomer ish as fuck but honestly i don't care anymore. if someone who struggles with simple tasks on the daily like me can find shit to do that isn't just instantly caving to endless scrolling and resorting to chatting up an AI then i'm sure most people can too. it is so much more gratifying actively seeking out fun than to be passive about it.
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What are your views on pirating media? I don't mean small indie films but more like movies and shows from larger corporations (for example, disney)
you know what they say, ahoy matey 👍
no but seriously, i fully approve of pirating, for a multitude of reasons including lack of physical media available, renting but never owning (streaming service), fuck corporations, and etc. i even approve of pirating indie stuff because it's usually nowhere to be found as a legitimate copy. even if it IS somehow on a streaming service, it probably does not make much money on there because of how the model of streaming services works. i think it's more effective to share and talk about an indie film so that it *can* have the popular support of making physical copies, showing it at the local cinema, etc. an indie film is nothing if people don't know about it, and they can't know about it if it's impossible to get your hands on.
finally im a fanvidder i have to pirate because there's no other way of accessing mp4 copies of most shows or movies, especially new ones lol
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sungsuho · 2 years
Hey I saw your tags on a prev post, can you tell me how you pirate content safely? (you can publish privately) thanks!
ok im going to start out that im not the 'end all be all' of piracy im like. constantly improving my craft (lol) but i'll explain everything i do to make sure i dont get caught while extensively downloading media
before that though if you just want to stream media and not torrent it you can just go to r/piracy's megathread and click the links through there
i WAS going to put this all under a read more but i was trying to link additional resources and this post has most of their explanation under a read more and since they deactivated their account you can't access it anymore. so on the off chance i deactivate i want to keep this post accessible, sorry its so long lol
some of this tutorial is only truly accessible if you have a computer that can stay on 24/7, which i know is not viable for everyone, so i went ahead and highlighted the things you need a computer thats always on for in blue
(honestly, you probably do all the things you need an always on computer for with a raspberry pi but i dont know jack shit about those (yet) so you'd have to look elsewhere on how to do that) i do all of my piracy on a windows desktop computer
1. the first thing you want to do when beginning your torrenting life is purchasing a good vpn.
i personally don't trust any vpn sponsored by youtubers to not sell you data to companies for profit, so i use ProtonVPN since i use their mail service and their servers are based in Norway i believe which has EXTREMELY strict privacy laws. they have a free version of it but it doesn't allow you to torrent.
NEVER USE A FREE VPN FOR TORRENTING EITHER! they are like. the least secure vpns in the world . a vpn is expensive but basically all of them are for plans that last well over a year so its a worthwhile investment
2. the next thing you'll want to do is select and set up your torrenting client
i personally use qbittorrent and it works great. DO NOT USE UTORRENT. while their are some versions that don't have a cryptominer attached to it, basically all of the versions do at this point so its better to just steer clear
once you have your torrenting client downloaded, you will want to set it up to only be able to connect to the internet through you're vpn. the images below show you how to do it in qbittorrent
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(image descriptions available in the alt text)
once you've done the steps in the image, click "apply" and then "ok" in the bottom right of the settings tab
the next part is only necessary if you are going to seed torrents (which i recommend you do if you can)
if you ARE going to seed torrents, you are going to need to enable port forwarding in your vpn and connect your torrenting client to the port specifed. the following images will show you how to do that with ProtonVPN and qBittorrent
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(image descriptions available in the alt text)
once you've done the steps in the image, click "apply" and then "ok" in the bottom right of the settings tab. you will want to make sure that connection status button, located two buttons to the left of your displayed download speed is a GREEN electrical cord plug. if it is red then you cannot download or seed. if it is yellow then you can download, but you cannot seed. it will take a couple of minutes for the specified port to update and the connection status to turn green.
