#but jax woulda loved em
coolestclowns · 8 months
If I'm the only one making kaufax content, then so be it
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razrbladekiss · 3 years
TYRANTS | Chapter Eight - Angels Or Devils
WARNINGS: mentions of death, grief, tig, usual SOA shit
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Irked, Chibs stuffed his cellphone into the pocket of his cut with a prolonged fuck to accompany the squelch of glass against leather.
He couldn’t get a firm grip on anything this morning.
Jax was at large, Isla and Tig had rolled onto the lot together looking much, much too comfortable, and Gemma was chewing every goddamn soul’s ear off about her son.
To say that he wanted the day to be over—before it had even commenced—was the understatement of the fucking year.
“Where the hell is he?” Clay barked from the front of the garage, turning to eye Isla directly. “You sure you haven’t seen him?”
“If I knew where he was, I would’ve told you by now.” Her retort was just as curt, prompting Tig to tense in his spot beside her.
He twined his hand around her bicep in order to calm her, but it was no use.
“Well somebody must know where he is—“
“You tried callin’ Tara?” Chibs cut the president off, hoping he’d be able to take some of the heat off of his daughter—the one that seemed to get all of Clay’s Jax-fueled frustrations launched atop her these days.
He just glared at the Scot.
“I can swing by his place? Make sure he ain’t there?” Tig offered.
“He isn’t. Wendy would’ve said.”
“Alright,” the sergeant smacked his lips together. “We’re gonna have to go without him, then.”
Isla hummed, agreeing with Tig.
That forced a vexed snarl from Clay, and she wanted to throttle him for being so fucking haughty today.
“What? He has a point. If we wait around for him, then we’re gonna be late and the other Sons will get to the cemetery before us. Jax knows where we’re going, and what time this fucking funeral starts, so just trust that he’ll be there!”
Her outburst was completely uncharacteristic. It was brash and loud, and Clay realized that her emotions were running a hell of a lot higher today than what they usually would have, so he allowed it to pass.
He cut her some slack because that was what she needed. Isla needed to blow off some steam, to raise her voice and yell out her frustrations because she would’ve let them bubble over, otherwise.
Plus, unbeknownst to him, she had started to take the Mirtazapine that had been prescribed to her, and she still didn’t know how to feel about it.
It was odd. Everything about today, was just fucking odd.
“Kids right.” The rasped acknowledgment came from Happy this time, nodding in her direction with that signature stoic expression he was known to host. “Jax wouldn’t miss this.”
“Alright.” Clay waved a hand tersely before gesturing to the sea of Harley-Davidsons parked side-by-side. “You heard ‘em. Let’s go.”
Tig grabbed at her hand as she went to slip away—exactly like she did to him last night—and pulled her toward him.
The moment didn’t go unnoticed by Clay and her father as they mounted their bikes, sharing the same look that’d been meshed with confusion and concern.
“You good now?”
She nodded, using her pointer finger to twist the crucifix that was sat against her neck, feeling a foreign heat prickle against her cheeks because all eyes were on them.
After turning up together today, people had their suspicions, too.
And those suspicions were mostly held by Chibs and the pres, but it was partly unrest because they both knew what Tig had done—though, Chibs wasn’t officially privy to Clay pulling the strings.
He would be, though. In time, he would find out for himself.
“Gemma and Wendy are heading out in the SUV. Are you going too?” He squinted underneath the sun, pulling his sunglasses from the neck of his shirt.
“I am.” Isla smiled, squeezing Tig’s hand. “Ride safe.”
She stood straight—not having to shift onto her toes because her heels provided some more height—and pressed a dulcet kiss to his cheek.
“Please don’t get into another fight today.” She expressed sadly, lightly ghosting her fingertips over the bruise sitting uncomfortably against his cheekbone. “I don’t think I have it in me to take care of you again.”
“I can’t make any promises.” Her lips curled upward, expressing some sort of smile—though, what with the forthcoming event, she didn’t feel too good about it.
But she remained silent, after that.
Isla got into the car without saying a single word.
The lull was of course grim, but stillness was what the three women needed. It was good for them to sit in complete silence—the only sound coming from the din of the car engine and outside of the vehicle—because it allowed them space to think.
She needed to collect her thoughts this morning, especially after what she had learned last night. Isla didn’t want to think that Jax would have flipped on Tig like that, but it was Jax.
He was unpredictable.
Never once had she felt a sense of outrage that she wasn’t sure how to quell whenever thinking of her best friend, but she was beginning to understand just why Clay was so pissed at his rashness lately.
Even if he was acting on instinct—using his conscience to rule his decisions—Jax was still acting recklessly. His desire to do the morally sound thing outweighed the need that his club had for him to carry out the act that would result in the greater good.
And he was right to stop Tig from pulling the trigger on that girl, but Isla was wary of how he had decided to handle it.
“You didn’t call me last night.” Gemma whispered as the car pulled up to the cemetery gates. “You said that you’d call me.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Genuinely, she told her. “When I got in I just went straight to bed, but then Tig turned up at my place and he needed my help, and then—“
“You let him stay.” She finished Isla’s sentence with a hum, providing her with an unusually somber glance. “If there’s anything going on between the two of you, then it’s okay—“
“There isn’t.” Isla shot her down, impatiently waiting for the all-clear to leave the vehicle. “He got hurt last night, needed patching up and didn’t wanna go to the clubhouse in case he saw Jax again, and so he came to me. And, because I’m nice, I let him stay the night.”
“Why wouldn’t he wanna see Jax?”
Wendy’s qualm came unexpectedly. She hadn’t thought that the blonde was listening to the little back and forth.
“Because he was the reason that Tig needed his face fixed.” She spat bitterly when Wendy just blinked at her, hoping to God that they’d be able to get outside soon.
Her irritation with the VP was palpable, and Gemma couldn’t help wondering whether Jax’s stunt had a part to play in why she was so galled when his name was brought up before they left the garage.
Regardless, Isla was getting along with it today. For the sake of Opie and his kids, she was putting her hostility aside and paying her respects to Donna the way that she had always been taught to.
“Woah, what a turn out.” Her admiration for the Sons grew with every single member—every Nomad—that she saw riding along the winding road.
Isla moved between Chibs and Tig, holding tightly onto her father’s hand as they walked toward Donna’s casket.
“Still no Jax.” Almost relieved, Tig noted. “Wonder if he’s gonna ride over with Tacoma.”
“Doubt it.” The Scot added. “He woulda followed us. Dunno where the fuck he’s gotten to.”
“He’ll be here.” She promised hopefully, breaking away from the two men—shaking Chibs off when he held on a little bit tighter, not wanting to let her go.
The black dress she’d thrown on was hardly funeral attire, but the tights hugging her legs underneath the cotton made it a bit better.
Tig watched her pad across the grass and toward Opie, trying to sniff back his own tears at the sight of her taking a long-stemmed blue flower, kissing the petals, and placing it atop the coffin.
It was horrible.
