#i'm at the point where i'm like maybe i should just trash it but it's physically painful throwing things in the trash
jimingyue · 5 months
Cat Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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🖋️ meowful-musings Follow
🕊️ birdwatching Follow
what's wrong with dry food??? my humans feed me it all the time and i think it's fine
💀 elusivehider-deactivated948204
op wheres the natural feeding option
🌲 outdoorsy Follow
you guys are getting fed?
#im a barn cat so maybe im missing something here #meowtthew don't look
7,192 notes
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☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
extra special shout out to cats who have "common" coat colors. grey tabbies and black cats i am rubbing against your head affectionately <3
🪤 m0usetrap01 Follow
as a grey tabby i really needed to hear this :"3
#i feel like i never see positivity posts for moggies even tho we're the most common type of cat....
154,688 notes
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🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
i cant believe there are cats ACTUALLY advocating for kittens to be separated from their mothers before 12 weeks??? kittens still need to learn how to interact with other cats before being placed into their furever home omg you guys know you're advocating for undersocialized and aggressive cats right
❤️ loving-paws284 Follow
um op some of us??? matured early??????? i was separated from my mother at 7 weeks and i turned out fine... interesting how you assume that kittens being separated from their mothers at a younger age will lead to the degeneracy of the next generation...hmm i wonder where i've heard that before...
🐈 fluffy-the-cat Follow
OP got bit too hard during a play-fight as a kitten and it shows XD
🐟 tunafeesh Follow
also op have you ever considered that just because somecat is kind of scared and unable to deal with strange cats or humans, it doesn't mean they don't deserve to be adopted?? you sound like a vet psyop honestly
🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
oh meow god saying that kittens should be fully weaned before leaving their mother is NOT veterinarian rhetoric and i never said that they deserve to be euthanized!!! my mother literally died when i was 3 weeks old and it seriously messed up my development so stop putting words in my mouth, thanks
anyway friendly reminder that underweaned kittens are prone to illness and often struggle with basic cat behaviors like litterbox usage, and in some nyavinces it's even considered kitten abuse
#discourse #cant believe "kitten abuse is bad" is controversial now
32,456 notes
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🍃 naturalliving Follow
猫神 Kill Em All 1989
I am trash cat
410,757,864,530 DEAD BIRDS
#outdoorliving #outdoorcats please interact #outdoorcat friendly
48,971 notes
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🎣 salmonpurina Follow
can't believe cats are uncritically reblogging that born to die world is a fuck post. i know it's funny but op is literally an outdoor cat truther
#like cmon now you just have to go to their blog #lulu speaks
34 notes
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💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
gentle reminder that pushing cups off the table is not cute and can cause a lot of distress in your human!!!! gentle reminder that our teeth and claws can easily hurt them more than they can hurt us!!!!
🐰 evil-tabbystripes Follow
evil reminder that the cup should always be pushed off the table. evil reminder that you should always bite and claw at your human no matter what. you can do whatever you want forever
💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
make your own pawst
💀 laser-point-deactivated8574721
umm i know a tomcat who did that and his human ended up putting him down so...
👬🏻 nyasunaruenjoyer Follow
Nyaverage shelter cat behavior
#not nyaruto #re-nyab #pickles shut up
545,460 notes
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🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
saw two male cats sleeping together on the porch today. homeow behavior imo
💡 discourse-meows Follow
hey um what the fuck??? it's really not okay of you to go assuming other cat's sexualities, especially cats you don't even know???? as a queer cat i'm VERYY uncomfortable. real-ass cats didn't consent to your nyaoi fetish, thanks
🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
1. i was making. a joak
2. i'm literally gay???
#literally what's your pawblem
7 notes
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🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
reblog if you've ever caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
i know you fuckers are lying
🍭 gaykittens Follow
this tom hasn't caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
shut the heull up
988,653 notes
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🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
grey toebeans >>>>>>>>> pink toebeans and don't let the haters make you believe otherwise
🐁 ladymouser Follow
op shut the fuck up ALL toebeans are beautiful!!! just bc you're miserable and insecure doesn't mean you can bring others down based on things they can't control
🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
oh so the cat-human separationist wants to preach to us
34K notes · View notes
ellcrys · 8 months
trying to figure out how to recycle anything in this world is like pulling teeth i'm dying here
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irisintheafterglow · 20 days
he's the death you chose (you're in terrible danger)
summary: married life with husband!gojo means cleaning up bodies at 2am.
wc: 1k
cw/tags: mentions of violence, blood, and deaths (nothing graphic), mild angst/comfort with happy ending, some swearing, yes this is the albatross coded
note: honestly not sure where this came from! was just listening to ttpd and thought about what being married to gojo realistically would be like (aka always being targeted as his weakness that it becomes routine). hope you like it :)
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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Wise men once said, “Don’t sleep with your windows open,” and you should have listened to them. If you had, there wouldn’t be three dead mercenaries in your living room, and another somewhere in your kitchen. There were five, originally, but you figured the last one was being hunted down a hallway as he tried to escape your building. The blood-spotted microwave’s clock reads 2:08 when you glance at it to grab cleaning supplies from the cupboard. 2:10 is when Satoru re-enters the apartment and kicks off his shoes. 
“I called Ijichi; he’s sending over cleaners right now,” he says, carefully stepping around the blood and curse guts splattered on the floorboards. Stray drops of who knows what speckle the photos on the bookshelf and he wipes them with his sleeve, scowling. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” 
“Yeah, there’d probably be less of a mess,” you admit, wiping down the kitchen island and guiding the crumbs and dust into the trash. “But they’d still be dead, so I guess it doesn’t really matter in the end.” 
“You handled yourself pretty well for being out of the country for a few months,” he adds appreciatively, retrieving the carpet cleaner from under the sink and sprinkling it onto the living room floor. “I still think it’d be better if you lived on-campus, though.” He squints in the pale moonlight at the pile of abrasive powder and decides to dump a little bit more for good measure. 
“I know–Hey, what’d I tell you about wasting the carpet cleaner? A little goes a long way, remember?” Satoru sets the tube down and puts his hands up in surrender, reaching back and tightening his blindfold before he approaches you in the kitchen. “I can hear your thoughts as they make their way to your mouth, dear.” 
“Look, I know what you’re gonna say–”
“Don’t ask what you’re about to ask, then, if you already know the answer,” you interject with that lightning-quick wit he adored so much. You move to grab the broom from next to the fridge, but he gently catches your wrist and turns you to face him. 
“You’d be safer there,” he continues and you pull your lips into a tight line. 
“Only place I’m safe is wherever I'm with you, realistically.” You had a point. In any other circumstance, the sentiment would be sweet if it wasn’t horribly true. You’d heard time and time again from Satoru how he stared restlessly at the ceiling, anxious about what danger might be coming wherever you were. He theorizes that the higher-ups promoted you to spite him, to have you travel even more often than he was and visit more places across the globe than any seasoned sorcerer would be comfortable with. Phone calls weren’t enough to verify that you were safe; he had to see you, feel you, know you were alive. “This is, what, the second time this month? The first time was when I came back from Paris, right?”
“I don’t think that was this month. It might’ve been the last week of the month prior. Monaco, maybe?”
“Eh, same thing. They always come after me when I get back from Europe. You think they’re trying to catch me off guard or something?”
“I don’t know if we can predict a schedule with these guys, babe,” he grimaces. As much as he liked that you were making light of the situation, the churning in his gut about what could have happened if he didn’t come was too painful to ignore. “Your dad would kill me if he saw how much danger I put you in.” 
“It’s a step up than sneaking me out of the third story of the house, I’ll admit,” you tease. How you could still find humor in times like these, he could never fathom. It’d taken months to convince your father to let Satoru court you, let alone marry you. To your family, he was an impediment, an obstacle, and, unfortunately, the love of your life. “Maybe even as bad as the food poisoning you got from that one place in Sendai.”
“I don’t think ‘in sickness and in health’ is supposed to apply to attempted assassinations. Food poisoning and sprained ankles, sure, but that other one toes the line a little too much.” The frequency of your life in danger was why he wanted you to live full-time on one of the Jujutsu Tech campuses and become a teacher, like him. Sure, a selfish part of him wanted you closer all the time, but he’d pick your safety over your proximity any day. 
“How far are the cleaners?” You yawn, washing your hands at the sink and scanning for everything in your home that needs to be wiped or scrubbed. 
“Ten minutes, tops. I can wait for them if you wanna go back to bed.” He knew you weren’t going to take him up on his offer. You were never able to sleep properly after attempts like this unless he was in the same room. “Though I know you won’t.”
“Isn’t it a little fucked up that we know how the rest of these nights usually go?” You chuckle, a soft, airy sound that takes some of the weight off of Satoru’s chest. You were truly sunlight incarnate and he was the darkest, unseen side of the moon. 
“I’d say this is all my fault, honestly.” You look at him curiously and he shrugs. “I’m the one who made you fall in love with me, after all.” 
“By that logic, I’m also partially to blame,” you point out, flashing him the ring on your left hand. The glow of cursed energy Satoru had embedded into the gemstones glows like Christmas lights in the darkness. The energy was more concentrated than your own body’s natural reserves, allowing him to pinpoint you immediately as long as you were wearing it. Danger and plans A through Z, and everything in between that came with marrying the strongest sorcerer in existence. “I can’t count the number of people who warned me about you.”  
“Why didn’t you listen to them?” 
“Because they’re not you,” you smile. “If you say that you’ll keep me safe, then I trust you to keep your word.” Sunlight incarnate, he thinks again, and God help anyone who tries to block you from him.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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shuahoonie · 8 months
unspoken words | jeon wonwoo
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pairing: non-idol!wonwoo (svt) x fem!reader
notes: office!au (kinda?), fluff, suggestive jokes, swearing, idiots 2 lovers. alcohol consumption, jeonghan the matchmaker. the one where reader and wonwoo’s paths kept missing each other until they didn’t. loosely based on the song unspoken words by mxmtoon.
word count: 5.1k
summary: you and wonwoo always had a complicated relationship— no matter how hard you two tried, your lives had a funny way of getting intertwined.
and stubborn may you both be, wonwoo will always admit his feat when it comes to you.
part of the to x, with love mini series
shuahoonie's masterlist | to x, with love masterlist
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“i never asked you to stay,” wonwoo muttered as you helped him clean up after the info session that your work had conducted for a group of students.
“this is ridiculous,” you sighed more so to yourself “there’s no way you could’ve done this by yourself.” you said while you held the blue recycling bin, gathering all of the leftover flyers and other papers that had writing on them. you also had a separate bin for the coffee lids and cup sleeves to put in the recycling as well.
“you could’ve just left,” wonwoo was watching you the entire time, making a mental note that you were serious about putting away your trash. “i know seokmin is waiting for you in the lobby.”
“it’s okay.” you replied, not even bothering to look him in the eye. instead, you gathered everything in a neat pile.
“you shouldn’t keep him waiting,” the words came out so harsh when he said it. even wonwoo was surprised, he wasn’t usually like this.
“he’ll be fine,” you said dismissively, not really in the mood to argue with him.
“yn,” wonwoo calls your name as if he hated doing it. “go.”
it took everything within you to stop yourself from yelling at him. “your anger will mean nothing,” seokmin’s words would ring in your ear. so you took a deep breath, dropped what you were doing and left without another word.
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“oh, seok, i was ready to pounce him.” you grumbled, stabbing the lettuce on your salad a little too aggressively.
"what, like sexually?" seokmin realized it was a bad joke. the way you were practically throwing daggers at him made it painfully obvious that you were not in the mood to kid around. "i'm sorry, yn, but you really need to lighten up."
"if there's anyone who needs to lighten up, it's him," you argued, munching on your greens. "in fact, maybe i should light him up."
