#if you havent listened i encourage you to do that
hezekiahwakely · 3 months
Two things we know about Samama Khalid from his playlist
1. He is DEEP in his feelings
2. He enjoys a good bop
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widevibratobitch · 1 year
#coming to tumblr for the first time in three days just to bitch because i feel like shit <333#sorry if i havent responded to your message i will as soon as i get a grip but rn im just too busy#both with uni and with crying because a friend said a mean thing to me lol#and because im tired of this new friendship already and tired of hearing this girl talking how great she is lol#am i jealous? fuck yeah i am.#and it's not like she's mean like straight up. cause like.#when i say im really considering quitting and dropping out she tries to encourage me ig#but then she follows it up with 'ofc *I* never had a problem with this and that because it always just came naturally to me teehee#but yknow. dont give up uwu'#and she keeps sending me recordings of her singing to tell her how good she is and always tells me how her teacher praises her#and like. its cool. like i get it that its a nice feeling when you do something well and wanna share that joy with a friend#but idk. i just think its kinda. well not mean but a litt#*a little tone deaf? when ive just been telling her that im in a Bad Place rn and my voice isnt working as it should#and my pianist is bullying me and i end up crying on almost every lesson#and she hits me with a 'damn that sucks fuck that pianist dont give up tho <3#now do you wanna listen to me sing bel raggio lusinghier like a pro and my professor telling me i am sublime?'#also when i tell her that im sorry that im not very social and i just cannot stay and chat cause im having a horrible day today#and really dont feel well and she's like 'yeah i havent noticed anything you're always like that... *side eye*' in a way that suggests#im a horrible friend cause im not talking with her enough and yet again im disappointing her (aint that familiar lol)#i just. idk. the last two-three weeks have been absolutely horrible to me. i cant get out of bed i havent done a single colorful make up#in so long ive basically forgotten how to do that. and i loved doing fun make up looks that make people tell me i look like a clown.#but i just dont have the energy to do anything more than put on a random tshirt and spray dry shampoo on my unwashed hair#i dont even wear my rings anymore. ive stopped caring about being the pinkest slayest queerest looking bitch in the room cause i just. cant#and even some casual friend of mine asked me yesterday if im okay cause they can see something is Not Right. but SHE not only doesnt notice#anything. i have a feeling she feels like im disappoing and neglecting her because i cant be bothered to text with her 24/7#like idk. maybe its just my imagination but i barely even feel like an actual person. more like just a homunculus made to trail after her#and listen to her bragging about how pretty/talented/unbothered she is#oh and also for her to keep dissing m/ozart lol like idk why it hurts me so bad but then ig its not that unusual to feel shitty#when someone keeps talking shit about something you really love and are passionate about and making you feel like an idiot#because you like it. because its stupid and boring and you're a simpleton for enjoying it instead of liking sth more 'ambitious'
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livelaughlovesubs · 26 days
Yessssss yes yes! He looks so proud of himself, how can people not laugh? He makes me laugh and I would just encourage his jokes just so I can see the sparkle in his eyes, he's probably so giddy smdmdndj he's so cute I wanna kiss him senseless
The only way Cyno's a top is a service top, I know just he'd meltttttt into a puddle of love especially when you praise him! Call him a pretty boy, call him the goodest boy in the world!
I just know you could make him cum from praise, he's so used to people looking at him with fear/apprehension, but you're different you've always smile at him and speak to him in such a gentle manner and he's gotta tug his helmet sometimes when you look at him with so much unfiltered adoration in your eyes.
I'm not saying that you've pulled him into a secluded corner to steal a few kisses, he pretends to be annoyed with it yet the way he leans into the kisses says otherwise (he's just lil shy, listen he's never really dated before). I just know that he loves forehead kisses and neck kisses too.
Definitely sensitive, cutie's used to roughness because of his job so gentle touches will drive him wild. Gentle caresses are gonna make him squirm and whine, so so so incredibly sensitive to gentle touches it's so cute watching him writhe.
He might have scratches on his back from a passionate night, honestly he doesn't notice them and had done his usual patrol the next day and was so confused about why everyone seemed off. This man smh 😔he's so dumb and I love it.
The way this man has me in a chokehold is unreal, I cannot wait until his next rerun that twink will be mine 😤
I'm sorry for rambling it's just I don't have anyone to talk about sub Cyno, people are cowards because this man is such a puppy. He's so damn loyal once he locks in a relationship.
Okay sorry it took me a while to answer BUT I couldn’t bring it over myself to give an half-asset response to this beautiful beautiful thing.
First I totally agree, I don’t know how anyone could be intimidated by him. He’s literally so ahhhh, the same with xiao. I also headcanon that his abdomen or waist part is the most sensitive, cuz his waist is so cute and adorable and it would be soooo cute if he was really sensitive there. Like just grabbing his hips and caressing them gently gets him all flustered and squirming in your grasp. Some people wonder how you can date him without looking scared, but oh boy. Oh boyyyyy.
He wears so little clothing too! If you don’t like showing off, you have to be careful about where to place the hickeys. Cuz he wouldn’t even notice that they are there, just going on about his day while people are flabbergasted. But if you do like bragging about what’s yours, go for it and mark him up everywhere!! Even if he sees them, he’d love them too much and be too proud to cover them up. So what’s the big deal with everyone? It’s a well known fact you two are going out, why are they so surprised to see some teeth marks on his neck and shoulder?
Cyno is literally such a puppy, he’s suuuch an adorable little dork. It makes one want to see him blush 24/7.
Anyway, I approve of it. Though I don’t have him neither, havent logging in for quite a while. I can’t download the new update cuz I’m installing other gacha games to try them out and my storage has def seen better days 🫠
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weebsinstash · 11 months
I feel like there's a heavily under-utilized possibility in some of these ideas I've been coming up with and it's like. We all want to say "Oh Miguel is so intimidating because of his size, Miguel is such a threat because of his physical strength"
"What if Miguel found out the two of you were canon and forced you to be together" girlies and what if Miguel found out the two of you were canon and he has a full on Miles Morales level INTERVENTION in a room with all your Spider Society friends who are like family to you. This man has the weapon of EXTREME PEER PRESSURE on his side, like, how many of us WOULDN'T at least completely break down crying at that?
Even if it's not to be with Miguel himself and it's just for the marriage canon event stuff, to have that many people corner you in a room like that over such a sensitive and intimate topic, like they're basically trying to emotionally badger you into having a relationship you're not ready for and may even be SCARED OF, and also, imagine being so offended at Miguel as someone who was supposed to be your boss and coworker, "Really? REALLY?? You're telling me you had to turn this into A BIG THING? You're having a fucking INTERVENTION right now?! ALL THESE PEOPLE had to be here for this?!"