“I’m sorry, Ope.” Isla pressed a kiss to her fingers and ghosted it over the wood, feeling her eyes dampen. “Anything you need—anything at all that you can think of for yourself or your mom or the kids—I’m here. Always.”
He couldn’t quite find the words to thank her, but she knew that he was grateful. Opie didn’t have to say anything for Isla to recognize his appreciation for her, for his family, and for everybody that turned out today.
Jax wasn’t there, though. Not yet.
And, perhaps, Isla being at his side during a time of such harrowing distress was her way of trying to comfort him because his best friend was nowhere to be seen. But she would’ve done it for anybody.
She just wished that it wasn’t Opie.
“I love you…So much.” She whispered through a smile when more people began to filter in, backing away to sit beside Gemma and in front of Tig.
The cool metal of his rings were against her shoulder in an instant, anchoring her back to earth after floating much, much too high above the ground.
She was in a distorted haze, so to speak. Isla’s head wasn’t particularly in the right place today, and it could’ve been down to a multitude of things—but she wanted to simply pin it on her grief.
Chibs saw the way she gnawed into her bottom lip, the way she continually pulled Diane’s crucifix across the golden chain as means of comfort—or, maybe, it was just out of remorse.
He noticed that his daughter—his little girl—peered at Opie’s children sitting beside their grandmother as they said goodbye to the woman that brought them into the world.
He wondered if they understood the weight of it all. They were so young, so impressionable, so innocent, and he saw a lot of Isla in those two kids.
The dull throb of Isla’s heart almost slowed to a halt when the funeral commenced, and Jax was still completely out of sight. Juice held his cut while he stood beside Tara, feeling his chest tighten.
It was difficult to understand just why Jackson Teller didn’t show for such an important moment in Opie’s life.
“I can’t believe him.” Tig hissed out in a whisper, completely ruffled. Isla looked up at the man behind her, holding a dainty hand on top of his. “I can’t fucking believe him.”
He didn’t know what to say. Clay didn’t, either. As he stood beside his Sgt. At Arms and peered down at the disheveled blonde, Clay Morrow struggled to find the words to elucidate his disdain for the lack of action from his step-son.
Donna was family. Opie was family. Family was meant to be there for one another, not purposely ignoring such a pivotal event.
“He’ll be here.” Isla repeated her promise, melting into her space as Tig leant over to kiss the top of her head.
Her eyes glazed over instantaneously, coercing her to turn away before she broke down.
But she leaned backward into his embrace, and watched the ceremony commence.
And it only took a handful of moments for her mood to perk up—as much as it could have under the circumstances—but she was conceivably happier at the sight before her.
“I told you.” She mumbled. She refused to let up her grip on Tig, though, holding onto him firmer now.
It was comfortable. He was comfortable.
“What the fuck…”
Jax looked like hell. Still wearing last night’s clothes—still bloodied and bruised from his scuffle—he sauntered over the grass and made a beeline for Tara.
Isla’s throat hitched.
“Did you do that to him?” She mumbled in reference to the slit in his lip, craning her neck to eye the blue-eyed man.
“Yeah, probably.”
She just shook her head with a tiny smirk, shifting her focus back to the asshole that was taking his sweet fucking time.
It didn’t upset her as much as she thought that it would’ve, watching him go back to her like that. If anything, she was glad that they had managed to reconcile because she made him happy.
But, for a reason unbeknownst to herself, she felt bad for Wendy.
To watch the father of her newborn take his cut from a woman that’d only been back in his life for five minutes, to hold and kiss her in front of everyone, was something she shouldn’t have had to witness today.
They weren’t together, but she knew how that was bound to hurt—to sting and incapacitate her because it was all still so fucking raw.
Poor Wendy.
He took one of the flowers away from the sparse pile, holding it to his lips, and placed it atop Donna’s casket.
Jax glared over his shoulder, shooting the two guilt-ridden men a look that read fury. He made sure that Isla wasn’t looking at him when he did that, though.
He refused to look at her.
And he didn’t stay, either. He paid his respects for all of thirty seconds before stalking away, and leaving the most egregious of tastes on the tip of each tongue.
The funeral flew by, after that.
Before Isla knew it, she was dismounting Tig’s bike outside of T M—again—and stumbling over her heels when she couldn’t quite find her footing. She’d been in a world of her own for the last fifteen minutes.
“You want me to get you a beer?” She asked, handing him her helmet. “Or did you want some of that wine you like?”
He snorted at her taunt, taking it from her. “Beer—but none of that shit Bobby drinks.”
Isla chuckled, backing away from the bike and Tig.
“You want a drink, too?” She asked Clay when he strode over, hands in his pockets.
He nodded, waiting for her to slip out of sight before turning his attention to his Sergeant.
“What’s going on with you two?” Clay asked him accusingly, snatching Tig’s attention from the blonde who was ambling into the clubhouse.
He waved the pres off, lighting a cigarette. “Nothing, man. She’s just been helpin’ me out—“
“That’s what you’re calling it now, huh?”
“That’s what it is.” Tig shrugged, exhaling the smoke from his nostrils. “Y’know what she’s like. She sees someone that needs patchin’ up, and she does it. That’s all.”
Unconvinced, Clay leaned closer to him—striving for the little moment to go unnoticed by those that shrouded the lot. Jax and Tara, for one.
“That’s Chibs’s kid. You be careful.”
“Ain’t nothing to be careful about, brother.” Tig ground his lips together, squinting upward as he rested against his bike. “We’re just friends.”
“You stayed the night with her.”
“In the same fucking bed!” He snapped, running a hand over his face.
His desire to protect the women in his life—to assert the dominance he had, or his authority—was remarkably overbearing at the best of times.
Isla and Gemma didn’t particularly need to be coddled the way that they’d always been at the hands of Clay Morrow and his club, but they were.
And the thought of his sleaziest, loathsome, savage brother getting closer and closer to that woman churned his stomach. Because he knew what Tig was capable of—what he did—and would be damned if anything were to happen to her at the hands of Tig fucking Trager.
Chibs would kill him, too.
“Nothing happened, nothing’s currently happening, and nothing will happen.” He guaranteed. “Clay, I swear.”
“Alright.” Dubious, the older man responded. “But, if there is, then you be careful. Jax is onto us, and it’s only a matter of time before Isla puts two and two together—‘cuz she ain’t stupid.”
Be careful. Be careful. Be careful.
How about you shut the fuck up?
“I know she isn’t.” Almost irked that Clay would assume he thought that, he retorted. “But she’s got shit going on too, man, I don’t think she’s gonna be focusing on this right now so you don’t gotta worry.”
“Alright.” Clay repeated himself.
He didn’t think that his right-hand was telling him the truth, but he couldn’t exactly do anything about that until an issue arose.
What he did know, though, was that Tig Trager would’ve had some serious hell to pay if he had ignited something with Isla right now.
Or ever, really.
“Keep Jax away from her.” He told Clay, flicking his cigarette to the ground. “She’s pissed at him for what he did to me last night.”
“What’d he do?”
