#i remember not talking much to her and she didn't engage with me
luv-sims · 2 days
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I’m in love with you!
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ ౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆
you and jay had always despised each other- at least that’s what you thought until jay got a girlfriend, your true hidden feelings making its way to the surface- uh oh.. listen to this while reading <3
⊹ ࣪ ˖ park jongseong x fem reader ⊹ ࣪ ˖
warnings ; angst, heartbreak, skinship, kissing, proofread but if there’s any mistakes… oops!! (⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
(everyone!! pls lmk if u wanna be added to my perm taglist<33)
2.5k 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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you had known park jay for as long as you could remember, and you had hated him for nearly just as long. from the very first moment you laid eyes on him in kindergarten, he had been nothing but a thorn in your side. it all started when you had asked the young boy to be friends- instead of a yes, you got water spat on your face as he cackled at you- yes, cackled. you despised him. his teasing, his smirks, his constant attempts to one-up you in every single aspect of life—it all grated on your nerves, day after day.
the relationship between you and jay was well-known. your friends and family had long since accepted it as a fact of life. you couldn't bare to stand him, and he couldn't stand you. it’s as simple as that.
until it wasn't.
the first crack in your carefully constructed wall of hatred came when jay got a girlfriend. her name was minji, and she was everything you were not—soft-spoken, gentle, and sweet. she was always by his side, laughing at his jokes, holding his hand. it shouldn't have mattered to you at all. in fact, you should have been relieved. if he was busy with his girlfriend, maybe he would leave you alone for once in your years of living.
but it didn't feel like relief. it felt like something else entirely, something you knew was wrong, something sharp and painful that you couldn't quite place. you found yourself watching them more than you would care to admit, your eyes drawn to the way he looked at her, his eyes sparkling, the way he touched her. and with each passing day, the ache in your chest grew stronger, more insistent. more unbearable.
you really did try to ignore it, to push it away deep inside of you and pretend it didn't exist, but it was no use. the feelings you had harboured for so long, hidden beneath layers of anger, resentment, and pride were bubbling up to the surface. you were falling for him, and you were falling deep. it was the most terrifying thing you had ever experienced as a teenage girl.
so, you did the only reasonable thing you could think of, you avoided him. you stopped going to places where you knew he would be, you stopped engaging in the petty arguments that had once been a staple of your interactions and everyday life. you had distanced yourself as much as you possibly could, hoping that the feelings would fade away with time.
but jay noticed. of course he did. and he didn't like it one bit.
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one evening after school, after yet another successful day of avoiding jay, you found yourself cornered in the hallway of your apartment building, which he knew the address of from a day where you were sick, and delivered you your missed homework and soup, which he claimed he was forced to deliver to you.
he had been waiting for you, his expression a mixture of confusion, a bit of sadness? and anger.
"what's your problem, y/n?" he demanded, his voice low and tense. "why have you been avoiding me, huh?"
you crossed your arms, shaking off the butterflies from talking to him for the first time in weeks, trying to keep your composure. "i haven't been avoiding you," you lied, your voice shaken and unsteady
"bullshit," he snapped. "you've been avoiding me for weeks. did i do something to piss you off more than usual? because if i did, ill fix it.”
you swallowed hard, your heart pounding in your chest. "it's nothing, don’t worry. just leave me alone, jay."
"no," he said, stepping closer. "i won't leave you alone until you tell me what's going on, y/n." he whispered.
his proximity made it hard to breathe, let alone think. the scent of his cologne, the intensity of his gaze—it was all way too much for you to bare. you could feel the walls you had so carefully built around your heart beginning to crumble.
"why do you care?" you shot back, your voice trembling anxiously. "you have minji now. go bother her for all i care!”
jay's eyes narrowed, his expression darkening with a frown. "this isn't about minji. this is about you and me. why are you avoiding me?"
"because i can't stand you! being around you!" you shouted angrily, the words bursting from you before you could stop them.
"why?" he demanded, his voice rising. "what did i do that's so bad you can't even be in the same room as me?"
you took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. but the emotions that have been building inside you the past few weeks were too strong, too overwhelming. you couldn't keep them bottled up any longer.
"because i’m in love with you, okay?" you yelled, tears streaming down your face. "i love you, and it hurts to see you with somebody that’s not me..”
for a moment, there was silence. jay stared at you, his eyes wide with shock. the world seemed to stand still, the only sound the pounding of your heart in your ears, as you cursed under your breathe shutting your eyes anxiously in panic.
"you… love me?" he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper.
you nodded, unable to speak. the confession had left you feeling raw and vulnerable, and you didn't know what to do next.
jay's expression hardened, and without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing there, your heart shattered into a million pieces as you fell onto your knees and sobbed, you sobbed for your broken heart and for the loss of the relationship you had with jay- gone forever.
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the next two weeks were a blur of constant pain and complete and utter embarrassment. jay ignored you completely, avoiding you at every turn. you threw yourself into your studies, trying to distract yourself from the aching heartbreak and void inside you. your friends noticed the change, but you couldn't bring yourself to explain. how could you tell them that the person you had hated for so long had become the one you loved? and even worse, broke your heart.
you saw jay and minji together more often than you would have liked. each time, it felt like a knife twisting in your heart. but you forced yourself to smile, to act like everything was fine. it was the only way you knew how to cope.
one day, while you were sitting in the campus courtyard, lost in your thoughts, someone sat down next to you. you looked up to see taehyun, one of your friends from class. his presence was a welcome distraction from the feelings inside you.
"hey," he said, patting your shoulder giving you a warm smile. "you look like you could use some company."
you smiled back, grateful for his kindness. "yeah, i guess i could."
taehyun was easy to talk to, he was kind and understanding, and before long, you found yourself laughing and joking with him. it was a relief to feel something other than pain for the first time in the last few weeks, even if it was only for a little while. he pulled you into a hug, after you had finally opened up about your situation and you let yourself relax in his embrace, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, sniffling away your tears.
unbeknownst to you, jay was watching from a distance. he had come to the courtyard to clear his head from everything, from the confusion and the dull feeling in his heart, but the sight of you with taehyun stopped him in his tracks. the way you laughed, the way you hugged him—it should have made him happy to see you smiling again after breaking your heart. but instead, it filled him with a burning jealousy and sadness.
seeing you with taehyun brought everything into sharp focus. and it suddenly hit him- he realized that he had been a fool, pushing you away when he should have been holding you close. he couldn't deny it anymore longer—he was deeply in love with you. and he couldn't stand the thought of losing you to somebody else.
jay knew what he had to do- that evening, jay broke up with minji. it was one of the hardest things he had ever done, she was a kind and sweet girl, but he knew it was the right thing. minji deserved someone who could love her- and that wasn’t him. his heart had always belonged to you.
the next day, jay found you sitting alone in the library, studying and deep in focus. he approached anxiously and cautiously, his heart feeling like it was about to explode in his chest.
"can we talk please?" he asked, his voice quiet.
you looked up, surprise and shock flickering in your eyes before looking down again. "kinda busy- what do you want, jay?"
he took a deep breath, steeling himself. "i'm sorry. for everything, y/n. i never should have ignored you. i was in denial, i was scared and confused, but that's no excuse."
you stayed silent anxiously playing with your fingers, waiting for him to continue.
"i broke up with minji," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "because i realized something that took a while for me to realize but i’m here now- i realized that i'm in love with you."
your breath caught in your throat, your heart pounding in your chest. "you… you what?”
"i'm in love with you, y/n. i’m so in love with you" he repeated, his voice breaking as his eyes shined with sincerity. "i've been in love with you for a long time, but i was too stupid to see it. and when you told me how you felt, it scared the hell out of me. i didn't know how to handle it, so i pushed you away. but i can't do that anymore."
tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, your heart aching with a mixture of hope and fear. "do you really mean it?" you whispered.
jay nodded, his gaze unwavering. "i mean it. i love you. and if you'll give me a chance, i promise i'll do everything i can to make it up to you, please y/n.”
you searched his eyes, looking for any sign of deception. but all you saw was honesty, a raw vulnerability that took your breath away.
"i don't know if i can trust you," you said quietly, your voice trembling. "you hurt me, jay. a lot."
"i know," he said, his voice breaking as he cups your cheek, leaning his forehead against yours. "and i'm so, so sorry. but i'll spend the rest of my life proving to you that you can trust me. i promise."
for a long moment, you stayed silent, the weight of his words sinking in. and then, slowly, you nodded. "okay," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "one chance, jay. but if you hurt me again, that's it. i'm done."
jay's face lit up with a mixture of relief and joy. he reached out, taking your hand in his, looking into your eyes for permission as you nodded with a soft grin.
jays lips feel soft against yours, you spent many nights wondering what it would be like to be like to kiss jay, and it’s even better than you could’ve imagined.
and for the first time, you allowed yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, things could be different.
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the weeks that followed were a whirlwind of emotions. jay was true to his word, doing everything in his power to prove himself to you. he showed up at your door with your favourite coffee order every morning, walked you to your classes with your hand in his, and spent every spare moment with you. he was attentive, kind, thoughtful, and for the first time, truly present.
your friends noticed the change in him too. they saw the way he looked at you, hearts in his eyes and the way he treated you with a newfound gentleness and adoration. it was clear to everyone that park jay was a changed man, and it was all because of you.
but there were still moments of where you were in denial, times when the past hurt you felt would come back, casting a shadow over your happiness. the moment came to you on a rainy afternoon, the weather complimenting your mood as you sat together in a quiet café. the rain pattered against the windows, creating a soothing backdrop to your conversation.
jay gave you a knowing look as he reached across the table, taking your hand in his.
"i love you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "i know i've said it before, but i need you to know how much you mean to me. you're my everything, so get those thoughts out of your head, mmh?”
he said pulling you into a soft kiss across the table.
tears welled up in your eyes at his words. it was everything you had ever wanted to hear, but the fear still lingered, a dark cloud over your heart.
"i love you too," you whispered, your voice trembling. "but i'm scared, jay. i'm scared of getting hurt again- it was so bad.” you said as you closed your eyes with a trembling voice.
jay's grip on your hand tightened, his eyes shining with determination and love. "i know," he said. "and i will spend the rest of my life proving to you that you have nothing to fear. i will never hurt you again, i promise baby.”
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time passed, and true to his word, jay continued to be the man you deserved. he was patient, understanding, and never once pressured you. he was there for you in ways he had never been before, and slowly but surely, the trust and reassurance began to appear.
one warm night, as you sat together on the same playground jay had rejected you on as kids, he pulled you into his arms, his lips brushing against your forehead.
"i can’t bare losing you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "you're my everything."
you looked up at him, your heart overflowing with love. "you won't," you said, your voice steady and sure. "we're in this together, you can’t get rid of me that easily."
you both threw your heads back, laughing together as the moonlight shined down on you.
and as he held you close, you knew that no matter what pain he had caused you before- you knew that your love for each other was stronger than anything else.
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the-badger-mole · 12 hours
Swept Away
Katara took a deep breath. In through her nose. Out through her mouth. She wasn't nervous. Not really. Not in the sense that other people mean when they say they're nervous. She wasn't scared. She was eager. In a few short minutes, she would be a wife. She would be Zuko's wife. He was going to be her husband.
"Are you sure about this?" Suki asked for the thousandth time. "Really sure?"
"I am." Katara opened her eyes and turned to her sister-in-law. She couldn't fight the smile that spread over her face. "I'm more sure of this than anything in my life. Zuko's it. He's the one."
"Katara," Suki sighed. "Look, I get it. Zuko's incredibly hot. He's smart. He...seems really nice, but-"
"Suki," Katara started to say, but she didn't get a chance to complete her thought.
"Katara, you've known him three months!" Suki burst out. "You've only been dating for eight weeks! You are the most straight laced person I've ever met. Why are you doing something this...impulsive? You're not impulsive!"
"What are you talking about?" Katara turned from the mirror to face Suki directly. "I'm exactly this impulsive. Don't you remember Jang Hui? My protest about gender equality for STEM fields at the North Pole? The time I started a rally for prison reform?"
"Okay, fine," Suki relented, rolling her eyes. "When it comes to social justice, you are very impulsive. But, this? Katara, you're getting married! Without your dad here. Without your GranGran! I know how much they mean to you."
"They mean the world to me," Katara agreed. "But you know I've never cared about a huge wedding. I love Zuko. I love him. I don't see why I should have to wait to make him my husband just because it would take too long for Dad to fly over to see us get married. We'll have a big party...a huge one later. And everyone we love will get to meet and celebrate. But this feels right!"
"Right?" Suki snorted. "It feels right to get married without telling anyone but me and your brother?"
"Yeah," Katara said. A wistful smile tugged at her lips. "I know it sounds crazy, but...I can't wait to marry him. I literally cannot wait. I've never felt this way about anyone. You know! I know you do. Sokka told me you and he started talking about marriage two months in." Suki rolled her eyes skyward and groaned.
"Yeah, talking about it!" Suki repeated it. "We didn't actually get engaged until a year in! We got married on our second anniversary!"
"Zuko and I don't want to wait that long," Katara laughed. "So we've on a faster timeline. So what?"
"What if there are things you don't like about him?" Suki pressed. "What if he's....I don't know...super anal about the way you put toilet paper on the roll? What if he doesn't wash his feet in the shower? What if he...he hates cats?"
"Did you know Sokka's every annoying habit when you married him?" Katara challenged. Suki made a face at her and sucked her teeth.
"No," she admitted. "But I knew a few of them! I knew enough to know that I could deal with the biggest ones."
"So do I," Katara said. "I know that Zuko likes his food unreasonably spicy. I know that when he's angry, he shuts down and needs a day or two before he can talk about it calmly. I know he thinks rom-coms are a wasted of a perfectly good evening. But I also know that he already values my opinion and will make decisions with me. I know he's put in so much work unlearning toxic traits he was taught as a child, way before he and I met. I know he has the softest heart underneath the hard layers. In three months, he's become one of my closest friends. I trust him, and he trusts me. I love him, Suki. I want to marry him now.
"Um..." Suki swiped at her eyes with her knuckles, and blinked rapidly against more tears. "I get that. I do! I just don't want you to regret doing it this way. I don't want you to regret not having Dad here to walk you down the aisle. Or not having Gran Gran help you into your gown. Don't you want a first dance with Zuko?
Katara turned back to the mirror and considered her reflection. As a girl, she had pictured her wedding. Her dressed in silk and looking the best she's ever looked, and her father walking with her to meet her husband. It was exactly as Suki said, with her dancing with her new husband while people took pictures and tossed confetti. Her extended family together and celebrating.
"I don't need it," she told Suki. "Did you know that the only family that Zuko has is his uncle? His mother is dead. His father is a monster. His sister won't speak to him. He wouldn't be alone- he has friends- but, it wouldn't be the same. Plus crowds make him anxious.
"So he asked for this?" Suki frowned. "He wanted to get married at City Hall?
"No, this was my idea," Katara assured her best friend. "He said he was fine with whatever I wanted. But Zuko's an introvert, and a little agoraphobic. The only buffer he would have would be me and his uncle. He wouldn't enjoy himself. Not as much as I would want. There will be plenty of time later to celebrate with the people we love. But not all at once.
"Dad won't like it," Suki warned. Katara shrugged.
"He'll get over it once I explain it to him," she said. "And he'll love Zuko. They have a lot in common."
Suki stared at Katara for a long while, wracking her brains for something, anything to say to her sister-in-law. She came up frustratingly empty. She should have more objections to her best friend and sister marrying someone she's only known a few months. Katara was convincing. She was very convincing when she wanted to be. Finally, Suki threw her hands up in surrender. If Katara was making a mistake, then the next best thing Suki and Sokka could do was make sure they were at least close enough to help her if she needed it.
"Sokka's not thrilled," she told Katara. "I promised him I'd talk sense into you before it was too late."
"It's been too late for a while," Katara chuckled. Suki nodded and laughed with her.
"I see that now," she said. "Sokka's going to be so disappointed."
"I hope that won't cause any issues with you guys," Katara's brow drew down in worry. Suki just waved her off, though.
"Nah," she said. "I'll just tell him I'm pregnant if he gets too riled up." Katara gasped and leapt up from her seat.
"Are you joking?" she squealed. Suki grinned and shook her head.
"I just found out a couple of days ago," she said. "I was going to take him out to the game this weekend and have it announced on the jumbotron, but I'll use it to distract him from your questionable decision making if I need to."
"I'm so happy for you!" Katara said pulling Suki in for a hug. Suki hugged her back tightly.
"I'm happy for you, too." And to her surprise, Suki realized she meant it.