You've even got friends and mentors and people you trusted there. Peter B as an older adult who you've been confiding personal shit and self doubts in, apparently having been telling Miguel everything behind your fucking back, he's there, all "I know you're scared but you've got to take the leap of faith, look at how happy I am with Mary Jane and Mayday :)" and its like yeah and you had to be traumatized by losing Gwen Stacy first! And maybe you're scared of being hurt and taken advantage of and just have trauma and stuff but, they essentially keep telling you to suck it up, you can't break canon, right?
Like imagine some time ago you opened up to Peter B about, "I think I maybe want a baby but I don't have a partner and I'm scared, I'd want to be perfect and give my baby everything and I know I'm not good enough" and you tell him some of your thoughts and feelings and he's actually like so touched and is all "caring that much is exactly what a good parent would say :)" and you two Have A Moment and he makes you cry and sees you genuinely so vulnerable and. Fucking. Later on when you're gradually over time being socially shunned and encouraged to spend more time at home to date and shit, and eventually this full on CONFRONTATION. Peter B or Miguel whips that shit back out again, "it's not just canon, it's also what you want, you're just scared. You've been WANTING a baby, havent you?" and you're just hurt, "Peter you fucking told?!" and you're paranoid about, what else has he loosened his lips for? Some things, or everything? (It's everything lmao, fucking motormouth "I care about you because you're an amazing person and I do this for your own good" sellout ass--)
I just feel like we all underestimate the sheer power and emotional blackmail over him being able to put you in a room with so many people who are all listening to him and agreeing with him. Like this doesn't even have to be yandere for all of them to be pressuring you because "oh don't break canon muh muh muh, we care about you and it'd dangerous and we don't want you to die" like this could be terrifying in any scenario
And of course just really imagine Miguel finding out the two of you are canon and when he finally tells you in a probably really clumsy mechanical way after failing to woo you, you completely reject him and maybe even start actively defying him by trying to see other people or at least just fucking other men, and he gives you an intervention for that for some of his little vaguely cult-like followers to pressure you to basically get non-con'd by your boss who you had thought of kind of like a friend until all this. Miguel finally snapping and absolutely losing his patience after you keep rejecting him and even sleeping with someone else (both you AND Hobie would fuck each other just to spite him even if there weren't any feelings there lmao) Miguel finally corners you, you can feel the rage boiling off of him but he's trying to contain it, for you, and he's got you physically cornered, towering over you, it's legitimately terrifying, and he's growling about how he wanted to try and do this the right way, he wanted the two of you to take time, to have a proper wedding, he wanted to be good to you, but if you're not only going to be risking canon (that's how he's truly justifying all his behavior, ain't it) but also fucking other men, then he has no choice but to tie you down now, doesn't he?
Let's see other men touch you and try to take you from him once Miguel's gotten you pregnant. He either follows through with his threat right then and there OR, you have to beg him to not do this, to give you one more chance, you knowing you couldn't fight him off and resorting to pleading, "please don't do this, if we're supposed to be together you'll ruin our entire future by doing this, I'd never be able to forgive you, please just give me another chance" and you're shaking and terrified and fuck it maybe even pissing yourself because he's absolutely huge and you're realizing the gravity of being cornered and alone with him, like as a Spider you're strong and tough and fighting bad guys with confidence, but with him, someone who's on your level, even higher, you're just a helpless little woman again that he can do as he pleases with and it terrifies you that you're suddenly confronted with the realities of what he's willing to do
So now you're breaking up with any flings you may have been having even if it breaks your heart and are trying to force yourself not to freak out around Miguel and be a good little fiancé, forcing yourself to try and not tremble when he's around you, try and force yourself to look on the bright side as he begins courting you and asking about what kind of wedding you'd want, forcing yourself through it all because, if you don't do it 'willingly', if you're not walking on your own two feet with a forced smile, you're now horribly aware that he'll drag you, HE'LL make you, and you don't want to see how far he's willing to go to have you
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reorientation · 11 days
zyn anon. sorry to spam your dms, i just have some updates i can't really share elsewhere lmao. only one of my irls know im fucking this boy but she doesn't know it was for nicotine pouches lmao
im not even "exchanging" my "services" for zyns anymore. i didn't like them at all, but id still occasionally ask for a tin or two here and there. to not let it get to his head ☺️. a month and a half later im just doing it for free 😒 he makes jokes now that im not even fucking him for product. and jokes that he got me addicted to him instead. so you were right about me becoming a budding addict for a straight mans cock.
we never had a convo about us being official, but he made it clear early on that he wants to be the only guy fucking me rn. i asked if he sleeps around with other girls, and he said he doesnt need to when im so eager for him. :/. he calls me his girlfriend in front of his roommate and gamer friends, too. but not to people we know mutually.
he's also a lot more affectionate now. we've been on an actual date, it was surprisingly romantic and really sweet, and not just me blowing him in his car. though I did after but that's not the point.
i pretty much dress exclusively femininely outside of our programs unisex uniform, i used run errands in boymode but im not even doing that anymore. i have a chosen name that can be shortened into something kinda feminine sounding so he just calls me that. even in front of classmates who dont know i have a pussy, and one that hes been inside of. and the "nickname" is catching on with our classmates too lol.
z anon. forgot to include the update. sorry, i ramble a lot.
i skipped my last two T shots ☺️ im still waiting on my iud appointment in a few weeks. unfortunately this also means i havent really been letting him inside me as often, since im still really scared of pregnancy especially this early on in this weird situation. i am blowing him a lot though lol. it's a win win for me since being on my knees for him with his cock down my throat is so damn hot, especially when he's kinda fucking my face and pulls my hair during it. but fuck its probably been at least a week since his cocks been in me and i miss it. a lot lol. hes so manly and strong, i miss how feminine i feel when im under him. his body would just inadvertently pin me in place, im painfully aware of how small and feminine i am in comparison to him. how truly heterosexual it all is.
but i cannot trust myself bro like i know even if i insist on him using a condom ill end up asking for him to take it off. if he doesnt outright refuse. and like it's so difficult because that turns me on more. i know ill end up having his dick in me sometime before I get my iud, i just gotta be responsible and power through the demons.
im still dysphoric through this situation, especially since stopping T and the fear of like. the few times hes cum in me before havimg a little more serious consequences. despite taking plan b after each time. but the horny part of my brain has never been happier. whenever i feel like backing out, i send him nudes or text him smth risky just for extra self encouragement. but he's on a camping vacation thing rn with his family, and the service is shit and i miss him 🥺 even outside of sex.
like I want to become his girlfriend, truly. and that would have me become a girl for him. which basically means becoming a girl fulltime. i guess that would actually just be going back to being a girl. all for a straight boy 🤦🏻
its hugely dysphoric but kinda nice, like a part of me hates how he's so much bigger and way more masculine than me without any effort, even outside of us having heterosexual sex. i get so dysphoric that he's taller, bigger, way stronger and just so clearly male. but apparently, i enjoy being a girl for him more than i hate it.
You know, Anon, this is awfully romantic.