3. now that you've done the hard part, its time for the EVEN HARDER part (this is, however, all completely optional). it is now time to set up tracked tv shows, movies, etc to automatically torrent when updates or a better quality becomes available
you do this using Radarr (for movies), Lidarr (for music), Sonarr (for TV shows), and Prowlarr (as your indexer to manage what torrent hosting clients you want these applications to use). when you download these applications and install them, you are going to want to
you first want to download all of these applications using the links above. you can choose which applications to download based on the things you're going to be downloading, however for any of these applications to work you are going to NEED to download Prowlarr. for simplicity sake i will walk you through setting up all of these from the beginning of my list to the end, except im starting with prowlarr first because that's what you need to set up the rest.
however, when installing ANY of these applications, you are going to have to choose whether to install it as a system tray application or a windows service. I'm going to copy and paste from the Prowlarr wiki what the difference means, though it applies to all of the applications
A Windows Service runs even when the user is not logged in, but special care must be taken since Windows Services cannot access network drives (X:\ mapped drives or \\server\share UNC paths) without special configuration steps.
Additionally the Windows Service runs under the 'Local Service' account, by default this account does not have permissions to access your user's home directory unless permissions have been assigned manually. This is particularly relevant when using download clients that are configured to download to your home directory.
It's therefore advisable to install Prowlarr as a system tray application if the user can remain logged in. The option to do so is provided during the installer.
now that you've installed the programs you want, its time to set up prowlarr. i am once again going to show you how to set it up using pictures
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(image descriptions available in the alt text)
that is how you add what torrent indexers (the websites that host torrents) you want to use to prowlarr. I only used TorrentGalaxy as an example, I don't actually use that site. I recommend being VERY careful and selective with what websites you use if they are a public tracker, as any of their torrents can host viruses. do your research before adding them. for convenience, however, I will list all of the public trackers I use so you can add them to Prowlarr if you like:
Internet Archive
Shana Project
you can also add private trackers, which is basically the same setup except you will have to input your username and password and/or an api key to allow prowlarr to access your account. I will explain private trackers later.
i will now show you how to connect prowlarr with the other applications you downloaded, once again with images
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you want to do this with every application you're using.
that's the basics for setting up Prowlarr. you can further customize it with the help of the Prowlarr wiki if you'd like, but this is all I'll be covering in this tutorial.
setting up the other applications pretty intuitive if after setting up prowlarr, however if you do need help this is the video i watched to set up the rest. you only need to watch how to set up one of these applications to know how to set up the rest, and you can ignore literally everything this person is saying besides how to set up sonarr radarr and lidarr. seriously, don't listen to the rest of what this person has to say it will only confuse you. i have the video hyperlinked to where you need to start to learn how to set up these applications (the one she walks you through in depth is sonarr)
4. now that you've set up the torrent trackers (or skipped that part, those are, again, optional), it's time to go back to your torrenting client and configure how it handles your torrents.
you can only download so many megabytes a second, and when you have a million torrents downloading at once it makes every single torrent download at a snails pace because of that. so, what you're going to want to do is set it to download only a certain number of torrents at a time, and queue the rest to download once one torrent finishes.
this setup is pretty self explanatory, so I won't use images and just explain it.
go back to the settings of your torrenting client, and click on the "BitTorrent" tab (this might be a tab specific to qbittorrent, if you are using a different client look for a tab that is called something similar) (you can alternatively just google how to set torrents to queue for your specific client)
click the checkbox next to the option "torrent queuing"
customize how many active downloads and uploads you want. I personally recommend having no more than 6 torrents downloading at a time so that way they can all download relatively fast. i have my seed (upload) limit set to 60 because I'm in private trackers (which i will explain more about later), but if you don't want to seed for whatever reason you can set that to 0 and it SHOULD (don't quote me on this) automatically stop your torrent once its finished downloading. this could also potentially throttle your download speed because torrents don't like it when you're not uploading them while downloading them, don't quote me on that either having downloads set to 0 is not something im familiar with at all
you can optionally also set your download and upload limits in the "speed" category of settings, though i recommend keeping them both at infinity
5. setting up your downloaded media so you can watch it
this part is really easy and ALSO technically optional but it makes your life so much more convenient so i really recommend doing it. we're going to set up Plex Media Server so it can auto sort through your libraries and organize everything.
download plex and create an account
launch the server and go to the settings page, indicated by the wrench icon in the top right
scroll all the way down the settings directory until you get to the 'Manage" subheading and click on "Libraries"
assign your media libraries to the folders on your hard drive. for this you are going to want to keep movies, tv, and music all in separate folders, and you are going to want to keep your tv shows within your tv folder separate as well.