"i still don't understand how you two got off on the wrong foot," seokmin points out, hoping a proper explanation will emit from you.
you shrugged because you didn’t know what to tell your friend. the first time you properly met wonwoo was at your workplace. you even thought he was cute— quiet, had the nicest smile. your other coworkers were even raving about how polite and kind he was.
imagine your surprise when the ‘polite’ cutie from the editorial floor practically threw daggers at you as soon as you stepped into the office with the cerulean blue folders. this threw off wonwoo as he did the preparation for the meeting.
“in my defence, i saved both our asses when i replaced the folders during that important meeting with the new york office,” you grumbled.
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unbeknownst to you, wonwoo kept a close track of your encounters. the first time wonwoo met you was through university.
you were the president of the school’s undergraduate publication journal and you were only in your second year. wonwoo was one of the new student recruits, he was a third year. he actually thought you were cute until you had assigned him to deal with international relations— wonwoo had applied for the editorial layout section. wonwoo was not happy.
you probably don’t remember him, wonwoo knew it. how could you? you were running around, trying to figure out the logistics, gather and have people review these submissions, edit and have it all printed before the next term starts. meanwhile, wonwoo was stuck somewhere, trying to solve things on his end. you only left notes on his work, you two barely met during meetings. you two had no direct contact.
once you were in your third year, you had to step down as president and become a casual editor instead. wonwoo became the publication journal’s president that year. you two still had no direct contact.
you unintentionally beat him for that librarian assistant position that wonwoo was gunning for as it'll boost his resume.
somehow, for wonwoo, you were always one step ahead of him and he doesn't like that one bit.
so the day you pranced into the office with your signature bright smile, wonwoo felt territorial over a place where he felt like he finally was one step ahead of you.
wonwoo didn't even like that seungcheol served you the last chocolate cake the day he stopped by at heaven's cloud cafe.
"how could you, cheol?" wonwoo huffed, his arms crossed, as cheol placed the iced americano and a slice of strawberry cake on wonwoo's table.
"it's just a slice, dude," seungcheol looked at him weirdly. "and you don't even like chocolate.”
“yeah, but i wanted a chocolate cake today.”
“jeon wonwoo, quit being weird and eat your cake,” jun comments as he appears behind seungcheol, dropping his things on the floor and sitting on the opposite of wonwoo.
while jun waits for his order to arrive, he worked on the monthly report that his boss has been pressuring him to do. as jun went on rambling about how much he hates his job, wonwoo is occupied with the idea of you. how you were always a step ahead of him.
from then, jeon wonwoo declared a one-sided competition against you.
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your idea of jeon wonwoo was simple— he was the cute guy from the editorial team who hates your guts. why? surely, you don’t know.
one rainy afternoon, seokmin made sure to tell you that he won’t be able to give you a ride home, so he gave you the spare umbrella that he had.
“please be kind, ynnie, and let someone stand under your umbrella if they don’t have theirs,” seok reminded you.
“you know damn well i’m always kind,” you huffed with a pout— in which seok just gave you a pointed look before he handed you an umbrella and your lunch.
it seemed that your words had come to haunt you because here you were, walking under the rain using seok’s tiny umbrella, passing by wonwoo who was waiting in front of the office building— probably waiting for the rain to stop as he had no umbrella.
“he’d be waiting all night,” you thought to yourself. you had a long internal battle whether you’d just ignore him but seok’s words were ringing in your ear.
taking a deep breath, you asked “do you want to share an umbrella?”
wonwoo’s startled eyes looked at you and your umbrella. “i’m calling a cab,” he answered. wonwoo wasn’t exactly lying, he’s been trying to get one but the rain has made it extremely difficult to find one.
“well, you’d be calling all night. cabs are extremely hard to find especially at times like these,” you answered. wonwoo hated that you were right. again, always one step ahead of him. “subways are still running, do you want to walk together?”
wonwoo stared at you for what felt like an eternity before you rolled your eyes and pulled him under your umbrella. “we’re walking, stop overthinking it.”
you two were walking quietly in the rain. you’ve been coworkers for almost a year now and you can’t remember the time you and wonwoo had a proper conversation— one that you two didn’t end up bickering about senseless things. you didn’t even know why you two were always butting heads when you two were always working closely together. 
as you tried to squeeze the two of you under seok’s tiny umbrella, you noticed that his shoulder was practically soaking wet. of all the umbrellas that he’d give you, he had to choose the tiniest one he owned. this prompted you to hover the umbrella more on his side, allowing the rain to soak your exposed shoulder instead. 
wonwoo noticed how you moved the umbrella towards him, making him raise an eyebrow. you were wonwoo’s greatest puzzle— he can’t guess your next move and what’s worse is that you’re always one step ahead of him. “what are you doing?” he asked with furrowed brows. 
you looked up at him, suddenly aware of how tall he is. no wonder your arms were getting tired from holding that damn umbrella up. “what do you mean?” you asked, confused by his question.
wonwoo grabbed the umbrella from you— your hands touching for a brief moment. you ignored whatever was forming in the pit of your stomach. maybe you’re just hungry? wonwoo hovered the umbrella closer to you, fully aware of the fact that his shoulder was getting wet from the rain. “you’re getting soaked,” wonwoo replied curtly. 
“so are you,” you pointed out as you held the umbrella and tried to move it closer to him. however, wonwoo resisted it. 
“i’m fine,” he says. 
“whatever you say,” you huffed “it’s not like you intended to have annoyingly broad shoulders anyway,” you grumbled more to yourself, hoping he didn’t hear it. however, wonwoo heard your frustration over his shoulders and he couldn’t fight off the smile on his face. 
it was the first time he could openly admit to himself that you made him smile. it was also the first time you caught him smiling.
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“oh, how adorable,” mingyu grinned upon hearing the umbrella-sharing story from wonwoo. “and you said you weren’t one for office romances,” he teased earning a glare from wonwoo. 
"because i'm not," wonwoo rolled his eyes "and i don't like her," he said almost defensively.
mingyu snorted "yeah, as if i haven't heard that line before." he said while setting up the living room for a movie night between him, wonu, jun, and chan. jun and ichan were running a little late as they were buying drinks.
"well, it's true," wonwoo crossed his arms "there's something about her that makes me feel like..." wonwoo trailed off, finding the right words to say.
"like?" mingyu sat on the couch, turning towards wonwoo— clearly invested.
"like... fuck, i don't know..."
mingyu lets out a dramatic gasp. "dude," he stares at wonwoo in complete awe. "you swore..."
"you never swear unless you're completely frustrated," mingyu pointed out, a teasing look glimmering in his eyes. "you like yn, huh?!"
before wonwoo could even answer, mingyu's doorbell rang. saved by the bell, wonwoo thought.
"oh, this is not over, jeon wonwoo." mingyu said with a smirk, making wonwoo groan.
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"seok, quit looking at me like that," you whined as you hugged the pillow tighter, placing your chin on top of the pillow.
"what?" seok grinned "it's nice to know that your beef with your coworker is slowly coming to an end."
"he was probably thinking how ridiculous i sounded for mentioning his shoulders," you grumbled. "why did i even mention his shoulders?!" you groaned.
seokmin couldn't help but laugh at how adorable you were being. "oh my sweet, ynnie," he cooed, ruffling your hair.
"here you go, yn," vernon said as he handed you a pint of ice cream. you were hosting a sleepover with seok, vern, and kwan. you three were waiting for seungkwan to arrive with the rest of the snacks.
you initially thought that you'd have the ice cream later but vernon thought that you might need it sooner than later. "thanks, nonie," you smiled at him.
"for what it's worth ynnie, he finally smiled at what you said." vernon said before taking a bite of his ice cream.
"and now yn is acting up because she thought he was cute," seokmin said teasingly, making vernon laugh.
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wonwoo believes that the universe is out to get him. he kept complaining that you were always one step ahead of him and now, the universe is starting to retaliate.
"take yn," his manager tells him, making wonwoo clutch tighter on his notebook.
"sir?" wonwoo must be hearing things. there's no way that his manager actually asked him to take yn, right?
"take yn ln," his manager stresses your name. "didn't you two work on the last summit?"
"yes, but sir—"
"then it's final," his manager dismisses wonwoo "you two did a wonderful job with the last summit, i'd like you two to work on this year's professional development sessions."
"you two make a wonderful team," was the final thing that his manager said. without another word, wonwoo left the office feeling defeated. how can wonwoo be one step ahead of you if the universe is making him walk alongside you?
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it was no surprise that wonwoo was everyone's office crush in the editorial department. people would often turn their heads whenever he walked by. this time was no exception.
the people on your floor knew the budding tension between you two. so when wonwoo was walking towards your desk with two coffees and a bag of dessert in hand, heads definitely turned and people were bound to talk.
"here," wonwoo hands you an iced americano and a bag of what you assumed was a slice of chocolate cake, catching you off-guard. your desk computer was showing the available job listings in the other departments. "are you thinking of transferring?" he asked as he leaned closer to your monitor— closer to you. his cologne was easily filling your nostrils. you hate that he smells good. how are you supposed to despise a man who smells good?! you thought. wow, the bar is literally on the floor.
"i'm keeping my options open," you answered as you crossed your arms, snapping yourself to reality. "it's not like you're making my life any easier here," you muttered the latter sentence, though you did hope that he heard it.
it's been a month since you and wonwoo started working on the company's professional development sessions. it's also been a month of torture. you've gotten frequent migraines that you started looking up if taking tylenol frequently will kill you. you didn't like the results.
wonwoo heard the latter sentence. while the month has been torture for you, wonwoo didn't mind your company at all. sure you were butting heads most of the time, but he noticed how much you were willing to compromise just to settle a conclusion between you two. wonwoo liked pushing your buttons. he found you cute even if you wanted to bite his head off.
"is this a peace offering?" you motioned to the coffee and the cake that was sitting on your desk.
"for what?" wonwoo smirked, playing coy. "you agreed to the after-session event, fair and square."
"bitch?!" you stared at him as if he's gone mad "if anything, you made it your life's mission to annoy me into agreeing that going to an escape room is what we need after overloading our brains from the sessions."
"yn ln, you know i can go to HR because you cursed at me, right?"
"jeon wonwoo, you know we're banned from that floor unless there's a serious allegation," you said, massaging your temples. "now humour me, what's with the coffee and cake?"
"oh, i stopped by at heaven's cloud café earlier and jeonghan practically insisted that you have these," wonwoo said casually, looking away.
you stared at him suspiciously, "thanks, i guess." you haven't spoken to jeonghan in a while since you've always been swamped with work. but maybe that's why you got free coffee and desserts?
before you could even ask wonwoo another question, he quickly left without even looking back at you. deciding to ignore it, you snapped a quick picture of the coffee and the cake, shooting jeonghan a quick text, "thanks for the coffee & cake, hannie! miss u! ♡"
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"jeon wonwoo, is there a reason why yn sent me a text earlier, thanking me for the coffee and cake that i didn't give her?" jeonghan asked wonwoo, who was busy typing away on his laptop. wonwoo stopped at jeonghan's place after work as their other friends will be dropping by later as well.
"i don't know what you're talking about," wonwoo mumbled, not looking at han in the eye.
jeonghan was having none of it. "i'm texting yn that you gave those things to her," he threatened, pulling out his phone.
knowing jeonghan is probably going to commit to it, wonwoo sighed and threw his hands in defeat. "fine."
“and so the plot thickens,” jeonghan smirked, crossing his arms. “so is there a reason why?"
"she was having a rough day," wonwoo explained, closing his laptop. that report will be dealt with tomorrow. "i felt bad."
jeonghan raised an eyebrow at him. "i thought you didn't like her?"
"i don't."
