#i would draw him with her but my wrist lmao
didderd · 6 months
ye :3 am glad yall seem to like Leggies hehe
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tunatoge · 10 months
like the branch of a tree – s. geto x reader
contents: canon divergence (suguru lives and is a teacher at jj tech), fluff, ooc, reader is also a teacher at jj tech, not mentioned but insinuated satosugu, insinuated nsfw, brief mentions of third years and possible manga spoilers, title is based off of 'would that i' by hozier, NOT PROOFREAD
a/n: this is my first time posting on tumblr, i'm nervous LMAO sorry for any grammatical errors
shoko is quiet as she sits next to you at a slight angle, her knees bumping into yours as the two of you look at her phone together. the two of you look at the silly selfie satoru had sent her and you frown a little. the picture he’d sent depicted him sitting on a bench in a weirdly rundown part of town, megumi pouting next to him. in the background there’s a copper haired girl peering outside of an old, beat down building with yuuji next to her. you know there’s a curse somewhere on the scene from satoru’s crudely drawn red circle in the air, an equally poorly drawn angry face in the center of it. 
you’re a little envious that satoru gets to hang out with his students. if kinji hakari hadn’t been suspended you’d be with both him and kirara. of course you didn’t have to supervise their missions anymore but you did admittedly miss your students. you were the only teacher on campus that wasn’t teaching–which was debatable seeing as suguru and satoru weren’t really teaching anything either. still, helping your students through some of the basic required educational courses would have been significantly better than the stacks of paperwork on your desk. 
shoko knocks her knee into yours, drawing your attention to her tired (but very pretty) face. she nods her head towards the door of the morgue and you instantly brighten at suguru’s appearance. his hair is completely down and his uniform jacket is draped over his arm. 
“morning,” he greets as he moves to sit next to you and shoko. “‘m guessing you two saw satoru’s selfie.” he nods towards shoko’s still unlocked phone as she hums in agreement and pockets her phone. 
“your hair’s down,” you say in response instead, not having heard his previous statement. 
suguru cocks his head to the side in confusion at your words before letting out a soft ‘ah’ as he laughs bashfully in a somewhat boyish way. “i woke up late,” he admits, “i slept through my alarm and got to the school a little after the morning class.” he smiles somewhat awkwardly (pointedly ignoring shoko’s knowing look, her raised brow seemingly yelling, “i know what you and satoru were doing last night!”) before offering his wrist, “i was gonna put it up when I got here.” his smile turns from awkward to somewhat confident when he finds you blinking up at him, captivated by his long hair.
you look towards his still outstretched hand and eye the black hair tie before shyly looking back up at suguru. when your eyes meet, an unreadable look crosses through his eyes as he swallows. he looks towards shoko behind you as she smoothly pulls her phone out again, an unlit cigarette in between her lips.
“may i?” you ask, drawing his attention back towards you as you gesture towards his hair and he almost immediately agrees. when he offers you his hair tie again you softly shake your head and pull a bright blue one off of your wrist. he pretends to be blind to the tiny little bow on it as he shifts so his back is towards you. 
as you’re doing suguru’s hair, shoko texts satoru an image of you with the tip of your tongue out and your hands threaded through suguru’s long hair. she gets a jealous angry frowny face in response. 
that’s MY hair tie!! >:(
notes: satoru is the first years' teacher, suguru is the second years', and you're the third years'. satoru made you play with his hair after he got back on campus. he said it was only fair because you'd given suguru the hair tie he'd given you. maki made a face when she saw suguru's hair later in the day. she asked if the twins had done it for him.
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spectr3inl0ve · 11 months
me and my husband - miguel x wife!spider!reader
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authors note: this took like two weeks and for what? 😹 anyways, i was sooo proud of myself for thinking of this lmao
summary: miguel x wife!spider!reader based on 'me and my husband' by mitski
contains ⚠️: ANGST, fluff?, comfort, wife!fem!spider!reader, dead daughter (gabriella), flashbacks italicised
please reblog or like my work if you enjoyed it <3
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“I steal a few breaths
From the world for a minute
And then I’ll be nothing forever
And all of my memories
And all of the things I have seen
Will be gone
With my eyes with my body with me”
“Miguel!” you call out shakily, your daughter, Gabriella, secure on your back. Your husband instinctively sprints toward the two of you, as you desperately try to escape the collapsing of your universe.
“Take Gabi, I-I gotta help Peter B.,” you lift your now sobbing daughter off your back and into Miguels’ arms. Miguel opens his mouth for a split second, before it zips shut again. He gives you a firm nod, his thick brows furrowed, before cradling your daughter to his chest and leaning in to give your temple a kiss. You kiss the top of Gabi’s head swiftly, before using your webs to swing towards Peter B., who is in the middle of moving - no, shoving - civilians toward safety. It breaks your heart when you hear your daughter’s fearful whimpers as Miguel reassures her, telling her everything will be okay.
Not even five minutes later, you spot Miguel running with Gabriella in his arms, people glitching out of existence left and right. You swing towards them, a few metres behind them, before you are stopped by Peter, his hands firm on your shoulders, telling you it’s too dangerous. Peter’s tall figure and Miguel’s even taller and broader figure obscures most of your view, but you choke back a sob as you catch sight of your daughter disintegrating in her fathers arms. Not really her fathers arms, but you didn’t know that yet.
“Dad! Dad, no!” Gabriella cries, before disappearing, leaving Miguel staring where her body was a second ago, breathing heavily. You couldn’t help but rip off your mask and bury your head in your shaking hands, sobbing hysterically.
“But me and my husband
We’re doing better
It’s always been just him and me 
“Miguel. We gotta move, you’ll have to bring your er…wife, too.” Peter calls and the world seems to close in. You’re still sobbing into your own hands - mask left forgotten on the ground -, Miguel immobile, still staring blankly into his hands.
“Okay.” Miguel says after a few beats, his voice uneven with grief. Out of the corner of your eye, in front of Miguell, a hexagonal, orange…portal? opens up and he steps signals for Peter to go through. Peter releases your shoulders, though not before giving them a reassuring squeeze, and a nod at Miguel before making his way into the portal. Once it’s just the two of you, Miguel is immediately at your side, drawing you into his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of your head before crouching to wipe your tears away with his thumbs. Your tears have subsided, reduced to sniffles. Miguel smiles sadly at you, murmuring,
“C’mon, cariño. I’m sorry, but we have to go. Now.” you nod at his words, running with him into the portal.
“So I bet all I have on that
Furrowed brow
And at least in this lifetime
We’re sticking together
Me and my husband
We’re sticking together”
“Mig, what is this? Where are we? What just happened?!” you cry, shaking his wrists. You’re in a dark, strange room filled with all sorts of holographic technology. It looks so futuristic, like it came straight out of one of those robotic or intergalactic movies you would watch with what was your family, until a few minutes ago. Peter B. was in the room as well, staring off into the distance to give you and your husband some privacy. Miguel sighed,
“This is…this is my office?” he frowns, almost…confused?
“My office in the Spider Society Headquarters.” he finishes, leaving you even more confused than you were a few moments ago.
“Miguel. You’re not making any sense. I know you’re Spider-Man, but didn’t-didn’t you work at-?”
“I haven’t been truly honest with you. Let me explain from the beginning.”
“You, you replaced my dead husband?! You were the cause of MY daughter’s death?! The cause of my ‘universe’s collapse? I-I…” you broke off, sobbing again. You felt so much betrayal. So much hurt, anger. And now Miguel - the man you thought was your husband - wants you to join his little gang of Spiders? Hell. No.
“Before you say anything, you can’t really go anywhere else without glitching, or causing its universe to collapse - if you stay there long enough.” Miguel says, looking at his feet.
“He’s not wrong, you know. Glitching is painful as well. Take it from me.” Peter B. cuts in, offering you a tight smile. You painfully realise that Miguel is right, you don’t have anywhere to go. And you suppose it would be nice to still see your husband’s face everyday. You still love him, despite the fact he isn’t really the Miguel you thought you knew.
“Fine. But you’re going to have to tell me more about how you came to be here, Miggy.” you tell Miguel, who goes red at the nickname you use for him. Clearly, he was caught off guard, assuming you would be visibly fuming at him. Peter B. chuckles lowly, murmuring, “Miggy,” under his breath before suppressing a snicker.
You had trained hard to get to where you are now, mentally and physically. The death of your only daughter took a heavy toll on you, but a few months later, you can confidently say you were okay. It turns out that while Miguel was in your dimension, his AI assistant, Lyla, had been keeping a hand on the wheel, extending invitations to Spider-People that Miguel had deemed qualified enough to the Spider Society. The missions you went on were usually pretty uneventful, due to the fact that the anomalies or whatever you were chasing were almost always outnumbered, and usually outpowered by the legion of Spider-People hunting them down. Though there were always missions where you and/or a few others came back heavily injured. On your most recent mission, you came back with a sprained ankle, and many cuts and bruises on your body. Miguel was not impressed; patching you up while huffing and puffing about you needing to be more careful. It seems that you got special treatment, understandable, right? You are his wife after all…
You take a large bite into a Spider-Man 2099 themed burger with a grin, internally laughing at the fact that Miguel hadn’t noticed them yet. Peter B. sits opposite you, Pavitr to your left, and Hobie sitting across from him.
“I think it’s kinda funny that Miguel hasn’t caught onto these burgers yet,” you say with a small laugh, setting the burger down. Pav is already cackling at the thought, while Hobie sits there with his signature smirk plastered on his face while Peter chuckles slightly.
“Yeah it’s a miracle, he’s usually so observant. Ooor…he does know, and likes them,” he says, a large grin on his face by the end of his sentence. You silently agree with him, as you listen to the animated conversation that Pavitr had started up with Hobie, Peter making a few contributions occasionally.
Lyla simultaneously displays from the gizmos on your wrists, telling you all,
“Miguel wants you all to see him, for a mission.” finishing with a playful wink.
“Okaay! Another mission, let’s go!” Pavitr says, bubbly as always. You couldn’t help but smile as you get up and follow the rest of the group, while Pavi giggles about something along the lines of “being Spider-Man is so easy and soo fun!”.
While walking through the tech-junk filled sort of hallway in Miguel’s office, you spot Hobie shamelessly pocketing a few loose pieces. You playfully punch him on the shoulder, quietly scolding him for his antics. He smirks and remarks,
“The bossman won’t notice, got bigger things to worry ‘bout, yeah?”. You laugh and shake his head at his words, as you approach the high-up platform, waiting for it to painfully descend. After a few moments you’re able to make out Miguel’s form, facing the four of you, his hands on his waist; his signature stance. Peter giggles out of the corner of his mouth, muttering,
“Always so dramatic.”. You silently agree with him, as Miguel walks towards you guys, chin slightly up, eyes peering down at your faces.