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starryarles · 1 month
my aunt passed away today
#2 years ago she found out she had cervical cancer and it was pretty bad#spread to the surrounding tissue#she was so scared#she stopped talking to people slowly#and eventually stopped hanging out with her friends#only had her man to help out and bless him he was so good to her#he did everything for her and took time off of work for her#i always had strange feelings about him because when they met he was with his ex wife and ended up leaving her for my aunt#but then he was so good to my aunt and generally seemed like a really nice man#he was her only thing holding her sanity down#she lives in serbia#we live down here#she would viist us every summer#she couldn't last year#so we visited her in august#when we went over she said she had not left her apartment in 2 months besides going to the hospital#at that point her kidneys had started shutting down and he had to have a catethers in#we went to a restaurant with her#i remember not talking much to her and she didn't engage with me#she was just glad to be talking to my mom#because they're cousins but they were raised like they were sisters#and she cried so much while we were there#she said she was happy to see us#but that it felt like we were only there to see her one last time#we told her so many times how we were planning on seeing her the next summer back down in my granpas garden with us#how we're just stopping by because we missed her and not as a goodbye#she talked about how she was so scared of dying but suicide seemed like her only way out#the cancer was inoperable#chemo and radiation did nothing beside fry her body#she was miserable
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giving a different shout out to the kid in my class who gave a 3 minute speech about how much he hated the monarchy at 12 years old. that was awesome
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ilycosy · 3 months
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pairing : mattheo riddle x slytherin!reader , ron weasley x reader (platonicish)
summary — having mattheo riddle as your best friend was difficult, especially when you've been in love with him since the first year. not to mention all the people he's constantly with, you're planning on moving on when you catch wind of a gryffindor party: perfect for a last ditch effort.
warnings : fake dating (not w mattheo) , messy teen relationships , jealousy , ron appreciation <3 , theo n enzo r a little sick of mattheo , pansy n reader r the besties ever
aノn — how do u guys feel abt a part 2 of this ?? i feel like it's a little incompleted but im not entirely sure ... also ron haters dni bc this fic isn't for u <//3
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you couldn't remember the last time you had actually talked to mattheo. every time he had started up a conversation with you recently, it ended with him telling you about his (quite boring) sex life. and you were rather sick of it, you were supposed to be his best friend.
pansy had told you that he was too stupid to realize he liked you, and maybe you should just ask him out, but every single time you gain that courage— he's got another girl hanging off his arm. each girl lasts a week, maybe two at most but it still stings.
this week, mattheo had a girl. she was beautiful, really, seemingly sweet too. she would constantly wave at you and smile like she wasn't jealous at all, which you assumed she was right. if mattheo really didn't want to be with you, you'd just have to move on.
now, because you hadn't been talking to him recently, your party invites also dried up. you were hot, everyone knew that, but you were awkward and flighty with people. which is exactly why you latched onto mattheo.
many of his exes had called you clingy, so you eventually just gave up engaging with him first— officially starting your 'situationship detox' is what pansy called it.
you barely attempted moving on before you got a small piece of paper slipped over to you to pass to a hufflepuff girl, a gryffindor party invite. the gryffindor boy just awkward gestured to her, but you glanced at another boy.
bright red hair, freckles, and a little bit of quidditch dirt still smudged on his face. ron weasley, he wasn't exactly the most academically gifted, but he was sweet and funny (much to your friends dismay).
ron looked at you with a confused look when you didn't pass the note, but you had other plans. "can i come?" you asked, trying to sound confident and chill while your stomach churned at the idea of being rejected by the gryffindors, that'd be humiliating.
"uh," he said, clearing his throat before nodding. "yeah, the password is tapeworm?"
for some reason, you felt rather excited when you told pansy that you'd be going to the gryffindor party— you had never gone to a party without being invited by your friends first!
"babe," she cut your excited rambling off, looking at you with a concerned look. "you asked weasley. weasley if you could go to a fucking party?" she double checked like it was shocking, but you felt a spark of offense.
you furrowed your eyebrows, "he's sweet," you say, rummaging through your shared closet for an outfit. "you just don't understand because everyone's so obsessed with blood status, he's always been true to himself." you defended.
she went quiet for a couple minutes, watching you spread out dresses that are a little too modest for her liking. "well, if you're going to be going with weasley, then you need to show him how slytherins are better than gryffindor girls." she said with a smirk, patting your back as she pulled out different dresses.
"you gonna slut it up with me?" she asks, showing off a small red dress.
you scoff but take the dress, holding it in your hands as you admire the sheer black lace covering the deep red. "slut it up," you say with an eyeroll, looking back at her with a small smile. "you're going to be all over blaise, be honest."
you didn't bother telling mattheo about the party, assuming that he'd either be single again and looking for another one there or be arguing with his current girlfriend in the common room.
you didn't even know that he was constantly telling theo about how you barely spoke to him anymore, "she won't even fucking look at me theodore! i don't know what i did wrong, she's fucking insane or something!" he would say, dramatically flailing his hands while speaking.
only for theo to look at enzo with an annoyed look, enzo returning it with a brief head shake and ignoring the temper tantrum by reading. mattheo would eventually calm down and say that he just doesn't get why you're like this, then he'd repeat his idiotic cycle.
he really was blindsighted when he saw you at the party, he had just broken up with his girlfriend— apparently she wasn't all the nice after all, hooking up with another ravenclaw while being with him. he was already annoyed with that whole fiasco, so seeing you with weasley?
he saw red. he barely remembers turning to enzo before trying to approach you, only to be stopped by theo grabbing him and telling him to walk it off.
you, on the other hand, were having the time of your life. sure, harry and hermione took a little bit to warm up to you even being around them, but it seems like they're accepting the casual conversation that you're providing, which is a win for you.
ron has a hesitant arm around your shoulders, keeping a respectful distance while still being touchy. everyone saw it as amazing flirting, both of you guys seemed to be hitting it off greatly.
but you just felt awkward. he was lovely and amazing company, but the lack of chemistry was suffocating you. and he felt it too, his eyes drifting to another person every once in a while, wishing it was different.
maybe that's why you proposed something while tipsy, giggling into ron's ear as you talked about fake dating. whispering the silly joke like it was intimate, and maybe if he wasn't also tipsy he would've told you it was a bad idea.
but he didn't, and now you're bundled up in a sweater with a big r on it.
it could be worse, and you aren't complaining. even though it's fake, it was easy to be around him. he was thoughtful and constantly looking for that reassurance that everything was fine with you, it felt refreshing.
you missed mattheo though, and you confinded in him about it. before others arrived at the designated tree, you whispered into his shoulder about how it hurt that you never seemed good enough for him. ron listened, and he cared.
his freckled hands rubbed your side as you vented, comforting you while he whispered back about how he was so insecure about where he stood within his friends and family. you related to each other, and it was a bond you didn't think you could have.
he pretended to never notice how mattheo clenched his jaw and fists whenever the two of you passed by. while he knew that this was to make him jealous, he felt a little vindictive. how could someone like mattheo riddle hurt such a sweet person like you?
mattheo was spiraling, constantly watching from the sidelines as you and ron 'seemingly fell in love out of fucking nowhere' as he said to theo. he constantly ranted about how you'd never stoop that low, dating a blood traitor.
until enzo spoke for once, lifting his head from his book at the library during a study session. "maybe you didn't know her as well as you thought." he said offhandedly, ignoring the way the whole group fell into silence after.
mattheo didn't speak, just slowly sitting down in a seat next to draco. his cousin looks at him with a sympathetic smile before kind of shrugging, basically saying enzo wasn't wrong.
he didn't know you? that was impossible, you guys were best friends. he barely ate at dinner that night, just watching you laugh and eat with pansy while she gossiped about her and blaise. you were with ron weasley, and he was mad, he didn't know you, but why was he mad?
the next day, he couldn't stop himself from pairing up with you in potions. feeling himself get almost embarrassed and shy when he asked you to partner up with him before ron could, he felt a small victory when you chose him before telling the red head next time with a cheery tone.
the entire potions class was spent with you walking on eggshells with him while he desperately tried to get to reknow you, he felt ashamed when he asked about the latest album of your old favorite band only for you to respond that you don't really listen to them anymore.
he sulked the next class, but mattheo wasn't exactly one to back down— he was going to get you back, in more ways than one.
the following week was used as a way for him to worm himself back into your life like an 'annoying zit' as pansy called him, she did love mattheo but she loved you more and that's all that mattered to her.
ron even asked you about it, "say," he mutters as he leans over your shoulder while you're studying, "why's riddle suddenly all over you?" he asks, genuinely curious though his wording was harsh.
you took a moment to recollect yourself, knowing that he didn't mean it that way. "i don't know," you say softly, taking notes about a plant you could care less about. "he's a little odd sometimes, im sure he'll get bored."
but he didn't get bored, in fact it seemed that mattheo only seemed to go harder. constantly taking any moment to steal you away from not only ron, but other people now (not pansy of course, she'd kill him).
draco trying to talk to you about astronomy? mattheo suddenly needed help with defense. blaise needed to borrow something of yours? mattheo needs you to listen to him rant. slughorn even needed you after class, and mattheo was there mean mugging him while waiting for you.
ron talked about it to harry, laying in his friends bed while he read. "he's bloody obsessed with her!" he says a little loudly, almost waking neville.
"i know ron i know, your girlfriend is being hit on by riddle. im sure it'll be fine," he says, stroking his red locks and twirling it. "you guys are basically married with how you act, nothings going to take her away." he reassures ron.
he just rolls his eyes, pausing harry"s hand to look at him. "that's the thing," he says frustratedly, chewing his bottom lip. "we aren't dating, and im just nervous that she'll get hurt again by him."
seamus listened with wide eyes as harry questioned ron, whisper yelling is still yelling to a light sleeper. and seamus finnigan wasn't the best secret keeper.
it only took a couple days for the whole school to know, constant berating from the gryffindors because they thought it was your fault and then the slytherins cheering you on for allegedly breaking ron's heart.
you didn't even have time to talk to ron about what happened since none of the other gryffindors would let you around him, so you were officially and totally alone.
you sat curled up in the abandoned girls bathroom, crying as moaning myrtle cried with you. you almost started venting to her before the door was pushed open, your old best friend staring at you with wide eyes.
"mattheo?" you question, hurrying to wipe your wet eyes as he approached you. "what're you doing here?" you tried to ask, hiccuping slightly.
he just shrugged, sitting down next to you as he wrapped an arm around your waist. "i know you didn't hurt weasley," he says quietly, pulling you close. "you wouldn't do that to somebody."
you could almost cry with happiness, hiccuping again as you smiled and laughed humorlessly. "it was all fake," you confessed, feeling embarrassed but like you just needed to admit it to somebody. "me and ron did it to make people jealous, and i don't know if it even worked so it was useless and im just so tired of people being so, fucking, mean to me about this i–"
he gently shushed you, rocking you back and forth while whispering that you didn't need to explain yourself to anybody. he pressed a soft kiss onto the crown of your head without realizing it, stroking your back.
when you had began to calm down, he awkwardly cleared his throat to ask an even more awkward question. "so uh, who were you even trying to make jealous?" he asked, glancing down at you.
you just rolled your eyes and shook your head with shame, before just whispering in a defeated tone that it was him. you felt the shame rise but you couldn't let it out, it was just too much.
"are you serious?" he asked, feeling relief and surprise rush through his entire body.
"yeah," you say, not looking at him as you shake your head and scoff. "i know it's pathetic but you don't understand i just felt–" the only thing you actually felt was chapped lips against yours.
mattheo fucking riddle was kissing you, his hands delicately holding your face like you were going to slip away from him again.
"don't worry about it, princess," he whispered, pushing his hair out of his eyes so he could look at you fully while calling you a name you havent heard since the third year. "it's not pathetic."
you stare at him in shock, glancing at the lip gloss smeared on his lips— this time from you, and not from other girls.
"are you sure?" you ask with an awkward laugh, feeling a nervous giddiness rise in you. "because i played that one stupid flower game with ron about you." you confess before you realize, accidently oversharing like always.
but mattheo just laughed, kissing from your forehead down to your chin and slowly across your jaw. "he likes me, he likes me not?" he asked, and you could feel the smile against your skin.
"i played it a couple times," he mumbled, pressing his lips against yours again. not wanting to hear the teasing you were about to do.
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where... College!Tasm!Peter gets reaallyyy jealous at Reader talking to her ex bf and fucks her on his bed until she’s a bumbling mess 🫣
I think it's time for blonde!Peter to come back
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It was stupid. Absolutely ridiculous.
You were barely engaged in the conversation, more focused on the condensation forming on your red solo cup than what your ex had to say.
The interaction shouldn't have bothered him. You were his. Hell, you were even wearing his snapback.
And yet, his blood still boiled at the sight. His hands still balled up into fists. Wade joked that he could steam coming out of Peter's ears.
The dickbag was trying to flirt. Key word was try.
It was awkward as hell, clearly trying to evoke the 'oh remember how much fun we had, minus the part where I ghosted you and refused to eat you out because I'm a little bitch?' card. Every step he took towards you, you'd take a step away. With your arms crossed and the way your eyes focused on anything other than him, it should have been obvious you weren't interested.
And yet, the fucker still had the audacity to put his hand on your shoulder and squeeze it.
Peter didn't have to wait for you to send him the look. He was over there immediately, arm wrapped around your waist.
"She's busy," was all Peter curtly said, before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
Despite your shrieks, you didn't mind it.
Nor did you mind when he brought you to his bedroom.
You especially didn't mind when he had you on your back, knees pressed to your chest as he thrust into you.
"You look so good underneath me babe," He grunted, eyebrows knitted in concentration as he watched your body wither from his touch.
"Y-yeah," his touch was overwhelming, your body reeling from your previous orgasms.
Peter simply smirked, his fingers trailing down to right above where your bodies connected.
Jolts of pleasure sparked throughout your body as his long fingers drew circles on your clit. The band in your stomach kept getting tighter and tighter with each thrust. His teeth sink into your exposed collarbone, eliciting a gasp from your lips.
Only he got to see you like this, back arched with your head thrown back in pleasure. Only he got to make you feel like this, causing your cunt to clench and spasm in pleasure around his cock.
No one else.
"You gonna come again baby? Let me hear it. Let them all hear how much you love my cock."
Normally his dirty words would fluster you. Your cheeks still burn, but this time they're intensifying the ache between your legs, fueling your need to be consumed by him and only him.
What could best be described as a broken wail fell from your lips. In reality, it was doubtful that those in the hallway could hear you over the blaring music. But the idea that maybe they could hear you, could hear the bed frame slam against the wall, could hear the grunts Peter was letting out as you fell apart around his cock, fueled a deeper desire in you two.
Your hands weakly grabbed his bleached hair, making a feeble attempt to tug on the thick locks.
"Don't worry baby, not done with ya. Fuck no," Peter's chuckle was dry, his body trying to hold on, trying to stall off his own release, "You're gonna come again. Whatcha think about that? Ya wanna fall apart on my cock again?"
A whine fell from your lips. Sensitivity surged through your body, mixing with the euphoric pleasure.
"I......I, Peter I-" what were you even asking for?
"Aw, is my baby already fucked dumb from my cock? You're so smart, until my cock is inside ya. Can't focus on anything else can ya?"
"Peter....want...." Normally you were so good at multitasking. But with the way his cock was thrusting in and out of your soaked entrance, the idea of being able to focus on anything other than the sensation between your legs seemed next to impossible.
"C'mon baby," His breath is hot against your ear, "Use ya words."
A feeble moan fell from your lips as you shook your head. It was too much, but somehow also not enough.
What did you want? The words were on the tip of your tongue, tricking you into thinking you could express them, only to run away as soon as Peter's cock brushed against that one spot that made you see stars behind your eyelids.
"C'mon, use your words," His speed increases, his hands now grabbing the flesh of your hips as he drives into you, "What. Do. You. Want?"
Each word is emphasized with a pointed thrust. His honeyed eyes are overtaken with lust, irises overblown by a pure black. The scent of cinnamon is overwhelming your nostrils as his stubbled jawline brushes against yours.
It's only when you feel his cock twitch inside of you that you find the words, now driven by a red hot burning need.
"Want your cum! Want your cum inside me, please, want it so bad, wanna be filled with you, want you to fill me up, please Peter!"
His thrusts slow down, which you think is done to tease. In reality, Peter knows if he doesn't, he'll come immediately. And he wants to draw this out as long as possible. Wants people to notice that you and him have been gone for quite some time.
Peter's imagining your stupid ex still lingering around. Dumbass was probably wondering how you two weren't done yet, given the man's notorious record for the quickest, saddest sex ever.
"I got ya baby," he leaned down, hovering over your body as he pulled your thighs to his hips. He was now (somehow) deeper inside of you, hips rutting into yours.
"Gonna fill you up real good. Make you mine." You can only whine at his words, your body overstimulated from the immense pleasure.
His lips swallowed your moans. You didn't even need to look, you could feel that smirk radiating off of him. A deep groan fell from his lips when he felt your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him even closer.
Between the bass from the outside music vibrating the floor to the smell of cinnamon that always engulfed Peter, you felt completely at bliss, content for him to continue to use you until his own release.
With one final tug on his hair, Peter's hips stuttered before coming inside of you. What were once moans and wood slamming filling the room were now heavy pants as you both tried to catch your breath.
"That was...wow."
Peter lifted his head up, a boyish grin overtaking gus face, "Was? Who said we were done?"
"Peter....you already..." You froze upon realizing he was still hard. Still inside of you.
"Perks of a radioactive spider bite. I'm far from done with you babygirl."
You were in for a long night.
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adventuringblind · 5 months
Make Me Yours
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Genre: chaotic smut (I'm a slut for this man)
Summary: Daniel mentions something to Oscar and he takes a shot in the dark.
Warnings: KNIFE PLAY, blood, intensive aftercare, Max and Daniel being big brothers, Oscar is a dork and we love him for it, enemies to lovers if you squint, soft dom Oscar, Reader is a mess for Oscar and he loves it.
Notes: This was an anonymous request! I hope you like it!! Please remember to communicate and take care of yourselves if you engage in a kink like this!! Reader is a Redbull rookie which I know is ridiculous but it's fiction.
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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She wouldn't say her sex life is vanilla. Definitely the opposite, actually. Most people would look at Oscar and assume he is the most boring human on the planet.
They are all wrong.
Most the drivers, including herself, teased him about how he knows two positions maximum. He'd gotten fed up with it and showed her exactly why everyone is wrong.
Turns out pent up tension from being rivals from F3 and F2 leads to these situations. The situation being mind-blowing sex with the one guy who you didn't want to admit feelings for.
Formula 1 is an unforgiving world. She didn't need feelings getting in the way. Until Oscar came along and ruined it all.
Until that night, at least. Now they are stuck together like glue. It drives Max and Daniel insane with how much he's around the Redbul garage.
She tried to use the 'best friends' excuse until Daniel caught them in her driver's room.
"It's always the rookies."
That being said, her problem isn't the sex, or Oscar, or her relationship at all. The problem is how to bring up something she would like to try.
Both of them like trying new things and have been very clear on boundaries and keep open communication about the subject. He's never judged her for anything she's brought up. So why can't she just ask him?
"Something on your mind?" Daniel appears from thin air, and she slams her phone down out of view. She prays he didn't see the pictures of the silver blades and thinks she a psycho.
