#i want to belong. what do i need to do to belong.
elliewithcellie · 1 day
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summary: After months working for the BAU, your harbored feelings for your boss seem unrequited until your hunt for the unsub goes awry. (hotch x fem!reader)
wc: 9.8k (oh my god)
cw: slow burn, boss/employee dynamic, age gap pairing, criminal minds level violence, mention of alcoholism, implication of father issues, hurt/comfort, reader gets hurt, fluff, angst, SMUT (18+ MDNI), oral (f receiving), p in v sex, Hotch is a professional at heart and takes work boundaries seriously
a/n: Back in the saddle with a new man to hyper-fixate on. Hotch can GET IT. Also, let me know if anyone wants the SFW version I'm working on
“Looks like we’re doubling up,” Hotch announced, a sigh escaping his lips.
Before you could even process his words, the rest of the team sounded off, choosing their roommates for the duration of the case. All that remained were you and your boss. With the team dispersing, you awkwardly shifted your duffle bag to your other shoulder and looked up at Hotch.
His stern expression didn’t change as he looked back at you. “Come on. We’re 202.”
You followed him to the elevators, still unsure what to think. This was not only your boss but someone you had garnered quite a fondness for since you joined the BAU. Of course, you had managed yourself professionally thus far, but you were sure this was going to test your limits.
You understood the immediate pairings among the rest of the team. You were still fairly new, not quite to the rapport that the team had formed with each other. But it also made you think about how no one chose Hotch. The pressure to be Unit Chief also had to be lonely.
The elevator chimed, and the two of you shuffled in. You kept to yourself, trying to maintain composure. The lift from the first floor to the second felt like an hour, the silence deafening. You couldn’t shake your nerves. The doors opened, and he stepped out. You quickly followed.
Hotch opened the door and allowed you in first. The two double beds, office chair, mini fridge, and small bathroom were all less comforting to you than normal.
“Do you mind if I take the bed by the door?” Hotch asked, his voice softer than usual.
You blinked up at him, stirred from your preoccupation. “Yeah, of course. I like the window side anyway.”
“Thank you. If you’d like, you can have the shower first. I’d like to call Jack before he heads to bed.”
“Sounds good.”
You began to unpack your belongings and sighed in dismay. You had assumed that you would have a room to yourself as usual, so your pajamas were a little more revealing than you’d prefer your boss to see. Still, a t-shirt and shorts were reasonable sleep attire, so you tried not to dwell on it. You collected your things as Hotch dialed a number on his phone.
“Hey, buddy, how was your day?”
You smiled to yourself as you entered the bathroom. His “dad” voice was more upbeat, yet calm and soothing. With Hotch distracted on the phone, you could relax in the shower. The boiling water stung your skin, just the way you needed it. As you relaxed, you realized how silly it was for you to stress over the rooming situation. Hotch was here to do his job, just like you. And other than his intelligence, his kindness, and his fierce compassion for kids, you were sure you were only infatuated with him.
You finished up your shower and towel-dried your hair once you could no longer hear his muffled voice through the door. You were desperate not to waste Hotch’s time. With your hair still wet and your large t-shirt hanging over your shorts, you timidly exited the bathroom back to your bed, on your toes as if you were sneaking around. Hotch sat on his bed, his coat jacket now on the desk chair. He flipped through channels with the remote in one hand and loosened his tie with the other.
“All yours,” you spoke, struggling to get the words out.
Hotch looked up at you and gave a small smile. “Thanks.” He gathered up his things and closed the bathroom door behind him.
Another sigh of relief left your lips. You grabbed the book from your duffle and climbed into bed. You rolled over to turn on the lamp next to you and began to read, but before you knew it, sleep overtook you.
You woke up to Hotch answering his phone. The sky was still dark. The only light illuminating the room was the alarm clock. You realized that you hadn’t turned off the lamp before you fell asleep, nor did you place your book carefully on the side table with a hotel pen as the bookmark.
“Alright. Yes. Right. Understood. We’ll be right over.”
You looked up at Hotch expectantly. He looked at you, then averted his eyes as he got out of bed. “Another young girl missing. She’s only 16.” He paced the floor for a moment, a short-lived break from the stoic leader he always has to be.
“I’ll call the others,” you said sitting up. His eyes returned to yours, the strain turning into relief. He only nodded and headed for the closet, suiting up right there.
You called the others and followed suit, leaving the hotel parking lot by 3:46 am.
The next 18 hours were long, stressful, and only moderately successful. The team was able to work out an arrangement with the kidnapper before their 24 hours were up. The girl, Heather, was returned to her parents with only a few bruises. But the kidnapper got away, practically goading you all at the ability to remain anonymous. The team was exhausted and out of ideas.
The team drove back to the hotel without a single word exchanged. The kidnapper’s voice rang in your head. He was so confident, arrogant even. There was almost never a moment where he fumbled over his words or cracked. His ruse lasted for hours. But he got sloppy in the end, fessing up to her location just enough for Garcia to triangulate. But something wasn’t adding up to you: his willingness to run instead of killing her when he had the chance.
Hotch spoke up, stirring you from your ruminations. “We need to start from scratch. Reid, give us a rundown on what, where, and why.”
“Well, we know his victims are all young women now ranging from 16 to 23. They come from middle to upper-class families. He sends messages to the families always demanding ransom within 24 hours. Three women have been killed, and now two have survived. The strange part is whether or not he stays truthful to his word. The parents have always given him what he wants, but then it’s up to his discretion whether he follows through.”
 “Based on these girls,” Prentiss interjected, “this guy’s intelligent. He prides himself on the ability to get away with this.”
“That’s good,” Hotch said, eyes still on the road. “But why work with us sometimes and not others?
The SUV hummed as its passengers sat in silence.   
You decided to speak up. “Prentiss said he prides himself on the ability to get away with this, right?” Everyone sat still, expectant for you to continue. “We’re looking at this the wrong way. This isn’t a sadist who gets off on killing. This isn’t a psychopath with a compulsion. This is a narcissistic sociopath who has been evading capture for weeks now. This is a game to him. It’s a game he knows he can win.”
“Which is why when he’s pressured, he releases the girl.” Hotch nodded along.
“He can take a loss where he can because, to him, the ultimate win is to not get caught,” Reid agreed.
“Great work,” Hotch said, parking the car. “You guys head in and get some good sleep. I’ll fill in the other van. Be ready for a big day of planning.”
You walked up with Reid and Prentiss, a small smile refusing to leave your lips. You cracked it, you thought to yourself.
Your two teammates teased each other up to the rooms, you following close behind. You weren’t the type to inject yourself into other people’s conversations, which ended up making it hard to connect with them. It was as if you had been adopted into a family that has known each other their whole lives. You were respected, sure, so there was no need to complain. You just wished that you could make jokes with them and have the levity they had during intense cases like this.
Still, even hearing your teammates laugh was enough for you tonight. You longed for a moment longer, but they said their goodnights and headed off.
You entered your room, much more relaxed than the night before. You had yourself all worked up, and for what? You gathered your things and headed to the shower, sure that Hotch wasn’t far behind and would call his son again.
As you exited the bathroom, Hotch entered the room. You jumped despite yourself.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said.
“It’s ok,” was all you said in response. You returned your things to your bag and slid into bed. You turned on the lamp and began reading while Hotch took his turn in the shower.
You were still reading when he returned, the book more interesting now than it was the night before. You glanced up only for a moment. Hotch wore striped pajama pants tonight, contrasted to the boxers you accidentally noticed earlier that morning. You looked back at your book but couldn’t read it. Your mind wandered to the message Hotch could be sending. Maybe your shorts were inappropriate. Maybe you weren’t meant to see his boxer shorts at all. Maybe he was just cold.
“Good work today,” Hotch said, interrupting your thoughts.
You smiled up at him. “It was a team effort.”
“We may have never come to the conclusion you did. Take the compliment.” Hotch’s lips raised to a subtle smirk, something you’ve only seen a handful of times and certainly never directed toward you.
“Yes, sir,” you said. “Thank you.” You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Your eyes drifted back to your book.
“What’s your book about?”
Was Hotch trying to make conversation with you? True, it wasn’t as late as yesterday’s arrival, but in all of your months of working for the BAU, any discussion with the team had been strictly professional. Still, you blushed at the question.
“It’s a romance,” you confessed.
“I have to say,” Hotch began, “I’ve never read a romance novel. What about it appeals to you?”
You thought for a moment. “I guess it’s the suspension of disbelief. The relief to enter a reality where people love in big, romantic ways. Don’t you ever want to get swept off your feet?”
You cringed at the question, debating on whether it was appropriate to ask your superior about romance.
“I think I’d rather do the sweeping,” Hotch said thoughtfully.
You smiled at his words.
“You don’t think people love in romantic ways in this reality?” Hotch asked, looking up at the ceiling. His breaths were calm, and his face seemed to soften from serious to curious.
“I don’t know,” you said sincerely. “My sister is about to marry a real stand-up guy. He’s caring and has a good family who loves her, too. It’s one of those one-and-done fairy tale deals. Like truly made for each other. But I wouldn’t say that’s the norm. It’s not my norm, at least. So, yeah, I guess you could say I’m skeptical.”
You crossed your legs and fiddled with your thumbs. You tried not to reflect on your history, tried not to give any clue to your boss of your true beliefs. It didn’t ultimately matter to the conversation, anyway. The silence stewed as it stirred up new thoughts and old patterns, feeling yourself shut down the conversation. You didn’t mean to. You hated being seen as the one that was boring outside of work. The one that wasn’t friendly enough to get to know.
“I’m sure you don’t know,” Hotch began again, shaking you from your anxious thoughts, “but bringing up your sister reminded me that I met your dad a few years ago.”
You shot up. “You know about him?” You covered your face with your hands.
“He was nationally awarded for his work in counterterrorism. Of course, I know about him.” He laughed softly, a sound you weren’t used to but would never complain to hear it again. “I met him on a job in Bakersfield. He knew the town like the back of his hand. Is he why you joined?”
“In a roundabout way,” you sighed.
“He brought up his girls every chance he could.” Hotch smiled and turned to face you. “One was a soccer star in South Carolina on track to be a doctor. One was a track star a semester away from graduating with honors and applying to Physician Assistant programs, I believe.”
“My sisters are overachievers,” you said.
“Then it’s you he talked about the most. The musician, the future psychologist, the one who found fascination with the minute details of life.”
“My dad said all that?”
“He did. He had offered us beers when it was all over, and he shared photos of you all. You’re certainly much more grown now.” He chuckled.
Your cheeks flushed red at the comment.
“I showed him Jack playing tee-ball, and we both shared some stories before it was time to go. He had some great advice to give.”
“I’m sure he did,” you mumbled. “Sir, I don’t want you to think I got in because of him. He didn’t know until I made it to Quantico. I mean, yes, he always pushed the army and West Point like him, but I did this all on my own, Mr. Hotchner, I swear.”
“Hotch is fine,” he gently corrected. “I’m not worried about where you came from. I knew the entire time. But your qualifications are what got you on the team, not your father. Keep up the good work, and I’ll continue to remember that.”
“Yes, sir.” You thought to yourself for a moment. The candor of the conversation may have added to your bravery in this moment. “Hotch?”
He raised his eyebrows to imply he was listening.
“Umm, Is there anything that I can do to, like… never mind. I’m about to sound pathetic.” You huffed back down into your pillow. You couldn’t believe you were about to ask Hotch how to make friends.
“They’ll warm up to you, just like you’ll warm up to them. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and I’m sure they’ll see you for who you are.”
You sighed again. Of course, he knew what you were stressing about. He’s the chief profiler after all.
“I’ll let you read now,” Hotch said, getting up from bed. “I’m going to call Jack.”
You gave a small smile and nodded, and he left the room.
You woke up the next morning to Hotch returning to the room, two disposable coffee cups and a case file in his hands.
You jerked up from bed. “Am I late?” you asked, scared you slept through the alarm.
“No, no,” he said, walking over to you. “I’m early. Coffee?”
He held out one of the cups to you. You gently accepted.
“Thank you.” You looked over at the clock. 5:54. You rubbed your eyes. “Are you always up this early?”
“On the job, yes,” he said with no inflection. “Much to think about, and much to be done.” He sat back on his bed and reviewed the file you knew he had reviewed countless times. If he was anything like you, he was searching for some hidden puzzle piece, something that the team must have missed to solve the case once and for all. But it was never that easy. Still, maybe some fresh eyes could help.
You slid out of your bed and rested on top of his. “Can I help?”
“Be my guest.” He shifted the file your way for a better vantage point. You crossed your legs and sipped your coffee before getting to work.
You found yourself lost in thought, jotting down those thoughts in the margins. It helped to visualize your connections, even drawing physical lines to connect them. You noticed that the most recent girl didn’t fit the age range of the others, 19-23. You dug deeper, making a note to ask Garcia to run the connection between all of these girls. College? you wrote. There was a college campus within ten minutes of the hotel. One more thing struck you. All of the victims had their hair up in a high ponytail. You weren’t sure how that was associated yet, but you wrote beside each of the photos anyway.
As the early sun began to rise, you grew brutally aware of Hotch’s presence. His body leaned closer to yours, and you felt his eyes sear into your skin. You grew distracted, your mind wandering to the fact that you were wearing only a loose shirt and small shorts in Hotch’s bed. Was he noticing the same thing? Was this a breach of professionalism? Were you making him uncomfortable? Against all your will, you felt your body temperature rise in the form of a blush.
The alarm clock rang out, pulling both Hotch and your attention. You stretched over to turn it off.
“I’ll let you get ready,” Hotch said, jumping out of bed. He headed to the door, refusing to meet your gaze. “Meet me downstairs?”
“Yes, sir,” you said, slightly surprised by the questioning tone of your superior. He nodded and left the room before another word could be spoken.
In the conference room of the local police station sat the team, all watching Hotch interact with the captain of the squad through the glass. You stayed facing the table with your head low. You couldn’t help the bounce of your leg. While the others inferred the conversation outside, your mind had fixated on the morning’s events. The heat of your boss’s breath had tattooed your skin, a branding to the back of your neck. The intimacy, the closeness, and then the flustered nature Hotch left in replayed in your mind. You couldn’t look at him until you could properly collect yourself.
“What’s on your mind, kiddo?” Morgan asked. Your head shot up. All eyes were on you now. You failed to hide the rouging in your cheeks.
“Nothing.” You shrugged, though you knew the contradiction in your body language.
JJ chuckled. “Nothing? You’re so tense, so distracted.”
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, huh?” Morgan asked again, a smile growing on his face. “Hotch keeping you up all night?”
You flinched at his name. You couldn’t help it, but you outed yourself all the same.
“No, I slept fine. I swear.”
“You flinched!” Prentiss laughed and pointed. “It is about Hotch, isn’t it?”
“Leave the poor girl alone,” Rossi said, not bothering to look up from his newspaper.
“Hon, you better tell us what happened in the next three seconds.” Derek swatted at Spencer’s chest. “Reid, help us out, here.”
“Based on the months we’ve known her, she tends to—”
 “Don’t you start profiling me, Reid.” You glared at Spencer across the table.
His arms shot up in the air as if to surrender, but a smirk remained on his face. “All I’m saying is that I know the physical signs of a crush when I see one.”
Your jaw dropped. The conference room filled with laughter.
“Leave her alone!” Garcia yelled from behind you. “She’s our sensitive little one!”
“I’m not 5,” you mumbled, crossing your arms. Penelope hugged you from behind as if to protect you from the others. The others continued to laugh, causing you to smile despite yourself. Morgan took a photo of you and Garcia, and warmth spread through you. Even with all the teasing, being here with the team felt good.
Just then Hotch rushed through the door. “Alright, let’s be seated and get to work. We have a big day ahead of us.” Garcia took her seat, but Hotch stayed standing, opting to position himself in front of the whiteboard. “After speaking with the captain and going through the case file with Y/N this morning, I determined our best attack on the situation. Though, it is rather unorthodox.”
The rest of the team stayed silent, waiting for the punchline. Hotch continued. “What do we know about our killer better than anything? His victimology. We know that he goes after girls and young women aged 16-23. They are middle to upper-class, and not the type to find themselves in trouble. Now, who do we all know who fits this very description?”
“Y/N,” Reid said.
All eyes returned to you, this time with a seriousness looming in the air.
“If we don’t want any other kidnappings, we need to give him what he wants. Going after the 16-year-old was off for him. He’s devolving. Which means we need to act fast before he kills again. This is the only way we can approach this head-on.”
“Hotch,” Emily began, “with all due respect, let me take this on. Or JJ. JJ has experience.”
“With his victimology going as low as 16 now, it should be someone who looks the part,” Reid replied.
“She’s just a kid, Hotch.” Morgan reached his hand toward your shoulder, but you gently nudged it away.
“But I’m not a kid at all,” you spoke up. “I have two degrees and the same job as the rest of you. I know I’m young and look younger, but I’m qualified. If my appearance can be used to put this guy away, then let me help. Let me do my job.” You looked up at Hotch, a sudden confidence flowing through your veins. “What do you need me to do?”