click 'scan library files' and watch plex update your library in real time
there will be times where plex isn't able to grab the metadata for a piece of media you have, but i can tell you how to (hopefully) prevent that from happening:
in the settings menu, go to the "network" tab under the "settings" subheading
uncheck the box next to "Enable server support for IPv6"
thats it! it should be able to get the metadata for all your media now
6. joining private trackers
this is honestly some Advanced levels of torrenting, and you shouldn't join them if you don't have a device that can be on and seeding 24/7
private trackers are torrent trackers that you can only use if you have a registered account with. they generally have a higher quality selection of torrents with faster download speeds due to a higher seeders to leecher ratio. each tracker has their own rules you need to follow, but they all have similar baselines
maintain your download-to-upload ratio (this will be specified in the trackers FRQ)
after you finish downloading something, you then need to seed it for a certain amount of time (normally a week) or else it will be considered a 'hit n run' and you will face the appropriate consequences
some things are free leach, which means you can download them without it contributing negatively to your ratio. if you seed and upload free leaches they will count to your ratio positively, however
most private trackers are invite-only, but some do occasionally have open signups which you can track on r/opensignups
when joining any private tracker, i recommend only downloading things that are free leach until you have built a good buffer between your upload to download ratio.
this is barely a drop in the water explanation of private trackers, but it's a part of torrenting that i feel like most people don't know about and/or don't know how to get started with, so i felt like it was worth mentioning. r/piracy has a more in-depth explanation (and a better "how to get started" guide on their megathread
and that's it! this is my indepth beginners guide to torrenting and piracy. i will maybe come back to this later and add more / make the formatting better (tumblr post formatting has such bad options...)
linked below are some useful resources for torrenting and pirating in general that i have saved.
my favorite public torrent tracker
r/piracy megathread
r/roms megathread for video game console downloading (direct downloads mostly, not torrents)
r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH beginners guide to piracy
nintendo switch roms (direct downloads)
nintendo switch emmulator
ns emmulator setup guide
sideload apps on an apple device
hacked spotify ipa (ios app) that you can use above link to sideload
a less convient way to sideload apps onto apple if altstore doesnt work for you
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sugarepoxy · 8 months
Ive been aching to tell this story but since nobody has asked me yet im just going to take it upon myself lmao. Here is:
How I Discovered JRWI :D
It all started with blood in the bayou, the catalyst to the massive brain rot that was about to ensue. The earliest memory i have of it is seeing it recommended to me on YouTube, and scrolling away because it didn't catch my interest. I remember clicking on it but then realizing it was a podcast, and then being like "oh no i can't listen to podcasts my attention span is WAYY too short for that, plus its patreon exclusive! I dont wanna get too attached :("
and then, after it was recommended to me a second time, i clicked, said "fuck it", and watched it over about a week. And i. Fell. In. LOVE. I distinctly remember finishing that first episode on the school bus home and trying sooooo hard not to actually explode. BITB had taken my whole heart and mind and life and i loved it. I decided to check out the channel it was posted to, saw riptide, but was like "nahhh pirates aint really my thing" and left it at that. I proceed to absolutely explode all over BITB and GUSHED about it to my friends. I ended up convincing two of them to watch it and they also LOVED it. Success! One of my friends could fortunately afford the patreon, so we all binged blood in the bayou together each study hall (: . Unfortunately i can't remember much of what happened in each episode, but i do remember that It fuckin DESTROYED me and i loved it. I was also interested in watching prime defenders, but my friends were less convinced so we didn't end up doing it.
Cut to, a few months after that, im watching the new slimecicle QSMP stream. This was the one where juanaflippa had died and he was taking revenge. His acting was sooo godamn good in that stream, i was like "lol maybe i should start watching jrwi, all the comments are saying that if i want more improv i should check it out" And so, after a few more days, i stopped procrastinating and checked it out! I started on the first episode of riptide and immediately fell in love with the characters and world. It was a little hard to follow since i wasnt used to podcasts, and I was intimidated by the sheer AMOUNT of episodes, but i decided "fuck it, ill catch up eventually!" And KEPT GOIN! i did slow down watching at the paramount tournament arc, but i PERSEVERED
This is where i made a tumblr account finnally, and started really getting into the fandom!