Tig pointed at the cuts on his cheek, grimacing. “She’s fucked off, and if they talk she’s probably gonna throw something at him.”
“Eh. Let her.” Clay waved him off, hastily shutting himself up when he heeded her heels clicking across the gravel toward them. “He needs to be humbled sometimes.”
The rivalry between the two had only intensified since Abel was born and Jax’s priorities shifted from the club.
His family came first. His biological family came first.
And maybe Clay didn’t understand the implications and responsibilities that came along with fatherhood because he’d never had that bestowed upon him, but Jax did.
He knew that he had to provide for his kid, for the one being that was solely dependent on him, and he would never compromise or jeopardize that.
Things weren’t going to be made easy for the man, however.
“Budweiser for you.” Isla smiled, handing a bottle to Tig. She passed one to Clay, holding onto it a little firmer as she offered it to him. “And one for you—but you need to take this, and go see your wife.”
“Why?” Hesitantly, he accepted the alcohol.
Isla shrugged. “She just wants to see you. Seems important.”
“Shit.” Clay hissed, taking a long swig before striding away.
She watched him stamp toward the clubhouse, heeding the change in his mood, and wondered why Gemma was so determined to talk to him at that specific moment.
It could’ve been anything with that woman, really. It could’ve been something so minor, completely insignificant, that Gemma had to get off her chest.
Or it could’ve been something along the lines of elucidating the bone-crushing lament that she held for both her husband and Tig.
Whatever it was, however, Clay wasn’t excited to face her.
“What’d he chew your ear off about?” Isla asked, struggling to open her beer. She sighed, suddenly remembering why she loved her screw-top bottles of wine so much.
“Pass it to me.” Tig took it from her, using his own bottle cap to pop hers off. He chuckled at her grimace, handing it back.
“Thanks.” She groaned, lifting it upward. “So…What did Clay want?”
Budweiser blanketed Tig’s tongue and lips as he pulled the drink away from his mouth, using the back of his hand to rub at the excess.
Quickly, he wondered whether lying to Isla—fabricating the truth and downplaying his superior’s concern—was in his best interest.
But she was perceptive. There was no doubt that she’d realize he was lying to her.
“He thinks that something is going on between us.”
She rolled her eyes, taking a pull.
“What?” A little nervous—on edge, perhaps—Tig asked her. “Did you already know that he felt that way?”
“No.” Instantly, she retorted. “I didn’t know about Clay, but Gemma feels the same. D’ya think they’ve talked?”
“Oh, definitely.” With a small glower, he told her.
They absolutely talked about the two, and that was what worried Tig.
There was nothing wrong with them colluding against the pair, as a rule. He wasn’t offended at the thought, he felt quite honored actually.
But it was the connotation that came alongside those conspiracies. The idea that Tig was only so friendly—so supportive and loving—toward Isla because he wanted one thing from her.
And, really, Tig hadn’t pondered that thought before. Well, not before last night, anyway.
For the first time—possibly ever—sex wasn’t on Tig’s agenda with Isla. Enticing her, breaking her heart, and sending her on her way was not something he wanted.
But Tig was renowned for that, wasn’t he? He was known for being a hapless bachelor. A man whose priorities were neither here nor there.
Everyone just expected that. They saw him with her, and came to that one conclusion.
Maybe Isla expected it a little bit, too. Because she’d known him long enough to understand the kind of man that he was—or had the propensity to be—and she could hardly lie and say that this version of Tig didn’t confuse her.
He’d always been the same with her, though. Perhaps that’d been the difference between every woman that entered and left his life, and Isla Telford.
He wasn’t interested in her. Like that.
“Does that bother you?” With an almost undetectable twinge of hurt, Isla asked.
As if it was a basic instinct, Tig shook his head. “Nah. They talk shit all the time. Stuff like that don’t bother me.”
She nodded, refusing to add anything else. Isla sipped her beer, hoping that the ground would open up and swallow her fucking whole.
There wasn’t a single word in the English language that’d ascribe her feeling at that precise time, but ashamed was possibly the closest she could’ve gotten.
And, still, that was a little bit further off the mark than what she would’ve liked. Because she wasn’t entirely ashamed for reacting the way that she had, more so the way that she fucking felt.
Isla’s heart took a blow when Tig told her that.
For why, though? She wasn’t sure.
It might’ve been the nonchalant expression. The complete colorless response that stirred a foreign emotion within her—striking hard against her chest.
Or, it might’ve been what he had said. It was such a casual proclamation. Something that didn’t mean anything, but everything simultaneously.
She didn’t feel anything for Tig. She didn’t particularly want to feel anything for him, either, but that hurt. A lot.
“Same, to be honest.” She lied, forcing her lips upward in a smile. “Gemma is always on my case about this sorta thing. But I just let it go over my head.”
“Yup. Always.” Isla mentioned around the protruding lump in her throat. “If she’s not talking about me and you—like there is a me and you—she’s talking about me and Jax. And if it isn’t that, she’s bitching about Wendy, or Tara, or just anything she can think of.”
Like there is a me and you.
Tig sniffed a little, nodding. He didn’t want Isla to think that bothered him, but it did. A bit, anyway.
“She’s so overbearing, sometimes.” Genuinely slumped, she stated. Isla leaned against the railing beside Tig’s bike, finally looking at him. “Don’t tell her I said that?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He chuckled, taking another swig. “I’d never purposely get you into shit with your mother—“
“She’s not my mother.” Her eyes rolled. “She acts like it, and I love her like one, but she is not my mother.”
Tig knew. He knew all too well just how Isla felt about that, and he wasn’t exactly sure why he said that to her, today.
Gemma was the best woman she knew and the one that, strangely, brought her all of the comfort and prosperity that she’d craved.
But she wasn’t her mother. She wasn’t close to being Diane, and maybe the comparison between the pair hurt a little. Because Gemma Teller-Morrow was nothing like Diane Telford—and the sooner everybody knew that, the sooner Isla could rest.
“I feel bad talking shit about her. All she’s done is help me.”
“And parent you.” He reminded her, tipping his bottle upward. “She parents all of us, but what I mean is she treats you like a kid sometimes. Jax, too.”
“Yeah. I know.” Peeved, she conceded. “But, what can I do? if I wanna keep her around—keep having her so close to me—then, I guess I’ve gotta make a few sacrifices. And, I mean, it’s not all bad.”
“Absolutely not. I’m glad that she’s the woman that took a shine to me. If Luann ended up being the one…”
Tig smirked, sizing her up. “You’d probably be doing porn right now.”
“Exactly.” Without shame—not even feeling slightly bashful at the glance she was receiving—she said. “I don’t think I’d hate doing porn, but I don’t think SAMCRO would be thrilled.”
“Absolutely not. Chibs would kill you, for one.”
“And Gemma.”
“Clay, too.” Tig added, withering at the thought.
“What about you?” A little too bold, she asked.
Though their relationship was of the lighthearted nature, Isla wasn’t certain that the habitual riposte was a thing as of late. His response would probably jar her, she thought.
“I wouldn’t hate it.”