For the rest of the day, the team helped you prepare for your role as a 22-year-old college student. The team strategized and planned, desperate to ensure your safety. Everyone added their two cents, but you were happy to receive all the insight you were given. You weren’t going to screw this up for them.
You, Hotch, Prentiss, and Morgan returned to the hotel to pick among your belongings to dress the part. Rossi, Reid, and JJ stayed behind with Garcia to set up intel at the station.
“The shorts you wore to bed,” Hotch began, “go put those on while we find a sweatshirt or jacket. In fact, wear the shirt you wore, too. The size could conceal the mic better.”
You nodded and grabbed your things before heading into the bathroom. It was not lost on you that your boss was thoroughly aware of your pajama situation, but due to the pivotal role you were to perform, it was easier to focus on the task at hand.
You returned from the bathroom where Emily greeted you with the mic. You lifted your arms, allowing Emily to snake the mic underneath your shirt, securing it to your sternum with sports tape. While doing so, Hotch and Morgan returned with a single sweatshirt in Morgan’s hand. It was grungy and old, not quite the goal aesthetic.
Still, Morgan handed it to you to try on. The three profilers evaluated your look.
“This isn’t gonna work,” Morgan said. Prentiss pinched her eyebrows together in dismay. Hotch stayed staring.
“Take off the sweatshirt,” Hotch ordered. “I think I have something better.”
You did as he said while he rummaged through his duffle bag. He pulled out a quarter zip of excellent quality, something he only wears on a successful plane ride home.
“Put it on.”
You didn’t hesitate to follow his instructions. It was a large fit, hanging just above the hem of your shorts and the sleeves landing at your fingertips. The three of them looked at you, then to their reference photos, then back at you. Something was missing.
“Call Reid. Maybe he can find any other similarity we’re missing,” Hotch said.
“No, I got it.” You remembered the notes you made earlier that morning. You took the hair tie from your wrist and pulled your hair up into a high ponytail. “Now, what do you think?”
“That’s it,” Morgan said.
“And just in time,” Emily noted, “We gotta get you to the college fast.”
On the ride to the school, Hotch reiterated the goals in place.
“All you need to do is walk across campus using the roads. Keep to yourself, and most importantly, do not—and I mean it—do NOT, get into the vehicle under any circumstances. Stall him, flirt with him, do anything you can to keep him in place. We’ll be right there. Got it?”
“Yes, sir. I got it.”
“We’re counting on you.”
“Good luck.” Prentiss smiled with seriousness behind her eyes.
Morgan grabbed your shoulder, turning you around. “Be smart, kiddo.”
You returned a small smile and left the van to venture on your walk.
You had to have walked the streets for at least an hour. The campus was massive, larger than any school you attended. You did as you were told and kept to yourself. The sun had long since set, so there was no warmth to guard you from the biting breeze. A car or two passed periodically, but none slowed down beside you. There was a peace in the solitude. One could chalk it up to the calm before the storm, but you weren’t afraid.
Another car passed, but this time it slowed down. Your heart stopped and landed in your throat.
“Excuse me,” the man called out. The voice was unforgettable. The very same voice that threatened to kill the girl over the phone. The voice that replayed in your mind for hours. You knew it was him.
You turned to face him, trying to commit every detail to memory. He was a conventionally attractive man with lighter hair and a smile that you would have swooned over under any other circumstance. He wore a white polo and jeans and drove a two-door black convertible with the top down.
“Sorry,” he said. “I’m looking for a party my buddy’s throwing, but I don’t go here.”
“I’ll say you don’t,” you chuckled as you walked closer. “Your car must cost my tuition!”
The man grinned. “You like? I could take you for a spin. But I’ll have you know; I like to go fast.”
“Mmmm, top-down, wind in my hair,”—you inched closer still, to feign some sort of interest— “but don’t you have a party you’re missing?”
“Well, if you show me where to go, maybe I’ll consider you my plus one.” He winked.
“Now, do I look like the partying type to you?” You laughed and rested your arms on his car door.
Without another word, he grabbed you by the upper arms and pulled you into the driver’s seat. You screamed at the top of your lungs. You tried to fight him from your disadvantaged position, but he was stronger, quicker. He forced you into the passenger seat as he wailed punch after punch into your jaw.
“Nice. Girls. Don’t. Scream!” he yelled. He punctuated his words with one final blow to the head. And as you drifted out of consciousness, you weren’t sure if the roof was closing above you or if the sky was turning black.
The sound of fireworks stirred you from your unconsciousness. Lights of reds and blues lit the night sky. You smiled at the serenity of the celebration. You didn’t want to go, but the strong hands beneath you lifted you away. You were much too tired to argue, his heartbeat lulling you to sleep. The faint words “stay with me” echoed in your mind, and if staying meant remaining in the comfort of the person who held you, you’d be content to stay there forever.
You woke up to blinding white lights. This must be heaven you assumed. You blinked through the searing lights and realized it wasn’t heaven at all. You were in a hospital. The sheets, the gown, the blinking monitors, and a small TV playing all clouded your senses. You reached up to rub your head, but someone was holding your hand.
Hotch moved with you, stirring him out of his strained slumber. He had pulled a chair to your bed, his head resting next to your knee. He lifted his head and looked up at you, an urgency deep within his eyes.
“How are you feeling?” He didn’t let go of your hand.
“I—uhhh—Hotch, what’s goin’ on?” You found your breathing quickening at the sound of your slurred speech, the confusion becoming too much to handle.
“You’re ok. You’re gonna be ok. The doctor said they want to keep you overnight, but the team’s on their way.”
“No, no.” You pulled your hand away. “They can’t see me like this. You can’t see me like this! I’m not put together. I—I feel like I'm gonna be sick. I can’t feel my arms. Are my hands shaking? I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out!”
Hotch all but jumped at your ramblings, his eyebrows raised in shock. Before he could answer you burst into tears.
“Hotch, I’m gonna be sick,” you said through your convulsions.
Hotch jumped up in search of a bucket. He grabbed the trashcan at the corner of the room and brought it to you just in time. Tears streamed down your face as you threw up into the trashcan. Hotch held your hair back and gently rubbed your back.
Your nausea subsided, but your panic remained. Hotch sat on the bed, pulling you into his chest. You gripped him with all your might, desperate for the shakes to go away.
“You're alright. You're safe, ok? I think the medicine is messing with you a little. Take some deep breaths for me. I need you to relax, ok?”
You tried to take breaths at the pace Hotch set. Hotch’s hand combed through your hair as he tried to soothe you. Eventually, you were able to cool off. Hotch gently rested you back on your pillow. “Why don’t we go back to sleep for a little, ok? I think you’ll feel better when you wake up.”
You nodded, your face still wet from the tears. You repositioned yourself and fell asleep within moments.
When you woke up again, your mind was your own. Your head was pounding, and your body ached. You allowed yourself to adjust to your environment before searching for Hotch. There he sat by your bed, talking to a nurse. You cleared your throat effortfully. Hotch stood and approached you.
“How are you?”
“Everything hurts.”
“They’re giving you ibuprofen now. It seems like you were reacting to the morphine poorly.”
“That’s embarrassing.”
“Not at all,” Hotch said seriously. “Do you remember what I told you? That they want to keep you overnight?”
“That does ring a bell,” you said as you rubbed your head. “Is the team here?”
“They are. I told them to wait outside until you were ready.”
“Oh, ok.” You thought for a moment. “Hotch?”
“Can—Can you tell me what happened? Like, did we win? Is everyone ok?”
Hotch chuckled, but his eyes appeared sad. “Everyone is fine. We got him. Are you sure you want to talk about this now? Why don’t we wait until you—”
“Hotch. Please.”
Hotch sighed and took a moment to think. “Well, we knew we were looking for an expensive convertible thanks to you.” He smiled. “So, we began our search as you spoke. But then, we all heard you scream.”
You flinched at the word, your memory of the gruesome event beginning to reassemble.
“Of course, it was full speed at that point. He had you, and we weren’t going to lose you. We cornered him on a dead-end road just outside of campus. We didn’t let him get far. Prentiss shot out one of his tires, so he started running. Prentiss and Morgan ran for him, and I ran to you.”
He paused. He looked away as his bottom lip trembled. He took a deep breath in as he settled into his natural professionalism again.
“We had EMT on standby, so we were able to get here quickly.”
You nodded, realizing it was Hotch who carried you out. The fireworks, the lights, the “stay with me”, the reality of it all crashed in on you in the form of a shudder.
“It was you?” you asked.
Hotch knit his eyebrows together and tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
“You pulled me out. I felt you. I think I heard you.”
“Someone had to make sure you were ok.”
The fact that it was Hotch warmed your heart. Still, a question lingered in your mind. “Is he still alive?”
Hotch shook his head no.
“Mm,” was all you could say in response. There was no room for emotion. No time to process an opinion. You were just glad it was over. “What time is it?”
Hotch checked his watch. “It’s 2:43.”
“In the morning? Sir, with all good intentions, go to bed. Go tell the team to—”
Just behind Hotch, you caught a glimpse of Spencer in the doorway. “Is now a good time?” he asked.
You smiled and nodded. Spencer peeked his head back out and in a loud whisper said, “It’s clear! Go, go, go!”
The rest of the team hustled into the room and crowded around your bed. One by one, greetings and gentle hugs made their rounds, and your smile grew bigger and bigger.
“It’s a party now,” you said, a giggle bubbling out of your throat.
“Oh, she’s got the right idea,” JJ said as she sat close to you on the bed. She carefully moved a strand of hair from your face.
Prentiss laughed. “All we need now is some good music, a dance floor, and some drinks.”
The room filled with a few laughs and overall agreement.
“Too bad you all aren’t even supposed to be here,” Hotch said, slightly scolding the team. “It’s probably time for you all to call it a night.”
“Aw, Hotch, just a few minutes?” Garcia asked.
“We’ll be quiet!” Reid said.
Everyone looked at Hotch expectantly. You looked around at your teammates. They all were begging for a couple more minutes with you. That alone allowed your pain to subside.
Hotch sighed. “Just a couple more minutes.” A small smile formed on his face.
Everyone crowded around the bed, content murmurs and chatter filling the room again.
“Now be honest, guys. How bad do I look?” You shot them all a cheesy smile to sell it.
A few of them chuckled at your antics.
“I think you’ll be back to dating in no time,” Prentiss joked. “Guys love a badass scar.”
“Yeah, ’cause she was dating before,” JJ teased as she played with your hair.
“Shut up!” you giggled, coughing a little.
“I’ll get you water.” Hotch shot up and walked off.
“I’ll go with him,” Rossi said, sighing.
A seriousness enveloped the room. Derek was the first to speak up. “You know, you really scared us today, kiddo. Not to get all big brother on you, but it was tough seeing Hotch carrying you like that. Just limp.”
“And imagine how Hotch must have felt,” Reid said.
You looked up at him. “What do you mean?”
Just then Hotch and Rossi returned with your water.
“Drink,” he said, his arm outstretched. You grabbed the water from him, your fingers overlapping his. The memory of his hands shot through your spine. His frantic begging for you to stay with him, much more panicked than you remembered the phrase.
Imagine how Hotch must have felt.
“It’s getting late,” Rossi said.
The rest of the team grumbled and said their goodbyes. Hotch allowed the rest of the team to go, lingering in the room with you.
“If you need me to stay, I’d be happy to do so.”
“You need sleep, sir.”
“I’ll sleep on the plane,” he said as if it was nothing to him. “If you don’t think you’ll need me, I can let you be. We can be here early to pick you up.”
You thought for a moment. You didn’t want him to go, just in case. “Would you be willing to stay?”
“It’s why I offered.”
You felt your lip begin to tremble, the brave face for the rest of the team beginning to fade. “Hotch?”
“What can I do?”
“Well, I just… Can I use your phone? I think my mom should know I’m alright.”
“Of course.” He handed you his phone. “I’ll wait right outside for you.”
When the phone call was finished, Hotch returned and sat down in the chair.
“If you’re going to stay, I at least want you comfortable,” you said.
“The chair is fine,” Hotch said, taking his coat off for the first time today. “Get some sleep.”
You scooted to the side of your bed. “Here. At least sit up here where there’s some cushion.”
He didn’t respond right away. You knew you could convince him.
“I promise I’ll sleep,” you continued. “I’d be up worrying about your discomfort otherwise.”
Hotch sighed and stood up. “Only because I want you to sleep.”
He sat in the space you made for him at your feet. He stretched his legs alongside yours and rested his back against the footboard of the hospital bed.
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you curled up on your side. The comfort in knowing that he was there to take care of you was enough to send you off to sleep in minutes.
“Goodnight, Hotch.”
You woke up to something you had never seen before. Hotch was asleep at the foot of your bed, resting his head against your shins. A hand was placed just below your knee as if he planned to protect you in his sleep. It was the most peaceful you had ever seen him. He didn’t look cross or serious. He was calm and relaxed. You smiled to yourself. You had to fight the urge to return his touch. You knew the moment he woke up he’d return to his professional senses, and you weren’t quite ready for this moment to be over.
The doctor walked in to check on you, stirring him awake, anyway.
“I’m clearing you. Take these twice a day. Your jaw is going to be sore for a couple weeks, so work up to crunchy and chewy foods. And please, no strenuous activity for at least a full week.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you said, taking the bottle of pills.
“Thank you,” Hotch said. He stood up from your bed as the doctor left. He threw his jacket on and fixed his hair in the window’s reflection.
You sat up and swung your legs off the bed. Hotch spun around and met you at your side.
“How can I help?”
You chuckled. “I think I can stand on my own.”
His eyes shared signs of concern and disbelief. Still, he took a small step back and allowed you to gather your bearings. Standing on your own, you closed the small gap between you. You began to become painstakingly aware of your attire being only a hospital gown and rubber socks.
“You got it?” Hotch asked, his arms out like you were a baby taking your first steps.
“Mmhmm,” you said. “Are my clothes here?”
“Yes, let me grab them for you.” He rushed to the corner of the room where your clothes had been neatly folded, including his sweater. He handed them all to you, his hands brushing against yours. Your heart fluttered in your chest as he stood over you. You looked up at him. His eyes returned your gaze, though you weren’t able to read him. His chest rose and fell as if his breathing was slow and deliberate.
“I’m going to call the team,” Hotch said, his voice low. “Do you—do you need help with anything before I do?”
All you could do was shake your head no on instinct, your eyes not leaving his. He stayed still. His eyes scanned you like he was contemplating something. He backed up carefully and pulled his phone from his coat pocket.
“Wait,” you said.
He froze.
You felt your face redden as you worked up the courage to continue. “Could—could you untie the top for me? My shoulder—”
“You don’t have to explain,” he said softly as he inched forward again. “Turn around.”
You did as you were told. He brushed your hair over your shoulder and began to work on the knot. His calloused fingers feathered your skin. His warm breath betrayed you as chills ran down your spine. He untied the knot, allowing cool air to reach the back of your now-open gown. Hotch turned to leave.
“Be careful,” he said at the door. “If you need me, knock on the glass.”
You nodded.
He closed the door behind him, leaving you alone.
The drive from the hospital to the hotel rendered the air stale. Hotch had insisted on helping you out of the hospital and into the car. But he didn’t speak. He drove while you sat in the back seat. Every once in a while, you’d catch him checking on you in the rear-view mirror, only to direct his attention back to the road.
When you returned to the hotel, Hotch stopped you from leaving the car.
“I’ll grab your things. You stay here.”
“I can get my things just fine.”
“Your bag is heavy. Doctor’s orders. No strenuous activity. Stay here.”
You huffed and sat back in your seat as Hotch closed the door for you.
The plane ride was the same: silent. Hotch sat opposite you as if he refused to allow you to leave his sight. But he kept to himself all the same. The others rested or played their card games, but you stayed put, almost waiting for Hotch to make his next move. He didn’t speak the entire flight.
Upon your return, Hotch dismissed the rest of the team.
“Thank you for the hard work this weekend. Rest up, and I will see you all Monday.”
You all headed out to leave, but Hotch stopped you. “Let me take you home,” he said.
You sighed. “Is driving a strenuous task now?”
“It’s late, and I’m not asking,” he said, returning your attitude.
You followed him to his car. He carried both his and your bag and placed them in the backseat before joining you up front.
Again, not a word was spoken between the two of you. You felt your blood boiling beneath your skin. It was as if the trip never happened, as if the distance between you never closed. The babying was the worst of all. You were sure he was seeing you as the rest of the team did now, incapable, fragile, only a child.
Hotch walked you up to your apartment. He waited for you to open your door, placing your bag directly inside.
“Well,” you began, “I guess I’ll see you Monday.”
He stood in your doorway for a moment, something on his mind. “Are you sure you’re ok? Is there anything else you think you may need before I go?”
“Hotch, what is all this?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
You tried to maintain your sanity, but the anger had bubbled into your throat. “All this, this, this coddling! You’re treating me like I’m fragile or, or useless!”