I mean, listen to yourself. You got into this as a whore, offering to suck his dick for discounted nicotine pouches, but now you're pining over him, and wanting to be a proper girl so that you can be his girlfriend. You're definitely still a whore, but you're a whore with a heart of gold.
Not a smart whore, though. So scared of pregnancy, but you stopped your T before getting on real birth control, knowing that you can't stop yourself from begging for his bare cock. You're so desperate to be a good girl for him that you're consciously ramping up the risk of having his baby, just so that you can return to full femininity a little sooner.
You know, I got this anon after your last ask:
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They're not quite right, in that this first update doesn't include a pregnancy announcement. But it's been a bit since you sent me this, and reading what you sent me, it's not hard to imagine you having already gotten started on the path to being a cute little baby mama to your straight boyfriend.
But even if you haven't... You're never going to be able to forget what this was like, will you? Losing your virginity to a straight man, and so easily losing your identity with it. Being pinned down by him with your legs spread and his bare cock in your pussy. The simple force of a man on top of you, and how simple it was to slip back into womanhood and welcome him in.
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
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Thranduil As A Husband
- obviously, as a King, he has his duties to attend to, and number one on that list of duties is to be a Good Husband™️
- in sickness and in health, he promises that he will worry about you. a single cough passes your lips? you are rushed to the Royal Infirmary. you get a paper cut? straight to the Infirmary. a headache? infIrmary.
- he claims it’s because you’re not an elf, he isnt completely knowledgeable on the workings of your immune system, so he worries that the smallest sign of an illness will have you pushing daisies
- he worries less after you’ve spent a few centuries with him and havent died
- your birthday is the biggest celebration in the kingdom, and every year without fail, Thranduil manages to throw a more extravagant party than the year before
“But a year is less than a blink in the life of an elf, how can you justify celebrating a birthday that is not yours?”
“Well, this is a fraction of a blink that I shan’t forget, for you are the mela en’ coiamin(love of my life).”
- you have regular dates even after getting married, and they can include star gazing, training for battle together, going on romantic strolls through the kingdom, riding through the forest on Thranduil’s pet Elk, and plaiting flowers in the King’s hair
- he cant count the number of times you have requested to plait his hair, nor can he measure his level of joy at you wanting to plait his hair so frequently
- sometimes he forgets that he still has flowers in his hair when he goes to attend a meeting after spending time with you, and you will never be the one to tell him of the forgotten flowers still decorating his mane
- of course you have your own specially tailored robes, but you do enjoy lounging in your husband’s attire when you arent in the company of others, and Thranduil cant deny how much he adores stumbling across the view of you sitting at a windowsill, reading a book while wearing his clothes
- Thranduil encourages every creative endeavour you attempt. if it’s art of any kind, he will display your final pieces in the halls of the castle and proudly state to any visitor that his wife made those. if it’s singing, he will encourage you to sing at any and every opportunity in which he knows you feel comfortable enough to do so, even if you cant carry a tune at all, you will forever hold the voice of an angel to him. if it’s writing, Thranduil will listen and smile endlessly as you read out any narrative ideas you have
- he will support you more than anyone could ever dare try
- it’s obvious that the King has a soft spot for you, but it is never more obvious than when the two of you are laughing hysterically in his throne room and someone happens to walk in, because no matter who it is, Thranduil will wait until he naturally stops laughing before he addresses the presence of someone else
- he’s also pretty big on PDA
- you may not expect that from an elven monarch, but when you really think about it, that’s the exact reason he’s big on PDA: he’s the fucking Elven King, who is going to tell him not to kiss his Queen?!
- as well as that, he loves leaving you flustered in front of others, because your blush never fails to make his heart sing
- Thranduil tries his hardest to be the best husband in the entirety of Middle-earth, and he achieves that title with effortless class and chivalry
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Im sorry, can we get nsfw for headcannons for Venti, i miss them🥺
Mime Time- You orginally asked for sfw and nsfw so we get both because we havent talked about them much.
Ventri is exactly 8'8 ft. Part of that height is their shoes but I will not say how much. They're more reserved than shy, but they do act timid around you. Most of the gifts they give are visible , but once you get to know each other you start to feel a ring band around your fourth finger
As their name and a few posts imply, Ventri is a ventriloquist along with being a mime. They are able to perfectly mimic voices just by listening to them long enough. Ventri has a number of puppets for different reasons, but the two that matter most are the grumpy clown one they always have and one of you that they use to encourage themselves when they are down.
While Ventri is younger, they often played the "mom" role for their older sibling and make an excellent caretaker. Since they can't normally talk, taking care of you is one of the ways they show their affection. Even before you met you'll find clothes folded on your bed or meals in the fridge. Ventri also can't eat so they like to stare at you while you do it instead.
Ventri is more of a stalker than aggressor meaning they like to follow you around and don't often make contact unless you are in trouble or they are giving something to you. They wear a locket with a picture of you sleeping in it
Like their brother, Ventri has an "imaginary friend" too
They have an excellent singing voice, but you can only hear them sing when they use the right puppet. This puppet in particular is usually used to vent their inner thoughts. When you're in the equation, most of the songs they sing are love songs
Ventri is definitely a bashful lover in the bedroom. They feel a touch uncomfortable without their puppets, but they would never bring one in the bed and have to work around it.
They prefer to use their fingers on you than the actual act. Due to their size there may be some minor issues, but Ventri favors your pleasure over their own. Their tongue has been sewn into their hand too so that definitely does something.
They love when you're verbal/tell them what to do. Your voice is one of their biggest comforts and they like being the one you call on. It'd be hard to catch them in the act because they are very careful about it, but Ventri has used their you puppet in private for reasons you can probably guess.
Without the stitches in their mouth, Ventri likes to leave marks on you. Their bite can be a touch painful so they don't do it unless you consent, but even the smallest nick will leave a scar which is what they want
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professional-termite · 2 months
What Star Trek headcannons do you have?