"Nope," she squeaks. A terrible recovery on her end.
"Watching porn? Looking at Mr. Piartri's nudes? Come one, you can tell me!"
Max pokes his head out from around the corner. "Are we talking about sex?" Here she thought the secluded space would be far away enough for them to come bother her. Then again, Daniel could help her out. He's good at talking to people.
"Pretty sure you and Charles talked about it last night." She quips without looking at him.
She's blushing and embarrassed. Her brain is yelling at her to run as far away as possible before she does something stupid-
"Hey Daniel, you know about sex stuff right?" Wow, that doesn't sound awkward at all.
"Yes?" He quirks his eyebrow at her. "But if you're looking for a threesome I'm going to have to decline. For now, at least," he winks.
She chokes at the notion. She's going to explode at this rate. Time to bail out. "Never mind, it's not that, but it's dumb."
Max appears fully in her line of sight. "You can't leave us hanging now! Oscar not performing well anymore?" His expression suddenly goes dark. "Or if he hurt you, I won't hesitate to send him into the barriers."
"No! no, it's not him it's me. I don't know how to ask him about something."
Both the males soften. It eases the anxiety a tiny bit, but she'd still rather not be here.
"Hmm, can I ask what it is?"
"A kink," she whispers away from him.
Daniel hears it anyway. "Yours or his?"
Daniel, now seeing he's not going to get anywhere like this, tries a new approach. "Look, this is a no judgment zone, right? Max talks about Charles and their sex life any chance he gets. I am an open book. No laughing or cringing, okay?"
It still feels weird having this conversation. But Daniel isn't going to let it sit now. Curse her impulsive mouth. "Knives. I want him to use a knife on me."
Oscar is sitting in wait around the Redbull motorhome. His girlfriend had said she'd meet him out here and he hasn't seen her all day, so he came early.
Media days are usually difficult for her. The journalists manage to find some new sexist thing to point out every race weekend. It drives all the drivers insane. They can't just let it go and move on to something new.
"Hiya mate!" Daniel appears around the corner and Oscar manages (just barely) to not jump out of his skin. "You waiting for your girl?"
"Yeah, I'm early though. Do I need to go?"
"Nah, you're fine." Daniel throws him a grin. "I'm curious how you keep the marks on her hidden. Been wondering for a while now."
Oscar blinks. His brain is trying to process the last Statement. "You mean... like a hickey?"
"No! The scars." Daniel looks like he's just said the most obvious thing. Oscar is still trying to remain neutral in what is definitely an odd conversation.
Scars? What scars is he talking about? "I-"
"Don't tell me you don't see it! That girl totally has some kind of knife kink."
Knife kink?! Where is this coming from? He tries to think back to any hint of it on her end. It's not like he's opposed to trying new things and he wouldn't be shocked if she felt weird about bringing it up.
"I'd ask her about it mate." Daniel winks and disappears into the crowd of people.
Oscar tries not to think too hard on it. It's just a weird comment made by Daniel in passing.
At least, that's what it started as.
Oscar then finds himself doing research on it. A deep rabbit hole that now occupies far too much space in his brain.
The idea of her permanently some kind of mark he puts there drives him wild. Which is odd, because it hasn't before. A visible hickey every now and then does the trick. Satisfies him when they go out places.
After the first 'I don't see your boyfriend,' he started putting one on her collar bone. Not visible unless she deems it so amd fresh enough to ward off any suspicious characters.
Curse Daniel for giving him this stupid idea. Something more permanent than a hickey sounds appealing.
If it were up to him, he'd keep her in his pocket. It's funny, really, how she thought he didn't know about her feelings. Oscar had played the game for two years. Then he couldn't take it anymore and he snapped.
Yes, she's snarky and moody, and as picky as Lando, until you get past the hard exterior and see she's all soft and squishy. Most of the time, anyway.
He asks her about it after Silverstone. He's coming down off his high and drunk on the adrenaline paired with a shot of success. The confidence boost is really what he needs to put the idea out there. As outrageous as it seems, Daniel might have a point.
"I was thinking about something." He starts off with. She flops onto her bed. Not his since Lando manages to get into his room at the worst times.
"Something good I hope?"
"Depends." Oscar adjusts their position so he can cradle her. The way she snuggles into him like an affectionate cat makes him melt. "It's kinky."
"The best kind of thoughts to have!" She taps his nose with her index finger to accentuate each word.
Oscar steels himself for the possible outcomes. "What if we tried knives."
There is an unmatched look of pure shock on her face. Oscar is prepared to reassure that she doesn't have to, until he notices the glint.
"Yes! I mean - yeah, we should give it a try."
Huh, so Daniel was right. Oscar will have to thank him later for the tip. "We need to talk about it first. I'm thinking either talk now and do it or we save it for a later date."
"How about we talk now, then see?"
"Sounds lovely."
The more Oscar talks, the more she wants it. It's ridiculous what he does to her with merely his voice. Or maybe it's the constant regard for her wants, needs, and safety.
Yeah, it's true what they say: consent really is sexy.
"Love? Did you hear what I was saying?" His voice has they soft mellowness about it that calms the raging see of her emotions.
"Stay with me, yeah? I'll put this off if you aren't coherent enough to truly consent to anything." Yep, sexy. No doubt about it.
"I'm here, promise! Just got distracting... thinking."
She waits a beat to see if he's willing g to drop it. He makes no indication he'll be moving on, however, making her forced to answer. "Your voice..."
She is going to combust at this rate. It's embarrassing how wrecked she is already. Oscar hasn't even touched her, but the sight of him with the glinting silver blade in his hands has her going feral. The crazy eyed, drooling kind that makes her seem like she should be locked up.
The fact Oscar spent over two hours in discussion and has research to back up every point her makes drivers her wild. She would happily spend the rest of her life with him even after a measly two years together.
He's ruined her. Oscar has made it so she will never be able to leave. So what if she's dramatic? Can you really blame her when she has Oscar Piastri standing in front of her looking ready to devour her?
Oscar takes his time. It's slow and gentle kisses, nimble fingers finding their way around the canvas he knows so well. "Fucking hell you're gorgeous."
She takes a mental note of the way she's in no clothes and he's got all his own. It's unfair and she tugs at his sleeve to signal she wants it off. Oscar complies and pulls the fabric off.
He goes back to licking his way around the inside of her mouth. Her hands relax around his body, taking comfort in the warmth and closeness of the skin-on-skin contact.
His fingers slip through her folds and like muscle memory locate her clit. It's pathetic the sounds he's getting her to make. Specifically, while holding the pocketknife, unopened, in his free hand.
"So pretty for me love. I would cut you up and put you in my pocket if I could. Carry your cute ass around with me like a good luck charm."
She's so far down the rabbit hole of her favorite headspace. Oscar's words are just swimming around her, until the sound of the black clicking open pulls her back into reality.
He presses the flat part of the blade against her arm. The cold of the metal sends a shiver running down her spine.
Oscar is looking deep in the eyes, mapping out every emotion and physical reaction she's having to the sensation. "Color?"
"Green, very green, the brightest of greens-" Oscar shuts her up with a kiss to her temple. It's gentle and meaningful. Enough to turn her right into a blushing mess.
Oscar checks in frequently every time the blade moves. The masochist is jumping for joy when the tip barely rests against her shoulder blade. "Are you ready? Want me to mark you? Shall I make you bleed for me?"
"Please," She whines.
"Keep your eyes on me yeah? You say red and I stop."
She signals that she understands and would like to continue. Oscar traces the line he wants to make.
She hisses when the knife presses downwards. Oscar panics, but he watches her eyes roll back and knows to continue. "Eyes on me, love. I want to see how pretty you look."
The cold stinging sensation makes her whimper in pain and moan in ecstasy all at the same time. He's still talking to her. Voice still calm and gentle. He's watching her intently, tracking every shift until he's done.
He keeps a hand on her to let her know he's still present as he tucks the, now closed knife, safely onto the bedside table. Despite looking so composed to everyone else, she notices the small thing about Oscar's shift in demeanor. Like how his pupils are staring at her, just the slightest bit tinged with the desire tor take her in the next ten seconds.
He resists and makes sure she is ready for that first. "Color?"
She slurs through an ungodly number of praises and words resembling 'green'. Oscar basks in it. He sits and caresses her skin as he watches the cut to make sure he really did go light enough.
Small beads of red appear at the surface, but not enough that he's concerned with first aid at the Moment. He breathes a sigh of relief.
"Osc? Are you still green?"
Oscar softens again. "Yeah, I'm green, just taking in the sight and - happy I didn't stab you." He's breathless and panting. His jeans straining and her hands aching to get her hands on him.
There is so much love and kindness leading up to him finally getting inside of her. The towel underneath her shoulder catches the run-off red. It falls away with every thrust of his hips and rock of her body.
They hit the edge to quickly. Falling over it in white hot pleasure and moans of joy.
"You're such a good girl for me. You did such a good job." Oscar whispers in her ear as he wipes the cut with disinfectant.
Oscar carries her blissed out body to the bathroom and lets her look at the wound before bandaging it. A perfect heart now rests on the peak of her shoulder. Not massive, but enough to be seen without looking to close.
"I love it."
"Yeah? You ready to bandage it?"
"Do we have to?"
She doesn't get her way. Oscar bandages the heart and gets them cleaned up. Then it's water and snacks in bed.
"I never thought you'd be into it."
"I wasn't until Daniel brought it up."
Her entire being stills. Maybe even goes pale and Oscar looks at her in confused worry.
"I might have asked him for advice on how to ask you... about this."
Once again, his face softens. "You know you never have to be afraid of asking me." A gentle smile appears on his face. "I do think we'll have to thank him for this later."
"You're just going to inflate his ego."
"Maybe it's worth it if he keeps giving me advice." Oscar winks at her and smirks.
Yeah, maybe Daniel's pestering isn't to bad.
Oscar stands waiting for the drivers parade the next race weekend with all the other drivers. He's waiting patiently for his favorite rookie to come and join him.
Instead, he is once again jumping out of his skin because Danile is grabbing his shoulders from out of nowhere. "Could you not, like, scare me? Please?"
"But this is more fun! Certainly not as much fun as you had, I'm sure. I saw the scar." Daniel wiggles his eyebrows.
Oscar is blushing, he can feel it in his face. The words he wants to say are not coming out like he intends. "yep, I - um... thanks."
"Let me know if you need any other advice." Daniel smirks and claps him on the shoulder, Leaving Oscar a mess.
This is why I get teased; he thinks.
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catsfor2 · 1 year
hit me, part 2
wc: 2.5k, largely unedited warnings: swearing/language, talk of homophobia, physical injury a/n: omg hey. this part takes place directly after part 1. things are starting to happen...!also idk shit about shit so don't come at me for the medical stuff if its wrong :) tags: @elliewilliamsmunch@intrnetdoll@me-and-your-husbandur-husband@3zae-zae3@milahnoz@elliescumm@dragonasflowercrown
part 1
part 1.5
"So...where are we going?"
"It's a clearing. In the woods." Ellie's hands lazily slide around the steering wheel as she speaks. You could daydream while staring at Ellie for hours. It's relaxing to watch her drive.
"Hm. Are you gonna...kill me there? Or something?" You joke.
"Still deciding."
"Oh my—are you seriously still mad?"
She says nothing, pretending to be engaged with driving.
You let out an irked breath.
"Okay—Ellie, I'm sorry. I was wasted out of my mind. And you look really different. Like, not just in your face. Everywhere is different." You confess, fiddling with the stickers peeling off of her dashboard.
"So do you. I still managed to fuckin' figure it out."
"I—I think I almost did? I remember looking at you and feeling really—confused, mostly. I didn't understand why I liked this stranger so much." You say, vaguely remembering how clingy and overt you acted last night.
"You were confused? I was fucking confused," her head swivels to yours. "a lesbian? That's what you are now?"
"Don't—don't say it like that. I came out like everyone else. You just weren't there to hear it."
Ellie lets out a choked laugh.
"Oh, Bullshit."
"Excuse me?"
"I wrote you and called you for fucking months. Nothing. A letter a fucking day. Are you listening? Do you know how many letters that is?"
You stay silent. Your hands ball up where they rest on your lap.
"Fuckin' say something! I even asked Dina for your number but you cut her off too! Is there a reason you basically fucking died?"
"I wasn't home, Ellie."
She stills, her shoulders relaxing a touch. She adjusts back towards the road before clearing her throat.
"At...at sixteen? What happened?"
You recall you, sixteen, sobbing and frantic. Tearing apart the letter Ellie wrote to tell you that she left. Wondering why it felt more like a breakup then your actual one did. Cursing yourself over and over and over again for only being sixteen. Your parents cursing Ellie for corrupting you.
"I feel like you can connect the dots." Your voice is just barely loud enough to hear over the droning tone of the car. The only focus you had at this point was trying not to cry in front of Ellie.
"Oh, fuck, y/n. I'm—I'm sorry. Did those fuckers kick you out?"
"No," you sigh. "I just knew I had leave. They're...crazy. I don't know. I'm fine now."
Her knuckles flex and tense over the steering wheel. Her teeth start to bite at her lips. There's a couple more seconds of quiet before she speaks up.
"I wish I would've been there."
You pause, not totally expecting what she said.
"Yeah," you breathe, gazing at the side of her head. "I wished that too."
And that wasn't a lie. Your family instilled a lot on you, mostly turning you away from religion. But then? You were desperate. Painfully, achingly desperate. And completely alone. After you left home, you prayed every single night. A genuine prayer, on your knees and everything. You even bought a $1.50 pocket bible from goodwill. All to aide in your bedtime routine of begging God to make Ellie come back.
She never did. You've been an atheist ever since. You weren't sure if her being here now changed anything.
The silence marinates for a short while longer until you feel the rocky texture of a gravel road beneath the car.
"We're here," Ellie states, throwing the gear in park. She takes a glance at your feet. "and you should've worn better shoes. We have walking to do."
You both hop out of the car.
"Like you couldn't have told me before we left?" You scoff.
"It's more fun to fuck with you later. C'mon," she grabs your hand, tightly clutching it in hers. "there's coyotes and shit around here. Don't be fuckin' stupid and stay close."
You try to will the warmth away from your cheeks. You've never held Ellie's hand before. Even if this doesn't really count as holding.
"Yeah, got it." You force out.
She leads you into the trees, hand warmly on yours, briskly following a mental path she's clearly walked many times.
"I almost got arrested over here," She sighs, far too casually.
"Damn—I said almost, chill." She assures, laughing at your shock.
You lightly slap her shoulder.
"I don't care! Almost getting arrested is still crazy!" You chide, eyes wide and judgmental.
Ellie's always been pretty...rebellious, but a part of you always thought that she'd be smart enough to avoid anything truly consequential. I guess she still is, you think.
"Lemme explain, ok. I was high as fuck, minding my business, when I saw some kids shootin'—a wolf, I think? Maybe a coyote—I saw them just...fuckin' up this poor thing with a—a BB gun."
"Oh my god..." You say, "What did you do?"
"I didn't do shit at first—I thought they'd stop. But they were like—about to kill this thing, I swear to God. So, I...ha..." Her face breaks into a wide smile. "you're not gonna like this,"
"...What. Not gonna like what."
"I pulled my gun on 'em."
"It wasn't even loaded, y'know I like to have it with me just in case..."
"They're kids!—"
"Asshole kids. Ok? And it fuckin' worked so—"
"I thought you said you almost got arrested?"
"Jesus—I did. You keep interrupting me—"
"Sorry." You quip, also realizing you just interrupted her with your apology.
"It's—it's fine. Anyway, those fucks called the cops on me after they ran. I found out cause the fuckin' pigs stopped me and asked if I'd seen an 'armed gunman in the area,'" She says, imitating a deep 'cop' voice. "dumbasses had no clue it was me."
You watch as she laughs, amused at her own story. Suddenly, your foot gets caught under a thick root and your arms fly out in an instant.
Ellie's hands hit your shoulders, grasping them upright, causing you to sharply crash into her chest.
"Oh—shit, sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." You gasp out, trying to regain your balance while loosening your grip on Ellie's coat.
"No, it's those fuckin' shoes," she rebukes, hands still resting on your shoulders. She immediately takes them off you when she notices. "we're almost there anyway. Try not to kill yourself before then."
Your hand burns at your side, palm itching. Is she going to grab it again?
"Where's 'there'?" You ask, glancing around at the wall of trees and shrubbery encircling you both.
"You'll see. Just stay close." She repeats like before, clutching your hand once again.
You tighten your grip, wanting to show Ellie you're listening.
"Good. Let's move."
The two of you walk for about a mile or so more, before the view steals your eyes and you both freeze.
"Oh—wow, Ellie. This is really pretty," you breathe, entranced by the piercingly vibrant colors and towering mountainous structures.
Her head is turned toward you, taking in your reaction to the sight, instead of the sight itself.
She's must've seen it so many times, you think.
"Yeah, you like it? I knew you would." She tells you, unable to keep the satisfied grin from her face.
"Shut up. I'm still mad you didn't even let me get ready this morning."
"There's nobody here. Who're you fuckin' getting ready for?" She barks, arms wide and gesturing.
I still wanted to get ready for you, Ellie. But obviously you don't say that.
"Whatever. You just did it to be a dick." You mutter, plopping yourself down onto the boulder in front of you.
"Yeah, I did. It's funny when you're mad. You're like a cat." She laughs, sitting down next to you.
"That's toxic. You shouldn't make people mad just cause you find it funny." You chide, crossing your legs over the rock.
"Guess I'm toxic, then." She sighs, carelessly throwing pebbles at your head.
"Was that the plan? Sit on a rock and be mean to me?"
"Truly adorable that you think this is mean—"
"Well it's not nice, that's for sure." You huff.
Ellie shifts so that her body faces yours. Her legs spread out wide, elbows comfortably resting on her thighs.
"I don't think you want me to be nice to you."
Your mouth parts open in surprise, eyes now burning into Ellie's.