“Do I have to remind you that you were in the hospital this morning?” Hotch asked, aggravation coating his throat.
“I don’t need this from you, too, ok? The rest of them, I can take it, but you were different! I thought you were different.”
Hotch closed the door behind him and crossed his arms. “What are you talking about?”
“Have you not noticed that all of them treat me like I’m a child? Derek literally calls me kiddo, and the girls act like I’m some innocent girl fresh out of high school. Reid and JJ are five years older than me. That’s it! Rossi, forget it. I’m like a grandchild to him at this point. But you, you never belittled me. So, what is this? Did I fail you? I’d rather you just tell me than refuse to speak to me.”
“I – you didn’t fail me. How could you think that?”
“You couldn’t even look at me after the hospital.”
Hotch’s face turned a light shade of pink, his eyes leaving yours for only a moment. “We were successful because of you. But you got hurt. I just want to make sure you’re ok. That’s all.”
You thought for a moment, still not satisfied with his answer. “Then why didn’t you talk to me? I thought we were—I thought maybe there was something—”
“Please,” Hotch interrupted, “don’t say anything you might regret.” He took a step back.
“Are you saying I’m imagining this? That I imagined this morning?”
“No, no, no. We’re not doing this.”
“The coffee, the book put away neatly,”
“I would do that for anyone.”
“What about when you stormed out yesterday? When we were going over the file on your bed.” Your voice started to shake.
“That’s when I—I realized we had to use you.” He looked down, almost ashamed.
Your heart pounded in your chest, fear that you’ve outed yourself and maybe you were more delusional than you thought.
“This morning…” you said.
“You asked for my help, and I helped you. Just like I’m happy to do for you now if you need. Look, it’s late, and you’ve gone through a lot.”
“Then what did Reid mean?”
Hotch looked back up at you. He looked nervous, something you may have never seen in his eyes before. “What do you mean?”
“He said imagine how you must have felt when you found me. What did he mean by that if it doesn’t mean you care about me?”
“Of course, I care about you!” he exclaimed, moving closer to you. “I almost lost you! And when I found you, I thought you were gone. You were lifeless. So, forgive me for wanting to be careful with you, because I refuse to let that happen again. I refuse to lose you again.”
You looked at him in shock.
He sighed. “I shouldn’t have said any of this. Listen, the only reason you’re feeling anything for me is because it’s me you woke up to. Nothing more. If Reid or Morgan found you, the same thing would happen with them.”
“Do not chalk this up to some damsel in distress situation,” you said a little too boldly. “The whole team knows I have a thing for you.”
Now Hotch was in shock. He shook his head. “It’s not me you want.”
“You don’t know what I want.”
“I know you’re desperate for romance in your life because you either don’t make time for it in real life or were burned so bad in the past, that you gave it up entirely.”
“Hotch, don’t you dare profile me right now.”
“I know you have a rocky relationship with men in general, rooted in your relationship with your father.”
“Stop it, now.”
“You refuse to associate with him in any way. You don’t even allow us to call you by your last name. He views you differently from your sisters for some reason, and you hate him for it.”
“Hotch, I swear to god—”
“You mocked him for giving good advice, and you flinched when I brought up getting beers with him. He’s an alcoholic, isn’t he?”
“So, what, honestly? Literally who cares if he drinks? He gets mean, so what? What gives you the right to tell me what I can and cannot have?”
“But he’s not just mean, is he?”
The air in your lungs got caught in your throat.
“That’s it, isn’t it? That’s how he treats you differently.”
“That’s enough,” you said, your voice cold.
Hotch stepped closer, grabbing your shoulders with both hands. You shuddered in his grasp. “You don’t want me, ok? I can’t fix what you’ve gone through. I can’t even protect you at work. Do you know the guilt I feel for what happened to you? I’m the one who got you hurt. And now I have to live with that. What makes you think that I can be what you need if I can’t even keep you safe here?”
You closed what little space was left between you. You looked up at him, your face only inches from his. “Stop telling me what I want. I’m an adult. I can make my own choices. You’re not going to push me away like this.”
Hotch’s breath hitched in his throat. His chest heaved up and down, and his eyes darkened. “This is wrong. I’m your superior. This isn’t appropriate.”
“If you truly don’t want me, I’ll stop. We’ll go back to how things were. But you have to say you don’t want me.”
His grip on your shoulders strengthened, his touch burning into your skin. His now wild eyes scanned you as if he couldn’t have fathomed this happening. A lump formed in your throat as you waited for him to find the words. Instead, he pulled you flush against him and pressed his lips against yours. His kiss was raw and desperate, rougher than your healing jaw could take, but you couldn’t care less. He wrapped his arms around your back and gripped your hair as if it was instinctual. Your breathing hitched, causing you to moan into his mouth.
He pulled away, slightly out of breath. “I need you to tell me this is ok.”
“This is ok,” you said, breathless.
“Good,” Hotch said, “because I don’t want to stop.”
A smirk formed on your face. You grabbed a hold of his tie and pulled him closer to you. “Then I think you need to take this off.”
You dropped the tie and kissed him as he took his coat off. Your mouth wandered to his jaw. Hotch let out a groan.
“Your room. Now.”
His words sent chills down your spine. You took his hand and led him to your room. You turned around and watched Hotch remove his tie, sliding it through his collar. His eyes stayed on yours, his already dark eyes now almost black with desire. The moment his tie came off, he was back on you, kissing you like his life depended on it. His hands wandered to your ass and lifted you up, his lips never leaving your skin. You wrapped your legs around him as he carried you to your bed.
Hotch laid you down, now hovering over you. His lips drifted from yours down to your neck.
“Seeing you in this had me thinking horrible things,” Hotch confessed, slightly pulling on the quarter zip you were still wearing.
You blushed. “Really?” you asked, a smug smile growing on your face. “Is that why you were avoiding me?”
“Was it really that obvious?” Hotch asked, his large hands finding their way under your shirt.
You couldn’t even answer as his hands ventured up to your chest. His hands pulled a moan from your mouth.
“Take this off,” Hotch said as he pulled the hem of your shirt.
“You, first.”
Hotch’s eyebrows raised as if surprised by your reply. He sat up and unbuttoned his shirt. You practically drooled at the sight of him shirtless. You could only assume he was fit when he rolled up his sleeves or manhandled unsubs, but this was all the confirmation you needed.
“Your turn,” he said.
You did as you were told, revealing yourself to him.
“God, you’re perfect,” he sighed as he kissed your chest.
You fought off a moan. You couldn’t believe this was happening. This was only something you pictured in your wildest dreams, and here he was in the flesh.
“I wanted this for so long,” you found yourself saying out loud.
“Me, too,” he agreed. “You have no idea how much I thought about this.”
Your cheeks flushed red. He began leaving marks past your breasts, down your stomach to the hem of your shorts.
“Can I take these off?” Hotch asked.
You nodded.
“Use your words, honey.”
Your stomach did a flip hearing the phrase. “Yes, sir. Take them off.”
He all but growled in response. He pulled at your shorts, taking them off in a swift motion.
“So much for no strenuous activities,” you joked.
“I can be gentle,” Hotch said as he settled in between your legs. “Let me take care of you.”
Your head fell back onto your pillow. You knew you were in for it.
Hotch spread your legs apart, the stretch enough for you to arch into his touch.
A smirk graced his lips, and without another word, he licked into your core. His mouth against you was like a gift from God, something you had only hoped could feel so good. You couldn’t help but squirm against him, grabbing his hair to pull him closer, if at all possible. He placed a hand on your stomach to keep you still. You could feel him smile against you, turning you on even more.
“Hotch,” you breathed out. You were close faster than you had ever been.
“Say my name,” he said as he placed a finger inside you.
“A-Aaron,” you choked out, the new sensation too much to handle. He filled you with another finger, his hitting the spot your fingers never could.
“Fuck, Aaron, don’t stop. Please.” Your breathing quickened, and as he pumped his fingers in and out, you felt the coil in your stomach snap, expletives and his name leaving your lips. Hotch continued to pump you as you rode your high, a daze overtaking you.
When you caught your breath, you pulled Hotch back up for a kiss, your hands finding their way to his belt.
Hotch’s hands stopped yours. You looked up at him, confused.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked, genuine concern lacing his voice.
“I want this if you do. Do you?” you asked.
“I really do,” he said. “I need to feel you.”  
You couldn’t help but smile at his words. “Then please let me help you.”
He released your hands and kissed your forehead as you unbuckled his belt. The moment felt ironically wholesome until you pulled at his dress pants. You couldn’t help but gawk at his cock springing free. You were suddenly nervous, not quite sure it would fit after all this time practically revirginizing. If your jaw weren’t so sore, you’d have him in your mouth without a second thought.
“I’ll be gentle, I promise,” he said as if he could hear your thoughts. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Hotch hovered over you and kissed your lips softly. You returned the kiss and nodded.
Hotch lined himself up with your entrance and carefully pushed in. He and you both groaned at the sensation, the stretch of him filling you something you hadn’t experienced in years.
“Jesus Christ. You’re so, this isn’t your first time, is it?”
“No, no,” you said, slightly embarrassed. “It’s just been a while. Just, just go slow, ok?”
Hotch nodded and started to move. He rested his forehead on yours, sighs and pants escaping both of your lips.
“Can I kiss you?” Hotch asked.
You chuckled at his question. “We’re a little past that, aren’t we?”
Hotch smiled as he placed his lips on yours, much more tender than before. He moved a stray hair from your face and cupped your cheek with the utmost gentility. The urgency was gone, replaced by something deeper. Everything had culminated to this moment, and neither of you wanted to waste it.
Still, the need for more overtook you. “Aaron,” you said, your hips bucking up into his.
“What do you need? I need you to tell me.”
“Faster, please,” you said.
His pace quickened, one hand still around you. He used the other to stabilize himself, allowing you to view the tension in his muscles. You bit back a moan as the pressure inside you built.
“Don’t hold back,” Hotch said. “Let me hear you.”
He slammed into you, a smirk growing on his face as your breath caught in your throat.
“Just like that!” you blurted out.
He did just that, slamming into you again and again.
“Fuck. I don’t know how much longer I can last,” Hotch said, his voice almost shaking.
“I’m close, too. Please don’t stop,” you begged.
He pounded into you harder and faster, no longer a rhythm but a motive, a goal to achieve.
“Come for me, honey. I’ve got you. Just come for me.”
You clenched around him as you came, all but screaming his name. His pace didn’t let up as you rode your orgasm, your legs trembling around him.
“Oh, god. I’m gonna, where do I—”
He pulled out and came on your chest, making the most attractive groans you had ever heard in your life. You watched in awe, absolute shock overtaking you. Never in your wildest dreams did you picture this. And for the love of god, you hoped this wasn’t the last time this happened.
Hotch crawled over you, still catching his breath, and captured your lips in a kiss.
“How are you feeling?” Hotch asked. “Is your head ok?”
“I’m good,” you said smiling at his return to his overprotective self. “I’m really good. I promise.”
Hotch rested his forehead on yours then kissed you, the tenderness returning.
“I like when you do that,” you said, your cheeks reddening.
“Me, too,” he said. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“You don’t have to help, if you don’t want to.”
“What, and miss showering with you?” Hotch smiled. “Just lead the way.”
In the shower, the two of you washed up, and you couldn’t knock the smile from your face if you tried, until you thought about showing up to work Monday morning.
“What are you thinking about?” Hotch asked.
“The team’s gonna know,” you said.
Hotch thought for a moment. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, well, I wouldn’t have done it in this order, but would you like to join me for dinner tomorrow evening?”
You blushed, despite the state you were both in. “Are you asking me on a date?”
Hotch smiled. “I’m asking you on a date, yes. I have to be honest, though, I’m out of practice.”
“If tonight was you out of practice, I think tomorrow will go just fine.”
Hotch laughed and kissed you again, something you hoped would never fade in your memory.
@lizziedizzie3 @heavennleeee-blog @hunterswearingplaid @thisismysecrethappyplace @geekinator9 @ronnie248-blog @oliolioxiclean @phonegalhelp @because-you-never-know-when @roonyxx @keithseabrook27 @ericaprice2008 @heythereamigodude
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alexiapp · 2 days
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18+…smut !! minor dni
summary: Alexia takes you back home to show you how much you belong to her..
note: a few ppl have been wanted a part two for pose, and i truly want to make other scenarios with alexia x model!reader !! lmk if you want more of that but enjoy !!
warnings: filthy, joking, ruff housing, degrading, etc
You were slowly but surely becoming impatient as you and Alexia road home. Even though Alexia had satisfied you in the car she had you yearning for more, needing more, you knew you were in for it when you two got home. The heat that started to build up between your legs by just the thought of what just occurred a couple minutes ago. Alexia could tell you were getting inpatient, she could see by the way you kept squirming in the seat and brushing your thighs, almost like you felt uncomfortable.
You couldn’t wait until you guys reached your shared flat. You were soon startled by the blondes large palms caressing your thigh, making the hazel eyed woman chuckle at your reaction. She knew how much she was riling you up, she enjoyed seeing you this way.
You guys finally reached the driveway of you guys shared home, the drive felt like centuries to you because of how adamant you were to go home. As Alexia parked the car you were startled by her large hands cupping your jaw harshly as she forced your head to turn and said “I want you to be undressed by the time you lay on that bed, do you understand ?” she said in a husky tone , as you nodded your head yes obediently as you raised your shaky hands to open the passenger door.
You quickly speed walk trying to make it discreet, not wanting to look desperate at how hot and bothered Alexia made you. You swiftly went up the stairs that led to you guys shared master room, urgently opening to the door to start taking off your clothes.
You brushed the clothes off and threw it carelessly on the floor as you climbed onto you guys shared bed waiting patiently for Alexia.
As you heard the faucet downstairs turn on alerting you that Alexia had entered you guys shared up, your heart started beating as your excitement creeped up. you heard her footsteps approaching as she entered the room. “Look at you listening to me when i ask you to” she said with a mischievous smirk on her face with a glass of water in her hands.
She took long strides towards the bed, as she set the glass of water down and climbed on the bed near your closed legs that you were squeezing together desperately yearning for touch. She brought her hand to spread your legs and muttered out a simple “relax” as she stretched over to grab the glass of water she set down. She brought it to her lips drink the water, after she ushered you to sit up, “say ah” as she brought her hand to roughly grab your jaw as you opened your mouth bringing the the cup to your lips. “We gotta stay hydrated amor, we’re gonna have a long night” she said as she stretched her words out.
She placed the empty glass of water down as she brought her thumb to wipe her thumb across your lower lip tugging down on it, as she slowly but ruffly went in for a passionate kiss. She pulled away and shoved you back down on the bed.
She started kissing you slowly wanting to take her time with you, slowly but surely kissing down your neck sucking every empty space she could find, creating marks all over your neck. She slowly brought her lips near your breast as she popped your nipple in her mouth swirling her tongue around your areola, your back arched off the bed as your brought your hands to tangle in her blonde locks, you let out a breathily moan making her flick her hazel eyes up towards you, she loved seeing how much she pleasured you, that alone brought herself pleasure. That’s sometimes all she wanted to do..bring you pleasure without getting anything in return.
she popped your nipple out her mouth that came along with a wet noise. She slowly licked and sucked all the way down your stomach till she paused right above your your heat. Her breathe was fanning your core bringing you light pleasure. You were quickly disappointed when she quickly moved away and climbed off the bed as you whined in disapproval.
She walked into to you guys shared closet, and walked out with her harness around her waist, top off clad with some boxers. She slowly climbed on the bed animalistic like towards you and forced your legs open harshly for the second time, “what have i told you about closing them?” she said with irritation leaking in her voice, as you muttered out a soft “sorry” whimpering in displeasure.
You didn’t know if your mind was just playing tricks on you or if the strap looked longer than it usually did. Alexia chuckled at your shocked expression as eyes trailed towards the strap, Alexia scooted her body down towards inside of your thighs and licked a long strip making you moan in surprise, you brought your hand to her head, as she continued to suck and lick occasionally, “oh my gosh ale” you said through a fit of moans. She slowly brought her head up and asked “are you ready amor, or do i have to losen you up ?” she said with a smirk on her face.
“No please ale, i’m ready” you said begging pathetically making her chuckle lightly at your desperation. You let out a loud gasp as she shoved the strap inside without warning“fuck!” you yelled out in pleasure and surprise. Future you is not thrilled at all about how loud you’re being knowing you were disturbing the neighbors.
Alexia slowly pumped in and out as you let out a long string of moans, she slowly picked up the rhythm of her hips, at this point she was slamming into you, relentlessly your back arched off the bed in the amount of pleasure you felt, “Ale i can’t take i p..please” you said out of breathe, “yes you can baby, your doing so good for me” she said after every movement. The noise of skin slapping together filled the room along with the wet noises of your juices.