“We have another Doc Ock variant, an anomaly from Earth 1829 in Earth 5820. I will be coming with you lot for this mission.” Miguel finishes, glaring slightly at you by the end of it. You will yourself not to roll your eyes, knowing that all he’s coming along to practically babysit you. You settle for a glare back at him, before his eyes flicker to Hobie, pointing at him and telling him not to do anything stupid. Hobie puts his hands up in mock surrender,
“Got it, ‘m not going anywhere.” he says, unable to stop his smirk from turning into a grin.
“Dios mÍo…I don’t know why I still tolerate you.” Miguel huffs out, pinching the bridge of his nose before turning away from him and going back toward his desk. He types something up on his keyboard, and the illuminated monitor displays an image of an octopus? What on Earth is-
“Looks like Doc Oc found away to become one with the octopus,” Peter snickers; Pavitr giggling with him.
“Correct, Peter. That is what we’ll be after. We must hurry before it wreaks havoc in New York.”Miguel states, while opening a portal to New York City, Earth 5820. You walk through in a single file line, coming out on the top of a building. The air smells smoky, smokier than that of your universe of origin. The ground shook, clearly, the Doc Ock variant had caused a substantial amount of damage already.
“It’s coming from Times Square, let’s go!” Miguel bellowed, swinging toward the cause of the earthquake, everyone following suit. As you get closer, you take in the sight of a ginormous blue-green octopus with metallic pincers on the end of them snapping menacingly at the fleeing crowd of people.
“Woah…” you breathe, eyes widening when you realise that it’s more like a half-octopus, the tentacles being the bottom part of a woman.
“She looks like Ursula from The Little Mermaid, don’t you think?” you call out to the group, Peter and Pavitr agreeing with you.
“Enough with the jokes, let’s-” Miguel starts, before the Doc Ock swivels around to face your group, swinging toward her.
“-Okay, new plan. Let’s split up; Peter, Pavitr, Hobie - you three stick together and distract the anomaly!” The men nod and advance forward to do as instructed while you and Miguel swing towards the nearest apartment rooftop to hopefully discuss further gameplan. When Miguel doesn’t say anything, your lenses narrow as you glower at him, not over the fact that you were practically being babysat by your husband; Miguel takes note of this.
“I- okay, before you say anything, I’m mainly here because I don’t trust that punk Hobie.” He assures you, putting emphasis on the last part, “I also want to make sure you-everyone has someone they can fall back on, and protect them if…things get rough.”. Fortunately for Miguel, this was good enough for you, giving him a curt nod.
“Got it. Soo, how are we gonna contain the anomaly?” you question. Miguel was quick to answer,
“While the others distract Doc Ock, we’re going to use my webs to bind it, and entrap it in a Trap Box and get it back to HQ. Got it?”. You nod and use your webs to catapult yourself in Doc Ock’s direction. Miguel’s plan goes smoothly, the anomaly tightly bound by Miguel’s red, digital webs. Peter and Pavitr were aiding civilians trying to get away, trying to bring some order to the chaos. You and Hobie were in the process of disarming Doc Ock of her pincers, using a mixture of webbing, tugging, and other devices - courtesy of Margo.
“Bloody pincers take forever to take off…” Hobie muttered irritably. He called your name saying, “You mind finding somethin' to to 'elp us?”, you nod, jumping off the rubble you were standing on to look for anything big, sharp, or dangerous to aid you. That’s when you spot Miguel, with those talon-like appendages that stick out of the arms of his suit.
“Miguel! We can’t get the damn pincers off quick enough, could ya’ help?!” you call out. Miguel shoots you a look, and you know that through his mask, he’s already annoyed.
“I’m kinda busy, sweetheart! Can’t you shocking see that?!” he shouts at you, before sighing heavily and using one of the hands tugging the glowing web taut to shoot another out toward a stray tentacle, swiftly yanking off the pincer. You aim your web shooters toward another pincer and let them fly, sticking onto the metal.
After a good while of tugging and frustration, you finally get another pincer off, but you and Hobie realise that it’s no use, rushing over to Miguel’s side,
“Wh-What are you guys doing?! Get rid of the pincers!” Miguel yells, agitation coating his words. Hobie explains it’s no use, and that you guys should be helping him contain the anomaly in other ways. Miguel grunts in response, before instructing the two of you to use your webs to bind the anomaly while Miguel sets up a Trap Box. Once you’ve got your webs wound around the entire figure of Doc Ock, Miguel releases his webs and starts setting up the digital containment chamber. Miguel was almost done, but then you heard a scream, the scream of a small child. You whip your head toward the sound and see a small child amongst the few 100 other people who haven’t made their way out yet - stuck under a piece of rubble. Hobie notices and murmurs,
“Nah, don’t, love. Get Pav or Peter to do it. We gotta deal with this…”. You don’t know what happened - one second you were doing what was instructed of you, and the next you had let your webs fall slack as you dash for the crying child. You reach the child and help him get free of the rubble, and scooping him into your arms, as Hobie yells a stream of slurs as the anomaly starts to wriggle free. Hobie calls for you to help him, unable to hold Doc Ock down. You just stand there, cradling the crying child to your chest. Behind you, Miguel stands fuming, even though he and Hobie had managed to contain the anomaly, who is now banging its tentacle at the digital walls.
“Mujer estúpida,” Miguel mumbles, as he calls for everyone to gather round. You reluctantly set the child down, and slowly turn toward Miguel. The realisation of what you had done risked the fate of the multiverse. When you finally turn around, you’re greeted with a seething 6’9 man. You can practically see the steam coming from his ears. (Translation: stupid woman)
Once you’re in his office - your masks off -, Pavitr, Hobie, and Peter dismissed, Miguel is borderline screaming at you for your reckless act to save the child, who,
“-would have been fine even if you didn’t save him!” and that, “no matter how pure your intentions are, your main priority is to SAVE. THE. MULTIVERSE. Regardless of what you have to do.”. After the twenty minutes your boss spent berating you for your actions - and what their consequences may be - you’re left standing meekly in front of him, head hung low, staring at your feet. Miguel exhales a long sigh,
“Look,” he says, his tone much softer than the one he used a few moments earlier, “I think I know why you saved that damn kid. I…I understand that, querida, I do. But that is not always the best thing to do. Not when there is so much more at stake,”. You nod, understanding his words.
“I hate yelling at you, it breaks my heart to see you shatter like this - because of me. I’m sorry,” Miguel tells you, bending down to be closer to eye-level with you. You slowly look up at him, your eyes wide and glassy. Miguel is briefly reminded of a baby deer, with the way your eyes look and the way the start of your eyebrows quirk up in sorrow. He spreads his arm wide enough for you to stumble into them, and when you do, he envelopes you in an embrace, his hand rubbing your back soothingly.
“No, I’m sorry. I should’ve let one of the others take care of that child. I let my emotions get the better of me.” you mumble, returning the hug.
“All in all, we still stopped the anomaly from causing further damage, so don’t worry about it, okay? When we get home, we’ll go out okay? I know a new place that’s gotten a ton of good reviews…” your husband suggests, trying to make you feel even just a little bit better about the situation. You nod into his chest.
“And I am the idiot with the painted face
In the corner, taking up space
But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved”
While Miguel had brushed off the fact that you almost risked the fate of the multiverse, a portion of the thousands of other Spiders hadn’t. Initially, when word got around that you slipped up, most people didn’t care, until they learnt what the cause of it was.
“All for a child?” “Seriously?” “How reckless!” were some of the many comments people had to offer. They weren’t horrible, just the occasional stink eyes and scoffs when you were around.
“It’s like no one else has done something wrong! What I did wasn’t even that bad!” you rant to Peter B., exasperated. The man in front of you lets out a series of “uhuh”s, “mhm”s and “exactly!”s whilst preoccupied with the little redheaded toddler trying to climb up a wall. You sigh, before making your exit, heading over to Sector 8.
Once walking through the gates of Sector 8, there’s a wave of silence as the Spider people occupying the area stare intently at you, silently scrutinising you. You timidly walk around groups of congregating Spiders, the hubbub of chatter returning.
“How is she still part of the Society? After what she risked…” you hear from a Peter Parker variant. That comment didn’t phase you but what stung was the response from a gossipy variant of Mary-Jane,
“Perks of being Miguel’s wife, she’s had everything here handed to her on a silver platter. I didn't take Miguel to be one to play favourites.”. Pushing through another group, you struggle to stop the tears from stinging your eyes. You shoot a web to the nearest corner, mounting yourself on the wall, and you tear your mask off. Your hair bounces out and sort of tilts to the side, due to the fact that you’re sitting on the wall.  Sinking into a cross-legged position, you bury your head in your hands, eyes closed, not necessarily crying or anything, just taking a break from the multiverse. You focus on your breathing, breathing in and out, in and out as a way to calm yourself, deflecting all the nasty things that the Spiders, who should theoretically be nice beings, had said about the whole ordeal.
You stay like that for a while, happy in your own little world, before a firm tap on your knee gets you to look up - no, sideways from your position. Miguel. Standing on the ground, looking up at you with concern.
“You alright, mi vida?”
You smile in response, nodding your head yes as you leap from your spot on the wall to Miguel’s side. He faces you and puts his hands on your shoulders, his touch surprisingly gentle.
“One of the guys notified me that you were seeming kind of out of it,” he pauses, trying to find the right words to articulate, “I came to check on you.”. Now it’s your turn to look up at him,
“Yeah I’m fine, Miggy.” you assure him, peering at his reddened eyes through your lashes. Miguel tilts his head to the side and frowns slightly, before sighing and guides your head to his chest with a large hand. He dips his head to kiss the top of yours, glowering at any of the other Spiders who’re staring.
“I love you, okay? You are one of, if not the most amazing person I’ve ever known. You work so hard, and always put in 200% and you’re always looking out for everyone, even if it means risking the Arachno-Humanoid-Polymultiverse.” he expressed, grimacing a bit at the ridiculously long name he had coined for the multiverse. You laugh, pressing your nose to Miguel’s chest. No matter what happens, you think, it’ll always be me and my husband.