"funny, because that's an odd way of expressing how you dislike her," jeonghan said, making wonwoo roll his eyes.
“i can at least recognize all the work she’s been doing in planning the pd session,” wonwoo replied, defensive.
jeonghan smirked because he knew. he knew that wonwoo was walking on a thin line. in fact, jeonghan was 100% sure that his friend has gone soft for you. “okay, whatever you say.”
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“ynnie!” seungcheol calls your name as he spots you, busy choosing what kind of juice you are going to buy. you decided to stop by at the grocery to grab a couple of things for the fridge.
you gave him a small wave, smiling. seungcheol, however, was eager to give you a hug. you, cheol, and han shared a couple of classes back when you three were in university. you were always supportive of their endeavours that’s why cheol & han always had a soft spot for you— they considered you like a little sister that they always had to take care of.
“how was the cake from earlier? you know i’ve been taking a lot of baking lessons recently,” cheol said with a proud smile.
“oh, it was great, cheol!” you said sincerely “i sent jeonghan a text earlier, saying thanks.”
“thanks for what?”
“for the cake…?” you trailed off, a bit off-guard by the confusion plastered on seungcheol’s face.
“why would you thank jeonghan?” seungcheol asked, even more confused.
“jeonghan wasn’t there?”
cheol shook his head no. “unless jeonghan told wonwoo, but i assumed wonwoo bought it for you. i was teasing him about it too, since he doesn’t like chocolate that much.”
“ah,” was all you could say as you felt your cheeks burning, surprised by cheol’s sudden information. is that why jeonghan hasn't replied to your text at all?
cheol suddenly felt like he just triggered a bomb. oh, he fucked up. as if on cue, his phone started ringing. mingyu was calling. "okay, i'm heading off, ynnie."
you just nodded and waved goodbye, feeling confused. it was a good thing that you won't be seeing wonwoo during the weekend otherwise you would've gone mad.
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heaven's cloud café was buzzing with people when you came in.
you spent a lot of time debating if you had to improvise how you would spend your sunday morning. you would usually stop by the heaven's cloud café and spend a good chunk of your time there— reading or chatting with jeonghan and seungcheol.
however, knowing that wonwoo might stop by at the cafe, it left you questioning if you wanted to derail your usual sunday routine.
and yet, your pride got the best of you. no matter how much you didn't want to see wonwoo, you weren't going to derail your sunday routine especially if it involved coffee.
although the café was usually busy on the weekends, today was unusually busy— you wondered if there was a special promotion taking place. jeonghan hasn't even acknowledged your presence yet as han is busy manning the till while also preparing the drinks. cheol is probably in the kitchen, preparing food.
you settled on the last empty table at the very back— dropping off your things, deciding to order a bit later once the line from the till calms down.
while you were busy scrolling on your phone, someone placed a tall glass of iced americano and a slice of strawberry cake on your table.
"you should try this, it's a house favourite," someone with a deep voice said. you looked up and saw jeon wonwoo with slightly messy hair, wearing your favourite black specs and a white button-up, smiling at you. fuck, he looks good. is hell officially frozen?
"are you perhaps a twin of jeon wonwoo?" you asked, completely boggled.
"yn, what the hell?" wonwoo laughs at your incredulous take, making you even more confused. why is this wonwoo variant laughing and smiling at you? most of all, why are they bringing you food when you haven't even ordered?! "what made you say that?"
you reached out your hand and poked his cheek, making him laugh. "are you really wonwoo from sector17 press?"
"yn, seriously, what makes you think that it's not me?"
"why are you so smiley all of a sudden," you cried, weirded out. "and why are you serving me food?"
"my, do you like it when i give you a hard time?" wonwoo said, teasingly "is that a kink of yours?"
"you're fucking weird, jeon wonwoo," you smacked his arm. "i've never met the weekend version of wonwoo and i don't think i like it," you cried quietly to yourself.
"cute," wonwoo says quietly, still smiling at you. "i'll talk to you later, okay? i'm helping cheol and han for the day and i feel like they'll beat my ass if they see me slacking off." wonwoo gently ruffled your hair and walked away, leaving you flabbergasted.
you felt that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach. oh god, what the fuck just happened?
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the friday night that jeonghan found out that wonwoo used jeonghan’s good name to protect his image, was the same night that seungcheol bumped into you at the grocery store.
drinks were getting passed rather at a rapid speed. for them, this night was a gem among other nights. most of jeonghan’s friends were at his place, enjoying the night away.
“ya, wonwoo,” cheol suddenly calls wonwoo, who was barely drinking— as per cheol’s opinion. “i thought tonight was the night that you were going to get loose.”
wonwoo chuckled, “i’m pacing myself.”
jeonghan snorted. “cheol, you’re talking to the guy who still cannot admit his high school crush on our ynnie.”
this earned a couple of laughs from the group, mainly from mingyu and jun.
“yoon jeonghan, just because you’re in a happy relationship—” wonwoo threw a balled up napkin at him, obviously not knowing how to reply.
“oh, wons, that reminds me…” cheol started rubbing the back of his head “i told yn that it was you who gave her the food and not jeonghan.”
as soon as the words left cheol’s mouth, it’s as if wonwoo felt annoyingly sober. he downed the tall shot of bacardi that was supposed to be mingyu’s shot.
“i don’t get why you’re tiptoeing around your feelings for her,” mingyu pointed out, filling the shot glass again. “it’s not like there’s a company policy against dating your coworkers.”
“isn’t there?” joshua asked. wonwoo shook his head no. “lucky bastard.” shua muttered, taking mingyu’s shot.
“you guys, what’s the point of doing rounds when you’re taking the shots as you please?” mingyu whines.
“i thought you didn’t like yn?” jun asked wonwoo, taking a bite of the kimchi jeon. “or is that like a weird defence mechanism against your feelings?”
"oh please," mingyu rolled his eyes "wonwoo had a huge crush on yn ever since our uni days," he pointed out, prompting wonwoo to hit him.
"weren't you two in like a school publication together?" jeonghan asked, taking the shot from mingyu.
"oh, right! you had like a one-sided beef with yn," jun's eyes lit up briefly, then proceeded to smirk at wonwoo, "ya! is that how you show your affection?"
"obviously not," cheol grins "our wonwoo is the type to show his affection through actions, not words."
"what are the chances that they'd end up working under the same company though," joshua commented with a fond smile.
"and in the same department too," jeonghan added.
wonwoo groans, before taking a shot, "i hate all of you."
"you two have a deep history, have you two never talked?" joshua asked, now invested.
wonwoo shakes his head, "we only talk about work."
"if they talk about work," mingyu laughs, "all they do is argue."
"how do you know all of this, gyu?" cheol asked in disbelief, laughing, "you work at a different company."
"i work with seokmin," mingyu replied "and seok likes to tell stories about yn."
"ya, didn't we invite him tonight?" cheol suddenly remembers, looking at his phone to check his message thread with seok.
"he's probably with yn," wonwoo muttered before taking another shot. this gets attention from the rest of the group— a series of teasing smirks and playful looks being exchanged.
like a kid on christmas morning, a bright smile appears on mingyu's face. "won, are you perhaps jealous?" he teased, with the new-found information.
wonwoo scoffed but didn't answer the question. wonwoo swore he wasn't the jealous type. but for some reason, he can't get over the fact that his friend was closer to you.
wonwoo knew that there was nothing going on with you and seok.
however, seok was your person, wonwoo would always think. you felt happier around seok. if wonwoo didn't know any better, he would assume that you liked seok. maybe she does, wonwoo can't help but think.
"you know they're just friends, right?" mingyu reminded wonwoo.
wonwoo doesn't say anything. he was just waiting for his friends to butt into the conversation. wonwoo's eyes caught jeonghan's. jeonghan smiles, that mischievous smile of his, leaving wonwoo confused.
"won, do you wanna know who she likes?" jeonghan instigates, leaning forward.
wonwoo waits, does he really wanna know?
jeonghan smiles, then says "you."
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wonwoo didn't believe in signs— for him, every little decision a person makes is pulled by the desired outcome. however, you were his only exception.
"if ynnie stops by at the café on sunday, will you finally talk to her like civilized beings?" jeonghan's words rang loudly in wonwoo's ear.
"i don't believe in signs," wonwoo states simply.
"and you can't make an exception for yn?" jeonghan knew how to play the game. he's just waiting for wonwoo to swallow his pride and address his suppressed feelings.
"maybe." wonwoo answers, making jeonghan smile mischievously. and so, it begins, jeonghan thinks.
it was ridiculous— waiting for something to happen when he could've just started a conversation with you. but it's so hard when it's you. god, it's so hard for wonwoo when it's you because you make him feel things that he thought were only exaggerated by films.
wonwoo didn't know if jeonghan's revelation about you was a lie, but he'd be lying if he said that it didn't affect him— because it did. it felt like he was back in high school and he's not sure if that's something he liked.
jeonghan and seungcheol were very much aware of your routine. every now and then, you would visit the café every sunday— even during the morning rush. they were most definitely aware of what's waiting for you and wonwoo.
the two owners had tasked wonwoo to help with serving the orders as more people flooded the café. "make yourself useful while you wait for your girlfriend!" was all jeonghan said as he handed wonwoo an apron.
and so when you entered the café, wonwoo gathered all his strength to talk to you casually, even if it sent him through an overdrive.
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while you were walking towards the washroom, you bumped into jeonghan who was grinning at you. you knew that man long enough to know that he's hiding something when he's smiling like that.
"ya," you pulled jeonghan to the side. "what are you hiding?"
"what do you mean?" han answers, blinking at you innocently.
"why is wonwoo being nice and smiley," you asked him with a huff, crossing your arms. wonwoo being smiley was something you didn't know would affect you this bad. "he's being too cute for my liking," you muttered the latter part.
jeonghan laughs at your dilemma. "isn't that what you wanted?"
"what do you mean—" you were confused with jeonghan's comment until it dawned on you. you remembered the time you went out for drinks with jeonghan and seungkwan. "yoon jeonghan!" you slapped his arm, making him yelp but he was still laughing.
"what?" he looks at you, acting confused as he rubs his arm. "i'm being supportive here!"
"you promised me you wouldn't tell him," you pouted.
"oh please, he was jealous of seok, i had to throw him something."
"so you told wonwoo about the time i got drunk with you and professed my undying feelings for him instead?!"
"no," jeonghan replies. his eyes moved past yours, looking past your shoulders, and smiled. "but i think you already did." jeonghan says, patting your shoulder before he left.
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wonwoo was sitting across from you with a smile on his face. you've never seen this man smile at you this much, it was starting to freak you out.
"don't look at me like that," you grumbled, glaring at wonwoo.
"i can't help it," he looks at you almost tenderly. "you look adorable even when you're sulking like that."
you felt the familiar sensation in your stomach. how can jeon wonwoo just say things like these to you? does he not care about your well-being?! how you'd feel?
"that was a long time ago, by the way," you said in defence— as if the damage hadn't been done. wonwoo waits for you to continue your sentence. "you know, me having a crush on you," you continued, your tone getting quieter after each word.
"i'm sorry, what was that?" wonwoo leans closer, as if he didn't hear what you just said. you knew he was just teasing you as you noticed that he was trying to fight off a smirk.
"i don't like you, jeon wonwoo," you whispered, prompting wonwoo to only focus on your lips.
"that's too bad because," wonwoo paused briefly and leaned even more, "i like you."
his face was dangerously close to yours— wonwoo didn't care if half of his body was practically hovering over the table. he wanted to lean closer to you.
you felt frozen in your place. a part of you wanted to lean back and smack him, but there's also a part of you that just wanted to grab his stupid face and kiss it.
