#i was hoping it would boost my confidence a bit but no one can even see it lol
biteofcherry · 3 days
Hope you’re having a good Saturday! 🥂
As it turns out you need a date for an upcoming function. Everyone else is bringing a plus one and you just don’t want to be the odd one out.
There are a few candidates:
Brother’s best friend Ransom: He might be a bit of a prick but he was serious when he offered to come with you. He’s been to fancy parties before and would fit right in with the rest of the crowd. Being on his arm would show that you're someone with friends in high places.
Boss Ari: He hinted strongly that he wouldn't mind coming if you couldn't find someone and he looks hella good in a suit. Everyone else would envy you. It may also give you a chance to explore the undeniable chemistry that the two of you have.
Dbf Andy: He heard about your struggles from your dad and he's free. Even if he's your dad's best friend he's a lot closer to you in age than your dad. And if you're not mistaken, he had a hard time keeping his eyes off you at the last barbecue.
Neighbor Jake: He heard you complaining to your friend over the phone as you were unlocking your front door. Jake and you regularly have dinner together since you both live alone and it can be lonely sometimes. He would make the evening enjoyable and fun!
So… which one do you choose???
(Yes, I'm leaving Steve out 😂)
So so cruel, keeping Steve away from me 😭 lol, but it's also funny
Okay. So I'm saying no to Ransom right away. I'm sure he wouldn't be mean to me, after all he offered and yes it could give me some boost of confidence. But since he's very familiar in those circles and with those people, I fear we'd bump into some nasty friends of his, or his exes and I really don't want to deal with that shit on top of my regular stress.
I think I'd also decline Andy. Probably because I'd read it the wrong way and be angry at my dad for trying to find me a pity date, like the time no one asked me to prom. Besides, I feel it a bit icky that I could hit it on with someone who is so close to my dad. That would be awkward in the future 😆
Jake is so cute and I feel comfortable with him! I know he'd make the evening fun for me, even if he'd be out of his depth at this party just like me.
But... to be given a chance to explore this chemistry with Ari?
It's bad to be thinking that kind of thoughts about your boss. It's so very unethical and puts both of you in a bad light. But he's just so tempting and his company would also give me a confidence boost.
So am I going to let my insecurity and fear keep me away from trying to at least spend one more intimate evening with Ari, or maybe I'll be brave enough to try it?
I want to for at least one evening experience the thrill of being on Ari's arm and doll myself up for him! 😌❤️
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butchvamp · 10 months
sometimes i think about how much time/energy i waste worrying about my body & how i look and i spiral a bit. you mean to tell me there are people who just put on a tshirt and jeans and leave their house without changing 10+ times and having a breakdown about how they look before finally going to the grocery store…
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diorcities · 1 month
⠀   ⠀ ── zzZ nct dream on reader calling them oppa.
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nct dream sfw headcanon. *(삼촌 (samchon: uncle) library.
mark. he doesn't pay much attention to honorifics once he's friends with someone. besides, he's used to being called by you and haechan any variation of his name instead of his own, he finds makgeolli, mwork, markeuri funny, he just likes it more when you do it. but, the times you call him oppa he can't help but feel a certain way; somehow, it sounds endearing when you say it, but he wouldn't know how to tell you to do it more often without revealing too much about why. maybe he would joke about it, something like “dude, ah..., why don't you just call me oppa for once?” but hoping you would actually think about it.
jaemin. he wouldn't pay too much attention if you decide to call him by his name one day you realize you two are close, though he would feel like something is missing, he would feel weird until he realizes it's you, so he'd start referring to himself as oppa when you're around. “let oppa take care of it.” “oppa cooked you some meal.” he's the sweetest oppa ever. always taking care of you, making sure you're okay. acts super helpful. it's the way your voice sounds more tender when you refer to him than the rest, it makes him feel special; you make him feel special.
jeno. it's a simple word that for obvious reasons he's heard it before, but why does he always expect you to call him that? somehow, hearing oppa from your lips is a heartwarming feeling knowing that you only call him that among the dreamies. poor guy, he'd spend all day wondering why him? why only him? “maybe she likes you.” jaemin would suggest after listening to him vent for a solid half hour. maybe, maybe..., his crescent eyes would widen in panic, “what if she's been calling me oppa in a brotherly way?”
chenle. one time you heard him saying he likes it better when girls say his name... and last name. then you started calling him that way, and he didn't want to correct you at the time, so he went along with it because he doesn't care much if you use oppa or not..., right? when you start calling him by his first and last name, the boy thinks he's dying. he feels physically unwell. maybe he's exaggerated a bit that he doesn't care. constantly waiting for you to magically decide to call him oppa again without him having to intervene; it doesn't work and in the end he has to drop a super casual comment, “actually, i don't like how my name sounds in your mouth. call me oppa again.”
haechan. it's the only way you can get his attention. the guy acts like his name is neither lee haechan, nor lee donghyuck, nor dummy, brat, jerk... eventually you give in and he'd reply to you with the most condescending tone he has, “yes?” “you're unbelievable.” even though he wants to hide it, he actually melts when you use oppa when referring to him. it's a confidence boost for him. he would act overprotective in the future with you, and you would realize that it serves as a way for him to do what you ask.
renjun. if you are learning korean, then renjun would be the grammar rules policeman. just because what if you are talking to a stranger and you call them oppa? he'd emphasize that you should only call guys you consider close to you, like him, by that name. “what about your friends?” you may ask, “just call them by their full names, i guess,” he'd respond. ok, maybe he has offered to help you with your korean because every time you ask him something you always call him oppa as he takes this very seriously. “thank you, samchon!” uncle? uncle? there would be no way to describe his face other than grumpy. “you, brat!”
jisung. for the love of god, never call him that. nicknames, if you like. somehow, being called oppa makes him feel weird, especially if you do. it makes him nervous, it makes him sweat, it makes his stomach churn. maybe he's getting sick and doesn't know how to react to appear cool and chill. maybe he should tell you? why does he feel like he shouldn't? that it should be a secret what he feels? “hey, do you feel weird when yn calls you oppa?” he asks jeno; he somehow has the answer. “weird how?” “like you could explode if she keeps calling you that?” he looks at jeno in awe when he starts giggling, “doesn't that happen when you like someone?” oh. maybe. maybe that's it.
© diorcities / tagging @tddyhyck ♡︎
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ezdotjpg · 3 months
do you have any directors commentary on the recent two updates? 👉👈 the color palette is absolutely lovely! and and and WOLF!! :DD
In the original draft of this chapter, Wolf stays a, uh, wolf until like the 4th update. Instead of actually managing to get his teeth on the master sword, Loft threw him off immediately. The Deku Tree still said the line about all three of them being heroes and Slate is like. “Including the fucking dog????!” I thought it was very funny but a) it made some scenes later down the line a huge pain and b) I was tired of drawing wolves ALDKDKD
You may have noticed Wolf’s scowling in the bg of almost every panel. That’s kind of just his face, but also right now my guy is nursing the world’s biggest migraine from popping the shadow crystal out of his skull. He can stay wolfmode for a while, but it’s still technically a curse. It’s not consequence free, and there’s an upper limit for how long he can spend in that form. Anyway, cut him some slack if he’s a little prickly for a bit.
There were a lot of comments about Loft being strong enough to toss a wolf over his head lol. My hc is that he’s one of, if not the strongest Link sans any magic items like power bracelets or gauntlets. He’s actually not even as strong now as he was during his quest. Wolf maybe has him beat now, but he can still get tossed lolol
It might seem like Slate’s really taken everything that happened at the end of ch1 in stride, but don’t worry. He’s simmering. Loft is grateful for the opportunity to get distracted by something else. Maybe that’s why he was so willing to approach the wild animal he’s never seen before lol
This maybe goes without saying based on the events of the last two updates, but Slate never had wolf link with him during the events of botw. He doesn’t recognize Wolf.
I’m really glad ppl seem to be liking the colors bc I struggled with them so hard on both updates 🫠literally days of me turning to my roommate and going “I think I’ve never made anything worse” and them going “it looks good stop being dramatic” WKDJDK I have this thing where if I had an idea in my head for what an update should look like, and what I produce doesn’t meet it somehow, I start seeing in fucking. shrimp colors. Posting always gives me a confidence boost back lol.
these pages were cursed in general bc like. this doesn’t usually happen but I think I redrew every panel in this update at least 5 times each. that’s part of why it ended up being late SKDJF
I REALLY like the idea of being in the presence of the Triforce and having access to its power being this eldritch, divinely horrifying experience. The sort of thing that is impossible to explain to anyone and also haunts you forever. Loft spends a lot of time actively trying not to think about the Triforce. Just, like, remember that about him.
Like how tears in reality are shown through holes in the literal comic panels, I tried to show the concept of reality bending in the form of a panel stretching and twisting like a ribbon ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I hope that came across. Triforce lore varies a bit from game to game, but I’ve come up with my own internal logic for bonus links that combines all the ideas I like lolol. We’ll learn more about it in due time!
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I also really like this parallel :D I intentionally set up the panels so past and present loft would line up like this. i love getting to draw flashback links it’s so fun to think of ways to convey what they used to be like, and how their quests might have gone for them. Past Loft’s not having a great time by the time he reaches this point lol
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I think that’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for asking :D
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forgeofthenine · 5 months
Here with another polite request and more compliments to your writing. I turned on post notifs so that I can read everything as soon as you post it. Thank you for feeding us so well with the tieflings content.
How would the tiefling bachelors react to you telling them you love them for the first time?
Thank you so much for the support Maira! It's honestly such a huge compliment to hear people have notifs on for my posts. This was a very cute prompt to write so I went a bit short and sweet with it (and even a bit silly in Dammon and Rolans parts). I hope you enjoy!
The bachelors when you say you love them for the first time
Dammon is so happy when you say you love him for the first time
He's definitely the type to happily say 'I love you' first without expectations of you saying it back
But when you do reciprocate he just beams
The grin on his face is so wide and handsome, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly as he smiles
Gathers you up in his arms and gives you a little spin
Absolutely covers your face in kisses while telling you that he loves you in infernal
Dammon is absolutely glowing for days too, spends so much time thinking and daydreaming about it
So much so the others around him will call the poor blacksmith out
Cue Rolans snark about Dammon having more than just steel on his mind
He doesn't mind the distraction though, if anything he embraces it
It's just so exciting to know you feel so strongly about him
Dammon lives for hearing you say you love him, whether it's the first time or the hundredth
I think you might've broken him, honestly
His reaction is so cute, the wide eyes, how he stops whatever movement he might've been making
The blush that depends the red on his cheeks until he looks like a cherry-
Zevlor doesn't respond at first because he's honestly surprised you feel the same way for him as he does you
He realises he's handsome and can be charming when the need arises, but he never dreamed someone like you would feel so strongly for him
Absolutely wants to kiss you, might even do it before saying he loves you back
Might end up murmuring it against your lips before going in for a second kiss
Zevlors so flustered and sweet, wanting to reciprocate but feeling so out of practice
It's a huge self esteem boost for him though and you can tell with the way he carries himself just a little more pride
Another one that never tires of hearing you say those three words, they're all Zevlor needs to make his day perfect
Rolan is a confident man, some would say overly so
He never really runs out of things to say
Until you tell him those three words that make his mouth go drier than a desert in shock
The wizards loved you for months now, maybe since he first met you, but to hear that you love him too?
He's like Karlach where he just responds by near shouting 'I love you, too' back, the words tumbling out of his mouth before his brain catches up
It's genuinely embarrassing for him for a moment, until you pull him in for a kiss
Now he's suddenly a lot less worried about what he just said and how he said it
Despite his wonderful memory, Rolan craves hearing you say it more and more
He positively preens every time you say it and the sight of his pleased smile is honestly to handsome to bear
The only time he'll be less pleased is when you happen to let it slip around Cal and Lia
The two of you will never escape the kissy noises that follow or chants of the two of you 'sitting in a tree', but even the ever exasperated Rolan wouldn't have it any other way
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thoughtidtry · 24 days
Dress Pt.2 - LN
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SUMMARY: Lando's best friend can't keep pretending he's not her everything. Not after missing seeing him in person for so long. PAIRING: Lando Norris X LongDistanceBestfriendfem!reader A/N: Inspired by Lando's race win and song Dress by Taylor Swift. 2.6k+ words (Honestly thought it would be shorter lol) LMK in the comments if you would like a pt.3! Part: 1 2 3
"Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try."