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pandorascripts · 1 year
I Bet You Think About Me
pairing: wednesday x reader
cw: angst, cheating, tyler galpin.
note: you should know that I made morticia and gomez the mean rich type of people to fit this.
summary: catering your ex-girlfriend’s wedding was certainly not what you wanted to do, but it proves to be fruitful as you get to say goodbye— and taunt her.
song: I Bet You Think About Me (feat. Chris Stapleton) (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault) by Taylor Swift ;).
proof read like once. I’m finding a lot of mistakes because I’m tired LMAO.
:—-:—- —-:—- —-:—- —-:—- —-:—- —-:—- —-:
It had been exactly three months since Wednesday had called off your relationship. She claimed you were too childish and that you were just too different from her— that you couldn’t fit into her world. Looking back on it now you can only laugh, the true reason why Wednesday broke up with you was because she was too scared of the consequences.
Despite what she claims and what others believe, Wednesday does care about what her family thinks. And her family, the richest and most powerful people in all of New York, had high expectations in who she would date. They certainly didn’t think (or even know) that Wednesday wanted to date someone below her status, below her age for that mater. Nine years wasn’t too bad, but her parents wanted Wednesday to be nine years younger than her rich, male lover. Unfortunately you didn’t fit any boxes where it mattered. 
But as you’re catering her wedding, watching Wednesday dance with her new husband, you really can’t help but chuckle. Wednesday’s been staring at you for the entire event, and you know damn well she’s been thinking about you. You see it in the way she eyes your work attire, — a tight, clad semi-formal suit— and in the way she frowns the moment her husband draws her attention away from you. It’s obvious. 
Buts it’s only until the service is almost over that she approaches you. 
You look down to the glasses you’d been cleaning previously, trying to help out your friend with his own job. “Mrs. Galpin, is it?”
Wednesday scoffs, arms crossing over her chest. “Yeah, it is now.”
You nod, wiping a white cloth against the crystal glass of the cup. It’s almost as thick as the tension between you two. 
“Look, I want to tell you that I’ve moved on, and that I think it’s really immature of you to show up here.”
Your eyes widen drastically as you stare at Wednesday and her audacity. Grabbing her by the wrist, you drag her into the nearest storage closet so you can scream at her. She doesn’t stop you because she wont dare to make a scene with her filthy-rich family here. Her wrist in your hand brings up dead memories, memories long buried under sadness and anger. 
When the door clicks shut, you finally turn around to yell at her. “I’m doing my job, Wednesday. I didn’t have a choice because unlike you I can’t just wait until my trust fund opens. As you’ve made very, very, very, clear, I don’t have one!”
Wednesday rolls her eyes, her fingers adjusting the hem of her dress. “Just don’t cause anything. You and I both know that you were always dramatic.”
“Oh, I’m dramatic? You got engaged a week after we broke up to please your parents.”
“We were never going to work out! I like him! It wasn’t for my parents.”
“I don’t have to be one of your many shrinks to know you’ll never be happy with him. In fact,” you step closer to Wednesday, rage clouding the thoughts telling you to leave it be, “I bet you think about me.
“You’re out here marrying rich, handsome guys and trying to chase a status your parents want you to have, but I bet you’ve never felt so locked up in your life.”
Wednesday shudders, her cold gaze darting around your face.
“Why’s that?” she asks, still trying to act like she’s in power.
“Because you never felt more free than when you were with me.”
Wednesday gulps, her head whipping to the storage closet as she tries to not look at you. She fails, and proves your point beautifully. You shake your head, disbelief and disappointment the only thing you feel.
“Goodbye, Wednesday. Enjoy the wedding and let me do my job peacefully.”
Your hand retreats from the wall behind her, when they got there you can’t remember, and you turn around. Wednesdays hands reach out to grab your face before you have enough time to register what’s happening. 
Her lips are still just as soft as they were that night she left you. Her kisses are still sweet and passionate, always expressing what she can’t say through words. You sigh, forgetting about the wedding, about her parents, and about her husband waiting for another dance just beyond that door. 
It doesn’t take long until your fingers thread themselves in her dress and then you remember all of those things and more. You remember why she dumped you— why you have to let her go. You pull away harshly, taking a few quick steps back and sprint out the door. Wednesday doesn’t bother chasing after you. 
You run to your friend James, alerting him of your well-earned break that you decide to take. He nods, waving you off as you dart out of the venue. The early spring snow sets against the slush and you sigh. The cold grounds you, remembering the night three months prior. 
You shift on Wednesdays lap, laying your head on her shoulder. She’s reading in peace, a book her friend recommended, you recall. Her friend had claimed it had changed his view on life, and had told Wednesday it would do wonders for her. She was only reading it to poke fun at it. 
The movie in the background was long forgotten by you, your eyes instead lining her jawline and the soft curve of her nose. 
“Yes?” she asks, flipping the page over. She doesn’t look at you, or even stop reading her book. 
You’ve been noticing this for the past two weeks now, her attention has been dwindling. Wednesday’s become more stressed and angry. Fights have been more frequent, at least two every other day. It’s always over minuscule stuff too, like how you dress, where you work, how Wednesday doesn’t like the way you hold your fork, or the way you laugh like a kid. You told her maybe it’s because you are one. After all, you’re twenty two and she’s thirty-one. Wednesday ignored you for hours that day. 
“Will you put the book down?”
“Why?” Again, no eye contact. 
“Because I want to have a real conversation.”
“We are.”
You scoff, swinging your feet off of her thighs and stand up, the book getting knocked to the floor. You don’t apologize despite her shouts, instead you grab your keys and shrug on your coat. 
“Where are you going?” she demands, hands trying to grab the keys out of your pocket. 
You swat her away and tie your shoelaces. “For a walk.”
“The hell you are! It’s eleven at night and December, it’s too late and too cold.”
You ignore her again, swinging the door open and skipping outside. Wednesday doesn’t follow you, but you don’t need to look back to know that. The door slamming tells you enough. 
That night when you got home, a clear head and a fresh apology with you, Wednesday called you childish. She told you that dating you was a mistake, that meeting you was one. And then her bag of belongings— you remember frowning over the fact that she only had an unpacked bag of stuff— was thrown into her corvette. 
It didn’t matter how much you clung to her, begging that she didn’t do this, she shrugged you off and left without so much as a glance back.
When your five minute break was over, you walked back into the wedding and continued working. Wednesday wasn’t anywhere to be seen for the rest of the night.
Maybe it wasn’t the goodbye you wanted, but it sure was a loud one. All you can hope is that Wednesday is tormented by what you once had, because at least you can certainly bet she thinks about you. 
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siilvan · 5 months
Desideria – Prologue
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Pairing: Yuri Volkov/Mylène "Petra" Scholten de Ridder
Summary: Strange circumstances and common enemies brings an unlikely pair together.
Genre: General, angst, light fluff, fem!oc
Warnings: Semi-proofread, cursing, canon-typical violence, allusions to trauma and guilt, post-MWIII, Soap’s alive rahhhhhh!!!, Yuri's literally mentioned once in this chapter I swear he'll be in the next one lol
Word Count: 2.4k
Note: I've wanted to write this story for a year now, but I've been too scared to do it. It's pure self indulgence that I think only a tiny handful of people will even read but, nonetheless, I'm posting it. Also, I'm stating this outright: OG Yuri had the superior look. That's the face I always imagine on him, even in the reboot lmao
Very special thanks to my beloveds @sofasoap, @nrdmssgs, and @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot, who gave me the encouragement and support I needed to finally start this series <3
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The fluorescent lights overhead provide no comfort to the woman pacing in the corridor, the incessant buzzing the only sound accompanying the soft clacking of the heels of her boots against the tile floor. She wrings her hands, sore from hours of repeating the same motions in an attempt to provide herself some relief from the thoughts plaguing her.
Running through the same scenario. The same five minutes, over and over again.
"Still here?" The familiar deep timbre of her teammate's voice startles her out of her thoughts, drawing her gaze to the man standing further down the hall.
"Of course." Mylène replies, the fatigue evident in her soft-spoken tone. She stands still as he approaches, stopping a few feet away.
"You been here all night?" Simon asks, stuffing one of his hands in his hoodie pocket and scratching at his cheek through the dark surgical mask obscuring the lower half of his face.
She hums, her gaze flitting to her feet as she absentmindedly toes at a speck of dirt on the otherwise pristine floor. "Yeah, got in at around nine. I was bouncing between rooms for a few hours, but I didn't want to risk waking them up, so I've been in the hall since..." She lifts her hand to glance at the watch on her wrist. "One, maybe one-thirty."
"Fucks sake, it's ten o' clock." He huffs in disbelief. "Assuming you haven't ate or drank anything but coffee. C'mon, let's go down to the cafeteria." He says, motioning with his head for her to follow him.
"I don't want to leave them, what if they need—"
"They’re in medically-induced comas, Leni. They're not waking up in the thirty minutes we'll be gone." He states, matter-of-fact.
Those five minutes flash through her mind again. And again. And again. Had she done enough? Was she quick enough? If she prioritized reaching her teammates in distress instead of securing a safe route for herself and her squad, would things have gone differently?
How much of a difference can thirty seconds make?
"Did I do enough?" Mylène mutters, her voice wavering.
She wasn't one easily shaken – she can remember every single moment she's ever been paralyzed with fear, ever been racked and weighed down with doubt and worry, ever hesitated and had to pay the price for it. She could count those moments on one hand. This was easily one of the worst.
"You saved their lives." Simon comments, the shift in his stance showing his discomfort at even acknowledging they needed to be saved. "Y'had Johnny and Mini's mum crying in your arms thanking you for saving her kids. Don't think you have any reason to doubt yourself."
A heavy breath escapes her, dissipating into the air between them.
"Take this to hell with you, captain." The warning faintly plays through the petra's radio, echoing through her teammates radios as they make their way through the tunnels. She was constantly fighting the urge to break out into a dead sprint, the sounds of gunfire only adding to the anxiety buzzing underneath her skin.
"Never bury your enemies alive."
She could tell they were getting close, the commotion reaching her ears unfiltered. With Ghost and Gaz hurrying alongside her, she knew they could clear a path through the Konni soldiers guarding the area without issue, but it was the battle raging beyond them that had the trio moving faster with each step.
After rounding a corner, everything suddenly came into view. Price, lying on the ground half-concussed, with Mini lying flat on her back some paces away. Soap was on a knee, clutching the arm of the man they were sent here to hunt down in the first place.