Alexia wasn’t giving up any time soon, you could feel yourself getting close, your body felt like it was at wits end, “ale please i’m about to cum” you said your words soon replaced with loud moans “no, i want us to cum together” she said out of breathe from all the work she was doing, you were put under an insane amount of pleasure when the blonde lifted your leg up in a new position when she placed it on her shoulder, she brought her lips towards your ankle and laid sloppy kisses down your leg as she relentlessly fucked you.
You could tell she was reaching her breaking point when she threw her head back in pleasure, she let out a long groan “I’m about to cum, finish with me” she soon started to slam into in such a quick animalistic rate. A wave of euphoria washed over your body as you reached your breaking point when a squirt of liquid came out and landed on the bed. “What the fuck was that” you said absolutely mortified, Alexia let out a breathy chuckle at how shocked you were “that’s never happened before” you said still in shock “that just means i did my job correctly” she said motioning to the liquid.
She flopped on the bed beside you and brought your tired body to lay on top of her. You snuggled into her neck as she kissed the top of your head letting out a hum in approval, “I’m sorry for getting jealous” she said quietly as shifted her eyes away from yours when you looked up at her and continued to draw circle on your bare back “hey it’s okay” you said sitting up and grabbing her jaw forcing her to look at you, but her eyes were distracted and were looking elsewhere, when you noticed where you playful smacked her and let out a light “perv” as you giggled at her ‘teenage boy like’ antics as you would like to see she lightly chucked and said “i can’t help it they look perfect” she said gesturing towards your exposed chest. She crawled near you and pulled you in for a passionate kiss.
“te amo” she said in between kisses “i love you to” you said, “but we really have to work on your jealousy problems” you said playfully “amorrr” she said groaning at your teasing.
note: this is so horrible icl i suck at writing smut because i just cringe so hard but enjoy !! i’ll check my spelling later !!
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luvlyhee · 2 days
“i don’t think i could stand to be — where you don’t see me”
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pairing. hyung line x fem. reader
genre. fluff, est. relationship wc. 658 warnings. skinship + jealous enha + not proofread (don’t we love it)
— where they think not being your centre of attention is the worst feeling ever. so he goes to fix that. extra: i feel alpha after i write about jealous guys 🐺
LEE HEESEUNG would be annoyed to say the least. he wouldn’t hide the fact he was annoyed either. the moment he saw some guy trying to get all over you, he hurriedly rushed to take his spot right beside you, snaking an arm around your waist, squeezing it.
“hey baby, who’s this guy you’re talking to?” he asked, looking at the guy with a death glare though his tone sounded so friendly.
“oh nothing, he just wanted my number cause we’re in the same class,” you replied, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“you still need her number pal?” heeseung would ask. the guy immediately shook his head and ran off in a fury, “good thing he knows his place hm?”
SIM JAEYUN would be trying his utmost best to steer your attention away from some unknown guy who didn’t even deserve an ounce of your attention. kissing your cheek while you were talking to the guy, mumbling sweet nothings into your ear; making you all flustered you couldn’t even hold a proper sentence. making sure that guy knew that you already had someone. aka him.
“you smell so sweet baby, like that rose i gotcha the other day,” he would murmur against your neck, his eyes glaring at the guy who was trying to hit you up.
immediately, the guy suddenly said he “had plans” and rushed off, leaving him alone with you.
“why’d you do that?” you chuckle and roll your eyes playfully, running your fingers through his locks.
“just doing what a boyfriend should do.”
PARK JONGSEONG hates it. he hates seeing another guy talk to you. that thought alone made him sick to his stomach. if he had a choice he’d go right up to the guy and give him a bruise; a warning.
he’s stand behind you like a guard dog protecting its owner— a bodyguard protecting his principal. his hand never leaves your waist, gripping it firmly to show who you were with but not too hard to hurt you. no he could never hurt an angel such as yourself.
you couldn’t see jay’s expression but it was one of annoyance and vex. can’t this guy just go away so jay could have you all to himself?
if knives could shoot out of eyes the guy would be dead by now. seeing how jay was so intimidatingly staring at the guy, he scurried away and left.
“why’d he leave so suddenly?” you ask as you tilted your head upwards to look at your boyfriend.
“mm not sure baby, you’re too cute for anyone to resist.”
PARK SUNGHOON would be the most petty guy in the world. the moment he saw another guy getting close to you, his blood boiled. why are you talking to another guy when you have him? the park sunghoon?
the moment you go up to him, he rolls his eyes at you and scoffs, his arms folding themselves in front of his chest.
“back from talking to your other boyfriend i see?” he remarks and turns his head to the right, looking away from you. you tilt your head, your brows furrowing as you try to get him to face you, “hoon, was it about that guy i was just talking to?”
he pauses for a moment before nodding his head and turning his head to face you, his arms unfolding themselves and going to cup your cheeks, “am i not enough for you pretty girl?”
you pout and rush forward to hide away your reddening face into his chest, the cool leather fabric rubbing against your skin—making you feel comforted since it belonged to your boyfriend.
“you know i’d never leave you for another, in fact i think you’ll be the one to leave me for someone else,” you chuckled before pulling your face away and resting your chin on his chest to look up at him.
and to sunghoon that was the only reassurance he needed.
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luvlyhee 2024
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igotanidea · 3 days
3 minutes: Jason Todd x reader
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Warnings: SMUT MDNI! swearing
Hey Jason, can I ask you something?
Y/N and Jason were cuddling and kissing on the couch, things started to become a little heated and then, out of the sudden, she got into a questioning mood.
Obviously, Jason wasn’t exactly content with the unexpected shift, but gritting his teeth and fighting the urge to just continue with the steamy make out session, he nodded with the calm expression on his face.
If only she knew how much it took from him to keep it.  
“Sure thing, babe. What’s on your mind?”
“Which girl would you prefer: a skinny, pretty and a little sad, shy one or a little heavier, sassy, funny and energetic one?”
“Well…” he muttered, considering the answer. He was going to be as honest as possible without hurting Y/n’s feelings. “While I suppose initially a pretty girl would get my attention I do like when there’s more depth to people. And sassy humor is pretty much essential for me?”
“Was that a question or an answer?” she teased, catching up with his hesitant tone.
“Don’t you know me? I think that by now you should realize that looks are not everything.”
“Duh!” she chuckled, kissing the tip of his nose playfully “Did you think I was with you cause you are handsome?” she repeated her action “Cause you are not.” The seriousness of her tone was bellied by a grin. “At all.”
“Oh really? And here I thought I was your personal male supermodel.” He laughed wholeheartedly pushing her away as she teased him. “But hey, it’s on the inside what counts. And when it comes to that – you got plenty going on.”
“So I’m like your kinder joy?”
“That’s actually quite an accurate description. Sweet on the inside if you are patient enough to tear through the foil.”
“Wow. Um- I didn’t actually expect you to use such an illustrative comparison….”
“Yeah, that’s me.” He smirked with a face full of complacency. Always in your corner when you are feeling down.”
“Thank you… I guess I’ve been feeling a little insecure lately. Except not the little. And not lately.”
“Good thing you got me here then, huh? Now can we please forget about that and focus on us?”
“Mh. Where were we then?” she whispered seductively leaning forwards brushing her lips over his softly.
“Right where we belong.” He responded by pulling her to him, kissing passionately, trailing lips down her neck, feeling the heat rise again.
“Yeah… Yeah, I think I’m starting to remember something…”
“What do you remember, baby?” Jason whispered against her skin, caressing her shoulder, pulling the strap of her top down.
“Something good…” she hummed, closing eyes and letting him continue his ministrations “Something so good…”
“Care to share?” In a blink of an eye she was laying on the couch on her back, Jason’s hands moving over her belly “or would you rather keep it a secret?” he leaned down nipping at her earlobe.
“Isn't it exciting to know that there are some things that stay just between us...?” She moaned softly, tilting her head and caressing his chest.
“Definitely.” Jason nuzzled his nose into her chest, inhaling her scent “Just you and me having something special.” Once more he captured her lips, tangling fingers in her hair, keeping her head in place, not that she was going anywhere.
The soft sigh that left her lips only aroused him more when he rolled on his back, pulling her with him so she was on top, straddling him.
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way, princess.”
She laid on top of him, her full body weight pressing him into the mattress, tracing hands down his sides, reaching for the hem of his T-shirt. The effect was almost immediate. Jason arched into her touch, his cock hardening at the feel of her fingers on his bare skin.
“You drive me crazy…” he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, grinding against her, though still in clothes. Regardless, the undeniable need for friction was too much to just lay still. “But I wouldn’t want anyone else doing it to me…”
“I sure as hell hope you wouldn't...” She kissed his neck, grinding her hips on him as well.
“Fuck, I don’t even want to imagine another woman-“ he gripped her hips, continuing the movement.
“Don’t ever mention another woman when we’re together.” She almost hissed, cutting his sentence in the middle, biting on his neck, leaving a hickey and licking the stinging place.
There was no way to deny that her possessiveness and marking the territory attitude only turned him harder.
“I’m not planning on it.” He responded, tangling fingers in her hair, guiding her head lower on his neck. “Besides, I already got the only woman I need.”
“The only one you’ll ever need.” She corrected, raising her gaze on him.
“The only one I’ll ever need…” his tone was hoarse and sultry as he leaned to her again.
Being stopped with Y/N’s grip on his chin.
“Be a good boy and strip for me, will you?” She gave him a look full of fire that left him lost like a little puppy, ready to follow the orders of the owner.
“Well since you asked so nicely—” Y/N moved away from him to give him space to undress and the sudden loss of contact made him almost tear his clothes away. Anything to get her body against him again, not that he was going to let her win this. “But remember, baby, payback’s a bitch…”
“Well then, how about I make it up to you then?”
She slid down, standing on the bed foot, starting to take off her clothing piece by piece. Turning it into a sensual striptease. Tracing her body while removing her shirt, inch by painful inch. Shaking her hips while taking off the skirt. Bending down in a little provocative manner during the removal of her tights.
Almost daring him to make a move on her.
But Jason was hypnotized with her every gesture. Eyes wide with desire, hands clutching the sheets, wanting both to pin her underneath him and to watch this show forever. Evidence of his lust was obvious in his naked body, not that he would ever do much to hide it. If anything – the hardness was rather supposed to be exposed for her to lure her in. 
Nonetheless, Y/N seemed to be lost in the world of her own, continuing her dance. Caressing and playing with her breast before unclasping the bra, sliding it off her body, freeing her chest from confinements, and finally -- sliding down her panties. The moment they both were waiting for, one more than the other.
“Fuck, Y/N…. You do know just how to turn me on, don’t you?”
In response, she crawled to the head of the bed, leaning on all fours, while searching for his lips.
“I can’t get enough of you…” his hands slid down her back, all the way to her butt, kneading the flesh there.
“That’s kind of the plan…”  she pressed her chest to his torso, brushing over him like a wild feline, tracing kisses down his neck, unrestrained by anything.
“Yes, kitten… show me how you want me…” he slapped her ass playfully, one hand kept on palming her butt, while he used the other to start stroking himself.
“Oh now, you’re doing my job for me….?” With a gentle pat, she removed his fingers from his cock and wrapped her own around him.
“Fuck… fuck, Y/N, yes… keep doing that baby….” He groaned, closing eyes and moving against her hand. “Make me yours…”
“You’re going to be a good boy for me?” she stroked him harder, focusing her eyes on him.
“Yes, yes ma’am, I’ll be whatever you want, just don’t stop…”
“Don't worry my pretty baby... I’m not stopping any time soon...” She flicked her thumb over the head of his cock, gathering the pre cum and pulling it to her mouth, licking the droplets with the tip of her tongue.
“So goddamn hot…” Jason groaned from the back of his throat.
“You can touch me too, my little bird…” she whispered in his ear, sliding a little closer to him once more, making it more than obvious where she wanted his touch.
“Like that?” he cupped her breast, letting the familiar weight adjust to his hand. Squeezing and twisting her nipple in a way that made her squirm and gasp for air. The way he knew she liked.”
“Oh yes…”
“That’s right, kitten. You enjoy my touch, cause it’s the only one you’ll ever get for the rest of your life. You’re mine.”
“Fuck, I love it when you get a little possessive.” She placed her hands on his on her chest, showing him to touch her harder.
“And I love it when you get so vulnerable and open with me…”
“Oh I am open.” She smirked, hooking one leg over his hip, straddling him, but not taking in yet “I am so open. And so wet.”
“I can tell.” He grabbed her waist, trying to pull her down, kissing like a wild man, unable to stop even though she kept on pulling away from time to time. Purposefully. To leave him wanting and needy. “Don’t fucking do that, kitten.” He groaned chasing her lips, his tone both a threat and a pleading and with the sudden pressure on her body she knew she would be sporting bruises the other day. “You know exactly what you’re doing to me, don’t you>?”
“Yeah, I do. But don’t worry, I will abuse my power in all the pleasurable ways.” Y/n hummed lifting her hips, hovering mere inches over his shaft.
Jason’s eyes darkened with desire.
“Abuse me all you want. Just … don’t… fucking… stop…  Please…”
“Oh my pretty boy... My heart is breaking seeing you hurting...” She slowly sank to his length. “Is it better now...?” She tenderly brushed hair from his sweaty forehead, observing his eyes falling closed feeling her wrapped around him like that.
“So much better…” he gasped, caressing her back, wanting so much more, but frozen in this moment. He buried face in his hair, breathing in her scent. The smell of her shampoo, the musky aroma of incoming sex and the individual one of her body. Irreplaceable. Hitting all his olfactory sensors, bringing out the feeling of home. She was his home. His everything.  “Y/n….” he whispered “fuck…”
 “Is it warm for my little bird?”
“Yeah, it’s getting warmer, all right. And most of that heat is because of you.” He nibbled on her neck, leaving love bites on the entire length.
“Cause I’m so hot?” she started rocking her hips on him
“You have no fucking idea.” He grabbed her waist and started thrusting forwards with almost extraordinary energy and enthusiasm. “And I fucking love it.”
As the unexpected force of his movement made her jump and stumble forwards, she instinctively reached for his shoulders to find balance and purchase.
“I got you kitten. Hold on tight.” He catches her easily, pulling her down on him easily, digging fingers into her flesh, guiding their movements together. “That’s right. Ride me, kitten.”
One of her hands rested on his shoulder blade, the other on his chest as she picked up the pace. She closed her eyes, throwing her head back, allowing him to control the movements of her hips while thrusting upwards. His eyes were focused solely on the way their bodies unite, making sure to his just the right spot inside her, to make her yearn, burn and shudder with need and pleasure. So fucking beautiful towering over him, lost in the tryst.
Just like him.
There was something erotic about the way she takes him inside to the halt, and then lets him out. Her body opening to him like a wild flower opens to the sun, allowing its warmth and love kisses to caress its petals.
That’s what she meant to him.
She was like a rose – beautiful but not helpless, with thorns.
Like a poppy – vibrant and standing out amongst other flowers on the meadow.
Like a  cherry blossom – magical, soft to the touch but also so ephemeral and fragile if not looked after properly.
He was going to take care of her.
“Jason…” she moaned, pressing his head into her chest, running fingers through his hair “Jason…” in the last surge of desire she grabbed his cheeks and looked straight into his eyes.
“Don’t ever stop Y/N—”
“Never-“ she gasped, not breaking eye contact for even a second, seeing the universe in his eyes. “Never-oh!”
As their climaxes approached and hit them like a tsunami wave, bringing the breath of freshness and coolness, but also threatening to wash them off the face of the earth, they held tightly to one another. Like she was his lifeline and he was her rock.
Just like in the biblical parable, that says you cannot build a house on the sand, Jason and Y/N were one’s another solid foundation. A base to build a house on.
For house is not a place, but a person.
Even when he fell back on the bed, exhausted and sweaty, facing the ceiling with mind reeling from love, pleasure and inexplicable need to lock her away from the world, his hold on her waist did not falter for a second. Only now, it was much more tender, softer, though still needy. The irony of the situation was truly textbook. She couldn’t be closer to him and yet, he was still missing her.
After a moment of heavy breathing she climbed off his lap (more like rolled off) and took the rightful spot on the side of the bed, which was hers by design. Even though they were both on their backs, their bodies found a way to one another as she reached for his hand entwining their fingers. Simple gesture, nothing really, and yet amongst lovers sharing true love, if that thing was to ever exist outside of novels, it meant everything.
After a moment, as on cue, they both rolled over to look into each other’s eyes.
“Hi.” She smiled cupping his cheek
“Hi yourself, kitten.” He responded by taking her wrist and kissing her knuckles softly.
“Did you know that statistically the round between couples lasts 3 minutes?”
“Way to ruin the mood with your nonsensical facts, Y/N!”
“it’s not nonsensical. I’m only saying that you are far more than stereotypical to me.”
“Because of how long I can last?” he raised an eyebrow  incredulously, but it was quickly followed by a glint of amusement in his eyes. Despite everything he loved being praised on his performance skills.
“Because of everything-“ she whispered lovingly.
“Oh, stop now.” He grunted, pulling her to his chest, forcing her face down onto his skin so she wouldn’t notice the tears brimming in his eyes. “Otherwise I might think you love me or something.” A single tear escaped his eye at the feeling of being complete.