From the moment you were in Lando's arms, he never let go more than he had to. While showing you around the McLaren garage he made sure to guide you through with slight touches or nudges in the right direction. You knew there was no way he was letting you out of his sight. With his hand placed firmly on the small of your back, he explained every corner of the garage in painstaking detail while knowing you probably didn't really care. Something about the way you attentively listen though made it seem like you hung on his every word. 
Really, you had just missed his voice. Phone calls could only do so much to make up for the distance between you two. It had been something you both had gotten used to over time. Now you didn't know if you could ever go back to not being beside him. The hours before the race started passed faster than you had hoped they would. Something just clicked when you were together like you had never been apart in the first place. 
Soon you watched from the side as Lando talked with the engineers and strategists about the race plan. You had seen him in racing attire before, back in secondary school, but the memory did not prepare you for just how good he looked. He couldn't stop smiling, not when he felt your gaze on his every move. After he had finished talking to everyone, he made his way back over to you with a headset in hand. 
"Here let me put this on you, it connects to the radio in my car so you can hear me during the race."
You nodded along in understanding as he placed the headset on your head and fixed it to the correct settings. Earlier, Lando had told you they recently made upgrades to the car and that it would be the first race to test them. This made you hopeful for the results of the race, you knew how much Lando wanted a win. The excitement of everyone in the garage could be felt as they made final preparations.
"You're gonna do great Lan, I just know it."
You beamed up at him with the widest smile possible. Lando couldn't help but smirk a bit letting your confidence boost his own. He reached to stroke your cheek as he spoke.
" Of course I will, I've got you here to cheer me on. I always do better when I know you're watching the race. Just imagine how I'll do today with you actually here."
You look away feeling yourself start to blush while trying to figure out how to respond to that. Luckily, Lando's name was called as the race was about to start. Quickly, you stand and swiftly peck his cheek whispering good luck in his ear before pushing him towards the calling engineers. He looked back, shaking his head a bit before jogging to put his helmet and other stuff on.
"My hands are shaking from holding back from you"
Watching a race in person was exhilarating for you. The energy in the garage made every turn, overtake, and pit stop more suspenseful. Getting to hear Lando’s voice through it all made the race even more real. He hadn’t had a good start to the race but was quickly making up for it by getting the fastest lap multiple times. 
A crash happened towards the back of the race resulting in a safety car being put onto the track. Lando had already passed the pit when the car was released, giving him an edge. Once the race started again his engineer was avid about keeping a gap between him and Max. As the final laps dwindled, you felt overcome with hope. This could be it, Lando’s first win. 
As Lando crossed the finish line you heard his cheers over the radio. The joy and relief was evident as you knew how long he had waited for this. 
One of the mechanics was kind enough to escort you over to where the winners would park their cars. The whole McLaren garage ended up walking together to the spots. Once you all arrived, you slipped a bit away. As much as this was Lando’s win it was theirs and they didn’t need some random girl in the middle of their celebration. 
You watch from your spot as Lando pulls up and stands on the top of his cars. The crowd was cheering his name and many drivers made a beeline for him after parking their own cars. It was clear how loved he was not only by his own team but by everyone here. His large smile would forever be etched into your mind as he received hugs from everyone and even started a crowd surf with the McLaren employees. Your hand were shaking with all the excitement built up in your system. 
Everything was perfect, at least you thought so, but you noticed Lando kept looking around. Was there a specific driver he was looking for or some important person? 
Lando was on cloud nine getting out of his car parked in P1. He was a race winner after so long fighting for this moment it felt right to have you here. He wanted to find you and celebrate as soon as possible. 
As all the drivers came up to him he wanted to soak in the moment but he just kept looking around for you. Were you still at the garage? Turning to see the McLaren team waiting behind the barrier he knew what they were waiting for. 
Starting at a full sprint he launched himself into their awaiting arms. It was then on top of his teammate he caught a glimpse of you off to the side with a smile as bright as the sun.  As soon as he was back on his feet he was making his way to you. 
When Lando’s eyes found you it was like time stopped for a few moments. Before you knew it he was headed straight for you. He crashed into you, wrapping you up in a bone-crushing hug while lifting you off your feet. You squeal a bit as he begins to spin you both around before tilting your head back to laugh. 
“You did it Lan! You won!”
Lando set you back on the ground as you started to speak. He could see the spark of joy in your eyes as you spoke. 
“Told you I’d do better with you here”
Lando exclaimed, smirking as he looked down at you in admiration. 
“Knowing you were cheering for me made all the difference. I couldn’t disappoint you after you came all this way.”
You rolled your eyes at his comment, he could never disappoint you. It didn’t matter to you whether he came in first or very last place as long as he was happy. Before you could tell him that a staff member came up to grab Lando for his post win interviews. He nodded to let them know he was on his way and let you know he’d be only about half an hour. Calling another McLaren mechanic over, he asked if they would see you back to his driver room after the podium till he was finished with the media. 
With that he was off and you followed the mechanic over to where the podium celebration was to be held. The ceremony was amazing as the two other drivers covered Lando head to toe in champagne. He didn’t even have a chance to open his before the other two started their assault which made you laugh. Once they had moved on to their next victim, Lando walked to the front of the podium doing his signature move to start spraying the champagne all over the crowd before spraying the other driver as well. 
"I don't want you like a best friend"
The interviews didn’t take long so Lando was back and ready to leave the paddock not long after arriving. Oscar had been sneaky when helping you book a hotel for your stay and you were apparently staying at the same place as the drivers were. 
Lando noted to thank Oscar again as he ushered you to his car stopping along the way to sign autographs and take pictures. He filled you on the plans for tonight as you drove and what time to be ready by. 
Once at the hotel, you went to your separate hotel rooms to get ready. You pulled a dress out of your suitcase packed specifically for this see Lando again. It was a beautiful purple dress that hugged the top of your torso while still being flowy. After taking a shower and getting ready you texted Lando to let him know. Turns out most of the drivers were already dressed and down in the lobby. Quickly you grabbed your clutch and made your way down.
Lando was smiling as he put his phone away after answering your text. He and a couple other drivers had finished getting dressed early so they were in the lobby while waiting for the rest. He felt a nudge on his shoulder and found all the other drive smirking at him with knowing eyes. Max was the one to speak up always most blunt when it came to feelings.
"So are you gonna tell her how you feel or are you just gonna let her go again?"
He didn't know much about your friendship with Lando but he knew the younger boy was smitten. The other drivers piled on words of encouragement and how they could tell you liked him back. The more the others added, the pinker Lando's cheeks got until he finally defended himself.
" I just don't want to lose her guys. Now shut up she is on her way down."
The other drivers chuckled while shaking their heads but they left Lando alone after that which he was thankful for. Looking around he noticed you starting to make your way over and stopped in his tracks. He hadn't forgotten how beautiful you were but in that dress, it was like you were enchanted. He knew Max was right, he wanted more from you than just a friendship, he always had. Ever since that day in secondary when he had introduced himself he had wanted more, to know you more, hear your laugh more, be near you more.
The sound of laughing gave away their location long before you saw the group. From the looks of it, they had been teasing Lando about something as his face was lightly pink. He was looking towards the ground wearing all black and a backward cap. It made you smile a bit at how flustered he seemed by whatever they had said. Only a few seconds had passed when he caught your presence.
You grew a little nervous under his gaze and began to play with the hem of your dress as you came to a stop in front of him. Looking up into his eyes, a mostly green color now, you softly whispered
"Hey, Lan."
You clear your throat while tearing your eyes away from his to speak to the whole group.
"Hey guys, everyone ready to celebrate?"
The other driver let out a cheer and Carlos showed up a moment later. Apparently, he was the last one the group was waiting on so everyone began to decide how we were getting to the club.
“Only bought this dress so you could take it off”
Once at the club the boy immediately went to grab drinks while you stayed back with the other drivers' girlfriends. Girlfriends. Something you could only wish to be. They were nice and asked many questions about how you were, what you do, and how long you have known Lando. You explained with ease the timeline that led you here. Lily was the first to speak, seeming to be a bit in shock.
"Wait, you're the mysterious best friend? The one Lando has kept hidden away like a treasured prize?"
The other girl nodded in agreement at her statement. Had Lando been too embarrassed to talk about you? You felt a bit ashamed for a moment looking down. Lily was the first to notice, adding on with a kind smile and a bit of laughter.
"Oh, no! It's not a bad thing! Trust me. He lights up anytime you even text him. It's more like he doesn't want to share you honestly. I was just surprised he finally let the princess out of her tower to be seen by the rest of us. That boy is head over heels-"
Before Lily could finish her sentence you felt an arm snake around your waist. You turned assuming it would be Lando but you had been mistaken. The man before you was taller with brown eyes and reddish-brown hair.
"Hey, wanna go dance with me beautiful?"
The man smiled as he looked you up and down. He wasn't a bad-looking guy, not as handsome as Lando though. Someone else probably would have agreed, but someone else wasn't in love with their best friend. You tried to step away as his hand on your waist just felt wrong but he was able to grab onto your arm before you were fully free.
"Oh come on, just one dance couldn't hurt. I doubt your friends would mind."
You tried to pull your arm free but his grip was firm. The panic started to set in as you looked to see where Lando was. He would help, he would always save you.
"Her friends might not mind but her boyfriend definitely will."
A familiar voice called from behind you as your head snapped toward it in relief. There he was, your Lando, he looked pissed, flanked by an annoyed-looking Max and an angry-looking Carlos. The man quickly released your arm and turned to storm off with a scoff. You stumbled back a bit before Lando caught you. With no hesitation, he wrapped his arms around your waist before leaning down to speak in your ear.
"Can't let you out of my sight for a minute without someone trying to steal you huh?"
Your face turned bright red as you turned to him feeling a wave of confidence. Was he jealous? The look on his face was downright murderous at least. Wrapping your own arms around his neck, you leaned up to speak in his ear.
"We both know you're the only person this dress would come off for."
Lando stood in shock for a moment as his grip tightened on your waist. It only took a moment for his lips to crash into yours. You could taste the alcohol he had been drinking and feel how tense his body was before he relaxed into the kiss. Sure, you had kissed other guys before but never had anyone kissed you with so much overwhelming passion. Breaking away from the kiss he sighed.
"How about we get out of here?"
You can only nod still thunderstruck by how passionately he had kissed you. Lando smirked at the effect he has on you while leading you over to the group of driver not far away.
"Hey guys, were gonna head out."
The drivers look in between the two of you with knowing glances and exchange goodbyes with Lando as you two start to leave. You look back and wave goodbye to everyone as Lily gives you a thumbs-up. Blush rushes to your face as you both get into the taxi with Lando giving the hotel's address. You can't help but stare at him in the moonlight. He glances down at you with a smile.
" You know I'm never letting you go, right?"
You smile up at him with love-struck eyes. At this moment you decide, you would do want ever needed to stay by his side from then on. The company you worked for has offices abroad, and you could travel if needed, you would do anything to stay like this.
Taglist: @scarletwidow3000
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landogalore · 2 months
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carlos sainz x singer! reader
WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, SMUT: unprotected sex (PLS WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT GUYS), oral sex (female), creampie.
word count: 2.7k
The routine began the same as every night had previously started, following the identical steps to prepare herself before stepping onto the stage.
The brunette hair swirled down, reaching just below her shoulders in perfectly shaped curls. she allowed her eyes to glance at herself in the mirror, the bright spotlights shooting towards her face, enhancing her facial features so beautifully it would put any person into a trance. the silver eyeshadow has been carefully placed in the corner of her eyelids, the glistening effect causing her sapphire eyes to become bolder, brighter. As she admired herself one last time, she was able to reminisce the events that led up to this, how her talent was able to become known, and the people who cherished her along the journey.
She originally attempted to boost her career by busking, sitting on a stool in the Spanish humidity, singing the songs that she hoped would attract the most attention from the public, eventually persuading them to drop a mere euro into the bucket below. To most people, this would appear to be a normal method to try and get funding which could help increase her popularity, but to the determined singer and her family, she looked like a pathetic charity case.