She halted, blushing at his words. Her ears prickled with heat, too.
“It’d be hot.” He shrugged, putting his empty bottle against the ground. “I’m sure Juice would love it, too—“
“Oh, get fucked.” She snorted a laugh, throwing the red cap at his chest as he got to his feet. It bounced off the fabric of his shirt, coercing a chuckle from Tig.
“It was only one time.” He taunted, lifting his hands in mock surrender. “That’s still one more time than most chicks ‘round here.”
“He wasn’t awful.” Isla shrugged. “He knew what he was doing, and I had fun. But, like, he hasn’t got any hair…”
“Hair?” Tig began to gesture downward, chuckling when she grabbed his hands to stop him.
“I don’t mean that. I mean hair on his head, Tig.” She calmed her laughter, letting go of him. “I like to tug on it, I guess.”
It felt somewhat illegal, obtaining this information from her.
He already knew that she was a sex fiend, that she liked it rough, and now that she had some kind of hair-pulling kink.
Tig’s chest tightened. So did his pants.
“Duly noted.” Like usual, he quipped. Tig motioned for Isla to head inside with him when he heeded things heating up between Jax and Tara.
She, as always, made a mental note to grill her friend later. Or, maybe, her friends. Because she and Tara were on that level, now, and she felt that things could’ve sailed smoothly between herself and the doctor.
Isla just hoped that she’d open up to her.
“Are you gonna talk to him?” He asked, reading her fucking mind. “I know that you two talk a lot.”
“Probably.” Her shrug was insouciant. “But I’ll leave it a while, I think. Leave the dust to settle over before I approach either one of them.”
Tig’s heart began to thrash. It battered viciously within the constraints of his chest, thumping at an unsteady rhythm the more Isla babbled on as they neared the clubhouse.
It was maiming him, having to keep this to himself.
He knew that concealing it—the weight of it all—was for the best. It’d guarantee peace and conformity within the club and Isla’s life, but it was also a crippling guilt that not even Tig was sure he’d be able to hold forever.
Clay was heartless, though. The nefarious leader hadn’t a single problem with lying through his fucking teeth, and Tig was more than aware that Clay would continue the charade if and when he decided that he could no longer.
He supposed he could thank him for that.
But, then again, he was also the reason that Tig Trager had found himself tangled within yet another web of lethal falsehoods. Thanking Clay was the very last thing that he wanted to do.
“Oh, shit.” Isla stated through partially gritted teeth. She gestured to her father and Happy’s scorned glares. “Why do I keep getting this fucking look from everyone?”
“It’s not you. It’s me.” He snorted another laugh, taking her hand and walking her further into the room after she stopped completely dead.
Really, Donna’s wake was as vibrant as it could’ve been and nobody—aside from Isla’s old man and the Tacoma Nomad—had their sights set on the Sergeant and Chibs’s daughter.
The atmosphere was strangely spirited, hearty and animated as everybody came together to celebrate the life of Opie’s wife…The way that they always had.
But Isla was still on tenterhooks. She loathed the thought of her dad disapproving of her, today, but she didn’t desire the castigation that would’ve come hand in hand with her need to talk to him.
“I’ll get back to you on that one.” She smiled at Tig, making a beeline for the bar when she saw Kip. He followed her.
“You’re turning down free alcohol?”
Isla scoffed. “It might be free, but the effects of it would cost me my fucking reputation here.”
Tig’s eyebrows raised. “How so? You don’t not drink, Isla.”
“I know.” Her lips pursed, watching Kip pop the caps off of six beers. “But I never drink tequila. It makes me…uh…it makes me feel a little hot—“
“Tequila turns you on, is what you’re saying.”
“Well, yeah.” A crimson blush bled over her cheeks, her nose, and even across her forehead as her entire face burned red. “It’s no big deal. Just something I discovered after getting black-out drunk when I’d barely turned twenty-one.”
If Tig wasn’t feeling aroused before, then he definitely was at her admission. He had to think of anything to throw his brain off of that mental image.
“I don’t tend to drink the strong stuff.”
“Unless it’s whiskey.”
She pointed with a smile, nodding her head. “That’s right—“
“Hey, what did you want?” Kip interrupted sheepishly, gesturing to the half-empty bottle she had between her fingertips. “Another Bud?”
“Yes, please.” Again, she smiled.
“Same for you?”
Tig nodded.
“Kip,” she began, “and you take something, too. You’ve dealt with these assholes for long enough, now. Take a break. I’ll man the bar if you’d like.”
“Oh, no, I can’t do that—Gemma’ll kill me—“
“With all due respect, fuck Gemma.” She heard Tig chuckle beside her, shrugging when the prospect glanced at the pair nervously. “She won’t say anything if I tell her that I’m the one that told you to take ten minutes away from the bar.”
“Yeah.” He backed her up, grinning. “She never gets mad at Isla.”
It was completely uncharacteristic of him. But she brought something out from the very chasms of Tig Trager’s cold, black heart, and he lauded that.
Not many people had managed to scrape beneath the surface that way, not even Colleen.
Tig shook himself out of the daze he’d slipped into, watching Isla and Kip trade places as she stepped behind the bar, and he made a beeline for a stool.
He’d been standing for a while, now.
“Are you gonna join me behind here?” She asked, drawing Tig’s attention back to her. Isla held up another bottle for him, twinkling underneath the yellowed light above the liquor shelves.
She looked, almost, angelic.
“Sack—“ Tig grabbed at his arm when he tried to leave his seat, feeling the prospect go rigid under his grip.
Isla’s eyebrows bunched together.
“Take two beers for Hap and Chibs.” He released the grey shirt, grinning as he saw the man sweat—clearly anticipating something more than just doing a simple favor.
“Oh, sure.” Kip breathed a sigh of relief, taking the two bottles that Isla had slid toward him. “That all?”
“Yep.” She added, gesturing for him to get on his way and enjoy the break that he’d been appointed.
He headed toward the two men beside the pool table, handing them their beers and pointing toward Tig. He waved with a small smile—hoping to come off as genuine, rather than scheming.
Because that’s what it was, wasn’t it? Giving the two men a couple of beers to throw them off the scent—or, at least, to distract them from making a fuss—was just a ploy to defer attention from the two nestled amongst the alcohol.
And it seemed to work, too.
As Tig walked around the bar to join her on the other side, Isla popped a few bottle caps, mixed a few drinks, and talked to every person that stopped off in front of the oak, without being so much as glanced at by her father.
Gemma hadn’t noticed the change, either.
“You want anything?” She asked Tig, mindlessly pouring a glass of whiskey for one of the Tacoma guys. “Some tequila?”
Indifferently, he shrugged.
“Okay, well that was helpful.”
“Alright,” he chuckled, grabbing two shot glasses, “I’ll take one, if you do, too.”
“Isla.” His tone was deriding, though she couldn’t help but smile.
She pushed the whiskey toward the unfamiliar Son, thanking him for showing his face today, and turned her attention back to Tig.
In the thirty seconds in which her focus had been diverted, he’d poured two shots, grabbed some salt, and two lime wedges from underneath the counter.