"Well that's a lie. I'd love for you to be nice—"
"I think you like when I'm mean to you. I think you...prefer it, actually." She juts, a confident smile forming.
"Yeah, and who told you that, Dina?" You question, crossing your arms as a breeze starts to make you shiver.
"Nobody told me anything." her head quirks to the side. "I can just tell."
It was difficult to keep your composure. There were some things Ellie seemed to know about you that you didn't even know yourself. It was terrifying, embarrassing, and flattering all at once. Your face feels like its melting. You stay silent.
"Oh—am I right? I've totally got you, haven't I?" She asks, enjoying fully the power she seems to have over you and your emotions.
"No." You bite, unwilling to try and say anything else.
You hated how often Ellie was right.
She takes a ball of black fabric from her pocket, tossing it in your lap. It's a hat.
"Put it on. It's cold."
A swarm of bats fly over the both of you, chaotic and eruptive.
"It's gonna be dark, Ellie."
"I know, I know. I was, uh—saving the best for last." She quips, hopping off of the rock to stand in front of you.
It felt kind of awkward this way, Ellie fully standing while you sat. You had to look straight up to meet her eyes. It put your head in whirl.
"What, the tattoo? I saw that already."
"No. Something else," She grabs your hand and places it on the bottom hem of her top. Your heart beats a little faster.
"Lift up my shirt."
Your eyes widen as your hand fidgets. You wait for her to keep talking. She doesn't.
"Um...like all the way?" You struggle to find words. "Or—"
"Lift up," her hand grasps yours, guiding it up. "my shirt."
Fabric shifts and the pale flesh of her abdomen comes into view. Her belly is lean—all hard edges and dense muscle. What catches your eye is the long, winding, angry scar tracing along her hip.
Your brain goes into overdrive.
Traumatic injury, surgery needed... most likely...flexor or... IT band tendonitis? Maybe, what, Bursitis? Something...invasive—a tear? Labral tear? Iliopsoas tear? What the fuck was she doing?
"Street fighting." She states. "It's my job."
Your face is blank. You shakily stand.
"Uhhh—you, you better be fucking with me, Ellie." You stutter out. Unconsciously, you move to trace your finger along the scar, feeling the warped, healed skin. "I mean this is...this is serious. This is...surgery."
"Don't I fuckin' know it," she moves her shirt back down, covering the scar. "took me out of the ring for like, eight weeks."
"Jesus—Jesus Christ. How long have you been doing this!?"
"Not much longer than you've been in school, really."
"So, not long. Is what you're saying." your fingers rake through your hair. "This is...this is fucking crazy."
"It's not that—"
"Dina's okay with this? Really. I really don't see how she could be okay with this, like, at all." You argue, cutting her off.
"She wasn't. I had to convince her."
"And how often do you go to the doctor? Once a week? Or do you pretend like you know how to patch yourself up?"
Her face slightly reddens.
"I—I learned how to do it myself. I know how."
"Oh sure. Did you google it? I'm sure google will save you from a life threatening injury."
"Ok, most of them are not 'life threatening'—"
"You don't know that! Not certainly, at least! Not certain enough to be safe!" You exclaim, voice full of anger, but mostly, fear.
She places a hand on your shoulder, gripping it tightly. She doesn't talk until you meet her eyes.
"Hey. I am fine. The hip thing was a fluke. Honest. Most of the time nothing fuckin' happens." She assures, her other hand rubbing up and down your arm. You must've looked more upset than you'd realized.
"Just, 'ok'? Are we...good now?" Ellie asks, blue eyes still deeply connected to yours.
"Um...yeah..." You say, partly hesitating. Ellie watches you closely.
"I wanna go with you."
Her face lights up in...shock?, you think, a pleased grin shaping her mouth.
"If you really want to do...this," you bite your lip. "being there is what would make me feel...better...about it."
"Yeah? That's...I mean, I think that's great," She says, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "my own cheerleader."
You step backwards, letting Ellie's hands slide away from your body.
"No, not a cheerleader. A fucking medic. So I'm not sitting home worried about you—dying. I can just be there to help if stuff goes wrong."
"I'm happy either way, princess." She gleams.
As the sun sets, it gets harder to make out the shape of her face. The woods are also quieter, amplifying the subtle sounds of you and Ellie. You wonder about the details of your plan.
"Do I have to pay to get in? How does this...work?"
"No, you're set. Pretty girls get in free—it's a club rule. Y'know, good for business and everything."
You thank the sky for it's darkness, as Ellie is unable to see the rosy hue reaching your cheeks.
"Oh. Okay...good to know."
Ellie steps up, and now familiarly, encloses your hand in hers.
"C'mon. It's too fuckin' dark to stay any longer."
You walk out of the clearing, back into the dense foliage of where you came. Your grip tightens.
"So...have you had girlfriend?" Ellie blurts.
"Um, weird question, but," you look away. "no."
"Just...trying to gauge how good of a lesbian you are. Pretty bad, it seems."
"Oh, fuck off. I've been focusing on...school." You retort, fully knowing how lame it sounds.
If you were being honest, it was just nerves. You didn't have to try for a boyfriend, he basically wouldn't even take 'no' for an answer. But with girls? It was like you froze.
"Hey I'd give you some tips but...I don't think they'd really...apply for you, y'know?"
"No, I don't know. Explain it." You demand.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm trying think of a way where it makes...sense. And won't make you mad."
"I won't get mad Ellie. Just say it." You encourage, now more curious than anything.
She stops walking and turns to you.
"Well, it's like...the roles. The roles you can have."
She huffs a laugh before continuing, and positions her hand to point to herself.
"I'm the type that flusters the girl. The...fluster-er, right?"
She walks forwards, getting so close that you can smell the scents of the forest soaked up in her clothing.
"And you," She says, her finger poking your collarbone. "...are the girl that...is flustered. It's a...a dynamic, yeah?"
Your skin heats and all you can do is gaze at Ellie, who's completely enthused with this discussion. She stays quiet, watching your face intently, despite it being so dark.
"You're making stuff up again. I don't even—I don't even know why I let you talk." You utter.
"See? You're doing it already! It's the fuckin' dynamic princess—you know I'm never wrong." She gushes, pinching at your checks and making them even redder.
"This so stupid. And don't call me that."
It was like the world stopped. As soon as you said it, you could see Ellie's brain distinctly remembering you, in that whiny drunken voice, begging. You won't ever forget it. And neither will Ellie, for completely different reasons.
You knew exactly what she was going to say, so you try and stop her.
"Don't. I don't care what I did yesterday. Just—don't."
She sighs, clearly dropping it. Thank god. Her teeth bite the inside of her cheek.
"Whatever you say, princess."
You don't even acknowledge it, just rolling your eyes as you walk ahead. Stray branches brush over your legs and thighs, feeling like gentle scratches. You slow a bit, waiting for Ellie to join you.
And hold your hand again.
Stepping ahead of you to lead, Ellie does just that. The warmth makes you smile, and you let it own your face, bright and wide. You didn't care. It was dark enough.
"Alright. Stay close."
"I know, Ellie."
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readychilledwine · 9 months
Slow Hands
Part Two
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A/N - Here's the first post for my "Here's to 100" Celebration week. 💙 I'm starting off with something I've received a few requests and messages about.
Warnings - mentions of abuse/trauma, mentions of child abuse, mentions of scars. Smut smut smut. Anal play, pet/master dom and sub dynamic play. Fingering, oral (m recving)/throat fucking. Minors DNI.
Part One
Lyria leaned closer into her mirror, examining the peachy nude lipstick she was wearing one more time before standing up straight and fixing part of her hair.
She was putting so much effort into her looks for a male. Something her brothers would frown upon since they normally praised her natural beauty. She had curled and braided her hair in places before pulling into a messy yet almost flirty, high ponytail. She had done her makeup. She put on expensive perfume.
She was even wearing a dress, something she had not done since being freed from the mountain. She brushed her hands along the baby blue fabric one more time before moving to look herself over in the full length mirror. The dress was one Rhysand had actually bought for her when he first brought her here. He loved the way the color sat on her golden skin tone, how it brought out the red in her hair. He had told her to save the little number for her first date in his court.
She didn't think he had planned on that date being with his brother. She pulled on her heels and put on the earrings she had picked for the night. A soft knock on her door made her heart beat pick up as she made her way over.
She opened the door, allowing Azriel in. "Hey, you're early." He was silent, staring at her with his mouth slightly parted. "Do I look okay? Rhys told me you had picked somewhere really nice, I can change." He grabbed her arm as she moved to go back to her room.
"You look stunning. I just didn't expect," he studied her again. The way the dress hugged her upper body, cinching at her small waist, before flaring out slightly and ending above her knees. Her long legs highlighted by the heels she was wearing. "Gods, you're beautiful."
She smiled softly at him. "You aren't so bad looking yourself." He was dressed in tighter black trousers, a black button up shirt. He had on several rings and a watch. "Let me grab my purse and we can go."
"You don't need your purse." He offered her his arm. "Let's just go get dinner."
The restaurant Azriel brought her to was an Inner Circle favorite by the Sindra. Faelights and candles adorned the patio they had opted to sit on to enjoy the beautiful summer evening.
He found himself falling into easy conversation with her. They had spoken about his upbringing, how they met Rhys, about how she got into healing.
There was a couple tense topics Azriel wanted to approach with the Heiress, like the topic of her older brothers, of her fathers, of why Rhysand had brought her here and hid her from all of them until now, but he danced around them waiting for her to make an opening. He was tired of waiting though, and needed answers before he put his plan for tonight into action.
"Do you talk to your brothers?" She looked at him a little shocked and blinked. "If you don't mind me asking." She does, a shadow whispered. Gentle.
Lyria sighed, pushing her pasta around her plate. "I speak with Eris and Lucien. I do not talk to the other males I have the unfortunate pleasure of being related to."
Azriel nodded. "What's Eris actually like? Behind that mask and bullshit self defense mechanism?"
Lyria looked at Azriel and sighed softly. "Ask me what you actually want to ask."
"What happened with Mor? Did you have part in it?"
Lyria shook her head. "I was a child when they were engaged. All I remember from that night was Eris had allowed me to ride with him on a border patrol. We found her, and he begged her to let us help. She refused. He asked if he could at least get her somewhere she'd be safer, and could be found because the Autumn forest isn't a good place for people my father deems unworthy."
Lyria sighed again. "He had me use what little knowledge I had on winnowing to get her to the clearing you found her in. He hardly slept that night. I know there were discussions between the two of them before this all happened, some hushed fighting, but Eris protected me from whatever little things he could that would lead to Beron hurting me or using me. Mor included."
Azriel nodded. Slowly processing the added information. "So he isn't lying?"
"Eris is kind, caring, funny. He would have never purposely hurt her." Lyria pushed her plate away. "And your question on Lu?"
"How much has he told you?"
Lyria shook her head again before beginning to play with her hair. "Not much honestly. He's not thrilled we are here together, but he understands I am grown enough to make my own choices."
Azriel nodded again. "Why did Rhys hide you for so long?"
She shook her head and held up her arm, a small bargain tattoo unveiling itself. "I can't tell you that. Can we go? I feel like some of this is better discussed alone."
Azriel pulled her closer to him as they sat on her couch. Talking had quickly turned into kissing, and kissing to heavy touching. Her nails were currently dragging down his bare chest, shirt long lost in some corner of her house, as he ran his own hands up her bare thighs.
Azriel lifted her, remembering he had wanted to repay a favor, and began walking her down the hallway to the room they were in last week.
It came alive the second they entered. Candles and faelights began to brighten, the sounds of nature setting in softly in the background. The soft smell of jasmine and honey hit his nose. "Why is it so… sensual smelling in here tonight?"
Lyria threw her head back with a soft moan as Azriel moved his kisses down her throat and neck. "Feyre and Rhys booked a couples massage lesson. I taught them little tips and tricks based in pleasure massage, they had champagne and chocolates, went home to try to make baby number two." Az chuckled softly against her throat. "Don't laugh. Couples in Velaris go crazy for my date night packages!"
Azriel kissed her deeply again, beginning to unlace the dress she was wearing. "And when is the last time someone took care of your body, Lyria?"
She knew it was a coded question. He was asking her two things. "It's been a while." She confessed.
"Let me take care of you, little fox. Get undressed. Lay on the table on your stomach." He kissed her gently before leaving the room to give her privacy to undress.
Lyria heated the table and blanket, sighing happily as she allowed the dress to fall and hung it. She got on the table, giggling as a shadow caressed her hair before covering her with a towel and Azriel entered.
Her approached her slowly, hand gently running her upper thigh to her ankle as he began to hold back anticipation over her newly exposed skin. He ran his hand softly back up the other leg, admiring every freckle on her shoulders before pausing to look at the scarring on her back.
She had been beaten with something, he ran a hand down one, the familiar sensation of a burn scar under his finger tips. Something that was on fire. "Who did this to you?"
Lyria sighed, turning to look at him with a brow raised. "Beron. His favorite method to put me in line with was a 9 tail whip. He liked how thin the scars were. If I was being extra defiant, he'd light the whip on fire after force feeding me faebane." She felt Azriel's grip on the table, his knuckles had turned white. Lyria pulled one of his hands to her head, laying it back down, "Start with the scalp and work down."
Azriel took a few stilling breaths, his hand instantly beginning to scratch and pull at her hair gently from the base. She let out a soft nose that brought him back to her, back to this moment. He didn't speak as he began to try to take care of her. He watched as she shivered slightly as he gripped the hair at the base of her neck. "You are beautiful," he whispered to her. "So beautiful."
Lyria moaned as his hands moved down to her neck and shoulders. He watched her shiver again, signaling to him he had found the right amount of pressure. He worked the tension out slowly before moving lower.
Lyria sighed softly as Azriel's hands ran along her back. He was being so gentle with her even if it was clear he didn't exactly know what he was doing.
She moaned as he applied more pressure to a tighter area, causing the male to grin with satisfaction. "Like that, little fox?"
"Just like that," her voice had become breathy, eyes fluttering shut. He was doing the best he could to remember her motions from the week before, copying them as closely as possible.
Azriel was almost desperate to see her fall apart the way he had. He was desperate to repay that favor. He allowed his shadows to begin exploring. Watching as they played in her hair, down her back, over the perfect ass he'd been dreaming about.
His goal was set as she moaned as he moved to another tight area. Lyria was going to cum for him tonight, and he honestly did not care how.
His methods became more focused, he began softer touches, watching as goosebumps danced across her skin. His shadows had begun to play in her hair. She was catching on to what was happening. "Whatcha doin', Az?" Her tone was playful as she lifted herself to peek over her shoulder at the blushing male.
Azriel smirked at her, a scarred hand going under the towel to touch the bare skin of her ass and squeezing it. "Repaying a favor." He started to use methods he knew worked. He began kissing her back and neck, whispering into her ear. "Do you want me to touch you, Lyria?"
"Cauldron boil me," she moaned softly as he bit her shoulder. He smirked as she arched her back slightly into him. He could smell her. The scent of their arousal mixing in the air as he moved his hand lower and closer to her core. A soft whimper left her throat. "Please."
"Please what, princess?"
"Touch me."
Azriel wasted no time, running his fingers on her already soaked core before pushing two into her. He used his other hand to tangle into her soft hair, pulling it to force her back to arch more. "Such a pretty little thing." She moaned loudly as his finger stretched her open.
"Azriel," her voice had gone completely breathy at this point. "Feels so good."
He smirked. "Just wait, princess. Your pretty cunt will feel so good wrapped around me." He pulled his fingers out of her, quickly turning her over on table and pulling her closer to the ledge. His fingers returned to her again, his thumb now joining in his assault on her by brushing against her clit. She had propped herself up on her elbows, watching as Azriel's fingers sunk in and out of her.
She was moaning his name, moaning praise, gasping softly with each delicious pull and push. "Look at me," he said. "Eyes on mine, princess." She looked into Azriel's hazel eyes. "Good girl. Such a good girl. Do you want to cum on my fingers?"
Lyria nodded, her red hair bouncing slightly at the motion. "Please."
"What do I get?" She whined as he curled his fingers into that perfect spot.
"Anything. You can have anything." Azriel hummed, and sped up his hands movements, groaning to himself as he felt her walls twitching around his fingers, tightening in excitement. Lyria was still following his orders, her beautiful eyes locked on his as her mouth fell open.
Azriel leaned forward, pushing her submission to find out exactly what he was dealing with. He grabbed her chin with his spare hand, holding her jaw open as he maintained eye contact with her, and then spit into her mouth. "Swallow." She did. "Cum, little fox." And she did. Lyria felt that coil snap in her stomach. He forced her to keep eye contact with him as she moaned out his name loudly, her toes curling. Shadows began to play along her breasts, pinching and tweaking her nipples causing more stimulation and prolonging her orgasm.
Azriel smirked as she rode his hand through her high, chest heaving. "On your knees. Take my pants off." He removed his fingers from her, pulling them to his mouth to suck them clean as he stepped back.
Lyria obeyed, getting on her knees in front of him and unlacing the tight material. She pulled them down his thighs and removed them, running her hands back up his thighs as she sat and waited. "Mouth open, hands behind your back. Tap my thigh twice if it's too much." He stroked his cock, watching as she got into position and parted her lips for him. "Gods, you are obedient, aren't you?"
"I just want to be your good girl," the soft confession almost made Azriel feel guilty as he pushed himself into her mouth, gripping the back of her head to hold her in place as the base of him.
"And you are." He began to fuck her throat slowly, watching her face as drool and tears began to form. His hands were laced tight into her hair for control as he growled above her. "Look so beautiful with my cock down your throat. Such a pretty little mess." She gagged softly around him. Play. He commanded his shadows, smirking as she moaned loudly at them beginning to trace over her clit, her nipples, dragging themselves between her folds. He picked up speed, watching as her mascara began to run, moaning as he destroyed her.