And currently, im chipping away at prime defenders and i love it so far (:
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luwukass · 3 months
lukes favs! january 2024!
ignore that this is 4 days late,,, again
music (according to my spotify stats, in order of most to least streamed average top 10) songs: mirrorball, is it over now, star walkin, j christ, peace, right where you left me, champange problems, this is me trying, long story short and glitch albums: folklore, 1989 (taylors version),evermore, speak now (taylors version), midnights, lover, reputation, montero, fearless(taylors version) and red (taylors version) artists: as always bc i listen to a lot of taylor the other stats can be changed if i listen to the artist like twice so i only including the relevant ones which this month are just taylor and lil nas x
media podcasts: podcasts were the same as last month and the one before!(please let me know if you have any podcast recs) if you need a reminder they were gals and goblins which is a dnd podcast im really enjoying and swiftlit made by tumblrs own @kingofmyborrowedheart the taylor swift podcast thats deep dives into taylors lyrics! (no changes again) shows: more castlevania, my gf and i finished the scott pilgirm show i also finished percy jackson and watched more dr who nex and i watched all of gen v and more bobs burgersim also watch new girl with my gf and bf together also more atla with my gf! i also watched what if, echo and pokemon concierge movies: a lot of movie watching again hehe. leave the world behind, happy death day, grand buspest hotel, all 4 john wick movies, first 3 pirates movies, watched cars twice, scott piglirm twice, the marvel, love actually, all 3 kung fu panda movies, lil nas x long live montero, baby driver, birds of prey, mission impossible 1-4, puss in boots the last wish and spiderman no way home. comics: i didnt read any comics oops i have been so busy lol books: read a few chapters of percy jackson 2 and started rereading the hunger games books! didnt do much reading tho :/ games: alright so i was super able to play games bc my laptop crapped out on me completely but i did just get a new one so games im playing on this laptop dont count yet. more hades, cult of the lamb, more powerwash sim, more lethal company, jackbox game nights and i tried to play gang beasts but the laptop died so lol as always lmk if yall have any suggestions for anything!! im really trying to branch out with stuff so dont be afraid to send an ask!
also if you started following me this month this is a monthly thing so here are my december favs!
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I'm miserably depressed and I had a horrible day at work and I have no friends. So fuck it, I'm going to post to my tumblr. I need an outlet. I work, come home at night, listen to music, smoke pot and browse my tumblr tags.
I used to LiveJournal all the time when I was a teenager. It actually got me in trouble at school with my schoolmates; there was a girl in the grade above me who had the same Good Charlotte shirt as me and I was complaining about it on lj, lol. I think she commented on the post and called me out for it. But of course I didn't learn my lesson and continued to post to livejournal publicly. Once a girl IMed me on AIM to tell me some people in the computer lab at school were reading my livejournal and talking shit about me. I was MORTIFIED. I should have been in therapy when I was like 14 but my home life was really really bad and a whole fucking story... so I still used LiveJournal, because it was an outlet and I didn't have a lot of friends and was seriously depressed. I mean obviously I wasn't talking shit about my schoolmates anymore, at least not publicly. I have always very much related to Harriet the Spy and I love that movie with all my heart. It was understandably one of my favorite movies when I was little, along with Matilda.
I grew up in a very small town with very small-minded people who told me my brother was a faggot and disgusting because he's gay and that he's going to hell. So.
I went to a wedding this summer and was sat at a table with really cool people who don't live in the same area as me. It made me realize I'm really fucking lonely.
Stream of consciousness, feeling sorry for myself I guess and still need therapy. Haha. I never truly grew out of my fangirl phase and I KNOW there are other old farts on tumblr geeking out over Louis Tomlinson like I am!! I'VE SEEN Y'ALL! Message me please and be my friend oh my god I need friends so badly. Therapy is expensive lol I can't afford it be my friend so I don't need therapy 😚
When I wasn't into Good Charlotte anymore I moved on to River Phoenix, and John Frusciante. Random, right? Wait, Pirates of the Caribbean was like my favorite movie in 2003; I asked for it for Christmas, got a VHS copy (we didn't have a DVD player!) and literally watched it every night for like a month. I had a short-lived obsession with Johnny Depp. This was twenty years ago people so we didn't know he was a piece of shit. I don't like him anymore; I remember thinking "Gee, I wonder what Johnny Depp is up to nowadays" in 2018 and googling like johnny depp interview or something, and found his very recent Rolling Stone article... yikes. I especially never liked him since then. Very incriminating.