She swallowed thickly, hoping to god she’d be able to play off the effects of that liquor.
Because it was only the one, wasn’t it? She was only going to have one single shot of tequila and, surely, that wasn’t enough to intoxicate her…
“Aw, fuck.” She slurred, pushing the empty bottle aside. “I really—“ she hiccuped. “I really need to stop drinking.”
“Why?” Just as garbled, he responded.
“‘Cuz I feel like I’m gonna puke.” She snorted a laugh, pushing all of the limes strewn across the redwood into the bin. “And my breath stinks of tequila.”
He waved her off, looking at his chest as he wiped the alcohol from his leathers. “Tequila don’t smell that bad.”
Isla blushed, though she fished around her purse for some gum, regardless.
And her heart fucking plummeted to the pit of her stomach when she noticed the bottle of antidepressants in the smaller compartment, suddenly realizing that her excessive alcohol consumption tonight was for sure going to mess with her.
“Water?” He asked, holding two empty glasses. He heeded the dread in her expression, how she looked like she’d seen a fucking ghost.
Tig handed her one of the glasses, slinging his free arm over her shoulder—mainly in an attempt to stabilize her—and padded over to the kitchen.
The clubhouse was a little more sparse, now. Jax and Tara sat alongside Juice, Chibs, and Happy, meanwhile Gemma and Clay were meters apart from one another.
But nobody seemed to notice the lack of manpower behind that bar, which was a wonderful thing. Because Isla feared that she might’ve collapsed had she not hydrated herself.
She feared that she might’ve said, or done, something that she might’ve regretted, too.
Tequila did make her feel “hot”, after all.
“God, I need this so bad.” She practically moaned, twisting the cold water tap, haphazardly holding her glass underneath it.
Isla didn’t even shut the water off, she just chugged that slightly lukewarm—strangely beautiful—liquid like her life depended on it.
“Fuck.” She gasped for air, putting her glass atop the draining board. “Oh my god, that was so fucking good.”
Tig watched in awe.
As droplets of water trickled from her lips, and chin, to her chest, Tig subtly groaned to himself. He stifled a reaction, however.
“Oh, hell yeah.” She nodded.
Tig held her glass underneath the tap again, filling it half way. “You want some more?”
Isla took it from him, cocking her head a little when he didn’t let go of the glass. “What?”
“How’d that tequila make you feel?”
“What?” She repeated herself, forgetting about what she told him earlier. “Oh…”
“How’d it make you feel?” He pressed, releasing his grip though lifting his hand to brush his thumb underneath her glossy lips.
“Good.” Isla stumbled over her words, watching his eyes flick over her features. She gulped, though she put the glass straight back down. “Really, really good.”
Tig jolted, though relaxed when she let her hands rest against his shoulders. He hadn’t expected this today. Or ever, really.
“How good is really really good?” He asked, twisting a couple of ringed fingers through long, loose curls.
Her heart was no longer sinking to the pit of her stomach, but fluttering wildly within her palpitating chest.
“Pretty good.”
“Right.” He caught her bluff, nodding. “I could think of something that’d make you feel really, really, really good, y’know?”
“You think?” Isla leaned into him when a hand pressed into the small of her back, and the other holding onto the nape of her neck. She shivered. “Because I think you could.”
Confidently, he bobbed his head. “Oh, I could.”
She was a bundle of nerves, frankly. Tig was so nonchalant, so breezy, and she was just so fucking fraught.
But he didn’t seem to notice—or care—while he surveyed her face, grinding his lips together in anticipation. He lowered his head a little to meet her height, though she still stood on her toes.
“Make me feel really good, Tig.” She whispered, the citrusy scent of tequila permeating his senses, quickening the rate of his pulse.
Isla’s sweet, soft lips ghosted over his own as she exuded a satisfied sigh, loosening up at the feeling of their noses brushing over one another.
It was so gentle. She hasn’t expected a man of such stature, such hunger and animosity, to be capable of something so soothing.
An unmistakable burst of desire started to seep through her, humming against his lips as she opted to wrap both arms around his neck while he backed her up against the sink.
With the support against her lower back, Isla wound a leg around his waist as the kiss amplified and Tig began to grind his hips into her whilst simultaneously moaning.
She didn’t know how badly she needed this tonight.
Pink nails wound into his unruly curls, mindlessly nudging through the hair—pushing him to hasten. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, then. Lauding the flavor of tequila and cigarettes.
But Isla promptly froze at the sound of footsteps—heels, precisely—clicking across the tile.
“Tig, wait.” She jerked her head a little, urging him to stop. “I can hear Gemma—“
“You can see her, too.” The matriarch stated, rounding the corner and immediately coming into Isla’s line of sight.
Both Tig and the blonde shifted to look at her.
“Am I interrupting something?”
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rowan-torquill · 5 years
Another Fraxus Thing
Freed was shopping at the open air market for food for his teammates. Laxus went with Freed so that he wouldn't overexert himself as the Thunder God Tribe had just come back from a particularly difficult mission, and Freed had done slightly to much magic.
Freed was looking at the fruit as Evergreen had said something about craving chocolate and strawberries on the way back to Mangolia. Laxus, bored and wanting some meat, went further down the market to look at the prices of the usual and unusual meats. Unfortunately, when he did this, a young brunette solid script mage had recognized Freed and started a conversation on runes.
"Hey, you're Freed, 'the demon' aren't you. I love what you can do with your dark ecruíte." the twenty two year old commented.
"Yes... who are you" Freed asked, looking cautious.
"I'm Jax Wilde, I'm a solid script mage." He answered, smiling sunnily down at Freed,  who was a few inches shorter than the other.
Freed blinked in surprise, and though something seemed . . .  off about the other mage, but as nothing aggressive or untoward had happened, there was nothing Freed could do, though he realized that his feelings would likely start to catch Laxus's interest if they got stronger.
"Mmm," Freed mumbled as he tried to seperate himself from the other mage. "Interesting, I didn't notice any sort of guild mark on you, are you part  of a guild?"
"Ah, no I don't actually have a guild. I did join one for a bit, but it wasn't really for me." Jax replied leaning toward Freed, seemingly crowding, and towering over the other.
Laxus, having felt the quick instance of uncertainty, and having a general bad feeling quickly paid for what he had purchased and returned to Freed. He growled lowly at seeing his mate being cornered and intimidated by some sleazy brunet. His heart warmed slightly as he made eye contact with Freed over the others shoulder. Laxus noticed that Freed was curled in on himself, and curving his hands into claws, like a nervous animal. Seeing his mate so nervous had his dragon snarling, and he forced himself between the two.
"I would advise that you step the fuck away from my mate," Laxus grumbled, grabbing Freeds hand and lacing their fingers together. "Before I take your fucking head off, asshole."
"Okay, okay, I get it. Leave him alone." Jax huffed hands up, palms facing the pair. "Look I'm leaving. Sorry for the trouble or whatever."
After making sure that Jax had left, he turned to Freed, and sheepishly apologized.