A familiar tight feeling started in his abs as his wings began to flare more. Azriel ripped her off of him and up before it could go further than he wanted and bent her over the table. "Are you on the tonic?" She nodded, unable to form words as his shadows continued their assault. "Good." Azriel lined himself up and pushed inside of her, head falling back into his shoulders as they both moaned. He grabbed both of her arms, pulling her slightly off the table and forcing her to use her abs to support herself.
He set a fast pace, filling her in a way no male ever had before. Stretching her more than any male had before. Lyria was quickly a mess, moaning his name and meeting his thrusts. "Is that the only word my beautiful little fox knows now? Have I fucked you so dumb already you can only say my name?" The drag of his cock as he teased her made her whimper and nod. "Fucking perfect. You are fucking perfect." Azriel grabbed both of her wrists in one hand. His other hand was squeezing her ass again as she laid back on the table.
"How far can I push you, Lyria? Where's the line?" Azriel began to tease her other hole. "Should we find out, princess?"
A scream of his name as he found that sensitive spot in her cunt was her only response. He could feel her wetness dripping, he could feel her tightening around his cock. He took the chance and pushed his thumb into her ass, chuckling as she moaned his name again. "Azriel, fuck! Please."
"Flithy fucking whore, aren't you?" Lyria nodded, smiling at the accusation. "Should I fuck your pretty ass next time? Gods, I'm going to fucking keep you. Can I keep you baby girl? Lock you up in my cabin in chains and just use this little body? Ill treat you like such a good little pet baby. You will be so spoiled."
Lyria was lost, pleasure building so tightly in her stomach she was going to explode soon. He felt so good inside of her and each groan and growl he released had her body fluttering in feminine pleasure. "Yes, master." Azriel groaned above her. "You can keep me."
He was smirking behind her again. He began thrusting even harder into the overly sensitive spot, growling as she got impossibly tighter around him. "Good little pet." His thumb was moving in time with his cock, he could feel it dragging, adding stimulation for both of them. Lyria was twitching around him, drooling and whispering in his name as over sensitivity set in. "Are you going to cum with my thumb in your ass, pet?"
A harsh thrust came after the question, making Lyria see stars as her toes began to curl again. "Yes, master. Can I cum? Please?"
Azriel growled again, his own orgasm right within reach. "Cum," he commanded. "Cum on my cock. I want to feel you fall apart on me."
She came with a scream of his name, Azriel roaring behind her as he also fell over the edge with that final stimulation of her walls fluttering around him. "That's it, pet. There you go." The hand holding her wrist dropped them, guiding her soft pushing against his hips to pull him further into her. "Good girl, Lyria." He pulled his other hand out of her, resting it by her waist as he ran the other up and down her back. "Took me so well, baby."
Lyria shuttered at the praise. Her eyes shut as she came down fully. "We should do this again." Azriel nodded in agreement, pulling out of her slowly and grabbing the towel on the table to clean both of them.
Lyria turned as he threw it into the hamper and froze. Azriel looked at her his brows knitted in confusion. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Then he felt it. Azriel froze as well as he stared at her. A snap happened between the both of them causing his breath to hitch and hers to still.
The string connecting them was golden and sparkling. He pulled her to him instantly, hand holding the back of her hair as he began to cry happily into her head. "You have no clue how long I've been looking for you." He kissed the top of her head, then her forehead, then each cheek and nose. He finally kissed her lips. Lyria kissed him back, just as eager and smiled as he pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. "Maybe we can do this again in a couple days, but minus the sex? Just spend time together?"
She nodded at his offer, trying to ignore her growing glowing skin. "I'd like that a lot."
"Do you always glow after sex?"
He smiled as she blushed. "No. I glow when I'm happy."
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crueisummer · 1 year
𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝓒𝓛16
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: Kika and Pierre invite you to their engagement party where you meet her and Pierre’s friends from F1, specifically, a certain handsome Monegasque driver.
playlist: ♫ gorgeous ♪ delicate ♬ i think he knows ♡ you are in love
author's note: Hello everyone! Please be patient as this will be my first fanfic/au. Anyway, this would be part of a series, and each song from the playlist above would be the title of a chapter. I still don't know what to call the series, so if you have any suggestions, please send them my way. Anyway, thanks for reading, and enjoy the story! ✧・゚:૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა✧・゚:
chapter warnings: a lot of swearing.
word count: 1.7k
disclaimer: All characters and events in this story, even those based on real people, are entirely fictional.
01:58 ━━━━●───── 03:29 ⇆ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ılıılıılıılıılıılı ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮
Your car pulled up in front of the restaurant’s door. Your security guard got out of the shotgun seat and opened your car door. Everyone started to go crazy when they saw you. The lights of the paparazzi’s camera flicking every millisecond, trying to get a photo of every move you make. There’s security on your left and right, protecting you.
The door to the restaurant opened and there was a receptionist holding a clipboard.
"Y/F/N Y/L/N." You smile as you look at her. Their eyes widen and mouth gaped before gesturing for you to go follow the usher. You took an elevator and got off on the rooftop. You walked in and looked around, amazed at the beauty of the place. There were a lot of tables and booths, some afloat on water. There's a lot of people and caterers walking around with food and drinks.
Everyone is dressed in semi-formal attire which made you sigh in relief for your outfit. You are wearing a sparkly sleeveless jumpsuit that showed off your curves and just a bit of your skin.
As you made your way into the party, there were a lot of familiar faces. Celebrities, actors, athletes. You saw Kika and Pierre in a booth in the middle.
"Show me the ring!" You scream as soon as you see your best friend. She turns around and laughs at you.
"Well, hello to you too!" She giggles as the two of you hug. You pull away quickly to see her left hand. A big diamond rock sitting on her ring finger.
"Wow. You sure have taste, Gasly, I'll give you that." You smirked at Pierre and hugged him too.
"Congratulations, you guys! So, am I a bridesmaid?" You joke at Kika, fluttering your eyelashes. You have been best friends for 3 years now, having met at a Louis Vuitton fashion show during Paris Fashion Week. Since then, you and Kika were inseparable. You both understood and supported each other.
"Cut the crap. You know you're maid of honor." She says smirking.
"Oh my god! I love you so much!" You scream and wrap your arms around her. You’ve never been a maid of honor and somewhere in the back of your mind, a memory clicked. You remembered that you and Kika promised to be each other’s maid of honor.
The couple laughs at your reaction and Kika tells you she’ll set up a meeting soon about the wedding, she’s going to be needing help. You nod right away. The grooms are always no help when planning a wedding. Just then, a guy comes up from behind you and greets them.
"Speaking of, here's the best man!" Pierre walks closer to him and does that guy hug thing. The mysterious man was slightly taller than Pierre and was wearing a white unbuttoned shirt and some khaki shorts. He looked good.
"Charles!” Kika greeted. Charl? Is he French? It's the French that don't pronounce the "s" at the end of their names, right?
He kisses Kika's cheeks while he and Pierre talk a bit in French and laugh. You didn't realize you were staring until Kika introduced you to him.
"Y/N, this is Charles, he'll be Pierre's best man." Kika says and you turn to face him. He kind of has a boyish face but his piercing green eyes and stubble that ran from chin to jaw makes him look mature. He looked gorgeous.
"Hi, I’m Charles." He says while extending his hand. He looks into your eyes while talking to you and you almost melted. You shyly look at your hands and look back again at his eyes, to see that he didn’t remove his gaze. Those eyes. How wonderful it would be to get lost in them.
"I’m Y/N." You smile shyly. You were getting shy. You never get shy. You always had the upper hand and was very confident in yourself when meeting new people. But somehow, someway, you can’t say anything.
You take his hand and shake it. You felt like you were drugged when your hands met. It put you on a high, one you want to be in for the rest of your life.
“So happy to finally meet you. You know, they always talk about you and sing your songs, especially Pierre.” Charles says, to make small talk and show that he is friendly and approachable.
“Oh, does he know? He always says my songs are cheesy.” You say while smirking at Pierre, Kika laughing her ass off. “Although I do have a video of him dancing to You Belong With Me.”
Kika’s eyes widen immediately, and the couple looks at each other. Pierre’s face is red from embarrassment. He exclaims, “You told me you didn’t send her the video!”
While the two bickered, you didn’t notice Charles was now standing closer to you. “You know, I would love to have a copy of that video,” He whispers. He was so close that you could smell his perfume.
Before you could reply, Kika is shoo-ing the guys. “Anyway, me and Y/N are gonna do some girl talk now.”
“Look for me later if you want the video.” You whisper to Charles, and he smirks before leaving with Pierre. Charles turns around and winks at you. It caught you off guard, but you smiled. When he looks away and turns back around, you look at Kika and see she was on her phone. Oh my god. The greatest thing that has ever happened to you and your best friend was on her fucking phone.
Kika looks up on her phone and was about to talk to you when she gets dragged into another booth. She looks at you and mouths, “Later.” But you wave her off, you know you can’t hog the host of the party.
You roamed around the party talking to everyone but Charles. You caught up with Kika’s friends; some you met before, some you haven’t. You got along with the other bridesmaids which erased the worry from the back of your mind that you might not get along.
One group of girls were calling themselves “WAGS” and laughing. It seemed like an inside joke, so you whispered to Kika, “What the fuck is a WAG?” and she laughs.
“Wives and girlfriends of professional athletes.” Your face scrunched up in disgust and she nodded her head. “I know, right?”
Good thing Kika was there to tell you that the girls who were calling themselves WAGS are in a relationship with F1 drivers. Kelly and Max, Carmen and George, Heidi and Daniel, Sara and Lance, Lily and Alex, Louise and Kevin, and Egle and Nico.
Some of Pierre’s single friends did try to hit on you, though. But you brushed them off and established being friends with them when they tried to ask you out.
While talking to everyone, you forgot to count how many shots and drinks you’ve been taking. You realized that you were drunk when as you were going to the bathroom, you didn’t take time to adjust to the dimmed lighting and you missed a step and almost fell. Thankfully, a pair of arms came out of nowhere and caught you.
“Est-ce que ça va, mon amour?" Are you okay, love? Charles. You talked to everyone in this party, and this voice you only heard for five minutes but instantly recognize it. He picks you up and you both try to steady yourself.
“Oui, merci.” Yes, thank you. Based on the context of you falling, you assumed that he asked if you were alright. You giggled as you tried your hardest to copy his accent, even though you were flat out drunk.
You lost your balance again and Charles gently set you down to sit on one of the steps. One of his hands going to the small of your back, careful not to hit your back.
Once you were settled, he squats in front of you, a shocked look on his face. He asks, “Tu parles français?" You speak French?
With the dimmed lighting and how close your faces are, you can see just how perfect his face is. He looks like a god.
“What?” You gave up. Your knowledge of the French language only limited to “yes”, “thank you” and “I love you.”
“You understand?” His Monegasque French accent lingering when he talks in English. His grammar is fucking adorable.
“No, I just know a few phrases from travelling to France.” You smile sheepishly. Leaning your head on the wall, “Is it good, though?”
“Yes, yes. Your accent almost fooled me.” He smiles at you. Your stomach is feeling crazy. Is this what it feels like when they say they “have butterflies in their stomach?” Because this feels like a fucking zoo.
“So, I haven’t seen you all night. Have you been ignoring me?” He asks you. You can’t tell if he’s flirting or if it’s a genuine question.
“Hmmm, maybe?” You took a chance and flirted with him. Pretending like you were ignoring his eyes and then looking at him and laughing.
“Why? What did I do?” He pouts. I think he knows that he’s beautiful. Otherwise, he would not have any confidence in pouting in front of a girl, right?
“Hmm, didn’t I tell you to look for me? And not the other way around?” You reminded him.
“Ahh, yes. My apologies, cheri.” He apologizes. His metallic rings startling your warm skin as he takes your right hand and kisses it. You were shocked, eyes wide.
“Can you forgive me, mon amour?” He takes your left hand and kisses it too. With his puppy eyes, he leans closer, still holding both of your hands near his lips.
“I- I-” He looked so gorgeous; you couldn’t say anything. He caught you off guard and your tongue couldn’t form any word. Your brain having a hard time comprehending what was happening.
You nodded your head and he smiled at you. You knew that he was thinking that he had the upper hand, but right now, while he is holding your hands and his face so close to yours, you didn’t mind.
"Apology accepted, mon amour." You try to copy him. His eyes shine when he hears you talk in his mother tongue.
"I have to ask, do you really want Pierre's video, or do you just want my number?" You smirk at him. You try to catch him off guard but he chuckles and smirks back at you.
"Can't a man have both?"
↠ ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 3 months
The Twist (Will Graham)
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Description: Hannibal meets Will's wife that he didn't know Will had. He figures out the dark reason why Will kept her a secret.
Word count: 2,555k
He shot up in sweat panting hard, his body shaking as he panted and looked around. He constantly had nightmares about the cases he was investigating. It never got better for him. “Will, are you okay?” She asked, sitting up with him and rubbing his sweaty back. That was until she came along. His beautiful Y/N. She made everything better for him. Sure he still had nightmares but she calmed him after. “Yeah, just another one.” He said, referring to his ongoing terror. She had gotten used to it all. After all they’ve been together for years she even had a ring on her finger. “You’re okay.” She told him. They laid back down in the bed together. He let out a sigh and pulled the girl to his chest. 
Hannibal was in awe at the sight before him. He made dinner and invited Will over and Will brought a guest that wasn’t a co-worker but a woman. The woman was young, maybe 25 ish. She was beautiful and had a ring on her finger. Not just any ring but a wedding ring. He knew Will wasn’t married so why did he bring this woman to their dinner. It was then he looked at Will’s hands and saw a matching ring. Hannibal wasn’t one to be shocked but certainly was at this point. The woman and Will engaged in a deep conversation in front of him as he observed while getting the food ready. She wore a smile as the man talked. Her eyes lit up and she did look in love.
Hannibal could see that smile never grew all the way and her eyes weren’t that lit. “Well nice to meet you..” He trailed off not knowing her name. “Y/N Graham.” She said. Hannibal smiled at her. “Didn’t know Will had a wife.” He said as he eyed Will. Will looked nervous but why? “Yeah we’ve been married for 3 years.” She said. Will was older than her that Hannibal knew. She was 22 when they got married and 20 when they had began dating. Will was 14 years older than her. Hannibal was fascinated by what Y/N was saying. “You’re a very good cook.” She tells the man. He thanked her but couldn’t get passed the fact that Will was married. And why would he hide it? 
Hannibal saw more of her as the days went on. Observing her every move. She seemed to calm Will when things got bad. Though Hannibal couldn’t shake the feeling that something else was going on. “So you have a wife and I’m just now knowing about it.” He confronted Will. “Yeah well I wanted to keep her out of my work.” Will said sipping the wine. “What work? I’m your physiatrist Will a friend even.” Will shrugged at his response. He didn’t talk about her much even when Hannibal already knew. He seemed to be avoiding the subject like it was a secret still. Hannibal decided to drop the topic and move on but kept the thought of how Will acted about her in the back of his mind. 
Will had just killed someone. He had been having these dark thoughts for awhile but he actually did it. The dogs were going wild as he killed what looked like a human dressed as an animal. Y/N shot up from their bed and looked to see that Will wasn’t in the bed. The dogs barked loudly as she got up to see what was going on. She gasped as she saw Will panting and someone on the ground. “Will?” She called out to him. He faced her with a dark look in his eyes, one she remembered seeing before. “You weren’t supposed to see that.” He tells her and walks up to her. Her body was shaking in fear and she almost ran up the stairs away from him. But she knew better than to do that. He pulled her into his chest as he sighed. She managed to relax some in his arms. “It was self defense baby, he was going to kill me.” He whispered. She sighed and fell deeper into him. Maybe everything would be alright. 
Hannibal stared at the body that Will brought him. It was the latest killer. He looked at Will and saw darkness in his eyes. Will enjoyed killing him. It was in that moment that Hannibal knew Will had a dark side that his little wife was part of. “You wanna talk about it?” 
Will’s hands were shaking as he sighed. He never told a soul about what happened. He couldn’t believe he was about to tell Hannibal. He started at the beginning of when they met:
It was 5 years ago at the store a cliche type deal. He saw her looking at dog food and deciding which one to get. She looked focused. Too focused to notice Will staring at her. “Do you need some help?” He asked her. She looked at him and smiled. At that moment he knew he was in love. “You have dogs?” She asked. He nodded. “Yeah lots of them.” He tells her. He didn’t get her name that day but he secretly followed her through the store and saw what car she got into. He kept track of her after that. He knew her every move. Where she worked, what she ate and her special coffee order she would get every morning. He felt bad about what he was doing but he wasn’t going to take rejection.
Which is how she ended up tied to a chair in his basement. She was knocked out with tape covering her mouth. He sat in a chair across from her watching her for what felt like hours before she woke. She groaned as she slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the light. He watched as she looked at him and her eyes widen. “Hello beautiful.” He smiled. She remembered him. He helped her pick out dog food. She didn’t know his name. But he tied her to this chair in a basement? She didn’t care to know anything about him. “You were asleep for awhile.” He says and pushes his chair closer to her. Her eyes held the widen stare and she felt scared. What the hell was he going to do with her?
His hand reached forward and ran through her hair. She tried to flinch away from his touch and he laughed. “I wish things would have been different for us.” He whispered as his hand traveled down her body. She hated his touch and wanted to get away from it. But he got her tied up pretty good. “I should have just went up to you like a normal person but we both know that I couldn’t.” Why couldn’t he? This was crazy. He had a dark look in his eyes as he played with her some more. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched him. “Oh no baby don’t cry.” He wiped her tears away. “You’ll love it here and me.” He told her so sure of it. 
It took months for her to even talk to him. He gave her good food and water and tried to get her to see that he wasn’t a monster. She knew things could be worse but still she wasn’t a fan of him either way. She cried for hours not wanting to believe that she was in this situation. Her eyes hurt from how much cried and prayed that her family came looking for her. Will sat by the basement door and listened to her cry. He felt awful for his actions but in his head he didn’t have a choice. Her sobs racked through the house and all he wanted to do was comfort her. 