"ya!" jeonghan suddenly appeared beside your table "if you two are going to make out in my café, can you move to cheol's office? i'm planning to keep this place family-friendly," jeonghan snickered.
maybe you should just kiss wonwoo and smack jeonghan instead.
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hello hello friends! i wrote this while i was sick in bed & was high on buckley's flu meds, so this is v cheesy. i hope you are all well & healthy! ♡
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ms-demeanor · 8 months
sex work is work, no problem with that, but spamming sex work absolutely everywhere now is not okay. bot or not, it is not okay to shove your probably fake/stolen tits or ass into everyone's face even where kids are. it is absolutely the lowest, cheapest trash doing that. are these people showing their barely covered up pussy to school kids on the street to maybe get a customer? because they are doing exactly that on the internet. if you cant find customers and need to lower yourself to std ridden junkey trash standards who missed the way and entitled themselves to begging for money outside trash town, zero support from me!
Yeah you really sound like someone who supports sex workers. That's what I always think when I hear people using words like "disease-ridden" and "junkie" - 'wow, that person must be SUCH an ally. braver than any US marine, thank you for your service, person who believes sex work is work but thinks STIs or drug addiction are 'trash'.'
So, point by point:
It's not absolutely everywhere. You don't see people trying to link their onlyfans on facebook most of the time (i've actually never seen it but i could believe it is happening, though it's not common because FB has real-name policies that are unfriendly to sex workers). You're unlikely to see fansly links as sidebar ads on cspan. People aren't linking their pages in the amazon reviews. You're seeing it "everywhere" because you're not going anywhere. Tell me you spend all your time on two to three platforms without telling me you spend all your time on two to three platforms. Instagram, tiktok, twitter, and tumblr are full of people who are promoting all kinds of brands and one of those kinds of brands is sex work.
Those are also all platforms that have age restrictions and behavior standards, and of all of them tumblr is the one that has the history of being the most openly sexual and the least connected to legal identities. People are linking to their diy porn because of the culture of these websites both currently and historically. I once posted a video on this website of me bringing myself to orgasm in a public bathroom stall then inserting a dildo into my vagina before I went on stage and performed a set with my band. I did it for free and for fun five years ago, the week before the porn ban hit.
What I'm saying here is that the culture of this website has a much longer history of openness about sex and sexuality and the visual presentation of sex than it does of being full of people who think teens shouldn't see nipples. This is an *extremely* reasonable place to post information linking to porn that you make and to use cute pictures of yourself to do so.
It's also really easy to tell that these people aren't bots or using stolen images because the whole point of the live platform is that you can click through and go talk to them. Strange Aeons did just that and you can see what happened. (click on that video for a fun cameo at 6:04) Turns out live users are just a bunch of people (not networks stealing images the way that actual porn *bots* on tumblr do) and the ones who are trying to do sex work on the live platform itself get banned.
But also kids too young to see the occasional boob shouldn't be on tumblr! (like, seriously, define kids. what age is too young to see the kinds of images allowed by the tumblr live tos? how about the ones banned by the tumblr live tos? How old should you have to be before someone shows you an ahegao face on a hoodie in public? What should the punishment be for the ahegao fashionistas for exposing six year olds to anime tongues? What should the minimum age be to go on the beach and see men in speedos? Fifteen, or is that still abusive to children? Maybe we should make it twenty to be safe, or better yet why don't we make it twenty AND ban speedos? this is what you sound like, you fucking asshole). Tumblr has age limits and people under that age limit shouldn't be looking at most things on this website. A smiling woman in a bikini top or a dude with his abs out are fucking nothing compared to the kind of damage you personally and specifically are trying to inflict with your shitty ideas.
Posting t&a on tumblr is not at all comparable to doing street level work and soliciting children for a number of reasons, but I'd just like to really take the time to point out that you just compared the profile pics on tumblr live to sexually soliciting a child. You literally did the "x group i hate are pedophiles" thing, which is exactly why it's such a huge problem that any and all types of nudity have been stigmatized online. We have created an entirely new paradigm of "pedophile" that means "existed around a child while wearing tight pants." You are such a fucking clueless, sanctimonious pile of shit that you can't even see that that's what you're doing. This is literally, exactly kink at pride discourse.
And that's even if I grant you that these people are posting t&a! Go look at the live leaderboards, you don't have to accept the ToS to see the leaderboards! We are talking about *at most* saucy pin-up levels of eroticism. I have seen fucking holiday cards with more visible cleavage than any of the top 200 tumblr live streamers right now.
The only thing in your final sentence that makes any sense is that you are positioning tumblr as trash town.
Yeah. I'm actually not at all impressed by tumblr recently and that has a lot more to do with the influx or resurgence of nuance-allergic, anti-sex, whiny shits like you than it does with a banner that i can scroll past in a quarter of a second.
I want people reading this to really, really sit down and think about what they're calling assault or hypersexualiztion or whatever. We are talking about profile pictures. You are so offended by a bar of 4 profile pictures at the top of your dash that you're comparing regular ass humans (some of whom are sex workers and some of whom are just streamers who took thirst trap selfies) to the real life solicitation and abuse of children.
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leidensygdom · 2 months
I gotta say, one of the wildest radical transphobes' talking "points" is probably bathroom discourse. I can't even put to words how utterly detached from reality it is. It's terminally online stuff.
So, bathrooms. I don't know if somehow other people's realities are somehow vastly different from mine, but I feel like the extreme clear divide between "men's" and "women's" bathrooms is just not real. Where I live, stalls are often gendered, but how much they get used in that way is far less consistent.
For example: If the place had only the space to make one bathroom accessible, it's gonna be the women's bathroom. Always. It doesn't mean only disabled women have access to bathrooms- It means that the women's bathroom is also going to be used by disabled people. And this is common. Really common. Maybe it's because the women's bathroom tends to need more space- For pad dispensers and trash cans, for baby-changing stations (yes, I hate that these are only on the women's bathroom usually), and so on. Now- You see a guy enter the women's bathroom. Are you gonna micro-analize if the guy looks disabled enough to use it, or are you going to wash your hands and go on with your life?
Again, baby-changing stations are almost always located on the women's bathroom. It sucks- It should be in all bathrooms. But it's how it is. You see a cis guy enter with a kid. Or maybe not even with a kid- Just enters, wanders around, finds the baby-changing station, gets a diaper from the dispenser and leaves. Are you gonna throw a fit or just let this guy handle his kid?
Bathrooms get cleaned on the regular. A lot of times, you may wanna go there, and get told it's being cleaned, and just get asked to use the other gender's bathroom. Cleaning can take hours. If the men's bathroom is being cleaned and everyone is now using the women's, are you going to deem the bathroom to be the world's unsafest place or are you just go take a pee and leave?
Fucking hell, sometimes the stall you want to go to is incredibly dirty. It happens. No need to get on details. Just the kind of stuff that makes you want to not use it. Or maybe it's clogged, or maybe it's not working. Maybe there's a note saying "Broken, do not enter". Do you cry about it or just go find another stall- Which may be on the other fucking gender's bathroom?
Most times I'll use whatever bathroom is available. One is busy? Ok, let me get to the other one. I'm AFAB and while I don't present femininely, I still look like a woman to most people. Have I ever been in danger because I cleaned my hands besides someone with a dick? No. Grow the fuck up. This isn't even rare. People will switch bathrooms for speed. People will switch bathrooms because one of them is out of paper. Because one of them is out of soap.
The mall in my current city recently installed "Family" bathrooms. They're not being marketed as unisex, or inclusive, or anything. Just "family" bathrooms. For everyone. They're great. It's the bathroom everyone will use- Men, women, anything in between and outside of that, kids, disabled people, etc. There's a bunch of stalls adapted to different needs. There's accessible stalls. There's pad and diaper dispensers. There's stalls that have a big toilet and a little toilet so parents can go with their kids. There's tall sinks and short sinks- So disabled people and kids can reach.
And, to nobody's surprise, there's no reports whatsoever of any sort of assault in them.
I'm just. I don't know. I'm sorry you can't detach the existence of a dick near you from immediate assault. I don't know why that changes in the context of a bathroom- I've never (in my long life of using whatever bathroom) been in danger for that. And I'm talking as someone who has had some unsavory experiences in other situations. Grow the fuck up and maybe stop basing your views on imaginary scenarios y'all need to come up with to justify your hatred of a minority. Maybe if y'all got off your keyboards and went outside for once, you'd realize bathrooms work much differently from whatever weird ideal you have formed about them.
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phoward89 · 3 months
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Series Masterlist
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Chapter 2:
It was nearing dusk (and curfew) and you were sweeping the floor, finishing up for the evening whenever the doorbell chimed, indicating that somebody has walked in. Without even looking up to see who it was, you said, “Shop's closed, if you need anything you can reach Doula Ada at her apartment upstairs.”
“I’m not here for Doula Ada, darling. I'm here for you.” A baritone, you only just heard earlier in the day, told you as the sound of heavy bootsteps echoed against the hardwood floor you were sweeping up.
You lifted your head up, only to see Coryo. A warm, but small, smile crossed your lips as you took in his appearance. He was still in his light grey uniform, but was no longer wearing the helmet. Said helmet was hooked onto the rifle that was slung across his shoulder. You discovered that his buzzcut was blonde. A natural platinum blonde that border lined white. 
His hair was so pure, like snow. 
Like his name.
Was he too pure as snow?
No, Private Coriolanus Snow was as pure as snow once a dog lifts it's leg and pisses on it. He's yellow, dirty, defiled Snow. Not pure white snow.
But you'll never find that out.
No, he'll always put on a manipulative face for you because you're the girl he's madly in love (more like obsessed) with. 
“Why?” You simply asked, sweeping up your dirt pile into a dustpan.
“To walk you home since curfew’s about to go into effect.” 
“Oh.” You said, feeling silly for even asking, as you dumped the contents of the dust pan into the trash. Of course he wanted to make sure you got home without breaking the weekday curfew. He was your new friend; was looking out for you. “That's really sweet of you. Thanks.”
 “No need to thank me, Y/N. After all, what are friends for?” Coryo told you with a closed lip smile. His words sounded so sincere to you.
But what you didn't know was that he viewed you as more than a friend. As his girlfriend, well actually his future wife, and just wanted to walk you home to show off that you're his girl. That you belong to him.
And now that he knows your boss, Doula Ada, lived in the apartment above the shop and answers her door at all hours in case someone needs aid, well… Looks like he's getting you fired after walking you home tonight.
“I'll only be a minute; then we can go.” You told your peacekeeper friend while going to put the broom and dustpan away in the small storage closet.
“Do you live nearby?” You heard him ask while closing the closet after tucking away the broom.
“No.” You shook your head, going over to the counter where your apothecary book was. Grabbing the old leather bound book and tucking it under your arm, you explained, “I live in the Seam, on the other side of the district.”
“That’s quite a walk, darling.” Coryo pointed out what you knew first hand as you crossed the shop, heading over to him. “Maybe I should look out for you; walk you home every night I have patrol duty.” The light blonde peacekeeper suggested, placing a hand on the small of your back once you reached him. Ushering you out the door, he added in, “Just to make sure you're safe.”
And by keep you safe, what Coriolanus really meant was keep you from interacting with anyone that wasn't him. Because he can't have you talking to another man. Especially that one who seemed so concerned about you this morning, the dirty blonde man. 
Hell, if he could he'd lock you up to keep you away from men’s roaming eyes. To keep you from talking to strange men. Just the thought of men approaching you makes him sick to his stomach with jealousy.
None of these pigs in this dirty coal district deserve to look at you. You don't belong to them. You belong to him. You're his girl.
And since you're his, he's taking you back to the Capitol with him. In the Capitol, he'll be able to lock you up in a pretty golden gilded cage. A cage that wouldn't consist of metal bars, but of his family's Corso apartment.