‘You can’t continue with this, hija.’ her mother would constantly remind her, her dream was just a fantasy she created, unable to ever truly become the reality she longed for.
‘It can go on no longer. we’ll help you get a stable job.’ her father agreed, once again the truth that she was failing hitting like a bullet, leaving a wound that would slowly shatter her confidence.
‘Just one last day, please papá.’ she begged, she needed one last try, a song to say goodbye to the dream that she imagined when she was a child, the commitment she gave needed to be for something, it had to be.
Similarly to every other session, she placed the empty bucket beside her while she set up the equipment. The streets in Madrid were always busy, bustling with a mixture of both locals and tourists. And like all the other days, she began to sing, a tiny beacon of hope still fighting in her heart, that she will be noticed.
Two hours went by, and the usual process happened, euros gifted to her by a range of people, even a young toddler waddled over to drop a few pennies into the bucket below. This was finally the end, she thought to herself. She sighed, admitting she needed a break before continuing once again, placing the equipment back into her backpack before slouching onto a nearby park bench.
‘You’re the singer, no?’ A voice asked from beside her, turning to face the stranger who somehow recognised her. His dark hair slightly blowing across his face from the gentle breeze, covering small areas of his features. Although, they struggled to hide the large chocolate coloured eyes smiling towards her, leaving the girl almost mesmerised.
‘Yeah! Well, I busk nearby.’ She confirmed, her grin growing at the realisation she had eventually been recognised for her abilities, the man’s lips beaming wider at the answer.
‘Are you available friday?’ he queried, the girl’s eyes widening in shock at the question. was he about to ask her to sing at a venue?
‘Uh..’ she panicked, her whole body buzzing with excitement, ‘definitely! i’m not busy at all on friday!’
‘Great! I’ve got a few friends coming to this event later this week and our singer decided to get food poisoning and cancel. I’ll give you my number and send you the rest of the details.’ He further explained, reaching out of his pocket to grab a notebook, ripping a small tear out of a page. ‘You got a pen?’
‘Yeah!’ she rummaged through her backpack and handed him the pen, her voice unable to contain the positive emotions overwhelming her, seeming a bit too enthusiastic to give him some basic stationery.
‘Here.’ he passed her the tiny sheet which she also placed inside her bag. ‘I’m Carlos.’ he introduced himself, reaching out his hand, the new view of his arms highlighting the prominent veins, despite mainly being covered in body hair.
‘Maddison.’ She grabbed his hand back, shaking it as she stared directly at the man, a mixture of both delight that she can now sing somewhere that isn’t 20+ degrees in the outdoor heat, but also that she had met Carlos…
Is this Carlos?
Yes! Please be at this address at 7pm. I’ll see you soon 😊
When she arrived, the immediate elegance of the building shocked her. It seemed like she had been transported to the victorian era, contrasting the usual settings she had been accustomed to previously.
She inhaled a large gasp of the oxygen outside, trying to control her breathing rate and calm down the nervous butterflies that fluttered around her stomach.
She hesitantly stepped inside of the venue, but became immediately mesmerised by the luxurious decorations that covered the room. It was truly something she had never seen before.
“You’re here.” The familiar accent greeted her once again, her eyes shifting to see Carlos, dressed in a dark suit that appeared more expensive than what the girl had in her whole bank account, feeling almost humiliated by the dress she had slipped on in an attempt to blend in with the crowd. “You look-” He began.
“I know… I’m sorry it’s one of the only dresses-” she apologised, already believing she had ruined a part of the night.
“You look stunning, Maddison.” He interrupted, finally finishing his sentence, admiring the girl standing before him, the unexpected compliment causing her cheeks to flush into a vibrant red shade. “I’ll take you to the stage.” Carlos added, indicating for the singer to follow him, which she easily complied.
“Is there anything specific you want me to sing?” She questioned, unsure on what the routine was for the night.
‘Just sing the songs you like, not always just the popular ones, but the songs you’re confident with.’
‘Got it.’ She smiled; she was now able to play the music that matched her tone perfectly rather than adapting. The contagious expression she wore reflected onto Carlos’ face, before he stepped closer to the girl, leaning in towards her ear.
‘I’m sure that anything you sing will be amazing, cariño.’ He murmured softly, backing away and leaving to allow her to set up the equipment desired for the upcoming performance.
The celebrations continued throughout the night, all the guests pleasantly entertained, she didn’t know much about the reasoning behind the event, but narrowed it down to being a birthday party.
After further confirming that the microphone was functioning correctly, she adjusted the stand to her height, placing the device into the slot as she started to introduce her act to the audience.
‘Hi everyone!’ She spoke, all eyes in the room now focused on the girl standing on the stage. “I’m Maddison and I’ve been asked to perform some songs for you all. This one I will sing is currently one of my favourites!’ She finished, shifting from talking to singing as the speaker began to play a melody.
The music differed to the usual tunes she sung while busking, the more tranquil genre suiting her voice almost perfectly, allowing her to stay comfortable while the whole crowd stared. However the only person she truly focused on was Carlos, his chocolate eyes glistening towards her like he was enthralled not just by the singer’s talent, but also by her immense beauty. The man couldn’t comprehend the reasons why he felt such ways for someone he had approached on the street just earlier this week, all he could do is watch in mesmerisation, cherishing the moment.
At the end of the night, only a few were still gathered at the party, mostly waving their goodbyes; however, the singer and Carlos being a part of that small group.
When she finished her act, the man waited patiently nearby the stage as she packed away her equipment, desperate to just see her once more, even if it was the couple glasses of alcohol he sipped previously influencing these thoughts, the girl remaining unaware of his presence.
‘Your singing was so beautiful.’ He perked up, catching the attention of the girl as she swiftly turned her head around to face him.
‘Carlos, you’re still here?’ her eyes widened, shocked that he had remained at the event for such a long period of time. ‘I thought you would’ve left already.’
‘Never.’ He stepped closer, standing tall above her, just a few inches away from her face, his brain practically entranced by her beauty, he didn’t care anymore, at this moment all he craved was her, everything about her. ‘I needed to see you again Maddison.’ His voice softening as he approached further towards the singer, his hands moving upwards to gently caress her cheek. Despite the strength the man’s hands appeared, his touch seemed so gentle and loving.
‘Carlos.’ Her breath hitched at the sudden action, hundreds of questions overwhelming her mind. Why did he want her? Is he drunk? Does he know what he is doing? Why did she want him to kiss her so badly?
‘Say it, please cariño.’ The beseech escaped as almost a murmur, praying that she had heard the sentence, his vision purely focusing on the singer’s plumped lips.
‘Kiss me, Carlos.’ She pleased, immediately being met with the man’s lips smashed onto hers, bringing her into a passionate kiss. Her wish was his command. His tongue entered her mouth as the touch became slightly rougher, grasping onto her cheek tighter but still somehow keeping that caring feeling.
‘Not here.’ She pulled away from the connection, placing the hand that was originally situated on her cheek down towards her own palm, signalling for him to hold it. ‘You don’t want an audience now do you?’ The singer lifted onto the tips of her feet to whisper into his ear, lust clearly visible in her throat.
‘You’re right querida.’ He agreed, a smirk slowly forming on his mouth, ‘I’m the only one who deserves to see you naked, desperate for my cock.’ The words leaving his lips making the girl’s thighs warmer, closing them together to release the pressure that was craving something, craving Carlos.
Eagerly, she followed Carlos away from the grand atmosphere, the room shrinking into a narrow hallway before the man reached their desired destination, twisting the doorknob to reveal the bathroom that still remained as elegant as the rest of the building.
Instantly entering, their lips joined together once again, the girl’s body slammed against the counter nearby the sink while Carlos sped up the pace of their kisses, becoming desperate and sloppy, but she definitely wasn’t complaining.
His tongue continued its attack, although separating from her lips, travelling downwards to her clear neck, the man excited to paint his canvas with marks that will leave large bruises.
As he sucked onto the clear skin, the girl couldn’t help but let high- pitched moans crawl out of her throat, not caring about the red, stinging stains appearing, just praying for this sensation to continue forever.
‘This dress is so pretty on you, ángel.’ Carlos smirked, his fingertips brushing against the slim straps on the one-piece, ‘But you’ll look much better with this all off.’ He looked up at the girl for confirmation to continue, which she eagerly nodded in consent as he slid the fabric down her shoulders, slowly removing the clothing in an attempt to tease her. He refused to break eye contact as the silk dropped down to her thighs, revealing the lacy bra underneath, which he also unclipped to uncover her breasts.
‘I need you, Carlos.’ She pleaded, impatience prominent in her voice as the light strokes made her whole body shiver with lust. ‘I need you in me.’
‘Steady cariño.’ He giggle consumed with mischief, ‘Gonna have some fun with you first.’ He planted sloppy kisses trailing from her collarbone downwards towards the lower area of her chest, the crumpled fabric preventing the man moving any further. ‘Can I?’
‘Yes, please.’ She answered, the material rubbing down her legs as she was left almost naked, just a small piece of dampened lace covering her vagina.
‘Mierda.’ He murmured the curse at the sight of her dripping pussy. ‘You’re already that wet for me, bet you’re gonna taste so good.’ His warm breathed pressed near her entrance, leaving a tickling feeling that only made the girl ache for the man even more.
His mouth began to press against her lips, swirling his tongue around areas of her clit, causing inaudible sounds to slip out of the girl’s mouth.
‘Carlos.-’ Was the only word she could muster, unable to focus while the man licked against her walls, her legs beginning to tremble due to the immense pleasure.
‘Dios, you sound so beautiful saying my name.’ He complimented, still working at her pussy, the visible muscles in the neck twitching, only allowing her to become even more aroused of the thought of his defined body. ‘Are you gonna cum for me, princesa?’
The question finally pushed her to the edge, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, allowing the release, gripping tightly on the marble countertops she lay on for support as the liquid leaked out. However, it was quickly being cleaned up Carlos.
‘I knew it, you taste perfect.’ He chuckled, enjoying the meal before him, ‘Can’t wait to get me inside you now, is that okay?’ He looked upwards at the girl, her eyes now fuzzier and makeup smudged.
‘Please Carlos, I need to see you.’ she begged, placing her hand against his shirt, her fingertips pathing their way towards the top button, undoing each button carefully, similarly to the teasing the man had used previously.
‘Like what you see?’ He snickered as she stared in awe at the exposed abs and thick body hair. Continuing, he swiftly unbuckled his belt, slipping his trousers off and tossing them nearby her already removed dress. The man stood now only in his boxers, his bulge noticeable.
He proceeded undressing, the duo both now fully naked, however the room still stayed warm from their lust that circled the atmosphere.
‘You ready?’ Carlos asked, waiting for the confirmation from the girl as he approached, moving his dick nearby her hole.
‘Yes, fuck me Carlos.’ She pleaded, immediately greeted with his cock filling her up, a loud moan escaping from her lips. ‘Oh my god.’ She gasped, shocked by how truly large he was.
‘Mierda, Mads.’ He groaned at the tight sensation, nobody had ever made him feel like this before, almost as if she was the perfect piece to finish the jigsaw, ‘You make me feel so good, hermosa.’ As he increased the pace, the pleasurable screams grew louder. Fortunately, there was most likely not a soul left in the building, allowing more freedom.
‘I’m gonna cum again, I can’t hold on any longer.’ She whined, the thrusting from Carlos turning all the muscles in her body numb, desperate to release the pressure.
‘We’ll do it together, cariño.’ He suggested, preparing for a countdown so they can both relieve themselves together. ‘1, 2, 3.’ Instantly after, they both moaned in sync, their bodies vibrating as they spilled their warmth into each other, connecting together in more than one way.
‘Are you okay, princesa?’ Carlos pulled out of her, his hand carefully caressing her cheek that glowed with vibrance. Her now tangled hair flowed down her face, slightly hiding some features, but he could still spot her beauty.
‘Perfect, especially now I’m with you.’ The girl giggled.
Despite that moment being so long ago, the memories are still imprinted in her brain, remembering every detail, including every detail of him.
‘Are you okay? princesa?’ Her fiancé wrapped his arms around the singer’s waist, nuzzling his head softly into the crevice of her neck. ‘No before- stages nerves?’