"Shit, sorry wonder. I know that you don't really like it when I try to protect you like that. It's getting close to our anniversary, I think it may be causing my "dragon" to be more protective."
Freed sighed, and gave a quick squeeze to Laxus's hand, "I know, I can't really hold it against you either. He was creeping me out. C'mon, we really shouldn't keep Ever waiting much longer."
-- LD+FJ --
Laxus leaned onto the pillar that supported the upper level of the guilt hall. He smiled and huffed slightly as he let his gaze wander over his guildmates. He grinned and pushed of the pillar to walk over to Freed, who was leaning against the bar, talking to Mira. He hugged the shorter male from behind and placed his chin on the others head before grumbling out a question.
"Can I talk ta you treasure. Nothin bad, swear on my heart, just a question bout our anniversary."
Freed chuckled a little before moving his head to the side in an effort to get Laxus's head off his hair.
"Sure, let's go upstairs darling."
Freed grabbed one of Laxus's hands and gently pulled him towards the stairs to the upper level.
Once they reached the upper hall, and found a room that Freed then runed to be locked and soundproofed, he turned to his mate, and cocking his head to the side slightly, raised an eyebrow, smiling. Laxus chuckled before grabbing one of Freed's hands and playing sligtly with the others fingers, and asked,
" Do you wanna go with me to that nice, fancy new place along the canal? I woulda asked downstairs, but I know that all those dweebs woulda bothered us, and I didn't want to havta blast em."
Freed chuckled, and leaned forward to press a light kiss to Laxus's lips. Before pressing their foreheads together and whispering an affirmative, and just contentedly standing in his mates embrace.
-- LD+FJ --
Freed smiled and chuckled quietly as he watched Laxus from across the table. He and Laxus had been enjoying their night at the new restaurant that had opened in Magnolia. The two had just started their desserts, a chocolate cake for Freed, and a mixed berry pie with vanilla ice cream for Laxus, they shared the treats, and as Laxus paid, Freed said,
"This has been amazing Laxus. I know that this isn't really your style, and since you did this for me, why don't we go home, change into something different, and go to a club."
Laxus smiled, and tugged Freed along, the entire way back to the house. Freed, who had had his hair in a simple but elegant low ponytail, braided his hair, and changed into a pair of tight black pants, steel-toed combat boots, and a silky golden colored button up shirt. As a final touch, he put on a wide-ish leather choker, with a ring in the center. He walked into the hall, to see Laxus standing there in his purple shirt, tight pants, and boots like Freeds. He also had his fur lined coat draped across his shoulders. Freed smiled, stepped up beside the dragon slayer, and kissed his cheek before tugging the taller towards the door.
"C'mon, let's go have some fun!"
-- LD+FJ --
Freed laughed and sensually danced around Laxus, a bit buzzed from the drinks that he and his mate had shared. Freed chuckled again, before kissing Laxus quickly and leaving to go to the bathroom. As he entered he felt ... something, and he recognized what it was, but only when it was a moment to late, seeing the flash of runes appear from the corner of his eye. He tried not to panic as a gas appeared and he started to get light headed. As he stumbled and fell, he realized that he couldn't feel Laxus through their bond as well. He panicked as he realized that whatever the gas was, that it includes some sort of blocker for a mate bond. As he started to slide down the wall, passing out, the gas disappeared, and the runes released to allow him to quickly see the mage that he had been talking to earlier in the market.
"Hello Freed Justine," Jax said as he cupped the rune mages face, "you know, you really should learn to check your drink. You never know what could be in it. For example," He pulled out a mostly full vial, "someone could slip you some of this wonderful two-part bond suppressor. Of course, it would be useless anyway, as it doesn't do anything until it's introduced to the gas." He chuckled. "Well, I'm sorry about this, but ... you really should be careful about who you talk to."
-- LD+FJ --
Laxus walked off the dance floor, over to the bar, and waited for his mate to return. As he  swirled his drink, he realized that it was taking Freed just a bit to long, and decided to go check on him, especially when he realized that the feelings he was getting through the bond were unusually dulled. As he entered the bathroom, and realized that Freed was gone, his dragon snarled as it picked up the scent of the mage that had been intimidating it's mate earlier. He tried to quell the panic pooling in his heart, as he realised that someone had not only taken his mate, but that they had also blocked the bond the two shared.
He growled lowly, but left, and went to talk to a manager, his hands sparking slightly. Fortunately, there was no scent of his mates blood, which means he wasn't injured, unfortunately, that meant there was no solid way to track him as his scent would be all over Magnolia.
After seeing the head of security, and realizing that there was no clues, he left, and went back to the house. He then changed into a pair of sturdy pants, that wouldn't restrict his movement, and a sleeveless shirt. He decided to wearing his coat, but brought both his headphones and Freeds sword.
He contemplated just flashing to see his grandfather, and decided to save his energy, ran there instead. He told his grandfather what had happened, and was given permission to leave and look for his mate. He left the guild hall, and became to follow the faint scent of the other man out of Magnolia. He traced the scent to a small house in the mountains. As he approached, he had a harder and harder time holding his dragon at bay as he started to smell his mate. What truly made him lose control was the sharp pain that suddenly came through the mate bond as the blocker wore off with the distance he covered. His dragon took over with a snarl, wanting to destroy whatever had hurt his mate!!
He ran the rest of the way to the house before kicking the door open, startling the small group that had been sitting inside. They looked over at the doorway, only to pale as they saw the siloughette of the dragon slayer, with lightning arching off his body.
-- LD+FJ --
Freed slowly blinked his eyes open, realizing that he had a bad headache, and after remembering what had happened, tried to sit up. He realized he couldn't, as he was strapped to a table, seemingly underground. He realized that he could turn his head, but that was it, as he tried to look around, he realized that the straps holding him down where covered in magic dampening runes. He could feel his magic running under his skin, trying to get out, but being held back by the straps.
Crap, Freed thought.
His head jerked as he heard faint footsteps coming towards the room he was in, and then the door creak. He could feel his face turn into a snarl as he saw Jax along with someone in medical scrubs.
"Mm, so you're awake now, good, we were waiting to explain to you what we want, and why your here." Jax smiled and gestured to the other person, "See, the good doctor here has many theories that he'd like to figure out. Most have to do with either writing type magic, or dragon slayers. Yes, I know, a bit strange. However, as a rune mage, and the mate to an artificial dragon slayer, you may see why he was so interested in you."
Freed glared, but remains silent, waiting to see if the idiot in front of him would explain more or just leave, which would be, not ideal. Fortunately, luck was on his side.
"See, the main thing we want to know is what the differences between someone who uses dark rune magic, like yourself, and someone who uses light rune magic. Later we hope to obtain a grey rune magic user, but we will make due with what we can. And, if we can learn more about what being the mate of a dragon slayer entails, well that's just a bonus." Jax smiled coldly, before turning to the other man and said, "He's all yours." Then he left the room, closing and locking the door behind him.