Coryo knows you'll love the Snow penthouse; will make it into a true home again with your warmth and kindness. Warmth and kindness that reminds him of his mother. She was the light in the Snow family and when she died, along with Coriolanus' baby sister, nothing but darkness remained. 
Perhaps once Coriolanus brings you home to the Capitol, you'll give him a baby girl to dote on? Yes, that's exactly what you'll do. You'll fill his penthouse with love and will provide him with a daughter to brighten his life. A daughter the two of you can name after his mother. To honor the woman that you remind him of.
But the problem is, despite how nice (let's face it, the Snow's 12th floor Corso penthouse is falling apart; is such a dump that rats use it as a hotel) his family's penthouse is in the Capitol, its not your home. No, your home’s a wooden house (that could be called a glorified shack) that's couple of rows up from the Covey house at the edge of the Seam.
Your home’s with your older brother, Rein, and his girlfriend, Ashlie. Rein works and as a coalminer to put a roof over your head and food in your belly. And Ashlie works late every weekend serving rowdy dunks and peacekeepers at the Hobb’s bar. Poor Ashlie’s even put her dreams of having children of her own on hold to help your brother take care of you; raise you.  
They've done and sacrificed so much to take care of you. To raise you. And no matter what, home's always with them.
Which is a big problem for your new friend, Peacekeeper Coryo since he's determined to rip you away from the only home you've ever known to bring you back to the Capitol with him. He's not leaving you behind. In his mind, Coriolanus is getting the both of you out of 12- To never return. 
And he'll lie, cheat, and kill to do it.
But that's something you don't need to worry about, cause he'll do all the worrying for you.
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After some time of walking, the brick buildings and cobblestone streets of the merchants sector faded away, morphing into dirt roads and wooden houses. Houses that were different variations of shacks, in Coriolanus' opinion. The lack of street lamps was also prevalent in the Seam. Instead, houses would have oil lanterns lit and hanging on the wooden beams of front porches or by the front door to light the way for miners that worked the graveyard shift.
Coriolanus doesn't (repeat he does not) like the idea of you walking alone along the dark, muddy, scum infested streets of the Seam during dusk. In his opinion it's unsafe. Despite the fact that you've grown up in the Seam around the people he views as dangerous district scum, the area in the grunt's mind is dangerous. 
Just the thought of some street rat dragging you in an alley behind some wooden buildings and having their way with you in the dark, as you innocently walk home from a hard day's work at the apothecary, makes him want to empty the contents of his stomach. Just the thought of some coal dust covered bastard pig trying to take advantage of you makes his blood boil. And it's all the more reason why he has to protect you from harm by walking you to and from places while he's on patrol in the district. 
It's also another reason why he needs to bring you home with him to the Capitol.
“How much further is it, little dove?” Coriolanus asked, hoping that your house was close because he didn't want to walk the entire mud filled Seam to reach it.
Maybe he could arrange for you to live in one of the apartments in the Merchant Sector, closer to the path that leads to the barracks? He could only send half of his pay home to Tigris and Grandma'am; keep the other half to pay your rent and buy you groceries. Yea, he'd do that for you. 
Because you're Private Coriolanus Snow's girl now and he has to keep you close; protect you from your neighbors, acquaintances, and the district scum.
“Not much.” You told him, passing by the house that your friend Lil shared with her brother Spruce and her boyfriend, a miner named Arlo Chance. 
Arlo worked with your brother, Rein, in the mines. They weren't friends, but they were kosher with each other when they crossed paths.
You noticed how the lantern was lit on Lil and Spruce's porch, meaning that Arlo was working the graveyard shift at the mines tonight. You knew that when you got home that the only one their to greet you would be Ashlie since Rein always worked the same shift that Arlo did.
You didn’t remember your brother remarking that he was working the night shift tonight. But maybe it slipped your mind, maybe he forgot to tell you? 
What you didn't see while passing by Lil’s house, with Coryo's hand firmly taking a possessive residence on the small of your back, was Spruce peeking out of the window, using the moth eaten drapes to shield most of his face, as he looked for his sister's boyfriend to come home after completing a risky mission for the rebel cause.
“That's my house right there.” You pointed to a wooden shack with a porch. The roof had a few patches and the wooden porch had steps that looked half rotten.
The platinum blonde at your side wrinkled his nose in disgust. Your house was no better than a chicken coop, in his opinion. Oh, that just wouldn't do for his girl. 
His darling rose deserves the very best. And he plans on giving it to you. 
Just like how his cold hearted father had given his warm hearted mother everything money could buy once he united them in love and marriage.
Pulling his attention off of the house, which had a dim light glowing out from underneath the front door, and turning to you, Coryo asked, “Do you live alone?”
He wanted you to say yes, so that he could come inside and properly give you the love that you deserved. Cover your body in open mouth kisses, touch you til you shook with desire, and fuck you til you moaned his name in pleasure.
By how sweet you seemed, he just knows that you’re a virgin. He wants to take your virginity, claim you as his while ruining you for any and all other men in this lifetime. 
Coriolanus lost his virginity, as a bet, with a stranger while drunk in the alley behind a club when he was in the Academy. He didn't regret it. In fact, it gave him some much needed experience.
But you on the other hand…
Well, you’ll be fucking only him. And he's going to make sure of that. 
“No.” You shook your head, only to explain your answer with, “I live with my older brother, Rein, and his girlfriend, Ashlie.” 
“Can I meet them?” Your new friend asked with a smile. A smile that was sickeningly sweet, too wide, and showed way too much of his pearly white teeth. Barred teeth, much like a wolf’s.
You thought that he was genuinely interested in meeting your family because he wanted to make a good impression- being your new friend and all. But the cold, hard truth was that Private Snow wanted to meet your family in order to size up the people he has to separate you from. Coriolanus doesn't give a shit about your family. In his opinion they're district scum; don't deserve having an angel like you living amongst them.
Only he deserves to have you living with him.
One could say that he's an angel himself.
A fallen angel.
The fallen angel that was the most beautiful of them all.
Lucifer himself.
So if you're his angel then he's your devil.
Can't have one without the other, after all.
Even tho darkness was taking over the sky, the way you worried your lip didn't go unnoticed by Coryo. Giving you a look full of tenderness (Was it real or was it fake? Who knows, who cares.) he softly asked, “What's wrong, Y/N?”
Letting out a heavy sigh, you told him, “Coryo, they're leery of peacekeepers. Maybe we should wait a while before we do introductions, okay?”
The platinum blonde, Capitol born and bred peacekeeper didn't like that answer. Didn't like it one bit. You want to hide your relationship with him because you're afraid of your family's reaction. 
He can't have that. He needs everyone-
Including your scummy miner brother and his district whore to know that you're with him.
He's got nothing to hide. And your Coryo's not going to let you hide him like some dirty little secret.
No, he’s going to meet your family and let them know that you belong to him.
But he'll pacify you; won't go pass your threshold tonight once he walks you to the door. 
“Okay, but let's not wait too long. I don't want to be almost done with my 20 years of Peacekeeper service when we do the introductions.” Coriolanus told you, his smile teasing, as he walked you to your door.
“It won't be that long.” You assured your new friend. 
“I know it won't be, darling.” Coryo confidently told you. But what he didn't tell you was that within the week he plans on striding inside of your house, staring down your family and telling them who you belong to.
And you belong to him, not them, now.
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“Lil’s lantern's on, I thought you'd be working the graveyard shift with Arlo.” You told your brother upon seeing him sitting on a ratty armchair, smoking while watching Ashlie drain a pot full of boiling potatoes in the kitchen sink (which was more or less a glorified basin with metal rust spotted legs, whenever you walked thru the door.
Your older brother shook his head. “The fool took on an extra shift.” He said around a lungful of smoke that he blew out of his mouth.
“Supper's almost ready.” Ashlie announced, placing the pot on the counter only to start mashing the potatoes with a wooden spoon that was splintered and had seen better days. “How was your day at the apothecary shop?” Your brother's girlfriend asked as you walked by the kitchen on your way to your bedroom, so that you could put your book away on your bedside table (like you do every night when you get home).
“It was fine.” You answered, entering the hall.
It was more then fine, since you made a new friend. But you weren't ready to tell anyone about Coryo just yet.
Only if you knew how great of a friend Coryo really was. Would you still be mesmerized by his crystal blue eyes, platinum buzz cut, and strong jaw that makes him look more like a god then a man, if you knew how black his soul was? Would you want him around you if you knew how he was destroying your livelihood? 
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The wooden stairs lightly creaked underneath the weight of Coriolanus’ boots as he made his way to Doula Ada’s apartment above the apothecary shop. The street lamps made his shadow look long, dark, and lean. Like an ominous horror creature of sorts. 
Except a horror creature would probably be more friendlier then Coriolanus Snow. 
When he reached the door of the flat, he balled his hand into a fist and furiously banged on it. “Peacekeeper, open up!” Coriolanus loudly ordered, knowing that tossing his weight around (despite just being a grunt) would get him the results he wanted.
Everyone in the districts bow down to peacekeepers. Listen to them, even if they don't respect them.
Except for you. His girl. You doesn't cower when you see him in his full uniform. No, you locked eyes with him and gave him the warmest, kindest smile that made love bloom and blossom between the two of you immediately.
You’re proud to be on his arm because you fell in love with him at first sight, just like he did with you. Cupid’s arrow struck at the right moment, when you and Coriolanus laid eyes on each other and shared smiles. And you can't tell him otherwise.
When the door opened, an older woman stood in the doorway. She didn't look him in the eye as she addressed him. “What's the matter, Sir? I've paid the rent for my shop and have a permit to allow me travel after curfew to tend to my patients.”
Coriolanus pushed past Doula Ada, causing her to stumble- she would've fallen if she didn't grab the door to keep her upright, and darkly chuckled. “For owning the only apothecary in the district, your apartment's poorly furnished.”
“Is there a reason you're here, Sir?” The doula asked, clutching her chest. It was painted all over her face that she was afraid.
Good, she should be afraid. Coriolanus could destroy her entire bloodline if he wanted with a snap of his finger and the simple word of rebel.
Ignoring the older woman, Coriolanus walked over to a small table that had a couple of pictures neatly arranged on it. The picture that caught his eye was one that had the dirty blonde man and flaxen haired girl he saw exit the shop earlier that day. So, they were the doula’s family.
Good. Very good. That means they can be used for leverage to get what he wants.
Picking up the framed photograph, he looked at it for a second or so before flashing it at Doula Ada. “This your family?”
“Yes.” Doula Ada nodded. “That's my daughter and her fiance. Why do you ask?”
Placing the picture back where he found it, Coriolanus turned to the woman and calmly, but coldly, ordered, “Fire Y/N Halvir or else I'll make sure you see your family hang for treason.”