The man who seemed to haunt her every move, forcing her to make space for him in the back of her mind. The one responsible for her being dragged back into the field after she thought she was done, the one behind so much of the destruction she was always running to clean up. The one with a gun pointed at Soap's temple, his finger comfortably resting on the trigger.
'There's no time to hesitate.' Petra lifts her sidearm, her rifle's magazine having run empty with no time to reload on the way, and aims towards him.
It was like everything slowed, her heart erratically beating against her ribcage as the blood continues to rush to her ears. Her sightline narrows, focused only on Makarov as she lines up the shot. What felt like half a minute was, in reality, a mere breath before she pulls the trigger in a reckless move that she would have scolded anyone else for attempting.
The single bullet that she fires whizzes past her allies, missing the intended target – his skull – and burying itself in the hand wrapped around his pistol.
The world caught back up to speed as Makarov suddenly withdraws with a low cry, a mixture of shock and pain. Soap falls back on the ground alongside the pistol that previously hovered just above his skin, the commander gripping his hand tight as he instinctively backs away from the group.
The pair lock eyes in the second it takes for his reinforcements to arrive, dark bistre meeting mismatched watercolors in a fleeting glance before it was broken by a new wave of gunfire as Ghost, Gaz, and a semi-recovered Price fire on the soldiers.
Makarov slips away on a train coming through, leaving the group to pick up the pieces of the mission-gone-wrong after dispatching the rest of the enemies.
"Captain, we need to do this together!" Gaz was kneeling in front of the dirty bomb, trying to hurry Price, still sluggish, over to help him disarm it.
Petra’s attention flits between the pair of siblings on the ground, her body running on pure muscle memory as she drops down next to Soap. "I'm gonna need your help here, Ghost!" She slings her bag onto the ground next to her, barely sparing the masked man a look as she directs him to go to the younger MacTavish.
"I don't have any supplies—" He tries to protest, kneeling down next to the barely-conscious Mini.
"And I don't have two bodies to take care of them both," She rebuts, already in the process of tearing off Soap's gear so she could start to patch up his several wounds. "Just apply pressure on the worst of it and try to keep her awake."
Soap's eyes crack open, seas of blue staring up at her. He opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but a ragged breath is all that falls from his parted lips when he tries to force the words out.
"It's okay, Johnny," She shushes him, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder when he tries to shift. "Save your strength, I've got it handled from here." She adds. Petra wasn't certain if she was trying to comfort soap or herself.
The reassurance settles him enough that she can work, the small bag of supplies that she could afford to bring along proving to be barely enough to buy him more time. Nonetheless, she pulls back after staunching the bleeding and sends a look towards Price and Gaz.
"I've done all I can do." She states, pursing her lips as she shifts her focus to her other teammate-in-need.
"I'll send for medics. Ghost, Gaz, get him back up to street level. I'll stay here with the girls." Price nods towards the pair, who leap into action before he even finishes giving the command.
Petra kneels down next to the younger woman, her heart clenching at her pained expression. She considers Mini a sister as much as she considers Soap a brother – Soap could take a bullet better than his sister could, though, and Mini had managed to get herself shot even more than he did.
"I'm here, sweetheart." She murmurs, her usually-steady hands shaking as she carefully strips off Mini's gear.
"Johnny..." She gasps, the tears gathered at her waterline streaking down her cheeks after she squeezed her hazy eyes shut. "Is he..." She trails off with a ragged whimper.
"He'll be okay, let's just worry about you for right now." Petra speaks in a low tone, one she usually reserves for the younger patients she comes across, or for those unfortunate enough to spend their last moments in her arms. "We're gonna get you out of here, too. Just stay awake for me, all right?"
Mini gives a small nod, her bottom lip drawn tight between her teeth as the older woman tries to stabilize her. Price silently stands over the pair like a sentinel, nearly forgetting his own wounds for the sake of staying alert enough to keep them safe.
Mylène's hands clench into tight fists at her sides. Even after scrubbing them until her skin turned an angry red and ached, she could feel their blood staining her hands. Sticky, viscous, a deep scarlet standing out against pale flesh. Her stomach churns at the thought of it, bile rising in her throat as she recalls the way the captain wiped her hands clean on the helicopter when she was sitting frozen and staring at them.
Begrudgingly, she follows Simon to the quiet cafeteria. Her mind is anywhere but the present, even as he gently nudges her to sit at one of the empty tables and mutters something about fetching her something to eat.
It was as if everything happened too slowly and too quickly at the same time. Konni starting their barrage of attacks against Urzikstan and their allies, Makarov breaking out of prison, the constant sprint to try and get ahead of him, casualty after casualty lining the streets and threatening to pin her to the bloodstained asphalt alongside them. The task force had few people they could trust and even fewer who could support them; after Price's hasty execution of General Shepherd, albeit well deserved and long overdue, they had burned several of their bridges, too.
She rests her elbows on the table, her head dropping to rest in her palms. A throbbing pain ebbs and flows behind her eyes, blossoming from her temples and wrapping all the way around her skull.
Three weeks since they failed to kill Makarov in london. Three weeks since Johnny and Freya were placed in the intensive care unit. Three weeks since she's managed to get more than a few hours of restless sleep at night.
When would it be enough?
"The old man said he talked to Laswell recently." Simon comments as he sets a small tray down in front of her.
"Give any details on what they talked about?" Mylène hums, quietly thanking him after lifting her head up again. Her stomach growls, reminding her of how long it's been since she consumed anything but crappy black coffee.
He sits across from her with his own cup cradled between his calloused hands, his filled with the aforementioned crappy coffee while hers is filled with water – he gives her a very pointed look when she cocks a brow at it, a silent warning that they both knew he couldn't hope to enforce. Still, she concedes with a tight-lipped smile.
"Given how we're two down at the moment," He mutters after lowering his mask to take a long drink, a deep sigh escaping him. "He and Laswell are thinkin' of splitting us up, trying to cover more fronts."
"I'd think they'd be turning to the few allies we've still got." She comments through a mouthful of sandwich. "They may be somewhat restricted in their movements, but we've got Farah's forces and the Vaqueros on our side. Could probably call in some favors with Chimera, too." She comments, pointing her sandwich at Simon as she blinks at him.
"Don't point that at me." He bluntly states in mock offense, his eyes creased at the edges and giving away the shit-eating grin he was wearing under his mask. "But, that's what they were plannin' anyway. splitting us up to put us with allies."
"Who are they considering?" She asks, lowering her food.
"It's tentative, but I think Price said something about putting me and Riot with the Vaqueros, sending Gaz and himself to work with Farah and Alex, and letting Laswell handle your assignment." He says slowly, with a nonchalant shrug.
Mylène's forehead creases as her brows knit together. "Why the ambiguity with me specifically?"
"My guess? She's wanting to put you on something special." He sits back in his seat. "Like how she stole you for meeting that contact in Verdansk." He adds.
"That'd mean working with Nikolai again." She mirrors him, tapping her short nails against the tabletop. "Can't imagine what she'd be sending me after other than Makarov’s chemical weapons operations, but I don't see how Nik could help with those outside of transport."
"What about that contact? Didn't you say he gave you some... files or whatever, related to Barkov's research?" Simon vaguely waves with his hand, only half-remembering the story she told the team after Laswell dragged her to Arklov Base.
"Colonel Volkov, right..." Mylène clears her throat and reaches for her water. "He might provide useful, but just the information he provided at Arklov posed a major threat to himself. What are the chances of him taking that risk again?" She ponders out loud, chuckling softly.
Simon huffs. "Think anyone with their sanity intact would be willing to take the risk after what Makarov's done with that research."
"You've got me there." She chirps, circling the rim of her cup with her index finger. "I'll give her a call, see if i can't find out more details myself." She murmurs with an affirmative nod.
"No need, Price said she's coming to meet with you in about an hour or so."
"Godverdomme— you should have started with that, Simon!" She grumbles, pushing back from the table and nearly knocking her chair over in her haste.
At least a special assignment would give her something to distract herself with. She just needed to make herself useful – Johnny and Freya were doing their jobs by hanging in there, now it was time for Mylène to do her part.
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Expanding on my MLP next gen AU "shipping is magic" except i let too many ideas marinate in my head at once and now my wrist hurts from drawing so much :)
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
I would say "ships and lore under the cut" but tumblr ALWAYS likes to fuck up my post layout whenever i post SPECIFICALLY MLP base art for some reason soooo.......idk
As some of you may know: i included fluttershy x tree hugger into my next gen but recently i've decided that in this AU: fluttershy is actually now in a polycule with tree hugger and quarter hearts (that one background pony that looks like link from the legend of zelda) because i saw it be included in one of dragonairlover (or SodaSurfer97, depending on where you follow it)'s old youtube videos back when it did next gen requests for people as part of someone's next gen and i really liked that idea so i included the ship in mine, the mostly-yellow pony with the triforce necklace is named canary crescent (he/him) and he's the son of all three (biologically, i mean) while the blue-haired pony next to him is named navi (she/her) and she's just flutter and quarter's kid. Obviously, navi is based on navi the fairy from the actual zelda games though i wanna say that she's got some inspiration from the blue fairy from pinocchio as well
The next five are gonna take a while to explain....so y'know how i had two lunacord kids already? Well....i decided to expand it into 7 and base them all on the 7 deadly sins because i thought it'd be cool (the ones i already made represent pride and sloth now), the pink one represents lust and is named "after dark" (she/her), the red one represents wrath and is named "wild side" (which TOTALLY isn't because i had the beastars opening theme which coincidentally is also titled "wild side" stuck in my head while drawing, what are you even TALKING about!??!?....anyway, she/her) The purple one represents greed and is named "hypebeast bling" (god, remember when hypebeasts were a thing? He/him) the brown one represents gluttony and is named "midnight snack" (they/he) and lastly the blue one represents envy and is named cendrillon (who TOTALLY isn't named after the vocaloid song AT ALLLL!!!!!! She/her) cendrillon wants to be like her older siblings, thus why she's envy
These next ones: well....idk how many people know of this nowadays, but when the episode "baby cakes" first came out, people theorized that rarity ALSO had a baby in that episode alongside mrs cake because in the opening scene: she was seen looking at a baby with a VERY similar color palette to her. I actually really like that theory so i decided to incorporate that into my next gen, with rarity having a kid with stony pony before eventually getting with braeburn and having rosemary and having to give the kid up for adoption because she couldn't take care of her (and also because stony's a fucking deadbeat lmao) ......so yeah, i named her heloise (she/her) and she's very spiritual and cool......probably has an AWESOME crystal collection. The blue pony next to her is named "birthday cake" and she's pound and pumpkin cake's younger sister. Lastly there's prince corium, chrysalis and tirek's 14-year-old son. I imagine that he's not really evil in the same way his parents are, but he's moreso an edgy fuck who thinks saying slurs and making fun of furries is peak comedy....also he has some SERIOUS beef with pastel dream (my flashlight kid from another post)
Moving onto equestria girls, i didn't want it to JUST be the next gen from the pony universe but just in the EG universe so i decided to be a little creative. So for EG's mane 5 we have rarity and applejack's identical twin daughters praline punch (who's a graphiti artist and is into amekaji) and frou-frou (who's super ditzy and into hime gyaru), fluttershy and bulk biceps' daughter sunny sunflower, sci-twi and sunset shimmer's daughter pasadena (who has a crush on sunny and TOTALLY isn't named after pasadena from crash bandicoot I SWEAR!!!!) And flash sentry and timber spruce's daughter happy camper (who is a trans girl, but is still a lil early into her transition and she's into cryptozoology)
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late-night-talking · 2 years
Taco Tuesday
a/n: Soooo, this is my first fic post on tumblr, and my first writing since I was a wee teen like 7 years ago, lmao. Be gentle, but I would love feedback on improvements! I hope I captured his accent well, I tried to draw from some popular writers. Hope to be writing more, I love wolfrry so definitely some of that to come! Xoxo- R
word count: 2.6k
summary: stressed Harry comes home, Y/N makes it better with tacos, and a shower ;)
warnings: angsty (kinda, not really?), female masturbation, smut (minors dni)
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She was tired. Mostly mentally, dealing with her own demons, but that takes a physical toll as well. Laying across the couch, where she had been the majority of the day, she hears the sound of the garage opening, closing, then the door opening, then closing with a thud.