“I’d hate to implant false beliefs in your head.”
“That would be such a mess, right?”
“How about we keep on cleaning it together?” her soft voice reached his ears, serving as a counterpart for his feigned gruffness.
“Now that doesn’t sound so bad.” He smiled, pulling the covers on their entangled forms, allowing himself to fall asleep, knowing she was there to stay.
A comfort that made him feel warmer than under the blanket.
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sandeewithtwoe · 3 days
I saw that comic about Blue asking Color to join the Stars, and I wanted to ask if you could do a similar comic, but it's Delta who is asked to join the Stars( by either Dream or Ink)
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There’s no license to kill in the Star Sanses unfortunately
I think at first they would accept him gladly, but then realize that he kinda has… murder tendencies
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And for those who don’t know, the anon was talking about this comic
Delta belongs to Animated Zorox
Dream belongs to Jokublog
Color sans belongs to Superyoumna
Blue: Hey Dream! I found someone to join our group!
Dream: Really?!
Delta: Heya! The name’s Delta
Blue: <- proud of himself
Delta: No need to introduce yourself, I’ve already heard so many stories about you!
Dream: So it’s true? You want to join the Star Sanses?
Delta: Absolutely!
Delta: Saving AUs from evil guys is just what I do
Dream: That’s so great-
Delta: And I’ll KILL anyone who dares disturb peace!
Delta:… What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?
(Some time later)
Delta: (grumble grumble…) Bunch of cowards… Not like I wanted to join anyways…
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fishnapple · 3 days
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CRYSTAL READING: How to feel more secure in yourself
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Feedback is much appreciated ❤️
Book a personal reading for you.
Reading for each group below :
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1. Tiger's eye
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There is a conflict within yourself about how you should present yourself to the world.
On one hand, you desire harmonious connections with people. You want to feel a sense of belonging. Because of that, you might even have a habit of people-pleasing, you are afraid that if you don't act nice, people won't accept you.
On the other hand, you feel restrictive of that habit and want to assert yourself more, creating some sudden outbursts that could take people by surprise.
You put weight on social interaction but also want to be free from the rules of that interaction.
There is nothing wrong with the desire to belong, but you may need to be more aware of the place from which that desire comes from. Is it motivated by fears? You have lots of compassion and a genuine desire for connection, to share, to nurture. Don't let that beautiful side of yours be restricted by fears and be confused with being just a means to achieve something.
To be secure with yourself is to be able to speak your truth. There will be always someone who doesn't agree with you or go against your opinions, but that doesn't mean you have to go along with them or, on the opposite, act defensive about it. Just communicate yourself clearly, with compassion and understanding, for both yourself and the other person. Practice being direct and firm yet soft and considerate at the same time. Finding the balance.
Also, I think that having a sense of direction for your life will make you feel a lot more secure in yourself. To feel that you're the one behind the driving wheel, that you are independent.
Learning and expand your knowledge of the world, to satiate your inner child's curiosity will help you feel more secured, as in, you will feel like your words have enough backbone to them and will be more confident in saying what you have to say.
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2. Amethyst
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There are lots of pairs in the image. It's like you would need to supplement one trait with another. To pair them up to create a more coherent story.
Sun with Mars, vitality and willpower. To spark and to act. Creatively.
Saturn with Moon, structure and nutrition. To build and to have. Steadily.
Pluto and Uranus, transformation and upheaval. To destroy and to change. Fundamentally.
Neptune and Jupiter, ideals and faith. To dream and to believe. Openly.
Mercury and Fear, thoughts and worries. To think and to feel. Gently.
Venus and Place, affection and destination. To love and to focus. Freely.
Child and Life, core and flow. To be and to go. Deeply.
For the question of how to feel more secure in yourself, the answer for you is simple, to know all of yourself, every nook and cranny, everything get to be acknowledged, no more hide and seek. The more you know about yourself, the more you will feel secure. Understanding of the self will lead to understanding of others. You will feel the flow of life and see that there is no need to hold on or to force something.
If you feel aspired towards something grand, like wanting to change the world. Don't ever think that you're too small for that. You have the ability of self-transformation, going through the birth of the self multiple times in this life.
Give your worrying mind a rest once in a while.
If you feel a lack, give yourself time and act steadily, your self worth is built over time, not in the blink of an eye.
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3. Citrine
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I get a story in my mind when I see your layout of the stones. A group of travellers finally settled down, built a place for themselves, and welcomed anyone to take shelter in their new home. They still go on adventures, but now they have a home to come back to. And those that are lost also can find a new home for themselves.
For you to feel more secure would be to do just like that, build a home for yourself to come back to, welcome others in, and go on adventures whenever you want. The home is not necessarily a physical house that you need to have. It's your inner home. The sense that whatever happens, you won't feel lost.
This inner home is built from inner faith. It may be religious beliefs, but it also may be just a holistic view of the world that formed in you during your journey in this life. But nonetheless, faith and spirituality are very important to you. It is the force from deep within your psyche that motivates your actions and desires. It can also manifest as physical symptoms and changes in the body. Keeping your heart healthy (figuratively and literally) will also keep your body healthy.
You may want to have a routine to practice spirituality. Conventional and well-known methods are good, but formulating your own from real-life observations and experiences is also important. Observe your dreams, have a conversation with the self regularly, and tune in to the collective stream.
But don't be too immerse in the inner working to the point of neglecting your mundane life and day to day responsibilities.
Life may throw you some crises along the way, but that is how you're tested and given opportunities to know and to be in your power. You may be taught the lesson of life's transience and how to respond with changes. Not by forcing your will or try to bend the situation to your desire but by self reflection and bring about transformation from within. That's how life is helping you build your inner home.
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4. Amazonite
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You may feel uncomfortable or challenged when having to put yourself out there. To promote yourself more. Maybe you feel that doing so is being egotistical and showing off. When you actually have to be in the spotlight or to be show yourself to an audience, because of that reservation, you would try to dim your light, almost like a desire to be egoless. It may also muddle your communication. You don't feel safe to deliver your thoughts in a more direct manner.
I feel that it's because of your soft inner self. It's vulnerable and a little fragile, easily bruised, or getting lost in the collective current. It feels very open. You may have the ability to tap into the collective feelings and delve into the subconscious. But be sure to bring back something with you from that trip. Not the burdens though, it's where you need to put discipline in yourself, to anchor yourself in somekind of physical form, to identify yourself as an individual self, not just a part of the whole. It's okay to have an ego. It helps us survive and navigate this world.
What you need to bring back are the insights that help you understand the world in a meaningful way. It may sound like a cliché but finding the meaning of life will help you be more secure in yourself.
And also, have compassion for your fears. No fear is unreasonable or silly. It's actually the source of your transformation. Whatever your fear is, be it the fear of the dark, fear of a certain animal, fear of intimacy, fear of death, etc. It's a human thing to have fears. To be alive is to have fears. So there should be no shame and guilt about those fears. To be secure in yourself is to accept your fallibility.
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holyjongs · 2 days
forgive me, father
priest!wonwoo headcanons
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topics/warnings: blasphemy, light dacryphilia, worship, bondage, spanking, finger fucking, name calling, dumbification
a/n: this is totally not proofread so i apologize for any errors.... trying something a little different this time! enjoy you freaks
wc: 550
• wonwoo who would wait for your presence at mass every sunday. for you to sit in the front pew in a dress far too short for church standards. for you to smile at him with your beautiful eyes when he handed you your communion. your slightly parted lips speaking "amen" after he blesses you.
no matter how hard he prayed to the lord in his small quarters in the church every night, he couldnt shake the thought of pleasuring you. he had an innate and almost primal desire to throw you around and make sure you knew who you belonged to.
• wonwoo who, every time you kneeled during service, was flooded with thoughts of you kneeling before him. praying to him.
• wonwoo who would make you call him father as he mercilessly pounds you with his fingers
• wonwoo who would make you hold onto his rosary as he fucks every prayer out of you until you're nothing but a mumbling fool
"however many you can pray is how long im gonna fuck you for tonight baby."
• wonwoo whos dark and ominous aura always kind of scared you, but it nonetheless made you that much more needy for him
• wonwoo who would wear his collar while he pounded you because he knew you found it attractive
• wonwoo who knows he has you wrapped around his finger so he makes you beg and plead for him
• wonwoo who would call you his good girl, baby, doll one second and then immediately switch to filthy slut, whore, etc
• wonwoo who wanted you to worship him just as he had worshipped god his whole life
he wanted to be your god. who you came to when you had doubts, worries, or even a bad day. he wanted to give solutions to any problem you may have. he wanted you to see him in a light of glory and adoration as if he was the perpetual force in your life.
• wonwoo who wanted to watch as tears fell down your cheeks. for whatever reason you were crying, he didnt care. he would slowly rub your cheek with his soft palm and wipe away your tears tenderly, trying to ignore his bulge growing by the second.
if you happen to start crying when he's fucking the life out of you; he'll flip you over where your faces are barely grazing each other and take the sight in. he loved to watch how good he made you feel.
• wonwoo who grew to never find your relationship as blasphemous. although he had made a pact to devote his life to god, his need for you grew stronger than that every day. was that so bad?
• wonwoo who made sure you couldn't do anything without him. saying things like "you're such a good slut. not knowing what to do without your heavenly father."
"thats right princess you wouldn't know anything if it werent for me"
"fuck yourself dumb on my cock baby i want to hear nothing but you praying to me"
• wonwoo who found anything and everything leather to use on you. whips, gags, the whole deal.
• wonwoo who would spank you as punishment. bent over his knee, sometimes making sure to go slow so you could count. other times going too fast to invoke tears from you.
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supercutszns · 2 days
luke castellan comforting his gf?
btw i love ur work 💗💗
wc + pairing: 0.9k, luke castellan x reader
oh i really needed this,,, if i stop writing comfort fics i’m dead i will literally write a thousand of them over and over they could be exact replicas and i would not care. sorry this took such a long time i've been in a big writing slump and i really don't like this but we have to start somewhere <3 every time someone requests a comfort fic i get very happy inside! i know this isn’t my best work like at all but hopefully it’s enough for now
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Luke’s good at finding hidden things. A playing card wedged between wooden panels. A camper that always trudges at the back of the line. He can find something at its most sheltered and pluck it right back where it belongs. He’s good at that with you, too. When you wedge yourself somewhere tough, he slips through the cracks every damn time. 
You’re exhausted. You don’t know what time it is, how long you’ve been here, or how you can stop it. You just couldn’t get up this morning and your siblings let you stay sick. You imagine an alternate version of this day over and over, where you’re up and alive and contributing to something. But that’s not today. But it should be. You dream it until tears press against your eyes but you’ve got no energy to push them out. 
Feeling like this isn’t a constant occurrence, but it happens. Luke finds his way in each time, wedging open the slightest crack in your door or coming in through the window. He comes bearing gifts, he jokes. You don’t ask him where he gets the things he brings you—snacks, chocolate, plastic figurines to place on your windowsill. Menial things you like. Luke has his methods, and you know he loves you too much to reveal them. 
“Got some offerings for a goddess here,” he says when he sits down on your bed, knuckles brushing your arm. If you’re too tired to answer he never minds, he just crosses his legs and pulls your head into his lap. He smooths the hair away from your face to massage your scalp, and lets you rest. He doesn’t ask you for anything. Doesn’t force you to speak. You do when you’re ready. 
“I don’t feel good,” you admit hoarsely, blinking back tears. 
“That’s okay.” He leans down to kiss your forehead. “You just rest.”
It almost makes you laugh. “I’ve been in bed all day, Luke.”
“Mm, yeah, but you’re not really resting,” he says without judgement, letting you cling to his body as you pull yourself up to a seated position. “What’s on your mind, baby?”
You press your face into his neck so the warmth can distract you. Sometimes you say a lot, sometimes you say a little, like your mouth has separated from your body. It almost always ends with, “I feel like shit. I don’t know what to do.”
Luke is patient with you, but never overbearing. He knows you shut down when things are laid on too thick. “Want to take a nap?” He offers, threading his hands through your hair. “I can take you to my cabin, it’s cooler.”
He’s right, so you let him, and he steals you away without a fuss. The sheets smell like him, so even if you want to be alone, he still grounds you. When you fall into his bed you curl into a ball like an armadillo, like you can squeeze the rot out of your bones if you compress hard enough. Luke slots himself beside you after confirming it’s what you want, pressing kisses into your shoulder, until you turn into him and starfish over his body. “You let me know if you need anything, angel,” he murmurs, swiping your hair away from your face. “I’ve got you.” 
You manage to doze off, with his arms loose around your back and his chest underneath you. When you wake up later with a kiss of late afternoon breeze, you’re struck with the disorienting feeling of a good sleep. “Luke,” you mutter, digging your nose into his neck. 
He rouses too. “How’re you feeling?”
“Still bad.”
“Mm.” He kisses your forehead, squeezes you against him. “That’s okay. Want me to go grab you some food?” 
“Can we talk a little before?” 
“‘Course,” he says gently. He ghosts a kiss over your jaw. 
Sleep has pieced together some of the words you need, and Luke brings them out of you with hardly any effort. You have what’s probably a fragmented reason at best, but he doesn’t care. He keeps you anchored to him as long as you want him to, rubbing your back and letting you take your time. Once you’re done with the conversation, Luke diligently wipes your tears and kisses you. “Thank you,” you whisper.
“Anytime,” he grins. “I mean, I do love you. Nothing else I’d rather do.”
You let your forehead rest against his. Your throat feels thick but you get the words out, “I’m worried I’m going to feel this way forever.”
It doesn’t feel good to admit. Luke’s face softens, and he presses a kiss between your brows. “You won’t,” he murmurs, wrapping you in his arms. “You’ve got time.”
The length of the day moving around you matters a little less when Luke shields you from it. His knuckles rub across the ridges in your back until you’re sure the texture of his shirt is imprinted on your face. 
After he goes off to bring you some food, you find the strength to go wash your face in the bathroom. It’s practically nothing. Practically. At least you settle back into his bed, the blankets aren’t as heavy as before. You don’t feel better yet, but Luke’s got plenty of time for you. (He’ll pawn his kids off to Chris. None of them need this grilled cheese anyway.)
luke taglist: @sunniskyies @apollos-calliope @lillycore @sunny747 @m00ng4z3r @pabkeh @thaliagracesgf @theadventuresofanartist @bonnie-tz @ash-williamsss @sucker-4-angst @kitkat-writes-stuff @too-deviant @huang-the-geek @daughterofthemoons-stuff @jennapancake @idunnowhattonamethis @jarofshells @the-oracle-at-delphinitely-not @lauraisthebestyapper @nininehaaa
150 notes · View notes
crilbyte · 2 days
Hey, um... could you write a human Alastor oneshot where he's like, just genuinely obsessed with the reader and shes completely into that, like, knows he's crazy and is super turned on by it?
Hoooly shit. I'm into this. Okay *cracks knuckles* here we go...
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Oneshot - Human!Alastor x Reader
Words: 4,307
Rating: 18+
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You still remember how you'd met Alastor. You had just moved to New Orleans, excited about the idea of starting over in such an incredible town. However, what you didn't know at the time was that the city was haunted by a serial killer, Alastor, who was still on the loose and planning his next victim. As you walked the streets one night, returning from the market, Alastor began to watch you from afar. He quickly decided that you would be a perfect victim, but when he got closer to you, he noticed something different. He noticed that you didn't belong to the city. The way you walked and the way you stood out for your beauty, something about you made him hesitate.
He eventually approached you and you took to him immediately. At first he thought it might be because of his charm, but he quickly came to realize that you were just as twisted as he was. Every day that you spent together he was more and more happy that he didn't give into his baser instincts that first night.
Then, after months of being a happy couple, he catches wind that one of his rivals had their eye on you. The idea was more than just upsetting, he needed to deal with this immediately. Without warning, Alastor kissed you goodbye with only the promise to return after he had “handled something important.” And you knew better than to question him. You'd both agreed that the less you knew about his hobbies the better, in the off chance something went sideways and he was apprehended.
It had been some time since you'd last seen your lover when he decided he couldn't stay away any longer. One day, while you were returning from the market, your bag broke and your purchases spilled onto the floor. Alastor, seeing the scene, took the opportunity.
He approached, gently asking "Hello, do you need help with this?" He smiles, admiring your beauty.
"Alastor!" You say, throwing arms around him
Alastor's eyes widen in shock at your sudden gesture, but he quickly composes himself and wraps his arms around your waist. He looks at you, his eyes filled with a mix of surprise and something approaching pleasure.
"I missed you, you've been so busy!"
Alastor's face breaks out into a warm smile, his arms tightening around you. He whispers, "I missed you too, my sweet. I apologize for my absence. I have been preoccupied with... other matters."
"That's understandable," you say with a smile, your face pressed against his chest.
Alastor's arms tighten around you, pulling you closer. His voice lowers as he murmurs, "I'm glad you understand, my beloved. I would do anything to spend every moment with you, but alas, I have enemies that I must deal with."