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @nowitsmissing @edb954 @astarborntowrite @diannnnsss @devils-blackrose @gentle-aesthetic-bby @elizabeth-nobennet @harvey-malfoy
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numnue · 1 year
hc that andrew is really good at jeopardy and whenever it's just him and neil sitting in the dorm living room - and eventually their own living room later on - he'll just sit and answer each one word-for-word while neil watches, amazed
maybe neil is also super good (idk man i just think he holds on to useless info since he'll never know when he might need it) and they compete to see who can get the most points between the two
whenever neil beats andrew he just gives him the most smug smirk that andrew has to kiss off his face (and it has nothing to do with the fact that the smirk maybe makes andrews knees weak and ears hot, and maybe he lets him win sometimes just to see the easy confidence that neil takes on, maybe)
and one day the foxes are there to witness the back-and-forth between them and they're like "you guys should go on the show" and i just know that andrew would think that winning jeopardy would be the funniest thing ever and neil would like that it showed his new freedom in that he could go on live tv with no risk.
so they apply and get on the show (idk how that works) and immediately act like they don't know each other, they're just contestants to each other. and quickly they start trash-talking each other, i mean come on, and the host probably mentions that they're both professional exy players and have been on teams together in the past, so they probably trash talk each other about that even more
and it gets to the point where the old (or maybe new idk) minyard-josten rivalry hashtag starts trending again and at this point they're not publicly out so everybody believes they just really hate each other
anyways, andrew eventually wins (IM SRY BUT I JUST THINK HE'D BE BETTER BECAUSE OF HIS MEMORY) and they ask what he's going to do with the prize money and he turns to neil and is like "i'll probably take my husband on vacation, but i wouldn't know where he'd want to go" and neil smiles at him and is like "anywhere is fine as long as i'm with you" and thats how they come out to the public
"minyard-josten marriage?!" trends for a month after that
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cosmicjoke · 20 days
Eh, well, that was disappointing. Or at least, it would be if I actually thought Gojo was magically back to life, which I never really did. I guess it's appropriate and supposed to be a reinforcement of the bleakness of JJK's underlying message, or whatever, that Gojo's body, even in death, is still being used as a weapon. It's just such a bore, is the problem. This whole manga has become a hideous bore with the way it's all been executed.
But I swear to god, if this doesn't kill Sukana and the stupid fight continues on with Yuta dying for nothing, and Gojo's body being desecrated for nothing, I'll call this the worst fucking trash I've ever read and it won't even be an exaggeration. It's already practically there with the god awful pacing and dropped plot points and foreshadowing that seemingly went nowhere. But we'll see.
I'm just done. I've been done for a while.
I mean, it is sad that Gojo's entire legacy is just one of being seen and used as a weapon, even by his own students, whom he cared for so much and wanted to preserve the youth of. That's definitely a tragedy. It's just... the whole build up to this moment, the execution, the horrible pacing and fake-out cliffhangers (including this last one, which anyone with any familiarity with this manga and the way Gege writes should have seen coming)... it's too exhausting and too cynical to feel like any of it matters or to want to become invested. It's honestly awful. Maybe I'm too hard on this story. Maybe I'm too dumb and my inability to enjoy all the complexity of the CT's and what it all means made it impossible for me to enjoy the story the way someone smarter might be able to. I really loved it at first, and anyone who knows me knows I'm never opposed to tragic endings. And it seems inevitably that JJK will have a tragic ending. I'm not opposed to cynicism or tragedy, if it's done well. Even if they beat Sukana, the way it seems they're having to go about it, assuming this actually works (which, again, I'm not holding my breath), it will be a tragedy.
It's just, between the convoluted, unending explanations of cursed techniques, the boring, meaningless, dragged out fights that went nowhere and meant nothing, the foreshadowing for certain confrontations and revelations and characters that have yet to be resolved or touched upon, even... I don't know. It's just not doing it for me, anymore.
I am sad about Gojo. What a shit deal he got. Maybe Gege really hates him, or maybe he just feels sorry for him. Either way, it's pretty heartbreaking. Well, hopefully the story will end soon, because I honestly don't see where else it can go from here.
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marinafanning · 10 days
batfam incorrect quotes (from perchance)
*talking on the phone*  jason: Remember how I said that cass and I were gonna have a calm night out for once?  silena: Yeah…  jason: Well, we’re in jail.  silena: *hangs up*
damien: dick, you risked your life to save me!  dick: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
tim: Yeah I'm LGBT.  tim: cuLt leader.  tim: God hates me personally.  tim: cowBoy hat.  tim: *sniffles* Trying my best.
cass: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
steph, about cass: Can I tell them they look nice?  dick: Sure.  steph: Can I tell them I respect them?  dick: Maybe, if they ask.  steph: Should I show them an oil painting I made of us surrounded by our three cats and four dogs?  dick: …  dick: I’d save that for later.
tim: So what’s the plan?  jason: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at cass* they’re mean, come up with something.
*at 3am*  cass: *runs into silena’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  silena: *wakes up* Dude!  cass: *cackles*  bruce: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind silena* What the fuck, cass?  cass: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
silena: So, kate is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.  babs: Why?  silena: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.  kate, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
kate: Never gonna make you cry!  dick: Never gonna say goodbye!  kate: Never gonna tell a lie—  damien: I will hurt you.
steph, driving and singing to the Little Einsteins theme song: We’re going on a trip-  harper: In our favorite piece of shit!  babs: Doing 95!  tim: We’re gonna fucking die!
harper: I have an idea.  kate: A good idea?  harper: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
harper: babs, how do you feel about lifting heavy things?  babs: My doctor just said I should avoid—  harper: Being a wuss? I agree.
jason: Where is everyone?  damien: silena had a nervous collapse, alfred is looking after them, kate is trying to kill steph, so I’m in charge.  jason: Oh my god!  damien: I know, right?
babs: If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I am not. I am out there, very dangerous, and I am looking for you. Good luck.
bruce: babs won’t wake up, what do I do?  steph: Did you try kicking them?  bruce: Yes.  steph: I’m out of ideas.
bruce: I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, babs. Except you!  babs: But bruce, I think you're suspicious!  bruce: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
*when the Squad drops food*  alfred: Eh, oh well.  cass: FIVE-SECOND RULE!  harper: FUCK!  kate: *just gets more food*  tim: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*  jason: *eats the food off the ground*
tim: dick, please calm down.  dick: I asked for two large fries!  dick: *dumps fries onto table*  dick: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
tim: I'm not superstitious... But I am a little stitious.
harper: Thanks for not telling bruce what happened.  dick, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
cass: How do I make a date really romantic?  silena: Be mysterious.  cass: Okay!  *later, while on a date with steph*  steph: So where are we going?  cass: None of your fucking business.
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indouloureux · 2 years
Can you make one with joseph quinn where they are dating since season 4 started shooting and now they are invites to the brazil party with jamie and tbey are one of those couples thag are never serious and act goofy instead of toucht which they are and they sing snd dance together and also are like hugginf and kissing but not much and the reader and jamie are like best friends and vibing together there and later on when they are back in their hotel room they make loce cause tbey havent had much timw together since fhe whole partjes and interviews and stuff? :)
ALRIGHT IM IN LOVE. sincerely apologize if this doesn't meet your request entirely. i apologize that i won't be writing joseph smut bc i'm still getting used to writing him. but i will be writing it in the near future!
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you can't keep a straight face as joseph goes into a deep talk about how his vecna song is up and down by venga boys.
the thing is, he looks so fucking passionate talking about a euro trash song. but you can see the playful twinkle in his eyes as he does so, ever so often shooting you a quick glance to tell you that he's never serious when it comes to venga boys.
you hide your laugh in his arm, turning away from the person he's talking to and you hide it as a way that shows you're shy. joseph's got a secured arm around your shoulders, rests his cheek on top of your head as you nestle your face deeper into his blazer to cover your laugh.
perhaps you'd drunk too much of that drink.
"you should listen to it," he tells them. "it's so funky and amazing. it'll definitely help you escape vecna. i mean, i'm sure he'd like it too."
jamie's behind you, a drink close to his lips, and it looks like he's hiding his laughter with you. 'coz at this point joseph's talking about the meaning of the song. "see i chose it because it's up and down. y'know, because of the upside down. up...and down....upside down?"
you're thanking vecna it didn't last more than eight minutes.
"i'm sad no one has asked me what my vecna song is," jamie sighs. joseph still has an arm around your shoulders, swaying you both side to side to a music you can't understand but vibe to. "i mean, i'd like to talk about how fearless is my vecna song."
"how will you have a vecna song if you are vecna?" the question doesn't make sense, you think, but maybe it's the inebriation that took over your thoughts. "what, is he like, trying to escape himself!?"
"definitely," your boyfriend quips. "he needs therapy. he can't go off killing children."
you take joseph's right hand when he places his glass on a nearby table. and you find your fingers twirling the ring on his hand as a form of distraction, maybe a bit of boredom as jamie goes on a rant about how vecna still needs a vecna song
joseph's fingers fiddle with yours, a silent answer that says he's also getting a bit bored now. he argues still that vecna needs therapy not a song.
"hey, 'y hear that?" joseph whispers in you ear. you'd gotten too distracted from playing with the ring on his finger. "its head over heels, baby."
you look up at him, removing your cheek from his bicep. "tears for fears?"
"head over heels."
you squeal. you place your glass beside joseph's and take his hand, bringing him right in the middle of the bright multicolored floor. he's more than happy to come with you, holding your hand with just as much fervor as he spun you around until you're in his embrace, hands around your waist and swaying you to the song.
with hands around his neck and fingers pulling on the curls from the back of his head, you drunkenly smile up at him. joseph takes note of your intoxicated state, remembers not to trick you into thinking the glass was alcohol but really was just water.
"y'know, this would be my vecna song," you tell him, breath fanning over his face. joseph nudges his nose with yours as a gentle kiss, looking like two drunk teens at prom. but he doesn't care.
"still doesn't beat up and down,"
"ugh, shut up!" you throw your head back, whining a bit louder than you're supposed to. he laughs and his hand comes up over your mouth. "we both know you only say that for shits and giggles."
"you're right, lovie." he chuckles. he straightens your hair, hand coming up from your waist to your shoulder, dragging down to raise your interlocked hands. "you wanna know what it is?"
"to make myself stop laughing everytime someone asks you what your favorite song is, yes please baby," you smile at him.
joseph spins you around, eyesight blurred by the quick spin until you're back in his arms and your focused fixates on him and him only. "it's golden years by david bowie."
you beam. "really?"
"yeah!" he furrows his eyebrows for a second before he's smiling again. "i'll stick with you, baby, for a thousand years. nothing's gonna touch you in these golden years,"
"sap," you tease him, but press a kiss to his cheek because why not. "simp?"
"oi," jamie cuts in between the two of you and hugs joseph, a similar pout on his face. his face is a bit pink, you observe. "i miss my girlfriend. wanna dance with you guys."
by the time the song ends (with jamie holding both you and joseph's hands as he sways to the song), the party does too. you're tripping down the carpeted floors of the hotel hallways, barefoot with your heels held by joseph who's leading you to your shared hotel room.
"i can't believe we're in brazil," you giggle at him. joseph shuts the door behind, placing your heels carefully on the side for you not to accidentally step on them. "ah, correction brazil!!!"
you mimic him from earlier, where he'd trilled the word 'brazil' for an interview. joseph shushes you by placing a hand over your mouth, lipstick staining his palm as he does so.
"you gotta keep quiet, baby," he warns you. joseph sits you down on the bed, goes to the other side to pour you a glass of water, and comes back with a slightly concerned look. "drink up, dove."
too tired to protest, you drink the water from the hotel glass, joseph holding it for you. you don't realize as soon as you swallow the drink you'd fallen down to the bed with a small pout.
"what's up, darling?" joseph discards his blazer, unbuttons the first three of his dress shirt and places his shoes aside next to yours. "tired, huh?"
"yeah," you exhale. "y'know, i saw a puppy down the hallway earlier. maybe we can shout at it and ask why it didn't come near you back at buzzfeed."
joseph's chuckle warms your befuddled heart. "we shouldn't shout at puppies, baby." he takes your hand into his and pulls you up. "now how 'bout a shower then i'll love on you, yeah?"
your eyes widen. "sounds like a great idea."
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reblogs are highly appreciated <3
tagging @kellysimagines tysm for the request baby!
