#i think nobody liked his jokes because they were really dark and mean
coolestclowns · 8 months
If I'm the only one making kaufax content, then so be it
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riaki · 6 months
i literally cant stop thinkin’ about highschoolbully!gojo who used to be your ride or die ‘til he started getting attention from those popular jock type guys who are always assholes to everyone. and him being.. well, him means he preens under attention no matter who it’s from, so naturally he started to gravitate towards that group and their little troop of cheerleading fangirls. and then he started distancing from you and without either of you really realizing it, you’ve slipped between the other’s fingers. but the way he acts towards you makes you think he let you fall without moving a muscle to slow you down.
soon enough, a year swings by and by the end of it he’s gone from your life, save as just another face in the gaggle of boys who make crude jokes and laugh at smart kids and pop milk cartoons during lunch just for the hell of it. but you’re minding your own business, ‘cause you’re mature enough to realize that people come and go, no matter how close you might’ve been and you think it’s unfortunate that so many memories could be thrown aside in a blink of an eye, but it makes a lot of sense when you walk past satoru and his friends bullying some random kid. you don’t know him, but you’ve heard enough to realize it’s his girlfriend satoru’s flirting with while his ‘gang’ kick at the kid. and it’s sickening, but you don’t say anything when you walk by.
and when you don’t ever see the kid afterward and catch the dark eyebags under his girlfriend’s eyes, you come to the cruel realization that satoru isn’t the boy who’d bandage the scrape on your knee you got from tripping in the playground or buy you a soda because he’s noticed your sweat when you were walking home and you don’t have any money left on you.
it’s a glass half empty, half full type of situation. on the one hand, you don’t have him anymore. on the other hand, you don’t have him anymore. that is, you lost your best friend, but you’ve also lost someone who has the potential to absolutely ruin your life. and you don’t know whether to be glad or not, so you just mind your own business even if it hurts a little when he ignores you, stops tossing paper at your head in class (unless it’s to embarrass you) and stops walking you to and from school.
but the cherry on top of the shit cake is that he doesn't get it. so when he approaches you in the library one day after satiating the need to tear pages from books and make them into paper airplanes to throw at people, he doesn't seem to understand why you try to ignore him, or put off his attempts to hold a convo. but the worst part is that he's just sleazy and clueless about it. it's like he took an eraser and wiped every single year of your friendship off the chalkboard with one fell swipe, and you wish he'd done that too to the less-than-appropriate messages he and his friends had written towards one of your classmates.
he doesn't understand why you're hesitant to talk, and that's what makes it the worst. he always thinks he's in the right, and he keeps setting you off and it sucks that he knows exactly what sets you off. "i'm an asshole? what're you talking about? really, you're in over your head. you never change." he laughs, and you ignore him, and he gets bored, and he's about to leave when he spots your wallet open next to your book, on the table. there's a polaroid peeking out, and he recognizes the tufts of white hair to be him. but there's a weird feeling in his chest, and he thinks he gets it from you, so he leaves because he thinks you're weird.
and it goes on; you practically become a nobody in satoru's eyes, because of that weird, weird feeling you give him. it's unfamiliar and he's never gotten it before and he doesn't like it. but it's unavoidable when your professor pairs you two for the end-of-term project. and of course, you're ready to do all the work, because that's how it always was between you when you were kids. but sometimes he'd surprise you by helping, and he'd show you that he was actually intelligent just to earn your praise because he liked it. but he ignored you, and you did everything, and it would've been okay if not for his friends egging him on to present your entire project when the day came and leave you with no content for a grade.
that's the first time it hits him: does he really want to do that? but it's not like it'll be the first time; you've always taken the hits for him, because you're naturally smart and you'll pick yourself back up in no time, and you get why he does it, so it'll be okay. so he agrees, and he enjoys the time he gets to spend with you through it, but the nagging weird feeling that blooms in his chest like a pesky weed only grows stronger. that's all his feelings ever seem to do around you.
but before you know it, presentation day swings around. you had coffee this morning (on his card), and you're ready enough to shoot him a small smile that sends his heart a-flutter. so you go up, feeling up to the task and ready until— he starts talking, and talking, and talking, and people don't think that he's taking your words out of your mouth because he's intelligent when he wants to make you praise him and you don't get the chance to get a word in and you notice the guys are laughing and hitting each other's shoulders to themselves in the upper rows and before you know it it's over. people are clapping but moreso they're looking at you and they're whispering— but it's terribly loud and they don't bother to hide it. they call you things that shouldn't bother you but they do anyway, because it's satoru's fault, and you're such a fool for thinking you could have it your way again.
so you leave class early, excusing yourself and ignoring the way your professor gives you a distasteful look and scribbles something next to your name. you're out the door in a second, neglecting your bags and satoru's a little lost because— didn't he just do good? people were clapping, and laughing with him and not at him, but it's attention either way so he doesn't mind. so why do you? why did you look at him like he stabbed you in the back? and his friends are calling his name, and he wishes he could chase after you and do something but he doesn't.
and it's a little sickening what they do next; one of their girls grabbed your bags and tossed it to them, and they've started rifling through it as if they own it, tearing up your shit and dumping everything onto the ground and he's kind of just... glued to the chair by his feelings. his heart feels like it's been patched together and the weird fuzzy feeling he had in his chest that's been cultivating has extinguished to be replaced with something he realizes he's only ever felt when it comes to you— guilt.
he's so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't realize his friend is silently offering him something— nudging his side to get his attention. he takes it without really realizing he moved his hand, and his silent friend with the gauges in his ears and the dark hair gets up and leaves without another word. when satoru looks down, he realizes he's been given your wallet. "the reward for betraying your baby," they call it. like all you're worth is the money in your account.
he's a little curious. that's how he's always been; asking you questions, rummaging through your stuff, laughing sheepishly and shaking it off when you caught him red-handed. so he opens it up, ignoring your sad little cards and the funny look on your license. he's looking for something, subconsciously; but he doesn't find it. there's no white tuft of hair to suggest his presence in your life; just empty black leather. nothing else.
and he doesn't see you after. or the following day. or the following weeks; weeks that turn into months that turn into the end of school and he's graduating but you're not by his side. and neither are his so called 'friends'; the only thing he has to their name is your own ruined friendship. it's a shame; he feels alone. very alone. no fuzzy weird feeling, not even that thing people call guilt. no attention to chase, and connections are ever harder to make. it shouldn'tve mattered that much, right? it was just a presentation. why wouldn't you just come back to him like you always did? were you not still friends...?
but the blood is still on his hands, and he doesn't manage to ever wash it off. guilt has a way of festering; of weighing on the heart 'till there's nothing left to feel or think but unfortunate circumstance and what could've been done differently. it just sucks that he never tried hard enough to keep you from slipping between his grasp. and now, he doesn't even have a polaroid to your friendship's name.
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impishjesters · 8 months
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Jax x Reader w/depression/suicidal tendencies
warning(s): mentions of depression/suicidal behavior/tendencies, nothing graphic though, mentions of morbid/dark humor note: it's only mentioned that he has feelings for you, whether romantic or platonic is left up to the reader. A/N: I think this is the fastest I've ever wanted to write for something utterly new to me, usually it takes a while of being into a series or liking a character to wanna write something. This was...less than twelve hours? This was probably the most self-indulgent thing I've written in a while.
Nobody was safe from Jax’s pranks, including you—regardless of how much he found himself gradually enjoying your company.
It’s actually a right of passage at this point that every new person (as rare as it is) who shows up is subjected to some awful prank to gauge just how much of an easy or difficult target they’ll be.
You handle the pranks with ease. Sure it can be annoying, but there’s little that can seemingly “kill” you here.
Which is a shame really—well, only slightly.
Your therapist would’ve probably found it a good thing, trying to off yourself in a digital world where sleeping and eating were no longer required likely meant the inability to die.
Not in a traditional sense anyway.
You’re the only one ballsy enough to prank Jax back, which isn’t easy but when a prank is successful? Oh, it’s worth it to see his reaction.
There’s an unspoken prank war back and forth, but typically the other’s are the subject of your guys’ pranks. Somehow it feels more rewarding with the joint effort.
It's not often, but sometimes Jax's pranks will go a step too far and trigger something unpleasant. He's not really sure why you just walk off like that, those pranks don't make him feel as satisfied for whatever reason.
Once a special type of friendship grows between the two of you, the pranks lessen—not entirely though—nah he loves the unsuspecting reactions of a prank you didn’t see coming.
The pranks become less hostile and more casual—he’s got a reputation to keep after all, regardless of how he feels about you.
The initial reaction to someone being told there was no way out was to panic, you however, didn’t..well not outright. Your initial reaction is dark humor—even with the whole censorship thing.
Ragatha is the only one initially disturbed/worried over your dark sense of humor, which should be expected from one of them since they’ve been there longer.
Jax is aware of your morbid sense of humor and often plays along with it, especially in the beginning—later in the friendship though? Yeah, there’s no noticeable physical change, but he’s only a tad worried.
When not tormenting the other’s Jax stuck with you, or vice versa.
After the attempted drowning and standing (willingly) in harm’s way of one (or three) of the rides, Jax keeps your bedroom key closer in hand than the others.
And honestly? Ragatha doesn’t even blame him. You aren’t distant from them, but you do tend to favour Jax’s company. Regardless of her feelings about him as a person, it becomes obvious that he feels something less hostile towards you compared to them.
It takes a while before you finally confess to Jax that prior to being trapped in this digital hell, you were medicated for depression/suicidal tendencies. And while the digital world took away things like needing sleep and food, it didn’t get rid of the thoughts or urges.
Now—had this been someone else telling him all this? He’d be very uncaring and probably make a nasty “joke”, but because it’s you? He’s treading into foreign territory here when it comes to emotions.
There’s not really anything he can say that would make you feel better, but he does show a more rare tender side, offering to be there whenever you need him. Just to backpedal like a tsundere and say that he won’t always be free ( a lie, the fuck else does he have to do?), but he’ll try and make time for you during those moments.
He doesn’t do some pinky promise bullshit, I mean he can and would, but he doesn’t expect his offer and attempts to do that much (words of promise aren’t on the same level as a prescription drug after all).
But if being around his rude ass self and doing the occasional nice *gag* gestures of like, hugging or whatever helps you, he’ll do it—just, not with others around obviously. Again, man has a reputation.
From then on Jax is more aware of where you are around him at all times, not in a suffocating way though. Well, not intentionally, he has his moments. But he’s trying, again this is new territory for him.
Jax makes it his unspoken, personal goal to make sure you don’t tread the line of becoming abstracted.
Bonus (fluff)
Jax will make an attempt not to immediately recoil from your touch when others are present.
I’m not talking “Whoops, sorry to bump into you”, I’m talking about grabbing onto his arm or being in his personal bubble because you need something grounding or whatever.
More often than none his immediate reaction is to just use you to lean on, elbow or arm resting on top of your head to give you some contact and pressure. (He does it out of habit even when you don't need it.)
Sure he probably looks like an ass to others, but after a while, they sort of just get used to it since you never bring up being offended by the act.
But in private? Yeah, sure shoot, just don’t expect him to put any effort into returning anything. Maybe the drape of an arm or his legs, but if it’s really bad? He’ll lay or sit there while you cling to him like a koala.
Jax actually finds it kinda funny how tightly you hold on whenever he gets up.
“Wow, you really holdin’ on there.”
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Innocent (Billy Butcher)
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Description: Y/N is the youngest members of the boys and has no experience so Billy wants to change that.
Warning: Smut, Age Gap
Word Count: 1,362k
She was the youngest member of The Boys, 24 years old. She didn’t have much sexual experience but damn sure had a lot of other experiences. Most 24 year olds have sexual experience and won’t have the experience she has. That experience was taking down what the world called “Heroes” but in reality were villains. Y/N never got around to the normal things in life, her whole life she’s been running from Vought. She was also wanted, like the rest of them so that didn’t help much.
When the time comes to relax and joke, she’s the victim. With her being the youngest and most innocent one all the jokes aimed at her. She wasn’t hurt by them, she just rolled her eyes. Hughie never really made fun of her, never felt the need too. It was Frenchie and MM that loved to tease her at any given moment. Billy sometimes teased her but not as much as the other two.
He found her adorable but not in a puppy type of way. He wanted to pound her into his mattress with his dick. Nobody else knew or had the idea because he was smart. He never got caught staring at her with those dark, lustful eyes that ate her up, or the groans he’d keep in his throat when she walked around in barely anything. He never thought he’d fall for another woman after Becca. But Y/N surprised him. She was sweet and not easily offended. She never pissed him off or made him want to kill her like the others do.
She was perfect in his eyes. Except one thing, She had no idea what she did to him when she woke up and walked in the living room with just a shirt and panties. A shirt that barely covered her ass. It was hard to restrain himself when she did that. It was like she was doing it on purpose. Which she wasn’t but it really made him think. The others were still asleep so that gave him time to check out her perfect little body without being caught. He eyed her like she was his prey and he was getting ready to pounce any second. She was making eggs for herself and Billy, like she did most mornings.
She never noticed him staring at her which was a good thing for him. “Okay it’s all done.” She said, snapping him out of his thoughts. He grabbed the plate from her and thanked her. She smiled and took her own. She sat next to him as they ate. “Do you ever get cold?” He asked her. She shook her head No. The place was sometimes freezing. “Hard to believe in barely any clothes.” He said. He wasn’t meaning it in a bad way but she really didn’t understand how fuckable she looked. “Do you have a problem with how I dress?” She asked him. He chuckled and shook his head. “No, love. It’s just freezing is all.” She hummed and went back to eating. 