*cracks knuckles* tng headcanons infodumping time (i havent finished tng yet but i have projected very very hard onto several characters and also made everyone on this ship bisexual bc i can)
worlds grumpiest polyam gray aroace bi man
i think if he had a grape fanta he would simply Die. not in a good way. actually any soda i think i could kill this guy with a baja blast
hes absolutely not dating riker but like half the ship thinks he is. also theyve screwed like twice but platonically dw abt it
hes dating both dr crusher and q. because i say so
hes polyam and also arospec. i think hed like the label aroallo but gray aromantic allo bisexual is more accurate
hes dating like Everyone. data, troi, dr crusher, worf, geordi. my mans is absolutely rolling in romantic/sexual partners
he takes time to take every single one of them on dates catered to them and is absurdly romantic whenever he gets the chance. think rose petals and chocolate and violins
he doesnt ENCOURAGE rumours that he and the captain are dating but he doesnt DISCOURAGE them either
pathetic little bisexual man. puts him in the oven
hes dating riker (everyone is dating riker lmao) and in a borderline romantic qpr with data (he calls data his boyfriend but also likes to clarify its not quite Dating since data is aroace)
data and geordi have sherlock holmes rp date nights. this one isnt even a hc actually pretty sure they literally do this in canon
aroallo bi worf is real and true i would know i was the enterprise
he acts like he hates rikers stupid romantic bs whenever he takes worf on dates (usually they end up just going to a holodeck and duking it out homoerotically afterwards anyways) but then he lays awake at night thinking about riker like 😳
i think he likes drawing skulls. i have exactly 0 canon to back this up but i think he would enjoy drawing skulls
data (can you tell hes my favourite lmao):
spends literal hours researching romantic/sexual relationships so he can be a good partner to geordi and riker even tho he considers himself aroace. usually comes up with something stupidly cheesy (even worse than riker) for dates and they both absolutely adore him for it
polyam aroace bi, and also he/him agender. because i said so
data likes to bonk his head on his partners as a show of affection. its like a kiss on the cheek/forehead except youre getting BONKED by an android
one of my moots (data la forge maybe?) said something about data purring and like thats actually canon as stated before i would know i was the enterprise
also he likes to lay his head on geordis lap. because I Said So
he is included in Girls Nights. he and keiko and troi and dr crusher all get together and he listens to their gossip while they paint his nails and do his makeup
troi tops. 100%
shes in a relationship both dr crusher and riker, and also had a thing going with tasha yar before she died
i think she considers herself poly bi with a preference for men, but she usually ends up in lasting relationships with women
i feel like she and riker are more of a qpr/fwb situation rather than a romantic one. theyre besties who are also soulbound and also love each other and also fuck nasty sometimes
dr crusher:
pansexual. did you see the way she literally did not care about gender when her parasite lover became a woman?? this is a pansexual
she likes helping data get ready for dates n stuff. they hang out in her quarters and she does his hair and picks out outfits and gives him advice
him and his gf from that one episode (robin i think her name was??) are t4t. i base this on my Divine Intuition
summons a large eagle to carry him off into the night
i want to call this man every slur i know. horrid creature. kisses him on the forehead
has no connection to gender identity or sexuality. hes probably aspec but identifies only as queer bc Q
he and picard have fucked nasty at least once. theres no way they havent
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the-greasers-angel · 11 months
How the gag would react if there partner had an ed: 
When you first told darry about it he honestly was a little shocked at first but non the less he was very supportive in anyway he could be.
He knew that you hated eating in front of others so when the boys were over an he made food he would always save some for the two of you later 
Later once the boys were gone (or asleep) him and you would go outside with the food from before and you two would get on the bed of his truck and started to talk 
He always looked up at the sky or whatever was around while he started to lead a conversation while you would take small bites of the food 
Once the two of you were done he would put the bowls aside and gently pull you into his arms to hold you “ you did such a good job sweetie, i'm so proud of you for eating” he would say as well as giving you small kisses on your head
When you told sodapop about your ed he honestly didn't know how to react at first so with him not being able to use his words he gently pulled you into a hug “ alright sugar just tell me how i can help you” 
If you worked at the DX with him and steve he would always cover for u while secretly giving you a longer lunch break
Every now and then when he had some money on him he would get u small gifts such as a stuffed animal or a new piece of clothing you have wanted for a while 
When you two are apart from each other he gives you his flannel with his colon on it so it smells like him to comfort you
This poor boy would be confused honestly- he never really knew that was so you would have to explain the whole thing to him 
He would try to always have a snack or some sort of food on him for u just in case u havent had anything to eat yet
He would leave little notes of encouragement in your locker (ex: your doing great today baby or how you look as lovely as a sunrise/sunset)
Holds your hand and gently rubs it with his thumb when you have to eat in front of the gang to try and comfort you. 
Johnny gently wraps his arms around u when u tell him, johnny slightly knows what it's like so he tries his best to help you when u can 
He will try and make food for you when he knows its a hard day ( side note i feel like when he did this ponyboy would bother him or try to nit pick at it and johnny would end up kicking ponyboy out-) 
He gives you his jacket if you feel uncomfortable at the dinner or wherever 
For once dally fully listened to you when you told/ explained to him about it and he even asked for ways to help. 
If you were at bucks and anybody said anything about it in a negative way dally would definitely make them lose a few teeth or a broken rib for it
When its just the two of you he trys to get you food to eat and then he lets you fall asleep on him 
 Secretly after awhile he gets buck to watch over you and make sure to get u something to eat ( dally would do dishes to help every once in awhile to “pay” for it) 
(Ok this is going to sound stupid but i think its cute-)  two steal  buy you cups with funny designs on them to help you feel comfortable 
He holds you in his lap whenever you eat 
Trys to make u laugh while you eat and probably attacks you with kisses on your cheek and neck
 steal  buys you snacks
If you were having a bad day he would slightly threaten to tickle you until you ate-
He packs lunch for you when u got to the dx 
He rarely even lets u have more of his chocolate cake 
Holds u close to him kissing your cheek softly ( you try not to let him if he has cake on his face but you fail anyways-)
[I'm sorry this was so late it was a request and I forgot to post it like 8 hours ago-]
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napswithwolfie · 4 months
LU Pokemon AU
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Looking for pokemon with multiple concinesses to build four’s team was very fun ngl, tough it did get op quickly what with the empahise on steel types for his team. Anyhoot enjoy the hc’s :))))
(lord forgive me for the horrible names i’ve given some of these poor mons. I promise to give them proper names in the futures…)
Time Sky Warriors Twilight Wild Legend Hyrule 🧩Four Wind 
Team descriptions under the cut 👋👀
🧩Minccino: Smol. Mousey. Adorable - a sweet minish native. I originally wanted to make mincinno Four’s main mon but that felt a little underwhelming (no hate minny babes sobs). 
Mincinno has an easygoing personality, letting the wind take them where it wants, enjoying all the opportunities that comes its way. They are able to find the small joys in the mundane that most others may misinterpret as childish naivety. They insist on keeping junk they find, puzzling over items trying to figure out how to recycle what it finds.
🧩Mawile: (so i know the pokedex strongly insists mawiles jaw is just a set of horns, but we’re gonna ignore all that and say its a second head. Okay cool sweet nice) 
Their two consciousness are at odds with one another most times, often with the jaw snapping in odd directions trying to tug mawile away from whatever they’re doing. It can be annoying relying on someone else to get everything done but Maws trusts Smiles to listen to them. But eh, its not so bad being in the passenger seat, much simpler in fact not having to worry about much.     
🧩Magnezone: Its endearing seeing someone as large and bulky as Magnezone hovering over a flower its curious over. Similar to Four they’re housing multiple personalities that they will swap between.