"Are you okay?" You ask, looking up at him, a concerned look on your face. "You seem... tense."
Alastor stiffens at your question, his eyes narrowing slightly. He forces a smile and replies, "I'm fine, my dear. I assure you, I can handle anything that comes my way. It's just... business as usual."
You grip his coat, pulling his face closer to yours. "No, I can tell, something is wrong."
Alastor's eyes widen slightly as you pull him closer, his heart racing at the sudden closeness. He tries to maintain his composure and replies, "It's nothing that you should concern yourself with, my sweet. I don't want to burden you with my troubles."
"But I want to. It's no burden, really. Let me help you..."
Alastor's expression softens as he looks into your eyes. He hesitates, then leans in and whispers, "There is a man who threatens to take you away from me. I can't bear the thought of losing you, my love.”
You blink, taken aback. "A man? Who? Take me how?"
Alastor's gaze becomes intense as he whispers, "He wants to steal you from me, take you away forever. He's a dangerous man, my dear. I can't let him have you." His hand tightens on yours, as if trying to protect you even now.
"Is he planning to kidnap me?" You ask, concerned.
Alastor's eyes flash with anger and jealousy as he answers, "I don't know what he plans, but I won't let him harm you. You are mine, and I will protect you with my life." He pulls you close once more, holding you tightly against him.
You feel so safe in his arms. You sigh, truly happy. "I just want to stay with you..." you say quietly.
Alastor's hold on you tightens, his heart swelling with joy and relief as he hears your words. He whispers in your ear, "You will always stay with me, my love. I will never let you go."
"What does the man want with me?" you ask.
Alastor's expression darkens once more as he speaks, "He wants what is mine, what I hold most dear. He wants you for himself, my love. But he cannot have you, you belong to me." His voice becomes almost a snarl, his possessiveness over you clear.
"No, I don't want anyone to touch me but you..."
Alastor's expression softens as he sees the fear in your eyes. He gently brushes a strand of hair from your face and leans down to press a tender kiss to your forehead.
"No one will ever touch you but me. I will protect you with my life, my love."
You take a deep breath, leaning into his kiss. "I'm scared..." You whisper.
Alastor wraps his arms around you, holding you close as he whispers soothing words into your ear.
"Don't be scared, my love. I am here for you. I will keep you safe from anyone who wishes to harm you.”
You nod, relaxing into his arms. Alastor's eyes light up with a warm smile, his voice filled with relief.
"Good girl, that's it. Just trust me and let me take care of you." He leans down to kiss you again, his lips gentle yet firm, conveying both love and possession.
You sigh happily into the kiss, loving the feeling of his protective possession. Alastor's heart swells with happiness and a fierce love for you as he deepens the kiss. He pulls back slightly, his breath warm against your lips, his eyes dark with desire.
"You are mine, and I will do anything to protect you. Anything to make you happy.”
You give him a suggestive look. "You know what would make me happy right now...?"
Alastor's eyes light up with understanding, and a wicked smile spreads across his face.
"Oh, I think I do, my love."
He takes your hand and leads you to the nearby alleyway. You giggle, biting your lip as he pulls you along. Once safely out of eyeshot, Alastor pushes you against the wall, his body pressed against yours as he looks at you hungrily.
"You are so beautiful, so delectable, you are mine and I will let no other touch you.” He leans down to kiss you again, his hands wandering over your body as he whispers sweet, possessive words against your lips.
You gasp as he quickly becomes aggressive with you, already feeling as though you might melt at his touch. Alastor groans at the sound of your gasp, deepening the kiss as he slides his hands under your shirt. He feels your skin against his fingertips, heating up as he becomes more and more passionate.
"I need you," He whispers fervently."
"Then take me..." You say back breathlessly. "Prove your ownership of me... take what is yours..."
Alastor shudders at the sound of your words. You groan as you feel him hook his hands under your knees and lift you, pinning you with his body to the wall. He grinds against you, biting and sucking at your neck and shoulders as he becomes more and more animalistic.
"Claim me..." You moan as his teeth sink into your flesh.
Alastor growls possessively at the sounds of your moans, feeling a rush of satisfaction as he hears you begging for him. He continues to ravage your neck, leaving hickeys and bite marks as a physical reminder of his ownership.
"Oh God, Alastor..." You moan, your hips involuntarily pressing into his, grinding back against him.
Alastor lets out a shiver at the sound of your hushed panting, his mind consumed by a desire to possess you and make you his own. He grinds back against you, growling low as he feels your hips press against his own growing erection.
You grab either side of his face, pulling him to look up at you and he's instantly enthralled. Your face is in the picture of lust. Your eyes half- lidded, mouth open, cheeks pink...
"Alastor..." You sigh out. "Fuck me. right now, here in this alley..."
Alastor smirks at your words, feeling his desire spike at the sight of your lust-filled face. He reaches between you to tug at his pants, freeing his throbbing cock before sliding your panties aside and rubbing against your entrance.
"Are you sure, my dear?”
Your breath hitches at your touch, licking my lips before biting my tongue and nodding.
"Yes, please, I need you."
Alastor growls in satisfaction, gripping your hip with one hand as he guides himself to your entrance. He presses the head of his cock against you, teasingly circling it before thrusting into you with enough force to knock the wind out of you.
"As you wish."
You throw your head back, gasping loudly, eyes wide. "Ooooh… Alastor..." You moan loudly, your fingers digging into his shoulders.
Alastor smirks up at you as he begins to move his hips, thrusting in and out with a steady rhythm meant to satisfy the both of you. He leans in to bite at your neck, sucking on the flesh as he continues to fuck you in the alleyway.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside with each thrust. while you begin to lick and bite at his ear.
Alastor growls, gripping your ass tightly as you pull him deeper into you. His thrusts become more erratic as he feels his pleasure building, matching the intensity of your assault on his ear.
"You like that?" He growls.
"Yeeeesssssss...." You groan into his ear. "Fuck me, Alastor, ruin my cunt so no one else could ever satisfy me like you do..."
Alastor's growl turns into a low chuckle at your words, feeling a surge of possessiveness at your desire for only him to satisfy you.
"Oh, I'll ruin that sweet cunt for anyone else, my love. I'll make sure no other cock could ever compare."
"I love your cock," you whine, "Deeper! I want to feel you deeper... I want you to bruise my cervix..."
Alastor's thrusts become harder and more desperate as he obeys your command, reaching deeper into you with every thrust. He can't help but love the sound of your moans and the way your nails dig into his back.
"Do you want me to mark you, little bird?”
"Yes, please, mark me as yours!" You beg. "Mark me inside and out!"
Alastor lets out a deep, guttural groan at your words, gripping your hips with bruising force as he pushes deeper into you still. He takes pride in leaving his mark on you, making sure every thrust is laced with the intensity of his love, his possessiveness and obsession with you reaching its peak.
"Mine... mine..." he growls as his thrusts become almost violent as he bites and sucks on your neck.
"I'm gonna cum, Alastor! Ah!" You cry out as your breathing begins to quicken.
Alastor's eyes light up at the sound of your moans and impending climax. He quickens his pace, letting out a low growl that vibrates through you as he feels your walls tighten around him.
"That's it, little bird, cum for me…”
"oh, Oh, OH! A-ah~!" You moan, tightening your grip on him with both your fingers and your legs, pulling him the deepest yet, all the way to the base of his shaft, as you clench and spasm around him.
Alastor gives a satisfied moan as he fills you completely with each thrust, feeling himself hitting that sweet spot deep inside of you.
"Fuck, yes, your body was made for me, little bird. You're so tight and wet..."
"Don't stop..." You mumble in disconnected pleasure. "Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck me..."
Alastor grins hungrily at your words, his thrusts becoming almost desperate as he reaches lower to rub at your clit in time with his thrusts.
"You want me to fuck you harder, little bird? You're mine, don't forget that!"
Your gasp is sharp and quick. You begin to squirm at the overstimulation of him touching your clit so quickly after cumming. You begin to almost scream and he's forced to kiss you to silence them, not wanting anyone to happen by and see you in such a state.
Alastor kisses you deeply, swallowing your screams as he increases the pace and pressure of his fingers on your clit. It doesn't take long before another orgasm takes over your body, leaving you trembling in his arms.
"That's it, little bird...
Your body feels as though it might fall apart, or turn to jello, your every cell vibrating with pleasure. Your eyes roll back into your head and your tongue lolls out of your mouth as he continues to pound you into the brick alley wall.
Alastor chuckles darkly at the sight of you, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he feels himself getting closer to his own release. He tightens his hold on you, not wanting to let go even for a moment.
"I'm going to fill you up, little bird..."
"Iinsiiide..." You groan out. "I want it inside..."
Becoming more forceful as he feels his orgasm build. He takes a deep breath, feeling his desire spike at your words. He thrusts harder and faster, aiming to get as deep inside of you as possible. He wants to leave his mark on you, to possess you completely.
"You're so tight, little bird... You're going to get every last drop of my love..."
"Yes! Please! Fill me with your cum! A-ah!"
Alastor growls as he feels himself reach his limit, his thrusts becoming erratic as he releases inside of you. He groans as the feeling overwhelms him, his arms tightening around you even more.
"Yes... Yes... Take it all, little bird..."
You moan loudly as you feel him filling you with his seed, you can feel as it spills out around him and onto the cobblestone. With heavy panting, you begin to sag in his arms, exhausted. Alastor gasps for breath as he empties himself inside of you, his own body trembling from the force of his orgasm. He grins down at you, his eyes shining brightly as he looks at you adoringly.
"Such a good little bird…”
You shiver, your whole body a trembling mess in his arms as you slowly slide down the wall into a puddle on the ground. Alastor chuckles as he sinks down with you, his arms still wrapped around your waist as he holds you close to him. He buries his face in your neck, pressing soft kisses to your skin.
"Are you alright, little dove...?"
You shiver with each kiss to your neck, your head resting on his shoulder. Alastor hums contentedly as he feels you nod, pressing one last kiss to your neck before pulling back to look at you. He brushes your hair out of your face with a gentle hand, his thumb tracing the curve of your cheek.
"Such a pretty little bird..."
"I'm a mess," you blush, criticizing yourself. "You only say that because you're still inside me..." You say, clenching your kegel muscles.
Alastor shudders at the sudden stimulation, his grip on you tightening slightly. He grins down at you, his eyes shining mischievously. Alastor grins at your words, his hands sliding down to grab onto your hips.
"Well, maybe you're a mess because I'm still inside you... but you're a beautiful, fucking mess..."
You bite your lip and continue to clench and unclench your insides around him, trying to overstimulate him in slight revenge.
"I'm only a mess because you needed to stake your claim on me... and now I'm dripping with your cum in a random alley..."
Alastor lets out a low moan at the continued overstimulation, his grip on your hips tightening. He grins down at you, his eyes shining with lust.
"Oh, don't act like you didn't enjoy it... I know you did.”
You squeeze him closer with your legs, pulling him deeper into you.
"I never said I didn't enjoy it..."
Alastor lets out a deep, guttural groan at the feeling of being pulled deeper into you. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Good... because I'm not done fucking this perfect little cunt of yours."
You gasp as you feel him hardening inside you once more. You let him push you down onto the cobblestone ground, holding himself over you with a crazed smile and pinprick pupils.
Alastor smirks down at you, his eyes filled with a psychotic joy as he begins thrusting into you once more. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoes through the alley as you lay there, completely at his mercy. You begin to fall apart, your eyes rolling back into your head as he fucks you into the ground. Alastor's thrusts become more and more desperate as he watches you fall apart beneath him. He can't get enough of your moans and screams.
"I'm going to make you cum again and again..." he growls, thumbing your little bud with precision.
Your mouth falls open and your head falls back, every drop of your psyche wrapped up in the pleasure that he's currently thrusting into your body. You quickly orgasm around him, tightening and shivering as you go, a low groan escaping you.
Alastor grins wickedly as you come apart around him again and again, the intensity of your cries only driving him further over the edge.
"Again..." He pants, feeling himself building towards his own release. "Do it again for me..."
It only takes a few minutes before you're writhing again beneath him, your climaxes coming closer and closer together as the overstimulation takes hold of your body. Alastor's eyes narrow in concentration as he brings you to the edge again and again, the lust in his eyes growing with every panting breath you take.
"Cum for me..." He urges, thrusting harder and deeper, his own climax fast approaching.
You moan out his name, it being the only word you seem to be able to form as you melt in his arms, your face sexed out, eyes watering and glassy, mouth agape, tongue resting on your lower lip as you breathe heavy breaths to the rhythm of his cock thrusting in and out of you.
Alastor growls in satisfaction as he feels you cum again, your body trembling and writhing beneath him. He thrusts a few more times before his own release explodes within you, filling you with warmth.
"You...are incredible..."
You feel his semen spilling out around him as you begin to overflow. You moan at the sensation, your mind seeming to break with the overwhelming pleasure of him inside you. Alastor catches his breath, his muscles tensing as he empties himself inside you a second time. He leans down to press a soft kiss to your forehead, whispering words of praise and affection in your ear.
"My perfect little dove… you've taken every inch of me…”
You smile through your daze, pleased with his compliment.
"I love your cock..." You mumble out.
Alastor's eyes light up as he hears your words. He wraps his arms around you, holding you close as he nuzzles against your neck.
"And I love filling you up...you're the only one who can make me feel this way..."
"I don't ever want another man to touch me for the rest of my days..." You sigh.
Alastor's expression turns serious as he hears your words. "And I will make sure no one else ever will. I'll protect you, keep you safe...you belong to me now, my love." He kisses you deeply, as if trying to brand you with his affection.
"Tell me... Tell me how you feel... How you desire me..." You beg as he kisses down your chin to your neck.
Alastor smirks against you as he hears your begging, his heart racing with desire and lust.
"I desire you so much it hurts… I think about you every second of every day, my sweet bird. I crave your touch, your kiss…”
"And who do I belong to...?" You ask teasingly.
Alastor's grip on you tightens, his voice laced with possessiveness. "You belong to me. Only me. You're my everything, my perfect little lover. I could never let you go." He continues to shower kisses along your neck, unable to control his emotions.
"And what would you do if anyone were to touch me...?" You ask, hoping to ignite his possessive craze.
Alastor's eyes narrow dangerously as he hears your question, his voice low and threatening.
"I would kill them. Slowly. They would suffer for daring to lay their filthy hands on what is mine. No one touches you but me."
"If someone held me down and took me by force..." You push out, gasping at the sound of his voice, so exciting to you. "What would you do...?”
Alastor's face turns furious at the thought, his body shaking with anger and possessiveness.
"If anyone dared to force themselves on you, I would rip them apart limb by limb. They would beg for death, but I would make sure they suffer first."
You shiver at the idea of his violent possessiveness.
"Alastor..." You moan out. "Do you think you have one more round in you...?" You ask quietly.
Alastor's eyes light up with a sinister hunger as he hears your question. "Oh, my sweet, I have endless rounds for you. I will never tire of taking you, owning you, possessing you. Again and again, until there is nothing left but us."
"Good, because I want you to fuck me while thinking about what you'd do if anyone ever held me like this... I want your rage and your fury..." You say in a seductive tone.
Alastor's body responds immediately to your tone, his cock already hard with desire. As he thrusts into you once more, he imagines someone else trying to claim what is his. His movements become more forceful, more desperate. You all but scream as he begins to ravish your already weakened body; the sounds that escape from you becoming animalistic.
Alastor relishes in the sounds you make, his mind filled with dark thoughts of possession. He wants to mark you as his own, to make sure no one else will ever dare to touch you. His thrusts become more urgent as he feels your body tremble under him.
"Yours..." You moan, gripping his face and dragging him closer for a sloppy kiss.
Alastor eagerly responds, his tongue exploring your mouth with a new fervor. He wants to consume you, to keep you close and never let you go. His hands roam over your body, gripping you tightly as he continues to thrust into you.
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" You cry out, you can't stop moaning, his cock making you feel like you might go crazy.
Alastor's eyes darken with pleasure as he hears your words. He wants to give you what you want, to bring you to the brink of madness with pleasure. His movements become more frenzied as he chases his own release, his cock buried deep inside of you.
"Claim me so no man could ever begin to take your place..." You groan, "Break me..."
As Alastor hears your words, his obsession takes over, his movements becoming more dominant and controlling. He wants to claim you, to make you his own. His thrusts become more powerful as he breaks through your barriers, his cock filling you completely.
Your eyes roll back into your head, leaving you looking almost possessed as your most powerful climax yet rocks through your body. Your muscles tensing so much that you even stop breathing as waves of pleasure roll through you.
Feeling you climax around him, Alastor can't help but smile, satisfied with the sight before him. He continues to thrust into you, prolonging your pleasure as long as possible. Eventually, he reaches his own climax, his cock throbbing inside of you as he releases himself completely.
The two of you collapse onto the ground in a heap, both fully spent now. Just a mass of flesh and sweat and cum... breathing deeply in an attempt to remain conscious. Alastor moves to lay next to you, his breathing still ragged as he tries to catch his own breath. His hand reaches out to rest on your chest, feeling your heart race as the aftershocks of pleasure wash over you. He leans in close, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips."