Y/N watches Harry walk down the hall, craning her neck to get a good look at him. Joggers and a well-loved shirt hang off his body as he kicks his trainers off, his spiraling hair falling in his face, only to be pushed back, in annoyance. Silence still between them, thoughts surging her mind.
“Hi, how was your day?” she asks, meekly, looking over at him with doe eyes.
“Can I get it over with ‘fore I talk ‘bout it.” He doesn’t phrase it as a question, walking into his office with purpose.
She thinks he must have been a hard day at the studio, most of the week had been difficult, him working in his office after the studio, for hours, which wasn’t the norm. But Harry hadn’t been so curt with her, at least giving her an ‘Ello, lovie’ and a peck on her lips before going into the office.
It, of course, made her mind swirl with what she could have done wrong. Last night was fine, him falling asleep with her hand smoothing over his back, after having a slow love making session. And today, even though Y/N’s mind wanted the worst of her, she mustered the energy to do some house work, making it clean and tidy.
She let the seemingly large space between them rest a bit, diverting her own thoughts to her phone, mindlessly scrolling. Finally summoning the energy (and courage) to meander into his office.
The door was cracked slightly, and taking a peek in, she saw his shoulders slumped, elbows on the table top, the golden skin of his arms littered with tattoos flexing a bit , hands mussed in his brunette curls, sitting in front of the mixing console. It wasn’t as large as the ones they had in studio, but he said it did it’s job of reminding him how he wanted certain sounds. In front of him he had his journal and MacBook open, with one of his many guitars leaning on the desk to the right of him.
Without a word, Y/N pushes the door open gently, her legs making enough swishing sounds to let Harry know she was there. He straightened a bit, leaning back in the chair with a sigh. Her hands made their way to his shoulders of their own volition.
Squeezing his shoulders a bit and raking her hands through his hair, had Harry melting, with soft moans falling from his plush lips. Catching Y/N’s wrist, he gently guides her down to his eye level, giving her a peck on her own sumptuous lips, swollen and red-tinged from obliviously biting and mushing them together from her earlier anxiety.
“M’sorry for earlier.” he breathes against her. “Feelin’ like all the studio brings, recently, is stress. Know it’ll pass eventually. Hang in there fo’ meh, yeah, poppet?”
All she can do is hum a contented sigh, muttering, “I know. Wish there was more I could do to help ya.”
“Oh, darlin’, you’re ma muse baby. Couldn’t do any of it without ya.” Harry mumbles with a smirk playing on his lips, so close to hers he can feel her warm breath, making him shiver to his spine. “S’why ‘m stressed, want everything ta be perfect, from the lyrics, to the bass, jus’ like ma girl. Perfect, perfect girl.”
A smile can’t help but spread across Y/N’s face. He thought she was perfect. Not that he didn’t tell her all the time, but some times she needed more reassurance than others. “Sounds like you’re having a time finding all the right pieces, but I know you and the guys will find the perfect sound, you always do. Can you be done for the day? You deserve a break, you’ve worked hard all week. Plus, it’s taco Tuesday, and you know how busy they get later in the night.”
The thought sharing a meal together makes both of them smile, soon heading out the door to get delicious tacos.
- - - - - - -
With their bellies satiated with fresh food from the truck down the street, they tuck in on the couch, Harry grabbing the Xbox controller to settle on his latest game. Letting her food settle a bit, enjoying watching Harry play, Y/N decides to take a quick shower to wash off the humidity from the night.
“I’m going to hop in the shower, lovie” she says, giving a peck on his cheek, earning a hum from him.
“M’kay, petal. Ya know where ta find meh, darlin’.” Harry mutters, focused on his game.
Swaying up the stairs, Y/N turns the shower on, letting the warm water reach the shower head. Throwing her hair up in a high bun, grabbing a towel, and taking off her rings, she has a last minute thought to grab her favorite sex toy. She usually doesn’t feel the need to get herself off, with her sex god of a husband, but she thought to herself, why not.
She pulled the toy out of it’s satin bag, the ‘clit sucker 3000’ Harry likes to call it. She’ll usually just smack his arm a bit before getting it to work. But she’s alone at the moment, so no jokes are made.
Before hoping in the shower for some alone time, she takes a peak at the pictures she has of Harry that turn her on. They’re not inherently sex photos, but the subject of them turns her to jelly.
Some of them are photos she’s personally taken of him when he looks especially yummy. Towels hanging low on Harry’s hips, showing off the V shape his muscles make in between his hips, water droplets dotting his body, hair wet and pushed back. Pictures of Harry in bed from the waist up, taken from the angle on Y/N sitting on him. The morning sunlight flecking over his face and tattooed chest, with a small smile on his lips, eyes closed in contentment.
Some pictures, though, are taken from him on stage. Some from the photographers that he’s chosen to bring on tour, but some from fans. She can’t lie, the fans had good taste, and good angles, getting him from a 360 point of view.
Most recently, her favorite was the pictures of Harry in his denim get up, pants and a vest, bare chest showing off his muscles and tattoos. It made her salivate, thinking back to that evening when he got off stage, Y/N instructed him to leave them on, desperately shoving his pants down enough to pull his already growing erection out of them. She sucked him roughly, and he fucked her back just as feverishly.
She already felt heat going straight to her core just viewing her husband on her phone. She stepped into the steaming shower, letting the hot water wash over her shoulders and back, releasing any tension from the day. Turning the toy on, Y/N put it straight to her center, whirling it around a bit to push her already swollen folds to the side. When it hit the spot the thing was literally made for, her knees almost buckled.
Moving to the tiled bench in the shower, she flung some water on it, trying to warm it up some before sitting down. She reveled in the feelings, warm water splashing on her periodically, toy vibrating on her most sensitive spot, the muscles of her legs and stomach contracting with each wave of pleasure, small moans making it past her lips.
But something was missing. She felt empty, feeling her pussy clenching around nothing, when she knew Harry would be happy to oblige, she cries out his name, half a moan, half a beckoning for him. She knows he may not hear her, his game probably engulfing him.
So she removes the toy from herself, partly stepping out of the shower, drying her hands quickly. She opens her phone to Harrys contact, quickly typing.
“Are you in a game?”, she hopes he isn’t.
“No. Do you want me to quit the queue?” Harry texts back quickly. His mind jumps to the worst, hoping she isn’t hurt or upset.
“Can you come fuck me?” Y/N texts back quickly.
The text bubbles appear, then disappear quickly. She imagines him throwing his phone on the couch, tripping over himself to make it to their bathroom as quickly as possible. It brings a smirk to her face as she gets back in the shower, standing and putting the toy back between her legs.
As quickly as she can get it back on herself, the bathroom door is flinging open. Y/N meets Harry’s eyes, dark with lust. “Ya playin’ with yaself, pet?” He murmurs as he quickly pulls his shirt over his head, pushing his joggers and briefs down in one fell swoop, leaving him naked, save the rings on his fingers that he doesn’t bother taking off. His cock is already stiff, proudly standing, reaching his belly button.
All she can muster is a hum, that sounds more like a moan, “I need your cock, H, please.” She sounds so needy, and he loves it. He loves it so much he has to make her beg for it some more.
He strides into the large tiled shower, pressing the front of his body against her damp one, cold from being out of the shower for a brief moment, goosebumps gracing her chest and arms, her nipples already pulled into tight buds.
“Ya need it even when ya tryin’ ta please ya self, huh?” Harry whispers against the shell of her ear, only to place hot, open mouthed kisses against her neck.
“Please, H. M’ so empty, need you to fill me up.” Y/N all but whines, suddenly gripping his cock firmly, giving it a few pumps, the way she knows he likes.
A groan falls from Harry’s lips, as he allows for his head to lull back a bit. His ringed fingers find their way to Y/N’s core, pushing the toy, she previously had glued to her clit, to the side. She abandons it to the bench, without a second thought, as his fingers glide smoothly against her folds and a gasp escapes her lips.
“Mmhm, so slick for meh already, petal. C’mere, outta the water. Not good lube, ya know.” Harry gently pulls her away from the stream of warm water. He knows if she doesn’t give her what’s she’s asked for, she’ll take it for herself, when would admittedly be unbelievably hot, but he’s just as needy as she is at the moment.
He reaches his tattooed arm towards the crook of her leg, bringing it up close to her chest, leaving her only one foot to balance on. Before she can complain about it, he lines his dripping cock to her folds, soaking his prick in her arousal, bumping against her clit on the swipe up.
Moans fall from both their mouths, and Harry pushes into her dripping hole, soon to be sheathed into her, the perfect tightness gripping him.