‘Don’t worry Carlos.’ She reassured, the stage didn’t frighten her so much anymore, confidently able to stand before a large audience. ‘I’m perfect, especially now I’m with you.’ She spoke, and a flash of deja vu sent her back once again, to that Friday night, to the man eager to find a replacement singer, to Carlos.
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pigcowboys · 9 months
Hi I hope you're having a wonderful day <3
I was wondering if you could maybe do percy jackson with a daughter of nyx where they are basically the same person personality wise and have a lot of common interests ( sorry self indulging here🤭). They basically both kin each other lmao
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pairing: ꒰percy jackson x nyx! female! reader꒱⋆·˚
summary: general hcs for percy with a nyx! s/o
warning(s): mutual pining, nonsensical bickering, mentions of injuries & kisses
a/n: HIII OMG THIS REQUEST IS SO CUTE :)) i tried my best to do what you requested!! i hope you like it!!
request are closed!
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literally off the bat i can see the two of you at each other's throats all the time.
you're just too alike there's no way there's not gonna be bickering man.
"i think we should use a different design."
"who put you in charge?"
"the voices in my head, actually"
"literally what."
i imagine percy kind of being put off by you when he'd first get to camp half-blood like
who are you.
i mean it isn't like he's TRYING to be mean, you're just so annoying sometimes yk.
then i feel like one night he'd sneak out of camp to go stargazing and find you near the shore in his spot.
lowkey annoyed by your presence at first but still proceeds to gaze with you silently. you'd strike up a conversation with him and it'd actually go a lot better than he expected it to go.
okay, maybe you're not that bad.
he'd start to approach you more at camp but like not for any reason at all yk. he just enjoys talking to you, i guess.
probably would be overjoyed when he finds out you have similar interests as him.
you two probably stay up all night talking about the most random stuff.
honestly, those talks are probably the moment when he realizes he..like likes you.
you're just chilling and talking about random shit and he laughs at one of your jokes and has to take a moment because he realized that you're honestly just the best person ever.
and then from that point on he's honestly kind of a mess.
you're so cool to him for some reason?? you'd just be living life and he'd probably just be in the background observing you with big ass heart eyes.
"is there something on my face, perce?"
"huh? uh no, what?"
he knows he likes you but just doesn't know how to say it?? i mean, do YOU even like him back..??
aghhhh it's honestly so draining to him.
he's not shy. just kind of stupid when it comes to feelings.
probably tried to "woo" you somehow by buying you ocean related stuff whenever you go out together.
played it off as him just having some change.
he is willing to go bankrupt for you.
i feel like one day he just got tired of dropping hits and just decided to go for it cause like, you've known each other for a minute.
he'd meet you at that star gazing spot and literally just spill all his feelings for you.
"don't say anything but what if i told you you're an amazing person and probably the coolest person i've ever met in my life and that i'm literally head over heels for you because you're smart and funny and pretty and you're just the best?"
and you start dating!! woo!!
once you start dating he def gets a bit more of a confidence boost.
always boasting about the fact he's dating you like everyone else doesn't already now from the way he's always clinging to you.
and if you're not into physical touch no worries!! he's completely and totally fine with it!! probably asks permission to give you hugs and hold your hand.
beach dates.
you'd be that one sappy couple who interlocking hands and walks down the beach together UGHH
he would def be the type of guy to go to you after every quest so you can patch him up. do you even know how to patch him up?? probably not! can't he just use some ambrosia?? yes.
doesn't mean he won't stop.
"percy, what the fuck happened!?"
"what do you mean?? :)"
kind of scared of your mother but would never admit it to your face.
i feel like he'd make some kind of big plan to try and kiss you but it'd ultimately fail.
he'd pull up to you with some beautiful ass flowers with a big grin on his face.
would take you to some really secluded spot that he'd decorated with a bunch of different things and homemade food!! (sally helped him.)
things would be going good till it starts to rain.
not that it's a problem for him at all but it kills the freaking mood.
"i'm so sorry.."
"for what?"
"how this turned out, it was supposed to be this big and..romantic thing."
"it's okay, we can have other dates."
"no like..i wanted us to kiss."
"who says we can't right now..?"
he's in heaven when you finally kiss for the first time!! you're literally so amazing like wtf he got so lucky.
from that point on you two are locked in for life.
he's everywhere you are, you're everywhere he is NO MATTER WHAT.
he's so in love.
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simphornies · 3 months
Angst! I choose you! (That was cringe I'm sorry 😭)
Can I please request a Vox x Female Reader where Reader protected Vox from Valentino
(PS: Val killed Reader in the process)
And because of that Velvette has to take care of a Depressed Vox
A/N: My friend and I were going back and forth on ideas for this because we love angst. I hope you guys enjoy! A part 2 will be made for this because I love you guys
Word count: 1.6k (1,611) Warnings: ANGST, valentino being a FUCKER, descriptions of violence, death, there is no mention of y/n but it's f!reader
My Beloved [ Vox x F!Reader ]
Vox got into another argument with Valentino. Both overlords had anger issues so their arguments always end up becoming explosive with glassware being thrown around. You came in as soon as you got word of their fight. When you ran into his office, it was clear that it was about you again. Valentino shoved you out of his way, glaring at you, seething with anger. He slammed the door shut but you couldn’t care any less. You ran to your lover’s side and held his hand.
“Vox? What happened?” You frowned, seeing all the broken glass. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
“It’s…” He hesitated and planted a gentle kiss on your hand, “It’s nothing, baby. Don’t worry about it.”
“I’ll always worry, my beloved.” You held his hand close, “Is it about the shoot again?” He sighed and nodded.
“He came in here demanding I convince you to be in one of his movies. I told him no and well,” He gestured to the shattered glass that littered his office, “You see how well that fucking turned out. Fucking moth just won’t stop. I told him that there’s nothing he could ever offer for your body! He ju-” You gently tighten your grip on his hand, cutting him off. He looked at you and the worry in your eyes melted his anger away. “I’m sorry, baby. It just makes me so angry when fuckers like him think they have any right to a sweetheart like you.”
“I’m sorry I’m causing this much stress.” You said softly, “I’ll talk to him if you need me to!”
“No!” He said as his screen got brighter with his increased panic, “No, babe. It’s fine. I got it handled. I promise, okay?”
You knelt next to him, your head on his lap, “Okay. But if anything happens, I’ll always be here for you, my beloved.”
He smiled, gently caressing your head, “Of all the souls in Hell, I know that the most, my dear.”
Your relationship with Vox seemed to come out of nowhere to those that didn’t know the past he shared with you. Velvette was the first to learn about his life with you before he died. He confided in her. At first she just wanted tea on his life before Hell but it ended up with her showing genuine interest. He had been pining for you even after his death. He wanted so desperately to confess how much he loved you. You never left his mind in his final hours and when he found himself in Hell, his heart broke. He feared that he would never meet you again. This fear pushed him into trying to get into relationships with people that had the smallest of reminders of you. You were an angel to him, the gentlest soul he’d ever met. He was sure that you would go to Heaven but when he saw you aimlessly roaming the streets of Hell, he rushed to meet you. You didn’t recognize him at first glance but the moment you heard his voice, everything fell into place. He, honestly, didn’t understand how you ended up in Hell. You had to remind him that you ran his “business” with him. His love for you blinded him from your heinous crimes, almost erasing it from his memory just out of adoration for you. He got such a massive ego boost when he learned you went on a bit of a rampage after his death that led to your execution.
It wasn’t long after your arrival that the two of you entered a honeymoon phase, constantly out on dates and always being at each other’s sides. After months of flirting, teasing and a multitude of dates, Vox finally asked you out. He was bad at romance more than he’d like to admit. Without Velvette’s help, he was definitely going to change his mind. The way he asked you out made you think he was going to propose. He had petals scattered on the floor and held the sweetest flowers he could buy in Hell. He was a nervous wreck waiting for you to arrive at the location he sent. The sight of him standing disheveled in front of a giant “Will you be mine?” neon sign made you burst out into laughter. But you said yes nonetheless.
Days passed after the argument. You were walking up to Vox’s office and as you got close you heard yelling. It was Valentino starting another fight. You started to run as soon as you heard glass breaking. When you reach the doorway you see Valentino aim a glass cup at Vox.
You grabbed his arm to stop him and raised your voice. “Stop! Valentino, that's enough!”
Valentino got angrier at your attempt to stop him and he pushed you off of him, knocking you down to the ground. “Don’t fucking touch me, bitch. You’re lower than me, don’t forget that.” He hissed. Vox ran to your side and helped you up.
You scowled at him as you held your head high, “I don’t give a single shit who you are. You’re a little bitch baby that can’t take no for an answer.” You spat back.
“What the fuck did you call me?!” He yelled and began to step closer to you. Vox blocked him from getting any closer.
“Val. Fuck off. I said no and my decision isn’t going to change.”
You saw Valentino raise his hand to hit Vox. Without thinking, you pulled Vox out of the way. You barely dodged his swing, his claw scratching your cheek deep enough for it to draw blood. You growled at him and slapped him across the face. It shocked all three of you. Your confidence faded once Valentino opened his wings, his face shrouded in rage.
In the blink of an eye, he had you by the throat. You instinctively held onto his hands, trying to pry his tightening grip on your neck. His hold alone left bruises on your neck. Before Vox could reach him, Valentino flew through Vox’s balcony. He used your head to break through the glass door, making you scream from fear.
“Valentino! What are you doing?!” Vox yelled, running after him.
“Aw, what?” He teased, “You’re telling me you really give a fuck about this bitch?” He laughed, menacingly. You struggled against him and managed to get a glimpse of how high up you were. “You loved me too, remember? Before her.”
“Put her down, Valentino!” He screamed, glitching from both fear and anger. His pleas received laughter.
“You’re turning out so pathetic and soft, Vox.” He grins, blood dripping from the side of his mouth. “I’ll put her down, just for you~”
Your eyes widened at his tone and knew exactly what was coming. You looked at Vox with tears in your eyes. The fear in his eyes broke your heart. His hand reached out towards you as if he could reach you. THe only thing you could do was smile at him. He couldn’t get himself to smile back, he could only stare at you. This exchange only fueled Valentino’s rage.
“V-Vox.” You croaked out, your voice hoarse from Valentino’s grasp. “I love y-”
Before you could continue, you were suddenly pummeling towards the concrete below you.
“No!” Vox screamed at the top of his lungs.
You heard his cry for you. You heard Valentino’s cackle. As you got closer to the ground, you relaxed your body and shut your eyes, accepting what was about to happen. And then you no longer heard anything. You didn’t hear the way Vox screamed and cried. You didn’t hear the hums of electricity that came before his power outages. You died from Valentino’s rage.
All power was cut off in Pentagram City. He heard your last words. He knew what you wanted to say. After the time you shared together, you had never told him “I love you.” because of your personal past. He didn’t need to hear you say it, you both knew how much you love each other. He didn’t know that you were finally ready to tell him you love him. He didn’t know he helped you get over your past. And he’ll never get to hear you say you love him. He’ll never hear your sweet voice again. He’ll never get to make up the time he lost with you. The only time he’ll be able to hold you again was to collect you from the ground.
His heart was shattered. It was obvious to everyone around him. Vox never left his security room. He locked himself in there and drank his pain away. He played the videos he had of you, looked at your photos and longed for your smile. He’ll never hear your songs, your jokes, your laugh or see your smile. He was alone again.
The only person that managed to get into his security room was Velvette. She did her best to comfort him and get him to clean up. Everytime she went in there, the entire room would reek of alcohol and grief. As cold as her heart was, the sight of him crying at your photos and videos broke her. She grew close to you when you first came. Her first impression of you was from Vox’s lovestruck stories and meeting you was a different ride. She understood why Vox loved you the way he did. She never spoke of it but she cried with Vox when you died. She was enraged. The only thing that stopped her from killing Valentino herself was the grief.
None of the Vees spoke to Valentino for months and that pissed him off.