“Y/N.” She whispered to him as he placed the food he made for her in front of her. He looked up at her. “What?” “My name is Y/N.” She told him. He smiled and nodded. “I’m Will.” She stayed silent as he finished setting up her dinner. She hated herself for thinking he was cute. He kidnapped her and she still thought he looked good. Though she wouldn’t imagine herself saying that outloud to him. 
After that they slowly began talking. She felt like she owed him that due to him being kind to her. He could be an asshole to her and not really feed her and abuse her. He didn’t though. He was grateful that she didn’t seem to really hate him.
It would be months before he let her outside of the basement and into the living room. He had enough trust with her that she wouldn’t try to escape. She felt like she couldn’t. He was smarter than that. She looked around at the place seeing how beautiful his house was. The dogs that he owned came and tackled her to the ground. She began laughing for the first time in months. Will was happy to hear that sound. 
She sat and watched him cook. He seemed very calm and collected it was hard to believe he had kidnapped her. He felt her eyes on him and he looked up at her. She quickly looked away. He smiled and thought it was cute. Maybe there could be something more for them. He sat down the food he made for her and she took a bite. She almost moaned at the taste. It was super good. “You know you’re a really good cook.” She tells him. “I mean my kidnapper could have been someone that was terrible at cooking.” She said. He looked at her weird and laughed. He didn’t expect her to make a joke out of the situation. “Yeah I’m sorry about that.” He said and started eating his food. “Why’d you do it then?” She asked. He looked at her. “I found you really beautiful and I guess I just couldn’t take the rejection I felt like you’d give me.” He tells her. It was the truth and she could tell. “So you find a girl pretty and you want her so instead of asking her out you kidnap her?” She asked. He nodded. “Yeah I guess so.” “Well I might’ve said yes.” She tells him. She felt like in another life she would have said yes if he asked her out instead of kidnapping her. “What about now?” He asked her. 
Their first kiss happened a week later after he came home from a stressful case. He wasn’t in the mood for anything other than sleep. Though he was happy he had Y/N at home waiting for him. He opened the door and greeted the dogs and looked around. She didn’t greet him at the door. Not that he thought she should. It was after his shoes were off that she came over to him. He smiled at her and she looked at him. “Welcome Home.” was all she said. “Thanks.” was his reply. He could tell something was off with her as she never greeted him. Sure they talked a little each day but that was a big step. “You okay?” He asked her. She shrugged. She honestly didn’t think she was. She was starting to feel like she wasn’t a victim anymore. Like he saved her life and she owed him. She didn't wanna think about it but she had feelings for the man. “I’m sorry.” He said. “Then why not let me go?” She asked him. “I can’t.” “I won’t go to the police or tell anyone.” She tries to reason with him. “Yeah well I don’t know that.” He snaps at her. She looks at him shocked. He hadn’t raised his voice to her yet. “Sorry I just truly can’t help but still want you around.” He tells her. She sighs and thoughts race around her head. She got what he was saying. She felt the same way as sick as it was. She wanted him too. “I probably wouldn’t go even if you let me.” She mumbles. He heard her and his jaw dropped. She had Stockholm syndrome. He walked closer to her. “But why? Why wouldn’t you want freedom?” He asked her.
She felt stupid. She looked down for a moment. “I don’t know Will, I guess I like it here and I like you.” She tells him. He smiled at her words but knew that the reason she felt that way wasn’t okay. “I think I’m gonna let you go.” He said and walked away. She looked confused and turned to him. “What? I don’t understand you kidnap me because you wanted to date me and now that i’m telling you the feeling is mutual you want to let me go.” He sighs. “You feel that way cuz you don’t have a choice.” He tells her. She walks over to him. “You can’t tell me how to feel or why I feel the way I do.” “Y/N I put you through this and I’m sorry.” He says. She shakes her head with tears in her eyes. “Will please I love you.” He looked at her. She was sure that she loved him and she stopped denying it long ago. She cupped his face. “Please Will. I love you.” He had tears in his eyes as he leaned down and kissed her. She kissed back immediately confirming what she said to him. He loved her too and that was all that mattered. 
Their relationship was perfect after that. She felt as if she hadn’t been kidnapped but saved. Will still wanted to keep her from the world that he was in. He didn’t want anyone in the work field knowing about her. She was able to leave the house of course but never met any of his friends or co-workers. She questioned if the man even had friends. He never talked or hung out with anyone unless it was work related. He spent most of his time with her. 
It was a year later he’d have a ring on her finger. They had a small quiet wedding that consisted of them and the dogs. Not even their parents knew that they had gotten married. Will wasn’t ashamed of her by any means. He was ashamed of what he did. Though she seemed happy in the back of their minds they knew that things would have happened differently if he didn’t kidnap her. 
Hannibal looked at the man as he told him everything. He knew that Will had a dark mind but didn’t think it was this dark. He remembered back to when she first smiled. He knew that something was off and now that he knows everything it all makes sense. Though he couldn’t help but question Will as if he wouldn’t do the same. “You kidnapped your wife?” He asked. Will nodded. “I was in a very dark place.” They both knew that wasn’t an excuse for his behavior. But Hannibal couldn’t help but praise the man before him. It was genius in his eyes. Will had the perfect love life it seemed and Hannibal couldn’t help but feel jealous. Though he didn’t know who to be jealous of more. He nodded his head and lifted up his glass of wine. “We aren’t so different after all, are we, Will?”
I didn't include the warning due to the twist of the story. I also don't know Will's exact age as I haven't finished the show yet. I just started season 3 :) Feel free to let me know his age if they ever say it and I'll update it.          
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slvt4lanadelrey · 1 year
Looking for the pretty firefighter | Tara Carpenter
Part One | Pretty Firefighter
Warnings: swearing, jealous Tara, mention of sex
Part one | The pretty firefighter
Part Three
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Tara groaned, her head leaning into her open palm. She was sat in her lecture, English literature was extremely boring, especially when her mind was far too consumed with the memory of you.
It had been a few days since she met you, since she kissed you, since she was cursed with the plagueful memories of your laughter.
"Miss Carpenter, am I boring you?" The older man asked, slapping his hand onto her desk. The man was short, almost as short as Tara. He had thinning hair, the only remaining hair on his chin.
"Uh. No sir, I was just- just thinking about Romeo and Juliette." Tara lied through her teeth, smiling sweetly at the man. His face was scrunched in a scowl, his face softened at the confession.
"Oh. What's your views on the love story, dear?" He asked, returning back to the front of the class. Tara sighed, knowing full well she didn't have an option on the 'love' story.
"I just don't think it'd an actual love story. I mean, it's hard- maybe even impossible to fall in love with someone in only a few days, also Juliette was only a kid, isn't that legally and mortally wrong?" The class roared with their own opinions, debating whether Tara's views were right or wrong. The teacher was happy to engage with such a passionate topic, thanking Tara before she left.
Tara walked through the dining hall, Mindy's shoulder nudging into hers.
"You know that party we went to?" Mindy started, her face full of an unknown feeling. She clenched her fingers around her backpack strings, swaying on her feet.
"Well, that girl I hooked up with Anika. She's in my eco class, she gave me her number." Mindy's eyes flashed, practically jumping on her feet.
"Wait. That pretty firefighter is Anika's-" Tara didn't get the chance to finish, Mindy pushed her finger onto her lips.
"I already asked Anika, she said that the girl you hooked up with wants you to find her, something like that" Tara was left with a gap in her mouth, she stared wide eyes at Mindy.
"Seriously? I can't even remember her name!" Tara whined, sliding into the open chair next to Chad.
"Dont be sad, Tara. Her names Y/N." Chad chirped in, plopping the final spoon of yogurt into his mouth. Mindy giggled at how Tara's face lit up, exitment already laced within her features.
"Do you know her number too?" Tara asked with hope, she bit her bottom lip. Chad glanced at Mindy who shook her hair immediately.
"Sorry, Tara, Mindy has spoken." Chad was a little scared of Mindy so he was very much quick to stop talking the second Mindy asked.
"I cant believe you guys, I'm literally in love and you won't even give me her number." The whole group stopped, staring through the notes from their previous lesson. Tara blinked, then laughed awkwardly.
"I'm not in love with her. I just want to kiss her again." Tara mumbled through a breathless sigh, her eyes dropped to the floor.
"Fine.-" mindy slapped her hands together, standing infront of Tara. Mindy pressed her hands onto Tara's shoulders; shaking them slightly before leaning forward.
"Y/N has Art right now, In room 206." Mindy blinked.
Tara was already gone, her backpack tightly tugged over her shoulder, sprinting through the halls.
Her hand tugged open the door to the room Mindy told her you was currently in. To her great horror, the room was in full silence; nothing but the faint sound of paint brushing Into canvases.
"Hello?" The women asked, slamming her hand into her desk. The older ginger women with thick glasses stared at Tara with flaming eyes, glaring through her annoyance.
"Y/N needs to come with me right away, it's an emergency." You looked up at the sudden call out of your name, hair brushed into your face when your head whipped to the side. Tara was standing like a deer at headlights, eyes wide with agap mouth.
You chuckled, knowing Tara had just ran to you; literally.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Leah, I think I need to go." Your bag slugged over your shoulder, brushing through your classmates and leaving the room with a small click of the door.
"Hey, Tara." You smiled at her, acting like the two of you weren't strangers. Tara sighed, revelling at the sound of your sweet and soft voice.
"Your number." Tara all but begged, her hand holding out. She knew you wanted to know her too, so she wasn't about to waste her time beating around the bush.
"How romantic of you-" your snarky reply didn't go over Tara's head, she bit her lip before speaking again.
"Y/N. My heart has been gaping, seeping in pure agony each moment I have spent with the lack of your presence. I honesly think if I don't have the ability to get to know you better, to understand you on a more intimate level I don't think my heart will be able to take the pain, the torturous thoughts that riddle my mind whenever you are not near."
You sighed, writing down on your piece of paper. You wrote down your number, handing it to Tara with a tight smile.
"There, miss Romantic. My favourite flower's are dahlias, and I don't like chocolate." You kissed her cheek, giggling before taking off.
"Im taking you out tonight!" Tara shouted through the empty halls, smiling when your body stopped. You turned on your heel, staring at her with a daring smirk.
"I already have a date. Surprising how quick people act when they actually want to see you." Tara's mouth dropped, a snarl leaving her lips the second your body left her eyeshot.
She hit the near by wall, cursing the way you swayed your hips.
You knew damn well that Tara wanted to find you. The day after your hook-up, Tara had asked everyone in all her lessons if they knew you. Most of them didn't, the odd couple did but didn't say anything to the pleading brunette. You and Anika watched with amusement at how much trouble Tara brought, all in order to find you.
"Did you just punch a wall?" Mindy asked from behind Tara, watching with a worried face at how Tara was in such a sour mood suddenly.
"Fuck off."
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sc0tters · 10 months
More Than Once | Auston Matthews
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summary: when Mitch’s engagement party turns a little bit hot Auston has the perfect way of keeping everything cool.
request: yes/no
warnings: mature scenes, p in v, oral (fem and m receiving), soft choking? Swearing.
word count: 2.58k
authors note: this took me four days to write but nevertheless it is here! One of my friends recently had a birthday and this is what she asked for. I’m still very much alive but I’m gonna go back to looking at jersey sizing cause this shit has me lost for days.
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That little dress you were wearing was a sight for sore eyes.
It was a silver bodycon that had your boobs looking like they were the best thing there.
Which is why Austons eyes barely left you "Auston you remember my sister y/n?" Mitch's voice pulled the boy away from his gaze.
You were talking to Steph who smiled seeing the boys staring at you "she's all grown up." Auston pointed out as he swirled his drink in his glass.
What he didn't expect was that you two would make your way over to them grinning and all "what are you two talking about?" Steph enquired as she kissed her now fiancés lips.
The party was to celebrate their engagement "about you being all grown up." Mitch teased his sister as he ruffled his hand through your hair.
You groaned as you reached up to hit him "Mitch!" You complained as you swatted his hand away from you.
Steph enjoyed seeing how you were with your brother "why don't we go get some drinks?" She proposed as she had seen the way you looked at Auston and how he looked at you.
Thankfully Mitch didn't seem to notice that "yeah sure," he simply sent you a smile before he walked away leaving you alone with his teammate.
What he didn't know was that it was probably going to be his worst decision ever "you're looking good princess." Auston confessed as he tapped the chair next to him.
You could never say no to him, not when you were a senior in high school, not when you first met him, never.
So you listened and sent him a smile as you found yourself sat on the chair next to him "how so?" You furrowed your eyebrows as you wanted to hear him say it.
Auston let out a laugh as his arm wrapped around the back of your chair "you're all grown up now." You didn't miss the way his eyes trailed down your body letting his tongue dance over his lower lip when his eyes got to your boobs.
A smirk was present in your face "not Mitch's baby sister anymore?" You teased as that was what he used to call you before you went to college.
He nodded as the song that blared over the speakers changed into a faster paced song "I love this one!" You gasped as you chugged the rest of your drink before you got up.
As your hand reached out for his Auston couldn't help it when his eyes went wide "I don't dance princess," he shook his head as your lips formed into a pout "please," you elongated the final vowel.
When you realised that it wasn't going to work you let out a sigh "I'll just go dance with Knies." You weren't an idiot, you knew that the younger boy liked you.
The comment seemed to push the button that you wanted to as Auston got up "lead the way then princess." He grumbled as he let his hand wrap around your waist as he sent Matthew a glare.
You couldn't help it when you let out a giggle "'s too easy with you," you cooed as the boy spun you around on the dance floor.
His lips were pressed together like he was holding something back "cat got your tongue Matthews?" You tilted your up as you sent him a smirk.
Auston hated how you seemed to know just what he was thinking as your lower lip got caught between your teeth "gotta behave," his voice was almost warning you like he wanted you to stop doing all this to him.
Your smile was deadly "but where is the fun in that?" You batted your eyelashes as he threw his head back.
The hockey player let his hands rest on your hips not caring that Mitch was in earshot "making it so hard to not drag you into the bathroom right now." He grumbled as he dropped his head to your ear.
It was cruel as you wrapped your hands around his arms "how do you know that I don't want that too?" You mumbled as you kissed the lobe of his ear.
That moment made a switch change in his head "you two okay?" Mitch asked as he thought you were looking a little light.
Auston smiled, here was his chance "y/n isn't feeling well so I am gonna take her home." You furrowed your eyebrows as you tried to figure out what he was talking about.
As his hand squeezed your waist you let out a cough "sorry Mitchy," you apologised as you finally caught up.
Mitch smiled as he looked at the two of you "you're such a friend bro, thanks for looking out for her." He patted the boys shoulder as he turned to you "get some sleep?" He sighed unaware of how you were putting this act on.
You forced a smile onto your lips "I'll see you tomorrow," you gave your brother a hug before you watched him leave.
Auston placed a kiss on your forehead "your place or mine?" He asked as he looked down to see the sparkle in your eye "yours baby." You whined as you squeezed his hand.
He smiled as he ran his tongue over his teeth "lead the way baby." He mumbled as he locked his hand with yours smiling as you pushed through the crowd of people.
Auston's apartment was on the penthouse floor and with you guys being in that elevator with one of his neighbours was torture.
The way Auston smiled as he dug his fingers into your hip as he continued to mumble sweet things into your ear "don't be so cruel princess." He groaned as his hand shook trying to open the front door to his apartment as your lips never left his neck.
You smiled continuing what you were doing "c'mere," Auston squeezed your chin between his fingers as he pulled you towards him when he unlocked his door.
His hands went back to your waist as he pushed you against his door "finally have you all to myself," he murmured as his hands traveled down to cup your ass.
A groan left your lips giving him the chance to let his tongue fight with yours "you're so needy princess," Auston grinned as you frowned when he moved away "wanna fuck you properly in bed." He confessed as he ran his fingers over your lips.
Tension built in your chest as wetness pooled in your panties "Knies would have had me in his bed coming already." You still had some strange desire to push his buttons.
Austons hand wrapped around your wrist as his eyes darkened "gonna regret you ever said that." He warned as he tugged you towards his bedroom.
The zipper of your dress was quickly tugged down as you walked out of your dress "you're so pretty," Auston cooed as your body hit his bed.
He lifted your leg to his face "such a pretty girl," he added as he kissed your ankle before he undid your heel.
You sat back up as your fingers hooked into his shorts "want to make you feel so good," you whined as you were met with his bulge.
Auston groaned as he watched you kitten lick the tip of his dick "don't tease me," he locked his hand in your hair as he made it into a makeshift ponytail.
It didn't take you long to listen as you swirled his cock around your tongue "fuck baby keep doing that." You dropped to your knees as he let his head fall back.
The hockey player truly didn't think he was going to last long as he could feel your eyes on him "so good princess so good." He groaned as the sound of your mouth gurgling as his cock hit the back of your throat "shit baby," he continued totally unaware of how you were currently grinding your hips against his shoe.
There was something about his grunts that turned you on even more, and short of running your fingers over your clit repeatedly this was the next best thing. So you let the lacy fabric of your thong and the smooth leather of his shoe work together to get you close. Auston didn't notice until you let out this moan because you were just as close as he was "such a naughty girl." He tsked his tongue as his eyes shot open locking with your own.
A smirk formed on your lips as you hollowed your cheeks out "I'm not letting you get away that easily." Auston shook his head as he gripped your hair harder to help you stop "on your feet princess." As your lips broke away from his cock he couldn't help but feel his legs turn to jelly when a trail of your saliva stuck to his cock.
You used your thumb to wipe away some of the spit that had landed in your chin as you stuck it back into your mouth letting him see how you looked sucking his cock "your brother would die if he knew how naughty you were." Austons point made your cheeks turn red.
He kissed your lips as he pushed the two of you back onto his bed. You were unaware when his hand trailed between you two letting him finally feel how soaked you were "this all for me pretty girl?" Auston asked as he let his two fingers tease your hole "only for you baby." You confessed pushing your head deeper into the mattress giving him access to your neck.