It was an everyday thing and each day it got harder for Billy to control himself. She wasn’t going to realize or understand that she’s causing a problem on her own. Each day he’d watch her with dark eyes and she never noticed, completely oblivious to the fact. Today was his final straw. The shirt she had on was showing her panties as she reached up to grab something. Billy groaned and wished she would have just asked him to grab it instead. She tried everything to reach the salt and pepper that was put on the high shelf. He came up behind her and grabbed it for her. She turned around and took it from him with a smile and a thanks. She turned back to what she was doing as if it was nothing. Billy turned off the stove and pushed her up against the counter. She let out a gasp.
His hands on her hips as he pressed up against her. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me? Walking around in barely any clothes, making me almost cum in my pants.” He growled in her ears. “I’m I’m sorry.” She squeaked. He chuckled and moved his hand up to grope her breasts. “You should be. You’re a walking wet dream and you drive me crazy.” She moaned at his words and his hands playing with her boobs. His lips found her neck and started abusing it. Her hands were gripping the counter so hard her knuckles were turning white. One of his hands moved down to her panties.
He chuckled as he felt how wet they were. “Holy fuck. You’re soaked.” He said. She let out a moan as he started to rub her clit through her panties. Her head laid back on his chest and she sighed. “Fucking hell, the fact that you’re falling apart in my arms is so hot.” He groaned. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning softly. Her hips started gently moving. He let out a groan as she was backing her ass into his groin. One of her hands reached down to his and pulled it in her panties.
He chuckled and looked down at her. “Is that what you want, baby?” He asked. “Yes please.” She whined and moaned as his fingers were abusing her clit. His other hand held her hip as she dry humped him. “Fuck I need to be inside of you before I explode.” He groaned. His motion stopped and she whined as he pulled his hand away from her wet pussy. He pulled down her panties and undid his pants pulling them down. He found her entrance and softly pushed in. Before she could scream his hand covered her mouth. “Quiet love, don’t want the others to hear, do ya?” He asked ,pushing into her more. She shook her head and moaned against his hand. He was splitting her in half but she was okay with it. Her pussy squeezed him and he groaned. “You’re so fucking tight.” She moaned at his words.
She thrusted back against him and whined as the pleasure took over the pain. He took that as a hint to start moving. Her hips moved back on his at the same time he thrusted. It felt perfect and the two found a rhythm really fast. She was letting out all types of pleasurable noises he wished to hear clearly. But didn’t wanna risk the others waking up. “You sound fuckin’ beautiful, love.” He groaned in her ear. His hips started moving faster, bumping her small body into the counter. She wasn’t able to keep up with his thrusts. His hands move to pull her body as close as possible to his. His hands stayed on her stomach. She bit her lip to quiet the moans that tumbled out of her lips.
She’s never felt this good before. Billy felt her spasm all over his cock making him grunt out a “fuck.” She was close to her end as was he. “Billy I- I think I’m g-gonna cum.” She whined a little too loud. He placed his face in her neck and let out a moan himself. “Yeah baby? Let go for me.” He tells her. “Let go for Daddy.” Her eyes rolled back into her head and her mouth dropped open, it took everything in her tiny body not to scream his name. He felt her drench his cock which triggered his orgasm. He grunted and came inside of her. She gasped at the feeling of his cum inside of her.
They both slowed their hips and came to a stop. Both of them panting like dogs as they stayed in that position. He kissed her neck and whispered sweet nothings in her ear making her giggle. Her giggle was so fucking cute to him. He pulled out of her, making them both gasp. She turned around and looked up at him with a smile. He looked down at her with a smile and realized that he was in love with her. “You’re so fucking adorable.” He grunted before kissing her again. 
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jisungchan · 3 months
notice me | lee jeno
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or: where your friends set you up (accidentally) so you end up alone with your hot college professor, lee jeno
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⚔︎ warnings: professor!jeno x student!reader (therefore powerplay), unprotected penetrative piv sex (pls wrap it we cannot have anymore children in this economy and society), oral + fingering (f receiving) softdom!jeno x sub!reader (ish? not really strong dynamics tbh), bigdick!jeno agenda, light degradation/praise (idk he just yappin fr), oh yea... YAPPER JENO idc🗣, sexy consent, he finished inside so BEWARE (once again PLEASE do not bring anymore poor children in this world), light nipple play, marking ?? (hickeys galore), afab!reader with she/her pronouns, NO race specific descriptors (skin colour, hair texture, etc.), NO body type specific descriptors (size of reader body parts, height, weight, etc.). also this is basically porn w/o plot ngl but it's whatever ig
^^ let me know if i forgot anything hehe
2k word count
a/n: i completely gutted this blog and deleted all my old posts because that was a completely different audience/fandom and i have now ventured here... i haven't wrote something like this in a while so it's quite bad
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“yeah i mean, he is hot, but he’s our teacher.” you exclaimed to your friends, gossiping about your teacher, professor lee jeno.
the way he would loosen his tie in class sometimes and peer at students through his glasses was just too much to handle. the dark haired older man was definitely easy on the eyes. 
“okay… so? i would let him hit any day.” your friend said, and you all laughed, yet were all in agreement. 
next thing you knew. it was time for class with the devil himself.
you sat in your usual seat next to your friends. while they all usually messed around during class, you always paid attention. your education was very important to you, and you weren’t going to let anyone get in the way of that. so you sat there, studiously taking notes and listening intently to everything said, taking it all in. 
as you were taking notes, a note got passed to you. “listening extra hard to your boyfriend today huh?” you rolled your eyes at the familiar handwriting and shot your friends an irritated look. 
professor lee got a glimpse of this, he peered through his glasses, and shot you a dangerous glare. 
“y/n, see me after class please.” he said, before swiftly turning around to finish his lecture. 
you couldn’t focus the rest of the class, so you settled for writing your thoughts in your notebook. how were you supposed to see him one on one? you could barely handle him in class. you made note to go off on your friends after you were done seeing mr. lee. 
then, the bell rang. students fled the room, nobody quicker than your friend group, feeling a little guilty for getting you in trouble. 
“so, y/n, passing notes in my class, are we?” he said, his back turned to you, erasing the board filled with an hour’s worth of notes. 
“i’m sorry, it’s just a stupid note my friends passed to me.” you mumbled back. He motioned you to come to his desk as he sat down in his chair. of course you obliged, immediately going to the opposite side of his desk. 
“let me see it.” he said emotionlessly, his hand out expecting it to fall in his palm.
“no sir, please, it’s just a stupid joke.” you pleaded, but his hand still was expectantly extended.
eventually, you dropped it in the palm of his large hands. he opened and read the note aloud, finishing with a hint of a little smirk.
you shuffled in place, cheeks burning and blushing from him reading it out loud, it was so embarrassing and you wanted to die on the spot. 
“i see someone has a little crush. you’re a good student, you know that y/n?” he said to your surprise. 
“thank you sir, i try my best.”
“and i think good girls deserve a little reward, wouldn’t you agree?” 
you looked up to him loosening his tie and taking his jacket off. 
“come, sit.” he said as he patted the desk right in front of him.
blindly, you obeyed. mind blurry from the very sudden and odd words coming from your teacher. you sat atop the desk, right in front of his sitting figure, and more importantly, his face. you kept your legs clamped shut, and you regretted wearing such a short skirt today.
“don’t be shy now love, like i said, good girls deserve rewards, now let me reward you, yeah?
you nodded, and with that, he separated your legs, staring hungrily at the wetness leaking through your underwear. 
he laughed.
“already? i see that ‘stupid little joke’ must be getting to you, hmm?"
this was all too embarrassing, you tried to close your legs back, but jeno was too strong. he tsked and widened your legs even more. then, he scooped your underwear with one finger, tugging it down your legs. 
“was so excited when i saw you with that note, finally had an excuse to get you alone.” he said, his hands lightly grazing your inner thighs.
he stood, hovering over you, and kissed you. 
it wasn’t desparate and harsh, but slow and sensual. he licked your lower lip, then took it between his teeth. he placed his hands on your hips as he continued. he moved down to your neck, embedding hickeys into your skin. 
“how true is that note? is that why you’re such a good student in my class?” he questioned you once again.
“yes, no? i do genuinely enjoy your class, sir” you breathlessly replied. 
he sat back down, you could feel his breath on your wet, eager cunt, just waiting for him to do something about it.
and as soon as you uttered a 
jeno wasted no time to please you.
his wet, experienced tongue masterfully landed on your clit, giving you little kitten licks. then, he pressed his lips on you, making out with your sloppy mess of a cunt. his tongue circling around your entrance, teasing it until finally replacing it with a finger. his tongue went back to stimulating your clit as his finger repeatedly abused your hole over and over again. he added another, and you’ve never felt so full. as if his long, veiny fingers weren’t enough, he curled them, hitting your sweet spot causing broken whimpers to fall from your quivering lips. moans escaped your mouth as he kept going.
as he heard your gasps of exasperation, he looked up, boring his brown eyes into yours.
  “such a sweet pussy for a sweet girl.”
he continued his actions, until eventually you started getting restless, pulling on his hair tightly and squirming around.
“go ahead, cum on my fingers darling” he commanded softly.
and with that, you were sent over the edge, making a mess of his fingers and all over his mouth. you thought your ‘reward’ was finished, but jeno had other plans. 
“you thought that was all? y/n, you are my top student, i have to treat you accordingly.”
then, he flipped you over on your chest, ass out in the air.  
“no spanking this time, but if you act up again, i will have to punish you, okay?”
“yes sir!” you replied eagerly.
with that, he placed his throbbing cock at your entrance, teasing you and himself with just the tip. you hadn’t even seen his dick, but from the tip, you could tell it was big.
he leans over, chest to your back, speaking lowly in your ear,
“i’ll show you how a real man fucks,”
he pushes himself in a bit 
“how you should be fucked”
he pushes himself halfway into you, you’re already whining at the stretch 
“you’re gonna walk out of here and never want anyone else’s dick ever again.”
and with that, jeno forces the rest of his length inside you, licking the shell of your ear as he stands back up.
your pussy squeezes in shock from him throbbing inside of you. he hasn’t even moved yet, but you can already feel yourself becoming undone. 
“you still with me baby? hmm? can’t have you fucked out when i haven’t even fucked you yet, can we?” he asks mockingly, squishing your cheeks with his hand to turn your face toward him.
jeno just thinks you look so beautiful, face flushed with lust and eyes glossy with desire as you shake your head no. 
“use your words baby, need to hear how much you want your professor’s cock.” he starts shallowly thrusting, just enough to make you let out a quiet moan.
“please, fuck, please fuck me. needed you for so long.” you whine, attempting to grind back on him in effort to get some friction for your poor needy cunt. he picks up the speed, starting to drag his dick in and out at a more rapid speed. you can feel each vein massaging your gummy walls. 
“fuck, me too baby. every time i saw you walk into class, just wanted to bend you over the desk and fuck you just like this. let everyone see how much of a slut you are for me.”
your head hangs down, forehead against the desk as he presses his hand in your back, causing you to arch even more. high on euphoria and need, you start bouncing your ass back on him, meeting him halfway. you hear a small laugh that turns into a low grunt at your actions, when he suddenly pulls out. 
sad at the feeling of emptiness, you didn’t even have a chance to protest before he flips you around, ass on the desk and your arms keeping you sitting up. 
“wanna see those pretty tits bounce when i fuck you.” is all he says, before he ruthlessly enters you again, going even faster than before. 
you moan and clench around the feeling, never having felt so full before. you’re gushing around him still, causing his length to be covered with your slick, it even dripped all over his desk and over both your thighs; though, you’re too turned on and needy to even be embarrassed. all you need right now is to cum around him.
you lift your shirt up, granting his wish of seeing your chest bounce and jiggle as he fucks up into you. he groans and takes one in his hand, kneading it and rolling your nipple before pinching it, making you yelp. he then brings his head down to paint more hickeys all over your now exposed chest, leaving so many littered across your skin. 
“is my pretty girl enjoying herself on my cock?” he hums as he kisses back up to your neck. 
you moaned in response, not able to formulate words. his gentle question was contrasted by how hard he was ramming into you. with every thrust you heard your skin clapping together; you swore you both were going to break his desk.
“you’re gonna let me cum in you, right? be my perfect little student and let me cum in you, yeah?” 
“yes please, god, i need you to cum in me. wanna be so full of you, please.” you choked out, furiously nodding your head. 
he kept going at a steady pace, fucking himself into you over and over again, chasing after his release. he placed his thumb on your clit rubbing circles, with the other gripping your waist.
“cum with me, yea? make a mess on my pretty cock, okay?” he cooed in your ear once again. that was all you needed to finish, and you came all over him as he came inside of you. 
after a moment of each of you catching your breath, he pulled out. you whined at the feeling, especially as you felt his cum start to leak out of you. he took his finger, gathering it, and pressed it back into you. you hissed at the feeling of his finger in your sensitive cunt again, but he kept fingering you through your overstimulation. the moment he placed his thumb on your cunt, you came for a third time, crying out his name. 
he cleaned you up with his handkerchief, slipped your underwear back on for you, and even helped you fix your clothes and hair. he looked at you fondly as you soothed face, still showing evidence of your semi-fucked out state. 
“you were so good for me, how about a free private tutor session at my place? i could go into so much more depth than what we discussed here.”
i do not give permission for my work to be translated or reposted.
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ryomens-vixen · 8 months
VIIIIXXX I have a request if I may?
I wanna know what Yandere head cannons you have for Suguru. Because I know you have them, and I'm /dying/ to hear them
😌🤍Ofc I have some Yandere head canons of my boyfriend Suguru! And yes you can send a request anytime pookie!