Tag list: @froggybich @baizzhu @dickmastersworld @matrixbearer2024 
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miinatozakiii · 10 months
kindergarden teacher!sana x fem!reader. (p1. 1)
summary: you take your niece to her first day of school and- shoot, you might have a crush on your nieces' teacher.
wc: 2k
warnings: none, pure fluff
pt2 pt3 pt4
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a/n: hiii this is my first post, feel free to leave feedback or just ask, comment, or anything like that, hope u enjoy!!
also, credits to @soliarus for inspiring and encouraging me to post my take on this! I really liked their take on this prompt/idea, so please check it out!!! it's so cute :'-]
you and your niece Hana, approach the classroom, and you spot parents already bidding their goodbyes and waving to their children from the cheery, chat-filled classroom. 
Hana reaches for your hand, holding your large hand with her small one. you look down at your niece, and she wears a white shirt, denim overalls, and a beige backpack, you had dressed her up this morning. The young girl stands outside the door with you and looks into the classroom from the door nervously.
“y/n, auntie…” She begins, “What if no one wants to be my friend?” 
There’s a look of surprise on your face after hearing what she said. She looks down at her beige, velcro sneakers. You squat down to match the little girl’s level,
“Hana… Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know… I don’t want to be the only one alone.” She says, and her frown deepens,
“Hana, sweetheart,” you start, holding both her hands in between your palms, “Trust me, at least one person will talk to you. Even if it isn’t today, someone amazing like you will make a friend, I mean, who wouldn’t want to be your friend? I made a lot of friends when I was your age,” 
You pause and put your hands on her shoulders, making eye contact, and your tone softens,
“You and I, we’re alike, . your dad and grandma think so too.” you begin, “And, be glad. Your dad isn’t as cool as me, trust me. Be glad you got your auntie’s genes, and because you have my genes, you’ll be the coolest in the room.”
“You sure?” Hana questions,
“Of course I am.” You assure her. You stand up and encourage her, “Now, come on, let’s go inside, your dad said your teacher was nice!” you say, smiling at the little girl and standing up again, “You lead me, I might get lost and I’m a bit scared myself, this isn’t my classroom after all.”
Hana’s worried expression is replaced by a growing smile after hearing your last remark,  “You’re so silly y/n, you’re old and scared? I thought you said you were the coolest!” Hana giggles, teasing you slightly.
“Hey! I am the coolest! and I'm not old! you should see your dad!”
The little girl laughs and gains a sudden boost of confidence from the lighthearted teasing, holding, no, grabbing your hand and practically pulling you into the classroom with her as if you were Alice traveling into some wonderland.
You two enter the classroom, and the first thing you notice is the smell. The vanilla scent isn't overwhelming, and you can even smell the faint notes of peaches and pears. The scent matches the slightly chaotic classroom and its well-thought-out arrangement and reminds you of the cafe you work at in a way.
There are kids in seats that are coloring, some looking or running around the room, and some with their parents taking pictures. Hana drags you to the colorful cubbies where she would put her finished work and lunchbox in. She shows you the sticker she put on the cubby with her dad from when they visited for the open house, and you smile at the sight. It’s a shark sticker, Hana and her dad love sharks.
“Hana, love, stand next to the cubby, I want to show your dad.” You tell her, pointing to the area where you want her to pose. She scoots over to the spot and smiles widely, her gums showing a bit as she smiles so brightly; it makes you smile too. you quickly snap a picture and send it to the group chat that your brother, mom, and dad are in.
You two wander around to where the backpacks are supposed to be hung, and your gaze wanders across the room to see a beautiful woman waving to a parent. The woman smiles at the other parent and crouches down to the little boy's level, then points to an empty seat before standing up and making eye contact with you. 
The woman is beautiful. Her dark brown hair flows effortlessly down to around where her ribs are. You find that it might be weird to think this, but her nose is perfect. The way it’s angled and the slope of it, and you surprise yourself at how much you like her nose, because you’ve never really thought about a nose like this. your gaze moves down to her peach-colored lips, and they look soft, lush, and really kissable-
you stop your thoughts on her lips there, because this is a woman you’ve just seen for the first time (and she’s making you all flustered and blushy like a stupid teenager in some romcom).
You look at her outfit, it’s cute and pretty, just like her. She wears a beige cardigan and white skirt that is loose on her thin figure, and the jewelry that completes her look is a small silver necklace sitting on her fair skin, just above her exposed collarbone, a small bracelet around her hand, and small gold earrings.
Hana feels the hand that holds hers slightly loosen up, and she looks up at you to see you staring across the room, ears tinted a shade of light pink. She looks over to what, or- who you’re looking at, which makes her tug at your sleeve, and it breaks you out of your trance.
“That’s my teacher, she’s really nice,” Hana says, smiling, “Last time, she gave me an extra sticker! Dad says she reminds him of you.”
“He says that she has the same warmth or something, I don’t know how people can be warm in the same way, that was kind of weird. He also said the way she talks to me reminds him of you.” Hana says. Your niece walks you over to the woman and she smiles at your niece,
“Y/n, this is Ms. Minatozaki.” Hana says shyly, tugging at your hand. 
“Hello, Hana. It’s nice to see you again.” The woman says, patting her head. Her voice is sweet and higher pitch, and the way she speaks is soft and welcoming, it even makes your cheeks warm up a bit. 
Her smile almost has you losing your balance, as if you were a weak tree getting hit by a gust of strong wind. The way her lips curved up to reflect her genuine joy in seeing your niece again made you weak in the knees. The woman’s gaze lands on you, and she makes eye contact. Her head is just barely angled when she looks up at you due to her being a couple of inches shorter, and you try not to fall into another trance from seeing her alluring features up close.
You try to compose yourself as you put your hand out to greet the beautiful woman, 
“Hello Ms, I’m y/n.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/n.” She replies. Sana is stunned by the woman in front of her, and it takes her a moment to really take in your presence. Your face is almost intimidating from how sharp your features are, and she’s trying not swoon over you in the moment seeing as you’re in the middle of introducing yourselves, and you’re (what she thinks,) Hana’s mother. 
her smaller hand fits yours perfectly as she shakes it. the world seems to pause for a bit as you realize this beautiful woman is shaking your hand, and it feels like you’re in a drama of some sort as everything slows down around you. She puts another hand on the outside of yours so that both hands are welcoming you into her precious workplace. 
Hana looks between the two women, a small smile tugging at her lips. She senses the spark that forms from the small interaction, and the way her aunt’s stoic and (usually) confident facade disappears at the moment.
You notice that your hands are still connected, and you pull away to run a hand through your hair, trying to play it off (you don’t, by the way, Hana reads right through you). 
You shift your look over to the little girl and squat down again to meet her level. A loose strand of hair that didn’t get braided is pushed behind your niece's ear by your slender fingers.
“Alright,” You say, placing a thumb on the girl's cheek, rubbing it lightly, “I’ll let you be off on your own, go have fun and be good okay? I’ll be here in the afternoon.”
“Yes y/n!” Hana beams, giving you a toothy grin. You laugh out softly and give her an almost identical grin back,
Your smile widens and there's a small feeling of worry that doesn’t go unnoticed. You really do hope everything goes well for your niece, after all, she’s your only niece and you just want the best for her. 
“If your teacher says you were good today, we can go to the cafe and I can make you your favorite hot chocolate, how about that? Ms. Dahyun also said she made a special croissant for you.”
“Please! Please! I’ll be good, I promise.” Hana says, practically jumping up and down. You smile at her enthusiasm and nod, 
“Alright, be good to Ms. Minatozaki lovely, I’ll see you later.” You say before you two exchange a nice, warm hug, and after you pull away, you push away her bangs and press a kiss to her forehead, lingering for a second.
You stand back up and watch the little girl run off on her own to an empty desk with coloring pages and markers, you smile at the sight.
“Hana is very enthusiastic, she’s a wonderful little girl from what I’ve seen so far. She’s so cute!” Ms. Minatozaki beams, and you turn your head to meet her gaze again, nodding.
“Yeah, she’s a curious little girl, and very bright.” You begin, then sigh, “I just hope she doesn’t cause any trouble. She’s pretty shy with new people, but she’s very energetic when she warms up and, well- you know how kids are.” You joke. 
Ms. Minatozaki lets out a giggle, and the way her nose scrunches makes you lose your cool a bit, it’s so cute that it has you laughing with her, and you don’t even bother to think about how pink your ears are right now.
“I’ll be going now Ms-”
“You can call me Sana, I mean, you’re not my student.” She says, laughing a little. 
“Definitely not.” You joke, and you want to joke on forever and make her laugh the whole day just to see how her face lights up and how adorable she looks when her nose scrunches slightly.
Sana watches you straighten out your dark brown jacket and her cheeks warm up a bit when you shoot her that cute smile of yours, but of course, you don’t notice due to how oblivious you are in the moment. The young teacher punches herself mentally for feeling a small flutter in her chest from who she thinks is her students’ mom, and she wonders how she’ll survive the year if she’ll see you more often.
“I’ll get going then, again, let me know if anything happens.” 
“Of course, I’ll make sure Hana has a great day,” Sana responds, nodding.
You and Sana exchange sweet smiles again, a similar warmth spreading through the two of you as you part. 
Before heading out the door, you wave to your niece again and the two of you smile at each other. You also take one more look at your niece's beautiful teacher, then head out to clock into your morning to afternoon shift.
Leaving the building, the sun seemed to shine a little brighter, and there was a new warmth in your chest knowing that Hana was in the hands and care of such a beautiful, sweet, and cute teacher: Ms. Minatozaki.
You were definitely going to convince your brother to let you take Hana to school more often, and pick her up regularly too.
… and little did you know, Sana would hope to see you often as well.
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demonpiratehuntress · 6 months
Portgas D. Ace x F!Reader
summary - you think you don't do enough for the crew so you work harder and train harder to be better. Ace thinks you do plenty already, but supports your decision regardless.
warnings - none
a/n: i hope the person who requested this sees it, because me being a dumbass at 3am, i accidentally deleted the reply to the request. i also hope i got it right!
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You could admit that you were not the most useful crewmember of the Whitebeard pirates. In fact, you felt completely useless, like you couldn't contribute anything meaningful or helpful. But you didn't want to be that way, you didn't want to be just a burden to them, even if Ace would constantly remind you that you're not a burden and you were helpful. To him, at least.
But you wanted to be helpful to the entire crew. In fights, you wanted to be able to hold your own without being told to go hide or go check on the injured. You wanted to be able to fight without having to depend on your boyfriend to come save you if you were faced with an opponent.
"(Name) are you even listening?" A deep chuckle met your ears, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You turned away from the shop window, smiling at Ace sheepishly, "I'm sorry, just...lost in thought." The way you said it and the way your smile didn't quite reach your ears alerted Ace to what you were thinking about.
"Hey," he took both your hands and brought you a little closer, "If it bothers you so much, I can always teach you a few things." He looked at the items you were eyeing from the shop and smirked. "Daggers, huh? Come on." He tugged you into the shop to help you choose a set.
After a very long few hours choosing a pair of pretty yet lethal daggers (Ace was the indecisive one), you both made your way back to the ship. You were staring at the sharp weapons in your hands, marveling at how dangerous they looked and feeling excited to finally learn to be at least a little bit effective.
"Okay let's start with some basic stances," he began, his hand reaching for your hip to position it. "Place one leg like this, and the other like this." He demonstrated his words, showing you how to stand and how to position your arms.
"Ace," you laughed a few minutes later, "I'm pretty sure my butt does not need to be in any specific position."
His beet-red face popped up in front of you, a coy smile on his lips, "Sorry babe, couldn't help myself."
He spent the rest of the afternoon teaching you basic combat moves and acting as your personal hype man, cheering excessively when you got something right just to boost your confidence. It was working, and you were grateful to have such a supportive and helpful boyfriend.
After a few more days of this, you were starting to get the hang of it. Your combat skills had drastically improved, and while you still hadn't managed to beat Ace, there was massive progress and you felt it.
But aside from combat, you also wanted to be more knowledgeable in other fields. Like first aid. In case of emergencies, you wanted to know how to deal with injuries and minor wounds that could be fixed right then and there. You didn't want to be an all-out doctor or medic, but you wanted to have at least a little medical knowledge.
So you took to medical books.
You read everything you could get your hands on, even staying up late at night to study. Sometimes you would even fall asleep at your desk, which is where Ace would find you in the morning. It worried him, but he also didn't want to stop you from learning.