“Fuck, H. Just what I needed.” Y/N breathes against his lips, capturing the bottom one in her teeth. Before she can get too unstable on one foot, he wraps his other arm around her waist, gripping her tightly all the way around her back, to her other hip, where his hand clutches so tightly it’ll leave finger shaped bruises.
Harry begins a steady pace, careful not to drill too relentlessly for Y/N to loose her footing. As he bores into her, keeping her steady, moans falling from both of their mouths, as he glides over the spongy spot inside her, passing it and reaching deep with the position they’re in.
“God damn, Y/N, feel s’good round me cock.” Harry mutters, while burying his face in her neck, her sweet natural smell filling his nostrils.
“Harry,” she whines in his ear, “gettin’ wobbly, fuck me from behind.” Y/N whimpers, kissing over his chest.
“Got you baby.” Harry whispers, pulling out, with a whine coming from her. He gently sets her leg down, and moved to the side, giving her a moment to get the feeling back in it, before removing his arm from her waist, up to the middle of her back to push her over.
Y/N eagerly arches her back, using the bench in front of her for stability. Ass in the air, she looks behind her to see Harry, too lost at the beautiful sight in front of him to look at her immediately. When their eyes meet, his are even darker, if possible. The look in her own eyes is all he needs to shroud himself back in her, ringed hands tightly gripping her hips.
He establishes a deliberate pace that has Y/N snapping her hips back to meet his. The only sound in the shower, save the ambient water falling and obscene noises coming from their meeting place, are whimpers falling from her lips, and quick groans falling from his. Unbeknownst to Harry, Y/N has attached the clit sucker 3000 back to it’s home, causing her knees to buckle a bit, moans getting louder and more consistent.
“C’mon pet, let me feel you cum.” Harry bellows to her, with a sharp smack to her ass.
She yelps, grinding her ass back onto him, in the beat of his now relentless pace.
“Shit, H. You fill me up so well. Oh, god. Fuck! I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming.” She chants, head falling forward, and body relaxing a bit.
“My, god. Takin’ me so well. Wanted meh to fill you up? Damn, baby, bout to fill you up even more.” Harry grunts between thrusts, seconds away from his own release.
“Give it to me Harry, god, I want it.” She encourages.
That’s all he needed to fall over the edge, her name falling past his lips, as he continues to rut into her until he’s too sensitive to continue. He watches as his seed seeps out of her. A sight to behold, he thinks.
He removes himself from her, earning a bit of a hiss from both of them.
“H, feel like I’m in a fish bowl, can’t hear right.” She breathes as she moves to sit on the bench. She looks up at him, eyes still blown with lust, but now hooded doe eyes mixed in, gazing up at him.
A chuckle leaves his chest, his hand coming to rest on her cheek, and she leans into it.
“Filled ya up too much, huh, petal? Got your ears feeling underwater? M’sorry lovie, I’ll give it to you a lil’ less next time yea?” He jokes, knowing that won’t be happening. He watches as a scowl reaches her face.
He leans down to kiss it away, but Y/N’s hand sneaks it’s way around Harry’s neck, keeping him there for a beat longer.
“Need ta wash me dick now.” He chuckles.
Before he can move, she’s reaching for the body wash on the bench next to her, pouring some into her hand. He believes it’s for her, for a moment, until she reaches up and gently applies it to him, starting on his well-groomed pubic hair.
Gingerly, she moves around his cock, softly grasping it, just enough to clean. Then even more lightly, moving to his balls, moving around just to get the suds there.
“Didn’t take you long to get hard earlier.” She smirks to herself, remembering he had a hard on as soon as he waltzed into the bathroom.
“Never long ta get a proper stiffy for you, pet. Got it half way to the stairs, hadn’t even reached them.” He mutters, smoothing over her shoulder.
“Alright, yah cleaned meh up, your turn now, lovie.” Harry guides her by her hand into the water, slowly sudsing her smooth body, loving every crevice and relaxed moan she’ll give him.
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mystic-insightss · 10 months
Oooo hey gravity falls fan!
Do you have any headcanons about any characters? I would love to know!
i am in fact a gravity falls fan!! i don’t have much art for them up on here but i do have a good few drawings on my instagram!
i made a headcanons note maybe a year ago that i never actually shared anywhere, so here’s that :)
stanley pines
- aromantic
- pronouns: he/him
- hates french people (is it a joke? we don’t know)
- has periodic nightmares
- has adhd
- prefers dogs
- atheist. bc of the trauma
- very dangerous driver. in addition to breaking like every law ever he has horrible tunnel vision. very bad at paying attention to his surroundings and often spaces out on the most insignificant objects and ends up almost crashing (or actually crashing)
- like mabel, he used to always lose to stanford in logic based games like checkers and chess. unlike mabel, he always beat stanford at ping pong and feels very happy for himself for it. (part of this is because stanford’s motor skills as a child/teenager were awful.)
stanford pines
- gay asexual
- pronouns: he/him
- has periodic nightmares
- is autistic
- played piano as a child
- struggled with self-harm as a teenager
- forgets basic life functions (e.g. sleeping and eating)
- prefers cats
- ngl ford gives asthma vibes LMAO like my man has horrible lungs
- nervous breakdowns. fiddleford calms him down by taking ford’s wrists in his hands
- agnostic only because the idea of punching god in the face gives him catharsis. still celebrates jewish holidays with stan & the kids
- even worse driver than stan. somehow. every bit of unexpressed anger he has gets expressed when he drives. wants every other car on the road to drop off the face of the earth. unhinged man that then turns around and says “what. i’m not a bad driver.” during the portal years fiddleford demands control of the car during trips.
- yeah he gets bullied as a kid for his fingers but he also gets bullied for EVERY autistic trait/symptom/display he has. it’s true he told me so
fiddleford mcgucket (1982)
- biromantic heterosexual* (see footnote. please.)
- pronouns: any
- likes to grow plants - idea credit to the fic ‘not one to forget’ on ao3! read it if u haven’t, you will have no regrets
- prefers neither dogs nor cats, likes other random animals better (cough. raccoons. cough)
- has to remind stanford to perform his basic life functions
- my mcgucket backupsmore headcanon is that he was shooting for a scholarship (or something similar to what stanford was going for) for a slightly less prestigious school than WCT and then when he showed his project to the scout people and it like blew up and hit one of them in the face and so needless to say they did not accept him
- he hates being called stupid more than anything
- he has anxiety. and yes that’s also pre-and-during-portal-years. the guy is nervous about everything. he nervous stims. chews his nails pulls at his hair shaking hands and legs the whole deal
- he doesn’t really talk about it either. he marinates. he marinates and ford developed a sense for it
- raised christian, really not that into it. has more important things to do
mabel pines
- sexuality: pansexual, or omnisexual. haven’t made up my mind yet but she’s definitely mspec!
- pronouns: she/her
- is she cis or trans?? who knows i can’t decide
- absolutely was into loom bracelets when they were popular
- also silly bandz
- 5’8” when she’s grown up. dipper is 5’7”.
- she collects squishmallows and/or beanie babies. they all have names. they take up half of her bed.
i have like nothing for dipper besides the classic transhet headcanon & him being shorter than mabel 😭 mystery trio phase hit me real hard ok
* don’t use this post for discourse. “bUt ThE SpLiT aTtRaCtIOn mOdEL iS onLy FoR aSpEc PeOpLe” too bad. i’m aroace and i say it’s *fine* who *cares*
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
Speaking of doll designs, an au but it’s Rykard who’s the Empyrean and with the doll form. Not sure if the doll would look like him or someone he admires, but I just KNOW for a fact unlike Ranni and her ethereal design, his would be flat out scary and intimidating. I just wonder if Blaidd would also be different too under his service, personality and lookwise
LOVE this concept. ok a while ago I made a post that was like if Rykard had been the one to make Ranni a new body, he’d have given her like a flamethrower arm and retractable sawblades. I can only imagine that if Rykard were to make himself a new body, he’d do exactly that. no hiding his identity like Ranni did. he’d go full abductor virgin. his body itself a finely crafted weapon. he’d also definitely make himself sexier
If Blaidd were Rykard’s empyrean shadow I think he’d have to be rather different in personality because I can’t see canon Blaidd vibing with the degree to which Rykard revels in violence lmao… I bet he’d also look different too because empyrean shadows are said to be “tailored” to their empyrean, and Blaidd has a unique design from Maliketh. basically I guess Blaidd as Rykard’s empyrean shadow would have to be an oc haha
I’d draw all of this if my wrist didn’t hurt… maybe someday
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voiceofthebroken · 5 months
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impulsively made designs for the voices! they're kind of more like concepts so they're likely to change if I get better ideas for them. I didn't want to make them too complex and give them pinterest outfits lol (I might do that another time though). notes for each voice under the cut!
Hero: I was kind of inspired when a friend said they'd picture that Hero would have similar armor to Artorias from Dark Souls, partially the reason I started drawing the voices
Contrarian: the first thought was to make him a jester, but I thought that's what people would usually imagine him as. so I gave him something more modern to stand apart from the rest of the voices where they're all medieval-ish. also the only voice with a completely round head and the only one without a lower eyelid. he looks silly too so bonus points for that. Contrarian can open his other eye, the diamond on his face is like a tattoo of sorts lol. The X on his chest is a reference to the Razor when he skewers himself (or ourself but same difference)
Stubborn: the first one I actually tried to design. I had the idea of giving a sharper, more prominent chin to the voices who seem more likely to resort to violence. the only idea I had for him was his arms so I had to google and this is the best I could come up with
Hunted: my first roadblock. I was clueless and even considered leaving him as just the base form, but a friend suggested giving him a bandana on his neck, so I did that. a little later I decided to make him fluffy instead of giving him clothes and it took a bit to figure out how to do that
Cold: I found an outfit while I was looking for ideas for Stubborn and I thought it was perfect for Cold. my original idea was just a scarf, but I really liked what I found. don't mind the bad posing by the way lmao, I had an idea for a separate art piece but executed that very poorly so now it's part of the design drawings
Smitten: I got some inspiration from Reverse 1999 for this one actually, but the idea was a little too similar to Hero so I mixed that in with something a bard might wear and gave him a funny feathery hat
Paranoid: I drew him before this post and nothing changed from there. the eye on his hood is one sided and there's nothing else underneath. I don't know how to fit all the details in a pose that would make sense so I'll make another post later lol
Broken: in the Tower route pledging yourself kind of was like becoming a priest for her or something so I gave him the first thing I saw on pinterest when I was looking for priest like clothes. there's a shard of glass connecting the cloak together. he also has stab wounds on his torso from the Tower route
Skeptic: so the last three I struggled to think of designs for so much. he has a scar on his neck from just before the Drowned Grey route where giving him the knife would get him to slit the player's throat. the outfit was inspired by something I found on pinterest and thought the chain going across could somewhat be like the chain going around the player's neck
Cheated: this took the longest to figure out and I gave up on thinking of something. I just gave him whatever outfit I could find on pinterest I thought that would fit him lmao. the only thing I managed to think of was putting bandages around his wrist. he has a scar under the bandages from the Razor
Opportunist: I don't know what I was thinking when I designed him or his clothes. I think he just kind of gave me merchant vibes so I tried going for that and gave him a silly hat. he's definitely not hiding a blade behind his back. the coin was just an extra thing I thought of adding. I ran out of paper space on the page and didn't want to put Opportunist on a different page all by himself so he's the only one without a full body drawing, but it wouldn't make much of a difference if it was a full body
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Would love to read a part two to the Penguin fic It's Only Make Believe
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It's Only Make Believe: Part 2
Farrell!Penguin x Female!Reader, word count: 700 part one here ok can i be very honest? i thought this was total shit garbage and yet you guys liked it and i feel so...touched, like the grinch when his heart grew big lmao so HERE YOU GO my sweet beans 💜 also i can keep going with this if there's demand, i didn't want to make this way longer than the first chapter! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: angst, pining, lies, fake relationship
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It was a mistake to tell the two of them. They were complete idiots after all, only useful to throw around as muscle and threats. Now, Oswald sat at his desk, head in hands, trying hard not to think about them accidentally bringing it up in conversation with her.