YANDERE!Suguru Headcanons
Summary: Your friends dared you to do this trendy break up prank on your boyfriend...but he's not taking the joke to well.
Yandere!Suguru x (f)YN
CW: Yandere tendencies, Stalking, Kidnapping, NSFW, gaslighting, blood kink if you squint, knife play if you squint, breeding kink.
Word count: ion fuckin know 🤷🏾‍♀️ Reblog & ❤ good luck!
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Yandere!Suguru whom you happened to break up with as a joke, except he did not take the joke very lightly at all. You see your boyfriend was absolutely infatuated with you, obsessed even. So this "joke" was not funny to him at all- You have no clue as to how far he would actually go to make sure you're his even though his calm and level headed demeanor says otherwise.
Yandere!Suguru who after that joke would follow you to and from work making sure you hadn't been talking to someone who wasn't him.
Yandere!Suguru who would check your phone while you were in the shower when you'd come over his place to spend the night.
Yandere!Suguru who would "jokingly" tell you to go talk to your other hoes, but whenever you joked back with a nonchalant "Okay, I will" it made his chest tighten and burn with anger. Did you actually have another behind his back? We're you going to go see him after you left? All while faking a small chuckle, you really don't know what you've done, have you?
Yandere!Suguru who would go weeks without talking to you after that night, you never questioned it. Maybe he was busy with work or caught up with Suguru. No- no he wasn't. He was a lot closer than you thought.
Yandere!Suguru who turned off his location so you wouldn't know that the whole time he wasn't speaking to you, he was actually stalking you throughout the day and night. Did you forget already that you gave him a key to your apartment?
Yandere!Suguru who memorized the times where you would eat and take a shower so that he can sneak in each night and hide underneath your bed.
Yandere!Suguru who would listen to you giggle to your girlfriends about this new guy that's become your regular at the café you worked at each morning. Was this the guy you were seeing behind his back? No, he has to REMIND you that you belong to him only and he'd do that tonight.
Yandere!Suguru would wait until you were good and asleep to duct tape your mouth and hog tie you tight enough to get you in his car, all the fighting you did with him really tired you out. Might as well sees what your DARLING boyfriend has in store for you. At least getting kidnapped by some hot guy with dark circles was definitely on the bucket list.
Yandere!Suguru who would later violently toss you onto his couch rather than taking you to his bed, no no that was too good for you.
"You know this IS your fault? Thinking you could EVER find someone better than me- Are you stupid? Answer me, Y/N!"
How on earth could you possibly answer his question...with tape over your month?! But it was so hot seeing him pace around like some crazed lunatic- which is exactly what he was.
"You think you're too good to answer me, huh? It's okay, because I'll show you would actually owes you- NOBODY. And I mean NOBODY. will ever, ever love you as much as I do, Nobody will ever know your body like I know it~"
Man you hadn't a clue what he was going in about, but you knew one thing. That aching in your core was really nagging you with how much Suguru was turning you on. Maybe you should make him act like this more often, Nah because then he'll know you're doing it on purpose.
Yandere!Suguru who would come back with the sharpest knife he could find just to throw himself on top of you. Taking each piece of fabric that covered your delicious body and cutting it, no matter how sloppy the cuts he didn't want to take his time with you at all. You were his and he was determined to remind you of that, he was determined to bury his cock deep into the depths of your insides no matter what.
Yandere!Suguru who accidentally cut your inner tight while trying to get your pajama pants off. All he could hear was the squeal you made followed by a pained whine.
"Oh... I'm so sorry, mamas. Maybe if you didn't drive me crazy like this I wouldn't have cut you, but that's your fault too now isn't it?"
Of course it's not entirely you fault I mean how were you suppose to know that a harmless little prank would cause him so much distress? Goddamn it was hot, but you also didn't enjoy the pain that came with it- what is he doing? Is he liking the blood? What other crazy shit is this man into, you wondered?
"Mmmf, Mamas... You know you taste so good- I bet he's never tasted you before like I have. It almost tastes as good as that pussy of yours, look at it so soaking wet for daddy... Yeah she knows who she belongs too."
Is he- talking to your pussy?! Oh yeah you thought Suguru was crazy before, well he's definitely insane and man was it a little concerning.
Yandere!Suguru who would rub the bright pink tip of his cock onto the would that was left on your inner. The way his breath would hitch at the sight of some of your blood getting in his cock turned him as stiff as a brick he just had to be inside you.
Yandere!Suguru who would run his cock up and down through the folds of your pussy getting all your juices on it.
"I'm going to make you mine all over again, look at pretty pussy, just calling my fuckin name. Shhh.. Shhh. Shhh... Daddy's gonna make that pussy real full in. A. Minute-"
Yandere!Suguru who enunciated his last few words with a sudden thrust. Slamming his cock straight into your cervix- it was so sudden you barely had time to even adjust to his size before your eyes started to roll back.
Yandere!Suguru who threw your legs over his shoulders, ripped the tape off of your mouth, just so he could press his full weight onto you as he leaned down to sloppily kiss you.
"Say it's mines, mamas. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon say who this good pussy belongs too. This pretty pussy that I'm going to impregnate.. You'd like that wouldn't you? Me getting you pregnant, you having MY baby- just say it pretty girl, say it, say it, say it-!"
"I-its yours, AaAah- S- Su- Fuck-"
"Atta girl.. That's right, my fuckin pussy, nobody elses~"
Yandere!Suguru who made you call off of work so that he could properly breed you for the rest of the day so he can make sure you're well fertilized with his seed.
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sariixxx · 8 months
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𝗠. 𝗙𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗻𝗼𝗻𝗲!
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 ღ
You were chilling in your dorm, bored as hell.
Nobara and the others were already sleeping, which you had been waiting for.
That meant you finally got to hang out with your lovely boyfriend, Megumi.
'Gumi <3
'Gumi <3
Will you come over now or what?
Aw are you missing me that much? 😻😻
'Gumi <3
You know what I take it back. I'll lock my dorm door.
'Gumi <3
too bad
🥹🥹 pls
'Gumi <3
fine be quiet thi
Alr see you in 10
'Gumi <3
Why so long?
I can't just straight walk to the boys's dorms idiot. Gojo will make me run laps around the whole school 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️
'Gumi <3
Ugh fine, hurry up tho
Awwww you do miss me
'Gumi <3
Start moving idiot <3
A slight grin makes its way to your face as you see Megumi's last message.
Should I change before going over?
You think about it for a second but then decide that the sweatpants and oversized T-Shirt will do it.
Your head peeks out of your room as you watch the empty hallway.
Then you close the door and try to walk as quiet as possible.
After some minutes you arrive at your destination and knock on the door quietly.
Soon after Megumi opens, immediately pulls you inside by the arm, and picks you up in an embrace.
Your eyes soften at the sweet act.
Normally he was more closed off and had a hard time showing affection but today was probably your lucky day.
You hug him back until he places you on his bed, gently.
"What took you so long??", he murmured against your chest, him kneeling in front of you while you sit comfortably.
"Well I had to pick a route so nobody would see me... Also I kind of stole some snacks from the kitchen.", you grin and shove your hands into your pockets.
"Here you go!", you hold out your hands and he just smiles and shakes his head, "Unbelievable."
He takes one of the snacks and lays down on his bed.
"How was your day?", he asks, gesturing you to lay down beside him.
You do as he tells you and say, "Meh I trained with Maki today. She was ruthless, but it was still cool. Ohh and Gojo told me soon I will go on a mission. With Inumaki!! Isn't that cool?"
"With Toge? Since when do we carry out mission with 2nd years?", he raises an eyebrow.
"Well Gojo said since I'm a grade 1 I could easily take part in more advanced missions. So he set me up with Inumaki, since he's the highest ranked right now.", you say while munching your food.
He nods, a little in thought, "I see."
"Is that a problem?", you ask tilting your head to the side.
"Huh- no no of courso not! Just... be careful.", he mumbles.
You chuckle a little, "Oh come on that's not all, is it?"
Mehumi groans and puts his arm over his face, "I'd rather have me going with you."
You blink, twice and then smile so bright, you can't hold it in.
"I want to kiss you so bad right now, you have no idea Megs.", you whisper.
He blushes, hard, "What the hell why would you randomly say that-"
You cut him off by hovering over him, put your hands beside his head and kiss his lips.
You could swear you heard him whimper so you grin into the kiss.
"You're adorable, you know that? And sooo pretty, you could be a super model! Like so beautiful, literally my pretty boy!", you blabber while putting butterfly kisses all over his face.
If he wasn't red before, he definitely is now.
Cheeks so dark you think he'd faint any point and lips glistening as if he just made out with you for hours.
"Stop.. you're so embarrassing..", he mumbles trying to cover his face.
You giggle and hold his hand form in place and kiss him once again.
His arms wander up your waist as you sink down on him and breathe heavily.
"But like- I really mean it Megumi. You're the only one for me. You really are my pretty boy.", you say after ending the kiss.
And somehow he can't tell you to cut it out, because for some reason, his heart never beat faster than right now.
Knowing that you thought of him so highly, thought of him as your pretty boy.
That alone made him feel the happiest he's ever been.
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ambrossart · 2 years
summary: eddie crashes senior prom hoping to steal a dance with his dream girl, chrissy cunningham. instead, he spends the night stuck in the women’s restroom with you—her snarky, insecure best friend. ❖ pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader ❖ word count: 3,511 ❖ genre: fluff with some angst ❖ series status: complete ❖ warnings: no season 4 spoilers, some coarse language, body image issues, allusions to eating disorders, typical teenage insecurities, angst, jealousy, anxiety, secret crushes, childhood memories, happy ending, lots of 80s music one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten
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You shoveled chocolate cake into your mouth while George Michael crooned “Careless Whisper” into the cold, dark depths of your soul: “I’m never gonna dance again… Guilty feet have got no rhythm…” 
You sang along with your mouth full, crumbs spewing from your lips, stopping only to take another bite, another swig of punch. You were drunk on your own misery because nobody had bothered to spike the punch bowl. Yeah, apparently you were attending the one dry prom in the entire country, but that was A-okay because this smooth, melancholy sax was sending you swirling into despair and nothing mattered anymore. 
You finished one plate of cake, licked your fork clean, then reached for another. That’s how Chrissy found you: three slices deep in chocolate cake, with frosting smeared all over your face. She came up to you like a mother approaching her paint-splattered toddler and said, “What are you doing?”
“Oh, you know, just eating my feelings…” 
“Yeah, I can see that.” She surveyed the damage with a frown. “Where’d you get all the cake?” 
“I stole it off that table over there.” You gestured with your hand. “Not my proudest moment… and yet, somehow, not my lowest tonight, either.” You sliced through the stolen cake with your fork, another huge chunk, and—down the hatch!—stuffed it all into your mouth. 
Chrissy sucked in a breath through her teeth, grimacing as she watched you. “Oh boy,” she said, and sat down beside you. “Okay, sweetie, tell me what happened.”
“I took your advice. I tried to talk to Eddie, I tried to be nice, and I went down hard in a giant blaze of glory. Like, it was cataclysmic, Chris. You should have seen it. We’re talking ‘Mount Vesuvius erupting’ bad, ‘meteor killing all the dinosaurs’ bad. Like, I just single-handedly wiped out an entire civilization in a matter of seconds. Total carnage. No survivors. He yelled at me, Chris. He actually yelled at me, and you know, I always thought I’d be turned on by him yelling, but I wasn’t. Honestly, I’m kinda traumatized by the whole thing, and… uhh, yeah… now I’m sitting here eating cake with my good friend George Michael. He has a lovely voice, don’t you think?” 
You went back for more cake, and Chrissy snatched the fork out of your hand. “Okay, that’s enough sugar for you.” 
You snorted. “Don’t worry, I’ll just throw it up later.” 
Chrissy winced.
“Oh—” You slapped your hand over your mouth and sank into your chair, a shameful blush engulfing your face. “Oh my god, Chris, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just… you know, all the lactose, it’s gonna make me sick later, that’s all I meant. I swear, I wasn’t trying to…”
Chrissy’s smile was warm and forgiving. “I know. It’s okay.” She scooted closer to you, then handed you a napkin and told you to wipe your face. While you were doing that, she said, “All right, just out of curiosity… when you were talking to Eddie, were you talking to him like you and I talk? Or were you just making a lot of jokes at his expense?”
“That’s not fair, Chris. I’ve known you my whole life.”
“Just answer the question.” 
You puffed up your cheeks and blew out. “Fine, I was making jokes, but they weren’t mean or anything. I just…” You hung your head. “I don’t know how to talk to him, Chris. It’s like, he looks at me and my heart starts beating really fast and I just go into panic mode, and I start hurling insults like hand grenades. It’s like World War II in my head, and I’m deep in the trenches. And I know I’m messing it up. I can hear myself messing it up. All the warning bells are going off: Abort mission! Abort mission! But I can’t stop myself! I insult his clothes and his music, and I sacrifice him to demons.” 
Chrissy said, “Wait, what? Demons?”
“Yeah… I kinda sacrificed him to a demon back in middle school—well, his character, not him. This didn’t happen in real life or anything. It was in a game: Dungeons & Dragons. I dunno if you’ve heard of it, but… it’s surprisingly fun. You get to make your own character and everything.” 
“And sacrifice people to demons, apparently.”
“Yeah—well, no, you aren’t really supposed to do that. I kinda went rogue and ruined the whole game.” 
“That sounds more accurate.” Chrissy giggled into her hand, then tipped her head at you and smiled. “Oh… what am I gonna do with you?”