Freed stayed silent throughout this interaction, as he could feel his bond with Laxus growing in strength. He realized that they still thought the bond was blocked, and he could feel it straining less, meaning that Laxus was nearing, wherever he was being held. He hoped that his mate would show up soon.
His attention was pulled back to the present, " Well, I don't suppose that you would tell us anything specific about our aims, would you?" Freed just glared. "No, I suppose that was to much to hope for." The other walked out of Freed's line of sight, and returned with a rolling cart full of various medical instruments. He gulped, closing his eyes, and resolving himself to not give his captor the pleasure of his screams.
-- LD+FJ --
Laxus snarled as he looked at the charred mages and men laying on the floor of the house before his head snapped up, feeling a spike of panic from his mate, before pain overwhelmed it. His dragon howled from inside, and he then followed his bond to a hidden door, which he just blasted open, a snarl on his face. He wanted to stomp down the staircase he found, but realized that that would alert his mates captors. So instead he slunk down the stairs, treading carefully, he reached the bottom after a couple minutes, and just as he realized how close he was to his mate, with the strength of the bond, he smelled the idiot who had tried to seperate them, and had brought his mate here to harm him. He snarled silently and snuck to the room that he could detect the scent from. He opened the door, and after see the source of the scent, his dragon took over and knoked the other unconscious before returning to the Hall and following his bond. He found the door, heavily locked, and etched with lightning impervious runes. He sighed, realizing that he couldn't blast this door open. His dragon however was tired of being away from its mate, it took over, and just ripped the door off its hinges. He roared once he realized that his mate was not only strapped down to a table, and that the straps and table had magic dampening runes etched into them, but that someone else had stripped Freed if most if his clothes, and was actually taking samples, as if Freed was some sort of lab experiment. Luckily, the roar had an extra concussive blast that knocked the other man in scrubs out. Laxus was suddenly standing over his mate, in control of his body, and his dragon stayed back to look out for enemies.
"Freed? Freed, treasure, please say somthin'! Please, treasure." He was desperately repeating this as he carefully unstrapped Freed and wrapped him in his own long, fur-lined coat. He scooped up the tired, bearly responsive mage, and carried him upstairs to a couch the miraculously survived the earlier fight. He was about to storm back down the stairs, when a hand caught his.
"'Axus?" He whipped around, and looked down at his hurt mate, and softened his expression as he saw blue green eyes looking at him blearily.
"Ya, treasure?" He murmured.
"Stay, pleze?"
He sighed, but couldn't refuse his mate anything, so decides to sit down and scoop his mate into his arms, Freed sighed, and relaxed into his chest. "Thnk you."
"Not a problem treasure." He murmured, keeping an ear out, just incase one of the two idiots down stairs came looking to see what had happened to them, and their captive. There was always time for revenge later.
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stunset · 4 years
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It's three months later when Jax has another run in with Ethan's sister.
With the one year anniversary of Ethan's death coming up, he knew it would be inevitable that he'd have to face the Marshall family one way or another. Though Haskall's taunting visits to his parents house have slowed down to almost a complete stop, he can't help but feel like another blow out is bound to happen.
And his brothers feel the same way as they discuss it over church.
"That old dick is gonna get himself killed." Tig growls out, talking about Haskall. The table nods in agreement, even Jax.
He's honestly surprised Clay hasn't sent retaliation the man's way. With the way he comes around the lot or his parents house, drunk and yelling about how they're murderers, Jax thinks he's bound to get himself killed.
But, he knows the only reason he hasn't is because they're Ethan's parents and because of Faith. All the men have come to a unanimous agreement that no harm will come the girls way. Jax can admit that more than once he's went to check up on her. Whether it be asking Michelle about her or just asking around town. He feels a protectiveness over her that he can't really explain. One time Tara heard him asking about Faith and she lost her fucking mind.
"I thought he'd have given it up by now." Bobby says. "It's been a year and dudes got a family to take care of."
"Too busy gettin' drunk to give a shite." Chibs shakes his head. "I woulda never thought Lil Bit's dad would be like that."
"I can't believe it's been a year." Piney breaks in, his voice almost sad.
The table goes quiet for a second. It'll be a year tomorrow and they all seem to feel the weight of it looming over them. Jax runs his hand over his now short hair. It doesn't feel like it's been a year, in fact it feels like it was just a short while ago that Ethan was sitting at this table in between Chibs and Tig. The enforcer of the club that always cracked a joke, and always seemed to have a gun or knife hidden somewhere no matter how many times Clay told him not to hide them in the clubhouse.
"We should do something for 'em." Chibs says.
"We got a run to worry about." Clay replies, shooting down Chibs suggestion.
"Brother, Ethan was an important part of the club." Bobby interjects.
"We should throw a party in Tacoma for him." Jax speaks up, and all eyes turn to him.
Everyone knows that Jax and Ethan were close. After Thomas died Ethan took the role as the closest thing he's ever had to a brother.
And, everyone also knows that Ethan liked to party.
"Ethan loved Tacoma." Opie agrees, giving Jax a nod of his head before they both turn their gaze to Jax's step-father.
Clay seems to think for a second before nodding his head, "Yeah. But we deliver the guns first."
Everyone throws in their agreements and Clay dismisses everyone. They all make their way out of Church except for Clay and Tig who hang back.
"Our first run, brother." Opie says, a grin on his face as he clasps his hands over Jax's shoulders and gives him a shake.
"Hell yeah, man." Jax grins as he can't help but feel like he's finally becoming apart of the club like he's always wanted.
Kyle walks up to the pair with his usual smirk on his face, "Lets get fucking drunk."
Opie and Jax can't say no to their friend and follow him to the bar.
──── ─── ──── ──── ────
Carrie thinks if there's a God, he played a very cruel prank on her family.
What God pairs someone like her up with parents like this?
Parents that sit around the dinner table every night and ask her the same questions? The only thing that ever changes is what they say Grace about.
Thank You God for this fork so I can stab myself in the eye.
"How was school?" Her father asks, like he asks every night.
"It was fine." She answers, the same answer she gives every night.
She wonders how a preacher can possibly be so boring. He's literally paid to talk, how can he not come up with conversation?
She thinks it's because they hate having her as a daughter as much as she hates having them as parents. She's a preacher's daughter who doesn't believe in God. She's a preacher's kid who acts like a Jezebel. She can admit she finds a bit of amusement in disappointing her parents.
"Are you having any trouble in your classes?" Her mother asks, not even bothering to look at Carrie.
It's sad, really. Carrie can recite word for word what her parents are going to ask her. She's sure they know exactly what her answer will be. The only time conversation changes is in public or when she's in trouble.
"No I'm doing fine." Carrie answers, pushing her plate away and standing up.
"Where are you going?" Her father asks, not sounding the least bit worried about it.
"Out." Carrie says simply. She grabs her coat and slams the door behind her.
Her parents won't come looking for her as long as she doesn't get into any trouble. She finds it ironic, the Bible says children are blessings for for parents to raise them up. The only verse her father seems to follow for children is "don't spare the rod."