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mytragedyperson · 3 months
You know, I think i figured out why I like Deruth. So, I've never really seen Deruth spoken about but I've seen fanfic interpretations and it almost seems like the fandom itself doesn't quite know what to make of Deruth. Some people treat Deruth from the Birth of a Hero and Deruth from LCF/TCF as separate characters and other interpretations, the one I'm more in favour of is that both versions of Deruth cared about their son, they just didn't know how to show it or fix their relationship. Cale himself acknowledges that Deruth is awkward and doesn't quite know how to speak to Cale. I personally see Deuth as someone who made mistakes following the death of Cale's mother and wanted to fix it, but couldn't figure out how, so didn't do anything, which was a mistake in and of itself. Cale starts acting like trash and Deruth again doesn't know how to handle this or fix this, since he blames himself, so, again, he doesn't fix it. And the longer it goes without him doing something, the worse the strain on their relationship gets until it ends up how we see at the first breakfast, Deruth awkwardly trying to speak to his son but unable to, as he doesn't know what to say. So what changes? Cale. Kim Rok Soo becomes Cale, realises how awkward things are and takes the first step, as he compliments breakfast, something he doesn't think about and just does to stop things being awkward but it gives Deruth an opening. It's just a short conversation, but what a difference it makes to the probably usual silent and awkward breakfasts before where no one quite knew what to say or do with Cale, and Cale, if he shows up, either says nothing or speaks only to complain about the food and then leaves.
However, this actually isn't the main thing I wanted to note. So, I've discussed the previous, Deruth's point of view. And I'm not gonna sit here and say he was good father to the original Cale or was the father he needed. He's not winning father of the year awards for original Cale, I can agree with that. Are there worse fathers? Yes, Marquis Stan immediately comes to mind. But it would be hard to say Deruth was a good father to original Cale. Now let's consider the third element here, KRS!Cale Henituse, a man mentally older than his new body, a man who only had caring parents for a few years and it's uncear how much he remembers of them, a man who was abused and mistreated, pitied, a man who's can't care about people, because if he does, something bad will happen to him. I think, in a weird way, Deruth was almost the parent Kim Rok Soo needed at the time. Let me try to explain.
So, imagine for a second a world where the Henituse family dynamics are different, healthier, happier. Maybe Deruth and Cale fixed their relationship, maybe Cale is closer with his step family. They'd be caring, nice, what a family should be. Imagine Kim Rok Soo, an orphan who was abused and had hardened himself to not care about anyone, would this not be more odd to him? Going from keeping everyone at arms length and not letting anyone in to having to show his care for parents and step siblings, something he's never experienced before. I honestly think Kim Rok Soo would've liked this less because he wouldn't know what to do when shown obvious care by a family when he's never head that relationship before. I don't know, I feel like this is more Kim Rok Soo's speed, Clearly care but still allowing that independence and freedom. Care when he gets hurt but awkward and distant. Deruth is not the father Cale needs but in an odd way, he is the father Kim Rok Soo needs at this point. Does that mean you have to like him or see him as a good father? No, it's not up to the child to fix ther relationship with their parent. But it gives less whiplash for Kim Rok Soo than a close, physically affectionate family would. Or maybe I just like him, like that he does care even if he struggles, like that he's trying even if it doesn't always seem like that. again, you don't have to like him or think he's a good parent. This is just my opinion, my interpretation. I don't know man. I've been thinking about this story all day.
On that note, and I could be wrong as someone who is not aroace and has limited knowledge on aroace, but I feel like Cale is on the aroace spectrum. we're in his thoughts for two years and not once does he consider getting in a romantic relationship. In his dream life there's nothing to do with getting married or having kids. Does this necessarily make him asexual? No there are people of all sexualities who aren't bothered about marriage or kids, but they still tend to want some sort of romantic or sexual relationship and Kim Rok Soo/Cale Henituse seems to have zero interest in this. He has kids, he has family, he has friends. At no point does he express any kind of want for a romantic or sexual partner. Could this be because he has bigger problems? Yes. Could this be because of his past and the curse? Yes. Is he the only character this applies to? No, most of the characters show no interest in romance. Because ultimately this book is not about romance, not even slightly. It's found family, it's friendship, it's fantasy but there is no romance and, yet, for most of the characters I wouldn't rule out the possibility of them having some form of romantic or sexual character. Even with Cale I'm not saying he can/will never have those relationships. But even when he acknowledges someone as being attractive, it doesn't seem sexual or anything. He says it like it's a fact, then moves on. This isn't to say I disagree with shipping Cale. I myself don't mind a little Alcale or Choi Han/Cale. Do I personally think they are romantic or sexual? Not necessarily. You can interpret things that way, but i personally like things as they are, no romantic ships but really close friendships, to me platonic love and platonic relationships are just as, if not more, important than romantic love. And, tbf, even in content where there are romantic relationships, those romantic relationships are never the most interesting part. I don't really watch or read things, like non-fanfiction things, where romance is the main point or main storyline. I used to, but as I've gotten older (I say pretending to be wise old woman at the age of 21), I've come to appreciate friendships non-romantic relationships more and it's the main reason I enjoy shows, for relationship dynamics of all kinds.
I think that's why I'm so, like, chill with shipping and fanfiction with like proships. Now, i don't personally read things like incest or age gap fanfiction. It's not for me, no thanks. But i do tend to ship different things for different reasons. So, if I say I ship something, it's not necessarily because I think they'd have a cute, happy, healthy, loving relationship. Sometimes it's quite the opposite. Sometimes it's because i know it would be toxic and unhealthy and dark and it may even be one-sided, but my god, is it interesting. Some ships i ship purely for the angst, for the way they destroy and ruin each other. Other times I go for fluffier, happier ships. I generally think, as long as you know wrong from right in real life, ship what you want, write and read the fanfiction you want to read, and avoid the fics and ships you don't want. Don't like, don't read does apply. Commenting and interacting just gives it more attention. We all know what we like and don't like. At the end of the day you can't tell someone's morals from the fictional media they interact with. Sometimes you don't want something happy and fluffy and safe. You want something angsty and dark and hard to read. That doesn't make anyone a bad person. Sorry, this has little to do with this post. I'm just tired of people saying "if you like reading about X, you're a bad person" and putting labels on people for reading and writing fictional content that doesn't hurt any real, living person
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mskenway97 · 5 months
Tfp merformers a.u Optimus x Reader.
I felt inspired for this one, I wanted to make it an everyday thing, there is a bit of a language barrier. But I thought it was adorable. I choose a human reader
Warning: None
Words: 829
(Merformers) Tfp Optimus Prime x Gn!Human!Reader
Fishing time
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Today was not a lucky day for Y/N. The tide was calm on a sunny day, in the boat. A lot of trash had been picked up this week, no fish were in the area.
Y/N was desperate to catch something, otherwise she was going to get kicked out and the boat was not hers. Although fishing wasn't her thing, she just wanted the boat to see her huge sea friend.... None other than a blue, red and white whale.
Literally that whale had saved her life in a storm. He wanted to know more about her without exposing her to danger. Only the mere thought that Y/N would never see her again tore him apart.
-Let's go mince little fish....
Y/N cast the rod with the bait, only to see that it barely moved after a while he saw that something was moving. Y/N saw the opportunity to cast as hard as he could, "I'm going to get lucky" thought Y/N but as he pulled it out.
Another boot.
-Oh come on! I'm already going to wear a shoe store with so many boots! - Y/N said to himself as he cast the rod again.
This time the rod moved faster, Y/N smiled as he cast it looked like it was going to be the good one but he saw that it was too heavy.
-Come on, it's possible... Ah!
Y/N fell into the water because of the force that pulled the rod. He felt huge hands around him and pulled him out of the water.
To see Optimus somewhat surprised.
-Hello big guy! I didn't expect to find you here - Y/N smiling.
Optimus left me in the boat as he made a few small grunts and pointed to my fishing rod.
- Ah, what do I do? Fishing and I'm not doing so good," said Y/N.
Optimus noticed Y/N's face, which was somewhat frustrated and sad. He had told her to fish... Maybe he needed some help, the big guy dove down leaving Y/N confused, thinking maybe he was in a hurry, after a few moments with no luck he saw that Optimus had returned showing something big in his hands.
- Wait... that's a swordfish! -Y/N was startled as the boat wobbled a bit and she remained calm.
Optimus was confused the quality of the swordfish was a splendid specimen, something Y/N would surely help with.
- People would ask me a lot of questions about how I got it....
Optimus released the swordfish and dived again.
A while later he came back with something else. Y/N walked over to see that it was an octopus that had latched onto it.
Optimus was trying to get it off her. After a while he succeeded but Y/N was a little depressed.
- I'm no good at fishing! I wanted to dive and explore? But if I don't... I won't be able to go back - said Y/N as he sat down Optimus' face was in front of it and nuzzle to Y/N.
It was humid, it was nice especially in summer weather, she smiled a little at the gesture, Optimus purred a little.
- I should make it clear with the fish I want.... Look it would be something like this.
Y/N pulled out a log book of the fish in this area, showing Optimus which ones she wanted.
Those fish, most of them had gone to other waters the record was out of date.... At least since photo was still around the area and they were plentiful.
Optimus carefully dragged the boat.
Y/N did not know where Optimus was taking him as he was unfamiliar with this fishing area. It was a little different than what she was used to seeing until it came to a stop. Y/N heard Optimus grunting and pointing to the fishing pole. Y/N didn't have time to answer him as she had already submerged underwater. Y/N didn't know what he was up to but he took the advice to grab the fishing pole and get on with it.
She waited for a while until he saw that he was biting not trash but several fish! She was amazed as she caught a good amount of fish. Until she saw Optimus come out of the water.- This is great, Optimus with these fish! They won't throw me out are the amount I needed! Thank you so much," said Y/N as she jumped right into his hands and hugged one of his fingers.
Optimus on the other hand was happy to help her. He knew the difficulties Y/N was having with the job had, he met her by accident and seeing her go was not something he wanted her to go. Besides being one of the few beings that freaked out when she saw him.The presence comforted him, it was different....
Maybe next time she would take him to give lessons in something else.But at least they both got the big fish.
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pjoxreader · 1 year
Hope you're taking care of yourself well ❤️‍🩹
For this request, could you do a reader x percy, nico and will (separately) where the thought the reader is dead (since there limbs are literally torn or non existent) so they (the 3) start mourning until the reader starts to slowly regenerate their limbs along with their head (if that was removed as well)
Reader Thought Dead After Losing Limb
((Thank you! I'm actually planning on taking Saturday's and Sunday's off so I can have some day's off from writing just to help make sure I don't burn out. 🫡))
TW: Blood, Gore (detailed), Throwing up
Percy Jackson
-The war was finally over. He had never felt so relieved before. He looks around trying to spot you in the crowd of excited campers. “Where… Where are they?” He asks and with just those words the mood shifts right away.
-Percy could feel his relief drop to his stomach like a rock. “Where. Are. They.” he demands more sternly. It was Grover who pointed to the makeshift hospital the Apollo cabin had set up. “Percy I don’t think…” Percy didn’t even let him finish before he ran towards the hospital.
-He could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he went into the hospital, looking around at the wounded campers and… Then he saw you. Laid down as if you were sleeping on the ground. Only one hand over your chest as the other was fully gone. -Percy freezes in fear. The blood had stopped flowing from the stump leaving only a sticky puddle left, your humerus splintered but sticking out of the wound. Percy turned, getting sick into the nearest trash can.
-He gags as he gets sick once again, that image forever burned into his mind. The tears start to stream down his face as the realization finally sets in. You had gotten him the time he needed to win the war, but lost your life doing so.
-He was sick of heroes. He hated watching his friends die over and over again for him. For the greater good. He punches the wall in frustration as he sobs. How many more friends was he going to lose? He forces himself up making his way to your side to cover your body with his jacket, it was the least he could do. But that’s when he saw it, the wound glowing and starting to grow back once again.