“Trade me in for a newer model?” 
Chrissy shook her head. “Nah… I’ve grown kinda attached to you.” She took your napkin and carefully dabbed some frosting off your chin. Then she put her hands on your knees and said in a calm, reassuring voice, “Hey, listen to me: it’s just Eddie. You’re not exactly talking to Steve Perry here.” 
“Well, at this point I think I’d have a better shot with Steve Perry.” 
“Yeah… he’s a famous rock star, so somehow I doubt that.” 
“Well, you don’t know how charming I can be.” You pressed your hand to your chest and fluttered your lashes.
Chrissy laughed at you. “Actually, I know exactly how charming you can be, which is why it breaks my heart to see you like this. Seriously, what are you so afraid of? Him not liking you back?” 
“Oh, he definitely doesn’t like me back. Yeah, I’d say him yelling in my face kinda solidified that.” 
Chrissy said, “Well, then you have nothing to lose, right?” and you went quiet. “Just talk to him. Don’t overthink it. Don’t make jokes. And please, for the love of God, don’t insult the guy. Just walk up to him and be honest. Say, ‘Eddie, I’m an idiot—I’m an adorable idiot, but an idiot. I’ve been in love with you for six years, but I never knew how to express my feelings. I’d very much like to marry you and have your babies’—Ha!” She absorbed your half-hearted slap, giggling as she did. 
“Just talk to him,” she said. “I promise you’ll feel better once you do.” 
“Yeah, that’s easy for you to say. You confess to a guy and he’s basically winning the lottery. I do it and it’s like, Sorry, son, there’s been a death in the family.” 
“Oh, that’s not true, and you know it. You’re the lottery, too.” 
“Yeah, maybe the penny scratcher…” 
Chrissy shook her head. “Now you’re just being silly.” 
But you weren’t. You weren’t joking at all. 
Silence fell over the table as the music seamlessly transitioned into The Dream Academy’s folksy cover of “Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want” by The Smiths. Another slow, painfully depressing song, but this one was even worse because it carried this pathetic sense of yearning that stabbed and twisted into your heart like a dagger. 
You braced yourself for another three minutes of torture when, out of nowhere, a phantom voice said, “Wanna dance?”
You looked to your left and felt your stomach flip. It was Jason Carver, standing beside you with an outstretched hand, looking like a damn Ken doll in his prom tux. (You had made that joke more than once. Chrissy always hated it: “I swear to God, if you call me Barbie, I’ll kill you.”)
You flinched away from him, blushing. “Oh… no thanks, I don’t really—” 
“Come on, it’s our last prom. You gotta do at least one slow dance.” Jason’s smile was confident and irresistibly charming. 
You stared at his hand for a minute, your stomach twisting into all kinds of knots; then you glared at Chrissy. “You put him up to this, didn’t you?”
She put up her hands and backed away from the table. “Hey, don’t look at me…” 
And before you could further protest, Jason took your hand and effortlessly lifted you out of your chair, making your knees buckle as soon as you put weight on them. The anxiety was hitting you like a train now and dragging your body over the tracks. What if you stepped on his foot? What if you scuffed up his shoes? They looked like some really expensive shoes. Could you actually afford to replace them? What if your breath smelled terrible? What if you had chocolate cake in your teeth? (Oh my god, you definitely had chocolate cake in your teeth!) You two were going to be standing face to face, practically nose to nose. He was going to see everything. The peach fuzz on your face. The huge pores on your nose. What if Jason saw all these glaring imperfections and thought, Wow, she’s somehow even uglier up close? 
Well, then you would simply die. 
Panicking, you pulled your hand out of his grasp. “Wait, Jason, I…”
Jason chased your hand, caught it, and gave it a comforting squeeze. “Hey, come on. Just relax, okay? I promise I won’t step on your feet.” 
“Yeah, but I…” You saw your reflection in his dazzling blue-grey eyes and suddenly lost your will to resist.
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The next two minutes felt like two hours. 
Here you were, slow dancing with Jason Carver in the middle of the dance floor. His hands were around your waist, holding you close like you were his real date and not just some last-minute tagalong. Your arms were draped around his neck, stiff and awkward at first, but gradually loosening as you swayed to the music. It was surreal, being this close to him: feeling his heart beating against yours, feeling the heat of his breath on your face whenever he spoke, whenever he laughed at one of your jokes. 
Ten-year-old you would have been so happy right now. She would have floated home on a cloud, spent the rest of the night daydreaming about Jason Carver and gushing about him in her diary. Savor that sweet naivety, kid, because in a few years it’ll all be gone. You couldn’t remember the last time you let yourself daydream, get so caught up in your fantasies that you had to pinch your arm just to bring yourself back to reality. You tried, but you could never seem to get your feet off the ground. They were just so heavy. 
Then after a while, you just stopped trying.
“You know, I used to be really jealous of you,” Jason said after a while.
“What?” you said. “Why?”
Jason looked at you like you were insane, like it was so painfully obvious. “You’re Chrissy’s favorite person in the world, and you always will be. Whenever something good happens, you’re her first phone call. When she’s upset, she goes running to you for comfort. And that just kills me because I wanna be that person for her too, and I’m scared I never will be.”
You frowned. “Yeah, we kinda have a weird codependency thing going on. It’s probably really unhealthy, actually…” 
Jason laughed. “It’s not, it’s great, and I’m so glad she has you. Honestly, I am.” His smile was so sincere and sad, it broke your heart a little. “Look, Chrissy is amazing, easily the best thing that ever happened to me, but I know she only shows me the good side of her. The happy side. She smiles for me and cries for you. She doesn’t trust me enough to show me her ugly side, and I don’t know how to change that. I’m scared to bring it up because I don’t wanna push her away, but I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do.” 
“Jason, trust me, you’re already doing exactly what you’re supposed to do.” When you said this, you felt your chest tighten. “Maybe I just need to step back a little, give you two some space.”
“What? No, that’s not what I—”
You shook your head, tears welling in your eyes. “Jason, it’s fine, really. Honestly, I think that’ll be the best thing for both of us. I mean, we can’t lean on each other forever, right?”
You laid your chin on his shoulder and stared across the dance floor to where your best friend was sitting with a huge smile. 
Of course Chrissy wasn’t jealous watching you dance with her boyfriend. No, that hideous emotion was reserved just for you. You were the one who was never satisfied with what you had. You were the one constantly comparing yourself to everyone else. Judging yourself. Weighing yourself. Hating yourself. 
Here you were, slow dancing with Jason Carver, being the envy of every girl at prom, and all you could think about was how badly you wanted to switch places with Chrissy Cunningham, to be sitting right where she was. 
Because that’s where he was going. 
As you watched Eddie approach Chrissy, as you watched them talk, Jason started singing under his breath: “Please, please, please… Let me get what I want… Lord knows it will be the first time…” and you buried your face in his shoulder and squeezed your eyes shut real tight.
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Chrissy stared at Eddie Munson with knitted brows. “You’re asking me to dance? Why?”
“Uhh… because I want to? I don’t really know how else to answer that.” Eddie scratched the back of his neck, feeling both nervous and bashful as he stood before her in his suit jacket and ripped jeans. “Umm, look, you don’t have to say yes or anything. Seriously, just say the word and I’ll get outta your way and leave you alone. I just thought, y'know, since it’s the last prom and all…”
Chrissy cut him off. “Yeah, but why? I never even talk to you, so why would you wanna dance with me?”
“Well, I uhh…” Eddie cleared his throat a few times, then let out a nervous chuckle. “Wow, you’re really putting me on the spot here, aren’t you? Umm, okay, well… that’s a little difficult to answer, and I’m probably gonna shoot myself in the foot for saying this, but... Wait, are you okay?” 
Chrissy was staring off towards the dance floor, where her boyfriend was dancing with her best friend, and as she did, her whole expression just kind of wilted into this guilty, miserable look that cut Eddie to his core. 
“Oh shit,” he said. “Hey, look, I’m not trying to get in the way of anything here. I know you have a boyfriend and that’s totally cool. I just…”
Now Chrissy had her hands cupped over her mouth, appearing on the verge of tears.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, to seemingly no one at all. Then she looked up at Eddie, her blue eyes sparkling like two gorgeous sapphires, and she said the words he had been dreading most of all. “Look, I’m really sorry, but I can’t dance with you tonight.” 
She pushed past him and walked away, leaving Eddie gutted and standing alone with his heart in his hand. 
“Okay,” he said after the initial shock had worn off, “that was fucking brutal.”
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When you finally opened your eyes again, you were facing the opposite side of the room and staring at a wall of familiar faces. But one in particular caught your eye. It stole the breath from your lips and made your face go white with terror… as if you were seeing a ghost. 
Your legs felt so heavy as you broke away from Jason and stormed across the dance floor. Once you got close enough, you opened your mouth to yell, but all that came out was a hoarse whisper. 
“I thought you had food poisoning!” You hissed the words like it was a curse, like you were trying to banish his spirit back to the grave. 
Chance Gallagher turned toward you with a cup of punch in his hand and a pretty girl at his side. “Oh shit,” he said, looking like a rat caught in a trap. “What are you doing here?” 
“What do you mean, what am I doing here? What are you doing here? I thought you were sick.”
“Yeah, well, I uhh…” 
“You got better, huh?” There was a lump in your throat as you watched Chance fidget with his tie, loosening it so he could breathe more easily. The color of it matched your dress perfectly, but it also matched the dress of his pretty new date, along with the corsage that dangled from her wrist. It was your favorite flower. You figured it was hers, too. 
You rubbed your brow furiously, struggling to fully grasp the situation. “Wait, I think I’m a little outta the loop here… If you didn’t actually wanna go to prom with me, why did you even ask me in the first place?”
Chance’s shoulders went up and down uncaringly. “Because Jason asked me to.” 
His words hit you like a sucker punch to the jaw. You staggered back and shook your head. “What? Jason asked you to…?” 
Of course, you thought. Of course, Jason put him up to it. Why else would someone like Chance Gallagher ask you to prom? Chance was popular, Chance was on the basketball team, and who the hell were you but Chrissy Cunningham’s bitchy best friend? You knew he wasn’t actually interested in you. Hey, you? The guy didn’t even know your name! That little voice in your head tried to warn you—it was practically screaming at you!—but you didn’t listen to it. No, you let yourself wish and dream and get swept up in all the grandeur of prom, but it was all bullshit. Fake, plastic, bullshit. And you shouldn’t have come in the first place. 
You ran into Jason and Chrissy on your way out. As soon as you saw Jason, you pointed your finger in his face and screamed at the top of your lungs, “YOU SELFISH SONOFABITCH! YOU TRIED TO PAWN ME OFF TO YOUR FRIEND!” 
Chrissy’s face scrunched up with confusion. “What? Jason, what is she talking about?”
Jason opened his mouth and closed it again. His stormy blue eyes were writhing with guilt. 
“He forced Chance to ask me to prom, Chris. He made him do it. What, did you have to pay him? How much was I worth, Jason? Twenty bucks? Thirty? Did you get a good deal out of it, at least?”
Jason exploded: “Oh, come on, of course I didn’t pay him! I would never insult you like that!”
“Right, you would just force me onto your friends like some chore!”
Jason shook his head furiously. “No, that’s not what it was! I swear to God it wasn’t. Look, all I did was ask Chance to do me a favor, that’s all. I didn’t know he was gonna flake on you like that. If I’d known, I never would’ve asked him to do it in the first place.” He ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at the dirty blond roots. “I just wanted everyone to have a good time. That’s all I was trying to do.” 
“I don’t believe you,” you said as a tear escaped your eye and rolled down your cheek. “No, you wanna know what I think, Jason? I think you wanted to have a good time, and I was in your way. Well, don’t worry, Jason, I’m getting out of your way now, so you go ahead and enjoy your perfect little prom, okay? I’m done.” 
You turned to leave and Chrissy was at your elbow, crying and begging you to stay. 
You said to her, “No, please, I don’t wanna be the one that ruins your night, and I really don’t wanna cry anymore. And I know if I’m around you, I’m gonna completely fall apart and… I just need some time by myself, okay? I’ll be fine, I will, I just… I really need to get outta here.” 
You tore away from her and saw dozens of eyes bearing down on you. Preps. Jocks. Nerds. Cheerleaders. Sally, Sarah, and Stacy, standing there looking so damn pleased by your misfortune. Like this was just perfect, wasn’t it? Like it was exactly what you deserved.
You squirmed away from their eyes, all of their eyes, and ran up the stairs and out the door.
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Now here you were, sitting on the dirty floor of the women’s restroom and crying in your prom dress while "Endless Love" sent you spiraling right back to middle school. All you needed was a bucket of pigs' blood dropped on you, and your night was complete.
You ripped off your corsage and whipped it at the garbage can. Then you slumped down, knocked your head against the wall, wiped some of the mascara off your cheeks, and thought, God, this night can’t possibly get any… 
The door burst open and—“Oh shit!”—Eddie Munson came stumbling into the bathroom like a drunken idiot after a bar fight. He spun around, catching himself on the wall, and then pushed his back against the door. 
His brown eyes bulged as they locked with yours. 
“Uhh… hi. How's your night going?”
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bouncybongfairy · 11 months
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Drive-In Date
Summary: Hunter Sylvester takes you out to the drive-in on your first date.
Hunter Sylvester x Reader
Word Count: 3k+
You always noticed him, I mean how could anyone not. The way Hunter carried himself was one of the things you liked most about him. The way his eyebrows always had a slight furrow to them. The way his rings would catch the light as he gripped his backpack. His eyes could get so dark, they looked black from certain angles. Of course how tall he looked compared to his locker. 