"You should read it to me," he suggested one afternoon, while he was lying in bed with you after having to force you to stop when your eyes started to droop.
"Hmm?" You looked up at him sleepily, "Read what?"
"Those medical books you're reading," his warms hands rested on your stomach, putting you at ease. "You should talk to me about what you learn, it could help you remember."
You smiled when he offered to listen to you, "Are you sure you'll be able to keep up?"
He gasped dramatically, "What do you think I am? Stupid?"
"Yes," you teased.
He feigned offence, playfully scoffing, "I detest that."
"I'm kidding," you laughed, shifting so you could bury your face in his neck. "But thanks for the offer. I might just take you up on that."
And you did. Every time you were reading, Ace was with you whenever he could be. He sat and listened to you explain and discuss the human anatomy, how to dress certain injuries and what steps to take if there wasn't a medic around. He really didn't follow along, and he often fell asleep, but you appreciated the effort he was making to encourage you.
"Aceeeee!" You giggled and flicked his nose gently.
"Wha-?" He jerked awake, eyes flitting around the room before settling on you, and a lovestruck smile formed on his lips. "Oh, hey babe."
"You fell asleep again," you pouted, unable to stop your smile.
"I'm sorryyyyy," he apologised, leaning forward and kissing all over your face. It tickled, and the laughs he pulled from you made him smile. "Carry on, I'm listening now."
"You promise?"
"I promise."
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 months
Hii i saw you reopen your thbk request‼️
So... may i request akane, teru, and natsuhiko x gn reader. The reader is insecure about their thick thighs? It's been my insecurity for a long time😭
Feel free to decline this request if you feel not like it!
akane aoi x gn!reader , teru minamoto x gn!reader , natsuhiko hyuuga x gn!reader
a/n : hii , thank you for sending in this request !! i hope you have a lovely day/night/etc <3 warnings : none ?  word count : 764
Akane <3
He thinks you’re the most amazing, gorgeous person in the world. When he hears about your insecurity, he’s a bit surprised.
To him, everything about you is literally perfect, including any flaw you see in yourself. Akane would tell you this regularly, so long as it didn’t make you uncomfortable.
He loves complimenting you anyway, so he wouldn’t mind trying to boost your confidence in your thighs! 
He’s fond of most any love language (and gets giddy over any of them), so, with your consent, you might find him resting his hand on your thigh randomly. Doesn’t mean anything odd or suggestive by it, he just likes to use touch as a reminder of his love for you.
And words… he uses his words so often. Did I mention that? Words? Yeah. He might be a bit much at times, but he adores saying kind things to you.
“(Y/N), you’re so stunning. Have I told you that today? You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met,” He’d say, his hand resting comfortably on your thigh. If you say your doubts, or even have a slight expression of disbelief, he won’t hesitate to confirm it as many times as he needs to.
“I love you so much, (Y/N), everything about you is perfect.”
“Any insecurity you have is amazing. You’re so lovely.”
“Your thighs? When I say you’re lovely, I mean it. Every inch of you is lovely, (Y/N). I hope you can know it someday like I do.”
Teru <3
“Aren’t you the best sight to see? You look lovely, (Y/N),” He would tell you, meaning it genuinely. Any compliment he ever gave you was from the bottom of his heart that was overflowing with affection towards you.
When you ask if he means it-- explaining that the way they fit was a reminder of your insecurity-- Teru would also be a bit surprised. However, he did understand insecurities, and faced many of his own.
He’d take his time to reassure you, holding your face in his hands and telling you how gorgeous he found every aspect of you. Inside and out, you were stunning.
He strikes me as a huge quality time guy (after all, he has a busy schedule-- catching him taking time specially to hang out with you is huge), and so he might base his reassurance off of your favorite love language (or a combination! Honestly, it’s most likely a combination). 
While he might not exactly be sure how to incorporate “quality time” or “acts of service” into helping your insecurities, he makes sure to do what he can with words and touch, as long as you’re comfortable.
Reassures you constantly, tells you how beautiful you are, and might even express some of his insecurities to make you feel better about yours. After all, do you find his insecurities unattractive, or do they make you feel less about him? The answer is probably no! And so, he says that it’s the same for him-- he doesn’t find anything about you unattractive.
As for touch, he also has a habit of resting his hands on your thighs. Honestly, the first time he did it, he wasn’t fully thinking, and was immediately fond of it! Intimate enough that a stranger wouldn’t do it, but nothing too “scandalous” or so on. If you let him rest his head on your lap, he’ll think he’s in heaven.
Natsuhiko <3
Natsuhiko LOVES physical touch. He obviously likes words of affirmation as well, but having the honor of being your boyfriend entails the honor of hugs, kisses, and other various touches.
Before the topic of your insecurity even arised, Natsuhiko adored your thighs. You’d often find him resting his hands on your thighs, or resting his head in your lap.
One day, as he’s relaxing with his head on your lap, the topic of your insecurity comes up. Natushiko, being the drama queen that he is, reacts exaggeratedly. Sits up, gasps, hand over his mouth. He looks almost like you insulted him.
“How could you think that! You’re so gorgeous, (Y/N), your thighs are so gorgeous!!”
Only ups his affections after that. Nearly every time you sit together, he’ll discreetly rest his hands on your thighs.
In private moments, he might squeeze them lightly, or even press kisses to them, should you allow him.
Also will be your BIGGEST hype-man. If you wear anything short or tight against your thighs, he’ll grab at his chest dramatically, hearts practically floating out of his eyes. Compliments you so much, hyping you up with kind words and kisses.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Could I request the brothers calling them the hottest demon they've ever seen while others are watching?
Omg yes! It was actually pretty funny to write! You can tell I love Levi here- anyway I hope you enjoy <3
Calling brothers hottest demon you had seen
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⊱ we all already know that Lucifer's ego is massive so if you want to make it even bigger, go on and he'll be so full of himself for the rest of the day
⊱ and oh boy do it in front of his brothers and they all ehem Satan and Belphies ehem will give you stares saying "what did you just did-?!"
⊱ it doesn't matter if you tell him that in private or in front od his brothers
"Thank you, I really appreciate that you think so as well."
⊱ and then he gives you one of the cockiest smiles of his
"So subtle..."
"You don't have to be jealous, Satan."
"Me? Jealous of you? Pfft, never!"
⊱ Satan IS jealous, he just won't admit it, he won't give his older brother that damn satisfaction after all
⊱ Lucifer on the other hand is more confident for at least the next week thanks to this and if he can, he gladly will remind his brothers how you called him
⊱ but he'll compliment you as well, after all you deserve it after boosting his ego so much
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⊱ Mammon always called himself 'THE Mammon' so you thought that he'll just brush it off like it's nothing
⊱ and while that's a little true he also already has a weak spot for you and you're saying things like that in front of his brothers
⊱ he still tries to act like it's nothing even tho his face says completely otherwise
⊱ it just goes double for him when you say it in front of his brothers and not in private
"O-Of course I am! I AM 'The Mammon' after all! People say that to me all the time!"
"It would he more convincing if your face wasn't so red and if you wouldn't stutter so much..."
"Sh-Shaddup Asmo!"
⊱ now he calls himself 'THE hottest demon Mammon' around you and his brothers to mark that you called him that and no one else
⊱ he becomes a little more clingy towards you then he's usually and his only excuse is that you probably want to hang out with the 'the hottest demon' anyway
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⊱ it's obvious if you know Levi at least a little bit that if you call him the hottest demon, he'll get REALLY emberrassed
⊱ and if you call him like that in front of his brothers, his face will literally burn
⊱ but you apparently decide to do it either way- can't blame you honestly
⊱ similar to Mammon except it doesn't go double for him, it goes triple for him is that how you say it?
"W-Wha-Whaaaat?!!?!!!! Y-You can't just say stuff like that out of the blue!"
⊱ and don't even expect to see him in the nearest month, he has to process what just happened and once he does, he needs to get over it so count next 3 months for that
"Okay, that's it. My introvert heart can't take it! I'll just go to my room... I'll need like a week- no, a month- or 3 months!"
⊱ you really didn't knew he could run this fast as he did now... and by the look on his brothers faces, neither did them
⊱ it's not like he doesn't enjoy being called like that, he just thinks you're either making dun of him or saying it all out of pity
⊱ you better go to his room to calmly explain and erasure him and he may leave a little earlier than he planned
⊱ he still becomes a blushing mess any time he or someone makes him remember it, but as the time passes he starts liking it even if he still goes red like crazy
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⊱ you may think that Satan wouldn't he moved by compliment like that but you're so wrong
⊱ you better say it to him in front of Lucifer or else he'll definitely make you repeat it just to shove it into his face
⊱ he actually blushes a little but does his best to hide it with some politeness
"I- *ekhem* Thank you very much. It's good to know you have a good taste."
⊱ he definitely will mention it every time the eldest brother of his will let his ego show way too much
"You must have a hight ego calling yourself like that even tho YN clearly called ME the hottest demon they had seen. An I wrong, YN?"
⊱ definitely wants you to repeat it as much as you can especially in front of certain demon and often will ask your i to to agree with his words
⊱ he'll also tease you about what you called him if that will put a blush on your face
⊱ whenever he's pisses at someone that he's already in his demon form and person before him is regretting their whole life, just remember him what you called him and he may let them run
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⊱ you could already guess that Asmo won't be emberrassed, quite the opposite actually and you were absolutely right
⊱ when you do it in front of his brothers, everyone in the room knows that he won't shut up about it for at least next month
⊱ after those words left your mouth, be ready for him to spoil you with cuddles and kisses all around your face
"Oh my, you're so sweet darling! Of course I heard it s lot already but I'm stilo happy to hear it from your lips~!"
"Asmo! Whatcha think ya doing?!"
"Spoiling then with affection they deserve, obviously!"
⊱ he's going to be even more affectionate with you than usual for at least next 3 months
⊱ he'll definitely post some selfies with you, putting in description something like 'my sweet human just called me the hottest demon they had seen~ <3'
⊱ be ready that he'll always try to get your attention every time he can and just let me tell you that he can get a little grumpy if he won't attention he needs in the very moment
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⊱ Beel is probably the hardest one to guess but he does get slightly emberrassed
⊱ he doesn't really mind if you tell him this in private or in front of his brothers, his reaction would still be the same
⊱ when you said it, you catched him a little of guard so it took him a little bit of time to process what just happened but it doesn't last long
"...Thank you! Oh, do you want to try one of the cupcakes I'm eating right now?"
⊱ definitely offers you some of his food, he's eating right now or will take you out to some restaurant as thanks
⊱ he won't mention it again to any of his brothers since he doesn't want to make them feel worse or anything but that doesn't mean that he doesn't care
⊱ it still puts a big smile on his face whenever he remembers it or you say it again
⊱ he often wants to spend more time with you whenever he remembers it or after you said it, so expect to have tall demon following you like a puppy
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⊱ you thought that Belphie won't care so you brushed it off at first, but once the thought of saying it in front of his brothers came to your mind, you decided to realize it
⊱ surprisingly his reaction isn't as different if you would say it in private
⊱ when words leave your mouth tho, be prepared that he'll just mumble thanks and then excuse himself that he's tired
"Thanks... I'm tired now, I will go to my room and take a nap. YN, do you want to go with me?"