1: shy careful   2: easily distracted clumsy   3: bold insistent Each on of their personality will let their curiosity drag them away
🧩Leavanny: Infinite patience - This is a team with 13 consciousness - They will pull on their motherly instincts to wangle each and every present mind into line. You bet when they blow a gasket everyone suffers. 
🧩Aegislash: (similar to mawile we’re gonna tweak actual cannon to suit my needs, in my case the blade and shield are separate entities and have a symbiotic relationship.) 
Sword (gods i promise i’ll give them proper names, mercy i cri) is a timid creature unsure of their own strength. They get overwhelmed easily and constantly beg to hide behind Sheild. This frustrates Sheild to no end, adding to its complex over its passive form. 
They hate seeing Sword belittle themselves, that they can’t understand their own strength, and their potential to be a powerful duo. Though they don’t know how to show Sword this and their attempts at ‘encouragement’ often come across as bullying. 
🧩Hydreigon: Iirc dink is a big part of four’s story so we’re gonna try and squeeze him in here.
I really have no idea what im doing here so gonna leave it be and work on it later when i learn more about fours dink.
Notes: I reeeeeeeeally wanted to include metagross in four’s team with each cores’ colour matching his spirits’. Tho the 1-2-3 pattern had to stay with four tying it all together nicely.
Honorable mention to spida tho. I thought of a them having a chameleon like affect with their spot arrangement switching whenever a different persona took the wheel.
I actually havent played that many zelda games, and surprisingly of the few i did play four swords and minish were some of them. But that was forever ago when they literally first released, so i remember next to nothing about those games.
🔴 Partner Pokemon: Mawile ⚪ Smaller team: Minccino, Mawile, Magnezone
🔂Time 🐥Sky 🌹Warriors 🐶Twilight 🏹Wild ✌️Legend 🍃Hyrule 🧩Four 🌊Wind
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milkweedman · 6 months
hi mr weedman! long time listener first time caller. I was wondering if I could ask some questions about spinning
I’m doing my first spinning on a drop spindle, and I don’t know if there’s a point at which you’re meant to stop and take the yarn off because it’s noticeably heavier than it was when I started - is that ok? partially I’m lazy so it’d be nice to not have to bother but I will if it’ll make a difference to the yarn
I also think I want to ply this at some point. I don’t have a knitty notty, but I do have a ball winder for knitting - I’m thinking I could pull the yarn off the spindle with my ball winder, and then ply from both ends of the cake. is that ok, or should I do two cakes and pull from the middle of both? like would it cause it to untwist somehow if it was the same cake?
also also, in videos I’ve seen people taking the yarn when it’s wet and smacking it - what does this do? is that an important part of the process? I’d be worried about felting!!
thank you 💗
hello !
first off, congrats on your first yarn :D second, to answer your questions in order:
yes--it will make a difference to the yarn, eventually. the weight of the spindle affects how fast it spins and how long it maintains momentum. say you have a 1 ounce spindle--thats pretty light, so it should spin pretty fast, and it will, but once youve spun an ounce of fiber on you've got a spindle that weighs 2 ounces, and that will spin slower. if you can fit another ounce you'll have a 3 ounce spindle, and that maybe spin very slowly indeed. this wont have a clear direct change on your yarn because it happens gradually and mainly affects you and how you spin (specifically how much twist you add). that said, you will typically find that an overfull spindle is cumbersome and more difficult to use, and that is the main reason to wind your yarn off. when your spindle is so heavy that it spins noticeably slower and/or your spindle is so full that you struggle to fit more yarn on, that's when you need to empty the spindle or switch to the next one.
yes and yes--yes it's okay to do that (it's called plying from a center pull ball) and yes it may cause some (very little) untwisting, depending on the direction the yarn is spun and the direction the ball is wound. there's some slight controversy over plying from center pull balls as it also causes an uneven amount of twist to enter the plies--the controversy being that some spinners believe that will noticeably affect the finished yarn and others believe it is not noticeable and thus doesnt matter. in any case it won't compromise your yarn. personally i find center pulls really hard to wrangle while plying and instead use andean plying bracelets, which will do the same thing.
depends--if they're smacking it in the air (cracking it like a whip) it's usually to even out the twist and to help it dry faster. if theyre smacking it against a wall or beam or something, especially repeatedly, then they are in fact trying to felt it. accidentally felting and shrinking your favorite wool sweater=bad, felting your yarn before doing anything with it=thicker, more durable yarn. not every yarn benefits from this (a yarn that you want to be airy and drapey obviously shouldnt be felted) but for things that benefit from durability, this can be a valuable effect. i've also heard that smacking yarn can make it puff up more--but havent really seen any proof or study either way. as to whether its important, that's a matter of preference. i always and without fail crack my yarn like a whip to even out the twist. many people are just fine blocking it and letting it dry, or do other things to it. i'd encourage trying it out at least once, but it's not critical.
ive writted more on the subject in my drop spindle guide if youd like more info--theres a section on the various methods of plying (i actually don't think i mentioned center pull, so i should probably revise that one of these days) that might be helpful if you decide not to ply via center pull, and might answer other questions you didn't know you had yet.
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beannary · 1 year
If you want to talk about one of your aus, or au ideas, I'd love to hear about them! (*scoots my chair forward, looking hopeful*)
ok ive been wanting to answer this for a while but i kept on being so scared because ah! this is the one opportunity ill get to talk about my au! but then i realized that is stupid this is not gonna be my only opportunity to talk about my au
putting my ramblings under a read more because i ended up uh saying a whole lot about Donnie and his relationship with both Splinter and Big Mama
ok so basically ive been thinking a lot about the little prince au because it is fully my child and i adore it so much but ive been specifically thinking about Donnie and Splinter's relationship because I really want to write their relationship well
theyre gonna have such an interesting relationship. I know I havent gotten into how Big Mama ended up with Donnie but I am working on a comic for that so I'm not going to get into all of the details but Splinter does know that he left a turtle behind, he just thinks that the turtle he left behind died in the lab explosion, so over the years he has dealt with guilt because of that but overtime that guilt not necessarily faded but he comes to rationalize it because truly it wasn't his fault that Donnie got left behind, and truly there was nothing he could have done to save Donnie. But once he learns that Donnie is not only alive but that he's been living with Big Mama, Splinter's guilt is going to come back at full force because oh my god, not only is the kid that he thought was dead actually alive but he was raised by the woman who kidnapped Splinter and forced him to fight for years!
Splinter is going to be trying so hard to get Donnie to live with him once he learns that Donnie is alive, and he's going to be trying so hard to be the best parent for Donnie ever to like makeup for abandoning Donnie back in the lab explosion. or you know, not abandoning Donnie but that's what Splinter sees it as
I also want Donnie to have like similar reactions to leaving Big Mama that Splinter had. Like undeniably Splinter was incredibly depressed after leaving Big Mama, and like Big Mama turned this thing that Splinter loved, you know performing and being in the spotlight and entertaining!, and completely took away any agency that he could have to this thing that he loved to the point where he refused to take part in it just so he could have some sort of control over his life again
When Donnie leaves Big Mama (whether its by his own will or not I havent decided or figured out how he comes to live with the Hamatos yet) but he's going to go through something similar just a complete shut down where he abandons everything that he loved to do because he now associates them with Big Mama and her control over him if that makes sense? Like Donnie LOVES dancing and he loves playing music and listening to music! but these are activities that Big Mama actively encouraged and so naturally hes going to associate them with her.