Hey the boss has got a crush on you. Yeah he’s just faking the marriage to get you to fall in love with him. Nah he told us himself! Oh yeah it’s a complete lie, ain’t no money in this for you.
“Hey, Mr. Cobblepot…or…Oswald? Or dear? I should come up with a pet name for you if we’re going to convince anyone that we’re married!”
You were never sure if it made him feel uncomfortable for you to reference the fact that you were now legally married, so you always tried to make a joke out of it. He never laughed though, but nerves kept you awkward.
“Ah, sweetheart you don’t gotta go to all that effort.”
“Nonsense! I said I’d help, and I’m nothing if not committed to the bit. How about…hmmm…well if I was really your wife, I think I’d probably call you Pengy, but that’s kinda dumb.”
He finally looked up from his work, slight smile on his face.
“No, I like that. Or…I mean…I could learn to tolerate that, if I was your husband that is.”
“But you are!”
Your warm smile brought one to his lips, not quite as open as yours, but at least he seemed to have perked up a bit.
“I suppose I should also probably get some work done too, though. Can’t get any special treatment just because I’m ‘sleeping with the boss’ huh?” You shot him a smile, trying to emphasise that you were joking, but his smile had faded. He cleared his throat, shuffling some papers on his desk as he avoided your gaze again.
“Yeah, you better do something at least.”
“Oh…Oz-Oswald-Mr. Cobblepot…I’m sorry if that was too…”
“Oh, it’s ok, it ain’t like that, sweetheart. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”
You shuffled slowly over to his desk, perching on the edge across from him, hand resting on his forearm. He stared at it, following your wrist, your arm, up to your face, looking up at you with a strange emotion behind his eyes that you couldn’t quite place but would have sworn was something akin to deep lament.
“Tell me. I’m here for you. And not just as your pretend wife. As a friend.” You let your thumb draw across his jacket sleeve, back and forth, soothing him, hoping to get him to open up a bit.
“You know, Pengy.” He chuckled softly, leaning back in his chair, easing up slightly. “I’m so grateful for the opportunity, and for the job. I can’t even…it means a lot that you trust me. And…I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. You’re…different to how I thought you would be.”
“How so?”
“You’re sweeter.”
“Oh, you don’t know me well at all, sweetheart. I’m not sweet in the slightest. And to prove it, I’m gonna give you five seconds to get off this desk and start work on that pile of documents over there. Get to it.”
You rolled your eyes, sliding off the desk and walking over to collect the pile, moving to the door to leave for the desk in the hall where you were set up. But you stopped to turn to him.
“I think I do though know you well though. I don’t know…I thought someone so well-established, so charming and handsome might be completely full of himself, but you’re-”
You sat silently, looking at him, not sure what he wanted you to say in response.
“When was the last time you got those glasses checked?”
You giggled a little.
“You don’t think you’re handsome?”
“I absolutely do not. And forgive me, sweetheart, but I don’t believe for a second that you think so either.”
His self-effacing attitude was so endearing, such a sweet quality. It made him vulnerable, human. And as you left the office, you let your head stay around the door as you spoke, before disappearing off to get started on work.
“I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t think you were, Mr. Cobblepot.”
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hungrydogs-if · 7 months
Hi i really like that IF and i actually have a question. Can we have more facts about Nur and Bassir we know one is secretary the other treasurer but nothing else is known like did they also got arrest, they ran away? Also will their be a possibility for MC to take down Vaz (whatever methods) like wouldn't Angel like to arrest a killer while MC will take the willing rival gang members under our protection/ownership? Keno is my New dad change my mind -sarah
sarah, my darling! i had to boot up my laptop to answer this because i have things to say.
let's start with nur and basir. these two are the only two protected by plot armor, so they will always be with you. at least in the beginning; they might choose to leave due to your choices later on. at least they can't die, yay!
now, nur got arrested, but she is perfect with her words and got off without much of an sentence, basically working loopholes and getting off with a slap of the wrist. she does own a legitimate business dealing in bookkeeping, so that helped her a lot. plus lies. she could talk a shark out of biting her in the middle of a chew. she will be your greatest ally, if you play your cards right, but your greatest enemy if you cross her. she'd make a frightening law enforcement officer, come to think of it. she's the most level-headed member of the hdmc for sure, which doesn't take a lot considering how much trauma all these peeps have stacked.
basir is... a character. the only reason he didn't get arrested was because he managed a distraction (the rest of the club going apeshit basically) and just bolted, and has been lying low ever since, working a normal job. he really doesn't pay much attention to 'right and wrong' on societal standards, so he jumps between being a gang member, to holding a normal job by forging qualifications, and gets right back to being a gang member. you know that pink gun gif/meme? that's basically basir in a nutshell, personality wise. funny how a bored bankers makes the best treasurers.
on the subject of angel/vaz arrests. you will be able to take down vaz, eventually, in the later gameplay, the method depending on you choices and which storyline you're following. before that, it wouldn't be that easy because there's no concrete proof that vaz has done anything illegal, only hearsay and circumstantial evidence. there's no paper trail, no cctv footage, and no willing (read also as: living) witnesses. angel did try to pursue it at first, when there were rumors and the former president of 'his' gang died but vaz (or the gang itself, as many say) has superior half of the san maro pd in his pocket, and angel would quickly be told not to pursue anything more. if they didn't have a young child to both protect and provide for, they'd very well continue their investigation in private, but they have no choice but to turn the other cheek. for now.
you will be able to either have vaz arrested, or outright kill him. the águilas rojas will be thankful either way, and it'd solidify a strong alliance between the two clubs. unless you choose to do something else entirely.
believe me, angel would like nothing more than to toss that cretin behind bars for the rest of his life, but the system they work for is crooked beyond salvation.
also keno is everyone's dad, draw up the adoption papers. he will do a little tappy-tap on your head with a book when you're acting up. what could anyone do, throw a punch? can't even reach his face lmao. fella just gonna pick you up like a toddler. i love big literary papa, he can take me to a matinee any day.
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local-writer · 8 months
This post contains spoilers for twd; Daryl Dixon! If you haven't finished the first season, then please do not read this post!
I also want to give a warning about talks of self harm and suicide (something the show didn't do, which pisses me off), so please be cautious. That being said, if you haven't watched the 5th episode yet, please be cautious of this as well.
I just finished watching the season final and holy shit CAROL IS BACK IM SO HAPPY
If she actually manages to make it to France and track Daryl's ass down then she is officially a better tracker then Daryl lmao
I hope she does find him and she's able to bring him back home, because the last episode genuinely had me questioning Daryl. SURELY he's not thinking of staying in France??? Surely the writers aren't stupid??? EVERYONE, me included, wants to see Daryl reunite with his family, and most importantly, Rick, who we know is alive and HOPEFULLY will return home. Carol said over the radio that someone came back, and I'm really hoping that it's Rick and Michonne.
They all deserve to be together again, and I'm genuinely gonna be pissed if Rick doesn't come home and Daryl stays in France 🙃
I personally don't think Daryl would do that, it's just not like him to replace and forget his first family. Like, it's great that he found a possible love interest and another kid he cares about, but I hope he doesn't stay. Maybe he could talk them into going with him? Idk I hope they work something out. The relationships he built with them is cute, heartwarming, and I don't want to see them separate but I REALLY don't wanna see him stay either.
Another thing I want to talk about is the ending of the last episode. Okay, I know they can't show Rick with Carol (if he came home) because that would probably end up spoiling the new Rick and Michonne series. But we all know that Rick would have went with her to find Daryl, his brother, just like Daryl would and HAS done for him. So that makes me wonder if Carol lied to Daryl to try and get him to come home? But again, I'm hoping that Rick and Michonne came home. 🤞
I will drop this series so fast if they don't reunite. I know that probably makes me sound like a brat who didn't get her way, but it's the ending that the series and the characters deserve, and there's no better way to end it in my opinion. That's how it should have ended a long time ago, and don't get me wrong, I love all the new series they're coming out with, but it kinda feels like they're drawing out the series as long as possible so they can milk it dry. Hopefully this doesn't take the series down a shitty road in the end.
Oh, and can we talk about Isabelle in episode 5? And her almost suicide attempt?? I know the show is all kinds of fucked up and I think we've seen shit like this before and should expect it but the wrist cutting was a trigger for me. I didn't like it and I wasn't expecting her to almost go through with it. What was the fucking point of even showing it, she didn't even pierce her skin (and no, I'm not saying she should have for the scene to make sense, I'm glad she didn't) If there was a trigger warning, I sure didn't see it, but they probably should have considered putting one. Idk, maybe I should have expected it from her, considering she's tried it before in her past, but I didn't think that information was a clue that she would even think about trying it again later. Needless to say, I'll be more cautious whenever the next season is out, that's for sure.
Sorry that half of this was a bit of a mini rant, I wanted this post to be more on the positive side, because I genuinely enjoyed the first season, but the ending was questionable and it ticked me off a bit at the slight possibility that Daryl may end up staying in France.