⊱ he often asks you if you want to take a nap with him so it's not that strange to you but he definitely won't turn his head towards you because if he did, you'd see his blushing face
⊱ when you somehow see his face and point it out, he'll say that it's just hot here and you should go to attic since there's a little bit colder
⊱ oh, what's that? You want to leave the bed in the morning? Too bad because he doesn't. You're staying in here for at least a day or untill someone reminds him that humans also need to eat
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Ragnarok with a Kobeni-like contestant (platonic)
Warning: mention of terrible parents, mention of sex work, spoilers for the show and Spoiler: for Kobeni backstory
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It’s safe to say that out of all of the contestants of ragnarok you are definitely the one out
Partially because you weren’t brought back to life
Instead you were just asked by Brunhilde to join her cause
And you hesitantly accepted to join
Now along with that your also meek like really meek compared to everyone else
Hell when the Valkyrie brought you to meet the others you were shaking
It’s definitely a bit departure from what everyone assumed to be the deadliest assassin humanity has seen yet
But the greatest warriors know not to judge a foe by their appearance
And you certainly are the epitome of that gesture
Because beneath your crying and shaking face lies someone capable of taking down entire rooms filled with men twice your size without much effort
A truly fierce some foe that is befit to challenge a god
But not even you can recognize your own talent despite how others try to convince you so
“My names y/n l/n. I’m 20 years old… the job I do is… a secret. My hobby is eating tasty stuff”
Adam is the first to approach you of the bunch mostly because of his fatherly instincts kicking in
I mean here you are
This small scared young kid who is shaking like a leaf
Surrounded In a room with bulky powerful historical figures
From that moment on he kinda just stays by your side doing his best to support you
He sees within you a deep power
Something that most would flaunt around yet you don’t even recognize
You constantly talk down to yourself and your achievements which makes the progenitor of man upset
It’s obvious this lack of confidence is basically woven into you
And he’s unsure if it’s just in your nature or someone else is the cause of it
Either way Adam makes it a goal of his to help you
For you are one of his children and he’d be damned if he didn’t help
That’s why he introduces you to the rest of his family
Warning them beforehand that you need a confidence boost desperately
And so they do just that
Adam and Eve become the parents you never had
They are kind and supportive along with patient with you
They wipe away your tears every Time you cry from having such a good meal or thank them
Eve makes you little lunches that have small notes of encouragement to make you smile
Cain and Abel are the brothers you wish you had
There are no hurtful words of calling you useless or saying your only good for making money
The two instead playfully talk about how your the most precious person they’ve met
Even though you have your own room/living area in the arena you end up staying at theirs a lot
Unlike your room theirs is filled with laughter and warmth
The only place you truly felt the sense of “home” in a place
It’s a slow process but you begin to sometime slip up and mention your parent’s treatment of you
How they view you as worthless compared to your brother
How your the figurative work mule for his dreams and being forced to sacrifice your own
It doesn’t exactly surprise them but it certainly makes Adam and his family even more determined to make you feel at home with them
You better hope your parents aren’t attending the event cause mama Eve and papa Adam are gone be giving them the ultimate side eye
Plus a good talking too if they dare even approach you
Meanwhile Cain and Abel are distracting you by getting some of the other human fighters to join their argument of why your the most wholesome person
Adam also definitely takes to training with you
Partially because he’s worried of how you’ll fair against a god
But like many others is pleasantly surprised by your skill
In battle it’s seems as if a switch flips in your mind
You go from scared to dead serious
It reminds him of animals in the wild
The primal urge of survival setting in as you spar with Bü Lu
Your quick in both reaction time and in speed
Because of your smaller stature it makes you harder to hit compared to the rather bulky build of many others
Not to mention that because of your nature and appearance you have the upper hand of being underestimated by almost everyone
Which is seemingly one of your best qualities since it leads to your opponents being cocky and thinking they could easy kill you
Before you did it before they could even strike
During these sparring matches he takes a lot of your qualities and makes note of them for his own future battle
Yet when he tells you this you dismiss your talents yet again
But with your shy smile he can at least tell some of his words had affected you
At some point you began calling him dad and all he does is smile before ruffling your hair
Eve now Always prepares an extra plate of food just for you
And his sons make sure to make an extra comfy place for you to sleep
Qin Shi Huang is another who seemingly takes to you as a mentor figure
You remind him of himself as a child
Someone forced through brutally and made to bare it
He first hand knows what that can do to someone and your a prime example of that
In his life he at least had Chun Yan who had lifted him up
Taught him not to just grin and bare the insults and cruelty that was always presented to him
But it seems to him you had no one but yourself
And eventually it wore you down
Or perhaps you just accepted it from the start
So much like Adam the former Emperor of China begins trying to help you as best he can
Firstly by telling you to see the value in yourself
Which he does by literally ordering you as emperor to do so (lol)
Every day he makes you acknowledge that you are smart
That you’ve been chosen for a reason and not to diminish yourself
He also goes with you when your shopping around the arena so you don’t have to worry about money
Which you do a lot
Yeah the moment he sees you contemplating whether to buy something or something else cause of your budget he’s just straight up buying an entire store
You try to tell him not too but he does so anyways
Telling you to accept what he and others give to you
Including their help
Whenever your not having dinner with Adam’s family he invites you to dine with him
His room is filled with antiquities of his time
Fine silks and giant a giant feast that you give into eating
Along with that he also gives you nicknames
Stuff that have a meaning behind them in his tongue of ancient Chinese
All of which link back to you in battle
Training with you is certainly a fun challenge especially as he sees you go from one side of a scale personality wise to another
It fills him with pride as your able to take down foes bigger than you with ease
It’s like watching a rabbit game down a wolf or bear
You don’t expect it but once you see it happens it changes your view of predator and prey
It goes to show that anyone can be a threat if pushed far enough
How the tiniest nation can rise and defeat those who stood might and strong for centuries just because they were smarter
After these training session and battles he always pats you on the back and patches up your minimal wounds
He often jokes that you’d make a great kings guard for him if your up for it
You always bashfully say you couldn’t possibly do that
But he always reminds you that an emperor such as himself doesn’t offer such an opportunity to someone they didn’t think deserved it
You don’t even notice it but his and everyone else’s efforts slowly begin to help you build up your self esteem
It’s a slow process
But one that begins to show results over time
Results that make him happy as you now don’t seem to shake or flinch whenever someone looks at you
Back in his childhood he couldn’t help himself as he does now
So he knows you need that push to begin seeing yourself as worthy of having good happen to you
To know you are valued
That you are seen as a good friend
Another of the human fighters you get along well with is Kojiro
The so called biggest loser in history
It’s kinda funny since your brother used to compare you to him
Saying how you were him reborn or something along those lines
It’s disheartening to him of how you look down on yourself
Your such a talented young mind yet the thing that seems to be holding you back is yourself
You are your worse enemy from him others words had ingrained themselves into you so deeply
Unlike the others who work to make you more confident Kojiro focuses on just making you happy and content
He always greets you with a kind smile
Or invites you to sit down for some lunch and tea
He is a calming presence
Like a nice autumn day or a summer breeze
One that eases your nervousness as the older man acts as a rock you can lean to other than Adam
When things get intense you sometimes lean instinctively behind him which makes him laugh
Despite being history’s “biggest loser” he’s surprisingly ok with people calling him that
He takes it almost as a badge or pride or a joke
It’s confusing to you but you don’t question it
Just assuming the older man has thicker skin than you
Training with him is especially interesting considering he’s one of the few who can properly defend against your approach of quick and swift attacks
He makes for a fun challenge and never calls you names
In fact he actually compliments your fighting and admits that your a fearsome foe
There may or may not have been a few times where you called him grandpa without knowing and he couldn’t help but smile
Jack the Ripper is one who seeks you out on his own
You have the constant colour of fear dying you
Almost as if it was the only thing you could feel
It intrigues him
So he sets out to figure out why you constantly feel that way and
Yeah he kinda quickly realizes you must’ve had a fucked home life
Takes one to know one as he and Qin Shi quickly realized
He is an English gentleman through and through so he takes to interacting with you as if your porcelain
Your fragile maybe not physically since your fighting against the gods but mentally you are
And despite how fear usually makes him excited it worries him when it comes to you
Especially as he begins to gain a soft spot for your shy and meek self
Despite knowing the atrocities he’s claimed to commit (even if he isn’t the real Jack the Ripper) you cling to him
See him as a protector of sorts
Hiding behind him and his jacket
Or tugging at his sleeve to indicate you feel to nervous to interact with a bunch of people
It’s sweet
And now you have a literal serial killer as a friend
Your emotional support who’s a serial killer
Though to be fair you also had down your fair share of killing due to your job
Other than Adam he’s the only one you tell your actual profession of being an Assassin
He is definitely kinda surprised but doesn’t know what else he was expecting
Considering he’s seen your fighting
Jack is sympathetic to you when you sometimes slip up and mention how bad your parents are
How they don’t care for you and neither does your brother who they love more
It reminds him of his mom but at least at some point she pretended to love him
You never even had that
Because of his ability to basically see people’s emotions he ends up knowing when he needs to help calm you down
And he also tells the others when their getting a bit much for you to Handle
When it does get too much he brings you to his room
Victorian decor filling it as he pours you a cup of tea
He talks about Shakespeare and recites the stories to calm you down
So you can focus on that instead of the world
It works pretty well especially since his accent is soothing
Your parents best watch out especially as unlike Adam and Eve he wont hesitate to actually harm them
Plus all the other human fighters would probably cover for him lol
Surprisingly enough Göll the Valkyrie ends up becoming friends with you quite easily due to your similar meek nature to her own
Brunhilde is the one who suggests for her younger sister to meet you and it goes really well!