Nico Di Angelo
-The feeling of death was thick, it was something Nico should have been used too, and yet he never could be. It was like a thick fog that rolled across the land but… That’s when he felt it. Your death. His blood runs cold at the realization.
-Before he knew it he was running, running to where the feeling was strongest. He already knew it was too late, he shouldn’t go and yet his feet didn’t get that message. He gets to the top of the hill, tripping over himself but forcing himself back up, he needed to see you. There, at the other side of the hill slumped over was your body.
-It was as if you were in a praying position back to him, so Nico goes to your side. As he got closer he could see exactly how you died. There, in your lap was your own head. That same defiant smirk he had grown to love. He couldn’t help the wail of agony at the sight. How many people that he cared about was he going to lose?
-Your blood soaked your pants in a crimson scarlet, almost as if you had already been dressed for a funeral, a skirt of your own blood. Nico’s wails echoed across the now empty battlefield as he carefully lifted your head, hugging it to his chest.
-If only he was stronger, if only he was here with you, then maybe… He sobs as he shakes, clinging to you, not wanting to let you go. “I’m sorry… I’m so so sorry.” he chokes out between sobs, fully breaking down. 
-But that’s when he notices it, the feeling of your death slowly fading. He looks down in surprise to see your head slowly fading and your neck starting to steam. Slowly but surely he watches in shock and hope as your head begins to reform. 
Will Solace
-He was hard at work in the makeshift hospital they had set up, everything was hectic and it felt like he was needed everywhere. It was so overwhelming and he wanted to help as many people as he could. But just like that he felt himself freeze.
-Will was good under pressure, that was something he prided himself on. But when he saw you being carried in, both legs missing, pale and unmoving he couldn't find himself to move. He forces himself to take some deep breaths to calm himself down, he quickly follows after you to try and help however he could.
-The wounds to your legs were horrible and it didn’t help that they didn’t bother to bring your severed legs with you. Your legs were still spurting blood so Will got to work. He makes a makeship lift with pillows to keep your legs elevated and to help stop the bleeding. With that done he works on tying blankets around the stumps to help keep pressure.
-Now that he got the bleeding under control as best as he could, the next thing he had to do was feel for a pulse. He could do this. He could help save you. It wasn’t an impossible task… But as he felt for a pulse he couldn’t feel anything. He tries everything in the books, adjusting his fingers, feeling in a different position, he even feels for any breathing and yet… 
-Will could feel his heart breaking as he was forced to the realization “No… No…” he chokes out a sob as he holds your hand. It was already cold as he did so. He knew people needed his help, that he was wasting valuable time but he couldn’t stop sobbing. 
-But when he sees steam starting to go through the blankets he tied at your stumps he can only stare in utter shock, even his sobs being stopped by his surprise. He moved quickly getting the blankets off to see what was happening, to his and everyone’s surprise the bleeding had stopped…
~Masterlist & Rules~
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cobra-diamond · 7 months
My Problems With Azula In the Spirit Temple
Spirit Temple feels like a breath of fresh air in a lot of ways, but it also contains a number of lingering foul odors. Here are some of the problems I have with Spirit Temple:
This Version of Casual Bitch Face Azula
Not be confused with Resting Bitch Face Azula. I'm talking her eyebrows raised casually, her aloof expression, flippant demeanor, and very sharp, even jaundice features. I know we’ve seen variants of this Azula before, but this comic's version in the beginning and at the end feels like an amalgam of her characterizations from Book 2, Book 3, and The Search, maybe even Smoke & Shadow a bit. Something feels off about this characterization of Azula. It feels a bit forced and exaggerated.
The Fire Warriors Not Wanting Revenge on Society
Huge missed opportunity. This was an area where Azula and her acolytes could have related to each other and bonded on a personal level; being discarded by their society and their families. The potential was there for the Fire Warriors to be inspired by Azula because the princess of their nation went through the same ordeal as them. They even wore facsimiles of Azula’s clothes. Instead, they want to be Robin Hoods? The fuck? I know why the story did this. It wants to end the Kemurikage plotline and tie Azula to a new, likely comic-erased, plot for Avatar Studios. It’s still a monumental missed opportunity made even worse by the ending.
The Ending
Trash ending. I’ve changed my mind. It’s terrible. It almost sinks the whole comic. Almost, but not quite. One of two outcomes could have occurred for this story: Azula reconciles with the Fire Warriors, or Azula leaves them be, which is what happened. But we needed a more definitive statement from Azula, not Casual Bitch Face Azula flippantly walking off into the sunset. Once again, Azula is walking off alone into a forest, with no clear indication of what will come next for her or what she actually wants.
But the worst part of the ending is her line, “I’ll find new followers, a new place to rule." What complete nonsense. What, is she going to Neverland to rule over the Lost Boys? Skull Island and marry King Kong? This is 100% a result of Avatar Studios' and the franchise’s overall lack of plan surrounding Azula and the Royal Family. Don’t give me this amateur fanfic garbage of her venturing around the world with no money and no allies. The more I look at this ending, the worse it gets.
The Fire Warriors Getting Dropped
This ties into the ending. The franchise has a massive problem of not having people for Azula to talk to, not having anyone in her corner like Iroh was for Zuko. She’s alone in the finale. She’s alone in The Search. Smoke & Shadow is a joke so ignore that crap. And this comic continues the trend.
Being alone is not naturally part of her arc at this point. It's artificial. There should be no shortage of people in the Fire Nation who are willing to befriend the princess, help the princess, woo the princess. The Fire Warriors were clear examples of girls who would admire her, but the franchise chose to turn them into “good” people who just want to steal from the rich and give to the poor. Perhaps the problem is that Azula's allies would be political in nature and the Fire Nation currently lacks the necessary worldbuilding to have political allies for Azula when that would create huge downstream affects for Zuko.
The War Is Not Mentioned
Azula can’t separate her identity with her political role in the Fire Nation, and that's fine, but the franchise needs to be honest about why the Royal Family is so fucked up, why Zuko and Azula fought an Agni Kai, and why Azula is still adversarial to her older brother, because of the war.
The war.
The war. The war. The war.
The war that wiped out the Air Nomads and Southern Water Tribe waterbenders. The war that led Azulon to be an evil sack of shit to his grandson by commanding Ozai to kill him. That war that led Iroh to either be a proud warlord and favorite of said sack of shit Azulon or feckless burnout in the face of his sack-of-shit-to-be brother. The war that led Ozai to have a reason to be brutal and self-serving. The war that led Iroh to convince Zuko to battle his sister and prevent her from being Fire Lord. The war that pinned Zuko and Azula against each other in the first place.
The war, Sozin, and Azulon need to start getting blamed as root causes for a lot of these problems. Ozai is already getting his portion and is starting to get more from Azula. And Iroh doesn’t get off the hook. He failed to challenge his brother to an Agni Kai when clearly any member of the Royal Family can do so according to Zuko's and Azula’s Agni Kai. I need the war to be blamed for destroying the royal family. This comic barely does that.
Azula Was Too Complacent Around the Spirit
We all know Azula is an incredibly brave girl, but she’s also intelligent enough to sniff out danger. Why wasn’t she more forceful in demanding answers from the scary monk? Why did she play the spirit’s game instead of fight it immediately? This isn’t a big problem, but it made the exchange feel a bit forced and Azula experiencing Plot-Induced Stupidity.
The Spirit’s Intentions Were Too Vague
Was it trying to eat her? Why did the monk kick her out? Why couldn’t it “control what happens next”? Why did it think it new how to "redeem" Azula when it demonstrated tat it didn't know her well enough? There were major Coraline vibes in this story, from the Other Mother-esque tactics of giving Azula what she wants, to Azula circling back to the temple when trying to leave. Again, not a big problem, but it made the spirit frustratingly vague.
Azula’s Blank Reaction to the Zuko Monster
Too many blank stares while the Zuko Monster was lambasting her. I think I know what this scene was doing, but, please, if Azula is confused, use some dialogue to express that. If Azula is scared, or overwhelmed, use some dialogue to convey that. The prior scenes already used dialogue very effectively to convey Azula’s perspective.
Too Short
I don’t care about the comic format. I need more of this. The ATLA franchise does not have a character remaining who can hold a candle to Azula’s complexity, psychological damage, inner and moral conflicts, and potential for transformation. The Bounty Hunter and the Tea Brewer? Mystery of Penquan Island? ‘Fuck outta here with that shit. Give me more Crime and Punishment, Azula-edition.
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hypervoxel · 3 months
Jumble of headcanons in no particular order about Vark because I need to write them down somewhere to pretend to be organized
He started off sooo cute and tiny, like the size of a guinea pig. And he made laser noises like a baby Cuban crocodile.
He was so so tiny. He did not stay tiny.
Sharks sense electricity! He's naturally drawn to Vox when Vox is taking in or letting off too much power. He naturally interrupts Vox's overstimulation and warns about seizures, so Vox trained him some actual medical alert tasks.
Service shark Vark 🐕‍🦺
On the topic of electricity, I also headcanon him as having some aspects of an electric eel as well. A fantasy eel. He can take in some of Vox's excess energy, and isn't bothered by the sparks Vox throws off.
I'm chewing on the idea that Val bought Vark for Vox as an apology gift.
Now I'm just quoting myself directly from discord: I keep thinking of how I can include this (Vark being a gift from Val) in my one fanfic where it obviously does not fit bc Val hates Vark in it. Maybe he's jealous that Vox cares way more about Vark himself than the fact that Val gave him a gift. So unappreciative, didn't even have make-up sex over it bc Vox was too busy practically having a breakdown over how adorable Vark is. Val realizes that this was a mistake and he should have picked a very different gift instead
Vark is such a well behaved good boy when he's working, as a service shark. When Vox is in distress, Vark is so focused on trying to help with all the power of his tiny shark brain <3 Outside of that tho? He's a terror. He's so excitable. He canonically (in the old Voxtagram art) jumps on and knocks people over. This ties into him previously being a tiny adorable little thing. It was sooo cute when he jumped on your leg, back when he was the size of a large potato. It stayed cute up until they realized he was going to be so much bigger than they ever expected.
(It's like a bottle raised bull. The cute things they did when they were a little baby calf are no longer cute now that they're so large they are going to hurt you on accident just trying to be friendly and playful. RIP.)
Other service dog tasks for Vark: deep pressure therapy (of course. Interrupting behaviors such as when Vox is getting overwhelmed. Blocking to stop other people from getting too close to/touching Vox when he would shock them. I am forgetting so many things and will continue writing this list later
Vox doesn't do public access with Vark. This ties into my headcanons for Vox that he is deeply ashamed of himself and he cannot let anyone know he has problems ever.
Unfortunately, I am evil. So I also like the idea of Vark as an owner-trained service animal who is hmm not the perfect candidate for the job. In the same way shepherds aren't recommended for anxiety work, he can feed too much off of Vox's own emotions and has issues with guarding aggression that at times cause him to become reactive. (*points at my fanfic where he bites Val*)
I love bad representation.
Alsooo I don't like hammerhead sharks or animals that are too cartoon-y for me to understand as a real creature, so I'm making up a new design for Vark
Based on a Bonnethead Shark! Fun fact about Bonnethead Sharks: they are omnivorous! They eat seagrass :)
So Vark is omnivorous but unfortunately he's also like a tiger shark in that he'll eat anything even if it's not food. Tiger sharks have been found with license plates, tires, and other trash in their stomachs (sad)
Don't ask Vox how many times Vark has needed emergency exploratory surgery after eating something he shouldn't have. He doesn't want to talk about it.
Vark chews on wires like real sharks biting at undersea fiber optic cables. Chomp chomp
When Vark was a tiny baby, Velvette dressed him up in silly little outfits to post online. She doesn't do that anymore because he has mostly outgrown his cuteness stage for her: she only thought he was cute when he was little.
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