Well anyway... um... I can't believe LiveJournal still exists, I've been lurking on tumblr since 2010 at least and I need friends. Please be my friend.
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retrospectislame · 8 months
ok so ive been wanting to watch good omens, but apparently theres a strike happening against the companies producing the show? (at least im pretty sure its good omens it could be a diff show tho) does anyone know if its like fine if i watch it on a streaming service or should i pirate it lol(/hj) (also if i should pirate it, any good website recs?) thats the only questions i have right now i think so if someone could answer them thatd be great please and thank you <3
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years
okay im like. actually curious about anime girl arthuriana. youre the only person ive ever seen posting abt it and you told me abt it once and like.... i kind of Have To Watch It.. do you know where i can find it. also is it like good in a bad way OR is it bad in a good way. should i watch it
well as I have personally been an avid fan of anime girl king arthur for 10 years now obviously I think it's good in a good way. however it has a lot of what is most aptly described as "anime fanservice" baked into the series roots, and a quick look through your blog archive suggests that you don't have a lot of anime exposure, so I can't really say how easily you'll be able to like... look past some of the more distasteful elements of the genre. arthuriana itself is also weird and horny and ~problematic~ though so i'm not saying this because I think you can't stomach it I just feel the need to add a disclaimer because fate/series started with a porn game and never really let go of those roots it just also has bonkers lore. personally i think the good is so good that it more than overshadows the bad and you should definitely give it a try
fate/ is also a bit of an odd series in that translation projects for it are under some kind of curse so despite it's immense overseas popularity a lot of it never gets localised, or gets bad localisations, or fan translation projects for it drop halfway through, or turn out to have been partially machine translated, and so on. I'm sure this is a struggle arturiana can relate to lol. as a result for a lot of fate/ content you have no choice but to pirate it if you want to read or play it at all. there are a lot and i mean a Lot of different entries but individual entries of it are often pretty loosely connected so there's not really a fixed reading order, just a few sets of entries that are directly connected and the rest tends to follow in themes more than setting, and later entries tend to assume you already know how the magic shit works so it stops explaining it. this is also very arturiana of it.
the easiest way to test the waters and see if you'll enjoy fate/ is to watch the anime "Fate/Stay Night [Unlimited Blade Works]". this is an adaption of the second route of the original game, as such it is missing a bit of context from the first route but it should still be easy enough to understand and it's imo a good representation for the overall vibes of the series (both good and occasional bad). last I checked it's available to watch on crunchyroll and netflix. after Unlimited Blade Works comes the movie trilogy "Heaven's Feel", which adapts the third and final route. alternatively you can watch "Fate/Zero" instead, which is on the same streaming platforms. Fate/Zero is the prequel to Fate/Stay Night and has a darker and edgier tone to it which may or may not be up your alley. both of them feature the original anime girl king arthur as one of the protagonists so they're good to see if you'll like her as well
there's a bunch of other fate/ anime on netflix, but none of them are good introductory points. the "Fate/Apocrypha" anime is a notoriously bad adaption, and if you're interested in that one I strongly strongly suggest looking for the manga adaption instead (Apocrypha is particularly cursed, the original novels never finished fantranslation and the manga is still ongoing so the shitty anime adaption is the only way to get the full story in english currently). the "Fate/EXTRA Last Encore" anime is a kind of spinoff slash alternate ending to the PSP game "Fate/EXTRA" and is likely to be incomprehensible without playing that one first (which i recommend because it's a personal favourite). the "Fate/Grand Order" anime are probably fine to watch after Stay Night, just be aware that they're pretty mediocre as adaptions and take place a good chunk into the story of the game with the same name so you're missing a lot of buildup. the "Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya" anime are unapologetic pedobait and not worth the trouble
if you like the Stay Night anime I would suggest reading the visual novel as a next step! as said before the original has three routes, and it's actually the first one that hasn't been adapted properly that focuses the most on anime girl king arthur's character. in this post I explain how to get the game. the nature of animated adaptions is also that they can't possibly convey everything in the original text, so even after watching the adaptions the visual novel will still offer a lot of fresh material.