Göll is a kind soul
One that is gentle and good spirited just as yourself if you weren’t thrusted into such a cruel situation
It makes you happy though that she’s not like you
That people care enough for her not to be hurt constantly by words and being thrown into battle
She often finds herself eating with you during lunch with a few other fighters
It’s through you she actually begins to get to know them better
Most of them she had found herself too intimidated to speak to but with you she sees that they aren’t as bad as they initially appear
It’s also through you she sees a different version of herself
One that didn’t have her kind but stern sisters
Someone who the world gave up on
And seeing that makes her both grateful and worried for your sake
You are kind and caring yet you don’t think of yourself as anything other than a burden
It makes her happy though that the others are trying to help you
It goes to show to her that some of the scariest people in history can still do some semblance of good
That despite it all humanity is worth it
It kinda opens her eyes as to why her elder sister is fighting so hard to win
Cause humanity might be full of bad but there’s also good to balance it out
And it’s perhaps because of this that she volunteered herself to be your weapon in your battle
The night before the first round starts everyone decides to have a night of partying
It’s the first ever thing you’d been invited to so you decides to dress nice (or we’ll as nice as you could with the limited hand-me-down’s given to you by your older sibling)
When you arrive everyone is surprised to see you actually smiling shyly
Adam Welcomes you to the Table where everyone is sitting before Qin Shi wraps an arm around your shoulder pulling you to sit near him
Kojiro sits beside Soji and Raiden whom all had begun drinking Sake in some sort of competition
Jack sits on the other side of you and gives a polite smile that you mimic back
He drinks tea unlike the others who enjoy the burning taste of alcohol
Tesla is seemingly talking to Nostradamus about some invention
Simo is feeding his dog some treats as Sakata pets said dog
Lü Bu and Leonidas recounts war stories
Rasputin is already passed out after drinking
The entire mood is cheery
Laughter fills the air as music plays from a record player that Tesla had modified
Eventually Qin Shi is somehow able to get you to relax enough to have a drink
Your definitely a lightweight so as you drink very aged alcohol you end up very drunk very fast
Adam had to cut you off as he saw how you could barely stop
You drunkenly complain since you enjoy the frothing beer that leaves a small bubbling moustache on you that makes Lü Bu comment that you now look manly
It’s also there that in your drunken stupor that you talk about how you ended up as an assassin in the first place
“I was forced into it… my parents only care about my gifted brother… they want to put him through collage, so they put me to work… my options were to become a sex worker or an assassin. I wanted to go to collage too!!! But I’m gonna die here!!, and what’s worse is that this has been the best time of my life but I know I’m gonna die”
At this everyone goes quiet as your drunken giggles mix with a few sobs
the tragedy of your life is now revealed
A tragic symphony now complete from the bits and pieces that had slipped out earlier
There’s a shared sentiment of sympathy from the other fighters for you
The fact that someone could do that to their own child
That they valued one over the other
It’s a moment that they all will forever remember especially as you laugh at your own pain
Your own anguish as if it were a joke
Cause in reality you were just a joke to your parents
To your brother whom you had to give everything to
But with that now shared it also brings up why you joined this cause in the first place
So Nicola is the one to ask why
“I joined cause… if I spent my entire life working for them just for the humanity to be killed then what did I work for?. I would’ve spent my entire life for nothing… and at least fighting for humanity for a chance means I did something, that I tried to save people, that I tried to save my own future if I somehow get out of this…That for once I fought for myself”
During the actual competition you end up watching in the stands with the other fighters
You get front row seats and luckily with comes you being able to yell out encouragement with the others
In between rounds there’s a few days of preparation so you get to training with the others usually
For round one you end up sitting Bessie Lü Bu’s lieutenant Cheng and the rest of his soldiers whom you’d gotten to know at this point
And with that come the unfortunate consequence of the first round
It’s hard watching someone you got close to die
seeing how the general went out with a smile you can’t say he died in vain
But seeing his men valiantly follow him in death is also something that hits you hard
Like really hard
Sure you had only known them for about a month but in that short time you had finally found people you considered your friends
And that in turn scares you for everyone else’s fates
Especially since you know Adam is next
So you train with him perilously
And when the time comes for his battle you have him copy your abilities as an extra slide of hand
You watch anxiously beside Cain and Abel as they both wrap an arm around you for your comfort
Eve occasionally checks to see if your ok which makes you give a nervous smile
It’s obvious you aren’t but you say you alright anyways
The battle comes to a close
Adam left almost for dead with Zeus as the victor
Adam is taken to extensive care and your left spiralling as the others try to console you that it would be alright
That he wasn’t dead but healing
That humanity wasn’t doomed just yet
Göll has the same mindset as you but tries to keep you positive which you appreciate
And then comes Kojiro vs Poseidon
At this point you were terrified for Kojiro but cheered for him nether the less despite how now one did at first
And as the battle progressed you did your hardest to make sure he heard your encouragement
If there was a god you could pray to you probably would’ve lol
You were definitely happy not to be up against Poseidon especially with his cutting remarks
And then despite the impossible Kojiro wins
And you and the crowd goes wild
When he’s brought to the intermarry where Adam still rests you give the older man a big hug
And spend your free time not training with him
But time goes quick and a week passes within the blink of an eye
Your round is up next and it’s not only your life on the line but also your dear friend Göll
You know you can’t lose
“There’s no such thing as a life free of bad things… except in your dreams. But today I gotta make a good thing happen no matter what ”
For your round you go up against Heracles
Someone who you had actually met prior to the match
He had found you scared in a crowd and being pushed around
You just took it
Not fighting back at all
And it didn’t feel right to him so he stepped in and helped you
He saw a lot of himself in you and you remain him of his old friend
So when he sees he’s up against you it feels wrong to him
You look so frightened
So fucking terrified
Even the gods are wondering why they sent you out against him
It feels as if sending out a pawn to die
A sacrificial lamb to the slaughter
What could a scared child do against the Heracles
Some wouldn’t admit it but their disdain for humanity grew for the fact this seemed cruel
Almost immediately he asks you to stand down
To give up
But despite how much you shake you don’t back down
Telling him that you agreed to fight
That you had to fight for humanity’s sake
And when the horn is blown the fight begins in a replica city of modern times
Glass skyscrapers that touch the sky
Empty streets with a few cars placed in a few places
As the god ready’s himself he sees you get into position
The tears nod drained away as a serious expression replaces it
“G-Göll says you mean a lot to her and I don’t think your a bad person…I don’t have to kill you to win, all I have to do is get you to tap out or where you can’t fight me anymore”
His eyes widen slightly
And then he nods
“Same goes to you then”
It begins
It’s immediate that one advantage you have over him is speed and agility
He is bulky and much slower compared to you but makes up for that in power an defence
You attack carefully
Quick and swift cuts of your blade as Göll encouraged you in your mind
The environment of alleyways and the cover of cars
Distantly you think of the other fighters
Of the injured Adam and his family
Of Qin Shin
Of everyone depending on you to win
Of your future beyond this
The future you want instead of slaving away and the killing you do for your ungrateful brother
In that moment as you dodge one of his attacks you promise yourself that you’d go to collage
That for the first time in your life after coming here you’d live truly
You get more focused
More precise in where to hit him as to wear him down
Attack after attack
Blow after blow
No matter how many times he almost hit you
Or you got scraped by an attack you just keep pushing
Cause it’s not just humanity’s life on the line
It’s Göll’s
It’s your own
And then after what feels like hours you do it
You get that final hit to bring down the metaphorical to crumble castle down
He crashes into the asphalt
It crumbles it bits around him and you watch anxious as he tries to get up but can’t
And for the first time since it started it feels as if you could finally breath
He didn’t die like you said and you win by wounding him enough to the point he can’t fight anymore
You forgot he swore to do the Sam etching for you
And you expect him to be mad at you
To yell
To curse you
To promise to strike you down once this is all over
And yet despite loosing he laughs
One that is just full of pure joy instead of malice and disdain like your used to
You sniffle and crack your eyes open to see him moon up at you with pure amazement
“And so the 4th round of Ragnarok goes to the humans!. Y/n had injured Heracles to the point of not being able to fight anymore!”
It feel surreal as those words ring out in the stadium
People are cheering for you
The person who was told their entire life that they were nothing but a waste of space
Just a tool to get the more worthy child into collage as you wasted away
Tears bubble up in your eyes that quickly spill over the edge
You bow, thanking the crowd before turning to the injured god and helping him up
As you help him up he smiles
Grabbing your hand and lifting up up to the air as a sign of your victory
And for the first time in your life you feel yourself cry from happiness
To smile so brightly that it could rival the sun
That it hurt your cheeks from it being so wide
Or that you actually feel accomplished for once
“I won…I won!.”
“You did. That was a good fight, thank you. What are you gonna do after this?”
“I’m…I’m gonna go to collage like I always wanted. I’m gonna start living for myself and not for my parents. You hear that!, I’m not sending money to you anymore it’s my life now!”
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wayfayrr · 6 months
So this is very much a self indulgent mini-fic, venting about some stuff that I've been dealing with recently <3 I'm working on requests and some other fics but I got told to post this to get it off of my chest anyway @cloudninetonine @angry-trashcan thanks for the confidence boost to be able to post this
“Hey, you’ve been sitting over here for a while, you feeling alright?”
“Just been thinking… I was part of some drama before I was uh brought here. It’s just, it’s just messed with me a bit I guess. I’ll be fine when we need to start moving again, don’t worry wars.”
After a brief second of fabric shuffling, he sits down and leans on me. It’s an oddly comforting feeling, different too like he’s bothered by something? What could’ve set him off so badly?
“Would you mind if I asked you about it? It’s clearly bothering you so, you should get it off of your chest and well, I’d just like to help you through this.”
“If you really want to know, it’s a little complicated though and while I can make a lot of it make sense to you I’ll have to leave a couple of things out.”
“Sounds like you’re willing to get it off of your chest though, so would you care to explain it to me honeybee?”
He’s being more persistent than usual too, have I really been looking so badly bothered by my thoughts? The worry does feel nice however, it feels more like talking to an old friend than anything which is wonderful seeing as I’ve not been able to reach them recently. I’ve just been stuck rereading old messages in a new context while my phone endlessly buffers to reach impossibly far servers.
“It’s… I’d been having issues with this person for a while… they used me more than anything, kept asking me for advice and making everything about them and brushed anything I or my other friends were trying to say off and sent things they really shouldn’t to people unwarrented… and then everything else.”
“Everything else? You don’t have to cut yourself off, with how you’ve been acting the rest feels like it’ll be worse anyway.”
“They just - someone connected some dots and pointed them out to me and I just… I’ve been going back over what they said and - and - and it made me think. They told me they associated my voice with a character they always got weird over, they kept fawning over my accent and how they’ve only ever heard it in fiction before, they gave me weird compliments when I was talking about things I did as a kid and that’s not even getting me started on how they treated my friends. I just… I feel so disgusted, seeing it in this light. Every bit of my skin just itches with disgust towards myself. Sorry I didn’t mean to share so much at once - I’m just tired. They didn’t even like me, it was like they only wanted me for where I’m from.”
The way he stilled sent a shiver down me, did I say to much? He might have not meant it when he said I could share… I mean theres no way he could’ve known… or does he think I’m simply overreacting? I’m probably just overreacting anyway.
My heart started beating again when he softened and pulled me to rest on him.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that all. They’re the one who is disgusting, not you, never you. I’ll speak to time, you should just rest for the rest of the day. I can lend you my scarf and you can just have a nap or I could ask wild to make your favourite food and you can just rest.”
I didn’t get a say before he’s already draped it over my shoulders; he’s leading me back over to the others and setting me down next to sky as he goes to speak with time. 
“Hmm? Did something happen, are you feeling alright dove?”
“Ah well, wars is going to ask time if we can stop for the day because I’m just dealing with some memories. I hope it won’t bother the others.”
“I doubt it, everyone’s been tense and tired recently. I know I have, I’ve been about dying for a rest. Would you care to join me too?”
Leaning back against him is all the response he needs as my eyes flutter closed, he’s so warm and comfortable. There are few people I’d prefer to rest next to. 
“So then old man, I think that’s a good enough reason to settle for the day, don’t you?”
I know he’ll agree, asking him like this is simply a formality. After all, how could we continue when a member of the group is in such a state? On the verge of tears just from thinking about someone for a little bit too long. 
“You’ve never asked this for anyone else, but fine.” “Thank you Time, I’ll pay you back for this.”
“And Wars?”
“Go take your anger out on something, it’s not a good energy in the camp. Not if they’re so fragile right now. There’s apparently a standard bokoblin camp just a little south.”
He’s seen right through me then, but now I don’t need an alibi for when I come back.
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ken-dom · 9 months
Ken Comfort Headcanons
Ken x reader
Summary and warnings: a few headcanons of Ken being supportive when you’re in need of comfort. It’s Ken, so that does sometimes cross over into him being a little... obsessive. Also, I’ve tried to leave this ambiguous as to the time and setting so it’s up to how you want to read it! Includes mentions of kisses.
I originally posted this to my main blog but I'm re-posting all my work here to have everything in one place due to an unresolved tagging issue on my main
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He tries SO hard when he knows you've had a bad day because he can't stand the thought of you feeling anything other than as perfect as he thinks you are
Will give you space but is never far away, usually watching from a distance just incase you need something he can provide
He’s so soft and gentle with you, brushing your hair while he tells you all the things he loves most about you to give you a boost
The list of compliments is long and far from exhaustive; he rarely gives you the same compliment twice and never runs out of new ones
Truly excellent at pep talks if you need one
Holds your face in his palms and looks deep into your eyes to tell you some variation of how sublime or brave or wonderful or kind you are, hoping you’ll believe him and trying to send some positive Kenergy straight to you via his intense gaze
‘Would you like to go for a walk? You can hold my hand…’
Of course, he walks you to the beach (after taking a moment to compose himself at the hand holding) to watch the sunset together
If you squeeze his hand he giggles or let’s out a delighted little ‘Ooh!’
After finding the perfect place to sit together on the sand, he lights a little fire to get cosy beside, smiling at you all the while, and asks, ‘Do you want to talk about it? Or you can just rest with me if that’s what you need?’
Either way, it ends with you laid together on the sand with you resting on his chest, listening to the soothing sounds of his heartbeat and steady breathing
You feel so safe and content with his strong arms wrapped around your shoulders and his fingers playing lovingly with your hair
There’s no rush. He’s content for you to remain silent or take all the time you need in talking to him. He really has all the time in the world for you
It makes his heart race a little to be so close with you, but he contains the feelings it stirs within him so that he can focus entirely on you
Does give you tender little kisses at least every five minutes though, just to remind you how wanted you are
He’s such a good listener. He usually hangs on your every word, but at times like these, it's not just that. When you need him, he is so supportive and always surprises you with new perspectives on whatever is bothering you
If you tell Ken a secret he will guard that secret with his life (but he may flex on some other Kens that you confide in him. He would be really proud of that)
When you begin to feel tired, he will walk you back home, eagerly offering his hand again. He always hopes you’ll invite him inside and to sleep over, but his main priority tonight is helping you feel yourself again
‘Would you like me to come in and read to you?’
He doesn’t so much read as look at pictures with you and excitedly read out the bits he thinks are most exciting, but his heart is in the right place and it warms yours to know that he wants to spend his free time making you feel better and not just vying for your attention
Makes you tea and tucks you in even if he’s not staying over, with one final kiss to your forehead before he departs
‘I’m your Ken no matter what.’
Literally does not sleep. Worries all night that you might not have sweet dreams or will wake feeling anything other than great
Will be back first thing in the morning with breakfast already made and a hot bath drawn for you, ready for when you wake up to make sure you’re off to a perfect start the next day
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