I think one thing Donnie is going to throw himself into when he first leaves Big Mama is his inventing. Sort of like how Splinter would lose himself in his shows, I think Donnie is going to get into a sort of headspace where he just spaces out and doesn't have to think about anything while he's tinkering around.
Donnie and Splinter I think are also both going to want to try to prove themselves to each other? Splinter I think might end up being really overbearing while trying to makeup for all this lost time while Donnie is going to try to be the perfect son for Splinter just like he tried to be the perfect son for Big Mama
But like once they actually get to talking and once Donnie is more comfortable around Splinter I think these two are going to have a lot of heart to hearts just because Big Mama controlled their lives for so long, there's a lot of stuff to bond over and relate to
Idk Im not super confident in my writing abilities and Im trying really hard to portray Big Mama as a narcissistic parent but a lot of the stuff that I've read about how narcissistic personality disorder might portray itself in a parental role like centers heavily on the way that they pit siblings against each other and Donnie does not have a sibling! So I guess in a sense he would be both the golden child and the scapegoat which must make for a confusing existence. I dont even know if im portraying this well at all or if any of this is coming across in my writing but I sure hope that it is!
Another thing I want to get into is how Big Mama like reacts to Donnie's inventing because like having a super smart kid that can build you whatever you want is logically a very good resource to have and she does want him to keep building her stuff. But like inventing is messy! Science is messy! In an ideal world Donnie would be getting down and dirty working hard on engineering and botany, and like Donnie can sometimes get so focused on his work that he turns into a bit of a hermit till he comes out of that focused mindset and that's really the part that Big Mama doesn't like because like yes having a super smart kid does reflect very well on her, but having a kid whose constantly playing in the dirt or messing around with explosives and other dangerous devices and who occasionally goes completely MIA while working does not reflect well on her. So she's put into a position where she both wants Donnie to keep building her stuff but she also doesn't want all that extra messiness that comes with encouraging this interest of his.
Anyways im going to stop now because this has gotten WAY too long and I dont even know where im going with this! but it was so helpful to write this all out and just like getting my like thoughts you know written out so I can actually see if any of this makes sense asdklfjhsakdjh
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crabonfire · 2 years
Merc with S/O who has amazing singing!!
prompt: merc walks into s/o's room while they are doing chores to talk to them, but they instead finding s/o singing and they find out you can sing!!!
characters: all mercs :)
warnings: none!!! pure fluff hehe
note: S/O is a bit shy with their singing hehe. This is really long, some are longer than others, and I am very sorry if there are any mistakes!!
• he is absolutely fuckin LOVESTRUCK.
• man's is literally in awe. he was just gonna talk to you and stuff but now all he wants to do is listen to you sing all day every day.
• "WOW. YOUR CUTE AND YOU SING? Think I hit the jackpot here, haha!"
• honestly he's super duper happy but also really nervous because oh my god, your voice is like a bullet through his heart. It's so adorable but MAN he cannot handle how cute it is.
• he asks why you didn't tell him you could sing like that. "Toots, whydya never tell me you could sing?! OH OH! EVERYONE IN THE TEAM IS GONNA BE SO SURPRISED TO FIND OUT WE GOTS A FUCKIN' SUPERSTAR IN HERE! My god. I can't believe I'm dating an adorable person with a beautiful voice, you stole ma heart babes. You are so fuckin perfect." Man's will literally kiss you on the spot no joke.
• INSISTS he tells everyone else. though if your shy, he's of course fine with that. But he's so so encouraging. He brags, but only sometimes when your not around. He tells to the people he brags to "Hey, don't tell em I told ya this. They'd KILL my ass." He knows your shy, but he still really wants people to know how talented you are.
• be sure to expect him asking you to sing for him. he will sit all giddy just to wait for you to finish your work and sing to him.
• his jaw is on the floor
• he shouted that louder than usual, the happiness so obvious in his stupid voice
• he finds your voice so cute!!! he apologises for interrupting your singing session, completely forgets what he was gonna talk to you about and just like Scout, it's a NEED that everyone at the base knows his cupcake can sing.
• if your nervous, he will probably be really confused. Like "HOW CAN YOU BE NERVOUS WHEN YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE NERVOUS OF?! YOUR AMAZING CADET!" But once you explain he'll start to get it :)
• now it is mandatory for you to sing to him atleast every week. he just wants to listen to your singing. your voice was already cute, and the fact that you can sing? it makes him really happy.
• brags. all the damn time. "MY CUPCAKE CAN SING LIKE AN ANGEL! YOU HAVENT HEARD THEIR SINGING? WHAT?! THATS TERRIBLE. COME WITH ME!" drags said person along to your room just so they can hear you sing.
• somebody doesn't like your singing? Either beats them the fuck up or if he's feeling nice, "DROP AND GIVE ME 500 PUSHUPS, RIGHT NOW SOLDIER! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT SPEAKING LIKE THAT TO MY CUPCAKE." You find it a bit embarrassing but, he means well. He's just so proud of you!!
• when you stop singing, HE SQUEALS LIKE A FANGIRL.
• "Mmmhf!!! Mffh mffhhhhf mffhh mffh mfffh!!!" (S/O!! YOUR SINGING IS SO GOOD!!!)
• you get jumpscared but he's so optimistic!! He's incredibly giddy, holding your hands and swaying you around while he jumps. He's just absolutely in love!!
• you tell him to calm down and since you can't understand him well through his mask, he writes down just a bunch of compliments. It's honestly adorable. He's just hurriedly writing and drawing cute doodles of you with love hearts over em.
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• like soldier, wants everyone to be aware of your voice. even if they don't get along with pyro, they find it quite nice that a ruthless arsonist goes extra soft on some random unit. you two are totally adorable. A weird power couple definitely, but adorable.
• sleeps to your voice. he falls asleep pretty easily since he mostly is in his own dream land, but stays awake just to listen to you sing to him. Loves your voice so much.
• wait a damn minute
• man's pauses dead in his tracks, listens for a bit and leans on the table but he accidentally makes it creak, making you stop. He instantly panics, "NOOOO DONT STOP. Go on, mo ghràdh." You get embarrassed and he feels bad for making you stop. So so bad.
• "I didn't know ya could sing love, that's bloody amazing! could ya sing for me?"
• he just begs you to continue singing, "please love, lemme listen to that gorgeous voice again?" He is genuinely so upset that he interrupted your singing that you kinda feel bad for him 😭
• please sing to him. please. he absolutely loves it please.