On a more positive note, I thought the super strength that some of the walkers had made them more scary, and it was cool to see Daryl fight them. He's such a badass!
I said "what the fuck?" more than once with these new walkers lmao. That one on the boat that Daryl was being held captive on scared me when he started ripping that man's guts out and just- flinging them instead of eating them. THAT'S NOT NORMAL WALKER BEHAVIOR WHAT IS THIS DEMON. The black eyes even make them look like demons from Supernatural. 😭
Oh, and I wasn't expecting Daryl to yell at Laurant the way he did, which really broke my heart. I bet those were things his dad said to him when he was a kid. Although I kinda wished to smack Daryl, I guess I can't blame him too much. We learn from our parents, and Daryl learned how to take his anger out on kids from his dad, which is all the wrong ways (you're never supposed to take your anger out on kids, your own especially). I'm just glad Laurant forgave Daryl, because he didn't mean it. And no, I'm not saying it's okay what Daryl said, so don't come at me because I'm not defending Daryl's actions here.
Well, I guess that's it for now until next season. Share your thoughts and opinions if you want, I'd like to hear them!
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neverchecking · 11 months
Okay so this is coming way later than I anticipated, but it's here! For those who don't know, which is probably most of you lmao, I have become very good friends with @jcs-radiostation. And we came up with the idea of Aaliyah and Zey's (I really hope I'm using that preferred pronoun right?) OC meeting up! This, this collab was born. This is a direct continuation to This!
The woman was...strange. That was a word she could use. Unique was another, probably a bit more polite, but strange was the one Aaliyah was going to go with. The way she talked reminded her of the snobby nobles from way back when, when they had stuck up their noses at her and laughed at her uncomfortable draw backs. (She used to be disgustingly shy, she recalls. Eyes on her made her skin itch and the thought of having any attention on her had it straight up crawling.) The way she had quickly and effortlessly disbanded the bokoblin was quite the opposite.
The weapons she had were just as weird (That was another word she could use for the woman.). They were loud and shiny, and smoked after being used. They were efficient enough.
At least their hair was similar. On second thought, a grimace twisted her features, the other's seemed much more maintained then her own.
Aaliyah stayed perched on her branch, watching with a great deal of amusement as the other groveled and whined about her shoes-- after she stuck them in the bokoblin guts. Strange was definitely a word she would use for this entire situation.
No matter. Link was waiting for her back at the stable and she had promised him that she would neutralize whatever threat was scaring the stable-hands before retuning to him. He had injured himself in another brainless stunt involving the Zonai tech and needed whatever reprieve she could offer. Even if she gave him a bit of a frosty shoulder while doing so.
Standing on the branch, Aaliyah watched the other woman's ears twitch as she returned her weapon to it's resting point. "I don't have all day to play games," That twinge was back, echoing about in the forest. Aaliyah felt her curiosity peak, fingers brushing just against the hilt of a spare dagger that she didn't care for much. "But if that's what you truly want, then, I'm all yours, love."
...What a strange offer.
The tip of the dagger poked into the pad of the index finger on her opposite hand as she twirled it before flipping it around for a proper throwing grip on it. With a flick of her wrist, it flew.
It wouldn't have actually hit her, Aaliyah had no interest in pursuing a fight, but where others would have scrambled away, the woman did no such thing. A confident hand swiped the blade from it's path, letting it fall in her palm as she turned to where Aaliyah had hidden herself before holding the knife back out.
With a quick flip, Aaliyah easily landed, standing with a neutral expression as she watched the shock fade away into a, dare she say charming, smirk.
"My, my, aren't you something. I don't suppose this little toy belongs to you, my dear." Crimson eyes scanned her form, up and down, as if searching for a weak point.
Aaliyah hummed, placing a singular hand on her hip. Her own eyes scanned her figure, eyes clinging to every leather enforced curve and lace laden limb. A part of her, one that hadn't been shattered or poisoned or broken beyond any and all repair, reared it's ugly head like a serpent, hissing into her ear about the thoughts she refused to acknowledge half the time.
"...If it is?" She spoke, watching the smirk curve just a tad bit more. The woman dared to step closer, holding the weapon out once more. "Then you should take better care of it, my dear."
Aaliyah hummed, reaching slowly to take it back. It was stuffed back into it's holster before the Sheikah was returning to their little stand-off. "Who are you?"
"Myrin Winters." The other woman gave a flourished bow before craning her head up to shoot her a wink. "But you can call me Mae."
Aaliyah hummed once more, one of her ears flickering.
"Most people return the favor."
She hummed for a third time, juggling her options before shaking her head with an airy chuckle. With her own, half-assed, not nearly as perfect bow, she let her eyes sear into the other woman, who had risen to watch her carefully.
"I am the current Sage of Spirits, Aaliyah."
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feelbokkie · 1 year
Allie nooo, 3 hours isn't enough, I should know! 😭 You better sleep better tonight!! I finally got 7 hours last night and it's so different not feeling like I'm dying immediately after waking up lol.
I thought it was normal that Chan had been following Y/n's account but he was blocked? 🤔 They were dating before and Bai even assumed he saw the photos until he reminded her he was blocked (which meant even Bai assumed Chan was still following Y/n). You also mentioned it before that only Chan and Y/n followed Bai on ig but she followed everyone, so I assumed it meant everyone else also followed each other (including Chan and Y/n).
You better not go the A.Ham route, he was too busy for his own life and DIED (arguably in part because of his writing) lmao. Maybe pick up other chiller hobbies so you can rotate between writing and other stuff so you don't burn out but you're still doing something?? That's what happened with me and assembling lego/mini block plants and flowers. I made so much in my spare time when I just had to do something that I ended up giving a bunch a gifts to friends, family, and coworkers, and my room is still full of them 😅
I will get some sleep tonight! I promise. If I go to sleep now though I'm waking up at 3 so I'm waiting until it's a bit later, lol. I just forgot that they asked me to come into work today as a favor at 7. Normally when I worked Saturdays (I decided that I deserve a weekend and took Saturdays off of my availability) I would go in at 9 so I would have gotten at least 5 hours if I remembered.
I think Bai knows that Chan would follow Y/n or at the very least stalk her account bc he feels the need to [REDACTED]. But also Bai was being two faced and showed him the pictures anyway despite him telling her no. I also forgot to mention this but Hyunjin, being the true ride or die for Y/n that he is, also has Chan blocked (I literally couldn't remember if I had him follow Chan but I just double checked).
More fun lore: Hyunjin immediately blocked and dropped Chan after everything. Y/n followed him until he posted a picture of him and Bair and decided that enough was enough, but she did mute Bai as soon as everything happened. Ji and Bin still follow and talk to everyone from the other group but choose to stick by Chan. Same goes for Innie and Minnie but they're on Y/n's side. They're mad at Chan too (more on at soon). Minho didn't want to choose sides, opting to be Switzerland most of the time, but he doesn't approve of what Chan did so he mostly only interacts with the main group.
Oh yeah, I definitely don't look up to A.Ham as a role model, lol. I do have other hobbies! I game, draw, learn languages, and read a lot. I've had a really rough 7 months and writing has been helping me the most (not to trauma dump on the internet to a total stranger but let's just say that one of the story lines for one of my posts was directly pulled from that). Gaming hurts my hands and eyes after a while. Drawing will mess with my wrist, which I learned the hard way after drawing for 6 hours straight one day. And I read too fast so I'm constantly out of books. I also did legos and I have so many around my room, I have no more space for them 😭
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shimenchus · 2 years
...I haven't seen a single toku blog receive any ask about a thea someone? And I follow quite a lot. So unless you're hanging out in some really weird circle of it... (after all, due to various reasons, toku tumblr is more like a bunch of bubbles instead of one monolith.)
What I HAVE seen are a lot of them still reblogging satoryuga's gifsets with positive tags, even to this day. From what I understand, most of them are pretty sure that she isn't a terf, and are against the re-uploader. However, they're not sure who is behind it. And judging by how this re-uploader has the means to doxx extremely personal info of random Tumblr users and create loads of sockpuppets, anything is possible. (For all we know, that person could be the re-uploader, or it could be some distraction to hide the real re-uploader's identity.)
This is also why--out of the fans I've spoken to--they've been trying to deal with the situation quietly (reporting hate comments, leaving supportive DMs to satoryuga, etc). We've already seen from the re-uploader's 2nd blog post (where they @ 'd a few people that were against the re-uploader for different reasons) that they're willing to threaten others too. If anything, I think the more accurate thing to do is ask why they would @ those users in particular (since by @ -ing them, they're turning those bloggers into targets). Clearly the re-uploader sees those people as either threats or easy targets to have beef with.
i'm not hanging out in any weird circles i promise you, everyone i follow in the fandom are just other girls who like sentai. yesterday i saw quite a few people getting told to "block and dni" with thea-nymo which is the real account of the reuploader if you didn't know that, there were even people outside of the fandom getting asks which makes no sense because people who don't know what sentai is definitely wouldn't know who satoryuga is lol
i get the fear around the doxxing, i don't think anybody should be forced to do anything they're uncomfortable with and if there's people in the fandom who aren't liking or making shady posts about satoryuga and have privately reached out to her because that's what they're comfortable with then that's great, more power to them.
i mean, i never in my life got so many grown adults telling me to get graphically and violently raped and murdered until i called them out on harassing satoryuga, i know most people would not have the stomach for that kind of stuff so i fully understand the ones who don't want to openly say anything.
but the ones who are leaning into the "i'm not looking at any evidence because someone told me satoryuga = bad = she should get raped and murdered because i can't think for myself" crowd can find a tall tree to get caught up in.
and most of the people that got @ by the reuploader weren't people who against him, it was people he was against lol considering neckspike got @ and that loser was the first person starting the "this is a hoax none of this is real it's a psychop" stuff against satoryuga.
i think stacaesar and diamondsketches are the only people who got @ that the reuploader was purposely trying to draw attention to, to get the cult to attack them too, because much like satoryuga, neither of them did anything wrong.
neckspike and whatever that artist's name was (they blocked me after calling me a crackhead so i don't remember lmao) are super anti-satoryuga and couldn't make a single argument against her/against the people supporting her without resorting to racism and misogyny, so if anybody sent those two even 1 threat... well, babygirl that's on them lol
thanks for the nice message though, i wasn't expecting someone else from the fandom to see it and give a response like this that wasn't another rape threat/"slit your wrists terf" type message.
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