Auston had you in a position that had you feeling at your most vulnerable yet you were somehow so comfortable “you sure you want this princess?” He smiled as he placed needy kisses along your jawline.
There was that gentleman that your mother seemed to fall in love with when you were younger. It was the way Auston always came over with flowers whenever he was invited to the family house by Mitch “more than anything.” You whimpered when his hands slid up your waist “please Aus.” You begged as you reached up to cup his face.
The hockey player let out a chuckle “gotta go get a condom before I fuck you raw.” His breath fanned your neck when he bit your earlobe.
Your moan hit the walls as he got up watching when you pulled your bra off of your arms “someone’s impatient,” Auston teased as you smiled “tired of waiting.” You confessed thighs slick with anticipation clenching together.
It didn’t take him long to get back to you “you’re so big,” you cooed as he rolled the latex material over his cock.
You lay down when he leaned forward to kiss you “my pretty little girl,” he smirked as he let his cock tease your clit before he thrusted inside of you “god.” You groaned as you adjusted to his size.
Nails dug into his arm when he looked down at your scrunched up face “knew you were always obsessed with me.” Auston’s witty comment would had you rolling your eyes but you were so desperate to not let him stop making you feel so good “just there.” His hands cupped your thighs bringing your legs over his shoulders.
The new angle had your eyes falling back as you slapped your hand over your mouth “no baby,” the hockey player tsked his tongue “want hear how good I’m making you feel.” His head dropped to the nape of your neck causing you to gasp at how flexible he was making you.
Your body shuddered when your hands fisted the sheets “making me feel so fucking good.” You clenched around him as his lips moved back to yours.
The kisses were messy as his teeth clashed with yours “‘m not gonna last much longer if you continue to do that.” Auston warned as you did it again making him groan “think Knies could fuck you like this?” He asked as he propped himself with his hand softly wrapping around your neck placing this ever so light pressure on your throat “so…so good,” your brain had practically turned to mush as you wrapped your hand around his arm.
Auston cooed as he licked his lips “gonna need an answer from you baby.” He softly squeezed your throat as he smirked.
Tears had formed in your eyes as you feared that he was going to leave you “please let me come.” You begged letting your other hand slide between the two of you as you began to rub your clit.
The hockey player had to admit that he had thought about you in this position. He had seen the pictures of you in recent years whilst you were in college and you had well and truly grown into this gorgeous young woman.
Auston was just happy to see you like this in the flesh “let it go baby.” That was all you needed to hear as your eyelids had these white specks of light dancing around them when your face looked as though you had eaten a lemon “fuck…shit…f-f-uck me wow!” You gasped as you hit your high.
What you didn’t expect was that Auston was going to fuck you through it as your moans and clenching around him spurred on an orgasm of his own “that’s it baby.” He threw his head back as his hands grip softened around your throat “so fucking good.” Auston murmured as he pulled out of you letting his lips kiss yours as your legs dropped to either side of him “so fucking good.
the next morning
Your eyes shot open as you realised that you were in a foreign bedroom "morning doll." Austons voice was guttural as he let his breath fan the shell of your ear.
It made you clench your thighs together as you were reminded of how it felt against him last night "I should get going." You were lying to yourself as you simply assumed that Auston regretted it now that he was awake.
The reasoning that ran through your head made sense to you, you were Mitch's younger sister. That was all you were ever meant to be to Auston. Being the girl in his bed was never meant to be on the cards for you. 
But when your comment made him laugh you realised he might have thought of you differently "you sure about that princess?" He asked as he placed kisses against your neck letting them go down your arm.
You felt like the universe was looking down at you trying to tease you as it dangled pure pleasure in front of you "y-yeah I... no I'm not." You stuttered out when your head dug into the pillow at the feeling of his lips on your knee. Resting between your legs, his eyes never left you as he continued sending those strings of kisses down the inside of your thighs making sure that they were both equally loved.
Auston couldn't help but smile when your face scrunched up letting your hooded eyes flutter as you thrusted your hips towards him.
His laugh bounced off of the walls as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties "let's make this morning a good one then." Auston knew you'd be back for more.
And it was only going to be a matter of time until you knew it too.
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deblklesb · 10 months
[Three Strikes — Abby x Reader OneShot]
[established relationship, fem! reader, MDNI]
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CW: name calling, semi-public masturbation, dom!abby, humiliation, degradation, pussy slapping, face grabbing, dacryphilia, edging, sub!reader, after care (more like middle care i guess?), the safeword isn't mentioned but it's already established too.
a/n: this took me TOO long to finish but i did it!!! anon tell me if you enjoy it, i truly hope you do 💗💗 reblogs keep the word turning y'all
word count: 3,6k | not proof read
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The whole day Abby couldn't keep her hands to herself, but it was driving you insane.
On a beautiful, sunny day, you both were at a family party. Her father was retiring from the hospital and everyone was celebrating this new phase of his life. There was tons of food and a bunch of relatives, children running around, a nice music filling the air and the smell of the barbecue being prepared were messing with your senses already.
As a very socially embarrassed person, you always tried to keep a good impression in front of her family: being in your best behavior, smiling to each relative, answering questions and engaging in conversations as well as you could. Demanded too much of your social battery, but at the end of the day you could always try to put an effort for her, it was worth it.
But here's the thing: today, Abby wasn't in her best behavior. She kept touching you, kissing your neck, pushing you to empty corners, sneaking out to her old bedroom just to have an alone time. You both couldn't do much, so it was frustrating and painful and it was killing you inside. That ache between your legs grew at each sneak out, you always ended up with heart racing and bewildered in front of her relatives later, trying so hard to keep your mind in the right place. For God's sake, you had to hide a prominent bite from her 58 year-old aunt during a conversation, and the whole time Abby was looking at you from the other side of the room like she could undress you, with those piercing blue-eyes, from afar. The heat crept up your body; damn her and her effect on you.
"You have to stop!" Your voice cracked when she kissed your shoulder, strong hands on your waist pulling you closer while she bent to taste the skin on your cleavage. More time and you would surrender completely inside that bedroom, making a scene that would send her grandma into a cardiac arrest. Still, you had both arms around her shoulders.
"Just a little bit, hun…", her voice would make you crazy. "You're looking so good, being all polite today"
"Fuck, Abigail Anderson!" Finally you pushed her, adjusting your dress even though all you wanted was to come back and let her do her thing with you. Then you held her face and stared at her. "You have got to stop!"
And it was the look in her eyes that said it all: you were never demanding, never this aggressive, and it was the first strike. Not seriously, like in a relationship dynamic, but more when talking about… Sexual dynamic. She was the dominant one, you love to surrender, and talking back is a no-no. You could already feel that ache growing just by her expression. Fuck, maybe talk back wouldn't be that bad…
"Okay", was all she said, face still between your palms. "I got a bit carried away"
And she didn't say anything further. Although the conversation ended there and you gave her a small kiss before leaving the bedroom, something in the back of your mind reiterated that it wasn't as simple as that.
Later, after lunch, you got up from your place to drink a glass of water and when you came back those same hands pulled you closer, while she opened space for you to sit comfortably on her lap.
"I remember Abby always asked to go to the hospital with me. No matter how much I refused, she kept asking. One time, I swear, she cried until I agreed to take her. No doubt she ended up working inside a hospital", her father was talking and making people chuckle about it. Abby, on the other hand, roller those beautiful eyes and smirked.
"Come on, dad! Don't need to expose me like that"
"There's not much to expose, love, we all know you're a brat", you murmur under the hem of the cup, before sipping the water.
It was a simple comment only for her to hear, but apparently it went louder than expected and now a bunch of people were laughing.
"Damn right! When she was little I had to deal with scenes when she wanted to watch cartoons", her aunt said back.
Your face heats up, insides twirling under the aspect of being in the center of the attention, and while smiling fondly your girlfriend rests her face on your arm.
"That's strike two, babe", why the fuck her voice always sounds so good when whispering?
Her hand presses your waist and you clench the thighs, almost choking with the water.
The moment passes as a sign on the road, and when you notice you both are saying good-byes to everyone. The night is fresh and starry, and as Abby drove to your shared apartment you kept looking at her.
Calmer now, with the thought of going home in mind and the relief of not being around that many people, you relax in your seat and take in the sight of her.
Her eyes are locked on the road in concentration, lips calling for you as she keeps driving. Her side profile is really gorgeous, just like every other detail that makes you quiver just by thinking about it. You distinctly remember being so intimidated by her at first, because she was so serious and stressed.
You both met at the hospital, when you had to check in due to an injury so bad people thought you needed surgery. Abby was the professional at the emergency, and after taking a look at you she ran out to receive another patient, pretty much stressed out with the movement in the room. You barely talked, since you were in pain and trying to hide the embarrassment of needing an emergency treatment because of a stupid game.
"You said you were doing what?", she asked when she came back to check on you.
"Dancing on a coffee table", you murmur, pain significantly less intense after the medication.
"Now why would you do that?" She was looking at the medication bags, but you still felt your face getting warm and looked to the other side.
"I lost a game", and after she chuckled you rolled your eyes. "Come on, I'm sure I'm not the most stupid person in this room"
"Oh, you're absolutely not!" Her voice was different now, and when you turned back at her a fond smile adorned her pretty features. After adjusting the bags, she leaned over closer to your ear. The sudden lack of space startled you, but there was no time to process before she started talking again. And that was the first time you melted under her voice. "See that guy there? Swallowed a bunch of small plastic soldiers just to show off to his friends"
"What?!", you widen your eyes while she laughs, a cute little giggle.
"Last week a woman got here with a deodorant cap inside of her"
"What? But how-", the answer to the unfinished question comes when she just looks back at you, eyebrows a little bit arched, and then you're feeling your face getting warmer again. "Oh… Jesus"
And you both laugh together.
Looking back, you still don't know how you'd end up with her. But as much of an unexpected event, you're so glad you did it because you get to love the most amazing woman on earth.
"Why are you looking at me like that, babe?" She smirks when noticing you staring, all cocky and flustered. You're so dumb for her.
"Nothing", you smile back, a hand traveling to her thigh. "Just admiring you…"
"Liking the view?"
"Too much" An idea sparkles so bright you can't deny yourself the opportunity. You have to contain the smile, but not later the words come out. "You were very touchy today…"
"Yeah, you look too nice in this dress, still can't believe you put it on just to impress my family", she chuckles, a hand caressing your own exposed leg. "You know you didn't had to"
"I was kinda in the mood", she just hums in response, eyes on the road. "Y'know, it was a big surprise you didn't take advantage of it to touch me more, you were so clingy…"
"I didn't… Well, I certainly thought about it. But why are you talking about it now, you sure didn't let me go further then"
"Because we were in your family house and I didn't want to cause a scene", your fingers on her leg travel further in between her thighs, and then your free hand is doing the same with yourself. "But I can't deny I surely thought about it too"
She looks at you briefly, already getting the idea you're setting here. You know very well the traffic won't let you get home that fast, and how she takes driving seriously so she won't do anything while there. So Abby won't touch you at all… But that doesn't mean you can do it yourself.
"No. Don't do this", her voice is warning, serious now, and you recognize the tone because it's what she uses with you in the bedroom.
"But love, you won't be doing anything, you can drive", she hates every second of it as soon as your legs separate a bit and your hand go down inside your dress. She hates it, because all she wants it's to touch you herself.
And so you do. You fucking masturbate in the car, moaning and biting your lips, arching your chest, letting yourself go by the sudden desire that hits your body as soon as you get to see Abby in all her glory in a most private place.
By the time you get home, the adrenaline of the situation made the high easier and so you're soon hopping out of the car, legs kinda shaky. But your girlfriend was now pissed, fuming, silent and serious - and, oh, after so many times in that relationship you learned that silent and serious Abby is the most dangerous Abby.
She doesn't say a word on the elevator, the waiting thickening the tension as you both stand close inside the moving cabin. Her fingers are uneasy, like she's restraining herself to act up, and you just can imagine where they will be later that night.
As soon as the doors open, she walks out and goes on a beeline to the door. Glancing at her, you almost stop on track with her stare, so fucking piercing it could unravel you.
That was probably too far.
"That was strike three", she whispers as you unlock the door.
You expected her to take you as soon as you both get inside, but she doesn't. Instead, she proceeds like per usual, still restless, but your mind just stops functioning for a second because she's acting casually. Taking her shoes off, going to take a shower, making small talk.
The tension inside of you keeps growing, anxiety creeping, and a bit of disappointment making you pout everytime she gets closer but doesn't act. At some point she just gave you a peck on the lips and called you cute, but went sitting on the couch to watch something you were definitely not interested about. The sight of her in sweat pants and tank top made you quiver, why is she so fucking hot all the time?
In the meantime you also showered and changed clothes, and after all you end up standing in the living room, staring at her.
This isn't fair. She spent the whole day trying to get into you, and when you're finally ready she just ignores you? Leaving you needy like that?
"Abs, what's that all about?" You finally puts out, still standing.
"What, babe?" She briefly looks at you before turning to the TV again and it makes you extremely mad. She definitely notices the single shirt covering your body and stays quiet.
"You're… You're ignoring me", your demeanor changes, less pissed and more sulking.
"What? What are you talking about, come here", she taps the place next to her on the couch, where you sit. Her big, warm hand rests on your thigh as she looks at you more attentively. "What is it?"
"It's just… I thought you were… We would- You know", the words are a mess. It frustrates you to not be able to communicate, but after that overstimulating day you want nothing more than to step back and relax. Processing words it's not a part of the ideal scenario.
"Oh, you mean… You thought I would fuck you?" She's still casual about it, which deepens your sulking. You nod, receiving an arching of her brows. "Oh, so this is what this is about?" Before you can answer, she just throws: "You were so caught up in your little game that you forgot that stuff doesn't go just as you wish… Poor baby, sometimes you're such a dumb slut", she sulks in mocking.
Your face gets warmer as you find it harder to speak, too stunned. And she chuckles.
The sudden humiliation gets into your body in the form of a wetness between your legs and a sinking sensation in your stomach, the two things added to a deep need to look away. But you refuse to, you can't let her have that much so soon.
"Do you want me to take care of you?"
"Yes", you nod again, legs instinctively turning to her a bit as you lean closer now. Her hand caresses your skin, thumb going down in between your thighs as she looks at you like she's playing.
"What's the magical word?" Her breath reaches your face and you are so close now, the desperate need to kiss her growing inside. Fuck her.
"Please", you whisper, nose touching hers.
"Open your legs", she instructs.
You obliged, her hand traveling to hold your leg in that position whilst the free one lightly touched your core. The anticipation for long was consuming you from inside out, and the additional contact, just where you needed, was igniting the fire.
"Oh, look at that…!" She smiles at the perception that you're not using panties. "My sweet slut it's showing off"
The experience passes like a blur into your mind until she finally takes your shirt off and lays you down into the couch. After she almost made you cum once but left you hanging there, whiny and desperate, so close to begging after just a moment of her touches.
You moan so loud when she holds your face into a strong hand of hers, and the other sinks two of her fingers into your wet pussy. It's not just the overstimulation after you got so close to that high. It's all the tension from before, the way she keeps laughing and chuckling at the way you move your hips and her stare.
"Taking it so well, you're such a whore right?" You nod, remembering how she doesn't like when you don't answer. "Yes, yes you are. Needy and ready for being fucked, this pussy dripping when you think of me", you nod again and again.
Inside that river of sensations you scratch her back and arms. She gasps, digits massaging your insides as you tip into that high again.
Just the grip on your chin and the closeness would be enough to get you drunk on her massive presence. The way some strands of honey-blonde hair fall around your face, her bulky body on top of yours, the heat radiating from her. It's madness, it's like hypnosis. But right now she also fucking you so raw, so deep, and you just wanna scream with the amount of feelings inside. Your hips buckle up and your nipples are hard with the exposure, you just wanna come all around.
"Abby, please, I wanna… Fuck, I'm gonna-"
And she fucking retracts again. Her fingers get out from between your walls and you moan in desperation, small nails digging into her flesh the best it can as tears start to come.
"Fuck no, no, no, no", you shake your head, absolutely helpless with tears rolling down your face, before your girlfriend slaps your exposed pussy.
"Hungry bitch", you squeal with her velvety voice, body trembling under the slaps. Your core is already so fucking sensitive but it doesn't hurt like someone outside would imagine. No, the sting makes you clench around absolutely nothing and you think you just get wetter with pleasure. "Why are you crying, hm? Tell me, fucking say it"
"I wanna come, fuck", the pronunciation it's not the same since she's still holding your face, but you don't care. You'll let her humiliate you like this, have you begging for more, if it meant you could come just once with her fucking you. "Fuck me until I come, Abs, please"
Your face heats. She really can get you like that after edging you just twice. Any other time you'd take more of that torture, but not today. Not after a whole day of teasing.
"My mouth of my fingers, choose fast", and she fucking keeps going with all the teasing because she knows you can't function that fast in moments like this.
You freeze for a second, still processing the question, when she slaps your pussy once more and you clench, moaning. That would make you cry again.
"Mouth or fingers", her tone it's firmer but you can see she's enjoying this whole thing. She's probably soaking wet herself.
"Mouth! Mouth, your mouth"
And she's soon kneeling in front of the couch, lips connecting to your dripping core as fast as she can and you gasp. Her face between your thighs is a sight to be admired, especially considering the way she seems so hungry. Abby eats you out like a starving woman, using her tongue in the best way while her strong hands push your legs open. The vision, added to the sensations of the wet contact and the explicit sounds, makes you tremble.
Riding her face like a desperate, you hold her head and pull it in the direction of your pussy, like that way she'll do more, your high will come faster. But really it doesn't make any difference to her, or she's just keeping the same tempo to piss you off. In spite of that, the way her tongue tortuously laps your core starts to take moans and gasps out of you. You're already too stimulated, something tells your body won't wait for long before tipping down into that high again. And Abby knows it.