"I love you..." You whisper, exhausted, but still smiling.
Alastor's eyes light up at your confession, an overwhelming sense of happiness filling him up. He presses his lips to yours once more, this time in a deep, loving kiss.
"And I love you." He whispers back, his hand reaching up to gently cup your cheek.
"You're the only one for me..." You sigh.
Alastor's smile grows wider, his entire being glowing with happiness.
"And you are the only one for me. I will always be here for you, no matter what." He leans in for another kiss, his hand never leaving your face as he holds you close to him.
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Damn that one was fun. Tysm Anon.
If anyone else has a request, please don't hesitate to send it my way. I love them. Also, I'm pretty open to any kinks outside of like, pedo shit or like scat. Lol. Push my limits, let's see where my boundaries lie!
Taglist: @shadowqueen1318 @liveontelevision @honestlyshamelesskid @bad-and-drawn-that-way @lonelynmisunderstood @shcrou-sei @l0liamk @tasha-1994 @cosmiccandydreamer @memoire-du-ciel @martinys-world  @itsavicf @looking1016
127 notes · View notes
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" If I was you,I'd wanna be me too"
" I see it , I like , I want it , I got it "
" I am the best "
" Who? You are better than me ? No No No na na na"
" I am hot hot hot hot like fire "
" I am so fancy "
" I can't relate to desperation "
" My " give a f**ks" are on a vacation"
" Walked in and dream came trued it for you"
" I-T G-I-R-L , You know I am that girl "
" While y'all busy hating, I am flying across the country "
" My tongue is sacred, I speak upon what I like "
" Yes and ? "
"I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am rich, I am that ,I am gonna go get that bag and I am not gonna take your s-"
" I am protected, well respected, I'm a queen, I'm a dream I do what I wanna do and I'm who I wanna be 'Cause I am me"
" Oh, Mickey, you're so fine! So fine, you blow my mind,Oh, Mickey, you're so fine! So fine"
" Hey, yeah, whoa-ho, I'm on a roll , Ridin' so high, achieving my goals"
" Queencard, I am hot , my boob and booty is hot"
" I am a star,star , star "
"Look so cool, look so sexy like Kim Kardashian Look so cute, look so pretty like Ariana"
"Whatever goes around eventually comes back to you So you gotta be careful, baby"
" But everybody's gotta go on , Don't they? (Yes, we do, baby), So if you need a hero (if you need a hero) , Just look in the mirror (just look in the mirror) No one's gonna save you now,So you better save yourself"
" But you just can't give up now, 'Cause you gotta save yourself"
"I'm fearless a new bitch, new crazy climbing up, next one"
" If my scars are a part of me, I got no fear, no fear"
" I was born to be somebody, Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me,I'll light up the sky like lighting,I'm gonna rise above,Show 'em what I'm made of,I was born to be somebody,I was born to be, And this world will belong to me"
" Feel it , believe it , Dream it ,be it "
" Find someone you know will put you first ,Find someone who loves you at your worst"
" Gotta keep, gotta keep, gotta keep your head up"
"I will prove I can conquer anything,So from my head to toe I'm taking full control"
" Better watch out,Going for the knockout,And I won't stop,Till I'm on top now,Not gonna give up,Until I get what's mine,Better check that I'm about to upset,And I'm hot now,So you better step back,I'm taking over,So watch me shine"
"Who says, who says you're not perfect?Who says you're not worth it?"
" Who says you don't pass the test?Who says you can't be the best?Who said, who said?Won't you tell me who said that?Yeah, who said?"
"Don't need permission,Made my decision to test my limits'Cause it's my business, God as my witnessStart what I finished,Don't need no hold up,Taking control of this kind of moment"
" Somethin' 'bout you,Makes me feel like a dangerous woman"
" Nothin' to prove and I'm bulletproof andKnow what I'm doing"
" If you think they're looking at you,They're looking at me"
"She's so gorgeous, she's successful "
" Style icon, size zero,And my boots from Valentino,I'm a self-made runway queen,And my dad is Alexander McQueen"
" Narcissistic, my God, I love it"
" I'm a girl's girl, I'm a boss in a man's world"
" My mama said, "Marry a rich man" ,And I was like, "Mama, I am that rich man"
" Of course she was sad,But now she's glad she dodged a bullet"
" Can you make my heart stop, Hit me with your kill shot baby"
"She's got my attention, she's confident"
" We just go hard,We just go hard till we see the light"
" Even if the waves hit and sprinkle thorns, I'm the winner in the end,Even if you shake and push me, I'm unbreakable,My opponent is Woman in the mirror,I told you no matter how much the world tries to put me down,You make me feel special"
" I want you on my team,So does everybody else"
" I put my armor on, show you how strong I am,I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am"
" I'm unstoppable,I'm a Porsche with no brakes,I'm invincible,Yeah, I win every single game,I'm so powerful,I don't need batteries to play,I'm so confident,Yeah, I'm unstoppable today"
"When all is said and done,You'll believe God is a woman"
"Everybody tells me that it's so hard to make it It's so hard to break in, there's no way to fake itEverybody tells me that it's wrong what I'm feelin'I shouldn't believe in the dreams that I'm dreamin'I hear it every dayI hear it all the timeI'm never gonna amount to muchBut they're never gonna change my mind, noTell me, tell me, tell me something I don't know"
"I'm on my way,I know I'm gonna get there someday,It doesn't help when you say, "It won't be easy"
" Riding over the trail of thorns,You made me boost up "
" Walk like a majestic lion,Eyes glinting with so much desire "
" I'll climb higher,Top of the world I itched for ,No biggie if I were to fallI'm antifragile, antifragile "
"Imagine having everything we ever dreamed"
" You've gotta believe it"
" Bigger is better And better is bigger?"
"You've got to have your star on the door,You want the world, nothing less,All the glam and the press,Only giving you the best reviews"
"And I was like, "Why you so obsessed with me?"
" Even if all the boatmen together become strangers to us(that is, even if everyone turns against us)Then we will become oars ourselvesand cross (the sea) on our own"
"Why others, we'll ask ourselves only,about the path to followWe'll find it here somewherein the waves only"
"So sue me, For looking too pretty tonight"
" But I'm not gonna dull myself because you dull yourself"
" Feelin' myself can't be illegal, illegal"
" Yeah, it feels so good to be so young,And have this fun and be successful, yeah,I'm so successful, yeah"
"That's my life is a beautiful galaxy, Be a writer, the genre is fantasy"
"Écoute chérie"
I don't know about lyrics but I like vibe of the song !
" I'm the Wonder Woman, let me go get my rope,I'm a supermodel and mommy, sí, mami"
" Do you think I am Fragile?"
"I am not afraid of storms,For I am learning how to sail my ship"
This song vibe reminds me of those mog edits lmao , you can listen to this song to upgrade your beauty self-concept!
" Imagination, life is your creation"
" Diamonds under my eyes"
"Manifest it (yeah), I finessed it (I finessed it)"
"Just like magic ,I'm attractive ,I get everything I want 'cause I attract it"
"I'm just in love with myself,Crush on me "
"I'm sure of myself every moment,I'm more confident than scared,I'm unaware about fear,I hope you and I will always shine"
"Trust me more than anyone else ,I make myself shine "
"Love myself so that I don't lose myself,I don't mind such prejudice that never end,I'm satisfied with myself reflected in your eyes"
"I'm my own wannabe,I'm a masterpiece for me"
"The confidence in me shines more on me,You always shine on your own,My satisfaction that will make me shine more perfectly"
It is all about the vibe !!
" Call me babydoll "
This song can help with beauty self-concept.
"Love to hate me, praise me, shame me,Either way you talk about me"
"I'm glad to be your inspiration.Who, baby, who's (guess who?)The topic of your conversation?,I am "
I don't even need to explain this one lol !
"I know what you are,Uh you’re a queen"
"You are the main character,You are the bright one,You’re a queen"
"No matter what anyone says,By yourself,You’re a queen"
"I know what I am (I know what I am),I know what I want (I know what I want),I never gon' change (I never gon' change)I never gon' trade"
"You know I've been a boss for my whole career"
"On this perfect day,Nothing's standing in my way,On this perfect day,Where nothing can go wrong"
"I'm the whole damn cake and the cherry on top"
"I'm a bitch and a boss, I'ma shine like gloss"
I like the vibe of the song !
"She doesn't cry anymore, no looking back"
"Life has its dings,Oh, thanks for the wings!"
"It is my fate to be so great!"
"I'm a baddie, ba-ba-baddie, baddie,Pretty little risky baddie"
"This time I'm only lookin' at me, myself and I,(I'm goin' solo) I'mma do it on my own now"
"Like the flowing wind,Like the stars above the clouds,I want to go far away, I want to shine brightly"
"All of the Barbies is pretty (damn),All of the Barbies is bad,It girls (It girls) and we ain't playin' tag"
" Never needed nothin' else,Just a lil' love from myself"
"Don't like the back seat, gotta be first"
"All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus"
"I know what I came to do,And that ain't gonna change,So go ahead and talk your talk,Cause I won't take the bait,I'm over here doing what I like,I'm over here working day and night"
"Let's find a light inside our universe now,Where ain't nobody keep on holding us down"
"You've shown me I have reasons,I should love myself"
"I live the way I want, what more do you want, That's my style
"Who cares if I only do what I like, huh,This ain't your life,Useless thoughts can go away"
"Bad vibes, get off of me"
"Treat my goals like property,Collect them like Monopoly"
"You shine brighter than anyone else One"
" Shine , dream , smile "
"And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate,Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake,I shake it off, I shake it off "
"When I'm a supermodel,And my hair will shine like the sea,Everyone wants to look like me"
"Cause I'm young and I'm here and so beautiful"
"I believe in myself,My back hurting is for my wings to come out,I believe in you, even if things are bleak right now,The end will be great"
"I made a decision, I will have unconditional trust"
"You've been down before,You've been hurt before,You got up before,You'll be good to go, good to go,Destiny said it, you got to get up and get it"
"Get mad independent and don't you ever forget it"
" You either wanna be with me, or be me"
"If I was a rich girl,See, I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girl,No man could test me, impress me, my cash flow would never ever end,'Cause I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girl"
"You say I'm sexy,So bad, they should arrest me"
"Feelin' myself, I'm feelin' myself, I'm feelin' my"
"The whole world according to moi"
"All things fabulous,Bigger and better and best"
"I'm the boss right now"
"It's not the diamonds, it's not the pearls,I'm that girl, it's just that I'm that girl"
"From the top of the morning, I shine"
"Y'all study my fashion, it shows in your pics"
"I look better in person, you'll see when we meet"
"I been in my Birkin, I stay on my grind,I stay on my hustle, I stay on your mind"
"Ooh, I'm so perfect, I make them nervous"
"Prettiest out here, that shit for certain"
"I'm the trophy of the game, everybody tryna win me"
"Uh, I'm who they wishin' to be"
"I'm a prodigy, R.I.P Thun-Thun '
"C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T,That's me, I'm confident"
"I am the top, super lady"
"Those irresistible eyes are savage, got all qualities of a Queen, The Baddie"
"I am blessed by the Heavens"
"Now I'm givin' myself,Nothing but love"
"Please, no comparisons, 'cause you know they can't"
"I got all I need, you know nothing else can beat,The way that I feel when I'm dancing with my girls,Perfect energy, yeah, we flawless, yeah, we free,There's no better feeling in the whole wide world"
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httpshujii · 1 day
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C.W. f!reader is an attention seeking thief, mentions of killing & execution, implications of s*x (not detailed/sugar coated), reader labelled as freak. Please let me know if I missed anything!
TAGS :- @lu-naes @coconut36 @briarbabyxo @number1morihater @kaiser1ns (comment or dm if you'd like to be tagged!)
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You don't know what you did to get such a large bounty on your head. You never killed, never found pleasure in the thought of it. Sure, you stole from the richest and you didn't bother hiding your acts.
It's amusing, how your delicate fingers can just snatch all sorts of things out of pockets. You'd find it humorous when they did catch you, when you made sure they knew that you stole something valuable.
The way their faces would contort into shock and morph into pure anger. It's an interesting reaction, you don't know why it satisfies you so much to be seen as a criminal, a known thief.
Is it the thrill it brings when doing something so fragile? Is it to prove something? You questioned your motives on more than one occasion. But it all goes down to one reason.
Boothill. An infamous outlaw, mostly works for brokers. You could never be like him, of course, you don't know how to handle arms nor do you know how he manages to eliminate people like some useless digits in an equation. But to be known by as many people as him is a need. A great wish that only the brightest star can grant, and that star sure does love to stay hidden.
You just want to be known. To be seen and to have your face stamped on the alley walls of Penacony, the word 'wanted' stated right above your head in heavy red ink. It's an indescribable urge.
You blame the lack of attention you got in your younger years. No matter how many times it's repeated, people are greedy and love to talk about themselves. You're no different. If anything, you're worse. This idea of belonging to yourself and loving yourself so much to the point where you want everyone to know every small thing about you, is a major derivative to becoming popular. Whether in a good or bad way.
You realized this power at a young age. Getting accused of cheating when you really didn't, but instead of having your belly bubble with rage at such an accusation, you felt seen. For the first time. Kids are straightforward, if you look, talk, or act weirdly, they'll label you as a "freak."
You didn't have friends, nor did you want any. Their a hindrance, nothing but pawns in a game you didn't know you were playing. You don't know why you used to think that, maybe it was cause you felt invisible. You didn't like it, but it was peaceful.
You remember smiling when the girl who accused you hissed you name towards the teacher, and then you grinned when all eyes turned to you. With that reaction, people agreed on your crime, and into punishment you went.
Cleaning the classroom for a week and retaking a harder version of the test. You took your time, enjoyed cleaning, enjoyed thinking. After all, you had no parents to go home to, no friend to visit. You lived relying on your pickpocketing skills. Stealing a sandwich from a distracted merchant, hiding an apple in your bag when looking through a store. Water bottles, sweets, juice, gum, anything you can get your sinister hands on.
You had the right to survive, just like everyone else. Even if your way bended the laws, you still had the right. At least that's what you told yourself.
As you grew up, you got smarter, more daring. Unclasping pearl necklaces from necks of rich women while complimenting them, flirting with drunk merchants that are too drunk to realize you snatch a few wads of credit, too naïve to notice, too blind by honeyed words to care.
You'd steal like it's a nine to five. You wake up every morning in your hidden shack that was an abandoned garage, brush your teeth, ruffle your hair, apply what little perfume you have left from the perfume store that you stole from a few years ago. Cool, peachy, and flowery. The scent would turn heads, only to be met with a sinister grin and a wallet out of their pockets and in your very trusty hands.
You'd buy yourself a meal, keep it packed till you get back to your humble abode.
"I'm home…"
You have no one to go back to. But these words always feel brand new when they roll out of your throat, saddened, somber. You know you'll never come home to see anyone, you'd probably be dead or on the run by the time. Every day, every night, it's the same routine.
You grew to like it, enjoy the loop of similar activities. Up until now.
As if a shock, he came in and rearranged the pattern. Forced himself into your idea of a perfect lifestyle. You're not mad, there's a reason you have his wanted poster plastered right next to your mattress on the wall of your home. You're excited to this sudden change. Giggling, you shove the drunkard you were trying to bribe away, causing him to stumble and knock himself out on the hard floor of the saloon.
You know he's here for you, it's clear with that killer smile on his lips. His hands hanging loosely on his gun holster, you pull your bottom lip into the light grip of your teeth, your smile so wide your lip slips from the caress of your wet tongue against the slightly chapped surface.
There he stands, in all his glory. The one and only Boothill. Mechanical body glinting under the yellow bulbs, complex machinery whispering a repetitive whir of pumps pumping and gears turning. Teeth akin to a shark's pointy and pearly. Pupils that rotate, gun's targets eyeing you up and down.
Under his calculated gaze, you feel seen, heard, and understood all within the span of a few seconds. Everyone around you seems non existent, they cower in the dark corners of the saloon as the predator approaches you in clicking heels on a wooden floor.
He thinks you look like a little girl. With your legs kicking the air softly, your hands resting beneath your thighs as you gaze up at him with nothing but wonder and curiosity. He doesn't know if he likes it, he's used to siren lulls of scandalous dances, spending a few hours to relish in the plush of steamy nights with what people would call models, but to him, nothing but discarded digits of pleasure. He doesn't even know why he participates in such acts. He's not a human anymore, can't feel a warm body against his, it itches him. Not being able to touch and feel and caress. It makes him go crazy, often shooting bullets at aging walls when he thinks about it too much.
He likes you. How different you are to him, how new you are to him. He feels like it's okay to slow down just this once. He takes a seat next to you. Resting his elbow on the wooden bar, his fist cushioning his cheek as his eyes stay locked on you. You imitate him. Staring at him just as intently. With just as much wonder.
"Can I buy you a drink, sugar?"