• it's honestly charming how much he wants you to sing.
• doesn't brag as much as the others but when he does he will go all out. not shutting the fuck up.
• if your shy about your singing, he will literally go insane like "mo chridhe I will kill anybody who ever has the pure audacity to make you shy with yer singin. Yer perfect! Nothing to be shy about. Ya hear?" he's so in love with your voice that he can ramble about it all day to you.
• this man has a piano, you have a good voice, you see where I'm goin with this?
• his big Teddy bear heart melts into a puddle. Like Pyro, he waits for you to finish and he's just quiet the entire time. Eyes just full of endearment.
• when your done, he claps his hands making you flinch. "That was amazing, moya lyubov. Why have you not told me you could sing? You have voice of angels."
• he's so in awe man. he sits down on your bed and just watches you get all shy, as you explain that you can sing but never really thought it was special and how your a bit shy with your singing.
• "you have great talent S/O. Your singing is wonderful, no need to be shy. It is a great gift everybody should hear." He's understanding of your shyness, and tries his best to encourage you :)
• surprisingly, he brags quite a bit about this. About, "did you know, S/O can sing? I know! It is amazing. They have great voice." And "My S/O is great at singing, have you heard? They are very good." It's more like showing you off in the most endearing way possible other than bragging loudly like the others tbh.
• he doesn't want to force you, but he would LOVE if you sang for him. He doesn't ask, but you soon notice that he's eager to. He gets very happy when you get the hint and do sing for him, he will physically be there and mentally he will think of pulling you into a big kiss.
• great job S/O. You killed him. You fucking killed him. You murderer.
• he felt like collapsing. Literally his heart rate is not normal-MEEEEDDICC!
• in all seriousness, he's in awe. Even after you finish singing he's just staring at you, nd you notice him after you finish folding your laundry.
• you get shy and you notice he's just staring. "OH...'m sorry sunshine...but I had no idea you could sing like that! That was beautiful." He's just...in a loss for words.
• he compliments you non stop. just, so sweet honestly.
• "And here I thought I could never love you more than I already do, your messin' with my heart sugar! How could do make me feel like this? You rascal." Holds you and kisses you man. He cannot handle how cute you are. And you can't handle how cute he is.
• he doesn't brag, because he knows your a bit shy. but just like Scout, secretly tells the others at the base about it, but makes them promise that they'll never tell.
• honestly just such a sweetheart.
• please ask to sing for him. he has his guitar ready please.
• congratulations S/O for the first time you caught him off guard!
• waits dead silent just like Pyro. He loves your voice. Archimedes will quietly fly over to him and sit on his shoulder, listening to you too.
• when your done, he also claps like Heavy. He's just so???
• "meine liebe, das war total schön." literally just compliments.
• "I had no idea you could sing mein schatz! Oh, your voice is absolutely divine!"
• he's so so sooooo giddy. just will not shut up about how good you sound.
• "Why do you work here? Your voice is fit for an opera! If you were a singer, I'd come to every single one of your shows my dear!"
• is so excited. archimedes is happy too.
• wants you to sing for him daily now. doesn't brag about it to others at all, he "wants to keep you to himself"
• definitely just makes you flustered a lot. Man's is killing you with all the love.
• he's already pretty quiet, and he just sorta stands stiff as a board. mostly due to shock.
• he gets? so calm?? like his usual tense self goes away and just calms down.
• he also stays quiet, expect him to stare just as hard if not even harder than engie.
• "WOW. Just wow."
• you have successfully made him smile without even trying. That man has a huge grin all over his face.
• he just sits on your bed like Heavy, but instead just asks very plainly. "Sorry for interruptin' yer cleanin' love. but could ya sing for me? Ya have a bloody nice voice."
• for once, he's not so shy around you. And that alone convinced you.
• your voice is now like oxygen to him, he needs to hear you sing.
• he's a saxophone player right? imagine, careless whisper featuring S/O and Mundy.
• does not brag to anybody. not at all.
• he wants nobody else to hear your voice, he knows your shy.
• unless your okay with it, maybe he'll mention to a couple people. but if he sees anybody saying the slightest negative notion of your voice? shot in the head. bye bye.
• he just smiles.
• he walks in invisible, leans on the wall next to you so he can surprise you, and when he reveals himself as your singing you flinch and scream a bit.
• he laughs it off, but he's just smiling.
• you ask him what he wanted and he simply replied, "Oh, nothing really mon amour. Though, I'd like to know why you never told me about your beautiful singing."
• he's a tease for the first part but truly, it's not long till the compliments seep in. He's just so soft with you when you make him so warm like this.
• "ta voix est comme les anges d'en haut, si je pouvais, je t'écouterais toute la journée." Translate that shit. He would deadass say that. You know he would.
• he's just, in awe. please sing for him.
• I really don't have much to say other than the fact he just won't shut up about how "Your voice is soft as silk." and how "Your voice makes me feel like I'm in heaven."
• definitely doing this to tease you, but also the fact he genuinely means every single word.
• oh? Trust me this man will not brag. He wants to keep you all to himself.
AAAA this was so fun to write. sorry if its a bit long, I just don't like making short imagines/ prompts hehe. I hope you all enjoyed ♡
extra extra note, I'm only fluent in English and indonesian so I'm very sorry if anything Scottish, Russian, German or French I've said was wrong.
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journen · 2 years
Mon Mothma wife oc headcanons!
I got an anon asking about my idea for the Mon Mothma’s wife character i drew(art of her down below), so I decided to make a sort of general ideas for her/headcanons post. I would love to develop this further and do more art for this character/story in the future when I have time!
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Vague story and headcanons:
So 100% she is made out of spite bc Mon’s husband in the show is a total asshole and she deserves better hahahahha.
She is Pantoran, and maybe was a bodyguard or smth for a Pantoran senator who Mon had dealings with, and perhaps they met that way somehow? Maybe at an informal party or something lol.
She got involved with Mon and therefore with the rebellion, and as she was maybe a solider at some point, she proved to be effective in war tactics stuff for the rebellion and so naturally became a general in the rebellion maybe?
Once they became well acquainted, she accompanies Mon to senate meetings too. Two well dressed senators. Power couple.
She can then also act as Mon’s bodyguard. Idk if they would keep their relationship a secret. Probably not, i don’t want that. Let them be out.
Don’t fuck with Mon when she’s in her presence, this oc would probably have a really great death glare hahaha like dont fuck with us we are too smart for you vibes.
While Mon is talking to politicians, many of whom she probably despises but has to maintain the polite facade, the oc is next to her just listening and observing 👀 and listening, and picks up on things that Mon may miss. She’s more the quiet type, but fiercely(in a healthy, supportive way) protective of her wife. And loves analyzing and learning dirty politicians secrets. 🤣
Perhaps she eventually has to forsake her presence at the senate in favour of devoting all her time to the rebellion tho, so then Mon and her are kinda long distance. But they make it work bc they are awesome and bad ass.