You closed your locker and grabbed your music binder and walked over to your next class: orchestra. That's where you met Emily, unlike others you find her wittiness to be more charming than aggressive. Sitting next to Emily gave you an excuse to ask subtle questions about Hunter. While she would be telling a story about band practice you would throw a question out like: Is Hunter's room big? or, What kind of snake does he have? As far as you could tell she never caught on. As you walk in you see her tuning her cello, you grab a stand and make your way over to your seat. 
"Hey," You greet her while setting up your stand. She gives you a small smile and adjusts her seat to make room for you. 
"Hello, long day?" She laughed as she watched you drop your bag off your shoulder letting it plop to the ground. 
"Kinda, more like a long week." You joke back hanging your backpack on your chair then going to grab your cello. After taking the case off you sit back down next to Emily. 
"Do you have plans with Kevin this weekend?" You ask 
"Yeah, we're going to his little brother's swim meet, we had to cancel band practice because we're going out to a film after." She said putting rosin on her bow and then handing it to you. 
"That should be fun, I bet Kevin really likes that fact that you make time for his family," You said taking the rosin, "Was Hunter mad that you had to cancel rehearsal?" You asked, looking down at your bow. 
Before Emily could respond, Hunter walked into the classroom. Honestly, it sounds cliche but seeing him somewhere unexpected made her heart stop before beating faster than ever before. He never wore his backpack with two straps which you liked. He walked up to the music instructor and engaged him in conversation. His hair was so long and even though it was dark brown, it was still so shiney. Even though it wasn't his choice to have part of his head shaved, you loved it; it gave you a perfect view of his side profile. He started walking over to you both after he was done talking to the teacher. You looked away and began fiddling with your fine tuners. 
"Em hey, so I wrote this track for you. I know I'm not the best at bass clef so if you need to make adjustments please do. This is the original so I asked Mr. Petters if I could make copies in the teachers lounge so I'll get you the copy soon alright?" Hunter said, you couldn't help but stare at the patches on his jean vest. He wasn't a long sleeve under it so it gave full view of his arms which although were skinny, they still were extremely toned. 
'God he is just so hot'  You thought to yourself. You quickly start looking through your binder hoping nobody noticed you disassociating. Emily thanked him and held small talk with him for about 5 minutes before he walked out. 
"Does he have a girlfriend?" You asked Emily before really thinking about the consequences. Emily looked over at you with wide eyes and a small grin. 
"I knew you fancied him, why didn't you say anything?" She asked me to move her body to face you. You tried your very best to play it off. 
"Just because I asked if he has a girlfriend doesn't mean I like him. But yes I do in fact think he's cute." You said picking at your acrylic nail, "I didn't tell you because I don't think he'll be into me. We don't necessarily have common interests." You said. 
"I don't know if Kevin and I weren't really designed for each other but it worked out." Emily said, tuning her A string. You nod your head and set your cello down next to your chair. 
"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." You said pulling on your jacket. 
"Great talk!" Emily called out to you playfully. 
You didn't need to use the restroom. After weeks of being afraid to go up to him and say literally anything was making you crazy. Especially after he came so close to you when talking to emily. It made you feel silly for having feelings of nervousness about wanting to introduce yourself. You were making your way to the teacher's lounge, it made you feel more comfortable knowing there wouldn't be any students around when trying to talk to him. One you made it to the door you stopped and took a deep breath in. You could feel your heartbeat in your fingertips as you want to open the door. Once you walk in you thought about walking right back out. He was facing away from you, staring down at the copying machine. Hearing the door open he turns around and cocks his head to the side. 
"You following me? You're Emily's friend from Orchestra right?" He asked, fully turning his body to face you. 
You laugh before responding, "I don't know about following but um, I did have a question for you." You said stepping a bit closer. 
"Okay.. go ahead," He said, setting one of his papers down. 
"There's this movie that just came out called Bodies Bodies Bodies and the Lakewood Drive-In. Their tickets are half price for Lakewood students opening night and I was wondering if maybe we could go together. I know this is kinda.. direct and I like, get it if you think it would be weird because we don't really know each-"
"I'll go with you." He interrupted you before continuing, "I see you hanging out with Emily a lot, it's not like you're a total stranger. So.. I'll pick you up around 6, Y|N?" He asked, making a point to show you he knew your name while gathering all his papers together. He grabbed a sticky note and wrote his number down and handed it to you before walking out. You stood there in shock for a second before turning around to face the door. There was a poster on the door right above the handle that said: Shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars! You laughed at the irony. 
After you went back to the bandroom, making up an excuse to leave early after putting away your instrument. Part of you was still a little taken back, you didn't think it would go that easy. He just said yes like you were asking if the sky was blue. It made you think about his intentions a bit. Why did he say yes right away? Was it because he reciprocated the feelings you had for him, or was it for a more provocative reason? While you were walking it home it was really all you could think about. Your stomach was starting to tighten with anxiety once you got home. 
Once you got into your room it was like your brain stopped working. After almost having a panic attack trying to decide to wear pajamas or street clothes you decided on a plain pink sweatshirt and a jean skirt. You thought wearing slippers would compensate for not wearing pajamas. After you were ready you grabbed the sticky note from the bag and nervously type out your message:
-hey my address is 1209 Ocean Terrace i'm ready whenever you are :)
-cool be there in 10 
Knowing he was only 10 minutes away made your heart skip a beat. You grabbed your purse and quickly started fumbling through it to make sure you had all your valuables:  mint puff bar along with your pen, gum, compact, wallet and your lighter. As you were looking in the mirror to make sure you looked okay your phone vibrated. 
- im outside 
Quickly skipping down the stairs you give a quick kiss to your mom and walk out. It was starting to get dark which made all the street lights go off. His shiny black car was reflecting so much light it looked like a disco ball. As you're walking to the car Hunter gets out and opens the door for you. You smiled and pulled your purse father up your arm before getting in. 
"Thank you," You say while sitting down and fastening your seatbelt. He nodded his head before carefully closing the door and joining you in the driver's seat. Your leg was bouncing slightly to how nervous you were. 
"You know, I was surprised you said yes. I didn't think you would even entertain that." You laugh, moving your purse from your shoulder to your lap. He made a confused face. 
"Why did you think that?" He asked me to adjust his grip on the steering wheel. 
"I don't know, I guess because we're so different. You are really passionate about post death metal and your outward appearance reflects that. I obviously don't match that so I guess that would like.. detouryou?” You said playing with your nail, Hunter laughed and nodded his head.
"I could see how you think that but I mean, I've known Kevin forever. Even before he was into metal and we never had problems finding things to talk about or relate to each other. I mean Emily and I are really good friends now and I would have never imagined that. I try to keep that same logic when it comes to people I want to date." He said, looking away from the road for a moment to look at you. It made you blush when he implied that he might want to date you. 
"I've always thought you were cute. Even before 7th grade." You said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He looked over at you, scared to meet his gaze you just smiled down at your purse.
Once you guys pulled into the Drive-In, you tried to pay but Hunter ignored you and paid the 10 dollars. It was pretty much completely dark outside, the sun barely peeking over the skyline. The entire car park was full of teenagers. Some sat outside their car in lawn chairs while others were tucked away waiting for the movie to drown out background noise. Every once and a while a puff of smoke would leave the car windows. After you both went down to the snack bar to get a couple things; some candy and a cherry slushie. Once you both got back into the car there was a bit of an awkward silence. 
"I don't know if you smoke," you say while digging through your purse to grab your pen, "but I have a really nice pen." You finish before taking a small puff. He laughed and shook his head and looked out the window for a moment. 
"I've smoked before but it's been a while." He said. You unbuckle your seatbelt and turn so you are facing him. You hold down the button on the pen and take a bigger hit. After the cloud came out of her mouth and filled the car you took a sip of your slurpee. The cup had so much condensation on it that it was dripping onto your thighs. You switch your position on the seat so that you are on your knees. You lean over the middle console slightly and put the pen to his lips, pressing the button to heat up the coil. Without breaking eye contact with you he takes the pen into his mouth and starts to drag. You use your other hand to bring the slurpee up to your mouth and take a drink. You were surprised by how big of a hit he took. For someone who claims he doesn't smoke, this was a ballsy risk. Again without breaking eye contact he blows the smoke into his lap which causes it to quickly spread throughout the car. 
"iT's bEeN a wHiLe," You mimic him playfully, this makes him laugh then causes him to let out a couple of coughs. 
"You know, whenever I would see you in the music room after that you seemed so.. dark. I don't mean like.. your clothes because yeah the clothes were physically darker but it was something more. Your eyes were so dark and always so swollen and your body language just made you seem like you were in pain all the time. My point is that when I saw you in the music room learning and progressing with guitar I was enamored with you. I still think it's impressive how fast you picked it up. And what was more impressive was the fact that you had no idea how good you were. Or how gifted your mind was to not only learn to play but also how to write music. I think that's when I really decided that I had a serious crush on you. When I realized the deepness of your mind reflected your appearance.” You said taking a hit hearing the coil crack and pop as it warmed up. He smiled and grabbed the slurpee from you and taking a sip before speaking,
"It's crazy because immediately after taking that hit I just.. can't help but tell you that I also thought you were cute since before seventh grade. Obviously you know why that was a fucked up year for me and before shit hit the fan I really thought about you alot. This sounds dumb but I always thought about walking up to you during lunch and making small talk or whatever but never had the balls to. Everyday I would walk past the table you were eating at and tried to direct myself toward you but never could. And then after everything it was like my priorities shifted from wants and desires down to just.. existing. I would still noticed though. In the music room I caught you staring a couple times. Don't get me wrong I stared back sometimes, enough to notice you stick your tongue out a little when you're really concentrating on the notes." He said softly while smiling, his eyes flickering from you to his hands that sat in his lap. 
"Embarrassing for me." You laugh grabbing the cup back from him.
"I thought or.. still think it's cute." He said playing with the rings on his hands. You looked up at him but his head was hanging down. 
You rest your hand on his thigh to get his attention. Almost like you were testing the waters to see if you were reading the situation right. He flipped his hair back then looked over at you, his pupils were so wide that his eyes were near back. 
Fuck it.
You moved yourself from your seat to his, your knees were resting on the outside of his thighs. Once you were straddling him you tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear. You drop your hands down to grab his and put them on your thighs. He caught on and began rubbing his hands up and down your legs. You rest your full body weight on him, you blush feelings the calluses' on his fingers from playing guitar so much. 
"Is this okay?" You asked. 
"Fuck yeah." He said laughing, it was the first time that you noticed how hard he was blushing. 
You kissed his cheek and then gave him a soft peck on the lips. You both spent most of the movie talking rather than watching the screen. The night was filled with all the questions that you always wanted answered. At one point you spend an entire 30 minutes holding his face in your hands while you inquire about his life. About why he liked metal so much or how old his pet snake was. When did he learn how to drive, his favorite class? It felt so intimate learning all these small things about him and his life. More so than any sexual encounter. He even opened up about his dad which was surprising to you. Neither of you noticed when the movie ended until cars started moving and obnoxiously honking their horns at cars that couldn't move. 
"I'm sad the movie is over because now I don't have any excuse to keep you here." He said gripping on to your thighs is a bit harder than before. You smiled and blew your hit into his face, he playfully took a bite out of the smoke. 
"I wouldn't need any excuse to want to stay." You said kissing him before getting back into your passenger seat. He laughed and started the car before focusing on getting them out of the crowded parking lot. The drive home was filled with content silence. You held his hand as he steered with the other, playing with the calluses on his finger.
"I'm really grateful that I got the courage to talk to you. I know this is like our first date.. or whatever but I just wanted to say I really like you and hope we can keep seeing each other in a more serious way." Hunter said, pulling your hand to his mouth to give it a small kiss. You blush hard and nod you head in agreement. 
"I'm just happy you feel the same way I do." You said smiling as he pulled into your drive in. He got out quicker than he did before to open your car door. You laughed and took his hand when he offered it to you to get out. 
"I'll see you soon, yeah?" You asked before leaning in to give him a quick kiss. 
"Count on it." He said as you walked towards your front door. Once you got into the house you saw your two younger sisters staring out the window. 
"He didn't drive away until after you closed the door!" One of them giggled,
"Yeah AND he opened the door for her to get out! That's so romantic! Just like in The Fosters!" They both ran off giggling gossiping with one another. It took you an hour to wipe the grin and matching blush off your face before heading to bed.
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heliads · 9 months
inej ghafa x fem!reader?? I feel like things like this are missing on tumblr. kaz and reader are a duo and many consider them a couple but r likes inej and inej likes r. just something where kaz is tired of hearing his best friend talking about his other best friend and decides, in his own way, to play "cupid" so they can finally leave him alone. i really need to see kaz being "cupid's best friend" to both of them and being secretly happy for them (male-female friends exist, nobody remembers??)
male-female friends DO exist, speak on that anon
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“I think Kaz Brekker is going to kill me.”
This is not an unusual announcement to make in the Barrel. The fact that you’re saying this aloud to an empty room, although odd, is again not something that happens infrequently. Dirtyhands has a reputation for going after anyone who slights him, and he doesn’t accept apologies when he can take something a little more permanent, like a life. Many of his victims are prone to complaining via soliloquy.
The only difference between you and the dozens of Ketterdam residents currently pacing restlessly in fear of Kaz’s wrath is the response such a statement receives. When you make your pronouncement, instead of being greeted by the rustle of wind against the eaves or an ominous feeling in the pit of your stomach, you’re answered by the Wraith herself.