another good next step is to pick up the mobile game Fate/Grand Order, it's the current flagship title of the series and is still ongoing. it's a gacha game (i don't know if that means anything to you. it's got glorified gambling basically. think fortnite lootboxes but for playable characters) so you might not want to touch it but I like the gameplay and story a lot so I'm still going to suggest it because it has a shitton of round table figures as playable characters and they feature heavily in parts of the main story as well. if you don't want to engage with gambling mechanics you can easily look up the story on youtube instead
i could go on for a lot longer because there simply is a lot of it lol but i think this is already more info than you really need to get started and if you have more questions I'll gladly answer them. I hope you enjoy it!
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st trinians anon here, im so happy you liked it!! i remember the sequel was somehow even More unhinged (like pirates of the caribbean does eyes wide shut unhinged iirc) but i havent seen it in years so cant vouch for its actual quality lol. thank you for giving it a watch!⭐️⭐️
as i was typing st trinian's into my beloved illegal streaming site i saw st trinian's 2 popped up so i was like ohh there's a sequel??? interesting. i might give it a watch at some point, but for now i really enjoyed this one. felt like a period piece. i'll forever love silly teen movies.
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bsaka7 · 2 years
16, 18, 20!
16. Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
Laptop exclusively... I'll write notes on my phone but all actual writing is on the computer. sometimes I'll do prompts on my phone. And I'll sometimes outline (more like... make maps of connections?) on paper. But the real stuff is on the computer. You can tell when I'm on my phone because it's evil stream of consciousness like this.
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
as a person... I very much do like research but I can get bogged down in it, you know what I mean? Like, I like things to be correct but I can't get too into it or I'll freak myself out. My coworkers dislike this about me but I HATE things to be wrong (if preventable) almost to a moral degree like I never want to give someone incorrect info.
with fic I'm willing to bend the contours a little more. It's like... How much research can I do so that I don't ruin the way I think about the fic? I operate a lot by asking myself: what do I need to do to make this easy for me? And getting myself worked up... Not the way. That being said, i love research!!! My next big fic project... I've already read four? Books for it? But it's all fun for me anyway so it hardly even counts so this is a nice balance for me.
On the other hand.... sometimes my desire for research leads things to languish (how much can I fake it? Scenes from an American artist was all faking it)... like i have a couple of different pirate au plots (thank u @kritischetheologie) and they would NOT be a long fic (under 15k easy) but I can't start writing because im like oh i don't know enough about pirates.
Of my posted fics... Idk probably echo of the future required the most because almost all of it is compliment with star wars universe trade routes and lore and stuff. EU of course and I didn't try THAT hard because there's a lot of fuckery. and I only watched one star wars movie as reference. Unless you count all the star wars content I consumed as a kid. Write what you know i guess?
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
This is kind of a funky one. I vastly prefer READING Canon to au's. I go back and forth on writing. I think... hm... I like the playing field of canon or real life much more. like the cards are all there. that's easier! and it's better for digging into relationships in some way i think...
But i can't deny it. I think aus are more fun. Obviously I lean toward the... fantastical in my writing this year (space au apocalypse au dragon au star wars au)... It's just undeniably fun to explore and come up. I am a pretty grounded person. I don't let myself think like that - don't let myself pretend I'm creative - outside of fic. But because it's already fic. I can knockoff Cormac Mccarthy. I don't need all the rules of Magic to be crystal clear before I start writing. It's okay to play in the star wars sandbox. So I like that a lot!!! I also definitely feel like writing au's (starting with the max/daniel fic taking some time even tho it's like pretty tame for an au. More Canon divergent) has helped me build confidence in my writing. So I guess the answer is aus are more fun to write even if I often like "what I'm doing" with Canon fics more. God i sound like I take myself so seriously (I guess I kind of do but LOL) but oh well hopefully this is vaguely interesting rambling ❤️
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