And she would totally just naturally fall into a role in the rebellion working with Bail and Mon. Imagine Bail, Breha, Mon and this oc would be a power group.
Also, i am debating on making this oc quite tall, maybe taller than i drew her? Would that be interesting or too much lol. Also i havent decided on a name yet lol.
So yeah, these are the vague ideas I had so far! Stuff is subject to change for sure but hopefully this isnt too cringe.
Special ty to @sunflowersinheaven and @lightasthesun for encouraging me with this character and helping me develop ideas lol. And if anyone else has any ideas or anything too lmk!! I’d love it this is collaborative somehow! 😄 And im always looking for inspiration.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 11 months
Out of curiosity what do you dislike about Ada Palmers books
so tbc i made my way thru vol 1 of terra ignota and the first bit of vol 2 before quitting, so im working with a limited sample. but such is the case with dismissal! so here goes:
the prose is... bad. its very likely i should just develop a higher tolerance on this, ik im effectively gatekeeping myself from some very conceptually solid fiction over a relatively superficial skill detached from the stuff that really deeply matters, but the style on a sentence-to-sentence level is just very underwhelming, which is a particular problem when in universe its supposed to be elevated and uplifting (like the speech at renunciation day). i dont mind purple prose but it like marries imo the worst aspects of purple and bland, its a chore to get thru it
the pacing feels sort of mechanical and arbitrary,. every fifty pages, on the dot, theres another twist pulled from the Twist Bag! im told this im proves but its a) not enough to make up for the other deficits and ii) a common thing said when it takes a certain amount of time for ppl to inure themselves to an in fact persistent defect in a long work
Your Kink Is Not My Kink (But Your Kink Is OK)
i do not care about these characters. its hard for me to go into more detail bc i have little grip on what makes characters "work" for me in general but i just. dont care what happens to any of them (besides best not-girl eureka weeksbooth 🤤)
the worldbuilding. by far the biggest letdown. ppl will tell you—repeatedly, at length—that this is the great strength of the series. do not listen to them! they are misguided. ada palmer is really good—gifted, even—at the first step of worldbuilding, much moreso than most writers! shes top notch at coming up with a broad element of the society that makes you think "whoa, i want to know how that works!" and then... you never do. the depths are never plumbed. the depths are never even adequately hinted at. nor are the depths even conspicuously hidden from view! she just... tells you that there are a bunch of totally complicated details, trust me guys, look here i came up with some technobabble and some percentages like i totally promise theres stuff going on behind here! but there just, so aggravatingly obviously isnt! the technobabble does not even give the illusion of depth, the way (imo) it does in almost nowhere, it gives the appearance of earnestly trying to project such an illusion. tears me out of the immersion every time. its probably worth mentioning that i know from firsthand reports that she is into larp stuff irl, which is notorious for attracting ppl with a high tolerance for would be un-suspensors of disbelief. which, again, may be a virtue on their part! but if so its one i lack, at least here
i was talking to birdblog who suggested much of it might be that the work is very capital-L Liberal, and i am very not. which i think is kind of true, but less in that this is a drawback it possesses and more that its a virtue it lacks. theres lots of fiction i enjoy that is transparently committed to big philosophical/moral/political claims im vehemently opposed to! off the top of my head: any shakespeare that involves kings, any bernard shaw that involves Society, log horizon (at least s01, havent seen past it), nausicaa of the valley of the wind (the manga, the movie is sort of opaque philosophically), a bunch of outright propaganda films from wwii (american, british, russian, japanese), several kipling short stories...
but like, i think that a visceral sympathy for the earnestly felt message of a work of art does help one excuse other flaws, and i suspect a lot of my fundamentally Liberalism-oriented friends are able to enjoy the series bc the author shares that same basic vision. which is certainly like, an interesting one! but on its own its not enough to compel me past the artistic demerits by being either spiritually akin to encourage me or sufficiently weird and novel to fascinate me
anyway, tell me why im wrong, terra ignotans! humani nihil a me alienum puto
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bambirosedoll · 10 months
@bambi-disciple wrote a really good post on BS and if it really works (which ill link to at the bottom of this post), and while i have been on a sort BS hiatus for a little while, i wanted to write a little about some of what i have noticed for me?
At the time when id first run across it, the bimbo and hypno scene were still very cis, het, and essentialist. Most bimbofication material out there was heavily cishet. some the point of being actively transphobic. Hell, tbh a lot of it still feel pretty antitrans... but anyway...
I started listening to BS in April of 2021. I had heard of it before, and might have even listen to the initial release once or twice a few years before but had been a little reluctant to really dive into it. Id played with hypno before (ok, like lots), but BS seemed like it might want to be more extreme than i was ready for and very cis woman centric.
Skip forward a few years, and it wasnt until i started seeing some of the bimbofication and stepfordization creators making more gender inclusive content that instarted feeling a little more comfortable dipping my toe back in.
I am a trans woman. I went on hormones and socially transitioned almost two decades ago and in the kink scene for over three. I knew how to do my makeup and be cute and all those things, but like, i wasnt keeping up with them.
I was needing that internal drive and encouragement to be prettier. To push myself further. So for me it was less about self acceptance as a girl or submissive and more about wanting to be a better good girl. And i figured i might want to check out if BS could help.
Im one of those folks who would check all three of the boxes described by @bambi-disciple - wanting it to happen, beleiving it could happen, ans being aroused by the idea. Even with those they doesnt always mean automatic success. My mind often "stays awake" in trance, i am very reluctant to give up control (even when i think i want to and even to myself), and just a host of other issues which keep me from.being consistent or internal resistance to asepcts to the file. There have been some changes ive noticed tho:
* im much more open with my partners. Im still reclutant or shy to talk about my stuff, because i dont want them to be uncomfortable. But that might be more me projecting on them.
* wearing making up much more constantly again. Almost every day or at least when going out.
* pink. A lot more pink. And much more comfortable wearing pink. Previously it was all mostly black.
* eating healther. I now eat a lot more healthier. Salad are much more common for me. As well dried fruits and the like.
* much more casual in my writing. More willing to make typos and let them slide. More willing to just use txt speak and abbrevations and such.
* more comfort with posting myself on the interent, including a brief stint of doing porn sadly the latest stunt feom my stalker (hi stalker) wrecked the relationship with the studeo i was working with + i simply dont have the time with having to go into work and taking care of the family and home. Still it was super fun.
Those are the biggest changes ive noticed over the past couple years. I havent listen to BS for a few months rn. Im not really sure what my future plans are with it. I will prob stsrt up again at some point, but like i have a lot of upcoming things whjch require a lot of focus. It's like i have this desire to relapse but im holding back? Idk.
As promised, the post link. I didnt repost because it is really long and not under a cut and i wanted to be nice to my followers feeds. Sry. And if u have read this far you should check it out
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