Deviously, she increases her ministrations gradually and holds you in place. The contact of her hands on your thighs almost makes your skin burn. Your nipples rigid against the cold air, toes curling and choppy breaths, eyes rolling back; you're a mess now.
Heat blooms in your core and a chill runs through your body, and then you're moaning louder. It's coming strong, and as soon as one of your hands grabs a cushion you call your girlfriend's name in warning. Abby goes faster, enjoying the view of you losing your mind on her mouth, without saying how much that makes her wet.
When you start to murmur her name non-stop, almost crying again, hips twitching and legs shaking, it comes. And it's cathartic the fact that she lets you finish this time. The release is mind-blowing.
Your back arch, every single sensation almost disappears for a second because you can only focus on that orgasm.
Abby holds you in place when you start to move, your legs trying to close around her head and your body contorting, trying to put a break into the overstimulation. She doesn't let it, though, continuing to taste you in her tongue and groaning against your soaked pussy.
"A-Abs!", you scream, pulling her hair again.
With a last fat lick, the blonde finally backs away with a devious smirk.
You still have twitching hips when she kisses your abdomen, trailing the caring act up your front until she can kiss your chest. Abby holds you by the waist and her heat involves every inch of you when she pecks your shoulder.
It all seems to pass through your vision like an out of body experience, but in contrast the tactile sensations are loud. You like having her close like this, and soon you're holding her face with all the care in the world to peck her lips over and over, still catching your breath.
"You okay, babe?" Abby smiles when you nod in response, faces so close you can feel her breath mixing with yours. "Wasn't too much?"
"It was perfect, love"
You wanted to stay like this forever and so as soon as she gets up you're making a face of discontent.
"Won't you… I wanted to make you feel good too"
Unlike yours her body still has all the clothes, which you just noticed because she decided to move away. Her hair is kinda messy and despite the look being to stay at home the woman still looks so gorgeous.
Thinking about the fact that she almost took your soul out minutes before, it's unfair you don't get to make her come too.
"Drink some water, sweetheart, and then we can continue. Okay?" Her voice comes from the kitchen, and you just get to verbally agree before she returns with a glass in hand.
The blonde sits next to you on the couch, caressing your neck and shoulders as you sip the liquid.
"You didn't think I would do just this after your joke in the car, right?" She whispers, smirking when you roll your eyes. Her hand rests on you exposed thigh, sensitive skin sending the feelings straight to your core. "You think you'll be that bold while I ride your face?"
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Little Home
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Wolff!Reader
Rating: PG-17
Warnings: Angst, cursing, Max isn’t the best at communicating his feelings neither is reader, Fluff, smidge implied smut, etc.
Words: 1.7K
A/N: I suck at writing endings and now all I have left is the epilogue so sorry if this isn't the best, didn't plan on making this a series but I hope to do more in the future and plan it out better I hope you all enjoy!!!!
Part 1: Little Traitor
Part 2: Little Backstabber
Part 3: Little Heartbreaker
Wedding dress
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"Will you marry me?" Time seems to stop as Max stares at you, not letting his thoughts or emotions be known. 
Who would've thought one word could cause so much heartbreak. 
7 months later 
"Max! Hurry up, we're going to be late!" 
Max groans, banging against the mirror before him as he stares at his reflection. Here he was wearing a 3 piece suit, dark navy blue, which almost looked black. With a maroon tie, he keeps fixing it even though it is perfect. Adoring the suit was this little lion pendant with 2 tiny chains connecting to the left breast pocket. 
"Max? What is taking so damn-" The person finally freezes, seeing Max in his suit and smiling. 
"My little lion." He turns to his mother, who smiles behind her tears as she takes in her son. 
"I'm scared. I thought I could do this, but I don't know now." He bursts, making his mother laugh, and walks into his bedroom. 
"Little lion, it's normal to be scared, but after everything you've been through, you want to do this but don't like the unknown." Max takes 3 deep breaths. He knew his mother was right, but you both tended to bolt when things made you scared, but you worked it out. He can still remember when he said no. 
7 months ago
"What do you mean no?" The walls started to close around you. After all of this, after what just happened, he was going to call it off now. 
"I mean," He takes a deep breath before looking at you. "We need to take this slow again; you broke this off-" You go to interrupt him, but he holds up his hand, stopping you. "You had every reason to do because I did betray your trust, and I understand that. But, you hurt me too. You left and refused to talk to me. Before we say we're engaged again, shouldn't we talk about whether we're even a couple?" He asks, sitting across from you while you gap at him in shock. 
"Are you fucking serious? We just slept together, and you didn't think to have this talk before?" You're ready to scream with how angry you're getting at him while Max sighs, rubbing his hands over his face. 
"You're right. We shouldn't have done that; we needed to talk first, but...I missed you. That's no excuse for that; we need to talk now." You scuff, wanting to storm out, but he was right. You needed to talk. 
"I'm tired of you blaming me for not contacting my father. Out of everyone in my life, you should understand where I'm coming from. Instead, you defined him and threw it in my face that I ran to him to hide." You blurt out, Max staring into your soul. 
You hated when Max stared at you like this. It was baring you layer by layer and his way of analyzing you. You were an anomaly in his race data that he couldn't figure out. Unnerving is what it is. 
"Maybe I was projecting, and it wasn't right. I shouldn't have done that; I lost sleep over it, but.....we should all grow up at the end of the day. From here on out, though, you hate the bastard. I'll hate him too, but you must start giving me real reasons." Oh, you wanted to slap him, yet he was right. 
Getting over it when you've been hurt repeatedly is never easy. You need to grow from those life lessons to grow and learn from them. They were just periods at the end of the sentence of your life. They didn't end the story, only paused it. The part of your life you clung to was a chapter of the past. You needed to flip the page and continue on. 
"You're right; I need to move on. You don't know how long it takes me to move on." Max drops his head, shaking it at your words. 
"Jesus fucking, Christ, Y/n. Do you want to know why we keep arguing about this? You let it cloud your fucking mind. Yes, he has hurt you more than you can count. Yet you allow that to define you as a person, you hold that hate in you, and it's what's hurting this relationship. I'm imperfect, and I won't always be on your side. Y/n, I love you; I want to marry you and have a family with you. I'm not throwing you to the damn wolves and forcing you to suddenly be all roses with him, but fuck...give him an inch at least." You give a humorless laugh gathering up your purse and anything else. 
"This was a mistake." Max doesn't even fight you as you walk out the door slamming it hard. 
"You're a princess." You smile at your brother in a suit similar to Max's but with a little bow tie. 
"Thank you, Jack." Susie pats her son's head, watching you making sure you weren't freaking out. 
"It's crooked." Susie fusses, fixing your tiara. The same one your father bought you and gave you as a wedding gift. 
"Thanks." You give her a curt answer. Things have been tense between you two ever since you put limits on how much you wanted Toto in your life. 
Yes, he was here today and doing his duties as your father, but that still didn't mean you had forgiven him for everything. Toto knew you would never fully forgive him, but he'd take what he could, and you were in therapy to talk and have someone who wasn't in the middle give you a clear answer to what you and the others felt. 
"I'm glad you're doing this. You both have grown so much in 7 months." Biting your tongue, you nod and turn to stare at yourself in the white dress. 
5 months ago 
"Don't." You warn Max, who just rolls his eyes at your antics. 
Jack giggles, pointing the water gun at you. Max had given the younger Wolff the water gun as a present since you started watching him more and more. Whenever Susie or Toto couldn't watch him, you would since you both became very close. 
"Jack, do it." Max eggs on, and you stare daggers at him while he softly smiles. 
Things were starting to get mend between you two. Couples therapy was a segway into fixing this relationship. Both of you had issues, and they were showing more and more in your relationship. No one was perfect, but you needed to communicate better. 
You moved back into your apartment with him this week, leading to Jack being here. He was spending the night with you two, and your therapist thought it would be an excellent activity for you two, playing house almost and seeing if you both could use your new tactics of talking to one another when it came to the young boy. 
"Die!" Jack yells, causing Max to choke on his laughter as Jack soaks you with the water. 
You try to protect yourself, but it's useless as you get drenched in the cold water. Wiping your eyes, you notice that Jack and his partner in crime aren't there anymore. The hairs on your neck rise, making you turn around only to get hit with water in the face. 
"Uh oh," Jack whispers as you wipe the water off your face. Angry now, but it was short-lived seeing Max's smiling face, the one holding the water gun this time.  
"Run!" Max yells as you chase after the boys. The house filled with laughter. 
"I love him, and we've worked everything out." Susie nods. Knocking stops Susie's reply as Toto opens the small door, barely fitting in the frame, and stops staring at you. 
The dress was an elegant a-line lace wedding dress with long sleeves that hugged you perfectly. It had a train about 5 feet with very detailed designs of lace, and underneath, you had Max's initials sewed into it with dark navy blue letters. The tiara was paired with sundropped pearl earrings with a petite diamond necklace that paired nicely with the tiara and earrings. 
"Gorgeous." You give your father a soft smile as he holds his hand out for you to grab, helping you down the stairs. 
"Come on, Jack, we've got to get you to the boys." Susie brushes past you both, leaving you two. 
"Papa-" Toto stops you by lacing your fingers together and smiling. 
"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, and while Susie doesn't understand your boundaries, I do. I'm so happy you and Max decided to go through with the wedding. You both loved each other so much." Toto kisses your head as you stop behind the closed doors. Max was only 20 feet away, your future, your husband, your air. 
3 months ago 
"You know, we never canceled everything when we called the wedding off." You giggle, turning to look at Max, who is lying on the floor, exhausted from his workout. 
"What? Why'd you think of that all of a sudden?" Max shrugs his shoulders and turns to look at you. 
"Do you?" He asks, the laughter dying in your throat as you ponder his question. 
"That's how you ask me to marry you?" Faking anger, which has Max rolling his eyes but smiling at your antics. 
"The first time I asked you was after fucking in the shower." You bust out laughing, knowing that was true, and make up some story about how romantic it was when he asked you. 
Climbing off the couch, you walk over and straddle his hips before lowering yourself so you sit on his lap. Max's hands automatically find their way to your ass, squeezing it as he looks up at you. 
"Yes, I'll marry you." Max leans up and kisses you gently before dropping back down and arching his hips up. You laugh, both losing your clothes quickly. 
"You may kiss the bride." Max doesn't think twice as his arms wrap around you before swinging around and dipping you, kissing you slowly, not caring as he explores your mouth. 
Clapping, whistling, and everything else fills the venue as he lifts you back up, both laughing as you kiss each other again before facing the crowd. 
"Presenting, Mr. and Mrs. Max Verstappen!" You look at Max smiling, you couldn't be happier to have gone through this, even if you were a little traitor in the beginning, but this quickly became your little home. 
taglist: @welcometomyworldwithoutrules@gentlemonsterjennie1@callsignwidow@mycenterfold@clintsupremacy@notsosurehritika@whotfisvale@black-swan-blog27@severenswife@cinderellawithashoe@vita-di-moda@imchiarashelby1@hiphopdancer101universe@ironmaiden1313@1-800-imma-steal-your-bitch@xcinnamongirl@basicallyherondale@that-aesthetic-chic@omgsuperstarg@southerngirlnow@paprikabadger@mehrmonga@mqcherie@bibissparkles @callsignwidow @vixxen-lou @matildrry @mvclff1 @octaviareina @christianpulisic10 @alexander-hamilhoe @champomiel @daddyslittlevillain
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saintslewis · 1 year
Pink + White
pairing: charles leclerc x black fem dj!reader
summary: in which your relationship with charles gets exposed so you decide to just hard launch
face claim: uncle waffles 😋
social media au. (with a bit of writing)
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liked by carlossainz55, arthurleclerc and 3,684,291 others
yourinstagram mon amour
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user did we skip a few chapters??
user i don't remember seeing this in the prologue???
leclerk MARRIAGE?!
yourinstagram i'm just as surprised as you are tbh
carlossainz55 you have no idea how hard it was to keep this secret
charles_leclerc you are very much appreciated, mate
landonoriss i took the second pic btw 🤭
yourinstagram you want a cookie?
landonoriss yes pls
yourinstagram they're in the pantry, come over whenever
lewishamilton congrats you two! sending love and light 🤍
yourinstagram thank you Lewis 🥹 and thank you for making me work during our engagement party
lewishamilton i didn't know anyone better 😭
yourinstagram i'll take that hidden compliment, old man
user user look! she’s sooooo pretty! Charles is so lucky
user and they do look like the ending of pink + white
yourinstagram this is the sweetest thing ever omg??
fan my fav dj is engaged to my fav f1 driver?? what is life? tutorial?
yourinstagram we have a couples interview coming up soon so stay tuned for that 🩷
scuderiaferrari our favourite lady in red ❤️
yourinstagram didn't want to mess up this face beat but the tears are already flowing 🥹🫂
danielricciardo so i have a slight favour....
yourinstagram lemme hard launch in peace pls
lilymhe and how the FUCK have i never seen you at races?
yourinstagram what if i told you i'm an international super spy?
ynstan we lost you to a YT MAN?!
yourinstagram listen, i love this yt man very much
arthurleclerc am i allowed to gloat that i was the first to know?
yourinstagram you can gloat but don't forget you literally barged in after the proposal
arthurleclerc why'd you call me out like this?
formula1 this was not on our 2023 bingo card but we love this very much
charles_leclerc my beautiful wife
yourinstagram my darling husband
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liked by ynlover, mercedesgirly and 3,345 others
f1wagupdates looks like we have a new lady joining the paddock (she’s on the left!). Her name is Y/n Y/l/n (soon to be Leclerc) and she is an international dj by profession. She is reportedly two years younger than Charles and spends most of her off days in Monaco with him. The couple revealed their relationship by Y/n showing off a diamond ring on her latest post. We wish this beautiful couples nothing but happiness!
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user are we just gonna ignore the elephant in the room?
user is the elephant in the room with us? and if you're gonna say it, just say it with your chest you loser
user an insider said that she already deals with direct insults from paddocks around the world. i can't imagine what she's about to go through
user if you scroll on her page, all you see is her wearing skimpy clothes for her job with everything showing. charles deserves better
user if anything, she serves cunt in every way possible and when you say he deserves better, you're talking about yourself? bc boy do I have news for YOU 🤣
user love a black woman from infinity to infinityyyyyy
user my god, she is gorgeous
user saw her in show once and she is TALENTEDT
user here comes his 'wives' in the comments being weird
user like he's my husband but i will GLADLY be sister wives with her
user not sure if i want her or him or both
user when i saw the rumours, i didn't know that she was THIS pretty like how did Charles pull her????
f1wagupdates that's what we're thinking
user the twitter girlies were right omg and the fact that she drives the pista had to mean they were married bc literally no one but him drives that car
user she seems so sweet, i hope nothing bad happens to her
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liked by pierregasly, sebastianvettel and 5,838,393 others
charles_leclerc mi belle
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user how the hell did he pull her???
charles_leclerc her mom helped
sebastianvettel congratulations ❤️
charles_leclerc thank you, mate 🫂
carmenmmundt my girlfriend 😋
georgerussell63 hello??
charles_leclerc hello???
yourinstagram hey Carmen 🥰
user this hair colour on her is so pretty
maxverstappen1 the one lady that Yuki is taller than ❤️
yourinstagram i will literally burn all your rbr caps, don’t test me
maxverstappen1 what are you gonna do? hit my knees? 🤣
yourinstagram i’ll ban you from entering clubs :)
maxverstappen1 okay sorry y/n 😕
"Does this hair look fine?" You looked at Charles as you flipped your hair to the front to decide on how you want to look on camera. The Monegasque man stared with you with such admiration that he didn't even realise he wasn't blinking. You nudged him to break him out of his trance that you seemed to have on him and he shook his head a little, giving you a boyish smile when he saw your amused face.
“Everything looks good on you, baby.” Charles complimented you, something he can’t go a day without doing. Your smile had closed your eyes as you held each other’s hands. The camera crew in front of you were in awe at the two of you showing each other your love.
“Okay, are you guys ready to begin?” The interviewer asked as she sat across from you two. You both nodded and scooted closer together. She had introduced herself and the both of you as her guests before you introduced yourselves as each other’s fiancés before your careers which caused the studio to laugh.
“How did you two meet?”
“Mon amour, you can start. I’ll add on here and there.” Charles encouraged, playing with the jewellery on your hand and staring at your engagement ring, all the memories of the proposal coming back to him. It was summer break for f1 and you two were in the hotel room overlooking Lake Como, feeling like you were in a movie. You had planned to get lunch then take a boat ride to a famous landmark there. When you had gotten there, it was quiet and you barely saw the photographer that Charles had hired for that day. You both stood in the huge butterfly garden, with you distracted by the flowers, he knelt down on his knee and professed his love for you, ‘pink + white’ by frank ocean playing in the background per his request. It was private yet so beautiful, calling both your families who knew and Arthur surprising you after the proposal.
“It’s a cute story if I do say so myself. I had taken my mom to Monaco as it has always been our dream and I was finally able to provide that for her. We were sitting in this pretty cafe in Monte Carlo and to be fair, we were gossiping and laughing so of course people would hear us but we weren’t that loud.” You smiled at the memory, seeing everything as you spoke.
“All during our lunch, Charles and Arthur, my brother in law, were sitting next to us and they were in their own realm too.” You said, giving him a look so that he could say his version of the story.
“Well um like Y/n said, I’m with my brother and I kept trying to hear what accent she had because it was beautiful. So I turn to her and ask her where she was from and we just started talking as her mom and my brother are waiting for us to finish. Her mom even said that we were meant to be because when we met, the dress she was wearing was the same colour as my eyes.” Charles spoke, constantly looking between you and the camera.
“He then asked to take me on a date the very next day and he said that he wanted to give me the universe and would be happy if i spent time with him, even if it were a short while. Three years later, here we are.” You concluded, showing your ring to the camera as you couldn’t stop smiling.
Just the beginning for the Ferrari boy and his queen.
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