Inej chooses to respond to you instead of retreating back to the Slat to tell Kaz his latest fear campaign has worked, unlike how she’d treat anyone else. Although she wasn’t visible in the room, the second you speak aloud to the seeming emptiness, Inej appears in a flash of dark fabric, crouched on your window ledge, and says, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
You frown at her. “I am not being ridiculous. I think he actually means it this time.”
Inej rolls her eyes, slipping into your room through the window you’re pretty sure was locked from the inside when you were last here. “That’s just his usual friendly demeanor. You’ve known him even longer than I have, Y/N, you can’t possibly think that he means you any harm.” 
You grimace. “See, that’s what I thought too. I mean, I met Kaz when we were both kids, I’ve kind of taken our friendship for granted. He’s never so much as stubbed my toe with his cane.”
Inej frowns. “So what changed?”
“It’s happened a few times now,” you admit. “He keeps saying stuff about how something with me has got to change, and if I don’t get around to it, he’ll fix the problem I’ve created. He wasn’t joking, Inej. Whatever I’ve done, he’s not inclined to back down until he gets it sorted out, and you know how Kaz likes to solve his problems.”
Inej winces. “Kaz threatens a lot of people. You can’t take it too much to heart.”
“If you were there, you would know,” you grumble. “He seemed, like, genuinely unhappy. He said that my problem was starting to cast a pall on his reputation. He said I was making it his concern. Usually, he trusts me to sort out my issues, but this– this was different.”
Inej must be able to sense your genuine concern, because her expression softens and she walks forward, placing a soft hand on your shoulder. “I’m sure he doesn’t mean it. Kaz has a lot on his plate. You’re his best friend, Y/N, or so Kaz would say if he would let himself rely on anyone. He doesn’t want you dead.”
You lean into her palm. Just like always, it brings comfort like nothing else. Just like always, you can’t help but chase the warmth of her touch, wishing for more that you may never receive. Not as a friend. Not just this. “You’re his best friend, too. Have you heard anything?”
Inej shakes her head. “Not a word. I can ask, though. Discreetly, of course.”
You smile. “Of course. I trust your secret ways, you know that.”
Inej laughs, and pulls away after a heartbeat, although her eyes follow the place her hand had been for a while longer. “I think I’ll talk to him now. I don’t want you worrying for no reason.”
You let out a grateful sigh. “Thank you, Inej. I mean it.”
She flashes you a grin as she heads back towards the window. “Anytime, Y/N. One more question, though,” she adds, perched halfway in your room and halfway in the open air of the Kerch streets, “How did you know I was here? When you first said you thought Kaz was going to kill you, I mean, how’d you know I would hear it? I didn’t make a sound.”
You lift a shoulder. “I just did.”
Inej frowns crossly. “I need to know so I can improve my skills. What gave it away?”
You grin. “Maybe I didn’t know. Maybe I was just talking to myself.”
Inej scoffs. “You don’t do that.”
She says it with absolute certainty, the product of enough time spent watching from the shadows. “What if I knew when you were watching so I only talked to empty rooms when I knew you weren’t around?” You ask, laughing.
“That still brings us back to the subject of how you always know when I’m there,” Inej points out.
You wave a hand vaguely around. “I don’t know. Honestly. I just feel it, I guess.”
Inej considers this, still crouched on the window ledge, her heels over empty air, her knuckles brushing the cracking paint. You walk closer so you can get a better look at her. The midnight moonlight clings to her hair, her skin; it’s not just you who doesn’t want to let her go, or so it seems. Inej smiles at you, fond, and then she’s gone, disappearing into the empty night air. You surge to the window, but even after sticking your head out and looking around, you can’t spot one flicker of movement. She has simply vanished, as if from the very country itself.
You don’t know that you could respond any better to Inej’s question even if you were ready for it. You never have been able to put a proper name to the sensation you get whenever Inej is nearby. Some could call it infatuation, others could refer to it as a good friendship, but it’s more than that. Inej is the person you look to first in a firefight. Inej is the one you want to see when you have the day off, when you’re finally safe from a dangerous job. It’s her. Always has been.
You started looking for her in earnest the day you realized that the feelings you had for her were more than just platonic. After that, it was easy. Inej is not so pedestrian as to reveal herself in a shower of loose roof tiles, nor a kicked pebble on the street, but she is still human. If you really try, you can hear her in the quiet of perfect stillness. The brush of cloth against cloth. One held breath. Even secrecy makes noise, and you’ve memorized every way to tell it’s her when a shadow lingers nearby.
You don’t get a response until the next morning. You’re idling on the cobblestoned streets, pretending to wait for a friend but really watching the flow of pigeons from the Dime Lions’ club to the Dregs’. You tuck your face into your hand to hide a yawn, and when you look back up, blinking against the crisp wind, Inej is by your side, leaning against the railing of a bridge just a step or two away. 
“‘Morning, Inej,” you greet her. “Sleep well?”
She smiles, closing her eyes so she can tilt her head back and bask in the meager few rays of morning sun that have managed to break through the dense clouds that usually block out Ketterdam sunrises. “You know,” she says absentmindedly, “I really do like that about you. Everyone else just demands information whenever I show up. You say hello.”
You feel the corners of your lips flicker up in a traitorous smile despite your best attempts not to respond to the compliment. “Is it terrible if I ask for information on your conversation with Kaz now, then?”
Inej laughs, shaking her head. “No, that's why I’m here. I think you’re right to be scared, by the way.”
You freeze slightly. “You actually think he’s going to kill me? Inej, I thought you were here to reassure me that everything was fine, not confirm my fears.”
Inej ponders this. “I don’t think he’s actually going to kill you. Just shake you up a little, maybe. I think he was more mischievous than genuinely threatening.”
This doesn’t make you feel any better. “Kaz’s idea of a fun parlor joke is stabbing someone through the hand. I’m going to need a little more evidence of his support of me before I sleep well at night again, thank you very much.”
Inej shrugs. “I think it’s very unreasonable for you to want to feel safe around Kaz Brekker, but everyone has to have their dreams, I suppose. If you want an indication of his favor, though, he’s assigned both of us to a job.”
This does grab your attention. Kaz would only trust you with Inej on a job if he really believed in you. Of course, he could be sending Inej to kill you, but you don’t think she’d do that. Inej would never hurt you. She’s pledged that before, and you made the same promise to her. 
We all come to the Barrel for terrible, terrible reasons, and sometimes those reasons make themselves known in long and awful nightmares. Sometimes, when you wake up screaming, you need a friend who will never hurt you. Someone you can trust unconditionally. Sometimes, when one girl wakes up in a haze of bad memories, tears hot on her face, she needs another girl to hold her until the shaking stops. A girl to promise that there will be someone else in the world who will watch after her, who will keep the endless fears at bay. It was you for Inej, and it was Inej for you.
So no, then– if Inej was asked to hurt a hair on your head, she would not only refuse but protect you from other would-be assassins. The only answer is to then trust that this mission of Kaz’s is not designed to hurt either of you.
“Alright,” you say, shrugging your shoulders, “What does he want from us?”
He doesn’t provide you with an awful lot of information, that Dirtyhands. Inej tells you an address, a room, an object, and a time. You both head to your destination. There isn’t much security at all, hardly any passersby, so you’re able to slip in without difficulty. Once inside the designated room, you notice that there’s not much inside, just some simple furniture and a note on the desk.
The note you read with increasing indignance. Inej, who has been scouting out the room’s perimeter, glances over at you with concern when you fling the paper back against the desk. “What is it?”
“This is a trap,” you tell her, furious, “And it’s all Kaz’s doing.”
Inej furrows her brow, then softly pads across the room to pick up the note and read it herself. You can tell from the swiftly changing expression on her face alone what she’s discovering, having practically committed the note to memory yourself.
Dear Y/N and Inej,
I have had enough. Both of you have something that you need to tell each other. I have grown tired of both of you tiptoeing around it, so you won’t be leaving until I hear you say it.
Both you and Inej turn in unison to stare at the door, but before either of you can start towards it, you hear the door lock with an audible click. You glance towards the window, but Inej shakes her head. “Locked from the outside. He must have specifically chosen this room and secured it beforehand so none of us can get out. It’s basically a holding cell.”
You yell some choice insults at Dirtyhands in general, but you only hear a soft, low laugh from behind the door, which is incredibly frustrating. You pivot slowly back to Inej, who is swaying slightly back and forth on the balls of her feet.
“Well,” you say as casually as you can, “I guess we have to say something to each other, then. That’s it, though, and then we can leave.”
“Yes,” Inej says evenly. “But what to say?”
You have a terrible feeling building in the pit of your stomach, something telling you that you know exactly what Kaz wants you to say to Inej. It might have something to do with the feelings you keep burying whenever she’s around, but the note said that both of you had to say this thing, and there’s no way that Inej could ever– she wouldn’t feel the same way, no. It must be something else, then.
“Any idea what Kaz would want from us? You’re pretty up to date on his motives,” you mention cautiously.
Inej looks studiously at the ground. “You’ve known him for longer. Maybe you would have a better guess than me.”
The floor receives your stare as well. It’s easier than looking her in the eyes. Easier than trying to make a guess as to whether or not she could possibly love you. Inej takes to prodding the door and window for possible gives, even attempting to see if the ceiling could be pushed aside to make room for escape, but no luck.
You plead weakly with her as she attempts to unscrew the hinges of the door with one of her knives. “Is whatever he wants you to say to me really that bad that you would go to all this trouble to avoid it?”
Inej stills, her hand still on the frame of the door. “You have no idea what he wants me to say.”
“But you do,” you counter, “Don’t you?”
“It’s about you,” she whispers. “It could be terrible.”
“If it’s you,” you tell her, “It could never be terrible.”
Slowly, carefully, Inej turns to look at you. Her eyes are wide and haunted. It occurs to you that maybe you were wrong, maybe she is here to kill you in some sort of way. She could hurt you without ever drawing blood. It would be easy at a time like this, with your entire body thrumming in the wild, desperate hope that the secret Inej must share is something that you have to tell her as well.
Her voice is quiet, barely even a sigh, when she speaks at last. “He knew that I love you.”
It is strange, how even with your mad hopes and prayers, you’re still absolutely consumed by the knowledge that Inej Ghafa loves you when it is finally confirmed aloud. You go completely quiet, mind racing with this incredible knowledge. Inej owes nothing to the world. She defies gravity, she defies nations. She gives nothing if she can take it, but Inej– Inej has given you her heart, free of charge, and it is the most lavish and lovely gift you could ever hope to own.
Whatever reaction Inej was hoping for, she must not find it in your awestruck face, because she abruptly turns to the door and knocks on it loudly. “I told her,” she says crossly, although you swear you detect a little bit of fear undercutting her words, “Now let me out.”
“Not yet,” you plead with her. “He can’t let you go yet. Not until I tell you that I love you, too.”
This time, Inej doesn’t turn slowly. Instead, it’s as if she’s crossed from the door to you in half a second. “Really?”
Inej never doubts herself, nor the information she gathers. Still, the look of pure joy on her face when you repeat your feelings makes her ask again, and again. You have no problem answering her. For once, you are not afraid.
The door clicks open. You glance towards it. “Footsteps on the landing.”
Inej lets out a quiet half-laugh. “Let him go. It would be sporting to give him a head start before we chase him down for pulling a stunt like this.”
You grin in response. “Still, I suppose we shouldn’t be too devastating in our wrath. Who knows how long we would have kept this a secret.”
Inej tilts her head to the side, considering this. “I don’t know. I’m rather good at finding out secrets.”
You arch a brow. “Is that so? How long do you think I’ve loved you, then?”
Inej beams. “Tell me.”
You impulsively reach out a hand, smoothing back a dark lock of hair from her face. “Since the very start.”
This is only the first of many such secrets. Inej has yet to learn just what made you love her, or where you were when you figured it out, or even perhaps how you learned to tell when she’s trying to sneak up on you. Until then, however, you have no doubt that she’ll commit herself to figuring out every intricacy that makes up the girl she loves. You. Until then, you welcome the challenge.
grishaverse tag list: @rogueanschel, @deadreaderssociety, @cameronsails, @mxltifxnd0m, @story-scribbler, @retvenkos, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed, @gods-fools-heroes, @bl606dy, @auggie2000, @baju69, @crazyhearttragedy, @budugu, @aoi-targaryen
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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strayheartless · 1 month
Thinking about autistic Riku…
Riku who wasn’t diagnosed until after he became a keyblade master, and that was only because Merlin took one look at him and was like “oh my sweet summer child.”
15yr old Riku at the peak of his masking having actual fits of physical rage in his bedroom that he doesn’t really have an answer for other than “today was hard” that are actually meltdowns. We’re talking throwing things, braking shit, rocking and hair gripping. The whole nine yards.
Riku who struggles comprehending why his friends make plans and then don’t follow them through. Like building the raft. They said they were going to do it, so he was doing it. Why was he the only one taking it seriously?
Riku who’s grasp on humour and sarcasm is good up to a point. Meaning he knows how to do it himself, but if it’s directed at him it takes him a hot second to sus it out. He usually ends up giving actual explanations to people for their sarcasm, even though he’s registered what it was, and then gets told “I was joking”. Which fustrated the hell out of him because he KNEW that!!
Riku who has really bad light sensitivity and it’s part of the reason he keeps his hair long for such a long time. Sometimes he kind of wishes he could have the blindfold back.
Riku who despite purposefully keeping his hair long, spends nearly every day tying it back because it’s too much, then taking it down because that’s too much, then putting it back up and taking it back down until he seriously considers taking a pair of scissors to it.