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actual-changeling · 2 days
this post got me thinking about the ending of season 5 and now i can't stop.
right before this episode, mulder told her she's his one in five billion, and we've had five seasons of them affirming over and over that they trust no one except each other. it's them against the world. him and her and the feeling of his hand in hers when he sat at the side of her hospital bed while she was dying.
then diana shows up and suddenly everything scully thought she knew comes crashing down around her. mulder is slightly... different with diana than he is with her, yet the behaviour patterns are the same.
and sure, they never talked about it, but they TALKED about it in their own way exactly like they always do, and it didn't even occur to her that mulder might be less committed to their capital P Partnership than her—why should it? him and her against the world, always.
seeing him with diana dissolves her confidence in herself and in mulder; it's a betrayal she thinks she shouldn't even be feeling. how presumptuous of her to assume that they're it, he doesn't belong to her, after all, and it's not like they ever talked about what exactly they are (because she thought they didn't have to). so now what? what right does she have to be upset and jealous?
it reminds me of their conversation at the end of wetwired and how scully doesn't even need time to think about her worst fear.
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diana's appearance jump-starts the virtual reality of her worst nightmare and she knows there's no waking up from it this time. there's no mulder losing it while he tries to find her and a solution to the issue, no hospital bed, no affirmations, no you're the only one i trust.
only her and the soul crushing realization that mulder is all she wants and has yet that she was apparently nothing but a placeholder for him—and now diana is back and scully has to step aside.
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polaris-stuff · 3 days
I hate how this fandom just decided that Moon isn’t allowed to have problems.
Lunar has problems? Awww poor bean :(
Earth? OH SWEETIE 🥺 You don't deserve it!
Sun? He’s been through so much!!!
Moon? Nah, he's fine. He's just being selfish.
This man is here, having episodes of psychosis caused by stress and grief where he sees and hears hallucinations, things that do not exist, he cannot differentiate what is real from what is not, he doesn't want to do the things he does and he doesn't know how to stop, he needs help and his family and the fandom just turn their backs on him.
Half of these words belong to @mxnivinny, she gave me permission to post them <3
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vettelsvee · 18 hours
THIS IS ALL MY FAULT | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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sebastian vettel x platonic!photographer!reader
based on this request: Okay! So after watching the run Sebastian organized at Imola, I has the idea of reader being someone that works for him (not sure what for though) maybe getting really sick for running in the rain that day, which ends up with Sebastian feeling guilty over it. It’s a silly idea, really, but I think it has a lot of potential to vibes similar to what Sebastian seems to have with the drivers, kind of playing dad to the grid 🥺.
summary: you work as a photographer during the forever senna tribute seb prepared, but you end up being sick
word count: 1618
warnings: none of them really! seb feeling guilty because he thinks reader got sick because of him.
a/n: I'm finally back! sorry for not posting at all during all this past month, university has had me really stressed but I'm finally free from it until september! idk if this is actually something well written because i haven't written anything for a month! also, hope you anon like this even it's definitely crap 😭
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback as well as comments and reblogs are truly appreciated! <3
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The rain kept falling on the circuit, but that wasn't such an excuse for Sebastian and his team to cancel what they had been working on for months.
The run that the retired driver had decided to organize on Thursday not only with Formula 1 drivers, but also with those from Formula 2 and 3, and even other members of the sport, in honor of Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger, was more than perfect. It was an absolute success. And Sunday, when Vettel would drive the car that once belonged to the Brazilian pilot who died 30 years ago on that same circuit, hadn't even arrived yet.
You had been busy taking photos of everything, as you were Sebastian's official photographer. Now, you were gathering all the equipment you had used because the cold you were enduring was barely bearable. You had been out in the rain all day, following Seb wherever he went, which had made you feel increasingly worse. Now, your hands couldn't stop shaking, and you felt like you were about to faint at any moment.
"Y/N, are you okay?" one of the team members asked.
"Yes, of course," you replied with a weak smile. "I'm just a bit cold. I'll be back to be the same me as soon as we get back to the hotel."
The man nodded, not wanting to press you further despite not being very convinced by your words after seeing your completely pale face.
You decided to continue with your work, ignoring anyone who approached you to exchange even the slightest word. You tried to ignore the growing headache, the fatigue, and the tightness in your chest, which seemed to be worsening. Although the rain had stopped and you were in one of the garages, the sky remained dark.
You were surprised to see Sebastian, still wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, just a few meters away from you. You shook your head, trying not to pay attention, and certainly not to worry. He was just your "boss," so to speak, and he was old enough to know what he needed to do to avoid getting sick. Well, he also had Britta, who was like a second mother to him.
A sharp pain pierced your temples. You staggered slightly, and if it hadn't been for your momentum making you lean your back against the wall behind you, you would have fallen to the ground.
"For God's sake, Y/N, you look terrible," he said as calmly as he could, though you could sense his nerves in his tone of voice. "You should go and have a rest. Like… now."
"Seb, we still have a lot to do. It's not just packing up the equipment, but also transferring the photos to the computer, editing them, then preparing the posts for you Instagram account..."
"Y/N, I love your work, but you've done more than enough for today," he interrupted, putting a hand on your shoulder, running his fingers carefully over it. "Now, I'll talk to Britta and we'll assign it to someone who knows what they're doing, okay?"
For a moment, you considered protesting, reproaching him that this was your job, and that's why he wanted you on his team since shortly before leaving Aston Martin, but the way he looked at you made you stop. He seemed worried, very worried. That's why you ended up not only reluctantly accepting but also letting him guide you to a nearby chair.
"Stay here. I'll bring you something warm."
As you watched Seb walk away, you sighed, managing to relax somehow. You saw him enter the Red Bull hospitality, and you assumed it was where he felt most comfortable. A few minutes later, you saw the blonde with two small steaming cardboard cups. As he reached your height, he offered you one of them.
"Thank you," you murmured, wrapping your hands around the cup and taking a sip. Chocolate, something you loved, and Seb knew it perfectly.
"Do you promise you'll go back to the hotel as soon as you finish your hot chocolate?"
"I promise," you assured him. "But I can't promise that..."
"Y/N, just no work for today," he cut in, seeing that you weren't going to fulfill what you had promised. "I want you to spend today and tomorrow resting. Sunday will be a tough day for us. You can do it, at least for me, or am I wrong?"
You nodded your head as if you were seven years old again. You knew you were going to rest as much as you could in your hotel room, but that didn't mean you weren't going to do anything. As you had already planned, you were obviously going to continue with your work. You couldn't disappoint Sebastian, not on such an important weekend like this.
Sebastian accompanied you to the door of your room, and despite having exchanged a couple of messages with you on Friday, having let you rest all afternoon and part of Saturday morning, and having agreed that you would come to a meeting room in the hotel at 12pm on Saturday to finalize the details of tomorrow's tribute, he didn't see you there.
"Have you seen Y/N?" he asked Britta directly, a little distressed. "She told me she would come with no doubt."
"And she did come," the ex-pilot's PR commented, "but I sent her back to her room as soon as I saw her shivering. Her forehead was burning, and she said she had a slight fever. It wasn’t just a slight fever, Seb," Britta assured him.
The man nodded but became even more worried. Quickly bidding farewell to Roeske, he headed towards your room. He saw the door slightly ajar, possibly your mistake. He knocked softly before entering, and the sight that greeted his eyes made him feel bad instantly.
You were curled up in bed, trembling uncontrollably. You had a small towel on your forehead with cold water to see if you could control your body temperature since you couldn't take your medicine again until the corresponding hours had passed, which was already the next day.
Your face was completely flushed, and your breathing was labored.
As soon as you realized Seb's presence, your eyes welled up with tears. You tried to force a smile, but all that came out were tears from how bad you felt not only for Seb to see you like this but also for ruining something so important.
"Seb... You didn't have to come," you stammered, your voice barely audible.
"Of course, I did! Don't be ridiculous!" he responded quickly, sitting beside you. He placed a hand on your forehead and realized Britta was right. "My God, Y/N, you're burning up. Why didn't you tell me you were feeling so bad?"
"I... didn't want to worry you," you admitted between tears of frustration and exhaustion. "Tomorrow is an important day. You need to be resting to give your best tomorrow. There are people who have come just for you, Seb, you can't let them down."
You noticed him tense a bit at the mention. His lips curved, and his jaw tightened. He took a deep breath and took your hand almost without thinking.
"This is my fault..." he whispered softly. He seemed overwhelmed with guilt, and much of it. You cursed yourself for making him think that when it was all really your fault. "Nothing is more important than your health, Y/N. I'm so sorry, really..."
"Seb, it's okay, really. These things happen; it's completely normal. There's probably someone else like me..."
His silence was the response you partly expected, but it didn't hurt until you saw him shake his head.
"I just wanted to give my best so that the photos would turn out perfect and you would have content worthy of all the work you've put into this..." was all you could say.
"You're already the best, Y/N," he said softly, tucking a strand of hair away from your face. "In fact, you're so perfect that you should stop being so perfect to start worrying more about yourself. And since you don't worry about yourself... let me do it for you, okay?"
Although you didn't agree with him and didn't believe you deserved his praise, you were too weak to argue.
Sebastian stayed with you all day, including the night. He made sure you were as comfortable as possible, brought you water, and soaked the cold cloth in water to lower your fever as soon as possible, miraculously something that worked. He didn't leave your side, not even when you had a coughing fit or sneezed without covering your mouth.
Your fever began to lower in the late hours of that day. Your breath calmed down, and the color seemed to return to your cheeks. Seb sighed with relief, quickly hugging you while continuously placing small kisses on your face and playing with your hair, making you laugh incessantly.
After ordering room service for dinner, since your appetite seemed to have returned, you fell asleep, at least apparently. To avoid disturbing you, Seb went from lying down next to you to reclining on a sofa next to the bed. His eyes were heavy with tiredness, but that didn't stop him from staying alert in case you needed his help.
"Rest, Y/N," he whispered, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before caressing it. "I guess I'll have to take you out to dinner for the damages I caused."
You smiled at the last thing Seb had said, grateful that every time you got sick, you didn't fall into a deep sleep, and wishing that what Seb had said was true.
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geekforhorror · 2 days
hiiii love ur writing sm !! i don’t have many specifics but i know i’d like to see corruption kink nd dacryphilia w/ jamie:)) thank u sm:) !!
thank you for the kind words anon! when i first saw this ask i actually moaned 😫
cherry pie
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pairing: dbf!james kelly x fem!reader
warnings: SMUT (DNI IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT!), dom!james, sub!reader, unprotected p in v sex, degradation, dacryphilia, corruption kink, rough sex, possessiveness, jealousy, pet names, fluff, etc.
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“You think you can just walk around outside flaunting what has always been mine, sweetheart?” James rasps into the shell of your ear as he fucks you raw. “You thought wrong.”
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You had just flown home from college and decided to stop by your dad’s house. To your surprise, he had thrown you a welcome home party and invited your closest friends, some family, and most importantly: his best friend James.
Coincidentally, you just so happened to be wearing the skimpiest clothing imaginable. In front of James. As soon as the party officially started, you made your way around the house thanking everyone who had managed to show up. Everything was going well until you started conversing with your good family friend, Andrew. Unbeknownst to you, James had become furious once he saw the two of you exchanging harmless words to one another. He hated it and the rage in his eyes only confirmed it even more. You were his, even if the two of you weren’t a thing.
He decided to take matters into his own hands and stormed outside, intending to walk over to the two of you and stop anything else from happening between you and Andrew. Once he finally made his way over to you, he cleared his throat, which startled you.
“Hi James! It’s so nice to see you,” you said with an illuminating smile plastered on your face.
“Who’s this?” James asks with no hesitation, a look of disgust as he looks directly into Andrew’s eyes.
“James, this is Andrew. Andrew, this is James.” you say with an inviting voice.
“Nice to meet you man,” Andrew says to the man.
“Wish I could say the same. I need to talk to your friend alone, kid. Now beat it,” he says, not even trying to hide the harsh nature of his words.
“Whatever dude,” Andrew says before walking away to get a drink.
“What was that Jamie?! Andrew’s nice!” you ask in a scolding voice.
“He was getting a little too close to you for my liking,” James says coldly.
“You don’t get to decide who I can and can’t talk to! You don’t own me!” you say in a fit of anger.
“You can deny it all you want, but you know deep down that I do own you.”
And boy was he right. I mean how else would you have ended up being fucked on your bed?
“Such a fucking little brat, huh? Had to throw a damn temper tantrum at your own party, didn’t you? Whose idea do you think it was to have this party?” he grunts while plowing himself deeper into your aching hole.
“Fuck Jamie…” you cry out as you feel his fat cock stretch you out ever so deliciously.
“Poor baby…already so drunk on her daddy’s best friends cock,” he tuts in fake disapproval.
He had managed to make a girl like you lose composure with only a few thrusts. You would be lying if you said you never dreamed of this. Him doing this to you. He wanted to ruin you, so that no other man could have you.
“No boy can fulfill your deepest desires like I can. That’s why you need a man like me,” he says full of lust. “You belong to me.”
“Please…need more…” you plead, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
“Greedy girl, aren’t ya, darling?” he asks, already knowing the answer you would give him.
“Only for you,” you reply in a choked sob, tears finally streaming down your cheeks from how he was splitting you open. It was enough to have your toes curling and see stars.
“Lemme see those pretty tears, baby,” he says before bringing his tattooed hand to your face to wipe them even further down your cheeks. You feel his tight balls slap against the curve of your ass, which provides some much needed friction.
“James ‘m so close! Please let me cum…” you beg of him, too far gone to even paint a picture in your mind of how desperate you are in this moment.
“Promise me that you’re mine,” he demands of you.
“I’m fucking yours Jamie…all fucking yours!” you let out with raggedy moans as he stuffs you with even more of his dick.
“That’s what I like to hear. Now let go for me, m’kay sweetie? Prove that I made the right decision to let you cum,” he says in between his erratic movements, his words only spurring the two of you on. He finally hits that spot deep inside of you, enough for you to teeter over the edge and finally milk his cock with your sweet release.
James throws his head back at the feeling while still pile driving himself at an agonizing pace into your spent pussy. Before he knows it, his sticky ropes of seed spill into your walls, where it would stay for the rest of the night if it were up to him.
He finally pulls out and then positions himself so he’s laying directly next to your achy body. As the two of you catch your breath from your guys�� respective orgasms, he caresses your tresses.
“I love you,” he says, breaking the silence once and for all, causing you to look at him in shock.
“You love me?” you ask, wondering if you had heard him right.
“How could I not, baby?” he responds.
“I was just wondering because…I love you too Jamie.” you admit.
The look he gave you was one of awe and admiration. You felt so lucky to have a man who cared for you deeper than you could’ve ever imagined. Needless to say, he felt the same way.
“So where do we go from here?” he asks nervously with a chuckle.
“I may have an idea,” you say before pressing a gentle kiss to his soft lips.
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tag list: @zapernz @mortalheartache @midnight-raine @camiemorgan8 @myheartwillgoon2022 @demieyesore
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cassandracain52 · 2 days
Dick gave Robin to Jason
Ok so I was reading up on some of Jason Todd’s original origins (I couldn’t remember a specific detail) and it was all stuff I was very familiar with
Until I got to Batman 1940 issue #368
Where we see Jason Todd wearing not the classic Robin uniform but this
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Which first of all
He had pants
And second of all what those two are doing in this panel is discussing what new name Batman’s partner should have instead of Robin. Because when Jason first shows up as Robin in Batman 1940 issue #366, it wasn’t Bruce’s decision
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Bruce is surprised to see him (mostly because at first glance he thinks Jason is Dick but I digress)
and more than that he actually gets upset that Jason put the costume on in the first place. Because it wasn’t his to take
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Bruce proceeds to explain that he refuses to allow Jason to steal Dick’s identity because Robin belongs to him
Hence the need for a new identity
It’s in the middle of them discussing this that Dick shows up with a box in hand, asking Jason how he’s doing and starts talking about how he felt when he first became Batman’s partner. He then tells them he saw Vicki Vale’s photo of “Batman and Robin” stopping the Joker
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Jason immediately apologizes, saying that it was never his intention to try and steal Dick’s identity. But it’s Dick that stops him and tells him that it’s ok because he’s no longer Batman’s partner and that he’s done trying to be like Batman
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He talks about how he’s the leader of the Titans and that it’s time his name reflected the fact he was no longer Batman’s partner
It’s then he finally opens the box that he came in with to reveal the Robin uniform
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He proceeds to then give it to Jason and more than that tells Jason that he deserves to be Robin and that he explicitly gives Jason permission to use his identity
He then leaves saying he has to get back to the Titans and that he has to figure out what he wants to be next
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but not before calling Jason “Robin”
There was no big betrayal or fight, nothing was stolen(permanently anyway).
Dick gave Robin to Jason and then left on peaceful terms
Now obviously this version of the story has been long since retconned and rebooted a dozen times over, but I still found the fact that Dick had originally given the Robin mantle to Jason very interesting
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