She feels as if her parents aren't really her parents. They're very separate from her. She knows they've given up on trying to mold her into the perfect choir girl. They're just counting the days until she turns eighteen and leaves. And best believe Carrie's doing the same.
The roar of a motorcycle breaks through the silence of the night. The bike slows down and pulls up next to her, close enough that she can see it's Kyle Hobart.
"What's a pretty girl like you doin' out here by herself?" He asks, flashing her his teeth as he gives her a smile.
Carrie can admit she wishes it would have been Jax or Opie pulling up, she finds them cuter. But, she runs her fingers through her pretty brown hair and gives him a smile.
"Just taking a walk." She says lowly.
He offers her a sleazy smirk, "Need a ride?"
The fifteen year old gives him her own smirk and climbs on the back of the bike.
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jaxcns · 5 years
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y’all know this mans? yuh.. really gets ya thinkin that men might deserve rights after all huh? i mean they dont but it makes ya think! anyway.. i’m urayai ( uri for short ), eighteen, she/her, and from bumfuck nowhere usa over in the est timezone. we livin in a winter wonderland over here rn issa nightmare :) if ya feelin the vibe now then check out my statistics page yuh maybe i went the extra mile MXDDDN! anyway if ya poppin ya p*ssi to nct, love wastin time playin the sims, or are prayin for both taes scalps then smash that heart! we need validation in order to live in this economy laid ease!
basic details
( wong yukhei, cismale, he/him ) — meet jaxon wu, the nineteen year old sophomore at washington state university. i heard that the hedonist is a literature major who spends most of their time either practicing on the soccer field or interning at dorrance publishing two days a week. if you ask around, you’ll find out that the scorpio was born on october 28th, that the last song they listened to was uncomfortable by chase atlantic, and that they currently live in the kappa zeta nu fraternity house. ever since the death of carter hayes though, the only thing anyone can seem to recall when it comes to them is that they used to share a room with him at the frat house.
+ smoke-filled lungs, constellations in his eyes, denim jackets, disappearing acts that rival houdini, heart-shaped boxes, thumb rings, lazy grins, broken promises, and rainy mornings.
full sleeve on his right arm plus a chest piece in progress
ears and nose pierced but he doesnt always rock the nose
emotionally stable? no. financially stable? also no.
on an athletic scholarship for soccer but he loves hockey more so its #emohours
plays soccer, hockey, and baseball
loves the finer things in life but can barely afford the free breadsticks at olive garden ja feel
hes a snake who loves that 5 finger discount
selfish but also too invested in people he cares for
impatient as hell like.. chile
middle child ya he was dealt only the best cards in life
loves space and conspiracy theories #wow so original amirite
gets super obsessive over projects hes def a perfectionist
bisexual / bitter / bilingual
mom is a bank tell and dad is a professor at boston u
not very close to his older brother since hes off gettin his doctorates degree
very close to his little sister tho they’ve always been best friends
enjoys goin on hikes to clear his head
other than writing he also enjoys all other things creative like painting, drawing, sculpting, photography, etc
he attends a weekly art class in the city
he def dabbles in drugs so if ya lookin he can probs hook ya up
he was carters roommate 
ADAMANT — stubborn as shitttttt like fr. once he sets his mind on sumn and believes hes completely right cant be wrong then theres no changin his mind! at all! even if he realizes later that he was wrong he’d rather lower himself into the grave than admit it. he’ll also argue with you til the ends of the earth until the bitch literally dont have vocal chords anymore!
CONFIDENT — if i could’ve picked an alternate label for him then it woulda been the bellwether. he always carries himself with confidence which he gets from wearin nice clothes and accessories plus always bein well groomed ig? like his hair is always done, you’ll never find a speck of dirt on his shoes, that type of shit. even when his hair is messy it was done that way he would never go outside lookin like a wreck so jot that down!
IMPETUOUS — this bitch reckless af! he does things to benefit himself and only himself most of the time without taking into consideration other peoples feelings or how it might impact them. thats not to say that he doesnt regret it after the fact but lbr he normally? doesnt? see: selfish. hes just tryna get ahead tryna get dat coin tryna get him sum gucci slides!
PETULANT — sulky, bad-tempered, etc is jax thru and thru! and he aint afraid to take everyone down with him either. hes def the type to stir up drama ngl but he’ll back it up too and he aint afraid to throw hands! hes been in his fair share of fights and with his shiny new fake id y’all been knew hes been in more than one bar fight with more to come i’m sure!
plot ideas
MUSE — pretty self explanatory i think? this person just ignites fuckin inspiration for him whether it be thru takin pictures of them, writing about them, filmin them, drawin them, etc etc. jax always knows that when hes in a slump he can find them and that shit will come back as quick as flippin on a light switch!
RIDE OR DIE(S) — y’all already know wtf it is! we love those friends who just talk shit with each other, those that’ll go to bat for one another, but also arent afraid to be like “yo step back ur gettin a lil outta line” ja feel? literally gimme all that!
ANGST — i live for anything angsty tbh like im one of those bitches that gets bored when things are goin too well for my chara so i need someone to fuck that shit up fam!
RELATIONSHIPS — im here for it all! im talkin enemies, friends, rommates, party buddies, smokin buddies, fwb, exes, partners in crime, etc etc! im here and ready to snatch em all up!
TEAMMATES — jax plays hockey, soccer, and baseball so if ur chara does too then? uhhhh we def gotta plot cause we could go any way with the teammates thing like imagine teammates who hate each other and purposely try to hurt one another durin practices.. ugh we love pettiness!
ADVENTURE BUDDIES — hiking, goin to abandoned / haunted places, spontaneous road trips, etc! need someone or multiple people who’re down to just drop everything and go. doesnt even matter where tbh they’re just always up for a lil adventure.
SEESAW — lemme be basic for a sec ok just hol on! i rlly want a plot based off of yoongis song seesaw where maybe the two of them were together and at first it was great but then they just fell out for wtvr reason and obvs didnt wanna be together anymore. neither of them wanted to let go tho maybe it was like a comfort thing? so they just kept repeatin their same old shit and actin like everything was cool until one of them finally took the step and ended it just.. ik there’d be angst ik it and i need it!
PARADISE — the new song by chase atlantic! bitch! i felt it in my soul maybe i cried? jax dabbles in literally everything hes truly a mess so havin someone who just checks on him would rip my soul in half? someone who gives him a call randomly in the middle of a sunday night and is just like “hey ya been ok? not fallin back on bad habits are u?” shit like that. it would def be a thing where he falls a lil bit in love with them because its smth hes not used to tho that def doesnt mean at all that they feel that way about him! it can unrequited i dont rlly care tbh.
ik i forgot sum shit and ik this is a damn m e s s but if ya wanna plot then just lms and i’ll hit ya up! we can brainstorm or pick from one of our wcs idc just give this h*e sum plots i’ll literally die without em? im def the type whos down to prettymuch™ fill anything so if ya got a plot that ur rlly wantin but no one seems to be takin then give it to me i’ll 100% take it lmao! ya im desperate what about it?
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