Riku who doesn’t like to be touched unless he’s initiating the touch. Sora is the ONLY exception to that rule, but even then Riku has days when he moves out of Sora’s hold because it’s too much.
Riku who’s special interest is Gummi ships and is VERY happy when they go to see Cid and the RGRC because Cid is the only one that can keep up with his 1000mph rants about mobility blocks and rotation weaponry.
Riku who values silence, and no one can figure out how he deals with Sora’s constant stream of chatter, until he one day moves his hair back to show Mickey the earplugs in his ears. He felt guilty about it for a long time until Sora told him he already knew about the plugs and didn’t mind, he just like being with him.
Riku who likes to play with kairis hair but can’t abide having his own hair touched.
Riku who will usually eat anything but if you give him avocado he will have the biggest sensory ick moment you’ve ever seen. Same goes for mushrooms.
Riku who steadfastly refuses to sleep in fuzzy PJ’s because “no thanks I’d rather be flayed alive, it would be less stressful.”
Riku who, at aged 8, told kairi that if she put that scarf around his neck he would “absolutely start screaming” and then did when she insisted he’d catch cold. Scarfs are demon cloths.
Riku who would rather sit at the back of squalls office in the corner while the other man works, than sit in the science lab with everyone else because Squalls office is quiet and he likes that Squall says what he means.
Riku who ignored his own emotional, physical and sensory needs/wellbeing for months while looking for sora and ended up having a meltdown in front of Mickey and master YenSid.
Riku who now has an app on his Gummiphone that Cid, Squall, Even and Ienzo designed to help him build routine and regulate/track his emotional well-being.
He relies of the breathing exercises game a lot in Quadratum.
Riku who is the reason chip and dale created dark mode in phone settings because nobody could figure out why he barely used his phone until he admitted that it always felt like he was looking into the sun.
Riku who has keyblade related Stims, like tapping the flat of the blade with his nails or messing with the key chain when he’s stressed.
Riku who also has stims such as: flicking his tongue inside his mouth while he’s thinking; twirling strands of his hair incessantly; scrunching his nose; clicking his fingers when he’s distressed; tapping the toe of his boot against the opposite heel when he’s stood still; imperceptible swaying; holding his thumb knuckle gently between his teeth; soft popping noises with his mouth; tapping his palms with the tips of his fingers.
I have more but this is it for now.
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h3rmess · 11 days
-> 1✰Geto Suguru
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"ignore it 'til I feel alright."
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I'm not really sure when it started. It might have been when Satoru and I were sent out on yet another mission, the gravity of which being way too much for people of our age to handle.
Or, it may have been on an earlier occasion when I was promoted to special grade following my evaluation after the exchange event. The gravity of that title held a great responsibility within it : to help the weak.
Gravity. The force constantly acts upon us on a daily basis. The vector quantity that holds both direction and magnitude. The magnitude of the situations only seemed to grow, and I only seemed to be moving backwards, deeper and deeper into a pool of depression.
"Your job as Jujutsu sorcerers is to help the weak. Save those who can't save themselves."
So what happens when I need help? Who's going to save me? Do I rely on another sorcerer to put me out of my misery?
Being the strongest is nothing but a curse. Living every day knowing everyone is counting on you to help when no one else can. Being the first and last resort in all situations. Having responsibilities that, if given to any other human, would eat them alive and leave nothing but blood splatters on the floor.
Why me? Why did I have to be the strongest? I can't save everyone. I can't save anyone.
Satoru seemed to be doing a little better than me. By a little, I mean a lot. He had become the strongest. He was able to laugh and joke so casually about these topics. Meanwhile, they cause my stomach acid to burn my guts. Thank a sheltered childhood for that. Being the family's pride and joy must have been great for him. Not having to climb his way up must have been amazing. Being born the strongest, never once having to doubt his ability because it came so naturally and effortlessly. He must love his life.
He was being sent on more missions on his own. Naturally, this meant that I, too, had to be sent on more missions alone.
Every day was torture for me.
We were unsure of how it came about, but the frequent disaster of the last year probably played a role. Cursed spirits were springing up like maggots.
Exorcise, absorb. Over and over. Exorcise, absorb.
The more curses we killed, the more I had to absorb to remain the strongest. Once you're at the top, you can't back down. Do you know what it's like to absorb curses? It's like eating a rag that's been used to clean up vomit and shit. It makes me sick to my stomach.
Exorcise, absorb. Who am I doing this for?
Maybe it was the pressure of being strong. Or, it could have been the frequency of our missions. Before I knew it, dark circles were forming under my eyes. Sleep became a foreign concept to me. Something that i yearned for dearly. So many people had died.
Soon enough, my meals started to look unappetising too. Revolting clumps of farmed rubbish put together to be consumed. Curses. Revolting lumps of negative emotions put together to be consumed.
Nobody understands.
I kept it under wraps in front of the others, remaining inconspicuous at all costs. The strong can't help the strong.
It seemed to be getting better for a while. But then, Gojo was evolving. He was learning things I knew I could never do. His pace was immense. He picked it up so easily. I tried to keep up. I was losing my speed.
Satoru had it so easy. He never had to think about anything the way I did. His technique was spoon-fed to him, served on a golden platter. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I had nothing. I was nothing. Amongst the entirety of Jujutsu society, not once would you hear anyone say, "Geto Suguru is so strong!" "He's the strongest!" It was always Satoru. Always him who would block my only hope at being the strongest. Always him who would block my chance at being a decent human being. Getting the recognition I deserve rather than being drenched in a boundless sea of tasks once one had been completed. I was never once thanked for my work. I thought I didn't need it. That was until he came and stole it all from me. I hated it. I hated being weak! I hated Gojo Satoru.
Or at least that was my justification for the events that occurred on that fateful day.
I had found myself at the lowest point in my life. I was heavily torn between being able to save one person or an entire population. It was a tough decision to make. Did I want to continue saving people indefinitely, or did I want to get it all done with in one go? To me, the more logical answer was the latter. Re-educating the entire country of Japan would be near impossible. What if there were people like Zenin who had no cursed energy? What, then? Would I be forced to save all the non-sorcerers again?
Then it hit me. The root of my problem. No matter how much I tried to stray from it, it was always right in front of me. The cause of all of my misery. The reason why I was so malnourished. The reason why I found myself in this position in the first place. Those non-sorcerers. The useless beings who couldn't do so much as defend themselves against curses that didn't even qualify for grade 4. The people with no cursed energy who lived their lives in ignorance, not knowing of the mental and physical torment some of us endured daily. Those damn monkeys. Those sub human creatures! They were the issue! The bane of my existence.
And so, my plan to rebuild the nation of Japan was put into action. I needed to wipe out all of the monkeys and build a new world ; a world of jujutsu sorcerers. That way, everyone could defend themselves. I would be putting the weak out of their misery. It would limit the number of deaths from cursed spirits. A small sacrifice like this in the grand scheme of things wouldn't hurt, right?
I killed an entire village. They all went up in flames. It felt amazing. Never once before in my life had I felt such joy, such untainted happiness. I knew that this was for the greater good, and that's what fueled me. That's what drove me to save two girls and build a family where we all shared one common goal - obliterate the monkeys and bring about a change.
Needless to say, I was expelled from Jujutsu Tech, and everyone was after my head. They really didn't get it, did they? They didn't see the bigger picture at all.
And that's when Satoru got involved. He had found out about my massacre and was not pleased, to say the least. Screaming at me on the streets like some uncivil beast. A savage dog spewing bullshit with every word he spoke.
"You know it would be impossible!" He screamed, and I stopped.
I had been blocking out what he was saying, but that combination of words was the straw that broke the camels back for me.
Impossible? He thinks it's impossible? Satoru Gojo, who, with his hollow purple, could wipe out the entirety of Japan. He thinks it's impossible?
Don't make me laugh.
That arrogant bastard. Saying that something is impossible even though he could do it with minimal effort?
How hypocritical.
It must be nice to be so sheltered that you have deluded yourself into completely disregarding your heritage and cursed technique when talking to others. To wholly be able to forget about being strong and try to make yourself appear as if you are anywhere near the level of ther jujutsu sorcerers.
It must be amazing.
He knows that he could do it, and yet he doesn't want to admit it.
Is this the power the strong have? All along, it wasn't about cursed energy or cursed technique, but your ability to manipulate those inferior to you.
Satoru was very crafty indeed.
But two could play at that game. If he thought he was the only one who could manipulate and alter someone thinking, he was dearly mistaken.
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"
The words flowed from the deepest part of my heart, a feeling awakened by his ignorance to his own strength.
No, it wasn't ignorance. It was Satoru being pitiful towards the weak, sympathising with us as if he was anywhere near our level. We are merely lowly peasants compared to him.
He acted surprised at my words, telling me everything I needed to know. If I wanted to progress in my mission, I had to let go of my past self, strip myself down until I was nothing, and rebuild a better version of myself. Only then would I be able to achieve my goal. Only then would it be possible to wake up one day without feeling like the world could come crashing down at any second.
I left my best friend that day. The only one who understood me until that point. It had only been us.
I had to start anew, to build a world in which only sorcerers exist. That way, arrogant brats like Satoru wouldn't have free reign over the weak, and my mind would be at ease.
Just a little longer. Everything will fall into place.
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armins-main-hoe · 1 year
I'm sorry but are request open? If no, you can message me and delete this ask.
Could you make a headcanon of Tsukishima, Osamu, and Atsumu with Silent and Mean but secretly caring S/O (Like Raven from Teen Titans. S/O is snarky, sarcastic, dark and grounchy but secretly gentle to kids and animals).
yep requests are open and thank you for this request, I really enjoyed writing this :)
"I know you care"
Tsukishima, Osamu, Atsumu x reader (separate)
Tsukishima himself is very sarcastic and grumpy. So if he had a S/O who was the same then you're both completely understand each other, sympathize each other and are grateful for each other.
Though there may be times where he decides to tease you and you retaliate with a sigh or an eye roll.
He knows you do care about him because why else would you date him?
When he first met you, both of your personalities crashed and made you bump heads because you both were so similar.
I'd say you both had more like an enemies to lovers trope going on.
Where over time, you both slowly figure that you both can actually get along and that the other does have other redeeming qualities.
When you both finally get together I think you both would love dissing others and have your own little inside jokes about them.
Nobody is safe from you both.
The first time he saw you show that you do actually have a 'nice' bone in your body was when you both had only just became friends.
You guys were probably out with a group of friends and while you guys were waiting in line, you saw a kid in a stroller crying.
You're friends were too busy talking to even look at the kid but you noticed. You looked at the kid and smiled. When the kid saw you smiling, his wails simmered down but not completely.
So then you started making faces at the kid in hopes to cheer him up.
Though you only went so far to make faces because the kid was behind you, so you had to turn around and none of your friends could see you make faces. Not that they were paying attention anyway.
Tsukishima saw though. He didn't see you make the faces but he saw you turn around and within a minute he heard the kid's cries disappear.
He then began paying closer attention to your behaviour and he then realized that you show affection and attention to detail in a manner that can be easily overlooked. Though lucky for you, he never overlooked your actions and began to appreciate the small, secret acts of service you do.
Osamu is much more calmer and laidback when compared to his twin brother.
I think that if he had a S/O who was sarcastic and grumpy I think it would have been a more of a "Hey ik I'm an asshole but for you i'll be nice."
Like we know Osamu can get angry and physical if he is provoked enough but he generally had a deadpan personality and that along with his looks is what draws you in.
He knew you, he knew you weren't exactly a nice person since that's what he had heard others say about you.
But one day when he bumped into you after practice, you apologised to him for not looking where you're going and to him you seemed like a nice person.
After walking away from him you were freaking out pretty bad. I mean you talked to your crush for the first time!
He then went and asked his friends about you, they said the same things everybody else would say about you, that your mean, cold and grumpy all the time.
When he told them what you were like when he bumped into you, his friends laughed and were like "Are we even talking about the same person?"
That's when you piped his interest and he began paying closer attention to you.
He eventually catches you outside of school, with your younger sibling. He was about to go up to you and say hello but he watched how you took care of your sibling, wiping their mouth clean after they ate, playing with them and cheering them up after they feel down.
That's when he knew for sure that you weren't always mean and sarcastic.
He saw you at school and saw how you acted around others. He then decided that you do nice things when no one is looking and don't expect anything back.
Call him weird but he kinda likes that.
So then he made an effort to talk to you and after a while you both started dating.
He would laugh at your sarcastic remarks and join you when you verbally take his brother down a notch from being condescending.
This guy can be a lot sometimes.
He has a lazy smile on whenever you see him, he likes giving offhanded compliments to others and likes to provoke others.
That and given that you aren't too different, we have another case of enemies to lovers.
When he saw how you acted differently around kids, he teased you for days about it. You're cheeks would go red and you would shout at him to 'shut up' and 'that's the reason why kids hate you sm'.
When he saw your cheeks go red, he found out that he liked getting that reaction out of you. So slowly your arguments turned into him basically flirting with you.
I think there would A LOT of tension between you both before you guys get together and I think you know what type of tension I'm talking about ;)
Okay but like at some point literally everyone around you are like 'are they gonna kiss or what?' and 'when are they getting together?'
When you do get together though, it's over for everyone.
I mean, you both are mean, only showing actual content and affection secretly, you both become each other's partner in crime.
Even after YEARS of dating, he will still tease you when he catches you being secretly nice to someone.
Even when that someone is him. You kiss him or do an act of service? He'll tease the fuck out of you.
But it's not like he isn't nice to you back. He does love you so he won't go out of his way to purposely be mean to you.
You go to his games and when you catch his fangirls you always are side eyeing them with a disgusted look on your face.
Atsumu doesn't actually like his fangirls that much either but when he catches you looking at them dirty he can't help but laugh.
He's also very happy you're there to watch him play despite telling him that you're busy
If you both like spend time together where he teaches you how to play volleyball and you can't seem to get it right and go 'this is a dumb sport anyway.'
He'd first act all dramatic about your statement and then tease you for being so bad :/
He loves you, I swear he does.
He may never have told you this but he actually likes that he is the only one who notices you being nice since that part of you tends to be overlooks by others.
After teasing you for being nice or being ass at volleyball, he will give you a hug and cover your face in kisses while you pretend to scrunch up your nose in disgust.
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goldfishontheceiling · 3 months
some random reboot headcanons because I just finished season 1 but you can clearly tell who my favorites are
Lauren/Scary Girl is so transfem demigirl to me and I can't explain why
Lauren showed Damien smile HD and/or cupcakes and now he's traumatized
Damien got into science from those grow your own crystal kits
I feel like he has a favorite word
Lauren got Damien a cactus and he named it after the shade of green it was
Raj taught Bowie how to ice skate
Raj has absolutely no storage space on his phone so Bowie's always the one taking photos
Wayne will tease Raj about literally anything but if he notices Raj getting upset he immediately stops
They play wrestle CONSTANTLY (and Bowie has to watch and make sure nobody breaks anything)
Wayne LOVES pies
He actually gets pie for his birthday more then he does cake
Bowie wears perfume (sometimes)
He eventually starts understanding Wayne and Raj's hockey lingo after hanging around them so much
He most definitely took Raj clothes shopping atleast once
Bowie got Raj a fidget slug and he fucking loves it and takes it everywhere
Wayne and Raj started collecting fidget toys after that
Axel keeps having this recurring dream where she cooks and eats her neighbor's cat (this started as an inside joke but I kinda see it)
She cuts her bangs herself
Chase livestreamed himself reading fanfictions about himself with Ripper and Zee (it ended with Chase curled up on the floor crying, Zee trying to comfort him, and Ripper going on a rant about why Andrew Tate isn't an alfalfa male)
Chase has been banned from multiple public places including but not limited to: Disneyland, Disneyworld, every Walmart in Canada, most Targets, about 5 McDonald's, and two malls
Chase has low empathy, while Emma has high empathy, which leads to a lot of disagreements
This mf is like the JayStation of Total Drama of course he makes 3am challenges and dark web videos (and of course has gotten canceled)
His parents most definitely said that "boys will be boys" bullshit
Zee most definitely likes the emperors new groove
Actually, he likes a lot of movies, but he sometimes forgets that he's watching them halfway through
Zee's a skater, and really well liked at the skate park he goes to
Everyone assumes he hates water because of how much he drinks soda, but he doesn't and says that soda is just "more his vibe"
Zee's absosexual and agender with all pronouns
When I tell you Emma has Chase blocked on EVERYTHING I mean EVERYTHING
She has slight anger issues (and trust issues)
Emma really likes sunsets
Ripper has dandruff and I can't explain what makes me think that I just do
He's also dyslexic because I said so
Priya's parents were friends with Sierra and were super jealous when she got on the show, which led to them falling out
Sierra actually recognized Priya for this reason, and got into contact with her after s1 ended
Sierra is basically Priya' crazy aunt
Priya ran away after s2 because she didn't want to face her parents after losing, and she moves in with either Millie or Sierra
Millie makes video essays where she just infodumps
Nichelle is so cupiromantic idk why
MK has been wearing that same beanie since they were 9
They had an emo phase in middle school
Also non-binary they/she/he MK is so real
Julia and MK have so much Twitter beef
Julia sold her crystals after s1 (Damien bought all of them)
If you recognize her in public she will RUN
Blaineley is her wine aunt and you can't tell me otherwise
and some random charts
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sadsimp · 9 months
Johnny Hcs
Warnings: Talks of murder, cannibalism, kidnapping (it’s Johnny what were you expecting?), and describing his dick, let me know if I missed anything <3 
Have some more of Johnny 😈
Stands at 6 ft and 2 inches and weighs 200 lbs (canon) and it’s all muscle. Muscular but not to the point where it’s too much I think. Helps him get peoples attention so he can lead/kidnap them back to the house and overpower people easily 
Shows off his muscles subtly and makes it look like he doesn’t mean to do it, it just 
happens(he does mean to) 
The only fat he has on him is his ass and thighs
I’m joking I’m joking (I’m not)
I’m surprised he’s not as tan as I would expect, he’s kinda pale?? Might be just my lighting but he’s not tan at all
Has scars all over his body. Got quite a few scars from fights whether from victims or when he was a kid. I hc that he wears the gloves because he burned both his hands pretty bad and I think it was because he was doing something stupid (like holding a firecracker and letting Sissy light it)
Speaking of hands, big. Nice long and semi thick fingers? Doesn’t like it when people look or touch them. I think it’ll take forever til he’ll let you and if you say something that he finds odd, you won’t ever touch them again. 
He probably won’t let you paint his nails 😭 it’ll take a lot of convincing to let him paint his nails and if he does?? Makes you do black only at first then maybe blue if he sees that if makes you super happy and he gets some sort of “payment” *wink wink hint hint nudge nudge* 
He pretty much takes care of any injuries he gets by himself. Just washes with water and bandages it up. Does okay with stitches if he needs them? But his hands shake a bit so it’s not really neat
I feel like his hair is greasy and thick. It’s only soft when he blow dries it, the softness only lasts for a day though. Doesn’t like when people touch it but he lets them to make them more comfortable and so he can bring them back home. It looks dark brown to me so that’s what I’m going with 
If he’s in a relationship with you? first of all how did you manage that?? And secondly, he  might let you play with his hair after a good while but I wouldn’t count on it and only if he’s serious about you
Kinda has good hygiene? Like, he showers and brushes his teeth because nobody wants stanky breath and BO but he’s not the cleanest 
Has a lovely arch nose <3 I can imagine the Reader pulling on it as a way to mess with him 😩
Has very pretty brown eyes <3 and very nice eyelashes if you ever seen the tcm petals
Dick talk (lmao)
I personally think this man is packing. A little over 7 inches, very thick and but not too veiny. Fills you up nicely but it does sting sometimes when he doesn’t prep you enough (or at all)
Curves a bit to the left <3 and I’m sorry but he has hairy balls (he has to, he has the energy) 
Has a big bush, man does not shave and will not. Might trim it a bit but doesn’t put any effort into it. 
Also doesn’t mind a bush or body hair on any partners either surprisingly, since they can’t really afford razors he’s used to everyone not shaving at all unless he or Sissy steals it for everyone 
Has a nice happy trail too😩 it’s not a lot but it’s noticeable. Goes a tiny bit about his bellybutton and it’s the same color as his hair. Hairy legs too but his arms aren’t really that hairy. He has a bit of a stubble too <3
I heard someone saying that he’s the youngest?? Normally Bubba is the youngest?? Johnny has to be old enough to go to bars so I’m going to say he’s about 25-26 
Motherfucker snores like a train. Sometimes he takes snoring if he hasn’t fallen asleep yet just to catch victims escaping 
Pet names I think he would use (if you surprisingly ended up with him) are: Sugar, Darling, Princess/Prince, Sweatpea, Sunshine, Baby Doll, and I really think he would also use Precious. 
“Ain’t you so precious.” Then mf bites you, slaps away and runs laughing like a manic
He tries to give you a hug when he comes in all sweaty from working outside (he smells don’t let him)
Definitely has a type (it’s you bestie, you’re his type)
Like with the tcm petals thing, he can’t sneak very well because of his keys(at least I think) He also sounds like he stomps everywhere he goes😭
Probably only wears jeans and t shirts. I can see him dressing up a bit for going out but nothing to fancy
I think someone in the family has to have some type of job, Johnny is the only one who works along with Cook. (Haven’t watched the movies but I plan too I just don’t wanna pay 😭)  I can’t really decide on what he would do though, maybe a mechanic? Plumber?
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
I do think he likes to fix things, any problems with the house? He’s on it. A hole is in the roof? Just give him a couple of days, he’ll get it done
I’ve seen a few people say this, he’s favorite part is the thigh, and I completely agree
Does know how to cook but unfortunately it’s people💀
He does hunt/fish a lot too so he can definitely cook em up
I can imagine you’re trying to escape and you pass by the garage and he’s just skinning an animal that’s up on a hook and then notices you😟
I don’t really think he’s all the suave?? He’s kinda a meanie tbh😭  But I think it’s all just an act to get people more comfortable with him, he’s just doing what he’s seen on TV
I truly believe he’s a giant goofball. A big meanie goofball who’s also a narcissist and very manipulative 
I feel like he played pranks a lot as a kid but he’s pranks were setting something on fire or throwing a victim’s underwear in someone’s face instead of y’know, normal shit? 
He will bite you and draw blood just because he thinks it’s funny. I personally don’t think he’d use his knife on you though, that’s only for food
Very competitive and will come up with the stupidest “challenges” just so he can show he’s better. Poor Bubba is forced into them😭 
I can’t decide if Johnny is older, younger or around the same age as Bubba T^T
Probably does some woodworking too. Makes a bunch of different from birds to flowers to trying to make a replica of a persons face he likes 
That’s all I got for now😭 I’m sorry if I messed some info up but these are my hcs for our babygirl Johnny :3 Hope you enjoyed! <3
@dreamties <3
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
WIBTA for getting revenge against the person that ruined my life?
I (36M) am (still am, losing your job doesn't get rid of a persons PHD) a scientist that specializes in theoretical physics and studies of the multiverse. Until around a year and a half ago I had a job at a prestigious science facility, where I designed a device that would transport anything from other dimensions to ours (we had to set it off a little bit ahead of schedule, but overall, I'd say I did a good job with the timeframe I was given!).
This is where a person I'll call SM comes in.
One of the tests I ran on the device involved bringing a radioactive spider from another dimension to ours, but unfortunately, it escaped and bit him, which resulted in him gaining amazing powers, and becoming a superhero (he killed the spider right after it bit him, BTW.) (just thought I should bring that up.) (really stellar guy, takes important moments in his life REAL seriously.) (I don't think text is doing a good job conveying how sarcastic I am being right now, so to clarify: I AM BEING REALLY SARCASTIC.).
My first face-to-face meeting with SM was brief, but impactful. It happened when he and another important-but-not-so-relevant-to-the-story-guy broke in to my (ex) workplace a day before we were going to set off the device for real, all so that they could steal top secret information from us....And a bagel?! Which SM actually used as a projectile to HIT ME WITH (what kind of person DOES THAT? And with so much unnecessary force, too!)
Then, a day later, he blew up my invention WHILE I WAS STILL IN THE ROOM. I wasn't even one of the people fighting him, all I was trying to do was grab a canister of the dark energy my device was generating, but he didn't care at all that I was there!
Because of him blowing up that machine, I was turned in to...Something else. I don't have a face anymore, and my entire body is covered with these holes. Things fall through them all the time, and it leads to all sorts of embarrassing accidents that always cause people to laugh at me.
Not only that, but by doing this, he also made me lose my job, which was practically my entire life. I look so grotesque, my own family won't even LOOK AT ME, and I can't even get a new job to support myself because of the way my condition makes me look!
So that means by the time SM and I finally met again, I was so dangerously low on funds, I had to resort to a life of crime! I decided to jumpstart it by robbing an ATM machine because that's pretty harmless and easy, isn't it? I mean, it's a machine, nobody loses anything from me taking from one of those, besides for the bank, but who cares about them? They steal from people all the time! I'd hardly say it's a villainous act to take from them, except for the fact that robbery is illegal. Anyway, the shopkeeper assaulted me for trying to steal from the ATM machine.
Maybe I should have seen that one coming.
...Eh, whatever.
It only gets worse from here, because then, out of nowhere, SM shows up, makes fun of me, and then cuts me off while I tried explaining to him who I am and why I should matter to him, just so he could read a text. Which is just unbelievably rude, and tbqh, pretty unheroic!
He spent the rest of what was SUPPOSED to be our epic battle on his phone, texting some person. This fight was meant to be a huge deal for both of us, and he didn't take it seriously at all, he barely even bothered to look at me for a majority of it. At one point, he even webbed me up and left in the middle!
Our fight did eventually resume, and midbattle he told some police officer that I was just a "villain of the week", while I was RIGHT THERE!
Eventually, the fight brought as all the way back to the site of the accident, right where our connection first formed. This was finally a point where I had the chance to tell him everything, what I did for him, what he did to me! And even after all that, he still treated me like a JOKE!
I got really mad at that point, which came back to bite me pretty quickly. As in, I accidentally kicked myself in to one of my own holes (like I said before, I have a lot of holes, they go places, one hole took my foot to my own butt, and I fell in to another hole).
But on the bright side, this resulted in me finding out that I'm a transdimensional superbeing. Which gave me an epiphany! I finally know what I want to do now, and how I'm going to do it. There's a lot of science involved, multiversal travel, stuff like that. But the basic idea is that I'm getting payback. The way I see it, he took everything from me, so why shouldn't I get to take everything from him? It makes sense, right? Because of him, I have nothing, so why should he have anything? It's only fair!
So, as long as everything goes according to plan, by the time I'm done, he shouldn't have anything left, and then he'll finally learn to respect me.
....Wow, this came out way longer than I thought it would.
Here's a tl;dr!:
SM ruined my life, WIBTA if I ruined his in return?
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